THUUPDAY, DKCEMBRR 2 1861. rUSTflER TROtf I-iJROPr. Thf Prrnvlnn" PorlUod. PoKTl-AHD. Irc. 2H .-The Mrmmhfp p-rm- tn. I apt ni ii If a i.i.a ntimic. from MTort-oo m tin .Londonderry on tho Mth, ml t ap ltn' on the TMiin ol the 4f It hint., arrived t 7 o'cl.-rk this vreoinr l'mvpr I.m.wm rrH.rt thf.. ilifidup M-n-tfrral BrimJ in llio f h uV . n llio lxth fnfd . find on thftMninflay nhr pwwrd the utrrainnlii. Moravian, bound tut, in .Rtitmle 8o Un. II niiu. lm.. !) IK mm. tbv imvim. yesfordftr. tnjotCV onlnm. for six- twii hour in a tujj Tin nt"Anud)ip twt irrivi'd off 'rookhnroii on liif nmriiititf ol tb.n 1ih .AJJudtrtr to tho di-mnter to tho plrnto V!-rifn tin i,m.!on .m khvh, that aHtimlti( it to him hi'..,, lijr ftimtrn it in nt .l-po.t-d t4 wr nine,, indiriia tiou uiwn i ho mihjHi , an the mothod ol pnn-iirinir and iMjiiippinjt tlm fVwi-Ja were Mich vinlnii.-tn oi srutralitf aa 10 ricprifp tlio nutlrrtT id nvmpathv lirai.l m nallv tli oulraud partr to wIkuii thn umditatut that Mr. twAUU will maic lum-le pnJytfy. , A b ockndo-runninr etno liad boon on trial in tho Cniut oi Kxrht-no r, in wlnrh 1 ho .ludk'f m iit. out that all thn partita in tin ni.ittr wrro inro irnor and Ornoiincod ft in 1 1 v.o Atioim oi tho rijtht ol aivlum. At a lurpo open-air mot-tinu, oi ili. oppnitivrn of Mnnrho'-tcr, rcH')Uiiionn worn adopted Hlroimh oj IMwinir tho rccotfuiLou ol tho Slim-UoldiiifH uutwlu tury I'Hrlinmont w II meet on thn lt ot Fubru .nr. 1 ho on tit cm it I ncivi in ini'inr rv. Tho Kinioror IS a imii.kon wan much grieved at tho li-atliot MihiMi-r Mm u,iiaui Marvin. V a ii.t,.. ! r nltondod tho tunnral, hii.1 drlivorrd nn orutiou cx icorniiK' (he irn-Hl n-irret ot tho Li.iiM.n.r. Soi.or LmtKNTK hud rosiKi"'d the SpanNli Minis try o I Foroiirn Aft'aiii, aim ist'iior iiKit.N AMtr.M had lioi'ii aj i intc-l hiii Huc-fri4or. 1 ho lialiun capital will bo transferred In May tie x i . llio breach between the Papal (.nvornni.nt and the l'ruvtia i Miniierat l!oin was widening. THE LONDON MoNKY MAKKK.T. The TW. ot the ltlth mutant, in itn city nrlie'o, (an: ' llio tvdiiutiou ot thn bank rain to it per cent, if a tep eiiurelv in hurinonv with tho tititt- ot the maiket, and will bo espeoiully xvolc-iiiied tVoin ha being calculated to lesrou th ft morbid (l-pondency whieh ha prevailed in nil branchi of truth' nineo ihe hi ee.uhitivo mania wa eorr cU-U by salutary ad Ttiiiees un to 8 uu I 9 per oonl . ' ho demand lor discount jet' flnv xwn of an RVi rnite charaeter miller lh" lull expertution that the bunk rato would Im roduced. oimoN opened TeMetdav in an atlvaiiee ol i . and alter the ie Mic tion bad been to'inai y annouiieeil miother Hinnlar inittroveineiit tok nlacu. but (ho market cloed with low limine, mid tin qiodatioiti wore the name as at the opening. In ho nhare market then wim a gitnerat teioloney to improve the prire at tliochMO. Anion tc the miioii-iuii announced i thul ot Morn. IlKitOKH fit i o . encased in actual iradu. lue amount ot their liabilities hart not tranrtj-ircU. rROM MI830T3EI. Organization or tUe l,rKlltiir Tiie (lovtrnor'a tlvnanifr. At. Ac. 8T. LUI, Ipo. !W. It wa Colonel DitAPKit, of IMacon county, who won mndn t hief lurk of the llou. yeaterday, and not Mr. Iubhh, a proviouly reported. A-tdo from tho pinwatro ot an act incroasinn tho CoToinor's salary to llvo thoiiaand dollars per an num tho .Senate did nothing ot speciallniportanco. In tho llouao, Governor Mall'h inosMatiO waa road and 5000 copn wero ordered to bo printed. The t.overoor l eirius with a iotropoctivo yiow of the event which hayo transpired iu tho State during tho part lour years, and speaks m hitrh terms of the officer and soldiers who took an active part in driv inif the Itubula from the Mitio during rmv&'A late raid. He especially mentions Genera! Plkasanton, Ewimo, MtJtSML. Samimiin. Fibk and ItiwiWN, and rte nnuonds olouols Ukston and PiiiLLil'rt liiruro BiotioD. Alsolhatthu Iislatunt tender them ad Totool thank. Ho al utlesto tho killing ot the airociotu lin.L Anikuhin a a piaiseworthy act, de mtrvinK ot the warmest thaukit oi every citizen. lie ffivoa a history ot the enrol ed militia urbaniza tion, and aay that UHfl,000 wore duo tin uiililia I May, and recommends that one million in Union iNUiiIh be issued to pnv t hein. i ho whole amount of bonds now ouisiaiuiniir ia leas than fr2.0tHj,o.)d. lie also recommends a wore elhautit militarv orratnza ton of the Mate, the repealing ot tlie coimniitutinn law, the aboliahmout of the suostituto aystein, and the passage of an act rvqmnnjc all persons snl-ject to military dutv to join soiuu military oru-amzitluu, and lo i eilorm military duty wheu rxpiire i. Alco, that all commanding oliio rs ho appointed by the tit yeneir. 1 ho condition ot tho tl minces of theMatois represented as heinjc very unsutisUetory. There will be due on the 1st of January a.00O.M) on State bonds Untied to various railroads with In accumulaiina a tho ratu ot n).om per au liiiio. to stop thia accumulation of tho S ato iudeht etinofw. aatuly the demands of creditoisand increiuto tho revenue, ho recommends a tax on incomes ai d salaruw, &c., alter the plan oi the United tato tax Ho cone ude as tollows : Itie ( onstilutional tunvetitlnn about to assemble, will doii' tletH inak" irrnut chauues in our orifiui; iu n .ii th dulv will devolve unou von of coulorm- nifr to the new order of things, hlavery will bo aholished with the ulinust ununiinous approval ot the iHHiple oi .Missouii. I ho new u lation tuus ntven toi.ei'KMj in the Male will demand, uud no Uouut will rece'Ve, our conideiation Ihe oivanlatiou ol a new Government til tho nndrtL of a revolution is a woik ot tfreat delicie. and r-npoiiKihilHv, and will make the pres -nt (jenorul A- - inbiy one ot the most important that ever met In the Mate. Jhorcmitt ot the riHM is hoped and holievetl, will not bo without Rood etl'-ctm M'twouri. Our loyal ciiieti have petmhted them aclvis to be uivitie t Into hitler (action. A" to the proper modes ot supprnnifr tho H 'hel lion, the people have carefully tonsidorc! the vari ous piai s piopo-ed. and by an iiumeiirie majority have decided on the plan ot the AdininiHtaOou. With all loyal men thin rdiould le Hut alueturv and . conclusive Ihe mluonty should he williuK to yield their ludfimeut to that ol too major, ty, una all trie iid ot the (ioverninent should now unite lu ? iviu-' tlie iicni est ello iemy to the plan ol tho peo ple. uikI in Bireimtheiiuia ihe hands ot the Kxecu tive in his etloin to tennina'e Ihe war And al.era 1 it enu't bo enni the terms imnosed on tho K-.-buH art; hard or ui.reasonahlo. Ad ihat ia iifjuin d of them is tosuhmit to tho roiMtUutioii and laws. This is tho duty ot every pood oit fct ii. Ihe people ol tho loyal iStuies of .Maine, .New York, Ohio, Missouri, Kaunas uud I 'ali loriilu, in a word, ull tho Mat oh adhering to tho Go vernment, aro letpiuwd to do this. Aim thn ciliens oi Viridiiiu, "outh aro!ina and Georttin to enjoy pnvih ues not enjoyed by other Aeciioiidf It is not be leved that tho American poo- plo will (rrant i huhnn-pioii l t lie i oinniuiiou andiuwauthe rule that ull should bo required to THE PEUNSYLVAN IA OONGES38IONAL ELECTION. Thr Ciovermir Prot liimuiion. It nvfyivtuin, In tho uaiiio aid hv th nil thonty ul the ouimuiiwiaitii til rmiv Ivimia, AMimw 0. CUHTiA, Ouvuruur Ol" tUf uuiU Coiu luouwtHlth, A Proi-lamaiHia. Whrrens, In una hv an act ol' tho tiftiorul Ateni 1ly ot t).l- oinniomvcitltii. pUKrt thu li'l ilivv ul July, A. 1. ono thtniftaiul cttrl.l limitln tl and thirtv liiuo, fiiiit ed an Art roiatiiu to tho olci:tim ol this 1 onmiuiiwcaith, Jl in niado tho Uu'v ot thf tiovHrnor, on ilioriceipt ol tht rt'turun nt Ihi .'hctuni ot' thi' monu ora of tho llouw oi Kt'ort-MiiiaUM of tho I lilted h-tad'H by thr St ciotai v of t he I oinmou woa'tti to dfciaie by pnMjlaiimtnni tho iiainM nt tht iti-rsorm r tnrnoil aa oloct-d in tht?ir rtwik-otivtt ditrict; Ai 'if rrtt, J 'hi r liirnn ol the ir' oiiitinn hi Id on '1 uitidav, the elevt iiili iay ot (h-tuhfr iat, in ai.d for tho iH-vcrut diHiric lur .M. tnh ri of in liuui-u of Jti rt'M matm ol Ihi' onifii--t ol tnc I iiittd Ma i-H tur thi-ti-riii ui two vt-ar. I'mm and attt r tho fourth il:tv l Mun h u't. havo lie n n ct'ivi d iu tho othro ol tin H rr-tiiiiy of tho I ouimou-wi-alih, a.THMMihlv t th pruvinoiiH ol tho ah.ivt-io-citt ti act, win r-bv it a. H mih ihut in thn i ir-t D v trict, coin! .-hud ol th-- Scroud. 'third, i onith, Huh, ISjxiIi and Klovfiiili V ardrt, in the city of i'hjtmlcl l Ina, h AJt vt.i. J. Kamia i.j. h.if l u ilulv nrnl; in Iho ht'iontl Hntiirt, c-iinpo- l ol the'Kirt, o voiitli, Kipliili. Ninth and IVnth Witrd in tho rity of riu uilfiplim, haiikkh o'.Nkiix han bwn duly eli'ciidi in tho Hind Jlatrict. con poffil ol the I wvJlth, I hirii ''iitii. hixtet'iilh, Hovontoi'tith, KijihUi'iitti and Nui"toMiih Wurtiii, iu thociiy ol 1'hllmh-lphiu, J,i.tJ aku M ki;h bun bt-ou duiv i-Iim-IihI in th ttmrili litrirt, ruin. p( .kU ot tho hour nf h. Mlhuuth. 1 w iitioiht I mt JKipartmoot Laa nut rvooirud trout aavauuaU ' any report, exwpt Ibe tolfgrama of lieneral Situs. MAM aud Ueutiral.FyuiKB, alroady putlulied. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, Iweniy first, and Twenty-fbnrth Wird-, In Hie city ol I'lnlam Iplna Uii mau l Kki.i.kv has hen (inU rleco d ; in the ! i f I It I itt ricl, Cniioci ot thn I mt nt eettiid, 1 weiuv-t.iitd and T wonly-Hltli U Niti ib ihe eilv l'hiiate;ihia, and the county ot Pucks. M lirsKi.i. I hawk i as loen duly elot eo : fiiiheMxiii Oiliiet, coiiipuned ot the counties o Aiontaioi toy and Lolnyh. It. Maiiki.kv Hovkk ,i,k he n dnlv elected : in the Seventh hutiict, com-iio-c'i o) tlie ft iut m ot hesler aitd DeiHwaie. .1" in ; . Piioom a I I, has I evn dulv elortod ; in .10 l.iL'lith lifirit I. composed ot the county oi Hmk, sy ie n a m K. AwcA has tte-n dulv e ert -d; in thu Ninth lisiriet. cornpotiod oi the j rmi nt y ot Lntiensler, I ii a m kvkn has i) eo uuiy pioc. oi in lie- leuiii lii'tnet, mpofed of the countitv ol Schuvik ill uud Li hiinon, Mvicn stiuii mk ha.4 le n duly ohMiixl ; in the Kieventh District, mmpom ti ol th' eonntios ot Nortliuinptttn. i nthoii Vnnioi', PiKo and Wnvn'. J nil ie .hniNfoN lm I een duly olccPd: incne 'J el 1 1 h I i.fl net, coinpo"ei ol the counties ol liberie ami MiMjuelmnna, iiaki,kh Pknmho a him lieen , nl ileetetl; in ihe lhiiioin1h liitrict, c ii.poto i oi the eouiiiir of t rnwiortl, Vtonitnr, Kill nvau. ol ii in hi a and l mi lour. V i.yhpks M kiu t: n bus tn' n duy elected; in tho V oui toi-nth Ois'rici, C'iimjhhi d ol the countie ol Nor i huinhorliiiid I inon, S u iter, luniiita und Oaiii-hui, (iKhiuik t . Mm, I, kit hu- U ii duly e lee tod ; iu the I- itttftiOi I Hstner. foniitmt tl oi the ri'iiiitc ot U'iiIm'HhihI. Vnrk and I erry. Adam J tii.'-hmiuKvm ha lni'ii duly i iicted; and 1 no luriher tleeluro (hut no such toinrii" "1 the election in the .Sixteenth onirn'S smnal Dixtrirt have been ent to the .secretary ol the emmon woa.lh, hm would, under tho ad of Ah i inh y ol 21 Juiv, I utithoue me to proclaim the naiiie ot any p rsou as liavnitf Peon duly elected a n eniU-r ot tho Hnne oi JCettreHentaiivei ot llio 1 m ten tntes lor that district . m the Sn ventoeiith Ihs tiit t coinpoxad nt thecouutii'tot ( auihnu, HI air. Hun- I iiiirtlon and Mi III in, A mi ah am A Hauk kk has hein duly elected; in tie Kihtocush District, composeil ol i ho con lit ie ot en tie, I in ton, Lvcoiniiiir, 1 104(11 and potter, StkI'HKN b. Vii.ho,n has hcou duiy elected; in the Nineteenth District, coiuiioirwi ot tho roniiiio ot I'.iie, Warren, McKimiii, r orient, P-'k, t ainoron, tlelhrrs n and 1 ie irlieht, 1 1 i.knm V. Soiio FiKiUhus fee 11 duly elected; In tho twentieth Iis- I I ict . enmposed ol the cniimie ot raw lord, Vena iitfo, Alt 1 ci rand lanou, V 1 iii.vkk ha homi dulv 4 loi-h d ; in ihe I went vllrt I iiru t, couipui'd ot tho countit s ol Indiana. Went uioreland and I a vette, Ioiin I. Dawson hu heeii dulv eh eteii ; in the I weiity-si coiitl Ditrict, composed of that part of A le'hoi.) county south ol tin OI110 and Aliolumy liiver, including Nevil Is and, .1. K . Muhuik a i hus heen duiy elec.ed; in tho lwouiv-th ni Distru-t, ct'iupowd ol that pail 01 Allegheny county iiortn of the i ihio nnd Alloi'heny Kivt-r. ami 01 the counttos oi Putler and Arm-dronir. Iimimah VVii.i.iamh ha been duly elected; in tho J wi'iitv-fourt h Disinct, mnipoHi'd id' tho eon n ties of Lawnmco. HeV"r, u-tiiiiuttiii and it eue, Gkouuu V. Lawuknck tiu h'-eii duly elected. Now. theieloro, I, Anihikw G. Curti?i, (iovernor as aloresnirl, have ihtoicd tins my Pmc lama' ion, hereby puhlishinir and ihvlarinii Hint Samuel .1 U;iu dull, t hiirles O'Neill, Jionard Mvers, V illiam D. hoilev, M. Itussell J buyer, It. Muikley Itovnr, .1 oh 11 M . Drooinud, Sydenhuui K. Aiicona, J imddeu Stevens. Myer 81 rouse, Philip Johu'n, fharnts Di'iiiiison. l lvus Morcur, tienrie 't . Miller, Adam .1 (jloHhreiiner, Ahrahiim A. I Winter, Stephen P. Wilson, Glenn! V. Scholield, i hurles V. t ulver. John L. Dawson, J. K. Morchoad. Thomas W II liaiiisaiid Georfio V. Lawrence have heen reurued a duly e ected 111 their -everal fhstrlcts heiorn men tioiinl, as Pepreseiitatives In tho oiivres ot thn Pn. led stales for the term ol two yearn, to com mence irom and alter the hmrth day ot March next. i-. J Given under my hund and the irnmt seal tif the State, at II at ri-hu if . this I wenty-sixth day ol December, in tho year ol out Lonl.oue thousand eit-'ht hundred and sixty-tour, and of the l omtnouivealih thouii'hly-inulh. P.V the Governor: Lu Sufkii. ticcretat-y of tlio Commonwealth SPECIAL NOTICES ' OKF1UK OF TUK CITY TKEA Hl llhll. -U Pmt.APKt I'm, IlriTinher !W, IR(i4. NOTICB Til LOAN Hi U)KIH. I hf City 1 n'.Mirer will p.v tin- Uit.-r.-nt on CHjr LtutlH, dui' Juiuury 1, uu and after Jaunarr '2, 1. 1IMNUY BIIMM, lV'-lM Ot City TieuriT. fr-jf l'lTTSDUKO, Htii VCKMHKIt, ll. WYIIiKNII. Th Directum of th. ROSHDIL COMPAHY liu. thn d.T ilf Inn (1 Milnl raontoiy .l.rnil for Horemixr.oi TI1KKK I'KK I ltT.i.0 taa Capital fttork ol tbv Company, payable aflor Ihe -'m lnt. to th. I'liilaitt-liih'. uLju-rllwrs at tho otllee of al.i :alcaoia! Colllna, u. Jill . f HUNT Hlr-t. WM. M' CU HTLKIH, Pro, Went. BOIlHaiT WHI, Jn.. Hfrrotary. 1ST TIIE rHILADKI.rillA, WILMINCI too and Ilalliniore HaUroail Company. The ianual Moollnvof tho Stockholder, of thla Com- fany, anO an .lection of Direct., will Mko plaire at the unco of tlie Company. In Wilmington, on Uie SKIJONj) kONDAY, nth January next. at II a. M It Ai.FKKD Hl)llNKR,8eeretary . 12T OFFICE OF THE CITY TRKA- BlihBII. Fitll.AttKi.rniA, ieceninor.f, iw.l. NOTICE TO LOAN HOI.HHUS. The City Treasurer If prepared to pay loani maturing Jannari I. Imn.. ami the holders thereof aro requested to pietent thiui at tlilii oillca on and after the id day of January. riEHRY BITMM. 12 21-Gt CityTreasarer. FlIII.ADKI.riUA AND HKADINO Sallroad Company, Olhce No. 327 H. FOUUril Btrcct. To avoid del flit ion, thu hontera of Cixipooa of thlH t'oro peui iliH'Oii tlio Jit proxtrno. ar rtient?nl havo ttictu at itiU Hit-- on or biiure (he 31 nt inn., whon ret)pta will Ik-ivtr, dilu ling tea per runt, lor Ntate and United fatw inrtA. ajui enekitwiii pe n-aiiy iur aenvivv on Tlf.KhAY, (lie ad i Jaouarj, In uxchauKO lor Maid r?caitM. U-'A'i tH B. ltRAHFOKU, Treasurer. iF' 1TICE OF 8KC0N1) AND THIRD V- Htictin rHfiin:nr It at I road Company, t? KAMA FOKl Boad, buluw l.ehhtli Avmiuo. I'iim AitKi i'hia, lpcrmt)er23, IHM. Tli Annual ipetlnnf the HtoktiuMcra f UtU Cominny Will he l!rl Bt tint ottn u on MON 1 A Y , .lanaarj it, 18 i;, at V2 o clock M., when nn Klect'on will tn hld tur a l'r.:ai dttit and twrlvi- Irin-oiorn, to aorvo for tho uniiluif rear, lie traboler ImmI,h ol ilioCuiupaui will b trluHed for Wn davit rlr to laid etectloa. TIIOUAS J D.iaN. ia-2'i lji He notary. ISTe 0 F FIC K VHILADELFIIIA GAS WOltKS. Novfinhcr 3n. Im.t. Proposal will he received at this Office oH noon of On lnt oi lannary nxt, for the tale to tho Traiteut ol ttte fbilatlelplna (iai Works, of utook tn the ftioutbwark and MoyumeusaogUas Worka. tirrniatitown o atnniivunk Uo And U lob mood do lo he uted an lnvettnienti for ttieiuktng fuodi of aald worka. WILLIAM mSNKl.I,, lS-31m tashtor. Ki OFFICE I' K N N SYL V A N I A RAIL R0AJ OOMPA N Y. I'll 1 1. a dtphi a , Novcmbor 4.1HC4. yOTlf'E TO HUAHKHOLDlC.trt. The flhar'liu!U.rn of this company aie notlftwl that, under heti lutlon of the Hoadoi lurfttirs thev aro, enti tled to itibxrT'bv to the tiut k of tho Company ihe amount at TKN I'KK (KM. on their ptpective iuturent, at ihnwn hr lhair booka of tlie '2d instant. j laehshan under thn t fat h shareholder en I:led to a intcttenat panora in A re. mil of the Hi soluiloM, thaU have iheunvi- lfifv of kubtttilbiiJfforafuU ehurauotlio pttyniuntwl lltly uiiart. Ihls Htock win be Insaed at the par value of flftv dol lar prr thaio. Accrued Interest at MX I'KK IHN l'. m tat b rharvt'd from the Iht Instant until payment Is inadi. The hooka for subscription and imviii-nt will be open on aiOhhAY, tne 7th Instant, and w HI close on tie vf lieccmher next, alter which no further nubscriptlouj w B b rerrlved andcr ike rfttdutiau. U-lH-tli-31 TH)M AH T K1KTH Traat urer. T1IK (5 HEAT CKNTlt A Ij FAIU ?iH tub r. S. SANITARY COMMISSION-, HBLD i PI1 1 1, A P E L T H I A, JUNK, ISO. CHARLES J. fi TlLtC. riva D'ai.Aiia. VnITVD STAT KV PTrARV CMMtSSKlX, 1 Fhij.aii.j.1'ia .iaKOV. ln7 Ciiksmt Sihickt, iMffmber l Sf14. To cA Mmtri t th Various t0J'"if(ftj of the O'rcH Vtntrat t'nxr TJir HASITaKV rOMMIS!OV hot to announce that the "HltrOK) tr NIK FAIR," wevttfiA hj Mr. HI I (.I K, at the r-;iiett of the KierntUe Omirautee, it aiw if ady fr deltwry. It frmia vt'ry eicant tjuurto f biutiie of more than two hundred pwi ; Is print d ml llio flnett paper at the "1 exion 1'rets ' ol Messrs. Sh-Tninn Co., and is ihustraled with ptiotoTaiihi of tome of thu Di'-re Inter ttiiiK ohicds oi'tti KxtilMtlon. IteonuhiH aa aoomit o( (lie origin and pruk'roHg of tne Thr ; a di'irrip iion of tde dhterent Dt-partinvaU ; a itntenient of ttie Hrytnc lal result : a full lint ot ail tha Committees, etc. etc. At this work Ie rteslimed primarily for 'he uiembera ot t):a varloim I'umrnltitR'H.iind a Utalied edition only hat tnuti lian lucn thought best to plus It In oimrue oi ilr. JAM KS K. HI M OS, as tpecial agoiit fbrlts dlivt-rv. 'imte who dpflro cooIoh will pleasr oo or addrote hi Mt So :m 8. H TH Hireet, auroiid story. bit. hi. noii will call iioo tJioe who aoay uot beahleto CotiiniuiileatH v. tth him. N. H.-WUI bo re-mi for deltverv oo WKDNKRIi Y, VIni m l. U-i; usie luifjunou toey were mortal men. wtien tiiey donned, In the heyday of lltulr yuutu, tUa aniuiiy rolie ot tlioUomiali prk'.t. Vnr tn m.rr..., .1, li. JEW YEAR'S OUT CAMP LinilAKIES. 1h Vnlt4 KtMtm ChrfttUn Commhihii, tn rwp-.nM to t'mroni antl arnntt appeals ftmn tnrifins ehup lain, and fle;4 embers, w'11 rorv, fur ward, and pls andar tbe tare r,f proper librarltai, (HK TIlULBA M) rot R flt'KliRCO ADD FoArT f'AMf Af Ol'NIt'tAT MRHAHIB, nt rna kinrtrtd and flfty volumt Men, If th wVnds h oar soldifrt and ssllnri will forward them ta Its trnohn, or to the ('antral Offies, dutng th holirta-. 1 It ti bat a to all mattar fr aaH parnt aaor of ho Mat irtfti for frhads, at h'-ms to buy a hand ma and p'aaflatit book for an frUtnd In ramp or hospital. wrlifM oanofl In It, and 'tlrect ihf hookiallAr tn sand It ta the Cmmnttirioa. It will h a pMdllva phoitata to huatlrds of wItimi aa'I awthn n tike down taa eho:tt volnmM from Omlr book caiM ard iad them tbni, wharn their loved otina can enioj tha alraanra ai d profit of parntlnf thorn. Hnd nana hut Uie batt ; oar sold art dsarva tha boit. Tha it and ard atiiar liit, hit torlai, blof raphr, trarcJa, Mina, poairr, ai'tra slaaa, sunward worki of Avtlaa, wkniovar, la short, ynq wnuid pot late tha ahamhar of year own art.thar, oov iaad wlta abrokao hub, will h at-yahU, as will at rtlirai works. Forward tha par el, aoarkad CAM I' IJHBART, to any of the hranrhat of the Christian tm aaiMtoo.orto iiK(m,r. R. 8 HI ART. ChalrniAi Christian ('ommtHton. 17 18 tial Vo. 11 HAKK fttroet. Philadolphta. JAIJJMIIW AND C70a01iA.l0 GOLD MINING COMPANY, CIIARTltl;l) HY RTATK OK FES VHYI.VANIA. CAl'lTAI, STOCK. igl.OOO.OOO 800,01)0 Nlnrm-Pnr Vnlne, Proiilent-JOHN 1. ANDK1WON. Iirotor. Thomaa A. Ruott, . II. Kneasl, William S. Freeman, Kohert P. KImk, Jolm M. KUey, Charle, Da, Jaraea R. Mavee, T 0. McDowell, Harrlabnrf . Jolm W. Hull, do John Brady, do W. W. Wyh., Lancaster. William U. Bhuto, Colorad. D. I'. SOIJTIIWOUTlI, Secretary and Truaturor. OITICE. Ho. 423 WALHUT STREET, noon no. 5. 9 Aathwitioatrd iprchmena havo been proctirad from loraf f tfc an4tMj i todaa, and nave bean aAnayod bj Fro- aaori Hoot and Garrett with the moat nratitlBf raaalta. Bnbacrtpttoa Mala ara now opon at Mia Oflloa of tha Com- panr. aad aft t Traaaarar i Offioa (hiiornal Kevemi( Vn. T OUiin V UT Mraot, Kami art' and MeohaiUaa' Hank katldlft. To rlslnal lubaortMn U N ar atan tte Dun had Dimbtr W aharat. tVulara,paoihla4a, or taiwnr.atifB aan be oburiaad at the afflaa ot the Camp an, art or Orf 17Ui tnat. U k3-ti J) 0.NUHS ON OIL COMPANY, C1IAICTKRZD I'NDEH TUK JOINT TENAKT ACT. CAPITAL 80(,0()0. 100,000 8 harr 8 at 9 V00 each Subacri)tion price 1-00, fully paid. rUESIPHNT, JAMES KELL, York. Tft. MUBOTOB4. JAMES KEI.L, HOWARD BrKMCBK, JOalAlI L. HAKVKY. DAVID C'ALUWKLL, M. h. liOKH. TBRAfll'KHn. CHAKLES D. KNIGHT, BrC'UHTAET, J. A. IIIYIV. Office Koa. 333 Walnut and 33G Harmony St $20,000 WORKING CAPITAL. Twenty thontand lharoi liavo boon reserved for tbe workhiKcapltal,whioh,by a resolution of the Hoard Iirectors,DJUit be mid botoro cerrltlcatct can Issue to orininul tutitcrlbers ; tomo of theno aharei have already btinaoid at a considerable advance. The Company own and have a perfect title In fee s.mple, ciear of all liKunibraocei or Kau't, fifty-four a ret of oil land In the heart of heavy oil region, In KtK-kland Township, VonaiiKo County, Panne) ivanla situate on the cast bank of the A lehuny Klvor about Ave miles below Franklin, havitlg fifty-five rod i of Irontflk-e on Uie river, all of which la admirably adapted torborinK purposes, and atlordlng tac.lities for cheap and easy transportation. 'there is evidently a four feet vein of coal running through a part of thi tract, at one has been opened on the adjoining taints bouudliitf it ou tho nwrth and sou in. Coaj ts In greatdt'iuaud at this point, uud at present bring tiny five cents pcrbaslud. Th oil indications on this territory aro of the most flat tening character-, a natural oil s; rlntr rises on It and Hows Into the river, fi ora which oil can and has beeu gathered by pel sous In tbv vicinity, for many years, for me tlclnal and other purpoHcs. One of the tlrst -class Faber engines ha heen ordered, and It exjiected to be ready for shipment within two wetks, and upon Its completion It Is purged to contract lor ar other, with a view of dt veloplng the laud thoroughly and energetically. The dLectors have becured ihe services of a responsi ble, practice, and relUUe man to superintend tho de velopment of the land. We believe tliiil the property ot the Donaldson OH Cura pauy offers inducements Qal, If not superior, to any now In the market, and In that belief we cotmdcntiy submit the stock c( tbis Company to all those wue desire such lnvektiucntt. Tlie reports of the committees, and surveyi of 0, tni can he teen, and subscilp.Unt takeu at the otllee af tlie Company. l-f7-tu-th-;i" n()Al OIL, AND OTsTBR INrOTtrORATHD COUTANtFt, can be swrpltrd at lowest etsh prices wirh CtoSVTSt tCATKA r H I OCK, TkAa)rKK nooKr,, 0TUC 1 RDIFRI, DJYlwKHIi BOOKS, A- Sc. Ac A taH aeoriMf 0 sAmr'e " h'"J f ""ThfA w 10 Lt arooi. iyief ever lie dlrTereatC:rtileaiteof tork W. G. FEIST, MaiiufiietRricff Ctatio&er, UM-tw B.W.aosuur fODlTH and rack Sti. JJENIIY Al'I'Iiffi, GAUGES AND COOPER, No. 305 H. Water Btrmit, 1k,?ow Walnut, rmt.ADKl.l'HIA, Imitation Brandand Vt InuCaaki.aml all kinds of work made of old nnd now atuff, alwayt 011 hun4-or made to rder. Coal packed In hogsheads for (hipping. All klnda of Wlinuiluij, punctually attended to. 11 - t emewJk IIOLIl.. AT THI TTOTT1Ti' VIT?Vli;mvn cmne I IOI.I IA V". WINCH E.'TEB CO., No. 7f. (JIIKSNUT 'I'ltl.lVI rnvltc .I'.rtlun to .chirirr it' nt WB.MI'KBV :arki(ik HI. A C'AKII IAH JACKfT. S AUKS AM) TIPH, Bur AKF AHT JACKET. (1LOVKM AMI IIANDKK.KiniKrs. HMOKi.NII VA I S Ii a l With a superltir s,iriuient of nihfr (VM, sutt.blB u PBI.ENTf? TOR 0"NTI.tMEN. T tiih fin: I. in. Than fnl to our friends and the public for the libera. patroiisie b' stowttl upon us. we W'tiiid inform thira that havlr ft niao ex'enlve al'eia Ions tn oar nstS 'llsinaent, we are now prt'par d to eecot ctrtures to the saMiiti'tioa of nil who ma faror us whh a raH llnvHi bow i onr uimaiid Inrnaned ta llitie wtttnke ple iwre tn tnjjoltlng iliseeroli g public to eninparo the ex emit I n of our work wilh that pro-it rod at (tny other etnhltshlI.o(lt In the 11 1 led states. We would ateo state tha our (lAlLMtY IH VUKK TO ALL. for the examination of pprlmmin. NiMwlttntairllaf the attvanre ot nmiurlal tihe.l, 111 id wa, a of hands employed, vo are yet furiilhtrig PICTl'RKS AT TI1K OLD PRICKS. I'lnM Mlnlatarc. I or vt pr -.. I.iien.e Hctd). In Crayon, OH. snfl Tss'el. Ctth'iiet nim heais n Cra'.on, tl. hs I 1'4-KoI ImpoiiHl. flam nd Co nre.l. I I U,s 10 1 I. and I 1 'lr,M, ( ar! de Vltie T ll' ttCS, full MJ.e, 3 4, At., J pur d'ren Atnt'nttypes. from cnts tipwurns. ferrof s $1 per, Mr,. Ac. On hand and for cale, a Ian: lot of C;oilo of Itaro Jinmvltiyrs, rnoTourtAni of ail tho I HOMI.NKNT (irNFKAI.S and DIHI INOniHltl'.l MKH, t.ika. OatfllJe views taken at short notice. lhotOKiaaplinrM, if lft lm No HI3 AUOU Htreet. 1I0LMKS (JUOVEK, ENAMELED SLATE MANTEL WAREROOMS, TAlJLi: TOl'H, AO. Ao. N 0:i CUKSNtJT STKlOIVr, rillLADBLl'IIIA. It 8 FACTOItY TENTH AND SANSOM ST8. c U N T H A li K A. X I JN O HOUSE orrosiTE THE TOST OFFICE, 10-17 Urn PHIL AnF.LPtn k. rMI MINING, COAL, AND OTHER NEW COUPAMKH. We are prepared to furnl.h Kew Oorporatloni with (he Iluoae tlwr nxjnlre, at ahort nutloe and low price,, at Ural qaaHty. All tlM ol lllnrlliiir RTSKT.-PI.AR CBKTiriCATBH OF STOCK. L11UOUKAPHKII da U rRANHKKR HOOK. (IKDHt UT TRANSFER. TOIK LKUUKK. RTIM'K l.cmtKK BAI.ANCTS. KKOINTEK OK CAflTAI. S COOK. HHOK RkH' rr.TTY I.KLUtK. AIMXJIINT OT BAI.hS. itvuiuu booiL. . Blank Book Manurartorera and SUUonen ll-M-tl No. .! CJ1KSNUT Slroot GOMMEKOI&L COLLEGE, So. 07 OHKSNUT Htrnel, comer f HoTOatk, r'.Htahilnhed IRIt. Incorporated Irt-V,. Yootir Uuo prepurea lor the Coaming -Uome and Uaal IH'.H l.ilt). TliorouuH and prucMcal Instruction in lIUOK-KKfcl'IMI, In all III branch.,, as pracllaed bj tlio beat tocnunlanU ana bttameHb mcu. l'ENMANKHIP, Plain and Ornamental, la taught by one of the most oora pe'e I t.t ptminun. ( t alculauona, C'umniejulAl Law, Detectia Counterfeit ftiolee, .to. TFl.KOKAPIIISO. b' Sound, end on l'apur, UiujUt bjr lonti-xperleac Operator. Htudcnla Inarructed aeparately, and received M an tima. Kvt iiliitf HenBlnn, alter Weptember 11. Cata!ina contali'inK tue namra of 4;i amdeata, term, Ac. luriuiilied uratla ou application. U-KUmutl H. U. CKITTEHDEN CO. gOI-,I112 HEAMEN'H, AND MARINES' CLAIM AGENCY. HIM) BOrWTT AND A PRNHIOW To tiie dlscliarued boliner who baa been wuunded In battle. 100 HOUNTT To thoae who hare terved two yeora, bealdea A PENHIOS to tliuau diiahled. Htm BOrNTT AND TtACK PAY ToWldowi, KtUiera. Motliera. Ac, of tooae who bare ilied or been alUwtl In tne acrvioe. 'W PRN8ION A YEAR Tothe Widow, and Widowed Mother, of the Soldier,, Beeiutn, and 11 annua who bare died ua Uie aerrlce. PKI7.R MONEY. BACK PAY, Ao Dne the helra of Seamen and Marine,. 'I iiknk CLAIMS, and all oilier, atnt national and Butte iiovernuieuU, Broiuptljr cellectod. AeVlreaa or apply te OEOROK W. FOIID, Claim Ago, 11 SO In POCK BTIIKET, one door below Third. JJDMUNB A. HOUDEIl A OO., J COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ANT) sniP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS UOOK HT11KKT WHAKf, VHILADELPOIA. antrrirn a. aovnnn, aariiiaAio AKTTr giat uan t. aobbaa t4-tf 101-Cl i f-A AftfiltUUflfi. tXa- K ki -h aA wv. importer iTmivi im Choice toyjfV, p, hai mM Jhigllah and S.otoh Ale JJ'iMUi ,,. fcPi HavyMeaae. ai,. l.S8-ly JOHlltA M. BOUT. T .r IN-NF-NO-N E A'W J INDIAN rlMOKINU TOBAOOni Tula world-renowned Tohaceo la maaufaeuured frfim U KIN KMT LKLK. Aad aameavhr noeuinieiid, Ifulf ta an Gentlemen ot Luxtirlou, Taata. Suld wholeaa1 and i-.tall at UUMr B POKIII.AB OIOAR STORB, Mo.ell CIIUiMOT nwe.t. 10-4 tin appoaMe stwe Uouee. 18(M. Diamond Ear Ulna, AmethyalandlMa . Ilinjca. rlas Ladlee' Okaltu, 'llearr Lone Ouai-ibi. DECEMBER' 29, 18G1. i:nhy uaskk, n;w run No. .17 Alil'll S T 0 R ,-1 im:v;t. Ttit srwiTe rett.anfiiliy Inf. -nm f, lie ta general, trat hf hs now 071 ! vr.T inis. an4 th nf.l .1 the gjmi . au,re an aoriufmt of Ladies' and Cbildren'3 Fancy Furs, Wnleh, for vartfv and'lty. Cfi'ii t be a.irj a" bj ant tuns in tne Coliel Htaiea IW.r 4 tha ranufr;urer r-f all hta run, and havmn imported ail Ins stock wh gold was murh lower thn at V,t pr-tnt rn'i", Ie east Offer Uiffa to nls pntriis ai tlie mot rtnnonahir or-e AM. KU mdp to order, anj d .neln trie -i manner and latent styles. HKMiY K K, In.por or Rdtl Muuotturflr ur I.AM KM1 AND Chll.IHtrlN n, hi. No. AH 'II ITU CUT. J; AIUKK 'A1NJV' k'U5W. JOHN FAKEIRA, No. 7i3 AHCH ST-iEE T. ABOVE MKV.Ni'H. 4T HIM OLD BftTAHLIHMHH AVORU, ImpoAer and tiannfikoturer of I. API KM UD I!IL IIUKH'S FAWCY rr !!-.. M) aaaortari.a; of FAfCT rUkJ. :t Ladlna and I'.ic.rcB ie oow eomplete, eirbraelni EVKUY VARIETY THAT WILL BR WCttH DUK1NO TUB COMU-Q SEASON. Irnembn tone qaeae and nauiber, JOHN FAREIBA, No. 71M AltCli 8TKKKT, Alve Seventh, I HAVE VO PABTr OR CO-.NKOTIOM WITH TT omr storkih thrcitt. -v L a iii:m' fancy foiw. JOHN A. STAMBACH, AND MANUFAOTUltER OF IVWIICH FAWCY ITUltH, No. H'M AliCII HTUKKT. 11RJ.OW Kin in, CHEAPEST PLACE Iff THE CITY Te eek-et Item a drm-claa, aaeortnient, CenalaUn 0 HUDSON BAY AND MINK SABLE, F.KM1NE, CHINCHILLA, CF.RMAN FITCH, BIUERIAN SQUIRUEfc, . Hade tnte all the latest etylea. Theae loeda ware bought wIuni (old ranged from 160 M 171) and aae being aoad at anll mlvanoe on eoet nt tba raee. BViatT ARTICLE WARftAMTBO TO BB AS RnV rRBDKMTBU. Catufhcllon ruaraiiteed. U-U-tttfei 3d. ILSON'S SKATU DEl'OT, No. 409 OHESltUT STREET. Jtut roeelrcd, n full itnek of I.adino' fiktc, Thilnrlelphl Club Skatei, (;enta' Sknies, Bnnton Kockitra, Tory unporior, Boya' Skates, New York Club Skutcs, Aud Farlor Skates, ill sieg, where all can be aneominedatcd with aaperlor quel1' froux n choice lelection. Wl I .HON A C'.. H-10 lut Ko A'. CBKXUT Street, Philadelphia piIILA.OLiL,lIIA. SKAT 1 I) k r o rr . LESLEY A CO., No. 0O7 MAltKET BTllEET, SOLE AGENTS FOR Otbeme'a Chalkrafre Steel Skate, Balehar'i lm pro red Ladlei' and Oenta' Skntee, H. Clark', Patent Ladlee' nnd Oenta' Skatea. PKiaptoc Patent Eo.entrle Floor Skatea, Bhaler'a Patent rioor Skatea, The Amorionn Patent Floor Skate. A fall naaonment of all the abor etylet eonatantlyoa Kaud.aa wall aa all the other rarietlea of BTEEL AND W00D-T0P SKATES. Lorait'i Patent Belf-t'aalenlnc Ikatee-faetea wtttoat attain, U - FOR IALR, WH0LI8ALR AND RETAIL. rplE ORIGINAL SKATE STORE, SMITH & EICHAEDSON, HIrb of tn "Skate oy," No. Gil MA11KKT BTllEET, Iliwe for aale, Wholeialc. and Rotall.the largeat and bei Slock or SKATES In rhl, ,lly. Their Hook eomprue, every poarthle vartuttj and at the lowe.t pnea. I.adiea' aad tieuu' kel Skate.. flteTenj' Skate, ,Olarka Ukaira, Kocera' Hkatee, Phtla.h lpliia Maaten. Bradford UoM'n Stataa, "'orwlca Clipper" tJkalea, Parlor Saat.a, SKATE TLATS3, SKATE STRAPS. In abort. eTarYthln, aertalalnir to lkate.andeTeryTarleay of hkate nude, ran lie procured at lli.14.Knof the "SkitM, toy.' Wo.tU AlAUKkT Hliel. the Oideet Hkate kljc la kVe elty. SMITH & lUeiIRDSON. X. B.Rkatee Orovud and Iteealred. U U-U COTTNTING-HOUBE AND SCHOOL DB.SK8 made to order, at jH TN CARTRR RtnMt, 11-H UUuaVUK PLOWMAal. Bmi., Joi,iah,Es.,hUa,oclate comtnlflslonon ot the lloiinty I'und, lor the einclent perforuianre of the arduous duties accepted by tl em lu the distribution of I ... a ni.H . .ml Hi.. I'Ui'l .i.F 1ZW it.OAN, WEW IXJA-Pf. U. s. io-4(r. JAY l'fcJ CO.. oi rnu roR k - NEW GOVJ-HNMExNT LOAN, KAtna fits ikk i:t. is-raV-" coin, rednemMe wiy lli"f ar TC.M ri'.AK4. Uif meaaur nt awXtoremm- and a,ae KOETT 1TBAR aue data. ' B'jtii colPO M) MRiTr.HFi ') taaaed ft tM. Le n..ol ,cn. iwiin niten a A "s The rBtnraat m I ' .'u1 llie pal" f"Vl U otfar dnaom'eauo nll ytrtj The 10 441 ,hA ar. doled Marr 1, I.H, T.yr ha..' jnarlr lnlre laJloa! doe r-apmnb, 1 a:ld t -rth I V ears ypar ; anrjl let rvtm -1 br, trie arflrea.1 It' rrt fron-. Ut nr Marrh le re refe( be paid hy porQlla. lu or In 1 b.i.m. eoaaa.'-T, aald- tUR flfl, BetDL 1 r pr.iirfi. nrrt'l M'h. nntle AIJ. OTHER U' AU r01.1. I'HNMKMT KF..;Urirt; alfiJTT I AY 000 KE & 00., Vn lit H. Tlliai HTKRKT. J.l,tINl-. STOCI- . m. j:i-!-i r:iN. No. 7 l A'UjnilAR I'.l'II.Drf 0, II 11 ton T -v'M'T HTKKF.T, KKLOVT T'H HlllUld AND I I ISO 8TOCNH ()OMaK1l i La I, U 1 I. 1 SII.VE1. AKD DANK -V A JVfTfciU. NOTF DE ilAVETi & BROTH EK, a14f Bo. ' n. Tftma mini . iuiirN iiY ; N K E R S . B A STOOK AHl; EXOHAHGE EROKEI' Mo. ar H 1I1ISII 8TKF.KT, rhUiaoliala. Storks and Loan, bought andaold on rommlMln..n enrrtat I'.ank ilotta Com. Ac , beiutht and .old. H htl attention paid totuo purchaae and aale of Oil II u, liepoftlte recvod. and Intoroat allowed, aa per ment. U-tt.( gTOCK AND HCCUI11TI H BOI'SHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION DE HAYE5 & BSOTEEB,' i-t wo. no w. Tirtwn rmr'plr gSlITIi A UANDOIiPU. No. 16 8. THIRD STREET, UANKKH8 AND liUOKKIt' poele.Btoeni.QBartennaetera'Yonoheriaad Cheekj,' an Ooreminent Seenrtrlee Boaatit and Maid. 1 fl r XJK7T ATI as. co.. BANKERS, No. ia 8. THIRD STREJaT, rmjLDWuTWA. Oorernment Seonrttles ef an laanai Pamfeaavd an Sal. Stooaj, Bonda. and Uold Bonght and Said an C. nuaeiam. DITEBIMT ALLOWED OK DHPOSITS, Coneettona Promptly Made. M-t QIF1CK fOlt THE SAL.K OF NATIONAL. LOANS. No. 114 8. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. The Bwbicrikert bftrtng ben th ivooemftil Bldtlen tor portion ot th MF,W ft - BIX I'KH CKNTf. OOtLV N hkaivnu iOAJt. &rprepara to oiler u on AiTorivbi i teroii to tlitr, In large or imall uaounU, la P Boti4i o4 AeiiooiiiiAtioiu t 60, hHt &00, aod LuQOt, I Wdi rotihktered avid eoupon. The IikUroat omimLoe on the let of Vorenber Qexlfi t ivod li pftMe In golfl. eeini annoIly,on ilk lit ot My . aid Noveuttxir. I All otbox OoTPrnmact SeourtUee on haviid feud (bra!. Kue tnforni-vuofe fttven ooncornlnf tnvetttraentg, M i tarn. JAY COOKK A CO., JTo. 1)1 B. TUIKD STRUT, (3 IL8TOCK8 BOUGHT ATU aol.T) OH COMMIHtttOfl, By UMOkWMC 1. BOTD, HrokwT. M-H-taa o. U S. THIRD dtaaat. Q0 -PARTN EKSlIir N0TICH. Tfte nnderiliinrd have thla day formed a Co-PartuarMbIn uvier Ihe atyle and tl.o of ADA3M 1.12. VI S, , For Uio iinrprae of transacting a general ' 1UNKING AND STOClv-BHOKEIlAGE BUSINESS. Oir., TKLVOUAPIL, And RXPRK38 COMPANY STOCKS made a Speeialty. Uovemnient I cans and Sp.eie Uoutht and S ld. THEODORE ADAMS, OEORQE H. LEVIS, IU Htf (Mo. DuuCUKSMUT BtrMt, CARAII IIAlU'ER AGAINST WII.LUM iJ IIAkl'FK ( !. p ,J.T . loU; So IK. Inlliverce And bow. Heeo. .er 17, l4. t.n motion el Ik.Mu., K I wtur, Altorni j ir r die granted In itie atH. ,;e upon rupo. Jent ta ahow cMmr . , decree of divorce a vinculo uiaulicoiill. should not be aiuo'ed la the atn,e ne, retuuao e KaTL RUaf , in, uiird dav or Jan uary. A. V. lue clock A. at. u j-iar 41 IN 1 Lll THE OUrilANS' COL'HT FOR TIIR Lily aud Comity of rtiilulelitila. r... n v. ,uii. i . iLr.n, iiecranea. J Notlre I, hirehy ftven to all parties Interested th ' I'll'KCK lll'TLhi: surviviii. Trualee under Ihe laal I and 11 atamint 01 .loll N lil'TI.Kil, dxieaaed, haa lie.!,; ' tlie t nice of Ihe IMeik of said Court, bis aco.iunt as d f ; 1 nanaie, and that thn same will be pre .,dto the sM.t ( imn ,.n the Juts ,!av ol January, A. 1. T-.S.',. f ir oonOr-V miulim and alluw.nM. v.hviv A ti, uuui m "HtkSf Clerk O.Ci - ( OfWl ()CM CVNS PRACHEB. VERYfl' t n ',t l l I pM.r, PBt BP hy ,j. p, Morton A Ciil tbe Hound Ton r-esrh l ann. Mil, n,.V aVIvmt ajiT' .ahibyn.K. hiA k.Mu. loo a. w-UAXYrW. JlrTtal' aaf fnur hundred and alahtV-tnTOa OOU4US aid ItlKI bill. " 4. Of the Income of the l,wnevof Jamea v .sa.tnioaai soiv.. i 5 At