The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 29, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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    was but one mtn In Iteoon whom the hadi; " "" -.loiniiy nci-up nun-
V lisbahtid been pin. rd; and that not through d.fn m wtucU lie ha.l stowed lutin away, lbcy
Li.. j Li A
tamts of tho Uoinmandors.
rHf; union powder-boat.
Jkv., :., r.ic, r.i-., ., r.ic, r.t.
t lriirlmrn( of North i.rollaa imkI
I Hiiilli.r.l flrtfliiui.
roi ral Braxton Htm' a, n mmunling.
vlajor Francis s. 1'arkcr, Actiu.; Assistant Ad-
11 t-(idHTl.
Icnsial r.i'ni ns;gncd to Cie command
' he ilepsr nit iit in October la-t, ami asui'ii'd
' inand, wi'b head platters ut Wi mlngtou, on 17, in tin- following order:
ii bhii. N c., N'ik pni r i;. -t I nium
iii. inarm of the 1'e.iAr.iiieiil or S in (' irall'ni. ce
ll id ettrrlal orilera iSu. l.i. nuHKriill 14, A. anil I t.
e, Koven ler 4 lull. Wl.lTirtL, n 1 llrliri.lln' lleticrel lUa-r
Vrontlliiie III teriitori O c unmans li. r iH't' 'Wl' d
i-iu, end wake llielr lei niu to t'i " i a In tarter..
HKIMIi.1 l.ll II, i leueral.
he assignment of Bragg to tlio '.iprcmo curn
nd ut this ii.iin.rmnt post wai received at the
tti by the Re'iel press hi an evil . men, an 1 an
atioi ate ' farewell of Wilmlnu'tnu" was taken.
1 department has been divided Into the two
dticls of Plymouth and Wiloii'gton. Tue
trns of the lit District, under General Lw
rcu K. linker, are no f ir removed from the
scemf action at Kort Flsner, and to billy en-
fag opposing tho advance of oar forces up
tooke river, that they m ed n t enior into
ouralculatlons of the force opp ling General
IMnlrlcl of Wllmlnict'tn.
Jior-Ocneral W. 11. C Whiting, oommwllng.
ilur Jan. II. Hill, Assistant A'ljii wnt-UiMitu al.
(iicrul Wbl'ing, who hus been, for many
nc.tiy, in omtiund ol the Third District of the
Dcriineiit, is considered the ai est engineer,
re to biaurrgiinl, in the Cotift ili-nnty. 11: is
taito have thnruuhly itudii-d t'i.' c ninlry, and
kriam eviry incli of ilofeniitilc t'roiiu l.
b lian iTciiti'd NcviTiil oiiuei 1 ol late m
-oua ciinm, urn! added nm'.i'i ially to the
plh of the old wnrkn. Ut tue I ine whu h ha
i ') hold tlitse work mid una 'bo Runs but
njknown. Di Hidis the nnul ir llsliel troops
e norkit, tho forces unner his coiutntnd
ti.a runMUt. lor thn lirentcr oart of North
;S-na militia. In October i.ut, when it
believed in the Hebel lines that we
I i re about tu mi
I i g implied an o
f I st nli r reserves
mtaek Wiliiiinirton, (iencrnl Whi-
order reqinriiii: tiin ' companies
nerves of the comities ut Cuwiberliin I,
, ! .. in-.
Sarnett. Kicimiond. and H ibesos, N. C. which
Itre allowed to go to their boinei on Ki piemtier
, to n asscmtile In Wilinlnu'on without dday,
'iBoriin to Miior Junes Heillv." The Wil-
I llrjirton bniraliun is al- allude I to In one of
eneial Whl Irg'i ordera. Thu , il) lte;inicnt
ortb Carolina Home Guard, Colnnal Jainrs U.
orr, was huMily colli cted at Wilniint in, iu
ctober last, under the hiiluwinn order:
I!rlnirnrHS Hkvrsiii Bshimvot. IVionsnrov. N.
i, 4ljltlti- 'iH. 1-4. 1 llisniaiiilui c iiti(i.illluii will rt purt
. IIik litailiuartr ImmuiliAtrlv null ail nun III t mil
aoraaiirtiW luM to llouin li.mrij aniv, to lepnl
II. 'Hub arilir Ineliifli'ii all lorelBners, nAKltrau-a, and
lau ua elllcara unaer nuy earn oi ai; uy or.ier.
J AS. a. RUKK,
Colonel 'VimiuauiliDK Till It gitiiiuit li. U.
It. H. Paihown. Ailjntuiii.
In addition to this regiment, tho following
refitments rende.Yoasul uc Wiluilug:on la sop
Umber Inn:
Tiii lUgiini iit of North C.irollna tni'itia.
2-id Keitiment North Curodna tmlitia.
0:h K iiiment North Carolina mi.ina.
It laaj be inlerred troin thin that the troops
if pendrd npon to bold Wilmington are of very
poor material.
fcnbjrct to tho command of Oenrral Whltina,
but uniler tne immeiiiato KiipcrviM in or uiumrni
Ilebcrt, are the (ortiticaiious, olll i illy Jtuown as
nefu-nipa t t ape tnr 711 or,
Brlpadier.Ot neral Hubert, Counn inding.
Captain William 1). lUrduian, A Adja
tantfientral. Colonel Lamb, conimandin;? Fort Fisher.
Lieutenant Jumts A Kelly, Aiil-de-Cauip.
l.u nit Lant O. 11. Wilii.uuvju, coiumaa 1 ug
Fort Jubueion.
TUrJrT Powdpr-flout f'ntl Hrrl(liii
f tile Vewntil llotr ttie hIm1ami'' Ih
t'uuatruvlvd kikI h lir all ' wwa lluilt
l.ltl ul hrr ORlcrra.
The plan of destroying fortllicitions from tho
ea uy ine expiuaiou oi un uiniieM.iv iu.iuiu oi
gnnpowder la entirely new, and has now been
tried for the first time. It was proposed by Ad--"aiiral
l'orter to the Navy Pepjrttnant. Very
caitful attention was given the 111 1'tcr by Colonel
Bod in an, Jitferx, 1J. A, Wise, mil tho principal
men ot th' Ordnance Dcnartinenf..
Ibiy all tigrecd as lo its l'o.i-i lllty, ntt ono
dirtcDtirg. The Idea wai sugc.i 1 by the efljet
of the recent explosion of aboa thirty Uui of
powder In IKngland, when every house within a
halt-mile radius was k ioei kd U i vu. rneell;ct
lmiiB maconrv la therefo e recijnii1 hevond
doubt, thuBgU lu elUcac upon iaud-woraa is
II e Lulled Suites itra n guii-Kiitf Louisiirvi
da- taken tu tho Norlol, avy Vurd alimt
limntb aao, and iucii cu ngei undo in b r as
would adapt her to receive tiiu p i vder. 8lie wm
ali-o dnivunto a inueb as po-:' i , o as to give
her H o uppearance of a block ''-runner. Her
lnahts wi ie taken out, the wh -e i nise removed,
and a deck bou-e built, erteii 'i i . from ttie en
floe. room 10 1 lie ton cistle. Mhj u aa alto painted
while, aud thus Her geueral up,., i aneu was very
gn uiiv aiti red.
After all the required chunt'ei '.ad been made,
Ibu jA.uisitma was towed to Cr.iu . Island, wbure
slie was loaded. I'be hold win b-tt empty, as tuo
powdir, at the exposion, was ii. .ired to be as
much an pot-nUile uli -re water. 1 ie powder was
roiilaiiii'd In a bulk-bcail o' uuymg a por
tiou ol H e berth-dei k, and xti n nng nearly to
the boileis. 'l inn just forw ir i of th n, and
nenrer the boilers, a xe 'lonof tue icrtb-dejk an I
hold wete both lauded, the bo d le-lug uere n I d
to prevent a downward ntlect lo die explosion.
The ki u.a ia the v. boaidej u i
eloeel) and covered wiib canvai, and ex'euded
from ibe boilers lorivuril. Ibis i. as filled com
pletely. The lirot tier of mi t wni plaeod iu
bam Is with the heads Uiken on'., aud tho ro
n a'ni'er was In bngn.
For the purpose of oxploding 1 1 f) powder, there
wrte three clock (uses placed u. ,hu vessels, one
In each gangway, and one at', tie ir the boilers.
From each ol thi ne a paieul (J nil' i fuse led coin
plettily round the v. s-oei, and to: minuted, one in
the bulil.and the others in thect n re of the berth
deck. A tune also li d iliiecilv from each clock to
each of these two points. Iu iniduion to tins,
ny oue ot the fut-c, Iguiicd, wo id tire all the
oiliers, because each ono crussi d each of tba
, cibcrs, and wherever they crossed they were
lleloro (he Louitiana went on, an extra smoke
tack waa placed upon her, to give her all the
fpekrance possible of a bluclutue-runuer.
rr1...... ,, ,. UI i0 r,H1 peopia are
Indllhroutly well-dinposetl towards the United
fctrtes. u
lie inys-whatls most true that ihn l.nnn...
. T , er.C , Z . t . ! - 'Oimiling. of the s' o n
In the vicinity of 1 ort HJ ., , nW ,
mattir nf mji,, 1)ow IlPr ,,, .
'0m ' Kroiiiid. Wl n lu r
w, rp't? ' ' Fr"t '1 tl"' Fn,u1' her ,urn,v''
II . ' thrown open. the cneiues left running,
1 ft y j l o ed upon fuics, ihe i Iocks set, aud
r 5 hoily was hurriedly tmnsl. rrid to the picket
li'.i '!' h, the tug, and the boats. 'XF
Tlie exidosmn was i spec oil to take place lu
thirty or tory ndniiti , and by that tunc th"
yarij wun iui ir mi am auucri wiiinii pr inaiuv nu
Ine miles away. A provis on ss inaoe. unw
eve r, in cese HouiPlhitig should occur -umie acci
iletit bt fa' I 'he I an neb. I'lnler inch i ircrm-cances,
tbev were to tike the surf boat, and row fur lite,
till iu .i with iti the time lor the ex. dust in, when 'by
were to jump nvi i trsmrd, iro with rones and luriys
ai fir ai puss b e from the boat, and submerge 'o
Ike head, and with cotton in their ears, a, id the
shock. l'.cMdc tho launch. bout there w. is a re
serve tmr, in fuse i f accident, and the i irl boiit
wii onlv to bo li -id us a last resort.
'I he in, i", mil diew seven feet of water, two
more alt than forward.
The l"r-llitBftrlefi.
Tie Navy lie ariment luivini' given thir ap
proval lo Admiral Porter's powder cxp o.i.,n pi in.
tl.o Admiral ut once proceed' d to the selection "f
the pp pe r ollieets lo carry the plan into execu
tion. He lir-t sent lo Capt 'in Ilhiiul, counn unl
it g the giinlio.'it .1nir,im, then at lljauforf, the
ili lulls of the plan, and asked, "II von like It :
Are ynti willing to undertake it r" "Yea." was
the reply to both iiuestions, and tho commander
ol the expedition wan set led upon.
Thin tic Admnal explained lo I.leutenint
Preston what was proposed, who wis to hive
Imnii ibato command, ami then wanted to know
whether he was w tiling to go. I.ieufenan' Preston
ri phed that be was n tiling to go ; that In- tie m lit
the scheme feusihle. "II 1 think a thing fe isltile,"
mid the Lieuti mint In conversation with -iicr
ollicers, just before executing hi. dinger ids
mission, "and tho result Is adc piato to the riik,
I think that Is the place for ine.
"1 he plan is a novel oue, but I thiuk it Is wnr'li
expending fifteen men to hud It out. I like that
kind of duly j there is something exciunif and
auaciive Hisuiit it. Theiilia is obsolete of linking
war on site prim Iplcs. It is inr.uml noilnng
risk) it, norhing gained. The bolder a man is the
greater the chances are of iicitss."
Opium li bind having had se'ecied fur him his
lieutenant, there vet nin.incd for him to eho ise
lit engineer and rr, w. His choice for engineer
was A. T. K. Mullen, sec nid-iii-tiiiit eimiueer
Irorn the Acawam. Mr. Muden knew nothing of
the position he was to till until one i'ay before ho
look his departure for the South with the licet,
lie was nsked if he would go the expedition
having t een explained and he pro'iiptlv ii-ai-aied.
Mr. Mullen is a young nrhVar of high person il
and professional qualities. Hn was taken pns
Minrr in the fori tef l.ttnr, otf Ualvcsbm, Texas,
in the early period of the war, but, after four
niontl s' conlini incut, was paroled.
Ensign lJougias it. C is-ell, of the Itrnoklyn,
lias cluirgc of the boat, and bis spe nil duty will
be to stand by and cut down with his sword any
man wl.o may become pauic-s'neken and attempt
to lower the boat. 1) sides, there are th ' nun at
the wheel, one man al the lead, four men for tho
boat, and four firemen.
Th .oiiMmiiii was towed from Crsncv Isl mil
to lleuulort by the United Suites area mr Soi
iti(u, making the voyage In two days. The rud
der was disabled off Cape H itieras;' but the Sti.
iiicm, being a double -ender, her tow was attached
to the other end, aud -he procueded.
The billowing are tne names of tho ollicers of
tho Saxyiicm, wh ch towed the vessul iu hor
dangerous condition from Ctaney lsiandto Ucau
rort :
Mrntiuisni-t'emnisnder. .Tolm P.. Davis.
Aciler; Vuliititeer .lean umit anil ex-Otri,3erf A. W.
Aetina Asnlhtant Ruriienn. (Icorse R. McPla run.
Aetuis A-slt.u.t I'silea-ler. lieufe W 1 rtne4lttl.
Ailing h nsiKti anil -aitluK Ms-ter. auk ast Ailiar,
Artti N r:i;.it!cs. w illiam II. Mityer, iiaviil .illephent,
anil Hi my W. o Hun,
su-cunii Antlnluiit Lntilneer, Acting Chief, Jotia Vt.
tit-end Amislunt Rniihieers, Koburt V. and Oiear
W. Allison.
An bit Tlilnl A"lilant Enilsesri, William Bavnur, II
B. Ma, k. nail A. Him low.
Aetl'.K tluniier, Neil tin.
Ae'lriR Miiiler'i Uaius, Ttiuuias D Uarble and John fl.
O llrlrn
l ap aln'a (l rk. Thoirias W. Howard.
I'ii) mabler 1 1 'let k . huvlil KIUh.
For Additional I ax ah, lie Eighth Pa ft.
Statu or Tusiaossttn To-uii. 9tx A. M ,
27. Noon, 30. 1 V. XI., 3oJ. WuiU, N.NW.
Mayor has just signed the resolution pissed by
City Coiimlls, tendering tho thanks of tho city of
Philadelphia to Professor K. D. Saunders, who.
on account of injuries received on the Philadel
phia hiiiI ISultimore Kallroud, was compelled to
relgn his position us Chairman ol the ('itnmls
slon or tho pnymeut of bounty to ro-enlisted
veu rans. The resolution reads as follows :
J7e.e,, hy the. Helec- anil Common Cfounelli of the
'lti ul Fiillaitelplna.'lliat ihn null iim mlorti ot Prolm-cir
K I) Hauoatm, l !., aa rnairiiian it t lie 1'oiainisiioii for
the pa)ii,.it ul isyaiity to re-enllalnil veleraiw, Muil in ra
panic ularlv lilt uieatul exer ion lo pr.H:iirintf ttm im
ihtnieai ol viHiiul. er 10 ihe re 'ir c e ll', or this em, urt
iuslli ei t'llea to special acknowledgment usil liia'ikl, a id
teat Ilii-C'.etk. orCuuiiCill ahaU lurutsU h.m wi.U a cupy
uf Una retclll'lull
The Professor la sUH confined to his bed fro'n
his lute injuries We under. und tnat n nirti'i r
ol h s pnva'e friends Intend having the above
resolution hiindBomciv engro-scd for the worthy
reelnli 1 1. Piolcssor S lundera did inucli to warm
saving our city from a draft on former occasions,
aud It is a niieforiime that wo have not his aid
-d coudscI at this time.
CsiaUiK.D with lUiaivmci SrolKM I'lto
i kkiT. A poor, forlorn-looking bummer woman
made her way Into the house of the Moyamen
sing Hose Company, last evening, and stole a
vamablo silver Art: horn. She went to the junk
shop ot Patrick No. 72 1 8. Seventh
sued, and was aboat bamalning the same away
for a small stun of mouoy, wh n some of tna
mi di t.ers of the compujv made their appearance.
Patii k was arrested and hel l by Alderman
Carter to answer tho charge of receiving stoleu
Si Bi n ion of RoiniKUY Ca harlne M Cus
key, residing in the Twenty-fourth Wurd, his
been arretted and held for a further hciringhy
Alderman Miller, upon suspicion of being Impli
cated in the robbery of two -oldiers It is all ged
that the soldiers were i n'iced to Cathuriue's house
and there robbed of ISO. ,
Fmitr.i.r:MKNT. John Dickinson was ar
raigned before Alderman Miller, yesterdiy,
charged with a misdemeanor in defraud ng his
partner. The latur a'leget that IMcklnson re
ceived moneys of which he made no rot im. Tue
i.ccused was held lor a further hurltig.
ContTKiirKiT Monkv. Jacob Harrlugtoa was
arrested at Twelfth and Coates streets, yesterday,
upon the charee of passing a counterfeit Sld on
He Newurk Hank of New Jersey. Ho was held
to answer by Alderman Uliane.
Chi bi tt to Asiimai.s. William Sheridan ami
John Laffcrty, two young mule driven, were
arrested at I) road and Locust streets, yesterday
afternoon, npon the charge of cruelly beating the
nlmali placed lo their tender carp.
The model of a colossal statuy of the luto
Major-Gencral Berry is on exhibition lu Fort
land, Me. This is said to be the first statue of
Brt ckinridfjo, VauRhan, and
Duko Dcfoatod.
The Damages Estimated at Twenty
Millions of Dollarsi
Cin( i.vnai I, DecctnlHT 20. TIk; Commrr
rial't ilespaU'li from I.ouls.t, KiMitucky, says
the rnlil of (Ii'tieriils Stoneiuuti und Harbridi;
lins lii'i'tt a perfect success,
llri'ckinriilge, Viiticjlian, nibl Duko were
whlppi'il, their artillery c.iitiir.t l, ainl their
lorccM HcutUTi'il. Sullvlllo was Imrnoil, und
the works destroyed,
llie rnilroud from Bristol to twenty miles
beyond Wytlievilli) was ilestroyeil, with u!l tin1
rolling stock, llrixtol uul Wytlievillu nr.; in
Tlie propfrty destroyed iu cstlmnttJ ut
twenty millions.
Tho Situation on Tuosday.
Np'II to I ho KvrnliiK IVIrxrnpti
Wakiiinuton, llecembor '"'.The mail steamer
Wrhsirr, from ("Ity Point, reports all iiiie.t when
she left there Tuesday morning. Tho Uobcls
have for some days been actively engaged la
throwing shells .from their new l attery before
Petersburg at our trains on the railroad from
City Point, but no damage has been done thus
fur. At Dutch Gap they also spend considerable
powder In shelling our men, but with little rIT ct.
The only serijus casualty has been tho wound
ing of I.ieutcnant-Colonol Strong, Kith New York
Artllb ry, who was struck on the left foot hy a
piece of shell, rendering amputation nccesiary.
The Wilistrr ran agronnd at Uppor Cedar Point
In the fog, where she remained eight hours.
Special Despatches to Kvrnlng Telcereph.
Wihhiho sow, December 29.
Tro Comlnir
Thu Government is raising troops ijtilte fast
under the recent call. Tho majority of District
iaokug will be tilled without a draft.
't Not-Ill Trial.
The trial of Colonel North proceeds slowly.
The evidence against him Is strong.
The Wallirr.
The weather is cold this morning, the mud
drying up, and military operations may ba lo iked
for at once.
Internal Rpvonno.
The receipts of internal revenue yesterday
were over one million eight hundred thousand
The National F.xclianrro Uank of Columbus,
Ohio, Is deiignstc.l a depository of public luonoy.
Rew 4'lty Itallroail.
The curs of the new Metropolitan It lilroad will
commence running next M niday, when this de
luge of mud subsides. The F street track will be
paved with Belgian pavement.
(Jmrgla Kallroadsl.
General McCuHutn, Superintendent of Military
Hallroads, baa tent ollicers and a working party
to take charge of tho rolling stock aud railroads
out of Savannah and run then.
Hunt Nitnlli.
The ttev. J. Packard, formerly preacher of tho
Eeccsh gospel in Christ Churrb, and R. W.
Wheat, ooce a mcichunt, and yet Ilebel, will go
through our lines to-morr w to their Hebel
brethren, by order of the Secretary of War.
Voin of Tennpospp.
The mei'enger who brought the electoral vote
of Tennessee here, received the customary com
pensation npon the certificate given to him by
Vice-I'rcsideiit Hamlin. The recognition of
Tennessee commenced, an well o that of
The sub-committee, who aro angugej Investi
gating the tubject of the Iron-clads, will Com
plete their labois by the lat f the week. Their
report will show that nuito a number of th -se
vessels will be almost a total lots to the Govern
ment, owing to tho uiunner in which the work
but been done.
TlJ ret'rxlnpT liaaro.
The Committee on the Cuiduct of tho War,
who hare been investigating ut City Point the
mine explosion before Petersburg, hive oin
plrted the examination of the ollicers who par
ticipated In that alfair, and relumed to this city.
The evidence iu the case is very voluminous,
and it will appear that nioro than one ottlcer of
high rank will Ise found culpable. Before the
report la completed a few ollicers will be exam
ued here.
-n uvi uiau ,u viamuitaii ja.tan 1 on trie sun.ieet. and glvo yo'u" h7s""iecKiou at the I r,1'- ".ViV ' "; U V "T. '" 1'
good quality or sugar from Indian corn. t"rlist poislbie moment. Thanking you, Gene- n u,tZ, i.ii,. lid" 'li- Coul'at 'th.
-The l'hllllps Academy, at Andover Mussa- rttl' ,,,r )our kl,ld "u,'u' " " 'f my oilkcrs, "H M ,
Ministerial Crisis in Spain.
Ni w Yoiik, December '.I. The .Imfmnori'i
is ti portid as having p.ts-ed Sandy Hook, bring
ing Liverpool dates of tho 17th, and to Iho lsth
via Qun ixtow n.
Another ministerial ctlsis has occurred in
The I nilon Vimrs' lity article says If tra Ic Is
opened between the Northern and Southern
States the validity of the blockade w ill become n
I,iv.m not., December 17. The sbam-'ilp
.4 "is, from liosion, a rived oil CrooMnivcn ou
the loth.
The f punish ministerial crisis continues.
A deputation from the lannnripation S icie'y
iresented to Minister Adams an .uldlcss lo Presi
dent Lincoln, congratulating htm on his re el c
tioii a evidence that the entire abolition of slavery
Is di leiTiilned upon. Mr. Adams expres-e 1 In
griit.liculioii at receiving tho inldrcMs, reeardtng it
asasiroug proof of friendliness to tho United
He said that this, and numerous similar de
monstration, would bo received as a strong
prta f that whatever may be tho hostility ol some
to America, it is by no means shared by the
greater iiunibi r of the British people, and ought
not to be presumed to be the national impres
sion. Mr. Adaias dwelt upon the lessons ot the
necnt election, and argued that the Govern
ment would continue Its work of emanclpition.
The London Twin applauds Mr. Seward for
the wi M-nierited snub which he gave to Mr. Par
ker, the would-be presenter of a Peace Address
to President Lincoln.
lljkC Fortesetie, the Cndor Secretary of th"
CoifBieB, bus been speaking on American allairs.
He was for continued neutrality, and symna
tlorei) with the North as far as tin y were strug
gling lor a boundary to prevent the extension of
slnvery, but could not withhold sympathy froai
i lie isoutu tor tueir ganam struggle lor Inde
pendence. Mr. Ciibdcn's health has greatly Improved.
The weekly returns of tho 13 ink of France
hoA- a decrease of four miilious of francs iu
spec e.
Martinis F.ivia formed a new Cabinet, but the
ijiieen refused to accept it. lsturl'. w is endea
voring to form a ministry, but his succoet ia
A terrific hurricane had occurred at Lisbon,
whch was disastrous t Hinall vessv.a. No Ame
rican shipping are mentioned.
Ii ii stated that the St. Domingo o,uostlon was
Iho cause of the resignation of tho Spanish Min
istry. They wished to abandon ihe island be
cause of the (llillcullv of suljeelion, und because
Kigland had resolved to i oiihiiu the Insur
sents ai belligerents. The Queen refused to
adopt ibis course, and the resignation ensued.
J tie i aicuttii mans ot November id reached
Suck on December 1G.
'I he steamer Jeddo, with the overdue Bombay
mails, was passed in the Bed Sea, with herb dlers
disabled, lie r mails were transterred t ) tho Cal
cutta steamer.
A Shunxbal telegram of November ! sava :
The China news Is unsalisfacory. Tho preseiico
ot tebels in the vicinltv of Amur lias stopped
trace. T ho Anglo and Franco Chinese forces are
to be disbanded.
The advices from Japan are favorable.
'niMirrlnl iMtvlllsjeinrei.
I.ivfhi'ooi., December IU. liroailstiitls. Flour
unlet : Wheal a aad'.l'orn ijulet, tnlxe'd lit f-'UVH. Cul.
rrevl.t'itia.- ltef staaily : I'ork rl r in ; i ilet,
la. lower; Hultur au-ady Lard dull, uud eaaiar ; c'olt-jn
Hi m.
I'loduse Ashes iU let - Hus'ar uulet anil arm; C ifTau
ateaily ; Kice iiuuil ; Unseed Inactive, at fi.l eels, decline: l.l.i aleitily ; l.iiiaeeil oil uaiet and tt.itoy,
K, sin dull, Nflnti Tar,ii.itlue, siaatl aalei at HUisL.i
l'ttreleuaj aetiva ami ni iu, hue renueit 'is.
LivKiicooL, Deeemlier 17 Kvening. Sales of
rotiou tu-day tSAO tiajrstlie market cloaca dull and prlcee
loetalstutra iiulet and ateady.
I'rovl.loiia iiu-t . I.ard veiy ilull, Itntter firm. Hui;itr
tend, iipwunla. I'eiroleum arm.
I.oM.oN, Dc ember 17 Rvotilmr. Consols nt St:' .io:i l4 for money. II Inula I'enlral share.
.'ilVco-J di.eoiint; Erie .hares a.sni:i; Lulled Butes
Im -1 wi'iuli s 4.Vi,l.'l
Haviik, Di-eeiiiber If!. Cotton Ina tivo but
sti aily ; aula, of Hie w. ek .V.m h.ilea ; New llrleana trea
oroii alra, : lla..7.l'f. Tlie aloek la Is.oml halea.
I'ahih, HiTomber 17- Tho Bourse clocd
ftrun-r; Ueulesliir li'lc.
General Alvarez at Acapulco.
Saw FiiAxeiHCo, December 28. Mexican ad
vievt received by tho steamer Constitution say
that since the defeat of the French at Cliilafa, on
Novembtr 15, they had arrived at Caruavaea,
about sixty miles from the city of Mexico, in a
Comp'cU'y demoralized condlilon.
Oencral Alvarez with Iho patriot array, en
tered Acapulco co tho 1 1th of December.
The States of Guerrero and Oadaea are now
perfectly free from the Imperial forces.
The skip Crat e liarlinq sailed from this port
to-day for New York.
Reporteel Nub ml anion of sit. DoiiilaifO.
Nrw Yohk, December TJ. The steamer .Ifiro
Cahtlt, from Havana, has arrived, with dates to
the 24th.
A report has been received at Havana, via Porto
I! h o, that Iho Sun Domingo Hebel! had sab
milled to the Spanish Government.
The steamer Atudia had arrived at Havana,
from Halifax, and' was supposed to be intended
fur a blockade. r"n"r
iko iiiiixisH noitRiiE.
Foutkfhs V. si o", in ci mber 28. The steamer
Profnctheui L 4 trrive ! from Moreliead Cliy,
North Carotin.., e Lis'i. ; the mails and part of
the crew of th 'lo" i r Hubert Canon, wrecked
on llutteras on Ut '-'s.'i.the light at the time
bearing W. S.V. C'- ta n Steward, aud a Sailor
named Henry C'liinge. we're lost.
The steamer ini arrived this afternoon from
Tort Royal, y.nioin- her passenger! are forty
seven Union (eiitvrt, wLo made their escape from
Columbus, Ovrjih.
General Talmcr's Expedition.
Operations in Southwestern
i:ic, j:t.. Jute., j;to., uto.
Tlif Kvaciiwlloil or fiaiaunah,
f'i'fv ( .'i'7iaei' ll'Aiy, veernVr 'J4.
Ui'llnhlc Inform, it ion has been received here of
ll;e cvneuiition of Savannah an event which the
military aiitboiltles had decided upon Mini' tuno
sit ce. We learn that Ibe cvacu ition w is ellei 1" I
without loss, except 01 such materials us could
not be transported.
The lust troops of the lino crossed the river at
three A. M. on Tuesday, tho 21st, proceeding in
the direction of Charleston. The engineer troops
he'd the bridges until alter six o'clock, when the
bridges were destroyed. At that lime the enemy
o, copied the city, which had been surrendered
I y the VI ay or a'joiit live o'clock, under liar of
trnrrnl Pitliiipr' Fipptlltlou Towards
From Ihe Richninnil MVi., DtscmSrr it.
From tho Exprrni of yesterday, we learn that
there was a report current, at 1'ctershurg, that a
raiding column, compoaed of infantry , cavalry,
and anillciy, has stinted oil' In the direction of
Weldon, from Suffolk, n doubt to oix ra'.o as a
diversion iu favor of the naval expedition against
This is probably the force wo mentioned several
days sitiio as having been collected at Bowers
Hill, eight miles this Mile of Port-mouth, under
the Y ankee General Palmer, and which we then
anted was di stitu d to operate against Weldon.
We have, however, no olllcial report that this
expedition has been actually Blurted.
Jleiaraar of ihn fleet OIF WH fenm the JtVomon' ll'ila, leceutr '.'I.
An oflh-ial tvlcgruin from Wilmington, dated
2.')d, says :
"The licet, which drew otf In the rough
weather, is again assembled. Seventy vessels aro
now in sight ou the coast. "
Wn. mm. ton. December 21. Seventy vessels
of tho enemy's licet aro reported otf Fort Fisher
ibis morning. No demonstrations of landing
jet. The weather mtld. Wiud west-northwest.
A Yankee gunboat grounded last night near
Fort Fisher, ai.d was blown up by tho enemy.
Iliei Hnlil In Moiilli wpslern Ylrglula.
Vina the Lvuehl'iirg I'lefiama, '2.
On Monday, the Pith, tho enemy since ascer
tained to consist of Oilicm's, Stoiiemuii's, and
liiiibridge'a forces concentrated at Bean's Sta
tion, advanced eastward. Vaughn was nt Green
ville, and Duke's Brigade at Uogersville. Tne
movement waa rapid, and Duke tiling in their
route, waa forced back to Kiugsport, whon, ou
the l.'ltu, he waa attacked and an Here J a repulse.
The enemy thus got ahead of Vaughn, and on
the iiioinltig of Ihe 1 4th entured Bristol. On tho
t ext night he entered Ablpgdon, Duke falling
buck tow aids Abingdon. Ucneral Breckinridge,
ut Wythcvillc, apprised of the advance, at once
began to concentrate, ins troops lor the defense of
Saltville. On Ihe afternoon of the 14th he started
I y train for that point himself j arriving ut Glade
Springs that night lute, be barely escaped capture
Mid reached Salivllle next morning, tho enemy
caching Glade Springs shortly afiei daylight ou
Ihe 1.0th.
Tho force of the enemy, after leaving Abingdon,
divided into two columns one threatening Salt
villc, ihe othr going to Glade Spring, and
towards Wytheviile. At 3 P. M. tho enemy en
tt red Marion, twenty-six miles west of Wythe
vilie, and detached a force, which waa aunt south
east, towards Iho lead mines.
Meanwhile, General Vaughn, leaving Bristol to
his Ii ft, arrived In front of Marlon, and, suppos
ii g the main column had gone to the lead mines,
pursued tho ueta tiiiicut with bis mam force.
Having Colonel Oillesplo, with tb j rem ilnder of
his command, at Marion. On tho morning of the
Hi b, ut daylight, Colonel Gillespie wai uuaekel
and repulsed, retreating towards Wytheviile, six
teen miles distant. There wore no troops t this
point, the railroad siiperint jiidmit havuu failed
lo send them from Dublin. For want of curs,
also, but a portion of the stores could be removed
iron. Wjlbeville.
Tho retreat of Gillespie was so rapid and the
pursuit of the enemy so close that the former
arrived nt Wylhevillo at half-past 11 A. M., and
passed through the town in a stampede, all efforts
lo rally them failing. Tho enemy appeared at 1
P. M., their videttes approaching very cautiously.
Major J ihnslon, X. A. (J., of Breckinridge's stair,
with a hall doeu ollicers and men, remained, und
by standing picket at the west end of tne town,
In sight ol the Yankoes, detained them from cotn
log In for two hours. The town was by this time
At 3 P. M.. Major Johnston having' withdrawn
lo the east of the town, General Gtllom sent in a
llsg of truce, which Major Johnston received
through Cap'uin Somple and Major M M uhon.ot'
Generul Breckinridge's stall', Ihe unconditional
surrender of tU '.own was demanded, with
guutiiime. of security to private property and
ciiitehs. Major Johnston replied, agreeing to
surrender the town on tho-e conditions, provided
Lo was allowed half an hour In which to wiih
rliuw bis forces. Alter much delllaration Gene
ral Giih m declined to give tuo limouaked, butt)
re pect private property and citizens.
Major Johnston, having thus guined more than
an hour lor the retreating cavalry and trains,
withdrew his torces, six all told, and came lu
towards Lublin. The enemy adhered to his
terms, and disturbed no priva e property. When
tiiilein found out tho ruse that had been prac
tised upou him, he was more amused than la
censed. On Saturday morning, before daylight, the
enemy, alter burning the railroad depot, ordnance
und medical buildings, retired as ho eamii, llrst
sending a detachment of two hundred to the lead
mines. General Vaughn waa at this important
point, but, believing exaggerated reports of the
enemy's strength, retreated on bis approach.
, The damage to the mines was slight, and can
soon be repaired. Tho enemy retired towards
Marion, doubtless to ellcct a Junctinu with tho
n am tone and capture f'.altville ; but at last
accounts this important point was safo, and Gene
ral BiccMiirulge had repulsed the enemy on
several occasions. The raid is ably conducted,
the lorce moving rapidly, and doing but little
lvtlst it.:lligexce.
Ol EAIIKI) rillSj MOKtf ISO).
Hur'ine W. E. Anderson, Kt'eu, Fort barrancas, United
H'nies cjiiiirteruiaftter.
HiIk M l'. Manner, Mariner, Port Korat. do.
Iln, Marie Louise, hi aim, llaruadua, J. K. Uailey A C i.
Rhlp Australia. Tuwart.4 daja from Mew Vork, la bal
last tu Workman l'o.
Kchr William It. tienn, Rakr,S days from Raw Vork,
with salt to W uliauiiliuuiu bvu.
Oi rica or tsa r-vesrsn TassnSArii. ?
'Iliursday, December if.
The cxrltlr.g ami contrail! lory army news has
for the past two days, unsettled prices, and gnld
las been jumping up and dow n as if it Wi re
mercury and not gold. It rapid and capricious
turns piirilo tho oldest operators, and all hinds
have had a tas'e of punishment, whether ns bull
or bear; Tor 'he charges have been too rapid to
eatbfy any calculation.
Wo ate ipiitv. sa Iwtic 1, however, that we are on
tho cvo of a great rise In storks, and Ihe very fact
that they aro steadily held, no mn ter what tho
price of gold may be, Is &10Ul..n tl evidence that
the bottom has been umeheil, and that pnsont
buyers will reap large prollts.
Money, owing to large dl-linrscmcnti on the
coming wcik, will bo still easier than at prascnt
and the comblnations.of capitalists, now forming
for the January rl e, will have the sinews ol war
in id utnlani o. The indlo.u ions of a bull nivket
mtiltlp'y on every band, and a few days at most
will verily our predictions.
The Stock Jlaiket ia inactive but steady this
morning. Government bot:d4 urc lirml held,
and thero Is rather moro doing, with sales of
.'i-2iisat In8(10.s4; (Is of 1881 nt I01., coupons
tlf; and In-Ills ns 102; 119 was bid fir old 7-,H)s
and 121 asked ; New City (is aro selling at D'JiJ
lisi; o;;J was bid for Petin-ylvania
liallroad 6han s, as wo have noticed for several
days past, continue dull and the transactions aro
limited. Camden and Amboy sold at I id; Penn
sylvania Railroad nt (SI j ; and Philadelphia and
F.rlo ut 2SJ, an advance of ; 4.1J was bid
for I.ittlo Schuylkill; fi7 for Philadelphia
and GirmAntown; and S7J for Reading.
City rassetigcr Kailroad shares aro also dull,
and there is very litllo doing.
Bank shares continue very firm, and prices are
rather betier.
Cunul shares continuo quiet.
Coal Oil shares are less active, and prices aro
unsettled, with sales of Brum r iitlj; Diltellat
!'; Fxcilsior 1 r,9; Atlas 2c 2 1-1C. ; MdClintock
.I ; Slory Farm ut 2j ; St. Nicholas 4J j Gernania
1 3-lG; nud Cm tin l.'J; 28 was bid for Cherry
Run ; and ll.'i fur Maple Shade.
I'llll-AliKI.I'lllA BTOCK F.Xl'IIANIIF. S Vl.f.Sl, IKO. "J.
lie ported by Clark. on A Co., linkers. No. Ul (9. Talrd Ht.
lOO.MxlTell OII..J.I n. I'.l.h ladln ...ep 7)j;
KAlab do Until JiO.ti Waluul I.....II, a1,
rinsT boaiiu.
l:i,.'iUS&-S"S Ilis'i lim.h 4n IV
ST. iui de ari.t'si,
f'M.l do les
a 1,1a 11 Itaha.'HI. x ep.eli'"a
V H lu 4na h j
SI 1. (mi City 'ia, new.... I'll
rl.fmt do I'll I
S'. imi Cnion rnl tula..
Ifi. ah A lies' A: iidt-oul 1',
I'll sb lliiiiier Is,
IIO ,h llaliell Oll. b.', !',
4iish do in,
list . h Fxeelainr l'tll
I'J'.ll Atlu- 2 I IV
IK ill di i 1
6i sli Mi'('llnteek...c 5 !
;ou sU Htory Kmiui....
.'li O all Rrlis 4 V
IcKl an ilrntanla 1 a lit
'dm an C'tirnii oil if't
a sh ( unaoi. Hank..
4 ah do SO
:m h v Am tn. a ni
:w sli stcli N com H:lSj
J'i ah Wynm'ns III., 7'
tl .lii'inn. Ai Am....l'41
l"ah do Il',-
1'" ah IVnn'a Hit.... li't
p.l ah lluller Coal. .. II
! ah do rsal 111,;
llsiali P tills & Kne... is1,
.'it ah lh A ilia 47
(CO all Hnaiu ik In J It
Quo atlonsof the principal Coal ana Coal Oil
stocks al 1 0 Clock to-uay :
lid A.l
R It Hour tain Coal. 1', ., Ilo.a
lluller Coal all .. Illvde Kar m...
t oniiis-lk-ut ....... 14 S, 'IrvinaOU
tlreen Ml. Coal.... 4 4'i Keratone Oil.,
SU Ml,
'( I
. H 1
.10 11
I'M 1st
1'4 l l
Keystone Zllio.... I 'j
.. ,
pi 1 arnoiiaaie 'j
New Crista 1
Allan a 1
Alleahelij A Tide la..
Ilia lank JV
HeacuD llll
Hianaen laluad... 1
Hrun.r s ..
Ilull Creek 3
I'r'asa..... s ..
llurtiMiB Rlirlng
Continental )
Ctisci'ut Cliy II
Curtln s lMa
.. ' Maple Hhaile Ort.
IU 4V, V
J'a Wei:iiatoek uol
.. , Mineral Ou
1 1 Mini'
II Mriclrianv
.. Ji aw
I M I reaAI'berrrH a. Vi
7 RobleAllalaiuaur. 0". lOV
, a nt
I Oil Creek .
I'S orvaule Oil........
4 '4 lilaiaitad nil
fi Pennaylvaaia FM..
2V Ferry Oil
i ' I'tilla. A Tldtinau.
.. Po Farm OU...
7'a I'etroleent Ceatre. ,
7', I'klla AOIIClreak..
Corn Flaater. .,
7 'a
Cow Criik....
I'herry llvn...
Ilunkard Oil..
Iiaa.n ore..,,.
Panel I Ol
Fseeialur OU..
krac.ll, OS.,
ttraal Wratara
Illalia Oil
. 1
9 I'liilllp...
Vl" tf'i Ueei.ue.,
1 1
. sf
. '
... la 1 kock nil ,
, , 7 .. Ila kSone
, ',' .. au.riuan
..s l'i .. 'Stenaaa 1)11...
.. ', 4 Hi... Farm..,
..I Ht. Mloholaj...
... IV I Hnnlairy
.. 1'44 IX larr I arm...
... S Tarr rlomaNlead..
.1 11)1 .. I'alos eatriileiiaa.. t
I 1 vvenanvonll 'A
IS I'; (aland.... JW
Vi II'. W.uoi
Hnwe a I day Oil
Quotation! of Gold at the Phlladelohla flnld
Kxcbanre, No. 34 8. Third street, second story :
'i A. M 22:i ill A. M 42t
in A M 224 12 M 223 1
1(1? A. M 22.5 I 1 V. M 2241
Market active and excited.
Im IJavf.k ft Buo., No. 20 S. Third street
quote as follows 1
Muytnf. MKnf.
American Gold ri.'l 32a
American Silver, A's and Fs 208 .a
Dimes and Half Dunes 20.1
."Spanish Quarters 2(13
l'cnn. Currency 4 dls,
New York Lxchante 1-10 "
i dia.
New Yoiik, December 29. Gold has been as
high as 22G. It Is now quoted at 222j.
Markets hy Trlrirrapti.
St. LnriM, December 28 Colton nominal nt
tl l'.H. ToOaero drooiliut. Mini' uule' at SI s,',,el 4.,,
I lour otilei ai Ss Vt f..r .lonle emrii. h iavy at
Sl's-'e'J l"r 'atr toiholce. Corn a'ea'y n' SI 4 dot 4
Hals aleaily a' n-'.H7',e. Meaa I'ork J1), VVblaky H Vj.
Hi s llrui at I' .Sa USc groaa
Ni-w Yori, De ember 21 Flour quiet and
fe. Muter, BBlea of s.'llu littiN.; Htate. $1 r, i'7S; Ohio,
Is 'Si.,.10; ana Southern. S'l'-'ii I. Waeal 'inlet and le. I orn tlull. I't.rk heavv ; new me... SI ' Wl. I.e'd
laiavy ataiSio.'lo. dull and uoni nal at $i il(ui ia.
rilll.AIII.I.rill A TKtllK KF.P4SHT.
Tiit itsDAY, December 29. Quercitron B.irh 1
quiet at about former rates.
There is very little Cloversrcd here, bat there
is a good demand at $14'o0(-l4 75 if 4 lbs. In
Timothy thero is no movement to notice. Sales
of Flnx-ccd to the crushers are making at fc l tv'i,
at width Cgure II is In demand.
Tho Flour Market continues qulot at about
previous rates. The demand for export has fallen,
the onlv sales made being for the supply of tho
home trade at frcm 81 7' to .1(1 for suoerttne, np
to tUl-.'sipi 12 AO for extra family, and at higher
fie 11 res for fancy brands. The movements In Rye
Flour and Corn Meal are of an unimportant
character, and prices are entirely nominal.
T he demand for Wheal has fallen off, but
holders are lira) in their demands, and unwilling
to accede to ,'ower prices, lu tho absence of
transactions of any impor'ance, we qnote eesad
prime rid at &2 6ilf'2rio, and white al $2 7.Vi'
2'.).). Hje is In moderate demand atl7W75.
Cora is inactive and has declined 3000 "ush.
new yellow sold at JlCiWl (17, and eld at! 88.
There is no fulllti all' in Ihe demand for O its,
and sales of 2000 bush. I'eunsvlvania are reported
at U2c. Prices of Barley and Malt are aooit the
same as last quoted.
Whisky tells slowly at (2-20(2-3u f Obit)
'-- 1
,k .,.nde,.llm"J,"hU
..TB.,,r""t complete aa.ortiuent 01 I adlea'. VI..,..'