3 "7 3 I ! 8 THK LATEST NKWS. OFflOlAL WAR GAZETTE. PORTER BUTLER. Iho Union Fleet and Army Near Wilmington. BUTLER J.ANDS HIS THOOrS. Eebcb Consider it a Snious ilattcr. WAirr.TOR, rve. 27, f. M -M!,r-(;..nfnil ' 'vti'ork:-lhf. ..(,wini cxt-iets Irim tho Hnlinnird w'n ofto-(Uv, ri-lativo to tlm . xpo II . aat W IHmu-ton. . ;., hum In hirirarilcU o tlie I is-lanmcnt r,y t.onorui (,u r: "An ollcial doHtwfli from if.ii..rul Hkarkiiahi), fatrd iKToirilorUili, aud yo,i,r,lav, suit.., that r.miersl JIaiibkic np.,11!, that a forep uf th wremy s inlBiitrjr. arti l,.rr ami cava.rv. Ii nl moved mm eararinari tnwnnls trio Al'aiualia Itivor. (ienn- "Kiia Das nm.lo tlio jimpcr flls.ioalfinn to I f 'lioey.liuiiii. li ,(.c, ,H .riilK,b T to do.trtir inorawnaii, juiiany ami (,uif lialiroad, Its cio- "J o::irt fcna hwn rccnlyod from Ci.-neral Hood atom Novrn.tir 2otli.'' w lLMinmnit, N. (., 2,-,. -Tho onr-my's Unit trover rmv ma, liicl'ifMiiir two monitor, nrrrral aimed veae.il, ami many bnavtlv anuod frienlo, ami loops of war, tnadn a furious nttack on Fort Kieh'T lout one oViork Tftenlav, and krpt up an ivrnifj areofiLont tinny lliols par niiiiulc until ulttlit, "Our lorn is twenty-time wounded. "1 be attack waa roni-wod at ton o'clock till morn InaT. and baa beon vnry lurious aad continuous. Turret is no retort of oa'tmltu-a fts-iluy. Coinuol Lamb. wAe It In oonuiuuid of the tort, n ulled to 111) di mv ' lire (lowly and dellbfrat.'ly. "Tlie euuny, under cover of tho lioavy flto, landed bout tliree lins-ailes two uud a halt mibs above Fort Jfishor. Tliey wore iininwliuioly oni'aKcd by a mall fcrce. Tlie enemy held tin around at Blunt. "ICOHD UKai'AK.ll. "WimiMJ-rrir, N. C, Don. 26. The enemy's In. i rutty attneke Fort luilier luto lust niutit. They were repulsed with eonsidernlilo loan. Them wan a heavy rain and wind through tlio niitlit. 1'risnnors report that tlio I weiity-l'ourili torus ol the Yaiiko.o army are present under Jitr't LBU. From our Wilmington dcspalrhoi It will I e nwi that the Yankio Boot Bttvkcd Fort Fiahir alxiut 1 P. M. o Saturday, kud uondiaidnd It hoaTily till IxhUall, renewing tlio liombardiiiMit at 1 I o'clock n Hunday niorujug. and cuntinuitiK it ihrouirhout the day. That under enrer t tho rlro of tho lieettho uemy landed an infanlry forcn ahotro Fort Knlinr, which attacked iho fort oa Sunday niirlit. and wero ma red. "Fort Fisher iajlluatod on a sand spit of tho ri ;ht tank ofttte Cane Fear Itiver, t Its mouth, twenty jailrs below Wilmington. "The enemy are pirauinod to have rvachod thnlr poiltion above the fort, not by possin up tho nror, nara they would have boon obliged to run tho anntlot of the (tniis both 01 Fort Fuh"raud ( m WiUonlhe left t ank, but by landing on tho buacu east ol tho mouth ol ( apo Fear Itivor. Theom my hayini effected a lodirment above tho tort Is a serl aa matter. It will cost double tho torce to dis lodge him that won d have prevented nis lanillu.;." JiuwtJi M. Staxtun, hecrutary of Var. PETAII.H OF TUB EXPKDI TIOV. CnnoAnD STEA HKtt "Sastiaoo dkCuba," OlfF BiAOSORT, N. c, IXw. 14, 1'. M III order to afford your readers a cleaior concept'on of tho tpentlona ol tho teat, and to correct some Inaccu r aiei incident upon hasty preparation of the luttur WBioh I sent you by the pilo', off Cap ) Henry, I iccapltulato to sumo exlont tho doscri,tion I have t Ten of the locality selected lor the oiieratious of tht fleet, and Hie positions of tho yarious vessels, aa marked out upon the chart prepared lor tho ocsa non by order of Admiml I'urtTKii. The Point of Attneli. lie n-aln point of atuick is Federal point, tho arrow a rip of land which bounds tho north sldo of lew Inlet and forms a part of the east bank ot Cupo car lllver. Federal Point la held by a aeries of irorka, the postajBfon wi.r, win at ouou a;lve us ommand of Cape Fear Itivor and virtually olone up the port of Wllming-tin. and by cutting oft" Fort ( an well, bub standi nour the mouth of tlio river, r u ler Ha poneaeiou by the liebels no longer ol any vail. Hence the importance ol soltctiug Now Inlet the point ot attack. The principal wurka commandlnn Now Inlet aro long the shore ot Federal Point, tho strongest being Fort Fisher, a caBoinatcd earthwork of great power, mounting, It is auppo-od, thirty-six heivy (ana, aome of them rifle having a rano of over throe milos. This work stands about two hundred yaida from the shoro. Following the lino of tin ihcre for about tbioe-quarter of a mile, in a a iuih west dir- etlon Iroin Fort i ii-her, runs a lino ol bat teries, flvo In number, connected by rifls-i l a, J brej of IhuHe baUerioa aro eaaeniated and two onen. Tno umber of guna mounted iu thoui is not known, but aome of tberu are r flu of long raugo. Home threo hundred yarda northwest Ol the termlnui of this Hue of batteries stands what Is di sliriiated as lUttery Lamb, or ktouud Wattory, so called from us ionna Won, it teini an artificial mound of earth some forty feet high, mounting two lurgo guns, wldch are pr xtunent objects to Hie eye. A llght-nouso Is also stationed on this mound, wl Ich is, doubtlQsa, of great aHsis.auco to tho b.ock de runners in making tho Inl-t at ni.rht. Tho mound was thrown up, it Is supposed, for tlie pur pose ot ol tuning au eloratiin from which to throat plung'np shot at any o'our light diaught Monitor should thev attempt to come up the clnviuol. I ho gans of this battery coimnaiid tlie mum channel, whilst most ol tho guns ot Fort Fisher and of tlio llitervoi'iug batteiiea oomiuaud not only tlie ui.uu el aiinel tint also the 8wo-li channel, which runs close along the boach In a northea.it direciiou. The latter work sUlulu about at the entruncu ol the H waah chunnei. . About two miles southeast from Fort Fisher, on Zette's liiuud, which I. ruis tlio soutneru ahum of Kewlnlut. Is another bat'.ery of some ationgtli, but Fort riblieraud tlio Kiljucent work are evidently the key to tho posiilou i and. Federal foiut onoo iu our hands, lr.ro well to Llockado ruiiumg, ut leut so far on Wiliuiut4u lse-Mie?rfie I. t'Uu I'Ihu ol Aiiitrk. Kotwilhstauding the ovnlent streinrtli of fielr woik, it :s conilceutly believed tli.it tli,.y vuuiiut long withstand the terrible tire thai eau Lo brought to bear upon tneui. The lombiiKd nrinamait of tlie d-ot nunihers lullv live h jnclrnl pud mil ly-diio Kiini, in Ml ol tn, iu 0 tho lu i'eit calil.ru, anil currying a w.i.'hi of metiil aate to wy ui,ire4 eleiiUKI in tho ami iis of nav.il wuilaie. At lenot two liuinjrud guuscu be brou 'lit to bear tit one turn- upon tho w rk. " About tliree or four mile uji the leueh fiom Fort Fifl.er isacinall waior baueiy called iiali Moon Ilaftery," numbering itome tvn or liiriu guua, but doubtlesa it can ohi;r very titlle nwj ,tauc)). It la not known deliui.ely where tlie t.oops will land, piobubly near litis point or at Myrtle luiei or mii.uu iiiiei, n.o Hirer murleea nines Iroiu iew Jnlet, auo tho termor about fteveu. Tho Iiuii-i lud Fieet. Tlie Iron-clad fleet, led by the lrn;ato ,.,., anu occoiiii auied by tlie nun-nnai acting ai their tei.der, will anproaeh Fort Fher from I lie north eat. sianuiug oloxi in snore in the ."v. aili I ,'uaiin d until they ct.uie w ithin thn i iiui h i a ot a mile of the ion, or aa pear that point us the dpth ol water will p. ruiil Die i tumult. lauding broail-udo Uiward tlio ion, and tho monitors ranged In a linn, bows on lit convenient dnnanoes benuid the irigato in ibli inwitiou thoy nil! lira over the laud at tho Kubol jxi oiiKholu, The Wooden Hfaipa, The frigates, sloops-oi war and other largo' vensels Will move iu shore, lonuing a crcsc.'iit shuood line ul buttle about one mile irora tlie forts, or an ueur to tho enemy's woras aa poaaibte, and pour (heir fuMwuiiiiim wpiitini-i iumi lae ion it tti r AHUAlltl, a v""uu,u uu,s uave ueen actively prepariug nn ukui twr auuiv ume, "inaill Iriour ." i'ii,lint lu-ttiiiga," aud oihor expedients to promote the elh cioir oi me vesfieis and protect them aud their erewa as far a possible lroui tlie euemy's gum hare teen adopted, and it is hoped we shall uou Ultra another great naval victory to chrouivie. The l and Force, The troops comuosliij; the laud loree are under eouiinnud ol Major-Ooueml Huti.bk, compoiied of the Fi;t Uivisiun of Iho i weutv-hllh, aus0oud irinsiou ol the 1 wenty-lburth Corps, aud are em. barked oa board the following transport s i l. C.a. 'J'tumuii, H ryhmmt, I'rnl, libilut, h. U mrr M,iUu; H'AZt, minrc.Lily. J.lminU hupuul, Mnn'. 2 aniri, K,itrrn Ar-ios, Albany, UniUU i i . i. veia, , jiaiuus uoi ( eruilued. ine loitowuia are tlie Teniueuu oonipufiiug tha Jorco, a. I., , aou,lul,d ttilt wnUugT- Hvud "'iuik I weiity-iounli Corp,, General A.-pur4 liilg.de-HiWh now Yori lV,meut oleuol At-uasi, W New fork, alajo, "vTZutm . tiocouii Kriauile, t'oloael I'KiitirrAnirira S7ti. juid jto.lt Ae or,..nd I :rl Dirtsioa Twnly-efth ( orps , Oeuerai pArnn. i1 ut iti-lgade. ( uloiif4 . WmuHT I . jilu .Jj Xlli t uii.h! nlaus t elurel lierliie ols iSsMH lid Uricade, oinuet J. iV, Ax -t'tl, u aiitl iWlll litlMI'UWi vvlyi Vlt ' TltR THK I'M KT AM I,V OF ATTACK. FnkTJiKsa Moxiiim, Pec 1. lH!t.n a previ itis letter of this flate I fcftvA pivfn you sneh p.irtlinlnrs of Admiral l'otTU'a grand ariruulaaa may bo pub lished withnnt 'tetrlmetit fo the nnnnn. In my pre sent letter, Mrh Is rmt dnilgne I for piihllratlnn until you know the tv-et has ai rived at lis destina tion, I pit yna in fnlfrr d' tail partiriilars as to the Itniiil el attark tt'iliningioii, the plan of attack, and tite coinrjmt on of Ine land firirce, which, under eom rrand ol (.rnersl ItttTi.Kit, Is t en-operate wit the navy fli nbat rvery one Iirh the fiillcit conll lenee will tQ a iiiie'-fliiil elf'lt to e'on tin the gf-ett pori of entry liir gi'licl and Mriti-h blocks lo nmuftr. 71ie expefiiion compntti's nltmcther nearly one bui dredan l llltv vi s-els ol all rierrl.ilhin Iticlml tri o aimv aiiiiei-rs, feniters. Sin. I he di'Mlimtieii is W iltnitifrt in . N, C. Tho entire expedition ir. mid r the command of Ifcar Ailmirnl l. ll. I etn lit. I be co-tifi'T'iti nr land tnroe, ntitn beriiigiibeut en llinmsnd men, is nnder cnninnnd ol Maier-deneral II, F NnTl.Kn, who thus a tin goes lo the coast ol North farohnn to, as we in ty hope, ertrm MicrehiHv an Imtiortant part, in c nnpl'd n,f the ti'stnratioii of the tinvoriimettt nti'h'irilv on Hint cca-t, where, early in the war, he pat ih-ip uf wi'ii llfT navy in ae.liievitig the important c.iptin e of lla' teiiis Inlet. I be naval flet eompries nbmit sixty-live yeise's and ail epgrepate ef live beiMlnii imil s'eventv imiih. it I pre.oeil tfi eoiiuiH nee onetaiinns npon llm foililli atinli" at New Inh t, the ens.ern entra..ee ol C ate I en r It.vi-r. Ilewoiks roimiiiiniliiig tin i eii tmnre, v. bicli ate fu st to le I' liin eii. are a tollowt : Init loler, a flioni' ealtb oi fhimd wot k, nil tliu neilh sine ol Ni w li let. a verv fbort rir-.larie liom the l.eiiidi, wliiili. Ihoni'h low anil b vl. lulls off nullum: ai.d slloril some oepth of water elnte iu ft inc. Mlfl.eil'llt, lit a d B alien of Iims til ill a lllllo liom the toil, to lertnit tt e iroii e'ad II ei li n al liv re v. lib fub t. . I mm I- or ' ! iMi, r. lor u dn tente id abnnl Ibn'e ipiatti rs ot a l.ii e wi-.lvyafd alol g Ibe hie re ol Iho Inlet, there runs a line ot l.lh'-pith tl.fl lalter.eK. inniinlMi in all ten or twelvi n. ere gin s, ami about u tiurler nl a mile inirtli of tne extiMiillvol mis line, on 11 e 'lisiijenible elevu linn. .m lis nlioll.i r strong eatlhwoia, set ilnwu mi II eeharl ns " too I" or "liallery l.nlnli. ' On the uMiwest side of the Inlet, on Zoek's Ilnntl, Miiml uiintber buttery ol eoiisiibr.ible sin nyiii. jnis, nnwever, Is Hilly two lliihn we-.l of 1-ott lifber. i bero unf prob.tbly ntln r work g rard en the h eably, bm the above nreall that are ol ii u b iniporlanee. It is known Ihut tlio enemy have ten e very pewerlnl rifled gnus in l int Fisher; lot It is be leved H al Hie giirUMinn there and In Hie ol Ik r works will not long be able to withstand the terrible shower of allot anil shell that w.ll bo ponied in upon them by tho fleet. i be fleet, with steam up, will stenm rapidly for ward to the (mints designated in the chart plan lur llished to tlie eoriimaliilers of the fleet by Adniinl l omnn. Iho transports will land the troop at a I .fiint up the coast h- near as possible, and alter tlie fleet have si enced the tort i iitreh agnlnst It. Thero Is a miall tint or water lattery, culled llnlf Moon Lattery, mine thre or lour milei above Fort l-isiier ai d Ibis work will probably liit bo siloucod by the lien-cads and tin' troops lauded thero. Ibe lleit are lo go into action iu (ho following orner : I be frigate trtmuthn, followed by the ofher Iron- clai s. is to come down the coast iroIn ,0ru, ttnri ,.Bt and take up a position with Fort Fisher bearing al out thne quarter of a mile dis.aiit, south sotth West ; she is to lav bioailsiile tfi the tort witl, ll.n monitors and their consorts following, tand tuking op J oaition in line, bows iu as follows: U St: 3 f-2 ti m u 4 lAti c a IS .a a o t t3 5 - lj"e I Tetal The wooden vessels will 02 gun. hike up lines of battle souitieiutt ot Ilie forts, as close iu range as possible, iu the loi m ot n crescent e a SI s. Total. ..Dot! gnns. The following vessela will take posiUoo sonih and outlifAMt of the lorta to the lull oi the li iguteii, ur- raiiKeo in mu iiues; lAHC'O, TinotiK Inland, M AIIATAMHA, OHC.'KOI.A, I ACONY, Han i'iaiio nit Cuba, Four Jaukhon. 1119 tjllAKFR ClTr, UYbUl, MONKHiMHIV, .V.OIJBT Vkiinor, AlONTICKl.Lfl. loial guns ill Hie Division he reseive division will inko n,liln ,i .. ,.r tliis line as lol ows, the several ilivisious ruuging m two lines southeast of ton Fi ber : Hist Divifimi. AntKO, iiOWgtIA, IMlKltMUfB, ClIKItoKKIt, Four lniMji.How, Vanck, Ankmomb. Hccori't Divmtoii. McCahhiw, A'.oi.us, flKTTyHnuito, fcTAlE OF GKOUIIIA, KEYSTONK rJTAl'B, J'tint nivituni, BAjn-riHit, Emma, Lillian, AHEMO(D, DtONOSIA. Foui lK Diviilnn. C'LEMATia, TRIWAM bl'AMiY, IlltlTANMIA llUCKINOIlAM, OuilinAUVON. SHERMAN AND THOMAS. MOBE OFFICIAL DE3PATCIIE3. The Situation in Tonnessoo. DEMORALIZATION OF THE REBEL ARMY. WABrimoTOH, Ileo. 27. P. ..- Majot-deuoral lux, New Vork. Ies atches trimi Uuneral Thomah represent lulu siill in pursuit ol Hood's broken and disoruaniied forcea. "llEAIl-tiUAUTl KH, I'ULAKKI, I'ENH., Dec. 21 l"(ll lo Majur-Oeuiral 11. W. Hallxck, chief of 8 la II. "JlFAI-(rAllTKRR f AVAI.I1T ( Ont'S. BEYONII TlT- i.ahki, lJec !ift I here seeim to be littlo doubt that the liebels hnvo gone to ilaiiibndw, eight miles abova Florenoe, leanug a fl.uk movemeut from K'l kVXNHIlN, "1 wo conlol Stkwaiit and Li.u wentlhy thlroad (tho Flnrni.ce rnuii) in Uxmglon. nuAiiiAH'g weut towards I.awrciici'burg, striking tho old mill (ary road eiaht miles below I-awreiicebiirg. "l he people soy tho IU bels are Bull', ring immensely, liutouij'fl wound is tuid to be quite severe "A -lr. ak'i ir says the Colonel coinmaiiding iho pontoou tmin, urtutm u told him ho was going to Paiubridgo, and left here on ifhui-sday morning. in atiia m'b mi munition uuiispurtutiou I ruin ol lilteen or twenty wagons was abandoned hero. The mules were put In lo help tlm pontoons aloug. "Central i.ra was severely w.muded iu the loot In Ilie fight at Nashville. His corps is now couim ,n,i.i by (ixtvhN-oN. Iho Kibc.s huvo lost eighteen (.enerals killed, wounded and capmrod siuco they tutted North. Tin y acknowledge sixty-eight pieces ol artillery lost. MU-ned, ' JdBKFiT II, W iLHoN, llrevet Ma!or-0 -n. "A later despatch of li P. M ., Iircember Zf.th, slates that In presMux tho enemy, Mauiukln's llngado came upon the enemy ' liilnutry strongly posted in rail breastworks, and so close did ho push up, that iu being compelled to lull back the loss of one gun was involved. Tho position was. howevor, takeu ton nifnuius alb .rvikids, but tho eueuiy had rau Lho gun olf. "I he liebol force is eight bnaades, of five to six but dred men oach. "General V aud, commanding Iho Foui th l'nn,i ,j(k I ' 'n aupport ot General Wilson, and both will con terkttiiue the pursuit zealously. ik. oi i.o. ,. m, iar.i ir,ini ij.,.. . , - -' neusr. io uisem- barked his Iroopa from oars at IJuiestono Crook, even miles from Decatur, gutl was marching oa that place at 7 A, U. to-day, "GBOROI II. TilOaTAg, "Ifajor-Geuuial Commandiuir .' The Departmenl has not roouirud lrom MavaunaU any report except the telegrams of General Sheu. man and Gotierul.FOflTitit, alroady published. Kdwin U. Htantoit, SecreUry of War, An Exploaioa in the Koalh. RWa, dec. St. A great shook, lika that of an earthquake, was distinctly felt here last night about two o'clock, rocking the earth and rattling the windows la this place. It la supposed to be an explosion of great magnitude oa the coast below boauiort, as th wiud came fiom that direction. Possibly a jnagaaiu exploded ia Ut (oris at Wil. niugtuu or Charleston, containing several hundred tons of powder. The gale which has prevailed lor the past lew davs subsided last night, aud the ship, ping which has boca dvlained.at Weaulurt will be able to depart to-day. (Nora. Forts ftisbar and faswell, below WT. klT fcWB J1 1U4tUl' aa" tt WfrT 4l, DAILY EVENTKO TKLKfiTlAriT. nilt APELPHTA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER THE MATH OFMISiarER DAYTON. rrssnifnls for tn Keretlon ef th Kemsilna la New York LetOr front Con anl Illtrrlow- Tho roinniiis of William T.. Dayt in, lata Minis trr oi toe i tilted ntatet in r ranno, will soon arrive In this city, anil arrangement ar-: no.v in progress to receive tlicm. The following letter from Mr. lltgclow will explain wne of the fart! l.hl lM rktlM L'ONHI I. IIIUKI.IIW. "Cwrist i.atr or tub I'm 1 1 ii S r.M i s, I'a tun rcceniber h, lhi.4.- .Mmeuii llrapcr, Ksip, C ii li-ctf r il the. I on oi rsuw oi k. Dear hii ; Th melamboly tilling ul tho death i t tlio llun Wi I mu I. Iievn.n, l.i.c Miiii-t.T nf ibe I'.-i 'i. states at this f oirt. hnve ihinhli hs re.v-.h'-d y iu Ills obMii,ui(H wen: uliln-ly Miieiimiz id at tht! Atnerteiiii elmpi-l ill tins i:iry, on 1 nes-1 iy l,it. " 1 1 is leuiHin-" will be eent In the I 'niieilN ut in ebnrge ol Mr. .luiuui vv . IS -noK J, V b-e I 'nnnil cif the 1'iiiteil Stales nt I'.irii on leeiril the steiiint-r L'lf'iifftr, wiin.li haves llavro ou Y, filnesilny, the Hth liitutit. Thev will tie. ac. toibianieil In the port ( Havre) hv si vcnil of our e iiniry neoi'e in ,ri.-, win, wi'll be invibjd u, cfibi.liiiiie im c-eorf. for the cieeiniMn, ' I pmfit by the rmly iijiportimifv that will off- In fore the ilepartnrn of Hie, ..t;tvrttr 1 1 notify J nil nl thee fait", flint in eiineert with the fi len is ol the family, wlm ill lie put in relitinu with yen. you inny mal e anpnipriate arrangements lor ibe reccpl on ol tho rem iiiis f,f the ilc 'ens ' il ami for their transport to their linitl rusting place ill lo w ji I ,-ry . "lam, dear sir, wild ,'reat respect, your ol uirni si rviuiL, , "John Hkihi.ow, U. S. C'ontril." AllllANI.I Mi M i Hilt IMI! Ul.l.HI HON Ol 'III K K l.MAtNH. It has In rn ilec'di il t'i invito all tho prineipitl tillinrsi f the Ci.ne I i ntes here, in the army and uivy, anil ir, the eivil Bi.rvn e, to net tog-tlmr in lertiviug tne reilluins. 'I be dotal, s of the rcccidl ,n h.ivo nut bcci ar rai ied. I be Collector 1ms teirjrr.iphi d the a'ltlioritles nt Wti-hliigton in reenrd tn thi ilj-.-r, and if eiiy difleitnt plan is nilvised it wnl tic udopicd. j.m i ut k i.tiTtmt i imr. tim. llnrltMit nis the Amnrlriin rinar. Mnjor-Ocnerul Iliirlbtit, coinmandinf; nt Nc (irlrnna, has Issued a ood order. Having hoard that partiei dlrcctitie; an orphan's fair in Now or. knin had ordered tlio American II ig to ho Ukon down, lie responded with tho full 3 wing, directed to Provost Man,hil Col. II. Uolilnsun: IIKMI(l'ARTI:nH Dbl'AHTMUNT OP Tit B tjll.K, " o""i iseeitiier 1 1, irt'ii. i team Unit a toyiii muy was directed by some of the iniinu Hra of a fair fur tho benefit of .St. Vinecnt's Asylum to bake down tho Auiorican Hag, a a io litl' nl ayinhul. You will inform these mnai.'er.i tmii mu American nag in a aym'iol ol the sove reignly ol tho nation, iitnler whine protection they nre. Ah an appropriate vindication of this nnsiemly insult, yon will ciinio the American Hag to lie displayed over the principal entrunce mono nio uoi, n mu miiiiiigcr ot the fair ob ject to this, the f.iir will he cltssod. if nny perion hull show any disrespect to the Nution.il colors, whin di-p'ayed, such pi rHons shall n- once lie ar rest, u. lonr priuiipt attention to thi tniitter in required. H. A. I1i.hi.iht, Muj. fJon. ComrJ'g, lo 11. Hoiiinbon. ABELABD AND HELOIjE. The beautiful story of tlie love of Aholanl and HeloihO is t hurmiiiKly told in the annexed sketch. The two lovers whose passion mid misfortunes' huvo inseparably connected their mimes, sloop toetlitr under the sumo tomb In Paris. Abelard was already thirty-four or thirty-five years o d before he met her whine name is honce inrtb linked inseparably with his, and who was the cause of so much happiness and the occiwioa of fo much misery to him. Heloisc was the reputed nlcco of Fulhcrt, a cai.oa of Paris. A t the time Anelard first saw her she was just eightrcn. Decides possessing oon sltlerable personal beauty, she hud prolited largely by the instruction given to her by the nuns of Ar genteulll, and wns early famed for her knowledge of the learned languages and of much of the science of that time. Jler love of letters, aud tho encuurui-'Cineiit l-'iilbert gave her in tho study of tin m, threw her a good di al in tho way of Ahe luid, und he soon entertained a strong p is-don fur htr, which she returned with all the ardor of youthful affection. Abelard lelt no means untried to be often with her, and finally resolved to work npon the well known thrlltitii ss of Fulhert, by ollurlng him his own price if he would receive him as a lioarder into his house. He SHid that the faros of a house hold were ti districting for ono so ranch culled npon, as be was, to give himself up to close study and to was un.xious to teiae ilie lirst occasiuu uf getting rid ol tl.cm. P'uliicrt nut only received the proposal with satisfaction, but put himself out of the way to f.ros8 the hired hospitality up m him, thinking by tlie arrangement to udd considerably to his in come, and to procure lor lleloi-e the daily tu.iU ance cf the gri at professor in her studies. 'I he plan succeeded beyond Aoclard'a expecta tion; bu became un inmutu of l ulliert's houio, nrd was specially requested to dovo'e all the time It could spare from greater employments to the wi ti an be loved. Fulocit considered H e disparity of their ages and the reputation of litis guest, aud saw no harm in giving a man of thirty-four abs .lute control ovtra girl uf nineteen; ant! so little did he enter tain the idea of any tenderness botween them, that be gave Abeluru peruibnion to beat his pupil if the should prove refractory at her lessons ,i license quite in accordance wilh the educational theorits ol that period. For muny months tho pair remained In the fullest enjoyment of each other's society. Tho books lay ually open, and there was a fair show ot tutoring ; but the books winch Holoise stu lied deepest were the eyes of Abehird, and though ho intlted taught her with his mouth, it was rather with the lips than with tho toiifuo. lo her society, in her embraces, the great tu.icher forgot to teach; and when lie luft her, his thoughts were only occupied with how to get back agan. Orammur, rhetoric, theology, no lougor engrossed his niiud ; tin y were so ui.my impediments to linn who was utierly given up, with nil the aruud ,n of a fiery spirit, to the irresistible force of love the druDger fur having beeu controlled so long In lhe licturc-iiiuiii ho htainnicreil nut a weari some "tw ice-told lalo," fur he lacked the etioriry to put foith new mutter to his woi.d ringuu llenco be talked of philosophy-, and thought of love. umpimc, mo niiurs, ana the ociii.iatl n whii b kept mm lrom the arm of tho loving Ili'loise 1 he pupils marveled ut sthe altered manner, the vacant, preoccupied lo ,k, and the falling (,;f ol tin ir master. Koine attributed the changu to the ellects of overwork ; ullicrs to iinxiety lost his bold doctrines tuiclit bring the stor n ul porsteu tlun about his head. Hut a suspicion of tho truth began to get abroad and w.i siuii turned into knowledge. 'I ho dc'i ' -ius hours of hainii iiess for Aheluril and H'.loisu were uiiiuume 1. Thescandul, the treason against his host, tlie damage to his reputation, mid, ab'ivu all, tho Ion of her so di ar to him, hud now to be encountered l ulbctt, convinced at length of what lie hud not deemed possible, imllgnatii ly expelled Aliel.rd iiom his bousi ; but Abelard considered all his own woes us nothing when contrasted with the shame and tioublu he had brought upon iloloiie Khe thonght her giii fsan honor, und wuuld have" gloried iu ihem, exciptlng whtie tliey eUocted the position and chaiac er of her lover. sidoii utter Abelitid left, Ueioisn found herself Ikclv to be a mother, und suit to inform him uf it. lie chose a night when V ulhurt w is ubsuut and eairied nil ileloise to bis sister's in lirlitauy where she gave birth to sou, whom she called Astrolabe. ! ulbctt was furious, and thought only bow lie ' might most signally avenge himself on Abelard lie wus rtslraincd fiom tuking the deadliest ro vengo solely through fear of reprisals being made on Ileloise. 8 Abelard, on the other hand, was covered with gnei at tho thought of the sutlering he had en tailed on his beloved mistress, und thinking that there was but one way of making atonement to her lor the injury be bad done, he formed tho resolution to muny her; to seek Fulhert, im pluro bis pardon, aud ak bis consent to the mar riage, provided he would agrue to the l'act re maining a secret. For a clerk to act as he hud doae, was a terrible scuudal in the eyes of the Church; but if to It were addod matrimony, there was no language strong enough to express the horror of tlio.-e who preached continency, but practised it nut who bud nieces, but nut daughters who prufessod to have forgotten they were mortal men, when thuy donned, In the heyday of their vuuth. tha aali.tiv robe ot the Romish priest. For Abelard to marry was to bllgltt all his frospecti of advancement. Promotion In a burcu which regarded conciibluage aa venial, and marriage as unpardonable, was of course impossible: and, in the little enlightened state of peonle's minds at that time, the marriage of the philosopher would prove a heavy drag upon his reputation as a teac her. In a more modern cane, where the circum stances were somewhat similar to those In Abe lard'i, an Oxford tutor was consulted by bis pupil on tlie momentous question, whether he should or should not marry a girl of Inferior condition, who had given the utmost possible proof of ber aifection aud coniidonce. The tutor's reply was exhaustive : "If you marry her, yon are a fool : 11 you do not marry her, yon are a blackguard.'' Abelard preferred to be the fool, and resolved, at anr cost lo himself, to marry Ileloise. I-uIlHSrt appeared to be charmed at the idea, tyrViMy. Ul 9VAry.l W tit ftPgl, WttOltivfl mX) Ab'lurd, and profesed to t8 thoroughly reconciled. Ileloise, hnw( ver, s iw danger In tho propositi Mcp ; she krew tho unforgiving temper of her uncle; she knew the extent of the sacnfleo Alielnrd was shout to make, and in her devotion she fancied she recognized an element of wrong In the Idea of her engrossing what was intended for a l the world. How could she be made happy by anything that tnrtilshcd the glory uf Abelard ? How much mote glorious to be the mlstrcs of Abi hird.and lo hold him by the bond uf lovo, than to be his w ife, and bind liiin wilh the fi Iters of wctl lock ! It wb not ill out niiifh tllfflcnltv that llelolssj wa induct d to consent to tin: marriage. Leaving their infiin' son in liritfany, they returned to I'sr s, ii ti il were married, in the pr sence of Ful hert and some of his friend", aftrr a night spent in watching end ptnyir. lhe ceremony over, they si pnraled, Ileloise going back to her uncle's, nnn -m cniKi ii'iiiming nis solitary mode nl lire. J lii'p, rts of the iiiarriafa, prubulily si t current J by I tnliert, litvun to get about, but they wero " alwrns indignantly denied by Holniso. This t brought her so touch under her uncle's ills- ! ph n-iire, n nil made her lii'e so burthensoine, thut ', she wiotc lo Abehird, a king him to remove her. J Ho took ber to the Convi ntlof Argentetilll. ' "hi ro 'he hud spent several yciri ol her girlhood, and caused her to assume the h ibit, but not the veil. Fulhert concluded Hint bo meant to rcpti piato the innrrlncc, und proceeded to tnko the most Irit'htlul revenge Abelsrd's servant was bribed to mlinit some riillians into his musters bedroom while ho sient. I A i I,. r,l .. ,u I - l.i l ' , f ' ' ' , n.iiiiiiiijn, o'l III 11 II I urn, null li ft w ithtiut pity to sulli r tho comlilned ngoiv of inn use mental end bodily pain, tho scum nf bis tnetnics, und the dciisinii nl tho world. Tho later r-ympiithy of hi friends and admirers availed tibthi.ig to comtort otic so utterly broken down; ho r n, tim ed all bis proiici for ecclesiastic: il bom rs, and tho hri bant project which lay before him us a teacher. He saw no other refuge fir his shsine and sorrow than that nf forded bv the, cloister. He determined to bci omo a m ink", and, sternly resolving Hint Ileloise should sharo hi misfoituni s, insisted on btr taking tho veil at Argf ntetiill. Although the poor girl felt tho demand deeply, she did rot hesitate to obey. "At thy command," snid she, "I changed my soul when I changed my habit, it was thy will, not my devotion, which drew mo, full of my y o ii i ii, inn, ine rigors oi monastic Mo. in spite nf the ertri uties of her friends, who surrounded her at the altar, and begged her not to condemn herself to such trcniendotis punish ment, she soiled the veil and threw it over her head, as she uttered the Irrevocable words which consigned her young life to tho dreary convent wans. jrfcTABLISIIHI) IN 1812. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. tvijl.lia.jm "v i i ,f-i rv orv. S. W. tor. FIFril and t'lfERRf St., riiiiAiisi.iiiiA, Bat e on hand alargs anil (ensral astorlownt cf KI1.VKU WAItIO Ofdnrewn msnersotsre, f lhe Bntst qvality anl hlgKost tanSard of bilver. ALSO, 1'I.ATKl) WAUK. A Isrr and pcuernl suscilm i t of iiixxha- ruul Ware, A a. tiLn KII VFB bciiglit Mid talen In eiehatigs. Hlchoa sricvs gtrtm. i'j-7 1st HUE WAT0H.ES, JGWELBT, 8ILVEH AND I'LATEI) AVARB, COIINKR AKOH ANL) TKNTII BTH. Brooches, Rlseve Battons, Arralcls, Brane'ets, Scarf riaa and Klnaa, Tsa Rets, Ice PUthers, WalMrs, Oo'ilrts, Forks, aooons, Ac. V alsties repaired and wananUd. Old Gold, rMamonils. ana Borer llougur, 1119 3m nARIUSON JARDJiS. 0LII)AY I'JIESENTS. FAMILY IJIIIJL 15 HI "Wliolenale and 1 totn.il. TJ.T. IIBArK8T AND vert Prayers, Hymns, Family and Pocket JUIiJjLiCH. I'ir(')T)OKAlII AI.BtJMS, MtVT A WD HEAXTIKUL HTTLKH, KicL Turkey Morocco, Antiiine, Relief and Gold. WILLIAM W.HAEDIIia, MANI'r ACJTUIlha, No. 32C CHERNUI STREET, 111 tf BBI.OW FOURTH, BOCTU BIKE. JSEFUL HOLIDAY TKESENTS. LAIIFH' IRAVKLINO flAO1?, LAblAb' HHUI'I'INd IIAON, OISU TltAEI.IN(; r.Ai.s, OIN T8' KXCUKBION BAOS fink ooom, AND OF OL'U OWN MANUI'ACTUKE. KFTIC'DI.ES, rO(.KKT HOOKS, POSTrOLIOS, and tirvunns uieinl lor the 'iraveisr and Excursloulnt. A large stock, lulUole lor Presents. JAM1.H IJ. IIKOWN, Tia'K AND UAU M AKIIFA 3TUKKB, 1VO. 7H rilEHNUT Ht , l'i 11 lm Opposite Msscnis Han. TKAV (JAMES AND PUZZLES. he II.ililill In t!to Gnrdeii of Floners. mu i.irri.h riiiLiiHKN, n-oo. THE EOCSE OF WA8HIN9T01T, LA(J K OF HANTA OLAUB, AMi DOMINOB, Ido llsan i and t'.fty 1'iulos, for persons of aliases, l-3', AND THE K1N0S OF ENGLAND, AS'U liOrKI;! THAT JACK BUILT, Nina Cauub and rilneri'Slsa.lilstrM-icat.ibrDfsrSfMaaaf all art, rte,are three beautiful ChristBus I'l suts. 1. It. LHTltiClITT A CO., Ho. 71.1 SI utUI StrMt. HUlTil. KNl.LIHII H (so , ) " Nu. VII W.mxtHsXreet. JOLIDAY (ilFTd. INXJltSIIVO MADE IJVHY. UltOWN'S PATENT BABY-TENDER, OR, MAGIC STRING CRA.DLK, Th mit ussful sad dellkstrul JXiirsery Iuvsutlea of the se. rrora a Vsrtlcal and KnUe.n.i Cradle It Is Instantly aea vertsd late a Iprlns Chair, Keclluhif Couch, Uabj-Jauipur, Bsbj-Uurss, hau-Walker, lilsa CUalr, Warssry tlhalr, BslHir Horse, aad Ottoman. It tfr.stu.Hj okvtatss the arils of the reekhig tnaUoa Hold i (rest rolnf to niotliars, SAtrclies aud dallslits suit drsn, aad saves tks sxponsa el a JS urss. alarms varl.tr f lA-NCY HOLIDAY UOOUH, at th a house ruEN-isniNa store, . W4 CUMSSUT STItKBT. miss JOHN A. MUKI'lIEY. A. ICII t-TBErRorRIBTOtt QV A J tUS &ISt CiABS nmta rtorb, n... ii".-. ' m''4 sod ClIIMsnTT SlrMlS, iwEw M' WW ("Hi SiuulM kts Larn and Tartsd stock f . Tf.ll AT AaiilOftH. ABC rBIMCII AUO ESUIL1AH rtHFWMaa. Ana. I:lH."l2,..'!'."'' TMik "", Combs, k. Aad otast itiBruL iTici,u sob iioi.iiiay uiri. AT 00T, ABO MUaB Tuu. ' I. B A WmM kt r .AVAVA COABS. D. W. CLARK No. m CirysNCT stEF.ET, Fun now mi tiMfl ft Try lr' -fcff JKW BI.1RT sn4 Hrlrrtfti pfr,y fur 1h ,n.in MilMOA V TkAl K " i trj TtMtn wiiif frvrii ) J"I! VntrhM, AftOl R' lit,.,), I. . rilp Wn h t, lt'tj I V. trr i , Anrimri Wftrh"l, Ki jrlliti W 'niim, Unci Wb'Wk h, 1 Vi'nl ('halnn, i.ohl f?riftinf ('hftinc, Un Ncfh ninnm, (.Old ff'tjnril ('.IM, 4'lt IT in, lf Id Tivtiltpfflrd, Out.l Armlt-'i, iu t! M' in KttifrK, (int -Iti-vr lliilbifrf. Ood Waul, Kivt, hiM 1"m. (.rtiti', (Id rtrg, i,vi !-), Hu ll t in, Mirtrsm , 111. it I'H f l1t,.flfl(,( .i.l Vr l;l'(f, l.fiUl t Int. or .uiitf, ttU 1AT1 I' Ill's, fiom Urns-t ,(, Oo'ti (.' r( !, f-t hi Iti n r . (.f.1 U .iKfi II okn, H lv r 'I hfiiihir-M, P il v t-t , h n Kin?", Ftlvrr 1 1 ui t Krtlvi ii, Ki v'-r F b i liHifin, Htlvor Vrt' lanii. RII.VCU I'f-ATFI) WArtHJ, rUud on fitiumo Albut nufalf sUKl TTrrtuitdi 4'Htls I A - k t Jl l I (III 'UhslttKs f'Rr1 KccsViv. il, Hnittnr (Mar i'i, Hyrufi I Hrln ri, hiiptttr iMfMs), ft rs-aMfirt i 'fat tor Inr ri'mw , I .lA rt, lpvv n Hohi. rn, Mmt Hum. hnlt HtMi-iil-, t.!rU( ''n . full I'dlfl, Naiilt'ii lll)KI, jyif.li Rnlvni, I'l k Itlvi-ff, Vt C'fni Kntvff, mv Kn vi , I'niwiti Kn !, Clillttrt-n k itirm, riilhUvn f ttrlia, (H0U LaWllfT, 1 fible mt inrt SrMwinn, Ttm, Husfur, nt ii Butt Hi.ooiii, 1 t.m and iMniMT Forkit. I'l. ATM) jrWRI.RT. ' V IhMve nn tinnil a larjte loiofikne pla(M Jr-mtlry, hi li mi tvrtt rIfiiinK ouiHtetift pricen in m-iki ronro f..r Ctlhtr otU. 'I h itu wiiliiiiR K'Kitli In ntir lln-would rlo ..11 lo cull dim! ixnnilT.f vnr uwk blt re parcbunlUK A It f o His wnitHntcO aa rrprcneritifl. P. w rr,4HK, w iVfi. flOJ f'HKSNIJT hriH. I. n. VnfrhM and Jewelry ntri'fnilr n-pAirivt or x-fftriAtirr-d irkmin, and warrantW. KirrHvlnar ncaiif axecntcd. II U-U. ill WIS LADOMUS, DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELER, No. 802 CHKttN t'T STREET. Hai oa fcAnd a largt and iplndrd MBir.ra out vf DIAMOND JEWELRY, El'lTAIlI.B 10JI HOLIDAY I'RESENTS. Also, a beautiful assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewolry.&o. Pllvfr Warn In frost variety, s ultabla tor Bridal and IiollUsr I'i. srnts. M r sssfriui.nl of Dlsmord Jowolrr Is tonoli ta, and at lens piles tliau cau be lou;,d Ui this city. Old Gold, Bilver & Diamonds BongLt for Oash. J) I A M O jN I) S. I'ersons having lllaaionits or slir srfttlotis sWnes to dlspeis of, will do vitll by ealliag oa LEWIS LADOMUS, IdAMOKD DEALEK AWD JEWIiKII, Do. HOI OURStiUT Straet, Wbo vriU tvs tht highest cask prises, llt-la ALSO, Old Cold and BIHr BoitRht for Cash. JJOLIDAY PRESENTS. Ci. H UHHKIiL, Xo. 31 H. SIXTH Street, Would Invote attentlfia to his stork or tins Amorloan and Inserted WATCHES, In Cold aad Silver. GOLD JEWELRY I Ilie latest styles. HANDSOME HILVEB WABB. warranted j.,re eoln, Ac, sullabls for Holiday presonts. G. KUSSELL, H-ln-tTI Fo. n II. SIXTH Surest. JUNE JEWELRY FOR THK HOLIDAYS, A t BI. II 11 13 TV IV . A. N H )cw and Elegant fStorc, Ho. SOU H. BK.I1TH SUeet, above Kaes, Philadelphia. A Isrs e and st!r-nrlid slock of all tho latost and most do (sal ds.it o, coBprl.ing In part null AMEKICAR, ENtiMHU, AND OKNKVA WATcllBS. IIM COM), COHAL, AMETHYSTS, AKD OTIIKK S1YLK8 or JSWIXiHT. A kandsoaia variety of Bclid Eilver aid Hated Ware, HANDSOME DIIONZKS, &c, &o. " Wf wonlil rsprtriil); Invltf our mi nds and the pnlillc to oall and exHHimo n,r ineaiselvus provloas to pine'isslng el.sv.beie. l'rltes verjf low. li-l;-lin OPTOKTUNITY TO PUKOHASE HOLIDAY PHESKNTS AT LOW TRICES. Having determined to retire from buelness, and wishing to rice oat anr entire stock or Waiebes, Jewelry. Silver Ware and ailver-rialed Wire, Ulneks, klaaical Boxes, Table tuilery. Ae , wlU.ln slity days, I am prepared lo orr, r Inducements to parcbasers, and solicit an Oxaia'na- ua ol Uf se geoue, moot or which are goud styles aud of fli.s ijuanty. THOMAS O. OAHItKTT, U W s.t Mo. lit (.'UE.8NUT STKEET ukniiy iiAini:n, No. 520 ARCH STREET, HAI A GABKFULLT SBLkCTBU STOCK or WATCIIMS. I'I NIC JKvVEiatV, hlLVKU-l'l.ATKU W A K I'l, SI'l!CIAI.LT HldVEIl WAltn, Suitable for 1 3 J HOLIDAY AND liRIDAL PRESENTS. JOHN BRENKAN, DEAI.Ba IK FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, AKD BHjVKII WAItli. Clsmotid Rings, DUmwad Fin, Dlesaond Ear Kings, rin Ensiaeled Bratsleli, fin QetrU' Ohaias, nasUdloa'Okalns, Heavy Long daard, Aatstayst sad fearl leu, Aatothystandbia Iiiags, Fine leal Slugs, Ha rsari Buie, (touts' Jiasa. Searfruu, Coral asHs. 1 -lai Ladles' Okatailslas flas, BRONZE AND FANCY GOODS. 1 B. KIOUTII BTItKET, Ko. JAMES BARKER'S WSrOI.HAI.a ASD SAf Alt, Cloolc lJat a 111 tali merit. I. soraor smoom aai OHBtBUT SUoots, raJUds. Aoaaov rea na riTsav aVQCAUziBu Tmarr-DAT CLtou. A verv deeb-abai artlels asr Chureiiea, Uutels, Baakl, J0.1ArlLFATriiaR Ot THt OOt.D PBBI. lsU SS SIPAlkAjj AND WAAAAHTsU). 28, 18G1 CITORDINANCES. N OK TIN A N C K J 'InniRkf in 4oprlUu to tho Onanlmnn of the for fr th j,ir ,M (rtlt.n I. l)ip NrJunrt Cnrnmni. Connrlln f t'i lHy of I'Minih IpMadn n, '1 i'i at t ho kimii ! (mr ttunlrrl ant) i wrnt -iwo tfi'inj thr-o hnn'lrcil an 'I inry inn-1 unilnri h ami th-nt li hfrchr apinprUi"1 to ffia ( HiHi-tllBnB f t I'fHn iirrT triD ieipi t iftat ! par i ro? nt for I i f i n.i. ai l ll " HOhl ll. I!.l"hl MKNT. rt'm 1. Irti anA't.iriiifB, ciaht tlLutMaml (l'XiO) di u (--. item ' "ufjrar. tiiitltmrd, ont atul aVr tm n', one thou r-at r (Ui,ii ar, firm it, Hrni'j,vir. hUky, and pn tt?r, fMii- thouft.tn ) (f mm 0) tidllhr-. Ittir4. -n'KHn) If-e'hi n ami Irrchlnir, 1'iiir liiiiilrid lit. UT- (f .miii,,,, liiinfi. i,d t,r f f-r int?1l''! iliifarr, a'id tirc f i v.itii n ol Hi. ilit. i ' ii'i liiiti. i , i wo huii-iri 'I un 1 it ty tfWt'i iloliam M' m ti. MirkHifiir ihoipttal arid mines' tulil'-n, i 0 niuar-d tV '() ih 'li llf ni 7. HaHii y ol a "rry nrd s a?if t, ami Ink it rka, int) -ufninilrt tl fi t'Nfi l .lUr. !( ni H . Y nt es on j n-'l, thlro tu hun'trrd ft V2'Hi) I i rn B. t'onrilrf r'ftl'lent I'hynli an4, tw-nty-imP JiiiiMiinl ($JI oi dnHhi I m 10. Int ul. titai ''''i i, threi! J j i r cT r-1 vJf :oo) ilnl !ar. IV HA IttflMkTWKNT. Itm!1. Itiirh' tiitxr in me Amltim, twi th"inari l $ ()') C'rliH'S lilniy HriUrlr-i nr !i'f,t phvl"iMn ntvl - lrV i"i tta-iltif aH.rtkiit rint fi. yn tut. eiKht' hniuircl iiMliri fi'nr ft iKHoiiaiH. I'di:i U n si un y-to I rtmri'i-ahtf l In".ini Asy luti . lour f hoi -.i'lid fi 1 urnlfi d i $44' o fhillnri, I'm 14. Im l-lf 1 1' i s t n-f I, two hn-iili rd if d 'hhirj. t llHtIN R AMY I I'M. Hm U MtirV i cintid i )". fur inmron i and tmr ')' taiilf", lie hnixlri il'l llit t. h'rHj d..Ur-. Itm it. Uanis) nv tdii 1 1 chiiift to t'hi.reti'! Ai.iiln. ffM hi'iid hi d 'illy .: i d.ilur. linn 17. NttintM ii iiiair. ii, tin- nr aui atniniunt .siTi-n -iiti( Ji ut (in. ut iiniifir. I'UiiiM 1 1 t'liirjkjy tiist'ii, two hiii;'lrtd arid Rftr duilars. IIOF. UKNKRA l.f.V. turn lfh fUnir, c. and rom m-,il, forty th-rjiand (IH'.MIJ (I. ILim. I ( m lui i. nintl, trnrk. und tueon, fttly-tn.) lii'iu Mill lltf hl.lH' K'll f f .'l I ) ilf.l'in 4. turn VI Ira. coin r), hui;ar, and m-l.i-tf,, (orty th ixai.il i$n,t ilui. t ui ,3 ( ti. t nli ,1'rr. lari. rip), rorn, h'tnilny, tan-.y, rait, aid yvr, ovKiiti'cn thonnand ui I irn I in i' t. I'ntatora, an Hi i fin (1 ( 41 1 Hi (ioil. and (itlu r tulilua, fmr Id m i ia ti r. ni. malt vlimrnr, atiJ r. tw ii i two fcniHlml (hi) (I'llhirn It. m M(iii.f-tiiiK old Woim n'n AHyliiin.oiie Hidii ti i (iiif ) iioiii,r. hrm .ti. Mftrf-t'tiiifr r AlniBlifiido, vi ri himdicd a:d tUy iJT.'.O) ilolh.ru. Iirm 7. ir lO'idn, rtT IhoiiMiid ft 10 no) rl-Mari. In in vH. Itooifi, n Ik, ha'i, and awn. two tftouiand O.0H.) (IoDhh. lie m ?;. Jinntciy, vf, (1 rftil. nitton, romhi, nft(ln, and triinmliii , thri f innii (f tit.lnrn. r iu mi 1 ohiirco, o, liiiiv. and itureh, tnrue UioiHnri'I (J l n tioham. mm .11. Ihirdwnrororkiryg tinware, bruihei, and tit (.nis t'iKhH:i n htiMd fh.lh.ru. litiij .j. I'lid'l line il r I'nfr of f-t-ivin and inH, fHl ttohinjj .OMrntuu)tir hunilnd $!) dollar i. lUin.'M. (,un:iti Tf m to I.'iIihi'. 1 1 r 1 1 1 i n kf . t n ' t Km fl:iiiiK, ind inuifcf lal) :nhir, four thoiaud tfiuoo) dol Kir. lu m :A FihI, tuty one thmnanl two hundred f fvl.iiir) (ji.ijnrr.. Mtni .V. itiiN and fi.lvn thon- nail ($Vj'iO) d'lllnrfl. In in .: - iiiiiKniiiiid Ht Hvnty rlultt htMitful (f Vxii ilolrnm. fl'-ro :7 'lin I ntr ika and cluiniicvi. two humln-d and filTj iUt; iloiiar Inm.'lH Ns.hu i odewaid, clerk an.J i-ior"kp"ppr, h' iim' af nt, mm i on 1 Riowurd t-:;rk. flva :li-jHnaiid tti i ft) tto lam Iti'ixi (", Kalarlr of nrkoi ni r. rnfllnnar, nmlilanl. -n- viiu-er, p.nnilur und g.niior. hulux. ncnanil waio iimn n.d .in-a o.iu:ir, lluciliousisiiid ti huinlrvd una any (t. fi..i'HUlli ra, l . ro 40. VVaiy-ri on t-rnll. chnnrcnhlf t tho hoimo jMM iaily, two thotiHMt two liiindrd (-if.fi) dMium, I fid Al. Y in lif-i- tinti'i anb tit tht Mamcoiiu fuiiidr)'J aid twi-iity-tlvc (HJ-'r) tlnri. Itt-iu4'i. Incidiiiiai exmo. f,.nr I 'mdn d fftiooi clr.l . Urn. H A N I- V ACT I ' ,N ) J J)V. V KTMKN T. ffptn 4.1. I.'alher. lustH .n al... ii.i.n.n.y flu., thn i ii nd (t. Odfij doiiaris. lit in 41. J ailow and rvtle. nlkall. und matpriut for n.akiriK "ip. two thtnj-sauHv htitiorod ttaf.VO) iMiiira. ltiii 4.'i. 1,'hain flilintj ui, wttiving maurlaia, . wuuty fivt tri'titfi(l i n i dux.. Hem -HI '1 oOln. ruiil. Ir.iiml 'r1. flva li'i n ! rrt f",m. dollars. item 47. TJn.vlaj. rialrii vamlah. oil. olua. Iirtithsi. tiriicn hlllid't U $JAii) dt.ll,. itt'iiMM l. iitni r, (tlx. f-itii:drrd (Slt''ti) d liar. Jf m 4!. iiarr.vlMK ntrmiMit hnndri'd fhH;) .inli.trn. Item Wi rurchui-Q ot iiui;r making Iron betUte-iaoiir tliontaiid (l('i.f iloili-ra. hi m hular of mi aik'nih-nt, iU hundred ($') dollan. Itt-iD .'2. AVaciin on pay-ir, rharfruaMe to the m inii factr r, and ovir work, fie ml (PW) dollars. liciii 'o'6, JnciUfiiiu. exiiufti, tlirto hnuUrud (V'00j dollaif. FAflM ANI IlIKrKV KSTATR. ItrmM. I.utuhur and riiim, tlvo hundred $7)f) doilt-rt. Itrru !b. Lime, sand, and monry, two hundred ($100) dollar. Item ftfi, He-'pfllrlni whnrr'. imping enwln and mnadow hituVli, tl V tiuiidiffl ( $.'). M) Utirg. lutu:7. riiniw and Ift-il r horHei and ron, and for purtQUM' ol milk, thrvo tht tin d live lnuidrid -'w) dollar,. Itt-inriH. flirdi, manure, id funning titeniits, four hundred tS4(iu dollars. Itrm '.t. l ut t arse of tior and cowa, wayn, etc., twelve hundrid ($l.'Hi; dollm Item (JO, Iron anl hlackhiml work, two hundred ($.0) doIiaiN. Iti ni (Jl. flntarlos of farmer al gurdenor, fifteen bundrud and tut j (ll.Vifi) doilara. Item '2. Wafls on pflv-roflrtiarirffihlp to fitria and maiden two hundred and ty 2.i) dollar. ItMn b-i. Htcam iiicn. Hit I ii i nd tnunoiiry, tor honpftal, outward, Intirttia J)unrtiiu-ui ttd ChlMien g Ayliiiii, Itu thoiand (,aiO,J(iOj dollar. Mi ni ;4 lucitlviiuu vxpcnsi, two hundrod aud fifty (f-UJ dollars. OtJT-DOOH KI'KNHKS. Item 1!. HalariuHiif rit;tiirjutdoo aunnt.monentrr, w nijf ii-unvi;r.aud visitor id cIlUtoii, lhri; thuuittnu i;Mjn hitiifhec (f.'iTOfi) d. HiirN. lUuifjfl 'liaveilnu expfnue of house ak'ent and nnp P ' oi nun rtjbaltnta, two tuudreU and ihty (ti-A) i cllara. i.m. 07. Tax and ground rci of city ofllce.two hundred do Uth. ItuntH Hi pain to city &co, nai, wattir, rent, and lni iilt mal oillt-e exi I'liNtm, tlir- iiumlrcil (t (ft) flohitrs. Iti'inh!'. i-;xpnrs ot upa,rl and hanlurdy uuttca, tuu Lbouiai d (t Ih.lOj dolurs. It in 70. t:oii ot Marvin prctiPi and removal of non rfculijiH, r iu tiuiidnd 0 dollars. In ia 71. C'ui jliiK(ltei.hli.g,iidhuriali:a.C8, flvehiuidrcd (J. Oi ) dollnrs. In m VI Jtiit of vlnitors oficcSi twelve hundred ($12.0) d II, rs. ' I it in 7,1. Ralarles of out-door vWtors, sU ttiousimd tour Aiiilidiltl ($i40') dolldia. t Item 74. halarhs ol otit-doorphyslclitns and apo'ho car.i-n, three thousand nine huulrea and twenty ( vm) dri'laia. Iti iu V . Malt tainlnK and fdnmHnj? (hrffl enf nine's in tlm j vai and Dumb ah1uiu U the tlty, neveu hundred and tw nty ($'2- ) 'loihirs . 1' cm 7b. (support oi twnv ffhlr-mlndfd children at the 1 i-iiiivlVHiua Iraminx ofiool a. Mtlla, In acoonla ico with an Urdmniiffi appnASl lM-t-emhur ill, Ibi-i, two tliou land four hundrid ($H0 (llarn . Item 77. Mtil. t ery, priung, and ad vorlitintf, fifteen laiiHliurtff iMiij ao)iitr. lum 7m . Kti'hoad th kH fr Kuardians ami medical houid, thiue h und red ( .Jo;do(iirs . IieuiTH. I rov isioiii fur uall-iiitx patlonta, one liiitidrad (f hO) tlollurH. li. intu. IncideiUiil expftiKOi, two hundred ($Jft)) dol lars . FOK UFA A V.F OF OlT IOOR POOR, tteml. i nt 1'loi iitnci, ivu thoubttua S0u0 d lait livm '. Rftoond Poor District live thousand flvo hundred (W.'.u ) Chilian-. i lit in t. I hud i'oor Dltrkt, ix thousaud flvo hundred (td'Cfi) dollars. .. IituiH4. Konrth Poor Dletrl six thousand five hun dred ($' Mrli) u'dhirs, I I ti in h.',. hiiui i'oor liiitrlct.livc thousand three hun dred i iV.',uo) do. lam. lituiHil. Mxtli I'oor IHftrh-t (ve thousand leven liuu dn a and ilti i-'iM) dol am. In in H7. sevi Hth losr lHnirfct, ilx thousaud live hun dred and f1li ( i,iMt ilt.lhir, lieniSH Kijji.ih I ovir DMriel, four thousand two hun drtd and (ii-v (4'"0 d.-Harw. Itimf-lt. Ninth I'oor Umu let, two ttioniand elilit htin- died ; tloihtrs. Item '.Hi. 'I i nih 1' LHstrld.Hiiiitt'eii biuulrel und IlTty I'oor Urict, twenty-one htindre! (flff.ro) dolltirH 1 em :H. Movent!) If-'Mlit J dtil nit.. Ami wairim s f-T tha saml "hall he drawn bv th (Inaiill.iui. ol the four, in tcconluiica wilh vAt'.'nt ordimiiiL'i-14, ALKSANItKK J. HAHIM'R, , i'l-uaUi iit ol Coiuiuuu Council. Atleet AUIUHAW Htkwakt. Arsisiuiuni CleoV f Common Ooun II, J.M KM I.V Nf, ITeshh at tf fv I ft ('.lllirll. Approved thin twnty nO'tnh day of liectjinher, An. to 1 ).i mini om-Uiuutaudeifchtluiidredand sixty-lour (A It. ALKXAShKK HKS'ItV, H Aiaoroi I'liilttUfipiaa. E 8 ) L TJ T I O N OfTlisnks to a Siemr Ml'ler, E'. liesolitfi. liv the hr e..t snu t I'lnii.ufl t'oum-iu of the CUy if I'hiisilf li'tila, 'Hist the tlatik.or thebi rini,'ii. are lii'rrliv lee.tcn tn E HieiN'i-riflliler,i-'.S'., latetjli.lr inennf the Loininitti-e oi li.reine aul froteolliiii ol tlie cily of riil)siieltila. luf the v.rne.t anil llli:ieiil serviues pilurmfd hy hint in a olficLl ciiusilv.Miiil slso tor his InK-lligr-tit ssil liriil.ew.irtliy ellrtils tn Shvo trie i lty truiu tl e i-iiforcrmui t ol a C"ti.erltliti law; ami llii- t'li-rks of the snlil Councils aie hereby directed tu Irausuitt a touy vl Hue rctoluilou tu Mr, Alnlir. Al lXAKTiKn J. HAltl'KB. 1'resiUeut ot Couiuiuu Couuvll. Attest- AllAAIIAM RTKIVAHT, A b.l.taut I'lci k Of Comrarin Toun :il. JAMKS I.VNI), Irf siilcnt ol ri.'li-nt ( loencil. Atprovcd tlils'twenty-klxtti ilsyof lim-'iiiMlior, Arinolio. nn nl one tlioussud cshl iiuiiilrud and suty-lour A. U. inbi;. ALKVAKiip.n nKvitr, It H uyur ul I'lnlsik IfhlA. IIKSOLUTION Jl ofTUankitoll Carry I,i ami Ills Assorl.tos. ktisolieil. fly tlie Seli-ct end Comtnun i 'oum lls of the rilyof I'hllH.l.liihla, That tho thanks of tlio people of llm rlty areheichy tendored to 11. truy Laa, Kci, It. 1'. Kins, r..i , Tliomss Wllluer, Kki., John t. MrFsilileu, Bsi., Jo.ish Ittstfirb-ick, Ks')., his u, soclatu oouiuUl sinners ol the llonnty I'lind, lor the emclrnt ierfariiince of tlio arduous duties sooi-plotl by tl fin lu tlie distribution of bounties to voiimtoois, to eulieli'd tueni and tlio clerks of ( iium ll. aie lierouy autborl.uUtu trauantit a coiy of tills rc.oluiiou o esvu couiuilssimicr. , At K A VIlKR J. HABPKK, I'rosiucut l Cuuttaoa Couasit, Arlest- AOIUHAK STSWAIIT, Aseutaut Clerk of Common rvua'l'. 4 A SI KH LVKD, Presldunl of Sul.-ot Cuuacil. Approved this twsntv-slith day of December, Anno TiouHui oue tuoasaad embl tauudrud aud siaty-rour (A. I. ... .... j Mayor m l bhJcluis. CRAHLII RUMPP, rCM.T BIH1K andSATCUBI, M A MIT AOTOBBB, Ate, At. SIX 111 Street, beUw Atna, rUii.AI.hl.rHIA. r arroNM, Afeeeiiis ". Lts.r f vises, Cafcae, ntclile. Aloaev Belts. WvfkVoaaf, Boaters' VaSOS, Uf"8 AML'SLWENTS. 'I-W CIIKSNUT ST. TIVrtATHB. C II sXSK;T ATWKLMII. I.KiSk.J..S Al M j.a. AuV.U". HUM (Wfonn.lsf) VV vis,,!, ii-emUirif, !A.' J1.'". HI I O N hi i Ar Nl' l,l T . . v. k r 1 ."illT HUT 1IS1K I Is-t Mll.t Im-n-I...I Vi,l,l lil On.. I ol tleroivalol.j), ri-.nd Itnitisntle Utislnal rantoinimlel Kl'ft ini tiler In num, Al.Ar,)lN AtiMIIHPf A 1 .A. TH 1 k I TV i AUADDIN, A bA OIIIi A lA IIIN ALA II 1st N i lt, TIIH VOl)K!t A LAOUINrir 1 Al,AIIHNT AI.AII)I1V ' A OAOOINi A I, A llINi I'I I, I.AStl, (lit, IIK WOMlKltl . I, LAMP, OH, THK UllMII Ill't'l, LtMP, Oil, THK VOll. Ul'l I, LAMH, OH, 'I IIK Vtl)M)Klt.rL I. A MM, OH, Till: WIIMll lll t , 1.AMI, I,, li on MoTniiiv end Tih'iiIa.v f.vi nh.ss was rei elvf4 V.M., IM i linl t stl in ol ').' tntr. 1 1 i..sr sui t t:s, ilreaie.l nnr, I Instest Rnore.s, l.teetest Hiirrr... fir- a e.t 80' Iiylbiisie lil, nl luovcrllrwlne. AlsilOiu will be revlvO'l s Hi nil Mi.. Ni.w anii m u; ii r,.vr f-CF.SEltr, N.iw sril Msi nMI. .-in H n. ry, Nfovai.d .Mrtoliiri nt ,-i'ii.'rv, F.l.-i net l'roi. rilf., o irriol Kii. rt., NupiTh ffffslnrnff, e- A.- . ftinl fv.tli fv.TV ainilin v h.n a nl it suoh a Okr.AT HI'I't Kf III IIIMI IMI. MI-.MMK.lt -sKAHOIf,' ' lii.sl Hiirci-ss iliirlns lhe HimiintT ff.-n.on. V1 The Kvioilna's Kiitert.ii.uionl inn foneludo with ttnt 8ci iiiiiiiIiis 1 lino vuntt i rrv. ii immukk. ON S'AII IIIIAV A I IT.K.Vl '.. .il'.ionSfr .11, -IWKVUKlll ClltANIi K'MILV MA'I'IMBB. when AI.AIIIHN w.li he pn snifril for 111 l.i.l lloi" P'.-.lh elv. 1'iti .io, Afliulsiion tu the Ulsiitice, Ju oe.ts to al! parts of thf house f in tii em itt. cfMstn. io.irs oien at )i ; to eotnrneroe at 'IN HIIIiAV AM) RATTItliAY KVKNINtlll, tlrsl sp iiirsn. e upon hm iiukh i AN NIK I' A lie V, a jounu Isily rfslfnnl ol ml rur. M l-'.IUCAN ACAIJKM Y OK MUSIC " Lessee and Manairer JOITV T. rOIi lAl o. ol tin- lloillif.iv Htre.-t 1 hr itn-, lUI'Imore; roid e Nvv Tnenlre, Wuhliliitfiou i and the Alexandria. Virginia. 1 lie stri) Hiuju ilunsuer JOHN D. WHIUUT , LAUT TWO NKIIITS r ii w i if Vo n n k a t. TIIUIISHAV KVK.NINit, I n cimbi r ?, H1IWIN HIKUK'iT, k.iiwix r.nti.Ksi, LUH l V -iiltlir;iT, l.Asl- TIM I'. THIH .). -Kif, LAST TIME Tills bKAHuN, As JACK f'AUK, in .1 ulge Conrud'i ,rrnt TriK tly of JAt'K (lAl)L; nil. THK KKNIIHU KKIIKLI.IOrf. .Mailunns MAHAME TONHI i oiiI MB. JOHN MiXCLUIUOli MtlllAT, Il.rrinbi r HI, lil.A l-.l' l f A si. LAST AI TKARANCE 1 1 kdwin kukiikht, lihrn lie will upinar as I) A MO N, IN IlAMON AND I'VTIIIAS tlllUSIMAI WK.IK.do ri i pisn ut ha 1 past six, and till jvriorni'ii . u null! nt oa lirrci.uly at 1IA1.K I'AiT tsK US, a nd roNCl.utivM a r Tr.N trcuxiK. In fnshle p.rtle, at a disiauue tu return iioinu by the rsaJ " I US. JOHN DREW'S SKVf AUUU ST, lliKAT'kK. HIIItSTHAS HOLIrMYH! LAH'l' Mifill' lit l ONE OF Mil J. N. I'l.AKK a. A TKI11.V risK till. I,. T0-5l.il. t' (Woiloosilsy). Hoieinrier M, I OLIt AJUSIIH A-I Uul'iIN. A-.i Trtnrl.ard J. 8. CLABI1 To concinite with ; PAI L THT. 1 I'aull'rr J S.CLAHKI Hue uoilro will bi' ulv.m of " I ho Too'llos." Hillnv, liKNKriT of J.B. CLAItKK. Meats securod six ilHy. In sitratioo. AY rALNliT KlitEEl' TUKATUE. Till! (Wednesday) EVKNTNQ, bscember 34, ru.or,in dm .ill nr the chsnulng, yotinv, siit v. r-Hillo sfitrtss, I.IICII.LK Wbsil l.B -l. who will nppfsr lor or.o ulht more in Msdime Celeste's uiand Mllilary Uram:i of TUB KRKNCII HI'Y; OH, 1 IIK hliiUM l.il nil' Al.iilKKS. To coucluile wilh the tie. i f 1 Ursula nf THE AliOPT'KU llll.ll! Oil, Tilt: UONKST KISIIl.KMAW. Rox Oftke on from u till 9 u'clotk. Curt.ila rises t7.'a. ABKKMBLY BUILDINOS, TENTH ANI (.'IIKHIJ'r .streets. JVOTlVI nirlTAMUINU THKIlt OUBAT t;aCE88t MK. AMI MUS. IIAUIIY VVATKIM4, , sre comiit-licd to snnuuiKt a. ilioir sdl SSsS Ma LASIX NKIHI'H, WLUNErtliAY, HII'Krtl.AY, ANfl FRIBAY, In cornriu!'iiro ot the lis 1 liaviix buun pro eusanod. " l.ursf anil hrllli.iit a-seni'iliihos ol tho oilio of soslety pionoiiuce riiOiOtiltAt'UlANA the must uniijue, novel, ill. asm!, iH.llltl lKl'L, AND I'HMtMIN.l B!f I'KItT AIN VtfitJ T over enbDiitid to public putroiiatt!. KverylHi.ly iliids a.ine l liltii; among ttinont! iheio I.Ivioh I'tiotourup is of Ki ciMitrio . tiitraolois to liituh. shplaud, and tula about. rholOLTAphiana Is full of exrhont muMIM llANCKS, AMI OOSIIHI .ITIR1. Doors opin at 7 o clock; begin at b. Ticket. 'J-xientst ri bcised sea's oo cuits. U usi.jt A 6SEMBLY IiUILUINOi. SKYKNTB CI.AlMlCAl. MATIN KB rillLADILFHIA CLASI')AI. gUHITETTR CLUB, At HI M. WKIiHF.HHAY, 1 ecemlMsr 3H. UlriKle Tickets, at the door, Fifty Cents. 13 M-St BEAT NATIONAL CIRC0.1, WALNUT I X Fllreet. above ClOHTH Blrertrese. Mrs. CHAalJM WAKlsA (tornjiolv Mrs LIAS tK K). GALA 'i'i MIC AT Till; C1M UUK1MO CIIBIHTMAS WKI.K. The irreat Rarrrlnee Vainlly. tho Vlcoln Tronpo. Tousg Islcolo, 'I aiieen aroihers. Air. and M-s. T Kins', Mo.srs. . Younii. Chin If-s Iti eil, F il. Uoss'-on, Kennedy, Maunders, liachdlor, and the entire troapo of artl.is, oiiuentriani, acrobats, nyuinasts, horses, Uililrs, punli s, Ac Ao., will ai'iear In nay. srand, sioiit, nlorloiis, Rrstifylns, sro t. S'lii", sornoous, piiiuanl p.rfci't, peculiar, plctures'ius. piepossebNllis, Iiie.sure-ulvliiK si mm ol lasoinallon, d light, ssroiiMimf m, nu'l jov, britiyinit the eariuna- toiy uiiiscli'S Into full play, and Hilly dispelling tho 1 thrOHMAJU E8 EVEItT A 1'TEIINO JM AND EVK- MN(I . dnrli'ir tho Clirlsftnas week, uummenclng at Wand 710 o'eioek. tOCKOi Oil. TUB HltAII.IAN APE, will be prutluct-d upou ilia stage ou luusday evening, 27t lllhllint. Ar MtsaiOK. rir.t Tier. Nt oeotet Seoond Ttwrt'ij eeote. Private Hums, aa and Sfi, a. to slse and iocatkia. Get your tickets during ibe day al all times. -so qh ii iMT.'iii.:.TKcrr,jH iT ' This admirable Pletare, tho STaasaet producUon of lUilce painter WHM'P, te now oa oxklbMioa at tho r ACAI.KMY Uf flNM ARTS, o. meoctiEKauTatrfMi, j ToietlutT with tho entire oolltotln otf lhe Inert rotl.a. i Adnilliatioo. T BWTTJI Vg (IRNTi U-IS-fcroai 1 EXHIBITION OF WO UHS OK AIir,l'!" !i U.oltaKKKIToiUie ao CIIH1H I'I Alt OOMMIHUIOSI. n atUie AS'aIikmv or riMH akiS. r An KihlWtloa of a Prt.ate (lol.eoilon of Worts fff I rt lli i'aliitlass, ScMlpiaro. Waier .'oiir, and otner ltawla wv, , rn.n.l... A I. nnw .,. Ilia l.n...lu VH. Aeail.uiy of flue Arts, Ha. Iuu CIIKHNUT lro-,t, r11 l,r' y ,11 v ) HA. ss. u I r.H.. fur Uiu nanunt as It. llnrl.ll.n f m- ' "r. D.1.SI..U. . Aiiml.ala M eenta i Season Tickou SO oemle. U-ttt-1 CITY ORDINANCES. T KHOLUTION Jl oil hankH to Pndea.or K. 1). Raundera, I. I. 1 ..aii K('oivr-iJ, llv U't. htiecr ana (Joiotuuii Douiiclls or tha ,d 1 C tv ol Phitrt la, hut the enertwiU and unil log edontv wh 1 of froji'Siitir Y . I) HuiimIims. I). !.. as Chairman of thiM nn U t oiniuixNlon for the pnyinentof luuty to re-emltied vete- u. tuiiM. unit nmrii nikrtli-ulurlv h a miiMit MkCtil kiki'I Uitiai Ink t tv jir.H iirlnif thr tuli-ino nt o' volumeum to the ronit credit I ,V oi tru i lty, are justly emlth-d uperial arknowladtftuent snpf j a no inaiiMs. ann uaiiritt i inras oi ouuiua anau luruuui v lum with a coii- of this rooiuilon I Al.KX ANDP.K J. HARPER, Pi'iBldi'iit of Couiiuuu Council, Alt' il Assistant Clerk of Common fonnoll. JaMLH I.YND. PrAaliiAnt (if Mflli'i't i 'nnniwlf. Annmvfd this twenty sixth dv of Iw embar. Annt Domini one thuUBaudvlglUhundrwi And sixty-four (A is IMO). ALEXANIlF.lt HKNlji Mayor oi Pntlu'l'' OUniNANCK -rivli- it AN OUniNANCK Tu niako an Aiiprotuiation to tlio OaAiv ' 1'i.or of lhe IncoUlbof cvrlltlll Truits. . . Mi ction 1 Tlio helect and Coiiiinoll Councils of ut w of i'hllaililplila do orfalu. Thut the sum of nvent w iiiuidrcd siul lllleini (frtir.) dollar, and soventv-two JL ,. I 11... !...,...., ,.l nHrl.ln ItU.lN ba Blld t ilO BSDIS It. hereby appropnati'd to Iw apiiltid and oxv ndad lu accurjjfinf th ance with the ri iiiiiiulnolits ol the scleral trusls. jth.ned I I. Of the Income of the losaoy of Esilmr Wateract wis b five hundrod aud niutty dollars aud stsiuesn ceisaseearti. (I'HVIM teruui t i. Of 'tho Income of the leacy of Bernai McMshon, twei.tv eight dollar, and fllfy cents (M ) owsj il. or the liimnio of lho legacy ot ileorjo Biule.,.iiw,i,il four hundred and olghty-tbreo dollars aud rltty con,, lon.cj ( IKI Ml .. lal.ui, 4. Of liis Inoomo of the Inesrv of James iVlJUttllrcaJ inii hundred and twenty dollars (A-itai). . ... ,. -f wu ' h. Ot tne Incoino of the legacy of Aroh bald Tlioi four l.uiidre aud alnely-loui dollars aud olghtoou's SxArmy T tftt'st Isii 4' ease sat ei Of ilia Incoma of tho Kwacy of. WllliHm ChRyouu4ly one hundred aud forty-aluo dollars and tldrty-sU at. ia4li mi) H a. srPa" 7 OtlhelnoomsoftliS legacyof Ann Anutt, nftyp ronulred I 'a! fthelucome of the o.tato conveyed yriavtd la aparoval s IHI .IO and wllo Ut the Overseers of the I'oor tor the lliamud 1st I l'hU..l.hla, In trust for tha Jeilotf ot tas pus W i'J . . 'W-wlitautsfuu'bsiVawn ti, th. OuAM.anTS k. Ill, lour. ALEXANDER X HAlJIi'JJy!:. FrMldeut ticouuiou (,M with SJevl Ati""Xill' Com mon roanc. rre.,de.,JoAfo.,,--VA'.-0:" Ibul). aU-etamdeb h Us W Di I'uli u V i. U aorta . sa OorvJ s. aaas. . laa I ao