iRUi TO THE LAST. 1 jt hnppencd .inst before I wont tip fur mjr ev- nininiiuii isnm uiu cuum;. mo unit win nn-n iliarpm, Ward, Andrews A Co.; and If anybody id told nie iliat my none, would ever fii'iire in u a pnrtm r, I should Lava looked op tlio lav lallve to Iho confinement of lunatics, bjr vrnjr of actice, and for person' apevial bcnelit. ell, the houie Is Ward, Smith & Higgles now, tnrt It may tic Smith, 1) glt t & Smith before Tory llL If Mutter J k ilirre minds bis l"nMo' I" JtWoses 10 work his way on, as his Utbrr did i, ion; him. Hut to go on with my t .ry. 1 w.i, u. out of icy articles; and ai Mr. Warllo Crd,') TVarulc,v.c inpclili vous ymiiifr clerks mod U c id Aim cur managing common law clerk, wan ill, Joor old Mr. Andrews (win unlirtiek Hint prn. b of tbo htiinrss) Fiskol mo to rum-vm mil Jto Ins work wbilo be wns bwiv. An I Kill ftnouKh I wai of the chance ; for, In fie (ir ace, it kve 1110 an increasa ot -a'Ary, wliu u wus i In pnriant ronsiiler.tiinn is lb so ilav. an I letter Mill, it R ive mo iiraetiea and cin ri in. ... of 'which I Hood in een creamer nee. I. I MnV nind owning it now, be nui'e I'rn t jo imo I an Dlilnrn of .lii'k'b tii.iiiii u-v ritn to n.,ii, will have a bad elln toii n,ii; Imt w'irn I wtt tin ac I tliniiirl.t, hko nn th r lo i.i-li fcouim fellow, tiHtlw.n to wonJcrf.i..y lUu-r, jiiat 1 hhou.d tike to lutv m a dink tiki-, lo - without the IrouOloof learning. n a- hooifellow and nr-iit i limn of miiio on i V, yley Ltiwriner, and bin so ioit mi l ex.uiple r.eo'iytbinn but coodiicira to apiihc.iti in. 1 1 ts JAJ t.iHI) a ypi.r of his on, aud was wailing lor ' a roriilfii-aiuii ill the mmo Henri? every biliim.M.'f mv fortunn. nut. urn. Sent and to come, had I. cm sunk in payimitbe rrtmium ana sunup on my a, tk-lci with sar,ias, lird, Andrews X Co., and so y.iu nr.iy suppose at the con p iiiiouship of a kv youns; sodoe ico like Cii.u ev not the i.,-,i thui ,. lo. I-r'i dark on willing a year eonld hive chosen. ieu me into ail sorts of scrapes and ex nua nces; mid when, after eighteen months of BUttirt; about tnirn. t'li ii uv wni ittii tllim- Kn in Her MjrT's th rei'imoni, and ieted off to Inoli, I found myself m di.Il- tii . iiniler w hi. h I groaned for munv a vc ir. .biithe wus a rich:. down rod b.'V s Cliailcy ; aud if I bad hinted at mv tronliles him, they wMilil vi'ry soon hare Tininlie l. it i wus too proud for that: iind Oharler 1 tioiibiea of ins own at atariim;, wliieU rented his thinking ab out me. Thcru was Irl down in Devon -hire, where his family id a c erionian's daughter with whom bn d fiillm in love, and would have married a'Klit oil', but her father, a pro, id mm and de led worshipper of munition (outof ilia miluitl. I oilier views for her, and iruvg my poor friond com mourner, t never couia see any beauty Iiaura Tn garvcn.tlic damsel in question ; and i:r on am w uer lor What sne was a wlnte odod little simpleton. witUoat a slnirli! cood ilny to make hirself or any one el no happy. Charley 'a eye?, however, alia was perfection, I in one of their stolen interviews tliev vowed "hi love and constancy ; and Charley carried ti bim to lieneal her solemn promise never, rer, never to marry unoiher. 'three years pased, and this brines me te thai ia i spoae oi wnen i iiecan my story. I had I finished prcpurini; a brief in a great patent a wa bad for trial in Ouildhall. aa.l was thn t In the office lor It was lute when in caino 1. Kbarpus wi h a Couple of deeds in his hand, d,"0h Mr. Smith," he said, "I am sorry to aln you, but the stationer hat been much bu dband with rfce enirros-intr of this settlement. 1 at it mut g oir to-niRht by the mill in, would vou be so f ind as to assist mn lile iveriry it with the conveyancer's draft "' Now this was mere clerk't work, and I offered do It myself; but be wat always considerate of :ere irouoie, nnu inristed npon holpinfr. So took the draught and read It, while I followed j In the parchment to aee that It wat properly 'iet. It was a marriage-settlement, whereby , ra f hornbury, a nobleman of seventy years of ' i nnd anything hut reputable character, sot i tGO.OOO upon his bride-elect, and this lady s no other than Lanra Trerarren! "I'oor arley!" thought I, at I walked homo, "how 1 1 to break to yoa this rupture of all your pel i" And my difll nlty was not lessened en, a day or two afterwards, I received a letter m him, stating that his regimant waa ordered ne, and bidding me wish bim joy upon the i ispect of again beholding his darling constant era. Veil, tlx months passed, and I board no more I'harlcy ; nor, Indeed, had I much time to think , 'Ut him, for poor old Wurdle'i illnoss ended In " 'iR:atl, and I was appointed, provisionally, naming clerk in bit stead. The assizes were ai d we bud several heavy cases for trial in iiient pant of the country. One of these, the sTie of Btopperty vs. Moss, was entered "ir trial at York ; ar.d thither 1 went by the m lil -foa there were no railways in those dys with ny biiefs and witnesses, and retained tho late .jt& Csmpbcll as my leading counsel. Now York is a charming old city, In which a anger can spend a day or two very pleisaatiy looking about bim. But a clerk In charge of a Jw-sutt, Master Jack, must not go look ing about m, or let uis witnesses cut of his sight; for he ver knows, rroin one hour to another, when his -lf-e may be called on. It may stand half a .eu down on tha list : but if von nrneims nn lis to go ont for a walk, or a row on the river, others are sure to break down, or bo referred, what not; and a pretty mess yon will be in n. It may remain the very next for trial, and m may be told that the one butoro it cinnot t two nours: ana lor an that It may drug tor aays. eucn a case, was mat wuictt tipped the way" before Btopperty r. M. aozen times it threatened to break wn, and a dozen-und one times it got on Its airy legs aeain. It was a dull atfitr; and. for rant of something better to do as I darad not .ave the Castle I strolled into the Crown Court, here (as you must know, Miss Mary) the pri mers were tried. There tat tho judge in his rlet robes, with the high sheriff of the county bis side, and before him three prisoners stand in the dock upon their trial for burglary. I an to chat with some young barristers whom knew, and was paving no attention to the pro tdiniis, when all of a sudden I heard the name !'.oi d Tuornhiiry mentioned by the c unsel bo was conducting the prosecution. I pricked f my cars, aud began to listen to the case. ,lt appeared Hint a day or two before the bnr- rv. Lord burnuury Dad returned wltu uis in their continental tour, anu naa taken ode at hit country-seat; that, in autici- the festivitiet which were to follow, tbo lis grand family plate and her lady, la bad been brought down from his ukera': bat one of the prisoners was a Med servant, who know whore those valua fweie kept; that the house bad been broken .and tha whole of tho silver swept awav; u that another of the accused was caught in net of climbing down from tbe rool of an ibouse close to tbe place where an entrance i been tllcetcd. The case against this fellow ao was indicted by tha name of Ulchard nipson) seemed to be clear enough; that 4ust bis companions rested upon circumstau a tvidence. Cine of them, named Arnold, had 'Hutu in company with Thompson the day ore tbe burglary, prowling a'jout tho park, .M lo the house, in a suspicions manner ; aud a landlord of the ion at which Thompson had 41 staying twore that a man whom he after :i roeognized as Arnold called for the prit kr Thompson the followiug night, und tht they ted iut (ogeiher in the direct on of Lord "mbury'a park. The name of the discarded 'not was 0 U..ra, and be had been taken into tiody in the house of a noted retoirer of stolen Ms at Sheltleld, where, concealed under some t In tho back-kitchen, waa found a ma-s of ft plaio broken up aud partially multe I, b it f ullukntly so to obliterate the marks whereby I'mskjcutilitd as Lord Thornbury's property, f t Jiiached o'd "fence" was indicted a'so; bat f'liliHilnl uniltv. and was called SI I witUCSS ' fm't his cjjm'' Arnold and O'Hara wero I ilfd bytfSrasel, and every d0ilf;e tuatexperi Jir.l I,,..Aiillv iimlil d,.vinA was made use of em off, aud to throw ull the b.ame on i V T litre was a public pa'h ttirougn Atijire tbe former had been seen talamg .J'skj'i: perhaps he had merely askel l e 1 OS44 1 iitug 'e uau acconipiuK-u uiui iu mo kit k-. At in the burglary, bow came it Jl,.-, k .....1.1 . l.a.l ....I al.i. lt.,Mn T-'V , IIPUUCI AlliUlUI Ui m'w w-... 'll,.m l.A lurwii.0,0 WAS ''i of the old Jew "fence." No one hd w firing tua stolen piai 10 opBiimm. " else might have taken it to me Jew s d tin-rowan nothing to "bow thatO'IHr bad character of that mansion into fo inKtf'sted In ilerenuets lie micm In ii.Tcigled, and o forth, aud so on. Hut were tot to be hnmbjgged, and after a tosali a found Arnold audi) tiara guilty. 1 1 no doubt about Thompson ; had be not ' lieejsjv,U2i,t in the act f This prisoner fv 3.1 hud &nkfl no niiesllon if unv of against him ; and upon being aiked to sT anything In hi- defense. l ids head, "vtnniwni ne g.t.' g barrpter in front of me, "Oil, ten 1 1," said the friead he addretsad ; "It's but what a good-looking lellow tbe tat York Cistl it panelled In at tha msi-a a good height troui the ground. 1" tort or gangway there it to tne d ooui,j ouiy ice the back of tho oval tt C I ua w '1 4 to k'l ta LTt llUfeSM'J ITlsnrers' brads; to when I hesithe nh.'T n mark, I began to press forward, olf curiosity tnscrwhtt sort of a looking man ' Ulchard i ncmpson was ; nut my atenilont diverted by a rustling of il'ks, and iho tt moment l.nnra, C'onntess of 1 hornbury, csctd by her oble spouse, appeared on the Mi. and was politely hnmlcd into a seat on leit of the judpe by the high sherllf Now think that fandsouie, wnll-dressnl women aj ornaments in marly every seme; but 1 ranni'eur to see thim In a criminal court, and havio patience wl'h the morbiii rurlosiiv whicbrinirs them tin re. It was thi rt fore with no plant feelings that I beheld my line l.rly lrfrng in her Initial, and c -imp ising beii ken skins in presence i f tbe poor devils wM'ero to Iind tl eir wav to the bulks. I thong) of Chtrl. v, end contra! tul his fine manly ill and op;n brow with Ihc deerepi l Inn'. s id satyruke f'litnres of Ho old icprobi'e whom sh fed nld herstlf. There sho -a , nd and eold benttid as ever, vi bl 1st the j n'ijiro e 'de I t ) puss feiiti on lit hind Thoron, who was now alone in tbe dm k, leniin nv'ho fro it rail with his face I nr'rd in b s baiulallo tin I st i h! t'p Fternly enoiiKh during the triund whde his i imipunioi s we e riceinni; sert 't; but n iw be h i m. d to t nve tin. ken down His lor Iship bru lly recMpi tila'cd the cvid. ncind o'iserved that it was unpus ilde tor any in of i-ensj to dnubl tlmt be I ihe p-is.oiei) was l!y, nnd hid hinoneof the lenling perp tnrs. If not th" hs l tig one, in that int serion. Imo. 1; h d ciu'iilly bven i ar luPv plaiin. nd oHv too me eMnl! en ' rici I out ; but the k I of th'i law Iniil lenchid the guilty p.iribs, "i I sh mid b s ri'l tely waniini! In my duly," d ihe jit Igo, "it I ni t pa-s upon you a sere seiitcnce j ti iid tie sentence of the court K lis; ,y c trans. 1 1 rted bi iondtliO s. as lor tho fi of t se i'y Vis." Hun Ihecmvit Ih i-ufli r.u;e 1 Ins I end, Mid tinned to o,uit the il ill an 1 h h' tin in (I, bis f. a ures were reieale l me. Th y eie tl o-e of ( liar'ey I-awri iiv ! I Maried back iu Hiini.e and lion! mid a vni.-e bevde me exc auied, "(Hi d aileir, look! 'flat charming Lady Tlioru' funted! What a Fhame It is that there is mlu tt r veati lation in llii-sc courts ! They are liy Mill ne " K dlling, li.deed ! 'I nev seemed to 0 as thou :h they wire being whirled round 1 in too cia er of a vokuro in a ive irruptl. Moppi rtv vs. Moss ended in a idiot for our client the plaintiff , and I received' .r commen dation on my return to town fore manner iu which I had managed it. 1 deseti n i praise at all. lly some Iu ky ehmee tu's went on Mtioo'lily ; but 1 was all the nine iniorC'liarley's cell, nnd knew no nn ie about whiwas going on in ci. iut ilian the man in the iiiou'i 1 was coining from the o.bee ot . governor of the gaol, a here I bul been to get ivo to seo mv fiiend nnd he was being escorti d'oui tbo place ot ilctttilion under tbe dock, whewe met agiin nndir such awfully changed eirnotancs. lie rcn guized inc in a moment, tued aside and sprang lightly past me not sucsing tint I knew bim into his ell, whiclwas close at huiid. I followed, and then heurned rotitnl upon mo, almost savagely demtlliig what I meant bv intruding uikjii bim. ' 1 j't you think I am sudlcienily punished," he atd, in a cold, hollow tone, "without having the lends I have displaced coming here to glint ov me ?"' "Oh, Charley," I n plied, ' you ununt think that I have eomo with such a mole. Uc-idcs, you have disgraced no one. Tiro is somo horrible mistake; you ure not giy, Charley; you know you're not." I "Were you over yonder when I 4s tried ?" he asked. "Yea ; but up to tho Tery last I d uot know it was you." "Have you heard the judge savoat It was Im possible lor any man of oeuse to debt my guilt ?" "I did ; but " "Hut what?" "Charley, you arc not guilty, on a thief!" A faint suiilo crossed bis face 1 1 spoke thus, but It iiuh kly vanished, and hesiwored gravely, "None of nsean tell what we nf become; you fee me as I am." I had rushed to his side to ge him mv sym pathy, to lie indignant with hitngaintt tha cou apiiucy of which I Mipposed in to be the. vic tim ; und to sco him st indin before me ihus coolly, without one word of thiks or greeting explaining nothing, denying nbing, but rather gting mo tacitly to under.-taucbat my preseace was unwelcome, a nil he would adly be lefluloue vexed me, and I replied : i 'You muist have changed ndeed from what you were, if this is your rsrption of au old friend, Charles I.awrinco !" "Hush!" bo exclaimed, sclog mohy tho arm. "Never mention that name ariu. Charles Law rince died the same day that jchard Thompson tbe burglar found hiin-elf iu Jl." "lio you mean to tell mo nit yon had act or part in that robbery ?" "A jury of my countrrnii have found me guilty of it," be unswered, iruddy ; "Is not that enough ?" "V liy did yon not writo tone f Why did you riodetcr,d yourself Why, It, Charley " I itnpprd, not knowing what tfav. "Wbatwas tbe use?" he epliod. in a sot'tor tone than he had Tiitherto ted; "I wat cau.'lit ill the act. What could I sti.r" "Charley," I a.iid, "look min the face." lie did so. "Now, tell mo," I contiued, "and tell nie truly, I implore yon, by the nemory of our old friendship, what wero you olng that night at Tiiornl.urv Hall ?" "Go and ask the judge." , "No; I ask you." "And I will not Indulge yur curiosity; wait till to-morrow, and you will nd all about it in the newspapers. Confound '., mau ! is it not enough for ono day to be tied, convicted, and condemned, to be transpoitcl'or the best part of one's life, without having aconlossion wrung out of one, like this ?" "Then you refuse to tell me be truth ?" "1 do." ' Then it is not true that you iarticipatcd in the burglary r" I demanded sudduiv. He Hushed crimson, theu trrned deadly pale and stammered, "I you I-dli not tay so. "Hut I am sure of it," 1 answered; "so sure that I mean t iseek Arnoli, and Hud out what you really were together aoott. He can have no object in concealing the trub now, and then" " Well ?" "Well, I shall beg an interVew with the judge, and tell him what I suspect." : " And what ao you suspect ?' . "That sou wero at Thoriiburyllall at the time that tbe burglaiy was commuted but were in no wise engaged In Its coiiimls-lou.' " K'nr guzing, I suppose " i "No; you wero thire toseeibrt false woman." "What false woman ?" " I.nura Tregarven that wai, Lady Thornbury that is." "Dab !" "I am sure of it certain " "Well then, look here. Jack imith," he replied ; "think so if you like; tay s to others if yati dure; but remember this hntcvcr story you may get from Arnold shall bellatly contradicted by me on the first opportunity It will be ouiy the word of one felon ag.lnst the word of another," be continued bitterly; "and so it will end. better leave it as it is." "Charley," I exclaimed, "ytu are tho noblest fellow in tbe world; but pause, I implore you. Think of the life In store for fou; think of the mcrillte you are about to m iki!" "I have weighed all that." "And to screen her will you jo to the hulks ?" "Yes." "For twenty years ?" "Forever, if need be." "A woman who jilted you ?' "A woman whom God bdp me ! I love, Iu tpite of all." And here bis loved reservo,gave way: his long-pent-up emotions burst forth, and be tank upon the prison-sent, t Urie l hit faci iu hit bands, and lobbed like a ch.ld. For three bonis I remained diere, expostulat ing, arguing, entreating mm togive up his rasu resolve but ull in vniu. He uiiiuitted that my suspicions were correct, but wa determined to play out to ibe lust the part he bad begun. .Sooner than breathe ono word that witild compromise Lady Thin uhiiry, he uau prepared to end his days us a felon. Mi monthi afterwards, when he had tasted some of tbe honors of hit situatl n, 1 tried again, ai d again failed utterly lomove him. At lust Hie tune arrived wbun, uiulur the regulations then in Ibrce, be should be shipped oil' to some penal settlement; and Iu despair of saving him byoiicr melius, I it-solved to see l.tuly Thoruhury ; loher humanity if she had any and implore her to cuve myliirn l from lrmself. Sha had left F.ngland shortly atter tbe tr al, having evinct I a preference for con'inental life, nnd was living at l'aii! l ot upon the best terms, so scandal said, Willi her lord, no wat maiuy leaioiisot nor, am: I t pl ber iu cous'.ant torn.r of tveu personal vio lence. '1 hero were those who said that he had jjone beyond threats while lie recommenced his old nay jf living. I sought her in I'aris, and found that iu oueof hi jealous his be had spirited her oil to Lisbon. I followed ; but found that thev bad left iu his yuchi for a two years' cruise, and no one knew w here thoy had gone. It might be to Constantinople ; it might be to Copenha gen ; no one could tay exactly ; aud when 1 re turned to London, 1 discovered that the convict shin with ('barley on board bad sailed two d lyt belore luroutu Australia. Tbe nndctrrved reputation that I bad gained in the case of Stop) ny vs. Moss procured me prominent apiKiiiitment as managing clerk and a ji-oiiiifo of futnre partnership with Huarnus, Ward. Andrews fc Co. : aud business poured in a pun me to fast that I am ashamed to lay I forgot poor Charley; when one day, abo::t two years alter his exile, a lady in deep mournl.ig was ushered into my private room, and the first words the said were ''Oh, sir oh, Mr. Smith, tome thing must be done do pray tell me what to do for C har for Captain lawriuca." "Caiitala Lawrlnee," 1 replied teverely (for after the lint moment of surprise at luting thm TnE DAILY KYENIKG TELEGRAM. rimBFj iahrnptly appealed to, I recognized my visitor) " Captain Ijiwiincp," I said, "ha been trcacd .st a iru n lor ncany mrce yrars. it is s nnewinu lats" now, I think, to inquire what can bo dono for bim " Oh. te, yt," tbo cried, "it It sii it Is to; ut ion do uot know Ihe life I have Inert led. I noii Id have dunned Places with bim willingly. In k I ere and here; and she turned up her sleeve nnd threw hack her hair, dltclosing two lei p tears, one on her arm, and tho other on her le. "lie struck me there for no cause at II,' al e sa d blip rlv ; "he has often struck me. f he bad known about Ch it ley. be would have killed me." 1 L n r be told mo her miserable story. It ap peared that, l.i. king c ursg i to tell p or Charley of bcr fa si hood, i nd iho approaching marriage i nd winch she bud l et n lured by the d vzle of a con ret, the bad wiitten to bim up to the that of is departure from I ndio ; tti it h iTln la Jed at a tin ulli, he mile to bcr father's house, and there h arm d tbe truih ; that artua'ed bv a m id re to see her once, agtln, he had h t ike n him n il In Thortibiiry Hall ; Mini, having seen her In the grounds, ami not daring for her sake to ap prom h, bo wioto a wild desperate Icier, lin I I'.ritig bsr to seo him once more, if only to tell . ! . t. mi that she was h ippv. and if sho weto not Ms he knew loiiic'liirgot' Per husband), to lly with ti i ii i ; that by id lin k he intrusted this letter r ileimry to the man Arnold, who was irpwimg ri out for trs own purpo c ; lb it bo iiciivid Ir in biin bcr uns.ver, iu wbici slia nlid him a 1 .si interview in the iialcmv f Iut bi ; II nt she bail part dnith liuii tin i lib. nt oi.o o'i luck ; that the alarm of roli'M-rs was not git en until nearly three; and lio t up to Ihe moment when she Ik ml him si nit u. eii as i ne f tbe burgl n s slie n.'ver s.m I ( i le but that be l. i l depart.'.!, a id rem n I t bit h tn . 1 he 'u t was, as I ui'i. ruanls f.ian.l, llu.t wlii e 1'ii ssiiig her to lly wit'i him she had tMii from lin side, and ro'ired without ill. Ing bun I. ncwell ; nil I tb it he hid wind. i urn hu'ainst In p e that she wou'd return, till the alarm i:ien, end he was raptured, as In f. le lit -cnl.ed. it a'so transpired that a ser- ii. t in the hoti-e wns i'.iiir.i.-.tte m the roll ierv : that li e pla'e was oiip tlv siinpud out of a side door ; and Hint the window near which my fi iou 1 had Pei n lahcn had iiten liroKi u only as a ruso to avut suspicion. Hut aftn all, the mo t imp irt- lit Hi loi in ot H in that l.ady l liornoury v' ive ma was that her brute of a liitbband was dcjid, and she could now disclose what would save poor ( hurley. i e 1, to make a long story short, 1 took li.T straight oil to Il.e olli.-e of the I'll li-r-Sccrct.iry f the Mate tor the Homo lleptrtmcnt, an J alter n p od ib ni of i.rtthei ttioii und n- l-tup ry, a tr-'e I in i'oii w;i in cordi d to lticlnird Thompson; tint is to s. iv, Her Mar. sty was graciously pie iso I t panlon nn innocent man lor his having been wroi gfully convicted as a felon! Hut tho result a, Hint Charles l.iwrcnce came homo, was ro iiist.did in bis regiment, and And married I. a lv Thornbury ?" cag;r!y ds- nun. di d lilt e Mary. ( mm, no, n piled nitu : "but ho never nmrrled any one e'se." & WEIGHT & SIDDALL No. lio ?Tnrkf.t Ptreot . W. WttlOUT. V. lIVetAU.. DRVOOIBTS, THYSICIANS, Can find ftt inrti Mutltmcnt a full assort mnt4' lMpfivl tnd n;enlo lrafli, Ttipalar Patt nt MrJfr4non. f ftluta. oaJ OU. WHidow Ulam, Pr--r tintton Vlabt, ., at ai tow twm ai t-iistJi flnt-olajt Krxij aa l 9oil. For C7Wfcin, In foil variety, aud nt lh bM4 qmmitij CfxinHi, Bca4 lDJlh, MalJur, 1'nt Aih, OndlMar, Krxia inh, A him, Oil of VHrtol, annatto. Copper, VAiraot 1 I,onood, Jt., FOU DMLUA- , tlwaji oohatrd.ii kwit nt tia prlt?. rKB WPirm FOU FAMTI.T tT, OmtiBd txpreaaly fr our skkit and to vfeioh wt lavita tlt anon ik n of Ummc la want;uU)t artktoa. Alto, IMDJGOt 6TARCH MVHTAkT a mrir Or1ni bf mail, or city poat, win mi wtth pnp( aU Untloti, or spfclal qwitdoni wUl b farnilid wba r- Whoiwttl Dr Warfaa, MU-lT K. 119 KAHXST tftraM. abOT Fc.A. DXArNKflrt.BLINDN'CSfl, AND CA.T.KRa. -J. IR4a H, II. p .FrofMior of tha Kia aad Kax, Mwata aH diaM ap).t'rtiBioif to thaaotyre uiMnlMtr. wit Wia atttotrt HiifKwaa. TaUm nialu fram ha ra m( rtrilki ourrt In ik tKv ran bo at ale otn( MV I'MH HvM. ThaMdrni Kacutty ara InrlUfl M aecooirMaT ulr oat!! ., ba haa do aaaratt tn hia praoit. ID Hii W MUTE VIKOIX WAX OF ANTTLUH. Thia eianlM't1 f'tiimKc haa no aonal fur bantarV- Irf , whlianlni', and prnon liu the eompiealrwi. Ii la pra- pmrd (ram tut white , hnce hi extraordWiarjrt-jia uaa ftr prearing ttie ikm, making It aoft, fair, a'ux(a. 4JW trauiitari'tit. it it moat sKiau,g arior timvuiir, eu.-vj i-.appoa tan 4a and Upt. ruiova punplta, bkittwitia, wb, fr'U'. or nanbwra. ana parti a pearl r Wot to itia aa. ajt-rk, and arnui. Price 5. 60, and 7i cpn(a. BtllT 0., Mo. 1J6 H.hKV tSTli 6 treat. ao4JMo.4L a tfl .UTO ri'araat 10 - oa F. II K O "V PC H HJTI-DYSPZPTIO POWDER, As saoftkiut prrBIIvs tar last hmI 4liilriftlBf aplaABt Ia inao f toot ftsartttt K has atlkrta truly wua darfal rcasr. IT 18 TURKLT TEQSTABI.K. rrtFuiiKD at KltliDIUtlOK JtKOWN, Jirvsi't sot (Tiwuilst, x.b r.riiTn in omwaor urn., rkisatJa, 11-Mil Aaa fcrsalk7lia(islatsia'alir. nni.ATRT.pniA borokons' HA.NDAI.a I I tTR, No. U HtuU 1TINTH atrx.1. Iito .Msrkrt. UaplmrM .-adiMlly rS ('. EVKKKTT'H frioiiluM tfmzi araStiSlms f rk s rs TrDHl. HyncrlOT Vlum tlsJU. vtastit ritockksc. Rapportsrs. HhoalUar Mfm us. Bass- torl-. CratahiM. Ae. LaatM KtsonM bv lfrs. a. C. VftSKTT. mm If VS.. t'HAKLBS UUBtril 3 Parflv ImtiOrUi! rRI'.NCII Tf.MAl.V. Mf.'l'in snt, KSnaiiUd In all run. Mrs. CIIAHI.VW HU KR r, Ob toitr'eal fiivslcian. rntisrft asd ifll-i prlvaia tot Utiits A toil j w ia hot amu iiauu troaa, No. 1019 COTKIi Bl'RKKT, H 16 1m WiiHtTinil. SHIPPING. nnsTriN nn atrTl.nRT.PHl A f li2. HtasmahlD l.itip. ssllint tr-m seli prl oa ku.M a. rra ImsuK iu nl airrai.rsila- th'a. i.d ia b.srf, hoinai. F'r tral wkAil Abovs PINK u-el.iin SatU'tAT. ininbaf M. B0i. I'll sitallistup SAM'S, Mi.lUil-wt, will SAIII rom Plitla di li'tuslfr ll.iaiuii.oo Hs urdar . litxeiuiii-r HI. at 10 o el his. A . U 1 sn1 the it. amnii NliUMAS. llaasir, Irum lioiaua for l'laldi-lilila,uii ,ly.l i P. sf . Tbfsa ntw nd tit.awntuU cioaniaarpa f STB A ragaltf taia, aailasf from mi:- ,aiiuallr oa Saturdays . tnaaraitta air.atad at bn balTlba araaaluaa m.Vil as aia Tuaaala. fraialiu labaa at lair rait. Miiviiara ars raiaaatad M Mia BaaetpW and Blot Laitiu. wlui tbalr si'siaa. tut riaurtilurraaaaaia bvtiw aa aiKsrmn-iaBl) anlta HtXMT WISS11H A 00., JaA-t Va.Ua I. fcaXAWAk Aa.nua. ni'THiiiK .sr.. COAHTWIsK blr.AMsilte I'OVPART S IW rKKIUIIT LINK IUK NaW KII1K, audci iiiuctlct tr a.l Xoari ami Ea-'arn nlilo tai hear irii.a. vhiiik aiary 'rir.m.Ai, TU L KhbAY, AM) BATI'RIlAr, from Ilia CVmiai; 'a wl-.arf. t r,l ai va Ka rm-it, aa4 Ntw Icrb, fis-ui flfr 11, biorth Knef, oa saule Ana, al :ir u. r.a - r;b,'hl,vhUli will tw rvselvtd itallr. hAiidiol in tl. ra'foil ti.arn.-r. aol diioau.1 anb U.0 ,rtsa.ts.aaj. lid' h, al lair isin. a... iv 10 ' Sl li.UAM J. T A Y LO II . 00.. :sd. 'i.u :n.r.b IV iiA . 1110 3m f.TT fTRAM WKI-.KI.Y TO LI -Ji-a poal. Uinil.lnv at Ijuasislown, Ooik il I lit w ,1. KMiaa ao.ttii.trt of U.a l.oaiiMI, Mia .il, aud eci'adi vf.:.i, Hiiui.ab,p i&mpaD are uiuucd K aail ai a.llos a : K ANiiAMiO, Patunlnr. 111. I ITT OK ealurrlav. Janiuiy 7. Qi-ITV Of LONIiON, aaiuiAay, .Uma.rH. and averv ,ueciUiis-bAlurUaj, M auoa, rroua Plar Nt II Mi.r-I. Rltrr. KATK. tr FABSAim rtTAJH.B rW Cl'HKKNCT. rtrl Cabin tlAeld Wiiv tuO-W rtral Cabin lo l-t l.doD 170 IX, Hltra' 10 I.orulou... ss 0 1 r.l al Tl k. I ana.. Hai W Kuarasa U !, SO-Ot Fliat CaWn toltioniii-tiiue Bta. K lo llAiah'irit. 71. W) I'aaiHintfvra alao roniardasl u ll.ra. Loamtia, Hoa taflajii. Aiitwari,. Aa.. al aiii.alW U. rati. Tama fr. m ijvaTpooJ or ijuaanaU.wai First 'alila, ttw, tl'". Vim. rs-earnta muo l.oereool and wih-i-ks town, 10. rh'ta wlaw wlah 16 al Iut Utaif IrutuAa aaa bfiv tifl st, hart at klina ralaa. iur luitlia lukirauauua a,'tr at tka Cemnany't aMoaa. ."ilia itAi.a, Asia,;, a. IU WiLHlT (hi, riuladelpbla m-rb KOR NSrT TOHK. DRSPATCTH fBL&MSCZZI.Bn'i Hwif., Lih, TK laiawaia ana katiuni anal. Tb aaaaoMrs of ansaa toaa ara laavina aai.y ai ia ua aa., aatu a anwi r. ja., rreai iraau AOOTS warn wi airvwa. for, wtioh win ba tabfa na tronBimMttinc twrmt, uiWlLUAal at. tlalKO 00., M. mtP lE'ltAVf AJlA) ATaaua, Dn. w. n. MFmvfx r, ro -s columwivo,. TllCHIKoKr MfcDIClMil. ,ru ooyr.irfiir.ii rmv R ion, dabk, ai'd lcath ohKiioacR Rr.Mcnr, M MM lh raal In.llaa ninrMtt nrra all dlaaaaia ot tna rinarv nriar a, anrh at In- toi.tinrnra if lha I,, Inntmatloff nfthf llla.tiler, Iiitlammailon of tb Rki Tify t. Humt In lha Hisdriar, Htrlrtnra, (Iraval, ltflt, 1 nnrrhT s. aad It t tpa.i at y reeommrrtita.1 In thos asea or riaor Alhut (nr vtHtra (a rVmaieai wt.ara MM M MM MV AI MM JIM M4 1 II MM MM MM UK H V MM MVnM it M vt H MHM, MM HA aU tha old nauaisius uiedl au.a bare faiird ITI VC. IXCCl ' n; cr ti CO CO CO CO CO CO CCCOIX 1; cure ft I preptrM In a MM enrntr riled mrm, Ibe loia aid) ht'lhK from me w two ta iP'XHfui ft-rf Um-- per ir. It Ii dlarrtlo and alterative In lt ctitn; pur-finr and cla'Mliif the bl.Hj 1, cAiitna it u H-w in all Ita orinal porlly and Tltf'T; thui r'iiio ttnj rmm turn H?.trm atlner niflu i'vi'm wuioa tiava in duced dmeaae. pmtmiKr.11 "vjfa!. TIi in la Uitatiilad as an ally ar asii'tant t tbarHF.KO (F. 8f M FUT, an. I U1..0M ha aard In noi'iina'ii.n wub lhal niaillrina Hi aHraiaai l..rt..irt,.i a, l.lrt, yiinr A Ihita or j'hltaa, lit ara halint, t'soUiiiiA, aiid daip.ilraiil ; rarnnvteg nil ara dtiis- host, (h.rili a. and pi'n in-u-ad .f lha luirn na ati1 aliinat anandurati a pain U at la aivrines.d wilh n-arlv all U.B al.etu quas-a kijeilitilit. r kit KP HE K.K K'KFPF-:raj n th ne f the (TirO RF. KKMV1I md i'IIK KmsKK I ll')N ih (nn ini'-liilii'-i nt the il'u limn a l !,tir pr iti ( t viT"i r r-mo !. ani tfii wt'kcitf.1 T.'lti irr at.rf.t i ri'-t'-n-J to full vlrf r and itrotuMb. t tr full paii.-ninr- Tt nnr pami-ljltt fnm inr Jnikj mi. (n tl.f cotj iv nr. r wiit im. tml wtU n ail frw 10 iij atlilra.t a (u4 Uc it 111 nn iui iti III IMI Ull lilt ,'innrn imiihim Mlltllll hlitlMM nn mi l!'t tttl Ull UU nutnoKpit n ur.-An nf'ftnirif rnre r ri(in-l-'rr' .1 "im nl tVi'alu e", !t, ctun al rnn1i n, and nil ! r-. raii-d by Hc.i' n- iimMni, piit h a L""1 VtiTintY. liutoual l.-ta.i-turif, linj in t: I'-t-'k, iMitinan of in. l'rina .1 r. (iUl A(.t W.aW Nrnn, r-irt't uiiy uf H enttniw, T'eiiihliUbl, Vi riAjinr-m, T mt'Mi'n- --n t r, t'a Vvm iitt-nni i't', 1 ii-m(i v . Cmi - MHH1'UIM Di .ti in im M Ii'. 1H 1H J ' 1 w I'lt lu I H'l'MI'lMH) ui tl. a. and all f I ! ji ul . 11; ollitN 1 Hl' l V.T 1 1 a' t- .iiftfi'Mi. ti' path uf nature. Thit mMioine 'i a -imple, q etlf,t, and oie on wtiUh all tn rriv. ai It hut brcu liiM In onrpiao tlf' f-T many ,vpnr, and 1 ! trat"'l. It h n i f.iiifd In inrl lntnn e, lit cirtv pow ere aavo tN-eit luitiol"!)! lo gun vl'tnryuvcr Ibo m at alut'lwira oa-e. 'I o th'a" who hve th'li'd ith itijir voiimiuitioiiM mull llifr tMnk tlafmrtclre te "tid U T-H' H of tiit'dli til a il.wo would av iR4aih .NOI ! the t'HKKOM.K Cl'KH will nature ki t btaiili and vk-.r.aii l aAr all nimt A Joe tort oae railed. FrFFFFFFK r 1 f.tiii-1- h. K t K W.VK r Ml F.K K.KFFVFrs PK. WTIIOTTTS RR.TT7. VFNATIKO FI.IXIR; or, Fhm fiKe ot lA.t'. rn'rared fn in pure V'Dt'tabi K . tract, rontamii n thir( im Mil IMI mi IUI Mil IMI IMI If 1 1 HU injur ioaa to um mmi deli cate. ihn Ki TnaMn riiMr Ia t(.a rt'mili of inoit'Tii dl.-co fi'a In ti e vriceia b!e kiiu'dtira t being an entire!) nevr and a fit taw I meiiii'd if curr, lirriii.c-tivei-f all ti e old and wvra- out i it -iui. Thla medtrina mi hfa te-ioil iir ine mrMt ml nntit m'dtcnl rnn of the Ay, an I by tiifiu pr nuitnot'd to ht otifl of the prfsUrFit nteilkal diaewTariaj iaf tho aas'O. diivto te wUltun Oona- rl rx-bil tr. A ff w il' it i core UjitoHta In aMuiaiea Doe little enrra palpMa tlfii uf ihe Heart. A it'vf ilitFtcf, restart tht ortaiiH r Kf ntTaii-m. ruui one to Hi r i -a hot ties retre tho maull nt aud full vigor of nnttHtlRRTTR BlU klift l;kK Kit I. It Kit T.KK KtaKKHUKK K Kit It It If II I. UK l!KFt KKR ywuia. A few doiea rstor tha ai'Pftttut. 1 ur noniri rare ice wi)ia care of IrDputonrT rorrc A f'w doattj cure tue low J'lritrti. ft 1 '? CO Otl tne btttw restore! men wo tal power. A irw annn orini .ne roia to thf ctieek. 1 biB mlu-tne reiiorra 00 CM to vgor and rntu- ht-altb U.a poor d hill taitMi. wurn-dtiwn. and tifi palr an deHMi u( iuiiku pica a 1 a. CLVOO THIS ELIXIR rnrea Ur trrta,(loneral IVMltty, Pal pitation 01 ti e Moan, and lmxU'n(r. It ruetoma men tal power and tne appetite, and canaa mo rote to m 'int the vhi-fk of pallor, and tha at'titmiid mau or w-.tiiao to iwi vIvotomfi aud atrniiK, tho rutin and ainl'l-J-m t'Uxnf to courta tJiroiiti erry vtln, the nfcvra to lia.'onifl airooit, and tbe tliea taf new liio and vt'or l re an'rnaru the entire bmly, buiUliiiiC up iho coniiUntlon, raeio,nia' y and Ufe to in ny a Dad aud dakaued flieorUa. r0 oti'1 Ot) to 000 04 N) roi OOi fKo 000 0000 CHFhOKFF. PM 1,81 Ml iAK OATII IF.VAl Fa Kfa-il'LATOp, HEALTH PKFSF.KVIill, i't.Hl AIH AND HAr K. For lha nnoal of tb- Itrtirtintiv. and thn lnnr ane of RatxcltrHy In lha K.eeiretirti uf Um t au.i It loda, 1 htjr cure er nbTfate thoM atuiacnitia ulaeaHt'-a tnat tfrtrirlrora lrren ularlt T , by ramuvLog ha urri'uiai'V7 ItaelT. Tht'y cura noprvtd, Kxoeinive, and rau,iul laoa tiuetioa. Tiiv ure Oreva Hlck nePA iOii.irlj) 1 Iney cure Hprvan and Ppmal Aife.'t'ona I'ain iu the hark and lower parta ef thf Uot I, lnaik Fal Kue on Hik'tit Kavertmn, Paipitutlou of tne Heart, LiHnt'ni of Hpiritii, llvi' rn, ttlrk Mfatlaohe, (iiJll-rt-ea, Ao., Ao. in a word, h removinuibourrnijuiarltr, ttm? rtiinovit the eaue, aad with It all tt. tuaxii Ual apnug from It. K KK K& KK. KK Klk IK KK KK. KK KK KK KK KK KK ft KK KK KK KK Oottipoied ef alrap'a vera- tabia emicts, iftty ctintaia a-ithlr deltHrl yfl to ay contiiuMrn, however dell rate.tlielr function bt-diK to ht)Utu:e atrviiKUi for weaa pai, which, wlit'B pro? ily URt d. tbry never lall to do. 1 hi'V may ba anWy UDd at aay aita and at any peilod, 4.rctpt during tl4 rtiar fiofiaa, dunnK which tiia nntktllnit natnte of their a: tln would InfaU bly raa vnkT pruK nancy. P.IFFF.FFtFB PFFKM r h t-.K FK II k f F.RR FKKtM FB KKKFEFFKFI JU.:iU.t.-.hLK In tfceCHICOKFF. MKIU etnri, the tialurMiuiie wlu find a 0y of dMietame fr m auiirrinit and pam. r day ) I Ddid and hf a fiiv thai no kMrAr u(er without 1'ffcB'Hion or reprse, eitiier Uirounh intr acfiarr quarki or m- tH tiintyciuauoui prepaia- (irlB. The k,niarrkaaMedirtni:i" aiw'i.D.pllkb ibvir rauaoui thulr Miianclt'Atfun. An tiua''el a'lun a nr. a ,o a BDitabie. aud to proitti of anlrai k o4. 1 niedl ernes wri u:te. In tiy aad vriy t ae. fiiii!iil and ru ir-fMI ni fiiii-.U Iu Uo tiiLt uf ivetd. Fft v.rrm r. i Ki.r.i.ti.Ki: KK t. y v.vyy: r t- l.r.B i h i t.n:vv.i: i: K1K1 l Kh r i i; KM K N M Trleae of the Piernke Me. ii uiea -Cherokee Keme iiy, ti a botti.ur 3 bottiea l'r$ t'herofc.' Ir-e-'tion tl a bo'tle, or 9 boit'ea for a. hfroke Cure, $i a t..LtJ.-. or a hott.i-a lor tb I.r. fVrl,'bta K!n:r, ? a bottlf. or J botMea r b. Cbnolfce Hilti, tor ftjuinlea, $1 a ba, or loa fur . 'Ff:F.FKK',".K V.l'.M.KV.t. td'.ti r L. K r. : l . K Kr.KKF.CKI r i KtKl KKtvKJ We tai 1 a 1 tre iMKKO- Kr.R X r. Ut IN t H hy K. i rri ( xrvpt tne 'i.e-okta ruU, tf.i a.'C tint !, In v t.fputtiwe), on r.' 'pi of it. i e. Ut h'i v p irt f tr . l llit'J world, it cir ly packed, In u'-h a uijtiiiiir till; no ine thrdUKh w.'U'H' nundi tl ey mT yt wouid know the iM-aionitJ. MtiMi r Kntlemon can a.larti u in niriti't runn-d- i.vv , and wv will In all i . fmukly anavr tint? It iter, aU tl rfivt- "ur L'latj.'Oii Vhf r iUTCKKK MKDI-oi i l.sMt .tit- joid i 'j, ..11 fi.-.i r- tt in n k tiri't.-' n t.i- lit-il w r 'l. Potre ut j-rm-t id il d i a, liov. i-r. ti y lo actl wuiiMt m ton i-:-t in i hi. 4 te v v Ui' o whu lj tt ay run t t a rttup tuh. and Ti.-kt' linTO htont y by SftjrK ll .in U.t r (Mi ,,n tho t'HKU K KB Mr M' lNKtK At ou vah a w ur rien th- ni. the bt-tittn I )dur cff'piu t' do not Imj dfft-unl I y t-ui-h ui i nn (ill. tl drr 'ft. Af.v ii f IfiKHC Mr-I'ICINKN, and tt ll ndi -llJall s.1;.' i, ft .l.i' no uilo:.i. H.. Hi t-i una ttiki' no utlitrt. PatHpts aiMrfavIrp; na will ptat'e write Font OiTlea, Court) . Mate, ad l ama vf wnur. piuu, aduicla poat bfc p lor reply. It the ImnftM will rfrt Inr trier yoii.fendto na arti w will trnd M o an yon by Kipreae. Partita ad- drefirfiu tboiild tiate tha dut-naeand nyaaiom. and, full t-nftt-ulara m rn ajj to tnair cata. wa vi au uia- auaA. jrf Ba ,rif.l4. ilMlllJO UlUie Of N ll,ala 'a lenit lh ini; at a dihttince a-d not ht'aitHta tA?ania fullv (laiieuu k all pnitDi of tie civ tiu' U ijlo. aii,ih(o Mr,d avary readar oX tKla pap our thirty- Iwo i e pta p 'Itt nta. Aal 'rial a'llttttri and order tf Tr W, B. MTHW11" A X . Ho. fta LIltKKTY Htreet.iiew Tork. Kniai whaskaale and wtttM by ItYOTT O., y-ii .,tu Jv. Mt N. irMJrt'v tUa4a PKCEMBEU 23, "it Vtii. hi II E ALT It, A WD .AV tva 'rlnir ayrt : nTV'ain'"1""" alsBai i!H b"'-'-i)lnt 11 "a". '""",,, k,ir-nrfTf I If .l,'"Valffrl.B)t: I'-ia.vT.s '""a am. n, It I Ha mart.,. "wfl la w. 1M .s ' " ta.l - WBAI.TO I iiai,,rur" If tab tai. tw J' -"'- '. If a.arv cmi,,,, ,,;,,'. '"a ; Take inr a.Wlta. vTSZ,' Ttian, htvlat lt alis,ir,vw " Tub I D prpar.l l..r avar, ,, Ur t ear-in! parntal nf Dr. 'II, 1,1AM Vfiiin . Bock. INK M ll I AIM I. Ill IU. aril, k S ftpr, lit B. lil I'r MookiflliM-a alfan fc IW!..ri ono, o. lit lil'KUi II nrKRtt- Iftll. HM tRITAN A (tlKTI H A M A HI TA N ft dim Ti Mrtar rm.TAiN ( i ki Evan Laat. Ta. a positive wire lor t If INOKKM' I A, til.K.P, T HntICTrKF.9, AC. Cntairn no Jhlnemi, n ttii-n. no Mcnarr, Oiil tvn pi Da to be taken to 'fret a fure. nt ri ir ii in two lo h-tir dvj, trnii refrnt ra-ea fen twenty -tnar hi-nra. ' I't feared h? a uradnaie of the Utw. i ajri'y of r i'nnay. atii., ont- oi um uijit e'nuient 1' JOiori an J eh' nitnii f te pr--. nt da v. Mi Bf, Ko TK"t Bl f. HO CM I i ; H WiltTIMR, L'-t tli.nt' who a v dfi' rrd o(T''Miti fined, or who HTo h.'.-n purged wlili Knit to Copajva, or iluroury.a ot e trj tne t Hfl isii r 'Ml- I. Hent bv mill In a piiiin vrirviope. 1't.i.e, uia.v pC'.A,ti, ti Kt'iiialoi, $1 Itl hl sciinri i a, m oii::t m.o Ml t ! M r:rrc ita. Ac, Ae. .MIA I K , H It I S. BYPUILI4 0K VKMiHr-.M. iMKSg4 NAMAHirtN H vvr n i until j cirrn la otv-, ni I t-e pn'l r a a p""ii n tut-w, RVPH ll.ll UK V k SP.IIK M, 'I -K HK,t -tin (t tM kllAI .. U'tOT A Ml Mh Kit .11 t- K. I t e m "t i-t-ttt, t,i1 errriaai retuwiW ror nrt')! riht-d : ifu'viVl ar d Arm' ir-itr. rwr.f paitb-e ef tU vtmri l nolu,au Hta the o irt-la 'horouh nnd p'Tin tn .it. Take inia of Una pi.r.lTiiii; ri mens nnl l h'Mtli-l, Mini do n K U'I-mii.1 to ur pi iiuu) u.dt or wit I oh jou iar iu alt ) Vml. HO WlT DKMP AIH I Ahhcapb von ma d prnntntii ncifshte. the KAMA- til l AS N Ki'iiTtiul ItKillt Jl' H it; r.iutv,t ovory i i in put r i'i 1 1 out Uie m iieuia aa waU as all U.e bad eiTrfin ol tiitrcuty. FF.MAI F.M! FCMM.rV' tn inan nn.--t(oni wit wMch nn'ii'vi'ri ui p -iti uiVr. Ut Rtinl ANi'lIKKIl Jl I C Ki .rc m 1 it tpi'tlt rapii tl. in I If d t i. tii. 1ti I "tirnr ii-i . in ! trtiia! own. f rtliinn nt tho M niuli, I ebntt y, an-l t jt a Li i-omplaiuta tii-M i rt li ilij (,.. bia l-y espivit. Pnrc M a ht'-', or C Nrttlea firj. S tM Vlil l'AN M V ll fn. fn rnifi of flvnliilU, nnotl in coiiiii'flfm wMh the Rn-d axil Jir?i h June f nil ttlrtM'tioitv I'rlCf 2 rvntt. 1 lit' ert-tarj of ilieai- rt ino-lli-i e nlike nekuowlrda O'I by iv irint and p;it t nt). 1 h y uro utt-d in tha I niind h . si en H.piifiU, U ni roiVMitt lu-alUt u luaiLT d Vur hi rvwe fflii:r. I rviu th lMl tnioe"f nn WUAT TDK. ACK(.BONl KAY W TUB HAM.AHI VAS S KK.MKl.IIH -- "l'. i ll mi'i i a i., Fintr M vHmi,i , "Haitimoro. Md . February 'JO, lt. ( t bave prtat net ,alation In ataiiiiK that 1 ha p uaed Tie Samaritan Ki iut cir f t Vt ntri a) liaae In lu most rae'omarT furint ; I Imva nt4d them with jU'U mrnt, d'am-lion, and (Topxriv, an-l have found thenrj iep'nij to my antic pultons promptly anil etfe etmvlly, Knt'WitiK Utfir coiupomiiou, 1 ha the fulieet eoniMenca tn Uiftr ellrncy, aiol an rr aatitywAeof Omia extends, raruiiiutord Uivut alrvnHly. ACFftFl. C. HOWRHA, tAeilatant HtirBH)0 i h New ork ota.'1 f M K be nndoi atooii ibat iliie rtot'd'e arc arevom naciiilt'd, ant will puiittveiy ouaru tbe dttt'taoa for wltieh Ui-y am otTerML Sold by K.r.rPIIAXf, yo.'ftS. KMIIIH Stroot. IK?tM(Ml) A Ov,, 10 1) -tn ho $li KACP. Bureet I)u; J. S. ROSK'S GOLDEN TILLS. pin (tut irrl d fVmali-i hava brva hunilmyirti 1 Iit I'li.atrtia, Al.ilmiiliial alMit( ra, ,ic , fbr ma cure ol P ailing nf lha IVotnli anil iii'narul dahfiltv, frhli'h mian, in i-nly tinivn pallifti Iva, If boi Imiirliiua. Mona of Iir. Koaa iiatmrta h ii a tai'Q oslr if tin & abiiirilillaa Tboj rt j i n Lit liulilt-n I Ilia, an. I thereby uli aid aperrcl cutr ),y Uis ate ut only a law boifst. For these com- flmnu one ls-i Is worth a hnnj a.l lb l.-mlpi! minor :rrt 'rice. ti eena p--r boa Hole As-nis, UVO I T I'll. Mo at M. t-iAVHJ .siiiot. 10 1-lni 'V H K i. CAM 1' SAMARITAN'S CUKE UK KKI.II l 0 ! avslll F Al 1 .8 TO CI'KK! iJUErl NUT Nl SRATRI IM HI'P.KHY IK AfTIOHl no rfiwiiir ok ni k r kki.h'ikmx OOtn SOT IM I Kl tKK WITH III SIN KNS I'L KStTITS I IMS I.F. I si ll wmiot r utrKcnuAl I'llie tt, Msloor leiiia'o. M nt liy luall U auy aililreat. D. PRf(. Itoaai, Box 'Jn'si foil Ortli-B. Wile As'-nU, lVl)l T ,t (HI.. lo l-i'vu Ho. 2M K. SKCUNI) Mlreel, AJIAHITAN'S CfllK. HAMAHITAS'H 1'IIUK. S M IKI r N 4 ri. KK. NWAIIITAS K CUKK. HA VI A HI IAS a ClilK. his vkir wrt ri'UK. (S A MAUI I AM H I'HIIK. M M AUITA S'S t'I'KK. MAVIAhli AN'i IMIItK. HAM.VK1TAN 8 1 lilt I'.. The only aura ai..l safe nmiiHly fwr iloonoiTh.i'A. llleet, aiitriuir, Ac Curt-a tn alt i-aata la Irotu la, lu alx da) a. I'rlce M ala or Female tenl hf mall. LIVOT1' Jl Cll.,3 Jf Aiiin a. FHMAnil KS I'CIIK. SsM UilTAN I'HKK. ISAM A ti I T A N I t'i'kK. hamakitaS a ci'UK. HaMAHITAN'A IU It T. 8MaI;I HI THK. h A VI A KIT A N H III KK. HA.MA HIT AM S :rltl'.. SAMAKI I AN I'l'UK. THE llltFAT NI F.CIr IL' Foil HK.CKKT lisE.aKS, ."luilnal Weak re a, llonorrho a, lili-at, Ao, Ki rh hos i i.iilaliit iu 1'llla, ami will i-urv in Irom two to ala d.tia. I'rlce $2. It it also i-i-italn lo restore tone ami iv.rer to th-ite who aia di'blilttleil byesceat or any other t-iiuso. Boil will re.Mre a 1 to lull vik'or of youth, when the I'lllt an- ilteil wiltiout the uijectii.n. In thesa Cisct, una ITU tlireo Utuea a ilay. (.is ni by mtil ) C. THICK ROSK, Proprietor, II. . ioMl I'oal Oilli. Pol., i n:, uvorr . CO., No III N. HEl'ONl) Slri-ot. lie tine .1 iisl ask Tor HAMAKI'I AN 8 CIIRK. HAM A KIT'A N S Oil UK. 8 M MtlTA N IT1HK. HAM UtlT IN i CIIHK. IH ,Kll AH g I'l'UK. ha varita.n a rrtiB. HAM KIT A VS I'lMllC. HlMAIilTsN ft IH KK. HAM K1TAN CUKE. MAM s.KJTAA'6 I IIKF.. SI Itt'l1 TIF. Itll llllli. 8YKIM" lR Itll'Oltll. ST It t I IIU Itll OKI). HYIU'P UF. Kl'-Olill Him i hi. itic, Ki), Min i' ih: hi uki. BVHt r l-K HI' OU1I. HYKUP I IK KHIOll) hi in I' f.R mi Uitii. HYitiir UK iti.'.'i;ii Itt'l1 I'K hi'"'III SYhl fHK Ull OKU. HYKUP TK RICllltl). M ill I' UK Itll Oil I . HYItl P IiR Itll'ilKI). HYIII'P Hi: HIDIIIIIl. HYKI 1- UK Ki' iiKll. aviti p n. BiciHiH. NYitrp dp itniYin. SVIICP 1'F. IllO'lltii. 8VIICP iF. Klliltll. HI KI P I K )!( OKI). HYIII'P HP. KI'UKD. HYKI P I'F. HU i.K'i NIHCP HU Itll.'Olt . A i-erla'B oure lor all rorintof Veio-mMl et. UaJ tntl.e iBrors'an lioip tula, and lha armtst throng llonl P.nro.e anu Ani'i ira Ihupreiara Inn tutnoo.iBil a, aa eraills-ttor i r this tonBOl Qiaeaao. ami strt uatlians the roli.tltlli ion Benaral.y. Il will rura an Horet, Hnoi,, pimoiei. i i-ners. or any niillcii, i,o n,Atur from w I. a: cauie or ho lout ituu.l - l Of. I'rlce $1 er boltla. Vole A tenta, Sole Aliens, Mole As'enlt. Bent to any addrtte. C. l'atl BOap.. ProPr etor. 1)1 ur r i I'D. IIVOI T CO. niorr a id. Na. rl N'.SaVJHNO Strut!. nilll.DFLPIlIA, WILMlNOrO.V, AND 1 ll.ll.l i.MilllK KAII ItoAD. 1IMF. I Atll.E. Coinmcnt lii? sIOM) I Y. Ileri'iaotr r. tsl. Tralnt will loa.e li,...l. i.iiiir IlltuAH s riat ana WAhlUM.fl.1 Air.ue, as lollowa lai-ics. liain at 4 IV1 A M (Mondaje evcant-d) ttir llaliiiu.iie au.l M aanl . tl.'ii, toiivin al WilmlnKti-.n, l-tirviille, Havre oa Ora.:e, A lerilcail, t'eirjiuati s, blU Uatoi.lla. Way Mall Train al S l.i A. M rMundaya i xai-ptel) f r Hal no. ii-, siio pn a at nil rsii.a. t'a .oi.s. i-nn'ie.'toiii win, I't-iuvsuie Kailioad at '.Yiloi,ot,ioii I.r AM orO. saiuotirr, ia..r.l I IP, eat I .am al 1 l.i 1'. II fs.iui i t' fie Hal. i a. nl lYasmnuoi. t'oi'iil- K at rli -Her, vVil a,nfou, l.lsloi., Fctr, .i:i' llal rt- lie lirks-. F.i ,1.1-. a if Jin al l-.sO i. W. i Hi. a J... a i-a -,-,.'.i'0 f ir 11 il t.rj.sie and IV ui lli-n. slupi'ltia- a I IV'. I o). Hen s, k , i'lklu , N. Ill) Kal, I'l-rij Ui.e, ii Hie Us; ..rsd', tvrty uial, klan.ioiia. Ni).:.t ai 11 1ft I', at. t.r luiioi..- auj 'A...1 iij.',.n, a ii..ii.s' i-l I.' i.e. it l. .ill. , tJ ti a ' li lil in..' and In .ist in n , .i--fiijir-l, IV n. NioLiik, KA Ui.t, Ni.rtii l.a-i, I ii rl mil', uiui II a. ilr lr.ii i'. Fassi'iittt. lor Fi.itri-ee Mwiitoo will taka il.ti .s I" A . M. T'"""' A COMMnllArloN TKMSS H'.onilnsat ull stations loi vo a I'h tide i.oiA aniWtl- lii loli'U, l.,.ie I 1. liiili loll tl 11 A Mo 4, i 10 nnil in P.M. I io 4 1'. U. 'I i. .in ii ni'i: I ns.'.Ii Htii.wa.a usilioai lor M'lft'l.l .nil O.ti-Ito' I'll. ....'I. lis 1.. s a. ', 1 . aiu H I" A M , 3 ,.1, au.l o HJ I', il. T,:AI,'H FHf'M flAITIV'lort W I,.', w i i.'. ..' .-I , 1 I. :i -i r. ,d. I llF - in. I'Ht llll I, MO'i. '. I I t. i.. i..i lii .il r mo I.., iu'U A Al , i. .ai. i.1,4'.'.', i ill i,liu iu i' .11. PI NHAY TRIIKI. F.artt-ss Train ni lliA M l. r'lioioe eml .likioii, aui. io lit Vi rnilli" I't-ri s oil!, llaira Ue iiii.i'l-. AO.rdio-n, i'l-rn in in M imj : . F ai'tust at 1115 I' al. lor l.,n;.o.o a no t It Al h intitl.ii, tloililnt al CI i-tli r nor l;sll"u.,.v i.-ol IVahin vii I ..!. iir i, Vt i.niiHT,rtn, Naivsta, Kl. .tin, North ,u,t , ariysnif, and liasr- do Itra.-e. Aan u.inoilBtMU iraiu ul lol'..l. d r Wllluius'on and A ay r lain ii a. iiALTiMOKi-: fur riiiMiuunu. I.oBie liatuniore at-ti ll ) r. M . itu t'l'M ai Mavre tie liiait. l'i n iiliie, and v lluiin o i. A to si...a 1,1 l.lh li n ui d N wurk (to l-.M- li"t.l lur i'li. iiili'lii'ila and ',ui, bns.tnorra lit.iu Wulit .s ion or l.almi :'i0. Had .'luatoc m li-ave fassenura rr m Hii!l oioru orVioi'i- II aton. lve Wiiniinfin For hl!a-!"k'a at ii n P. M. HliU llAl.llMOill. in I 1 1 1 1. A I it . Ul'ii I A. IcBia h Jo A. M., Wav M.i :-. I l.i I'. l.,rs tn; 4 ii I' M-, Wii ; b j P. -M , hxp.i'bs; VJo V M., Kapl-ett. Hlisn IU, BALii oiriiri Irsve Cl,i al.r al s .,; A. tl.. I t.! mi.l ) I-si P. . I e.iia w lirii nei' ii m o iJ.a 1J a. Al.,-- I'.is un.l ti t. M . r rt lyfit 'I rain Tt itB rataent'or Car aHsoh..! will leave Vt'iliiiitiiiiiiii For Irtiyi ta bio Ui.urnai'.liaut .itutiooa nt . i' , f . K K "slV , F 0 . Ill It nils ut, V 18GI. "lrST JT.UPKY TtAILTlOAn LTWH! 1 T Fw Arr-tnic au nt.-On tnd aitr 1 (TKailAT. Nnverabf-r 1. 14, trrtiua H1 le tve from Wain iltt Plet aa Ulr-wi lor (Wt Mar and all alaoea eoitU of MilWfila at I A- M end T M, F-w MiitYtw. finniim, Paiavn, ani an interanadlale alaooe enatk o tnitm t A. 1 un l 1 f. H. W iilUdaiXfr,, ai v an . IB Tl ., rui,! A r m For WeUiarv. UionraaMr. Ae . at A at.. 11 M..I and P.M. Leave Cape Mav at H A. M ami II 4A A. M. Miilii at H K A. M aar F. M. ltrittaafrai at 7 I A M , I M htjiai at 7 A. M., and 1 IV M. WootMtarv aa 7,rt T. aawl M 4.M..M4 4 ft P.M., andt'lftF f - to Cam. en onlr. TP at WRMT Jr.KtKT RXPKK-1 (XIWFAWT Will attend to aK tbe niual brannhee of pfabaat. nrti, rveeive. dabvor, an J nirwartl tnrouiii oumr fvapon atldeFanreaa 'fifnpwiM tn all parta o the enntry anj article entrusted to liMrn. A Bpeciai aMwj( tHtvuv paatM eacb thittuan trnin. j. VAN k ft V A P. LA KB, Snpealiitendant PMUea'phU, NoTemi I, liA. U M atar.V 'rit,rtF,l1 lOT I KTOWM. KAMBOlt, LiAMwVv.Ht hUAil.KTOM, W ll-KMliAatkia, WU-- Oo m ..TM '. AUU&VilF.MKNTH Trninn win, "J't'VT. s iftmi-r U 1. Paa-eeuray Thempnon, 1 hUWali'??1 -'r. TIUHI rtlret, Uvt IULiIM in j niU! a&oele l), M Al 7 A U. (.b . JMaucIi ct,iu k, wiikiav,,?'' nHhlohem, Alieatowa, At K A. M. (A.-.'or,iml!,iT, "Vi"!-". At I It. P. M. I4IO.BHM, l,,',rj''''a A I X to I'.M (Kspr.asi lot ni,u n rt Tteatnwn ori aiji i tut aintnavwu 1 Iui train raTtai-ht-a K sat. U ktia-M. !?, 4 0. eonne -ei.m vtlh f J . ew Jeift t Ari.'.Vv!,,,-' tJo" Al 4 k P. M (Mall) lT lHtvU-..iwn "w Tk. A t A U) P. .M t At notDinoiUlkMi) A Bethts. ... to IT'd Manrlt t'rinjik. aaia- S Li I' M i Ao'N.iiinnidatin"!) For linadaia. 1 Iil.'Ui't. 1 irai-ta ine 4 ho tiriwiiii',1 at the TVVai CtaA. THIKIl Hlns.1. or I1F.IIK S Hliosii, in ivdi-r to iien.J T K A I H rt roll I'HII.AnF.IJMIf A Lenre PetMo'iein l'i'.' A. M , auJ 0 It P.M. iioskal .wn at ti .-SI A M.,and I ii P. At. avnsiisk at .'IH A M I orl Vi aahinitlon at i m P M. HI HliMllVa PI. Had. If i-1 for l..i B-loian al !-; A.M. and I'll P. M, l .vlestown F. r Phila ilnhlil?A M tisl J C. M. lIlFlinalt't lla- arfo P.spri-as will i-all f r aad ileHrwr baa'sia at tile nop. 4. onlors may bo Bl No. lit H. J IIIHH Hlii'rt. II l" Fl.t.H CI ARK, Ailoot. KST rtlKSTI'U AVI) I'UILADisl.rHU BAII.HHAII. VIA MFHI I. S'KIVil A K It 4 N' IFsry srp. On and afttir I IUMAT, ApiU 1, L-avi, Uie rralaa will kar, as toUiota I esse I'htU li'lph'a frnm lha Dftrsit, rsTner of Tin KPT PI KIT anil M AKK P.T Htrixli.t AM, 11 i A. M.,t 9t I'. M .4 .-ai p M. 4A P M I lilad.s,.hia Hri ahaviva.f from RMJMTF:KNTIf anal MM.kM l-Ui'.'U lo IIUU TV HIOT and AllUivkT HUiala. I anve We. flii.ster, from the Depot on P.aaA MIKKKT Me."jn A. M.. .' 4 A. M , II A. M , j I'. M .4 4AP M. 'Iheiataur M.e Wa.t I' 1'aasonsor Hallwa, Citnpan) (Marki4 atrraOwlll ootivev t'aateaitturt to But froui Uie Philadelphia Hi-pil. ON HrNf)4YSJ. I istve PlilUdalfhla al S Jo A.M. and Mn P. M. I sail v.. at l li.aier at H A M. and I ' P. M. T .nn. leavtna I'lillaile'rilna at H A M. and 4'SO P. M.. and Wrat i-kMK'r al I t . 4 M. and 1 11 P. M., oonnoal v. ilh tr't.nt on the Philadelphia and Hallliaoni Centra kAllrnnil IbrOaSiid and liitoruii'dlale potnta. Ja4 1 UKMit WOlil). Itauaral Hupartntanitent. VtW RAILROAD LINK NORTH. 1 IIIIt.AHKI PHIA TO HKOOIU.YK, TliKlUlill IN PIVK MuUKH. uxmiaroN TtrKPTa m, i.ooii poh tiireii datfj. On aad artor MOI4HA Y, Aatu at 1, lw,4. trains will keart Poot of V INUi ftlreat, I'hllaitolpbtB, avory nnwnliia at A 4 M. (Butulara aseepied ), lliarca by Uie Oaimtan and At earillu and ltahtan and Halaware llay Uatiroaitsto Poai stonniiiiitk. and by the ..trunodirMie staamnr Jaata Hnyt. lotiloF Allantla elraet, )troot4rn ; retnnilnar, leara At latilia hlroel WltATf avaryday (baiidaya eacoptod), al U TrBi-aira Fn tha ettv nf Kaw York art notified not t applf for paeeaire by thla bna, the Hlnie taT Now aBtay Ihavute uranled to tha Cnioilen and Amboy raonon-ay tha Tarhialve privlloire ol earrs luff pasai-niiera and (reiirta ba twtsia Uie oiilPt oi Ph'liuteii.Mn n.l Saw York. t7'Jt)-bf W. r. IlKlFrir' H. lianual Bnpartntondaaaa. KABINO RAILROAD 01IP.AT TUt'NK Lr FUOIt Pmi.ADI'.l.i IIIA TO Tll IMTftKIOK Of PFNt4VLVAMA.THK HrTnjnjtllX, BUS UHKUANMA.CIIMrllUtl.Atit, ANU WIOMIHO VAI.LHY, inn KOI'.TIf, NOKTrTWBST, ANDTI1K CANADAS. rAHHKHUF.R TKAItFI tave ftsaa Ompanv a al TIltRTF.FIVTTI and CALLOVYliU.t airoiiia. 1'UaJa.loliiiiui, at Uia fottuanaif koiua : afORKIWfl MAIX. Al BOO A.M. for KibiIuik, luamrfl, HnhraU, Utit Coin mills. HarTUbiirn, I'onaTliie, Pineirrove.. Tajna.iuB Mnbbury, VI liliainipori, F.imira, Koehealar, truism Falia. lluUaln. AUeiitoon, Vt I kiiliarre, I'lttalon, York, Cartlloa. Chanaharaburr, HaRi-rMown, Aa. Thit train aotineeu al KKAHINtl with Rait Panntytra Bla Kadioad traint lor Allentown, A.. tha Kaallng Bod Columbia Itallraa-t T l.pHra'a. lAlli. and Uolaiutila. and with Uie 1-lianon ValU ytram Foi llarri.barr.Aa. ;at PtFUf CLINTON with Catawiaaa Kallroad trains Bjr Wlikesftrr, M illisrasport. los-k llavea, Elniira, Ao.) at IIAKKla flHKU with Northern Contral," "I 'irmharland Valley," and "HaBiiylktl! anil Husiiueiianna" tram, for trnrtannt bertaDd,W dllamspnrt York.Ctiaiihorsliurf, Paksriv6,JM AFTKUViON K.M'ILi SS) T eavaa PhOadi Iptua at l-.'l P. Al. tir Raadlni, Potta- vtllo, I'inavnive, HarilahnrK. Aa , ooBnectlntf ai llarna- bars with Peajnsyl ama Coulral tralaa fur PittatHiru, A.. Noiliiarn Cvatral Kallroad tram. For Hunlmrr, Nsrinuill beiland, Flmlra. Ae , and at Portt'Onton wall Oatawtaaa Ksllr.std Ualut for Milton, n llliaintjon. Kliulra. IJiuUla Ao. KEADfS'O AtyoMMDtlATlOW. Leave, Beadiat alit'TX) A. M., eionptaat at all way ata tloi a. arrivii,. In 1 alladtlphia al 9 Jl A. M. KiluriilHii, U avea rbilasialphia at t M) P. M. ; arrtvoa tt SeailkK at I- P 44 . Ti am a ror rhitadrif haakava If arriahnre at i-oi A.M. an4 PotKivUle at S So A. M , Brrivlu( In rruiirtaapeias aa 1 DA P. M. AflarniMiD Urania lease lliirtiaioarit iu 1 4A P. M. Pottsvllle al I'.mr. M., arrlvlnu In I'bl adol-lila at 7 P. M llnrtet ualna. wpn a paasisrujer ear attached, fcsay. Pliiladi'lphla at I P. M , Sir Kea.lins and all way atBlkHUll leave aaain, al 1 .', noon, anu ii.,nn;uwwi al II Jur M ft Fltlla.leii hla ait't all way itMtona. A U the above tralna run dally, Humlava aoapiaa. Hunilay tralna Uiatvs PolUvUla at 7 JO A. M., aud rtuTa- dolplimatj 'A P M I llt.e I r la I ALI.r.I il. I L.HO ia. PasesHufera for l.'owulnsti.wn and iulenna-Hatt) nolatt taka ihe s ic A. V. and I 3fl P M. trains Fiom I'hHadelnhla ntMmlng From l)owuiiuiUvra at 7 CO A. M.. bim! U N BIH.M. JIKW TUBE EXPRESS FOR PI TTHBUEiJ AND Ml WK.ST. l-avoa Now York at OA. M. and 7 P.M., patting Reatlina at lliniouwhl and l-iis I'. M., ami ooiinaoltna ai tlarrta. hnnt with P.awiaylvnala Railroad Exprua, Uaioa tut PlUa bnrs, Ciitrairo. and tha Waat. ateturnii , Kirria trnin leasee tiarriao.jra.oei arrrvai or tke PennayivaalB Espieaa from Plttabura aa 3 la) and H-Csl A.M. f ettin? Keailnul al 4 ta and Isi iO A. M., and arrlvlna at w Yo k at In A.M. and 4 tu P. M. HToop. Ii.g Caiaaei-ompany Uia.e ualua Un-oatlli,btwaan Jersey div aad Piltahure, withooi aliaore. Mull irotu ror New York Iratvea ll.rrH'ura at I U P. M Mall U-BJn r llarrlshBriv leaiet NawTorkalUM. HCIIIil 1 Ml I, 1AI.IXI Ktll.Hii.IP Tralna laave PotltvlUe at 7 It A M. Bad IklP , tum" Fr-.m Taanarora at In A. M. and 4 S6 p. M. HI ill in I.F 11.1. ANU Hl'HOI'KIIANNA KAN, IK) AD. Train, leave Auburn at 1 U A. M. ft PltMtrova and Harrlskore, ejid at I'M) P. M ilir Plnor.jvt only i raUra ti t 'rout Harruburir at l'3u P. M.. and trota nnejrrvvB al 7'tu A.M.. aoo i P. M. TIt'KKTS. Throtu-b flrat-elata tirkota and mlirran4 rkskela to afi Ike prlheipal ioUit In Hie N'irlh ami West andCtnailaa Tha Piliowla Ui ki-'ls ara ohlalnaolai onlv at iho ornoa llRAIrnliU,Tr.aiu;ar. Ho i'J7 a. FOCKTU rttri-at. Phllulapi la. or of U. A. NlOOIXti, (aoaarai aupsicuataa deltt, Eeailliia : lM MUTATION TICKBT, A'M para't. doaoiaat, batweam aay pet ox, detlred, tor iaadllea aud dima. MII.PADE TTCKCTtl, Good A .fJlo uka, baiwatn al polnu, at J1 IjO aaek fur feoiiliaa and Uraia. HP.A40N TKTtETa, Tor tFree, ttc, time. or twelve uaualAa, ftsr baidars oaly. to ai, poliita, at radaeed rataa. I 1 ,1 Itll t H BH Keeldlne on the ttre of the road will be ronttahad wttk mrde. euiiUwa Uieu.saivee Bad wlsaa is uaaeta a bast Care. p in' irwn . w tii-k am mat Phlladelpl la tn pnnalpal taalioiu, pood lot ftator dy. Fiiiniay, np.t Moedsy, at reriues-d Fare, lo ba had onJl st Ihe'lRAatbmi'si, UilKTaMaN 1 at aad UAWWlilU Btiaale. rHP.ftlHT. tlooata of al deaerlpikiitit aowardad to all tha above po'Oia. From ll.e Compaay'e uaw frathhl deast, ilJIaJAr ana Pi ILtOW burela. ntKH.ITT TRAINS l.'nve PtilUdaJplita dally at A. M., 1 P. M ,and It P M , it Kiadtas, l.ebtinon. llarrUborj, paluvUla, Port CVlB toa, and poa-iu beyiid. MAILS CTi.taat the PhBade'rb'aPoa' OUrt fnr all plaoaa on Iht rted act na brarii hea el t A. St., and for lbs pnraBJpea' ttauoBi. ouiy at 2 IA P M. 1 )HM.ADP.LI'Tn A, tH-.RM A.NTO .VN, AND X HHRIIJMOWH KAIIJ441AH. . TiHK 14 111 K Ca and tthf Md.HiAI, May 14, ttU. tttl tanbai potua. FOR tre KM Alt'O-A-N. Laava PlotaiWap' la a. :, o.'J 10.11. Ii A. VI. ; 1.1. S II .. 4 , 14, II, 7, s, V, le). 1), lj P. M UAva rv.Ts:w.-. B S 7, I . VVS, W. Ii, IT A. M 1,'J. S.4. ', li, a. Ill, 7, . Ii, Hi. 11. and l! P. M 1 La h FT) dow. i, U.t 3 arid l tralna up, do mn ate Ml U.4 Uuiiiii I "Vi ii t'HGsKI' V Hil l. K til KOA'l. Inva Pi.iUd. !pl .a,tl, t, iv. II A.M.; -i, t,e.t.l aod II P. M. tease CUmul llll), T'lo. ft. 9 4", li 10 A. M. i 1' .0. t'M, e , tti.ssii. n. j ip i-i p.m. FOR COSIi.iOlluCKF.M ASP N'ORHISTOW V. l.-ave PtillaOilphM l,is), 11 iv A. M.l IS, , 4 '. IH S.H no. ami II S. J'. M. . .,, lava N .ma..viB,t',7, T'M.S ant) !l A. M i IX, H III, and VP. M. I.: trnif OP, 1H Slop !,t W, slab!' Aod, Mwayauk aud AvLcb.K-sao rnlv M.I NAYCNE. I,iavel1,i!1.i'!,,.i,!H4A M., ' S, , 4"-., SaJ. 'VaI.!t ttwaVliaa . f.' 14.'. f". ll'l A . . 1 . BI,U tl,'. ' l . U. K.NMITH t-'iaj. rlr te.,s,.il. n,ti ks ot. IN PI i i-'.J F Jt s, .-oi !e. 1Ci'1 I'lULA DELPU1A AND ISIUl. h.iiK Tele pi. ol line tr.ivoi. ne U.e atorlleanl and N. iidwctl COBSilloa !' Illi.vlliUi-t K' too. ,l, II l r.. oil Lsll- l.rlt. II uiiwi, b ased t i the Ft.NMT I VAI A JtAlLHO SD 4'lAIPeY, aad litiUor their aueptota a, DA K rapidly otieiMHI Uir iv..ut 'la I otlia kauaih. II la Bow ,u i ft r I'aaavoier end Fraf'-t)t hnsFnaia evopj riaerisliurr to Foil" oh." ' ndiesi ,n tue Ki,atarn HtvU taon aad IYmm kiiwnAod 00 lirle (ib Bull ), ou UiB lls.srs Lnvksk iimk op i-A4iiswcr.a TrtltwAAv pH)tAtirt.nnt. Mall Truuikatne - S F.kprtr,. Train leov. a ko .p. M. Caja int. li r-ineh wiTHtil't tiiAMiiH istk aail ml trt-, tralna beta,' a I aiU-WlpluABad Lotat,, aatB Isolweaa liaiflniire luni iaia ILaVufl. k.kiaBt tors-, iVa ol tha Kkprraa TtbIii both waa. tor tritoriaaJOH rvhiseaiuiy Paaaeiitir baaiiirst. appi) a( tliaa.! of Fil.r.VP.Nril ar.d MAKKri SKiaeia. Ami tor ttleUiaee ol Uia Couipar.y a Asaao ' H. i Ktti'.a'.n.Jr .LWuarHnTbEVTUaBil tuttalll tlll.U, I hUaslalrlrht. J,Hll. 1 M. L,,!, A.u.t, . . C.BHrnsp. h nnrar'oai. fieavral rraltrkt Apant. I.EiVii. L. Ii.n.l-1. OtneralTtekti Ajrni, Pliki., i..'i.ul jonKPil D Porra, 74-tf amijkuabiar,wauaaiBTM 1M AKRANGKMRfiTi pr lUM 10V4a lukK IJint JOtHa lha Caiorinf, BMd Anshoa and t iirtailansWB Baid tfwrt. aVaUeoad !' mi-aaata' lAnaa frota rkliadakilila W Maw I or ana r ay rvare rasiM wAi.mrr n-rstatlT wiliar, Wll leave aa t.anwa. aaa. tAaa At t A M.,vutOuvoea Bn4 ABibor, 0. Bnt A. A- eoamilatfr.a Wt aa t A. at , via Canvoea Boa Jaraaf UHf, MoMlntj etyr'eae At 1 1 'SO at . ru tOataaea ant Aaahov , 0 eorenv dalloai Al 1 r. M. aia Oanadaa and Ala boy, 0. aad A. Bx- Ia.t At It P. M .vla OaraiVaa aaul Anaboy. Aaaocnaaa aaOi. fPralirnt and paaawnr) Al P. M., aaa Cmd.i and Atnlary, AieatnodaUoa IPrMakl Bad Paaeirer) IH IMaaa TteAel titllaaa do 10) At J, P. IF., rvm Oamdett tad Aiaaav AeooTAiru,4a tlon rrrelabt and i'aaasintioe), 1st (Vta Tkdlat.... ao , naaa oo For llulaalera. Aaloa. I.amMrtvUla. rim-mtlo. aw.. r .r I.amFaa4talna sod tntormedlat atsUoasa, a I P. V. Por M.aint, It. Pa, P.vanaaliia, Peubanon, and Tlaoaar A. M., i and P. M. For Prrathoid at A A. M. and P.M. r Palmyra, KJverton, Hesaaen, Haverlf, Kilfewatar, Par Ft nt. n. PI.. ranee, llril,aiti,wn, Aa... at 4 an, I ! to A. V.. 17 'si ' t.H and 1 1 it I' V. Ibe 1 SO aad P. M. Una run dlrea throbrk toTrrmnai. F..r P mara, kU wuu. lipr.eo. JViiTarlr, ao4 Barttag- trll BI 7 P. M MNP PRM KP.Na.lim" tlRi-OT Witt leave aa pillows : Al II It A. II., via Kenttncton ana Jaraaf Clky Ba piaa I'lt At 4 P. M., via Kiaialnicton and Jevaay CMrs- preaa I 'tt Al t-s.. P. M . la Kistrf on and Jenar Oltp, VI ashllMt- n and New York K.aoraea I'M Al 1 J r. M. Inishtl, vat Kenalntftau and Jora.iy Clly, w'ashhiKl. oi ami Ni'W York The r, ti, p. ,. hne win run dally. All o here Manday . aieaiitid. tor ftnllilo, Tiunklrk, Kll-itra, fihai-a Owiw-s. hoehas ter, llln.hairpian, ISri at Iteiut. tliiiiirote, IV trkaalMtrtw . aanioe. HlioOil.bioy, Water Hap, Maui) Chunk. Aiu- Sns.,,, (, hlaaani, lleivlili re. Past n. tainliari vtlto, PWtra- iisost, Aa . ej i ll A M 1 sia tea o wiio lilt vmb "asint ksaaioe t.r Maooli Ch int at t i p. M. ' "i l s,i..rtvllie ai t P. M on HMord ivt only. a1U,'". Pr. nlon. c al I lo and II U A. M., and! rt !; n.l.lnwhl. Pi iioiia.,4r, I .,., vn. .too ml rot, Prtdaatinrt, aa4 rraaki.rd.!,'- i, . A. 4 andsl'.M. a' . i l i '"t andWav Unoa learlnt KantTnirtna I. .t, Hike M. asrsn v -,( r,.t, als.ra Walnut, haur aa hour l.ofl.iB depart.., th. I'.ra run Into lha H pot, and on arrival ia"oh train , ,,, r,Cp,. F my rooinila of h.tnik ,nowod each p,atenirtr. Pass. ntai. an; p.t.hil,,!,.. fr.,kma ansU.irw aa laas-a but their w,arln apparel. AH !,.,, , nriy oonnAa to lo. raid for aura Tho t ompurSunlt Ihalr rosponel bUn For batata tn Ont Dollar pr Sou,,,, ft4 will not ha) Sal'le Tor any aauounl bond tllAl, ajtaayt by apaotal Boal traot. tiiaham't Pntfoairr Pvpraat wfll eanttr aM 4llvwe huM save al lha Hepola. Otdai a to la la1 at Not wai. NUT tueet. Wl. U. UATZMFJl, A,,!. I'ls-amlior I. lt. L1NIJI KOM NKW YnilK FOR PHILADHI.J'HiA Wtf.L LKAVFI rmm Fbol of Conrtlan-1 ttraoi at Ii M. and 4 P. M., via .terser t Its anHt'ainilan: at 7. til, and I i .Ft) A . M., t M . and IS fcotrac. via .luraer Cltv and Kenalroitnn. Pnxn a sit .x Hareiay tirnat, at A. M. aud 1 Li M., rla) Ainhiiy and Cnlmlen. 3 From Pier No. 1 North River, at II M., 4 and f P. If. IFreltht and I'asteouorl via Amhojr and Caitnlaa. iFIOHT LINKS FOR NKW YORK AND all tae ttntion, on at a Catudsui and Aiuooy aad aoa- cestui, JtaJiroaila. I si n tiar.ii DKniaii ii. ThaOaaioVn aud Aniliov Katlroad ard TraatDOHartoal Comiaay't Praislit I Inoa riir New Yoafc will leave WBlrurt imw. i aiiarr. on an arvor e-anuary n. osuif inuuoaa ax aepter? ) al 4 o ajo. k P. U . Ketumiiu:. aha Bbivt l.lois win leave Hew Tork atl aad 4 P. M. Frvj.M mnet ba osdlvared bafora IHP.M.a ba) tr- Mi dad lha tame day. Freaarlit a Trenioa, FTtneouaB, .irurtioB, new Hrona iak, and AO Dolnte on Uie Camden and Amny Railroad l also on lha llolvlUere, Halawara, and Plaraiaittou, Uie Navy Jersev, Uie Freehold and Jamoaburtf, ami uia 11 arUnstoai aad MokiiI Hotly Kallriiada, rtioalved and Farararded up a llSoVliit P. M. HiuaB paokatfM Kir Hoaot ILuHy retMivaal Bp tn l o rioea r . Al . Tha Halviilra-B lielawara BatlroAd aoaneeta at PtifTrtpa btiry with ttia l.ehlb V allay KaUroad. Tha New Jereef Kallniad eoaaocu at Klitabeth with the New Joraey Central KaUroad, aud at Newark wiUl Uut Morris aud Ettea KaUroad. A aUp mamorBBCaai. apariryifwr the marks and nana- . Beta, ahtppeie and couauiioo a, niual In every loatatioa bej aaait whhearh load or Roiida, or ao receipt will ta tlvaav Inoreaavil rarlllrlra bavin, been made Sir the traaaporta tliwi of I.I VE lOCK, invert art Invited lo try thla roaaa. Wheal the ttoek la fiirnltiiail In iiiaiitltlaa of TrYO CAB LOAHH or more. It will be dullvBrait al tha fieit of KorUeUl atreet, Biar lha Drova Yards, or at Plar Mo. 1 Norut wlvor, aa ute abippert may deeumaie at lha lima nf tat alutMuant, W AI. TIK FrlF.F.MAN, Frehrht Aeut, Ko. 14. Di laware avenue. Philadelphia. UED. R. KAYMIISH, FrelKht Aauut, Jaf. If Plor No 1 North Hirer. Maw York. c 1IIAN01'; OF TIMK. TME VP.NNSVI.VAMA KNTT. RAILROAD. TEN 1AH.V TRAINS! 1'Mll A1EL1,U1A Tti I'lITJlU ItlvHU .V Mil. km; TheTlokMOffCyof th rTMMSYT.TAHIA rKIfTR AL EA11 U0AI U now 1 'pfttc-l f the Nrr Paf-upr le(Mit mf tne ('..mnniiy, T111JC111CTU Slid MAUKHT Hta-MU, rK(i.AiKi.riiiA. 'J1IK l'MILAI.Kr.rin K KXPRESft Iaitai djUlj. TII KhlK MAIL lcac ditllv ixcit h-.lunly. AU otiirr t ruin p. 1 vp or it Tpi.t S'inilAy. un ami afttr MiMAT, DKcmbtf ifu. IWt. utmbj ma 1'Utlaauiptaia M roltow; h-OO A. M. MATT. TV ATX, wVh th fononfitr enno?tiai Ar- rl.e Al 4MiKsi..K I NTEKh KCTI M .0) A M., and rnnncet with Hut CuWf KaUna1, r riTffUi at Weit rhtr J 1 A. H. At !W M HUCO rY X l aA.M., cinnrtit.K wt(ti train for Wajri m!i ric, an4 rpAchiiiaT thertt 1110 A M. At O'l.lUHIAll W A. M iNHunf riit'K wtth NuriliiTTi Ontral Kailrt-a-I, and ravri U.H lrk at '.' .MJ P. M , Hanorvr Juncilon 31. lim.ovpr 4-wW r. m ana irttvDiu-f r i r. . aiiu, wiUi train on Kradiiiif and Cilurabia KWIroail. UaTlmr -VIM) P.M. Artnenl II A U KIM HI H I P. H connutlMC lth Ntirtiiam Cffl'rul train. North. thm Leum M irtlt but 1 4 P. M . atnva atNunhurj JO P.M.. Mii-m)Hrl p. M., VVIiiloiuipari f-li l'. M., laoci llavctM I'M) P 1( flva- ex for Klmtra, hot'litMiar, OaatuiitaUtia, HttirvA rallr, Jke , reanh fcimn-a a U V P. M., and UtuWloai ft It A. M. ilPaacttCi tr Itanrlila, Kutxrt, l-ltxiuil)tirf , ftajrwfr-wr, Htrf4.: iiavon. siaV. t, nny ruootll. llltnu, tytiinivf, PKiutcn and herunioii.ute Uia Xarkawavnii ini i'U4 uiibur-A trj g at nhviufef.afid. , At H Alt HiHlirKii. tut lu-iiit 8ulhon N'ottfiurn CenaU Hailwa l4t at I V. H , nrii-rp Yuri 3 47 P M , IUu rvr Juno, .loo y ' P. M tUnnTiv 41 P. M.. and OttiyitMint 91 P. M. At H All idHliUiiti, tsT foru In 'wntttr1fuaa ValMy, It nvlrx at L u . M., an i e taiiiito t iS P. H.. H.mtK-t t hi rg ISi P. M . and Htfrntoftn 1 IS f. M At TfHDSH CIS P. M . (".wmrvtm with Maid Kta'o Valify Tra.a. liavliLdta. 7"0 r. M .and arri-.n at KallafbaW at l mi P.M. At A LT M) N a 7 40 P. M , ouiMrti with Uianan train for Jto.i Idu j ur rrirriln; t:i.-Q 8 Jft P W. At ( UJCHHON H .'IH P. M ciiniiani'ndj with Branch train far Kiiii4.utt. -uriMDat ttrfw 140 f.M. At fl f r-ll,UIA I MA l , and tlinfi oiiaw)tliigftf allpuluu VVuiCW rtU-we-t, and ouUiwcnt lO'OO Aa W. FArnj ACiOMMOl'ATlO.N, ho 1, arrfving at Paoll t U A M i--fiM in. FAST LINE connect! at LawOVIT.T R ? i0 P. W with train on Ittmiu' and CulumMa Ita .tMad, anlvtnf U:s 10 l. ai . r.pnraia a .14 r. ai., ana . Ui? ml 4 i P- M. At 11 IKKIsHIUIUO, wiKk an AoomiaGV t1ttito 'I ralu on Nrtlinrn tvotxai KaMwajr, lr HaniSnr aj.d Inurtik. 'lia'a pit;ti, n-aoiiiinj BunwrT at r. h. At H A HKI HUL'H'i wl'h train on Cumbtarlarid VallvT for t rlilf,niir tliwr at 4 I- P M. Arnvea t Piiabrf I Mi a. Jrl , and ut)i U.KW cloia euiuioiiju lur aji 110 P. M. PAHKIslUlltll ACl liMVOHAI lOl.arrrvee al Parkaf burs at ok P. M., atoiipi: f at iuleimed.aMslauoul, FIAKIIIKIlt'RH AltOMMiiDArlOV. makes eoenaa- tlra st HowniliKton at 4 04 P. M , with traia oa w'ayaas burs llranrh, leavlnff at 4 P. M.. and arrtvius ai w at)rsburs al citai r at At tnii.t aiiti a, bi a e r. M..wun Nurthiin Caiiltal Maflivay tor Yutk, kvavlna WrbMavlllf 7 i' P. M . and ariivlus at Yolk 1UF.I, Airiiaeat Harrl-burs at 7 4A P M !!) P. M. FMIOPANT ACCOM HOD ATin.V, fnm K. laTT rolt ttreet, d.i ly, t tovpt a .nduy Arrlvee at llarrlalnu-n. 4 0b A. M ; tumin. 9 47 A. Mi Alloana, SKI P. Ml BBd Pitta burs, 11 1 0 P. M. Tliaiaaare eoiolortable. arui aiLlaranla or amulet aolng- Watt, will nod live ratea Ion , and l av, liajtir.iri'. ror on oat aie aivfrn, iorwBidMd hy ilie aama train. Por turiher partliTtilara apply lo FttANt'ia Ft SK, Kinlprant Aitenl. N... IJ7 Ihjok sinrt. huiwisKi ita'Tialiur and Pittsburg a llrst olaea oar it attaalimi to tiua tram rot li'cil uaval. aj-llll P. !H. I AMCASTKU ACi Oil MiiIiATidN. reaahae I aaoaater al I .- P. .11., and Columbia si S inP. M. 1MD P. M. PAOI.f ACCOUM'ibAl IOM, fto.l. rcachet PaoMattta P.M. H-3II 1'. M. 1'imiirB'l ANU FKIH Will., srtlh the 4l loallR eoooai-lloiit A rrlve Harrt-bors, I iY A. M I Sniliory, Alt A. M s Isortnaatiieraiiil 4 41 A. at. Ft 11 on, 4 .'ii A. M ; V llllauitt.ort. o is A. M ; L k davea. 7 'it A. M. ; Piutioiluiii, ll'O.s P. M : Mi Ma y's, ll ni P U i i.rry. 4 .8 P M ; and Pile, Fl-M P. at. ( Al U..rry BkeeB cm nei'ili.n ta madi. v-iiB i ll irret a. R . lor inuavtlo a-d eihaller't, ttie cieaent teroilriut of the liaal., ante by atana or ttrat t i li City and iraokiln.l P ..aml.rt F.r t'aiiv Ita. Moperl.'. Heroics, Ue-'f-D liavetl. aiiiCinlnny. I'ou onth, an i:ton. 'yi'ioi"R fit ai.B aad Mere ni ob is) a Hi- Lav-lBMaui a and l' t iia-n, al aorii.un.ber anu 1 i leeoo:art FirPiwla. K.haa.r, Canan:aUna SiaiiiiraFal e.e'n.. rs.:S FJ'nu-a at li ! aid Hu'ta tail -."i P. .11.) At il sKumai'K I, ai h Sortli ain i tnrral ta louy, Foi ii e fsn.ii'i, laavmr at 1 M A el,, arrhaa York ,4' 10 ; J tinner Julie I , 4 4s A. M. I laiavet lisBsoer liincii..n Hid 4. kl ; arrive ilaiii.v.-r, II IH A . W . u. nl liMlvtbiirii. I '.'. P. M. At Ullltlsli ( iill A. ll.. Willi tr .ill on llrosd ri r il. t . arriving- , II A M . V):. Hills.. 4. V! . ii.lo..u- liei-'ibr ti.ama F Hism- ' -r At T'iK o V. o.'li .'it l.i I b 'ra a on Il.i4 F.4N- Y. la, K sd, Iraslos Ttrni't l! ' I r ll-i eia HHl. M . an' Hsu vr;'. l'i ."o i. M . t.e.iv.iia V . rone jii ' leartlo d K. K. 1 1 s A M . aiol iir .'buns .itefl isj A M. At CKF-s'-liN. ', :i '. . M ....'ill. I i"-- "I '' T I irl) Irsht or .l. ,. it Sill ill "I."... 1.' -' I Vf t It. If KM. HIIA IM1F..H ' . l'i -SI A. M . ' o irsy-tlnx v. nn. I- rsurh train wno-h al r.Tes. na ra III". Hi 4-1 A. 11 , and fin-ten i.-l"!' M ilius ire a b!." arnoU at M wra vil a with tVtst P. rm vlvaii'a K 11., arrp. lux f-altsbirn, II- ti A M ) ,1,-iln-i PI ITnUl Kii al t UU 1". M., Jiii cofiiitittt li-r a.l jit-mis WosL I lall) I. M. PfMLAI'Kl.l IIIA F.API.tMt, tu p' ouJ' Dowu. Iiisin. Uli- a.icr. li. M b .rt. Mwy.vllW. New uin, AHl 'ii. l.i.M, M-turUig.toa, .viiooiia, 'al SAzin.i.EuC. n.iri.iifli. Al HI F 'IT M' I H ' N . v, ,t u llroa.l Tow l I. . ri-asniiT a"' w. ti"l nrrivtia at j.nul.y A M ., Ml, lii.l. ha A. d , auJ tLwnswa. I.v net. to 11. di .t.l. .ki -.VI .1 ov'N . at tri A M., an. io.i,.i, i..ii...i'. w.l.i tr..i i.r F..ii.U-'il"F.'. raaeiuug at n . . a M..S.-A i-.o.-i brtacit. I' Ar-rui-a il pi'.tu- in P. M . ini.i-4 ilo-e. roiaiei'iloa v. III. I l,i ,. Pih i. nil ,n all n.v in.'. Ut 'I-; ri i.o'i.l Sorll. B. ir. Iata. Vt.-tt.. !.- Vll'ait.i; :! and Ho FJU.S..IOI i, s,i mil an- routh wosl lo aM poiota ai . osa.l 'i t.s rii.lrad Ft.r Linn, r u.ii aiit'lon. aiiply at il" PaaaaoKa- kMilllotl, eorr.n 1 1 .111 ii. I '- I li and l mis 1. 1 ism. Plttia. nii.i '. ,..SLl-.tiii. Jr., I A..a. Ilin AIH-Ll IIIA AM) BXI.TIMORK frSN. X -iiai i a . i 'fi. oi f;n lo oxioitu Pitik't A Kt A N i H i "t S i Ut. Mill aiasr t K1DA Y, Apr". I, Vrl.l.lti tramt wtD tea, aau.l. as - ...,... Ut. A l Ai K r. tsT WAUL). .t t r. a ssis si: ni. ... a. u. .' W4l.ii:. a.m. r. w. 4 .4 , 4 'A b il t 41 14 111 fikior.i .......... l a.l i.islar Avolio sle kui.ab.1 t .taw t Fu ll... Ca-iv lil vi . i:. . Loritoa. PV.1i l iv"i .1 ' F -. r- l..le..lii... F tJ k it rt'eal - I oaler... 7 1 tol ,V.t.' Jvineuoii.. 'J .si ,1". ,'. 11-.r,l...r..J..UJI I !'. i F.,1.1 i Feril.T.. !' 41 r.-tri l-.eiinvil . .. , Iviw tt Avon... , - ii' Jl 4 ai tVes-t tiros.... to J B lo tlsr.ird ....llM .7 '.v 7 '-F-im Tlu) ltii l It) . tii'.Mt in Philade'oiiia Be. hoetl ev.Aud Front li, ii. ....ii a., J al.ik' l t.. PHIKM PIH4T aa.4 U.kkK.l u..U, Waal i'vus' 'leipli. Market tauae fats. I irer Sailiia . Jat . I'lUtasUajaj, IS aa.4 float Uia On..-1. , , ., paa.aiia.r, to tti ror,'" uient ohan.-e of ears. )t, ; AiliKlil W ioJU. SiivatUiWi""' , - ' 1, I 5 : A I 1 w N tna