The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 28, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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i S-
We hnv'e bren without a purt-T
8. nm rlplitt'rn months or moro,
Ami 'lioiigh randiilHtat re plenty
We'vn Iih il nt lets! a sciirn.
All if ttirni "-tip t' prr. hor,
Or tfccir Ictirr. rn
Wf 'rt ji4 .is fur m rvir
J-rem settling; on the in in.
Th? first who rump mnrTt ns
llv no nimnn w:is tho ort,
Hut ihi n we diiln't think of It i m
life nmtt lie irn tlio first ;
Il I'dnR 1 u i to the custom
To sterili e a few,
Dcfnro tl.c church 1.1 earnest
Jittei mines wh il to do.
There wot a tmsrt yount: fellow,
With tenons, e.irnr'i wy,
Who, but for ono r't blunder,
II ml smc.y won t do liny ;
Who left ao (io,l impression,
(In Moiiil iy cine or two
Went roiinil aninnir ihe people.
I'o see it hit would do.
Tb pitms, Rod'y portion
Had not a limit to find ;
II:" cli ar and ( uri'airK' preaching
Tlier thought the very kind;
And all weni smooth and pleasant
-1 o til II ty hi'jird the views
Of some tinner.
Who rent the highest pews.
On tlnse bis pungent dealing
Maiic but a sorry bit ;
The coat of gospel teaching
Was quite too liplil a lit.
Of course his fate was M-ttled
AtU 0(1 e outsits all I
And preach to ph a-e the tinners,
If you ould get a call.
Nent eania a sprncc yonntf dnndy,
Who wore his hair too long;
Another's coat was shabby,
And his voice not over strong;
And o Mew Haven fetuderit
Was worse than nil of those
We couldn't bear the sermon,
For thinking of his note !
Then wearyint? of candidatea,
We lookij tho conntry through,
Ild doctors and professors,
To find one that would do.
And alter much disrn.sioa
On who suould bear the ark,
With tolerable agreements,
We lixed oo Kr. I'arke.
Here then we thought it tlicU,
lint were ama.ed to lind
Onr flattering invitation
Kefpectfnlly declined.
We turned to Dr. Hopkins,
To help as in the lurch,
Who strangely thought that College
Had claims above "our church.
Next we despatched committees,
by twos and threes, to nrgc
The labors for a habbath
Of the Rev. Shallow Splurge.
He came a marked sensation
(So wonderful his style)
Followed the creaking of bis boon
As be passed along the aisle.
His tones were 10 affecting,
His gotures so divine,
A lady fainted In tho hymn,
lit lore tho second line :
And on that day he gave us,
lu accent clear and loud,
The greatest prayer e'er addressed
To an enlightened crowd.
Be preached a double sermon,
And gave us angel's food,
On such a lovely topic
"The Joya of aoiimdc."
All full of tweet descriptions,
Of (lowers, and pearly streams,
Of warbling birds and moonlit groves,
And golden tunnel beams.
Of faith, and trne repentance,
He nothing bad to say ;
lie rounded all the corners,
And smoothed the rugged way;
Managed with great adroitness
lo entertain and please,
And leave the tinner's conscience
Completely at its case.
Six hundred la the salary
We gave in former davs
We thought it very liberal,
And found it bard to mite;
Jut when we took the paper,
We bad ao need to urge,
To raise a cool two thou-and
For the Hot. Shallow Splurge.
In vain were all our efforts
We bad no chance at all
We found then city churchel
Bad given him a call ;
And he, in prayerful waiting,
Wat keeping all in tow ;
Bnt where they bid the highest,
'Twaa whispered be would go.
And now, good Christian brothers,
We ask jour earnest prayers,
That Clod would tend a Shepherd
To guide our church affairs,
With this clear understanding,
A man to meet onr views
Must preach to please the sinners,
And fill the vacant pews.
Extraordinary errors are still In clrcnlution re
tpectlng the character, and even the structure of
the camel, notwithstanding it has been the com
panion of man from tbe earliest ages of hit exist
ence. Tbe large, heavy, lumbering animal that
bean burdens it supposed to constitute a species
apart from the light and agile dromedary, which,
in the language of (be Chinese, possnsses feet of
wind, and in traveling the desert often perform
journeys of from ninety to a hundred milcsaduy.
Thil was proved on a remarkable occasion lu
EgJP- Tbe Pacha, on his. way to tho Hajaz,
having learned at Suet that a mutiny had broken
out among the troops in Cairo, turned westward
the head of bit dromedary, and In less than
eight bours cleared tin ninety miles of dc-iert,
and appeared sudilentv among tho relicls,
who were instantly awed into submission by
his daring presence. A few heaJt. however,
were struck oil' by way or precaution, alter
which Hit Highness resumed his pilgrim
toward! the Holy City. Any one who contem
plate tbe sutupter animal of the trading c.ira
vais, tbullling along the sandy tracts ot the
desert at the rate of two miles and a half an
lour, with twelve bund re. I weight of merchan
dise on bis back, may be easily pardoned for
coming to the conclusion that ibis drowsy beast
toust be of a dilleretit tpeciet from the b ild and
fleet creature which, on the pi lint of Northern
India, moves at tbe rate of eighteen miles an
hour, with a light piece of artillery ut hit hce's.
Yet there is do more dillerence between the
umpter camel and tbe (Let dromedary than be
twtto tbe dray-horse and C'hildert' st-ed, which
flew over the turf at xIewmarket at the rate of a
mile a minute. The speed and lightness of the
drotneoary originate in accident, ami are de
velO)d by tiaimng and education; but the sad
dle animal will cost with the beast of burden,
and produce a new variety, more useful in many
rtspecit ilian either parent.
hliil it items necessary to admit that the li ic
trian camel, with two buncbes, which traverses
tbe wild! and vast elevated plateaux of Ceutral
Asia, dilfert specifically from the Arabian camel
witb one bunch. Of these we have sometime!
beheld u string, exceeding a thousand in number,
inteiBiingled with dromedaries the latter
mounted, tbe former laden tied to each other,
and proceeding in single hie athwart the wastes
of Lybia towards the Illack Countries. The march
in such cates teems tedious, and would really be
sn tn m n iiiitiRtiAlit. Irunli.i hnt tn urwkn. Im
like the Arab merchant!, pass the greater part ol
their lives with camels amid the samis, the
lowliest of progression la no more irksome
than the ordinary courte of business to a man
in the city, ihey kuow by experience how
far they can advance in a day, in wbat places
they ahull iind water, date palms, and coarse
Ialurge for their beasts, and creep from sta
tion to kia'.icn without the lea.-.t excitement or
impatience. Tbe small incidents of the way
tutuce to amuse them, though occasionally they
are of tucb a nature a to put their manhood to
tl.e proof, aiid violently ttiiuu lata their circula
tion. A lion, perhaps, In search of a meal, starts
JP from aiuld the sand-bills, or emerge! front an
tinuotiuMi ravine, and bounds fearleetly toward!
ue carava revived to gratify his appetito or
peneu Buth.ui, nare, jjm or nrrettM hil pro,
piexs desiesiut, Wn dromedary and rider, he
- apnuffs with a towards his prey, aud in
pile of spears una m, contents J Tifc oflfl
succeeds ia bringlu, to th, ground tb'olniii.
dual he baa marked ,, foJ hj breakfaaL
Hut soldier or trader, the Arab i.
and suver deaert a frwud i UMj woi!
such weapons as aie at baud, therefore thu
pipiKluuii, IUU Upon Ibuir assailants, nVliig
shunting, Tiieifeinling, and almost Invariably
end liv leaving his liifle" body up m the
tarn's ! Insulting him, meanwhile, with the epl
thitsof "dog," and "son of a dog." Hhoild he
have kilted one of their companions, tho caravan
halts, a shallow g'e It uug. sn.l Hie h idv, with
tbe head toward Mi c a is iicpmur 1 in it, afti r
whii h a mi und ft thrown up to mark the spot.
Son.etline the mini ili p rses such mounds in
the iniirse of t few hours, though generally It
ndds to Ihrir Imlk anil elevation by heapinc upon
tl em Incessant y fresh partiele". In tpots whete
tl.eie I'M'stt try moisture, plants spring up and
envdi.p there hmpsviith a net work of touch
hhious roof, so Hi' theylurnio pernmnent,
srd seive at disrant intervals t d-s gnate the
route of ti e rani rans II m.i of c imeU, hnre,
sir il sises, brok en po'trrv, and cnity ti ttle,
lik' wise 'slt f. r a 'hurl time to ititi uet tbe Arab
in die v.av towi nls the Interior, though tlie o--
euinnee oftao or lime vio ent sand a'orms suf
licc r to obliterate these traces ot man's passage
through the wilderness.
1 he camel, not oeing hmiseii snciaoie, w averse
from (iiciiomcing sociability tn o'.ncrs. It is alh r much toil, and a vigorous ainliriion
of the whip, that this stubborn animal ran lai
nsde to move In line with Individuals of his own
spices, though twin m inii:n and Atrna 1111
i nti rnrise has been neromplished : In the former
ci ttntry by the creation of a camel train ; in the
latter by accustoming me dromedary to military
volutions to rlisrifo anil n treit in couipaei
lod es, and oiluraise to imitate a 1 the movc-
li en s . f cavalrv. Hut vnur tiading camel hu nig
atiiiiied ililli rent lialnis, far excn ds a mule in
i ki'tinncy when you attempt tn break thron::h
thrm i he will the'n oppose to your will a ptssivo
ris stiinie utterly titn'oiiipicralile ; will lie down
il he lb inks you have put loo much on his b teli,
and refuse to rise, though you should beat
him to dentil. To show that this is often
a mere crotchet, Ihe Arabs remove tv.i
or tlnee ftiibII pickets from the load ; upon which
the aniii al. no doubt with an Inward cliuc'ile of
suti-la lien at having gained the victory, gives a
loud (.runt, and rises without pcrc iving th u,
during the operation, tho packages have been
icstoicd. A, however, ho believes his load to
have iM'cn lightened, he trndget along merrily, il"
so sullen a beast ran ever be said tn bo merry.
Hut though serious and gloomy, this patient
crcattiro li, list not l e sii.s'sid to lie entire y
whhout sentiment. When kindly treated, when
patted on the shoulder, when gently spoken to,
hut more especially when trea'ed to a snnir, the
dromedary w ill exhibit strong signs of pleasure
in his prominent eye, will turn bit long suako
likc reck, look at you steadfitly. as if to express
his thanks, and then iruze forth on the ootspreag
desert more proudly than liefore. This distiost
lion we olttn uoticrd in a white female camel hid
with yr.ung, tn which we traversed a p'irtion of
tho Sahara. In form, llp;htno. and symmetry,
it was one of the most delicate of its spc ies,
ising at tbe lop of the hunch to above eight feet
In height, so that while riding through the streets
ofCniro we could look into the hurcms through
the first floor window.
In cities, in fiira, or other mnch Irequented
places, the camel seems habitually dull ; but no
sooner does be lind himself in the desert than
hit spirits return; he snuflt the tweet air; he
looks gladly over the unimpeded landscape, he
feels himself nt home, and if bis rider bo
familiar to him, he trots briskly away at the rate
of twelve or thirteen miles an hour without
the Jeast urging. In cases of nccossity, he
enn, as we have already remarked, knock off
eighteen or twenty miles In tbe same period,
Onet f the pleasures of this mode of traveling,
not often noticed, is Hie grout height of tho
rider from the ground, preserving him from
the fierce heat rellected from the sand, which,
on an ata, or even on a horse, sometimes
scorches the face; but aloft on the cunel's
caddie the air Is comparatively cool, and ren
(lertd more so by the swift pace ol the animal,
Owing to the structure of his foot be does not
link In tbe sand, but, sproudiag the sole as he
goes, appears to fly over the surface rather
I linn to gallop. Although bis eye appears
dull, his sight It long) and piercing ; and in the
fineness of the sense of smelling, is perhaps ex
ceeded by no other animal, sin.'e he can scent
water, which bat scarcoly any odor at all, at the
distance of a niilo and a half or two miles; we
should even say, from observation, that he can
tcent il more than twice as fur, for, on approach
ing the .Nile from tbe desert, we have known him
Toluntaiily to quicken his pace at the distance of
four or five miles. The delight Imparted by Im-
men'e heat, hleh appears to confer upon tome
individuals a tlxth sense, will continue during
eight or ten hours, bubbling, seething, and thrill
leg through the frame like a sublime intoxica
tion ; but by degrees weariness and languor suc
ceed, thirst makes itself telt, and as the tun nods
towards tbe weBt, the eye glances about wistfully
in search of a clump ot palm trees, or a rock, the
usual Indications of a fountain. Upon disco
vering the well-known signal the dromedary
rears bis head, turns, gives his rider a look of
eneoarageinent, and then if not quite subdued
by fatigue, bolts off at full speed, ilow many
days ha can go without driuking, has never,
perhaps, been exactly ascertained in fu t, the
power of endurance varies greatly in dllferont
it dividual! but il hat been stated, upon very
good authority, that the dromedary can exist nine
days without water, though exposed the whole
time to a beat resembling that of a furnace. It is
ceitain that when tho camel does drink, he always
appears to be laying lu a stock for a week or so,
end he bat even been known te swallow seven
gallons and n half of water, or thirty quart, at
one time. This allows three quarts a day for
ten days, which thouch not sufllcient for the thirst
f so large an animal, may yet be enough to keep
him alive. Comparative anatomy, which hat
indulged in a legion of experiments on tbe
structure of much iuferior animals, has nut ex
tended a proper degree of attention to the camel.
It has, no doubt, been ascertained that tbit
extraordinary creature poBsesscs ono stomach
more than other mammalia; but curiosity has not
been sutticli ntly busy with that immense blad
der, streaked witb sanguine veins, which tho
animal sometimes blows out of its tuouth in
spring. In strings of th riy or fortv, we have
noiiced, during tbe greatest beat of' the day, a
majoiity amusing themselves after this fashion.
Ou such occasions they will raise their heads,
look around wildly, and then, with a st ranee
offensive noite.drnw up tho bBg from their throats,
and blow it out inflated to its fullest extent, as if
to cool it by the touch of the exusriuil air. In a
few minutes they would sutler il to collapse, and
suck it back with a ruckling noise into their
tbroats. Is not this bag intended to contain, in
addition to the tilth stomach, a supply of fresh
water ? And is it not in this that travelers, when
compelled to kill their dromedaries to preserve
their own lives in the Sahara, lind the pure trans
parent fluid spoken of on such occasions ? The
water in the hftb stomach is never, we believe,
found upon dissection, to be quite clear, hut in
some cells a little muddy, in others yellow.
it is during a sand-storm, or on the approach
of the simoom, that the camel display t the most
striking proofs of sagacity, liefore tho human
eye can detect the awittly-approaehing column of
jellow or lurid gat which iuslantly strikes dead
al creatures th .t breathe it, the camel discerns
tbe danger, and uttering a wild roar, turns round
and pi ii li ires his nose into the sand. The trivelor
also, who springs instantly to the earth, presses
hit luce against the face of the desert, tightly
olo-es his hps, and prot lets his nostrils with both
hands. What sigut of sullering or agitation the
piair dromedary exhib ts the traveler is too
much lerrnied to oberve but he himself expori
encts throughout his t.atne, first a quiver
ing, shouting pain, then a numbness and
paralysis of all the limbs and vital func
tions, which, prolonged for muny see mds, would
he death. lint the mystcriouB vapor whicl
comet almost like lightning, in tho same manner
di pints. lu many cases, the sudden death of the
beast and h,t ruler reveals the fatal p wer of the
fimoom; but when they escape with life, the pro
cest of reviving from the ttroke resembles that
experienced by patients after a Ion r illness lan
guor, fech'iness, prostration of the whole system,
giddiness of the head, dullness olit,a partial
loss of memory, and a bewilderment of ide ts.
Kuroia ans ilee to brandy as a remedy, tho Arubi
to rottee ; while the camel, kneeling as if under a
heavy burden, grojns, grunts, uud looks ruefully
about upon the wa.-te.
One means of keeping np tho strength of this
fiitblul beast, which soems never to have oc
curred to the inhabitants of Eastern Africa, or
dse to be neglected through iiidoluoee, is hubitu
t.1 y practiced in the Mogtfreb or Western Des
trt; the owner going before or a little ou one
sice, breaks or plucks tip whatever shrub or
1 lent he perceives suited to the camel's luste,
tr.d gives it to him as be walks along; und the
Vi getable juices thus obtained supply the want
rif water. Another great advantage arises from
this policy of tho Moggrebyus; it produce! a
Kindly Ii tiling, closely resembling alleetion,
between the master and his beast, and inspires
the latter with so much trust aud coniidence, that
when tor whole days nothing is given him, he
stems to understand that it is only because there
is noibing to be had.
Si me naturalists have given currency to the
opinion that the camel is not found in India ; but
this is an error, since in all ages it has abounded
in the great mndy plaint north of Ihe Nerbuddab,
where, in the time of Akhabar, it constituted the
sole wealth of some tribes, individuals among
whom were said to possets berdt of ten thousand.
In I'crsia, Khorutan, ln'Atia Minor, in the Cri
mea, on tiie plains of the islubau, throughout the
tU'piM s of Central Asia, and in China, the camel
is the common beast burden. Mongol nobles
journey ou dromedaries to the court of Peking,
and sometimes harness them to carriages. Wlieu
ladies to avel, whether in Northern or Southern
Asia, tbeir favorite mount if the camel, on which
they are placed in a very peculiar manner; two
capacious panniers are slung one on either side
the animal, furnished with soft cushions. Iu these
two ladies seat themselves, and are protected from
Ihe sun's rays by a silken canopy, supported on
lender gildeil polos rising from the corners of
(ne ptnoiers. Ifeio at tlieir eate they chat with
etch oIIm r, smoke, or nurse tlieir babies, and are
occasionally lulled to tlecp by the drowsy motion
of the tniuitl.
The young foal of the ramel, when frisking
alter l is mother, has a tort of ungainly pretti
ne't, which is almost comic, especially when Ihe
owner determines opon weaning it. A coarse net
work ot n pe it then tied ovrr the dam's breast",
egnintt which the young camel, in search of his
usual noiiri-hment, dashes his nose In a sort of
petulant fury. He will co on, however, making
alts mptt for about eight or ten days, alter which
1,0 coolly abandons the enterpri-e, and takes to
ordinary lood.t herns and this' let, and the coarsest
herbage produced by the sterile soil of tho desert.
To reef in He the vouiik can cling lo his lot, the
Klrghts n lmn Ids head with pay-colo.i d riti
hoim and long streamers, which, as ho gam
bolt iil out, dance an I flutter in die air.
( siiiels mi k, in all the countries where, the
animal flourishes, Is an nrti. le in great rcipio-t,
both nt a bcvira::e und for the purpose ol
li akii g i In esc and butter ; but it does not sifin
to e d Unit stroi g spirit which Isextrneteii from
Ionic's milk in all par s of Tart, ny, and enables
the wandering hordes to enjoy the delights of
t r, t xiralion. In Arabia and Northern Africa, the
tine hair ot the camel, which the animal sheds
(nee a year, is woven into fabrics little I ss soft
and la nutilnl thnn the shawls of (inshmero. A
white burnous of this material, nianttta tureil in
'J lints or Ii , hooded and tassclcd with Moss sdk,
sometimes sells In the h.izaars of ('aim or Damas
cus tor twi ii t v or tiiiny pounds, ncrordin to its
wliib ness or Nor is this at hII surprising,
since veiy lew camels arc white, the common
color bcnif,' brown, vaij lug occasionally ii'moit to
blink. Ill tbe coarse long lour, win h as in tho
shawl gout, covers and conceals the d iwn, rop"s
and ti tits arc made. Hence the expression which
oicuis tcrpi tnally in li e Arab poets, ' the bla k
b ti's of Oman or Nejed ;" and in tbe ISungs of
Sob mon, "the bl nk tent of Ked ir."
The camel Is Rid to lie found wild In the deserts
lying B-tof th Himalaya. Hut this in a v lie
doulilMl, since tbe anneal shuns forests, and there
is no vrppe o! sutll ii nt extent to wididraw crowds
of so largo a LcaM from the notice of man. It Is
tqmil y erroneous to leguul him ns a native of
'1 lnhrt, a country so lull v, cold, and desolate that
tven the shagpy horse of lint iin finds it ddlieult
to sub-it thete. It niuv s.ilely be aillrmed that
the camel exists cvei j where in bondage some
times the slave of the slave, but always Indus
trious, patiint, nnd addicted to toll. We have
seinhim harnessed to the plough with an ass,
and drawing a c irt side by side w ith a bull ilo;
we have beheld him move through the eternal
gyrations of awatcr-wbeel assisted by a tkolo
ton of a horse ; but his proper place is the desert,
where both lie and his ruler aro exhilarated
by tho buoyant and eltstic air. Tho only
inconvenience attending the uso of the camel its
a saddle animal It the awkwardnest of mounting
or descending. He s putts on tho ground, and
you get into the saddle; you utter a sound which
no combination of letters can represent, and up
he starts, first with hiB hind-legs, which nearly
pitches you over his head, and then with his fore
legs, which sends you back with equal violence.
In dismounting, it is much the same you utter
the mysterious guttural Bound, and down ho
goes, plump, doubling his fore-legs under him,
and then quickly bringing the hind legs to hear
in Ihe same long folds, alter which he lies at the
ease, and begins to ruminntrwhctbor your neck
be broken or not. With all his iaults, however,
we regard him us n friend, since we have seldom
passed ph ii'unter hours than those spent In tho
burning tun upon his back, with the golden sand
beneath, und a boundless horizon before us.
V. S. 10-40".
ndeinaUs anj time after TBI? the plcanura
of ttM Oorarnment, sad aatable rOHTT TKA.B8 altar
Wsatd for this Loan, of saint SonoioJoatlon as tho ft-30.
Ljh Merest on tftOs and tlOOt payahst yearly; on all
vuur BWBiiHiuvm, um ii j Tmi ij . a mm tv-mv Mm bib
aat4 Marah 1, IBM. Th half-yearly Intorwt hOAIn dot
SrfttomlMrl and Marea 1 of taoa jear; an til 1st Septem
ber, Una ateraad interest from Utef Marea Is re.0irisl to
be paldty pnrohaors Insula or tn lroal emunacT, add
tns nftv portent, nw premium, nntil further notice.
JAY 000XE & 00..
fejs-er Wo. Ill B. THIRD 8TKKET.
aal-cf So. HO a. THIRD BTHBBT.
X. K 8. Till HI) 8TRRET, Frdbtoolohla.
mocks and Loans aoopht tad sold on Commission, rja
wrrtnt Bank Nous. Coin, Ac , bouirM and told. Bpoelal
attrition paid to tht pnrchuo and salt of OU IMott,
I'.puiH, received, and Intent! alluwtd, at par araa
tent. 11-11 3ra
t wo no a Tiitiin htk ;et.
preM,atockt,(JnarMrBiattort' V. nshtrt and f'hartu, and
all Oov.fftm.nt BccoritH. Bonynt sad Sold, fnihl
Vo 121 8. TIIIKI) bfliKVT,
Government Recnrfti.i of an Isaacs Pnrrtiaacd and for
Kale atucaa, Bend,, and Uoltt Bought anl aoldeaCoia
ColMotlou rrompllv Mada. 1
QX'lCJiJ Jt"li TUB
So. 114 8. THIRD STREET,
Tht Mtctbrl htvbif tsttn the taoowafnl Bidden for
a isorttoa of tht KKW t-W BIX I KIt CLHT. UULD.
tuliBjaa LOaaT, art prepared tsoUar it eo favraraUa
tarmtW their Mtiuaor., In lani or tmal amoanu, la
Bonat of ionnmlnallout of pOa, lout, SUM, and luuot,
kottt roatbttnd and ooopona.
Th, Inuratt toniaMnoti on tht lit of Jfaratntsr Mat
and 1. isajakta la toca, taoil-iABaallf , ea ihe 1st of May
ta aewtuiMT.
aU oaVctOoTarncncot Rttnrltittea band ftad fcrtalt,
a anSattaUoa (hrta epaesniHn ttvtaUaatUt, at eat
tf AY OOOKK aft CO.,
Vo. 11 I. TlinrD BTaKKT,
U M PtatUoelita.
atMJUHT Al tl.Tt
mM ooMVb-awonw .
j,, uisJavata f. MOT,
IcUI. Tttrjaw ereet
For Hon R.lantlna or of TJrtM, Irrltatloa,
Iallammatton or Illccratlm of tho Bladder or Kldnert,
Duminvf Mr rro'triHe Olnndt, fittmtin fas BlodJmY,
C-fnn, Oreret. or Uriel mu f)fxi, and a. Dlteaaet
ef lis It.aJa. r, KMiurp, aod lis.palcaJ SwelUngt.
For Weaincese. aaistnt frotn Cieee.rvt Indl.ereUon. Tht
conitltotsoll once anVcted with Organi Weakntn nwrnu-ee
tlie aid of nwdlctn. to ilrnn(AM tnii IntifonU tktiytltm.
which EKiJIUOIJ)'! EllkACT Pl'CilU Invarlahly
does. If at treatment I. inhmilttcd te, Ooa.acaptloa or
luitnllv wT cn.ut.
la tffMtlon. pccaltar tc"TtAu," Is imeinialcd vari7
other preparation, at la (luoroilt, or EtU'ntlun, Irregu
larltlea; ralnrnlneat, or gopproaalon of Castoutary Eveo
aattona; rlccratcd, or teh rtoo, Btatt of tht Clonu;
Leochorrtaa, and alt tomplalula Inoldeat to tht tax,
whether arlelns from kablt. of dttilpatdoa, hupmdaitole.,
or In the decline or chance of lift.
Will raiitcallj eitvrmtnate from tht sjitttm IM.ta.ei ef
the Crlnarj Organs artalng from Habit, of DU.Ipatloa, W
ft fit iftMt, liuU orae ihantt n 4Si, naineonvenimet
r trpoivrei eocuplttely tipenedlnf thost ap(uaai ewet
lUmitrtmi rewxtlle., Cf fllvu ssta' Jhrcurn, In all these
In all IHeeaae. of tht Crlnarv Ore an., whether existing In
"itif," or "Ftmmlr," )rm mtuxtntr ue trijiuoiim g
antl no ma'itr o Aow long tianding. It It pleasautln
tautt and odor, -immediate" to actfosi, and saort
ttrcuatheninr than any of tht preparation of iiarl or Iron.
Thote .Bfleitui from Broken Dovn or liclu ate ConitUm
tscnl, pt of arc las Remedy OA tficti
Tbe reader mutt bt ivm that, bewtrer tUgbt maj ba
tbe aUark of tbe itovt dlaettet, k It certain to aTeot ku
titJily JUallA, Menial foteeri, Uannel, aJ All Pot
Uritt). putiuiAKB.rLEAiu noTica.
I. cutnpttod tf ImmmU, Cmtrit, ani Juniper BerrUt, tt
hsotedi with great tan and preisved la vaca bj 11. T.
I101(lOU,Dnifr( aud Ghrmlet of sixteen rears' ta-
I peiieoc to ttht dtl of rhlladoluhla, tad oow pceurMsid
kjr the st eminent tf the fkoejMr, and have bssea ad
aiStud la we. la HM United sum Amir, and art atao la
Verj general ate la State HotpKalt and pabttt Banltarj
Inttrtutioaa ttarvoglwat Use land. Medicines delivered
to tup addrtta, aoowtapaiUed bjr tapuviU dlreotions. Dtrtot
BELatBOI D Drug and Chemical Weiehooee,
Jto, 591 Broad wa,5ow Turk,
. te HKUlBOU) Medioal Ptpot,
Ut. 101 1. Ttatfe ttJtcniUiioepala.
Btwtrs tf soubttrttlts.
ask ttt HJaUf B0U S, aa
OAaa im turn I kxk A. V. to I F. U.
rilll.At.RI .MO. I.c.mli.r II. IHT.4.
Hi. anensl PJcrtlnn tor lll t le d at the
ttenalnc ll.i..,n 1 III HSI.AV, th. I?tti dar or Januarv
seal, oetwe.n Ute boor, ef lu A. M and 7 P. M.
11 10-, tilth tt-l ta.hler.
f KAsssoaii, Ir.mtor fti, f4.
The Armial F.trrtlrn n.r Iilntnls ol this Hank will he
bud el the lla alt , ll'.asp, on 1 I S.KliA Y, Janntrj 111,
ISM, trtviern tbe boars ol VI M and ;l r. M
11 II W. II. ItllAWN, Caabser.
I' rniA, Ilpremher tl. lv-1
An .1. etWin for Thlrt.en Mt.i-iors, to serve th. .na.dnir
ar. will l.e hf id at the Ilankinu II use, on Tl RitlAT ,
Jauuat; 10, 1"4, (rum 1U0 ilutb A M. u i V. M.
WM ! CONKI'.f.L,
18 1.1 w On ll'O Ci.altl. r.
I'nir inrr ritu, Pw.wh.r 1, Isl.
Th. Annnal Pt.i-tlnn for Inr.i'tn-a ot th's Itank wiu h.
t .ld at the lUnkintr Mu'ia... en VVeln.aUv. the lllh .iae
of Jannart m ,i, tclaeen the hum, el luoaloikA. M,
lUIn cli ck I1, fat.
li !' t-ill W. ni'hittow, jit., cail.lor.
Pint Ann rnfA, Iter. niter 1S',(.
Krflre la h.rrhv ptv.n atf .iil'. In a.rtion 1 of tl.c Art
of th. Ilcne. el Asieu tilr ol th. I ormnnnwralih nf Prnn
slainn, ei.tilKil sn "Ai I .nat.lirv tlie Hank or the i:.nn
nriiw.allh tii t..i.-inr Am.n lor Hie of
Hnik'ntr un.ler tl . tnw, i.r th. I n toil Kiat..,
tr. '.il .lay or, A. t. sT4, that th" sf.Mli h....ers (
lie Wraiirn Itank of I'hlla.leljihla have this ilav vi.lod to
h. cntetucb an A H.ocltttl'in, anil that lis Interiors have
ptnineil lie anttoiltvur tlif ns t mo e than IWit
tl trill of lie eai.ltnl ,1... k to m.ik.. the rertineata re ttllred
thctefor l.v the law. of the In ted Hales
1 m tut O. M. WEYiAUT,CaaMar.
dim limiu rnrt.i'hcl with ulntitutet at dio (iuri'jt
noiitc HaVd at low rlc-a.
JftllV MASSI'll .It.
lS-2:Mm Ofllc, 4 MltKAICV hu-rl, vtJ ;ory.
frr th l nit-fd Ntatci Mniinej Cmth, atil fiTdtutl nnn
rtrfnrm lh 4uili of a iJtjir at oar Navr ra
ini on arutrd I'sltad BLaU LUs m( wmt oo tvtvuu
Aln Tral f fK d fH-r.
LI. 1 HE 1 AI, luii'KTIB pa!4 aaon nliatment.
Ifli of Mlc. roar Imari.
Htiir onii'cntiuti-a itiatt tfa amj.
Marlnri ret-j1v Prist- Mnrv.
Appin atU'iia T iranMcr frm (ha ArmT will not be al
tri lira to.
Wmr amU. f'irtbtjr fefurtavatloB apply & u lleruHlafr
Jio.tll H. r-MOBT Ptrarrt, Wtew Mproea atrMt,
balvaaa Ui laon V aod 8 o'doch
11P Maw Wuiau larlnt crpa.
n L o u a ii s,
Offlri aid aotctra TlilUnjciiia city on lttrlonctii, n-aadlrag
Are Invited to Ui lU'ii'lra
Miidf tn ordar mt ththo-teit aotlce, wMuh flir rlchnoa and
iiiavnthoBc chllm(rB coiiiAittta. nn otiir bu- in th c
c.iumr oob ttmaR Uo MiNU t a CI UKI NU JKrt tl.KK
X C Mv and Count? ot lti ladflptna.
Kiiai-oi K MI KI. IKlt JtK K SO, dcMii 'rt.
The Audlinr a)MMiitvd hv i lu' ( 'yuri In hikIii, hct!r, find
fl Uhl tUv accuui to! A tilt A M 11. It fclC HH KHUN , Exit U
tortiftl.c f.lM!.' ff MAUI LI. J F. K K I ,'KxiN d- -if tl.
and to it-port t1trllutMn of tli hai.incn In the dan U of
ti e accountant, tll mr. t tho imrtin liitfreH'cd tor the
pn of M appointment, nil Minidny, Juniiarv 'I, IH'.,
at 4 o cHx k T M.. ai hi otMcv, No. 2'J 8. tl 1 11 .SUo-H, up
ttalrn In ihv t.y ol I'lilludrlplit i.
t l--ftii&t MOKH A. IHIOI'SIE, Auditor.
J Fhiladki.piua, Pecembar lnt4.
In )tirnanee of the aniiexed reaoiuUuu. Uia r.Uowluf
blU, euiltlid
! barfly pnhliitied. In accordauca witb tlio act of Ai-aoaa-bly,
fur public LDforiaauon.
Clark of Couuaoa Coanufl.
AND l'KKVlul rt ) EAjt-4.
S'ttlon 1. The Halect anil Comiaoo CuuuclU of tha Oltjr
Of klulalelphia do ordnin
That the Mayor of I'Mladrlphla be and be li her-ey aa
tlionicd to borrow on the credit of the cit;, front time to
time, imb tuun of mom y ai way be neueitiarv fur lite
pmy meiit of such drflclancUs aa uow ailn, or which may
tint on the flr.t day ef JamiRry, iHiiA, In the aprpria
uon ui in tevcrai ovpartinentji or ine city ('vrrnnienv
li.r the year eiahieen Bund red and aixiy-lour, or for pre
tnni jearv, not exreediiiH In the w hole tha urn of two
mlHiona rive hundred thonnand dollara, for whkh Inte
rvtt.not to eie t-d the rata of tit per cantnni per annum,
hall be paid half yearly, on tha flrt daya of January
and July, at tha office of the City Treaaurer.
Tha principal of aald loan ehall ta pavaule and pal 4
at tiie eiplraiton of thirty yearn from the data of the
ante, and not before without tha connent of tha holder!
ttiertof ; and theeartlflrat? tinrcfor. In the uiual Ibrin of
4m certitlratra of City Loan, thall be latucd In iuab
aiaMQnta aa the Under may reiitre, but not Uit any IYe
Uonal part of one hundred dollxrt, or, If rto.iilred, la
amounta af flTe hundred or one titouitand dollara; audit
hall beaipreaied la aald eertitlcate that the taid loan
therein nirnUoaed, and tha Inivrvtt thereof, are payable
free from all taxae.
reitloit2. Wht-never any loan ehall be made by virtue
then of. tn re ahall be by force of thla aufinaUy
aitproprlatcd out of the liicmv ot the corporate eaUta
artt from tht' mm railed br taxat.en, a mira inftloWntto
pay the tnierei on said cartlfltatee ; and the further am
or three-tenthi of one per centum on the par
value of lut h eentiffcaiai bo liHued thall be appro
priated quarterly out of laid Income and taxeo to a mnk
Iff (and, which fitrid, and Hi arrnmiiiatinni, ar hereby
etprcialiy plt'ded Ar the redonipUoD aud payiuentof aaul
To pr-htlih a Loan Hill to pav DeflHenHet.
HotolTfd, That the C erk be authorired tn publknh In two
dally nrwRpapera of thu city, dally, for tour week-, the
ordnance proacnted to Coinuum CoanU on Tuurida,
Ifemihrr 1. 1H -t. entl led
"Aa Ordinance Crv atlnv a Loan an payOrtatn DeflclancUi
of tbe year I'M, and previona yeare."
Andtba aa! the ataitd metinR of ronaella,
artar the expiration oftuiir werki horn the nrat day of aai
publication, ehall preivnt to thli Council one of
eatd nawipai ara for avarj aaj ka which the lamn ahal
bavt bean tuada. I'i 9 4w
and i.JKAhl- Htrevta.
Fiiii.AiiKi.i'iiu, Iieccmbor ?fi, 1804.
Healed rropohola win beruceivtd at thli oitn-e uniil 13
o'clock M.. HAK'KDAV, l:oi.'iur U. Kit. for Ilia
imnndlatp dellTi'ry at the 1' tilted htMen O verinnnt vt'Hre
lioua'. llauoer net whan, of the fuliowinu deeenbed
ttiiiaitermaHter'k Htore' , via.:
It aw ) ardi Cott--u Ca'ivtte luici, 281, inchca wU'.a, 12
ountcn. hamcU' ri ijiifn d
tOO Yeid Rnaiuuled loih, l?B wide, lei oimrei. flauiple
ruiMi d.
f 00 I'ouiidb Curli d Hit". Sample riuirel.
yoO front A a Ik tree Kolittre 4b inciie a, fur army
60 lion Axle-trcei andPtocka, 'Jhi inches, lor uruiy
w atfoi a.
Inn w nv n t'lpc Bxce, '2l4 Inrheu, for army wajfom.
yen v ayon 'I (nipn a not uoiivd.
'21 Vi e Boic, aVei inches at Ut'sc end, anl 11 In 'ha
WX1 Wort lie flam, fur army waone.
I' o lt i v Kurt lor army v aj'iu.
Hi tiiiK-lior'' CartP.
All tht ad' r dt't ritv'd tn be of thob't iiualit v, nn-1 uN
ifi i f the inptttion ol an luupccior aopoluieU ou the part
ol tho tioveri.iiici t.
HMUh ip will htatc pritrap to Inc'nde boxen and delivery
buih in wrlilnir aod uuuret tlivi11'1' bid tor, anil
tht- t trie ol d liven .
Fa i h biij mtiBt be (uarautied by tworeiiHiimlb'e vert inn,
wi'. M' iiKuaturoD mum bo appei le I tn tii laiinprntt u 1
crriiriid lu a- U tuK H "d uvd Biitticleit urcuritr fiir the
amoitnt Itivolviti, by the Cubed mute liiatrict Juti,
Atu ri v . or Ci'llei tor, , r oihar pubtiv uili er. uthui wuj,
tb' bid w Hi cot tu t'onnMered
1 he U reHer.eo to re.jeet all bid a dofinetl toi hith.
and no bid iroiu a dtatiltliii cjiuractur will be rtvuilvud,
li onltr ol
Cololial 1IKUMN UK'.'. 8,
'liter ij Hurler in.,,, i ,.f,
tiFoltUK It. lUttIK,
12 57 4t , Cditaiii aud A. i. ml.
L Of r ICE.
Cik ihkati, Ohio. neretnler 1ft. 1
PropomilH will ha recufed at thia oitlcw until 12 o'1.h'
M , hA IT hD AY, lseceintiai -.11, W. from dt-ak-r-1 ir mi h
of ihe ti ifuwlDtaf ante r hi ttiey can I'lrntth for the tjuur
t m att, r k In (arliurnt, ('niied Hi .( Army :
t-4 Hun Ui k or Low Moor Tj re u b re b. Ineitea,
ti do do du tVi.. d
8 do do do 4: '4 ilu
bit do do do 67 do
4 do do do 47J. il.)
The abevt to bo flanged Dd 2l, to 1 liu h--fs thi. k.
'roMiirtia will be iiiiidried lor Tyr mauv by other
mnt'rttjturtrtj, It n,UsU rvu-eail.
1U kthi iacb Hot pftd b'.aaraKuti, and K
6 Parallel Fen.h Wee.
.Vio pouiidf llorax. tt barrel! Coal OIL ltu kory 1'ici Uaudiei.
iituo HUkory Hpitv Uaul llandlei.
Vi Pitta Lead, W Babbitt.
binbi .ii.e.'j.'j'so b-et hrjty Fue.
10 do en A me ho, t hhoveu, or an art. A equally
iO KcuixP Emory rioth, aacfa 0, 1 , 1 if J.
lv do J'a- er, each U, ,, 1, 1 I.
V barrel beat Copal Vamlib.
6 t'o Mineral faint ia oiO.
Whan iikiaplea aie runuaiitn. Uiey muit have the na ae
ofWie biOitsXupoa Uieui.aiid be nuiadorwl w oorreap md
Wtlb the bftfli
Ti e an, i ;ti bit) r, and time of delivery, matt be itated,
and each bid mutt be gi-aranteed by two rtjaienal lc itire
tUa aDaiantveiBK tn trthi Ir own iltnntare m 4t the b ad-T
wil! cstf r Ini bud for UiafulUUueut ot biacoutract.kliuld
oiie be awardd h m.
Hida will beopemd at the time above ipeclflad, aad bid
5afi are invited to be prtJteau a
'Ihe ilatt to taaenred W reject any bid doeaied unrta
louable, lu oider of Colonel WM.W. U- KIM, Chief Qutrtar
liuuter, Unci ii ua U lpol,
A. J. 1'UEI.tM,
12--01 CaptaluaudA.g W.
0K6h6! H0R1SRS ! HOUSE !
(,t aMr.aMrrasiUB-4iRt,e frrncm,
Wvun DivirMoa,
WaaaiMHAiB, ePeaima-ar , IriAt-
Horaaa. laltabla for (avalry w AritUerr avrTloa, wta ba
aurrkaifd at tiHabaro depot, fca ape-a maitat, UU Uaaaiav
Wr3l,lh4. ,
lloie-ae wil ba 9Mvarad t Oaptaaa L. Iiwry afoora,
A t M " T1- --" tf iHtti "' i iiaaial tuapae
(ao. be A re bMBK aoaeeited.
Irhtacf Cavalry nuraea. 0171 aeb.
KrtM Of AAUitMW UtMM.fttWtsateVth.
Myiueau wWi be umU far Ma () aad aaava.
Ootoavaf Ib (abarv Fkrvt IH-Ww,
IS I IT g J-ijarawag -ftttMivra ucboa.
Hfalfd Proponala will be rorH-d at tma ofTI'-e nntti 11
o'clock M , KMN f HIlA V, January 4, I,',, for tmme bAle
delivery at th United ftafp Hiorehoiiee, Manovar atre-t
wharl, properly pMtktd and ready frr tranapor'aiinn, el
tht foiiowint deit rlbed quattermanier to res, via.
l' Itrad Awle
1(0 fl ar Awla.
Ui Hn-ad Aiee, Peatty'" make. Rample rerjalred.
;."sMiO .(.lti Axea, do do
bit Anitmliinre Anlee and Ttrtxce. Length of box, 7S
Inet'CP ; dtftiDfterp, I l, hii bea : 1 IS Ik inch tnnide
110 (rro Wire Ib.rae aho Bnrklea,?A pro S lioh, 3.5
yropa Inch. .'H) frroae nek, and 10 irroaa 1 Inch
K5 dot n Ai ror hit : 1" ln h. d!i li Inch, A) b -16 Imb,
m 1" U inch. Ift T, n h, It 1 in- h.
Rpmpb reulr. d.
A do n Hplral Una, 4, double cut, Ramplr
r 'iuir d.
60 Kta inn and Ilracei ; full set b ta (o rnrh. Sample
.V-oft Herat- HiaoVetn. Ftampl renntred.
.'a0 I low Iruhe, wHid n bak,Mat artelen. Pamplc
n-iuTed. a
.Tf ft Krrub llrahea. Inrpe Tmn.I. Hample re-i'ilred.
t W all ltuia a,ten krot inn-, do do
luO Corn HrfHfUia, ttood heay artule, 8 ample re
fpilreit, "O R table ftronnip ; rattan Sample rnre I.
"' ltiutti H'i'hit , I 7 in. ti and 1 inch.
;'Oronnd hf flrwd Hora.
li4Xt tium Mm ket,trum band lee (not fire). Hauiile re
iil red .
2 nM Aorlr1 Taint Sample rwrnlred.
'2 dnori arr in Hrnhea do do
1 ptropn !Ht,h (,r Tool Uruahft, do do
t! (,ron ltolb'r Itiir klea. l.s ineh, IW , Ineh. IK- v-inch,
loo tnih.7-1 Inch, Vtl 1 Intli, fiO 1 'g in h,
1 Vmch .'o'j ire h
TOC feet on mil, "iv f-r chin chalm. Samplr
ri(iili f tl
Mtit lUli?r ( I ni&B, bra'vy.and t ei cadi end, lnnp:e
r ime-l.
'.ic jardd t i an rl ir (I r'nth, .ri lncl.c wide, for Ainhti'anec
toMf". 8iim(te ri'julretl.
L'O Firmer t hio , m a li.di, iv )-lnrli, W IS' In h.
e iimp e f- fjnirt d.
1(0 Kiamiiix i Itiacia, IO 2 lnh, f-0 1 Inch. Fjunplo
ri niir( d
U i 0 l'aif"n ra, t Yf nmde of 10-ounce rntun due k,
J1- 'j it c'i a wliie. arm v nandard. eut ll (eft imk,
lour wollba o' n aterial, wlih f"iir bemp mrda on
eat b able, nod oae tiirouKbia h end. Bam.'le of
i'ik k le-iuircd.
:CiO Cuny CcmbR. Ho. 242l, l deilev make. Barnple
r "ii'lred.
: (01 imp ( Muinc ya, medium sire, for coal oil lamj i.
; (i i- u i d- w hlte l.nmp t'a.k.
U fitu liril I i, nip ha k
1 tiff. n Hot. ber ('kara, mediam ile. Rample rc-
0. 111n d.
f-Xftjiirditfitton Cnnaa T'u V, 1 Inrheu wide, Hot. 10
and 'J Sample retiuiiid,
f biiep Vclai r.
's bbta rork Haiol'f Ferriib .
1 nioa flat Fiki, bJiiUrd, 4 Imb. Sampla ra
ipilrt l.
1 pro-, half round T ilea, assorted, 4, fi, and 14 Inch.
h.itni'lca ri'iiiired,
10 f Top p. hi niv are Hb, 2 rrnfa II frcli, 2 (rrona. i tnfh,
2 Ktofi 4i Im h, 2 Kioea tm h, 2 v roe tt (i-luch.
8ainilea r o,n n d.
10 d'lr-en W od 1- iica, 14- Inch, Bfimple re inlred.
'ii (i pound! iriue. do d
W ial w ii.dow i.lnafl, 100 8xlU, I.'.'hj lU.xl:, 12x14
lut ht a.
fi O'tie I'otp and Kett'ea.
J ib I- irno r CM--! MtiTifiicsi, Pamp'es rc inlrcd.
,''b (. Inw llatniTUTM, do do
1' ii Hroailttxe liaio'lrs, hickory, do do
21 (( Am llmidleo, hickory. do do
24 .lai k I'lane llnndUa, beech, do dn
V4 Ft re I'lane iliindlea, beerb. do do
.'iii Lot ora liiii.diei, bet?tn. do do
MC Hh rt do d" do do
0 0 iS'.iovfl lliintlM,aPb. do do
MKiNliort do do aah, do do
lww Ambulant e Door Locke and tlandlua. fiamplo ro
iulred. noo rick Handles, ah. Pample required.
2on s eone Hat im r Handb a, hickory Hample re mired.
; Co Pick HaMllei, uh. Hample reignired.
IMi Mtugo ILituiutr IJauitlei, biukury. Sample ra-
l Vfi Tlinc llaipi, P inch. Sample rcjulred.
te it do do B-liicli. d'i do
;t;tw palm Strap Hlme. heiTy; 2"O08 inch, IfWO M-incfi,
,M t'i inch, irk 'U 14 tiirh. Hample riilrcd.
4C('0palri "T 1 Hinhet; Wi) K-lncli, l'OU 10-lncii, luOO 12-
Inch- Hample r?iolieil.
100(1 palta Wr.'UKUt Hull llnifii, 2' x'.V'i-lnch. Sample
iwn poiind-- Curled Hair Pnniple rerulrcd.
2b0 Haw Uhl.',,, tor rm erliiK Mt ClcllAii Naddlei, In picklt
and tiivht birreiH.
& dorm Hoiitle I' lane Irons; 1 2 Imh. t 21J' lnci, 1 2'
litcli, I 21! liKh, 1 2'i-incli, huichcr make. H am
ple re iiiin d.
,w I itt tier Knivn. 12 Irt h Madet Sample re-nifn-d.
Ktb knivt a and Ki riiB,each knlie handle riveted. Sam
ple required.
10T (iniet ( 'arriane Kimb4. japanned. Sample rcqnired.
l.'b loawer hnohe. porcelain. Hamplo required.
bMi t't alk Lltifa, ar-nor ted iea and iengtlis,
ItH o 1 htitiib Latchea. Sample required.
irtjClieet licka.iVa and i-lm.h, good article. Bamplo
8"0 Hran Till I.ocka.2 and 3 Im h. Rample rn ptlred.
bbOl ntl Loikfi; t 2 -Im li, 10t '2 Inch, iMJO U-liKli.lOO
.'I't-llich Sample required.
12 Carpenters' Tape Linen, 60 and 100 feet.
Uk) Amb. uruin Lights aud Frame. Sample ro
l.'OOkci-'B Cut Nalla: 100 VnJ., 260 8d., VjO 4d., 300604'
Hjnule rt ulred.
30 pounda Clout haili. Ram pie i reqolred.
lOupapera Mack Head Liutug Mulls, ;,-lnch. Sample
r quip d.
?of ltamlriK Nt cd'es Ramplr required.
Sou paoera Harm is Needles, assorted sizes. Sample
required .
100 Collar N( rdl l. Sample required.
100 poutide huts, ' hole, l.Stx,1 Inch. Sample
2f barrels Hoi led LlnrecdOlL Sample reqalred,
lo do Itiiw do. co
lit ponnda Kacutrheon Tina : W) Tij lnch. W V-1nch.
lib Ja k Pianea, "liouble Iron." (Sample requl cd.
It) lurk do do do
bo f uiooth do do do
lOOloing do 0-(nch dlametoTr 1 inch deep, and
1. ' inch diameter, V Inch deep. Sample re
quired. IS reams Hand Taper. Nos. 1 and 2.
Milau l'is, t be made in the best manner, li-ounce
cotton duck, bent quality, army atandard, w th
tabbtigp all round; sio wiM feet when Unishvd.
ban pit s of aura required
12 Ra'lmakera' raiins. hample reqnlred,
lUk 1 n flutes. do do
2 ream a Hardware Fap-r. Hample required.
1 trvsi Camel Uair I'encils; lung hair. Sample fd-
q nlred.
'! Sable HHlr I'enclls; lonK hair. Rample required.
1000 iKiunds Copper Kivetn and Hurrs ; ftO -lnoli, 403 i
inch :mh mrh.'JOU 4-lnch, UK) l-tneh,
4 dozen Wood Kap It- Itici, Sample reiuirrtd.
Uo uro-s Hrtachli g Kini. l'a -lnt. ti. tamplj required.
12 tlozei' I-lush liiut;, 1 and 1 '-iiith; do do
V0 Hucksavts do do
bb Creapcut hiwi, fi feet, Jo do
2 dozt n hamniH Hklns, do do
K-b pa ra koai htiiK Hhaara, do du
4'!-'0rohS lion Here ws, do do
ftifvrotseacft.Nt men, Mis o. 7,h,w, iu, ii, and w.
W) do do 1 d'i di
I--;, and 1J.
(t'O do do 1 do do
20 do do IU do do
Hii do du 1,1 do do
M) do do IS do do
loo do do l'a do do
Ml do do Iii do do
ft. Ki, and II
t, lo, 14, aud 15.
11. li, tuid 1J,
It, 10 andU.
11.12, l;, and 14.
12, W. 14,1,'i.and Id.
3 0 Short-bandied shovel, beat
ample requirea.
do do
2 tlrlotlats'iiea. mcdmra le,
2 doren Kaineis' hciiaors. do
2'. Hp. ke Hnavea, do do
lUili pounds Hpnag Steal (.'. 8 by 6-16-inch, A00
, incnj i aampiciequircii.
UOgroiN llraaaHetewa (2A No 7.2-1 No. B, 'JO No. 6, 90 No.
7, 2o No. H) ; sa ui pie requited.
AO seta Huddtera Tools, each ata to be In a nett box,
Spe.-lucuilons to be bad alibis odice; sample re
quired. 100 seta Hl neinft Tonls. Field t Hardic's, each set to be In
a nt-at box. HpecitW-ahoiis to be bad at the otllce;
auiit le riuired.
100 pennda I'ati nt t nrt ad,50 pounds U lack ,30 aud 40;
fumpiv reulred
f0 pounds White, lib and 40; sample re'iulred.
&00 pounds HttJ iiebS lhread, ii. U., Ho. 10, sample re-
2d pounds Saddlers' Thread, Orange; sample re
quited. 3!t0 papera Cut Tacks (.'OO 4-nz., litOO -oz., 1000 8 ol.,:
10 -u.. ,&00 12 afiHi H o... 20 o..).
22f -founds Copper Tacka im h, 7Jj ti 8 Inch, AO
Viiich ''Ol inch t ; sa.uple required.
SOOp.iptrk tiimp Tacks, ii and 4 -uuutes; sample re
quired 40 boxen Tin (20 10 by 14, 90 14 by 20); sample re
quire d,
y0Tv.ii borne Whips, plulted . sample required.
2utU I'-Utkiiiuke Wblph, ail u utbar, lull iiife aud weiKht,
rample rt quirt-il.
2( puunea Chrome treou, lu oil, 8 and 6-lb. cans; sample
6000 pounds While Lead, 2.1, fiO.aml 100 lb. kegn; sample
Utpiuioi lry White Lead, In 10 lb. papers; sample
r qlllltd.
10 kepi I'utiy.
rpiiioia I tuul'-e Stone, ground.
2Mi pound HpaDthh Wbitiug, dry, In 10-lb. papers ; sam
ple tequirtd
U0 pounds Ked Lead, dry, lu 2.1-lb, kes; sample ie
quird 7' bair i S t rm Oil; s imple required,
if. Co t oaP til, dti d
tu do Lard Oil, tt do
ft do MveOil, do do
ft do Liueeuoll, do do
;w 0 pcumla Aqua mmoma.
'.'(0 do Ah:Uolltla.
i,bj do Alum.
'hi do Arri cu Flowers.
ai(0 do Itaib.b ti Abn i.
11 hair Is Aieol.ui, r ample ie Ulrd .
2-"b jH-tii da lite 'tvux, larc cak sample requited.
0 do B iitb'one.
b barrels Iteimue ; sample fe,utrcd.
Ui juut da I ui rai o hublinat-.
4110 Oo Castile Hoap; aaiuii'v required.
Hm itj C.q p. rab; aauiplo rtrquired
Itm io t ab met.
iO barrola 1 ij.hvtd Ileal ; a mult- required,
ho poiims Ci round timsir ; do do,
tan tht OUubtr ba t.
2bi pouuda Lauip i u k ; suiupte rc luirvil.
lit tin iter unalO.ntmti.t.
tf rt-ss Wuutang l.u mnui,
.fli' pounds HiO'H Spirits ol Nltr.
A) do itobku; saiuiilu r--uuired.
; co do baitpt-trt
Ak) do LviKarof Leal,
HO do Sulphate Aia-'iieia.
4i U do hin'iive; sample, required.
1(0 do Simple Ceruiu.
ti barrels sulphur. Sample rei.ulred.
loo puumiM 1 atiar Kmettc.
li-o aids Ad hi site I'lu'er.
2 liout.da Silk lur Ligatures.
4 Uouu lull I'orce.ts.
do. At-, chs Kuivea, 2 bUdea.
2 do. Spiliiv Lamets.
4 du. Kowellng Nt-edlog,
4 do, Betm do.
0 do. 1 leah do.
2 do. Sttaiht do.
2 ilu. a im i'rulws.
1 do. Sp.ituiai. us't sles.
t do. Straifilit Scissors.
2 do. Cork bcre.
8 do. Syrioufs, 1 oz , I. K.
$ do. 1 rocaitM.
A do. 'J enacu.utns.
I do. Snni)ia. H on., I. H. -
All ol the ai-ova dcicriosd to l-e of the best quality, and
sublet to ire liu pt iUi.u ul aa luspector aji pointed oiiaiba
pan ot tbe t.uvtriiuieiit.
a, H.ddcra will siaie price to Include boxes and delivery,
VoUi tn writiag aud rinurts; the quantity bid fur, and the
time of dellveiy slated; gfcd ao sonudule pticcg will be
AUsampli'efl to be sent io tbe Qovtvnmeat warebouse,
Haot v-r street harl.
AU fropoaais miiat be made out printed blanks, vajtilck
tuaybabad on apoboaUoa. at tbla ostica, elbarwtee taoy
Wbl ba rejected.
Jlai b bid must be gnarantaed by two respenslble persons,
wboae signaiutts mint be eppeadod to ia guarautM, and
Mrr.i4 la as blag gnee aad sattltilaat urlty lor tne
ausoiiut Involved, by tne Cnued rita as IHatriat dudxa, cUeetar, or othug pauUe orttoer, otbrue
tbe bid wilt not ha euasidered.
Ihe right Is reaerved tn re eot a'l bide deced too high,
ftids m udeiaiiiung eoutiaai jrs, and those mat go not
fvt y cmpy sthA tht rvHrmew4 wt this adrarusiuul,
a ill not be a nsittartd.
Hy oid.r of Colonel llermaa Hlitga, V. I. A , Cblef
Uumr cruioster. (.fcxKJK R oitUI,
U Ji. ( apiam aad A. At. O.
. if"
haroT o? wsatwaoTnii,
M4. I
WAaimroTopT, p, C, January 4
An eValera la !tm. Ha-dwara Lam her. Laibf,
Faraitnr. naras. and Saddi rv. are rvia.t4 t flauiA
to this iTra. an tae KOsPAT of sack weak, a aid grAwl I
P'sal er I tat. in dnrliat, af the artie'es taey arc erep,ra4 i
to fWalah ta tba dpM at short nnUee, wi'k the pr. mt
ah frarkod In plate fi araa. sathat, ta eaiaiheeiiftee
oftheservira reqaire It.tke artleia or ariiclas eaa be a
tainnd wiihoat dttlav, ar th lawsil priea.
I'U'ks wiatilp lo sail ta Ibis wi ft rajJefc
srnlsk Ue ast paaataally every Moodav aaomlng
ii n. .tuck gd,
nrbradier-Oevaral andttaf gearterwtaatar "
11 I IisjckH nf Waahlntrto .y
Ov v v norAss Tf an t q v n r f, h m a s:
tvr 11 11, IT A KT lUSThiCT Of PIHLADEI.I'RIA.
No. :n MAhkET b treat.
rr- imuvh 11, 1HS(.
galed rropoaals will be raaelved at thia ofllt-e antu noon
OM Hl'RH V, S-th I pal., tor theera'tl-.n and e-midetiAii,
In the sir-rteat poaaltln t ui, ot ".I Altl ft A KB A 'K A.
ntar the Schuylkill Arsenal, in areordnnre with plana and
t eel nrat tons now a ia 'fflrt nt Mr .Hif N MtAK I HUil
Jr.. arehiieri, lt. 20'J South SIXTH Rtreet.
I'rot'oasls must be mad apnatl e Miular ftrms, to be
bad at ihti ('fTice.and muit s'ate the ihorttttime required
to r ntpb te the wr.rk
Tt l rttsd mtatt-a reserres the rigYt to reject all bids
dermtd incompaibae with Its Inte'.jsia.
12 22 rt Captain and A. (4. M.
M il its by iMnTiMiT or Prttr riiitrnrtA, itl
o. TA M ikkit HTitaar.J Vw
lomtuber i l. Wv4. 'U
Snled fTrpfaa's wiM ba rei-eivea at tbit 'tb-e nnUl (Jial
! id H-.ll Itl'AY, le.iinhr HI. fof furnUblBi 'I u
and settl v up eon plete rP.r tiae at Frt MiMllu; -"Z Jr"
irtvco) iku. iu hs, iwo story.
1 wenty I'i) " sbiirie.
Trripo-aia mild be made out npon ihe riru?ar forma tir
Tillii d at thla otTl'-e ; tnti-t atte tlie prr pr Dtuad fof
th butika set up, complete, and tbonh rttat tune m which
tl,v can he ilelivpred.
I he Crlird Hiates reserves the tight to reject all bids
dtmt d obiectiouabio.
JJ 24 J!1 A. Kj. M ,
'iiii:F quaktkhmastkrs offick.
. t l'Mti a iii 1 piifk, Hrreniber 12, 1A,
Pi alcd Proposale will he preyed ai this ofTice antil If
ocerkkl rn llil ' ii J A V, the l.nh Inalant, for SUpp.ytn
the Hi tin.) Ik I II Arsenal w ih the folloitimr articles;
g 4 aad 8 4 dark bine Kerawy, army siaudard.
T rare Capa, army atandai J.
Cavalry lioota, army stnu.lnrd.
( ar tar s, t n corruratt d, army standard.
Camp Kan bt ts. army standard.
Ititnotry liruma,eiHip fe. full lte armv st indAid.
Kali Inrh ik v b'u HI ik I, nee, army standntd.
butpender nations, anny standard.
Canteen Corks, mounted, army standard.
2b. 1 oft v. hite ak Hooj. pu Us to work lo fret long,
l.'l.Kk' hlrkorv Hof'P Poles, to Work lb feel long.
16.-JW white oak Hikp Poles, to work tnet long.
IV ot0 hickory Ho p I'olra. to work teet lotig.
1 be II oop. ToU-s to le iDud and (erbt lo every reap-t,
and to be delivered monthly as required,
10 ovo net 3d etmni(n v hlte pine huirds.
All the cut and wrought NaUs that may be reinlre4 bT
ine jcar lt, viz. :
Cut ali-rt, fld.Hd, od, 10J.
w'rnnsbt Natls d. d.
faiiii lea of whtrh can be aeen at this offlei.
All the Pa kkrg Boxes that may be required for Ui year
iw;. bam(ites or wuu n cau te seen at lue tKuuy Ikiu
Araenal. and apeeincations as to ile, kind, etc., can be
aeen at thia oflVe.
All the Mtstmnery tbat maybe reqnlrcd ftar this
anil the pciiuyikiu Arsenal, mr we yrnr eonsiiung,
of printed b anks : can, leper, noto, an 1 snval p oaBar :
erclnpes ; peas ; Ink, etc.; speiOcatlous of wbtab can be
aan at iris on ice.
rasmples of atl the above articles of stationery mast t
coniDaitv the bids.
ftsmpks of sack articles aa are requlrtd to be of anay '
a anmard can b ieeei at this office.
Facta bid matt be guaranteed by two responsible par-
Bonn, wnose an. natures mutt oe apormqeu ft"egoaran-
tee, anit -"ertinra 10. ai oeinif gioti ami suim-ient seauruy
for the amount Involved, bv some public functionary of
tiie United States.
hitis from defaultlrgeontractnra, and those that do nog
fvt y fompiv trttti the of thia adverliaemaiaf.
Will O' t be considered.
Hlunk forma 4- proposals, embradng the tmnl of Ike
guarantee required on 1 aen blu.enn be had on application
at tliia ofllee, and none others, which do not embiaca htaka
guarantee, will be conaldt rvd ; nor will any proposal be)
con slurred which dos not rtrlclly conform to tbe rasare
inenis iherf-sn stated.
The tods will sute the number or quantity of eaok
kind of articles proposed to be delivered. .
HldB tiiit be aiidomid 'M'roiioRalH for Army Bud
rlKs," stating the parllcuiar article bin for. w
1.1 22-7t Colonel Quartermaster a Uepartmeai.
.No.e2e VALNL I Street.
I'm iitnr. i.pttt a , Hecember 24, 1M4.
Pealed Proposals, In duplioale, will be received at Uilg
ofllte until 12 o'clock M on TriCRSI AY, Deeember 29,
lsM. for supplying for Ihe uneorthe Cntted Htates Army,,
the following subsistence stort-s.dvbvered in PUiiadelpiUa, ,
(which to be slated) out nt the pack of 111-6,
In full hooped oak barrels, with Iron master
hoops: full weight and thoroughly salted; to
have been iepa ked w ithin thirty days of date
of dedven. To be delivered within twenty
tfaya trom award.
100,000 poi'Nim ruts r ouat.tty bacon tnortj-
ItEltH. packed wl hout pressure, in t lulu tierces
or uniform size. To be delivered within twenty
das fn m award.
M LK (which to he atated J, In full hooped o '
banela, with lrnn tnaatur hKips. Iletf to be
new, full weU'ht (2 m pounds), and thorouchly
sealt d. To be delivered vtlUuu lea dujisfroia -
150,000 PC CM8 KEVV VHITI TlKAKfl, In welV -
coopered barrels. Tubs delivered with ift ten1-.
to be packed In well-coopered b;irrela. To be ny
dflvf-red wltMn ten davs. '
t'oopund barrel i, fully he ad-due d To be de
livered within twenty davs
CANDLKS, 12s. To be delivered within tfen
days (torn award.
190,000 Pol'NDH GOOD HARD SOAP, In pounfl bars,
fli.l weisht, packed tn alxty pound bones. To
be delivered within ten da.s from award.
strong. weH-coopered barrels. To be delivered
wltmn ten dnys from award.
VIMK.AH, in strng, well etiopered barrels. ,
Tn be delivered within ten days ftosadateo. 1
Para pies of all the above article, except meats, mat be,
d li end witb tlie prupoaal, and ret erred to therein, bat
the proposals must uoi be enclosed with the sample.
Sampiis must be In boaes or bottlos, and not in paper
1 he meats will be examined and ptsed upon by John O.
Tavlfir. Inspector on the part of the Ctil.ed mates.
Separate proposals, 111 duplicate, must be made for each
article euuacrated, and bidders n.ay propose lor the whole)
or any part of each .
A inn ted copy tf this advertisement must be attached
to each bid, a d ihe proj.o.als must be specific in com
plying with all Its terms.
Each bid mtiat have the writ tan Ruarantceof two respon
sible utniii, for the ItiliUment ef the agiecment, who will
glvo iMiBdi If requiri. d.
I'.lank furm lor proposals, containing the form of yuar -antotj.
may be had on apobt ation at tnia oilloe.
1 be seiie rs' name, ptace ot business and date of pur
ihHau.bame ol con'entH, trross, tare, and net weiytija.
mud Le marked on every package, and all old murks .
mn -t be otlitei atel
Itaiuras ol weabti by profasslonal public weighers to be
ghtn a henever retiuirtd.
No b'ds itom part lea ho have failed to fulfil a flu-mer
aKreement will be ronaidered.
Hid wUI Include oackaitea, and delivery at any point In
thla city, to b designated oy this oitive: aud any infe oif, or coopeiage Hill be couaideied sairtckut cause)
tor re.rot tlt.11 of contents. ,
Payment wil) be matte in such funds as may be furnish eal
by tne United Stntea tor the purpose.
Propotals to ba en dor aud "Tiopoaals for SubUsloucA
fetores," and directed lo
10 B. WO. If.
IS 24124) t ati tain and 0 B Wis.
MAhTKR, Fokt 1 .iavikwahth, RA!nAa, November 10, 14.
PK'H'OHAI.N roil ARM V 1 It A S dl'OK 1 A I IvN.
Iva d Proptusa s wUI ba rtualvt.d at it.h olt. -e amlllJ
clock at. on the Mat rinv of Decemtitr, im4, ft r tbe
Transport at Ion ef Military 8uppliui durlug tha year In,
en tiie follow lug rt'Utes :
Hoc-la No. I. -From Korta Leavenworth, Laramie, and other deptts that may be eattihiitdied durlug
the above car en tee west bank of tha Misaouri rivr,
oth cf Fori Laaveiiwcrtb. antt south of latitude 4J e'e-
srtes north, to any post a or stations that are or mjr fcav
sstiibtiahid In thin Tt rriioriaa of Nebraal.a. Dako'uh, Ida
at d L'tab, south of latitude 44 dvureea north and eai
lorKituee 114 tJrcra.s wast, and la the Territory of Col
nDnii ri iv wr. rssi n siariii.
rtldders to state the -ate psrlre poands per Its) m'ls
a which Ueyv.HI tiatup ui aald attires In each of tha
n.antbifrcai April te Bupieiubar, lucluaive, ef the year
IK ft.
Moiri Rn. l.-From Forts la eaworth aad Riley, sa
t1 e Mi: ef Kaataa, a- d tba town ot tan-as, in the -irate
or Mtttaaii.ta aayps'B or statioos ibat are or nir t
establisktd la tke Staia ef katihas. cr la the lerr to y af
Coieradn, seutb ef latitadn 40 dtv ees n rth, drawing
auf puts irom Fn Ltavtuwt r.k. aod la tort I nloa. M.
M ..Pioil.n drpat tt at Dim be dakjkaatt d in Uiat l er- Ft.ri Garland and to anvuiuer point or points
u the n a'e. Bidders tt tiara lha rata per Itti (eunda
frr Hit ml es at whtcs they i.l fanp-rt said stcivs in
eat h ol the mtatbsfieiu s prd to ttapieabaj, lacluaive.ef
ik" ytar
Kt tb No I. Prom 1 ort sioh Mher depot aa
niav be sstab lked In Uie 1 urrttwry of New Mnxlr, lo any
n sta er suiicas thai are or nine bs astabhsht-d In Uiat
Territory, and ta siicb poits r statioHs a wavbedeaig-Da-ud
In tb ' crritor of ana na aad Hi ate of Texas waat
flMngnuda 10A decrees v. vat. R dders to state thai'
ber 140 raaiinda ner lou nulaa at whleh thstv -ewlll tr .
sa.d s ores In eacb of the months (rem June ta Hj' Araui-;
lj.ciasive..fthe yearlfttW. , 4
The we got to ba transported each vear win r n IU not e.
10,i0,otj pouuda on Route No. 1 ; I poeaOs
lcoate ba.'i; and ,0),ijOo pounds on Keuie t. Kuie No. .i. ,
No adiiiiiuBAl perctjutaKe wllibe paid for " aid for the traaapat
tlen ef bacon, hard brad, ptuc lamoer, boer, ihiaaltss, or
eihar sto ts. f
Ridden should give tbelr names In trM.m fn faO. as weB as t
plat tf reticence, and each nroptias'i aroposal shuaid ba mou by a bond In the swiu of ten thi FitjBUcusaiiddoliai s,sti
t two or mors responsible peraon peraona, guaranteeing that
eaie a contract la aw a dad tor tha, . for the mate mentioned In
proposal to ike parties proponing boln, th co"ract wig bf
Cviyad aad entered into, and gaod tArd g uxl and UtnriauiseearHy 1
biased oy said paruee, Hi liA auaordaava WaSk tke term
advtrusainenl m"
The aaiouat of bonds re-jul .4. rwi aired will be as foRows '
OakoutaNo.l ..HOO.'.
OaKoill la. 5"" .
Ou Rome Ho t 't" J tW.0i
atijfaettery bl,--vldVnco of the loyal y aad solv.
ef aacb buear aod pasJ d offered aa secanty wlR b
eTiircd. ? ' "
Pn posals sneat ba aBiarraa4 "Prenosala far Army Tn Joe. kemvf No x fi or J. . the aaae saaj
aad none wtiTbe e- nUrt,BM uit. they faPly eooly 1
all tAe icajaireaa TnSremeaiu ef U a adveriiactal.
rartie. U wbejJKS awants arc mada mast be prepare
IJ' 'iiVaantrac at enea, aad te give laa retiulred b
ler Uie rf-T! fUi srfuf saaace et tbe seine.
( Miruu -ib Tile made sabiaet to ue approval ef
aeaeral. bat Aa jjfcM - Wv4 W t
- servta- by IM
ae v
.1 m
l oiuisi- '.rm-imrm ma. I fc. reeiiee mar amas. vj
to, I A-.,V2ry.rU vZ Vm4 tke, wUI ke r.,tr. te k.'
flmeo ol " . 'TT, be Ike vtelnltr ef font lot
tt wklMii
I, ."JfelkaTsMI ke ea-al..te wlU.
f enl.
Ott. im A.. 14. at.. O
J kir. tie,la att ter. arpj
IM tl