The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 28, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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    4 !v
0 mmiul A.
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ui.o-I. fin
vrnini telegraph
bpiuit or the hew tork fees3
Le1lns Editorial from tin Xtir fork
rapir rhls Mirr)ig.
IrsO At. .I.-.MI HMIfilVil ,p; r- .,,...'
from fA J",.-
llmay m-i v ln;in n !h,it , nr ,.,,,. m ,,. ,.P
too Mt.Kim-e v. it , t.f r, , , tlll ;, ., :
rcsnlt. O
tnrjut' r. d t 1,
in n. ' morrh u;,l I,:. t.,..,.
Jell. 1) u 1-, (..o ! I p. . i . ,
tDMpe,i:h, im-t.uli,. that :1C Cxis o'
ins t,ot,lc!. iim , ,in i if,.,
t'ot:s nut i.i a 1 ,! . , j
ii '-i of their c hi. c,
Tl i :.! II o .. I .-,
cilice. Ill our o.m Mnu-e!,, wiili Or, ., i I'.r t. In
Jield tor y,;.i-., ,,,niiv , ( . .
llrcls'litl Ot
ll f I', A . , ,.,; ,.T,. ,.
ciu.mi) as
now, limn not (!
l"iiil..tiuii i.i t n
Ill' II, MlHl It tl,i S mill H
I" IIU 'it HI IT rl". ; i-,
Mi- in r,-ri Ii l,.iie
until a i n: tli n
' . . milium.; ca.-s Wo
l?,' V' . " ' " '' " s.i,,. hH M i'h ,
Jjt ''"' '"."'H llM-ii,noi.,l. ,.,
J mm ll US llil l I,:,'. c , ,..
I'. it int. -ti, i, Tin-mi,, ir.j tint tin- essential
'" ' .1.1, lori'19 01 ft IIMI'ltrc, nr-;
't's r - rt,I .- or urim-lnal si,, -u ,'. li
iiy tin tin
lu !. n n (i oi
i I- 'ii.ii -.nliii in t rit j'. nrin 'i-
j l i ii, it in ui. i ...
lir lIH-ntill I I 1., art
- in i i.r i, ii , i ,,; a c iiniiiiintv t, ri'. stortj
li lit Ii i in t,i m ih t,i -t i-i-,u ami! y
.iMi a i.ral.;,. i , tu tliv ' lium iii w i , 1 . i hs j
lill- Bllrrt.-.l l.j ii. Ir , hs w,. . , .,,,,,(! ,.,,.,.
J In- r. t.,rr ,,i Ij.clin.uiij woiihi in i.i,-t relu-ve
tlic ( rnk-li-riiiv ,. a IhmJlii; but In i'
li. m! -t, it ,-.,tilil n.-t liu uii a-iirc-l liv w;i it
ivi r Iiimi I fiirn n rr,
- 'i'n n less .Iffcrrp, tho his of ShvihiiiaIi tclU m
tnf inrshnr, tlio p r.m nf the Rebel piiulmi n.
Jiiill it in i.ot to Hi; ilenii-il, tlmt thu rii-ii,. of
Hmrdi'r'H Htm 1 ns'bi- (jrniipst priM of vi tor v.
Vf'bat ite liiiunl.v want now is tlie ilii-.triii-tl.iii of
ariwek. Hurl me only oiukt lu .snvnnii ill nc-n
kliiu up, Hti.i llarmVti lift- i n HioihuikI i.iv.mi c hi.
tiiri d, fc s'-oi rt -, bsi-n ncrer tbe tl-j.c ot
liu- r:.r lli .u c n,e imw.
l,eiieul J him s' vi. iKiv h. in (.i t. niin-'i
moto liiitm-ili.i:. -lv ii oinh'c stroke tmio (l-nsral
MirrDiun's in:; i nr rnjuiiro, t'loii 'h wnliwjn i
doulu ti.ut ih iuM m, I Ii.; I .Howeii In- mi;, rtint
ojn-mtioiis, itiii,.ni-iiiv' irrmitlv r ho i-a-iiniiKU of
Virginia. 'if n ir trr.-a- n', i'i tlm
latl frs ,1 th- KcmiI, t,..ii ,i War. .iiIi m.-.I
uch an ovorwlnl r ,i: detait as l n HomV. tlio
i.-uio ot tin- wtiolo nt ugLjIo rniglit hm-o lnen
T iliffrront.
Tlic i,;tiiiiiitri-li.?i-tof Oiiirral Slurnuin n 8ili-a-did
niari-ti anil his lutum oci-npa"on of tlio linn
of tlifl tiiv.inr.ali rivtr, wc ln-licve will 'ic m ist
decisive; lmt it is a loiUKAhut dibtinu ilVeii, n-ul
drptmhnt en'iicl on .-tr itei; comhin I'ious.
TbiR march din !)ip,iinteri tho old populur ii'iisi m
of "ftrir.s cut" ilio I'onlVil, ra -v. Wo liave
fonnd tl.c va-t citton ll ;ldsof Ueorl i thick sown
with rich crops of ci rcalK; thu land ah nin.le I in
potatoc, corn, whv it, poultry, mil stick; then;
Was DO UppIOHl h Kt!ll to Sl UICItJ. A 4 WC llilv 11101!
into Km-tern Cie .rrtni.iud ."Souili Carolina, wcshull
niloiihtiHily Hurt the Mini- con.lition.
Ktn tlic worthluis ciirrr-ncy ilne not seen
much lo alVr.'t the peopla or hamper thu oilki.ili,
M coniiiicri e 1 as lu'coinc Lart r, nd tho (J iv.?m
mcnt r.iucn oil in Mipphoi tiy forced li'vl i.
Our destruction of ruilroadi and the crops lylni!
near tin in, will uudonliteiily cramp Uciioml Lie
In Illchniond -, hut the worst ll.-ct thof could
produce, mould prol.ulilT only ho the erarufion
of tha- city, rii tt.o occup.iti.iti of a ucw line
further South. Ihc whole Henel "Army of
TlrglnU" cou'dea.-lly lie frd I'roui North Carolina
alone. '
Thcsn continual devnsta ions aro, of course,
gradnal'y wan 1' K the r $-iurci-4 of the Conlodc
tacy, Hint would ultimate' compel the hrcakiin;
ap of the laifte armies. lint the r.'al nud ipuclt
ciuihiiiL' ol the Kc'.cHion, as we huvo mt often
rapeutt d, l to c .me iVutn such stroki s u Thomas
hBjtit ociill ; firm the utter lire iklnv up of
.ec' lormlilahle nrniy. Hliorman advance, as
leading to this, la nil important ; in any other
asjiecl, it is not dtu inve.
wn.iii r
from tht Trlhvnt.
Blchmond papers announce the liejrinniii'.; of
the comhlned land and naval attack on tuo do--i'iaieB
of Wilmington. Tho licet of Admiral
I'orter opened a Ircnn udouj cannonade on l-'or.
Fi ber on Saturday last, and continued it the
next day. General Butlor also H does not up-
Dear on which day kueeecded in throwing a
portion of his force on suore aoove tne tort te-
tween It and Wilmington and estahlmhed him
el( there, resisting- an effort by the enemy to
diWebim olf. llm seizure of this ground, say
the Richmond airhonties, is a serious imittor,
for double the torce will he required ti aiaioJgo
blm that might have prevented bis landing.
It is apparent tuat the communication by land
between the fort and town is cut olf, and if Gene
ral butler has force enuugb to stretch across and
securely hold th peninsula on which Fort Fisher
itnnda. ha niiiv command the river with his bat
teries, and so completely isolato this Important
Work., lu Wliicu case it win oe in a preou-aineiu
-similar to that of Forts Mornun and (Vnnes at
Mobile, afu r the passage of the entrance by Ad
,l.i.l l-rtA,Oit.
n.i,i ihn nnsltlnn of General llntler I
semis so formidable and so threatening tint we
annn-hind it mu t imiueillately bring to nu isue
the ()ii scion whether brgg, who com in and' at
Wllinmgtrm, bum troops enough to assume tba
oIlcBslvc Immedbitelv. l-'or this is one of those
-,Le wb, re the on v iruj k'roiind of lies
hi promptly and Imldly attacking one's enemy
before bis whole strength has had time to bj
Ocni ml Butler li landed his troops, not of
coarse from tho ( ape rear river, nut Irotu tne
Atlantis tlC'll'l on opcrntion or grrai urneaev
ami daiiuer. That It hs been accoms'lshed in
such circumstances as hava attended this attack
" the long storm, the long confinement of tho
trnons on shio'ioanl. their proiricted nnd enfee.
bllug wa-SICKIH-ss, lue near picBnvio ui m iios,iic
furMlH proof of great hi Jh' shown on our
side, or of great weakness iflr the psrt of tha
ltebels. Whichever he true, or ir both he, th
u of the result is eouill hopeful.
t Our (.pcclal correspondence contains full details
ml all desiruhia information as lo the for e com-
nosinc ilits extudition. Until Its fortunes are
Oetcrinineu one
the focus of pub
the Iminense
force assigned
Th rhnraeter of the commanders, by
sua. la assurance that a I means will bi tried to
accomplish tLe work assigned thorn. Trobahly
imiltp.r da will brine ibeir account of the ope
rations Included iu the Hobel despatches of
'olloa t'nllure In India.
The Calcutla Englishman of Octotier 2(1 has thu
following remarks upon the cotton crop of the
northwestern provinces of India, from which it
appears that the culture of the staple was in
creased fifty per cent, during the present year:
"From report of the Board ofllevenue.whicu
we havo lately received, it appears that sifter
making every allowance for the effects of drought
and other drawbacks, the out turn of cotton this
year is estimated at 2,000 000 of miinnds,
against 1 ,i:tA,r8 maundt in the previous season.
Of this amount, it is supposed about one-fourth
ku n, will be retained lor domestic conauipnou, aim
rtbe remainder exponeu. iiicurcu uuun i,
k'iftison has increased upwards of fifty per cent. T he
M '1 . i i iu .....i nr., nriticinallv iiovar. haira.
way or me umr.r, ib iiiust uuw ,w ., , ,'. ' - ' ,- , , , .
,lic atte.tfon. Wo all uoderstan 1 W'"' ',;r ':?',,l,ol's, "n-'1 "'Us ! .-!-. tor
.u.. i, ..., i.. nno i orit -. ,s in. ', o lor suirur. nun n n c
for its reduction is not inadequsto. 'Vr alterations and repairs; !:,, ("I lor 'salaries.
VlH):on has increased uj
fjail.sjis displaced are
i 'lZ, ltB,i1" and' 1
.'. rice, gram, 1
".' "id "AisiiLfsionallr do
1,10 some extent, wuurti ; urn
anil even sugar cauo, imvo
Hiut "."hisoi.ciislonullV ilispinceu to maae way 101 nio
i,.fi.ii.,.rnn. What is still more vucouragiug.
r'"'ji'of the old :e ami uttcnlion ur being bestowed on
Jl'ni brintf the s.n lurmerly. -Men, women, ami chil-
V else might have- f . " i,,H7tl o
" . i. ...,- . rtx Koiifinnii f ifi nn,r?Kw" J1.?"1";: ;:.. ,.!. nd i..n.iiv
r A-n,,,.,-.-.! i.i. .i.roD uuon wliich 11 ineir Hopes
SIS 1 found Arnold Snt"? ".F ' Ml?'
those of their Muhajuns.
I no donhtabout 1'hompso
o'v.. ii,..i,-.i,,in,. .itne ryoiwouiu uoi, uoiieoi
wut ss.: lr 7,i r&j r ,1?- been entirely .Ws.ned
rayrrsJ Against him; and
10 say anything in " '".i,-,',,,
lis bead. ''Wbst will h
butwhst a ritjtf.JookUis IWtoVjtiibJ.ted 1
iat York CastlS is panelled in at ,,.,;,. at ,,1B
Ftisea a good height trom the groun " , . " ,
mh sort of gangway there is to thu""a hut
oou.j only ice the buck of tluT
M rnainlalred, vrn IT tin Amrlc.t I wr
wen- b, lost torever. Tin-native m.viiif.ieturr-of
i. lb li tnil'a it cuciyb!T" inucli (lcpr-s d, ni l
in the raslern districts thi trade Ii sal I tn hive
a met critltc'y teased. The demand for Ivtripein
fnl ric s alro has, as a necei-arv resu t of tlio pro
ft I'V'i I'tii crea'lr ilimiiiis'ird. Apvt
trim lie nun ntactme of na'lre clnths for si',
tl ctr l li e Lome inaiufae:nre, hy ;ro iti -cs em
I Ii yd p i .itlM- wt svets to work up tliei - on cot
top lor I'one sil ui-e wl.trh wo bve nllnl-lt)
in a fi tmrr r. ri !e. It inn" not M sup -n vl iht
tl e n port elludi 1 1 ll.n ',in It pMfc;ofth
tinu d srtiite of ritiv- i-lot'is having ,ii'iiitiiii."I.
'n the ci. tit rut t, the oloclsl si -tints Inim s-r r il
i 's'tii t ici ty r. frr to thklndol ai.via.Uc-
IU-CH I.HV.I.g (j,,i,tlj l,,Crejoi.(l,"
A tl i xr."i y. i n.
W , m i Siiiht l'n i At uk . yt n I,n-il
i n i. :.o t e'foriii-.i.g the nirl urAnf
'(tni't rxttsord tan in; ge:n
not oi. It on eci-oi.itl nf its i ue;:e, ; it ,i!-o
rtn nrktiti'c I. .ti-cif t:.i- -.i li ild it S is p:e--.fii(d
(r r the il- in el itie -r-i'i i'y of her
lit.oi-. 'i lo- I on. i , i rodi d from n'. to do-ne,
Br-, f d tl e In il ia- t f',-hi s o' li-r ,.rii-.-ili'- i'h
HipiaiiM', pnl la r popnl an y is Cioro' Knly
nt ti -ii .1 to l' the eron us whi.-li ni-'lit I v li tel. t
witi r.s hei p, run manee. I.n-tuuiit s'lej.'tN .'d
,f, ,n V, i.ppc.itll, in -lv 1 liararl f.. W r-t
111 Ii i,,. lilliMli, we could n il loll il ltni.-
if. niittios i:h wbn-h sli-- a I mted hers -'f to t.
cl'iirei ti r f-he m .iiiiicit. l i tins t .i r .. i! ir n.'i
: af ;r hi she -'r:.a-i"'d. Iioli i i p ,.v, i a i I i i ; , a -uiiiv.
iii.v i I liei otlic :i.nuipiioiis i.i tins most
i m rit i- ami an.iifcii'i' .iruna. j
To-Mi'lit pins the V, Sji ,, ot of he." t
II "-t KU CLI-Stlll u' lino's. tt"ri lo ,i,-ir.-ov IV, I
1 1 p- n r in 1, r ci el., .i'i i et.ii tCet ol ' ,-I i j in" in
the tlir.H ;i-;.e.
M it. ami M i:s. W i kins i: e .-'.ili i: in Lin ir
iiiiui.iii'ii.cnts id A sM- n'i' v- 11, Hidings, al lionli
el rr i r.';n:?eiii' :,ts wj.l c 'n;..'l th ir t-rm-n itlns;
11 1 Ir ftay fc'ct: us ort r'r.d.iv. Viioo.:ra;i i -nun
is Hintisii,, ;-,ot ( rii le-s m .,i i-.ius the n nu t
gives i,n idea of ll c nal'ire of thy exhilii io,i, or
i.-tiire . '.r pan, ,r unit. 1 110.2 wh 1 done to
Iriitn thi inratnng of the vuid and spc-; 1 a id, a
snt,t cv, niii,; butler personally attend tho
etiti 1 i.. inn. 1 ut.
I os i,v V n i r. v mi: 1. fi 1 V'rssKi, s, 1 r,;iti .ii
- 1 11 1 Clinr The '1 :ra . I i-m f .'. A'.o.'oa, t'.tpt.
I iii e, bei.i o for l'ort It iva', w l h HVI Tom of en!
on (Iiii, ri, inc ut nc -oiiut, while sen I ling belor a
heavy northwest alo, nt ,t I'. M .Ulstm.s ., Urn, k
i n 11 shoal near ( bineotn ;ue, ml going over Into
del p weter, Mink in miout 21. hours. 1 tin weather
wa- tern'.lv severe and cobl, tlie crew wi n naa.y
fii'.t-bpit n ut (I c.iiiipletely cxliaus'.cd hy their
i Hit. to kip li.c ve -el o o it, when 1,1 G I'. M ,
lid itif t , they w etc just leaving; llic sinki ig vessel
in Ibi ir bo ils, when the iverc picked up Oy liie
briir f7o,o, fiom liangortor ashiuioii, whi.-h
I'.aeeil ihem on boaid th" Rii ird-ship at the in m'h
of tin L'otomac, iiinl Ir on llieuce they were
hrouebt to lis tiiii-re by steamer. Mr.,
tl.e fust mate, has ainved iu this el'y ; his liaizrg
Iro u, and bo Will lo-e ot e tx tits toes. S line
of the crow nte In a worse r ndit.on. The I V. V.
was built ut Groat l'.i;g ll irborin lSHJ, registered lens, w,,s owned in-the ( intaiu and others,
and was worth about bi.iliill. Tnoie is but little
iiisuinni c on the vessel, and her crew saved uo
thit.g f nu ii the wreck.
Tin' l.i i kois or Ki m riolnhlv one of tho
saddest and juot heart-rending siLiti evor en
countered ill our long rep utotlal career was w it
nessed a few duys sineo in Water street, near
Dock. It was a miserable, bureheaded woman,
1 viiii; on the narrow sidewalk, and buried so deep
in tho mmv and dirt that she was almost hidden
frmii view She was without shoes or stockings,
nnd her ot.iy c -vering a wet and tattered dross
smeared w;ih mud and filth. She hid been ia
this exposed condition, as was sta'od by a eicric
in a store opposite, some mur hour4. Several
funnies w ere standing m the dooi a a) s of the lo r
uuvgci.c- in the neiguborhood, ot wha'h ttiey
wuc no il'iubt inmates ami, with tiaeenaiiaii-tn
niters ill d ribald jests, wero iliunsillg themselves
at the inisfoi tui.o of litis hes.ttcil creature, whoo
feurfnl conuilioD was brouirot nboiit by their vil
lairous luni; and now her little moms were
exhausted, nud they had picketed her ull, wero
unwilling to grant ti.e oar and apparently dying
wirtt h the shelter ol their low dens. A gentle
man present thought it would bo an act of mercy
to bavo her sent lo the Station House. After a
half hour's search for a policeman, a brace ot
these worthies wero found. Thoy informed him
that the woman was un habitual drunkard, nnd
us well known to them. 1 hey ssi I sua na I
received an excellent education, spoke several
liu gunges, and belonged to a highly ro-p"( tble
family, who had discarded her, ami that rum had
brought her to this loarful condition. One of tho
.Ulcere went In search ol a nanniiarrow, in wnieu
to convey her to the police station
Mich sights
aro not uncommon la the viciuityof thce low
criiL'iteries. It was only a few days since that a
respectable-looking woman, dressed In mourning,
was carried away irom mo sumo iieitjiin iruooii in
a beastly state of intoxication.
Tim D ha ft. K very body is Interested in the
new draft, if not personally, through connections
and friends. Every one, therefore, is interested
in seeing it properly and fairly enforced. Tho
enrollment lists bore bno never been revised and
amended ns they aro now doing in New York, for
the purpoao of reducing tho number subject to
drali. li purging It oi a i ttioso unncr ami over
ngc and exempted by di -ability. The quott Is
based uiion the niimoer iianie to military service,
and if the eniollmeiit list includes thousands of
w rsons not liable, it increase-, the 'quota beyond it might to be, nnd tln-refftte calli for a
linger number of than the city should sem
as its pruporiion. Kvery man, therefor?, who
knows ihut he is exempt bv law, should call noon
the Provost Marshal of his district, and have his
name taken from the enrollment, for t lint
extent hn lessens the numbi r of recruits required
from l'l iludelidiiu. This is un easy task, and
(vcivono exempted should do this very small
duty for the good of his neighborhoo 1.
Cm J-'iNANcKs. The Committee on l-'inurrat
of City Ci.uncils held a meeting last nigh', when
they passed the ordinsn-o making an appropria
tion of 9117,000 to the llcpartuietit of Street
Cleaning, to meet tho expenses of lSiio. The
principal Items in the bill are as follows : Kor
fsbcr. and use of niichiiierv, ) il' ; carts,
70,ii00; cleansing market., .k. Tuees ltnated
rtyenuc is .ijilj.isio. The l'risnn bill was a'so
parsed. Tho whole amount appropriated is
jsTlN,171, of which -.'l t,"7;( is for flour
and coin meal; !$l'i,H(!i) lor beof, mutton,
ji 17,1 CO.
ltui.WAY F.XTHNsio.N. The Kaiiinount anl
Delaware Hiver Fassenger Kiilwar is to be
cxtindid on Twenty-uiuth s r,:et frjiu Girard
avenue to Foplar stree", aud on i'oplar street to
West Co'lce avinue, and on Franklin aveuuo
from Gunner's run to Fraukford road. The
Second and Third (-treets road w ill be extended
fn.m Its presci t terminus to Fraukford turnpike.
T he people of Frunkford, like Geruisntown , wdl
have plenty of railway a tcommudation with tke
city priq-er. We noted the other day the move
intt.tof (lummy engines on the present road.
Tbey look two lull carloads nf passengers along
very handsomely. The engines are of twelve
horse 1 ower, but owing to tho sharp grades in a
uw places, a greater power would bs desirable.
An (Ji.i Bell. There is at present in the cus
tody of the Guardians of tho Four an old bell,
supposed to havo been used by the Directors,
Managers, or Guardians of the City Almshouse,
when located between Third and Hpruca and
Fine streets, more than a century ago, said bell
having been cast about six years subsequent to
the date of tin recasting of the old State House
I ell, as the following inscription upon it indicates,
vi. : "ThomiisGregorv, 17oN, City Alms House."
Tho Hoard bavo determined to present the hell
to tho l'ennsylvania Historical Society, as they
ilct ni so valuable a relic tending lu a degree to
eluridnte the obscurity of tho origin aud progress
i.f the Almshouse, eminently worthy of preser
vation. Sneak Thi:i'. This morning an individual
giving the name of John Smith was committed
by Alderman Beitlcr, to answer the larceny of a
shawl, from the entry of a house, No. ,521 Wal
nut street. Ha was seen leaving the house by
Ibe landlady, who gave thu alarm. Mr. Casper
Cooper, i lerk to the Chief of J'olice, was passing
at the time ami arrested the scamp.
CuAitGi:u with Kiot. John Duff, Barney
McGowan, John Dolen, Barney O'Rourkc, and
John O'Rourko bavo been arrested and held in
$S00 each by Alderman Cloud to answer the
charge of being concerned in tha riot ut Tort
ltiebmond, as stated in Th Tiii.iiOttArir of yesterday.
land and I 1 iieeii ui mi iijiuuiiioi, m ,i,.iuwum
Onn Km rows' Cimpthrt roMrWT. A prrv
post loi Is now fend In if ni fore the orgaufWfotf
of Udd Follows it this city snd vicinity' foi'tlic
pnicl'sse of more gronnd for cemetery purpos.
The if meh ry hits bar lecn illsposcd of raplily,
and tbrip is scarcely left spy choice for pur
hacrs;ln ninny rases tury cannot bo stilled,
and ore romr-cllccJ to go frr other grounds. A
ion inittre 1 ate ,ldn a-rd if rcpsri on the subject
lo the l'if-iili ntand Tnvlcc" if the Old'
("inetetv Omj rny. Tray r'ntim, thit Old
l'r'lcw-hlp Is plnV-cd by Its itial l (1 old lis
gionid Bid in nke no rcirt'.'ra.. movement, or
staid III, brt ptonressatiii moT miirir.l, ami
r,oi If (C' ti-nt null the narrow ro'lncs nf iho
pn n rt 0 tiieir ry to bnry the tlpid ot (he 1 re nt
Ii t In, I :i rs, and roniin: genera I m of 01 1 Kl
f wv, or ilioe who my delrp ro fi'i-otnc lot
iim ni rs, villi the I ivn itcd ruin'i-r of to.: lu p. is.
ti-'ion ol tKe ( i ti'iry. Th id a n absurd, t-io-'in
Iti I 1, tul -i ! tit.Ii to bf cut- r'niued hy ln:e.
In of tf p ( tnler.
For want ot ample irrrnntl, thev c ,11 no l-nf.'or
r ii ele itii tpeciiiiitive cog -nvit I,mis, ti -1 ni'h
t'li" an tlloit on llieir patt to -tirt auntimr cc-t-i'-t.
r-', nud stand by tlio r" -pt", sprrulations in
other irtii.t't'i rill beenne i.iui;,ant, and srsin
the price i.f 11 linrinl lot ilf He t -j ond ti'0 me.i is
of mr.iy Worthy per -tins in this I'niumnity.
I.xr.'si eiM' nf tSc past and tires. -nt titn
iiiiini 111 d er them lo lnf..ut''c nrt, a 1-1 work 1
while it Is yi t day. 1 be iuoiiriis.- anil rapid y I
ai i-ti tn 11 1 in loitnn-sof 1na.1v mn will 1 mu :
prmp il at ei.piti.l will p, t iH.r-b-n of nil a'tr - i
t:e and a.i:.i!i:p lat.i.', tno.h 1.1'e .'..piial will be
set UMi.c, iiihI the nns-nm and bi.istol the (.!o?n- '
p iny loieia r br ilcstroyctl.
!-u. h bi i' r :he Prrn co-iTi-ifmi of ih, co-nmit- 1
t-P, i.tcis-ity urc,.s a 1 -i in-1 1'i of th 'ir
mi in M irrh last, oi ;ncr, ti-imr t he streiu" h
vi it ii'i if tic ('. -n-'inv Irt'ie i.i-.i,not
ii,l.U'eol i!r,.iii.,l 1 r 1 t.-iy purpo-i s.
As a 1 n jtari.toi y stp . appb-viio v must be '
see . 1 i,u am. mini ir 1,1 Tie no: nt in irp .ra- 1
t is ti, eiitib'1. g tie I ,,m -my lo ini'.vk in 1'ie
1 n:rpn-e t. 1 tee hi'i.ptlt 11 il.-i' le!i,,n-.n.-n, nnd
I,. i-Mirr tl.e Viet in'ctcst l-t ie-oh! groin, J, the .
tl i I He He, mint In 111 sir, I, b b";d Invl 1- I
in'e Ii r i's line ci.-l ni-pr vi n.eii . Dming the I
,st 1.,- onl year the nntnt'cr if .( 'er.n 11 s nrido 1
in t' e i .'ii ti"v Ian b. eti I I J -. ieiiiivalstr.ini
tln-r Broun Is. : : t.takiican n.ttr. -isto of 1 .It. 1
Tl'ti eibled to the ntim'.rr pre 'o'ts'y reported, I
i,,li-i, 11, 1. ki s a vrnini total o ls.:..l. HurniK
the jeer i'.i bodies have bun il.nnicrred 11 11 1 1
11 moved to other rrn'Mids. 'I im r v ;ipts tor tne
yinr wi ti .s7S l isH; epc;iiliiui'i.'s, .s7 i,'.) .' I ; '
balance on, i ..n l,. I
I in tin I'iiiscm'al l'l. Hi. 1 A. Crerir, H-q., I
foiimr y T'liicipal uf thefSirl ' I i i 'h S.honl, has
bun tin-f'ti onsly eletted 1 rs:i 'ipal of the
M.'i roe (i'snini o Scb a. I In the 1'ciirtcr-nh
Ward. T 1 e selection w ill t-e very hcne'iciil t 1 :!i'j
pupils of the school. T.iis is a de IJrd tp' !i-
n rnl to Mr. I'ri-gar. nnd a re i.'tiitisn of U!
nurcs us a icaclier. 'lh.irewere nb nit twen'.v
tfpp'iC'UtM for tl-.c i o-.i'n ii. air. Uiesrur has bn -n
(iimeetcd wi'ti the 1'iioiic S in' ls of 1 iliia
delphia, as an instiucior, ftsr over 2-1 year.-'.
Annual i i k uf Pit avki:. T'lic. C!.-r-
cvnien ot the Methodist Kpi iaihi1 Clitu-eh, nt llieir
incline in (nis eitv. 1 1 eon tin n,, tlm 1 s-c-r-ce
ofa week ot pinver, nail ait'ipleil Hie f, il.or-
iiifr as the n gratniue l.v w lii .-b to nn-ervc tlic tltr,-r-ei.t
(inys. On Isiiudav 111.M .-ruies u.l he preaoheil
111 all the ttlcthoilist I liuielie lu Ibis etty oil thi.-
Al.rtiev of the Holy-Spirit 111 f.b- pre-ent d'spiiiiia.
Urn. On . 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 11 - nlterti'.on i:--v,,1 innal i-xereisi
w.lh sine 111 reterelice to iiulo-t. bails, iintiniii, 11 id
l,,,,,.. 1., .n I,.. ,1 ,,, t . ,, ,m, , 1. I .
belovi A I'--ll . I nesilll V (be Her " leel will b" belli
II. e Nuleni I li'ir, h. l.onibiiril et, be'ovv llioad
( t,e prm - r on tin 1 oeen-ni'i 'vtll b- lor I'a.tors,
Imeliets, ..van.eitrs. nno .vi;s.-ioiiiir!.'r (in weiuits-
(lav illtel' slinu crviccs Will be belli In
I lutlch, I tir stnu street, be ,ov l'oui,ll. Tll.oc s -r-
l.tue s 11', ul n-tn,ii,, to eliildreii ot
I In istian paren s, eonre'iil i.:ri anil sehnols. I he
. 1 1 ices 1 f 1 Ini'silav mil be b.-l.i 111 I he 1 reeu .--'trei-t
1 liiireli, 1,1111 v, 11 have asaceial bi-arnnr oil tho in-
leri sts el .Siiueitv selioo's, un.,' all uetiv.-lv eli-jt.' "!
111 I Inst an 11 nrk 1 rnlnv '1 -.-rvtees will he held In
hot iiiirton linrch, e.arii.-r of Marlborough and
1; ii-liii olid sir, els 1 In- important ipiestinns of (lie
A hnllt'.i 11 nt slavery, mid eesation of tho war w ill lie eolisideriil on. Oil Sa-unlay the lllis.-tl:n;' i ill
nisi- p'are .11 SI. I, e, rues' I li'ircli. fourth street, be
low vine, v here will li- ibsclisned tlio I nriiitiau
I Lurch itir nereased hohiies.s, netivity, nud harniouv
an III ir Its si veinl seetlous.
Mil ilav, .laiiiiiirv Htb. lieniR tlio last ilav of llieir
special services, sermons will lie ilt-nr.-re.l III fi Hie
at, ti.uiii-t 1 iiincees 111 ino env on tuo "vuome
t'l'lty of the 1 hiircli
'I lie;o wl 1 la iipproiiriate services eich evciiiinr
llurili - the week in ull Iho .Vleliiodisl i-!pisu,pul
t linn lies.
1 ho atlaehes ol the Custom House have recisitlv
had niaiiutaetureil a beautiful ennn for prescutatlnii
to Colonul Wm. H. Tiiouah. Tlio present 'i made
from wood taken Irom Liidepniideiice lla'Vand a
pirce of tho old Liberty llo'l, emitalnlng the date
177H, ornaments 1 lie hup. The head is 01 scud cId.
ul.d Is urs the Inlloiviii? inserqition : -Colono
u. It. i'lloMAS, I nlli.titur of the Port, frmii Ins
trieiiils in tne i tistoin Mouse; Christina. Pbila lel
pbia, lec ifi, 1H'.4 " The pre.-eiiiatloii look piaea
nu Moiidny. at the Custom ilnnse, in ii,s,tuca of a
Inrge auitieiice. K. Ksan JIykr. Kq , Surveyor of
the l'ort, presiileil. and K. i. W atkiuioiuk. Ks.p.
acted as secretary. The presentation spa -eh was
made ty Mr. i. 11. Niciiiu.hon and i-o-pon.l''.l lo
by the itieipii nl, ( ,d. I uomas, who uiiiUc a leudiy
ti.'d upprupriute reply.
Fu.Tiiv CiiNDnui.N of Dock. Sthkkt.
Iiock street Isieallvina (1 tny eonilition and a ibs
grace to the citv. It is surprt-inir that tho atteuiion
of the city authoiitin has not heeu tbrcctcd towards
this thorouirhiuro. From below Si-eond 10 Waiuut
tho stn-et tho attention ot tho authorities nn
liie tpatcly. Ludies and izetitleineu were oli'i'-ed,
yesliutlav, to l-r, ss the sin el, luith abol n ulld b.-low
Ibe cropsiliir. nn the west side of Msaind strod. the
I atbvs ay being covered w ,tb mud and slush. So-ne
limo ac the Riitborilies couiiueneeil to repair Ibis
street, hut since (hut time it bus been ncirlts'led.
Tlio cross, nit on tne east siA of Hock sti-oai, at
Walnut, Is In tho same filthy condition.
ri:HH('Ai.. Gov. CuuTi.v, Hon. Rimdx
( AMUItoN, 1 1011. A. K. Mct'LUim, and many mem-
I vis of the l'eiiusylvaina Lei'isluture, nrr,ved ill Ih"
citv yosterdny inornin'?, ami the Cnntluental und
(iiiard House were Ibe scenei of husv oiilisu.tni i. ill i
all Uav. I tie -o iticiuus Irom all parts ul tlio t am
iniitiwi allh (rut tiered 01 knots at publie pluc.-s, dis,
eussiuii the B uaeislnp and otlier sunjec s.
How toDki'Ipk Tint Qriis-noN. There being
a Dillllililfctt) nl Si-wll fc,' Maetiltict nfT.-rnl lo the puldle,
ea: h one rlnlaied lu be IVf. , and as the most pr uultietit
ones are witltlti a stone's tbrort. 01' eaeii other, wa a-lviso
II a no iiili.nliiii pureliAslnii to tire them nil a th .r iiik'i
1, -t l.ef.,r- ih.uii . Ill's limy lo i-ailly dons by takliig
san-.les nf ,11 a n nt Hin ts ,,f w.,:k t" the various i.ltlc is to
t done. 'Ill's list (lie rkirence. at N.I.' Caesnilt
street, ho It,- anl the preierorce is iipvuvs In Its favor
w I. ill A d m i'i. r s j!' w till others Is in.iilr. K-.r beiu'j of
wo.-k, an t tie l I.-r.uie of w..rl. whU q It a'-eoaiplUhes,
asvvll ss Iht ease (it op?rat-:i aril ceo-ioiny of thrua.l,
loto-ll.t-r With I cle.rant ai-peatanee tis an ar.lcle nfhuse
hold fmii for the l lor, in e has ;i" i'-'tf, a-i.l ll ths only
pi rfn-t ni , hln " irran e.t to irlve entile Siittifietluo or
iiu.u. y r: fur il'id. ' om aeenieat uf the msny advauuires
anil h.iir v. u.enta It imim ..-i ov-r as o'heri, e lee
sure th,.t It UliT.U Irp rtl'I-Hilatl-.n uf th H'sl
Irg aUcliliie la it.e an l that we hut speak the
u.luili el tuiiidr.-v'e in "- r llrsi lamlliu In Plillidu'phla,
whuhave tL,-.,' ina. tilnes in pru-neal use. III emloratns
the I- lureiie-, .1-1 at f'i i-1 iiesinil trvol.
Pilirit strs may rely upon getting the best
r ul ai CtiarUt OakfurJ Jt Sou .Cuiitlmioai Uutel.
Tub "Cm hi 1 mas G11 r."
ar tiik aiunor tness bim-
s 1,111,. folks, inn iiversiurkil with brain,
Who wuli a tri-tnt to otealn
liu. when thi-y s,-,- their irhoid. 11 '1 ilt
their vulcs. crylns "1 lirlsium vlit!"
Twocuionas. Iil-k and licrt,
Who in Hie sel'-sa il.- Iiommi,
raeh reso veil, with humor nlensjnr,
'I has tu obtain a 1 lirlstuias iiresetit.
Albert. lio very early rose,
At once untu luck's bed tooin voes.
Tind. tliruuith the kev-holool ih -ilour.
"Lick, I hrl.tnius lilitl" did Ion. I v ro ir
1'hi-n, wl h a iileosed. triutuilia'it ulr,
He sally rultit-tl down iho stair,
Hut ail Ids mirth was soon sutut n il
WI1011 In the break asi mom ho viewed,
'I here waltlim lor him. cousin In k.
Who "Chrlsunas gift 1" then shout. nl qui k ,
for, to iilve A Ihert a siiriiriso.
That morn did Hick ere ilavds'it rise.
Alla-rt. who saw hlmseit thus ' suit!,"
Joined In Hick's 'auxin nneontrii'le l,
And had (list day to b'm conveyed
An overcoat at ucsnutt's made.
Wkat tvtiur, muro use'ul or uiure a.-ceptub e gift r
, clirlstmas or New Year's
Christmas or New Year's
Christmas or Nest Year's
Christmas or New Year's
( hrlstiuas or New Year's
Christmas or New 1 ear's
Christmas or New Year's trot..
Christmas or New Year's v.i
ChrMuias or New Year's
( hrlstmas or New 1 ear's
Than a sileclhm from our stock of Kkaiit-made (Jab
arsTsf We have a large, full and eomplete assoitmsnt
I Alea's, fouili's and Hois', which we are elm mj ear
til vrallf r, ie. d prat I
Towns llAIX, No. till Market street.
liaasaiv B Co.
Vst Ai.t, ATTF.MI0M to flit card of Messrs.
Phillips A Ueud, who sre pr ..pared to r.celvs trlglral u 1.
lerlpUoni to the riitalni I arm Oil I'omi.any, located In
Vensugo county. fo beitsr land caa be 1'uuud la the
The ExptfJitioi Ag.iinst Vie !
C'A? is Hot Abaadonod.
Only One ref;.t;li Vo.sol h8
Arrived rC Fclrt'ss Monroe.
Tbey C.turo tho R-ibt'I Flag, and
a Company of Sold.'er:.
:i .
I i'a-'iin..t.n, Dec. 'tuber i'S. It would
ic 111 t,. tii a mistake, as nqior A I this nioru-
log, that t'lc lutViil and util it ;ir 'loct. W nv
turned I'.o.n Vorlii fir ilini lo Mori
roe. 'I'lio Navy l.yirt'iitnl. lia no hu til in
' te','li nee In' ll. 11, o n v, siel ot ly- yest inlay
' returri'il t ) the la'd-r place, Ir Inn inn
J pat. In 8 I'rotn Admiral lVrlrr. 'Ins 1111 sscji
j gcr lias not vet reiu lio 1 Wiihiii:'to-t I: is
j tisccrljiinc l from nn ii.i!liintic soir, Iviw
tyor, vitulcr d t!" cl I'ir,ri'si M :ir, t. .D'c.-tii-j
bcr 27, that th.' ;mv,ifi-Mlil; w.h n-j iilorb.l
w'nliin t'lfi Ini'iilrcil yards id' Fctt. l'lsher
about 2 A. M. on the 24tli instant.
Iator in the i!ay Adniiral Forlitr 1.1 li ked
tlio foit nnd ndjarrnt drffetiscs, nnd rite wed
tlio loiiili.'iri'mcnt oil tTuistmas i'.y. On
I i nch occasion p ilrovc tin iiclr ls fr ltn tlicir
j putiB to tho Fhellrr of tho bomb-pro jI's. 8 1 as
to effectually silcticn their fin in at cry lew
' niinutos alter tho ftiitntos nml lieavy cliiim got
i into )ioHition,
I A detachment of (roopM landeil on Si :i Jay
afloi'lUlolt. mill f kintlblll'is nuslll'll lip LTiUtU itW
to tho fort under cover of our tire. Mot'l 3 of
tins men actually ciilonil tho wotJ a, .and
brought off tlio flaj;. T'lu bomb aril "ion.t iiy
tho fleet continued on Monday. Tho .S' tir u 070
le Vuha captured n 1 mntruiy of N or! i (.'tl ro
ll ia soldiers in the outworks, and 'air led
them oil.
ItnllnAV Acililrnt.
Pi.ovii.i-.Ncii, It. I., D ember IS. Tlio morn
ing ace m mo la' ion train from l'rovidcniei for
Boston has In en in collisi ,n with a freight trail.
Tho engineer cf the pa.senger train, A. M inroe,
was seriously injured. No other person was hurt
Tho track will soon be cleared.
Aut'tljii (Suits of 4'onl.
New Yohk, December 2S. The 111 irkit sale of
2ri,ooo ions of Scranton coal took placo to-day.
The averago pri cs wero about the same a? tho
last sale, but some varieties were 0110 or tno
shillings higher.
Miliimt-nt !' Neplf.
Nw Yomk, Deci-mber 2H. Tho Cuba, for
Liverpool, took Vi U.OOO In specie.
Tiik Ci.osk or the Ykr. Those who have
nci siihsrrit.e.l t all t their oil nock have a sh,.rt Minn to
finish as. as there wiH noun be no tn'.re to -.ellthis year.
Hoop w ho have anything to do this year 1 111st be up and
lining, f-.r, an 11. ey In (lie prtr-e ring, "(lia- up," eotua
(liieiitly everylhoig must ho done tailurti ( ',4 fiine "throw s
up tin-s ease. ' N iw Is tl.e liest time t visit Charles
tstt.kes A 1 o s or,' prlt-e CI. .thug Klore, and r ttie t'liiul
ut ntnl, and get a tkuice suit of elutliinu tinlurL- their t- mil
lers uie I",, uiucli ,1,-plele.l. lo .-ryl'altuj uiiist lie t'losis
this week-except out i.nihn.lhts.
Cnn.nnm's Clothiko. An elegant a;sort
MBt at M. eh-eaisker Co ', Ro 4 It. Sl(tuh street.
GKK'n.BsiKN'a Hats. All tha latest styles at
j Charles OAkfurd A 800 , Con'lnl B'.al lloWb
Bi Y Yovb Coai. or A. S. Borrtl, Northern
' Yird, Korihivest corner rf Ktghtli and Muster; or, Central
Yard, Mo. I'll N. uhuve tine struct. Very. hist
quality sulJ at b..h yards. I iy It!
IIoi.iuav Wkkk should bo taken advantage of
by tliose tleslr Dg rboti.griiphs. It. K. Kr-hutr 1 stylet are
a.listle srd aet'urato. lu eaily, aad avoid the ,-rntvd.
?;u. Arch siret't.
I.apiks' Fibs. An c egant assortment at
S:arls Oak ford t Son's, Ci,iit,iietal llatel.
Most niiWAiiit aiii b In its cflccts, and most
itbeftil In It a api'll. atlon, the f. agraut boat dunl bai b,ieuiiie
the ii.est pepular lientrl.'ieo la cttra:e. Tit ued and
p-alsed by everybody.
8o!S hy alt dtnggistl and per umers.
Qi'TiL'K ui' tii:-:
Volcanic Oil and Coal Campany,
01' WEST UtiilNIA.
K". II M lellAST--' l-; IIVN-.I-, I
1'rilLAIir la III l, llei t-tnh. r 'i , Is 11. i
The VOLCANIC) Oil, Atill (MAf, CliBI'ANV.o! tt'e.t
'lrsllilu. tin i. l on '.'Sl aeiet ot nil, 'Isirllu y, iiii,,i the
"(irt-iit I pl.t , ul' Jn tVeslern ,'lri.'l.'iiu,hai desu orgiuned
as I -hov i
WILLI vM V. tll'II.K-J, .In.
l.KW IrJ ( 0 irk It
81.1 ItKI AllV,
A. 1.. MAS.sEY.
lllltKC IOKS,
'illlain C. Hllles, Jr.. Liovls ('
J. I'. M ln,-r.
lt,,b..-rt II. i.r.tta.
Ul hail 1'. Hacker,
Tlio niihorr)r to iti ('tipiul H:o-k of the h'(iv Co n
1'Ki.y ui L-rt;l iiotifed to p.iv .Hir 4J-oripUnii ou or
b, f" re liu- .'-Ih d.t, -if .1 aiHiAr
A limit d niiu!cr 'lidi,nut piic -edla' fix T ioo
FAiol.ure of n if J to I tm Willi..- t "!incri(':l.ii tri.- 9 :
biirti, ni ti tlic .'tth ! JiiUi , afiei wild It liiiiw uo iut
I i Iplloiii n 111 be U.. tii.
cooi'Kii it ciu vri',
1.' ;s htip No. II Miwtciusra KV'll.tSOi:.
Nob. 405 and "407 H. Ctoond Strett,
WvoJ eeil tke aienya ef the PaUls te kis eisejdld
S(uA (if
sjeasarlalnc a fall Mae of every vajWtr af
aUAkle far
li UMlif Boi. MSaoUOT a. 1000 ttreet.
t'llIOM 1111 OIOAKH.
At & 00.'.
No. VI S. MNTi, flritF.KT.
r-!".Tu'"r,.r.'?i,M "'". trrsie a rv. h.r.
ivf Nf a ifv .1 om? rTAni iitr.u clo, nxnv.
No. VAH. M Hl'f t.orfr ' J, (1r7t;
Orrici: ok as?msta!nt urAKTHUM tVfw
j t it.
MijM.AK! Hi-; .1- r P i in. k
.NO, ; 1 Muk . T.H,
fttiiMr 'J'. tt .1.
Hi4 Pri'iHim' wtn M r-i-s-iT-j nt t'i oil '"i n-it'l
.ii tr.xAII I HAT, U.nur-vr M, IvH, lr iMivrrmj in th U'hJiiii I'Pini :-
ii p i . i ., ' I y I ' tii ti V, Hi ;?tlHi:iy. T. t"t I'-'ltT,
'.'I I 11 rt, Hrmlrrl. fr-int:r I I " -'
';"' ft lit . .1 tiy sj, lini.ltc k ft. nttrnnir I'i ion 1-mi u
'n I. b; 4. liunl -ck fvnvnn, It in- i ik runnnu
B.f H-tlTfl
fii I, hy I, H inlt-rk S('AnPlinr,Ur-t ln, mnninff
l.n f fi Oi K I.aMi, Vli Inch- wUU I! f- lonn, run iln
,.- trirfi fhlnl i-otninitn Inci Pine H -Ards, 10 ruet.rtin
nMi it ftun
H r tr i t.lfiv 'J of '.I ft'O! oi b, 2 of -i lt rr!, 4 ol H
'-( ffcii.
I.' T-.'v II. h, '2 nl a.'1 To -t CV U,'2 nf ?l (rt r.h, S 'tf H
fr t enrh
4 kt i'K t-il.rh l''Kor.
I .u 4t'f1. Nit'lw.
;. km n i N ii it
h It it Wri.n. ril Ni
1 r tf If wrii tn-"nf-1. in. I Apprm cA At tor
tii : ti i y t y li p I nil ril S. nli'i I ninit.r.
I'm- M-ni, nun' n- nii.t. ,tt f t -t rc-'ti'ir forni. t n
I -m) fit t ll Or, ft il Iiml rilA'A Un- f-h.MUtt liiuit Tor
J lit rr r.
Ti e " HUM lAliH IM'Tftl Iti TIkM tf iv)'t t: bldi
de Dird uit I 1 nt If.
Ai.itKi: v . Afn.Mi:.i,
1 .(t ( ,,tt!tl A'lJ y
()vi;n kvans co,
Ko. 45 N. IIGIim STRECT.
.T fti:lt Antlln,: lh nn t rni'irt .it!if r, bvl wnlh
lfMi, Lt.ltt ilit turn out ti h-iy our Ch t U "'!, AtiJ tM
tOIIfll.f llff IH
Wo "J jc a (-rent Kim ihoap Uoods!!
All o'r Winter Riork, jnd you cat liny Ctirit
Tii pi-oi iih 11. iM Drm-? (sCKid, "i porccnt. hclow
I' ftir ('.-ii to Import.
li0 jilt'-,) r.ltrn nnd Knipr'Hj Cl'ittm, blark tnif All
vY'tori, nlUi tlo-ni W mt ivut bi low iholr wiiuleiAli i)rus.
iilicHtii oi li tK (-osijn, in unr emit. In-Uw thi'lr VAlun,
Ali-iltorsi, d'.''', H'C'!, fititt H ' 4, Li i pi ii i nmko, aet
HMrilrg loiln, 11. ft :, to fi, aP wool, JouL) aud
hiii tie width, ch klnK t at low rAtu.
Mcna aim! Hok' HAtinirti nd,l'i"ilin'Tei, ,lVt , tl.
$ l V, lO f 'J'U); cU'Mllg Ollt TCiy ctli'Ap.
(iim. hltju lU-AvtiH, diiublo-wldih, V1i, fur Ml ism
OIoaI.s and llnys' Ovwconu.
!eablp-Ti(ltli ClotiiA, $I1?', to $ i CO,bi!KAiri-j.
K00 Wool iJfcJiooraU. f :i M to fi 74, rsluced.
TOO Blark and White R!aralA, 75 to OO.chwip-
1m places Rhlrilng I. main, (i'i'.c, 7-V. to $VW; U w.
litEl' YOi r. HANDS WARM.
I adfs' Merino ;lov r IR V W, bdJ ?,'o., itrf ai .
Heats' Mtin Oloros, Ih1!, nnd 'io oenU, a baruajo.
l.AdHt' and ilea.' Clotli (llovH,lanb-llncd Hi Ik. litovoi,
ail at Tuhiotn tow prlrsi, lut to tell thrtn.
k1dOloTi,tl76 to Kvery pair etiarantnl not
to tar; tf thy do, auothar pair tfvn wlthont any ctivijo.
jWuiJiik I'arty Kb) (tloritt, t-huitp.
Ijitllfi aud ilmiii WLIto KM liiort'a.
All-wool rianncl, SO rruti, that tl iI1 fa At.
Mirier aud Domet rianoela, 4., 60, 75, to 91 ; that will
kttf) juu wa ui t bi i cold wt
aUooch, W, 74, 37 S. and -lu ceati; we txp good ubi'i.
UiiiliiM, nobody tries to H theiu At lew pruM Uian
e tlo.
Wi tell I'lles nf th.e s.tods, hei-au ,e we sell ekess.
oh en Ems & CO.,
P. felling i u oheap. Ladles' and Children's Huna
rtftihid llaudk.rihlelii. Id, Jl, li, to 74 oauls; Plata
Uaadkarottcra, in, I.'S, If', to IS eenU, warranted ail
lletn; l.adhv beautttulSeaiYi,'.IOcents; L'vfuiuer,eheap;
sttlrt Bi soais, I'-i i elite.
Mo. N. BtUHTn Uttset.
113 PBIOE & WOOD, 113
ort lv N I SiTII, abovo Anil,
liave Jail tiaeaed several due lots e Usaral Artltlea
HAi.tti.iuii- riuhroidered llaiidkertliit'f., all linen.
Kn.lireiitenil Handkerchief., .'.ft, 7, 9oiiti and SL-OX
Ladles' and in-nts' llem.Ulched llaadkerchlefs.
Ladles' and Oeuls' Ueui.dlched iiaudken-hier, Cwloie I
ll-.rtl. r.
ldle.' Itlai k lluiileBeiuillt. bed Handkerchiefs,
tlta's' Heuiinid 11 an dknrehief., Colored Border, allllnen
dents' l eered Border Haii tkenlileli, aU llaeu, So, CO,
aad 74 tenia,
lalaa'.' Ilaa.'.ioine Wi.tktJ Uudlrs.
HandKiti,e Worked Metts.
Illseea' U era .inched Handkerchiefs, Vi, U. and 17'.s.
LAais and lient.' Linea Caiakrtc UaadkereUlvf,, al tlul
very lowi.t atarket prices,
dents' handsome .Ilk Pocket Haiidke-oldt fs. rard sti'iare.
Hand ase Kroctie aearf., from fAa up to l-Vftii.
Heal Thread eud alal-eie Ijhw Cellars.
A large assortment of Blank Laue Veils.
A large asiortmeul ef Purtenionnales.
Ladles' Morocco H tit hi ts.
llaadaoiae MuSahi Hair Hruahes, plain and Inlaid backs.
Ladles l am lluck Cuiuhs.
dents' Nerk-tle. and Biispenifers.
A large assortment of Liulles' and (louts' dlevt s.
di nts Kld-hueil dh.vea.
ll .t (iiiahir Ameilean Dela'nes aod CU. ntea.
Ill, i I, til and I' ut lea. hed M.i.liua.
All-nvnl lieintt Klanueli. Ilea; Fhnker Flannels.
t-4 surnug KlamielS.
HU a. bed and t'uklearhed Cant u I'lannets, Ac. As.
Wo. hen llueds, aontsg,, and Hearts,
A lurge as.crlrntut tf fane Hoaps, Fomadee, Ml
Kvlra. ',.
igiiiUliH.uiii C ret,, Itxtraet.a new euor.
liri Ti NINTIIHtret,
J 1. IhCA.
Xetiee la Kerfby gtrm ti readtDeaa of thai ftatarl
uientia reaatia ou ar-eni:k.n, by HVtuaat In lavyinl
a.enay,or by eaatertiitn tote booda aa auaruad by law,
Uia 1 brea T aai Treasury kioie bearU lutoraat ai tha
rata of aaTAN and tkre tenrtii per eenium, laau-vd und or
Art Jaiy 17, 1WI. Intareat wUi eea an all luoh 1 ra
aery et4M aot to pre atod, aftur ibrea inoBibi irom tiiia
data, al waieaj Ikae. mai4jv tbe law, the likkt of aunvAr
kuu aeaaaa. W. r. I r;?ihi Nhfl N. .
Hatury of UaA rraary.
I' ll
. JO-'t "Hll-lNtjr Htrtsrst,
orikna run sLB
a J.AKfiK A.ssour.vti;rtr of
In ell vattetlia, fir
CliriHtiii'M isnJ IT.Iiiltiv Prtspiitu,
at v.-rv "-"r I'HI.'R.,- HrmiUtclipd ll J '- . all llnte , ate. and aii wants.
' ae en' do 7iss t .
rsiareii', a a do f"
I'l.'n Ilaa,ikei,Mf,,,n iar-r,fki. and npwardi.
I are -.
Kii.!.rol,l,-,e.'ll.ak.,.llf, kt,
Stem .'i'''''s.Bn4Ci,iitfc,M,g,i,r.,.i,s,all kln.U
and cr pities very .ibii H urctllt li Kiwis.
14 f'K OtiOKS, KMlrtfjlliKiin.;;,
wim :. nooin ok ai,u kinch.
HuMahte for Presents, r.e
12 17 l?t "VKIIY l.llv" PRICK'S.
I IIs.!;'.
svri'i, holiday rnr:si-:rri-iv diiv
'pi1, 'ir!"t Oil Cl.ifS. And Win f" H t.iJfi. V
r . AIM Il.tMIMM I", h K. r Torr K 1 H f 1 1 Ami
M AhKK I Mtre-fti, will i.tju-n thU inoriiiiii-f fi a in. I n
Ibkiiiii (ri'(i, i 1 wihtl s.'t', lo tl -Mi; in :fwi 'J irin'ti,
W"iil ii .It to 7t , fc-iit v nml ir i rir t-. l.
f ! -.J ; I' h-iir MI ( ' imh, ;.. tii f I .' ;rl'l h-r-l rcl Vlnilntf
Hl'Milf. f I 'N to fit); Clitin in m 'Ii nt U,, tj Mo ;
I lilrttn;Mi elMliii i, onlv -I V ; M trht'tliVn VtMll. f to
fi.'.; f lu trt l; PiMuo mil 1 i-itM-0 oi A i t lo
f -s ; AlHiMH. ll I i-i'-oi .. .'( C- to ft 'ni; It-M'- Anl !,, i..h,
f I to f t H'linin. a:id ti' -un,. M'hIiiia. i't t ' :
jitA'n anil rum v ( h , 1 ik1 ri) . 7-'C. Iii f 'o : n w :! Il-tt-ii,
li il M. It m, t ' '.tHliiufT Hi rip, iiih. Vrr n i
hhlrto in;.! iiavti in, i I v, L .stln- Ai.d t (.i '..-.
Ik f I ; .s,tn n tMBltJ'.iot H'lAnt. !! nnd
Ni mu. J A' lo f I: ir. l.',,, H bi J h. : My t .ti.
l-'x .; Hkirt liimd, i : 'r (iriol anil llaer i . It
('' loft - (J. WliolcAW All I K.MAO ' r.
K. totiiM M.fc I.N I II A.iK MA K t T ntitt ii. ii Jt -iii
100,001 PMAKKH fri K.wh.
SulKCiij lion lrlt iiU.
llt,(!00 aiiarri RiinrvcJ ?s WcH-khi? CipftnU
OSce, Ho 311 .MARKET St , Fbiladolplua.
N-9.1 A well rm (Ml ('tch, utw pvn.n barrali pr
tfny. atd tnarrs-AiiMK.
N. f. A wi on on Ortrk. now omr WVi fH dp, w
.a- iltiwr-f n Nsiirtlil U t9 rr-m Plaatar w'tl,
whirk 'm bmw arwipkaif 0 brrli of aA tr day
Ko.S. A wP on )i (iitva, firtt frot dno. now radr ft
tubMic, wiWi Hftiaudiil Uow uf oil; retry rprvapiMt of prv
dncvif lari lr.
Mo. 4- Onn AI lntrMrf In a tract of bndrd aoroa
en AlswssfBj rirr ; ila waali, no tr f ainpiac MHf bar
rtsl.t mt fAI ier dcy ; Uirsr nvn a wnlv do !?' dnwa ; wttth
nr a ml niw IYvtm. all borlap lorrltor.
hn. h. A AhIT aore t Tldsma. awAr ias K-snaiotoita Wella,
whleb ara aw pamptnt ilnty brri par Ca.
Ho . Aia anraa vn tru In W mknr hnd, an Uia AUv
(liT rr ; tauneitiHte yiBirofJaOtni tUa arooartj at LtaA
lirortne en well. 7 ai tract will be dt)T0Fi1 rAinar-
ftu6.rriaaa ara an w b Itia: rarlvd. and a lar(r por
UfMi of Wia HtAa alreart Ukon. Thn prwipta aad all
liitormaffcifi rm b ob-amed at iba OUloa at UiaCotBDaay,
bow at.tlA.8H MAitKKV Huai.
O Kn. T01 Alon WTRFRT.
A Hpli-hdld VArleiy fur
CniUSTaf Aft AM) MlcW frAK'S fRHSBNTA.
t'oBKlBtlnK of Hit IT OOOdaft
Frenrh Werltioci And I'oplln.
Lailn'A Htncia And 1 Hbm w idth BUata DalrMafl.
Lnptn'a HitHiil Wo I IMaida.
I.upin rm 4juAlity French Merlnoaa, $) 35,
Huvy KtLhed Wool fopllnn, SI M.
Viaj and Flam Hiyle Cotton and Wo -I Uolalna
fcOo yd CailAoe. Irom .il to AOok
ptAlit HhAwii 41a ant) lehabla.
Plain Hliaw.a for l44iTlca.
rbUd'An'i HnawU-linr aad Kqnas
LAtlit',:ipriU', And Chllilrn'A (Jior.
I.adtoa and lien a Linen 'iubne UslkJk.
Iadlra' Hi-m MUtcbed Udkfa.
Htftio' Hit Mftltfi.
BAimrral Hklrii Larva AnAortnvnts
Hpk'iidid Coniitarpaiti's, ti-uin AuoUM -
lnnli WMU' and ColcrM,
Rumlai'rarsh and IMftni-r.
llt yardi Amarlcan tjranh. at ni(r.
If LaalUra will oiauilno Ibis Ato-k thvf wttl And food
sm)a at thu vary low nal piiaM. Mo trokaio toahow ttasta.
C vaia aud aiaiuaaa, At
U Lna Mm. r A ROii aai.
QSEruL Girrs roa the. holi oats
Caa be foutiil at
8. E. corner of ISlM'n and AltCII Street".
Beit De I atnaA reilnenl tn rents.
imt rate Je l.mnei (utMH ccnta.
IU at 4'mI'cova only -t coiiia.
ixid (.'nuVnen fi n- al i.nts,
tne lire. lUioiln of nJI klnda at rat v low pHaea.
Kiuncli Alrlnofi, good qualiiy, rcdiKtMl fruia $3&0k--
i:traflne Krncli Mi-rlnoai only $1 00.
Itoubia width all wool In I.aIiion, V AiiJf-l V).
8hnte wld-h aU wool I to I.umii'n frt-J ti' uwiii Utfl'OO.
f Ilo (innVity tlKiircitl all wmil le 1-a.luai oiaaad lo l'wOt
igured AioiUiu--! only $1 .A).
A ery cheap lat nt 7f oi ntn.
I'Jaid Iroiu 7b renin upwarda.
1 lot ultra uue I'lalds reduced fruaa liJ'Sft-to
SHAWIs8!!! 8HAWL8! ! !
V.lanket L n.- HbiwlK, best 'jiiAj'tv, $10 00.
riidt-rate Itlanliet Lone HhAwlti for f! 00
llavina Jt Aililed an exu-iiatte Tloa and Hoop Wrt
Licpartait'iit tn our more, we art now vfMtred to oiVrtlim
bt hi Clonk . and tiftlM at prictn UttM will ! iv ouupi fcnlii.
Wa hi vita an entiiiniion of .r ca't braa
wbfeh ara inadc ef nttf ;ie o,- At maklnir Die t oict
uuraSietliaii any otbui Hkln lu Ua Ajaurii:a mark.
Clmaki, aplrndid Mea; ClOLitiUB Clethaof all k!ud.
( Inaka uihUo to oidi-r.
vivo ug a cll, and Aa.vft aviuay by bujl ywiir
Heslitlay tillla at our Htore.
j. cowrEhriiVAiT & co-,
26 8m H. E.eonwr NUITU aod AlaCU 8ti..rtill.
111 -It Clni-SSt KThf.liT.
la ltalljp lleoel vlrjt
W 11 ITU (1DOB8,
h. M 1 ,t KU I L fJ MI S .
: ewj vartetr 4 at
Jl III) 17; 10 1) 1IIICKW.
BVirAr.i,B Four) uriktmas UOl.tDAT
1S(M. I,oul,Am 18(r.
In vile attention to a iholce itcck or
8MOKIMU CAM. ' - 12 3-la
With s superior uesnaseat of etaer Ueeds soJlahle as
Ufaaii'aclenr.k'e. SSH AkUII Rtrrel
AOloe oisui nirci,
wnoiasaie ana n-ian.
Thetrett rssnplete aa.ortmenl ol Ladles', Mbise.', afl 4
C'lllSren's HooBSklrula the ellv, In ever repeal Urel-.
class, which tvr turn, rinuu, auralnlliv, r . uhtMi uesa,
h, ve bo e,ual ia the nai tel.
Mill mails te ordar, altered, sad repaired.
SM-ly W.H.T. 1I0PK14P.
V ' mintatlna eaarx ke seiwaaewl. So, IttA klr(
ft es. Oiaeea ptiaupll; atUiiam SB. VI-.
l'l MAKKKT atrret. '
C.C. VAt'KKT. AneMnnoer, SMI, eMisitmrnante f
Ihlillll-, KASM, aNIl Mt.RI'HtNI'lHH,
nt nil l-uii. fnr pahi.c tale at hM AurUt.a Koaois, A Be. M
VU1 eliend erpi,iv to atr nt
At the IHrt-i
h 'I'seuor o KunsrroBi
AI the ,(rrr ef tin on rs
I S will l advanced whefl detlrd oa remslgnmsat
H"4.s ftr ,itnle ia e.
A N T KIM f M ' v I A T K LT,
KOK A AtiK HO llOt;.,
On tl.c Kiril rior.r, hsvlng phTityot light, tsratotl tm
cnF.srjT BTnnET,
re'.wreo fit on and FIOA elreela.
A. p y lo
i. M. 'JTMOtrrMAPf,
Vo. 11 8 TTIiItli Bireet.
ll '.' Ii tp"
WAN I '.!.
ill.., wllh f,t.V l .!, to lo wipaalivs la
l a (
l.i.y r,,w lo.-iiniir. lin.ier ilia a'i.,ien ni f.aia-
nA . .. . . . , i ,,,tr at. ,!, il l- .
l,i :,,
Itll'tivtrt, I. ....I... Ul njtr rant, rat nmStael
Ap.Ir to
w. A.nftt.T
'- ?l5 Wo 817 WAI.M' .' Hlret'.
i:-,Oilke, Nn. J7t S THIH, (M reet.
Pin oi..-iu, Inieemherll.lHitl.
Vc set. s ante t to I,, ail !lli e .! u.r .Sewb.rn , N. 0'.,
and Key West, Ml. Ilecalch eSv..
JOHN It. JK.NNI ('.,
1 5 jt! l' a "Uls and A. I). M.
Aari- Itoed.n and V.wTnrk. Itninalia ds.p.iea and
IT .,,, : rstes irHen. A.,lv I.. WILLIAM Jjrr I'KH, 111.,
A C O., .lo. WAtNUT Htreet. 1 l(Hil'i-
1 nien A sntoil. T"le Ilaltim-'n' arsl Oih Ifaltmaat
I .,uii.H7 want a nanilieri.f oipfnonocet rallrvad men te
n n ul. n ks Mnrmii Oelelit tra'fs.en Its It.e avsral
dlriMuns hetwern tia H ai, and wire. 'link and rarkere
I Brw The he.t wnaes will h paid and resular enp'of
Inenl Riven la inch meu ae will rttjsst to etttier of the fol
low in i. eiii nt", who are sinhorl;..-o lo I, ke. ii,-mon duty
A. J. ai.iiiank Ai-ri first H.vl.len, Miual Clare)
Hi at Inn, liiiUlmoie rltv. Md.
1. I aiiIiY, Aseai s.nsl IXvlslcsi, it wtlasbsrg, aw)
ktn.ilr tl niilee fr.-ui lialttmnre.
.1 K V AI i.. Aaei.l I.... lllvl.ljii, Ifi-lm-wl.
A . ( AUK, Akeni al tlraiivn lur ih r arm. bury roait,
at , I
J. B. rnKD, Acent a WHjelln for IfeFnn-Sh Dltiskm.
W. I'. sMITII. Mailer ol IYauiortstoa.
Ualttlfinre, XI k. Ds oemtier '. lxSl. U-U-loa
lr lor a lAilr. tlft, and nun, Two rrn4ntiel roomi
on tht Nia.'iol iloor, w'h lire, Iroard, rV iM In -ApleaAAnt
part il tin' rltv, .n ceaih)e to rtreet cara. AdilVdiKi: B.
ii., "Kvcntiig l ei-spTApb" Ottli-e.- It-W
No. 017 AltCUI BTUH3T.
The aboTe reApacrf-.tty tnfhrtni KTa.atrmia, an the-awW
le lo feneral, that 1.9 lift now opoMd at UiAabavator
an atAortment of
Ladies' and Children's? Fancy Furs,
VTrick, for Tarletv aud aaalltF, catmai be SBrraused tsr
a-jj house In Uie I nlve Stales. U.lixt the marnlketsnr
of aU his rurs.aad havlag Import st all his rtoofc Ha
old was moch lower taaa at the rreeeat rates,- ha eaa
o.Sjr tkem to his patrons at the moat rttoseaabte prices.
ALL FURS made to order, aad rovalrini dcaeln Ska
Ikk aiaauer and lateat styles.
HENltY ItrVSriE,
Imporier and jTAnufaotrjet
K-M-lm Mo. 5 A8CU CritBBn.
No. 713-AR0H 0TREET,
at an cut MYABiusnu)' s-roaa,
Impoitci nd Mi lULfkctarer o.
It asaertaierar T ABCJ ' 1U1U 4nr Ladlee aaA OnMm
Is new eomapl.teew.kweuljj i
Bemesnber Sbe Maue aaiiimnshac.
No. 718 AliUH STllSET,
ISG4. 1864.
1864. 1S(34.
IU -u otfosttb ntDarcsuB-tcB HAIX.
7 :mot"8
coiivi.avrir.Li at utii;ity into
The.', Tnatarj Motes present treat sdvaatsires to lak
serin' .a as aa lBVe.Oa.el. Te. laureet Is liharal, tha
stMBtjtj Badoabud, aad the privilege given the holder of
eea etnuif the nolea, apon maturity, tew U.lirKD
KT AlKS UK I'll CKHT. BOKDS O-IOs ) Is sf gnsA
This Hank keeps en hand a larg supply all desomJaa-
tlcai.rrtia Uis te tiwio.
a coMMimiuoii or omb quabtkh peb cmht
allow. d oa sales of S-'-OUO avd upwards i oa sale, of 1 1S,M
rover, IllKUt K10UTM FEB CENT.
la-n-Lius . oAiniBB.