nynrnrsu WAMilMyn.VULT)RLVmA, WEDNESDAY, DEQEMBKR 28, 18oi, Gutninij Etlcgtaph WK.DNEMDAT, DKCRMHItR 28. 114. JF.StK4t. UR tT Al THE ntTri.r. or rirrHHi R i.aii. UlKlnry. from tin Vullr4 Xlmmi Ktrtirt tltvniinr. flllDllUAIIT KR Mll.TTART DlVIMOW MlKSIa. iirri. Frofcssor Henry Coppee, Thll ideliihla: Dear Sir: Id the Juno number of the I'nitrJ Stair frtirt Matmint I flail a brief sketch of ynAXAikDl-Oencral V. 8. Qraat, In which I sec . you are likely to perpcuate an error, whloh General Grant may not deem of iilll"int lm- pnrtsncs to cirrict. To General Duell's nobis , ble, and gallant conduct yon attribute tbo Tan that the disaster of April 0, at I'ittsljurg l.amlinir. wh rcti iered, and made the rictorj of the lol lowing day. As Ocneral Taylor li (aid Inliis later dnyl to hare doubt d whether he mi at the battle of Hum Vesta at all, on acc writ of the many tlilrga having transpired there, aecordin to the hiatorlan. which he did not we, ao I begin to doubt whether I win at the battle of I'itubur i Landing: of modern description, liut I was at the battlct of April 6 and 7, H62 Gencr.il Onnt rlkltid my diilsitm In person about 10 A. M., when the batlie laged fiercest. I was then on the right. After iome gonenil conversation, ho remarked tLal I was doing right in stubbornly opposing the progress of the enemy ; and, In answer to my In quiry as to cartridges, told mo he had anticipated their want, and glTcn orders accordingly ; he then aid b:sprsence u aa more needed ororat tho left. About 2 T. M. on the 6th, the enemy mute rlslly slackened bis attack on me, and about 4 P M. I delll eiatcly made a new line behind McV ttitir's drill field, placing bsttcrla on chosen gnurd, repelled easily a caalry attark, and watched the cautious approach of the enemy's lnf:mtry,tbat ncrer dislodged me tr- 1 w''ed that Tmto' m - ol a bridge across Snak cttek.Vy which we bad all day been expecting the erptoach of Lew. Wallace's division from Crump's I.BDdlng. About 6 1'. M. before the suu set, General Grant came again to me, and after kearrng my report of matters, explained to me the situation of affairs on the left, which wero not aa favorable. Mill the enemy had failed to rcc h the landing of the boat. .M'espreed that the enemy had expended the fnrare .f his attack, and we estimated our loss, and approximated our tbea strength, including Lew. Wallace's fresh division, expected each minute. He then ordered me to get all things reany, and at daylight the next day to assume the offensive. That was before (ieuural Unci I had arrived, but be was known to be near at band. General Knell's troops took no essential part In the first day's fight, and Grant's army, though collected together hastily, green as militia, some regiments arriving without cartridges even, and neaily all beaiing the dread sound of baitle for the first time, bad successfully withstood and repelled tbe first day's terrific onset of a superior enimy, well commanded and well bandied. 1 know I bad orders from General Grant to assume tbe offensive before I knew General H null was on tbe west side of tbe Tennessee. 1 think General lioell, Colonel Fry, and others of General Uuoll's surl, rode np to where I was ahout sunset, about tbe time General Grant was leaving me. General llueil aaked me many questions, and got of ma a mall map, which I had made tor my own use, and told me that by da, light he could have eigh teen thousand fresh men, which I know would set le tbe na ter. I understood Grant's forces were to advance on the right if the Corinth road and Uucll'j on tho left, and accordingly at daylight I advanced my divi-ion by the flunk, tbe resistance being trivial, np to the very spot where the day before the bit tie Lfd been most severe, and then waited till near Di on lor Buell's troops to get up abreast, when tbe entire line advanced and recovered all thi ground we bad ever held. I know that with tbe exception of one or two struggles, the light ing of April 7 was easy as compared with that of Atril 0. I never was disposed, nor am I now, to ques tion anything done by General Iiuell and bis army, and know that approaching onr iield of battle from the rear, he encountered that sicken ing crowd of laggards and fugitives that excised bis contempt and that of his army, who never gave full credit to those in the front Uric, who did fight bard, who had, at 4 P. M., cheeked tbe enemy, and were preparing the next day to as sume the offensive. I remember the fact the better from General Grant's anecdote of the Donelsoa battle, which be told me then for the first time that, at a certain period of tbe battle, be saw that either side was ready to give way if tbe other showed a bold. front, and he deter mined to do that very thing, to advan e on tbe enemy, when, as ha prognosticated, the enemy turrtndered. At 4 F. M. of Aprl 6, he thought tbe appear antes the same, and he judged, with Lew. Wal lace's fresh division, and such of our startled troops as bad recovered their equilibrium, he would be justified in dropping the defensive and assuming the offensive in the morning. And, I repeat, I received such orders before I knew General Buell's troops were atthe river. I admit that I was glad Iiuell was there, Decease I knew bis troops were older than ours and bet'er sys tematized and drilled, and his arrival ma le that certain which before was uncertain. I have heard this question much discussed, and must ay that tbe officers of Buell's army dwelt too much on tbe stampede of some of onr raw troops, and gave ns too little credit for the fact that for one whole day, weakened as we were by the absenae of Buill's army, long expected, of Lew. Wallace's Division, onlr four miles off, and of tbe fugitives from our ranks, we had beaten off onr assailants for tbe time. At the same time our Army of the Tennessee have Indulged in severe triticism at tbe slow aiqiroach of that army which knew the danger that threatened us from tbe concentrated armies of Johnston, Usau regard, and Bragg, that lay at Corinth. In a war like tula, where opportunities for per sonal prowess are aa plenty aa blackberries, to those who seek them at the front, all such crirui natii ns should be frowned down ; and were it not for ibe military character of your journal, 1 wou'd not venture to off er a correctiou to a very poj ular error. I will a 'so avail myself of this occasion to cor net another very common mistake in attributing to General Grant the selection of that battle-field. It was chosen by that veteran soldier, Major General Charles V. Smith, who ordered my divi sion to discmburk there, und strike, for tbe Charleston Railroad. This order was subse quently nudtned.by bis ordurlng Ilurlhut's divi sion to disembark there, and mine higher up the Tennessee to the mouth of Yellow creek, to strike the railroad at Burnsville. But floods prevented our reatbing the railroad, when General Kmuh ordered me in person also to disembark at l'itls. burg lam ing, anil take post well out, so as to make plenty of room, with Snake and Lake creeks tbe Hanks or a camp tor me grand army of invasion. It was General Smith who selected that field of battle, und it was well chosen. Un auv other we suie.y would have been overwhelmed, as b ith LI k at d 8m.a creeks forred tbe enemy to on fine his nut nirrjli to a direct front attack, which new troops are tx tter qualified to resist than wleie fiat ks are exposed to a real or chimerical darger. Kwnthe d visions of that ariuy were Hanged In that camp by General .Miiitu s orders rpv Oiv slon forming, as It were, the o it'y.ng picket, whilst McOlemand's and l'ren'Nti' were ibe rM llne-i.f-battle, with W. il. L. Vai:;:e io auppoitof tb r gbt wing, and lluiUmt on 'be leil; Liw. W' ac' division being detach d All fbesc subordinate dispositions weie made by the order of General Bmitb, before General Grant succeeded him in tbe command of all the forces no the Teiiucasct headuuarlers. havaniuiu. If there weie any error in putting that army on "the west sice of the Tennessee, exposed to the superior force of the enemy also assembling at Coriutttftbe mistake wan not General Gram's; l, ut there was mistake. It was necessary last combat, fierce and b.tter, tt lest tbe manhood of tbe two aimies. should come oil. and thai was good as any. it was not then a qne-lion of military skill und strategv, but of courage aad place:, and I am convinced that every life lost that rim to us was ucceasarv : for otherwise atCorluth, at Memphis, at Vicksburg, we would have found Larder resistance, had we not shown our enemies that, rude and untutored as we then were, we could light a well as they. Excuse so long a letter, which is very unusual for iut ; but of conre my life is liuble to cease at ny moment, and I happen to Us witness to certain truths which are now beginnins: to pass out of memory, and form what Is culled history.' I also take ureal pleasure in adding that nearly all llie new troons that at Shiloh drew from me ornoial censure have mors than redeemed tbeir ' td Battue; among the to, that very regiment 'lilhlii. broke, the 6Ai Ohio, Colonel Apimn. Under at other leader, Colons 1 Jones, It basiuarsd every campaign and expedition of mine since, Is with me now, and can march, and bivouac, and fulit as Will a the beet recimenl in this or any army. Its reputation now is eqnal to that of siny from ie ouik ui uuio. I sua, wtta resueot, Tutors attiiy t'l'Hriu itirr4RT. Inld Bttrrla, ftovnl AenilrtnT. from lie f.fm P.-t, .V.n4r it. The world of art has b cn daprived, by an unlooked-for visitation, of one of Iw brlijh est ornsmertts. Mr David Roberts, R. A , si Iad with an apoplectic attark on Krltlay after noon, while walking In llerners street, Oxford strict, and after bclr. perfectly Itiscnslblo for a brief peilod afer Ids removal to bis on house, exjilicd aoont 7 o'clo k in the evening. The lots of this distinguished artist Is undoubtedly one of the heaviest of those whLb have maikej the present ) ear. David Roberts was Ikiiii cf poor p irents, in Kdlnbiirgb, in 179i. In bis native city he was pprrntieid to a housc-palntcr, but bis genius and Industry soon raised him utioie this calling, and he became favora'dy known to I. is fellow-to vus men as a scene painter. Ho came to London, and we la heve was employed as a scene-painter at the Murrey Theatre until tho late Mr. Alfred Bunn saw bis abilities, and gave lilm an engage ment al Drnry L me, where ho worked for some years, with Increasing popularity, In conjuiictl n vt 1th Mr. C'larMnn Maniieid, still happily sjxrei to us. Roberta' fbst ee'e'irated picture w is the "0 - partureof the Israelites from Kgvpt," eu ;r.icl hv CJ ii 1 1 Is v Tins anpnircd neirly forty yean go, and then followed, fur four years running, ti e ' Landscape Annual," with something line five aiid-tbirty drawing, in each vo iMie'. li s ' .Spain" appeared In If l . coiisising of twenty six plates, iniitnt .una of his dravrimrs ma le on lie spot, witn Hie lints j'isi men inv.nrei. inn next i ear he published Ins lirst anon eciur.it p tint- lug, the large up' ini "linorior oi njvuri line Ural ; and aliom the same time ait ' exterior" ho (liralda Tower of .Seville. The splendid w tk m four voluii.ea folio, "1 he Holy Land," which a, undirlaaeu for -Mr. (SirJ K. J. M I- th it by wh.rn Mr. II iberts will lie most widely kti i vn. lie bad 'H'cn travellltig for some time In tin- Ho y Land, ilgypt and Nubia, and between liii and I N to he gaic to the world these mag n ill en pi ate., which had the advantage of lr. t'nily's eloq loute and gorgeous Imagery for fho descriitfous. Ilia 'Hoiy I'lacea" wireoiijectaol special admirati hi ; and of ibe views ill J-ypl,the ".Simoom" as n rliaps tbe ti ost remarkable. 1' was in .Novum Iht, lH.iM, that he was elected A. R. A. Mr. R ili-rts' first Acadi my picture, bv the w iy, w is a " View ut Khihh I'lillieiiral"' (1--J i. Alter the publici ti' ii of tiie "Holy Land'" thu arn-t, no rising rapid y m famo and position, visited Venice ami Milan, ai d produced on his teturn some wonder ful "j,, tenon" lortbe Rovnl Acideniy. In 1'cb rttitry, 1M1, be was elected R. A. '1 heie is no necessity to enumerate Mr. Roberts' pictures in sueses-ion. His "interiors" and ' ex ti iiora" were far superior to am tiling of the kind since the days of Caualettl. His old business of scene painting gnve bun facility and rapidity of outline, end made tin so pictures ao wonderfully artistic, (several of Ida picturos arc in the Vernon and fsheepi-banks col cctionsat South Kensington, tine of bis beat works, however, has a curious history. It was tho property of Mr. Hall Staa disb, of l'.she Hall, Durham, who, piqued at being leftisid a baronetcy by Lord Melbourne, left all bis splendid collection to King Louis l'bilippe, una this picture was one ot the gems ol the la uvie. Ibe r.mperor Isapoleon 111 restored this collection to tbe Orleans family, ns being the King's private proiierty, and this picture returned to England, und was sold at Christie's to an It! tig- lisn gemleman. Among rcocnt pictures of his may be noted " Sta. Maria d'lla Salute," al cnice, built by Baldassare Longhana, in com memoration of the pestilence of Hi.12, in which sixty thonsanu persons perlsnea. 1 Ins appeared In moll; last rear be was cnlellr occupied on views of London on the Thames, rnjbt or nine In number, painted tor Mr. c. Lucas, the contractor, and this year two works of his figured on the walls of tbe" Royal Academy, the "Chapel In the Church at Dlxmudc, West 1- landers," and the "Mausoleum of Augustus (the Castle of 1st. Angelo). from tbe gardens of the Hie Uarticrlni at Kome the most remarkable monument on the Campus Murtius. Vury few of his works weie engraved on separate plates, line pair, however, "St. foul's and the Lord Aiay r a l rocession, were execnt a iti line en graving. He did a few painter's etchings on copper views in Scotland etched by himself ; but tbec were never puojisneu. in bis earlier days in London Mr. Robotts livod at No. 18 Mount street, Lambeth, and every even ing ne, Dis countryman "jock Wilson, the land scape painter, and one or two more rising artists, met at public bouse just over Westminster bridge. From Mount street he removed to No. 21 Morriiiuton pi ice, and frequented a well known bivcrn, the Sol's Arms, where the hahittiet still renumber him. Whi n he became A. R. A. be joined the Garnck Club, and for very in any years be has In en the acknowledged chief of the smoking loom, coming punctually at ei;tlit, anil leaving punctually at eleven, lis last residence wb No. i l- itzroy slreit, Fitzroy square. He was a pleat ant und ifentul coiiiDatuon. emphatic illy a "cln'j- linDie man. many stonca nsas toiu ui uia noer- ulitv to bis less toilunute brothron or (lie ease', and" be w as, to tbo lu-t, we lielieve, 1'reoident of tbe Artists' Getieial Benevolent Fund. l'ersonully, Mr. Roberts looked the imago of a country farmer; in fact, it is known that he Sat, or rati er stood, to (sir Ed ard Landseer for the model of tbo farmer in the "Dialogue at Waterloo." Mr. Roberts married early in life. His wife a person of singul. r beauty, though of humble birth was the model of Mary Queen of Scots in Sir William Allan s famous picture oi mat uuioriuniite queen landing at Leith. He leaves only one daughter, ho married last year the son of Mr. K. Dickuell, tfe gnat collector, whose pictures wcro told ut Christie's last year. Jnlen Clrrntrd, ibe I. Ion 1(1 1 lor. At the last sitting of the Paris Geographical Society, M. Multe Brun read a letter be had re ceived from M. liraduezoc, French Consul at Sierra Leone, and which confirms the account of the death of Jules' Gerard, tho lion killer, who was diowned In attempting to cross the river Joub. He was born of poor parents at l'ignan, Var, June 14, 1817, so that he was In his forty-eighth year. Gerard was fond of sport from his youth ; at ten he chased cats and monkeys, at sixteen bo curried a rifle, and was a bit of a pugilist. He was a volunteer for tho Algerian campaign in 1841, ai.d commenced the life of adventures which has been terminated in so nntlmoly a manner. He describes, in his well knowu work, Is Tutur dt Lions, (18.37 8), bow it came to puss that a poor dwarf of a creature like him, ventured to declare war against the giant of the woods "one against one chance for chance God alone being a wime a of the fight." Not long after his arrival at Bone, be heard of tbe terrible lion of the Arel.iotia, which had committed unheard of devastations among villagers and troops alike. Said Gcrrd, magnanimously, "if it pleases Uad, 1 who ura not an Arab, w. U kill the lion, and he ball not devour you any moie." Ilia heart, he tells us. bounded for joy at tho coming light. "Soon this all powerful lord, the terror of tbe ccuntr.i, will blto the dust under tho ball of a d g of a Christian." The villagers were Incredu lous, ard Intimated to Jules, that, if ho killed the Inn, they would kiss his fret and become bis iluus; meanwhile they would mind then on a husinris. Of tl e twenty live lions which have fallen victims to Gersrd's rifle, we are told appalling stones of ' Kl 11a b," the lame one, alias B n-Aehrrln-Iiaillel, the muiderer of twenty men ; the lion ol Krou Nega, the lion of Mejez Am ar, the Hob ol . a,or, me lioness f,i lianout, etc. lie kiii railed by tbe Ars.ii "the terrible Frank." The i.u' d'Auoiale had given him a brace of leHols, nt d on bis return to France, In 1S47, be bud un interview wi'n tne uuciiess or Orleans and tbe y uthltil Couut of I'ans, who, unsolntited, left lie room for five minutes, and re.urtiing said artless ly, 'lhe.se vdluin beasts will finish you one day. A good hunter must be a good soldier. Yon must lie preserved to the innv. Accept these nistolsto ureserve you. in trw.i.ljerard returned cme more to Fram e with therauk of sub-lieutcn- ant, snd received the decora1 Ion of the Legion of Honor. He Had within tne lout year or two left France on another expedition into Africa, and he has ni fortunately perished in thu course of it by suu accident. The following details relative to the melancholy sd of Gerard were read at the meeting The e.-lion killer went to the western coast of Africa provided with instructions Irom the London Geo graphical hourly of London, ami with the sup tatrt of several members of the K:igilh notulity for tbe pun e sc of exploring the interior of that rouutiy. lis first intended to visit the Kong Moui tains, in Northern Guinea, which, up to that time, nail never oeen crosseu ny any r.uro pean. He left F.ngland at the cloao of I VkI, and Jiroceeilesito Wbyilab ; from thence he r jnetrated luto ibe kingdom of Dahomey, wben's he Ja ed one of bis last letters addressed to the Duke ol Wellington. After having in vain attempted to iget into tho interior ot Africa by way of Da- T . B. ... L.O I - I.... ..." Jiomry, are csmuu u men iuus wnu n tioi n recciuuirudut.on to M. J. i'.rut.eiec, the French Consul at that place, from M Drossare de C r higi y, th coromandvr of she French e-tuadrou In the (j ult of Guinea. The English at Sierra Leon Immediately fur. nitliisd him with fresh auoaua lor his journey An F.ncltsb man-of-war. commanded by Captain Cochrane, conveyed him to th neighborhood of the rivir Galllnaa. In few days after bis landsr iug ht lest ail bis baggage and took refuge m Nf ert'r ro county, where the French residents gate him i very assistance in their power. Ih It fi it e v llac of HcKboom In Ihf month of M .y i.r June Isst; but wh n only t" hours' dialtnen, was ron pUti Iv p. Hatred, ani obligfal to rreii'U to tl vil age, where lie nailed until I tie end of the rains season lo r-rmnn em his jonrney. His res iire , howeicr, being exhausted, Jeles (ipiard iletirniined on returnm to Sierra Leone, and be was drowned In cros-lug tlie Jong river, M' hb il Ice line mni h swo.len liy ttie rains, 1 hai river brings i'o n an i n irmou. quan'itv of mini and br. i.ehes if rces of h II kin4s, wiilb lot m filiating l-l mds In tho canal of fh riioro, inoneously ca led river. Ilusa Jiiis ii t an llnl-n, tho llrra itisrl.vr ir ttitt litiiiltil(in. Don Juan Van Ha'en has (Mvmbr 2K), :.t tbo age of seventy five, closed a long and active career at Cad s. Van Haiti was by birth a Spaniard, and Ins fli -t notnriety originated with tbo battle of Trafalgar, when ho was only fifteen yenrsof age. Ho entered the service of K'ng Joseph, to whom bo rendered himself particu larly aiccptiible. He was later Inriirc.rated In the prison of the Spsnish Inquisition. On bis acqulital from the charges brought against bi n, he entered tho service ot Itus 1 1, and after various Incidents that marked hi. extraor. Unary career bo at last willed down at Btus els, w ith his wife, tho Isler of tho distinguished Spanish General liuiroga. As soon, however, as he heard aain "ll.e b ml trumpet sound fo anus," bo was, us Usual, ri ady for the hyht, and commanded the fro- ps in the revolution in Kelgiuin In li.tr Van I'alrn i rove the army of the I'nnce of Orange out ot the country, tint lie met w-j'h the ingrati tude of the l'lovi-ioiial Government, and was oi ce again thrown into p'i-,n, from wh eh the public uiee, on ac count ol Ids popului ity , so in reh asi d Inm. He for mx years enjaved the tranquillity of a private life, but in I Mil he was Induced Ut join the rm al army in Spam, mid tough' at the b ittle ot NaMiria against the Cirlists. Tho usual fate cd Ins siii ci .bi s attended lum Ho was once nioio thrown into prison, from which llspartero released this hero to follow him at the sh gc of Harcelona. an II. den acconiianiid bisgrc.it leader, even in lis dsii-ters, it ti' 1 ild not tle-ert him In Ilia exilo to 1 ngland, w hete Van lialen was received oy tbe noliility and the military with respect. Since IM'il be lived a ri tited life. He, bowivet, em ployed his Mine In writing an account ot 'The I-onr liays of lliusseis," and ti valuaolc tie'in iir on tie .spuni.sh cami uigii", in which bu took an active art. This remarkable man's Imprisonment by the inqu sltinn rxeiu d, thirty years n;;o, the ib epe-t sympathy, and will be remeiiiliered by friend-, of a certain age. Tfiriila l Pa,r, lit" I'reucU Koynllst. The legitiinl-t papers of l'arls announce the death, In Tournino, at the age of eighty eight, of the Marquis de I'uy. The dc cased was a descend- imt of Hay mond do l'uy, tho companion of Godo- fioy de Boullion at the rupture of Jerusalem, In K f!). He was born on the 21th of October, 1770, iitkI he was at tho College of l'ontlovoy when his father and uncle emigrated. Wl h his mother ho was .C' i, lined In tho prison of Cbajeauroux, where, thanks to the ecclesiastics who shared their captivity, be was uldc to continue his studies. They wero released at the death of Kola siderre. in lso" ho married M id lie du Wlssel. In June, 1H.TJ, the king appointed him to preside over the Klectoral College of Leches a mission of which be acquitted himself to gena rul saljslaclion. After the Revolution of ls.;iil bo retirid to his hereditary estu'o of La-Rut-lie-l'loquin, lo the Improvement of which aud to works of charity ho devoted his lifo. Mrave. tho ltnMilikn Asilrssnoinitr. Tho celebrated Russian astronomer, Frederic Struve, whose nnmo Is associated with all tho great works of triangulatlon and gcodory carried out in Russia and Mastern F.uropo, died on the Zld of November at St. Petersburg. He w as born at Altona, in April, 17 3, and studies! philology, and afterwards astronomy, in the University of Corpus, in the Government of I.lvonii. la I Is ID ho was uttached lo the observatory of that town, hi coming the director four years afterwards. Ia lMI'.i he removed to l'ulkowa, and was appointed director of the niagn liccnt observatory which the Russian Government hadestablislie I there, which post be retained till his death. M. Struve under took and cuiriedout various important works snd scientific expeditions, by a description of which scientific libraries are much enriched. His soi, M. Otho Struve, studied under Ins accomplished lather, and obtuined the post of second astrono mer of the l'ulkowa Observatory. Iiiant rViitti-ul, of Analrln. On tho "8th of Novemlr, diid, nt Venice, Count Gilbert Nugent, magnate of Hungary, hereditary number of the estates of Camilla, chamberlain of his Imperial Euyal Apostolic Ma jesty, Knight of tho Sovereign Military Order of ft. John of Jerusalem, and Knight Commander of the First Class of the Order of Francis I. of flic Two Sicilies. The Count was the second son of the late Field Marshal l'riuce Nugent, Knight oi tne uoiiien i- ieece, and urand Trior or Ireland In the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. He was a distinguishi d ofllct r in tbe Austrian service, and, like Bis tamer, enjoyed the tricmlship or his sove reign. He died after a short Illness, at a compa ratively early age. Vlee-.VIiulrnl Itoiuanoir. The Russian navy has lost ouo of its most Illus trious veterans, Vice-Admiral Romanoff, who died a few weeks since. The Admiral's service dates from the year 1813, und last year he celc biated the fiftieth anniversary of hit entering the nayy. During the war with Turkey bo com manded the row-boat flotilla, anal on the conclu sion of hostilities ho resigned : but almost as soon as the war in the Crimea commenced be again went to sea in command of the steam flotilla stationed iu the Gulf of Finland. Finding that bis spin re of action there was very limned, he went to Sehastopol, where he signali.ed hi uself by his valor during the siego. General Wjnynrd, f!. II. The death of the above general olllccr, Colonel .Wtb (English) Kegiment of foot, occurred on Thursday, November 2.3. Goueral Edward Buck Icy Wynyard was formerly in tbe Grenadier Guard, and after obtaining the rank of colonel of that regiment, was appointed Ald-de-camp to William IV. He servod In the army in Sicily from lMiiftto March 1H10, when he was severely wounded at the attack ou Santa Maura, for which he subsequent y obtuined tbe brevet rank of Mujor; he was ulso present and on the stall with the force that occupied Ischia and 1'rocida. Central Ueurts Irvlnir. The above venerable sflleer died on the -2d of November, ut Balmac, near Kircudbright, Scot land, aged ninety-one. He was formerly a Cap tain in tbe Royal Irish Artillery, and retired upon full pay when that corps was broken up. t'owsis Alpliunsie il'Asronlt. The l'arls journals announce the death of Count Alpbonse d'Agoult, formerly Lieutenant of the K ng's Guard, und one of the last Cheva liers ol St. Louia, thut mark of distinction having been conferred upon him by Ch irles X. nt Ram boulllet.ou the 2d of August, lss)0. f'olonrl llruuenu. ColoLcl Bruneau, one of the nurs ing members of the St. Simouiau alls -ion to Egypt, died In l'aris November 16. vt. M'oliiMnkl. M. Wolowskl, formerly rrocureur-Uoner.il of the kingdom of Poland, has died in Siburia, where he hud been banished. He had been condemned to lUulh, but his sentence was commuted to exile. I. FTTH It t I BOH Kt'.IIKIIUENKR AI, I.F.K. A correspondent of the 'Vow supplies copies of two 1 tiers from the Confederate Generul Lee, which arc dated as far buck as 181-1. One of tbo Utters is addressed to General Scott, aud con tains General Lee's resignation of his commission after service of a quarter of t century. The other, address-d to a sister, enters more fully into the feelings which dictated that step, and which ani Dialed tbe Southern leaders at that time:" Ari.inoton, Vtt., April 20, 18'il. General : Since my interview with you on the 18th instant, 1 have felt that I ought not longer to retain my commission in the aimy. I, therefore, tender my ruignat.on, which I request you will recommend for acceptance. It would have been presented at once, but lor tne struggle it uas cost me to sepa rate ui self from a service to which I have di voted an the ist years or my lire, und all the ability I possessed. " Duiiug the whole of that time mors than quarter of acentuiy I have experienced nothing but kindness from my superiors, and the most tordial friendship from my comrades. To no tine, Generul, have I been ao much indebted as to yourself lor uniform kiudueas and considera tion, and it bas always been my ardent desire to merit jour approbation. I shall carry to the grave the most grulvful recollection of your k'nl rritisidefatiiin.attd your name and fa-n will aiwa-. s re O' ar lo me. 'Save In defense of my nstlve S'ate, I never ('csiie again to draw n.y sword, lis ploi'cdto ( ci pt my most esme-t wishes fur the contin uance t your Imppiniss snd prosperity, an I bo lieve me moat truly, mir, R. K. Ln. "Lieiitctiepl General Wiwrir.i.n Soon, Com manding I'nltrd .states Army." A copy of ihe preceding lett r was Inclosed In the following letlci to a sixer of the General, Mia. A.M. : "Aim imitiis, Vn., April 20, IHI',1 My 1) -ar Sifter : I arn grieved at mi In ibilny to ee you. I hav t een watting 'lor a more c luvmiion'. sc i aon,' which l as brought to many Iwforeuie deep ar il lasting rcgici. Now we are in a state of war which will jl Id to nothing. The while South Is in a st to of revolution, Into which Vir ginia, alter a long slrugg a, has been drawn, and though I rccugn iu no nccea-ity for this s ate oi ihiugs, ami would have forborne and pit iidi d to tbe end for ictlr. si of grievances, rial or snpscil, jot in my own person I ha I to n eet the qiiesiinn, whoih r I should take pa-t nsainst my native State. With all my devotnn to the I nion, and the feeling ol loyalty and duty of an Anteiiean ri i?. n. I have not b"n utile torn iko np my mind lo raise my band against my i ela livos,"ny childicn, my home. I have, therefore, n sit-in 0 my commission In the army, and, s ive in ih fenso of my na-ue State, with tho smcero liope that mv poor si rvi -e- mav n -ver he no d--d, I hope I may never be called ou lo draw mv swi id. 'I know you will hi mit mc, but yon must think as sindly ot me as you can, and believe I hut lliave eiuli avored todouli at 1 thotight right. To show you the fie ing and struggle it b is c e-t mn, I s nil yi ii a ctitiv of mv letter ti Geti -r.il Scott, wlili h iiceonqiiuii d my Ic-t-rl if resign iti-n. I have no lime for mo e. M iy G id guaitl and protect on and yours, nnd a io-er upon yi u evi ry blessing, is the praver 'if y-mr di voted brother, R. I I. La' a." SPfcClAL iMOTCr:. KTif- I'illl.ADI I.I'lll ANI) RK A 1)1 N'l ' Itallload I uDiaani, Olllra No. lit 0. rouitrit Hln st. ran ai.vi pmi, rsr-mlar I'J, I at. Unties Is brliv bItiii in Ids Htcekrolnsis if talk r.,ra .sni (Sal U Auniiai Si".'ili v. sii'l SB R r. u.,n ror Pre I llNC,)!1! sl'.il.'r, 'I r'-s-nrei. mil hsvintarr, w III Ias i Imui-(d Uie ssriii4 MllMlAT c th) ill Jsnnsi v nsl, al 13 M WILLIAM II WK.I1II. Vt in ti 7 Hicria-r. 'r" I'll TSUCRO, Sru 1 I IC l-l MM II It, 1 So I. ' - MVIIiS.NIl . 1 hs IHraei.irs nt Ihs HIHH Oil, ii M''AV1 t.itva tins ila? '!' lao H I o vir Uenl tn'ilL7 ii vi.ietai rm N'.fiiiiiT, ,.t T.utPK t'Krt cicaT.'ia is 'ispitnl ateek nt the ivnipany. p.vtals anw Ids l.'ee la.l. lo ths rhilnaeliUi a nlcru, r. ai th! ilDee if Mr.l 'utcacai a Culllns.ltu. 'Jl M S 10 iN T Hlre-I. WM sla'U n-IIROU, rretldent. l'.OIirT WffAT. Ja.. H"crriary. li 10 ( N O T 1 C U .OFFICII ATLAS OIL -"' CVatl'ANV, ho. .151 W'AI.SL'T Htr.l, 11 sun ',, Hi. I'ioi a in i eiiu, Ii in tor 'II. Isal. 'I hs t'HmpanT WIU l rfailv to Ishuo llertillcat-'a uf fi'n. k "Il aiutnrter TLIHIl I Y, I li eeill Sit '.illh nl. I'srnt.ns boh lna tiis f'"iniAiv s ilas hills will plsnsa lues, nl lliem al Oils ulllre en or after lha atiuvo Uajf, and leee vi 't'llitlcatdl of Hi ia' k 111 esehitll v. U 11-t.t p. l. Wll.l ll.VSK, Haoretary. r-f- TH K I'HILADKI.rillA, WILMING ton and Jtaiufnortt lUllroAtl (.'nnuiitny. I 'III I. A l HI. I'll t k . It aitibi-r, lMi4. Thn i antial Hwtlnif rf iho Kiitckliille H nf Him Com pn v, mitf an fltttnn uf lilrt'ctori, will ttkn plffo at t no Oirrii ol Hi Cointtviy in Wiitiiliutoii. od Uie SKI JON l jyOMMY, Wlh Jnur next, at II a. M U -J-t t Al fUKM iliKNKK,8ertar3f . tl'" "office of the city trka. Piiii.AitKi.ru i , hiTtnihrr il, 14. NOTK'R TO LOAN IIOMKKH. Tb Oltv Tn-iHiin r U ir'i'ri'1 to r lmnt imt-irlntr .lanuarv I. Im. atol the hniili r tl-cre-if re rfliitterl to iifM'iitilitm at tills oiiiv on and after Uic M day of January. IIFHRY mrMM, 1J It Ct 'iiy rn-aHiirir. fJTT- I'll II. ADKI, I'll I A ANI) KKATMNO Tr' Railroad Cuaipniy, Ofllu Ho. '21 H.KOliUl H StTCH. pHil ArniJ-wi. riMemher '23 l. To arold detfttlkna, thtj huldfrt ol O'Usoim of tklit I'om (iiuiv (Iut on tilt I M r.rtixinio, arr nnUen fci have thi-iu al ifiln tUrr on or hrfru ihr :tlit Intl., heti rvfii)lit will ie irlvtti, drtliit tliaK tea pr rt nl. for Ntaia ami l,'ntt(jr S'atNi tar, and otiMak will be rrady tor doHvuryon TV f.HIA Y, the .'id uf January, In tm hanye for rrctip'a. U-W tt 8. 1'.KIroUI,Treafurar. Sf OFFICE OF SF.CONI) AND THIRD rORD Bead, holuw I tilth Avtwnn. I'm i AhKi i iiiA. lr'r,m'.,.t,lBU. The Annual MtliiK the Mlot kholdi'Morthln OouipAny wllMie tvU at tl.ia utiH on WON I a V , January , IH5, at 13 ilork M., w hen an Flection will hti hold for a Pn-n-dit ami twt-lye lhn-otfra, to aon c for the en-ahig year i t m IraLhf! bonka of ihf f 'ompflD will he ctoied for tn dayi prior to laid aJrctioi. THuM A I.OUa!, 11 W tjU Besreury. firJW- OFFICE OF THIS GIKAUI) COL-1-' lii I'anaonrnr Hallway Company, oorntr of CO M'MItlA suid ltlUUK Avaauea. i'mi.kliina, De;aiuber ti WV4. I he Annual Vreilnnnf the ftt.jrklmMo-a of thlg Com i any will Ik h?ld at tnolr otHoe on MONDAY, Januarys, W.V at 17 M . at with h tiuie an rlflclion will bo held lor a prt'tMriit at d live llrioirN, to terve tor tho enoitliiR year . li fci fmw tl V VM 1,1,1 AM M. HMdlir, Mecfeuiry. )f" OFFICE OF TUB UNION PAS- 1 not Kaliway Company, No. fl. rOUUlU Hirrat. PH't Ai'ri.rntA, Poraraber W, IH'!4. Ttft Annnal Mat-fin : iif the rtookhoMarfl of tha lnlon pMf'niitT ltaLwu t'ompanf will bo held at the o'ttc1 of tho romt any. Wo X. roL'KTIl Htnl.nn MONhAV, January U, al l'1- o clock. An elfC"ion fur 'riMidnnt, I n--rrcaltteiit. and five Ilraotn, will be hold. betwmn I tti- hnura ai ten and onf.'et the mine nlnce. 13 u imwu y. w. ti. KaMifin, nocrniary. rr- NOTICE. THE WEST rillLADEI- "- i hta raikenuer Balhvav ('ouihanr f Markot trt line), haxe plat i-4 a ihuuIut of nMltlonal eari upon their rad, to run tH tween Thirty fourth and Market itraiiU (it nir ub-di.'poi), ami From tirtet, for the lur aoeoio iiKsilnih n ol the iiiihllc, and have prepared traimfer tiukva kotn) mn iinotii, i arrv )ahftik'ori io infir wniiero di'pot. forty Aral etrt'et and II avert" rd atraft, without extra 4 havu. Hald cnri will he dfnUnatrd by a noWe tiKTfon, " io i iitiiy rouiin uraei, and te auowa ai uigui ly a green lit lit. wiLMAM MAKiin.jr .necretary. K&f OFFICE I'Hn.ADKLI'HIA GAS WOKKH, November 0, xt'A. Propoiala w ill be rtrnvurl at tl ii Oftlee an'll noon of th Ut ot January nf xt, for the eaie to the Iruateva ol the rnuaneipiiia t.at worm, or ttoca ia ma Houitawark aud Muyauieiifttng tiaa Work a. fcioinaiiiowft da atiuai una do And K let mond do 'I o im aaad aa Lnvetiinta for the liukhtf fa Ada of laid werka. WILLIAM riKNP.LL. 13 5-1 m Cahior. rf OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIIj- ROAD COMPANY. I'iiii inn rnrA, Kovembar 4.19M. VOTIf1! TO HII AKPI10L1E tit. The Hharehoidrri of thia cfnopany are attlflad ttiat, under Fee luiionoftbe lioa d oi lirertura thav are, and ilrd io tubai r he in ihe ttO' k of the Company lAe amount o 'I EN Vrm r.hT. oa their napecUva antaraat, aa shown by their bookeof te2d Uiitant. fa'-h tbarebolder en 1 led to a iractiaaal part of a ahara, Miidrthe tenma of the H aoiutlna, shall have me privt l. a af a exiting for a fuM shara ou tbe payueut of atlp eV l-ara. Thie Stek win aa laioeal at the par Talue of flr 44 Ura per ehaie. Aacrurd trtereit at MIX ITK CENT, wtfl be rhaavtri from the lit Inataat aaill payment la made. Tk- hooke lor eutacripiion and pivunat will be opaai ON 4' ' h It a Y , ike 7ih Inaiant, anal wfetl eloae on the AUt M reomtr neat, alter wruen no further aabaertpMoaa wUi ton r -ted auder tha rraolwUew. 11 1H lit TH'iMArtT FI KTn Traaeare. p-w TO THE STOCK HOLDKKS OF THR T!KKIIJN ll.I.K, MANTUA Ahl rAiatalDUnr I'AttKNi.h K H A 1 1 Id I A 1) t OUTANT - hoiir. la hereby (ivt-D U the Htorkriolilara of tne above t'mnpanv, tial a tin etii'ff of ihe Htsckb;d ri will be held at tut- oitl aof !. H DtiiMi.fho 4.at, WAl.NLT hlrt-'t, Pniiadi)4Lhla( oil I IIUKHI'AY, ll.e inU lutnt, at 1 o elnrH r M. to ttike tnu I'liHiti-rath B the anr anient miU a ib a dr, t t ienthe iJlr.rtura an.) Mnnaurra of ihe f'aina ant and An l btnet I'hv l'a-trtii.r Itailwav l ompant, and tiie lire lam and Mnnanr nt ihe tlrlnvlU, MantMa, aid ralruiunt l'iia iiafi Kai roail Cotnpaoy. lor ms"-k;inIi and corooh'tallon of the orp ifum rinfii, pnwia, un vl kg". frauchUra an1 pio,i.tv ar the Uiimo ini a d Ach Hieett'iiy 'a-nHer ki a iHn iy into aad w ia Hit- tlcateijv hie, Kt -utua. and r'alrnmunt 'iin-n-cr kail-K-ao onipany. and u r ui- fr ln r. ,ti -a or r-.-iaei.ou uf ti caitaie. H lilhttiN, P'fttl-m. Pmii uri t hia. Iei?Tril er 11. 1H--4. li-wtm4t OFFICE OF THE FAlKMOlST ASH ' Ar hhitn t ritv l' .aien; r Itailtray uutpiny, No. V-U 1 ALI.x I'll I "tre t. P-ui n-1 i (ia, heremlrM' I'l. Itt-H. Not ce In hr br iciven u u.e tv-" k .o tlt-r ! die r ir. li omit aid Art It Kirrt-t tnv ' M-rr itllsvar ' n- pAiit,i) t( a M-elin'of n,i-h't ' kr.ul r'i tti'M hHil.it tie t'Mne ll.e ' oiiniv. No. J 11. L.t villi,!, Mrevl, on I liL'i;!' "i . t T'ii ln jut, at 4 o clock I. 1 , to lute lu'o tmiMiti r I ti tf.y ai.iue.ii ui l u t m da Nt't n ( e ir-"fie ant Miii.t.ii .ft a ll-' a iie, aiai-tua. ami U riui n' i'.isrMf-r K i lr al ''otn pty, ai d ll l'ir lots' and fctitmtjfra ftl:a Kiirruoun' and hrrb Hirtit tjny !'( iisrei' lt-iiwnv t 'i-titpatov. fcr ti e aiirniiif nud eoMio.itintioii of in c irt-oi .tl-t r i-'hia, l-uv tm, piiMi"!a, (tun1 h ui And ro''trty ul Hie Fan Ui But and An n Htra ii itv 'a : -r tuilway r.impativ, liits t.nd wlih the llet"iiVilie, Maoiua ati Kairui uni t'aafct'i ft r Kallr aid t i-mai,, and tv tit tor U.e a4pyu or it ilon of the aauit. I-14-wits 61 C. It hl NiiA, Presidtnt J13iJMOIlIA.I THi: (UIKAT CENTUM, FAIH F'.K 1IIH V. K. a?AMTAHV COMMISSION. HELD IN Pill l.iMLMMA. JL'KK.JhCl LT t'HAklXH J. BTILI.K. mica rivi ih-ii am. I'mTHi (TArKa Rvitt:T (' U M iat"t, i PnilAI'KI I ISA A'ilK T, Jo. 1"7 f 'I'MkM'T ?' RaT, iM-eetnnar l". l4. To ihr Mrmtr$ of th$ Yurivu t tm'U(tJ V4 irl Ctnhat Fuir : ThrHAWITAkV fOMMTHSION tfti9 to announce that li e 'hli.rOK. or '14 K r A I R. pret.trrd iy air, a4MI.l-JT.at the re-iueat of the KAetntire OHnnittea, la M W readv for delivery, it tVrue very aieaut quarto voiumr in niora uiai iw4 nimu rrti i , ia uunnnun m Ho est DMiier at the "I ailon fell of MVatra. Siivroian A ( os.andla IliaalraUd with phtopraihe vt aoiue of tit more intvrc-itiiiH eliiatta of tha f shltitlon- ItaouitUna aa atooiint of the oriyin aud protfT" f tbe Pair; a deaenp lion of Ue dlflrrent Depart dm nta ; a atnteineut of th flu an? taaDll . a fell lal nf kI Ibe t 'Oinaulltetx. ft. (C Aataiswurk ia daeiiaed prlwarlly for ua ueinbera of e varum a I oiamitieve, ana a MiaJiaa aainoa amy naa batt pr ruled, il 1 aa hteai tba(hi bei to pine H lo aliaritaor Air. JAM fc K . HI M OW, aa apeaJ aanl r It dssiutry, ioe who dealre roptea w III ploaar aill oq at addraaa hJat ho MB rtiATti Htreet, .w na u.rv. r. aimon will cart aton tLoee whe asay ao be able lo asinamauirist wUh blm. si. ViUl itwi fcr ssUvsr oa WKDMCSniT, MtlUWI. thk ru uiii i-T. Thank'nl In our friend and Ihe poSMr fHf the llKeraJ natropftve balowrd upon ut, wa Would infum them thai havlr(tmao ex.rnelve altera lor In nor eata'ttlehmeat, we are now pr pan d to eTefato 1 turra to tha aatUfatiatnaj of all who anay frar oa wkH a call Having io at wot 0' n.mand lnrrciMd fa Ultlra, w Uki-pleaturo lo oIliMtlnt a diac rnlr pnMh' to eooiparo the etitl n of our work wlih U,at p tod reed at any ohir otrahlliUaiafftt lo aba l.'olird Htatea. We woHld aleo aiate tha our OA1U ItY IH I'HKK TO ALL fw T eiatnlnaUon a rpr olnierm. Kiiwlthitraailiiu tho advance of material oned, aid wai(ea of liandt eusi-yiiyad, wt ar yet furriahlnj I'lCTCKKS AT TH K OM) PRICKS. Phota Mlnlalvroa Ivitrvn ru. I.tfi- m I'eadu It. Tay t. fHI and Pa ). i nh nt aire hveiia n ('tnum, i il, an i 1'n-el Itnp'rlit. I'la'a nd Co ured. II 1,H 10 4 1 nrnl I ? !r.ea. f arm du Vlnlte T 'it (tna, full a an, 3 4, ., $i U par dorf n Ambrotypca. from V eent npwurda. tiiToipa per doff ii, Ac Ao, On hand and for aale, a lartte lot of (.'oploM of Hiiro Jnuinvhim, PIIoT(gRAPH of all the I'ROMINKNT (1KNKRA1.H an.l DUI IMOIMHUKIf MKN, fi r Ac Ouialde view a taken at short noilvo. JIIOTNMVssKV afe "0 , llintrmrinslii'?. J IVlm No HI1 A l.t'H M'n . IIOLMKS (JUOVKK, EN AM LED SLATE MANTEL WAREROOMS, TAHl.K TOPH, AO. Vo.. No. C1IK.SNUT STISKIsT. PHI LA HlTLl'lM A. 12 S FACTOKY TKMTI ANI) RANSOM .S 1.1, j j x; rv 1 1 v APPiiE, 0 AUGER AND COOPER, No. 'M)' H. W'tfttr If-tiwt, ImjIow Walnut. piui.ADRi.rniA. Imitation Itrandy and Wine ('neks, and all kfni of work made of old and new aluff,lwava on hand or made to order. Coal packed In hofraheads for aMpptnff. All klndiof trtmujlua puiii'tually attended to. II if Q K N T 11 A. K A T I 1 G II O XJ H 12 OrrOSITK THR TOST OFFICE, 10 17 9m PII1L AlKLriIT A. OOMMEROI&L COLLEGE. Mo. 67 (Iff "MT HtrMtt, eorner af PteraraU, KHtahrlnhi-d 1H44. Incorporaied IHV,. Tom Men prepareu for tiie C'oouttny llouee and l.aal fican l ife. Tli'-roujtti ard pracMual Inntrnrtino in ROOK.KPKPI.SU, fn all It I branehaa, aa pracUaod by the heat aco-Hintaobi and baaueaa men. PENMANSHIP, Plain nnd OniamcnUI, la taught one of tha moat oom pcia-1 cf penman. C'omaerial t'aleniaHorif, Commoroi! Law, Dctootla CoojiterMt hiotea, Ar. TPi.raBAPinifu. b ffonntJ, and on Paper, tauxut by a lonaj-ecper1i5s .'per a tor. Niudenta traructad aapamtely, and received at an time a venli a HeatP-ua afier Heptembar IB. :ataloiea mntalninK the namea of 471 atodenta, tma Ar , aarniahed iratU oo ppllcat-n. 11 ITtiiaMitl H. H. CKfTTBrfDK A CO. gOXUlEIlW, BEAMEN', AND MARINES' CLAIM AGENCY, tiro Bonrrr Airt a prwstow To Ifa diachargad boidaor wko b as be-n wounded Id baUlo, lfj POUNTY Tc thoaa who haro ftarved two jvora, bealdea a PJEXiJIOV to tlioee diaab'ed. itof) TtOrjirTT A WD RArit PAT To 'Wldowi. raiheri. Mothera, Ave., ef thoaa who barve Oied or Uvea ailiea la Ute rv tea. t PFHIOR A TEA TotbeWldowa and IV Mowed Mothers of tha Ho Id 'era, 3vajut.ii, bho aarmw woo nave aieu in uie lervieo. PRI7U MONP.T. BACK PAT. AO.. Doe the noire of Heamen and af a'tnea. THKSK LA IM8, and all otlsara aiamt National and Btate vio ran menta, proiUitl.f coalocwd. Addroaa or apply to GEORGE W. FORD, CInira Agcrnt, 11 30 Lm POCK BTIbRKT, one door below Third. Il M1NIKQ, CM3AL. AND OTHER NBW cum ra a irs. W ar, prspsrsd to Airnlsa Ksw Oorporstloas wltb ill. Hooks ttmj ss-ialr,, al sbort aotlG. and low prUm, of nrttqasJtt, an stKs of nilHUnK. unn. r.kit chtisiuatrs or g'rooK. Ln siwmrHWi to au TTiaiiSKaa hook. (JKDSKS or TEAHBfliB. btimh LKBwra. RTOm I.SDOP.R PAI.iOK. Kr.uiHi ia or capiTai, stoibjc. nuoiKax' i itrrr l aijuua. ack jrT or iiuw. illVUlKSVU UUOB. non co.. Blank Book Manafaotann ana BUtionsrs U-M-a Mo. tit caiUHVT Blreot gDMUNU A.. HOUDEll A CH.. 00MMISSI0H ilEKOKASTB, AND SniP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS DOCK STUKKT WUAIIK, riULADIcU'lUA. f.irrwTj a. snnpiB, i asemsAi.D om-rr. tains t. swLuaa. COUSTY'S TEA WAREHOUSK. ESTA J Ulshed lu IBOC. ItsawrUraiiilsssJer la riu, lui, ktom, aud uqman. CholM Uavaoa ("tears, Truss BlarkwnssrtaklM and Haima Kasrlsk an4 Saoti Al, sail Purwr. I inusd Meats, mrlts. Soap, Navy Mwioj sal H with At ho. IIS 8. HHOOWD Mrvet. V-1H ly JOSUUA IL 0OU9TT. TiiojiAH cj. jr. ic u nowry, nmaxaks i Pootn, Shoe, Tracks, and Carpet Bags, Hot. 10J4 and 1010 MARKET 8TR8ET. OasttitMr vrvrk b,4, to orilsr. U taiotht.1ir s T U L Ij ' H NEW PATENT STOVE, FOU COOKING AND HEATING It Y O H. i'sa s. had csftspv tha mij thn Oa, stor,. at 11 SO-lm Vt. II, a. rilTTH HTSEST Qi;IlCJ13 HTITliH, Jll., MAErrACTTJniSG MACIIINIST AND KNOlNKKlt, KwlO Vo. llttl H. SK.COND Btreei, PaUadeJphla. BKIl;yLlTEa MAC9INE WOEK8, f kick, Vo.ON. VhoST tJTKLET, fHiuanau phia. Wa ace prep and to Ul ortkn to any oxteni lor our wail kn.wa MAf HINrVT FOR OOTTOW AND WfHt,ff M1LLH, tnaHxltfii aH rvctsiu hxiiovtjtuwiia iv Caudiiiar, SuiM.ainc ana mir. We invite tU aKoutitnot nianafaotureea to oaroxteo five worao, I U ALFRED jmXKA A HO at TN THE DISTEICT COUUT 1011 TUB My and County ot Philadelphia. Jt'llW J. II A 1 LOWELL ve. JwSKPIl H. KPANB. A Ilea Venditioni Einonaa. heofKnOer. IHiA. No. .147. Tde andl or aaootuted bv Uia Loiirt'lu reoort tit dihirt anUoD of a fund produced 1 a Hi.anif a tale, under tna aiM'vo writ, of all that certain IhrfO htorj brii'H inansttnue vr taiieeaent, back bulleinva, and lot or pieca of ground, i natron tiuueaat aide of Kltraoih atnet, at tiie dsuui-o ot uur rnnurea aun icur n a aoainwaro iron tUfniuio e'dc ( Otrai J ateet, itt the 1 weotieth ward of tlie cty nf ptsiadeipttia; rontalnlna in ftoat or 6rdih on the vaid atk-teatii aireet at vento (oet (InrJuding oo the north a ita Urer tne areiherunioM uaif iart of au allfjr toroe In width bv lae whole deota, of the thert-hv granted lot and eitaandiiiar In ieiuiUi or death eaatwardof' that width eeveatj one feet teat and one-half luehue to a lour feet wma anev. iraiae; norinwata anu coaminnirKUni; with the ealri throe fa, wide alter, auhieet lo the veaiiv utahuA. retit of $!. win attend to the djifiaof hi appoint meat, on BDNaVsKAT. the txQ. day ul Uereoaber, A- 1.1a34, al H o ciora r. an ,11dm amre, au. mj m. niirn i n street. Iklladt-aiihta, wt,aa aud wharo all part tea interoated aaual preoont ihalr eiaUua,ttr ftiey will be debarred froua eoiulikg II la -M J0115 B, COLAIlAN.tAudJror. JO onn nnn CAN8 rExcHEa. very su- XtVn ')fnr aerw. aoi ep bj U. P. Morton a Oo., at the Kowad Too PeMO raaaai, aM- V aid i aa of A kV, hi. JTo. M . W&iQm. WL yiLS0NS DKPOT. Ko. 409 CHEfcli-UT STREET. imt mslrotf , a fan stMk nt I sdlrs' flistos, rhlladnlphla Clah Skslns, dents' Nkairs, H .ton KoeKers, yary soperlor, Uos hka'es, Titn Tors iMun nkitc, A lid rnrinr naairs, an sixes. whiir, sll san ,'A.ratnoilBts4 wnk a superior qaal1 Irwin B Cli'ilcc Mlretlou. 111111 I WIIWN 7.. 11-10 Ins J. . tit CBKMNUT HtrMl, ITilli1llhU 1 1 IxA. J K I sl 1 1 1 A. N K A 'I' 11 I U 1 O 'X" . LESLEY & CO., No. 0U7 VIAKKKT hTIlKUT, P. iLK AOK.NT.S FOR Ontams't Ctit' 'rir aisl ats's, Pclfthsr's Fnipri rrd I.sillr' Bnd Hunts' HkBti, B.ClBtk's fBl. ni I.biIIiis' and ilnti' MsbI. Pl.mplim rtwit Kcusn-jlii Kloo AitAlrs, Hhaltr s I'Btrnl rinor Htstrt, Ine An-rloan i'Aion. I l.ior ai Bis. A 'nil sii.'irtnn ii! i.f ail tti, bKots t)'loa oimstAiUly on nftnil.as ybllBs .u tl.sollmr T'lrtl"of PTI 1.L ANU WOOII TOl PKA1K3. I'.TStt't PbIsiiI HM'astoiiIrs KkBtri ftiflra rlthout slriif, II t " KIH III H, WHll.HSII.il BNDURTBII,. rJlli: OIUHIN.Mi SK ATI STOIIU. SMITH & rJCHARDSON, HIku of tlio "HliHtc Jy,, No. Oil MAI1 K I'iT HTKIOKT, Have tar irale, Wlioleaale and Kutall, the lanpfoit and ttaa Mto-ja of H II AT K H In thin Hty. Tlietr ato k a unprhea evorv poeapde rirltj and at the lnweni prtca. Lad e and (eiia HUtrt ftaa'oe Htevena' Bkatev.fNarli'a Mt,aire, H"rB' kate. rii lail'-lpm .Skau-a. Urn Ihird'a lluatoti Hkatoa, "hurwira ( lli'iiac" haatee, I'artur Hkatca. 6KATK M.ATXS, SKATE STRAPS. In short. svsr.tMne pwtflJnlnf In akslstBndTnnrTBdsSy of hksls ui-ile.r ii le lr.-iir,-d Bl ilie H un of Ills 8ai I.ot.' Ko.bll WHlvKT htruot, U.e oldest Skat, Sljro lo Mis elljr. , vmitii niciini)aos. M. B. flkalM flmand and Itepslrsd. 11 13-tl JO-PA 11TN K H SHU' NOTICE. Tti, Bnilursisncd have this day fnrmod a Co-Partnarshls . miliar Ihr rtyle and tltie of ADAMH Ar lIi-VIS, Fr th imrprs, of transatlns a funeral JJ NK1NC1 AND STOC hi -BROKERAGE BUSINESS. Olt., TKLl Q It A PI I, And KXPRKHS (COMPANY HI OCRS mad, a Rpsdalty. (iovoninient Loans and flni aie Bought and B'I1. THEODORE ADAMS, OtOROK H. LEVIS, U wtf pio. se CI1F.8MUT Stmt. J1LLC0X & fIBBS' j in Machines. Sewing Ost.. Ho. 715 OHESFUT , Philada, G HOVElt fc HA.K.lilll'H HIGHEST PREMIUM SEW1NO MAOHINKb, t-M No. 7-10 CHEHNUT Htrnat. TJ 11 IN I T U 11 IH. CIlKAfEST AND BEST. l'arlor Nulls, llod-rooiti and Cliambor Hlull a. ninlnu-U oom Nultis, Kltolicn Furniture, Llbrnry onl Oflloe Furniture, llousoliolil Furniture, OF BVF.RY. DESCRIPTION, ElUitr In nulls or Bin,), Pleoes, at ths lowait aua.tU prleos. CJOULiD & CO.'S, Cnksa raiTltara DnnoU, K K. Cor. XINTH Bad MAKKBT, and 11 lcwrmti a. k. oo a boom u ma kaob arn. THOMSON 8 LONDON KITCHENER, or Kurufu'au Kansn, n.r ranuHtas, hossla, or public Institutions, In twenty dlll.iaal slsas. Also, Pblia. dtllihla Kat bks. Hot - aa Furnao!.,. P.tnnbss Hat,r,. Lowdon n (Irauia, rsrslioard Flbis, Kain H'41mt,, Huwholf I'laws, lii.ittrs, Cuokuis Htovoa, Ac, at wttoia aula aud retasl, by t6 niBiiuraciurura, 1-N-fjnw tm Vo. 0V MHItiKJllL) Htreoa. TJBITEESAL 0L01EE8 WEISGEE. IHE "GREAT FAMILY ECONOMIZER." IT 1 THS BEST AND ONLY RELIABLE WRINGER lis roil a Tin PBori.a. IT 18 TnK MOHT HUKABLB MAl'IrlSE MADE. It Is lb, ,nly Wrlaisr wliu th, TATBNT COO WIIKKL RKGULATOR for tnmlnc both t.-II, toother, wMnh po.ltlTely provMil, the ruBs frsm l.n tk,iitf or twlstlnf oa th, aliaft, aa as) V rtnsrs without COG WHEELS Will do, no matter how etroaglj It may be aaeartal lo the ecmrarv. It te not only a n envoi Wrtnicer, but tha (Vff Wheeia viva n a power which renfera It a luost trarKi.La.Nr WA SHr.lt, aa te iflfd tea Umoaaa-ia wUo liavo It in uao. at aava tttne, lat.i , clotbes, aat tuufifr. itwLl pay fa if in tre BAVliU or C'LOTUINJ AU)NS aia nxntiia. r.K.JIT n7.nn - The ueuol ramll S.Kes are No. 1, Mo, aua Mo. X. ll--v nava OCXJ WflKKI.S, And are warranted In every particular, hoe. 'J and 3 aru imH wat rau:iJ or ratwimTinled, t.av. Iitv ao amatl rUa ti m Cora cauro bf turt, at hoir:ti ttu jr oj vt ue aame axr ana prioe aa uiuae uui uy 'Miia imajaera. K. Ii. IHIUNII VM, Ko. 17 8. RIXTH BTRKir, PhUd, bla, ll-9S-mfslin MoolnliirtoTB' Ajvnt tor Eact Pvnna. ILL1AU CllAMl'llN, CARTF.NTKR AND Et'lLDER, No. U BATTOaT n.s' P, Nrtsssi Cliarr and Sao,, AI.O. C ,I,tll BlfWCI. F,.r, Piirms and Jnbiuf ol a kinds pronptly at' tuilnl to nr.palh. li il-liu KinTn e.no-n k-w INIjIAN f MOHNU TOBtOOOl Tins yrorld-riwnsS 1Vit,auso I, m&i.a(auard from tha F1MKST LEAK, Aad aanustrjr raooriaiHiiU Utm.t to all 0ntlaun ol t.uiurku, last. Bold IthvsHBk? and rxall at liUT B t'OPl'LAB CIOAH BTOllB, Jlo.au GHuMUT Srat, le-t tml oppoatss BUM UooM. CITY ORDINANCES. 1K SOLUTION i pprnv;i: tict rtje Jurlijih.re aa lurety of Isaac Lter. ii heonlvtiT, H? e Heleet and Common t'ounclla of tha City of rialaJfiphlrt, I hiit tie ri;t' J il)hire ii ha ruby at ninvad an tin trt'ty ci iauat' lister aa utvtaur, la utu vt Anaraw jia u, (iLi-aM-ii. ai. r:AsnKit J. iiARrKii. frt-ank-nl ol t.oiDioou Cviineal. Wat. F. Rmai.i , C'iti vi Commou Council. JAFB LYND, ln Itknl of' Hflert 'nmiotl. Approved thli tw-ntr f -imh day of laceuiber, Anno I'onjiiu 04m ibouiaua ciantoujidivuaim iAv-iuuri.daw vi CITY ORDINANCES. ) K 8 O Ii U T I l) N i To At th' rie a (rt.itn TmnOr In the Approftrl ttirn t ha t'ny ''ontr.tlifr for I. Kranlvrij. Ht the 8t r.-t and rrmini n ("onnrila of aha t 'if,v of Pt tlml' tpi la, Tl at tle t Mr ''-nt n.l rr he and aa lhrnhv ntiil 0'ict anrt Hire, tei t mshe tt i ilWiii; transti r n tl e anprnpriatlon to the t:itj t'ntuJor IW Uie j fr 14. to wt Frwen Item h (prlrtlna urd ptitnlhiir annual atateraetwy 10 litot 4 a:aUiuer). too hnn-lrert ; in. Al.KXANI.H't J. 11 MlfF.lt, l-.tiolilrnt ul CouiittdU Oounj!. Attat- Arraham Hrt wAitr, A a i nun I CU rk of Common fnnnrii. J WIKH 1 VNt. rre!itn' of Wehf 1 1 Vuijfl. Apnrnvf.i h! tw..fitv-r.'nnii il it nf lf.-niier. Aiiao linn mi one tliouaaml ciuht tiunlrttl anil eixtr four (A. 1. iMetl, Arrrx vhkii riKHRT. H Mirrii rhiia.tnliihia. 1 I K 8 O Is IT T I UN i T mile a rfrtam iranfT In Hie appropriatloei 11 -i!e tci tl.r Kir i' it ar'iii n f. r t, e Mia lvfl, iiv trie. r-rci ai I ri.nmn t'otnMa of Up t'ny nf I ht ail. :piiu, !,nt tho ' J .ntndlfr b fiiA 1, la hrr Iit en li t. tninaf-r f om Item h (tatniilf; tn l rni J fmlinn vinn-h) tha enm of lllitv triri'O it.,laiM ai.tl thlrij' Uiru; itaur nriHUoa, aiatmnerj, etc. AI.KX NIH Il J IMR' K.H. l r tent oi t.'"iiiiii'n t'.niiii il. A tiet W A Ml' A II AM Rl I. a UT. Aan.Uani ( Icik of Onpn''i f' .ip nU .lAHKS IANH, lri-l,t-ni ! M crt r.nifi- il. Atmvp(t ti ia iv ti' -Inm ill Jy ( 1 id i:iiier. An JO p. mi' i rue lliuaiiil ' kht tiiintlrei ami ilf f.-nr (A-l. H.) aaCf Al.F.N AM It IIKNItT, It -M iior of i'liiiail. it.lna. 1!' ) liSOHniON TO AUniOIUK TllF. kT rai :ni.' of Wat ii a t .t. In ti Kirt Wanl. lit uviil, IW tli'' if I ernl I imimnii Cumcila f lh- i itv nl 1',. ila.l U 1m. i at :I 1 lin t ntn'ii n.'mr nf IMt.hwaa It f-r1 1 c it l.f-t l-r jm It rist ani il'fi ri. il io fcratte, tt tde rt i. h'l i' tiit ai iho tl i , Witklna mnr'. trnni S.-oith to F,ii;hta at efta, In the K rni Wan), ni a rout nut rx eiijnaj tJ, anm of oif limiklit-d n ni nvinlv sl (J ! a. A l,f Nhl It I Hlt"KH. l'r aiJet.t oi oaiii4'n i;acif. AIIp" WH. r hu t , Clerk ol Common Conn- H. j vtr.s i.rsn. Prrlrh-nt of H l.-t Co'inotl. AiMToVil ll.U twl tv fourth tl iv til liiTniiiiwr, Annilt niKH ono lituiiAiuiJ 1 1 1 hutulri'it ami maiy-f-i ir ( V. li. 11). AI.KX NIH-.K 11 K MKT. It M.tv. r o; rjiii.ni. iptiia. 1 K S () I, V T I O N 1 1 'l t l rmiiiifr a ort.iln horn of Anjirnprtatlon to tho lirinirtnii-nl nf I'a Uvo. tit t l, I'.v tin- He'rrt n nl ' oiiiinoti C-pinrlla of Iho Cf y l I'liilmri l;il;ia,1 l' it the City Cn(roi:r he and li" fa t (-n t.f a .thr l lo tr inst' r ttn mm tt tlfee h'i'iij. i il-'lifir (rum linn 4 f ihr HiinnpTUtion to ti e I'.illrr Ixt linnu nt fr the yt'ar In- to Item iMmcult an I iiictilcal ai!t i tlnnct ). AI.KX N!KH .1. If KPKIt, riolU'jnt ol Ctmuujn Cotiuol. Attest Wii.i.iah K. Svw.i., cl i ol t tHinnon Council. .1 tWM !.Yr. rronMcnt uf iSelt'ct C m't1. ArpmveO H i twenty-fnurth liy "f lrct!iitMr, Anno lo niim one iliuiiBftiia ci, U liuutlit'd and iiiiy-lour A. ALK ANOKIt lir. If RT, It JMayorof I'liilaJ-liihla, HK S O I IT T I O ff AtithortltiK C' rt itn Trarnfc-r" in the Appropriates to the I, aw J) parnn nt ft the or IH'4. ICunolvetl, lit the Mclt-rt ami Ciminun OnnncMa of tho t o' I'lilladeiiihia. 1 hat the City !uitmller in l.orrbf Hiitliorlt d to tutrix for in m Itein'i (ailvertUina; llua) vo Itt in B (papfr ttcoki atol iiiat a) tinee hunir(Mi d iiiara, and from ll.e faiiie Item to Item U fhlanli IhhAi and ata- ttoiiMy ), one liiiritlri d dollar", of an onlm m a to make an anu opria'mn to tlie Law Di partment lor Lbe vaar 144. pprtiveu iieccuintr it. i-v-i AI,X ANIrKR J. HlRMHfl, I'lcliinut of (Amiuuii CoumJl, AtlMt Ahraii VM R I KWAHT, Anaitaut i .otk. of Common Ooanrf . JAM I'.H l,YN, Preslflfnt nf Ho loot Council. AnnroTril thta twinty-tonnh ihv ot lcremb r. Anna rtfiTirni one thouaanO eiuht hundred and ai&tr-lour (A. 1. H;4. It MavurofrhjiHilitiiih'o. 1K SOLUTION Jl Appnmi-r tha Huretiei of tha lteeclver of Taxoa eirt. lu-atilvod Ity the Selert and I'ommnn cotinolla of mm Otiy ut I'hllatiHi.hla. lnat YVUHi.ni J. Hhhin, Thomaa w. itio. anu v ni'nm ii. mtii a- neruny apprntea aa the hiirtita ot Charlea O NeiiL Kecnltorof Taxe elect, and the h lei tor dh ect d to draw a bond wlttt warrant nl nttnrne for anid pari ten to eaecnti-, and to ctuaea mil tme ni to na enierva tuerunn; ani ino poiiettnr ia auihonzcd to flieeernticate of record that tho Hen of tbo iiHlanicnt auairat i tiotuaa w. t rice aha ll onlr out-ata mm and aKfllnni the lota of Krmird wlinreon are coded honhua nnji.lM-rcd Ih)!i Mount V rnon atn-t and '102 Itrandy wlnn artt. 'Ike lien of tha ju.tKOifnt eajAlnat YTiHiaia 11. Kern oneii only operate on ana airainat the lot oi irrouun t hereon la rented tlio ho uao and a tore uumheicd Ilia) C'heanut a tri e U fruilticn: uf Com won Couuoll. Attest AliHAIIAU flTKWAIlT, Asijtant Cletk of Common Conn till. JAMKA l.tHI), Prealdent of 4eict Council.. AmroTP1 thla twt'nty-fnurth dar of l)ecmhr. Anno !itn nt oni- Aoubiuid eight hundraU and aiat-lbur Ahr.AAnr.it it rin HT , It Mavor otruiladulplila. AN O 11 1) I N A N C K In nuike and Antironrlat oti to the Clorki and Metaen- Kern of H h-ct and Coiuuion Couik11) lor extra aervicej for the y ar lwit. Hf ilon I . The Select and Common Cnuneila of the Oltr ot fhiiDtlWphla do ord ln,Thul the um of at-ven hu it it red dollnra bo and tin1 aniLe U hert'hy appicprlited to pay tho cleiki and ines.'-ensirra fr extra anrvlcrtt fur the yoar to wit ToBenianiln H. namea, wllltam T, Hmalt. Ahrahatn SU'Vvarl, lioln-it Hrthi'll, I hoaas Ma-.Mcy, .lauifa .muoer man. am: Churl M. Cai pouter. ;ach tlit enm of one hnn-dn-d doliant (ceven himilrcd dollars i for extra eervlcea for tle voar lm.4, and wairantR tticrofor shall be drawn bv tna Clerk ol Councils lu coi-iormlty with eiatlni enIlnuncoa ai.r,A Atinr.tt a. siicam, rrshlent of Coiuinon Council. Attoet A lilt AH AM 8TKWAHT, Anftulaut Clerk of Common Council. J A V KS IA MI, President t.l Hi-lert (Viuncll. Approved thia twenty-fourth day of lieoeuiber, Aun 1 uirni one t) oueatid ctgiil hiuidted aiuUlxty four (A. i. Al.r.XANDHR IIKNRT, H Aiayor ot 1'UiUtleJjtliaa, A N i To ORDINANCE To Mckean AnDronr nton to tho Hoard of Ilealtk for KurnlsbliiK and Etiulpiili g the Municipal Uuapltal. Pt'ctlun I. Tne Hi-K-t t and '.'ommoii CouncU ol iJieCltr ot I'hiladelphla do ordain. I'hut the aura of five thousand ooiarateana tne aame ia nvreoy appropriaiea hi tno Board ot llt-aiili lor the purpose of ptoti.liiiu the nepeaaar tnrnliurv ami (ijuipmcnu tor ihe Muult ipal Hospltat, oovt n ttrtv comp'et d. In auch mai.ner aa mar be doomed ay bv aald Imam nioht conducive to the ctuufort and roeovarr of the patlcnta who may ho admitted luto aa d botpltal. ai.d mat warrenih rr cat a at proriannn tnan neurawu by the Jioard ot U aith, In lonitirutitj wltb exlstlpg ordi naiicua. AI.KX ANDKR J. HAKrKPl. 1'ri'aldent ot Commou Council. At;cst- 1 Wm. F. Small, Clurk of Common Counoll. JAVIKH I.YND, Pre nld en t of HehtOounral. Approved tills twenty fourth ily of December, Anno nonmilotie thouaatid iiltt hundred aud alaty-four (A. , 164). . ALF.XANIKR HKNRr, ' It Mavorol rinladelptila. AN OUDINANCE To Create a Loan for the Further F.xtenaioa of Ue Philadelphia ua Worfca. h'ctku I. Tbe brlect and rommon Connrlla of tho of 'rilta:eli.hla do ordain. That tor the pui pee of enaliimx the 'I run it-en ot the rhiiilel(l.U Claa Work 1 1 enlarge and extend said worka,t nmvt the h. creating wauti of tha t iiieui lor gae llKht. the ilayor ol the Clybe and he la reruby authorized to borrow, on the r ralit or tlie cori ora tion, al a miaul luien-ai not eaceudiiiM aix iriaiituai oer annum, audi autiuof money at ih Triintet ot the liaa V orkn may reigulr'. im t-xo'dinir oua mil Ion of dollar; and, without niulriiiv tha pavim-nt of any money therefor the City 1 reai urer in kerchy t moowered ai d dinctad, on the rttimUition of the Trtia'.nca of tint 1'h Lidolphla Uaa YY(Tke. to 1 aae eett Ih'tites of lo in ol the t-liy t I'titU'iel phla. In au b amounts ami to Mich partu s aa they ahull dt "innate, Dot eict-eiihiK tid num, whlt h nhaJl be aot'lied to iht- I'Hsnii'iil ol ob it'loiia tlmtiuayba tne-.rred in Uia (Uitirn int-iii und lui-rt-'a of thu worka, malna, aervtco pit.e-, meters, and flitu i'R. an 1 to rarry ou he tia Wort a In their charge, and In ihe manui.ietiire and dlatnliiiUon o tiaa; nnd any premium ihnt tuay b rerelvd by the sa d 'I runlet i. on tne amount no Ooirovrcd shall he p!a d t tbo cudit uf tl.e ( ouiinu' nt lu nl of me m tiaa Works, b ertion'i. The eertlth aft' nf said Iun rhall no of ta following lorm and d s ripi Inn, ntnirly : "Oa lao No. li 4'trtltUate Ko .Si '. r Cmt. Loan oi the Citytrl I'l.ilude.plita Unn Worka, Usned ui d-;r ihe authority of enoitiiiianceof the I y of I hilailelph a, approved fill. tied 'An Ordlnaner tr t.'rente a l.ouu for the Kurt iT Kxti'itS'till of he I'hlittil'plila (ia Yorki,' 1 hia nertl'h-e that tlure la due to , by the City ot I'hiiade - plua, iiollura, w Ith liitt'te.t at the rate ot aU per t- -nt inn p r annum, pavuhle halt )e trly.on the Qr-t daya pi Jamiai v und Jul v, ut th ottUv of i he City Treasurer, n tt acitvt.f I'htl-delphia, the priiolp.il to Ik paid t be said f.ttweon tl 1 at d.ty ot J )v. Anno Itomlul efKhtovn huuiticd and .'ijthtt-iuur. and not before, wiuiout the imu. t tit uf th owner thiretjf In witnes w hereof tltuTrea surt r of the lit v l as hort iintii ael tith hand, and (.'iiuseil tho till of ihe Citw.f riiilMi' 'Iphiu t he ai!U d. tho -- dny f , lh , and t). Ct'utroilci ha att.vd th same ou the li .d tli. and )ar. ni " K'Atsi ; . r'ly VntnJfer. ,Civ Tre ia;iror." Tl.a amal v. rtincutes nhall not t untu n any ira''iaA nr : e nf cn- huinlred tlollHn,und iltittl ue traufeleruble t .,v (ifiuc ot tl e city 'I r unn-r. Su t'onl. Tmit the aald Trnteea ahall, on or bef 10, ,iii' unr-y in in j in s Hitn. . ........ - - .rj , June, in ey.ryyv.ir. until th-said loan la p ii J, rte not i.w.rw poaatU it tl.e-r rtttl, ta l r the -alt- Ot ua i.nd Mner urodin 4 J't"1 1 1 j i, & ..... .i iu, U.rU Him una ni Am r liar if nil m au . mil ,f r:d loan, for wi.ii ti certillca e may hava h i-sbi-d whi' h Hit-y Khi.ii pay tn ir.e cny iho""" . i. . .i ... ..i- . t 1 1, i.r. ...flu ihr mv lilt' t .A .tain fall. .ntrViuniheshid:.&na the ibih vmy fall due propoaal alum d be anu no i t..er l u po.e whatever; ami the reuivmnit (im toouaaud duliaia, i ituuim H a l he paid over by tha said ."reaoaT pernona, uarantf-inf thai Ctioiiiai-utrkB.f thu Sinkiiii' Fund, who ah. . for tha roata mentloied In i no, hid c. ymulallciit. tn the lnan to ln. the co-rart wig Work-, or In t.tNr lnauso' the ''trandg'"-' aaasliiiiiifc fund, which la htfrby apucif- m oocdafc. W.Hi Ua Uriua the payment ft iliv aaid loan ; and any ajy . M1 . I atier thu i.aimcnt of said !o'i stall .da roquftr4 WlU ba M Mam I.-' i.i.ir.;uerii..r the Niukliiu Fund .11 l,'f aui'hmeit tf ihe fthr Inane to C j it am : .,11.1 r lue oi Uie fuudud dtA. g ladili hia. ..m evidence of tha AT-I''X aad yaaaoat odwod aa aooanty ( meat bo andoreod "Propoaala fcr Army Tn ,'km iusu ho.l, t. or Taa the aaa. am.. Attest W 1I.I1AW K. flMAl. .sS aD ba (oni t'Urk ol i-'itUf,, win be ontartaiawl naleaa tney ren o. . . - ib. . a A rt aai.MMna t. auLTi'SES awaTrt. a7. m.d. -t M r,ar. Approv.ll llils tw .aanltacia an. B.4 si" wiairatt a. I.ciuil i Ihoii.a' u.faitliful rwalict Ik, sausa. A I . V. J i . .y m uadasabl.et lo Ua aparDTBl sc ia. i. laDiracils wia ue , " ,t riikt ia rurvud W ri OuarlMlnaslar Oaaaral. bat IBa na ss naanriMi It I aa. a, all !!. Ual aiar . t. ,k. Jf.' aV ar SB Ua tatall. ml Forta L !, ,B ?naTi?iV ,U. laai r k. 7. JsB l-7 J w aaasaaaalMlaa WIU "1KOROE r. VI BullW.lE lr.l. alacl... . la.cl.j lo. . . ' aol ant. at waiea la7 asJ ' I aid for the traaaaat aSjoar. aluuglaf, or 100,0-AI au.O'ai loyal y aad WIS 9 n. c. notxi" Oasi. aa a, i. at.. 0. u poa aAL.-TO teiktbiw-imi SK I i