V V; THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1861. TUKSDAY, DBCEMBKR 27, 1194. OllITUAHY. William t'nrtln Soyw. Thi able and dtotlngnlnhcd lawyer tliod at his Itildonce lo Fifth avonae, yesterday, at about boob, after an illnew of but two dajrn. Oa tlie morning of Friday last, In his own room.wlillo UreBdiDg to go down to his olllco, nu kiiiMonly experienced a arnlytii trokc, and loll pnmr ite npon the floor. lie was carried to his bed. anl medical assistance summoned, hut It was no. Mil after 1 o'clock of the day that ho rccovrrcJ aenilbllity. The unial reinrdiet waro applied, end on Saturday his friends tli ti -! lit tint lie would recover fiom the atlark ; bin a' noJiinu were the nerves of motion aiilo t- rnsuine their function!, although the nerves of sens.itl n wore for a time uttmu listed to action. Mr. Noyce, was liotn a', or neir VMc In this (!iate, we believe, and at tlic time of hm ilriin was about lifty-nine or ixty years of ao. lie removed to tins city annul a quarter of a century agu, anil (lurii.g that period ol time h .a r;rilti ilty risen to a Ufc rauk iu his proieis on. 1'uu un let am d luclui-tiy of Mr. Noyos, his eapi. ity lor research, and Hie ardor wim wlilili In) liruurfiit tj any rase ail lis appropriate erudition, giro Uuu, during tlio lnt rjeiirsol lis lite, cm ntucc anions the lturuvd lawyers ol the Suit) und the country llis nintii'gciuiiit of the Norm American I'm Compny' case, the Wow Haven 11 illroid ease and his exhaustive exposition of thu hl-Uiry an doclnne ot ctiantuble uses, which funni a p.irt o one ot the volume! ot the Jvow York mporls were chnracierimc exhibl tone of his u'dliiics. Mr. Nojci had collected one of the rtimt valua Die private law lilirarh a In tbo country, consist ing of ail the Ameriiuu report", with scarcely a exception, down to the present time, all tnrs fciiguth repoiU in the couitaof law and clian crry, and the excnoqiicr all ttie SjoicIi ii:cliion ' in the justiciary, Session Conns, and House of Lords, and the Irish reports In law and cecity, the ancient and modcra Mtate trials, and all tUo tanilnrd and many of the rarest etrlur treatises, lie had ftaihered also a very rare collodion of the Domesday books, and a considerable col lection of codes, among which aro the Chinese ad Uentoo. It was not until the last few year of his life that Mr. Noyes bad engaged at nil in polities, lie was a member of the I'eace Convention, ami took an active pirt with his fellow-Hepublicaus in the deliberations of that body. For the lust two or three years Mr. Noyos has Den engaged in the preparation of the revised code, and he had just boon elected ."resident of the New England Society. , Mr. Moyes was highly thought of by the younger nieinbers of his profession, to whom he was always kind; and his demeanor in court, always respectful and decorous, not less than his extremely careful preparation, inado him In those regards their model as well as friend. Lacking that native vigjr of intellect which marks the higher orders of legal minds, and marked rather by erudition than by power in his argu mentative eUortfl, Nr. Noyos' death, nevertheless, mukes a vac;incjsuot easy to be tilled in the New York bar. Colonel May. A brave and chlvalric soldier, a trne and high lonled gentleman, an American whose name is indtisolubly connected with one of the most bril liant episodes of oar national history, passed to his rest in this city on Saturday, the 21th. instant. Colonel Charles A. May, of Maryland, entered the army of the United S'ates during the second presidency of Andrew Jacks m, and resigning bis commission in ISM, retired into private lite in this city, where he has since resided, winning sin honorable name among our citizens as the active and tfllcient Vice-l'resident and Superin tendent of the Kiglith Avenuo Railroad Com pany. But on the rolls of thut noble army of the llnlon, enlisted for nil time, the company of patriotic soldiers who, lighting together side by side under the ons flag of their fathers, knew no North, no Sontb, no iiast, no West ; but wou for all the land a common triumph and a common fame, the name of Colonel May, the soldier of Kesaca de la l'alma and of Monterey, is still borne foremost among the foremost. FtJir names shine more brilliantly than hia In the records of the last war waged by Americans against a foreign foe. Others, his companions in arms, during that glorions episode of our annals, hare sln e made themselves more widely kaowa in the conflicts of the civil strife which now deso . tales the republic. But the fame of May neltha -South nor North can claim. The story of lb. jelisilesf who led to many a charge oa those fit Delds or Mexico belongs to America, ana will u proudly remembered by Americans as long a kmgnlly courage stirs the blood of youth, an duty loyally done commands the respect of men. Colonel May was still in the vigor of life, bav tag been born August 9, 1S1H, in the city of Balti more; and bis singularly stalwart Iratno and stately presence, well K-liiting a soldier of ro inance, seemed to promise him many years of usefulness and happiness. But na orgauic ten dency to disease of the heart, to wmcb his brother. Captain Julian May, s.jme years sincj succumbed, enveloped itself into suddon and t a il force, and aggravated probably by his lucre mad devotion to the dunes of his position among us, into which he carried a military thoroughness ' and exactness of administration, over-matched - even bis colossal strength of f rame. 11 ) diod on Saturday, as we have said, at the New York Hotel, liis funeral will take place from tuat hotel to-duy at iioon. Jnniea William Wallarlt. The theatre-loving public, imd especially the elder portion of it, will learn with profound regret Of the death of James William Wallack, tho veteran actor of America, lie may be said to have formed almost the only remaining liuk that bound the old school it theatricals to that of the present day. For the last six or seven years he has not, with slight exceptions, appeared on the stage, and since 18G1 devoted himself to the man agement of his new theatre at the corner of Four teenth street and Hi otdway. James William Waltack was born In London In 1706. Both parents were ou the stage; his father, 'William Wallaek, being u disringnlslied comedian and vocalist, and bis mother, Kli.aUetri Field, piayiiigibe leading female characters with Mr. Uarilck for several years. He made his llr-t ap pearance In London at. the age of seven, and after playing boys parts or sometime, passed to tie Academic Theatre, established by tj teen Cli ir lofe In Leicester street, Leicester (square, where Fnglibh aud Ocrmun clj tlU.cn appeared on alter nate u ghis. Here he attracted the attention of Kichard B insliy bhendaii, who gave uim an e,i gsgtn rt.t at Drury J.aue. That tlit-ntm being suhteUtntly buiTieu down, he went tj Ire and, but in 1N.S9 returned to KngUnd, und on the open ing night st the New Drury Line appeared as "Laeries," in Hamlet. At the age of twenty-two he replace 1 Mr. Booth in playing "lago to ru. au "Otln I o About this time he received very tempting otfers from New York, and having, by the intervention of Lord JJyron, who wus ms pees mat trend, obtnlned to years' leave of absence from tlio management of Drury Lane, he ma le his first appenriince in America, at the Paris Theatr1, of tci thy, September 7, 1818. io the chancer of "Macbeth." After tw years of remarkable fuc-ess litre, he returned to London, where he remained only one tcu-on, making then a s cond visit to America. Having been injured shortly alterwnrds by tho upsetting of a coadi, he went borne to recruit, hut returned for another season to the United (Status, and after that became s' ige iiiunnger of Drury Lane, under Kill, ton, perform ing alto tbe leading characters. In 18'iti he opened the National Theatre, at the corner of Church and Leonard streets, in this city. In lhj9 it wus burned down, and daring the next ten yearBhe played star engagements in tho United Stab's and Great Britain, lu 18ol he fixed his residence permanently in this cit v, aud et-tublished Wallack's Theatre (now Wood's) on Broadway, at tbe cornor of Broome street. Hero be enjoyed an uninterrupted success for many years. Tbe establishment was always dis tinguished by a uniform excellence of iu stock company, and a sareftil regard to the proprieties f scenery and costumes, which gave It eminence among American theatres. In 1 Ml, the present Waiiuck's theatre, the leading theatre of the t'nited Stales, was established at tue corner of Tbiileemli street and Broadway. Mr. W allaek was probably, up to the t'ma of bis retiring from the stage, the best of the old school of actors. He was perhaps most admira ble In what mlKht be termed the romantic araiua, in suck rr presentations as "Benedict" and "Kou ben Ulenioy." Although critics ml,'ht be dis posed to- question bitn in tbe highest walks of tiagudy, in parts that merged upon the melo dramatic, lika "Julien St. l'terre," he was inap IwoacViahle n fall time. iir. Wallaek has suffered for soma years of flections ofin Incident to old age. He always ! 'U U(Mt fastidious taste, and had rather 1 ausiaa appearance, llis name waa ever apjken with raj by the members of the theatrical profession .V. r. WurU. The uniform of the Mew London police is tieacribed a consisting ot a wreath and a uumber oa a cap, a shield on the bru nd 4 ,ner. buckled belt round the waist. Anexeiiauge thinks it may be very pretty, but decidedly cool in iue r Inter scatoa. iati itt iri4' rnRKKin notm. Cim'Ufd from Forriyn I'apfrt for The rhilnlti'hia Fctls, (he great musicul professor and critic, was tsprchtllr designated by Meyerbeer to Stiier Inteml the rehearsals of the great legacy left to the world by the great composer of Let Ihnwnott, Ituhirt, and 1.' Afriram?. In order to fulfil the ropiest, Kcils, who was director of the Conserva toire at HruSKcIs, has left that city and taken tip his abode in l'aris nt the expense of the Imperial Government. I .' A ft irnne took Meyerbeer ten vcRisto write, ami it is ald that it will take a yi ur's relit ar-Ml to put it on the stare, gigantic atlblr, and rem ires at lcat died people fi r its rendition. It Is a most three bun- Wl.en the new piece, Mnilre (.rm,i played before the Court nt Cnmpli gnn, the Kmperor es eeially congratulated Monsl' ur I.ufontalno on Ihe talent with which lie had played the part or a gav voting colonel. "You wear the uniform admirably," said tho Finpcrtir, "and the epaulettes become you." "1 have but one regret 111 Wearitu; llixin," re plied Ijth ntiiine, "and that Is that 1 did not gain them in your Mnjesty's service" a reply wliK'h brought a diamond ring to tho lucky actor. lied hair Is so mnch the fashion now that hair dreners pay for red beards their weight in gold. Hut, in order to display this somewhat conspicu ous hair, it is the fashion to have but ono pecu liar color In dress, clunk, and bonnet. But one excess Into which fashion has fallen has attracted the alt'iitlon of the oomlc papers in l'aris, that Is the fashion ol dressing the pel poodles to mulch the ilres", so that a Parisian belle says to her ntuiil, "Give me my pink dress unit my pink poodle," so that tbo Intle animal, conveniently white by natuie, is every day mado to change his rnh.r. Suppose fashion should go a step lurtlier, and lake to dyeing hiiBbanils i This is an udvcrtlslog age, but nn original way ( f advertising appeared in a recent monument erected In l'cre la Chaise: "In memory of Nathalie Nordero, wlfo of Jerome, locksmith and manufacturer of orna mental iron. The railing round her monument is from his factory, Kue Godot, No. 1." At the last representation, at Marseilles, of Alexandre Dumas' Mohicans of l'aris, tho fallow ing notice appeared In the morning papers : "Inorderto gratify public curiosity, Alexandra Dumas will be present during the performance ti, is evening, (occupying theproscenium box to tho left." Notoriety Is Dumas' ruling passion. A young medical student In search of a lodg ing was shown Into a vory shabby room, the fur niture of which was in a most dilapidated state, "I should like something a Utlloruoro modern," laid tbe student. "More modern!" snid the man; "spook with more reverence. You are in ttie very room in which Itousseau lived, and in which he wrote, and nothing has been changed now for even a eeniary." "This is tho tublc on which lie wrote ?" "Yes." "This the burcan ?" "Yes." "This tho bed ?" "Yes." "And nothing lias been changed for a whole century ?" "Nothing." "Not even tho sheets ?" "Not even the sheets." "Then 1 won't take the rooms." The young king of Bavaria has appointed IUchurd "Wagner, tho author of Tanaluiuser, direc tor of the Court music, at a salary of four thou sand florins. A "Stkixb" at tub Lakb Tcnnkl. A short time ago the miners employed upon the lake tun nel wished to have a "strike," and declared they would not work for less than five dollars a day. They hinted pretty freely that if their demand was not complied with they would return to Pennsyl vania. As the demand was considered exorbi tant, the contractor told tho men that be would not-pay such an amount, lie proceeded to tbe Jjike Superior lead mines, where he succeeded in hiring all the men lie wanted at three dollars a dHy. The minors from Pennsylvania were in the bahit of digging out only twelve teot a day. Since tho time the men from Superior have been at work, they have dally averaged about six teen feet. Tho "sUike" has proved bencnVial to the contractors, in this Instance at least. Chicago lime: BANK NOTICES. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMKRCR S--'' fiill.AOKi.l-lllA. Decsmlinr HI. 1X64. The Afinnsl Xlertlnn lor lilrertori IU lie tela at tho llanklnu Huuie.sn TIIDKSDAY, tb 13lli day ot JanaaiT Ituxl, betwesu Uis liusn of 10 A. M and '1 1'. SI. jeillts A. l.kt is, lJ-W-sUth-JJ-H ''b'r. . rr. crpnvn uiTtnuiT. rtAHfir CiV tHILAlikWHIA. Kwankpiirp, IWemhsr Te.lHrti. Ths Anul Elsrtlon fur Ulrreuus or tula llial will bo hf'tt at llio list kuiK Ileum, ou I I hliiAT, Janasrjr 1U, 1st.:,, tietween IDe tenrt et 11 M and :i I'. Sf 13 JO US W. 11. UUAWN, C'Mlisvr. 3f KENSINGTON UATIONAL BANK. VS3 run.lliBl.rHlA. Useoinbor t. 1ST.4 An fclr etlr.n for Thirteen Lbieiom, to lorvo Ilif oniiHlng ytar. will tw h.ld st lh Ha ikins II uo, on Tt;icSDAI , Jauuuj 10, Ihu, bum Wo cluck A M. lo i 1". M. WM. McCOMNKt.L, l'i-is-wfm tJIO Oiuhier. FABMF.RS' h MECHANICS' Na tional HANK. Pim.Anrr.rinA. Tiwsmhor9, lsfii. Tlis Annntl Fltrtlon lor Dlrocion ol this Hank will bo kfld st tho rimmm Home, on Wanflily, tao Ilia IT f JanniirT n.jl, between tho hours of 10 o'clock A. M. Mid o rlook I'. M. U s-uil W. RUairrOW. Jr., CaslUer. WESTERN BANK OF PHIIADEL- IUA, Pfiii.AnBT.ruiA. Picflnihr 19, 1H84. Kotlce ! hereby plvssn. nur vabljr to ction 9 ot the Act of Ut Gnrl AisBiMf ) the i.'omiuoBwcaHli of t1 Pt, tjiitilttd nn "Art rnaMiiiK t He Knnki of the Coui nionwKaith to titronie AituHiatjoin lor trm purpni tif Bsnkinn un'ir tt' Inwi ni the I'sifMl HinWi," apiinived tlif 'J'M day of AiiKUht, A. 1. l.Ht4, Uit lb pUicklmUlori of Uie Wotfrn Hunk of 1'hi itm1rtplila liave tliti dv tuwiI to Ix mf incti hi) AvHoeiBtl'Hi, and that Iti lurkn tori have priH'uivd the amhorttyef the uwicri ot mo e than two. V trilfe nf Hit Mt'lta) .tm-k to innk the terOricaU rt )Oird Uieiefur by Ui law a of lti I DteI niaio I IV 1M CM. WKTUAWUT.CMfatar. MILITARY NOTICES. Sac I'riiul nonce achanck to avoid the draft. rhmlK ttirnlshi-tl with kiib.tilute. at tlio ilioiteet ee anil at low prictt. JOHM M ANHHK.t.n. r.'-sn li.i Offloe, So. ICS LIHUAitY aue.it, 2d nuuj. BOUNTY FOR MARINES. ANTF-D tr th t utted ii Unjluf ', rnn to pwf'trni tfi dutlnai vf oi4iur t oar linrjr Tarat unit on boar Cnlt4 Huuui hlf-t-mr us furujen Alei-i 'Torl cv d KIA ri. Al l, THE lAA'Al. mI KTIS Byoa enlivtuMnt. 1 mi oa f MKv.(, rur TuAm. lmir DivMi.itiiiB k)in ih mrmf. Mail mew riiaw MiBy. niiiiuou iVr trurr nm tli Aray wlllnot b at- tfi it dm. 9nr all furih tafonuatioa avplj at th lUcruitlaK Kt-iiilni, Vf. 811 . FKGHT HtrMt, telow Mprsca trat, ltwa lo fun at t and ft o'eiock. c. o. M.rCAirutr, P U ll'L O U 0 II S . Offers end soldiers vtsltliibitho cltyon rurtonirhs, needing SWOkDS AND OrilKIt Ull.irAkt KtiUlFMEMTS, Aro Invited ta the etLtenslvo MAKTJl'AUrt'BlMU E iTABl.lHlIUENT CE0EGE "W. SIMONS & BEOTEER, HANSOM STltKKT 1IA1-,J,, 8 AXIOM 8TBKMT. AHOVei SIXTH. PRFreT.WTATIOW BWOItDS Mede to order at ttie ahevteet notice, whleh for rlobaeoe anil inAifloeeic eheliesive oouipiititlen. tto uthr bouts in the ro.iai,,ooKblnla( Uo MAK II r ACl dKI W'l JK WIIJCB W1TU TUK 1'KAOTlCAi, HWOUU-aLAJiLU. l- V0TICE 18 UBRECT GIVEN TO THK owo.rs of preaiieee herelsiaAer d scribed, that vrtu of uw uciul upou Uio aWwmn UWuii sr favlnjf, ageiast sutd proenUM.win be issued alVar thru uwstllte iroui tills dote, on lees seld e'atms at' paid. LEWI 0. CAJjaiUl , AUaniey for Piemerit, Mo .si. HI ITU Skr.eL Crlr lo bm otl BeeeiUy vs. Aadrew taeNiwly. owner, tio. C. IV Jime Turiu, Lieli; Hv. I. Lu aud Iraiuo ataUM un oortbeeet side of Aburell est eof , JO loat sontbeeet ee Anibrv stitet, MlLOleonth Wsrt, eontataua- lHlMtlroat, as.d U) feet ilep lo Amber ssrwut. Ulana Sul W tor pavsuej. Henia vs. sauie. (J. I" June Term, ln ; Me. t. It asMl llnese-eliery bresk dwesUaer ass et.aAhwuet aiile of Aes rall street, an4 BMreawevt elan us sbuieM elroot, 70 Sset floilt, J ftet w CIauu to for UOJ 8auie vs. seine. C. I'. Jusmi Jurui, larU i Ko. 4. It and three Mm brtcA dreeelasut on southeast side of Auiser urut end southwest side of Ablirell street, (0 fteel frosM, 'JO rW tws. tAsuui evu-w, tut pavuui. ftsnieve. John T. Jusiiel, owaer.Ao. 0. P. Ae (Here bee Teesa, keat; Mo Se. Lot ef are aud aa krlek kulldlael. altuato eel aortbwerlectv eurner of Ulraid a.eeiae aud Mucks euee. Kexaieenth WeeM, 10 SmH aa derail avenues, Hi uop. Ueiia W, e pevnieT. kaauevs. saea. Is. O. ieeeceeisioer Teres. ltM4 ITo. 4. Let aael neSar wane SMrtbweet eel ef Ulrard aveewM, U"tiilu at U'l reel aueitsiwest frees ekerrto eejeeA, KiaMewilIs Ward.tkeaoa swrrXweel parallel net Meruea una, sa set t tao t a potat, tkeeiee eaat AS feet le toatoeet te a poasl, eaeeseo nertkeHtel feet 7X saekee ser tVeme atreet, ueasea eoeeae aeeac Kerrle street ea feet to teererd etne. liienee eeeuaweneaV akaef iHrard ava auo syl seet w piave at alumina. Claim r? M for pevlaf- ta-ntalM HELMBOLD'S REMDIE8. II TLDID EXTRACT BOOnU for Koti lUHnUV.B w iMaatsnmci r Mm, IrrMaltna, laflanimatlnii ot Ulceration of the Bkuldsw of KMn.Tt. DUeanel of the rroitrt l..ti. Burnt in lAt Kliui ltr, CHm.!ui, Ormii, or firitt DapttM, Ami ah IU.'A! f IM 11 ladder, Ki-Uitn. and lovp.ical IweUlnin. IIKliMUOIiU'S FLUID EXTHACT 11UCIIU For WeaJirioM arlflns from Etoir Tndieerollon. The outHvtloa one Uleeted with Orjnoit Wratncu reqiurai tho aid of DMOldne le i(re7lii tmd ttwiioratt Iht ty ilrm. whloa HKlJIHOUVfl WT4A0T Hl'fUU hmurtabty dooi. If nf troatnwut 1 mt-ooMtod to, Ootuamptloaor Inssnltjr aAf enen. IJRLMBWLU'8 fLOD BXT8ACT OF BUCHU, IaatrMtlonspeorihwte"piiiAuis," Is enonjuatoa br any other praparatlon, at In Chlorosis, or KetonUon, Irmgw larrtlea PalnfBlnoo!, ot Happreisloa of Customair Bvo aatleni; Fleer Med, or Behlrron BtaU of the tetania; Lmhorrhaa, and all aon.pUiuU iuoUeat to tba tax, wbtthar aiietiig from aahlts ol doMtfUm, baoradeuoles, or la the Oectlne or onanne of life. IIELMBOLD'8 FLUID BXTEACT DDCH17 rMTOtOVKD B08B WABH Win MKhealtjr aitarmlBato from Bis rilani Dtaeaiot of the Crtnarv Org artalnf bon Bablti of DUeipaUoa, U little tzptnit, little or e ttumge In Met, oliiconnloe or trrorurn ootapleielx wporMdlrw thooe tmpleataid and danger out remou'fM, CojxioM ami Ucrturi, ta aU Uwm aloe aoe. UBK UELMUOLD'B FLUID EXTRACT BUCUU In all Dbioeeoa of tli TJrunary Organs, whether ezlsUng In "iale" or "female," from wAaleecr roues orfiinaein Q and im staffer a Aow Ion; Uar.iHng. It le pleasant hi last and odor. "Immediate" a eveion, and mora strefAKUienluc than any of the preparalH'na of hark or Iran. Tliote tufeifng from Broken Dcien or Dentate OentlHu tieni, procure On Meted at otuei The reader must be aware that, howovor luVtit may he thealtaokof tio abort aiseuos. It Is curtain tu afleot net BoMlf HH, Mmtol rcrerl, Ua'pineee, ami kit Put- rEYMCIAMS.PLKABE WOTIfTK. WE MAKE NO SECRET OF INGRKDIHNT8. BKLMP0IJ) B FLUIB EiTBACT BUCBtJ Is oomfiued of vca, OvitU, and Juniper Btrriet, iev laotad rtth sjrtat oars and prapared In vaciw Wy a. 1. I101JU nOLD , DrorrUt an4 UheanUrt of stiMeen yeare' ea perlenot la Mat eU7 of ruQaaelplila, aa4 ao-v pre-crtbad y ih( Bunt ttutnarjt of toe faoatty, an hart txen ad sittael asa la ttee Unllwt hXate Aratr, asvl an also sa vary foBeral aae hi Stale Botpttala asiel pabUo Banatarr laatilutlona (broaitiout ties la ad. ltodfcinas deflmred to any addreae, teeosnpaalod by aapllult dlwotlons. IHroot lettajst BEUIBOI.D'1 Drnf end Chttatoal WaiShoata, W. 094 Broadway, Vow Turk, r aUUtBOLO'l MseUoal Depot, V. 104 ft. Teat. eUPWUdeJtAa. ewert of anuitartetts. AeA fbr laxltBOUrS, aa Oasoe treat T a. . to I !. K. KWmsiH rKwbTe. 14 1S1 ICIIAKIi JACOllH, B A N K E E, No. 40 H. TIIIUO HT11KKT. GOLD AND SILVER BOUQnT. STOCKS ARD IMtlB BOt'dlTT ASD SOLD OM roMMiasrow. N i i;V 1A.A1S, 1NJUJW LOAN, U. S. 10-40 JAY cooicia e cro., oirra fob bai nut NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, MtAMiro nvt ptr crrr. iMnmv.frr iw oorf, redeemahU anr lime ator Tail VI1H, M Uw pleaeuro of tbe UoTernmeoi, aul sajaUe fOUTT YEAHA alter Aete. hOffl COTTO AWT) RROTRTRUITT) BOWT an im4 e-lhH Loan, ofeamo dlloiiUnUon mt tho s-tni. Tho kWenet oa 0i and tlWH payelilo r"rtrt en ah otter deaomliaUono, h..lf voartr. Tha 10-40 bonde are dalod Marek 1, 1HS4. Tho hatf youlv tntorwt ralUix due deptember 1 and Mans 1 of oaa year ; aiMD 1M Hopteut ber, the aoeried tnteroet from lit of Marah le rwtnirad to be paid by porehatort In Ontv or In i.ioki nit:r, mai bm fifty per eejit. !r pnoalain, anil) flirt bor notice. AI L OTIillt UVV1UUIMJU(T HBCURlTUtS ItQUUUT AMU K1J. . . . JAY COOKE & 00., Bihts-er Wo. lift a. Tiintr) stkkkt. QOLOIVi;l M. 1CINHT3BI1V, STOCK JSUOKKK, Ko. 7 FAKQUHAH BUILDINO, 11 58 tm WALK UT BTUKET, DULOW TUlRn, BUTlSfl AUD BRMJHQ SfTOORH OR 00MMtHI'5. G OLD( aOLI), OOL I, SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE EAVES & EEOTHEB, aal-tf X0. 90 . THIRD BTRBIt. TTAIll'lSl. JJUIlNJflY efc CO., BANKERS, STOOK AND IXOHANQE BE0KEB3, k'O. to 8. TBIBA BTBF.ET, PbJlaaolpilia. Stoeke end I.oani boupht And sold on Commission, rjn onrrcct bank Votei, Coin, Ac , bought and sold. Hpeolal attention paid to tao purchase aud sale of OU Htorha, Dep. wits rooefveil, an4 luloroet allowed, ae per M roo med. 11-U Iru S" TOCKM AND HEOUllITX-Iiya BOUGHT AMD SOLD ON OOM.MiaBJ.ON, EE HAVEN & EBOTITCH, t- 0. 80 8. Till HO BTHtltT. IgMITH aft HANUOljl'II, Fo. 1 8. THIRD STREET, 13ANKKRS AND 13HOKERS. pools, IHoohs.Qaastermastors' Vonahets and Chodu, and all Government SoottrHJoi Boosrht and Sold, .ulil JXKlKWOrT e CO., BANKERS, Ko. 121 S. THIRD 6TRBBT, rUILADF.IjmA. Oovernmont Hocnrttlei of all Iaenoi rirrahaeoa and for Bale. Btoesti, Bonds, and Oold UougtU said BoMoaUens- mtstloa. DrrKKEST ALLOWED OK DEPOSITS. OoDoottona f rompttr Mad. fe9-t BALIS OF NATIONAL LOANS, No. 114 S. THIED ETEEET, rnaAttBU'uu. NEW UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. Tha fhibforfban having been tha aeoefful Bidden (br i portion Of tha JTEVf J-10 BIX PER CENT. OOLl- UJIAKJJIO LfOAJf , are pfepare! to oiler ( on ftrrurabia terntfto their euiucra, tn larg or Nnall amoanu, In Bonda o danomluaUottf mt QOe, lUOa. ftOOl, Mod lOOOt, iKKh ratatemd and ooiivozui. Ttielfrtflreit oiuiuvnoet ontheltt ei Vorember next and la payable la irold, aouii Mtttuolly, oa ittO latoC May aed HoTusitr, AI oUer Covonimcrt toeortdea on band and fcraato, aitd UiforiiMttou nlvo otAooriiUag loraaUaouta, at our offica, JAY OOOKK A CO., Ho. in 8. nrau) athkpt, H Ift Ptrf1adel0bia. o I L STOCKS IHr OuubOK J. ROT!, Urokt, 4-t SO. 18 8. TITI AD HlNii AND Snil AND STEAMBOAT AOENT8 DOCK KTIUCKT WIIAltF, rUlLACKLHUA. aoarwu A. eoi'f'.,R, J 1HI ltlt.All OfTl i . avu-uaa T. sol imii 14-tf c lOITY'S TK WAKKHOUSH. E3TA- Lhuhed lu ,." Itwportw antlHitaer la Fine leaj, wiaea. and Liqaort. ' im BVackwed. Plakloa aod Bauoac Knge'iak and Bontcn Ai4 and PcrWr, CaniMU Keata, FraiU. Boip, q Maty aiiuim put dv wim eare, t ha. 118 8. flMCO'fT) HrAt. 1-W-ly rfUrtllUA U. OOUHlT. MAKTJFAOTTOnTQ MACHINI3T AMD KNGINEKH, 1A-10 Wo. V. BUOOVD Bire. PXiiadoJphla. BRIDEHUUEQ MACTHINU W0KK3, OfVKB, 0.N- rU0lT dTUT, rrTT. ?yi.nnA. We art prsaMd to 08 orlare to auy ewtant lor oar rU kntwn HAcninavT rem cotto aid woof.tif linia, lnahidwa-aJsl tvmL iaarvT4iMMit4 ill Olhidiam ipUuatutf, ana weavinf . Wektvite ti attnUa of maaulaoturaw to aur aawm eV-H ALpmtsD laarKS bom TO SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNER!. mimh i ki Dauersieaeu aaelnc leasea Hssesemu- Tda (ToHItW r(K K.. bees I leroria tie friends eod the pairoiisol the lxiek , that be Ls preiiej wit. Inereaaua laenaiee to aeemsssaodaie tttaee earing eeaseu 10 ae raiaea aeulktr, wilf dire persoual atuuuau U tfe veeeela eak srusiee so ami ror rr pairs, (aptaiaser aiecta, hls-Carnratar, aal MaoelsaVsM arirf reeeeio vn repaer, are suiu'iie. in ean. llevlne tlia aeeuev rer ihe eale e "W.tieretMf. P Metsiae (oenposiuea," or 0lper ratal, ear the areeerva Uea r eeeeels' botiaais. for this eltjt, 1 aa aiefiaiaU t atse- wea im saeue oa faearaeia vermt. ... OHM H. HAM MITT, kmilMl.il M crew Ueek. til miLAWAK A.enue.ahnrel.tt'KKLHtieet. 200,000 C4K8 PKACTIHS. TEEY BO- aerlor. eat ae T O P. Mea-Uei Oo., at the loasta Tea fert raree. 4. eV jsartTtu, mA lek aesav K. K, MKtrsT.atu. Mt. Metf ilt 1st' -in tin? ouriiANS' 1 rily and t'our.ty of Ph leili COURT FOR THE aiVlnhle. Kmei.nt A( sfft. BBRltll -K SOW, (1ori!. The Andltor etiTvilnted he ihe ( lonrt lo eil'lll. eeltle. anil edmtit lie errom tnHlltHH II. DrtlKIl A ION, Kieoi lor elite etem cf HAMIKI, lKltKl:kSiN dec-encd. a lo r.oort atxtrlhotlon or lh helince In the han'le or ihe afroHntent, will msst the peruse intr.td fir the pnrrio.eii ol 1. 1 eipolnttnsnl, on Monaay, Jennery t. !&, et e o viesk i m.. ai m oinre, na.wD.aiAi it nveei, up lelr rn the rlty ol 1'IUImlHpM . 11 II-wnor,t Mil.Hi.n a. inim-m n, einiwr, 1.-8TATR OK I'ATHICK CALLAHAN, Dl. i r.ased.- Whsreee. letter of Admlnlmretlnn to Uie ta'ite of I'ATHM'K CAI.I.AIIAN. decreavd, heve been Hremod to tbe onilsrnlnsd, ell p'Tunne Inileliled to tho e-l ilecrdsnl will mile peviornl u, ena an perione likiriS claim! eretnnt ihe eeru will preeent thi'in to JteailllA iai.caimh, Annmi.ic.'or, Ho. ell, Houtb I aunt air set. Or lo hit Attorney, l, K ill' I. n I ii 'I, ' ,1 r. n i i , 19-19 m-M Kn. M; Fill K Hlroi't. IN TI1K HISTIIICT COURT rt)H Tilt J. City and futiniy ot rhlladelphia. JtUIN J. If A I l.(iwr.i, vn. iosrrii ii. r.vAsi An.. Vanrflllnnl liiiuiiii. HeoSemhT. IHi;. No. .'(47. Tl e enrll or eeiiolnU'il bT Itie (oart lo rfpurt Hie ili.irl- ketli 0 of fund produc'd by aKlientTe eale, under Ihe t'o.e writ, of ell (net e. rtain thrro eliry hrlrk ins.n.e or tenrmcnt. berk bnllsln-.. end lot i f niece of ground, Iteetr on the eet elite of Flevontta etn-.t. at Ihe dlatense of ifcree hundred euil four fest eoethward from tlieeiuih eld. el lllrerd etreet. In the Twentieth we-d of tin- ij ..f I'hlled.li'hie ; corlelnlnKln front or lipre lth on ttie lent H,'Tenth ttreH Bse.ntceii feet t ttirludinit e tb. north elite llenv-f thn eoullirnmmt heir pert of en ellcy ttire fo.t In width bv the wliole dspth ef the tliersfiy irrented lot! end rilenitlne In knlli or fli-pih ,-eetwenl or met wliltli e.Trnlv one feet ten end ons he'f mrhse to A four fi-et wide a.l!e.loo, leir ni.rttiwe.d end comrnnntcetlne with Ihe letd three lui wide ellc. enbiect to the yearly trrotind r.ot of f t?. will attcii'l lo the diiln'.of Me ki'l'"lntment, on HI' NtMUT Hi. 1th OAT ol Drrsmhei-. A. ll.lKil. et It, ',.rk ! M .ethleeoV,.. Ifo. Mil. F.ltinTir Slro.l. rftimnlisia, w,ee ewu wupre en peril.. inTurw.ico innn present ihotr rintuil, or tier win uo ueiotrrea irom couuuk em rat.4. 11 l(i 10t JOHN 11. f'Ot.AIIANAailltir. PROPOSALS. QV A KT KHM A STK II 8 Ol ICE, TWKLrTIl , I'liii.AnKrrHM) irinnfT ins-i, Pralpd PropoptRiii will h-rcci'tviil a( (tin oiiice uuill 11 o't'lff'k M.. H A I ( H JA V, liTi'mUT ;tl. Ttr 1ti Iniinidlatr iU'Utit nt tit I'liltrd htitieH (juviTnnifnt v nrv- tounp, HaDcvor n'ri-ci whuri. or the ri'liotviinf u acnut-J (.imTierintiritt'r'i Store, vi. : HUM 1 arris cntt'iM i iiivai imkb, -in iiirai win i ftiiriM'ri. Ham pit1 rpiitnrcn. fi()0larlp Fiiftmled;.oih, l.'e wido,12onnrci. Sample ri'iiuin-d. TOO rcMintfn 'nrl. ti Mil'. Pnmplf rftiiilrri!. 'MjQ r. mt A ile urce JioltjrB 4b iiK tici, for rmj' WHRi riH. 0 iron Axle-trcci andStoikl, Inchoi, ior iinav WHUMI 1. lftO Whk n P!p? Biixo. Vi. 1nrhn, for army wnifonn. 'afu V upon Inn.'"' not tronnd. IWiiuh, iiictius at i(.tfc'f rnu.atia u myites (lT1tf. (."0 Mfinluc TiarN, for army wBfr-ni. w ci lit dv Hitita tor Army waK'i3e (i f)m -In rftt CartK, AU the aht.ve ilof. rti.fil tohr of ttif bci-t miatttr.ftn. ub- ifct tf tlif iiiftiK't tlun ol an iniR'Cior np.iolnttd oa ttie part tit Dm Ouvfrnmi'Dt. Jiifh en wi state rrlrei to include lnxon and delivery txith in wriilm and ilyurca tlieiiuanliiy bid (or, and the time nf di llvry. r.acii tna mint c ?uarantrea ny iworrnivviniin h periinim, hoc RlKnaturrw munt h Appended to the Ktiiirnirec, atii ct'rililfd tu an bflnK A'd nulic irt lectnt? tor the mount Involved, by thy utted Htate iMntnct JurtK', Attorrey, or Collector, ur other unblic otllccr. (Jthei wist', tli btd will not be ronufdered The rlL'ht U nnprvfd t4 reifrt all flfentpd too nto. and no bid tVom a diauitiii? cunlractor will be received. 10101101 rir-n-vi. nni'n, Chl.-t guarlrrumntor. OKOUI.K It. OltVlK, 32 27-4t Caclain and A. M QUARTF.RMASTKU'S OFFICE, TWELFTH and (JlKAItO Hticets. I'HII.ACKl.rilia, VH lijrfnorT TM, inta. 8aled I'topoiala will he n elvt?d at ihn ollire unul 11 '- U.. on WKItNEHDAY, I tt rmtmr 1H, wv;4, for the Immttllate dellvtrr at the Vnltfd Btatei HtOrelumta, llanos tc mrert Wharf, of thr feUo-vlntf, vir. : )o n-t ofUnk laiuitd. iiituniu nvcuu i.cainer iiona, 10 Inrhtii outsidu clicuuil'crt'nct;, with Junei' improve! toiijilii g ;, Ttie armve dmTilif to be of tho hvtt qnalllT, an1 nb jert to Uie munition of an innpictor ajtpoUilod on tUe part or !i e uover nmrni. U)ileri will male price, to inciufia noiivery, nom in TltinK and fluurei, the qnautit j bid for, and tiine or Jo- llvory. marn ma mnm "e ranraaiPfa oy two reRpnnimra pw witoift kitrnaturt-t mufit be amended t tbe uuaran- tee, and cprtlflpd to at bring Rood and ftutllclent tMK-urit.T fur uie amount lnvoifta, ty uie umiea btbui trifit Jutige. Attorney, or vllector, or other public oinoar, oibti wlif ihe bid will not be eomtklvred. Iberltnt li raiwrvadto reject aU bid If deemed ton hlih, and no bid from a defaulUux contractor will be ro- flT4d, itr order or (XJonaj hjlkmah niuun.cnicr vjuaiw- i Ii' llHiK It. fK!vin, 11M 4t Cap'Aln and Aisiitant quarUnnaalor. ASSISTANT or r ilk. Q tT ARTE HMXSTEH'S CiKfHKATii Ohio, Peremhar IB, lfW4. aPrrmoaali will ne ri'cclTcd at thla olllce until 1J o'cUkA M , HATl KIAT, December .'11,14, from dcalerH for tut-h f tlm lollowlntt arilcips aa they ran furnish for ine uar t rmat-tt r s 1 ? partinrnt, Tnltert Hutev Army : m Howling or ivow Moor lyre ui ojrewi mcnea. u a,x tn tit. r.ra. tin 8 flo do do 4VU do hJ ao do do bl do 4 do do do 47.' do The aboTe to be flanM-d "1 lo ' hts thick. lTouosala wdl be cnl(lrred for Tjtvs matte by otter tuanufnaturerie It e'joally snrvirratile. Hi ktki kacn iiot-proasvu tH.aareuu, ,i una Inch. M ParalJel Brnrh Vlcet. M0 ponndt Borax, tiS bam la Coal OU. lS.orOiHraory Pick Handlm. lit,nn iikkory muui iiannics. tA)ru i.rAa.tMiri-a iiaimitt. blabi 7.1nc,Jb,(Mio(4'i't Kat'ety Fime. K0dorn Ames' No. 2 dhoveii, or an artic4o e4i.ua.Iy ftood. lOReaiEt Kroory Hoth, each 0, , 2. 'jtt do Paper, eucn 0. i, 1. l.'a , 3. 2 barrola beat Copal Varintta. 6 Co Mintrnl Paint (in oklJ. When lamolei arc rurnikhtii. tiler mnnt have the name of Uif bludtT ojion the in, and be numborcd lo correspond With the bula lliv art it' its bid fhr, and time of delivery, mnut be stated, and each bi4 must be Knaranteetl ty two reiptmsl ie surw tit'i. fruarariK elnjr ovtnhelr own si natures ilit lite b ai1T ulil enter Into bond for Uieiuliluiieni ol nis ooniract.siuuid ot.e be awarded him. It Ids will beoDt-nrd at thr time atMre apecinea, ana Dia lers are Invited to be pro en t. The rlht la icaerred to reject any ma aeetnea ur.rea- lonable. lit order of Colonel WM. W. MiKiu. cnier vutvner- maiUr, CiucJonaU tcpt. Jl. ef. i ii&iTn, 12-90-rH Captain and A. (J M. TJAVY DEPARTMENT, stokjeeu uv Strah KNnravKRivu. ln-ceminT, iios. aeated Proortsals will be rer-efTerl at Uits Iturean aiitt Bierioian, .laiiuarj 10 lb6, for the Jron uesrrtbea ta the lollowuiK classes Eeeh bid must be inaile for au eatire class, at d ti:v rrit-e to lie a found sum ror the eiass d IiTi'red at the rebneetive Nary Yards, no p.iTtnunt will be made anttl the whole Is dellvert-i; delivery to oom- i-nce tsi twelve das after notification of aixontauoe or bid. to proceed e.'mirjuaii, ana th wnuie 10 d. uetiverea la two niotilh Ihcreaflur. 1 he uontrart will be awardod to the loweit rosponinila bidder the ritrht bntae reserved of rejeetiaif Die luwsbl bid If It be detiiuud eiortiltanu "h uiusi uuarittitea will be reottired. and trie eon tract will ta dated ttie slay tho nutlce of acceptance la iiren . I'riiited srucauirs ana insu-uci.oas can oe vuiaiuea oj aiinlii'iillon to tlie Hurei tl. i l'n.prsals must be directed to the Thief of the Itnra-m of Hiuein r'-iiKiiieerlriii, and endorsed ' Krinio-nl for Iron," that they may be aisuaautabetl irou other busln.se letters. Tlic rtiiinwtiir are me otASsoe roouirea ai uio resue.tive avy lords Vr aohi Nil i'rjf. Ci.ad. No. 1. M mates Boiler Iron, 7 16, sii by 'JX Inches M do do I N. M by It da ii-J do do 1 J, fS by m do Iri do da 1 V, U by lno do IU do dn II H. 30 bv 110 de 11 do do :t-H, .VlbyllM lie 116 do do 6 Hi, 4b br re) de lit do to 7-lt;. K by 10 do Hi CO e 1 K. Mil by lull 111 tio do S 10, iH by ltl'J d do do H de de 16, 40 by he lit do do I H, M by 4 ill do do 18 1 by 4f It do do 7-Id, el by I IV C do do 7 IU, HI by Ml do do llr, l tie da Oo A fit. iti de ao 7-lb, s.t uy ee it do de 5 16, 43 by 7X 94 do ite b IC, Ml by IVO t de de lb, 4 by l.iii lti do do e 11, Hi bv lib lb do ce 6 lti. 41" by tt 18 de do Hi, 4 1 by H 31 do do 7 Id, 10 1, v 11. JH de do 3 H, In by IW do dt de do r; do do a H, bu by um II do do t if., 41- hv IKi 10 do do Kit ItObyl'jU It do do t in. .It by l a) do lao eiiorc to bcor tee nest Amerteen naaife iroa. WA-.IIIMI10N. Ci.it Nil 1. lO.nrr) pounds best American square bar (rod, Ini tt. Ifi.tM o poanil. best A uiei lcau siioare bar Iron, Im li. V.I44J poneds best American situare br Iron, 'j Incti. K',K l' potinilN best Araerleeu hut bar Irou, V. br h 'll fi.utO poeuds best Aeiehi an hat bar iron, 'I by Incti. 14.100 pounds best Auierleaa (Jet bar irou, 'i by . lnoli. l .lio pouiuts best Ameilraa tlut bar Irou, 1 17 Inca 2fi,0Mi pounds best American round bar Irou, IS lO'ili. bit too pourds best Amertesji ruoed bar troa, 1) luck. 10 UHiiHiuuds best Ainerlean rnaud bar kroa, uica. la UumUiS u. may tie required. WASIIlNtiTOif. I.'t sue .No. 1. 0,0fl eoi.nds bast AmerlcaaT u-otl,X of 4., lojh.t, 10 iucuos, lii loot lonir. WAMII.ttSTOV. Cl.tsx No 4. 4IYO nneods Iron rivets, 1. by 11 lit lech il srustar, m do do iVbyll-K do iwj do de IJj l.y 11 1 de iOiO do Ce brll-li do CHABIJ.rTOWX. 4'i.ak.i No. 1. m,0n0iMurtds beat American bolter Hanre Iron, frfsn 6-1U to M iuca taicjL, la suca dtuieu.ioae as uiuy be rouuuoa. CI1ARI.S0WN rt .as No 1. (4,000 pounds beet American round area from 1 Inoh to ! laou dukiuoter, sa i.iovths a. ma ue roiuliea. CHlklXSlOWll. Ct.ess No. t SOM poundH beat Aaaertcaa T Iroa li; by 4 Incliea, tbs V luch part to be I4 Inch tbica, and lae 4 intia part H Luoa Uilua, 1 oe lengths as uiay be 1.4111104. CUAUt.l-iTOvral. tlisa Ho. 4. M.OOO Knnd Bailer Ulvesa 1W laokee louj and V Inoh auimeser. 12 iz-ws HOUDliei H0KB88! H0RSH3! I.MaaaLASrni-tM bkal's Ovtrtoa, Piaev Divialoa, WasesiaoTOl. Deeeeaber 1. leM, Hersaa, aattafile sr Cave try er ArtlUery servlea, wLA be ersrejed at uassert eVsyot, us oest asarkei, uil Oeeeue eei tl.lae. Hai.ee wtl be deftvered ke Daatala L. Lawrv Moon, m vj. ss .aaa aee.neooa s. use seiaai iserveniBueeis lnaiee sew uesure BMear aeeesee. rrlee of Cavalry Bia-sae, $17 aaek. free, edlsisaeew VUraee. tlffc eaea Vsiesiieal srife set sutke toe sea (t) a J AM M A. OsAcaeat ta Gkaive nret UiWel, n 1 Ft (jaliwwaeeiiiei VAUTERMAST F.R'8 OKFtCK nn Ai-rt niT. Pa.. I)rrimbr,r W. ?W!4. Hralrfl Prrttotn vtlH l rrcrtvni at true ntil' a nmll 13 o'r lock M , WhKN F HIAT. January 4, Iwio for linmf1Atr dfilvrry at Ihe t'nltod Mal- Hi.rihonn, Manovcr trts-t whari, iircirly padtfd and reaoy ft r trantrutttin, ui ihi Minwinir (U'trrilnd uai tcrmaf'ftr's steien, Tlx. ; Ki Brad Awta. ltnrni ar Awin. ! Hrd Axes, IWtty'n make. flamf.If required. H 0 (Tiol'iiitiK Aim, do do 60 Ambulance AsU-s and BoKru. Length of ho, 7', tnl e ; dlaitietrrn, 1 inrhes : 1 Vlii im h lnl-lf 110 prtmn Ire Hone a lion Hurkla, 2' irrisn lii'h,9A Krons Inrh. ' R"a lce'i, and iu ri mi It 8o don n AiiKur hiin; in '., iin h.ft it Id loch, iU6 1( lntti, P inch, IA r in h, U I lii h. Hkitiph' rrii)r d. R doen Hplril Ilils, Ko. 4, double cut. Sample rt(,Btrrtl. GO aMb ltri ar d Unices ; tul! net b'ts to r-nrh, Maniplo Trttitr d. rw0 Horse lilanketi. Pample refiitrrrl. ',A 0 Horn- lrnhei, woutl n ht. k,lit arttalf. Hample reiurrd. a ;ifO Brttib Hi ptnlifi, tnrfe imnd. Sninplo ronulred, M) V nil llI,tcn krol Inrt-4, do do letO t( rn hronutn; notxl hay article. Sample rc 'liilred, Jfufi Htatile itrt.onis; rattan Rnmpie rcjnltal. U 04' iuih it Him k li- : 1 in h and i Un it, .it 0 I ou nil U titled I'n'HX. lHij tit.ni Uot kot, nu in hundiei (not fire). Sample ro- qulred. 2 rro AofiortPl Paint Urnshefi. Snmple retjnlrrA. y "en Varr ifh Itru-hea do d i 1 pros ah or I'fi'tl ltrnsht'S, do Cl KrcM holler Knee Ira, li.S -Inrh, n ln'h,0 'i-tnrh, ) , ti;tti. 7.'. I Inch, .0)1 '4 liirti,60l.,i liuh.ii P,-lnrh o'J ilih 3- OC feet oil t t tiin, "U,' ' Hhl, for chin chains. Sample minimi 8' On llnl'er t:)r a, heavy, snd tecs rauli ena. Sample n '(nhii. 2(ft j aide l-.t tin rlled C'cth, Inches wide, firaml'iilanee f, it. Hunip'e I 'Mre(1. I.'O Firmer ( lilrH, mi k it.rli, t.O r;-lnrh, W n h. n mp e n tjnirt d. 1(0 Fiarntntt t liiitld, W) 2 Inch, M l1' Inch. Rsmple rtijiuri d it(0 W aoii rovers, to ho mmle of 10 ounce eotton diifk. j it d tan wltir. nimr siaadard, cut 16 leet lonv, leur wnltha oi rratrrtal, vUti fur hemp Mflt on h tidr, und (ne tlnongli ii h end. HAiupte of duck i en m red. f-ff 0 Cimy t tnni.s, Ho. 221, Fi.deslry make. Sample r iitirra. '.MM anip t'Mmnfya, tnedlum Ir.e, for coal oil iampl. piMiixt White Lump I sik. M, pnumla (ff'I I limp ( lis a. J Uoin Hnti her I'teRtem, tncd.im il-'fl. Sample rt fiiilri tl. tOCO jnnis I otinn Canvat Dn k. W Inches wide, Von. 10 aiio t rtnuipii' reiintcut f baira t ''(( i r. S bitli. t-ork lUtid'e Frrul. 1 grai flat filis, bahUrd, 4-in-h. Sample re- iiir' d. 1 fcror-s half round Filen, assorted, 4, ft, and H Inch, hum n Ira reiinued. JO Kfnss Mhrtlwure I- ilea, 2 jroaa 'AH Irch, 2 irrnnn 4 tnf h, 2 f loan a4'3 ih n, i tjioas o-un ti, gross tj-iiau. Pain pies rc.U'n d. 10 d7en Wood Flies, 14-lneti, 0nmpte reiilred. ooiinriH vine. d" d :,t0 tut Window (.lass, 100 8x10, l'JSO 10x12, 20 12x14 itichei. fi Oi(i Pot nod KeK'eq. 2'ifi t irtrx r llainllcs. Hamp'es required. l K irtw llHIlilue.l i, do (In mi prnadHx Hatn'lra, hifkory, do do 2 M Axe IlundleA.hlrkory. do do Vt.Urk I'lane fiatuiiea, tieerti, oo u 24 f i te Plane llitntileB, heet-li. do do i 0 Lot n Fork Handles, beceti. do do rt dhliirt do do bt-rt h. do do rV0I,otiK Shovel llundlcs, uhIi. di do (H'lHlnirt do no ami, an uo llwo Ambii'am e Loor Locka and aundles. Hample re- mitred. aroph k llapdtr. Rah. Sample required. i H couv ifau.mer iinmiii a, hickory, itampie re'iutren. K'ltPlrk llundlea, nh. Hatiinle re-iuld. 2ihlca(! H;iuitutr Uanulcs, hickory. Sample re- iniired. l.VOllliiHU Uitspa, 8 Inch. Butnple rcqulrcit fiMt do do fl-liuti. do do 10 pairs Htmp IT(iiL.'eH. heavy; 20i)N ln-h,p)00 10-lnoh, ml2 incli,2 Ull liu li. Hnuiple re'tiilred. 4CC0 pftira "T" ilines ; Vts-O K-lnch, U00 10-lnch, 1000 12- luch. Nsiiiplo rtiiiiied, lOOOpalra Wroimht ilutt HaiKca, 2,'a'i2-lnch. Haniple renuiicu. rn) pound Curled llnlr. Snmple required. 2(0 JCaw Hides, tor eoverltiK Attlellan Maddles, In pickle and Hi.nl itarnis. 6 d.izen i.. utile i'lane Irons; 1 2 Inch, I H-ltich, 1 2 incli, 1 2ia-liu-h, 1 2 'b -Inch, liuichor's mako. Hatu lile rc'iuirctl. f.O Ttnti-hiT Knlvt i. p2-1neh hhuleg Sample required. 1( ( b Knives and t-( rka, each kniie hail' He riveted, ham- pie required. JOfigrnBi rarrlane Knoha. Japanned. Sample required. l-'i(j luawcr KiHiitH, ycrctilaiii. Hatuple reiiulxud. . P (KU'I alk Lima, aetmrted nica and leiiKlhs. lot o 'I humb Lu'ctiea. Hiirupte rcquirtnl. 6 Chest ljrka, 2;- and J-lnui j good urticio. nampie renu li ('ti. (0 UrflBH 'I 111 Lo" ka.2V and H-lnch. Sample re nilred. $00 rail Uxka; sm 2S-inrii, im 'i-inui, tuu i-iueu,n.u iaiiicn. r urn pie roquiruo. 12 Cnrptnltra' Tape IJnes, M and UK) foot. 600 Amb. Curtain lights and Frames. Fflinple re in red. lfOOkfefft Cut Nails: 900 10d., 2&0 Nd., I'M 4d.,2OO60d Hdinple rt iiuiieu. ;tr0noniidn flout aklB. Samples rciinlred. lOOpupers Illuck Head l.iauif hialln, -lach. Bftmple re'iuireo. ?Y Htttiu Need'os. lample required. SOOpaprrs HarmsN iutdiot aisortud aires, tj ample required 100 Collar Needles. Sample required. 1(A0 pounds huts, iuco hole. lx Inch. Sample retiureu. 2f barrc!i Polled Llnicrd Ol), lample required. 10 do Haw do. CO 76 pounds Escutcheon Plna: 60 ? Inch, 25 V-lnh. KO Ja k rianea, "itoutue Iron." ham pie requited. 76 Fork do uo uo ROr-moothdo do do 100 trying do ! Inch diameter, i'-iuch deep, and it i urn u laiucitrr, , iiitti utcy, onuiftv i -qulretl. R rraina Hand Paper, Nos. 1 aod 2. MJ Pan h a, to bu untda in the bent manner, lVoim?p motion dut k. beat duality, arm? standard, wtth taOhnga alt round ; ai.o 20x;i0 leotwheu finished. han pies or out a requirea. 12 Sailmukers TaLniN. bauiple required. lOOt T u Plut. do do V n anus llnrdware paper, nampie reqiurcu. lgrobB Camel llulr Pencils; long half, dam pic ro quired, o.i flni,..- iir.tr iVnctu loncf hnlr. P amnio reouired. 1000 pounds Copper Kiveta und Hurra ; 60 ;-inc!i, 401) j- llicn. .rtti Iicii,e?fU 4-iiieii, iw i-iitfii. 4 do en Wotd liasps, 1 1-Iiilm, H ample required. 3(i uror-s liitiu hli h Kinti-t. l'.-inch. Sample required. 12 tiien Miibti Hiuab, 1 nnd 1 Vli.ch , do do VO Hiickaaws. da do WCroBaeut aws, fret, o do 2 dom Clmmola Hklim, Jj do It Hi nara Kuai hlnu Hhetua do do 4:fiiKroba Iron rtcrews, do du i a) tjioia eaen men, rua. o, w, i", ii tutu . do do uo oo n, its anu do do V. 10, and 11 do l'e do lHi do l1, do Hi do do t, 10,14, and 16. do do 11.17, and 1,1. do do f . lu. and l!. do do ll.U, li,and14. rln tin 1'2. 1;I 14. I.'t. and 10. do I '4 8 UMiort-hamticd hhovela. beat; sample rtqiUred, 3I() urlmlatites, medium me, uo uu 'I tluzcn I" arriera' belabors, do do '.'! Mm kd Niiitvfi. do UO 1WU pounds HpriDK Steel (BOO 8 by o lG-uuh. 600 by men; ; ttumiiic irijuirvu. llOjjrois UrahaSeiewH ( No 7,41 No. 8,20 No. (!,30 No. 7 'Ai Sin Hi- BiLiniilf rauuhetl. 60 leta Hadillers' Tool a. each aet to be In a nett bix, Hpecliicmlous tu be bad at this oihee; laiUktio re quired. . , 100 seth ShuelnR Tools. Field A Hardle'f, each set to be In a neat box. bpecincutions to ue uuu m mtj uiuvu miii i It' riitilrtMl. 100 pcunla 1'atent Thread, M) pounds Ulatk,30 and 40; sample- required r,n riAiio.ia wit i.. :t mirl 40: aumnle reoulred, EttUjioiinds llurnoas lhreud, 11.1!., No, ls) sain pin re quired. li nouiida BaddKri' Thread, Orange: sample re- flitCO papers Cut T;icki (100 4-oz.. 1000 C-oz., 1000 8 oz.,600 llf-Oet. ,:aki it Vt., tw It U..i " V UEOunds Copper Tucks (.'O Int h, Tu ti t inch. &0 7,-int b ,'u 1- liich) ; nt in pie required. SOOpiipera (iirnp Tatks, J uud 4 iiuuces; sample re quired. 40bi'CN Tin '20 10 by 14, 20 14 by 20) i lainple ro- ouirtd. 6(0 Two burr; VTMps, plaited; sample required. lOtOltlat-ksnuke Whips, all lenilier, lull auu aud we-Mit, miuplf retiulrrd. 200 poui.es Chreme Urvcn, In oil, 3 aud 6-lb. cans ; sample lequtrid. M00 j ou i, us White Lead, 2ft, W,and 100-lb. kegs; satnplt required, t'r() p u:.ii Dry White Lead, In 10-lb. papers; kample ii qulud. 10 keKi l'utty. b pt'iiiula 1 umlee Stmic, ground. 2-0peumts SpbUlKh Whiting, dry, In 10-lb. p-.pers ; saiu p.e reiiitrt-d, M.Opouioia h. d Lead, dry, In 2'lb. kvk'i; sample ru uuirt d. 7' btii re is hperm Oil; s km pie required, 'iii co Ctui(tilt do .111 do 1-nd Ud, i o tt do live (Hi, do ti do Miibeeo oil, do .100 pounds Anna Aiinnotuu. d do do do u uo Aht-aiuiiiia. 'AfO do Alunt. Ki do Arnica Flowers. Ik 0 do llaibadocs Aloe. It: burrt-ls Alculioi, fau.p.e requirfd. 2o0putu.db lUij.fc.x, 1j t,c a Wat ample required. 23 0 (to sH.uc hiobu. 6 barrtls Heiutite; sample required, f-'i uui da 1 oiroaive bublimat-. 4((0 Ou Caatile Soap; tarnp e rnquiret). ION ilj Cuppt-ra i aumwlu rtt'iuircd. lint to Cal.iuel. 10 harrbls IUxm k) Meal ; saiDplf require J. libpoiiutis Ground (imer; do du. 3 Larielh tilaub- r Ha . .'0i- puunda Lamp it n k ; vttmple re iuircd. ii.0 do tier uirlaiOiiitmeia. t firs Id ubtaiiK 1 ii uiit-ai. .'Kid pu uiida Hwit'i b'oirfts o( A'ltre. 'no do Itoaiu; aumple xt-gutieU. ;;u0 do biutpetre. huar v( Lead. Kiitplmte Ma:iieala. Hltuiifc-u; haiiiplu ic iulred. Siinj'lt! Curute. SulDhiir. nam nle required. 1:00 do 1(0 do 4i 0 do luo do 6 barrel jiii pounus i uriar Jtmetii'. 1 j hi da Adhtlve i'la-ier. 2 pounds KllK lor l.ltuturtiS. 4 doen Hall Fum-pH. do. Ahat.-eahulves,2 blade. 2 do. ' 8qtnu l.ttm sth. 4 do, Ko wtl lug eedlcs. 4 do, ttutoll do. 5 do. 1' leah do. S do. Straight do. 2 do, l.oini I'n.bca. 1 do. -SJdtu)aB,aa'CsUei. 1 do. Mra:lt Hclasoi. 2 do. Cork Bcrews. tl do. arnnuca, 1 oz., I. tt. I do. 'J roc ans. do, 'leuht-u.ums. a do. HrniK a. H o., 1. H. AUof the above deacrlbed te be of Uie bast quality, and subject to Ue iuaptfiUouoi aa tuspector apyoluwd on tUi part ot tUc tio urmiieht. i biddora will aiate price to Include boxea and delivery, both lu writing and names ; ttie ijuaiitiiy bid tor, and ttie time of deUveiy stated; and ao schedule priuva wui be rtctivad AJUamplei to be test to the Ooveruiuent waroliouse, Hanover alrts l wharf. All proposals moat be made out on printed blanks, which may be had on application at Ibis otllco, elberwisa liwf will be rejected. Ka b bid must he jrtiarenleed by two reeitonsibl persons, whose siguaiuies uiuat be awpanded ui the guarAiuee, an J cerHjud to as belli good aud saiHoleat in ui Uy tor Uie tuuouut Involved, by Uie lUmod Hu es Dlatrlet JuUe, Aitoriity,or Colltctwr, or otbur puuao omcer,oloerwiao the bid h Hi not be cunsiderod. 1 he riKhi la reserved to roiect aU bids deemed too high, .blda ItiudeiaultitiK oouiiacturs, and tboae that do not fvt y comply wtth th r4uirtthnt ol Uila adverusowant, will not be cual'lertd. By order ol CUunel Herman BIki, IT. S. A , Chief QuNnvnuaator, (it.OH(JK H. HUME, U tapuua and A. H-M. U. eKVt WOML. t ' C Illhr Vll'ABfKHM AST fli'S OFFIHB, Iibi-iiI er WAeniHurne. r A errTenviiW. II. t ., Jar ry 4, IK44. A 71 dealers ta lire, s. 11 rrt ware t.vnjfHT. I.eeth.r.t tntu.trir, llarte.s, and eeJdl.r v. are reta".led to to tills vf e, ee the MO .DAT of seek week, a e.aled , ar IHI, la drli'AU.ei ihe ertle'es levy are preps be fur ale h tetbi. depot at sbort nollce, wvk tk. prle eark teerkrdln p'ala llsare., se that, le rs..Hie-iiv.e-of Ike ..1. ire reoelre l .tke anlele or articles east be lalt ed vrllkonl d.lsy, at the bsw.et iirlee. tumors wlitiles le sell to this e.eet il ks reoaln fnmlh th. aet ennesuaily every Monday reornt.f II. B. UttfaRR, lrredJer-Oetieral aurl Chief gaart.rmasle 11-1 lietwtof Washlnfft VFICR Or ASSISTANT QUARTkUM V t.r- Mil IT4KT IHSTI.ICr Of rilll.ArisU.i l No.7'jTt MAUKJLT totraeu rtri-tutien li, 1' eiealed rmrtnsals will ha received at this olTlee aolt) ' . ef 1 Mil P kite V, 31-th iti.t., for UiO erect 1,1.1 anil dimple In the dliortest pnssirle time, of (11 A It I) 1IAKNAI neer the Krtiuvlktll Arirc.al, in seeorilnttce with plao. S).i eifl( etloiis new aMe titrreof Mr .lull N tli AU I k ,lr., arehlieel, Ho. 7oil Ronlh HI M il "treet. I 1'rripo.ele ntnst lie made epon ll e ntsular ftrrme, l( Iini) at iht lifrtre.anil must slate ilie ehortunltinii! teif' to rt inplete Ihe work The t'ntlnl Htnles r serves the rtrM fo rejeet all deetned IneoniaatliHe with Its interests. Ai.im.Kr h. Aativr.An U 2? -fit C.ptaln ruid A. 4. 1 .KUCK OF ASSISTANT QUAltTLUM ir.u, M 1 LIT ART TUfTl'lf T Of PlItf.AI'rT.miTA . , JSo. 7.1 MHKir HlltKRT, !ii-t'ininr'Ai. iwn. Pealed 1'mroaals will ha rereivnd at tl la me i fikf b ot RA i('KIAY, Derem'xT :il, W I, fir furnli ami aattt' v up rnn pl'te fur na at Kurt l itTHq t Tittv fl-0) ItiUN IH'NhH, two atory. 1 nanty ) sliiclft. Frfipo-atn rouct be me out upon tlic rtruUr Porm-f ftiKheU at (his nill'-e ; imi't atnip die pth e v?r oonnt the bunka aet op. ritmpate, mid the sli rttaC time In Ihev can h delivered. I fr.e I riled htatea reserroi tho light to reject all deemed obj''ctiotiablo. 1 r utrirT a tkitiurin 1? V4 t:it Captain and A.' H. V i til I. 0 MT A DTF1JVI A CTI.'D'O fir C T-i TJ V ) 1'Mit.Ai'Si rnu, hpcemb-T li, Im 1 I Praled Propaals will he n-rnvrd at tills otilee out' o f i' lkl on 1 III HhDAY, the .Mh inatant, for snpp. I, Uiv Hi litulklll Ariennl with the rllnHltiK ariiclos; , IJ aad 8 4 dark h ti Kerawr. annv st.iiidaid. ll li rata ( at s, army standard. Nif . lavnlrv lUiota. armv alatidanl. ( aiit Tis, t n rnrruKAted, army sUndarrl. Camp lliiirh' ta. army smiulard. Intatitry i'nima.i-uaipie'e, fuU alxe arm 7 stindaia. Ilulf Inch nftv hliia Hi iK I, .', annr standiud. hu'pender Huilniia, army atandard. Cant, en ( orka, nxuinu t), army standard. SO.Htfi htte oak Hoop t'oles to work 10 frnt Iftnf. 1 :!.. hlrkorv Ho'p I'olea. to work IU feat lonir. Ih.KK. lute oak Hoop Huki, to work 9 leer Ifinff. )7 (MO hickory Hoi p t'olra, to work t feet ion. 1 he Iioon I'oles to ho sound and porft at in ven Spfet, and to he driured rannthtr aa required. , iu ik-u ici't aiti eoneaapi w rute pine t'.u.trii. All the rut and wn-ukht Nails that may be reinlr tlie jar viz. : c ui waiia m, ii u, hq, vn, iua. Wrruvht Nails fd. hd. pamplea of which can be seen at this oflV. All the I'acklrt? Itoiea that may be reiivired for thn 4 iKtJj. Wambles of wnii'h can he a. t n at tlie Achu Arat: nal, and a pec 1(1 cations as to slzt, kind, sic. , raa a en at thla offlt e. All the tatiM)rT tBAt mar te reqniraa for mis and the fchuyiklU Arawnal, for tne ytar l.-uift, eonalsi of printed b anks ; cap, letr, not, nn I envehpe pup envelopes; peas; Ink, tc; spiiflcaUons of which vao ken at u is t nire. Samples of all the abort wtlcles of Stationery musN mpaPT the hlili. tUmoics of sach articles as are raqnlrsd to b of I'anoard ean bt am;n at this office. Eark hid mint be irnaranted hr two reanonsmie sona,whoae mnatarea moat be appended to the sna tee, and etrhfird lo, aa heinir food and suthVfaiit teat, for the amount liiTOlTtd. by some public functional. the Vrlted htntes. If ins from defitultlrreontraetors, and those tkat do ful-y comply utth tia rqurtmnu of Uua aUvenlaen Trill D(il oe conaioajreo. Itlank forms r proposals, amnraesnff uio terma 0. imarantm' required mt warn Ud. ena te had on appllei ai tide oiTee, nnd Done othera, whlrh do not embrace guarantee, will be considered; nor will any propma ronalfiered which does nut strictly ooforui lo Uie req menu therein stated. The bids win ataie ino nnmoer nr qnanuiy at kind of artleles proposed to he tiflirered. Hids xitatiHt he andnriea "rrupsis eur Army DlWs.' s tati i iK the paxilcular article hid tor. 1 lisriias a vr tunisl ii r. iv m n n ti tirvtrv, 13 32-7 1 Colonel Qaartertuftitcr s ucparunrt rFFICK COMMISRAHY OF SUBSI8TENC I: J ho.btto WALNt'I Street. l HiLAi'Et.PHTA, uocemoer t, i rVak'd Proposals. In duplicate, will he received at t ofrlee until 12o'clock M.. on TflL RHDAY, December 1 lh4. for aupplvlnif for tho ue of the United States An the following subsistence stores, delivered In tliiladelp' lz. . VK.W MK.SH. OK I'KIMK MKKK PO 1 (which to be stated ) out ol the pack of 1 in lull noopea oat uerrei1, wuh iron nit. boopa; full weight and thoroughly sattet have been leuarked within thirty days or of deliver?. To be delivered within twtj days from nwaid. loo.ooo roiiNirSFiKsr prAMTYBAOon Rnoi 1I(B. packed wl'hout ureasnre.lnilKmtie ol uiiiforui size. To be delivered within tw fn tn krd. :t(JO liARhl LH OF yP.MR OU EXTRA Ml Ilk KF (which to he atatedJ, In full hooped banela. with lnn master hoops. Beer new. full weight i0 ootimis), ami thorou sealed. To be delivered wllblu ten eUjst award. 150,000 T( (!M)fl EW WHITE BRVH, In Jw coopered barrels. To be Uoitvered within 8C,oooVoi;ni)i kirst puai.itt split v $t J IO ue pacaeo in wt'ii-etitqjwieu uuiuifl. delive red wllt ln inn da a. 00.000 I'LlfMUH FIRST .jnAMTY, LAR OHAINll), KlLH'DltlKli 1IOM1NT, In x coopered barrela, fully tit ad-titicd. To b llvered within twenty days in.niwi I'lii KhH hiutHi' oITaL.TY ADAMANT CANDLK.S, 12s. To be delivered within dava from award. O,0t)O PulINHA OOOI HARD BOAr. In pooni t IUI1 WeiKIH, -t-U IU BlT puusiu ar.r..., Iia niivurMt within ten dava from award. 30.000 roi NUR CI EAN, FINK. DRY SALT atronft, well-coopered barrels, lo be deli within ten dava from award. ,000 GALLONS FUKK CI UKK, WIUHKYorCj Vikl-'.uAli. in iirHiitf. wcll-coouered ba( To he delivered within ten days from da; award. Namnlea of all ihe above (irtlctes. excent meott , delivered with the i ropoaal.and referred to thereto? the pri'poaala muat not be enclosed with the sample, mm pits must ae in noxos or oouive, auu uw natrt'flii. The meats will be examined and pinned upon by Taylor, Inspector on the part ol the unceo mmes, Nenurarn oronoaa a. in ( fiDiiouie. niuai ou m-tuts i a. ..,.1 K,, n . b ...,Ukk.i. o.r tha vJ or any pan of each. i A pnnttd copy of this advertisement must be atta 1 m to each bid, a- d the profOaals must be speolho iu Divine wtth all Ita terms. Kach bid inuat have the written guarantee of two res slble ii aim s, for tue lultlinient af Uie ag. eement, vUv give bonds If rrqelrtd- Itlank forma tor proposnls, contalnlnft the form of antee. may be had on application at tbla ollioe. 'lhesehera' name, pi ace of buaineaa and date of i ! t cruise, bkiue ot content, vrosa, tare, and net wel-4 inuat Lo marked on every package, aud all oldu mu-t be ohlit rated. I lit in rr-a oi weights bv professional public weltft.eri M gl en wlu-nevtr renuin 0. bids tiom rarliee ho have failed to fulfil a for?, for. ; agreement 111 lie considered. HidB will include packaRea, and delivery at any thla city, to b dealk'liHted hy thir. olih-e ; and auy packages or cooperate will bo coisidctCd sutUcieut tor meet ion of contents. raymeni will be made in such fluids as maybe furnl by toe In I ted St.ites for the pnrpos', I'mposaia to le endorsed '4iopoaals for fiabila B tores aud OUecuU to lAAC B. WIGfllV 12 U-V29 Camaln andO V rFFlCK Or THB DEPOT' QUABTJ a .ST KB. Foa r LaAViNwrtRTn, KAiaAfl, November 10, t PKDI'OHAI.H Kill ARMV 1 Ka NrtPOR 1 Ai IO M J Veaied Frovosa.e will be roelved at htilh oftli-e ana clock 14. ou lie Mst (lav of lece:uber. ihtjl. Ffl Trnnapor'ailon ot Military hupplloa during the year la on the tuNowD rr ntea 1 Km ti No. 1.- From torts Leavenworth, Laramie, c( Uty,aiid ether debits that may be eatahiialied dar the at'iire ear on ite weit iaua or tne jjinttouri r? D rth of Fort Leavciivvortu, and south of latitude 41 creea north, to any pnu. orsiattrna that are or iW, taUbliBlted in thu I ec orlas of Nebraaaa, Iakoiab, 1.' at a Utah, souih oi " huuh 4tJere a north anJ eai loeiiiluae 114 ilt--At' w.st, and la the Territory of 1 radu rorth rf -ib-reea eonh Hiddera t- the ate per 100 ponitda per If "I at which ft 'U trauiport taid atorea la 04ch ninntliaft-uv 'Vru to BHpiombur, Uieluaiva, or un'Vf If. ,H Roe ti Ifo t From Wode Leavenworth aad Rll1? tl-e Mate of Kauai, at d town of Kansas, la th ti of lutoert, to aa p-'B't er aiaiious tbst ar or tsuf etublitkad ia the Staie of Kaiiau. or la the Terr wij (ilerado, fat-th o( latitu'e 40 d""eea n-rtli, draf upplitsaom Fn I.aaiiwrtk, and to Port Unioa , at ., m oibar tltpel tsal tna) be deaiuaated lo thai I riU-rj .to-Foii (..ailaiid hhC to any oitirr point fir pe on the rdte. liiddera to state ih rate per 100 pot yer 100 nd s at which the? transport said a tare enrb cl Uie mwiiLba Jieiu prU to Hsp.wiabei, lacluaiv th- ytar irG-. 4 K' Lia No I From 1 Oft rnlon.er n?h nthar da mar betatab l-hed In the i erritory of klfilro.to pt ats r stations that are or laay ha esiabhabed In) Yvnltory. and to Mich posts fr siatioas an may be 44 nated In the ienisory ofAriiona td Hialouf Tuxas irsa ofltnrunde 100 decrees wast, bidders to stafe t. per UO pounds per loo miles at wtil a they wlU tram. said storta In sack of the mouth from Juue to tfuTam f ief ItieiVi. of the vear l(ei&. I The wolKBt to be traanp irted eafb vearwin not 100,000 jMiuyda on Kvute No. 1 ; L") C-M0t poo a a I koo'e No.2; and fi .000 ,000 pounda on Knute Mo. X Ho adtnuoaal percentage win m paia ior me u-aaaaet tlenof bacon, baia breao, paie lumber, sain. ae, or Ridden should plve their aamM ha fall, as well as v place of reeiaenee, and each proposal siioutd be aco, , Kid bv a bond la the sain of lea uiousaud dollars, ait i,. imaAmnra r annnsltilti uerhuns. uu arante-fln thai 1 eaie a contract Is awarded for the roate mentioned lit ll proposal to tbe parties prMtlua, the contract wti be i e4Sfa aaa euierru mw, aim i i mum aunit. ! aisked by aald pai-Uea, sa acedaace w.Mi the Uruw advt-rtiasment ...... - i Tb amount of bonds roqnlred will b aa roaows1--N (o Moute no. i .ti"" Oa ftoate Bo. a On katata kio.l. W,OaJ Batiafactoty evidence of the loyal y aad solr-v feachbitdaraad paMoa offered as secant win b " 'Vr poaals suest he aadoreod "Prooosala tor Array Trai '( aoriailoa knj Koate ns-h or a. aa and none will be eutertaiaed aaleea they fully out! n aU Use leenwentoaui of th a advenueuattat. .Mt.. i. k.. akasrria uret mtvdfl meat be arparoi oaeeaieeentraciaatonee.aad t sire tae raqttired ..ii...i a Ik lAiaa. m",.T'"'M' H T r.J. .leot to ue auaroval et t Quartermastw Ue.eraJ. bal the rlkUt i reamuol l 11 aa v ar all kids that sear ke arTereet. Ui ceiir.ra su.et be t, ieue,. serrW. bv tte at' tmw a A.rll lsa aad thv will be roualred to "t tnlXiKtSL ' rVtt.vt.h.ll it ton Ut. mot'h Zti I loto. aad Uieete teal laay be stWU4. 1 ai vtKt thai aear ir ee..-..i..v vriw r" iaer W ttkrt-m-f O-enU . .. u u. rt.mA u,S A. U. M.. H. A J TTOa BAL.-TO rSlHTSRS. IMf I ilue, kite iit,sa tsart raw eeae. ut; a.. V i i I i