K Bf . tami aaa wa-A TIIK DAILY KVKNIXO TELEGItAiiU.--JIILA1)KLI,1IIA: JUAV, DECHMMW 97 5 i J i Yci H full I I (Situing telegraph Tr'lAY, PKCrlMIlF.R 17. IMl. cmrr or tJr bew york feesb LwifllnR Kil1torlf.M frVm the Xpw Tors Pnptrn Tltln Moiv,," tiik Hoi rinttHirKu vi) im;:s. ? Ot ru ral Thonifi" fa:r'T anr! cii i1It tlivl.lca thj i hnnori in tlie Sontiiaeit with (icncr.il .Virrinait. ' Every d.ijr aiit! ci tho rmuiillu Jt of rininiv.' victory iu Tctint . c, c i.Ih, itiif at utic mi.- no of tlie nn'ii(M hi inn i "iirj aim ievc.l In Ipi it cf NmpuvIIIc o'i i !c- lirHt ttirca il.ij s (if luttle, an I ntldira: :o lie ci" I. ti it j nrnl Impm nine 9 of llie triumi li liy tin' v .," mi. I miitx of tin.- p.irviit. It id twelve i'iivi h. tint morning unco lie." I Mile ion:n tc i ! L tlie 'twit n 1 1 1 i r of our force tiin the Co fciler:ite in iny, li i o'i .1 j!f. fDaviBaiiclOenir.il llniil tin I In I the ail la. ity nd If oliviren to ni.u ' ti into M: hi'.; 1 1 liK'-iSji' nil up to tUc -'h it ' I it e Mate. From our lct rv of the first duv on t!ic II 'VI . left from the mmhiiI liny" vlct i.ry "at nil jKiiiits" fiuni I tic third diij'n vii lory which sent the. eiii li;y ic: licj oud I'r.iiikliu nnn.inl til roach t! i. li ih i .'. i. rMiit u hi. It liicinmi .Nuti- ? liny 1 1 lust v i i k a'.. i Ini'iM till the week's i'li-c, 1iaviii! lloi.il in (I h s re. k d' an nrniv upon the . Minth hide ol li: i I. i iv 1 1 t in r lm c ' i.ave ci. I'Vcd ' Huei i si. t to. -ir. i ! ... r- ai..l hnl i..u its ul ic. n tnif ' ('I'lnorstiKti il liv th. l i in rise c,i.Mir- n "t prii in itoHt.d ui'.i.hiv uhiih iiitvu I. ten inlui.i.ly u .il tiTiiitl. Ul.y clit i.i I d in our miliums. 11 Oi d urn y i rrttiily etl-'rc I il more) f rt ni.'ete in (I tct ui' rout tiuin li ih ever lMta.len - pay licl-cl utriiy m lie: a ho e. cunrie ot ttio war. M e inive itail ii' iimcu' i.t nil (ipriiactiinir or r M- lei toil Wire tint the eviit.Tl (.if it ill IllOM. nmlirii l, Mi l i.tl.or i n . u ' it ii lo proofs, acin uly in our poi- .smuii, Vi'e niik'ltl tiu diHaon.'d to itiitiit Iheie liuil liei n enc rmion, or tlmt our K'iner.U find joiirimllitic re;, if .ijr. weie dli.'juiiiiu t ho lum re. TbOM" wlio would like tho ptirsait to h ,. fa-ler tlmn it if, niiiNt reinoiiihcr tlifit it i mhl vintcr in Middle iininMCO an f& us her:, and iimt rt ineniliei' the trtiu mi.-u-. o.ili.iuiiies tanl i-ai-rout d a iir nit in Mich wi ih. r m linn prevailed fir the IBM 1 1 iv I ti i f; 1 1 1 there we I n heie n nv and rH.ii ov. ilie.-ij, wnlie iiihUt Iool the r'nl waie now flippt n wall ice and now oliipoiy ii'h mire. I'nler mi. h cucnm-i-UKc". we t link a pmaiiit of over f irtv tnile in the tirt six d iy of Jat wci'k, tbion'ii sir h a coutitry a tictwtvn IJaxli vil ic mid Dm k iiv.t, nits mhiic'Diiil; ux'ra oniit'.my, aid ehow.d to a dcinniitrn .a the plindiil Him of lien, r ilThonm.' vetoran army. Wiih Geiiur.il Sherman carry mn inn rn iimct over the hn;.tli anil iir'.ultli of the Mt.nn of Oeorifla, nnd Octioial 1'honm driving to u' tor rout mill dc-truction the only grout army whi li tbe Ilcticlf i'mi i u1. ol Virginia, we nmy well c'os-o the rlinit-r of tho year, and look for llie total extinction of tho Soathorii Cm fodtracy and lm nrmi' litilorc many moiu'is of anotlier shall luve been couuted oa tho calendar. TIIK TRII fll'll r TIIK TKI III. Frm Tribune. At a year which w-ill always be memorable in our annuls draws toward its cloxe. the ureal prin ciple! which underlie tho prenent contest are not onlj more heartily rcnognUcd by uttrselTos, but more accurately couipnlictitlcd l y other nations. In public, just as in private nlfurs, the com monest imputation Is that of a narrow and hnngry seithhnciti whi.:h, even when it is nu.lo- lerved, the practic.il pre.-surc of cvcnti leaves for ainie nnreluttd. This is the misfortune of I Koat human actions which have other than pal- W cable and temporary motives j and to this, In F part, must be attributed the ready distortion of V Amprli'nn iiassiims and DurDOSCs which hsa I marked foreign criticism of our conduct. i' To the aristocrat we seemed to promise too 0' ' mocb. to the Democrats too little; and thus , between the apprehension of tho ono and the r h tasty ttisnppreheusion of the other, wu were v. i.i,i,i niiiiB for our sina of comtuisslon and omimion, and while wo exasperated our enemies we failed to taiL-fy our friends. It was early forcBctn by all who cared at all for our natioaal conlstcrjcy, that unlets we wanted a war ai pur poatdeas aim as Inconclusive as the faction tight ol an Irish lair, we must not shrink, from the op poituidtv, iairly thrust upon n-, of t iking the devil of iluinau H av ry rv the throatand strang im it in ihe irr.a' iov of the Rood uud just of all nations. Ihe argument ugumat us, whether it tkmc from eager toes or disappointed allies, that' we sought only Hie .tlriliu nn, wouiu imiw:u painfully conclu tvo, n ti uau oniy uecu vino. Tin. llrut black heed bv tho war was; its living, T,,iw,ii, rt and final retuution; and now, wmi our policy solemnly declared, we hare a riglr 1 1 ask for sympathy tioni all who profess to lieiieve in linman niKneii, ai ion from Iho shackl a of VI. ,...,. ,r nf lureililsrv arstO'iatV. There rluli t twtl acres r umm Imakard or.ln M.ui klngciolt or Ot "treu''"y "L.i.l lTv Miiana counlj. W..t Virginia. Thau lau.lt liav. bn waa a lime when our di duration wou'd have kmueht iib ro sircnuth : but kings and ca'iineta can no longer alloid io disregard thcdaino Tn ical ttudiucie- of tho age. auo slowly but auroly tho phantoms of an outworn feudali-m are fading in the litht of a new morning. The century wdl tint ai.ama its incalculable material progress by any adherence to obsoielo and clumsy soeial ioi UIS. it in wonderful fo notice wl h how due a sym tiatiiv the nroclantatiou of the l'reaidoiU h Iwcn received, even in JiTiglaud. It m ly not change the views of aiisiocruts and tra lcro. hut at Uast it has closed their clamorous uiouihi; whila unon the great masses, tbe workers, Iho nr.iiicnra. tnn s'riiiriilers toward a hizher s.wi il position, ILe eircct has been almost electrical. Our british friends now oocuar a vantage ground trom which they may defy misicpro aetiUtion and abiis..-. We no longer usk for ourbelvea a freed in which wo deny to others j wo no longer proroo ridicule tiy Coiittun il in consistency t we no longer atand up for a giant arn.ni! in deliaiice of the fiinda:uental principles o( our bov.riju.cni ; we no longer seek for juict ti an ainuieai euce in iniouity we no longer dream of clinging to a political systm ridiculoua by Inevitable coniradicdons we have outgrown the folliea of our pouu- a' childhood, and we have suriioil the rlubt to adore l'rcedoiu by the stern est repudiation i f Slavery which waa in our power. An attliti' e like thia extorts tbe gratitude and the good wishes of all seekers lor a nobler Kivillxation. wherever they mar lie laboring in b.hulf of maukmd. Ve are no longer Drilling ...orlv i.nriiwii La tie. We are eug.g d iu no pet; y and teltish warfare. Ours ii me cuu.eof 1116 WI1U1C UUUiau luw, auu uun m.t uu ,M fc. ..- Ko when, unon tuis happy ew lo.r stone the generons and asj'ng can aincerely send to us acrosa the sea the n omo gift of their good wishes when tho E iuiJ "puoplu" hold out their Inn, Hs. hardened bvt ui.- and bid us Uod apeed wiih an houst vmeitltm'icn all that is left ot democratic sciitimei t m t'r mco is v. ith us a.l,..n ihi i. hear ted and great-minded Cierin iut calls us to be of good cheer, it it a blessing of Ood that we can Bend tiaca to tin in woras oi uojie and eucoarageiueiit, uud hid them mark lb.it the tight la p. lug bravely on, aud that weure Becking no doubtful, no di honorable victory ! If we can .' Van eoniTiinr. we ci iiuucr lor the con' inout. We aave it, lor a long ae, perhaps, fr uu the palsying embrace of a fruain ubaolutism we keep U u ihe refuse of the onurcased and the defrauded hordes of Europe we hold It as the practical deinonirtion of man's possible happiness wo consecrate It as un ark of safety, In which his ehancis of a higher destiny shall ba preserved. Thia may be sneered at as a dulusiou and acotlcd ut as an imbecility. We do not pause to dispute with disbelievers, real or pretc.uile.1. We Ukc the love of liberty for grunttJ, and we deduce fiotu it tho rlfibt. We seek tho establish ment of a Kcpublic us perfect in construction as it ia pure in thef.rv, and to all who ridicule our cutuuaia-ui, wu have but one stem answer. At least the experiuifut should be tried tried fairly and thoroughly, with no adulterating mixture oi contradictory thcoriea and perhips fatal aduiH aious tried as it ha. never bafoie been tried siu'.'U the Lot d created the world. Wo have been charged, aa a people, with too i acnaitive a regard for tho good opinion of other nations. This war, ir it has tuiight us nothing olse, lias at least shown to ua the relative value ol the complaisance, which ia cxtwled by feir, and the hearty good will which springs from community of opinion. With the return of peare, and the renewed consolidation of our atceiiglh, we shall assume a aomowhat ditt'ercut position, lor we may say wmiuut tmuyaucu, uj, with simple truth, that we have beeu tried iu the balance, and buve not been found wanting. We ahull contribute an lnvaluablo chapter to history the record of a civil war undertaken by demo cracy in defense of democracy, and of a victory consistent with itse'f, and unstained by fatal excesses. This loss n tho world has long neadcj ; nd i Ins lesson, by the grace of Uod, il shall now havt ! YOUNQ MEN'S SUITS, FOURTH EDITION SHIRMANTHOMAS BUTLER. Tho Movement on Augustaand Charleston. OPEPAT10KS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Tho Pursuit of Hcoil to tho TV nucc-ioc. Ktev Wahiiimiiici, I)i ri mtier L'7 Nc( ro'eiTod J i re lhi lm ii ire, at ihe W ar and N ivv I)";i"t- iiii.ts, ft. in Wiln ii i-t. n, frivo'a'.lc. l'hc Sc -rotary of the Navy ays that the rnc li ion will nc.'i inpli-li all that h expceii'.l of I: natno'y, the Kilnc on i f l'oi t ('..' c!l an I l'.s'ni r, tlim hi in.ciicaliy M alii.g this grcn' I! ! I , ,rr 71 it. (ietiiial .sliertiiitii hm, in a eordaiu o with M !fs ati'h to the .Si en tury of War, n- en led the Siivat'nah river for the un'o e .. t vk;u ; A i:;iist:, (he most lin oi-nnt Laiicr'al point nc 'eft in the S..uth, nnd swlfgiis i'o'Mi on Ch ir'e-! m, de Mp'Ving all its iai!io..d .ciimniunie ui ins by ttici wnv. (leiernl Thoion hs rnif)i; Ho I t ) a tnd mi the T iiiin s eo t iver, renilcre 1 i;nins.i')lc by hca v Hoods. Hund is will. out t.rlillcrv or pnn'oon ti.tins. ?t n I. nl ftrw lrm Arinyniirl ttvjr. W"AsiitMnov, D.ceinher ?7. The Navy Pi parttnent has no Into intelligence from J'oiUr's licet, nor bad tvw been rcci Ivcd by tho ( iovetniiiciit up to 2 o'clo k to-day of army or naMil opi rations in any qmuter. II1 HHry. W 'ash im;i on, Dcccn.b r '.'7 AleNander 0 iw t.lmndh r, of thu I'iusia:t l.eition, died hero to lay. lHrdikii t I'onvlef. Ntw Yohk, Deetmbcr J7. PiiiCijini, who murdered Pollcrmin Anderson s.verjl ycarJ slncr, hnl been pai doi.ed. Kf-XI Thu Frrnrli MlMMlon. Nlaf YoltK, 1,'ecember 27. Tho Contmrn htft special Washington ill patch, a lys I'eibcnJou is a caDdidate for the French Mi.-sion. 'J'lIK CiUKKNi: COUNTY OIL COMPANY. Iuctvporatcd UllJtr the general liming LtW of th'.1 8ttte of PenusyWania. CAl'lTAIi BIOCK tt?.IM0, Divided into 1),0()0 Shares, far Value S0'J .'OOtlSHAIIEH l'.K8i:RVEI KOR WOHKINII CAPITiL T'IU.IM B. HOOD, President, ho. .1. Hlxth Blrtet. WILLIAM B. ritlCK, Treasurer, No. ua Walaut fllrout. JAMES D. CAMTCtLL, Swretwry Hn. JIO 8. Hlxlh Htreel. UluroTORJ). WILUAM II. nOOO, No. H a. fix HtniPt. nil MAS -'. t.OVB, ?o. 1I9 Chiuinat IMrMt. WILLIAM . mil'H, No. 61 Wlanl atrmt. KOIlBBT . CHUN, Ko. lt CoaUi. airMt. WILLIAM L. kllJiIMS, SccuBil auil CllWBUl auaotl Ttis Cimipsur hold sliout fve hnoil roil sad HftMu aims ot Isnil ail nf whlrli, wlia th erptlu ol IweWa acosi, ti uusi4l oa ih Duiikaro, w nueiy.itiii inn-.iiiio orrniKS, ana on rroi run, in liiuono ouunir, l'oiini;lvslit. Ta tt a. lad rrnm IBS oett Hiea.joiia, in ma won anownou uitvritt orilraeufl ooBiiiy. with a viww to llitlr value aa oh imaieriy. ( ull una half of iha Uva uuadred and flf- 1u.ll uerra are l.ll lb iivihb ta uo uidi iai.uaun.u w th bortna of a lar:e mimt or Ol we It, umn tNo fnar oil- tMioLCH'K ttiaaiukof llrvana oauntv and (Be louat have wu ottalne4 Lpoa Ilia mutt lavuralile Itrna fur Uia (.Siul pav. ltidniK inn vua-elalith of ILe oil at royally in iu iiwn'urt, &out lu a tlnals lUllauuo, wliera uue-fourot It rtrvia. OX TEN-MILE CKKKK Tha t'i'arp iiij own a traot t( land oontalulan alcht or In l.a ttiup a A No. a luniir lui twt ntv jrt-art of foi lv iwri oi ihv'nlam Hi ntoa (ai iu, jlldmn a roya t ona- alghin of oil to me ic-oaor. ON DUNKARD CHKKK, A laaia for twentf on yaara oflw of itva ealo- iriiU i t.ljit JiapK rttrm, WIIH a iroui m onr aaiurtta ai. i tl ft anl i Ui Lmukani rrt'i. yiemnx oiia-roarm ui tl'- ill to tb lenaora. It i upon tnu farm tiiatt tlie niie auir r lt ot tiretjut' cimm.T ua ova mum i irvo air,"i iiuttniltj, and tlie ;irt tli tv th. C' j-injinyli altnaiad nvni ipn"it t xut rionjr WH . Ad'rrlt-fc hai bou inii d.tind the holing nv B tat pit ranf 'and oomaMaead. Atat a 1 hho ol twatTO ntroa of Iho Solomon Huvrvr a Karni.ou l;uliaidro.'fc, In Aloniiii( c iiul.fil Vur lyimn , for Iwi-t tv ytari, j ralfliii mio-eialuli of U.e M Io Liue reoioia 'lbli la ballcvad to ba a good oil .jiBv-f. ON WJinELY CREEK. Tiia r'ntuniiNf ha a two of Ihe moat pron Itlair of iha unilfvciotd traa of laud in tircena t miniy Ono of tlicui U a'rou oav hnudrtd and i waif acrva of tho llanr 1 ai tA i arm, on buih anU'a oi tna erfk, nntltr a lna for ttt-ntT-flTt vtari, yle.dli? oiik'-elrttK uf tin U to the fctjMja. ArrauK'niantai liava aln a-lj tia inttia for m lu.mt dlatc dvrUVoi'iit of tu Una- ai1 i he other oi itini U ihh nar aari of the Cork ly ilairnnl Farm, umlor a lae Ur iwivity five .ar; alao j leltitb.- oiliilt of Ut od :o Ilio tciioi . ON F1108TY RUM. A It-iao tertwentT five yoare of tha AlHiar Uorrli Tunn of ahotit two Biiiiiror1 a.Ti, ettuattii on Ivah o yrii) Rnp.ii tr ilia Henry LauU t urn, yiaidlim utia aiatiih ol th oil 10 Ui libwir. A mo, a lease t r ivvt-uty five yuan of the niuofuurt Fmru oa Frtiety Hon, onialMiiK oi hundred uud luaty art-, kiOiiiR ot a-tLin of thu oil o Uia leiir. IbaodiirKw uf oal tool wood ruijr bv had to tho luin-'-JU'e via-ljiit? tt tl' landa at a vary u.all eoait; aud wiih Bti st ci a IftuM IU Cwiupany Uai oval leT wiiu Hf addlitfnal epne. Twenty ilioUftk.d eharaa only of the Block nf tMIVm pany aie off. rd foi il l at the low iim ot ONK D H.LMl ler iharo, atduiay to had upon ahcathA to Ui ber,iatj,al Mo 240 E. SIXTH SI KELT, tttwteu 1 O'clock A. II. ar.d I oclota P. 11. Or from any of the Director!. "yyAPBISGTOH AND WALNUT 3ZXD OlX-t COJll'AN V. CAT1TAL 00,000. 100,1 00 tllAUUS W lark. linLMsnnUua rriea iT. 10,100 Skarta lleatrviU aa Workiug Capital. Offre, No 314 MARKET Et , PhiL.delpfcia. Vo. 1. A wfH OR Crook, aow puBH'lui IS barrtU ft dnr. And asBrphtaiK' No. . A w. ob Ol Prtol. now ortir flfX) rvM don, w lat stow of all. tI mil it tha Cora I'ianwr Wo, ml ia bow iobuiBii,' i tiarralt of (41 oar dy. JHo. a. A wB ua ml UiauA, eM fpai dobp, now raadr lor tKtitof, wlai taiaudid akvw of tal i mj orotuaot of f- A Jto. "tl'o 'aa'ifwl InMatt tn a traot of a oaxidrod aavaa t,B ui AlbBta rlv.r; ait wBt. mow oaoiplaw an bar ralt of oil oardaf : Uiroo Btora wlt bow a-'asa dowa wall aaar a BlU tl Mtar fr. ad food korla lacrkor;. Mo. a. Baa aaja at iidaowta.aaa iaa I tnnatatM Wua, wk'.tB Bio aow oaialia .III Uarrall oaf UJ. ( t.a at. a. k M ki Waktat batid. on ttia Alte. oarrrttar; utiauaditla ytarroiHiaitii: tUt r"9Tt araiaaa krodaa af waaa. I Bit Uaol WIU b. dovaM,sd rtwlda. B. 'I u- - ait aaw Betiig loativod, aad a laig. aoa tlouof t auiak abead latou. 'Jut ptu.paauit aad a wUwriaBMofi can bo rlca.nad at laa OlCot of tt. CiOBliMUt, at at Ho.M klAKkltl .tlM. VERY LOW PRICES, JJATICSAL OIL BETtTJING 03KPA!fT, or raii.AiHELriiiA. Capital $200,000. 20,000 Shares. $10 Tar. raasiDRNT. WAT. SOU Ms LOAN. MAN4HIU. WTOO J HuitH BTWVUHHOK tin Miaj.i: Hj'Tcn, J rim j i.Atft'Ka, r. BLMULLasa. I Jivks i. iakkiha, AUiii k tir.k r iik.h. TKRnf TH'lMAS J. UNCAfirfB. ai t nHTAiiT. Mkll lit O. aTRVKNI O. T)i' riMrl li Sj.m.a nr-'O a nhtlaaClal anil k.-M-nmla l.o.n ctt bun, and ..flcr. trtlr tntaonttttii and ni-M rBnl'. ..ovnty tor inve.iiiKnt ll.sn tavotiitr no o ft ro IB blitle aub-rr-i nan si,, in Stliy rut.nl, ieil a la. IP (.Klein n tl.p .Oh k o nh-p.Br tivt ll.awr imt III ll.p piM-prlr ipb hp Pttnntip.1. and aa Inriit Ristl ... ill tnljio.1 at Uieollioo( tuu CaMiljiuij , )iu IWJ i. BUljO.IO HlrptL J AH. II. HTKVKNSOrV. UKNIIIIAL A'JVHf. 'lltKASl KY DrU'AUrMKNT, DECKHIiKR J It. is. I. Hpiipa It Saieby RlTPtl nf Be rtut.1in.si1 of (tiki I")HHt. irtsl U ip.'piin in erv.pn'ai'l.n. I. rina I In lawil ipspi , er 1 cjn. tl.Ki in t" e-.. p ni a jili im.d hy a. U I un p I em Tipspoit Hops tswarltnt inltrpat at . ra p .4 tea at A lute ton ftt esir aen't'n, utnpd in nr rirs-Jaiyi; ls.. Inttr.ti w.ti oms tn tD turh rr.aa a-? n , a ( ap Drpp.rtp.l, af p- lsrp. tvtilbi f.nm out l. It. at w l uh lliao, suidpi U.p ttw, is., rv-ei f ,xuvar B.ll itivtt. W. Y. MiSC.Nip;H. B4,pn b.ry tba I'rpaaorr. bVR'EON ! !' N K II tVS OPFICB, W ASMIH.. ('If- Il r., .N.,v. i,it.r l-i. t'.l. l inii T. -y ll. sl nrl cp.i of ii it ' ( ttian tti tcirC tTie. . wi .. lii.v. I i i ti Si. i arvi tVi.-ii rf! ana arsap le n ... i p ,., ain,pa. km si k. ; I . )N k' ti' Asisr.sr . IMlM'.Sh Ir O-i B 'ut. d Btiai t Ann ti'iriilnip lew (.("S.ye.1 at VT ti.l n. I.n . ai" ll.t.al la I twrd t II. ir ' i.;SiOorip, tpt-t'na.n alt. un I t vi.ipik- Y of Itrvtcv, to I ilia hmri'ii tteupt il. wnl.oal ileiay j. w. MAasm. auttsnti-i.m.'rl. II. s. 1KW 7-30 LOIS. 8iitMci-liHvp raoi'rirod. a4 tltm Tl.'tP rn.ltbod trtt ol a. I ouao at. s.y unoKiib j. Bovn, Stit.tf. Hi aj tht, Ho. 18 a. Tlt.ai) StrcPt. JJDI.IDAV I'KKSKNTS I 113 PRICE & WOOD. 113 TVt.rfti IwlNTII. novo Art r, Iibvp Jatt nppDod aevrral On lots of Utvful ArlMes si men: for holiday rRi:siii r.s IlAnddiiniP Kuibrotili'rrd Mrtinlktrt'hiet'i, All Unrn. Kntlir, itlt i?tl lliirnlkiri'tr:'i, .r.o, t.'i, y; cent an j f 1 ')), l.ntllrt' itul Oi-iitf' Himitiichoi n ttrrtilfts. 1 Utiles' aixl (iciiitj' iJeu.Niiu lioj liinl. jrotii "fr, al-fcfl ljitlirV 1114 k I.onUir II niMil. h. J 1 1 i .1 k rchi : r . ti uu' ilriiutii ii llftii.lkumiijri'n.C ilnrpj llurildr.alllln -n (nt' if(l HtirOr llniU.lk.Mciiiof., all Hucu, V', i. arj 74V cMit. Jnianta' llan(Ini't1 Worked Itudlt s. Kauilnoma Worke.1 ttti. aUlfaM.' Ilramtltchfcl B amlkvrciVefi, V'fi. anrl 17'a'. I,rult4 and f taut' Lmvn Cambric 11 juilktrt.aii(), til t ta ior; lowf itirarkrt prtrpi. (.ntn'hftinlsoiiip .likPtK-ketBjindke'-chi.ifi.yanl 9i'H,o, Mandic me Uroohe HLard, trom !r up to -00. Be at 1 hreait nni Mat l.tv-n OfuJari. A tarn Mttirtran.l of llai:W La:a VoH. A larfyje amortmaal of PortouiomiatM. l.Arjca' MrriccO H trht-ll. Haitdiume ButTalo Hnlr IUtuhni. pUln anil IiiU.1 bivoki. I ailo fancy Itara Combs, UenU Neck-tli and Hutinderi. A Unte a&surtmoiit of I.adiw and Oauta UOYoa. Gata Kid-lined UltiTM. livnt quality Ameilcan Icla'nai and i'hlnto. Itlt-actied and Unbleached Mualiui. All-wool Oomet Klanuelo. llja j 8uaVar t'lanueU. ft-4 ISltltting Klitinell. HWarhcd and I'nblcaehed Canton Manool', Ac. Woollen lloodi, houtKi. and Mra'ta. A 1hth Msortiuoiit of Kami Boapi, Poma, aJ Dxtracla. tilahtliioomluti Cen-iu Extract, ft naw odor. PRICE & WOOD, IV o. IV. IN I NTtlHtrc. QWKN KVANS & CO., No. 45 N. IIGHTH STREET, OCIOD8 AT THE KKDUCED rilICF,S! Votwltliitinilliiii Uai nic'einmt wentlier, and bad wnlk li i, Ladltt do turn uiit to buy our C'aeait iioud, and tlio uouioiiucute is Vic Hineadrrut Hint fur Cbwp Coods!! WJ-: AHK HULLING Oi l' AT KAKl.AINS All our Winter Stock, aud you can Huy Clieaiil ICO piPePt lira riaid Di-nn lloo4f, li per cout. btlow Uieir coat to import. lot) ptiizr l't)iliui and Emprtti Clnttit, black and all colon, allcl thuin 'U ptr ctut b-tow thitlr wholataloprlcaa. live pltoaa of Pre.-! Ooodt, lu pr coot, below tbelr valua. Moilnuri, tin, f 1 , and al'Uo, Lupin t uinke, treat reducta-a. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. BniETING AD CLOA-INa CLOTHS. Uhlrtii if ClotliM, $1, 1 M), to .. ai! wool, doable and fell)-to width, clpalDg cut at lowralea. ) etu's and Uo' hat I note and Cai.lmeree, 8c., $1. 91 i.r, to f'2-OO; c loil oi, out very ch.-ap. C'rtiithlla Hoavert, double-width, for Uiiieji' Cloaka and iloya' Overcoati. Double ld CMM, 1 li. i, tu $ I 00, bargain.. BALM0KAL8. BHIETINa LINEN3. loui Wool Ualinornlj, J in ii H 71), rudu ad. t Ob niackand l.lle llaliuoral!, tl 74 to i- OO.cticap. UAilcoa ai.liilnk l.tnani,l.laa.,7a.tal'V0;loiv. JvEl'tP VOL'll 11AND3 WARM. Lao it.' Merino tili vei. 1 V. M. arid J--- reat loti. U.nii Altiluodlu'.aa, ls,,and , eiult. a baraaju. LaCit.' ud Opuii' i Mb Uluvaa.laaib-llai;! Huk Olovci all al l ulni-ot low prlcat, tult to it II tLeol. KldOli.Ttt, 1'7 to MOO. Htary pair Buaranwrdout to trar; If tb do, sioil pair lvu wllb. ul uny u'i K-tun,!, Party Kid (ilovot, iBoap. Lailltt Aud Oenla' Vt'uit Kid Olc vc. MUSLINS, FLANNELS, CALICUES. Aii.wnui runii. l. DO ('.Bill, that ll"dl tell full. Nkaaar and Uutnst I'launell, ti, ot', 7i, to ii ; tli.it ll' kc.p you warm lint cold wtatbtr. Callcooa,'.', !, 37,'i, and Id contt , w kfp linodoui aliitllnl, uoboiljr tllet to stll tU'Ul at ! pile U.tu do. LKOCHE B1IAAVLS. LLANKLT SHAWLS. We tell lik I of thoMliuoill, liiciuir Wl loll inoip. All. VALUALiLK HOLIDAY l UEENTS. OWEN EVAS ii CO., CUKAP UAMMOTU hUt O00l HOU-IB, No. 45 N. EIGHTH BTEEET. r. B SiUiiiK 0 olitap, Ladlaa aud Clii'dran a IleB tlllchtd IlAi.iiktnlaift, JS, 01, to li ceuta; I'laln llBudkereLkft, Io, Ua, lv'i ' W cenu, warunhd all llnrn; I aalct' buotiful HcAif.,'.iCeull ; rorfuoivry.obtnpi Sinn Bcm ., 54 crati. OABSKLlililtllY'S, o. tl M. BIUBTII Strati. FINE CLOTHING, DRY C0Cdsj. QC0LS EDITABI U f33 E. M. KEEDLllo, rvt. itiji ciiM-Niir Htrjt orrai.a ton en.i A I.AUOK ASoitlMP.Mr OK LiBKN iiANiKi:ii(jniurH, la all ii'Ihum, for Christmas and 11 liltj Prc6it, AT VERT I OW I'Ut 'f.. Lidinf IIpBsjoieJ llilkts , all llufr. tot. and iif.t. krii'i do da da Mo do. l-rdrn' Uii do do tit. d. T run llanilierckli-rV. alt III! n.Mc. Bail upwards. Ijl't llRlalkco l.ip'r. t(i "1 K.lpSrsldriPa llandkpOlltlt. $1 la t'rt Mm t. Wi ut n t Hid Ol.ll.Tpn i lltn-lkpr -hl.-ft.all kin It and ia stleas vpry nctvu t "loir laa lint:.t ts..d tintlt. A .SO, i. v i'. hoods, ijMmu'ii":i;ii;, INC WJirai: aooiis op' t'nilaiilp 'ut lrpiPnti, at i7-i?t " vri. ' i ut rv IvIN'KS, P'sSKi'l, ,'UV I'ltrsKN IS - 13 1KY I. J 1 4, ( HI! Oil 'l.ttrt. Hibl Will 1-1 'lU-l4n, V . V. htu H.ns" r. N k. r-r l:i K i v ril ml M Uh K 1 Mrf' tH, ?tM fp'" IJ.'m mintin-,' li i In- lm 'r ft. a ' lt !.; in.""- I'l'-.-ta, w 'hlli i,'. u. to",-i' Ktlijr an I H'ir l'i t. -t. ' '. l.t l-l . i i' .r itjH to h.;V i. t :: ft i M' t.r.-1 U m ' Hii.-i-t. $ in- in ( I rrintmui i li'i tog, to I T ; Ii'1'tt.i I'f'wiiii. nl IV ; MiM'ii'fi yiti''t. Ut f.1-. liUf.kf.a. n I.. t; l itni jtlit lMfCov,.iiiIV m, ;i I iity. t i ri fit Kmmb'i'I r-i' .ri , f I v.'. tn , HhiritnK ', Siit i-ui's: MtHliii4 .- l ((' i'ii ami fs-i. v i .1--I1U.TH-, i' . It. II. . Vt ti'W itnl- ii. i r.ii s'n,i;tih i ' . . i t. :';nfi, t"ti Milrlat a. If I (,, f I -.4) : lodif ati1 i- Vn tvi-fi. :..f. Io 1 ; Nitin-. 'H.-..-. m. aXi.i-i tl - vi Hi nrM 'J'c. to ; lir.-M Umi iiw, id t-i .'it ; rti-vil Cninti, I'm',; SMit Unit, I 1.'-': It-r tr..nl ami (t aor ti.i CUiaKillUH. 1 Ml to l ,'pO. UritnwaxNs Hiul l tall N'Tc, H . K.o-H.trl i if, W; N 1 1 1 .ii ul M A ;IK f T M. eM 1121 si I4 4? W F0UBTH AND ARCH, uayb Br.ni'cnD sovc rtNi a ous rott inai HOLIDAYS, To favor tliu laiulablo piactlct of muUIn VALUABLE CIIEI3TMA8 GUTS. Green Baize, Broche Shawls, Skating Mufflers, Woollen Shawls. Clan Flaiils, Silks, Skating Skirts, Silk Foplius, rromenadof kirts, RepFoplins, Mourning Skirts, Morinoos. Skirting All Wool Flaida,. Sheppard's Plaid Skirts, ficc JOHN II. 8TORE3, No. 7H AUrif RTUKKT. itr.nrcTioM iv phiii.h oe iity uouui. A Hplm.lid Variety f r OOK1STMAS A NO N MV VKAKFf PItWHEH TH. roBumtlntr of Hti IT tloodj. French Merino a aud I opllnn. I.avttri Ming e and l nt)i Width Hlack ralnAY. Lopln'i KrlKtit Wo4 1 Plitlde. l.u pi a i Kdii Quality Kreiioh Merlnooa, tl iUny ttn.bod Wool I'oplliu, $1 M. t iny and f litlti HlyW Cotton and Wool DeUIn tiH yadN Calieoea, tVm ill '4 tn Wo. I'lalfl Hhawla .ai and Ooeirabh). Hem Mhaw.H for HimIio Child qu i Hhawla--l.'.nu aod Riaaro. l.adi('a',0nU', and OhtMron'l U avm. Laoioi' and Oan l.hten t'aiubno Lldtvfa. I.adlt-s' Hum St tchodUdUe. lattina' Miia lid ma. Ha m ral MJuru Large Aiaortmmit, Pktondid Connieritatii'4, fnm AiK'lion. MHiineie--wniic aim Kxtu rv.. (Inala 'ratih tuid Hiarv 1IU) yardi Aoieilean Crash, at IVS'e. If La-tli e will eainlive this stfx k ifmy will fln-l ip-ftfl armada at tho very lowest ancoi. Mo iroaiire to show tLoiu. Cea..d.x.uau..at JOII,n.,TnI. H 9 Ua Oa. Tua AUOlt nira-t. TJSEFUL GITTS TOE THE HOLIDAYS Cab ba tonal at J.COWl-EHTlIWAlT&CO.'ij CUKAP DltY GOODS STOKE, M. ki. oorntr of itlUn aud Alti'll Slreoli. riPht Do I.alitPt rpiliipcil t" ti i pntt. N Kirnt tale Ha I nine. l.,r :i7t cuult. lit at Cal.ciK't only .I7. rpiiu. I,.h:iI I'tlleopp for 111 ep.ilt. fnip Dn-ss (l.ioili ot all kinds al vpry low prlppa. Fii u. a .MiirlfliH't, .'Od iiualuy, reducod from if.M to ir.'ti. I itra flne Frsncb MPrinooi only t K1. inuli:e HidtD all wool flu l.aiuet, al'-i.. tad hnm!o w id b all (tool tie Lunu t lr.nu il'J . mitt tt.&rOj. I; 11. o quality lUniteu all w.h.I iu l.alua. luduocd to $.'lJ. t loured Aleriiioel only ai 'iu. FANCY PLAIDS IN GREAT VARIETY. A veiyctnap lot At 7! oellU I'ltlds Hum 76 eentii upward. 1 lot ukira lino I'laldt r.dui d frnta f f.' to fcs-.w. SHAWLS!!! 811 AWLS!!! Tllankn L..nj Kl.awli.batt .iimllty, ?I0 no. Pnst imp Ulankel luia sitaN for $'MiO. lluvini iuhI a.l.lcd an cU tulve Cloak Btld Hoop kllt Heparlnu iil Hi our Blurt, we aic now preputud 1 1 olltr mo bill Lluakii and Hlrl at prie. tli r ill .Kit' cjipulnioii. Wo lnvlta an nxjimlliBtK.il ot r co-p-ira-eu (ink Heal. Mi noor BKiaia. wl Uli are made ..f ..uf J i"..l ittol. bi ikma tliriii laora dniable limn any oth' r HLiri ie fit Mil rittn uitrkol. CLOAKS!!! CI.UAIvS!!! Clnaka, spUndld at v tea ; Cin ikliiu Clotbl of all kiildt. I I. nki iiiiiUe lu oid.'t. 1'lpHse mvo ut ac.ll. and lave moaoy by buying your LI'.lidA) unit at our H.otc. j. cowrEiiTiiwAtT k co., IS -Cm 8. E. snur MIM I U and Allillt Hit., rtilla : i'(ii"crn:-Mrt hihklt. E. M. MSEDLES J Jiully iieoclvlnii KOV BIT tit! IN LACEB, Will i K O'lOUS, fe.Ml.tKOiUd.'ltlii.H, IIANDICKKOHIP'H, fto., In evtrjr varltl au4 at BtHAM.B FOKO UltlSTMAS U01.1DAY riCEKi.N t'S. i 1014 CIIKSM.'T silhl.ET. 1SI51. """AVW- 1SG5. W1NCHE5TLS & CO., No. 7UO RTUKKT. lui iu Bltentlc.il to a choice lUt'i uf wi:ai i Kits, CAUKIAOt: BLAHKET8, CAKLI'JAN JACKE'i. f AI.IB AND I1EH, liKKAKIA8T JACKBI8. OLOVKS AND nASllKiBCDIMt f, PilOKISQ CAP8. ti l lot Witk a tiiptrior aiaortuient of other fjooii lultabloaa PEI8ENTS T0S GENTLEMEN, no nooi' skirts COQ VZO iuufAciory,Xo.n.i Alti'll dtrpet, VJ O AbotB MlKth Htroat, l'Ul.Adi l. 'ilA. MTholaaBle and ItetAll. TleBiont eomr lsia atortmpnlOI Ladlfi'. Mlm . ri.iltlr.ti t Hi., l Hk Ir la In tliaelly.ln aiary ritt flrtt natt.wliloh lor atii. iiuUh, duiaouity, Aad tbe .puvtt. bare bo a.,nal In th aiarkal. atut. uiao.toordM,a.i..-.d,Bd MUOVKla. .lEkK TOR 1 HK HOLIDAYS. - SILKY'S j rj.otil.'B aaanot ba :irAtaa)J. Bo. ill f"" kUAwt. Oida protiuylly alUadd to. REDUCED PRICES, CLOAKS, Le. (IJKAT KKIUrCTION IN TIIK At ivens & co:s, o. 21 8. NINTH flTlir.RT. tn ciiifii.iM r' .",' 'All In oll, ivv., A CO. hart r Ttirctl tlip-r prti pi fids L' t" ifr cpiii.. and htvp a iw UltlHUlKt And wpil !. I'd t ' of ('I..IAKS lull ahio nip tha prp.pnt and .omi'' iPtt.in wkl.-k liter ara dptprinN.rd tn tpil aliiriees nhip'i aAtinot fan to ta t the ITiri-i th. r. l.t d - Will tied It t-i lltelr a.: vinia n glra at B CAltlurp pureh.st.Bi eltewlieia. a"niptubar IVKNM CO' S 01.1 K.STAIII.IHUr.U fll.OAK rt)K, K XI S NINTIIttp'..OOTr.arol Jajna. li 7 It JJI-.1VHV l'AHKKH, l on fil anil fill 6. L Corner NINTH AND AEOH BTilEEm WHOI.HHATil!', AND IMi.TAIIa, Toiieti nS't'tl Bt ts.lt KitiMltimont, WATrit fltOor CL'iTH ri.OAR', M in " " liCt)l " " iibavv mimi'i) M " K..ar.,. HKA1 UM M " CUtmlllLLA " " Al ' Af AfiB IT INTO THE : ATKitT HITLK Al.lof On vpry rati nsAtarlal. Call and pop lha it. bcnire yiw purr-aia. 1 BtbAll laka ,rrat p4oaaureui nUUii i yon. 11 V UiAiiCnl fTt 0nai.TMA3 QirT3. lii . HOBCV HORSES la iirctt VATiaty. VIH.OCIl'liUnH, KXrilESS OA UTS, KXIMJKSfl "vVA(.ONS, Wll kim.tl MtllOWH, KI.KIilllll, lTO. ly I'is Mitnufin ttirpr, i. A. YOST, 1 71 ':p No. .'! llOK lurot. (Ml V; i't.i II A K L 1! K K U M P T , lilkl'.T Mtttlk BiidtATCtlBI. kt A N t 't ACT JllKU. o. 47.1 hlXlli ST.'.l. tl..,w AlOU, rnii.Ait.-i.riiiA rurlf'i'l.'.t. iirwaicut l atsa. (SrtrrapAt, 1'jekpl ll.iokt. CBltat, tfaerlip I. Noipp Hp)'.. W.irl. Hotai, llukpra' ( Atttfl V('bi".iAlp and r.iaii. tl-7 'm jJJ HIIOKMAK11U afc OO.. cniitDEiN's clothhto EMPORIUM, no. 4 n. Kiairrre sruKKT, rillt.ADKlJ'lIA. - 71 y;. ....-. Vs ir-'W, . .- w : We respeetfa7 tar He epoelal astanUtl so ear oWaoJ Ruortmonl ot CHII.DHEN'S OLOTIIINO, Cotnprlalna BOV, OIRLS', IKFA NTS', aad Bit RUES' liotaUui bi avarj vailot, la tbalataat ilyUM.aad of iups rlor workmanthlp. f-ptoial attsntlon pali to at IRSB1' DHIIRRM AK1M0). Tba paBlla rbb atvtMd to call aad aaamlae. M. SllOIiMAKElt & CO., ll-llilutalal Ko. M. EIIIHTH 8TBBBT. JjA.l13ta' FANCY JfUllW. JOHN FAREIRA, Na. 718 ARCH STREET, A HOVE SBYKHTU. At Bill OLD 8TABLIBB1HD 1TOBB. Importer urid Uauafaottirer of LADIES' AND CUILDBEN'S JFAJNCY FtTIt. a-, tuortauat of rAKCT rURk" .V Ladloa and CUfMrao la now ooaupksta, m ihratilnt KYKHY VARIETY THAT WILL BE WORM DURING TUB C0MIU SEASON, uaabar aba aaax and aaeabar, JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 AHOII 8TIII2KT, AboTi BwVBDBB. IBATEOPATIB OB OOSMBCTIOS WITH AMI o-rnrTOBXin wutciTt. m JOHN A. STAMBACH, LMPOUTKR AMD MAKUF ACTVBBB OF LADU'-W FANCY ITU11H, No. H'JO AIIC1I STHKET, ukiaw nu m. CHEAPEST PLACE IH THE CITY To laloat from a rlitt oloit aaaortuiMit, CodaWtltui of HUD80N BAY AND MINK BABLK, ICKM1NB, CHINCHIUA, GERMAN FITCn, SIBERIAN 6QUIRRKB, . Blade Into all tlui kttwt Mykaa. TI.e.. ,or da war. bought whan R-iid ranieol from lot) M 1TO and tK bali( told at iaiali advaao. oa wat at tba raka. BVthl ARTICLE WABkANTPD TO BE AS BH rU8fcKTEU. KaAUfnolUtB BHA'AJUeed. 10-U-tothl Sol ista isgT. GLENN ECHO MILLS, GKRWANTOWW. McCALLUM &. CO., WnOLBiAJJI CARPCT WAKUUOUSE, No. COO CHKHNUT STREET, PIltUtPKLIllIA. 1864. 1SG4. McCALLUM & CO., No, 19 fTBXSmrt ST1LBET, il. .ti orroaiTi ikpktbhdbvcb raxl. rih WANTEIW VKSSKI.3 TO LOAD FOR . " ....( ktvymk. liuniodlaU dala au4 LT.l,. .1 ral.. irlen. Aiu.ly to Wl A CO., No. auoH WALML T Hll.el to William autisa, Ju., la M-ia-rp OVERCOATS CHEAP Afr-Vl mm fc I X 18G1. ()II, ritOfiaiTY VOlt KAtiH. BURNETT PROPERTY, oa PAINT CREEK, AllOUT TWO Mll.l'.H PHOM m K3PTM. ok um CIAUION U1VKU. Saw rnitrv on tea property, end hraUy r )erfd wltti wl.tt-prto.anJ other Uuibar, whlfh alono wnuld pay a dividend on :O0flO9. Also, onel In abandtnee, (.ne larni rein now MtiR da? ipi d. At tbo present pnoa of uil In this pnonty, a hxrtff snma) onld bo derived from this branch a?on aercn. K AN K KAKM, ''r0 artrev t'rifln rfver, 10 nill-l ab.ne Clarion town, and 14 mflea from Itr.t Vvlllr, the oh u It ui ol ,:etrernon county. Tlib territory ha ono and a hall mil. front ua ria-ion ri or, and friu sur.aee lu- dlMi'lons then. l no boiler til U nda In thl- Stato-wt-lia a-tn..w irns? down on the a-Ja 'luln piopurtlca, wlUi (.fx.d hIkw oi oil. TL.ii iMi-.l.asH 'tuht t the low price of lJUOror air. Mtn seres on CLmy Tree nia, most Tahmble plena of oil property, tnrtottndod by Ur- rM wioff and prod tola walls, lull pieeeof lnJ, ouoo davof-t, 'fd. will orore aa n'mnncmiiva aa the entire torrltory nl Aha moei farred II eomi an lea, and can be buii,ltt law. lft? acres near Kranklin and nearFrenobi'reca. Thr.Mig a rortton of tblA Und there Is ctl. V4f.iiaf from taroto five fet thick ; aluo, In one end llinati, which Is aow much wAotod In th e region, can he hai tn jitoiilunee. About 'iO acioi of th's laud sbnwa the noil f jnl yri jierU tor oil jot ilUcnTiirpd on Freficli crrtcV. 1 his o-Uire ptoce of lat d oaii now he bought for $'-V0Od. IH aorsa valuable oil laud no at the AiWlttfny rlvar, bfli i dliectly In tbe roar of the Itobarta (H Ooinpan7"e property. Throe feet coal veins now open and wdrkltif This leoa of land could he iu ida to prove uoit pnjil fable If In the hand, of an en orgs lie cosapany. liO acres land near K.ut Pandy, In Craoborr? townshla), hfavlly timbered, and underlaid with man Ifime vatui tif coal, whloh woald prove a rrcat eavlnx to aoy eon p any wbopoiMeaaod this lerrltory. A boot eighty aores of thka land Is adapted to ooring purposes, showltur the same sar face lod oatloas a aie to he found on Oil oretk And 'iUrrrj ran. Tr ee $JIUU. lsfi ac.r a ofianj la JriTvs.m cmitity, Pa , near (hvroat oil ruK'Oiiuf the ( tariori river. Oa thia properly tlirre la valtmble tlinbor, and nndorlaid with heavy uotl veins, a low of which have alnindy been opened. The oil inuiea tions are vory similar to thoso met with on Cherry ran. This pittce of iTopetty can bjw he purchased ate very lvw price. As yot, there haa beta but UtUo aUenboo paid to this roirloa, but, from prosout Indications, the land la thle rrf 'oti will shortly command aa fabulous prices aa land oa Ollerek. The coal atone on this territory, calculated at two cents por bushel, will more .ban pay Sot tlie whole property In eighteen months. 106 acres In Cranberry township, Vonanfo oounty, being near Kast Handy, and not far front the Allegheny rlvor. Williams run Roea tlirough thta entire property. Kear by there arv aoTcral rani, one of which If now prjdiicliif Larsely. Coal i found on adjolnlug ttrrttorya PrJipeoie of Oils Und proving largely productive, either for oil or eoai.airuoieurpaiHcdbyanr land In thu) oounty. ThU farm can be had for $16, 1 aere and M perches, balnoT a email piece of T&laable aWfnaiajid iu Venanro coiintr, which can be had either on lesse.or ean ho ptirchnsed In fi e simple. There are few opporttmlllea for purchaalug such a small plcse of land lit thta county. Can bo bought cheap. KKEf.KK FAkM. fll'uaudon the northwest branch of ratchell run, Venango county ; one fourth of this land Is good boiloff territory. Coal also on this land, and Joins Ui a Hcott Kann, which has been told and la aow being developed. 1U acres. W acres In Cranberry township, Venango county ; they are siuklngwelie on adjoming laodj. with good ah jwif eil. TO arroa In Sugar Creek township. Yanacgo county ; this laud la well located, and fully one-half la adapted for boring purposes, several wsuLa uow golug down on adjwlor lug lauds. lKOao:eaof land In the Western oil rrglon of VLrglaia. Thia territory is hieatod near aud la aurrosinded by aoiae OJ U.e moat raluablo oil territory in thia Hi to. Can be bpovght eluUvr lu part or the whole tract OHIO OIL LMDS. IlA UT A KM- 0. aci et la Marlon towatlilp, UoraAA Bounty, Oalo. (HAY FAIlM-liu acriii la U ior towaahlp, Morgan oounty, Ohio II KM lit PA It M -fM Aerat la Bar a. lowutlilis AUieaa county, Ohio. M'KI.FUtCUK FARJI-ll areB la Muloa Wwa- ablp, atorgAn eoanty, Ohio. BA Lit FA It M AO acrea la lloiaor townthlp, Morgaa couuty, Ohio. rODVV FAH.M 8 Acrot la llainarlowaaulp, at.rgau coantjt, Olilo. UOILKAU FAUM-ae, Aorti In Bora townihlp, Atbtn county, Oluo. UOAMLY PA11M-1J7 Atrat ia Oomor towotMp, MuniAn coBaty.OUio. V OUK FA It.n-wj ecie. la Uouur towuililp, Uurt,aa coaniy.Ohlo. CIIOV AM) 1I1M PARM-OOacrcala lloBicr ton utlilp, Morgau .vuniy, Obio. TAIt-M F.NTEIl FA II H MO acrei In Marlon lown- t.lp, Atura-au couuty, Ohio. It. ELLIOTT FAHM-'J'Bsrei iu Luue tuHUil.lp, Athem county, Ohio. j, ELLIOTT PAll.H-luH acret lu lie-ne tiwu kblp, Athcut county, Ohio. Cllt AY PA RM-10 atrei In Marlon Icwiuliip, Mnifu CdUl.tJ, Ohio. KUCKRTON" FARM Acret In Btru tu.hlp, Alor.nu couuty, Oulu. EOILEAO I'ARM-U acre. In Borne townahlp, Atheni county, Ohio. a II ART FARM VI arm la Homer and Atarlon lowa hn, Wurkku ccuBiy, Owe. EIMPS0U, JASNET & Ca, 15-J4 RtmhSt Room 17, No. 460 OMK'Nl'T Kimt. WANAMAKER & GF10WN, AUCTION SALES. MAf'KKT-8 AUCTION BOOlta, Ko. Mf At AKKBT BaVwai. , 0.0. VAt'FBT, AtaruVf.-tt, aMt. in. iliniBWBBl af IKIOUs, r, Al MBilHAHIMItB, Of All ttlndt. fa pablHi aa at alt AaaBtua M.ooat. aaa) M wUI atitwd iicttMnaliy to .Riaa ot .. -UAI. BHTATtl KO aVTOTJRf At Ih BBohatur.. .. II LEriOI.D rtRBITtJB AtDwptMnjt. tsd arontB or MEH;ttAlTlillR Al tka ttnr-a of alia .wnpn. (aat wttl ha adttaBcd whea dftatrwd M HUB M'ttfl to". A ipbbii. taw. LABOR UAI. OF WlltTR uRAIRTTw WAn, AWi., M9 opto Iota, auilabl. for I Ity and Country kuuF Mtan kcipra, ... . R" Wpdnaaday Mwnlne.' At in n'pVvk, eoniruiu a RenerAl attortlaeat of Banal apftlrahla BltlP'-t. HII.VKB.PI.ATKrtTP.ABir, , Alto on. rlctily ttivpr.pittpo Tpb 4pi IHNA. KAIIIAK WAKR. Ac. I rpnch fblna Toe Halt v..a. i'..n..n.i .n-. ". Jut-., and olliw fancy aruoli't, T.a Ksoliaatoat Waona. ao. TI,K I'lNOLN OIL OO.Ml ANT, .OK itttsbuiio, OAS 100,0.10 SHARP." AT l r.AHI-PAB TALUK. t WOIIK1SO CAPITAL, 15,0r. Thplr profptUP, rotitltt of nno half th ot of thp rtlila wtil rn the il,. .., !,,, pmdiiPlnir ton h trrM. p.r day af I ulitlj.lll ,lil. -p.lltr.it ai lit. wpIIi at lit: pvr Oarrpl rsa t omptny liava au pniilne, Ac. coaiploio, and ruuai tabor, two ui.irp wplit . . A mi, hall' .ntrriet Inalpato on llhrta Craek Pddy, wll. h it nnp woll, prodncinn elictil bane, per day, wUA (iintw. loon ao " (nip biiti.up.il and pevn acrpt Is fr. on Pltholp run. no louitu ol ipbio oa land in (Jntrry run, ( aitral cm nt.v ' One htlf Ititprptt of alaiaann l.anthrtpnt.naOtiprryraa. Oi.o ciklitli inti-ipu iu a well now belt., ttakvaUaa fai in, mi I 'liei i run suit uaciil foi fiiijadtlpltia, . A MAIlItAIiTA .Jr., Ko. 11.1 WALNUT Bu-ee. I'lllUMI'lI OIL COMPANY OF I'lTTHHUItaH. Capital, $300,000. Shares Each. VoiKliiU CJa Vital, et50,CM0. 8oan handrpil Bcrpt lard, of whloh BlKwit dv fcnaifrPdi are lit lee tlutnlp. aud Hip dally nrodttet it mnra tQn autfl- rlrt.t lo pay a innl.thly (II. kl.'nd of Two pet com. rw.nly tltltt bsripl. of til ior dty 1. thia Coaipany frout tb Rowley tv. Ill, on lliood farm. Kutir. wuctlnf lOlpra.t in a - iul lieltiit laired on Um Cbuo Kartn. JjAte of 14. .npp tiu I'ock (lieek, Chlo. LPttoof i'l aoroi on I.UtAat M'likliu-am, Onlti, 2'I0 nrrct tn'f p. on Wnat UlAAorOf kw l'A. Uai acroa In fee ou Kvileat'orfj.k, Ohio. Airaul for PbllBtl.lphia, E. A. MARSHALL, Jr, 1 77 t No. 1 WAItlSUT St JJBE TAEMEES' AND IfECHANIO r..YTIOrY.YjL. irA-PiJIC or pHiLAi)nrm ."aaue.Al a-uont and UepmUAry af tas UnBa 1 BUtaa. Brxlirti BnbicrlpUoni fur tlie NBTfTDBBi 1 TBAR Hew 7 30-100 Treas.-iry No; tea, W1 let! an oonvertibl. at mwntwlot ' six r e a csnt. s-boiids. ALIO, ynr tti 1- 1A lloTMlei. Intervwt aa Both Payiible la flaH. HU811TOW, .Tr ., CASK IBB. U-17 ttiwflra THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 7 3-10TB TREASURY NOTES, OWVKUTtKLB AT Mi.TU IB TO Ci - o jion r s, TbwBs TreaABTT Botra pred aut grxtt aAvantaaM U 10V- aenbart aa aa lnvaatuut. Th. latanat Is Usaral. tha aaurlty undoubted, aad the prlrllw. five tkahoutaraf WBv.rllui th. noia. apaa aaatuilly. Int. UUtrBD 8TATKS Nt 1-ltR CEM ).'. UOAiANt t.5-Ut la of craa VBlBB. Thia naiik-Veapa sa band a largt aapplyof Aft donooultta. Uona.froai 0Oa t. $10uo. , A COMM1RKIOM Or ON8 fjBARTKR PBB CBSTT. . allow ad oa bsJm of aVtOOO a ad upward. ; oa Balsa at I , at-.Tar, TUMBB till till 1 PKKgUISMT. , M0ST0H ICoMICEABL, Jr., IHA l.'trp CAS1IIEB. I'HOMAH Ci.. Se a. 1C. UlWWIf, DBAxaaa lit Soots, fhoes, T)tmks, and Carpet Bags, Ho. 1034 and 104-0 MARlii-KT SritSjRT. eoatoaBar work nut is Is antar. 11 ntatajA . "I T AIR TJPIIOOTIH FROM ALL PARTS . I 1 Oltkebodv Ul J MMMlt. , tKAnui Iwittry 1. kh Jtift. be "Vpbaaa'a Do.lU lory Pawnor." kl.ttad bi any aoVlreas for H-it.liyB. C. H'OAM,!!.. M . BianiH Hiral, PklUdaiphjA.ra. U tuamiar ASTHMA CTJiiED. RELIEF GTJARAN-u-d lu taaauaaa. and a iwntttid not irot4 by ilia ata of "I Bad. a Ailhua Cur " Caaat .f from lata. Io tmrnly a-iutcl' aaaaBbfef ytaat at oaaw k. IW iBtlaatMAV Pnaati. MpBtfu.tlBM toaay aodra. by ICUfHtBt, ha. it a tlo I ITU Axiaai, l'ullaa.i.Bit . Pa. cirooiAis aawt frta. M-a-iBaauu(i "ETHEKOTH TO THE? WEAK, TOJTH TO TILE AGI)1- LIFK REJUVKXATOR. Thia prsvaratiea la uoe.iuaad us a BeJoraBakar Bad as. atonr .1 waatwl or Inert fuKUoau. TBSweAitjaldM oartaia to mak. th. Riekraas a hooaa kold fod.tuauaucfe ai It will rwdar tb.aoulkful iafawA. kit aad ta ttnuatk, and taabl. thtia tosllrs over aaaln thav daps sf than altUiit )oy. II aot oaly axailaratas Bat atraiurtiaaaA, aad Is r.alty aa Inraluabl. Btesalntf, BtpMlaUfs lo Own a who have bMaadaced to a aandltton of tarrUity BaU-ab.tB.BiJtfuriBne.ar ordinary ateknoAA. Ko nuttar what iht cant, of Iha uupotcnty o . anp human ornaa, thia euptrt pr.parBiHia "ill rvUio a tu. tifect At one. tad mt BIOKHEKJJ C'nra wpotny. lisnerAl Iioclllty, Hytp.psla, t)ppr aton, Iita cAi petite, MreAkni.t, of th. Orgaua of 4iuar'.Uoa, Inibicllity, Kmaclatlon, UanaL It hat a meat del uiul, d-.tlrablu, a:iJ noral airaet apoat ta. Navvouj Syiiua; aud all woo ar. In a way proa, Braiod by aarvoua dlAAblUUua .araeaUy A Jvi.ad to aaaal a aai. la U.H mutt net Unit and uuaunulled (reparatloai. Put tot a who, by Uupxudeaea, Lavs kotk tlvir aatural vigbr, will Uu a iptedy aad prrnMii.nl cu Ui tlis klOK-KKNli. It will aa found telally dlittrtnt fium.aU otbar Article for '.aa sacbp purpotM. TO TKMAI .H.H. Thli preparation Iklavaluabla In nat vuoa eakneetet f ail kiada, ki it will reitoi.ttie waste I niitth with woudtrfnl peruiuneuca. It It alio a k-Tsnd tonic, and will kJv rallct la Dytrepita, with th. Ural dots. A uilel iiuieuce lu um wiUr.no vai. th ilouiAch to a ilcuioael peuctt AvAlUi.aud bau.Bl j 1 Lvvepoi IlA Airaror. s On. tsular per kllle.ur all auktlaa for li. Sold tie; Praaaitls lanotauy. t Beat Ly sapraaa anywhere, l y addrasAkui nUTCULNGS A II ILLY Ell, rrcjirletori', Ko 81 CEDAR Btr.ct, aiaw Turk. Hold by JOrtMBTOB, IIOLU1WAT A Vr.H, Ho. N.HIX1U Hlre.1, fkltabia. l'2-.-tuibiaia-rp SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, 1