THK DAILY EVENING JlArir.--rniLAT)ELriIIAf TUESDAY, DKCKMBER 27 1801. (Sitaing rlcqraph 17, Vil A D4ILT APrKUOXl HKWaPAre., OFFICK No. 108TIII1U) .STIIKKT. Patee Twnar Chntd Pea Cnrr fl'nnwl Hhees), or atiaw-rraa CwnTe l-KH Waaa.payeole to the Carrier, .ul avsdlra to e)ebeorlliere oat of (he City at Mink Hollars Pw Anif! One !! ami Pitst 4nt rot Tu BloK-mA, nivarlab'; tn advatice for the period ordorrs). Advertleewerta hsaerted at the maul ratee. Alili-ial nl m9 far extended inePrtlone. Tn Alerllnre). Owing e the f -eat In'rea'a In the Clren!a'l.n nf 1 oa Htbmiku Tbi run. on, ernn e-lltnif hi in t t"4 al i eawSj hoar, we nrarttlf re ine.1 hat a,leittaoin.nt. tnav M HiHl'd In at pno as lOad ck.lf secure faeaa an eaeeruon tn all of oar rdiuoiia. TUESDAY, DKCKMFKR 27, lilt: HA TAX A II ftl'MAK 1(11. The itigar plum wlilith Siiicrmam Jrocil into tlio national Blocking that Ahiiaiiam Ijncoijc. hung up. ramo In tho scinbbni'u of Snvanrifth. We havo all cnjoyeiit. We lnvu admired Its roundneM and Its iwrt'tnnss. Wo rrjolce over tlio one hundred mid (Illy lie ivy griim, and the thirty tlin-e tlioustiti'l lial's of cotton. The capture of Savannah I an cvont which wo hiivc long aiuictp.itcil, an 1 are therefore only :iii;tly enjoying it, liivu liui on, as the inlrlligttiii'o did, on a day that w,n mctwroloi.'U ally gloomy, It oiied an Interior iunl!"l:t l;ri;;li er than a tinro iil.-ki:itial on.!. If it Lo tnit; ttiul wlitit intiti litu done inn may d i, it !, n;ua!ly truo that the morn a mvi do o the wo expect from Mm. Siit'.ft M an h is used up' Atlanta, has cmsrcl Savan nah to fuccumb, and now lias the eyes of hotii Kotth and (south eiiually upon htm, In won dering expectation ns to where ho will next go, and what ho will noxt do. Savannah ! gone, Charleston mtift follow. All the sophis tries with which the Southern papers have hitherto beguiled themselves, are not Hii.Ucient to blind their foresight as to the ultimate fate of Richmond, picceded at Its fill will bo by dove-tailing triumphs on tho part of Siikum ax and Gbant. thk uiti. r lA.vtintv iirxr. Once upon a time there was a certain Court which kept a stag for hunting. Ho wan no timid animal that sprang leaping through glade and thicket, at the tlrst sound of tlio banter's horn. lie was a solemn and decorous beast. Long confinement in a cage had sub dued his spirit and stiffened all bin joints. Uo could not have run even to save his life; but as his life was regularly spared, he never exerted himself to get away from his pursuers, lie and the hounds wero well aeqmilu')d, and as they grew old, respected caeli other's In firmity. The stag, considerate In regard to them, had his kimlucss reciprocated by never bobig pressed too lianL Thus, ou many a day, did the venerable animol gently trot before the hunters of the Court, uud they as gently trotted after him ; and when the usual courso was run, Court, hounds, and staj returned sociably together. This humane sport, long discontinued, has Veen revived. It has lately been Introduced Into Canada. Several individuals of a species known as the St. Albau's red, having Crossed into Canada from the United States, were entrapped and carefully examined as to their capability for affording spor. The head game-keeper, Counaot., and twelve under strappers, having decided that tho boasts aro well adapted ior purposes of tho chase, they were released. The latest news trom Canada Informs us that tbe Governor-OenuraJ has an nounced a great battue. We expect that till port will be received with much favor by tli Canadians. It may last for years, u the onl limit to its duration Is the superannuation o the game. Citizens of the United States beluj regarded as reckless In their method of hunt ing, are prohibited from trespassing upon the Canadian preserve. TllKMEf 'Klr HENSIIOM OK TI1F. REBEL CO.MJHISN. The attacks upon Jkfflhson Davia and the lnuendoes which have been made In some of the Southern papers in regard to bis Admin istration, are still being repeated. A late number of the Richmond Examiner declares that the secret scioa of Congress Is a cause of as much solicitude as tho mysteries ol Sa vaunah or the unknown campaigu of Ten net Fee. The rumors which are prevalent of the Congressional transactions arc de aciild not only ns vsgue but unpleasant. It is intimated, in the first place, that the nibfuse of the executive power hn? been the cause of calamities to tbe country, and that those calamities have themselves been pleaded as a reason for the further extension of that power. The lMchiuond Whiy, to be sure, with tho mixture of tho highwymaa and the gocd Samarltnn.allerknoeUing Sr.vr. rulers may have erred In their jud;jmf nt of Davis down and mangling him severely, pour oil into his wounds, and arguus that though men, and have been to mucii guided by their prejudices, still that does not absolve thi) people from allegiance to the can?. At the same time it takes a most dismal and uiicon- gratulatory view of the situation. 1: dwells upon tho march of Siii:i:m.'.", and aJadls its triumphant Usi mi nation. It laments that Hood's army has lost tlio compact ness, ctllciercy, and spirit which it says tvere so evident under Jon.vHTON. It mourns over the failure ol the Teunev ;ee move, n b.iits that the battle ol r'runUliu iniyinvo linen kruTaut, but was useless, and t'liu'.i lii.: ril of tbe Yankees has the aiipesrunc ) of a sur prise.. It is no wondev that th'? review of the situation, coupled with the secret se-sious of the lU'bel Congress, disturbs the equanimity of the palious ul' Kichiiiond p'lper.J, lvals to vituperation against Me. Jufjcu.son David, excites disBatisl'actiou with his tools and minions, and slowly undermines tho fabric of Rebellion with a train of disgust and sus picion. AVARWOr ABSOLVED. An inflexible persistence In any course o conduct Which eviDces courage, always exer cises a degree of fosclLatlon. Even when our cla?riUd convictions luform us that the Policy is wicked, we admire whiht we depre cats, and applaud whilst we denounce. Our dulration for whatever partakes of valor and heroic accomplishment blinds us to the -- al taturt of the matter in contest. Boino . axe o tend of perseverance, that they would think less of Satan himself should he realize Oriobh's ' haej and ultimately repent. They would cease to respect a wicked beiug who becomes a goo4 one. What then are we to say to the Alabamlans whom Governor J. II. Watts has called upon to defend Mobile, and whom Brigadlor-Geno-raJ Vvrr C. Giikk.v loudly calls upon to fly ' " to the rescue. Says the Brlgadier-UeueruJ ""You are exempt, and so am V The old toen 0bd the young boys are equally appealed to ; Tiinr'n rosebuds and Deci-mber lep are on even terms. Not only A Inhnmlrim on their Inst legs, but Alnbnmlnns wlio have no legs at all, are dimlraldo, Governor Watts' procla mation Is addressed to tho old men and boys of midillo and nooth Alabama. In tbe Itrtg.v dlcr-(,'cncrl' apeal they aro nviiiPHtt'ti to conn- In companies, squads, or singly. ''Ono more effort." say the Governor, "and our caiiHe Is sale." Safe at rots'., at nil events. " A prompt response," con t Indi ti the lirlfiadicr-lienoral, will make our term of service short, and wo cai. return to the enjoymrnta of homes, treed from the danger of a cruel foe." What tho enjoyments of Southern homes may be, the Itrlnvlier ( leneral ought to know belter than we. In the North here, from tho overflowing plenty witli vhii'h our homes teem, wo permit comforts mid kindncHHcs to How into our prisons and 1 CHpiUl-wards. The suiiHliino anil the, dew or charily full upon all, the just and tho unjust t!ie patriot and tho traitor. In tho Sun'.li it tippcurs troops ri'turn to tho (Mijoymt'iiLs of In me, w hilst Union prisoners starve, rot, a id ijo mud. This proclamation and tliis appotl to 1 ys nnd old men, if they show how d 'sperato is the course which tho Ke.bols aro jni ratlin?, I rove, too, bow meagre are tlio ro:n:iiiH upna vhii h their energy has to work. They were if-Micd upon the 11th ol December, when ihti J'cbols wtte In Imminent apprehoiision of liu (iijilure of Mobile, the key to the Alihuni mid Tombigbeo rivers. Jf all tho exoinpti wt ro to be armed and equipped, no itnv'int tii n can conceive of tlio amount of valor to b i exi rci.icd, the quantity of cxcciitinn ti b ; done. At the rendezvous at Montom Ty and (rliha, Scin.a and Talladega crowds ol boys iitul old men were wanted, In "companies, Mir.utla, or t-hifjly," to furm tho bist army the ;-onlli wdl raise. vr.i i i,i a it i si oils. The customs of the Middio Agtss, however natural they might have appeared to tlio knights and 'squires of those days, certainly I;i iir a ulnking resemblance to the ludicrous, or ra her to tlio eccentric, when viewed by the u.oio civilized eyes ol the nineteenth century. Tho habits and fashions of that tlmo have taken root, and woven their Ubrcs lnta tho social condition and domestic economy of the A'nglo Saxon peoplu. In Great liritain theso peculiarities are much more prevalent than In our own land. When wo broke away from the mother country, In our anger we not only abjured her Government, but also many of those customs which have almost become a part and portion of tbe English Constitution. Hence wo escaped many of the absurdities which have been grafted into tho society of liritain, and like a new people, Rtarted now doctrines, habits, ami customs of our own. Some few of theso peculiarities still cling to us, some of them endeared by time, and others rendered nuisances, but tolerated by long con tinuance. Wo propose to glance at a few of the cus toms. One of the most remarkable Is tho habit of tolling the State House bell during election day. To the imaginative person It is supposed to be calling upou the citizens of our great country to come from their homos or business and do'lbeir duty at the polls todovoteono day to their fatherland and act not as indi viduals, but as parts of tlio commonwealth. But we are free to confess that to us it resoin blcs the tolling which Is the usual accompa niment of a funereal procession. It rather calls- on our citizens to march behind tho collln of tbe nation than to exercUo their dearest right. Let it chime national airs let "Hull Columbia!' and the "Star Spangled I3aniicr"be rung forth to the people, and cease that melancholy noise, every stroke of which teems to be tho last, and th bearers stark wheu the next ono breaks tho stllluoss of our air. Another peculiar and ridiculous custom Is the fiigbtlul howls which are daily uttered by tho criers of our National and State courts. When the judges appear and take their seats, the v. bole solemnity of tho proceeding Is dis pelled by a large man with a long stick, seated In a high chair, suddenly bellowing forth a noise, which. may be represented ou paper as "Ho yah 1 Uo yuh 1 Ho yah 1 tho'r Honors are cnteilng the Court I" and Hot withstand ing tho fact that every one in tlio building distinctly beholds their honors, this culwpris ing Individual continues to roar In this insane manner until he sinks back exhausted in his lofty scat. The sceno Is exquisitely ludicrous, and turns Into a farce the otherwise solemn cenmou) of administrating justice. A ii est pernicious custom is that of ringing the dooi -bells ou "All Hollowecn." We sup pose it originated in the superstition in regard to that night, and the nearest approach to fiends were selected to persecute that most susceptible class of our community, house servaulH. We are glad, however, that all tra ditionary support has proved iusulllelout to protect tho.-cwiio are addicted to this pleasing custom and the trong urra of tho law seizes upon all who are playing the Imp, even on a night specially devoted to their bene lit. It woss long cus oniary to ring tho bells during a thunder-storm, but as several sextons vicio struck by lightning, and as no particular C od has been derived therefrom, tho habit was abandoned. The most ridiculous wo can cull to mind Is the cuhti m of nailing an aged horseshoe over the door of the residence, for the purposo of keeping out the " gentleman in black." Many of our citizens will rltlieule the idea of any person ol tho nineteenth century being guilty of ny such fully, but there ore at the jTCM'iit time a large number of houses In our city ou the inside of whose doorways is nailed a rusty boishoe. With this, tho most absurd of superstitions, we close our enumeration of peculiar customs. WAIt I.I I Kit t ri ii K. When Mars becomes tho tutelar deity o( a people, all other powers bow before it. Tho civil Jaw becomes martial, tho doctor a sur geon, the divine a chaplain, nnd tho citizen a soldier. The spirit of battle, like an epidemic, pastes over tie land, transforming plough shares Into swords and pruning-hooks into spears, filling the hearts of the combatants with military ardor, In place of tho quiet devo tion to the arts of peace. No more do tho gentle strains of the harp and flute delight tho listening ear; the nation demands the stirring tones of tbe bugle or the iuspiritlng notes of the clarion of feme. Every department of aclcuce is more or less affected Chemistry no longer exhausts itself in endeavoring to please the eye with the harmless wonders of pyro technic art ; all bur energies are directed to discovering the composition of "Greek fire" or Improving the manufacture of "gun cot ton." The artist no longer dollghts tho eye with quiet landscapes, or with fowl and cat tle. The scene of strife or the pranciag war horse are bow tbe field In which genius loves to rove. Every department of the peaceful arts has been affected, and It 1 therefore not to be expected that literature, that most mobile ol all accomplishments, should cscam an Inlliienee so general in Its application and o potent in Its results. Tbe whole style of the works pnbliihed by our leading printing bouses to-day Is diirerent from that which Issued from their prcses a few years since. To prove tho assertion It Is only necessary to glance at tho column upon column of advertisements announcing flu publication of new works. Two-thirds of that which flows from tho pin of an American author has reft mice lo the war. Novels, his tories, ai counts of adventuies, biographies, and political text books nlike abound with dct-crlptioiis of aocial condition, milil.arv ability, future prospects, or daring adrenLnri, Viblcli relate to c ivil war. The demand for nub woiks Is Inordinate. I'roin the dime novel up to the standard history, each devotes its space to military questions. Tim romances ol to-day have a stereotyped pint, ; no m rc " si enl horseman" wind their " solitary ways o'er distant bills." A soldier, of duh'mg appearance, who has Just escnn;d from guer rillas, is tin) hero of tho tain. ICscapil Southern ihimsrls, seeking protection under tlio lliilon flag, supply tho melancholy maidens of bygutin times. All talent for fii lion devoted to such writing, until a vasL amount of worthless trah h:is flooded our lending public, and threatened to cngulpli all litiiniy lin to. b ii alb Its ericroaebing biliows, 'J he iniu-s. s are affected not so m ich by the Flaiid.ii d works as by the cheap publico.!.! o:i ol fictions. This is the channel through wiiich tl:e common people are reached. Aci'i.i: iorn "IOik yi lopedia" lias not. the lull 'ion :u on the greater part of our population as h ivollm iliine novels which are weekly published. It is therefore, to bo rcreUed that the tastos of nil our people nio becoming so martial. War loses Its horror beneath uu inspection through colored glasses. Tlio red of the blood is nou tiidizi d, and a glowing plcluro of fame nnd 'in tune succeeds the bloody aspect which in reality it wears, lieiiown and position appear (O be tbe fruits of battle, uud forgetful of tlie long rows of unmarked graves, youth points' to the few who have succeeded, and culls the reward of val . ciol advancement and enduring' fame. Our people uro deceived by t!'co liilse pictures. It is but right and just, and necessary that tlio evil thus produced be counteracted. There is another class which, though harm less in its influyice, has become insipid m Its nature. This class consists of narratives of adventures in tho "suuny South." Kvery escaped prisoner, every exchanged captivo thinks It necessary to ulllict the public with a narrative of bis adventures. However enter tabling such u tale might be to th family and friends of the nuihor, tho general public take no inlcrcbt whatever in their ordinary inel d"iils of captivity. One work Is a type of the elntis. '1 ho "Stars and liars" may bo takon as an example of this fungous growth. No par ticular adventure appears to havo occurred to Uio writer; in fact, we doubt if tho production is not a work of llction. Tlmo spent in the perusal of all such works is timo wasted. Many ol tin in muke no pretension to literary merit, and not only vitiate tho taste, but also degrade the style of tho reader. There jet remains another diss which threatens to work a much moro permanent detriment to our literature. Our beat authors aro beginning to writo eutlrely on tho war 001 war matters. Histories of our contest, pamphlets lu bound form on futuro prospects, nnd a large cumber of political productions, all of which arc lasting iu form and influoiiee, are daily appearing. Such works as those are read not by tho reading public, but by tho writing few. Their minds ore Influenced in that direction und their works In turn bear mm Us of the j revuiling epidemic, nonce tho public are assailed by the original ,.ork in a thousand i!iH'erent shapes, and It docs its in jury in as muuy various channels. Hut although tho literary prospects of our land look dark, yet tho futuro may clear the horizon of the lowering cioulils which now durken it. Tho fever for all such works may lie but temporary, when tho occasion for their birth is past; then tho interest which keeps them alive may become exhausted. Tho public mind, sick of war matters, may return with renewed gest to the perusal of works of peaceful iutcnt. Tho arts uud sciences may again bo cultivated; tho pen bo again takon up by tbe bund so lonj; accustomed to bear the sword, and tho wholo of our literature come out of the contest purer and more re fined by the ordeal through which it has passed. Tlio mind advances through blood, and let us hope that the great improvement which will lollow the war in our ci v il society, may also extend to our literary worth; and that re newed and regenerated American authors will surpass the mighty minds which have It nt their pens to enrich the vast store of Britain's literuturo. Oil t-UHeaj hikI Nlitiiia. UKCISION OV Til II COMMISSlUNall VT INTKUNAL ItKVKNCK. CorMiibsioncr Lewis announces the following important decision : "TllXASCHY jOHI'AHl MINT, Oh'ICH OP InTRK- HAL lU.vm.CK, WASiiiNor tti, December l i, tit4. Sir : Your letler of 1 lectin Ixr 7, iu relauoa to the sump uuiy on uu "oil luiuw," so culled, bag been received. "Tbe law makes the 'rent or rental valnu' the t( ul which duiurniini'a the iimount of the stamp duty, sail of course when the rent is tlxed at a sptcilUd sum in money the stuiupdutyis easily Ui teiuiincd. "In tLe case of tbe oil lessees there is, however, very rerely a fixed rental vulu in money r.;ctl upon. I u S'-niu instances the lessee coo true is to eiect valuuble miiulilin ry of sink shafts, as well ns to i ay a cerl.un rule pur K'Olon or b irrei or tteoil produ' ed, or (Uliver a certain portion of tlie oil iiistcad of custi paj lucnts, and iu others ti.e rent is to he a certain portion of Itio oil or its value in uiuncy ihe machinery in the first ease to I tcume the property ot the lessor at the end of the term. In mich c.iscs the annual rent or rental valau can only be determined tiy estimation. If tlie ItukO in of l ew and uutr.ed lauds, lucre is, of course, a possihility taut it may turn out to bu worthless, ho far as the production of oil is con cerned; but It would not be sate to assume, tLat ft would always, or, perhaps, ever be so. it' the lessee lias oroctid valuable machinery upon the premises, or rutide valuable Improvements whicb, upon Ihe termination or auirtndtr of iho lease, became the property of the lessor, it is evident that be baa rmutcU a portion ul the rout or coiu-pcii.-utiuu tor the use ol his land areud upou, i though 10 oil is produced. lie n ii'ul value cannot In such cases be accurately Uctermiued, und of course tlio stamp duly cud no nioie be accurately calculated, and thtrclore parties in such cases are adviael to apply to the Collector, under section li2 of the Ac t of June 30, to Lave th stamp duty deter mined, which of course involves tho calculation of tlio annual rental value. "If the land baa been worked beforo the le.ibC Is lniulc, or if the original lessee in such case underlets or atsb-'nt his lease, or a portion or undivided Interest in it, the Collector will in such case have some reliable data to start upon ; but in all caees be should estimate, from the best in formation be can get, the probable average rental value, and of course in doing this be wil( have regard to his own knowledge of the premises, the information derived from the parties and Others, Slid the stipulations of the lease; und if the rent is payable In oil, the average market value of the oil is an element in tlie calculation, and In cases where be la in doubt, he will of course receive such instructions us may be desired from litis ofllce. "Buch leaies, whether of oil, coal, or mineral lands, are held to be subject to stamp duly as leases, and a stamp as an s'rccincut or contract is, ol couisc, IneuUiciifUt. "Tpere are lntsnei of fnrma tn the coin rv vhii h are Iraaed 'nKin share., ' It Ii fnni'it, and It is of roe r )nipo-ir!e io delermlnj i a-lien date what tba farm will prol'iei lur th i entnlnn year: the nntsl raluemim be estimate (, anil the quantity as well as value of the s reral pT'M'ucta must ttceome elements In the, ca'ciila llin.endyet no ditlb ulty aeema to ham an, n in fitch caws. Tbe calculation In the cue of a el or oil Ii ase mny he more complicated, but the f rlrclple I the nanio. " Vcij rr arHTtfiillr, " Jcmarii J. I.kwis, flomm idoritr. " Win. Ilenrv Arnonx, Kq., N. 1 3 N.isatu Uriel, iScn Yotk." Iters jitlon of Anieru-niiai ly the KtiastLaai lloit i. mi llces', tT. l'l-.Tiinniieua, November 2K, lw f. I 40fniaetl In my sec md letter to write you of llm prientall in of Messrs. Ni'ilcy aid Col i ins (Ann i icun ttlcraphic nprnts) to the 1'. n peror ot Kuksfa. It look place last evening, or I oiqibt to ssy Inst nirht, for tho whole all'nirtlid not ind until m ar morning. Iiwas really sjtl"ii did in tvery particular. A magnificent untcrt iiti nient follow) d the pre) ntatlon, given by the K n pcrnr nt bis favorite p.ihicc, Tsarokoeisikl, twenty mills from town. Vbc grand master of core monli Intioiliii ed the gentlemen. The order of pin etli nee was, first the Am'iissn. ilnrs of r-1 a nee and 1 Hrkey, nixt foriitta nun inters. Hint 111 r t c.iinr- the ili-tiitiiiNbeil Aniuncitis, only pieti'i.ctl by ihoite two dignitaries, a'el having pmst'Ociii c of all tlie lirst nliic, rs of tlie cniturc. 'I he (riteilninmriil as the inixt splendid that con lit I it given ; the company the select In pot) t ot rank sntl le niT, etuiira -iug all t ie lirt 11,1 n id the empire. 'I he ol precedent., ns-ignetl tho tvti Ann rirttti gentfciiici', nc douoi linen led as a i on pliu cut to our i inn y iu ri 'urii tor tiiu kino ic i p ion ( i w ii the Ittssnn thct re.vnliy in r-cw Yo'k. 'I ho f-nipe in loltl Mr .Sitilryt in the rotirse nt his citiveis'U,on with him, ih it h-a. loiti just rt'tiiritiil from N-ce, where he liatl s.-cn tttc snips nf ill'1 returned ll-'er, and lis l le.true I from tbe i Ulcers t ic grust kindness of our peoi o to tin m every w In re. '1 lie pret eilenre given to Messrs. Sibley antl ('olllns nt It e riccptjori, anil the m ined nttna ticris ot the l .utpi ror, tiave pnidncuil the gre itest woinli r hi re. I'eop o ssy no such, honor Inn been shown to citizens from any country 1 fltro during the reign of this Kinperor. Many tilings occurred during tho evening of t ll 0 puseritiuion lentliitg to sliowtbn gio.n.rci.;e -l 1 the Hiissians enterinlii tor Americans. I A ruit it itmii-ing met iciit occ ined nt t!,e ' ih pot, w In rc 1 1)0 guots who Ii 1 C me out f-n ii ' tticciyncro to ttke carri igos fir the pst:ic . The royal ra; riagts wir" iu waiting, and toe to for the anil'S'sadors and in i il t rs had ptc'l d in c, hiid tbe i ne for the two Amei icatis c uue 1 in. st. 1 bese were nil sta'.o csrri.tges, and no ! st, tie larriage t kes mere th tn t v p Tsons. j One ot tl.o Jt mirror's ministers pruposed tt cc upy li e thitil t int i life, when lie was oldigetl lo liar the place with his carriage, anil nnothitr wa- bniiight up hli a splendid piir of tl.ijtplt) grey Lorsi s, richly caparisoned, drivers and foot men iu royal liveries, nnu the announcement jtivc n, "Cairiugc for the Americans." You would have 11 anin-ed to see two bundled men, all in the most splendid military uniforms, epaulets, swords, spurs, etc., waiting nnd wnudiring who it could bo having pre cedence of ILcm. Whin they reached the pala e Key wire shown into two rooms to dress. I!,i. fore tiny conld get ibrir eo its off, In cama an n.d-clo-t and announced that the mums fir the A mi mans were on the next lloor, und ma Ii lii rr, und they wcru r:.iit8ted to go to th iin. Jderc wc ro three rociins, ojiening rn suite, fitted up in the Biost tuntptiious style. A royal uu i ndict nee ol decoruiion, and a regal display of elegance ai d taste perrudod ull the appuiut iiunis ol los'ly pictiues, rare works of art, and liixinioiis turn turn. 'I I o F.mpcror's privnto tlicntro In the palace hs bit n opt md, and, besides other plays, a beauti ful bullet w as performed by a select number of the In st tlmisiutf in Russia, or perhaps ia tho world. To the exclusion of others, the "tlluttrimit Amu i nam ' were tende red the best scats, and it w is in the hunquctiua ball, where a most sumptuous ro-pH-t was pn pared. The party asse mbled at tho palace cnnslitcd of shout time bundled persons, including many bcautitul women and the finest looking men one sees in any country. It Is said here, by those woo ought to know, that the unreserved conversation ol tbe Kn.pcror with Mr. Sibley, and the recital of the kind reception of his lleot in America, was quite extraordinary, and occasioned much sur prise. liovh. Vnion and Am. nannlty ait the Tlilr. At tbe seventeenth anniversary festival at the Royal General Tboatricul Fund, held in Lsndon, recently, Mr. Iluckstono, the woll-kuown come dian and dramatic author, rotated the following incident Klghteen years ago I was playing at the I) im t fi ics Theatre, on a balurduy evening. Tho ho aso was well tilled, jiaittcularly tho dress boxes, but the occupants ot that pint of tlie houso, instead o being ltst.i ss or Inattentive, as they sometimes are in the London theatres, wcro uproarious in their laughter, and loud in their applause Kvory joke or humorous passage was taken by them with immense expression of delight, and the play "went oil," ns it is termed, triumphantly. At the end ot it I remaiked to the munsger what an excellent audience it bad Iseon and how every point was understood and appreciated, but parti cularly by the purlies in tbo dress boxes; they luuglud louder than any other persons la the theatre. "Yes," said the manager, "they did onjoy tlicmsclviB umn.ingly. Do you know waut they all lire r" "No." I answered. "Well, sir," said be, ' they are all mad people. It Is tho system of our doctor at ihe lunatic asylum here (tbe Cre h tuu Institution) tu amuse bis patterns in every way in bis powtr; so be took pretty well all the seals in the dress circle, and brought tlioiu hero to entertain them, and be afterwards Informed me how much bis puny bud been dcllgued, and bow be was sure tbuirj eoniiiig to the play had idoue them a great deal of good." The Continental Magazine is dead. It began life In 1861, under tho editorial management of Mr. J. It. Gilmore, and proprietorship of Robert J. Walker. For awbilo Charles (1. Leluad, one of the most versatile and genial writers In this country, had editorial charge of it, but of late it has been edited by Martha i . Cook, a sister of tbo owner, Mr. Walker. AUSTEALIAN BLACKS. The aborigines of Australia are fast disappear ing before the advance of civilization. Already Ihcir race has become extinct in Tasmania: whilst in tbo other colonies only a few scattered families survive as representatives of the nume rous tribes who some years ago roamed at will over tbe wholo continent, from Lake Alexan dria to Ihe Snowy Mountains. Along both banks of the noble Murray river, the yunyahs of the black men are giving place tn sheep farms und cattle-stations; and in another generation, no traces of their existence will remain, except perhaps, tbe bark -covered mounds which, mark their buriul jiluces, or tbe weapons preserved in public museums, or lu tbe collections of tha curious. Flbi ologis's suppose that Australia was lirst peoplid bjj Btray voyageia from the In li in teas, who iu their snmtl saiiiugcrai't drifted along fioin Island to island through tbe hasteru Archi pelago; and tho hypothesis is strengthened by the fact, tli ut although the dialects spoken iu various pans ot Unit continent dillur very mate rially from each other, yet they ail bear evident truces of au eastern origin, and many worjs of Titiiiul and Malaya may he recognised la most of them. The aborigines never composed w hat may be eiukd a nation, but have always been only a i,tiinlier of Heatotreil ivr.itina. each livimr under ii I form of L'ovcrinucnt. havluir its own territory und its own language. Tbe "I.eitebiio-lcitclioos," "iliirri-hairis," and "Yukku-yukkas,'1 inhabit the vast tract ol country known as the Lower Murray, (district), in.ii tiny muy be t.iken as filr specimens of the riit e. i.ach tribe has its owu special bunting grounds, und the o dest mun of the party geoeiully issues directions us to the place of encampment; the duty of providing food Is Bksumed by tlie mules, whilst tho females manage the munyvvi, (bark canoes), and get ready Ihe gmiyahs' at the appointed station. At sundown, tarh evening, the various bunting and fishing putties tome into camp, and the produce of their labor Is all f iled up in one common heap; from this the chief assigns a fair proportion to each family; but first of ull be lays aside an ample provision for the childless, the widows, and the orphans of the tribe. V hither game be n arce or plentiful, all share alike ; and If a stranger, even a white man, come uputtue time, be is sure uf a welcome, and a portion is at once cheerfully offered to him. Tbe greatest reverence ia paid by them to old age. If a youth become the possessor of a steel toma hawk, or a bunk of llsbing-llue, he is not per mitted to retain it, but is compelled to band it over to one of hia seniors; and be must give ample proof of bis courage und activity before be will be allowed to join in tho councils of his tribe ; then his admission into tbe ranks of tbe warriors is celebrated by a grand feast and car roOvrry, at which two ot Ujs (rout tyeiu axe I nocked onl ; and the loss of tbee Is his certlfl i str of manhood. Opossums, w all. ible, anil f)h are their chlof sill, in of food, varied by the eggs of wild lowl, or an occasional emit or kincs roo. Wild rucks, te, are often taken In the liillowlt g inanner. When the rivers arc fuli, the waters fioni Hu m How lo a cwnsidera'ila disiance Inland, formii g large swamps ami lakes, which are Hit' resort t entitles tlocka of h ack swsns, wild geer, u nil the other genera of that elm. Iho creeks by which lite war. ra of "ho niln rivers aie rotidiictcd into these Inguorx are gene rally liordcred by fofiy while gums, which nt etch Itu ir tiraneliea lar nvrr tho streams; the til irks to-naliy releeta spot In ttie tiarrowe-t p-irl, w.iore two of Itici-e trees gto on o,nolte side.; nnd from llti'ir lepmi t Immil'Iis, thev sus(sn l their Mta acrcss, at Ihe height of forty or lifiy fe.ot above the aurlace of the water. A par y composed of their most expert liunt 'rs remains in umhiish at ibis ipi', while the w itiDn aril children pitx-c il In tl.o head of Ihelig ion, lioin whence Ibey drive Ihe wild fowl wild shuts under Its. The ducks, when fsirlv siartled, tly towards the main stream, and invari l'dy f dl ) v In their li ght the windings of tho creek. Wnca I lie-e have remind Ihe vicinity of iho Inciters, one piuly Imitates the shrill screnin of tie.! lish liswk, w-liite some of Iho others throw e:r -ul ir pines of bark Into the air; and tho ulfrigh'o l wild fowl, f wet ping suddenly down M nriid they believe lo be their dreaded foes, dirt bin dly, wlih nut-In tcbed necks, into the t dls, wbi n they are fns'antly knocked on tho head by their watchful r.iptiirs; in this way, lifiy or stAty air t ttin taken in a lew hours. There are tuo methods adopted for hutting down thermos. Sometimes Ion nets arc s t at pi ii.ts wln io ihey have been remarked to re ort io the w: tci ; nnd a nnn erniis piny of th" na tives lie iu wait fur them as Ihey rutin- in fro n ihu b nek plains, thin showing themselves In hi "ees ni'ii in varions points, Ihry contrive t drive tho nirpi-eii emus right into the nets, where they (cli on tin hi wlnl-t rn'angled In the nc stia; but even then some of the hunters nre cd-sldid, for un c mu kicks as luri nedy as a I I t-e; hi d I have lietiiicnt'y known a hunter to t,nvr si me ot bis ribs hi tike n hv a h'o fro n one ot tic ir I et. At other tines f 'hielly during the litrulitg Uttsoii), n singe bla k tnin cruris nut into a plain frcpinmed bv these, l o'inug a birge bush in ftnntot ltltn ks he .ni val. os; and by n, cms of a hollow bnnn, ho imputes the note of the malo emu. This attracts nny of the nil ers wli cli are fcodiig nesr t icm. Ifoiieof tin in approaches, ho sli. ikes tlui hush n peabdly ; und see ng this, ihe, foolish bird runs I'P cpiite csno lo si.tisl'y Its curiosity, and is at nine silcmly truest, xed by tbo spe ir of its un mid enemy. Tbollehof the emu is considered u gtcul Utiitucy by the u'joiiginos; and lint In'o flu kn.en gl illy live them tci, sugar, aid to biiei o in exchtitige for its marrow, as they con sider it to bo a speei'le for rlietinniiic p lins, which ire vciy prevalent in Australia Opossums are, however, lor many months tbe chief sucpirtof Ihe aborigines. Aimed With his torn ihi k, tie) I) in k man goes forth into the forest, stepping lightly and rapidly along as Lc gl luces upw ards, iiniidst the branctics nf the box or gum trees, in starch of dead limbs nnd hollow stems. When be moots w ith any of these, be first ex amines the trunk of the tree, ami learns, from the scratches on Its hark, the probable number of opossum dwelling in it ; then t utting notches, to assist him in bis ascent, he climbs tpuckly up in til ho rcaclns the entrance to tbe civiec In which ho expects to find bis prey; intithlshe pushes a long slender twig until its end touches the sleeping opossum, (for these animals arc n ctiimal In their bab.U), then, withdrawlsg ft, he measures the lame lot gth on tho outside of the limb, anil cutting a hide in with his tomahawk, be drugs ont bis pri.e, which he kills by dashing its bead against the tree; nnd then goos on to n peat tbe same process until be has procured a Milllriency of gatno. t 'hamhtri' Journal. BI AKKIt.r. IIATFN-YOHNO -tin tlio evenlnpof tl,o 2)d Instant, lv Ker. AV i 11 1:1111 McKlwea, nsitsti'tl Iir Itev. .Itilitl tl. Auuliev. Mr. till vltl,l:s K. 11ATI.S lo l.a MAlllllK Yltl Ntl, bothol Plillmlu phia JAc KSi)N-WKI.I,s.cni Diet '."1th Instant, bv Rv. W. 'I. I unki r Mr AJlllH .IAt KSoN. . I Hilrliiisn'm. St. J., anil Miss HASN 111 WI LLS, ol llolineilmrs. I'a. QUI' N I1N KlWAIllM.-t)n tho 'iil linlant. at tlio rv'sKleiiep ol lite lirlde's liiutht-r. In t uatltivilla, lv tlie Iteiv. I.i nrse Klrko. Captaiu J I'M Its K. ot! K.VI 1 M ot tut-I'l ltea Mates Army, tu Sllsa Jo.sKI'llINK 1'. K D W'Ai.DH. 1(1 Kb-llt'TTOS. In JIPIvllls, N. J., on the S th lli'tiilit In tl llntitisl l liurch, Iir llm Itev. Ilenrr IV. Welilier ilIOMA - K. It K I f. M Ii , ol flit a le plila, aild Miss AMICUS K UUITON.OI Mit.vll e, N. J. DIED. HKt'K On the Slith Ulstatlt, Nr. PKl'KR II. BUCK, aiti it Its yenrs. 1 lie ri'luuves and n-lends of the family aro respectfully Invited to attend his lunoral. frnm tlio rosldmiite of v. li. Ho tioliiu-r. Nil IIS l alliarlne s root, on VVoduosilar ntoinliitr, the 'isth hist., at It) o'oioek. To prouaed lo W I arum Mrout t kuruli Vault. LAY. on tlio IMIi Instant, MvttOAItKT lloYD I LA V , youngest child of ii. tt. and Alnrjjarut Y. Cla, liki-il f) litontlis one Is davs. I'lto rt latlvos and tr,omls of the famllr are Inrltod to attend the lunoral, uu Wuduosday uoxi, id.h lust, at 10 o'cioi k A. 41. t I. AUK On Sunday morning. December lsih. at five o'clock. sKlditK L. ( l.Altk.dauitbicrol thelausOeo. 11. li. t iark, uiied .1 years. UU KKON iin Himday. Iho 2Mh instant. Mrs KLIZA 11K1II J Ull KMiN, In iho 4Sili your ui Uor aue '11,0 IrionilN of this laiullr aru Invito,! tu att'ml the tiiiicnil. fruiu hor late rosltloiiue. No. 612 Plan street, on '1 litirsday morning, itith lust , at 111 o'c tick. imiNKIIOt sl .-On iho nioniliiK of tlio itith Imtiint, I.IMIA. ilaiishlerol Wililuin aud Lllzabetli Llr.likhuuso, lu ttio olovoiitli year ol lu-r ai:e. 1 ho relatives and irlotids ol the family aro roseotf illr Invited to attend lior tuiiorul. imiu hor harotits' ronl di me, No. !ls s. Kourtli street, on Woiuiesilnv aitcrnoun, at 'i o'clock. rl'o prcHiood to Idilon liurlal tlriiund. ll!VAL-)n Monday, 20th instant. K.VI LI N K LA VaI.1.1 111. liUVAl imaiit daughter ol Alurgurjl L. aiidlleorKO W. liuval , as'isl ISuioutlis. 'Hie Itieiiils or tho iHiiilly aro rosoootlitllr fnvltid to attoiid iho luneral, on W othiosday, 'sih insUiit. at 10 o'G tstk A.M., irom the pruaent residouca ui Uia laiucy, No. ts.'l Wal aco struot- Dli KHON.-On tho Md Instant, at Madlion, (Via., CIIAIiLK.n N. lili'KMiN. iimiicrir ol lids elty. luleruient ut i'srrytoviD, N. Y. I. A M Ai;i.N On rrlday morning, the 'id Int., OKO. WOOLKKY A., sou of Jatuus it. and .uiuia a. 'Uuais' in, asril II yoaia. r'olH H.-on8iini1tivevonlng. Slth Instant OEOltUB W KOIU si, In tlio 75th year ol hlsano. His trieuda and ilioHB of tho tauinv are Invited to a' Ii iiiI his tinicral ( liliout further nolltti'l, t'ruiu ins Into residence . No ltrzs liiiuu stroitt, ou ihursJuy uiutahiif ncxi, will Instant, at 11 o'cluck. IIUA VstllN On the iMIl Instant, ALFKED OltAY htiN. ill tlio I 'clvearol his aue. 'the luni-rai will Uiko idteo Iroin tho rostdonce of his nrothfr. Fri'd'Tlck M. (Ira-son. Portr-second strt'tii, above Walnut, West riilladeiylila thls( 1 uosdayl uiorulus; at 9 o'clock. tililKHIHH.-I)r. JKSSK W. OHtKlt-ITIls, late La raretto l'tiisician ot tlio Tort or I'ldiailclntils, on tlie 'itiii liiHtant, at his residence, in I'rovldouce township, 111 cmtiioiiiery county, t'a.. in tUetintii yoarol his aso. Ills roialivos und Irlenda aro rospoctltilly UivHa'cI to atifiid tils linn rat. Iroin Ids late ro-cdouce. on Wott licsdav, 'iSih liisunl. at 111 uVlock, A. St., or moot tha iuuo'-al ul tho c hapol ol tlio .Moutl'nmory ttoutity Como tfry, at Norrislov, n, Alontt'oiiicrv enmity, ra.. at 1 ii'cli'Ck P. M. Krteitds In r)dlatlplilila w It uiko tlio Norrlsiowu cars, Ninth aud Orfiiu atreota. ou Wodnes tiny, 'sih at II o'clock A. if., and uitiei Die luuorat at the ceinotcry. 1IAK I On lh2tti Instant, LAVR V IIKtL, daughter ot Hiuuuo! and l .lleii Hart, in her Stb year. '1 ho rolatloa and iriomls of tho taiullv are Invited to allontl Uu lulieral. Iroui tho te-lduiiea ol nor pureius, No. Ills Citron street, uu luursday tuorulna. al 9 o'clock. Inn run ut at llarron Hill. How I LL At Kordham. K. Y , on Doeomhor tllita, l:i.l. It., who of It. s. Ituwe l, and dauuhior ol lanlul Ho smau. docoaaisi. lilt.M.I.AMl -On the tints. Inst . Mrs. M Alt Y HOA'J LAM) In tlio H'ti vt-ar of her bko, Tito n-la-lvos and Irtonds ot tho Dimlly are tespocuullv invited to alti-iid the iuiktsi, Iroin the ol hor soli-lu taw soionioll Ji Nolios, No. li.U Potts street, nri,t atrci't ho ow i oalos, ou IVaduosday, tho iSlU luai., at I u'c ock f il M 'sInc;hi on Sunday evenlna Pocomber 2th, El.lZAbl I'll M )'lsv;i li, In tlio Mlhyoar ol hor as'o. Hor rolntlves and iriomls aro roseoi'tiuliy luvlted tu can nd her luttorsj, Iroin tcr lata rosltlonco. No. Ii hlriithi'rs -troel, iin Wetluosday atlornouu. al i o'o ock. Dim 111 1. 1,. suddenly, on the 'itith lustanl, la MtY, eldest dailiilltor ot tl. V Miteholl. '1 lie roUittvos and trlontta are invitoil to attend the) tutieritl wlilinut further no loo, at tho Hmad Htroot M. K. I Itiircii. llurllntiiii. N. J. . al S o'c ock on Vi eiluodtiy ultoriiooil tlio 2-lii Instant. Persons Iroui l'ldlml -'plila Hill take tho 'i o'clm-k trulu iroui Wa nut i'roel wharf. eiUIII iho lunoral i rv loos of WW H. sMIIII, I 'lilted 8 alt s nvy, will ho hold at Ht. I'otor'a lliurch, 'i'htrd and 1'lne street, this day, 'iithluntaul at I Sj U. H1IIKI I'M.-Ou Suturdnj, '-'Sth lint., ELI.i SIIIKLD9, rcl -! ot .loi.u Sli Wil", In lior 7iat yar. Hoi iit.uos, tnd 'iio.a of Ou tatiniy.ara Invitoltiat tnic lior f'uiuiil, l ull tier late roildotice, No. s-M M. H voi.ti .'root, t,n W.diiibdsy afiom.KD, its'ti iiinL, ut i o'ckiok liilorniont al aiouaidsuu a t'cavlary. -1 HI IN In the 'ilth, Mr. IIENKY ISIMON, son Of llUuhoth aud tlio 'ate Jacuti himou, ae-d as j our.. A sou boiovt'd. a brother kind, litis inne and ,cft us all botitnd; '1 Its chain that bound our hearts In love, M o Oust win bind in heaven ul,ovo. Iho relatives aud Irlouds of the fsuillv uro roapoettully Invited to attend tlio funeral. Item Ids late rosuloueo, ttopo Kerry road, below tlio Luthoriin i Inii'ch, ou 1 Inirs tlui a:tiTuoon, tno 'itith lustaut, al 1 oVock. io proceed Ui I'hilaiitliroiilc i i-mi'toiy. Will IM AN. On tlie evening nl ttio Sllh Instant. In liuikliiKliaiu. lint aaiounty B I KI'ilCN V II IT Al N,r. Intorinoiii al iioy.valuwu leuivtvry, ou Wednesday, 2stli uistnut. WII.HoN.-On th 55th Instant, a'lera lonit ami w v. ro l trie art. v hlch baltted the ssdl ol tlio best pM -icions ntttl nliic-lihe lHro with c hnstiali fortitude, Is n W1L SJtiN, tu Iho Msl year of his aito. 'fho n-lutlvoa and tthnus oi the lamlly are invited to attend the lunirid, iroin hut lalo roslihnco. cornor of 1 it lilh ami c befoul slroota, c SUidcu, M. J.,oa Wcluos day aiteruooD, at'i o'clock. SPECIAL NOTICES. ITSr- THK ANNUAL MKKTINO OF THE e-S-' Stork holilors of the "WILLOW l.l.KN I'K.TKU. IM!M COMI 'AMY," wilt bo held al tha Ottico. No. S'.'f Wat HI T mrett.oB MONDAY, January i, 1st,',, al li o'ekK'k M. IJ-j:.: OFHC'Ji 01'' THE CITY THEA EVLLU. ruir.AbBt Vina, fiorombtr ltsil. NOTIC'B 10 LOAN UllLLKHS. Tlie City Treasurer will pay tho interest ou City Loam, duo January i, ou and atUi- January i, istn. 1LKNHY Ht'MVf, H-M ft Idly Treamror. rv OrUCK OF THK CITY TKKA- Pun Anrt.pntA.liaoamberJt), 18X4. NliTII P. TO LOAN IIOLHtllB. Tlie City Traaanror la prepared to pay loans maturing January I, ItSio. and liia lioalora tlieicuf aru roijuosted lo Sioinit Hum at Hit olhve oaand artar tketld dayuf auuaiy. 11ENKV KlIMM. iiHivl . ' . tHy'1'n.aaurcr, jjoijpay rnnsnivTs roil I.MMIiM. RI( 11 RMllROII)KRI',l LAOE CURTAINS, Tiano and Taljlo Covers, WITH 1) A M A H K (J It ItT A. I NB, FOR rAULORS. I. E. WALE AVE MAMONll' II 11.1,, No. 710 tTli;H?.UT HTllIilil'. NOTTINGHAM AND SWISS 1-ACKH, nr.w 8TYLP. s. . ia:i ktAKt. WINDOW SIIADUS I No. Tail nr.w Rivi.rsj, KELTY, at " CAESDIGTON 4 00. MAHtJr'ACTVKI.r.rV CUKSNIIT 8TBI.K.T PIANO COVKRS, I.AHi:Ejr BTOCK IM TUB CIT1 at low ramus. No. T:i t'rlK.HNljT HIltkLT. Bl'SINEGSJJEMS. Ir. JftynrV. Ilitlr TahIc, Klcfrnntly IV r ftimfd, enn ht h in white flint kI1 t ltlf, with to -pori, ui Italic for Vc lollrt table or dioniinir Iiutpmi. Tho rill Kill Ins of thli c 1 bratctl irarutlon aro ao w1 known nd to learcely ro n ir mnt!on; but wa will iay.lf your head la bald, or nrtlaily ao; If your iMr Ii Itanh an 1 dry, failing off r tuniliiff (irey ; vr if your head is oovorM with dandruir, aourf, or kin diicasos, Jayne'a flair Tonio li llifl article to rrmody thoao evili; and to l:Tfl0DlT to give It a trial, rrepared by Pr. D. Jatub Bos, no. 242 Chciimt strto. Uvurgn Nl silt & Co.' TIANO AKI MAMONT Al Hntitsa PIANO : TIANO 1 FOai l.H 11 A NO PIANO ' roitTics aiii to: r iikiians. Orar &CC1 of onca of irioso Ana Intel -aoienta navy boon a ltd by Mr. ll., and Ilia demand la auu alan ly troroastrff. lor saiauuly by J. B ootjtn, BeTonth and Chasuul atraota. CAntvirr OKIIASS. CAIHAKr OK lANS). ItAlllHKr OKOAtSH. OAUINKr lOuaA'S. Old Oovernmont ' jAVAOnrraa, And all the finest Urcan and lilatk Totu, Constantly en hand by Dnvia A KiuiiAans, A rote aod Tenth. Ilii HCIIOMACKKK PIANOS. ACKBOWLKDOaU) TO BE THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. CrXSnVHATTD FOB TBKIB KU'LEIOR TONE AND FINISH. IWW.t TO BI TUB MOST DFEABLE IN3TETJME5T2 MADE. AKD SOLD UPON TUB MOST KKASON ABLE TUM3. AT THK WAHliUOOMa, No. 1021 OHESNUT STREET. Wa raarfctftttiy lalu ear friandi ad fha rubUtteaar aHy to aaQ at onr wararaomi aoa4 eiaaiM oar asfeut4ra aaaortaMiit a klUy Uuprarad Haara and (lrad rtanaa, Wa aT noalrad Ua falfhaat a ratal uu al ail thagraaft axliIktMowi arar hald ta Uda aoaatry, lnaladiag tha rrl Uadal at tha WotM a rair,OrytaJ PaUoa, Saw York, aod u rona taatlmouUla (rata tha baat ariiata la thla eawiUy and Borvpa. m tlitcd thit taaca ara aa PUaoi mada taU oaatry anparlar U ear owv. ia rhnaarphla mamrfactqrtrra wa prfda analvaa ta fciTtag achlaTad a rapnUtioa far ar Inau-umanu hmi a'ltdby aayotaor nakara la tat aouutry. Itlaawalt bjowi fact that wtr riaaoa hara for uaay vaarf ntli Uin4 thair high rapataUoa, aatwlthitaadlag tha oarfat aoviiMtHioa af tLa Cf tara mahara. Vaw York and'Hoa an Fiaaoa hara ba flaaaed fcata UUj atarkat thrai h thair agcncla, an haraJdad bythaaa aa lha only Flauoa la tha cauatry;yat at tha aama Hbm thaaa aama agnft rary aaldaaa rontlnua U aall aay ona aukar'a laitrumenta far any laegth a. tiaia, r lha raMa that thay ara Infatior, aad thay ara aea.ialie4 U taka haM af athar makara', aarliaaa atiU aura tafcrtar, alUaajh ax fed up by tltoai as celebrate riaaaa.whoa at tha nai itm aueh nakata hara oavar haaa kaawa or heard afln laairown eltlaa. Tha aoaiaqaaaaa U, that car al tlx ant ara rta laducad ta barchaia aoah tnfrlar lnitraavnta, wltboat taaaldartaf thalr awn or th gaaiaral hiteratti of Uutr city. lha adrantagra aar cltlaeas hava hi anoooraaing hoaaa aaaafactvrea acitaiuly aboald aai haioTarlovhad, for lha fcUawhig raaions; rirat. It ta aohoowtodgad that rhlladalahla to tha graal auumihrturhBg aitr of UU aaantry, aa4 albrata4 fbr Ua a)arloT aad iklUiil worhmaa. Bt-road. Tae pnrchaiar abtatf a tha piano dnaaiiyfrMa , tha maaaiaettirara, aad tavaa tha ana ant made by ttia agaat. wb asuaiiy aiaiaaa graatar pradia thao kha uaaa feiitinr. lima Tha agcat a raapaoalbtltiy ataooata ta nathtag, th ara la no radios; the tninimr,l ha aaua li aikd far tht mark. at, aad iha purchaiar matt nto) lha rtik. Wfttraaa , oaUie athar hand, wa, ai tba maaua)Marara, ara bald rMpaajibia, aad eanoot ikhk lha raiponilalllty Uka tba agaat. Our rajwiUoa ia at ataka at all Uu aa, and it la tlitrafora ta our la tat ait to tara a at Dona othw thaa Arat alaM Uaitranauta. Forib. A4wUl)bi that aaeh taatrnnianta ailabi ba qoalbaoar owu wbca naw. ifeay avni.vt giva tia tarn a auafceiloa, ar war tba aama lanaib af rtma, tot taa raaca that tha aitaal drpandi aou othara to kaap uack piajioa aa baaaUa iaorajr, aad wtU of auaraa aot aapand aity of hU preflta lu do , whiiM wa, iha ntaaafaatiu-ut, hava oar awa aacaJai.t woikotan, who fully uudf uutd Uia bii , ad will prontpUy glva thair aMwutk. aud tka plaaoa ba u iu waar atacb krattar. tiar aatablaabBMiat la ona of tba nuit axtoatrra la thla atiBiitrv, and wban obt aaw improvcuMnu now la pru.TOa. araooanulcad. li whM b oua f tao tar.4i la tPa world, liar otxaot la m awua thla broach af tudoacry ooa lit gri biiliiitktii of ab afty. Oar luatniaioat aiaa piaaaa gvat b-ovamati ove athtf. aad car oxtvunva faotlJtiti tor mnu'clurnx MatiU ui to brep aa band a larga rtotk of lualar.!, aad picture tlie bt maolwnary, Aa. If partona daw tuna to purdiaaa will gtra aa eall, wa will prwveaU that wa hafa aaid In Mgaid to our planoa. Iharvara, of loume. alwaa dlfl iroiicaa of opti.Kw, and rijurHA td lutnda.aad thoaa who ara ittirtratd la tbe mia cf cilir piaaa w b in a ? AWt tuna aa ; to aauh wa bav only lo aay, that) wouaul g v a aa muib piaaaure, at any tiitta, la tt mu inatiuiaonta with any other uh wlilch tLtj ntav rbooae b aame. w agia a"k onr ritaada and tha pobUe to oall kn1 ea aioina cur auptiir PUooa. Wf ftM) aauaflod Unt uo liouao li. this city aaii wu.iMia w!ta li, uux ivos lvmg rtatwuatb.e aiU tirtut aLtviuim-t.liatta N. D. SccocU-hnnd Piaaos taka in exchaDge. HANOS TO KKNT. Orders for Tuning promptly attended to. ECHOMACKES & 00. 11 -ft-wmU K. 1(01 CHCAITPT iTliFET. TN THK OnrHANS' COVKT 011 TIIU X Llty sail County of I'Mladf I'bla. fci I Al E Or JOHN IU TLh R. Paoeaed. KotVa ia hray given to all partlea luteremad that I'II-li( K 111 "ILi-.K. survlvlnr Trusfo uuuar tba iaat will and tfiunuiit of J)U6t bi TLKU. d aed, has lud In !litnicof Uia C'lt-rk or aaid Court, h s account as stieh H rmiMi and tba sama will ba premnted to tba aaid Court on tlie !Nth dav uf January, A. I. f )r conir Uiailun andaUowauoa. tlWlM A. MKKUit'kt, li b -UU Cl. ik o.o. WANAMAKtR & BROWN, WANTS. "YrANTUI IMMKDIATKLT, lOlt A HA Kit MU IIOV1B. A LARGE ROOM On ttio r tr.t Klm.r, balnn pli,trt( llht, looaajod oal ClIi:.S.UT STUKKT, rtf-ai fH.J and Fifth atroott. Alt,, ta J. Ma THIMITMAIV, " P . II B TH Rl) Itraot. 0 II.! O I V wan 'i un rartlo., with from 't., f t, 0. tn form nrlalnalnra la a ( iii,nr now totiiiina. un o r lh annHooa ul aamla- inan of t Aii.ririioo at d und ii','-d atainliiiL' Ti'i r; P"i I-n.,w jioiilinf :() ,or canu nat rirnat aji 0,o I'tirci.s.c numo. 1 A paly ta .,.. w. A. niMti r Jlo,7VAI.MI r NU-aat. F,'-, ASSIST A. NT tit'AItTKUMASTKH'll anWi; oniio. No. :; . 1'liifi n r,. Pun. ,i.,i t-Mi., Ii romhr4.1sll. i.iUwanlo.t t., ,,r,l mil, o ,i! Newliarn. N.O., and Ke y Win, Ha. I, rpa:ch riv. n. , J'OIN It JKNMinjiH, r ll Mi l ami A It. W. T(Iir.lOllT C(M)( (:T(lltS AND IIRlKR I n on Waii'o.l.-Tno IUIttm,.io an-l O ill Iti'lrta4 f 'ontpany statu a ntinili, r i,f ouportotiooil ranrtiad man to rtiii I'piiri I a numiT'iMA I r ' , l, t, t ttnl ..n it tl.o .ovoral itlrlMi,ii l . ioro- n I n Ui,i ro and Who,-Una: nS I'arkara. tnta 'Iho ho. i waul., will tm paid a it, I rouUr ti-pp of-m-ill filvon la .aot, mot, na Wi irrl i oll'ir nf I' o f ,oa uu ouopti.. w,., a to on hoflft tn lalo Ih-m ai lulr ; A J IAIKI1ANK Aarnt I ir.l Ulri.lm, M )unt Ola rsta'l-in, l alinniMO i ny Md 1. I Al.'uy, Ai.rnt s.rond fiislalon, Martliiibarc ona am dn it m l-, fp in I'nl'li-,, ro. .1 r WALL. I I l,i.-.l liiTii,-m, I'll, Im, ot w. f'AKH. Aiioat at tlraftoii ior lha ra4. ar l J II. rtlltfl. Anon! a' Wlioolloa f,,r Iho roat-th. f)ln.ra. W I' -.KA ril Mi or ol TraaH"ir-'t"n ll.Hamnro. Md., Iioconiutr H, Istl. 11 li lot ( OMR I.KT ANKW, mr ((Htrncy pursue, nr utiid wph tlio world. And uaver m tn Hrl utill '1 til we arrive at rirtn Ittnlra. 1 ill we arne at at'itin rinir'a, So hrre' lo Firm It -air, 11 II niti a lie tn re. Anr wo roili v.iuh k'0 for totuealhjia, Korn lotidt r f K.jr-N'-gi!:, f'r a p' d ta oi'uniw. It ill ui- ml iV) hard to boa', hlra. At AkCH.'Y. 'j I f ti' t l.'inche youT nee 'J'hht ' be li j h of iDii my emi roll ck In, r-'nr Clirii mis you il rti.d Is k'p up t-i yonr mlud At tne lar-tauifd ' Motr-nio ltn." t ly two ol the IV yu. 1)0 N A Is I) S 0 N OIL COMPANY, CIIAHTKBBI) VMlKll TIIK JOINT TENANT AOT. CAIlTAIi SSOO.OOO. 100,000 Sharon nt 00 oncli SiibscrintloB prion $1-00, fully paid. I'KlSlDHrIT, JAMES Kl'.I.L, York, r. lllltBOTOKI. JAMES KK1.T,, IIOWAKI) SPRBflBB, JOBIAU L. IIAIIVEV, DAVID OaXUWtU,, M. L. lltJIER. TDRASl'llllB, CIIAltLKS D. KNIQUT, 8R0BHTART, J. A. IHTIX. Office Koa, 333 Walnut and 330 Harmon Stt. 0,000 WORKING CAPITAL. Twonty thonsand aliaroi liavo boon rt-.arrrcl for Um wnrkltgcai'lul, which, hy a rainlutloo ot tha Roard ( DircoMri.miiat ba .old befora aariiflcaioi oan i.ina U orlki.ial auli.cribora ; aoina of tlieaa aliarea have alroady boon inld at a con.ldaralila adranca. The Company own and have perfect title In fa simple, clear ol all tnoiiinbruacei or loa.ea, nfty-ibur aue. of oil land la tlie heart of heavy oil region, la ltiKkland Towu.Iilp, Venango County, Penmyivanla, situate on the oat bunk of the Allegheny Iiivr aliotit Ave nilloi below rranklln, having Dfly flra rod, e" IroutSkO on the river, all of whloli Ii admirably adapted tor boring purpose), and airordlng latjillllu. for cheap and easy transportation. af There U evldontly a; four foot vein of coal ruinlag thiiiugli a part of thla tract, a. one lias boen openoi on Hie adjoining taims bouuning it on the nurth and toutn. Co. il In groat doniand at thi. point, and at present bring, tlfty llve conta por tiu.hel. The oil Indication, on thi. territory are of the most flat tering character; a natural oil airing rise, on II aud Howl into the river, fioin wliioh oil can and ha. been gathered by tn the vicinity, fur many yean, lor inellclnal aad other purpofe.. One of tlie flr.t-clau Fabor enjlnt. ha. been ordered, aid I. expected to bo ready fur (lilpmant witlila twtt sioeka.andupon It. cnniplotlun it ia purpo.ed to contr.ot lor arotlter, with a view ordovoloplng the laud thoroughly and aiiorgottoaty. Tho dl.eclor. have e:nred the service. of a respoail blo, pract oe, and reliable man to superintend tha tto vclopuicnt of the land. We belltve that tha property of the Donald.on O'l Oom panyoncr Inclu.'omoitta eiia', If nut auptrior, to any now In the niaiki't, trd In Hut belief wa contldtnuy the.tockcf tola Company to all tboae whe de.lra aueh Investment. The reports of the coninilttoo., and .urvey. of the land can bo .at n, and sublet ip tons tukenat the oiilco of tha Company. 12-27 -tu-lh.-tf rt O MANUFACTURERS, TO CONSUMERS OF COAL, TIIK BltAR alOt'MTAIM KltANKI.IV COAL OOMPAJIT are daily mining their hard, free-burning, and .ub.taAlial Blark lloath at d l'lliainse foal. HTOCK CAI'lTAI., MS),0uu-6V.tllA BIIAHaH. KAI'll SHARK K.STI11.E8 TO ONK AMI) A HAT.P Tn8 Or COAL ft It VEAK.ATTHE AOrUALOOHT, rOlt TWF.STT YKAUS. STOCK HOLilEKS' PRICE $7 lV) PER TOS, DKUVKKKI) AT TUB UOt.'SK. If our ( oal anlu jour daily wants, which by a trial of one or two ton. you will ascertain, then wa can alloc advantage. hl.-h no other dealer oan. Wemay.noplj jun directly from tha mine., ur dally from our yard, and In either case you recelva t'.nllormty Ihe .atna kind ol ooai and corialnty in weight. If you bocome a stockholder of our Coal-providing Com pany, the coal is .crvod at flr.t co.t ; or If you become n cu.tonwr, we shall give you advantage, nowhere elt) practieaity obtainable. Our bu.inesa as miner, aaek. reitnlar ou.tomen. and onr work., when all completed, will be able lo deliver cavern hundred thousand ton. of coal to tho doors of eon.umerf, who all, by becouuuK cither atooklioldora or regular pur- ' cta.era, enjoy Hie advantage, of betug directly connected with our mine.. TIIK COMPANY 11 AVE RKKP.HVP.I) tr.'.MO SHAKES FOB A Vt UKh.l.N!J CAPITAL. Hharef, eaeH, aid: four .hare., tss; ten .hxe.,:S); twnly .hare., $17t; lilty .bare., nl'Ja; one hundred .harea, a6; aud two buudrcd and tllly .bare., $.'llnUi pavabte half on .tibacrlbliiK, and half dtti January, trie,,. Xavh .bare entitle the bolder to receiro annually ono and a half ton. of eoal at co.t, now Jh'-oti per tun, n,r sinconMve year., and also to Cash lilvidcud. ol lite proiltai Iroui Hie .ale. uf ail .tuuia. eoai. Wo have yti.t eoiupli-toil an important alteration la onr Work., and by It, wo have ihe prood eatl. taction ot'uiler ltK a better prepared coal liotu ibe msrkol baa yet pro-d'.i-odi the ijiiaiiiy of wbkh i. by all our cua- ioBal'rl. Coal n ines worknl on snob a priictli-al bn.l. are worth Ij.oie ll .iii i",d iiiiiie,, and pay lH-tter divideu ta lltau niunv lat'iiloii. Oil wa, a. Wmlo our Coal Wurka will pn iluie Ibe lllack lnajiioiB iniutorrupt, dly for a dead cer tainty, tl.o li- Id unties a.w Oil wells ni.iy atitiiiond sine di. Aa liiTc alliirnt in a sound CoAl-produclna fiualnea. Jlku our., I. almost oblitcalory for every providing family, at li-ual so far as lo prolific lor the yearly demand of coal for houielioli! piirponc. In tiiia a.ped a divklend or Inturaal ol 40 U Ml por cent, on Hie money invoalod oan cor taltily be realUod. without placing one dollar of tlie prin cipal at ri,k. islliely dollars, once tor all Invented, will isovtile at least for twenty year. Mtlccn tolls uf coal per ytur, at tbo ai tiial cost of mining, tranaponlng, and de livering the same to the door ot the stockholder : on wtilctt la will receive the interest or dividend immediately on tu Itceipt uf lliecoal, by pa v lug aoiauch laaa tor tho aaine. W e are aapplyiug lliouaaad. of our citizen. Willi onr Cl'a'l but wo have .till room fur thousand, of stockholding and cu.lemora ; for. Ihe greater Ilia nuaiher, tha more pro ntable ti c bualnet,. ; aa by it, tlie production aud dell'e7 of coal ia decidedly cheapened. lieae eall at our oitice, and maVe a trial of ona inn or enr coal, and you will .urtly beoomg aiockhuidei or a. " 'I iitTcouipany 'l cUar of debt, and eondncti bualne.. oa Oi'llcel tuflJl'll. Tlltrtn Rtreot (oppoalre Olrard Hank). u ' HKNUV aUUanUl.K.Treaauror. Ai Last B. Jjunaa, Becretaiy. l-W-aiuiii-luirp SIXTH AND MARKET STREET i 1