f jti,r initi r" TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMRTm 27, 186 1. f i aj ay I , ttVtkrV I1, g. AfVttttt If I 1TJKSDAT, Pf CBMBBll V, 1M4. the riGanNa-powER or eusope. How th ArmlM irr ltll-riv nil lion l idw Arm. A writer in an KDglish jonrnul, the Temple ll.ir Mnaatino, friron nn IntcrpsUrs: account of the armlet of Europe, the methoili y which they Are raised, and their comparative strength. Wo extract from his paper the fallowing parts ; "In Rnfloi's grimly cmccivcd picture of 'Na poleon's Midnight KcTkn'tlio sh idowy armies of tho CorsHui hero arc marshaled In force on an lie an I nary Chimps do Mara. Once more the vete rans of Lo.ll, Ansterlitz, Jen i, I.cipmc, ami Mas tow, with the young ncruis of the Hundred Day , hour the voice of 'Ir petit fnpnral,' and (warm In opcctral ImUiiIIuih to m inunivre anil march past' benea h his commiinding eye. The exile of St. Helen, familiar to u as the Irmcly mpcnr gazing out over tho Tint rca h of Atlnn tle wad is in melancholy contemplation of hii destiny, and wilt. Llug suntincMiao for the d ly Btar of hope to ariic, beholds oocc mora the resurrection of those whom he has led to victory, and receives the homage ami devotion of n multi tudinous array. The ghostly columns come on, dense nod deep, filling the capacious canvas with their weird forms. Like Milton's hosts, they firing up ranuiucraMo as the autumn leaves o Yallambrota, or rather as the rau-iering of the Warring angels, when 'nil ihc plain, covered with thick tmbaitlcd sunilrons liright, chariots and llnming nrins, and ticry steeds, retiming blar.e on blsr.i,' first appeared to tho faithful Abillel in his return to hear' n. What a gathering I what review I what n monnment to the incarnation of imaiiatile conquc-t ! How eloquent a comment on ambition, power, glory, fcrtunn, the vanity rid the nothingness of human machination-! "To him who wielded the htton and give t tie Word of command to these martial hordes, thoy were but as tools and engines, the instruments of his will, With them he executed his high schemes, and, like an Attlla or Tamerlane, scourged the nation who wire disobedient. For htm war begat war; a son of slaughter, he in spired hit followers with the love of slaughter, and they, volunteers nf tight, fell victims ami victimising in one tcrriMc melee, wuvisir the broken entire above their heads, aid shouting with delirious cniuusiiisiu, uyuu with their livsi gasp, ' I ire I'lCmpmur.'' ' Were It possible, alter tho mnnner of TUfrist not, however, nt a midnight review, hut in tho open eye of day to marshal the armed myriads that constitute the living armies of Kurepc, what crowding of warriors there would tie upon the plain I From every quarter of the continent the shining cohorts would muster. From the pine clad crags of the Dovrcfield to the black coasts of the Kuxine; from the Interminable steppes of Muscovy to the laughing plains of Andalusia; from the sober-hued rillciiian of Great Hi Ham to the gnrgcous-enpoted Albanian.they wouldthrong in thousands, nay, by millions ticlmotcd, tur lianed, sbakoed, kepied, hatted, and c.ipped to meet in this great military camp of the nations, this universal gathering of the cl.ins and races of F.orope. Wo believe ourselves to bo at peace; to lie reposing under our vine and li'-trve, with the clouds of war fur from their shadow. Thirty yearsof comparative exemption from hos tilities has fed the illusion ; the sound of drum and fife was rarely beard, except on parade, and the ninsic most familiar to Fngllsh ears was tho IiiUMCof a Doric pipe or an Julian lyre. We mocked ourselves with the idea tiiat civilization was Introducing 'moral' elements into the fiov ernruent of the world, and that the sword was to lie converted into the ploughshare, mid the spe ir into the pruning-hook. Yet never within the annals of history havo the nations maintained such stupendous armies, or mankind witnessed such fearful destruction on the battle-field, as at the present day; never has the spirit of war been more systematically fostered, and a military education amongst the people encouraged, than la this year of grace lvt. The contagion has caught even the solid, stolid, phlegmatic English man. Our armies are larger Mian they have ever been before ; our war expenditure is out of all proportion when we consider that our earnest prayer ana wish is to live peaceably with all men ; and not content with setting aside a portion of sua community to act professionally as oar sentinels and guarciiiins, a vast number of our manhood Ins been Kindled with tno martial spirit, and taken npon itself a share of the national defense, and under the title of citi.cn soldiers given oiieTmoro illustration now little pcacuablo are the ideas that prevail on ovcry side. TIIK FRENCH SOLDI Kit. "The armies which were raised by Frnncc and England lor the invasion of the Crimea, and tho forces rinsed by llussia to repel that invasion. were enormous, even by tho side of the vast runs- tennis tiiut took" place under tne eagles or tue First Empire. Aguin, the colossal hosts that were thrown within a few weeks upon tho plain of Magenta and against iho heights of Solfeiino, no less than the lavish carnage that a few hours Witnessed on those memorable battle-fields, testify to the same fact, and show how numerous and how crowded nro the barracks of Franco, Iuily, ana Austria. "So little, howcrer, can a Government depend npon the martial instincts of the people, upon their innate love or fighting, that in every coun try in Kurope, with two exceptions, and those the freest Urcat Britain and Switzerland this natural repugnance to arms has to be forcibly overcome ; in a word, the army Is created by con scription, la trance, uussia, Austria, ana l run. sia the system is carried out with extraordinary rigor; and even under me most iavorauic sus pices Is regarded with consiernaiion by tho pre drstinatcd drawers of the nmmro nuir, or the black ticket, which consigns tbetn for tho next decade of their me to tue Iiuril tare ana aonormtu existence of the barracks and the camp. "Let us watch for a moment tho career of the forced recruit, first in F' ranee, and afterwards in tho other principal kingdoms of the continent. In France when lad arrives ut the age of tweniy one, he, 1, liable to bo drafted in the army. To the poor, fate is inexorable; to the wealthy she affords a loophole, a chance of escape, in tue shape of a substitute. Within four and twenty hours of its birth, every Inlcut is carried by the nurse and its father, or some other relation, to the Mairie, and there its name and sex lire duly enu red in a vast volume in the Registry olllce. If it bo a buy, It is followed about by tho police all over the country. Jeannot's parents cannot move from one place to another without giving notice to the commissiire of his migration; and when, after years of this civic persecution, he enters the threshold of manhood, the luckless lud liuds him self invited by the Minister of War to present himself at a military bureau. Too w. II he knows the meaning of that ominous i.ivltation, aud with beating heart and heavy .step obeys the summons, lie knew that it must come; his mother knew that it must come; his Bister kuow that it must come; Jeannctte knew that it must come; yet pone the less sorrowfully he goes and they ace m rany him to the bureau, and noue the less tear fully they behold him dos -ending tho steps, with the gay colors pinned to his cap in mockery of his mudortune. "liio.ooo youths aro thus annually torn from their homes by un imperial decroo of 1Kj7, the number was lixod ut this high ligure. Previously it was left to tho discretion or caprice of tho war minister, who rained it or decreased it according to the supposed exigencies of the times. When i hostilities tue invaliding, the number Is aug mented considerably; us during tho Crimean campaign, when the annual conscription rose as liigh as HO.OoO. To this great evil there is, how evir, some mitigation. For example, although the leuul term of service extends to seven years, the actuul term is wore frequently six, and some times less; for, In consideration of good conduct and ability the now apt-and-ready soldier is per mitted to joiu the 'army of reserve.' Again, it docs not always happen that the lull complement drawn is required tbr Immediate service; when Uiis is the cuse only a portion is drafted into the regular army, the rest being sent to depots, where for six months they are diilled and taught the manual and platoon exercises. This last modi fication, the necessary corollary of a lixed yearly quota, is said to be the Irult of the pre sent Emperor Napoleon experience and studies in 6wiuerlaud. bnbsi!tutloat moreover, is, as we have said, allowed in the t reueh army. Up to the year WZ private agencies existed, whnre substitutes could be procured for a stipulated eum; since then, however, these age ucloe have been abolished, and the Government has en tirely monopolized the business, with tho view vt creating a Dotation Fund, wherewith to encourage re-enlistment when the original term of service has si sired. The price of a sub stitute is fixed aunually, aud varies considerably; yet it is at aay time a large sum for a youth, .n nf tha middle classes. IO DST. lulrt l") the sum was CD; lbA7, (f i0; and in M2, iW. To show how poorly voluntary enlistment succeeds in France, and also hew the true campaigning pirit is declining, we may record the fact that, whereas in 1M62, 80U0 preseiitod themselves to the r,.riim uiriruant. not more thtn 21'J'2 displayed their martial seal in ltMi ; so little pugnacious is yeur real Frenchman if left to himself. Near nay In the world olfere greater prizes ; and It would mot be fair to the military system of France not to state that rapid advancement is open to every sol dier, end that no man with superior education ' ever remains lor In the rauki. For the artillery and engineers, special public schools, UQk a the I'. Iviei litifr, rH. f'yr, Sniimiir. A ., b ire tv tlitiitcd ;nd hrri' 'me produced K.m f th "Thrsiurc and arint of that sp'emlid ., b ire best! In- tio Mnest d corps, the l eu's (Jsnlrs, the Oriental ouama of the .ouaves and Turcos, tho Intlit b ni l and lighter step of the l basenr de incennos, tho grave and defiant ti cad of the bltie-coatd (frensditr-i, the meanurrd yet tasy pace of tho Chasseurs d'Afriquc on their silk-coated hor-cs, the well appointed l lilans, and the picturesque Npahis, present a scene no les attractive from its variety than from the conviction that with such men an impi rial commander may be niasior of wh iterer poHticn be cltoosift to lake up. A toree or 4. 0,(100 Mich nun a number that may speedily and with si arcely an cllorl br raised to Ti'i.niHl b uks with irciueixlons weight the monl Indu ce of mi empire, and when wisely and dis- redly handled can rrmlertlic lVimoihcus which has created it formidable at home and irresistible ai mud ; absolute amom'at li.s ivvn suliects, a potent atbiter in the de-Pnlo- of f ,rcigti nations provided there be no cheeks. Are ihero such checks lor France Yes, and for i. trier c uritrles ; but unfortunately it i in the eqn ili.ation of the military mength of e uh nation ; hrnco the vast menacing, expensive armies whie'i st md 'at at tention' throughout the continent, crippling ttto energies, and mulralinsg the in lustrr, utul dc, voiiimg the resources ot rich ai d po r in mon- i, n hies alike. Till IU SSIAM nia in IT. 'The ri itular and irrevulnr at my of K'i-v i is hunted at upwards of aii.tl l olli -ers and 1,100,. bin I mutes. 1 his mighty forces -tiroes, like the waters of the ocean, agnin-t every frontier, a'id by crpc'iialiy lashirg it, sventu illy diint"gra es and acquires a poition ol it. 11 a v is this ui iltl- tude of armed men raised ? Again the answer is, by Ciiiu ulsion. The conscription is in full foreo mia rig-t ttie p usatits ami artisans ; the net or tuo Tecruiiiiig otllccr is c ragged through the popula tions of the towns un; villa.?' s, and the pesy Is) caught in the rmporti in of foar or sixJitnd ton climes as much as eit'ht or ten, in iery thousand. This dillercnce too may lie pointed otit between tho conscription in France and Hu-sl i, mat whereas in the toriner country every indi vidual who Is of the proper age is liable to be Imwn, in lln-siaonlv the lower classes arc tho victims nobles, magistrates, merchants, prions, students, and the members of cerfiin trade-guilds, being, by imperial ukum', exempt from tins per sonal military service. The Government, indeed, trouble thenielves very little about the levy; the number to be raised Is tixed for each district according to the Inst census, and an order issued to the nobleman or landowner of each eswte to furnl-h the number. They can nominsto which of tlielr dependants they please, provided tho men aic of In allby body ami sound of limb, arid bo- tween the ages or eighteen and forty. Ho vast are the territorial posessions of some of theso tmiiies tne iiemidons, tor example so largo the tribes of serl'sthey own, that not unfreqiientiy their contingents amount to ItooU. and sometimes even to AbOO and fiuoo. The imperial reforms re cently Introduced into Russia, by which tho rota tions between the peasant and his master have been considerably montfted, will no doubt affect this system of recruiting ; but at present the system is in full force, and to it the ('. ir Is Indebted for by far the latgest portion of his regular army. "There is, however, another mode of recruit ment which is peculiarly characteristic of a paternal Government. Marri ige is warmly encouraged amongst the Ku-siun soldiers, and every facility is sllorded to those who desire to take unto themselves a wile. The 8iate supplies the martial iienedlct with lodgings, and under takes to feed, clothe, and educate the young olive-branches that may chance to spring np around the happy trooper's table. All this is, of course, kindly meant, and seems benevolent; but oficn ' things sweet to taste prove in diges tion sour.' A bounty that appoars on the first blush generous in the extiemo has its drawbacks. Iho nialo children of theso Musco vite sons of Mars, called cantimiiln, are claimed by the .S ate; aud from infiuey are reared and trained with a view of being made soldiers, or ol being otherwise employed In the public ser vice. They remain at home until thoy aro breeched and coated, when they aro summarily sent oil' to tho military depots to be instructed in their military dntles. it is estimated that this la vitical class numbers no less than ,'ino ,uifO souls ; and from it thenon-commissioncdolllcers of rogl- inenis are obtained ; the discipline they have un dirgonc, and tho education they have received, having contributed, it is supposed, to habits ot steadiness and industry, as well as rendered them prolicicnt m the rudiments ot the Uussiau held' book. One thine the army of Russia esncclallr in (Tors from, and this we may allude to here a dearth of otlicers. superior education isconhued to so fu classes in that colossal empire, that tho sources it has to draw irom lor its captains are very con tracted indeed. Notwithstanding that schools for pages, engineers, otlicers of artillery, and sub- olllccrs of the guard have been established at at Petersburg and notwithstanding that the prin cipal of these Institutions, the "Corps de Cadets," numbers upwards of seven hundred pupils this deficiency has been and is sorely felt. Bv a recent decree, various new rules luvo bueu laid down for the entrance of ollieois into the army, and In theso inducements have been held out to young men leaving the high schools to accept a commission. They win tie received as non-com missioned otlicers for throe months without pass ing an examination; nt the expiration of that time, if they aro properly qnaliiiod, they will be promoted at once to the higher grade. Youths from th middle schools undergo a probation of six months; and other voluntesrs, of wliaicver origin, noble or plebeian, will receive a commission lifter one year's service, utter having been thor oughly tested by the ordcul ot a board ol milP tarv examiners. "In addition, however, to the standing force raised by conscription aud maintained by tho Government, the LV.ar has another and no ignoble auxiliary in tue semt-savago feudal militia ot the uossaeks. mis wild trioe a race ireo ana mue pendent to the heart's core, and martial by Instinct pay no taxes, regarding the ground on which they pitch '.heir tents as tneir own fee and simple. To enjoy it peaceably uud uumolestcdly, hovtever, they consent to pcrturtn military cr vice to Uussia; but even this service, as well as the extent of the levies, Is regulated by treaty. Two in every fivo hundred is about the average ; I but lu critical times, when danger is impending, every nuiii betwien the ages ol ilfieen and sixty is bound to take the tiold and do battle in behoof of. the 'father of his people. A hundred and menty thousand Cossacks Cossacks of tho Euxltie, Cossacks of the Don, Ural Cossacks, CoBiieks of tho Caucasus, Orenburg, Cossacks aud Siberian Cos,ak8 it is estimated, stand pre- paied in their irregular way to ii,'bt the enemies of the C.nr. Tbty are, as a rnlc, scmi-savago aud undisciplined, knowing nothing of the arts of civilized life ; their courage is that of the barba rians; whilst their warfuro is conducted with iurocious cruelty wherever the) have tho power to commit atrocities. Tltli OEUMAN CONl'llbllilATIOH. 'In the heart of Kuroin; lloumlcrs a ponderous, cumbrous monster with two heads. Its body, like that of Eucciadus, covers u vast area; but so unnlc dy is it, so disjointed arc its limbs, so in cohesive its parts, that though leviathan in si.e, it has little teal power, it i cuiiea tne i.crrnauic Confederation. Its actual stioi'gth lies in its two heads, which uro as large in bulk as tho rest of the body itself. However, the two Heads have uo unity ot idea, no common purpose of action, no siuit eness et aim ; and tue c .nso quence is mat that which, in a stale of moral cohesion might be omnipotent, is, from its iuti.nta partitions and divisions, dilapidated aim ve..K. ins tue ounuiu ol sucks tied up with a rope or sand. With more than half a million oi men at Its instant command, tho Federal D.et is icebler than fewit .erlai.d, and takes alarm at every turn of F.uroi ean politics, every iu-ti-' oi wings ot tuo French or llut-slau eaijlc. liy the act of Con gress of 181 "b the contribution of each of the tmrty States and the tour tree towns composiug Germany was fixed at one pei ceut. of the popu lation, according to tuo census or mat year, wuu it u nieces of cuunuu for every thousand men; onc-stveventb of this complement being cavalry. In 1HM, nlier tho war una uenmarx, out or which the Germans emerged with somewhat tar nished laurels, the foice was increased one-sixth, and at the present time stands at a total of ouil.uoo men, divided into ten roru d'armee. Austria is the, largest contributor, her quota oeing i is.uon; Prussia follows suit with 13.1, WOO; Havana takes tho third place, aud brings otf.ooo troops into tho Held; then come Wurtvuiburg with 2J,ui, Hanover WUU vsi.uuu. oaxouy with zu.oou, auu so on, down to liease-lloiuburg, with Hs .ijJ men and Si artillerists, and Lichtensieln with its con tingent of VI, all told. With very little strain, bowuver, the nuiajiors of the federal forces could bn railed to 7u0,oun men. Ine real power aud command of this tessellated force being, as wa have observed, in its two beads, tt will bo worth while to inquire into their military strength sept lately. THM AUBTIUaK AMD ral'SSlAN FOROKS. "The Austrian army, as bolng the more nu merous, deserves first notice, bo jealous it the Viennee Government of rendering any account, fiuauclal or otheiwire, to the nation, aud so gar bled are the statistics when they do appear, that it is extremely dlillcult to speak with conlideuce of the exact numbers. Fer many reasons Aus tria is interested In letting Kurope, as wen as ner own people, Imagine that her military strength is less than it actually Is. Hence, olucially, her army, according to the last report, was computed at M'J,uw men rana aim nie, auu. i.wu uoiscs , but trustworthy, though private sources, set it dewn at 476,000 men and uo.ouv norses, wuicu is probably nearer the mark. Like the other armies of the Continent, the Austrian force is raised by conscription, every yonth of twenty being subject ii ihA rjt . hunsiiitrcs. aowever. a suu m uuau. are furnished by the Govereineut ; and from the sums thui gained fund li raised for the ptrjiose of giving bounties to soldiers whose time of ser vice vihiru, by-the by, is eight years hai ex pired, to Induce them to re-enlist. "In so aristocratic a country as Ans ria.lt Is not surprising that the majority of otlicers ah mid be noble, cr belong to noble tstnt les. un'rin' srtlllrry and engineer corps atlord any opening to the sons of ibe wealthy pi. iietan classes. So s r ing is the delnge of 'lune tdooit' in this quarter, tha' the muster roll of Franc Is Joseph's a mv Includes less than ln.t princes, .'.no counts, tt'.w barons, 470 knights and 'iiKMi untitled barons. Ills, how ever, a ttriklng come sion of intellectual apit'iy that these princes, counts, barons, knights, and untitled bun ns rc-icn the arduous posts of the rre the pests tt a' require deep and vigorous mentnl tinining-to the class they despise, l or this n n pat none Ind ff. remf, impolicy, ami nc rnre Id enss, however, a day of retribution will inevitably runic. It isn dangerous waiknes to intrust the salient nultils of detense Into the haliils of thoe whom the Austrian nob'esso rli not attcmp: to iIi-biiisc they look down uion an I ccnteipn ps an inli rior ordi r of brings. In l'rnsia tho on.' mi. itloo. of the arm Is on a ditli rci t and more lib rsl foo'lng. Aecird n r o the rcgu'siions of 1HI 4 . cvprv man is bound to receive imlltniy Instruction and join the army; and though no substitutes are permitted, exemp tions are pretty t'n eiy ills ributed. The men are enrol id when they attain their twcn ietli vcir, and n rve for live years two year and a htlf in the arinv, nnd two vctirs ami a ha f in the reserve Could Kii g Wi.liatn overcome the prejudte- s of Ins parlh mi nl sgninsi his ne pclieine ot nnllt ,ry reloi ui the period of live yenri would be cxton I d to feven ; but his House of t' minions is stu'ilnrn and will hsvo none of his iiumvati ins, cither military or financial. When tho Prussian soldier quits the reserve at twenty-live, ho enters the l.andwebr or militia, In which he remams f ir liineyrnrs; and closes his military career by be riming i mliodied in the l.atidsiurin, a f irec psrelv ('elu sive, and which is never callel out on foreign service. We have mentioned exemp tions li e nobility and clergy ciiv this privi- cro;nnd voungmeii ot education wrr will pv fer their equipment arc allowed to serve only una yiar, if nt the end of that lime they pass a pro scribed examination. OTIIKH KlItOIKAM Ml Ml l.s. 'So much for the organir. ition ol the arnii'-s of the four gieat Powers of tho continent. The armies of the o'ltcr kingdoms of F.urope are soon disposed of. lliey are loriued very much on tho ssmo principle ; and one and all, like the larger 1'nwirs, maintain their forces on a looting out of nil due proportion to their population. Spa n boasts an army of 1 jn,iHKi men, procured of coin se ny onscription. lurkey wields no less a number than 460,1 m o. 1 his large force drains imnieasiir i bly her precarious revenues, and it scarce y diminishes the evil that the troops are babiiually kept two or three years in arrears for their pa-. Tho Gillian's forces may be divided Into four branches the .Vi.-'im, or active army; tho li'Hif, or reserve ; the auxiliaries ; and the irregulars. I ho stall of the ltcilif, or reserve, have lull pay, and live in the towns and villages among tho soldiers, who. thongh on leave, are nevertheless not discharged from service. These men tho otlicers collect and drill once a week ; they must also report them selves annually nt the headquarters ot their re spective corps, where they undergo n month's cxcrci'e. Tho auxiliaries aro simply the contin gents furnished by the tributary provinces Wal laehia, Moldavia, Servin, Uosniu, the Horeg -vina, Albania, and F.gyptt but those are not very numerous. The Irregulars constitute a inure for midable division ; and some of these wild, undis ciplined hordes Tartars from the I) hrodja and Asia Minor will bo probably remembered by ninny an English otllcer who served in the Cri mea. Coming from tho ha-t to the West, we find peaceful 1'ortugal making an rtliirt, amidst the cultivation ot its vines, to maintain lii.ooo men ; manufacturing llolgiiim to support Iiki.ii hi ; and o iiimorciiil Holland to pay the cost of Uo.otnj men. " Italy that youngest amongst tho kingdoms of F.urope maintains three hundred thousand men in lelf-dcfonse alone, ready armed and equipped, beiau-e the policy of a 'friend and ally' is equivocal and selfish. Three hundred thousand men feeding on tho resources of a now country is a heavy burden indeed ; but twice three hundred thousand would be willingly and uumurinuringly borne to realize that dream of the Italian patriot, Italia una indiviritritr. "In tho northern countries Denmark, Swe den, and Norway for example military service is enforced on exceedingly light conditions. Ilravc, tough, and hardy, and Iv ing out of the whirlw inds of the political hemisphere, the Gov ernnici ts of these kingdoms scarcely deemed it necessary to carry out a very strict system of military training and exerclso. Denmark bad, it is true, a traditional foe in the German Con federation; butsho laughed at rather than fearod that huge double-headed megatherium. The forces she kept on foot, previous to the rco.-nt war, amounud to 2:,000 men; but those were speedily raised to 50,00(1, as soon us the Aus'rians and I rutsians commenced their march towards tho Eider. KIX'BCITINa IN K01IWAT. "In Norway every citizea passes through a military training, either in the regular army or the militia. In the regular army, which is raised partly by conscription, partly by enli-tmeut, the service is for live years in tho Infantry and lor seven In the cavalry and artillery. On the other side of the Dovretield, again, a different system prevails. In Sweden, the coispription, which has only been introduced since 1HI2, is exceedingly unpopular; and of the men drawn, otie-tei'th at least cbla n substitutes at the easy price of from S-.'.O to fc'Ha. The conscription class Is culled the lleiaermg the most popular service, however, is the wufVu, or national troops. These are paid and niaintauicd mostly by the landed proprietors of the country and partly from revenues of ccr tuin Slate dosnuns. Each soldier, besides a small annual gratuity, baa bis torn or cottage, with a fiiece of ground attached, which continues his so ong as ho remains 'attached,' which not unfre qiientiy extends over a period of forty years. Then there Is tho Varfuaile, or enlisted troops, to which belong the royal life-guards, hussars, and a great part of the artillery and enginoers the average term of service for theso is six years and. lastly, there is the militia of Gothland, which, I.'.1'8 tue Indcliu, is all but independent. It WOUld not De mir mi uiuu osi no lauu irom this comparative list, especially as the organiza tion of her army, like that of Grout Britain, pos sesses special and peculiar features of its own. Switzerland, In fact, disclaims the Idea of having a standing army ; her constitution prohibiting the existence of one within tho limits of tho Confede ration. However, not to leave the commonwealth without a system ol detense, every one is expectou to be trained to arms, and neatly every one is to trained. Children from the age of eight are regularly instructed at the upper and middle schools in military exercises, undergo speela' examinations, and aro frequently paraded and reviewed with all the pomp and eclat of veteran iroops. YVhcn they have gone through their inlutitry exercises, ana nave oecomo expert in me use of the rifle Wimbledon has witnessed some of tho excellint shooting of theso gallant an I keen-eyed sons of the Oberlaad theyoung lens practise gnnneiy, two and four pounders being supplied by the Governmsnt for that purpose. The service is divided into four classes-the Hun (temuttuq, federal army, com prising men between the ages or twenty ana tnuiy-tour capaoie oi bearing arms to this each canton contributes three pir cent, of lis population; tho 'army of reserve," composed to the extent of one half per cent, of the population of those wh passed through the llutulitutunnr ; the Laiuluehr, or militia, in which every man between fortv one and forty-live is bound to serve; aud the I.aiuhturm, or Army of Detense, in which every Swiss above the ago of forty-five is enrolled, and in which be remains until age incapacitates him Irom further exertion. The total amount of this patriotic force like the Spartans of old, ovcry fswiss feels ho lights, when be does fight, for his institutions, and therefore lights with tho purest feelings of patriotism is 3'JO'Jt) men, a large number for so small a commonwealth. Only the i,1nilintit;ua. however, is on active duty, and the sen ice of these Is light and eusy. Sineo their existence as a lederal body, the wiss uuvs earned as tlieir own the motto of tho English volunteers. 'Defence, not Defiance.' The policy of the Government has invariably been unaggres sive, and rarely has the army oi rswitzoriauu been called into the Held. Tho arrogant claim ol the late King of l'rossia en Nerchatel was the last occasion on which the Swiss spirit was roused; but a show of popular Indignation suf ficed to pull out the ambitions of a l'ourt.ilos and the pretensions of the crowned llolioni illera. hiuthu Auur. "Constitutionally speaking, Eugland has no permanent army. It exists simply on the per mission or suirerance of Parliament. In the good old days, when our fathers loved and fought for freedom, Englishmen were jealous of the power which a standing military force gave the sevo ..in ,..,.,,, n, tin and they iruarded themselves and their children against the possible tyranny of such a body ol men iy every measure tuey coum d,.vUn. The Hill of KighU surrendered the British army entirely into the hands of the Parliament, and without the vote and sanction of the House of Commons, not a single soldier could appear in ai i.ratMta. Kvarv vear tha Government has to submit to this scrutinous body the number of men which, according to tue estimates oi tne n.nandr.ln'hief. will be reouired during the ensuing year for the protection of the country and Us foreign possessions. If Parliament chooses to think the estimate too large, it draws its pen through the ligure and reduces thorn at its nlpHKure. " Tha total strength of the British army at the present day is 148,42 inea. These troops are scattered about in every part of the world in Africa and Asia. America and Australasia, in India and China, at the Cape of Good Hope and alone the Oold Coast, in Canada and the West Indies, in Ksw Ztalaud and British Columbia, so vast and wide-spread are tho colonies and dernsn drncirs ef Great Britain. In addition to this r solar arrov 7.VUW of whom are icrvlng, it should lie resnembend, lu India thero is a nnliua force consisting of iipw ar l of lM.OOd men, liable to so many days' training in tne ceurie of the year. Nor must we loso suhtof that young army of cllir.cii-tmops who have enrobed themselves fi r the defen-e of tb" conn tiy, snd whse numbers are daily iacressing. Already tho volunteers mnster 13:i.()t)0 strong; and all of them, wi'h the exception of some 'JO.tiOO or 30,000, Lave twea prououacoil by Colonel McMurdo to be cfllcieut and ready sol da rs" 'licfo'e concluding this paper, it will he worth while to Htiiov a little what may he railed the 'aiitl luetic of 'war;' and by way of aiding us In this tssk let us consult tho following table la it the population and revenue of each CounUv are givi n in round nun-hers of course as oll as tin siieiiHh ami expense of its nimv. "As already rein. irked, standing armies arc a material evil. Hy this tub'e wo see that in mice ah ne no less than 4,mki,hh able bodied mm arc siibtrac'ed from tl e honi st at d clvili.ing in lus trus ol life, and devoted to u profession of Idlo i es In limes of pea' e, and of slaughter and rapine in times of war. The cost of th'H eoloss il lorcc Is i s'imaud-aiid the estimate Is cotisidcra dy iii'.dtr the limrk at above IMI.Oi'ti.iKiO sterling, l'nt i vi n theso figures by no iiuans represent ttie true ci'st I'cwn.'.i. t I " a'-'nn A'v A'-' if. T'f-n Aiisir a .'..is 4.." lal.ni.nn l. "I If'LII'.l .. (.'IIIMII ll.'MO I. nOl'UO HI le.iiiirk.. Jim nil .'ill I -o .isrt Vo. 'Si I rata e :':..ii II (mi 7'..insi t,'.lie-,n H.'iiixi i.i ' it. sms .. 4 . in n.i. .a .', ;;.n;i (.1 ill lllill. IS.SMMII) 1 I- ll I ;i',t Ki.USI li',imi' iiriic l.is.ii Ih.ii s'lj.tKi 7 0 Ibtlsid... tiain.'io f.,.iHl S'.siiiusi ltinlnii II, ill '.'IBie.'dl ,'Iii.ihO Jtif'.'.etO 4,11 II ml I l'"ri k'.ll . :i..'isii1l I'., Mil .1, HI, isO I'.iiHMSI I'nt In.... 1s.4m .ko yes iH'il I ' 's'.e SI .'i fri ,i I hn.-ia..,. 7.i'siito 1,1'S'i.si 4. '..On into 17.4ni,no.l srmn iii,:mi,n v i.M.nio 'iicsm.ini .t.iisi.ii'j Siisnh n A Ntrssiis. s.eoii.oisi 1 -a; issi smit.'tvt i.iiiiinm Mlerl ml 'J.iHi.ioi ;i. i- 4x s.l, i si i.ilmi 'I urev.,,, :ii.iii' ,i(lii 4- :i, lno V.'.'SKi.nsl f.,ism il-sl Tills'.. ,0l 0 4('.i.lHSl l.ll4.i,'l jC-si, ti.l.lMI "We have the sums as laid down In tho various budgets, and drawn Irom the available income of Hie country. But were we to add the loans upo i h at s which have been and arc being con ractod to maintain theso 'uniformed obstructions' to the progitrs ol the world, we should h ive a terri'ilo and npi ailing tola! indeed. As it is, what a li igbliul ii.ciiliiis upon iho healthy development ot society is this vast otgiiiiiauou of stagnant energy I w hnt a menace to ihe peaceful daily pursuiis of the quiet ciitzcti ' Look atiroid on ttie lace of the continent at the present moment, and see how il tvrunniscs over tho liberties of mankind, v tide il fats up the resources of oven tlie wealthiest kingdom, threatening nearly all with poverty slid bankruptcy. F.very nation, In Uar of its neighbor, maintains a force totally iiicunipinihle wuh its ri venues; and as to a nisjotiiy id tho states, the forces itioy do keep up lire icully inadequate for their deft use. Yet the mania for vast aud expensive armies and arma ments increases instead of diminishing, and ttie chief study nowadays is how to make war more hoirible and destructive." pLEKK'U OFFICR, COMMON COUNCIl V PniriPKl rill. rectnlir 7. ISU14. In purttisnss sf ths ani.eiuil rosolutlua, Ui AOumluf but, id mill "AN OltlilVAMf'E CRrtTINO A IaiA N Til I'aY liaxrAJw rrCTS!!- I'llH IN TIIK V K.Att llsM. A N 11 fKKY lol'B Y E AKS, " Is tier to P'iMished, In avcsirilaues wilQ lh asH gf Aiiam bly, fur public Uiforiuslavu. WJI. f. BMAfX, ClArk. of liuinmou Cimia- AB OUIiIsfANCK ntFATtK') A l.i'AS 1" rT rFRTAIJt HII II IKNCIHS) I'T I MF. YK. VII ISM, AND IlilVlnl'H YtLSIIH tortflon 1. Tfis hii I anil cViuuuuo Councils of ttit Oil; Of l'fitlsiilitila do oi dmn That the nlsvorot I'rtiudeli'hla be and tie li hereby an ttioi1xl to borrow no lh sredll of tht city, from time to time, inert sunii ot money ai way lie nwossarc rVr tha pavintnt of urh Srftrlsnrtei as now cils., or fvhlra msy eiitt on lite first day of Jsnusry, lso.v. Id Iho ai'sroui tlons to Ihe leverll df rarlinenU of Ihft oily sovcrnnisst. for Uie year sUililecii hundrtd and tasty four, or for jr vlotts yean, not e&eerdlns In trio wbole ihe eem of two millions flTS biindred UioutaDd Collars, for which lnto rvat.not to eiC'-ed the rale ol lis per centum per annum, hall be paid half yearly, on the rlnt days of Jauaary and July, at the office of the I'tty Treasurer. The orlnrlttal of laid loan shall bo Davable and said at tlie expiration of thirty years from the date of the slrof; and the etrilflcstea Uierelor, In the aauel Strin ot mm oerllflealfsi U City Loan, shall be letued In sues Skounlt as the lenders may require, but not liar any fr na tional part of one hundred dollars, or, ir reqiurod. Is aioouute of Ave hundred or one tbouiand dollars; and It haU be eipreaaed In aaid eertiflcalee that Ihe aald loan theieln snenUoaed, and the Uitoreat thereof, are payebtt free from all tanas. Kectlonl W bvi eror any loan Shan bo made by sir t as thereof, tnrre shall be by foree of llila ordinance aaeinaUy appropriated oulof the lneine of the corpurale ealatei and from the sum railed by Uiat.on, a linn i"rnlnilo pay the Inlereit on laid oertlfleate ; and the farther mn ot tlsree-lenllii of one per centum on Uie pa value of perh eerUfleetei io lnued iball bo appro prlated quarttelr out ui said Inoome and taaei to a alnS Iss lund,sU!rli fund, and Its acreuialaUoni, aro bomliy eipirtaljy pledfod Sar the redcnipUoa aud payiaentof eaJd oeriillcaiea. BFSor.rmoie To pnMtth a Ixtan Hill to par reflotencios. Keeolvrd, 1 hat diet.' era lie author.ced to puhlnh la two dally newspapers of this city, dally. Air four weeks, the ordnance pieieated to I'oouuou CV)UBd on Tburiday, tnessrnta-rl. ISM. enU'led "An Oidmance t'nsallus a Loan to payOertaln Doflclineie of the year l(s'.4, and previoiil years." And da laid Vrk. at lite lUtid meeilns of ('nun all after Ibe elplratlou of Aair wee-hi bom tlie dm day of sau pnhlleitloti, ihall preient to tbli t'ooncS one of eaoh is paid newipai era lur twery Say lo wiilcb Uis same esial tulTO beea tuada. U S 4w JAUl'IIirx- AND COL1OKA.DO GOLD MINING COMPANY. OlIAaVIkID UT BTATK Or rrHBSYXy ASIA. CAPITAL. STOCK. 91,000,000 SOO.000 Shares Par Tstlsie, 99. Freeiideue-JOHN B. ANDKKSON. Xirvei49irei TYicmil A. IcoM, V. B. aaeaaa, WUItani . rroemaa, Sobers r.K laa, John M. KUe, UourleelMIUWoj, James . Mane, T O. afeDewoH, Bajvtaburt. Joha W. Hal, de JiibB Brady, So W. W. Wylle, Lanoaetes. 1 0. BciaK Ooksrade. r. v SOUTI1WOUTII, Sesareeary aud Troajartr. 01TICE. Uo. 423 WALinJT 8TBEET, BflM Xo. Aaskentteatel epeeknens have beoa ftatmi from soma of Sbe Oempea s lodes, and bars beaa auajresl by rro Ibiaors nootk andUarreltwali Ibe most ayaleryiBsreeeats. BnbeortpUoa Sats aro now open at the OOVm of the Uocb paay. and at she TTeaearer's OlBco (Inkrnal Brrenoo). Mo. etf CsOT Rareet, rarmers' and aleetiaaies' Hani beakuavf. To oiifUial iWiiHI ers as so per atuurs Bar s Smiled amber taf share. tlcewUrs,paapiete, or mmvaiattoa san be obtained M ul ueSea 0 tt.l Cimipaaj, alW Mil lTlh Lait. UU-la r' 11 k it e c 1 r ji o c i t r MIN1NC1 COMPANY. CHAVUIKRE DISTRICT, CANADA F.AST. L. I. CHrrrENDEIv, President. OFFICERS. Fi-tiovtrnor Jamo Pollock, Wrejlor U 8. Mint, l'hlla ddl'lila ; Hon.W U. lloorbead, I'rosldeut t'hllaitilplila ami frle Ballruad Company; C, H. Wn.ii!, Ki., of O. 11. Wrlttht a Co , bankers; llsary Slieldim, '!.. of Blauton, Sheldon A l o., NowYorki W. B. Hatch, Ksn-of Kalr banks A Co., Vow York; T. U.Bantlus, K'l , of T. U. Hunting a Co., hew York 1 L. E. Cbltteudua, lau Itesliisr I'. 8. Trrasuiy. (0,MS) B11ABKS f AB VALUE, i0 EACH. BUIIslCBirTlOM I'BICK, $10. Property, 11,770 Acres, all Kuown to be Rich in Uold. 20,000 Shares of Stock OiTerod fur Subscription. 6D0 ounoea of par OOI.D from the Company's property may be seen on application at the onto ol (J. B. VTrtfht A Co., Mo. Ut S. Third street, wbore aapi, prospectuses, and all Information may be bad. Ths lauit report from tb licoloililof tk Company annoance Ui alcovry l flT new and vary rich quarts lodos. Tbs Official Report of It" Uold Cotmaliiloners of Canada will soon b published, sUowtnf yer lx HuaaVsatssvat fiiy rAwMnat Vtlfrt, at cula rales, f Oold has beoa reoenlly aUned la the Chaadlere Ulstrlct. priaclpally apoa the Oompany s properly. A limited nsmlter of Ui Shares of ths Capital Stock star be tabswtbed for at the Ofllc f Ce U. WHIC1IIT at CO.. ,v V. 14 . TUIBB (treet, Hts-rmwet QtitsosUtithsJehanse p0TmTITO-H0UaH AND BCHOOt DB9K1 Kj ae to easier, a sfceeef.ARTliiBa.rtat, U-tJ liMOWsiB ruowatasT. KCOHD-HAMD COTTOM BAM- UUU h. as ""V svua t. Ball ar a o IOK TO YOU II INTKUKSTI!! V U LC AN OIL AiVD MIKING COMPANY, or WEST VIRGINIA. CHAUTKUKl) T tiih HI ATP'. OF rh.NNHYIVANIA CA! ITATa, Uf aiOO.OOO. $1 -00 r K Tl K II ARK, FULL V A 1 D J No Kumh-' A -'- I '!-. TIIK KBTATKM OF IUIH ('Oyi'ANT Are lo (irt in the hvnrt cvntr of the ctt-fit nil din-rU t of Wt VirF'nU.ard Imllr t woalth of oil (rrrttlr iiTpMif Intr lh rtiiutil OH wwl rrjlon of rfinyWnta. Th-r ny D-prUa OVKk :tf ArKFW, All In (tt imp.' Urn itgimlntcl hy n ftnlnrnt I'lilU.lrt phl Inwyur, and in nountVs lnillpu( lr j, Im tMl In the will limnn HiiruloK Hprinf ami Gristt K an v-La oil diMrkt. 1 Int. The Htl'artl Farm o( tht Old Humtnu Rprlnf rpTln, fontatninR ot no hundred acrci. In rttp -roi lmlty t tMt wttatc, on every ilde, are iltuated tho m it nroeful oil well In Wet Virginia, and within about one and a half miU-t In located the widely celebrated "l.fwelljn" and "Ktcnial Centre' wclli, Uo former A which flowed fully I'll UK t TIIOrANli (SnX) HA UliEI.S Of Oil, rr.s oay, Hf'tpR ihe Krentent h n A lt yU- of nil e m anown, and y i on.ldernblT aurpan.luir, b-'h In iiuantUy and nnnlit j, Uie nnluct of any two well In remtatvanla. Hecond. 1 hrce thousand (.1000) acne In twotitate In tht centre f ttie oil renlon of the (treat Kanawha, alonK whose enlne letiKth oil il hell Ted itt eaisl ia tiiimotuc detositii, at aside from the actual dt-Totopmcnta for oil, the evaporation at the nHKhljorlnc Malt Wnrki la etTtieted bj tultliiK the rrtrulcuio einl.lca from inLUrri)n rervolrt of nil. 1 lie CVmpany .(Uri hare been leeurtd at really low prlcei i,$l,C(0 In all), and aro deeird direct from original owuert to the tucV.huldeii of the Vuhan Oil aud Mlnintf (Vuipany. Ibe value and Importance of the Corrpany' property may he Inferred fr ra the fact that leai4 fur adjoining liiiida.wlih lar-o riyalilei of oil. have been lold fur a buiiui grcatarr than the le simple oust of the Company's mi At a, and If osteinied advantageous to the stockholder!, It le helltved U.at hut llt:c dnVflu'ty would be experi enced In It at-lim a portion of their territory at houui and royally greater U-ao the cost of tlie whole. TDK Vl'LCA OIL AKD MINIKO OOMl'ASi? Ia nrsanlard and will t conducted solely with tiW vteir of afford I iif a iootm of inarms n en t bualnaaa prosit to those InMrefctedi and hi ordr to place the Outnpany'a oil la the aiarket at tho earliest moment, vigoron oporattona will be tVrthwlt bffiD. As a lourue oi additional profit to stockholders, and ooiUaa.odatlott to the ftdjaoaat priduesrs, tt lo pto(MeU ta erect a largo refinery at sucb point and lander aueh M pice a ai tho Directors may determine will Insure lis larsoet rrtnrm. One hundred and twenty flve tliousand tiaM1 r stoak only will ba aold, and do further aubecriptroai will be accepted at any price whatever; the retnaJtitiig Tft-IOl aharee ttand pledged to he equally divided belweoa Ui original aubscrilera at such a time ai tho Oireetura may deem most advanteeoas to the lutereot ol tlie Ot nipasiy. The laanieiifo profit to tM dorlved from earnest and suo oessfal woiklng (a shown by the fact that a tlngW Com paoy la this year pay In to the atuokholJera ($1,000,000) one nillllon of dollars In oaah dividends, best dee ahaud aome reserve for additional dvelopmeato. The lahstantlal IndocemenU which tha Tuloan Oil and Mining Company ofTer to those desirous of receiving an Interest In a source of wealth that la mow itartllag the whole world, aro of a character that BLKiit tho yraroal eonslderatlon. To persons Interested or not Interootad, avery lafbrma- UoneuLrernlnf the est a tee of the Company, Its workJntra and prospfcU, will bo freely tiron, and detailed maps and charts will ae cheerfully shown. abiciiptlon to a limited amount of tho stock (if not alrtaity fa km) may boEubtalud at original price of f l 00 per share. HENRY SIMONS, PresiJent, U. 8. NATIONAL WAUOH WORKS. WM. H. WEIZ3, Treasurer, Of W. If. WEKK8 A Co., White Lead Mauufaulurori. J. L, "WIlLOUgHBT. Stcretarj, orriOE: TV. l:.t Street. 15 Ji at INDIAN SPUING OIL COMPANY. OFTIOE, No. 152 S TOTJBTfl Street rKBStllFWT, JOHN KK it'll AM. SRCaHTAUT AND THKASIIRIR, JOHN C. BAVKKY. DtaatToai. Jrlia leieham, i Hamuei A llarrlaou, Haaiuel Mnaa. I Julia tUbeoa, Mark llalilxrauia. I W A Aruo d. TtMKisaaW.Halle)r. IaKI A. Woelpper. Joba 0. aafacT. C APITAL STOCK, rto,O0O. tH0,(M ib.ru at tl each. eU.OTO iliares reeureea b lb Cmnpanj for a working capital. Tnaisyy hmJO securad la fe alaiple on of la awiel valuable oil-producing- paroela on tbe Jtsiberta Kana. ai rnacb crk, Tuaii'o eountj, fa., auoul four tnllas fiB riantlia. Tlx traet coatalni annul !l acre, with a river la frm faearir MiO feet, and baa superior railroad facllltiea, lb railroad fiomalrailrlll o Oil CHy runnlus through tu property, Uan It there II a eeiebraled Oil Hprlnf , Ihe produet of which was former! uied by the ludiam for adl inal purpoie. Th Company have out well ItO feet dnep, lirodJclnii tlie LoaTleil Lubricating Oil, wlikh li worlb at Urn preaunt ttiuet Jo per barrel t and a Hi it are now preparlns tlie neeetiary oiachlnery for working tbli and other wells. It U aunlldenil eipoctix), early la Ui rear, to pay a larg aiouUily dlfldcnd to the gtocAholdera. A Uuiite4 oaniber of itiarea will b sold at th original erloe ot Oa Dollar per iliaro. (tubeelibarl, oa enuarlog their oaruei, will l required to pay 50 per oeat. of tin aubicrlptloa prlee, al the balaaeo oa th delivery of tha cerunraie, aay janaary 1, 1, Appttcatloni for Block may b m4 at th oftlc of lb Ooaiisany, Mo. Hi 8. rouHTU Slreot wbeisj sptclmeut f Oil from this Company's well mar be eeea, and any iBfonaatioa MaUr to th srjperty nay be ok lajutd, U-U mwilUt pOALi OIL.. AKD OTUBft IBOOarOSATBO OOUPAMIU, aw be aSe at tnweit tl vita Wtfk LMutrsritia rW or snx'K, l-tLAJisraa aooas, si'ox i siiciras, D4'. lar.su Bom, Aw. A. A. A Seal aaeeftanaet mt aaveanlee oa baa fee eareAaaera M aaaeatkeaa. ayai(i UleeaUOetiieeo V. 6. PESST, luAJudaUttvaBg BUtioaOT, ' n-M-Hr I. V. saaaaar rOTBT aaal B AOS . QUJk.lVL.Ii.rt 32. CLVBB.'i4 BEDDING WAREHOUSE, AT X. U K. ELKTBKTK 8T1EKT, U-Mts tvAsa.ra. pKTKOLKUM Oil, STOCKS. W. A. II A MILL, No Ui; WuliiiitH:ri-ct. K B RA1K-AII the irauiug dnidtixl psyln OH, Mo, KB. WAbTEIi-l'artiee wuh imra tl in Sficnn. to f-rm oiilnalnri In I CVmpany, whose nel rrreipti, l tbr pr ir nl time, (ay nity per cent, en it.o purcliaie money. AI.SO-OKUIINL mmsi ltlf TI0N received lor Ihe prnler rait of tholl eit 'otn.anli noe nrsanlzlnr, nndr tit dim lion of geullrnien of raprrirnc and unit .nilm-d t. lulu g Call ar.d fit a rtrrolar. U JI t i;nnsvlvania IMriRIAI, OIL COMPANY. oi'i irr, No. no 8. fifth ft., riiiLAiiA CAI'ITAI,, 2,0iK,fK)0 DOLLAIW. Adetv HIIAKI.a, AT III! E urn (. niri kin rmrt: kih kcli, paid htik k Itt'Nt'l'VKl (Ilpl'ltl, tirt.tnt). rnaatiiKNT, ALFXANDKR K. McCLV'Ri:. PIIIRlTOIia, A. K. .f 1.1'HF. JllllS M. rriMKKOT. TIIOMAH A. SIHTT, Kl.iallA W. HAVIS, 11. K JAI'KMAN, I'KrRIt 11. HMAI.l.. J. ('. IIOMIIKUHKB. SHCKKTABT, JAMES m. si:i.i.i:ri. TRFAarHKR, aUSUA W. DAVIS. Tbii Company has thrre diirerrnt ua'ia of land mw prc-dtietng oil, and ample revenues to guarantee rcvular diTld. mil. The thr. e tracts with welli on them are capaMe of e tenoUc drvclopmtnt, and the Company havf five eniiiu'l and the Datum ready lo iiroicciite tho wora. II hai l'Jfi arrei In fee on Allesbeny rlrer, linmcdlllv orpoiltf OlM'liy, wllh 110 ndi rtrcr front, and 7. rndi front on Lay'l Run. Thle band la now wortli Ilu0,00ox elusive of th Oil right. Il hui IfO acrei In fe In the Cherry Run dlilrU I, lniire dlati ly ad olnlng Cherry Hub Petroleum Companr, and leaiei ir about to be exes'iiled with two itrong parttri to link well! on leate on Hill tract, tbe Company to reeelve half the OIL It has two Iractl of land on Oil Creek, aaoh producing over ten barrels per day, and one tract on the AUtsghenv rtrnr producing ten barren of hoary Oil, worth ;l per barrel. All of thai tracts will be promptly derrloia.l, and they ate lU-teiied OU landi. : It ll otganiatsl on a certain baill to pay divttb-ndi from the Hart. Hi revenue! from Oil alone are more thai. Uttlrt pfr ettt. per artnam on Ui capital; and nev vells are about lo be lunk on leaie, without coit to Ihe Company, and one-hall tbOrocoed will belong! lo U-.e I'ouiiiany. The Company hai $?.O,0f 0 of Hi own capital lu reierve belonging to Uie Stockhohleri, and taking It altogether il r..olirccf for eertatn dividend are ao approarhfd fty ony other Ott itvck now in the market at even double the original coti. The officer! of Uiis Company mean ta proieciil the de velopment of theie lands lucst onergrt'OAlly, and tliey hava entire confldtnee that tiny will ilcld very large dlrtdcn.il on th capital stock. Bubicrlptlons will b received at theofflcs of th Com pany. 11 Kl 6'. rp " 11 E CLOUS T O N OIL COMPANY. CF WEST VIRGINIA. One of the best and most promising Investmonts before ti e publle-Plv Leases on BIO lUJKNIMO tr'llKO RON, KH1IIT WBLLB on th'm.lora prod nclng, and good show of Oil In tbe others. MOItllAH LBAMkm AM) WBI.I.H, a standing Htone creuk. 117 acres la feevnesr the UK, III I MM) H1EIS j8. Also 1100 io aa In fee, known as Uie SAB II PKUVINCK FAUH.on Yellow rek, a trlba- Ury of Uugbee river, iaa) acre bottom land. Tke Company la geitii g Twenty llatreli per day, have four Knglnai now n th ground, ai.d seven Wells almost completed, with how f Oil In all of them. All of th above property la la WlktT COUNTY. Call at th oftloe of the lll.UB CRBEK OIL COM I' A NY, Mo. 4U7 WALNUT Bireet, and gel a prospectus. SUBSCBirTION LISTS NOW OPEN. 100,000 SHARES, PAR $10. BUBBCKirrioM tbick, a run buabb. WORHIKU CAPITAL, 8 '2 1, 000. U M fmwMt (J A K I) VULCAN OIL AND MINING COMPANY. The itraltMftirwara bnilneis like mannerwllh which l hi. Company hai been organized, and will, aa long a th uaCersltord hare any voice or taUuencein It! uanage ruenl.molt cortalnly ke condocu d, has excited the hi- 1U of ivial emerprliing contemporary companies, wtose ellorts are very cb-arly more d Irec tod toward irect- Ingialeiof stock, and depreciating this Company loan dor. than of any manlfeit doilre to develop Oil to rsloi- bnrie their stockholders. Th Vl'LCAN OIL AKI MININO COMrAWT was started onder the conviction that at least on hoaorabl builnois organlralion woald receive a cordial reception. Tbe Coupiny a reception is an eminent iaecis; that sao- 'ess appears to have envenomed Its contemporaries. As this Company appea a direct to th reflective bustnsss men of th comiuuilv. who, as a dais, hav never ben lound amorg th Investors of our ooutemporarlea' s:ook, nd tberfote, as no custom Is taken from them whatever, no good res son can be conjectured far such an auaeoesaary agitation ot nil. loth public w would frabkly italelhil tnauouipany :ilti in fee simple (J100 acrei), coit Isl.OdU i the apl al luck Is dlrl.'eil Into 200 ooO shares, at tl eaeh, full paid. IVi.nfO iharea of Block omr will be sold, and no mor at any prtc whatever. This amount sayi for our territory , and laavii a ossh working capital or t H ,ouu. tbii remain ing 76,l0O shar staud pledged to be eouelly divided pro rata betw.cn the erlglnal or present suhiorlbers. Th Company's eitales are in the vary heart of th rlcluMl oil district la this country, if you Ilka oar straightforward plan of dealing belter than paying a few corporator! an citortlouate rat for a little around on an ascertain Inte rest, w should b pleased to have your subscription at one; If you do not. plenty of other cbanoosar preeinled to Invest your atone. nilTRY SI-IOSS, Resident. (U. 8. National Wagon Works.) 11. H. WEEKS, Trefcsnrer, (01 W. ti- Weeks A Co., Wait Lead at auufaotuiera.) H-M-lt COMPAM Y'8 OFFICE, ' Wo. t84, WALNUT BTItBET, rro CAPITALISTS VAXTABLE Oa TKfiV 1 RiToaT. Tlieee deeireos of intertna Into sa Oil Ooeapsay aw fcs eoar.s mi ortanlaaaW, aa rtainavl partiea, are lufurmeB tbal thai ar a lew share ye le be Bupsssad of in a ooms ttaayct aaaaeaiwatabl rluartlll, at ta rat ml llsKat ca. The pTsjveftr IsliwalaA Tw0 aftl run. a4 oeeutees ot alaty-aveaaaawa.theaTavtTpocuono wklok at IMea Skle l.rrllory. Oa tke baiauo ml the Bravest y, ertalak as aplauS, Is aa aaejadaave ml ml, aaa aat Bmealava, WSaah la mnek e.ed la ibl ngloa. Tan propen v la ot ate avsart aWvasSUVa Tw. kit I. rvaa Sog eai are ,i as. aaA Ilea arU aa Ik ttsvajt iMl stall. n.eiaasaXaMOasakaaarua aeoi.uaaarT a areas. eoea li. ....wip ai . i r . , U St Baaaaaary aaj Iiaasiun1, .1 'J II E DRAKE PETROLEUM COMPANY OK rUILADKLrilU. r ( AriTAti, .... fft.OOO ooo 100,000 SHARCS, PAB $10. 950,000 Ceh Working Capital. PTJBHCIIIPTION PKIOK, 'i SO. rBimitlRNT, ' T. HA8KINH DU PUV, Prealdent f rhe Catawba allroaA Compa-ay. vica raastDRNT,' THOMAS r. WaTTciOM, Of tte Hardware Crm of Traltt A Co., Nu. ti Market tt ntiAscaaa, KAMUF.Ij WORK, Caf Wort, MeOoueh A Co.. Bankers, So. M H. Third strwrt DiaaeTous, T. Tl A MKT MB DU TOT, THOMAS D. WATTBOK, K. B. KICnARPS. ea Cruaijt4rwat WM. T. SMKkRBUD, Insarans Ajrent. OKOROK P. WAT, f lai Hry Uoodi Arm of J. T. Way A Co., A. W. I.Btsa;JRla,), Cashier Maiica Cbnak Bank, KDWA1D SIlIPrEK, . Ttje property of tk Xirak Petroleum Company eona'sls of two uaots of land, on of two kandred and flftly-aval asre and one of iws hnndrek and slxty-flveeoroe.mem an all fire kuadrad and twelve acres, la tern, M lb CaloV wellBranek ofOU Crsrk. Th property baa bea rltleaJly exaraSaed by a Con talM appolntad (br that parp.ii. and th terrttorj ro owread, In their Jn-Vmenl, to be flilly loal to tluSaa Ol Ore--, along wbleh the largtvet oil weJU ml Auwonrasl kav been fonnd. Tb lands reiemb'e those oa Oil rrk la very partlca- lar, and tt Is believed, from th larg Dombr ef eal prhigs Bi close proa Imlly, thai valaahl weals will b osnsaad on both the tract!. Tke manaaement kav already lenrd several un sad augased a eomnetont Buperlntendoai, wKa a Tasw ta ammedial and rirgtlo development. A targe portion of these tracts la bottom, a admlrakk adapted for borlrif . kwvaral aompan as ar organised oa lands Imraealaiekf adjoining this territory, amoag wbloh are lb Bngi aad CreaesHlt Oil Companies ot Philadelphia. In presenting tke Drak Ptrolem Company to lb) pohlie, th Director! ask tha their acbwa luoald be a amliMd, and labicrlisuous mad to tb Btok la rail fallal as to tu preeaeit and prospective valu T. nASKIKS BO PUT, Frees den. TflokliS D. WATrSOM, Ylee-Preeldnt. 1AMUBL WOUK, Traasnrer. BeibscrlpUon be received at the Banking Home sat WORK, kfeCOUCU A CO., M-T-tf Vo. S6 B. TBIetaf Saveaa. pCOSPECTUS' or TUB KANAHA AUD HUGEE3 EIVEB3 OIL COMPANY, ri ti OFrK'E: No. UOS . FOTjnTII r3tieot, rUIL.ADEL.PHIA. i Capital Etcck, $1,000,000. raksiDBtrT, ' . C. A. WALBORM. U1EBBCTOKS, Wkt. ml. aUBDALL, J. X, EI1XJWAT, WM. V. MeOBATB, KUHUA W. DA TIB, W. H. HEMBLC TBBASUBBB, J. E. RIDfJWAY. BUBBCRirriOHS BBCKIVBXI AT THK OFTICB OF TUB COMPAMT, Mo. 908 B. FOUBTH STBXBT, ALSO AT X. JOS CHHBBfUT 8T. , Divided into One Hundred Tboasnnd Shares of Ten ($10) Dollars sach, of which Twenty Tbuiuand 6 hares are set apart to be sold at 9- 50 per share, making; $50,000 Working Capital, to be expendad In developing the lands and paying the necessary ex- pcaios of the , Cumpttiiy, Th yroptrty of thli Company eoa.liU of the tmo iluiobs sad penistnal lel of between 100 and 11 HO acre, mt land la Wod and Wirt counties, Weit Virginia. ltos. 1 and t ar In fe simple, an contain akoot 170 acres, situated at Kaaawha Mtation, on tho MortkWMtara Mailroait, aboal 10 miles above rarkecsburg, Va , wlw SbaKanawha river, tb Parkariburg aud Btauntou turn pike, and the Morthweittm Railroad Company coos u geiker. if Tpon Ihll property II lltnatrt th Kanawha Btaaioa of the Northwaaicrn Kallroad Company, which la th most IdvaaUgeoeii point of shipment for th oil produced lu to region of th Kanawha and In iriouiarle. Xo. I. Ii a tract of land perpetually leaicd from James Aoblnien.andcentaiai nut leu than 600 acrei, end d ias jlos. 1 and 1. Ko.4. Ii th celebrated Itoblnasa traet, under a pe's. lual lean, and coatalua M acres, situated la Wirt cunty, about 'i mil above th former tracts, ou tb acuta aid of Uie Hu.ui l river and noar lu confluence with th Ka nawha, and ka a boring froat oa Xoek raa of aboat tw sulla. Tk royalty too paid on thos leases Is one-eighth of the net proceed after th Couipaay being reimbursed for sxpuuit and outlay la producing th o!L .IcoM tk Iraet, oa Ui Kanawha. 1 th celobrated Burn ing Bprlag, on acar that ou the Hughes ar many pro ductivewsUs. i At ta Janatlca of tBess two itresras wlH b tbasat tk oil etl-prt4kaeuag leer 1 lory In West Virginia. , Tkallfle titaatioa mt this lead ITrJa a kswijur lerrt Serr of al leaal aevea gailcs sa Use tw riven aud lsW IrlkaUrtM. 11 CMuUu-l JJHI CLAHIOS OT22 OILOCliTAaiLI. a. t . y' orricB, tu VALKn vtbsxi. i . , ! v 'I umoib tveoa), WILLIAM F. "OHKLL, ' FBAausarm. ' ' t, ajlMPEOM AFRICA. i tt gf ' ' r '.an