ELE&RAM THE 1 TF . Li L ij A Will ADUU'IILA, TUESDAY, DECEMUUR '27, 1S0I. SAVANNAH, OIIAULKSTQN, AND WILMINGTON. DOUBLE SHEET TIIHEK CENTS. D0UBLK SHEET THREE CENTS. 4, h X i 1 1 4m. THOMAS. THE PURSUIT OF HOOD. ' His Army Floundering in tho Bogs of Tennessee REPORTED CAPTURE OF PONTOONS. Demoralized Condition of tho Rebel Cavalry. THEY ABANDON MOST OP THEIR WAOON TRAIN. 1 HE Ii RSI IT YIMItorsI.Y I'RI.SSED Near Com'miiia, Tiecembrr The Infantry, artillery, nnd cavalry fairly divide tho honors il a great victory. The cavalry never have acted so gloriously during any engagement in this section. Genoral Hatch's Division covers Ittelf with glory, enp turlng 15 guns, 42 wagons, 10 anibiilaiu'ca, 7.1) prisouers, and 3 division battle-flags. II is loss ij 400 men. Hood's pontoons anl equipage have been cap tured. The cavalry of Iloid's army have abandoned BiOtt of their wagon train. The sirs will run up to P ick river to-morrow. jYeu.' York 7'imrs-. NORTH CAROLINA. Safo Return of tho Eppcdition to Plymouth. SUCCESSFUL SKIRMISHING WITH TIIE ENEMY. Eeportcd Rf pulse of the Uniou Gun boats at Poplar Point, Roanoke River. NATAL ATTACK OX FORT BRANCH. IttiN. KM).. KUs., Ktc, etc, r.te., mo. AM EXPEDITION PROM 1'I.YMOtTU Newbmhn, December 1( Au expedition under the command of Colonel Frcnkie, left I'lyiriou'h on tho Oth Inst., under orders from brigadier Gcneral Palmer, commanding the district of North Carolina. SKIHMISII AT OARDNBR's II R I DOR. The first point reached was Gardner's bridgo, on the Roanoke river, beyond Jameston. Here mas encountered a force of Kebel cavalry prob ably acting as videttes the main force (infantry) being strongly intrenched on the height beyond, the position being approached by a bridge lly the rapid movements df Captain Donegan, who led the advance, the Rebels were frustrated In tbiir deign of destroying this bridge ; and the Uth New Jersey, which formed in column by platoons, rushed onward energetically across the bridge, up the heights, and succeelid shortly in driving the enemy from his position, w,th but s Ik bl loss to cither par'y. Captain Graham, with Ids cavalry, charged in his nio.it gallant style, and following closely on the heels of tin; tiling Rebels, succeeded in taking several pruoner. , TUB KNBUY l'l'IlSIED TO POXTKH'S MILLS. The ma n column continued its onward march, but tlid not succeed in eoinii gup with the Rabuls until reaching Foster's Mills, where, they were discovered strongly intrenched, and with one icco of artillery. Similar to their lirst position, this was approachable alone over a bridge, which ' this time the enemy had succeeded in destroying; but a plank served the purpoo, although the transit was of a more hazardous character. Tne command, however, crossed in safety by this means, and in line of baillo coufruutcd the Roods on the other tide. ANOTI1KH BKtRUISIt. The enemy now opened with his artillery, to which our force nspondeil by a hri.k tiro of muskctrv, which bad the clleci of dislodging the tneuiy. KNGAOKMBNT AT 81'RISU lillEF..-t C II I Rl II . On advancing to Spring Green church, on the road to Haiuillon, mid a 'Out tinea uiilus distant, the Rebels were again cnou'Hcrod, their pjsiliou likewise strong, and tiieir force uiuriuliy in creased. Deeming it iuexpedimt to attack them in front, a Hank movement was ma lo under the direction of Colonel Stua.t, with his o.vn regi ment, the Uth New Jcr-ny, and the 27ih Mas.a ibnscU. During the night this movement was cflci.'teil by the command crossing 111 J river by ukmus -of tome drifting wood, and early the next morning, much to the surprise of tuo a-t m'sh 'd Rnnels, Colonel S rv Mir attacked them in their rear. Finding themselves assailed und hard pressed in front and roar, the enemy eisuyel to escape by suddenly piercing the weakest p lint in our lines, which alter to.no lighting t.ny succeeded in a roinp ishiug, hut not wituotit heavy loss t j them selves. Ci. iti ur.. We captured In ilili tntrugemrnt five R:'icl commissioned oili er., including one C Hun-si, lliulon, ti.sth North 0 no in t regiment, and thirty uou-coaiiaiisr-aonid otlleirs and privates. THK tOI.lMS' lll.TlllNS. The colnnin here halted, md the olijee'. of thoir triand l.avn g la eu a.-co i.,.li-hed as fur as prac ticable, the toiniiitul c.u itermarclicd to Piy iLontb. INAHII.ITY OF THK til Ml 1VIS TJ L'O-OPF. KATE. A fleit of gunboats will''') tccompanied the ex peoitiuuoii setting out, was unable to co-operate or advance beyond Jamestown, owing to the nurwbor of torpedoes sunken in tlie river by the euemy, and by which several boats, were lost as reported in a previous dc.-putdi. ILAU OF TRUCE. Captain Judson, Adjutant-General of this dis trict, left yesterday with a llig-uf-ti uce party to uct the Kebel authorities at Klnston. lttVIVAL OF ACT1VI TV IN NMWIIKaM . Newbern and vicinity are again beginning to ftstume a busy aspect, aud the indications of 111 J ravages of the fearful epidemic that so lately and f atally raged here, have almost disappeared. Ac York Uerutl. Bebel leeooutt). Vh.minotok, December Sil, '-J; . -All quiet at Mew hern. The enemy is ni' .!. up Uoauokd river against Fort lirauch. ATTACK t fON THK I'NION QUI. BOATS AT FOI'LAB fOlHT. Wilmikotoh, December 22, UWl. Genera' Iventhrope attacked the enemy's gunboats and barges below I'uplar l'olnt.on the Uuanoke river on Tuckday evening. ' The fight lasted three liours, when the enemy was repulsed with severe loss. The fight was reauiued yesterday, wheu the enemy succeeded in landing some sharp shooters. Their main fleet of gunboats and tran sports remain below the attacking force. I'KtkAT or A KAVAL ATTACK OM fOUT BKAMOB. It will be seen from our despatches that a naval attack on Fort llranch, on the Uoauoke river, has been handsomely repulsed. DEI-BAT or AM ATTEMPT TO LAMO ON BOAN0KB BlVStt. Wir-mwdTOK, December 23. General Leren tbrope yesterday again repulsed tke enemy, who ahttuipted to laud on Koanoke river. Tb Impress Eugenie again pwlt and tow h woii'l go to Nice, buc cridvCtly i aut nice tlrl. THIRD EDITION SHERMAN. FALL OF SAVANNAH. History of our Operations. THE PRELIMINARY MOVEMENTS Pcmand for a Surrender of tho City. Ktr., Etc, :., l.tc., r.tf., ko Foam km MoNiioF.Dicciiiber 2ii. The stcam I'ul-futnin, ( nprain OvHlfrry, arrived at a late lionr Inst evening from l'ort Pulaski, bringing Important despatches from (ion' ral Sherman, and gloiious intelligence confirmatory of the cap ture of Savannah on the 2 1 it. On the 20th General Sherman having nearly rmnpli ted the investment of thcei'y, nmlcaptiirrd Foit l.re, nnil several other of the minor out works in the Immediate vicinity of tho prlnelpil entrenchments surrounding the tnn,and plaut irg his BH'fe batteries in such clove proximity to the Kebel Hues us to com mand effectually every position hold by the forces wnibr the command ..f II vrdee, sent a summons by flag of truce to the effect that If the place was not in a cenuin ti ne surrcmletod, a In iiihardment und assault would at once commence. At this summon the rebel Ge neral sent back a reply that as his com munications were yet open und hi: men fully supplied with subsistence and stores of every kit d, they are en viiled to withstand a long siege, and be was determined to bold the city to the very last moment, and di'eml ti e citizens and prop.vy which ha l been placed under his protection nutil his forces were ovcrpowi red and he be co'itpelled to sur render. Fvery preparation had been made by General Miermaii to assault the Uebdl position next tiny, but when tho morning of the 21t dawned, it was ascertained that the enemy had evacuated their outreno'imcnts. fcou'rul regiments of infantry immediately ad vanced, toi k possession of them, and shortly afterwards General Sherman emered tho city at the head of his body guard, and received from the hiimls of a dcpntaiion of its citizens the sur render of tho place. It appeaie that Hardee, on the night of the 20tb, seeing the Impossibility holding the city and fearing that tho only means of esc ipo left open acros the Savannah was likely to be cut 02" at any moment, determined lo avail himself of this ronte for bis retreat. His troops immediately set to work to partially des roy the navy yard and all t'io Government prcpeny, and at twilight, under tne protection of two iron-clad rams, succeeded in crossing the viinnuh river, over a causoway, to the north sido intending to push forward to Charleston. ;I2,(I(IU biles of cotton were stored in the city, which the KebeFs, In tbelr haste, neglected to destroy. The two Ironclad rams were sunk, and all tho FnTcrnment property and store which tbey could not carry off with them, they burned or threw into the river. Four steamers and a small gunboat were captured, which, together with the lotion, and a large amount of Kobcl munitions of war, form a part of tho spoils of the victorious army. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Special IlespaU'hes to Kveiiini; Telegraph. Warring tok, December 27. nplnro ofT lilorliiKlc-llnnnrr. The Navy Department has re etved informa tion of the results of the emi-.-of the United Stutes steamer Choctua, Captain Meade, off VcIhsco, Texas, by which it npp ars thit on No vember 21 she chased ashore a schooner which was totally wrecked by a heavy ale. On December 4 she captured :'ie thrco-mtisted schooner O. Wood, with a ea'o of 221 bales of long staple cotton. Ou December 6 she captured the Dritish steamer IM Hurley, of Montrcn', with an assorted cargo. The Military KKtu Mow. Universal and unbounded jo is felt here at tho glorious as. cct of the military .ituation for the Union cause. The hoil.on Is bright all round, while throughout the Confcti ,r.wy a wall of despair, deep aud prolonged, goe up. Before Sherman the path of eon pies' and glory lies open. He suites thit his urmv is flushed with victory, and demands to be led i ito South Caro lina; and the General expects ., 'l8ye Charleston by the 1st f January, Meanwhile, the tlcct will i.- u l to A'i ;ust i and the line of Savannah ivdi j. held en per mi none, liutler, larg' lyrcint' ir f, is not confin ing his efforts to a direct att ic1, on Wilmington, but, nccording to tho stateiuc.!t .if the Kich uoii I piess, ho lias a powerful f r moving up the K anoke to sever coaimuuica i ' s between Vfil uungtou and Uich'noud. From Tennessee the new dinally auspi clous. Hood fiii'ls Ii i in -f 1 f, boat trams or arti'lery, brought up at the 'enaessee river, whlgb, swollen by the l ic b t rains, is utterly impassible. (ienral Thom i clth bis mnnitl cent army, is wilMn six mi', f Hod;1'., rear. Mcunwhilc, unoiier colmnu is moving ' on Cor.ntb, while still ano.ber is advancing on Mobie. Ue-ulnirol Hif I 'oiiiw, The moduruiion of the wea.h r, aud the effor s of the Ice-boat Atlantic, has opened the Potomac liner; and navigation has been resumed again from this point. Although the channols are filled with floating Ico, the large fleet of Govern ment transports aud steamers which were ice bound for several days off Griesbora Point, ar rived up Sunday afternoon. Arrlvul of tlie "4'linrlotte Vaaderbllt "; The steamer Charluttt Vanderbilt, Willi tbo mails and passengers and fifty-eight Rebel de serters, arrived here yesterday afternoon from City Point, but she experienced considerable ditliculty in getting through the floating ice. The John llrooks weut down with the mails yester day, and to-day tho bouts will resume their regu lar trips. "alute to NkcrmsB, A salute of three hundred guns was fired yes terday morning, at eight o'clock, from Franklin Square, in this city, by order of the Secretary of Wur, In bonor of the news from Sherman and the lull of Savannah. Keparta of RroaM. Recent scouting expeditions in Virginia by our cavalry has disclosed the fact that the Rebels have driven all the cattle out of London county. On this side of Bull Run Mountains, however, quite a large number of sheep, cows, hogs, etc., ore yet to be found. Arrrat mt m SnnposseJ Mnrderar; J. A. McDonough, a cltiueu, was sent to this city on Sunday from Harper's Ferry, aud com. mtttcd to the Old Capitol, upon the charge of being one of the party who murdered Captain E, M. Liuolcnsn, a Federal officer, In CharUitowa. Va., on the i!7ihof Ut September. Map of tho Atlantic Coast, of Generals Lhcrman, Foster, and Butler, and the Squadrons of Admirals Porter and Dahlgren. LI . tlVIILLCDr.LULLi: M'UlllUlJ"- '"AOi FROM THE SOUTH. CJe rdoiKvlllc l'rlly Orrui.tcil. Pi rm thx' Ituh'nond H'i.;. r.rtii rr 'i t. The ti Icg'iiph operator ai Gordousville reported this nioiTimg that he was about to w.ihlraw from tli ii' parens our rones hal filleu hi k and the Yankees were advancing. The. proba biliiies are that Gord'Tisvilie lias been occupied by the riirmv, but we have the sati faclion of ki owii !.' that bi lore thev are nianv hours older tbey will wi-b Ihey bad nmained at hoine. Itr. 'h l.irlilu-"!. HrirliaFut. OIU KA11IKUB RHI'OHTKI) IlEIHArKI) AND KK 1HKATIBO. Front the Hit hmontt ." iv'HriT, Ilrtint'r l . Although there is no ollici il news of import ance trin bouibwc'tcrn Viiglnla, enough ic km wn to warrunl ihe bc.ief that toe enemy has been puni-lud severely by Witchcr and Hrovkin ridgo In several conlliets, aud that ho is no making with all speed buck towards T"nnaseo. Among other injuries inllic cd by ttiu enemy during the raid w is the destruction of the otll t '8 of the Abu gdon liryirmm and the llristol lltyister. Tti H-t HT MriimlnKton. Wii.MiNdTon, N. C, Deccrabct 21. i'he Yan kee fleet is still riding at anchor oil' the bar, with no change in position. Their Monitors are not yet visible. The weather is stormy, and it is ex ceedingly rougb outside. Should ".he galo ccaso, tiic enemy cannot 1 ind under furty-ek'iil hoars. Wn m i n (Hon, l)i cemucr 22 1 be Federil fleet have been driven oil the shore by the storm, the musts of tho IIVifouA and Calanuio lieing only visible. It is uncertain whether they havesought a port, or gone South. The wiud is light aud llw sea very rough. Wn.MiNororr, December 2.1. Twenty-six ves sels of the Fedrral licet reappeared ibis moruiug. 'Hiiro has been no other ehinga since lust dispatch. The wlud has subsided, and the sen is becoming sni'Xith. Hie T rnuN-MilHKippl lrtniet. 1'IIICB HKOKUANUINIt II IS AHMV IT IS I'HO NOlNC'KIl TUB I.AOKHT LOHrS IN TIIK RKIIF.L AHMV. From the Jtic'imoml Imp-itch, UwtvtUr '2i. A gentleniRn, dlroet from the Trans Mississippi Deparunent, biings luforma'lon that (ijneral Price has organized the recruits brought out of Missouri by him, into live new tirigad -s. General Joe Kelly and General John I), (.'lark, Jr., have csch a oivi-lon. Get eral Jeff. Thompson c Ho llands Kelly's brigade. Colonel John T. Colfee h. s recruited a regiment ouu thousand eight faumlred s'rong. On thelmh of November General Trice was Issuing rations to thiriy-ibne tli nisitud men. His cxpriliti. n Into Mis-ouri was as coinpletoly suc cesslul as bis orders peimittcd If to be. Ho has now the largest corps in the Contcderate army, und evi rv man is a Missourian. General F ig in, whom ho detached for that purpose, captured FnjetievHle. with its garrison of eight hundred men, on the 4th of November, tsmpe-il Olllcern Hrcnpture.1 by tbo K'ImIn. from the RithKind IH'pnteS, IiteemhtrVI. Twenty oJd Yankees, captured by some of Coionel Thomas' men, in tho tiuioky M mutuiri, were brought here tins neck. Among them are two majors, six c tptains and twelve lieutenants. Tht y e-caped fiom the guard at Co umbi I, S ;., and were making tlielr way to tho F Icrul linos, when Tbonni-' "logins" gobbled them up. Aiht tiUe (S.C.) .Yen. Iteh.'l Urssrsl Hl I.ee Atf.klu iu lh NuiliUe. ' m the lii. hmviul i'hiJ, llrwml'ei -H. The Cbnrlnttravilla Vliruniclt tars the Country will be grutltied to learn that the gallant Gun. ral Fnr.hunb l.ee has recovered I'koiu his wound received at Winchester on tbu ltlttt of .ScpUmibcr, slid has aga n gone to resume bis command. 11. has ben in Cbarlofesville a day or s i, and left yesterday. He will bo welconisd by his old com rades, who, we trust, will not ag ilii be deprived ol bis valuable services. Among tuo "cavalii is" ol the South, few have act 'd a more c itispicu jus patt tb.in this distinguished olllcer. t uudurt of ll.Mt'M ttrbrlN Iu Cuiuuiblt, 'l'iiuisMt-r Ftvmthi Ri'hmowl VltiJt December 2b A correspond, nt of the Montgomery Mail, w riting from Columbia, Tennessee, describee the evacuation of the town by tho Yankees an i the entry of the Confolerates, and udJs : "H jiiio oi tho boys plundered confectioneries unit tilled their arms with knlcknacks. Some were laden with boots and shots and bats; some with bags of flour; some bad tinware enough t open a Confederate hotel; everything was plundered. Hut whilo this Jublluut mcfce for spoils was ul it height, General Forrest, whh the good taste characteristic of both of us, rode along tho pavement weighted to the gunwales with pretty girls, and plundered tho honey from a hundred willing lips. To see them running to the streets, raising their little hands in joy, and crying, 'I.or'l youder's Geu'l Forrest! yonder'a Gjii'1 Forrest! howd'y, Gen'l Forrest! and I an ocean of similar exclamations, and then turning up their little faces and pouting their pretty mouths with a lamblike submission for his kisses, makes one thrust his hands to the elbows in his breeches pockets and wish be was In Forrest's b jots." Exchange) of I'rUonffru to be KcBiiimeii at Kluhuiuud. Fom tltt Kiehmonti Stmintl, December St. tarn Our authorities have delivered to the Federal agent at the ports ot Savannah and Charleston twelve thousand Federal esplivcs.aud received in exchange so far atjout three thousand. The nine thousand due us will be delivered near Richmond, so that we shall soou have the privi lege of welcoming home large number of our soidiars now in captivity. Ureat Ntarupclts mt Wtrrssr from Rich, susad itww Ms t'ticnt ivr their Mm lere, from tho Richmond StKtUul, Decomoer HO. A regular panio and stampede has taken place among the negroes of this city, lietween forty aud fifty have run off to the Yankees since last Saturday, in most case carrying their trunks anil household goods. On Wednesday night seven negroes belonging to Mr. Valentine llicklar, living just beyond Union Hill, went off, carrying all their furniture. The cause of the stampede Is the report that has rotten abroad Oiul all ,U mole tu'groes are to be put luto the aainy. -4 Showing tho Sccn?s of -A-t 1: V -r. XX" V s ' W'IT! V! r - ! rt.K roPT ROYAL . . 1 he onra:lii t'ii:ti- IF.ITfR IHOM IIOVl'.IINOIl llltOWN, Ok' (IHOIIOIV. Kxkci Tivn IIiia ii I u iin r, M icon, Gjirga, De. ember !l. lti (. II m. ulter It. S aplcs, of Virginia: Sir : I wbai purp.ru to In a pub-li-bi d stuopsls of a r. cent di-euss on in the House of Representatives, in Congrc-s, you are reported to hi ve stated that tbo number of per sons ixcn.pt from cons Option by me iu this Kta'e, including ihe iniutlt In State sotvice, umounts to alKiut hluen th oisand nie.i. As this pub b allon has produced a v. rr erro neous Impression upon ill" pub'ic mind, and as 1 cannot sup po-e vou intend to mi-ropiesout or to do ii justice to a Stnte which has done her whole in ly to the cause and to ihe Confederacy, aud h i h, I think I may say without dispar.ig -mint, bus had under arms during the pas' sum mer Mid fill a larger portion of her wbito ina'e p.t ubiiion thnn i.ny other Stve in the ('oifedu r.icy, I lake liberty to pub l-h this note ad lre-sed to you, to correct a u error into which y iu have fallen. Oi tlie fifteen thnusnnd men to whom vou ref.ir, nil but about fourteen hundred and titty are tbo militia who now aic, and iimt of thom for months past have b en, In active military .-ei'Vico under tbu command and control of a Coiil'tdc attt I gi neiul, coiilrouting the enemy. I lhe.e font lien hundred ami fifty are comprised J of .Im'ges of Supremo mid Superior Courts, jus I llces of the Inferior courts, sjcrltls, clcrln, ordi naries, tax colic tors and receivers, und are u iso I b.iclv nt e-ij to tuo existence of the Suite ; (..'vcrtirm rit. A Itirge prop). lion of tlioin aro ! oei lift) yes of age, and would not, If put out I ot i lliee, be u'occt to Con fed rate conscription. The uiililiu organized, and ill service, are com pose) partly ot tounty otllcers under liltv ye irs of age, partly of Confederate bunded exempts, and partly of mt n detailed by the Confederate fioveriiiiMiit as agriculturalists, etc., wtio aro held by t'.e Suptuine Court of this State to bo subject to mlliini duty, und Imve been ordered by me into active service as pa't of the milltiu. Much tbu larger part, however, is com pord ' f boys lietween sixteen and seven. oen, and old iiicu between titty and til'ty-tive years of age, who, un.b r the laws of Congress, are uot mtjrrt to Coti'cderte ferviiss. Ail theso must, in jourestimate, be set down as exempt by tho Governor Irom servlcs in Ihu Confederate arnves, wl.en tiny aro, lit fact, exempt both bv the In, of Congress and of the St-.te Legislature. 1 ill rrntrk furtber, in this connection, th v. tho State ( tlieeis in Georgia are declined exemp'. from con scription, not by uutboriiy of the O iveriin', but by a joiut resolution ot the Genorul Assembly of the Siate. Georgia seceded from the old Union to protect her rights and maintain her sovereignty, and slio w ill, in her no.v ulimnco, neither penult 'lio "en tire niiichincry of her State government to be stopped," her "courjj of justice to be clos d," tlio "..uthority of her magistrates suspended," nor her "S'ate lines to be oblitera ed." Nearly fifty regiments of her sons have spent y t oi h under arms in Virginia, and th jsc of tlinn lio survive are now defending the capital of that glorious old commonwealth, while a p wer tul urmy marches t. .rough tbe.r own beloved St.de j occupies aud deescra ei their own capital ; burns I In ir cities and vdliges; destroys b' lu ll rids of miles of ihe railroads of their state, and plunders tbein of their property, leaving liioir wives and children wuliout oread. Their Kxicu'ive asks for aid, an I especially that the sons ol Georgia may be permitted to re turn and strike a b ow in her detense. It is denied, and she Is left without an iufan ry force, while her capital is ihe head. pi triers of (iouet.il Sherman, to confront his powerful army, except the Confederate Reserves in the Stato, and the Statu otllcers und militia reserve, nm milling in the usgregatc to a few thoasand men, many of them with but little physical strength to endure the hiudships ol the t nun. Not a thousand men of all her large number of splendid reitimonts und battalions of veteran inlantiy, in C. .nfrderute service, were l ift upon hi r soil, or permitted, prior to the occupancy of h r capital by the enemy, to return to her when her tt rritoiy was being overrun, In r cities, t wns, v ills i.'e s .iiidpriuite dwt ldncs sacked mi 1 burned. lib these tacts before you, I leave it to your own judgment ng a man of candor, which your character, us u Virginia represcuta'ive, iiulbnri.es me to assume, whether your pub lit bed remarks do iusticn to a State whose tons have aoied as galiuruly and m ide as greit lacritict s as others upon tue soil of Virginia, and win tin r my S unt should, with bur lato sad experience, turn over to Confederate control her State otllcers, aud her old men aud boys, to be taken from her limits; which would leavo ber perfectly poweiless even to ward off the blows from vital points', should the armies of the enemy again puss over her territory. Had the sons of Georgia been permitted to return to the soil of Georgia, as asked by her Executive a short time since, tho army of Gene ral Sherman would never have passed over il nor Uesectulod ber capital. Very respectfully, &c. JOsKl'll K. LiUOWN. Letter from General Ktlpatrlrk. The following letter has been received by Mrs .. bhallcr, of West Point, New York, mother-in-law of General Juds.in Kilpatrick. She also received the battle Hag of bis cavalry, and a silk Rebel pocket handkerchief, captured at tlie sack ing of Atlanta. The trophies can be seen iu tho window of Tiffany & Co. ; IUahuvahtkhm Cavalry Cohmako, Two anij a HLr Milks ikhx Savannah, Decem ber 19. My dear, dear Mother: I am well and safe; have had many hard battles, but was vic torious Iu all. We will soon take Savannah. Will write you a long letter to-morrow. Send word to Jersey. Address your letters, Kilpatrick'e Cavalry, Sherman's army, Savannah. Willie is well. Ooodbye, dear mother. Kill. Tan Mormons as Tax-Patbrs. It appsar that Utah, claiming 100,000 inhabitants, paid into the United States Treasury the paltry sum of fjiiUO, while Mebraoka, wKh only 15,000 Inha bitant, and no mineral resources, paid double that anus, her aggregate being $Vl,lbH. Oregon, with only 62,000 Inhabitants In lauO, and proba bly 76,000 now, paid in 1H64 the handsome sum of ftJ 1,304 of internal revenue. After having heard so much about Ihe mineral wealth of Utah, and the wonderful industry and prosperity of lis people, we must Infer from the above that the latter are not such good tax-payer a they ought to Ire. Operations of the Armies V'-- h ) , vtMif.c hn hf k t r) V-"" V.r( fil ,Ll. uj MILtJ. 'iinrritl of Mr. Dayton Tha f'reticli I'r.'MN oh Ilii. "liitrfi4't.r of Hie DercANr-ri. 1'auin, December 11 The last sari duties to the remains of tho late American Minister to f ranco was performed this iiftcrnosn in the American Chapel of the Rue de Hurry. The reaJing of the opening services was shared by tho Rev. Dr. Sunderland, pastor of the church, the Rev. Dr. Cleveland, of New Haven, Conn., ami tho Il tv. Mr. I.ninsoii, of the American Episcup U Church in tlie Rue lUyurd. The chapel was crowded to overflowing ; many went uwuv tor want of room, and u largo crowd rema ned standing in the street. The Government si nt a detachment of soldiers of the line, two Ii tsof which, wlih fixed b tyoiots, and knapsacks on their b cks, be d the two aisUs of thecli ircli, wllie tlie street In front of the chur 'h was also lit Id by a double lile, resting on their arms. '1 lie collln. placed on a platform iu front of the pulpit, wus draped in the Am. l ie m Hag, and do i oratt il with (lowers. Tho Emperor w.is repre s.nttd on tills occasion by one of bis Cham ber 1 ins, who attended in a suite carriage; the Dip It mullc Corps was fully represented; there were mnny leading secessionist present firmer friends ot the dec. a-id in public life at Washington; and iu every direction the eye encountered notabili ties of tho political and fasliioiMblo world. Such a tr.buU to the memory of the deceased was a great .'ource of satisfaction to his friends, and t ullthosvwho knew tiy association the eminent qualities of his head und bcirt. lheFnnch press, and especially the ministe rial priss, have exhausted their eloquen t; in ttrmsof praise of tho deceased minister. We have never seen an eoual umount of eulogy given to uny deceased foreign minister at Paris. M. i iitilin l.minvrac says of him this morning in the ( 'unstitutitmnrl, in an nrtlc'o which assumes thu foi ih of the usual seinl-ollleiul uttorance of th it pBlier : "Mr. Dayton, taken away prematurely from the esteem of ull those who knew him, carries with him universal regrets. As we havo already snitl, tins hnnorsble diplomat was ono of the ii. heritors of the snge und noble traditions I e.tn tithed to their coun ry and to history by the founders and the carlv statesmen ot the American Republic. Ho wus of tho school of tl.o Wushmgtons and Franklins. Tbo agent ot liia (iovtrnmei.t iu Fran c during' a period ot great trial to tlie country, and charged with tbo most tio.it ute resp. nsibilities, Mr. Bay ton has known how, by the cour.esy of bis manners, tho prudence of his language, ami his m (deration, to avoid tlie complications and einhurrassrno us which might have otlieiw so arisen. The Uanei States lose in Mr. Dav t in an eminent cttUuu, while we, on our part, are left to ucc impany, with res cot to the grave, thu wise states. nan and the honest man." In a previous number the Vo'ixtittUionnel said of the deceased Minister : f "Mr. 1 ray ton was one of the most distinguished and eiiligbiemd moil of the l uiud States. From his courteous manner and his always well chosen und mea-ured language, every ono could recog nise in him a diplomatist who had followed the gr od tiad. lions bequeathed by tho first generation of statesmen ol tho American Ri iubbe-" The (Jojiion So'uiiKile, after giving a sketch of tl e ileccufcd Minister's ale aud piiulic services, adds : '1 bo honorable gentleman fultllled his dipt -niiitic functions with a re tnudo and tact which procured him tho esteem of even his political adversaries; and assuredly ho hud to take mi active part in a whole series of im portant and delicato questions. It will SiillLto to mention thu affair of the Tre nt the re pealed visits of tho Confederate war vessolst) pons of France the dillcrcnt phases of the .Mexi can expedition the offers of F.uropcAQ media tion n h i ted by tho United States and the Imild- ii g of wur vessels for tlie South at Nantes an I II rdcuux. In all th'se dillicult circumstances lie bus always bad a safe rule of conduct aa in fallible guldo political probity." Tuo I'utne, a papi r unscrupulously hostile to the Ciiion, contains the following nonce : 'Our political diUeiences," it observe', "tit not prevent us from joining with the Unionists in their regret for tho death of the able di plomutist, as well as honiist man and perfect gentleman, whom their cause has just list. In the dillicult clrcuiiistancL'S In which his country was placed, Mr. Dayton never departed from the dignity becoming a diplomatist. Being obliged to make himself the echo of tho haughty und ' soiuetiuies excessive exigencies of Mr. Seward, Mr. Dayton found means to mitigate their harshness, aud thus to neutralize the Just influence which the Confederate representatives hud acquired in Europe. Mr. Dayton was per sonally known to the Emperor Napoleon 111, whom bo frequently met during his residence in the State of New Jersey." The Journal de jWMcs contains a lengthy and highly comdllnieutary notice from the able aud sympathetic peu of Professor Ladoulaye. The l'reue, the France, the Steele, all speak in terms corresponding to those quoted above. The Franco, the organ of Mr. Slidell, waj the only paper which contained any notice of the death the day after it occurred, and this note, which was a Tory kind and complimentary one, is suitl to have ceun furnished by Mr. Slidell Wmself. It is known that Mr. Slidell cherished the highest respect for Mr. Dayton, and never hesi tated to manifest it. So good an understanding had grown up between the deceased and the French Government in these later times, that there is reason to believe the Government deeply regrets this loss. We are sure that our own Gov ernment would hare been the gamer by hut longer stay on earth. Ily this death Mr. Pennington, of New Jersey, the First Secretary of Legation, falls into the title of Charge des Affaires de la Legation, until he is raised to the title of Charge d' Affaires, or uutil another minister is appolutesf. N. Y. Ttmeo. Colonel L.C. Bake.', the War Office detec tive, has been brought no all standing in the Dis trict Criminal Court, the Jury baying found him guilty on a charge of false Imprisonment. Judge 'Wylie decided that even under the law of the last session, no man could make arbitrary arrest without the written Instructions of (he President. Bake i will appeal to full bench. ftnrrr.nriil KssonnslMsra by the Third Cavalry l!lna-Uearral r.yne At. '""Ids t hurprliM the (.'amp III l urrta Hi-pnl.ed wlih Ilrary lMm The R. brl l one Null lm the Vallry-Onr 1 -ot.nl m M idiii. R Mii itart Division, Deccmtier ii. On Monday, the Mth Instant, the 3d Cavalry Division, General Custer, star ed on a reeonnois fance up the valley, nil I returned to camp last even rg, having sn 'cessfiilly accomplished the object of the movement. The column was pre en td by a party of scouts, under M i or Young. Kit el scouts were nu t with at intervals all along the road up to Woodstock, where thu command went into camp tbo fust night. On Tuesday morning the inarch was continued rip die pike. At KUenbtirg three companies ot Hi Ik I cavary wire piiketitg, ami wero drivun awsy by the scouts uimer Major Young, captur ii It ii rot the party. On Tuesday night me com mand encamped on both sides of the road, near la) 6 i, ring, nine miles south of Newmarket, tlie lt liiigmie, Colonel IVnnington, being in ad vance ; i he 2tl Itiigadc, General Chapman, In tho tci r. Ihe iiual precautions were taken lo guard ugnu.'t surpnse, and Kt. tiling transpired during tie li ght lo alarm the camp; but at about 'i o'cloik (just before daybreak) the following iiioiinrg, ll.c pickets of tlie 2d brigade (Is New Hampshire Cavalry ), guarding a road leu I ii g ii, a ivistcilv direction to tho back road, gave , i. alaiiii.aiid instantly n whole brigade of Rebel civalrj , limited by General Payne, inadoa dash an inn! the picket into the camp, and wero within a ti w lords of flic ttth N.w York bs.oro dis covi led at that point. This regiment was Instantly cngugid, but being overpowered by siierior I Hints is, tell buck, vv ben the 1st Vermont, Color el Wells and tho loih and 22d New York, tie brought in, and the enemy were charged out of the camp, und driven between ono anil two miles. While the 2d lln; ule was tnus ongaged, ii force of tlie enemy, estimated lo number about three hundred men, charged in, from tho sumo sine i f the load, upon tho kt brigade. These were, in a very short tune, driven off wiih heavy loss. Here tho men ot tlie 21 Ohio sat in their Middles until the enemy wero within titty y aids, whun tho Ohio boys commenced imply ii g Rebel saddles with their set en-shooters ; iin. I, ult. r tiring one volley, changed, scattering them in every direction. When the dash wus ini'de uiouiul the picket of ihe 1st New Hump shlie, upon the 2d brigade, about llfty of the 1st New Hum) bbirc boys were cut oil'. Thusc wero all cuptiiicd except Lleuteuuiit-Colonelllutchlugs und (ittetn men. Cnptum Lee, Provost Marshal of the division, reports as lisur g received thirty-three prisouers Imcluilbg two captains) representing the 7th, Nib, and i2lh Virginia Cavalry. After this brief ullair, finding that V bin tons (late Rhodes') divi si. n ol ii fori try was coming down the pike, and ihe special object of the expedition having been Hi itmipli.-h. d, General Custer fell back withoat iKii.g molested by lie enemy. It appears that the enemy iccoived early infor mation ot this movement on Monday night, by scout to Newmarket, and fromthenco the news was telegraphed to Stauut m, the Infantry hoad qiuutirs, and to Waynesboro, the cavalry head quint, rs. That night Rosser marched to liarris burg, and tbo next morning moved down the buck road, while the lntantry came down tho pike, und, by a forced inarch, reached l.aey's .-spring Wei! ue.-day morning, wheu the a'.t.icn was luuetc. Nearly the whole of tho attacking force was die aid in blue clothing, which caused somo ludicrous scenes, as it was impossibe, at times, to distinguish lietween friends and enemies. This ft ct caused the enemy, during the height of the excitement, to shoot down some ol their own men by mistake, and ut the Bono time It enabled otheisto escape who otherwi-o could not have done so. The charging party had received orders to ore the s.ibio only, aud bad It been strictly obej ed, they might have met with some degree of tneeess ; fortunately, however, sovural of tho most excited used their revolvers when near the pickets, so that the camp was nlai uied in season. At least fifteen of the enemy were killed, and a laige number are known to have been wounded. Our loss wasivvo killed and twenty-two wjuudoj The men suffered terribly from cold, abd sumo of tl em bad tbeir lent frozen on the march. W hen the 1st Vermont was in position, ready to e hafge, a party of tho enemy, only a fotr rods tll-lanl, moved slowly along their front, as if within thi ir own lines. Msj.ir Camming and C. plain Mitchell were ordered lochurg but just ul ilmt instant a superior ollleer said no; that they were tome of our own men. A si rgeat rode out to useerlain to what coirt mnnd tney belonged, and tbo enemy r-sp ju.lc I, ' V'-d New York." Not answering some other queslioLS icudily, ho became satlsiied us to tho real churae'er, and the signal was given. Many saddles wero emptied ns it was, but scarcely u man could have escaped bad their real character hem known At another time Captain Stotio, of i be 2d brigade stall', got quite indignant at a puty ol about fifty Rebels whom he tried tj rally, tor neglecting to olu'y his orticrs. Major Cummings, of the 1st Vermont, and Cupiain Everts, ol ihe Hih Virginia Rebel Cavalry, met in camp aud had some talk together, without cither knowing that tbo oih r win an enemy. The adjutant ol the Sth New York undertook to cull a Rebel sergeant to account for trying to steal mmi thing from an ambulance. At one tune indeed no man dared fire or strike, for fear nt hitting a friend Lieutenant Palmer, 1st New Hampshire, got 'mixed up in tho Rebel ranks, und only uitiovered his mistake when a Rebel asked him where Rosser wus. Ho subsequently escaped. Some of the enemy must h ivo slept cold that night, for ninny were peeled of their clo bing on ihesp.it. While on this trip, Dr. Wood, Surgcon-In-Chief of the Division, undertook to ascertain the fate of some of our wounded men left in Rebel bauds several weeks ago. He succeeded in ascertaining Unit Win. 1". Abbey, Co. 11,21 New York Cav ithy, who was wounded In the abdomen at Mount Jackson, November 22, died on tbo following day, and tbut J. During, Co. 11 , 1st West Vir ginia t'ivalry (2d Division), shot through tho lungs at the same time and place, died December fi. Roth of tbo-e men bao bofore been reported as prisoners. One inuu was brought to the M runt Jackson ( Rebel) hosprtul ou the 221 November, Insensi ble, and died that night. His name could not ho asecituincd, licc.uuse he had beeu robbed of every thing In fore being brought thero. Dr. Wood says the Rebel burgeon admitted thu' his books had bten very .Imperfectly kept, and it was possible others hud died whose names wore not recorded1. The only Rebel forco low In tho Valley Is lie Moved to be Rosser's cavalry and Wharton's division of Infantry. Tho prisoners taken had not beard of Hood's disaster, nor do they know much about Sherman. On Monday last a party of guerrillas dashed Into the camp of the Second Cavtlry Division On ring the absence of that command, when on y a tew nu n wero present, wiih a view evidently of dtstioyiug property. They not only failed In accouipli.shlug their object, but left a deed man and several prisouers behind when they were diivcnout. -Vtu 1'uiA Time: I.KUAI. laiTKI.I.IUENl'lC Pkak's Cash Unitku States 'District Coi kt Judge Cadwulador. The case of Peak, w ho, for some weeks, has been in the custody of the miliiury authorities, on a charge of betug con cerned In the alleged embezzlements at the Navy Yard, was again up this morning. In accordance w ith the decision of Judge Cad walader, rendered a lew days ago, Peak was produced In Court, and was surrendered into the custody of the United States Marshal. He was then admitted to bail in the sum of $2000 to appear before a court martial to answer any charge that may be pre ferred. The Court adjourned nntil Friday. Ocncral Thomas' Christmas present to the wayward suitors a worsted Hood. Bishop Fitzpatrlck, of Boston, ii dangerously Ul, and his recovery Is deemed rery doubtful. The late Mr. Hudson Gurney, of England, among other numerous legacies, left the follow ing : 100,000 and his mansion at Kesworth to Mr. John II. Ournoy, his cousin ; 120,000 to Mrs. Daniel Gurney ; 20,000 to Mr. Francis Hay Gurney; 12,000 to Mr. Arthur Kett Barclay; 1000(0 the Norwich Quakers' Meeting equal to one and a half million of dollar. The Lientenanl-General of the United State army was walking on the deck at City Point, a ay or two ago, apparently absorbed In thought, and with the Inevitable cigar In hut month, when negro guard touched hi shoulder, saying, "Mo smoking on th deck, (ir." "Axe those your order V oaked the General, looking p. "Tea, Ir," replied the negro, courteously, bat de cidedly. "Very good orders," ta.d Orant, throw ing lit cigar into the water. M 4 SUSIE DIMAftrrtRs). FoMTarss Monro, DeceroW 20. A heavy storm baa been prevailing along the cosiM for tb list few days, causing considerable damage to the coasting schooners and other shipping. The schooner Wifney C. Tyler, Captain fitcol mnn,wlih coal from Philadelphia for Port Royal, and srhooner ilnry Stendman, from New York, with forage to Port Royal, put In here for a harbor this morning; the former In a leaking condition, and the latter with all her sails, except the jib, blown away. Tho steamer . II. Mimnf, which arrived here to day from Ntwbcruf reorls having passed a sunken schooner! apparently near, bearing B. E. by E. fiom Hatterus Light, on the Vf h Instant. I'.oth n.a.ts were standing. She was Jadgel to be aljout three hundred tons burden. F Tie Toronto GMw says of Cour-ol that "he i r sillier a knave or a fool; the most Incompetent of magitirutt or the greatest sconndrol between (lit L wo oceans." CITI INTmiQENCE. l or Additional IxcaU,eo F.ighth Pays. FTATK OF TbBRMOMBTHB To BAT. Six A. M ,' 4d4. Noon, i i. ;P. M., 4.14. Wind. W. by N. RfjoioiNO ovi:n tub Victory. A salute of one hundred guns will be fired at noon tvmor row, by order of the Union League, In honor of the recent victory of Oeneral Shermm. Tho a iuto will be fired by the Keystone Battery. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Orrica or Tnm Evsvino Tsxhaoafh. t Tus.asy, !JciiiSf J7. ) The stock market U dull but steady thi morn ing, and most of the transactions am In Oil Shares. Government bonds are firmly held, but tho transactions are limited. 5-20s sold at 107lC'jl . 1USJ, an advance of j. 119 was bid for old 7-3 Js, and 115 bid for 6s of 1881 and lliij asked. Penn sylvania 5s arc selling at 9.14. In Railroad shares there Is very little doing'. Reading sold at 574 i and Northern Central at ol ; (4 was bid for Pennsylvania Railroad; 071 tor Philadelphia and Germautown; 3-5 for North Pennsylvania; 80 for Lehigh Va Hoy ; 20 for El mira common ; SO for Preferred ; 37 for Catawissa preferred ; nnd 2('.g for Philadelphia and Brie. Thero is little or nothing dulng In City Passen ger Railroad shares ; tiS was bid for Second and Third; 4o for Chcsnut and Walnut; 18 for Arch Street ; 72 for West Philadelphia; and 30 for . Green nnd Coates; 47 was asked for Tenth and F.leveiith, and 114 for Ilace and Vino. Bank shares continue vory firm, with sales of Commonwealth at 004 ; 100 was bid for PbiUdol- , phia; Clrrfbr Farmers' and Mechanics' (old stock);. . 58 for Commercial ; 8) for Northern Liberties ; 33 for Mechanics'; 125 for Southwark ; 434 for Pen Township ; 110 for We-tern ; and 33 for Manufac turers' and Mechanics' ; 200 was asked for North t America. . Canal shares continue Inactive at about former j rates, with sales of Delaware Division at 35, and a Union Canal bonds at 214(W22. 33 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation common, 39 for preferred; 70 for Lehigh NavigutloB; 120 for Morris pre- , erred ; aud 114 for Snquehaina CunaL . , Oil stocks are in fair demand; but prices, a we J have noticed for some time, past, continue un settled, with sales of Eldorado, to notice at 2; Curtin at loftCglo? ; Corn Planter at 7S74; k Caldwell at 7 ; Olinstcad 24; Excelsior 14; Story Farm 2J ; Walnut Island 2 ; aud Union Peiro- '. leum 2 -, 27 was bid for Cherry Run ; and 91 for - Dalze.ll. ' ' '; Gold Is active this morning, but price have declined 5(7' 6 per cent, since Saturday evening, opening at 2(19 ; advanced and sold at 211 at 10 o'clock; 214 at 11;' rallied and sold nt 216 at 12, nnd 2174 nt 1 I. M. l'HILAlJEI.PftlA HTXH'K EXCHANGE 8ALI9.DEO.fl7 Iteporlcsa by CUrkion A Co., Brokers, No. Ul S. Tblra St. BEt'OKE BOAKOH. Wt ih Itnsaius R.cAp Msj-i no tb Dcnimort..b30 1 'J ill Ui....cp'.'.n m.v Ml UitiiJra J il u.j...cii.AH (.; 1 FIMST HOARD. luu th tliii U S S-Jiii.. Slier do ...10S I ...ln;'i' ...l"7 !,. ...Iiirsi. ...ii'7i ... .vi ah Corn Plant ;.. . Mi. rr do t JO SI lUOluiittatl 7ti sn da...,....,, J.1I sh F.scelslnr :sn ib Ht'trv t'rM.... luu th D.inkard , 1'0 in Ws nut II...... 4(lh t'nlon (nil m FmUit Dam... 1 I; 81 , r 1 iis) do -'. u a Hi do SIimmi Ptnn Fin... 141 II l.iiyr.s. 11, ovr7U tr-iSii S (O Lllltill LIU Dill. tlUKI A ;uti ki iMiraao.. luu 111 Atlat I isJir ia ao In r CAtnai.m'tb Rk nnj 4. SI IM IJIV 1)3 Ut llillH Oen ral bi .iu b curt n OU 'i.' ih il fill) fv- il sb Cl'dWeU Quotations of the principal Coal nnd Cool Oil stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : ltd AU. DiMounllnCol. 6 , li (ln.iil. HutlerCusI '1 1J libiUvOil. 14-lli l'u r.miiKllr.it t-ll) .. o.l StAJyOU.. lsi ft: i siedsr naiue'oai.s .. uiunu-a Urern lit. Coal kfvntons 7.1H0 4 s,' llttaa l.Uvnd. . .. 1 ', IV ll.de Kar m .... N. v A Mul. li..al ts,' lu ilrrrns Uel .11 N e'artrontlaJa. Rr.m (Jrat't.... rVnn Minim.. ai-ju ;i, A.rituoa OU.... 1 r. knter l.L in It tli.. Hn.it. on. .as tswatara Alia t . A.ltivhciiv ki.ar.. 1 - ..' Uat'liauvak Oil t 1 Uinaral Uu i, Mi.mii a n A'l- S-Urny A T ar 1 1 IS, HcBi..nr 6J Hra Tant 71 m err .iviiuarrjB a i. s-a 1 Jll Cr.aa 7' 7 1 .nvaulo oil 1 1 I- IS :iiiinradoiL...:s .. I..H rarry Ou I t, A I'.troloum Oaalra. , ii s IH Ptil. AOIICrl.. .. 1 VH 1'ltuliu. r2 -it; HtXHsna OU.... ' s2 U, Krvrk III). S.V s? ,. loi'hl.ooct .. ativriiian. .... .. 1 6J I Him -v l arm i t V .. j IK Belnr.l AiJJI OismX 1 t ' 1 St. Nlokolaa ii 4sf .. Hiiatiurv (S t 7 t arr Karia S' fV Tarr llnainaltsld.. 4f A ,' 1',' Pnlna I'.uraipum.i i . .. 4 Clrufr Rci'tiouv Jt 7 Venanro'HI X' 1 I w.inui Ulan4...l i .. 1; W auou , 4 , lit airsu f slajlll lifaccn nil nianrr Hull e'rat k Hr rn Itiirirllie flrtrrf . e.'uncnfniai ..... (treirttlll Ally... , 1 ', i'ea a i or tin Com rianur. radill Cuw Cri'i k... 1'hrxv Kan.. 111:,.!... 'rf on. ...a 7S ...a ij. si liui.kaide:r kOU.a'. Irriouitiia i. 4 HalirllOII . Ixe.l.ror OU I .. KitHirt I ".'I I.lSnrailo S .. r'arr.il .s FraakllaOB 1 il Ureal Wetlscn.... S Quotations of Gold at the Philadelphia O Did Exchange, No. 34 S. Thlid street, second story: II A M -"t'l ni ........iin ldj A. M 2111 1 P. M 11 A. M 214 .2174; . Market strong and active. Dk IIavkm ft Bao., No. 20 S. Third street auote as follows t a...,, U17 American uolil 210 American Silver, a's and i's 2i)2 Dimes and Half Dimes.... 17 Spanish Quarters 107 Peiin. Currency dis. New York Exchange 1-10 h out. par. Haiu'Eh, Duumet ICo., No. 55 S. Third street, quote as follows ; Jryr'j7, Betting, American uoia xiii xu American nnver, t s ami 4 s li . Dimes and Half Dimes 205 Penn. (Currency 1-2 New York Exchange 1-5 211" 203 4-10 dif. 1-20 Msvrkotn by Telegraph. Nbw Yon.Dr-cemljer27. Cotton dull at Jfl-Ql m-!!. Hour dull tain of "AOS bills, st a Satilia r loo. ; Hlate. au SiMiDU iu i eraii),iv si'iietA ud; eaiiiuaru, siu rssia 11. Vtksat dult astl nutulnal at a deelina otic. Coru dull and nominal, l'ort lrrcxulari usw Mail, tl)60rVa. I,rdliaa.raimi'i4c. Wkuky dall. UuUiltus ask i a, hat tt ft oulv Is viiarsd. Nbw Yoax, December 27. Stock an dull and Irrejalrtr. Chltatio aod Uoek Itlaird. IU6V1 11). it. Us I'afitral. 1 alliliKail goutli.ra. 7nW: Ksar Vint: evaulrat. lll, I BtvaOlus, 114; Hud. on Klvar. 11) atria. ,iil. ln-u. ir . T .l.u 1.-1 ..-.7 eyaue at SIS aud d'actuiatl to vita. It Is qnoui at 117.4. . LITEST MABIXE ITTELLICEXCE (-SAtAKBD THI MOEsTTVIl. Rri(7atia, BaiU, Maw orlwuia, I'. 8. ejaaruunattar. Urr W. H. blcaiatKa, Bk-kui.na, Kay yjm, d... lini r. r-na. Lav-aliif, W. fats, ii. . iiietssta A Oo. Bear Alb. A Jama. do. av. . ati bvAr koao, L-ualsart, BoAtua. W. H. Jaruwi OorrofOHdeneo of tho PKuZdrphto Tj-aav . roai Pasa, Uaoambar M. p Al s.iu faBayiTaat tas.rroaa fe-rtraaa atuaro ar Pbiu'!'"! ' Bauili, aa alary fcvowaaaa a imm al u ' A baisiua aitS tohuuaar ara al l. ii.ra."iaal kia, ''ppa aliahaisa. Boar aoia r.Crsiul. Irom ttu.lua lur iruiU dulol.la. .M-.4 ai at uo-s. u t- Bavaraa a.ura-rikat vaa.aia w. la itLltl, t,.w t(M iirnat.tvaMla.r u. a s,.i,.ho,,ru.1g.,oii,w-iiitoouira'i)l-111 Iks rr afacali "M -aui, Wiijd J