The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 24, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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    -at Si
Sheridan's Cavalry OIT on
Another Raid.
Ico Blockade
of tho
rillLADELrillA ICK-BOAT at
ipitltil to Tlie I mlnic Ti l' t;riii.
Wamiiniiion, Deccinlicr HI, I II) 1'. M. Sii ri
Jaii'i Cavalry i- oil on (;r. iul raid ti'.'ii-i In the
tbIIcv j tin in wlrih (Unction it woi'l In- im-
rii cr to Mate Bt this prt -i nt ti no.
1 lit scourinc pirty, t'on-is'.iu ; of !e ! n 1imi"'i!i
of tl e Wh, Mil), ami lab. Illin i O.iiiry, under
the commnnd of I.'etiten.itit-.'.iloii-'l C.cnl.'nl'r,
which Mined out from I'lurfnx on Tuesday
immediately movdl to White INains, wIitj
tiny ilividiil into three sc.nrvo i'f)!u us
tines moving towards S.i'cm, mi alitor
to Mi 'i' t.u ri, nn 1 t'.:t i'h r to K'Vtort.tsr-i. A
parly of twenty-live i'l Mw:')' men pis-ctl
tlirtiiilli I'1 I" "I'll li iu ft'i li -ti r in of
t'liritknlti, not kuo vit,;,', lir-ivcver, a com
nurd of cavalry in in pnrsnit of litem.
CBp'uin CurliC, of tho S:U II inuii Cav.i'ry
pu-licd rapidly forward witli his del uh ru nt
ami ciimo upon llic enemy, uotitnlinif; one oil! or,
Lietrei ant Cumin, 6( vcri-ly, mi l rapturing two
prisoners. The lieitti nam's kg bcins? I r ken, ho
could not be brmiulit in, hut he was parole. I, and
It ft in a hoasc l.y the roadside.
M j r k rimer, who hud c!ia'0 of onn of tha
co'iinins ootnpo-cd of nu n of the lyili iind lith
I linnis Cavalry, wonndiM one II 'wl olll cr an 1
enj turul liht prisoners. This wouiHletl 0(11 cr
Is e:,-"osid to bo. Major, of the O.U Vu'-
'e r "
frit'Iii Cavalry.
Emit detachment had more or !e-s skitniishlnir.
Willi small s.iuadsnt' Riurilln, but notarnyr fin-a
than lifty men wn seen at any one time. Tlrj
party mt'ely returned to rump on Thursday i vc
ning, having been out thr-o days, nn-l hro.,!;lit I
fl c . . 1
W til Itlim 1 v a inr-j ia,,.i.j ui -.ip.uii'a
Rebel prt perty and lirtcen pris mcis.
The ice blockade, on the i'iro,n it ttill con
tinues ; but the mail ste uncr .W I'fJ i, liom c,ty
Toint, with tho mail and pass; ncryi, succeeded
incuit iig lit r way up to Alexandra yesterday.
IJelow Alexandria, near Indian Head, tho ire
ig quite thick, nnd the MuUhln was compelled to
push through umh r a lull head of
The blockade, tftween Washington and Al-jx-iindria
is complae, and for tho prcs-nt the p:n
engcM and mails lor City l'oint will be for-,
warded from litre to, Alexandria by rail, froiB
Hhieb plHCO they will toko the boats.
Tbo m-'iil steamer Datncl IVih'trr, and tt.o
traiit-poria Aorrt's, o.-,o, and Stwm reniiia
iee-houiid off Giesboro Point, .sotiu fl teen
b rgea and aihcxmers. laden with fora-te for tuo
CJio rtero aster s Department, are aeeuro'y f.nt--eued
iu tho lot- on the r.ver between W is rlntou
iris Alt xsn-4 rbi, and arc unable to reach ih'.s c ty.
The Ice boat Atlantic, from Puiiu l lphi.i,
arrived biro Inst tiigbt, and is en-juged to-nay
In emUavoriLg to open the cfcaiincls.
Ovr Yci NO r"in,n.
Through the -kindness of T. H. Tttgh, Sixth and
Clicsnut airctks, agent for this new and beautiful
work for yomxt; 1olks, we huve received the Jatm
arv number. i ia truly one of tba choicest raaga
7.0" el ever gxercn up for our juvenile po,,ula 10 i,
and it is ruinlvtc with niatrer of tho mo t exoal
lent character We cannot recall to mind n sing'o
work in tlie Mtcrary world so well a l.ipted to thfl
yi ung. Wimy of tho best writers in the country
are engaged to furnish article!) on all suiijects
cab nlaied to instruct the yonthfnl mind, whi'o
olio 11 contribute Interesting alietctieiand stories.
'1 ur Tfi ung Folks" is published monthly by
Tickaor A Fields, of Boston, 1'. II. I'agh beini
the cnt iu this city. I'Lik'.'Iclphni sunscri ion
icriiDg in their t rders to bis store. Sixth and
ChrMiut, will have the work deliverei at their
Ysrdeaecs ftee of charge. There can bo nolxifer
Ct.rbiniaa present for our young folks than this
b-t autlmlly illustrated mucaimo.
Tshh "Oukat Cfntbai. T'aiii. Tiy Charles J.
hillto. Caxton press of bherm in.
The Oreat Ceutral Fair has become historical.
The magnitude of its preparations, the T.istnesi
-of its buildlDgs; the endless variety of in ap
pearance, and tho gigantic success which at
tended it, aJiko combiae to place It among one of
the wniiticra of Ihe world of the nineteenth
It i a permanent monument tn the patrio ism
-of the three Mates engaged. 1 he Pyramids and
-Calactmibs aitest tbo outerpriso of tiiguio ninii
archk; but the inosUaiciiig testiuiouial ol a great
Oei d 1 hn nd In the beans of llio-e whom the
action lieneiin; and aliliouh the massive
triictnro which contaiued thu fioo-wiil
oflering of a grateful ioplu, lias liaen
nnioved, yet the n.cmtry of the enterprise and
pairloi-Um which characterised the undertaking,
will live lotever in thu heans of the soldiers wuo
bnve lieen saved from death by the heucfi cent
t-haiitiei kbowited upon them by our loyal po;U
lancn. It ia also right, however, that lomo literary
flort should commemorate the great sueeess,
which baa attended the mighty cffirl. This dull
cult task waaueputed to Charles J. Stille, Ksi.,
the one of our cii'cna who was most tilted by
rdueation and experience to luliil the ta-k.
J-'or several moiitlis he has labored upltl
it, and now prescnta a hl-torv of the whole enter
prise In a shape which should be procured by
eveiy nieiiiia r of tbt Coiuuiit'ees, as well as all
Interested in the reat uD ionakiog. After giving
amcciucl history ol the Fair, Its oil'.'in progr ras,
and aucteas, U devotes apace to tbo eon
auleratuyU of each of Hie large depart
meets, uud has appended not only u lull finan
cial atuiemtnt, Ou. a'so a list of all tho c me
lnittces-a most valuable addition, as in a few
yean every one will be proud to point tn the
record, and say " 1 woiked in the Central Fair."
The work is beautifully "got up." It ia fioaa
the C'jxt-m press of Suermati, which insures its
bting printed ia a style not to be surpa-iod by
any press in the world.
: The isle of it will be largo, notonly on account
of its worth, but also tjcciuse so enterprising and
lueccscful an agent bai the work ia charge. Mr.
J. K. Simon, No. i'i N. (Sixth street, is tha gen
tleman who is sole agent.
Tuaokuikh. Iiy T. II. Talfourd. Croiby St
Aiuswoith, Mew Yoik.
o write a tragedy is easy ; to write a good
edy is almost icipossiblo. Mr. Talfuurd has
out O the public a collection of excellent
ediei and poor poems. In tracedy. wilduesi
tile can be tolerated; in pootry nothing
-evond tho erratic is allowed, l'.eccntrlcity in It
ptiears lite Insanity. Mr. iaiiouruis eccentric.
and ought therefore to avoid, in future, tho culti
watiun of the muse Polyhymnia, and continue his
Invotiotia to Thalia. In his plays ho is a great
access ; in bis poetry not above mediocrity. The
work ts well gotten up, and the superior ability
of his tragedies will more than counterbalance
the lack ol originality in his verso.
Seal ad Ideal. By John W. Montclair. F.
Loyixildt, Philadelphia.
JJr. Leypoldt U choice it hii solictionef workj
for publication, but when one he hai Ueleruiined
to Usue production, doe It In a style which Is
irreproachable, for elegance and lastu. Binding,
punting and engraving, combine to make this
work the most attractive in appearance, to lay
nothing of the cuoteuu, which we have recently
wen. The literary excellence of tho work ia by
no maatui small. It eonms'i of a number of
poeilcbl cffusioni, written in a style in which
ireshuuai and torce are combined. It would make
most beautiful gift ut a young lady, who
"dote on ethereal communication with tho
Blase. Wi are pertlcalarly pleased with one
euttlled "The Old Comedian." Iteou ainapaision
and power. We pwdict for the above wurk a
Urge hare of future tavor.
Jii.uoa. By H. rhllUu-i Uuetfoaaery. Kouerti
itrutbere, Iioetoo.
There occasionally appean a pU- poem of
real merit. A a gf aeral rule, whenever a Urge
jtroducUon la Terse apV''' w Pn( tl dowa m
an extended repetition of a Tory fen Ideal. Dut
the work before us pajsicsses real r jetit. Its ttyle
Ik nut original, bat a mllU'ient nnmhtr of new
Idea, and a plentiful mpply ot fietires and meta
phor! male It repay perusal. The tale It laid
In the l'.at ; and, in a-cneia! - .n. eption. hear a
resemblance to Disraeli') sty'e of ronnnceln
letie. 1 be tale la a linir.ili'.e ; the style It tine; if
not faultless, it is r'cli In bnnmirs. The whole
uroductlon savors of a cultivated lut-llcct mid
extended knowledge. As an example of the stylo
we quote Ht random the following
"Tra- tlur.tlni: . inn. nf -Tn in nl n
ln-lii .ml I'll' ii ti i l.r-t ii.n n.
Ami mi l fl U "I 'V tt. ,t.mi
f-W-t i-rer ("put i r',mii)'i.
'I llf r,i-irt ll ctriivnn ti'twla.1.
, ill. r in ",. II. i(r,i . r tit
ft r i i. fi'n ra-n" n.a ll.v And.
h ill . 'U n'im ii "
M.fsiB. J. II. I.ipp.niott X Co. have for ante
' Mrs. MiTiwr' l.i(rn'T," and II. A. SiU'a ne
wi rk, entitled "CJnitr Alone." Both worka h ivi?
a i'ci p mtiT' t in their plot, and tU i n imi i of the
au:l:ois will he snffl lent reeomnien hi'l n.
I'l hloiiKAi s. We hav ! rrcsiivil Hit Yuan
F Iks, n new iind a tr.irtive monthly, well c Ji e 1
and handsomely Illustrate 1, Inmi It ston ; "Mr.
I.itriper's Legacy," D.ek 'iis' ClirNnn is r irol ;
'I'mifite liar and CurnMil H i n--nie, TA.- . oni "I
laiittratrtl eir.i ami 7ine, 1'iim h, U.issell'a
l liiiutid Vdfi r, ttc , etc.. from the
of Mr. Kionier, No. sol Che-nut street.
CliriSTMAS KV ANtl ITS O )f RIIV l JVC i: .Vi
lli, iifb the vigila of all ChrMian -fe-tivuls a e
ci nitnar.did by the Catholic tusm the I in
the iniliiist untc) Church, to bo kept ns d.iys of
riistinp, yet tome of these and partienl irlv
Chri.-tiiias I'.vc urc inaiie seasons of inir'h an. I
jollity. ith Christina I've, the Christmis
holiiiajs (.tactically conimeiice, iilih iii;li some
claim that they commence i u tho l.h of I viu
)er. The leason terminate on the )t of
February, or Candlemas hve, by which date aM
decorations mnst be n moved from the churche-i.
The Kh'ttlur buliilays, however, should Uil till
the tvi e Ittli day, or the Kplpliany. In oldon times
llcc tttelvn days exhibited an unintcrnipied
round 01' f acting and jollity, and it is still a jovial
cue, though much modii'ed. Tticre are, however,
ti ai i ol on! 1 i u-luiiil in in. lay of our po,iu
lur rifcl.ts at;d i ctrmonie , hicti, afu t Ihu con
version it Knt-uol to L'hrisnani'y, wcio still
claim d, piot!) ticcauac ns a ma ter of expediency
the rites ol Unit reliKioti were initraf ed by us
tcchus on the obi hcalhm cere i;',.jnlos, an I
1'oriiy because It was loutul '., o-siolo to we in
tl.eiriot.vcrih Irom ItieTold supcrnmo ;.
'1 he l.njtii g up ot the miatU-toe, and tho birn
int of the Vu u loft, uie lu' ie espocial y derived
liom the Pagan", uud the cuh'.oiu t still ohierveJ
in lit -pi: ind. I uo buriiinii of tho Yule loK is from
the M,,,,, wun used to have lr ! tires
lit in l"rlr t ttie r po.i " rinr." ''his ii the,
"""Joyous ci rciuony of Chiistirtas Kvo. K le'li
niv tail r ra si ii ins nut wncu it p isnea nun on its
wy tn-m tl e woods, nnd the '.nls welr.o.ue.t ia
n. 1,1,1 -a 1 b niusl-eii v. Alter tho doe had
biinliu was laid by till tne lol-
lowivg Chrtstnias, wiien it was u-od to ligtit the
tew u g.
Arc hi-. ing the Yu!o loi was a en id o of
Tf.o H'tmis s., called the Yule or Ctin-liu.n
candle, eicli during the nights of ttc
Ii s.ival v-Hs lini'iieil on Hie hi'-tU table at suiier.
Theieure inni.y other ceremonies ohservnl on
Chri-tu as Kve in ling nnd w inch take too
much space to it. mucin e, stub as tiking cakes
and hot cider m au ulloritiK to tUe prim- p il a ip'o.
tin-, -piiiil nie to the orr hauls in Nortolk, tho
revir-al ol tho si'in. lions ot mat-ters nnd ser, etc.
Tbire Is always a mass sunt; nt midn'ght in
CatLolic churches ou Ctiri-tinas In this
country, however, mass is not suug till aoo il It
in tQe morning, and a grand high mass takes
piece ut Uli o'clock. Popular superstition has it
thai the p ucrs ol d irkn ss are prostrate ai tnis
season; ihe cock is siippose to crow all nint
lotg and iu in vonsloro and Ciioshire iho tieiief
is c i, I current that ihe ca'. Ie fall on t'leir knees
ut in id ii it lit, and adore the infant Siviour, as trie
It gelid tais lin y did In the manger ut He'll
lel.cin. Jiies aie said to sing in their hives,
add bied baked on Ctiri.stmna was said nvcr to
get uoulily.
tln lh:s country Christmas Eve Is also gen irally
observed as a time for jollity and merry-making-Many
of Ihe customs of Kuiope in countries, per
haps more t specially those of O- rmany. have been
adopted by our people, although (Here are oihers
exclusively American. Among the children, par
tli uluily, Chrisimas ia an event Unit is
anxiously luoke-l lorwitrd to, as lieing thu lime
for tin- advent ol that mo-t reinarkaule and iua-
tirious pi rsoiiBge, Santa C aus. The early p ot of
Hue i veiling is eoiiiliininy ilcvolcu i t upiiropriaoi
child, sh plays suap-dragon, blind m in's Hull',
charades, tic, and alto the preparation of the
Chr sunns tree. The latter is a comparatively
ntw custom, being of (Jermau origin, and only
ci niUion iu this coun ry within the last score of
The Christinas trro is a bongh of evergreen
placid in the prli.r and gayly decorat-d wuu all
that is most pleasing to the eye of c iildnood.
Candiis, flowers, toys, mid the thousiud o'.tier
articles so Uelialu the little ones, are ttsto-
lul y atrat I'cd upon the bough, inUsrsiersed with
l.uiEHig tapers or wax-candles, giving to the
whole a brilliant and pleasing appo iraneo. Tho
Larutinit un ot the little soa-kings for the receo
tii n ol tho gift of Haul Clans, however, is to
children the event of greatest interest. In 'ye
oldtn time," whan lire-places were in vo'ue,
the place sclceto lor naniting tno sto.'Kings was
tin tue "crane" in the chimuev corner.
This place wasseitctcd wnh reference to the
convenience Ot is.ihtu ui.ius, wuo, meoru
inn to the childish tralitiou, made his en
trance atlowu thu chiiiineV. According to this
tradition, hauui C ans is a plump liti l g iod-n-.iurid
old chap, who, enveloped in furs, goes
in in home ou Chrisimas Hve in a sleigh well
lil e.l aith cveiv ltuaitiu tn.e kind of presents lor
the Utile fwlk, and' oruwn by eight tiny reiudoer.
Co to the tout he goes like a spr.te ana aown lue
ch.iuncy in a jilly, where he linds tbo stockings
ami or- ceeds to stall them with toys, candies, and
oih, r oresuDt". i he plun ol uiude n houses.
however, has somewhat inter feilcrcd with ttiu
i hiUii.ey en r. nee, uud thu in inner of hii coming
is tot ijinio so char ti the little ones ol thu
prtii nt liav. Put it matters not to them whether
he cotiics dawn the chimney or through ihe key
hole, the children implicitly tiel love iu tho venia-
hletit'ss ot a Isaiita Cuius, v, nu
"'I liv Ml i ri d aiiti- nai Un- tltll rouiid bi-llr.
M naii kiail-i-a wiia hv .aiiahs, pat' a bonu mil uf ji'117."
The in ti in in ra or mas in' ri have a prominent
place in Clirisimai festivities, and ihe sport is still
ki pt up in parts of Knglund. Ill foi hut times,
i vt n iioi'leine.l used to engage in this pisiimo
bviore ihe King, and at one period in history a
lu.ri.v was orgauizid to ktd Henry IV, undr the
disguise of lwellta Ni,:ht mummers, in the
fin sent day, illumining is extensively cirriod on
n tSouiii Wah s. Another great pa. -line used to
be found In the reign of a pir-ou tge termed tho
Lord ol Misrule, who u-td t ait as Master of tue
C'trtnsoinwi at Christinas festivi ies.
1 hese Lorda ol Misrule u-ei t he In the houses
of the King and t vi ry nobleman, and uls j in tha
house of ihu Mayor of i.oiidsu. In Cambridge
L Diversity, one of the M. A.'a used to do the duty,
and u-eu to t-e elect-d to aupertntend the Latin
plays under the title of Imierutor LuAorum. In
the Inns of Court at London, this penon assumed
all the parade and leretiiouy of royalty, and hai
even two chaplains, who preached before hiui in
the Temple Chinch, lie abdicated on Twelfth
day. In the time of Charlel 1, one of theiesp-nt
loOO Irom his own purst, and was knighted by
that mot arch. These, with other festivities which
we have not the spues to menlioa, churacterir.e
Christmas, forming a pleasant prelude to tha
mirth, joy, and frolic ot thu morrow.
Catholic Tuiloiatuian Litkuaut Ihsti
Tim The annuul celebration of this Society 'i
I'U'lversary wal held at their Hall, Sixth and
Prune streets, on Thursday evening, December
22. Addresses were delivered by tho President,
Kev. P. McCirane, United States Chaplain; the
kg-President Mr. Frauds 1'. Farrell; and
Miners. 1). McMcnamiii, V. J. Walsh, J. 1).
W ard, J. Flynn.uud I. J. UcCloskey. Uoadlhgi
and recitations by Messrs. liarr, McUuiguu.
Casscrly, Swevney, J. F. McMenamiii and
Cluigley. Tho lnstltatc il iu very nourishing
condition, having ever four hundred name ou
its roll or membership, and over liiteen liua-lred
Tolumes in library. The exereisei of the eveeiug
passed off with satisfaction to the members aud
the largo audieuce assembled.
. Tub Sdffkuino Pooit. At tha present
aaatoao!' the year lar nauiOsra or larbroni are to be
louiid lu the small ureeta mi allefa of tblsolty, wh
have no fuel anJ but little to nourish themselves with.
Many ol these have clil area win) are pariultied ton
huntrry anil call, Compialnta bavi beea masts ol the
laeiticleacjr of aama who bavs the alitrlbailoa it the
tuu of tha tMoevulent. Horn eaaea are awalttad, It II
aliened, to ao lor hoars, aad aometimes days, berore tnev
are lailevwi, and at tiiaoa ara aailrair Dealecuid It Is
auted that ia some cnes help ba beea denied whlll
a lane balance le paroiltn-d to reuialn Iu tha Treasoer's
hande ol m iar intenls J-ior the niter ot Uie poor. This,
it ai contended, la aot thadeeisa of tha doaots. It belna
luuaidad oul lot uuuediAH aaa aad aot to be tauabauded.
A ILocoh CriTOMia. Thomu Harp hu been
held la PGOO bail by Alderman Pancoast, to
anawer the charge of having behaved lu very
disorderly manuer at a lager beer laloon, Fif
teenth and Willow streets. lit aMuoaed himself
by breaking tixiog gcticrujly.
CnnisTMAs OnK.KNS A Yr.vr into Tiia
Cm i i iifs. The streets anil market places begin
to give out resinous fracranee from the sp lila of
the evergreen grovea transported city-ward for
the Chrlstmaa decoration of our chnrches and
dwelling". (Jtim exudinn hemlocks and spruces
tliclr green bmigln still laden, with tba park
ling snow of their naticc fields arc hawked
about for aalc as Chris'nias trees, while the eml
lei variety of "ri n ly-maile" devices wr":ith",
rtirlnnds. lirelis. s'ar. i-y -", trinities, and
arel rs are ilip ayed for sale in the ni Tkef.
This week a pec p into one of onr Kpneopul or
Cathoiie hurcln s, bv nicht. will he worth nny
l oily's while who can sceuiu such a prlile;.-. lor
i ii i lice o nisi' ns ofi'tit',-'',ir f ns "trl'ii-'en1;."
Ihe i huiel c- mie to th se wtio Iiaiu ou-iue-s
there ate jiidieiniisly held nssiciv.i ;if'coi.i,
ii the boudoir of a tui ie prep4:iii(5 for bor mar
li.ce. There are lui-y times by night in those churches
mm, l t d mii'.h 11 ter.nml tnaiiv fi'.i,; odor as
ol ci u-In 0 sp ni. Ilcir.lii, I,, spruce, iiii.l 1 1 ircl
rushes lie in i'n . t lieap" all ou r t're Mors j 1 in,'
triii's "I the in enitiif pr. in,,!:-y trip your .in :i f
f. eps ii" V'U v. II-; hi e til trie's -i-icc'e I f ,r
their I es ry end sMin-c trv -'n id indmUv cor-
ii r whIMi g for assign ten' to the r pi , II mk
ifg organ or ehaniid. T roups ot neTrv girls arid
I'leelul iin l in" are on h ind to bre ik u Cic I n aw
la ct'lis in'o Mirall twli's, iin.l Memch" tlii'in fu'
the 1 1 boot i f tairv tlneer i that gleam like tvorv
shllltles lis tin y ft y Bnioln! the wre itlis t'n V a 0 tr 'or c duinn and font. The pU i- .
'i luueicd" about wi h s,-elc'ous of arclies and
rrot.-i s srni s ars, whi'c. caret' illv phu-eii u-odc ir
H'lnei t i In- con p etcd and oe iuti'iil la 'r:e. A llies
tl i y i-re to pte-i' t v. hen tho-c ln-ir white bouc
ar- eohc'ioni ''V t!,cir Icetv '-'v, r n1'.
We ill not tivou h tho ni:i iy of the y -nnT
nun, who in the o oi ea-iais are sn 'h acttv
o rs of m i -i oico. sro alw ivs in v d 'i '1
bv real in the ui-r i I th clmre'i, or th it some,
tlini's the chut ci- of :i rl.itati'.n in som') C'i;.
Ma k aim Dg the ur-tu- "so hue heen? out to
the woods, von kll'.iv ii.i- i.ot ili'ir-' to 'I wd I
the i. pj'CiiTatu e ol the-e m .- ' h . 'ps ii in to.
ci r.e tl ill pi li.- .ed. II .t we J rl I. ,-t il y tn i'.
vhstivtr tin jr t.1 s i-n", llicr ii r in i e to work
n.o-t n,en ik--y and mtvi s ihcm ruli'.
I 'ii t the h oi k is ino-t plea, mi in in ny s en,
and iti. iiilv' fy the sm- c: ami, ipatlotis it erct''s
i t the ecu ing jojoii- ( -tiuil. Tho h ippy l- I
it gs otti ti tin ak i. ut In "g, end the church will
be vocal with caro s. Cut ot m isses of I'o'u ;e,
I t-biid-j warble unscn "III ciiiuo voices soigwij :
l ii'ol. ''rel,eii'i-lt..i.i,
i I .. i
Ciin, I far it iiilni,'
in i lnt-i t i- c - ,
Aim pa - a ii i '.
Tu -.Ii - I l to
fa ni, . ii'i.l I I r
cr i l.ri-tiu is
ia ui.'P ;
ii- a,- il-i.
I'a.ul ! i
"lln .4- ta t' e tor-'St,
W'ni-ii' I -. ai.vr' i - crw.
VIi.-m: I .ii-' a. -t I -'n'1
lie- -I ..- ; a ll III.- s..w.
Ciana r n. .'in ti-" '' s"s.
IViiltiHi' imii I r 0 ri
At i- V tin leiacle v nv .11 1
Wuh tin.- i)-t a.'. ! !' i.
carol I
Yin, tLoe who, on Chr-.t'inn morning, si
in y lln- mnynaiy and erdir of the wit .th d
griei.cry that "beautifies the pi ico of the nnie.
tuary," do not uhv iys know how hard and e',
how leiisiit.t lias been the I itior ih it w n d mn
lul.ite thiil Le.iUty and oi.h r could he b.oueito
Ftsc.t l tn Anvt n i r !: or t Fnti: Il oiv.
larceny case of moio ordiuoy iu'C 'st w h
beard yctcrdi.y a'tirii-en l.tloie A: Vcu in,'
A found an o'd a -pi tut iti-'t ill a
liom. in a) 11 n. r I Sli-vn m occ.tpl 'd A Mut i,
ii r rendeis iii recoil, cl tlnit lie 1,-11 -d ici tn .Inr
to tue pioplo id the en v , ti limit luein it ie ive
thnrhousis uud tcniovo to oilier p i nts. I'ui
I'xoduswas universal. Till) p 'op c rutit ivo I l i
11 (lUurttis of. tho I'r. s-oui'i eatii-t rsi.tli.
and eiiiomt nthi rs a Mr I lionuis ll-ui'-y eamo t
1 liilndi Iptiia. 11c t . nnd euipioynKt't here, uni
loea'td himsnlt , at No : Amu stioet. ItH
jtllania ho lind '.tiein Pie-.d'nv of iho Allan a
Flin Hiii.'ine Noi I. and. as thi cli-ef oill or ot
the Company, vtas the rns'iiiii.iii of a, vilu.inle
Lorn pri'S' titeil tn itu- i .nnpsuy ny urn ia inn ot
the city. 1 he Horn wai in essivuiy e aiiiiraio.
It was luanuiiicinrcii in itns cuv, .inu in
solid silver, he iiitifit ly on .ed, a..d enr.ive i in
redeved scroll-work A ruunniR vino wrcuocai
its silver leave- around the truuipot, and a el ister
of Hum rs, ex' eiited With artrsne 'inisli, a lorne l
tlie li.eutliplece. Ii lr.acan insiTiatioii cxpres-
ilte ot Its tin r ipiriors, aim itie r-ta-e ariiis ut
(ieoruia. llanev lefl tha horn 1Q his house, an I
raielully ch led ids liuitie when ho loll It. Ills
surprise lliav hi iiu if'ined wucu, w.ilknu alonir
Third street yosler.lav altern un, hesmrtrie t'loii
tital born ia the hands ol' A-juereu or, una of the
most lespei tnlde men in theyi y. Il.inty at unci
claimed tluf liom, aud tli" nVerelmiit atitediliil
lc tiad ynrelinseel tl tuna yo iuier tor entity
ih llurs li:o eat u was reicirvi 10 wiueiiuiu
Wele.irft, who now has it under a lvi-emeui. L no
pe.itllvr is kiiow tl, and tlie po i.:e are on his tra ks.
How the liom ever pot to the City ol' liiotliei ly
ivv is a luy.-ttry which may he explained wliuu
the ptdd tr is Tuund.
Hie In lowlllK Is a ll nl ui a Ik'I,ih.I.ik ti. ll.e Motl mil
l'ennsylvaiila lteervea wh-nhf-l l.i s i nil ra
1 ai li eonuinnyexc-'pt ru 11 is reare- -nte I. Mum , t. o
eitch company rtpor.i'd llioir own de-id. Tho reveler
nl Ci nipauy C tine not positive of the death ot Cms.
Miiai sal uiiEU and .1. suen iVA.nrBN. Josceii I'i'.ei'r.v
took tlie ottib ol nl eKluaeeull I da'. J nut ol t'lo ,iriSOU : -
I ilv in K V'r. Co. .
Win K
Van Iturfii lliev,
I'atrleli t r.iunei., A.
l-'ieilk. Iteiit. A
I lias. .It-riiudr. A.
Joi n r l uildy. A
Urn. DliCli al A.
Ji-ise II lluiner, A.
JntiU A HiiteluT. A.
Jacnh I.nit.lis, A.
David S Wa ker, A.
t-aue. Ili-fle tinner, A.
Hico, II
corn. Ana. M . launlls c.
Ml. Inn I l ii'.K l .
.IdSiUll tiOOll. I '.
llola rt Mi ler '.
Ilinry Miller C
Jot. a Mel inner.
l-aill lit-iiif I ' .
Win Wl.iuv i
Win. I I eiiltaur, C
W in. Lou r.. I '.
Il.iirv Winke I'.
'I hoe. WelKe I .
Ctina Mriius-hnrK'T. c.
,)i sej'h M arrrer. t
Joseph I'ettlv. I '.
A!el. lllline, l
Al en ( 'In; i u IV
Jnenli 1 1 1 1 - er. II
.lotiu la, ik in-rly. K.
Joint K. rstee lean,
alortnn llrynlit. I'.
I Iihs. 11 i.well F
( e er Sntnl wood . K.
)- ii III . Meele, K
.llleltll -tenter. G.
Iteiij-iinlil K Him. an, !.
Junius l-'urrou I)
KraiieH w Mi-ir ()
rrut. .1. II. Mnoriv, 11.
.Iiis, iti llrs'i-r 11
lo.haa ' tuiainaa II.
lla s II Kn lKiT. II.
.'aeiib We Iv, II
Put r HaiiViT II.
Nt,l -nutli, If.
K Hinllli ,1
ia ou Wo nl II.
I. -o It, i lii-i.n II.
Cyraa t'oonnd II.
1'ieil I r iwielwll ll
Maltldus Sn-vena II.
.IniiieS t-lllsii II.
llUIUi'l I onus. II.
.ItillllS It as-o II
Anr haai Ito.lhiK-r. 11.
1 w in ko.ui, I.
lerrv iiarm-r. I
I nines Ml. ieu I.
Inllll Hart I
Ineiias Knr.l I
H're I llerte I.
It.tai llul'ev. I
Cltrlatiiiu raeliiv. I
limit's h"!l tliea er. K.
t t i.ilier. h..
W in Will . II K
lleuey Slellill ail K.
li, a Pattern -l-l, hi.
i erimr.l It e-e k
.lam.". Moo ley K.
-aunitU i.i ley. H.
Andrew i . Hu. Itli, r
Thf. Scut vi.Mi.i. Fbo.i.n 1 his moruing tho
Si liujlkdl was froeo over almve the ska'.ttK-lioii-e.
A Inrre uitinlicr ot p- r-ons weri) aiiiusiui?
tlitinti'lvea hy i in i u ; i " K in tlie seasonable spirt.
Tiik L.t ri: Uajoh-Ui.nluai. Hiiiney. A very
bnndsome hind of this mu-h honored and do
I'ei.std oilicer has lieen pla :ed on c.liiljiti'j;i .It
Karie's oil Cliesnut street.
- -
rETiioi.Kt'M Minimi and IIaii.ii .aii Jit
A newii-aper with Ihe iit.,'.v a esptloa wl'd be U'ued til
weil. ly. P' Thai's daily, si --rlly. lie eoli iaat will be de
voted to strict f.icis In at! etsei. Papers oa I't ' itcmn
)0i alllies, yield of wel.i, and KCnTnfclc,i , lim'iuitur itlj- lil
relalmii tlierito. Also, roc. id- of a, and iuI .Iiik. and
descriptions of mineral land.. Kallmad atatlitlei, and a
pitce current of the sale nt t'-ckiand bands, b-fore and
aftr boards. Puii. leal uia'.lora etcladed, will, tho aacep
1 lion of ti'S't.latlvo enai'tliieiitt kpeeUlly diricted ta deve-
k-lnienia id mineral latnle and mines and lb.-T Uatl-lsirt-Ing
laclliuei to market. It will enitaace aelentltlc re
aesrehei and imirovt-n'eiita, ai far ft-they shall Male to
luiprovarueuts in uilltlnn aud luecheulca) nseuelel lu-.i-dcnttoiuctl
Improv aiueiits.
Tldi puper w II be conducted under tho ah'e lupervUlau
of George W. L. Johuiou, who Is a welt-kuow n journalist,
and wfto baa made Uiis hu-lnett a specialty for twenty
yi an past, hath as aa editor and rep-.rler of the preai.
Professor William T. Koberia, wbo.a seqloKioal repata
lluu la well known, will Dili paper wlib niatior
already collected during- tha Ia.t twenty years of Uls pro
fessional Ufa In thli Cbuutry.arrd wlta tacts couilua under
ids notice as a tcientlflc and practical koologlit rnuu tlrno
to toue hereafter. 1 ho fact of Una itentlemairs couuac
llon with tha Journal aa assistant editor will make It a
popular newspaper among- thoae interested lu the dovo
lopment an! advaucauteiit ul tha great mineral rasourcea
of Una country.
A Timilt Invrsimknt. The Hartford
A'eewtnr Wats iayi:-The TraveUon' lusuranca Com
pany reci Wed advices yesterday of their tint total l.ias
ander a General Accident Policy. Hlephea Super, a rail
road conductor oa tha Una from Paorla to (ialetburg,
Ilili.oli, waa luttantly killed last week by fslllan betweea
Uie ears of train. Ilia policy was tbo seaond one issued
Lyme agent at Gale.butf, who had hold his appointment
but a very few days. By Urn Uiuely provlaloa, and aa
Investment of only Uilrt) dollars, Una poor maa'a fautlly
aaviaacarad the handsome auos of $1000, which will ba
yroniptly paid. Tbls axoelloal Company hu aitailltliod
abraaea odlce at Ho. tot Walnut itreot, Mr. WUUauj W.
Allea, the aioat, ibforuts taat he Is iaiulas; many
CuiiiTUAl is at Hand, aad a "merry one"
te ail, say oar (riaadi Watson toa, the leatleaaaaly
prosrtateri oflbe atadlien Heaie, oa . Haooa Ureal.
Wl Ihsarfally racamaiead this aoaae te the pwklu), ie.
only aa aoooaat ef lu vary eligible ioc.uoa, hut the
abaadaal aad wtU-provMa4 taWa. WHh Ike Imaaerlal
poet wi cast Inly lay, "Tkaycaa. gasp Hotel. " Try
Tun Floiikuck Krwinii MAcniwa. A great
BmriT seislru ma- Mile" are now In use. and numerous lm
prnvi'nirnll hove lain me.le sln'O tbe Introduefnn of Mils
time and lal-or aaver. "hleli render tha macainrt or una
lam f ilar far loperlortn Vto made ta ot iln rears
-,. It hat been wllh rrtn aoaibinei as wllh avary
other Important hit i iillen; they were al pa feci at flrit.
but r-iolreil ilrae and attiut on. wild skill and latvnolly.
lniffilirttetthsymmM e--..nipUih vruat II was Interna
Uey lioiilil. Tae (tret marlrlnre were eonipllca'Mi out li
aas nut lima teiore liuiiraveinents rouoweil in laeir me
rraiilcsl slrur are. .r tint, ihlle Implttled. they woro
n.oro iluraau arid cunhle i'f d-iliw a irealer ran- of
worl. Hie I'l-uen a- iui'' lae Is tree frelll Ilia otliectl nil
atiaih'd to othrri, and, beioanf a very recent rnsve, an J
the mantifa.-f ureis hsvinn In .1 lhaet perlenca of Impmve
mrati In o.t'ir ni.ii'litrcs, p- ssestes p.,ius of e.i--l,nco
ea-l iniTil I'l-.i-aR iu; to i;-- o'lier. In die " nee ' ni
ch nr, tlie t'r.on and l'P stltci II dl-rar.l. J, ami itie
l.ta-k stlieti aaloi n b-u'i s til, i nf the ratirlc, Is adoiaed.
To niret Hie on, i c I ns ax -n ' tliil favnrlro itit-'ii. vi.. :
went of elu.t,. ity, hah lily In ravel at tlie enil of
.rams. re-iulrhis ttiein i ta fa.tenrit or tied by hand,
aid lt-e vi ant ot str-mlti f t a n-rmlri ila-s of
ii amt, siien a. tla ties, or In-lSe len of p'4s. three I
rthtr rtt- te- are ad ed. the K ot. Ir.-utiln l.nek, ami ;
I -nal, e h ii"I i si 'i at v-ti.-l II s'mn.-eranl nia.a-etsitl-' j
tt-etl tlc I a eV 1 ta -e -rl.e, t e in re a a e. ai,iii ' tllml nf
roiirMi erj , but an- mail'' v itr a. mncti ea-e ari-l tt- llitv,
srd v i ti as latle mset inwrv, ai ottirr m.nlnneii make .
cne .tl sli. lla- I larin... run, 'ilin . pis-el" in-i,i,-rioa
aitvaaias-'t eer etliri, whleli wilt til
ri-litl y ,r-i ilvi. I eo exii-n'T'ln-; t'eia. On.r l' l-
laiiant in i- i tin r-iirsitia fee-l maim, whlc'i a t U e operator, by tl u.'y tiiraiiiM a ttiu
:ew. in !i.i e .lip w ri r in ,::--- to it.p r s'U nr ! It, to
I n.T ill.l I alt i t ll.e M.ll,', .T til lien IV- ell t. al till- e mis,
a I bo et tar nil, tne ra'rl -. An-lar Ki"at a it v I -it lew II
liai Ir a p- rC ef ami u -lt T n n nsv-n r tlir,- i-t, wleo't re--.-ni
irn ur ! nil ii tt t sell ro ISa cl i rT.-r .n slinli ol 'Vale,
nr d r a n-l-i . ta K-'t n'if '-f or-h r. I h" I-Inri ries jaitly
Die i'f ti e acja hut.-.n i T I c tt -i t a nily rl- a iim 'I i"-ilne
ill tbe Mural.
ill 1(1 1.1 I THINS Of (ll 11IH1 M S 1'. VU,
UT TilK BMl'l'll' r.iirfaiic.i.
" ell Dave." Slid e l l .. 1 Ml'. I', I a '.
1 inn Id. l,i. I t e'r
- h " rnssct vml nr tel. -''i.'-'r:al tj a
S-- , ravu a VI l.n m ar .-''
S' - 1 'av.,, ' I i ,eil 'nr 1 1 1 1 ' - ( ! I ' i - V
'I I'til'! -t Tn v h. ar tn Ii, avn,
V. ta I 1" or as rt lutli- tinv.
I v-eleniaeil I 111! tinus I'.vel
Jly e ti c k in at th" lire-lite sn atiK
As so HI it i It Was noiht,
Ae-t in tin- nee nln ., iv li.-ri- It tl nnt
1 h.isti in 'd with iletivi lit "
'I'-lmi- I iinieeii.e !"1 ni:hs his latin. r. "Pave,
Von ca'iiint mean in s ly
'1 tea i ai inr toys nu, I i n il l : s er.n
Ai 1 1: Its intc .una el (lav y"
"No," IViVi- r nlio-1, "'"It I "i " s i;.',
'I h u Ii I i-iii n-ov mil vr-tw.i.
Koine p It wniiltl se.-i-i n tv- eier n iv
lty v lileli !..e ti lth l-e ..haw II.
Dili, lilt :L-ltiK ircst'it' t r nrn.jn-.-,
I or sous however I at' .
W inliil be a hall-'.s.-ti a s I't al c i t?l' a,
JI ale up at Toivi r 1 1 it ; 1"
Our H-.-irinii ut nl ','.--n :r ntinla flnt'-'-.i; - Men's,
, r-th's iiinl I'o-i'- i lull ail canal 't-, eon
(trlMlii; Ih" e '"c-it sti lt s nl K-m ts tin- mtrxet a Tir.l-.
V e h;. e c;l-l,,' ant 1 " - - "' w' -ar Win r, ti iro-'rl a r . 1.1. I r. I " s. mica e)r ''l ' r.tM a' rr'iv'l if fi'.
I., rqli-nt. Ih ,-nceu-liMii' .1 ;.' v-vnrinx tli-o clntldair.
It i. li- tn nnl. r v 11 lln I mini ik o ir st ,.' uar ii-att I I
i-vi i v v-av - .u it :.t pre' - -a iu n tl lower, ai tn ;uianl-U
tl C unlaltl'lteil.
'liU'ltn II t:.-,. Nn. MS Mar ie' slro-t.
llr.sisKi r A C J.
Tli 1 COVI'I ! '1 "-'1
. i" New VI a-'.. i -
- e
-l t .i i.f. It ,
Alln'l a nn I'til I eatl ai. m
-r hi
-l lm
, in ' i l.i
i I u 1 llm
., n- em .1. d :m tl.
, l.i-tell on ).'t-
l.i-i i'.-nr u i; s
t l.i t k nut ler ll.
-l lvA,
in .wire
a r., licet mr.o ol t'i'-u
i i.m,i rrnii.e -. vat iii.iuu
and M ,-a,'-r rl'ul la
y,-ls d-c-s'ed i-aii-i
in tie i e i nie itei tal .niie.
In uh it and to win,' n llialt we d-' Ijratc I..'
reiOa'O .
"'ton M it ' I'-Hi-wliOn .S'W, I, ill','.
Ttil- Ir c'r ruirintisl ivi rk e in t,i- linrl i rattllt.iii.ty itlfim
iti" lm Id ii y ini-nii, ny iii,,,vi.n al tti)
Cli tl, ItlS lliaoe Of f!l'arl"S Mliikel H, I'.I
lind'T tho
niiiieiual Hotel, rioeeeil to n i f-'r tt
helK'flti.f ItlO
rural "I . si. t II 1 er l c.l. i ."i'.ali--etn.
Come ea'l- tn -ecnro ' tlr;t pr-'i-. uii-1 t.i- o tlie itu
i.ri-i .ii.ii ''nan the t-l-iie. in ih-lr tai. lty.
Cails - r, by tool, cu receipt ra' a ten
Raiih anii i:cirisin: CosritrTiosa for tho
IM.lilnya, now r'tady al K. O. Co., No. 318
Clicsiiut itrei't.
OKNTLrnitN's Hats. -All tho latest styles at
Ctarlee OaklorJ Hon'a.Conllatalal HotoL
A CiunirTe rRKsntvT Wohtii ritviNd. It j
tia. become Ihr itltlid convatlon of tlioii.'litru! peap a I
ttiat ivery family In ti e land slmuld be iiclie-l with a
llr.t-cla.a lewli-it ina- li no. a-d tt Is equal y thulr oauvlu-
llon that Ihe machine which cmubinei tu re aieellunt
ti'Kiuree than any otaer ll Iho "Orover A. Ilakor." ft la
the onlv aawin.' maeldno ever Invented that etveutas tlua i
enilin ldy, an advantaKa wlildi In Itself siitlllos U to tho
prci.-iriiea with a.l in'oalseut purol. users.
atlHiaihti Oakdfd tk.snn's, Contliiealal Hotel.
A Piir.-i NT of Pi.iiMANiiNT Vai.i'B. TU New I
Aine.h an Cc''l'eill. Is "llered as one of tha nmst useful
ai d viiltiat.le of hoakt lor pee-i nialion. Ills a LPirary In
Hu ll i f inloiia illon urediil hy to cry olio of lnlelllg"ucd.
r.niaiil In villous attics, ai the agency for thli city, Mo.
XI H. B.klli I'rcel. secvlnl Hory.
A. D. Pk.ssano's i bole French aud plaitt
i-takelliais, also extra tluo foitii.ii and U ii".ile f.uitl,
are unurpas. able, 'leuili street, below CLciuut.
Roastku Almonds, Chocolate, and Cream Cara
:iu It. supcilor iiuallty and davora, manuluclared by E. ll.
Whitman A Co., JNo. lim I li-auut struct.
I'l'KiitAanaa may teiy upon gettiiif? tho best
Fun ai ('barks Onk't-m A Hon a.Couilueutal ilotol.
CiiuiHiMts Outs. If you wish Photographs
fur be Hi ay proteins, v.m h id be ter (o In time. The gallery
Is nlwayi ikrui.kial diinuK the holidays. I. o early, il. I".
Iteiuur, l-o. WI Arch tr. tt.
It irwki.l tii pet clear of a Cold tho first
wi i'V, hut it Is uiut h sat. a and heller to rid yourself of It
the first'lit Inaiis.-lho remedy for tho
purpose tKliui Ir Jay m's Ksi ecturant. Prepared only
at ho. -tj I'hisi.ut stiict.
Tue Holiday PneahNT most acceptable to a
ladl ll tki r Hewing MachUe. Thlamachlns
tn-ik all the tint p'tiiiam S al Ihe fain lu the United rSleies
the paal year.
Lauiv.i' Fi ks. An o e grint aasortmont at
ct arltt Oak ford :-' n ..i.'ot.l uauial Hotel.
Hi jii.BAi.1.' a LiaiMKNTAa Infallible
riife lor biiina, ernH', tlirnliil, rheaniall.tll, (Ull-abot
woauds, c A itieile spiihcuttou allays ut pain trout
a Lain iLa h.-.a .l a :s applied. No family ihoullba
will out It.
OioKOK Buck Co.'i Pianos akd Maioh A
It'll is
Pt-vo l'lll',.l i.ltiiAN. CARINRT' One ait -a t icb of Una In- l.rtDAN-l.
I'lA-l) iTlilaein , I- IV l" I, , e II Id b v SI r, CtUISKr
to : 'i r.s.' i;.,i.n(t ti- rvuiand la counaniiy t.tti) t NS .
PIANO p ura.i.ln. CAHINK.r
pnhTk-s. .a .a.. elyhy ' (.It'l. VS.
iui,u ' t iKU't-n. 'cAiiis-atr
luk llta. Havt-utl. aad Cheauul lireetl. OUelyS
Do ou Know Dkan has removed to No. 413
Cl esnut tie.) Hi e ie Tobawo, Claara, Plpaa. An., tti
per tent. Ii-aa thau an olbar attu la UiUi city. Iteaauutbor
iteaa, Ko. itu Ctiatiii( atieot.
(iNiiwogTira awKET Catawba wins.
A slush mvolce ot Itu. favorite brand at the CALI KOH
J.IA WINK .t.VM V. Nu. 41 (forly-two) a. riFTH
Btreal. atajvet.'betnut. II js-malia
A hAMl'i.K CASK OK CA l.lKOlt Nl A WlNbti.
(ine h'tllle of ''Mrucatol,"
Ornt bollle ol "Part."
One bollieol'"ADuellca,"
true boltlii uf "Miocry,"
Hue bottle oflloek,"
One bottle of "Grape Brandy"
will be rw warded lo any part of lira couutri oa roielpt of
levim dollars.
( Vanity ptivatulan, druggtsti, and fWmllleawiel ploaal
natloo, and duaci ill orden bi
( Al.lH.llMIA WINK AftRVflT,
"No. 41 tainy twi ) H. HKTH Hlreat,
lltftmllm atKive I'tietnut. Pbtlaaeioii.a.'1
T TT" 1
Will Heat
Vllhlaae treoble, luteal liaie.aaiat lasi aaponte thaa
aayiloal as- Wood Mtava. Tkay aro vary eaavsoaoat fee
ase la apartaioau la which there Is na Ohwaaty riao.
No. 97 8. 8IXTII STRK15T,
u.i.ata.14 raaAPsirou.
Sin-el. t-.Vow Areh -Cl rlttmaa Lav Her.
ritAKK I I N MlMiKK. I. Il , will pn arh in tbe m rnln U
01,0 i.-i. and Kev. ( II AS. J. LtlTl.t In iha ttenln at
rbarrh of ifr- K(.l tnT III h iti'ltl to ii.-r-.w ;i'tr
.f.o. brtiltiDiDi t iiaVf pal two. ho wnrlctB In iU
FKvrVAi-st;M)VY sniooii OK
Up Cl.iiM h ft' ):iTH'!', o( MirM. W. K.frr.wof
I K0A1 ind MCrtlNO IUItlgt4 fliWlf, on M'.n.nv
l.ui t r, Int Ii, nt iS utr'oi'li ''VH'"''j
e( ' T.n- r'1 Htrtirtf Ifit lios'. nn A-Mrr-., an i
lilt i-uni : bv the i h'-tr At Hie citflnton thr wtl) t
( tt llict,ll ef t-nnfrrlicit I'r- i i til to cr. 'ini'l ft
lTirarr. Iirlfii fr Hiilt., 1 nt ; for c&ilttr-!,, S
letm' To I mil nt Ifi '"'". . "
1 Ai-vt s r i ill It ( II
l HI It ( II CdltM It YHI1K AVI-
' a-tiV run and lll'TTllNU (I.II Kr"-t lli.'e.p
TllNWll.l1 hrrei't lli.'e.a -I
I 1 NS Villi pie,
Ii lu ntorruw. (Chrtstiuas ' niariiiaif.
nsv (iirtiiMiH jritii.F.i:. vim-rtt n i it
.vi1 sinn v. I,'h eh. n, nt Han mi Vis
it I l II niul I'ol'l, Ml Mimlitv, 'I ' i I' M Al lres-ei,
sttifiaia l y the i til ilreu. A I are invltetl.
p ; " ioT oi iTci'.,,
'' I l . Iireri-tdi r '.'I. l-c.t.
(ni t.,,,v nt--t. IS.- 5 iti In-t . this cfliri-w 111 tie ot-en
let fan-ietii n ot Iti.tii.. ii ni tl li ticlmtl liojn, ailt-r
v. 1 'i i. r , i t i a nl 1 1 cl- ii it
lie ii-Miij Hnitliais aid tie otei tlarlnit tlie isitia
he -'ti.
Hi- , irrt. r. v-ll' n il" h t 0 e ta' N V M il. 'lv. rr.
'I I rta-i nil-i III us i f le t, r fl an InT'-o l. -I a -lnl'ier
I - -1 . i- 1 1 I e n , aUe s . trtn ,u c.e in iiiiic.4 ataloaeia
tl e- t rl'a'. at i. o eh es.
i; vt .'t c A w t nuns, r M.
(it. I H i; OF TilK CI1Y TIE. KA
MI ta u.
P.'O I'- I I nt 1. Ii.-. .ni.'.. r Jl. tsi,.
NinlCK. It
H e ( 'lty 'I tt siiri rail i'A
dee liir.aar) I , oa anil atler .t
l.' int- t. t; on Cl: L nu-,
n.irt ' l '
1'.'-"I lit
i ll)' IH" i-iin-r.
in' rm; en y tiu.-
HI i.tCK.
T'ii ii'ii'in, I Vr-o itirr 1 1 1 v;i
N TH K MM OA it'Jr.l.!-.
'Iln'tit 1 i'H in r i' H"i c I to i.iv 1" 111 in it riii.
Juki r I I-- .'. in it I !. I !t i 1 1 im I ri' r- r .-' 1 It
I'M tl lit I l.i 111 .It tl IS O il t I tl A i lit m' IT llic .M in'
V.' "4 't t i' I i.- ih ircr.
r v- N Ti'iAi. i n in ii a.'' up H i: "
t liif.t'1" nit'H tni'l M (Ir. n C'.fi, t nir itin.- ,n ni i
itiiurnl s i, f 1 1 v i I I. nn. We di Hin i in v "in ( l liti
tiil.t 11 ii 1 lil i.di 1 tun MiuitluT t. iiiiii uid tlicir iir .h
, lllll l CIU' ulCtH'' .
A Inr. i' t iiiiit or nt ln-nl tM hi inr' nf tli
S.mlll ll:i- Im ell l-t II. ''-c. I Ii.iifM'l.--- hv tlh' r ivn. -'J .
v. i.r rfi'in fl. tn i i, lit limn Mtn I r v. . i t , 1
i In trn ti i ti e untriT cl i "i" 't;iv.- '- t t on- ) r. I I u
1,11 (i in I it I l U' HI III 11 1 il'l nt if sM tl I II V d
i'- iimi, Vnnv i-l Mn in r cutlic . !"-lit i c 'il hi tn -lic.itM'. ni'd X'Miie w nlid'ii leu cUifnlnv' lit
, cr iinl" linkcn -i hiirn : llic 'Uniiii'T llm
in i nun of tl. "nek nnd lui'.-'ii Iium4 . n a rivd-d
h cxi. u-,HV tt lit- wcjiliii r I .ic . - r.i v ii th.i t. i ll T
v H'i nt iii'Timjo t:i Ir Kiii'ct ii nui'M in nu nr.)
in-, vi id 1 1 ar iln ir uri't.v Imi n ul i;n:t 'I II - r II t.
I'. i:il- iirnl m u- l"ic uniilh nii "i I h T Imi r imu
fin ciivuriNK in I It I- wav t' ftt-t'iini tli" liuv.Tiiii ni
hi i'cr wiifij prui'tiU'ii wo iirt' hi iv in c!ti,i;ir iii o
l" ir ":,,ai.iim in wt'C llit'j tnit T
it. i'l-T ir I
."t. '1 lie . rcat ti't't i ni i" I .in p v ,;.' t i ' -i m in
! II r null o hi nit: wll.r Vu l . i r 1 ,l i
! j o i d o ii di o i r ind i.i i."i tut t, Ihmml,'
1 b rW" d m ii ! tU Ir iitn-t. -iiuiH ilf invt -i ut I'.c ir it inir ti
. iiruii'i I- rs iind In ;i I y ii i. r null nr.- n c i ) iti . i, -nr-
-i urili'ii l y Kir-nip! itMhp.iU.tuis tn 1 f il nr
I 11 c mcK ti. I fi n i' ii'i ih.'i1. lm nwitij' in t u' ltii:("l
r.rnux nt limp Inn'rct'-d it w.m cur. I ut u:h tiluw i h K
il V Ulllll ItilVt' In llC f i M'd
i 'Un- (.tc .iiiuci't in w urfr nd.iiUni'ii h
Itie l'iir h-ino nr tic-" il-.-tit ei' lie n
III 1 ii r
i ll
i li.'h n.
-ti a I noli -I lim. line ol oil ''-a- Inr On Ir sa t;
imi-i lie I n ! n, , r-1 ' 1 1"" neillln ueiilc
Ac , nun i a li hi ooi t.-r in a
ol Un ir
r ei
;.' ill
a a
Mile in filial and el'. -I S ll-il-t '-e ina '
I. r - I s i -i.i.rl
W. ie k voir llh. r-d i'l it. i. i i -la:.' rut. '-.i t.-y -
it -- v nil Is tt.o ,lv e in, ll li e n lie I I I- il ii 'iil.
. I 11 . tin re ,s nn tin.e tin it a . -tat tin- Clin l nl
t alii I V eltn 11 ,K, ,1 lllll eltli t',1, I tin ll tin ." I-i,n t I -0
' tin it la III el ve - Ihe ti cue nl Una, it In s - vlin t .' T (' i s
! , II o ll lli'i'll li s o oaiTS. lllelwl and e,iill,ui.Oll lu I Ul
t I
irlh.itiiais will tin
reo'v-'-l hv CM
i IIP I'.,
r oi the
rcii-uni . '- o. .ajj W ,
l ial. i l-e.d:
All. el l llallie-,
(a one II. la r ,
Cot rl I'. ' reer,
tS'i lilldl t i I a ti I .
j.aotiew u li dwhi,
.to ),i I . ll.Tle
Rlietlceitl I.. Iliiwson,
W I ham i . l u l'l ia,
.taunrt . 1 1 ..It I
ki . Mi.uil' lull.
I rt Cora k nnl ns,
In- a Potior,
I. I
.-treet, r e in- r u
I I It. ITIee,
i i.l. di oi e.
.Ill I I Wei. II.
, I IHli-ll.
Ill 'Inml I'i'ieo,
In tl M it.ivoo.l,
In I lla I 1 ie i Ir.
auniol il. I'l-rklns,
It,, h ,rl ' . I. a e,
Wt lln ti linn.,-,
Liny il I' fun h.
, , ... I'Ntlt.l) MTATI'.S Cilltni'tAN IMttAin
I k Ml) aloii.
' Ca-h aoynow'el.iitnts lor th weei etnPnix lie-. 'Jl,
I lot. I lieiil-sivnin i tri--utious ol Pu-lij yieolans,
k... ..n.j loitiviatni . ill :
I lrii ns .it Jiier.eisburg I'a and vicinity, per I'.
i - .v".:";.v
Co liellnu ai loons' Hollow. Po., per)..!,, w .
Mi nh r -. ;".',
( llL ns oi llontoaravllle, I'a , per Kev. A. st.
I reifclilott ..'.... ... ...
I fit, .-ui ol .la Mo. I.ur.erno coun y. I'u., per Itev.
A P. tlsii ileekfl
i t, nation al Greenc-ast e, Ia, per l-Itrjileu-
haunh ,
in atiii-n ai Uridno Hmiipton, N. t .. per i ho
JoettiilT'liV lsun' a,' Miiiieiir'couii y, iu'.. per
Jus. McMillan
I ni. lam oi i ri.ion. Delawuro conn y, N. Y.. per
In v. J. M. Vilnius
Frauds In t're lie htn nil. N. J., tier N . ll. Wll-
rs,' j". i.t wia'ciirw'.'ii, Miiunt llopo, N. Y. i ltnl
1'ev .1. I.lileil, Jloiuil lloiat. N. Y a"l)
yirs. Ilinry llo iges l hesiei', N.J Jasl
lr Ih" ''.- Hunt, t li-stnr N.J 1 (Ki
ll r Lev Jiunes K lln-ws er.
I i.llcc nun at North I'llclier, Is. Y , per Hov. 11.
s. Huililnck
Cit rt-usoi Ml, I'a., per I N llo'iunoil
I itlen- ot Hiilunx. I'll, per i. N. Itahla-iUI ....
illins ot 1-errvsOuiK la.,P"r 'l' N. Itiitiuisnti.
Sirs t-srah (dlu,er, Iniliemisvl 10. Pa-, per IteV.
s. ,1. I er In
i o te Ion at I'a'invra I'a per W I tat-r....
I ,, eel, nil ut spellcfr. N, V , per llev ll W.
t iilleelloa at I, i iim-ae. I'a., per llov l hoiua. It
l ov ui cud
SII r,
li oa
41 V)
6V 0
10-. 03
n no
- 8 00
- 3IKI
a i
u II i
16 Id
Mielinn of lie onued Dut 'h uit-l I're.b'.nerlnn
i liiirclies .-ueia cuvu, , pei wo.,..
Ii 'lh.-lntson
Jllt-thoii-s. t piseopal uuil l'ie-lterlaa i liurclios,
41 tt
&0 0)
4 . II
in it)
31 15
31 10
to :i
li !,)
11 1 I
40 (SI
31 'SI
1 i 0.1
I; ;t
I I '!
1 a 'II
ji ne
Ci.! 0)
ll) (10
(i-. i.l
41 'M
18 .'I)
101 .'Ki
1"! 'H
40 00
.1.' W
41 73
1 U00
7 0)
MHtiniee liV. i lilo peri- i; uou
Preston ran and lait al Cliinca.a.i holcaanay,
N. Y . ,er l.ev A. II.
Ah't'llnn o. .'Lurches. .MlllUusnur, Pa , pur itov.
Mr. I, err :
Ci ml ..'liiitions oi Mtierhurao. N. .. per I . I tirl.a
Mee Ii g- Alt l'leiisaul, Iowa, tier.). II. Wl ttluo
Veetinn of l.ulheniti and Itetiiruii' l I 'una 'e.'il-
lious. lekeaiiara I'ciry cnuiiiy, fa., per Itev.
,1. , . V- I lliilli.
t'ltu.u si rv,. t s HUht-town. N J par M M. Mur
rboe, ai-crctiir.v
Meetli," ol t'-o f hurchetioi Uydo Park. I'a . tier
11 I' Clark
Finn Warn Methodist suil I'resl.yloTian Church-ta
by acuso, N- Y , per T B I'onor
ruasuYTaulAN ciieKcua!..
I.r.dles' l heist Ian I'liniuiiHiiloa nt Cedar street
I hiireh I'liltailelphia
1 litmh l. mve. uud. N. V.. ier .Mrs .1 I.. While..
tiik I hurch, .-yrucusc, N. Y . per llov. J d ill:-
Chu rc'li .'.V:,Vpi ri V Y . Per j it ri nil o
I hurell lli.sSeliratnt', s J - per J l Itttllki .1. ...
I Lureli l.i'W'T Mouii llallu'l 1st IV -iirnent...
thi.n h M aint .lav I'a.. per . )ua A. 1'al crson..
First t tit.rcli, ' iiw nu. N.J per -ami John,. in
! '. i itniri nation. 'Vest tietirnu. N. Y , per Itev.
W 11 tic hie
hevetiih Chun h, I hi udi 1,'hla, per Al. ni l Mar
it, ri l rcHsari r
French ( hurt Ii or onverle,l Itt-hliius Itohln.uli-
vino, W l--. per Itev lleurv Morell
I' p. t onnli'i ulion, soa.onuak, HI., tier li v. W.
I hurcli W'ulnat sired. Phllad. lahl.i. pur 11 I..
Iti ml 'i ie..snnT
l-'in-l Chur. h, llarnui.h ol l.arhy. Pa., p -r Itav.
S. W. I riil. ml' ii
tlnlli-v r sireul l hiir- h. Wi.uilll :t.ui Del., per
J. It. porter t
t flora i h -rcli llowuiugtoH u. I'a . pel li-iv. M.
Ni-Kklrk Jr
Chunh Pea on I'a., per i'rehy UtUii lluarlol
Clatrcli llritli stiara I'a . par It' V. J ll llavis..
l bun h. Ji.inesburg N J . per Itev. YV M. Wells
Cenir-d Cliurcb, Uiulegtou. Irel-, per Itev. G.
K Mlsived
First i hurch. Ml Iwuter, N.J., per Itev. T II.
t on il 1 1
Flrsr hurch ( . .) Downhill own, I'u , per G.
Ill" ns
Bcc.aid 1U funned I'rc.bylertuti i hurch. Lis -on,
i l.av ri n o co. m v. N Y
Fhst l I. il r. It. Aoouiia. I'a., per t'has. J Maun,
Chun h Mniitc'lalr. N J .' per W s. Morns!
. i ri a-nre.
Girniiti. i hurch. Went Gisllvli'e, Mis, nor il.
K at'ulie
Vuiled l'ri'shylor Inu CtitwreKatt-iii. Ilnward,
hleiil'en county. . J.. tier Iti-v Mr ilohert-oil.
Itelnrineil i're-hvt erlan ( oivrt-galfou Wasalng-
tou, lil , per Win l . Fak"ii
NkTUOUIST rlliucuka.
t'nlon meeting of churi Uca.,Puttsvlno, N.Y.
loihl'l. I-TV)
8uhl,atli School, Weston's Ml la It) iJ-
Per Itev. Isaac G Undent
i hurch Phi pi.l.urK N.d 17 "W
Three Friends. 1'h.lipsour, N .d 1
per II. M. Morton :
Laita a' Aid Boclety uf Church, I'aston. Pa , par
W. Hume
t'hurea. suranac. N. Y .pers.w. Drown
f i. ui-l .-.treat Church, ltiugliaiupioa, N. Y, por
Kev. M lllukes eo
Chun h, Jant-r-s li e. Pa , por Itev. Joslsh Forrest
Church, i;rieullu,d ( eutro, N. Y , pur Uc-v. Johu
T liompMin
Aim-au i hurch, Ilordeutowu, N. j , per Kev. K.
Weaver ,
Church. Centre, Perry county. Pa, por T. M.
Kiunt htreet church, Treuiou, N. J., per itev.
.Mr. Vaiu.ote
tiretu Hireoi i hurcli, Ircntoa, S.J.,ier Hev. J.
s. Ilelsler
Afrleun Church, Uurllugtou, N. J.. por tier. I bos
.First t bureh. Long llraneh, per Wtu Frank In..
13 IM
SI 42
16 04
10 ss
H) oo
13 M
Welsh I aivanislle Asethodurt ( hurch, Johul
town, pa., per itev. i-.. t. jonos
. IN
Free f htirch, Harrlshurg. Pa , par it. M. Lambar
ton -
(hurch, Peekskl I, N. Y iar Kev Mr Towulen.
Fl Hi i hoieb I'bhad" phla per T 1 nluiarr
Litierry church, bueituoliaajia Co., Pa, por. Kev.
air TikIbu
Vpand church, Delaware county, Pa, por J. li.
I ruaer. , ,
Church, canton, N. J.. Por Hev. W K. Cornwall,
( l.orch. 1 ast r-nil hne,d. Pa , par Jam ea Parker..
L'nluii I hurch, Kahobota, alaas., par J. K alat-
ca f ..rr
f'huieh. Ateadvitio. Pa , per Jam os Waters
t humb, w araaw. N Y . per s H NUon
I hutch Pirstaautvlllo Pa , per G tl Mpralt
Lti'gu ar Bapuat . hurou, Jamoy bhuro, Pa, por
iUv. W. if. lentlel ..7.
eoMuaaoATioMAL oairaoaai.
( horrh Jaoneeiown. N. T .per A Haialtlne.....
I hurch, ilaaaktnron. k Y . par . Gl uert
( hurcli. I aai GranvUia. Mass . per A.Geeka.....
t hun-h and (society, itartiv Ick, Vt., par (s. N.
Hr- in Mitiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiitiiiii
in t
14 34
too 1)0
is tie
1W 00
Qniirtfriy Ortllrctton rrfiiri Trlnitr rinr.'h ah
Imih flio . Hhnron -print, N V.
M I p rnt MtMiuu liuP H. i om, per Jcitin
HI. I'mii'i ( hnrrh. Troy. , Pr I brl t'.
kVAHORUCAL M'TlIlllArt ctirifur.
flrrrriiin t'ong rfrntlnn. Tort Bfaiiion. Iowa. pf
hrv W I. rtnto'
ilitinh Mr prrlll". --P 1 s KrtMiiOQ.
( linrri.. Ki.rd-hom, N Y .. pr A. Vn Aintiti.,,.
Harm t nnrri niton, ltfmllip, Huclxf i punt,
I pr 11 iirt ...
HI mnitl'lt I'RnTKJ'TAhT PI TII rill' Kn li,
I nun ! i, lUriiitKcii, N. J , por Uforo Ki-rsUaw..
nu in nr. t!rttTLiriRD.
li wt
U wl
40 40
11 yO
10 0
1 '0
30 sM
uITTl o' It y M 1. Ul I, rum aOI-vl le, Lcwli
( lnir- h ui L W. bilntna I. MiilU't rm k,
I i. ni. n kHtmii at Hcuvt lion. N Y.. pot lt.H rt I.
i tiuil
MirUi at llltliland. KtiiHttv, p.-i Khy H ,M. Ir-
vu i HtVriti-i-i'r.'-" Vinrup. ;" ! Wl'lon.
( i ubi'tuilcn at tia y a . N. V.. Mr . Ir lulier.
(I sunt con riuiirrioNH.
' i iirlntnii i'i inmlnsln. Che, N.T.,
i r H 1 - 'I tmiill
Mr. li doin fli r, o, Mxni v iik'hi
,1m, i. Itrt ln 'in 4v"'.V r. unity. Md,
1 ul-
l1(.i crt V .n-1 ih . .K r" w
I il J
l ,,, . ' ( In i-l! il ' untuni-iou,
Ml nil, I'd. prr
jt HtiVni 'ii. r mil i-tcr. Utarnl nfnr Nt
I'd nt, s Y . -niidi i I -
I in it. c t r in ii i 'in in 'fflnti Han I" rnuc iKo;
in. I" r Hti.or A: t'n , .
1 rut nin 'l fill-- cl 'tHv.-r 'i.iiirr nl.'1 hy rl ir-. ru
tt v cin.ii per i:rv, KrnnKiin Itl-inu, Ylrj-ttna
rl v
S- i I " x at ultii'Y i il ro lo.uwari ciMinty. N.
i , r l.i v A i "-in tli' 1 rl-l mi I'tiuit Issi'Hi li' i. ' k' i
ni ! 1m h M- i t.tim , i p r .M rn tiu rn II.
I,, nt
.1 t i rn I li . r- -t.n n .1
It In! inni.M' !. 1 I nl.' A -
M.w. i.'. M Uti'.vtn.M'. I'til H!"n.M'i
4 710 03
3 ion
ft -fl fV)
6'. LUi
M n at uli I'm. rim, 'ci dv u
i'a ,mt f. I. a -W
4 , pr .Jti'iH'n
I'll . )'Or .1 nut i
-''IK. I'u . pin- J.
.mil Me , per '.
"s" l'wi'v"v.
ft 01
li 0
ft 0.1
ft no
; -0 03
iv oo
2 ill
L'l 00
1"1 'VJ
ft (t0
it I'll
10 O)
mo do
27 iO
1 Mt in!
t lillll' lt.' Via
' I r...t'--
1 iu IU- p-
I l
M is) II liCIM IUi.ll I IllMl li Ti
M I t.tll...
Chil t u i i .in.i. --inn l'..rt .
- n d. vnn it n-tiriT
I t rsi tin i mi in t u n ' I r 'V
I ii- 'If -ir- r
p.-r Mm It. v. J
t n iii in t I 1 in lln 1'i'i i'u tun ctmii v. Y1 ,
1 cr II li llrw
li.dt.V Al.; -m.uv I'lic p-j. . V.. p.f M Vi.
l.Ti v. li ii : f ici.ii'v
I 1 tnl . ' i hr ciiiiii riii',iiii'!nn I it-t I il.: i-ll
I t ht run lu rch I . u rri-ti m y . 'n , per Mn.
, Iii nrv l'i' l. I rci - ir.-r
Ii r V . i i inn!, i .tl I in 1 1 Km tK i u i' . I't.
Sun. :,v Schi.ti I M ,lni.c I I. l h l'll I k
t ij In . nu m Pi ( I'ot.-r It i-h.'.i ..
. .) V. 'tii I runWii-r . N Y
I " " i,, . tuti'.-s i-u:i:il y. I t
' ' i ' ' ,'i c i' i i - i ' V I '. '. '. . . '. . . '. ' ". '. '. ". . . '.
I mi
ii, i n. rit i:K ivi, a. . per n it-
I f t( , I , ; i ii..'
Mrs i iV. d I
s-.rciiiv st In if I
j r !-c M-ri
A iin'i I- i. u l"H
t n.i.i . !.. . .
( ii v ti- n In "1"
i inii:ul-wli. II ;i (t:i n, N. Y.. pvr
I-l . . l. -i niivr
it. ii ul M l.i linn Ii, ji'-r il'V.
i n.ct mill Lonk ' n.'ici.v, ( lil-
"Sf Vl' A i r:i ncfin.ii n Vu'tf'.V
Vl ! I it ,
I u.
M . i ' i loiri !t cor ll v nr. iv lie
, ... i. h
e. nt Vintav M ll'n ' hl.Uhlll s-o-
M is- , p. , .1. .-Mary II IM IS
tW i.I
viioi- n He-
I ,,. l . tlnll'Ita-a.,,...
I 1 a-I i I .i.l.i r
I .11. l. I Pie er
1 I'rr .Ic' tl .1 l-idli-r III"
1 tat e-' I l.ri- Inn I Illume
sit IS)
i lilt
3 1)1- 8 (S)
. -niiier-el en , -l-l : -Inn
-a t .1 ii.ln's t'. l:.
ii i ) Jill)
I liLirell I III a-l-
la nn-, h an
irmiil eiiin .
H-a 1. c i. s: Ch n
M . ! lln, .
l ,tie a. 11
I .a '.: I
In,..-- ( Ii ,
ni ti
tl H
In IS!
ir t I'a : -
.1 ll t'-"it,v-
eouii y I'a par
: I'a.
I II ,
i. t
a l
, in s .
t. ri .-it tiu'". a r ait'v .civ i ri
1 1 Sa
1 . tK)
i - . til ei M, ii t. tiu a I 'i.ll.l
-nr. l nelie I.imTi l.ll'n a SI
i'riink '. - in 1 1. 1 1 n ir, Ann rlinr V leh -IA
i ci .j an I. ul. coal i onniei iilliai, ilium. b d,
,v aa c 'l
Pcv t I i - ch r 11 .ti'.l n v aii.e t c .
' .1. s " syl. eil.t'. New York I 0'i
l.fini.ul I.'. ih null tniuee a toiis-n l.a-viel-lill
a, al .lla.r.vl 0, la, p r lie v. I).
same '
C.i . i, nu I.utl ",.n Can re a,a-.a. Trail on.
hov. 310-
p r Hi v ' K Ahntnw.l I'a.
Mrs. Hit Id Cl.aileuoivii ., N,Y "'0
Ma M. Tltm t.v ........ 1 ' h o It lorm,', I I'm hyterlatl
I i ran niiliiai pi r Jolt u C thlw. ll, Wutt Leba
non I'a
pt, Mie. itel's Pmic't int i:,tia'apil i luii.'h, irca-
Mli N ,i.. per llev Mr Al.pletall
Krit-n.'a III l 'mr' t-ville, N.J p -r i . .t asteuls...
l uliel on in Jllihlli town. Helawa l) por A. I.
1 iiie ai. 'n 'a uiir lielil itv three youni iaiUea, p-r
i.ior,i K. Wurole, I h Isilv ulna ,
o h'i'lioii at 1 hr, "' nrliins, iluuliu, don cuanlv,
I'f nnu , per s. M.-Vlttj
tl-'rund iltu-vlli- peausv vutila
Laa'e-' Aid -uelety. Now ltritaut, Pa .porJ. H.
.tniue'-VlVvVriVy'tiVa lelnliia liuld'ttlnri'iii
l m' clirl.llan Coiriin a-lonMixti. Pioanriorlan
l hurcli I'lula pel Ml s IV'.-hli Jr ...
Itev. G. Wesluili's i ulli.rivatloii. Mcrllag, Pa ...
Itilhctiit In Mel.eiui, 'loii.psiu couti.y, N Y.,
per It' v. Mr. ' urtls
G. P ' .. lltKhestur N. Y
Mis Al re-l lints Matlhan'a M Ills N Y
M. tt-cdi-t and I'resav I u,int'isi llrortil-
ville s . Y , per II. 11 Koli'KK. treasurer
ft 13
87 S3
.10 jj
fs) is)
130 00
'44 -4)
16 id
VI .Inv .r III. ' u
Mia iienrv ,0's)
kiiss la it y J" 'Si
.Mrs. t iilc.eiw.tod '
.. v " lit 00 - 41100
sahriinniir Mirlhorn ludlft Horn It Isalouanos,
per lt"V Dr. Newlnii
l resl ytt rlini ( hurch nt Tascarnra. I'a . fnalnic
I, an Ol trie rn'-i mi-m -i .viv-u,.-,,,.,-,
lie 't hoiiiiisori , aharnaelit)
llev. D N Lewis, Kss. x N Y.
i l hens o or on De ewaru l o , N Y , per llev.
J. . . Attums tatlilllli'Uiti)
4(10 01
4 13
1 VI
MS 80
- 76 71
"A I. rnllier. peri . A. vo ia, i-uuipa, i... e.i' Sanitary Fair liryjuu n. I .. par
v.m Vi,n.,inlii ru -i-cie are
Tl auk utleilUK m:Ii,'II-.iiii rnr Pa....
do. do. htalloid I'U
Per llev 11 F. (sample, llo-l or l, l'l
.' ne. cues nt Lonilooucrry. Vt I -Mupll-t....
..en i.t
... 3101)-
..117 41
0 llll
.... IN- 30 30
lliri-n uiiouuiiei...
M. til ill 1st
I er In v. l r nunn
Itev t) L Torrv. Mcllrawvl' , V. T
rallied! MUu.oi ol Ir-t I'ri'shyteriaa I lljlcil
10 00
Mauui link, l l , per wv . u...... ... .......
Rl-v A. M Ilartboloiii.w'S Cliargo, auauuvuio.
Ohio 2'
Chav.i ihnoii county, N. Y I nu
Itev. .1., Ontario eo nitv, N. Y. .. lo Ik)
iicqiitalhni ti" ni.
Sa la.) McDowell. Mllllhl
coiiiiiv. I'a per Mrs. .lane Msli.iw.ul
IMS 00
Laities', hr.stlau I oiniois.iou oi e Ir.l snoio y at
- CW i)i ru-ll I'til ' nan "i i iiiwn- i-iiin, .v,
Itev H F llarrert (n.l.l rt.
W N sh.rniiiu I ast Greanwleh K. I
Fxlill Iti' n nail Settlers' ttl Soetc y. Peru, linn
iiUiitoinouatv, VL. per Mrs L It. Uapard,
Fee e a-V .',",'","..""."
ludlis' I hri-llsn CollltlliSitlall, .1 III 0.1 re-liv-
' ui, lull CharchjW . Ko. trl li Delaware count v,
N Y . per F happey irca-urer
It H 11 kirooii.e cotinly. N Y
Chris Ian t ouiuili sioti o' Tell li connrosslnrial
Dm tic o. lnd.aua. per i har.oa Mo. u lo.u.
First ""r't'snvi'erhiri (' 'hurch. VvheniinV, Va . 14 1ft
113 00
13 73
13 K)
407 il
Sec, ml I'lesliylcriaii i uurc.i, ..u. n.m,
y. , .alar,
'I hini piisiiVtel am hurch. Wht-ehug, Va.. IMS)
I ii. laitl iaitn Ml-si. n char. h. ... ..... 10 00
l'nic. eds ol a puhllo illtitl. r nlven by he
Hull. ol loit I ulon Hancock county,
.liU v .trinity .-.'," ,!',
K- John Mel urinick, I . P. f'llUrcli.
Hntrtsi tile, Va ftll'13
llinl.viiv sal hurcli tiellair, "luo IS 00
Ao-lliuai-t tonnrcutl -li, lloriail.ui.u. por
Ite. 11 It. ll l 's
pr. rluil Chunh. Ha.liuava llaucocl-.
Hits, iiork. Tnvlor eoanly. la i i
laailsi i hurch Win eluiK IS)
Lev. i. V ltd lit. Milunstoll, Hu-rlann
coiniiv ,. ?'',u.
It, v co. W Hun-iav Troy. a... JoiO
I'ri-hvtirlau ., Fiil.Vow. Va 4il 's
1 r..e.'1't.s el o d I 41 x, I)
per It l ran.h T r of Most lunula
flitted Males t ll 1-1 Inn l 01..UI.S...011.
M ia ol l iris' l ai . is i-'"-.-.
per 'si. C. F'
lu'ililtt Aid -ocietv. oat Flu ny. I t pur R. 1,
ii 00
t tirlaiiaii Cou.iuL-siuu. orcnou, per W. s La id,
KMl '' ') "iey le v ' ilil'd iiii'lii 'iteaiuii iic pi'VkV v.V iiat
Ia n Mci alto
Mis. J. 1' slioeler. crlliu, N Y
J, hi, F fiui.n l'hll.d-lahi.1 ...........
1 n, ilea' i liri.nnll ( ..mnil-no.i Hacunil u. r.
I hurch Una. pirMr. Hr Da o. add ). ......
i ii
07 is
lira -. Iloiiie s. 1 o-U l-neu'..cii u t -s' s.
ktrs. Loa .n Mam orl. " J"'
1 oui-n Lad its' l irele, 4J
( 0l':r'cte.i at in v ii. n Am.'. Leotttre.'::::::.u t W
l.-i.tic 1' irr I'til tl . iail.1 ' 30 00
Lull',.' Chi Istian i "i i-lon Flr.t I ros ( hurch
. .,Blhaik.pirli. - I oh on Irana... Sl'itO
i on rluat oiis rocolvod at tha W adounton Ag-oucn, as
Protestant El.lseopnl Mfslon, Georg.ttowo
M J, liii 1 1 hurch. Wash'iintnn
I o li cted by l"v O P PitcUor
tlHrl.itt Towlislilll. Ohio
ft nt Pre-byterlau l bur-h and Habbalb School,
l.non lsna Va,lt-V, N. Y
First inlinlous .-ocloty, ouondagaililll, M. Y ,
per Kev 11 M lllkhv
( oiiueellcut Union Cluli, W-othliiuton.
Snhll.Ts' Aid Aaauclallull, New HarUotd, L OO...
W 11 Palmer, Auausla Mlehlnail
1 reshj icrlau i hurch, Sene. a Fal s. N V........
t.rwo I, Oswego county, N. Y.. per Rev. J. L.
lit on e
nryouilaiiiniond II. isda o. ilicliigAU .....
Doiiatioua at A le.teiii1ria otlli p SI Jl
Camp Distribution OS
Sundrv iruall aums nxelved al ooico Is 311
11. liictiey s
" - .. . .. u , lumi r-iii ... rTiiiKt
lis 7
SII 40
37 73
is 30
SO 01
Vew York Avenue I'rea i nurcu...
Wn.lnv i tianel
. ta
. II si
, 6 tsl
. SI B)
. TU 00
. Is SO
. Tint
, H'SM-1 4SVKI
Mi Kendree Chapel
G ai such I 'Lapel ..........
Ninth sircei Al P. Church
l nulty i liuirh....
Ca iaiy haptlst ( hurtiB...
), raise -licet I'res Chuisrh
Chrial t buroh. Georgetown
1J.S1S 14
Amoont previously ickuowiedjed..-......M(ll
. J08. PATTF.B80K, Traasuror.
STOnt-al BECFl'TT)
Bv tT 8 f'hrtitlaa coninilMlon la Phl.adelphla, for two
weeki. eudiuif Deo tl. IIW4
Hurlug Garden Prea Church 1 boa.
Filth strael M F. I hurch-l shlrta.
Ml Hlepbena' M. B. church-1 boa.
lln Mod.lart-ll paila 4 pillow case.
dwla Font- gross portable lukiiauda.
Un. M. A Warwick -I boa
Pens Kellet Aiaoclall.ia-1 barrel 4 kaa
alra. liaftina-U pans woo en toek.
First rm Charch. per Mrs. at. D. Hill.
lu it.vard-1 Backasa.
BBiiaBi au avo wbit mt
Pold'era' Belial Alsin-latlun-l narrat. i
l it-. vu.Ht Mtti ' Wi- - Bdl"'
awusenIents. '
Till. (I.irmle.) ;""2M,TTr'
HHIITH rs I M lift K ' V A V1LT MATIatalK,
when i.. I r.arlaault .e draana, la trt
aria, eaiited itia
i "iitxrv,
J"1 lvrV,
c -t.ri itoorVa
IX "TO lit m si,
will be prtierted wild KI'HV
PKS. aoPIIIR fll .'Ilea Ki Msi
jahM. S..I HIK i.lMitn. a-iuw
Mn a- tiia (iimlier Kiihlt
a . Mrs. -oi-lea G Uita-r Kunn
Iii htr nrtat ard anl.rle t"ndlt..n of ,
HIK (CT( It l-.N III HI.. ZOE.
The oei-.risin t lln . .oo.
1 he llcUT-sui l -irl, -0
I'-Veof ACinlt.l..n to ll.e Ita'ince, JO eoafi fo all partl
Of ll"- lioe.o
I hi d en Jo cents. Isoori opea at IK ; to eommoae a
' " Hill fal.i-.1ai FVFSIN I. teri,-r M,
lilt . Ml F t"l ii.i, hvni.) H i
l. rand Far.w.l. ,,nrflt '
'T ..a rarsacll M.-aellt
and las r Moiir or
A-.1 T a-i MiM"f Aad Last HIlMaf
Aid l.a.lMnlt of An 1 Last ltit of
Alius KOI-ntr. OlMnF.R KHUN,
Mrl. H'.l-hle Gin.twr Filial,
Mr. Sniitile Giliih-T Kuliu, ,'
wt o w 111 give 1-er vli id a a., nation of J
lilt lii'iuRnus i.lltl.. ZOB,
'I h -in l.iionn ( lirl, nsi, ,
Ti e ll li,',,n t,,rl. Y.o- ,
introdtlrlltn the Ite.utllUi Sofia.
rsne imi i. uni, swoot si s.iitinat,
Sw,et M s.l.'ita.i, Sweet VI l.tit,tiiDl. ty tr,- e, or., company la rhe Grand chnrua.
I nine and ttr 'Ins -
..FAT Pit-l i nn OF LOUISIANA. LtFB.
The Fvi-i-t'-a s Faiteriah.utu.t will coaclu-la with the
aiuutiiig nuilaita.
I nr, r , tv - i i tn t ,
ON (ll It I S I M ,S Aft 1. 1. NOUN,
s IN El F.I.N I II i.HtM. r ' MIL MA IT NEE.
on. Tin: wohk': rr, i.imp.
w .11 be prese.ri tl tor .hi llrst lirite thi- sea.nn.
V F it I C A N A (' A II . .it X Or Al U 8 I C.
1 i s-rs mil Munairer Init-t T. FORnj.
( l-n. nl the Hull. ,1.1V M. Illt-atie. lliilu-i.-tro , Ford I
ew II taint. M asliuii tau : and tno AicauuJria. Va.
I liintri. 1
bui.u N.auairer JnflN U. WKIUUT
h D IF .V f O RR K ST.
HU. i lllll TM IS lllll. Ill lYS.
A' It W I X t V R R K 8 V
Flrvt llnte lids seas-'ii.
na .iii. un l.i n i,
lie wl.lsi.s aln
li.S nreat in-lina un ;ii"-iiiiii inu ui
Ml'. I A Mit.lA.
Mi I A. l.
tl K I A Ml ll: t.
V AT) A M i' I o Nisi nt Namaoae '
yi -i A 1.1' ' r OKAY as ...uoaana
UN )iill LI.UIUII us rtlMiuvia
LlllUN FoKlthSl'
spar r a r pn, )
GI.A l.i .l iltl J
i-nt. esn now he seen-c l tor '.ha last foar olRhll of o
Hr. I ciltUI si'.s unniigeiufiil. 1
FIllDA Y, Dec. 50,
ItUNl.FI V AN ll l.A il' NIGHT J
s F.DWIN F-'lltllisT.
Honrs own CS o'clm k. Cu-ttl i tss T o'clock. j
.-alnct sniKKr 1 1: f a rrtK.
1. 1' A s ll i. AH .--I'll I'.
l, Mi.lll.
K n T N , ltcenibr 24,
-rum (- iti.r-.i . I
ll,e cl .an. u-A v.r .te ate t. .-f-i
1,1 l, I.U ' .... Oi ll.a
will n.iii'tr In tito it i-:. t i-i a n-r u, . """"1
lliiuc, iiiil i i a.anii.u, ru ... . ... -
OK Hlf. NiOHM Nu K
Toe nc'ut c wit" the u M.-Ldia'au cUied M
f l.l .r i nr . -'ir
I .n .liPtlimi alllitNalV '
Mr rV L Title!
h. m he ti-euiTd fioiu ! tiii J o ciok.
It t nC.OCiv. . ,
1 loVI 'VlT (n indv. lpritnhr 91, .
ti. c "u s.u.?.i:.!'!.'.i:.,i . cr.A
Alter winch the --7'tK;-;;KppA.
Blinaii Pnrefojr. I J. ). CLAKEI
.I n k shepi ant ( ' . - i-
loioncluilo w Hi tl e Coade Dran l a nt
1 isiMtsiixniianohi. .
I.l'lt - MKIIH A I' H SIS.
and Jonathan iiitA'H'Oitr).
tervleu s w in inr- i.
XHtll.lTY l.F FXHOF.,
have alien h!m a world-wide ch'tirlty. will gtvea
ON T''F.SI)Al h,VK.NlN I, llocvmier a7rHW4,
.l.uc.oca. .
Tlikels Ml rend; ro-rv. d siatl 7K cents. Fofi IVI It
l n.hi.Si b and t lie.iint sta , an.l st the Hall. ll-Al-jl-'
(shEMliLY iJL'lLDl.NOS. , ,
i.OMMKNCIN-I (N Na IT U i . KVfMNllf .
lU'o rnii'T'-i and 'n'tnumK tin
MON. 'i; WKl it Till KS. KtCf TO.
MA I INKK t'N iu.l Y, at 8 F- M.
Tii i!ill' nnu!.' ii i 0 wo Id t-un.!uil nrMit,
Alii. AMI M I.M Hlhl.Y W.l'KlJI4t
(l-ornifrly K .mim fiaw),
In a Wovul, Huuji.iou., and K.wvul Eate)ianiat,
nllt.eU . .
MlO'Otlltl'HI NA,
fn-m t)i yn or i'i pup-Jlur autbr Charlaa OwATtott
In hk a (T.I.M. Ic wrrie-l of
kc-vutnc llt:llM r Cliarnrt'-r, ,
llm m Hoejial holhrH,
Uah at tha IMilflanta,
liUD" on Hi KntuantrTt,
Huii i at tbt i4jntiiiintl,
Vii i ul ttiu Vuinr!
Thin unique i'vlai-f rt' rmiiiniv-i t vni prrtntadby
for -li wt'fki a Nittioa. Nav Yn'k, 10 hounai crowded f
tin i'ili unO fiiwhl- ii l ti v iiic riipo'iii.
Jt.ilni a tour ot' lour jrir ihiou.h Knlaod, IreUatfa,
uni hcut aitil.
Mil. AND UU-i WArKlNB.
ad thr lifinor ui atiiLt'tirtnu u ion :ut le-tdiiuf nobilltf and
Jft..iiii i ! virvat M 1 uin, a d hv an -lie :ial re m- -I jf IM
lalf Im-ie rf Newrawt e, a tiitrh wa Ret aijart for lh
auniKi-nifni ni ilii- yriitiir "riDc and frinteiit ol' MTtMi, aa
a put of lb Uia.luatmnlud o reiAUiilua aitwdlug i-featr
bniip t' ur W
tor hid pan'fiiU-i of tl" ririrni uc ana ae.lnuui irjlt A
i rDitii)-iiir'tii. rcsitiin i-f ii.a datv ata, h cvii-; Uusitrvud Keats iWocnu. up a
4, IttrglU M 0 W til'taVt Jl-.-a.el;-
ar raa
ai 9 P tl
WI'.HNBSIltY, I eeemhar US.
Plusle Tlc.eia, at ihe door. F Illy Caiij 13 M at
1WIK1Y-FIS6T and COLUMBIA ATenne.. it
SpleLclid Bka;ing This Evening.
rAbK llllltXIASlLY H.LI'MINATSU. . Conv.-a etc-1' r Lai'le. and Children. So Lkiaore
t-e Ilia pr- lulaea.
lil-ga Avcii' 10 cra ruu wnhia oue
I I Bircei.abuve aie.ll Hi Dlr.ctrete. lira. CtlAaUJaa)
wtlsaa ta.rai.rir r i'..' nn cr.
L Js FA It.AIXr-l.r n l'l v ru -i .t s vi , ai laaviioa,
asi. a At 1 1 r stcf, r.
Tha great wild rla. r .1 ' h a.t.
LC JaM Ma. in ar, . v
will asprtr every evt.i .ig auto, g ika waek. lie ll uighUy vf
rtecivtd Willi luiii'en.e apiilsuio. Y.
tlie world-renown. d anuiei.a'i a aud piroualto OqaaetrH.B, -4;.
will el-n iterlorui auilug tiia piuacul week
lUUNu Mi i)..ii. iiauva aiww,
la a bow and daring aef.
si, a Kiioins-na ni.tiiit
will gn ecfuhy aecoa.pllth Ibelr dartag evolattOBl aa '
par lou. i..pv;e
Tha programme of eniertaliitiiet't for tha preaent weak ll
rich in oe. el., , lag the ...nil a-llo. serobauc, asiuaelrtaat,
and tiantannuio power, iae,ad boauly of iho auuio
oorp. 01 artisia
Arail-ii'S r wn aier, w a-wits- eiwtai '- , a-s
p-wm. Imwi. U u4 14.
parnrrv-aaMaa aoaaoiaueaa each Kvanlar at 7 40.
parti-rtuaircacB aad lalatday ItaraeOBI
foniD-toeliiK at tt o'clock.
Gat your tlckeu during tho day.
Thai admlrahlo PUOara, ska grMloa. paeitaialoei of M
paiuw W lT , Is aow oa oaubaBaa at aka
Be. tuat CHSJatUT IWllt. 9
Toawibor wKh tho oaaBro oollnal as ike I
. una-lan n T TT IW
T?iHiBinoif or wutta-u ur am, i
Oal KIIITA at COMMTISinie. 1
at the ACaoaMY or risa aai. ' ,44
An a.krutm a a Prlvata CoI-mOob or woru or aara
tai Painlaugs.eeaiplBro, Walsr I olor, and other Drawltva.
ataaravaifS, e., Is now opea al ma raaniytvaa
Aeadeoay of Futa Aria, Mo. lata CM US SOT ataaa-t. a-oaaj
A. at. t 1 P. M.,aar tho koaaat of alio Oh-raMiaa 4jaaa
Aa-BSiajlaa M oMtai laaiaa TVkota 6 atmbl. 11-iet-H
K. X. ooraar a. KBOab aiiciwrn luaaaa,
B era to aanenuoa Waal, Ut view a ike uaM,la wm (aatat
l...l.. n.M
bsuamaa hl.Lar-r. un Tirt4 llock. 04
achai 118 Oouk.nk. ... ...
sriitwiHTV Odob pa aire,
roatuaa. aa.
Elaa-aat Hah- aad Teauk im.i. Cnmaa, a.a. Aad ota)a?
i'bKIUL I1TH Uu. I11I HDUOAt U1F1.
AT COST. Alt. MUaj. T-X).
. A laJeeaad aH of
GUtiii iar .kTt:r watdia ciOAka,
IX I .-Mile H.aaAe, . t
Will bo aaM oa w.i aaava atvutali karate, t aaoiKaV"'"
laali a. ouoo. ,Li -I. tav ,