TITB DAILY EVENING TELEGHAril. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1801. evening SdcgtapJi I; SATURDAY, DECIMBKB 21, 1M4. 'CONNELL AS AN ORATOR. J m Ttmftifi gitr Mntiatin. K strnnger, bentling hit itopx (owArils the tmll 1 ibe Four Courts, enters the C.iurtof Kxihe yt, and beholds a p-rily tinre slutKlin la the ) ir of Ilia inner bar, with bead erect and junhlf-ni thrown back ; he In tbo Terr cnib Kli 1 n of oraioiloal power. What la he doing? failing Mr. Attorntiy-Cinneral t-amln ; dturtAnt upon the farrago of helpleis abenrdltr with Jich tlie honorable rntlomnJiad regaled them ; tls telling the court and Jury that the ape ,-eli N diMingulsberi by coni;enil Yiiiiriulty, an. I j lined no poetry at all; and wi'h nnnvial i ig he la biowhcatlng the laer-otllcors of the t That remarkable and moil veil tide m in . Jlercnks amongst the oraior i. JUnii-1 i nell, or more iietm-ntly called Bmi. jtebold, agirn, that round and stilwirt form, tiln he is teen In the Four Court, p'eading the ;e of one who prufeaxd to bae b en in.i nel ihat wh'Ch is dearest to all men his pcr'siu lal iW. I nay protested, bee :ne tho client wjii J of tboe wtue own ebarater Wiis iiii it'ln if, yet be came ibrw-.it d, aeeordl ig to tlin tm uengcit ot law, to demand juttl o for a ng which he had himielf inflicted. The a in). , je pleaded tbe chum; wnli great energy and elo ienee; dt-errib: d ilia ng .ny, renl or assumed, tt by tbo busliaiid, and ihe Iom which he n id Mnintd Iron the allenntloii of tho atf cli un o t ife, and bn ught tnir. to the eres o; th ; Holing connel, k ho was likewise hit purL-i ujonent and riolimlcul antagonist tiie c mriroj f I able Ned Litton. i )l'otincll bad wonderful power over his au 7 nee, quite as prcn ns that p esed by Nucri J ., or greater; be could deal wttti nny ttieiiie in fmat'erly manner. Now, In my j:idgmpir, I f J a greater triumph to cx'.ra -t U-itn fr n Ned i non than a thouund pounds from a jury, iie ;eno one better knew thin he diilwhuta i? ter of oratorical llourinh hia ce lebrated opx-l- t wan, Bnd no one had stronger political dii f 'a than ed. The apponmnec of t'leoni or m r"atlT in his f.ivor; ho had a commanding prev IfflMcit like Mars or Apollo; a voice soft and - tii mellltluoun or strong, overwhelming and flble the breathing of the Uutu ortheroinng ,.'b Ibe thunder. I waa not alone his Toice that spoke, hia hnd. i eye, bis mouili, his loot each mi l all was a j gunge of pi rsonslon, coercion, lininuation, or j loiida ion. Kever in all my experience of men J I known one who had such powor over the j itiiudejwtio ao thoroughly rulod the pople 1 Jud biiu;onc so Influential iuawiying and J .tioliing the minds and paslona of hi audi- e, or who had more completely in his g.asp ? rt'ina nf th? noliticnl Pi ff,iitit 111. ,k,i m,aa fihmg. I hme feen a description of Ilroiigh im 1 O'Connell, in which it win said JJrouglnm lied bis enemies, while O'Connell contented laelf with killing them;lut in my opinion iiuKUMiu Lcivr rxeeucu u tDUDl'll in tu re nelesa use of tbe acalping-knit'o. Aiever brooked a ainfflo voice that -himd tint win. hit own, loift, whwn he had power to erttsh,a rival nour the thron, ftevr spared a fjienaor foa, If auch coald aarva his turn ; "n to natter and to fawa, aa curse, condemn, and apnrn. ,an waa he ever know a to bide or cheek his- scathing bold cntugli ak'aln to brave Mi matchless 'Hillings- pocu paint tho good and bad with an Impartial pen g-imlet, blande-t, teldest, coldust, best and wo.stof men I ' 4 wrote the foregoing lines at the f.ot of a poem I enis Florence McCarthy, which I need not f waa anliraitcd praise ; and I ask any ca'idid I aon to assert that any human beinir dnHi rvna J euloginm as this. If any one doubt Mr. j Jonnell'a ability to abuse in the most genuine pngs-g&te atyle, let him read tho dialogue be i u him and Biddy Moriartv, when, in nmthe ilcl parlance, he called ber whisky-drink- I . parallelogram, and the porter-awlping airuili I la of the bisection of a vortex. II bare aeen O'Connell nnon very great occa a I have seen him conducting a great case niairnag;i nave seen nim on his political tram la tbe Corn Exchange: I havo sn him jr ara,an uncrowned king; I have heard him in nil mood a tender, lerocious. a-jathettc. nor on a, acorn fn I, satirical, political, prx;tical. I'emlcali and I hesitate not to gay. that ha I'chad each chord with the hand of a master. V:re was a time when I iiatenod to him spoll-i-nd, riveted to the snot, and wondering how h an orator could bare been produced. I am many respects aisencnanted ; and it Is my Jion mat alter me paaaina ot the ctholic I Mancipation Act, and the Municipal 'form Bill, hia mission in Ireland hud ('oinated; and it would have been wol society, though poesiiily not well for thase i feathered their nests in other lands, if he bad .n promoted to the bench, and selected as Lord 'ef Baron, to which oltlce hia talents entitled 4 to aspire, if not Indeed to the very highest .Hion on tbe bench a consummation that con utional restri tinnt could alone have p re tted. I have nothing to aay to his political eer; still less have I reason or necessity to ak of him personally. I have no individual five for praising or dispraising him. lie was me always courteous; and, upon one occasion, t tbe medium, as chief magistrate of the city Dublin, of putting from the chair, in the ' ?mbly house, a resolutioa of thanks there dd to me for a matter in which 1 waa then cerned. I therefore write without political ten or Ill-will. I am deposed to be juat, and i peak of him as I w ould of a celebrated cltar ir dead five hundred years; as one of tho great a of orau ra from Demosthenes to himself I to deal with bim merely ai a tribune and a at advocate an orator, native, natural, par- 'vetve, powerful, and unsurpaesed. hat ho w- .he beat Irishman that ever lived itally deny ; still less do I think that bu w is ; greatest man. Such assertions are simply ,urd. This is a enuntry of exaggerations; ilamation is all powerful in Ireland, at leist h a certain class; and he who talks big, looks r, and la most abusive, is sure to be regarded a very great fellow. So far with ret'erenos to , magnifying powers of our public speakers, o are prone to exaggerate, because for un K'no t nm titude you must paint in oils mere ,er-colori will not sntlice. To O'Connell, I '3. not Imagine that the tribunes of old possessed IT power over the Koiuan people than that .tut demagogue, be Oraccbi, Kienzi, Masaaniello. Mirabeaa, ild not have had higher powers to lea l and juade the multitude than O'Connell. They, ivver, naed the aword he threatened to draw .4 The Government awaited the fullilment of threats; a few cannon dispersed the asscm ' 1 ge; and the peaceful agitators put up tho etu I 4ns of war, with which they bad garnished the f rof bloodlers opposition. The Government - ghed at bis pasteboard and confectionery coin .1 ssariat, hia ginlierbrcad, giuger-beer, and Aunt , ly prooceaiona, but mimic war, hia ephemeral Py. f these remarks are not made for the purpose of i parading the courage of Irishmen. The words Arthur, Duke of Wellington, in the House Lorda, uttered by him before Catholic eman t on was paaaed. must he acceptable to all dispassionate men: "We must also con j that without Catholic blood and Catholic ir BO victory could ever have been obtained." .un : "Tbe hour of danger and glory is the ir in which the gallant, the generous-hearted ihman best knows hia own duty." In conciu jn hi grace saya, and tbe words deserve record : "Uj lords, it is a great additions' gratification to to advoca'a these principles in conjunction b a distinguished member of my family, so ily at the head of tbe Government of hia native ntry a country ever dear to nie from tho Elections of my infancy, the memory of her jogs, and tbe bravery of ber people." Such were the Irish on the ba'tle-tield when, in t eipreaaive language of Scott, they "marched leaih with military glee." But tbe Irish in a rk procession of pasieboard heroes are of a Tersmt class. Who is there that witnessed the .alcadusof tbe monster meetings, and the re- t H of O'Connell from Richmond Bridewell, I ten liberated by the judgment of tho4aw lords, I it did not perceive, in the procession that ocou- d the streets of Dnbiin a few days since, the ; je description of Iheutrical manifestation ) It .tp onlerly, decorous, decently attired, and good , 'jiurtil; but in some respect tbe characters ,'trayed had as much to say to Ireland as the in in the moon baa to do with art underground lway. There Haunted, In dazzling attire, lion r da Baaan ; then came a hero of Aginc jurt Boaworta; next followed a eomnoaite of the ",'i'ck Duke and bcaraaicuch, characters suitable m a. iHirm.al lint tli rnHiwi, lf wi)int W Ail '. ie Geraldlnes leS iruNh than of any other ntry in ine woria. all the great spettkert, O'Connell spoke ly, vt lih measured cadence and cmphusia, so t bas Bieauiug might be understood ; and his tin waa so liupraae what be felt upon the minds I but auditory, at Ihe risk of being considered Hinotuiitvua and too prone to rep- utiou, more u M say that which was novel and sensational, is said that he Lever prepared a speech ; that 1, be never took a pun in his baud and indited hot he desired to express. If be did not do so, e certainly was a perfect speaker; and his axae uiigat, in mol iuataucua, b printed in same worda aa tuoaa in which they had been livervd. 1 have heard that he complimented e or tw tiritt'CUk-e Irish reporters exuellMtit ort-band writeia on having expressed hia i ssniDg more nearly than be bad done. j uideiid there are few, u any, cxtcuiiioiaueom f port km who, omtlona mF not ha Improved hf ,tri.coiit applirjit'Oii of the rale of rompon. t fm. The ex prenntoa of hie. fact wi .ir.-i the tonen oi Ma vuUt ; bin manner a rif d m eithi r. He wan mumcr of nil the aramim of t'ie hnman heart; and I tifver knew him to l unequal to tbe oce mioo requiring Mi ahflltitn. (o wi ftlw.tjs nolf diMianifd, nclf-rrllBut, and comrtiftTiiling. I have not, at I htve nlreulf I, liy rnicOB perxonatly to Uko or U nlike him; MM, I cniinot hu'n admirliw the fnut power Mhfihhe pownt(if() ; the mlrfhtjr lefor of elo tiuerre, experunrc. and energ bj liuvim of whtrh he moved hi follower. IVhrn be mi' with ttflj .o nd form, 1 hf fi'p Dh'Hit wi it K r n titTi'w tt tfta : A II frfliltr titttti to bun a mm.- (f t n f.ft orlWn nf tliv; Hv rM win- ir hrii,,rinl tlirr ni h th. All Unk ti ntttMnit ln ' urrmt Hini die A ((! ii. ah n th.' dif nititt (t miitlH ri'u; In ail l hi i.i Inn Hituwii an lrih km;. ,t Urr ii' In h Ihij kt'iiin, p('.,p hli hit ; lit A.-lIt ttJi fV tin opli rf Piil-t !) i t-t . or npfiiiB i w i ih- tpic prv, 1 fn- riiMtiir p ( .r lio 'in-aiiTi -i? in-m (it.-'i tr Id'H'hv (hr iifoj.ir N ., ,.nN , Wl)n . H' nu k. Ihe- In tiHa.um morkflry ; III- I'l 'cn, hv I o pi'y ; liuU, CdMilf Mlim rt'l rVfn, VIMlrtT4lC. tfWl ; Ami with a ninrvnlloim, uiti"iialhil po r, Aim) flvi-ry ilitc of pun-1 -n I i an Intnr A VMNt, ktt a-iM h uii-ry, li vtn iw.y, 1 tirti, tHt, rn r ilm -III m ivtm-MitH lltfV nhvy ; Ti-f trr ti hi ho Im.Mh, th.- iu Mies -U.irp an 1 phy Ai.il titl- .'(' O i fi'iiit ft iv id ilay. Hi- 'pink 1 n Invt pa tli K.'.. (f r;ht. 1 in jr bid l;im til tfifji pr- iiipi y lu i n tWhl ; V 'lU Km hi h,.i, iiiiri iii iht-'in b antirv, 1 ht nl turn m (I un 1 item. n id ilir a'liit ; Tf iv winli, Ihi-y mi, art linr f -r tili wl I, y Ih n. In, iImh i ainiif hi.) un vinvfliihfl tl!l ! 'i It V rni4ro h irl hl invtt-ri tn wand, 1 he i r- vitmoti, m! th t rt ih hi fnml k i IMtli m t iil li mi niit.li (i r tt iill iiii 'Uiri-ii, Itrt-t-. h up ltr itatttehoaril nl this miral I rc. JMMtltll.S Of I'MK 4 1.OIHIF.lt A book has just been publVicd In l'loreiic, cniitlcd "Tho Mysteries of tho Noapolit m Cloister," which has produced comi I r.Vilo excitement in evety part of I.aly, and lias already passed through several editions. A correspondent of tho S'unltnl, wridnir frnin TiiKiiny, gives some account of this work, mid of tho ststo of iiiDinnticisiii In Italy, llo ays : "The book is from llm pen of ex-Itonedictine Hi nr etta (Jaracciulo di Korino, and heirs a very 0 1 tli rent character Ironi what this somewhat sen sational heail.ng miitht lead us to i in a, n 110. I'ii in te. 1 in lively hut veracious c dors, and hearing thrt.ugbnnt tho impress of a terrible, reality, tho liiciiinirs of Uennctta Carncciolo will mark un era in llio history of public opinion in Italy upon tlil-.iuomirtotni-oci.il iiucnlion. In an otllial tftiM-, nioiiii.ticii.iii has received its death blow in Italy; and the I'arliaiuent will soon FCt its seal to the decree that pronounces the suppression of a state of social lionligo which. In Ihe Ihree cities of Home, N iplns, and Valerino alono, numbers no less than .'10,001 victims of the two sexes, 'strangers to the past, enemies of the pre-ent, and sterile to the future of their native land.' 1 no system, I have sai I, has ollicially received its death-blow ; the convent no longer exists, or will speedily cease to exist, as an institution rccogni.cd by tho State, and its fanatic inmates will remain immured in their living gravo only for such time as their own enprice may direct, or so long as their intellects remain captive to the deadening inlluencos of custom and of iradition ; hut it complete em incip i tion fiom the accursed thraldom must be cllecied from within rnthor than from without. The mind of Italy must ho thorough y awakened to tho monstrous consequences of a system by which thousands of unsuspecting innocents of either sex are annually subjected to every species of bar barity, coercion, and moral torture, until tho fatal 'yes,' wrung Irom their lips In an unguarded moment, closes the door on hope, and consigns them forever to the moral death of the cloister. The extraordinary success, however, obtained by 'The Mstenesot tho Neapoli.au Cloister,' is 011a among many other unequivocal signs that this national reawakening is ut hand." This Neapolitan Princuas was Immured in tho convent of San Gregorio Armcno by her mother, who was a widow, and found ber daughter an obstacle to ber own matrimonial projects. The tears of the poor girl, and tho remonstrances of friends who ollerej to protect her, wero unavail ing; and she was forced onward step by step nntil return waa beyond the bounds of hope, She gives a curious description of convent lite: "A monastery contains all tho vices of a city without its advantages or its virtues. By resign ing her flowing iocka to tho scissors, and by tak ing the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience, a woman does not change her character; the only difference being that amidst the moral stag nation ol the cloister her virtues rem tin without legitimate exercise, while her frailties or her rn ea are nourished and developed by tho conti nual strUKKlea of a soured and rebellions spirit at war with its cruel destiny." Accordingly wc are not surprised to learn that, when not engaged in making pastry and comhis, or in tho much lin eal exercises ot devotion, the inmate ot tho con vent are perpetually quarreling among them selves, propagating the scandals of the little com munity, or plotting amorous intrigues wun tncir father eonfeatorV. Tho Princess Caraciioo assures that "the fien.ied passion of the nuns lor pritats and monks passes all Iteiief; and that the jealou-iea and bickeriogs of the convent mainly originate in tue perpetual competition 01 tuo young nuns to ac uro the m onopoly of a young and captivating confessor." The ignorunco and liivolity of the ltitu itcs of the convent; their aon lid uvari-o, except where it is a question of their own comtons; thoir inhu manity, or utter indill'erence to suffering, and their dishonest prociisities, aro illustrated by a multitude of instances. The au'bor says: "Luder their rough gowns of serge .hoy wear the fined linen ; they sleep on throe woollen mat tresses, and on pillows atulled with down and fringed with choice lace; and although only tiie stiictcat necessaries of cleanliness are allowed to appear upon their toilet tables, their private cup boards are filled with tho most tlogant k nick nacks. They hare no money upon their persons hut keep it under lock and key in a common room, where each nun ban her separate drawer. Tlicy have the pious use of abstaining ft 0111 fresh fruit on Fridays, replacing it by a plentiful consumption of preserves. It ebould be remembered that we are here speaking of a genu el monastery, inhabit d for tbe moat part by ladies of bigh lineage ; in the case of more plebeian iiiBtitutlousthe precodmg rem irks must, of course, be taken with some limitation. For the rest, all the factitious distinctions of the outer world are as jealously maintained in the convent as in the drawing-room. The existence of certain vices, however, can be explained only upon tbe principle tbut Idleneai is the root of nil evil. Our author recorJs tho astonish ment which she lelt on being advised, in un undertone, by one of ber companions, not to leave her box of sweetmeats 111 a certain Klace, "as if she ever saw it again, it would 0 a miracle." One nan was robbed of live piastres, another of a crown and a medal, an other of a bran-new gown, the author of u holy wuter vase, and of a tablecloth, which was after wnrdB recovered with the Initials half picked out. All the silver spoons of the coflco service disap peared tine by one, and, to crown all, an imago of the Vlriiin waa on one occasion despoiled ot a quantity of precious ornaments, which the thief managed to get smuggled out 01 me couveni. The matter, however, was noised abroad unl canst d great araudal, but the mi-sing objeela were never restored. Oue morning a sum of six duaits was found to have been depoiitsd, as a conscience ollenng, upon tiie plundered uitir This, however, did not represent the value ot a twentieth put t of the property abstracted. Of the cruelty of the nuns to their own sick and an Ih ring we have many sad instances, as well as the tyranny exercised by tue ricner and stronger over tbe weaker and pooror sisters. The deud seem, according to the writer of the "Myste ries." to be treated in the convent with as little concern as are the defunct members of a commu nity 01 ants. llvnochondria. convulsions, and madness are of latui ntable freo.nency among the Inmates of a nunnery ; and in the book are found some touch ing narratives nf the baneful resn its of so auti ociaiaiid unna'utal a mode of existence. Ihe dillieultiea of obtaining relea.se from a con- cnt ure powerfully illustrated in the history of this unLnppy limy. "After continued entreatiei and In spite of the determ ntd opposition of the Ar hhlsliop of Na Dlea. vibu systematically opcne.d her letters and as far aa poaslh.a thwarted her plans, she Mb.ained a I'dpnl brief, enabling ber to enjoy a short res pite of suffering under tiie form of confinement In a retreat cuihd the Conservn orio di CoiHtnn- licopoii. Mie was, however, afterwards put undor arrest by the civil power, and conveyed by force to tiie teini-monnstic retreat of Mudragono, where the was exposed to new vexations, under which her health ultimately gave way. At length, uftcr aevernl more years of contlaement, she was released on tho declaration of two phy sicians, that the continued observance of the monastic rules might cost her ber life or plunge her into u si.au of hopeless mental de rangement. But tbe precious boon or liberty wus not obtained without further annoyances and difllcnities, and the steps of the ex nua were coiitiiaaully dogged, and all her movements narrowly watched by tho pulice, respecting which institution there arewiouie par ticular, well deserving tho intention of all wbe w old form on adequate idea of what Naples waa under the Bourbon management. But at the name of Garibaldi the rotten fabric of despotism crumbled into dust, and Naples arose bright and full or hope amid tbe ruins of the past. On this auspicious duy the Neapolitan lady, while the air was ringing with pluud.ts and hosaunas to the Great Liberator, withdrew to a church, and there made a solemn restitution of tbe veil, which she had dunned sfuinst her will, and worn faithfully but rcldrlanllv for twenty years. 'At last," she tars In the lonrluding words of tier history, "I am huppy, and In the condition ) in which Ood placed woman In the first week if tho rreatlon. And why, fulfilling the duties of a good wife, a UMd mother, and a g.tt l subject, may I not spire to the trHnres of Divine mercy " The Cliunh, howfver, refuted t sanction 'the mar ringr, and tfio cetemony was porl'ormed by tho minister of another communion. nrn HYf s. It may not be an altogether Innppropriato Saturday evening thought, that many of tbe hymns we sing upon tho Babbath are singularly untuittdfor modes of worship. Not a few of tlimn are monstrous In rhyme and totally d;sti ttre of elevating Ideas. In the public manifesta tion rf religion, as lu Ihe poisc-slou of it, sincerity of hf art Is of course tbe onu thin needful. That po-.v-rsi.cil, the decency and order nnd beauty re sulting from a conscientious employment of tasto and talent nie not to be contemned. They are to gutnish religion, tj modestly embellish all its impressions. Tho dnty of worshipping God Is not rendered less susccptib'e because all the gifts of mind and heart aro employed to their m-nt refund rx'cnt in its performance. The laauty of one of l)r, W t is' most popular hymns Is greatly marn d by It. exccrablo rhymes. In the sixteen lim s generally sung of Ihe hymn "Why shnu'd I start, nnd feir ti die," only threo words are joined to corresponding rhymes. Die Is iiciilo to harmonise with ,.,, arr with th'rr, Bir.7 w th yitr, and Wire with irntcj. Toe N amy of the la verso, csjie-tially, is almost neutralised. How can the heart be duly allotted when the tasto is outraged with auch rhymes as Hie found In the following verse : ,1i .u , a-i nuke a (I Inir l.'l CeHfc.m 'in iliovii) ' 1 1 1 ' 1 -n o ( , Wl-lli- en M . lire 1. 1 I I,,,,, inv !nm( n 1 biiiattie my life out .nvme Iv r 'i-r. Take the following hymn by Taylor: its rhj mes arc perfect, but its poetic il tnorit is about on a par with the gratuitous contributions to the poet's corner of a country newspaper : II--w lory ,nmi-il iiei a rt7 ati sears t Ami Hie... how Ii,-r ii e ih.-v ! XI -li 1 li a move a. slow a. 11 tue scars Wonlu never patu iwsv. Ilul even vrtM are pn.ntnr hv, A ml HiM.n III unl all lie it me : Knr flay I,, (lav, a. tnlnutcs Ily, Ktprtilty eoliirn nil. This is news truly ! Days are long, nnd so are wet ks, end months are longer yot ! And tliomrh years are longcrcvcn than months, the p et makes haste to assure us not only that they will soon bo gone, but that oternlty is ap proaching. Having duly Improved this fact upon us, the poet makes the startling announce ment : JiaTS. nionttt. asi veara must have ai end, r.i ' ha n.ifje ; '7'""if ahiaia inr.i, long to upend Ai vien it firil bfyun. Wonderful as this discovery Is, nnd Ingeniously as; it is announced by tho poet, ho claims no superior intelligence on that account. Oa tho contrary he expressly fays : . flrent (Jod ! a erea'ure rsnnot toil How aueb a IIiIul' cm be. 1 i.nl prav that I niv ilell Tlnii loiia.lmia Hue.' wlili Then. The piety hero is very good, but tho poetry very bad. Am an instance of the decidedly familiar in church pot try, take the lines : l'raver Is aipuln(ed to convey '1 Lu blc ihlii.'H llud illn 10 ttlve ; I.nnn an Kiev live Nliuulil I'lin.liHin pray, Kur oulr v, lille they ptay tliey live. Wo havo very beautiful hymns, but it has often occurred to many religious people of taste and literary culture, that the words by which thoy are accustomed In hymn-books to express devo tion nnd praise aro too often clumsily pat toge ther, or barren of Ideas. Wc ndmlro the purity, the beauty, tho majesty, tho sublimity of Scrip tural language. Why should they not be sodu lously retained ? Why should thoy ever bo deformed and mutilated in versifications of tho psnlms, or travestied by the attempts of modern poets at hymns ? The best treasures of the Intel lect should bo lavished upon the poetry which we ded lento to the sorvlco of religion. Our hymns should include all that is most majestic in Ihe domain of peotry. Faulty rhymes hero and there aro. it may be said, trivial errors. But in the first place, it must be remembered they jir upon a refined taste, and are too often mado tho cxponcuts of what is little better than nonsense. K1N-NE-N0-NF,-Avr INDIAN iMOKINU Tontrcot This world-ranawavO lonsceo it maautai-uirad from UjS n?IKST LKAP. &ne earn net 1 recrtntuan'ia twair ( aJQ GenUetuea of kuxuruiut lasi. Beta waotasate an retail at BINT S POPIII.ARftnA.lt HT01B, Mo.tll OIIKXMUT K-'xaet, 10-4-lm an do site at ate Uoaaa. TIN O-HOUSE AND SCHOOL. mad to order, ai Do M? ft. RTF a a-reat. 11 U UOlkMIS Pl.OWMAjr. fUirtik pEi.OND-Ha.ND COTTON SEAM- m,JlJ kits hags, in atwra aail par sale ay JOHN T. HAII.K' OO., So. 11 N . rueNSr Street. P It O W N'H ASll-DYSFEPTIO fOWDEJi, An aaeoUenl areveittlve for that moat dlarraaaang aompUHat DYSPEPSIA. ta nxrar caaea of kxui ttaadlns It bai aSordad troUwoav derfal raaef. IT IS PWRKLY VEGETABLE. raayAnau omi ut HlKDEKIOa liUOWN, Zrairl.t and CSMtalat, X.K C.r. riFTH ASTD OntsIOt IN., niaOehihU, 11 KHl And tat tmH kj DriumMl fWiaraUr. istt tMii nn r a o rrn nnnii o UJ ,afrl n ....... u 1-ju.piaiiiasaj vi 1 A kl.ak Jt-INTU Hirrt. vot Mark!. Ktwurat rmiM.: tynrvd by B luVltUUCTT'H Kr-inlum fMn Bat.Ue hueltis. Hupp4vcwm Hiollsr BroM, amp- irl. OrntcMti, A. SHIPPING. ffff BOSTON AND PMILAOKI.rillA taliU r HUnruifitp Jalne, tailing fr m aadi port oa 1 ChiuA VH. tVun .rut wnaxf above I I N H vU wat.Fhll drifN a ard W'burf, Koatun. aVrwm drJ wfearf ai PINK Htrs-i.on HaVtiJ-'tUr. leorubr M, LrVli. Tft itianiihi .NdHMAIi, liaxusr, wlU a all ui l'a'wSl- iua tVr Hosjiun. ou iiturla7, I'e.finbor , al 10 a. M., aia tha tuamthlp HWOh. Mat(r,wa, frvm liawtoa tat rUiyiwIplaia.oa tame daj, it.F.H. Tnf naw aud nhitamiaJ iianiatla fnra a ray aUf Ate. aaUlnir from rarti uorl uorvfiutll? oa Haiurdart . hmaianwi Uitil a( otta-Lail ki arvsvaaiua aA t m taw Tt-iiai. rL hta takan at lair rate. fvpeni a rt ittipd t tend 8Ub Bxpu and BUH CaHi with tbir tnausia. ror fia-fht vr Vaiia- (irfnt flna acocDrn,14tkM) apiy t urnitt nnntm . isi jmi U Vo. J3J S. DKI.AWAkK Avauu. VOR NKW YORK. on nine uvk. COABTWISK 81 TAMSKIV rOMPAMT 8 KW rKKIUllT I.INt U!l NfcW VUHK. an. i niw.-tlni; fv aa fs i Uiru aud JtfcJtdTB iMles ar.J btw )tu -tans, Biiin(( vtry TLKHbAY, TIll'KSrAT, ANI S ATI'UDAT, from tf OompnTiT'i warf, frt u1mtc Ka- a mrwt, ara New lerk, in m fit 11, jXorui Uiwr, uit aaiub Uityi, a 1'. M. Kor CrfVht. which wilj he rsifd d.il'r, hanOlc.1 tn t.a noil m:t nil mannrr. ar A orln wrtnl wnb th ktumu-.i Ut;i" iirttch, at laJ inu-t, a;plr to ViI.iJAM J. TAY Wit OO., 11-10 .im hti.'i.o Sorui W)iarvt. tPffs STKAM WKEKLY TO LIVER I i.u di know : auiait ot UJ l.twrj-OAt, Nr-v Yjrlt, aad PhiiadritM.ia biaaAarp touj party u luitat'cJ U tan ai rt'iU'W:- t l'lY OK CONK. HaurtlaT. nwomborJl. KAS'(;AK('0, PniHrdar. lMaijer id. CllY Ot' i.0 inti, aiaiuraay, January 7. AndiTffT itaiiediii baturda, ai noon, from Tcr N M Mi-riti Rhfr. kATKM OJf PABsH AOH PAY ABT.B IH ClItRKKCY r:t.t CaMn iraTo HuwriMt toec rtiut Cab lu to Trillion 17U U Hiaarant- to London... Ot ut ra-it ( abm to I'arva. . 1 (4i RittsrmM to 1'ana turOf riatCal4BUT1aiatir irlra0f) B.awira to U..wb irif. 74 09 fataunavri aUe r-rrdxl to Mavr, liuiiuiua ItWV ivrftam. Amwft). hm , at txiualW k wrilM. fara Uvin ijTerj-ool uf ijunfUiwn i rirtl Oabtm, $lMt, ro, $I0 P'rwe frwu Uveivol and Qutuuit liii.tD 1'hoa wui wiih to tend A luca triuuda oaa buy tl,ki) hrt ar V'tA rat4. iof iuiUhh iiKau.ivUi'fi ai'tXyttttiaOoinnany offlooa. ' Bo. Ul WAXHUX Buaat. l'lUiadclvIiV ,,Tra. FOR NEWTOHK. DR.'STATCH . ' .' .11 li.WI.itf. 1 ... .4. lil.u.... .... E.ni.a i anal. Tft. aaii.ra of anva Hnee are Waetuf aji, ai la o caiae at., aaa a . ttt.a r. as., iro aujag pm aao,a Wkijiutauer4. ror frei.nt, which srm be ttVeii oa aeoomtaocUdn. torn., apple fo WILIXAM tL BAI Mil CO., I'M V VUJIaJia To. ,n. w. n. Mr.nwiN r, cn s cotUMrfiVoa TIIC i.rir.HOKS.B Mr.l Mill NEIS. CiiuroTTMuhn from R(ot,dabki, ad Lyf CIIKROKBK Itr.MEIiY, Hie area Indlaa IfaraUs eiir,n all a'ai-aea 01 me arttiarr rf ans. tnr a. iu eir tiririira if tie I'rlne. I r-flume tin. of the ItlailiWr, Iiin.iBinalloii nf the Kid ney.. SHmi In the B aililer, Btrlnnra, Oraval, oleet, O' iioirho a, and la eepael al y recorniiM iiiled In Unite et.i-e o Fi.or aHius (or Wllte. In rental! wher. aa Uie old naweeotu tui-UI-etna have fni.-ri. vy MW MM K V d MW M SI MS MSI at M M M VM l VI M MM MM M MHVIVI W M VI VI MUSS MVtuvI MM Si ml M M M l MM M MM MM Mw tl l peeosred tn a hluASly enncenUAted rnrtn, ihe ile.a anjj lielti. rrnm nne to iw. lea ap M-nrul, 'ire. tlm- s p day. It II dtiiretle and aterallro In Us aiillon t purlf Ina; and eleansliir th. blue, eau.tna It In In all lis nrliinal l-nrltf and YlRnr : thus remo ving f'otn Hie eyfl.fa allnar niriiiu, -eii.ea wuieb Uaa ai- r-cti rn f'OCCClf ci tXl til rvi CO cc m iv oo rrrrrt o luctJ Unease. riuitoSKit inirfu TluN la Inleniled as an auy t aMletatil In Uie fliriu). K r K III MKDY, and should he a,n. ia roftlutH-'ion vH that meilirlna lii all cava of OnniTl.ira. llet, Kontr AHoia or Whites. Itt eirecta are healing, aiwitliin., and ilamiilreiit ; remnvinn all ca.ihnit heat, ctionl.e, and aa.n. Innteail if the Imrnwif ami alinoM unelidiiral, e aln W at Is eipeni tired with niartT all lli. oliaa (rujua lu,'ctiniia. rrr.rnrwK r.r.KKf.ttKK ' K.K KK. t r.rv.r. nets KK K V StFK KKF.-f kJvklJ.l.K.I.L.a T.f Ihe nie e flie rilKflf) ft Lal lll.SM.f and CIIK ktihKK Is.jr.CIION lli two iiiedldni'V at th. isme time ad lnin-pi-r dla-el.ari,'!-. aie ri-iiiofi il.anil Hie wi-akenel irjaii are npee.l li v ri-.i'ri'd to fnll rbfor and alreiiKtk. I or ll partlooUre Ret ottr painphlel trim any dniR eteie lb the foamrr, or write us, and we will mad fr in aiar adilrasi a full tri-al'ee. mi nrr nit mi i.u i.u im mi iiiMiTmrmiiiiu lllllillll IHIIIIIU mi mi un mi im mi un II u rfiTnKit n nit.-An uniantto- eure lor Kii-ina-toTrlin .aa,4(n'nal '..iKne-e, Vncruri al r.nil.nt infl, end nil tlisi hiii'b caimrtl liy huir nollution, roil h aa I,i.M of slinmie. I nlver-al Lis1! tmle. Inlli, In Uie liaik, iMmne-g of V 11, in . l'rrnia-Inri- liltl A.c, W.-Hk Ni-r,n, Hon. nitr of H entiiin, Tieliitilmil, W A. rl4l III, I I ruotn.n, on the rare, la. (tminn niiin I ii-ann v. (tnii- iitiitlnn. ami all Hie illrulul 'roniiilaiiilH i iiiiu'd hi (J,-ii-Iuk liiiii tiie paUi of1 uatura. Mitiritinnr) I'llllliUKlMl im iu im lira nn ni nn ut) Mi iw nn ni ininniiT'i'ii Milil'lllill This meillr'ne Ii a .tmple veiii'tnh e .s triirt , and une on whlrli all ran rely, at II hn bi en lined In our prwo tlre for mane year., and whli tlinuoaii.ls trtstnil. u ha. not Inlied tn a ilneta Instance. It.. euratlTe pow ers have hi-eti euilielmit to t iin vli tiirynecr tho moat atiititiorn ca--e. 'l o Ulnae who IISVO Irill-d Willi Uirjlr constitutions until thf.e think lla-niselee. he jond the ri'ai-h nf rr.ediral aid. we would s.vliF.SPAIIt fiOI'l the (.'IIRltOKKR ItrilM will rcHloro you u he&l'li mid vlk-nr. ami after all iiuatA doctora taara failod. rrrr.Trrr.K I I l.l.hEKI.k. IK K. r.r.FK KKKK a,R r.v. yv.rvTvv.vn ajLirJ.r.u.ia PR. TVItlorrTfl REJP Vr.NATIMI K.I.IXtlt; or, F.saetire of l.ltet rn-pnred Imm pure Vrssitahle Ks trnrts, contaiiiitis nothlnf IniurlnQS to the uuist llcll tate. The BHuvrnatlnr rTllsle ntr UI im mi mi mi hit 1111 till 11U Is the reaulL of piuiiern dl.roeilis In tho vtyei- klnvdom: oeltiR an nllrel? new and ahu-ra. t method l eure, Irreipi-o- e nf an tt.e old and wuru- out Bvitosua Thli meillrtn. has heen te.teil liy Ilia most emi nent mi'dlcal mn of th. day, and by tliem pro noiinrrd to he one of th. areali-.t medical ducorerloa of the ae. Onu l-o tin will etir. Ucn ral MrinUr. A few ilnies cure llystcrtef In KeniAlaa Oho hull In etire. palpka tiua ol the Heart. A lew du.es restor. tbe BRKTlltRRRrt KKIlltltKltHR ma mtu Ki.it rum kki: ItKK KkltUHRKIlIt nun unit llltlC KHR KkK UltR bun ItftR orttan. of aeni-ratl'in. From one to tlireo hov- tles restore Uie uiajiU be.s and full vigor of ywuUl. A few 4osea restora the annellte. i arte Dottles rare me worn sane ul Itnuoteney. orsroc A ii-w uoses cura.tne sow :lJ(JCv, splrllnl. line b'tttle resturea men CMS 0 fsj rn en CO IT tal pi.wer. A lew ouseg onus tue roi. to the cheek. I His nmllrtne restores 00 to ttiauly viftor and rdtiu.l health the poor dthlU tatt d. worn down, and ili-a-palrnlr devotoe of aensual ('ccftrra CCi-CO Tin IS ELIXIR ennsa II rs- ple.xuia. teria. tleiiernl Jlelnhny, -al- fitaimo oi the Ut-arl, and mpuli-ncy. Il reatores men. Ia power and the npiietlte, and t-aueoa the roie to mount Ih-i cht-i'k of pallor, nnd tha d'-htliuied man or womao to fuel vigoroe. and srroiin, ths yotliiii and auililUnne blood to course UirnuitB every vein, Uie nerves to become atniDK, and Ibe Area of new life and vbtnr tn re anlinala tne enUra. body, buihlini; up lae coiiatKallon, rt-a:oi Inv ioy and Uie to tn-wiy a sad and dai;eued flrvjlde. orion or ii i (ion OilO ot o rwio ooo rxio ft' Ml IHiO uoo ouo orMiontj OOL.O rHFKnKyir, riT.T.HI HI UAH DA I III IiIMAI.K RWH'I.ATOH, IlktAIIH rilLSIKVlta, CKKTAI V AND HAKK. ror Ilia fteinoval of Ob- till till lilt Illl Ill Illl III tl-it Illl till Btrnetlons, and the llistir- nnee of RevDlsrlty In In. keenrreoce of Uio MuoUily fwlods. 1 hey core ar obrlate Ihos. BBiueroua otl.caeea uiat stiri-fflroin lrrt-iulari!y, by rtniiovUut Ibo UlL-sulalKV Me till. Thor cure .nctH-iwiAd. 1tsee.alye, and 1'auilul iaen alruation. KK KK Tlit-v cure Oreea Bii k KK. KH ni-tn CM iro.lai KK Ka They eure Nervetia and KK KK. Kplual AHe-l ona I'alns la KK KK tho Hai-k and lower parts KK KK "i" Holy, llrailnius, KK KK Fntiirue nn Hlii,'tu Kertlon, KK KK 'n:pitntlnn of tue Heart, KK KK IxiwDiias of Hplrlu, llvaie- K K KK rn, Hirk Biadache, Uidtl KK KK nna, ,Vi-., .tn. In aword. b reinovlniilhe Irregularity, tfiev remove lle eauatt. ami with It all tha .ilactt Ifeal aprins from It. Comnoifil of utmp'e twmi table extiact", thi-y con lam iiothlna Ueleierloiii to any NM t Sll NN conslltuilon, however deli t:aie,tblr function being to UNSX .1 UN ivbutltuie trenntnior wcaa dcm, w hich, when o rope rly hm d . they never I all ly do. 1 hev may bo infr-iy uied at any tue and it anv period, tiff t during the first ttre mouifu, during which tha ISM . ( N N 1N NN NN NN il N SI fs HUH unlallltis nutaroot their ac tion would UifkU.bly iuit ymm prtKoancy. T'rlces of Uie Oheroke. Meild tnea Cherokee Keuie- FF.KFFKFtKH V K YW. X.Y KF.K rr-Kl-iC F. FK FKKFFF.FF.FII KJ.il fcJ-.l-r.l.fcJfi dy, a boltle. or 3 bottles f-irf'i Cherokee Inieolloo- t3 a ho'tle.or S bmttea for tb. t aerokee t'ure, Si a rnllie, or a Domea lor aa tir. vVilh'hts Klulr, 11 bottle, or '4 but' lea for ti Chc-iolii'e Pilla, fur fwoiales, ti a ijok, or o uuxub lor In OjerMEdOKKK MKHT iinei, tbo uiifortunate will And a tfoy of deitverance fr. ia nuflering and pain. . day rpU-nald and feioriona, wkitin tin y shall no loner arier without i:esi.iion or repof, eitner lhroutU mr aanary iiat-a or tii4 Ufl' lM ait ay of uauiA)ua prcuara tlont. i hn haroYetdlHnea" I F. It KKK K K I-:l-;il.KKl.r.t:Kii 1.11 FK ItKK nr. Ite.M.K K Kit awompliih their rautom t: K KKK r ttitjlr einar.cijja:ion. au a,i.i.i.iwvr.i.tt rn.arlpatlo:i o gT'-ar.io ad- lulfal-and o prolific of inlveral yc-ud. Then- medl- ciueit ill prut, lu uny and vwy Cftie, full lit ul and iievar-fi.il ng frltnU n th W ti 1 a' I ta MKKO. tune of ntrvtl. KltH MKII'INKH o t (xceu thu (-l.u'oktf rilla, th a are nt by uirul, KKtKFrFFFH .TfMfpO'Uitfn), on rrctji I . r. r.l .l.r I. r.MS JTicr , to any pan ot tfio etU KK ucd world, rfun Iv parktwl KK in iQt b ft manntir that no t l-KI'K Due through whoae mutl I- 111.14 tin y may paia would know , pi: we fonuwiTi. hi l.iuilii r (r)ntinn ran (.1 F lt'.Ki I K adilrtjki ui In aerl.el eonrl- JlM.I.IU'.MJ.i. tlMtce. and wo Ui lu ell i-ftkoii frankly atiawer thtr -j tun, iuuI iftvo our opinion The cnEKO T.T. M KIH ol t-at-b indiwduu! cum-. l N I nif !-' !(! i. j .'ill i i.U' i- ytti . il't no luluO ul,. priii. ti nwn'ii' ui t'ie i iv i-li-tl word. h(ne nnpri'i iiltil lU arati, tovevnr, try ffNVS to soil worUi'egi eoiiimnda SSSSiSS In pljue of thrfo Uivao 1S wt kli they can t at a rHf HS chtup price, and nikeni p riHrl wi money by iMng than ti.ey toS tan on tie ; 111-L K Kg Vra MKJMINk-tt Aayonvaiu l bH y.wo' boaith aye. the hattb HA HA8 of your I'llr-pniiK-do not be HHB dwrwt by ucl unprtn- BSii rltkd dmfi'lnta. Ank (4 hWfc8 TllF.HK Mrl IClMtrt, aiul take Dootttert. faationta adttrt mlnir na will DleahO write Tot OMr. rout.t; , Htare, ai.d i.air.o o wriur, plain, aLd tuclw put- ueatamp tor raj-. If the lTupglxta win gnt Itnt them .r yon , tend to m and wi wtu ena u.em to yon vj aj'trH. i tniri ia rtiua.iMi m kiould ktatc tha diacfla and pymptomi, and fnll purttrularp In retard to their canet. We treat aM ula of a (Jironic natui la male or lemale. laitanti livlug al a dlnanoa noed not hen I late teAui of tiit-ir inability te Ult oa. Me have tri4 eueoeaa- futlv paiiaiila m an poruoni oi u.e u maeu jvm. M e arlab to aen every reader ef thii paeer our tfthrty two i t haniaiiiet frae. ArtlT.ta alll.llnaanilorn-watenr W. . alKKWII CO., Ho 81 I.lliK.KTT Rlraet.-Naw Inrk. Hold wholeaaia au) ieun l.r IjVOTT PO., -:-4!h Jio.3. BIirOM) Btreai. D WEIGIIT & SIDDALL No 1?0 Mnrlrot Btroot rmr,r FKOWT AVI) fUWOKT rWm. . W. W8IAUT. rA. I PRUOQI8Tfl( PHY t0ft 1ANI, Of.VFRAL ffTOKKK BKPFIW, Can fii.fi al mriU kHthmrnla full hntnMni It and lon)Mtio ImMt, Popnlar Patent MpisJimm, Pntevi, CoaI Oil, Window it', PraiorlrUtnn Mala, o.t at aa prloea aa rntiuli) flnt-rlafli itnodfl an b toM, f!NB RKSTIAfc CMA Fnr (VmfawMKwar , In fill Tarl4y, and nf tha hwtt rjoaifty f'oriilnMl Bifai Imlif, 4addT, N Aih, furflviaf Hod a Aah, Alum, Oil of VHH1, Annalto, Oopporaa, Ratraot of Ixniwo d, A., FOIl DYKltri' m, atwayi on hand, al In wast n1 rah prlifta. nKB HI'K Kfl FOB FAMILY ITHH, fmund Jrf taly tt our ilta and lo wSkjfe w forlta tiie ateiiidn of thoat In want of rail! araiaia. Alio, JMJJGO, STAkVJt At it TAR f. of rfr Order by n ail, or Ht r poat. will m4 wHh prtwapt a. tntlf-fi.r prfil luouitloTii will bo famlMiaitd wtin r uaitod. W iUOH V A MTlYnATiTj, Whoioata DniK WarohnnM, Jail 1 K0. 119 MAKHKT Htrtf, ainrr FfiL T "KA FN KW, PLINnVKSS, AND CATARRH I ' J. IftAAf H. M. I) , F.ofaaitnr of IM r.r awrl Kar Uwabi all t)lsM a,ip'utn'Mlu to tha arMvn maburi wlrt Mm atmoat Atiorflo. Tj.tm -diaU fiom lha nv-il ri'lnMf ni'Mfcii lr i ( can fn at hf fH, Bo. ftl!f Prvi mA, The U odkai Kaully nra Inrltasi to aoeo-tlfv kHi aa4'u .ai hm hat do aaarota in hia pratLe. i tf MII1R VIHHIN WAX OF ANTJTaT.F.S. Y I Tata aiiil''t('nfimtic haa nn tTual for oanttf toig. whHaniiiff, a titl prunprvInK th eon.plf xlon It I pr pr3 fYot-i pn i white wai. h.'nr lit fitraot Itrarjin-irt Maa f.r rrfifrviriK tt' akin, maKlriff It tofl, fair, iinfth tnii raniarrfit- It It tnont Rolhltitt a'lcr hrtnir.iMirwt rhai.jia hundn and lifm, tvmv iimplii, IMntaiswa, tan frv kltta, or nuiilmrD. and tunart- a pearly tint to th far, nt-ak, nr,U unm. I'rli ft 3 , (0. and 76 t:inla. H"NT A O.. ho.ia fl.MKVF.NTII HtreH and S. 41 tl.KlullTIf tHraat. Ul ft tn DH. CIIAUT.K3 HUBERT'S waininittl in ah cfcufn. Irirt. Kf,K IIOKKitr.Ort m.'Uiral rhrNli'lan. Fndan: anil (1ifa prlrai for laHtlira. Ap.il; at Hie UtI ..M'J 1HL'U BIOKt, No. 1010 COATKH 8TURKT, 11 '--Im Wl of Tenth. -WKALTII, HEALTH, AND BEAUTY. If to cali alm1rinR fffn : If Ut ran invidiam U'hi If i li a bloom Inn iltwr, radmii, dying in ao hoar Bai wi I If tn faav a knot nf fH- ; If (or viob to ma amantlf ; If w hta uora hkxij to wM ; ir trifle itona waan dad WalttiI If to Htp thrreMort) and ton, Wliliii'H II i a lonv aiAin , It to Uvo a life ol ica ; If to ir and goto ifrcaw Hbath I H jos wish a llt'o of p1afirii; If yn Taiuf thu world lraiura ; If pft-ry aoinrt yon wrmld inft, Takf tnf mlvlcit, and wlkb at! Mim. 1 Tbh, hnvtiiR HuaJti, Wen It, and noaatr. Yui Ube arttiMi" fur Trjr dat. KTaoarpful p.THial f Ur WM.I.fAM YOUHO'fl Rook, I UK MA KKI A1K t.UIhr., whl b f-.i!1 bo r.vad hT er? on. Hold h 7 Itookii'ilori gatnaraav aad ai ti Doctor a 0H1M, Ho. iJb bi'HUUC tsU.H&T ; ptft U SF.CKKT IISF,ARKS! SKCRRT DISKAHHBt HAMklTAN H OIKTI HAMAUM AN 8 UI.TI Tim MnaT Ckkiain Ctim Kykr linr-u. Ya . a pi(lva eura lor 0()1SORKHO:A. t.LKF.T. STKrCTVTF8, Ao. Omiainn no Ailnarai, no l.nlBHin, iio Mtiruarjr. Only tt n pHla to bu InkiMi to f.Wct a ure. fur ci hifnm two to hit dart, and meant miAi ki "twantj-htor houra." I'rpartsd tj a irraduato of tiio Cm varnttr of Pnnn,ri vanla, on of Uio uioit tuuMul iiooion and ( tif mlati of tha pren.il day. JaOrVxi litrMR, ti THl'M.r., PHANOR Wit ATPVKJU 11 thuiu who havo di'ipa red ortri4tifiaT enrad, itv wfa have li en purgad wiik HtUtaia Oopaiva,ur Morouir.a ouou trj Ui KAMARTTAH B (JIFT. Hrnt hy mall In a plain t'livalopo. 1'rioa, tuaie paaaaKvi. $'i Kamaioa. (8. It I, OOD I ltLOOD!! 1.1.0DDMI BlaOODIlU BCKOrrieA. VI.CKRR,. BOKKS, KP0T8, TRTTKUt, HCAI.KM, l.oim. BY HULLS OK VttNKKKAL 1HKA1S, Ac, Ao. 8AMAKITAN 8 FOOT AN l UKKIt JITICFi Ti n(Tt red tiie pnMlc aa a pnnltlve onre, PYTnil.lH OK VFNKKKAla DMK ArtKH lb BAMi- KITAN H KOOT A Kl H KKtft JCIOK, la llic tn potcwi. Certain, ami atlrctual n-uii-ily rver prrrlhed ; It rranfrwa and arautcati'a avry parU! f the vmir-al oolton, ao ai iiit cure la uiorouitn itiui p?rutnai;ot. Tak uiea oi la purifvniK n-rn? lv am) b hralrd, and do nA tranimH to our pammHjr vitat or vtlUttt. jou luaj repunt in afUr yaia. JiU "T IIRFirfllKI AMhotiL'tt tom mar b pr"iiounp t Inonrahlo.th A AM A Itll AS NKduTamt UKUIl J.1('K will rt-mivti vty vtokilhuo) impurl.uji. from uia )-it4iu, ai wall ai all la bd atnjcti ul tuaroury. Kr.MAI.PSt FKMALKR1 In iiiinv Hifcrtloni with which numhera of fmiilaa ftullor, Uo Mx.l AND HF.Klt J I l('K4 uro mott happily adapted. In I Icaran d I'U-rntt, In l,iicorrliva. in bonjin iio. n, I" nllmtfol tha VVuuib,Dbillij,aud 1 jralleoiupittAiiu IHttUU-til lu Ulti ttont uj uxprvaii. frirc i a Dottle, or t Dottwi ror HAM A rtll A N 8 HASH In ra.e of Brphllla, uuil Ui conm ctinn with the Root and il em .ruirt a ran fiirrruutu. irico z-i n-nii. I Uf atltcacy of tin v r'Uinl la auke aekuowlodiTPd br phruli lan and pat'iita. 1 hry ore mt-d in Uie I nlitnl hiaie iioflpiiaia. Uiux reaturmr iioatui to luauy ui runr bravf 1'il'litT. Iroiu tde KiilUmore'un : wUAl' THK SCRilKOVf WAY OF THK HAM aKI TA fi H Kr.MK'-IBH: "I'oHI' Iltifti-IIAI., K'tKT M AftlTATX, "ltaltimore, Md., KebniAry . Ih1. T ha--r rant naturactlon In atatlnv that 1 liave need Tiie .a -. i .in ketneclaa' fr Vfu-rfal iMaraaa lu Iw net cut - uy furmi, Uiat I have umj thorn with Judg ment, d 'M tion, ard prxpvr.v, and have frtuiul thaia respond tu my antic pntiunt promp'ly and r frr-ciu.Uly. Kiit winu inair coruimiiiion, i naro uio luneai cauino to Uuir cthenry, and at far ai my of tliaui axteiida, rc'Uiiu.4 Uiwm strougly. 'AiBlttaut Rurnvon fih Naw York Via.." f.ot K ha nndot aOHHl that tlic-e rauif lies are an reoom- mtiudcd, aud will UiMitivulT cure Uie dUotni for wUtoh tlwy art oilarvtl. Kild by H.il.t'Pll Aw, No. l ir.H in MrraeU Ai O., 10 1? wi-Vn h. yU HACK StrtHst. T J. S. KOSK'8 GOLDEN TILLS. J ' I'D to till. leii d females have been hunilmaueil by re.aarl.a, Atiilomlnal rlupieirtira, Ar , fur the cure of rallliifinl UiaWouib and general dcbl.lty, whleli meant can onlj pritve palliative, If not llliurloua. Mi.ueof lir. Knae a iailentf huve teen oalt k aui-h abauriltnea The, relrm hia tlulileti 1-llla, ami therebj ob aln aperient euieby Ui. use of only a few boaea. lor Uie.eoom pielntl one hoa 1, wortli a btinil.ed Aliimloal bui(ior;er. Price, &0 e, nig per boa bole Aj(enil, UiOTT A C'J. No -2 M HEl'OKLI H.icel. 10 l-tullialin 'I' II K SAMARITAN'S CUHE LAN J1K KKI.IKII Oh! HtVtll KAILS TO CrKK! DUi.i NOT N r.-tK4TKI IH HI'r.rilY IV AITIOMI yo riiAKHK or iukt i Kui iiie.in DCK8 Ndr I Nit l(H KK V, I TH lUHIsa.s-tl'LRSlUTSI CAN He, tM'li WITIIUI Y UK I E, 110a I I'rire Si, Muteiir l emale. Haul Ity mull tw auy aililrcsa. . n. rRK'E ItDRK, riux 'Jiivi Peat Ofllr Kole Ap nta, bid I' r A I'll.. 1-1 Huh-, m 5o. m M. PSLMNb Blreet. 1 JHTI.DKLPI'IA, V1I.MINUT0N, AXD I llAl.ll.MOKK RAll.KOAIi I'lMfc. I HI.B. romini'n hi(f VoNI U . Ii'etubar 19. ln4. Tralua will l,ae lit p. i oi ner HUOAl' hir.et aud WaSIUN"; 1 iS Avenut, a loll w Kxi iaa. 'liain at 4 s A M (M.-nriai excrTifrd) for i.aiuiuoie aa i mia. vuu. ini"iin at vviuuu.t-u, Hui) villa, Havre Co iru-t , Aii.vivii. iVrryuu and AlUkOohtt ftT M.U Train at ti.A. M (Htuul.iva exi-p'-l) f r hhluui-it', t')p.l. a: All ifulat t f'io.ifc u'i..ev-'. ui will. ie:.varo K41I il ut V ilm.u;nv;i Or Mil oul, Salii.iiry and liiteitiiod'Htc 'Itt tap.ef naniatl r. M ( sun ., 11 exi-tot'-d) Tor lial Minoie and mhln.'ltiu, t'.ut' V at 'ita:v: , . iiuiintaiii Klklun, Fvrr nit, nu lliivre il? U"e Kxun'ii Tru'ti ai Hi ;'. '. .iinda a en 'e;tti ) l.r Mai- t!tn ' and N u tutvt -u top'!it itt ..lUt.i ton. Vw.irK , f I Hon, nil l.tsl, iTfyiil.tt,llavr ue rot, i'viri lil.,ti'r, airtt M'ltf i-.ilu. SkU aV.Mv.k ut H lo P. M. for llnlijur, anl U'i.r .11 von, iiopjuoii a: 'i.:tr iuiily U 1-. kv lliv.i more and fVat,i)rtoii p.te.-.-irfr--), Wlliouui.n, ;m "..mi., Kik- tnn. North l-.n1-! . I'err vil c. and I In re tlr.i.'H. Panitim" r 10- riTjtii-na Mtuiov will take their IS A. M. j 1 u iii . A-t'MMOliATlOV T!l VH Stop; lne at nil ataiktua betwoi o Mi i.ide.pMn nulWU in fi n. Umc I t; larfilikia at 11A M., !, .1 ;Vi ui.it l.i P. M . ;) 1 I. W. Ti'.ihi 'Tiuii" : 0 m ,t)i luliwa.e K lalt'bad I r M if'fd mi il ;i it in. 4 .!if,i -iio'l. us j 1 :ive W i.uiiiiftoii a 7 ' 1 an i VJ'A.l, 'J .., and (." JO I. M. Tlll.oriilf THA1H Flirt M HM.TlV.V'iR l.f'u VL W .un . ;rioii a. 1 M . 4 v4, a :i 1, and . i'. M, IIIIKIl Ft Mt I'llll.AitKLI'HIA. lifiivp fh a-rti- ul 1j, ib-14 A M , l-.aj, a . .1,4' j, 7 '.'0 and 'J Ui I M. PM'NI'AY THMN'tl. F.re Train it HAA..M.i.r liul'twi.e a'l-l Wfli- iji .tK, A I't-rdt-en. I'f rrumn M ,yu hi;ii Kxpre-a at H'laF-at. to.- 1l.1t1.mo-e anil lVah tliu n, aioijiiiuv ul I'iiiainr Ut lnli,m ro and wa-(hum ityU j aai-i.tt 1 1, 'i .inii'ft't' n, cwu.k, KikiwU, .Nui'ia uart Feriyvi.-e. nn1 Uavri Cv (intra. At4iiiiuouathu 'Jraln at 10 P.M. for Wilmington and BAI.TIMOHR F(K PIlILMiKU'ritA. I. fare luMjia' rr at Hl'.M , .U'.,:Mg at rvr do (ia rerryvtiie, ano v niiniitron. a id muph at r.ia ti n hLL Nt-niAik (to WKe i.ar.tii-a !if Philailclohla un leaw iumdm' fr. ta W Hrji,,m,oi. or JU;tiia .raJ, mi.u ( liHi'cr to leae fut:r tu in ,iut:n.o. c ur W.i.r, II tiU tl. I,ti4.c Wtliu'ftKtt-ia ft' Philft'VpKa n 6 .it) P. M. KIOM PAl.TiftlO!:; 10 1'llli.AI'KLPillA. I.ea.e Itdiimu-re h A. M.,tt'iivMv!; I MP 4..K v. M , iu.r( ta. jiiiim run i) a 1. 1 1 Mijf la Leave 1'i.eetarat K .7 A M . . I est and U' .(J P V. 1 j. o V' l.n. iifcion at b 1j 40 A. al., 2 ii 4'Ca and li M T t.'M Ti''.ii 1:h PaoaeAe.r 1 ar attaehtd will laave wl Diin-itii lf I'nryUieuB.1 ifi;t'nui'l.ate hi.itiona 7 -bi. P. AC U : il.i iwfcN .r.V,'. t-iiuUudMil, ARRANOKMKNTB TJF lOi'l kKW tllllK I.I a Kd I 'D li The flailidea, and Anr.l I T anil PMIa.lrlnb'. anl Tventne ftailma. Cempaawa l.lea fniin fhlleileli.il -a to Hew Tort and Way I'Iad Fkom WAI.rtT HTREHT WIIAUF, Will leave aa foliowi, via. : wnrot At A M .TiiiOeindMa luulAniboy, 0. and A. Ao- rvwnmrwtalAna IS W At a A. M , na Camden and Jaraoy utty. Momin .-pr-' ea At IJ fti m , UaOauden and Ainboy,U and A. A- eotiiflai.dat Ion At 1 F. at. via Oamdea and Amboy, C. and A. Fa- pre Al 1 F. Ma, via Oamla awd Ainlwiy. Aoe-iuatt- daUrw (Fr4:ht and FaaMttaari At A F. ftf-, t 'aradnn and Amf-rry, ArwwamAlaUoei (Frwaiva and Faiiiror) lat (Maaa Ttrket (1am iV. At 1 P. a., via OaMivdon and Amuy ArryHjiin.Ala- tlfui ( Fro I v tit and IwaUaior), lt I'lae Tkkwt.... -W (Mau do rn ri 17 I-?t ror itaJvldoiB, Kajloa, i.ainbortvllle. Fiem'tuton, i , 8 .Vi V M. For I.arnUHvHli? aifl Itit-ninu Autlnnx, at a F. M. For Mount Holly, F.vana i:ia, ' ruber ton, aitd VUwaa town, at t A.M., 1 a.-.d ft f M. For Frmfedd at a A. M. and F. M. F'-r I'almyra, KJvwton. inaanro, Iteyarty, 1WffwattT, FtaarW't' Fl-.ratir, Honliiton, at a art I ! n A. V., v ni, ft, (( and II V P M. Tbr SOand i F. M.llnea run itlree thimf Uj Trtmon. For rlinyra, Klvortoti. IfMntioo, Bovnrij, and Bnrllwc hi at 7 F. M 1.1 NWH FU"M KRN51IKOTO?! DF.I'OT Win IraTP at rolt'Wi At 1116 A.M., via Kni!nT"n end Jeraay City R prv At Vft F. M., via KeniliiKUia vnd J-rmcy iK, Ki ! At Ui 1'. M , la Knnttrwton arwl ,ltwrsf (1ty, It Or Of waaninyton anri M-w York l.inrtH AlHI. M. (ny.:tl, li Krenalnttton and ,?arav (Mty, a re rvnii-w-oTi ntiii ni'eT lorn Ti.i ! Ui r. ,l , line will run dally. All o list Mi ml ay e ori' d For MufTHln, linnklrk, KliiArn, I'ha a Ow , Konhea tor, IUnhinn.in, .r M I two.). Montr", V) lrrl,rr, Hi" aivnrt. Hmnidil'ii-'tr, Wau-r Up, Mioh i 'huttr, A Nen hiwn, le hler-ni. rteNMhrB. F.iwt- n, l.tinhrr'vl!!. fiom litf-ia-tr, Ao . a 7 14 A M IrU hne e -f.nr'iu with Uie train -1 n4 f st, r atatioli (hutk ai F. M. Fr l.wiiajifl' Oh- ai i I'. M. on HeUnrd nly. For hrt.woi, T-n-nh n. Ac at 7 t' arid 11 V A. M., aad I and ft I. M , and i mitirtwrit. tor lioj-naxirt, J arony, Wl-i.lnomli-f , flrMonbiirfit and Frai4keni at : a. M , ft.fl and y. M I ' F-r New York andWaylJnoti lasarrnri- Knatrtr1 r'-pt, tahe Dm o-trn nn Fifth -.trot, alrore V. aint, half an hnar trMot lieparinr. Thr ?r run lnf-o the 1.hh, mini on nriiTttj nf eauh trom run fr-ia the Deiiot. Fifty i-otinda of biiriran-e only llo wed irll pfin?r Patriicirii rr prohtlilto fr im f nk Inir nnytMin a rwnrja-rt hut ti.elr wearfntf appnrf'l. All hi aakr-or llfly ivonni tn ha paid for end a Tha ( umpajiy llmt ih,tr nuponftl bilrtr lor liansrc t One ltollHr p-T pont.d, and will n it Im Vifthte for any am run t buyond tltJO, enoept by sp octal ooa traet (.rahain'g ftntnure Ktpreaa will rafl fhr and dellrnr ba pau at ti Iti pyu. Oriura hu Hxt itt Nn 1 V A I.N ul lUf-t. Vi . li. OATXMKK, Aifooi. ),- fM l r 1. lAf4. LINKS FKOM HKW VOKK FOR PHTLADK1FIITA WIJ.I, LKAVR Fmm ftKit of Toirrtland atroct al 1? M. and 4 P.M.. via .ter-ey My an ft Canidan ; m 7. 10, and 1 1 2Mi A . M., 0 P. M .. end 13 Mufif , via .Jwrney City and KfHsliirflf u FrHnfl4tot harclay atroet, at ti A.M. aitd i P.M., vie Amboy Bitdt amUn. Ftyfn l ier h. 1 Nnrth Rlear, at M M., 4 and SF. at. (r rttlf ht and PanHeiiscnrj via A mhnj and Cai,j la. lHEIGHT T.INKS FOR 1SKW YORK AND J all the atattona on tbe Camdon and Arnbuy and tun nectina kail road". ICl.F.AHF.O IFJ4PATf'H. The Oaaiden mid Atulxny katlroad ard TrananortaUoa (Wnjiany a Freight IJnfta ftr New Y or will leave Walikot treat wharf on an aVr Jan nary 8, dAMy (.Sundays ex Cej'tt f at 4 o ulm k p. M . itetamiLg.ihe abova Llnta wlU Uarc New York at 1 an 4 PM. FrrviM moat be delivered before li P. M. to be t warded Uie aaine day. Frataht for 1 rcnion, rHne4on, Kiiuytwi, If ow Bran, wiak. and all potnta on the Uainden anl Aio'soy Railroad , alao oa the UoJvidare, Delaware, end Flemuarton, the Sew Jernav, the Freehold and Jamtiahiirir, and IM HarUnitofi axd kUiunt Hotly Kallrnaile, roatvad and ftarwarded up ta lio elaK-k p. U, Hmall paoXavee for Mount HoUy reeatved oy to i n'ebvnk P M. Thr Holvlder llawara Railroad ronneet at Pbmtne bur! with the lhitih V alloy KaMroad. The Naw Joreety Rafliriad eo.nntH.te nt KhtVtth with tho Nw Javtary Central knirr-ad, aud at Newark wKh Ui Moma aud Anava Railroad A slip ntemtninr!nm, anerlfylnjr fhe Biari and nam bera, aiilvpera and coualnat a, muat In evary luatanea be n( wlib each load of pnoda, or no raeaipt will ba given. InoreaMd farlrlile havlnjr been uiada ftr the trarvspoeiav Unr of IJVF, HT(X!K , it,ajvera are Invited 10 try this route. Whan a atock la fnrnlehed In qaaatm of TWO CAM IOAl'H or more. It wlU be deltveratl at the fixd of Fortieth atretH, near th Drove Tarda, or at Pier Ho. 1 Nnrufc lriver, aa the ablpivera may teairnare at the time of tit hrptuwt. WU.TkH KVF.F.fy AN, Fre'it At, Ko. -h S. Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. UVAK H RAYMOND, FrlKht A root. Jaf. f Pier Mo. 1 North Hirer. Jfew Tort. rjHK PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RATL- KOAM-mS DAILV TlaAIMS! 1'UlLAUa.LPUiA TO riT'IBltUlt(i-3c6Mll.E3I TeTlehe4 0fIloertf the PFNNSVr.TAHIA CRHTRAL KAII.H(JA1 la now located at the New Paaffcer Do pot ef the (Vimnanr, TUIKllUrU aud MAliKHT Hlroota, PlllLADKIJ'illA. On and afW MOKDAT, October 81, 1801, train wMi leave I'hllaUelphla aa follow: n0O A. M. VATTj TT.A1N, wlih tha fotlowlnir oonneHlont : Ar liy at WKSi ( lNTKHSKAjnON li 04 A. M.. and eouin-el with west Cheater KaUrrmJ. nr- rli JUi at Weat ("heater 9-m A. M. At I-OWNIIMIOtT K -,u a. M ., ooDniirtiiiK wun train lor wayreaourc, ana reachlncUiere U K) A M. At t'Ol.UMHI A 11 W A . M .. omiiiurting with Nortbrn Central Uailraj1, and reoh Inn Y rk at 3 60 P. M , Hanover Jnociifn :(0 P. M., iiairOver 4ri r. m., nna (H'ti vDiirx i u r. h . Alio, wit'' train cn Itradiny and Onlmnhl Hallroad, laaviw at no r. ai. Anne in iiAUKirtiUiHt. i-au r in. eonaeotuie wlih NorthtJtn i'tntral nam- North, thut l.eave Hania huia I iM'. M.. airlre atsunbiirv 40J P. M.. Mlliifi IMP. A4.( Wllllanuport P M.. lci llavejl 7'AO P U (Pee Biritcra hr Klmlra, ko-hmer, C'an&ndaUnia. KI Kaia FrUla, An , ria.:ii Llmrf a 10 4- P. M., aad Utiilnlo at ti 1 M.t raaoni:ira ror lianviiie, itiiri. iiioomtmr. Itorwlek. Ketten Havtui. Hhickuhinnv. IMvniouiii.Ktrwattm. V yomtue, in ton and Niruni .n, take tim I.atkawanna an tiiiMiifuuru iriri ai xvorLUunitowianci.i at iiak- UlMtritU.fof I'olnta H iUhoit ot thorn Cantr ItAtlwny, lete at 1 W P. M . itrrlu York 'i'i7 P M , IIiptv Jun Hid y an p. M . Hanover 4 t P. M., and J"ttyririr (l ift P M. Al liAtfiilHUl hi), ar points In t'uii.tnMiand Valiay, Uavlnx al I 4i p urnve ( arllilu 'i ii P. M.. 4 'lir.mlMrx- 'rg 4 Ho r. jh . ai.n iiuk'erin 11 r ia r. m. At i tki)k t-t p. M . coiin&rtiliii with Hald Kajfte Vatiy Train, u vies at 7-4ni 1. M , atd arriving at Kollfout at Mtft P. M. At AI.TUO SA 7 40 P. M . 0 .liinecU wiUt Urauon train for Iio. I ld ahiujt, raachliiK l.iero 8 ib P M . At t'KKMNON H.-s p M., 1 otuiacMii whti Itrunrh train (or r.eiiabarn. arrlvinir thare UIO P. M. At PI l'T4lltTIl) 1 U) A M , and thra oounectliixforuU potuta We)t,Nrtu weat, and outiiwoat. 1000 A. M. PAOM ACCOMMODATION, So 1, arrlvltw at Pa ill I at 11 tl A M 11-lU A. ill. FAftT LIKE ooanec: at h A KIHWTJ.H 34 F. M . wliti tralu 011 KendiLii and Colunilla Kai.rnad, arrlvHw at 1 lUa a 10 P. M . Kphrata Jl .Ul P. M-, and Kad- inc ai 4 ift P. W. At H KKlilHilUi. with an Acwniiiin Cniira Tratn on Koribarn (Yn'-ral ItaUtvay, for ti inba and inU-rn.eolat! potntH, reaoJiliitr nmi fury ai utAlv, m. At HAKHlIU Ii(i with train on Cumbajrland Valley ir 4rt!Nle, aruvlna theie al ft' I P. Al. Arnviat PitJbur; 1 u a- ai , Kim mere waaea cioie connoctiou ror aa M eatern piiiiits. I'UIJ t'a n. PARKFOHllim ACCOllvODATlOV.arTrvca htParkfti- burg at e '16 P. M., ttopaa g at Inturmtid.ate atatltmi. 30 I. M HAItlllsnrRd ArCOMMODATIOH, make eonnee- tUai ut Downintfton a: 4 4 P. M ., with train on Wayna- burtf liram-h, laaviua; at 4 aw r at., amt arnnrut at Hayneaburii at C w ' ai At 4;rt,UMitl A, at 6 P. M .with Northern Cenual Itallwuy for V-.uk, .waving WrUfhtevtllc7 onp, M . and arriving at Tork 7 ill P. At. Airlvea al llarrhburK at 7 40 p. Al 400 P. M. FVIOHANT ACCOMMODATION, f ont No. W Dock tram, da ly. eic.pl nunday. Arrive at HarrUbarac. 8 4i A. H i AtiKllM. Vit A M; AlloOua, MA) P. At ; and PiitaburK, 11 40 P. M. The rimru oon.lorfaeie. and cmuran'a. or tamillea fcolny Wtjti, will find tiie rate lovv, tnd Kave their tauiiARe. ror which eureka are itlv-n. lorvaided hy vl'u aame taalu. For rurilitr parUotitare apply to FKAM'IS Fl NK, KuiigiaTit -XeuL, Ut! IhMk tiwt. Hriwten Ua'TikbufK and 1'ltttbiuit a Aret claaa car ( attached to this train for loetl travel. 41 -CO P. M. I.A-frASTVK ACCOM MODATIOW. raevet r.Hi Mar at 7 j P. M., and reachea CoiumWa a- 8 10 P. At. a:io p. M. rAOLlArC'OMSIObATKiV. Ne. 9. rvaihea Pao!l atfiM P.M. 8UU I". Jll. Firmnrpo a so f.kie kwbr.su, with the .- lo t i r if euontjotlona: Anive llanltbuiM. li - A. M ; 8unbury, H it. A. M ; Nnrthnmtx'riaud, 8 At A. M i rtllUl,4 i A. A! ; w Illl avo a port , 1) A . H ; lil aum b'.V A.M.; Kttitrluui, hi li 4. M ; Hi Ma-y a, Il U A M,; C'orry. P A! ; aud tue, 4,'. P.M. (At Cony cW nelo i jiiaue - un im ioa n. . rur inuvn c iu rtnauer m, ice pieaont trrtiua of thr Kwl.tu nro by 8tae or Boat ft ; Oti C-tT and rni ltn.1 r4avurc fur Daav lie. hinsjil. Mos:oiiBtnr.T, ieiwlck, Maccti Havtit, hhicVahlony, P.Mnouth, kit :i.uhi. A'yuytli.; i kiau-n aad hcrantoo. take t'nr Larf.aam a and HI m.u.bara; want' at fa'rtnim.atr. ttiif 1 tl'aaaanuer for aiietra, HehtttJis'r, L'ana-n lataa Niagara t'ei i,t.n-.. reach Klmira ait i 4.4 n.. aud P.otra.at At i. M.j At li AKU1H Hvi, -Mi Morut eta cmwal I'a'lnay, fr tre o'in, l-ivin, ai J 'o 4 m, ; arrnaa Vtirk,4-I0i. M ; iUnor June n, 4 V A. M ; laavta Hanover Jvn'iii SUA, m ; anivea liAnnvur, 1) ) A. Al .aud 4.uabiirf, 1 '.' P. f - A 1 1 1 1 1 . 1HS.4 4it A. jl., wi;ii u-io o'l l'.ro4d tj li. K , anvLug llonvrt A M.U:. Llallua, A. M . ai.d o jh- m-i-'iiij tt-enea by Hinfv for HelH.rd. Al T rt'lN K, i i3 A Mi coure4iuir Kb train un Paid F.-ub' Vilit Komi, leaviii, I vi(i ;.i A -4, A ..urr vt hUk'nnio. II lu, M . ai d HoxturJ, U A p. M. Lfriviiv: mi ('hf Lrtv'd K. It. at tl . A M . and arrlre Ph-lliu -'01 n. 1 1 t'U A M. At 't(KHhOM,7-.li A. M , con nee.: 1 nf with uniiei train ft l.tleatburi;. and aril - 'tnj'derv, li I.U A' 11. Al II VIU.E IM.HKC I .ON, i:2 A. M , uuii'tUitf wll-i braiu-li tin 1 11 wi.H'.i mnu iiia'nw U U lo A-M.aud lufilaua 11 ." A M Thli tram aiv nnet at P-Utira-virwith Wt I'vnnM ir.in'.a K li., arri oij.' Niilubtu it, 117UA.M Arrive PIlTSllUhtt ut li 0 1'. jl., aud u diiwi: u-r a.1 pciiiifc v iviL P. M. Pltn.AliK! PI HA k.vPliEHH, btopa only at Ti wn lni.tovu. i ui.rru tM . 1U il-bfi-K. .Mai y-villtj, Niw- i t.i 1. M itt, in. I.dw.trow 11. H ni.t :nj, -Ion. AH'inA. 4 lal iHrm. a-d mi n ai'.'h. At Ht' at 1 1 Ht HM IN , wttn Itroad 'lo U k , K.-iii. 1 V re at Mtl A. M..;ii.U arrrvinM K.t iUdey - A.M., Ml. J'libii A. M , urnl tlieliCH by Mii-e to 1 dr - Ai AM iN nl V A M ,e a. "tM-iiwii ian;,il( h.Oi tr-m l- r (i-ihiavah' rj, rri-trlufiH Uteri' at S kt A fd . tnd lliaiu a Dy hat to Pdtonl. Ar- 11 r, nt Fiitkt uf. U til P. M.. Ul.lUUief ioo tOli!ti":n Willi Ihiouth tut nil on all Uie uiverifl'ic ti iid ii cm t lint point isiiritt 10 IK' I u-n, Wtt to '.he Mlsaichiivi and tnu Ailaa'(ir rtx'i. and Mouth and P.uthwwi tu all pou.t aaiv la , tl. 's- Il V rail HOlt J. r or furth- r 11 frin.ail n. apply at th Paonra- H'atlun, tortei i 1 1 11 1 It 1 -1 11 .mu m Krt r. 1 711 tei . 1 una. JOHN F. VAMLbUU, Jr.,llkl Aiml. -r.nn.AiiT'i.rmA An tai.ttmork ckn. X THAI. KAIl.aol, 0IP..1'J0lAfOJH-8I'ltllt Akl ISI.HII I . Oa aid aJitr t hioi Y, April 1, 18C4, th. traina wl" leait 1JK.AV KAfiTWAK!!. I IBAVI1 WJCvTWAT.il. ...ei.... .11. W.l Bl.TtOHa. A. U . H riifoi.l till I J.i reiial,.na.... a ou I V e.1 lirviu...,..! -'7 IH KtalfliwMj.., 1 4 ii Avor.lale.?,..., 7 r.l 4 i. W. (.' JnlieUon.. ' 6 il Kwil.lt..... 7-tw 4 17 t-.wwr.ril 'U v., I Uailil a rii....1 41) 4 II IA1 P.-rd,.,. fJ'AI l Conc.-inl H-IO uil Meaieertl 10 0 ill W l'. Juerlli a.. b-lb I.'. A.i.uL.le ,t 51 S M phllanlvev.....H n IW Hi.enl,,Mfl 7 tJ we.lt4e.ier... IK nt . u.MaM. It. te Phn.il.liihla ha, he.a eiMftefd fr.n i.lnil, .nil Market .HeeU. b 1 HIK'I V- vl Kn T and kiAltltAi' Hirtet., vt en I'rutaJ.ll-l. Harkat M'evt Paaaaei-er ItaJlay cava eemr. r.Mi..ei, bub him. tbal.v. r; .1' v.rpan wiu-.hii cr.,ni- oi ea v. J4 UAJ,HI( W VUAj, Hl;vtnUtn-li 18(54. ? K.Vf i k tl h'.K R A I IjROAD LTIfKfl-a Tf haw Arrauit'munt. (in and aner lt!lanfATt Ketrbor I, 1M4, u u al l laava from Wakiat aYj FlM aa rtrt-i . F Oap- Mir an4 ll plac-a tnalli of M 1 1 W Me at $ A M ttllf M, F tr Mdlvre, BHdt.toa, flalnm, an4 all Ui1tnaalrfa4e lap anntk nf (naafvim at 9 A. M and X f. M. r or (iRlm at A M , 17 M , and P. M. For VVtHxitiury, wiuucieter. Ae , at V A. M., II M.,1 an4 8F.M. HmTtKTlfO. leeaveran Mav at A. M aue 11-41 A. M. MiUviiteat n-10 A.M ano F. M. M Ilt4d(jtn alT IM M..IKT.M. raiMn at 7 A.M., and 3 P. M. " WodlMin a 7,m 4'. and 9 44 a. M.,aM 4 WF.H.. and tin p. m . to ( airdsn vnlv. T7IF WFHT JF-HrtFT F.XPHKHH C1M PA ITT Will a1 ten 4 tn all th mual I rarrhnw of Ht pria hwei-nr-a, rceiTa, dalivvr. and frwrd throiith thar reaat albln F.nnreea ( ofripm lea to all parti of th ronntry an artlrlo ii tn'tfrt to thm. A Hpeclal Meanantiar aoeone pan Man eorh thrQiteh uln. J vAM ItRNRNRlaABa, Bapertntendawt. Pl.tlaVj h!a, Not. mh tr 1, U-4. (II I) X'OKTH VV. HNRYTvVANl A RATT.R0AT. fnH HFTlll.F.HFM, lxT I. WIT( WN. A4rt. MAf'CII illl NR. 11AZ1.ATON, Wli.AKHUAwUUB. Wir LlAMttPUHI. FA T.f, AKHArfOKMHVTS. On and after M"N'), Nvainf 14 1M, Patfrr Trnina w(i Imivh tha 7i KW IiHIMT. Tf U RI HireH, abovaj TTiMniiaon, 1 hliadelpMa. dai y (Hunday eaoeptort), M (bliowit At 7 o A M. fFivreaa) for neiMaham, Allan to wa, Manrh 4A.ni k. vv,Hunrtptr, ViiUm-,.rt. A I i A . M . ( Ait oitiinoilAUiin ) air I royjaitnwn. A t I IA P. M . ( A coo mm-it! a i-wi) fur Ko't v aahlnjrton. At 3 rd I'. M I Kiprmt) lor hr-tt'li,. m, fr. .aeon. e. 'fine train rr-ir- F. t. n at r. m.t ,n,i i,nkf 4 oaf eortne ij-ii with xht New Jtni t witral f.r Naw lurk. Al 4-U P. M. (Mall) for Iole.t.-wri. Atotil'. M ( A' ronnitoiiniloii) Itr Ilo blcticm, Ailea town, ajd M 11 1 h 4'fimik . 6 li P Al ( Ao '.itiiiui di(Joi) for learuidnl. 1 Kr'mrti 1 m t.Hi nits H lit iirienrM at tnr Tirfctrt Oflloa, TtllKI Htrwet. or HKKitH ftuosM, In ord-r to at cure tb UiT rt rate, ot fnro TkAINH Fnn PHir.Tni.r1IIA I ara ne'ia.onin at a - nod " AM, and U l T.H. IrnvVet wn al W) A M.,nnd I M p. M. Mnp'lrtU- nt l lo a M I urt WaablOMton at W F M. (IN HCMMY rllad If "la for Onvawowti a ir.n A. M. and I'll p. at, I"VHatoa ti f r PtuJa iJol( ,,t 7 A M ftf-l 1 P. M. Illllrtian fl PaK.neo h,i"-nm will t r aad deHrar hau.i.e Ht the nejmt. Ordor may bo lef. tu Mo. IK M.7H1HH Sti- ot. V VJ FIX IS CI. ARK, Agwna. FST di KSTKR AM) rillLADUU'lUA f kailkoad. via mkdia. 14 Pino ai:ka n'irmkmt. On and after KKI DA T.April 1, lHrvt, the Train wfTI lva a" tollown : 1-vf. phllA'b 1. Ma fnwn the Dirwt. oomer TlTTKrT FlKtT and M A liK FT ftntela, 8 A. M , 11 I6 A. M.,r P. -v P M..6 4A P. M. f-hdadeH-hta Depot ch:it.-r! from KIOIITKKVTTf ar4 VAI-KKT htrec4 to 1 111 K I Y MKrt 1" and MAUKHT M'-ol. Iave We-i rhrater, from the Ianot on Faat MAUKKT Btn tt,-W) A. M.,7-4i. A. M., II A. M ,3 P. M ..4 44 P. M. Ihe rare of the W e-it I'lJimUl.thia pnaiUHiuor KaPwa Ootmpany rMark4 atreot) wlU convoy Paasinr to a trutn Uie PldiatUlplila lo pnt, ON HI ' KT AT Ht T-ave rhl1adele.hla at s Mj A. M. and 710 P. H. . leeave eat t 'healer at K A .M. and 1 . P. M. Train leavl'.K Plvlimie phta at H A M. and 4'W) P. Hf., and Wet (tuat rat 7 'A. A. M. nnd 4 4 P. M ., oofmea wHh truini on ihe Philailelplila and HaitUuore Ceutra knllr.id twrOKTord and Intermediate point. Jl tf UKMiV WOD.Oenaral Huportnterulsni. VXW RAILROAD LINK NOUTU. Il PHU AhKl l'HI A TO HKOOKT.rV. TllUOlCiH IN FIVKrlOtUd. ETrTTRPIFOH TTf'KRTH At ;OOi) FOR TTIRF.H IAT9 m and after MONDAY, Ann at 1, W-4. tralti will la Fxt of VI NK fttroet, Philadelphia, every morujn at 8 A . M. (Sundara eieepted), that ce by the Camden and At lantic and karltan and Delaware Hay Railmatla to Poet Monmouth, and by Uie i.nMnnU jni ataainer Jetwe Hntyt, to foet of A 1 lan tie uet, lirooklyn; reiurnlrw, leav At Unue StraetWliarf everyday (Sunday aaoottd, at II Trnratar r Ih etty of New Trvrk art notltlad no t atpply for paaaaft hy thla Hue, Ilia tt ate of hi-w Jkrrar b a vint' aranted to the (Mmdan and Ambny monop oly Ut4 eiclnnlve prlvllttfo o( earn Ina; paaaeniiera and froiiflr. ba tweia the oJtlea 01 Ph hulrhla and New Votk. ly-ef W. F. OH1KF1TTA. tieneral Kupertnteadeaii. II K A 1) I N 0 RAILUOAD. OKKAT 1-UIINK LIVE TUOHf mT.lHl.!-lllA TO THK IHTFHTOR OF JT.MUMVLVAHA.TIIK HrrilJTI.KU.U, U yUEUANMA.CIJMHKUI.AI.1), ABU WIUMIMU VAI.UIV, KOKTlf, JIOKTnWBUT, ANDT11B CANADA. PARSKNOKR TRAIN1 Tae lira Omaaur'a Heput, at THIKTHENTH aa4 CALI.OVT1IILL blrvela. l'kllaileUilila, at Ua Mluwliw hvuia MOKKIXQ MAIL. At 800 A. V., tor Heading, Iaanoa, Kohrate, rjtla. CeluuMa. HarruliarK, I'ou.Tllie, PlneeTo... Tama-ia, Huliliury, Winiain.pert, Kimnra, KnolieMer, M laieara KalM, llurHalo. Allentewn, WIke.ttatT., I'lttalun, York, Certlala, CiiamDea-Bliura, llagwraaown. Ae. Thla train cuonecia at hEADlKO with Kaat Pennirrra. nla Railroad train, pur Allentown, tbe Reading .net Gmujuute Railroad fiir RfUifata, Una, aikd (1-iluinbl.. an4 WHh the Ilnmi Valley train tr Harrlaburg, Ae. i ai Paat? CLINTON with Calajvt.akaalroaa train, aur Wllke. -arra, WlUiamapiirt. Iiek llarreo, Eimlra, e ; at IMUKlH Illlltd whh .'Nortliani Central," 'umharland Taller, and "KeauTlktll and Haaquehanoa" trala. fir Mirtina iKjrUnd.Wlluam.p-Tl T.rk.Chaeilierahura, rmagranM. ATTRKNtXlH KXI'KKiM Leave. rhUadelphia at S 30 P. M. ir Iteadtna, Pnita Tllle, I'lnuarriva, jl arrlalniry, A.., ooaneoUiiK at llarrta bnra with I'anniiyWania Central train, nir Plttal.iuv, Ae. irthMii C.Dtral Kallruad train, for Hunburr, Nnrthao. berlan.1, Klmira. Ar., and al r.irt I wnum Willi Oatawlaaa Kalinwd ualna fur Miluia. Wiuianujort. Eluilrm, Uuiiaias KEAIIINO AOOOMMODATIOa. taTe Beadil g al G'341 A. M ., tottlna at all way ,taV I Icn.. am. ilk 111 1'bllailelphla al 3 A.M. kelurninu, li-avue I'hilaUullilua al 4 IW A'. M. 1 arrtTOe ta KfUI'iniR a, l n I ea . Train. for I'idlafleuima lear. n amannra at h-uw a.m. ana Putullle uaui. M , anlvln, in Phil.idelulila at 1 u. Anernie train. Hum, mien ai l 4Ti r. at Pultavllle at 'J l I'. tl., artlvtnu In I'lmadeli-hla at 7 P. M. Mer.et Irnlna. wnn a pa.ner.rer ear altaolMvl. lear PliilaiU-lphla at I P. M., Inr U.adniK Md all war eleJimaf leave Kieamt' at I?, nnnn, and Dnwnltu,-towu at Lt&l P. M Ntf l atladelplila and all way .latlfina. A il Uie aenve trail., run dally, Moa-lar. exoepta. Runila) trnlna leave PotUvllla at I 'M A. M.. an Phlla- delihlaat3'l I' M I P.tl V Aljl.F,l KMLRi.Ke. PaiMru:ara Inr lK.-rnllmli.wii and interiueIal. Dntnla take the H 14 A. M. anl lP M. train, tro-u I'luladelnhla. retnrnUif trutn l)wnloiriowii at 7 0 A. Al., and u St MK1V TORK FArittHS POH PITTSBUSd AMD TUB WRIT. aeea Mew Tork at A. M.aadT P. f ..palne Rai1ln. at rJ uiiarvulil ai-d IMP. M.. and ooiineauav ai narrla bur). wiu. ruMeiyleaal. Kallrua4 iCaarea. Ualll. lur PUM burit. 1 3'l aKO. and the Weat. lletunui.il Eun-eH Ualn aim HamatMenroa arrreal or ibe Penn.ylvaiiia Kilire.a Iruu Plttauura at Sua aa4 HtNl A.M. pwaliw baailing at 4 41 and 10 Al A. M , aa4 arriving at Mew Hoik at lu A. M. aad 4 v P. U. HUea Cai a ae.-ompany tlia.e train. Uimu.ll.batwiieu J urHxf Cliv aau I'lttatiuri.', wilhnui etianeu. Mull traJai lur New York li-avea lUtniMir. at I II p. aa. Had train Inr Harrlabuii: leave. New York at U AC. Nt'lllll l.r.11.1, VALIBII KAIL.K(IAI Tralna kave Pott.vllla At7 it A. M. aad :iIP. M..IW- tnrmii4c rrtiin TniKaj-nra at 410 A. M. and 4 96 P. M. n!m!YI.KII.l. A14U Hl.HUl KIIA.-.NA K A ei.lltl a Ir. 1 reina leave Auburn at S 4A A.M. Srr Plneioroar. a.4 IlaineV,ir, and at 160 P al Sir Plucurruv. nlv I retana lnn rroai Harrlaiinrit nt l so P. M., and fruai PUmi. aA 7-tfc A.M., eiiJir.il. tti it KT. Thrntuti flrel elai. ticJu-taand eenlrrant tVlketa to aE Ibe prli.rial -ot. In the North and Weat and Canuubaa. The fnllov. ln ticket, are obtainable onlv al tho oHloeol H PlltAlirlUll,Tr..aaurer. Nn. 917 H. POUKTH HUM, Phlla.lo.ut la, or of ti. A. Ali.VLUli ueaer.4 aavecim. dwJU, ttcmdliMf ' .a Ul.mi'1 iniin ,i,,f.r..a. At 2 neree. t due-ninl. between any Mlnta (UatrW. I.r lataMlea and flitna. UILKAIIK TI' KKiti, Good nTlCO mile., b.'w.eaal uoiuu, atwYltOwah. Car fajuQiaa aud Arena. , hKA-'Jia TH turn, For thee... Ii, nine. or tweWe io..mh., fer beaAera only. ao ai putnu, at rtdaci-d rate.. ('l.l.Ky raiBia Ifeelcltnk-en the Ttne oltrut nwd win be famlahed with eaid., eutltlii Uiemaelv. and wlvae to Ueketa a ban- tare. EXmRHVlW TI'-Ka-ew Pri thllartelpl ia to oruielbal atalion.. ftond for Satw- da, euii'iav. m d kl.-eH .y, at reduo-d fare, to be had only at the Tkket CilKee, at TillUTKEN TH aad CtLLOlUU HUMta. rilF.KHIT. (J.M.da of all deHerlbth'U. rurwardod to all the aboTa pc.aia. Imin tiie f 'oiui-an'a bew 1.4.111 deput, MlUAi and n lLUJVI Ktreeia. HiKKIITT TRAINS Leeve PtiHade'ehla ilally at A. M ., 1 P M. .and P. V . - K.a.lh I e.iannn. Ilarri.nnrg. Petuvula, Port OM boa, and p-jaota bayond. MAI1.H (V.. at Ihe VMladw'vk'. foa-.Oitle. tT all p'aoaa oo tha rf-e,l and He b-iui'-le, at I A.M., Mia nil in. prin. pai UUima only al 1 11 P M. 1)Iiri.Al)Kl.l inA, nKRMAJ. TOWN, ATK MLltUtlSIUVY BA11.WIAI.. TIMft TAlll.B Ou and kflef MUNUAY, Kay lit, LSIil. urtO mtMS- aolK. rt.K IIBlHAITnwn. I..... "1-.V. .(..oiiie f. 7. e. t. II. It A. M : 1.9, I I 4, i-s.Bt. r.k, u. il, li, li p M ll-iuiuia-.w. II, 7. 7 .1". e,B 3... -.. ni. ii, n a. a,. 1.3.1,4 ,,!, r. !, 7, a. 9, ID. II. and I 'I P. M. 1 he 1- 71' il-inn, .tn. tre Ji and A iraiAB up, on KB B.B. b& 111 tliilni' I -ii lli-fci.. r.. I HP-'NI'T Illl. I. KlllWia. T.eme Prl.iiil. labia. , k. I". ! J A.M.! 1, I.S'.T. "lIie ("eel HI III1I, 7-1", S, 40, 110 A. M. ; V)0, J'it, 6 4v,i.-4i , a Ii', i.i J in 41 f . M. tUK I1IMIIIIIIMI. liril n- - xwr.. T-ave I'hila-li ii bin e.bHe. ill A. M. ,, 4, M S.MFA. ami 1 1. Si P. M. , Imvi-NutiU'IHi,!.,!, .-111,1) win u a. a. , m, e.1-, anil . M. .,.!.. 1 1 rr.tin oi-. m a -u a, m., ai.ii Cot.,tw.-ka.i oi iy. H)H V.SAYt'Kli. Leave I uliiut. iJ.iu.tl. 11 A M.. IS. l,4X.a. tji, e ' i.i ' I Si l- V and I" 'J . II K. Ml i ll i.i'.-vtrul 'iup -eti.w.ov-nu . B3,-,l ivrw. sri.iTn n 4'i:tr.l ktreuts. HUlALVFT.rtllA AND 1Qj 1 .hlK HAithOAl. JOll ii 1SII4. r.Mtkt'.ii"ut liiivt-n-k ui Bi.:w.rn ana jriri. a-Haiiu' 1'iiiHi.v.Titiaa Ui. e'v kVlti on I.ahe h rb. It r.44Uin i a-d bvtlie FKKMjY i.VAMA KAlLliOAJj (AiF..S, laiid unuir U.wir auiK.- la lrn riHHjr tipfclMvl Uncurb.. ul lueiduw.aiiath. It U iiuw in rfrtb Ut Uiat . fc.r and irW ouataate fror FairttouiK fo ruji'orinm, i'C n.lUn 'n the HAi;rn ftvU HMrti. tad froui M.eine d tolne (Th ttili), Ui W vU Ltmaif a. nt.. c 1'jiMk.jii.i tiaiaeAT nuuun "ul Mill 1 r..b. u-'.'. A. K. r.j rai Trnro leavta F. M. tua run tnmril. v. irrt.t T hA..a brfk aaya or. Ukuaa Uarri itTvera t'hUi .jxtUand Lock livau.aaUl4fweua uw,rt aiiU itiven. K1t-nt " e t ihk u tin Raprase Tre hi bk aay a. I- i.r inionnatM n aiw iny Varaarvaar haain-vfj, apoly al VeN. K. em ii vi (rf tl'.KVr.STM and itHh fHrviou. And n r r'i.bl buliM'aa oi ue i 'foicviy a ikeiua . 8 i. K'lir-wiiJi .tvruei r i l-. 11 J aad AlAaJCt l!rt'i , IX m!rl, La j V. lnnM-'ui, Kraa. j. U. ImU, Afcout, A. X. 0. 1., BarUrtvire. Ovnowal rrdtM t..ii.. pai'ad.'pj;la. LUA IA L. ""rf',. Iteaetal Ticket Ak.i.Jiil'i''- II'UKI Ii ff"TT . Ataartl Uanaaac. w lulaew mi V I 1 1.4 I ( r ! t ! I II. I r 5 . iff that j be denitf . rexaa weat . atate the rata ey w(U trauaBur Hina te Jtureaiber. v . areffl aot eiaeeC r.uHO.ouO pouada ur Vt'MllO NO. it. i (or tha traaaporta. aluutfiuf , or auy w weD m tkah tld be aeeom ItVa.aiKnesJ iu tli at, i ' a 1