11 TDK DAILY EVENING TELEG 2i, 18C1. wiring frclcgvaplt SATURDAY. PF.C1MBKE , 1H. MEREY CHRISTMAS, 18C4. I hire hnrpy twp of girls nd boy. That Christmas Lvu will sure cxp. t their toys ; No tnnitor ar net her ftoU i low or filch, Th Oririninias punt ou fHilir-ra hnro to riiiy. Tit ChrtMBias nn matter what expense Ton l.ujr ly pounds, and i-liillinn, nut hjr pence. Jtojs roni.t bave jumping jicks, kites, drum', and ton I If ; Oirls nniM he liny rrarlles, and wax dolls The dnll iMiit tie tliat kind Unit nhut iln-lr eyes. And junipit'K ,i-h must he tiio lnrifc.t si.o. i)ut in niy iiou-t liold (I dislike to my) Are Ihu who rather like to hare their war ; And wt.rt at l ast to any an hiitidro.l thing ; Borne, tit tor )d. or livinn E-torn kinnt. (irei tihacla muu no hy Imtidriils. I d claro I dart- not tiiurn ur and i will not cr I ptircbnfed diamond", pearls, and ailvcr waro, 1'op gmi and bunts, nnd lir inlet- mmli' of hair And could not nil. slonld I ttciiiit to try, The funci articles I did not hoy. Then look a package or the smaller things, (l.iKlit a a coach on old ell pile pringt), lli.plrg ihmliT to avoid accident Ttiy m ;ht I broken if ihey should bo nnt). Tkeu made a move, nod nupped ouUiJc the door Thai was not all T wUh it wn no tnw The allpprry 1d wulhs of ihtt model town, Excused my leet, and 1 aacemled down The Hirwaa full ot jimcrackl In a trice, And the mbscribcr lint upon the lee, Now I am released from Chrlstmns clutches, Hut boublicg, maimed, and bruised, on crulclici. t.I OHlnl W til. It C lllllvrM S. Crs'om, tlme.lionorcd, thrlce-blcsed, ha' di verted that people should clo up the oil yeir, and greet the new year with tV'tiri'y and r. j jic liig. I bis cus hid long an'eiiutcs the Cliri-ti,in era; the Cbtiailnn Chun h htis lint conllrnr il and given It a holier sanction. Christma is a festiml of the Chureh. In every civilized nation there is tome peculiar form of observance of ClirHtinm. Jn fcngland it has bIwavs been a merry-in nkinij for biah and low, in pnlnce and hovel , The word Christmas is there redolent of roust beef and plum pudding, holly and mini. toe. fun aal frolic. In the oldeu times tliu tenant were re galed at ihe Hall, and the festivities were presided over by the Lord and Lady of the M-in or. The old-fashioned Christmas is thus de-criuud : "Then opened wide tho Baron's hall, To vassal, tenant, serf, and all ; l'ower laid his rod of rule aside, And ceremony dolled his pride. The tailr with roses in hia shoes, That night might village pirmer choose; Ab bailed with uncontrolled delight, And genial vol e, that happv night Tha to Ihe Coitnge, as the Crown, Thought tidings of salvation down. England was Merry Knlund, when Old CbrbttnnB brought his sports ag iln. 'Twaa ChrliruHa broached the mightiest ale ; Twaa Chrisimits told the merriest tale; A Christmas gambol oft would cheer Toor man's heart thrsu'U half tho year.' " CHRISTMAS IN A CELLAR. A rHrttntr Blory Alinnt it I'nntoiiilmc More than three year ago I was sent away from London for the benefit of my health. It would be useless to mention in what breezy spot I spent my exile. Suffice it, that It was highly alubrlout and intolerably dull. I was forbid Jen to read. Every day seemed to last a week, and every night a fortnight. How insignificant were the minor annoyances of draughts, pills, irritating tmdor-clolbing, and strict regimen, compared to that Intolerable ennui 1 What a thrill of pleasure I felt when a Ion? trip of yellow paper informed me that the "Theatre ltoyal would shortly open far a limited statou" ! Here was occupa;ion for my dreary ev.nings. The Theatre li. oyal did open, and I commenced an acquaintance with the "Acting Drams," as puhli lied ly Cumberland. After the p rforuiance I used to sm tke a eig-ir tobacco was strictly forid iden, but I smoked, nevertheless), iu the coffee-room of the Hose and Crown Hotel ; and there 1 met the actor wuo played the stem parents at the theatre, and was adamant for four acta only to melt in the fittli, and coment to t:ie union of his son or d tugliter as the case may be. Jie nus a very gentlemanly veteran, uiie of (lie old school look sautl, and wore a full, milett whenever ho was addressed, and bad a fatherly manner, acquired by a Ion i course of dramutic pat.rnity. lie used to tell singtlar anecdotes, more or less true, some of them much less than more; ainon others, one which 1 thought intweesting enough, baving obtained hia "kind prTinission," to reproduce. I give It In hia own words : ''Sekvortis asenportlown'hebegiin, "sila ite as guiUe-Ben..l:s sav fonr miles from the sea, and everything In (Suck port It of the sei, lishy, from the gilt threc-masied ehip on tho vane over the Town Hall, to the rope-ura'.ks, timber-yards, and old boata on the outskirts. Kvery man with mor.ty, no matter what his pursuits, keeps a yacht; and it would almost seem as if the small fry of Ushtrmen's children were weaned on boat hooks. "The Snckport theatre (I mean the old theatre, for I am speaking of the year IS) stood, as country theatres alwayf do, at the most incon venient end of a dirty lane in fact, it stood upon a wharf, and bud been a granary, or s ore, or warehouse, or something of that sort; the wall at the end of what was osed for the stage went right down Into the dirty river, which, as yoa might ee by the wet tpaca between high and low water inaik, washed It with refuse twice a day. "II waa eleven o'clock, and a rainy morning, as I pii ked my teps over the pctrilied kidneys that did not pave the lane that led to the stnu door. It nit a melancholy lane, beginning with a little chupel rented by the primitive Muggletonians (junior branch), then going into stable and back premises; then asserting ltselt hideously with a r ekn K slaughter-bouse in the centre; returning to stables aud back premises, and terminating with a ralibit-butch-looking stage door. Not an object could be seen but a misanthropic cock and Uiiee draggle-tuiled bens. I walked on to the Stage, which was as chill and cheerless as stages ti-ual V are on January mornings, and, as I looked Into the vacant darkness visible, my old notion came into my bead of rhe likeness of an empty theatre lo an empty comn. "It was a queer Old building, that ex-ware Loose that bad been converted into a temple of the drama, and among other requirements lor the dramatic art boa-ted extensive ce larage. Messrs. Cape Coriander, the great wine nier chants, at one time kept all their stock there, until one high tide the water rusbed in, smashed the bo'.iles. and so damsged Messrs. Capo o: 0 J- riandcr that they were forced to turn bankrupts not that It hurt tnem, tor aiterwar.it tney were rhher men than ever. Then extensive altera tions were made, and thick walls built to kecj out ibr tide; but Messrs. Cape & Coriander never aeain boused their wine mere, i suppose tney did not like the water mingling it-clf in their alfatrs to DUbhcly. 'Mot a soul but myself bad thought proper to lie punctual for rehearsal. Ihu tirsi call w.ts lor Pimarro.' at eleven: the puntoinime to follow Our manager, Mr. O' Warrcboyle, never fit agooj exam p e, and rehearsals usually began at ali sorts of hours. Annoyed at having leii my comfort able fire, I went b k to tne stae door, and t jod lorklng out tuio tne rain. . "Two men stood at the cud of the lane. Aft - exekanging a few words, one of them disap. peared, and the other tramped up to me. "'This here the uluvhouse ' he asked. Thia it the theatre,' I replied, trying to Im press him, but failing signally. - 'Ah yes ; the-oy-ter, if you llko It better,' ho said. 'Mr. O'Warreuoylu It manager, isn't he ?' "The coolncsa of the man's questions and the rudeness of his manner annoyed me. I had played lendinir huslnO'S 1 was the 't'l.arro oi mat even teg. 1 therefore looked out into the rain, and feigned not to hear. "'No offenae. master,' said the man, after panse, 'but Mr. Terence O' Warreboyle in nana ger, Isn't he i' "Without deigning to turn my he id in the direction of hit voice, l answered x en. " 'Js be in the way, master i 'No.' v'Soref Inquired the man, in tone of the I ror gest doubt, "Ihu waa too much 1 I turned upon my heel ana watkea Dace to tne stage. "A few minutes after the prompter, Stick nam, arrived, tud shortly after Kc.iuurey and Mrs. t ub Jauibe, wuo played ' Valverde' an J 'iilTira.' " 'Iow we cau basin.' suid I. "I bad ao aooaar uitwred the words than I per- ceivou uj m uBni o, a 10ng or ojurung in tne wall, which let iu the cold and the rain, and did duty at a .winuow.iuat n. Foljambe waa iu tears. I aaked what wu the matter. " 'Oh, that brote Foi)MBb f toplled the lady ; not home till t o'dock tins moruiua, and tipsy a aoghl'audthe legJt Wy. ' "Mrt-Toijauibw wa oidur Una Ur huaband, ft id il wa said id iiiiA Lio. 1 k ul tact was, :s, . . ' ' .-, FoTJstnbe wal a drnnkaw tittle flog, and spent trimi r lasb r than hia msjesilc and t dented lady eon li) cam It. l'traonalfv lie was not worth his sxlt. but he was engaged for Ihe sake of bit wile. '"I wish he was dead, I do!' aaid the poor wrman. " 'llu-b, hnali !' snld I. 'don't any that.' "'lint I An say II, and I mean it; a little reth! 1 ahail never know n moinent't peace till he hat chunk himself into hia it-rave.' "'Iliish,' I ripiMted, for I saw the figure of yonng Juuson and Dos-more emeiging Iroiu tlio g'OI'Tll. " 'Vs'lll be be here this morning ?' "No ; he's In bed, little brute !' "Hehearsal begun. 'Arnllb' (V'olj lnibf) was nb'Cnt, and ao was 'Holla' (O'WarrehovIc) S it kiiam told ti a that 0' W.,ns we bad call, d hi n, had goi c to ptimlrinKUain, to arrance a'iotit our opening iheie the following month. ) W. would i oi have 1h en a bad a'-tor lor a man ig.T had he not iHCn flltlietcd wilh suih a Ictriliic b Ofiio. Ill I ad l i n uluciilcd at Tr'mtv Colh ge. Diibl u at least he said ao. I Imvn never been in Irel.ni I, but I should think Ttltilty must be a large col li ge, for a l the Irishmen I have over mctdtto fi mil it. fi.'iirriisM run through I mean the reloaisal, not tho character in tho usual ram shackle way ; and then we commenced the pmto iiiinie, in v. Inch I went on for the 'Demon Singe his wig-oll,' King of the Subterranean SaUm in c eis. The pcrloimiinco that nuht was for li tlo ( anks's bimlit. t al ks was nur propertr-man, ti' d never acted txc pt upon his liem lit, when he aloaya ) li yrd clown which he conlnurcd to In: a trminidi i f dr imatic art ; In fat, bo was a dis n pmnu ri (inmiil'M, and 1 bc'lcc would have l i ken his heart If l a hail not liccii permitted to rUiwn' rnee In each town in the circuit. " 1 m t Imme about three, and dined. My wife 'r oked out my armor, and sent our eldest boy to i hp hair tr ssi rs' w ith my black-ringlet wig. Wo i xpi etid the pantomime to draw a good house, (i n l'ri per, the great banker, had promised Ilia sepport. Jlo onlv visited the theatre, twice a isson ence at tho b-speak l tho con-ervatiV'-member, nnd once when I'imrrn win performed, which play he considered the liucst modern pro unction ot the huinnn mind. "Unring Ihe whole of the day I felt an u'tan rountable deprcs-inn of spirits that 1 could not I'likci'll. However, at six o'clock, 1 sl irted for the theatre, my caret-bug in ono hand, and mv repii r, nm lilt d in a gun-case, in the other. I al ould hete mention ih.it the sta'e was on Hie siiiiielivel as the ground, aud that the gen'le iiii li s (bussing room wnt immediately unci r the S'lie ; tlie ladii a, us was rlclit they should, had a ccm'oriiible room over the s'ngc; but our tl-i was the nio't wretched p ace eonc iva'ile. It had Ic imcd p.irt of the ellnrng" that had been so luckily tuitions to Messrs. Ope At Coriander, nnd v '.is a dingy bole. 1 hough we put boards over that pott on of the brick floor on which we .less. and made Hie stove red-hot, nothing con d keep out the feiirlul cold, nor tho d imp, cartlcf smell and llavor of wet sawdust, unwashed botllc-, and stale river tt waa like dressing In a furnished sewer or dry drain; in truth, tho ollur was beneath the level of tho water at high tide. "Each actor's dressing place was lighted by a candle in a tin socket. (' W'urrcboyiu would not go the expense of gas-lit' ings; there was also, Pt ihe dillusion of a gcnoral light, a hoop sus pended from the ceiling with candles stuck in it a tott of cbeup impromptu chandelier, such as is sometimes bung up in dancing. booths at country lairs. To pain this comfortless' crypt w ha lto descend a tlight of stone stain, picturesquely worn nnd uneven as with heavy coopers and drunken cellarmen. Our dreaslng-nij or dressit g-tablo, was merely a few stout planks niiihd together by the stage carpenter ; and it had hern a portion of the paternal thonghttiilness of our spirited and enterprising manager to tlx this i ri ssing bench on the opposite side of the cellar to the staircase, which gave us tho trouble of crossing a lloor whose every clammy brick cermed charged with cramps and rhcuma'lsms, and to be sworn cemented foes to legs and foot stuased in silk stockings, thin shoes, flushings, and Roman sundals. "Little Catiks had a very good house. The Froppers were In tho stage box in regal auto, Mr. l'roppcr in tho attitude of the coun'ry mem ber, with his tat nana inriist into nis wiuie waistcoat, and lost among his frill. Kvery ti mo OAVarrt boyle uttered a patriotic sentiment in Dublin English, old Propper received it as If it were the toast of the evening, pulled the edge of bis box with lilt disengaged hand, and cried 'Hear, hear!' after the fashion of members of tho House ot Commons and convivial clubs. The e licet was very funny. In the address to the l'triivian army (tour of them) O' Warreboyle snourvu : "'My br-r-rceve associates! Tarr-tncrs In my toils, my feelings, and my foeino ! Can H-rolla's wor-r-ds add vigor to the vir-r-tuous ener-r-gies that inspiie your harruta f " 'INo! AO! interrupted I'roppor. " " 'The thr-r ono we honor-r is tho people's choice!' proceeded O'W. (not "Rolla"). " 'Hear ! Hear !' taid l'ropper. "''lhclaws that gov-vcr-ru us are our brave fuwtbers' legacce f ' 'So they are !' said Propper. " 'The fuilh wc r rever-reuco teaches us to live In bonds of ainitec with all niaukoind, with surest hoe of onr Creator' niercee and r-ro-war-rud hereafter.' " 'lira-vo' vry good" from Troppcr. " 'Tell your invadtliors Mis' '"Yea! Ves!' " 'And tc!l them, too, we seek no clnngc !' "'Hear! uc-au.!' taid the banker, iicrhani thinking of his notet. '"And, least ot all, sue it change at tiihy would br-r ing us !' llHA-vo! shouted rropper, amid thtindort of minis ause. ' 0 Warrcboyle dared not offend the bmker, but 1 knew ho felt daggers, though he looked none. 1 he piece went olf very well, though that littlo wretch Foljambe was tho tipsiest of "Atallbas." 1 observed that the eyes ol his ware wtvc still red, but Blie hud reacb-i tho dignified and majostio degree conjugal quarrel, and took not the slightest notice of him, though spurred to it by ins rcninrKiiig, wucnever suo came near nun, 'Oh ! isn't she cross ?' The combat between me and that stupid Dossmore was rapturously ap plauded, and the curtain fell amid great enthu siasm; O'W, as was his custom, insisting on joining in his own dirgo, as ho lay upon his bior a butcher s crntcu, borrowed iroin tne tiaugu- ter House iu me lane. After the play, O'W. told mo he had bad luck at Hundringliiim, and feared he should not be able to open there. He owed the proprietors a year's rent, and thev insisted on payment before reoccupation. O'W'. did very well with his aix towns, but bo waa an extravagant man, and gam bled tearlully. 1 tried to cheer mm up. and then descended tne stone staircase to dress tor the demon In the pantomime. ' o tooncr had niy feet touched the floor than a tudden chill seized them. I looked down and taw that the bricks were wet there was water at least two inches deep upon them. I asked whut was the matter, but nobody seemed to know. Little C'anks, dressed as clown, was telling Judon, dressed for harlequin, of his triumph at his la -t benefit, and how bis 'leap' had been encored. I sat down in my chair, and took oil my wig and leg armor. 1 was unbuckling inv broaslolate. when 1 heard a tremendous noise a noise as if the whole theatre were falling on us with a ten rule crash. With the quick Instinct of fear, every man rushed to the staircase. Half across the cel lar we were met by a vast volume of water, which, roaring like a furnace, tumbled iu upon us, uud lushed us back. "Tho brickwork of the dam or river wall had Kiven war. and the Hood waa upon us, "It rolled in rapidly. We mounted upon the dressing-place, which was about three loot from the ground. The water soon covered our kneel and stole swiftly higher and higher, till it reached my chin. X thought my time bad come, when niy foot struck against my dressing case, an article about eighteen inches high. 1 stood upon it, and, my head aud shoulders free, looked out upon the black auatn around me. "Had il not been lor my poor little dressing case. 1 should not now be alive lo teii this st ry As it was, I felt the grea.es. difficulty in keeping my looting agi.inst the strong, powurml, cruel flood. "The inundatioah.idcviden'.ly gaintil its level. The surface of the water just touched the bottom of the boon in which the caudles were stuck. The noise ceased, save a lathing and surging at the sides of our wet tombs. (Shall I ever forget the sight ? The flare of the candles reflected in the biuck, tlimy pool, the low ceiling, the hall- II, -lit. thx hlthv smell of the nutreseeut water the roiling empty bottles, the boating chairs, the horror and the awe of knowing that the few frail plunks on which we stood could not long support our weight. The tow of eight living hoads aeamst the walls; Caukt, with his cluwut pain swept olf, but the wig, wjta its three grotesque toils, ttlli sticking out from hit aliy, fear-palsied face. " I felt the boards beneath me crack. I abut my eyet tightly, prepared for death, and prayed to God for mvtelf. and nv wife and bv children. "At that moment we beard a burst of applause aiove us, and lolldruui, out low comedian, began lut ton : " 'Horns tlm tit llv'd nar tMf yUM, In ooe uf ihs ttrawti of me tonn, A renpeclalils man who am fulled Ur Uu- DciKnburtioou (teniieiaaa Brown Very efien flnffpartlea lia nave, At whit b In cliaiapatfae yoa might drjwii; ad whs truth aud a faut, the wtmie suevt w as jaloui ef '.entleuian Browa. Jochury jeerj fUl 1 Te the story I'm telling, uh, list I How happy we murals ukM ; It kuovuj aula t ejjjt ,' "And the audience, at wu their enstom, broke Into full chorus. I can remember the words now; they are cot into my memory at naino hi cut ipto a tombstone. "The dreadful tmth flashed upon nt that on tlitj t!ge and In the bouse tb.ey had not heard the Citisbof tb brickwork or th Mk of t' waifr; that they km w not ol our la', ami we ic dotni'f d 'Tie r'noka beneath us ttlll rcmslnel firm. I hfatd a splnali. I opened my at ea, and looked i nt tiioii ihe tall again. 1 saw Juds ,n, who bad ti iown hlm'elf Into the Hood, avlmmin towards tho stancsao At oerv stroke he was lnp did by H e el aiis. table", and lumber II mt mi aboiil him. If he succeeded hi gaining the sta,ra he rouid iritoi in those above of our ent imb- bum. 1 " I' ri si in (I, nlst.ineo must be innno uiu'e. In a few niii.uU I, if wa csciped drown, b g, the foul, pi lit np air of our dunge n would have soiled us. Our lies b pended npon Jiii'a in. lie struck out brevclv. Wc watched hill wild eager hop. el din kiting fi ar. As ho swam by t lie bo t loot kicked it. nnd the cm lies it contained fell in'n ihe putri i II cd. "A II w as cuiknc-s ! ' I he agoi y of the inonicnt was supremo! "In Ihe absence of light to milde him, J.ulsoi, vi n i' he ki pi alio it, could not reit 'h the a ur ease; iht n Iheie was Ihe wergiit ot the wet dress end heavy spanu'ea upon hia loita an I body! 1 l.stciiidl 1 hi aid a groan; he had sunk to rlsa tin moio. I have been awh ked man, cried the voice of Canks frim nut the darknesa, 'but 1 repent, nnd liniy, I lannot hold on much longer. (I Kid-bye I od' Ideas you all! We cannot aen, tint wo earl benr rai h other. Say, '(J d ble-s you, back agiiu to n e.' (full bless you !' said Ihe voices, slowly an I fiatfully. Ihe soli inn wonts mingcd with the rcpeti- I on of the ehoius of the comic sung s nin' ulioM' our hcinls. "The vapors of death were rising round us nnd w hat a death ! Iodic to the sound of song nnd music, pent up in a wet cli irnel hoii-e I Iritd to shout, but my voice failed. I heard a ci l fusi d sound ol nr.. y it, ami t uned in it. "The water gurgled in our cars as we imp! ircd spf ci y death or bghl 1 ' a up nam sire. uu nurm in over our nc l is, ami I In nrd a noise of voices ! "Jin . son hud reached the stage. I heard him sav : Hold on! Hold on, lads! Hero's help! Deliverance !' The centre trap in tho stage had bcn opened. l anteins were lowi red, and I saw thorn tying piunki togetuer to tlvat to ns. "A voice snoiite'l : ' 1 here s no ttmo lo lo'C. Here's a rope! jump towards it, and we'll drat; y on np '. At the same moment a ropo wil'i a noiso In It was lowered ; but that end of tlm ir.ip nearest to us was at a distance of four feet, nnd couse- inently there were tour feetot water and lloaunj obstructions between us and the rope. A tiumlicrof voices sliou'ed 'L"ap! 1 was marest, and Hindu tlio hrst attempt. Kettwin. meiidlng my soul to Ood, and knowing th it mv liiotlur actors would not leave my wilo and cliihlreu to starve, I closed my ecs,uml leapt. 1 caught tho rotic; my Iclt arm and my head went in tho tiiiddlc of the nooso. Tho shock plunged mo down into the filthy water till my b et loueiieu tne cellar lloor at me tamo moment I lost my hold ot the ropo. l gave niysoif up, lor 1 leared that they would draw the rope up an I from me. Thero was a buzzing In mvearsa thrust forth my arm In desperation. I caught the rope again, and felt my self hauled upwards. Something struck me on the hend. lue toul water tilled my mouth, my senses reeled ; and my bar, (luring those awful moments of immersion, was that I should faint and lose my grasp of the f . w tw isted strands between mo and doom. I tried hard to keep my consciousness. It v.i!Sin vain. All I remember was a sensation ot quick motion and of da..bng light. " Wncu I returned to sen-o, 1 found myself lying upon the stage. All my companions had lice n saved but ono, podr tipsy Fo'jutnbe. ' It was a strange sight to see us kneol round the closed trap, iu our soiled, torn stugo bravery, and thank Heaven for our doliveranco. " 'Where is Arthur ?' asked Mrs. Foljambe. "Wo rose and looked at each oilier. There was a dead silence. " 'Oh !' shrieked tho poor woman, who had just heard of our danger, and had run down from hor room bull dressed. 'He is dead 1 He is dead '. lie is dead 1' "She tore open the trap, and would have p'urjgcd biadforemost had we not held her bick. Her screams alarmed tho atidienco, tomo of wLom jumped on to the stage, and came behind the curtain. "Tho trap was oloscd, and tho bereaved wife was in a tit of violent hysterics, whon a voice wat heard to say : "'What's the mutter? Has anything hap pened ?' "It was Foljambe, who had thrown his coat and trousers over bis Peruvian dress, and boon out to the nearest nubile bouse. "1 pass over a description of how Foljambe was received by his wile how she sobbed over him, and suid : 'And to think that this morning I wished vou dead, my darling, and bow near my wicked wishes were fulfilled!' Foljambe took it all as a tribute to hiB superior merits, aud forgave his wife with heroic self-denial. Years after, whin she remonstrated with him, he used to re. mind hcrlhat three pennyworth of gin onco saved h i lite. " 'Wt 11. faid O W arrcboy le, "let us be thankful nobody's boon drowned, for now we can get on Willi the Dunlnmunc : Here liitle Canks broke in with tremendous wrath, and rebuked his manager for daring to wish men that moment rescued from a dreadful cath to tumble nnd iniiko luces, and swore that othing could induce him 'to clown' that night I'Warrcbovlc scowled ; but feeling that he had no choice but to yieiu, was going colore tue cur tain to make nn apology, when Ihe two strange men I had scon in tho morning walked up and aircsicu mm. Old Propper, In consideration of hit noble sen- iments as 'Kollu,' becamo bis bail. The debt was only 40, and tSticknum told the uudiouco what hud happened. They left the theatre grum bling loudly. Tney said that they had paid their money to tee the pantomime, and it wai a swindle not to play it. we never nctca in the theatre utter, nut na t a benefit at the Town Hull. My wife was very grateful for my escape, and taid to me tho next day, 'What a pity, Adolpbus, that your suit of gold leather armor it entirely spoiled, and will never he lit to wear agaiu !' " pi POCKr.T HltOK andAATCBBL M AVIirCTt3UUR, Jlo. 47 . ill M il Mrret, aeiow Artt, l-Uli.Al.hLPJJIA. rortfotlot. lnmmt Cum, f iiir rasM, rwi ki, Cl-, tiatchtils, islour Helti. Work Ooxaf, Hnnktjrip' Oaset. WholaaaloaJidrvtaU. 12-7-1 at J1LL00X & BIBBS' si Sewing Machines. ! J 5o. 715 CIIEEirtJT St., Pkilada. HIGHEST fKtMIUWI 8 K, W I Mo. NO MAO H I N WW, t-H 730 CHEHNUT Btreu IIAlil-iKH CLA U1S.'H BEDDING WAREHOUSE, At No. 1 N. KLEVENIH STREET, 11-vr.tl FujiDai.ru4. s AND MARINES' CLAIM AGENCY. tlrt BniTJTY AWT) A PI!KTOW To the dlaeiiarted bolcaar wko hat eoea wouudod la battle. llCa BOUNTY To thee, who have served two jtai, beeldea arBKSION to Ifcoee Oikaeieo. tll BOfNTT AKD BACK PAY ToWliUva, Kalliera, Atctliere, 4c, U Uluae who have Clt-4 or baa killou la Uie at-rvit.. S' FEKBIflBT A TCAB To th. Widows an. Widowed Molftwra of the Poldldrti HtaniiD, and ai arises wao nave ami la vie service. FBI?. liOKEY, BACK PAT, At., Plna tha haira ol Heaniea and atarluea. 'I ti klNtt i I. AIM S, and all oinara aarnjt Nolkiaal and Blaie tMveraicenu, pron.pi'7 coneoiea. Address it aatlr ta OB0BGB rOIlP, Claim Agfnt, 11 801a DOCK BTREBT, eae door below Third. Gj, TO EHir CAPTAINS AND 0TNR?18. aV-TkennilenUiaad harlna leased theKBMSINO lii XltlW MX K. bKa l laloraa klaeVienda and lh. tatrena ol Ue Iinck.that he Is prepared with inereaaad laeilHiM lo Mceeaatodal. lAoae havlnt veee la to be ralaod or retired, and haint a preetical ihlp-earlent and eaulker. will alve parional atwuiaa W tli. veeeelt eev trueeed ee lilaa for repajra. tabulator Aieiu. bkla-CarpeBtert, aad ataohlaUW kariat veaeeU 1 repair, are eeUrlle. (o eall. flaviat me axanty for the aale of "Weuaralrdt'a Patoeil kf um CoaaDoalllon." or Copper re al, ler Ihe araaarv Ufa ( veeaw bviiuaia. for tine ally, 1 aaa aieae la aao- iaaiiieaM.sfavoraMiBBe. JOll -V-H. DAMMTrT, Kenilna-ton Urrear Djet. r4XAWAiB Aveaiae, ai-eve LAI AM, bareeC HOOKS PRICES navirg purchased m; locli let eprlrg ! cao ll at old prlcrs. ('iii'ifTMAa nrova. I'll I M r Ml Hot, IVi'KV ( ARII CAMfcM, flit n KM, 1IM H '(Hi A I'll AMU MS. (.10,11 I KN , wpitihh nr.aKa, P ItTKul.I'ls, joy Nii.pt ltd K, ! it s v kmixjk a, I'AfS'.l KI I S. NS.W lloOKSI Atio. the finest MOTK ra'Klt. and KN fEl.iirK. In msirhp-vrrclij INITIALS ultariit. All onr blunt ard fiiMI-m ins C H A L L E N , I'liSlliler, llm.k seller, and ftlatl.'iixr. il :n h tin ':i a riiKNNirr min-nr. JOI,IDAY IMIKSKNTS. FAMILY HI IIL I2H! WlioloHttto and Itot.ull. TH CUP.AI'KilT A Nil nr.HT Prayers, Hymns, Family and Pocket It I Illl -H. lMK')'l'(K):AriI A I, HUMS, KtW AID BBsUTirOL. HTVI.E.H, Kidi Turkey Monavro, Anti'iae, Relief and Guld. TILLIAM W.UARDIHa, MAMtlFACTlIUKIl, Ho. 320 CHF.SNU T STKKET, 13 fi if KI OW rilUliTII. fODTU 8IIB. li. GI1IO.N IVslrrt te fall tha nihlfr altantten partp slarlf In a NP.W AM) I IIAIIMINI1 KK.ATltKK Or PlloroilKArilY, latalji Introauceii by bUnsrU', OIHON'S DOCni.K-FACKD CAUTKS Arapteiiirri that. In a(Mlilen In antlre nnvHiy. enmVna n nrr mi uii u in ibi ulliar I'Vlui na tnadw. lue can lie cbuuitd oul at G I H 0 N ' S rilOTOGItArillC OIL GALLKKIES. . i;u cuksnut htukkt. All pcriom are In t I led to pall and examine ipmri- iu Li. 1J0 0KS! BUUMSII BOOK8I1I Thtt ttniion of tttA ituMIe U illrertod to (lis flat) a-sortini'iit ol nw aud puimlar books uu htiiid aud tor saifl by CIIAUL.KH JlHIL.VIItt Ko lt CIIENUT Street. A lnrtre ard wfll Hclectrd ftnrk of hawflnmply bound and flno rop'i n nf all the Undnl worki ol tha day, deiajii (il HH IH'RINfl TUB APl'IlOArHINa II0TTI.AY. Aiiaa. a vairletT of .luv.'i)iii4. T(T Ha k, slainei, Photrv frapri, AuioKrftph, and Hemp Albuuui, Ifiarien, IMuIom, mytf txnKi Ac. AUoon on band,Uiree icti oi ine ropaiarcamesa uanra, "THE RACE COURSE." Ilic only sets In the cnonlrv not In private handj. pi;ii;ic ;;. Tteady (in tlie l.Mh Inntmit, l now uteri plate Man ol Ilia Huito nl Virulnla. ahoarlnx the (ill. KK.dlorirt, new rHliroads, 0 AO. Hunt by luall, pit-iiud. frleel Uty t'eaia. . J5-l.', !lt No. UN CUKSNUT Street. A , J U M S . 1'AIKNT 1IINOE-1JACK ALBUMS, Wanaated to bo superior to any s.hari madu. A riNB ASHOBTMItNT or th a Ij A T 13 T H T Y L K H AT VK.BY LOW ritlCES, AT, K Y It K ' H , ll-19.t No. 10 S. ElOUTH RTRKK. J'O THE TRADE. The rVfiUlHUM. or 43REWF.R & TILKSTON", (Ollllltlllff of WOllCFSTKK'ft PICTIOM ART, HVOKi fcHI KK S HrKI.I.KUS, HI.I.lAlil H HKAM.KM, LKACti A HWAS 8 AKITUMETIC. AO. U1 htrt'ailcr b luppliod to tUa trate hy 12 l&-5t Ko. 1229 CHKSNUT StrroL TRE SENT ATIO N BOOKS OF A J V Al.T AllI.K f MAflACI JUt. App'ctfin'i Now Amoriran ciopdU. fvciopauia of L'oiiLu;rclal and Bailnefc Anodote. 2 voli. Rf beTHon itfonrd. Ttyrrank Moorn. Vl ahhlnutnii Irvinu'd Work Hue edltwns. Coupori Nrtfclt illuitrntfld. JMckeus v oria lliiiBinituu. Kn r. fi I'nlted Hiatt'S. Mcrlvtlr Hiniiiry of tha Roman. Odii In m thf l)pjeldo'f (Jil vry. .hK and Stitduwf vf Naw Yuik. rictur i. alien. Mknln Hlntory of Kranrft, Ag: at Loata XIT. WhvitIv NutIh IllamraUd. Fhakfptpearo'ii Work, tucott n Workt. Ha ard Taylor i Work, flood'i Wcrka ord llacotVi WorV flnc edition. 11 ail ami WorkB- 1toU. At JAMBS K lMWnv HOOK KWbIi No. sat HlXTil Htrd, Hflcond iuirr. X J-A ltboral dititount made unall yurchaitti. VJ ItVlOt QOOD BOOKS l OU IIULIUAY UIFTH. BIBLIS, OXTOBD IDITION, FOtt THE DESK, FOB. THE FAMILY, AND 0K Tilts SUNDAY SCHOOL. PB AY Bit BOOKS. Kleyaut edltioai for prostata; tinted ar. ery aandximely bound. Trie Iroia ti lo 10. PBAYCIt BOOKS for tho raw, Wound la aralMaqoo r tluMP.trom (1 to . P KAY' Kit HOOKS lor nnd7 t. koola, from toe. U L UllirTl) SNOW PLAKEN. A noluaae of IteaafeM J'ortry. A teauUrul tin to a pious rrtm, ai t lh iua or nnowliuj. Kroai $1 4ft to $S. KITTY TREYYLYON. By tlio autiior ef "The Scboaborg l otta ranillj." Prist, 1 7b, 11NY IIIIRAKY FOB T11IY PEOPLE. To TaaoO tlwat to Ittad. 4 Tolunita. 48 oolorad IllualraUoaa. 1. Tli K POETS. Illoiilratod. ti par ralnma. TMIt POKTR. Bluo and kvM, aad green and td $1 3t tor voaiuo. AU il- ww 0'4i rfovlTed at k3B at publiakouV A I AIU1B AKBUUTMHMT OY t-rNlOAY-SClIOOIj HOOKS Hvlecud bora tht varwua Obnrisu Book Socltlka and private pubUkbora. Alio, a larte aiaortment ol lll'HTIC FRAMBS, BOOK KACKH, 100K MAHPS, HkKMOM f'OPTKKS, Pl WIPEKS, I'OHTB IdOMNAIBU, l'OlTFOl.IoS, Ahi. Ave. TOR tALB UY TUB rUOTESTANT Kl'ISCOrALDOOK S0CIKTT, Ko. i'JW ('HfcHNL'T KThKET, 1J T -lO-lJ-lS-17 l--S rhlladelplila. NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Tne sobeeriber lai on band a cbike seloeth a of OLD VSAMBT, frew 111 to M. FBBUCB BKAJSCY. MAKI1KA AVD SIIKJIBT WINB, from U to OID MtmOaaAklW.A WHISHT, from fi to . OUttBSt.WlLS (TUURT.aad BABPBBKBT BBAJf HIES, arO'B C0HX4A-L, Aa., Iroat i Mi M. AkM, BJtASDY, freaa to M, SlltKJlT AtTD MADHimA WIRES, from J to M. roB cociiuxa rvHroaas. Te be tad al ISO. 145 N. Second Htreet, njcrvnv JIOUDV, " " T a. BVANb. JJ O T, I ) A Y AT LOW J JCIITA Y PJIEHEPTTH, D. V. ULARK, No. 602 CIIESNUT BTRRRT. Ha nnw nn hand a rery tarn stock of JhHBLRT.and hll.VRR ri.ATrT, W4RK, farWUd eapretKlf Ar tha eottio H01,MAV TKAi'M, wh ten Off ixvi n R to a NT txiranniinn'"iiT iow pnofli. n , hat o a laifre utouk of tfie fiilowiii ifou Jt rioM WatrhM. (Hllvnr W eirhrti, V a't-hes, I. full Wlh-t, II. -i WdlriiM, Amt rtcan Wa'lii( F.i ulloti WcKim, 1. d Vent '(in tin, (.old f'titto nit f orialnt. 0ld Svr Ctifiini, (llltl I'fliCti iJiUlM, Isold ti.i, O'.lu Ifnithpli kn, i 1 1 h m I .In, (tout Anitiiiipi. i.orfl ii.mm htii'l, fi.virt l i vr hmt.-ritj, h d Wnirli Kvt, OoKI I'liu., 0-nt'. , (JnJd Tltm, l,,)t-i', tlnld I'tliN. Minn', tt-d I'M'" ( iMiiflaliic, citi Kir Itn gi. tli-m t liu ei Kintti. iold -t'.rt I'lnn, ((id 'Atn, 1.-1(1 L'-Arl, (pi Ki Imi in . Itnld Wrtic, ItonVn, HiIvt 1 litnld'N, Hdvcr h ( h ti Itira. Hi.. r Kiull Kiiivi'n, si ve. K"b ' 'I.m.iik, HUer Vi k' I I aim. HIlAfk I'liATKI) WAUK, 111 cd on gPDiinie AlLiaut im'tai, and pvarranti1 1 Ton mil' U-:m ( nid H-oviv r, H urr I iHf I'M. Hyrnp I't'rlitTi, SniCr lhhp( Ritakuu t fa tori, lini I'rrrttnom, ttc-k l? 'HKlnrji, K ti Hfifdittf, W tttUUR, I rim. HhU HlnRdil, h h ru, f "i . f 'riH HCll Si ii.k'n t;ltiM, FO.i Kn.M t, Knivft!, IrK frfptm KnWc, 'Mkf Ktl l 1, (Yiiridi KnKoi, ( htliimn A Knlvn, f1iriifin' KiirkM, rhtMren ' Hiooni hUt l.ndl, H'miii l.arlli-i, 1 atdr and lesfrt Bpoont, Ta. Hnr, atwl Hilt .-HiKXing, Tta and liiiincr ir-trki. IM-ATI l JBWKT BT. Wp havo on hand a larce lot f due ptard JewHry, AlHrh wo areoluMinif out at cot t prievu u mukntdom fur oihr iiooitM. 'I h"i winhlnR odii tti our lln wmUd do wi i) t c nil and i xnmliio our mck bfture pnrRtiaHtii. Allnuad warranted a ropraaanttd. Wn. AM CHRMN UT Htro.-t. 9. H. M'ntrhps and Jewelry randullv n palrnd iivm rerienrcd vsuiktuun. and TVtixruntod. bntfravtwt! 'tly executed. ll-M-tU al I)KSHtA5LE PRKSKNTS O It Til 15 HOLIUAYH. Inltei an examination of hi beauttfnl and rarlod eollcr- tionof AMKRICAH and IMIM)R1EI WATCUli, KISK jr.WRl.KY and CLOCK H, which kavu been uianiifrto- turi'd and a rr tinned wltti mucH care. No. JOH MAHKIIT Htroot U Ti-thmiif'in PHILAIiKLPHIA. JJ0L1DAY rilESKNTS. rilE GOLD AKD SILVER WATOEES JKWKLUY OF EYBRT DKS0RIPTI0. hllTernndtllverPlatod Waro, Which win be told at the lowact prfeea, and warranted to be ai repraraltd,iU JACOB LADOMUS', Ho. 618 MABKKT STKF.H T, lS-lDtuthiRt Corner of Dectttar. Q O O 8 rua run uwi.i ija i w. LkTMENSG BKUUCTIOM IN PRICB OK W ATOM US, JUWKLRY, STLVER-PLATBB WAKB, Ao. laltmi' fold Tlonllnt f'aaef uver Wai(Mie.I.aiiiiniiij i ron v u tiuo. onaraTPd anil rnaiaeUoU, f Oi nu Hca U ild nuiiiliiK r lit- from (W to f ISO. ti r w a(Cia, l BilTor Hunuiitf f'aae WatuLoa for .am . w . . mi full-jewelltid Levera . a,,A Vut risainl . fmm tlO 10 78. tluld (Miati-lainoCliolna. fioai $10 lo 100. Uold Nrrk Cha an. rimii la t'.'S. lm dltrarant aiira Una Hold Kete. Plm.aad F.ar Ttlnai, all ihe latoat and molt ranhlonable duiljai, from j to i'i. riUKHOI.U RI Er.YH Bt'TTOUg, BOHllM HTTl g, BI'AKP nan. uni ims, GUI D TIIIMllI.eS, bll YRS TIUallll.B'. BltACEIK'S, AKM l.E1 S, LICKETH, IUIARMH. PENl 11,8, 1'a.BH. o i- ETtrr Tarieljr nf SI rer and BUrw-l'Utod Ware, at BnNiiulartiirer'a unooa. IKAHKrH, OARBBAaKHTS, LAKH I(A?s I. I H, t tti li i.ni r. r,, tiirriKit t'lisiirfl. tit'OAii uisiik. UTRI'P Pl ICIH-KR, BkE K TAH r CASTORS, I)IKER CABTOltd, SALT HTAKPS, Udiiirrs. inn. WAITKlta, t'KHS. CALLBEI.t.S. MAPKtir Sllrtt), ERI'lT K tTrVKH, Ac. Ao. rnrt. and Moooiif.ln ever? rarleiy, trahle plated, on aun.larall.ala.aionr halftka aanal pruaa KMMaio.jrtiiat waT.la not the alaoelo bar giioda ohcap. Thereajre, if . .r. (n r.. Willi ID. (rii ,nu mwi . uau.a a u, . you woold am7 yuarowa InteioeU aad want groat bar aaJaj. vlall our Utile store, 1 ' Mo. 1090 ilAUKHTStreot. li t tl s tt W. l. OLattH. JJOLIDAY GIFTS. 1NTJRSI1NO MADK EASY. UllOWN'S PATENT BABT-TENDEB, OR, MAGIC SPRING CRADLE, The moat nacfal and doUthtrul Maraorr InTeoltooof tha ave. Froat a Vertical and Botaeioaa Cradle It la Inatantly vrrttd Into a Sprint Chair, RecUiiInt Couch, BaJiy-Jeiapor, Bahy-Berse, KahT-Walknr. UUja Chair, Karaory Ohair, Ilohhy Hone, and Ottotnaa. It etreetually ohTlatea the arlla of tho rocVhig miMoa airerdi treat relief to mothers, exerolaoa aud daUthta eult- drea, and aavea the ezpenao ot a Nurno. Alao a largo variety of l'AINCJY HOLIDAY i DODH, AT ma DOUBE FURNISniNQ STORE, Ko. tti CUKS.N'UT STKBBT. it tint JOHN A. MUni'lIKY, HOLMES OnOVEU, ENAMELED SLATE MANTEL WAR ER 00 MS, No. U:3 CUKSNUT STIUCIZT, PlllLADELPniA. U 8 FACTORY TE NTH AND SANHOM STS. Al'I'IiE, GAUQEE AUD COOPER, No. 305 H. VftLUtr Barewt, below Walnut, ruttAnaLPWA. Imllatioa Braady and Wine Caakt, aad aU kinds of work made of old aad new stuff, always on band or made lo order. Coal peeked In hogibaads for ahlpptn. Al kinds of tptnualnts punctually attended kt. 11 f) Q E K T II A Ii EATING HOUSE orroeiTE the tost erriCE, u-tTMi rmxioaxruiA. jiehiiy HAiiprart, Ho. 520 ABOE ETBEET, AS A OAKItrULlY tSMCTBD t'rOCK OP WATOIIEH. blLVIiU-l'IjATl-SD WAKK, saraciAi.LT I'ANCY MIH.VJ1II WAltll, Moltahle fnr 11 stl HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL rUESEMTS. joiin Y U K N N A N , DI1AI.RK Iff FINE WATCHLS, JEWELRY, fcHiVI'.ll VVAKM Dlamoi'il ItlKRa, Illamor.d Plna, 1 Flro ynamcleil rtraleti, VM naiiU' Clialai, Kite Laillo' Chains, Mima, Heavy l.oni Ouarda, Amlhjrnt a'.d Teirl -Snta, ( ual Hr'a, It f, Ira Dtamr nd Ear Itlr . AmoHiim anO Dl flit Heel lUura, Klna Peacl Nlnira. Oiaiti' IMam. Pear' f-iii. 'l.tJ.as' Clit''Jlnc Pins, r.KONZE AND FANCY GOODS. i:i H I'Ulirill S'lllKI'r jamks ivr,i;i:ii's v ti n R"AI. ai a f T At L Clock i:ntnbllHlimcnt H. r. torntr HCCOMD and Vim tiVT H ream. Thl al a. rJT ALIZIaNU TIIIKTY-llAY :iOfKS, A TfM-r di BirahK- fttr'a for Cliurchet, Jloteti, Itink.i, CoiiitiPtt-linui'i. Piriori.Ar A.o, MAM r A( TI Hi K ill' ri w. il -i,n r r.si. CI.O' K ItKPAIKF.U AMI WAKUANtP.K. tck TriiMuibKi of evtry diwcriitU.a 1-11 1 JK W IS li A DOM US, DIAMOND DEALER AUD JEWELLS, Ko. W l CI1KK.NUT STRKKT, Tlai on hand a large and aulcnilid aaaurtment of DIAMOND JEWELRY, SUITABLE FOR. HOLIDAY ritliSENTS. AUo, a beaatiful anortinont of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry.&o. PllviTWam In t.rot rarlolr, suitable for llrldal and ItoMnar Prra.nta. My iiMtrrtnitnt of lilamord Jewelrr la eompli40, and at Um pnee titan eon bv lound In tlila cup. Old Gold, EUver & Diamonds Bonght for Cash. ) I A M O N I) S . J'artnrii harlnp: Jilamnnds or other pracloua atonaato liioio of, will do wfll by calling on I.HWIS LADOMUS, DIAMOMI) 11KALEK AKD JHWELRU, rto. Mt CUHSNUT Street, Who wtn give tlio hltlicet cniih prleoa. H C lm ALHO, Old Cold nnd Bllror IloiiRlit for Casli. OrPOETUHITT TO PUECHASE HOI,ll)AY PIIKSKNTH AT LOW TRICES. Bavlnc dcUrrnlned to retire from bnalneaa, and wlihtng torloeeont myontlp atoch of Watches, Jewelr7, 8'lrer Waro and Hilrer-PIated Ware, Olocka, Matieal Boaos, TahleCutlery, Ao ,wiUila alaty days, I ant prepared to off. r Indacemente to purahaaera.and aoUeit aa oxam'na- tien of Uitae goodo, moat of which are go?d stylos and of Rce quaHty. TUOMAS O. GAKllliTT, 11 80 lit Mo. Tl OHF.8SDT 8TR11KT rmE watohis, jitwelet, SILVER AND TLATED WARE, (JOKNKB A ROH AND TENTH STB. Itruochea, Rlecre Buttons, Armlets, Bra&caU, Scarf Plna and Blnga. Tea guts, lee Pltohers, Wal'.ere, UokleU, Porkt, Spoona, Ac. Wa'etioa repa'red and warrauted. Old Oild, Dlamon.ta, and Surer Bought. II 1 3ra HARRIS0X JARDKtf. JJOLIDAY PRESKNTS. U. 11 U H M Jj li il, Xo. K. RIXTU Street, Wi-ii'd liirote atlontlun to Ma stock of fine Am.irlcan and Injpurttu HAltllto, In Gold and Sflrer GOLD JEWELRY of the htloatatylaa. HAMDSOUB SILVER WARI. warranted pare ooln, A., autublt for Holiday nreiente. O. RUSSELL, 15 10.,n Ho. ti V. SIXTH Street. pNH JEWKLUY FOtt THE HOLIDAYS, At M. 11 H U N N A N't IJo-r and Elesraiit IBtore, No. B03 . KlOilTIl Street, aboTO Uaes, Philadelphia. A latere and salendtd stork nf all the lateat and moot ele- ant ataltiia.tioupriaing in para I'INB AMKRIC1H, KNtil.HU, ASD Q K NET A WATCU&4. flNE GOLD, CORA.li. AMETHTflTS, AKD OTIIIUl SxYLRS Of JEpVMLKT. A handttome Tatiet of Solid Silver atd Hated Ware, HANDSOME BRONZES, &o., &o. We won Id rfunrrtfnllT Inrlle eor rrVndt and the publl'i to fall and examine inr ttiamsulvee previous to purehaaiiiK ebewbura. 1'rlurN verj tow. u i.-m ESTABLISH KI) IU 1812. HOLIDAY PSENTS. HON. WILLIAM WIION Jk S. VT. Cor. Firm and CUKttKI Bts., TH ILADRLFM1A, Hove on hand a la-fa aud (eueral aaeonoMat of BI1.YEH WAH15 Ofonrewn manuiaetare, of Ike Saeal qaaUiy aad kWheH standard of ti Oarer. ALSO, I'LATKI) WAUK. A lar aud gonernl aeMvtmont of anperlof Plated Ware, a. OLD STLVBB boutht and taken In etdiante. lllfrhee nrlova rton. 1ST 1st liOOPS FOR I'llESENTS. We have rucenUy added to onr large and extcnaivo Khck a line colli ctlou til iitwml stylet of llliOKrHH, lilAMOND". SHACK WARE, Cl0('k8. and FAtiCT 0001m, All if resent mnnuiaetar. and laaporuueo, Appropriah. for the llollda.va. 11A.1 T.lZr at. CO., 12 17 71 Xo. 819 t UKsMCT Slrett HOLIDAY PRKSKNTS. JWATCllf.S.JICWklLBT.ANUHII.VtillWABB FINE i.) ll.lt WATCUKS. TIKE COLD ADD MAUONIt JKWELKY, . n. I. lint of 1IUEAKI i'i8, lis Bim.11, AtO FTNGBI BLNOS, R 1 1. V EK W A BK, Conilitlna of all attlea. sultaole lur Hilldar and Bri dal rreaenii, alvl wkica wiliba told ai lue low eet aaak ri'tae. o . . linm M m oai.i. l!fit !t.. li S. SBWJJJll Suoei. T)0 YOU WlEn TO MAKE A rBE3E5Tl? ao to HAEBACH BROTHERS, No. 'Ml N. KIOIITII BTIlKI'iT, too will pind Tltl FINEST AND LARQHST AaanBTMRMT or HTAl'LFi AND FANOY STATIOHEBY, PnOTOORAPH ALBUM 3, an1 PANOY GOODS 1IV Til 1-3 CITY. wniTlltdt'l-HitH-in Hsaewaod,atah(iany,and Wal- nnt- hpanlltnl OMKortiner t. piiHTP.il.idi anj iohkispv CAl.t. In OTisry ely,, ard fli Idli i;ilisa - With S.Ik ail Htcl ChaJna, In M.ir50. Val Tel. Plain and rrcaincii'ed . fa, Tlllh'IY srTl.hM (IK CI A CASKS-Som" I.eailM ftil anih-rii". , LAI'IK."- (XiMPAMOSS-ta Moroacoand K-itnel, t'rf flnt onalilv a'-d tin h ThiU'l.lM. AMI Hllijri'lHU SATOIIRLS AU ilaoa and a'-a(( n piK'Kal K VI - PI AMI au'll-om f nee n,iHtr. A Pl'l.t, I.l-P. 'ir Tul mints, Hound and in Paper - kill a'llr r(ir rhlidnin iWtva- huo ii' i;, N i 1'AI Kit imii.lh -In t,reat variety. Man ent Tfly ww. 0A.U 1-UOIOOtAPllH CARIl PH'iroilKAPIISI ( AKD I lll"l(.lt Al'USI Wr hare a ap endul slis. k ef i j lo t uuiuri i ai.iuimh, reTlli. al aisiy loa? ratca, Rp( al at'tin kn la e.Mcd t.i fie NKW MOKOL't".) III.NCF, ALBUM, I.ara psrfaclly tut when opanu fall on innn.vm ItllOlllKRS If y-.u want ahand- aoauo or uauultirlMwe ror a j'li i :-i;rvT. ticl ore o our Til'.v l.m'M a. l.nce, for 75 canta : or. tlllod illi t'olcrtd riciiitiin locnia H AUBAUH BR0TIIER3, : 1,71 M : N. KIOIITII B.ltK.Kr, Phllada. J JKNPDHSON fi CO., ltfKKhKI.I.r.US, SI A I lONRIH, AND DHALKItl III l'Lotocrnpli Alliiiins ami Fancy Artirlos. Are rrce'vln? dal y all the KOVELTIES OF TEE EEASOJf, Which ailll he sold at reaonahle pr'oa. ANI Nf F.I- ORHI I AN'I' l)KM NIIS KVACl'KL) 11K0AUH OF1I !, UK I'Al'tlt I'LUUrUATIONM. II olIiHH Ccine early In the aeaiion and make yonr salocMons. JO THE I'UULIC. Tiianknii to our irvennt ana tno puaue ror tna UMra" patroniK boitowtd upon ui, w would inform ther that having DJai exteuilra altera .funs In our eitabtiihmoai. wa are now pre pan d to exnouia Ploturtwto tha laUsrtotioa of all who may TaTor as with m call. Having now t our t ii i m an d lnrrf aKl facHUieg, wa taao pleasure In itoUoltins a dlicomirp public (o compare tlie execution of our work with that produced at any other ettablliliuiunt la tha United States. We would also state tha. our QALLtHY IS FHEE TO AlU tSr the examination e Fptelmem. NotwIUmtanillnf the) advance of material used, and waes of bands ciukye) we ate yet furnishing HCTUIIE3 AT THE OLD TRICES. I'hnto Mlnfatnres. iirytv iiPri. I.tln.tUe llfsdn Ir. rrarnn, OH, and Psr!. ("AMtH t aire heads in t.'ravnn. and ranil. Jmpcrml, l'hun nt Coinred. II l4,ti-10,4 4, and l-3nlaea arto do Vllte Tntttos. fuil-sixe, 14, tUaO at (Usn. ADihrotypcs. rmm 7r cents upwards. FfiTui.. pes. $1 per dozi-n.tfco Ao. On haud and for sale, a large lot of Coploa or lUiro iiKravlnffv rnOTOOSAPIIB of alt Ihe I'BOXHSKNT UKRRALB and DIHTINOUIOURO MKN, Ao.4. Ouifclde Tlews taken at short notice. 1IENHZCY tfc CO., PlkOtosrapHersio 12 lfi -lm No 811 AJiCH 8trei. HOLIDAY TRESENTS. f. BUUUKI.LKUMANN A OO., o. fa X. fcl'HITH Hinnat. ar nw offering, at aro berjalni. a rail and aiilend!4 asaortnunt UliY OOoIIH, aultublo (or UuUlAV i iiKSKN IH. ilLAN K I T and BROCT1E SAWI.S. laH (idOUS, In every vern.t7. a'UHNiKIIINil (loons. In orerr TArlelr. CI.OAKIHO CLOTHS. Ac. Ao. One eeiis more of Ihoae 4t extra heavy Uteaotwel liuclliia, tot ceiita I tic caic more new York Mine llloaened Mnalla. One oaJM; exira heavy riblisl Suakor Flannel. One rate One Hhaker flannel. hari ama In FlaJn and PU1.1 PoDllns. Merluoas. Itlack and Colored flllks, Ac. Ao., at Vi ln-17 ttm No. 'is n. .KllilITu SlrMt, rpiK LARGEST AND FINEST A8HOKTMINT Or I'AIINT UOXKS. DLCAIX'OMAHIA P1CTCRK8 AHO WHITE TAgBS, PICTOTtCS ANI riCTUKB BOOKS, WJtlTINU POETrOl.108, AMD OTMBB CHRISTMAS PIU0SENTH, Of the chotooat kind, ai moderate prleoa, SCHOLZ & JAHENTZKY, 11 IS Ht Ho. Ill B BKJHTH STREET. QO-rAIlTNEKSlMP NOTICE. The underntgnod have thla dap formed a Oo-Partnerahla under the style and title of ADAMM Jte LEVIS, Far the' n'arpvae of trauiactlnf a (enerel liANKINO ' AND STOCK-BIiOKERAGE BUSINB3S. OIL,, TtUGBAPH, Aad EXPBKH8 COMPANY STOCKS mad a ftneolaltr. Government Loans and Hpeale Boutht and Sold. THRODOKK ADAMS, UKORQB H. LKVI8, ' It l'Uf Mo. 10 CHESMUT StreM. rjSIVEEAL CL01EE3 WEINQEE. THE "GREAT FAMILY KCONOMIZER." IT 18 THK BEST ARD ON"LY RELIABLE WRINGER Biroaa the pbofi b. IT IS TUB MOST DUSABLB 1IACHISB MADE. It U Ue ealy Wrlejor with th. LATENT COG WIIEKL REGULATOR Fer ttrrahni both roPe tor lhr, whloh ao'lUvely prevMN IkareBa ham breaking or Iwlilluf oa Ui. skafl, aa ail n ftnttera w.inout COG WHEELS WBl Ao. no matter haw strongly It tsar be a an acted to tha oatrary. 11 la nel enry a r error i wrinrer, mil me x-a n aeeiB iriv. II a power whieA ren'lers It a nnit k)XCKl.LkNT H AHHEK, aa teaiiaed teky Uio.aaada who aave II la uae. 11 aavaa time, lanor. oidttta. ami money. It wtl par ko HaainaUw bAVl.NU Of CJX1U1NU ALOMK every alt "kiI.HT PI7P.B -The naual Family Rites are No. 1, Ko. l.,,ea4lU. 2. Theaekav. (JOO WHEELS, Aad ar. warrankad la every pariicaUr. No. V i aaid li are not n arratiled or reeomm. aiked, umy In. ae naiatl rolla Itiai Coca canno be mid, al-.hoairh tay are of tne name aiae aad pa-iee aa Ueee sold by mm uaaAere. E. L. UUBN1IAM, ' Mo. 17 S. STITB BTEEBr, rbUadetjihla. U mwilal AUaaraoturart' Afeat r Bait Ftona. T)ftiE CALIFORNIA WINKS ! JL PlUK CAMFOEN1A WINVHJ ri KBi I 1.1 r'inma ... ... . MOCK WIN., front Cahloraia Tutryaroa, wiueJ to to faraoua fel'lne. . j . j POUT wiaE.B-omOaMlaVhi..varl,.w aaadand 7 I.1Ii' t',7,!l"'l vavarda.m alal.br A Htel-I A W IttDi 11 k'ISB - Wewakva aavw - - "utcl"ti Wl,fromCMxaU Tl.7ard..aci)t. abia te ebpldiea and eheanod. r....lta HH KK r WIRE. fnn. CaiiAtrmla Tlneyards, r peaulaar OKAPE liKAhliV. rfliwi .! lonila Traeyards, aaed kalidi wiiM be '"'" , , . I'AUFOBMIA WE AuECa,ll.tJ ffarty Iwal i. ,irutUet,b,ieO.uw UM-taaliu(