The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 23, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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rrmng (Mcrjtitiili
Cotton, 'tis true, urn a mlaiity kin;?,
I ru ed Willi an awful sry
atinns trc mtiltil ln-l'nre Ij is tbrono.
tie oallid the wealth of the world his own
r many iiliasuni ilnjr.
mit of mistaMo mooil win ho,
'h a fate in nrb raorlif;
Argonaut were Jul tmrmiilon.
Lis (l.ns "failed clceu" wnlitli- ir countless
f Hi
rlie gciiuino 'Golden F.Ve.-o."
.4 WJ. i.
lie Prncnn's t'dli have propped, at ln-t,
lie sou who smir in hhi :
otton, fetri'rrrl wHi iron CTos.
ilirg II i drrarieM of Iiti's.
1 King Cannon rclftis in his sicaj'
if. 'iBtrh, tmrottth and prim, Is ho
in a iixi ci aim tr.n tr.wn ;
ir limylia, hut there s'ltnctlmos slip
J-riWc roar from hl r if ' I lip.
ij Khali Mnito whok armies down!
jinrksnt Kins; Cotton's'T pitM,
Xj-I tin ir p., rinls ni.lver unil fall j
Jyw ljpbt breaks on the K.liel pUins,
J the iwnrtiiy Iiib chxlns,
Jp'i nee fiom the depot's thrall.
)Vii a kiuir so hnvook mad
iruiiion nii b !il aiid uore
he haul' s for ronif as well as Kinhl.
Irenrl es ton oft tie d nhtflll lilt lit
the tyrant lie smote bid'ore.
rn in wlio-e ln-arts the silver strains
n olden I'eaee still sum I,
r iph this monarch's faiil than tors, prijr
there liph en, ere lunp, a h d .-jrnn Uy
jiion Kinp Cui,non init.v I iliscrowucd ;
'n. locked once more In his Iron mall,
i y nnjr Kin tuber itli aili-nl lips ;
,P ke but to bremlie the . joyous note
rcs'ivnl from bin royal throat,
jtf tbo Kebel K inn's eclipse !
in Stiits Sen ire Sfmtazinc.
1. .
nr ccn
ok. Tin:
I't.lil V
nimiiix or
centuries ar.i, when till countries and
ties, except China, were jot young, tbero
bed In tU it wonderful empire a ovoroiin
e and temper a Tarur, who ruled his
' with a rod of iron ; his name win Chlnir-
Grout und absolute monarch as ho was,
As not, howertr, entirely supremo in his
to, for ouo, a fetn.ilc, ruled him a lady who.
j tnore than her fuiher, inherited all tho attri
jf of the Tartar race, hut of smb. a surpassing
(miraculous beauty, that to see eron lior
twas to become enamored. Of course she
ny suitors at the time of tho opening of
4lc, when alio hid just turned sixteen ; bu-.
Jiust know that from her earliest girlh.ioi
ad had suitors, and nearly every sovereign
v Miumi nunu iitt i miiae proposals or mir
J i i .(j 1., ....
.jf uu miu ins own piirticuiar net to c.itch
iluhty prir.o who was being dandled In her
a arms.
first proposal mado to tho Princess In ner-
rhose name was Chan;, rang,twas at tho ape
Jrloen, by a young Emperor of India an
which would havo boon agroe iblo to both
s. It la id that on this occasion her heart
..slightly touched with the blind god's dart.
1,1 5 T0UDf? cinperor was apparently prospcr
his mlt, when chance also, I belicre, a
f goddess throw in her way Coufueius'a
ntlse on Early Marriages," after perusing
4 the broke oif the match, and tho young
rror his neck, by casting himself In dojpalr
.ong from the summit of the nalace wills.
f) never heard whether this incident cause 1
py uneasiness, for she nover lost her health.
Ibe continued, as beloro, the reigniug beauty
16 K.HHU'rn worlil.
from that time forth she rejected all anltnra
lad, as was believed, taken a row of cellnacy,
A ffrpjit inrrnw nf h.. r f. h.. ka
e intense disgust of the court la li is, who
jealous or her chsrms, and wished to see her
u ana, so to speak, "done for." Suitors
me in shoals, out she rejected them all,
u a resolution not loeiimiM ucr midan
and, averse to husbands, resolved to hus.
'lOiallections. Muny thouiilit her crazed : but
her father, who was ever lmnressin nn in
ie Importance to bis own emiilre of her
aj-'e with some preat potentate.
ng l'ang, Deautuut as siio was, was of a
ml cruel diiosition, and cired no more
at her father said than the idle wind: but
ly, at whieh time she was about seventeen'
or age, Dewiming harassed by continiul
ation-, the bit noon scheme to rollnva
If from her suitors. It was this: She
sed three conn a. I rums, which I will tell
resontly, and promised to marry the man
noma eucceea in guessing them, annexing,
tenaiiy, ueaiu to ttie rasti man wno ta uld
and fail in the attempt, l'o this artful
i, the emperor, in a weak moment, con-
1; and the horrible consequence of this
laveliian scheme I am going to relate toyou.
iay uk cxpccieu, us was me case, tuit this
e, which was publicly proclaimed, thinned
umber of (niton rapidly, but not to so
an extent as Chung Tang had expected.
' .was her transcendent beauty, and ao groat
itocuularv value of the prise to the lucceNSlul
ftfer. laa procium ition, or whL'b I have a
in Phinoan i , m v I ... i
bereas, divers princes and otluir oersons of
le rank have demanded In marrisare the
of our well-beloved daughter and heiress.
Pang, but none of thein have engaged the
ms ot our atoresmd danahter: and
!a, it is hereby proclaimed and doclured
very person or persons who might, would,
, or could, at present or in future, be dosi-
I 'i uciuuuuiiiK in msiTiiige tue aioreaia
"er, that in the event of such person or
is eniiMiaciornv unsweriug tuese niuttes.
as, conundrums, cb irad -s. or o:her divert-
Jj'jestloni to be propounded, or otherwise I iid
,iL4hm, by ouraloresaid daughter, that per
nuliall forthwith receive, take, or otherwise
"Jsj possessed of our aforesaid daughter's
'""i In marriage, and be mdu eo-helr of this
miaw estial Kmplreof all the Chinas; but, and
! other baiid, it such person Or persons fail
Ve or otherwise answer the aforesaid dlvert
, ,i iritions, they shall ba immediately hanged
a neck n mil they die or otherwise expire,
1 ''lielr goods, chattels, or other personal and
,rouerty, If there be any, be forfeited to unr
r.jrkiai Exchequer. Oiveu at our Court of
. oat this period there urrived iu I'ekin a
"t man, to all outward appearance mean and
Vnd by trade a photographic artist, an art
- Si many centuries ag, and much practiced
Tearly period ol the Chinese Empire, though
I lost, and lately rediscovered. I may as
Acll you at once ; be was son and heir t tbe
Sor of Thibet, lust then dispossessed by a
of barbarians led by an unscrupulous
vr. This young man (who was at present
!most strictly anonymous itu-nymto, but of
name we do not scruple to betray as much
leiters Ch-iig I'-ug) took up bis ab.idu ut a
hotel in I' which wer3uttached lare
is, a great resort of the nobility for opium
jeelng the proclamation, which was dis
J In the gardens, he at once made up bit
to become a suitor to the Princess, but re
i also to maintain a strict inemnilo. He
i formidable rival in the I'rinie Minister of
V,org l'ong, a man whose sensual, unscru
j rliuracter and stupid aduiinistrutioa bad
, J hiiu the bat.ed an j contempt of every
CliiucfKa rara am, indeed, ia Cliina, but
' liter) The two rivals met ut the public
The minister was seated at a table,
ng opium and tobacco from a jewelled
and to all appearance In a stile of com
ae eaie, when bis eyes happened to light on
l,, rslrcs cd and unshaven stranger. The .sight
jiomeiit disturbed liiui, and he twalknvcd a
liful ol smoke, whieu brought on a terrible
) Ill-it rctsed stranger remarked that he
' to havo a wretched cough, by way of
ioclug a conversation. I'pou which the
'cr was pleased to Impure, who he wax, lor
a something in the bearing of tho stranger
iKlraycd the nobleness of his birth. The
r tec mod scarcely sali-lled with the reply
i was a photographic artist, and being again
with coughing, frowned severely on him,
ftor live minutes more sinnktug, laying
lis hookah, ami taking from his side some
4 tube's, laid to the stranger, who was
t l a so nt y nieal of radishes aud water :
ing man, I would have had you punished
(rsncy, but knowing that this morniug she
ou me."
tg F-ng, bis mouth full of radishes, said.
Hit Who is she i" In tone quite void of
J k BiinUter, apparently rather puzzled what
vt tLe stranger, proceeded to read aloud
stranger haviug reared into the house the
Ing, which l have translated, and eudesj
u preserve the metre .-
0 Chang Tang! O Chang Tang I
Thou art like Hie c I irion's clang,
1 hroiiKb the air thy accents ranir,
And the inne thy sweet lipi sang,
I' ew and fixed me wlrh a hang,
Yea, on nie, severe Chung Pang.
0 Chang I'ang! C) Chang Tang!
Thou art liko the bo unerang
Hurled Irom out a Tartar gang,
Mountains, wild, and glens ainang;
For to s ay the bold ormig
And my fate art thou, Chang Pang.
Then taking from Ids b ft breast a tinv emhrol
cVrcd slipper, lie pto.-cuded to kiSs it ardently, at
bic h moiin nt the stranger eatno up, and struck
with the mi.i.iIi rful . and (ieli -acy ol the
Hour, statclicd it from him. Oh, how slloperv
is the path nt love ! It would see n ih it Cn-ng
I' I g I. n s ,w in liiMnii.d s ejoiho transi-endcni
brainy of the owner of ill a Ipper, for need J say
It wks tin slipper i t lianc Pang f The in mister
thrilled Murder !" and "I'ire !" anil "Waiter I"
li w. a of no HM-, for iho sir.iiuM-, thrust'ng blm
aside, and threauning his l:lc, was gone from
tie pnnh ns In a moment, wldie the premier
iol!cd sprawling on the ground in a fainting state.
A few days alterwnds Can P-ng presented
himscif at tho palace, very h i i Is iiiin.v dressoi,
ai d prKliiined ln intention of attempting to
glu ts the riodles. Iielug by no means terrified by
tbc beads ol the iin-ncecs-iiil suitors, wiieU
gilt m il gliiistly ' lUlie liauleincn's. The minis
ler, C hong Peng, on h s cut img th i presdnci
chmiiber, recoiinied him, a-ol warned him in a
winner lo withdraw; but Cn-ng P ng pud no
ntti iition to h:m, and firocecdci to do oh -l-aife
tolbo Mm pi tor mid Prl'icess. I'll' roc pt on
I c i g ci ni luil -d, h-ng I' tut, Vi iled, ro-e and
r ii'rd the following, of which 1 give you a
lolifli translation :
On a tbrono i t brrak of day,
In the il'isl nt i enitig ray
Ot.ce o'u Canion wielding sway,
llv bis purtail tori) awav,
Itorne from ( aiiton's rolling bay,
To lull 'xibles ii prrr,
l.y his mazier now ib gra
1 Ml, an I gone where no may stay,
Till we for his r insom pay
(lb t the w hich 1 w ish he hi av),
Siranin r, aulvo my simple say,
Hut, beware, don't s iy mciiiiy.
Cb rg P ng, with nn i llort of mind which
se mi a gtut etuloti to the counters, at onci
giictsecthe answer to be "Vch!" Wiierenpon tne
Price ess, chagrined but not def. atcd, again rose,
and, casting a coiili lent lo k around, re: tc I iho
seeoi d conundrum in mclodijus tonus. It is as
follows :
The ocenn Is my fli'-tlmg's home,
I haunt the heaving billow,
Ard where the waves are lashed In foam
I have niv downy pillow j
Yet tomeiinv a towards iho sunnykios
1 with Irndcs out dyes.
Of all that's ii nrmlitrinf
On earth I'm om'ile mail",
I ii vt 1 dio a brief career!
A brief career aitiivic.
'Twould sci in, though ever starving, I'd
lly reason of repletion died.
My third Into my llrst I
Will ivor be united,
For thus combined they form a dish
To nit you'll be delighted.
'Tis Ktrai ge that things so slight and sparo
Combined should form a dish so rare.
The Princess, after tho applause was hushod,
said the "third" syllable rea I as follows:
Vln n on tho fattened swino
1 ulktll the butcher's knife,
Ami you hear a voice, 'tis miuo
The cry ol parting life.
I'm utid, too, in the proverhial slang,
For thoso who'vcjUMt escsped death's pang.
For a moment tho Prince seemed bewildered,
and a shadow of doubt and anxiety passed across
his haudsLine countenance, but it was bat mo
mcntaiy, and, with a preliminary smack of the
lips, be i xelttinied : "Iliibblo-and-squoak." The
Princess indignantly rose again, and, with flash
ing ye und quivering voice, repeuted y defiantly
the following verses to an uudienco so silent you
could hear a pin fall :
l'rm Cupid's poisoned dart
Thou thalt never be delivered j
From the first into thv heart
Swift it Mew, ami thore it quivered.
II pe no more that thou wilt pla e
Yet tbo second on my linger.
Look ouce more upon my face,
f rtcotiiTinj.
1'or thon must not long linger.
Our Ccle-lial F.mpiru lama
To the barbarous whole has given.
If ihou canst not tell his name,
Thou iitjVuin for me hast striven.
The F.mperor ind court, on seeing her unveil,
said that Ch-ng l'-ug was lost, aud that tho sigh
of such resplendent charms would drive linn
mad. Nut to, however, for in a t uu of ex i na
tion, be exclaimed, "liowring" (Sir John).
Chung Pong, the minister, louacd bullied and
angry, und snore hideously in his sleeve. The
Fioperor was dumb with surprisoi but tho
FriLicrs rising suddenly, solved tho dull :ulty,
and declared the would not marry him ; nav,
would die sooner, and tticti begin to faint aiid
beat her heels on the ground. Uh-ig P ng, who
caiefully observed her, und saw tho pri.e slip
pii g from bis grasp, iiotermined to try another
tuck, ami proposed thai he should pripound a
nddlo to lur, and in the event of her gue-smg it,
she should alu e and fry hnu ;, bar, if unsuccess
ful, the should marry him. And on bur con
tenting, ho spoke as follows :
Cruel lauv, who is ho,
l'oyal and a refugee,
Wiindcrer over laud and see,
To the land of truth and tea f
When he thought his trouble o'er,
liliss tils own i'.r evuimro,
fsee him wrecked upon the shore,
Poor r than he was bofore,
You'll one difference it ou try,
From your name and hi descry.
If yen ask me where it lie,
I sinill, unsweriug, ask y.u Why ?
The Princess, receiving a copy of the rlddlo,
left tho loom with her attendants, and the Em
peror said they would meet aguin next morniug,
when ibe Princess would gt'O her decision. That
evening the sent her mistress of tho robes to en
treat Ch-ng P-ug to give up a 1 thoughts of mar
riage ; but It was iu vain ; and afterwards she des
patched Chong l'ong to ferret out the secret, the
answer to the ridd.e. Entering the apartment
ol Ch-ng P-ng, disguised as a nurse, bo succeeded
in cajoling him to disclose theaaswer, and throw
ing i ll exultlngly his disgui.-e as bo left the room,
plunged Ch ng P-ug into Indignation and grief
at the plot by means of which be had been bitui
boolid and betrayed.
1 he next morning the Court assembled, and
the Chung Pung, who, of cjurse, had had an in
terview with the mini-tcr, rose and repoitcd,
tolimtily and triumphantly, as follows :
Vby tho refugee on high
Pent bis bold aspiring eie.
Wtiv, when thinking oliss was nigh,
In the dust low he must lie;
Why bis cunning I defy,
Why no hope he may descry.
Why ere evening be m ist d e ;
Why i (Jhymj I'ymj Is spelt with y.
The Ismperor was surprised and shocked.
Cbyng P) ug showed blank despair, but tho miu
i ter applauded vociferously, while the Princess,
veiled, resumed her scut. Chyng Pyog, whose
fate seemed certain, seeing no help or sympathy
lu any face, prepared for death, whicli seemed
now imminent, when the Princess Chang Paug
lose, and, throwing olf her veil, acknowledged
her heart melted, and expressed her intention ot
giving blm her hand iu marriage, saying she
lo.ed biui from the first, which la-t remark stag
gered him. All the court wero delighted, except
Chong Pong, who, overwhelmed with disappoint
ment, soon uftei wards left the court, ami married
bis cook, for it teemed no one else would have
liim. The Prince then disclosed his name mid
runk, which gave great delight to both the Em
peror and Princess, and, ulter a short deluy to
prepare the uinrriage festivities, Cbyng Pyng and
Cbuug l'.iEg were united in wedlock, aud became
the purents of a long line of kiugs.
The Inundations in Italy have not passej
oer, as was supposed, without loss of lilo. At
I.ongana a whole family of eight persons per
ished undir the ruins of their cottage. Yas
numbers of cattle have been drowned, and the
lots ot property of all kinds is immense.
Major Yolvirton's petition to apply tho
judgment of the House of Lords, was in the
"tingle bills" of tho First Division of the Cour
i f (session on Wednesday, and was remitted to
ibe tuinimr roll. On Monday, a note was boxed
for Mrs.1 htreta I. ngworth, or Yelverton, craving
leave to put in a condescendence of ret nori.'vr to
tbo tlltct that Major Yelveilon hud repeatedly
admitted the Scotch marriage to his brother
Frederick Yelverton, now uei eas .d, and in par
ticular had ta'ked with him during bis last illness,
iu presence and hearing of tsaruh Mu'lins, his
nurse, in terms implying an acknowledgment of
said marriage. tycutnuan.
A letter from nautical nun at Calcutta,
States, on the authority of the Meteorological So
ciety's report there, that the pressure of the wind
during tho recent cyclone was thirty-two pounds
to the square inch. The Immense comparative
loice of the gale uiny be gathered from the fact
that, lu the last great gale at Liverpool, the max
imum pressure of the wind was forty-throe
pounds to the square foot, and the saino figure
was reached during the great gale of bA, while
the hifcU winds of 1S,;.', which are still remem
bered, only reached a maximum pressure of
forty-two pounds to the Square foot The gale
of 1H.V.I, during which the steamer ll'iyai Charter
was lost, Indicated a pressure not exceeding
twenty-eight pounds lo the square foot,
For Won Ratsoilna nt InwntVMoee nf Drtne, Irrnutsa,
Inltunniatlea of V'UoraUoa nt Blarfitar of Klitnort,
if l rrttntt QUmiU, Mhw Ou BUdUr,
Ciftnlui, Orartl. r Art-t-rfsstf nrptfH, and all PtnaM
r tM U jk4r, KHloejn, and Inilel wvOlwrs.
For W k ! arittnf Irom RioesslTt IniCsorotloa. Ths
etinsUttrtloa Mice aOsvud with Oryantt Wnknet miulrui
ti.e aid of meJIrUio ta irffiirfVuanf Mirt-Tiir thetyttrm.
t.lcli UKIJtllKIU)' BXTKACT IllHUU InrsrlA.Mj
do, If os trtatmoM Is tulaultod to, Oaasituiutlna or
lusanttj my snsu.
tm afflc'etloni pecnMw to'Tm ALm, knqafilod kyny
other prepaU-ftilon, tu la ChlortMlt, or KtcUnt IrrgTi.
IuitiM t rhiftilaj, or ftapprKjn of CvttoaiAry
ii Ation ; UlcsUitUd, or b:fiou SUM of th Vtarps;
MiMforrhujA, nd all antpUlDU Inoliloat to tho mi,
whether ortoliiK from hftblu of (SlsMpAUon, tusxpratltiuotvo,
or lo ths JuoUne or otiuict of Wo,
Will radically xUrtuinato from Iho ijatora Dlioaaei o'
trto Urtaary Organ anting frou Habita of Ululpailoa, of
Imte txpnt$ lUiU or no ckange w diM noiwmvtnumc
or$rfo$ur0i oooiplM tnp9riMKUiig thoM uftMant and
Jnurou4 rtmii6t Oopmi mn4 Morturp, in ail titooo
In oil DUaaaoa of tho Urinary Onrano, waoihor oxiitlnf la
"AlaU' or "female," ft om vhalfer cowm TijitUng ,
and no ma't-tr 0 Avw long itondimf. It to ploMaut ta
taito and odor. "JmmiutH" in Hm, aud moro
itrra((U.ciiliic than any of Iho praparatiooa of Bark or Iron,
Thoie uiTtrlni from Broken Down or Vhcai4 Conslttu
Horn, proevro (Ao Rtmsdp at on .
Tho tauot 00 a war that, aoworor oUfat aiay bo
Iho attack of l aboTO itoeaoao. It lo Oswtaoa to aAoot J
Moditf UaHh Mvnial Povor$t Uwmut and 4i Fo4-
U iDX&oi Jtuctot, CuM$, anil Junifor Berries eo
fectod vUb grooft car ainl proporod la taowo y H.T.
UOlJ-bOtaDisUingKial and Cbenuit of taiewn ycaro' oa
ovrleaoo la ;tto otty of FUlade-yhi. a4 aow arooorlbod
by tho awMMolaaat of tbo faonlty, ao4 havo bocn od
jullUid to u-e In tho L'uitid BUtei Anuy, and aro al-o ta
vary ptcral uio In Bute lloipltalf and buWlo Sanitary
InctltoUooa thxouicut tho laud. MuJlirHj doJvorod
U) any aMrtM, ocoumsaiikHl by edylk4t dlrocloa. DUoot
lotion to
BUJftJtOlD'8 Drug and Chomkal Waiohoaio,
Ho. 594 Broadway. New York,
Or HKUfBOLD i afodloaJ Dtpot,
No. 104 B. Tooth ittoot, PfclhMWlpoi.
ftWwaro of OooUorfotto, ik tut UUXMBOLP H, an
Oftoo orjo frou T took A, M.
DttiU vr whure. 9 8
1 in: C lirftoRF B MKDirihEH.
couroiTxurD rn y-x)T, bauks, and lbavkb
ra in din a rtir4ta
cur. u a of m MM V VH M.
rli,ir nrmm, urh Mn- MM .M f M M V M
cm tin. -Tire tf . I'rin, V. M VT MM M H
Inflamatton if tht Hlml.Ur, W M M M MM MH
laltunininilim of tho Ktd- MM tfMMM t M
n"M Hmmr in th Baflrlar, MM MMMM MM
Htrtrinra, (lr.l, i.WX, MM MM MM ftl 4
(inoirbo a, and It tipwi. MM M H M M MM
al y rrnmninrlOi1 In tlmaa VM MMMM MM
rii of Fiaor Allut (or MM MMMM MM
Wl.ltra In ftina-) whrrO
all Um old nRMaontit lucUI-
liioi liav frfili 1 Tt U fkrvarv1 la h.qVy
.' VC eMipiitrtMl iorm, tha iio
rtXCCi' OiU) I'tMiiK frnm nn ( tn tf a-
TP C panful, tu-A Ufa- 0"C 1.
CO IMi Jfnrftlc and a (ortim
0 In Msj antlon; punfjliiai and
flrfji rj the bV1, ranf m
CO It in Dow in an in or if nil
0(1 ro pnrilr and Tiif vr; thai rmtm-
CV' CO vIiir mm t ho Tftfm ailiiar-
rvc( u, . aij.m wnMh hao ta
f (T 'luotj Jtiraie.
T1N It Inirntlrd a an ally
rilu-tani In thtst'Hr HO-
KtK Kf MKDY, and nh.fild rffFTH
um! in rnrltmi-'ion with Kl.HKtSKKK
thai n:ilirine in all ca'f nf p-f,
ti-itusrrlm'a. tllft, h woe KK
A Uiui or httet. In V.KrvR
ar hrellng, thiii4t, (ud KrRftS
ViiMilrtiit ; rmovitiaj at KK
ica dm hat. rlMrilti, aad -K
ra n litntra.l of lb buriiiiHi K r.KK KP. Cf
at-1 Rjin.'sjt nn r.-Virnl. c p ilri
U at t tTtrttva with
d'urf all U. mc.
livcii-iu-. lv th nwf fha rilRO-
RRfi KKM rlT aoil ( UK
li'tK KK INJKCI'l N - Ut
It'I TTTT h. niv-tllrin- at tha tame
1 M IMI Itinit- all Improper Jh-
I'll li II n nt t a' i" r.Miioi il, n l t v.
Hll till w.K!tf I or' ft 11 J r ti1-
I'lilMTIi MlTiliiM liv r-t rtd to fnU rkj .r an.l
KllliUullHHMII iirftHKih.
Il'l II 'I K..r fm' pfirili'nlari tft out
'"I lin pnwi'liU't tmm any itruit
II ' UII Ktin ft ibn rounrry, or
UU liU writ ui. and w will mail
fro to any atMrjs 0 full
(T1KROKFB fi nK-Aii
ov u'nti cur f.r Hjhmtii-tj-rrli.i
tn nril mkntii,
N rturral F.imvili r, nnd PMOI-Wm j
all diAinsr duai. tl by XvK Kl H H 11IH
p'tlni'un, ni'll at l,i of I'M I
M tttii it t I imral ll IH 1
In If, Pam In II. M kt !) Pit
thtiinrm of .n, 1'rrmi- 1M jlll J
t.m-A;r, Wtikv NrrvM, 11
t,mltT wf It nthin, Jl 1H 1
TlVDlMll'g, WM'mlnrl, 1M im I-I11
I ruotixnt on tti rac, lao 1jLD1ULU
I'OUIIIIM'fitiro. 1 f 1 :1 r 1 T v . Coll-
ninptloli. and all the i1lriiil
e')in(MaJi)la-Aiiftl Ji-jiait-
nt ltii itn of nature. Th'i'nf- ( a mpl
Tvt.i-i th r etrnct, And on
on whtrn all ran Tfly ai It
h bt-en utpd in our ro
llrr f.-r many yar, ard
wl li lliUMi iili trrntel. It
lFFFTKrr.H hn-t not ftiiird In a 111111141 1
H KliJtLKK lflitHnr. Ill flumtlvo pow-
V R s?r, havft l. i, au rtloi-int to
K K-iin vlriorvovcr tbo oj'at 1
r KFR ituiittoro cat. I
F K KB) lotli who hftTn iTifl'd
KB tib lloir coiiitltutinni untU i
KM th. t think tl'miit'iT, te
FFKF.rrRFU yoiid tlm r'hrh of tri1ir.t 1
hH.tJtJA VJ.S i"l,w would .v )P,4-ik
t'l.'Hrl will! yon ti
ht-anli ml vu-nr. an.l fr
....... . .-r. ru Iin
from pure Vt-wtaliin Ki
II a J
tract h, contaoiitifr nothtnir
liijutlntil to Dm inoet OcU
cato. Thn RfltiTpnallrnr Kllxlr
In the reenli ot motirrn
rttno " It 11 In tlt v nota
ble Rtiuiloni; bflin an
ntfriM mw and a' rn. t
m(liod f ctir'. lirt'iitrft-
tivt-of ail the old and woru-
out evitiuiua TM meillrlne hit l-ena
toteil Ut ine niot emt
nont ui' dlenl m-'ii of ttie
dar, ami by ttiftn pro
noiinccii to h onr of tne
RKRRHKHKR pr'AUnt lurdical dlecovvrica
KhltKUKKhK tvf ih
It lift KKR One i tie will euro UVtie-
KKK HKU rftllMLiLty.
UltK itKK A low. l. eca cure Uitorlci
KKKHKKKi- K In Kernel
kmc HiMt l)no tittto rtirag palplta-
1;UK It KR tlon o il. Heart,
hklt KHR A irw dono n'ltoro ttie
liUlt liKR or!unHorntr.tilon.
t roiu on to three btt
tie rextore the uianll
and full Tigur of
A fVw dotre rostore the
'1 lire t'ottlrs cure the worirt
cam ol Intpotrncy. OOCfV
a ow OotM cure tho low (;oix;:f!
aplritod. (V OO
one In t tie roitort'i mm- ( O 00
tal power. (M.:
A iw d.vsn-t bring the rote t l
u tin ciift-a. n
'I hut nirtlMne ret'oret C 00
to manly vijor and niiitt C' C;
hi-allh tlie i.r dtbill- O'TCrCQ
Until, worn - ilm n, and iitn. CO. .CO
pair nir devoiuo o4 auiuual
plciuiuio. THIS RI.IX1R rmrea Hr-
trl. itetierul llfMuxy, 1 aJ-
f itttin 01 thn tiort, and
topottHirT. It roiUrf 1 mtn
fH'Oft tai M'wer ami ttie aiitrh.
00(K)0O and caiut'S the roue to mount
OOo ono th.-.h..,. f pallor, and the
M 0f d-'lHilt ttM man or w.ciian
OoJ OOO t ff-'l ;onaj-i ami it.-iu.
ho 00O Urn vouiiic atnl ainhtJoiif
VI IKll DrUoJ lo Cdlirie UiroUalb
t;(0 Oi 1) e.t-ry vein, the nvr to
0n into become krnDt, end Uio Are
OorvnfHi of t,w urn mitl viuor M 10
O' )((J anlmttti (Jn ontlra IumI,
buiiiinik' ut th c tmtltution,
r.'i.erinsj kv na i Hi to 111 viy
fllKKOKFK TIT r.AI a ad au.l ila&ejied Oreakle.
nt iAK . oa 1H
rVAl-K HKl.l l.aion,
IIKAl.iH, Till
t'KK'r A I N AMI H. r K. . Mil
For the ItwiiovaJ of Mil
iru tlona, and tho lumir- MM
anrr f lulnrlty In the lilt
wcniTHoce 01 liio Muatiiiy IMI
riotli. IMI
1 hey rure or obviate llmao l Ml
nniiieroua .llit-an- that MM
irprt u froia Irrtiitilarllv, by It It
rrtirfitUig .be irft-ftularKy
Thr euro 9nrprjad,
Ksf-lve, and I aunt ul Men
alriifttioo. RK IK Timy cure Oreen HU'k-
KK K& m il Ohl nila)
KK KH Ther rurn N n nr 11 and
KK Ka "pitial Atrn ine faina tn
KK KK tno ItaiK a'.d lower paxu
KK KK of the Hoily, llaxifa.
KK KK Fat:trun no bdk'it Knfrilon,
KK KK pi-ation of tne (Mart,
KK K K Jwnma of Hplrtta. llv. o
KK KK ri, HU HVadache, 1 1 11
KJa ka nnai, An., A.r. in a word.
b rfinov'ntbnlrnia'Ularliy.
th'V roinOtti ids a !, ani
with It aU ttie eif.U t-tat
tyiiug flow It.
rompoed of arm no reto-
tahia efctrBCt. Irn-y nni'aifl
nothtiia to a"r KMH Hff
rontiiii(l n. however dell NNV
cat, Utwir funvlsio b-lng to NN NN KM
auDmltuir Uiirthlr .- r mi 1
pa, hit ti, winn nru.ioily KM M KM
lifted. thfT n-ver tall 10 do. S H
'ilifv mar ie aitiriv unea n n ri
at mjtw ftKf and at aio peilod, NN N N1
f.rrriUurttiff Ike firttthrtO S HHNti
nionihM, dunnif whir.n tlie M A Nil
unUllii-B nntuie 01 thalr ao
ll. in would li.taLl.blr ium
vijiT priunaecy. Trleee of the Ohemkee
Si.Miiriiiea('hmiAsj Heme
ay, 4 a 00 ttie. t 3 bottit-a
f'i$ 'hn.k-e Injemr.n
' a bn'tle.or 8 bott.en for
$.). ( bnrnkee Cure, $t a
IxtttJi', or bo'tia lur ft
1r Aright KlUir, t a
botilo, or 9 but net rbr ti,
(tiT-roVee Fillsi, for fiulea,
il a boa, or ti boxua for A-
t KlJJ.KtKk.ll
y r
If F K R
In tbefHEUCKKK. MF.rtU
rinia, thu unfortbnaia will
find a tlAy of denvciraneo autK rlna and pam r
day vphudid and gloilotia, FKKKKFKKKK
when tht-y kha 1 ho W lr KKKKKKKI-:! without i-eiaiiion or 1 v.
rrpi no, eittier Ihruutcb mer- KK
ci)iir Muii.a or u.o inrtfl- I K.rtKl".
elvn. y ofnauaaoiia prepeia- Kf.KKH
linna. KK
Tie ,'herokiieMedW"tnt,e" icK
acnmplish thttr rausuui Y.v KKKKKKKR
ihelr riuarciimliuu. AO AKl.a'.KKttttKji
etnaceli atlon oirrar,aot1
u.Hkl' e, and proUfV: of
unt(.Tia k' f' Tlie ine1i
clnas wl 1 pro e. In UI17 and
eTfrv ciwe. fstlllilul and
IH ttTr-fuil if frunda In Ujo W-,1; the flKKO
time ol (.tvti. KK15 MK I1' y F.a
preM l'XCMt tit (fit)',olne
Flila, 'hcflc ar aent hv umil,
KFFRFFFTF.rR frre nf ioaU.'o), on rrt).t Of
y 1 KLKi' til',1.15 1 1 iff, to a-iv l irl of Uiu nivi
r K bziid world, accur- ly prktd,
Y K In vu h a maniitjr that no
FKKFR one ihronvh whoae hand a
1 1 i.l. hi ti.fv may n Muuld kitow
l.K UiO O.HH)4llt.
Ki, l.uoita vt Fntniii con
Ki.KKFK K.r KK a hlrtma ua in trffft cun
M.l i.KI f.i-I.:-; tli ii. e, and we will in all
ct frNiikly answer their
W-ttera, und kfH tt i-ur opliiimi
The riir.HOKt:i: aU:i)!-of n.h mi.:, itlnal cum., AVe
CI N ! .H iu 1 o nil tjnu r- pitat raLtl 11U luiiie .
Wltri't.- ilrm.,,,.s'h ill ( vi
l'.ii. mr tt- houie Liii'im
iilil W h.trB, jover, try RHS
lu Mil Woitlik-fc" coint inula
til lt.e oi It.Vfv titoiO HSM HH
wKhb liy r.t.i vit at a oHtf 4
ch Hp price, and iii&keiii r a!4 BH
ami.t) by Wi jr than Ho y b4
1111 on tie (Mil H H KB S
MrJK'lV. Aayfutalro
Your heaiti af. tne ht altb 8fl
of your i'fl"iiwi.'- do int tm Bud
dicivid hy Mich unprin- MSOSd
fiikd dni.'Li'Mi. Aik for tlr0
TliKSK Ml'lClNtH, hiul
take uo otiieia.
Fath nti aritlrmlru di will plee wrIW F..t Ointo,
Couut , Mate, ai .d i.axue ut wrlur, pkun, ai.o lu4iio pokt
mo tamp fur rt-p'j.
If the UruKiiiita will not buy them r yon, ien1 to b
and w will nd u.m to you by Kxpreaa. Fartlea ad
driaii'B: ua nhould iu i the fltHtmtie and hymptoma, and,
fnli pmriiculara in raard to their caM. We trtai aii di
oaaub of a t hf ontr t.atuie ta male or female.
IVimiis luti'tf at a lit tan. ummI not heillato berauao
of ihk- tnaiiidty to vuitua. He hnre tff.ul aucceaa.
fialh iaiieiite in all of the dviliatd al-w.
VM vi. b r aord every reader of Into papor oar tMrty
two nati piFiotitt we.
Adinaaalt t.itti. and ordera lo Tr W. R. kir.kWIX M
CO., No. 63 1.1HEHTY Hue-t, KtW Turk.
Mold WBoJeae.eMsdifta'i t.y DYOTT oa ,
tf-H am 0. i-'i 6EQOi V iHiuev bllaA
No no T."rVot StTPPt
-T"rrw runitr jtKii mookd smii-ra.
0. w. wmonT. p. a.,
I) K V O Q I e T sTT H 1 81 CI A N g,
Tun Sna U ourMt. bllihiiirnl ruU nn niiinil is'lnai u uj
nd lx.niMlJe Pnins, tsill.nM, fMnss.
foul Oil, Window hum, I're.i-rtptlon vials, sm., it as lo
Bf lr ss frmrtn Itrsl-risjis kU can b told.
For Cn!iffrtlinf n. In full vsrlrir. and of tlio txM tultj
(?nciltieiU Pni;si lntl', Msditi, I'ol Ah, rurtlwaf
Sxx'a Ah, Alum, O.l of Vitriol, AnnaUn, (3.pisrM, Kivtraflt
M Iovkx.As roK urns ax, lwj, nkuia
kiwest nt f ft-h P-V..S
Oronnit ntl7 fr our lalri and to wlifaih w fesTti
Us a'tsmion 0 Uioaa In want of rltli! artlrM.
Al-o, IMjIOO, AIAKtJl, HUSTAMI), ., rn
Onifn. I7 roll, or cIit port, m inns witti pmnpt
Wniloa, or irll quoiitsma will 6 ruriitahxl wnca r
Wl.olrale lru Wvbomo,
at1 !r Ko. IIS MAltKl.T HtrMl.aboTS Tr-
1 It O W N H
All w .nl i rtTMitlTC f m that nuut dlalmuti ) fomplrthn
In ruanr casus of hg itssillu tt bualljrO.) intl wm
dor A11 raSiX
l'llKllKKKJH IlllOWN,
rrs. nut mis rinist,
K.B Cor. Kirril AKl) OHHSKtrr TJ
lt-l'Ht And for baJs Ij Irn,rl nrlly.
nn. CHAni.Es iiudrrt's
lirrlTltnr.onrd fRr.NOII FFM AI.R I,tinn snd tl.I,
arraim .1 in all ra Mia. (UlAKI.K.s II II ,i Kit r. Or,
airlfKial l'liHii-ian. tntin4. and tnll''.'a orlTa.o lot
Lauiua An at IS Uol'A.Mi; liaX't) uroita.
No. 1010 UOiThH BTUKKT,
tl JS-lai WestofTanth.
If to (tain admiring fy'a j
li in coie Mivinioua t v riae t
If to ho a tioom1iiK II iwit,
Fadinrt. diliiK in au hinr- DaantT I
If to have a huat e frit o Ut
If for npf to make amontli ;
If frith IiV'i horn hloml to vd ;
If a mar lur alone when dead Wealth I
If to Mvp thrreteora and ten,
w lihit k Mi na Ion a. am ;
IT to live a iU of ('fare;
II to 1 le and iT' to irra? 1 1 it A t,Tfi I
If ton with a life of picanerfs ;
If 70a tbiui' tkia wrrld lrfauiwe ;
II ftto"? I'snn'ii-t ton won Id .
Tate iuj ndvice, and with ml' thrtt.
1 b, tiaviaff It. Alt-, Wcitih. anj IlianVy,
Toy 11 be predated for every dnr.
R a earrfol prrnml of Ur WII.LtAVI TOrTNdt Wow
Hnrk. I UK MA Kit I A.K l.l'll'K, &.. h Oiud be rftd
hr on a. Hold hy Itook bi-Ht-ra riwitranr and al Um
Hoctra Cinoa, No. Mti M'KUl E bTKKAT ; pHN M
RANItAt.K 1R.SIITUTR, No. 1 Nortl
HINT 11 Hiret. atmve Market. Rtwtnraa
radically eard by It C LKKK. IT iTemlum Patonl
tfraluairni Frananre Truaa. Mupfiior FJaauo RHe
title Htockh.ira. Mupportoro, Hboaldor Braoee, Haapon
tori Cro'ehea, rtte.
LadfM aUeoded br Mr. B.C. EVTRCTT. myV-ly
- " K Hteanittii l.fnn, aalllna; frm eaoh port oi
ul U 1 1 A Y H . from art wtirin above 11 N F. Htrxel, I'hila
Oriph a and laonK w borf. Hot ton. Fnua rtmt wharf
toovD I'INf. Nuan'.nn Naturdav. IteowmbM 4, lr4.
ThfrttenmaMp NoKMAk, ltur, wilt ail 'rum I'b'ladel
ohJa rr lloaton. nn fntur'tay. Ie rmlittr W, at 10 A. H.,
ihi the attamihip SON. .MAiiiiwe, Iroia Moatua tot
fhlUulalahia, oa aain day. at 4 1'. M.
TM-ae new anj utnumia atcamahlne fmn a rorula
tlnf, aa'lnR fnmi wtrh inirt (.am-tunHy no Hatut dava .
liiuiHiiota eUeetad ai one had the yreittiuia oharged or
anr vtHia. ,
r rt-tk hta trtn at fair ratee.
Hhiiiidr arr rri:u t icnd Blta Rye4pta and BUta
(.adtny !t tbflr riHt.ln.
For I ieetht ur l'aaxme (hatna; f)ne acnommodattona;
apoly to III.NKT WiNHOK A '.,
jeA-tf No:3ajj4. IKI.A W AUK Avtinuo
4"f l011 WKW YORK,
ar 1 rfn?icrt!nir for all NortJiuia and Haalern elUee aAd
Nu rr Oi 1 r Ail's, mill hk 0 eiy
TI t Ha AY,
from tlo Company'! w-arf. flr.l aiMtvu tn-ft, and
S . ork, ic-iu rit-r 11, Nuiih Hiver. on eatue diiya, at
a iv m.
For 1 el ht, whlrh will br nreivrd dally, handle! la the
moat ta ful loftna r, a d d leered with tha iruaie4 dta
ixiu ti, at 1 an ratca, ai, lv 10
11-10 3m No.V!i(iorJi Wham.
miY.,', y uTi a p""1 toiiriilnn at (iieeriattiwn, Cork llartMr
t j r .1 - titown mraiJiara of W e LIriio.!, New ,rk
ad I'hMnds-ipiila Hitjaaiahip iooipaity aro Intruded to
aa I an 'oll-iwi -
rny OF IOKK. Aaturdav lteeinbr 14.
K A Ni A h( '(). 5altilA. lif-tuiJor ;('.
CIT l' l O" HON, Hlurlay, Ji . miv 7.
tniUvtr .twstilhK Hattirday, at aoon, rrutm Pier Nt
4 " or' I K.vr.
F;n-t iMn $ 1 AHO M;tir-e -W
F ml Cabin tn London 17n (Ml SU-erae ti Londou... M Ot
I trnt 1 attia U I'aise.. iit i0 Htiaa to Peru Hd'l
Flint Cabin to llaaiiir'Klrat 1 HiotnUt U nub ir. H Of
Fami'iiiTa alao frirwardtnl tw Havre, llreinuo, liot
ferritin. Antwerp Ac . at uallv low rata.
r;trt- frtin Livery. ml or tViiialown Flrat (lahia,
(7n, $JH) ft -iwiaa'n from Lltnool and (Juticita
U'wn. 70 ThoM w'wi wiia to eeiid tor Uiuir Irienda oat
jur t'cke'a hem at Oieo rau e
Fo" :uttsber uiiotmauou applv at the Company ofnoao
Ro. IU WALNUT HiiwI, Ftiliadelphla
'I he nmlrrsjltrm d havlna lflndd the K BNil Sf I-
its hCUFVT I m tt K liev.a 10 florin hia frleuda and ih
pHtnnaorihe li-ra,tiiai tin la ptparl wtih Ineretat'd
acn tn1 tn acL-omruit.ia n inoie iiaviiiM ii'iviii to Oft rained
r ieiaird, and buiriif a pra':lral aniu carpauter aid
aulr i r, wlit wire p-Ti-oual a'.ttottou to the vs)ei ea
iriiBe'l t- lilm lor ifpttlro.
iii uinmr ArtMi. nTn .-arrrnrr, ana juaoniniata
t'avu tt vt U tti r'"'r ei e aoliclted to call.
tlnvinft the autiii-v lor no' aa em - maueraieat a rawnt
M iMlic t oiiiitrition." or (oiiiicr I'atul, for the nrtvrva-
ilt.ri 01 veesitla Itotioint). lor thi city, 1 au p.upaied to fu-
nh ui reute oa lavoraniti wni.
Kenatiatt'in fw (ek,
I 11 ltKtaAWAR t Areuue.aboTeLAl :kKL Mtrosi.
koh n kw yorZdkspatub
f, laairti iV "J 1 ""' Hwtrtoura I,ina, eia Itaiawar ana
iiaiiuni .uisii. The attamvra of ttiete tinea are lttaviit
.laily at W o clock at., and 0 o okwk F. ai.,fron Uwd ptw
tbove Walnut trrt.
ror fttohht, which wiU be takm oa aeoemaaodattTta
rrtrl. npp.r toWll.IjA, M. U AiiLU ( CO., 0. i-Hd
Cominrnrinu MoNIm . Dm emtrer !. li4. Tnlna wilt
leave licpot. i-oinrr HKUA1 H.rat aud WASHING I' jS
Awr.Ut, aa lollMt
r rm liain ot 4 Oft A M (Mondara eacpd for
Italtiuioie aim n athi- u.u, aixp.'iitki ai Vlliinn.ton.
1'iity vdia, llare de (liai-w, Ahordeun, IVrrjuiaiia, and
em .Mill Train at HI". A M fSunduya ekiicpted) fur
Hul'iin- i t-, Kti.ppii k a' tit ri-nular atai ini. . c )iiiie,tum with
I't itiwriir KmhuaU at Wiliiiinatoii Lr MiliorJ, iallaijury,
and inU'iiiitdiHttt ia i 'in
a pi 'a I ' am nt 1 l " I. M. ( Snm'ava mc?! d) '.'nr H tl
' itin rr and W nini ton, ito -pl -n at 'haior Wilaiins; jii,
r-lkion. Ft rr vii., nor lnr tie t iraei.
F.imi:' Ti u n at 'slti t at). ( sun. 1 1 faVopt.'O,) f r H1
lllii. 11' anil r a-li'' It'll, sf'it j.lug iu rt'llhUiiut"N, IVw trX.,
cUtuu, Si nh hnat, lcrrviiie, llairo de tsrac, forrj
iii.i'.', uiki Munilia.
js jLt F.Aprtaa at 11 IS P. M- lor Ka'tlmore an 1
IV-tuu ij'-t' ii, a't.a'ili!. ii (' t 'til y t.i Ink lUit'in irt'
and w atili.uton phr.o(i: rj, VViliiniut"U, .S. waik, k.k
toii. North Kam, Lcr. iiL', nia lla.iu de ciriaOt'.
-&Biiiir (or Foitrtita M nrot w ii lake f.c Hl A . M.
StopiIiit nil .fettt'loQh Fh .hsdei.-'iiA ttndWil-
Leave Fhilnclcli hia nt U A. L, 4, ft I mid l' V. M.
I ri 4 V. M. l riii'i coiiui.'. u vsjti, jii-iivvui'O lli.iroal I r
M'ltt.rii ' d ii.unui"li4'f si .th na
1 -av V it in nj.ti 11 Oi. tU anl U 34 A. M., 2 IJ, aud u 0
F i.
Ti'i:orcii Tuaivs kkom ham ihm:k
I.nart W ,.ni. :kM. n a l - M ., 4 v'4, :t.i, mni n r. M . lull 1'Uli, il.M.:'lll.V.
, uv- ri tti i Ij, I'-'U A. at. 1 li i ,,4.-;l,7 JU
Km"1' Train, al 4 ' A. M. lor ha'uliaoro and Wath
liii'Ji, riotio i.t V I tuiiiK'oii. I't-i . y i.l, ilu re du
(,!)'', At" r j-rn, l'jrrjmn a, and al.n: ui a,
hi-i r xpre-a at ll'it V. M. 1 1 i;-.u, .io e ami Waih
liiK.un, aiopmiiu ai Cinau-r tt-r Hn iuMrt ai d A'astung
un iH.ifrnii . U hiiiii.'tM, Newark, Kikiuu, Auitu
t utt 1 t-rryviil', un! U.ivrv dc C'.ri.i-o.
A. ci odailon Tralu al 10 '. Al. for WtlmlnKion and
ti a btaii na.
jiALTivoiiii Ki n rniLMKi.rniA.
f.ta. e lta:ttmn:e nt U 'i I. Jl , 1 h' '! t ilavre de
(ra . IV "m i ie, ai 4 vvi'iuffisron. A an u n it F.lfe
I(iii4iil Niaik (to uki-paKtiiira ior iTiihidolfhta
U ao paa;.v ra tr.iin Hutii .uiflj or ItavuiitJio). and
('tutu io luAve ia-mn4e a from La,:..u ic or Viih-
l.( ae WHio'nMt' fit" I'hiiaie'nhla at fl P. M.
Lcao l-.t.n r c A. M . uj .M lU't' .,K
rf, 4J'I' M., Waj lieiu; 6 3 1 1', li,, bAjJi'i-ai ; t j
! U . Oiivria
1RMNH F(lt HAM'l"i:K
ave nrrur at k ;.7 a al . 1 tV tad 1' .11 1' M.
I .i.ive wlrin t:tt..n ut 6 U, i A. kl.,S '.'', t'Vi ami 11 tt
V M .
rit-iifht Train v lih faencer f'r at lohed will lev
W imiii.ti'U lor Verryti ti-aud lu unonl ai hiuiwua at
7 .V, I. M..
lUv'U U. P. KESNT,rijdiintendfrt.
VFW nK I 1 r.n I t) i.
T ffetrislftfll Of 4 Arftfk. firtrl ftU tlr.V'si air Tr.T.lnax
taUtmati )"fiipi4e LLfk4 tYutn rhiladeliiiia to er Tor
aud Way I'sarri
will loavt) at fi'ln.w, ,a. rRa
At OA M .v.aceoidvw kiti A a boy, 0. and A. Ao-
it r -aiiMien ar.a jer-y city, M.imln
Alli aoM . etaCam'andAia
wiriw dating
At 9 F. at. vtal'aindeo aiCl ' A m ooy ij." aad.V.Ra-
At It Air. awd Amtmr. Aeoaiaao
d at lor Fralwht ami Faanvir
At P. M., i.i and AmiNfj, Arivu'rniVdatVow
t rHarit and raaeetor Ut Ciaai Ttrkwl
fd 1 1a d-
At I P M.f via 'mihIhh ami apitm
i.t wt luniirin mrtn apitmiv anmMimiH
tts'n Frouht and rasiiuiirA. im... n.s
1 Cinn do , tt .4
CUK, lnrtllii!VieoatV.n,Aj.
for I.anioarivtMo a'ifl Intrrmo-ltaO a nitons), at ! F. at
F-r W. nnt llolir. F.vanavlilo, I'tiniborton, aud Vlawea
town, ai A A M.. ? anil A I. M.
ror t fi A. M. and P M.
F t 1'almyra, Klvrrton, Manm, Iterwfy, aylarwatrr,
l" I 1 Ft-reno, lt d'titown. Ar at A an l I ao a
M. r v and Hi, F M. I be J 3t) and P. at. llneo
mn t1are tKni T toTrt-tikon.
F -r Firrira, Klvvrimi. IiuJaboo, Beverly, and BorUaa.
Win leav,. at r.,u ,
at 11 le A. hi., via aenalmrton and Jeraey Cltr F.-
Al 4 m. F. n,( Va RttimiuKton and 'ireaf VVyRa-
At a ,;. F. ii , via inlhkCon Hud JatVClty
Al It I'. M . inlfct'l), va R aiitlitffWN and Jry Oltr,
anhii.snni and New or
1 ui' 1 1 iv 1 . ,ii . ij nt win run oaiiy. At o Ucr Hinav
For Hnflnlo, Dunkirk, Eludra, Phaa Ovi-r i, Honhoa
tn, llin.hiii"a, Tca Hwi 1. Motnro, VS i,fair
H'WAli on. "tn'0jM':f, ttiinf 1)14., Mimii ( hunk, A lf.
imn. Hi, t,-lvi, i, F nt n. l.anif'vr'viliA, FMia
Iruio: , An . a 7 16 A M 1'r la hne r nniri wab Ulf train
If a trt FaTor At Matn'ii Chunk n ) F M.
l.ainlsiTlvii.r at ft I'. M on NaciirdAa .m'y.
For iriaoi, 'r. mon. r at 7 L. and 11 li A. M., and I
ami r, M . nm! li Tvntn'M.
for lis ItTifsroi-H , I aeon, a'lotnonilnf , BrMnalur, and At A. M ,4,4 and n I. M.
le Fi r Ni w York and Way Un-a larlnr Kn-.tnirtof.
l'Mt. tMk Hit cum on Kiffh 're't, almve Walnut Iiau an
tutur tsrfitio ii"tartur- Thf tTuri run Info the lA-pot, anc
nn arrival ttf ron itahi run frm 'ho Dtyot.
Fitly itonniU p1 tmsHAsj only allowed e h paiBenror
ra.-nrri an- rn-fnlilti a frmu taklnt; am il.tiis, a la.i(
tun thi'lr Viin-liia Ai-V'rtH'1. All lut-o.f r flftvFioumW
to Im ald tor at tin The I 'nmpany II w I their rvuial
hll'tt lor httn ai t" One hllKrr Mt n.d, ai1 w ill ivt fc
liable for aii am unt beyond hU, oxoeot by apeotal 000
trafiain' Bactrasvo Ftprae wttl rail for and deliver ba
TAar at the ItiHia. Order r tu loft at No J WAI.SUI
atim. W w. 11. (1AT.MF.K, AtieoC
1 n . u hrr 1. I?t4.
From foot nf Conrttan i atret t at la af . And 4 P. M., via
.lercey t hv An ram;len ; at 7. 10. and U 10 A. M., ( P.
M Oiif 11 Mum. via .Iwrnf-y t'tly and tventtmtoii.
rnen f.r,n m Karriay atxoct, at A. M. aud t k. M., Tl
An.bov and ( iniiiin
Foni Iter No. l North B'ver, at It M., 4 and HP. at.
(Fndkht and I'anaencer) via AmlMVr and Uaindea.
i;kp.ioht mnv.s for nrw yohk and
1 all the am t tone 00 the 'aiadnD and Amlxiy aod 0 o
ae.tliii kaiUuiin.
The Paanden and Aiuhoy KaiiroaH ard TranavrtrtatJoa
Coman; a Fremht 1 Jn for Svw orwllI leava Waiiwn
atnt vharf on n' aO-r Jan nary o, dally (AuiMlayaea
Of 1 tfi') At 4 0'rkh'k I M .
r-ttitniiiH. tne above Llnta win leave New York all ant
4 PM. moat be dtdlvarod before S1. P.M. to ho ftx
warilrtl tl e umr Oay.
Fmifht for 1 rem on, PrlneetoD, kUntrtton, ffew Brunt,
wink . and all tMihiU on the Cluadnn and AmSov Bailrrsad ,
alcono the Itritidrra. De awvc, and Flavins-ton, me New
Jt-rrfv, th FrtMiolil arid Jtruritniri,, an.l uve Mnrw"trtoB
Mid aloni't Holly Railroad, nuwlved and Arrwarded op t
lalS o rliN k T. ft), Niiull paekajfre for Mount liiatly reooired
lip to 'i o rloi'k I Al.
The lie!vhtire heiaware llaltrnad rnneeta al I'MTOpa
bury wlih Uie Lehigh ulley Kallroad. The Hew Juraey
Kallnad nwrni fa at Fliiaheth with the Nw Jiitmit
t vntraJ ktllroad, and at iNwwarm with tho Mmi ana
F.atwi KalrroAd
A ailp mrnmrAtVum, arterlfyinff the mark a and oani
bera. elitppMsra and oouil:na a, ninit In every Inetanoa be
at-nt nlib rach Imtd of iioDdn.orno rercipt will he til van.
Innrcaaeii rarittilri hevintf been made r Hie trantuorta
Unn of I I VF. K'I'iM'K , 4..virA are IiivUimI tn try thin route
Whnn tl.e atitrk In fumlehed In Mnantnlee of TWO CAB
U-AUH i.r rron-. It will be dt-livorot at th foot of PortteU.
trt, ntnr the Inne Tarda, or at Piar Nn 1 Nona
Kiver. aa the ahlipTi may oianae at the time of the
ahrpnimit, w ALTKK FKF.Kkl AN, FreUht A.ot,
Vn Delaware avenue, Philadelphia
OKO. It Fraltfht A. .o.l.
JaA tf lMtir Ro 1 Monh Kiver. Bow York.
1 1'ITI ttllUKU-Vti alll.F.H 1
Tte Tlrhrt Ofllce of the PK N NBYLT ANI A CBBTBAL
KAILKoAD la now I rcatisl at the New 'am., rwor 4eMt
of Hie f oinnanv, UllKilUiU and atAKKJfil rttruuu,
on and afmr MONDAY, Oototier II, lMi.trulna will
leave 1 bliadulnhia aa tolu w:
H'OII A. Jt.
HAIL TKAIN, wt'h tha follow intr oonnoitlon : Ar
rive at WKSI C1IKH1KU IN I KHflKOriON 11 04 A.
M and coinuet with Weat Ctiptty Kaitrtad, ar
rlvtiw a' Wat t'heaUr U.) A M. At I'O W M 1. j O W tf
fiih a. M , c- niicrttinr with train frr Wayi enburu. and
reachiiu tlnirc! II III A M. At Ctit.l'Mlll A II A . M ,
coin ui tin k wild N-fUorii tii-ntral Uatroad. and retrti
iiik -rk at a 60 F. M . HaiioriT Junction MM I. M.,
Impov.-r 4 tt P. M., nnd Di-tthiirK I'. 15 P. 4 . Alao.
iU' truln 1 n UeAdinx at d'Ht'iimhlt It ilroad. Idavl'itf at
J(I' M. Ar-ivf m II A KKIHHI Kit I'M 1 I VI eoUnctli.K
1. 11 (oruiuiu mrai iianoa ."lortn. nm : it r l-t-iiia
I U.l'. M . airtve at Hunliury 40i I ., Mlltvm .' (M P .
M.,ViUuimrort 1; L' r M. Lk . IUvn i"fto P al fiM
a rat r tor t-.luilra, Kecliomer, (Mnandalua, Nl aj
FraJI, .to , ri a:o Kiin-k a ID f. MM and Hurialo at ii U
A. M.i f'aaIl(. lunvtllo, Knyiri, liio-nnibtirn.
1 1 or w Irk, ItnQ IJavon. Hhn-ktihliiiiy. PJv month. K Iruratiui,
w yonilnit, 1 Ittalon and r-crauion. take the Lackawtnoa
and luoi'Uifbiii'K irnl a at .Mirttiuuivriand.J At 1IAK
klMtt hO. for i .liita f4 mthoti N.otti rii Ccn'ral Hallway,
leroa at I :t" I'. M , ti.o rk V i7 I M . II n vi Junc
iHll it -" P. M . 4'4k l. M.. and O tyihurir 616 P
M. At II ABitlHHtilttl. fcr poI'U In (iiiittmriiinJ ValHty,
h a M'jf at 1 SHI I' M ., nrruo t in limo i W I', M,('i nub Tii
In rn 4 P. M . and lUrerftown U l.'i h, M At TVKONK
(. iVi I'. M . cninei'tintt with Itaid Ka Valcy Train,
having at V. M , and arrivnM at Hillao,itu at uu
P.M. At ALToOh a 7 40 r ., ooiiimcU K w Ui Itruion
tritn for lloalldrt, atiu-k'. reArhlmi t.tre H J6 P M. At
tHliSK)N H .-K l M connefi'iig whh Uranrh triln f r
r.'- nr' tR. at living tar- v mj r. .w. At ri rrtttiini
1 A M , ami ilinre ooiim ctiiig for all pdnla tYeit, NorHi
weat, and noutliwuat
A. HI.
PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No I. arrlvlinr at Fali at
11 tkf A at
111U Aa Itl.
FAHT LINK ennnerta at LANDMV1LLK l'4f) P. M,
with tralu ou Itt-udiiiR and Columbia haura l, arriving
at I.Uk 3 1i 1'. M , F.i'hrnta ;ut p M , and K-ad-U
K at 4 P. M. At 11 . HKInllDKU, with an Ar omuitw
I'riiii.n I rain on Northern t:i-ntral Kall-vay, for Hunhnry
and lrt riin-dUie renohlnt ftuiiDtiry at C Ml P. M.
At IiAKltlMUm; wltn train on Cu'nborUnd a.ler f
(JarliHle, nruvlnu theie ai ftT- 1 M. Arrivtw t PmibMrit
I m A. M . and there inakua cloae ouooetloa for ail
B eattru PoJita.
1-00 P. M.
PAlCKF.'(IUTi:o AOCOM VODA1IOV, airlTAt atPark
burtt at e a P. M., btoppu g al luieimiddAtoatatiiiua,
N30 1'. M
IlAHItlHIurhd ACCOMMODATION, makei ct,oee
llco at DowioiiKloii al 4'(f4 I. M ., with tra.ii on Wayua
burn liraiKii, Ivavlng at 4 ) P M , a'.d arrlrmn at
wanftburK at C uo I' M At (lOLU.MHIA, ai h ifci p.
M .witn NcrUorn Tnnual HailtVAy for Y nk, (waving
Wrumavlll.. 7 00 I. M . a:d arilvinif al lurk 7 id p. Al.
AirDei alliarrlibnrg ai7 44 P. M.
4-00 P. M.
Fat Ifl It A NT ACCOMMODATION, f nra No. 13T lok
trout, dit 1 , ec pi huudu .Airivaa at II rrlhuri(,
.1 4b A. M 1 aailtlin. U 47 AM; A'todtia, Jw P. M ;
and 1'iitaburtr, 1 i 44 P. M. 1 tie ra a are oon.fiirnbie, and
en Mama ur iauniea aotn tA-t-at, will rlud Uio raue
kw, ami rave u.tir oawituKe. ior which ciici are aTivta.
foraiil-d hy the fia-on truln. For fur hvr panUruIaro
uily to F I! A SCIM FUNK, Kintifraiit Airent, 117 Dok
a ttt. iti-iwivn lla rmhurg and 1111 burg a dial olaaa
car ia attached to ihia Ualu for luoU travl.
4UU P. M.
I ANCAMTLK ACC OMMODATION, renn-mi 1. an. aster
at 7 A P.M., and readies Coumlna o. H lup. M.
5ao P. H.
PABLIACC0UMOUAT1ON, ho, I. rcavliea PaoU at 6 W
H00 P. M.
PITTBIttrKO AND F.KIB RPMKS4. with the fel
loe 11 g cuiinettilotia : -Arciva llarrisburg. UJU A. H
Hui.bury. H sw A. M ; Northuntr.aj.d, U' A. at-;
MHUjii,4 let a. M ; Wl.iunurort.o A. a ; L k uavn.
b'.U A.M.; tun oritim.lo II a. M ; Ht Aia-y a, 1 1 11 A M. ;
lorry. a M r M ; and Jtria, &moo P. M . at Corry oke
eoaaeerN t uuutu v- u.a Oil t'lMi K. tL . tt nuvtiie and
Hhailer m, iUe btcaant u-riuinusj of the Load, t ienr-a by
Htatre or Boa' for On City and frraoklln. ( ir 4 for
I'Aiiv.lie sHioonisrliniv. tn-mkl, Hei-ch llama.
Ahk-katitniiy, rivtnouth, kn Ksiton, Vyoiunf, I'lttatuit aad
hcrantoo. tk? th- LaVavaji' a and dtoouj ,bmg tiaut at
aorviun hr ajirt ) fttnarr for ln.t a. Ho.-UiMtor,
Caiian ' Nianra r t.i,ai(t.. rearh Itlmira at 1 A tn
and linna. At V P. M.J Al II Kill Hiii wl h North
ern ctaiual iiailay, for t: e Hutii, livin at 1 io a M.i
aj fI ea lou,f iO a. M ; klano ur J uuo I n, 4 Vi V- M. ;
luav R llaiK var Junction y Ot) A . M ; axrivre llatiovr,
Ht4)AaM,and t.triiylnrtr, I AS P. af. At il' NIMH
iKiN.-Tttf A. hi , wuli ti mi on liroad Tor K. U , atrjvlug
IlatwaH A M , M t. DdiU. A M . and o mi-
neniaa u l ino byNtaut f r itel: ro. At T A'tNK, irt
A M., conr tiiia nh iraili un Itiutl Ki.l YivUj Kod.
It a lug I luone h .'ai A M..urre I.. I it IllU.
hi .ai.d ITr.w .nnt, li'lM P. M . Lauv iu(T)rot.A tn Cki.irJ'd
it. K at M.i A M , aiwl air vimr Ph lllpi iuk. Ill"' A M.
Al i'HK!lsON1 I-;4 A. M , (viiiuHv:iTia; will, b.-nti tretn
for Fdi'tishurk'. nnd srrh 11 iy ihrf, ii k i' hi. At aLAIi:
VII LK lMl.Ksi', I its, if .. A. M , coiii.actlUK with
tranrh 1mIti wljrb arrive. KiairarlUc, l' .A- M ., and
InnlAiia IMA A M. I Till tn-- alao v nnuli al ltl.irn
viLe Willi Wtat I't nuk iV.mi H- it., arm uKbiLra,
II VO A. el Anlr PIIT.-iiiLltii at U'.U P.Maud
chaise. t (ur a.1 viui$ B tL
I0'41 P. M.
nin.ADr.LHIIA KAPliCH. u. only at rwu.
lnrtown., iia-ubtirc, Marj .vltiv, N'w
rort, fthriiin. Lbtvihiawn, ihnitinsydou, Altooaa, Uai
iHtin,MUl oi.t ni;i'iih. Al II V N riiti; 1 M'I N . w Ul. Itrond
To. Ii. U , Ii,im; U re at r lJ A. M.. nnd urnvtnw at
Lio'! A. M , Ml. Dalies A. M , und Ihwue
t.y maji to IWtlM nt. Ai tf lu A M., eoL
rnKMioii in untlo w:tb it .111 tr ti j U i.iMh'.r, T4k'iimit
llort Ml u I-A M.,ii.J tl.tjury bvl-cif) Hc'lforil. Ar
nfa at iMtt-i U'K. t VI P. M., making rloee ooruiwlon
wlih tLroiij.ii iraifji un all the iIlvtirK'" n adu fioiu thnt
ioti t North to the I. uke, Wentt U MUaiampi i and lite
Mtto-oiin tivtiit.a-ul ow.uh aud Cuukl.wttfl lo all nuiti
a' h) m'lnud.
For lurO ' r li f v i iatl' n. av'y at tha Paaaoatw fltaiku,
corLer of 1 111 It I IF TH ann U v tt h F. 1 Hip ia. I'loU.
JoitN F. VANLKhU, Jr..'ltt,Aot Aat.
Iwn.Am.M'fnA and hu.timore crn
TRM F 4 t l.KL'AD, 01't.N TU UAWiJJ HI kJafO
On ai d wr t Ml DAY, ApxU 1. 1W4. tie Iraino win leare
Oa laW.Wsi :- '
:Aiiia. i. u. p. M.I rtTtoae. a.m. f. av
rikMd t.W $ t PhUa)whia.... h 00 4 M
Hi.. I 4.wi- CI l.'j''tnilt'l.iiUif.., 7-45 4 44
Avordulu... 7 "4 4 U W. c Jui.etioo,. V tel o 41
Keu.t t W 417 Coiud J b l4
ttiiadd a Ford. ...7 411 4 41 Chadu a Pwd,..- 1 W V4 otaj'KuinivU Uf 4 17
B.C. Jiiiii-I.oa.a f'la V'.u iXV I'M
I'lilWfl. h Mtt Vt 9" Wet-t lirove.... 1" W T ut
I I iu-r ...N W I Ul Oxford Ul f M
pKeauiiwsr 1" 1" Phliadeiptkia haa been eruatf-d frvoi
I-lI,!hii UrJ Msuk.t atuu. to T1UBTY FiMHT and
at a h II KT Mrtt la. WtaH Phtla h'hia. Markot HtrM
PnMv:fr Baiiway Cava ouiive paaakgojro ta aaiA liwaa
W.a Dvpot.
pMaairett C Ibroauh wlt)ont ehanye of oaro.
Jai M .U&hJfcX W yVlAl, u-dAe
fr Hew Arrane nnt.'-fN and after lliiartTAT
Ktiprer l. 1K4, irofia wfij leave froia Walnal trool
Pa a ttVwa
1-r.r ao- May and aU place aowiii of kfUMB mi 9
A M ard t f M,
Por MdtTtt, k.HdiTwtvt, Baletn, awd all tnteraaodlat
pJaoae arU nf (.Uotrn at A. Af ajv4IIP. M.
For Oiahm at I A M.. la M.,and J P. af.
For Weodbvry, otouoeetaa. Aa . at V A. M. , U at .,1 ae4
6 P. aL
Leave Tape May at A. M anj 14 A. K.
JHUrvllteata-MI A -At irnllP.M,
ttHdhtat.m at 7 IK A. M .I yip. AL
At 7 A. af., aud i P. M.
Hoodhwrv at t.m 4T, ann 44 A. M.. and 4-ap. aj,
and It lo F M. to tlarrrlan only.
Will eitrnd t ail th n.ual hrai nhae nf Bxorowiooei
aena. re-ive. dHwr, and Pirwiinl throtiah other rp"av
alt h F am M t impat tea U all parti of 1 he 0 o -itry any
ankle ri truttnd tn them. A Upaclal Mee.aner aooeaa
lanja i-acb thiotyh tf At".
j a w KKftri,AKK, Hitponntonivowt.
rTillado'phla, Novemhdr I, lht4.
MA ft II t 111 K, UAZI.r.TON, WILSlCMUABliM, Wlvl
On and aOar at 1 1 m 1 1 a v . n ivunhrf ia ieaa rmnsir
Trnina will av the N KW DBI',r. THIRD Htrwet, abv
Fifiii isoii, i tiuaiieipiiu, nai y (nuutaya oaootei, aa
tCHIaiWH :
Ai l im A M. fFipreta) for Bethlehem. Allaatowa.
Maih iui k, w HBahatm. H H UAfrw ,m
At t 10 A. .M. (AiOlllllai.llAt'ofi) hr Da.ylaMtnwn.
At I 16 P. M. ' A.-eniio.Mla I ft . fur Fen vv afilnetwk.
At S hi r M ' K vpr .) fjf llil.r4). m. Ruion, 4e
Thia train reAe F. oit n at'. 4t. r V , and makea fdoeo
eoni.e ti -ti with the nm Jaiaey ( antral f-r Mew lack.
At 4 -I P M ( MaIM f .r Dio le,t-wn
A-Siiiv M 1 AiTominiMlation) fur Bethlehem, AJUeav
to n. and M nucli t'hnnk.
II 15 I' M ( Acnnii.oriat!n 4) fv lnedale.
1 r lorti T 11 ait. li.'t he prirurH.l at ine Ttrknt OfBeo.
TlMHD Straei. itKKKH Ht'eM, in otiI.t to ate ere tha
auwat.1 rata 01 fate
Ieave Be-rj. n-ni at an ani "t)i a, M , and 111 f.M.
ltoyh-ai wo at a au a . kl.,uudl tip. at.
laM'l At A 1M A M
lort H aeUlntrtnn at ' W P V.
ptjPadi ay-la for Dm anon at 9-i A.M. and t'll P. mU
l-aAloii f.4 Phtla rlihtat7A M ami 1 P. M.
lniln.Kt 'a ItAav.airi' Kinria w II call 1 r aid dfdlvwF
baak'tva at tb uetM4. Ordure nay be lef. at Bo Lift
H.lltlKD HtroaU
T UAILhoAD. VIA mi- di k.
On and after FUlDAt, A.mII 1, 1V4, the Tralaa wltlleaeB
a iouw ti
I mvp Phtladi-M'hla frrm the renot. fomw of TTTT R TT-
FI K-T and Vt AUh KT Pirnwia.S A. M t U u A. MM18
1'li.Vadetvhla Depot ohmiwod from F.fOHTF.KVTn ar
MAUKKI hlreeta to llllUlY IKHT and MAHKatV
Liavt- West rhpHter. from tho Depot on Beat MA BRET
8triai.d-yr A. M . 7 4 A. M .11 A. M ,J P. M..4 4 P M.
1 he rare f the H ot l'ii:ad,hta PaAaenicer KaUwww
rronpatiy Matket atreet)m oonvy raaaenjpm to ataft
iroiu uie 1 luiaueipuia iepoi.
Leave Fhlladetphta at H M) A. M. and T W P. aL,
Li-eve Wiwl 1 hinter at H A M. and 4 . P. M.
liaiiiHleaviuitl'lilla'iephLa at H A M. and 4 P. af
and Heett "hem. rat ?-4 A. M. and 4 46 P. M., oont0
whh tratna on the Philadelphia and HaHtmuro Caataa
Kal fiwil Iwr O and lutoruiedlat" polnla.
ja4 tf aiKMU w OUD. iianaaraj Hupartntendaai,
On and after MONDAY, A at u at I, W-4, tralna wlU Imti
0ot of VIMC Huoet, Philadelphia, every luornlne; at 0 A.
M. ( Honiara r-pted). tior re (y the Camden and At
lantic and k a tit an and Delaware Hat Kaiiroadato Port
Monmouth, and by tlie ctouunotUjua eteainer Jaaae Hnet.
tn toot ol Atlantic eireet, Hrookirn; rMumlna:, leava At
UniUe Street Wharf every day .(Holidays excepted), al U
Trave'ere w the tltr of Bow Tiark aro notified not ko
atH'ly Ar panaae hy thla line, the (Mate af New Aaraare
bavtra aranied to the (taimlan and Auiboy monornUy tho
aurlutive piivtlfa: of carr 10a: pAen(ri and frmatrt be"
iwaca uie Mini nt rn murn-hui ami New Tart, tyiaw-tt
W. F. OltlFFlTTtt, liwieraj BupeaMvuleni.
1 KA kMLl I Ht JW If 17 T IsKllJL, HIJOV
tUF.UA VI , t'L MMKKI.A N ., AMl
Leave tho O. ninanv a D- n it. al THIRTEENTH amA
( Al.i oWMILL flueeta, lhiladuUhU, at tho folio anaaj
btHu a
AtS0OA. af.. for Kt-adin. Ibaumn. nhralra. T.tHti.
CninmMa, liarribnra Poitaville, Pinearova. Tama
Duiiour, rr iiiisaJuaHrt, r.diiira, mifineiov, niaifaxa railOa
ltuftalo. A UenWw n. H I keabarra. Pitutoa. York. CauHiaLat.
CstiAmber.hursr, lUtrwacown, Ae.
Thla train connect a at ti FADING with Raat Peanarm-
nla atAiimad uaina mr Alientown. Ao., the Headlna and
Csdujnl.m KailroA't for KphrmiA, lAtu, aad (htiumbt. an4
with the L'-hanoti Valhy ira.'n for lKrrlbuTH. Ac. :ax Ptkf
CLINTON with (Sitawfi.a Haiirnaa: traine for Wllkio arr.
wiinam.pofT. 1 a iiavrn, mmira. reo. ai HaKauav
ItHHOwith Northeni Cantral." rumlerland Veiiav
and "t-vlkili and Hatipienanna" train AirBrtiuna-
tMnana.v unamnrr 1 oia.i nanionTiiDiira;. rinegrvve,aio.
Leavte PhOad. iptna at 3 JO P. M. for Beadlnjr. Pto-
vDlr. I'lnettrove, llArrlihnrtc, Ac., connoti'ia; at Memo
Unr? with I'ennnylvania Central train fur Bicteburu, Aa
IS tm hern t 'intra! Itallroad traina for Hunhury, North mo.
norland, Flintra. Ac., and at Fori 'Mnlotl with Uatawtaao
Hatiruao traina lor Mil ton. WtUlanxaort, feUiatra, UuireJaw
LeaTeaBuadif.ii at baw A. M.. atoimftu at all waratav
lone, arriviiitr In l'JiUaiaiphia ittfiA. M.
Ki iurtdnir, hMvun PUlaCeiphio at 4 3d I. AL ; arrivoo tm
Ren.ili K ai 7 V- P M.
Trnini ror tiii!adi-iiraa tf are Rarrinnnreat s-on a. m . anA
PottHvuie atut-'. A. M , arrtvin in PLlUdokxhla at I OA
r. M. AHerniron trnina laav H ArrUuiwru at 1 46 P. af-a
potOvllie at U 'ji) P. M., anlvlnir In l'hiadel'hla at 7 P. AC
Murawt na na, avitn a PAuiMia,ur car aiiarhfKt. lit.
plnlAtlHptilA at I rT Al , tor Keadiusi and all wav itatiimef
Ifave U'-.enia al noon, and IfciwnloMiowu at LI tajp.
M lor J liUailviiila aud aU way atatkona.
A ll the atiovf traira run fely, Sundeya eioepted.
Hurw'ar trahia leave PotuvlUe at T Jd A. at., aud Phlla
deii lnaat8il P M
Pateniera tor Lowniiiktiown and lntnrtne'ifaa fWntA
UK (iiefitoA. M.enatstOP. M. rralu. frwis I'tiltadeJi.hla.
retnrning from Downluiituwn at 7 00 A. M., oud 13 af
Iavea New York at 9 A. M. and 7 P.M..oaaalnc Rnadhw
at 17 n.ionl:hi and 1 3d F. M., and eonnectiae at rlarrta
burn wiih Ptnnaytvavla Kallroad kUareaa traiae for Pluo
bury, CI IVaho. and the w.t.
Uctnn'fbi Kki.n-ti train leave Harriebureoa arrival caf
tlie Pennsylvania Bxpra-a from Pittabum at d 00 aaal
H'OO A. M , paaaiiur Keadiriir at 4 4:1 and 111 &) A. M .anA
arrtvintr at w lork al m A. aa. ana 4 o r. M. 1lee
li b t'aia aui-oninany thete traina throauh.botweoa Jaraav
C'lt aad Pittalmrif, without eiiauim.
Afnl trarn lor New Yora Ititm fUniaterf at 1-45 P. M.
AlaU U-alli for llarnabury Leave New York at 14 At.
Trama lt-avv Pottavl.le at 7 la A. M. and SHOP. kf..n
tU'nniii from To.can.ra at 10 A. M. and 4 Oft P. M.
1 rttln. luave Auburn al ll 4b A.M. fnf Plfieirnnre anA
IlArn-hortt, ana at M P M for Plnuarovo only: reuira
li ti troio turriiihiiri at 1 J P. M.. aud ttutm Ptiieaxuve oA
7ii A.M., ana P.M.
TICK El a.
ThrnosTh flrat-rlaee tick ata and ernlrrant tlokota to oM
the prli tMpal polnl In Uie North and Wot and Canada,
Th loih wliur tiraeia are ontatnaran oniv at tne einoeor
A ItKADPnltll.Trt-aturer. Mo VT7 H. FOttKTH H brant,
rniiaiie pi ta.or u u. a. nitjuia, manni auiHNiiatoaw
dvut, Kaiulliiic :
iHMiTaiiim maarn,
A' 50 nereev t diacotmt, betweea aoy aoiata OjootooeU
tor lauuiea and fi'in.
nnd fie? ?oro m"r, between aM uoltua, at Wl 60 oaoA
tut faudliea and firm.
For three, atx, nine, or twtre nauaUu. aW Beadera oalVa.
10 ail Botnia, at redaced raiaa.
t"l,f KUTMIH
RoAldfnF on thn line ul tlie rad win be fwcwlahed w-ftb
earda. euiltiuuf Uieuiaalvaa and wlvea la iiaAata a AaAl
From PMfladelpl e to prineteal etatlona, awnA for Bataav
day hut 'Uv. and M.imlf . at ra1ued fare. te be had onh
af the lK-kUOIlU:,THiHfK.fl rflMdUALlA;WUA
flood, of all doaertnu.nia forwarded to aU the ahova
pn mii from the l'um luty'a now fritiaht dootsj liUOAJ
aj.d W1L1AJH Htras t..
Leave PhiUdalnhl dally at 4 A. M . 1 P. M. .aad 4 P .M ..
KvadliMi, Lbunop, llameharg, PettivUlo, lort 0Ua
khl, auul p'tite buud-
Moa. at the phliarta-lphta Fo.'. Oifoe For all plaoae on tho
roaii aiui iu brerwtiaa at t A M., and for too pnuarpaA
aUon. onl at S it P U.
On and altar MoNLtAV, May 14, UrH. uaii arBtear
it 11 K at tUToWH.
Leave Pr.fU d4.pA.ia e, 7. n.f 10 U. 19 A. M. : L.t.1 It
B. 4, A. '.V,. . 7,b, 0. ill. 11. )t P. M
Uti i-MTtCii, va.i; 7,7 . .KJU.9, B, 11,13 A.M.
a, 4. ,$. e.dS. w. 1 1. od i p. m.
Ihen -AidottD, ajid U aid 34 U'Aiua up, o aot aeo
on Uie tsrvfiaAMiM'ti H.nj.4 ..
t fiK-AXI ItlLti KilLHUAtl.
Lnve PII'U-Jmu, i. y.iti, Vd a, hi.: S, SV.IV.f.l
an 1 It P. a. . . .
Iav I'ukHiuit ii;u, 7'in, , , u w a. M-imrtl.
I u,f, ly, h W. and Jfl P. M.
f OK t UMlH. IttKMsS J7V ' Htll fVTO W N.
Iav PhliatWitAia. I.a-JA, iJ i A. M.i 1M.I.AM.SM
an.t llikj 1. M.
Iauvu NumHran.iJ . 7. 7 w, ana u a. at. i, 'M .
4H and t P. M
1 ii i-S Irnm u will a too at WieaakkJuA, Mauayuait
and t'vi liioi-kew oi.'y.
l)K M .V N A Y l N R .
lvi- nilr-rUl,P,B ;d,lHM M HX I, 4W, J.
os.aitt and l.aj p M.
A 9 il ,it"a. oTTU, ya, iia a. aa.t a, a, t.
and .-a P -U.
IX- IS., r l hill, i irncrni urrnv'ini3ins,
UT-rl DnU, NINTH and tiHT.UB BMH4a.
Ktaltt BAILKOAIX lOll'ie
'It. (.rvai luiif tTu-urnt-a th Bus)iurn and Borahwi4
eotii tti t u l'! auu te tte cny .rf kit'e o Lak F.rtw,
( i-Mr-ANs, and aisdur Uiuir auattOua tm I siltij laapaUi
bpiaueu UitouajlH-iu A uiittre iauaHA.
It i n. h ;u ii- .oi I ,.ai oar and FYeHftd baafAOit fro3B
flame turK k t'Mi rtnin. Co n.tlrfcl, nn Mm Baatwnt Dlvt-.
eton, aad trvtu aeU.wd lo Bale le aatleajt,oai thA Wewtawat
i'mk vr rihaaM(i4i TiuiiaAT ruueij-w a
UallTrKin baneae HO A. Tat,
fc Mtei Tiajo. a avae aVau P. ML.
i ara ruutsttnt.a wtrnoiT chanor boio n.yioo tStiA
trail 1 iilai.lstphiaaiiu n na'i UaveA, aAid WwawaveA
U it tnore aitd IhJi riavan.
Kl aati a rtiK I Sura on the V,preea Train bolB wav.
lot iDiarroatHiHi mMpactliiR t'aatabtfer haAinaa, appiy ai
U.US. K.f nl M blLLVkaNllt and MAKKBT wwwata.
a ud nf rrvatitic uuiura ( b t iittiry a Aitin
ii. ivint--oi'n. r , ?OTUj aiA K CaaVn All OAm) .
i iw a, i niiauvit'Oui.
J . W. k w-itia, stria.
J. At JUt ill, Aui B. X. C.B., Kototmwa. Bf
Genera) frettM Atreut. w
VMM aaMraiM"-".