The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 23, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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; r,t
Owning clcgraph
FRIDAY, PKCSVnRR 21, 1914.
eprerr or tbe hew york frees.
Leading Rilltrlal from Ilio New York
Phim-ih This Morning.
I tmt mot rui. i'Ritr-4i.i;.
I'mivrnit of riiK v.ivii.u
a n l. Mi .
General 'I h iin,r n'lmrnrj h:s pur-nit, !s still
gattuiil tip the stti'j.vier. iitel deserte's, an I
ahkt.UoLlllI H. l.iillj. C (lli,!!;, t" '.,
i)l lli-co I ii Ui i , terri i ' 1 n 1 1 i i Im"1 , ..em .
tn '':d, llu'p'a lil'.ixu iusi I nil I Ii.'I;iYss r.nv.
A month i ,, in h p-i-ui; if ' i, t'.e 'irnv
t ruin rr nn r ti.e l' i.ii'"in ill t i.y II n..l num.
le-nil liar foi.i ;!.ou4ii'l nie'i n i l s i.u j
seventy five nr i 'li'y lee. i of artillery. Siould
Le rcrrois ttio 1 . u es-ce in Ins retreat
lurii-r ii, ul - ii ;un, it will ,n wiih rii)1 ,
Ml t'llrt.g, 11 III
ft nd 111, it, v.
llllt II" II'
water, V. Ine.i
: ili (i. ill i inn- n( twenty ti.u-
:'!., i i lui, s, h !, .i ii v hi ii' ii.
. t i:'...ei:,." (i a'.,,,:, hjr i n, mil
II ..' I- -.1 I III 111" III. II tin .i II I nr
hull- II in . Ill II,' I me ll I IK' .'I lS-
Capture l'l III .
ints 'l ti ' r
til. phi nii:i- i.l
1 1 I'lii m'i . ! ,-. en in 'i u.'i
.'or. iniJ if i; . unite: i.m-ii.. i.
I-e will In- O'-i ii" ii tor ,.i Ii u--. a iniiiiiii iu en n ,
In n liliUK Uir in.ivi iin'n' ; lint Hiei, in
Wliut Hill, lion i. n In; nn I i lui ol unv In l B T
H'lYll'C III J' II. I It . i Mnkl S IIS th ll Ills 1)11. f
alii rniitivt' li ''? t-. nr iil-tin; ensii.ird on
the south i f i!ir '' lini-si. .e river ,t j ine
lion i ll I'.ici kiiH i ye in the extreiiij i .n il i uf
t'"t li nin g i , hii i ihon e, wpp Hri-civ tirt-l ;e.
tn thr nippnrt lit If, ni hi. nuion l.
Hut tbui ili i.u nit i iiei-,.i i'C cl'i I).' i ll re i'J
In si-aim, t It- o' n v ni to l.i'f, I'Ti'i thec lii as c I
country, th" limy rmili. m i'len Btrcims, mil
tniwc iiciiil ti.oji t ui:i tlm: I 'i in the vr.iv Iu A uli.nua ninl Ui ,-tiiu..n I. womj
seem to tin irii,oM'ilr, even were) II ) i 1 tin;
nun ri'il hr the virt iri'in- iiul vt!y .iii-rnir
f' n ci of Tlioiii.i i, (I iiiU ami ruar. AH,ii
I'vit, H' i' tluhk iliat, in our t'.iriilii:iuii uf i'i
p, Hue win, ii in n "V tu Ms 'M'il, 11 'iii'l'i iivmj,
tLOUtj a rcaiLanl iir'.y c c.ipj, in iy liu n.ilciy
cimiilC'l im,a" u:i u.iiii, a ly dii-cr iyni.
i tin oitiir.lrijUH Kniiiil m;y ailn.i:i 1 ty
J II. I v i", in ii I n .v 'fun1! "r trip t 'i jurji i,
liaH ihiiii rcnnlto.: in i'iIii. i;i Uio'i uf
tlie war fiiim iv.n ricn'. vi iuii' iiiriiiiiH; tw i, t
thrco irifut nr.uu s un onr niilp, eainsi imi', 'jiu-s
fcoirg 1 1 iu in in) in lii , nit, ut ICu unintl l ; the .iriiiy
of l'l oiiirh, in 'l idhii'-.tsi i' ; ami t'ir. army nf .-I'li-r
nmn, in On. is' i. I lm lur e ol lifu-en t id i-a nl
Mtoiift. umli r II nl' at S irnmiah, nvi'l? lip ol
natlcrr l niuai s i.f vctcrana it!iU of n w i on
ArripU luiAtilv i-ci'api'il t'ii:tlii:r. ran ti.irilly hi'
. cltifiul un mi arnu i unit an iiiu Ku'ii'l res tvi'1 of
Murtli ( iirolin.i, iu-l,ii.n to llio ilil'iMi si- of V .1
unDKion, wnl hu mine til iu ni u.r ili. eil, v
cucsi, iy tin- l!n I. r l'jiur i xi'tihnoa. Willi tin
inevltali e I 'll ' ShvuhiiiiIi, Vi,niini;t mi, a :.l
Cuurlisti d, th !i 1 ai in v nf Sarrnun in ly Iu
drawn iu the Jam a rmr; anil inu to lia'y, if
det'iiii'fl in'i'iRhKrv , Nni'iui i-i anil I'liinuaii va Ii
could, wiili ! r'ict 'nl. 'y, i aic ti'n;y tho it nl
ruin to r inioivt; (n'j 'l.i. (Jrant. u: ICu tim ) l I.
It In nut mjip'i uu, liicirfurc, tli' tilt; li'lu'l
Jonrna1!" nn I Ifntlni! un-u iiitm nf the lleli'l (.n-
firc-a at ltii liinnii'l nr.ifin i iiiinpiuhcnil t ie
lanuwrniiiK i-n In' .iK, .m l that nut'i n a'i'irt
of a mir.ii- riin n.ivt tiii-.tii arid thuir sinking
cause tioin '.u: t; in; nd nii I'jiniiiii i ; iiini tn it -iro
clofli k louml tbut Hl-faiud r.i.j . Wu arc not i ii
rirlril that (ic-i ral i,n: LimHi lf b: at ;a t l)C: :i
Kduced to Iiiu puMful extn-uiity of app 'li:in to
Pamln pour, ilu.-iMil ami unfiirtiinatu tlitiii io
for a nil ue. I'm the appunl ioiih i to U'i', tin'
danger H ioi IniuiPii'iii, inn Timos&ity in t j.i uri-at
for any bl ip fioin Unit q iuiti'r.
No meamiriM J. i), uud bin licltna, rod ami
bewiluiri dC ntr.ii uou il iniopt for arming Hi
Afrlran eUnii'Ut of the It 'bjl Si itrs wonlil help
them to. Micrniau'ii luarcii thruugli (in irn a
h.t shown ili.ii in iiju uu eimo-t ruieiiu of "tuc
Conndi racy" iho ininilM ot the b'ai'ks tru ma le
up, ul tliat lliey nro n:nvei'-ally ready to "lirosi
de l.oiil lur lie com!ii(( of do Lli.cuui KOpl "
Tie slaicholdors, mill under tho rule of tho
Kiclimond jnn' i, know tliN, and they will not he
liilh u with by Davis upon this corner-stone of
Afiican slavery.
The fdiiiple truth Is that the grand cotnhiuutlcinii
of Oencrnl Grant are coiinrn; to a form timt
Jllcbmoud is doomed, and that with Ha fall the
"Southern ConttUeraey," from It-i turrets to i s
foundatiouK, will lie thuken to piccon.
It Is nndcr-tnod iu fln incial circles tliit tho
Ftcrtfcir of the Tie.iBiiry, upon full coosidirj
tioii.bas deeided to meet bin Immodl.ito necei
sitirs by the t-ne of oi.e liuudred mi'lions ad
ditional of 10 41 bonds (paving lire per cent.
Intcnst in go'd) ratber than Ik-hio a like am uut
drawing 7'3u (or b:-:h. r) interoot in greeubtteki.
Ati'Uiuiiiti this io be correct, wo congratulate the
Country on Mi. Kin inden'a faith, wisdom, an4 fore
cant. Hit ebi i e to is.-nu specie bonds at a lower
rather lb m t-'rceiibnek boiiiln at a iiiU' b high r
rate ot inti n t indicates his contidence that tho
lveleilion will oii le uvenbrown, ami poieo
restored to our country, and that we aball there
upon lie ab e, by a Ti nous ell irt, to resume
spei lo l ajnieni, or at least ai prociate our cur
rency cry nearly to pur. If such bo the pros
pectand we lirinly beliOTe it Is why nuuuld
weolliTto pay 7 I'i H pur Cent. Interest in cur
rency ratber than o per cent, in coin, if currency
and coin are toon to Ue nearly or absolutely on a
pnr ?
We pray Mr. l'e-s nden to have cour iRi.
Tbe Interests that r. quire a fur her nidation and
aou-i incni uf onr currency ais potont an 1 eiitinor
ouh; imt lb se wnieh would be pninotcd hy a
return to m lveni y at the cai liest muuicnt, tho.iirh
luks mny arc not less poitive, and are far more
broadly based. 1 he speculators in ror, gram
butter, coal, and all the norx-ssrus of life, ivaut
an ea j mouey market, aa ltilKted mirre icy, and
spicie pavment put clear out of bilit ; but the
great Douy ol Hie propie, as wc:i u mo w ivern
n.ant. have inteiu .is uirect y ad Terse to theirs.
If we could sell i noub M-l'Js io pay nil tho
floating debt, put the Treasury in funds lor ni
niontbs, and limit' the piriiiium on gild dou to
2o or Hi), we Jhouid save nt tnii rate ol one nun
lred luilllouH per annum on the cost of the war,
and might well ailuid to pay bait io much as
nrcmiiims un loans. We pray the Secretary to
make tbe currency as found ai nnybs, and to
keep bik eye ti.ed on a return to tp.ele payment
directly on tue ncui ui in'iee.
TUB hity TIIK foiMrav
JVdiii thr Tumi.
It is so important that the Rebels slio ild not
enjoy any leisure doriug the coming winter, and
ll Is so unlikely that cither teaerinau or Thomas
will let them enj 7 it, if they are properly sup
plied with men, that we sincerely trusteverybo ly
will fctrain eviry iierre to meet the call which has
Just been wade, not next spring, but nmr. Ws
arc close on tbe end of tbe year, and yet hos
tilities were never carrlcj 011 with greater vigor
and activity on our side than at this moment.
Shtrinan bus, to say nothing o:' the city nf
Savannah, li.Uuo nicn aml una of the enemy's
best generals almost In his b ind; the grea'est
naval expedition we have ever lilted out is probi
bly by this lime thunderiug against Wilmington ;
Thomas is pris.sitig Hood with a tenacity which
promises results as fruitful, if not us billlUnt, as
those bo has already secured. Iu fact, there h is
been no period since the beginning of the war
when the Vuion army and navy were busier than
they are ut this lujuisut, though we arc already
near mid-winter.
V bat is wanted, we firmly believe, to bring this
terrible contest into the guerilla mage by next
summer is, that this activity should undergo no
diminution during tbe next six in uiths; that the
Jtebels should not he granted their umi il annual
respite. Tbev have always used it hitherto to
gather up Uieir sira-'giers aim uaseners, cuiuu o
their conscriptions, accumulate stores at their
depots, Issue clothing to their men, anil lortny
their roads and towns j 0 that we have generally
found that in spring they bad a number of fresh
nuts prepared for us, which it bus taken the en
suing summer to crack.
This winter, It wo let them alone, they will
draw Hood's nrmv dowa towards Mn.'on, sweep
up all that Is left "of the male population of
Georgia to reinioice it, reorganize its artillery,
repair the railroads that Sherman bus destroyed,
and probably adopt Ljc's alleged
suggestion, and create a column of blacks,
or blacks and whites, to netilralizo Sherman's
army and deliver Lee's communications from
the peril that is now Impending over tuuui.
lio doubt these dcviceswould not prove sutll.'ient
to aveit tbe doom of the Conl'eJoraey j but they
might prove ellectual in potponim it; they
might give us another summer's righting to do,
cause tbe loss of a great many valuable lives,
and the addition of ono or two hundred, millions
to tbe national debt.
Now, tlitre is little doubt that In Ylrginia the
n.ud Is an nil but Insurmountable obstacle to
active oifiations. but it is not in Virginia only
that Ulehmond can be assailed, luels opera
tions iu North and South Carolina nud Georgia
just, as much a those iw mediately on U trout;
snrl bp c n I e nori'lr bsr n'od dur'rz Ihri
ai.d prihsps roinpeili-d to cTaenate Kicbmon'
trongh tbe Army of thr J'oiotoic never
V eci 1 not fear that (Irani and Fhcrmsn are
not alive to thru- things, and til it thny will not
kirp tho hall rolling, ll thr-y arn only sapplled
will' t lie me. -ms; nut this the rounfry mast do.
1 hoe who want to hasten the m l, to dmiin'sh
Moi.(li.he f, it keep down the public debt, will
thiriluie pnsh on snlnqternng, an! thus k'Op
il'f r-mk ot t' c army full. One rni'.n Is now
wuith to or tline, four or live iii niihs liter.
nil v "pfgi It'ir n ay" n"vir pronil.ed results
to Biatifiirg as it pipsei.i. and It wi 1 b our
(nu t It it iiiiitMK.iis, do ing the next half yetr,
Ibrtllcl.t ! Ititi rmi'Sion.
Jlunlj oil Aliullirr Jlxlit A
Alnr i i 1 .
l.orsrn rornc
('n Mon-'nv, iitintr iin .n.tvo wsririi belong
Ifg to Mr. Si.-i' ii r ut the 1 ch Nov V.,m
I i i in , ii. 1 1111 p.,iue 1 t mi iimb 1! in si, in wnirli
weio ('ol"iic! fiei'7cr mid (,'siit.iin liny lur I, of
the loth N. w lorx 1 .i j n . , ii the en.:iUUii .".t
if tbe reel ue nt pear I as Chun L, ti ml t a g i-1
1 f fi nr mi t , lur V "lit iL't n. Wlen h'i mii one
nt il a hair 11 il. s fioiu the riuip, on I r-o liiu's
Hill, and while In mil vie v 01 11, tortr of
M'.'-ebi 's rangris came out hum the pines w Ui h
I'lir the rnml, urn" rotiuttenc d at: Indii riinin re
hilt e 1 11 ihe little pu y, .,1 the same 111111 or Icr
ti: tin m tn ir r. inter.
Ihe Colon-1 aid c.S't un m vie a hss'V'x't
ttntn Ihe Hin'iiiiiini e, an I l.r ik" f ir the
Tin 1111 riil. 1. g,v. line, hit oTlng ti tie
I igh ti lie-s t'-e . Ille. rs l.ol onl' e C4p tcip'ii'e,
Iu I Cfpt i'i (uu 'rid h i' utie of hi- p irsuer- 1.1
the ih ch.'i r, ai o al 'i the her-. of a i.e :i :
n li'u 1 toi k ail ihe nut 111 1', and il t:i ( ' , r un s
personal iiiu" from rh" ivii;o'is s'Ti 1 1 iv
wi linded three of t'ip m' -ic: s, o"-) h i'l'i.; to 1 is
bis titni, si.d eairyit g an-ny c ip'ive one ho!, Iter
umi tw, , 1 !e-l., ime n uiiod I).'. Mei-i.-.i, an 1 II111
o per l-'i 'ink Vniigh .n.
The alarm wan promptly given nt tho rvn i,
ai d tlirre bittali ir.s -tc tnt iu inline l.aie pnr
mit. I'hey lolowe l ttiein over the I'. ill It in
nioiiplsins fa: as A t -1 -, wh-r', i'i eons 1 i-iie-of
B ptosehiiig teglii, 'lie ,e,,r,-uir. is an ui luiie I
A bo K'e loiee of our men 11 e 11 , v 11 11 1 I ii'itin fir
tile vill di', and 'h r- e ie 0" n 1 d oi'it Hit in nv
ot them will tie In t'io :) d (' iptt il in a f v d iys
HVi.,Amrf'l Cl tonii e.
A Ci n'enij' ir irr, noM.-in? thr- app-vitituv-n1
of ft posttiui ter, says: '-If lie anends ti I10
mails as well as be docs to the fern i'cm, h 3 will
nml.o a very n't- ntiv" an I eill"':cn o li.-cr."
(tovetuor Ho tliain, ol South C'nolin i, In his
late n.e-..g , ays Ills' nnyfirthcr cam in 1 le
by the It ieltnion 1 (i ivernni 'iit up in tint S.ato
nt least w id abstr n t too much of the bone a'l 1
sinew that Is left in tho land, as to le no thou
nirvated, pani'yz d. and cjnipiri.ive y bal, len
in tiiiirowu ili fi-ii-e.
. 1 Mr.n "v is.
lltM.i 1 r 11F I.i 11 1 1. 1; W' i un. This evening
is set apart forth -btie'l- o' the youn itnl gii'.a I
vei'-tiM'e ae'iess, M i-. I. ic'll' VVet -rn, w'l i, oil
tb,s ocias!oii, appears in t-vo pisys uud S'H'.a'u
four cbaiui Urs. There l.s no art st in ire tru'y ile
sirvii.g of an ctra laive- a tiiid.i'. 'e on a 'o.-ne it
night ihaii Is Mi s Wes ent; t iH I ict, h nvev- r,
we believe is g. in r.ilty iii'kiin.v'.tdi.V'.l, ivi l vva
tuny ixieit to aeo t'ie Walnut .Sirjtt TueA;re
croHilid t ' overMon ing t -n:ght.
The p it "rni itii e t e "ii 111 ti -j veilh the I'm h
Sr', n ltd iviil conclude ei'h t!i . o.i o:' it I. tt rr.
In the Irrnrh Sii Miss ustern wit' light a thri1
lipg sword rmiili 1, titi-l ns "H-r'nnl"" will s:ug
several en. hiiiitiug Mintts. 1 lie l iaxli ptj will
be giieu again to morrow.
Mn. I). D. Homk (ok If mi:). This, wirld-re-
nowued spiri'ttal medium bus rcc.Mttly arrived in
this country fn ni Kur ipe, where his j. iinrti, he'. l
in the presence of tho Emperor Napoleon and
the nobility, it will bo remembered, eica'e.1 uu
imuicuse si nsatioii. It w ill he seen hr an u lver
tis mi nt tliat be intends giving a res. ting on n xt
1 uesdny evening, at the Assembly HnlMing. Tne
lloston papeis sii.alt in Ingii tennsot Li- alnli'.y
in this line.
Aw EiiRouCoiiimi'i no A sUtoment appc ire.l
in tbe Inquirer ot yesterday, that O iptsin A. .1.
Cohen was bold to bail by Alderman White for
taking S'i.iU of li unity money from a lad named
Ikanikh, who was stationed at Camp Culwalatlor.
In such a statement gross Injustice was d 1110 to
Captain Cohen. Tho true facts of th.i caiearo
that the Captain la the custodian of a large
amount ot luoutjr ilrnn from bounty-jumpers,
ucsencrs, uuu rejecieu iiieu, mm lien iit unit
under orders from the War Department, unti
such lime as proper disposition may be ordered
by the authorities ut Washington.
The suit In (UCsiion was brought by the father
Of this Deanish, who is a minor, and had be n
n jeciod on account of being only seventeen ye.vs
of sge, and phyicaly unlit lor service, to test Un
right of Capttiu Cohen iu withholding this
money. As an officer of the O jvernment he is
nbly dctended by tne unitcu otatos uistriet At
torney, Hon. Charles Gilpin.
We take pleasure in correcting this mistake.
Captain Cohen is a soldier and a gentlomau, ami
whatever he has done has been in strict ooedionco
to bis orih is. It is bis duty to take charge of this
inoiiBV. and as n so dicr be has obeyed Ins orders.
and ueserves to be praised for tho strictly lionor-
uble maimer iu which be has minded nu amy.
morning Thomiis Doran was committed by
Alderman Ilolmo, to answer tbojlarreny of Gov
ernment property. The accused was cmplnyoi
at the liriiiesburg Arsenal, and it is ullugcd t.;olo
theiefrom about eight lnintlredoigiit or iron,
among wlueli wi re cigbt bl-nouud sultu snot.
Pat-siMi Coi'N'ri:iim.n Momkv. This morning
George Dougl.iia-ivnd "Kiyvsrd Kih.v were com
initt. il to atWer ihe ehargef'as-lng c ounler
tt it jf-i iiotes on the City U.iiik oTiud no.
p 1'iM'D No los than leveutecn i.ra ms were
fined lu l iaiikl. rd for n' t removing 'l e snow
fioin 1 iitir pi'v. nifiiis. Among tbj niii i'ier was
a iieiniM.r ol S. Iji t Council.
Altltl.hT Klllt F.iilllKliV AM) l'AI.'K
I'rntNC.K.s.-V.'ll ll. I'aiikki: ul (t.lindn. Now Ji rmy.
a liiuiiili'r lu Juiii M -lei nt ihe .not (1 M art"t street
wtinri. Hud a lietiriim b.i nru All"rnniii ll'n rtait, ntiho
Ccnlra aU'lnn, ve-ter 'a iilleni-ion. 'L'tio riro uti
ftnliees atV'tliiiilk' Ids arrest am Ms Pillow il A until
alvlny the uatne ui Vn It. Itoieu v u 11 1 Itit.i iho store
o: Mr. Zn.i.ii Vj-i ai aa t .-'J irtnt strain, yestnr
euv umllliiu'. srhl iuri:ha-e 1 tu tl') v ll'lo i-l' -:i 1 1.
ltiMinlereil Iiiu vVil-to be seal ti) Jon ll.ilsl, w I Tfl
he Halil he Loar'I-il,'iiii.t wnu il p iv .or th nu there '1 ho
aiilclts wtm sent tj rkn hot.!. allUa till wss utrerwaisis
ile-iraiclitd to culled thsi ui "ne, . 'iUn lud retu.ta J wall
a itii-ek on tne )'liintloi(C(aJtaii, entluu i-ir gl.'iA).
ItniU hy w " It Isoai if una tho cmiks In tti
ntoreoi i.r Znxa i pruene. t uV the hank, and Hu m
ancertuiiu il thai uo mui-Ii a niiol) kept nn account with
the bunk, unil dial tho checs. vis - a l-rsury. A p illoti
oilKet wus s-'iit lor. who vWUv-i Hio aotoi and there ar-
n -led Ihe tiurleli ter. W ho lUtl.uui'S' Ke I bavins' fllh'il
UP tic el. i ek.
I lie iii.unler fcy the nn e nl kcVii co M not no
liniii.l. I he Par l- ii'l " in lim heiin il Ji..tliv, slat l
t in i n w e hi, -eav i.letn u'
it .l II. as ii.- eai Ul n,
m il s oi)'-u nl tne li
lei. Mid Iro a 1 1. aver. ail.. a with
lulu apiwareil to lie nws-al'ln until ami sial-il uial lis
1-nllie irein New Io IlleSC liur. liii-o V estcril ly
liioriilnu Ito u'U went Hi l o loir l inter wllie-ioo! Ills
utuis 111 a sIIiih. Diet ni K'lve liau the ch'iek t) till uu
Nlu thai he Jell'. a 'I.e Ice unit III j il .oil his ban I.
ihe liirt-li'lei' at lift oliiee'i'il ii-;sijiiiiik Mr. Il-nen s
inline, I'Ut v-i s liiiioly jj, i'-'Ci'k il to il'i so llo-lldU'it
think Ilnit ttie si. ilia ' o. Itie lisino wtwo-nilraiv to liiiv,
he hnv hi..' eoiill'I'SV.ii Ii. ttie ii'.".snu eslleil lloviil. Tuts
iua vuliril lu- tte-l nun Iiiu tt'ioili tisve l -'ii le ur o il
Io Mr. Zn-LaiAK. I ho i.iii-u:.i ir was held .or a l n'.li.'r
Thk Xoiirni:iiN Liiikuty Gas Wo.iku.
Mhen the Mayor sljns tho hi': pasiieil In rojiiel s
yinior-lsv lur the pareme or the Honliern UUerty Uas
Works, there PI tn! no mine private (as companies in
this tity. lU-iUiautowu lias Vorks wme purctntsed
sonic lime aito. i ho vlven lor die Smiliera Ltoer
ly t,as Vvorks Is ainu (sill. This Isa'ess sain ttntn th.-v
weu il hnns ulnler ilm liiiliinu r I tie eolanam are eoia
pe 'e-l to ue, i in ilio city a: this tlfe'ur-. hy th-lr charier.
Ilstitssmi. il lli: uu ess ihoellvnow iimii'i thu par-etiie-e.
Hie eoinnunv tills wlll.ur UileUl s-i ure :ivl'a...iO
bv w hail the ei,y uiliilii eeu-io Hi ho U the rblittohiiy
ilio worss I he eiiU- us huiip ted iroai the-o works
have licen cliarseil higher ra es tlnise In oih -r por
tions oi UioeUv. ih. y wi . no. oinaia 11 at ttie r.'u'uiar
prli e. o ili'iile is eult'i aiui'U as to tU tnsnhitf 01 tho
la I by iht) Aluior.
I'Vsuuiij, as tno s.eaiuiT X ( was on tier wav to
I oinili ii with tho Sew Vork nnn.eimeni, a sol l-hin touk
place betvtceu her and the steamer iitry wlills the latter
was endeavoring to mako her way Uiroiinb tlioeautl
uppuwUo VVa.uul street whar.. 'i he ilaru wus considera
bly lulured, her cabin lisvlng hecu siovo tu somiiilis
liinro renilerlna P unsafe for her to mniinue tho trips
until tho neri-ssarv recalrs ean tin etteo -id. A lad who
was ou bouril in ilio Martt, on his wav to this city, had
In-lime I consl lerab v iiisns i d hv the collision Ho rn
was Hiiaieul y no b ame in lift atiaclnil to u llher pitrty
In cnii'tiiiuiil oi ttio itiilerent boats. I be Auev was
alter akcu u i aoideu, whora the oec-isBarv repairs will
t lUUllt).
tween live and sis o'clock ycstciday atUruooo, as one of
tua Vlu sucstt cais was cooling dowa klshinth street.
In the neishbcrhovd oi Losan Hiiuere. a tUtith, driven at
a r-ipid rate, tnuu lu contact with It, bicaHntl noarlr all
th wiuUows ou one side, and ureatly delating it lu other
teapcets. i he ear was crowdeuat the llino wltti U'lles
wnu scullcmen, who maiie a uarrow eacaiis from Uoi'ily
linurv. Dun of Ihe male pas-ciiers mcelved a sevme
wound In tho ntiek au l shoulder. Tho panics ui Ih)
alltlt ftfeaUfd WilhoUt lldury.
FlNKH AKI 1'KNAI.TIEM. The Alllonil'-Il
ni tio niiv havn iisld Into ins ttl'v ' r-ssurv il art is the
lireiietil v ear al IKU'i oa account of uues sua poaaliles
rcetivtd hy luelll.
Deckahki) Hoi.DiKn. The only death an-
nouneed ai His Mndiual mreotor s ulllco, yesteraav, wits
tinti oi .u.1.1 iiKtu Jon. a UHUibt;i ot CoiAi.aiiy sf,s-a
Vlsiv Voiuuivf,
" -1 ' ri niiiiiMiiiiiii,i,M,w, imm ,1, iiMiii-iii-Mi,M. null,
m iuimhmmmtiMmmaHmmmmmmtlammmMmimmmaimaam iiimi, "TMHriMininl ,i M iiniiimwil
' iMtttri4'"" rm,.jiias 't 'rim flint' Ko Mattfk wfcaf (hti i. M In T trot of 't1 -'''HAV J.'ii UMlipfTM. '
ii,i, AJI,, jk Pcnivoi. This moniing, at "fi Hrwin, Ms. i,h m -vmi tn it , .,(, i-, mV I A , . . . ; M
lOoMock r. h,l,I' A.ffrrgar, Trlncipal of tho "'""" cmv,,on. Thi, (, !h r.,,,.,, ro,r, ul,'11"',,rl u M M I (,
(ilrls' llich and ffm "'' -scbool, took bis formal
have of tl e teselirrv a, " pupils or that Institu
tion. Tbe pupl's aiitf (rv'" " "l'' " iomh!ed
in the ii m In rrrtm. ' w,ln nnmher of
inviiiil guesw. 'Ihu nertisis,' opened with the
trtig. ''Pars, the II. raid Argvs cting !" followed
by the lemiiiig i.r the Hilu and IV tng ng ol a
v.ise ul "Aiiid l.sng Synr " lr.. Cu'g ir was
tlirii me nil d by ti.e pupi of Ihe sir iooi wi'h a
hie mot in-iy .-ct of ihiia, very liandsomvfy
goiifn up. The pr-ent.iti"ii rreeli was mule In
nbaf i.l tie 1 1. 1. iK hy Mi-W Sopule fl. Jirader,
who ipi'ke ea fi Ihnvs
I to is ll, h. ur in win. ri, as i the happy pist,
wi bad I.i .i .1. in ihe ,m fuli rss uf our I evirts, 1 1
gull von, nn kind nl.d koliuioil tnslrutttur, with
i hi-1 I.u rn.g wiskes ut this fcsiiva soasi.n. Cur
i ceiifs lot voiir liitpliiuu-.s are lios, and ererwill
le i.i il t. ineii . lint ho
I I r i iiiul a l , In n now, l.r (tin but li'tin, as
I u .is, wo hi.tlies s you, whw-e place to us i in
ii '.u I c siipj l.ttl. to lui.s, have wo l.fenlve
it i I . I. ts I onr knv ne-s, i.. 1 1 so t.iittriilty bavi
v. i ci ii e io ici anl v on wild the highest r-spect
at it nt'ieti. n, ihnt w- f. cl thi to do (tie s id.iesi
u i n n t ol i ur si huul ii .vs.
W In ll.i r onr t oonr iion wit!i you b for
inot.ll.s, or win thi r it has bu ll loiigihftie I nil.)
v tsis, vi' h.iit en r lou i d y on i.'ih same aiways
nn y to I r 1 1 g y, ur -up n'r knowledge andct-
I I I a to . to 1 1 ii, u u t ll. c.iia,.y the dilli.ii.ties
hul l , i , i i nn I ni hs.
W I'm i I ink i I all t! :it v nt have be -n to j
ii i' i.r I i ,'i ,- ei i w rh gr.o ;tu it , an I we Io ig !
I M" I I' "IOII III OUl lL'111,,1.
I ' fl o,v, ii. a ''ish' ili gne, our upprori iti .11
it join- in pit- eg .are, we jin s ot to yo.l this
Ilsii id out eiiiiiiii ; ftieiii, will! the wish that
In i Usui! n w nr n,ai be 1 1 ii ii lit w ith prosperity
uno 1,1-1 , ii,e-s lit y mi i,i .l y ours.
At t I . r iit had also laten pri pat'cl f ir Mr.
( :ii..rl.y I is tc.o oer.-. It co:i-it,'. of several
pi. so .-i , r, t U bu rib ly Inn-hed utid appro
I I !..: I n liit.e.t. li.e "tea- her, to w tioin i lie
i.i ti it nii.loig the pir-cn.atinii was ass ;:ied,
Sl id .
i . r 'i y.ars of n-liool compA-.t nislitp
hi- pu'.'. io I mi nn ni t. o''.ei tor . ml soiiinvfnl
I' rn ii.aiini.. l-iohiy m vi ri the link winch so
h i g bus found lis ton i. in h ippy iut ri- eirse.
Wi l.aii a.n.iys gl iliy gum you onr coiiiioeiico
Mil Miptrr, uno w h.,u vi r in -v he jour futiiio
muh 111 lile, it e.niiiu; ccctd what wo d.siro
tot ) Oil.
tin in loilf of the laeulty, I now present y.ut
t!..s so; lit tt s'.iiiiiui'.ti ; hii iiig it iii .y prove m a
f.h lit ui tcc our iipprecmiinu of your uuilorin
I ipcpi.'-s, eiid iu!,.. delation fur you, and mir
ngiel nl p.irnng In. m one w hom wo shall always
u n.. nil i r w nh fi e lints ,.f friend -h p and es'eein.
Tl'e-i if is he looht il upon ns a renewal uf love
nun inti dliip which had always exist-'d between
1 nr. in i! hi- lea I en ami pupils, in regard to
tl.c n uu nl (I e Cummin, o nl the Hoard oi Con
trol, by villi, ii this p .r.ihu' was biougiit atioat, the
sieikir s. id I e vt. tiki eui look iipoa that do u
iii nt with pride and satiMsciion, nmi as a living
r udi ' hat be e ol i.Lvays ende non d to ele
vate m.ii toti cl the -irs' 11 g'l and Nornul
Si In ul, by pii vi Htine lio.n bring ad l ined within
its wans titoii' who were un to receive
tl e I eiiiii s vv l.ioh ii In slow. il.
'Ihe pinictitipgs tin- .uhoti: wire of the most
in, I'i-n.-ivo end ni:i char t ter. 1) irmg iho
in la i ry of ti.e a. lilt esse-, t:id din .-g tho singing
loth nailnis :n.o moved to tears.
The fviteisis i-nsril by the singing of a song
wt.lttn l y ubc ol the l a'cuiiy ol ti e school.
Tin. (Ji :i:t nf ot n Ci rv. l' w is
never so ijiiii t as it is at the picscnt time.
fdVirci'iis ithou'iil in rai ls, murder-, robheri 's,
in d lire-, Ibis ci y li ahno.t to'a'ly freo from
litnic. Hit! few complaints nro made at (he De
tective Olllie, ami the book at th it sta'ion only
icctives two ii. three additions upon iis pages
nailv. It is an unusual circumstance to nolo the
city f-o quiet nt this t-easi n ol iho year. l'"o.
itinii bs I. ut tew p.iavy luuhcries urc known to
have lai n ci i etiuted in the c.ty. This may be
attributed to the proper attention to business uu
the part of the detectives. Pickpockets make
tliim-tlvcs I'tccuiugly scirco, using to the
iiii.ety-ilay law. Thu now hands at the business
ap .r to have gone to otlur pla es to operate.
The Urc Dcpar o'ent now is soinowhnt idle.
1'ri'vious to last Monday there were a number of
nrrs reported, bnt since that time there uavo been
but ore ur two u latin-.
Kvi Coroner Taylor is getting a resting spoil ;
last ir. i nth bo had about as much business as
any one man could possibly get through with,
but dining tho present month he has not ex
ceeded a ball' dwen cases. These facts speak
well for the admirable manner in which Ihu City
Govcri inent is ediiilnl-tered by Mayor Henry.
'1 bo police lon e has been brought to such a stata
ul perteition by its enc i get ic Chief, S G. Ruggies,
thi t our citl.Liis rutin) at night without fear of
havina th-lr houses broken into or burned down
belure uioriiing, auu (.vu.i -.. ,u
iilmoat any purt of ibe city, day or night, without
Oar gcr ol bung gurrotod or relieved of their val
tieblfs uncircmoiiiously.
A Siimip Swinui.ino PitAciicK. A now
n ode of raising the w iud was reported At the
l'nlico Station this morning. Some unknown
cramp, It appears, has obtained possession nf a
number of envelopes uted by on express coin
pai.y for tho exclusive purposo of enclosing
moiiy.Thcso be hils with paper,' and after
carefully V nling them, delivers them to parties
risioii g in this city. He called at one house, and
un hi giiig tho bell the lady Came to the door.
He iiiiormed her ihat he was engaged in deliver
ing montv packuges for an express compiny, at
tl.c same "timo handing her auuuvelopo addressed
to the gentleman ol the house, which bo said
contained e ght hdndied dol ani. Ho then re-iuei-tcd
btr to receipt lor tho. pantag-t in a book
which lie curried hitn, and ttcnian ling tho
sum of three dollars, w Inch he c Soiled w is the
ch..ige due the con pany. The liuiy, however,
snspe. tid tbut there was s imi'tlnng wrontj, ir-uu
the ii ft that the pocko te w..s dalivered tit her
111 band's iisldci cc htoleal ji l his olliee, and
dm lined to pay the fcuiounf.
The mun, not tbe least abashed, jaid it made
no oilliii ncrt to linn, au l that be would see the
gentli nr.ati. He next called at auol'.ier residence
in ibe s in e h r.Jt and made a similar sia'.eineiit.
He succeeded In obtaining tho ainouut claimed.
It is said that, he bad ibe names ol imte a num
ber of ph mipent cttiensou bis book, but it n
pro) able ilotf he hud some of them there for tho
pui o-e of Hiding him In bis operations. Ue ha 1
a i.uii.l ci oV tin c pu. kaes w ith him, an it is
iU,te imHable thnt he succeeded ill obtaining a
toiisiditable amount of money during tho d ly.
A DkLllilliTl I. lNTKltrAlNMBIIT. A COIV.'Ort
ofsacied music was givea in tho 1 hirty cighth
Strret Methodist 1 piscopal Chur h, West rulla
di lph u, ca Wedr.tsday evening last, by the chil
drenof the Sabbath Sch ol attached to the church,
assisted by several lad'ss and gentlemen; tho
whole arrititffil ami eiireeted by Jonn B:ake!cyi
K.sq. Tl c whole entertainment on tkisoccision
was truli il. Ii-'ottii', and the singing by the band
of lieniilifiil chi dim was exquiaite. 1'be proceeds
are to be i pplied to the r-plcnisliiug Ihe library
of ihe Sa' ba h S.lun 1. The next concert will be
given on Wednesday evening next, DacomheriM.
Tin: S iAm oi ilk SiiitB ts. It was not only
the wicked yvlio stood in slippery places yester
day. Every one fared alike. The pavements were
laid wit. - one exquisitely thin uud slip;K:ry street
flcc.and people fell down bydnitn". lloysand
men, girls and women, went down ono alter
i itotLcr. I.' okinit up a street, where tho ciowds
cane trooping along, tbe beads eoniliiutlly d:-
apl't.timg, aud as lnsuiniiy ooouiun up imam,
though nothiug had buppened, resembled tbe
bannuers vibrating the strings of the pian i-forte.
All the falls were taken in good humor, so it is
to lie hoped that nono were sen jus. a no moro
the merrier was the principle worked upon.
Danojbois Cot hteiivhi r. VVfe nun's f 'eiin-
terfitt lh tei tur sends us the following description
of a new and dangerous five dollar note ou the
llullalo Citv Hank, IlullMo, .-sew lorK : :i s, v;g.
imitntiou, blacksmith, liberty, eagle, on tight end
State tout of urms.
A nil I Pan Cyiioiiciha Is ollereU as ono of ltii nn'st lisciiu
ar.rl val.iahlc of bonks for prtteiiia'ina. It is a l. i..ry in
luellol iiiroriuatlou netdnl hy t very t ne oi lulo.lirf '"'
lioimd in various eijlts, ut UtSasiucylcr H is my, io.
aj ti. 8 slh inert, steond itcry.
Ciihis iuas is nr. ah. Now Is tho timo If you
with ihoti'irsphi by Christmas; ro esiiy and avoid the
throi g nstial In hchdays
D. ''. Itclnicr's, No. ll.'l Areh
A. 1). TunRAuo's ehohe French and plain
roatrrtlons. alio sslra Bus fonlsn anil d-.iue tie iVults,
ai uaaumatssbls. 'Jcnlh itrri I, below Ckftaiil.
Ir is well to get clear of a Cold the first
week, tut it Is aiuth safer and better to rid yourself of It
tl.s nrit forty-eliit hours, the proper remedy lor the
nuri'ose belnc !r. Jajna'i Expactoraat. rrsparau omy
at Ko. Wi Chesnnt Hiresl.
Tub Holiday Fitr.esN r most acceptable to a
USy la a (Jrovtr A llaker 8ewln( MseMne. itii rosihlne
look aU the first pieotiuuii at the fairs In Uie Uuitesl Hlatss
the fiastycar.
HvhDSALL's Arnica Lihihent An Infallible
cara for burns, scalds, sprains, rlioaraailsai, saa-shot
woandi.Ac. A ilnu'a apphcausu allays the saw from
a burn lbs lustaut ll H'l'dca, Ho family ihoall bs
, Tfltuyullt,
ana inc rrruiol in us ntvor is' wlia suc'i e,w.
par-Ron l msCs. Tht r'..r- n n i Hie tlr . mnc::i is ,iir.-rej
In Ihe rnl. Hi- warranted tl st-e lire , I. Mellon or
nioni-y rs iiincc1, whl- h Is i ,oo me i-m pr-,f ih ,t Hits
niarhlr r hst mrrlli h '.veii.l s'! elti-r1., si tti-llas aprnlee.
tn n I- pnr'hrs assttitl .".s. It It , , rn il In us e ni
slril'ilt.n fiat na clian;a'i.s Inim P. .-srAte It,
wl elhsr t a p arrhsne er n-t. I'sll at tie N,,, si
Cl e-nu' stu'i't. rn.-i list, wiiji s.iuii.l. i i.r iettm, ,s, ai
co rt c. tpt nl red ilsinp.
lUviwo DrTrtnwrrit to Ci.nav Oct Our Wis.
t-T ijj'-fc .if lleiily ms'le (i.thint: we are s-llni; it t
Isrff" amotiriti., .Inity. at p-f i-t -s-i.-ii ' p,..,
ten! of ffcftuttion ; tmt rair. i hat p. :,, oii msl
fi-r ra-i, ml As !. 'tt , ,,s ... ' iAe tt e a,o i.t)
10 olr-T fiilomrfi ll.s atvui'iv-'s Ih-rtby s.' liar
as- or'inros is full at it r.-nij l. nm S'-ois .,-r, r, P,nt asd
ffhiotHifi' snal to any u-sile ts oriter and i,.til s.i m.ieti
hiwcr in prK- ii In ait.. Hist, tlio- wtot n"islly pr-ie in-
11 sir rlnlhil y M that way. An ev tn.l.nillnii i .vite.1.
T 'm II ii.i ,
IsrW. I Miret.
1. 1 r A it i
Winti b Ci.i
W nttr f.v!.lmi
t nolii.--! prleos,
Ar Mjuct il prl. si.
t-i t. m 1 1 ',
J t ly in t,l ',
r Its- i. ir.i.
AH't:slln Si .k.'i A C
At oa-li-s S'-k'ti I'i
. 'i osr prt, s,
IrtT-l it.
. i O:..' prk ,
liai tt.
Ctlll.l.llV.N'.S Cl.OTIIIN
mut at M. Hi.- ui.ker M Co
n elegint J sort-N-
4 9. Kla'titti it.vjt.
A C n ti ' si mas 1'aisiNr htu (Jivivp. It
lull Is. . ml tha ietth il eiiivnilnn of tli'.iutiihit rMo.'
that (ali.ily In Its land iheald hi luptil tvila a
erst eiitt inn It-1 nia.ii no. and It I.i fin.ll y Itimr o mt f,'.
lien lhat tha nisi tuna wn.- h cmatilnas m -ro cteriliet
icKiur-s rhsa any olti.r is the "l.rv er A tl ' Itls
li e on j -etttn' not, hla'- evrr Pivrnt.'d that e'eiu..t i-na
in l.r-.ttlf r y, an adt aiilane tt l.a-ti in lisi-K eiitajei a to tne
lirctelfnes tt.tti t l itiielil,et.t pure I.aseii.
Mosi in its CLlt'tS, mill tllo-t
ll-r'nt In Its Sf II' ttio liaST.lut S l. J.eit his 1,, jine
llii" in. it "HUi'..sT it.itil:'.er la tsltlen..'. ' lii n-i'ii and
praisr-.t by evort.,.dy.
fold t-j a',1 .ti tK'ol-.ts and l-f rriint.-rs.
Gtoiiiia 8ikck Co. 'a Pianos avi Mason tt
11 till IS s
unit i s.
hllkl KS.
I I'S.
e 1 A Ml
Kir. I KS.
(M.I Ml' I III1AN1.
Ot-' a..oI i-atn ol llitte Hill bi-sllnini-nta
hate I- t n t,l t.t Mr.
i..,iinl Un. btiiiai.u le coui, anily
li i ri aslnx.
r er sa,e eritv t-v
j i: i.iit i.n.
Bovi'nth and lii. Miul streets.
llitll s. S .
. I III I I S s .
nt: i its,
inviAv.s i
Do You Know has removed to Ko. 113
('hcmil stt-'OI lie it'lli T -t-.ieei-. Clsiirs, I'lp.-a, Ac , llfty
per eeat. kss Ihsn sny other man In this city. Ueai imiiar, Nn 4 1 A ti.ciiut itl-'i't.
Koa 022 nnl 021 PINE Street,
everll I.i's of
ruibroidcred CurUain Muslins,
Alio GO Piths Vo.-y HI. -a
AI It ('I'll I AI VS PltOM uno TO ,ow run PA I It.
Ibi no Co--la are cIT-tres linch h.wer than tho Onithial
Cost of Intjiertatltll.
The ah ivr sot.-li wl I arms Utt-rnl ami spsropriito
rou l';M8.
11 VI it Nos. 'Jit and UJI l'l SI! Slre.-t.
G. W. PITCflER'8
ONK PRICK nnriK, AI.Itl'M. ril'TIIRl;, AND I ill US
ISO. KOS ClI15Wr UT Htroot.
WALNUT lis 'o do
GILT do ili
ltOSRWOOl) do d 4o
r ramus made to order, aud sirtlculsr attention given to
rSAktlNII I'iriTtlltF.9, Kto.Klc.
Our aiosk of
Over MO stylfl, many of them EW.aad asafs x-
fteiity fiir our own lalss.
rrlrf from 15 runt to (ton.
am. soi.n
re nooks for SI-7H.
SI li li.e.kt lor St !.
SI !M liooki i-a St I'
ll Hooka (or SIM.
SI bv Ronki for SO at-nls.
i. clil Bo-iii lor So cents,
'a- it-ui for 4o craia.
'i cent book, for J ceuts.
HIBLEg ANU ritAYBK IIOIlKH in vatloui sty oi
HIAHItS, POBTrOMOS, ete. ate.,al low prtcas.
Jl VEtllLR AHUPlCrUhat IllmkS, la Ifrcal variety.
lauunisL riiOTKiitAruii,
l77-over '.DO uo.eeti.
klVMUII l'llOTOflllsPIIH.
Kl . oter !00 sa y. .is.
I'Atti) riioroilttAl'ils.
I'lam-otfcr'.oAl .nl-jC, is.
UAHD piioniiiii vi'iia.
toloi i.l -ov.r (OS sub CMS.
kW 'bkUJK- 'lS Ab'jKI) KVKRT WKBll.
j.j Jiu tOS Vlir.SSUT AfltSKr.
Jl O li 1 1) A Y i; O O K S
liatii i' purel sstd niy itock last sprhg I e.n sell at old
cniiiai vah nr.o-tfi,
iusmioi 1 11 vim:"'.
1-.iiV CAKIl CAt-:H,
Ti iY Itn-il.s,
liltllil...AI'U ALIJIA 'li
liUl.ll I'r.NS,
JhVkMI.B m)OK8,
Al.o. tho tlncit MOTB PAPKR, and ENYEl-OriW to
uttitehpnrteclly. 1MT1AI S OllATIS.
All our ktindard Punllcidloni.
fubllibcr, Dooki.ll.r, and Stationer,
jj.jj j, K.W CUKBNlJTSrKriKr.
la Ureal Ysr .ty,
Dy Uts alanuisclarer,
i. A. YOST,
Ko. 812 CHKSNUT SthltKT,
Urn less 'e ( kls f tt ssuis4 sustorasVi Hi at his pr-
snil it-K k V
RtiHli,et iksl of V farw-f twlHir.sll-ill. Ravins St
IrepJsilth f -r isa'-v Slttela s-ittlr. ho fas tral, sar
j ttr i,i.o ,tinil..r'Sil ii nisnl m ltii roiinirj thsi rtn
l .'li'psr'' WIS I is AS in B.lrs.s alt'itkil a Kills fr-nn
ire pr,l msniirsriiireri ari an-su l ror.-ns. linss issi
ir wtm -r rr tho lull" rtsri Sari- ss-ioi arata esn e-tr-tsmit
.oi e-bieit witn I tin ur ihe r- tin a-ais swots to
lit pi s - Isr- e a flr-y, and la inert annvaly dw
a- re ni , r fi-- in ir.'i .iii- t'n orfttr :
I." 1 1 1 K .1 Vt'OIJK IUIMTS
.IKtl ' I lit . HI I II, AMI III lr. I',nvr.s
' MTrHMAIt KS mK I.AIIIt.a NII 1 1 K.N f I, KM P.M.
I" I IS I'AIIIS llll.T l s I) II K iS.f. -iooi))
rUitll l,f. (II MKMIAV 111. H.
Asf - or isni'i k Ari Mornnsj.
ft nrM-misi t m.i ism wav.kiNii caHMS)
' tt i t tMm'i" v i iii'i.nuitN ra.
S til l I T. 1 II' H io xlliH
tAi'ir.s hvi.s u.i'K taiNTr rnKruiintrr
ki a .Vs.
I SlllH, I'lf KKT Hil-ikS I HISS I'AIKa.
li S-IS M. I'-iOi 'M-itS tll.M.
UlS'tlOr All. K I Mil
i i.'iti-Ai i' '"i n ri. in, t, ash n.'.' it-
I1AMIIN tlllA'.tf a
II All AI y I I.l A Ml TiVOI.I
l llii'H i erpsriin.-ni li i-li-tn tn avery vi vnir
kowii,i;h nianv pn-.el ttiiiws s--or b-Stro lru.i ..
thills, tit- tort lar.a ar ,f It. ,st r irr ll-it kno-q, s-in la
tl It -'nn.. sit, la-tt-. In ,Mtn' v ' ra"'- I' d .iri" -so, an.
II. inv knots t I. ,r- a T. rt It sr 'Wo. Yltts ii nu lille'-ittl;
lAdifi shiirl-l --all and see U.ain. ll-vll .'Irp
'oysi Tovsrr
A I AntlH AfsOlrrMINT f
rV H,
At ICS M. M-s-llil t-sf-f,
H low Market, Wo.f II :e.
f-tr He a-eonini in'i.'n -r or rt,s, rs ts--a rs mot
li-if tin e l" t re' ate eiinns 1'ie .tn-- o r
ri. r' . I" ii I. lit', to I'. M . ei i i v i i ins .lerui . I ... ii .1'
flits We nr-Spfrm-nu S I., e'.'ie net i.iir KVirssicrt
Ml" K III Hi I Sit l.irs Si I.. I 11 1. I.u A' I 1 1 rt I'.S I ll,
a. ,t. v -;ii ;nii it.
IMS r.lrp
Nn. SS a- -SltiSlNII K':
MAN 1 It li. l'l ! I I 14 M
1) U. aS C II K !f C KS
lrtr ii-! (Hiiro nU l.jtborti ory i at Ih N, K. twrtiir
81 VI li uud I'O.M M Kit. K Mticcta, I'tilla.lrlplua, wlui all
Irituri ttr ire nr buMlicr-i nhunUI bo dtroriArJ.
Mr wtil b ruiin.Ubrrr K AT 1 1 H A T , .n.fcw-it l y
to cxsttuliir uvv w itu :hn Kitpironiotcr, for which Inn Cite
( Ibii'u tlolUrn; all ttlTlr ftff.
Ii. Nrw V (irk, at No. JO UOMII ret,OTorjr lUKHUAT
f.oiK 9 A. M. to i V. M
At lae M Miv imil'.l,. II JnTiHrT IH o4
I", F. Iinnri :, mid '.. Mm U V anil I'i Aprils') an4 H,
.Mi 17 is. .Itn.f 11 ant l.,.lti!y I t and
I he llruof..r in r b.-hiir hi UM.riMOI.H and riTT J
I'.lJIkO witl bv fee ii In ibt t'.lj airrM of thottn eiUes.
Till: Hl.TollT OK hi.. MMIKNOK C kK. Afjl
ll(T II K VA4 r : Ki:i OK ri)NMi'MTl(ilf.
Mum j ar aui., wlilist ttMelliu In piilltilt li;iin, I hnt
.riKn tirndnally Into the IruC alaf of Pulm tnary
Cuiiritinipt'on. All hope ol my rm-nrery belnff tltis)ltHl,
I n dr iU lucil by iny phvulclna, Ir PArrlHfi, t- r'in ort
ii.( tbti ct iin ry. Mx ri'.tovx n, Nrnv Jtiry, btliift my
natlvt' I'luct. I a n iiii'VcJ tiiidur. My fi'-hftr ami al
I U fiiinUy liitil Iht l ami litv iIhto and dlcj uf 1'ulmu
raty ( onriiimitbn. On my airlva) 1 wtvi put t bM
altera I la fur mnny wei ki In whitt wai slcrinod a hoio
li" vi i.d 1 1 ti. IT. 1 htiriiton. whn hd betto my filbert
Ihu I 7 li)tlt lbu , a i a! Iitil attcmlcd tiint In Ms laat lllnat
w rtllfd io Mr me. Ik tliuiifht my ca entirely ba
yttiil the rraoh of mtdiciiie and dcll(d tlinl I mo l Jie,
and t,avr me on week tn arrat n nir tfttijio'al a'Tafrt
In tlifa api arrntly hoi elm conlitl.m, t In aril of tha
rmmlfr-t wt Hil now innke and neil ltfomed tu m)
tl a; I ct a il fee' tlx m worn hit; ttelr nay, and peMiratitif
every nuf, (Ibre.and tli'uenfmy pyitem.
Mi Iudk" Anil liver put un a new aotutn and tht morbid
nuttrr which for year had ad'uniqlatod and IrrlUtad tha
dliftrent orHa-n uf lliabody, was allutlnated. the tiberloa
on ray Iupk ripened and I oxpertormed from my luius as
tutirls an pint of yellow oil'cnalTO matter erttry morning.
Ai this xm ctr-rallon of matter suhufdrd, theferer abatal,
the pain h-ft me, the crtiiKh cosed to harass me, aad th
exhaiiatlnt; niht -meatu were no lonner known, and t had
u ln hliitf lrp, to which 1 hiul long bera a atranfor.
M) avptrtlte now bean to return, and at times I fjwndlt
diftii Usl to restrain myulf iVt.i eatlnii too rauoh; wlttt
this rtturo of brallb,l gained In atreugih.and now am
. . 1 miiuwi heaithy roan wtin a large hoalad
cltatil In ir.H H ii-ia.-. .... - , ,
Int.. with eoiniilel. adh.iiou ofi.u'e '"'
hit hint li sonnS, and ihe upper lobs . of Die ibjhl one la
In a loleiab'y hesllhy conulllou.
I'l.nsumpllonst lhat time was thaosht fobs aa laouialila
ilsiate.ty eteiy i no, ep-i ilclans ai well as laoss wuo
vtrre unltaiiiid ui medtelno oipeeially, aucb. catee as
tteroieduced Io the couclllnn I vria lu. Tills Induced
many p-s.p o to behove my roeovery only tempjrary.
l.ovt 1'i.a.rtd urd save Ihe meoltli.i to otiniuiapllres
lot ii.lnr lime, and mail, s.any wonderful eures ; auS lh
ilrniand ineieaseolso rapidly, that I determUiea to o Tor
Ih. m to Ihe puhhe, and devote my undivided attention ts
lorn ot-easea. In liulh, I viae rest to forced to It, for
inp'it would seud far rae far and near, to ascorlnla
wl elher Ihelr canei were like nilnu.
Per in any esrs, lii cniijiiiictlnii with my onles
Ii. 1 t,l have been mll.lns remllar proltmlaual
vi I. in .New York, Poilon, Dsltiuiora, and I'liuburg.
1 , . everal j'sn pait I have made as many as Ova un
dnsl iaunnial.'l.t, tsotkly, Willi tho "Huap r mller."
F. rtu.s tsamliistion my chiritu Is ihrea dollars, aad It
aiiakli s melosiv j each patient tha true e indllloii or his
niteare, and le llhliii frankly whellier he will el well.
Ti c rt al ress. n why physlelans do aot tut.. Coo.omp
lii.ii ii. lhat ll.ev trj t do too much s thoy give raetUcluea
lollop lie stop ihe nlht-swesii, he. Ho fever,
and bv .-.o doing Ihey deranse the whole dlsoiitve syitein,
likliiKup tl e sro-ctloi.s.aud eteniii illy ins padent ales.
The Pulmonic 8rup Is one of Alias moat va uabla medl
itntikn.wa. ltls niurieur, powerfully tome, andkeaU
Iiik la listu. Itcinialns no opium, yet looienstheptihtKra
In the bronchial lub.-a, and mun tlirowi It off a Ith hills
enrllnni one b-tile Irtiipieally cn-es an ordinary oold;
but It will l-o well Uutto take a d uo of Hclisnok's Maa
t'like pills 10 eloanie tl.s items. The Pulmonis Syrup
Isretdlly liettd and abioilnd Int i b'.ood, to whloh It
linpsrts Its pmpertlns
II Is ous or the beit propa
ratlnuiof lion Uinso;ltlsa pow. rfal tonic of iUelfi and
,sn Ih. Hcaweed Tool.: dlsiolv.s tho mnens 111 th.
stoma, h, and is earned o(T by tne aid of th. Mandrake
Piha, a health? o oi'sastnc juica, aod appailie, aud a
a.ud diutiitloll. foIlOW.
The Seawetd Tome Is a stlinula't, and noi. other b
lis.olrtd when ll is used. 11 li pur. and pie .sent; aobad
tflttis ike when u.his li.nirhou whlily, which diiordors
th. ilnuiarh, torpors tko liver, loeks up all the secretions,
lurtiithn hUio.i Into water, diopiy s.ts ui. and th. patient
dies inddetily.
HluiIhiU whlikv Is r.-'diiow a-dayi by almost
every physician. Many patients that my rooms
t-.lh male sad ivmate, am stiipelled with tlds poison. The
i.hef Is ttrrp. rary. If Ihey eousn, Ibey take a IllUa
wl.likt s If they le-1 weak aad feeble, tboy lake a hill.
wlil-ki;if ihey cannot si.i-n, lliey take a llttl. whlakyi
and lbe so on u this way re lairlos mors and anr. autll
Ihey re PL ated up, and linasln" ihej are ustllas nosriy.
The staniach, liver, and ols-'stlvo powen are oJinJlolely
il.iireyed, and lose their appeilto for fond. Mo one was
rsr cured of consoiuptlon by this proeeii, whers cavities
have ben formed lu ilialuiuri. A llttl. sttinnlaal Is fre
qnt'lillj bei ellclil Io eou.iilnpllvsi, nch as par. brandy
or sood v. aits, lit many caiei Loudon port" or browa
neut In uindoraie iiuaiitltiei; bnl Uoubon wbliky kailoiil
on Initead oteurUiK eon.umplion.
1 1.. H. aweed Tonle produ-as lsstlns reiiil'e. th'.rouphly
Invirorauns me su.oiaeb ami diefetive ititeus, .mil toia
. Illoi it to .iiliilliala aud make Inti healthy blood Ihe l..t.J
win- h n ay be Ul.d lor thai pnrpol. It l wonderful la
In. .lit els that a vtuie i.'lai lull will diesl a hoarly uveal,
and a llitleol ti takau bs-iore hreakln.l t ill gits a touti to
the stoiuach which lew uiedl -uie. poiicil I t. paatirof
''"T'i HAKIikAKK P1LI.S may be taken with entlr.
lately hy alt as" and eniiili'hnii, proitiicm-' alt th. sood
renilli mat call be ootalned Irom rstoiurl, or any nl ilm
inerciirlalineflicinei, and ttilliont aavof their leirttal or
lirurieilt results, i i.ey carry out oi ma u-t"n -r - ,
pill and tteiu-ont lu.lll'rs lo-i.t-ned and en-S 'lted l,y nty 1
Mraat't-d ionn ai .l I'lliU'elle hyruj. It w ill be ti.u
all Uiree ol nty uietlicinei are ueetlvd ililnt.Bl case loe.o.
BiiMOU-iieorte C. eioodwl-i 4 Co.
ItlCW YOKK lleinas. Hsrili'J A Co.
BAl.TIAtullK 8. H. Ilanco.
piTTflil'lill-Iir Georiie II. Ksyser.
C1N0INN ATI F. JS. Bnrre A Co., and .lohn X. Park.
Clilt'AiiO Lord At 8mlUi,aad 11. htcovil.
bT. 1.01'IH Collins llml.
SAN KANCIHCO Hoi teller. mlt'.i A Dean.
Alio, sold h aU llru.jiits and Jicaitra. U l 3lrp
Lilhaarstcl... mya
X. R. comer ot uiiuau and I'lTKtSCT airaeta,
Kefi to aaneinic. thai, ut vtew of ih. ueaoi.he will (uutd
luiUitr at ,llB ijifee .nd Y'arled stoek of
11)11 kT AUlit'LeS.
" bl'l.hNltin ODOR f'AaH,
' BAKE FiUINClf AND LNiiLiaU I'r.liKt'Mas,
i)MAiie.a, Ac.
Klaamt Ttslr aad Tenh Bruak. i. (tombs. Ac. Aid ol oaf
LUilli. AaTM'U.M H HDl.lliAY oiri,
H. p A lela- led I' tof
Vt Kavorlt. Prands,
Will bs lold ob tks saatti lavuf abio isiiai, If ftpi'llea'toa Is
atntlu a( yu- u w m'
Hi m m ill
' f'j,;
i: v. c i v n o c r t V
A'l i in in i 4U i ..k J
L T.. CniTTEHDri??, Preaident,
0 F V I c k n s .
Ts fInv,iwr.Isr-' attack. Ulro-tor V B. mint, Phlla
tl'V'ti: linn W 11 aj v-rra'srl, I'rei ilent'ila and
trie Rsiimsd Compa-r; ri, R. Wrhikf, ks-j., of C. It.
Wtltihf A Co , Hankers: llmvry Hiield..n, Kv.. of Stanton,
Ptihl.n A Id, New Till. W. H. Hat h. Mo., of ralr
l.alka Ai Co., Nt-wtirki f II. Ilsntllnr, ,of 1. n .
Point lim t Nrw hut; L F.. Chittenden, late Itr-gWlur
I.. I. Tfessaiy.
KTMSI -XtPriilM PRf"!. tin.
Ticpirtv. 1 1,'"70 Acres, all Known to bo 111.11 In
Jft,(0O Shares of .Tloi-k Olfercl for ti'iscrlptl fi.
.VO nurcra of pure !0T.t from Ihe C mr-Miy'i prape-ty
mat he n en a.pllea'.r..n e I'.e ll'lire i.r It. n Wrl.M tt
I'.t , ll. Its H. Third iirri. where mips, prst--tiii-i, acil'
all irk rmaln n ii'Sr be lis I. 'l as latest report f-osi the
llm'ei Iflnf Ihe IVmpeny lllliniini ei tne dbi overy of t'WR
new iinrt vers rti-h iiisny I .See.
1 1.eOfr-isI lleporl of I lie r-lrl IVmmlssh-nnrs if f'
WIM tisin In- pul-l.itinl. ilnmli f over tne n-ef-ej is I
F'l'y Thi H'tir.'t 'rto- t,at coin rates. of IP-Id has b , a
rfei'tttly wtm d tn It i- I'hsinl see liittriel, prln.ipul'y us -n
tl r ('.anpsny's tir.-nertt .
A Mini e-t nnn.b.T of the Shsrws nf tbr C tpltal to "i msv
lit' iirba.iuot J for at Ihe llll:ee ot
II. AVltlfJIIT" .V CO.,
Ko. 1 TIIUM S reel,
I'pp'ttl'e the l,tchano
'j' 11 1: v 1, o r s t o n
OF Wl'.ST YindlliTA.
rae of A ne ties! and inm' pronilidnn Inv-sstmnnti bifnre
frepsliiP- Klvel. esses on H1U IU1BNIN0 aPRIXU RUN,
PJl.lir Wl l.t.H 1 n Ih-111, mine producina. and i(itod ihoar
I Oil ll the alien. MilltllAN I.KASKS ANI rVKI.I.S,
ui hiaiidius Htntie tie k. 117 lerei In roe, neir the Hill
III I MM1 rh "HI N -H. Also lino ae-es In h-e, known ai
thcbAKAII V hoVIMtr FAItM.on Yellow sri'et. a trlb.
Urt ol llnshea river, :usl a -rn. hall un lan d. Taji'ompany
Is se to ii Twea 'y llairela per day, have four Kiiflne. a )w
on the snaini), .at d leven Wells ahuost couipletled, with
lluiw oflltl in aL ' of lhe:D.
All or lb. eltovs probitrty is In W1KT I'uUNTT.
Csll at theomca rrth lll.UB CRK.p.K Oil, 0 )MIAtlV,
Ho. S7 IVAl.Mir Mirei t, and tret a pronpoetua.
100,000 MI AUKS. Pil.Il $10.
unH(.itn'TioN Finer, fsi miiaich.
ri n im.iii
I' A ITT A tl,iiial .
250,000 Sbarea, at $2 00 Per EbuOe.
Of V oiianao e-ounly.
vieta ruaaiDKHT,
or I'kllaslelpala.
saoiiMTAaT and TRHasuaao,
Or Ledjard A Baraw, rhllad.lahla.
Three Per Cent. Per Mouth on $500,000.
la eatlllua the itt.attoa es .apltauits to this ontarpiiaa,
th Birvel. rs have ao keattauatn In apreasias Ihilr beast
that tha ratam rrsss 11 will s aaor. sswtalB aid avar. Ubaral
thaa ftora any aew oerr paiiy now bafora ia oomiaoDjIy.
Tka ptc party of ihe Oasapassj soeailiti of the asuowln,
a. 1.
TVrea- e irtbi of tha work as lnlerst.1 la th asdasralad
jSaatT WBIX, oalke Djdeand atahwrt Pana.aaiUI,
oiMk, with tli aete or land on whlah U. w.U Is loeatad.
This wall has bsten Uowloi s nee early In May, 19'A, at to
rat of ab at SM karrsla daliy.and Is now H .wuis at asat
rata, thasjla'.dlnc la th. Oimpany DKTWKKM nri'Y
ABU 81 IT Y HABR Btl.a DAILY , worth, at pnaaat pits,
TWISTY THOUSAND DOLLARS par saoath, wlaaah
wlU pay t tha Btcokkoldars lu ihlsCosapaaj
lrt.m tk. Hart. There Is room oa tha land fer several
Bar. wells, twe or which will be linmeitla'rly ooramsmeasl
hy the Osspany, and in which wa shaft have th. iaraw la
te ratt as la Ih. Jt rny. 1 he character or Ibis property, as
ail land, Is w.O known ; It Is aly aacesiary to say thai aa
wall on It has ev.r tailed la selUruj ell, wblla II 1
aheady araduted th. kftpl. Shad, tb. Oo.iu.iu. a4 ih
Ma. 1.
Tw.niv Hveaoraslafe oath cast alt of Ik All-
Shiy nver, oppill Ui monlU of Bis Baar. Thlstraas
has about tony reds' front a th river, aad toaulaa a
lar.e ssununt ol bilS surfao. Oil wIU yl.l.'iaf lartratr
ar losnd near ihli property ; aujoD, thsiu, tbs Uubhs.Ui
Hoover, Ac. Th. Company Intend lo proceed al once so
dev.bip ibis Sne propsrty, aad fsel sausaln f suei ess.
N. S.
A leas fbr illisea yaars oa th Wa. tl. Wtlsoa farm, a
Slt.oaiv Koca run. la l.awrenci eounty. Pa
Hoe. 4,6. i. 7 aad S ar also urates ca Slippery Hock
fBB. containing four hut drsd acres la all. Tiy
wars obtained In April. 1WH. by Dr. Eirbert, aud ooa-
llaae lor years Iroin dale. Thry ii-cur. I lb
leiiers all th oil tad tb.T mineral oataine4 la th
sevsral traits, with Ihe rlskl to dlvl-Ui and sub let, wilk
all olhea- rishts and nrlvdeses conasclisi with lb bntlnaea
of utlnUig for oil coal atid other aalnsrall, and r.ierv a
rovaltvaf only tin tkliikil laid oi. iniaera.s.
The Bllnnerv l!ok territory Is a now and only partially
devtleped oil retvlcn; but Ut suet-is already oWaiasd
Ihsre and ea lii river, a f.w miles w.t, to
Ih.rwllhliie I ami iiaantllles or ml nuna ionn, souwi,
east and wt of It, lead us t heps Ii will prolan
anotaa-did oil reclon.
m. cnninany have slrvstiy aa cac.uoni (nianr, loots,
.n.lall neteisary (lituree oa the stonmls, w ill a well
nearly down. Hid ihall proceed t den-lop the propsrty as
iaat as DOiSlble.
Thai, lands and lenns wer all side- td kit cdl par-
pcies, by th Prelidnl f nils company, vvlmse treat
auocess In ike di bullntsi, llerllus Inlt'krlly, and fore ol
os.racier. ar loo vtsil known to re-iitir toiiiujci. I
Bubsnipili'Ui rooaltcd at th ofttos of
. Vo. t'.tl CDEJSl'I Birttt
Onlv allmlled aambw.f ikar.i an P sals. IK Ur M p
l1j ceased Vhvress, l.eilers of Atltiihttstrsttoll to th.
k. ale cIPATHII k e'AI.LAll AN, Ueooaaad, hav. been
an Ut lo tb Ulidsrslsned, ad persons lntHl t.d to to
tad See. J. nt vt ill niak. payuttnltu, and all PWiOua
hat 111a elauu aratn.t ina.a.up w.nv.i .- ...
kiAurtk CALLAHAN. Administrator, Boaik ikiiltlJ auoik,
ritohls Attomsj. Don-.BKP.TV.
11-1. l St. . fto-trU l's .St klioft,
KOOklJ, No. IM
JSAUKKT Blrt-svt.
O.O. MACK CT, A-ietlaiirer, Silk-rH eewslev-wnssts SS
(ill)D-, WAKI.S, NI M r R'tH i Nolan,
Or a,' ku-rii. fnr pubiis- tale at his AueUoa ftooau, aAM hsj
wai a.'Siad i-ei .anally to slia of
At Ihe f!a si. antra.
iKttHicnot.n ruRisiTORB
Atliw.HIn,... f)F MKRC1)Arf,,rHR ' .
A I the stnvri r.1 .Nieoan. rs
(-.sit wilt Isi ad. 'anted whan desired oa con ilfarneaa
Ip-ods fhr s'lbtla laa'
alil'l IW.sTrlI Of MOv HKr). !Amt(A(la, KU)., '
On s. ii, i, la. ss.i'nll' n-a.1,
At lOo'elrtRk.eoniprlstt e stt'-a-
s-iiied to hsrnma aud m. sMdk-. KalFlrserlpUoaai at
A ten, a brmifiil h aek Rtieiansl aeny, srwtaMe for ehl-
Also, a Isrse e.dterlVin of d"aaMi and ieentd-
h-o.n rimtt,..,. tlictn was-ini deavaorna, etc., wilk widest
Ik. sal. win e-mn.ei.eit
Auto, .1- ate awl AoiibHi harness. awddtes. brldfea-, wSlfss,
Cs.ra haitera.eia.
') p.sttw.neraent r-n sneasint of the svaatlrtsr.
Stile ol s ele . on V..lnertav.
I'ar Isc-a aad ba r.--"s at ariTt-e .tie'.
K tl Jl ACrRR M IIRMKNtaH. AsollooeSf.
Jls-fclrnlslo for lrsontsi,
L'HYL'TALUy.r.n ViltlTS,
Ri'i pitrtNK wnrrii woiiat,
AM) orriiEK
sdscln1t Is In Cnnferttonery,
Na. latntdARKrr BrttHsv.
tuAiiLEn nuMrr,
Ho. il H MIA I II htreet. salow Axoh,
Port'itHle., lTt.elna ttrtae,
e aiar 1'aaea, Pocket ll.Htks,
Cabas, Bal.rhs)s,
Alonernelu, W trk Boms,' Oases.
Wkal aad retail. U-T-laa
Incorporated under the general .Ufting Law
of the State of FennBylrauuu
DiviJcd iaio 150,000 SbarM,rvr Tftltie) 95-OO.f
W1LUAU D. HOOD, Prtiident,.
Ho. 140 S. SIjlU. BtrMt
WILLIAM S. TRIOE. Tre&fluror, .
Ho. m Walnut Streot
JAM 1.5 I). CAMl'BKLL, Sowrotarj, .
.. 210 B. BUth Btroei.
williau n noon, no. 949 a. six mm.
Pli.JHAM C. I.0VB, Ho. lOlt Cheaoat Sirtwc
WILLIAM L. KIsKIl.8, Secuad aad C'aLtoihllf
TraCcnpanr IhtM aiHJWt t-e hnndrM and ftflMn i
ot tand all of whlci) wild the xsptlii of twelve aeras
is situaice. mm Uia lK.ntiard, Wbuelv.atid Ton-Milo orsmia.
anil nn freny ruo, in Oipcne count, taauvjivanla. Th
rcmainit'K iwhtc eu-ri'i arwHpoa ittnaard erea,ia Ha-
oniaha roiity, Wsat Vlrft.. Thaea lauds have beea '
Hv e ieU ft m the bett Jdcatluna, iu the wed kriawn oil
Oltricturaracotii.i. with m vw to their vaiae aa
itropcrty. r uii hii hair ut ilia Mve huntlivd aad df-
teeii arrre n whfU b knows aa bo1 torn laad-adatad
the tvirtiiK oOaarne umai er M wst, upoo sha fiur all-
Kndi4CiiiK stieasiusj oil i.rt-eiie oount; aud lae leaeos itrt
eu ubtsaiueti up a tbe nimt terAiraMe tarsna fr ihe Uoas
panv. InitlluH but one-tit? lit h tf lLa oil a revsHiytota
i wiKiri. axteSi .n i tmigle iubssiwsvwlsar c.sasuria. Im
The CtsB'pua) owi atraatar laid eontalnlnlKbt soms
la rue mmi'ie uo. s lanse ti inai re -m nirtvaerest
jf the Will am Heats irai, jrtWssliax a rcaijr af a
atxUih 01 uil to Umi Iq,
A Uasa fhr twenty oao yoara etftwo tares. ef thaeefta-
tiraivo Koberr Mat'le fanii. wv a front of oa huiare4 ,
and Hfiv yar-U trie Uauhard tak. letc.iD( ena-fourtai
1 Uie ul) to Ue leneorsK It u Uls laAfttiavt tha loa
tu her ell of ii fvae ammtr tsu astea found lata areas!
i)litltri anl the part, be Id kw the C'anieanfla eltaaieel
beany oppaaun.iv (.hsj r luntjur vw. a wisji'm mmm sm .
erer-tei,and tha 'iriiig uaoa tai piece ot lfMs4eMaBeneal. .
Also, a lcttdo- 01 iu aei-ea or tne tLatnukom uuwer .
Fsmi.nn lfenkaid ere a. In &3inifaUA ciuutjp.Wet Taf
ylnia, lor tweriv year 1 laiaiag wne-olst 'ith of ile oU
tu leieope am i vmiatbiw s o (iw. tu p
T)ve Oon.juny have two of Iho moat aromlttaff of ttio .
Dudeiosd tragi of Isa4 In t.rauVsouiAmj- Oao T .
1 lie wis aiMMitoa btu drtd, and twelve aera af tlia Ueor'
1. a lit. 1" art, ou buui emee r to cref ala a a Jer a leas for
twrutv-l1vi arst jleiiltaif n-tifat;s) at to ou le Xo
ls)(jrs. a "S.U.. t' 10! 1 iis katw atrti :y .sueaai tuaue ler aat ,
la.uii-dinte dr-vrir.iiBt ml tills land-
aad ibe oilier or ilea la ona suoaro aevaor turn urry-
(arrard t urn., unaer a sie tor It eart, ai
jicUiUis wi. .Al.tts ei ta ii to Ute im.
0? i nosir rxH-
A laatortweatT-ttTyaijreof J Alr Morria Taroa
or afcdiet two huixited ar-t, sltueLed ma bo Ji sides 4T
tro.iT liua.arar tse lieni7 Lrnix Jrafiai jitiiQiUA ao-
eikbiu al the ii ifr iba leesvir.
Aisu, a -' tcr iwiBt-y flra years of tno Klaehart
Vaiia no Frosty hy,coi Aal-trjK on Hundred au4 loflj"
acres, ' leluiHK oae-euihiKiur Ute Al iUie leaser.
Abaudaiiee ur toal aaa woo ijm ue oau m me imv
dtae Tlcluity of bse IadUs at a viry imsl eoatt auiv
wlib sot st of the teaiaa liu Cu a-a tias comi ieava wiUi.
out AaJiiltlosal ee-ase
Tvuii tlutMaaU s tii Area oulraf ttie stock tf tMi Com
pauy art iPid fir at the Urn fkcs oi t, HIC Li)LLAliV
tr ehrfrc, htsluia ea Lad yH aUkaUou tu tUo
a. ui
No. 240 B. SI tTE STREET,
'Y.lT.ctil S 0' A. M. aLd ft Olock F. il
(-T frcBJ any a." tk; nirect .... ll-?V-ii )
,MlltlU Sl,OOi,005k,
nr. tiku isio Horr shakfh. ok-rna pas.
Vorlilii; Cuiltnl WA),1K)0.
UnnVi of Ki'ifiirliitlea fV r allmlttd aural-ar of Shares or
Biota, al TWO D'Jl.l.AliS Bar Hnare, isaitl nt the Ultleta
ol Ihe l u tul, JN.S JM B. TUlltlt Hires-I. tt-'st Hour, or
lubai-rtpiaus sssy n 1111 vtniu any aieaaosr a ui iiuasd ff
JAM! S J. Ll'.NCA.f. .
WU.UA31 HALkkll.
, sr.wvs, No. nui upmc strwt.
.KtKN B.
Ji'US 11. l.h.SIIAM. No U'.'7 Market stiasK.
KliWIN T e'-iXH. K.i. fi -'4 Walnut street.
111. MAH H Wll.a iN. ho. Ut M. Br.Hid slrMt.
llil.ld.OkB AHAWS, liraad ard faxrlak sueess.
y. I'I'IIH No Sll alnut .11 -11.
TllliUAH B BP AltLK, llesiasulown.
IlkNkY Wiksik. No. 7irj r raakiia sis.
kJikl .k kl kk, k.a Vuit.
1 La ,w,,naaitv li. Mtus.rl In StMhillf tit
pally won ins with iloi.l.. ,.,:. .s hao.1 aJidssr Ihe sapso,
tliuitdeuc. ol .lltclsul fis-loiil. -
l'rill.-etlis. Bian.aud faillnsr utAttWAUea,. n arp"o-k-
ttoB sl U..lllo). . 1 '