v JL , .. rating ScligraNh FRIDAY, DECPMDKIl 2-1, W. LATER FOREIGN NEWS. ?Tai.ifx t-ir '22 - I Tip Flrtt l-ti mail aeft.Tih1n A'r-ti, Which Iph l.lviTpo"! tit rttflit M o tiii juih An, Qufrnntnw n on tin- 11 Ii tn' airtvod nt Ma if it nt fill Ten p'r'oi'k nt nuh'.iri tlm tin 1- of a Un-a somw (tTm. Mif hid line n pa- h..-it .r lla.iiax .lud ilurt v en tit bw t n lli" fnrn ! efl nt lv M to dm- .r I'. tt(ti wtip-v tie ill I1 tin1 l" Hi' " " i Kri-tin i v n it,' t hf nnii.iii f iii-i.. ii.Mn ( .v i orX arrived tit fo.u hum,''"" "'I ' "h i tiv iiriiMi-hi) .-I i fi'ii iii iiti fr.nn New York arrive 1 nt Que. n-to n mi I f m- I fi Hit i'. A'tI jnili Khc fl l-'fT flOIll I'riM' 'i, f.OI t'W'K -Mtin m Iv.. ul M vil n thf vuilV o. ttir l'lt'iMiiiK' Il I' n'..)!. v ii.. -miv m hi-t irv fmHof r,nl i-.r in th. .ml vi. h rit, -tin ( n' H ! -'I;'' v t . t , - r .i Hi v (!,, w r I ni t em? wirif. .1 nif'i ti UTi' i . r t.I u... ,r. . r tanl-t tht mil e- in m nm.--- nil oil I n" , ,, .i-. rtt lv.. t Ii r t'-1 1 l Km ' I iT HH At a iiiitniT v It i n I.J iM. ink; o v urttl'iif in.-n n' SOU l It I einl"tl Ii- Vl.ivM V ii - i, j , ll( tll ,,,.r, a mini) i .1 t-oii rnn n:in Mr I, is. n s . n Iii iv ( .. tit n and In i .iii'ti. rnijifiii: ic ik-uuio. i.. i 'Y (iM r .y tho ii mi p.-.ip . An in p. -itt.' Ii i-.rut .. ih- 'i- r-i '.mi turl ic n : w 1 rrf.it Til l: -u utif i. il. tiutn 1 ii.- ji t . riioi :i ii in, r triiTf Irani hi-, mii.I in nv r o. an tii r.o i- u.:, n i m 1 ho 'iin-t n.ii n ,i..i 1. 1 -ir I' ' k J i . i . v n Imk-imi r.wsi- nn.l - t vif .i, m,. ,,, T4 .. I nr Hmii'. n m 'i-f ihh- n ( -ikepi r K'Ht-r k ft led i the 'mint r ii4(m h t , i..nri!t of H...nn A, o it,- (.,-i .,u ..i i,ft nr i ii,rnri bm I ...:il.., ti,,f I I Mini:-1 t tl ri' nr mh. n:t nl mn v i-r- i ul' . lie roiHr mIiIii'c-hiiii n.' an 1 .i-.iiii Tin-. tin- ii nt in Hi u." .1 'n- Km !r ftiuiitrv r,n lli.i f rp o n b it lo duty o U'.ir hi him he r ftl.n.- I th.it i bn not tho aMttui-r m v nor i-ven fht- mlil.l e v n- h.if thi . rfcitig iFtii thi m Hrttl I ng an 1 .m.u lut; IftrltiK ill n.t rh an ni'iiint i if ssi r. The w-'fk v re urn- o lu- tinntv n- Pr in'' oxh'hi ni fnirt'i.M ii i ii,-li ii h (u-l ol nt nr. v t'. fii v fi.li iii . i.ciH o mi 'i I t lii.ti't o' f "rn 1 1 r, up io h ,M.. r, ,ju , , tv r o tliiunt r-m t. ii iir p'Tri in hi W t wi ai.;, I'riv i t- n-liiry ti : tic I'm i.-r -r 1 1 Ml hi- i h in-t ,eiHTii cm i nrtn, wl'o, hv.v, nn I tlm rf fho 1 lm in ii ivi' ni'ii it.i ttn't Hin'f wtiti Ktli'itt gi i li i . i,i ii -rtir u ( mrn t inu", .,ti t h - ri ln- I'lue t lt.c jnuriiKl iiinii tlir rt'ci'p hn nf tht' II t'e fi'iirral ut tln Ij.r t.i.rn' II m-.' iv i .In Ki-yjii U.Im -, lilt I rilKC U .1 't II- ft I'T '.'.' tfflt I l .I KI.AM), Th T il.-nl ml I c . . t ! M -t niM -t of IVnirt. lv ft liirii tint 1 1 rity . m ITi -.iI-'hi of t 'm . w i . . rnlf nt I l.'i (.li t L KSi-KI., nt I.Uir.l1 if I ' ', HtU'tlt. i ri,v, The I a'lr.n inirp hm im-w ho hill tur tin1 tr.ni.-r Of Uto uttiniat, h 1.1 1 I" ti v 1 1 IM rl An Iniporfnl ul u-o (nit hrcn is- n tl tor n niw ! t -v ltti.ti tx h .ii't-i 1 ml K ii r- 'iii nt 'i mt f ii ho It ml- .ir. r . i ii, .i!. i i ii.ni. vh w ir. - m,i Uri i tl him 'Hi.- i If -'if ii-. t:,.- 1 1 i i lie to i 1 1 rv i ... ; p... cm itn ol ( hi' Nitt.nmii It int mi I jiroinu o n.itioii.u iii tlury. TrKi:v. Titurl'M cc are nv'orn-i in a hnli t tiun.l-v 1 A haniau- t.io-i n arni-" tri l in.i.t,n'Tt' I n i.:ii cn m 'I urki-h oflli ia I In ' ii rk I -Ii troo,, ,.(. Iir .,. , j, , , to i ,v m em- hi In-urrt i ti.'ii I; .! n-.i'til i Ii-' m,.vrt Ho in won il t'Mt'iiil A t iivimi inn U;i 'mtmi hiii,' ii . twnii tht- I'tiilt' inn! IVim :or i ho Iml.aii t-i'ru,iti line vl runukiuu. i hy lue will innu b' o.iculvI i r pulillc upe. Tin: ihAN;A!')iN f:vs. Ttie inlimin.' n i-w hv f h in jar , ln h o t Llvt rpotil on id.- 1 -th in-'. : - ihr ri mil' ot' HiKuv an" ot) Tii'lotH nro awaI p wi h tnntii inter t I ti" h irn i 1 n o h ir l co n.- . turot. i tio runfetlt-ra e l".m ia iloiir.'i.i hy hi irj Ceeiimtri. I- ii r penn no i h iiioi hinnk. j in- rur r h i-urn-MiMtHi. ul o l I n - , n-f n Tun . wy r ill e l( r IlAHUN, Wll.t-... .Irjilt) 'H.,Hl., Wtirin film Him i' n-io r t t.u w.w tuuruwai ull, miU uaa uui- Vernl it" ''Me I. Jttoirn b a ly nt -Vi-Oi) 'I l.f lm htn si nisi or oi riti.ri-o n anl In ttie i h i nh-r O' lit V'l en I Inn ih r ipi h w tm i Im 1 1' tus orr I t j K'tin net a cm n a- rar:uimi 'i. UHpu' o; hh.s renti m to fiikaiin: iiwh 'I ho Aiimrmu I.tiwer lloue lia.1 tlu.i' ; v vo'e I nil u l dn to l,r thu tio li e 1 oinl-av mm rt of Vove hIht H h hal he.-n r ri lv. il i h Hrl if-h ore " i en rr It'n'tui alu.t h.) fntltho O' irVrt'inlter iiirno In n u-e in tlio o i'(o i Crop ui the Sortliwe-t I'mviu-'OH h ro,ur:(M). A v'olent k'uh' on tho oift t'oi - inl i-uu-ifj rjriat l:un UtttJoim. 'I hoiia. i'H o: ill are re;) or,, d oil. Tin-: "i!!cis m:v-j. The io Inultih now nt m out by the Ji'r n, whl 'h left L.vo on tho 6 h tir.'X.iiio m 'ilifltna oi i in or Iti Mm r tor enlii'ltit mn at SI,eofne 'r tin It.-hol tt'mnr l if-pthmn t-fr com nit nt t d in the mi rt in iuoi-n't It-'in h on tli at'i. hut tiiiilnx tlio o iiloni'o the r;w wii I'Voiifci t to a nt 'it uittin Ux tin ( ul h rou ml in t io nln nco o: wit ns.iw to an al OL-nl rmiv, r-aiion, 'J ho ca.iy wiw su in.u-1 'd till it'-r the nt st tiTin. r An oiimi ulr mrotlikf of fiirttiry nporfitlvot nt Man CitiyftiT tloptotl a resolution In nvur ot ilia tun n i i .n oi Knt-laiol and Fmii'-o in . inorioati ufUIrt. ii ii in-ii'l-men In luinriii oi'iiuimt tt niiitnilliy was rejeud, bat tKith ilde oiainit-il th ni ijoritv. The hart ot i nnl e the! on the Mh- Li ni laitknci: I'i; .t. Ina njieo.'h on navil (id:itrs at Heal, implied t Mr. i Hbdi n mi tho iartii cxpen tl lurt' in Iln.e ut ieaoo. ai.d tii.totl "t'croiurv k .i.iid In Uiiort oi he uoiiiid iml oy ot "iu h cNpt'ti iltur. - 'I he Ho m - eori'tfirr al ot ai the niotn tarv row irl In li Li Kii'Hcanj io tho cuhuiaa MAHiiKHd, wUuu crodl tuw claim ho aiaoun 'l lie tic-tul nt Mr. 1 ayton's rte;ith dta e that tm w w Timlin an Ann rh an imiv at the Hotel dti Louvre in-n be Win rt'lud w ltd II neM Ho 'ol unmi' mi, wiorm-Myi-il lo hit ri'iiili-in-0. anil expire. I holo n ho ro ihl I19 CHrried up main Hit hmtv will ho eiuhauned ami dt-u. to Hhith ior!4.,li inont to sew York 'I l.e I'ur,N li.nir-e nat huov.iir a1 ti- 90 tor !t -n'M. CTI:Inlan Hi no u la atui debating tim 1 onven Ion, and the Au nan Keiclistati la a lo iMiaed ua tho a 1-llre-ii 10 the I mpt-ror ho ( erinuii I 'le. ha hv 'a vo;o 01 0, to 6 adopted 'In pmptmhlou lor tho wiilidranul ui tho l'udi-ra. troop irom 1 lie Out.l.Ka I Isreporie.l that iTig Affhnnlians ure In I'alllu-iur reel luii, hut ihln lu k- coir'rnirtiioii. THK NORTH AnlciUC'AN'M NFWN. lb1 iollowtiit nowit wi milt hy tLa ftoain-lili .V r li Aii-r ri v. whu h ift I.iverpntil vi t.ie Htli, atid Luu lou Uerrv on Uit utti Inst tur I'oi and. Ihenciew ett jmer iri in-m London aud Uavro iur Jtw York, wjim aKroriud near t lie.rhoiirrf t 'I he olo tjulm ui Mr. 1mion tiok d'.ico on thoittli Irtfif. In lhe merienn ehtirch al I'urls. Iir i'iitKiti,Nu per onned th" n-Htioiis serviro, ueta hniont nt irou.w escorted 1 he remain at a miur 1 ot lion ir ilioitmil Jn-rn wuh lined with carnai-en. I ho I ui.ierur w.n ns ,iro a nted t-y llurou dv Laji m aid rrim-o .kmon--. Ik- (I .-i. F HAHt:osWfci(K. 1 lie I-re tie li Korelu Minuter. l. 1i.ui vs hh L'Ht YK and the whn'e olp nutato- h nl worn In alten-iaiiL-f and the ehiuch wa-t orowtledm over pare Iir M'liiKui.AM) tleiivered a dUcoiiotu. eu oUtic 01' tho deeearied and said tnu conli ulty wliu n ii!ihuh ho luceii t'rmxfl and America i.-t. maroa. ni'Vi-t.iru utvin to 11 thuiuukh uprinhtoeiH and nianiuen. a i l hit coar teou and coiiciMtttory inannont .Mr liTrN n uii y aon wat ehlet inourner. and ho wa ftiiiinortod hy Mr. 1 kkmm.ton. re Hry 01 Lot-a ion, Mr. ltm ;(., 1 mud -ia e ( oniin. and Mr. hcinwali. ot New ork. Alott 01 ihu Amerieans in lnr n wore tre-nnt In clmlina uittiiy suuiherner-i. 'i'lie bodv wou d remain in churrh tn, h ' l'Mli and thtu he a-m lo llavro, 10 by e.n tmrkul iur Now York. ilm Kronen luunia a. even ihtws nioat houM'a to 'ho 0Ml eni tmise. pay y arm tnbutea to Air. Dayton memory. 'ibe L.ondin N-m ng Pott. In In el'v article, aav Kus la la about to recognize the uew Mexleau I inpiru tr l'thin c. ot 1hiu:I e-our. tuemltar 01 rarliauieiit mt 'loiue-a hd been adtir .utin h Ih c iiiiih.-ii . vdvor I irf to A merit an alhilr-, he nan) ho hellnvel a thou, h tho urih in Iff ht Huh)uKto ho -run Ii, Il oouid 1101 koea tho 11 In Rithtec ion, tlu emimaied the mihh to l.iik-hin t tltiroiir latil your, at ttven y.two niilltunn hut Iiilt owiu'od -ar eoltou and kuvo it aa his he 1 1 el tliut India won d u v.-r aupuy ti.e nuulred tlhro la noceaiary quautl y and quality Jm tie PPRttPi, o' Dublin, -d Mr Williams, mera'jer 01 I ar luuieni for I.nn he It are tl, n. orlcla in tnirv Into tho Heitiott rlnra. a ter la in? Beariy a mi oih hat hoe:i hronk-lit 10 a eioto 'Hie Krem h t 'oart 01 rurrectioual Appealliad eon flnneil th" prevltoia imK-moni In tho oatt. ui lie ihirt.-ea tit pntieH convlr ed ot titildhu hkval ineotliuH 'I he h retieii Hteiirner Ai tl-ch- arrived at IJthnn wl h one regiment ut tio French expoditluiiury army I rum .Mexico. JUoune buoyant and hh'her Ct '5. ITALY. Hu1np the debate on the onventlon In tho "emrn nn Oie hlh. (ienenil t i ALoiNi ald 110 eouiitroinHn It p,Mdtlo between u t rl 1 an I Itilv. uudileieril l:t. M vti Mnl;A iwl.l bo uliarod with ilie Iowa expreitod hv l 1 l fiM hi'iior 1'hi.LAViAH wan) In iavor ui ifoliitr tn ltouie, unit n tiiakiii(( war ou Vune. ia 1 uo do.mto U Uii lelohi'K UEUMANV AMI TIIC IMJCHIKS. The l'ni-Nlan lroop, who have returned irom th at 01 he la e war enter,. 1 It Tiln mt the J a. w.tii tli 1 K m at (heir inatl and w.re r.eelv. .1 wit ti great emit jtlann. ho ciy wumrHily th-.'O'u.od an t limnlntael in tho evtiniiK IhoKiuiro hf un ir't na-i arrived a Kodin. Several thoii-and In' aMU'iti o- .Si-IiIomwIk w utted tu prot ted thert io nn h r bt-miut: hut wrw torhld lou h the atitlnniltet. Hov -ra urien 1 woro mil 1 tio O t f 6 i-U 1 uiiottuncea t at 'ho Kln had received a dopaia tiou 01 6.WW t'U etfWier LOsliOn MdNFir M IlKKT.i Fund fltiner H1ed1ic.m11 murko: I- una iero-1 but there Ih raiher in- rn tieuttind lor ehuicj hi N lu u ten mar ket ai (J. allortlWttl e' uoa ar ia.'4 tho inarm ..r Auier'ean necuml h has b en ntjady t ir iiiKhut tho wook anil without nmten.i thai V il o I Kitoi l-ivo-Twi nilt-a liiiiiroved H porceut . whl nt HHiiom hanivnn way V rutiitt ti'a uru 111 no m mired iur at au advauco 01 pel cent. I. meat Tin Quneunowii. ImiRPoot, Dec Id V M. -hn a fa nor fYom Lt iid on lor New Vork which ra a time uuar ,Ucrbuuri ha totally auuk. I'o uicti to day un itn port snt Livfcui'ooi., fieo Id. 1 bo It'-okerTircularreporU the cotton Ha ea iur the week ti; iHK) halea Tim market opened with au advance of hd., but auhjiequontly bo fiinio flat, and iho liuprovement wn neur.y all Ioji. . lhea it to uneculmoM wer.t i.0u0 ha e, and 10 ei noriem e" ha ca. iha lu lowing ara tho auihurUeil 44 uu tat I oil ; Ot leans 'itxl. ,,L Mohlle S7i t eland ij iboNaieiiou Friday wera (MMu balea the market clua lut imiui and unchanged "tuck lu purt 34,.0u balea, of which 1J,W are Aoie flcau. BTATK OF TRI1 The market U flriuer, with tuuro demand for goods an 1 yarna. Hhliardon, spence t o and Oordon nrncelco. report Hour uulct and Hteadv 1 extra Mate HuiU V J.eat wteadr kod Wo-tern 7. lid at I wntta Wait fni tin fy.hi. W. Com Uuilj iuU.aU uumluai ai tl $1ua I'roTlatona-HlK'and, Athrro, and Rtahardton hpence 4 10, report llwt ory dull. I'ork uulot and steady. Itaeuo itoady . except new. which ii 11 lower l.ard quiet and nominal ai 4Ua ftd bp&J. 1 allow dull and td lower. Ptoduce Tha BrokTa flrcular reporfg Achoa firmer; I'o U and Tear a, ed frijW; Nuar vary du 1 and null dooiinhu t oilee Una but tiulei ltieeniodv J.uiiM'd eualer. Lin wed Oil iieady. Hperra 01. uomlutt' KoNin verjr dH. hpiriu I urpenilue Inactive at tila. liou't. 1 UK ih llrandoQ report Petro oum atoadr. t la. talt. liiltd lor ronned: Fine Oil at arc. LONDON MAKKl.T. ParlnK' Clreu arreporta lirfadataifa uulat and itealr Iron nuiet. m;ar Dai and 4d lower t ome eiedr Tea opened with a dee Inlug too and oloae4 firmer lUce atoady and uuuhauxed. Taiiow aceadr t 40( 41a. ftplriin 1 uipeutlua ai tHi-uoU Petroloum qalni an! atoadv at 1 lor oruda. and la. Id for latlned. Hutu-m li dull and tending downwaid. Ooil Oil, Lluaeod OU easier. Lhiaeed ( akoa atvady. Hex icaa 8Mmrltiea macuva. Ualte4 0taUi Klva Twentuja, UHm. 4 ouo a ci mod ou Friday at MH for atoner. laSaji11"0 bmuk 01 lfinln haa decreaaad Laiaat via Qaeoaatawa. JiT"?'0?1. ,0p Al 1 oiton -'a'ea tn dar fWObalaa. luclndlug 4m to ipeou norf alcxptaj. THE Hrradtur onlet and Urndv Tr v 'on dn't nnl un elumri d. l ro.lni.0 nu idy. 1 etroh ini Urun ri H t il led I HH"t lid. L'-mo.h her 10 P. M f oioioit fo moner. ftt tl 1 1 rntra. aharva. M ttb'il iIkcoh ll; j r,0 ai,re. 'Cf- 4fl I he Am rn nn an' new wm revel i Ld too late fr any rflt rt :o he derMpM to .Uv. II WHL M tiKi:i HAvnr T'ee 1 o on o o the vek ti hai Ite unirVe n nrni'-r f nliiii ipi.e anil atea.l-. New f'rrana r 1 "r. hht. JIW do tun iin. P Hli Musi Y M Mtlv, r of ' 1 ' t C "ItMir"p 'l'1""' Hin tcs clujcd lit AN IDITORIAL SCoNE. I riiinCccrcf Mcjiii''' irl f "Hie liny llini Monliln'l Kron." 'rv,, Ihr War full. l'n ft frcin i-lvct 11ml On kly r(i,hioncil Si f'n, vhi 0 fti-rp utii! luMinoufl roi irc i-lmH.l He M'!yi,!i'i .f I .itilin ; wl'li tut thi ol i tor hnil s rldl, in A late nrtirli', "the worlj'- liowliiir ii li.Ki J a yii'itu; man, Mr Jiitr.iin r nr nniio. in w;is cx e1 17. -!- youiu1, tut mure tlinn twenty. tliroo or twon-.y-fmir, I should -iiinclt-p, n't ! r in ;r-e he vfi-mnl ol. r to mi' then. Ih im own pi'rfo t'y ut.il stt . .111 iily hlixv. 11 ; 1, 1 -1 h.iir tlni-'i, lm-T, lilii.lt, unj I ru-liril Circt'ii'ly hark Ir n an atihul nr. .1 yn ni. -riui"f kli.,-c.l lirmv, lit. w ! tr til in lil.u k, nud ith mtiiiii1i)us n - t n II'- a' tarnl ju-t t-i Imv.. thrown asi.lr I. l."t ntiil plovcn, uiul wng tii.,iitiK hit s!iinini li otg with small .-!i n.lir i-in.', an. I spiMini I oii y ftillinp nt n ri.Mr wh.xt fr .-mn'-c Kittlul lo ti n n.y nimlu ateil sine 1. '1 ill. c -cut-, pi-ntlrim-n." rxi lnitiii'd Mr. ,T ,rri n i r, w i hout t ..-ti.b'. h.iH u,' lit Inouiu in 11 Ii. 1 1, i it i' " Mr. .UniiiKT m iy p.K-pily li.mi mciint't'iii in .il,:ltt al.lMll, tor lllcr.' Wi'u: no 0'IM ill tht! ri'Oin J-in. nu- (tie Biil'a he u'i-iinil ' li s full lei:, tli, kii.l l! ic iirtu-i Lair oivu.iu.l tiy tin vj'ii- !,. t- M 'l!i- laitor a a tniililU: a mati, with a 1.' ail a IhciI tn nn r. jt. Ili t.'t nan inuiiniv tli .'Ml llli'l.lil- IM ,, I.Ut till' t". T III,, lu-.tl y,,i III', ISH'1,1 n.,y. Ilii w. s . .( c,l t a U. , .1 n ii ' i rin il to lime Ini ii wr .nut; at Mr. .1 nr. n. i t s iln tntiuii. "Von (..! ti,:.t t sumtrn.-o down ri.;ht, Mr. C hip :" lo-luil .Mr. .laitina r. Mr. .Inritnnr spnki' in a ipti-1;, roini.iiiii:iil m.. i l ul lial-ltiv, nut mi;.inrc .-, I.ut as tlm.ix'l Ik i h.. WUH Mr. Jnrnm.-r, a.i.l c nt-.r of I u Li ii!i'l. l.i, Mi..; 11-1,1, i,,,, r. ' '. Mr. .larmier," respond, d Mr. I'liip, inn kiy. 'ou .".a lii-tiil th.' artl.-ic, - Tli.' N'i ni's (V, i ri.n Cry,'" puru d Mr. .Lirrinu-r. liio Ni t "H's ( hirinn Cry' I think tlt'it will l.e a tam ; titir. Nd, Mr. Chip, If you iirc-rea ly, I want to Lit the propii- pietty hiuj tin, tnuo piotty h n . I. 1 ii h tit to ticVj: Yin. Now for it." Mr. Jammer aroused liiinsi It mt n Iu-h lii'.im. it'j; nttitn.lr, and ex umleil his rmht arm m tlir pint ul iln tatii'U touardu niv uui'lr and ni -. "No." N wi nt the ilii-ian m. "N'rvorshail n tio .Mini that the lii-iidm-n -.i .. ; irlwier no pros titutcil the limitli-si. Intlncnu' it ivle!ds ovrr tiiC i vi i.i ,1 ioitioni of Hie Klobe t" K'V" in wini'tion to no i'e and iuianioiis a proi'. u.lini;. Nevir li.i II It he mid wo no .s andoronsly mis rtprcoit. d tho utti-raiii-ei ol' a Irea pi'iiilo as to si t 'In- siint of npprutiation upon that wliic'i 6. ills our h inn-, dur iotir-c has lu eu onwar.l and npHuid, nn l upward ami onward. So Hhail ii ever he. Our iruuint on inen i,ts dav hv d iv. 'I lie snh-rrii.i rs tu, and the ndverti-er- in, the lieitdoiH ;.. nn are daily on nip. over to m by t( ntii s and, indeed, ny thirtien. "lu tho proprietor of the lieddoes 11,-arnn I limke no retiiaiks. lie is hein a'li our untie.; ho i h m nth contempt itself. He has copied o ir huh hs over and over hk iin wit'-i mt credit, lie l.as Mi lcn nnd mi-applied our despatches. He la in.s'iiiuud and mutilated the poem of the O. tunic l'.attle-.s word, 'written originally for this paper and for this alone, und he lias Indulged in ptrMimtl vituperation against us, which we can lorKU liut never can forgive, lint the h )ttr h ia c, me. The Cluiion Ciy of tho Nation, is heard. Tho people of Heddoej bavo arisen in their prowess and their weight, ready to crush tho iu vai er Irom the soil." Mr. Jurriniergnrcaflnit putr :r his ci'.irand Hung il out of lue window, lie. advanced lo uiv illicit- and me, and, my nnclo iutr idueiinf hituselt, the reaii.in of our visit wan luadj known to linn in a few words. "Certainly, Mr. Colchrook, it ihall he at you wish, sir." Here Mr. Jarnni r marched oif t a Hurt of dumh-waltcr eoneern at the furthest cor ner of the lirst olhee we had entered, and puitui his hps to a niouih-piece, scr.nnnd up the pipe: "Mr. Junipur! Mr. Juniper! Cancel that Iik h lieudrd "l-'riclitful Altair in tho Twenty ie tond ward a Valetudinarian Murdered in c lid ll!o. d.' I'm going to send up uu editor al cilled The Clarion Cry of tho lation.' Mane it a leader, and put it in douhle-Iea, led. Send down proofs. D'ye hear ?" A deml murmiirinif at the other CDd of the pipe, somewhere in the nppcr n-iom, seemed to indicate that Mr. Juniper not only heard, hut that ho bad already heard mo o thin a sour tonpered, olntinale-heailed loiuman could ho expected meekly to hear. ' Mr. Juniper is in nn ugly II tio humor, fin afraid,' said Mr. Jarriiuor, s.in;iii; plea aatly and not at nil put out. Iho hox came rattling down wilu tho pro t In them. Mr. JniTimer took them out and looked over tlitin. lie selected ono out of the lieap, looked Intently at it, and scowled "Huw look," fact Mr. J.urimer solemnly, nppi tiling to my un.lo and me; "look at that article. A beautiful article, Mr. Coiehroik. I allure yon, a beautiful aril. !r, dr. A caso of kleptomania, sir j Ore on thehr ln. A workitnr womun, who, hy honest industry, earns hor daily hrtad, niddenly brought up on a monstrous charge of limit, practised su.ci.srifully lor years. One of tho most beautiful c.ib.;s that ever came under my notice. It 'sWrrrth in a conlUfirail m ; it's better than a divorce! it's thtier than a breach uf romise ; it's better, why it's even b, tt,r th in murder!" Mr. Jammer emphasized tho word better in a surprised and delighted way. "And nby is it ? Hays Mr. Colchrook to himself," pur Hind Mr. Jarrimi r in argumentative confidence, v.hy is It ? Why, for the idinp'o reason that it's so iiDcommon. It's a phenomenon ; it's an anomaly. This murder ca-e is notb. ng to it. Here's a woman, Mr. C.ilehrook a young worn in, too quiet, reserved, respetuihlc, b ird working, vi ho tutus out to b a regular thief; a thief in principle, (she goes on for y.-ars undetected. Th ii all of a sudden dhe's bro.igbt up. It's a mania urith her. She can't ho'p it. Should she be puni-litd. I trow not." Here Mr. J irrinier shoots hi! head la a vory deep manner, and relumed ; 'I was so interested In this c ise.Mr. Cole'irook and, liy-the-hy, Mr. Chip, tha'. suggested to me un idea Iur a spleodid seru-a of editorials on cipi tal puiiishineut I was so Interes-ed in it that I worked it np myself I go carefully to work. I dictate to Mr. Chip. I give the history of klepto maniacs fiom the histoiy of tho wond to the pre sent time. I ord. r it to he set up in leaded noa pnrcll. 1 order in a sensation head for th -re's nothing like sensation in a thins; dke this, Mr. Colchrook. I head the artn-ie 'The Selff'ou viced sieatnsiress Kleptiuna da Quiddities.' 1 here's nothing takes so much, in a case like this, Mr. Colebrook, as apt alliteratlnn'a artful aid. 1 give oinctions lor a hanging head in bold face Ope. What does Juniper go and do f Why, says Juniper to himself, 'I shall put ibis in in italic, pagoda li.riu.' " Here Mr. J'lrritmr suddenly broko ofl', and puttiug his lips to the pipe, screatnod franti cally, "Juniper ! Mr. Jtinlp r!" A low roar asked, al the oiherood ot the pips .- lYVcll, what do jou was; :'' and someihlng like the fullowiiigconversation ensued, conducted on the part of Mr. Jarrimer iu light and iiuliiu ating accsnis, and on tlu; part of Mr. Jatlipor ia the same low, unroucllialory roar : . "I should like this bead change J, Mr. Juniper, if you please." "Yes, but you sco you can't have evorytulng you want." jo "I should like it in boldfice, Mr. Juniper." "Well, you can't have it." "Why not, Mr. Juniper ?" 'Iiecauao you can't." "Why not, Mr. Juniper?" with a iarJouic smile. "Why, because I say you can't," the low roar growing still deeper. "1'ju foreman here, and I won't ho Interlered with by you people down 3tulri. I know my own business. If tho pro prietor of the pajHir dou'l like tho way I do my business, he can get some one else." "Am Ito understand, then, that you will not alter this, Mr. Juniper i" "Yes." Here the roar at tho far end of the pipe expired In gently murmuring thunder, and Mr. Jarrimer removed bis Hps. "Mr. Juniper' in one of bli conniption (its, I suppose, 'sald-Mr. Jarrimer. "But, Mr. Colebrook, a thought strikes me. You want that little thing kept out of all the paper. And, by-the-by, ft must be, for It will never do to have it appear ia the lieddoes Beacon and not In the lieddoes Har binger. Coma with me. llring your little boy along) thcie'i nothing like Introducing a youug lad while be is youug, mark me into the inys terio and miseries of newspaper nonentity." Hon. George Brown, editor of the Toronto Glob, and leader of the Opposition In the Cana dian Parliament, arrived in England on the id, on hi mission relating to the confederation of tbe rrovllice. - DAILY EVENiyf? TKLICfi PrcttM vrn Armor. flulm. The Javal Ordnance Unrein chibnt to havt settled a question which hm excited a great deal of dlscwion In Enitland snd K ranee whether li p isnle plated so es to r.'-l-t the heaviest artillery. The annual repnrt, which has just been sent to Congress, says the powers of the guti belonging to tho r"vy, and In coni'iimi use In ti e batteries nf our ships, bin" l,ce" '"irtv trsted against both fol.d and built np plati", D'l the c.'iielusion reached is wholly in favor of the gnns and their so'id projectile. the si'hervnl shit for smooth bores b ing, however. nines, surahly snperinr to the eiongited r dt'-shu In vciy tot in. 1 list is to ay, no in. mm r m thick m rh i f imn or steel armor that could he earn, d on the bulls of "ca go tig ships will ie-ist iho mi part of solid spherical shot tired I'mm the heivi-t-t ciihbrisot the navy, a' c c.s." r.'iige, w il'i ap jr. p'iute ehari-rsot isnnun po.l, r. This re ult has hern icache I hv the f i'.ri.-i:-.iri of simple it'ohrs n iron, solid ihiuugti'i'i-, a t h iti : l.ircti.tore n-t '. icd i,,ipn.spc(. w.tt, .lrg . -t fii.l shot. It is now known, bcvotid nnv 1 1 .r s-1 1 1 ii . that It is iasv to ca-t a 1 i inch or Lo itch shot winch will be perte.-t v mind an I sii hi ti. ni eMeiinircr. ncc to 1 1 nt e nt tior.' ; and r e 1. 1 'he . i ii er 1 te- st. o, it'in ,t i.rc ikio :. two hir c.ed tal tw.tl'yiwo t ...iincimis Imiv-. nt an i i hi-on stnun l.aiimii.r. I tn, hcini: dc il. . 'l:c - " UU1 .i of tl.e r- lirl'li.n - e cm nt'.' of tl e io1 I, ni t,l c n i i 1 1-1 -1 1 - at in a is uf .-a-y p--i-ct ss , for, i hack to tin' si, j; I ui oil r a t i-an-, the i Hilto n r. 'in red to hurl t'i."-e .in-' i, i m.s- s ot "on with the high ve.o it :cs due to heavy ch iri s ol powilir are icadily nbtaiutd. ArrOiil of l'iiiirt...t lrtipcil isitlcr from t .tliiiulil. 'I he fi.llowing i tti -ers. w ho re-cntly e raj,, d from ('uluinhin, S. (' , have arrived lc r.', a'tcr a lot a;id 1 aardous journey. S un ' ,.f them are vol Ltiuwu here, nnd all are wcIim.uc visitors : Major l. S. S'utifnr.l, 7th Connccti u Voian t r-. C.pvin s S. Il.ic-, l-i l tm, d stn-cs Arttllt-ry ; Cap am J II. Ivi.i:'.. 7th Ciiunrctii-.it ollllltc. is ; t'a; t.01 .limns r.r'CCr. 1st Kluulo 1-1. tul l a-'cv ; Cipta.n (' II. Ni -!ioU, i'ih ( nuni etii 'f Volutin ers ; Caii'iun John I-. Kan ' "I'H. l-ll I'l.i-i 'i.liintrcis ; Ciptain M. W. N a I, roth New Yo-k oluiite.-is ; ('apt du 11 Hi ri, .'ith I'rnt sylnini i Cavdi v; l.ieuieiii'it ( I ar es M. (.'aniter. s oh New York Volume, rs ; I ii utlliiiiit (n'orgo W. lletnlnck, lialtcrv l . j'li M i h- nn Art Ih ry , I n uic an' W iliiam (' uiikins. Ii 'ti' Illinois u uuteers; laeiitm an: .l.dn I' : in, l-t l n.tid Mates Attn cri , l ieu', nam ' iilin .re, h iNew York Voluntevrs; l.iciiiciiant H j:,on. a m.f.'n llri.inl, l.'.(A. BANK NOTICZS. NATION A U It AN K O I' CDMM I.K'MS roll i o. 1 1, ,.,., or I". 1- I. The Annafil K:rt:. r 'or I 'it .i..r ul : o i.latr,u Par kit llnotf. fi I Hi I; -t I n i , Mo l.'r , .1 i, ..f .la.iuary next t t iwt in tha hourn uf lU A. M tni4 .' ('. M Jl'li S A. l.K.WH, 1? 1'" Mtih tl-1? i ni:.tr. Sl'.roNI) NAT ION A I, UANIv OK rillLU'F l.l'Ht ft V NM,in':h, He. omhor ?o, v;t. Tl e Arnnal F.h'ftlnn h.r 1 'irectot i ot thia Hank vtll tm In- d a' it.e Hai k.i.K H-ue, nn 'I I KliAV, Jauutty Id, M , t tu i en th-' Ik Ut ul I J M nod M 1- ' '1 W. II. KUAWS, CaM.jr. t" r.Mi.Mi Us' & MIX'IIANICS' N A TIo.SAl. I'.ASK, I'u ii hi t et im, rerrmhir 9, !"' The Annual Hh-rtlnn t r I hroci. n rti t N :'u -.vili ht tLd aMhe li.tnliini; lloie. mi V t-. I noa. I iy, me llth cav tY JatiHsii nt t, bvlvM't-ii Li. a houmul lU o cio-k A. M. ti .1 n o rj.a.-k I. M. 12 y-;Jll W. Kl . flirrON..Ia., CaaMer. r,7j- Mi;sTi:ilN BANK. OF Pill LAD EL- rniA, 1'nir piiia. rii-rrit'er I'.', I s-V. Vrt'f e In 1 n hv -Ivin att vaW v to .-otion 7 nt t',f At of the .en'nl Aou.L,i ni tin- uniiiifnfniiii ttf Perm Iv aunt, ci.tiiit-it an ' .v t enot.liru tho Hank ut the t utn li nnwi-aoh to het-niue An.. latimit tor tli purp of HHiikitik' un.'if the la oi the I uuetl State, aptroTd tl e v.l dav ol Aukum, A. I, hi I, tlott to m." klioioernj ..f tl.eWtsjiirn hank of l'ljladt Ipt.la tmvellm da votol lo to i ' me mich an AM(Mat1"n, and (hat itn liieiMors have pioeurt tt the antl:oi ty of th owir ra of nio.a than twt II mil i! tl.e oapltal bt"t k to in.tke tht roi tltleala required tl.eiefor the laart oCthe n tl nti U iy -ot C. H. WBVJAMOT.Caahlar. rT KKNSLNGTON K ATI ON A h BANK. l'Ult,4Iai.riii4. Iieoeinhor V, Wl in ehetlon for Thlflt-en L litcuiri, to ervj ine ensuiiu fur, w ul he h Id at the It a ikiiu II list, on Tl'KS JA , Juuuai j lu, In.., livm lu o cluck A U. to :t V. M. Wal il' fONNF.I.L, J'.MJ- wftn tj .0 Oiainer. RTT K O T I C R. HANK Ul iNORTII AMF-ITr. ISi'Vkmhp tt 21 , fH. Kt-tlre l herehv nircn, acrnahly to hh l! n i oi iii not of iti i it n e r al Ai'i mliiv ol (he i 'omin.'nivrVth i rnn- ai :a. rnti leu -'An act anahllna the banki of u.' ui iiiotiwea th to het-Minn tuoAiatn im fo' tho pmpom of hankti it undrr Iho lawi of iho I nn' Mtiieii." aonrovuil tht- v.'a 'iiv ot Aiuii't, A l. that U;p H ...-kli.Nde ia the HANK Or M'KI I! AMKKK , or tho Hth to. (ant. voted to heroin ncfi an elitlon, arl tha' lit htrectort kave nroetirt'd the anfJiorit t ot tlie owaori of morn (tun two tVilntk ol iho vnpital n'oek lo make the eortill.'ftto r tjiiltt tl tli raior hy tht U of tha I ntied Ntnte. II ..'( wfiu lu J U K'KLtV, raihlnr. PT WKCIIANICS' liANK. "y run APKM'tti . , Sovember lV.i. Notlre herrhv j ! t n. a iceiiMj to Heclion l' ol Ilia At t ot tho t.i neial Atteuihly ol' the ( in n nw eith of I'eniiK i i.nia, entitled ' Au ArttntHtriK Huniitfi' tha CoininoiiH-eaMh to heroine Aiioelatlont for the purpoiHut lieiirlni: uneir the Inwn of the rtii'ed Htntei," approved Uie v?d day f Aoid, 11 Unit ih Nitvkho'doi of tha .Met Imnlca' Hunk of lh city and eonnty of I'liltail'-lplua luie thin day voted to bceoine ut h an Aiocia' 'on ami 'hat the 1 hector tavn piomred tia autrfo-itv of the owners of more than two hlnin of the cai'ltnl vck tu make iha rtiUcata rctiiuiid theretor. bv tha law of tii I Mini H-arca. J. vYKlOAD I. J k , ll-iM-wliu-lm Ca-bier, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 7 3-10T,IH TREASURY NOTES, COKVKUTIULC AT M ATt'llITY IS TO C - O HON H . Thsss Tnstary Kates prssunt great silvmnUf l tn sah ItrttMri & so lnvsitmunt. Thu Interest Is litisrsl, th sscnrlt BDdiiutjU-d, snJ the )irlvlleu vivsn Hit) holder uf runvtrtUig tho nntss, u.en ma'iirltr, Into Uslt'EI) HIAltH blX 1'S.K t'tbir. uoxua ti-'JO.) Is ut great value. This Uatik keeps on h&ad s Urgo supply of all dcaouuna-UoDi,u-om I's's to ll"s). A CflMwtSHIO! Of ONK-QI.'ARTKII TKB (EST. allowed on sales of t-VsiOaad upwards ; on saloe of ItfuOnO orsver, luiikc rjuum I'tsctM'. MOETON MoMICIIAEL, Jr., 11-1D l.'trp CAIKIKR. UC KIW 7-JO LOAN. I'. BwhsrHptmus received, sal UM Xoaet Gnashed free t au eaargee, hr UKoaim j. norn, 10 t4-tas Wo. IM S. Tllmu aireet Jji U K M T U K K, CHEAPEST AND BK8T. X'arlor Hults, Uod-rooni anil Olianitor Hults, mnlnfr-Itoom Hultsj, ICltolion Furnltu ro, I,llrury ana Oltloo Furniture, I lou sitsliolil Furniture. OF EVKRY DESCRIPTION, BlUisr la lulls or Single Pleoei, si (lie lowset voeiOal prlou. GOURD A OO.'S, Union rarnltura DeiMts, X. I. Oor. IINTB aaJMARKBT, aad U-IswAbu m. m. oir aavooHO amb Kaon ar. JtURLOUOUS. OA oars and soldiers visiting the elty oa ftirtooertis, needing BW0sUl AND OIUI kflLirAKT K'jUirMJCMTa, Am larlwd to Ue eaueulve afiKTjrACTUXIMU BiTAHl.teilMINT' QEOEGE W. SIMONS & EEOTHEE, BANSUM BTUUKT HALL, AJiaoM STftEaTT. A0T HXTiL PREBf.NTATIOW B WORM . Btaa ts enter at the ekerteel aoileo, waleh Air rtofeiese sad aMaSnsat ekaUaeve eeaitseililoa. no other kaeae la the eoojiUT eossbUlag Ui At All II f 41'lllai N l JKWsVI.BK WlTaiUl-J'tniCJUiw9sU.MAJLUL. 1 It An I. I'll IL A DKM'l 1 1 A , (JR HAT KKDI'CTKIV IX Till-: ! lllCIO OI' ( 'LOAKH, At 1VEN8 & OO.S, Ka IX ft. HINTII 8 1'KKRT. In fssxmKn-f of His rail In nil, Ivr.MH A fo. h ri ,oi, , a n.rir frirrs iVom 1. to 'ft 't r.-nt , an.l hn.c a ... en Shi.,1 a isis an, I .,.1 sea-, le.l ii.ick of ci.iiak suit ahie far o,, pre-rnl ai.a euiiinif erss.ui whl. l, i e.icrm.nrd lo .. l at pr ei whir s, rmn-.l tail to ,m I :e I nnl rr, I sit'ei wi ,1 iln.1 II t. i h Ir a.. , arc a.e lo glv. a. a csU b.rcrr pnrrbasiag elsewhere. U'lio-iutier ir.'-KS A CO S OLD RSI All! HII.I Cl.ilAK RTollC, Ito If R RINTl Rtrert.oornrr oUnrne. 11 7 II JflOISltV I'AIIIUvU, i n nt iud n.t B E. CorniT MNTH AND AKOJ ET2LET2. WIKH.r.HAI.K. AND lll-TAir V. ifil olcaln at Oils KiUMlshmml, WATT It l-UOOJ- CT. "TH CI.OIKS, Ik.lH TH COT " u iii .si Rim rn V K' I r . I: I. M SH " " i mil nn i.a Al I. .V lt-r; CI' IN I O THE I. A t I.UT T Y L K and , f D o vrrv bst il, sun. il . ( all an.l bsr tl-. sii rX hpnr rmi rurs-Mane. W e hall take grtal pk-aonre in Mailing un too. 11 '.' UisitiVm JJ -iIIli:MA14.j;-il .tt CO., ClilLr'RTlTS CLOTHINO EMrORIUiT, No. t N. I'.KIIITII STllliF.T, run. AJ.f.l j-.it . W roanttetfu'.'.y iu Ita soo-'Ul a. union ku our ai9,:aB aaiorvmiriit uf ClIll.nni'.NH C'l.OTlllNO, (Vmpristng HOTh', tllRLK', srPAT1', and MIHRKS' ' I'.tl.iiik' In ovriy van i, 17, In Ih, lai.st stlM, and of ih0 rh.r workmanship. f-l'ioi.l a'tortlon paid Ui MtSKltt' MtRtSMAaMN'l. lhetfUblk- sr HivluiJ hu rail and siaiulna. M. SllOKMA K K U .fc (.f(., Il-l'Jstnllitin No. 4 S KliHITH HTBBI.r. JJi:llV It.VrrltJJ. NEW FDR STORE, i: Alien f'.'i'UKi; v. The ahov, r( spactfiillj Informs tils patrons, and Iho puh. lie in Ri-nein), It.at Im lias uow'penod at tho above suo au e.eorunent cf Ladies' and CliilJrou's Fancy Furs, Which, iVr variety and qnalttf, cann H ha lurpaiaed by any rou.u In tha I nttal fltaten. lUln the mma'aciarur of all til rura, and having tinportt-d all lilt .took whon told waa mudi kiwir (ban at Uie present rata, ha can offer tbtm tu hU pAtrvna at the mot rentuuatjle iirlcea. ALL ll'HH nude tu order, and repalrtui; duo? lu tha l-wtt iuanDr and latest stjr la. 1IKNI1Y 11A8KK, Importer an.l Mannfacturer IT LA11IK8' ASD (filLlmBS X fllKS, U E-lin Mo, nir AHUII HTllK.l'. I'. T AIIli:H' FANCY i'Ull. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 713 AP.CH STREET, AllOVT. SIVBNTII, AT II IA OLD SMTAHLISilKn STOUB, Impoitcr and Manufacturer of LADIES' AM) ( II ILIIRLN'M ITwVISCY FU11H. afj assortment of FANCY rvttS Ar Ladles and Children Is new oosapkHe, otnbraeuig KVEBT VARIETY TUAT W ILL 11 B W01UI DURINO TI1E COMHiO BEASON. KesMBtbsr th uu and uamhar, JOHN FAREIRA, No. 71H AKOII HTKEKT, Above Bovonth. I HAVE HO PABTHRR. OR COIOrrXfTIOlt WiTB AsTT 0Tn-RTOKICI?rTHKCrTT. t no-t ADIliH' FANCY FUltH. JOHN A. STAMBACH, tMTOUTr.U ARD MANtTAOTri!K Of No. yr AltC'lI HTK15KT, I1KLOW HUTU, CHEAPEST PLAOE IN TEE CITY To eeleet from a first-class aaeorfnieot. Consisting of EV7DS0N IlAY AND MINK 8 A ELK, ERMINE, CUINCIIILtA, GERMAN FITCH, BHIERIAN BQUUlRia, e. Mado InW all Urn latest stales. These goods ware bough! wUoo gold raag-od from lot) t 170 and are balug sold al siuaU sslvauo oa toet al to raU., RVKBT AkTTCLB WARkAIfTFJ) TO BE AS RR PKtSSUNTEU. SaUiracUoa guaranteed. M-U-tutha Xta ISOJ 1SG4. GLENN ECHO MILLS, OBRMANTOWN. McCALLUM & CO., WBOLIMAUI CARPET WABEUOUSE, No. OOtl OI1EHNUT BTKEET, FHttADirtJTnA. 1864. . 1864. McCALLUM & CO., IXKTAJL. DEI'AUTMKNT, Ho. 19 CHSSXtTT BTRKKT, 11- -a wrosrn rjrrxftraBfDRjrOB ealu f'llOMAHl a. 6c J. It. JIIIUWN. DBAXBRI IN ' EooU, Bto, Traoki, and Carpet Bags, No. 1034 and 100 MARK.ET BTRKKT. Oastaaoat week aeaae t arSer. u IllalhsSw OrWVl BXCOItD-uArTTJ COTTON I1AM ls Baas, tn stars sad Sar sale kv tVU T. RAII.F.T A OO. ' to.lM.ritiaylieMt mm P' ' tt-f I FIIIDAY, DKCKMDUK 23, WANTS. J!A WANTKH VK.v.SKIt TO LOAD KOR iti. Hr.o.n .ml .., tpl'n'duue Oopven and i. .i..i: ra e. puen A".It I.. Wlt.UlU BOS ir.H Jn, A IO., Kn -ass, WaLni I hueeu IS IS lfr i;m inirr rovm rTom and rna.Kii; l n-eri V, snjt..1.-Th. lutt tasoie and Onlr, ltstlrae c,m..,,T mid: .inti, ,.f f v en..,t-(l raSinad mo. i r, n ip. n I s BUmM-uu. 'r. li Nt t.at-B.on l fit, en.wnl ..iliu. b. ,.(, sa l.inwe aa l Sn, and Farkwa o'r Tt-. best wa,., wmI t-e pais ,nn nutilirn. .f. lli'nt giv.r u. nir-i a. will ri ort to either Nt .1 W.S, S.TIS. Whn a. . Sl hOOI..- to Ml.' Ili.-moO t.ltf - A J F A I K r A N a. amii firsl UkisI.b, Moant till -i-ailoi.. I s 1 1 1 mo , i ,i , I, . I' I KV. A... M.road IHvl.lon, Marllosnurg, o-i hui or- ,1 tr 1 ff..m .sttim..tr. 1 r '' ' 1 hiul l.l.nt , ..,mn( . I AM. Areai al UraTion or 11. e i ars.r.bnrg roa.1 J H. fORI), Irri.t at Wha.it.., for the Pounh ntrlsten , u ' -Wl l H. M i ir nt rrr.n.t"si..ii IHItaiiPTo, Aid , Iirrrinbsr , as. u U liu JwKW V1AH H CUT CAMP LI ItttAKIKS. The fnird Statu Cl.rUila Ominlssli n. In reipons.. lo ncnfroiis a-.d lamrpt afpsals ft. .111 e.ii-.(.,.ns ehi--Islni. ami I'r'd cfr, e,., II TS.rl.r, forward, and pia-, under lla- csr.. of proj-. r cbririins. ink 11:111 KtMi rorit 111 Kt.itr.t) and runr CUIP AVfl (II SIiiiit I lillllUlKI. of . ne t.arjrril acil r.f r id. ni.-s srh. It lliv fri- ii t "J (iur si.l.l .ra st.l -11. rs 1. ..1 li.rwrtr.l ihv.n te lis or inrr,,-., or Ii It r C, i.l.a. on , ,lic Irv ti- holiCa. s ft Is but .1 sniail mailer for es. Ii p.irt ! ss. r .c h,, 1 I iv i ll':, tor frU nils, st It mo to buy a I. untioiiio nn.l p . lu-s it t 1. for his fi l.r.ili In c,in.t or lu.. I.e.. v. rrc l.i- i.aoi lint, aid ,lir,,-l lt.r I o. Kpi- l. r 10 1, ,.l it I . ii, .',Mici-ls-!,.n. It n II l.e a p. stllie pi. asm.' t.. h..nlr..t. or w'.v,-. nn.l itiot'i. r. .. UK,' down th sic cc.l roami-s rro;n II . ir ts ok i-as-'i ai d .nd I' 1 m 11. o-, t, ! t' . ir lovoil . an , n ov ll fasnirc a..d pri.lil ,1 1 Cliislnr lloon. Srl.il imn,. hm ti e bi t , our Bi'U' i" ,lrt r e ttis l. ... 'I '1" t(tnlr I as.ni Ists, l.litorlt s. ti i.-ra !iy, trav, l. ,p 1, n, p-H-try. ni i-a-s;:n slamUi.t w. rds of tl. Hon, wfi.itpvpr, In short, yoo n...ilc put lino ti n rl.iin'.i r uf ii-ur own bn Ihor, c.111-lini-d with at-rolpn Hub, will bp a. pp'olil., as well n. r. M, In., w.,rVs. IVrwa-il II10 pair, I, marki d CAMI 1. 1 II It A ft , lo f,nv of it , l.rftii.l.uH of tl.p Chrotlan I nil ilB-kai.nr to llFuiiiiK II. HTIUU I', Chairman tins I Ian 1 'oininlsKlon, l.'-ll t f No. 11 IIANIi Nirevt. l'hllailpl,ilila. aJ A It A 11 H AO II- K AliAI.VSi' WILLIVM II OH I I. . C. I- , J. T . I '.l . s., I.:. ., livm.-. Ac C n. w. I'll. it. '..t I., I-..I. ..11 moll. 11 ,.( la 10.,- k. 1 1 I. tti r. A' t. 1 11. l. r llt.i-lt .1,1. r.ii.' i;rao'. . in I'o- ivo "" i..ii r.-t...ii.'i 01 . .Ii,.,, co,,.. miiv a .l.-.-ic- of .lu. u t- a ln. n In 11. .11 1 In 1.1.1 k In,., 1, 1 11 t ,H . tc. ,1: In 11, p at..,, , r.oiin.iii.p s i t it 1 1 .1 Y , (In-1 Ii 11 it il 1 r of . i a 11. uaij.A Ii. I si a, at In o l i.n a A. II. lJJKifli IllOMSi.NH LO.ND'JN KITCHENER, nr r nr.-iLan Kaiup. t.,r tannlh's, h .ImIs, or oniilw Ins. Inuons, IHPnlv dill.-ioiii .ire. Alpo. Pnlis (l..i t la liai v. ,. It.,i . .ir luni.,.! t ...i.i H. aira. I. ..J...!, l.-at.-s. "'ir, lionril Hlov,.N. lie'h ll.4rs hi, wr...i- I wi., Hrolirra. ('oofcii.tf Hiovoa, Ac, al whole able and ivaal, bj the uaii'it.i-ur. r, tllAeK, ml lU'K A THiMl(. afl-ftuw- foi Alo. U N. HK. OB II SueslA. jiva. t'un vomit Lira IN TUB iti 1: K I C A N , 8, K. Contrr Walnut iiml Fuurth Stri'ct, I'llll.AI.FI.I'IIIA. It Ii a ItOMF. rovtr I NT. and pr,.nf iiu-i'pd annoi'ly. ha- shi p,: inn ar.ineu to pj tuiuru l.riiuiuiua. lai dirluianl uli por 1a.1l. HOARD OP Tltl STrviS. Alexander whliidm, : J r dear Thomson, Uo" Jaairs t'ol.osk, Hon. i sPih AllU-itl, Alt.ertC K.'lieits, M oirvK. ItPnneU, Hsm.ielT Ho.11110, 1 Philip II. Mlilrflo, lle..rKa tliiK.nl. J...HI Atkman, V llllaui J. Howard, I.aic liacleiiiu-lt, flamupl Work AI.FAAMipK WHIU.tUM, President. KAMI u, WullK. Vie- l-r.-aliti-nt. 11-17:1 J0I1M hi. WILSOR, Hue y and Tniasuror. NSURANCE AOAINST ACCIUEN I'S. TKAVK1.CII0- INSI'liANCR ttOMl'ANY, llAKllOUli, IUNN'. CATIT.U tlO.VOO WII.I.1AII w. AU.BW, A'iKNT, Ho. IM YVAI.Mir RTRKFT. ln,urarrpstr..d In this I'limpsnr analnst AU II" I BIS OK LVKkt M.at,Bll'T10S. Yiatljr rollelp, will tie l.eiip.l tor a Prefaluu of IV P. 1 11LI.AU.S, granllng tnsnranra io the anun.ui of l t I I. HI -AM. n.ll.t.ARS. Hvsln-r lie. lunula! loss of life liile tiai vlliiig hy any pub lic conveyance. TKN riOl.r.AKS PltRMII'V sernres a policy for ll.o . tens. ml Dollars, anl a'ao Iwetilv flri Iioilar. per week rum pp.i. all. in for per-oinij Inniry tniiaiitaiing the assurtd from hie ordinary bu.luoaa. TIVP.NTY PfVK I III. I. Aim I'RKMft'M pores a lull I'o ley tor $ .i. and f-.i". per wank compen .ailon tor all and i-sery ce.crlplion ol accident, Lra.ol.ug ur 01 h, r a l.e I'ol.e 1 s lor I'Ofl with ' ser wa. k conipnsa-lon pan he hsi! tor SH pri-nca-n. n. a. oilier sum boiWei n $.MA1 and f.i0llut proluru. nso- rates. J AMU II. 1HTTF.KMOV. rsldoat. liulim.Y IH.N SIS, secaouu-y. IIl'.MtV A. Ill Mt.U.n. r.l AgeoU PIIII.ADKM IIIA IlllAKIl OP URr.llKV( H. P. Kachf nl is'arr, l'tc.lilvnt Knlcrprlsu Insurance Coia- panv, Clialrman. fs, ac K. ll.iker, rirm of Cornelius A Itafc er. at W. ItalilHin, firm of M w liai.l win di Co. t atiiuel I'ollltl, r nn ol t'orl D A A Ileum. II. B. I nuie-VB, Ca tiler I'hl aitelicila Hank, lion Atev llerry. Maior city ot Pnlla.lelphla. Wui.lt Merrlek. tttiu of Mi-rrli-k A H.oia. Joseph Paferson. rresldelit Weptem llnnk. Hon. James Pollock, llirector Lullud Blaise Allllt. Thomas I'oiter, Me.rl ant. I. e .ue II. Hluan, tlrm .stimrt A ftroO.er. John I), la. lor (lrui 1 a. lor. Ol llcsp.fi A Oo. J. Kiliiar ThulUBou, I'lOBidcnt 1'oiinslvanlA Railroad Company. Jauii-s Siit, Preslilpnt Fifth and BUth filrcets rsssoiiger BailrouU Couipany. APrLICATIO.SS 11-13 stothtJl kf.i'khkh Asn roLieiKS IshL'ICI" UT Wli.t.ltM w. r I p.w, No. 401 WALNUT Hi rent. JAU11II1N AND COLOHADO GOLD MINING COMPANY. C 11 AB TRUED BT BTATB OT PaUfBHTLVABLA. OAl'ITAl. STOCK, 51,000,000 200,000 Kliarsssi Par Value, 83. FicsulPBt-JOHN It. ANDKUHON. Llireo torsi. Thonssa A. Scott, James R. Maes, 11. B.knaass, T O. McJ).,wed, lUrrlstmrg William S. Freeman, Jolm W. Hall, do Robert I'. KUig, John Hra.ly, do J.iin at. Ulloy, W. W. Wylia, T.anndater. Charles Do Hllser, WtlUain U. Bhuta. CKaado U. V. KOUT11 WORTH. Hwiuj aud Treuurar. OITICE. Ko. 423 WALNUT ETHEET, ROOn No. 5. A title ate,1 ttieeimana have bean pmavrad fnm loraa r Uia Company ludaa, and hare beau aaaayod by no laaaon Booth and tiarratt wltti tha uuatinUfinf raaulta BubA4)fi(ptj(iji Mau ar dow open al tha UOtoa otf ttw (XetB pan 9, aad at tha rretMurv'a OflVoa (InturnaJ Konn, Ho. WI CU Mr UT Htraal, raiiiMra' and MoiiajBioa' Bant (Mrildtac. Ta alnatvrtUpra NWr alian IU attuHad noiulr of aliaraa. Colara,paui-slta, or taltormaCltMi oam Iw obtainad al Uia offlaa it Mia Uo-upany, aAar the 17th Uurt, U-l-i-stta O I L ITOCKI BUUiiUT Asm aotn 1B COMUIeKTOtf, kvy UBOBAMt I. BOTTt, Broker. M-Si-tas Ko. W fl. TUIHJI Huoei. T'lN-NK-NO-NE-AW J INDIAN RUOKINll TOBAOOO! This worU-renuwned Tonaeoo Is manalacuusd from the KIMIt.sT LEAK. Aad eameatty aeooniniesid, lu.if is sil OsnUomeo ot Lusurkioa Tasla. Bold VrtokMBle and retail al 11UMB POPULAR CfOAR RTORB, Bo. oil OHAnattlT HsrsMit, Isn svinetoe BUM Uoons. TIGHT I LIGHT I LI01ITI LIGHT IS A I great thing to Urea dark days. PDl.t-IM-OF.R'S PATRNT lllirCHlVkt Rkr 1 JaCTOUS), fo, both day and sae-Udtit. Oaa BuHecUre for windows with two earners give auwre Bgiil Uaa els. karaers wtuk th kind now in v.. U as Oilers fnnileKed at lew rates. DapMgkt Reftselors, for llghuug deik roocas, and o emont oiOoes, Ae., wltk ot the nso f gas. osieo, U-U-lsa Mo. ill OUBiHUT kreai, fhsls lUlphlsi BOUNTY FOB II AKINKS. WANTED sar the tnited Rtalee Manaso Oorpe, SMe Mlsd nasa u perform the detlee mt a aoldlar as oaw Bavv Tarda aad oa boar Baited Buue elihsa-aa tear a sureiga suuons. Alao saveraj Bard Pilars. A1X THB IaiCAL Hiil'nTIBH paid saoa sasataassii. I'.iss e aeevlce, Fuar Teare. Batter onmpeasalH. Shan Ike Army. Marlaaa rwsal.e Prise Mooey. Appiieauoiai lorUaiietw fiaaa tlie Army wlllaat k mt erd.dio. er aa fartkar saibrmallM aaplv al Ik BsoreaSng gftdBBBssVea v ea a Be III R. raOBT airaa. koarw Bpraa sSroet, Sllssia in ktans m I aad a -sk. . tA. MiOASTLBT. H ata.iwr DaUad Stalas Ma ruse Ouipda 1801. 11 o v i-; c t u s EANAWIIA AND 1TUGIBE3 EI7ES3 OIL COMPANY, P, tOw H. FOUIU'II Hlrent, lMIII.ADKI.l'llIA. C.il!nl Ctii.k, 5i.coa.03o 1'tlVMIOHHT, C. A. WALIIOIIM. Ilk 11 11CT0I1S, W St. M. BAWOAl.t., i. C. KtlXIWAV, WM. V. UcllllAl 11, F.I.IHIIA W. I.AVIH, W. II. K KM KMC. TRKAHrllKtl, J. K. It 1 1 ) HV A Y. "Vil li KirtKlSH RB TIVKH AT TIIF. Ol rif T. CV HIE I'OSII'ANY, No Tin H. KOI'tllll H TKK.lt T, AI.HO AT Bo. iuj CIIKHNIT SI'. lliiMid Into Oho llunilrcj Thotis am'. Slitirr-a cf Tin (l(i) DollHrs rnch, of which Twcnt Tliotisnnd Slmrrs arc set apart to lie sold ut Si .10 jnr uliiirc, niakltiff Jf iD.OlO oikliipCupitiil, to Iin CKpciiilcil in ilcvcloping tiie lu.ii.ls ami puy Inn tiie nirciisary en jicascs ot the I'oiupany. Tin nrot erty of Oils Cmpanr rnnalits cf ihr fee slnipl and per pel ii al lease oi In'tween Unit and llisi acres of lain in IV octl nn.l Wirt coiintli s, West Virginia. No. 1 and i sro In foe simple, and contain at out KO acres, illiiHlcd nt Kanaiil.a Hlation, on Uie .Nonhwe-icrii lisllroa.t al-o: I 10 nille. ats,o rsrkprt.tir;t, Va., win- e the Kunawl.a rlvpr. tl.. Parl.rsburtr and Hlounton torn ptk... and the Niirtliw cstrrn Kailroiul Couipany coiao lo gcb.r. t'pon i lila property Is sit'iatel tha Kanawha Hlatlnn of Ihr Northw e.tern Itnllroml 1'oiupsny, wtileh Is the most ad ar.tsgeons point of shipment for the oil proluced lu tli ri'i-loii ol the knntiwha and Its tributaries. No. 3, Ir a tract of tend pprpptnally leas.-il Cf.ro dames fab. men, aud contains nut lets ttiau ow acre., and ad orn, Nos. 1 aud '2. Ko. S. Is tho celchrate-1 ltobln.on ttact, an 'or A pp-po-tusl lease, and c.nlalt s oil! acrp,, situated In Wirt county, almiil t'J miles above the former tracts, nn the south aide of the Ilul. a river and nenr Its connuenoo with tlio Ka nawha, aud haa a boring irout uu Hock ruu of about two units. Th royalty lo be paid on thcao lenses is onc-s'K'ith of ttie ml pioceeds aflrr tin. Cnuiiiaiir heliiK rrluiliurseil for espttiRis and outliiy In tiioduclnif the oil. Abort ihr tract, on th K ana wIia. I, the celphraled Riirn Irg Hi niiif, and near that on tho Hughe., arc mituy jiro ductive wi-lls Atiholnnotlnn of tfc-so two slrcami will beftiunilth Ix sloll-iiridkicllig ternary In West Virginia. Theellkible situation of this taad afforda a boring terrl. tory ot at laaal seven nallus ou thu two rivers and thir tributaries. j aiuth,t RATIONAL OIL TLLTITRTNQ OJMPANY, OA PIIILADELPftlA. Capitol 1200,000. 20,000 Shares. $10 Par. rUBHIDRNT. . WATSOR AtALOJE. AB AO RR. WATp'flff MALONK. MK'HAKI. II lli'Vk.H. irtoirr sransuoiiw Tll'.s 1 LAS" H''riB, K. ULAC tlllUKNK. JB., I J IM K O. AJUSIHA, AUiAANni U K.-HICAsi. TMBASnntH. THOMAS J. LAkCABTKH. SrCRSTikT. nr.NUT C. BTEVRMeYOW. This Company Is ftmnded nnnn s snbataatlsl and fprtfl mate husii e, basis, and olter- areater biaiioainents aud iiui.e rehsble a.-cuiliy tor Investment than any oilier ao MS re the public, buhsrriptlons are now baatur reonrva.t, ami a lajo aortlon o' the stock I, alresikv taw.H. l.iajtrsuue of ih. properly mav be eiuuilned, a.Ml ai likM-niatl..n o tnlnod at LheuCllceuf the tlucnpaiiy, ko. LU a. sgJO.N t -u. JAS. II. BTKVKNSON, Ul-rothla OENBRAL AO R Iff. tjyAeniNGTOiM AND walnut bexd OITj company. CAPITAL .'.$100,000. 100,000 SHARES $6 Each. fuliKoli'tion. I'ric 1 10,000 B hurts Kuaervoil an Working Capitol. Office, No 314 MAE SET t , Phfladelphk. He 1 Awaflra Ofl tre3v, dow puilci4i W bajrela per dav. ard tiiaeaiuir. No. 1. A wt.4 on UM Craek. now orar Rl faet dea, wiB latv iliaw of oil Near this If the dm i'lauiar Weil, a tnt h La Dvw piutipati.' barrela of oil par day. Nn. H. A wall on liiM.'rk. Art ft-ai dvn. now reatlr Ihr tub in k, wiui ipieuditf aliuw U e-ary proavaet of pre dm mi lartwly. Ho. 4 One flftt hitweat tn a tract of five tvundrd aemt r B ihe a lls. ft.Dv niTi ta wn-i, now tiaviipkua Itiy bar rels, rt oil ar day ; threo lwra wmUt no irknr dotru; wlU um r a a.ll h river front, alt bonii, territory. No. a. a naif acre at Tidamta, naar tee KuououMte WeUa. whistb ar dow paniiva Hxtj barre a i-r -'my. No t Hi aateo Ui foe tn W atrial Hcnd, on tlwe ADe tttmtrr rrtr ; Immediate y arrourdtn thta proeny are due ,roia4i bk walla. 'I hi tract wdl be deei(iipd rauodir. HBbfWrUt'tia are now bts-na reetlved. aad a la rue iwr iUti ei ta itoea alrt-a'S taktBi. Iha prpfeia aad all t.tv.rijtatl fr he nh ainad at the CMIloe of tlie 'Qtanay, 4M.W atJ4u.au MaiLKkl ujc U IJ Ut 'JHE CLAIUON EIVEE OILOOMPANI OtTICE. No, Zil WALKUT SrilRET, (boohd floob). WILMAM I. aCIIKI.l,, PKMlDiCKT. J. BIMPfiON AFKIOA 1,17 -IV Seeretdur and Treuiirr. rK CAriTAXISTS-VdlLUABLB OIL TEtt jL kitohy. 'J line desiroul of eoterlna Into an Oil Oomiany ntw In eoarfe of oiRanlxatloD, an oiiKinal aartlaa, are in Turin ed lliat tlivre are a low uliarea yet to be diaposied of In a cum ipanyut uuiiueailouaUe ruliabdUy, at Uie rata of $lJ0d tauti. Ttie pnperty la located oa Two Mile roil, ad eonaltta of tUiy-eevra avcrva.Uia y rtater purtiua of wlucii la uore abut terrtiury. Ou tha balance of tlie irorty, wiiieb la ujilan. 1 an aduodanoe nt ooai, and mfO uaaeetvae. wuloa It much netded In tiila reiou. Tina nntperty la oae ot the moat attractive oa Two at lie rittt lor oil burpoaaa, aad Ilea dlreclly la Uie Ore! Oil Un.... Tiie offloe of Uie Oouipaaf l tOOOURMHUT SireoL R(ml7. ri.WM K ailMfaoN. lit SO-ft MMi-etary and 1'rMaurwf. 01 IL, MINIWO. COAL. AND 0TUKB NBV7 vuatrA-Bixa. We are prepared I asralak Bew Oorporatlaaa wltk Ike Books User sawjr, at sksrl aoUee aad sew Kloas, af aat toalitr. A I style el Bladtaf . BTBrr-n,AVB CBBciricATB or BToaa:. liiuoukapbeu d TklitlSUR BOOK. e OkDSkd OP TKABirUL BT.M'k LtBU'B. BTOOt l-klrUVB BAf ABCTd). kr.llHTtk OP CAPITAL TOvJg, kkuifcga' tint Lkk-iaBB, . iisoLsr or iiLki LefUaBaVitlKrVlU nan k oo Blank aVMk MaBatWarars aad BtvAeuert u-u-u ao. cm vaxeavr la:, Q I ii c n e i; k Aitn MAPLE ISLAND OIL COilPAJJT. CAIMTAIsi, 0500,000. a lOO.OK) BIIARKS, f ? 00 EAfJII fll BSCkTPTIOlf PKrc'R. ! 00. TWr.UTT TnOl'flANO RflARFfl RF.HRUVRD A1 A W0HMH1 CATITAL. I'RIAinrST. V. O. C. WAKD, M. D. arrnr-TAUT and TRFAHt Rhn, I'.inVIN K. SlMr.SOX. orritT.: Room 17. No. 400 Chcsnut Ctrcet, n,ILA!'t!.PI-l. Ko. 1. Tv fl't arrm ot land, In ff lmrte. en the Jl.'da ifaiin.cn i cic- a. atmut tnrce nulf bl w Tttusfltle. Here are tHrieruiii tiamln tli num. thlt prooer.y, ad cf vi ! Uh eii p') lnt( Oil crovi. 'I I In pro .ertv Una in the very I t un of thv oil r pflon, and from the well-known cheractoc oi oil rrcrk aiid the anrroundlnit territory, H woo 4 be) in I e- iltiouB ti entrr Into dcail of the (troeijecta of ohtala iti nl in larin nuantlt Ii i. Ho. a. la the usdiviiled one lxth Interett, rn fat, of Hai'if I au1, aituair In the Alitaheny rivor, between T.orfRta and fit Ih-lo eniki, Tha territory oa both kit at of tho Aheiheay rler, ahove and below tola Uland, baa rovi n ti t rood oil lanU. aa there ar eevaral we lie now unitluclna largely In the tm mad lata vicinity ; and It la confidant y expected trat thlt liland, wlea properlj do re lop rd, wl.l eio ) irlJ lar.eiy. o 3. Ii utv ac ei. In fee, on Schuli'e run. In Itoek lard townni.lp, cnan, o eoutity, Penntylvauia, aevea n.ilirr. m Franklin, ar d on mile f-nm the AI'eBTht'njr rher. I to Ind catinna for ohUlnmpt i il un thli prof e-ty are of the moit rl.nterinrf rtmrarter; (here la aUo a iarrej (lUKiilityof timber, which, at the present Mich prion of ci.al, will be a great laving to the (on pan? In developing the liinrii. hrhtill a run forka on the adiofnlntf proporty, and three of tt a branctiM run througn tha aMvaalxty t rt. The ad oiiiliiir oroprty hat been eold to a PliVla-d-ivhia ci inranf for boring purpurea nd tliy Intend Revolt i)ii)it It atouce Tlio aly'c tnrntlotu'd pnaertlvt have boen aelei?ted with rcrr.t rare, the Comjiaiiy not retnotlnff them:vei to any one legality, their vole aim he iik io obtain territory In wall known producing dlitrkti. The ('ompauy Intend tli-elo',tiK tlirtr landi lmn.edlatly. Oi aoeount of tha low jirlccd uhicrlutlon, this Company efTVre iu,H.rtor ta diirt uienti ti thote wlnFiIng to Invent In ofl atcltsl. Ttva Ih vi am iuw open fur a limited number of aubierlptkiac at their uilke, ISo. lOO CIIKHNfJT Htroet, 12 -KMiiilii.lt ROOM No. 17. r HE 1) I. A K E PETROLEUM COYITANY OF lMIILADKIaPIHA. . CAPITAL Sl,(M0,000 100,000 SHARES, PAH flO. IjO.OOO Cafsti VTorklnir Onpltal. feunsoRinioN pkioe. s&iso. OFP1CK118. i runsiDlNT, , j T. HA8KINB DO PTJY, 1 Prfsident of the Caiawtisa RaUtroad Ceasnanjr. V1CH rilBSIDBNT, ' THOMAS D. WaTTSON. Of the Hardware arm of Trultt A On., Mo. KM atarkat Bt TltRASURlin, BAMUKL WORK, Of Work, MsCoucli A Co., &aakers, No. as 0. Third stroel D1RRCT0RS, r T. BASK-IRS DU PUT. r. TUOMAi I). WATT80B, B. B. KIOIIARDB. ot Mermantowa. Wkf. D. BfUCRKBKD, Insurano Ajreat. OBOROE P. WAT. or late Hry Goods drsi of J. T.Wsf A Ca., A. W. LBISERRfNO. Cashier klauch Chunk Bank, t KDWARD BUIPPEN. Esit The property of the Drake Petroleum Company aau'stg oftwo sraotaof laod.oneof two hundred aud flAy-savoa aorss and one of two hundrek aid elxiy-flveaarua, makfsif In all ft ve huadrvd and twelve acres, la fee, aa la Cald well Branek of Oil Creek. Th property has been rltlcally examined by a Cona Butte appointed ftr that purpoac, and tk lerrheey pra aonroed, lu their Jndguumt, to bs fully eqoal to thaAoa Ot Ore-k, along whlek the largest oil wells ever dtaeorered kave been found. , The lands ruseinble those on OH creek la overy particu lar, and tt Is believed, from the large nsmher of l springs In close proa Unity, that valuable wUs W1R ka opened on both tl,se trees. The management kave already seeured several easrtn, audanaagsda eouiM.-ient superinieudent, wik a view as bnmedlate and aerg.ll developnreut. A large portion ol tneee tracts Is bottoav'aa adosirakl' adapted fur boring , lnveral co nip. a esare organised on lands immediately adjoining this territory, among whloh ar the Ullage aad Crescent Oil Companlaa of 1'h'ladelphia. In presaeiUng tk Uraa Petroleum Company to th pooue, the 1-tractors ask that their sohotae eiranld be ex amined, and eubacrtosmue made to the a look la full fa la aa so lu pros act and pruapeotiv valu i T. UAgklNB t0 PUT, Preatdeai. i THIlllAg D. WATrrlON, Vloa-fro.ldent. BAktUKL WORK, Ti assurer. Bubsurtptloas wlk be raoolved st the Banklug Iloaie of WORK, MeOOl'l'H OO , U lit Ko. AS . Till AO Blruos. rJ'EE BUOHANAB ROYALTY Olis COM PAN V. CAPITAL 9400,030 40,000 SHARKS PAR VALUii $10.00 PRESIDENT-JOtl ALRXAVUER. TBEAHUREKJOHN W. T0KRKV. BCCJsMTABT Wkt 1. LAkBL J DIKBOI'ORS. A. O. CATTBJ.L, Prsaident Cora BaekAaiga Jfataoaal Bank, Pkllad.lptila. - . UWAJtO a. JAktB,of Uiekouae of Tkutaas a,okrd soa A Co., Pkaadelpkla JOBB ALEXANDBK, ITo. Wtl Areh street, Phtlada. DAVID T AJI USUI V AMIR, Siu. Sox J. ThlrtesnUi stiawimca rkaadelpkJs. .or. or J. H. LTDAT,Pntebqr. " ' uuardlNt B. R.PORTUt.kt. D., WDmlaglasa. . . wa. a. LAjrc, rkuad,kouv. , t OsBoss No. 143 B. FOURTH Htraat, CIULADBLrSIA. - 1 TU aaepestT mt skis Ooasnaap sow ate ta mi OS Load, Leasee, aad Dnraad Rant k sear wee ar Boyaltias ssf an kka ail prodaeed ea tk "A. Bactsaaaa rirsa," ea Oil Or. Aad al, al tk etl aad aadersjtsnd depaaala ks two fcaa. ---' '-s-T - T-r sail ii s if rakasykraakv Thar are akt an kasactred aa4 Bfty sarvaped ksfct aa Bas "A. Baauuaaa Par in," vr atalpaiw waak as kaasad I ral eUa eperaaera. vaataaa wedaf ar av prsdastadl Ri serraral aa ss aaka sosasd wMB faatt prMpeeaa.aad twttsti a, skarty keSad J'sSsaaj . sssgei os-ssigaen. As a sed pn.illsj til i"' " tMaMMasws.l tl per saara. easy be oklawd a I aaak, appeal inl-f- !( mtkmmt. as al Hm) Tk paiiapasla. iiiiklag a aS ieearktea mt ska Oastv AW 'rwrW.M h : -,-