The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 23, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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    r m TTTT TJ71 "tm "IK 7rT7t TVl
-1,-7 aaV
S H E R B1A N .
Tbo City Closed to tho Influx
of Itel'viQices.
with surrLiEs.
Further Fartieulr.18 of tho M..roli
Through Goorgia,
Til IS l I.MHIN or SI I'l l U S la I II T II F III V.
liinT Vi'Ai r.ihii u, ii'ii.i in k ki'iti, l can
ber 1 My I m le'iot '.-. d wild the, nn'iir.' of
tbr Bn r.j:ln Id tbt' s o i, iao h lion irua' d rig the
en'ret ce lu lnv inrnr wn'fr of rhr i.citou a iI
tin' iminncnt of the Uomni 'l r ly. li li 1
C f-i '.' il I hi' i, Itl'on I'm'. 1 1! i v Wltl I '"' I1HI' Sh'-tliin'H gra p minii II hid s'arvc I mr.
ti e psrroon mid the large mini er of relay rs
Tin Hi il l,i f ie li i in unit took refuge within the
d ti'ni s
This belief was trf'HiTiilc.l upon the report nf
our icon's niit ilc-irt'rs, win streo ( it tne
plioci-il y pmv siontd, and unable t- Maud a
to m tU'n il';'. Whi n 8h tin in was ut Miil-in.
tl rcntcint g August i, there ncie in Sivuitn ill hut,
U lit iIimihihI ot airri-on, with iweu y I iys'
TUiiniis, At thai lime Mil t ' i r r.mds hit i been
mi, ni l cvpr i.v. ituo lor tnn vin in m i,'t'.ij
clnsi (I, I'Xiti t via the S iv.iiin.i'i rn'tr.
1 lie it'iroilueiio:i ol' lilm-n thini-and in ire
troui s, must be ful, will go far to mis lius
t M g tin' t;n. f when kar.a'.ioii wil he r.-a
Fo ter had covi red tin t ail iv at (')siiwt-hi'
f-n tbiitlisits of mpp rs roiilil riot ho sri', ii
from Stunli Carolina, und n Is u it ii 1 pro.iable
that any ennsidt ruble Hinouiit ei.ti-rv il i.y wn'.. r
fri.m AiiKUsta, as our cavalry wero cau.l.i ,l;y
tlirmtcnm.' thu river.
tin: t. itt i'i.'i::n ami ins t Hi;rimur.s.
Anntlicr f.n't ciiiilir.i.anry of thin siipao.itiaii is
that tbo authorities Ht vn ijti in vi"w of n
n. closed the city to ih mini ssiou ol notroei,
ai .1 in hoii.i! iiiit.ini'' to l' e wt'it'.n. A m in
Tnnst havi' I'orid-r.Uilc iir'ui'ii'-o nr hl-i f i-ir'v
M-re lorril to ri'muiu oir-Hlo, whi r tlu mule
html wii t'oiui'ilpti' I un I p rtvJ in tin ilivfi
Cin tin l.i r:ce p rtiiiii'nini aiiout t e i:i y vv
foniiil l.iiMitc-is ol in it who, hen ik-M
l.ii tlit r 9-. iifr.s hull run ihcm oil', r. plnul th it
tnc Ililu ls ri'f in'il In all ix thrill tl r th
ciiy, in d Imd gutirdMstuiioiieil on nil tlio avcuius
ot ciiUHiit-e.
pi'i ( 'ITAtionh rrnv tiih i tti iif.
Should Khcrin in tulio S.ivhuiiuIi In a fi'.w c k,
Vi'hut w 11 t'C UiH m ;t in i vi f 1-: a n'lt-stinn pr4
pout did in niy hoit li it ju:it no.v. mi l it n -nc
tl'Ht i tno e '"ii y u-kiM ilan nni crcd, in i
inic I en Mierni'in h.ts tio rnn'Mtiihio uu'si'lu of
fin m i nu thu Wtr D. p runcnt. Nov. r:li ii,
to on- who liai Murilnl curpfii'ly Shcr'nm's
iim ! Of in k iiih- d ciikIui Unit w ir, h:-i path tn
vicorv is not u'tot: thir bid trmn vievv. Mv
lHiiii j JuhI oiii ion. Ii iiu'J upon a U'ln'lul Hiiply
ot tin ti 0(tr.. My oi 'he ioiit,trv, the f. rcr h
iiicf, in il " ! 'i'Mi I- ill. i' y to u iTiii-, it fiat when
Pmnnimh fall", 119 full it inns rrn 111. mv uC' Iis,
the emu j. if' , -o Ir riu Iiciiik ut an end, m
Si.i'in hii laid when A inu : 110 Ki;n-;l, "will have
bi" j"-' . 011. un n' i'd."
Tl oma-, tbo ahl i (0-rpi'rntor w'tli Shernun,
Ian now P" t'.oroiiKtilv it i , 'i i d h i r ish mi I iui
pitlioiiH Jlnod th it 10 .in v lie citinot innH'ei
Iwi-nty. five ilus.ii.U men, wi're ho to "oh. the
rrudle and thu xtavu,"and pluco their inhahit m's
in ti t) liuni ri kn. ltu hmi not a man to spire ,
Urniir hmi fen tboiinmd Mnph rt Bi'irrhiiii! for
tilu mum aw y np t' c river, und pr. lu dy ten
tboimi'iid note ate Inxiiri.itin ahoiu Ctinrle-fn WiliiiiiiBtnu. Divik tiiuni't hy a Bt.mjof
bin hi el i-'Tn in ai rl n amy to uprli g out of tho
soil. C'ou miieiitlj Shi riniiir g'and ar nywi'l
I.ot have 1 iii'd a-' innt it twenty tho fuiid m -n,
to I t Wiln HiL lon ami Cli .rlen'oo are ah injone I.
PJW- h to htnull a fiirie In h s front notliim;
fctrtiidb in hid way to fini il-on K tiiannh with t -u
tliijusiind nr h't.cti thoii-iinl, in ik 1 it a fiirtr.J,
pmie Iim i;iiiii. (Hi's on the rivi-r. un I, with a fe v
l.ui.illi ii 111 irii 13 attack nnil cp ure An'tlH'1,
Mill is foiDdiiiK mid inarlihie hOH, l.ilrir.i
t ill' s mi ci la turn's, ih'Mroy the railroad ran it
lnu 1I1111', muri h hi limn a' roii to Knoxvlle.
sud down the vu ley in o ihc reir of H chinoa 1,
1. j ii. si wit'te the c ui try 11 a I hiiranift thu rail
ro.ils, I.. i' ; or, hr. iki g hitoki tha Huviiti
pah inovi' direi't npini C'mr eton and Wilmiuit
ton, und tmihleour veM.el--of ur 10 doit thr iuli
tie r.vir to the liert'.t t ie L'oiife ler.t y .
What hi preci-e roirte will he m) onK c in afely
prnlii'i; hut It in rer'aia tint tiie IUIkI iiruiv
cm n t olituin more men nil fin ihey imp ut the 1,
ana tiftiiiiiht the present luree ehei 111 in can rod
at will In view of the w'mlc Mtu ition, ic m it
I e parent Unit the de uh thn :i nri uii iiiiliu
IUInI It iMrimie t. A lew iinir well illre-tril
lil s, meh un Sherman la-ijivci it In 'e nitia,
liiul ''hum 115 in Tcnnmseu, and thu end will
Slieitimn'd tiniri h lia-i fu lv exploled the pun.
biiiq trior that the lU'lieili'm c 'ill J be a in v 1
ont ; that 1 lie conitint itiiu Uioii the white
orMiift cs to i I ho aTnioi of the C.mfede
mcy oi ld lejve tlifcfiun I nntilleil ,ind uraui
riu ut liilt'd. Wi'i rever we noved. from (' ivinit
t ti loSovuiin plant .li .n wi. ahumUnt y
Ft rlo (I, and tho turm iirnmel un ier thu enrn
aid wheat th.t the fall burveat bid P'oIii.;jJ.
Iveiy I hi 111 lioiise yard w- .1 eorae J with 8eet
pota'o 1 its and rorn hin, w ileli w -r." very thu--oiiftlilv
elo -ri ii out iiy the in n in their so ireh fur
tilt; "btull ot li e."
If the eountlca thionk'h hi h S'lcrrn in'i c !
nmn piBtrJ tain he t.iken 4 aa-ii-i u 1 111 wha'h to
ground an eiiuia:e, Hie li ,r'' t n ihiv f n n a'io 1
enough tiihs sii m e ve rlv to le I hfiv tho inund
lu 1 11 tvery plmiter ih v iibe'i to tbs 'J ivrrti
IMi ton iv. lyihitiK Kiisd a ti.iuliiteil am unit
lor evety ni-nin on hit iil.iuiatio 1. Sworn s'. .te
meiits ol tlii- aiiTiunt produ e.i inutt he filrnubed
to ibe iilli. er ol the (iovtruiiK at.
rarclv fit. d int. runee, i t. 11 in tin- peen"tf of the
Yai.ktt'4. llui when iln v U.) npeitt, it is not In
vain t ulDfty of ilin It -hel enny and tl ie 1 nil-e In
wlih h 1 bey are enfuiK !. 'liny are b oaen in
apiriiv, n. 1 the ti mi'iiiv ae ."oion U lien, who hy
loiee of iirnn enl t. tH'ie drive their brother,
aona and 'overs 11. t t.m 11 any, arc now a im ek
ai hiitd k itm-, ami rti two glad in nauie up n
a pood loi kms Y:n k'e. ! hey all frankly ndui't
tliat their enise la hop ' that a iiiiu,;ition
awaila them in the Inline, and ml tlio k' now with
is torthu storm to hi'.r-t and pi "; thit pea -a
Willi tin in, rrii'b. d ht-:.u .:ti the V u.kue h,.el, id
jreterahle to tho pT'srut K.ato ol thinxi.
'(in at God!" exel.ilu.el one very in'.ollUen'.
M llidni villo la'lv, whi n- all had Iweu taken,
'utile niH 1 thiii a, wren l nana my dear buys,
who now aliep in 'heir (trnvea, (tool-by, ul
pin ked ti t m oil, tha' ihn dav would come, wlmu
old, Impoveriahed, and eliildleaa, I inuit ak tba
men whom they fuuK'ht ai-aint for a meal of
victual to katiniy my liunner. lint it aervet ma
TlfilU; I was deceived, drove thenv to battle,
death, und infamy, and here I atand, their mur
derer." 1SCA11D ritltONIIIll COMB IN.
A larjte nttmher of prisoners from Hehol jails
arrivtd in during the niareh. In their escape the
ni ftioes materially uided them, feeding and bi liug
them In canebiakei by day and sending them on
liy nitibt. At Port Royal I met Captain Klder,
of tlio lot United Stutea Artillery, M.ijir Baud
ford, of the iih Connecticut, and thirteen otho
olllccra who escaped from Coluniljla, 8011th Caro
lina, and hy following the Sautee river, arrived
hutely at the licet, after a perilous journey. They
encountered noiliing but Lindneaa on the part of
field bands, but never trusted ho, se terrauta.
who are UKually trearheroui, and betray them.
I conversed with three men woo escaped front
a train of curs near Milieu, who report that the
guard, who were mostly boy-conwrlpt. advised
them to jump from tba train, promising not to
fire npou tuem, declaring tbat the Confederacy
was about gone up whoa Sherman could trot
through Georgia at will. About two hundred
cauie from the train, mauy of whom arrived in.
Pome fears have been expressed that Bragg,
who, at liut advices, was moving down from Au
gnta with about tea thouti.nd men gathered for
the defi nee of tbat city, will attack Sherman's
rear on tbs northeast side of ths Savannah ; but
perrons versed In the lonoirruuhv or tha coautrr
apprehend no danger from tbat Quarter.
CDenrinr creaa, nve anlies la Sherman rear.
ibenetnr creek, live anlies ia Sherman's rear.
1 briad and deep river, running nearly parallel
h (sbtTLiaD'S line, and w II form an excellent
defensive lin which cur cavalry alone ran hold
.TberanH, ruuntDgirou tht cavaauaa to tUc
finale', is nolcr veiy cxeel'i n lin", mm
lilci l'.m ; nn ItrngL' uild lind :i w itery grave
f ir tinny of hi null wire he to a.iciiipt its
pa nee.
1 In' ri"'nnti-r (lenenl hm iii"d an or Ier H
l'i MtiiaMn s iln.r Init tha" a I mail m it er in- j
tfi ilnl far S' CTnim' army lie fe:t by way of J
New York. " oi el M ukU'i'l, '" ill Afcn- of !
the l'o-t O'l'ee p. 1 uniiif ' t w II leave New
Yolk on Sa unluy, with 111 .IN hat ar ny.
ttj-itt I, i m
AM. Mill. .11 f INNl'l UN IH..1. ll.
r-.-m lt.t Ai'i. i. n.i l'n.i.ff, f la
'I lir fiii-i'tiin.'iii r ivi' 1 o 'i 1 il ilcxpv.'V-i
from Vawinn'h 1 n vekten'iiv, wln u all w.n well.
H IH THAT lo OV TUP I l I V IN Til K I 1 1 II.
Pr. fi ' ''',.1, ,' 1 ... (' a r rr.l' ' I'.
e irai 11 'I at th" enemy ma I" a I'enioTistr 1
tlon on Savannah on T 111" lay, and w.'ie r -pal.-id.
1 i-M.'p it d to ha" ' e n ."ilv a f'. 1 t,
put f..fii ta aTi riain "lir .ilre'ic'i i'i"re. li Mit
ral lliirdi e, in a de-p iieh tn 'ii ne ul lleiuri'itir.l,
da ed Sanninli, I ui mI.iv, lie. em i t !.!. r'' nr h
f 1 1 1 v tl.nv: work if ir wril, ni.d ft 1' ill hii o,ii ii.i'1
thripeniv wi re t iivoi i 'n r.T h 111-1 e...i-t
by iv ,y f.f (iene-N IVin' und l-'o-t M vMm'.t.
"lie iinn v's llcl oil' lu-i a-v S uin.l liavrj
luti'c!) iin reaM'd. Ariii'iitenit 11 s laive been 111a l.i
which it is 1 iiu'mi 11 Iv ne i"v, I w.ll in'er ere
V' rv nialitiiipv wilh Sla rm in's pfiffeni to ir la
ta' i on-', if they da not ruck I im alto reli r.
Ma rniiin ha bei 11 eis i;ip"inied in nut bi"iiir a do
In in -site tivai.iiati riv r in'o S nth (' ir 'li'i 1,
at il I II rl 11 jiltie lull w ft Ii K'l-ti r'-. Ior.a'1 11', I'.i ...
t ni;o or ('ansa 1 hat. hie. II. wi - 'he i'Ih c c mi
1.. I il to 11 ove down iil it'it the ' ) .'-eehpe. A I
v u 'i i t ul.ifK t'.e liae "I ra Ir .1 1 j . s'.cial.iy.
1 SA U
'tllill'l l.ll. il M liter.
Uittht, I)i re.tih'T III. The following general
1 reirs wre IMied to-day ;
lli'MniiaMi 1 i:':m, i.i 1:11 it-, I) ' a tnVr V1, I'''1,
V. 1111m Mill-i a O.-d -, No. 1. II
I .v eilein-v the '0111111 u u a 1-111-C ail is plea od
Ma e tb l1 he h.i ijiH'il liali rs to itII out
b-r a Mial M-r . -, 111 U r the 1 i-.ivit ii'i of the
Youiitiir Mii'ii A.', a pir of tli' t.i'u ite r
nnii'iii ' I th "i Tr-'viaee, lied ihu'. t ie anno wi l
fnriM-' of il.ii ty .aire ;'n. iL.i 01' i.i s or iul'.iH'.ry,
to be lieri a'ler riin.i I.
N.i. J. il m I 'v In-' y de irai that aM olliaern
f-i .ni tniiti' 'irk h 1 Ti., mi I otli'-er-i conitiianil
i' u rou 1 ana s inn in biil', iv II forth with
tin n ii-i uie tarea;:th oi their -v iral eornp ini'-s
'f rill. 1 or int'ati'rv fo MM-lt.e n ni-e .iii'tiN
sioni d olileeriv ami m. n, ird will hold tln:m"lviM
in 11 Hiliin v.s lor i.nuieili no u .service whan
His Iam-i Heiii-y may ii;v lit to 1 a I out the sutno
01 un I'.ni tin ie
No II His l-'vad'en v ha-li.'.'ti .drnfa'il lode,
l and ('iite 'in II' nrv's (' 'in: 111 v o' the f:h
t' ion 11iu11t11r Miii'ia Hill -.or Yuliigcur do
ilv conin'ap.l o' II I's e'! -.i-y the llvt'it
llonoiiiable the ('ovi rnor lie u lal an t om
iimip. er-ni-Cl'i'-t,
I - irt" ol A . 1 ) 1: 1 1. inu'ir,
I.iinti i.unt-CVa nil, 1J. A li. : M1I1111, 1.. C.
' 1. 1 1 l'ow 1 1. 1.,
l.b 11 rnunt-Coloi.rl. I). .. Mnnia, l'. f!.
The thirty e uni iiih-s of v ..r. vori to be i alio 1
out ill be despati In il to the I, "atier ai soim as
tin v en be got rra tv.
Two cinpan ia from (!uob
Montr, al, under eniiiiii 'iid o'' ('
nn l two from
onel Smith, of
a: in a couple of
1 Win Isor und
I 'lttol Smith w;ll
if the companies
si n rial, will be reidvto n.c
rlnvs, and will be lies, ian bed
Ssriiln Tie h';n!iiar crs nf i'
be at Wn do. r, und the tnlan
n on in d tn nakf 1.11 bi-. ha'tali 11 will ha placed
under hia eomman.l as the? nr .-ailed 0111.
(Nil. llurieV l'eadiiiart. rs will lie ut Niacarn,
whe-e be wi I take 11 couple ot' e .inp-iilioa ot bis
own hatluliiiti, und the retnaiiii :g companies will
be ) raw 11 fiom other iminiH.
Colonel Tnli r,d I, .niton, wil be stationed at
l.i I ruirie. Tio' everal eouip i-ne under his ciui
iiaiiid will bkt wi-i bo dran from different point
in 'tie I'r'.vlnee.
The uhi le tori-o. when ealb-.l out, will iitun'icr
about two tiioii.-unil nn 11 yVri..:.- lll.ibi'.
F-ntliN of l'nln Prlsaners hi CliArlestoa.
I he lol, owing ia 11 partial li.-t of L'niau prison
irsnf war who have died at Caarleston, 8. C ,
in in Atigiift '.'ii l.s :i. to Deooin'ier 1, IH'il :
I.iruiensiit V. A. White, ;onm ny H.fii.l I'cnn
sy vat, 111, Hied September I I, of 1 It ami.- di irrlne 1.
J. I'. I'.diuolid, Ctlulpil'iy i is . D.slrii t (.' liuiil
bi.i. ili' d Sei'i hiIht 14, of lebn- t ohoid.
Corporul T. (!. Kicu, C iiiiaiiy 1), ltllat IVnn
f Ivim a, ill' d Sept. 111 tier of rlnonl ill inlne 1.
"WliL.m I'.mtii ii-, Coiiiuanv I). 10:! I rennsyl
vuitlii. died ttppri'tiiVr ' I, O' -h- lie di irrlne 1.
II. Mimic, Cot'ioany A, 7ch N .v Jersey, died
S. pi. 11,1 er '.'II, of eh tot. ic dintr! . 1.
1! .M11I.I1 .ie, unkiiowii, died Lp'eiuher 2:t, of
diroi ie dlnrrl.o'ft.
C. C. Mi ier., C unpinvO, '2.1 ,I iryl.'.u l, died
iCP'i 'Jl, ol i:b mi Ie diiir. .e 1.
J (nicy, Coinimnv II, J I I', s. S. S., il led Sep
tember 21. "f clir.'ijlc iliurrbo' 1.
Siiuiuel K' efe, (' imp mv II l 'i l'ennsvlv inia
Cavulrv, died Srptetuli r '.''i, of "ro'tic di irrliu' .
I. henial.iin. ( iimp my I, II a Pennsylvania,
died Si ptcfnber "li, of i tironi'- dyirrlue 1.
J Y01 ley, Company la, lu.! 1 Petinsy Wauia,
dli d September 2'i, of chronic di irrhae 1.
Mctiinn, Company C !l h Now Jorsoy, died
Oeiiiliir 1, (if chronic diarrho a. ,
Frank Co.liy, I t Maiy'ii'i I A ;illcry, died 0 -to'
er 1, of eliro'nc illarrlio' i
J M. J"tic-, Company !v, 1"'' Ponnsylvanij,
dti ii (le'obi r 1. of ( Inouii' di 11 I im.
II Hiigil, ('o"ip.iny II, .I I Ii I'nusyl.anla,
ditd (b tn'ier ", nf cbroni.' di I-.- 1 ei.
A. J. Il "wcr. Company I), l .i Pennsylvania,
dli il Oetnher 4, of chronic dim- -' i j.
J. Maone, Uonipany , '2,1 l . yluud, died Oc
tot 1 r 4. 1 f 1 hrnuic (li Trli 1 1.
I.leuX'n nit 3. A. Carman, (' npiny E, 107th
P' nu I vai. U, d.ed Octii'n i- :,, o ; cl ow fever.
1). 1) ivlda .n, Company A, 10 U Pennsylvania,
d ed October !, (' chronic "i i" a
1). Stiinir, Compinv 0, 1 1 1 Ponni-ylvatil 1
Cavnltv, daal Oc'o'u r M, of ehr !c diarrho' 1.
N. H. Wi'kifs, Mister's .l.iii, United Stales
N ivy, 1 hi .iiU-ljiiii 1, die. I (). - B, of c jnsu mil
lion. 1'iirick M il my, I'm'.'. Marines, died
U.'tobii 12. nfehri'iiic dlili-i 'i i.
C .rpiuil S T, I'ri i-hird. C -.ipa-iv E. 1 tilth
l'i nt sylvaiiiu, die t Octo jcr t'A, of chronic
ci rrl .1-1.
V. 1. linger, I, l'i li United States
lufu-11 v. dfil Oc o'ier '.'4, of -e. "hut us.
(i. W Walters, C im;i.t'iy II ID!d Pcnn'yl.'a
Iiiii, (Med Oeiober 21, of b. or' ai'i, 1.
N . T'honnis. Comp iny I' .51 ronnsylvania,
died Oi tolu r '.'b, l oin havitnt arniei t'ed.
l.ii'U'i tutut (' 11. V'i,C ui,, : ly l',,.i.Sth I'eun
FViVaiiin, cied October 27, i'f. ow fever.
' II. K. Noish, Company A,.V':li Peunsyivunli,
d i d ( icti.bcr 3 I, i f an savca
N. llurly (ucj;ioj, UicJ .. veuihor 6, from
y tiiiced leg.
l.i. ut. limit W. H iwVIn", C i.n any 11,5 h kl iry
lin d, (tinl November 0, ol dy 1 trr.
Serk'ca .t J. N. Parr. C iii iy 1), 3i'h New
Ji rsi v, died November 12, 1 t tnefn ue iu ainpii
tatej arm.
J. 11. Chadwjek, Cotn ianv C, 1st M iryland
Cavalry, oied December 2, of chronic dlarrbiei
1). Strickland, C unpany 11, Id Maryland Cav
alry, died l)eember 2, 01 cliro de diarrhn's.
J. Kilh 11, Company A, 1st District Columbia
Cavaliy, died Dc. enf'wr i, u( chronic dUrrbtu 1.
Ii. Kuu.p-on, Company I, 1,'ith New Jersey,
died December 4, of chroni - iliarrhn'S.
H. 11. Colo, Company M, 2d Pennsylvania Cav
alty, d:ed Diceuiber o,of chronic dtarrlnut.
John Ellison, Company 1, fl.',th Pennsyhaula,
died 1 ecemler "), of cbrouic diarrhiea.
U. Y. Mock, Company I, 1st Maryland, died
December 6, of chronic diarrh.ea.
C. K. McKec, 10,'IU Pcuusylvauia, died Decem
ber 7, of chronic diarrho a.
J. MiCahe, Company K, 102d I'entisvlvaulu,
died Deectuber7, of chronic diarrbn a.
Lieutenant Phdliis, Company H, 0th New Jer
sey, died December !), of chronic diarrbuua.
I'st: Jikt 8am. During tho last winter a "con
traband" came Into the Federal lines, in North
Carolina, and was marching up to the oilieer of
the day (o give an account of himself, whoreupua
the following colloquy ensued i
"Wliut's your name i"
"My name's Sam."
"Sam what?"
"No, sab; not 6am Watt. I'se jist San.''
"What's your other name t"
"I hasn't got no odder name, sah. I'se Sam ;
dat's all."
"What's yonr master's name )"
"I'se got no maasa now; masaa ranned away
yah, yah, I'se a free nigger now."
"Well, what Is your father's and mother's
name i"
"I'se got none, sah; never had none. I'se Jist
Earn uobody else."
"Have not yoa any brothers and sisters V
"No, sah! never had none. No bradder, no
slater, no fadder, no muJdor, no massa nothing
but bam. When yoa sou bam yoa see all docs is
of nt."
The white-fish of onr great lakes have at
tracted British attention, and It Is prop asod to
Introduce them Into the lakes of Cuuioerlafl 1 fend
8 col la ml, now aliuusl valuolesf.
rirrA'icn i rou qen. grant.
Arriv. l ol' tho Fleet in C.p:.
Fo;ir llivcr.
wiLKi::croN aho used.
1 '.t , i : ., 3) t
N t Yotci' I e
pulcll In til.' Ti-i',
W II I Ml I I V .
Crutit li'V'ra;iliK
ill i-tnt 1 that an
niiti!;U'ii. Norlli
(Weiliic'ilay). nl
ill (I
Ib'l'.'!!''. T 'JJ. (il'tl 'in!
tha! Ka !ini 'ti l p.iTi.T'i j 1 d
olli. ial il.wpati'h fro:u Wtl
Caroliiia, il ili'd y.'stor.l iy
ID A M., report tin
tiih :11:1a' of l!ie cniaiiy'.s !li"'t nrrivi'il o'T t!i 1!
j'c ft tluriiie; 1 lie nicjlit. Over thirty st'Mtti tt
arc now n.-M'tnl'hti", ami more follDivin.
1 1 it 1 11 1:11 rtuitii .its.
A: HIM. li'.S, IK'C'iliIi.'f 2.!. T'ilC tl 1) i'i
llrai) say :
Tlio ( ioverniili til reeeivi'il 11 il 'palcli last
ti it'lit Horn (.cncrui t.i-int a' ity ' oittt, nn- 1
tmiiiicinrj that lint I.tclinioiiil ii tocis ol ye-dar-day
HK ttiiior (lln' L'jil). co il tin 1111 oMl. iil
tlcspnti li ftom letur il Hraf'T to Jo IF. Davis,
(li'tcil l'orl I'i .lior, Now Inlet, Doromliar 2 1 ,
(Wi (It'c.-.!. y), rcailiii" us follow.s:
l-!tiili-ti Iriim l.fiM'rnl I;- li;.
"The cnliro licet rl" tlio eiiivny ia iu sij't',
lint cannot openili'.
"Tlio no.'illiiT I'liiiliiiiios linl.
"Wo arc able to linlil Wilmingloii."
it j r.! I. itt:i'oit rs t itoH en :u.vsr''V., Dec in'ier '.''). The Asueli rd
1'rc'S letter from F iriross M inroo sava I lie
Chiirle-ton Comiei of tho 10. h co:ilaius the fol
lowing :
A II g-of trti"o 1) . r i'.rnug'i.
one hnrilred and four paroled
ccrsfrom l'nrt I'ulai-l.i.
The Yankee o'Hcers in the
up 011 Thursday
0 ml'c Icrato olll-
II et report that i
(Jitieral .Siiiiiiinn and sluff have arrive! at lll'lon
Hi ad. Also, that It was rumored that S ivunn ih
was to capitulate ut 12 o'clo k M , 011 Thursday,
'JT. ey had leimicl nf tho fall of 1-V.rt McAllister,
hut give uo particulars.
Ann' her Iboii.-uud of Yaukoo I'.risuuors will be;
tiikrn down this morning. This completes the
e xi Init ge, and makes the numtu r turned ovr tiy
Colontl Hutch 11,11(1 1.
II II Hill AHTI-.ltS OF THE AKMYOI' 1 II K I'll n-
M.M-, December '.'1. There is nothing ofintercit
ttiinhf iiit g in lb is department. Tho enemy keeps
up tin Ir tire, Im' no' so persistently ai f rinerly,
on tho Dutch (lap canal. Vory few casui'ties
occur, owing to precautions taken to avoi I tbo
For the week cn ling Tlcrr-mlier IS, 1HM de
Kerters Lnd n ached llichrnond from the Union
armies, and wouH ho forwaTlod to the lonli r to
start for their homes on blockade-runners.
I'Royf r.ti.iroiiii .
Fan Fiiam isco, Deciinber '21. XUe repo-t of
tlio Central I'm Hie I! lilrond Co'iipany is pnb-li-l,ed.
The California end of the roa 1 shuws
the turnings of thirty-one miles of road for Seven
months, during which time it has been in opnra
tion, to be $10:1,0110 in gold, of which .f IS.OOO in
gold was net profit. The road Is gr ided twelve
miles further Into the mountains.
The l rr as a re received ot this place for tlio last
tin days umounls to nearly pl,7in,U)0 Currency
and coin bills on Atlantic cities are oirerlns. at
nhriut previous rates. Money Is easy, with a
tendin y to lower rates.
S'Hflal Despatches to KvonlitR TfiWriipb
Wasutnoto. Decesuher'2.1.
'I'tias 4'HNft of 4'nliiiK'l linker.
TLe Crlrrdnal Court of this district yesterday
charged the jury in the rase of Colouel Hiker,
that arbitrary uncsts are unjustifiable unless the
( nicer n.aking tho arrest thowu his. authority.
Colonel Haker was found guilty of assault und
Ilri-lalon of Inlernnl llveaue C'niiifiilft.
The Commissioner of Internal Uevenuo lias
decided that scrap Iron is not subject to tax, It
Inning once paid it in the ore. This reverses tho
ptucticc of the Bureau.
Tim I'nlamar rrnscn l'.
The mail-boat HVAifsr, from City Point yester
day, Is not uuly frozen np, but is aground a mil :
I clow Wubliington.
Tho ice iu the l'otomae to-day was sufficiently
thick to peimit sick persons to walk ashore from
the steamer.
The rrrneh M Union.
Senator Halo's name was presented to thn
Trchldent to-dny for the French mission. Uo Is
supported by sundry Repuhlloan Senators, while
prominent ones of the Democratic persuasion are
especially jealous. Among the new and possib'o
candidates for the mission the name of General
Fremont Is brought forward. It is claimed his
selection would prove more valuable to us and
acceptable to the French court than that of any
othtrpubllc man.
Rpectal In The Evening Telegraph.
Hire. Hull-bin lHrdaed The Court
SI wrtlal, Ac,
Oaltimokb, December 23.
I Jeurn that Mrs. Sarah Uutchlns, wife of
Thomas llutchins, who was convicted recently by
a military commission here, and sentenced to
live years Imprisonment in Fitchbnrg prison,
MssiachusetU, and five thousand dollars fine,
has been pardoned by the President. Mrs. Hut
chins was convicted for sending a swor to the
Rebel Harry Gilmor.
The Military Commission and Courts-Martial
here hare adjourned until Tuesday after fchiist
mas. Monday will be observed as Christmas here by
suspending business.
Matcbbs im Sam Fbakciico. They manufac
ture matches In San Francisco which can be trod
den upon or rolled ander foot without igniting.and
which, after having been manufactured a month,
may be Immersed in water for tea or klteen una
uu., and when U ken out will not only ignite but
bold a llame. The wood used is Pott Orford
cedar. They sell at wholesale tor 61-70 per f ross.
Airhnl of f'nlnti l'rlinifrsi frnm Tf'XfSS
.4iii'rtil M ttiit I im licit. I iliivmniis
' iia 1 lie stlss IJrHiidr. (r.
' Cn:o, lienulier 1 Tie atM'nor ' m'nn'
( ir-1 . fr in Nea i ii ans 011 'be li.h itn-t., ar-
r heal at this port today u ith a Te v t-tilc s of c 'ttoa.
Tbf steam trai saort fimton, Irani (la'ves'oi
on the Utl', Iia sr-h.-d at lie Oh ant wuli
three hundrnl nal lc-tr 'wo exeli n :e 1 pi iijacr-s
fro in Camp i in c, Tax .a, Tnc huh, ft'.ower.'
in Cie mc-t m re i'b( d laon'i'ion, hiu e been su;'
plii d i:li I'.'.' tic p.-Tirv nnl das far ihrlrei'ii
fort bv the ii.a-iit of 'he Similar, ''o'ii ii'-s on.
( ll.uiiliin und faiuly u'-i urrivl a',
lln os o-i the -b a nrr ('I k' 111.
I a'c Mat ine r is pipers aii'o lhat r in'or.'o's Im.l naive 1 nt lira, s, Satr.iiji is
m elling our force ilu ro to 'h eo t!i nisaud, Ji't cm
htin.iied ol" w bom are la-k'vo s. Tin ' e!s make
frf.pient failles from llrownsi ille, wlii h is no',
fiT iliei!, a- .1 li ive nuni 'r. 'as sli.r hisIut wl'li the
I'ri'rral troops.
Tin re is no ''hang" to r. part in the N. iv 1 'i 1. vis
V- r -
t .
Union Victories in South
western VirrnnLi.
llllHt IVlltll'NI!.
, II,. r,-'. I A, a,,, ,:,-, .'a,. .
('it .. us do. . : tr mi Knowile ay lb i'. he u v
t n ii:s i un o.-siy t roni t 'Ii it ' am i in Iv i"s v u Ie ,
-. li ) it g 'tor s i,, lr.i'iis 'o the i it i r nl n ". I
is li i all i -tin 1 1 t tail the cirrisoas a! ('he. ran i c i
C i ieaiTid mid I. an, ion have In en letn iva I io
i.svide. We re: r. t io lesru ilia lli-'ad
;, e'o lull liu'ii il.'-ir.iyiil la tin' ei.cinv.
I'nit'ff !'"Mlti(l"iii iii itn' :itrlU I'ikrolliiik
I I ;l .1.1 lie...
In (lie S na'r, on We lpc- Im , r. I' i il's '.el.
rcTiluii 'tis v ic I.I'd on the ti'ilc by a v i e ot
t w e lit y I. .ii i' i o t ai u y , an I kept thi ro, de-i.o a
v.jjuiuus iilort to re i.rr- et .lie.n.
A lluieiav I ii vein (on.
'.. i', ; , . 'l.i ... -. Ii- r.T' i '.' i
'lliere is now in siic,'..Vstii!'ion at tb. '
Co'ite.ifiate St a', s I i'i ir itori , in this r-tv, a
n ii'l.ine i-apahie of turn g nut tlree h.ridic I
lllld fnlty IbauMid cips in v:,.::
In III', a .1 :c s-., ; till III. I'll!' fl.".t
Iii. e li i ne in the ("ite. I atei, of which have
any know ie. ;;e, is 1 1,' uh p, wbi h turn,
on t irty tboii.-aud i-i ten hoi. is.
The i Initupion C aife I. ra'e ma 'tiina, or ma
cl Itu s ns ill- ie are tw.. of the-ii iro eapa tin of
turning nut an n noutit i f wark by thr.-o ha ids
tt.ut tiiiiieil.v iciuir, d one baiolre'l .ni l twenty
i i-ra'tvi a. lie una Mot ia Captain Wo-h y N.
Sinitli, c.'ii.iiiuiiiliiig the lui oratory, whos- skill,
pei-iv. nun e, mi l in to u.ty II st called into ox-i-t.
in' ul the inc"iti ui i I luu wat, the extensive
luboia'ory woiks now oji. in lii."iiuo i.l.
'1 Le gtailu. t d lu-c cull, r, bow in general use,
is iii.oilu r cif Ceptain Smitn a invciit ous, and 11 .s
ui nii'tis rati (1 r.s entire cili.'Jeiicy on nuiner.iiis
oc'ii'ion'. Tnc inventor of tut hits la ior-
Miniip nun -ino-.s is ."ri inevo 'u:; ii. s exT'r.cfiue
aiid k: uivli ng ', g lined by tueutv-live yi ars of
Mudy, lo the invention ot tea -hmery i-alc-tla ed
to' ui'le bod ed lab r, no v so sorely
u ed'.ii iu ihc aiiivo operanoiis of the armv.
I l( st from llio VYi'Nt Irxinlit Kiilil.
'. ofe I Itt .ti. i'.io y lici t mt.., 11..-, ml , r IS,
This mid turns out to be an i tcu-ivc and
(hiti'HttitiK ono. Our aaajaml of . jsloialav moi u
ing lilt the ent'iuy reported to be iidvauciu on riil.'U. Tho r port ly prove I to
be loinct. They re u bed. Jhat putee at half p ist
nine o'clock ou U'edce-dav nichr, D ccmoer 1 1.
We I uo heard i f tie Ir oie'raiious th "e.
Tbiy could not liuvc tan ird long, h 'Waver ai
tliev piolu d ou nn l reached (J a Io skiing itep it
by nice o'cl. ck yesterday moriitiig, Doiuuib T '7.
At point we leuin thev ipturcd and de
btia yed two more trainh of the Viri-'jniu and i'eu-lle-S'C
lluitn tlil. I 'll! loss s ill .ollin ; s'o.'U o i
the VTrciina and Ti-iiuia-io ro id sum u ;, ai tal
ks wo have usccrtiiined, Hir. e I leoinoav.T, si
pamen-.TT coaches, and fnur"cn II in. One of
the engines tbo A. Y. II own ws prolu ily th"
tit'tst i.n the road, ui.d wtil Ii' greatly uiis-t I.
On 'ho Jvi't Tiiliua te und Vidian mid two
i ngini s and a numb"!- of cms were d 'stroy'id.
(ia. tie Sennit la at tlicjuneti'in ol the sal' works
briuii ti nnil tlr ma n roid. tnd is Uitauto'iiy
eight miles from llio .-alt works.
Tl o pes ol the works, should that misfortune
occur, would iMTf'T'ily h' a severe blow, tin', not a
ruinous one. Phienis-like, they could bo resus
cuati d from their ashes iu time und sol to work
The last hcaid from the ruiib rfl, they were
ni'Mtig In the direction ol M irion, Smyth county,
ri d were within one mile of that place, Insto id
ol advancing on the hit t works, ns wo hidiup-
o-id they wnald. Marion Is sixteen milt a this
side t; Gl ide Nprinir.
It is Mipponed that the enemy did not com tier
thi mucin s string enough u iitlacK tun a iu
v. oits. llurbridgu having bad one t is'oof that
phi. e is wiping to give It tno go by this tiui i.
There in a railroid brulg" j ist ut Maiiui and
time ft itbiu tno mi es of the p'ace, all eoii-i Ier
nolo tiridges, and w.ll d iiiatlcis ba d'sr,roye.l.
T hi ro are alss laro iron-works at Marion.
Tlif I'rlnK'm t lectin Rrtwl I'luifeil.
riii- I rial of I ivn 'I s i lor licH.r.
ri'Wi tlif Rli-hnwmt IIV.iV, ''' rmlci--iO.
The three printers who wore caught whi'o
stti in pi i tig loc.-cupi to the Yankees ate still being
tiiid by militia court ui.iriUI, winch hits in thn
Mute Court House. The two Pavau's, refagees
from the Ri'htiion I hj.'eitc'iolll v, wo-o h'tug
ttied vesleiilay. Thou ;b ex. ti.tit, by act of C '
gnus, limn military servi e, und n it be'onging to
any regular military urea l'. I'lon. they are tieittg
tried turifrsnfion .' und if ciiuvic.U.d will he shot
liy the Print, rs' (iusrd ! It ntieuip ing to g i to
ihc entn.y is dcMrtiou, they are guilty by Hi ir
t.wn conlesslon, and uiiist bo convic.loil. There
Is u popular fallacy, which is ih a lair way t be
exploited by th s trial, that tlwrti n is uu sifinst
tbut can only beconimitiod by persons bolouging
to the lund or t.avul forces.
Hie Ite be I
f. i.tii the. r.u hnwnd Kia niner, lfe?emter'20.
(.. m ral John II. Winder is expected to resell
Iticbmord to-iiuy, for a cnferenc'i wits tho S-c-rituty
of War. As we have a ready sti.ted, ibis
lsaliew olllce to wbieh 111" general bis be. n
appoin'ed, with tho control of all tbo prisoners
ot war and prison pos's east i f the Mi-si-sippi
river. We uu ler.-iaiid be will establish bis bca 1
tjuarlers ut Auyu-ta, Georgia.
I.FUAI. l!v rr.l.l.K.KXCK.
Scriti'ME ConiT at Nisi Pun s Judge Head.
Kciclilino, trustee, etc., vs. Collins. An action
to recover for waste. Bufore reported. Yeidict
for plaintiff $loU.
JSootber case on the list being ready for triul,
Jurors were discharged for the term and Court
adjourn ud.
I'ni ibd Rtaths Circuit Cocbt Judga Cad
walader. The United States vs. 11. W. I. tint.
Indictment for enticing and aiding soldiers to
desert, llofore reported. Verdict not guilty.
Couht of Quarter Sessions Judge Alli on.
Edward Mitchell, Samuel C. Flanigan, Hugh
O'biiun, and John Gardner, charged with conspi
racy to defraud, were tried this uioruing, The
Cuiniuonwealth alleged that these parties bad
combined and taken an establishment in Laurel
street, ostensibly to carry on an honest trade in
the reudering out and sale of tallow, their real
intention, however, being to obeat and defraud.
The programme was to put a small quantity of
tallow iu a barrel, on that a large quantity of clay
or dirt, and on that another layer of tallow, so
tbat at either end the barrel would appear to be
nlled with tallow. This original ldoa seemed, to
a certain extent, to have been acted upon, as
several barrels of the bogus article were shown
to have been sold at the market price per pound
for tallow and the discovery having been made
of the fraud, all the parties were arrested.
The combination or conspiracy to perpetrate
this fraud was not clearly made out, and ai this
was the gist of the caste, the jury acquitted.
Charles W. Brooke, Esq., for dofendauts.
Jurors were discharged from further attend
ance, aud the Court was adjourned till to
morrow. Jurors who have been summoned to attend
this Court for tba second period of the December
Term, commeacing Monday next, December 2A.
will attend, whrn they will be discharged unlil
Tuesday, January 8, 10 which Jay the Court will
bs adjourned.
T H 0 i AS
O-'fcinl List of Rebel OIU.vtm
Iti. Silnallon I.. II,,!., f llio !'.!, -I
The hl't st iciiorts p' a e II io l's u"nv at ll le
ri i . in ar t'o ii'ii'd .. wti'ch tie cni.-ma a
in u e iy us j i -Maie, v. i n 1 an ai. is pu i :i g ig i. -m.ii.
It'" Ileli'" lnnl so'tie'lnng of a .'a nl
n. n ..(a ti .: 1 1 1 I . u In ' " r - , . e pi e s n ,tal a ry
:.l 1 ft M'lina r ol e iso 'er- we c .' in' il' I.
'I la te l vrantl l;n l-ea C llla'e el liT-ir;
nal. 111 .i v it- idiiv
rilniT !
'it I M
' -I sir lt:t .
le . ei . I i d Iii r to:- ti ' 'it
out to e n bel lit ttte Ken '1
to be lailtal even 'Mli to
In tli"
'1 1 : .1 '
- is 'a .1 that in p :s-itig tin. iii : i I'r ti'i'i -.In
Il tilseiitie.ini tne s'ore: nil a Tnrn'i." .0'
(naif 'oloii' -. 1 u M .a v e mi a ' l i bav c
h. n ia n ' r i.t ire eve. v ''od v a'i e t: to ncn Hie
to M y,ni .1 c. nil e on it Hie praj cr: of a 1 v.n
h, il il. il t''e c ii-.. r'a ,011 I' i- t ' 1 1 lit in v 'i i 1
111" I a .1 'tl ll'e lit w II ,1 c r 111 I V he ill I lie s oiv-
iti ( 'oi ii iii ' ii. now tbat l hey haw: to le , , A
e '. en nl ('o.tltubii iuliiinis us th it n.'. r'val
I In- iiiuls in Maitiv ci tynal ben birne I by
tin l-' di nils w hi n tbuv wee ev.icaa'iii t th it
n i:a. n, lied hen the Itccls shall hiv.'le'tth'
c. ti ti ' y , 1 li e ci .'.ens Mill li" i theiuseiv -s rwi unr
by m m nil millions i f dnl rs. -'" 1
'I be t n n i her of pri-ota r.s . .i,,-n"e I ( nn I loo I,
0:e n. in:' ti s ftonilded found rn I-' -an ly I in. w '( it
n- now mi pp.i-1 d, re ich tauu !' t.t'l to 1 1,(10 I, in
elaiarg one inaior g a . ::il mid lour bri M ln r..
A'lniic the latter is W una n A. t) i tries, o'
( arl.s' tile, who w a-, be ore tlic v tr oro ie. o it,
. t p. 1 1 nor ot liniks iu mis S a o. tl w is
v.. -in I'ril I., the La t c nt l'i auk I in. The n i.u'i ir
et em li n c .pTrciis tiiiv- '!:', inelu l.lg t vo
a' ur'r. sla'T .. itnd tlir. e be. w. cu Kr ill s I a ":nl
fl rii',: Hid. It i . siipno-cal th s is ti .ar.y a.l the
tllllay Hand bad.
A 1 igc t rcc has been put fn work ti rerj i.
the J .ir ti I II in ma ', nml tt mis wil soau t' I ia w
(jhe urn y. ii'inlir -, 'Mi.
ItCIC I. Ot'KII l ltsl 2'l't i:ti!.
The I'nlloiiing eouniiis louid o:ii :.ti,"rs
nf war, i a, tan d.ia the liattcs of riiui'sd iy and
If .Ii. , were M't'.t N-irlh by the ttaiii on Sin
d iv .
M i." (i. era' l'dwiu I Jo'ins m. C. S. A.
Ill- l "al ie: l icnelil IT-nil is it S uitii, C. S. , .
lir i adii r iii ral Henri ti. .1 u-.isou, c. S. A.
1 n t. M i. In 'l.!.'lli 11 1
is e. II,..:-1. l-ili I a
J I i v. s. n, 1. ill I . nu i '.iv
W III M V .rliri". s(a Tr
M i I ev-1117, I,. I a Tea
l i s.v. r
W t p. "i I ii'ii.t li I a
J II W CCVAll, AT" Ii Alu
Anlai I Vi. : Hi l.a
K' I l e I' ti. t'ii l.i
. I. Ian in i n 111 I'rtl-I
,1. m a K ,i I'll A' I .I..A
.l -li-li A l.ltl,sla 1-leu.U
'T' i::..n, auii Ali
ti V It irr It,-.':! M
Ho .r . it' act- .. "Ill ! I I
t I'. -ie .art, e an UAliJiag
t. oi. 1 j aiaillory.
si la.n.iss.
VI..1 a T
I..', "stir
Sliri; I'ria IV t via
Il I . - - :: a' 1 ti l
A-.'t.S.Tri: Oiaavlllc
" IV I. a. 1 1 r.l .le l:l.rt
II, 10,ll I I I'll',
ail Iii u. II '
i ll ITI.i s.
tHTrl li II M '1 ItII. stall ol li
wit-t i ft. ar A
if.iri-n, t- .nn i s 1 r at
l 1 11 . s, 11 I. II,.:
. I. iim .11 l-.i .imsii, Ht V
is. i-lh lt Ci'iiirv-, It -iii vt
Ill: I.. 1 S 1 ; ( i, ,4
v l...vol.i"i-, si 1. mi Hani ry.
1. (1 la..iaii Mn
I I. in. la, Iui Li
II v- l. t r ..i r, ai th U t
I 1 Wiil'taitl :i" ti iia
(' l- t.t ''I IT'.. M'-s
A I. Mnevn. Ala
II M t '..a. 1, I Ii Tain
I II 'r . s ttnt'l A'
.1 t slsufcl.l- r. .'" Ala
.1 .1 11 1.1. aim .in K a
It 11 1'uaiTs in sili 1 1 un
I 11 l.a us. :teih Ml-.
H II' 1 1 1 I, a l'i 111
II t. Il.-iai, V.'il '
1 . I ..!ir I 'Mi Ais
A K,l 'iU linn
'I' I' w a.aiuis. t tli Miss
.1 li r.u.,.11. -' as ii
11 11 i'.i sin,,, 7n, in.,
M .1 vl.-i,,, 1st i 1 ,11
A M0M1I si,. Tli f a
A W Hinltli, It. h rnn
.Iks iv, us, tta Ml a
IV K Yca'uiau. Vil I 1! Itl
.1 a. 1, n .n-i i.ii.t i h iu
Hasul Ix.iall. I'll l.
(' k ke ui., . I'll Is
.1 T Osvls, I rn l.a
c II 11. I,"ini-e. s,-'i U n
.1 V 1 usl. 1 , J.'ili A!a 1
Tio - 11 lilti I'"sv oil's Pat r II Se
t- tsi f 1.1 enl. '1 uirunl's llt -I II l.s
II I- llBlll-ltl it ' II' 1 le
I F la.r c '.at C n H I'm SUM VI'
ila't-r, tit It r. s
. Hoi a . r.i.
rn. 1 . a. r. s ,: ii
.'un . In'ti t-.-n 1 1 :h
nun . ;. 11 1; v 1 T,
11 I' t His IllOrn. '.'.t 1 ,11 II S .S 1
1! 1 Kliat. 1-t list 'ia "t H
M (i It irin. .l.'U f i 1 1 1 1 l.,
.1 I' 1 1 .-lit. Jlsl I enii i:,,'
.1 Villi ns .11. : I 1 11a,
St.- il . I I, , ;at , Mi
.1 II II . I.'. s. ('..tin
w .1 II -iim-s. ia ii i--..,
It. 1 a 1- I .teis al. l-:i . ,.1
A Ii ll.i . at'tii r,.,n,
J w I .rtia.. 1 uh li
' ' It 1 "rue. Ins, 41I1 1 .a
!''. II U .... .1.1 Ci
It 11...S.I.1 r 111 iia
ll '' 'I r --ia .' -li I nn
J K 'r 1 vi'.n- 1 ia h m
.1 M M t. ta-ll, I ' 1 'i I
I. lii'h.tiTs'ai, 4. ali Ala
('4A.Imitts.,17th A'u
I' w a nr. s.i rs 'I it
T ll .V :-,lli M's
ill tl vvs'ia i "I vt s
Wind I aiiiu. ,'lj W -B
J o- .t, r' Silinu-r. Ist A-k
1- A 'liiiia.l'1., -Jliili I' mil
Wia II si .rs. I.' Ii .
.1 "a ne. -r. Vii 11 Ata
.1 I -1 er. a-.', sl
, Kl! IU..1.-I .Ol M'ss
;ii ii.
,1 W el , tn Mils Cav
HAH iltell lie' ,,i
A ,1""ll, :'ail M !
I, It bu.l-.ii u. 1 1 a
I' It l'i ...e, .S1I1 I . nil
Ji n I, hnni'li. : ai I ia
w in I. in il.iy .ioti Tl'iii
Js. In kl. stu l.a
J l I svfi all '. Ith S-k
.1 W i.i.i inns, '.a.: Mm
w 11 1'sn. en It I'ti teen
I- A in. i. 11 1. Ii Mi-h
J S 'ldli-l. ', Cell Uiss
IT' l. Well .illh l.d
PAivr' II' Ilv Hull Tellll
V tl ri sii..."l t-i'i
J It a ewo t '.'i.h Ala
1' a 'I I. ..11 luti, it 1 Ark
J (' wim.'.,'.' tl Mis
.1 V VI iiislnii.lfi u M'sl
II I' V. Ii :s tli It
1 II Aiaii r-..ii, Isi (ia
J W Siiinla 'i 'UiAlu
It h ,1 Miiith, lull I la
V 111 ) -la", iilst inst
h J S11 Hurl, le'iti s.l-s
VV A Kii.i.l.T.I Ih Ta
1' .1 vi. r.i t.aii a t' Mix
J k yi.-l''. '.--M la
I lie", vtioi 1 enn
I. W Mi. I tiieu.erv. l .tll All I - ( K't" . i tl I la
N (' Miiri lit . l".li HI'
ll (' .1.1I41, S.'th Alu
I. A M:l s.l.l,.-.lli Ark
I w sin I' '. '.'till All
It (Till . VJ.I M BS
N "1 er. ii en N I'
,1 I I'.rl s a.itl. Mils
t l.'iani. :i.',th Hi s
M V If. till sm-rner, Vila Mis-
' IS'II ,
M II lour.lilst l enn
ti K I'-r. v.i-1- -1 .th o
T o lir 11 371 11 'I enn
J K I ii' Ii "1 h Ala
M K Ii 1 0. ' . 4 Ii Aik
IC A Itr . ait-, '.-eli 'll.n
1 I'r. 11. en, .Till l -iill
T W '.i ' ml '.'Mil 1 ,A
I. W r'uniniiis' Uu Alms
I i.rlttir.. '.'ill. "ia
IT. 1 1. .'H t" l.a
M 1 iritlh . I tli renn
,1 .VI I lies' Hie. 4. I is '
H it (inn t :t at. iia
j M iii itiui. .'s.'h iia
,t H 'l li.s 4 01 l a
W Mil. '. I.'M, I
W M. Klulrv, lh Vlss
C V. . Kseii rn tVIti Ml
Ii A .Moere ii lli tia
(' F. Met-, niln , :a Hi I s.
,1 I M l! ini.i,Vid Ais
.1 I SI. K'l nun. 1,1 K a
X ! M. K'i.1 i"t. is I- :a
I' 1 It' ll .,'.'l li la 1111
.1 V. M.uasn. '.'"tl' lna
l( W M'lllu s Itli Trim
.1 I hii s. Jtiili ' rntl
Will o's IT h r.nn
0 a ( anir. n.iii! iia
I. a ( iiiiiilac. 4'ti l.s
1', M l'i el.m lata Miss
It r oin I'll 1'.'ll 1.1
I' II ll.vis.,1 n .Miss
.1 I 1 v. mirth llitli afisl
I. i."i I ' 4'ti l.a
1 s i' 1 ,, ,; ,ii, i),
I' l.cniiaiy. -il I la
W A'.a I' ll, ba
1. v. l.a,tliiL.'sn. '.'yili (la
,1 F kel . I.'lh I a
J I K.nesil 4'h l a
I.J,'ii"l. iia
A li Kav, .'sah Ala
W 11 li,,.al F a
II .1 Hi vi oltls, t'.i 'b Mtsa
J II W llnoin. K-illi Miss
(. II Itai.iierinaii.a-'.th Miss
(' II Burks, avail Ala
(i K llowinan, 4'ith T(DU
.1 l.m-lte.llh Ark
(I w I. nils, fill Ala
J W M. i.rsw.'i.U MllS
W II N. slat, anti (la
It I. Ne ly. fah ark
T .1 si. lu, sou, una Ala
F llanli y.lMlh Ala
T II llarihi li.VXilli Miss
J I 11. .111 h, t,7!li Miss
A III -iiii.S h A s
I x He ni-i t h ru
T (' 1 1 ss sr ... : a F a
(I 1. It ir is tr, ti iia
n: .1 d..ily. I71li Al l
I "Villi: 11.1, Will Miss
,1 W (list'ii Uh Miss
J M I 'll lit i ll . 1.1 ll MisS
J ' ' iro-r .Iilli Miss
J F 1 1 r'iiAn. :4i ti Ala
,1 II .1 HIS .Mi ll l enn
1 IV '-V .In,- si. n. I'.tt, 11
W M I "ii"r. 1 "li eta
I It S .ISeki'.tl '.'l''i Ala
II a 1 I--. r.:h Miss
IV I' Wsl Ir .p. ls Mill
J F ve.. I i ii T. 1111
H wriul ', I iia
'.I W H i llsins. Ti ll 111
.1 A A'l.ler, n l ll ilk
.1 Aii'ta.i v, :inn iia
iv 1: li, n li .11 I..
'W llsi.nell. i!7t'i lis
W tl I'.iiraetl 4 .tl Mlts
A II ll.iftar 'llll I l
0- ' I ll.,ll',M'li All
' I 111 liaises. Msl A'a
'T N K,,iiorBon,
late nri
1 n V. 'war Is -11,1 Mlis
.1 1. k .,tk . ji b s u
H F..i. till Ml-!
VV 1 II irr s, a uh Tenu
IV F II I .lr, run I 'U
.1 A 't allnws'v.ii-ili. .'lull lis
'T K llsre. 11I1
J n ht la 1 iiii Ata
: W 1 llunklin. I7ili Ala
11 v Land., t;ni Ala
It K Ua-nii on --'t ti s C
I ft' itHi'sii. a .th 1 la
J iv it us llih rami
,11 I ti nt. ... n i Alu
It It I r'miuisr, l,t Can la
10 tf lasaai.', -I iia Tsuu
M 'luse j.,-,Mth Ata
1 A W Olbs'i,2ith A a
; S A " UV Vil lti.1
'It A MulhiT. IVh Miss
J A Mi-liita.h. Sil't Mlsa
iJ W VOi.ira .' .la Ala
' J A ll.-rKla.:!' th Ala
W a ll.i rr. Villi ata
:M, a h l eua
I," I. Furr, --"'111 Aia
1 lak'Ail, 1st Ala
.1 h i.i. en, V -Hi Ala
J W atnnii 4-lh Tana
J v lairy.'slih ill
w II iiu,-kri'll,4tl. l.a
. V A Un a Villi Tcnn
(I W 111. llsid.ali, llitli S 0
E P Hans. 7lh Fla
J N I. snilry. HMh La
U' K M'liilnril, liilli 1 oun
F. N Mi llanald.'JiKti Aia
ill L .tones, 1 A Is
W II .1 allies, jail Mill
K II lliiill'jr, lltitti Ala
a, 11 llolll.s, ...'III i. l nu,v.i,.inn m
II V llolllns. Tinin Cav II V Wise. Kllb Mlas
F. Wesliuru, lHh Ark
W A NtmeliB. 4'illl Ala J Mi rniiehey, l.lli Mill
I. It t'l ealhaia, 4Stli Tana iT (I Ulildlebrnika, ililk Us
T W Csrl.H'S.ilTti Ala It It Npaars.lild Mlal
W I. (lalaliar, :llh Ua TH lleAntald. 4lh l.a
W 11 OvIar.aMh Ark 1 W U Curry, anih U
W n llaiirrava, 1st Van (la J C Kins, 3d Fla
tl P Hi my . lat Con (la A Uuprciaout, Hh f.a
o K MUs T l.u. ia. sin ria
T II Tnisamia. Mlk Ua
II U Wilson. 1st 01
1 II Hies, sin Fia
i (I heady, ltli Tann
(,'P llean, lal (Via (ia
J U lieiannr. thth 1 ana
J r Perry, sfjll. 1 ana
U A Faa.y,SJia u
t Mill. Ist (la
I M Inuraliaia.SMa Qa
L il Kllab.Tlllli Ala ,
M P Frailer, 4'ittl Ala
m 11 i.anay, f ia la
w 11 racB, tain aia
14 Ci rorbM.Tlli Miss
J F Hooper, trfth aia
t A Hudson, otA Ark.
i l rowan, sui (ia
W l llull.blh Ga
J A Iticua, ausiaiMsr
J Aksiaut, tvik ua
The following prisoners, captured In the recent
battles in front of Nashville, were sent by Capt,
II. M. Goodwin, AssisunirrovostMarshai-aeue-ral,
yesterday, to LoalsTtlle :
Csptala Tkim M BlHsr, Co K, ISth Ala.
( aiasus, bavld S Ksjoold, Co A.IJ.I M il,
I4iralvuaut Ales L Harrow, Oo ll, Ulh ta.
rakarRuiS.CaU. TlkAy Mmatavvllaf.
4 as sr all A I aa.r u.l a O, lSlh Ala.
" Jauiea ll llooAsriu, Co 11. lSaa Ata.
n.arlri Jufli n ,4'o R. I llh l.a.
" A.hiM.IO l.lsih A'a.
" AuOissr Klu.u.Ou C, 'V'U La.
I. cute- ant ItarrH ti tl Vet antih'l -.CnC, tth f.a.
ra la r, M t :a kf n.c v (,'. l'lili l.a.
" t 1 U p r M.n r. r.i I. 1.1 h a.
A f in an r. n's, ro f 1 '1 , 1 a.
V. ai iirns'it Co 1. 7t'i Ky llo .iilsrt Inf.
" ia K I'sr, ' o K . l-'h A'n,
" (iei.IKe M Strvvart. 1.1 K. ll", A'A.
A . . 1 ve a.C" II l-l i All.
IV ui .1 w,. . , 1 ;li A'a.
mill. AitinmiM.
it iiixi Tin: hist FAi K oat ir A arm 1 as 1 ion
mil nil: miv YoitK 11 KliF.l. i-M-ras,
!, I-. l: a....: in, .. rMV . 'M.
Tbat 'lie rutnpi;'n In N irthem Tennessee
la- con, lulled 1 Isas p n y for us, wo have n 1
1 nnl 1 ; but i' mo riot an much alia ted bv the
" 1 giniu-ol T annas un I the bill et ns of S'.au.
on, n b eh rreourii 'be second overthrow nnl rout
i f the in fi iterate a my under llno l It Is tr i"
I' a a bn' geiierul inai s" i-rranee rtis lr. ips that
tiny vs 1 , 1 i.i drt'eated witttoii' lo-, bv their a. It a
suri . 1 1 1'lnry, from lip' da s of Varro and Fab an
-o the (Its (- oy 1 Rnd .1 isen'l .1 oh risLi. tl , 'S full of
Hie', ft cidi tits.
lint v. ! lie the loss of less th in three hun Ire I
n t c ! dt rn! .le, il ;r- net ubsolu'cly il strove
theii '.ta! s'.fi 1111 tits of Thoat-i", tlia fa -t thit
t.e l.a no e.'rn.ii-e on the CoTifeder.i'e side tt
biin: ot tlir 'Ws ili'tiM on hiscliim to vie
toi hi buttle. It utiist be reeol ee'e i th it the
1 nee V dm n accounts nf uifa rs on tho previous
1 nv it-ptesetit ttte Coule lerate nriny to have b.'"n
iilrtinty in pint 011 ; and wo are s mnglv itu'liii ai
1 0 lohevc that Hie ex plat! a' i m of I'to wild
M'.u. I h ill be I ntnil in Hie but thu' III. I wis
oi-' uu Ii rotiritm Ii ,1111 the linos 1 1 e tN'ashville
when I la in-'s attacked bun, taking Ironi In. 11
I'tiTimvs und gens, lu spue, tln-iel ir-', of the,
built lips end t e. rams, we r.-ailv d 11'it whct'u'r
tla 0 ti .s bei n at y thing descrvi eg (lie n nu ' nf a
I i c' ' il b dtie a' all ; and wo are sure that Ci
wor t 'a 0 i- now told. Tho in st ac unts will
d.itiit.i-h tho Importance und pr ituble 0114.'-
11 tit s of the e dl-aitree ''ilc even's.
f-11 n.vr.
tsnfitlr liy tJcrrri.1 Sltri-l.litn'H Army for
1I14' ile(i...v i.i I'.' ti lis'i.iss'r Net Inn's .cr.
Ill ut In lltl'll.-sil.'r Allitels
I'V Mi. sit li.v 11 ss. ia 4inr ('.tviilry.
Wim ii 1 si 111, Va , Dc' enihi r lil. The Army
ot the (slieiuiiiiloali p iys lull honors to tlio lull,
lumt iieliievenirt ts nf Ttintn is and Selioli"ld In
Temrsnc. liy onler ol (I ti'ial Sh ri.lari.
niinllii r 1 1 11 1 1 . i re ii gut.H wre fired 'o- lay in honor
01 thchT'tond git hi victory of (i . noral Thomas
over II I.
The nttny Is tinunally lubllant on arentint of
the goi-il in ws tioiu till tpiiriers. The ttnlittry
I anus are out, iu lull ciorus this evening, scroti
uiiii g (ieneial Sheridan, ut whose h.'.iil'U u.ei'S
the lull st news is now rcg ilurly posh d for the
satisfaction or the eager public.
Ill tl e mid.-t nf tl.o general rejoicing, T regr.'t
lo 1111 nlitin iinyihiug ill the shape of evil tid.ngs
Asi'tioiis ucedt'iit o'ciirred here lust evening.
riu"ii'g in the deiiih of three sold ers, nnl the
levcre, it not filial, ttoiiniiinit of iw-n or three
1.1 ti. r, belonging to the .-.Hi New Y irk Cavalrv.
1 he solt!h is i f this reit nient, whose camp is ne ir
tbetast tiui ol the town, wi re en.: iged iu euting
and pulling tl in 11 tbo old Colon U rol, in order
to pro mo uia' to uoutpii to thou- wtn er
qii in ti rs
While tints engage ! t'to rafters g ive way sud
(I. nly und the entire roof fell in, bun ing several
ol tin 111 In m at It tho ruins. Three wero taken
out denil, uud as ma-y lime received dangerous
injuries 1mm the fill in;: building. It is not en
t irly ci ttain at this time wl, ether others may not
ho hrri d under the run s, an I 1 In; soldiers are
rena l ing the rubbish as fast a p sslale.
A coiiii n-v of alaitit one Hundred men, com
I'tiH'fl til (letiiv biia'itts fri'-n (I'ller-'nt camp tuies
of tic li b ren'isviv.-'ii'ri t'avuliy, Were sent otr.
to ilny nu the Millwon.1 piKi as a S'X.iiting pirtr.
'I In v pioceedeil scvithI miles bovond our linos
wiiliou. nici ting with tiny opposition, or siuug
liuvtliiig 'n Healing the presence of uu enctnv,
whin itiiideii y th. y were attacked bv a superior
force i f ctvalrv iituler Moschy, wlilcU bal bi'ott
lying in an. hush.
A iniitung linht cnnietl, In which ourctv.i!ry
gnt 'he worst ot it. the largest portion tieing cap
tuitd or killed, (mo of the partv, who received
tsn fabie 1 tits wita bis own weapon alter he sur
r.T tli ted, and who escaped, brought worvl of the
ti llalr to pot head pinners. As near as I can
a-ortaln, only twelve or the partv nal reported
ui Ifm act 1 unts, tl.ounh oiLers would no d.iubl
icir.c In. A. 1. Inbune.
In l.or'nfi for oil near Chi igo last week, a
sutitcrriineau lake was rea.'hctl, at tho dsp'h of
fict.tahiiiit seven hundred from which tho water
lluws in a copious .treum.
The National Assessor of the Newbury port
District, is Inii ging tip home supposed wciiihy
poisons who reported small inclines for exami
nation, sud their oaths to back their words.
An Iuvti'itl ludy passed thtotigh Springfl.'lil,
Muss., a few days since, who was on her wy
'ri in YiSJussiiit to C ilifornla. Mho had a b 'tl In a
hox nb' ut tlx f.-ct long by throe high and wld t.
1 his box was tight, save a hole In the top toadtn't
air, and was padded to keep out no eo.
Piofis ori Lccko, formerly of Troy, N. Y.,
nnd leader of a church choir there, has been play
irg the ipy for General llragg, hut was arrested
wilbrn our linos in Tennessee, with plans of our
works in his stockings, attempted to .escape, and
was iliot di ad.
Mr. John W. Boyn'on, of Hartford, was
arreted on Saturday by order of Oen -ral Dix.
What the charg'B are is not knovvn, but tbey
relate to Ins connection wi'h a firm lu New York,
to whom he is believed to have fttrtished
machinery In the your IHOJ. Ho was sent, with
all his books and papers, to Gonerul Dlx, at New
(fiirs.r fsirrnrH nt Coni-t.
At n drawing-room in St. James' I saw throo
very singular things happen. 1' had been 10
Com t, so it was not nccrssary that Istio'ild mke
1111 bow nea 1 11 ; but as some ladies I kuesr wished
for iny attendumc, I look them to the door of
the icctpiion 101111, and then met them at tbe
nthrr iloor, after they bad passed 11 r Majesty.
While tbi y wi re in the former apartment 1 ro
tnim d my phi c ut the first door, to amuse mv.
keif with looking ut the peoplo Mining up for
preidtitslion. The first funny thing I saw was a
clergyman and his wife or sister I think his
wife, liny .reined new to that crowd, and rather
bewildered. Jlowcier, on coming to tho door
(tie of the lords in watt ng took the lady's arm
out of the gentleman's, uud, with the usual lliug,
cast her train behind her.
It had evidently lieen ma le by some mantu 1
maker not versed in the ustiul requisites of a
train, and the it-tore not weighted ; so the wm.low
rlo.e br, being wide open for air, a bree.e came
in, got I enea'h the train, and raised the entire
garment up towards the "el ing, where It fluttered
In hind the wearer in rather a eacock-like dis
play. Tbe lords in waling and the ushers jumped
ut it, and tried with their wands to get it down
again, but ns all this time the wearer was con
lusedlv burning on, she got so mar llio Queen
that thev were ohl ged to desist, and In that
proud potd Ion, beneath the Boating cloud of her
own tlraperv.khe curtsied toller Majesty and
passed on. This droll eplso.lo in thu day's enter
tuinmi nt was followed by another.
A lady on being told to take tbe glove off her
right hand, tugcod at the tight fit on that hot day
so bard that all the glove came off except a reso
lute thumb, which remained inexorable to every
twitch. tSbe, too, was accompanied by a gentle
man they wore evidently a clergymau and his
new married wife, and when the lord la waiting
attempted to draw the arm of the wife from that
of the husband, tbe husband exclaimed totto
core "Hallo, iny (oar, hold fast. Who knows
what those people want I" At this moment, I
forget whether it was the late Lord Mulgrave or
the present laird Conyngham, one of ths two, on
heat ing and seeing this quaint resolution not to
be parted, cried out: "What Uod hath put
together let no man put asunder!" Ho the couple
paased tbe Queen, fondly and fast-locked la each
Other's arms.
laird Rodan had to kneel and kiss Her
Majeaty's hand on soma appointment or other,
but being not quite so active lie found it impossi
ble to rise without assistance, so having hold of
Her Majesty's most gracious hand, he held It so
fast that in raising nimseit py 11 ne almost puiiea
her from her chair of slate. In dancing a country
dance at one of the Queen's chanced
tbat we had come to the figure whore, after
changing bands, Lawd Torrlugton, who was
dauciug with the Queen, was to lead her down
tbe dance and back Ssgsvin. His eyes at the
instant were fixed In a momentary reverie on tha
floor, therefore ha forgot the figure, and did not
see the step Her Majesty made In advanoa tt meet
his approach to take her hand, or rather to let
her hand rest on his. I saw the error Har
Majesty smiled and colored, when by a stamp
with my foot I drew bis attention, and ae led her
down the dance, apparently la considerable
dismay at his own forgotfulnoas. Jft lift anti
Jietolltctiotu, ly lion. Van(ij F. lin klei.
Orrira or Tna sivBsrsn Ta'asnaAeat 1
Friday, llesieiakas-11. .(
The Stork Market, as we have n itlced fof '
several d-ys pist, continues dull and nnsettled,
lth the rxcptlunol roil oil shares, wb ch are
in fair i'cii and, but prices are Irregular. Oorora
mrtit liouiis arc less ncihe and rather lower, with
miles of .V20s at lt4, a decline f ljfiiof 1HS1,
at KM-!, coupons off, a decline of I ; and 10 40i at
Kill , Pii ti'ylvaniii 5s are ic'linit at 91. ,
lliiiiro id shiiros c iitilnue vxy dti'l and rat'icp
l iy. 1 , i i h sale of Camden an I Am'ior at 1 " I,
l'i nny Ivauia IlnilrnaJ a' fi ji'i r, a rleciino of ;
Nirtistown nt aSj Citiwis'a comrnun at lfl;
Htnl riilauU 'pbia end I'.rio at 'JO, a decline of li
''.J was bnl for Rood ng;2IJ for North Pennsyl
va'la; si fir Lehigh Valley; .'10 for Kliulrt ',
c 'lnreon ; nrd 17 1 far C.i'awisaa preferred.
In CI y Passenger Itailroad shares thoro is llt'.'o
or nothing tluing. Oil was Mil for Second and '
Thirl; '2 1 for Tblrtc nth and Iift-en'h ; 71 1 fir '
West Pl i'u le'phiu; IS for Arch Street; an I 18 '
lor Green nnd Coatos; 41) was asked for Fifth and
sixth ; t7. for Tenth and F.levcn'h ; S for Sprttco
nnd Pine; .'il for Clicnut and Walnut , and 11)
tor Itace and Vine.
Punk shun s nre firm!y held, an.! tVre Is rather
more doing. I'hlhtlelph Bink ail 1 at ISI, an
advance of 2; Farmers' and Mechailca' at G'J fr
old stoek,nn advance of li and H -ch inlet' at
:i"1i I, un advance of ifl'.n w bid for North :
Aincrlen; l'JI for Southw irk, an advtncenf.1; '
'.ut for Kensington, which is a do jllno ; and 41
for I'cnn Town-hip.
Cunal shares tiro dnll nnrl rather lower, with
stiles of SiiKpiehanna Canal at 14(, and Wyo
ming at 70; iii) was bid for Schuylkill Navigation
cntniiaiti, nnd 3!) for preferred do. ,
Oil si: lives are unsettled, with sales of F.xael-
sior at 1 4 1 MO; Great Bnln at 3); MoF.llienr
at.lA; N'olilo and nelaniute.r at OQvll; Perry at '
trl; Caldwell at 7! ; ft. NlrhoUs'at 4; Turr ,
1 aim at 3; McCilntock, SJ ; D ilioll, D; Egbert,
31'tKO. ;
Ciold enntlnuea dull, and the tran'aitlons are
limited, opening nt 2-1 A ; advanced anl sold at '
'22-21) at 1 1 o'clock ; fell olfiind sold at 221 at 12; ,
rallied and told at 222 at t P. M.
Money, ss we huvo noticed fir some time pat,
continues plcntv at about former rates. Lianion
cad are freely oflercd at 5(a (i er cent, p n annum. '
Prime mercantile paper Is very scirce aid tinted '
nt 7(c 'J per cent. Tho -uhscrlpt'ous to the Seven
thirty loan for the week emli ig on the 17th
( re M,'.2",o00j and to the Ten-forty loan, nearly
k-',.'iii,0ii0. Tho siibsi rlptlon to tho seven-thirties,
for the llitli, 20th, and 21st, amounted to $2,5i8,.
POO; and to tho Ten-forties, $;;,a!),1,(03. Ths'
bit cr loan is to lie continued on the market. .
I Illl.ADt'l.l'IllA.'ITnCK EX. 'MAMIE MALES, DEO!, ii .
Kcpurici. by C'larltson A Co., ttrotnrra, No. Ul 8. Third U.
Hr.lOliE UJAItUH. '
Wish riiils 4 Tld...o '."; 'JOOibMeKt'ieiiy.,..!. SV '
slJMi ci ?sj -
naaT BOABn.
stver s t ?ei 11171
fMf ti si... ai.xcp.ui'S
... m,. Puiin :.s j 1 .
SI (O'C.ini ,t Am m'. .I'U
t .i(: Ilea. I "0 h. la '70.1.. 1 I
iiiai ,h 1' si elslor 1- 44
4ltl .1, (.rent I aslu...
fill sh ll"l-' Fa'ln.... t
tsiisti 111'rk.v'bK... .tai
J osh M.'K'hrlii ...nj ftv.
'.'01' all Mil llllli'i k ... 's,
P0 sh N"lil",v Del.... Ill I
Id. all (lo S?a'
IHMi an (iruHl'le (111.... I j
li.i.h I'.rrv Oil ...M 4'
ven at. ( a dwell.. ..b.1 7S'
al.0 ahHt.Mrboiaa . .. 4s;
21-nah Tarr rarm...; '
17 ah Pane Hs'ik....l'a .,;
4i: h Far k M"j Ha iji
2 h Mreh Hint.... ftrsf '
an n . ......... is
l'rt) sh -ivis.i Cunl
an ah Wvomln ral. 7ft '
4 ahCatn. A .lm..,.!WV t
2 . sli I'onn a ' ,
at ih do Ill 1
4C alt Nnrrlsliiwn R. M
Kl" 111 CatHWls.a .. . 1
.'.) sti I'm a A Krle.orl 2'i .
iim s'i l-win oil II "
loo ah Walnat Is 3V-
Quotations of (ioid at tho Philadelphia Odld 1
Kncbanvr, No. 34 8. Third street, leaond story
IU A. .11 ...vr-v ii ai. .............-:i
11 A. M ''4 I V. M 'ill '
Market steady mid dull. J
Dk Havfn St Bro., No. 20 8. Third street -,
quote as fallows' .
fn'venf, ar-rins1,
American Gold 222 'JU3 '
American Silver. ys and Ps 2'ifl ss'--'
Dimes nnd Half Dimes 201 ..
Spanish Quarters 201 . .1
I'cnn. Currency sj dis. dls
New York Kiehange .1-10" .par.
Quotations of tho principal Coal and Goal Oil
stocks ut 1 o'clock UMiay :
list A't 1 044 utal.
Pulton Coal
Feeder I 'aniOoal.
(Irei ri Mi. Coal...
Keystone Zinc... .
N.Y A.V'
K 1 'arhora'Ata ...
Now t'r. sk
fenn Mlnll'S.....
a. alara
Alles-r-artv itls-sr.
1 "nra titina,
;a 11 v.. r.ri
lr na Oil
1 l's
, 1
I , ttasalona OU 1 "
111 XlMlar 12
.. 'Miple Mhsda OU..S7
14 UaCaa-aiat OJ..J
li : Uinaraa Uu Vis
.. ' kllllL'0 3',
1 VrKlnsn- s ..
.. I M CrrsA v berry R, a 1
li, M'aili'Allulaaialall SV
:ll Oil Osek l'i
ft- iii-v-sule (111..,
iileiheiiy A Tile 1
Ills Tank 1
prsiinea island..
J ' (ilmairad nil IK 3 ,
Pull Creak
I'r mi
Ilurasaf As'lac...
. a a annayivaaiarai.. n, 9
. .. ft 'Pe-ryOtl H ' i'i
. .. S Pblla. A Tldarvnii 14 .. ,
.3 ai V 81 Pens tarn. nil... .. .
.. '.-awoienmcaulra.
.. IPIilillps
t Revanaa ...
Corn Plantar
t t il. ell
Cava Trr.k
I'harry Ran......
lisnikarr Oil
laiska'dl 1 k Oil.
t'alrel! (n.
I seal. lor OU
. 7'.
; l'i Kenans OU
..11 l'i Hark (Ml
.. vi Its'h'onvs
I S'
Iki Sens. a nl!
7 7's a.arv rxrm
. VH a hutl Anil rjraak 1
,s .. l-li at. Met,.. ia, 1
.. I -HI 4 ; ato Outre
.. lTi S 'Sanbury ..
,.. .. 1 oarr rina.,.,..,! I ..
.. 2a; Vi Turr Homestead.. ,.' IX
.. ' ttalnn i'air"sr"sa.. t S-ii
.. 1 lit l's I'pnsr r.onomy... H , I
Irani!' OS.,
(ireat Wsltura
(.lobs nil ,
ITs s a KdiiOU
I l'i e,n,,o'ill s H , Iv
l'i I', Wsinut tslsad.,.1 V ...
II IS. Walton ss, i
The following are the inspetotia of Flour and
Meal for the week ending Deceniiier 22 : "
Hii'f barrels stiperlinc ' 2 It
Barrels superfine H,iL'J
" tine . 45
" .... , -,
' Ryr 1.5
Coin Meal 311
" condemned li)
Total 15,0'iJ
The following are the roceip'.s of Coal Oil si
this port during the past week: ,. ,
Crude, bills 22fW
Keui.ed, bids ,. 4-U'i
rilII.AIIa.l.1'111 A TRtUE RKPOST. .
I'uiiiay, Docember 23. Bark ts quiet at pre
vious figures. , , r
There la a modcrato Inquiry for Cloverseod,
but not much dntrg In the way of sales. We
quote at $14 50M 73 W CI pounds. No sales of 1
Timothy bavo been reported for several days
past. Holders of Flaxseed have succoeded la
obtaining an advance; 300J bushels were sold at
93 80 IJi" bushel.
There Is comparatively little or nothing doing
Jn the Flour Market; and but little demand either
for export or borne use. The only sales for ex-
?ort are 200 bbls. superfine ut 9 7o ; and an extra
amily at $12. The retailers and bakers purchasa
sparingly ; and within tbe above range of figures.
In Ilye Flour and corn Meal there is but JatUa
doing to bid prices.
Tbe demand for Wheat has fallen off, but It Ii
firmly held. The sales ore con lined to 1200
tiusbols good Pennsylvania red amber at 1J2 (iiKu)
& "tl ' 11UBUIU1 nnnv in aj - aw a tw tl at, uay I ITIIlf
f-2-80 to 2 9... Rye is in limited demand at 91-Jl.
Corn is but little itintilred alter; 2000 buaheleold
yellow sold at 91 8ti(ii'l-K8, and new at l-ASft
1-C8. Oats are In steady demand at yesterday's
quotations. Barley aud Malt are dull.
Whisky is less 'active, and prices are droonlngi
tC bushel ; white is quiet It ranges front
sales in a small way at 2 i2 ii for Peniisyl.
vania bamU. ,
Markelss hy Telegraph.
Kbw Tobk, December 23. Flonr dull and
drooplntt, talis oou nbia. Wheat dnll. tasra o-Hirlns:.
Vutk leavy; uaw ninae, $41s41-tM). Lard btutvy. w ausr
dullj ksvldaji aak SI i, but b wei ortsa-iuly ti-sotsi,; i. ,
ft nASBD -pnia nopirti". '
rsraaBf,CiysiAw,iwOr'4Mu.l .-
ABBITCD r.ouirrrt.
tsaaasasta c. li sa,ai. . ' '"(. av.'irs rrnsa Witr
Tatk.wah mtmtm w J I. w kasmmuM a
kenvr lse mss W"""'' w.stf L-r e. tiotaeir cM,
and vasiael leasl all van asei M linn Hoaouil
Ira ts-usM It an -r ""s1 w eit,u4 Hsvneaains va.
flk:kr B. S warrsw, Warraa, I iayi tnm Dew Isas, wilt
ulTi'er.ltojbm ravl Blw.Dih, wHh
liuJ. W.Baiitt,
Vi 4-f
VI It?
S c?
: fsi