t w - -- a?3j L. TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAm. riHL A.DELrHIA, TIHTIISD AT, DECEMBER 22, 18GI. j I lM I.AR AND COS n- NF.KTAI. Without politeness the world of men won I I be little better than the w..rll of brute. CItIM'.cJ Bien are far from unanimous ; hot then they Agroe to differ clTllly. In societr people often make War i bnt In good ncioty ttacy uoror declare It Good breeding requires t!i it even enemlis shtniU void olfentiTe forma and expressions. You mar go ont with a man to slitmtliiiu through the heart la a dacl, but you mutt lion- to him politely first. An Insult may ercn he retiirncil politely. When Laur.un broke hi sword In the presence of Lewis XIV, saying, "I will no Ion?' r strve a king who docs not keep his word,' the klnn threw his cane Out of tho wlnilo, adding, "I. shall neriT lie laid that I hure threa'tned a m m of n.ilile MrtU !" The tbra-liing wis given rnnrary, and the out raged rujal dignity was fully utti-fic 1. As to t'olito nliiikcs, th' y ari' not uiirommm end are Inr mure eny to admin .hit. I-'rciIrri -k railed the Otcat, til I'mis-ir, wai at Ica-t a very gmnt M.uil-tiiki r. To save the troulilo of cumin t alty pntiing Ins hand in his p'n-krt, ho hud a irjufl-l nx mi 'he chiinn. y piece ol'every rnou in tho suite (if rooms lie occupied. One il.iy, wlien liusv in Ins caliinel. he s iw a i .iff, wIid f.ricij.l ho was nut iilnerveJ, urn creni'm: .u-lv ta-ti-ig Un royal stiiiff. He took no f inlit-r n''iee th" time; Inn nlunit an tiour ufHTw.i.d he or icro 1 the p 'tc lo Kriuii Imn th imx. "Takn a pinch,'' S..U the king. "HotY d ) yon find it ;" 'I'.xi'i llcnt, lire." "And the b..x ;" "Niiprrri, sire " " Vi ry wcil. iii j ennin.li (or ua too i c;i it tlioti. I' h ir.lly- h ,l The simly of the so -ial c n lc ml yto I bv tin World in which we m v-', is Hi rcl -re ii"Cn-i-v for whoever wi.iln s to li.'iiro rrDili'aYr In t ia world, llu' rules alone arc not sirlien-'nt j tli -re are cxi cpuon il oecn-ion- whe.i ilicy tail to ap,ily. mid in which wc uui-t He guiil. .1 by tin pirn i.f rouitcHV. Dcti renc: to oili.rs," o-iclicu :o to fillers, siilnnelin t i rank an I nut'ionty , tro the very e-.-c:ico of that -prrit. (ifora- 111 my coiiiplinientcil l'r. J-tin on ill In'ily lla'tering terms re-pC' ling I. is writing's. S tnio'Mi.ly iHk'-il the iloetor, "An I wli.it ili I you s:tv t uli t!iv ?" "Nothing," was the judicious reply. "Was I to bam y c1 mi I nc nts w itli my sov reign ?" Il..i accrpteJ the roytil a'proit;ition, as was his d itv. A new auib ihiU.lnr, l.-ir-l S .w!io.n st'.:i,i' t let was hinhlT spoken of, arrived at tho court of Lin a X I V. The kinc, wishing to test his p i ite ness, invitid him to a n!nc.tiug-p:ir:y. A- the moiiunt of s:nr.ing to cliiin t ) the wontls, tbo king, drawing hick, gavo him the J rcccilcneo, 6 ylng, "(let into the carri ige, Monsieur I' An- l.isinlor." l. ird N did not wait to be twice t I'd to tl so. Instead of hnnihly retreating ur.d a ti niptinir todecline sotrcut an honor, he oheved at once; thus triutingtlie royal invitation as an ' ordcrw hich he was not even permitted to dis cuss. The king, who was the p lii'es' man of his day, perfectly appncuucil tho move, and remarked yv tha unite, "Decidedly, Lord S is a well bred n an." It is often, therefore, the truest politcuoss limply to do what you lire reipicti 1 to no. I'oiiicin fs ii not ex.utlya virtue, but nn iinl tation and ashiiuiptlon of certain virtues. It Induces us to nppe.ir kind, self-denying, Indul . gent, modest, becauso it would ho uncivil and rudo to appear the contrary. We are polite tor our owii fakes iultc asniuch asforothcr peoide's. l'olinrlcss is the art of iIisr lising our feelings and p isfiotis rather than ot rcpre-sing them : it Is a sense of propriety rather tli in of justice; it doe not make a man better, but it renders him Infli itcly tni.ro s x ialilc as is Indicated bv tho d tivaiion of the word itself and its synonvnis. The root of politeness is ;nn,a town; courted eomcs to us from courts; and civility, cinlitnii, according to Amnwoith, is tho courtesy whit h C t zi n n.-e. to otic another. I'oliteness, not con tO'it with avoiding even tiling that can possibly lispliae. continuillv niul actively strives to p'eaie. It modifies the demeanor as well as the C nduct, and adds a charm to tho most trilling actions. -When simply and naturally practised, snd without any ntlect ition, it ulmost amounts to friendship and Mleciion. I'aul is a curious town, a favorite resort of Invalids and idlois, whose population s msa liicnt'y consints.of a certain number of inhabit ants and a Tcry great many straugers. Every body lets furnished apartment, from tho humblest citizen to tho highest personage. Generals, counts, and manpiiscs advertise their rooms "with a south aspect and a fine view of tho ryrenccs." There is no harm in this; it is con , venicnt: but it lately gave occasion for a sharp retort. Madame C , tho w .fo of one of tho rlchost merchsn's in I'aris, wus remarked for the elegance of her dress. Much elegance, displayed by a simple commoner, disploascd one of tlio - ncble dames of l'au, Mad.mc la Comksse d'Asferisk. "What do you call that ?" she said, contempt oonly ghmeing at the I'urisienno. "That is Madame C ," was replied to her. "Ah! yes, I know," tho CoiiUosms answered. "She's a linendrapcr." Madame C , who overheard every word of the conversation, inquired in turn, loud enough to be heard, and pointing wl'u her linger lo the taught lady, "What do you cull that ?" "It is Madame u'Asterislt." "Ah! es, 1 know. Sne's n letter of lodgings. We think of tuking her rooms next season." In the very highest society the same pair of gloves may not ho worn twice ; at least they must never betray the slightest trace of having been worn. Morning gloves, walking glsves, calling gloves, evening glovos, must bo ever spotless, fresh, and sew. Consequently the glover's bill is one of the heaviest items of tho personal budget. M. Murlt mart-hoi-.se states that a man of fashion may easily spend eighteen thousand francs, or seven hundred and twenty pounds a year, m gloves. Those who have leva than seven hundrtd a year must compromise the matter as well ss they can. Soon Hfior tho Lady Bianca Biancavllle dis graced herself ihy a loreiuatcu with Mr. Nero fcjSohody, I happened to dinu at a wealthy m .n sion. Of course everybody had their word to say. "Poor things!" o'iservpd a dowager by my side, "they liaio only eight hundred a year be tween them." OI.ITEJfMH, M "No more!" exclaimed tho lady of the homo. JS "Win-that will nnlv into u,.,-v., ,,.... r.. ..l..UUJ "It Is very lucky for me," I said, ' that it is not Yet the fashion to dine in cloves : for I never h ol f eight hundred a year, and most likely never shall." The fine folks present wore good evough not to apptar shocked ut my bold contcssioA of glorn. . . l,.ud ,iAv.-rtw Knt Knva 1, ,!- ......... y i.wiu i, mm fcui; v l nil null With which we support other people's sorrows. (i loves should lit liko a second skin, and be Worn builoni d at the wrist. A French authority (Alpboiis-0 Karr) tells you to take a gentleman's nana witn your own uncloved, in token ol frank f H' ss and sincerity; but to keep your glove on f when you touch a lady 's is a nroof of the resnoct with which jou regard her. Gloves also have their court etiquette. If you are honored by tho P. pe with an audience, Ids secret chamberlain, Won ignore Jlorroiueo, begs you to take off your gloves lietoro entering. "The Holy Father," ho tells you, "like the Ilolv Communion, is ap proached Only Willi ungloved hands." I sup pose it was In obedience to a similar rule that the lor cresses of old, ns Canidia and Sagaua, took out their fa 'so teuih and look oil' th-ir false hair before they set to work to raise the ghusw of the dead. The cravat merits more attention than Is oficn bestowed upon it. It meets you fee to face every lime you converse with a gentleman; you cannot help observing it. It is the pedestal, as it were, on which ihe whole of tho countcninte is la-ed. An Ill-tied, wispcd-up, mnddled cravat is enough to prejudice you against a ne acquaintance. Of all our articles of clothing, it is the only one which Is a proof of the weiirer's rersonal taste and rkdl. V c draw on our slock li gs we pull on our lioots, we slip on our coat, a d we put on our hat ; but we are obliged to adjust and t e our cravat. Stocks, with false and ready-mudo I o, convenient enough for people w,bo dress in a hurry, will be disdained by tho really well-dressed man, almost as much us paper ptiirr collars. "Wh t hiivc yon got there ?" somebody asked ef Druinmcll's vulot as ho let't his master's dressing-room with a lingo bundle of crumpled white travats under bis arm. "Tin ie are our failures," be replied. "II ij vilv we have su icceiieil at hist." (To tit a cravat well requires patience, tact, n keen perception of graceful form, nad great delicacy ' m n..r..l....la.l. ....... I. n.l.l. 4, a VI iiiaiiiu wuvu viiii,iiivu Willi unciDiuu. OI these days, I must shut myself up J'or a week In itrict leclusion, to Improve and experiment la the on ot tying a white cravat. The ditleieutial aspects of the hat, at homo and KbiOid, are noteworthy. With ns its principal r jittn e in to cover tue ncan auu keep tt warm V -fbl:h was why Hie eeloluated miller wore a white ' line, Llsewhero, indeed, the word count-chef iin jliil the snme; besidos which, the bat is to tho jj'eiitk nian what the fan ii lo the lady an imple jik ot of coquetry, an aid to deportment, a means i f ex r. ssing sentiment. A bat, ou the Contiuent, li: s very hard and endless work to do. Your ha'. cr wHi lecomiio n.l you one with a stitfbrlin iiur tnhur, for bowing service i tor, remember, you jiuist take your haiquiie olfyuur bead, to g.intlc jm n ns well a to laiios, und of n even to inferi ors, Under Bin of being considered innl e.Viv, ill bred. Merely toueb.iig our hat aud nodding Is far toouiuiiiur and unceremonious, except in the cose i.f gn-at lutiinacv. To show how tho- roughly ih 'imiuts you (not doing It by halves), I tunc pi 0) le, who wear cups, w lil soi.e llie cover- g by the arown, grasping it with the opun hand, I and so remove It bodily. ' 60 UKtfui au urticle ijoyj iti privileges ; it Id admitted to evening parties, and mmt not he laid a-ide except for the purHsesof masical perform ant e or taking refreshment. When, spe iking te at'y in the street, you remove your bat, you may not replac e it entll she tells yon. Not to return a bow in kind is arrogant; not to return It at ad is an Insult which may lea 1 to fa al tin seqm mes. In a bank, on the Continent, it is Im possible to Keep the bat on as wo do; in a syrsgonne it is hreverent to take It oft". At tho bat l.i of 1, -iik (8wtr.erlantl) you are limi ted giaiist i sec ladus and gentlemen bathing to gether In the Interior basin on the sole condition of shu tlng the door a'ter you and taking on" your hat. If you omit eitherf irm.s scor." ot v i s will si. in all yen to older, ho much for tho piibitr; the' bathers there are forbidden to inter Into religions controversy t prohibition which sei ins needless, as, practfcally, all are Haptists In seveial Northern an I German cpl'als, when y u do obi Is ince l the screen to pissing saisns, kings, grand dukes, or reigning serene hlilmcs-ei and tnnpreneies, you are ex"tei not to pan on yourself w hile you takn yoar hat i If, but to stand -tock still until the aet of rovar- lice is compleicd. Not to iluto the 1 ly al th ii nnter, or the assembled rompanv, on entering a cafe, rc tiuiraiit, cerele, esta nn.rt, or puliiic rootn, is, in foreign parts generally, a very c.i;ii'.al ('mission. N i' polcon I privately lectured a l'ret'et of the "ne tor i nhitii! to ttie 1 uillerie- in a hiretl ca-riac ,1 in -t he oetilv S'-oldcd a lady for appearing nefire Ii m in a tires which he if courn.-.l as an old a--qmtintai.ec, U'ktng her whether her hu-un.ls I' ) as ni t s tlii ien- to buy a new gown. I . He low iniiiii lo Con piegue or Font uncMcau lor wick aic rxpietcd uevci to we ir the no m trn n gor iviimg iiri'sa iwirc, wht Ii amounts lo b nr ccn new lres-s for the v sit, a' lost; tor if a bnly clioo-'C to wear three drones a dav, n ithing is e.i-ii r tu in to liii'l opp iiluni I' S of iin Cayitig tin in. hav tl a' a lady moving in h uh Paris an soi icty can coii'nve to mana :o With the ve-y no itci.'te iillowain c of only live new tlrcss. s per wiikduriig a three moniiis' sca-mi, i' in ikts a little total ot sixty dresses. Calculate ihe c .t of these at miniiuum prhe, and it suit comci to a I. caw amount ; reckon Hal a in kxttnu'n , and it is i nouth lo imike a li ithschiol look grave. '1 Be Swi iles, on tho t untrarv, not to,ug re'Ii, try to ii ake a rcspei-tithle aopcar tuco bv a snmil ex pindtttire. At the ball given at the Fx -hanri! of M' kholm to the ro al I iiuilv, on the New Ye ir's I ay, by the bourgeois'-, in which every trade is n pie-fiite I, the rule l that all tho ladles, tho qui en inciu led, uppe ir in lilack ; because every tody is supposed to have the means of buying a lili i k silk dies. A black silk dress, it is taken for granted, is to be found in every citiuiness' waidn lie. Colored nbtions, trimmings, thiwcrs, tt'ji'hcis, atid jewels may be superadd- d mi it'n timi. A lad v may put on at that hall ten iti iu sniitl pounds' worth of diamonds, if she hive thim ; I in a black top and skirt must bo the groundwork of tlio wbolc. I'll the same economies! principle, the maids of honor and ladies in-waitmtr on the (Mean of 8 widen must diess in black when on duty (ex cept on occasion of n wedding or a christotiing) j when not in attendance, they may wear black, or i;ol, as pleasis them best. Their distinctive mark from other ladies is white satiu sleeves, buried wi h black. No one is fond of making calls. Cal's aro cer tainly a great waste of time. Still, calling in u be done, and, therefore, may as well lie don t pn perly. 1 here aro a few members of society whoso lime is valuable, and lully occupied medical men, authors, lawyers, stitcsiuen who, by n rebellious effort, emancipate them selves, generally, from milking or p'ttlnunccalls. '1 hey getihelr calling done by their wives, or leave it undone. I was once prTsent in a foreign capital w hen a lady a British subject managed on some trill n grounds to gel the llii'M h minister to call upon her at her hotel. He eamea tentled. On discov ering the slight Impoitanco of the case, he was very still and curt, and on leaving slammed the d or alter turn so loudly that everv one on tho same lloor of the house could hear It. However frivolous tho lady's pretext to induce him to come might be, was bo ilbt iu cxpress.ng his opinion, by slamming the door In France no wedding-cards arc sent; but tho parents of the bride and bridegroom distribute letters of fnire part to such a wide circle to per sons with whuinthoy have the slightest acquaint ance that the object would appear to be less a civility than a public advertisement of tho cir cumstance. Thus people in business send letters of fuire part to distant persons and customers with whom they have merely business connec tions. A quite sullicieiit acknowledgment of tho attention is to return your own card by post in an unsealed envelope. As soon as possnlo some times only two or three days aflor the wedding, the new man led couple call on the fiiends, be ginning witli their nearest, relatives, with whom they wish to live on terms of intimacy. Tho calls are duly returned, and matters then settle down into the regular routine whi.'h is suppised t occur afur "the etui" of the third volmuu of a fashionable novel. A week is tho utmost limit for returning a formal visit; to exceed it gives grcal otleiiso M'hen General Uostolan, n s'.rl t disclpliiiaritu succtcdi d the Duke of Kefgic as Commander in Chief of the Fiench forces in Rome, ho called, accompanied by hrs still, on each of tho five, cardiuuls who then formed tho Providonal Executive Committee. Light days elapsed; not an Kmincnco stTrcl ; the General awaited them In vain. On the ninth, he sent them wont that if they did not ca I on him in the course of the day he should feci him self obliged, very much to bis regret, to assert his own dimiity , and the respect due to his old ial position, by sending a jii turtot tVot soldiers to fetch them. A trench jugc rfc pm, r other magis trate, will call at your door with a knock as unprt tending us the postman's. Violent tugging at the bell is only permitted when tho Iwll won't spi uk without it. A common inscription outside oflice doors is, Entrcz sons fVoiiec, "Come in without knockliiir." The drollest notice of the kind ou record occurred during the first French Republic. It inculcated the social o Uiility and frau i n.ty of eveiy eiti.en, thus -.Irion tat In rl ti. I'eirnez lu porte, s'i! rot's plait. 11 Here ppoplo are addressed as thou and thee. Shut the door if you p'eao." , Whcn the perst n on whom you call Is absent, or not visible, you leave your visitingtcard a happy invention. It is usual to turn up the corner or end ol the card when delivering it to the servant; about the interpretation of which mysterious fold learned doctors are no agreed. .tjdfina says that, should there be daughters or sisters n siding with the lady tailed on, It is done to signify Unit the visit is meant for them also. Mulli r's "Politesso Francnisu" informs us that it its intended to show that the call was made in per son. Pirhups, originully, it may li ivo been meant as a proof that the ctl'er was not one of those gtriitecl mendicants who sead in their c ir J, and ask to bave it bark again, for fir it re use, aitcr they have pocketed their hiili-i-ero vn. As a curd may be substituted tor a call, calling resolves Itself into three degrees of comparison the superlative, when you call, enter llie house, and pay your compliments personally ; the com parative, when yon drlvi! to your f.lend'j door end have your card wuhoiit quiit.ng your car riage ; the positive, when you simply send your card by the hands of a servant. A card is thus a hi inter pa'hic call a call adinini-icied in its niildtst form; it is the iulinitc-imal clement of culling. The two iatt. r m ules are eouim m iu Italy, and possllsly may have reached ns thence. Young single ladies abroad are not allowed to bare null pondt nt cards all to tliems tlvcs. Tm y take their place ou their m..miua' family omni bus curd, thus : Mnitiimr el ilmlfiiwiscllr d' A IJ t '.. One particular c.ass of visits caino', on tho conuiicut, be neglected or avoiile 1 ; u unciy, tliosd of New Y ear's Day. A considerald w ide margin (thocloseof the month) is allowed for paying them; but the sooner they are paid the better. The most respectful New Y ear s visits those, for instance, to gruiidparents-aro made on tho eve of the day. To intimate fr ends, or superiors, at a distanie, you must write ; to tno-.e iu the same town or near neighliorhood you ir.tit present yourself personally ; to ull oibers, whether distant or mar, you are oxpe "ted to send yourcirl by post. It Is a troublesome eeienony.'bui it uil irds a capital opportunity fur reconciling coolness ami cliariiig up misunderstandings. "Tue obliga tion," says Chateaubrliil,"underwhlehyoulivo, ot receiving your neighbor on Nuir Year's day, induces you to live on good terms with hltu during the whole of the rest of the year, and thu I t are and union of sot let v are thereby mma t...ned." The theory is amiable ; is It borau out by fucts ? Visit of condolence aro terrible Inflictions to both receiver und th'ir; but they uiuy bo made less so by avoiding, as much as is consistent with sympathy, any allusion to the past. The receiver docs well to abstain from tears. A lady of my acquaintance, who had lost her husband, was receiving such a visit in her best crape. (She wept profusely for some time upon tho best of broad-hemmed cambric handkerchiefs, und then, turning to her visitors, said: "1 am sure you w ill be glad to bcur that Mr. U has left me most comfortably prciiJcd for." In a similar spirit, M. Boitard advlios, In his "Manual Illustre de la Ilonuu Compagnie :" "At a visit after a Uttre dts fair part, you should bo abis to arrasgc your iuiintc:,ante as well us your dressi .... "After a funeral bft very sorrowfnl In the pre sence of an bclr who has lnher"eJ a lnrgo pro peity. t-P' uk warmly lu pr.iitn. of the Uo.uua's vuti.es. You will bo rii.loiiu,t assisiauoa to tUe her. by playinf the hypocrite itt his strati. "But If your friend has lost a relative who did not lcute Liui a sous, talk of the opura, tho Dal Mnbitlu, the iabl now ov, wilhoittawordnbuut the ileu .. Y'ou will save your bust thu trouble ol pretuudiug to be overwhelmed by dop aililetion." .,.,..,.) HELMB OLD'S REMEDIES. II IXUID EXTRACT BUCnU Fnc Voa JUismtV-n or InoiHlnvr.o of Vrtn. Irrt1Um. InflumuatrOR or in4trmttnn of tM Bltvltlvr or KltSiMyf, mhw M rrottro44 Otnnh, Hon in tks Muklr C1-.'mi, flratA, r Brick -duti DTH(, snd J1 DlrfMsM FLUID EXTRACT M'CIIU For W.). Di'ihtM BtioUksit fr-m F icx'tistTt Iivllnr-rfrUm. Th o -r.tfUTtrOD enc1 tiVtrd with (r-?-t'tic ' fknii rriMrfi whloh PKIJdHtU.D'tS EXTRACT inTuriably dti, ir no tr--ttn"4 U tuUulitd ta, OoniHuavtion c hiuHy tT wwu. 11 KI.M HOLD'S FLUID KXTIIACT OK BUCIIU, In a Oct lorn pornttar to "Fsif alms," ft unft'jnaliHl bj inr otlr prtt'sralUm, as bi tUuroM, er BiiBUon, Irrofil lsrtlle ; Tsinriilnoss, or SupprMston 1 1 CmU'tunrj Cvso oatloris; VlMratrit, or Soharronl Rtnu of U.s Vtarss; Luc!uTThira, ami an euniphUuta hiolilent to tho sex, whethor artslns from hahlfi of StoslpaUoa, hnproJ-mcitw, or hi the decline or ctoaugo of uft. HKIiMHOIiU'S FLUID EXTRACT DUCUU IMKROYI.D BOBE WASH W1U rsdiesUr sxtwmlnat Irom tho iTStoia HUeinos of tlio rrlaaiy OrKsns wlslni from Botilu of Dlsslpuloa, al HUM fptnil, Wilt or iwtanf)riHt,noiiuotKtMun44 or tipenrti oooiptuloljt supariMUni thoM tmyltavml and dayermi ro Juu, Copaita and Memu f, ta all thon dlteasos. UHI5 IIKIMIIOI.U'S 1LUID EXTIUCT BUCIIU In ad plititei of Die I'rliiii-v Oriisns, w hetlior ciliUnf la Jai"or "Path!," rem vtiottrtr cauH triginaiitlf, and na mailar of Ai long ilaaiiing. It ta plouaat ta tsito and tint, "hnmtdialt" tti aciuit, auil aiur lrMitl.ealTi an an j ol fts rrepsrstioM of H'tri or Iran. Tlivte ufTcihn from hmlm Dvm or DJ.ttatt Vantruu Mi ni, jiroturs U. HrmKly altntli Tks nulw man bo awar thai, koweviv sUtt marks tlit attack of tii abuvs lUnusos, ft Is wruua V anoot Ms tod4!y IJmUH, Mt!al futctrt, liapriw, and kU rot ttrlt,. ruiiiiouss rLBASE oner.. WE MAKE N08BC11KT OF IN(iKEDiliSiT8. KKLUBOIJ) a FLUID tITEACI DUCHU Is enmrsMd of fwkm, Otdtti, and Juniper BtrrUi, ta loetcd vtth m r aad. prooatMi In vaovo lj II. T. ri01JlJKLD,DrDSEM aad Miniil of sUI war oars' o porioiit ks ttts tMt tt rUladcViia, aod urw proiwrHstd bj hs MtisSoulBaat si ttt AMmlty, and bavs boon a4 nm to am In tb Perth) Btatos Ann, and ar also ta vory (rsural ui In Bum Uui pHals aud utUe Sankarr Iatluioas throttsbont the WuA. MskIIcums daiivueil to ur ifltlrxs. tixjaMlid Uy oaUOt diMollous. Ubeot IMMM t BKLKUOtD'l Uni( aoa Chemical WarohonM, , So, 504 Broadway, New Tork, Or IliCLMUOI.U'a Itsdkial Dspot, '4 ha. 0 a. Vonlh stroot, Hia.ilcltaaa. , Bwats if couttturfMtf .- Ask tbr IimtDOLO 8, au take no othos. OfCM otb from f o'ttock A. M. to 8 P. H. XI. W. R. MFTlWTTf & CO. '8 COLUMiqrOIl oMrtMTKiitn mov roots, bark.avd uwm CHr.HOKEB HFMIPT, run' utkl tflftntvi of th urtnr orgn. itirh tn mntiurnr cf th t'rln, I -i fl (m stuon nf tht B4i1 Wic, I'trifinnnniion of th K id n . Msinv m tlm li;4(1fr, NUVlura, Urel, uWrt tfonntrts-t , und ) wpr4 aliy rrcommi'ndrt In Uii f'i ot t it'r AHu ("f liltf In ftniot) wher U th old nM.iiii tucUi ruii ln?f fl"l. 1) MM MV W MM MM M4 I14 MM JM XM MM MM MM MM U1 MM MM M M M M V M 1MM MM M M MM MM bIMMM MM MM MMMM MM MM M M M M MM MM MMM MM Tt Ii rfT'rml In ii hltrMf rnrsntTdtf d form, tlm tlo nly N'llitT from nnc to two trsV t(nHnriii iut3 uui' p- .t?. It It iMitftlC nnl tr(ivr tli 11 ctitri; piirtfjlnjr and c)tnali; the hlool, rtitiint It to How in It or nil prrTHT nrl Ti((ir ; thtu remo vini (t mi th yt"tri ' 1 (ior n'f ion cuisj wuieli li tn lu ceO dlaetue. t U 11! rtj a: CO cc rr. I'C cu fin : OTIKROKKK IVJFdU TIi1 U lnwmdv.1 tn mUf r ftatftlrunt t-i tiiOi'HKKO KKK Hi MKIY, kji.1 sitiir4 lp tiHotl tu raQintH''Vin Willi Ihiit iDftllnn In All c 4t O.tn.irTtiitii, lret, K'hat AHuii m Whit. It tilteLi i h'lt''K, iKVtfh'nr, jd fVin'ihont; r"rnOlnr H rn tltiu hct, chrU, uiil put li. Initrft'l of lii tiiitmrni Mul vlrnt'ist tinrnstsirtWi r )n V l L rxn'n4'i',-it tth tit nrf all ti Ot.i 4Uck, JijrcUofi. r'.KKhKKi&K r if. I'.VKKti k.iri y k. Ftr tti M th rilltO. KKK KKMMV an ( IIK lii IK K K IS.IKOI ION th ts.i mrilfcint At th i.amio Hint Ail tinprt-p-r rtn cliArk't'd Arc rfinow.'.l, tn tin WfKnn I -riitn r 'im1 iu rf-t-'ft-il it full Ik r and K-r ftl' pniI'MiIuM ij"t "'if pmiiili.vi fr-.in ilnm n l r til tu' o. -ii 1 1 1 rr , r VvfltC UH. Hlil ft ILJ iwaA (Iff 11 AitJT AlItl'lMB (Ull ilKtal-M. in, liti mi llll mi mi ninnni mmmi MlltHll lllllirtll I'M li.l ti mi nn mi lilJ 1U1 u:tfrt..M fnif ft.r Hji.irtin- t. rr ' ' fll I, 1 Fi-i! I'J CltU - t, ctiil I Or fnfIU.li!M MMI 1 I J 1 ii nn nil nn I'D ni m Ml 1 U ni.ini-TMi; niM-iMU'i p-liM'nm, m h - of Nli mm v. I nivcr!l Vi--l-tu if, Pin in t,i. I nk, I'ltiittc-t. ot M--ii, I'r.'i-iA-hiif A. c, -n Ntm-, Iii1 - itiiy nf l r:tfniiit, T i' in Niii tf. Win wjIih gs, 1 rn ni .t'ti-s n tlm Km v. I n ('itiiifii:Liicf, liwuiiMy. ('tn- umptl n. tu ) nJ' 'f r'.l'n'Mil f Ji l' mJ.t" i (tu Ht'i fc li i.tatt lri(i tnmi V i'AUi t.f UAtute. Th' m1lc,"n It n sj'rnpto Tts .'tiili ar.ict, nnil cm nnwhti ti Ail i nn rcir. m it hi boon mod in our i: ,xo tlcfl for itiNiriT yf.in, And wi.li tti-'ii-t itU tr--All-1, It hn not f.ttiod In a ts.ru'la Lntnr. lu onrAtlvA pow er in vo In en niKin'i.'iit in n-in vl. t'n v i-Tor ilio ta t t(jiitvt.rn I o tho' w ho htiT-1 trtil -tl v ith L ir C'ttiitiniti .nii umtl Lhi'.v tliltik tlx 'tU!oivtt ho 3i!ifl tin ri'fi'h nf tncilicil i.l, wo would -,iv I F 4 1 ' A I K NOL! tho ("ilKHOKKK CUKK will nst..ru mi t.i htAith nri'l U'or. Atid utier ull tutt-. Jociuit hvo lAiii'd. p K I'K KKFR I I I.K KM V. K yKvrrrr.rv, vlaKrr.l.KK Ml. WRIOHTS IIBJTJ VKNAT1NO H.IMIi; r, Ktfst'iuo ! l-lftV lr-tieU Irom pur it.'ih!ri K trHcff, C'intAiiiii rf noiv!ni itmuii u tu tiie lut-st dfil- Tho k- 'nrrrAtlnar VHxtr tH t'.A TI (ll tll-Ml.Tft dl-srov t" U tt In V fi 't.ot tilti K,tinlim i I": ii nt nil ntltil iii'w.nnd njMr"it nifili.-d t.l ciir'. It ?- titfof nil the old sUtd Wolil- ITU mi mi mi mi Mil nu Otit lyntt'iui. hftnn (ult'd I'V t'i lilO'l tiili- titMit m.dicMi nicoi of the il.tv, mil by tin-la (iro ri ju need trt In1 ono of t)i ItrenH ' mrdicAl disooverio v( 'lu .,-. Onn to tlo will ur O ne rl Mi'hiWy. A tw d.-o cure Uviti-rlci Ui UI One tiottl rtirtM palpHA tlon of Hi ll Art. A iww iIimoi rcstor tli RRIiKRKKUK lihi:UKKl;hIl KKR KKK l.'KK KKU K Hit Tt UK lOtltKKKKKIl KKK KHR l.UH KliTt KKK KKK KKK ItK It OTvnnn of wciirrnti'fri. I- foia mm to tiircrt ii t tle rrlore tho iuadII IIi'h Aud fiui vlir of yuutb. doiec rostor Um A tow pn.Mlto, 1 lirt'B botflf rare the wortt CAKC ol IropotoncT. A fi-w dose cuietti low p1rli4. Out) ti .ttla rostorot mm tAl pnw tr. A H-w d -no bring tli roi to tht- chcuk. '1 hi tut'dlHn rttorm to iiiaiiI vikjor And rii4 hfUli tt lHK.r (t'hiU-Utts-d. worn df.wii. And du p Air ni dovutMj of on mul pleui. 'ilIClJiX1 i: on CO c' on THIS rr.TVIlt enrt ITri- toflA.llt'imiAl Jli-hlinjr, j'Al- fiitritlon H tho U''rt, And tHiiotnf'p. It rt)f.tor' nmn Ut power and the itpintlin, nil rmiistr th rn to mount tit ch.-clt (kf pkilor, nd th ilt'hifif mod man or woman to feul vinroNM and rriiii;, tt? yoiin; and amh'',ioii blond t ctximo UitohKli CM-ry viln, th novvoi to licuiii Strom, and Uie tlroa ot no lift uudviirorUi ra aiiinritw the entlrn body, lMiU-:iri ar up iho ronitltiMl.m, rt itorinir 'oy and U'tj to uiny a bid and dAtoacd Qiuardo. oorvn fiOUOt fxiO f'OU t K lO IMM 0"0 KU lO OiH) OOl) Oi U (U)0 OOOOI H) CHKItOKRR PIM.HI Mi l.AU ( OA'l l rHMAl.K RK.f.l I.AlOlt, IIKAI.Ifl PKK.SKkVKR, t KIM A1S AND HAI K. For th JtrmjJ of (rti trurUonH, and th lnur aiic ol KfT)lrliy In th Kernrrvnr uf Um Monti il" Perloil. 1 hi-y core r obvlstto tho munernut ll-fc thnt pprlrif Irom lrrf,ti)srllv, hy rvinovintt 1 h) UTfi'mi K y Th.'y cur Vii'iprHiil, f.Trossive, and I amiul atuu aii'iaiion Th i-iir (Iraon Hi. k Aois ;Ch rotli) Tlo euro Korroiin and Pinna I Anna on ruin In th-. Ita A and lowor iart ttf tin Itixly, I lrat i-(, rallui on Hd'il l-.vfriiuii, P lUiihillttil ol ttio l m t, Lwni of Hplri!, Ilvs e na, ctu-k H-iu,-ho, i.i.i 11 tioni, &v., tk'. In A word, liv ronin lnf ttLMlrrocutrirlt v, t'-fv i'ohiovb the cai.no, and null It all the eitoct Uiat f pruig irom it. KK Ktv KK KK. KK Ka KK. KK. KK KK h K ILK KK KK KK K R KK UK KK KK Kit KK Tom 0.11 of Almn'a v. table cxtiactn, ttn-y contain nothing dflrt'Tif ui tu ai y coii'.titulJoii, hnwtivtr dt-ll-catf.tlulr fiincM'.u bchiK to luhhtitutc trt;iiftli for vr ul-Ct't-. l,irh, wtun Drouily u-i-d. tboy ii!ver mil 10 do. 1 hv may bo alt-iy n'd at any und 4t anvj eilud, ft i-4 during ft fn ti tm e fi,tif(lt$ duruiR which thu tinUillnti ntutt- nt llivlr c thm wuyld Uiit hbly in ar pregnancy. FKKKFFFEKI? y'Kt.fcLLlt .K ric l K CF.K KK sn NN KN !IN SU NH N N N M s N NS NN N N N. N N S NN N V NH KM N N N N KNM Pi of tho f'r.ori.Vei M I in -' 7.iosue KHIU4 l , f J a Ix'ttia, or hothv t i i 'ho..ik' o in :i..ti 1 a b"Ui, or U hmt ch oi $.'.. t iier )kte Curt, a boltk, oi it bo'tu lor li sViihi Kh.ur, $1 a b-.'tlo. o, A Lo't.e for hs. to- roVo fill. fr ftnle:i, $1 a Ui, or li lnJXOs for to. gj.fc.h.l.hr.i.t--. U therilKltOKKF. MF.M riiu, tbo uiilottunui will find a day of dollvi-rant fr. ro f ull. rink und paiu r day il l iiiiid and Ktorloun, Jn'ii lh'V shall DO W il,,f utlttr witluoit cotion or rep-'.o, ,rr thrnnch mor eennry i)uiw'k itr tbe 1 UI cin jol iuuvoui prcpsua Unh. 'i I "f'horokeeVwtbinfi' a-H-" mabli tlir rauaoiu Uiulr iiiiaiii.iatiou. An iiiMiic'pa'nii an gi'. at.io ad uiiikhia, and t pn'IIHc of uiiK '-roi ntu.il. 1 l:ii- trli-ciiif-. y ill prwve, In any and vJ:v cau, faMhiul and nrVir-lttlliliK filfcisiU lU lb Li:r.r:nuiUiiifci KK I r r.r.i.i.u KV. KK KKKKKF.FKKK r.Ki.r.r.hKLl.) WHiail the f'HKUO- tuui vl UtvU. KKK MKj'(ISj4H hv ii VriA M-xuipt tUe (rimroVo Kill, tlo-- aieaent bv tunJl, frveolpoUUs'H), on rwflpi oi Iriiv, to anv fart of the eiv rod world, sjiir'lypri-h-d, In Hurti a manner that no nwt throOKh whoie baud h.y uiuy pti yvuuid know tit non i wot a. L.i.lu a r 'i iiiloiiirn ran arlilrwk li in BjMt:t fooD- iWiicf, and wo will lu all i a sail iriuikly uiwvr thair Ff rp.vr ni'H r KKK tu h KK V. KKKFK r Kri'-JL KK KK ki r.i'.rpiTKB KKKJ Ki.l".KV, kttttrb.Aiid Kvur oiUii n Tb" ( JIKROKKK JdKlH-ori-u.hiiidit.idual.-aj.e. W CI S t S ui v old i' ult iiiU'r- f. ta rlbti UO Uiliierai. Lrisuif. ilrumfioi in ihorivi- Ii.mI h.tiI. hfiiio uitpr.n-isJi-kil iliHlori, buwvr.try to H l Wo.'ihU t CULUfcrsjUiMl in j im't i'f th-.n' Ui.M wl.kli Uiy ran act at a rSH HA -! KH i S4 a Stan ii,h pntc, p priCC, ikUU lilahl' til- I'll I'Oi by tKilij.ft ll.nn Uny ttn on thu t;i.KtiKKa Ml 1 H INtV t. Au Noii v ah j-itur tuailn ao, tlx nultk Oi your Ml-pnniy- do m. bu tUciMv't'd by ituoh onpr'a ripWd di n.'Mtn. Aa lor Tiit.B MMuomar, auu taa nuothtr. Paiu mit alclroKhfg n i.k" write ?. it Coding, tk f, au i ut wlilu1lHliit a,d Uitlw iMl-ae.-'na p Ut tv iy. Ut'i iTiiMitta ill sot buy thm r yoa,nitkt ui gnu wnliivntl Utfciii iu bv luxpr, Karn ad dn a-hii iis t.houLl s.alu tin Uiooaii aiid yinpMiOsi. and, (rl p ,r(.'ruui u ir aid tu (hvii Ciihii. Wa hai a4 ui su. m. oi" a . i..uAi' i.aLii: lu liaU' or ft malt. I u'wuV- li tr at duuii.'a ttl v' liraltata bana Ot tl w HitU ;ny lo Vlr.lt n. u lxa lnUd aucia fuih tinutsi ui ftd Kusin of th eAvu.aoa aUb. H wuh u onr1 evvry rade erf Uil pp(T cor Uarty- ,Ai i. .tin f ;-t r. Ad Ir atl it'M und Tr. In Tf W. R VrgTrUT A Ct., . 1 T Hu"t hw tot rt.';d ikit ntf ! tyoit h ro. , 1lIII.PVI,rHIA( WILMINGTON, AND HAU'IMORE RAM RAT. TIMK TRI.R OommsMirlnf MONl v . frenilfr 19. lfi. Trttin will ri iHp .t. t.srnrr IIKUAI) M.r. a and WaHUlNttroM Atkpo, a tollo l'prf 'Iratn at 4 nt 'A M. (Monday aintrd Mr Pinmire and Vt 'Hhi niton, aioppln; at Wtlmintn, Tvrry villa, Havre d Ura , Alrdmn, Perryman , and MarmoIia. vi v MttlTram at "l'A M ciin-1rtv noptri1 fir ItAlnnia n . i' ri'h n at ill rv a;ii rr nation r .niiectint wlih I fluwaif Rtilioari at V ilnuiittton tor Mil ord, rtaliahiiry, and littinnriliti' tati-n Kxpie ' ram at t l.'i P. M (Munftvi nrrptfd for II -Itinoit' ami WtfhiiuMon, tnipi k at 'hosier, n'thaiattton, i iMon, T tt tll. anr linvri- ilt ura.. f iprcR Tram a it X) P M. riinln cx'eptf1) ffr BaK tittiotr and V'Mhiri,it.n nlopplnf at W i Irqi'I t-n Nf wtk, r Ikion, N-rth y t, pi-rrvvihe, lUvrn d tsrace, IVitt -rnnri'n, aini M igtK.iia. Nijitit P-vpn ia at 11 S P. M for ItA'ilnvir an I alnntton. npplnit al ( npvi'r (only t tHk ItaMini in ana Aahm!tin p i-f lur r--1 WHntiiKton, N-wark, KJa Ion. Not til Kl, l.'i rv Uh. and lln rr do ilrtt. fa.'-t-iiK' ri lor lrtr-n Mfiirot' n ill tak lie S li A . M. Ti am . ArrrMM'HATnN TRAINS Htopfdng at alt'aiaitnn b.-use n r li.ia.lolpiiia andWil m Btton, l.aavo PhtUrT.dpMa At It A M , I, Ml an 4 1 IV M Tin- 4 P. M . I r 1 1 Tl i'inti' In with Ih'UWrtr UiltoJ ( r M it f.i d n i d inf f rair-.liii- f vl tu I rav iMiiiiir-i.tii at . V, and to A. M 3 W, and 6 0 P. U. TIHtOrci! TRAlm FROM MM.TIMOUR lavr W iinirK ai VJ M , I t s u, and l I. T. t 'Hr "IKK Ft H( I'HI i. nr.l.rili . 1 cavo ( b.-in ai h I.', 1'H A. IK, 1j , .U , I'M, 7 and 4 w P. M. H SHAY T R I N Fprrs Trnln at t'.A M r. r Kal'l'ivo-o nnl H'n.v p nt- ii, mo!-, miv f ft'i iMiiisfon, r. r v villi, llne tf i .i lire. A if r n , I'l-rri in.ui and M tt noii.i . Kis.i,t f pn'- At ll hl'.M. tor i. iltmioie An Wa)i-ImM-ii. (tlociittih ;ii I'll--"!' r (tiT lil'im .it. h.m v'alrn: tin paBiM;.rrni. H i niini.li m, Srwaik, KU ion, H nth - tt-t Forty itf-, an I H tvr- do t ir .to. .. inii"ioitaiitfii I rai l at bW'..l. t r WllmitK'to'i .in I Waj Mall it w iImi'u; f u i')iir.AiKi.rinA. s ' I t li.il ihi ?r at 0 M'. M ,tO'iMik at Mavrf d I'itihI Ir, Aiitl Yt i mill. 'On. A itojn at KIH il Ni-wai k ( lo t - p-t lu-t'ii lor I'h 'n.i-i ,.!'. ,in pa-am.n c r t V ah:r mttt or Ka tun i . and r to loavo pae1l. ir mi KAltun -ro or W.u:i 1 no Wiinrnk'it n fo- Pniiar'o'irA r lOM I. l,l I MOiIi; i" I'lili i t :d I. Ai. AUKl.l'.n A. i i. I I - r vt M., KprKi !.M IU!linnl. s.'.A. M.,Wn Mi rs. I" M., Way I rami i. .i P. 1" M , Hxpron. I R I NW FR U '. ! I M Lorn s i ' fsti r nt A l . I Aland I i C 1 1 m iu ti ll al i 1 , t ) . M , , f - .vnd U 5 r II . r li'T t Train v Ith n ;.t Car n't it-Mod will 1-mv, W Mini i I. n lor I'orr) 1 IP .iiil tni'-nut'iLuU' M:.iUoin At l M. U :0 ll.F KKSNKYti'lcriiitt-iiJ.-iit S wmraT & PITDALL '5 a,T it C ,.r,. f PrTWwpw FFOTST A5D WONI) JTrtr 0. . W KIltHT. v. H. nnMIAii, DUUQGI8T sTT U T S I C I A N 8, OKNVmAls 1UK1 KKK.VKRrt, Can rind at ouxi. bhahinont a full amirtciintiisf Iimprwt) and Iomeiif lrnK. Popular Patont Mi'dl-'tniw, Tahifca. t'tMtl Oil, Window t.lAMfi, l'r-f rlptlon Vial, .to., at A low ptUc a k ntitne nrkt-rla irmil can b noliL FINK KHKN'TlAb OIKM For OsittiVrtlonri. lo ftill variety, and of th heat qnaHty Cochlno.t, Beiiual lndtRe, MadT, 1'iit Anil, thidhoa, R.ta Aali, Alnni.ttll nf Vitriol, AnnaUo, Copponu, KMtraol if IxKwnod, Ac, FOR 1YF.US' uao, alwayi on hand, at Wut Hut Clh prct PHRK Hl'It'KS POR FAMILY !Kt (rouud a pre nly tor our mhr and to wbioh w lnvlt tb attention of Ihono In want of rolmiito arl-tA. Alio, IM'IUV. .v TAKCJ. Ml -STARDa J., of wrr Onlrr by mall, or rtty noit, will mart with immjt at Win lor, or ipvi'iul iiaotntttK-.i win be fnrnlahud wtHia r ytaird. WRTQIIT A HTlr ATjTj, WlrOlfnale Iinnt Warobnn, Jall lJ No. U! MAllktr ttUtittt.alwiT rfiiot. F. 1 it o w rs m AUTI-PYSPEPTU POWDER, An m)ent (irovMiUr, Su- thai oust iltstrctstn eonipUhn DYSl'Kl'SIA. In iiuiot cues of long tnaiUni ft Lssstirdi1 truly wno dsrtal rMa. IT IS rUKKLT VEriT.rACI.R. rnHl-AKKU C11M.Y T I'KKDKltlOK IJKOWN, Drvirlit anS Ohmlit, K.r. Cur. I'OTll AMU (JUttSNTTT ITS., rttfladulvtiU, It l'Sl Ana fur ult hj OrunljU giiirlks. JUJltesOJNAl-i. till. lll.MtI.lf8 JlUliKltl i rsrr'y tmpiirti'il FRENCH FF1MAT.B t.HUTtfnt1 Pfl.t,, wiinl,.l In all 1's.ra. Mr,. I.'HARI.KS H U ilKU r, Ob- enl PhjriiK-iin. Fntrmici. null nnKi.! lrlvsii for LliLius. Apiil- u Uio U'iUMC HUIIU 111 OK, No. 1019 CO 4TI 1H HTBEKT, H it -m WastofTuiitk. WKAll'II BKAl 1 V. JIKALTJI, AND Tf fn rain admlrlni: -yo : Ii to oau mv iohmih -iuia ; U to b a h loom It ik rlowor, radmif, dylnn ui au hour TImautt I If to have a hit nf friend ; If for lot to ma aniiMid ; If with liV" boru blood to wed; If a martin ton vha dvad-WaALfut If to Mvi thrfoacore and ton, TV'tialrit Ui a lomi aaiu ; 11 10 live a liio oi pcanu; Jf to cle and no to irtaj TlMAi.Tit I If yon wisb a life of pVftri; If yoH vaiuo tan world trf re ; If oT.-ry iMiin'iot yon would u1, TaXr iuj iidvlco, and wbb mil thrtt. Tboti, having lloalti, Woa'Ui, and BniHity Tou 11 be propdiad lor eviry dtitr. arcl pontal of Dr. WILLIAM YOUMG'S Mw , 1 UK MAP.KI A IK i.l'IHK. vbn h ahou'd b r.aJ rv en Hold by hookiti'iltra Kfiraltif and al ttt r Oilioa, So. .'-lu rtPUUt-H aTiU-tf; i nasi ft Py P.K'k I"H'I AMAIUTANS ri ltR. hamaiii i - vh i'i:r.. S l.M UI I' - N H l'l! LK. HAMAIII I A M I'llllK. HAM .HI I AM H IIMIK. HAM AHITAN'H I'CI K HA .11 AID I S'S ri'HK. SA.VAItl I AN S l'l I K. h n a I 1 1 iv s ri i:k. HtMAIIITAM K I'l'lll'. Tin-only mir nt il .nf, n-ineilv Iwr iluntiorrlin a. tllirl. Hirtc-uio, li- ('uri'n Hi alt caii-n la Irotu iwii Ui ,ix lltt'H. 1'nci' I'.' JJ sic or rciiiaie-.i'"ityniaii. l O l T .1 CO., S .Is Ant nil flAM AItl I A a I t KK. SaM MTI'AN K I'llllK. HA M A KI'l'A SM C IKK. HAMAIIIT .NH(1 I, I.. H l M A KIT A VA ITItt. S-MaIII AN' I'I'hK. H A Vt AltlT A NH IH UK. HA.M.MIITAII U Ci'KL. H A M A III IIS I'l'HK. TIIE i!!l"AT SI'M'ini: uK HM IHT l'l i!.t:s, Hemlnai w. ki..n. llnumrii'i a, i .;-', Ac. K.j. h lioi r.'Mial' , JO rill., mid mill nut: in liuul two to la tl.iv s. l'r li-1 ii. II Im alio icilatii to roore lone auu imwer to moss wtm m ili 1m ll-iiil I.. PMiiii or uiiv ullii'r I'M!" . a.iU will ri'l r u-l In lul1 viyor nt y.n.lli. i lii-il thu Till ar" -iivil III. ul llie iuiccH. ti. In limsc. c :, one l-lll liirta iiuiva 1 V . Hi ni by mall ) 0. I'i:l"i: lioiri, Pmpii. lo-, lUiT I I'l'll tH'l.'S. foleAi-niU, Ultil'l A I'll., No. i.iJ N. aaii DMi .Siimiu 1W mis aud s.k for K IMAKI I AN' CI'ISIC. HAMAUI I AN H CIIKk. HAMAKI1 AN " I I'HK. SAM UtlT.lV C'l'nlO. ham Mil i an i rem;. HA VAklTA.N H CI' UK. HAM V ni l A fc S CI'HK. HA MAUI TAN 8 CI KK. HAMAHITAN'l I 1 HI'.. HAMAKITAN'g I'llltK. HYHI'l' 1H Itll I1KI. HVIIIIH IK RH-OliK. KVIliT I'k, Kit Oliil. HS Ul l Ml Kll'l-lin. M Ul l' lit. Kll'liki), HI III I' I'K III 'Ollll. 111 1' liK III' OKI. KVl:l!' I'K ICII'(-lll), Mill I' hL IJ' Ollll. HYHI'l' UK KIIOKI1. Hilll'l' 1 t lijl'i'l:!'. HYhl I' 111; l.ll Dl.K. HVKIIP IR hlCllllll. H Kl l' I'K l: Ii OHI". HV.il ! I'K Iin "KI-. HI lllll' I'K llll'iililt. HYKl 1- l'r. IIH'llHIi. SYi;rp fK itirmtii. MYitri" iik. kii'omi. HYI.I T I'K lill.'Cllll. 8YKI I" I'K illi'iillli. HYHI'l' I F. fill dllK. HVIiltp IIK Ill 'Ol.n. HI I. I I' I'K KKl'til! .Sill I I' I'K lillllJIlH. A i'rtjin uri- lor all forms" Ti nrrvnl Di.t'ainl. F.ti' luihc r n.'opiau lispliaU, auil tu. arm a throng n.ui l.uroi snu America. 1 hi. iiri.a'a'l n liAanoe.,aa1 as aa rsillrator ef llt foniK.I fll.uaiif. abil KirciillliiiKlSuii..nHtltiiili'n ftnarallv, llivM turn al H.irt-u rit ul a. ''mil. t t. I flt'-M. or ajl V ami'liuiia, t.u luatit'i fruiu wi.a- cauac or Iww lung- alrjikl- IHk' I rui tl per kottla. Aolp Avfnta, sol" Awnt, Sols A, aula, Hani to any atlilrsa. CHllCE HOSB.Propriato. UTtirr riK I'Yo r r a ro. iiwrrri. No. f-J N. HKCllM Hlr..l. 11 IS SI (SK.-t-run at.ki.puia sonoKONtj" t.t f AVI Ai.B msTlTlTF.. u. 14 Until JC-" .'lN fH Kfwl. ' Kupr' rs 'lf tiv 'wil by II (. r.Kl.'i l H rremllla Pitlcili .i ai1u..l'a lraitairo Iriiit. !up.t"t KjuaLlo Bttls, K'wUr vtocYttts Hui-i-or us. I'iitt.af Lrba, Nium. IO'Im IVlltrKn. i l,la..U(1.il.Kn B.fl FVfBtCT. saynif Tl ArNKW,LlNliNKsa,ANDrATAr,RH. J I --J ISAACS, M. I) ,Pr. U.ur ol Kr na or, aala all iuaii aprttrtmnlas te thr lihovr ni-aa ; w it ton itui iviiiw. Va.UaM-'B'aia ttom Ui ui r)lo4 l..lo.i iiUiiiii cam ba ana ai loa tUlH, M. WUrsil Smm TkaM.St'al Kacallyaia iamW l icoujui IU tatisASiali IMS asisoraU Ui tu iWMIIax. W-Stl ABRAWOKMRm OF lOi? lOIW. tlKW OHK M .K. I''H. Tl-a llamrl anS Ami- anil Ph'la'Vlk'A aurl Ty.mm WUroarl Oi uitaaiaa l.ian frvat I'lulaitauiliio a Ham Tort AnS Waj rta-ra Fans WAI.Snrr KTRKKT WHARF, win Imii aa rotliiwa, u. rasa At s A M , via r.'amdii And AmlKr, 0. ItiS A. Aa- waimiMlattoii tt W An a. M , via itamilMi and Jmri (Xr. M.isalna- arvca r Ain ai'M , via .l.'mJm anS Ainly, U aouA.Ao- eorrm dallnn All P.M. vlacarndan and Auiuoy, c. anS A I- pr.a At II P M .vla Ca'ni'.iii anil AmhiV.' AorVin'aw' Sail. rl,lu anil Faa'rtNri Al t F M ., via rantiliHi and Anilww, ArA.wnma.la.loii (Fnnanl antl I'aaaanjr'-rJ lat I laai rakel J.t l inn, ii.. All I. P. M.. via t'aitMliMi am auNit Arf'-uniiMtai- llt.i; (Fn.i,-lil ainl I'ata. iia, t), lit Olaaa Ilokal.... til i '.ap do Fur llulvliion, Kaaton, I ainiiorlvllla. Fiw'n asli'in. tt III 1 1 I'M T I'M l l-4) I.r Laninarlvl'la anil Inlrrmrolato K'tlon. M IF M For M.-uiiti Holly. Kvanavt.la, IVmhorlon, aud Vlnoaa tov. n. at a A. M., 1 attil h 1' M . I or Krrol'oltl al A. M. and P.M. F"f Palmyra, Klvrrl..n, I'ulanco, llavirlv, R.lcwat,, ttiw H ir. Flxranon, ItM'iliitt'wn. A.. al S an 1 in A M.. IS . V . anil IU, I' M. 1 li i . and j P. M. Unas mn tilriH thrt" irl twTituroil. P .T Pilmtra, llivi-rloti. Injaneo, Rovartj, ant nurllw- ii ii J r m I.INKH FK'M KF.NSISllTOX DF.l-OT CJ Will Iravr tut . w. Al II II A l ., via K.nilntt.i and Joriry I lly Ha-P'- At I I. M., via Kefi.lnfcioli ai.tl J.-r.uy l'l.y(Ka I IS 04 l rs At r. ti, p. fci. , via I'.fii.in.mn an. I Jar.vy Clly, r ..I in, i- i rtlui H W 1 oIK I.Jt til a. At 13 r. i. nil. va F .ti-lnxlon anil J. rn-f ttllv, H u.Mnt'.n ami n.-v. lort 9 11 Tl-at. l.i P.M. Llie v.111 mn rtlly. All u In r .Hnmlay ax ci''' il For lliifttlo, li'inklrk. K'"l', I'Vaca Owi,. Il.,-'.r. trr, Itln.h tmi'i.v, Una' ltii.l, Mo'iiroia, v H,Mir Ho an nn Hi I'.ial.l ti-k', li atir tl(i, M n'H-h rr.uns, Al.u town, llf li li ! i in. Mi l' tl. ii'. Kutt n. I.anitu rtvlll.i, Klain lii.loi., Ai' . a. 7 If1 A St i r ia Mni i' .fitn-i.1. with Uir traiii Ita.li.i Pat. a S r Slan.-h I'll ink At I S' P. M. For l.nnutvii ai a I'. M oi 1'nr.l iv. ..nty. ..r lin-ioi, lvnt..ii. Ac at ; l.. antl II I. A. M , and I at:C M'. N . anil li n...!it .-tit. F.-r II. nn. .i-tiry . I n.-.-iit , vl'l - l-iomlnc, llrlilt-al'tirf , and Frnnkl..!,: hi IIA.M and 1 I'. M r hi N.'iv York and uy I ln"a Iciivtnit KnhnrU'ti In I'.il. l.tK i- i:.t c ir on I i'ih .i IP.-I. al'o.a W .i : n u t na.l ar lii.ur Im-s.to il..,.nrtnrp. Th,-1' .ra run Into the Ll. )Dl, auc on Arrival , I h train run fr. ui ft,., lv.i.,1. I ttly I'.iunila ot liitaA.i' on'y aliiw.l ci-h na.atnPAAy l'i..rnai.ra air p-ol il li,. I fr.-m tn.'iv niivinin.- a. ia..iM,t Sut it tir w rA' ni-ari'T'l. All ti i.t.'r oi or nfiv nnuii.la 10 l.i' iai.I for fxiui Tin' r,inii.tn Ii ml ih.nr r.-apnial lol'ti lor ltai-r-ii:v lo One ! '1'nr pit no'inil, and w II; not h linl.lt- (or any amount bv)ml ti a). cot,il by apauial oon 11 a.-t lirAt-itr'a l-fiLVur Klrrr"- fdjlnir an.1 dtitlviT hi, . II lli Ht'lHits. Ol.lt'i . '" I"' tt'tl al No S WAI.Ntn atiift. W.U. II. UAT.MUI, Aa-oiK. I n an-lKT 1. 1WI. LINKS UOJl AKW YOIIK FliU rillLADKIJ-lllA Wll.l, i.KAVH From foot nf CnnrtlAn alrm i al I' M and 4 P M.,1a Jar.av I II v anil rmn.1i.n; nt 7. In and II VD a.. M., S P. M .. am' t N lit'til, via Juratjy I'ny ami Htiii.nuion. From foottti Itar.-.av atnMl, al S A. M. anil 1 I'. M., Tli A mboy and I 'nnnl"n From I'trr No. I N.irth Rlvnr, al II M., 4 snd S P. M (triil!!! ami Pa.aenKirl via Ainl'itv and Oniaili'M. 'J1IK VKNNSVLVAMA (T.STIUl RAIL . I . A I ) - IKS liAII.I TK4IN.HI rUU.AUBLlUIA TO PI VI IIMLHii-ilM: .Mil F.h: ThsTlnkrlOlllrsnf tlm PKN VSYf.VA NI t I'F. NT It At, KAIIKOAI- la now l"t-alr.l at I lie N ctv l'au-tuiT ll.'ittit ol II. i- C.mii.ai'l , 1 II1K I IL11I nntl MAIlKEI HlrutHJ MfiLAMKI.PIIIA. nn and aflir MflNriAV, October 81, lsAI, trains will laaic I liuailt'lt'liia aa follovta: H-IKI A. M. MATI. TltATV, Willi ma lollow lnu oonne-M.mi Ar liie ai VVI.HI (tlll'.SI IK I N 1 KHSKl.'l IllH Slu A. M.. and connTt wuh n f I' Clittator Kallmal, ar llvtlu: at Yfl (hlr '.I M A.M. At I'll IV M -IU I'D IT S' M'.'Wi a. M ., c .ruin-tins' witfi train for IVayi iiaOurv, and prat niii,- llie- re ll - U A .n. At I "i.t Mini Htv a. . poiu.i" llt.K wth NorUii-rn ('.Mitral lia Ir.-ad. and riiaoti Ini; York a- ? .V) P. M . Hanover Junction S SI P. M ., Hanover 4-4. P. M ., and li.'l! iiburs tl l& P. M. Alan, vt tin train i. n IC'iailMii,- artl t lo'iii.ttua It -u I road, Uai Inar at 'J l I'. M. At 'lie l HA ItK I sr. I nil 1 "Al P I H aonnei'tlni with Nor:Ji.-jn 1'i ntral liain. Nurlli.tl u. : I. ave Hurila lltrK I I.'-1'. Al , aiT'vt' al Hui.lMiry 4-SJ 1' Mtlloli III p. M.VHuuinifloitlcIo P M.. Lot;. lltivB 7 W I- Al (las ai'K''ta lor Krnltn, ho, hr-ter, 1'ananilaUiiA, Nli-w Fiillt., Ac , reach Kitmi-a a' '.n I'. M., and tludnto at n IS A. M. fa-aciitr'. for I'linvlIU', Kmi.rl. IUo..mlnirK, llt-rwlek. Ili-t't-h 11 avi'O, Hhn-k alii tiny. I'lymotitli, K liMRton, wyotiims. t'ltl. tun aud Hoiaiitoti, takn lite. I.ackaw inna and r.l.H ui.l'ui. tr ili a al .Aoribumti. r.and.J at H AU KIHIU ' Kll. for I'olnta H ulhnn No-th.-m I'etnral Kalltvay, lenva at I ;ui I'. s , at riie I m i -J-:i! 1". M . IUii.vit Jtiiu Urn I 'P. M . Hannver 41 P. M.. and Oi tlyalaura S li P. M. Al HAHHiHIlllKI. lor V"' ta In fiiuihtmana Vallty, Iravlnn at I 4ii I'. M.. nrriif ('in Hate V iH P.M.. I liAinb ta Iii ru 4 . '. P. M .and Uai-eratown It l:, M. M. At Tl BUNK f. H P. M . romiai'tiiiK Willi Italit Kan Valley Trala, Itavlniial 7'f.t P. M ,and arrivlna at ittlle'onto at Sun P.M. At Al. l'l -UN A i 4il 1'. M . c uiuucu b w tlrOlriinca train fr lloiliilat sdutk, reaohlnr tnare H'J6 f M. At CHKHHON H .IH P. M., oonua.-liHK Willi llraueb train for P,iii.ttirit. airlvlnv t' em S 40 I'. M. At l'l rr-HlUIKi l:WtA W , and tiieie Couut-otlnajforaU poluU WuaL,Mortu-w-cat, arid Muuliiwuat. JO'OO A. M. r.MH.I ArcOMMOHATION, No 1, orrlvliuj at Taoll at lit") A M. ll'IO A. N. KA8T LINK nnnnocta St LA N IU4VII.I.K J 40 P. M , with Iralu ou hruiliiis and Uonimbla itaurvad. arrlvlnii al I Ilia 1 It) P. l,l,hmta .1 ,1.1 p. M., aud Krad Imk at 4 P. M. At II lltKlsltl'IIU, with an At" oiuiii dntiun '1 ram cm Noriliurn Ci-n'rat ltnllii. for Nunl'lfy ant) It.tt rnii'Mala idi.ta, reneliins Niin'ury nt S Ml p. M. At IIAKltlM'.LiKii with trii.u on tJuiiitioi land Yalloy Sjr i:arlialt-, arnvliiK thure at ft'.' P &t. Arrlvea at Piamburs l .rfi A. M , and llitua utakta i-lota coluioclttiu fur ail calorn tt.'itita. I'OO P. SI. PAHKF.mil' HC1 ACCOM ktnii.M ION. arrlvea at Partta burii ll s 'i P. M., btupin. nt lnitw mt.d.at atali ma. 8-30 1. M. nAUKIHHt'BU ArcoMMOnATIOV. makes ronnao- llrn at IH.wiiuiruii at 4 U4 1. M.. with tram ull Vlalt.aa- tura Itraiii li, It-Aili.f al I dt P. M., antl arrtviuir al W aineaburu at li t") r. M At t'"l.l 1IIUA, at u ti P. M.,wttn NollluTtl reimal Killw.iy for loik. loavltni Vl rb. Ill a vl Mr I I" 1 . M . auil arnvliiK al xula I 4u t . M . Airlvea at Ifiirrlaburs at 7 46 P. M. 4'lltl I. HI. FMIOIIANT Af-t'OMMOIiATinN, f.nm No. 117 Dick Rtrt-et, da.ly, tirtpt Huntl;i .- Arrit ia at llArrlal.urf, 4 i A. M : sfiiuin. w ii a. .n . Aiiooiia. f in r. at.: and I'lllaburk-, 11 in P. M. Tlie i-a a urn eon. tin lublu, and eii.laranl.i. or iiini'llca aoliin ni-al, will llnd um rites low, anil I ave ttfir t'a.-h'iii;i'. nir h riicti t'lt.rka nro sir. a, lorv aitled hy the. aamu train, t or turihor parucnlars apply lo FKANCIH M'NK, Kininraiit Akenl, ISJ Iiik-H atrret. Itciwren flniriaburi,' and I'lit.hurK I flist claaS car la aiuachid lu tlua Iralu lor h cil UjiiuI. 41 -OO I. AI. 1 ABTASTr.n AO-'0MMOI)ATI(IN, reai-iav T.Jl'lr ll 7 W P.M., and rt'ticnea Co.unibln at S lu t. M. 5-;iO I. AI. PAOUACCOMMWlAl l'lN, No. t, r-. aches raoU at C SS P.M. H'llO P. HI. PIlTBllt'KH A.v'U F.KIK F.M'BFSH, with th, Ial- !o ii n rimnaciltiiH :--Arnve-liAr.l.burc, " ) a. M ; Hut.t'uty. li o A. .M ; Nurti umbfiiajid, S ul A M.; Mtr."ii,4-iH A. M ; WillliTni.pjrt. o A) A. VI ; L ck Haven. fi- !' A. M. ; r.iui'orluin. lu li a. M ; M: 31.iy'a,ll 12 A M,; t'orry. :l VI P M.; anil Ktie, 'tJ.P.M. (At Corrv oloae cobiiet-floa la maili- w kin oil ' rrea it. It., for i uiiivil.e a id Hhatierv, U-.e bltaeut tinulnna of lilt' KJ.l.l, t iriiee hy Hlaitti ur hrat lot On City au 1 ra'ialln.l fAa.tMwera fur llantilla Hulei'l. tUooruaouru, ttt.rtt L:k, ll.'rt-n Haven. Hlilt'kar.tuny, Plymouth, Kington. vt'Tttuii--'. I'ltiMton aaJ Hcranton. take tit; Lael.aiani a and tt. auo 'liuig iiaui. at Northun ber-ai.d 1 I I'a.arr.t;r, it t.in.lia. Ho Jinal-T, Carian laiua Niarara I- al a.eic. reach e hulra at.l . ll'i 4 M.. and lu. na n nt J M P. M.J ai h u: li: iin, ml , wi h Norm oi o i.eniral Haila uy, to! Ll fl Nunl'i, b-at um al 1 jt) A Al ; artii oa Yoik , 4'1" A. M ; llanovur Junto! 'n, 4 L.' A. M. ; leaves Hant'vor Juac lnu '.' '0 a . M : arviv.a Hanover, 1 rial A M ., and I'Ktt.t burK- I - ' P. M. Ai H'ivil-li) 1ION.4- is A. Al., null ii tin on ltn.d Tor 11. II . arriving Hopevit.l1 A M , Ml. Imlita, - A . M . nud oaii- neritiiR lltent-o by Hiasn l-.r ntnlt.inl. At T tt'N K, 1 4S. A. M.,cnuiiei'tlns with tia'n on Itaid Dalo Vntlay K-iad, leal Ink Tl rulio at S A M..urrvi! llul:..(oiu.i. II 11 a. Al . ai.u llnoart.., l.'--i- P. M. I.e. v.n- rtn.ua'. Cl'iirtl'i d It. K. at s .15 A M . anil ni rliniK I h lllsiliii. ll ml A. M. At I'ltPHMlN, ; .'14 A . M , r "in run' t ;:'i bc inc! Ii-hSo for Kili'lishurK. ai d arrli nk'llorc. 1J : I'. M Ai HI.AIK4. Vfl.l.K IMlk.'U litis, ...' A. M , ur.rtui with braurh train which mrivra. r.'a rai lllo, In 1 t. Id , aud liiolana Ii ili A M :liiNir-tin a'a.i rnnt-rta at II atra TUlswnhVYtst I't nna-. Iv uila It It., ar:h hijr altabiini, limi Uj Ar,.e Pi llsHUKI at U-iu V. U., and Ot'OiKt. klk.1 poiu.k Yl l"l. 10-1. a P. AI. Pllll ALiKI.IlllA k: I'l.'KSt atip. (ml) at Tlnwu Inonn. I. at i a.- tor, Hail-b-iik'. Mary.illlr, N"w p.iil, Mttltfu. I.ra .. toy. u, II :i'.llii(i'li'ii, Altocna, tiAl lltaln, and l oili'maiikh At ll I' D, 11M tl '. 1 Willi llroa.l 1 op It. H , leaiinu tocru al S laj A. M.. Hid an ivl'm at iMit'l.v A. Al., Ml. liliaa A.M., and liianoo l.y atai-f lo It. ilro-.t. At A 1.1 -,; 'N A. al Lil'. A an hOt'Uoo la biatla with trm lor lltull laal"ir.'. maehias Uivre at : A M.,ai.d H tincu by hack to Hudiord. Ar mi nt Pitt.Mirit.S Ml P M-, m.il.liu rlnaa e.tninM-tl-m with lhroi,i.h titiiua oti .ill thu dtci'taow road liom thai noli, I Nollh tu ttr I u.et w a-tl' fl.e V l.aia. ippl and tiM Mtaamirl ilvaia.ai.d Hontii aau -ioutuwiat ui alt Domta arre" ,ll"i' III Iui'.Ti ad. Pt.r further Infoi ninlh n. ai'l'-v at Ihe Pnaenwaj' H'ntlnl, oori ef ol 11III1.TIK . II an. I ll 4 I.K P. I' Hire. ia Phllu. Jl'UN t'. AAl.Kfclt. Jr., Tniktit Ait. l)Hll.Ani l.riIIA AM) HAi.TIMORR CYS I THAI. ItA ll.kii'AU, Ol'KN TO tmrOKlA-UPIUXO AKRANI.KMI N I. On am auu k.1 U A Y, A p. U t, lHol.lhi tnkas will laava aa Irllowa : l.HAl P. KAHTrt AftD , '. F.HAVK VYESTWAHD. atariuan. Pxlniil wtntt timvfl... Avondala.... keniMtt Cttadtl a Ford . m. aiaTuiaa. S Sh Prllanelplta... S -S itoaiChaaiar. . 4 hi iv. 1.'. Junatioii, 4-17 iVnrord ..ti SO ..I.' -7 "1 ..7'S.I .7 44 It ial , Id . 9'HH . J 4 SI I 4t I 41 S-'iS I 14 5 Jl I'M 70 41 Chadtl aFanl,, 6t4l KeiniMt . 9-U .It. 00 1-nttiiJ tia) !' . ti. JunrlloD.. hIA PtilladrlpLla 11 I L4 Avone'ale... fit, Meat l. rota, a lo ii. is -.i ....I.I'll ....lutu ....in wl Waal I'hevlt r y-;v I'aimuw lliot In PhJIadehiluA Has been ctianued A-oia Fikl.ci.-hni.tl Market alraeu. lo TII1K1Y UliiSf aud MAHEKT Hlrwta, VVoat PhHat-rtphuv Market Street Paa.taiKitr Kaulwaj Caas ouavuy Paasaikkars to aud Iron ti e liapot. 1 aaauiuji'rs gn UtrOBltn ttwnoi'i oennife pta.-v. fKKlGHT I1NK8 TOU NEW YORK. AND JL uil the tiattnna ub U Caudau aud Aiuikj and cu- Bi-ctuii iaiiJnd. l.srUFAHKP Iip.MPATCn. ThaTaaidrB and Awii.T Kallr ad m1 Tranporiatlo! Com an iroiht l-lii K-r N w York. nlH K-ar (V a hint atiett Yfiiair, uii am1 a iter January (k das (Huudit e Cpi4:) at A c CO'A V. M , KciQiulo.thki aUeV Lliu 111 Kt.w Turk all 4 P. M. Krfir-ht mu't U dd.ver4 bfor JP.M.fco to far war mm, ite suit ilay. rtetfla lur Trt iui.r, Prirrt-ton. K-npiUii, New Bran wink, and all p, triln vti Uai t'suntp n atnl Amlm.v RjUUvmi.; a I o un lh IMvMor, Tia'awan , atid rivtn'att-tAMi, it Nw J. :v, tli rasoii4 mnm Jaj4aru. ajid IX Ktrlirtft4ia and Mount KjiLv MalUnada, fiai. ad tml frwrtii ur t li -ju'clw k P. Id. Siii.ii paUsMr tur JrtWant ii-Jaj aspired Duin)o-ln-. p. M. Sv - t4i.lva.fa.ivsB U aiaat. rt W ilh-rtnJ n nnsaMfi it l'Viinirta. bttTk Willi V-i IsfilUrU aluJ l.ia.tnjtf. .'s1'lW J ltd; I flRiirim.i: itii.ru -i in p.iimi'' m rs-m t 'tirtij Cs-nirkl ttAtirAttd, and ui Nmi.F. with U Uorru ait Zmvei l(.nid, . A -Hp Buiiii'ianiliiB'., lij.tj m.arV fti 4 mm i a, iiitips-ii saint 0,jVinr, iuHt In tu a) In-ian- Ik nt itP t-atfa load oi mo re!(rt nli b icivua. Iftr d (at i'pif aiiuK mad u U trafipsr tloa of Kl K H I iia.j.j jv lUfU.nJ b iJ ua Fifd ti. Uh i u fiimUbiHi in nioturtt iK I'Wi (. H I OA l'r (J tuns- , U nlU d-'hi ) W mi tli Uti u if OtUi ur ,, titit -fb9 Trm- lardn. or at Pier No. t NorUl t'i.r, m iliMjri may iunai mt u tira W uf ttalp JAiaaaU , VVAl TtK KhrtislA H, Kf 1,1 AtU Ho tl. EK-lawar avtkDU, PhiliiiUkpliifc ' 0-KO. B. HAi MONlv raltj,M Afrni, , WF.KT JF.KSET KAILROAD ' LIHRfl-- ll Saw Arrant man'. t ha aud altar H;SIT, No. am lee I, mk, llama wm :aava n-taut Wllauat ktaroaai Flat aa Stltoa a Inr Kap- Mar and all alacaa aoiatlt of MUhrtlU al t A. M n ils F M. Foe M litsie, hrtdoinsi, aiaa, and ill pAlinainHH tlaea tnntk or (lla.l .ro at 9 A. M aada P. M. I or lliaa.bom at S A M . IS M., and S P. M. For WootUniry, Uktuoaatar. Aa , M V A. M., It tf., I aa4 tr. M mmnNTNo. Leave Cape Mav il 1 A. M and 11-41 A. M. Miirvllleats-in A M and I P. M. " Ilr4dl.i at 7 11 A. M..S SI P.M. " Haiom at 7 A. M., and J P. M. " Wotalhairv at ?.H I', and S if A.M..aaid4 Si ft, and S In p. M. to Catrtden nnly. T7IF. W F.H T J-V.HHKT KXFKKHI4 CO M PA If T V'tll attend b all the aaual branenaa nf Bipraaflhaai. tieaa. reet-lvo. deiivar, and forward thmnsh ntlrm- paaaoae alt li-Ptpreaa I Aimparr.l,-a to all parta ot the ooantry ant artp le enttoaled Ui them. A Hpitclal Maaaanxor aoeona. paniea each Uiniuuh train. i TAN LIINS.SFI.AXB, Rapartatandaw. , , Fhllade'plila, Novemba 1, Uui. 11-1 NORTH rKHNSYLVAXIA RAlXROAn. ' Fl'K BFTIII.F.HF.M. ll'lYI.K.ATiiWH. PAsnlet, MAI I II CHI NK, 11AZI.P.TON, YYIl.aa.illAJiRkt, vTiAe-. I.IAMHI'UKI . FAIL AttRANflFMFNTII. Oa and aflar M'iM.AY. imniM ll IAS4, Faaa nana? Tiama lll leave Ihe N KVT HUP, IT, THIRII Atrevtl, aliov Tr-ntnpaon, I'hllailrlphU. dai.j (Hundays ixoetttoall, aa hHk.wa : At I i A M. 'Sipre.a) for rtelhlehaan, AUsolowlka Maurh I bunk, W ilbvaharra. 1 illlamiport. Al HID A. M ( A.v i.nttie.ilaliitt ) Sir I loykaatnwil. At 1 lb P. M. I Are"tiiiiioda..-iui f.a- Port w aahlnatntk. At 3 mi 1'. M i F. .prt a.) for ttet'ileh"ii. Raattui, aa. 1 Pla train renrhr. f .at- n al '( P. M., and makes olaM Ct nna a i . .vi with the Nav .leraey Central tar Wow Xorlu A I 411. P M i M ail ) for I to. In. town Ai.il.1, p. M t Aixomin.idaU.tii) for lletbleiham. Allaa tnw n. and Mm.rh Chnnk. I !'. I' M t Aer..niiio.datlnai for !,ansdale. t hr-nub 1 ii fc. ta lua-l hi. proriired at Uie Ticket Otfloa, Tl 1 1 111 Htioet, or HKKKA Hlin't. In order to saoora Us loweet latai ot fnr-.' THAI Nil Ft lit Pnil.ADP.l.PltlA Tave Ttell.l.iiem at S :' and t'i'.'A.M , aud 615 F.H. le.vleai .an at 0 M) a 11., aud t U V. M. Wni'ltle atr.-1a A. M I ial V anluutiton al 'I -S' P M. (IIS HI'NIIVVa Pt ltaih IpMn h.r fv.i o"oi.n a- 9 l i A. M and I'll P. M. ..i h-attia n f. r Phila eh.lila nt 7 A M an.1 -J P.M. Iliilinana Htut.ay.. Kio-oaa wll rail ft aad dell war ' hai-a.e nt the iUj,ot. Ordcrf luay bo lo. ai Bo. U41 H. TIIIHK HtrtAlU Vl-j F.I.LI1 CIRK.Airarat. I-ST rilKSTI-K AND I'llILADKLPfllA MAIKltfAli. VIA MKDM. H KIN' AltHA NUFMKNT. On ai d rtflir 1- K1KAV, April 1, 1-ari, Uia TraJma will 1t an KiLI ..w : l-.iv rhllad. iph'a frmu th IVr-nt, wmrr of TTtlRrT rilt'l and MAliK KT mrs,t. H A. M , 11-tjA A. M.,Mf 1'. .. P. M..6-4A 1. M. . n I.H.W-l, hia li-p4.t chwu edVnnn FfOHTKF.KTH ati4 V AliK K i bureu U 1 U1H I V-t 1KT aud MAkULX? huri'ia. ,t?av Wl rhct-r, from th !ppM on F.t M ARKET 8trt.C i A. M.,7 V. A. M., II A. M ,1 P. M.,4 4A H. M. IbrArnranf Uif W 't I'blladi-liihla I'amvntfrir Kailwajf rV'mpnv i Mat- Rtrci-t) will convej l'aaaena'ar I mmk (turn Ui I'ldliMlelpliia hr-pot. ON ' KT) A T 1 ?nvt Phllaiialphla al H .111 A.M. and r P. M. I,(nv Wii hi nler at H A M and 4 ' P. M. T-am- kavlny l'Mlad'plna M H A M. and 4 9b P. W.. ai.d W fnt . hi'ntiT at 74 A. M, and 4 ft P. M.,omin with Urtin nn tin I'hiladfLphla and Haltlmor Caatrft Kaimwd rvrOxft rd and tutcrHiiillats potnu. ja4 tf 11K.NKV W0OU.(iJAa-aiMupiia(iKU RAILROAD LINK NORTH. 1 l'tlll AKK I T11IA TO HKOOKI.Val, 'IllkotUll IN riVK UOUUi. PARK ?. EXrt'KHION TTrKK.TH tOU POR TTTKR1I DATS. On ami alter MONDAY, Aanuat 1. IwH, train wiD IKotof VlMis ftlrvttt, KhiJaJt'-phta, vry iuocnlnj at it A 31. f Bnn.ln.Tsj nYOptit ). iliftrr) hy tli raindmn and Ai lantk ajid karttan and DvLawar liay Kaiirua1a to Poet aliAitioiith, and by tho eiUuinMjua ataamar Jvbm Huvt, inli OirW Atlanta' atraal, Brooklyn ; raluniliv, lear Atr ial tie t4trJt Wharf vory da (.iundai xovtd), ml 11 A M. Iravalam M h cHrof New Ti ark ar imtlftad no tm lpky r paaaait hv tnl line, th Htat at how JmTyf hnvtuv eranifd Ui th CatmliMi aed Amty HannortHiljr th) xrlimive pr1vtlKH of aiTlnr ponoatfir and toifit b-twvi-a tiie dltr f I Phi,nd--rTM nd New Yra. tj'sW-K W. P. liKIr K1TTH, itenri 8uprtntdeai. 11 UDINQ RAILROAD, IIUF.AT TUT NK LtXB IUOM rmt.AI.l.. ' 11 1 A TO TDK. IVTKRIOB OT l'K.NNMLVAMA.TIIK NfTlllYl.KIl.lM HUtV Ul tltANNA.I'llMHKKI.ANII, AJfU WY0MI14J VAUJtr, MOIITU, N0KTI1WEM T, ANDTHK CANAOAI. PASdFWOKK TRAIN"! Tsvn tha r.-nn any li'iml. at TIIIRTBP.VTH ami OA I.I. OWII ILL 8UOOU, 1'bluvloUihia, at tho foUowtag bouis - MOUSING MAIL. At 800 A. If ., for Kt ailliiK, Laoanna, Eohrata, Latta. retniuMa, llarrlabiirji, 1'otlantle, Pinearrovo. Tamatitaaj Huntiur) , vYllhnniannrt, Klmlra. Hneheater, Mlaieara Fallal, lliillaln. AUentown, WI'keaharTO,l-lUalua, Tora, 11nrtsft. UiantboreliurK, Llanvnloivn, Ac. 1'hla train ounuecu al itKADlKU with F.ast Psnnajrfcna nla Aallrnad trains for Allentown. Ao.. tha tteattlng Mid iuiihia kallrnnil fnr Kphaata, laitc, and llolitmbkft. anal with the lhanon Valley train fur HarrlabuTi, e. : al PtkttC t'l...N'lt'N v-nli CauuviaaaHallriviS iraina lor V llkoahama, William. prt. 1 Ark Haven, Klmlra, Ac; at HAHktlkV lll'Hil with "Northam Central," 't-iimlMirlaail Valley. ant! "f?ehuvlkiU antl Hayuehannl" traiaa nr BTortatea herland.tl ulluurp-trf ork.(Mianiliiil'buri,riaagrava,tM. A FTF.KNtMlN K.XI'KK114 l eaves T-hnailrli.hia at I SO P. M. for Kastdlnw, Pnttaja vlllt-. 1'lnavmvi, llarrlabnrK. Aa., cnnneotltur at llarvtaw litirn w ltli roniiavlvanla Central trmlua ftr Fltlatiuru, Aak. r.i'1-thani t-rntral Kallroatl tralna fur Hunhury, Sortauai liei lain, Klmlra. A-e., antl at Port t'Mutna with OaAawkaask ItallnjMl Ualm fix MJlUin. W ilUaoia jort. Kiiulra. BitllaJa, Ac. RRADISO AOCOMafODATlOlI. Lt-areg Buailms at oMO A. M., aioucfiuj at all way tan I It'na. arrrvii.K In Plilla.lill'hla al S ii A.M. k.namjiar, lean-a I'miatloJi'lul at 4 9u I'. M. i arrlros at liin.nnii al ,'ViP. M. Ti iiluafur riuUatli.kyMa leave llarrtatiurs at 100 A.M..an4 PntiivUle all It. A. M , arriving In Plillnleiohla al I 04 P. M. Afti rni'tin trains leave llarrlantara at 1 46 P. Ifl piKtavllie at . M P. St., arriving In I'tuiatlalnnia at 7 P. St. M.iiket Iraina. wllh a paasenswr car attachal, taav Fhtui..i lphla at I 1. M , St Keatiuis md all way auiit-n leavu RraSjig at IV, If win, and OiwnlnstowuatkS-SOt. II . tt.r Ptillatlvli'hlA and all way atalktiia. A il the aluive trams run iially, -tiinilnya evoaptatl. Htintia traioa leavo I'nllavUJo at 7 Jo A. al., anxl Paila- ' tl.hiaatll 't P M ClIPS'l F.lt VALT.EY RAILROAD. Patvanirera It llnwnlnin.iwn and Inu-rtnoTfst nnfnlai Uke the h (li A. M. and 4 m P. M. tralna from I'ltliaJaltihla. nttutnlnt Iruut liownuuruiwa at 7 On A. Mm and It JO Stir TORK EXPIU!tS FOR PITT81IURCI AIFD THJl ' WF.-IT. Leaves New York ats A.M.ud7 P.M.,pasalntj eajdrasj st Pa itihlnUtit ar.il 1 IS r. M.. and coiinortiaa at narrfo burg n ith 1'enn-ii Ivaala Railroad Itipieaa u-altsa lor Pltaa kurn. IHilca .-ti. at.tl tha vt'eau ltriur'.u a RxtTiBa tl aln lelves If arrtaborgotl lerlvil of the I'ennaylvulila Evpi-sae rrtim Pltiaharg Kt S 110 aoal SIM A.M. paaalnir Hf-iiliiul at 4 t'i and lit ) A. M , an uTiwa a- New Voil at l'l A. 14. and 4 0 P. M. HIao- , iil'atfJ n.nnv tlie.e tratna Uirousb,b4)twoa taxaasj (:tv and Pltlalmrir. wlthnui chanfle. Mill trntn tor Now Vurk leaves llarrllbsni at 1 46 P. It. i Mail train (it llai-rlthurv It a tea New Ynrl at U la. r-tflll' I.Kll.l. VALIKY RAn.ltOAIl. Train Iravt I'ntlavllle at 7 It A. V. and S Ml P. M., nv ttiniii.il fruf.i 1'uacartira ut K ID A. M. antl4'3A P. M. It';lil 1 l.K II. 1, ASH HI Kill P.. I ANN A K AH. HO AD. Trrina leave Auhurn at S 4A A.M. fur Pilae.Tnva avnt a llNrri-ttni--,, ann at I'.alP. 1! It PinoHrtivi only, ratana li iitiin ll irrin crii ut 1 jii p. M., aud Iruui Pluaa-ruv sat 'all A M., audi V. M. TI('kF,TS Tht-f'n.h flral elaas tlcama and arnlsrant Onleta ta aJt the plli.clpal nol.iU In the Ninth aad M'eat anil Canada. It j failli.wiiia- Ut k la ara oUtUiiM.le onlv at the ultloaot H 1'KAI'FnKK .Treattnrr. N" '.17 H. 101'RTH Mlraal. PI.H..I. l.ila.tTor li. A. MU4ILXA, Ooaaral Hiioatlnlaai i d.ut. lUatlille':-- ItOMMl'TATIOH TK.-KKT8, At --ft per emit, dlactuuit. lt-4wrau auy points deetraal. turiaoilllea and in ma. MILEAr.K Tll'SF.Tel, c.fi 'tar '.'ti nukia,baiii-H-aall votnii, t tAl 10 sastt, tor faiall.aa and Pmia. hKASOV TK'KFTS, F"r three, afx, nlna.or twelve uoaths, fcc aaldars oal Uj all u.itnta. atradnkifil rate. 11.1 Itti 1 ttr.tdlnf on thn line of Uie mud win be PirrntineA vttJa Lida. autitiiua thcuiselves aud wlvos to ilokeu a halt Care. EXITtlRHK-a Tit K H TBJ Fri Ol Philadalir la tn urlneifJal atatjona, svxmI Sm Satar- J.tv hhi.iImv Hri ka.m.iav. ai reiluoetl rare, so ba had annr al the I kkat Otllua, al J all K Vk.N TB sat liaLW W lUlX titwale. ritl-.ltin r. flood, nf aft deterlptliiiit fi'l-warded to 111 ttle ahoTw po t ta. rv.im ll r l nni h I bew fratalit Aapok, UefcUaYel and WILLAV birvria. FKr.HlUT TSAISB I.rnve PhPadehpl la tlnlly at I A. M ., I P. M. ,iaS S P. St., p. Readies, l.i-h.tn.in, Marnalior,;, rutuvwa, t on liaav too, aoA p. inu havond. MAIT.R (!he ai the FHlati.ivjkia F.iaUXtlos Snr all staeas an tk r..d and ita hiani-he. at o A. St., ana rur uia pnaoiaaa llaU"M nnly ai 2 U P. M. 1 HII.Al'F.LrHlA, OF.RHAHTOWM, AN J M BatlMlOVl R tll.U'JAl.. Ti M K TAHI.B. on ant after MONDAY, May 16, imt. oak Swthar no.it. FOR flKM4TOW-W. Leava VUlnoV phw S, lu. 11, li A. M. ; 1, ,! ! I'., 4,0, .'V.I.. J.-. . U'. ' M. ievive let-rmajanita-n.c, hi y.a.flii.a, tv,it,ii I, aa. 1. J. J.4. ,, r.. 0. 7, S. V, U). ll, and IS P. M. Iheh .Ddiittn, and the ii. ant i'k train ap. do not St a ki,a Uarnian'wn llian.-l.. CMK.iiKl.T HI1X RAfLROAfl. I.enva Fhllaiktntiia, I, 1, 1U, U A.M.; t, IV.K.f.V' "liivfinfe'imut nai, Tio.s.t to, ll toi.w.il-to,! t SU, S-4fl, S-S'. and lil V P. run lllSin)ita-kM aso iviitiiierr-wwri. I.wel'M .il. li.ht l.fcJi, U UA. M.l 1H.I, 4.V.SM t, , H-lin. and 1 1 1. 1 . W . 1ABV Mnrlleuvia.l'.V I, w, aaaia aa n. a. a, MO, - tsandVP.M. lheou kra.n no. v.u sioo at eaeiaitawt, juaoAjoexat , kWtl Culiaawtikla 01.IJ it it WAj.ArriK. . IxavePMUflrlpht.s,BS6,UCt4 "-a W. .H,fta tMLV.!.uhk,,7S''S0,V.n) A.M., t,t, f, Auu. iia 1 . At. U K, SMITSI. flt-naral Rniea4rtentliS. Bill ltapuk ivIMTH and taatiuMI dint. lillLAtSLriUA. jUU IQii . ltlU-. J-.ula; A.ULHOAD. 1C5UJ, ., 'I'hieaivtal line U. iiar. ea iha luitlM.m avnA Xurdiwvtot unnile u Pt nnai-rviuiia to Uie atty of Aril, on Laka Krtei. h It r aarrTh I. aneil I t the fKN fciaT 1 VA NIA K tlLhtlAU (t'V.J'AhV, aj'S under thatr aueplcea 1s Inatiia lataaklav ' ob-'vi thrtai-. S"S. to a-tir eaieeUt 11 nt awi. la una an l'aaatasv and FTOtiiJ Snawtaea fvrrtas llair'aaurv la ijoetTniin. tm mlleal.on tu Aaauam lJivv at,. Katsiniat amiinais to haras Uo Batkeaj, ta Has Wfutiam Irf.vaieu. T lit k t'S rtaAVtia IMAMS AT PtUAtMLFVIU. Mall Train le.vaa ,............H.) A. K. E-rroa-TraiRlttivte , .S'tiF-la. l'a- nin thaw, ull it, rut. i t l-UAacK kt4h Styliul Shae tftin. kKvtt-vi l'lnlatleli'iiia and Loci Hnvn, aatA Itotwataak , rlaitinU'i- " lk liaven. k. ant aitja'inif 4-airaou ih Vitpr 'l-yarn WH wsrv ' 1 nr tuftaTata' vtn rratia-aliiK Paaaent; huanw aa. ais'r ' li t ti i,.tiii ii ki nVt,t lo ml stKill An.t X kr.iitl la.MMii ul tato t."iti"y a-HrMtt'invVl. 1. H.k.ltikiv'i,Ji.1)muar kUAll-jJitil A1" U't..,'liua.ti4p),ka. a.. Ki.ui'dkrka. . " - . ' .V.JtAAi,M.at...B'M'.vrttvviS. - IJWiH L. lt.at. tJ '-. ttaJi-. Aaeitl. Paoa v.- '! j"iu4i d t furls. ' I ' )M-tf ' tjoitral akasaai uMati i. rl 4 k i V ' if i ti ,1