I) I!I;I)AILI1YIG. TELEG 11 AFH. r 1 H L AD K LVI 1 1 A . THURSDAY, ECEMRETl22t 18Gi. V-.' Owning (Mcgtaph THURSDAY, PFCKMBKR 22, lMl MiF.4Tii'N t"liAi, 'oqi'rilv' The slorlmi of onr blnh and UU Arc almrtowa, not KUhtaniUl things; Ther In no irmr itlnt f.ite , Death Its bis Icy hnml oa kins ! 8ci plre ami crown Mum fnmtlc lown ! AnJ In dust be Hiil maila With ilie ixxir cro ike I . yiho an 1 spvln. floine wilh ewnr.lt m it reap tlio field ; And plant frct lmirilt wIhtc they kill ; But their ntron(t rem1" at lust nm-t jiulJ They tame tint one another mill. K trly or Into, They stoop to fate. And mDKt give up their murmuring tircvth, When they, ple Btlvo, creep t Jon h. Tb garlnnds wither on your lirntv ! Thi n hot no nioro of mi,:h'y dm ils ; Vpon Dcmli's purple altar now. bee where the vh tor vie iui lileeil". All In nils niunt imiiio To the eold tnin'i ! Onlr tho a. tiona of tho .just Bmell sweet and hlo-som' i i the d i t ! TEE DEA'IH OF L1&. DiYTJ r. Tall l'Hrlleulnia of I ho Snl I'vi-.if-ltle Rrlittlonai Willi llio i'riM'ti tJiivi,r.m..iil Aliriiilif-n.l t lliti.lt ' III 111!" Tli'if of llm French lr"- The lruu- Iml N tutu if l." rxnis, Friility.Tcccniricr 2. isn I . A profound ensatlon was produced lit tho Aniericia tieilnny, tbil mondnp, by the news that Mr. D.ivtoti h id ddenly died, la-t t-TeninfT, In nn artaek of upi plcxy, while paying a risit a' the Hotel de l.ouvre. Atttit liej-'leninftof the year Mr. Ihiynin h id been Mlgcd to tnkc some precautions with his hcilth, OB account of symptoms which were supp led to Indicate a tendency to aii,l. Ay, imt f ir the last three or four month. h:s lieulili anpe.ired u lie all tli :i t could he di'siiid, and he sitiih n a m kare hBd any apprehension for trio mo neiit of the coming atincit. Hi .leiuli occurred at nl) iut 9 o'clock In the evening, lie courilainel oi sickness; tiskcd to lie down for a mou'idt on tho (K'fn, ard almost imnieiliatcly died. It, wis at Jrt supposed, however, th', to ms oulc sleep icg.nnd It was not tid alter the lain;- of Mtii.' luiantei that It wa ol-coveic I ho lul l c ao 1 to breathe, llis tau.lly, who wero vintim; in an tHlur and distant piit of the city, did not he ir thu aaa intelligence until two hours niter, and tlw blow was a terrihlo one Indued. Iliuidy will be embalmed, the funeral services wdl uke pin e on Monday, and lie will be c.oricd ho.iic uy uu family for interiueut in.Ncvr Jersey. The loss of Mr. Dayton will be deeply felt hj the Amei ican residents here; for, by tho uincu'.W ot his churaoter, hi aoceiMlillity, "and hi reu li Bess toprmect and further tto int res s ot his countrymen, he bad endeared himself to al: j hut, uit.re tuan lliis, and niiuili more import int th in this, be had obtained by uis dignity, uis frnnk ess, and his I tnv.i, Bii 'h a i is i n wi'.h the l-mirh (..ivcrmucnt us on.iti'.cd uim 1 1 m in fte the diplomatic relations b.'two.'n th t t eountrtrs in a way to tfUo entire -utisfncU in t i all Ooreniment. Ilia jiersonal relatio is with M. brooynde l.tinys had grown ipiita'lutiinate, and tbere is every reamn to b. lieva lb it apei fis t sannrnTanainn cxisvri bttween them as to tUg Telntlous between the two couutiies. A few days after the news of tin i' election of Wr. Lincoln arrived at l'aris, Mr. D vyton carri d to M. Drouvn do I, buys a dcspucn troiti Mr. Dfwurd, and' held wit'i the l'riinu Korean Min ister along conversation. Wb it thu mtiire of this couverhtttlon was we do not knof ; but siiicj thin Hie tone of tho ollicial and iteiiii-olliciiil prens but been entirely changed. Ail order has evi dently bien i-sued to nve the auuse of Mr. L a coin and the nydteniatic lyion aliuiit tho L'niou came which these pupers h ive been in llio bu ii. 01 IndulgiiiK in. iLe kicenonibtfl, naturally uneasy at tills marked change in the odlei.d and iinniite.rial J ress, are lookiui? about for an ex plana: ion wlneli may serve to diaarin lr ; and they stat am ng other tilings, that Mr. Daytxi w ts a.i h nr,ae I t aeiire the Fiench (ioT-jromnn that, during tho Coming teim of m rvieo i f Mr. Iiioii, the -nm i policy of non-inti rvi ntion in .MexiMii ii;l irs,is that wh.cb had marked the pru-o it term -v mid be pursued, tine paper evcu veuiurus the u ser tlon tbat Mr. Liu uln oil' red t i rooogm.e iho Bew M "xii an Government, it tin' IJ.npur n Napo leon would promise liio byuia by umi moral u d to the Union cuae. Cut whatever may bo the explanations, thu f let CxihUJ ; the journals un ler thu conuol oi too Min istry li ive changed tin ir tone, and a sorry ti t they make of U trying to teil ilia truth. Tim Jftmirrur und Conslitutiunalut Choline thciiis lives to giving the news as it a. rives by despateu, with out iraimformitig und altering It us liorcn.i oro, -o M to make it ay the exact opposite of what was meant. The t'rnnce wii'-es co ifiisediv, ns It' it Vera a bitter pi l to kettle umvi to telinu the truth, and it would bo uiilicuit ir any man to toll, Jrom the Baron du ll.u.au ouri two iat articKs, which aide he was trying t write on, nd almost what ho was rvin,- to wi.te ao ut. , The i'atrie, a accetaioiiiir, but no looker a BiiniMerl 1 paper, Is licwiiil. rel an 1 strikes out wildly. It says It cannot comprehend tae Ameri can people, and does oot believe they comprehend themselves. What can they mean, it says, liy Toting by such an immense in ij ity f ir a in 1 1 and a policy which am conducting the country to ruin i W'uat is there, it havs, in the enar.u t. r of Uie people which randeia the m so iiiini to what tve can see with so much facility And then it adds, "in our perplexity let us II y loDe lociiuevulc, and see if, in hu 'Deiuocrucy in America,' bo does out throw light on tut . Wrange people and their strange mode of look up at atluns." And then follow q iotationa from me illubtiious witer'a book, which go no further than to show that so long g as the epoch m whieh De Tuqueville viMted Amrici, he siv and predicted mat so loose auoute deration must grow looser, und finally divide into sections in oiher words, that bu predicted t he pruseut, civil ar. But, notwithstanding the secession papers have Chained their tone in their ed.torial colu.nii they eontinne to publish the outrageous despatch : which (Ji snatches aru ha f-cuiuiuu c nu milit aries of the Ilavas Telegraphic Agency at Loudon and hew York, winch Agency, as you a ready know, is, from mime ch-o sr other, entirely de voted to the lortuues of the llebels. T.ilsagen y, last night, tent us from London a lon reiu,if ot an al lele from the llebei organ, tim In ter, based on lord Russell's reply to the manifesto of Uets.cs. blieeli, Mson, ana .Mann. The 11. i a Ainni ij givi eiupnasis to the a's r tton that Mr. Lincoln not liaviug eoiinoi.l anv Votes lr. in u certain number ot the b ootoeiil States, tual he has there lore forever rtnouue'i t the con rol over those Stau-s, an I mat u.i tun Coiifessua thut there la now un ui.pu.e i:teen , him MUd the Coutcdenite btates, but a to winch of the two countries Kentucky, MiosJiin, aud LouUiana shall belong to. It aiso ays einphaiis on Ilia m inner in whicti Lord Rnssill (ipokc of lue two v. tions, the onu m the' "bo-C tiled Contedemtu S at and t ie other us " he lortncr United Sta es," and laim tbat this is a fair striking of the p jutic it balance,, and that h la tlms on the roui to a recu iiilun oftheKoutb. Thu 1'utrie aoier- to "e pirtieu latly old fit to Lord Jotiu it ilseil for the phi a e the former United Stales," and declares tu.it tus World will remain. '1 l.e Shm ghat, one of the vessels hul't a' Ni'ites for lit Cool, utia'es, but sold to tue fmssi.in tievi rLu i lit is putting in her guns, and will sail far llivu.iruavtQ the Utb 0l (his inon.u. M Aiiiifcu, ber i utluer, has jnl returaed from Uer hu wnh his pay in bis pocket, uud also wau a Coiitiaet lor two new ves.seia for tiie I'raian IloTeriiment, but of a dilfereut model from me G'hcis. Ti.e country ia deeply indeote j to Mr. Dayton for the manner la which ho conduc ed negotiations so as to put a stop to tho vessc s lullt ltr the Confederate in French port, and also to tbe building of others for the same des tination. I ought to put on record the success of the tenor Brigooii, on the stage or our Italian opera at l'aris the most difficult stage In tbe world to succeed on. After his failure at Maurid, for which, ho vr, iu was ia no way responsible, ha appeared btra with fear and trembling, and sang, there fore, under great disadvantage. Nevertheless, ha as encored throughout oa the first night, while the second night his reception was still more a husiastic. He appeared extremely awkward aud I angular in his acting; but this is apecullaritT M ais auaoiny for which this auuieme, which ja ycarea for a hue voice and correct aiiitfiiii, h'i of little account. .V. Y. Timet. , - ' ' -THOU lum AMLB1CAH COMIDL AT PARIS. ttraot from a let tar from JobaUigelow.Ejq., tW! Consul, dated - n.7.A? ' ye'"1' 6,-Uy Dear Mr. Wvl;- i7i,dli ui'S? Upoa Mr- Vanderpool, but not S Vw, iuLwu,utIto, apartiieut of Mrs. Ibis event lias spread a cloud oty d( ai beea so occupied with praparatWm fori the f loeiai that I havt bat niomcut kg dsvoto to sJUskttor. . . . . . , , , , N I) OllOHT, I don't know how people feel who have seen a ghost j perhaps It would be a relief to them to find that the whito garment brooded a broom stick; but for myself, I once saw a Hume In a hoet which it would be an Inllnltc relief to me to believe a ghost. I saw this figure, man or woman I know not, (ive years ago, when I was lodging In the sreond floor of a house In lllooinsbury struct, and wlthiu a few doors of Oaford street. There were at that time uuluruMicd Moms to lie let on the second Hour ot the opposite house. Inchon 1 were not drawn down, so that l. I ire thu win io were too diny I r mid see Into i wo of th nc- empty i.ninir.. mil op.onc imv own was an inner room lii:titei; icy two Indows. and entered onlv front tin a Ijoinim; ninll an e ch tin',, r, a. id toi-, i un ii iimn iiiokcii into me H reel, ha I on ; win (low. The great Ii, II, "ro I i: r, t Ni -ritNisitni," was tin re lor so inal.v nion'h-. that it crew vc'lmv ith i ge iind grey with !nt, and It was h main in a no cu ss and impotent manlier liy a sing e aaler when the room wem taken; at least 1 luiicitiiini tn.it they were taken, lor tne bid hi -niprnrid altogether, und was not rip a ed. In the coin-e ot u uov nam the wind iws were eh Bin d.-iiiiil a hed and two chairs w, r.' place I in the itincr room, 'i'here were no curt. tins and n i carpilt, in r, rn far as I cimi d sen, any other furni ture in t In Me two rooms. Jiit there aas -onie one n toe iHd.veiyiu I Imagined, lor alth nig.'i I u the ligure move tiom side ti side, 1 never i.w it itling up, or saw the bed cinptv, or vnv tl c laee so s i., rwio -n..j it If it w.s tli it ol it Uiim or Honntii. In any ca-c I -lionl 1 not h ive hcn iihle to see nun h oi these opposite n. i:r ihors, I ir I wa on1 nt noiiie in the morning and oemm;, an I th :y I ml filhci rouiiis Innidcs thu two 1 lino tueii- litlM d. Ah. ut ii 'orttii ilit after tile lo I 'its came, I was sit ng near my window in the crly morning, tnn my attention as aiiractcd hv a li.'uru at the window of the an c ro ua oppoote, wiapped, a it nnemcil, in a white -licet A corner of the sheet was diawn up round tho h-a I anil hung ov, r the fiic likeacoul, so that aluiough thu pi rson aim looking out of tho window, no tr.n o of f..rm or f. aline could be si en ; and the arms huh were riossnl. were ulso tightly covered tiy ii. e niiei window, I. l or a lew second it piusel at the umi I, silting p.nt y l.eliinil my window i iirtiiin, i n Id si Without being s'cn. I'hen it fibred the ininr loom, nto u nn h 1 could see vi ry distinctly, ns the wind i-.vs wcic open. M il licie u mcciiis ineessary to l ire tint the elicit produced upon me in the time l.v thi pi r-on in n sheet has been Inensihed, and his rue. ved nn aided hoiror, troui cm uin-i.inc whi, h in cutred iaier. ii is dillieint to il si nhj that vthith lontiws ni hont iiliowmg this hor ror to creep in, und yet, so far n I can rcmum ber, I w us not suiisibii! ot it at the time, un I led only a stiu.igc attraction und Interest; and a hat mrprise that any ono should dress up and p av the fool lit seven o'c ock in the nioriiiinr I he Ihtirc, as I have mid, entered thu 'inier room, ii ti I s'ood lor some tune quite iiioskinless by the b.d-siilc. Then Mowlv tin anna wnfli stieti bed out, pointing at somethi iir or soma oria iu the bed ; the bead, still covered by the sheMJ, was bent downwards ; ti.e whole nttu t. lo was that ol one .'peaking wthancirncHt and oacr nib tisiiy. j;ut soon there was the straumM cl'itrori : the licure s'ario I. i-avii n ndid iw.n'n.t and commenced leaping ii.ct d unvng aronn 1 tho' ntu, stunning vviin outstretched arms; ' ,r a ti.umci.t i,t the foot of ,t, and .1C . prying lifst to i tf side und then to the nii;,. wi,!, .m. dultilMpinity tuut -;;WM i,,,,,,,,, to folluw ccm ii.ov. Iit. ... ii n. th there was a pause; BRaln t!ir hands and arm- wue stretched out; ii,n iiniher pointed, nml, hb it seems to inn now, in bitter mockery, to tin: In d, and then the body swayed and bent bai kii. rd.s, und the he id wis thrown up iu one 1 I ' u st of uptoa ion lauliler. It snimjil to tne that I could hear tho inocxiug soumU evun above all the noises in the street. I do not know if turned uwny for a moment, or if the ligure crouched down, but I remember uiv surprise at fuming that it hail li lt the bed-room, and was again standing ntthe wind ow of the aute-ruo n, 1-ri iii thenct r p.i. bcJ nut into the passage, and I saw no more of it. The b d was, ns nstial, occupied, but I do not r u.eniher notii itii; any movement ou tho part of the o cup'er. J.arlv in the sttmtner evening I returned from my d ily work, umi m' at the windo to w.i'ch thu sun ns, like u solitary eye of lire glowing tliroti(. b mi.-tand .sinoi.e with a dim uiigi y liijUt, it sank down into the hrurt of the grea. ci'y. T to l ltt. ds of the room opposite were T two do vn, and the windows were shut, and lVv reiuaiucd so en the billowing morning, but in iho evening, as I watched from my window in the dusk, I saw two meti coming down thu Btreet, bearing on their shoulders a cnllin. I'hey stopped at tiie hi use opposite, und carried the eoliln in and up stnirs, and through the aiiie-room, and into tint room with the I ed, which was opposite to mine. I s.iw the sbndow of it cist upon tho white win dow blinds, tor some one wcut first carrying u cat die. And tin n I knew that tlnro wa ileith in tho ri oin, and that tho antic win h h id m KtKed and mace sport on the previous uuy, h id mocked at the dying or ti.e di ud. Thi following day win Sunday, an i I w is a: my w:nui w ag on, when th- pi un de .1 c .llin w is cni'd down the stairs, and p it in'o a shabby hriT-e, litis wis fol'owrd ti v a -tie t c lb, and one sin ill per on stepped i ii kly in'o it, cluelv miilllid ilia black elo.ik. 1 coii'd not tell whether ttiis pet-on was young or old, a:id cnuld oulr guess whether It wa man or woman ; but some thing in the rapid resolute movements at once rtcai'ed the sheeted tlure which had so start. ed me. I could not w itch the honso ag iln, It w is tHi terrible; and when I returned home Isiw that the bed bud I o n removed, the windows weie wide dpi n, and thine were new lul u an nouncing thut the roems were "To Let, Unfur nished." Tim Sew Ir.oiiv wllli Julian. Vc have received the Kauagiwa Corumernul .Vitrs to October 17, giving full uccounts of tho Imnn diatc results following the into successful atluck of the allied lltet at .Simoiioseki, such us the amicable adjustment of all matters in dis pu'e, the promised piymcnt by thu Japanese (iovirnineiit aud provinces of f',J,OtlO,iM)0 indoin nily, and the biisK renewal of business at tho i on. mi rciul ports. All restrictions hung been n nn veil, l.nge qunntitu s of nla accuniuhi ed ut eddo l.avc arnved at Kanaa-.va, and tho Ku inpeaii mercbanis are cocgr.iinlu big thums-Mves upon the tnipimed pro-peeta for busings. Ni vi Titleless, misgiving aru felt that didicuhies atti nding eniiiuierci il nn I soel d In ercouiso witn Japan have not wholly ceasid, and that it Hut leu-t pruceni to re:ai.i witliiu r ach a c .n-iJ.r-ablc poition ut thu naval l.uce vv Inch bin been u-eii w.tu lieneti-iiil results, un'il Japanese tac iics sic nioro fully devuiupe I. Ai tho same timu ibi re is some hope ih il thu Japanese wdl siiimn: toihebiwsof proj'icss, and ierog ,i.e tuu lac .hut it is no loiigtT p. s.-ible, with huaure ls ot loreign ste.uiiiTs ph in ; ou their waters, tj keep in siU'U.-iou fiom the outside world. Fi'cv, the ktinrtijtiva Xttrst flrt'ier 12. sine our iumI isuc we have to rem irk that win, in a lew uav s utter thu nrrival of thu com bined sipindroii at this port the foreign pleuipo ti nliurii n procei uen to V. d 10, aocinup inioi ,y tne gn uu i pom n of thu tl er. I -j the conlurence heiu be wutii the various to eign Ministers and the Ooroji ., nil me m itt r uu l.-r discussiju have li iii.iuaU d uiiiica )iy, and highly sa'astac lory ammgcmei ts made regirding iho fnture. Tne various imulstera, after a suurt stay at Veildo, n tiirned to Vokoli.nu I. All nstrii lions ure now removed and trade allowed to fol.ow its aecustomed eour.o withunt uy fuiih. r mobs atlou. As we have not been favored with authentic particulars, wo can o dy state from iuforniiiiioii given tj u, to the eiroos that the cnlereucos euued highly satHiact iriiy. Tnotieaiyis now to be sleuud by tho Mikado und several Daimios who had hitherto dneut d. I'lince Chmiu ts to pay indcinn ty to ibeex eiit of two iinllionn of dollars, aud the Government of the Tycoon are to pay the sum of onu million dollars. The Dutch are to reoive the sum of fr UO.OuO as an iudumuity for firing upun iho Medusa. Atler snch highly satisfactory arrangements buve been made, vie consider that great "Kudos" Is due to Her ili ltannic M .jesty 's plenipotentiary fur the able and satisfactory maimer hu has con duced tbe various complications to auch a sue eossful termination. We also congratulate our mercantile community on the reopening of trade under such favorable circumstances. The presence of the allied squadron before Yeduo seemed to have a most wonderful elluct on the Japanese Government, as shown by the alacrity with which they acceded to all demands and removal of ail restiiciions on trade. We also learn, from information received by II. M. H. Barotta, that I'rince Chositi is very cetirous to open Bimonosekt for foreign trade, and hope be may be enable to do so, as the loca tion Is oca of the most eligible ia the Inland Sea, and accessible to both steamers aud sailing vc.els. Tbe InvaUile lluttt of the 10th nit announce the execution of three officers Captain Ivanickl, Lieuunatit Mroczet; aud (second Lieutenant buukewltch pursuant to the sentence of a court martial held at Kar.an, for having conspired with the 1 'oi bin revolutionists to excite an inur rectma among Die population of Kazan. Lieu tacant Mlchaiinll, of Hut-ian origin, found guilty of having, been cognizant of the plot wltuout making it kaown to the authorities, was sen tenced by the same court martial to hard laur iaa furtrvas tor fvuxta-to years. SPECIAL NOTICES. vW O ICK OK TIIK CITY BOUNTY " Vnad rumniifiiion, (VraatonwaaUti liaiidiaK, ISD.SII ( UtHNtT MT"t. run mil sin . ifmhFf 17. lHSt All prrsmt hsvlfif rlmmii aeilntt f kip I'nrnin'sal'.n urn nolifiil to prslsnt Uisra sn trb,.ir MATI ItliAV. Iii-nan. bu . im . H. p. KINU. II IS tl tiriid. nt. t'Z,T TO TIIK STOCK HOl.Dr.RS OK THU Fllrmounl l'SRitnir Itsllnay t'liiupsny tKm-t ard Vlns H'rffttl Hi, bneha lur Ihs trsnifer ef pnk will hit onrn im M',l So. Iiirrmbr IK. SI Jn. I.S A I Nl. I H-rri-l, It "iin ha , IMil lliH.r. 1 l;.ia VJ" I'lHI.AliT .1.111 1 AMI Ui; ADI NO a71'' Klliua ( vniranv, uirii No. in 8. t'OL'KTII suitl. Pllll AI'S 1 1 an , liFitntir 1, 1 -.. Nodes It lrtv rlv n II. ll.f Sbii ktiolilniH ,,r II in f.. in I mi lhal II Aiimoil Mi no ;. t. nn f. leni n,r Pre I (1n',Bi II S"u I'n. I ri-n in' r, Mini sioiihh, mil nikr I' sr. in, Hit tli und Mn.MiAY ' llil.,l .lnn.n nsM.nl ",t,. . . Wll I.I M 11 WKim. Jj' Itis-Wlarv . I'I'TTSItl'RO, stii 1 I'.CI'.MIIKR, ISbl. - bl VII it, Mi.- I hi' tltrwn.rp. of llin KIISSIIH, I I MI'AHV hiiro thm ltv -Ii-' lar. il t ? tir fchlril Tninllily I. vl.n i,,l l,,i Nm, mli. r, i.l TllllfK Tl l( I'KNT. nn Inn t'S.iliil Hl. i t ,.r lli, (V.nitmiiv. tis slils nfler II l.'.ll: toil, o. I I.l- I'hilmt, . i . I. m - nl.-. rin. r ; tne ..Uire .if Mel nUno-.o A t illllii, Nn. 2iv N, I H s. I' sir. i '. M i t r'IIK)X, Trsil'ml. H'T.rilT r A V. .t,:., -t r. 'rr. I.' IJ . Ml I I C K . til I K I, ATI.S (ill, I0MIA.M, No S. UAI.NIT Slr.'i, It ...in N" I'I'II AIO I I 1 1 1 A . Hr. Tin'ii r SI, I'.'.l. 'It.-' I'. nilSl'V H 'tl I... rill I? In lis.... I ', "elr.it s i.f K i. h mi in, il alter 1 I r.sn t , i, , .-nmiT -.Mh on. I'ii.iii I nl. Intf Iir I .in mti . ,ii. I.illan.ll i, N ns,- nr. . nl tl.i in in thm . nm i ulir tint ali.iv.. ilay. and n it 1 1- I , 1 1 1 Ik tes i.l St. a k Inn lein o.. I' VI ' I I . II. 1 1. I 111 K, Heonlary. ','" M KOLON liKXI HAI.'S (II'VICK, 'J W.V-I1M.O.N 1 11 I . II. I'.. I St. VIM. ll.1T 'J . I I. r- (17 tPK. Vi air, it olV c.-rr rif Ii . t U- ll.no I mi i ii rt li tvl.i . wi .. h.o. I i , ti la.i i.r i dls.-lo rt-.l unit itfilr.. n. ri it liii A, ...ii in. ,rit hh rui.l.nNS or A SMI ST i N I' sthllKli S.K 1 1. 1 1 i. Tin I. i atati i A nn v I r;. n n ii,...( firmtOioil nt VV mien, n.ti, m e li.vtll.1 r rwiirit O'rir ni . l"l'ltHB. frloi .,. a... n.l i i.:,.i(f ef HTvlcit, to J. i Kur, (T.ii lientml, mi l.oia ili.R . . ' .r. w n vitvivH. 1?-7 tt.olt Hiiiafeoa-liiMieral. t' - f - None I-; .- mm r" I'll I "i, v i;T7- I N ('.laiMii'i , WnthMiy ( '. .mi. nn v ( :tfkt wlr.t lit'- k .ln. i a ir tin -n-r ni itililihnii.il c in int. iii iln'ir i'll Hmhi.i! c in uom il inn In iwfcn 1 url'i hi. I M tr l N'rx-t- - tl k r Mid il t oi . nt i Ki i ni iiiiih oi I hi- j. ut. in , himI hn pr".tri 1 irmiMf-r mkn n ii.'ii'il uiiili nmli, 1.. . rrrv j.ff-v. -uyvrn tn tii lr wcnteni .lI''t. VoTt (lr. I alM.t Hi,-t M.iv.n r.l f . f i, w n !, ,.,t tr.l H.i i I . :iri h ,11 i,i. .1. .1 T. .1, ,1 in- n ,,,.. rln r mi. " I n I I,ln v lnu til. .-irf ft,"' iti.ti ln ktiou'n ul nyu i J H I fll llt HI. 1.'- Jl-i f WIM.I M MARI Ii. .Tr , rrt.trv. 'V" o r nr; k vuu,awa.Vi gas WOI-K Niivcmhrr M". I.. Prfipfii wti .o ri i i" v i'il nt iMi OiTVp nnil n'l.'i. nf I -t i" Janiim v n l. fnr t r i- tn tt,- rr (,. (ilTI JIlidM n di AillllM UU ( do Ar d klrr ninnd rfo loin: usd iuvtuiciitB Mir tli HitliiB AiD(U of inld ork. W. I.1.TAM ITKKNF.T.r,, JV-2-Im C'tmir. il I l( I'i I'F.NSYLVANIA IIAIL- ItOAlU'OMPANY. XOTK E H HiiAltl.llOLDE l.rt. Tr- r!.rrf h"idi rs nf thi n mnanv an n.ilflfil il.i ofder Ufm luilni) oi'tho Jia d m lnrfrt'.rn thv nr-', enH lleiJ to i-ithr-- i hr to tlio ittiu k of the on i an, -ho luiioiml i K.N I t 11 KM. on thHr rcfpts.'tjvfa Ititi-ri'-i. h'wn hv truor hmk of i 21 ifxtani. a h s-h irehiihler cut (m t a (i m-i lentil nnrt nf it nhfi nmiertlm imun of (he If'-ioiuifon, tlntll have theurtW Urf n. .iitl. lUuiK (or A tuU iJiar on il(o puviucut W lift f d 1 ar. 'I h' StnrV will tip linr(1 nt the fur t1ii o' flftv dtl lrl rT ihn'P. Afcrurd It Utphi at rt(X I'KK t 'ft NT. w IB hv iiaiM t uotii th4' Iht nint. nit until pay incut in tnHtli;. Tl,- Itoi-h" int mi ,( ru:n ii und iti'irj- nt will hu o?n on 1'-NHA V, the 7ih Instant, nn tll rl-mr on the .tint 4 Iivrrmher next, aiter whinh no further uimcrlpUorw will In- r i fl.cU OJiiler the rr soIhU-jo. U l TIIDMAS T URTII Trm arer. irrjjf- WHHiKAS, Til K Al'Dl L'Olt-OKN K- ral. at n q'llr.i b.v the I lth Hwtl"n of iho Act c-n-Ittlprt'-Aii Act lit ii.ihh- tkv lUnks of t'i:i Coin mm wntli lo l4M'n.'' Annf i at 1 t'r thi ,'urv"'e o(' l.arimriK: tnijfr the sawn of iht- I nlH d S'an h " pm Hi d on th 'M dv of An vuiit A. lr If'r), I as frtl(1i d to me that "TllK O'NSOt.I luTlns HAM, or I'H II. A I iKI.PIII A" nan furnlHi?d aHuactlon io hl-n that nil thu re'iuirtmpnta of rnVri A t he been eoni L-1 w Hh liy tho rHiii hank, and th it It hai hrin.f an A H'l .n lor .lit uuri 'Msu uf Kao)Uig uudcr 0 c law a of the 1' Tilted Siatn ; I .to. tr ri'to-e. cue Uin notte thcror to be TnhM'h',(S, In crcnln. e w ith ihi rrnTiii. of thu mid llth Hvtlon of lit- mi Aft, and Hu lUrliue ihit the ('UflrtiT of m d I'ttit. u th' tuMiis f nii.il A'-t, l lUtiiiicd and Uk"ii to hu h'-f ut'iin iirr( rd''reil, mhjtct to the tuovluloni of the 1st 9iiKn ol aaid Ao. a.o cunns, OoTOfaor oi iamiijlvan,.a. Exacinvi CuAMrtitu, i li A'(fti'.nt, '0TfUlhr ih'il.l lt wiikukas, run AtrnrroR-(iKXK. rat. aa rinniri d Iit Die H'h at-ction of th. art en titled "An Aet VumU in; i h' I artks oi una ('ni n m we mi h to bcroriic Aamiriationi fT t Ho I'm (irte fif Itankin. aimer .hia.f th I nlit-d Hiaiet, iAtd on mo 12S daj ot Autfuat, A. 1. WV1, haa cur illocl to mc tLai tu "CITY ltNK nr fHllsAhKlJ'HIA' rai n rtilMhed aiiM-fai'toiy vlo.ir to hlia tliMV all the iiiikretm nta o titiii n'.l hv btn cnnip.ittd w uh hy tha nu'il llik'ik titM tt baa huconio an t)oci.itiou f ir tne tti'.ioia of liatiiUm, Qndar tiie law of tlio tailed Htntf a 1 do tfercf re eauve this nottra thereof to be publlhvl, lr arc -rdu nre nils iln iro.ishna ol itiw a aid J hh '.Uon ot il.fl naic art ; and do dm- nm ttiat th Charter of Hitnl l.ank , riv the t" to . of mid Art, Ii )( nid and Iakc-i t o hprajx.n urrmd. f inlt fcabjticl W Umi ifovilou ui Uiv dfit eti;ka cl said act. A. n. riTRnff. OoTuraur ol I'ciiaiylvaalik KXIOt TtVn! ClIAMnHR, IlAr1V.l3SlU'i:ii, 39Ui NuveinLfji ,lfM. S tr' WUJ-.KE48, TIIK AUniTOIt GKNE- ral, ub rctnir.d b the 1 ith svoimn ot tui Actwt- iVd " An Aet eiuihtHnf Ihv I'-ai.kit ( Ihla Cofiini.nwtiilth, ti beeoum ArociiiH"nn tor the pnrpoe of B tuimu niidw tiie liuvia oi tiie t iutdjtaiei." panfrt on (tin Ud d&y i4 Ai'wupt. A. IK IhM, has crrlitlcd to th, tli.it the I o ma r cil Itwnk of fi i'ti-ylvunra. f tb t'Jtj nf I'htiwdi.'li'hiA, baa funuithrd tatib'ur ory evldnrj to him that all the wouhtiiiienia of iai(l ArtbMV Intn com pi lid wilb by tho naid I'.ank and thtitlihaft Urom an Aisorinion for tbe iuroi ot bar kinif under th Uwa t f the Unite 1 .St-At ; 1 de. tlteieion ra hi noli. there f U tie puhUa'iod lu aeeordanrst itn the proTMona uf the ld llihm c imi Off the ftfild A' t, and do der'are that the rUarterof aatd Uank, by the terat of raid act, ti dmd and takon to 'e bercnton iRrrendttjed.aii.'iject U Lie provtalouaof tbeLit vetKiii of aud Aut. A. O. CITRTIW, 0Tornorof r'nui vtvunta. KXIOI'Tni CUAMUKit, IlAhJU.sULkU. t.'ltl hoVKOlliOT H-;io jw P-P JHJbi3KltlA I4 - ufc. TIIK C3UKaT CM NTH M, FAIU Full THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, HELD IN rill LAIiKLPIIlA, JUKK, 1801. UT CflAlil.ES J. STIL1.E. 1'KICR FIVI !) 'I.L A US I'viti t P r i us S ni rA'iv CnuM!nnmn, riULAl'LLi lIA AOh.NC, A l-"7 ( HhV.t r Hi ItRET, I iici'iiilifr l.r. lst4 To the Me Jhf.tr of thi Various t utmmttets of Mi C'rU irFiiiii ruir .- Hi' HA N IT v h V COMMISSION' tcpa to nnnotinee thut lire HIMOi:. OK J 11 K KAIH." Inei-ir-d by Mr. H tll.l.K.at the re'inent of the Kxactitlve CommUtee-, I'ow tea.iv for delivery. Il firms a very eVkant -iiidrto rnlume of niort llim iwntuni ;n-d caev ; s p.inti d on thu flUdat wiW i at th ' 'hHn Trent ' nl MfHsp.. hh'TfiMn .t t'o..at'dnj UUftrati'd wliii thorni.-rAtiha of tniun ol the nn-re It. ten ui mir rim rt of tic 1 :xi,h'iinii. Ii entliu un at conn of tin orh'ln and nn.rt; ,n Ml ( i-'nif; rt, diMcnp tton of H e dl::eu nt t-par tn i.'h : a t I'l'.netit of Hie finan. ial isMtil: a t : n li-t ntui tht (irniniuee., e i-to. thwork U te"lwni d nf narilj r'. r mi, ninihir of tf e vaih.na. i oiiitniMei-, nd a II nlttd f a in eily liw hefi prn lej. it Inn hini thought bet to plae It in Wierue ot SI r. JA kJ8 K . til M ON, a euflsXel anit for Ha O'HvtTV. "tiOip whdiMiipe rodei will p'eaae nn or rddrul hi at No .i H mxi it M re. t, ..nd amry. fctr Pinion vtil cull uion tnuce wlo muj not be ab c to eHiiriutnrHte with hitr. N. h. Wtii be reiJy for df II very on TVEUNRTiW, 21st aft. 12 u Viii;i:i:i,LAS A A LADI I : H. SILK UtlBIlELLAS FOR GENTLEMEN. MISSKS AND LADS. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS CHRISTMAS PEXSENT3. rOK BaLR BT WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO.. U-ll-H TSa. aQ MAHKET Bt. rSORQI PLOWMAIf, CARPENTER AITI J tlStr, o. 1 f AKrtlt Sut, d M. UI hoi iw w wa u Jiiitwririiuiig ftgupw m t s JJOOKS! BOOKS!! BOO K A ! ! I Tbe ftttertMon ef the auhile ( dlrarted In the fine ortrnmt ef new nd pojHlar booka oa hand ao4 fur ale bjr CHAHLKH WIjHIIjVJGII, Ko. m IIRHNUT etrvei. A larre ard well aetiflrd 'torli f haed-MMrtetv VnndaAd flue e-.p's a of all the iUndnrd worka ol Die day, deine4 ettftiiii) (f.r 11 MH IM HINO THK AIrRt,UINa IIOMOATr,. Alio a vailtv f duveniie), I nj Itookii. Oamea, f'hotn- rraph. Aui.iKrai'h, and hcrap Jbuini, liana. Bible, layer iKsokn. Ac, Also on on band, ibree to nf thr Popular Cbliieiedamt, "THE RACE OOir&SE." T) r only seta In tre rtinfry not tn private hand i ui' k f. u lfpi'y oa fee IMh lnUnt, d pftTr afrrt ptn'f. Map f tho "ate of VirilnJa, Oil, HK'i't'M. nr riilroadi, .Uo. At. r bfiwlnjf tb lit ItJ DMll, jioit (hui. rrice I Iny I nts. 12 If. !'t Xo. t'MP.MVt'T Street. M"' J. h. ;iiio r-ea'rra to fall the full!' at'.rrd-i.n parttfulatlr t a NfcW A S 1 1 (MAIIMIM) t K I I UK OK 1 : 1 'I O. , K A I'll V, Intel tiittuoin ul y law' IT. (iTHf)N'S I)CU1!I.K-!'ACKI) CATU'I Arr flfitrcn th.it. In fid ill-n tofnllif no-.-rliy. r:.n,t ''if n, . n no rni n., vtUrf my'i. ujw inaK . Ti.i i ( i I." LtiUittiiti oim) at G I H 0 N'S riioTor;uAriiic oil galu: itir.?, No. K'H CUKKNIJT hTHKIOT. All peri on i in. nn. mo ItiTl'ed to call and exanlne i",rt 12 I- fit fj' u t ii i: t ii a i) i:. 'J he I I B1.1CA1 fOSS of UKEWi-U TILIioTON, CotnIftlt'iT r-f WOKCKTI-C H I'lf'TTON A I. V, W'U. SI Kit M HCU.I.I.I;, Kill I.MJl h 1(1 M.l.ltH, i.l. -til HU AN A ItlTMM I : T I ' ' 71i hr hIm r hi' nnjilied to the trftile ! y )jiAiiisi nKwiiiVKn, K i; S J-; N TAT IO N ?t O 0 K S 0 F App'elfin'st Nfw Aiimticrii (!rlon ' c.oi.i il isi oi 4 i tiui.t a ial and iiuiiici-r Am-.Iot9, T.ilfl. li. i n-tllon Ken nl. ;y FmiA Vwire. H ii'-hmj ton lrm;t h wori.ii- hue etillina. CMr " Novi Is H 'nn rated. J.I.V,.,,, Unrki h.trntid. It arun ft'ri ( tilled Hini N. AOtiv Hi h Hlslnry f,( the Hull; HI;", t.i tTii lr. m tin- I'Mfntiili'-t t,..tl i n , I. Mil anil Miaduw nf Siw lini k IMf ttir, 'Inl'iiii-j, Aluritn a I'lsloiy ot h i.ni.1-, A(ji: (I I.f tin, I V. V avcrly N..V.-U I'luMrftl tl. Mnk's.t'jir" t. W'urkn. J'n-M'ett orhn. la nm Th lor b Worke. Ui-Vil H V. IKK. T rd Unroii B WorI;q-flnr edltl'.n. IJ auiiitxi a WorfcH- 1"v.iU. At JAM KS K 1 MOS Ito.k U mtns No. :UM hlVTtl Hirjor. f-tci'iid nwiry. 11. -A liberal diHonut n a-h un u'l iiiin Ili- ch. 12 J' gl'ECJAL .NOTU'i:. nursiiv .A.rrii.i;ytso?sr, No. COO OI1KSNUT STU iKT, (nr.t.ow sr.vi sTn.) lint IUe llest Ats'irliitrjiit uf Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods In llio City, ftir ClirlBtmas l'resrntt, tueh m 8C.KKB, KCK-TIKS, GLOVKK, IIOSIPIIY, SlffttT, UUAH'KliH, KUSrEMUKIiH, c. li-IO-M U H L 0 U (J H S , Odlcers and soldlors i-Isltlnnthe city on riirloiifbs, noedlnK hWOKl'H ANI OT11EK MIl.MAUY IfjUlPMES I'H, Are inlted to the extonslre ilANVrA'-vri'KlNl H 'TAtil.lSMMEVr or GEOKGr. W. SIMONS & BEOTCEK, 8ANSOM tsTUKF.'l' Jl.VI.I,, SANSOM PTEKBT. AIIOVB IIXTU. T R K W. N T A Tl 0 !T EWORT1S Mnp to order si thu .hurtrst imtlri.,wtiirti fur ru'hijOsssil inf mlkriii'it chsnniirn tmoi-iitltlin. ri i i.lhir houni. In llin ri.iinirv inn tilnmii lis MANIlSAI'limi Ml J K iVKI.KU WIl'H IliK l-HAU'lil'AL lV0llU-MAKi:i. l-U Oi.OIM X-t JUL. JilDiWi'JEHiN, KTOCK JIUOKEU, No. 7 FARQUIIAR UUILDINO, 11 2fi Sm WALK UT BTREKT, I1K1X)V r init), PCT1KO AND CI'LUNO STOCKS OS COMMHSI05. PILYEH AKD BANK N0TE3 WANTKU. IE EAVBI & mOTHES, nvtr uo. o g. rnnin btrp.e jA.iii,iiu, DuiiMay & cjo., BANKERS, STOOK AUD EXOHOOE EB0KER3, He. N, 8. THtHD BTBEET, rhlladulsiilv Rtockt su.1 Leant bought sodauld on Coanulsslon. Ua currciit liant lloui, Coin, Ac , bo3i,-ht anil told, ftpoolal attcnUon paid to Ida purchase ajid tala of Oil mocks, linpotlu ravalvisi, and luturiitt alkrwsd. at per arou. nient. U-USui gTOCK! AN' I) HX-JCUAIX'A'IIUHI liOt'OlIT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, DE EA.VEU & EEOTEOIR, S-8 Ho. lit) H. Tlllltl) HTU .KT. (MlTH cc HANDOLl'H, Wo. 16 8. THIRD STVUiET, liNKKKH AND liROKKUS. Hiiucis.Blceki.lJi till no asters' Vooclicn and Ctitcka, aod all Uovarauifcnt Bucurltlei Bonnht and !tld. mill ji,ai ltfiirv it c;o., HAN1CEHH, Ko. 121 S. TniUD 8TUEKT, rriLAiiKLintA. CoTornnitfit Bi'i'itrittct of all Ittuet riciasM and for Bala. BUictt, bund., and liiild BoukUI ami doldoaCora- DUtlOO. LNTtKKST ALLOWED OX DEPOSITS. CoSstlhmt PrompUjr Made. M-t SALK OF NATIONAL. LOANS, No. 114 B. THIED STREET, rniLADELTllU. NEW uinhted states 5-20 six per cent. loan. Tht fabtorlbars hntn txsan the saooasttal Biddm Sjf a portioa or lh HEW t-IM BIX IKU OKKT. GOLD. BBABJMU L0A.B, tn iniarl loutrar M oa Amnibi twnntto Ibakr stuwaart.la avis or smal amoariU,la Bonds of aatwaalnaitons tt MM, MOs, (M)s, and lUMs, fMtk rea-lstared and eosBona, Tbt IiiStrMt tatiniinaa en Ihs M 0 Boraaabtr mm aad Is ysyaU la (old. atal-uauallr, oa Sua 14 of UAjr aaS Bovasuaiar, Al MAr OororiKMat BototttlM oa out and (broalo, aM IslonMlloa (rrta coaisiamliif Uvottatauts, at oui JAY COOKK A CO.. Xo. 114 I. TUian STatrt, U 1 N U. S. 10-40 JAY COOKE A CO.. crrta roa sale nut NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BKAHTHO FIT! PM CTWT. rTH11KrT I OOI, rtdrmatlc aru Una after TEff TP.ABi.al tn slsaaur of the OoTeramtnt, and parable rOBTT TRAM aflar date. FOTTI COITOB A XI) BEOtflTEIEf BOWTMI sr I.ar4 Hr Uila Loan, of tame denomtnatlefl as Uia ft So. The lntriit on VWia and lion payabhs jrarlj; on all ethir diaomlaatlons, half yearly. Tho 10-40 bnnda aro deled sfarnh l,ls4 The half 71 art? later! hllltiK dn PiHenilHirl and Maroh 1 of aaeh year; intU lat K.tw set, he arornM Intietl from 1st of Marco la r,t.'ir"d tn be r aid by piirnnatnra Ui Sun or tn i.biial OT'MuaarT, aitd tnw ftrty pivoorit r t'n.mlnm, antll ftirttior nutke. ALL OTIlr.ll UOVr ilNMEMT SIX'LRITItS DCIlMIlT AMI 601AI. JAY COOKE & CO., tnh'tl tf Vo. Ill H. Tlllltti HrnP.l'.T. 8;jU,0U0. 850,000. STATE OF DELAWARE six rr.n cmnt. c our on ijonds Tl.c tiiitliTslinid are now pre rarcd te rurnish Ihra'sw fieriilt In lets tn suit j.ur' hasers. Racti lioad it of it. iiiQ.ii:aiton of ONK TIIOIHANU IK) L, I .AKS, 'Il,c Coniw.ns paviiblcon tho flmt dart of J annarr and .Ittv.at l'l I lnil--" i.h in Kallin.il Bank, rhlladtlplils. Tbe Luiiilt. arc il.l. it JrfiiLiti; 1, lss'., a ml arc Tree of Klnle tax Ttie ulu.li1 ttn'-iint authirkcd ts one million di!lar. of ulilili a luriiC iiTlli.i li.is ticrii aln inly .Ii..,..i!sd of. The SimIo ot Hi lawnre In ln fri c fr'.tn ilv'it, w lili thp er!.,U iii ef Ihlh loan, mill ft tin- liiit-tnipiit ntieot 1I1C tiltVot and 11101 1 Ut biralile tuiui iiiuH ngw obtaltinb e. AI1MH.H8, ITcLIAR & SOU, ps-o. 117 aiAiiiiirr nt., 12 ir, 6t WILMIN'OTOM, liELAWARti. jyICIlAlOL. JACOllS, BANKER, No. -IO H. Til I HI) HTUKET. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. STOCKS AND firEVIU BOUOUT AUD SOLD ON COiTMlsl:05. JJKNIC' A I'l'X.iIJ, 6 AUGER AND COOPER, No. 205 H. iYatisp fitront, bnlow Wulnut, riniacii.mii. fi .ltal'nn Ttrrinitr and Wine Casks, and ntt klnis nf work oiiulcot' old and m-w atufT, ahias ou band or made to oritir. Ciml psrkcd In hofrcneads for tMpptng. AU ktndt of trimming puucttiatly attcndud to. ll-ft CIA.llIC' BEDDING WAREHOUSE, At No. 15 N. ELEVENTH STIIKET, 11-SM1 PurLAiiBLriiia. JiWUNU A. HOOUEKACn)., COJMISSION MEROUAMTS, AND SITir AND STEAMBOAT AQESTS DOCK STUKKT WIIAHK, rlULADkXi'UlA. spvnro a. somas, AHIM1SA1 11 r.KTTV, arai nkN T. aotliaa ! tat-tf WLLCOX k IBBS' 'M SewiDS sMacMnoa. Vo. 715 CHESHUT St., Philada, QIlOVEll fc JtAIClll'M HIGHEST PREMIUM H M Vv' I N O MAC li I N H B, t-li M,s. 730 OfiKhNTJT Htniet. QOAIj OIL., AKD 0TI1KH lMCOUPOnATED COMI'ANIRH, ear be t rrr'li-d at lowest asth pHea with c.i.iinncA i m .' ktiick, iiumiiii noiiKS, U'lUtK I.l liilfltS, nivii.i.Mi) nnoKH, ae An Ao A foil a.iior m.nl of .ample, . n hand f.r tiifeas.TM to telirlliom. Kilto(otaf UouilluiiiaiCwt Uaatmol Muck W. G. PERRY, Manufliotnrkg FUtioBi-r, IJ t. YT. eororr FOLKTU aad BAC1C Mts. juitti;n uii.we COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Mo tts7 CHKSM'T Htreet, corner f KiTOiitli, K.tkltrtsh-d ls41. Ilicorporsttd WV,. Torn, Ueu piepared lor ttie Couiiuu'Uoute aud tlutl nri. 1 lie. Tlurou-b aijd priie'leal fn.tnietion lo III iliK-MKIIMI. In all III branrhet, at praciLaod liy Uie beat account nit and bu. iu.. nieu. l'ENMAWHHtP, rtaln and Orn. mental, It tuuaol or on 3 of tbe moat rvn petei tet'i.emiien. I'oo'ii er ui i al.si'a'lona, Comnierc'al Law, DottcJa CouutertiiU liotel, e. Tt-IKOKAPIHMl i Ronnd, and oo Faper, Uniut b s long-otporlertca ll.el uu.r. Hiudertt tnttnirfed teparatelv, and refelTtd at as tJAiu. Av.Tilii' Ke..l"nt atu-r rti.pti.uibi'r 15. Cataloin.et ronttllDK Ine nini't of 471 tludentl, teno, Ac , Him .lio.l jrtiu oa application. Xl-lTtb.li.ll a, H. CIUTTEHDEN CO. VOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN TO TIIE i.1 ownirsot'prtinlbet horelnanwr described, that wnu of re, re Janai npon II ,o lo low uik Cla lut Sir fatlm,, ai.aln.t ta d praniliet, will be la. u ad atr lures uunUai tioui tiili itnti'. uniMtt tmd o.nimt are paid. LLWllJ C. CAtiolDV, Atlornor for Claimant, Ko 'J.S H. HIAl'll HireaL rtly to u.e of E Iliaikley vt. Andrew IScNi ely. owuw, Ac. I'. V J nun Term, IsiHj (to. l). LitAnd Annul alabW on norilieatl tide ol -I In, all turiM, kat aoulheatt of Amt or .titet, i li eieenib Ward, ei.ntalnlni, lefoo.fiuox, and i lael iloi'p lo Atulur sir net. Claim lu for pasuiii. an. ti. anuie. (:. 1' Jiuie Term, 1 ts.4; Mo. S. Iil anil lliree tlorv brick dwi UiiK on aoatoWMt aide of Aul (all attitt, and Uertlmrit tldii of JCmioe ilroul, 70 eat friml, J feel deep. Cliilin H 'iu for puliui. htilne . ,an.o. C. f. June ferui, lieH ; Ko. 4. IxM and lliree tVy brink dwelling on aoiiltieaat aide af Auiber inetaiid aoutliwe.t .uie of AblKall auoet, 30 AM (nail, 3U fil Seop. liauu ul-ai, ft paelrur. Same ti. John T. J..u,n, owner, .to. CP. geplember Term. lsi; Kn Ml. Lot of (round and brlek SuUdliuj, alluale on noriliweiterlr ftirnar of Ulrard avenue and MortDQ atreet, Katbteeiiih Wnr.1, IS Stt au Ulrard aveaite. t hl dm p. Malm lii, for panto. Vanie ti. aanie. 11. O heplomlior Term. IMI; Xo 4. Lot and eeL'arwatla nortbwetl iide of Ulrard aTtnne, beirliinln( at Ull feel aouUiweal from N.trrlt atnM, hlehteemh VV ard. Iheuce oorU.we.l paiatl.l Willi Alortoa tlnet, SO hat S InelMt lo a point, ttience eaal 41 feM 4 Inelwa to a point, Uience norlheail 40 feel 7H loeliet lo Vorrti ttreet, llieoce aoutlieat alena Horrlt .IreetSA feet ti.Otrnrd avenue, ibunce aonibwueterl alone Ulrard ave nue 101 feet to pli.ee uf beginiiui. Ulaiui t,w-sl for oavlnij lO-a uilill ri REARURY DEPARTMENT, DECEMBER 1 10, ItM. f olic, U Uereb j (Itmi of Bit roadlnose of this Depart. Blent u redeem oo preienlailnii, by pavme'tt In lawful nionry, or Ijj eoniereloa Into boitdt at aulliorlttd be law, tee Ihreoleari Treaiure hotel eariu UiUreit at Uie rale of teven and larwe-toatiiftier aeniuai, laaued nnJer Art of Jul; 17, InM. liiitreaiwiaeeaeoenaU .llebl ra 1017 Xouh not te aeeeealod. aAter Uileo Uuutk. from thla Sale, atwktefc Hum, awWr ti e law, tbe rtatit of nioeef. St. eeaeoe. W. f. rKinKHUKS, U-le-lvt aWonwVj si tu Tfeunre. 1SG4. isai. GLENN ECHO MILLS, OKRMANTOWN. McCALLUM A CO., WHOI.MALB CARPET WIREUOUSR, No. 0O CIIKSNUT HTItlCET, ruiLAriELriUA. 1S64. m. McCALLUM & CO., HETA1L DiarAHTMENT, Ifo. 10 mESNTJT BTREET, 11- -u wroifTB innitrianiEitoK iiall. yil.SO.WS SKATK DKrOT, No. 4C9 CHEEliUT STREET. Jntt reetlTid, s fun ttock of t.i!ii's' Fksti 1, riiilft.lclrhls rinli knc, I. outs' Skates, 11. stun Koekers, Tre v snpurlor, llr-js' Mmif s. Nun Yiirk Clnli fSliHt.s, Anil I'nrlor r-aatet, all sli.es, hire nV ran l.e accrminodatcil with a liiptrior lat,, rn m a rliolrt tiUcnun. I'lllLII W1I,H(1 CO.. IM lm tti rilKNMfT Ulroft, rtill.i lelptiln plULiA D-KXIMUA. H 1C A T 12 I) JO 1 O T . LESLEY A CO., No. 17 MA UK KT bTltror.T, ."OLK Ad'ENTS roil C.torne't ChalWni-e Hltol Skalea, relet cr't In proTtd l.ntlii' and tirntii' Ah.iVa, n ( .'lark's Patent Ladlct' and Clenta' HI Met, riimpttm I'atnt Ettentric Ploo- fihtca, Dtialtr't I'ttirl rion- FkaK t, The Amr1ean Patent Floor kate. A fall asii.rtiiii.iu of all the aboTe tt.Tlet eonstsntly on bind, at ill at alt U.e other vark'. ,va i.f ETI.F.L AND WOOD-TOr SKATK3. Tratl'i ratonl Self Ftllenlnr Bkatet-fkalea wtlhrnt ttrai t, 13 H TOR SALT, WHOI.KSAIR AND HftTAtL. AV WX-VJJtl A H KiTKH LADIES, QINTS, AND CHILDREN, NKWUOIiU II. TItOTTlOlt, 11 KI lr. Ko .51!) MARKET STREKT. r'III' OKIGINAti SKATK STORK SMITH ii RICHARDSON, Hlirn of tlio "Hltttto Jloy," No. (ill M AHKI'jT STUKET, Have ftir ale, Wholenalc and Uctall, the largest und Imi Htock of S 1C A. T K H In tM r Ily. TtiHr wtork comprises eTorr ponsl lc rurlotfl at hi at irm IiiweM iric-d. H.Blin, liuktri' nkattv, l'h'lf.drt,thi KkkiM, Krn It srd'i l'.uitKii Hktes, "Norwich l lit jior skutvii, l'iljr Hkatu. SKATE TLATK3. SKATE STRAr.S. In phnrt. evrr tMne prtfttninif to Hliftte,anrfPTry vnrifiy cl Hkn'1 uihOi , un tn) irjf irttl t :ht H jn (-1 the A-.utj l or,' No. tll.JhlAitKKT tiei-I. thu Ulcn.i kai tfijrf in Uie city. SMITH a nteir MIDSOM. N li Hkntu Oronnd and tt. pnlrod. IJ l l-tl L CJKNTS' AND CI HIiDIlKN'a FAELOR AND ICE SKATES. J. Ji. SHANNON, 11 2? wem lm Ko. 1099 MAKRBT 0T&KBT, nLltKK'B OFFICE, COMaMON COUaNCIL, J 11111. ADKi I'lllA, I'CCramlmr 1. lKd4. In purf uance of tht ni.eii;a inolutlow. U. follow Lac bill, to itltd tBRTlNO A I. OA h '! I'AY UK PAI S TRFIf?!KW- i AVH IN I UK KAK hiAt AM) fK,VI )'H VKARH. Ii ter. out-rihed, tn cct.riiauc witn Uie act ut Aim-fc-'y, ivr putllc txiloramUtAn. WM.F. BMATX, Clerk of Cuuuiiun CouiiuA. AH ORIllNANCR ClirATINti A LOAN lo rnV rRHTAlV Vt.iU IKNCiKft K THE YKAH IhOi. AM) rUfcVhll'rt V K A 1(4. Portion V The f-tlect unU imiauii Cuuoclli of tho City Of i'liiiftiitliihin do uiiliun Ti mi the MH.vor of rmiitdclphlft b and be Ii herobj au Oinruto utKiriw on iho crt-ilit of the city, from inne liuir, kurti mninl iiioiii at amy to necerr for the lftuient otmuh tltBrifnc-ii-f. os row exif, r whirh mij i'likt on tin-llrM itai ni Jamjary, In A. lo the ai'tiropna -tit ns t ih- tvi ml di partnirot of the ct :y g v. t nmont, (er the y ur tiyliitcn huiutr-d and i niy-tuiir, nr for iro viourj )rr, nm t xrfi-Jim In tt. whole Uie luin of two millions tlte luiimriU tlxiiiistnil doilan. forwlii.h Into n.it.not to rxc d the ra:o of U p'r centum pur an a urn, till be paid tiaJt viat 1 on thr iir-t ttavi uf Janit-jy and Jbly.at th 6 nice of the Cuy I rvaiiirtr. Tho primipul ot s.tid loan sti-ill be pavaole and paid at ttie expnation uf th.rt i-aia l oin itie iiau of it.o same, ami not bcfiT without tli onnent ol f hoj ltn tiiercof; and t)n-crtin utt'h thi rr'ur. in tie UMial lofn of the ct-'Uninitri of (My Loan, otiah bo li-u.-a In tuco amoiu.tf m thf Ifn.tem niv rjiiiif. but not . anv tro ttonal urt of on bnndrfd dniurH, or. If r(ii,ietl, t Au o truft of flv lnitulr. d or one thiu.artd ioiUrf ; nd t hti bv OMir in Hnid eertirlcutfs iht dm aul ',$Lr, the. f ii Liwimnid, and tbe Hitertst thereof, r pavalI frtr Iron all tavt't. hiHiintiV. w hi i ever an loan thai) be mid-bv rlrme thcrt of tnirctri.il be by fi'd-uf tiiin ordl n re nntinallr a,irn j risiitd cm t Hit lt.aiuv f tne coiiiorutu r.ut. i a t fi niii li t si'in raiM'd tn- taint on, a mu tit. lem to iht int n rbi uu faid reiiitti-aies; and iho f under an ot tt n-e-u nth, of oi.e pT ren'um oti tie hlue oi titili ctTtnirtnidH mo linut'd iiifitt bo appro trlnlen qun ily out -t IttU Inc me ml taxen to a mk li it itit'ii, (-hell nind.aro Ita acruaiui-tini-t, are hi-roby fi ml iK(jta tor u.e rlttupavU aud painaJi.ol sud cinitcattfe. UKHOM'TIO. Tc pnMlnh a Loan Hill to pav Deflctenfles. Hf'O'vcJ, I tiat the ( t-rh ne a 'tli r t Mudli-n In twn dt.lv i.t im(1ei n( th r:ty, datiy, lor four wvnas.t iO ord" lie i ii'ifiitcO lo i'( liuuou Couut.ll ott Thurda, lnc tufit r I. Iff 4. full ltd An OidiDan. i- at it)-.' a lan to parCer'aln D(flcl,neleti of 'lit t-r Wi. a d prt'Viuns ar).'' And il o sul i Cit rk, mi tic ntatrd m in of t 'o'lnetli, a it's i tl o fii..i tiiiou ni fuiir wfp.ii f "ui tin' tint drw m -.aic piiMK .-iii. c, ilml pii'icnt tti thi. t'lMi'H'U one ofrartim caul n w-jjft.c'i fur rrt'i Oar In which tho sttm-' tif have bjei utad. li 1 4m DF.PARTMKNT OF F17H1.1C inO-IWAY, Uin-t,8. W.oorror W ALN L'T aud I'llTH Htro-ia. Vh ; t. a if i.i'ii i a , tier ni'ior li, irtt4, JtOTII'K TO t'N 1 K A?1 dK4. Pealel Po)nsa s will to recuvoo at the office of tho Chief Crninut. inner ol Hiittiwt.-Ti ur.tll K oL-loi-a H. M., oa Uotiday, linn Inst. ; tor tho comtructi n of a jw-r on the lno of hiaietBia tr. et. northward from Wallace fctieet, to Moith nejt, to be of trl, circular In fun. wlih a dlnmter, liimdv, uf9 feet six inehe. Tne'o will he ao lDlJt uf caht Iron, at the nonhwe. corner oi Hl Ursih and North -tree's, aud one man hole; fie entlr length to OoatH nfioi) feet- Tho andcr landing to bo that the CouUeutor shall take blUa piepered anaiail tho pro. prty frooilng en said sewer, to ma amount of oavertr tlTfj rents for tarh lli'oal fotitot front on earn tine of tno atreet, In pavaieiit tl oiolor. AU liidi'ets uo lnr tot to ho preirnt at the time and place of openlnc'aesatd propsttla. Kaeh p ropes el will bo acconipauisd by a ortldeato that a Mondfias boeii tiled In uie Law Department, as diret-ud y Ordiuan.oof My 'M lHoU. It tb lowest bidaer shall rot execute a ooaiMct within Itvo dava afier tho war t awarded he wdl bo deetaed aa decllulof. and will bo halo llaixe on his bond for tho diiler uo beiweea his bid aud U.e Dflkt hUihoi bd- hporifli aifous mitbi hai at tuo Devon aieut of Hurrejs, which will be stdrrlr adhered to, W W. AUKOLttY. 11-11 mwaM CMof CotiualsaluAor U UisUwayo. nORESI HOKSKS! HORSES! awiaiumaaTaH-UBMBtL'a Ornow, 1 Kiar Uiviriiop, Washintom. DiM-xiahor 1, 1HM. nottoo. ovHabht ft-r Cavalry or Art Ilia ry aerrloo, wiU bo tarebaaed alUtesburo depot, 1m yo tuAraet. Ull Oeeeu ir SI, 1 4. lloioee wtQ be iollver to Oapulot.Tx.wrr MoorOs A W. a ,aod be solirUd w tiM MaiCiveraat ttupee Un befcHrs brtns; aotoapiad rrteoefCaeatry Horeo $171 each, frnoo of AnlLeje Uorseo $lhu ak. m?iMm wUi bo UfUMle too aU (6) and more. JAM A. FKTY, Ooletl In Chart Fleet Nul-n, 19 1 tft Qwfrtfarauioiov Oetiotai'a Odioo, OiMfl rnn CANS teachrs. tery bu 'UU parlor, ptat tt bf O. P. IfUrloa Oo., at the Rouud Ti, rh ram, A- n- ajwivine, attd lor aio 0 It. K, Vatri. Be. lrt ft, W&aMriii. tfloBa Ol-FICK OF THE IF,r0T QUARTKIV MAr"T.R. Kopt 1 t vavwrwTn Rim, Vorembr 10. TtH. rRol'OHAl.H HiK ARM V 1 Ka N HI'O K 1 A I f . fa rd PiemtSi I wHI b re!i frt nt ofTW antH ! O'eifrfc W, the ?let diiT f Ufremlipr, IM64, ff r the Tmnitporis'lonet Military NuppUia during tho year On thr loHftwInf n nl'i Horrs he, 1 -Prom ToHs I.eaTenworth. T.aranile. an4 tilf-y. and other dp ts that bit Ii rtiahitshid duiine; the Above .. ear on the wit taik of the almonrl nvr, i rth f Fo'rt I.eiiernworth. and sntith of Utltinf "J d rrt north, tn any pote nr itiiilr n tat aro or maybe) ethithed tn the Trm orien nf rhrak a. laVoh, Ifiatv. aid I tan. south of latttuUe 4 di.rf'i north and east nf ! it tn i t M4 dtLTra writ, and Id tho lorrltory of Colo rsdu not ib of 4u dpn-rs north. RUM. r tn stnto the -et pr 10 p- otidi per TOO tn'Trt tMrh tbfrvtlli tranop'irt said Nt-res In earh of the rnnnil.slrwn April to ftrptember, Inoluslvo, of tho year K"i tb Ho, f F'rorn r"nrts ,avenwf.rth and Rlloy, In thi li a e ni Kana, atil the town of kanas, in thi iiatn of Viorl,tn irti i i or -nations thut are or asay bo esifhllobtd in thr State of Ka-isas. nr In the rr fory of tiiorailn, nnntti nr latttmle 40 d'L."ei n rth, drawipf ! l-ln a from Frt Li av nw. nh. and to f ori t'nion. N. M . , "i ni hf r dpnt trat nut i rit-kfi4r' d in that Ter nt rv.to Fort .rirNnd inc I-. anv otnr i-otnt or fMilnta on the roa'c, hicldert to state th rate per loopounda per ml i s at wii.rh th.-y vhl t-animt said ston-s In ea h t-i the nmuths from A ru to Mrini'mbfj. im:lusivo, of the te ar 1:.. H"t n N. a - From T ort I'M n.or inrh othar depot at niftv h f-tah l hel In Ui' i rr itnrv ol aw M- lm Ui any p-sts er staMnns th.tt are or mrtv he t sf fh,hl 'in that Ti-riltiiry. am) !' Mich posts it sratiotis ai mny he di ie ri twl In trie '1 err,i(,rj t f a rl ? -nfi i d air I . xas we.t ot 1. ncittnJe )i .' di n-n-ri wht. H -tiifri to it t tue ram Pit no ihu.Ii per 1 rnih -t nt w h tf ev will trniporl finl s on in c of tie no nth from Jutie to HoTomhcr. tiir i , i f tl vesr IK The wint tn be tran-p -rted en h year will not evened 1' ,.t(rs. ..-riMl on hoi.t.' No 1; U n'in-tn pai,uj linn' t ; a-i.' ' KH'p u d . n I; .'ite No :i, Nn n'l iiJ-.iu! per- fm.iLf w ll ot d r.r t'te tranportft-tl- pni ha on, hard iirfud, puip Mnm-cr, hhtniU a. or any tl H om . I'kIiIits tl rniM (tre fh"'r narnfr In full, in well a thelf pljue- f re ! rr, himI om h Ji n: nl r-hoii il le ar.om I rir ti! h a h nl In the s un f n thonarM .ni Uiri , Mth'neJ h twoorniore re'p"ii"tt'le yr n, t iMri.n-e' insT tl at, i .l' a ("nit in t ! a" aior.l f r tin- r igi inrnt n-nt d In the Tf'i'inI tn thi' p.rt 1 1 i r po 1. ti, mtni.-t wiH hi- f.e-ren-vit mmI end r- il nto, und if o. rtvi ij!l' lent n'enrltv fir rnsr n hv fun) i-ariK".. in accordant o w ih tho Umu oi thko advi ri.seui ht. 1 1 .iinoont i rh-inili ro (hIt' d ill he as f- Uow . till ( oi.tr No 1 ,OM,fOr) (in It lite Nn 2 ;ini,ml f n Koiiie JSf ;t i.u.ir-O Ratidftfti-rv rvldtiH'i' of tuv oaly and sniveney o -,irh hiiiier sq1 pij-Mjn otTcivd ai t'i iir.ty wiU bo re quired. 'r i" a1. mnt h" ernVi'setl "Pmpfit .'s rtir Armv Tran-por'a- n, hi tite No. I, 7. ir A. is the t ne in.iv te. r. I n ne hr ri.t'-M a m tl (in1 11 'ht t fully r.jiLply witU ail thf i i 'i ii tv pt in i of th ad vert im m nt I artle- to wlmm ewar'ls are ninIi' mat preporrd to eirrulc oxntinrio at onre. an1 to tlve u v ri.iirtHi boodo for thi l a it I ful p.T'.r nt it r of iht torne. (oiltiiits i)l he in ide itrt to the apprn al of tho tjnarti rn .isti i tiepernl. hot th' r'i lit T st rvtd to reject anv r all bids thut o n he olti rid. t'onttfletnra imint l- In ri'ailme r servlee bv the ftml da , of Avinl, lr and Uity will h" ri gtilri d lu Imve A plaie f.f ntvi i c I ' at nr in th" vlnult. of Kt.r'a T,e4vrn v of th ana I'nlon ar d i.tfiwih-ii" i-m1 ny htetblsheJ, at wbnli Uwy ii,a he tuuiuaunti ati d w.t.i proiupti and rteiti ,y. I-.J o !r of Uie tjuartr'tuaat'-r (lrneril. u c. iionoF, II V'-Xit Cap! and A. U M., U. H A. CUrsisf;NCKliI I'ICKt U.MIhD STATES tO Aiuiv. No.'Alhdt TM S-not H u 1 1 m i m; k , Mu . Pefeniher Hi aled rrrna'. in o i ,'! 1 1 hu rt- ci oil at Uitf oflne until 13 M., on TtU'lcU V liiM i'intM-r tl, A, for I ui 1 1 1 J. ii'M U'O I uiied bta'ea puin itenc 1ol annua, with 1 ' I. H Till tl'S A K1 (Vif) IlKAtiOKiKMlJ, FAT RF.Itr CAT I I It cm th hoot. Orliv. rt-tl at t' P H'aie CattltJ Hi aieo at Ha tin-ore, sfn., in lot- ot t mo thf.uiand eat h jv rv ( lo, tt'i iJn; a , to tit w i.'j il wui tnono und a hnU drj ahvr ann-al, at tie ri;-ri-j nt the contractor. I I . 1 inttvt a ernu at ml t KUi) h'n.en hundred ivmnda i;t- it- rt ("i r I all Tn ions; Khort l i o ) one t iMUHiind and tl'ty poiimU prrHS wou. t. HulN, St oxt-n, Cowl, iluif tr, r.nn IliiriiU ns i ait e. will hi- re.tcrcd. A itfiiLfmnof nn iH) iniiiiit tn im made from ttis) we ht oi each Nt-r ac ep d uu tr this contrae. pro v :i f.i U'f hi, lu al dot s not nfaru in th.- per two an J one ha f roam I . r In iiig Mvit'rl. or i nut Wttuhed luUUO rite. after ri imovaI from thei,(ira. Itlnuk frotr H tor pn poa ra: he hnd nn app'IcrtUofl at th' ftiine, tinier In pwie.'n, ly mti or t- 0-;rrtph, Pi'iom n ht ititurtpti, or i th.;r trrtU'iir, in form al pror-ofuis. win rot he n-hiered. 'I lit i .overnnirnt will risMtt the rl jht of welrhlnir an? otic anm nl sipara'e, If tti a)e'anoe Indiraiea i:na HfiK't than the li Inlinntu niciit oiifd alKvt ; tho 0X-jimi-i- ot wfifcuin,' will hu iuid hy Him piirty LTruig la jiul( .ient, r a I. I hi to irrure c iv drrnil- n mi'xt con'aln B written inirrtiito iitiwn ri-DoiiMhie rsurii. tit fojiowa ; we ,0' tietoui.tv ol , Mrtlo of . dt hrtlyi; liimrili'i' Hint ti (-t are) aMn tn fnlf.1 a O' litiaet In nrcoroaiu-1' with the ternis of hU (nr their) proii siih n, at d shoiihl Ills tor their) proposition ho aiititid, lid (or they) will at once enttr Into a con trail un HiTO'ii..nrj t r. rrw iih, and we an propartd to be- cm' '.is hec uilten, y h iit voud ami auilKleut bonds foe ltd fu 1(1 Un i nt. Tt-renponnIMMty offtto Bitaraeftrt moot oo Fbovm bf Uie ottiriai certificate of thft 'lecao tiie mareat lMbto4 t.'ourt, or of the n-.iieilftiot.es D atiiet Attoruoy, to be oa- rO-,td with U.e hid l.M(!rr tniii-t h-- prv tent to r'-.. rd ti their hldf, antl pre) arod to plre bunoa aud su.n tl.o i:oiitractooforo Icaying n. o tti re. The t.m eminnnt reiTva u nsetf he rtght to rojeot 9tp or ad bidb coiHldt red unr arm aOta. ra.Tn,,f nta to h-made at'ier eacti d lirerr If fnnde ttJf) mi t ai'd; If nor.ii on hand, to h- uinrie coon us rucolvei lMililiTb v. 1 1 eisH .-iie pf ic i, I.' l avnient la uiale ra eim t'i.cy, and alo prk t it ma e in '' jr.iikateo of Iuikbt etliiesa. IT pooals mtmt be nrtnrei diM'nit'y "J'rfipoin'a fof Hfif fa"le, ' ard arilrn.d to t:iptam J. U. tHluiau t;. 8 , lUHin.or' M.irviniid ' li a h d la in the name of a firm, fhelr names and rtiely po-t office athtruaa must ejipt a' . or ihuy will nut oo ooa alc' ered Kmh punuo or rvery mi ihiit o' a tlrrti o'lvrlntr a pro r-sainuit acr 'TipAii It h ono ith ..f I .-Klanc o tho n.ted "latet (iovertimetit, If he h not already filed ouo In tt is ofhee. Ail hitls not compmni; sf-lrfl with Uie tortua oi thl1 aderUsDitiit will bo rtiw t d J it. r.n.VAV, i 10 KH Crtpta'M and (I. M., U. H. A. OVFICK OF ASSISTANT Q I "f A RT K It M A 8 l-r IHMrn-t vf I'tiiladitplna, Xo. 7.1 iMAlilviir htrrtt, lU'reuhi-r 1 lK-;i. hcuko rrooa!t will he ledivd at thia oTIco until noun ot MONDAY. It'cutiht r ?fi, I I, for f 'ruhniiin tiio t mifcd iMrt'en wl h (uravv, vi : t'orn, t)-itn, I Iivv. and Sti aw, for iho tvv of anuiiAla hi ht uu'iile siti loi- at ttila pil or dutrir', Ineltidinu On i.er, Kort Mlillm, Cli-snut Hill. N mitiWD, Htul.l.iiHt-it, Kevt-rty, S. J., White llnll, mar linatol, l'n., Horn Mill, ant uuy other locality w iil in tiif roininHitd it nt m iy e diri-c o I, for the period t'htx u onth. riotu Janiia-v 1 ' A I L'ra n to he of tho biM fii;iitv, rt i iiri'li to th- tiofhi'l ot afs, arid .'iS pr til da ti) the hiuht 1 of Corn. Hu v ot lu ttt iiiahty tlinolliy, H-ra id fVHt ina ity. Km o. W hem, hi nmr boudjreJ All 10 ho 1jum i ti d and M0ro. e ' de:lvi"t d. rrojiHV wi.l utittt' pi ire per tfifl p. iimlH nir har a rut straw, and p'T hti-t.e! for (irain, ihlivre, at phtoo of conMia pt n lu such nuantli lea and a. such tlmoa aa ma be on' err d. The Tinted States recr.os the rulit to reject aQ blda deemed luooMtaiibie wiU. Ita ttti AMtKltr S. AHIIMKAD. 12-16-(2 t'ip'iiln and A V M. K AVY ltPA RTMF.N V. lii UkAl; ov 8Tr m FvnrvvFttiNC, I l'ceiDler, lsM. Ptalod PropopaJs wilt he rrct'tv- i hi this Huroaa unt! meridian, .lanuaxy lu ISfia.f rihe Iron uotcrihed In Uio loilowinK CHhSts r- 'ae1 tud muti he tnaitu tor an u a lire rlnisa, ai d the pru-e to he a 10111.4 un f'T the cibhs d i JiVf rtd at the renpt-wtiTe Nvr urda No ptyment will be made Hrttll the whole .eli1(-t ; tlellvury to cora lui bitiin iwilveda Hf er n 1 mn ot a ptaiu of hid, tv pmces-d c mu t ahy, a d lite w!l ut to 00 dcjvurej lu two monih 1 h "i after. 1 he ooti tract will he awar -ed lo the lnwot renponslbto bidder the rn ht he iu reeeiYtd oi 1 ncciing tho lowosl hid Il It he de. imd etorhitiint. Tbe usual unaranie wl'l he . c 1 ilrcd and tho con tract win te tiaud tti) duy the n tlce of accejitauoo it Ifirt-n. I'ritited tched-ilt a and instri'cl.om cm be obtained b apiilu atlou 10 tht iii't r u I'r. p' r-aU iimn he ill eced t' t'te Chief of tho Rnreaa of hteimi I ntjlni i rln. , and e oJor d ProiO-ala for Iron." (hat thu bjh be d itui.-ms . 4 itom oihvt builooat lettt-rh. Thy foil-. wii( are tho cl i- 'i .inred at tho respacUra eNav v 1 aiua : TT .i Oi Yam o. 1. 1M plates UolVr lion, 7-n;. p. m lnoJita do do 31 H, M 1. Uri du If? do o 1 1:1 in il 'a; do di I '2, 4:1 ov ii. do ti do do il H, iv r, iiu d' li do d i :i K : i I f., du .Hi (Ifl S'I f ', I 1 'les, ll0 10 do to . 7 Hi, ',; tt it :i iin lu do do ji h ;y Im 1 .1 io 10 tin do a I'-, hi ort nn '.'1 do do fi N, 4 li Vt d i :rJ Co d' 'a -i.ii. t't d ;rj do do at r a 11 du dJ 7-Jd h.brlli ao ti d l do 7 11., l 1 I .:o .i dt d 7-M, W l 41 Ut h'i do do r, it, A 1 7- .I Ji 00 t!o I :ti. . ii hv d AK do do h Y., .. ., do I'". do do h II. . h .r , d. I-. ;f (q ft 1 ft t-i tv io Id do do U 1 , W do il'J dj oe ; id, - Mi J i de '. K (lo do 'A , V "V ' tlO V- fly do Ii s i'" i y 1 t d H do C fl It 4 I U'l do 90 uo do Ji H : " o I 1 do 1.' do tit. .i !; rii I, .:) ih) 'J hi- ahovc lu hef ' h - 1 W A -1 1 1 N t!lA.1 ni ilttie Irjn. iv,vr pounds bent A't ei i . 1 .tf ti p.Ululj. bust All., it tt V.lt I pout 0. heal Ado r ttn ,l(l p .Iltl1'. hl'-t AI11 lii kl, A i-t ii ihiuuiIs ht'Hi A a,irii a - tia'i- ''r lrn, V itioh. 1 e ha iron, S loeu. ue ti 11 II U, 'a i 11 0 :i . 1 I" tr 'foil, ".''4 0. ii, Iwh 1. '. ..r 1 nn, i hy luc.u ' -11 n. 'J br V incii. 1 I.t ih pounds utst An.' r it h'i I fin iiounils heal A 1111 h in tat tn r ir-n. 1 li hr k iuuh. Ifft'.tMkt pounds best Auioilt au r und b-tr Iron, IS Inch, f;o Ntn p.mi dt bent AiiuT e 11 r. u d r Irou, 1 Inctt. IU u' pouuda bal Anierioan rouod bar iron, Jt loua. lu ltQ-U s sU iua he rri"tt-d WAMUMirOl t'l.Ai-s So 3. 00,000 pounds bost Aint'icui I iron, by ft' luchoa, Vt InclieOt lti toot Ion 1 vv tMll.tiiTnli, I A M Nil 4. 4000 poind 1 iron rfveta, 1 , hy 1 1 lti inch d'ametof , inKi do do y II 'd do 4000 do do i by II Id dJ iiAW Oa do It uv ll-l'i do Chaki .K.irovrer. t.'l.ANH NO. 1 234,000 poHDtls beat Aiuonoan boi or flanre Iron, from 5 II U inch Uutk. tu suco daut-iialoua aa iuab rouuUcil. CH AKleRTv) A K. t'l.Aaa io tt. M.OOO pounds best Aruerh mo ruUu t Iron from 1 Ineh to 1 lucb ulauioter. In lei if'us a tuay bo roqulroU. C'ilAltl Enrofa t:i aha No. X 10,00s) poo mis best American r nu ili bv 4 Inches, ttio tC lii uh part to be huh thick, and tho 4 inch part ) Ucli lUtk. Tnt ImiK'h- at may lit rotiulred. CUAK!tKt.ro. VLAH Ni, 4 . , 11,000 ponndf Boiler lUvwu 1 luoboo lonf and Vlaca diameU. li li uU CIllEr QUABTEBM ASTFsR'8 0FFICeK,T t liaroT of vTaMitiMuirotf, I WAaumaToN, l. f:.. January 4. la, f Andealore ra lrua.llaidwaro I suiwsr, Xotbr,Orloe Foreitare, Uaras, and haddhry. are-to-iaeawd U sew4 to this eftlco, ao tue atOIA . of aara woek, a aale4 prw poaal or Iwi, la daplhate.of tbt arua'os tnay aro prepaol U (WBUb U Una tlepot at short nuilco, with too price ef each a.ikrd lm plain nKBr-.itit, In ease tho ealaenolea, of the stw vice reiairo 1 .the arttelo or arUsloaoaa aw o taltird wlthoat dalay, at the low.i prtco. Dt-aieis wiping te sell tu Una pw wii bo iqaUfiaW fur u UU Ue Mat uuaotuaily oj atoi dsy aornlag. i h. hiYKrn. lUlgaer-tfeaerai aud Chief gaartvrmasMS U l lnto Walw4i '