At THE DAILY EVENING. TELEGRAPH. IIITiADELPIIIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1801. 3 , 1 f THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, IMt. KT M. ASKI.EY. I tATi1 behind his elbow rhntr, My loft lintids rct npnn hln hair Hair whove Bllvor if tltiarer tn mo Than all the gold of earth cuuld he ; And my eyo of brown IxMik tenderly down On John, my John. The, firelight leaps, anl laiijrlia, and lvtirin Wrapi on both In Its ruddy artn John, a be sits In the hearth itjim red. Me, lili my hands on his d'jar onl head Kiicirclinjt ue lint It, L'ke a ring of troth, Me and my John. Ills form liao hut In cnrlv ernce, Wrinkles nst on hi kindly ta ', Ilia brow no lontitr ia sin.intli and fair, For Time hii left his nuti graph there i Hut a nohlc prio, In my loving ryes, If John, my Juhn. "My love," he any, and lift hi hand-, llrowned by the sun or otln r htmls, In tender td-p on my o.rn to lav, "How long ago was our wcil ling d.iy " I umllo through my team, And my, "Years and jcar-J, John, ill iir John.'' We say no more, the firelight glows, Ho:h ol'us muse m wh it .- who knows r My hands drop down into a mute rare.i, Kuril throh of my heart i a wish t l le-s Willi my life's licxt worth, - The heart and the hearth Of John, my John. V. (. Tim . JjGIKEEAL SIIEEIIAS'3 ll V Ihn lll'l tore tit hntnntiHli. I ' The Ilehel force in Savannah is under tho coin jtf Biand of l.lcutenant-Geni ml Hardee, wl:h Major K; CJtneral 1 ih k Taylor, of the (mfedi nito iirtny; ? Si Wjor-f creral (iutaviig W. Smith, cl the (ieorfjiii I 'I Xlilitia, as his Mill -rdiiiu'es. Major-i n., I J formerly 11 division emiim under in I.ongstreet's t I Corps of's army, but relieved because of a jr""' ilifPrnlty with I.onj'strc t In the l'.ust Tennessee, aaj campaign of lust year, oninnmnds the post of ravitnnau. ii iauier-uenTui mereer.oi inc con federate nnny, commands IVrt .Uikson, the Itrongcst work on the Favniimtli river, execptim; 1'ort I'nlaskl. There me not many regular troops In Savannah. J They nro most'y militia, everv citizen capnblo Of bearing anna having been put in tho ranks. . . . 1. . . .. .1 . . i. 1 . n a, aiiioii iiiu mini's iiirivinu me iLucoria uegu jliars, tho -I Ti ti (ieorgia Volunteer!), the Villi Geor gia Volunteers, cevcrai .regiments of what are called the "Oeorgia St itu Line," and two or tlirco lirigades of miUl'a. Oh the 2.1 Instant, after tho Imttlc of Honey Hill, on the Cliarles:on lliilroad, tJentrnl Hardee ordered a portion of tho Kohel foree there, consisting of ono brigade of militi.i and two regiments of tho "State Line," under Uiistiivus iSiti it li , to reinli ree S.ivann.ih ut oneo. Iieauregurd may also bo added to our prospec tive captures at Savannah. On tho 7th he arrived at Charleston trom Augusta, and pro ceeded to the scene of hostiliiicsnt Coos.iwatelile, On the Savannah Kuilioad, sineu which ho has not been heard from. As General Sherm in was to summon the city to surrender on tho l.itli, and if not complied with, to open his batteries at once, we tniiv hourly exprn't to hear of a capitulation Or an attack. One thing is certain, Savannah, with its garrison an 1 its twenty-live, thousand inhabitants, cannot bo reinforced or supplied, Cillicr by rail or water. It must spoedily tall. The Truck r (lio Army. In order to Bhow the extent of country tra tcrsrd by General Sherman, and to give au Idea tl how terribly hi army made Itself felt upon 1 the resources of the State, e-peeially those which arc rjcpincicu upon to teeu the nonet nrmy, wo ' give a list of tho counties) through which tho army marched, and in which it foraged and oh I tallied largo liumltcra of able-bodied blacks, mules, mid horses. That these accumulations ( vioro very large, is amply proven by tloneial tilicrman's despatch, which says his "first bu-i- lic-s will bo to got rid of "the surplus uegrous 1 mules, and hordes," they being an iictuul iucitiu, brance to active operations : , rnftlntinu in m,;1. Cotmtir. fir'. aim'''- Afirrintr. LFulton (Atlanta) 11,472 2 II " l.V.l'.r. Fawtte, D.O.'.'4 li.OI'J 7.017 H.fillil 10,078 7. hi ui 10,702 1,1.15 I, 1,1 1,13 12,910 11071 I I, 320 10.71) III, 291 9,107 H,32d 9,37.1 0,07S 10,121 9,9)7 12(1.12 l.;0U 12.(ilS 4,5H.) 9.H20 2,137 10,219 17,101 H.271 5,(iiS 4,755 31,013 4,015 Spalding(Orillln). Tike Dekalb Henry .l.HSt) fi,8.)6 b,lH7 ;(,si'. 4,722 2,(l(l 4, .115 3 7 111,177 2,H 4,(121 tl.l.iS (1,!IH H,'M r,:wj 5,ill8 3.SS7 4,(129 7.13S 7,oo(i K,3 H 8,137 C..123 2.MII 6,379 7.18 C,(I41 12,UV2 4.WII 2.102 2,lfi5 11 i)7 2,37'J Mutts.. :t,:iHs Monroe 6,77rJ (iwnett lil,:)S.i Walton ti,l'3 'ewion 7 .H 12 Jasper .f,7'.l Dibb (Macon) 9,.Vil Jones 'I.11S Twiggs 3,ihi2 Wilkinf 0,4S Jlaldf (Milleilgeville). 4.1I!I ' ji(EatouUiu) 2.HS7 trail 2,'.M .Cent 4,a.u ilancock (SparUi) 3,0.7 Washington li.luii Taliaferro 1.73 1 Warren 4.411 Gla-cock 1,(179 Jellction 1,174 Durne.. Scriren Dullock :il;nghai Chathuiu (Savannah). f.,113 . 3.744 . 3,.'i0'i . 2,190 . 10,2 1(5 . 1,030 iiryan. Among the towns and villages that Sherman visited were tho following : Decatur, Mc Boiiough, HilUboro, Jackson, Forsyth, Grlllln, Covington. Monttcello, Clinton, Madison, liaton ton, Milleilgeville, Greensboro, Sparta, Sanders , villo, Craw fordrillc, Warn mon, G bson, Louis ville, Wuyncsboro, Sylvania, Springtleld, Millon, DavUboro, Guidon, and llillsboro. ' "The T.tnplre Plate" of; tho Southern Confede racy, through which the victorious legions of General Sherman have pushed their rcnistlcsj march, tan until recently enjoyed exemption from the actual presence of war, excoit at a few points along her coast, and on her northern fron tier. This has Ix-en of almost Incalcula ile advan tage to tho Coulederacy. Vast in territorial extent, nud unlimited in resources, Ge rgia bus been, ever since tho commencement 01 tl.B war, the granary ,the storehouse., the whence tho Rebel Goveruiiient drew a largo sha'O of its military supplies, l'he foundries and Diuehiue shops at Atlanta nnd Macon woro kept employed duj and n ght, running out cinuuii, and every si ecics of uiibtury arm. Tha loss of these foundries by tho capture of Atlanta, and the ion of Macon, has indicted an injury upon the Rebel Government which can never be rimcuied. I Viewed territorially, Georgia has a good right to the name by which sho is distinguished in the fcouth. The area of tho State ia 5S,000 square miles, or 37,120,'JoO acres. But, such is tho blight ing iniluence of slave institutions, in 1H52 tli population of Georgia wiu only 9,t ,00O, Inciudlug 59,237 slaves and 32S0 free blacus Two years earlier the State of New York, smaller than Georgia by H00O s.Uara miles, had a population of ovt r 8,000,000. Under the energetic iuliucnco of free institu jotis, her vast mineral resources would Lave been developed long ago. Genrgia is naturally divided Into two great sections, which aru ' generally designated as Upper and Lower Georgia. Tho latter, near the ocean and the 1 lornta line, la low aud swampy and uuhealthy. The better portions are well adapted to the cultivation of rice. During tho sickly soason this region is uninhabitable by the whites, who take refuge in tho low suud hills or dunes, tbat occur at a short distance from tho coast in parallel rangea of forty to fifty feet of elevatioD. The climate of these hills is pleasim and sulubrious. In the vicinity of lirunswick growl tho fiuest ship-timber in the United SUtot. The northern section of Oeorgia boars a totally different character. It if mountainous, and rich in mineral resources. Gold , iron, aud copper are very abundant. Little or no cotton is grown in this section, the land being almost exclusively f devoted to the raising of grain. The coast of Georgia ia skirted by numerous low islands, which extend parallel to the shores. The principal of thane are Cabbage, Ossabaw, St. Catharine'!. Sanclo, St. Simon's, Jyklll, and Cumberland. These inlands have a light, sandy soil, well adapted to the cultivation of cotton. The cotton grown here is the long staple, or, aa it is called from the place of its growth, "sea island cotton." Tho inleta and sounds that divide the islands from the mainland and from one another are generally navigable, but too shallow for ves sels of mora than one hundred turn). A tropical aypeet is given to the islands tj several specie of Jow palmetto trots, TvY.ff Ported from Ilabat that the Snltan, , Qtrreaentatlon of the English minister pkw had agreed to remove the proni' UVU Of COtWllt BI A 1 111 1. r. '!. v. From M Cinrtnt i Cini" it. The following Illustration of the wonderful effect of a "little story" upjn the ndnd of Mr. Lincoln Is worth the dignity of printing. I heard It related by a member of Congresn, whoso words 1 flinll give as ncnrly as I can remember them : Last summer two members of tho House, fn 111 Maine, called upon the President to have a friend of theirs, a colonel in the army, promoted to a brlgiubcrship. They enter d 'he President's room, and found His Kxeolleney in a humor not the most lively or ngreeable. Something had evidently gone, wrong with him, and he win no', at all plea'cd to reci ive the distinguished visitors. Nevertheless, lie rose to greet them, took them by tl.c hand, toM them to be a'rd, nnd askc 1 what he could do for them. "We milled, " s lid nnc f tho honoriib'es, "to h ic Colonel , a gallant Ulcer and a worthy 111 in, promoted to a I ro'nilier general." ll.o 1'resiilent crossed hi lcri, combed his bnir with bis lineers. and repli. d as If a little trrllHti il,"l'd re'l'orsce you on any other business tl 1111 that. This llrlgadivr business is getting to be n tt n iblc berc. I'.verv man wants to be pr 1 mtid,!ind the fin t is, I cun t comply with one n.iicst In a hundred. I'm gcting ditgnrod with unh applications." So the Cong-cssmen let that subject diop lor the presut, and rather than niaUe an abriit departure, which w is the I rst iirpulsp, one ot them ri inai ked, "U'nat is the reus from Konttiokv, Mr. Lbn-ola ?" "Well, H i not verv good," i-aid the l'resi lent. '1 10 f.'ct is, thiro are three kinds of peoplo in Kentucky nf.e is the Uiiioni-ts good and trtin, who viili stand by the country ad the time, another Is made up of SeccssiMui-ts, open un i nvi'vid I. chi Is, who don't pretend to be nuy tl.ii tr el-e : and tin n tin re Is a tl. ,rd, tlia' wavi r l e'ween the two, anil is sotneinucs ou one M.ld and sometimes on the other." " I I nt n in 1 mis me," said one nf tho litcnitn; Co: git sutiicn, "of an old wnrn-O'it preacher, wtio was going to retire from the ministry. In preaching his valedictory pennon, he said tha Itiere were three kinds of people in his con.riegi ti in g. ful pinp'c, who were soro to g to heavi n, bad people, who were unite as suro to lm the other wav. and a lar-'e nuni'ier of foksw'io wi re too irood to be damned, and too bad to le mved." The rrfsiilent smiled, rubbed his balds, and reiin sled the Congressman to repeat that tory, w lib h be did. lie then pul ed a c.trd an I I "ticil oni of his pocket and sanl, ' Let me see w bat Is the nHtne of that limn j on wanted pro moted .-" 1 he name and rog, incut of the colonel was duly chronicli d, ami next day a brigadier's con mission was duly made out and forwarde I. 1 his Incident ought to go down to history, in con m i lien w ith others w hu h have been transmitted to us trom hundreds of years ti.e k, to show wh it trill ng rvents sometimes utlcct human Ufa and destiny for weul or woe. Here is a brigadicr-gcurral niaJc out of a culo nel through the instrumcntnli y of a lit'le story, but for w hich ins eagles would never Inn 0 been ch..nged to stars. Who knows but that the pro mob d colonel ma)' be an cmbryo'ic Napoleon, destined lobe ilommander In-Chief of the Army of the I'niitd States, and that but for his promo tion his talents would have lain dormant forever. Talk 1 f the cnelillng of gee.-e saving an ancient c ty fioiu capture ! That's nothing to the result that may wait upon the te ling of what the worn out preai her said to his congregation, ami Mr. l.iiu oln's ai prceiation of a happy hit. ac i iTTti. or 11. r 11. ititou . The result of tho court-martial In tho case of fiencinl K. D. Brown, against whom, in connec tion with his conduct during tho lato campaign against Trice, charges were preferred by General I'leasonton, is ollicially promulced. On each charge, and on each specification in detail, tho Coiut found the accused " not guilty," and there fore aeiiuitted hltn. Msjor-Oeueral Dodge con firms the finding and acquittal, and directs that Gcnirul lliown bi) released fiom arrest, resiimo his sword, and report to Dep.utuiout qunrtcrs for orders. General Brown was arraigned for alfl'gcd dis obedience, in failing to relievo the .skirmish line of Colonel Winslow, then in face of tho enemy, ou the 22d ol October last, near Indepondenco, M i.: further, in permitting lain command to fall behind so as to be unlit and unable to engage the enemy, when ordered, on tho 22d and 21 1 of tho saum mouth. Ho was also accused of "neglect of duty, to the piejiulico of goori order and miliiary discipline," in permitting his command to strag gle and become disorgnuized 011 or about the of October. The Court evidently concluded that for what evi r failure or apparent neglect occurred, General Urowa was not justly censurable, llotli hu and his Irieiids uro to be congratulated on this full exotic! alion. St. Louis liijmlilicitn, 19th. F.iiuUnIi l ife lu (lie Kightociitti Ontnry. 1 think there were in my time about lour or live of the richest and most fashionable of our young Indies who took a few lo-sons on tho spinet, and about as many more w ho learned a very little draw ing, in very bad tuslo; but the parents of tho rest of us would have thought it not only extrava gance, but presumption, to givo f uch showy and expensho nccomplishuunts to g rls destined for good housewives. We all learned, how ever, both minuets and country dances, and I well remember that beforo our grand annual ex hibition at tho master's ball, snch of us as ntturc had not favored with tho high forehead then esteemed as beauty, were obliged to submit to the application of u strip of pitch plaster round the edges o 'be hair, by means of which it was torn up by the roole. We had other penance to mu'ergo, unknown to the damsels of these happier days. There were back-boards, iron collars, stocks tor the feet, and a (rightful kind of ncek-swiag, in which we were suspended every morning whil.t one or the teachers was lacing our stays,; all which con trivances were intended and imagined to improve the tigure and the air. Nothing waa thought so awkward and vulgar 11s anything approaching to a stoop; "Hold up your head, hold up your head. niifcs! was the constant cry. 1 wonder auy or us kept our health ; we had very little exorcise of any kind, w ere tight-laced in very stilf stays, not suiliciently warmed in winter, and both coarsely and spaiely ted. 1 1 he cinct alloy ot ojr social enjoy- nieuls whs the suit and barbarous coio ii'Otual which then accompanied nil the common actions of life. From the retired life that they led. and the awe and subjection in which they were kept by their e dere, dnmsela had then n degree ol bssiiiiiinebs, or uw kwaritness, 11 you nlease. of which it is my private opinion that the accomplished young ladies of these days cannot ven tinman idcu. Imagine, then, what it was, In the midst of a formal dinner, after calling for beer, and receiving It from the servant, in a cup or glass by-the-by, which had proviously served halt the company, to go round tnc coinaany. crying out with tiu audible voic, "Mrs. A., your hi aith ; Dr. li., your good health," and . so on each person, as you proceeded, 1 lying down their knite una lork to ou reauy to ucKuowicdgo tue Compliment! 1 have oiten si t almost cuomng wun inirsi, but uuito unable to summon courage, for the ope ration of drinking. I remember once seeing an awkward' girl surprised by the approach of a Inalih as she was in the act ot picking the let bono of a fowl with her teeth another graeotul piactice of that duv who auddenly dropped both bur bands, aud sat unite a.iil with the boue across her mouth, like a death's head with cross-bones in the border to a bill of motla ity I It was even worse when w came to the wino alter dinner or supper; it was then not suillciout to drink healths; a young la ly wouiu otten D required, in spite of blushes aud entreaties, to give as a toast eithor the name of a single gentle man or a sentiment, l'erhaps some such Hat atfairas this: "May the aiuglo be married uud the married happy." Lucy Aiken's Memoirs- Letters from Frankfort, says the JVn'e, assert that negotiations ure going on for the sale to the Trench Government of coal-beds far more exte nsive than those of Saarbruck aud Belgium. They are said to bo iituated in Germany, in a dis trict close to the French frontier. JJATIOSAL OIL KETima COMPANY, Capital 200,000. 20,000 Blmrea. 310 F&r. WitTtOM HALO 5 3. VAJClOBBf. wiTfvw MALOwn, a wan unvKuarm. MKHlRli O IUYBU. ) f JM. J. LAHAHrCala W. HlJUuttiU)UU, J at., I JAUklal a lAkHlBA iA2.lA.kC KB t. iiMAJi. mimits TBOKAI 4, LAXCUTSQa SICK VTA KT. rarer c. mrimf. Tlili rvmpii-f it ftf-ndfe mea a nbituttiiJ ami lafMI nut taatnattit btutt, and n frUn kidMniBU avaW bjvt iK4il aMurtiy Ax tevtiavtuieail thava mu r iKhM mm bulur U pbH. HubcerlptitMU r taow tuhtf rotveavatl. And Uafft fsorUoo 1 Otm bUmA la aaftadtr UMmk ItiMNiqi fifc ruvruj ntir XsMuimtwl, aa4 al kiAraaU oi- TAB. II. BTEVENSON, A HRiADir.n.j ii:rt t. nioc BANK NOTICES. 15T NATIONAL HANK OF COMMERCE run Aliri CMIA. l)TFinlr If) l-M',4. tt Annan) tltrt'nnftir I'lferlurt HI tcitHihr run net Housf . nn 1 H r HSI'A V, tin t.'iu Uv of January ail, Ixtwatn tii lours ol 10 A. M una I v. M JOHN A. IHWH, 11 W -stiitk 11-H Cafhlor. -r r skconh national Yank or rit I I.A IK l.f'll I A. rMAKsronn, Ptrrm t.f JO. Istt. Tt Annual F.lprttna fnr tHrrrttnl or tbta hank will ha hv'il at tl.c list Mi It n.r, nn 1 l'RHAT, January 10, Isfs'i. 1 1 1 n the toara ol 1'2 M arj 1 1'. M H ' it S W. li. liilAWS, rashlor. f AUK VMS' k MfiCUANICS' NA TIONAL HANK. I'mit . T't I'm.. DtwihtTr !, Thr Annul KiK ilon for luctM-'i V tint lia tk will he YtA ' il lUMiinn IIohm- on WrtlnM'Uy. U thh rtT r4 .mpdirv u l, Ittwu tUe houi uf 10 odUuck A. M r l cU-k V, M. 'JU W. Kt'UToN, Jn., f nhler. If X T- M KSTI IIN BANK OK rtlll.AtKL- MllA, rut i. i't-1 rm a, Tt rtMiihr 1!, ! .4, Vrtirt t rrr hr i-tn ,iti' tn ft t on i of t! i or tt c r.i-r,ftni sim-mI'Ivoi tni i imni nvt".ith of I'.-mi h an ui, 1 1 (it it U hi. " A ft MiHliTk' ti.e lUnKt ol th l Vm ! Ami rftMlt i Amih 'ail. in lor tUo purp .m- of Hiiiiknii; mi ut II t ot tit.- I ti i't I Stat.'-.,' ap.mirM t! ..'tl iln ol Aiikiiaf, .. I. WI. ttiat lh' "t.i.'hii'.l.iar r l! p W . n rn liaiili ..f I'diln '. let U t n v lti , U v.-tc l lo l r nif Mirti tn A 1 cifH n, an-l l ? at t i kh-t-th i.ii I M'. hi f. I tl p a in1 .m It ol t!i. Mtn rrmr m r tlinn twr. t ir1 of t! f MHj'lf.) ka., k to in tk tIia rt) .flirr-l II :''T 1 ill' Lafti tif iho I n t.l . I" avt c. n WYAWrT.,a-'-tar. IN Till', HISIKHT (VJfUT 1UR THE 1 nt ami C..UM ot I'Ki iilt'li.liM. J"IIN -f. ItAt 1 u f.l , . h"iTTI H I VANS A . flu, lllDt I Kv-.l(i. S, p C ,;ll.T, )Hl I So. ' C. Tl nn ill or p hum i 'I ti) f (Vyit to tfp.-rt tl.c li-trl-tuti nf i I'm id p-iMrc. ,1 t.y a ', trnl tt. r, mw'er II. a' o It , of ail i j,t c ila 0 (Nr- o tnr t tir.i-l. ui-mi io or ti ti in , ii.-n i.i,i!, i, 1 1, a i , . r i iff'' of ..mni, ni nut.- on th f ti t v nf Y icvtTh nr t at tl.c .tula iw of t trf r I. ia ii tit i tl a to! ! :-r l t . nn tai(3 Iniu Inr mi k ft i'i .l t i'tPfJ ir.ii.t . U I he I cut I- th nr.1 ot fie ti'y "f Ml idtlifta. i'ot talnii'k' in tr"ii( o hrrt'th onilii" tiM I tf -ti'. 'i titM icvfti'ipn f. t ii' i 'to. .tik ' n fio no. th n.i tt fio f -"iit' rim ot ha'f t'ftrt of an hIIcHm ta t fh iMti l ih who', depth ol tl)1 t' t-rrl.y r-tn'cl l.ll oi d i tt ndi nit tn ! njs-lt. or .: pth i-uMwrddt :htwid ii k ut t one lot ten and om hu f inr to t- a l"'ir ti wii'e a'ct.lea i',f irrihwad and oointminli .tilna, with thf ' ! t1 itc f. t h!i a I'- . cut' . rt t t: .v nrl i!:oin,i. n 1 1 of f v.' wilt n'trii i t i i in ilt t'.- i i- a,; "1'i'iifTU, E' f-i'AV t!,e -- fi i' Ifiemv, !.,. I, at ?l S "cl. l" ' M , M tin e.-ti.-e-. No n; h.l'.ll r 1 1 tn'.'t, I MlU'li lp- ia, i ft a; 1 i e rr nil p.irfen in' "rioted inn-t I" Btr-nt ihtf fiajn., or u.'-y w id i di uarrt-tl ftotu coiultiAi In n -am lii J. ii if. lit f 'if m r.. ''i.iiAN,:Anait-T. IN Tl Tiir conn1 of common vt.kas rm; V ITI AM' ' l M I'I I'D 1 1 A 1 1 ( 1 .11 1 1 . hi H N li. 1 A I KiN ft- Ii.r v t ir . nd. M" Kill 1 Muit-III-. - t.K' I ll I' A I I ' ' N . Srpn i, i hit 'I rrm, W.l. N A i In I n v or a. fe nr ,r J. .in ii't ir limlf, li, t ').t ititn.i'l h v 1 1 a tirt.Ht-hw vii si- 1 n I l or r aln. itui, -mill 1 I t ii i' i d in ii.o a'..i o i -f. .1- lrtlt duv nf lect? u'aT, ont, Ac, noiurii th on H .Ti U lv... .t I ',, i I... k V M. w. i. n w ki:, Holit l;ur for I bol uur. To '.vn.i it. rTpy, ltc-tpn li n I 'J 1 thin.' Tin: oui'iiANs' coruT l'Oll T1IH U I ..mitt ! t' Ii : t.i.l i't I't; 1 , . 1 H I VI K HI .1(111 s Ilt I 1.1 It. lip 1 V H e i 1 1 rKl thi ll e, H i i.jmi a tiil,.r..-rp.t O, it I'ltltl K lit 1 l.t-.l; mrvoliirf Trii-t ml. r II..-InB' I'l I. aeilni et el .li" UN I'.l I I l:it, il.i o.i-i .1. h is M ,il in I ln . lllee ..I ttiP I'lirK i.l" sail I'.-.irl.hs ill- nut ;is sm 1 'I rii'fi., an, r at lti. s. iiue ii Hi t,o pinuii, ,1 to ttu- .ii, li n rl on I In-'Jet it dnv el Jftiin ir v. . li. I -i-.'i. I' r i-onflr-iii il l -ti nil a t.iKiuico. tlilVIN A. .III IIHICH. 11" tUl i lerao. C. M AH Y ANN Ti l llll.l, A(i Al.NST I.KVI It 1 till I. -It ' I' . J. T .ls,, s. . i. n.,r. 1 'te. re tier 1. I't I. on nf 'I' I i-lil is K finvlHT. HI liiinci f..r ruin .ranliil In Ilia .il.nv,. nron li st omtelt tiJ,Hln.n eitllse win il. i-rei. ut .livere e d ri.i r I. ttui - I",i.ii .1.. i. I.l n,it In i'te,.,,t In tin. hIk.s . ,ti. t;eliirii,.l.l. H.iliiriluy, UciinbiT 17, l.s'(, ut In nciick, A. l. U S-tli !' JT BIIOWMAK Kit t C?., CIULDEn'S OLOTHINCr IMPOEIUM, No. 4 N. EIGHTH STHEKT, riiait u'litA. .r .' i. Wa roitMsetAi!! tnvlts rji octal aUantiua to our ele.'aul anionuaiit of CIIII-DRKN'a fJI.OTIUNd, Coml,rtbig HOTS', fllltLS', IirANTS', ana MIHRKtt' CUitlihig In aveijr rarivt, la las U.U-at atylaa, aud of anpa rlnr wurk uianaklp. hpuMal attwillon pat io MfflREW nRKSHUlKtVO. The puLlk era InrtwJ ui call and nxauiuia. M. yilOEMA KKIt it OO., n-llitnthlm Ho. 4 N. Eliitrrn STUBKT. IVosj, si oiil 5:i S. E. Owner NINTH AND ABC3 BTEEET3. WHOLEHAT.K AND RETAIL, Too oaa obtain it (Ms EiUMIibjnmt, WATTR rilOOf CLOTH CLOAKi, IIRaVKU " " THIOOT " " hitAvv Kmrmn - " JkliOTKtl llltaVKB " " tumciiii.LA " " AI.l MAI, VT IS fO TOT HTK8T 8TTLE ana of Ikt my bi material . ran and tka stock before jon purr!. Wi ahall tat M pUwara la waltUuj oa JO. II J UuudJm 1.1 Hi iy JOHN URE N NAN, CKALRB IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, AMD bll.VKU WAI1K. rilamoad Blnf a, Diamond Plna, DlamoadKar 11 ana, Amethyst and Irtam. Jtiute, rial leal Blnf , FlM Pearl Kloie, Oema' PUaa. iearf Pla, ptse Sua dm lea DrMuleta, Fine Oeute' Obalu, l Ua Ladles' Chains, year? Long Oaada, Ameihjat and fearl 8ev, Coral Beta, 11 d im Ladiea' Ohalelalne Plna, BRONZE AND FANCY GOODS. 13 H. KIOUTII HTItK No. KT Iiiomah a. jsc j. ic. liuowjtv. DBALBR8 1 Boots, ElioeBi Trutika, and Oarpnt Bags, Nus. 1034 aud 1040 MAUhLET UTHBUT. Onitomer work made to order. li a'Jtutba&w OLID AY l'HESKNT.s"! '. BCULW.l.t KMANM h CO., No. II N. Bltlll I'll Hlreot. are now orTerln;, at t,'ri-at iKralna, a toll aud ilnill'l asioiuiirnt or 1'KV COHllH, suitable lur Utli.lDAV riiKHKNTR W-AdKl.T and HK'ICIIB HUAWI.H. UttB-l t;i 101)4, In every variety. 1 OUNlKHIN'i ilonhs, in every rariet, Ctl.ilAKIMii l.l.tiTliH. Slc. Ac. One enea mora of thuao 4-4 extra bear; Uloaoned afuillllH,.'0caUl. (Jan e.o mora Mew York Mills Rleaehed Muallu, One oae extra heavy rtbiied Nliaur r lauaul. linn ffaH Ana Hliakur flannel. Hari niiie In l'lam and 1'uuj Fopllni, Morlnoea, Black ana coioreo aaiaa, ate. inc., ai 11 10-17-H-sl Ne. n K. BlOHTn Stpaet. C"0trTY'8 TEA WAREHOUSE. JSf A hatehtd la 1600. Importer and lie alar ta Flit Teas, WUiea, and Uqewri. Ctoloe llarana rtrara, i r.i.i A Blackwel's Plaale and Haaeaa JEoatUk and ootea Ale and Porter, Canned ateatt, rroUs. kona, ao yaT7Mestputapwttheai, at ag, iin n. nujvnu wbot. joauuA ai. ouuarr. BKIXEfiSUKQ MACHINB 'WORM, orricB, Tt: w. ruoNT ararrT, TnaLABLPHU. We are prepared lo aa ordua te any tartant for tmr wet A( UITOTRT FOK OOTTOW ARD WOOlBa VILLB, InehidMifaU reeaal iaaproTwaeau at Cardial, tpuuuu. ane weaviar. We atTHe ta atUoUea of atDaketarer t omrejtUa atve worka. Wi ii.nm iwnu now HrEnB T1KGIK WAX OF AHTILLK.- Yt TiiuiuuiurystJeiijMHiai rr i4Mntiy tog . wbtiMln , ftul prMrlii tho omplmn.Um. It ha pr pr4 fim put, whil wfc, k-nac K um ciJEftr-y ,utj- um vir rmtrrii nit u, uhiui n wn, rmir, anv aiU lrftaaarDl, i UP. I rrMA.I, 4f tlaBbUI-Se &n tmjavu a auiy f4VC. aw teak, &M tl prlf M, M, Altfl 7 Bt. HPUT eft i0.t aKtelM I.5V JUTl -tt uMi, a4 Jl.ii MfUHT fx WAVX mm m:- JJULLION CRHKK OIL. COMPANY. OA PIT At SftOO(XX. 2tO,COO SHARBB 8 80 PAR VAt.UK. AVorklnu C'uiiltnl, ttiVOOO. oitioe, No. 114 s. sixth stseet. M ALTKH J. liCDD. TRHAttTTHRR, DKLL lSObLlT, Ju, rTHrHHTAUT, joUaH ku131:rivs. l'IRUi-TQItH, WAI.TrR J llTtI( JAVIER tiRAnAaf, JAY l.H W. I'AliHOlf, u. i wo i.i r, A It M". K V. UMHOH M-l 1, .VUHL1T, ,H., JOHN RO I.JT, KIWAKl) Ol.KNIf, I). W. iiKHlSOS, 11. It. T e it. prrtTof tMi ( fny r inilrta of frim JV) l .Hi"' ti' rt'N it uti -. id o r trHCt, m Ik mhiiiI.'. wiia tl 1 im ll.t' l;t.tiM) 1 1 t , i ifii r miiJ t"i'' tiit- ino iW'i ii Hrriir ( rn' 1 1 e K. In iii4i iv ii ceu nl v , I'vtin vlvdtil .. It Iims 4 llt't lftn iti' I K llif tlVi I (if Mt'Otlt thri't'-iUrte-ra nf ft 111 m. W'tn ki .'ii ! tn k ttrrH' ry lur il. wl.nli- 4liiiun ll'ii lie.ti 1 re k j n ! 1 liTtiit. h r fur Itir A ih il ie li 1! t t 1 lo I'M -jilAf t T- I, et il 1U If. Illtlie-ililcd III I Cifi f v , ). nft th' hotteiin aiul 1 le 1 f wliifli 1 a:ii.ilf ., 1 f r li riMi A rvinv e i not lnU the' Imh (r mi ( il- II' 11 i-nli fr h .ll-t nl 1 ..f tilcut in' hill V nil'. ii'VrtiTu a lar. '.U'i1t-Ml Mtii'-unl ol tn)n' I t b Ti-tf . It P fil M-l'llKII,f'U' II I- t-tllll y T k.-fll a:it1 fi iltth rll'i)f 1 1 At tnr Indinn. -iri h;i, ;ail:ri .l III ll' 111 I I' i'lrl.e. f ,f I 11 IH ,!)- III I Ilia ro'iri , aVlei Ue el If r rVe MliHl ' rt TT Cl 1 1 (I 111 l.i t tltll''- tilt? t' I III - n'rtii i t I'QilirD Ir.tii t- iirnne aj if-it httft-.l Hn,i utp,, ift. ,.) h'i Ii 1 iifi "f Hi pi. in t ll tt a-.itli m tut liniiDft U f r Imrif. (ill hr u h r s wa. it-epn to 11 di- ut n 1111 nlr 1 f 1 fire iii V.r I'tuiK 1 f tl.c A.Ul,i ui ntr, an4 111 t-R ni Al.i.i'eel rn 1 1 rt- 'i'Mi rfA-cn. l1' re 'rt, t bnl'pvr thi: th ini l n (.1 tt , ( 1, P.- , 1. r' ,ii ft Hi e'i t- ie . ..f.r 1 1 :c n c iiimtii 11 if tin' at. a: a itkvi-h ci'mc hi i ri I'i in mii- VI 4 O' (.11 1 M III' I K I l t li list;! IT I4-M-I Lit itll t 14 nl I - (Tit Mu (f 11 t on th'n I't' l" rt , and lh r ui r j ie' n 1 1 tun ' piU ill I t 1 in' c ni.UH i'u t1 nn tlut uf 1 ill I'fi'i'k lUe ir. 1 i f tii riun-' lAiru l lu tlnit aiin .11 fnini o i ,0 tn tti (1 ti , ma-4' mi nil rui'K 11 1 1 r ri. Mirv uuiW u r fa 'ii.i. limit r r.iU r ll pre ( n in .Uunlile Im. oud ttny IT' 4U t build Of l- llll.l(ll!i-'II. A well 1 Bin t il"Wii ft'fiit 1 Ti fp't, t'l th tnM"j of liii'h, n l t ,i n f i rr , , ! t ,t ii.rii. K. tmt thr tli-in on t rri'il sti-'ir aue-iiii -n ;o v.,v nitni!;i ; 11 r . s.i.t. a- u i ah r ' t nr. ,U vr n.ti, ri.I in kt'mI ii.ititil w. o' Until, (.ah M ii' lUiniim im rvfri ni. An t'titt-tnA ta ain-.ui! tt up ,n.1 ylut g ,.11 it,t? t,rnio I. wtr , u, . i(, j'l pi tit fi t 1 m in, i,Mi nil ti a tiTt-vr A- :('.. ut t,r 1 ti I'rtny lc I i "ii'li!i ii t "f ternrtr g umul Mnw .if ml. 1 fit-1 iv an I i' iltrtTifit run 1 a i itir in,, ir Uiu Ink nt. e 1 ii,rer atle'itii' Mi'iiw Umii- ilnt. i. n v .'1'cntii ni f'f tl.e t'ouii-uiv ll bo nu-aily tiiflU tatnl tt t Te-rnl r)r iiinatun.-i'-i 1 - lil Ihf advutitii.'t' ui na't-r irami'-trtatl'n, t.-ilvalrrl to an Inm-aM' m iin jTice ! t It ft ia $L Lu $.' atv I'.irul o r m m Dtl ti-'-k. fd. A raliinail Mi priULiTiir vi-i thronwri te proiiortv, ce'iu H'M'i I v tltr v. ftv il KiMminnik' nnd Kri' wl:i he I nn 111 nnlii Ontr at, itiii-rdMiy tin ntnri't and nur4'ee Hi' ann id tratiBpnttailxn te the tuiie-rn 1 itiva. ,Ul I fie n- l 11 fifft u-owth ot 1 1 tj.uliwk. O K , an 1 llle )' lll f Tt lift tl ''e'Miail V l h- Hp "lip.ill.'l i't ft' lull lilt 11 a'i iIhIh nnd run I and ll-n it 'T rl an iiK'lui'uUl .1 tte ul prof t to tli C tilt: pan) tiy ll tir a ile M.i arriiiiii in i. r k rt cii at t'n tt!i-o m n 0 f-n 1 ur. or af fl.f 'in'ionn'i , m, ivhh'j nijie t, ir 1 y niiy of ti c i 1 r uti. i J 17 aiLiiait GOLD 1HNIKG COMPANY. CII ARTdLEP BT STATK Or rRSK.ITLVAtnA. CAl'l'I AI, S TOCK. 1,000,000 UIM),u)0 SUnr.ssi-fHr V 11 Ine, .-.,.,it-Jt)hN 14. ANDKKSOK. Llirvt'tni a. Tlioinaa A. ffcott, n. Kneae, Wllliani B. Freeman, Hlit.ert r. Klnn, Jotio M. niKiy, ti.rlee Pa Blleer, jAtnoa R. ktaj?ve, T O. M.Kowell, lUrriebiirf. J..tin W. Ilaii, do Jdhn llrady, do W W. Wylle, LuinrUl, WUUaui U. Hnrns, Ouionvdo. U. 1". KOUTllVt)UTir, SMrctAr mid Trpuatirnr. ornoE. No, 423 walnut btriet, ROOM 1. 5. Ai)tti-mtl4fttrt -nieclDiam hT btnprtvaiiMrfl Oom 10ml oi 'li1 Coiiifanj 1 lotlti, ajitl have brn wijTd by fro - fcraora Htx-th and tUairett with the nn KrRU-ytnn rwiu, FnbaerlpUon Bata Are now op n at tha Ome if tht .ta- pany. nd mt lh TrtniwT'a Of e Intomul KTonttat, o. 407 CHM-Mirr Htrc-st, rarmora' and Mrwhtuacii' (Una UilUtlnff. To oiinaJ tuberltra $3 H) Hu- aiiare par a ItuiHtjtJ ntatubwofahan-a. tVriilart.panipJilcts, or tnfurmtlo otn beobttnM at Uie otllM of Ui tJompaiiy, aftor tin- 17th Diat 11 13-Ma OliC A IN I O O 1 Ia COAL COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. 1'IIINTKD OIKUULAllS, Wllb tke Protpectns end Oookifteal Report of the property of Uila Companj, are now rcadj at our oflloe. Ttila Ciaupanj owns over VMs aeres of what Is kaown aa tte btet OIL TKRKITOKT wpoa the GREAT XTf IIF.AVAL la WItT VlHUtMIA, tad tfers large tndioo-m-nie te parties to anbeoibe for Ilia limited number ot Bhaioa offered at 14 pec ahara for roll paid steak, Uie par bent 114 per l hare. Tali price per abare la net above tte seartetalle Tain of the laiida, and U la e Unrest for tha tola parpniew In criailnf tba (adutiea ror development, aad win, behead a rruonable deybt, prove a erottuble tnveetmeui. COOPEB & GRAFF, No. II MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Pvilaoilfiiia. XoTtnubor 29. 1BA4. 11 t9 yyAeniNGTcn and walnot bekd II 4COItIIANV. CAriTAL e'o,ooo. 100,000 SHAKES $v (th. Bttbsaiption rric 82. 10,000 Share Reserved as Wording Cajvital. Office, No 314 MARKET H , PLilaaelpaia. Be. 1 A weR oa Ofl Cl-eek, new amrn le) kamta per dev. and b3ereaaur. he. I. A w.a ea US Crank, now over 900 feet dnea, wkfc laravi chew ot ell Neir tela la Ibe Cum Planter W all, wbicb ta now puraplai t barrel ef M per dar. Be. I. A wai. mm oil (jreek. ef feet deep, now naadr v tabKiv. wiui ipsenOld aw ef oil; eery proeiteelol pn duchis larnelj. . . Je. 4 ( tnt Inter eat In a tract of Ave Kundred aeres oa the Albtaaeay rtveri aU wiJIa. now pamuliai Bflj bar rvla of oil per daft. ; tliree eanre waS now ynuiir downt waa Dear a 11IU f river fro at. al ooil borlns urrkerf. o.t. AbalTaere el Tldeouie.aearue keouototte Wetta, wluab are now painplM eur barren par Be (. Bla aerea u lu In w.met bead, en the A Re. vieeir rtver; haunedlale r aarronaidlii Ula arupertv are Ojm priMUeiH weua. 'I bla traet will be devlool rapliS. HabeorlfrcVaM are now betaf iweelved, and a lerce pe ttoa or aba etuek alreadv taAeu. Tke preeuaeeu aad aB aWivnattoa eaai be ebialnsd at tba 0Oe ol (lie Oeamaasr, new at Jlo. 114 MAJUHJ Bueet. UK I JAMES liARlJEK'S waotaiAJ.a ab atTAir... Cloelc I2atti.lllirimente B. I. eoraar BBCOMD aad CUB SMUT Btreeti, Pbllad'a. aomct roa twb rATsirr BJQDAJUZlBtl TlilKTI-DAT CLOCKS, A very dealrabla article for CbarehM, Hotels, Banks, auntlnf -boe'ust Parlor. 4o, o,i.ANrFAri'Rr or rnn onx prhs. txOCBB KCralKEll AI WARRAltrill). Utiiak trtimnint i of every deaotlpllea 1-11 jy T IQHTI LIGHT I LIGHT I LIGHT IS A J I treat thlnf la tbeee dart dare. PlTI.Lnt Or.B'B FATRBTDIKirrHIVK RBKLEltTOBB, r both dav and aaa-Usbt. One Bedeetore aw windows with two broare we matt Bftit lhaa aU karaera with tba kind D"oal"ure faralehad al low rates. DayHtad keOaetera, aw BfbUnf dark raotaa, aad baaeawnt eatoea, aVa., wab oat Ibe nee ot sea. oitioe, 1MU1AM SMOKiaa TOIAOOOI ku Traa-rawOWB-BO Tobaooo la aaaafaatawaj front tnO dlfU fiiao41y fooftaWMd tualf io aj flitlnia oi k,xu--uaa Taorwo. Aatti VataotaoaJt and rotatl at yULCAK OIL AND MINING COMPANY, or WEST VIRGINIA. CI 1 A UTKHKI) lT THH STATE OF I'UNN.SYI.VANIA. Cftui'n, $1,000,000. $5 00 Per Share. TIIK MS f A I'FK (IT 1MIK CO Ml' A N T Ara W'a'f A in th lifurt wntrr of tin frt "H illfri-1 o W Virn iila, aiit luilUiHtp a wraith of olt mvatlT iur(iea-. IfiK th famad ('It rrefk rrf 'on of riaiiBTWanln. The t f.r ;;i'0 ACUI.M, All Ir frr I'mi'lr tltl ciin l-it ley an tintm-nt rhUu'll rhui luwxfr, and pr. noniiird InilUpufa elc), located In tn II kin I" n IUuni" Sping ami l(ti Kan.ivtUa oil d lrU t. Hnt. Tdr 1UI a d fariu nf the i ".J ll.irniin; Pirln ri fltr, cent; nl ut, onf on ttnndrri) atrn. lit lent prtn. Iiuilv id Imb fiU'f, on cxerv nl.ln, arc ilttiittd ttic in. i iit-rnpful fil wrlla hi Wt-st Virginia, and witi.ln al'.nt (: and a ta f tnlltn la !.rnfi'd thr widely rolr r ittd "I t .M,'ljn" and "Lltrnal Outre' willn, Uc fu-mnr 'f v :fd fltiwcd lut'y in urn I not'-' a a l ii (r m, iru i'Av. H rn tl.r jirr tttrat A iifti yU l nf i. c f r k now n, aJi.1 t 'j 1 1 ( nl'l aiir.'aini., b li In 'iiim liy anl -i mill j , ti d u t nf atij lo !;. In I'rnii-j ania. lt'4t:t d. i l.rtf (turn and ('M) ami In twn rttttra In tl.c icr irr r ll t i il r' Jen uf tl.e at Kvia Iia, jUt'ii,' wlui!' ft ll-r 1 Ofl li it-Tr.I tn in immfnic d t", an aMdc tlio at Mial diTMo mMU fVr o l, tl 4 at" raii'-ll at It ii. !i;f t.-rhtK a!t Wnrka ( t.iVcted t y ltiinK tt c lvtiuii um ia r mt.n a fttiiu rrri'lrn f oil. 1lu(ra.anf i-MHffa ht bfen Pictirt A at really low irii-M i'M.K'O In all), and ara df Ird dtrwt from r!Kinl u iifri lo U c stocVbuldm of the Vulcan Oil fw.d Mlulni i'i n pauy. Tbt- Tavlno an 1 Importiinre nf th Tpany'a ir.etirtf ni bt Ir.ff-rrrd rriun ti fact that Uaa.e fr aijtia.nj liu',wl Ii lart.-p ryctlilea of oil, have Inn told f r a btu.Ui frtater tlun tlio fio l nit euat nf th t ominny'a u Mi and if cte nifd advantage oua to the rock!mlirg, H li he Mm- ii that hut lilth' diM' i!tT w in'd ho e,orl l ut'ctl In l am nt.- a nrtt4in til their ternicry ut a tjutii and to ti.iy .rt atiT Uian the c at of tha ih"le. THK VI OIL ANI MIMIS I COHriNf 1 la rtni Urd at'd v, 1 he . niulnrtrd iih-ia wlih tin Tto-.T of af'oidli jt a at'urt nf srtn.uit nt li.ilntai profl io tlioao biiarr-U 1 ; and In ordir (i (Oat-4' tl e CiutitJany't oil In the maraai at the car'kat luoment, vlforiiui o,iraUoua will bo fi'tthMhl. btiion. Aa a i-ourco of addithiiial proOt to Uio uttickhoido'ri.aud ciouiii.odatioa to tho a.ljatnt prndnot'ra, It la puitxiacd tocrt'et a larfto ruflnt ry at such a ,iilnt and q d r auoh MPp tft at tho Director! ro.iy th ti rmlno will loitim Uie larviht rittiin. inp hm.dn d and twonty five thfuiand 'lRiri of afork nty will tie a It), and no ftirtlier ciilrtirlp'-ioni will bfi arenff d at any piU-o whatever ; Ihn rematnlnff 7l,,KA ahnrea ofund rUdurd to he funnily dlvldi-d belwotm r crii Inai ub.rrih.Ti at Mich a tluu aa tno Uiroot irH tuay diiio iiio.t adanti)gfma to Uw Intert'at of tho (niiaiiy. 1 I f Innume pwiat t ba tlarlvi'd fnm oamnat and pur cetarol orlLln la ahown hy the fa-t that a liig:) O nn pwij latliii)earpylnx to the otiKkhl Jem (f l,n',iy)0) one iiiillloii of doUara in eaah dlrldandi, bitnidt a a hand- oonu' rtii'fve for additional develomonta. Tha anhfttautlal Uidni-t'mvnta wii ch tho Vuloan Ol! and M.ninf IVmipaiiy oi!r to thoao dealroaa of reorlvlnif as L.toreat La a aouri'O of wealth that la Suw atartlltg tho whule world, aro of a charac:or that merit tho gravovl triiiidratloii. To pt rnonB IntiTcntcd r not IntOYOotod, ivory Inf .rma tloncni tarnlng (ho oatAlea of thr (Viupftnj, Ita work I tin a and prcipocta, will lo trrely glren, aud dettiloxJ mtpi and charta will tte cheerfully a ho a. fohulption to a limited amount of tho ituck (if not already Utkin) may bo oh lain d at original pricoof $1 per ahare. J. L. WU.I.Ol'UHDV, Berrciary pro (torn., Ho. 454 WALMUT Slrttt, IIEKBY filatOSS, Iki .rreiiuVnt. rl 1 1 E AV E TZ E L L C O U S T V OIL COMPANY. T be ave n aroed Cc mpany b ia been ret otly orBauizod wlm a cubital 4l UXK MILLION OK DOLLAUR, luilihd Into l in- tiiinuied thtyUaaud atirrea, at A par valao U ln I'i. lara t aharo I in at art-n areh ftoid, cientplni; twoofy thouiand, which atc tii nti-d -o thf uuipuny at an lunirtevt-nn'iit mud. a'i t tin auhat ii,iilou u4im in p aid up m lull 1 ot (tiopurty of the I uin'liy ct-waiula if I .'tmiei In f aimo e. aal lt-ct tu hut no it-nih rr a iy tf iho ml au n. anti la eit'iart'tl on Ki t b I of k ol L.tUes l1 ililUK cicuk, rVdtii touuiy, Wvl :ruila. 'I i e irart, whit h la undivided, lla ahiiit nbao and a half Dii;etaa-t oi iht ttywn A knuilnvhi. on Hiawfiiti rivr. aiiti i iiituiat t u d km uii Utf, fur a anum e oi two a d a lad i:i1h, Iy the Knh K.rk id l,liil t-'lahm rr"K. hi ;fli l.aa iiuuj(-rtuk ti ibutarif p ntjiiuiiiiir the inrrlit.ry fu ui io I'h and at nth. uiid tai-iitl alius lh' t1i'vuloiUit3ot uf l.a '. aluuii.f nU ai'uutluut uiim-ial itttanuruea. 'I ttf hoot' r tira n uU, w h ch la triw ojunty road, rtini d re eti) ihrout'li tha prtitoriy I njtl u linaiiy, open in tf Ireo at d c. n.Miirtoiia t tmiiutii-lejaiTlon at a I )Oti'iii ai.ti Lliu itenii tii MuMintvi ie. at th DhUt riftr, n ttm eait, a-:d. hi tt i' h i hk iionQHartl ar d s-miiiiid on ii i e:itl uf tl.t-I'li pt-'ty at Andei "uir'a I avorn. c mim -ta itwifn ire ltauitujuie aurt uhiu iiullroud at two onier'Ut puinta. to wli, 1 itiU't'ii station and uurt "ii Hiilun. dialant, nipcct Ifrl' , but in'it-D ai d a nai and aeven u iu. Loth It Uhioit t ri ek, ai tht? m u'h nl whu-h fa Mnrtmi- hu. the ct uiitj btat. la uaviMtello Ijy tlatbata for a C'n l :t ral k fl iniein e up i reHir-. and alhii di tu v.t vnluaVJia hip' iiiK laOI'moa i-r aU ilii pntltjt It ol the t'-inpany ti i't 1 1 , tot itiieive ft tl.e oil, wiiIum wi'l he put up nt the k l bam la that will he nunuliar-.iietl on ti.o urntimt ii t ot whlio oik tiiuhar lakcu liulu Uio tXavct 1UU, wUtcii ! piofUBtly ttieortti ith it. 'iho ptojeri alHiuutia in tho rtoheit dt)pella of bltu mli una Hi Ufi t.oi ,ruii or. lire '-lay, iunt--tie and the very iroi t,iiant) ol lllniain4t:nK and luhrl utiag oita. Lte tie Im a'ani (he twit Uuibi-r oi viiciii kault, n a iifn-ht. rinn prourty, which the uwirn at n w rai'iulj tjtvfh.pit and ou w:ocu ift'rl null aie he iiK tu' k.'a vt in id ti e teat ituttlny f oenil ha he)'ii atrii.-k, whit h li tl tfMRii ItM-t iu tlui;kiiea, and ruaa throdjli lim tiact of thin L'tiuipanv. Ail iu'e-ri 01 n'cm-iaiy a J'V'i hi nn lu wttaitii, aueti aa c-m, iimoor. and ao ivUi.ara luiiiitl ill ahiiiid-Jiit e on tho prti-ierty, and will, uf 0 -iir,e, ,r atly reonctu ttiewurklatt expeimfa of the rnrpjratfo i, while the tma, nam ned ajiat ( antid hy Jud,e (Jarnek JUal oty, ot I'bilatlfli hla la complrte and periect 'I he alioroliuoul Knnlcreck(wiiluii,tt.bitiretatfid, runa directly 'hn uh the Company a trttik lor twt and a half mile, allorda purltiK toiTiinry of tbu oi ton too uacli aide oi IIk atrt-ani, or live mile. In all, ue1dt-a m my other bnrabio ntuaoii tho bank, of tho varloua tributary creuko, wjiile tha wao'e Uaot, roihracea area ouounti uu which toortfaraue a aioat numoor of Independent working ourporationa. and the Ct.iiiauy oould uov. wrtro tt oo ilis poatd, Itaaeor at-ll poiU' Da ut their land at a otaii Jorablo Advaiicoon the pnta paid lor It. Iho properly liea wilbiu thirty nnlea of too cttiuhrated ininktud ciwk oil dlitrlt-t, In tin eno cotiiity, m thia Biate, and dlrautiy ta tho groat oil belt running froiu Vuajjt'0 oouaty, 1'eiuiolvauU. auutli went ward. The entet-Driae It In the hand, of oar moat act Ire. luteU llfteut. and beat knawii praftical bailnoao mm, who aru of eratiBia with no autKiulatlvo dvalatna, but who purcliaaod tbelr proper y to develop It for tho coin ruaa bone fit of thtmaol-roo and their tbarobuldera, and wh aro dotor mint d to cany out ) at UtlottUon will Uio giuateat poal-bit- eneriry and deapatch. .... Ota the whole, thia la altOff-Mber ono of tho moot lolldl j baaed andproinUlnir undauaklnito in tho oil buitnoal yot oiUlnatad, aim tboae tutoraatetl lu It may oonndaotly look for lau-tly raouunwatlvo pronto frota Uivir Invoat tutnu. 14 Ji 17KEIOHT CONDCCTORS AND BR1I1- niea Waatod. Tho Baltlmuio aad Ohio RaHrtaatt Cwpaaywaatanwaabt'cor tupenoflieeal raUraad n-a to rma aptjtn It aamoroua freijkt Ualna.oo. lu Ato aatraral drvlalaaa botwotw ataiUinero and Wkoet-ng aad r exit ewe -bm$ Tho beat wata will b paid and r4ra taitdr Bae'Jii grvow t aoon naea ao wUl report to oltkar mt ( to. -Idjwaaa aganto, wh avo auinvrtaod to take Uoaaam Oaay A, J. KA1KHANK. Ant firat ftlTlaltUk, Moamo Jtr BldBlioa, natutuototntv, Md. k. LAkftT, Agent Kroend Irtrlalom, MorUavaknrf , otM bnndred utiltrafl ftmaa J 9 W ALL. ARewt 1 htid IHrUlon, FlodaWOBfli. W. CA-aa. A rant at ftralWa for Um aaotvoraarf No B . TOED. Attn at WbooMof r tho roarta ftlilatoa,. W. r . nairi u, w auitBi m iaaUfri'iwa. kUaaaaora, Mi. loooiait.ot I, Ml. UaoVaott J 11 O S J,K CT UB - or thi KANAWHA AKD EU3EE3 RIVi:S3 OIL COMPANY, orrire: No. i!4H H. I'OUItTlI street, riiii.Ai)Ki.riiiA. CRjiltal tcrk, $1,000,000 rttrainHVT, C. A. WALlinitTI. MniiFrToitn, V M V. kAffPV-li J- K. Kl'MJVfAV, WM. V. MtOKATll, n.MIIA W. t'AVlS, W. II. KKMHI.K. ,.M t THFAHVHRU. ?. E. KID 3 WAV. MVI'.Hi Kll TKINJI KBTKIVKU AT TUFl Ol T. E Of THR t'OMl'ANY, No . S H. KOUItl ll BTItCCT, ALJ) AT No. 8(-5 CIIKMNIT HT, Divfiird into One Mandrod Tliou un! Sliarcn of Tn (!0) Iollnrs each, of which Twenty Tlioimtrnl tSdarcn arc set apart to bo sold nt 9'2 ,10 per share, making $")0,0',K) Working Capital, to ho cxpenilud In tlevflnpiog the lands aud pitying the ncct'Shary ex pcHues of the Cuiiipatiy. T prr.erty of thia ('..mpany f -inalnta of the fee alniple and iiiTpctual loane ot between loot) and 1100 am of land m Wood and Wirt connlVi, Weal Virginia. 'cf, 1 and 2 aro In fee aimpfo, nnd contain awut 170 lurt n, ii touted at K auaivliu .Station, on the Norihwosturu l;ailrt;iil, ahoi t 10 mlh-a ahvivn 1'arke ruhnrK, Va t whee tt, Kanawha rlwr. the r.n r-crnbiir,: and Staunton turn l'ikt', and the Jtiiirthneitern Haiiroad Company tuna to- KflhtT, 1'1'i'n ihls property la aifiatr ! the Kanawha Station of thf N-iNhweiitrrn Itutlroad t'Diiipany, winch Ii tho mit a ! atitAKt tina pulnt ! khiment for the oil produced in the r.nn f the Kanawha and Ita trlbutarlia. Nf. ,1. Tt a tract uf land pcrpPttiaHy leancti frrm .Tamca Ki humon, and enntuins nut loi thau tX) at re, and ad oius Hv. 1 tud 'J. Ko. 4. I'i the coli'luated Itdhlnson ttact, nntsr a pe-pe-tuul le.ifte, and ctintalns J,J at rt-o, alt Jitt d in Wirt county, nhntit 1- uitlrd above thr former trait, ou the aonlh aide of thi' Hitivh a rlvt r and nenr Ita ronfltiencc with the Ka nnwlia, and haa a horloii iruiit on Kack run nf about two tuiUa- The rmMly to be ptiid on these Iiaaes Ii ono-etit'ith of thi' tut printfda after tho Company he In,; reltuhuraed tor expeneta and outlay In produclnx the oil. Aiorr the tract, on tho Kanawha. ! tlie t'elohrated Bitrn It'K Hi rinif, at d nt or that on tho Uui-hi'i are many pro- duitivo w title At 'he Junction of ih-io two itrnarni will be fi-uml tha bt-iel oUprttaKinp( territory In W'eat Virginia. The eligible It nation of this land afTord a borlnp torrt. tory ot at Icaat ii von uilU a on tho two river and t hot r tittiutarkt-i. 1-2 -20-tmlio.Ut Q1L C li K K K MAPLE ISLAND OIL COMPAST, CAPITAL, i5l)0.t)Ol. 100,000 B1IAKES, 3 00 EACH. Bunsc'Kirnoit fkice, ii oo. TWEBTY TUOI BAND BI1AIIE8 UNSERVED A3 A W0UK.IMO CAI'ITAL. l'BBSIVEMT, D. 0. C. WARD, M. D. BKCBETART AND TEBASl'RKn, EDWIN E. 61MrS0N. orrit'E: Koom 17, Ko. 400 Cliesnut Street, ruii.AiEi.piiu. No. 1. In tnj aerea ol land, In reeiarle,nn the 11; de rara.oa Oil cretk.aliout urn mllea tieljw Tilaivllle 1 tiere ara three runs paaalug tlrouli thli property, all o which empty Into Oil creek. 1 Me arouertv Ilea In Uie very tear! of the ull reitlnu. aiisl from tlie well-known character or Oil creek and the aurrounaiiiK territory, II wju:d be u eir.oou. to enter Into detail of the proapecte or ohialn li'K oil In large quantities. o. I. Ia tha uadlt lded one Uth inlureet, la fet, ot Mai le 1. aa.1, altuaui lu the Alle,lieny river, between aud fit Hole crteka. Tbe territory on both Ire. of tbe Allegheny river, aliove and below thia Uland, baa proven to be food oil lands, aa tbera ara several welle now producing largely In Uie im mediate vicinity i and ll la ennndeiini expected that Uile lalaiid, wbea proberly duvo loped, will alio yield laraely. tot la aixty acree, In fee, oa Bohuli'a run. In Bjok lend tcwtiiliip, Venane county, Feunaylvaula, aevan iwllta fri-m Franklin, an ne mile from tha Al.eglieny river. Tte IndlcaUona for obtaining c 11 on tula pro; arty ara of the niott nattering character) Uie re la alao a large tiuantity of tlmbvr, which, at the preaent high pricea of tiia,4vlll be a great saving to the Company In developing the landi. tirhull'e run forka on the adjoining propurty, and three of Ita branches run through tha move sixty acres. The adjoining properly hat been sold to a I'hUa drlj hia ampany for boring purpotes. and tiuy lutead ilcvchplng It atone The auove-mcnUonod propertlei have been selected with great care, th Company not rettiuKlog themaelvea to any one locality, their tale aim to obtain tcrrltucy In ell known producing dlitrlcta. Tha Company Intend developing their lands Immediately. On account of th low, priced lubicrlatlon, thli Company offers superior la ducannts lo Uioaa wleblug to Inve.t la oil atooka. Th buoka are now open for a limited number of subscriptions at their office. No.400 CHE8NUT Btroot. IMO-tntbiSt BOOM Xo. It. JEE CLABI0H Emm GEL 00MPAUIES. OJmOB, N. Ml WALNUT BTBBET, caoitt WILXIAM P. SOUMLL, raaexcaurrx i. BIMPfiON AFBIOA. at n-de liarilarr and Tnasarar. o II, ITOOII BXBJakUT 111 aVICB lay hsjemiH j. BOTg tMt-iai H. M B.JTrrrtao 0(ri( BECOKD-HAND COTTON gKAH JJJ keaa tU, la tun and for tale by jnu si Btti if a ivi U-l-lD, ,UI Js.faWirr Street. TIIK MORGAN OIL COMTANT, A . ( . ,, , , Onplttal HtOOk, 300,4XH. fo.M FHARR8 Tur Vala f 5 rr Bbatrtv , tialisrrlptioa Trloe, 82 Per 8bar, , , WoiUliiK Oaplttvl, (Jll.OOt). " mwinmwT, HORACE J.SMim. ica-ranaiaawT, E. BTBWART, M.D. Tiimirint, HENRY U. "WILSON. CLKM, . B. T. JANNET. nrraamTaKtiaKT, JAM'rR COm WAY. MUECTOBB. Florae 3. Bm lh, K. Ht.wrt. It. I'., .lame WilH..n( llllam I.. Maildei-k, H..i...l I) Kvaua, N. at Jaimey, t ainuel llau,.li, Maitliau. Jaarn L. ri4iotuiire. Office, 33 anil 34 Wighinttu Baililin". y-j t M. 'l'lilrl Hr, 1'lillu.. Thr pr..pirty of the MOUCAH Oil, COMCAST cin-ltta ol 4t arrm In I'ee.all nf which u clear of any Inciirohranoc; Mt act't are tlluate In Mnrgan ar.d ll.uner townthlpt, Morgan enuntv, Ohio, aid Ito arret on a tributary of In Clarion liver, lo Jttrcri.on cuunty. Ta. I'r...pirtnt and lU.t at the ofllf-e of the Companv, v.h h mil i. neil . n UUHulT, Uio I lb Inil.. fur .nb tcrii tti.ii. tn ll. e nk u li; oi 'I u"e It k a k e PETROLEUM COilPANY OF I'I I T I , A 1)1'' I.l 'III A. ( Al'lTAL, .... WL.IMX) HK 100,000 shakes, I'Aii ua $.iO,C0O cs.Ji UorkliiR Capital. KlUtSCIlTin iON PRICK, J 53. OI-'lV-IClull4?. ntRHimtrT, T. HAhKINH OO l'UY, rrraldent of the Catawuaa Railroad Company. TICE riUWIUEXT, THOMAH D. WaTTSON, Of tha Hardware ftrta ef TroW A Co., o. 1MB afarka' 4t SAMUKL WORK, Of Work , tleCoueh Co., Banker., Ho. 34 B. Third tl reel DlltKOTOUa, T. RASKINS DC rrjT, THOMAS I). WATTBON, B. B. KICnARrlS, el tlermantowa, Ts M. r. BlIKRRRHD.Inaurans Axant, OKOROR P. WAT, ol late Dry Uoodt firm of J. T.Way at Co., A. W. MtlMRwriina, Caahlur alauch Chnnk Bank, F.DWAKD BUiri'KK. Eso, The property of the Trako Petrolenm Company ona'ata of two tractt of land, ono of two handred and cfty-eevoa aetea and rme of iwo bimdrck and Bixty-flve aoroa.aiaklaf hi ail Ave hundred and twelve acres, la nvt, oo th Caid well rirauob of Oil Creek. Tho prouerty haa been examined by a Con mlitee appointed ftir that purpuae, and tha Wviory pro. onrord, In tholr Jndgmont, to be fully einal to that en CH CaeA, along whloh the largoat oil walla ever dleeovere have ueen ftmnd. Tbe landi reicmbte those on OU creek la evry particu lar, 'and tt It believed, from tha large namber of ell tprhigs hi clote proximity, that valuable wells will be opened on both Uieee tracta. Th management auve already socartjd several onrmea and engaged a oomix'tout superintendent, with a rttiw te Immediate and energetic detvlopment. A large porUun ol theee tracU la bottom, aa admlrablaT adafited for boring. IKiveral eonipan'ut are organised on landi immediately adjoining thia territory, among whleh are the Brlflfs avtf Creeoeat Oil Cerai'anlea ot Philadelphia. In prceeotbig tbe Drake l'etroleuia Company to tbe public, the Iiirectort atk that their tcherae abould be a asilMid.aad tubacrlptlon made to the Block la fan avltk aa to lie preeeut and protpeotlve value T. 1IASKINS BD PUT, Preeldeat. THOMAS D. WATTBOM, Vlee-rroaldent. SAMUhX WOUli, Treat oral. Bubeeripttooa will be received at the Baaklnf Beat ef WOstX, MeCOTJCU at CO., U-t-tl We. gg B. THI BP Bweet, BU0HA5AH EOYALTT OIXj cojipamt. CATITAL (. 9400,000 40,000 SI1ARKS TAR VALUB 810.00 1'KKBmRNT JOn ALEXAHUEB. TKEABt'RBK-JOHH W. TOKBKY. BICEETABT-WM S. 'LANS. nrBEoroKS. A. S. CATTELL, Preaidaat Cora Kzehaeg JTattoaal Bank, Philadelphia. EliWAKU u. JAMES, ef the neua of Tnonua &iehard eon ft Co., I'biiadplphla HUH ALEXAMOBJt.Weim Are eareet, Phflada. DAVID ?AMDICKVEIB,lle.oil . ThlrteenlB Mreet, Pkiladelphla. 1. H. LYDAT.PltUbnrg. BV B. I-OKTEB, li. D., Wuwilnttoa. I Wat. B. LAJIE, Fklladelpaia. Ofiloe No. 148 S. FOURTH Htraat, PlUJ.AIIELrHIA. Th propel Iy of this Comeaay eearltts ef OB laaad. Leaart, and tiroand Kent Baaarvea or BoyaJUea ef aa tha Ml proseeed oa the "A. Baetiaaan rarta," en OH Oraek. Aud alao, all the oil aad eadergToand opotlia tn twe aoa Bred aet et ef lead ea Beet Hickory enatk, Teaaaae eeaatw Peantyrvania. i There an abent oae hamdrel ao4 arty tarvtwet ell Iota ea the "A. Baohaaaa ram,' ever elxty ef whleh eia taeaed to arat Ue operator. Seveateaa wella are eoey prodacsat en: aeveral ere aew a. last 4le4 wtth gooS preepeots, aad twenty or Uarty keaaa bared at vartooa rugae of pmareas. Aa a ecsld rcmlahg laveetaittit a Bauted aaaabar mt BjBpeidtkarea.ef Bid per tea re. aaay eeob'taitt at T eeek, apoa trtkrallot i aay ef the at I' etnee ef the Oeeapatty. Me roeta. eoaaalatef a atD eetttoa ef the Oouv poivr t ernesarty. eaa eeeaiaeneS atwaeeAe. II M-la PETROLEUM OIL STOCKS."" W. A. HAMTLL, Tio. 1T "TAIuttlUT Street. , tOt Al, ' . Ji -' ', I ALL THE LHADINB DIYIDBXD.PATINCr OlXe BTOCHH. tut, ' otuotxAi SDBcrrno i-'f'. ''. Ul .. Beeeivet IbrUe freater put af taabeat Cweiearje BW , enjtalalaf , aader la dtrectlasi ef genUemea af expert ewce aad indobbted t tend tag. Oall and get a CTritr.U-ie-t afirtrarj, coal. uro otrzo. av tlOMrAJilKB. Wt ar preeared te sermltk lew OervoraOetU wttk the Books saey ea.ekre, at short awtle aa4 lew arte, af aratgoaUijr. AI style el Bladtaf. a-rrr.M.Av cunricATM nr stook. j ' MTH'HjRAruri , a da timiiits tool. ... oanaaa or taajiarn. i : . BTIM'B LttK-.1!. - BrtKtll LKUUKB B AlklKTM. v- . Br.OIBTBU or OAPITAl, muCCL , ka4KKait' PETIT I.EaXaEJU t -ouNsr cut Iilu ... i ai.-a aooe aMnwrrra aad BtaiiWuig), At. tB t'M-MBVY Bema. I - I 1 if '1 i f : i I i ! ') ll cl .'-.II J 'f ' .'rt :s j .j ! I 1 U K palaalai OmU AamMT. ' lenj I