The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 22, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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'VW M aaT
i . ARMY.
Magnificent Results of Our
ClNrrwKATI, Dee tube r ?2. The I'mmimwl'i
Nishvllle (Ufpnt. li of Hie list mys Thornm'
hrsilquaricrs urc r.ciir Columbia. Hood Is .nn-oss
Duck rivir. Ilia loss, Mine coming into tlic
l-iatc, It estimated at 'JOmo, US f(,r,u i, now
lilitud to t.e iiimut l.'.ODH infantry ami h itu
"avairy. '1 he woods urc lull of iic.-.t ntr. Ic i.s
mowing, m d the to.nls mo very had.
I'larattil r Ha-.i .lis trmy Kilr'-.Ui :c
I'aaiaaa' -.. i-K-Ha-a.
1 m-t'vn t ay, 1). . in!. r V2 i'l.e . .ur-ftl'i ;.
clr.l, data ti Ncs'iMi'i , I, "i in'ii r , !.ij s the situ i
tlua at II. i- fn ii i- ii i,t -iiiu p'il. O ir iirmy i can
lit'i nt of final succi ss, iit d L-. s:i l pressing f. r
wari!. I I o lie'"!.-! are coinp ! Iy tr''-.tri ,n it.
Ik ui.lH!kii.(r ill' ci; tin y li.uc expene i e l,
ai.d lire Hill sri-kin.' a.i'.!ty in H-ylit.
l'liiniicrs ciiu'iniio lo Tr v, in s.pi nl so no
wounded, ottu'is :K k, but a' I dipiri.ed.
M ftlM IM "a l.a '-I,.rti.I n.
tini'V 1 aMl r.'iiii'v i ur-.i in'-:
k fl iilitli(l luu.lli S. llnnim muni.',;, i: ti i-i-i iin
r tn uriKC tin in m t' e r- ,:r w "h h a i f ml j 0c mr
Iii y ri i i ll I urn M i-, w iii t I ii I'.iv.nri n,c ha i ;-
V In. .
Ilia' I'D tlr u Hit. k- va.;b ill.
' ill'. II I Ml of h- l ii:i.;
in... 1 . ri 'ii (.. . i .ill 1
' l'i .1.111 Jl I . I ' . . I i I 1
, I i '.e i x it'. I .Mn
i M't "t : Lo 'Vi i ... i.y-,
Ii ' . a.ilui. .1 ; I.), In:
i' li vi i it ,s, t ii i' iia
liil, t..oii,u in. re iv l" . e
m ti.t in i 'i i m t v. 1 1 1 t i ii iu .i.i
lb y sui en 0 in ltj.s and .1'
Ii ti C I I Mil s I i', i r -In.
b. ut-i . ri i ih mi o Inr i hi
limit a wl mi- m i..v I I
v riuns i.M- rii i.ui ,i n b. tl.
1 A c.iltiot ti T'l li.i i.i ul .u.y ii.
W A a? 1 Willi! I lui 1 mil nlli i.ii'v inf i nidi t'lil'.
i fc-l'tn Iii lit-'.-coll mil h 8 H'.'i'.l (,' iln 'nh:n it Mis. ii fully -t'Ai mil'. I'r.i n i ;i ;. iili, u nl
about n'vi .i y . vi tiiiin 1' i;te i'j. i:' iii uur
,li.i ii ire mu ll I llicit .', t i v ' inri'.'i i . .n . i'
llil ; Inr ihi'j fu l Ii .' li..: i i, ! i i-'. nl ul II i i l'j
ain.y i tin ce .ili'i.iiiiv n Hit- unr m ilie Wer.
Our ii.eiiuir-i m.;i tuir u-.: huv ,i'
V. ( n 1. i H i.1! 1 1 tile wiiii, h 1 1 0 iii.t.iii" Hie I'.ll -ti..n.
In i.-l. i r 'l 1' ill k it. n .i:. iin v ivi!l li -ve
re I 'u iir.ii w. We i in t1 iii tul .i.v i.p ili"
nniy ni'h mi,' i i II mi'- i ire a ii.n n ul
: i p il e li. i ul 1. 1. mi id un.l 1'ie rn.i'l.s runrin;
I iiiul el uli it.
1 Flu. mil l.tivo at .Ir.l tlu.t afti i the b it'll r.f
1'nriayve Iii'imI .-ti ir e ,i.i is, u -i -I in te:
li-In. .li tiili on tur mi !i!i i e rn, a-ii.-.i up
pi meil In huii: httii lli euul fonil m' I lou.fji ii
iii:m;i. t t ti'M.
iitou') ni'i H r a i i.iiiiiiu.i: iiK.Mir. a.i.iinsi'
JLI K. llAllH AMI llllt'Il.
','ffffi ,'n A'( i...;i.l J'itnui, rr, i 'i i rinVr 1!',
I he ueciiiin Ir.'in n- hvilie Hie tlm st'Ut'inents
of ti e I'litmy, and mu t lie re eivotl wim inut ti
it n n.
II is piolmhlc 111 t tin- renl f.u t'i are .oiuewhiit
tnliiri'ii ; tlmt ihe uiitiitiei ut priixu ri un.l cap
tured (; litis will l.e ui-tuicTi il li nave iiean kouio
nhikt Miinilir .ii.iii Biiii'ii.M'ii. ami tlio lusit of
JU ( '1'tio'iiii) nitii'ti ''T tint n tin w ail I
iikq lu viaie lu it iniiieiiii. inu it, n. tinueiall lo
tltnilit i.lur emnini; nil e q i'i,.iv.e un.l wni tli
irt victnrv ut Frmkliii thr nun in.-valor or Ins
trtitJliN. hntl in ht.ite til' the 111.111 lerkii'.'.s emu r il.
i ahip or no peneriilship, ilo nl h-i now Hi!' ai io .1
w a tit feat lielore
w iirtH to aro.
L' Mf it bti true th.i
"IT ft run lln iT brcas '
i J tuJititd a. nut tie
iMishvule, where he Lad inj un,l-
that liia mill w-ero actually driven
s vrorKi, ir is pruoi in n tm-.y h iv.i
.n ut deli run m:u:i m his hands. D ie
if it no ri a-nn in lujiua! ul.iiuo on tno troous.
L'l teon at hi u'ln iarti . m, n ,it as at Mm-wnirv
Uiier, explain -ail. Kiuue lleaiirnaraM wan or
dered t)tt lo titip Stii'.iti'in wirDou. trn ipi hy
Inn. liniiv idual iTeneiii e, the eotini toa of mo army
Tih en wan t-o ictt tvitliinit a meuenil could not nu
f r nu minuet! n tnmit a thin r. l iinin m, Uio rene-
Kittle V ir.'.iul.'H, iM'Deut the most iiili-llieht in n
lu i lie l'eueml f.illi., while II na' only li.lo to
tnu.aril nst.i eireUMitt lino ilia' he did not
apiy )e the pi liey of ti. n.iul Johnsiou.
f itil ln'fl i'hii I in ei lor milliners ; bit
v.' ,e Hoofl nns liieti tii'iii'iiinK iit ioro Nnsiivillu
llf L npiiiT ei I s ritnka were Hllinjr, and lien nld t;iu
I ult. Thiiae tviin eoiril lie tsurp.isod ut any
Jj i .li aiy pl.ins of II " I or Davis, w-ero Htirpn-e l
l . a e. n puljn for NiiMj villi-, an l ICcU'in-KV at this
itttn avn. ll 'hat army emid liivo cleine.l
jut Middle and l-.ast Teuiit'sfi-'u und retrained
I Cli.itinrioi(! and Knoxville, tie entiditioii ol I Ilo
,1 Cfllifitli rale tuu.-e in the We"! would have lie.-n
.1 Cflnfitl
r d frttkbn
llntii Ic nun been uriee ilia iiattle 01 M lr-
iro. biittveuii fallen, un
rt V rl"t would uuve in en me ou y a.' n.
IDe plaee i-ould inu he hc.d wiinout Kentucky,
mi a cutiiiiniftn in Kenlneky ut this sc.ih a would
buve been i ertmn ruin. 1'ne bailie ot N islivil e
'ufpeaia to be a niece with Ihe eaiup.iia.'u. Allot'
lii.tiU aroiv were euaju'ed t xeei.t hi euvairv.
WLtie wai l oirtst nnd his cuv.tliy ? We do not
know, but It may be fairly mpposed lb at tfiey
weie euiploytd an Wlimxi nu wneu AiitiiU
wasiTaeuiit. il. Wiiuu John-ton bad tbu uriiiy
be kept hu family tin hi' 11 inks, mid tnu ilnnkeys
in d purasiti B t.f tlie OnTernment reviled bun fjr
ii-i..... 1 1 ... i . i
si fiiiu.a' Ma. i ueu iiuuu ioiih eoiiiniHiiii uu t'ul
'' Willi the tavairy to mid on the enemy's rear, and
until ibe coiirC'ianu is were heeu ureat g ory
was given to (leuwral Hood tor tto.u it.
)tut the aimence ot the eava rt enati.e.VSIier
Bjnan to leaeh Joiitbli,ro itlu ui II a u'a knowing
K... .11.11.1 II Ml.. I A'i.!..t . U .U II.... ur. u.
- ".' " " n - - ''- -
in the panic wlneli rrisind. limn (a ui lu 11 a
'.tntrev iiae bun f uri'tst, nu l woue we do not
t know Ilia tuet, it np, ea.i ottieiuely pro'. !i.c. mat
" jfie ha thrown awity his etvi !es m '.Icniiussee at
I ' 'Jbe did those ot W Heeler in (loriri i Vu-we'l lay
. . Jthe H?bt "f cveiita now a teo' iplished, ar m rui
Xpudily 'be removal of Jotinsiou ir nn t!m ucad of
in at iiMii; i winiT tti'Maiieiioiy ana; ailinnee la
eivi n to Unit point of pair 17 eiery mt
i'tnn' event iu the betuuiua' of me year ttiat Is
ow; ;
Ihe tin u.y l.m lortui d tao powerful annlin
ami planned I -vo parulivl ea.upain'as. I'll : goal
of one wits lCii'luuond ; f l!io other A'lantit.. i'j
mtet tbi m we hail liiatl'. ni e arun h ; Out Ak' iu-it
taut and buerinuu we bad Ij oiln.l J.ihu-lou,
primes tit the nu l-ary t.rofess.oa ou thin tut:-
tut. iunr ut'ien e .vuni't aupunor uuiiili is
it'ua t'iiialiy ai.e. e-sfnl, and ilia incident on inu
two ieenea ot ac tou tvureiiiiekeil by an iini-ota
mtiu buuil.irny. i i.e result Will the n ime, excei.t
hat (Hunt reach! d Ihu hunks ot the Ja ues Ii j,n
be ltiundau lu mam kn lime tban .Siiennan
Vieuiliiil the ('butt dii.oi hei'.
i"i j At tbat ruuuiiul Sueruiaa'a caiupuis'u w n aa
'atS f r" 1 a l " ur'- l,J l"s p ' iliini, more tier.loui IU ut
urer'thal of Urant. At a.ita u a dead loc.t on the
tw miy of the CuuilH-rlaKl, n it less elf crual thaa
"'" d ou the Anni ol (uu I'.
luiuau. i'liuro
th) supposition
lolaiii.d Uu cj,u-
luiim. It' not
foretil lo retreat, wuu d hu. heuu held la Nort.i-
ru titotgm like .Milo in Uio cloven Oik. The
oiiledera e unuy iu Atlanta was then fullv a iual
to tbat lu KieUiuoud. It was m well or,-anue.i,
aruionioua, aa contnlent in itself and iu In
cauier. It waa only too eaa-er lor battle.
At mat moment an wua wen in the Uonfcdo-
,cr. JNo aensioiu oiiserver douhied that botb
llama ana lucuuioud wouia resist all etlorts.
nd that the conclusion of iho year would be ren-
.iiifdcrtd inemoralile by Ibe undeniable failure of
1,'kjs t'Vi iy Luiuau proba i:.t.v lu
' itiut bd JoUtis-ou,, leh
- all' uuiiidii hs uruiy , hn umus c
i""-Vthe grtatuat milhary eilort of the enemy. Un
Bf,''Jfbappil'' and disastrously Mr. Davil uiislook the
tj'rlijause of that Georgian aruiy'a eulhusiaiu for a
F Ktiyklog upon its enemy. He gut posseiso i of the
lanLriotiou that if JobnstMn, wbo would not Iii? til, was
Waken oil', ibe Government, under the name of
'ouiebody or oilier, would just go out with that
wiP.Bue army, whip tSuirinau In a minute, gather ail
.I tt J'jB glory to Usell, and gratify all iu grudi;es
f '-igaiuat the great olllccr wbo bad lifted it aud bttu
: leti(yn the depths of doiair.
!- ' ifn all the hurdy-gurdies ground oat the death
! 1S s0"a? of Johnston. Id three week! the army had
( no lost more men in killed and wounded than
daring all the month of Johnston' oommand.
P ! It lost Atlanta witboat knowing how or why, and
it reduced to the same atata of hopeless du
i mora Illation la which it once reached Daltoa
I from iMisslonary Kidge. fiach was the iiumeJiaw
itand dlliert result of Johnston's removal.
V.a Then followed the Fresident'i harangues, eon-
tainiag the plan of the new campaign, which it
a' just now concluding at Savannah and Nashville.
?;AJsWe bUve never truatod the pen to make auy
"rfiiarks npou the harangues- and the cbroaiela
ayLf acrente which a paintul duty compels as to
je tubilah day by day famishes aa aluciJauoa and
a couif atarr whb ao words aud do pea will
I e trer rival. Jnongh it is to aay that fortune Had
pj'onl the Souiharo atandard wheal Johnston's
'ind se imod from tba auflj and the aril
r whif-.h bad haunted Iliairar isasrtiMil oni lhai
hca UltV atM-uuoa cvtitittaiid.
Its Arrival at Ucaufort, North
iic. Mo.,, r.ti:, !.;.,,
I'.Mii't) Stah s Ship Sintiai ) hi: Ci ha, at
f-v A, IK i tin 1. er l.'l. Afti r ii u me mm mm vol l.iM.j
tl. lui s, the lonp-ta Kil-i f fitiil loiig-:iiitii'lpt''d
tt coiiinn irom liaiiipttin Id u is ai U-: lan iy
tin. tr way. lu two hours' imie fro u the
I ii 'd t w i itii a;, the vi aela fni;.jng in
p. a tlo firn h'a'.lc ami :n "in, Ic. nt II n't
Ln'tr Ihe tin in. ii.l i f U . ar Admiiul I). 1).
1'ittir, m.d w i it la ii r the put ttv a in mtiu
10 ve t't nt litli.'!'- at nr.ei.or in tUu s.i'ij
li-nhir I itnc n dni r.nnt imi.1 r.irt.ii"'.rh,
or li al. .!' al.nit truii s .ionii t'O enist
in Mureli nl pii it's it ii il bio k ile -unie rs, will '-c
I ' ri. i.n t i-sen a I'll a M- it nl . nue.-i.'ti r.:i"
!ni li er -i.'J it. I ii H tin die on t r i. le i-'-s it V.
i ii ti, nr l. I'li.'l' '.'ii' ivnlsa n.:li i il j-'f i n
H I i. in i i s o p.ii'e. li, iiit'ulot a c ) n
1.. 1 11 1' tin i'i' ilili.'li,l h in I'l tiriiii.'.l a- I'o t'e-s 11 to v uni -s. il 1 he in p i' 1:0 . "(''iii- :.. ',
1 inn eutiiiiii nt 1 st) 1 ii I h iv.' . p- ii 1 e I a
ti 1 1: I' 1 1 !''n iin 1 -s at 1 tie n 'm nl tu la - v, s-s-I,
i-ti ae.i.iii.t oi r.o h.uieii ii,',iear.i'i 'C 01
11 .inp un K .'..!!.
1 tt-sei.,1 1 s, ti.n, w !m ma'.e il ii1 . tii,.s to aril
lion NiKli' k, urn l,..e ... 11 ii .' is ,n 1
I-1 Mine wnks t :.'. on tY! i.nj ,110 i.-l
1.1,0 I 1 slitili.l t .' nl '.tie I: : it ', a,!', es.' us
'lit iii.iIm- th- ii h me 1 1. 1 1 i-m n : " " 11 ,
li.i y i te nil U' I.'' ! ' 'i :.e In .-. 11 fit, h r,
w.i- hy 11. 1 iins a s.:i!.l ri n ." nni u ito il 1 u 1'.
li. ; v r 'n I 11 1 nil. il , jVi" 11 i' n.iil ! i.p 1 pi ..-ii .-iv
1 in.e il 111 in1' lue pnsi 1 "u'lt win i.s. 1'..-m.i y a t.- v
I eiii iony h..e ... en snrpr. e I t 1 e iru 1 '.1 it t in
lu 1 ; si. 1 11 il ir: 11 1 y ' e r 1! in nm 1 ni o "jr i'
I 11 II t ti s r hi 11. is M .i-iii. 1 I 'ii, a nl .1 1 t 1
us I..' un liniir .is yi'sie'iliy! In-ir I iir'i:. in
01 1. .;l ill e me tint' s. ei. i' an r 1 ) ut taut W n-
II '- L' nil whs lo he till;!' iilil.
'1 I, i' i pii.i 11 1- pn v .leiil ait. n ' !v ''u 1 .-y.n.u-lli
i ts ut Ni rlo'K, t!i..' l'i . " '.! t o. l .e 1 x ,1
nrt. ti ni tnsU'io:- S.-n 1 mil!' ; Ifieyur.- 1.11I1 to
I l' I' vi lie t in r pe ni e will I . in ! 'l- 'o hi 1 ' .
i;;i .'i' it n.-iiiiii. rli.i.,: 'I TlireiL,'! w.i.-n
tin tnt.-p i.uin s il. 1 1 vi -ii-...i'i. a:i 1 nit! i.i!f
'in:: 1 ami lui - .
'I in: 1 Nei'it-ir n is put wi.ony of u Iia.'ill
th.iaittl. . , , , ,
A K ..VI. i: 1: .. t 1 I .
I'm rou i 1 1. 11 lion, i tin 1 -1 .y , Dm-einlicr I. I.
'1 l.e I.e. o 1. 1 i l.e II' 1 1 1:1 ri vi '1 t ' ti.s hi ion r nl it 1 1
itiily liniir tins irtiniiiii'. Sin e ti en tue nun un
til r ot tlie 1. 1 1 1 have la-en ein-.i . r in one ut it
l:ii. e. The line, itn-iii ions wi it t. r of T1111-J iy,
the nut 1.11 it lui ti the ve -' i . - 1 1 : e l from ti ling.
ten Loutls, was ol sho.l tl.iai..iil, lor on ill.' lol
I11A ma.' liny we wire 1-1ted v.,111 ou 1 of tliiise
M il le 1: 1 e- so 1 .t te u in. t w 'til ':! ' ' ipe ! I it era-,
lu rent iii a to my ruoin 1 i.iftnt 1 cotur.t
tuiattd uayaelt on tin: p.t.i am nip wi were
II uking, out ill i.i ti'iiii s' tine) 1 h id rca-ou 1 1
take 11 ilireilly opposite view- 1.1 -i!1 irs.
Th-' fcte..mi:r euttinieriee I rd Inn; and t.n-en:; in tlie inn st vinli nt uiiini.ur, ncavy j-u-w of
wil d wini hhrii king Hill iiounn,' Hhoikii the
r (.'nil. c, 1. ml huge w.ivcs Icnppil up tol'ic dec!t III
i u.nui.ii uniii'"li,e ami liil.Hnl. I an 11 ar r
wt' t'tiiiic to the dread' ti C ip : the greater .' cm d
tl.esloiui. N t.e ol us ou ti ard iho -S in'n 1 no
Culm 1 x t ti iftit-i il the snfciiitsi f ir
our 1. nn aaleu or that . I ihe slur, Int. ail e' 01
wtic li.volnniai ily turned to the lit c e nni nur
jUi..fynie, a l.i.,;i we weic lowing .11. the h em.
'1 l.e iiilc rem hid i's gnatnit h i'nt it IV .ni 8
loll A.M. A'. Id i.'cloik tnc inoiiiiir s;k'uiIi.:i1
us thai she linking iiad y, and that siiu was
iiiliipelltd to ui-o al Uvr pnuips. An hour later
she .run d us that the water avii ;j lininir, th it
tin iiitiin pump had heeti ill iib'nl, limit in hail
ing ws nsoited to. At ibis jiin 'litre, 11 mil t
he Hi-know. t. lei J, the. cl.a.ices o'" tae .1 i.'i iy;,ae
11 tin t; into it sale i.uib. r were ten 111111 ii' i u-t
hi r.
Vii wtil from the ile. k of mir vessel, it scetueil
u.H if ifei-l) h avy -ea th .1 se,it over her, an l
n u plue'y Innitd In r liom nn s nt, would be
I lie i.i. e to setm ber to the hott'im. I'enple ut
t.t'tiie. who have 1:0 Ri'cn it iiioniioi- iu a s'orm nt
nn, eiiii have but it fiiiajt t'oii' ejitiou of the peril,
mis 1 nsiliull ol the .Wneiiue tu t 0 OC'IMun iii
qiii--tii'ii. In wt-aiui r cnuip natively mild, tho
i-i a iin.-hi'H lit: ili ek lute anil uff, nntl in a si arm
the wiivta liniki) in. thing of ingilrliiiir sinnke
st 11 ki'. t'llret, ami every visible I'l.t of tue snip.
Jtul !y, liowiier, mil ihe gallant line eraft free
Li rseftif 1 lie i' v.nuiiii'S of w.i'er tliat
fprur.g upon fcer so ilirrit'ciiliigly ; anil riubt i?la l
were we, on uiak'ug iuiU rv, to .earn tint sue
was lioltlli.g her own aatain-t the leak. I.uekilf
thestoiiu anatt'it iu tlie al.eriioon. 11 id 11 i-ou
tinui d a- it t'on.ineiieeil, 1 fear I si ml. I have h i I
the sad trait nf rci larding a very .ieolnrabio disas
ter. 'l't:e men ou ihe aiiuiiitor iveie fast ta c ini
mg ex hunfcttd liom i'Ni'es-ive i.i iar in I) ilniii,',
liMl, In consi nui'Iiee of Hit) sji 1.. it would hive,
ti. 111 iiiiitliit ss 10 In 1 1 n h a limit wit, 1 si) mien fi-.nn
our vt su I. Toe wntcr not 011 1 v ruihed in at the
tup 1 f the luriet, but winked its v ty tiirou -It ut
tic bottom. At one tiino thme were sixtemi
li.i hi s i f w .iter 111 tilt: iiu il. 1'lie tptaiu's eiiuia
wus licoilid.
Ib-iil'nrt liailmr h' tilm to have he, apne'trii-iiM
of llsmpti'ii Hoads lit, re the sa' of tlin ll ut.
'l l:e vrsaeli, buih n vul and at-n v, are con -en-Irailig
here pie par"iy t i 111 1 ug tlie fraud
im it DiCtil agufiist the tortiliei'loci svvetity nines
lutiher i'owii 1 he co. si. Clo-e n,a ira tue town are
am lioritl a large numhrr of sclio 'ii.jrs, lined wiik
sttpplirs and amitiiii.i i n, wl,. , at thti innre
n s.t 1 tful distance of 1 wo or tin c: mi es front tbe
iitr lie the lu-avv vefels of the 1: ival ll-et. Ad
iiiiiul I'm tii's tiiig-ship.iii.'ieiij i:,iit)u in d irmg
the -light.
1 i c 1 1 1 1 1 1 -n 1 n '1 will take on 11 fresh supply of
t-iiiil al this point, Hi d all the iiiinoriietails tor the
a trel. wl'l he in iHiiaiiid. Tina u a ma urn faiui iar
wnh iIih Nor'h Ciro'tna co i.n w II at tmee reeiaif
ne In lli-aufort hai la .r Ihe vrr htst reudtv.vo is
thai' (-tan Ul lui M'lt-ere.l. l''roni C .no liokour to
(,'iipe l the land inskr- the e u.eave of a ciri:',
ai d Hllortls- nn rxti'llent pioiee 1011 aaain-t ranaMt
wia'l.t r l-'or buw loti a ti in v e h'ihII remain
here I know not, "IHtonati t ie nnprnssion pre
Tsi i-tl, w i.en we ii-f'. lliiaiit'Xi Itoa I', that t.i,
nr at the most, threi ilnys, w aubl mill e to net
( vcijtbitiat in it'.uline-s to nr-j. 1 lo wo k l ua
An- In ii'ii'-a sie.inii-d in 'his nt ertioon. Noone
di ui.'S the tlh cine mi 1 .he will uike lu tho cn
gajjeiueut. .V. 1'. Titan.
Epwlnl l!i;ii:iti'jiRs to Kvitiai-tat Tdttxrapfc.
WisuaNa K.K, Decaaahar 22.
'I lae T. u-ay'iarly l.nrin.
The farts In refercuee 10 tho leu-F rty loaa are
that Mr. Kessenden was urgd by certain bankers
to limit tbe ulu of the Ten-Forty gold bcariti,;
bonds to one hundred millions. 11 decliueJ to
accede to the request, und ii now soiling tho
second liuudrod million, but ho has fixed no
Letter from Khorman'a Noldlftn.
Colonel Marklund.the special agent of the I'Oit
Oftire Department, reports that the mails were
landed, assorted, and during the afternoon of the
10th distributed to the entire army of Cl (mural
In half an hour he bad told 92900 worth of
stamps, and conld If he had had them told double
the amount. lie brought with hint upwards of
10,000 aoldjcri' letters, which have been mailed
liere to their respective addresses. The army It
in excellent spirits, and their taaitary condition
never better.
BatraaiHa; oaf at Kallraaaad Depot.
AuovtTA, Me., December 21. The depot of
the Portland and Kennebee Railroad Company
was burned this morning. The lost it fiO.OOO;
insured for (15,000.
The Cuurrimr del F.tuti Vnit tpeakl af the
late William L. Dayton in these terms "The
conciliatory character of this diplomat, hit per
fectly distinguished manners, had acquired for
him, at FarU, the tympathiee of aU who were
brought into contact with him. Wt doubt not
that in tbe French governmental circle kit unex
faceted death bu ajuplrtd prof .mud reatta,"
rmiDi'i.i'iiiA Tiiuiis, ay. ii:3i;.m.!i;r -., is .
Vice-Admiral DAVID (l.AaSGOW FA UK AG UT,
The Senior Officer, and Comma a-icr-in-Chiof of the Navy of tho United
she Tail or v. : -tii.-iu w. r.ii'.st,.
Tho P' l-inti' of Vii'i-A'ltnini1 I)n;d 'j.Fini
j-'ii r,ari (an, . ai .y in i; t'i is- k'.ti li.rt'pre-C' t one .vhn,
havinj.' just iit'H t.iil the prime nf lif.i, (in. Is Iii in
lelf iilsn nl the prune of his fame, lie li is a coui
plisl cd ifl inu. li iili'.ntily, tlmt ull he nlull lierc
al'tr m liii ve em nevi r f cm loogre tt to kep a
jilure bf-iilo t. A8)ei:tt. d an Ins inline in with
Niw trliiiis. Tort Ilin'soii, I'mt Gainoi, t'l)
oftiiitig of the MbsV-ippi, the knoxrlo-Jge Iht
the t tlloe of Vice-Admiral hit been onferrcl
npen b m will Ferin tn the ration the iieciiK.irly
iiplir priate remirilnf cxiorleuco and valor.
ii-i - Adiuir il Dai id la. Farr.i,'iit was born in
Knnxtillt-, Tenresfi e, in the yctr IS"". Iu bi-t
vi ry earliest yeiirs be evinced n loiuliicss f ar tin)
M.i.uiid fur every Ihiiift as ociated with mtiilical
I ur-u.t. Tbu wido expanie of ocean wan to
liiiu it vast home, mid every wave s;i iko of wi.d
tltlltbtiind valoroim nebieveincnt. 11 i-t love for
it w its tl tit of the l.ero, not of a poet. I'. w.h tho
mill where naval tnit.'r-i cuid bo fought and
viedries won; over tho American 11 .115
could be mtiio to emend in l.iiuu,
and to w hose tlint int 11 nd r spin-ilve
shores the name of tho L' lifted States conld b -(
imc us Ininiliar as a houschn'd wor.l. Hi wits
only eight years of nge when he he anie a sailor,
lu bis ninth year hebeeamea niidsblpman uinlnr
Cumniojoro For'i r, a tine old n aval o Ulcer, wit a,
in the war of lhli, won the vie ory iu I.y uti 11 iven
Lay. It whs on the Emrx that tbu p.'enni Vice
Admiral Hist 111 ule his practical an, I
aeqimiiiturce with the sea. He wits early initialed,
loo, into warfare, having been present at the bat
lie of Valparaiso.
At Ibe age ol tbirtetn bo was plate in com
mand of u prize vesvei. At tho cliaso of tbe war
til 1K12 be was sent to school, and thence into the
Navy. It w.ll ll us be seen tbat hli whole educ
tion and experience. I. uvo been lu: itary in th. ir
nutaie. He has b en 11:1 ns-'omed to the voice of
the aeu from childhood. Hit courago ha bcu
diiciplititd by 11, a y un tngageiuent, and his
Inilliaiit naval tulcnts have been made of tenfold
their original worth by the stern school of actual
ci gcM 11 cut. The abilities which lutve been coo-seier.tlou-ly
exercised for years ciilininiit' d in
billliuui-j iu the vlcturits of New Orleans und
Furrngiit It a man who Is n it without, tba
claims of aociallile. After bis admission iii'a
the Davy, be u.uriicd it S.iuthcrn lady, and setlical
in Norfolk Va. When mi ex.ieJitlon agiinst
Ni w Oilcans was I'ma'ly re-olved upon, l-'ai rai;tit
it wsa w ho tra's put iu sole c .min t id. Cp m the
'.'lib of March, l.St'aJ, be tn tred the Ml si qaai
r.vtr, pi.ssn g Forte Jack-oa and bU l'hiilip. Oa
the 'Ji.h be took po scasi r ol New Orleans. This
t-nuteiitly brilliant paocei (ling invested h s iiaiuc
wi h a pie-tlgt which no sub-eipicnt fai'u're cunlJ
bavetvir dinnmil, but which every snbseqiieiU
triumph trci ly augmented.
In the reduction of I'm t Iludioa, and In his
dazzling a hit'V' watts in M.alule bay, ho sot the
seal upon tbe promises which bis ta en:s silentiy
gave, but tho memory of w hat Farragnt has doue
Is Uo deeply rooted in the nation's mind to ro
quire tectipltuia ing witb the mere narration 01
his niaia exp'.oiis. It is useless to trace bis
carter throughout. Wo all know what he has
done; we all know what ho can do. His name
nnd his deeds will become treasured words In the
hearts and lips of children. The acclamations of
the1 entire nation accord in placing the Vice-Admiralty
iu the bands of Furragut.
Farriuiiit'a C'lirlnlinina Gift
froan New
Tbe friends and admirers of the gallant old
Vlce-Admlral, in New York city, have had a num.
ber of meetings recently, and, in addition to ton
deilng him a grand reception, hare raised a very
large sum of money by subscription, with which
they intend to purchase a palatial residence hi
the moat fashionable portion of the city, which,
when properly furnished, and provisioned for a
year, will be presented to the Admiral as a
Christmas or Mew Year's gift.
Ylee-Aduaira-tlty 1st tab 1 1 114 Mlaktea
ftavy laa SSIalaary (JoaalvrraU ef Uae
Itaauk attwrrissrwS.
Yeeterday afternoen, at nnarterpaat two, Gene
ral Clark, the Executive Clerk of tbe Senate, laid
before the I" resident of the United State the bill,
which unanimously passed tbe two House of
Congress, to establish tbe grade of Vice-Admiral
ia tbe United Htate Navy. The president
rromptly sigaad it, and it bat now become a law.
t it a follows
B m.rts kf the laU aaa Hons af RaprMeataY
tlve. 01 Uia DaallcS Mlis ( Atae'lca laa Coaatrass aaasaa
ialad, Tht Ui riMUlTUt t lh l'alle aisUi. ( tad ka Is
laawsiay euliatfl-a-Hl aiaS vuixiwwtU, S aa4 w)va) Mas aW'tca
1 a'n , -1 iV.
."V '?' 'I'")" '. i- kUf: s-V-7 - caL.-.
n ''f i:;yv-rt-' v :-s
. f V ;:-' 'J. f-' "- ''it
, lAZ" .;'-: .--' ''-:;': tiy i J.. VvA
'.V.'- , ''-i. f-.. -
yr.;'!,: ';:.--;.'r.-r .l--:."-'5
.?VV--. . v- .
.: .'f,V''i. .--:-4
;- ..:'- -s,a- .-, i .'.?.. .M.':-f-v--c' f-?J -
.- ,'.ir .;i' ---V----'. J . .
- vpv- ' - ii
A v; .'j.'V'VVW ttr-V . . t x-s
x:vhr-mmm .
. "-: , v Mimh ; ' . :.
j ' V " ' V i -vv'r? ' V' v, V: irlsik t .--- 5
' ,-t - I :J- :'.' iil--tr-J J i-'W.'1',,fe -
. v , -J4k,' ;ft ,rtt.t-' t',d1Jli,f - .;
-vK CV.Wl '-'v: i 'lYiji x-
I I h
II .1 H a.
1. . ! .'.
. it A- 1 if.' ! 1' r . v 1
l Iii' .( 11 .. ' . ' '!..f
r a'C , I I I' I' It I It'"''
(Hi : t IT I. I ill: 'II
1 1 r- r -. rui ) .1, to ri-ii'' " 1
i 1 V 11 a 1 1 Iri'.l ti t ' nn
.' Lin 1)1 (V Mtiiltt
!;,!:gu;;.,r,:, i;
Ni.vy.ln hti priiiuoUii to the a;iMitJ o: ic -A Inn- j
ml. j
'I he Si-i,.-.t, wi'hoit iirr-l !h nonnu i'-'oa 1
(u t i.mplni n.t aeiilnm I'.inleric.l iii n nianime 'Si, .
Ull III' I'll-'l 101 ti n i 1 it. j
i. r Arn ir:il Kit mir. win Is 1,0 '-n N -.v I
v.. i 1-1, I,:!,.! ..I-1 , 1: tnnioi it iv.-, .. v
Ul tl III.. S.'inili. Iiv Ir I .'iltiill.
I raaaal 11 Hv ilalll.
Ni h Voiir., 1)' ce iihei 'J J. I'hi: rt'e.i ir-i' '"I 1 11
I in biin;:s Ii iittini ml v I. ts of the 7th.
'I I. e a'.tanier Atrrawlr, now cnlVd t'10 If a-",
had 1 ecn sei.i d kt Na.-s iu lor it 1 1.1. a im of the
11 n:ra i y laws, she l-eintr an urine l aiasel Nne
will piobiibiy I e releiised
l'rtsldint Linn dn's Message is r.tbly
crilieiztil In ti c hiuriu.
The Iihiikuilc runner I'taimit -nt, whi -h went
nut of Havana, broke do a a. and wai ' b:i'cil to
u turn for repairs. Tho iKnlnjh ciauni iu oil th'j
l.'aih instant.
The Houston (T-vas) '."in,., amoua. enalll
cii.lly ibn si iyuic of the lid S'..t s steam-sr
s'i, while 011 In r nay to .N v .-'e t:it tnji
The Kni:lish til icl.i'dc-i nnui iff : cli.i nu-r Mi
A. iniu wa- raptured nil O.ilv s on ou lit" in m.t.
IC gl t Vtsselii wtl'e b 1 (1 .l.e--t.)'l oil lim
7lh Necoliuticii-s iv, 1 . g j.i.g 0.1 f a in.- c
eliaiii'C of .Kin pris int rs a'. L' ; 1 p ! 1 e, I'ex.K.
Sugars at 11 iv ma Sj to '.' ri a 1. Ia.Ii uce u 1
I. tilldon I'.'i ;a3n III. I' nt d Stats- "I . '.". ; illu t
s.r hi 1.0 er ei tit. ill count.
I.I (.11. is tr:i l,:i.a ' f..
I'mi ma S 1 a 1 1 s lis 1 1 ii 1 for it 1- f.atl fa C .-1-wuliii
er 'Ihe l'ii'te-1 .S' tie-- v. a I : r r X.
laiiu. Imiir un ni lor 1 to aez.icini in of C i"a n
in-pi rty ot Ihe t, in'td lletiire rtni iit d
V. idici, liol gni ly,
In iteil Minus v.-. Henry V. li it. I'u'j Is nu
I ii it eimerii 101 efitieb.g -I'l'Mi r . to tl" ti, und lu
1 use v. a ' he 1 ne 11 n. d tins linn ni .'. I' i cint :e j, kn' wing two ccr'.ni'l to Ii" en isleil i ll.
ili. is, he lu'i'iaght tlieni ay ironi I'ci- 1. 01 1 in
Irs vein I, Ihe ling atuttj.
I l.e ili : ti.-e i- Unit '.',1. .1'i-n ii"i s'ow -I i v..y
in ill. bnil w.ll iml t! e""- ktii' 1 1. il ; ; ih ;t
he nn y knew it wen a sc 1 oti his rt 11 11 v 1, -i'
l'i', it l.d 1 1 a 11s mjoii as in- a: . ) .ed I 1 Inn 1 ic r
lJiliiwu-.c, t)..jts:te the .N .vy Y 'r t. 11 : .'iiniin mi
ca d the I ,et to the (''it.iiu m l in', tn it t" .-l
u in, wlc iu he mi pc 'i d I 1 lie .1. ..1 ' r.-, iv.-,.;
nn l.t- v. s-el, , ml teqii. :.' d !' f 11 vi sh 'ihl
ht scut I r tl'i-ir .(1 re t. On ti nil.
H' l'lll.MK C 'l llTAl Nlsl I'llll s III li.'.' Iil'4 I.
Ju-lit'i) vs. tit.nn':r. An a.-ii'. .1 o: .! 1 naus.
lielme ripii'lid. Ver.-i t lor p. .111. id" .a i )).
II. M. I'nilllpv 1,'ni K.iA'.t il 11. vae.i ,t, lor
(i siirili. I.s "gi-'1'. I'lioi n 'or d" ! nl ml.
Wil.iain 11. Kei lil.u.', f . n-lei: of Wi linn
Will Hie Voi, 111', vs. J :i. 1 s I'oliius. I'nis h an
iiiilnu to iteoitr for ml tc c,mm!:iud 'ay tue
titlel i'.-' t, who was nt: i d of h ;n 111. 411
f-..iiue sT e', oivi cd by j r. Yini'ia. I' lti 'tnl ,
ul'ige t:at when the dct.r.daut left the hous.) h k wi b him doors, win low sash, lln niu, tt :.,
and that in hu leu tin- house a 1 ui luct, vr -ck.
On tr'al titovur for plniu'lil ; t'u irlts W. brook.)
and 1 l.omus Mulliu tor uciciidant.
Wm. 1 Hacker and John 1'. R'liner, tax
payers, vs. the City of Philadelphia, Tuomas t.
bu wait and Win. U. Hays.
This was a bill In equity, tiled by complainants,
asking for an injunction to reslraiu the said
htewart, and tbe city, from executing a contract
for supplying coal for the l'kiladclphiaUitt Works
for the year lbbn. The complainants allege tbat
under an act of Assembly the City Councils have
control over ull the Departments, including
the (Jus Works; tlmt thero was an act of Assembly
requiring all contracts with defendants to be
given in conformity to ordinances of Counolls,
and tbat under sueh act an ordinance his been
passed leimitiiag tho defendunts to advertise for
proaosala for supplies; that in this case a con -tract
for three thousand tons tjf coal is about to
be given to Mr. Hays without proposals having
tirst been invited.
Tbe object of this bill i to put a stopper on
the action of tbe majority of the Uas Trustees, in
awarding a contract, to take effect prospectively,
at a higher rate than the present price ot coal.
The case will be argued on Saturday,
Brls raJl falaia, LorS, Boalon. J. B. Hilr Co.
Urtar ft. 11. Wli.stur, MeLaus-llil'i., UiaatMU.Captala,
ttcar J.r. atuilkud. Bous, baatuu, i. I , Jnaiiu.
iRRivrn TtTiT uouninii.
Bri Iiu.tU l lir ', Haptlau, 14 Hays trial lUVi'ii, with
t.k Ui k.nssar, mala a fa. M.sito's. A. islaco.
Seta- rk i. W aiTMi. W krru, 10 days (raaa laaaacor,
Wttla liotatoM U he!ar k Una,
Sbrli.r.Haitli.CrM,TaaysiTost Boaloa, wilJi atta
tul'ruwril at ( niaa.
a. air a il. wIimiw, atsOlaaskUa, T days rrmu Boitoa,
la aalaast te cauiaiav
glorious news!
m, f- i'j-9 ijjf -r y rj.Mn
I 1st- twl-ls ( s , I IIMI W.
, jjc;oat of tho Rebel Lyon
ITnrtii:;: vii.I.k, Kntil ucky, Dceo ubiT 21.
(Itini-iil K. I). McCiioU sLriifk p.irt of tho
l.'elel (Icnernl Lyons' command tit daylight
on llio K'.tli, ile find ctl tlii'tn, ami cup'urci! their
nriil'.i ry. I If i.-i still ptirMttiii tliotn.
11 a 1.1 1 ax, I )oecuiiitr 22. The steamship Aiieu,
fr- in I .i vi r, o il ou the lUtli, viii yueenstown on
Ihe 1 1 :h,n il ut 11 o'clock last night in a thick
snow ntorm.
The Bruv In arrived out on the 8th intt.
The 1'inl leal into I .gi nee it unimporuut.
Sales of cotton for the week (i'-.'lOO taak'S. The
nmrki t oj'i in.! with nn advance of j I., butsub-c-q.itiiilyiitc.tiii'
!! d 1.111I 'b : Improvement wa Iot.
Hi. iiils iills rrovl-ijiis havea deeliulng
t roleni y.
Ci t a.o's for mmi' V, N 'J.
Ssii s of cotton to-day, H0J0 bit'c', the market
elo'ii'g quiet.
l'i tin eimi fti-ady ut Is. UJial. 10.1. for
Anit'iicitn stcniuies itiintivc. I'liited riU'es
:, 11 4J;;(.-i t;i.
it,e I. a ,1 ni France ban reduced the rute of
.;i-n!iiii It' 111 ; to 5 per cut.
v.iif-sit li (iiai-eaiNtn-Hiii.
1 1 1. 111 n.ii., I) e ce 11 1 1 a. t 10 Tho .ItiarufaviViia,
Inn N. Y ik, arrived at Qneenstown to-d ty.
C. lim quiet (and utii'hnagi'd. rllcs HJdJ bales.
1 I i-s'liiii rhip .'1 111 saihtl from Liverpool on
fi fith, ami th- Aiiioii-wii on 'he 7th for New
Y U nnd tlit) A ortii Aim iu- ut lufl on tbe HiQ for
I'm ilm.d.
I i t re is no i'lim 'tlmte proqie t of a reductian
il. the Hm k 1 f Mmrland rate ot interest te six per
nil'. Ihe domand lor di-cinnt is la.lier more
'l't:e C nfedern'o T.nan wai depressed by the
news ot -l,t'i ui.tu's pr gies.
A violi 1 I f ule nn thu c.'St c mst of India bad
e iiisio k'ihi 11 n la'.uoi-, mill thousands of lives
a c riq orled 'ot.
Tin Karl nt Caili.-lo died on tbe nth
'I he iiiicllsh lloiiie "Secretary awarda all the
mo: e ary icwards iu Muiler's tbe cabman
.iaitht w.i.
'1 he remains of Mr. Dayton were embalmed
and sent to Havre for shipment to Now York.
The obsequies took place on tbe Otb, attendod
by a representative of tbe Kmpcror aud the
French Foreign Minister, und tbe whole Diplo
matic body, a detachment of troops forming tbe
guard of liouor.
The Africa sailed at 10-30 this morning for
Iloston, where she will bo due on Friday evening.
bivadstutls quiet, but steady.
Provisions dull and unchanged.
Livfhi'ool, December 10. The newt hy tbe
Auitrafatian came to hand too late to develop
any 1 licet upon to-day's markets.
The steamer feuxi, from London for New
York, which rail ashore neat Cherbourg, has
totally sunk.
Arrived from Philadelphia, December 9, thlp
Scotland, at Quetnstown.
Arrived from Baltimore, December 6, ship
flora McDonald, at Havre.
Haslllwir of tbca "Ctonsadsw"
Boston, December 22. Tbe Canada tailed at
7 o'clock this morning for Halifax and Liverpool.
San Fbancisoo, December 21. There have
been bo arrivals or departures of oonaeqneace
to-day. The general market ar dall. The over
land mail advice from Mew York to th 19th af
November ar received, being several day be hind
Ih tteamsr.
The late (tons has bee a incceeded by clear, cold
weather, accompanied by gal which did eoaal
derabl daiatg to coatUng veteelf.
' r V v. ;
rosition and Conditiou of our
MEET INC OF TWO HEROES., Elr., K.le., Kir., ;te., Ktc, Ele.
cm k It t v Kit, (in, HiCiTiihcr 17, lsi.l. Ihe
I n :eil s'lcs roveniio cutler .vrm.aia, l.leute-
nai t t eii ii iiiitlmg ."saiaaiiiol S. Warner, O.-iieral
i-1 ta r s inn'-iinn', lett llnlnn I Ih.I ou the 111 are
Hid tl e 1v.mIi, to go ttnwii Hie c a-t With tlt n
1 all nsli rtid at .1', to a mil iv..r to oncii cum
mil. 1. w nli (ii in ml Sin iiu.iii, goiin t.iron,:li
I" I in I u s-ki, atid thoi rr to the niir-h to War
aavr S' ni ", lo. king towards th" in .111 c iintl, to
ui'i 1 tit nm i- truces ni Micrm.iti 8 iifiv.i'tiv.
N'.lo Wi ic o'ih'i v. il, s Ihe ( pr e.'t'ili' I
nti'i i'o 1 ml ci tend O -nlmiv Sound, where Hi"
pint 1 ut on I. h 1 k ail 111;: il ry . as 1 o n 11111
M ii'iiI wnli. l.ienli naiit ti iiii A. Fi-Iiit, of
I he Si; n ' 1 I 'or 1 1-, I '11 iii 'I si ill's Auiiv, was In re
'It 1 ll I ol. Id tlil! rr.. In pri 1-. l ll mil Ills inri v
up lln I '1 1 1 1 iv, 10111 mine ivor to e annum c I'e
wi ll M 1 111 1111, it he should . Jacll tlie c ast 11'.
thlit pn n'.
Tl e Ac 11 ritiiMiul to At'iir-a at itml innvcl
iqi the nvcr, nnd ni einared j nst out
II ti.ite in a Ki I ei I illicit, linn tr n'm mit'i'
incki ts win ihr, wn up ii v f.iptan Je--e McrriU,
(.nitlt f ll.e Sii'ini. C..rps, to anno.inee ins p-e-s
ice to ( literal Mi. rmau's wijc 11 tl old eri, nut
e l :ti n 10 re p 11 se.
I.i. u ' a 1 1 k 1 t I -Inr was n.O'c siieocuful. The
ii.n 1. 11 d six pin s in inpiil such ssi in tria.ii 11
liiiiy gnu a- a sciul, ai.d then l.n u'eii'in
li tin up -en ml rncKeis end el iselv ex
i:mii t (I the l.niiiin nv.rtlie nn I il, in. I toi- ttie
nsi.i'c. At i.foi.l It o'cii'i". nn ih nionilin of
the I.I h, 11 ti r a loeln t l.a I la tn .il-chur.-i'd Ir nn
the . . 11 I t.e si n tnu of lulu was o - n veil t a
B iitin iip in the uirtciioii of iho D.;i cue ', an l
1 in "t I. y i 11 aw iy.
A: 101 ket vni iiiiiin rlin'i Iv sent ui frim
iff lhn-l.i;i, ami u see mil t inrn ut' li,:ti'ivn
Sinn tin s.m ni,iii.n .is the tir t. I thru
Inlin e a 1,111 -'ion wiiillur or not ibev nere
hi 1 1 1 s a nn s 'o ce nee our nlli. i rs. A! .Cniii
-1 tin ne nek. II. 11 rv t u aa l m"i li-m. Acting
M 'lei W il '.'ins, ," k Ic 11:11 hii' I isner ami li'i
I'ir-y. mil fnytan Wilcnison of the ll ia!-bii,
nn.' pn err in up ili .iVc l.c" I it i' aim wunin
pin i t l'i 11 KcAiii lu iiuil tl.c lia'i, ri,.s on 1110
1. It t.Og 1 Inc.
line I. idiia Hunt Fisher Ii ok a sninll hont and
pine, ict.l up 11s Inr it- pus rale, vvt'i 111 dr.iAnig
the 1 111 my ihe. A 1 11 r 1 11 1 re v tulips, line wis
lentil' cf ti e (1 rt nnd the -urroiiniltiig Hiimls,
In Id v, li.i-h prr ci tdi d tne lepoi ts of inu-kiiiry,
nr.d ll.. niii niton of the gat ri-on seemed 10 he
(iireciiil iuluntl entiielv. A 11. of, which seemed
to In tier own, at' n 'Ij it'c from a biinae f mr
n.ilis 1 fl, 111 i',on liniie c .n ful t xami'iitt ui, tun
Milts wrre pliitnly vnihle, und all iiiiuht of tie
1 In.ia tcr nl tin Hag was 11 1 tmee rciuovc I.
It wa- ihe lirsl ll. g that had lloateil over
fiircnil Ilnwiirn's be .uq' tins at Atl'inni, and
low llir:cd out on the sea cnat, within eight
milts of ihe eity ol Sa-nin th. Lttnite .unt
Kislcr 11' mice returned to he uir, und moved up
to an Opi'Mhg out of range of F.nt MeAl'ist. r, tr. in the lop ol tie pilot-house of the
'(la.iai'mii, the Anierie in 11 ig could be tli-tincil.-ni
11. A white ai .'nal lln,' was ut on e r tised lay
Ili u'rniint I'l-her, and ut 01110 u si'nil II ig
nf a like mittiro was avitvtd und commuuieatlon
Lieutenant Fisher signalled :
"Wi n me you r"
"MeCliiituck, chief shnitl nQcer of General
Ilow. ril," waa sigualletl li.u k.
A 11 cssBgo was ut niics tent to loner nl Sher
nn n, ti rdering nil aid Iroui (ietitral Foster und
A iin Iml 1 lahlairen.
(.'t i crul Sherman then sign ulrd Unit he w is
invi alirg Fort McAllister, ami wanted lo knoav
il tlie boat could help itii Inr heavy guns. Ilj
line any ri ply could be' given, Oeneral S nirm 111
In d Hi-liiilnd lo Oci eral 1 1 17. -n, of tbe l.a tt
t orpi, lo the fort Iniiiitiitately.
iiAzi.N'a AssAt 1.1 on rour m'alliktku,
Iii live iniiiuttsthe rally bad been sounded by
li e hiiplcs. One volley of mu-ke'ry wmi beard.
hihI the i;i xt nit'Uit nt ihu three brigade ll is'-i of
I'liyeu's llivlsinn wine pluo-d iilinnst simull,iue
Di.siy 011 ihe pnrptlH ol Fort McAllister, aud
l ui men svu.l nn ) into the work and shot do vn
lI.eKcl'ils at their guns. 'I be fort was oars in
taen y minutes 1 tier (jeutral SUennan's order to it was given.
(it n. i In 1 u,u 11 then scut word that ho w aul 1 bo
il. wn lhal night, and to look out for his linai.
I he tug imnn ili.ilcly He,. mud down to Osstiiaaw
Si, und, 10 timl (ieiierul Foster or Admiiul D1I1I
picn; hut they ii"t In lug tliere, ilispatelies weru
si l.t to them at Warsaw, announcing Gen. Sb. r
11 1 aii's intended visit, and the tug returned to its
old position. While approaching thu fort again
a nn all laiat was seeu couilug down, ll was
buili'U with :
' W hat Lout is that f " and tbo welcome response
tvmc buck
It soon cniiie alongside, and nut of the little
ilupout, paddled by two men, stepped Gone
rui hhirnaa und Geucral lltaaril, and soil
en the deck of Iho DamMum. The groat la.ihT
waa itctiveil with cheer alter cheer, and
every inaulieslitiioii of iieligiititnd aa isfa 'linn lav
nil. lie was lu splendid spirits, and eKprcs-e I
lnsgrutillcution al reaching hist ase. He remained
on Imaid until i.lauul '2 o'clock in tne morning.
Wtiiic on the boat be wrote his despatches to
n 1 1 Giant, ti, nciul Halluelt, Goucial Foster,
..i d A 1: rn 1 1 nl Diihlgn n.
On the lollowmg day be came on hoard the
Stmuha, anil wus received lay (leaural Foster.
'I he Stmultu tin n pro. ei did lo Warsaw Sound,
whi n Adiniral D.iblgren, accoiiipauied by his
stai), dime on bomd mid spent souio lime in cou
veisi tmn with tbe General.
1 lib 1 a, LMUI.M bl.slls A VKUBAL U GS9AO U TO
Ci'lonl A. IL Markland, superintendent sf
minis lor Ihe aruiba, cni" on hour I with de
S HI( Ins for General Sherman, and delivcre la
Ti rbal inc. -sage fiom tbu fn anient. Taking the
(iiretal by the band, the Colonel sthl :
tit Ti 1 ra I SliCMiian lletnre Icuilntt Washington
1 wus ilirtcie -. hy the 1'ic-i.lcut t a lalic you by
fie luiiid, wherever I met yon, and say for him,
''Goo bleas ynti and the army under your orii
inaiid and be tiiriherinora adde I, "Since cut
ting ioope liom Ai.'ania my prayeri, and those of
the nation, have been for vnur success."
General Un rman rT!d to he deep y .tir.'ite.l,
aud iiltt r n nu meiit'a sil.rtce coul 1 onlv sav. ' I
tnank the 1'ietliicnt. Say my Mriny la all right."
I'uricg the day Gener.ii Sh. nnin rclAtcd many
a nci iltiies of bli persnnal experience, wuile
1 oiiiirK throuirli, of a bumorous nature, which
uiuat Lave been beard to have, ta'en tliorouathlv
i porneia'ed. , lie spoke coutulentlr of bis a'nlity
to take bavutinah, say ing that lltrdee was his
fc'an e.
Subsequently he returned to Fort McAllister,
in a boet placed at bis disposal by Admiral Dtlil
gren.and General F oster returned to Hilton Head
to arrange to get forward supplies of bard bread
and collec, as beef, fresh and s ilt pork, etc., were
abundant in General Sbenuan'l command.
For Additional Locals, nt Eighth Pagt.
Assavit and Battery. This morning Arthur
Mullen was arraigned before Alderman Shoe
maker upon the charge of committing an assault
and battery with Intent to kill. It teems that one
of tbe Seventeenth Ward oillcers had a warrant
for tbe arrest of Mullen's brother, lie went to
tlie former's tavern, in Master street, above Third,
where be was,met by Mullen, who drew a pistol
and pointing it at the ollloar's bead threatened to
shoot lim if he did not retire. The accused wai
committed for trial.
Samuel Warner wai committed by Alderman
Jones, vpon the charge of committing an assault
and battery noon Othcer Kllpatrick. The latter
was engaged in makiag an arrest at rtfteeath aad
Callowblll street at the time.
Hbatt KoBiiaitr. 6om Urn during last
eight, tome unknown person entered the Uvsra
of Mr. Joseph Hiley, la Righta street, below Ban
sum, and stole VluVO In gold, aud two gold
watches. The property wa ia bureau lu the
tecoud story.
FatisoKAi. Fostmaster-Qeneral Dennlsom
arrived la town last night, and paid a visit
to the root Oltt. aUO kit for )(ew f tftk Utit
mot Dili g.
ExTiNoriMiiKo Fire bt Contbaot. At U
meeting of City Councils, thii afternoon, aa Im
port nnt bill will he introduced by the Committee
on Finance, providing for the extingilshlng of
fires by mntrnet. The Committee, In tbelr re
fort, state that they bud uni'e consideration the
ordinance to mnke the annual appropriation to
the Fhe He pariment, and after a cartful tx imf
D ttion report adversely 10 the same, and in plane
thereof report Ihe ordinance given below. Th
C.iinmittrc believe that the change STono d wil
ecu c grra'i-r economy and umre elllcieacy in
ihe Fite lit pirtmetit.
Ti e cost of maintaining the pneiit ivstem If
lnintani'g from yeair 10 year wi.n the earrai
aniiing security auainst the ravages of nre, aud
no rti tn tmn In the nut s of nuiimiice. l'uo itk
eiiiiatd tost i,f H e Fire Depai luient within tne
Inn sett ny oars lsn early ihree hundred per cent. '
the mat 111 ISnH 1 el .g & tr...'l7.i. I he estlm ned
lost fur the year lSiio, -Uli 7vi'a. Tuo ordiutuca
re 1 rted t.clow limits the c nt to ','.0.ii( I, a
nun that wi uld remut ernte the Insurunce Cotn
pHi Ii s or tl e I- ire A"UK't 'tion tor org mining at !
supilylig a lir-t-inass Fine 1) par.inent. lb
In ur n 1 c C nq aiiie-oimht to h ive ti e control
a mt in.ima'- nieiit ot :he t- ire Diijiu tment, as thoy
sre tho pn 1 1 .1 a w b a take the risk ot tires, and
win. would c insult lln ir own inta rests in pros,
vn ing U t br si apparatus forex-lnifiiialiliig them,
and u ho it. ni Id no doubt in a lew years relieve
the cm fit in til 1 xpi use iiieidtnui to maintain-
II. a a 1' ire ll' 1 ailment.
I In: Inliow ii c is avrrha-.itn copy of tho ordi
ni'nc: " 1 . 11 1. Tl i- Peli : I iiril r'n-iimian (" iini'Ils nf tht H'r
11 I In n. 1 1" in an ,11,'. 1 n, I l, 11 ti,. Mn r hu r v ht
. .11 i- s Inn i, nut :.,.ri.'i..l .mil te.iu.. te 1 n, en r lino a
..1111 Wilis .11,1 ( 0:1 11: j,i i ...ii 1.1 ,.,-r , c ,r, , 4 a
iriia 1'i.ii'ni ,"l,ii s l. 1:1. 1- n. n-'i-e-sar. h enii y lor
I e All .' 11 . Inn 1 in 1 1 in e 111 1 1, en a . Hint I nai case tinS
III. iini.. nn III nl Hi.. I ,r.' l'i iisiln-siil siiiiii' fur lliC
l' i--e hi . i'. si I nt t ri e,,iiii ti e s..n nf le en'.a-IHe
I,' ii .mi iin, I n, urn f ., 11 v . ml ii,.. at nn- I. her it
In 1 1 1 .-- m ii ' I ..i 1 , i i ,i J r. ,ili"t'il l.a s. ra--tl nils sitf
in-irio ai." iii.i.v .in h 1 1. n i; i h- iia.T as-va
i.. s ui . ii .) imi; ei iii a mt ai.u t a-1 e sin..:i I ,u sf
n mil I r. .. n . I air I . , larr-, aa-il "iher -Irs p,i irs-
lii.. ..i.i lis I i.i si-m. ..1 wsnla iniu anl r.i't. ot Uae el , and
Hi I I lu I anil e:ll. isnt in,-ot tin same .
M.I in -1. in. M, .r ..I ll i l . the ' hisfuf r'
' u li I In I.s II ei a It hi 0 I.i l (1 leal
I e tne I ni. nil-- in e . .. iti-Clvul I'l.l''licala, wliO
lull rule on ii.ii. r I.i il w it an.l m in is" itie l'uli.
P .i I . cm. u' il tn in ase nl lue, in i inf. iti n tnl4tl"u
I ' I i t ' i er i in. i I " I l In- a . nn . - nh i o. mill t ' I 'ih turnas
a ll" .l.lirtvl anil uilta te lai liuidu tiv Una liri-t tatliual
l-l . ,.r
Sit 1 1, n .'I Tl-if 11 s .inn nf .I.V..IIIV .fl.-.. ih anii..
1"' ' ,e 'line is in. v a,nr...'irlsu'il iu osira out ilia
iri.Ms'.ie. i,r i,n incniiM-e, Itlal wauiu.a ui.,i-ulai- sUill
u. i iiiwi, I... il.'Minir.
Tim 1'iNn fiiNpi.cTioNt.iiT T ann of Stephci.
F. Whitiiii'ii, ilo. l'JlDMiik t strre', li crow ded
niih pin chasers of Hue French bon-bon, fane
boxes, swittniciits, and caufeciliiiii of all kind,'
We MT.tiire noili tig In a-'ertiuit thai there is n it
sii re In I. n lnn nr 1'aris that cm stirpi'T
"'"""i1" in me van iv ni it i a-s ir in 'nt iinl
Ihe i il ii i t oi I s in mill n lures, r. ililmr lira
srl s is pi, under bis own aup :rviiiju, an 1
in- ll-l s I III 111 i g I Ul 1110 lilSl a. Ik-1 III ,8 W il lleSO UB
n.ateiiais Th so wtshinrf at-oils in his lin.t
sin n il use no lini" in mukui't to nr s leciinni,
n-in.-iiown in ins inreo store lie reaies tin. i-.
His I'm n. ii imtmrtu lot s li ivet een itn nonti. iit
ol in tirse ll.ty i iiiinno: ho il nut forever. Tlioso
wiin pni-eliasc curly, ol course, have the clioi.-a
of gotds.
Ornea oa- The Cvksihi Tai.rai-Aen. )
l iiurau -. liacaH)r -i.
incMo K llarkct is dull this morning, witlt.
the exception i f C nl Oil shares, whljli aro la
f .ir dcnutnil, but prices are unsettled. Iu Go-'
vi rnmcni bends there 1 less doing, wltn salet of
5-2(18 at l(8i(.i 10'J; 1U9J was bid for lis of 1S8I,
coupons oil'; KU for 10-4.)s, and 9A for new.
7.lo j reiiusylvania 08 aro tolling at'Jl, whlcU
it a decline. '"
llailrond shares continue quiet nt about fanner
rates, with tales of Heading nt 67 Pennsylvania
at ; Ciitmvissa pn ferred a- 371 d PalUdcl-
phiu und F.tio nt,2iiJ(Vi'27 ; 671 t bid f arPhlla
dilphia and G..ruia:. town; aud 10 for C itaivissa '
coniuinn; lot was asked for Camden aud Am-
boy; .Ilj for Little Schuylkill; 20", for Noitti
I'ennsylvniiia; 61 forKlmira preferred, and 32
for common. ,
Coal Oil fiireta are moderately active, hn
prices nre unirttled. Curtin sold at ISJj Cora
Planter, 7C""l! Den-more, V; Daladl, 9Jj
Egbert, 4 ; Great Ilasin, 3.J; Maple Shada, 3S1
Ji.T.I; Story Farm, 2 41-10); St., 4j j
Will nut Island, 2J ; Oil Crock, 7J ; and Kroizor
If. Tbe superintendent of the Frank ford Ol
Comp tny telegrupbs to this city that one of their
wells on Oil creek commenced pumping yester-'
duy at the rate of fifty barrels a day.
The Money Market is without change. Lnans
on cull a-e freely oircred at 3;3 i per cent, per'
annum. Prime mercantile paper continues scarce"
ai d is discounted at 7(2.9 per cctjt. " ;
It appears from a statement of the Secretary o
the Treasury made to the Senate, that tbe appro
priations applicable to Ihe fiscal Yc tr ending with
June, lKfil, amounted to $237,(134.000. From
which deduct the refunding requisition! anal
transfers, $S,572,O0O, li aving $.'2'),000,000 at tht
real amount of funds as appllcatalo. From tlii
deduct tbe amount drawn by requisitions, minus
tbe amount of refunding requisition! and
iransftrs, SOi.BlO.OOO, and the balance oa the
30th or June last was $13ti,OJ0.21.j. ,
I'Hll.Allll.llllA 8 TOOK aSX MAM IK H LU, l)RC. ti.
tleisiriec by Clarkson a Co , Biaks-., No. Ul a. Thirst s)t'
nasi BOAJtD.
t'tOUSU'l II si,
i'ii ilo'i
l.iii Penn .ri ill
SsTC I 'si .Matuiil arelp. SO
tiiiist'iiui A Ain uiti.H.u7
t.ilsi ins i Cni lnii ma
tnu iteailina IjiIs ';u..ln
tatissi s i a. ii. as
lui sb I i.n u oil I.'.',
us) tn s"4isrt O 1 4
li o a ureal liAsua .. a ;
lisas'i ili ;
Ml .0 Hiaaaa's E lily. . 1
fa I'a tlari'll 7
Km an 6ik'. a Oil.... 4'
i.i. 4l,le sa ...b :
an oa e 8
Vii-o all n.v bit. ,r. .
inu an OU Csw...... 7s
linn mi 7':,
I'l'.iOUCsA ,aR... 81,'
'(' sh ilo li'i
!Ki .ti a-ory K.rm. . j-ij
I'd .nli Meh'itna .. 4','
HO all Wil iii Is.. .. JV
IKlsh Kr im IV
I.VI ah Mm'1 iiioh. ... f. sj .
rsa all lr. tl iiiit 4 1 lit
In an l.iHia.t M null, ft)
i s h I'si.ii a l(R.... r. .'.,
2'!' an I'.laiv nr 371?
tun 'i nn a Kns... i:
1 ah ilo mf
lie .1, ui I. v, I
lata ah il 1.', '4,
Wil sh Curiil'laninhJO 7 V
luish ili. 7 1
li (i ah 'lam m ,r aitf1
Kaa.h on .taiio ais,i Keml lu It.. nr s r.7l,
Itaa ah u., fl, j
lio.a ii.. i.ui,',7',
C!'sb u... 'iia'''.'!.
Ill' ktl de 6' I
HO lb ili. 7',
! 11 e d- cvp.7
ViO.h Us .It i. II.... lay
t'lUah I xiel.lnr....bA !'('
Quotations of the principal Cue! and Coai ' ol.'
stocks at 1 o'clock to-uay : '
A 1 $14 k
rtnsaiu Coil . .. s llvS.rarm 4 ta ,
fn-iUr I'soi ril . J, I 'nV.i.s 01 . JnVf 11. V
Ui.M:,l',ii.,.H 111.. atST-nmOn IV 1
I.v.nrs riiis.... 1', 114 kmirar .. I'J
s.v Aa d.eai.. in i m.ns on. sss si
N (''-I'oi'eala.
.... I Moiliia taak Oil., .s i'ii .. '
Naaa fr-yt
faun Uii.tlig
Hav alalia
All.a-lirliy Blaai.,
H' I ant
atramlea l.lauS...
aiunar ,
rull I rial
I IS M..'ral Ul, V t'll
18 MI'icu t UU if
.. tlrlima. . tn
1. 9 W I''k.rrTR'a .. 'i'l
I', .. BoLliiai.-sisniatM-. lu.'j
II -JitJ'-'OII tvl. s7V ..
I I, , ar.-aoli III 1 1 .,(!
t jOlna.isad (ill iii J'
.. I ''tnnarlTka'a Hot . .. S't
1 W
in, ria. a 1ISa ot.. ..
II', Pol rauTO On... 10
4 S
Ilaralat ''ailM..
( iiniinTnial ......
Crf Suaut ill....
I 1
1 - prtraaaia-nOoaair.. H',
a oriia............s
Corn Manuar s
laldaaell 4
aa; r.iiB,taiiuTaaiai,. a 14
T l-l. , ill im. 1 4t(
T Rsv.nue .... 1W
l'i Uotssrls OU
W oli Oil 4
Cliorry Kaa..,.
jaaaftard Ull
1'ualardCr kOlla ,
Ilaaiaaaoro ...a
1 RAihliono
I S'lTrnaaa !''
tVi Ruisca Oil
Biralaior OU..
Kailiarl ,
tlraat Waalarn
oi.s. (ni
,.s '
.s liJ
.. Rtsrr ram s t 44
14 tchuvi a till Caat ..
.. St. Niokolaa a..
1 tsnhi-T ...... ..
s ..
, 1 4
l'i Tain- rarrn t 8 V
I Tan KotnasalaA.. 4X i'i'
t -
4 t'kloa e.u-ol.uas,. J 1
ll-U ts Bc.aaaaar I 1 11 '
llowa s XddrOtl.S It
lltfcbard ts
t? s nntn'm .. .... , ., 4
.. w.lout Ulauaal.... V tt
Ili WavtAoa Sii I 1
1 1
aau taaooi
Qnetatlnot of t)old at the Phlladelobia Gold
Kxchange, No. 11 8. Third straet, ttery -
Vi A. al T'2'14 11 at km
11 A. M t I P..M
Market dull. ;
Hakfbb, Diisuibt st Co., N. M 8. Third ttreet, '
quote as follows i
American Gold ri utli '
American Silver, I's and i't 200 11J ,
Dimes and Half Dlmei 200 tud
Fenn. Currency 0-20 dis.
New Toik Kavchange lj .2H -
Market dull and steady.
stksM ky Matn-ta,
Haw Toei. DaweiutMi' ia... ts eulot.
anonr sjvaiia.a. aa
rto trail salM oa ",,J
no o-im i ri.r 1" - mut. "'
1 for Maniiai-B. Wk.atnuiait. ajora a -" "d dtiaalia-,
BI.IS'4t. r.rk dull anJ aawar . a. "
tall atutti4X. BtaislLf uifU, f ai4 ta4 .
isaaAa. v
Baitiiiob, Decembar tt-Flonr bat a cV.
sllnlu. tendMtv. irimi a' a Ovinia aa I svtav
Fa KU?.:".lr wicisi . aaaajw, lit, ten
VWataVaV Wailaalvtsasaiaa).