'J it IX. 7.' TITE DATLY EVENING TELKfiTlArn.-rynLADIOtriHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2l'. 18G4, , 8 WKDNE5T) AT, PECKVWR 21, IBM. REBEL BARBAEITIE3. Blf the rhllrx Hnln Month la ikaj Nunay austiHi Tl f llnrror. jaatertlar enmmenccJ tli nitrrmire of 1 knt nant Potter, of this t lt.y (son of tlm hit ! Tbcniss rottrr, bri'ker), who is among tlio ex . thangtd prisoners just returned lo ttieir har, Tho staunitnl of lieutenant 1'otti.r f rm A t,10 point wbere it abiupily tcrminntcd jo .aj i as follows; By a fjstem of mamri.Trlnff, the ',ak'.t ral.a ef tbe prion at Columbia, Soiub Carolina, . ere t'renmventcd, aril thivo htini.r.'4 sui'i-nerind In effecting their w in ono tlajr. Trie escapes becoming fretiiii.., four blu'idhiMinda were pro cured to track tiro fugitive. 1 wo of lUc-d brunts wera induced to tome into our lines, wlicn tlity were killed and, Uuir bodies .lurks). I'pon dis torerinfi tbcit luvs tbey gave tent to tbc vari us jneaiii so popular with tho clilva'ry rjf sliowiug lndlgnatKm. Among which we in.ty inontlon oaths, maledictions, uod exbibie'.ons of la. Ul c on tortions and of bowie kn.Tis. l-'mully tbey din Covered where the animals were burii d, an I ex humed lUiir bodies, ullhougli In a putrut'yiuj Condi ton. The J then placed tbcm la the stream from which Ibe prisoners i.rc comp llel to prjcnro Ihcl -drinking wuier, atiout oat; liiimfirrl yuril . ultovo the dead line, m that all the w.itcr wtucli reacuod thtui ws com pel id to flow otcr and ha impreg nated with ibe rllluvid ut de-eoaip mini; canines a piece of Mined limuttriiy wiii-.li Ctnar llurgi Hi ii tit enT.v. One day when sent to proenre wo d, lie, with bis companion, Captain llumu, sue ceded in e C il'iiiM. In i nice iu ciy lUcy i iiinin need to orni tuej Poutlurn SttU'S of Sjurti C.trolin.i and part of Oeoriila. or ilirtio weeks tliuy jjurncyed, tiavclirijr by uilit and coiiee.illtlK llicintulvcs at tbe approach ot day. Durini; all ibis ti ne til" were srpportod, guarded, and guided by tan CfKroes. I'pon tbe approach of morninir they wouM pri'Wl arountl a tuie uutil it slave u(ipj:ir.'J, ulientVy would at once aunoiineu their c mdi tiou. W are t scaped Yaukcr , ' r.i the 'onca IMme" lo the liU k heart, lie wonlil nt on 'i) fire thitn food, even iilihnui-'h, us was generally the ra-e, he was .-oiiipclli U to li prive litiu.-o f i 1 ruer to do to. The slaves appeared to have a dtm ol tcli graphing, hieh n.v in ut a"ur!tft tie. A rcgul ir org iii.7.t!on, secret m ttHntturo, evidently exitcl, and In Oiscu-ing all the ii 9 tii ns of the day, they exbilnteJ an nppreii nitm atm imll Ki me tar atmve that of ihc poor "whim tru. li." Kvity week lr,nu thirty to Urty negroes sroultl eollect tu some r'in, and t!.e ino.it inielligent would rea 1 to them the news from the Eolith I'aroitnian, and they wero wailing mo t anxiously for ''Mas -a Mler,m'i" t Coaie and Bft thi-ni tree. L'pon tlio route' when a ntgrn hud f licit' n d ilietu lor the day, he w mid ay that ut a rcrtiiii jKjint they would tiud another who would hide i hern for tho next d iy, rid at that point the "other" inv.inu-iy np pcured. Ihiee negro Womea dN'uwcd them selves in !h'k eloilie", ana expr -smd then in tention to follow the "Yankee," And a ittoft posi tive rcfual ulonc" previ n ed them carrying ttieir ieb me Into praeti e. At iIkm resides a wea thy puimer a ho has paid over -JO, (MM daring the last (cventeen monthn to uvoid hemg drafted. Let Ihi'i-o ho murmur at $'VK1 lor tinea years, think of this f.iet, and learn to Talue their bless'.njr-! Every man mut.t give one-tenth of all his income, wlieiiirr in miiincy or grain, to uid the Kcocllion ; and it is thu ciiliuitntot' thu Southern people ilia-, could ttiey but get an opportunity, tney would hurl from pewer their oppressor, ami return ouco more nndir the old ll tg. Une day, about three we, In after thev had escaicd, they were captured, tail time, however, hy Cuionts iu disguise. Upon being builea, they replied they were "tuoiuuvn of the Georgia militia," upon which they were chafed with bloodhound', unci captured. 1'neir raptors apolovl.ed for such ircutmeut, statiug thty thought lb-it thi y were nc;nm. Darru their third captivity they were well treated, and although every t out'iroii, when in til'! pre-enoo of anther, declared they were for war to extur mlna ion, our ben es were led nuidu privately, nil tvery rnnn declared that he was true to the old Uuion at hi art, but was u'ral.l lo trust his neightior. Alter eonttuiiing there lor ono wei-k, tnjojing Southern bopita ity, they wero sent back to Columbia jail. Tnere niglits mo t harrowing met ilieir gae, whole regimcuti ol our prisoners were marcued through the stteet without any clothing except u oio r.r, mrdiy a yard i pmre, and some were d prired ol even tbur. The brutality i f tho-e in conim md was terrible, (ieneml Windrr let tho na uo ba rtmiiiibercd, lor when we capturo him Muniesis nimi he sat. sued wbeu our men were dying here at the -ruio of ono bnndred and fifty per f.krVihl tlm nfHcrru Hllmvini tlifi,,, 1111V On- pio'eiui nt, reinaiking that they "are not ihjmj haij Jaat enough. la tins prison tho brother lu lu of lieu. Grunt Is contini d, and is siifijo.r.ed t ) evtry kind of oppiobiiuiu aud insulw, being placed in thu cell with runaway lugrocs und trtab d more like a brute than a man. Hut our prisoners sutler more Irom their Icllows th ui f n m their loe. An organized ban I of about UOO desperadoes of our torces, murder their fellows and n wove their clothing uud tdttikuts, and hury them under ttieir tents. This hornbo lysttm ia prmcip.dly practised upon "irusu Qsh," Or new arrivals. This continued uu.il mi man's life was safe while ho slept, when the honest part ot the prisoners determined to have vengeance on tiiesu most owardly rjiurikrcrs, and. detect them in the very act. A jury was empanelled, Judge and Judge Advocate appointed, trie eiiuiiuuis grunted a fur tri d, an sentenceu to death. They were then taken out and bung. The brother of one of tlm victims re quested to pull the ropuof his orothei's murder.!' ; When be rial so the rope Inoko. I lie pojr wret :Ii pleaded for lite on his knees ; hut j isti.-e di m indui rs death, sud a second time he swung. Tun time was ti e last, home of ihee w reiunes hid amu sed money, one havuig over j t i id Iu his possession wtieii executed. inal y ufter numerous adventures Lieutenant Tol'ir was exciia'-gcil at Cli irlrstowu un I recently nrrved at Aunupolis. 11 re lie wis attended to by the Hauiify Commission, Whose guod ofllcca were vxfiidril ti hi.n, liac thty have la-en to so many uihers. Al ur bis many aihcu nre-, he has arrived oii:o more in bis liaise el y, .a eunipiny wit a h.s fi iend. l.h ulenai.t UiorKe Steriun.., who his ill o mlfciid the privations ol cap iviiy. l.Uatietiuat l'otur rrhites his tale of burrnr in a population which will rettii in bur und revenge lhc wroLg i i-i-Clcttd ou their bravo tons. MK. IIAIIItH'S II.I..MrlS. I.tTIKU HIOM I'.MUS. A private lc.tet ic.cived by a gcntU'inati ia New York j.ives some in'crrtlnr; d tails of Mr. Dayton's illnt-s. Tuc wri'ersays: "This rvent iii:tc unumcs me, f ir I have bar. u Tery mi iriju t wi'tt huu. He uhd Ins I iiiuiy dined w.tu u e on I'lianli-givuii; I iy, aud on ibuaJay lasi we Orove and w.imeu tog' tut r. "Nr. Dayton w is m atiour uis u.-u il hca'th ret terr'ay, out aticr dinner th vight excrci . would do I iin good, and In- walked out. i u his s m t the l'uluis Koal. They tin ie scparitcd, an-l Mr. Day en mudi) a call ou a gemleiu tn at thu Hotel de Louvre. Not rinding turn in, be c illedoaa lady acquaintance roidunr at the same hotel, li t rematked tuat he did not Tel quite wull, and apolomued for lyin down on the sofa. Cologne Was applied to his temples, and he seemed to fall asleep. However, physicians were sent for, out it was fume time bcfra one could oo found. Finally Lir. liey lard arrived, und wi examination (aid that lite was extiucl, and that probably Id bad been dead lor uu hour or nioru waho.u us being discovered. '1 his is an irreparable bereavement to his bo loved fumily, aud asevere loss to our country in at : . I ,.f 1 Ta L.j rmnl il inn,.rd Incoming modesty, and nndeviat.ng patriotism, Wr.Uaytontverywbcromaileatrong friend, uud Lin countrymen resident here bud for him grea attachment. Tbey will all, while deploring their own and tbeir country' Ions, eiuceroiy eyrapa tltize with bii alllicted family." AMI HKMIIM'H, Wamitt 8TkTTBATaB. This evening Misj Lncille Western appearn as the unfortunate "Lady Isabel," in lb moral and extremely papular play Of East f-riiiw ; or, fit Elnp'mrnt, which ii pro-tlucA-d tor tbe last time positively. To morrow night Mis Lucille appear! in a cWactar in winch ahe is universally Delieved to have no enual, at least iu this country, and we clout wbevUar the famous, original Celeste has juot by this urn lost that force, riui, and elasti c"lWno TouW ni.tltnu her a successful rival. The 'aiUproiuUuidinuuusuallr aocd etyle, and nu vouch for an oreillowiag ud (ashiouabi audiuc to-iuorrow. Mki. Tloou'b Baam-Tiitcomlaltte. ty-ng charge of the Complimentary Benefit tendered on tbe Uth tnsUnt to Mr. John Flood, of the New Chesnut Btreet Tie itre company, nuike the fol low big gratifying report. Ibe adraiaaion arioa vaa hny eenut ; total receipt, f oWo-frii ; lue.l,iaulai vtxDK, ffw tW: nr;t receipW, fii U. tkrvd, IrAbH-fU CITY IMTiigsHCE. TnsCAiiroV , Mss-Tmh Niimiibiito Ft amsiir.n n t ,. Citt. The preclamatloti of the rrcsldt- published this morning, calling for Ibreo b-j t0,ttn( ,,. Dy ln, i,r,tll of Fcbmary th, j ,.te(j up,m ,t onct by fh C"' ncl c"y Councils. Undir this call lav if rbi'auc'phia will be small, at we J "eernl tboasand surplus on tlio lant call 'xi will he placed to our creuit. '1 hu to low H table will exhibit the quota in crv h district, f W'C i : ii 1 1 1 In r iilreuoy cr ili td up to Moreiuncr 1 1, mm tlio UtllMincy to ruined, cuticr iiy voiuuieer htg or n Uiult, an our ci i.ens may ilccidc VN"f'l. .. I -Mil . .IMitl ..I17H . .l,'.:m . . t. i.i . h'.-itl (,',( V.,,. 1J. i,:ih ilH i:i I. II lltiO I lh 1 If I'V. MO.! l:iil I iiM hecoi.d Thud Fourth.... , l-'ilih , Total.., ll. 7 J PI Wl rii It will he reco llei ted ht tbi Vifth District Is bIbii ii n, hJ in part ol Din ks c iiiuic, I a the nU.ve ii 1 1 rn 1 1 at i .ii n cjnipiiKJd only thu ci'.y wnul ol Hint di-lni t. Siller t lie 1 ltd of .Noveni In r, w l.cii the rr orl to w hh h we have ul'ii led T. an mill e, recruiting was hi n k until the I iind-i ol tbe City lioun'y ('ouiiiiinhioiierH gave otn,atcw wir-ks hiin-c. W'c have not uti nceoiiiii of the n ii in I er ol men obtained alter the 1 lih ol Novem ber, hut we. should nip pot they were ut lead Ol.c thousand. Should this estimate he correct, our deficiency w ill be, in round iiiiinlicis, ahont four thoim iiui. 'J Lc n w tiiiiMrin lit weio credited in urmi r prijii'itioii to tlx rreotnl snd I'our'h llitri''H It an to the others, and mm,' of tiieW'tr ls la tin c IM-trii ls must he marly full, (in tin 0:h insi. n hill to raise a million ol doi irn t prom i u erilihtiiirnt-, was relcrrt d hy ('.imieili to thu l'i iiHi.ce Corriir. litre. 'e rn i cprt u r-pon up n the suhject at ttte meeting of C uinci'n to in u'roa-, st.d no donht vo aniveriTig will nu' iin tic aetiye. 'liirrc cin ho li'tle oiliieulty ahoiit lilliui; the rpioiH ol this city it thu proper steps are t ikctl. Tuk 1Ik;ii I'lt ii k. or M n iu.-i It is citi rnatcd that tbe price of bu iler matches, since they havit been taxed, is higher in proportion to tho conu f piodin tlon, th in any other articlo In ilia murket. llcforo tho imposition of the Ujvcrn Uii i t tax they were retailed ut a protit ut uo tent per box, and even loss. A tax of otic cnt per box was iiiiposed, und lo! the retail prieo vn nt cp to thri c cents, hu advan -e of one huu med per cent, prolit cle.ir ol ilie tax, and recently f ii r cuts pir .ug u box is dcinuiided This is cieurty uu imposition upou the public ; but whether the manufacturers or reiai.cr.-, or both, arc n spr.nsihle tor it, we arc not prepared to suy. The p-ople are w illing to piyatiadli tiotial penny i r box to su-tuin the iveniuicnt ; but why the pmniilaciiiri rs or dealers should Si ir.e this pn-iext lo extort uu additional penny or two for their own protit is another itte-tiou. We te l a single copy of Tim T'Ki.r.initi'ii for tbn e cents, which costs more than live limc to mulHilui ture thuil a box of in it. lies, and pay thu (Jotcrnmcnt tax on paper, work, and advertise ments beside. All the stork used in making a newspaper has doubled und trch'ed in pri e, which i.s cot the case with stock used in making iiiU'chcs, whilo the increase in the cost of la'ior i n ihc one is not gn atcr than on the other. Tub i sst ntial ipiality ol itoo l inaicliLis is to produce li;.ht, und wc hope those who matiutactiiiu them will cause them to yield us some lipht on this phospi.orclie topic. Onn l'n.t.ows LiiuiAiiY. This is now ono of the n. "st useful and promising institutions in our city. It n originated among tho members of a ii.ost ciimprehensivo and extensive order, und hi lice the henclits ol' the Library may be said to tx'cnd to a very large portion of the community. It is the desire of the managers to increase tha ti'cfuli ess of the library in various w ivs, an I lor this rurpose the lodcis meeting in our c.ty have pointed coti.mitteeN ol conlercn.e with the uesign of getting up a benefit, the proceeds which uro to l.e devoted to the improvement of the library, tinu'ihu purch ise of uti the new hooks of the season. To this tnd tbe su'i conrni tee havo ft cuied the Jscw (JneNnut Nircet The ttru for Thursday evi nlng, Kcecmlier'jy. The h.ll seiecte I for the oicasu n will comprise Ihc bcoitit'ul holiday spectacle ucd cxtrnvagan.a of AimlJin, with other iittructions. In order to uccouituou ite pixel s desiiing to secure teats, tho suit coin inittie will sit at the Odd l ell iAs' Hall, North Sixth ttrt'tt, every evening, with the lux sheet and pi. n;iiet plans on exhibition. Persons wishing to engage choice seats should make early appli cation to tbe committee. CUHIMMAS lllNM-.ll TO TUB I'llOVOST (itIAItll. On Sunday lust tho Hcv. Joseph Keunard, Titith l;.ipli-t Church, anuotmecd to his congre gation that this bony ol i'ei lisy.v.iii ans was not to be forgotten in the gem ral feast to be oxtcuded to onr brao defenders on Christmas Day. Ho get.irtusly lonnB tho use of his private resi oi lice lor the colitc.iou of contributions fir t', is ociusien. 'J he -patriotic and lilkral residents of the c.ty und Its surroundings can send their eon- tntiuiions to Mrs. l.vric J. Dcnees und Mrs. 1 Kire Wall, aie of liev. Mr. Kcunur.l, iort'a l l. hlh street, nl ove Open. Tin re is no t tody ol mi n who have more constant duties impose i upon iin in ihiiri the l'rovost (Juiird, andwoli'po ti i y will have u l ountcoub least and pass a i uitiry I'hrit uias. Wi i.x of 1'iiai c.ii. It bus been the custom of n.o.-iy of tie Christian Churches, not only m this country, but In dill! rent parts of tho world, to observe tbe first weik in January, each year, us a i week of special praytr for the extension of the i Kingdom of Cbr.st. We understand that the Old K Lool l'rish) ti i inn Church, in accordance with the recouiiut udul on of their (ieiicial Assembly, i have alnauy inude -ui'ruiigcmcnt for a scries of i meetings to be hem in tuat chinch (lining the witk icltrnd to, euiiinn u ing wilu rtuiidav, tho i fli st day el the ye. ir. - W e presume that similar seivn es will hu held ill most, if not all Hie other Churches. JlisMAi. I'ltoiiiNOs. Such a dry as" this is enonghjo luuke ono long fur the 11 ysiuu fields, where thin and glitteriiiL' miils, like silver brea.h lloi.t from llowery iieldn, und where sweetly- I warbling biids never lire of their own melody, or of their bright plumuge lell eti d in g'eauiin.i,' . lakiS. 'These d stual divppoiis, however, aVo enough lo pi.n,t the sn-ils cl nip ut ria aud dys pi s.a evciy wlicic. They are loe neit.ier waiter i.or sun in r. Tney do uothiiig 'but till raiu- water b t s, aim tun.isn coiiuuou-sewers with an an p e suilr ii uey. To ieue tl'o pciiuine, uhl fasiiioiuU t'hiis'inas Wiuthcr, thu sn w-irnv'rs sli udih.rkly descend, aud cushion the ground i with their whi.e loiijgc. Ui.HAiiKAiil.i; Ciiina-Waiik. An oil mllliou- aire, out of gruiitudo to the sour e when 'e his : wia tk was (lerlvctl, and with u iie.lre to !., it I l e'ere bis Iiiind, 1ms lu.d a coinph te -et of table I eqtiipte,c Uk..ilu in 1'hila Ii ipha, of china and gluss. iLe enib lluiiincii a oi the plate, d.sbes, I said lutein.-, uro t'if tunUiS ol loo uppr.as i n-id iu p.od.nti:,' in no. c nil. fur ui-hes, ce- aider i, wuil-.oiml's, and tu-utders arc j a.b.u t.maveil w ith the iuiigniaot potrol u n. ' 'i l.e ci tio'ieti u w ai e is a on losity . so.li.iig liaj , il Mm, ee. still .u t;io-,e part). Dimio.mst 1 . i'i.o m: An old c ilorcd man, for Uiut y eurs i iupined iu a lo.ithi r estab UU I, n. cut t.t Murshall and Willow Siieets,was arrested i vistird.iy cha'kMl with the laiceny of thirty six j doil.us woilh ol lea, In r. The accused w as cj n j uittied by .Milernian lolund. He claims that ho I piirciiused the prop, rty and can prove it upon triul. l'lioci'fci'H of Tim Sanitauy Fair. Tho net ' proreidsof the Ore it Central l air, held la this city in June for tlio benefit of the United States 1 S.iintaiy Committee, uniuun'.ed to SI,"- ',T1- 71) ou the loth of Deceinher. The fund is still grow ing, as several ot the committees have yet to lci.dci their hual accounts. I Si usTiTfiKs. Kow l the time for all who aro ; nolo lo seiid nprc-entntive recruits into the army. Substitutes are a trifle lower ut the present time , than tbey liuv been a uine time tl.e j .iiiotiilioua being , .11 t' so who think iheytau do bcucr will probably bo uiis- lakcu. Sunt to tub Ilorsu of Reitor. Tills morn ing Patrick GUcgan was comtnitled to tho Homo of liefoge bv Alderman To!and, to answer tbo larceny of a live dollar gold piece from bis mother. The lad sold the coin lor twelve dollars. A IIot'SF.uoLD Elkshino. ThecelebratodFlor enco Mewing Machine" are now hi uae luour Aral faruihoa 0 fbUadeii'liia and tliay ara Justly rtwarded aa a ' liome hold ireaaure." Hundreds of parties bars found It ecouomy to sell laeir maehiuaa or olhar make at half prlca, audtrvan ieas, and purobaie tba Flurrnoa. Every Maelilna sold at Nu. UJO Choauut street warranted to giva entire satisfaction or mooer returned. Mu churira for loatructloa either at the otnee or at the resilience or the pun l.amr. Circulars aud samplvs of sewliuj sent on receipt of stamp. ACaltllTMAf riiMittT Wobtb . GiTiwa. It lias bscoaaa tha' Hlttetl eMvlctioa of Uieuskiral aaopla that avecy family ba lb land should Im auaaliad with a nral-elass swla machloa. and It Is aqaaVj tkeur aoovla tloa that UK maalae whlek ooraUnea aiore axsoUeal fcsaia aa than any otkar Is th "(Jrerar Bakar." It la Use e Ij aewlag saacalM aval tn Tea tod that saecata flu emlattidara, aa aJvauULsa which la aaeJI aaklf H V Ut rfviM wtth Hi laviuiil raivlswvta, Nixon's TomiiArnti. T TT1K D Of TOWAI.I. Klson 'l nl hi hs1 lln awsSx, liinmiittd hj a rricvous ar-Ut In a huas daub! tooth, Anil, as oo niher enr bs saw. ( 11 v.nl that tiMith ihoahl iroin his jaw He lanibd, wittiout rath. Ho. for a ititlr tio sot onl. Hat ti. rkRl strfot Isy in hl roate. Anil pnuff ns. thu lir ttiou -tit. I'll first look In at Msssktt's Towtr, Anil let. l,ni. j.o i ivhl'-ll. in nil Ireir When so.d a Mown.' ttiy li Mi.'ht." Ilis 1 rut I) liH lioprs dirt rcilltc, ho a ni w over, out Ii huvn, .ml a nlnrle milt lKsp',ki, Put, sl'iti he leu hn lolly Hull, He round lilscril' l timtti-iie'ie all Hail vanl lint, lust llko siuokp I I'l-rlmi s the Wnliilriius wiinnltl cunveyi il l.v ti s ll' iv ov-i ri' .nt lurl irH I" 'I I. Is i lisrivi', or 'Inn. ll i' thrill Ol il, a-urr -a Itlrti tti.it Ion Ala I'tivn 1 I Mt ill Ins v nnlrtil.e m.l h ill I suvr, At it ipm-hi d t'ii- ili-iil.si'. tjill. ur roniiii.i ii ol IIi h.Iv iniiito ('liittiliiK - Shin's, lituli'a ntnl 1 no'- In low lull und r-iiiun -Ox enm liricin rl:i i riou st stili'aol irn iit. ttie umrki't o ,r.li. W e liivc i i liTiii.iii a lo r.oi- mi' tnir V i:, rr.u .i i' K at hi In 4 i i i tin I s, mti! h tir'mn tlf nil' al tfilitrh it ro i'l ti r-t ini i 'I. I h"-r s'-i iiiliuin il iii wrarinir lino e loth in k, ii i lo ur'Ii r. III itrnl nmti'ip our st. k iurin -ut i In flirfUHi ei.ind lit prtrio si, iu m ll hnvr. al to u.'1'Ollsli It.o uiikiiltiali'l. 'Iowku Hall, Ko. fils Market Htm-L llKS.SKrT Al t.'o. "W i.'itK CrmiNii, I'Aimirt Aiiuaiiam, ;):)H,t;Kj af es - 1 1. is luiia nt In mtiiil ir a Hole inkr iitirred H I 1 i f hi I - i ' ur st'O.,1 1 ao iin'. tii nr ah i.lt 1 In-,'!' 31 nrs rt i-. 1 1. 1 1 . 1 1 - I., n u li-i - d ii 11 ti n. th'it hi i- a I .,-' I li V t . ,1 l . i , il lo Us p i '-letiiri. A'irii' ini, t t tti-B lie lli. 'nt ' e.i 1 '. h'-'I 11' Mid I It a tia'iMln. II y iu 11 ll Mil ill i.ll -livi llhP (lill'lt Mukri A ('.., tin.- iD,iJiiitr.:iO,'riiiti. di I'l.n uiiiital.aiid lellinkiiuir lift X iii' 1 c ft 1 ftli'-.i-li- r.'l'iii' ft' ;;i-l In: t It, we il l.-e lut ir sain' id. A Nl.W 1 N V 1. N I I ON. W'C lefil Hint, un ml . trtlst niLiii In auo: 1.1 r cA. ur business i !.i .i.h I," I'.. l iil :t.l-l-. ' 11,1a 11 in hlns is , otn;ii te In c y resiiset, ami l!l lie Mi'il Ii w , lis l tie rnprii tuts lia e ma r 'if mi'irm lo raa'itl fH'lurr. t'.ttll i nn t-e ii-h: i it out ut' ll In a single hlutr. Assn Iro .'tiii-iii fi.r .111 1 n'l-riui.-ihy h:o be s luiiTi wo know of nnt.e li.tter. I 'on Cn in st t s on ts,;'i t superb 1 'In d' igraptii, n site at it. J- . K Iu i l l 10. Ie ry, No. i,-.'4 Ari d hirri-l. I.o rsr'y anil uMj.d diiai'iii.hilti.ei.1. Atun tunica away tor wm.t ut time. 1'AssfNi.KU Raii.wav I!i:i it f A'ssoriATioy. Il.r Sixth A nniuil Hull of this Asniii-iiidiin tiUfiH him- to. morrow i i uliiiHt tl c ha i' tnil ilu inls' Hull. Alt, ,1. '1'. llaiiee Is tl e Mai-lir ol t'l n ui"tiir". 'i lie A"u!-iuiinii U at pico-nt rnitili In noitlor liinil'', h.svnirf hat over r Iny, luiine $tlctb llironli tlii ilblninmry ol mo I'reusarr. Hi vithI ii erriliti h ol Itio Antoriull'iii r.i'e now on tin' sirk lPt. and there me not sulll. l' iu funds in the Ire uniry t fti.us'l? ila-ir nants. A Fbabbant Dkeaiii and Tkahly TacTii are 1 oil Iy a tin in d and triple . tm bti! lo a.ull tlunnsrivi-a ot tl.e nu 11: a nr. 01 11 nut r..inj lain hen aecusril ol' itrorni liihil. Tl.' Hi.od"i.t ivll .p. 1 ilily i.railii-.uo tlio alius of u foul Iu alii, bi .iitil inf- un J 'u serf llit- ttiS lei-rh ru Ifjo oil' it . . is.. i I) nil tin -, ts. Ciiii.nni .N's Ci.nTii imi.- An eleg 'nt a-sort-Intl.t at M. ph. .lnu.i-r t e'o 'a Nu 4 N. hhrith slrci-t. I.AMRS AU ClIII UK I.N" h II TK. T.itcst stylo at ( ades Oak fur il sHuuh, I'outiueriiul Ilu'.tl. AVimiow SiiAHf s. I'ersoni purcbasinit shades lii It.tao tin ea ot lilidi prler sw il auio uionry by ut oneo .!. ll ;: lo the uiauu 'ai tUi er 1.0 Is so well And fuvomhly kiu wi, u W. Hr-K.iv I' rrt t, Xo. 1 tt'S r'lio jtuit strict. 1 amis' Fins. Art c'oant assortment it f'hrirka Onalord Ison's.''!'' nei.tal iljtel. C I'HI IONS. 1'l.W , III ' 1.1', AM) Sot'A (.I S II HI SS, a stlinii'i-s i.'i I'll, ami isnrk d. Ito ioivor U.uu euu tie iill.ir l.'d by uny otner li'Uiie. W. II l ev I'ai ihn, No. ISft Otiiautit street. C'enti.khi k's IIai.s. All tbc la est stylos at I'Lurles OaKh ril it Huu a, Cuniliontul ilotsiL I'tKciiAHitits may rely upon getting ttift host 1'uis ar l barh Oukiord A. Hon n, Conllii uial llutol. I'l iioi.sTi.uiNO Fi-iiMi i tit',. Old ntid Now Furniture Vpholati red ar.d Vamiahi'il la tlin vt-y best matuKTSt W. HCNtlY I'Airs.S H West Knd Ul'liulster.v Ki.la'.lilliuu'iit, No. l-llf' Ciiesuilt alreet. Haiih ani Kxhiisitk C'ONr hcTioiis for tbe llrllilns, iii. ir ready ut K. tl. Wlulaun tf c'u., No. 31S ( I Itl.ut unit. IloAsn.n Ai.monps, Chocolate, and Cream Cara-nr-'a, suiierl. r i,riaihy aiol ituvu's, rn nm!ai-tnrt d ly K. l. W bllIU.Ul di CO., illS I lll-bllllt slri.it. A Ni:AT ASH CoNVItMtr'NT roCKPT-R 10K. nti".sra Mmsi'Ii iV Hii::Iic n, No. 4 I N Stiarli it'eic.nre Iin n r iiu'iu'iiiti'is ol n I'.iti yt isieVi '-l.oi k. tteit has heimrno trriiii-roi l poinlur. 1 lie Hie intuti ol one iilveof hvl ll.er. hy f' le.li'i.' lileli,i tiv uti'ii I'.e iiee,si!y fir ehlitr nulling or Mbllnb'. Cull auil i xnruine thtui. Tim lloi.iD vv rui'sKNi' most accoptablo to a ludT Is a l.!oer A ltl:.T SiiwIjih Mtr.-hlre. 'I'tns ruHi-lilnii tK k nil tin- first l cm iu ins at tU. Intra In the United St ties tlit- uaslyi a.-. Cikihoe Stick A Co.'s Pianos a.nd Uasost & It I M 1 I S - rtA-0 i f AltlNbl' ultliANSl. I'MIIVT no.! ks. o" .vi ur -iii ii of Hi."- a.i la- itian st s . I'lAM) atrurueiits Lmi li.ttn.lil uv Si. ttMUNKT Irl u'l 1.1. i,.,i.na u.v .tuiuli'l ia u, iM.alcl I'lt'ltSS. tllMl i ll eonsllis I'AlllNKr FiiIiTIlS. Iui SAL) olllV hv (UtlNS, CIA M j .1 1' l.lll'I.D. ji'A IHSiT lOA'lluis.i fcfveritliaudelitisuui treU. , CJtoA ill ' Do You Know Ohan has remove 1 to No. 413 t'lrrmil arrtol ? lie bells 'lotiinei., fit urs, I'tpen, &e , llf'y . er c.iit. l'-"a Ihnn any othnr ru is Iu ttn city. UeuKtuuur utua, o. 4U 4 'tiei.nul atteet. 1'it'iinsAi l.'s An.Mi A l.iNtMiiNT An infallible curs tor burns, in stila, sprul-.s. rliesiniitlsni, aun-annt wiurds,tc A llnle np,it irilinn al'aa tftft puin Iroro S b'lin 1 lie lli'lai. t It api-li. it. Nil lurrilly shoill I be w tl cut It. iui "M ri-.H'i: k;;s3 G.-cii?, r.-.a holiday gifts. lint'SSKUM'. HKI.sIS'VS, t,'. Tints. i;A M.'NV 1 I.AII1, Ml t'l ills. In do tin do li C.u I'J di t'l-biir i ut Ine bli'i.ils.al In .1 u-ed Prieqn. CLILWO K'iODOAHT & BROTIIUR, Nt,, 1 1 4, ' U N. Ki'atMNi Sl'iaKLT, 1.' .1 t At.uve W..i w. T ilfMJtl I f'i: J , WII.MING iO.J, AND A i.Al.l b il! II". t 1 1 m . i 1,1 1;. (' i'ii:. t-t . ii.,' M ' S i 1 1 't 1 1 I ; ' 'I 1' ! '. 1 1. 'f'i .tun will 1. K -1 I . 1 . t. ur. ,M .S.i ( ttii-1 V..Slil.Njr S A t'l U'. .in B I Mil-" l-'ii" r -M f c:it.'-) t'.r (i, ilu tun. I' llli.l tnt;l ', I. .11, ;.' IK ' 1! nilil,' t'HI, ltntillf liUMV Uc At.'-ritc-cii. Il'tirryiuaiii a, fti.tt lliisiii.-l-.i. Wit, .M .11 'tiiiln Ut HI'i A M (Suii.liiyj tx M'ptcit) fir I".:i!UMi Ir, u; "tl r'i,ll..ii- Urt.KHi-.. c. ill iiu , ,g IMl i,i .,vniil) (dull .a(l ut lluiiiifch.il tor -Mil uid, TaVUsLiiirv , ami ii.tt'i Hit ilitilt h'UMriTli I- x ii t i 1 imii at 1 I'. V. (imh'hv Tt d.r 11 il tiiiicie uiitl W .."runL.(n, rtiM Il H ' (" lies'. A ll 1110111 , I u ii, l't-ir . vilie, am li.tvrn dt' i.mc--. k Kxprt Tiii n H J -O . M . (huifl 1. oxiP)(t'ip fur IWI-titiioit- Binl n-lii! -it n. t"M'ii' ia Wilmiii-l'. 1, Ki-wmk, .lr.t-I), N Ttll 1 MIL, fcrfi ihU, UsiVlO Uu (ililW, IVio , ttll'l .Miini.l.A. Vi.i K prtisi nt 11 13 V. M. fir Tii'Mnv'o ai 1 A'hi,iii,r'ii, "iii:n; a) - l.ev.n 1 ri I tu t-.n-- 1 i-Un ano W -Innkt.'i. 1 ii.,t. W limine it u, Ni-wuiu, Km Inii, Nurth l.aiht, l't-ri lili-, urnl IlH. ic il tiraci-. I ftabtiitjUB lui iuil:tai Muiuc will Luke ttiu 513 A. M. Tram , A(TOMMHATri)V Tit Al S K Htopltigat nU;tmtni U-iwocu fiiimuu!jMft flnJWil niisi'.toi), Lvc I'liilmJ.l.lila at 11A.M., 4, 5 'il nml 1 P.M. Thf 4 IV M. '1 rain cniini'i th witti liel.iWatiO iUilroAd I r illlf'Jld aildlllterBltMllall- HlAll' lll - 1skt WuiuuigLuutti i luiUia uaOA.M., a .lO, anJG -.O r. ai. TMUOITUH TltAIVS HiOM ItAM'tMOItE Leave Wi.misV " t I-.' M , 4 yt. H r.i, an-1 !t M I'. M. ( ilK.slfcK 'Ht IMIILAUKM'MIA. T.ravp:ttbiu uvs 1&, 10 14 A.M., li 1 i, mu a u u I'. M. B fl-NHAV TItIN'. Esprcii Tr.iln at 4 ' A. M. for lUltlmore and Wanh liifttt.fi. tttupi'iDtf at WiiininKUui, P'Tivviiio, ildfro ao (ii nct AUt rJft :i, lVrr mail a, ami M inolioi. ViK'it Ki'i'tta . 1116 1. M. tor itulniuure an1 Waih lniion, at"iiinti at ('ln'iicr (li-r Malum jio and Wairiinir tun ,)aiiKri, Wi uiinKUin, NuhatIv, Cikiuo, ASorm tiut 1'onyvUlu, and Bstvn- d- Urace. Aci-oiuiiiodaLiou liaiu at 10 P. M. fur Wllmititoa anl rj hai.timokb fr niiLAi.rr.rnrA. I.? ara Itaiuuiore at 0 1 P.M.. iloupiug at Havre da (.rare, Puny villa, aiiJ Wiluihiuion. Ann at Klk tun aad Nuwark t Uke ptJK"i lor Fhilttdeljihla anil lta patDneri. frum W"l"Ain(UiU ur HaJtiiuori), ami in iter t tavtt fnngri foiu Ualtimcru ur Wmli- 1 tava Wllmlniftnn ftr riilladphla at fl-f P. M. KHOM KAlTIMOItt I O PiULADKl.KHI A. tava Mainmort A -fe A. U., Way Mall; 1 10 P- H.,Fr- fiia; 4'iSP M., WaXraia; 1 P. iC.taprtasi tri . M.a Eatoreii. TKAfNf) FOR BAT.TIMOKE. Lt ThftUr at H M A- M and llvOP V. Ltiava MJiuntftun at Utn 40 A. M.( i i, 469 aad 11 ift f at . rrvht Train with Panaenar Car atUehed will Iw WHinuftoa tvt 1'wrvl aad Ui.vrmtithaut Buiioua at 7 isi at U'l'txxviTMitiiiimiuh CLrintm.i and Kew Tear'i rrcsenta. II attr ritlon of tl.e frlf nd of lbs PHEPBYriBIAB BOOK STORE nil tl.p pnl.Mn i Imi'crl tn h 1r nftfltrttnonf of vlnM ifw and niaiHiJitrtl Hokt, itiliifi i for H'tx, oomprlilntc Hi jiiit.t( (ti.iin nf it ruby xrffin ruMlcntlon (.'oiriiiiiliect vnd tlit Irftwi wmVi f-f mht r pi.blitliinK houiod. Tht nri ol rn dn-n n Uool- .1 U vr fllll, Ineludlnfr nrW ilK'ifti lii.il f. c o il fvf.r:lf(. ' . I 1 r n k lianifP, I trtnr1 VnrU anl Toy Iltokn In (trrnt b,t)l ,1iiUmmi, Ftialin lokn tml I ray or Hooks la nn dii'i iintidtotiif lii,(lii' at all rM-. l'(,(iiin'ii.:i A 'lii tt' r!,ct. ti.I., an I Pi- hire. I U'Hif i nil ami fxmt.liK , nt I :t:t f ( iM'Hnut Hii-oot, VI K t.tjiw-i't Or. tlio Unitt-1 fiUite Mml. j 1 1 . 1 1 a y I'!'.i:s::nts. j:. it. is. i:t iv. i:iiiirni Mircot, llio, ii.at ricrhid lime baediore ar. ! us ful an.. Ii BtHtati.o for I IOI I I ) V Y I'KKKIONTlS. I t If; A NT Ir'ANH, from f 1-r.n t. I4 A H M A I. . . 1,1 1 I' OK I- S A I lll .lt I ANH. I-.MI'. ! lll'hf rt . Neiv Inaiins 1 " i i,'ii I n ' ' I - j. " ll no on lo it ll'lkf'.. Itiin-.lli.s. 0 it. sen I'Uek Lin e ells, Irulil f 1 Ui l',.U. 1 K A L I II US A 11 do. 1; I. A I, 1 HllK I ' it Alilll'St. A KMAl.l. Mil 01 M..II FM a II f'Of.MK'. A H le I Ine ., Ml-.N M Ill'.MS I I rrlll li llliKFrl.. fji in ;.'i rents t ' tl .')". MKai'H 1't.AI.N AND I Ol.Olilll) UOKDKll llliMtl. V, ., I. - li aMisriMl-'. ("II K 1 stt'tin I. a. A ui nt ir ii l ui I- si" y I'.ai-k r 'omi.a. .ui i uai u lenll. s' t l' rt i.'i. vi a, Irom ritie. to tl'.'.'i, i, l- M s' I o i II i .1 "I K I. MUF.a Bh rs I .miu.oi i u "ATI IIFl.t. M.A I I I'. I KKH I'AKk I I, I.Al.M.Si. I I. .-ii I .1 r 'us li ri ere lor a ih.ii n. I. In. I. ei-Tr Iu... . I.r.i ir M.iiw Is. IV.'liHvi' aiiti I hin.'1-ly to our a'"ek of Htni!o il'-odi itll'till ll.' no lew v.teks. K I ItAH.SKI.Y I AKI.fc I.IN'I'.NS. , I HA I IM. I.OI1.M ll". SI'I.I' AMI la.WIASK NAI'KIN.-l. i ki iiiihiirnr.i; niiNt.Ko itiivi.ir.M. ll. pairs In I. I I-1 mill li-4 I'.f.- I' lll.ANKETH, low. ltlCH. lull a1 il ll-ni'll M' sllns hi var elv. lliilil- ShllllS! Hot!" SKIKIH!! pri do i vn lit op skn is, n.aCe .i n tt.y lor our sit! ., and warrnnti d. I OliMKTS! (.IIIISKISI iJ. It. i V iv VI No. 11 N. KrC.ltTII Htle. ksta l isui. GLENN ECHO HILLS, (Jl-IRMAN TOWN. McCALLUM & CO., WUOl I'SAI.E CAllFlsT W A K I II 0 V S fi , No. fiW) CHKHNUT STIIKUT, ritti.Ain.i.iiiiA. iSU-1. Sii4. KcOAIXDM & CO., I XX'VX V 11a I VI t . 1 tT ML 1Z NT, Ko. 19 CI1E3NUT 6TUEET, 11- -tl OPPOHITB INDKPCNDKNCK llLh. JOHN 11. ET0KE3, Kn. 7'"5 Alim HTRF.KT. urnrcnioN is puk kh or itv ioui)a. A pli-h(iiil Vtirit-iv I r tnitlSJMAS AMI' Ht KAHH ritK.SK-VT.S. iiai'.NnK'of Sn ft lioudi. Fr ru b M rliio-! and t up Inn. i Dinii K i k 11 stnj i utHf Wid:h Black DoliU9 l.u, 11 it UI t W I I'lawli I-i'l inii f-1 11 i1"niity Kivnrh Mi'Hnoi"(i, iU hitil t it Woo l'iil:ii. 1 ft, t,.) aiio I' lulu hl le ('(i(( n and Wool I) alt. w(j. ,i CMa itit-t, fn-ii il '( tt .';. p:ii' liaw i-'U bikI ht-nlratjlo. P'n r HtihW n- for .-oit'i ,1 i hi d m i. Hhawln- l.oi'B uTii Sijiiara. l.Hfl '-(',(. ? tn", and Oilllreii'n ii u l.ft H' a'.o (Ion I. .ni-1 'i.mlnc lldkfg, utlli H.m M I'.-ntU lidkU. (It'lHi" ISlIk ll.lklM IU m rl HKir'v - I avi' An"iimrnt. hhln flirt 1 'ri n r rpaii'-i, irtun Auctiun h 'mi- Ih - Wliilr 11 I'd r?iit nil. ItiifUCr lli id I1 r. ll'o .ir.- Ameilraii Omul), a' If ( iiillit tli. rnniip thm ftm k 11 y will And Rnod it ix'f at tt.f vfl' v U.wtet piicwi. No t.i'utl Ui tiow Ditiia. 4.'iX(' and mauui.t.at JOtlrf n. HTOKKH', 12 H im Ho, 7ifl A8 JU Htroet. yil.SON'rf SKATE DEPOT, Ho. 409 CniCl.UT STREET. Jur-t rrcWerl, a.tirll Dck of I aiiirs' Skaits, 1'liiln'lelijlila Club Skiitot, (it nts' M aim, li .stun Ko ki rs, vrv y superior, bt.Jb' Mtarcs, fcv York Cluli Sk itts, Aud rarlor ISkutcs, all cutis, nloro nil ran If aronmiiiinlated with a lupor'or qnsl'1 rri iu a clioici- iilicliuu. aMlH.il AVI tMIV Jk OO., 12-10 1 m 4(11 U'tMit'I Hlrect, Ilillatlclphla J)III.uaji:i-.iiiia. H Iv Y '.r 12 I Tl r O X . LESLEY & CO., N. .7 MAltliET fcsTUKKT, bOLK AtiENTS I'Oll Oel orrie'b ('itaiWr.ire Hu-cl Hkato., lteictitr'a Iniprovvd T.ailloa' and Oeata' Skates, Ii. ( lark's ra'.ut LailitB' arid tk-nts' Hkattts, riDitu l'aliit Roc li trie Fluur ti.tbtts Bbalir a ratio! f loor tts.itn, 'I hi Aiu r.cau Putnr. r tnor Hlate. A full as.'Ttimui oi' ail the above styles cotutnuUf on haul. iu n ell aa all ti.o o:t-..ir a:ieii. of M'I FL AKU WOOU-'l'OP SKATKS. I.oia'l b Palaut Stlf I'm toulcg Kkatci-fa.ton wittiout an an, 13 3-it FUlt SALU, Wiril.kbALR AND UCTA1L. W VJ.il OF HICA.TilH LADIES, GEIJT3, AND CHILDREN, NliWKUIiU II. TKOTTKH, U ?8-lm Ko. 019 MARKET STREET. rTIE 01UGIXAL .SKATE STOKE. SMITH & EICHAEDSON, Blun of tlio "Hkato Hoy," No. (Ill MAIIKIST STUKliT, Have fr tale, Wiuletalc and Retail, tl largost aad be! HUvk of B K A X E H In this cttj. Their stock coniprliss svsrr poeiCile vartetj ana at the low at inci-a. Ladiea aad unia' hb'el Skale, tf Tens' Rkatat, Clark's Skaira, K.'.ira' Hk.lea, l'luu.l. l.hla bkate.. Hradloril's iivatou Skates, "Smwica C lli i'sr ' BlaU.,rjrtur S.atas, BKATE TLATBS, SKATE STRAPS. Ia short, vervthlnprtallnii tn kale,andeTryvrtstj7 of Iskale ojud,rsri lie prji-uri-J al Hie ntm of the "aui lior," sto.Ul kAllttf UirtHt, the UMvaaaaM atiars iu taS alt, SMITH & UIOIIAUDSON, JT. B.-8latas8roadaadititred. II Uti TTAIR UTROOTED FROM ALL PARTS J 1 allhebrMlv In sipnn4u,truAm( (xmrl lo lA ", tiv "l liliaui's licullatorv l"o,i)er.'' Malkil tu any alJraas lor l',,l.,H. I. Vl-iui,. lb f;1!?"1" ""-. 18G4. ""- 1SG5. "WIUCIII8TEa h CO., No. 7O0 OMIi'-KNUT BTltEKT, lnrrta attention ta a ebolea ttock of VRAITKHH, ( ABKIAOK IlLANKKTH, ahi.ioah jack itp, Kt'AttKU AND TIM, BltKAKFAnT JAfKHTS, OLCVBH AND HAKIiKKRCllll'l-S, IsMOKINO CAI'H. 12 3 Ira Wrtbi mparior aiaoriroent t.f othi r l od nttaMe aa TErpENTS r()K GFSTLEVEN. tj'OVH! AM) I'APCY (i(K)IHI CCKV,rAY 4 Bo.OTIIES, No. Mi l N. Sll('(iM)5TIiEliT, Aiiotn IIIIOWN, Ml'( )UTI'.1H AND .lollllKUS. liaif now open our rail H oi k of (lerinan, Frenrh, uriil T.) rul.ao TOYS AND FANCY (l(KU).S, All of wMi-harecf ourown li 't i rl'.n a-ul Inioortatlnn, to t hlfli e tt, ire the atlenbun of dealt!!. Ani'.ti-.or in. bi,nn,i ul are ariy f-7-?iv J NT U.K. IV N KW ANIl DKft lit rr I.K SIVI.KS. r(YS! TOYS!! ciiKArT in Tin-: city. A 1 AIMIE AMhOUTMRNT OK T O H, At ISO. :IS H. HooonM Hlvr"t, ftrlnw MBtVot, Wft HIJc. I t tip aTomiii' aon of" otir fnxtoniTH who ri'inot li ' t c 1 mi f- ii. iiKi im' tin 1 in it Hit' iim . w ill k it'll 11 ir mi r 1 li 11 nt' I 111 P. M.. ru rr rM'fih jr d-ifni.' t 'i" h H tt . h M ur'-dftrrn in d tt) cl'li' (I'lt "iir KXII.S'-JlvK Mori; i iuS m ir c Ml'. II Hhl.UW 1 Ur, I JAI, it a rtH. A. .T. WKIDKNh H, V2 l' 1 trp No, ::M H l"rfjvn Htrp.-t. 'j' I IK LA IK i EST AM) FINEST ASKOHTMEST OT i.viirr ltoxix I'Kt'A'i.t OMANIA riC'lT'KFS ANIl WIIirK VVIW, ricTnuvs anii pir iiriiB lttttim, wuitimi I'DttTHji.iiiH, anii oriirai CHRISTMAS l'HKSKNTd, Of tl.e tl.oicf',1 Klrul, at riir,iprte prlti-s, EOH0L3 & JANENTZKT, lit It; St No. 112 8 Kililll'U HI'UKI'.r. I'SEFUli HOLIDAY l'UESENTS. tAtlEH- lI'AVK.I.Pia nr,4, Ul.'l).' Mliil'l l. i. H0l, liDMH' TII.VM.IM1 n:, whN ifi kxix'ksh; mo-,, fink auoi) AND OV OVU OWN MANCKACTUIli:. llKTICri.Efl, KOi KI-.T HOOKM, T JUfKOLIOS, anl tfrj(tiiiK une'iit ti r tin- 'lrav ler and K.U'tirei jul'jt. A larfe utok, t u It at) If U-r I'icmdu. a a im i-Jr xi. jitovrvt 1 1Wt-K ANr B Al MANI KV JTfUCR, IV o. ?ONi C'HtlHCJT Ht , I'J 1(1 lm 0.poklj MiHcnU IIiUl. 20L1DAY (ilKTS. liUOWNH PATENT B ABY-TENDEB, OK, MAGIC .SI'UINa CRADLK, '1 lie moht uhftil and Ui '.ilitful Nurhtry luvt iitlon of the ai.e. Kmm a Vrtlt al ami Notr.c'ei.s Cradlp II l lnstiTiM7 crn vci tid Into a ("jirlot; Cha r, KeclmliiB t'tiurli, ltit!iy-.IuinM-r, lti lij-Ilomf, l ahi-W alkf-r, lUga Cbair, Nuniery Clittlr, Jit hl) Home, and ott'tinan. It cfU'cinall.v obvlaioN tit erllnf Ihft roortliiK motliin nnunl iircat rellrf t iiioIIiltb, r xwrclni'H and dollyHta call-, tin n, and ihvch tho iix,nTise of a is urn, AUu a l(irt arh ty of X'AJMJY J10L.IDA.Y GOOIW, AT TH R IIOUSE FUUXISUIXG STORE, ho. l'4 CUK.HNUT 8TKKKT. 12 C-Jm JOHN A. M U KIM I MY. J rOJI IA V rilEHMNTH, D. W. CLARK, No. 002 CUKSNUI STttEKT, Hub now on hanti a very lare stock, at VVATt UK's. JKWKMtT.and MLVER PI.ATKf W KUK, 8i!rt(1t1 fxprptdly for tlio eri.inK HOLIUAV TUMif,, wiitl'tiru i Hi k io fJl i'XtrfM)nUi.artl l'iw frlcuo. We La t a laice Un k of thu fnilowiUK KiOiH : !. Id W .lichen, Hiher att-ritm, l.atllt k' V l ihi l, dfiitu Waw li. , llti WttH'MH, Ant-r:ra(i W aiflit-a. Kl'Klinh V o(m I, h It'll U slKWit i d il t al 4 t'latlM, liolil "tia'e'.iii.f talnu, tl. Ill St'ii Ciiaiaa, tir, Id ptl HI CtthM, 1..K1 -!., t; .in r'Miihii(Jii. iiii Id mtU:, (.o o A rm ltd (((I Hi.at.in Mlidn, ti.i'tt 'let-vf Itiutori. (i.. d V.'aU (ill Kcv, tinlrt 1'itast, tt-iV, I...U) l l., I.it.llt m'. IsOllI I St.. Ml-sMl', m il Hi ialtU lie, 4, td Kr li-1 (Jclil t l'nr KlllK'ita . t.ulil Tttrf F Hit, I si 111 I'lai'l'lla, (,.i'd L t.-isiHn, (sl.td flJWDiH, tio'd IV ;iut Hr.okt, H Iv. r I tniiiUis sS.lv i r K ai k u itii', h llVi l I I L I Iv hi V i i, KUvs'i K. I) limn-, hlh tr ' n' I nitiN. HIIA I- K l l.ATKl) WAUK, J'-t( d on K' uu no AibuU uni-lal, uud wirrnat-j.l; Ten H-t. C'liltf ItlafkOtJ, l'l (HI Miu.KUbs.1 ni(l Ki'ivt i n, l.UtltT I'lftl I'M, hvriii LKflitTH, Hi'K-i I". Iu -, Pn-aklHr-t Custi-m, J' Ul rr( ui'O'N, aftCalC H.U'IJI, hljo.li HtiUUr., t rri", Kill Hlandfl, U-jIIU, i n . 4 till IW-lll, Nrii.Kin LlntMi in Km v h. l l KlllM, 1 e C i es. in Kiilve, ( tiki- Knivi-sj, ( rimiL K iilvci, CttiKirt n knlvai, t'hlblrtn Ir orka, ( btutrin Kpoona. Oyklor l.adiwt, fimi. 1 adUu, 1 ulHf ajid Itwiiert Ppooai, Tea. Suar, and Aalt rtoouft Tta aud Dinner Forki. 1'l.Alr.i JKWK1.RY. Wc have on hand a larije lot of tine platej Jowol rr, In th we ara cloting out at oot prlui-s to tunka room for othr ood. 'I btifttj wiahiug JOtU tn our Um-would do vi )Jtrull and anauiuo our itock btturo puicUaaiUtf AUtOudt wairautod aa reprvaaulud. P. w. rtiRK, No.GOJCHESNlT 8trt. Jf. B. Watchai and Jewelry ran-fally n-pairud Dy ox feneiirfd wuiatuuu, aud warraulvd. kntfravlnj n ally tavecuud. 11 .U-WBSUtdllJ 31 J A U 1 13 H ' , OENTB' AND ClllLDUliNa PAKLOR AND ICE SKATES. J. . B1IANNON, HfWiftUai .s nirE wATcnrs, jewelst. PILVER AND rLATr.D WARB, OORNKH AROII ANI5 TKNTII STf. tlreoclHis, Cleva Knttrins. Armlets, Rrarttett, Poarf rtns aad Bttilt. Tea Mete, Im PNehi rs, Waltars, Ooklrta, Forks, aeooiis, Ac Watenas rpatretf and arrantrl. Old Q i, ntamnti'la, aaS Bltvar nunKHt. II 1 .Ira HARRISON JARLEH. II OLIDAY rilKSKNTS. li . H U H M 11 I, Ij, No. n N. HIXTII Stni'l, W u'd InTote atti-ntli 11 In 11. Mo-k of fine Anarrtean aad I n.i'i rttd WATCH IiS, Ui ;id atd PIIKer. (1 O I I) .1 K W K L It T ol ttir- lalost at I a. IIAMiHiiMr. KI1.VKR WtltK. wamntri ...r- isnlu. c, sultablt for Hi.Ii'I.t pmonta. (). RHSSK1.1, 12 lO-ilil No. Tl H. HIXTII Htrix-t. ;i.isiu:i) in ihij. HOLIDAY PSD'ENTG. MIM.IAM Sc HON, 8. W. ( or, I IFni und niKrflU b(s.t iini.ADM.niiA, lJe on land a lar and jtueral apiorturnt of HIl.VIsU WAUK Of Mir manufacturv, af tht fluent imttlty ail hlt'heit utaiuiard of nlver. AL0, riwV'IKD WAUK. A larpo and rpi ornl anevrf mtoit of uprlT I'lil- d (l D HII.VKR bought and tafun In arciane. Hltrhfi 1,'im: .ieweluy a. l tiii -riir. noi.m.Y5, A I M. 11 11 J J N N A i H Pfi.vnI 1 li'trniil Klori', 'n Still N. KlnllTII Mr .ft, uni'0 Itacr. I'hllarlelpliia, ln'ieanrl r. ' ... 1 t .iik-v i.f nit tnr l.-iti-iit an. I merit clu Fiint tli'.ir ii", i on ri l -li.i; n cart 1IM-: AMIillll'AN, KMII.Hil, AND IIKNEVA WAT Ht.i. hne mult, ri'itAi,, AMbTtirsra. Ann otiii:s H. VIXS OK J rVKLUY. A luill.bi lilt Vttrli'ly nf tt lid Eilvtr Rt d llu'ttl Ware, 11 ANDSOMi: r.RUNi.l'.S, &r., Art. V.'r w.riM ri-.rri'tfiill InvlT ftnr frti nil, anil rtii piitO'i' In i n m il i Mm. iiii i r it r-n fli i , .rr li.tis ti put c'.a.iiijt lMil.-ii. 1 i ii ! j .j . 1 I r-tin j. INi: (K)(i!S I' ("K l'UESENTS. Wc l.ftvr rvri-n'lv ii.lil'-il to nur lurre and eMrnnive r K.'k a lint i-iiil. c 1 1 ii nf ne i si '' ui ,ll-.A'l-;l.l'V, lllttiMtl-.S, liUMOMI', MU I It WAHK, t:l.o its, a. id KANCf tl lOllt, All ef r.-rrnt rn iriin. lite ami iiiv.'irtation, ajipr,iirKtc ,.r tin- ll. h.l.i' Jt.VlI.L-.V at 'l., 17 7t Nn. M9 (limNl'T Hi rift, Ji E W 1 S I A D () M US, DIAMOND CEAL"ER AND JEWELER, No. Iirt2 CUKK.NUT STR.KET, lias en t'lind a large and splendid artanrtrneat .f DIAMOND JEWELRY, SUITABLE 10U IIOMDAY FUKsSKNTB. Alio, a beautiful assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, &o. Hflvi r Warp In great variety, mlubla for Bridal and Ild'HlttJ I'l.h- Tit y,i i.cm tiintnt nf MIhuiO' d Jewelry U C'mplvt, and at U th pi let tiiu c.iii Lo IouliI in ihil cl-y. Old Gold, Silver & Diamonds Bought for Gash, J) I A M O K D IS . rerbtiiia hnvlpfr ltlamomls rir otliar prsdoua stories to dlt-potu of, tll du will tiy calling on l.KWIS I.AIJOMlia, DIAMOND I'KALICK AND JKWKll'.lt, Xo. Mis CUtSNt. r ritrext, Whn still give ttie lil.l.eat raah iriKS.' 1 C-Ini AUSO, Oltl (.old ami Sllmr Iloulit ror Cash. IM Vi 13 JOHN 15 It E N NAN, DI'.Al.KK IN TINE WATCStS, JEWELRY, AMU UliVKlt WAItFi. D'sDintid nit us, Iiamur d I Ins, lilamrnd Kar Klnits, l-'lne Kuamrled IlracrleU, 1 Ine Oanla' ChnlDs, I I: f Id'.sa' Chains, Artie h at an.l D am. Elia, lit ayj I.o n OnartU, rine feat Kinra, l ias rearl kiin, (1 ut.' lllatu. fenrl I'lna AmiiitijBt a.id l'oarl aets, Coral Bit., 13 (i lia Lalloa' Cliatrlalni' tMus, llIiONK AM) FANCY GOODS. . T.o. Ill K. KKniTll STIIKUT OrrORl UNITY 10 PUttCHASS HOLIDAY rill'MONTH AT LOW" THICKS. Kvlni di't.m.lntd to r.-tire rriiu rm.lnttis, and whhlrtg lorl tt-tiut mjenil-e .lnkuf Wjcha., Jennlr H'lrur Vl'aie anJ itlvi-r-l'liiif'il Ware, Jli-a, llnsical Koieii, Table Cuilirj-, Ac , win. t i aisty cajri, 1 sin p o( nr il lo uff r Irnlrii i-liiinta ti' purclmera. and an luit aa.iainn tl li ol llirsii iood, luoilili wlnvli ttie 110-d Urios and ut lll.t .uailty. THOMAS J. (1AUKKTT, 11 30 I t Kn. 71'i r'UCSNl't HThKET I1ENKY IIA.JtLJJIl. Ko. 520 AUCII LTEEET, HAS A CAR11VLLY DELECTlil) ST0CH OF WATC11KH, 1 INI' JKWKIiUY, blliVlCK-l'liAXKU WAKE, KSl'KdlAIXY lAIVGY HllVJill VA1113, Unliable fur 11 3a noun a yan'pr ni n ia i presents. OURTIl AND ARCH STREETS, EYEE & LANDELL. MERRIMAC CALICOES, If'ABT COLOllS FOH CnillSTMAS PRESENTS. NEW DE L AINES TOB OHEISTMAS. 3000 Yd rienoh OLintseB, TardWide, Tifty Centa. u-io-w TTSF.rUL GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. K) I't KtF.H SI ArlNKTIO (H.OBBll, .aplamln U.a attr.ctlcil of the aarth b Taltatlou ; one f Hi. Bins! lam urtlrs as well aa li.l.-re.Uua alfu tual eaa Ir -SKiired to a chim. ITIca ' uO. farier unx for toai-hrrs are la preparation. fc riii.lrUluauaiNlwi.rkaiif laa aud fuvtrr , rtioiotTP Alliaaas, jBilia. Iai..a, . ...., 0- AMUSEMENTS. JLW CHESNUT FT. THEATRE. f IlifHI'THIKKBT, AIIOVV. TWKI.ITTH. .lt I It MM. l.tSKklJ AM MIMUKUS, WF.NF.AV fVKSIV'l, Pei-r.mh.rJI. I a s r NU. HI Hi' I Tllltf.K. 1 AM Nli.UT III T Tlllt.s I a.t Nn hi but Tl.r.a l.a.t Ni.lit tin Three rf 1 .'ai l'ot." iruiili i. -.il Anie ii.m .Irama, In rlrS SfW, ii il r. tl.e (K.I (IIKKW, (i( "I'OIUIOW, 1, "1 lv tV, ih 1 iiiiimv, I'f'l )IKI(I, Ot I (IKIION, CTHM1V, trniif rw, s.'rnt.K?tr, oiiouotm, IK I IMtl.O , (HTIIllOtl.V, WI t h i n M..r .1, . il 'I n. .lv Ki-iihiiii w.a rxeeired la 'llll. Mi. Ml M ,i I i . !' MtsSM II IliK IMVI.NnK A I IHKMK.H Tt nt S'i ri't'li '1. A: rm i ii T r'p r, .i .Ir.iiii. mi ItiS 1.1,1 A I' M I l Ill I A S I M.A 4. IN 1'.t".i i.ar.1.11, t-itip-ea I. ,1,. un'! Trt.imph of ll 11 a. i.l pr c n. ri. ii. A rim 1 ll" iii"-iiri (Vpli-nnii I, a, t,i.n ae'o'.ld I'ltH .M'l'lilK I.I .llll.H KI IIN, Ml n. Nun i; i.i.M i.il K. liN, M l( St -1 II Ir. . I 1 1 It 1 IE K I 11 N ..-. I r K .1.1, Mr. .n.l. e IImmIiit kllhn, I- . . .m p. lie 11, In:.. ,' I. .. I.. I, t a t N't! l lint 1 i.ii-i- I ,i-i Nl .i; ii it rtipo I a. 1 S i.l I lint 1 1 1, 1. 1 I. lit l'. ill Tliri-e l.ml S ,:,! Hill 1 !,l'- l.lt M,:lit ll.il I nrrs orinT f"'ll.'iri ini'lit . I.AM Mi, II I III 1 lllltl.C Of tier Irnli rr h' p'-r i.mi'i ,n ut IIII. "i It It ..IN I ll It I.. .(IK. I '. .r. mi t.i'i, . .e. I ll'- I I. l'TI.,111 I 1 1 7 1 , .,.i. 'I i.t- ' " t. r-Kin i . ii ., .. v. t'- m. r.n 1 .' t' i.i.k1 1'if 1 1 itr nt I.'" tttst in k. In i- i i .in 1 1 :i o' I ' i x - r. n,' r". i li ar,.l ia '. "I i f tl.. (V I In us, i: i.l . i. ti-.r.- i h.i iituo t .-!. it. ,m .r luriiiii. 1 1. IN M TI'MiAV Al I l.ltv ) 'V, 1 t'KMItrtit al, I I' .11 I r r. i 11 I.K S I I V i t.V M I I ,'. I,, I'l-'ii w Ii i I. i i-. i i.l- im 1 1, 'ON w,p . iirm. d. Ii'.i .-, AiJin.i.. i" ti. i, ,- Mj i.i .-, IL' cut la in all iiar'.a f In- I. in r In il.en i.. ti'iit.i. 1 rn uii-ii ut I.', i Ui i-niiituorcc at C nr.klD a-. 1 A I .A 1 'I't N il In' p.'. idii.-i d. A M I. Kit A N A t; A I' I. .U i DI M (,' 0 1 O. l,iH'(-f iilnl Minin I . )-", III III' H'.lli.lllV .i. N.-i 'lit i.tn'i s i, ihiuIii.i 'I In 1. 1 i i-. I HilIN T. l'rtti, I:',', Knit. nr. .rn; I' j -. t I Hi ' AlUAnil.l., Vlt i iV t'liii.' ,.unnn'r MUX ll. WltinilT l.Aitr si v Mums r V A il n it r . T. Illt H. IHV l.VI.NI i. I.wi'iiihnr Vtiil, I. Ji ll' . t li ti It li .y I W.ll .li'l'i-nr, th-l ti n-' l;i a " ..i, 111 Ilii i. li ill r nil' n'ti-r of M'A I I Al l Till'. (.I.AIM ATillt. si M'NA MrMi: piismi .11 i.l A IiIm A I.l K nitAV 1'IIA-AI.II s .Mlt.Jil.lN Jlcl LLUUtlli M.W Kt'l.N ,.liV, l!(1 I'M i M, A I'POINTM KNTlS. rttii.AV, t'-'.'.'t, " l uwis r-"idtr.sr JA' li I'ADIJ. Mr. M" A V Hi--, jn. l.U IN b'.'Ul.lial' V l' l A M'ti.A I (lHITIVI I.Y I nit ON. NtllHT ONLY. FICAT.t Hi:r Tltl.tl fX l.V Y- IS ADVANCK. 1 m.rfi rip ii li's ii'i'Im . t'-irt il'i n 7 o'c'ora. KS. JUI.'.N DUli'.v s 'i.'-,v AUCU ST. A,. A. TuEA I Id'.. Ili.ftf I'Al Kl'l. M'itiri.Y. IOI It I II WlKli I r J. x 'i,.vii.;f, 1 hr.-l- l.l-illims l'l -!' iu M'.m i V..U, n-5iii i, invvuiiiir ai, '1 In I l.e Ci ii.''l . ol iy I II K .-I irtltll. (II-' ItKI'OltM. It. Lrrl Tji I. S. CI.ARKB 1'. V UU, 1 III. 1IA A.Sli . I .bit. Hull I'.m l.aklll J. .-i. l.'LAItKB in Nl.liilUiU.i'S WIH'V 'r 1 iDiotliv Kr. ivii .9. S. CI.ARKJi Ir (lay, I'i M ilt i.l .1. S. I L Kl L. I-. a ia im ci.ri-0 hi a di. It. u iilmo. AI.NUT blhliil 1 11 1 Al UK. T1I1H (U'-.lnrvd:' ) rA i:IN'it, lie rmlier i. n.SiV Mi. II I' ul I. M' 1.1 N K. Tl.e nr.l ', k', ll .1 h -.iitl il at'trvas, l.lCil.l.r. VI..IHIS, w.ll appear lor llie It Mi' t.vi: in thr .riat Mural I'.t"ii tin. hi 1 ia ( I.AM . Ml; Olt. Till. I L'H KVII'.VT. I.n ill.F. WKHii.isM iiunt i i ni mid .Madam Vine. 'ID MllllliinV. I 111-. I i.f.M'll Si V. Ni-ai.na i e i-inil ir u 1 i;i .'i o cluck. Cartaln lisea at v;, oiiu.li. 'liKAT NAliO.NAl, CIIU'US, WALiSUr I him l, ahuvi' h: 1 1 . 1 l'l 11. tilri'ctrrns, Mia. UllAKUEa tlilMh (ti.'rim ily Mi 1N HIl'K). V.M'AHAl.l.t'.I.M. KS t lll'-l a M, ATTRACTION, AMI I M l I I.Ml'.Nf. The Kieat wild rin r 1 1 tl.n e-i. 1.K J14. Wr. 1H KT, ill ai'pfar rvi-i-y i i nn.' ni.rli.ii the wci-k. I!c la nhlly 4 r'itid illi linn pi.- ii.pi.,i..i.. kill t II .Mil UH Rl'.F.I), Hi.1 w i.i ui-: en uu 11. a aiuii-i 1 unit ri lunette ouei.tiian, w ill ali. in 1 li rm iin 1 iim tu. un at lit m ' k lOlINti Ml'Oi.tl,- li". M1SI0OI.O, in 11 ttw m il uar nn .o. ; li t HKiH IICIlH TA I.l CRM w ill tin ci tn' .11 ciKi p: -.ti .Ian- il.uins iioatiuBS on tliS u r.K 11. t f . t- i'. I' M.VIY 1 I'M' IV Ttir Al H 'I I e procriiuiiii ui i-nn ii.i'nin-! l ur iin- pr.'snt welr Is t' rli Ii 111 ii.iniiLh it' .in . tic. auii.i.alkr, .titt-ttrlajl. i Hint pi.lil. ii.it- ic loir, .i.i".-, 111. .1 ucualj uf t.'iu enure ' 01 1 p 111 i.t i Ma 1 Al AlM'.lt'S- rir.t Tier, IA etmta; Heynd Tier, -I, ci 1 I. 1'rlT.l. Itixm. f-l and till. l,'rrmniiiiicii ci iu'i.ei.ci-i i n. Ii Kvciiii.rr at 7 II). V I'm i. in. at uu 11 Wi . i.c.ia and H.iiiir.iay Afternoons, t ri.ii'H i i.ciii, hi 'A, o' lui-k. I. el yum liikctn iluriii nic tlav. bKftiLLY ill.Il.lii.MiS. 1 HIXTO CI.ANt.U AI. .MATINKH . 111 rm. -i . I HII.AllF I.l-lllA ri...,--ll Al. yl'lNTK ITU CI.UB, V a 1 11 1' .1 Wl.liNKSli ., I i'1-fml er 'JI. Strn le Tlclcia. nt Uu- niKir, I .lly C. D a. rj 17 ni f liLI'VliUCAM IKVISCII'LES' " .11 OKAiMI IIALI., . 111 ci'inn i-iuoriition ol in' ic li cl an nf APKAIt tM 1.117- .' 1 l'l. S, in In-1 nu at In Ai'Aiil. .1 . UK Ml'hli:, .Unnarjr '' '.' Im.i 'l ii . if are ii"-rini'lv tor aubcrllMTS, ami t-an Pa , .r..n.iil .11 ut tn in ni I iiti.n t'luli IliiUit:, Ntt. U'iA ft CliI- M 'I hl .i.rut ll IIUi M l., I reanuier. t-i-'.li-ail " 1' TMa admlrati). I'lctiire, itm rr.atnrtt prodnollon of tha paintot Wl" ST, tl nonv ull trail tntlnu It the ,( Al'.Al'IW 1 Of KINS AKI4, 'o Utt-il'tlK'-NI'T Urraiit. Tof-'Sthw with the entire oulUcUnn f the InrrWatlcia. .tr Ail.iilliaice.'I nUTY-KIVK CK.JITS. U llo. , 1 XHIIU'ION OF WOUCS OF ALU, FOR X Uis liAM 1 1 I ' tt e A' t Ull IV I IAN cnvMiJKInW. Kl tl. Af Al t, VI DC KIKK. A K I fl. Ai. f.atlt.iti. n 01 . hrl'ali-t'nl vlun il Works of Art, IV' I'atnt.r.M. henlp nr. V. a i-r i ui r. anu uUivr Diarvln., Ki , 1 a ir , . A--.. I, now Pl ea nt r ;. Peitniyivanla Ai a.t rvi or Hi.. Arr, N.i It v. lajll SM'T Htr.-t rY"ro . "' HA IS. to IU f . M , (or tlie tienci.-t ot us Ciirlauaa Ooiu b AUCTION SALI7S. IM ACKl.VS Al tllON KUOMi, Nt). 32IJ U.il.M-l Mr it. C. C. VA'KI.Y, A.eTl"i.' r, soil la r-.nilt.ii'Oi'atB of ,v 1,1 11I1-, .'tt,., M. al r.K "11 MUhU, J Ol all kn.dk, lot pulil c .a." at 11 a .,!,!.. a Ituuins, NUd aa ViLt al,.Ll i..'-il y I- il'i-i.'t " l.Kal. KrirtT". AND BIO 'Kg At thr Knot ai ri. V it ( -.kiioi.u 1 1 Ksirium At ltAllll:i:l. ut'd 8'UI Krl i'K Jll'.ltC'ilANHISE 1 A I th nri n-a 1 1 tli U' 1 r. l ia.i will P. ail a need vilieu duairtd oa eon,l;iiDloiti Sn 11. Pi pi.u,c .a . m 4I1I'VV I'lli'-l.-sI'J.N'l'W. (J1IA UI.I'.H D1IMMIO, - 812 CH liS.VUT STRKKT, Ji 111 Prpa tea a in infurui alsiaivtiii.l customers tlitt bis prs tw bctii sicca of in lull 1'AISCV UOOI A-T" I TOYIS'ii Pi lpa'-ir'a that nf any former rwip'.rratloa. n.Ttns; s- tl Ici-'iiC alih ere m.ivMtule l.lii---.l. Ii. eau trnlfaair rt tl.er la nn nl'inUr e.tatil..! ineiil In lue ctiun'.rj that eaa dei i-iiu-pan with In. Aa 10 p-ln;. i.cttli a his k-hi.U from a' tl e nrat maiitir.icinrr'r, aad arllhta In Kurups, tlioae dual a eiawlir Pu fr-.ui llie nip' nei-almiu to aell a.-aln can tier- ?f U.nlv cot ci rnpete ffltatiia. HI' It.e fr.li..wiiiiiMaa ScfS. I It: s an larie a varli-ty, and In aucti .ulu.ljr u.w Stjrs, Ml . tu 1. 1 In. r am'- in in is 1 II v can oiler os 1 tiill .' Oi;k I.O.M!H. all JI'... I l.ltV. ttlilitt. AMI ni.OVl. ROXKI. s KKi'.hHAII'l-.H ml LA III IS AMI IIKMLISMEX. ttl vtlll'IIMI IU N-Ulll'.-SlNcl CAS1.H. at I ANSI IAIII8 IHI.T AM. I'.lt IS.K HOODS. tt l'A IlIAN WAKK-ltt'llKMIAM lll.tSS, ,11 VAhl -l Ol" flMtar ANI't.H'h AM. MODRRrf. su c r 1 1 r.KY-MM'.vr kni.isii wai.einu camM. I H1IM.T ANO AltCHrraV l-drLs-MKM'-l. Pr HM'V 1.KATIIV K HtlODS. 'nl LADlEb' llAUH-UVI-K TWKliTT DirrKBB HT 'St iwiitAa. porKr.T-Bf.OKS. rnua CAeuas. ' l'LlthS.S AMI IMIIlTMi.MlAUt.1. HAMSft Of ALL ht.NHS. CI1.IS4. HOMINl.KH. l.l.TTOFS. .,,. ( HllirAAl.K, I'DUSIIUS, tUl-Bi, A5I BACli-l tl GAalUN lIUAltim -,,-.. ' 1IACAI KI.I.K ANT) TIVOLI. IN TOY 1 "la Separliuenl Is sompkaeeln .T.rrTrtax ti inr'wn.with Dinr nor.l tlilnsa ii.vm- beftM-s lrn.ril. , Hull., Ibe? try lams yarl.lT, of sar klsd tnawa,k.pli la lid. .tore, sartiaaass la besutf and ta.taftil do. ' " aisij. A tin rm known lore and la Earopa. IliU lis. t Ladies ahould call sad ae. Uieta. ll-SU WtrP J 18(34. CUISIMAS 1864. UIIIFFITII sK j lontiiWMl uornr or niru ",v' Malr -- I . . y4 1 aa .ai.adeMH( ist wiior a J r.rHK HOLIDAYS, W0RKRTAM.lt, '!S.S$ '',.. I WILLOW l'HAI'.. H-t-Us-WALKK , HI U.a AIU CAKTSj HK ATISI; pic oii.ii. wArxoT BRAcurta, "u ' rAwrr matcu aAran. TOILET 8T8 C TINWAKK, IU tsVATH, I0Ii.B4-r. riNB CUlLtKY, Aad a eoariptata stoat of UOUSE-FDIlNISUINa GOODS. CJltll'l'IXlI sSC PAOB, U JT-H St. fM AaVU 01" at r 11