Evening ricppli WK.DNKSDAT, DKCEMBKR 21, 1SG4. A NIUTI! lil.KK. HT CaLKU DUNN. 1. Flrct the shallow. glMe Ov,-r the Ire wc Uf ; Pwil't in the mmllowi rlile Vndor the trrv sky. Kvory heart lira's hluli i Kotusv ruin the li'inr; Hiou-and of forms sa-crp by, Bliowltnr their prawful powor j Curling, whirling, (IliiilnR sliilinir, Oror tlio Ice tin y n'll. it. Illncst of sides 'mro, Ktnootlnit of I' O bolmv, Hound to the slrol we love, V.tpt nnil on we iro. Over the glrHminn lloor, Oner the frozen tide, Skimminir the peupWid shore, Mirrlly now we glide. CurliiiL, whirling, Ci iillriu', Hlidiii', Over the ice wo mill. in. Shouting our wonl. of g'oo, MnniiiH our lonn of mirtli, Ilnppier soiiIh Una we Ni ver were found on onrth. On, like a pctri'l'i lliirht, In, like the swiftest g ile, On, like the Hying liijlit, Over the ice wi mil. Cur inif, whirlinit, (iliilinK. i l i tier. Over tliu lie wo sail. Ml HHIMiS. Mr. John M Mitchell, wlio-e bvjk on " the lerring" is noticed at length in n recent num'ior t thu Volminslcr l!m,tr, rIvo. a very intcre.n- incimnt of ttio nppenr.inre nnil lni'ilts of her Ing huli, as seen on Iho mh'h of S.wtluml and 'irway. The lurg.' in ises 01' the wU ilea rliinir lid I'Iowmik and throwm ' up areat q untitipi of m licrring into the air, srvirKling and gluteriog t tlie clcur winter d iy ; the eon-tint moveni'tits the liinls with shrill note netivelr eng ied mizing tlnir en-ily otilaincil loud, vi-ing ih man in their nmcks upon the c iiintlei's vyriatls of herring; and the appearance of Jimliers of rl-hing b. u'.s and voi.icis, with e miund of the v. ii.es of an activo body of f hrrmcn the ocean on tho one aide, ami the .irk and lolly rocks on the other, Is one of the lout ixtrHoiilinury and interesting siglitN tlnit fu lie contemplated. Tho fislicrinen watch for r-'o Indirationa of the presence of herring Hhoals the appearance of a wliule, the examination of k' stomach ol a cod or ling, of a g innet or other Ut-bird, olten reveals their whcrcaliouH. Soine Ines the herring arc observed to hem-nr Mi,. r. ' e of tlio water "milking a ripple." with no siim the urei-enco of whales or ravenous birds: fjictiines they become yiia.i llymg-lisli, rising rout of the water into a vast masa of mtny rds in extent, sparkling a id lU-hing,nnd Hying veral feet ubovo the surface. Tliose are sign (lunger and alarm, when the liorrinir are mir ed by tlio doR-tLb. Iho notion for a long time prevailed tint tho rring spent the winter within the Arctic circle id that they went thither in immense armie-i at a close of summer to recruit themselves after (o fatigue of spawning. Setting aside the 'possibility ol" a lih the size of the herring xning two sncti journeys in tlujaroiirso of the nr. there are oositire nnmt'. .at..i iiiia h..v Jileh wero published years ago, alttmugU ttio I t edition Of the Enryelnptrdi llrilnnmra cou Ins this same old story. Tho reproduction of e herring is a vtvy Interesting subject, ami one at has long been studied. It seouu now evi nt that thoy spawn at two seasons of tho year in Die spring and in tho autumn. Ia the Kti-h waters February and Much are tlio great onths for tho spring spawning, and August and pteiubor for tho autumn spawning. It is not .ely that tho same fish spawns twlco in thu ar, but that the spring and autumn spawning e entirely distinct. d'ho ordinary methods for taking herring aro ,lloct or drift nets and by tho seine-net. Tho itch lleet-not is undo cither of hempen twine cotton, and is fifty yards in length, and each it has Irom twelvo to lifty nets on hoard. Tlio f requires that the meshes shall not ho less a one inch square, that tho smaller iish that k unfit for tho market may slip through, Waon out to bo used all the nets are united attU , and between each net is fastened a buoy to ,i o of four to eight fathoms in depth, the buoy lg the only distinctive mark by waich lisher tfPcan know their own nets, In case of storm lentanRletiicnt. Tuis Hoot not m iv b3 use I in JiMerent ways it miy be allowed to mw. ugwltu tho winiand tide when It is turned ift; or it is socured by moans of ropes and hors, and held in its nronor Dtisitlon in cusm 'ere the water is not too deep. U'he seine-net of tho Scotch fishermen resembles lit in use here. Ono rope is held on sh ire, I ile the not is tken out by a boat which rjws find in a semicircle determined by tho rise of i net and length of the drag-rope; the bov, Icr paying out tho net in Its eoorso, now comes rluir,, urith Iho BAnml li-ii.. .na . l. ... . ...... v .. ...m.uuBV.WUV4.,l "ft -I , UlUmU tlCWS lling In both ropes gradually approach each er ii nui me net neeouios a Dug containing tho i inclosed In tho spice it has surrounded. inetimea two boats are used, one describing a liiielrcle about the other. In Ireland, the n jor pie. for want of other means, sew their blan- is and sheets tofetlier often to -tho number of Vy, lor the purpose of lortniiig a substitute for let, each person getting a share of herringi in f portion, the people haying nothing t cover m when their bed-clothes are usod in this way. Jilcrringa, us everybody knows, are eaten froih Fcured. Of their excellence lew Knglisliui.m Julie to be reminded, and there Is no little coin tion lor the honor of originating tho happy ins of salting and smoking herring. Of "cured" rings there are the common suited or white ring, red or smoked bloaters, and kippered ring. Tho processes for producing tho dif ont varieties arc quite similar. First, they are plod lor a longer or shorter period, and then k 'ikrd : klnnere.d herrlniM nrA nat-tialtv rr..ntiil a briny pickle, then opened and slightly oked, and "in this way," says Mr. Mitcholl. to is evidently ulivo to the excellences of a kip- ou nemug, urnira a very pieusant cnange ol he consumption of herring, especially among poorer classes of London, is very great. Mr. Itvhcw, In his "London Labor and Loudon 40," estimate! that h',0D0,O(H) herring, woigh I 21,1100,001) pounds, are annu illy so.d In tne Jiets of the metropolis. This includes the jet" fish, while of the "dry" at ii 100,000, tho Xir of Lundon spend annually nearly live mil Vn dollars for the purchase of herring alone. 1 H.rJt Which M thA iHtOMf (lilt A WA hiiua Ii ...tit on the coasts of Kuglandand barrels of herring. In 1N10, year anowu, there were which, allowing x to hor total of !ai,57'j,Li)0. iv nil Kill uiioriuiiun uuiiBUUlfibloil, 11 w o'lm ytii that the laws enacted for the protection of Iish were absolutely necessry to prevent V It extinction, iiui a Koyal t'ouamission, ro engaged in investigating the subject, ox ass the opinion that these numbers are soinsig- 'unl when compared with the shoals destroyed wither agencies than mm, that any laws or ailoiis for their protection can have but Jje ell'ect to Increase their numbers. Consider yf destrnctiun of largo herring by cod and ling ne. u Is a very cominou tiling to hud a ol- with six or seven large herrings in his nach ; but If we allow him only two herrings diem tor seven mouths in the yeur, tuen bis w 11 nee during tin.', time will be HO lienim;, oil codlish will be C'iU.il to one liiherm&a ia 'structive power. $l lea-t 'J,4UO,(IOO coUliih were canght In lstil If lifty codlish equal ono lisherm.iu, 2,1 W ild 1 e ;i.al hshermen. no if tlio cod gbt ou the be itcD coast haa been ielt in tho ;.T, they would have caught more herriru- iii ail the li.-lieiim n in Scotiund, and as they ...rl.iiiil v not nlilliA Ti.lrr. i,f IIiiua l.tfr li r l, we may fuirly estiuiute the destruction of T! ing, by this Iish alone, as at least ten times us iut us that clli cu d by all the fishermen put t i- her. It is Hl-o eiiimiited that the gunneta or "Jlan geese on the Island of St. iiilna destroy X hundred and fourteen milliuu of herring in c-liigle suiniucr besides thu r.ivag' I of their Kvr enemies in the air ami in the water. In the Im ihd of such destruetiot), the cllorts of man siigut and weak lu comparison. Ex. J'ujur. ' jih SrosoK Hi SINKS9. The sponge businesj hceoino a prominent department of iinlmtry i.e liuhumu Islands. It u almost entirely the wwih of the lust twenty years, and nets an- ill jf about JO.ritH). The iponge is lislied and .eillfroin the sandy bottom of tbeiK-eau, at the thiol' twenty, forty, or ilxty feet. It be!:igs a.i v ry low order ol Rniiual life, organi.atiou ,rdl) being detcctod. When ilrst taken from ae wtfter it is black, and becomes exceedingly ensive from decomposition. It ii so poisonous thiscondition that it almost blisters the llesh liiappien to touch. The first process is to bury Mu the sund, wln.ro it remains for two or three eks.ln which time the gelatiuous animal mU- U UUsuibed and destroyed by the insects ludt lyatui in the sand. After being cleansed, it is nprcstcd and packed lu bales like cotton. Tho jng has been applied to a T.irlety of new pur kes.snd within the p ift l'v years has quad- 'kd iu value. Ire were caught itlaud b!)7,(il r most prouuciive lied i,mi,Hi'J Darrom, sjg to a barrel, gives a j 'ndqslir or fIimIiIIa nnil llorn-M. The manufaetiiie of s.iddles is of ancient origin, nteda'lng that of harnesj by very many yoarj. It) origin Is not well known. Its Invention it at tributed to the Kalli, a people among the anient Franks, and hence the I.ntln ftu, enddle. It is quite certain that the ancient llomarui were na acqualmcd with tho nte of cither saddle or stir rups, for Galen observes, in several places, that tho Koman cavalry, In his time, were itihjjctto several diseases of tho hlpl and legs, for want or having their feet sustained on horseback ; and long before him, Hippocrates had noted that the Scjthltns, who were much on horseba k, were frrqtirmly troubled wllh delliixions in their leg, because of the r Irgs hanging down. Tne ftiMtimo wo hear of saddb s among the It iaui was in the year :ilo, wh"n (' insnntius, end 'ivor li'g to deprive lui brother Con-a mtlne of the em pire, niado heud against Ins army, and cnteri'ig the squadron where he himself was, thre v hlui oil his naiUlr. as we are Informed by the luslori ill Konaaras. Succeeding emperors m l ie neiny re gulations roticcr..lng horses, o 'rationally tiking liouceof tadillrs. In tne Tuci Iomsm code th. ro Is a rescript, given by the eiiiDcr.rs Valcntcnivi, I beodo-liis, ai.d Aieailnis, whi -h prescribes tlio exart weight of a vi i II-, ejuiining it to sixty pounds, iiicludieg thr bH.lle. 1 he lip-t horsemen of whom we hvre any Bi eoiint being una qiiaiute I with t!r' ur, iif governing hor-es by brid'es, minagcd tin only with a rope or si eh, and the a -cent of ilio v ic .'. This was the practice of the Nuiiii linns, (j.'in li.ms, l.ibMins, and Mis-iUins. T In Kiiimh you'll also learned tho nrt of lighting wither, bridics, which w is an exercise or lesson l.i tin! nxiMyc, and lienrc it isthaton tho Trsi in e ilii nu soldiers are represented ridin tai full s;-.'c , wrh i nt any brldli on. In Sisilrdliire, Kngland otne eighty ve.ir ago, they had a bn llo f,i conecticg nr,itn,a wwn. It was put in tiie month, anil took p.irMeular hold of the ton.'uo which it i If. ctualiv kept from s'lrrin.-, and tliui hamessed, the ollender wis led tlinoig'i the tieets. A writer of that d iy a lv..catcd a m ire uidvt'tsal use of the article. In London, nt a very early day, the s nvr.i! or i fcssiotis and trades exerclsied in tint city w re liicorporuted into distinct fr iternities, governed by their p irticu ar laws. Among them we notic saddlers as being incorporated i,v i;dw ird I 'prior to 1.107. In our own coutiti c, I' tinsv n niii.'i, wo b. lie ve, wu the tlrst Stale ih it engage I to any extent in this lcghlv imooi t mt and exten.iv'e biatuh of industry. Tho tiist menti in is mvlo of siiildlers in the Provinces in lb '7. In 17o tlio saddlers and sho, makers, nnd others eng igej In the winking of leather, pet ti .tie 1 lor a la to prolnl.it lis exportation, winch was p.te I the loilowing year, and thus tho dilliciilties under which they had labored by leasou of a s -areitv of the proper kind of stock, wore obviated. Soon niter this, tho manufacture of harness ii nl sad dles took its rank among the inanv other iisetul branches then in their iucipi. nrv'. Tho tanner and the hiirnes'-' maker in that day did not tisii illy tarry long lnhind tho first occupants of a new town. Thoy were a necessity to every village, and leather und harness, in those day s when pack horses nnd cumbersome I iiir hore wains were the medium of transport, rendered Ic.rher a greuttr dependence than perhapi in this our, time. The cheapness of hides, which were three half pence per pound, and of bark furnished in the process of clewing the Ian I, the iibundiiico of suitablo streanis for carrying it on, and the de mand for leather created by a rapidly augment ing population, rendered tho business prolitible; and although tho leather, from want of capital, was seldom kept as long in the vats i s in ling liuid, it was sulllcient to meet tho requirement. of the farmer, the teamster, saddler, and shoemaker, and shops were soon found in all the larg;r (owns where coarse shoes lor tlio laborer, and saddlery and harness for the neighborhood, could be procured. In no brunch of trade has thero probably been greater improvements than In this, and one c m leadily perceive that the harness of to-day is a widely dillerent article Irom th it of thirty years ago. Sioe mui I. nttlwr lii jxirter. Y U 11 K 1 T U It B, CHEAPEST AND BEST, l'nrlor MultH, Jtc!-room tinrt Clianibor Hult, DlnlnK-Itooni Mults, Jiltolien Ir'urnlturo, Llbrury and Otlloe Furnlturoi Household X'uriilturo, OF EVF.KY DESCUIPTION, Kitlur In Huits or stloxlo l'lro, at the lowest ponlW prlem, (JOULD iV: CO.'S, Union riimtturs Depots, X R. I'r. HINTH and M A RK IT, ami U-IHwlmtl M. K. Cor HKCOND AMU HACK t)TS). UKIVfatSAL 0LO1HE3 WEISGEB. IIIE-'OUEAT FAMILY ECONOMIZER." IT IS TUB EKST AND ONLY KEL1A1H.E WRINGEK HBCORB THK 1'KOl'I.R. IT IS THR MOST M'SAISLK H AflllBlK MADE. It ta trie only Wrlugnr with ths PATENT COU WHEEL REGULATOR For ttimlni: both rnlls tonetlier. whluh eulUvelr nrAventt pine mils Irxin lir klnK or twmln on Ui sliAfl,M all n fiiigLrit witaoui COG WHEELS Wll rio. no nittur huw ttroDgl it nmjr be i.asrlJ to Ui ntrary. It it net only ft ntM-fwt Wrinprtr, but th Cog Whceli rfvm ft ft rower w biota renem It mont K Xi KIAA'.S T WAHilElt, as tti(ld toby oain i who hav it tn u. It rVft'wa litiif. Ifttxtr, clotnt'i. m1 to.iOt'v. ft wi I y tut (u.t-11 id Lk SAVING Of L'LOltUN J ALONU ever sU tu nihd. Kit.lIT (1ZES.-The anuftl ramlly Sue are Nj. 1, Sot at aua ho. 'J. Theu hvo COCJ.WUKliliS, And are warranted In arery partlrutar, NfH. 'J l, MJid .'t are not vttrraiurj or ra'fmninile1, hav ing hu -fuail ruia tli At t'oua ran' o tic titt-d, hp li-Mirtti tirj til tli Nfttxia a zeaiiilK'Co thuiv huitl fjf v,tiur laikoca. " K. 1. liUKNIIXM, Ha. 77 S. SIXTH BTUKPir, Phllailrlhl. 11 -Iti-iuwflm Mauu'acturars' Atfent for Esm Pttina. 'J r0 THK PUBLIC. X . lat'lK TIO-S OK CtitMi tltrKlIKIlS.. f ' TKKSPKr HlT.rARTMr jt t 8oi friTOH n Orni K, October ift,JH'il, ( CtiMreaa, b.tMn uct piiHft'ri at It j latt ih-iMuij. placiJ ft Otmmilt rut lc atiiniti money at tho llpoaiilo( t't Sucrvimrj ol trA Trt-ftMurv, V be tuipUvrrl In the (tiMf ir.loti of im'i.niiie h r th dH ctlon anU riinl-hai)Rit ot (terauna ciiiied in cnuutwrf.-nrtijf Trt-Anirv note A actional 'nr rein'i, and o ht-r arcuniiWa uf the l'it.id iftatvi. J nil ftiud is devou'd to ike iutni'iiK of rfir.irda tu dutertlvf tin other UaTotinh wtiot iimtrunat niAiiiy nt-mdi ri are brou-fit to jiiatiri' ; nrd lit atliuHilnriitt)n, and ih" condui t of Urn Du auro r'frrd to art jjbit by prU r ot"iha SL'tTt-titry, urd r thf imuit'tllut mi(nTvii'n.rr ih imdor-iKiud to whom all t'luiinDuiratH.n n-'Aifn thereto, or to the ttliufi inlii Ahd. klixu'id h AttJrvMat.it. I.i'irr.il r'tiria bate already bfn paid to atnoft.1 pajv wHo bava ai lcU Ui tb apprchoLiton il'foiniigrfeltT-(. tt ia bt ! tiittt Hit UriiuiHi i bin oTte d, a1 Jd t tha Int. rukt w lib h uli y' od citiaf-DN uiuat friil l iho a i pirt-a-tlon of cnuiei tt rdiiiff to impair tbu crnilif itia ii.i!!ti)J w curltiea, anil thna rtoharraxii all btuiuaV otwratl'm, will Induce tha earn ut c-oDrHtiun of all Vip '! ol allordliiH aoy ultl in tU- ell'Tt bt lnj.' undo by tha ).-pArt-lueut for thtt atiainiofiit of ttial dvairahlrt-tid. Ii ty cipa C Hily urtrU ti at aii v-frtui i lutvtiik' ft au'witfil(e oi tn'ta luipoitunt to b in ion n by tn l-paritnyiit, roDrninn nut b oiirnufi, will comuinuiiate tl cui fiilijr and proti.Oy tu ttif uiidrrnieBt'd, , ftiblulu-rti uf nwipap ra brnu.but the cO'.intrv rentU-r v u'tul M-r it to ib tioviTittuvitt and lit yauitv by fci Vint ciW-;utjLi pubjaiU-ii u i hin aid. r KIW Attlr JOHOlf, U lC-w3m RoU.;ltr n' On I reainrv. rritEAsrjvY j ) k r a u r m i ; n t , iKCKMDi;n J lu. In 4. Nt.iirr it lit?rt by j.hfn of the re.rd'nt-ia ofthli Pcpart ii "nt to rt'tetm i u ir ren!ttiiH), by .pavme it In l.twiul motif y, or l ronv ru n into I'mIh hi a ithrl.d by lair, i 'uiw i in.'ii TruttMiry Not berirlng int rfct niche rn' of kevn nnd tluo -ten'ti p r cen'irn, tain ;d iiulir A t i .Inly J7. l-vtil. Iii!rt wi:i rwB on all u-h Trpa iht Ntiii i ii(t ' Drff nied, afi i r tnrta iu-D(ti t irum Una dtf , t wlMi tliiit), uidr tli1 lav, tht-rl-.'iit f i'muvm ,,,, ft-j.-CB. W. I1. KKSM'I'KN, J.' -H-h't Vamtary of t ,e i aui.rv. C'lilS 1 JKHlSKS! llOflSKS! V AlillJ.WAM-: U-LaM Hkl. H OKHilC, FINfir lllUiloN, VV.lMtlNi.IuM, l)j.iuitr 1. 11. Ift-ra, "tttlilf for Caviry or Ar(iiir at-rvifi, will b rnrchftatd ai Oitebuio dju(t in oyva luarktt, tiii Ut:em- Ilotftwa wiB ! tfeltvcreri to f'ap'fttn h. lowry Moc, Jl..IA ,iiut biautiei t?d to tbt HbLkhiu.iruiuant luiptc Uon bi fcm b ii.tr ficvf pumI. 1'rit a of 1'avhU-y iloistta. SI75 tftrh. Vruif ol AtiLuJV llomt-a. 1h arh. Vyiiioul wilt it- lutuW fur ta (0 and mort). JAMKM A. EKIM, Colonx) In CbitfK Mnt W U-m, l'i 1 f,i 4aJCrtnujirOeit4iai'a Ofliaa mar qiaktkkmastkr's office, Winini. !.. I. C..)aauari XT 4, IH . AH f1ealii tn I'rua.flarilWHrft. l.utnbtT, I.CAthfr.Onira) furniture, llarmaa, and Haddlary, ax rwqaaktcd U ana 4 to Una t'ffWa, on tha MtNIAY ol ancli wck., a.aid pro pnmil or IHt, lii Oiii'li' aU.uf the anie'ea tht y are prepared to hirnlh to tnta dtpoi at ahorl tt'tttca, with the prlf arte a uiaikedln plain flyurwa, aoti'fti, in cafetliaraik-neica of ihii .ce inMir l .the artl ior ftrUclaa Cftu bv ub Uint d without dvUv, at the let prtrti. ihnlfri wtrvhinir 10 aill to ihia dtpot wiM ba reivirH furolab tin Hat puuctnally aary at'iUj 'J.'.'J f Krkftdiur-0OV(i audCliiaf wuartuniuaier. 11 l(.yl Wa hiniua. PAY EVEXTKa TELE G R XTAVY JKrARTHKNT, Xl BvaftAU or tbaw FiitiYv llermlMr I -o.a al4 rrApnaaN wilt ha rerefTM at thtt narrao an tit mrridoin. .laiiiiarj 10 f..r Uia Iron iMrlhti In tha loiiowin ft-tvi racfi bid maat bo mada for an eatara r1aa. aril the pft-e bi ) ft i.mmmI mm Tor theattd liTfrrd at th reapMtlvn Navr Vardi N payiant will b nil.1 nntll Hi whk la drlivarrt : dWIvvfv t ooni n- nee in ilT(Ut( af.r-r not tioanmt of arc ntan r bid tr pmrn d o nun n miy, and tha wh ,a to b tiaUverM ia two uiotiMi ilx'M nit-r. I h onu-ai't will be awarded lo tl.f lwt reponafMA I'ld'ter the rUht rrTe4 of rechft the lowet bid II It be daiNd eorMiant. Ihaa-uai vimrmiiM wiM ha rwitiira.1. and the eon trart win be dit0 the 4ry the notice of aocei.taare 11 ie. ' I'Hnted ehr1tiirt and Inntrnct'oni can b oMalsed. by apC II- Atlon 10 Hi hurrnti rrojx pf.lt nnil! Ih .Inc. ted (o th Chief of the Mure of Hifim r nKlti.-.-rliw, ami etitlarod ' Pr.,MeU frr Irtn, ibAi ihe may ho ditnift-iM3iif4 I rem oihr buameai let.'?. 7 he tt'll wiin are the rUaiK tT.juirfJ at the reipt .Htrt Nay Alda : W KHINiiT-.N. i'i No. 1. M (ilelra Itoth r Iron. 7 li, oy IH IncS.n. ft d'i do S HI hf m do 'J do tin I J, u hT d d d. 1 2, .( hy H do w 'o d . Jt 4. :w by Hi) da 11 di :i h, ;u) hf liH de t - do 5 1', 4o Uf '. dl I'i d' Co 7 X hjf I'M h no do S t, :rj by d 1. do ."o S I', 4- hr p ?4 1a io I'I, Pi t,t M ii i do d i A , ,tl ty 4-i do vi do do ;t A i.r a, 0 W do do 7 Irt, 4.1 hv 111 do A 7 I-., i.i by :n do i d-i d i 7 I ; hv U do t 1" S 1- , lit hv 71 ilo -M d . .to :u. ,r i , i.v d i i ; it., ii t.v 1 1; d I do do S l.i, M ht '-i do l'; do HO ,'i Itl, 4A r y ft CO to -lo M. I hy M do il 'I" do ; .-, ;.ni.v III .hi ;H do d.i :j ,, i.. Uy t. ) de 1 1 do ii. i h, ri i,r ,i , II do do b ).. 1-H.f lw ilo i) d" -h. ,1 H ai .r ., ,a V! do do ft I'i. .; Ity .11 tM 1 th- At"'V. t,, be f ill. h 'ii ) '.ri-an iint iron. S -HIN HON. C'n-t N.t. i, 0 rf p,,i.i hct AT..I h'i (ttart bar 1rJ, !ii -h. I' " p ini.lt bin A in-1 1 n'i sjiii-f lu'l'on, lin''i. ,' pi.undt lifi A in.'t iti i i nt a h ir 1r--n, li lur'i. : 4 '.if' p.i ii- hcl a 1 1- an v ,t h ir iron, '.' , dr in 'h, ",' f '-'Uii t- he i rl ori ti i' Itar iron, i ! im !i. I l.i o poi.n.1- tiii. A m ri an tut hr ir tn, 2 hv Inc'i 1 ii p.itt,! l'.vt AMK-rli-an cat bar ir. n. 1 ','h? in fi. ii.in'h piumili U- i Xnn'rtf .tii r-'iind har Iron, 1 m. i, i." (' i.Miii tl (..-.( ni- r i mi rutin.! f r Ir n, I S i . liH.ii. latino ft i.i a- Aini-riCA't mo ml bar inu. hu n. Jli It I lk tJ . .ii iu.i !' n -iiprfil. W 1 1 1 N 1 1 f M , I'I I. fti.oin p..i,ii.lH he. i Aiiiiiic.in r inn, i', b I niches. M liit lie-., I-. le.-i i .n- ( i " No 4. 1'' p -m..! in n m rii. I -t-vll I'i Inc'i d a-n-M-r, t do do 1 4 i-v II i 4'' ti.. ih I , hv II li .1 h. d i O.i 7 111-. ti t CHAKI KihiVTM. f. S. I. JfCprtiin.WK'si AtniTH'tiil it fUn" inn, from lrt tu 1 inc'i th't K In Mirb (tum minim at in.ty be !' l:ll-.l ( 'IIAICI T 'WN. fi No J. M ,i h pntn.,1 i,e-.t Anifi i nn enun t iron from 1 in- h to 1 lit. ii diiitui i4-r, in .M,L"t,t o 'hav bo re IllttOd. t'.IAIM KHtVVN.' l i N....I (-cnnN bat Anift I. nn T i r-ii .V , h lirlnoi. thA V Iim h part to b-: ', ih.-h thli . and tin t in U pa a lueli tLK a. '1 nt- It iiK'h a iimr l re iinrod. CtlAIE.rPA N. t i No 4 pniin.'a Itu.Icr Kii'ia 1 4 Inches lng An 1 1, in.h dhim t.r. : Ml(t Oi l'K T, (F Til K lYKFO'l gUAUTKIt .M.tMKR, lour l.f i vr.vwuKTii, K t n( NtiTomh r Ifl I I, rit'iiAI.S I "(It AUM V T ltAN-l'nj;i V I 4N. Sell (d I'lMlH)!,;, Will I..' r.ct'ivi d Ht nftl Htltll 1 nrliM-ii M. on tl i- :m dny of Utciiitipi , is.,t inr thu Tnumponntl"n ot Milhary Mupplli-a during the ynar !'. on tl.4' r-it. . iti4 r. nt- : lhi in No. 1 .- Kroin r'orti I e.ivcri worth, Laramie, an-1 Rili y, ftf J other oVp. u tl.;it hiiv !.- nt 'i i hIm-.I 4lnrnii( theAbtie caron tho writ hiti.k of the Mn'imri nrr, n rth of Knri l."vniw orth. nnd nmth of i.tt'lu t. ti de- reeH intrtli, to an ponU or mutiont tiuit re or mty le fUlilnto d tn ifii- it n'lur.i'H nf N.-b- ink a. lUKiiMli, btniio, Ai d I tiih. lotJlh of iMlitnJ 41 d-;ri-'-H north and eal of len. tuide III di'j,-rein Hi'tt. and lu UiO 'K-rntiT of C olo railofc'tth ol .I' i re-n nonh Hl'-h'rs lopt ue thu -wi" por teO ) -mmU pT V) rnlh't at whU li tneytlil trup'.it iiaid t o.-i lu vic of tho montliairoiii April to 8i-, toiub'-r, liicUmiro, of tbe ywar IrV-A. Knt TK R-i 3. From Fort 4 Leavenworth and ItileT, tn ti- Hta'e oi Kama, ai.d tho luun of Karl's am, hi tlio 4tutu ol MNmari, io ah.v ponia or Htatlons that arw or ta iy he rNtabllnhed In thy State nf Kans-m. ot In t Ii m I'ornto' t of t UIoMtln, amith til Irihtudts -lo d'-ij'ia n Tth, drawing auppLit a 'mm F. rt Lnivt-nwi rth, atol to fort I'nlon.N. M ., orotlier detot tliat limy he donknati-d in Ibat I er rit-iry,to Fonii i'tuid nnd to any ntii.T point or polnta on ihe route. Mulder to Ktato ihd late ptr Iu pound per I'O ml 4a at win4-h tstn-y will transport nid Btorf In 'a h ot the month irom Aprd to . piotaht?i, mclutive, of ih i ar R"i tm No, X Kmm Fort lTnl m.or a-fh other depot at niav be ratah l-he-l tn the territory ol' New lhi, tn any pjt er ntuilona that uru or mnr lm eatAhiisloM in that Tertttory. unit to o:b posti or atationi a mav Imi desi nated In the I errttry of Arl-tm ar d Mtatuof l iaa wet f lonnn.lu lu'i ib'nu'ei wuitt. Bidder tn it me the rate eer UO poutidi per Iiki nuli-t it wih'li they will trantjort aa.d i oiuN In eucVi ,t( the uonibi from Juno to .November, tin lumvi. of ilo- er li- 't he we.nt to lo tiun-iporti'd eneh vonTwill not exacetl 1o,mohi pomid on K4niii' No, 1 , l.i,tM),n pomwU ou Koine Nn.J; and h.(nt) lKni ponnil on Itonle No l. No addltintvil pen entAf will h pmd tor ttie traniprta tlonoi bar-nn, hard breud, ptue lumber, hinl.'i, or a:iy other hto v. Iiidib rt uhonlri kIy their natnea in full, ai well at their pine of renaei cc, aiul eai h nropimAl ahon d be nrcnm I antei by a bnd iu th1 tnru of tro thousand dot Lira. Hihf i by two or more rrirMttilo pt rtoiin, ttiisnnn'foliiir that, m ea ftiontra4't ts auaidt'd for the route mentioned in ti )ropoal to tho p,trto-n prono-lnir, th eontra-t will be ao rep'i'tl and euttTi d into, urol od .And nuiMi lent twcyiity fur. ninrrd iiv nit id i.aritws, iu air.i.iui-e with iho Ui'iu vi lb la ftdviTtixriiK nt I tie amount of homU re ubrrd will he ai follown : On lion ti- No. fion.oix) On Koit No J ito.inO On Kf-nie No A i',i),ox ftatia I'tti! lory evldfin-o o' tlia uyal y aiid aoivener of eaeh bicuer and pi-raon oiftjicd a. iecunty wtM be re quired. 1'ropoaftH miiKt be endorsed "l'ropon.iU ftir Army TrAna p ir'u'iou U Jii.ute No. I, J, or a, hi th i nai may bo , and non" will iieeritertrtiHt il unlpsi tby lully oou.piy wiib aii tht ti'otiin nn nt of th aJ verui- m-Mit, Part Ift to whtim nward- art mad.' mint b preparl to execute trintrarta at once, aad io tiive tio reiuiitd bouda fcjr the faittil'iil pi-rio innwre f the Ame. roniriKia win le mtde u'in in the approval of the Qnartenrnatt r tienernl, but the ruht la rt'ierrud u reject any or ah bid Mint nay he oiii red. CotiiriietorN uiuit In- in rend) net ftr ertoe bv tha rlrat day of April. Is, and th will he ri'iuir (t to have ft place of arunciea at or tn thu viemtty of Forte Leaven worth and litnun and other il.'po'M fint toty buitablisliO'1, atwhicli Umy niaj ba eojumtuilcated with piouiily and rwAiHij. Ity ojdurof Uie tjuftitortuftater a-erAl. li. ( IIOinRS, II b-i Cftpt. and A. i. M., U. 8. A. tUHSISTKNC K 0"fVicK, UMIKD STATICS tO Atuiy, So. JO eiOl TH Htnrol Hm.i iMoiiK, Mi.. )eceinher 1, I'. Sealed Proposftla.in flii li ie, will tie re 4-ivcd at thtt iic until 11 M., on Till- ks!aY. ieoimbr J, lA, for inrniihiiiK the I'mteu Htataa t5ohUtuiice Iiuttuniit tib K'URTH(t'NA?n ffrt)) ITKADOFCOOJ) F T It F. E T f'ATTI.k. nn th hoof, dWiroiiu at the State ( attte M-tlt-a at ItaltiD-orr, Md., tu ban o ( hwO) ona thousand ca. h every (lo, ten dai ; to tc fifiid wiirim ono and a had day a irtir arrival, ftt ihe fxptiin uf the cufi'ta'tor 'I my niiut ft vent ce attout ( laooi .hnirin linudred iiundt U'loa welkfit : all l'lhnf a'.iort of tlo.'u) unt ihoUi.ind and 0fypuuiidKro4iii veuj' i, Itulli, SIaks.Oxou, Cowa, Ucif er, and llornii'ia alt h. will be reiented. A ih-durtutii of ten 0") pound wtii to made from the we'klu of arb Hietr aci ep - d uii Iit thia oontraot. pro vtdtd Uie ariiinal item not h.aikJ in pon two in-l one half hour" bin ru bi'lnir weified, or la not wulytied. liuuia dltulf alter reiiioval tr-oa tliecarit. Itiaok (brim pir prupokaJ ran bo had nn application ftt th'fc otbre, tiiiit-r hi pvouji, l y uiaii. r teia-'iaph, Pnoa.a by tviht-rHpii, r cilmr u itu.tr, iniormal piopi.nali, WM tiA Uv i-..n-ld4T'd. The tinvermi'i-nt will i-Uhu the ri-ht of we!' lit w; any on aniu al fcipar.ite, It iia aniii-aiance Indicatoa leii wt'uht than tli u tt'tiiniio lut-nt oiitd abovu; the ex-. nn.f ot wiiiIiik will be paid by the jurty erring m jUtlintnt. Kuril Lid tu fit-fure c iim idt-ret I' ll nv'tt eon'aln ft wrlttei Kuarantue oi 1 1 o rt .-.puiiMble p- isinn. u loilowa : We -,of tie iniihtj of ,Hiate if .do I eret'V unnrantee that '4 (or are abte tofuthla contract in uccoidttin wifli t lie lenim of hU (or tli-lri fui tttioti. aid pIi'uM hu (or their) pto;n-ltioii bo aei tpted, be (or i he I will a: oiioe ent r into a con trail ia accord )' th-r iih, and w ar prriiar! in h enie iiit pe''tirUiefit kl'oj iood and mill' leut bond a for tia minimi nt. Tiim rtjsp. iisll ttltv nftiie tfttiranavri meat be hojrn t)y tftte oWcfti retuiit ate f tit-1 Iffk of Uie nearest LMUH.t Court, 4ji- of the li.ite! 8 we a iiitnct AUoruey, to be eu eioifd till U, bid ItMt'ei iiuisi b pr !.( to reicnd t thir bi.la, and prtj ared tofc'tvt buml and iiu tha ' oiitract Witore teavuirf tle odlce. The t.uvereiDent rentoei to Naif be to reject dry er aa uiti eoutntt rcti unr. diotiaui. I'aynitiut to ht- mad at.tr eat h delivery if fendf em tt-ano , it eare on hand, to ha made a noon a recotv fliddim w I'I ptenso t.e pi io , If pavuient if in id eurrttiie , und a!o pi ice It made in Ctmttlcate of ludclit- attne. I'r'poial uuiit In endorsed dlr'ue'Ty 'Vropovil for ht t rattle. ' and adiireitui lo t'aptaiu J. ii. tiiiiuna, C. , llaliiiuore Murv bind." It a bid inn i be ufttue tf a flrm. tiielr naieei and Ibnli pot uO;t.e atUtrt mun a, i tr, wr iby wul ui uiwo uerd ItAtL pTKn or every mend er of a firm otertw a p-o rxtal niU'.t atcotr.pAtiy It or an tMth of i.t-ui.it to the f lilted B'Htt-a Ouivruiucut.il Lv ba not already i.id one In tlx i rtiee. AM bttlo rmt lompiyinf tr:r:ly with t)i3 tor.nl ofthli adt tiuatusitit will be rt .it ud. J. H tifLUAS, 1Mfl-im naptain and .'. S.. (J. H. A. 0 LTICK OV ASSISTANT UUAKTI'.UM AS hr I.'ioiiKt of riulAdclphm, So. 7ilM.KKI.r Htrtet, in . ember l.'i, Ink. Si-rtit d l'r'.'oui(i w-ii lc rH'eivd at thii ott' e until not-n of Ml-MtAT. lie. inht r Jo, for f.jful ii n t .e I' mted Slrtti'H with forKue, viz.: t orn. Oat, H.iv. nd hUnw, for the u juiiinflln tn Ihe puhiic i- i vl at it n ImoI ,,r dnnritjt, nu iiidioK Cluster, Fort Mldhu, 'h nnut Ilill,.N:e:ov.i), liHd'linub n, Kttv rly, N.J., White 11. ill, rifar l'.riiil, HpruiK Kt'l, and uny tht r l. niiiy wlitiln t'ltf euinintind that may he directed, for tne pM lod i I aia ibuntbt, froat Januai 1. Inf-. Ad :raiii to be of mo b.-t ttia)iiy, U I' Hind to tht; b'lhel ol Ou'i, and .i iMini.iU to the hnihelofOom. Ifavot buatinaliiy Uinotliy, h'rav of wood 4uality, hyu or Wheat, ua way be wdertd. Alt to bt in-pt t tt d and approved aa (lellve'i d. Prpoea!i will utato nnee per Kai pcunda br hay aid ttaw, and per htinhel for grain, delivered a: pl-iue of eoui ump tion in aiub UiUiUliua and at aucb timei tu tua borCered. The t'liitod 8tatea resnrvei the Hunt to njejt all bid dMuiud UaoKUAtJble w.Uill Inter, mi. ALiir.lt r 8. ASIIMKAD, U ll-tM Tapluln and XJJ. M. 0nr FH I LA PKl.P IMA fiORil; o ns '.ai.ic mvnruTK, so. u Norat jj h.Mll Bureet, above Market. K upturn radically ecred by H r, tM-bKIl i'roo Iiiia F ujt.t ftraduaimg I reaiare Truaa. Huperlor FJaatle fiietae, Elaue mock, jitci. bapponera, btkoaider biacae. tttueav fori' a. Crnttue. Ac. La-.llra amended bt at re B.C. EVEfiETT. my 2ft-If D E A F NKMH.BLINP N K S S , A N 1) C A T A R R H. -J. iSAACtl, U. Profeaaor of tle Kye a.d r.ar, wwatt aU dlftae appertaiclnf to theahova iuen)br a trh tit utittoal uure. TatiaaiHiala Horn '-he iuoi lewahle bnurcee la tbe ettv can be area at hia i Ql'1", Ko. M ' PlNi Hareot- TbeMvdlcal Favully are Invited is acompaity tbeef avieti,a U Ue uo ikivU lu km ymU: lo-0 ATIT. PITIL AT) FXPin A , WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ASTI-DTSPEPTia 'rOWDlTR, Aa WorilMl prMlT. v thl null dlrnrtin MtnpUM L)Y Hl'Kl'Sl A. Ia nsaf tmn of k ttsailiat N auaihrll tral wa darral r.Nr. IT IS rURELY VKORTAOLK rRSI AHSD OHI.T II T I'UKDKllIOK 11KOWN, pr.cirl.t anS rvxraltt, . a or. nrrii ahd chrsnut rn., W-Wl And for by DraHMUu vwieraiv. JtlillHOIt Alj, nu. CUAU1.BS liuiiKiira rnri-ly lrapnrld FRKMMI rr.Vl,R T.t' J t T ! nfl rri.t, w.trxnliil in all cai'l. Mr.. (II A HI.F1 II 1 1 H It It r. Oh irtrie.l I'll j .1.-1 a r . rntt.nw hiii! ntll'f. prlva fc LaJli. Apply at Ih. Mt'lAMC UKI (J B1UKK, No. 101D COATfcH HTUKKT, tl -!S Ira Wdtiin.Mith. CKCUKT DISFASKS! RKCtthT DISK ASKS I O hMHITA' l.l rt SIM Mill AS A I. in I Tin M.'PtO.i ma i i k, tYKii I kD. ) . . A l, .'"H p nir. tor lioSoKUIHr A, I.UHT, HrRTOTPHFI, rVmlA.n. no nliv.r.1, n-' Hni.Ain, i,u M-wvurj, 'nly li n plil. tn ti m.iMi lo nlKt a ouro i'mii In l ri m Iwo to r'nr il.t, mtd roonl o.i hi "Iw.nly-lour Imuri.. ' rri',,turil l,y a irrAililAtw oftho On . vrr.ti, of l.ntl. .ArH.on.-iM Un' uioal etuili.il' ll.JCU.r. and t'h' titl.lt oi th. im-i'-nt da.. Mi'KMii.-l m,, x. ,t.. i f.T.. so riMS'lli VMlTI.Vinf, l,"t Hii .'in lijr. ili'tj . r.'it orctii'iit rit'oj, - r who l,. l,r.-n purHkjMi:a lUliaut C'-taivA,ur Mnro.iry.a utiitf try lh KAVNrMV IIITT. Krnt tT null III a I'l.nn ftiv.i.ni.. rtioe, utii.' p i.in , t i I .'it lit'., .V P.l OOU! iti.otn:i HI .O.iD'II ni.0'H!lW Sfiiot 1 t MKit'. ' nr. PpoTS, TK.rrr.us M'U Y. 11(111,4. 81 rUlLld OK VtiNKKK 41. i'HK VMK4, r A M A It I T t N H KtX'T AM HKHH JiMrKM IB oil i vl thi 'ti MR' a a p.'ntlvn t'ltrft, PVPHillH pk VrKHI'l, I'I K K 4 -t Im MIMt all TAN rt Runr ASH Met; it Jl IVK. la the ru -it pot. mi, certain, and rttml rt im tir evyr prfrlled ; tti"A.bfl ard vrmitvaici po rt mrU' e af thu noreal wn n,r tf a' ll'f cure Is 'hi.'i"Bh muj ponnanorit. Taka ttien raf tl ia pnrtfina r- ttmU .11, d b . d, and ,o n ,t n aivtrntt to Tiiur puaivrity Uiat or which yoii may ruitoiu lu ailw yvaia. T( V'T DKMPAIH! AtA1ls1t ron nmt l j.r-.ro in.-e t 1 ncMab., tJ,.- ! t W 4 It I'I ASM It' n '1 and (1 Kit 11 .HH'Kwill r- mtrx e , r vi'ntue 1 f nui -tilMf ni-iii ilia j iirtai, aa wodaealluie bud eirecie ol lueroury. rrMAi.Kit " ' rKMVT.Fi! In tuanv ratMn wMh wbteh hhmiNti of iminlft MiCor, Uia K"iU' AM I'KKK Jl ICKHnrit umat Imptdty a uptvd, iti t leurvtd t ttTin, tn l.Miieorrho a. tn btmrina don, t aHhiB "t to v umb, 1'ahtlliy, and fur aii compiiOuta Ul -olt nt t th w bout by exi-rv. Vrire Jl a bottle, or fi bottloe fir$ . hAMAkllAN H VI AMI li. In ratiea of drphiliii. uvd hi nmiii etlon with the Root and Herb Jtilrt Kull dlrnrtioni. Priftf 2 ronti. 1 hi-t-thcacy of theae rt iiu b'-a t alike aekm1ednM bv pb elciana and patit-nta. Th-v uut naed in tbe Lnlrnd rinie lloapnrU. IJ.UI ri'Hotf U$ t-t4iUi U lUAuy ui fuor luttTe aiOilirr. k ruui tip lt.ilttrnnre "ft?n : WltA T I II K HT K-.KOV 9 AT OK TI1K BAM AKI TA pi S KKMKt'lXrt : "1'i'ftr ltti.4ri.AI., Kour M AIM!, u., 'Italtimore, Md., Kebrnary Itr.4. ( 'I have prrat mtiniiartion In atating thai 1 hav atoi 'Thtt hatnruitan Krmtvipa' fir Vfnereal Inatntu In IU ninut cna:mnry t;,r)n; that I have ued theiu with Judat inent, d'aen-tjott, and r (rri . mid have found theta rapond to my antie pmlona promptly and etrerut.'illy, Kni'Wuiaf ibfir r"iii'Oinion. I hive tho t'ultrat i-'nndnco In tl i ir eU'raer. and s :nr a my no uf thorn extend, rcJUiUMUi u.titu flirotigiy. "Anttant Snrn.-un "it h Sw -rli ot. T.ct It be nndi at'Mtd that ttitin-rt'in'di are atr"oni-nwii.w-d. ai ti , 111 pujjiiivuiy cure tlio dlsi 4 i ft wtuoa V art otbircd. ld by R.O.t'lMI 1t No. t M'.H I II M-reei. ItKVlOMn A C , In-llWi-m No yli ItAfK HUhvt WKALTIl, H K ALT H, AND If tn ealn at'inlrlnn ya ; It to csiiie mvtdicn Mk'h ; It to be a hiiHimtim ti wer, I atlmg, dylii(c in an b our Hhaott 1 If to hat ft a hnitt of frb'ffi la ; It tor vict; to ni&ku an. end ; If with b'gtl bom bliMid to wed; II a marine it ono w hen lual r'BAi. Hit If b llvt thrertrore nntl tt-n, w Uhiru bie a Ion at am ; If 10 Uve a hie ol praee; If to C Id and t or.vjj,- HnAt.ru ! If you wish a life of pt- ai'ire ; It yt 11 aim taa world a traturra i I f v 4-rv ce m fort you w tiuld , Tae my iidvlco, and wlh ml! 11 (. Tbn, havlnff Health, Wealth, and M-anty, 1 ou 11 be pi ep 11 red for every duty. nvfteararMliitrnaalof Dr. Wll, 1,1AM YOlINaa Ka Ttrnk, ttlti MAKHI 4 IK (.I'lUK. wh h aboii!dle rt.aa hi ctor? itiit. H'd by ItooRneileM litMinraTIv and at th f'l-rt.-f a Otlloe, No. Mtj rtl'KUVK .lTICii.Hr; pna- 14 aiiiia. y-6 AMAKITAN'S rt'UK. HA MA II I I.S.I I IKK. HAM AIM 1 N A III UK. H AM AMI I A N H I IUIK. MA .VI A H I I AM K III II K. SAM IIIrN S I I UK. bA M Alll I AN S I'I'lti:. S IMAIll I AN I'll UK. HmHl.IV M t'I'ltK. HA VI A KIT A N H II III'., Tin' only mire ai l hafe rt-nii',1 v lor i lonnorrlio's, (Mn.'i, St 1 Ic-uru, Ai . Cult1. In all t-Ait.i In Jiihu Iwo to .t tin... i'lluc $J tl ale or l'iiial "oil 1t mall. I1V1H I A l(J ,Solf Aiicut.. S VVt AKI I AN R I'l'KII. NA.VIAIHTAS h ITIIK. h A VI A h I I' A S i f.tliK. H A VI A l( IT A N H I I' UK. 8 V VI Allll ANA I THU. H'.MAlll ' AN S I I UK. HAVI Mil TAN H I'I UK. RAMAItlTAH M CI'IU',. SA.VI Mtl IAS I I I UK. HIE tiltfAT SI'Kl IMi: Mil: HM'ltKr 1'1'KtVW, Priniliul Wt'.krs , lioivirr'nt a, 'lit el, .V.:. K.'-h b 1 ittii.li i I'lll., and will rim 111 In 111 two lo .is d,t n. 1'rk'o Si. It U lt'i rt'tlitl'l to res'ore tone nnil power In UtoRe wlnl ate ileltlttUlt tl lv exce.. or uny oilier tMii.t', anil will ri'.l t. a'l to lull vlk'oror ynttli, wlittn the I'tlli Mroti.t-il ItJloIlt tile lltjl-cllon. Ill lliu.te cam., olio i'ill llirt-tl tiuidtt lltlt'V. tit nt by in.il ) C. 1'IilCK IIOSK, Proprietor, llox '.1 1 ','i I'o.l l.!hi;o. BulnAgrnt., DVill I ,t ID, Ho iU N.MIti'ONiiSUM't. Be ure .mil a-V f"r HAVIAItlTAW Cl ltR. HA tl A It I IAN it 1,'l'Uh. HAM VHITAN H I 1 1 II K . H A M V KITa s"H ( .T11K. HAM AMI I AN H tMlliK. HAVtAhlTAN t IM'IIK. HAVI Alii I AN ' I I ItK. HAMAIIITAN S t'l'KK. HAMAHITAN s I'llltK. HAMAIIITAN II I'ltl.. HV It t ' I- llK llll'lillll. SV lll l' UK Illt'Oltli. RY Ul't" Jit: KM OKI). .M Itl ! I'K Itll'lini). hviii p 1 k iiir iii. hvim r mk hi- nni. hv ni l' I'K itl' okii. hi ni I' I'K iui:tntii hv ni l' I'K nn oit'i. HViti'i' nr. iti "oi: I . si.;! !' M itii nnil. sin i 1.1; nii unii. hv hi p 1K Itiri'lti). HV Kl I' lil'. Itli OKI I. HV III I' R Itli'OKII. HYU1 P I'K IIH'iinli. KYitrr he it . ' i; ! . SV KI P I'E RH'"ltl. HYUI'P HI" Itl'lltH. HV UI I IVK l.'IOoltli. HiKI I" I'K IIIO1IM1. HV KIP IK ItlrOlill. HVI.I'I' I'K Kirilllll. HV Itl T 1'h Itli'OKII. HV KI P I'K KlOolt'l. A rertii'n cur. lor all lonusnr VenereAl litiea.e.. U.eJ In it.. Karni.aii II. .p, tali, and llto arm ai tliroiif lout t tiroi. anil Ant.ru a. Hit, pre) ara Ion lia.nneinil an erAlli-4lor tf thii lortiioMlnfne. nutl ilrlu,tti, it. tlie eon. tttuiloii ien.1.1 j, II will t tire .11 horeti, Hl-oltl, I'lino'en, Teller., or an y em 1 lion 9, Lo pjatlt r fruiti v. I, a', eau.ti or now long .l.u4 -In if. I rk. II 1 er ktvll!.. '. fllKJ! HO".r,. Proprietor. Role A (em a, I'vuri Ji in. ho e :'-!'. I'V I' I T A t'l. Hole A.o.iu, I'VorrAl ". No. t J S. ItK' l'NO Hli.-.t. S.nt io aoy aiMn.H. li I'i Jt 1 j. T f V IWT-F.irt I IU.ST .till F.F.CONI HTMTS. C. n. U..4.1.f. V. B.tJliAlL r k i'uoist s7"r h y p i c i a is , Ciin flr.d a' our ir.. blUbotutt a ii:M a-toi tti.cr.t'iliipirteJ rod !(jii.rM'c iT.it, P pair Pati-nt (Wtiiauo?, 1'itinte. t'ra.l (ill, y i.t!t.v t -Ir.ei, l'.irrlpttoii VntiH, Ac, at ai Ion inci an i,' iiti. nf ft . 1 ( 1 ; a 1 f, can be -H.L.!. I IMS KHKN'I IAI CH S For f't'Tb . tor,(-ra, In full ya'ttiv, ai.d ef 1! titni qualir) 4t-htui.l, tf iif'nl If it; , aiadibr, I ot Aol , t'lidt-enr, Fivca A-b, Ahiui,ini ot Vnnt'i, AnnaUo, Copperw, tiuaoi of I.ih K'ftl'Vx.lAh rue, i:..) i taiuid.at kwtai litt 'h piicv. 1PHK srn KH r4!t FAMILY I RM. flroi'tjd t rvritiy fc-r oirtaW i iuot to wt ich we Invite Uie atttiitu n t f ti ok ri w ai:t t linblc nrtb lca. AlfO, 1MjUH bJVRVlt AU'.STAtOt " txtr iytj(.(7y, Cidern by biall, rr rft poat, w HI mart with prompt at t Dtioi.,cr initial yuctatioiai ,11 be rumlAHtd wli-u r wUitUrd. WWGHT A WDDATiTj, Wrelrt-aie Dnm Wareiwaa, Jall ly No. 110 Mil.'KkT Ptrn t, above 'xtt -IVIIITE VIlUiIN WAX OP ANniXItS. I V '1 !da taoubif lotmcic La do c,au tut tautlfy. Iiijy , wbneuiiku, ;4t wvii Ii.k tl'W cuit'.iriion. Jt la pre pared fion puif aiii ih ia. e H ektraorumaiy qoali tiftb r 1 reat-rviii ti st'n, Diak ioK H aoft, fair, aurulfc, ainl trantparent. II i iiKitt awiidim atter rbatlncoeree ebapbad band and lip, rt m.tvn p.mpltt. tki c ui, laa, fritraiva. r tuibura, aod Imparta a pailr Uu to ui fare, ii(-eli, and anna. l'iv e Jc, 0, and ctn-a. it U til a to., j,e.a.ttJLfcXTil Otrtot ai d ao.il b Kitfrff u ec 1 a R. W. K. MV.nwiN i CO.'S COLUMITIFOtt XltK CHKBttflKK MKll01h. con iwnnr.o mom roots, bark a, amd liaym CIlKKUKrR RKMRItY, the iirraft Indian Hhxretta ran y i of ibe MM MM MM MM mlTiary nvini, iurh at til- MM JMM M M MM rnrtiM-nre tf tf e true M vt MM MM MM Infltfiift'int, f tbr IHad'U'r, MM MM MM MM luttHfiiiiiailon of the Kid- MM M MM M MM ron. Nimtp m tha K n.tdtr, M M MM MM t M Htrtt-triN, Ortvel, itlret, MM MM MM MM i-.nnrb- a, and ltn.t MM MmMM MM al'V ns'onino titletl In iboae MM MMMM MM rt-ra of KiH.tr Albna (-r MM Mai Wbltra In fi'nnV) wbne ab tJ 1 old rtaHtmiiii imd). ciiti'a uare fnilf d It In prepared In a hirhly t t't t'( fnnrenttaird t.troi, tbe dove rtXTCVO mil; Im'Iom from ont tt two tea- '' t't' ep fafnlt vni Uini a piMnv. I1'- CO It la dturt tic and a terntl In Ma anion; punrm and ripanatiir tbe bl-ml, caution ct1 It to ilow tn all In itrtftintl ft! prrttv an! vlifrtr; thai tvho OO (-0 vingfrom tbe aytm all pnr- (M'cvvi c ntrtou rantvi bave n crt t C lured dUeaee. C n R H O K K K INJFU TK'N t hitfiubMl at an ally araaii.innt t.. Uiat'ltKKO- KKK Kl MMT, ami rthituid fffrKKIfF. bf iiwd in 1 tni,'iin. 'htu with K KKKKKK " that inisheiiie In adcam-tof r.i titn-trrb.i . t.let't, Km I IT Aih-ia or Wii-et. ha etlr-te KK'Kf arf bra tinf, athtn, end K Ratal dsiPiiU'unt ; rvniovina all KK fra.4itii brat, chord, and I- K pain, Innlrad of the Imrnina' KK KF T.P F, T "( wid alio iKt mifi'dorati e p tln KK.KKKKK.KK.R tt-at l r iiMTit-nt't'd with rarly all tia Cbeap quae A InjfoiJona. Pr tbe ni" "f fbr fllKRO- rt RK ttr.M "HT anil I UK 'KKK ISJK.tM'ION -the Till IH1 ttv.i nirln.-liit'i at the aane I'll IMI ttnio ml tintrnpir dH- I'H 1 1 1 cliA'k't'i an' rt'ni,ri it. and trie I'll MM wiMkniif I or.-ant art j tM- l. ItliimiinilMiiil t,v r -M..rcd 10 luil vIk t and MMIiliu IIUiiriH at'fMuib. MM mm k, r iNn paHtcnlart r-t our tin MM pampblet Innu any drua It" MM Mart) ftl th (Viuutrv, or llll Hit wriu im. a'ld wa will tua-l fr tn any aJ lrea a luil Uealtav. t5'V.W(i;KR rt'UF Kn nrirair.'- mto for H pinn. t t.-rrdo !, ntiiml fitlXna-n, No' Unnal r.ini-.!l' fit, nitd D TT 1T I II all tliar.iNt'.t Vri'in. J lv Self- '1M)1 1M I M p Mutton, Ftit-li m L,,it ,,f lilt pi Ntt nitM y. I nw ei ial b itl- Il jtt) lu.ic, Paint ht the link, ll lUt hhnnfti 01 Vt ton, Vn'ina- I1 il tun-('lit A,,f, W . 11W Nt-ivPt, Ml Il tlM.oliv i.f li.fMttinu', I'M I Tn 111 1 In g, Wat. ftulnmt, I l MTIlTi f riiithou on '!if rat, lae lDll'lJii ( '0UJl'-tiMi,'t . I M.l'lt' t . I 'ol - tiiiiptl- 11. mi.l all M i'tlrt-tul C 't t,1 H 1 1 hv .t. intt- Iuk tiuiu tl e patb ot uaiure. Thtt mdlrne la a t'niple tr.-i-t'il. f etrrtt, and ci pm ttliKli till 1 nn n;y, aa 11 b.it b'Tii utt-d in our pc.'io tlro pr many yrurt, and whli tboutaitiia "trcaip'l. It atrTPFKrKR ha not fnilfd In a ilitirle M.KhsvlthhK tnmance. Ita o irattvn pow- K era btV4i bi'tjit nuith'Miit in KK K-iJn vb t'iryover tbo m at KfKR ittittborn oato. Pt- r-16 '1 o tlioat wlui hav trft-d KR in lib tliftr consiii in tons until KK tb-v tlPik tlu-mnolvHt be I KKFFPPPR .nd ibe r-a.-h of no -lv d kdvKl KKK.K.R atd.e would t:iv HP'Atll trt the ciiKitOtxi.r; CI ICR will rt'itora voii tu lo alili nntl vU-t, and ntler all ,ua k. doc tori b.ve fatlod. Mt VRKITIT S RF.Tr V K.NAT I Mi KI.IMH; ttT, Msfint i( I iif! rn'i'aretl from puro 4 ne tab! K. -tract, contjihiinjr fmihitiir tiniiiiuua to tbe mo.il Ui-ii- IM llll I'll CHtf Tbe Kr-liivetiadmr P.llitr till llll Is te remili of nioticrn d 1 niti v 1 1 ii ft In tbo vt tieta ble Miiailora ; Ik'Ihk n eiiMrcU in'w and a'iH'r.1. i mriliiHl tt nn.', lrrito- III! till llll till livr- "f nil ti c yid aud 1 o it aBtt-uja. Th' mMklne baa b"n ttxted fv l'ie moil finl lifiit in' dicil miMi of the dny, an I by th.-ni pro lliin in.-I'd to hi' ono of the i:rpatt'it me Ileal di wtnoru a Itl' .llO Hftt. omp 1 e t! will eure Utiue ral N'tiibty. A fvwdtiaua cure Ut itortci In l' l'UldlOrl Dun bottln rnroH palpita tlun ol tha Hrnrt. A i4-w doHt-i rt'itiire the K''init:;RKIt I hl(liHltl;kK KKIt Kl.'R i;i:h kick Ki;nKkli;i:ti libit Kit It it ItK i;i;rt i;K it kr Jtuit KKB or-'iuiH ol i:t ii' i .tti'-n. t roin ono to tbri-o tttit-tlr-a rr-Hfoie tby miinll-iit'-ot and I'uU TiKor of yuiitb. A b w doira restore the apprtitr. 1 Urt f botttoa rare the worst Cant' 4l Illipoti'IlfV. CCtf'O A Iftv dulea cure the low fV Ct'tM't ltetl. (' CM1 nt bottle roatort't uton G tal pntr. CC CO A b-w dotra bring the roie CC tu tlo t-hvi'k. Ci '1 bm uit-'dMnn roitorra 00 CO to in.tuly vigor and roSn t Ot1 t'C btaltli tie poir di-bill- OlTPrctJ laud, vtt rn 4b Mit, and ilo- CtVCO patrnik' dwotoe of autianal pltaauia. THIS RLIXIIl enrr-a Mti- tTla,l.eiii-iiil IK'I-Ulty, Pal pitriibin 01 tin' lit-Art. and lnipot niv. It roaton a iix-n-t-OO Ui power and ttio ip(iellt, ('OoOtiO and tatMi'a trie rot it toinount OO11 (Mn thrh k of pa lor, and the mio uiO (bbiiiiud man or woman "UJ OOO to feel vliroriiHn aiol atroiirf, ("m not) th loiirirf anil im'i'.imi tt 'O (Khj blottd to cntirm tb rou Kb IKK) 00 ii evry vein, the mtrvi-i to t)(iO f)(o beeouw srroBR, and Uie flrea Of ) mm Hi of raw Hit- uii l vk-or lo rn- L K aniinaie tbe tmUr hody, buthliDai up tht roiHiltutton, ri'ttot itiH 10 v und tlitt to 111 any (1IK1:0KKK PM I.I a.ddaml Jattnod ttreaide. tn ;au ( uATrn I'PMAl.K, KKl.l I.AlOlt, HKAI 1 H I'K! M liVKlt, IMI CKHTAIS AM) MAhK. . llll Kor ibe Itinmjval of Ob- (I I'rm tJyni. and Uie tnaur- llll nnv of Ktvi'i-rtty In !') lilt Ittcurn ine of Uie Monthly Itli I'rrit.iU. mi 1 lo-y cure er obviate thoee 1 -i Blunt rniii 11ra"i tbat llll npil-i.' Irom trn H"tft! i'r , oy lili rcn.ovuig , Lo irrtsxularK" ttrO'tl. Tlir-y cure .'unprr ir-d, Pxfpfilvit, I'aintiil Mon atnialtoil. KK KK limy cure ill rn Hl k- KK Klv ni' ,Cbi .r.ili) K K KH Tlti'.y i nre Xt'rvttna and KK KK. Hpiual Atlnjl'oni 11 ni In KK KK the liatk and lower parte KK K ui thu Itoilv, Hfavli-ii, KK KK Fati'jtio on Pdk'bl Kxrrlion, KK hJC P.i'pttiitloii of ine Ut-art, KK KK Ltinnna of Htlrlie, Hvate- KK KK rn, Hick Headache, (iiJil kK KK nut, A-., in a wnrd. bv rrtno vlni; tbt Irrtruiarlt v, Uw ruuiotu the me, and wltb It all t!io oilocU ttal ipruig from It. rominattT of Hlittp'e veue tuhie i-ii tcu, tbfy rorituin notlitnf dtut4'ibUH to a y NHH Nff coii-JtitiMb-n, brmuvtT itell- NNSV NN i-atu.ttt'ir function b. m.k to NN SH N S aut'ttltiitfitruiiKthtorwftili- NN US NN De-a, vi h. vtnn iri)uily .NM n .nut Uid tht-v WM'T lull to 4lj. NN N V Kiev may be nuO'ly w A N S h N N H at in a lit undut am pcilotl, MS V SN tirn ilunuij thr hutthreA NN N-NN.N Hftifti. during w liU-ft thu N Ksit uttft'mv imtutf 01 Uit'ir at--ti n woii!il Imail.bly 1 kk- i-.st prtnaLcy. 1'Hcm nf tbe Cherokee Mfiih'iiifiN rhtfrittee hente PKKKI'KKFl'! dy. J a!-.tt e.or :i bilu. KKI.KKI.hi.l H t. Chtt'ok- IniPt'tbm. KK St a bottle, or 3 boit'es tor KK t. Cbfirokt'u Cui4-, tl a VI KKK bottle, or 4 bolt a fur ft KKhl'.lS lr. WrlK'hfa KJulr, $i a V t. bottle, or .1 hoi'ltx for $ .. KK Cti'-roU'e Ptll). for tMiuilff, 1 KKKPKr.KKH $1 a bus, or tf bonu lor j. In tho OIIKKOK KK MKIM iMio a, lit- nnli rtuiiate will find a 1 ay of dflicran fr ia no tt 1 this nt.d pain liny t 'li iit'ud and !oi ioun, h'n ih- v fciia'l I" ''f aui.ur wtthtiiit ft'-viimuti or ri'iir.'O, .tlir tin OM'ti lot-r- cumr.v qiiin ka or tin' n trl cn .1 ot nauM urn prt para- tlolii. 'l i e ''flerokee Mt dii lnt a" urnimpbib tln ir raiiuoin ibi'h ('Miitntii'iii.iiii, An .mti' . a htr. a'. 10 d- Ihlltib v, tun) ko pi ui no ot uiu. r-a. m oil. I ht-" uiedi-C.IU-. iil pu-e. In ;n.y and 1 1; v c .! . tab hi ii and m-tt-r-'ii'i n; nt,iij iu tlte F K P. V. V. F. K V. K K KKKKKbV KKK 1 K KK KKKKK K .-:M,Ia :k KK K KKKKKi- KR H-.i-r.KKKLl.lt We ai 1 VI tbe C.IKKO Kl K Mi.IH bv y pre, l (t X t lt tt M "fi'ol, I' 11 is, tb t' :irr nt ly n;til, Kl T F.PKI KTK. LWotpoMatj-). Mir l,.t ol r- I K.l.l.tM.l li pnt e lo 4!i p.a t ot" ti, cm I K llcd wornl, Hi . l i t It p li ku d, 1 K In 1. U' It a mtiriff (t.a no I KK KK eie tbrimli whomt hiindt 1 KKKiC Vtvy tii;ty m Hu.i.d know I li the ci "itn a. y.v. i lufU'H or"'-rtt!i m. n can i:i I KKKI TI K autirvMi nn ... pi-n tonil-Ki.f.J-Kl KM:.". iiU'Vf, ami wt; will l.i a I i'Im'i tz-itrkty nntiWt'f fi t :f It ttt?ri, ..nd 4 f ojr o iiu en M 1 : 1 i vi .-..I'll iiiui-.iii.Si.i tM , ,va ' CHLI.Or.KI' 1 IN 1 ;' :! -i.tt r- i rt i' :.l'v- iii) 11;: .e ., t HI I'i" t 11 ,- a -mti lift 1 n- frit I'K t.ron l.t'ti 1. r.i. r-fi It utt tit jit ' a, l.i t.0.T. t. V R -H lo ti.il vvotlU't ioii.j.1 t i,t t 111 bu t' 1 I I' - It t ti) Hbi' b tbev tun ir(,t m a t rf t' I1 "i-d mt-Mt- irn ro ai"i.t y by tl Ir-m t; nn tii- r vn mi i!,e CMi.i:Ki.fi vlhl-it IN KH. Anyona to y.iiir b atili ujc, tbe b altb Of J'Mlf Oll-pHfll,-iJo lltit bu dt-ct-'vid ly no-!, iii.prin cpleil tlri'wvii!n. Ask ht TIIP.HK Mi'l'lt'ISKS, faod IS'I si K t Hi KS-t k. Hqj HMatti uiau uuoutLie. i'abt uiR ai'drh g at wt't ptafl wrPe Pout Otlb e, Count , Ma?, a mI i:nue ol Hriitr,pa u, atu !tio poat ae ftamp or r ply. Ii tbe l-ruL'Utt h lit B'd t uj them frr yon, rend to ne ai d e iM i nd ti.t m to yon by Lm'T'-i. f'4'-tlt ad dreftryua nbotdd ata'e tti diuff.He and yinp;nin, untl, fnUutr M-ulara in r . aril to tbrircattn. Wo trt;at aii die tn nt-. 1 a bronu- nut me in male or itmale. irirt liO' a' at a tiMt.mcc md W't lnI.ate batansa of liit ir ti a)i'lty to vtmt ua. We bate tn aid kucctae rullv paili i.tk 41 aii p irti-nn tt tbe cii du d hlt.u. n e wish t m ltd . very nmder of tl.ia p it ciifUrtny two "a.e in p: i,t fret. Ad irt an aU ini n ant ordvra to Dr W, R. VKHWiNJl OO.. No CA MliKIITY H'ri'ft, New York. Hckt bob and ivitft v I ul I AO., -lt ka iut Kb. M N fiK.X'MJ tivci,ibila4. 1) 21, 1801. EfiT JKKSKY KAILHOAH LINKS- ' F-eW ArraiU' mvnt.Oa iml t.r 1 I irmiiT .-..a. .- 1. im,, (i n w i i .aavf rTorji w am ul 9 U eel Pie a ibiwa : 9 ot Can- Mav an I all pi acta aoulh of MM trill at 9 A. M at d .1PM. f f MilMUe, Ibrldk-etrm, Hatern, ant all intermediate lara ennte ot t.in-t. ..f at U A. M and f. M, for u:alx-nt at 9 A M , li M-, and Jl P. at. fl P"MVoodl.r, Wlou.tar. Ac , ai A. M , U M.(S and HKTt'RKTNtl. Leave Cape May at A. M andlllAA.M. ' MilMlie at 11 A. M an.1 .1 P. M. Ub1rfu ti 7 1 A M. ,'!( P.M. Hurm at j A.M., and ft p, M. Hot-lbnpv t 7. t. nnd V H 4. M.,attd 4 15 P.M.. fcn1 'P M.iuCairdenonlf ,. TIIF. wp.nr JKIt.HKY KXPkKH COMPACT Will aittTd to all tb u.uil tirarrrea of Kiprrti bnal rita rrc-lvt. dfl'-er, and forward thr-tnth oihnr rpn kltdrPaprrn t ompaiMca to all paxta o' tkr rmintrv ani artb lc rniriMtr-d to ibMn. a Hptcial Mekfteiunr aceo.n pan I each U.ioovh train. J VAN liKNPf.AKR, Rtipertntendent. rhllade'phta, November 1. b4. VOHTH TKNNSYLVAN1A HAII.KOA1). KOH HPTllt.PMP.M, IHIYI.P.MTOWN. KAnPON HAI'CM CHI NK, lUZI.K.rON, Vll.Kk..SHAUUri. W1L I.IAMHPCKT. rU.l AKKANUKVIKNTH. On and after M(NI., Nfintivr It er,t. Paaonrw Trium ia ItaTa Or NKW ItRIMr, 1 IURH MtrtH-i. ahove Thninpaon, 1 bliadrlpnta, daigr (.tunttnya ekcoiulJ, ti foUo At 7 0 A M. fFnr. fnr ltth!hem. AUrntown. itimirii ;iiun, n iufPiirrt, v iiliampon. AtH.'O A M. ( At--,H'.m.)iitioii) h lt..yab)wn. At I lfj P. M. iAoi'niiniil.)ii) f.r Pnrt Vuhinrbr.. At 3 so C M t K pra) ir httitbh m, Kattitn, e 1 Ua train r l - T. .nt -it aft p. M., and ntakta erM f nne lion witi ti.M Na Jwm-vi nirai ir Ntw tork. At4i;, V tMaili f'-r itovblt.wn, AfiliP. M i Att'onunodatlon) for lletblrdiem, Allen toft n. And Maocb Chnnk. t I'i I' M ( Ai ""inii-. tlattoB) fnv l.anJal. t hn nvh 1 ii K in irit . tnrnrt.. mi tlitt Tl'-k-'t OfNrt, TtllKI) Hu-ett. or HKIiKM Htiettt, In ordr b itrurd tne low t'st ratr ot fHif TRAINS V'lt P11II,MKI PHI Ir'are ttu bi in t :i rtitti c-i J A M , anJ G U P.M. uat wn at i. Mi A M ..and S kl V. At. la"!)") at A M ort V aabuuton at W P V itfi Hi MitYH FMiadi-iflN for IViv 'to n at 1 1 AM anl I'll P. M, I tltwMowii f. r PtuU t-li'ina nt T A M mu i f. M. Ililhiiati n It,-, n..' I.vp will tall l r rt ad lHtrr barioe nt the ikjp.it. .irdt-ri may be bM ai Nn. IIS H. 1 tllKD htrtet. J l'.' F.I.IJM CI. AUK, AetiL Wfst rm.sTKit and riiiLADiarau If KAH.UOAI. VIA M Kin V. H IftNii ATK NiiFMKVT. On and after r Kl IA Y, Apt il t, 1-I, Uie Tralru win leart a- lolioufi ! ivr I'll i In t-1 K a f:on l.i-pot, roncr of TiriRrY- ll;s Hint VtAl.hKI Htnvta.M A. M , li A. M..W J P. M ., I' bi..t, -. r. M. Pbilad I bia l.ip-t rbrNi.Mttl fnm PK1MTKKVTM and V.MihKl KUreta tu 1 Itllt 1 V t IKri'l and AlAKKLT Mri-fia. 1 onvt Wed CI . tor, from tbe Drprd on F.iwt M UKKT Kt net A. .Y1., 7 4 A. 11 A. M , - P. M ,4 1 . I. M. Thft-amof tl, tt ft.lbt'lf 1,'bia Pa-sonwror Itaiiwaf i'Oi'tin VKtA't "trt-t't) will convey l'aiii'ntfttrs to and How U.e t'hua-lflptna In pot. N M NDYft. I cavp PMtatielphla at .to . M ami J-V V. M. ,tae Wrat ctntrr at H A .M. and t . P. M. Tiaiiih lcn InM I'bljd.lfipbla nt H A M. and 4 "SO P. M., and Wont Cht-Bit r at 7 4.' A. M. and 4 W P. M.,ooiuieot with tX'iina ou Hit1 Philadelphia ami Italtlnioie iuua Kn. r'and br Ov f"rd ami tnttTtnciltaf polnta. jat U ItK.VUY VVO'Ht.tlrneTal .Supeiistendeni. VEW UAIMIOAP LINK N 0 It T IL i.1 1-11 1 1 AI'Kl PIMA Ti IlitotiKl.YN, IllUulUH IN KIVK HuL'Uai. KAKK fi. FYCt'HWION TirKFTH M.4iHH FOR TttUF.f! DAYS. On and afttT MMSDAV, Aatuat 1, lr.4, tralna will bave ft ot of Vt M; Hutut, PbilA.b-ipbta, vvury iiaiH-nlntt at S A 11. (HutiibiTi cn'i ptet! 1, tl.evr bv thr Ceui4len nnd AU Untb' and knrtlan nnil lilaware llay KrulroadK to Port Monmouth, nnd by tbo cotmnoiltoiia ltainir Jfie Ilirt. Iti toot of Aliatitb-atrert, lntoa;n ; returiniu, lav At Uniie Mtrt'ct Wh.irf tvory di l;rtiiiidai execptud ), at il Travnlera fe tbe rlly of Ke York are notified not to at ply tr pamniie bv ihla Hup, the State of ow akveuy bavins uranii d it) the Chimii and Ambo) monopoly the e. liiplvt- prtvlb ti'1 of rarrt it'tf pn-ftTit'tr-v and ft nu-trl tie twitu tfie rttb-it oi Plriti 1' h'tnii an-1 NuwYofk. vl tf VY. K. liltlKI ITTrt. t.t'iitiral H jpej-liiUvnu-'iit- J)EA1) I N Q RAILROAD. (HtF.AT TIM NK MVB KliOM rim.Ala'.Li'lll X TO Til K 1 NTP.KIOR OF I'KNNsM.X a M A, THK H "H C V l.kl 1.1 , HUH VKk.ll ANN A.Cl. MUKItl.ASt, ANl WtUMIaNt VAI.IJ.Y, MOUTH, NOUTHWKBT, AND THK CANADAg. PAHSKNllKIt Tlt.INl Ir-avn the tdupany a litpit, at TlURTF.KNTH and CAl.l.ntt Hil.l, buuuta. ruila-lelidiU. at Uie PJU.witif houa MCltMNa MAIL. At H-no . v., for Headline, U'U.tnon, Erhrata, Mt'i Columbia, llaj-rb'bitnr, Pottivtljf, r,n-rovo. Tamtpm Hunbury, Wllliainsport, Klintta. Korhfttttr, Niavarm Palte UuHaUt. AlltnWwn, WI kfabmre, I'UU ton, kork. Caiilale. 4 Jmralwrbnrtr, UaiTatown, Ac 1 hM tram ii'n t ta nt KKAIHVQ with Kaat Penmyrra nia Railroad tratna ior Aln ntown, Ac, the Kradina: and Columbia llaltioiil for h phrata, .U;a, and t.ltiinola. and wit b tbe Mtianoii VhiIi y train br litrrnluri;, ic. ;nl I'M Iif Cl.lNTi N with Cauat l-a Uaferoiid u aula lor Wilki arre. w llltainport. Ixx-a llan, Klinlra, A c. ; at IlXKKlH IH'kO wKb '-N nrt hern Central, " "Cuntoerland Valley ami "Srhovlklll ami Hmiiirhanna" trauia f.ir N rtium lorland, uliamrp rt i ot k.t'liainbttrKburK, PlUaj((rove,AM Al TKUNOUN KAPHLMH T.eavi a Ptdlailt litbiii at 'A-M P. M. for keadtnir, Potte vilb-, I'ini'Krme, llaiTlitinrtr, A , ftonnwxinK at Uarrta burn wttti I'enn-yUanla Central trains for Pina'nirit. e Nttrlbfirn t ntral Uabrottd uin fur KunUury, Nortlitiiu bfi land, Klnnrn. Ac, it ml af fort CUnSn with OnUtMbiae ttat'roud tralna for Milton. WUUam&iHrU tliulra, ItutULo, Ac. KRAI1M1 ACCOM MOliATIO If. I-nvi'i Rvud.i g at A. M., iitppfnn at all way atA I bom, jTtvlhp in l'bliab ldiia nt J& A. M Krtnrninf , ir.i PbiliwJtdplua at 4 Jo P. M. i anrtvee la Itr.itin (, at V iu r M. Trunin for t'nt!adipNa Irnve farrlHbnrjr tt it A. M , and IVUftvdlf lh3.A. M , arrlvliiK in PlilUduttdna at I 0 P. M. AfM'iiiuon ir.tlna bate Il.irriKiiiHv tvi 1 to P. Pc .itnvflie al 'i Jn P. M , unlvliur In 1'btladulrbla at 7 P. M. MjrVrtl tiniiiF.. Willi a pnfl-iittT rnr ailtw Iih, biav Ptitlttdi'lpMa at 1 P. 61 , fur Itea tin and all wav Hintl'mi ti'ftvc K ndnifc: at 1'?, noon, and Pirn nltiKtoWtl at 1 dUP. M lor TMlHdttlt "in and all way atntbnia. A :i tbe anovc irnlna run da'ly, Hnndnya cxeepbrd. HurwJa traluti !rto ToiUvtile at 7 'Jd A- M and Pblla deipblaata l P M CIIKH1 Kit VAI.I.KV K.MLROAD). PasMniuem tor lnwrninL.town and intnnuu 1ae pntnte tahri tbH hui A. M. and t P. .M.trnltiH iroui riiiiadttJiihia. rt'.urnjnt Uom liowmegtoVta at 7 00 A. M and li Jt) I'lM'lt, M.VY YORK r.XPKF.fl.1 FOR riTTHUURQ AND Till WK T. I.t-aTfiVi'W York -M'J A. M. and 7 P. M., paaatny Rradlnc nt 1'JioHint-lit m,d r;i p. M., t,d coniiut tiak( ai llama btiTK'th l't tiii h iMa It tllrorid txurtisk txaiua lur I'tue burtr CI Irno. and the Wt,t. Itctiiriiiim Kxprt'HH truin Iravea llarrtaburiroei arrival oi tht Pt"iinnylaiiia Kspinaa from I'tttntturK at .1 uu and H'tni A. M , pa in it Ke.idmtt At 4 :i and b) 10 A. M., and nrriy'iiH atNt W .o k at lo A. M. and 4 to P. M. Hkttp. ti g ( ats arrotntmn) tbee tralna tbrouh(between Jarauy C'ltv and riitahurir. wtiboiii chitiii:. M:tJ tratn for Nt-w York b-nvat Hnrrtiborx at 14 p. M. Ai ail train br Harriabiir,i b avfn New York at li M. Milf t I.KII.I, YAI.IKV HAll-HUAH Trains b aw 1'iHtktlbu at 7 la A. M. an.) :i P. M., re tnpinnK tt'om Tucantri at H pi A M . and 4 M P. M HCHI.'i l.kll.l. AN hi Hoi KM A N S K K M.IH)AD. Truin leave Auburn at 'i 4" A kl. for Pioimre and Harh-borif, and at I'MiP M fr PimNfrnva onir;rlarn h u fioin Uarrinitiirv at !" P. M.,aitd truui llurgroveal 7"4o A M , and P. M- TKKK.TH Throutvh flr rtna to kcti and emltrrant tloketa to afl tin piltii-ipal I'Otiit't In tin- North and Wtvtt and Untstiaa. Thu loi'.wtnit fjchi t aie oliiabintib-onlv at thtt oiMontif H RUAIFolU,Tri-iai;rcr. N 'JY7 H. kOHUTH Htrttot. i'bll1i'.pMa, or of (1. A. MUOl.M, tliiorat H ipurtuteo dt'ut, Kaadlnif : CHM VtrTATON TICK KTS, At '.'ft pnr oe t. diTttuul, between any poiuta deatreal, ftir laioillea and fl-un. MII.Mr.F TICKF.Tfl, lioodVv 'joi nnk-it, between aU p"nta, at $a V eack. tor laiulliea and dnna. K' AON TICK KTH, For tr-rff, U, nin-.or tH month, for havderi only to al. point, at reduced rntai. CI.I.UiiVMICV Ht-itldtiiK on tho llnr ofuit rod will be fnrntahed w!U raid, fuiltling Uivinhra and wive to ticr.eva a bail farti. VACTfltffttON TH'KKTH Fr m PbiUitt ip' ia to imto Ipa) tuiloiu, po d fi Bitnr div Mn itav, ui.d Moi.ijfv. it ' rit'liic-d fit re. to be ha'l onij nt ihe Tit kftutlt e,at 1 U1UTK.KN I B and CAJ,LO WllilJ Htrea. FRKH1T1T. C.oi di of in d-'itrrlpiioiia foi warded to an the above pontK.froni thr ('( riipuny a new froa,lit dtput, JtltOAl ai.d V lLI.UVt H(re ij. Kltl.lt.HT TKAIN'H 1.- avf Ptilladt.pbiA dmlv at A. M , I P- M .and fl P. M . fr Rt-adlnir. 1-ehiitin, Harrtitburtf, Puttardie, Port CUa Uttt, and pauta b3juld. VAII.H Cbteeat the Phtiadtlph a Pit . tMflrw ftr all p'aoeaontbe n l and ita brwn- br-. at 6 A-il., aud b-i ib pimc pw! atatloni mil at t U p. M. 1)1111. ADKI.I'HIA. (JKUMAN10WN, AND 1 ftOKJilMOH KII.IAl, Tt l K J Altl.K cm and after WON lA , May 1, is l. uutU rtr-v noi.ee. KOR liK.LM tiTUWN, I.-ave PMti.p:ia o.i. In 11, Vi A. M. ,1.3,3 If ., 4.t, . .. 7, !, lo, 11, U P M. L nve iftruiiuuowti,!!, 7, 7 :(- h -i '.ii, l, H U , 17 A. U. I.J !. 4, . ', tl, t;t. 7. f. I"- II, nnd W P. M '1 r k Ador n, and trie at ;4 ;ii.d i 4 irunn up, tl j -ii'l :e U (bv tJiliuAI'l MI I' 'ii' li. t UK- V l' HP. I, l: MU O.U. I.ne rdiinV ipLia, , , lo.lij A.M.; i, i.'?,6'.t. 1.1,. II P. w. Iave (lirxntit IMI, 7"M,H, 40, 11 40 A. M i I'tO. I'M, iti. ti'4J', b ", wti to 4.1 t'. M . I0lt ONHHOIltji'KK ASH VC-hKIS T0Y . l.eeve Pblla.Mph.u i'.hi, 11 t . A. U.i l.U.J.1 1 6;, .b't-'i. Hi' 1 ll1, 1'. .-1. N-.liT:ia.u,t',71 7-'(V an'Ml A. M.j I). i ty.- ui1 v. m t'to'i': tMt.ii mi, wtl) i;ou at tYltwtbUat,a, Miii.ayiaik ai d Co. Un ,(! (.'y. ! 4i '1 IVAVt'SK. I.iavi Pli'.'di ).bia. il.t V, il-'viA M., IS. rl, I t..: 1 .! li I . M i.t t.-.o m. t, ,)Mf.K.o-,'. t.'.-.k 'jb, v-i, ir; A.M., 1.5. t kl U !'. 1 '. .J. 17. IS. FMITH, '. tat 'it'tr txiLL a.i'l 1 i ot. IK Til and 1; til. KM urtn ta. ICf 1 i'llIUADLI.riMA AND lalM. Kr-IK KAlLItOAU. ISt 54. I Ma tr-at line inoent e uit Jiortirn ana norrnweei 01 ai.ti' Pt i.i'fyUfciua t" vi. city of i;rie en Lake r ne. It l.aaltt n I'DKil b ibe I K N N .1 . IAAKIA KAJLliOAlJ C(Mp4.( aid uittbT ibfir a-inpict ia bcuig rupul I'Pt i.ed tliri u-htiiit Am euUre laiitfth. It ia ntiw In iic for Paat nr atid Freight buataen fTtto HanUburk to Mi'ionrm. I'M mllet.), on the K'ittn lkvi u.f, and rroui td-ediUd lo irie ?b mdoaj.ou uhe WuMnnj UlVUH 11. timk otr fAaar.ka-iu ruaiKaiT ruiLancLfiita. Matt 1 ram ia. ea h0A.M. Mt-rtw- I r. ni b avta m m r, y. Oara run rbri'Ui h wiTHnt'T 1 hamr both wava on tbaae trait. a bet tni t biiatkltiiaanu LvxX ii4V4i, and bee Mit nuiie and 1-tk llaveii. ki .'Kiint t f tng- m ou tbe Fipreaa Train both wart. I or information rrartvc'ttiK Paaaentrer buolnea. aipiy at ti e -4. p.. ra.ni.-r ot Kl elVKMllI and MAltKKl' Htreeta. And ui k ri-tf bt UtiMiwaa vt tbe 0111 pa ny 'a ..uu b it KH ,"i. n.Jr ,ootutr bll IJi.iTU ai.d alAaw&KT kirt 'tfl, Kkl'aielfilll. J. W. U. Mio;da,Krlav J. U. Vuii, A,ni u H. M. C. B Baltimore. H, llOOHTOH, Contra Freight Atrr-ut. I'httadWptila. I.KVYIH L. HOtiPr. Qeutrai Tb ki Af n rui.i'i !!. . a J" Mtt U 1 H "I t ?4, SCBt,f ai Maliarfcf, WllMiiup M tf 1 ARRAN0KMKNT9 OT IO' 4 , 1 br Ceniotu and Ambry and rb:ladtpk'a and Trentr lallrnftd in nipatiiee Mae troca PtaJelrtlpiiia lo Hew Yerk ftod w av 1 rnoj WAt.WTT PTRKBT WHAJtF, At 6 A M , v aCamdon and km bo v. Canal A. Aav roenmotlattVa , HM An A M , via Caindm and Jnrtvf City, Morale Eer.a fOt At 1 1 -m M , via jCamdon and aianoy, C and A. Ae- oontnx dattrei f-fjg At V P. kl. via Cain. Ira and Am boy, O. ad A. Ea- prttna B f -f At It 0 r. M..vla Camdfa and Amtmv.Aoo uqmo- datbtr (rrtbrhtand paaenr-r At f P. M., via CemdHi and Ainioy, A rntirm1aUoia (Trnlahtand Fanfi r) let Ciaaa Ttrka tw 9dTaBadi l4e) All P. M., vta 'anid'n and Amtoy Arcsvnmni. U.-n i rroiht and Paneoruifr), tm tfiaM Tloket.... tt c ia a tbi 1 . tor Hnlvkiere, F.aaton, I-amtertlUe. Fiera a ft on, Aj 'JrH'. M. For I.aniNrlvme and hitrmnllate R'atbrno, at ft P. M. Fof Mount MollV. P.vanav't. I'mnhnrMn. inrf VliMk town, at i A. at., i and M',M, Kor Kr'-ehold at fl A. M. and P. M. K-t Palmyra. HI vert on, liManoo, HeTerfy, R-lnrwater, Hwt ft k Frorenea, Itniilfnbjnti, Mr., at S an t I Id A. at..li ;-u R.and HSi P. H. f ba 4 .10 and a P. at . tinea run dtrrr thrntyt t 1 rn:nn. For rafmvra, li Ivor ton, 1 leianro, Revrrly, and Rttrttvc i n at 7 p. U it I.I N PR FH-.w KKaNAIHUTOlf lXrOT W Ml lOAT.- a follow : Ai II It A. M., via KanitnjTttn and Jenry city Fs rrva .aja; At 4 P. M., via KenaiiiKiiJU and J -trite y C4iy Ka- rr ; .M At .5 P. M, via linlnyt n and jemay City, Waablnnb n nnd Nw York Ksnrva J-f At I'i p. kt . (huht), vi KoTMtiitrton and Jm. Oily. aahlr.Ktt n nnd New York f-eg Ttifii 4.1 P. m. line nlll run dally-. All it licra rtunJav fureitti d , for UiiiTaln, IhinVIrk, K.lndrn, I'ha-a Oat'f i, Rohea ter, HIiutiAinprap, (irrat Hmi '., Mo nMe, VVitkwnarTW Hot an on, Himuttit ntu, w atnr p, Manrh Chunk, Allan, town, Pe hkib-ni, Iti iv id, Mt, F.-in.-n. l.amtwrivilbi. Fteni ItnMott, Ar , a' 716 A M Thta liner -nntfta with the trala b-astrfc Ka.h for Manrb Chunk at 4 . p. M. Kor l.anitt-rlvii m a p. m ,m K trd it only. rr Urtrttrti, Trout.!. Ac at 7 L'.aiid II lb A. M aad and b P. M , and Iv mitlmahl. For lioiiTirn.iirK, 1 arotiy, vVi1nomrna, Rrblctban. lal Frank ford rtt it A. M ,A. and rt P. M. I For N' w York and Way Uin-i lavtr( KenrntTtol ti'Hit. tako thr Cttr on Kifth "tract, ative vinnt htf an hour tM'hita ilefarture. Thf Cpti run Into tbe 1 put, an4 on arrival '4 eitch irain run from th lh'(vt F itly pKuinii 01 b,i.(;amt only allowed erh paaanirer. Payfiiiirr aro piotiii-ltt") froin'f nklnv anviitinv at lnncaa bin tbeir w eai Inn aptmri!. All bavtrai-e ovar fifty poondf to be paid tor extra 'I he 'ompany limit tbflr rppnaal hill' t lor bapvai-r to One I1Ur per pound, and wfli not I liable lor any amount beyond $v)t exovpt by ipectai o Uart, llrabam'a Prtu'tae Pxprraa will call for and drtlrer ba patte ai tbe 1' pota. Or tiers bf 'oft nt No H WALNUT atti -'i. WM, Jl. UAT..vnt, ArfonU P. - Mnbt r 1. 1flft4. LINKS KOYI K.W YOltK FOR PIIILADPUPHIA WILL LKAVff From fivw nf Conrtlnni etreet at 12 M . and 4 P. IT, eta Jersey city and Canitlen; nt 7. 10. and II 31) A. M.t if. M . arti IX Stent, via Jttrney citv and h 'nmru'ion. F rttn t: Hnrf'a v ntrvet, at fi A.M. and J P. M..Vi Amboy and Cnnii'oti From rn-r No. 1 North River, at II M., 4 and (I P. If. U n Uht and I'a.aenuur) via Anilojr and Camdea. '5 'II K TENNSYIA'ANIA CKNTUaL UAIU - It A I TKN UAILY TKAlM.n, PU1LADKLPUIA TO MT J BUL lii-i-d-M, A11LK.H1 TteTl-krlOilleeof tbe PK.M N'STT.V ANI A CP. NT It It It All.Ki'All it now lor a ted at the Ntv Pat-ni,or lefoi of thtt Company, 1 H 1 U 1 1 L 1 11 and MAltkk,r Htreot. PWILAI'KLlllIA. en ao l after MONDAY, October Jl, 19GI, train wiH leave 1 blladelphia a bdiown: HMHI A. M. WAIL TKA1H, wl'b the lollnwlnir conneHlnnt : Ar hu at HhSl CIlKThJt INTKItrtKC 1'IOM UOi A, M., and rohtit ct w lib Writ Cliattr Kailmad, ar rlN irw at H eat neuter ) A. M. At hwni NtiTOWN mM A. M., c nnectinK with train for Wayi etburtr. antl rearbuiE tliere 11 10 A M. At I ,L M It 1 A 1 1 (Ml A . M rtHtiii't-tliiK with Northern central Kailra I, and rotrb Inw York at y !) P. M , Hanover Junction a JO P. Un Hanover 4'4fi P. M and liettynburtf K P. at . Alao, with triln on IteadliiK and tVilnmlil-t liillr.tad, leaving at HOOP. M. ArrhP al II A ICICI Kltf Iiti l'VOplw eonnetMln wlib .Ntirthtuii Cent ml ti anu North, thin ; Lrave IJarHa tnifl 1 b' P. M , eir-ve nx Miinbtiry i-vi f.M , Milton It 01 P. M., WlliuniM'ort i.-L' p M., bu t Haven 7-Aop kl fl'aa at r-Ki-ra lor f.liulra, Ko. -better, CanamtaKua, Nltireni Pill, Ai' , rea'h K no 1, -a a 10 4 P. M., and B iitnlo at li U A.M.i (Pas.ientrt f.r Ianvtiio, Kuturt. t.l.tmbarir( P.tTwlrk, llt ivli Hivn, Shlukabinny. Plvmnitb, K lnirton w j oining, Pitt t on and Pcrmittm, take the Lackawnnna and Hio..inbuiii irnlra at onb'im,ieriand.J at HAH lil Kit 1 Kt. for polnu H nitlioii N'tithern On'raJ K ad way, lenie at I P. M . nrrtve York J -1 P M , Han vit June- ttrn t ro P. M . H mover PU p. M., a.id u-ntyafMinr ajA p. M. At H AKHIMIH HU, b-r pd-t In Cutiibttrland Valley, leavlnjr it 1 40 P. M., arrive Ciirijilii 'J i8 p. AI..Cb4mbri hi r 1 ;. p. M., and ltrKirtown b l," V. M At TYUJNB A 6s P. M . roMierttntf with ltald F.aia Valley Train, having at 7hi p. M , and arriving at Urlletontu at 0 tM P.M. At ALTOONA 74DP.M , CoUMCtl K W.lb Itratieik train for lioiildnt afiur, reanblnn t.iero H JO P M. At CKKMM'N STH P M mnnerlHif wbh Itrancb train fnr Nieiiabnnr. oirtvlnw than 140 P. M. At I'I TTIt UK 1 jiA M , and Uxtni cotiueoUui for all polnta Wet Nor (fe west, aud titiuUiwekt. 1000 A. M. PAOI.I ACCOMMODATION, Ho 1, arriving at Tall a U w A M 1140 A. M. r8T LINK ennneci at LMHTI,T.K I'tO P. af.. wltb train 011 Heading and Columbia Kalruad, arrtvlog at 1 IU 3 10 p. kl , Kpbrata ii : P M , and Hea4 liiK et 4 V P. M. At II KKIMtCKlJ, with an Ac-omrn-tlitiicn Train on ortbrti tin -ml Katlway, for Nunbar and Intt 1 rnettltte p4ida, reatibitiK Hunbury at fi ko P. M. At iiAititiKiti'itti wlib train 011 Lu in Her land Vaiiev ftr CarlioUsarnvlnK theie at ft L P.M. Arrive t Pitabarc i .0 a. Ai , mid lucre make cloia coiiuocuju for aa VY eatt rit p. 1 tutu, t'OO P. M. PAliKF.om lie, ACcomwohatiox, arrives at Park ea- burd at j 'i 1. M., ioppu g at lutertuodiataaiatijua. H. M. llAUltlsm'Rt; ACCiMMiDATIOM, makea conneev tb n at lownitmtoii at 4 'i4 P. M-, with train on Waynav biirr Jiramli, leaving at 4) p. M., and am ring at Uaiuhbiirir at ti ll I' at At C"I,(WHIA. at Hti P. kf .vt ua Noriln rn Tenu al Kollway for Y ork, leaving VYrUblavllU 7 m P. kl . and arilvluK at kork 7 4d P. M. Atrnca atllarruburn at 7 4k P. M. 4tlO I. M. rVKlUANT ACCOMMODATION, f om No. Lt7 Dock Plreiti, On ly , cmt pi huiuUi Arrlvet at II trrlAtiurc ;;.'. a. M ; ktitiim. I 47 a. M : AUoona, h-a) p. m.i and I'littthutv, II in P. M. The ca ear eomfb rouble, and rn.Uriwiift. or laiulliea ;iiing v eat. will llnd io raUM iiitv, iiiiii rave ii.tir iiaaciinue. mr wnicn vtitcaa are a-vtw. lort.anb tt by ibo iitiu iniln. For turthi r pirUculara ppi to r It A n ( 14 n NK, KmiKran Aenl. T ock ant'ct. Hetw.-ai'ii iliiiriabure and I'lttibaru m. flnt niu car ia aitacbtu ttllua trni tut ir tl uavel. 4DO 1. M. I ANCASTF.lt ACt OMMOUATION. ivacbiw Lani ular at 7 -r- p. M., and rraunei Co ninbia ai b 10 P. M. ft:io i. m. PAOLIACCOMM01AllON. Mo. 2. r.achoi PaotlatfiBt P.M. H'tlO I IhT. PIITRUITRO AND F.KIB KPUP.44. with tha M. Jor-liR i-otinecrloin Atrtve liar, t "burr. I'i fi) A. Hi huiittury, 11 1& A. t oruium')tM-.atid, 11 tM a. M. lrtHUii,4'bH A. M ; V llllaruapori , A) A. id ; Lk ktavnn, Ii.i6 A. M ; Knponuin,lo li a. M ; H: Mu'v'i, 11 li A M,; (t.rry.UrP M ; and P.ne, 6 J6 P. M. At Corry oloao coi ntrtlon la niattf wun til Crree K. H . br inu tribe and eiiai.OT i, tbe oreaent termlnua of tbe Hoed.lwnee bf SiaKe or P.ott fui On City ana l-rnklln. ei-aavttra f,r Iaitv Me. H 11 pert. Kloomthurir. iterivlcc. Haoeh ll&van. Miickanlnny, Plymouth, Kn i:un. tVyoiulng. Plt'nbtn and Heranton. take the Lar.awanra and Hloomibu.g ua;m al Mrrtnuu bertatrd 1 Paui..er f ir Flnitra. tuKheeter, Camui ial.ua Niv-u'a Kal.a,vic..rearhK.linlrftat It ;t .4.; anti utioa at .ti r. m.i At 11 MLKtniiWKiJ. w hh North. ami t rural ba!t. ay, U ti e Htntib, ltavin itlbl 4M. arrhea York, 4 )0 A. M ; tlaumer June I -n, 4 44 A. M. leave IlHiiover Joni'Uou yO. M-; arrlvra Hanovnr. ll-tii A. M .and ltt nburtr. J - P. M. At II UN 11 1- injn, 111 A. ni., wnu trnin nn n roau Tip U.K. arriving; llooeviall - A kl , Ui. DalUa, A kl . and 0011 Itcettiift tU'lii a b HtKf lor titnl'ttrd. At T 'N K, 44 A il., t'oimtt tiittf wiib tm 111 uu ltald F.a(lo Va.lav Utiad b av bm Ti ioi,f Htb.oA m., arrive ttaPnft.ntn. lilt A. M .and Howard. Pi'JO P. M. Leaving T nma im Cletrfleltl It, K. at m .A a M . and arrlviiiK Pbllieiurif, il tHj A M. At ncMMlN, J'.H A. M , ronnoctinir with liranen train pir f lenburu. and arriving there, i'i 3f, M. At HLAIU VII l.K IMt.h."M'liiiN, l'.J A. M, conmuiiK wita Inaiicb train wineb ai rtvea. Hia raviile. In j& A.M ,au4 liu lina II ii A M : bit tratn aitu n. nuveta at Itiaira vil e wnb w tat lYinirttWniila tt It., art iv.'hj halUbtirs. II -A A M Anhea I'I 11 -m Kii at P. at., aui eoDiM i ti itr ad pulista WirnL lll-4.r P. M. PHILADKLPIIIA lAPHKMt, atopi only at Down triKto n, Lhik aiur, Ua tb iiH, Mar vl'in, iuhw poit, klitbln. Lewidtown, JiunttiiK'il -u, Altoona. OaJ Uttln, and t oni n.uitMh. At II C Nl I N' li (?.', w.th Broad 'fop It. li , b-at lux thiTtj at H uo A. M., and arnYtnj at l.u.'in' A. .M., Mt, Iiibaa A. M , and thuns I.T itavt totttd'oid. At Al.l.HiNA. at Ul't A at., e D-ia-ii n la matt with tr4iu ttr kit1 It iavatniT, retching tbt-rv at ! if- A M , 'tin-a by baca to Hdford. Ar rives at P!iUiu,Si P. M , making rbwe eounefitloA wllh ttirotikb tiitlr.kon d) tbe diverrliu roada f.010 that ptai.t .iurtn to ti e 1 uke, fkt ft tiie UUnip;l and the Mlori ihni, Mnl huuili and rouUtweu to aU aoiuia itttuMHib e r.titroad. i or fnrtt -r it to ma'toi). apply at th Patfletitra-HtatIoBt ton vr 1 1 J 1IIKI Ifc. I II and M A It k K r Hiret-ia. Pblla. JulIN t. VA.NLKlCkt, Jr., I ifikoi AffOt. 1)IUI.AIH,I.PIUA AM) DALT1MOUK CEK ) UAL l.Atl.UCAl, OPLN TO OivF01tl tifHiirtJ AltPANtiLMr NT. On and -.f r l Kl DAY, Apitl 1, ltw'rt, tbe) tratni will laav af t'o'low 1KAYK KAMTWAKO. 1 IKAY'E VYKSTWAKD. MTItrMl. A. M . 1'. II, KuriONl. A. H. r. tf. Oxoi'd i'i Pbttaiietphia.... 800 M .e.lt.rci 6-.7 -i Weet Cheater... 7'4 4 44 AvoLdulf 7 C iol W. tJ. JuiieUOU,. 014 l'4l K- iiiiaj't 7 vfl 4 17 Couaufd 91 6 A4) I l.i.l.l 1 ruid... 7 -.Vt 4 41 haM Ferd,... it 41 0 14 C.rici.nl f' 6""0 K3unt-tt total 6 K H . C. .1 i.lirtlua.. k lb Aon4ale lu 11 J'b4 PhiUde 1 Ita V !fi ".'rt Hest trov lo W 7 tm ei 4 bU'r....b 6.10 Oibrt-d 10 0 7 at) PatheiikaT Im Pot tn Philadutpbta hoa bten 'ihaiiired ftuia r. Viti fiith ard Market lr t-la, to TIUltT Y-FlltST aud MKKKr siieia. weal rritiMOaipnia. Maraut Htreec Paae4i'i r Hallway Car a convey Paaiotttera to au4 irottak tin Li p- t. l HtttliHtll SO u rt Ui n witnour rnaijcr nrenrw. Ju4 UCNUT Wu. 8uperlntetvloiit. 1 'PK1GI1T LINKS V0U NEW Y0UK AND 1 n't ib atntb ua on lhaCauiden aud Aiuboy and m- iic liitt Jia.l((a!. 1 .ni itft-Ahr.u iiKsrAn n. The ran den d Aml y H. n ad ucd Tranaivtrtatloa Ci iii(a,iv I irvhl 1 inoa tor Net York will b ave vVautaf it 1 1 1 1 w ban. on nr a t r Jautiaiy e, diik (3audaja jo tt i ll C 1 .it 4 u 1 ,'ot k P. M . if uu, j tt, :l.t t'.K e L i;a will leave Ml w York at 1 an4 4 P. M. Lnint mutt be rh'tlvered before Vi P.M. to be ftar war. nl ::.t n tr. i'av. Friif:ht br Tr nion, Prtm-'-tcn, Kliuiton, New Brunt wirk, and all mlnte uu tbe Camden and Am boy Bailrvad f, a'vo rn tbe lit it bit rn,l)elav. are, and FleuitiuUjn, tbe kieey Jt . if v, 1 Ue 1' ri h ''l and Jaiut abu'K. and ihe HurttiiKtott aiid Hoiint llo!l Katimad. reeeived and bar warded up ie lio'J k 1'. M. .-ujJ caA.kutealVrMuuatU'j4iyraativo4 U toV ViO'.'T P. kl The 1 -M ;m uekHware Kattroad enneott at FhtLMpav bt.rji wnb tbe Lvbtj. a Vllev knuruad. '1 tie New JtreT I., ibtiiu: tt'ii'ii. (a at LUat.Ut wita tbe Naw Jray C nt ct It'.iroMd, and it .Newark wita iLi Home u K." Pti read. A i i t '.uu trau om. aptviiyma the tcarki and nnuk btr i u,t. iii.i-Ii .tn, luUft In every tnabanoe be) tin lvhb taeh i.'nd il" I'.ili.ir Cu ri.tMp4. will bt ai vaiu lii-Tt a..i ii . !'i 11 1 ba 11. k be n made &.r the traiuportat Itir of IIU; h'l .1 k . t.. 'vera r.re Lmt 1 to try ilJa iuua W f r i ti e sim'k furnnbed tu teai:i lioe tA l iVOi. - 1.(A i.6 . r iuore. It wbl b de,v ei tW at tbe Unit of F-rft 'J fr-t, thui tbe Jjroe Yard-, itr at Ptr No. 1 H:v r, at tin- i-ittpptrt may dennnaie at the ins t ai'ipLLtJit. WAblbK MU r. MAM, rmU a , Vu. A. IMawareaveuve. jr.t . n. nji wotr', " . v 1'icr o. l kO'Jt . Ja t tf