It fouiutj telegraph WEDNESDAY, PKCBMBKR 81, 19'. 4. iiMvAint t: vr. it Err. Jlr'i Mnittttin flm a.iMl.h.-fl ft ,hrt arro'inl i.f l.lviarU K.t.rf it. tn'n H.fwry uf MiaN-.ti th.' tlMLri atM. win, h.(l Iw-f r- Iwrn pa-tftr l Haiti, itri'i't 4 It H-H all ambri-lK-. titrw r l l i.n,ir... 11-" ' it .r of THi...rh.'.'t'.. Arrt) '1.-r to Kn :U' .1, nt .1 1'r.i Irnl ..f llarvai.l l'.'l, ... It .vr II. toll. ,,.,,. l. .. a. n tl-. . H,I I h.l, w l wt.llt-r, ,,- fr'.'l rt 'fl I ,Ttl . W tl'H l.rd Im II. Mc.ul ami D.itiir, . riia ..l' U H i, .11 ilariU, Ii. II ,f lnr, TUB 1.1 ITI, H I) HA TO 11. Tny bow shonl.l I, a ll'tlo 1ml, In mklntf nirtku a figure f Yon'tf only jukiiiK, I'm ut ml I ; Do till I 11 m lugger. But inrc yon wich tu Vrtr my (mrr, Ami i.iyo inn to t.i-nin It, I'll kttivu lor uiiH'i w.tli all my he.irt,' Thougti fin.ilt llic h.ii'C to win ii. I'll tf'l a ti.lo h"w finnrr A litt'i. ronn rnlt irrd, .ir; Arxl firry niglit ntvl i frv lie wiili r U ami bo fid, nr. Faiil 1 f Joe to farmer J hn, "An u I V" a "i'ly .In'. Mr, To f .rrl urli time u'nl i". up 'n A Utile, UfelcMt cull, 'ir i" Paul frn it Jclin In nr:h') ir Joe, " "I I'f.rK my tti t'- nmii up, fc'i.t lor the tO'iil lie no em il, But will tlo when he's flrowa ii;." Tr-? mma' y,,i can well rpv, 'I o In in i lie ut U tnun pil injr ; The h ' i o't jnn tliink Ii I, I k. ow t hy jc.ur minimi?. Ard i.r.w, kind friimlii, p'raffl lo ox -H"0 My iisi.ii!; mid inv Minim, ri ; I for 111 is oriee liave dune m bi it, And o I'll make my mnmi. is. Tlf fT.rlon. MilMn roan' al'.l.'i to t n- l r of Hint .! aril l.i.nll I, air. Klrnmrr lla; In Him t'rmifixro. Among tba important pei-uliiiriili-s of business life In San Francfvo if tne "i"""'cr dny" custom, wbk h bas orlsi-n from tlie necessities of our e.mi mcre al nnd financial connections and rcla'i'in', kumiide tbe day prior lo the dipirture of tho iteamiTiof the PaciHc Mall Stcnnnhlp Cmim-iay for IVriamn a rlny of nniverrt' ll'i'iitl-ttim lio ween Hehior nnd errolitor, nnd hem p i" "st. atner liy." on lrrepresHili'c conrlii-t thiit H inexoriiilo ard aure, repn ur nnd iinreleminif, la w ilted on . thia ewmful dr between those w ho li ivc IhI!h lo ray and ihi ae who liTO bills to collect. A p. r- is'ei.t bnnt uuule tot cam id toe or ier of ilio duy,aud the wholo conitiiin.i'y Mems uinoili.'d 'th the 'a'e of tlio money market ut this time. Monty tasy,mor,ov lUht, bidhrutcsor lo.v rates ? How mm h will the uteiimer curry aay f aro the if YdVnu palutatlons that moat you evcrv. where on the stnef, at ttie exchange, in ihe iOtintinK-houp the topic of your dinner conver fatlon. een otir barber scarcely commences his tonorlal attentions before lilJ Toluble ton.'iiu in i rrup I yi u w th comments upon tho money tnnrki t, and reminds yon that collections aro dt 11 tn-f'ay, and that the 1 it tie amount of your ac- omit ol so il -cuds and personal ntten'i n t ilito will be very acceptable. Thu "steamer dav," although periodically Miro at tleu'li li'td the t xes (. soie'itlly the int'rnvil reventid tixl, las been ms epiih'yebaiig'.l during in liittnrleiil record among C'a itornut iusl tutmns, and ouch char pe tt nils more and more to reduce thing's down to a tric:ly cash bu-is. The sic mi. r d 17 of e:irlitr times was onco a month, then emi Birmhly, and at present tri-montbly. The ste an crs row leaving the 3d, l.ltli, anl 23d of ea' h monib, mukos it necessarily the d ty prerlons " the steamer day" for t.nsincs men, as Increased facilliics Iuitc been furnished for sham communication and correspondence be tween the groat metropolitan and commercial mart of the Atlantic and Pacific St itcs (and tho rest of mankind), so bas tho number of our iteamer-davs Increased, and the time of credits reduced. Experience in tho early days of Sun Francisco buhiiicss-lifc made it essentially mcesssry that some general and unirer-al day of settlement should be established and recosr nltcd among them, and as ihe hulk of th.'i paynifn'a were foreign in their niiuro, dnf's and exebarce bad lo be ptireh ised, and sliip- nitnts mrdo const qucntly the day be foe the aalltrgnf the steamer for Panatmt was mlone t as the commercial steamer day, and for years h is lieen reensni.t d as such, and has been a'.tend' d mith all its peculiar epochs, inti rests, and inci dental and tad the recoid been preserved of what lias transpired on this Important dav, eommur eiallT. linaiieially, ptilitically, and sociillv, it wi nld fill a volume ot huge dimenf'on of i" emit ir n ad ng matter, indication ol ! . -' progretis of a n. w country and of A'nericit'i civ lJuution, unexampled in the hlsto.y of tho worb'. In th s connection we give place to an am ising doner p' ion of steamer-day In Sad h'ranci-eo, fu.- nl-htu by a coniributor, un old rtdideat of .Sn Fram isto : "The tiny has arrived as the sun sheds its brame on the morning of tkc 'Jd, l'J'h, or 2M of the month, book keep, rs and clerks are omily engaged in making out bills and memoranda; at 8 o'clock a shower of collectors is poured forth on tho drowned town. From every c.iu'i'iii!; honse, every store, everv shop, they pour forth, rmhirg around in ea-er haste in carcli of th it Which ia to form some sjdy' quota of thu reg i'i r trl-nionihly contribution of California to her pvut re relations of Orient. Helter-skelter these ga.hertrs-in rush around from pillar to p ist In Bear h of the yellow gold. U's collector rushes In frant'c haste to C's shop for the 'littlo tial ince di e,' while C's man wildly (lushes into It's oilico f, r tl e amount of 'lb it trilling bill.' Thus tie llecton go throiub all the of the dam e 'forward and hack,' 'cros over,' 'a'l hands around,' etc , nntil the boar of 1 arrives, and tlio weary liml.a have rest. Happy then Isllie mm who tinds, on footing up accounts, that he is 'easy.' 'h Is amusing immetlmea to watch tho pro spers of to leotious on 'aieaiuer-duy,' ami it is also instructive, as allordin a Htrikiuir illustra tion ol our tle).eni!ence on each other. A o.ves a bill of $H!Q, whlih ho has to meet on 'st-amer-davi'he di rn nds on H ( who owes him; for the money; H must collect from C, and 0 from 1), and so on throuirb the alphabet. It reminds us Of a row (f bricks set upon end if ono falls, down ihey all go. The old nursery story h i a eoun'erpart in collections on 'steaincr-d.iy.' We refer to the pig which wouldn't go. 'Tlio mou-e began to gnuw the rope, tl.e I csui t.) Iiaug the hmrher, he butcher Iwgati to kill the nx.'Hnd o on. ill the -pig Uegm to go.' So with ' tea m I cat' bills. M pays 1., I, pays J, and bo on to A, when the 'sieiimi r b -gms to go,' and cur Mi. to in lilt ln ar'y two iiiillions in g-n.l poorer than it whs when the ariuyol collectors c nu nienC' d their raid ujiou tho wo, 1 I of tie city. "As i J:c dawn of '. t 'litner-day' brings anxiety and exi ectction, the suil nir of the st eanp r pro duees i uttt and tepose. The people having sent oil all ihe r cash, Icel that a weight is oil thcr minds it" we'l as oil their pockets, and that seu-,an of relief w hich comes over him who has nothing; ' to care for,tl.c oscsimi of their mlmls, sais tird with the conviction thai wo, who stand in so lutle need of money and capital, aro paving our ngular tn monthly devolioual shrines t .wards erettiiig iiiiiri'le and brow u-btoiiu frjnti on ih avenues of .New Yoik, and increasing the bulk of treasure reposing In the vauhs of thu Hank of liugiBLd. ' O'i il' t't l'a ;fc Mm it r. hlitaTO i oinlml,. Cliii f anions tie nddkkn wlilrli Boom to h ive become incrmlicjlile upun tbe m'.ilorn st.iija, is the ati rem j d mode of i.litiii' cmbiiti ut tlio end of tragedies and In tlie progress of mrlo flrama. Does nrybody in hli funx- reillv liollcve tbat "l.lJliard" unci "RirbuiDii.l," "M irVtli" and "Jd.icduil," ''Hurry Mouia.iuib" and "Harry l'eroy," Ttr fuupbt iuih ri.liculoiiH fights ou lli eworth Field, und Dunsinnne, and on Slirow inry I' aln ? And ret this isaUayH looked upon, nay, In paiknily wulud fur, by a pmp irtha Of tbe tiudlinco, as the cream of tho play tho on'7 tbiuif, Indeed, worth gona to tlie thea tre to te. Dickens, in hit Xn-hUju Sickli '.., touches off this absurdity with one of bi most trenchant lunges of satire, "llio tiro c-m.Htanm," he says, "went to work and chop ped awuy until tbe iwords emitted a shower of parks, to the great eatMaction of Mr. Crum mies, who appeared to think this a gr.-at poiat Indeed. The ciiptKi iueut commenced with ahout two hundred chops ail(uiuitered by the short Bv.iocsud the tall sailor alternately, without pro d .pidk auy particular result, till ibi short allor was chipped down upon one k me; but this was nuibinx lo liim, for ko worked hiinsult' alxiut on one knee, with the asslntanue of bis left band, and fought deniieratcly until the tall tailor chopped his (word out of bis granp. "w,the iuienuce was, that the short i.ilor, twiacwl to extremity, would glre in at once, and V?. .1'tr ; but, Instead of that, he, all of a uaaw. dniw t urge vUuA from bis beit and pie wuid UtUie tacsof the tall tailor who, nut r.xpi,?5 .' TM o'ercorue by this that be !et ""i xi If H pick "P bl '"rd em gain. Tbeo the cuopplllg recommenced," etc. isw, fun.y thl. ..a, r-M, tt U., after ill. no irreat caricature of tbe figUuj ln ilrW Uacbrth, and lli-nry 1 1 , IU usually peijr,ued U)KJn th(5 taae. It therw w BothU ttt Uie positive ah r.nty of Lite thing to deter an atnui of retiovt int; tarn of tr.lnd from presenting blmseir in it one would thluk. that an ordlmu-T tHtn of tllj uiftUicl vf wlf-preevrrautf o wouid Lave tut ffio. THE K,WRirt:it A.tfl TIIK i'in:r. A psrscnMAS's VtltWS. The following analysis of the romance-writer Sfd an estimate ot tho pot t, as classes ra'her thn individuals, we transh te from Hint powerful woik, Taint's "lllsu.ry ot Knglish Literature :" 1 II K NOVKI.Isr. tv h it Is a novclisi ? In tnv judgment he Is a pty. liologis'.oi.e w ho nitturaily and Involuntarily r. presents psyi hology In action. He is nothing mote and notliira; less. He loves to pic urii to bin st I! n t'tlmeti's, to touch their a ere", spring', nnd trace th ir pieced, n's and c nfc pe n , es, and thus c- titrive pi. asnre f..r blinsttli. lo Inni sen tin i no Hie lor oiof diverse tct.dencl.i-, an I of grtsteror les dcreo til grandeur. I.ctlc does be blmseif with ihe.j.ista n or iniiistio of their nianile.suttions. Ho assetnliics tlnnn to geihi r in his person iges.nnd, com .-ivim: a d uni- it t.t i ;u al by, wulch. s its eilect on other ipiu'.llies, noiirg llic com or.lant or discordant. Inilucn os ol b tup. ratnent, e.liiciitiuii, nnd oee ip.iiion, lao r irgloexp so an itn-ci tt wol 1 i f iiietiu pion and it.wi.rd bs'lb g by n vi-il !e w.e Id ol I ingmii-'e and inward ac'ion. To this his work p dtices itself. Whatt vtr may be his ,,n predile.-t mn, he is i j dilli rent to them. A truo painter re.'.trd'i with aiiti-f it lion a well-set ar,ii and vigorous ii,se:?s, t vt n il emploj ed in knocking a in tn ibi vu; a true rovedst Je.ights in "'iiioink in ' flie gr in I'enr of an evil sentiment or tho unfolding, of a pen li ituis character. Ills tub tit consists of svinpathy, tor this is the omt tiiculty w hich cope s n dure with tiilch'y; r-li 'ling ike enioiionsof his characters, his whole ilionuht is bent on rCL'i-tcrlng their eonlllct and li .inking tl eir species and power, lie tl ( in lo us just as tin y nro in their cu ire' V, witii (iit iincerti.kii g tit'.er to cond. -inn, punish; or p, rveri th. ni ; be tianspons them intact into our Pnas, s, leaving tn the privile:'.1 of pron inncitn, ji.cguiei t. What he stiiv. s to do isp.r Icr I. in tisih'cj it is his aim to di.scng ii-o typ .a vh eh the lie. I 'enb and itiiperleelions ot real life ol.s. urc and .lisiort, lo hriiur Hie d epcr passions ol liuiiianl y into rclii I, to be mov d wit li the ciii.slenr ol the beines he has himself animated, to make us foige'. ourselves through the p .ten y of his creative ubiiiiy. In Ibis expression of his potter we recgnio nrf. indille rent and itNivorstl like nafur,', but more fr. e nnd in ire powerful, lor, in i a k i i a up the sketchy, ili-h.oned work of ber rival, arlcorrects niilurc'i,i.!c!cets an 1 reii'h'rs In r eoi.ctptioin eilcc.tive. Tin: I'iikt. If is the peculiarity of tho Poet (o he ever young, to be ever exuberant. W ith us of the c mmoii ht rd things are worn otii ; sixty cen'iirlcs of cifili'alion have tn-n i-ln i! th"ir origin il lresh t.iss; we no longer tli-liiigui-h them except through a mist of sleicotyped iihr.ises, w hich wo constantly use without comprehending thora ; In stead of splendid llowers they are line vegcahles; the luxurious primeval forest is lor unonly a well arranged nnd too liuuiliiir kitchen garden. The Foif, on the contrary, confronts tho world like the tir-t man on the lirst day. AH our catalogues an. i iudi men Is, all the paraphernalia of association and yanbh from his mind instantly. Ilrnirs to nun seem new. lie is astonisneu, ravbhed. SenRtions poor in on him and oppress him; It is the ml-powc rlul lileblood of buinaii iuvintioii wliich, stitL'nant in us, in him resumes its How. l oo's pronounce Ihe poet insane llio truth is he is clear sighted. In iviiin do wo rest ineit. for nature is ceiiseltisly in the Tlio nun which iocs so grandly to-day, ri-e.s us it did at tho lir-t dawn; the bowing streams, these, plants li ii It abound, these passions that agitate us, tho recs which pluntte beings in o this tumultuous vortex are now aspiring and embattling with the mire energy as on the day of their hetrinning ; the iniinoiUil heart ot nature sun piipnaies, sun expam s its rude vestiturc, uud oiituin- Ing e. hoes irom llic poi s iieari wueu ours is no larger responsive. SFECIAL NOTICES. KICK (IK THU CITY 1SOUNTY ft Cntiimlsslon. CummonnaaUti llullillnir, Ko. Ml UlktlNL'T Sir. ft. rit-cemnpr 17, iwii. All .orriis liavlnir rlatins aniiist thl, C.,mtii!.isl-.n are nont't.l to i.rvneiit u.ciut.u urO:l..r BATI'KliAY. Uticeiii-Lt-r ;'J. IX A. B. r. KIS.l, 11-bt ITUIIfluUt. t5T, TO TIIK STOCK HOLDKItS OK THK Falrmt, nut l'akflt'iincr Icallnay t.'..iuuany (Uur aril Vint Hut. t). Hit- Ho.-ks lor (hp tiannfer of will be open on M. i.ila., InrrtiiUr 111, at o. AI.NU I Bircot. Rioni No. il, 'i hlid Moor. li IT-ili' rillLADl.Ll'IHA. AND IllOADINO UiUlioad I tiu.punj, Oili.'e So. tn H. ruUilTU Htrtet. rillt AlHtM'IHA , l'prmbr 12, isr,,, ?iotlro n herroT (riven to the Stochrioliier of thiit'onv TiAnv Hint tt e Annual Met-tli ti, ana an tie tloii for lro-l-dtn'tH'x lli.nm,:rH, 'I rt-a-urer, inl Hpurft ry, will tnke plrrt on lUt ittuiid MuMJAV C'lh)il Januttrv nxt, t li M WILLIAM LI W KI1H, '2-V. tl-7 M'H:rm--T. - DF.rAHTMKNT OF rUIU.IC HI'iH- WALKL'l und I IU II Mtr.atu i'lin. AhKi-i'tUA, Ih'rfm&pr !, IK'.-I. SfiTU E. Ail iinniii imviiiK fJalum auiimt tbii !- jarfin nt for I.hInt or Mali ridi lunJ tu-d urlnff tia i:c tcrt war, will iirfuctit Ib-in for lniyincilt OH or b:!.'! HA'M liDAY, the twtnty-fuiirUi In-iunt W, V. Hir,IM,V, Md-fwf Jit Clilef Couiinl'iiloiurr of lhnliwav. IS) " DI VID KN D. The IHroi'tom of tb III THAN A f KUULI'V nL V'OMl'ANY havr thin ilav oi r'.uri-d a nm itlnr divirt.-no o iSf, i'AK ( JlN f. on ihe cnilKi iitoi'k, imtiitile I'rrr ol ia. hi tho onir.- oi t' f ron ii'inv. eo lua. i ouuii ttircei, on ai'd ai't-r .hiniia'A vf, iKt..'. 1 ra iftT bucks will Im ond frnnj ttrrimhrr Vt tn ,Inu r7'i. VI.,I 1AM I.AM'.. VrMtar. riui.Ai'Ki.riita, Dwrniibvr I.'., Ui-V,2ij!l t) TUTTcni'Ufl Srti t I.TUVIIHi'Ti IHKt - MVU'KM). 1 h'e Iirwtt.rii faf tho KOSSOIN M'MPANV biive tint dny dci land their third monthly a Thlt'Tid. tm Wovfiniii r, ..f TUKKK I'KK f. NT. on tho Cainiul Htni'k ot thf t'oiupnuy. ia A(le aHtT the l"tf. mat. to 1 tic I hi I hoc l un a tuo' criiMTK ai in tnuii ui mw uitiioun A CiilUna,u. ltiM' tri--t. t XI. m i 1 iv niiiV, rrwBi'ii-in,. KOHTHT WFAY, Jr.. Mfi rftary. nAlJfiUAUT1Ui RUPKRVIiSOUY roii.iuitif for livcru.uiiif Colored Ucttliucnli, ho. ivinrnrsMT sm-et. Ii itf. oil ntiA. r,f,rnbtr 7. If"! I. Ttie Hutifrvl-ory Com unit- r for It.:rtiiliiii; Colored Kejl-mt-iita baUntt motived tti arjoiirn ntna htt nn the u it instant, all ueraor Iiavihu fimuu aani-i tho halt! t'om tni'tr' iof 't"iKMfdti prrtt.t ib'-m for tminotit to H. U t)K--N, i ho Uootnaul the or In form II v 'i.Mh infant fi H-1 t t:AI'W AKAPFIt MlHlr',, Secetary jrjt O b' F IO K IMIU.AULLrillA OAS WOKKM, Nuvuinbi'i 30. iH-it, Prrpon!t will ta ret t-ipi at Huh onice nn'H noon of tin- It! o' .Iktnubiy nf xt, for tin- tuiif to thu .'nutm-if oi tlia fhilHdeifibiu lia Wnrkti, of lo. k In tb Homhwafk and MoymueiiMng Oan Worki. t.-i ii anu.w n On VaiiHVuiik. do Ai.d Id titicm! do lot- umO a im Obtiuen;.! f. .r the incJurj fun la of sr.Id worka. WILLIAM rRSSRI.r.. 15V-lm Ctiiier. UK f- Ol l K K VKN NSYL VAN A IIAIL- 110 A b COJdTA f Y. I'ii 1 1. a or Miii A , Nsivemhtir 4, 1-V14. XtTIC R TO HtlAKKHOlaiK H. Tf: Hbar. tm tb ri of thix v mean- u n tifled Hint, n"''T lth luitdii of tho H'a A ot tnri"M m thav urc, e'ul- HfO lo t he io ihe ttock "i the t oinpuny ih amount o k.n 'M mt.m. on iiit'ir r. oin-ctivo tutirtit. Hliown ftv titfr lfokH oi ini '.:.i in-,taiil. Y it. b -i'irf li ilih r m 1 '"d tn a ii ui-'tatiAl purtof a ibartt, aii'tribe tetin (' the l(. .iu i'H , hull huve ir,e iinvl it ie ot kubkLilaliig tor a roll a.iuie on ilu iiiuu-iii oi ujiy d. 1 nrr. I in. Sf o k will biHBuned at the par vlne of f1w dil lan pi-r n.uf. Ar nn t t' terri at M I't.K (K wid be t iiarvt d irom tlin Utiniiint i.ntil Miniil o inade. The Moil m tor uiicr-tiiti'n ami ii iniH iit will hforjen on W M V, tba 7ih irUit, and will r io-t on tlie ;Hiit l( I tr.iiiirr en. aiTci whii-n noftiitiii-r buu.-icritluna w it i in- r e;d undtr tt e rf nlit r.t. II h.i-j.;,i Tt iSf A-i T I'lKTU Trt-ai'irpf. i'ii- littvd'ii At-t 'oi iatl- ih- ft ant of tf.n i omm nweaih u ton n i' AxatiLihtl io. lor Uh- ourii of I'.h.iK inr uui'.tnr ilia kawh of the l'nlu-1 Hiali'i " pa mfi on tdf .'M div nt A'l k'uit A li. Iw',4. tm- con. fli 1 to mo that "Th K t I MOl, -lTiuS lUNk dt' I'ltll AH-:i.IM!l ' han l'urn",hf.l fatifo tlon to hiu that a.l tho r w r-in-'iifs of im tl A t atvvf b en rymj bnl with hv tfie imhl lunk . ami th tt it ha hi on if an A -mi -Hi Inn or t b purvo ol umJiT tl lap a o the I ured Siatai ; I dt. tl arrfot e, cjiumj tils not Ire thereof tn In- piihtMiM, In e mil a Hi e with tha tin inn ii" of iL 1 1 1 h Kw'hn oi the Mini Ac:, and tto dtehua tliat lue t harft-r of laid I '.ana . by tf r ternm i'f ia l Act, li 'tifeJ ami laki'n to b hi.fnip.n urrendfred, niiijt ct to ll piov ui"iu of Lha 1st tkt tu-n ol i aid Ac4. A. tl rt'KTIS', Govariio. 01 i'miusyivania. Imci nvi Cnwv.t r. f Hahk.m i ro, t)T(-m . vr '."J, M.S 11 2 HL - VHMt KA,t( Til K AlTDITna-OKNK-ral, ai ra-iuirel hy the llth ifctin ut' tha net en titled An act Knatniiiir thf HanKf ot thin t'omniomvr.ihn to hf o'i.v Ainotlauonti r 'ha Tun'OKf of lt.tuk.iu. uiolcr lha lawi of the l ultfi Htaiaa. jtanied fuwi 'tl J da tf Alike Wit. A. li. I!, linn fer'iflisd to un that t'e "CITV HANK Of MULAhKU'IHA ' ban nirnlihed atiilactor avldtwre to hm that all tha reoulreim-nti of aatd act haa bn otupiiad with Uf tha a. it Km. a. art'I that it bm b"m an o mtiun f r tlia urp,j ut Bauaiutf, uiidar tha lawa of tn Umiad lf 'So thereftora eanta thU notloe therao to ba publUha-l, In accrrr.anca wita the privamioni f lha .at'l 1 1 th -wuori of tlie -aid a t ; anJ duiiu aia litat t ft ('narier ot atal iiunk, by (ha terms of said Act, Ii dttamud and taken to u hretitoB orrtjii.ttu'yU, aaltjeci tu tb oruvUioni of iQeilra .emttit.ti.tv4M A.o.crem. norertvor vl i'eouayivani, IxiorTiva Champsk, ) HBMtIUBii, f.i'.h oviubar(lW4. 11 )-w - WUKREA8.THK AtlJlVOIt-UKNE-ral. aa raiiatrad r tKa lllh ice'ion of tha Act tit titled "An Act enaoMK the Haalm of this rommonweaiut ta tMToma AiMnaiatinat for tha purpa.aof Bakiu atidar UMUamf tba l'iMtedinla:ef,'riaii',d on tae JJdJTrf Aatftiat. A . i. ISM, haa certiMod to urn. that (ka ( ommr ctai lAana of pmn.Tlvanla. of Ihetitjof PMIadalpiila, tMt taruiaaed tatii'acUirT evidence to him that all lha nial'..eeuof aaid Actaare bran umpilt d with by the iid hank inl that It baa become aa Aatorlatlon fur Um (iRrM of banfcl aoer tha Uwi of the Uolted Hutei; J tki, tbaraiwnt, mum tbii nirUce thareal tube pubUehea la aoaerdanee wltb lha provUtoni of Uie laid lltb fac Joa etf tie aaid Art, aue) do deriara that Uta eoertar of aald Han a, b- the tenaa of aald act. ia detmtd and tabeo t be bj rvalue vaw-rvo dared, eauaec l IM yrtrUtMS ef tbelal A i.O.CTRTIir. lonnur of Pan.rlvankt. BiaorrrVB Cauvaaat, IUaaiaa, lu Huoaio ka. UH Sir TIIK DAILY KVKNING1 TELKOItAril. rillLABELnilA; Y7jDNESpAY, DECEM ti-r TO THE RT'rKHOI,I)F.HS Of THR I1RMIONVH I K, MASTI' AM) KAlKMfiH ihT I AHF.M.FH HAM ItoMMOHl' ANY Nntlrw 1 hrry ytM-D (' Hif Htn. klinitlfii of (ho nhovo VniiAnT, t ml ft rti ft li-g of dip u"s.hoid.Tii will b lii' at tie orv tf t R Dut prtt.VHs. K" tRWAlMT fir , l'iiillt!.hU, on IHUKHit.n, thu 'Hi ln-tm, ( 1 urltr-, I", M, lo tnhf Itits-T roi.'f1rntif thn .t 'iitfnt nint nn Ar, ln iwcfiitlj l.r'-Mii nix) Msni.iri r itn h ainri'iiin. iuhI An fi stT?t U 1 iciiHU" r li .ill vt, a t 'mimiiv, nl Ihf nr-i ftt unrl MnriRiri of the tlcurunvlllf, Maifitii, M i) fmm onnt rn"tiKtr Rii'r-'1 '.'oinpiny, for m. iintf nnil ccrint.l(liittli of lh vrpr.i' ncht. imwiTi, nrirl ric, ftn. ti t h. n1 m vtv of iti Kriiimi int ft-d A-rh Hiimt i'tf l'Rtt fV ff Hitli4v Cinni'Siiy into I wuh ihr Hi itnnt Ml, MkiiIu. ami h'Alriii'HiTit ir 1tll- ii-i) i miny, aotl to ot'' fT Iff n4 t I n nr f tfactjon of Its-tin.. ) It hl'MJAN, 1'rp-t.lf m. I'mii Aitrr i in. I.(Tmt'r 11, Ih.4. lJ-lai'it OFt'ICK OK 1 UK K A 1 KM HTN T AND lr li Hirrt fit v r,s?iii;T Kiilwni t.'mi.iftny. No. 'PUi CAl.l.dW HIM, Mil, t. run. aim I I'M i A , 1 irmtM 13, 1M'. N -1 rr in 1i n b? tilven lo Hie Mm h ho th-i n "f tin ir t'f iuni mil Airl) HtftU s it.' I'.' Knllwnr MM v, t! ni it MfftliPflf tlir S...-kt;ol orn lllt'0 hr-l't at u titliifl of Hi oTni-niiy. N". V-i;J r a I I i H 1 1 1 1 , . Hirft i-n 1 lirt(l'A , tli V'tti Inilinl, At 4 o'flotH f. M , in i.ii lri'i ritfts rn 1 n II. Mi r' mrtit tnfl on Citm iU tirtyi r tt I Iri rtiirt Hnt) M 'ifmi'cri f t I'ci- t( vil , Mit't'iA, ft-iil h e nil'-' m Cm ii-r H i Ir'ml (Vitri. nv . Mil! tl Inrn'ti.r Pntl M tii,.i.''r of tti F.i.lrm'.m, AM) Air'i Htiret L.iy l nv-t i.e! KsiiIwav t m tiy . f -r tl f Trif it'K lil i.nii't 'i!'it"M "f th rr'tr(it ri'lld, ltwra, tf iv llR . Ii ami hiei And prornTtT of tho Pmr b Qi I hrJ trci UMi ih !.(. i. K ill w t' l-niiMV, h)t Hittl w i li tl.r . titonTihf. HdifiuA ai.l I'iiI tn m nt IfM i n r hailr'iid i v innj', antl t v,ii'nr Hip id plliil urrfiti Ion i l i ho unit , W II wlm 'i, C. H IH'NUA N, I'rrnl 1. -it. ffm IMVKHSIIV OF FK.NNSYLVANIA I f i ,irnn in (l Am Tim rvamlnn l-u .-f the !(' Imi,m th' cloHc . ttiu Kkil Jitu., wtli b he 'l In t he ffillo a it if oi il r Vi in nv, l .'l' r r-itv. '. Ut 11 , Jl'ttnf., by Vr fr-mn ir K i il. II Mi9i)l .tl (Ji ini'ii v, vtrth'ii. Krnni II tu I, , on. I 1i ft in'ir Y nir ( A ' t -ni tin v l .''! 1. 'I ' i , J.'tih.- Kmiti '.i to II. hi-'ihM, hv rnf- nt h V t 11 A' (Ah iKHft ), ftli'l SniiVniorpi, tv T'.i- r ( ( 1 it k c . im ir r tho Kn iini i.m nn-i i " t w rt'i f "ni 11 t 1, .i Hii- ri, ty rrof-,,.r I iW ( V fi I r i - i. ci l. v , (j ii n'n , i li b - f'mm ! to H. Hn ut, hv I'r-ii' or Jhtt'-r (Ml rt h I' ji in' It 1 , Witl S'.H' m-rth, li ',i U'ti Y T-y T ' ith v wd't'-ii, K r in U tn I, Juiiloi i, hj I'f'tv o-t ( 'lit' Mvi '-' tl Ii,.i0 li) J, oral 1 1. in ill v, l-'ilh - ffi.m lo II, .hiiii.Ti. Iiy Trftft'ti r Allen ( A"t't..t.-ur h.-i'l" ! f,.ih.l fl .!, B'ii . t V V i-n -nor I'ntUll I. t-rn i . wi ' it ii, t- To n 11 lo 1, 8eiJ .rs, h th' I'rovoit (Mom' I'mIo t'i)i. v , o'ai f 'iiny, 1' t'. Kroni i II. H-'i-honmrf. br Pr"rVHjoT K r rl 1 1 (t,t otiH trv ). wrl:f n rr'in II i 1 , Senior, tij I'tn'tMior i o.iv ( MAhin ) Ir K'M t Mlllnrntioiih), ornl. MiiiilAr. l.i'U - h r m 'J to II. H. ehio!', bv I'f 'err A Km i'n- ji!i. n n Iti ll ntr orftt. Fr'.m i 1 to 1 , JuiiMm, by PntViiior Jirhiton (( l ro rlf Anilrllln i , oral, 1 tiridAT. J ill ruin 1' Hi II. HtiphniiioriMi, lv rrofonattr Allen ( ur lillfa, hiei'inn . i iliti- n . ornl. I inm U tt I, Bl fr i n, ly J'roiijBior Co; pto (Ti-btr'8 I'uIvciiaJ Ulii'ifT', aril. Widnwuy, 2lni. fn-.m ! t II. 'plioiriurri, ty Profrt or Jif-Kmni ( I nf itni n II nuir ? i, nral . Thnmtla. Wti Fhiui to II, f rthmn, Iit I'rnfitior OKHtlK AI.ME. PwrftAry of the ( ttculiy ol Arti, 1T-IB-Bt rf- 31UMUlUAli THE (JUU AT CKNTHMj V KUK run Tlir. T7. S. SANITARY .COMMISSIOX, HELD IN riULADELl HIA, JUS K, Iti.i. UT (MIAKI.F.S J. B1ILLE. trior nvi rou.nH. riTFr- Ptat Kavitihv rmnr'my , PfULAMI AOKUCT, H. l;'7 ('MMM r SlliRrT, lifCftuhftr 1-0, . To the .frin??r of th Tirivut Cvriumtttc the Vrt ti Centra' f'.itr r Thf NANITAKY f'OM M ?SS U V hoa to flnnnun',' Ihit t Jin -II t- l i)h '1 Ilk. i- AIM," prt'inmi by Mr. Hill, l.K, ut tl. o rt'MKjlt of lliO Kxft'Ulho l1. r j i in 1 1 Km . Ih low rn 1v f-T del l 4-ry . It b-rnm a vry offtit 'ii.i' t-t vitliim ol' more than two liuii.1 n il i;u'e : in print' A on t ht tinwft t'Mi'i i ut tl o "ittMi n t rwit ol . inn. si if r ni in .vt t ami ii il'aitrntfil villi h-t' :' rn iti a of n'.ma the in. .rr inf.TiMii.K ti b-i rt ,,t tl .( i:!.h:iii.ri. Iiconulu- an a fount nf tii origin and prnr- of trie Fa r . a b -r 1 1 li'iiinf ti ilii'tn-nt lf i-artruroM : a t t't'iii'Mit of i:n: ilniiH lal i-nil ; a (nil II t f a.l th Commit u-.-t., vtr. (r. AHhtiwork li 'e-VntMl (.rlioanly f..r 'h nii,in!.iin tl f vailoin t'ominltti-iix, and a llmitod tditl ti only tint livii j. mini, tt t a htfti thoiiuhl he ft tn nlao It In Wiaree f Air. JAUK8 K.hlMUN.n epecial atft-ut Tor Hf tlcli vt r. yonc wTfin dplrf ronlot wtU p'oaur on rr adUrofia hi t No U H SIXTH U rei t, wind itory. kr. hitnon will call urou tho no who miy Dot bo able to conimnulnte r Itli bim. N. Will bu ready for ntllvery en WEfDNEHP Y, Slstiimt. li I? gILK rillU.ELLAS A i0B LADI IS H. SILK UMBRELLAS FOR GENTLEMEN. MISSES AND Ij VDH. A Fl'LL ASS0IITMKNT OF ALL KINDS CHEISTMA3 PBXSEflTS. TOR HAl.E BY WlLLIAfvl A. DROWN L CO., 12-17-BI No. 3KI SIA-IlItET Ht. IJ0L1)AY 1500KSUI Tho Largest and Ilati&soincst Asaort ment in tie City. All tH new and ntarolar-I Hfol-Knifllfh nr m'Tl"an nnloi i. in tiiaiti or t-otant cnlf and iori.fco tn toinii will tn foil ml at oureMablm' iiient. arrunn-'! 1 n;oiiil tart, ruiiHiiix tho full is-rth oi our nl"r wrart' tln-y curt l. it atlilv t-atiil"t'd Mint of t ti r Uni- U vl Ih lomml c- lini.hl t' r uur ittall aoiw. ty t i bent binder, iu tlie lllHH'f- uihL I'rti ycr- UooUh. Tr tifind'omoit lot tvpr liiHor"i InMMs pounfrT OXt-t'Kli Klli.K b tiiid hy ilw o v, !...n,l..ii ; i.k Imh clillouii or ire A m K I' IC tH Ht-HO.iK , vx i.inkiiii touiMi In far u and I. 'Mid m imiv a u: 1 nu n '. t-r ol tlii' al-i Tf iu 1 1' t' tl t tu- ? t r :ay vlcti w lLttt Jifir limpet iiuii hj 1oli of ci fcHantly-uiiuml iM'.kt. FHOTOGHArH ALBUMS. A T(tt lami aeportinrnt of every hVm, Vlud, and -j" H wti.i h we iiJ oitet at U'At-.K I'UUa.'i tuai mn nm. In me t oiiiitrv, A (it-aiullul Ll-of, limdln (i iiirnili Tiir morocco, we. I iU fur fit -'i. W huvo i. cftvant kir.e Aihiiuja. u ounti il. in Wvt-1. withrirvuw vi cud. iik.ui 1'ai tn, carvLd bj hail d, lu ttu bt-st utauuvr CIIILDKEN'.S BOOKS. Fnx.'lih and Amerloan Juvenile, ln ludlna alt tl.e n' 0!H i IHJ iaifcCOt UadjllUltlit tiil C hA9 jet UMwIlU 1 our jtrt in. Home of the aborKoodi nro limited In ipiintitici. We would adviae earl? purrhast'i to n-attre them. WeoittT, aim), a imall lot of beautifully made l.EATIIKK I HMS1 and bracket, warranted Btr-Jiig and durahlo. lHte j are utueUdijtf dotvI aud liaiiisciuC, m.idc by a sotdlvr n lii ASH MEAD &. EVANS, (IiA.ARDS OLD BTA VD), No. 721 CI1ESNUT STREET, It U Ot DEI.OW KhlllTn. L 15 U M fi . LATENT HINOK-HACK AL.liUMS, Warranted to b superior to any sUiars aviado. a imz ABHOKTucrr or tui LATEST BTYLEP, IT TE1T WW FKICIW, At F. Y II K ' H , u lii-H 9o-1 kiciutu aur. ) O O K S! Tl O O K R ! ! BOOKS!!! Th ftttfiHon f th pahMe Ir i1tTl! in fh flnt i-m.rtmvut v ntw ioj,u.Ar IiooKi an hand n4 Tor rAi bj CIIAItlIiH I13HIIViail. ins riiMNur nut!. A Inrrr anri wtll !. lnr of kaa.l-omlT brntart uii flni. r..,... ol all ll.a lUniJartl of U.a Jaj, tlatlttntcl ?MM I'.'i'lttv.l TIIK Af-F"AriltK nor.iPAva. Al.o.a taiiMY of ,luv. n,l... T..I . ll....ks. ls...s. I'lioM tr,li., an.l hcrap An.uros, Dianai, Uitnai. I'mt.r lK"k, Ac. , , .. AisiM.iK.n liaiiil, Hirer teU of Uir P..rolirl1ilnt.f llama, "TOE EAOE OOCTESE." 'I'lie i i li prls In the r.mntrv not In private hand,. I'llll K t.'!.. ItriMly .,n th K.lh Inatanl, a ) Heel nla't- Ma. e' llm Niateel V irdlnla. tintn)( I ha oil. 111. .it Vs. new rli..,.H, Ao. Ao. Kent ! ui inni. I'rli. l inyl enn. 'ii ,viiii-w it:hiivi:ii. 2 p, No. tf?' I'llKSNl'T direct. . J. i.. ;ino.v ni Mm lo rail H (nbl'i. at'mt', n rr'A nUrly to a AMI I'll Alt Ml NO I I'ATl'ltil I'll ) I OUK Wll , lntl- luttodui'd I'J' tilmteir. CilUON'S DOUTilE-FACLtl CAUTKS Arf plrt iirrt nMn P1l:li'n Inmflrr novHij-. rnm'n ti .r- uii rm U an anj o;b i tirnf mad . Tip can bi I'tulJ.tti ol.ij at G IH 0 N'S rilOTOGKAriHC Oil. GAIXKUIKH. No. lo;M CIII:HNUT bTUKKT. A1! rrion in ii n. art itiTln-d alt aD'I fxamlnft iicd- 12 l.t t"t Ihe M ill II'IHONH "f JIltEWF.R i TILi;Sl'0N, conbiktlnii of Wlill'T.siTI'll I.II-TIONMiY, wi.ii I si i h.h s, Hii.makii n miiU.Hs, Lh:tit A .SWANS AliirilMETIl'.Ao. A., Hill l.enal.or In- mrl'lli'il lo Hif Iradi- l.j c;ji a it ii '.t- iiHii-ic:ii, ) H H.. vm CIIK-tNt'T Hlrrot. DRIKHNTATION HOOKS OF A J VAM'AM.K f'llAHAI'VKIt. ArpVtori'll Ni iv Ann rlc.ll I ! jclop.i .11,. ',,.l.:u!ia cf ult.iLirdal aii'l IlualncsB Ar,ccJitu, 1 troll. r. l . tllon llc '.r.l. 11." rri:V VmtP, V.shiiiLlon Irtitps vt orki liLe altk'tlB. Cooptr n Novi-ls Illustrate.! . .ilrkelm Vt (.rat llni.trnU-U. limn r. fi t I'ltlit'd Hlal. a Wi tli .1. ' IH-n.l J of ll-e IJnmn. lli m, Ir. m Ittf Im-M Ido'f (.,r.-rv, I.I) his ami M,a.lov ol N. w I'l.'lnrr dalleiir'. Man In 1 1 is lot ill I ran.u, A(ti oi J.VUH. Alt'. Vitv.Tl) Nov.'ls IlliistrilliU. fS.lii,s-nn-,H Works. I'l. sco.l . HorKs. Ha. aul Tnvlor Works. Ilmni s Wi ri,s. 1 ,iri Hiu oi, WorV, flni. ctlltlon. lla.lmu'a Worts- nv,,h. AtJAMK-lK "fMONs" n.s.V n-om. No. liil M HIXTII Hlrrel, si-roiul s orv. ' B.-A libcial (hscoiint mailt- uuitll ourt h.i-itii. 14 l." l(t PIX'lAIi NOTICE. UliNIlV ATKINHON. No. I.-O ClIKriNlir bTltl-fciT, (lll.LOW HEVESTn.) llua the TJoit ARHortraunt of Oentlciafn's Furnishing Goods In ll.r City, for Christmas Prearnti, ' h i BCAKr, JiKCK-TlES, C.LOVKH, HOSIKKV, RHIRTH, DHAWKItS, HUHrKNKEHS. Ac. l.'-l.',-t u 11LOUU Hii Oniinra and soldiers TlalttiiKlhe cltyon IVirlonchs, nsndlng KW0KH8 AM) 0T11KK Mll.l TAKV KlJUir HENTH, Aro Invited to the emcnilve MAMTACTUKINU E VI' AB1.1HII MBST GE0EG1S W. BIM0N3 & BROTHER, HANSOM S'lKKKl' 1IAI.I., 8A.NS0M KTUl Jtl'. A110VE PIXTO. rHKSKNTATK).' SWORDS Mnd io order al lliiliii ter-t nnllcr, wlilrli fur rlrhtl.and n.a. nlttr'iiie rh.llen. ro n.o. iiion. ii 1 nlli.-r H'.ii". In lli.' rf.iiinrv.! IK H AJU'Kac I UHI Ml JK .Vtl.Klt WITH TuE rUACTU AL MWOKU-MAKKIt. 1-6 JOlO?-' M. JillNfrt'i'JKlIV, (STOCK JJKOKfcilt, No. 7 FfVTlQUIIAR IIUII.DINO, 11 SH-nm WALNl'TSTItEKT, UKl.OWTiJllll), 1-. ITTIBI! AKI RKIMNQ STOCK R ON (XMIMLISI'ia. G O X. GOLD. aULUi SILVKK AND BA.NK NOTES WANTKL). DE HAVEN St BE0TIIE3, anl -If Vs. 4 B. THIRD BTRKB JJAll IM:!?, DUKNluV fe CO., BANKERS, ETOCZ AHD EXCHANGE BROKESS, Ho. lb 8 lUllil) 8TKKKT, rtlUtdolonla. fltocks and Tiam boiiuht and sold on Oomtnlmiion. TJn- current Hark uus. Coin. Ate , bouitlit and sold. Hperlal attrnllon paid to tlio puri-haao and sale of Oil Blocks, Jiepoklls rccctvod, and Inurost ailoa-od, as per iwroa- ment. 11-1 j -ilia S" TOCKH AND HKCUIUTIEH BOirOUT AND BOLD ON O O M RI I S H I O N , DE HAVEN & BROTHER, 18 Ko. KO M. THIItl) H TU ET. s M1T1I Jtr. HAN ODIl'lf . No. 16 S. THIRD STREET, UANK KKH AND UUOKKIIS. Bptcle. Stock ,Wt ut. rmaters' Vourhor. and Chocks, sno all tloTertinent Hccurltlet llotitil and Sold, mbi QXA.XtlCeOIV CO., JiANKlOIiH, No. 121 S. THIRD STREUT, riULAI'tLl'IIIA. OoTornment Be.: irities of alllmue, ra.ftai. d w I (or Bale. bu.ckt, buLda, aud Uotd Itoua'lit and bold ou Ciul miaaloD. 1MKEEST ALLOWED OM JIEPOSITS. Collectlolu Promptly tJds. W-t QfiriCOU X'-Olt Tllli HAI.H OF NATIONAL LOANS, No. 114 S. THIRD bTEEET, pniLaLIKU'lUA. JN 1-3 V UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. TKa lubicrtbar. barlnf boaa tti saoo,rul Blddr far a ocKa U HEW -W ITX PKK CKMT. OOLD BKAIUMU LOAM, ai prsparea looil.r H oo taToraoia tanua to Ibalr aaatomere.lB larg or smaB aoaoaota. La Bune-a of awuaHualioiu t Una, UOs. ao4 ksXIs, koih ntrtstarad ana soupou. Th lull rait oomair.ol oa th Irt f lorsaitoar asxl and Is nayabJ la M. Mml-anaaally, oa lu 1st at Ma sad vubr. AS oltar UTmct a fcaa4 aad fcrsala, aul lukHiaatioa ir oaMwalaf taiMtucaM. at aur offlaa. JAY OOOKK t OO; So. 114 I. TUIBO RTatKkTff, u it rotM. JAOOHM, BANKER, No. 40 H. TII1IIL) HT11KIST. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. STOCK AND HrECIK DOI'IIHT AIID BltO OH COMXTRHIOW. 1l-3it Ira :v iaiv. wuw itA.rv. U. S. . 10-10". JAV COOKQ CO., CITKR TOR BAI.I! TUB NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BF.AItlNfl FIVK I'EH CKNT. INTFJt KftT IK C'OIM, rcilri mable any liuv after TlsM V I'.AIH, at the plcanure of the OoTrumDl, and payable l OIiTT V KAltrJ a.'bf HUTII COITOK AND ItKUISTKKF,I BON ara Irititid ti t this Loan, ff iaia denom nutlon aa tb Tho lntcrft on fx na fiODt paatla yearly; on all thrrd- aomlaatlnni, half yearly. Tn 10 V) boml mre tfaiMl March 1, In64. Tho yrarly Uiwraat lailtn lu HiptmlHI and March 1 of oachyear; itUl 1st Moi.twu br, ilia acorui d lnttreat from Ut of March i ro-iutrod U b paid by punJiajf-n In 0"in or In mi;al cuRitacT, aUl biw Ally p cent for irumluin, until furl bar notlra. ALL OTIIKU UOVJ-JiNJalCNT hLCUhUribd ItUt'UllT ANli b01.U. JAY 000KE & 00., Bifc?r-t S. Ill 8. TIIIKII HI UK IT. 850,000. S50,000. STATE OF DELAWARE SIX l'EK CKNT. COUPON JiONDS T!i ondcrhlnrd are now prfrarrd to fnrnhh tht aMi Donds In lot to mil purdiuen. Ktch bvnd u of dmou. ration of ONH THOtiSANU DOIJiAKS, The f'orpon, jia.vaMi-en tlie rt day of January an.l July, at I'lilladc nliln National Bank, ri.llad.'tiilila. Tha l'.nndi aro ilatril Jmiuury 1, anil aro Irco of Btato lax Th whnl iiioiint autliorl.i il In ono million di'.lars. of vhlrh a lari-c irfirilcn lias bei-n .Usrs."l of. Tlia hlale ofllrlawar.' In-log frre fr.nn (let.t, Willi tho ox.' of this loan, make, Ihe iLvobtinent ono ol lLa lafict and mo.-t it. Birablc ,ccui ltlua now ohiaiuub.e. lilUUEBS, JOHN McLIAS & SON, rso. 117 sia.iikx:t st. 12 16 Ct WILMIN'ITON, I.ELAWABI5. GAUQEE AHD COOPER, No. Q05 B. Wol'ir Etrftot, bclo-w Walinit, rillLADBLl-IIIA. Imltallon rirnndyand WlnoOnaka, nnd all Kinds of work made of old and new itulT, always on baud or mud to order. narand In hocahi'tils for shipping. All klndi of trimmliiKa punctually attended lo. ll-'9 BEDDING WAREHOUS At No. 15 N. ELEVENTH STREET, E, 11-2RU FtlILADKtJ'IIIt. JlJMUNli A. bOUllUKACU. AND SHIT AND STEAMBOAT AOENTTS DOCK 8THKET VVIIAHK. PUlLADtLl'lUA BPMrim A. aorTtaa, J am lilh.l l r.bTiy. ? BlaTUaN T. SnUUSK. 1 1a4-tf 1LLC0X & Sewing No. 715 OEESNUT iIBBS' ! Machines. ! St.. Philada. HIGHEST PREMIUM 1 .,1 a--.. . .r a hi W I N O M A O 11 I N Vi b. 4-e Nn. I'M IJUKHNUT Hcr.,..t. QOAJ OIL, ash utiiku. irm;t'urJi.. i,..-ii tar be unr-plted at lnwpiit ea Ptleea with IJuhllt H'A'I KH UK M Hl'K, IUMI K llil.iK-t, srui'k i. Kin. Kit a. IMMH1.KII HOOKS, An. Ai. A. A full a-enr'ment of ,aiuile, n lian.l l r .urali . . i w mUciirom. Kiiiii.lovui luuinw.dui'Mt.Uditu.noi J.orX W, ll, I LX&X, ilaunluoturuig htatioiu r, U'.O-Cw B.W.oiier rOLKTII and ItVCK . ' OTK .K IS IlKHKliY (JIVKX TO TUK siwii- r ol pr ini't'n hr-lnfU'r di'M-nhfil, i'.h: w nta fi-fi-iiii tijitiii li e f.i Luwitikt C'a iio f"r l'.i. in. aihl.t hind j.ieiui-t's). ill t,tj ibMo-.l atir iU fiitiu itciu tliif 1 .it-, nu ma t.iut c a. oi' r- nl, l.LWIH C. . A.!M1U , Aiit-rifv lor t'lintnant, No H. M I II r-ct. Tit'' to UK! Ot V. lllIC! )PV VI. AI Ilf W McN fly. o'Haf, AO. i . tiHt' I or ill, ; n. 'J I.Jl una I. aiuio ma Ml tl iTll Cllf-t fillf Of AliJ, rttl Hr-Ot, VO (( tMxlttn itt of ii 1. 1 r Hinei, Mi e'tjohilt anl, c-nt iiiitio; i ivi fi int, ul.U .j' tie Ul AlllO-r Nt KM-t. ( Irtiiu flU'.'!' foi inv niLf. hitti.e m. hniiu. (.. I' .tuiiu ri-rin, l.ii i; No, :,. ljt I mi ihut' it oi v drft-k dwi Uinii on n uth w.hi tl in m' a lhII tilH M, aol lixri'iuivt nUl.' ol Imii".i.. utitut, Ji'ivjt I roii t, 'jo ut'L t s.-)'. ( in) in f t t' ' tir f vine. hdini' a Mini'. '. I. J i: in- 'I'vr in, I ; No 4. 1 )'. i'.nd i hi i1 1 1 r l.rii'k tlw'Ml iu on ri'iiiihi'ast h.ila ai 'rt t itrJ w-t nhlf c( AtiUitl hiiict, VoiL'tl u.u ; ti t ' . ft in t l.r. H', tor i-awou. pr.ii;i- v. Joliii T. J .i.i, f. P. Mc - ijiiibftr Trim, i-h..; N. TiH. Lot uf rr-uiol tuid liri. X i U Un, 'U.ate on noi 'li. a -rl v C"iri r of Oini tl ii"iu! and Moi t in n't t. rw.lici'iiili W. Til, lrt fi-ot o.i (jirurd ...;uuo, s.' ti el dot p. t Utui y i 1' , tot ln. haii. I- v name. (j. si ti-intor Term, lMl; N. 4. I. i c l nr waUi nrrtliHCit nulo of tilrunt anne, bLlni liiK at lul ft-ut mMiiliwt t from N"rrii tti"'t, I-U titeeiiih W'm J, th nre norii.wfst (lacullt 1 wall M ut iu nLrxt, t,o lt'tl 11 iM'dctj lu a iKillit, Uuili' i foot 6li li.i Iiuk to a point, ttii'tiru nnNlifrti 40 fct-t 7i Invliu to iSorni btrct t, tlu'i.n- Ktitiiloru-it almiK N"nin htrvist ') foul tn Olrtrit ainui. lli en re ioulh wi'turly alotiu ( avti lii. c K'l fwt I to place ot' bOs'iunilJ. Claim ')-; ' l r pa ilia:. li)-ii-inl.t DUrAKTMtNT OF PUHLIC lilOHW'AYS, Utlice,S. W.cormT WALNUT and HI Til Mtio-tii. Pmumoki i'Hia. neet u.txjr 1J. lil. VOTICK in l,MN I KaCIOHS. HfaleJ Piot oaa III Lo recalvi-a at the nffii-e of tha 1 I'l.ti i t'oiiiniiiiiloiiar or liu nwavs until d o clock I . Al., I ud Monday, luih lnt. ; for tlit coiutruction of a Howroii inn ute 'i hiiututo iinet, noiinwatu irom waiia-u fetrtfct, to North itraut, til bo ot uriak, cirt uUr In Itiim, HkD a niuntt ur. msinc, oi i i-ji ix inrnaa. r.ioie win be an taiwtof cant Iron, at the nurthweit cornur oi Hx tariith and Mortli itrta'a, ami ooe man hole; tha entire ii'i'KUi to Be abont 'JJ0 fett. The u naer tan diiiK to I that th ' 'ontrwetor ahall take billa pieparad aiianiai the pro p:rty froiidiiK ni said 4wr, to the amount of laruntv fH e teutK for rarh lloeul foot ot front on eai-b iltla of trie, In parniiMll tt arafur. All H.uVeri are lnvitj tu he pn i) nt at th time and piafeor opablBktiheiatil propoNtU. Kaeli proea) will lie acooui panted hy a carttHaaie that a Hondnaitaen filed In the Law Iepai tment. mi direct ml byOrdinaaieef MayW. If the lowest bidder shall tiot e&fcute aooniraet witmo nve aavi auer the work la award d he wilt ba dotted aa darllmnr. and will be IiaIJ liable en hli boud for the ditfairtv bat wean hli btd aod ll.a nsxt blither bid. Hpwlncaiimi may be had at the 1'cparlmaot of 8urreya, whicb will he KtrlftlT adhnrad to, W. W. HHKILr,V. 1119 mwaM Chief CotoaaleUa.'r tf HUwai. IN-KE-NO-NK-AW 1WIHAN SalOKIMO TOBA0CO1 l uia world -rauowuad Tobucoo la mauufauire4 from the KINiCHT LEAF, 4s4 eeineattr ioonimenda Ulf to all Oeotlemea f Laaurtoua Taale. m flold Wbotefftle antl retaU at " wtUXi fOCULAItriflAV stobs, o.U I'lllCilH'T totrtiet, HV4-te YwaU Mat tteafi AN OllDINANCK To mk as Anpr prtaun tn USD Tpirtmrt of lllirhw ayp. hrldr, Hi wort, aii ('(tanning tho lliy, to pay ftrflclotiC'ra Mr th yara Im) and CrtWii 1 1 ha felet and Unamon On aril of th City of rtuiadelphta do nrrtaln. 1 hat tlio mm of aixtpnu tbtin Mnrt r hi hutdrrd ami forty-vin do Un and two cou ,t47 09 b and tN nam Ii hrrfhr appropriated tn tlio j parimtot of llbhitnyii. etc., in pay uc(lcbcy bul fur Ui ! IW 'J and IMmI, at foPova: IitB. 1. To VUtdf-r A O ltnrkG, lor rortt Barf'T ftrt calTrrt, onf htituln d doltarn. Html Tn Tatrtrk M f.ntP. for liftdllng lton,lixty two dollar a and farty-niua nta. In ni.t ijdarl Ph. kicy. for rpalrlnf rntvrt on Olrard avnti. abM Ah utieat, Intl. Huh'' ami. Ward, l& hnnitrM ami tlft?-'! d'jllnrt nnd rlfhty riilt. Item 4. In J T 'VoHn A i;n., lor (lilliiff In dirt on fprma atnt, ltrn r orfcy-itouud aixi Aurty third iirtfln, Mii'ty -lx dollitrn. Iu in ft. Tn .r M., fortiflrntlnn", rmt hundred and r 'a' t H bt dn'lfirn am! viny tita rcnta It-in ft. To (teorire t.rahain, fnr pavinft lntriiri.n, 1 bin a cend and Pviin 1 ania avenui', tw hundn d and ii I mi j' - two : nil nr ft anil thirty two wnti. Id m 7 To Jiinipn Hiirr, for pavin? lu'i-rirtlnn of York ai d lierh i.trftt. oik nnd hirlnnoa4 itrtf la, etc., lUty clj iit doiJart and fo-tj -acn at tit h. ItttnM. 'lo '1 hoiniiB 1 iillf.v, itn labor, tlirco tiutlnm and (If. Utt'tB- It in f. To William .Tarvld, for blaclnmlth work, four to in I1 m d n Mty tht vt ma. litni lo. Iu 8 L. Hiiiiiiy, for furnl'Mnif curb utakn, tr . oi.i- hnt.tirtd and uifclij tiKbt iloUara ant Iort ha n ntn. It. mil. To A . Tonne, for prnd nvu'atloiii, two bun l: il ii.l f t -I. nr tt I ark and urw tfn'i. Itrrn I J T ilatnn t trth. lor b iicknimlh wirk, etc , two I i.r i'ri m d h liu r'x dllit and fl i ! r n iftitii. IU in I l, 'I o Kol t W ar l, lor blat kblinth work, ftc , nix dol tp nt d ' !.f v fl o i en to. It in 14. 1" .iriti.m I' l'al". for (tradf rtirnhi'ions, nn.iv fl ' d- I nnd U Tt r ik I ' r.t ni I . lo K.i-1 V MfX. lor AimrbiKC, twenty Ibrt-c lioj nrf an''. i t v tw m n niB. In in it'.. 'luM tininili K-fr blf kmulth work, tiinc'y H i n ilollnts at 0 tvknt M i'ii (fill. Ii-in 17. 'In titnfn- (.rnt.jiiii, lor (:raTt.'l, irinty two rV'inr nnd n't tivriini. I i in In. iiiNiiilauliHili, bir jrrafl, iilnt'ty-tnur do Ihi t. Ih in I 'i. To J.ibn.n A Millt-r, for liullr k st' ii. ien (bi ui tin! i ;,'t t rnttt. Iu in .o. T a. -lobHiin, for pick, t'Vf. ate, Iwi n.y- I ( lb )l:r ui.U T 1 1 ci Mi, ,i lt in 1 . 1 o iHiani I- u H. fr blai kn.itti work, i leven (Ifdlar aiitl Hr ni two rt ntt . In in VJ. l o liioiiiiiH H.tifv. for vradt racnlatlMtin, one 1. u i. no and li f .-'l.trH ai d 'lity tuin t t'iit. Ii. in '.' i. 'I ii S I'iiM", l r i.i aw 1, one hundred and liti di l ai nt d Revt-tity IUf ( nin. It. in :l. 1.) Ht n-'i. .v 8' m. iT ida. kMuith work, trnt- Hll III ll IS M ll r- I VI ) llMHl ni". (imVi 'I o .1 I'l-tv, t-.r tiUtkmillh work, nlntty-nlx dfimr and loriy nt' t n ct i ti. -1 1 em k 'i 1 o Abm r Juli, lor Kravel.ouu liundrrd dol. rti ltnii?7 To T . MrN'rhol, fr rri'avloir Inf.-rip. lion rf C una nt oh n tonil an) i uatnot tl utreet, atiil oLIivr utretta, t inlit -fix io lUr ami twetitj -one c iitf. Iti in . Iil. it'i vv, lor i in un work, in tym tiou.ird atxl rt'llty-lx eel i A. In tn:' JoNnthau Iuili,fur Krvl. nve Hollars ami tv f ntj fl. e nt?. In in.'yi. To 1 1 'una li"ii T.ror trwv r-'rum'-iore, on In iiiln l .md f nrtem i and jo v. n. et ta. It m ol. lo W i 1 1 -i ,v liuv, lor Itii kh, flxtceit in- t re in ni W. lo v llMnm scuTiflri.roo, f-T Haul it el-Tip, tti i r ' -n von fiolNrai nnd fi f i v roiitn. Iiuii:i io,!. 'iw :an. t"i- rumiueie and nlici ltuirrowi, i- tun nn 1 iiml lorty nv- i-iarn. nin.ll. '1 o ,' ii mil A- Miller, rapAvlriu Intrrsf.'tlon of )IpiiMk rii'I Tm ! r, at id Memp'iln ami Oii.iheiiuiid Mr - a. 1 1 11-4-ti i ti ruiium huh mm-1 etii". Item lop. M'1 irl.ol, n j i liiat i n rant niilo -f IH-nui dlrM i, m tiih ot tilinra aM'ntio, tweuty iiiiio a-iliim una tlfcl t cit.t i -t-nts. Ilrill . l. 'iu I) MrMi hol, v,r liaullllK piivitlk Ito10, t ho cl ? ii rt aiiil lift r nm. Hem 'Ji. To Urorie, for irtm-l, twelve dot- lam. In in I'1. To wiiiitim Mcuieiuiy, lor tinuuni.' paving If m- A t, TilnelT-to tlo ia'' anil niny-tHo t-.-iil. I torn I o Jolin N in. nt. lor cinnti work, twenty -seven dolluri- and ' lnn li e efnm. inm -in in M. t nniiii.jnnm. tor rppavinir ini'T-rc- tlojitt.tKo Jiuiitlrtd and twuntj-two dollar mid eighty thu f ceiiti. 1 1 in ll. To m t'lmnii'giiniri, tor rcjiavimr tvo-m nntoor H;n v sireei, lietwi-i'ii Kroi.l ant iSceund riiii-cth, lidei 0 dii- lurN nnd oity-on'' rcnii ti in t'at. I o i-.u vvai 1 it in-h lev, tor iiirnnnmy unn noniTV rurtf-t' tie (oi market lot 00 t lirnrd avioiut', Uirev hundred and te?ily-ctie du'lar" and tlnnv rent-. lii in 4 .. lo KihvHid itiK'klay. tor fiiniiHtilt'K nil ittlnK 111b nil ru tt.e hndke aliuiniert at Arrimmwo ranal, une In l.ilrt d ai d twem -. nr d-om r itml inlv i entn lii-m -If. Jo LdH.iid Cm-hlev, fur HttL;sLoho in A''trnil ml L.-iwori Aintii r ktrtit uud Tn titoti av nue, thirty - fi f tlol'iv r and ten 0 nf 1 cm 1.1 Tti tl. A J. I'l-nan tor trnrnway tune mm in Mon'eiev s!r ft, irom Nmeteinth lo I'wcnttfth ftrieta, pioit'k' l'nti ihecilone, Ac, two hundred und torty-t'Ljht doIlaiH. I cm 4fi. To Joseph ('ollliifl, for tlufc'fdone, lift ecu dollar and lorty tei tn. I it'in -.7 To.teRne.M'hndon, rr liaytouc, ntty-ttiroo dol lar's and mtv-nitie ecntn. linn i 'in wi iiiun AiinniR. tor riiiier itonu ou urc en lam and 1W ki r M teet. t Ini ty-U.rt e d diuri. Meui in t c int er .v t o.. tr rrommr Kioiie. tnree Hun dred Htitl twenty kix dollars ami t.tir contt. Hem o. to 1 ointiiT m to 1 lor cros-ina; ana Kiiuer tone, nlx huiidnd u -d ninety -one dollar and hi vi uly Hem M . To .foot lift Uomiy, tor fionc in--iiiJrco, tl rec lit.mJicd and lortj-ocven doiura and tiny liein To Michael wartrnmi, lor iiuriy cantoans 01 f rai ic ft ti l 11 tlinl.irH. rm .1. lo.ietio liver, for stnituwom. scvea (loiiarn ami lui.nli-aiv m-iiIh. Iuiili4. toj.iei'ii v. nerr. ior iinuu woik, bevenieeu doliafH hiid nil-tlvo ceiitn. i oin.'h. To oxoi titoiH ol naniei jtUMnney, ncrnanpn for tlaitiionu and i-ut'lim the same ca Day b lauu, tlnrty- twi. its.iNirN iti ul s.eveiit v-tl vr eetits. Item iiti. '1 o Liceii Ai luvuiey, tor mim won, six iionura m il I'iL'Inv-M'vt'ti cenlB. Iti Tii f7 10 t. 1 nzeiiutTk. lor one an, nannies, aim limi'lt. il,iri dollan. Iu in i. To U. boon, for BUdib work, one dollar ana mrty ailith. lum to executor- 01 i au Hinncy, ucccwe i, lor (lukhii ne. i.vtv-lnt di. i. uta und liuv (.unt. lidiiiiii lolliristopiit-r ltue , lor bintlli work, one Uol- lr iint) Mfi M vdi c nt. 1 1; in til. To li beit r.ittiunn a Hon, tor piKosanu naun two i'td iiis and li;y ax ei-nn HeiuiiV J o Widiiim tail, tor imiiu wont, iixty-two dol- Inre unit tWf lltV otititlltN. Item (;i. 1 o (jiiari.n J jiK-i, tor, sinim went, two aoiiara fine It'll ei lit1. Itemtil. To wuiluin I5ockitiri,iorone keg 01 hpikcn, six (.,. lo.ieie liver, tor mmtii wont, iwcivo noi un m il tuiv-two eriilN Inmtiii- loJoeih v, ror Hi'W ana 11.11111111; tno nm v on Uu s lane, tilty one tloliar and kcveiily-Ilvu ti ihb. t iiiti;. To Kxccn'orfi of Panlfl McKinnc, ilccc" I, for f'aihii ne inn I-ht d oil Cuoti lahe, itility-neven Uliais and nut ttiitrt . Hem tJ-s 1 0.1 nn m. r tuner, ior turn ware, e.cvcn uo:- r. inn 1 leen eeNl. l.tftn t.!t. To lliih Mathers, for amitli work, thirty-live di 1 ark ittd tl.xiv twnri-nn, I em 7i lo Joiintiidt a in r. or stone, etc., one hundred ami luMy 01 1' doliurt and tuiif t tx -en. Item tl. in f.MClnnn 01 naniui meiAinuey, ficeeninii. for lini-Mniie in Duy lane, (it-rinantuwn, lor if elht dol lar ami el. hi -seven etnas. Item li. To fcxeuiltors ol j an lot Mc Kinney , Oeeeated, fo Taj Hiolie on tr en and .lo'iinein Ktn eia, Oii'tiiiutowil, lmtv un tlo a s anil si vt l tv-live cuma. tttm mI. To Kno h t.rav, tr lumtier, twenty-four dol lars and ineiiiy-Kix cenlK. heniV4. T-t h'tiifH it ivt-r, tor spikon,fcnovci8,and ti 1 h if iv- tu o dotiai k nut) ninety eents. Itf in 76 Tut h alien Wilt, lor umlth-work, four dollars &j d t hl.iy t ents l em ii. 'lo Jonathan White, for smith work, twenty lliiee domirn ami 1 rty-i lue c n a. It m 77. To (ifor,e V l.tjeeh, for amlth-woik, tw)nty. m x 00 ; r. at'i! t 1111 v 11. c ni. Item To I 1.11 ent'erv. tor piekit, shovels, etc., Ort j- oi dt. iur ani nxty-i m- t erns. I ftu '.:. To llioiurtt tfiiBmr, for smltu wark, euvot) tl ..lar. .Uid er eeilltt ItimH), To Fxieiitiirs of I'ttn'el M"KlnneT, deceiiie !. lor ihu'hiono deliv. red tn 1 ii en treet and Wain 11 lane, '1 t ntj -bt cond Ward, tnc'iity-two dollars una Iluy ten . Iti 111 Si. To Vxtcntnreof Itaitel MeK'niiey, d fnied, fur fuvetlntr Ktoi.e oen eicu in om tane.ui ieniy- n. . una Ward, thirty tivo tiollars and iyhty-iuur taen . .1 m fc?. To Kdward Huekley, fnr frTadla' nn the hr'tlKQ ahinn iit, on 1 .liard aenuf, irom Ash t. Morrit etiouis, ont-1, in- in d ar Hum one diian and iiitv e-nra . Teii. hi. To I'l'ier K nil: Ii a to,, lor ktad njf I.ehf.'h eiiue and itieas, oiie huiuUtd and six aol in. Item hi To lfaH A i'lhs, for lumher, i tr,, twenty sik tin iwr- and inn-1 - t.e tM-n'e IiitnkA I'u.l.rt K. Th-mms, forlunihtr, rte., elhtv ,MS.iliirr and tti it tv-tii it-ntai. ren.Ki To .lifoli 1 tor painting IVv, th r Mil! rod hr-1'i.e, low Imiti loldne, a d Krou trt'0t tu .dmi, ninely- U 1 if d 1 nrij and sixiv two cents 1 ; 1 u sr. io u. 1 ol ard, tor lain r on Kulli brid tluru - throe t'onnrs 11 oil evtIlTv live e'ii 1 em ?-H 'I o ij. rt e Me I r.tnr lime tin no-lied liri.ljr 011 Sim linl hlKtl lilf'V till" e il'ilNtta ail 1 S' l V till 1 U 'I " .lutnt h I 'in null, for ItlAlKU Wo.k oil blI K'0 ai l.t ;i 11 fin-et.tnt' d Mum. llrm !'i. To '(er!en li.Mird fi.r tm I'allawl, tbii I V three i:i.'iure Hot sev- ut - liv t t ntn I tiu!'l. 10 Jmi.tR K. lulu, i t o., tor lumht-r, ttc hlxiv nine ih 1 .11 f .md sv 1 11 t t u'.. l i ni 'ly 1. l..t.enLi.iy fur pikei4, twelve il dltr and fill. lili'S. lit in ! i. To it.' Kemt'e, fr toes,oil, etc., (wenty ont i If-1 1 1 1 i.ii-l htvtiiteei errt. It. 111 1. I o W t. Mm 'Me, lor bpiki'S, l;ails, eic.tifiy nrfoMars nnd fl t t tf. Iisiii!i. to Jiint-H W ut.eiifO'1 er, for coat ci I uied f.lrti tl avenne blithe, tutlc dl-.trj and scnity ttx 11 i.t. Id in '11:. To .Ic-i 1 1. I' WI, ht-i an i 1 11 11 tn; 1. 1 h, on M .li'O n HsUi one hu. tl. Ill's HI ll IH Cl:t l.H I t 114 "f re; airing I r i 1 ,drid uJ hixiy.. iui,i!'7 To'.ft r o' ! r, hr huiiiiiiif bruise on I alii rt'bd. I ll e vi me con r. I tm : "i o l.ii"t ii t ra; , t'ir utLcr, tweii'y-tiliie del ias atiti twenty i"'ii. lleuil!. To DK-ien J:hoaiU, for li'iubt r, eklittcti tl I- l..ih fiid : ni w. Ih m no. lo tua- l.oaicr, for I'iiIUIhil' Uridine w.ilN, f-r hi ttl.e t'li Tii-va K.n 1 1, hint uniteiml ..r tlu suuii', two huiitlrt u anu mriy inn e uouars una nny cents. Ju-ui l''K To liura .V Ti.orn, tor rupuirin,- I'uwdor Mill l.ant -hrtdjfe. ten d'dlam and uiueiy-nlx i t-nti liem lo.', To (Iioilu Kiairi. k, for niaKini: trunk Mct-tuwn I line, Nttuti'i ntii and I'loa kiiu, ts, I.ok II -iiio Lime, H 1 1 Lane, Vuiu street hi'Lio, one hundred ih'.uisiihd ts lit v-fl v ceiitH, Itiml'S. T'i Sainiitd MvyarMce, fur luuther, alxty-thrco d"i urn hu 1 ' wen e ci nts item 1 L '1 o iiohu N.'Wtler, for luruhtr, ete.,onuhiiadrei and Imt -ore dt lata ul 111 tv celt's. liem luo. To Janu-j it. Miller, ior gravel , tweuty d.llats Item I'-. To James M. 1UU, for spikes, lire dollars. Iti m 1(.7. To Joseph P. Wir'iltnan, fr bulldlnu brnk-a on Kisiii' Min Lain;, cue hundred and ninety dollars aud nineiv mecetiis. IteLiliH io K. Polbrd. for labor on I' ft lis liride, iLi tv-uiree iioimrs ami sexentv live Item 10'. To lind A Hrtinr.ei,ftir hardware, seventy- nve tudiars unu t .iriy-two cents. b lu m 11". T Joint CofT'te, lor watching brlda nt iu-lawaro avenue, tilnvty-one d'diars ana hliy c mt 1, Item 111. To Frederick ioutemer, Inr coil aud other ai tu-It s. hlxtiH-n i.oilni n and Lhlriten cents. Himll'if loCuhinstt Uobii, tor lumber, one hundred and lour ito.iarB nud ei.ntceu es'nl Item 1 I t lo v. It. ti -lutiii'ld, for f. nc.iiK Ilaydo k itreet alum; tlie line uf l'ohut.k9iiili cic'ck, torty-acvoo uiiir at d tmr y oi ee ' liem II. Tu Haves A fcllis, for lumber, ont hundred and aiKlv -four di lUra and ditv nvac'iils. Item Ho To lirujsiuln nupplue, fjr stout) fnrulihed for ui true on hei shaw avenue nine doilais. l eiu 110. lo famuel Itell, for ctfanmi and nsiairinjf snudry hdtta, one bundled and Unity -one dollars and siKiv-two cents. It in 117. To rVillHtm (Irundloek, for robuildma' Inlets nrd brauch CHleita,twuauudttd aud torty-iliroe aului:s sum nu ey oei.u lion HH.To William frunriliok. Ibr reoalrlniT sorer a eulverU, mo., two liuudrsd aud tulrty-ulua dollars aud twain v.ii s flKllll. Item lli). To Ktlwsrd Itnckley, for repalrlnf culvert at Oiraid avenue aud arammao eaual, eue hunttxeii and lv t.lj aan, aiist tflU uttliLk. ItiQi lw. To Jonathan Thomas, ft repairing culvert at eeiuor ol ibitd ajidcaliowlua siraeU. UUil aoinaxatMiti 1 y t-auU. lli tn V. I. Tf r-imnei l n, f..f rr-psiritiK sundry vHverl lh v-tf doPar ane flitr aur rent. lit tn J.'af. T" I .ester t ml, 'of repatrtnir rtth-rt o Itterf lit tue road, f rty one dillai anl aevent lure rei ts. Ittml-t To ammH'eK. 'or r'pi'r'Ti' rrrrnfc tn tundT re .rtf,etc, ore tiuLdnd ami thirty nine iMiai-i au sentv t e rent". l'm r.'4. In.ssmnel Well, frr repairing snn4ry etii7f.r ett , ut e hundied and rlihly-inie sauars and Oft two rem s. iKmlV-r. To William (Irnntrtrrlt, for repalrlnn snndr tnlTens, two bundled and tn d.ilars aud ninetj tveii cpt a. I em t.6. To DatiM lleMn. f.rreralrlnp enTvarta, Klnr ttenthaid Moore streets, antl H nter bt Ivw Arch itrej lty one (lntinrn end thlrt fire eents Ii in 17. Ta Hainnel II. Oolilnt. for hul dint Culvert an fund Mt n.aietial. on Arn at itreet, (ieraiantown, thre hnnored and ohe doihirs ai d ntty centa. Pern To s. I.vans, for lumber, twelve dcllari An Ixiy sevt 11 cents. Iti in l.'i. lo Henry Mather, for rebuilding lutet a 1 ti mi son nnd Mai l ad str ts. and at MMh snd Thomp son stnets, OLe l.untlrrd and thirteen dcliaa and ai ct i ts. Inm !W. To N. Kvans, for tumtiar nt stimlry placer ui.e iiunoreu ami n ri v-one do: ars nrt niteen eeuia. In ml 1. T ,In Hnin, l.,r hsn'liiw stnet dirt, tw ritiniin u and thirty-nine tiolmrs ami neventi -nve trenti. I 1 in 1 I o A . lue it, li.r serapnt , ete . thlitv tlo Inrs. Ittm i:JI T'l Whliam I arris, fr iiiiitt work, twelv dii'inr- hi d thiit M l 'B In m 1. I In ih r rtjt W.Leeeli, for smith work , one tl.Ua anc in. Ive nts. I'linL. lo I'e'er T anchan n, fT mlth work, twenty ft ' r t,t !. r. and sev n ru e r:t. It. mi fi. U.NoiiltyA I. aleey, fur smith work, twenty fi pr tit.: 1 n si d mm 'y-tm c inn. in m I i7. To K. J Matthevtln.r smith work, d dlar ami ti tv ft ia. It in 1 'I t 1 0 In were Matfc t romp an v, for dra'n pip Lhty t'tilA oo'lnr art! tu-iitv el: ht eents In in I- :". luM.hiinc, for panning tci uer signs, thre1 do! nrs, lt in Ko. To W illl-m W. II nr tllii k. for ntlvertltinfit s.1 Ian-. It m Iti. To W HHam At Fntn .t Co., for adrcrtlslH M ? niei n 1 1 'liars anil tfitrteen ri nts Hiu lrj. In ttuiiHiii M. Hwiiin A t;o , for adrorching mJ nii.t- tli liaif antl tnei ty five i-t uis. mr lnmU.i. T" William M s inn A Co , ft.r arl ertif lug four ' odas ai d 1 in -n'ne renis. In m Ml 'Jo I ilo a Lts m.ioi advert IsIhk, seven dollar Cah f nlf it tu lt.j. To alorton M Michael, for advcrtislnic, i Um, dnilati. Iti in 11. Tn f Jlrshrenner Welh. for adTertljln.- tv 1 1 ty i'llll t Loilnr- and nlio ty three c n s. I'linlt.. lo Wiloaiu . lidrdii ii. t'-r advcrtiliK'. on' ili'ilur nnd "My teniw, In m 1 1 II' tnnaM A- M"rwit, for advertlslnc. thlrteei: tV llttrs and ninety live et-nts Item )i. To Mariin x liandall for stationery, two hm. it nnil rt vt-iily Mx dollars at;d 1 e en t - tour 1 enis. ltirtil -n lo wiiiinm t.iinn.s, iir wt.rk ut CiL lard tltrt tl rre d Ha' s nnd s v'n'y flveents. rem l l. In William .ntmivfir worK at Tty rAr; tl lli three t'o'im. nnd sreny tle epnt-. mm Vl. 10 wi ma ni ininiis, lor woik. at Llty yard tl inj otolais and flit 1 1 nts. Mm 1: 1. lo.ioiin nii'n. for cieauinr cess pooi, BixteoD' odar and t ivlitv- u tir ft 11 ti. hem 1 -I. Tu .litsiph iiarrion, for rent of Hnporlntcfl ni's oit-i (t ii v Ita Iroad), levtuiy Ave dod irn. Itm I'.V To W ill a"i tiiintil-, lor work at t'ltyyard. thl' y-iwt d"llnrs antl nti eents Ii. m l.rft. 1 .) I. M. 'lock, lui una ton of coal, oittht d-lUr M it y live n'litx Iu in 1'7. To Kluaheth Uaker, for rloanlne n.ill. Kranlt font rad and Waiter street, ten di)Urs and sixty seu reins. Ittm I'f. To Andrew Mctinr, for Huperinteiulintr City ) aril, nine dollar. lit m 1 .'. 111 1 . r . ii 111 v , 11 ir cm 1 mo niiu, ono iiunurt' artl thtrttcn dollars. em ltd To 1. It. Kershaw s to , lor lue, forty eovon di Pan- und tt 11 cents. Ittm i 1, Tu Jumea Ltuu, tor carnage Lire, seventy-n. tlolar.i. in 117. to Tiionma h. wtone, ior iccks ana Rev, sir- tern dollars and three eents. Item To I'atrkk Muuni, ror carnage hire, siy dn lure. linn IH, 10 Ufrrui- nrafinm, ir eurrtoue rt rni ro 'dl Twci t-lhird and I'eiuiyivunia avenue, twenty -elfc-;A did nr. Hem It 0. To r. t. iiiny, tor carriage mre, thirty, tlOllttlK. ' Item im. To jtnn ri. nirman. tir pavitt(r roiway: rmirid pump. Unt o dol'ars andeii-hty seven cent. , -Item 107 . 10 iiitnos r. 11 an, ior suutu wora, nve ummri ami fony l nr ids. in in !. 1 o v . a. r.njrr, ior cRiriRrfe uire, one naa- drtd (imt e'jrhty ehht dollars. Inm It'll lo (ietirue i .raham. for urmiinK on I'enniyl-, vaiia a t nut', ivi nt ot l hirt nt inu hi reel, tweuty se0i !nr ;ind twenty t'o t ciih, 1'i-ni J".''. To J'diM r. Wood, for Mutto work, two doluri and sixtv-liiurfinfs. inmiil.To J. tie .li.tniFon. t'r tiaaistonn at iuts 1 aiiilhi. and tSwati 011 stieet, ftily six dollars and twenty CttltH ! I tt lil 17V in ratrieK iarK.HT pavimr lnieraeenon 01 Crt!ur and Armli ri street h. aud oun-r plactm, titreo hua- i!rtd and tliitiy eiKid di'hars ami seenty tnree cents. in 111 IT:, 'jo .I iinns Kih-y, ior pavinK interm-ciion 01 Iluntiririon nnd Kiehmond streets, and othur nlitcoa, evenly two cionnrs iiiin-iy evum. inm 174. To S'iM'ur KeM6', iur npikta. ete.,nnj ' i.iulu !( 1 1 nr unit tit'iv-lvtf) cent. I. Itfin li lodamcs ai'irrow, ior iiauunKNimio.iunj-uvi.. (Jot'n'n. Item Ivn. TnHsmtiei aiciraree, ior inmoer, lony roqi dollars aiul tevt nt v ct nts. tern 177. lo Andrew .fi.nan, lr Hardware, nreivo 001- tnr nrn lvtv two ltiiniTH 1 o I. I . ftiorri", iowpo nt in .mr Bisniiiipr.'- used at firidcshurK UtidKe, fourteen dollars and futiiij o-nts. ... Item 7H . To nini'n X uorii'.n, ior uranrnji iniersortioi of M m phis and Homcmet streets, twcnty-etKUt dollar. 1 iic'Biiiy-i'iiitpi-iiif. Item let), 'l o Jaalt S Hlirpuy. ior usviiik miBriwiimniti Lhhiyrow btieet and ti.rata ftwuiic, unu (.tuai strccvi i. ti tiiTi-e ii. 1111 in lino iwt niY t-t um Item IM. I o ll. ciaii.v, ior iiouiius pstuiu "wue 1 vi'iitv ilnllRiB Hntl tltlv rents. i'em tna 'lt i.nanci varnen, ior ruuHiiuiH jwhiii" itnet. httwecn Nuith and 1 entu streets, Uirco ho nut 0 and ten t'tdtars and P en n nts. item in. To wi inm inieiior, ior repmnnz rfeuersoi stnet. teiwt en Hixih and Mandiall streets, one kuuUru1 and ilnitv - en oonarn a 'ti iiu.v innm 11 in si. Ti.('oiiiiiei'iVi o.,fir en 01-in u. tnrrwav, an putter stone, six himt'rttl und strYeuty-one Uoliars a. nineeents. , Item lho. lo r.uwaril rnomas, ior lauonng wurs, u Uol.urs and twemy-tUe i ei.ts. IhlillMi. lo riciioneio, ior repninnir in nil n rUlitetiuh and frdhtut streets, lit iy-four dollars an Uinri-ii.n.inn .... . ..... , . , - X lnmlh7.To Bt iionent aro,ior ciuauink' inieicii Bt ei ty three dollars aud nint'ieen 1 ents. lit in in. innenonuiu mi " nni, mi ii-Kimig mmir Slxtv-tvn tlollais sad einhty-mtie CfittM. l.tmlMh To Lane f-eiiotieid, tor attoet Cleaning, ion y two dolinrH und twenty -dve cell's. M lit m li lt. To Hi-holleid and Nell, for cleaning InIetP viitt . flvi dn tirs 111. 1 tvHii v-tlveeenrs. Ittm I'll To James llouait. lor stAiiouery nirn'tnciv II ihway Depurtmeiil, iiiut-ty-iour dollars aud sevunluvi Item '.. To .John A. itrown mr staus on Minsfer avf rue, Twenty-1 tntii uid, twenty six dollars und sl.vtj l:cm H'3. To .latnes Vd i"H.ey tY bop, ior Rinier an roM-mu stone, tlino hundnd and tlijriy three dollar am: ' . , a l. .. L. Lh...L',.ll Itoau ard, oiiu hundred and tu w.ty -elglil dodais uurl. ii ventj tie cents. Ill 111 V. I ' jailM P i ihioi Jin 11. nin-i-i . n -.M.m, nc uuu-i dred ai d eddy fild duliarH and eent.-A cents. 4 1 1 c 1 1 lo Wil inm Kinlettcr, repairing Mi til n strcptd bt'tfMin M. liter andJit'eiHuu bin vts. tour nunurcu uits Itfiu ll7. To Lane Btmoitciii, sireei cieaniuH, seveu utt 1 ir Irti-t.. vt nue hi d oriy-tlr-t s-r et, one hut. died and diiHi.rh III ll nI' -no centh. y It in 1!,M. To fohn iV"lin par-rou niieenin nnn Bi"ven -1 nth V'ardb lor ln-cetubir, 1-m 'A llmty ke en dol are anv 1 ri ft rem". , f lieuiiO. To.Tiunes w. uriu. toois. ve . twelve tioutrst Item '.'"I 'Io Sin tu A At M y. Innih, r, one I. u mind aruj llltei ri dehots si.d si-veniy-nno i iMtx ' l!iiu.'oJ. Willi. . m L. Jlai Rir, aiuu.iill orerpati ciiiv lit ene, ten d liar,. , '1 And warrants lor ihe same snail nu nrawu ny iriei nu 11 ni's loner of liiyhwajs, In a cun-auee witn fjntn..i ordinances, . J A I.r A M 'I'.ll .1. IIAKi r K. , I'rebJdenioi ;'ouiuiou Council, j Attest , Ain.ifAM Stkwaiit, Ar-biMant i 1 ik oi Commnn Oonn?IL J.V dKS I.. NR, l're-'dent of Select t'tiancd.. Approved tMs fctirttentli dav 01 Ut-eemher, Anm Dc mil l one iltOtiauti t tiii ininureu auusixo-iour v.v 1 j lottJ. AI.KV .Xi' HKNHV, N Mayor ol I'iiUatii lphia. J It Cn.F.KK B UrllCK, t'tiMitUN en t ?n ili l I'rilt AiH.i.i iiu, I'tceiii'ier 'i. W'4. In nurMinncc 01 tne rvsuiuuo., uie npiwwiuti bill, un iut a "AN OHIiIVAM'K 1 CRKaTIMI A LOAN 'Mt I aY Ofi" 'All MTKHMRH ( 11 H I N 1 1 1 K i l.AU iui, iMintM iiu n r.att, Is iier. I.t p'dishi-d, in acoTdauce witn the act oi Assuta i b y, h.r puodc liiloitnaUvn. t . t w . r . n .i 1 nv, i Clerk of t 'utumon Couc.'J'. i AN OttmNANi K i CliV.ATINi; A LOAN It. IV V CKf-TAlS , iti ll ll S 'iK Y TIIK YKM: Wil, AM Tlir I'M -4 VhAiM. J Rett'Onl. The r-ulen und C.uii'Uou Councils of tne OH 1 of I'ln -oielt hia dn ..rtiioii 1 . ul Hit Jiinift;! t r 1 1 1 (Ti-i 1 ' ma rie ami re is rernriT m - O oiUiU U'bonow nn tti.1 cie.itt of 1 1 15 ciiy.lroui lime tf time. Mi;ii bhii 1 ot mooe.v an tray he ne eisarv f- r pa nn td ol 1.0t h i-rii-.eiieie- hm i:ow txls , -r whuoi nmji txih-t on the nr .t da) in Jsuu ny, I .', lu Ihe apiropr a- tloiiS t 1 lilt- bf eial t'l pailineuU id the ell V H 1V1 lUUieiitl tor the y ar eluhtf en l.iu.di u st-n sixiy-mttr, or tor pmi 1 1 J Jeai. IM l eX(t'tiiioi 111 ins ntn inn him 11 ui ni'du ns tl hundred imuts-aud doiiais, f'rwhtih niln i . t, not to exc 1 d tl.e ru e 01 -ox jut ceumui per .tinning be r:i!tl i-alf ve.irlv en tV'1 Hr-i days of Jiuiujj-y1 d .1' tht; ct:'cu of tlie t.'ty I reat 'ire prtniipl of Said loan sn-ill te pvule and pale at t ie t-x itM.iOn ut thiri.. t' Loin ihj oa u ul nt ii:e. anu n -t oet"re v 11 .nan ino vhm-u( 01 n o n'w tl en of ; ai.d t'.t. cfitlfi Mfi-t tfn r "T, tn tre UMi;Uionuoi tl.u certifle..tea tf City Loan, it. ah ue Usmd In suea ame.untK us tbe Under may re'i'dm, but uul lor any t1: lioiiiti pari vi "lie uiiiiun-u un.i.ti.i, " , it'i'iu". u an ountb 01 'he hundrt ! 01 one t!u.uend d-llars; and d shall he exprosbed iu said e-.trtiMraies that tho said loar theivln lueiitioued, and t!:c Hilcrtst tlmrool, ftTit a'ail free irum all taxes. 1 hccilou J. Vi he 1 ever any man suau db mano Dy vinni! then ot. Hit re snail bu hy force of mis ordinance aisnuaU) ai-propri ited out tf the lnotiue of the cororate esiat'ii utid Hum the sum raised u taxatu, a i'.in sumclcuin pity the luiereit on said ( ertiiieies i and tlie turtiiur uu 01 thitc-ii nths or tLe per i-eniutu ou tno p n value o! stnh ceitiflcaies o Usued shall be appr firisit'J quarterly out oi said inu- m) and taxes to a .iik i.g lund, which fund, and its aceuiuuiatioiii, are h-rehj tspceittliy pledged iur u. n dt.uipu.u aud payiiiwuloi ut ttrtifltaies. 1 Kr.siii.nins ' To pnhlUb S I'an ltiii to pav Ieflclene1ei. lieiolved. I hat Uie ( ' erk ne aoth ir.xru b publish In tw dbl' uewepapersof this eiiy, uaiiv. tor four weeks, tin run aiicti prencmca ui ouiuioti uoiui.u oa tiiuhu- In e mht r 1, iw.-t, onuueu r, "An Oidlnanca crefttmii a liOan 10 payuurraui ueucit: uois of the year Wi. and pii-vioua years." Anriflu nul l ri.Tk. at tlie stand mnetlmi of OoiinelU alTer the expiration of lour weeks the rtrst day ot si pul'ht'ation, shall piusent to this CounoU one ol'efti'tio said newhpat era for ovary day In wuloiitiie sama sfteJ liavsbvebiuaUe. w PUKE CALIFOBNIA WINES! ; TLUK CALIFORNIA WINKS1 r PI'KK i'VLlKOKXIA WI!f' IIOrK WIKK.fron CM(orula Vim yaida. a.ual to fc?tjKTKWi Kk, ttom Osiifrrn1 Vineyards, now used . WestTlbed by our le-nka lUn sleUus. AMUKl.ICA WIKK.ftousCaUtjcalaViQeyAris.akajtfMS MiC6? L WOTB. from CallAjrala Tinayards, ou' bia t eMIdian e, i, HHrMUT w I Mt. fruoi Califvnila Ylneyftrds, of pecsgWJ vaiua t rainaioa to K hsaltb. i I ijkAl-E lKAMliV,frea aiiCurolaTIasyards.twal,; I tnval'tis with tba uen4cll laaults. i.AI ifwsui wnn, us oitv i , jiti, is f wiw iy riTlU SUWISSUTI MINSSI li iHWHj