The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 21, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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rillLADELrillA WKI)Ni;SDAY, DKCICMUER 21, 1804.
Terrific Charges of Our Tros.
nnsoxEKs am) ci:.s rirrrRM).
Casualties and Inculcmts of tho !
imiiuiij morning die cuy was on mo .m
vnf. Troop, p. s-ed through the s'tccta during
the night, u:0 there w ro rep r of an advance
our lri( ps. 1 lie d.iy iv is tish. n il in wi'h ihe
bnommg o( milium from the various foils around
iiie t i y, and a hat!,: stcincd t.i bo impending
ai mi st ovir our A thick fog for h timo
ohscurid tl.e view of our line of defense, from
which, however, c u ii plainly be seen, cvt rv
fw sii-ond", tho filing lioiu F..H .Ntvlcy and
eur bRttirlos, tl:a: point to the rivrr
on tlio cast. IK-twcn nine nnd ten o'clock
tl.e mist- ic'ciltd hi. tore ii bu-k wind, and
occiiHonnl hursts of Bi:shine Imparted a
Bin nge hetiuiy to holds end grnves, which
were cut with lit in Utrotis nlli pits un 1
rf.M il whh angry' and breastworks.
Heavy fig lit inn was n poi t d at tins time lie t i en
the Muitictsboio nud fir.niiy White pikts.
Othi r b.tttt ric just beyond )ln, A' kirn's rc-i-dru
c kept up n igon ii; bring, Hiid the Ham of
the guns was u stou tly lisi'nc irum the city. The
tirii'K n on became gittrral aioi g the Un 1 oe
loar oi the renin nts, d ivvti the river, was hoard
bovc the and bittJciH". 1' i I N'cglcv "answered
! on: the n isti shroud," anil al ng our tnrtili a
t oi s far II, Bind the red ii't'l'ny " During the
ni' ii'lne, our tfiaips who oidercd to eh ireo the
first line ot r li. I lucu-twoi ks on Rains' lliuil', on
our ltd., which th y did with impctu-u-.ty,
ti'iiicr lire, and touted the relic's
Completely. The 12th, liltn, 1 Itfi, 17th, I Ith and
lllih colored tmoes suileie I considerably In this
vcrv pHl'in t eh rue. Tiie 17th lost a captain killed
and a lieutenant wuuijded.
Aimm ii o'clock (ieueral Tfcitty, whose com
rnand occupied our line of defense in front of
tne Aeklin place, led n charge upon tho Kelicl
forttlif ttii.iis, drive g tliein InipeuoiHIy from
their strong po-itiiui, and planum; his hum hafe
tics upon W e took some hfiy prisoners m
this nmig . The movement was ewemed in
spit mini Mile, our men moving up in perfect
rdir in ihe fiec of n pallin,' lire. A' this point
tur lii.ts were Hdvancid alioiii one
Ai othtr liiidmni ehirge wan maile durinutlie
aitirnouoliy the Lid llrifj.idu of me In Ii ( .irrs,
con iiiai tied Ii Colonel lluliliard, an lueoui
piihhed nud ili'i-iin oiheer. i lio lirig.iiiu c n
' 'i'l' "e ilth M niiisota, lltn Mi-ouri, Kth
"WiiOi n-n, an I 7 h Illinois. ,s x ennnou were,
tui.,i.n:u in .hid charge, with comparatively liuie
Colonel Robert Steivatt, of the Indiana O.iv
alrj, i,i u .VeO, as enr, with d siineimhe I gal
Untry in vhiirKing thoeneiuy. The hi ml Utru rs
of II o Kelicl Oeueial t'tialintn, on tho right of
tho llilli-lii io pike, were suddenly charged upon
by our civiili), aid ilio tlongliiy (ieueral nar
rowly escaped Capture. II. h hook, ollleial
papers ana nl.ein fell Into o ir h ni ls,
ai.d uiitue their e at the l'lovoit Al r-Blial-Keneral's
otltee to r. p rt in due time.
The prisoners or unlit in tin 1 1 !) o'clock I'. M.
were ch oily lioiu Mu,su.tippi rxnnents, Stew,
art's Corps, and niimnertd iihout nix hitudrcd.
The rgitncnts chielly repres-n i (1 are tic Ith,
7lb, 14ib,:."ith,4(;ti,und l.lih Mississippi Iniuiitry.
bvi.ral ArKiinsas regiments were also repre
senti d, and iSeidoii'a Alai mi a Battery. We do
not thitiK lhat the number of prisoners will I'sll
Bhort of 120(1. We have enptured at Icist sixteen
gnns from the em my, and we heur lour o'.heis
repot Uu bow correctly we cannot ay.
The heavy fighting ot the day was on our right
wIiil', to I he went oi ihu eny, Iroin which point a
get e ill movement Was mad to turn the Koliul
lilt. The p' mi uiii ol tl.e vaiious corps along this
pan if our line, biginiiin at tho river, wis:
The Li.i.l, under (i. neral A.J.Mmiih; tho II. ill,
uniltr Otmral Scliolleld ; nnd the Itn, under
Gtricral Wood. Wliiie a foml was ke,.t u,i ult
our I. It, our right pu-hed s ea.hlv and r. sistless'y
around, tbargiiig and tak ng br.u twork afier
bieasnvork, with a dnuiiilcs.s va'or unsurpassed
in Ihu war. With all the advantages of I'ortili a
tlotiti and ititreui hineics, tl.e ICeliel troops weio't sily nii. rior to our ou m courage and
di li ru.ii uiion. '1 li. y inanileHted very little of mo
furious dcr trillion n incn marked them at Frank
lin. Tl.e gunlioiiis made then. -rives luit in this
pari ol the content, by sin lung the Ruhels with
continuous volleyn, winch fairly shook tue el', y at
t uies. in, eel I In ir stuHs dropped In a largo
builiiing HllPd w i'h K 'l el Kharili..oters, w bo an
noyed us exceedingly, and r. nt it to a oms. The
inn aim have not tt reported themselves.
Ol'fcitA'llONH ON Ol lt I.KI T OI.M.UAI. 81HA..UN'h
A (ii tailed account of the movementi on onr
left will gue a cleirer idea of tin) selieiue of the
b utt'e
As Boon as tbe heavy m .rning mist pcrmiltcd a
Movement, den.ral Steadmau advanc.d two
bngadi - of coon d troops, ci.n-istiug ol the 12tn,
I I b, 1 1th, 1 ,iti, 41th, and 1 1 lib regiments, under
(.ei;i i,. s Aim gaii au.t Tb.iiii.sun, brig oiJ
ol wl.:o troops under J. emeiiaiit Co oucl (jros
Tir.i r, of ihe lmh Ohio. T nese bri-'ades wera the
only on. s on oar h tt cn grd in oil n-ivo op -rati
li. 'I he pui poto ol this adranue w .s to divert
tbe att ution of the lie h-Ik iV un our leal tnore
n et.t i ii tt vir e:t. t'loni h i f -past 7 o'c o It till
Hub in f' liioi.fiu.i ktt.y and artillery was
kept up. ii'.'d tl e Itelu : b. .a vert f ull our tro ips
veietiukir' tie- ci lct 'i ere hi e rnest. I he.
I t.-l lu.t oi Ueta I .itfo..K s w .is i i It liii'a woo 1,
l.t o y ttn- ot e h'h! l.y fici.. nl S'caJni.iu on iliu
id ill talil, li,(l sUi ni v a'l I' I i. d. lieil.'-
rsl leioiti'i. n d rr. ti .1 these" pera'ioris in i-crsou.
r- kiin i.-l.. is were t .ro u L.rwai d under u g .lli.i;:
I re, and ii.e Is h Ohio im-hmg on at a, il
i.iii' k. cliai .1 !). K bj. .v.-ik-, fav.-rt in-j an
it.t. i vi no g in , uf o-.e: f -ee biiiKiie I y.n Is of
p I'e. I.J OpUl (rn.lll)d, i.l-'ll iff. ibetu wli'jdy
u n-1 . I . 1 1 d Ir. in 'he l;r, ot the He': 'i nius.
H itsreles ol tbo-e ti rriti'o i'i -ail vattt-if".,
wl i Ii i it .,,", rib- to our h'T..r ie:., tu-y
inounteo tl.e lUbtl hrea-iw.,rks with snouts and
fin ers, d.ove the . n-.n avti lack p.d mell, and
r It ana .t . In-re nutti luej were ttrdiiel to fall
I.. k. 'I he 1-Sih bit'l (.ft- I! i"t o lie i- (v 1 1 ! I i-t
lids I'arii g cl.triti C tm ' d i o-venor, cousin ti')
I.'ti. i rut t-t ot i-ei frr .nvp-ior, w-.ts
tin hi a.i. I trie on,. , o!
i.t I. Hl.ii.e r.i-ues we
votll t'e I. I he : .h.i Ii. I
f.r te l.nle, liml, 1 lie t
i r.s ol this noble r.-i'.i-otiln
not learn, were
.. I. 'ia, eo.i.fioiiti : o ir' of
t -s-. l.i. u'.t u uu I'oPmel
J.-p) , l et tied i;li
luie.n. 1 l,e n e r.
i.liu.iaolj c.ur.tga and re-o-d
t'l" d .y would be ine.iui-
plete w. it- we io mini i i.o iHli.-ur il.le bearing an I
omintl'ss r-cr .urn ot tlie eo ored tro ips. not a
n un of wl.rm l.,l eri d ithu ieo of the sweep
tne, I'tH. lv hiool the I'e; el inilenehinents.
'1 l ey rushed to the iiuy lmpeluoiisly, appa
n i t :.v wiin as nici n uhcrl'y hm travelers go co
lie tan 'iiet, and did no: falter for a inotneD',
i. mil il.cir inlicirs ti.unoa .dcd them to fall ba' k.
1 1 o piirpose of the charge bad laeu attained, for
tLi tight was now raging furiously on our right;
the K. In I lett quivered and recoiled before the
biae ol our artiilerv and mnslii iiy, the Stars and
htiit' S weie planted on liebel iiuieni lnnents
wbli b were abandoned one by one. and enormous
fchtllb were bur, ed from our grim guu'uuts, and ki d lll.e ileatli-angelH, as tbey bl.isied the
Xel'cl lilies with their vulcanic br.atlt.
'1 be ; I eis had a fort on our left, which opened
n vere lire Uon tho advancing troops of tiene
ral M. adman al this point. Alter li.e-e troops
ell lack, we kept up a strong skirmish line, and
tii ally, getting into Kniu's home, opened port
boles, and bi a well aimed lire apcedily bushed
the guns of tlie Kelicl fort. Our loss in tbe charge
in killed and wounded, was nrpliabljr li; our
cmlie loss ou the left dunug tbe nay about 1 id.
Tlie 17lb Colored, Colouel hiiafter, "lleshed Its
I anatileu sword" on y.loiday, being under lire for
tbe I r t t tnr. lis behavior was the Ihemo of unl
nemal praise. It wrote its own record in blood, for
nearly ball' its ottleers were killed or wounded.
Tbe bills of Nashville will forever attest bow
drsiieraiely tbe despised (lave will tight wben be
nukes for freedom. Nor should we neglect to
atale that In Ibis fjcrca struggle the while soldiers
did not stop to consult vulgar prejudices, but
at.iod shoulder to shoulder and sida by side with
the eoloied soldier In flgbtinc the cohorts of
ttea'on. They both (ought under tbe same dag,
fnluti d in Ihe same graud cause, and mingled
tbclr blood in tbe palriul'i last aud dearest liba
tum to freedom. A colored soldier, stricken
down by a mortal wound, was picked up and
liiougbt off tbe field, supported bj a colored
uidier on on sida and a white soldior an tbe
Colobel 8t rcbiU's and Toit't Hrlga!es, of
Beattj's Division of the 4tb Corps, In lbs after
ts aoco charged in magoibcant (ty and captured
iSc 1111 near the rrnltlonrc of Mrs. Montgomery,
wbifb was ooi upied hj the Hrln l works.
KThr 4th Cnrps moved nut on tho Hill. turn pike,
bi d wrr.t Into line of battle with the 3d IMvisinn,
(fc'iirral r.rat'v's on the left, the 1st Division,
ereral K'tnbaH'i, in Ihe centre, and the 2d,
Uinetal I., lott's. lonnectlng with Garrard's
Division ol Smith's I'orps.
ont rAsrAi.tii..
Our list of wounded iil prol.a' ly not ereeed
fi tir hunilird. Ourinvalry Sullered very severely,
the nun exhibiting nil imprudent i.isrn-iMlitv to
(tar. w ! I. ti oiu n ltd to ra-tl e:p.-urc. At this
euriy hour we c,ui, ot course, ciw imlv a tow of
tie i am. of the wounded. We publish a very
in pei t'e t list, to. Ii k mm it ma.- I e of service to
si in.' i ti ii us ti h i rt- ae, relftil'.ns.
I. iru . nant Co'oui 1 V ats..n, ot the t'lllant .V.b
liiivu Cavalry, ss shut through 'be brc :t, yes
l ri'nv at no. ii, by a rrape-'hot, while gallantly
e! mum' a ! t'i ry of ihe en 'in ; '. II is b idy w ill
be 111 I 'H I till .1 IO 1.1 t r.itl Wilt' d 11.1,11".
I". I Hilt, ol tbe It.'itb Iowa IuMidry, was shot
In tlie fi ll by a musket ball wh.le gallantly
cl.nrf.tig the ei i tnv's . rl,.
w ON oi ni l I. i oa 1 1 ri on.
A ri in nv t able in-tata e of tonitiide was related
to us eslerilav l,v a surgeon. A eoung so dier.
who in si in n w rs shot in the ii,ii".iieu by a in i a if
b,i:i, reitiitd a moil. I wound, lie -till held
his ground and kept on tir ng until Ihe -econd
bal i rusl ed thr. il:: ti l!,e In l-lge of Ins nose. "An I
tl i i.,'' -ai. he, "I to give up." Alas, no -Io
b How ! the mm e of pru-e ha- pioinlily no p .wer
to ' Inn m his d :!l. . o d ear this ui ruing.
'i'e i tnts if the day tuny la- briflv snnirne-l
up II. us ; W e a. ted on the hitlti s.ive, al'a ked
the l.'eln I foi tiln annus a-il Uiote thfn In k it
ru n point, until at nighttail Itinr Ii It wing was
nt in ir in with the po-it'" i tt held i i t!,e
Ii oi ti fir : took six guns, over (.""and very p ro
ll, bit 1 n prisoners and mill ted in the ennui- a
1 iiiV i r loss in killi d and wounded than they did
i n u s. All the advantages were charlyoii our
side ) esii r.lay, w In o at every point tlie Ue'iels
lost. U e have held our entire line of works and
dun n the itieinv from a large portion of his in
t enelmi' i t-, ihe battle w j kept up till
rJark , w hi n
"i -in ., ik'. . .at, tr ( t tl t it'h'li' -. I . '.ts h.el It.-.v .-roJ,
.1 1 .1 ' o .'f.i in. I -i tr- , t t .eir u '. . i r !. s v :
A 1. 1 'I'e il ' n.l e.i V nil II,.' . r. .1,1,. oer(i. weri'.l,
'1 r nr t, l. . mi. I r.e w.eni.l. .1 i . Cte. '
What next? I'crl Bps tho guns of yesterday
oii'i played the prelude, int o hieing a in .re
a lul thetiit t i-day ; and the nioi in may I . ing
to our ears
"Tin' i anil, 'li s el'eiliilr r., ir,
"Nc.iier. cl -iner, .I' .iJlicr lli i to:'.ir. '
A Itil.el I.etler-(eueral .1. I . Woo-I Colo
lift Slrrlahl.
We gather Ihe following it. ins from the letter
of "John r-'iuiih" lo tlie Nashville Vejt
In one of the gopher ho'es in fr tit of the Ile'it l
r.iihwoi ks, 1 saw tne eo'p-eof pr -ate .1. li.
li g, ot ( ompany O, 14tli M ss,ssi.,.i Kenel In
l..nliy. '1 he billowing tetter w..s lotitid on bis
Itr-ouby 'Jorporal William Sim ,ert, C'oinp.iny
A, li llli Ohio liilantry :
A ur.ur.i. l.Krr::u.
'1 ho letter was wiitten in a pl.ii i, legible hand,
nnd rt nd thus :
Cnoi iaw Aiiim t, Septeui'ier 0, Hil. Mr.
ilasl.tgs: It 1 us been t'vo mo: us Htiioe I was
hi lion d by the a: rival of a lef.ei- from yo t. I
infer ttotn in long a n.len. e lhat oil have oeeome
wenry of our correspondence. I will hear of no
excuse. You can make none t.iatwill satisfy
tue. All tlie favor I ask of yen is to return my
letters. You will please to reiinn them imme
diately. You can i ml them in an envelope iwo
or thite in one. Will send type and ring by the
lirst sale opportunity . You ha v, my tricud-hip,
hill love no longer. I hope y. u .eili behtppdy
n tuned to some one you love bet er than me. I
wish ou all that a Christian heart can wish
am flier. I shall rouii mber jon in my prayers as
ii Inend never so as a lover. All aic well. I
hope ou ma enjoy good health.
Yours, n s ectiuliy, A .
The iorpse was that of a you:: nun of propoa
H'ssitiR nppiiii-nn.-e, of apparency irtcii'y-eighi
) tars of age.
Tin: oi.ouioia ciiakok.
Anild tho booming of cunni n and the r llnit .rr't
of bullets could be been tbe ga l uu Tom J. Wojl
urging on the men lo deeds oi
While men were fading; tithe right nnd tho
Itft, the coluimiH advanced onwar.l to a glorious
victory. Some who bad wearn-.i and I al 1 down
at the b.i-o of the, hill haling up to the list lino
ol the liebel works, were disee. ucd by the keen
i jo ot Major Kn denbiiugti, I'rovo-t M ir-hal-(.iiieiulol
ihe 4th Corps, who i iiuiediately or
di red them lo the trout with th ir comrades. A
splendid man is (h it Major K dcnti uiyli, and
win by the cot lideiee of the en'n e a my.
Tornnrd pres-i tl the columns of the lib Corps
iignintt the li li. l v.orks. Wt n n one hundred
j hi da i f the enemy they halted, formed into line,
and then, with baioiieis down, and giving mter to a tierce yell, in less spn a of time titan
pen could write it, thev oeeupi. d the last line of
H e lietii 1 works, while the dis. oii "rted and ba lly
w bippi d Johnnies tlew down liie oppjsite side of
the bill in utter panic.'
In tins charge we captured two splendid guns
nnd HUitu a number of prisoners
BTRIIIOIITS iiuioa.i :.
I must not forget 10 mention Streigbt's gallant
biiga.le. '1 hey lough, hku,if I may lie
nllowed Ihe expre--ion, ami C d .;ul Stroigii', to
exti ml the I gure, was ihe thiei .lemon. With an
impetuosity unpar die ed, tin t li ing themselves
ii thirst theli ebeis. aiidlotil.iel : lieir points every
lillll'. .(l'ii ilie Tumi, It.:.
Operiif folia on I lip Tenims.'S anil Ciim-Ix-rl.tlKl,r'4.
On ts:itur!ay last tho guiibiat Pvostn left
l'udueub on a lii'uuno.irin - Cs jidiliou up the
Teuntssee river, w ith or lers t ) proceed as far as
Juhnsonville. About one mil. below Danville
bridge liny eiipiiir. d two negro -pies sent out to
icaru the object of tho piiin."'s visit, by u
portion ol l.i oil's uu u, who we e building mi
tosis to be oikin up In' rive: fur tbe uso of
11'" d s iinny in ease of liisasier e.'ore Naslivide.
These b. ats are liitht an i v-.-. . bii jya it,
la ir g seven I. it widobythir.' I et lung. From
ihe tn grot s and citi.eiis stiuo; the trip, it w is
nt" Mta tad liml a liniiii ei ot' b tr;os be.oiig iig
to the ti.oi rnuieiit were li t b::rue l whin our
fo iis n. iiitcd Jehns mviile. This indu 'cl
l.j on oi chang" the plan of e t.- !ng tho Teitues
s' . , r. ti tl Ins'e id of iiiiililmg I! it- m tin' neighbor,
hoed ol Hig S.itidv, he wu..t :.p to Jokasouvlllo
"tl er. ss. d on (iovcrniuetu ') " 'S, uccupyiiig
luesi iiy aud WciIt'C d ,y in c-o.- log.
Hie barges sub e pieinly !:.iko loose and
II u:i d dovs n sii e nn t . Whi..- O s ll :nd, where
lie weie t ken in eharir" b '.he 'eoi'n. As
s .ti as tley hind' d, I. vol burned his tr mijh
e .8' n atd. with tt c avoaed purpose of attacking
CI rk si i'le. He took with ti . n several piec-'s of
ntt l i ry and f in sinad tlats to . r.iss the Cumber
land vi'li. At John-oil', ilie he foii'id a iar-o
ni iiii er ot (ion ininetit wagons, left there by our
troop- bo supplied hilusi 11 r .th a train
t:tni'y 'urge f 't ) ispu.po. e, :..i., luftu' thirty
w.ieons to auait hii retiiin,
Ab. ut lbhtl Rebels were left it Pari-, Imding
to cb tbe iiiotemeuis ol (. .uul'.il Mere litb.
Tbtse are mainly new re ruitj aud conscripts,
re t more th in half of whom are armed, l noy
had with them tour pieces of artillery. It is ru
poited that tins toiumaud also crossed the river
aLd joined I.yon on Monday.
'1 he '.sAfn, ut Whito Oak Istaml, took into
tlie (iovt rnnicnt barges found there, uud also two
llatbouts built by i.joii's moil, and brought them
to this city. On tbe down triii several loads of
salt, which li id been saiugglcd through tho lines
for Hi bel use, were discovered and destroyed.
Another lot is believed to be secreted near tho
month of Hig Sandy, about eight miles ahnvo
Port Ileinian. Tho I'tosta returned on Sunday
night, having successfully accomplished ber mis
sion. Ruins that 1'ailhu. All remember the slory
of the inn keeper who, becoming proud as bo
prospered, took down his sign of tbe Ass, and
put up a portrait of George IV in its place, ltis
neighbor immediately raised the ciist-ott'elllgy,
and "in this sigu be conquered." Tho llrst land
lord, alarmed at tbe Increasing popularity ot bis
rival, und undcrstandins; tbe cause, wrote under
neath the visage Of iiis Majesty, ''This is tlie
real As."
ilut a more ludicrous incident of tho kind is
just now told at thu expense of the good Kisbop
ot I, landau". Ho took up bis abode near tbe
head of l.aka Windermere, where tbe priucip il
inn had been known as the Cock but the land
lord, by way of compliment to his distinguished
neighbor, substituted tbe Ihthop as tbe now sign.
An liin. keeper close by, who had frequently en
vied mine host of the Cock for bis good fortune
lu securing a considerable preponderance of
visitor!, took advantage of the cbauge, and at
tracted many traveler! to his house by puttiug
up tbe sign of the Cock. The landlord with tbe
new sign was much discomilted at seeing many
of bis old customer! deposited at his rival's esta
blishment ; so, by way of remedy, he put up, iu
Isige, red letters, under the iiortiait of the
bishop, "Ibis is tbe old Cock."
Till 11!) EDITION1
Savannah Not Capture's1..
N i v YiutK, Dccctnlii r 'Jl. Tin I'n'.li'il
Stales trait-port i'ulhm lias nrrive.l with l'.irt
o.j al mil iei s of Sunday lust, 1 leccinlier H
The 'ttfVoii touched ut I'lTlre-s Mntinm d)
liinil Ileiititinnt-t'oloiiel (I. (i. llilKink
beater of (lcspatclics IV.iiu (ieneral Slierurm
to the War Iiepnrlinetit , ul-o l'ul.ui.1 A. II
J' (ieneral Mn lliian'.s mall nejeiit.
! .i vim null is still in tin liaiuls nl' tho II'!" Is.
lis s'irii nilcr li ul not been (Iciii iiide l Icy
(iet'.enil licrinaii up to tlio titne t!n l'vlton
Alining; tlio tillnn'n pa- "cto'crs are Colon"
W. I in nit y, of tin 17th New ork Yoliin
tecrs, ulul nineteen other ollicers, vv.iuiiile.l ill
the 1'iitlli' ut rocolaligo, Soulli Carolina.
Tho raluieltn llcrohl snys Ilia' only nno
fight ol any moment, occurred on S'n i in.i:i'.s
ninicti. nnd that that n-ii!ted in the lloggine;
of Wl.celer.
All the railroads sou II of S.tvaiiti lb ar, cit,
tiiul the city is eulirely und soeuri'ly invested.
Wasuimiton, Dseembc;- 'Jl.
skn a 1 1;.
Mr Col la no r Vermont i presented the meui'T al
of Man er .S- Ilrotl er- and other pui li-le rs prae.
it'g lor tlm tnoililieati-n ol' the laws relative lo
the currying of p r oibials in the niails.
Mr. Sherman (( thiol repor't'd from tie' l-'imin '0
Coi:imil:te the Consular Appropnaii ti ti II ; aiso
the House bill taxing wl. sky, upon the latter of
wl it'll he lis!. ed imiiieiiik'e action. Mr. Snerul in
said the bill propo-cd to antic. pale th ml li i m il
t. x, n akina: its operation to lomiueii' e Juuiniry
1 , iu.-ti a l ol l'ebruary 1.
Mr. Worthit'gton, incnbir of Congress from
the new State of Mevad.t, was. ua uied and took
bis scut.
Mr. llason (I I I Introduced a bill laving a
duty on tobacco and its msniifaeture. lio'cned
to the Con, null, e of Ways and Means.
'ihe Hi, in, e to, k up Ibe pending resolution
culling on ihe Secretary of War to eoiumuiiie ire
what obstacles exist to a general cxjlianeof.
IMF. (.'AM ill I. TV IIilKIIKM TItOt'lU.K.
Qi t in r, Heeeinher 21. It Is thnt
ininicdi.dely after the Issue of the proclatn.'tiou
in referenco to tho Uriel C inidiati raiders,
Major-Gent nil Dix dispatched a conlldontia'
licet. t to Canada. This gentleman returned to
New York satisfied that tlie Canadian until iri
tli") were taking all necessary steps to perform
all international obligations. Tlio best under
standing pievails between tho Ijuebce mid Wash
ington (juveruiuiuts.
Mr. l'litter, the American C.iustil-ficti ra', is
unwell, and has gone lo Wisconsin lo recuperate.
Mr. Tl.ursion, Vice-Consul at Quebec, is nis i
sick. '1 be (iovernor-Oe'ieral has olT red a re
ward for the arrest of th raiders, which was pub
lished e.-ter.lay.
OlllllAI, NKWH llll'M 1I1H (lOVFHNOIt OINKIlM.
or i Ai iti.1-om: or nil: -I ai.iivns UMor.its
A It It I I . I AMI IO UK lo nn:
iMiili gr.iiss 1 1 o v k n s h r: N r Mi'.ts'iti.s
Wahiiimi ion, Deeimlitr 20 The S'nte Ha
ptirtmin' tonight rt ei ived a dispiit.b troin 'ho
t.ovt ri.or-fieneral of Cnada thai one ol the d.s
chargtd St. Albans raid rs bad been rearrested,
ami was ou bis way to be delivered to the I'liilcd
States atitho' ities, and that the whole of ttieui
would be picked up and banded over. Ai.'.l
raiiccs wt re also given that the C. mild ail li o em
inent would beieaft r resort to the strongest
mtusuris to prevent liebel raids.
'I lie ' II n'illlliii lulu. !S'irlliiiiiiltrliiiil
4'oiiiiI3'. IritlnlfS.
AVAsiii.sriToy, December 'Jl. Tho Navy De
partment has receive I a coininuni Jion from
Ciiiiiiianiler I'at k r, con-.nianding the I'oio'nae
rlotilla, iu whith bo says that " learu
Ing from tbe l'ruvo-t Marshal of
lini 'ie that the enemy wrie mas Ing boats
on Coon river for the purpose of niAiug a raid on
the bay, 1 sent tbe t'nnrdc l.imt and Mrn-wy
thither on the l ab iusi. under tbe command of
Acting Must, r Morns.
They Ii und thirty one !:i'' b uts and t
scons, all of which til. y tMp'un I. Tbe b ime
gtiHrtl, in large force, madu tt -Iioa' of rcsi.tatiee,
but were iptickly driu n oil'.
a rrccLAArio ev the rnisiaENr.
A ( Al I- I (lit TIIKIli: IIIMCCI ll I Mlll -k.tVII
AsiiiMnoN, I'ee. '.o, i.--d.- lly ihe 1 r -si.;.' t ul
tl.e I'll. till .-t ins.
A l'lll d I. A dAl luN'.
b'ec, 'f.v, lly ihe act ai prove,! .lulv -Itli, 1- d. en
tit ed, "un ue: no ili.r to io -u uie und'i air
the eniol ii. und eiil.iii .' out ol Ihe ,'.a iin.iil'A,
and lor otlii r tuupns's," it :s t ;..v..l I that I'.e I'r '
Slilelit (I the I luted :iati s , ui h- d.-. re:..iu, ut
iiiiv time 1..T. alier, e.i.i lor unv l.uin er ut,
nan i.s vo unle. rs .or Ihe r. -'i-el.i ter.ns ui
ore, tH.i, uud llir.s' Mill.-, l.r u..l.l..l .11 ee
ui d that in ca-e ihe ',ti .t.i or ut.v . iri tin re
01 ol ui.y ion 11, (o'.i 1.. h,p, iiaid ui aciiy, ii eiiiet
ur eieciloii tl.strtel, ur ul it ccaiilv l.ol no -uu li. .ileit.
shall rot he Idled tvl'li ll I e sp'iee 01 liltis-u
ulter slieh eull, the li the 1 le.-l.l. nl s.ia I lllililed.uiely
ortl.-r adriilt tor 01. e ytur, to ti l saea toi.itti ui- any
Vtirt 11 1 n el w liiili iin.v I" ui.ll li-11; utt'l iei rr- ii,
bv thu cridit. al owed 111 uet.n Uancu nun
lie- net ol I iiiigiest tin tl.e t-a I lor lli'e
l.ui died Ih.'ll-alld lliell. nude Jtl y lS:h, 1-1,1,
the nuinbi r ui meu to 1 e tu luineil under that call
was ri dueed lo two hiiu.lre'l and thuu-audi
dug u in I'tos, tho ii).eruti.,lis ut the mtcuiy in ci-Tta u
hiutes h.ive r. u.iered il iinpru iieahlo lu proeur"
limn tin tu their I11M quuias ul troops under said
cull ; unit vht reurf, irum the lurei.nii carts. 1 nut I wu
nuiidred uud buy tlmusuud iiicu have been put into
the army, tiuvy unit marine corp under taesuid call ul
July IS, lel, leaving s il. ik'i. ucy ol that call ol tw.i
hundred anil sixtv tbousauil, now tnereiora 1,
A 1U1AUA1I i.l.SCOLN, I'l.l-ldelll Ol tbO L'Ultl'd .-llsl"S
ol America, in urder to supply Iliu storo-aiti tl.ill
citiiuy and to piuvldo lor easuattiet lu the uiililtry
and nuval service 01 tho United Mtutes. do issue tins
my call, lor throe hundred thuussud vuiuuiucrs to
serve lur one, two, or ibruu years.
Ihe quulas of the Stales, Districts, and Sub-districts
under ibis call, will be as-iirned by the H ar
Dt purtuiciit through the bureau ol lliel'iuvu.t star-shal-Cleuoral
of tbo Unluid states, aud lu ease the
quuta or any part fbeieof of any town, township,
ward, ot a city piociuetor eleetiou Uistriot, urut a
county not so sub-divided, shall not bo filled bclura
tbe 16th dav ol February, lBtifi, tbua a draft shall bo
made to All such quota, or any part thereof, under
this call, which may he uufillod vu the liitveulb da
ot February, 18(15.
Iu testimony whereof I have hereumo set my
baud aud caused tbe seal ol tbe Culled Hiatus to be
l. 1.) Done at the city of Washington tills, luih
day ot December, iu the year of our Lord ou. thou
sand eiaht hundred and siatv-iour, aud ot the mde
pendeuce of tbe United b latin of America tbe
eicbty-iihith. . Abuauam Limcol.
By Ibe Fresidvut,
Wm. 11. faxWAUD, Secretary; of Slat
RVTTI.K 0? tBWlliHt.'S IAM)i(.'.
Scvtrc Stru-lo for tho To .c-f io:i of
tbn ChailoFton and S.ivannah
The Capture of a Position Coiu
maiidinK tho Ilailroiid.'s I.amumi, S. C., Drc tnl er I '.
It Is in. re than pr Jial.le the gl.ei his news
fn tn Shettnan, w hu h will g'.s.nleit ymrh ai.s
belt. re yi 11 rete ie this letter, will dwarf into
ci an pai alive in significance the viol eg. of our lilt le
amy, win. h, 111. al as i' is, has U'tn dung i's
lilt't u'niost to 1 rente a diver-ion, and thus with
(iiiiM ftotii Sht-iuiau's fiont lon e of the tto p
ton r ntn tt d thtre to bar bis mar b totbo o,ei:t.
Mil', as om operations Lere i n theseic u-t
lire a sit ol the gt laral grand plan tor securing
tne larii-il suttess tif Mienon'i's
n tirch, slid as a knowledge of our conai ral
1 1I01 1-is i.e. t ss.irv to a coiiipiel. eii-ion ,,t m,.
vi I.o e si In me, a sketch ol our last three weeks'
opt renin.- cum ot b. entirely devoid if int ie t,
en n tlioiigb our a bi vemfiis lh tc i.ised bv the
briil'iint nn ee-!''.)! t fllnr h ailt r. A short
tt omi of 1,11 r wvi k will b.- rt'.iii'sito.
I'll il e 1 iglt ot Nov. inter 'J.i liem ral 1 1 it--li
t 11. Ii rktd lis sum 1 1 toiee of about
blind! d I glini g men at 1 1 1 1 t - 11 Head, mni ..nil
leiy, tngti ecr-, tiint a siini 1, v rv sina I tori e of
I avalrv , it.teni't-tl to do st out duty. It was late
mi the morning 1 f the J:nb i.e ore the force
laii.lnl at liovti Neek, soaie eight. en up
tin lit ml rlvtr.
Sutdrv iin.reliiiifTs and r.mnt. r'nar hlr ;s in
wiong titit etiotis, -up. ra ided to ihr Inei'.ia'i o
delBisof iti-eiiibarketioi', o.'cnpieit the time till
niitlti eht. at ivlneb lime w-e b.voiiaeke.l lor ttio
ret t I the night at Kiihitw ( her, h, a sm I, 1,1 11
ot a at a t ro-s r"ul, w lo h .vas s, le tcl
a- I he bis 1 . 1 our tiperal i. ,n s tor the follottiii
day. Atd yhrmkot the llO'li 11 forward 111 ve
mt fit I t gun, und the en. 111. sum t.ei t Ion .1 hi.
HKtigih, uud then ci ti' ,d ihe b,i tie of Honey
II ill, n hie 1 1 w .s dt -f 1 i e 1 in a forn t r let i r
Our gererals h.ul intended, if tc.isiVr, to
In: want to (, 11 ml at that point cu' ihe
Chaiiisioii and S.iiaroiah Kailio.i,. Ilia llouev
kill, battel y, boweier, stood in the way ; and the
I (ophidic object, on- of the li -1 e's, nniiouuee.i in
their i tistoiiiaty exprt'ssnv 'uaniier in the lan
guage of inu-ke'ry, grape, ends er, hell, anil
rout d shot, were poti nt lo p rsii nle our le.t leis
not to advance luither .n that direction ou that
01 ciision.
IfTht' siguinelit being 1 (ineluded, our fore s fell
back unit occupied a strong ilelensive hue a lev
milts In the ri ar of the ear li orks of tho enemy.
Our los-ts iu this engiigenient Vere rather serious, ring tho small number if mtii actually
etigugetl at one time, bat by no means up to the
Keiict t.-lin, ulo, w Inch I append. A late .viv.m
uiih paper ha- the lo'lovi ing :
"Iiik IIaiti.k 01 IloNKY fill. r.. A friend
from (liiihainsville informs us that there hive
bu n Inn it'll In uud near the reeont bat le gn ainl
in the v ( inity of that pinec, two buutlred and
lour blink and white Yankees, anil the number
wus being s'ill il to a-the circling lligbt of
the liiiz.aid indicated the spot to which another
I these Wiftebes bud erawied and died. When
it is reeo.ltcted that the light lasted from 1 A. M.
until U .rk, and thai the enemy hail ample lime
nud means for Ihu removal of deadaiid founded,
II is liul, reiisomihle lo ssitniHte itieir lo.-s at least
lutei n hundred. Tlio sum total oTsiur loss is
eighl killed aud thirty-six wounded."
as in this icpoit Ihe "Yankee" loss is over
s'ntitl only three or four tunes, it in i.v pi rhaps
I "nsidired a eoinpiir.uivciy lair estimate lor
the lichtls. this light, with the exreption of soma
slight ph kel firing, and soino annoyance 1 1 our
seuuiii ;: nnilits, ad was ipiit't for ucurlv a week
Ihe time Irom Novemn. r 'M to Deeeuiber
In lug taken up by the 1 ptratious of rec nuoitrn g
In tl.cso services the Navy li'lgado were lirst
and foremosi, rendering in i-t 1 tll 'ient a-sisinuee,
aceoiiiplishbig their pel ilou. tnsks with a perso-M-iitig
(tailiiiiiiy which merited and received thu
thanks ol the lenders of tbe expedition, ami woti
tin Hiiceie admiration M all beholders. With no
t xi c 1 lions did the 1 lin ers and men of tho N ival
lbigatle, saiiors and marines, stautl nobly up t.i
t lit ir work, und uulli'iehiugly go through .with
their tlati'.eious duty.
'1 he nuiiire ul lint country, and tbo "lay of 1I14
bit d," is -neb as to r, lid. r Die sei vices of sailors
liidi.peiisublo to ibe safe progress of an iiuny.
'lu. ie are innumerable lutlestieatn-.erjeits, and
aims silting buck Irom ibo sea, the binas of
w In. h iu. st uiiiigerous shelter for
li..t k.i.g en. uiie-. 'these nirn streams were
naiigettd in advuiice ol our march by onr armed
Ii. ui. ei e-, each carrying u l'J pi nud r b iwi .er,
nit about sixte. 11 11. en armed with rules, eut-lus-es.
and revolvers.
'1 he ciews ol these bo ds were s lilors from the
I' S. gunboat lliusihytt, anil Ihey wero coiu
niuiiileU by Ac ing Master (iiilcsgie, and by
cers W ilbi ur, Cant r, I tn bur, and others. Tucir
duly wus srtlin u-, the gieater part of it falling in
Ihe uigbt lime; but ill no case was th ro any tie
sue to avoid it The whole Naval llrigatlu w ,s
initlir the charge of Coiuiiiander (Jeo go 11.
i'r. be.
Tut tiny, Heceiuber J The two launc'ie., with
tea my-t'glit men, mieei Aenng-Miist r (ii lespie,
w . nl si miles ti p li nail 1 iver to recoiinui ro.
Wiinn sd.iy, D't club. r 11 Tt.e to launches,
under d nt Ae ing V ister l' ar .er, 11s
i tfi' ed the rinr tweive mile-, tor ihe purpose ol
burning a bridge. Meantime Ihe ar uy h d in
to 1 1 1ml tin niseives st'.'unly, aud Were a-vaui ,g
d. 1 el. i n.ents.
A cl urge of bae had been row determined on, 'l e Ot neral-Cniiiui. lading had re-o ve l id
iist ritltbi lln ud nv. r a lew miles higher, and
en 1. cut or lo sti ise the Charleston and S iv t n 1 'i
II iiboa.l from a ('ult lent point. Ae.iord tiitiy on
the ( let ing of the ,'th, the subjiiut tl onl. r was
I 1011. u'gati d to tin: Naval , alncli was to
iciiit the iidvdtiee, and wl l-'h lo now e.ia-n-'etl
of 4'ej torn, . tiic.-is, t-.til.-rs, and 111 r nes,
ui.e a ho h. ..I W illi tliein eight pie. cs of urtillerv,
six 12 pound buns guns and two 1 J-ieunid rilles.
I l .M.snil- l'l;ll..tll.l.eulA, Uniid Kiver, S. C,
Moiility, Decern ut 5. Older .No. 1 I ', l'he
uvi.l lo tade ill jrtpuie to embark with us
guns iiiiuie lia'ely ou rec, ivmg ibis orJir.
esiels will be dt Uiilett for the purpose.
i neial luster Kiinllv oilers the uso of senvs
and I ir-es, brthe ('iinvtmence of landing uud
1cn.m11 ir the ti
I I e Naval l'rigade will lanil on tlie west bank
of the Tdlliniiy. at a point de-igniiu d. 1 am in
formed hv (.cm ral l ostrr that allot' the whito
ifL'iments ot Ihe department now hero u:0 to
luiel at the same time.
'1 he tyiii.i,.' will prepare to leave for the site of
operations. Iho .tfoe"eaii'l l.tiroma will adv. iut-0
as lar as possible up the stream, to cover tho
lun, ung and advance.
Ihe boat f'i 1 1 vi. oi will bo towed up to precede
the sicakners, sounding ou eatb bow of tho ad
vam e, mid giving t tuoly uotiee of obstruct. uus
ill the thanii, 1.
'I bey will bo preceded by tlio IhiiVutlil, Petrel,
and ollur tugs, keeping their guns ready lor in
stant use.
'1 be howlt.ers will be landed afler tbe squad
ron infantry, and under cover of tho gunboats,
and are 10 co-op. rale iu theadvance of the troops.
'Ihe Commissary of the brigade will see lhat
tbe uien ar properly provisioned.
John 11. Daiiiiiikn',
Hear-Admiral, Commanding Souih Atlantic
lllot kading htuadion.
A landing was t Heeled aka place called Devau's
I'oiut, ,ou Ihe ground of a hue old plantation,
known as tbe "Uregorie property." The place is
sometimes known as (iregoriee Landing.
lb-lore going ashore, some Rebels were dis
covered partially toueealed near the houses, ap
parently in anxious consultation as to whether
they should resist lb landing of our men or run ;
a discbarge of shrapuell from one of the l J-pouud
boat bow 11 sera soon persuaded Ibeiu to adopt tbe
last-named course ol action.
As usual, the sailors were tb first to land, but
they were speedily folloaed by the soldiers.
Pickets were al once thrown out, and ou the
morning of tbe Slh a sufficient a una lie r of troops
having beeu lauded, Ueueral Poller led his
brigade inland for a mile or two. his advance
bciug dispukd al every step, until at a point
about thive aiili from the laudmg, the enemy
nn de a s'and, urnl there ensued one of the most
II trimmed strugglis that a small army con 1,1
hi p. to 11 nr. Our men advanced in tbe follow
ir g in cl r, to begin
Till! batti r or nn it nnu 1 it's 1 Anniao.
Ttnrli f skirmishers, eotnmiind.d and led l"y
Colotirl Silliir,sn,ot the Miii United Suites Col
or. .1 Troops.
12, th New York (whitci, let! by Meutensnt
Colorel S'ewart I.. Woodfoid.
l oth Nt V. ik (wtiile), led by Captain Van
Slu k,
Mi rii(, ltd 1y I'iist Lieutenant M. (J. I.
(b neru! l't tt. r w ith his soitf.
Mi, I. Nttv oik ilnii Ct'iom I It w, ; ,"i'Uh
N. w oik (White), l.i. lib 1. snt-C. .hint 1 Tiler;
U'.'.l i.i.'l 'J'l 1. S C r.,Co'.oncl( hipinaii ; S.nlors'
I nti, nir) , I I uti iiaLt Jauii s C. In, ne, U. ci. N.
l.t-'ive I.lne o'-'d, ,'Uth, and ,'IVh (colored),
t . 11,11 sii.ied l.y I ,,11 nciinl, r I ' r 1 1 1 1 0 ; V.iui Ohio
( h tt 1, l.iri.t. Colont I lloiigni 11.
A mn ri , a. my and nai i , In piei ts.
At P A. M. the I.e. ivy guns opened flro and
'I t 1,1 tl ,he, the pur, t.-e bi ing to con r Ihe
wo kit g ;.. rtn s ol axemeii, some ol sturdy
W . -it 1 o b -j r 01 th. ".i n Ohio, sin were d tailtd
to t tar ew the weoos iu unit r lit .1 our r d tl
sun 11 i, l.t In I r. 11 g lit directly to bear 011 the
rnl.ta.i, aid w ith 11. a certnnty ot a correct
III ft vliii h ci 11 1,1 i.o; be attained ivhi.c Ihe trets
s o 'd stm tl.
A' n fw iiili.nt. . pi'-t ! A. M. the skirmish
lit e htltel t i d into the w, tins, tho : rtlllery pro
b eft g isoih ii.mks by a heavv and cottiiniiotis
hie. I niiiii H'g tin skn inish rs Hie axeiuea went
il', and ul into p.t.citilecl to accomplish t it'ii
II 1 ol '1 .1 Will k. an ,1 111. pro, , t'tle 1 to tcl. lt.0 t let's,
n j' ur u it s ol 1 he sine p bching thut was going on
ab in tht in on rveri sn.t.
1 I.e 1 in 11 y 1. this tnovi no nt very stub
bon.'v , 1 nil c , n t i 1. ui ui s ighiinf was kept up lor
iia.i.y li. 11.-. S 11 it- oospt la e 1 nurges were mule
hi I tilt puilics, i nt uoginund nas g.dtitd by
titlir. lie obi-el .1 our men was simplv to
I., 1,1 tl e r u 111 ti ti.i v aln inly o cu, ied 11 mil the
ei c pi lis 1 ml 1, 1 em d the way to 1 I.e railroad, and
tint t, i.,,i t.ce o y. Il l Unit , in, ut liuie.
At 11 IV M 'h ,.v nn n had finished their work,
ai .1 ti e artillery Inc sli.eken. d , i the purimsc of
1 tit' ml g cur n.eti a t han, e hi reii.e ivchin our
in n n, I 11 ct.ts ti h.t ti ha,i bt 1 11 h a-til v tlirmt 11 up
: theiia:. In pur-nance ot ihi- plan our tr.'ops
r. 1 1. it in gi oil t , tm.itmg all 1 he war. The
I.- ' el; . it'!' 1 u r no 11 tuiin g ticek, supposed
It 1 lu 10 be i.nei.t;ng, and wi.h a er
nt 1 s,i it-, tie ,1'i; but having tit-en
'.milled to a -li as mar us wis deemed
i,ovi-ut,e. two leclioi.B ot Impounder btiAit
tis, rn.l.r toil. 111. .nd and directio.i of 1, en-
I. rial. 1 ( 1 lorn 1 1 Ham Aon s, o,.eiied lire up jii
I I, cin w itii -ut h do a-1 1. his . tl ct us 10 t end tbe 111
'c. b rlu g 'bitk In the shelter of their swamp.
f t.i ,; in tl I'l lni: g eon ti'iit tl In a desultory
U 11 io it till inn. town, at whieli time all our a i
iiiii.e l.a.l u itb.uiiw 11 iu good ortler t-i the prj
tit'tinni.l tur 111 itrt's. Ihe men having bicu
ft. 1 -In, I Ii their . 1 l!"c, prepur. d to boll the
n.l th, v h :tl so I .inl.i non, und tlio .CM and
nil. I I s uu s Colon . I I'm n s wero sent to
ihe tr. to to e. on:, th picket line tor th? ni-'h'.
At .s:i I' M., tl. ' li .lti lit K, 111, nt, (colon d.)
no tie a tuvt r.-i 111 on (le Un, .,u, sHirmished
thro f.'h tl e wan its vi".n,i. s eing tin enemy,
i I10 tad ins w i:ti, Iron) the tlispn ed
ttriiiiiv. the nt.o.s. to the shelter 01 ail
i urn. wink ol ihtir own, 0.1 toe far side of Ibe nd
Inil.t eo'ii e of the liuht on: sk'rmlsb line g 't
up to w ;t I. .ti nx I 11 n.l 1 1 .1 vindsof the radrotd,
m il our luuin ime approaehed 11 linn eleven hun
n 1 . d i .it cs . 1 his 1 iiiietl the iniantty liglitii g lor
IbeiliiJ. The 1 it'll' ry b,r- ide shelled the rail
road (I. .ring 'he right with l'..rrott gnus, through
tl e pen in the woods made by the axctneu ol 11, 0
V'.i'b Ohio.
s me 111 'tin ght work win done on our
intn nt ! I'd lines, : nd da. lire ik fund our bat
ti rn s ill a -ect re position, behind works from
it hlcn C 1 ) t'ould nol be then, -elves nrivcn, and
fn 111 which the. ei.ti'd, should it bee 'tne neees
san, fici r ttver il 0 advitiite or protect tbo
tetrei.t ol ihe 1 in lie Ion e.
'1 In se works wt re helil bv two section! of tbe
'I'D ti tl New York Artillery, known T spectivety
us '1 1111s' llatiety and M.Ts. reau's llaitery, uiul
by tt.e eight guns ol the Natal ltrigatltt. l.a er
in II. 0 day , II, timer's lid llhotlo 1 laud Hailery
cun.e up. uiul look position 011 the exiiemo leli.
Inn weie not cany ci, ninth 01 .h 1. d 10 the Ir nl to
jinticipu'e ncilieiy lu Hit holiest ol the action.
'1 te int 11 all, w 11b scarcely un ex cpn u, oil he r.s
and men, soldiers, sailors, uud uiiir.nes, f miit
i-ph mini ', tind w in n we coiisnler that the atiii in
last, d Irom II A. M. il i stilts, t, w c nil, I s .: trcely
hope br fewer cssuatties. N'. tr ItoA- l'nw.
sittrss oi- nn: a 111 nit is ii xoti.
I'.mi is, . November '.'H, 1m I.- I.isl nlghi I wis
one ol the undo 1.1 c 1 s-enibu d ut .. i7a t. rn to
hi ar tho new tt Ut.r Itrienolt. .New I.e was to th.
I'liiisiini until, ih i , but not new to tne, as I h id
blind him ol'tt n e.t the ew Yo,k an. I Ilo-t in
.'I'l-ru houses.
Of cnurse, there was a peciul in'( rest mani
li sted in hi- trm', in consetpieti eof ttie excue
11 in' tn ut, d in mii-ii'.il crcl. s by bis allegctl
l.iluie iu Madrid. 'Ihe Italian opera was crowded
with an eager to pass jti igment on the
nt w ( oiik r, ami, il possible, to reverie the deei
su n ol the M.nli 1 euos, l.t-tAceli whoui aud tne
I eiisiuns theie bus lung hecu u r.vairy un mu
te is t, t iiiusical la le.
The opira ult ' toil was tl.o .l.'.ii.'oi, In w hi h,
in u.y t p I. lull , llngnoli apears lo ibo very best
uuV iiitiiee, (e Kave tbe iiiti-iic miiel) as be tlid
iu Fn w Yt r't, but with more vl.f .r ..nd lire than
ever 1 tu.if.l him. lie .it tiial!', u,t ., a d oilers
w ho, like myst II, have In anl i.ini b an here and
in An eiiia, lliuil; that Ibo .Madrid al! Yr was the
Iusi thisg mat could b tie happened 10 linn, as it
dtveioptd nil unexpected vitu ity in his acting.
iiiigtiiii wus a sii. ees-. .Not only was In
singing tcAareed with lieinly a,, but alter
lat h ai t be mis calietl in I ire the ctiriaiu ; atnl 10
tbe ft'ier, wh. ro tho I' .risiiiu critics eongregiie
bttHiiii the nets, In' Ha. tl.o subject ol war. 11
eomuieiif's'ioti. On tins oeciisiiiu ol his app ar
1111. e 111 Mmt.ii, Pa I: wu- the prima donu 1. II s
so gii g ot the air .W'.iynt made a scnsati n
mni j.g tho 1, 1 era-got rs In re.
I ritiidsol llr inoii tell me tint' the M idri I
ul) i' wi.s 11 for. g, lie Corii lu-i'.n ; lhat the puodo
there I ad dt'tt riiiinetl to make a detnoiis'r ill 01
against I'agitr, the malinger; and un'uckily for
tin ten' r, tl e n ght ot hi . iV'e had been selected
lor 'be purpt.-e. On tba', tic. .t-l ni, ev. ri b 1 iy on
ihe ge a as l.lsbe.t ; but l't neo, ihe jmma it .a 11
of li e i ienir;.', wuS iilreatly so es abll-he l an
mltr thai the annum nl the ill-funr was t .0
uppan nt, nr.d could not idle, t lar; bocver, f. r
II i.e e. iner, it W is most uiitt rniii'i e.
My iidoiiionits further diie tiv euntrtiilic' the
stutcti 1 nt that 111 ignti'i a failure al M i.lrnl ;
1 ti . ' urn go so fur a-to sav that be w isan
I' lainlt d iu ibe seeohd a, t. Ot this 1 only know
lr m htniiay ; but of tl.o Pari. tirlnt i cau pt-r-s.
fililly fectittl a llc.'ess; mil I am sure t tat
lb gnoii's li"euus io Met 'ok will bti glad to
hi ur i f it ; lor (especially tbe I idles) well all Ins
luulls, tl.iy love bun slill. .V. 1 . I.temnj l'u,t.
Statu or TuaiiMOMiiiKa To-iiat. Six A.M.,
ol. Ivoou, 31. 1 1'. Jl., :.. Wind, S.
St nsTiii Ti r iou nia Navy. A circular hat
bet n issued by tho Assistunt Adjutaiit-Cieaeral,
tailing to tbo notice of Assistant l'rovost Marshals
not to t ulist any person us a su bstitutc for a drafted
nun, or one liable to be drafted, except there
shtill lie presented or received a ceriilictt'e from a
1'roAost Marshal, slating that such substitute Is
entitled to be enlisiesl la tbo navy, and is to be
credited to tbo district named in the certill. ate.
The nuint s ol substitute und principal are always
to he noted lu tho l'rovost Marshal's ceriiilcate,
ami when either of these is waiitud tbo meu are
not to be shipped.
AVkunkbday, December 21. Thoro li a modo
rate demand for Quercitron Lark at yesterday'!
figures, w th sales of 30 hhds.
Clovertecd is in demand, but wo hear of no
transactions. We quutu at $U'2u(ti,U'75 U' Ci
lbs. Timothy is comparatively uuchanged. Flax
seed sell! at i3 85, at which figure it ii taken oa
si rival by the crushers.
Tbe Cotton Market Is dull and price! art
The stormy woather to day has caused tbe
mercantile community generally to remain In
doors, and there wsi bat a slim attendance at
the Corn Exchange thii morning. Supplies are
coming forward slowly, and tbo Mocks iniaa
hand! of bolder! are being gradually reduced.
The export demand la limited, and tbe tale!
worth noticing aie bOO barrels Quaker City Mills
on terms not made publis; 200 barrels good extra
family al 12 24; aud about 100 barrels fancy at
Tba retailers and bakers are Jinrehssiug ipar
Ingly, within the range of froin0 75 for superfine,
up to TJ 60 fur fancy brauds, tjto quality.
Sherman Said to Ilavo Aban
doned tho Direct Attack
Upon Savannah.
Mic lul lu Tlu- livening T"lijr.'ri,
Wauik(ito-, December 21.
Rirlmcm! pnpers of Monday last, December
Ifih, tsve bteu n cetved bete, and con aiu the
It'est ntws Irom Sherman, which is as follows.
. . ,1 J. t' i, , "n .In i'-M'ii in'fA b It.
II,. 1 man seems to have abandoned for '.he
pif'tnt tlie cl net altnk on Savannah, and
1 pi enrs to be tut nirg bis attention to the reduc
tion of Ihe 1 ttt-works.
It also says that the enemy will next make a
disptraie t Hurt 10 gain p nse-eioti of (Jencsis
I'. inf.
Ah ng the line of the Charleston uud
Ua host! all n miens ipiict.
i rrnik Potomac.
i' li.l lo Till' IIvciiIiik Telrtr ii'i.
Wasiiisoton, Deix'tnber 21. Inf. irma ion has
bu n rt reived from Wiili uncp 'r', M I , thu' on
Saturday evening la-t a nUud uf gucrilias erosicd
ti c fiver lietween thut place end SUarp-burg, aud
gob). ltd up a number of borscs, belonging to
dinners I:, the vicinity.
A (ttnpany ot X'nion civaliy pursued and
r. g.'ilni d the spoils, in their busty letreiil across
tin liver, one- of the Itehels was drowned nnd
three taken juisonrrs. liloekade-running his
I tin eirectiinlly stopped nt Willhunsport ford,
an.l nopir-onis allowed to cross not dirc.tly
connected with ihe anny.
I nfoiindol niiintir .if iho De.illi of Jfli.
lint Is.
IltiAiitn Aiitrns or tub Aumv or tub P.ito
mac, lit een.btr 1!) An utak was nude la-t
hip lit by the Kobe's on the pickets on
the extreme left of tbo linu bid
by Jicncial Miles's Division of tho
2d Corps: they cipiurj.l six or eight men, killed
one and wounded 11110. her, nil of the lib New
llump.-liiie Regiment. The uttarking pirty wero
((tiiekly driven back and th" lino re-established.
Two or three days ejo, two liebel -cunts, named
"Watubuiy an.l Diown, claiming to belong to tbe
2d Noi.b Carolina KC'timent, wera cipturod and
placed In the guard-bouse. They man ig d, bow
evir, to isciifo shortly ulter, by cutting through
the board lento suiroiindiug tbo prison, but on
getllti!! out into the wends lost their way.
Watiibury then went to seek Inform ition from
a cajnp mur by, and pretending to belong to a
1'ennsj lvania Cavalry Regiment, got a guard to
conduct Mm towards tlie lines held by the cavalry.
After proceeding for some instance, Waterhury
und bis guard became interested in conversation,
and Ihe oriner, pretending groit curlo-ity to 01
iimii.c ibe gun bis eompsmou whs c.Trrying, usked
uitteit. Alter geiliu the guu iu bis possession
bo tol.t the soldier t'C was his Tinnier, ntid
led bun oil' into Ibo woods, where they
camped for the ni.'ht. Thu guard, feign
ing to ho uslcep, welched his 1 huiicc, and
when bo found tbo other sound asleep bo
1 r,i' id the gun fiLin uudtihcatb bis enemy and
tired, wounding him badly in tbo side, ami it is
1,'uiib'liil if ho w ill recover, lie wus taken to a
house near by, whire bo was paroled by one of
our idl!cerH.
liiown Micci cdtil In mulling bis escape.
A riport is current here to-day that Jed". Davis
Is (lend, having poisoned himself. Scouts and
deserttrs say it is true, and the sanio story is eur
rt nt in 1'iUtl. r's Department, but from w hat source
tb. y git it I cannot say. Tbe Richmond papers
of to-morrow will uiiduubtejly inform us of the
truth or fnlsiiy of tho story.
Di iT.uiiKii 20. Richmond papers of yesterday
buve I ten received. They say tbo report f Jeff
Davis' death was I canard, ami that be was well,
and would he iu bis olllee during the day.
Iiikii Itiulloii r ilio lireitl .Hull Nlicr
uinu'a, Ai-tny.
M'ashim: iox, December 21. Tho Post OlUco
lb partintnt has received the following despatch
Ir 111 Sptcial Agent M tiklaud :
1'oKT M.i.suui:, December ,'1, l .dl. Hon. W.
LiTiinson, l' (leueral : Ju-t arrived
heic. I t'll (imcial shei man on tlio evening of
the l',.h. 1 he gnat ti.a.l win distributed totbo
army 1 11 tl at day.
Ihe last of Lta'.;h and spi.-ltt ,!el.
Sot 11.1I A"t nt of the i'. O. Doj artinetit.
4)11141 VI. IIHIHl'lS.
Will 1 II -A I, 1 Ml ST, A l'J I 1 ISr Ol Nl.llAf.'S
Oiii'T., A-iiiNU 10-i, December l', lrl il.
Sjecal Old. is, Ni. f ( llx'r.u t ) N 1. . ".. All
tile, is und 1:1".. 1 him ids ab-eut t coin (Jmcral
SLt riiniu's army, aod not on da y with Ueueral
1 i,oliias', will Hume lia'.e'y j in their re-pec.lvo
ei iniuauils 1:1 ur Sr van tmh, v ia N ir Y'ork.
1 Le i.'u. i lir.n.t-b r a' .Nc Y ok wid furais!
tiuDi-portuiion. v
lly order ul ibj Secretary of Wf.
(Signed) K. 1). l'oa.vsuNii,
Assi-taiit Ailj'iiuBl-tj-'Ujral.
rioveiiiriile or tlio Klvl tlrnrruvl
Tbo Rebel Cieneral Ljou appears to have a
roving commission, with authority to operate
w herever he can effect ibe most harm, and is in a
fair way of keeping a'l of Kentucky, between the
Cumberland aud One a livers, in commotion.
Probably learning that Claiksvllle had boon re
inforced, he foibore bis Intended attack upon
that plate, 111 also bis raid luto the Uieeu river
tountry, aud took his way directly towards the
On Tuesday he occupied the small town of
Print eton, twelve miles 110111 l.ddyville, on the
Cumberland, and took nearly all the goods from
the stoics, burly ou Wednesday he captured
Kddyville, but tbo ganlsonof that place, con
sisting of twenty-live men of tbe loth Kentucky
Cavalry, and one hundred of the 4nU Keutucky
Iniantiy, boceiuing apprised of his approach,
made good their escape. Tba cavalrymsu swim
ming tbe river with their horse!, aud arriving at
Bmiiklsnd the same night.
Admiral Lee, when last heard from, was ai
Clarksville, superintending operations la that
quarter, and had doubtless driven off tbe bat
terie! above Fort Donelsuu. tieveial guuboaU
went up tbe river yesterday, to look after tbe
lower battery, which they will have no difficulty
in lileuciug, if, indeed, Il has not already been
removed to anoliicr point. Lyon's field 0 opera
tions li outside Ueueral Meiedilh'i district) but
we wish that old hero eauld be placed at tba head
of a lurtlcieut force, and take tba war-path one
more. Ha baa already bean In over thirty euguga
ments, many of them the sever tud battle! oa tbe
lotomac, and nothing would give hlin mora
pleasure than to bsve a bout with on of our
Wesicta Rebel leaden.
Orrtca ot Tits I'iiim Tn iiirs,
Woanfttasy, lombr il.
The Stock Market ii dull thii morning and tlx .'
transaction! are limited, as usual at the cloM of
Ihe year. Government bonds are in fair demand
with sales of 6-20i at 108108 ; and 61 or 1881
at lU'ij; 120 wai bid for old 7-30s; which Is an. "
nn nil van ce ; 93 was bid for Pennsylvania 5i.
Rnilroad sbarei continue Inactive, with sale!
of Pcnnsj Railroad at Go, a decline of ; 2
Ciituwissa prelerred at 374) Camden and Amboy
at lil ; Miuebill st.'iS' I.tlngh Val'ey at 81 ) and
Phl'atletphla and Prlo at 274; 773 was bid for
Reading; SO for Klmlra common, 50 for preferred f .
and l( i lor O.tawiasa common.
In City l'as-cnger Ralw.iT shares there la
nothirg doing. fiS was bid for Second and Third;
ii for Fifth and Sixth ; 45 for Thirteenth aud Plf- '
leenth ; 40 ft r Chesnut and Walnut; 70 for West ;
Philadelphia; 18 for Arch Stuet; aud 20 for
Un tn and Conies.
Canal shaies are rather lower. 33 was bid for 1
St l nj lkill "Navigation common ; W.J for preferred '
do. j l-'l for Morris Canal preferred ; and 35 for '
Pelawarc Division ; 111 was asked for Ruqne-'
I nul a Canal ; and 71 for Lehigh Navigation.
l'snk shares arc rather be tcr, with sales of 01
raid at M ; lS7was bid for North America, an ' of 1 ; l.'O for Philadelphia; 58 for Com
u 1 re al ; lor Mt 1 hsnlcs'; 118 for Soutbwarki '
11 fur Ketsit gton; 51 for Glinrd; 106 for Weat-
cm; nnil n.l lor Manufacturers' and Mechanics.
Coul Oil shares arc In fair dtmand, bnt prlcct
are unsettled ; with sales of Da'iell to notice at
','4, nn advance of 4 : Caldwell at bj : K, dorado
at 2: Kxeelsior at 14 1 (in at Basin a'. 3J ! Mingo
HA: Mineral 2.1: STnp'e Shad at 344: Perry
at )': (111 lin at 1."'4, a decline ol 4; and St. .
Nicholas nt 4 .
H.We invite attciitionto tho advertisement In
another column of tbe Allegheny River and
past Sandy Oil Company.
There is very little doing in gold this morning,
and tbe market is dull, opening at 222 ; milled
and told at Jt3 at 11 o'clock; 223 at 12, and
224 at 1 P. M.
Hill. Alibi, fllll STOCK EXCHANOr. SALtSH, DRO. 'it
lt'linriic b CUrkson a Co , llrokers No. 11 A. Third 81.
Htf OIIK llUAKim.
MisMlililJUd c 2i 0 ah Walnut Is. ..HI W
UU tl l'slieu OU.sJll I.-, un s.g lB
into V l-V's 1" H 1." .a nr.-snle 0.I...1 1-ln
(. .II atl IU-:4 1IMI .U Ct-rry Oil ..... 4 .
j ni ., 11 s ei si lit1, j, 11 o ( tin o on js j
Sin ( Ailt'Sll. ('ti .'..
US) .1. stnr. Cann 1 .
i .ii I' I'm. It. 1 si 111. lis. II.
' li.s..iiHt Mt'h'iiit., .. 4's;
... alt I a r r'sriti.... a-i
, ..ti. u lltitt'.Ao'ali... -osi
'.le sii a dwell li V
iiHi -b I'.Oi.ll UU....
;. ti su tin !'.
...1 s li l.uiika C l.V I f
'1't.l: tte
.1 " sti KI JiMiu.lo .
Ill '.''.
1 0 tn t statv. jr. .11 U
4 -n nirra lunk... al
an h 1 niun cin. pfj a
j ni iiiii. it a-j....iai
J hll Ivnli'il liK.... Kl'j
, ah Minrlilll t-s
Ki nh tl" S7-4
l.'li sh U'hatli Va.U.y.. el
sm sii (ires! Ita.ia... oVt
I'n-h da :i'J '
10d .ti Phlla At Krie.bti '7
let' sh I.V11U1, r 141
IH'stl de .Ihlo I1,
;,in -It (iti'i.t llaiiti. .. 11 ,
li'h d. a',
I'nii -li II,. ne's K.l.l.v. . I I
ll.l sh hp trr I ,
li hIi & in. m ;r,
'.'.S. Sli l iilillllt m.l.... tl -I
h u -h Vinenl oil. ... l l'i
i.o -Il hi lis "J
(Juoiationi of the principal Coal and Coal OU
tocks ut 1 o'clock Usui) -.
Jim iitto Ms) -Aii. ,
rulfon Ctml 7'a 8 Ruck Oil 4 ',"
Kitilfr tisiiiCial.. 1 ' Kahi-nne Hi'
tirs.-n Mt. (teal... . 4 ft Intt. riii.H
k.')tili. ZU'C... IV IV -Msnem oil... ! bV -
N.V a .14 id. ( . In lu), h.sry Kuta HJf ..
S (Son, nC-j. .... 3 S, hull l nil Cretk ,. J!( 1 1 1-llt Hi 'chll 4Vf
Hnstsra A .. iBuntitiry .. JJ,ttf '
All.. I', '1 Tun- farm s l .. -
111. lut,k ssj y1, Tarr nt' 4.1. ,
Itrstiileli I.lslid
2 is 1 t.lon l.irol."i-a.. l-:ll tl
Itf.rtn. till
Ulllli.r... I H
Hull lull I
I'rvs 4',
Itiiiuliiii f..tliif... 4
t't,iit.iiittui s idl
t'lfs. si.tclly
('inltifctlrm '
1 t'.er Ktmnmi... W 11-1
I', v.,,., Boon H H
.. w.luut lslaud...s K'i .. ,
44 Wsison t 1
4 Iblis.rd s .. i
.. Hoi'. lal.nd.,M..,
2', II vd fur in. S
.. iirvm. Oil 10 10!
K Hsvstno. Oil l a .
nilili.l. t'oai 1
1 lit iKr.iU.r IV ..
t 01a Plaster,
....a (,,,' I 'M.iiis Shuts Otl.s .. HS-f
1 d-en
ft Mrs', B'.iek Oil IX '
I n. . T. .k...
l'CJl Id Ut'.nl Ou... . s t ill ., i O .'. 1
tcs.ln.iiv 1 w&
I iiiik.i.ll t k Oil a ir.-ltl .. M t 'rr..l'(lirrTSt'B
I'lutneir. B V.I'IsAI'slsnikisr.. 10
lislo-lo !',' .. iOII Ork s VA
fkt.lilorOll s I 44 .. i"V. I.lln .. 1 IA
Kibin I HI i'i nil 1 -J
f. id. s .. 'i 1'M . .. H
f'sir.n 9 P.rryOll s .. 4's
n.i mn OS IV 1 I'sns. a Tlds.,.i., yv a Ut.iein.... ts S' fuirti tann Oil... s V
( tea II IS I '-, r.rrtilstiiD (lntrs. . SV 4
lll.'liefll IS I'kilsanilOeek.. 1 1-f
liuwr a liilj O11....S 1 , h. vui.ui 1'( a.'i '
Uuoiaiions of Oo'd at tbe Philadelphia Oald
F.xcbunge, No. 34 S. Third street, second uory :
Il A. M 22'.i 12 M 223
10 A. M 2. 'J 1 P. M 'lit steady and null.
Dk Uavkm dt Bho., No. 20 S. Third street
quote as follow si
vn. ((.
American Gold tli 22i
An.eriean Silver, A'l aud i's 2u7 ..
Dunes and Hall Dimes 202 ..
Spanish Quarters 2U2
Peon. Currency 4-1.0. i dla.
Kew York Kxebanfe 1-10 " par.
IHHrkftH by rrlBrrs)ti.
Haltimohk, DecemlM'r 21. Wheat firm' rod,,
f'.'tl. ( lira tlttelillilli: li.w hqi !lssitl6. yrtllaw.
sil-TJ. I ititir iilfl Miles til .Ml titii.. Ohio .trs al $11 W.
titttieii.. vtry uulut aud nuoiiual. waiaky dau at
t rut" .
Ns.w Yoiik, December 21. Flour quiet and d ; 4.'.i'0 libl. auld. M heat iittt. but Hl.attv.
. tii .j.,1.1. Perk ru.. met: new niia, Strj-M).
VVIii.k licldal Jd; buyer, al
Flrsv lu flti).anfr.nNtfN.
Boston, December 21. The Phillips Academy,
at Andover, was burned yesterday. The loss li
-2d,(liX), covered by Insurance. Tho will
not be stopped, but will be carried on iu the old
bliek school-bouse.
I'm: El) Status Dibihict Couet Judge
Cudwulauer. Jury trials wera resumed la Uu
Ci un tins morning. .
'ihe I nil. d Sutus vs. Henry W. Lnnt. Tba
tlelindunt, who wus ibe master of the brig Taunt,
( n u net ni voyage from mis city to l'eusacoia,
imd it turn, la indicted for "emboiizling, ami
known gly und willuby inisapproprianug" curtain
pioptityof tlie L ulled States, via , teu tons of
e, ul. '1 he i use was living tried this morning.
'Ibo evidence seemed to show that the vessel
tn.a.e w us chui ierctl by tbe Uovtruuicut to carry
a targu of eual lo feLsacoli. Two buutlred and
cighti lour Ions were put ou board, and tbe lame
quantity was Delivered at (be navy yard, Pensa
eo.s, lor w he h a receipt was taken by the de
ft ntiunt, ol Die proper aiithoriue! itiere.
il would appear, 'ho wtv.-r, that ihe coal pa, oa
boartl hire us 281 tons was really more; for after
H e discbuige ot that quantity, as above staled,
some leu or more tuns were still left in tbe hold
ol the vessel. This was permitted to remain, and
wus biougbt back to I'huade plna. This tact
being iintdo known to the authorities here, tbs
eap ain was arrested, the coal, which, it is alleged
wus part ot the cargo shipped by tbe Government,,
was taken possession ol, and this prosecution,
The defendant denied that he knew the fact :
thai all tbe coal bad not been discharged nulil
al ter the vessel left Pensacola, alleging that the
discharge of the cargo was suriniended by the
Mate, and that, having a receipt for the same
quantity received, be supposed that all had beeu
discharged. It was further alleged that some
coul wai lu the hold of the vessel when the coul
of tbe Uovernment wai received. On trial.
SiriitMB Coubt AT Nisi Priii Judge
Head. William AnsUce vs. Oliver Otiingor. Tun
is an action to recover damage! forinjuriol sus
tained by reason of being driven over by a horse
and wagon belonging to defendant.
The allegations of plalnlitl were that on the
23d of November, lbGJ, while crossing the itreot
ut the intersection of Fifth and Poplar streets,
tbe w agon of defeudunt, drawn by a fractious and
nomauaguable horse, approached so rapidly that
he being unable to gut out of the way woa
knocked down and driven over.
Ue was much bruised about the body, bat the
most serious Injury was to bis left lag, the skia
and flesh of which, for twelve or mora inches up
and down, finally Houghed off, leaving tbe
muscles and linewi exposed. This wound, though
much Improved, li not healed, stud aucordiaf M
his physician, probably never will heal.
He waa confined to his bed for luaay wwoki,
nd to hi! house for monthi afior b acnidaut,
end al one tune the physician t"id that
ha considered kia life lu lniiulMus daugtsr.
1 lie ease is on triaL U. M. 1 noi'pe and K. U.
WeU for plainUU. Qowf t. lUf tut tle
fendant. , , v
Covat o QDitrii SassipM-Juilge ilums.
The CoumouwtHiia vs. Jamea Uordoo. An
indictment for faJs jaetaiiaea. ilelbre raported.
hot COUCiBdod.