The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 20, 1864, Page 7, Image 7

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wninj Sclcgraph
TUKSDAY, HKC.--.MnUR 20, lKot.
1IT W. VAIMH, V. $. Cdllrl,, ALTON A.
Incolll. ,if ttl t o IL Itarila will .ino
IVIien hit poor iiiune my i h int no ninro,
'nii' iniio II jwr I lo would l.rmg,
k lit and iHsilnff oilcring
Jo drop at tii Hit's door.
worldly plin will tm;rt mi'lo
liy fon"tr(i from the p itli of right ;
vln In I.oihhi iruili tii T acis xiiall a-uhlo.
r 0 Will ID Mi'inl'n-l ll'ipt" ulll.le
The fs.liu of the light.
'ImteTrr rr,- on ttu'e 0"'-enf
liiiu nlul..' nt ' iiu Ilea l oi' stit.o.
In' laii-c o; 1 rei dniii Mill ili'tuml,
1 nil r.iiiir'K p'oml liuir. I. In the oti't
Z 1 hr liunest lulls-wmt.
Ilia tlnm!i' Irilttltt' let flip niv
V u c on o '. uru thy rising sun ;
on s omul will awct'ii ilio-e tluiMs nwiy,
lid Iriirnt mid lot- will . ,tn- dhy say,
J tiv truth iln- Tietorjr tciii.
bell nn
Kn bnril WJn;:inti..ii. r lie )i,k Wmt'in .
Hil He I ' Hi I l,l,ji(,llOTi-m..:rit ..
I)' xitiin'Cii. I., h: md iih'ii hiiTc iii'oti, in I
il-'iitn n tu iiii r -.Inn- ever unh
; wtit'iliiT. H ii- li" nns .vitc I la ih. .nil,-,
-tie cvir did tin tlui.irs wlncli tlit mii:v-
inputcs to Mm; hi! riuilv r.i no
l.oMloi. us a Mi,,r liu., H',d iIhouk' i h
dous tancr v. lm n V:nlca in the at-:i:ti:uofit
: honor. .Mui.y o Ik i p ;nil,ir rai n-i ,nt I
i uru lit'int; in. m-.l luii m tiio sumo kin.l
,'iiilc ut i niii'i ni.
)' .nun k hm.Iuis wi.nU ili'c-n it alHiilulidy
to duunt tliii rxi-r me o! t n ir Uv.i.-iH!
NVInil i tin: m.ny ; I,i k WhiU'tinton
M'ly ,oor or;iliR'i Nut, who, uiunir.'l m
T, mm Ihmmiw th i' ti,i- st'un.sol' l.iiudoii
,"piiMil Willi it'iM," tniil-o I up to lln:
no tr. o is, b.niin; nn 'a-piuuI jiu on
iv IT tin' UilullV ni l id' a w iu mrr Ar.
lm l.oinloii. liu .-(1011 kiirivuli.n iiwti ti
C Ki i n iii..i"ili: will:, lit a iinmr, u id -.. iry
I v. i thou t ii : luit uiiit a time In' o ii ,1
. i ill ihln ilin .1' l I.' , t ......... .
f.vncT In mi' i ;i v. He was mplnyod 'in
"o iiiiiii" i .; n'.iy, and was kuilly
i hy !u in.i-iir .inn n v l i-s Alien
8 lii.'nU'i '.i HiiiiKhur ; hut tae took
use ucd ero-5-teiiil' re. I .-.0111.111 ill. 1
111) slept m 11 wiiiiiiti eurret. wliem
U hikI mii-e Were o ti'i.-iutoih ari l .10
me that ho c.,u!d olitaiu but httiu
mid therclorc l.e lioin;ht a o.a lor 11
toM iiri! n iv tlio intni'l. is. Soon nl'ier
'r. 1 il.iiritn euKi'-eil in an exienitvo
: or ppi'culntiim ; sending out niereliandne
Cn pints, in order to bell at a Krcut tuoiit.
f a km 1 in. hi, h'' $ ive to all the peison.f in
vice an opportunity ol etiKaiuir in tho
tiri'iiuciiiK theiii the lull nroliti that
ulse thercliiuii. lln-vdidso. Poor Dick.
nothing but hi.-ieat, sent tlmt. Wlieu tho
ttobc Mis Al'.co Rave him a nennv tu
Jthcr cat, iinil was otherwise Bood to him!
verthelefs the conk was so cruel that 0110
ran away, and tint as lar as llightrate.
down on a Mono liy Iho wavmue. misera-
1 Ucart-lH iiken, ho pjadered on his forlorn
in, and wondered what would become of
icsciitlv, he heard 1; iw Church bells nm;
d they Deemed to say :
Turn ftitiilrt. Wliittin.'lon,
'l lillee l."l,l Mil) "r London.
turn again, and went bck to Mr. l'i .-
'. encouraged by the singular notion that
itcrtd his inind. Meanwhile, strango
hud oecuricd. Iho ship in which Mr.
rnua merchandise had been embarked
ctkedontlw of liarbary. The cap
it awd to gain tho favor of the king, and
. ited to dinner at the pilaco. During lim
its and lined ran over tho table in such
rs a to annoy the captain, who ventured
re-s his astouisbment. The king said
t.wevcr much he lamented it, he know of
ms for keeping tho animals away. Wliero-
tue captain said that tho wrecked ship con-
a cat wntcn woutu soon settle tuc
ig a-ked him to bring the cat on the fol-
u 'y. isu ouuner uiu pussy see tuo ratsanct
han the killed scvoral.and soared away the
The king and Mitcon wero intensely de
, and oilered a casket of jewels for the cat ;
Ihe captain, of course, accepted. When he
M to Kngland, he gave an honest account
ullalr, and Mr. l-it.warren handed over to
10 full vuluoof tho casket. Dick now be
ealthy. ilo rose in life us a trader, married
Ylico I'dzwarieii, was thrice Lord Mayor
limn, was Knigiitea, ana was mumour ot
icnt lor the City. We c iunot pretend to
i story so well as the story-book tells it,
swill tcrve our presout purpose.
, some poisons say that Diclt never exUted
while 601110. knowing that Stow and other
dcrs mention one Sir Hlchard Winning on
ing been thrice Lord Mayor of lui i iti,
: in his identity, btitdony all the marvellous
it the story, utnors, acceptiag Dick as
been a real persnnuge, say that he came
Shropshire. .Many assert thut lie cane
itallordshire, some say from Lanetshire.
from other counties, but agree with each
11 ignoring tho cat, the cook, the How-
he King of b iibary. the rats and mice.
ie caket of jewels. Leinpriere, in liu
jiary, asserl
lngton is ca
Vn, but has r
asserted that the story of Dick
calculated for the amusement of
no foundation in truth. Ten
anting in lT'.ii), said : "I leave the history
cat to tue inouu 01 my youngor das, Mr.
j and his dramatic; troupe." Mr. Keigut-
tns "tales and I'opniar l-icttou. savs :
wcoleoftlus legendary history there Is.
nay see, not a single word of truth, other
is mat 111 j maiden name oi Lady Wu it-
was t ttwarreu.
0 doubts have, howover, been overhauled
Hilute maimer by an uaii pianan writer,
ves no stono unturned to arrive as near
.111 ut tho truth. The Hev. Saruucl Lrsons.
of Kodmarton, in Gloucestershire, gave a
in his neighborhood on the subject of
nxtod : and this lecture hits since boon k-
1 into a volume full of curions inforniatieu
dilation. Certain v. is that Mr. I.vsons
'that there uus a Dick Whittiugion, and
lie was a native of Uloucestershiro.
a period of no less than six bun-
tears, there havo been familief in the
.ot that inline, varied in its spelling
uytjnion, Whityngdon, Whiltyngd 011,
gdon, Whyttyuglon, Wityndon, Whytiu
itiulou, Wtthlngtou, Wituugdon.Wi'von-
.'ittinffloii. and ut lnnitli Wliittin.'ton.
n lick Luinelf had his name spelt In many
t ways a rami very nrevaiant before tue
ion of printing. Mr. Lysom, by tracing
digree in old aims, contained in the
Museum, finds mat Dick was the tilth
Sir William do Whittiugion, a Oloucester
uight living in the time of Kdwurd the
There is a William de Whittington
ile as far back as 12 10. Dick hiiuielf
s to bavo boon born in 1130.
I, y sons assigns reasons for believing tint
icing a tilth son, poor and unbel'riended
family, came to London to seek his I ir
and those who consider what was the
if the roads aud the vehicles in those
twill be prepared to credit the narrative of
Mill troubles by tue way. Arrived in the
.oils, dick commenced ms career as a
weeper in Iho house or shop of a City
1 As to the trader's daughter being gentle
ind, and the old cook ill-tempered and
'there is nothing unbelievable in that. The
I commercial venture of Mr. Fit.arreii
ite in harmony with the custom of the
lucre were 110 consuls, no partners ot
firms settled in foreign lands, no system
anges to square up international balances.
ints were accustomed to send out shu.-
of assorted goods under the charge of it
iivi.o k Iiiii.ii liiibiri.a it r ta t.i sM Iia
udi-e in any foreign land where he could
nuiftii, auu n uoso niuuu ui rciuuucrai 1011
eh as to induce honesty nnd vigilance.
r 11 warren should send out sueli n
ad is ijuito consistcut with the us, ye i of
how iil.out llio tat? Who could
,t of each a thing as Dick sending out his
cut its a vmt iroj and how could the King
ary, even if tho story were shorn of evjr
h of its ninrvels, have 'icon induced togive
tb!e purchase juice for such an animal?
iglitlcy discredits tho Whittington story in
aur, 1 11 the ground that somewhat similar
ro to bo found in Dennurii. Tusciu.
rirsiu, and Bouth Ameriai. Sir Core
discovered a similar story of a c it in a
, 4 poem, irrumu 111 mr oaea B5 tne year
j. 1 nunurcu aim ninety-nine. Mr. I.vsons
Vds, however, that these tales render the
'"h suffject all the more worthy of a'teutiou.
tfue at was, in ancient times, much more
au.niai ina- at present, is certain. Tuu
t ruws and iNstitutious of ilowel D.'m.
I' A. D. (published by the Ilecord Com-
in imi 1. mention toe cat as an anima
li Klgb icpute. In one place tho price of a
ntwuuted m the lollowiiig cur.oue wv:
UTwl is to be held up by the uil, with the
nu.r the floor, and as much of the best
asi would be necessary to completely cover
1 m inn position was tue puce or tne
. 1 II v what means toor nuss was to lie
d to remain lu this nncoinfortahle po.ltlon
tne experiuieut was being perloriued, we
' to'.d.
:;i the story of Vh!tHni-:on ami li's C..t
nnderw"' Hii',lin at a nieetinir of the Sooietv
of Aiiti.iui."if"-,,n 'onniciion with a paper resd
br the linrnin 'r- '"Wl Horain. Walpoie ridi
culed It ; and Iho "T,"J hlcli r0ote treated It,
in his farce of Thr A'n.v'' 01 in Insliiht inV)
one of the mocoi of (nii rp.','atf'n adopv.'' I at the
lime. Nir Matiliew Mil)- ay . "Teat Wa.nlng
ton lird,no d .ubt cart fc ma.,'''! h w.n
Lotd Mnyorof London wi squally true; bn-: k'
o in- i bi, mm, gentlemen, u thet rdin knot
to 111. tie. And in re, gi nticmen, ro it permitted
to me to rti line wha' a rat Is. A cut Is a domis
tic, wl iskend, four footed aninul, whose cin
plojmcnt is cat Idng 1 f mice ; but ict ptm have
Nin evii to siilitie, let puss hae been ever
iicrt'sfful, to w but riuild pus's canturo am mnt ?
No tanner can curry the skin of a m iuso, no
and y 11 1 i Is a meal ol the meat, consciincn'.ly
rocst ronln give Wlditiiigton hlswesPii. Krnm
whenif, thf 11, id es tins error proceed Hi tin'
11. y c:in. to 1 oint , ut. I no c uinnen-e this w irtlir
ineicl ant c tried on was ehl. Ily cotinm-d to our
cos- Is; Ii r this pnr,.otc he c instructed a veel
Mill, lor its agi l.y and lighlmss, lie aptly a Cii. I'ro.n ill" "- ft ai;icar i'. wn
I ot (lie I i l.i ie,i, tour tooted, in msc killing c it
that wi s the n utec ot Iho iiiagistiate's w.-!;li,
I. 11 1 the coastn g. ni 1 1. 1 g, eml-e 11 rt ing ( 'at."
In an cnrli .Ms. tiic Talnool'a ci;n s-c
to la- nii .l fo ih it or a ruiicli s!i 'c;i witii
its Inn Ii and its wool ; and i-i ano li r, the pro-
I I itv 1 lies irv to c 11 -1 1 -ut- a proper ha n 01"
is nun to ci'iniri-p tun,. Iiuiiditig., ouc p m':i,
hiln, one eti irii, one l ui', m ,. ., j ,, ,
eai. (dieol ih.. ;.t,.iui-li vn its sa s tii 1. eight
hnrieti.i gold pjiees weic given I ir -Ie' nut
Si,lsb 1 at lai.ded in C .in, by A'ui Ik-r 1, Mo
1 1 h p. il.ii '11 of l'i 11 10 , w In I.: .111 .toe, (ii t . it 1 a 11
II. e -11111 .t s s hen 'ird, ami st ; s th-r. A ... -r
; avc lie god (or th- cat, not th- c.r I ir tlu
;. oil a o sen 1 an'-i when tends to ni ta ,t
tinre wes some t.Hiti'Uti.iti fir t:i'i s ore.
Jist, liail'o', in his ' )i s-ip Ion of (inn m',''
I'llldlshiil in li Ml, sp ,,ks ot nun c I llltl V Ii 1 ig
ii lestcil wrh .ats and no. .', 101. 1 of tlto ttn a con
1 1 ni nt la lie iit'iniieil li eat-. IV nn tut give!
a v i 111. 11 vei I. us Mn.-y, io i(l. cth et tl.i'.
"Alpl hum) a J'ott'igiu-e.'w r. enc I on I'ih e i.i-t
ol (..i.imii, was jir. senie.l by nm kin,'wit'i his
w '(- l't 1.1 ro:d l.i a iatm l.dl mi -i, a ,.1 hm
lei'linei.t to kill III. s, w hi. h sum he Innirove l
1 ti toe y 1 111 s I 1 six tlioii-and po 1 d.." I'eniiiint
makes i s" 01 ihis ns a wimjioh with w it, h to
kicek down tin Wii::t eicon story, hut Mr.
I ysons nee. p:- it as 1,. ,.g .atlon ,..r inttvc
llian destructive. Mr. keigh'lcv dcscrili,-s a
(li ornav 111 !i',c Ca , in l.iti nid, in w hicii
13 11 m'iii,iiiici iiito.reu. v 1 ol a cu an 1 lour
11. uv, ci inn, en. oia'ne ol a noor iiisniier who
mace .1 t'uilii.ii' li tin- ...'ile ot a cat in some
I'.itign I: ml. Mi. i.vsom ouo'es from a worn
pnb.i h d p. l.v 1 , stioAimr in lot gn-a' e-ti-iiiatioti
ckih have at ceitniu times Ii en held.
"At Alx, 111 I'toveiice, nn tin- fest v ll of (' irmu
hrj. li.llie tinest T eat in the eouir.rv, wrapped
in swai.dnug 1 lothi s like ahikl,w ho on ibis
oeci.slon exhibited to the admiration ot the g ip.
oik iioiniuiee in u mumnm-i'iu snrine. l-io.vcrs
wire strewed Ulore linn ; everv knee bent as he
passed." This strange mid sho-liing ceremony
did net die out till the year 17i7 : wo only notica
it in connection with the. fact that cits, from
vebaitvir cause, were more highly valued in past
tutus than In the present day.
'Unit Dick WLittingon ro.-c to be n dis
tinguished man is now tin ;m stionable. Ho was
made 11 iiiembor of iho Mcrcwrs' Company in
LiU'.'i he beiame aldermuu about tho satno
time; miyor, or lord mavor (it is not unite
certain at w hat date the mm or was first bclordod),
01 i-i.'o, nnu Hginn in 1 iu ; mcmoer or par
liament for the city of London in I Hi!; 1, r l
timyor a third time in ll-il, nnd was ku gh-el
ion 0 few years before his death Iull23. lis
trade whs not merely that of a mercer; ho was, as
.Mr.l.vsons expresses it, a sort of 'Howell and
Junes," dealing in the costlkst silks, iuwels. and
other In.xuiies. Among the lssuo Holla, under
uiu uiuo on iieniy me 1 ouriii, is an entry ot
payment of two hundred and fortv-eight pounds
ten snilliiu'S aud sixpence (a largo sum iu tho ie
days) lo Kichard V hittiugton,citicn and mercer
ol London, lor pearls and elo;h of gold, provided
for the solemnization of the marriage of Plnlippa,
tho king's daughter. Iu ll.ikluyt's collection of
Voyages, a potin called the "Libel of Kngl.ind s
l'olicie" makes mention of our hero as one of the
lect gt.ied merchant. princes of tho ago :
V..W I ililnV oflh.- s.inne
of n crchtniy. Kl.enir.l .11 W hitlliin.l..ii,
'1 Imi H.Mi.e s'eire a-al chif elios. n 1.. Afire.
VVl.tu lia'h liy hiin o'.r Kns'lsiul ot h-inoarfl!
A 1.1I whal tin III hath ben ..fills rli lies !
Auil el taiteta Umy 01 Ins wurdlllie'ssc !
A famous story is fold of him as n worthy cit.
' During his la-t mayor tlty, after tho war with
France, I e entertained Henry the Fifth and his
(iiccn ut Cuildhall iu A most splendid manner,
nnd received from his sovereign tho order of
knighthood. Tho king. In order to carry on tho
war, hud beon obliged to contract many debts, for
w hich he bad given his bunds. These bonds had
1 ecu bought up by Whittington to tho amount of
sixty thousand pounds; aud on the present occa
sion, w hile ihe king was admiring a lira which
hud been made in tho room, in which were
burned ac viral sorts of precious woods, mixed
wiih cini anion nnd other spicos, Whittington
took out the king's bonds, throw them into tho
tire, and burned them ; thus, at his own expense,
freeing the king from his dohts. All wore amazed
at such a ptoceeding; and ibe king exclaimed .
'Never bail prince such a subject!' to which
Wliittingti n adroitly rep ied, 'Never had subject
such a prince We may doubt that tho sum
was so large as sixty thousand pounds, without
doubting the general tenor of tho story.
Hut Sir Hi. hard Whittington was not m 'rely
a merchant so wealthy as to be able to assist
needy monarchs; ho was an enlightened mm,
who won the hearts of the citizens by the many
public improvements ho introduced. Whit
tington made a conduit from Highbury to Crip
plcgiite, whore he formed a well, or fountain,
lor tho use of the public. Ho arched over a
spring ntar the City wall ditch, 10 keep the
watii pure for use. lie began to rebuild
during his lil'ciimo the prison of Newgate, of
which an old chronicler, spoakiug of its pre
vious condition, relates that "hyt was
over litel, and so con ugious of cyrc yut hyt
caused the death of munv men." Ilo began
building a library for the (I rev Friars Monastery
in Newgate street, and supplied it with books
(of couue those dais). Ho arranged
with his executors for building a librury attached
to (itiildliiill. Ho repaired St. llartholomew's
Hospital, which had fallen Into decay. He
supplied with glass (a luxury in Iho-e times) tho
w indows of Guildhall, and paved tho lloor, which
had until then been meie y strewed with rushes.
Ho rebuilt the Church of .St. Michael Paternoster
in Lower 1 toy al, and annexed to it a college for
a master, chaplain, clerks, and choristers. lie
I nilt a chapel adjoining Guildhall. Henry the
Fifth intrusted to him a joint supervision, with
tbe monk Kichaid II.iwarden,ovcr the restoration
of AVistminsler Abbey, tha nave of which had
remained in ruins fir many years ; ami, more
over, iu 111', tho king issued minutes of council,
dirrctii g that the corporation shouid not demo
lish any building or wall in tho city without hrst
obtaining tbe minion of Kichard Whittingtoi.
There wero many of the elements of a great man
in till this.
Ttc far-famed cat has Ul;cn part iu a good
rt ui.y matters relating to tbo illustration 01' Sir
H chard's carter. His executors rebuilt Newgate
nccordlug 10 his boiuest, and adorned the from
with a sculpture of Whittington and hit cat.
This remained standing till 17(1, though injured
by the great lire of ltitlt;. Tho Mercers' Comn any
bad once a portrait of Whittington with his Cat,
dated 1Mb' i they have now onu of later date.
1 Istruek engraved a third in lo'ii. Urainer, in bil
Hi.-tory of Lngliind, says that FUsliack's picture
had ut til st a death's head instead of a cat ; that
the public would not buy it ; that F.lstru :k erased
the death's bend and put in a cat; that the print
thi n sold well, and tha'. the death's head Impres
sions became extremely rare, ily fur tho most
curious mutter associating Whittington with a rat
has come to light since the publication of Mr.
I.) ions' book. On removing tho foundation of a
house in Wcsfguto street, Gloucester, in 1S'J.,
the: e was fonnd a stone sculptured in bas
relief; it appeared to have been put either of a
wull-tablit or of a chimney-piec. The sculpture
represented u youth with u ot in his arms; an 1
its style und iippiaranec wero tra-ed by expert
person to the tiftoi utli century. Now, thscuiijui
I oint is Ibis : tha! Ihe house in ipiestiou cau be
proved lo havo bceu in f lie pohicsioii of a grand
nephew of Sir Klchurd Whittington, either when
Sir Liclinrd was an old muu, or loon inter his
death. Not conclusive evidence this, of course,
tl.ut pussy rtnlly did visit tlio King of l'.arh.irj's
dinner-table; but evidence worth recording, for
all that.
The invested estates left by Whitilngtoa for
tl.c support of "God's H011-0 " '.he hospital, col
lege, or almshouse established by him became
in lime vciy v.duublc, and led to Urn oullding, in
recent days, of v hiitington's Almshouses, a largo
siriictine" near llighgnte Archway. In the prin
cipal quadrangle is a, figure of our friend Dick,
sitting on a stone, and iippaaiitly listoaing to tho
lunious Low bell-.
As to the stone itself, Dr. Dryasdust, junior, in
utts und iii'-tin, has recently shown that
there have been no fewer than four "Whit
tington' stones" at Jlighgule, each churning to
bo ll.e original iu Mime, if not in verity. Tho
site of the reul ancient stone is supposed to have
been enco i.ccupied by a wayside cross, belong
ing to an udiacent and chapel dudi
cutid to St, Anthony. The old stone (whatever
may have teen its shape) was removed by a sur
veyor of the loads in seventeen hundred and
ninety-live. Broken or i.iwn in two, the pieces
were'placed as curb-dour) against tho posts on
cither sine of (juice's Head-lane, in Lower
street, Islington ; and a few years ago there were
DATTiY jjTTC. 0 1 KLEfllUril. ?ITTLAT)KlJITrAt
Ilirptonmn who t.clicTe.1 that one of tho utonftn
nil ft rnirU tho thrt'ihoU! of tho h.tclry known
the Queen 't llea.1. Ntuno tho nc-onJ, with nn
ti (TipTjnri, wm placed on Ui rond leulm from
Hr.ll'.wny to Hinhtf'.tp. nhortly after tlio removal
ol tbe first, llili ocot.l stone was n p'arcii by a
third, at the Itintanrc of the chtireh-w.irlem, in
efi:h.-n hutiitte., art! twrntr-nne. Final 'y,
flnne the tl in! puv pUo; tj the fourth
uliciil ti n , rmrw a.
Wew.IUot tmuf to be lrre thut Dirk Whit
t(rV'n dul sell h r it. .1 yritr i;und.
X'AV'V M'1'AIM'.Mhisri
I."-fn'r. (
Priori rr.ipn,. win he r.-. nl (hit nnill
mi r i.l it .'muiirrK' I"1-'. fr Ir-m tsiMlit,'tt tit itic
o.iorttm c . U Iniii.i ),(. mn.if rr Aiiptitim
Him ti l ti f i f if t h- it ton nit inn f.r tf f .1 -
t v. n il a ti tr-). f i . y nr.ln N- ptrmitnt will
l't in., r tinill il f hn!" 14 (VI t ,. ,,! . 1, n vr r l. r-m
nin -.' ii ivK.f,,v nf t notn. h-imm of a.-ropun -if
M-l I jn" ' ti r nn, i ai.jr, nj.d r;,e ,T!i j u be Uuin tTd.t
la l.i n oi ih-, tin i r.
I l:r t-i.titin. l h i,I !. .tr.l Ik il( lowK't rnton'Mi
N'.M.t i;,.' iu h i n - r -rrv.-tl oi imtiiiw i'ip luwrt li-
I tl lr dt mi'il c v ..f i n h?,.
I I 'i -nil nsni 'P g will hf re inlr. .1 ftnrl tho in -trrl
win Lf O.tMl t'.e ) ty ihf iiufrrt ut rceiil.imc i
UV n
ITiiiifil i4t'.ttii:i ji.i)i liiiruct (nil riti lm nbtAliiMil ti
i It. rt l"h I" 1 1 t t.i,-f. u
I r ! )il HH P. .i-,',-'f.i to f ci,f t.f tu rurrn
ot ' mil t'i-.-.! in . nn.t cm.i in ( - lr -. I f r
iM'ti.1- ii m tin v u (..' .I.-Vm.-lh rd it ! 0 (1. r j, , j ,lot,
,"t. r
" """K ni ( i.ii-- pp j'lirr 1 t I fl rrij
W W II N(, I X,
" 1 1 C
No. J.
'It.'. , It. Mi r I' -n. 7 1'., I-. ",v 'W lnfl',,f
l" ! .' 1 H Kl ,. H 4
i O 1 .', l i l.f ,K ,1.,
i l v i ; ! i-ii i.
I . . ! I . . !,y lu ,U
I" '' i1 i :, s, ji tw m ,i i
' it't .. 1- , hr H ,'.(
i' ; .i , i, i,t
' - o ,1 1 i s. ri us i ,i ,
I i. . '. f t ,y ; ,i(
'-'1 -l'i I-., I-, l.v .'-l rt t
.1 .11 r y )., .1,
-In r,, , i j, ):r 4", ,,,
!J t ' . I-;, U l.r II ' .m
'K ; -.1 i f .i.i
1 i1 il T I'., u.v i .I i
"l i" ' I l.t l,y , ,
.'1 il" ' t... , l.r r. . it
il ii ic. I i.y ,)
! t'.. Ut .v. .id
I'' '' i'o i;. h it an
' - '! 1 i l.y A r1
i." .t ; i-i. oi,, n i ,i,
.i .l.i .1.. . v ! . f.v ,i
I !. t.. ..,,, ,r j,
I I it.i in i-:, i -1. vj ,i,
( .'.l .1 1 M . -I !
I.' . I' ' . f. :-n n.,
'1 hr HIT r !,. !m- il -l'i. .1 Vn-. -tn ,.4,w,
" I -1 1 1 N HON.
, -.- N . J
I' i' . uniU ) n . ni.-1 1. in (ii.ii f La iron, . In. !i.
I'liin il 1 1 1 i , rt p irp 'i tr if n , , in 'i ,
I . I .1 111- ltt-t A tin II. All M ! 1. it 1 1,., m it ,
i) p-.uii I..": ti. rt. .m t . . t bar nun, 2 l.v in. n.
it .oin,.:s - t A in. 1 1 .-i ii ft! fi.u ir.n. .' li , mch.
. j ..iin.n A . ' i u -ui i 1 tt r. -r I r-in , 1 '4 i.v S
N I jHilllUl Ik--l All!li in f-"M i I h ir in-ii, Is'. Ill !.
" (..mi .In I., -t in. r ii r. ti' il 'i ir Ir. n. I j m, t.
i Am. nc im ii.iui.i utr irn, t ;n n.
In n nhi;.B .is i
ii.' rr.iu'fPii.
i-t 0' ') nctniN l-P-l A tit i it .in Limn. t: hi 1 in.-1!. 1."
Hi.'Ih"., I'. In1! I. -tis.'
W ' A-llI Nt 1 1 1 .N.
Hi" Nm 4.
p nn.1. iri'ti iiuu, hr 1 1 tr. incU A am ilor,
(lo do t i. li lt. .v.
-In i,i I', ,v II i
1 d .lu rv II h. Jit
CIIAltl.Rs HtVV.V.
i t -s N.t. t.
W.OO ptt'in.M I t .4 in. tic n n Itoiipr MtlirP Iron, fr nn M
to '. Ind. Ki t k, tl Mu ll dun. iiloiii nt iu iy In'
i -,- N.t
pnini.H hti Anttfrh-Hii p.iiiii1 iron fr.itn I ln to I
in :u ..nuii'Ti i . in i-T.L.-m . n- mav uo rt- ilirftl
i i ,-i Nn. :i
Ji),(iVi iin n-1 ttpt Anii-i i. Aii I ir.. ii J1 ; I.T I inrh.-v t' p ,
INCH ptiri In llli , llll-Il III!, . .Ul.l tilt' 1 III' h IH'I 'j
liu h tlil k. I p..- .'tiktiM4 iti m-iy I ie ic UTivt.
CJl UIru N.
ft No 4.
Vi,W i-.iin.'B Ilo, Jot Hi-., i. I ! liK-hcn long nn-! In. li t r. I. 1J in It
V nr WTahiiin.ji.iv, )
-.iirv..,os, t. c...lrniiary I, ;. (
All loIor- In I thb. Mar.l.Hie IuiiiIm r. I .iiih.-r ' )m.
fnrnitui.', Ihm.v,, nn.l sa 1.11- r . iup rt,i.t.fl t-t ipn.t
to tin cfti. c, on th.- Mi i.'.lt.V V ol -(! w.-k, a ..'Ai.-.l pro
po;il or lint, in .lupin ;itf,'.f Hip urtic'ri trt.-v An- prt-(tre.1
to lUiliHh to tins dPi -t Al ihott n-ttlP. v.lth tl, nn. sinf
eat-it uirk U In pt .In iU nr.' , . tli At, In cAmthcxibi.-uri.-i
oi hi' ctu' ri'-iuirn r.thf Artiim or Ariiclet cau to ob-
innu n witiiuni ticisr, a iho iowpsI prlrc.
l'pa:ii wilnnw i. II to :lii depot will na rpiuiredt
farulaii Uic lift iuik-(uiiI)v evtrv Momltv mornln,'
I). K KICK Kit,
lttltdlor-GemTal audCliinf tmrmnutHtor.
H I t if iot ui vviiunKton.
li r IlMrtct of PfiiiAiifipiiiA. Nn. 7.1 M Aitk k r
Ktrft, HOflttDtMT 1.1, JHi.I,
tai.u rr-'imAi win i. rocoina at fn'fl o'tipo tint i
noon t MiMAT. Dcrtiihor .'!, I sin, for fl irnlimnir the
i mini niiiM wtin l.irav-p. Tin. CuriK Oau. IIav. anl
htliiw, for the uit orAiitmali in tin, nnlilic .oi vlv f tMl
post or dliiricf, ln-liiiiin Cnrnifr, Fort M litltn, Ch -nn-it
Hill, .NicwtowD.ilartiljnuvn, Itavrly, N. .)., Whlto II ill,
near HrMnl, Ta., Hprintf Mill, ami any otlu-r Im-al iy
will, in td in command that mny he dlrer e l, for the pf riod
ofl monthi.froai January 1. lHftS. Ail Kra'n to h orilm
'ht .iiliy, ;W to Oip buihel of Oaig, ml i
Souna. io inn nutm-i nr inrn. iia oi ikhi .piAllty tlin uhy,
raw nt od iiaiity, Kyi r Wlint, i mav b-wrdorud.
All to lie lnpt d and apprnrcd an dnllTf 'cd.
ProitoAAin will aUt Dries ptir ni.uniis Air Irnvfil
ttraw, and ptr bu-hal for irraln, dfllvrrod at vUc (
poniiimi'tfon in tuclKiaaiiUilnt and at auctx timH aj ma
bv or.'f ril.
The I 'nl tort mat rrTva the rltf ht to ri tect an bid
dctuitd IncotiifAtiMe with Ita lntri.ti.
Al'llr. K T H. Anil M K t),
V.' Tfi-t? t'aptitin and . n M.
OK l'i NNS I VAMA, .sT.
TO 'I UK MtlNIM. of TUjfi LKX IMdrilli T
"r I t Bl l AMI,
W H KH K A H, The Hist rift Court of the lTaltp.l Mtat.'s In
and (or the Ka-.t. rn I'lrlc! ..(' l.-nn-.vivaii.a, mtbUy an I
inh prri eeiiinti mi a l.'t I, IU-1 In io. inuua ul the t int. 4
h latin ot Ainf if. a, luttli ilo:ii-i'il all v in if-mral w hj
buvi. nr prft.-n.l t ha.ti, anv n;fit, title, or UitiTftt hi
tt.p Htfun-iT 'hl SANA." wliMif.. C. W. Aiutln in liiANtr,
in r tack If , api'ar I. nn.l intnlturr, nnd to K'to.ii,
Wiirp-i, mid iu. i. tiRiidiHO 1ud n on board tlx-rfor, cap
tnrml by Hip hime.i Stntm st. anicr " M'ta.-ouiM,"
tindtr c iiiainl oi l.U' tunt t'luiiiii.uut'-r J ana" K.
Jwiicitc, and broiii;bt Into ttth dl-tilct, to ba inon-
Ulicd. nicil, and v Ulfl io 'inUuirnt, at tin1 tmio mid
pint e nmldw i irt n, mid to tin ciU-ft n.'ro.ittfr I'tprO'.i.o.l
(iiniKc mi rfiiitrinn n urv. tn.-rclure, ch.trn'.l and
ul' l i-n o tied ni'd i ( ii.m.tuilc.1, tluit ion ,m it not, ltU
that h.v iiiibii.tlitiiK il.t'so re oi it a m at toast twoot'uie
ii.nly ii wtptpuia i.jliiu-il and puhiMicd in the cttj
ot J'hliadeiiPhia, anil In tho "l.oai Inti itl 't'iin'r," you
UinonNh mid cite, r iatu tu hi ruuninfa and ciuxl,
pen mplorllv. all pern-ni in tcm iul h havu, or
pie tend to bavo, any n tit tala, or lnieret In the
mud ill aiiuT ' Humana," ai:dcit o, to appear before tne
llun rabit-.IOUN (' 0VAI. lKlt, the Juduonr tho Haul
i onn, at tho IMntrlct Omul rutin In the Clt' of I'hlla
d.'i'bia, on the iMuntiWh day alter piihl.cnuoii of thaaa
pre -nits l it In- a con it lav. or else On the nmt curt day
I' liowliiK. bftHeen th umial houia of h-arlni( o.dmi a. and tliaru lo sin.w, or ahvu In due lorm of lav,
a rtaaonable nnd lawful ex. use. If any thfy biro,
why tiie aaid Hit iiuii r "Auiana and caro ibuld not ba
pruimumcd to, at the time of ilm cnuure. of tha
iiiine, to the enoinlra ' f the I'nltPd Ktiitf, and, asifoodt
oi ilicir cactntf or oiherwike, liable and nub a. t to
b. ai ad.i d and t:oii.riiiin-d at r;o d and
tan i u I tii.n; m l lorihi-r to do and rfcuivo lu tlda
belli. i nn to justitp p-hjll appertain. Anditiat ou iluly
ii timale.itr cauu to be nn: ;ia'd, unto ul1 p -iaoni
H. ul, K' rally t to whom by tue tftior nf thvia prtMpnu
H ih iiln int tout id i, that ii th" a all not appear a( thu tnua
and plate ub. w mriitin l, or app'ar and ahall noi
show r.'B'OiKiblp nnd i .win i'.ne to iln r.uitrary, Ui-u
r aid Iifiirt t l oi-rc d 'ih Intoi.d and will proved toa l.u-dl'-Htun
on th nnid eaptnre, and may pronounie tii at
the bai.l Ricamcr "Nui-Ar" and cuio did bvLnnf, at lit
t. hip of liu caiturrof id.- name, to tbe enemiea ol tha
L rut d Hi tc ( A m rl a, and an iuili 1 tb.-lr
ciifMilfi, or otl.erla'. b.iMf und an''H'.:t tj oo'iflaca
tlon and c ii'lt'i'iiinil it, t.t l.i a.l n h fd and c Jiulf innod a
lawtul prlrp, Hh ;.liHt n.:.;. nr ratlmi iiiuiu y , of Uio pfr
loiis no k wA and ni.tut in d In .mv wi uotMlthtaudliifC,
and that oudil ciii' tuibfj-a'd lui'ri. t Court whal
y.-u itball do In ti. preiimm, ' K't'i- r w I'll t1-ap pren IU.
WlMll-B the lli-l orablM JOHN 'iO' Al.M'Klt. J'l-Ue
of Uie naid I 1'iirl w. I'hihl ii lphia, li i a Ihirlt-enib day of
Itpcuir.ber, A. I. W-l, ai. l In th- f .'hty-uliiUi year of
Hit Indcp. ndtr t! ul l'i a:d t'nittd tat-i.
I j- li.- ,t ti. K-2'OX , C'lurk JHatrict rurt
mrElir assistant quahtkhmas-
tir, Nu.llii t.lKAItl Hupw.
I-iiii Ao: m nt, Tt''emlier 7, l-6t.
Hcalrd I'ruptMiftU will be revived ut thii oihc- u-iiil uooa
oi V hINEliA i . '.1st In-1. i-tr fiirulinliiK the Ntnilouery
that may be rt'iuii-i-.t at tl. auiiU-e, in a crdanca with tho
pjtl(iAlurf achediiie, Irr alx uioniba cvmaaviicinif January
I, lHi K
White Cap Fatr, ruled, fowefb nut !- than 12 pounds
pi r n am.
Wiit l.p'alCap Tartr, ruVd, to weftfh not ln than li
pound c r iu.
Wkilte I.ut 1'ipi-r, ri.i-d, to wflcn a t leu tbaa S
pound p-r ream.
i it ( otitn.prclal I'apr,ruk-d, to wet,'h Out Iwit than
4 lytMt tiia per rt-am.
Whit iolio Icit rier, ruled. auieprWof papr
per ri-im.
lum rnvelofpe r.p' t,'1 ii imes.
IWutUiiK 1'aprr, l"'.'! 'u : l'i .f pT thwi.
II In nk I'o.. lit, (tin me. I Ml bcui.d. I'ne pur -; "!re.
Uhtnk lUiok. luii .., lull U tuid. 1 r. p. r 'in iv.
Muiik liooksj, cap a it, Jial: hu 0- I'rice per unlit.
Klv U ptf. v title o. buff, No. I.'. 1'rke p -r UkJ.
Ki veiopea, whin- or but!, u-t im ln-. I'n. pr HtA
Knvi-I.'ppa, wbrte. r burr hl i 't in hps. I'rb e p r H0.
Kt,ljj'e. hit cur bub, !lx in.'bf a . frif l Hii.
I i-t(.r ( . ylui: I d-ds, aud cap et-, oW auu luvO a iu h, p.-r n.
ii. ii'i.PHixiiiin Iwm ko. !rvo. ucr dotn.
Wiling Huid, to Arnold I, ipiart and
t . ( nc Ink, to Arnold I, nuurt and
tuito a.
arm. re Ink, E;iik to J'av.'.h ', i'adt bottle
itOjipfl fi,
ink 'ott'HT, per tin, n pap"rip.
I.i-ad I'liii i!1), ttwkl lu K.ibtr
3 and J, pr
Kcdiiml Hlii" Pcnrllr, iiiul to Paher'a.pcr dozou.
(i.aiiN Iiikaundi, mvor'Ad per du:ii.
Htn l feui. auiTifcil, pur
H it! l't ni, oui. u a. Hus. ; and 401, per gro.M.
l'en Hold. ri, aiaoritd, pr dotu .
Tin l"ai er r'UliT. p r dot n.
K.d taliiitf Wax, j, ounce ard 1-OUDoa ftlvii, ptff
Jtd Tape, No. rfTdoicn plecoa.
tiiabH iara of atutiJj and Kiuanei, larK aad I mall
Alf Uu aril, lea mmt l of thabeit noality. ftarapleaof
ta. b arinlt must accompany tacb bid, with tbe name of
Ibr ltul.i-r duunrily aiarkt d thereon, and only oue prue
nu.t be pained lor ea n artlrlo.
HI nuid any article not num ratM atvTa bo wanted
tl.rv inut be turnUhU at the lowpai maiiet price.
f iopoita'i inuM be made only itpou tbe rtular forma
fUMiir-hcd it this .IIU'.
Tbe l i 'inl Htaf e r lefTee f he rlirht to relct all bide, oi
rarta of bida.detwed IbcvmpatlrJe with it imercati.
1 Al.ttJCUT e). AatlKan.
l2-7-l?t Captain and A- U- M.
I'iim AtM i in . I ppmbPr r, l-i .1,
Hraled rtp''B'', 1N bf re fen i.l at tfiij iiV.-f oiiil it
oH-ek M., Wr.M?..'l,A.'ir il, 1 4, I -r the
Imntediatn dahtrry at t mtei frtatta Atwa ll.-RKa,
llanmer Ktrart Wharf f
ONK HtMltri (1 :M PAUIN.
To he ntadi In tl e t af m inner, i, "t nune cntt-n d-i V ,
twat -fftiliv. am.? aitin'ar.l. at '.T by W bet. wf.-'i
fl' I In d. 4ii d iiiK ciM .i tin iiipr . 1 lu or an bipct.-, ap
pittntod on the part ol the tto ei nmria. am,tioi ol du K
.e, iiieil.
11,1. tern wM state prVe both In wrttin anl njurf. fe
iinaniny i.nj n r. and t ui.- of deUiy. rileo t-t l ie u b
pnrkkfM and A- lli-ey.
Pnrtiiud on.iih. k'linraiitr.'d Uv two reponnlble pr
li'.ia, ih"f ni'ia'iir. iiiiMi be itppcn.b'.l to the K'taravi
te. and i-c rtllicl to (. hruii; a-nxl and uflh-lfni in m tv
Tir the amount lti..v .1, by 1 ie l"nl rd .H'a'e l
irirl .hi.Ve. aitorn.-v. or .d fft..r, or .Hher putme mti. er,
oil nmit' - he bid will n-'t b rot?- ..t-f -1
'llx-nvhl ii rt3. rvf, to reift-t all bid If deni.'.l t o
bbb.auu no bid rrwu i tfa:ii!in c mita; lor wtil bf n
c lr d,
lu ordcrf, ui (X-bmei III. J. Mi's lUfK.M, chief (jtirl-T-maaier,
(K'M(.,tr K ormv,
l-'l' M A iln and A U- M.
0 Aitnir, .No. ."u S' ti TH Mtnet
H it i im-ikk. Ml... erniber fl, !".(
Irled rr"p-alt in no". v, will if r- ctf l t iht
on.n imiii 19 m ,.n Till It -.MA . lT.Mnl.r .. -,. .,r
t' Hie t lut.-ii hiatea niiinlmeuce lo.anm- ui
li !' -
I ' LR TII tt'SAVtl 'WV) irtrtfVi.iioi f THCa.P
C AT v I R on .. f. J- -, : i; c Sia mt'
Rt lln.tnor.-. Ut.. In Lm ot lnai) one ihnnand . A h
e-(li im i'i'. to I f u. i. ii. l m uno an I a hi.f
aiitt irnu', at ih r-ti. !- oi t,. c nri t :
1 i y n.ti.l i.r-ci HMt'l.tiii hiiiren iiundii tl n 'Hid.
v i h! all I nlina .h -rt ,. . io ,v ,,n,y ,h iUmim1 i .1
I tv l of uromt r-. . . t. i It, m w, .txrn, I dwi, Ib'il
ci. an II. -in . s i uti I r. m-icI.
A.i .:i.r iot, ..(ri'o t '. it... n.i , r.i nt in.1 from tha
V'.htol i h tf.rr r,-.p.-d ii;i l.-r ihit .out ac., ,.r.
Tl 'f.l the ml:i a1 .loc n. t a-ij m p,.ti t"-o no I m
I i t ioiii- h.f- rf h. ir a t..itjl ..I, or la not Wfinhud niiiuc
tl ! a lift i n -ot a I i r 'Mi tt-i-i .
Jt.ntik fo-ti h r pr c.A' ran ' r had (. att'l.vill.n at
tn oit-.t-, rlti it to , e- hi, l.y mm, i,r tt e.-riio,),
li"lo-tl P tcir.T.tph, .-r . thrr irii, ln''or:naJ
pt 'i. a:. al'l not de .- n 11, ml
l I c i.i'Vfrn'n. Nt ni ,,,,- , i,, it.-ht of wfl.'htn.' unr
.in aniu i ii.-par i o. li Hi ai'i"-i niiv imli.' 1- -.i
ct.ll than tin n l-'i'iiHin ni' 'i' oii'd a'-o.', tin 1",
p. I,-.- .ii wcuhiiw Will In.- pud i,y tin pirly .'tn.ik: in
jti'h'tm nt.
-. h I i t to ic.-tirr .-. n It itl -r nival ci'n';in a writ'ti
fcii'n nt et- oi two r'"p"N'.ihie p.rt.-iit, hi t'iiowi -
, t0. if , oin it ..I , m 1 1 t .it ,
I ' rt ! r ittaril. n .( - -I ( .r ar. ) aM t-lnl'la
r II I",f 111 ilCf-itit.ln.-i- W l'i tl..' I.T'ili Ol' hlH 1 or III -'ri
p-.i.. in. n, md h mi j in -..i Oi,.ir p- .,ihon h-
a'tM''"'1. 1 r thrrlwi!' At .m.-e cnt.T lain a cn-
I I I if o C.u.l . n, i. I r. w i 1 1 , ;ift.' m m nr.- pr-'p i; . .J i 'i.
. . ii"' I i -e- in tfhii'n- k'K.d a'i.1 .il1.. i.ioi I il Aw
in rVLMn. tit.
I io r p.-i'n'M'Mr .r te iint-M t n nnint he ri.wn hi
if oi! . i.i r. nt !. itc nf i . ),.fk ,.f in ,. n. Ar.-it lHtnot
t.'t,-n.. ti i I i ut..l 8 1 At.. 4 lr.ilnct AUornay, to 0e .tu
o-t r. Ul. U.f ' -1
t.-.'r nm-! b. pr 'nt b. lO'nJ t th-irbi li, nnl
i i ari-.i tu Kitv boii.'a at n.t au v . i.ntta. t 'n'fore b-av
. . tt .f.
I I ..)vernnlfn, rr h-pm 'p Hi. :i tbf ilht t.i re t w
a b l! r ii -.til. r. J urn ivrtine.
1 .iTinei't l.. In ii'A If a- er r a. dcliTorT if fl-.dfi !
er m .ii. d . il ijorc on i nn.l, u ie nin.le a onn ai rt'f-Jt'B.fc,
I t.i.n-ii i 1 p e ve -ta c t .-. 1. i! ( twiient in m.ub' rn
euin-r cy, and ulnt ptbra il u.,: ml'ei .irica'.eit ol lod'.-ht-r
i r - .
I r. .'.Mil miMt !"( endrt-M diinMy "I'rnn. f..f
l't-. ( fa-ib-,- ai d ndirfind I; t aptJn J. II.,
f . 9 , helumor, M:ir!.Tn-l
f ti hid la in tho na.'iie ..f a f-m. tb.Mr namea ami
pc-t .'Mice a-blrt aa iinmt antttur. o r ihu? t ill not Ij a -a.
.rh parvon or try mfml.r of a firm erVrlnrf inrn-
' il inu-t aconipa-v It h an .-..ill .-t a.U'itianct to tie
. miui,r,v.'i uovcrniiunt ,ir no mi o-H aln aJy niM one
in iMi otbee.
Ai) t.l. U t. it romniTinir r etlrwith tiia itrnu , tt.u
aU er(iaHu.nt wlJi be re t-tt' d.
I- 10 lf)t Oapfaln and C.H., U. ti. A.
rnt:r I .k r n i on u , K ivm, K.tvemhf r 10 ).;(.
PK H-OSAI S r o; A It M 1 It ASSI'iHi I A I MM
f i ii . il I 'i . . p. i fla a wni b.' r.cWvd at t4 ottl . amll l'
o'clock M. on tl.f n I ? r dav ! ll.oeiuhei, l..iit, ..r tli
'I rn ifpoi laH-iii oi Military nupplli-A diiiuiir tlm voa: H.i.
ck I r loilowitu t tit .-- .
K' i t e No. 1 Knuii Kotti I f .vftmortb, I.iramb'. nntl
llil.-v. ai d other dcih ti Hi it hm he iial!'il dtuiim
thcabotri ear on t l.e wc t bank of the Missouri riTr.
m itu of Ki rt l. u iirt.trth. .inl aotnh of latitude i'e-
rrcei noith. t" ao po-U r st .i I ..'n i that are or may he
if-st..ti'liod in Ih. I nri . rif -i .-f V. bt a-kn, 1 'akolah, bt V io.
ai d f i ah. B'tiith f Uihu.Ik tld'vrt-' i n .rtti nndfiHtof
lot'ifittiiU- IU -l.-jreffi .!, and in tho 1 ri ilory of C-lo i onli of lo .Icvri. i nonb.
l.i h'. rt to Rt.ite th at. i er IfiO pi iml p.r 1 m'a
at iv t, ie t itrywili tid'i...nt aai.i m..rc In i-acb ot thrt
mnii.h.iruui April to at ptcmb'Ti inc!uiTe( of liie yuar
i;..i tK5't 1 -Krom F-trti T-cai nw-.rth an l Itllev, In
the KtH'e t Kana-, a id the town .it, in tti itnto
oi !U i.ourt. (o irv p tin or nUtioiiB that art' or m $ l
ethhiiHhd in the stale of Katuaa. or tn tha Torr ty f
ful.uii.lo, i.oitli to latitude -to d. rro n Till, dranlmf
anppm irum Pert I.cathm rib, aid to Kort t'lii-m, N .
M 'r olher depot that may bo dtniwaalt-d In that Ter
lib K.trt oarbind and to any other point nr poiuta
on tin route, hidden lo nlato I ha rate per lOOpouiida
per lm mj cg at ivim h tby wilt tranport aald atorv in
i nt Ii t the iiitttiibafioui aj-rd to tvpicmbuj, imluaive, v.(
tii v ar Im'.A.
K"t i k N. 3 From Kort I'nlnn, or in h other depot ai
mav be (atnb 1-he l In the I rritory of New Mttxlco, to any
pt at er atailona t h it are or m.iy bo eaittblmh-d
Tt-nttory. and to skI) p'tsta i r Htationn ai may (e do ii.t
natetl in tho 1 erruory f ArUonn ard Mi ale of 1 oxaa watt
I li'iigittiibt I iv." tb -t'oei wit,t. li.dderi to atiiio the rata
per bO po'in.lf. p"r bit mde l wnh b they will trunnport
anl a oruH In ccj of ihe nionilu from Juuo to ftluvoiuhur.
lm nuivf. of the Ttur 1bu.
Tbe wmmit to be trannported each year wilt not eooe.d
liM0,iil pounds on I'outo Nn.l; 1 ..ooO.'Kf puaiuU on
Itonio Nn.'i; and tl.OUO.MrO pinnds on lt-uio So. .1.
o atl'Mit'tiiiii per. enuik't will he p cd for the trannport
tlon of bac n, baid bread, plue lumher, Hbliulce, or any
otl:er utoict.
iJ.b r tthould give thr name In full, ai well a 4 thulr
pla e of reriofiicc, ar d e.n n jnopottal Jthould bo aci-om-rtinie.l
by a txnd hi tbo anni c.rtm trKiinaud dolhira, fKiied
by iwo or more rftniilhlo pc rviio, Knran ofinit that, iu
cue a i ouiract la awarded lor the route tnantiourd In the to the pmiica iropn.lnir, tii. eon tract will b- ao
efp'c.l nnd o itc n il !nto. and od and - uMb tenl Hrurt fur
niar t tl Iit aaid panic, In i Oor liiin i w,tb tbo tcruia ot thla
alT rt;iinnit
The nm-Hin: of tioodi re lulrrd will he aa (ollowa :
on Fonlo No I.. f,:f,nrtO
On K. nte No '1 ;
ou K'-n'e ho ;i t. t.o.
fiatiafartorv evldont-u of tho .oil v anJ a)Wnur
of fuel, bicdor knd pciou olKu'd ha aucur.ty will be le-
I'm p'ia' mnst no eniioritu rropouam nr Army i rani
lt..j;.ii..n V-ai ICotite .So. I, 2. r-r J. aa Li.a .'." ma be.
ard n. ne a Ulbc cntci t un.-d unit is !ht-r fully ooi..ply wiU
a. I Ui it'Oturt mo nit of lb n ad eri .a in-nt
I'ai lie to whom urn mn.lM mint b rrartsl tn
t cuic cntracM .il once, and lu j,iifo Hit ro iuaod UuJ
for ll.e p riii-in luce tbt .une.
( toitrnrtti will ba nude -u1 ii-.''. It. the Ahdio al of t he
Vnuricrniast'T Oencial. but ilia ribt In feaerved bo reject
an i r ah lout that tx.iv no nm-rr.i.
(.otiftiu turn uiual bo iu roaditictt PT serle bv tha llral
1a of April, Wi.and they will ba r-iulnri io bavti a
piaro or aut'iicit-n at nr hi mo vie miiv oi i on i,fcu
wor Hi and t.'nlon and othor b'iot f at my beuttabiislna l.
at u hi. li tbtty n;ay b et'tnuunk-iiicd with proiupily and
remit j.
ofdt rot tni! ytitrtermattrr uonerai.
1 if i 1 unnnirn
Capl. and A. g- M., U. H. A.
AiiMY sirruKs.
ijt'Aifi'.imA-. r i . i ; - .n-n .m s i ti- vi p. -
WA'Ii i nc.ti tN, 1. C , in.-emher M, ISut.
Nealed rrojiofa a will ho received at ias rcpecilve oili. fa
nt Ai my f l-.thiiia and Eiuii'tt-'o, In w rt Cltv, and
M.ila.iclPhla. uUil U n ciock M., on WKI'SKSHAY. the
2'ft iiiiiaM, br lurnlahltiK by Kstiw-t, nt iho h-not a
Army t loinu u aim ttjuifaajo 1,1 victor city, at int.- opium x
the cent rat-lorn
JI10 AIIMY W,A.VKF.TH. w.N, rnr (witn the let-
teri t . t. iu black. 4 luciea lon. In tbe ceu be
wen tet-t Ung ai.i Ovu iw I alx In -hu uiat, to wtiu iitu
p. rr.dn ca. Ii.
1 rup.iiiH win on re. eiveu ior '.r nwnntj ' it 'irw
of tuber American vr Ki uluh uikl uta- turf . but mutt bo.
In u'l refp' cis.ciual to iho Army Hi m Urd, at the rcipoc
live I n-i-ota wht rr ff.ey are to tn d"litr.-d
h ddf-rit will a lute lit number ihcv wnh to fumlth ; how
o-n tbej cau coiuuicucc, and u,e i.uumtT Ut-y uu d :tive
Fruri.ti'i mnt be aeromnanled rv a prop-r iruiran'ea,
eliie.:bat leait two rt-ipomihl j panics, aet'lm.' furtb
tl.ut n a coiiirnct La awarded to the h.ii'tv uiakinn in bid,
Ibat lif, or Ury. at once e. ule tho contract, anJ
ivt- hond-i for the proper fnhiimt'ir. r tin1 aaine
I he r nht u rencrvru ny l .e l ureii niaiea m r.jcci oy
part i r the whole of thu bldi tua be dcoiimd f'r tho lit
l.rfit ol ti e aervh e.
rrt't-otal ahonlil be endorsed "P'opoaale for Furniihlne
Ilatik 'ta " and tlio-e lor .SiwVo k aiiutiid be addronacd
10 llr wuiM-T lb n-rat Ii. II VI.SI'om. In-pa'T i.'u.nt r-loasU'r-Oencral,
Now York city, and thoao mr VjidaJol-
abou:u In audrtaiid io
C.iloneniKUMN lllilitfl,
(uji terii.aiicr'i Iie'-turiment.
If l i 7t Philadalphta.
. f WF.IC'IIT & S "A MI
H-Twrm rr.f jtr ki w.-f m .t'-.fvt.
C. n. iminxi. . . i:.u-ii
j) ii v o o i s t sr u vsicu n s,
Cn ftr.l at oiirt.ti L nit i.t , full Bnortuier.tof Imported
ki.d ). lots: c I'.-Uri", fuliuar l.l.lit MnlUni, Faiiiti,
CoaI OU. 'i.ow liUii, r.-s-.cMtlou Via-'. Ao., ni u lc
Tlci9 A f mi!,.. Difct-rlR.s io.l .AO t. u!d.
risu ks8j:mul oii.h
For f .T:f- ("I. nfn, la fi II Tsrlily, ki)d oi Ih. htft qallt
fcrliliM-itl. nl Ii-i"'k, M !!, fo A.h, WdiM'ar.
H i Ash, A'.. tin. 0.1 ol V.lru 1, Alin.l.ii, 1'i'H vrMi, l'.trv1
cf l.u;:n'. it. Ac . H'ltJiVniU' ii.., lwj C'li:.uil, U
U.W.SI Ml si: b rk".
milf. MW.-K8 rOlt FAMILY CUE,
i'.mtistl espri-u.'J f.'' tur si.ks snU to wtviuh w. lsfit.
tL. tttter.U.ii of time, lo want of i-e;ui'l infi.Ua.
Alio, J.lilt:o, XTAhUU, HViJAHU, c, 0 Mr
Imltisbj mill, of rlty poit, will mcM with pronptsfc ipstlU quvIkUvu. will lie lie r
4uiid. WiOHT & HTDDAT-iIj,
Wl.ol.i.i.1. Dri Wsriou.s,
J.U-'.X Ko. 119 5SAIIKKT SUccl.sDOT. Irtut.
KINlil SUM. hfv. M.rk.l. Kuota .'' enrd lr B c. tv tl.);l r (i n.nilna I-suiii
OrrtnrM ni... np.rlor Ei.Mio KIU
KU.Ue (.iocklnK..upf.iru.., Btomia Vru
turlx. CrmcliM, .. .,.. .
IjHi.. .tl.ciliil tj Vn B O BVF.HKTT. mr-U
run fftiii r.irv iiuvivurimii
HAK'll i Hi HA.l.F.TD.t, WILKErtllARUK, WU,-'
... n .n j v I .
teniifi Mi in da r, k .,Mi,.f u mrumn
Tr.i. ,.1,1 !,.. il . NKW lifti'ilT. I HIKI) Hi -I, .Ih.
T'iln p0l), I l.UJ.'l).lil.. dnj. (HiiiiuKTI JC1..I, l
AI ! ) A V. (Ir trr HuMoh.rn, AllnitAira.
klHiu Ii , Loiik, Wtlk- ahHir... k liinnn(.rt.
At V ,'n A M I A r.M.n..Mt.ll...i 1 ft.r I.itlaii.iM
At I I.'- I-. Y. i A. ftiKim.Klft-t.s.1) r. Fr I .Vuhlnrt'.n.
AI I m I'. M I K..... ) iur ll.lil, li. Rs.u.ii, 4e.
1 I M Ir.ln r. li... K ..ti n at '. --K. . M . nii'1 m.k.a lo
o..nii. -ii-.n wiili .1... .w Jr...v I'.nlrAJ r.r Now tort.
Al i l) r M. (Mali) n.r l...l..t..
At:, lft r . m iA..'..mi,M.,i,iii,) fur ii.ihlrtwm, Allen
In ti. ami Mnrli , 'linnk .
S I'. I' M I Ac. .inn.- (Utl.ti) for l.iin. Jkl..
1 In. .mil 1 . . nu .t h.. nn.siir..,! m m. Tl M OH. Hn.t, i.r itf.KKH hiuhii, in iird.r t, ..ruroth.
to.. I'M imi.. of Nri.
TltAINM ti lt Villi. M)K1 Pill.
I i.,i. rli-lM .i.i-, .u k ni un.t i.-.i a M , an 1 6, wi. U41 M, nn.l I IS r. M.
Mil .Ink. at i. .T M
ytrt V. liliiKt.i) al i 'it P M.
PM'".!. I'l fi.r Ii '-) n mi ii .i i A M. an I'll P. yr,
!. . lo.i..ii f r I'l-iU . ii.'.l. .it 7 A M ..11.1 J r. M.
MiMiiii.1' . ItiMr.i." F s jtas W'll .All fr itwtl itHlvr
.Clsfc. ut m. .i.';i..t. rl limy I).. Inu .1 i
S. 1 HIKI) HllifU
It'll' PI.I.IS ( I.AKK, iu-it
II H..II.KI AII. Via Ml III k.
H H 1 Nt I A K K S ' .FMKST.
On anil nn. r I K.l.A , A.i il I, ), u.e Iraliu will li-ar
it. I'll s . -.
I rs.c l'i i. I. lt M. tho l..'i t-.tnier ..f TMIKTT
lli:-l Kli.lvAlihKT stri'tl,, I A. II , 1 1 nt. A M 2 M
v v.. i I. i' m..i. w. r. t.
I I. I.I, I ; .... .t cl.a ...J f..m FI.1HTI-.I-NTII an
' kl.KKl Mr-t. to '(IllltlV ai.U it l.jhT
I . .. . W..t r)..-(rr, from thi nn Fs VMtKKT
HU..I... J '. A. M . II A. M ,'J I'. M . M
I l.. .-i ..r th -t 1'M.n.l l ',i .'.-r llsl n,
'. IT. .in I V.i V. t .'if.-' 1 s. 1 1 cofit,. I'.t.eii.r. U at.d
Il "iu Hit- l'liiia.n'i.iia lit j..'t.
i SI NIkVSl.
1 . we l'liflml...hl at s :ui A. M .n.l ? :H P. M.
I.t'ii.c . .( I 1.. -t.r nt s A M .n.i I hip )
1 it. ii- I. .. n, f'f I If pin. .t !. a M. an. I t v p M
i .1 W t-i rl.osl.r .1 7f. A. V . .ml I la P. V .rontwvl
"11. tin ii. .ti lit- .n.i Hitltiiniito Ctiniia
I... l'i ... I l .r i i.. ul .n.i .tut.. .ii n.
t I' III". Ml. (lull, ll.ii.r.l Minirlnlenilnt.
j; II 11 (I W N ' H
An ...'. pif.iitive f it that o-xuptalnt
In niai'. nt 1. nT .liiTi'linir ft hat aitirri.! u-i7 wrm
t!ftul rAitnT.
ritH-AIIItll tINl.T 11 T
Dr a. J ctanilit,
II 1"! And flir a.K ti) Drnrl.'. ,onrallF.
is nm Hoar nrrscn'Ai hum hot for viidbm
1'AIN IN '1JIN Itki.KA'srT, nn.l
Tioiiurt by
JOnN W. 8IME8, Jr., Olicmldt,
Kt.r aale by all Hi ivitii and Morekeipora. il l'rtmiwlra
PnrelT Imported fKF.NtMl I KM f,r. I.H.M M T and PIM.(t,
wanaiiUi) in all casta. Mrn. t'H A KI.KS H I ' li KK T, 00
at.'tr'eal ri ysl.ian. f.iitinn'c and ofti pnraia fut
Ladloe. Appl at the WoTaNR' tUl'U eTOKl,
No. 1019 COATfcH HTHKKT,
ll-V5-lm Wuatof Tenth.
If t sain admiring ryca;
It tn raue tnv Irtumi n:hi ;
It to ha a bloomintr th.wur,
Fadin,, dying In an hour-! turr I
If to havo a host n frii-n ta ;
If for vioo to make ammda ;
It with l.'h horn bio.. t" and;
It a marble alone wliea dta.l Wwarral
If to live threetrore and ten,
tVUhii'i. It f b an lonit a. alii ;
If to live a lit- nl pcacu ;
tf to cie and to u ut IIiiamm !
If yon w Mi a life of plfamriM ;
If yt.u value tlila world'a treaares ;
If evory oomlott you would a,
Taku my advice, aud wlnn all thre.
1 htii, baviaif H 'alt i, Wi-aith. and Hnatity,
Y"U Ube prttpaieo lor every duty.
Rvarurerulp.rnaalof Dr. WII.MAM YOtTNO'S H
Hock. 'HIK M tltici if ol'IhK. vhuri -h uld be ra4
b rvi'j ore Ho!rt br Hook Br-iliT enoralle an l nl Ob
ln.'i'iM tltl.e, So. '.16 hl'KUCH hTlvKiST; prtoa
C-118. H
HkMA"II'sN'A rriiK.
S .M .IM r N -t t l' UK.
hAM Mil 1 tl. 1 IM KK.
s.vvt uirN S ri im.
S.V V All. I A N ' s- i.i'iti:.
HA MAI. t ' AN H .'IKK.
hmauitam h i;i;k.
Tic r.n!v sure ut d s..ft ri'ini'.lv l.u I lnnorrli i1., llVt,
Hire ma, Ae -uri' lu all ra.t'. Id Irnu Uil l.t nt
rile- MaVur l't'iiiaie-n'ii hr mall.
liVD T CO ,3 "l.i ...rull
CAM A 111) AN H I'lllK.
! tun a.n n .'( KK.
XAMAhl I A.S'S f'.HlK.
HAV AillT.t s H rnti--.
Sam miitan-'I ri'H.
'MaIiI an ) niiiK.
HAM) lll'l AH -1 I'l Ki:.
T1IK t'l.-l- 'l" SI'1'.riHO I'llH NKi'lt".T HI';KA''S,
h.-uiimil wi'BUi a u..n.i-rr.i'H, i.irei, .v.-.
Kai l, hi'-: t't.ninli . '.'ii I'ills. aiitt will s'nrn In Irum two to
.It drfvk. 1'rn-e t'.'.
It In hI.ii t i-ittiin In le.tnrr ttmo nml isiwrr to those who
aio tit Ijiilt. ti ll liy exi'.. or nuy iitlirr tiuiist'. and will
rr.t 'rf a'l to lull ol' y..tith, .vlin tlio I'lll. ar.' u.t'd
v lilioul the lnji!t-tl"U. In (host, ets.-., ouu I'lll throD time.
. il.iv.
(sjtnltiy null )
C. l'UK'K IlOSK.Prnprl 'tor,
Hot .s'.ni I'ost Dull'.!.
PolcAiellU, II . 1 11' I .t l'i ,
No. JIJ N. .XKi 'ONU Strix'l.
It.' .uro mid a.k for
HAMARfTAN f't'ltlt.
f AMAI1IT.N H .111 HB.
H M .Kll AN H Ul itK.
ht.MAItll'N B ( I KK.
KAMAIilTAN'J l l ltl'..
HtttfP I'K lllrcitll. SVIil'P DF. ItH'OIIII.
HI 1(1-1- I if. hllOIII. fN HIP Kll'tHtll.
ht Rl P 1 1 K. Kill Ml), NVItl P UK III (111 I.
HVItl'l' I'K II" OKI). hYltllP UK llli.-Olll.
HkliHI' I'K lll'"KI' St M P Ui; Icll.'ol:!).
H KIP UK 111' OKI I.
HY KI P lR HU 'lllI).
SVIIrP In; l:li:nnii.
iti p in; Kii uHii.
H ki p HE lui inui. svki'P lr. kh'OKH.
Mlll-P UK lllllOKIl. BVHL'P I'K KI''Hlli.
Ht I V 1 K llll 01. 1). MV It. II" I'K Kli'OliD.
HVI(i:l' I'K UK hud. Nviii:p UK l:H -JU-.
A r.rls n run' for .11 fnrmiof .n.ieal lli.t'a'ei. U.fJ
In th. furopeno lla.p.lal., and th. aril) tliroiignout
Kuro . aotl AmTira
1 ui. pr.i.ara lon lia. no jn-il n. an eradlc.torof tlm
fm mot di,ea, , B .1 .1 1 , m n n. t lie cinstltii ' lou n.'uei all v,
li will .-uro all Hor... Hp..'... PlmlVt'i. Tell.r,, or any
rui tiouii uo mat't'i from ivhat cm, or huw Ions .uod
1' u
I ric. il l"ir boiii..
I'. Plllt-C HOIS Vroiuialor.
ole A vti, fiuir r A iu
ho e Aaci t". fivot r A ci).
(u.. A,. ou, mori'ttcii.
Henl to an adilro.. li l't II
DR. J. S. ItO-sF.'S GOI.DF.M I'lI.I.S.
I'p to till. Vii d female, have h.i'D hjlnl'ilsifej l7
I'eMarl..,, A'.- , for tha cur. at
la hnnof and KeLf.ial del-l.lty, wlu.-h lueatu
c.n onl prTO (i.iiliitive, if Dot In iliii'i: . rt.'noof Dr.
HtiK (.a-l.-nti h.iva te.-n Dslrir in. h ah.nnlitlea. The.
n lyell I I. t.olden 1 ill., an.l thereby tib'ain a partec.
t uiehy Uia use. of only a few bo..... l or the., ccui
t i ricU't i. worn, a hundred Al-.t-tnilntil -n t..or!e-a.
i'rk-, t" c. ms ,.. r hi. bee Atif.l.K l 0 I T ti CD.. So.
Ut K. hfcl OJIi) B'.reet. IU 1-tulhs-lm
rp 11 F. R A M A 11 1 T A N ' 8 C U Jl X
1 l AH I' K KKI IKIi 0)i I
J.t-.K l'-AI' S TO fl-BKt
l.Ui.i MT NAi:sl!'.AT-.l
VO f!l .'i;i: dl- DIKI' lll....l'
l(-!'t '-Of IS . fcl.M' ill: WI I'll Hf si s'K-' I', -i.-L'I IS I
I'll. '.', Ill .i.i or lei; a e.
Mi nt ..y uj'..l to ai.j .:.:i. .-s.
I'. l'lllt'K MIT.,
Lot .'ii'ii Pott oiiu a.
( le Al'. nt, li it) IT CO..
If I nui '. iu Ko. .';'J W. IsiS JllNO Sllrcet.
Ql MlfLlfMa-Tf ll-t.KM H W.'H Oin'
y in r ii
WAkHiM.ruN. Iecmtter
F'fee enttable for Cuvairv ur Artil. t v arrb, wll be
puri liiiri d at Oitab.rn dtt, lu vpntk luaivl, uu I' u.r tu
be r H, 114.
Hvii'-a wttl b ielTerei1 fo Taptaln L. fiwrr Moora,
A (j.M .and 1m eabiefted to tlti uauaats-vvratutful tuicc
sXii lhjn b H.fc act i p:;it.
Ptae ol Ctvalrv .ry. flTJ t-f!i.
IT- ot AfuL-t-ay lloravi. fl a. h.
f.y-Ut lit Will lit uiaAle M U tl) and more.
toi'-Tie! In t hart) f i r a t ( ti-n
12 1 rt
jiwries-aior rii. iai a OrPoa
A K R A N ( J F M K Tfl OT lo
hP.W lfikK ifin I All 4.
Th fntrTen an.l aintv n.l ProI.1cli.- -nri Tmt
Kallmati () mpeaiee Uar fni fhiUdelHiia to Mew Torfc
a4 W ay I'm. ea
fKoM WrHtT fr7ltr.IT WIlARr,
wm leave aa febowa. via wn
At A M., vta Caindva AiAwHrty, C. and A-A-
e-onnf..tio , $iH
At h a. M , vi Camdea and Jarr-f I ity. Morning
Ktprtaa v
AtllwiM , via.Caindn ajid Atflboy C Wta A.! Ao-
oommt datioti '
At i P.M. viaLamJen and Attoy,'ti. mA A. k'a-
P f-f
At IV M) r. M.,viarm-ln and AinlAV." AeiWaw
daf:.-r (Krelnht and raariMi) 7
At (. r M., via t amiln. ,,d AmtKy. Are.tmmedataa
arHKhi and PMi.fc.'T)Ut CwmU M 171
tit ( laa do
Att S H M., Tla"anid. n nal'VinK.'y ArrVVim. iia-
tmn (rr.ii;ht and raaci11(,.r, ,t t'uae Ttket. . t'
Id t'.a1 a do
I'ii? ,I,''lfklM,', KM,on' , -mlrtlVl;V.entVin,
Kit I.ambartr'lte and tnbrmedate Ktntton- at 1 F W
K.t Mfttnt Mnllv, K.anaH'ls I'embertou aiidVlneaw H A. M,, . an.l ft '. M.
i or I rcfhoui at t: A. M. ami P. M.
KtyPaSnyra, Kl.ert..n, l'clanco, Heverly, Klurewatfr
Tnr J i rt- rem-e. Hor.b-iit..w n, A.- , t ft a'
a... If. im.Vi: and H, P M. the I :ttand .'. I' M llnea
n n tltre- thro, rl- toTreii'on.
K'r Paluura, Kivcrion, letano. Ilcvarly. and IttirUaa-
t- ii at tt.f
usr ruM kknsinijiom iKior
w III lea .- Ha tol- Wa
At II l A. Al., via Kenatmrt fi and City Ka
P - 3
AH .Jl p. M.,vln K ifi-liiHion -nd J 'roy t'ltr.Kx-
'r,', t-o
At K .' p il , tift l. ,nirtwftn and Jm,-( ftiy,
W ahlnct.-n aod N vr , ork I- !re.... I Ot
AH'.' I' to to.hl,v Kcn-lnatot. andjor.'y liy,
''' Mm. hih! V w ,,ik f. fft
T'.fU.s I', M.l.iif wtl run dtilr. All o lurj ."ion !ay
for I'lidil'., ltinV!ik. Fb-'IfM. I'ba.-a . , it..,o,.
tr, liln bunpia-i, tir.-.v Hcii.1, M.nnron, wik.i..r
H.-i an on. S(r...t.l iiK, Wai-T iip. ta n Ji . 'hunn, , ..f,.
t..w n. lie'hftht'Di, Melvid. ro. F. iM'-n, l-ain'r-v M.. ri.
tim lot , Ac . ai 7 lb A kl . I hi l m c nnc- with Uio Ualu
Icavfr. Ka-t. r f- r Man. h Chunk at .1 o P. M.
ror i.anitTivHn- at b M on M-ifur.l a ..n'y.
for Utl-iol. tr-nti.n. e .at J 1.. and 11 l A. H , and I
tn) T P. W.. tint I niu!iiit:iit.
f.r H.iiiiit'.tm,, I neon v. Vf i-dnomlnr. Itrfdentttitv. ai4
FritnkhTd ut : A. M and s p. M.
l-i.r .Ni'w 1 rh n.l Uki IrAvlnn K ,hi.Ihik
I i t , ltfct- H e c .rs on r iiih ire.-t. -hove alnnt. Imlt i
hour bcf'O drpurtnrn. Thi('antun Info the l.-p-l, and
on b'tIvmI h rn,-t, tram run ih licpot.
r my I'.niii.iB oi duu'iie oni ailowe.t eicn p"at-ney
H"f"iii iM arc pr,,h l u.-.l ffi.tii tnkiiii- anvil.lii.' at hawac
hm their w.'uM'ii appiiroi. All lucmu-i' over fifiv thitiiuli
tt pant (or etia Tbn ' ontpanv II a t ihclr rco-mal.
Pibtv lor barat-f to fTic I'tllar r pound, and " 111 not be
bid'H' tor rfii amount Ih ..nd f im), eioe-pl by nH.ial oou
traH iral-an. I'tL-vrai e Kxprettt w ill rait fl r and deliver h
untie at the in poi. Or.lci t.. ! leit at No :t WALNUT
. , WM. li. UAT.MKK, A,'0Dt.
tier 1-t, lsi'.t.
Pmm fo.d of ronninnd atrect at U M. and 4 P. M.,Tta
ere i im ei..u am.!en ; at 7. 10, and U -fU . M ., 6 P.
M . aotl 1 Nik'ft. v:a .Iitct Cilv and K
rr.n P-n ..i liMr.Mnv Ktrvet, at b A. .VI. a..t i P. M., via
nit'.t and t nm.h n.
r.rml'ht N... 1 V.rth Itii er. at 12 M . 4 and Hf, X,
j r ih n . an.i inBonuer, via Atiu ojf ar.l t'ain'p'11.
tntRtT TUI'NK Lf5iB
r.llANNA.f'i;t.KKI.Nl. A1
WVtlMINti VAl-UiV,
am it
Tavc tit r?. in v lii-iml. hi TIIIItTK.t.'.VTll
f' HI1.1, buiHjU. rUtiadeli.hlH, at Uio Miowlikf
n.Hiie -
At 8-00 A. M ., for Hea.UiiK, loan.rt, Puhrata, fatta
ColuniOia. liarrifbtini, Pottv.villt, Pinewrova, Tama jua
Hniibury, Wllllaniaport, KJmtra, horhiter, Nbiiiara Vala,
Hutbilo. AibMiUwn, Wl kfiibarre.PltUt.ii. York. I'-rllAla.
iamberiabiirv, Hn-prmown. r.
Thla tram ruimecta at hfcADlNti with Raat Penntyhra
n!a Itaitrond trnina for Alientown. ,te., tbe Keadthtf and
t'.-ltuiibia Hallroa-I for Kphraa, IMa, and O.tiiiinlda. and
with the Lebanon Vh11 train for llarrMurt, . ; nt PVK t
LI N i l iN wlib t 'Ktuvf-aa llafcroaH irama ror tVllkca iar ,
WiliiHinnp.irt. lorfc. haven, Klmlra, Act at HaKHJA
lil'Kt. with "Sortlern Central," " 'un-barlnnd VaUny."
ard "chtivlkii and Hntuchanna' traina Ar H 'rt mm
berland.H Uliump"rt Yoi k.ctia'iiberhnrg,PinKroe,Aa
I.eavea rblta.b-lphia at 1 M) P. M. fi.r Keathtff, F te
Tilie, plntrtiva, llrrlnbtinr. , coannctbur at llatrte
bnrk' with I'winiylvaiiia Ccnlral iralna br PlttalnirK, 4e.,
Northeni i ntrat Itailtoad traina lor Nuntmry, NorUintu
bctlan.l, Kluitrit. ,Vc, and at Port CUnton with OaUwtaaa
kallruad truina for MUtua. A'ilUaniaiori. Kbuira, tiuilato.
It nTra k. M.iu ir ati.MO A. M , hUvpprnv at all way ita
1 lone, amrii t In I'l.Un.lclphla at if.' A.M.
KcturiiliK-b avca I'tulad-d'tiia at 13UP, M.; arrlvoa ta
Readmn ai 7 V. P M.
lYain-f.Ti'niiadelpHaleaTelIar-bnrR atSfW A.M .and
PAHthvilIc atSa.A. M , arriving in PbUadoKibia ai 1 04
P. M. Afternoon trnlna leave ILirrlaitnra at 1 h P.
i utt-vlln, at i to P. kt., iirrlvtm. In I'hl.'adelnhla at 7 P. Af.
Markwt Uaina, with a pannenffwr car aUecbd, lvav
rtnladelphla at 1 V. M , for KaatliiiK and all way t
)hvi Hnduiv at I", n.n, and ltsvntivtowu at 12 WJ P.
M for I'hllndvipMa and all way atatlma.
All Ihe aliove trail. a run da'ly, Snndayt excepted.
Hurwlay traHia leave PotUvtlle at I'M A. M.. and rbila
delphuata JA P M
Paiaenvera for Dnwnintown and intermediate rxttnti
take tbo H ill A. M. and 4 M) P. M.trni-it. from I'mladeliihla.
rettirulng rroiu Xowmuiclown at 7 UU A. M., and l't J9
leftYca New York at 9 A. M.andT,paaaln Kea-llnf
at l'i mldnliclit and I'M p. M., and coiiuvctluu at llarrla
bnrK with 1'. nn-rvaHla Uaiiroad Kxpruia tralaa fur 1'Ute
burf. Ct tcawo, and tne Went.
Kwttirninu Kxprt-kM train laavaa llarrlabnrKoa arrival of
tbe Peunnytvanla F.prt.a from Pttuhurir. at a and
A. M , pa-Hintr UotidinK at 4'4f ami li) io A. M., and
arrtvtng nt New York at in A.M. and 4 40 P. M. tttop
t g 'ai ancompany tb'-o traina throub.betwevn J.ratiy
L'bv an.l Plttaburv, w tthoui ehanrft.
Mall trarn lor New York bavea IUrrlh.ra at 14.V P. M.
MadUaiiifor llarrUbui- bavea Now Yo; 1 at Id AL.
Traina leave TottaviUo at 7 lk A. M. and A il P. M.( r
turninw from Tucaroru at e Id A. M. and 4 i P. .
HCJ4t:Y Lhll.L AM) t M.'I fci.l A N N A HAILHOAD.
Ttatua laavo Auburn tit H 4'i A.M. for Plnok'rore and
Flarrlnbiirv, anrt at l'.'-n P M h.r Pltieirrnve only; return
Ini: troni liarrpthnri: .it I Ju P. M., and irotu llhejrove at
7-4i A.M., audi P.M.
Tbntuph frrni-rlaaa th-acta and emhjrrant tlekau to afl
the prb clpal rxibito In the Nnh and Wt and L' -tnadaa.
The tori'iwinir ll.-ki t are ohtatiMMeortlv ai tbf oifltrW
H liUAlF I reatnrer. No Til K. KM KTU Htrctt,
PbllaJ. pi la. or U. A. MCtlLUi, Ucnarai Hu ruuau
d ut, kea.ilmr '
A''JA per c t. di.-count, between any putatt Joalred,
for tuDiillea and H'm-.
tirod for 'If mikta, betwauu alt point a, at l&S 60 each.
't fnuubea aud titan.
For tbree, all, nine, or iw. lvu mouths, for tvoldcn onl,
to ali pulutu, at rt-dueed rut en.
Itt'Hldhib' on tbo tine of tho r.wtd wilt bo furntahed with
card it, omltiiiitf ilioinaelvoa and wlvea to tick eta a h.2f
From Phlladt Ma to principal etationa, fnr)d fbr Hatoi
day. Htimiav, ami kl..nd'ty. at mdno-'d fare. tJ be had onli
at fhr lkkctOIH.,at'llKTKN lUandCALLOVS'lllLt
UKdi of all deacrtptiona lor warded to all ttte abort
po'M.H. from the Ccmpdiij'a uew frebdit deiot, liltAJAD
and H ILLUn HLreeitt.
T.rave PbtUdelpbla dally at ti A. 1 P. M.,and ft P. M.,
KradUni, Leonnoii. llarrlaburg, Pottavlila. Port CUa
too. and poillU bet olid.
rioae at the Pbtladelphla poMtomca for all ptacea an the
road ajid ita branches at ft A. M. aud for tbe prluaipai
alaUonaonly at 8 IS p. M.
On and allt-f MONHAY, May Iti, W-t, naUl Airther
Leave T'bUnd- mbta 7, h. lu, 11, 111 A. M. ; 1, 3.1 II
SL, t,6.,t. T.n, -Mil. U, It P.M., 7, 7 . H H SO, , til, II, 11 A. M.
1..', J.4. 4S, b, 0 V 7, M, !i, (i. ll, and l'i P. M.
Then A)dovtn, and thu aud traliu up, do not eta
eu tbe U-nuajit-vn ti.
Leave Philadelphia. 6, v. L. U A.M.; J, .IV.ft.T.I
and 1 1 P.M.
laveCtit ai nt HU1, M", R. H 40, 1140 A. M-i ViO, l eft,
ft 4t,S 4tt, and In 4- P.M.
Leave Philadelphia h,H :iA, 11 to A. M.( lX,S,4S'.ftH
6:,,H(r.. and LIS I'. -M.
Leave NoiiiMiiwD,;, 7t T't0,9 and 11 A. M. t INa, H
S id v p. M.
I t e AS train no, will a'op at YVla.ah.raoD, MaaayDak
and Cobkhocken oa!
Iave pld.atl.-lphla. 'l.o di, li ' A M., IH.
' i" ni.U.-.?V. 0. ft. II 4.M.. l.i, t.
and . P. M. ...
11 K. Mil TH. (lem-ral RnperirtenituM.
BvSl lie pot. NINTH aud ti.UXJI atrwuta.
1 i 1 niH-AUyi.nilA A."ll lOj 4
tvU". . Knrt; bAiLltoi. IO h-tm
Tfi a r.-ut Hue trui-- ttie h nibrn and N'-r'bWHat
Csiuntl'-a v pcnnavivauia to t. e tilt, or t rlc on Lake y.tU,
l! i as b ni b-avd nv tne vi. y . i v a i. kailtmk
t'ltPiN, and toiler tt.ttr iiutplo. a If b-4 rn,Mdly
ip iitd lhn U.h. ill it entire 1tiiKJi.
11 ia new in u- ior i .' i i.u nrai in
Hr- -biirw fo J- ini : loin, V. lull. . .'H Hie Kailcrw 1m t-
sMn. and from M e.ruld to Kri tfti tnibj, n Lbe A tJ.wa
1 IMI t'F I Ae.Mt.l.M lIUlNSiT ill I L.A 1' 1. 1. 1 111.
Vill i riii bvivrs A M.
Lree Tra'n b avi a v.a' r. .vi,
( aia run tbr.'iab tiiAit;!! b'dhwavaon thea
trdina i.tiwta I l.ita.cJplaaand Uvk Uuveu, and bvtwiMtii im re and llavtn.
KlrK'ini H : i -tt iiiu ' en a the Fipveaa Train both wayi.
lor iiiiormat-oii ruap.-etinit l aattentrer boln-rsa, apply al
Ufe S. K. cuiiw ol Ki.KVKN IH aJid M AKK P. I titreoLa.
Aud iot Kint t.i inn-iiMea c the Com-ui v a Km ion
H. M Klln-ttn Jr..oulurrlXU.i.Vlliai.a M4HRKT
aire t., buiott lpliia
J. "A. K. UMiitif, Kile.
J. . am in, H. .C. .. V,,,,
General Krel.'ht Ap.nt. I'll'
i. km is i.. noi t'r.
Gon.ralTiiar! A'in. fhiia l. ti.i.ia
jiisr.i ii i) I'uri'H,
..lf fB(ra'. WIIUa,r.p
Thi. ax .j uia it. I'una.uc La. no .iual fur l.auul
hig.whii.nniK, and nrctei vIiik tin complf loa. It I. pr
paitd from inn wult. waa, Lt-n.'4 It. ..atraordinaiytiuaij
liii I. r i.r.i.i.rvltnt th. akin, ni.kir.s II intt, lair, .lucvlb.
aial tiami.niil. It I. mo.t .onlluni afltr .liu.ll.s.uuloa
liai.atl band, and llpn, rmin". pmiile b.tilt"i., lo,
fr.rilta, or iiiobura, and a porly Uul to l...
fasa. t.rk.aml arnii. I'rn a i, :. ari i .o .inn. nin,
A t.-0., M.V o.aalV KJilU KU..I. aadwU b. I'll.HTU
fu-icl. lui
-J. IIIAI K.M.U., Prul.Mar of unity, aad t1. all diara... apptftaituns to Ubt.t injuov. t l
4h auuoat immi. T.Uai. nial. Iioui tb. o.t teilnl l.
.tturvM in ta cltr .an ba ai.-n at hi. ..nSLe, Jl.i, ii'' PIN H
taut Tb. Parull-ar IutiUiI t acri,
.rlr aa.Wnts.a. b ka. bo lacrcia In few aiaawa. lt mt
JL kaliuiuhc KAiMtnan.
CHAM. or HI.'"
On an. afw ai N lA T. HnM-naar tl, Mt,
r.aanw mm. T njlt.Wn. kn
IJtlm. . ai j.m , r..p-... Hinijt lpta).Mi A.
M.. H H.,IHH..., Iliip. M.
r 'mw " t m' a " A- "t "
WU?nlnirt.m a. OA r ..!. n stoa), M A.
j M', 4il,a.'i, IOS0 and II ( r M
It-w l a.ll aiart. A. at. and I'dl'.M.
,m M. ana . Ou Y. M.
Slriftird at a 'ft A. M.
HlMwj at a r r. A . nr.
thainm ton rnif,ArKU-ina
Bait .or. ai H li, SWA.1I. (Hiaraaa). 11
4'i. r . .a
vnua,,t..n at I 4".7 IA, ls A.M .UM.l M, I S,.'I
I m. "ran, and ip-iw r. M.
H. tVdurv at 1 1 s A A4.
Mlllortl al 1 .si I'. M.
lovtrai S ' A. M., anilTM f. M
Ni al'iiUi a!K fOA. M ., antl IO r. M.
i 1. Ut al S in, M A. -., I 00, 1 14, MO, T , IU
1'nv. n.Hlmorf for alt.tiitryantl '-' ir 1lnll itsrl.aj
1 III . I-. M ' '
I. a. liaitltiMirf tnr llovar ana Intf latUata sfaltomi aa
iw r.M.
TR .INS tfn RAI.TfM.lkV
t..Tr'h,.i.r ai H " A M ,S "J and II ta P. af.
r'jJ'. WllmlnirliiS SIS ll.S'A A M..IUI M,an4U-4S)
rri'lirht Train., with I'a.i.ngcr Car auarb.4. wfll rasl
a. f.'llt'Wi
f rav. ilmlnirtna f'T rTTT sUrt aa lnto.jHllaM
al 7 4.' P.M.
Ki M ia I si Only at A ou A. M.. 10 r P.M., n-oai Pafla
aolplna Ui lla'timor.
1 1'. in I" il.df pl.ia (o Wllmlnxtoa at A. M.. at-SH
ana II u' c. M.
I r..m t.t l-l.1..1i.tthla at l .s A M and 4 M
P. M. Onlj at ltl-26 f. M , from H.lll n. t.. I'hlla.lilr.l
II V. taKDhKl . vusarluundjial.
1 hi.i. ii . oi-k.n tu uACimii rti-aiati
nRnnii.'. s. r .
.'ti ai tl ittt.T IttlilAT, April 1, 1SJU.. tha train, will luM
as f,.ll,. sr. . .
aiATi.ia. a.n. r a. su.riits. a r. ar.
lt .1 !) if. l'lil.a.l.l'hia.... a IO ll.
Httstiirttve rr.'.7 II 1.2 Wet l'i..tar. .. 7 4A 4 441
Ainitl 7 06 4 nl IV. t; Juneuor... f iih S U
Knnn 7 ytl 4 It ll..iii..r.l ID M, Kurd. ...7 41 4 41 i l.B.l.l .r.rd,... '4l 4 14
( t-.'i.i IV'io KfiiTiflt iota. Sir
W r. .lum Hon.. H IS A l"i Avon. ale Hi Jl I M
I'M imi. inMa phi iv; "I'.iiiiu...... inn 7-a
W,iltlii,l.r..,.!iW inn TIM
!'a.irHir li.'l.'l In Ph! lH.Il.lna ha. tit.rn nhanirfil ft-oaa
KlKhtt .iiih ami Mnrln't .trt.n. tn Tlliurr I IHHT aa4
VAIKK.T Mr.tta, W.'st I' Markt.1 Htraat
rHastaii-fr kallHa Caia u.c l'aa.u,icra to and frvai
lit I.-!'
Pa..mifi'r. fo Ihlttoi-li without rhanir of ara.
)M IlKNKt (!. riuM,rtnttsndaL
fj ill'. 1' 1 ' N N S Y T . V A N I A CKNTIIAI, UATL
- Ili'All -'I K.N HAII.V TkAIN.1l I'lllLAURXI'HIA
IO l'i T 1 (.UUItti ftVts. Mi I.I si:
Th Tli lnl Offlr of tha PK X VSVf.VAN f A CKNTRAb
K ll KO.Mi I. no, lorair.l ai tlie Num. ra..-ii.tir lt.Mrt
..I' tlii- i'.iii.'ski, llliKIIKIU nml jtAKXtCT BITOMA,
nn an.l aitr MONriAV. Oclobfr II, 11, Ualn. WIH
lave 1 lui.tlt ij.lna a I. .lit...
v-t.O A. M.
VA1I. TM.lsr, wlili tl. I..ll l.itr wnntlona : Ar
ris, at WI.M (IIKS1KK IM I KKHKtiriON SIM A.
M ., ami romift-t Kiih Cli..ttir K.llmad, ar
rl. Uiu at WfM i lu'tr 'J .10 A M. Al Ik.W Nl I4ii rowir ,
li '.ii A. M , contH'rtinir with train vw Way, a.tiurif, anti
rri liliit llirri. II in A M. At l.lil.UMIII A 11 Mi A.M..
rtiniitTtitiK wilt. Nnrtiiorn . .'niral, atiA r.aa
Ins ork at 3 VI P. M , HanoriT Juuttlon V .HI P M
ll.iiiov.r 4'4 I'. M., and (;,.tt -.hum K lit P. M. Alia,
with Iralnon Knulmv and I Hilninlila Kallroatl, 1mv. a4
IvnP. M. Ariltt'.u 11 A UKI Sill I; 111 1 I'Ju l" I a.
with NortliNn Ct'ntrnl uaina North, thu . : l.are llanli
huie 1 4..I-.M., ait ive at Munlmry .-09 P.M., Milton ft lis P.
M.,Wllllnirporlli III P. M.. Ii llama I'.WI'. M I'aa
.mv.r. fur l.lmira,, .lanandalKiia, NIKara
PulU, Ac , n arh Kliulra 10 li p. M., and Uuiaslo al U
A. M.I LPa.aviiKtr. ftir lianvlll, Muiirrl. Itlooni.burir,
lUirwfrk, llt-frh llav.n. Shlt kHlilnny. Plyniouili.Kliiir.tuo,
yoiiiltiff, Pltlston mid hrraiit'in, tnk Hi LacaawannA
and lUtH.tnst.iirK U-Nlnii at f.nniumt)irli,nil.J At HAIC
KIHIII KU. for li.iliiUHiothiMi Noitht rn I.Vn'ral UaNwal-,
lat a it I llli P. M , urrlvtt nri .i',.7 P M . II an .tit Jun.-tl.-n
U .Mi P. M . II. inn v. r 4'ts P. M., and 0tl"lnrir H'l P.
M. Al IIAVillrlHliHil, It.r polM. In lluinliarland Valwy,
l.-a.lnv at I 41' P. M., arrl.a (.'ArllMhi 'J IM P. W... Iianihr.
bnrs 4 -s't P. M , anil llaaeralnwii l. P. M. At Tl ICONR
fl fr-. P. M . rmiinv-tinit with Haiti Faiti Vallar Trala,
Uas lual 7'ti P. M , and arnvtiuc at H.ll.fonte al l
P.M. At AI.TiiONt 7 40 P. M .r.iliii.i'U V Willi llraook
train for Ho.lhl.t .'.iirK-. raarhliiK t.ier K M r M- A.
CKKMHON BUS r M.. roanatinf wiih llranrh If.m for
ritii,l"ir. itiruliw (ifrv H IB p. M. At 1-irTlltUIM
I no A M , and Ui.m'cUiiK I'ur ull point. rVtiit,NrtU
Hr.t, aud IsuUlliw...
111-00 A. M.
11 utl A. M
airlrln al Pasll al
II- 10 A. M.
FAHT LINK onnniv.t. at LA N DUVfl.l.K. !'40 P. M.,
with train on Kraditiit and t;olnnilila Kai.rt.ail, arrlvlng
at l.ltii :l In P. M , F.phrata .1 u p. M, and Unatl
ir(i ai 1 V. P. M. At II KKI -1 ill 111 I, with an Icixini.
datlonTr.ln on Norllu'rii I't-a ral Hallway, for Knnlmry
and ltit.Tiii..llAl.', rt uoliuiK Huniiury at II an P. M.
At IIAKhlhlll. Kli with (ram on C'uuibttrlantl Yallar foe
t'., ariirlna tborr at M.i P. M. Arrlvy. .t Pujibura
I A. -.1 , and there make clo.e couni-ctlua for aU
VttU-rn itoaiti..
1-Otl P. I. Hl, AITHMVIOIiAI ION, arrive, at Parksa
bursatll P. al., stopph.a ut stati.u.t
ic.HI 1 SI.
tlon at IMiwnliiKton nt 4-H4 P. M., wltb train on Waynea
tnirit Itninrli, leaving at 4 ik) P. M., and arriving at
Waynesbnri: a. f.'iiu P. M At I'lU.UMIll A, al li 11 1'.
M..wltn fsorltu'rii KallwHj fur Y.ilk, luAv-fna
V. rkihl.vlllt. 7 m. P. M . and unit inu at York 1-40 r. M,
Airi.v. at llurri.titu at7 46 P. HI.
4 -Oil f. AI.
VMItiltANT ACI'OMMOI.ATIDN, from Ko. 1H7 llaak
stit'tit, duly, I' h'liitlny. Airlv. at llMrrl.tiiiri(.
3 4'. A. M ; Mltllln. 147 A. M ; Altnana, 8 m P. M. ;
and I'lltMburtt, II 40 P. M. Tht' oon.l'orMblo, ait4
cmlsraotii. or lanitll.. aulnif nu.t, will llnd tlva rataa
low, autl have ll.tir l.aKL'nut.. fbr w tilt'h ara irlv.a,
lorwaitltdhy th .ami' train. Kor furihnr partitiulara 1
ii'l. l.v to H.ANt IS) l l'.NK, Emigrant Akoui, Lt7 Uoak
airtet. fttlwi-iui li A' risburu; and Pitt. burs a first vlaaa
car ia atlaelitid to tins train tor l".-il trarl.
4-uit I. M.
I AMCAHl'l'R At-M OMMOOATIOsf, re.ehot, I. an r a. tor
at i S.i P. M., aud ruach. C'oiumlna aiHHlP.M.
fj.:in l'. SI.
rAOMAt'COMMi'DATHUN, ao. . rcaoho PaoH a. M
8-0O P. SI.
I-fTTaiU'RIl AMI r.kllt KM'KFSM, with tit (al
io II s I'ttnUft.ltiu. arris-Uarrl.burK. ti W A. kj
Hui.lmry. 11 A. M l -Norli.iiniiittriand, SJll A. M.t
a, llton, 4 lm A. M ; Wllllni.pjrt, i jo A. M ; tak Ut.b,
(.'.'. A. M ; Kiui'Orliiui.lli II A. M ; Hi Ma''., II J AM,;
...iry.ll tfl r M ; aud Kin, b I'. M. (At Crry cloaa
ooLiii.-ilon la ina.l.. wlto OU t'reea H. K.. ftr '!!tti.1l aatl
HliaiTr's, ir rr.arnt torn.lnu t.r tha lload, Imia by
Hlas or Hoat r..ronlit and Franklin. 1 P..aiir. A.r
Iihiiv II. Hnin. rUoom.burs, ilrwluk, rl"ch llan.
Milt karitnii). Pinnmili. Kiuksuhi. W)omins. Pltutoa aa4
Hcraiiti.n. tak tin- LacKaaufa and IlltMtin.bu'S nam at
Nt.rttiiiiiib.-r md 1 i J'.at .ur. tjr ..'lustra. Itoohaautr,
Canaii Niagara ral..,lti.. ntat'h Klmlra at IrS'iA Mr;
and llnllaiti at s 'Ai P. .M.) Al II A kill HBIIatU. with Korlh
rn ct'liKal Kalhvi.y, for tr Soulli, l.vluir BtlaUA.M.f
arrl.a. ork, 410 A. M ; Juuo. I m, 4-4T. A. M.
l.-av.. Ilitnuvor Jtiiicilnii li Mi A. M.; arrlirra Hanorer,
lll.iA.M.and (ostty.liuTu-, I ;'. P. M. At IIUNritSG
fiON.4 IK A. M.. "I'll mm on llroad Top II. H , arrislna
llopowall A. U,Ul. li.llaa, " A. M . aud eon
rut ilns U.fiiia k Hi.iHti for UeOiord. At Tat'NK,5 ia
A M., coin t i-tliiir nh iraln on Haul Rl Vail.y Koail,
Iravliij, Tvrone atS '-OA. M.,arrlv, 11 1.1 A.
M . and llowartl, V2'M P. M. Li.vlnKTyrouoo Cksarflela
It. K. at N :. A M . and arrtvluir Phillip. -mr-, lltM. A. M.
At i'UKrtsli N", 7'H4 A . M , .smnt-suin wllh uraneb trala
lor Kilt-ii.tiiin. and arrtvlnK llior, l'i SO P.M. At HLAIUa
Mi l K IN I f HSKI-I ION, tto-i A. M , eotinocUns wltk
hraurb tiatti wLicU arrivo., Hlair.viU, lo lo A. M.t and)
lnt.Utna 114.'. A M lltiaira.u alao ti. antt. at Blatra
vll:e wllh U tat Pt-nnat lvina K II., arriv.'nir Kalt.banr,
II .HI A M Artl.r. PI ITSilCKU at li u 1". M., aai
ei.nn.t lor a. I polula W .-.L
III- 1.1 P. SI.
PIMT AUKI.l'lllA KM-KKM. .top. only at Down.
llLlowa. l.atiia.lor, llail.b'.tR, Mar.vlll, Mi.
port, Alittlln, LHislon, lliintlnvtloi., Attuona. Ual
lliiln, ami Ct'n.iuiiu.h. At 111 N l lt.Dl.UN, with Mroail
1 op It K , lea. Ins thor al M KI A. .M., and arriTtm at
1'unlvy A. M., lt.laliaa A. M , and thna
br stau to H.diord. At A 1. 1 . k in A. at !.. A M., ena
lru..n I. niM.l. for fioilMayal.ur, reaching
lh.r, at H l.i A M.,aud ll.enr by haea to llttdford. Ar
ris, at Pittmum, 2 Mi P. M.. m.knuf cloao ooniMCUoa
Willi tlirouuli liait .on ,ll Hi. dlvt-rsluu made rrom that
pi'li't A.iriri lo U f l .las. M ost to th ML.ta.ippl and tha
Missouri rl. era, ami -souiu aud eouUiwe.tlo aU poiuU
a. t'u.slb't. ht
Kor fnrtt.-r Inn tuat..n. apply at th Pasanva- f4tatoa.
roil ar if IIIUITII.'I II and MAUI. KI' Ntroti.. Plilla.
JUIIS f. VANI.KKH, Jr.,TKfcl A ant.
I - r n n I . H 1 1 , o. r 1 1 . . uu uu I i . . f.-..r. ,
Nitieinb I. iMrt. train, alii l.avo from Walnut atreat
Pi. I a. rollow.
lor I'an-i Mkv and all rilac. south of MUtrlli a. f
A. M and I r .M.
f..r M ii.dii-, lirlditoton, Balrm, and an lutaraiedlala
klu.-. Ktutl ol at W A. M and .'I P. M.
ror uia..ooro ut a A m.. ij m., una a r. nr..
k'cr Wvotll un. Ult.ucc.ter. AO .ats A. M , 11 an4
I. P. M
Lh.vf I'sp Vav at ii A. m and ll'ifi A. M.
H.i..ill. ats lll A.M. and X P. M.
IHI.I..I.4I at7 IDA. M .J'li'P.M.
-..u-as .17 A.M., and I P. M.
noo.ll.urt at 7, s 4,. alio 9 44 A.kf.,au(14 44P.M.,
and d lO P. t'aiu.lan only.
V tl, ailil 1 to all lli usual brancn. of Jfcitpr.. bB.fs
ii.. rss't ls. dlher, an.! forward throujih rv.pon.
ail !' l.xprt ,. , 'oinpanli. lo all parts or Lb country ant
.ill. 'i . ni iii'l. I to ih.ui. A Bpsclal Menjr acooui.
L-ani.. tush Uirt'iil'h train.
J. A kk.NbSKIJLEB, Bap.rlnl.nd.nt.
Hdlade'lhla, Novtaulirr 1, lit-4. ,11-1.1
X all l'i' aiiiikiu. cu U.e Cauidcu and Ami.oy aad oju
Lct tij.. KaJri HEHPATl'H.
The T... tln and AwLi.y llailroad aid TranaporUttoa
C'cuil'ar.y's I t. (..'it l inn, tor Nw York will It-ase Walnnc
t.t.,i i.a.i', on anr uiivr January th .lally (euiulay. a
csiif rt) at 4 o iJc-.h P.M.
Miuiuu.., will leave ItVw York atlaaal
l r. Vit tr.u.t b d.'iscroil lefoie a.'iV.M.Ui be for
w; rili i' ti.i t .n.i .lay.
KnI.t lor !i moil, Prlr cemn, Klu.'.t'.n, New Broaa-
Uk, and all pi.ilil. ou the t.'ulu.U'n ami Aiuboy ltailroad
also on Hi, liu. lil. ro, l.i-luwai, and K;.roltwX..n, Ilia Now
Jt-r-iv, llie rr.-iii Ul and Jam.iiuru, ami tl. im.HiiKUia
and M. tint ll.illl' I! it 111 oh.:., r.' and f. ra-ard.d up ta)
US n 1 1... k p. kl. hi.iajl pavkasu. lorMnuuHluilji roaofya
"'t'i's'iuih"'! e I's'-war. ItallroAd ronnfot. a. Ititfrlpa
burs' wiih tlio 1 i fi'.. h Vnl'i-y lUII'oad. The New Joray
lli.ilrt.atl ti t.'K .-is ill IMrai'tli wnii Hi Jotmi
Icntral li.ilnao, and at Newark with the Murril an
Hh. x K.n rc.d .
A .lip ui.'ii.cmni'i'in, nc. lfj iii ll.e siart. and nsra
tera, .nipper, ana con. r'-. a. miiat In vry lu.ianca ba
li nt l'h . atn .tl of fc.tods, r no rs-tnipl will l ui.oo.
Ii.rrci ..'1 la. ill I. . haniut fc-r ihs trau.porla
ti'.ti oi 1 I V k 'l tK'ti,Oot,r ar Inslt. d lo try ll.i ronta.
When Ih sti ck la fu.-cnhiliii .il'.ti'irii of TWUCASl
I .,lj;l i It wiu be L llve oUat tu of K.!ioUk
slna-l, tl.i l..o Ya-dt, or al Pier No 1 Nona,
Pi' .-r, a. u.r .no- fi. may ii-.n nai al tl. tlma of Lua)
l. Wll.TKH t KI I M AN, rrel.'lit Acllt.
Kb :,t H. Ii. avenue, PhilatWuliuk
1.1.11. 11. llAl Jlil.Nli. t ra.hl Aool,
-, tr l .ci So 1 Nib Jiasv lota.