I. it I THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 186-1. 1 1 TKFS1UY, DRCKMM'.R 2D, mi. Till. PAKNIN'M 4')'R THIIir. Y THt.onOKIl TII.TOK. I know i tnla of oldc n lime, Aril ttil, to nil in Idlo day, I fxnli oncil lino idle rhyme. And all whu cur to read it may. Thf autumn lnvc were all aflame, Ar d an, in aiilumii-tlriin uf I i If, A I roti' hmrtwnt tinned the 1.1171c With holy Arc to wed a wile. lie pirt tie piMle on bin miirf, To pn itic wh hit hcan inclined, Hat wore a ilu r look hiiiI nir, Al out: who imil iruuhktl mind. In rlillrf runt the frn'orml trati Hi e n wen- nvcrlil eil witli tur, For there lie raw iliu iat of iilatc W litre Inj bu wt!u ol other years. She lined 10 my it wronged th Ue.itl 'lo wril Hffuin aiM.ve a (frac ; The wonlH kept running 111 hi lic ul, And niurti licwilucriucnt lliry piv. A i" tlirrmirb tin tai.k nf golden rod He c nnd hia way np rn.epect Hill, I buiHlily a keil A mistily fi'jtl To ginni a iol,m ol His will. The r.nrsnn'e tt.Mon ilrnnRed tr prayer, Ilia duty (trow aa i lrur us hglil; And duty never l"k an fair Aa iciu by pruyir IIIiiuiiiiihI aitflit. Already luid lie fixed liia t lioiro; For 1 very Nutnlav in tho rlioir lie In aid lire Widow (,'uiirrt)ili' voire, Until abe gicw iiia henna desire. A wurian pure of mill waa ahe, liy ioitow ptirilh d the more ; WIiom! wedili il mate wuh Inst at sea, How nearly twenty yeura Iniforc. The pardon's pnHsion, iinvinfeed, 1.IK) aiiiouldi red bent within him burned, W hleb nevi r once ibe widow fruenscU, Or haply it bad beeu returned. With bane) whip the mnro w.ia twilche 1, And eaiitered up the meky road, And nndemeaih a tree wan biti'hcd At Cup uia Churchill' old alaido. The demo was luy sifting flour, Nor beard the comer till be "aid : "Jie pro bo tothut Aliiii(jhiy Tower Who giveth man bia daily bread !" The widow, euriKlit by inch a guest, In jnat her litisev-woolner gown, Instead of in her Ktinday bent, JJropped baBhfully hor eyeiida djwa. Then rpake the suitor to ber face ; "1 have a lolenin word lo any, When to H need of Heavenly grace. Bo, Widow Churchill, let us pray '." Pejvonlly did the couple kneel The parson at the rocking chiiir, The widow at tho tpinning '.v!V.,! And this the burden of tho prayer. Tie mnnracd for uncommitted Bin, Imploied a pardon for mankind, And craved that grace would enter In And swtetiy move the widow'a miu 1. Then riaing from bia prayerful knees, "I yearn to take a wile," he mi id, "And, loving thee if lio 1 ahull plen Hut thou refuse, we twain w11 j""?' I'or worrn 0(J Me women Bti,n jot anwerelij if(tl(f n,)t her eves, "i seek to know the Heavenly will." The Heavenly will waa plain indeed, And pointed to the llowcry yoke, Tor love is not a human need Of young alone, but aged folk. While yet the asters wcrj In bloom, There eaine a throng lrom far and nc.tr, To wieh the joy of bride and groom, And eat and drink the wedding-cheer. That nigbt, beside the bridal-bed, Up ,'poke the bride in tender tone, "I have a message from the dead, , And time baa come to make it known. "The years are twelve this very day, (Since she vhoe title now is mine, The l ight before she pulsed away Bequeathed to me thia written line : - 'To thee, 0 friend of all my life, Ivow, before my strength he spent, That should he wed another wife, If thou art the, 1 rest content.' " He gazed upon the well-known hand, Thought back w ard of the hy gone years, Thought lorwurd of the heavenly hind, And answered not a word lor tears. A hallowed honeymoon they parsed, Anil youtltfor arrow ill tft-owinjj old ; Till sweetly lading out at last, They kit the tale that 1 have told. "THOSE WHO LIVE IN QL&S3 H0TJ3E3 Should not throw stones," says tho adage. Bat who ever did live in glans houi-cs before the days of Sir Joseph Faxton or tlio Invention of photography ? And why wero they expected to be constantly (citing their neighbors ? lias tho inn necessarily a combative effect upou dweller in those trapa to catch sunbeam I, who live in a glass bouse all day, am inclined to answer tho last question in tho aillrmative, when aggravated by ugly or capricious sitters. Muy I, therefore, a humble photographer, venture one or two bints to the owners of countenances who desire them to be gracefully and accurately copied, and to those who try to copy them ? In turning over the leaves of au album, wo frequently pass our acquaintances without even nod. Jlow is Ibis.' The photograph may bo Irreproachable aa a work of art, and It is impos sible to be other than a transcript of what was1 presented to the camera. How comes it, then, that it is not a likeness ? Simply because the Original was, at the critical moment, nnliko himself. When about to bo ptmtographed, one is apt to feel that, like M initial iScy, the eyes of Kurope aie upon him; that, ac cording to the position wulcti lie asmmes, juilgnieut will be parsed on his good or bad figure, awkwardness or grace. 1U withes tu present himself on piper to an admiring, not to a criiiial, public. A nervonn en cionsnesa, moreover, that perhaps a guinea or two is involved in Ibo operuiion, ten ia mate rial y to add to his discouiiiturc. Trivial us this consldera ion may appear, it exerts a tar greater inilnetice on the expression ta 111 most pursons nre willing 10 acknowledge, even to themselves, l'laced in a position always chosen by the ope rator (being, to save himself tho trounle of ro an at ing uccessoiiea, precisely the same as that which the last sitter occupied), his head screwed ii'0 a vice behind, he is told to look at an imli-ca-ed spot on the wail, and keep still. Thus po fd. be regards further opcrutious with much the s. me fee frigs of distrust as he would those of a dentii t. lu imi gmatiou lie hears the sharp rat tle of the lorceps, or the punch. His oreaihiiig become thicker and quicker as the critical mo ment ariives, his heart beats audibly auinst his waistcoat, and a hazy hlui falls over bis eyes. In tins delightful condition of mind and body he is rjoimd to "keep quite still. and put on a na ural expression;" as if expressions were as easy to tut On as glares. The inevitable consequence Is that he "grins horribly a ghastly smile, the like Of which never pased over bis features before. Yet bi th ,perator and sitter wouderwhy tho por tra t is so vi ry unlike. "1 should like to have a landscape background for my portrait, if you please," is a frequent, but niH.-t inconsistent request. What can be more preposterous than to see a lady In tuil evening costume, quietly tcutcd in a lnxuriouseasy-chitir, in the middle of a mountain pas, with a roaring atarat ninhing madly down within a couple of inches of her inimaculutc book-muslin ? Tho tucf ed pint aclc to which aha is supposed to have llown (in her easy-chair) being carefuily adapted to her satin shoes by a liiusscls carpet, from which a trea is vigorously springing. An actor wishing to be represented in some particular character, niay, with propriety, require a painted b"k greund to as ist in the illusion that ho is on the luge, before his ow n painted scones. Addis ui W In ks in the Spxe'atnr A little skill in criti ci in would iLform us that shadows and realities ought not to be mixed together in the same piece. If one would represent a widecbampagiio country filled with flocks and herds, it wuuld be ridicu lous to draw the country only upon the scenes, aud to crowd several pares of the stae with sheep and OX' D. This is joining together inconsistent cuciee, and making the decorations partly real nit I a tsy imaginary." There are as inucb individuality and character In the huiuan figure as in the human face. J-.Tt rj one has some slight peculiarity of gesture nd carriage of body, aa he has idiosyncrasy of auiud. Aatuniiag this to be so, with how tuuch snoie character is a portrait in fume accustomed position eudowed than if renreenud in on to which be was naorustoined ! Aright reve rend prelate, ngagod in the manipulation of three little tfaiublee and a small pea, or a ttlind San look Irg through a stereoscope, would scarcel fctifllUttUojiiBt phoWiTajiuf are frcqucuU perpetrntcd In whlrh ladies anil gontlruien re rr resented In positions, and engigoil in rmplo; ir.rnta, equally aa foreign to those in which their friends nsnally see them. The con vrntiiTsI pillar and curiam am dec im ng Intolc Tutilc. 'I he ri nvcniloii.il Smith or rnprcseiiiative Jones, aillird In his bablt as he lives tsar the guinea pri'i tot anil ihe siaii en shilling trousi-rs), sclctom ha tho 0qHrinuity of re-ting bis elbow on the base of a fluted co umn : nouher l he oiten iiileirupled in the study of his favorite author ('tic finger between the leaves of the book), si a cd in a lady's boil loir, radiant with b impels and toilet bottle, nor with a mass of uutnea iing drapery n,ied up with his hair, I ke the hood of an exciti d cobra. Winn two it mnie pt-rsnns are taken In one pictui, It is Jio uncoiniiion thliig to sec th in standnq? w ithout any connection whatever w th eai hi thei. as Isolated and in'lc;einleiit as the Ha in lies on the b. ar.l of an Italian iiiiai'cin ui ; i r else, as if desirous of emulating the silver fills nd cockle shel" of perverse Mary, eile lnnn d in the nuisciy b.il ads all in a row. A lady i r gcMlemaii nnviiig maito upnrror his nrri'l to I e photin raphct. ii iturally cunsldeis, in the first place, how to be dressed so as to sho oil to ihe best advantag. 'Ihm is tij tin muins such an unimportant matter as many might mi i gllfC. Let me idler a few w.-r's of advico touch ing dress Oringe color, lor certain op iril ri-.i si'tis, is, photograi'hicail y. black, liltie is while ; 0 b r sliaces or tones ot color are proportion itel v cai ki r or I glut r, as they cont nn more or less of these rotors. The progressive scale of phot, i gnq l ic color coiiiineiic -s with the lightest. T ic order Hands thus white, light blue, violet, pink, mauve, dark-blue, lemon, hlmi-green learner brown, drab, ecr se, magen'B, yellow-green, d. ir hrow n, purple, red, amo. r, morone, onmilc, ilead bfas k. Complexion has to tie much considered in i ot nei tinn with dress. Itlnndes cin wear much lighter colors than brunettes; tho latter always picsml better pictures in dark dresses, but neither look well in positive while. VI ilent contrasts of color should be especially guarded against. in pi o'ogrsphy, brunettes possess a grcitad-vsirai-'e over thi ir fain r sisters. The loveiy gohlen tre set lose all their transparent brilliance, and aio represented black; whilst the "hoiinto blno e'e," theme of rapture to the poet, is misciy to the photographer ; for it is put en iroly out. The simplest and most chVctivo way of removing the yt How color from the hair, in to power it nearfy white; it Is thus brought to about the sm.e pilots graphic tint as in na tire. Tho same rule, of course, applies to complexions. A freckle quite lnvi-ible at a short ili-ianec, is, on neconnt 01 its yellow color, rendered most painfully dis tinct when photographed. The pull box mnst be culled in to the tu-i-tunco of art. Here let me intrude oue word of genoral advice, ll'uc, nswo have seen, is tho most readily nllectcd by light, and yellow the least; if, therefore, you would keep your complexion clear, and free from tart Irciklcs whilst taking your delightful rumbles at the sta-siilc, discard by all means the bluo veil, nnd substitute a dark grccu or yellow one in its stead, ill uc tulle oilers no more obstruction to the actinic rays of the sun than white. Ilaf a yard of yellow net, though, perhaps, not very becoming, will be found more cthVncinus aud considerably cheaper than a quart of Kalydnr. The cause of freckles is simple enough, it is nothing more than a darkening of the salts of imu ...iilum.il l 11,, I.I.....1 V .... . ... ,v ur tuo action oi light. A freckled face is, tlierclbro, uu unlimited pbotograpli. ! Will another reason why pl.r'.0j,rap.iS Rr0 Mt always i pleasing, either as V.Kene.s ts or pictures, : y '.pod n posimr tho sitter H!ioJ,"r'r,g negative, is not su.licient to "J . ..en thought or erire to be devoted to it. . wan rceuiueu iu n nv" ,,i. jipui au...v time since, as a woudeilul feat, and lauded ao eoidinglv, that one operator had taken ninety si veil negatives in eight hour, just five minutes. apiico. iNow, as no two individuals ought to be subjected to precisely tho same treatment, that is, placed in the same position, or in tho s.imo lights, it is cerium that fifty at least of those, im a-u red by tins modern l'rocrustos, would be capable of much improvement. Sometimes, f,,r di.ys together, when the atmosphere is foggy, tl ey can do nothing; and, therefore, it behove them to make their hay while the sun shines, Jow for my trials: "How frightfully atntrt you have made me," remonstrates a lady weigh ing, probably, about a cotiplo of hundred weights; "I have had my portrait paimod in oil and pastelle, but neither make me look so stont as yon have. I declare 1 look like somo fnt, dumpy old woman. 1 wouldn't let any one see this for worlds. You really must do an other." This lady is succeeded by another, of um ertaln ape, who wants a c.irte do visite taken of her pet dog (it Is presumed, for him to distri bute amongst his acquaintances). '1 should like it taken very nicely, if you please. How do j ou think he would look best ? In profile, throu qunrters, or full face?" 'T think in proli'o," rculits the ariist. "Will you please make him lie down on the table." "Ob dear, ho won't be still, 1 know, on the hard tatile; be must have a cushion to lie on." A cushion Is accordingly procured, ami Jivaut i jupoifud thereon, "i think," remarks the young lady, utter ho is foeusscd and light arranged, "the other is tho prettiest side ot liis face. Yes," turning hi u round, "he looks fur more intelligent in this posi tion." This, of course, necessitates rc.fucussiti-r ai d rearrangement of ihe light. Just lit the ui' merit of exposure, Ikauty jumps oil the table. io umount ot whistling or eo x.ug, no startling announcement ol "rats' orcven "cuts "will induce him to keep still for one secnd. Half a dozen plans in succession are spoiled, until he takes it into bis intelligent bead to go to sleep, when a good phoiugraph is ul last secured, and the hulv, w ith many apologies for having given so much trouble, bows ber-elf out. She is succeeded by two young gentlemen just returned from school, who, bcyouu making each other laugh, putting them selves Into absurdly grotcs qno positions while tho operator is attempting to focus, and asserting that "it's no end of fun being photographed" (which the obtuse operator doesn't seem to sec), conduct themselves tolerably well, and in a few minutes are dismissed. The next visitor is a young mamma with her infant. "Ho you think you can take a good likeness of this child i" she inquires; "she has just learned to walk, and I should like her to be taken standing." "ilul if she has only just learned to walk," suggests the artist, "1 dou't think sbo will be able to stand still." "Oh yes, 1 am sure she will," returns mamma. ")', pleuse try ; I should lo like lo have it." The ariist cannot withstand this appeul, and, against bis better judgment, attempts and fails; lor the sweet little cherub is unsteady on its "pins," and is much given to "flopping" nt un seasonable times. Mamma is at lrn'ih compelled to do what the artist recommended iu Itio lirst place to take tho huby on her lap. Then there is the denf old gentleman, who rau't bear when he Is told to keep still; and the communicative young lady; ami the funny pirson, whowants to be taken with his tiancce, and w ben lie has moved taihs about missing his face, and facing h.s miss, and tells the opeialor he may lite away aaiu, he bos lots of time.. fj.lt la now about fuur o'clock, and the artist, who has in the cour-e of the day traveled about twenty mileB, in rushing in and out of the dcvel-opitig-rooin, arranging sitters' dro-es and acces sories. rtguutiug tin; I gh , etc., with the ther mometer standing up among the nineties, has not hud an opportunity el taking any retreshnient, or Sitting down tor one minute. Yet lie is ex ported to he polite and conciliatory to all, never to lose Ids temper, und must attempt at least, to strike up a i howl ul conversation w ith cacti sitter, so as to git an "exp'Cssion." .. i s) Can you understand, tbon, flint some of us who live in g'nss houses do oicasioualy desire to txpresour Itnpinl' nee by somo biruiijj dcuiou k;r.,lion i All ihe Year Round. KxTitAniNo GttAi'u Jt icE. A C'rrepondent of tli0 LuiiUon Cumu al eirs iUttcH ttmt a Ucr tuan b;u deviled a novel liicaos of extracting jui t' Ir-nn rra en. Itttiteud uf prosiiajr them in the ordinary m. inner, ho jiUvc- the in iu a drum provided Willi a euitutilu strainer, and revolving at a rte of from MOO to l.roo ruvoluttonH per minute. It Im tuid the futtowiuj? advantages re sult from thin lnn The tune required for the operation it greatly leavened, tho wtiulu of tho mum from oik- ewt. ot grapeM being obuiued iu lie lninutt'H. 2. The. u. unity of jniee is i'i crtahed by live or fix per rent. li. ''Stalking" U rtndt red unneveKsary ; and 4, the Kgiuited iuuhI iu no mixed with air that lermcntati ju takes placo with fieut rapidity. IN THK DIKTHICT COUUT VQH THE J CKy and f'ouuly nt I'hliadtfliihta. JOHN J. H U.IAJWKLL v. JOHKPH B. KV1KH. Anus Venditioni Kxuonai, htiteiiibT, No. IJ7. Ti e ttudi or uaj-oiiite I hy tu C'uttrt to it'prt tin- distri bution of a fund piodiu;d by a Hlierut kale, under tli aiMivo writ, ot h)1 that' nam thraa tory brick, iiivhiuimu or tttm iueu;, ba'it binli ii us, md lot r nu tu of ttniinid, rttuaiuon ti.f .ui nuu-af hlevaoth strt, at ;h iliunca ot tluree tundrd and fuur it-t-t Mi'titliwaid hum tUe south ide l UlrarJ stnut, in tie Tweutlettl ward ol the Clfy of I'Mladtlpli.a ; coiitalnlitff in frui or hreadlh on tUt snld F.lteiit): tr'et kt-vtoti'n feet ( in in Jina; t tho n rth anW ti.i-ie-f the eotitherouioit half part ot an alley tbroa ft lnnldtlibv the whoiu depth of the theinhy Krantad It Jt and eitendin In U'ngth orkpth eastward of that width stveiiti' one iet ten and onc- balf uictus to a tour tVe wl.io a!'ey. I a' iJiK nnrt'iwaid and couiinuith atliiii wit tht a.ff tl'it'f h'et wido alley. itib!ect to the yearly Kroiinii ti't of VJ, will attend to th dnt'tsof his apiKmitaient, oa en.SEsDAV th day ol Dr cntier. A I.lti4. ai J oclock 1' l , at rilsattlce, St- Hi K. KI'iUTM ntxaet. I'hllad- IpHa, whau ajid wheia all parties liit'nsted uuit yrt scut the'r cJaUu-, or they wUi be debarrad rroia ooudug in u aid im.d. lj 16 im JOHN B. f'OLAnAK.UudHof. rrBEAfiUKY DEPARTMKNT, DECEMUEE Motie lebarvby ftrati e the raadhaai of this Depart ment La radnsiii an preseaiation, by a,vmeot ta lawful moBtv, or by nersloa into bordi as autbotixed by Jaw, ttoa Ihrca 1 eaie Treasury Notas baarluf Inuraat at Ui rate of seTen and Uuee teoitis per oentuat, lasueU und Amt ot Jalv 17. lHtl. JotarMt wili oa aD aara Tr.a- aary Jlataa not ao area en tad. aAer itarea Dntbs fro as thla data, at wta Mm, u4m Ui taw, the rlg-nt of eoarav- U l-aoa swmsv v puf anwar, SPECIAL NOTICES. if" PONS OF NKW KNOIjANI). Auniifti MrotiiK of the .iu'lMv wM h hold on Tiifdftv krMn'. i'"Ti it;t , m " iit'j n k, v mi ni M I r icnor H1KI t KNTII nl l.iji'sr Hirti. Kit li' ti "I olln i'ti ft r 'im..i 1 1! 'if .MMKft H. AI,VMl., firTl:ry. I'jT-- !(' K OK Till CITY liOUNl'Y No. All IU HM r Hi r- t. I'm t i ?! i nt , Trrmhfr 17. 1WH All pcrft v tmvlfif rlnMu t'i!iis t hi 'nnitu .ttr.ri rt noitf t tl o prMtiil thvfu on r brior HAT' Kit A V. ) eui inn 'i, jh. 4. k. '. k i Na. II- IV fct rrrtt)i-nt. tZZf TO TIIK 8 POCK IIor.DKTtS OK TI!K F f rmr.it nt rniM-nKcr Knit m j I'dmpnuy ( IW I ) 1'ih lt lor It"- tTBiiowr r-f Hf ck will IS oiifn it ksf i i ily t I if ft. inl.i r I'l ut N 1 1 t N H 1 I Ml' I' M rtel 11 .n.i Mi I (In). Il'rs ri.l.t r lJ, nt No. H WAI.NI I H ml. U "mi U I -fit III I I,AII-MM! I A. WXKMIJKR 14, I'-'i- Oflire T 1 Kit lMiMKrKAD till. COM l'NY. No.'74 M 1 lit W I M'fft-t. rt.-t-n sa.H. 'I hf I U.Mr tl "f inn it. -I liflvti tlili d.i v Wl.tf-eil n vM' nil if 'I Mil tilt KN,'. flu' "( -inft' Iftt. pftHlMr On nnd Apt 1 1) ?4tli ir inni. I mii'lff I" h wlllrli cnn t't IT'h Kiid -p x f-n ll r 77th iix'suit M' tiliTB of rr- lp't will I4 a a list tin- unr m iiit;t'il fur c TtilH si'P" In tun- Llif tin-iiiy -.f I he lnHjki. t. UIK'-KI- 1,1-, 1 l-i ;-t Troiiurfr. KT5f- I'll TI,A r l.l.ril I A AM) UKADIVO "J UMin.ad ( .H.pn, uin. No. -ul h. houurn Mrtrt. I'm i a ! it ' i in , Iirf rnf'r 17, 14. Nrtlfs l rty ri n l- tl.ti Mik kfnhicni of llilnCKir) I Kni l ti At II Aiiimih' Ui -th v, fMl n fc'C'tl'Hi for I'm I tie n , ' x t m.h rn, I ff i4-ii ri r, ini't hfuirtnry, will t tkc ii r-on Uic ivcuiia WoMiAl f''thr ,lkniirv nfxt,tl WILLIAM II WKI'.U. v : ii 7 rrnsiit iKi, sni m;ckmih;r, ihoi. '"' - M U'KNh T h" Drrrrtnr nf llir hOHHOIb ' M'MN hnr ilin 'In? fV' lAn d thtir ihird mnnihly civl'li riif Im Novum.) r, nf TllltCK I'KK CKM. m ihe ! 'ft ul ul Hh " k nt (he ( '- ijilnthy. I'll v fil Hftrr thit l.'.tr: lnnt. to ih I'll ilmh litfi a uiVrrltM mt ihe olhrn of Mr' uti'licoa A LVllltiB, No. i0 H t IC'N I' Mlrn-t. WM M'-ruiviIKON, Prcslflifit. Kfinr.HT W1MV, .Tit., Hunmry. li-tO P'V" UKAIJQI'AUTI US RlU'KltVISf )KY 1 V mniitfiM. fur luctmtitig ColurrU KrlmenlB, No. l7Ht(IIK.Nl'T Bit) i t. I'n 1 1 m i rn i a , rirrnihtjr 7, lsr.4. The Pup rvlsjorr poin m uu-n lor Kncrtttiinc .'.iorl liti nn nti hn Iiik rcKilvt dto mf jmirn ln dm on the .Hit lnisWit, ail tiernm litwinii numi k1tMt tho salt) i .)m mi!tr ar -i.i''i'dI" (.recent th m for pAi-inctit to K. K "KMi.n, Affiit, nt ih itooDii of the ('fmmiUee,oD or bi'fort Ihi' 2,'itii infAnt Vi h in .'A I W AI-A DPR niHDl.K, Hffremrr. KPT OFFIUK FHILADKU'HIA. GAS WOliK, ovinU r 3o hrl. PropoAiA ul un rpfitiat thin Offlo nnl! nvn of thr Isi ot .Uniiiiry nrxt, for tit nait to tun Irostewa ol Ui PhilKtfrtphlfi lint Wcrk, of Block In I ho flouthwark tP MuiMiueiiinay Uas Work. Urrtnantowu do Minaunk do And Htrhnioml do 'I o he uid & LDvectmonU for the tinklng fao1s of ild Workt. I WILLIAM rtySRLT,, li-2-lm Clner.a IT" OFFICK PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ItOAUCOMI'ANY. riiii.ADv.rrntA, November 4,114. KOTirE TO HHAUKIh)LlK.tf. Th PtiAri'h'iklrrn of this coini'any ar nuiiflrd that, under Jt' lutlon ol the Jioa d ol inm-t'iriH thev nn-, e.i ti tled to niibMT lio tf the Uork of the Company ihe amount ol TEN I'KK ( KM', on thftir nupecUva IlUtrtiul, m nYwn hy their hook of tho il Instant, rh Biarehulder firltlcd t 'r.-f'nal nartofa tharfl. tii)Vr ine iortnA of tho Iti ftolutfon, ihall have thepnvl lfgo of itibhcrlblng for a fan ahare on Ibo puyinrnl ofUftj del urn. This KtOf k will bo lfitied at th par value of fifty dol lars ptritmio. Anrufd Ii tercit at Hl I'LH ( KM. will be rliarK-d irom the It Innt.tnt until payio(?nt in nmdr. The Hooka lor nuiitcription and pin uu nt will he ope on HON lA Yt 'he 7th limtant, and will rlost ob the Hint of Iiecvmhcr next, alter mcn no further fluhucrlpUoua will hi- rcft'lvwd ondvr the rreilutfn, ll-l-tlZ 31 TIIOMAM T KIRTfl. TraasurOT. rpr- WHERF.AP, TIIK AUDITOIt-GKNK-rat. an r Hred by the I Ithj Hwtion of Ihe Aft -n-Utl-d'An Act totnahli' the Hanki of thlf 'otntaon at li to become AMociatl n lor thi- puryoee of ItanKlns audvr ihe pawn of the ( nlted Htati-n." i anM on the ?id d ot A'l- rnet A. I IrWi, hni certiflf il to mo that "ThK CiJNOLI- aTKN liAhK tiF rHILAhKLPHi A" hai furniabp'J naui-lartlon to hini that all tho retjuirt-mr nti of u'ti Ail have bt-an romphrd witb hy the aalo hank, and thu It hat btcomo an Asi''lntlon for ih purpoaeof Uankln under Uie laws of the ( lilted Statei; I do, tliari'loie, caune ihlt not lea thereof to be puMinhed, In aoronlame with the provliions of tbe laid llth H(-tlon of tin- phi4 At, and Ho dechir that the lliartor t.f laid Mank, by the terms of laid Act, Ii deeded and tAKt-n to he hirenpin iiirrciidered, feuhjeet to the proviloQfl of the lit Section ot aid Aa, A. O. CIJKTIH, Oorertior of l'auntiylraji'A. lxacrtivE PnAjmn. i HAHKienrKn, KoTtuher Ji, Im.I. ) 11 2 iHt aJT- Y1IKREAS,TIIE ADDITOR-GKNR-ra), at requin-d hj Ihe llth ration of the aet en titled "An Act RiihIiIIIib the Itanka of lltli fdminotiwr-alth to become Aioctation (or the I'urpon- nf hanking, ander ihe lawn of the Lulled Htateti, pained on Uie JtM day of Auguat, A. 1. Wt, lmn cer irind to uie that U "CITY IUNK OF fHILAhKLl'HIA" han ftirnUhi-d tatiifactory Tlomce to him that all tbe rwinlrtmi nti of vald art have bten compiled with by th Kid Uauk, and that it hai become an anaocintlon for the purpoia of iiausUiiT. under Uie lawa of Ihe Uultad Htfltesj. 1 do Uorefore ranse this notlea thereof to he pnbHhed. In aeeoriianie with the immiiuin of thv aaul 1 1th Nictlon of the riiH net ; and iIoiIk mn that trie t'harter of imU Hank, jj the terniit ot laid Act, Ii deemed and lalu'n t ! hereupon mirreridt-rod, sabject to the prorlitona of Uit tirit itvtWB ot aaid aai. a. (i. im;kiin, floytttv ot I'tuiuylvaaW. Exxornvi fnivnu, 1 IlatiKiMn-itu, 3bth Noi mtar,lW4. 5 U a'VSw r,J" "WHKKEAS, THE AUDITOR UKNR-- ml, as rc(julr-d b the llth n-a'ion of the Actcn titled "An Art annlillntr the ltanksof this Cinnionwealtli to become Aetiailnni lor the purpose of Binkmir under the Lava of the I iuld,Mntc," pasted on the 't:A d it o( August. A. I). IH''4, bas cutlited t" m1. lha' the i'o uio -r-clal Huns, of IVnni-jlvania, of ihet'ltynf I'hitadelpma, has fumthhed satis'arrory fvlilftice to him thitt ail the reijnlrenients of said Art hare bt-n compiled with hy ttie said Kaiia, and that It has become, an AitiK-Utlon for the purfHise of burking under tUe Whs of the Unit. I Hint; 1 do, thiTiro. eauM- thii notice thereof to he puhlnhM tn accorflaneo with the provisions of the naid llth sec Ion of the said Act, and do declare that the charier of said Wank, by the tents ot said ai t, Is Uevnit-d and taken to hu hereupon aiirremluxed, sublet tu tua provisions of thalit acotion of said Act. A. fl. OrRTIN, O-rnorof fennnylvantA. KxBrtTiVB CHAMUn, H, HKie uu tt(j( jyih Novemhor lw-t. ii Jw rZR- VNIVEHSITV OF PENNSYLVANIA liepai injriu of Arts The examination "f th f'ollefre ClahHi'H, at tre clote of the tril'Jritft wlil b held in lha K'llo it'B ord r : Monday, I'JV .- I miu to 11, Juniors-, hj Prfennor Ken dall (Analytical Oeoructiy), wntf ii. t'nun 11 to 1 Pvntors, b fr lihsor ra. or ( AntruneniT). oral. TiUMlay, larli. Kinin 1) tti 11, Htnlors, hy Praf sinT Kencall (IiiUkiaI Cal:ultt), ana SsDpamno'-ek, by 1'rofns sor t opper (t Urk's f.letm'itts kt the Ktuhsh LaiiKU U'e) written. From 11 to 1, JutWora, Uj I'rotcssor Iraiar (Mechanic), oral. WediHfOa, Hib From ! to U RrnWs, by rrofbuof ,tneksn (lli'Mirci KiiiiiI'), and Sopioni.,re, hy I'm fessor h rai r ( t I v ) wiPten. Fri.m H to t, jiinloia. Dy rrovdkt ( imcMtjcTi-ai 'nnohopny ), oral lhurttaY, l.'Ui rr-ni u to 11, Juniors, by rrofriir AlK-n ArilUui( of H pirn and rttstifieii, hy Pmd' sor k eiKiaH - ALehra . written. From ll to 1, rln4 irn, by the I'rovoM (Uori I'niloophy ) . oral FrUay, li'th, From W to 11, Hi.phnmoroa. by Tremor Kendall (tieomttrv i, wrttien From II to I , Seniors, by Prole sr'oi,.pee ( Mahan V leld FnrtitlcitionK). oral. Mciolay, l'Mb hun 1 U ll, p Kslnnen, br rrMesor AUtu ( eri'-ptnn's IL IN nl a , or0. Pmin 11 to I, JimiIjt, by Froff itnor Jurkson (( Vero de Amtltln ) , oi al. Tnesttay. "M ill fc r"in 'j to 11. rV.phii!ora4, hv I'roitet'ir Allen ( ThUd'tlKes. S'elHaii KxnfdltloD , oral. From ll to 1 , KreshtiH-n. hy i'roitssnr Oopuee (Weber s l.ntversai llistisv .oral. W dDOkduy. 31 at From t- II, B tpliomuroa, by Pi o fea sor Jurknon (Tacit ns'n 11 n o- y ), oral . Ttlrdsy. Vt Ktom U to 11, Fresbmeo, by Profmor Jackson (.LlvTj, t:r.fKtR AT.I.K, 12-ia-Kt Becrelary of the Faculty of Art. IXMOllIAI. TIIK ClIiKAT CKNTHtVI, FAIIt Volt Till TJ. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, HELD IK r HI L A L E L P II I A, J I1 N K, 1SA4. 11 Y BAULKS J , BTILLE. fHIi K VtVM VulLAW. T'KIItt) STTKk S WITHIY C'MM1H-IiK, 1 riiiUMl.nat At.thn, JL Y.M 'hk -m'V M i kbt, li'ceniter l', lv4. T the M intert of thi Yartvut ContHut$ of tn 6rs Cmtrtii r The SAN I T A k V rOM MISSION heira to annonnie (hat ht "lllilOlO OF 'I UK FAIR, prepared hy Mr. HI II LK, at the re iiet of the Fe ntKe t'.Mninlitee, Is aow ieady fr deilvtry. It furma a vry e va'U uarti volume ol tnote than ivrohuudrfd pate ; In printed on the finest paper at the "( axtoii Tress ' of M srv 8iit rtimn t Co.. and n il u-traurl with phot frauds of dune oi' tho Hi. ire nittrt'iuii ; oiieet ot Die Ki hlhl t d-n. li eomtt;n ati account of iheot kiu and prourexs ol tuo Fair; a djcnp tioii of tl. di;!t;t nt Ii purnu. nU; a 'Lit. mc ,t of Ilia tlnsiH lai leitjit , a full !M of ail the ( .mimlliei-v ot.-. oto. Aath'swork it doslrne(1 prlinar.'y for the lucmSeri of ttie varlnnN roniuilitevs, and a lnuiiod edition only has txwn prlt iaj, it Las lfvn tLi-uaUt host to phta- it lu Glmrveo; Air. JAt-M U.HlMvJN.ai tpesWftl ng .-ul, for Its tlrlivtrv. Vitose who desire conies will p'lutneetll on or adilren hi a at No .tl A. hi l'll Htret, und sitory. Mr. biinnn oitll ujuli iiiOk-j wliu iuty uot beabietQ Oo?un utilrnte vlth bloi. If WUI le raady for deTry ou WKINEI Y, Ustinat. li-17 JJOT.lllAT 1 ' II E S !: N TS. FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. J KWKL.lt V Or EVKKT UKHtUlPTlOJt. F-Uvcmnd Hllver Ilutl Waro, Wliloa win be sold at the loweal prteea, aad wa-rtut'4 1 at ravn.etiled, at JACOU LADOMUS', Mo. i; Mi UK IT STBMffT, ll'UtuthtM Oaraer r Iteoaaar. WANAMAKER & BROWN, STOCK IJKOKKH, No. 7 FATtQUHATl liUILDINO, 11 W WATN VT ftTftKP.T, HKLOW THIRD, BUTIS'l AND PRLLIISQ UTOCRfl ON (XMMI8lf W. QOL ! O O Xa If O O Ta I. SILVER A KD BANK NOTES WANTKU. DC HAVXH h BROTHER, JIAitiiUt iunrvii:v aft c?o.t BANKERS, ETOOK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Ho. U R. TIIIUIi HTKl'KT, TblU jelohla. Btof and Ixiani hncht and ol3 on Corarnlnln. TTn aurrent Uank Pour Coin, Ac , lotu'ht and aoM. RpaolaJ attention pild to the pnr hae and tale of Oil Htonaa, I'epoilti recelYiKl, and In urn t ailoweil, at per aa;re merit. H-W gTOOJtH A1NI HJCUlirriliH BOUGHT AND SOLD ON O O M M I H H I O N , EE HAVEN & BROTHER, t Ko. MO S. Tiff KO HTRRT. No. 16 6. THIRD BTUEKT, UANKKHH AND UUOKKIIS. f iwle,PtocJu,Qnartjrmaniri' Vouchers and Chaka, ad all (Jovamment Hoc u lit lei Roufct and old. finUl liANKKKH, No. 121 S. TIIIUD 8THEET, PintAJF,L!'IHA. Govfcnment Rerorttlf of alllnhuea T'ttTeha"M and for Pale. Stocks, bondi, and (Jold Bought atwl Hold oa Oom ftiiialgn. INTCBFrIT ALLOWKI) ON TEPOSITS. Colleetroni Promptly Made. ft4-t JEV J-.OA.3V ISXiW LOAN. U. S. 10-40s. JAY COOKE CO.. OFTEH tOH SAI.B IIIB NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEAtllHO TITB PER CKST. IHTtltKBr IK COVi, rtdcMiwilile nr lime after TKN YF.m,at the ploanur. of the OoTemmmt, uid pyb)e 1UUTY YEAUd kite, ii.te. POTII COCrOK AND ItKClTSTKHEr BONTlS are lnutd fnrthu Lonn.ofi.m. denominatlan u the -J0. TUe Inlemt oa 5U nd fioo. payable yearly : on all other dcanmliatloni, half yearly. Th 10.40 bond, are dated Mareb 1, 1NM. The half yearly latoroat falling dae drpteiuber 1 and Idarah 1 of each year s aoill let Heptem ker, th. aeornod lntereit from lit of March ll raptured to be paid by purchaser. In o.u or In leual vt uiuiMur, add ing Ally pv oenu fbr premium, nutil further notice. ALL OTIUm UOVEHSMJtNT eEOUUlTIKS BOCtiliT AND BOLD. JAY COOKE & 00., BlhSe-tf Ko. lift S. T1IIKU BTlliET. QTTITlCia FOll T1I13 BAI.13 OF NATIONAL LOANS, No. 114 S. THIED STREET, rnrLADELmu. 3 K W UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. The flubirrlbera having been the aaeoessfnl Bidden for A portion Of Uia NEW 5-10 81 X PKH CENT. OOLl HEAltlNO LOAN, are prepared to ofTor It on farorahie terms to their custodiers, In large or small amounts, in Bonds of deoomlnatloiu af I-. 100a, MJs, and luU0, koth registered asd coupons. The Interest comnirnoei on the lit of Hovembor next and ts payable In gold, Mial-anaae.il, on the 1st of Alay and UoTemter. All other Oovornmett BoeiirlrJea on hand and ft r sale, aiid UUoiiuaUoD given ooucoruLuj( InveatiuoDts, at our oQlea, JAY OOOKK A CO., So. Ill 8. TIIIHI) HTUEKT, 11 15 Philadelphia. $50,000. $50,000. STATE OF DELAWARE six vi:n cknt. COUPON liONDS The undcrxlgned are now prepared to furnish theaK Honda In lots to mil purchasers. Bach Bond is of diiiotuiuaUtn of ONIi THOUSAND DOIARS, '1 ho Cooprn, payable on the flr.t day, of January and July, at rbllade plila National Bank, Plilladelplila. The Honda aro dated Juuuary 1, liV', and are free of Ktate tax Tlie whole amount authorlr.ed 1, one million dollars, of ulikh a lurno nerllnn hit. been alrrudy UlHpi.ed of. The Ktare ofllelawure belnu free from delt, with the exception vt thin loan, uiakea Ihe Investment on. of th. afot aud mobt Ocblrahlc ..eutllle. U)w obiaumb e. Al'IllltBS, JOHN McLEAU & SON, No. 117 MA.ltlC3-lT Ht., U-16 6t WIL111NG10S, liELAWABR. G AUGER AND COOPER, No. 05 H. Wutnp Btia.it, IkIow Wuluut, l'lllI.ADKI.I-IUA. lmllatlnn r.randy and WlnoCjikii,andalllilnof work mailoor olj and nuw Hull, uluny, ou hiudvt mio to I ordt-r. I Coal packed In hog.hoail, for atilnplii?. All kind, of j rliuniliiB puuotual ly atletwd la. li-Ti I I j QIIAIILCH JZ. CLAUU'a J BEDDING WAREHOUSE, At No. 15 N. ELEYE-V11I STREET, ll-jiti rniLauiLriitA, COilMIBEIOH ilLiiUilAaiJ, AND SHIT AND STEAMBOAT AGEXT3 DOCK HTItKKT W1IAHK, FUlUAUaXPlUA. rvrva a. eoTiai, I 4KHiaai.n umr laiukai r. svoLuaa lai-tf FINE CLOTHING, (JUEAT KKJJUCTION IN TIIK ritlCll OK CLOAKH, At IVENS k 00S, No. 2S 6. NINTH STREET. Tneoaseqaeneenf th fall In avid, fVF.NA 4 CO. ka reonred teeir price from M u w p'-r eent., and hue nr n hand a lare and wed salu ted stfek of CLOAKS suit aitie tor ihe present and corning acasnn, whh-h ther are determined to sell at prices w hlcn cannot fall ui sn't the purrtisser. f.adias will find It tn their advantage to lv us a call beor purrbasung elsewhere. Remember IVPH8 A CO'R OLD'EflTAUI.lHIIEO CI1 A It RTORl, No. W n. UINTII fltreet,omrof Jayn. (12 7 11 QCODS EDITABLE TOR PRESENTS E. M. NEEDLES, IVo. 10124 CHKHNUT Htrect, CFFkH" rOR HALK A LA HOE AfiPOUTMENT OP In all Tarlctiei, for OLriBtmas nnd Holiday Presents, AT VERY LOW TRIC'EH. LaiTics' Urmstitcbtd lldkfa., all ffntn, 'c. and nrwardi. Jrlcn'a do do do 70c. ilo. t'bildren's do do do S'-c. d . rism HandkercMrfs, all lluen, .lOc. and upwarda. I.a e llandkerc hlefs, f 8 U IM). Fiiihroldtrcd Handkerchiefs, $1 to 110. Mn i, Women's. and Children's Handkerchiefs, all kinds and at prices very much below the present fcold bails. A I ho, LACK GOODS, LMIiKOIDKUIKS, AVI) W11I1K 000133 OF ALL KINDS, HuKaM for Prrientfl, at VERY LOW PUIfT.fl." 1M7-12I J. COWriiHTIIWAIT rffc CO., B. E. Oor. NINTH and AEOH Stroete. THE GKEAT BLANKET STORE. I3LAKKETS AT RETAIL. BLANKET S AT WIIOLESALE. BLANKETS TOR HOCSEKEErERS. BLANKETS FOR HOTELS. BLANKETS FOR THE ARMY. BLANKETS FOR THE NAVY. BLANKETS OF ALL SIZES. BLANKETS OK ALL QUALITIES. BLANKETS THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. BLAJiKETS TO BUT EVERYBODY. AT ma JJLjVISKET BTOUE, S-SS-Sm 8. K. oner KTHTH and ARCH fttrecti. 104 CllKMNTjT BTHKKT. E. M. NEEDLES la Dally IXeoolvLntf M0YKLTIB8 Of LAOEH, WHITE OOOBS, IIANDKKKOHIF8, fto., In .rary yarfy and at llJZDVCIZli 111ICE, BtlTAALB rOBC 11UIRTMA9 HOLIDAY I'llKSESTH. i oUi CH K.snfifr rr ukkt. JJE COERSEY, LAIOUROADE & 00,, No. C31 CnESNUT STREET, AKE CLOSlNd OUT THRlll FALL AND WINTER STOCK 13 lo.ijt or MION'H W13AH FAR BELOW GOLD VALUE. L4 4r A W FOURTH AND AECH HAVE liaUirCKD 80al It FINE O )ODS F0H TBK HOLIDAYS, To ttYor tho laudable practice of maUluij VALUABLE CHRISTMAS GUTS, Green Baize, Broclie Shawls, Skating Mufflers, Woollen Shawls, Clan Plaids, Silks, Skating Skirts, Silk Poplins, Promenade Skirts, Eep Poplins, MourniDg Skirts, Merinoes. Skirting, All Wool Plaids, Sheppard's Tlaid Skirts, &c. U 17 im J CIIAMlIKItS, No. 810 AKCII STREET, Invlle. I he all. nllofi of the LaUi.k to a choice attertu.i'ill of riiKNcu .miiu )iiikkii:s. Ll.AL lAI'E tiOOIiS. ll.l.NTF. LACE fcll'H HlOM I'OINTK LACK t OI.I.AKS HIOM $1 .".J. KMPHKHS COI.LAHS. 1 Al K IIAKLiKEHCillKFA FltOM ti W. I A( T. IIAIIHEH TMKKAl) Vtll.H, A BABI1AIV. Ilandiome i'rv.enta for the Uoliaaji. U-17-Ut 'PIIE WORT USFFUI X run n:sT anu thf. crretPEiT ItOl.mAV l'KKNTS, AT HA MUKKtiKltTlKiil il Kltfi. Had the Liat orArllolea. MKEK IIPKhS.-A very larno a.ortmont of plain, henooitrlit il. and elnbiohlvred 11 ilk . Wry oNtap. l.ACU COLL Alt'. CaiuOiio Collar, aud Mull.. Very cheap r.NCY I!Af'If rOMIIt.-A cry Iiuye aianrlrnerrt ot tin- mo.t hcaulilul llyli:, of tauc back, al lull' in, ru.ular rulntl prlcea. til.OVr.s OI.OVFU. A very l.rye aaiPrtment of Hlltc, Fl.v y Lined, Cloth tilovoa, and all uthor aindb of lilovoa, Veiy low. LA1.MOKAL 8K1KTS. Ta. l.r.t aaaortuiwt of liiluii.i.i Burn la the City. Froai Si'Og lo AO 00 p i ce. i-ry ohcl. UtKINO tlllillli,. The lanfat itora of J.afiii1,', Meu'a, 11l.,e,', Ptnri' anl Chiliiieu . Meilno I nder.Llitt and iirawor, lu tna Ony. al veiy loweat price. fiOSIERlfl IinsiEltVI The beat and cliei,a.t lloilery in tin' '"Hv. LALIkH', 11ES t, AND Cllll.LilE S'H TIOXieRY. Collon, Wool-n, and &lurlno lloahry. Toe lar.at aa.oituient of evarv .Ize, uualitv and deaorlptlou. HiTc'llt.l.! HATCHKLS1 A very larsa aaorUuuut of nih M r oeo Batcb.li. Verr cLaau. LACK VKII.8I LACE VEIL1I A vary lar(e a.aortmvul of black Lac V.lll.at alt prlo.., very clH'ap, I ad ra' aud Otnia' allk and woolen Rcarfk. Hair Hru.h.,( ,.mb., hilt UJkia. i ora.u, I.uiaa Boaoai., and a large aasortnaent of Fauey Ootioa. murh low.r than al any oilier uro In the city, al IUMIlh.ti.tM bKOS ', Ho. K H. KU1H I H aUraut, li-LL-cK land .tore alxxa Area. REDUCED PRICES, JNDIA HCARKH, IN GREAT VAR1BTY. a. m. iiAFMsiaii, No. 902 0HE8N0T STREET. IAC1CH. 1-kCY. fOl.t.AIS, 1 A' It a K. I H, M'CHUHN alOl.l.ABft, RMI'HHkH t OI.I.AHK. qtJk.CN M AKY ( IPl.l.AnS, Al Low Prieea. J. M. HAKLKIOM, n. I MtNt'T STKKKT. KMIIIIOI 1 rMHKniPFKrn roi.i,Kg, RMHKllliaKI) H K I a , f MIINOI IlKltKI) nLKKVKB, TU1MMEII rJKtS, Cheap, by J. M. HAI-'I.KKJir, No. D"J CIIKSNUr 8TBK1-T. itAivTHtiiiiciimiyM. FMKR'HnrHKU HANIlltRnrillKt.H, IIKUMKII II A NliK Kal'lliai'S, I. At . MANllKK.al IIIKkH, TIOMMKU llASlikkKOIllKrS. J. M. HA I I.KK1II, He. Ht CIlErJNl'T HTHK.bTT. II OH I MHY, A ri'I.l. ASmiKTHiNT. ti V 1CM IN tllHAT VAK1RTT. ho 9rl C1IEBHUT STUKtT. i : v i : w r iv iT 1 1 k mm i : s. Lateat KoTtltio. jtut remlved from I'arlH, bj J. M. 11 AI ''LEK1U, No WH CHEBNfJT HT11KKT. HiiTitM. VnillK ANTIOUE8, Iihf.hs ooniiM, 1'lJtCK (KKIHH, lltlWII Flll-LINH, IKKNCII CIIINTFS.ete. All tic above at Low J-rlco. tor the MDl.lDAYfl. J. M. HAi-'IKIOII, Fo. sol cnesNrr rthkct. U ifthnto 1SU4. 18G4. GLENN ECHO MILLS, OERMANT0WN. McCALLUM &. CO., WHOLK9ALB CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. OOO CI1EHNUT 8TKKET, rUILADCU'IUA. 1SU4. 1S64. McCALLUM & CO., UKTAIIi DEPAUTMENT, Na 10 CT1KSNUT STREET, 11- -tl OI'POBITE INl'KI'CrniaVJSCE BALL. Q 0 O 1) B rOlt THE HOLfDAYU. IMMENSE ltKDtCHON IN rUlCB ClF watch r.s, JEWELKY, HlI.VKR-fLATED WAliB, Aa. I.aOWV Cold TInntlrir f'anef L. vir Walch,baunrullj 1 Prom 160 to (100. eiiiriavfd and rtiniui-llvd, ( Onili lliavj ll ild UiioiIiik a.i'Lo-. From Itoto 1150. ver Walclo-a, Silver Illintlng-Cajo Watoho. for " " " (UU jlweliod Lever, . .118 . m . 11 . M . W . SO flnld Vpal CThalna. from 10 to $78. Oold Cliati lalne Chain., from I0 to 50. Uold Nrra Clia lia. from S.' to $'.'&. IK) illtrerent aiylf. fin Hold et., Plna.and Kar Tllnffa, all tlio laluat aud luoat fnahlonahle dealifn., from $3 to $79. JINK tiol.li BIKRVF. BIITTONi, IIOHOM STri 8, alCAKF PINK. liKlTH' PINS, OOI.D TillMItLEg, Hll.VP.H TI11MILD9, llltACKI.KIH, AIIMI.KIrt, l'CKKTS, CIIAUMH, PKNCILS. I'KSA. Ae Ac. Vvrry vanetr of Slyer and Bllrar-Plated VYaro, at mHTiiifnrtnrar'a prleea. TrAMKItt, CAKE It AUK ETS, CAKtl tlAHKrt n, tai'ii iiAinr.rn, 11 111 Kit IHKUKS, Hill A It DIUIIEH, BVItCP pncllEUS, IIUF.AKFaST CASTORS, MNfMl CAH'tOltt), SALT UTANDU, Utilll.F.TH. Ct'l'r) WAlTMlR, UllMS. . CALL 11KI.I.R. KAPKIW RIB09, Htl IT KNIVES. r. f. Foraa and Hioon..ln every yarli-ty. trrlile plaled.on scniilur aluatit. ai one- hall tne u.nal price. meinb-r ihiit a lar.e IU re.wllh a hill ri nt (ml neavy eii. naca every way, la not the placo Ui hov ,'Knl. ch. ap. TherBfore.lt yon would .may your own imoreaia u .kuhivmuhi EMliia, vialt our llttlt1 .tore. Mo. 1024 M AUK FT HtrroL 12-C tin-et W. I.. CLaltK. JOHN II. BTOKE8, No. TfiJ ARCH UTREF.T. KEIlUCTIOK IN PBlCfca Of HRV llOOllH. A Splendid Variety f. r CniilSTMAS ANIl NKW 1'KAKH PltKSBHTS. Conaiailni: of Kit II tioodi. Frrnrh MitIiuh. and I'OPtlna. I.opln'a Hlnie and l utile Width Black Delrin0 Lupin . Itilntl Wo I I'lald. Lupin . Fin. gnallty French Mrrlnoea, t ' , Hiavy Kiohcd Wool l'oillti,. $1 N). (lay and Plain Htyle Cotton and Wool I) !,'. j M,Ni a. d. Ca'lcoe. from al to o0e. l'lald Hhawl. i.av and Oe.lrabla. 11. in Khaw a for t-ei vice. Child'en'a Hnawla- Long aed Rnnaro. I,Qcli.',flcnta', and Clillilrcn'a tliovoa. Laile. and tlen .' Linen Cambria ildkia. I. adl.a Ilnln-M'lchul llilkfa. Hum' Silk ii.ir. II. ilni ral Hkln. I anre Aaaortrnent. H.U'iulld Connierpanca, from Auction, KlaiinelB White and r)Urad. Hua.la Craah and Diaper, lien vr.li, American Craah. a 1?Vc. If Ladle, will eaainlne thia atoca th.y will And fond tr or, al the rery lowctt prteaa. Jlo troable to .bow them Coo.e and eaxulJiu, al JOIIaT n. RTOKKS', M 0 Im e. 7U1 AK011 rJtreet. lOITVS TEA WAREHOUSE. ESTA- VV bllahed In 1800. Importer ami I lealer la Mita lea., WUiea, and Liquors. Choice Havana Clirara. t ro.a A IllackweU't Plcalca and Hauoea EnH.leh and Scotch Ale ami Porter. Canned Meat,, Frnlu. Soup, Ao Itavy Atcisoa put do wiui ear, Al ko. 1W S. SF.CONTl St-art. im ir johula u. cuciirr. BEIUESLUKG MACHINE 'WOUliS, Of KICK, KcUN FU 'NT dTKCET, rillLAt KLI'llU. We are prepared to fill ordura to any eatnat for our wetl known MAI II1NF.UY FOR COTTOK AND WOOLF.W MILLH InclodiiiK all recent laiprovenienll tucajding, Bpinolug, ami v eavinK We Invite Ibe attention of manufacturer! to our exton live woraa. 1 11 AI.FKKJ) JtKKJS SOS i:hi:igiit conductors and bruce 1 mwi Wanted. The lUltiuX'ie ttnd Ohio lUUrnai fotnimny want a nutitbrr pi,rnncd rail road mpn to run upwii i nuuH-rou. irviK'iii hai ,on n lift ativeirai 01liloii. Uiwrfii fcianinnn and ini-JnK and faracra I Uiu 1 hv tiat wiui'i will Im tatd and rtwular fu'ur IU'llt KlVtfll tu UlCh UH'll tti will ti'tiort lo eltlirf It the ft I lt,w uiti mfi nti, who air" nil horU.-r tu lake thi-m tin duT h A. J. FAIKKASK. A-iit K.ral UlvibUn, M'VJut ClA t KfaaMoii, lU'.liiiHM 4 ily . Vd. li.lAki.V, Alibi Nirotid DiTUInn, Mar ilnibur, oil Dumir ii im i-1 rriu iwinininir. J r v MX. AKt-i.t I ht d IhTiM n, IM.lmont V. ( AHH Ant al Grfu.n )or lit raraarburff rofci, at.d J B. rORD, Aeer.t at WWMin? PTth? Tonrtti !ilitoo w r km i i ii. Mat-trr ul Irauti'ortatnwi llaMiuore, Wd., Dcceuibci a, 14. U 1- lax 1)UUE CALIFORNIA WINKS! (. U4S CAI.IKORNIA WINKS I Fl kK ( AHFoKMA WtXt5S! 1IOCK WiKE.fajin Caliluinia Viiitarda, etiai to Utu IUU I'll! JkVilH". I'VH T WINK, from rallrVmi'a VlneyarJ, now un-d and iinncnod a nr uur lomlaii unvn'iiini. .1 NiJKI-K A WIMfi.rruia t iiotuU Vlue; ar li, b .ly uttajmi ir uruiiii. Ml HC1 KL WINK, irm California Viiiojard, tct,it' nhlf to rVitldin. and id aved. HKKKKY WINK, fnnn ( ulimlft Vlurvardl.of pocuUir valuf t ffcinalot in lU ijyitt hf HU. ..KAl'E lUtANDY, mm (dliiTfa Vine vJd, tued by iiivaiHin wiui tne rm:fi nentHiciai ii'i-uifi. CAMKOKNIA WINK- AUKNCV, So. ii (fortv two) I jriiTil Huttet, aljvy tuoiuat 11 JM-iuWm Qll I T T IV 13 K IS ' J 00MMEE0IAL COLLEGE, Ko. fiJ.7 rflKHM'T Street, corner tf flevonth, KMUhllkhtid LK44. hicrioraU'd W-'. Toon Uta irivio fur tU CuutlUK-liuuca aud Uul Thf rouyh act) prao'lcat lmtrurtlon la littOK-KKLl'lN!. Id aU tti branch.., aa praciutd by Ui taat aocounUnU aoa uuuaa won. I'KVMANrtHIP. Plain ant) Ornamoiiu., U UuiUt b una of lha moat com pel. HI pan men . CuuiLarjial 4'alculatloiu, Cummarclad Law, JDatacUa Cunt.tuW..c by fftind, aad oa Papar, tauAtnt by a loDd-avparienca tjperaior. . .... HtudenU lnatraatd pa rat elf, and rocalrad at aa tUse y.vt-ulug HilQDa after Hpt ruber li. (.'ataluttuM conulriDK tha ntini'i of ill aludiaU, trut, die., Kiriiisbfa uraiia uu appuca'ion. ll-17thaivtl tt. li. CiUrTF.NDCM ii CO, Y0UNQ MEN'S SUITS, UK OJ.KjINAIj HrvATK ST( SMITH & RICHARDSON, Hliin of tlko "Hit ate Jlo No. (ill MAKKKT HT11KK Have for tale, Wholeaalc and Ueiall, the lar, .t t Ht k of H Jt A T E H In IM e Ity. TfctMr Wk omprliM rarr roHW , J' hoLfri Hknlm, 'h lith l( M hhif-. Hn ItMlon flktun,"v,rwirli C'lH'i-er " h-i, I'arior fl' BKATIi TLATK3, SKATE STRATS In th' Ti. rvrn tVifnp pfrtn'nirnf In V , and 'Ttry uf M.mi nifulr-,- nn h proi nrd i lti H .n nf ifif lU.y. iNo.tll MAkkhl Mr( t, Uio Oldeil Hkfttv H SMITH UICIIMiDHC) No. 409 OEIEliUT 6TEEET, JnFt rreelvcd, a fnll atoek of Ijiilira' Skatot , rhiladclphlA Clnh Skatfl' 'fnt bktti'a, Huston Koiki rl, vnty auu nvyt caait's, pew 1 ui k i.. inn nuni;.:. Ana 1 ariur hkntci, all aues, wbrre all ran be artvimmodati-d with a m,rlor q iroui a cnoirc aciicuon. 1H0 Im Nn 400 CHKMNCT Street, rhtladefft I )iiil,aijl:li,jiia. h k a t i: r K 1 o LESLEY 4 CO., No. (107 MAHUIiT BTltlK' SOLE AGENTS 10K Oabome'i Ctiallenre Pieel Pkatea, llelelicr'i Improved LadUt and Oenta' Bkatoa, if B. Clark', Fatoat Ladle,' and Oenta' Bkatea, Plvmpton Fatent K.eentrlo Floor flkavca, Bhar' Tateet Floor Bkatea, The American Fatent Floor Bkata. A full auortment of all tin above itjloa eonatan' hand, aa well a all the other rarleile. of STEEL AND W00D-T0P SKATE.-i. LnTatt'irateDtBeU-Faitonbig Bkatea fkaUm wl trari, 11 FOR HAL, 'WHOl.HALrl ANT) RBTAIL. N I1W HTYL11 OJe1 SKAT.' FOB LADIES, GENTS, AKD CnLLDRE'' NEWBOLU II. TliOTTliK U JS-lra Ifo. 019 kf AJUtET 8TBB 1LL1AM 1'LiIN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Xo. U UATTON PLACE, between Cherry and I Ahnva F.nlil i aLreet. ftore Flttlni and Joobiag ol aU kind prompt!;. nded to IUi de.atch. 11-S-1 J UOLMES 0110 YER, ENAMELED SLATE MANT WAREROOMS, TABLE TOPS, affeo. ao. No. 03 OIIKSNIJT STltK"! vniLADELI'IUA. X TACTORY TENTH AND SANS0M ST VOTICE IS IIEKF.BY UlVi. li I 1 ... n. r. nf or inlkp. hereinafter d'-rrilifMl. tlial of afir farint upon the fo lowltia Clainia for I'a aaaluat aald uratuii lrom tioa nitte. tmii- JJWlN C. CltT to nit" of T. i 1 .liiua Trm. 1 im nonhcHst aide ol AIhlhII tvlri el, ft t suulhuj AndTatr,;t, Mi a k ntii warn, c niftinm). initM and V fttt da p to AuilnT "irci-t. Claim hi nn for l bume va. name. r Jiino utiii, iw, rv. o. and ihrt-e aturv brick rtwi hum altiwist aida ot Ball Mreet, and nurthwrst nido 1 Uimna ltrut( 3 . Iront, '.' ftfji dt-eu. Claim ff vln-;. Bumc va. Mine. C. I'. June l orin, iM, No. 4. Lo' thu-e-i'tfiry brHK iwHnr t'ii aiuuit:ai, muu . ..4 Al.lull nir,. at 7ll Clint r lW)ffttJn'p. Ciami U".n, fur iravlnir- Hamcvs. John T. Junes, owner, Ac. CP. Beptc Tarni, lnii; N ''I. of Krmind nd brick bnl situate on norihweMa-Tlv ""inur of (Jirard avt-ntlt Wot Km iircct. Kiffh'?.'titli W.Td, 1h fret on Oirurct av W i .It i it. rinlin ll'.. titr itiiV.llL' hanivvN. iam. H. Naiifmbtir Term, 1H.4; Ni Iai and cfLnr walls nortliwant nitlo of t;irnrd av iHulniiiiiaf at lot fct itiiith vwkti from Norrm hh, H.htceniti Ward thmre uortr.wiaHt paialkl with M m Iticlu B to a point, tiifiirc northt ait 4o feet 7 Si 'b. Notrlft itrt-ct, tbencr aoiubem-t along NoitIk itn-etti.' , t. Oinird atiiiwi. iIicium- mtuibwrntirly alo-t diran niio 101 icet t place of bogicnuit,'- Clulm t 'Jr: puviiiK- 10-- u ' LKBK'B OFFICK, COMMON COUNt I I U.i.a af.L. LHII. lluAM,l.a.V -1 I In purMiance of the niu.excd rvaolutiua, Uie fuiiiS Dill, emititd "AN OKldNANCE CKK ATIN't A rOA.N !( I'A Y OfcrAlN DKKIOi CI FN IS TIIK KA It m., AMI -l(VV l H'H V K Alt ! ben b nnbliitbed. In accordance witb the act of Aa. l.x. tur oubUo liuoituauja. WM. F. HM M. Oe'k of Couiuion tJoui. h AN OlklHNANCR . ClvF.ATIKi A L'tAN lo PY CI'RTAIH 1 ltk. U HAClKrt i-F I'll K YKAIi AM I'llKX lOl'i VKAlt1. Rprtton 1. Tb Mdoit and C'ututuou Co unci In of the of I'iiiiacididiia do onluin That Uiv Maor ot lMi.idfldiia be and he i herebl ttioruiii to burro on the cretin oi tin.' clt,troin tl: tiitit', iiuh Kunn ot ttiKiii v aa n av Uo n.-cenaar.v T ia mt-iit of mH'h tl-it-nctt'e m iw uiti , ur Mlilcb i-xiht on tlie iirtil u.iy h ,Unu u y, s;-', in tho apiro tioiix to thf icvithI I'diarinu ntH nf the city irvt-rm lor tin-yi ar t-lvliucii huinind and o'xiy lour., or toi ion ft ytnr, um t-xcct'Uiiii in iuo wn-n! ice nun oil millions U. buiitirrd ilifiun.ini dollar, for wbiUi r"(.iiot in exc t'd iln-iai ot n. D'T ceiiMim iHr iiiiii .halt bu paid halt-vt'.trl on tht- flrt Uuva ot iaiij and j my, ai ire onieo or me iny rreasnrHr. The nrliu lrial ot anld loan ihHij ue oayuble and at the fXiiitttion oi tti ' r t yuara from the du'e of I tame, una ixi utjiore without inn coiihtMii oi me no i t'.tn fif ; nnd tht cTtil!i ut"t thercior, In ihe ti Mini toil the ctTtiil. att a of Citv I.onn, ihtdl btj lHin-d in amount aa the lender a tim re'inlce. but not nr any tr tionul I'ttrt of one l.titiUnd doilnm, or, if rfu!r.' auiontilh ol IHe hMuIri d .r otitt thoiitaiid dollara; . hull hi-exiireiid in hid certl'lcaiea that tlio aald i tbiTt'n iiK-ntloiied, and Uie lutjn.at thereof, aru ua. ittv iioiL an tnxoa. a rttii.Jiii. w hri ever an loan ahall be made by I thirt l. tn re 8rii he hy f-tce of una ordluai ce anti ui nrottrhiiid out ot the liie iii' of tha eoritortttt eiJ aro ii ou, ibe tuin ram d bv taxal on, a anm a"iI1rlt-it 'ty ibe InttiCfi ou fHld CMtiiiL-attta; and the turilu'-fJ oi ii.ift-uniiin oi one pur ccnitiiu on me i v nli lis or null Certlnca'es no leoued ohall be aj printed )i'aitei iy out oi aaid Incomtt and tttKirii to I ' II I Ul.U , W; It'll IIII'U, HI U ll Mi l UIIIU1IIHMI ftlK U cr i i'' iuI'.v iilejtd lor the rcdi-iupUun aud uaiatiilv' I CtrtiUmua. KF.SOIJ'TKHf Tc nnldNh a I.ouii Hill lo l'nv 1 't'tlclonflefl. Iloitolved. J hat the L erk he aiith'r.ed to publiah In J duliy new Bi'ttpera of thiliy, dully, for four week ordi mice pHMiilt d to Coiumni. C'uiukU i'ti Tiiur-'-v 'An Oidnidiief Ci atin a Loan tn ay Certain Deflclot j oi ihe eiu lst.ai.d iirevijua veara." And the all Clrk, at tl.o htuttd nieiiilii of Couiil after tc exiirntion oi four wee-'a f'oin ttie ilrut day oi t iiui-llcitl-'i', mifilJ reeiii in tniw t. otincu one oi ea Kaid newbjuara lur every day m which the aame have beeu tuude. 1- J ' tOR SALE-T.IK FOLLOWING MACf uory, ai J CLKM:nNliNd ti, rrankfjrd iu 1 Four Power J-oomn. 7nlnrliei w di. ntnglu box, madd' Jet.ka; Mt li'fuiiH.Ci inrh. wide. Jo. Itik AliUVK Li OkH AUK AIATrRI FOB W'WK'j UOt ltLK WittTU I LANNKI.S v 1 Plx dnnlde-bai loomt.40 l, clua .. litreaJi -a, 4 ahvJtu -M.e of Danfoith'a Aouhini : an-i IvrJiU'iu uiaehln). j oue ol Jii.k & boil' kptKaJliiK fiamea. t, TOSHir CAri'AINS ANDOW." JWit The ui dfrlned haviinr leaaod llieKthpi' Tuh HCKKW HvH K. Iioa Id inoriu bu Irirnda 'l painn.ol ihe Lock, that bo la oepaie.l wliU incr. Iclliti. lo ac.'oumiiola'e th.i'e lia lo ' ai'l. to bi ra or loiiaired, and lieloa a ra'tlal 1id cari.nler eaulkir, win irlve pi'r.oual a'.Kn.ioa tu lua rail lrii.u,,! in l.ln, lor (.-oiaira. aitaina or Aaei la. Milp rririitera, and liaokiai rivll , IMi I, to I'l'Ur. if onu in ctu. , llu vin. Lhaait.ncv lor tlie aale of "W.ueratedr. tV ti.ullic t uiuooaillfU. " or Conrer I'aiuL, lor loa are. I lion nl ve.ut boliuiua. ioi una uu , aul piepareu hi. njn uo; .aiue uai iaoiaui win. . JOHN II IIAMMITT. k.a,li,.l,in i.rm ll,.. 11 UtLAWAkt Avanuu.auov.LALl'KLDU 7 SIXTH AMD MARKET lea. will neiaau'u nimrwiiiwiu am .nul c aillia nri' i.uu. ( m VASEIIUl,AlOIir.T lUi iniiunn - la n. i'l., i ll nir' lluoalejva. Andrew Iti N-ely. o Tf h,',l: No -i L.;t and framu al V