IL T1TK DAILY PiVKNTSrO TELEGRAMl". HIILADKfjPHIA, TUESDAY, DECKMBKR 20, 18G1. lt'ESPAY, DECEMHKR 2", l4l. BPIBIT W THE HEW YORK PRESS Lending Editorial from tlie Mow Torh Papers This Morning. the 1101 nr. nr it rrit i aim Kt tii-. jii:i( s( m t.nriov From thr Timei. V7t ho t Hon. Winter 1 iitvia Vds tiottor. Tho Hume of K pio-eiiia'ivcs ln pm.i'I liie rnoln ton ccnmrlnK Inti rniCiMliria: of tin- Nt.i'.o D'1 ailiiient Willi l'oril. u Allans. IT that Im-ly would imw tiidiir-i- liis v. lii'ini'nt dciititii i.iti'iil nf Prieitkut l.ineni,i (or d saiiiipiviiiK a bill whir li lie bud faviirt'il, wu mmlit rcii-iiiiiitilv for Mr Hauls' t -m p n.iry nuiiit-M-ciiee in tiio h tiou cf tli c ,i iou. An it is, c ciin only !i ,o Hint lie lull ii' it on rttiro.v it holuro the olurt ro lrnitiUcr of Ii I ( "ii ri s O'ml ti'rin cxpln . 'J bo actum i t the li'iuf m nut parti -ulnrly rtcdiia'ila lo ivi'J.mi, tliougli it is lit" harmless in iti jirc ieal r-rte't I'urKross Iik tlie ii(:tii t ill ciaro w. it, and hen tii-c ! it is llie tint) of tno to r.mijuet llistwir; I nt Uie lion-col hcjti situ itirt bus nu r.ijlit, I y Us sepura c m lion, li t;i t itc lo the President or to miy ilt'i'sriiiinnt ot tlifi O ivcrninctit, any policy ui'on any mlij ot or lo nesti ; anil any uttcri'jit t ill mi is fitnpiy an iinsuuijt.i ni ol I'owir witu which I; in not mo iicii. It Congress bail s -i n lit lust voir, l.jr ttie j lint nc ion of its two lloiisrri, to pa-n n law il -ciarrin; w ir nKuinnt the Kiein h lor tnuir iikVrcMiu in Mexnn, or t.rt'cri!iiiig u a i ic i-1 1 : Hue of pjil-y to be pursued liy cur Ci-jMi'iiiuuti! upon that or any oihi r'. t, ilia law would s!ill have ri"j'iirnl the I'n Miiciif s si -nature to rtlve it vuiiil ami active lune. Dot iik- i'i siilent has precisely the Hiune nht lo wi'htinid Inn nntiiit ami thn-i veto the (.'ongii'.cs has 1 1 pa-s u ; an. I .-ny am nipt to nuniile iliut lirht, or lo overrule I' in liny i ilier way tlniu l y die vote rO'iuireii In the Uiin-tilntion, . an invasion of the pieio'itivis of the Executive ih tuirttncnt. Ami uny aiiuinp: tj give to a hare resolution of onr lloii-e an imp i.rt uiiee ahioad or at home which docs not h-Mon to it in the eve of the Constitution, in simply a inis chievoUH experm enl upon the ignorance of tlio people of foreign couuirtes, or upon the credulity of our own. In all hi" correspondence with I'ranee on tin) Mcmco, .Mr. Seward, on lietialfof tha I'roi'K ht. Lu'l dmcmiined the right of interlVreue in Mexicnn utl.iii -; hut he had repeatedly and caine-lly warned the French Government tha' any attempt on their part to override trie will of the Mexican-, uud to ttuuntiluli, by force of arms or by fraudulent election, a inon irchy lor the republican institutions whlh were then existing in country, would plant seeds ot disc oul.-nt in the I-lined .'-tut- , which would bo very likely, HooDer or luter, to involve the two countries. in war. No person in any responsible position could well wish the President, under the circuui BUncen of tie tne, to ro any lurther than this. No intelligent Hi end of the Government of the I'nlted Mules could wink it, while sinie'llni? for the ptcsenntlon of rcpultlietn institutions at home, to as nine the additional Uik of proiecting them ubroad. .led DhtIs was ua:ura Iv anxious that wo should. li-u.iuts and or ins t tuntvd tLe Piesideut i.Rtur.illy enough with his inn 'tion III regard to iMcxieo ; ino-e wlio, Iroin politic il t-cntiimiit or pa 'y leeiiair, Rympa'hued with Jetf. ltans in the Noith, n iturally echoed these complaints: and tno oti.iect of the resolution pasacd by the H -use, under tho guidance and mniuluH ot Winter Davis, if it had any object beyond Unit of dani.-eji1 tho President, wis to push the country into an atiitude of hostility towards Fratuc. Tho President did not believe that it would ho wi-c lor tho country to tako that position. He did not believe that it would aid the great ol j et of a'l our efforts the cuppres uion of the Kchtllion. On the contrary, he saw clearly that it would hamper and rcurd, and that it might defo it it altogether. Ho decided, therefore, and decided wisely, not to chr.tiite the policy ho bad thus far pursued upon that subject j nnd in the despatch to which Mr. Davis takes exception, he simply told the French Government that there was nothing In the action of the House which required him to cbutijjc it, and that ho did not intend to do so. It tuit9 the present pnrposo of Mr. Davis to re present Ibis as an aputuit to tho French Govern ment for the action of tito House. This is a per version of Us cbaraeier. There was nothing in tho despatch open to such a construction. It wai simply an txjlmniiun of the real scope of that actiou, pericetly true in itself, and called for by the circumstances of tho ca-e. No one pretends that it has produced any ill rasulta. No one iocs in it anything dtroKatorv to the dignity of the country, or chancing In the slightest degree the posiJon and attitude of tho Government concern in a inn netnm ol tho Ficnch in Mexico. Mr. Davis urobalilv had no other object In nrAutlnir this n kolutioii unon the Houso than tho . ;.wii..ui..,n or his nu n enaction and the gratifica tion of his person il dunko of tho President and Mr. Scwaid. Those protested lrlonus or me au ...iitir,oion who voted for it did so, pnitiahly, from sympathy with these sentiments. If they meant anything more, let thorn follow up their vote liy corresponding action. Let them take steps lo cany out the policy they 6ecm to lore i.ii,i.w. Let tin in bring in a 1)111 to expel Maxi milian from Mexico, not by resolutions, but by force of arms, and then we shall have a doliuito .,,,1 ,i.u.iivi. . vtin ssion of oniniou, not only Irom " tho country also, upon this " it now stands, tho action of the ...ncn nmniltlt til ll'tle moro than a stilenctic ebullition against the President, on the part of those who tui.vd to prevent ins re-eieeiuu. of It t en re we do; hut thev are verr liltelr tido it. And ciice fairly coffined, il wi.'l have ...mailer nnd dryer eyed following of mirnfners lbnt Illmtrious crimlnnl who has precCil I It on ibe way to "the hon appointed for all th lirlng." TliOii.'an-ls shallowly presume that the Houlb is a unit in fanatical ilerotlon to its giant enrsr ; when, to say nothing of the negroes, there never m a time when a very I irgn proportion of the Foutbcrn white. In- luding their wisest nnd best, did not feel and kn i tint slavery was tin ir bhtie and en rue. Hut the sla-tholders held the reins of power; Il ey Could ami did mother expressing but not thought, so the rwr of Juggernaut rolled on, over prostnte, crushed, InwirdlT shti Idnring while volublv adming niitltiiudcs. Hlarerr, once anilttid to bo ileatV Hie screts itf that giant f ti nl-oiite will iio ri'Vi sled, and thousands wid learn that Ibose wV'in they hare nvarded as hloianrs of the t-oi.n rn Mo och were at lieurt us dia.'.lv f cs a I ai'ng. No ane person ever can itave ludicved slavery in accord with the golden ru', but mildo'it have tnr.ri' d It pirsorellv advant.c tiss. Sotno de-riTi-il a pecuniary profp from taeir relation to It ; oihcis di i nn d It tl.e linlder whereon thev elim'ied to 'oeiai eininetieo. It was on this ground t h 'it It e NoutK rn w men be :ame more fanitieal in tlilr devotion to It than titer husbinds and brothers; women leing, as a clas, nioni nristo t iatie that is, placing a higher value on 8 icial dl'l'ncilon than men. It is ipilte probable that tho si'iceresl and most' persist! nt contemners of emancipation w ill be found among the white half-sisters of those whom it makes free, lint slavery once dead, the great bulk i f our name born d.uii; titer will pro-test that Ibry ta er boiercd in nor lav ne 1 it that tin y only stooj up for the Union and the Con. fctitiitii'ii. And, so that we hae free lorn, nnlon, in il peace, we shall not be Incline 1 to oiitrorert tl,t ir iis-rrtions on a point w lin h will h ivo tic w hollv Imui atei ml. I IPAET MINT Or WASHINGTON. Mlliinr.v i ItHiiiri'. Mail r-IJtneral Chri-tophcr ('.doii'Auitur nu ni'iicci s the follnwinu; imp irtant military changes in his Department : II r a t'ui a lit ens Ih.rvi:rMi vi or Washini;. '-,'Iimv.i;i'ii Aki (,'otus. Heeeinle'r 17, G. neral Orders No. 1 1 1 I. C olonel T. Ingr.iliam, .isih Ma'saehuse'ts Volutite -rs, is iinnonnced as I'rovust Marshal-t l -ner il, Do litisis north of Potomac He will ho obeve I aid respited accordingly. All Provost M ir sbnls of this Department, north of the Poiom I ', will report to him for insiiuctions. '1 he lolnmitiL' naiiu d oili.-er-, now on duty in the oilicc of the Provost Marsha' o'" Washlng'on. w-lreK it lo Colonel IniT iham, vl.. :t-ip'ain (i. II. Wiilbiulge, tit Ik Keginu'iit V. II. C. i C it tain A. Krinise, :'A Itivimciit D. ('. oiunteeis ; Captain J. T. Pi tts, V. it. C. ; Lieutenant .lo-h i i W. Sliarp, I ith Kcgimcnt V. K C. ; 1. eittonunt T. W. 11. l.vrreil, loth Riginient V. It. C. II. All ileincbinents, i mp'ox ed es pitrols or street guards, will report direct to Colonel ln;rr.i h d be subj. el to his orders III. Hereafter, all passes will le granted at tlxsc bcud'iiiartcia, and at the piss nthco at Hcvinih street wharf. Lieutenant T. Ingrnbain, .Ir., ilSih .Mas-aclitim Hs Yoluutecrs, in cltargo, w itrctoi t for instructions to t apt ilu Slipper, A. A. G , pass olllcer, at these hnvluarters. IV. Captain Theodore McGowun, A. A. G., will lclit-ve Captain C. M. Merritt, A. Q. M., as .ludt'o Auvocnte, Central G itardhousc ; t ajttain Merritt, on being relieved, will report lor ns-icniue it to iiuty and lor Instructions as to the disposition of iiilil c property In his possession, I i Colonel M. . 1 iidington, Chief Uuarterni istor, Department of Wa-diingtou. V. Captain K. M.C.iinp, A. Q M , in ch ire of So'diers' Kest, will re.ajrt direct to the-o Headquarters. i. 1 ho following named omccrs, now on iliry at the ofllee of tho Miblaty Governor, are hereby rellived, and will report in person to the Com li.aiHiliig Oilieers 01 their regiments for assign ment to duty, viz. : Captain J.Otis Williams, 1 1 til Kegimont V. H. C; Lieutenant A. M. Kaphall, lith Hegiment V . K. O. ; Lieutenant L. M. Hiunilton. nth lleuimoiit ". li. C.iand Lieu tenant W. G. Shocn, 3 till Ma-sacUiisetts oliin- tcui . l:y command of Minor General C. C. At-on. J. II. T.wi.ou, Chief Stair, A. A. G. Amir ;ivi:n oi:kthk -o.ti- from tftt Tribune. We gave in our last, by telegraph from Wish in g ton. the gist of a most important leader irom the Uichmond Enquirer ot last Friday, calling on the Confederate authorities to abolish slavery and attempt to save the ltebollion by filling up tha ranks of its armies with negroes. "(Seneral 1m asks that this expt. rimout be made," says the Enquirer; and a paragraph not contained in our despatch states that this request had been made In a Utter to the Hon. W.Porcher Mllos.of South rF.,i.,i. Chairman of the House Military Com mittee. It is therctoio fear that the Ketiel gen eralissimo not onlv perceive, but admits that the Kiu.ui., alter' Ite -i llion is D aved out that, tin less it tan be prupptd up by negro bayoueta, and thus made a matter of miscegenation, its collapse unrl ilowi.ftill m Imminent. Wmuluneonsly with the apjicarance of this iim of vim" Irom Klchmond. tho Copperhead oiacle in our city gives formal warning that li.vcry Is ovorboaid ; that its Northern servitors in ilni nast must now stand from under, or be bmled beneath its ruins. In a leader exhorting Its disciples to devote their attention and their itlb'is to matters of linanco, the World sa): "Cue reason why the thoughts of the party should be turned into this channel is th it it involve! durations which cannot grow obsolete with the lapse of time, while some of tbe Issuoa in i lm latu election mav. Before another Piosi- dential eleeiiou tho abolition question, for ex ample, w ill probably be in sneh a state that p tst lileas will not apply, as me projinu maimttj towards Its preoetermiueil solunon, we shall see public orluion more antl more disposed to ac 'lue coiutte manifest icndency of events. lie lore tho txpiratiou ot its new leuse of power the Kcpubii an party will have a xiired a constitu t onal amendment for the entire extirpation of elavery in tho United Mates. If the South hhould, meanwhile, gain itfi independence, slavery can be no longer a question of Federal politics ; but if we disarm Southern resistance, the anti eluvery amendment w ill uuvo beou pat in force, tind ts work before the Democratic party can be in p'jwcr. Why should the party bind itself lo a dead corpse ? 'Unless Iho Democratic party is blind cnnii','h toiuu the hsz ard of disiiiteKration, it must dis tinguish between questions virtually settled and ouestioiii that atili remain open. It must so far . keep pace wttu events us to accept their o?ic. J'ubllc oi Ini in has no pjliti cal combination; but for maes large enough to lorm a inaioritv to net in concert, thought must be left tree oh ad qucs.ious sivo tlioso which lank us l.ving, vital Issues. Tho number wiio oi'pcso Ibe abolition of slavery (now a minority) Is not likeiy to grow l.-rger, hut to grow lesj, n th the progress of time. Fvory Deino ciat etiu, of louibe, hold whatever opin ion ho chcoscs u that subject. Such pinions are no longer of the slightest pol'tlcal consequence. Individual Democrats will think what they please; but the subject must 1c dismissed from the range of topics on which the party is 'expeced to have distinctive views. Thire is bo conceivable position on tho slavery quistion on wlneh toe Democratic party can plant itself and become u majority. Its BiiUccdents nnd associations, as well as its re spect for ihe Constirulion as it s-atids, forbid It to become su Abolition party ; the progress of events and the tendency of publie opiulon, as well as the Constitution in the form in.o walcU It is certain to be amended, forbid it to commit iuoli to the fortune of a moribund IiiMltulion. Whatever mav bo said of the morality or chi valry of the above extract, Its sigacuy is uudo iiiab.o Maveiv is in the article ol death ; ilwiuW hi rahi-r a ijood joke if the Kuhelii bhotlld gvtl'ltl The I .ohm of Hi Ciiiultont "Olsfifo." The following extract from a private letter from an olllcer of tho gunboat lVrgn, addressed to a gentleman in Drooklyn, describes the loss of that vessel In Roanoke river: "We came un on an cxoeditlon lastFridav. and having reached a point near Jamestown, we met with an accident, A tincasoof powder floating in the river came under our bow and exploded, making a gw.d-si7.ed hole, A lnoaiont after another followed, and in two minutos altur the first explosion wo were on tho bottom, oi tha liver. The hurricane deck is abovo water, so not a life was lost. Only one person was seriously iniured. I saved wind moaey I had in my room, but lost evervtbing else save Ihe clothes I stand in. The rest of the expedition went on, leaving a force of thirty men and nine omoors upon tno wreck to guard It tiu their return. "We have rigged hp a sort of tent on dock with sails mid awnings, and arc as comfortable as p H siblc under Iho circumstances. We have c-h a tin pot nnd pan, an iron spoon and jack-knife, and rations for ten days thus living in some what primitive stvle. I hope this state ol thing Is not to last long. I uavo no Idea who.o w shall go lioni Here. "Ily the way, the officers and men of this vessel were very kindly entertained on board tho army transport (imeral Htrnrtj, commanded by C iptain Ward, and we wish to luako mm some ackiioiv- edgmcnt."g The Nen the IIlKhwny la t'orlnno. Since Admiral Porter assumed command of the North Atlantic B.ockading Squadron (in Sop- ttmlKi last), his sh ire ot pn.c money, it i sam. will amount to nearly inrce tnousanu fivo hundred bales ot cotton alone, to say notuing of olher valuable cargoes, and the vessels carry ing iLcm, have been captured mice his assign ment to that command. At a moderate estimate the cotton itself is worth srrtntrcn huiulnxl twit hund duiiui'M. Am.'NKMFMT'i. flW CuRSNVt Stsskt Tiixatri. Tho e citerri'Nrt of last evening was the reappearance of MftsFnptto (limber, with her hnsband's name added to hor own a name albeit nntiscd to figure oo play -bhl. This and the Octoroon drew a large wd mo-t fashionablo andienco. Miss (Jim btr Is M retty as ever, and has eta tly tbe same amount of talent that Is lucky escape from win lib irity iliMsgh h r beauty and tmiretle. Tbe notoriety Mi.i Unubcr las uchieved will, however, make lit r at.iacuve sntll public curiosity is atl'flid Tl:cre Is, h- wc-r, n grwnf chrnl of talent In the tnst. Mr. Mordat.' gives Javob McClmkcy'' all Its ilnrk power, d.vj ting the cliaractcr, from its veiy stnrgih, will, a sorl of frsrful iuUtrest, Waller Iain ov, as "iVndder," was ex -client, cx ccllidonlybv Cliirkc. 1 e. iiVdly Mr. Iliggins Is nt t an a t t his "Wshno'cc" find nochara ter six ut it. Mr. Ward's 'i'cte" was a most I intra ble tsrti-h. M ss 8elt-nck win Inaud.hlo as "lanl." Miss Annie Want has become (! -w hrt ex i'gi ra't d. and sl.e smils fH'r handso'iie face bv the way in which ihe dresses her hnir. Tt e Octort un W 'S nilmirabfy iut mi the stago. Mr. I ritel'i's orchi stra, so ailmira'do, is a lilt 0 toi prom rent in the occ.isioua! iiiusic, the dial -cue eomp'etclv. Walnvt SrtirnT Tin atkr - Tho engafymcnt of M ss Wes'crn continues to lea I tho van of successes whl h aro known In tl Is city apper taining to ti e drama. To-nii'V, th- voir h'il a-ul IhlcMcd appeals as Ci iliia, " the Gipr 1- lowtr tiitl, in lincks onc' exciting and beautl- 111' I'r. n a ot ti e l mrm of '. 'nr. i . l o tin rr. w ii-cht I. ant I voir in 1 1 he produced lo- the 'a t I -me. Tl.e km h .S- v is underlined, nu-1 will so m be priH.uiMl, t'l tsi( u, )i I nt i i 1 1 The hour 1 1 tho Cliosleal Matiticrs, for tlie convcnisnci) of many Indies who have made tho request, has been at ged to three o'elo'k. The popularitv of il ese refine 1 cn'eitanitnents is ilailv 1 l.e programme for to-morrow is vciy inviting. A I en SrniST Tiir.v i K.-Mr. Clarke plavs his line di lir.eations in the old comedies during the wuk. Aemmv or Mctto. Mr. Forre-t's andieneo ii i.ed in "Kic.l-.ard the Third" last evening. J n O S P K ( T u s Or TH! IANAWHA. ADD nUQjE3 EIVEE3 OIL COMPANY, 0TM 'K; INo. OH M. I'Ollll'ril HI root. JMI1I.A1)KI-.I'I(I A. Capltfkl VtrK $1,000,000. li1 i ri'ri.H'AN in rNriitUiS' r, r. M it nmir'H.ori.n ( tiiu i- . i- ' on -r AT-U VM ,M MM J N , ii. I..- In- il hi 1: At V IU M V '1' VI .l iiiditi I ft' .'i It' lis. ' now n-ii'tv liir I'iI-i.tMi-i t. uift itn hit .(H iil nt ire iii ivml I nl.tfl ( iit, 1 1. nit. , Ni ll".t I II l-.f M I , T ol H IllKK.l,, 1 n'tlnT. 1 1-' 2" .III SPECIAL NOTICES. C A U 1) T Itil'MII) llil'l'l. t Kire l- i.tlUi ret hiii I'' lit IIIWU.-I li ttio -t" Vemlny. 1 1-. DtlUk-ialieii lectl uestr 'Vl 'I Iteir l-remlsfs. , II AM I'.KIC N AltMS r-t-irn their IIMnks l-i 116 f r e I. ir tlielr until lo' Hi t A r un i -v ir-m ilesir.ieiiim ny ah in-t on, ilnr iw Oi ile i til lii-tlnory rt'lj.-l'im.; It' SECOND NATIONAL HANK. Ol' I,llll..M'H.I'IIIA.- t II i s S Tt s ArniiHl Klerlt.-n lor I'll In rt al llie llai Kll R II. .use, I 1m. .. I.elMi ru He- L'.urti ot I-.' 2ii 11 11 I ni SI HF'T, A. WALli'ORM. H St. M. 1-IIHd.l., WM. V. ws tlltATII, W iimani'TOitH, i. K, HIIliVWAV, K.l.lstlA W. Ii Wis, II. SKM1I1.K. o, M. ls-il. as ei this ttsnk nnl tin I t KSI'AV, Jainni y M, il - l M W. II. KHAWN, Cashier. mkciianTcs' NA- - . a f I r l IMIt' TH 'Nil. BASK. t'mt..i'ri vm, rHwmSnr !, l i. Tl r Anni'til KI Mon fr liii,'"- -f ih Hmu ai U 1si (3 ttli' Jitiikiiu'. on .iiiri,Uy. In lliii tiar mi u .( . 1'. M U y-tJU W. JsIMirrvtV. Jr., CmUIt. NATION'AT, 1ANK OF CO MM KKCE 1"' I II 1 1 AI'KI I'liM. iN'OMIt'.er 10, 1 Tlie Annual KN'ctirm lur llrt- cir h.lntrin lMikit v II ...". mi 1 It I Kit A V, tin- l.'lti ilrt nr JiliLUsVI urxl, U-two' ii tt hour- oi iU A. M 1 1. M. jtu A l.r.wm. 13 10 iluth -1 1 -1 'J La,tl!.,jr, rilll.M'Kl.l inA. TormTsir 1'', HJI, N'ntire l hrrcT.y lvfn azit -U'y in rctiou 'J of ti.' t ol tin- tU'Drral Aou,liir n' (tie ( onimonw' ilih of I'l-nrt-n Ivmiln, flit ill il au "Act ("nat'lirn Uio lUnk ( ilia t'oiii li'.orii'lth tu f.oci.nie A.'' irsM.iiii lor tlui imi'im' "i" ItHiikniK itn-tt-r th liiwa nt tho I'm tea Hint.-," Hi(niTin; t'i- ?M i!m ol Atiunni, A. I.h'l,iht th" "tot'tr ..f tlie Wibtt-rn r-nnk of riiil.i S'li'lil i nasilhl "lnv v.ii-1 u lt v in1 fttich mi AM.ociiiti"B, nil tlit In Dinvtar iit jriic.m',1 lutli.iilty of nun.Tsj ..f m- thfin tw -tt Ini of tin hi'M-k to m.iki' tlio,rirur.' i ro iuin a tlir?fnr Uy the lawi ol the littvU Htuh i C. 51. WVi.AMItT,rshlv 113 PBIOS & WOOD, 113 XVortli IN1NU1I, ubovo ArtJt. , lmv jait oponJ MorM lue Ml of (hatful Artl Jes, SllTABLK FOU HOLIDAY TUKSKXTS. Till AM'tHlilt, J. K. KID'.JWAY. VTHviliirrrMNj, kkkivku Ar Tin: or nr k . TMK ' M t'A Vi ' i No J'rt S. I'tHltril iTKCBT, At1 A ' N.i. CMKSNl'T ST. Iiivl.l.'d into Otte Hii. T'tri'il Tliomunl Slmrp", Of Ten flO) Duitars cartht of whiclt Twenty '1 huu-aml Miaren i ire set iipm t to he sold at O.'Opir hhai e, nmUin jf'0.0 )0 Wort.iiirCtipttA I. to ho expiMtili'i In (lfvoloping tho lumh and iniyltitliu in o.sarycx puuvit of the Cump. ny. The pr-'i-erty of tl ( imi my t muMs oi :fac Iaa sIhidIo scJ i'en,,t"1'1 lu-o of hetwefn h n 1 1Hi rr of liui.l ib Wotjit ami Wirt ccnittic, Wet .'irn-ui:i. Nf n. 1 nnd im ir. fne almplo, I nil contn'n nhont 170 (un , .itiiati-d nt Knimwfi;! Hutu u t!m irtkvvotirn I;, txir( M ni'Ui alnivc rtl rrlMirk', ., wti.ue V-t Kin.uvf a r j a it. ttio ltr1.irhiir uiiil siv tnon turn P'kc, .iimI thf N Mt!i-ArtPrn t!aiir".i L i'-niijiiiiij- cutao to- Il'ili 11. U prup.rty ' s'tnV I ttifl Kinawha of tin-.N'Til. eti-rn It4tir'inl ' ' miiaii.v, which 1- ihft mint ij- .'tntn( iun i"lnl 'f ihfi-ini (or tho c il prod .ccj n th f-mn ot the K niJiwhti ami Its irdiiiariAii. Nd.ll. I a tra-t f ;' iiit p"ri 'iu tMj. I-i'i1 fen! Jainii H ! iisftu, ami oi't.'n.rtfi ti"f than ni t , antl ml - ouk Noi. 1 and 'J. No. 4. I tho celhratal It.iIn-' n tiact, uncVr- a pa pe ttml letno, ami conuliis -'-si aticg, nitualcj hi Wirt i.unty, attunt 12 tulles uhave tlie futun r nacU, mi tli nxttlt nle ol tin' II ii,. h nvcr !inl m iir Its . iviil iLiico with tl Ki navx ha, iij has a b 'ilnK irtmc n Hack riiil if aJmH iwd units. Tht ntynlty to bepjiitl on tlso li'it's it onc-eUjhth of the net piocoi'ili afttr Uio I.'irtn;i4iiy holn' tciiiihiiruttJ tor eti8a and utiiU; in pfoJucliM iiu oil. '.,vi c tlio tritt, on the Kan m li.i. li the rolcbraifiJ Rnrn v; Rirl"k. and m ar Unit on trn IIiulu-s ar ni..tiy Dro lIl.Ul.O v 111. . At th' jituctivin of th's.- tw. stri'iiim will tj- non-Uli-: hostull-hrf rtjchu tetriu ry lit Wont Virginia. Tho uHk till d'-lnatti'ii ot tUU lnn4 ailonU a ti n1nfl( terrt t.iry nf ul Luattl ii'vuu uilh on llu tw rlvi'ri unit UnMr trihtitath a. VI Ht tulhs Jt JNDI N .SIMMNli OIK COMPANY". OriTCF, No 152 S rOUaTH Street. I'llPlliKT, JOHN K K ten AM. SKI till ART UNO TKKMO'KKIt, JUUN C. SAVKKT. Q I I, C H 11 K K Ann MArLE ISLAND OIL COMPANY, capital, 100,000 BllAUl'.S, $5 00 1SACIt. HUBHCKirriOrt ritH'R, tl 60. TWKNIY TliriliSSNn 8IIAHKS KVSBRVKII l A WU1IKI () CAI'lrAL. D. O rnsNtiiHNT, V. WARD, M. 1). BI.CKHTMIY ANII TIIBASH H1:H, i'.dwim v.. sntrsox. Bcom II, No. 400 Clicsutii Street, 1 IIII.AHKI THIV Nu. 1. t n'lr si-roi ni tmut, hi f ulnifle. on ttio Hid rrm, ou (III frttfc.BlXHll Ihrm rnttw belew J llu.wUt Thiri nre llirce ri'tii imiisliiit lit Mmh tills lrlrlr, nil o vi tilrh n'.ty Into til cienk. 11.1 sroorrty lle In tlie fury tirtirt of ttio ell rri,..ii, mill from Itir will known ehitrnrtrtr ot Oil creek still tli urreiiii'iiiiK i-rrlt.Tr, Ii w.iu S lie u Pt linens In rnter Into .let All of tl.e Jireipeits of .0ri a ho- oil in lftiir iii.intltlei. Vi. . Ii !! iili.liii.l. I i'ii alstli 'tiliTKI, In e. or l ie l..iet, ii.tiit. lii I'm rlir. hutwrun fcnJ TH ll"to treiili. Tlie tnirltory on 'tfl suiesuf the Allegheny ro er, etKivs ami I Win- thli l.rin'l, but to i n to tie pood ull li.n;'?. i there art iim erel w 'CI. OoH pre.lurlnK lor.,ely In llie Ini'imdiate vie buy: mill It il ronllitiinoy exp.-eteil mut tel. Is! out, wtieli oi,.;.orlr J' e-H-pert, will a'"0 yielil lilrnel. No i. Is nxty e-i.ii, in tee, i n Bcliull's run, In ItoiK Itii'l teweslilp, Veiiiuik-o county, Pe nnsytvituis, seven inl'r. fiem Kmiikllii, siul one ni'.IS freiu thr 11 enlieliy rlier. '1 i u tiulicntioiif ful etiUlnlnrf 1 11 un till, pro, orty M'c i-t" ttii limit (Ini tcrlnn eb.uiirler ; there in also .urire 'iii.-'ntity of llmtti-r, whleh. at the prrsvnt liltfh pneffi of cal, " 'II lie a ureal ia I lie In the mpanr In developlng ttiu land. Ht hull s run leika on ths aJtoininy proaoity, ad lloi-e of lis trnnehtl lull llineivn tti mil lity arri-a. The aH eiiitns-I'lot'iirly hat hei-n l"M to a I'hlU-dill-hla eiiwi-atiy lor berini.' inirpeltfi and they intend ilt-v.-lei'lKK It ulonre 'ihe iibi'e mi ntl-'ned ii r.-pertlot ha.e b'-on aelc-teil wltti -'real cam. Ihr (toiiiiniiiy not ruitrli ttnii ttiemmilveii to any ei.u lei atity , their solo aim t u- to ohtaln territory in noil known prmliictnii dlsltlets. The (tonifauy Intent il..- li'i'tn- tin tr tasila luiii.eilliitely. Oti aoeount of tlio lew priced Miloeirlptleli, thli Compiinj- otreri Uierlor In iliieouietttR to tie ae wl.tilnit lo Inveit In oil nock. The In .il.. nro now op-n for n limited lliimbt r ul MlLlerl'tl"U a' their elllie, Hliki llJlHNUT Htroot, QU'TS I'OIl T1I14 iior,:nAYsii 00KrE0TI0N8 f the riNtST QTALItl Oalj. m choio TAitm tt. awo l)'Mlrnllo for rrosents. INCl.tllUNll crtktai ur.r.n rRniT, MAKtlMH Ol.A' KS, visTAcnE rnTn, T. NIOUOt.AS CIIOCOI.ITH, stirhurtNK wtiiTr. noi oat. riSTAfllK ALMONliS, CHDfOI.ATSl AUKKIOAtfOI, CRTSTALMZKII ALMONDS, NI OTMKIt HnclMl I lo In Confotitlonory, WI'll A KM IMPORTATIOI 0k' BEAUTIFUL BOXES. H U ST ETiFEEN T. 'WTIITKA5, No. 1410 HARK It r TRRtvT. r.' t'Hh- it R lli.M No. 17. live TIioiikiiikI NrsroM fnlluw I lie. t'lnir mil krrp step lo she Jluslc ot lUe I tilun. AVe Icurn that over Ave thuusaml ncijriics ilc scrU'd their dear m utcrs aii l tho "advantages" of Southern institutions nnJ folUmcl (J:neinl Kheruuiu's army to Savannah. Clovrrnar !,or W-tMln, Klrclntl l llie I ulsvil Silnlva Ni-uastut It gives us rilcitsiir to uuaoiiticu that the lion. James W. (fiiinerly of Now York), now Governor of Ncvaila, has been elected to the V lilted States fretmto from tho new S ate of Ncvuiia. Mri'ClilH Irom Inlirnal Krvfnne. Tie receipts from Ir.lernal Revenue Ins- week vete llie heaviest that have been received since the law went Into operation. On Svurtay alone they amounted to unwurds of -fr l.Ow.uoO. Tcktliiioiilnl l Ailiulrwl farrHtil. Al a meeting of citizens held in New York, Sntnriluy nftcrnooii, iihant s-'j.O K) was sub scriuid on tho spot, lor a testimonial to Admiral l ament, and it was tualvud tJ Incremo it to 11,0,001.1. Titohk nut riti.sci.s. The (jueen of Spain lms apiniiiiied us tutors for Die education of lit r son the 1'ritiCj of tho Alurias, heir to the riostn of !sp tin seven military iscatlcmea f kiith position a inarsha', a colonel of infantry, a eoh.nrl of espiticcn, a lieutenant colonel of the st.tll, a lieuti nant-C"lonel of artillery, anotliir of cavury with a c.iptiiu to aid him. In the lireuiiibk to the document conferring this tl n tincton upon tho initiy, tho tiuoou 6ys that tpnin can only be grout on the condition that its kir shall be a ereat military leader; tbut grev. tvents nitist occur in liuropc during tho lilctime of hir mcinssor; and that if Spain is to be ele vated to the rank which she bold union"; nations ii H.ii sevei.u cinh centnrv. her ruler must be come a ftrcat military cliiett.dn, capable of taking the fit-Id in person. This Is not aH, uovevcr; two liirliops are lo act coujuint y nu iud socu vMitnora to iiuilie llie iilucatioii oi inn prince oi liinb destinies eoint'.cte. A femalj i.nuiaiy si lici-l-'.c.u hir would be worth moro for sucu a l.nv limn nil the tumcanv ubovo named. It tlie 1'rti'ce decs not couie up a foil, it will not be o ing to idiTi-o'iiin. Tl,e French F.mneror, who has had some expo rieiico in the world, and kuows butter wliiil il neeikil. has had a trovernOiB for his son from his infiiucy un JinKlishwouiuii.reeoiumoiidei orlf nallvbvlhu Uuecii. and formerly In the house hold of the Duchess of Areyle. To those who tiKllAve that the Kfnnress' ultramontane tendon . ley am verv al muff, un-l bear much weiitht iu the councils ol stale, it may be surprising to hear that this lad r Miss Shaw is a strict 1'rotestant, whoso attendance at her own church is entirely sanctioned bv the Kmmess. and who is permitted so far to inlluence her pupil as to iudace him to l ass his Sundays altogether In Kuglish fashion. Several times the little fellow has been known to say that he would not allow tha people to work on Kumlav & thev do iu France. Since his seventh birth-day, a tutor has been appointed for hiiu a young man, M. Monier, clioseu unparently solely for bis irood moral dualities. The little l'rince, however, will spend the larger portion of his time v nu nic governess, to wnoin ueisgreauy uuaeuuu i ni.u to wnuiii nu i-uivuij uvw tiimjji vu"v 'tu 1 lU'ilty olvrhiiia. Fimdiiorae Kinbroia-re J Iln4kerchlnfs, ll linen. F.mhroldPieil llandVnolilolii.S').'.'-1 aU nd lr0(). Ladles' and iKmls' IlemitUi t'xl Handkerchief., Ladlea' "d UenU ileinnlleheil llaii4kafiilri, Celorei tlocder. Ladlea' HUk Po.Jor llemntlli'lied Hau Ikerrhlefs. (louts' llemmrd HiuiJkerchler,r "lorcU Bonier. all linen llenls' Colored aordor llandkerilikla, all Iliii-a.S'i.tiO and 76 emits. Infants' Hsnd .nuie WorVed Ilo'llei. Ilanilsonie Worked rietta. Il.-iea llsnislitotird llandknrehlef , lf. .14, and I7e. Lad ea and (.outs' I.lneu Cauihrlc Ilandkereliku, at tno vei ' low si srkel prleea. tifiiih'lian.lseino.lik Pocket Hnrjulke'clileri. yard .cire. Bands, uvn llrnclie Scarfs, fiomsfo. up to i Oi. Beal 1 hreail and Maluiss Lasu Collars. A larvs iiaaorlnieiit ol Hlaek Lsoe Veils, A large assortosentof Puiuaionnaies. Ladles Menicco 8 tceli llai.diemi- Bullel.i Hulr Uns, I'lsln end inlaid biicki. Lsdli' Taney U-ck C'oDktis. Ilenla' Neek-tle and Sun'ndcrs. A Inrse assorluient of Ladlei' uiiaOontl' t.lovi-s. Uentl Ktd-liiied'ilovii. Hi st nualltj Alui rleuii IK'la nes and C'liiiil.eS. llli acbed and M mlms. All-wool lioiin t l lsmals. Ileal) Shaker I lAlinoll. IS 1 Hhtrtli'S KH minis. Mi-ai tied and L'ntileaelied ant..u 1 laanels, die A'.. Wooller Hood.. ronls, and SeMs. A luee aeioruiieul of l'.iiay Soajn, roiaauei, an.i tiaets. Mtlit Bleumina Ceri-ua Ktl. I, a new odor. ruicE & WOOD, NIJ1TII Htrecl, John Keli hniil, SlaMuH Hl'-ail, Mirk liiouiua W .Itllllev bimtrioitu Hamiiol A llaiiuen; i .1 'lm lliii.on, W. A AniO 'l, I lm id A. Woolin.jr, John C Bavery. T4n. 113 IN 1S-.U Strp I'APlTALi STOC K, S 1110,0(10. i'0,00 sliares at $10 cae'i. :l t.iwo sha-cs reserved by U.e reiupiiny lor a working eiii' The Coinpsiiy have leeurel In fee slmpV ono of the most viilnahlo oil proilii' iin.' imrceli on the Itoh. i is l'anii, on I rencli creek, Veu.ingo count , Pa., alio it fuur aillej mm yuinllm. The irael eontulni ahoiit 'Jl ueres, with a river In front of nearly!) feet, and tins superior rmlloiid Olcllitiea, Ihe railroad fiom Aleadvlllo .ii Oil Cllv lU'inlim through the r-roperty. Loon It tlioi-e W a ceiotinitei Oil Bi'iiug.the product of which, was loniiirly used liy tbo IndlAiis for niedlelnal purposes. The Company have cue well '.'1" C et deep, iiiodtu-lu the loailcsl Luhrkiitluii 0". which ii orlli at tlie preient time tli per Imrtel; and as lli.vsr. now preillni( tho necessary nseliiiiery for wrirklni; this and oilier wel a, It lacotitldeirly expeeted, early in thn year, to pai a lai'ifo Olitlilydivideml lo (ho KliK-klwItlers. a A lliu'-ted ntiuiberof sl.ari will no sold at the original price ol One liollar )ier nhate. fliiliscrit'ers, on enteniis' tuelv aaute., will l.o rcpilreil to pay .r0 percent, of the lu'm r.jiliuii price, aa I tne hala-wc on the dllHerjtof the eerljl.s'ei. say January 1, ls i.i. Aiiplleationa for Block may ho made at tha ortlee of tlie Company. No. IVi 8. KOURl ll Hmiet, wlnre apeeliiieui cf Oil from Oils Company well my ho seen, and anv InluriusUon relailve to the property miy he tallied. ob it! J'J uiwllJt T'r.W ( A M l'.S A.M ru..i-i.. Iho llal.lilt In tlie liaitlcn of Flowors, 101! LITTLE CI11L,HKKN, -00. THE HOUSE OF WA8HHGT0N, PALACli OF HANTA OhAUS, ANII H0MIS08, .. .. ..I-..IU.... at -:.. Sin (iaruiiaiidiiiiyr.iies,iorp' uj:.' o. .-, AND TilK KINGS 01-' ENGLAND, AMD HOt HE THAT .1AOK 11U1I.T, Mne (iam and r.lui I'usle,, Huterlca , for p'rsens oi an ages, fl'OO, arc thrts heauttlol ciirtstiuas rresems. J. I1.LI1T1NC0TT A CO.. No. Tl i M AIIK.ET Stic.t. SMITH, EMil.lHH A (JO., I, No. -ii N.81.TI1 Street. WANTS. 0TO MAMLFAtJl lilitu,. in. J.wfi)ioiyBiilai, jusi w.iBi--teJ.w!ih ; tiers' r..e Ill a oracllral toiniier, won ' V . . tela or nr.v-rlaaa wooll.a ipaelimers, adupu-U lo .pin ir- a (leer., hl.h ollina., flnlsk.1 In llie iwn " llBlileiri'iufourJilie. Illsbollt expressly P' leee, lie power ia niervriu. - - n - , UrU'-areoilii K n-iwirand i.liinlns- 1 . sv. itit t o e nll il... yarn ou iV. prwnl.e. Uial 1 ia o tarn u. Apply to ll-M-9' jons t'lKii nr-s-siva i ranklui il, hlladi'lpMa, f WA NTF.D V KSSKLS TO LOAD FOR iili lloslon and Hewlois. Immisliale despatcli a iT,ur,. i i.i. mven. Aeoiy i" iviluiu si ji"". "' tlO.i.Vu.'i'UitVII.M't nueor 1J 1U-UTS I T.niTNTY FOR MA1UNE9. WANTF.D frvlhe lolled Hiatee Hailne Corp., able bodi'J men Ul rerfrvrm the duiioe of a soldier al our Navy Turd and on bou4 United blaiee iliip. of wax vu foo-itu "Alt ' leveral tord Kifers. A 1.1. 1 n IS LoCAI. uoilMTlBS pa'd uo.ii enltstment. l.imef i'le. Four Vears. IK in r eomi'saialioB u)in the army, i. - ......a I'rl.H Mont y. Applications for uauiler fiooi tlie Ariuy will not bs at For all furUief hiroriasUon spsly at Ihs Beeroltlni lldessoas. R FjriJT lr,,ti b,low g,,rntt ttreot, betwess Un tisuis 01 and So eksek. Mi c VH., FT ;j ig Si."! I'l.iM OiI J ilJU.u W'V'T JFW VKAJl'S Gil CAMP LI11UAH1K3. The Tnlied Htates Chrlsl l m rommnsl in, In rcponie to nnuieruus and earnest app'ala tlom lurcni clia lalca, and ne'.d officers, will re'-lre, forward, and place under the care of proper librarians. ONE IHOlSAMl I0I H Ht'MlillED AtlU KOBTY CAMP AND OL'NH'lAT LlllBABIBtl, of ere hundred and flfiy voli.-sss oieh, If the frienili o onr lohllers and suilou will firward them Is Its bMnehes, or to the Central OOlce, doilna- li" h 'tldays. It Is hut a iruall mailer tut ssak pnrcl ai' r of bo Id iy tilrtntor friends, at home to buy a handioma and p'.eaiant book for his friend. In camp or lioipiial. wrl' name loit, and direct the bookseller lo le .d it ( lbs Cun'Bls-lon. It will he a positive pleasure lo hundreds of vim sad mothers n take down Ibe choice.! volnmes from Ihe r book oaes ami send thera Uiu, where ttelr Icred cues rau tj.oj the ju-aiiire and prontof eniiln(( then. Bend none but the beil; our soldisrs deserve the besl. Tho atamUrd essay- lits, hlsUirles, biography, travels, seicnte, poe:ry. m ita slnes, standard works of fiction, whatever, in short, yoa would put Into Iho chamber of your own brother, oon fued with a biol.en -Itub, will be aeceutabts, as woll as rtllslons wc.rks. l'erwaid tho parcel, marked CAMP LII1KA1IY, lo ny of Uis briinelm of the Chrlitlsn Corn ttlsilon.orto IIEOBOE II. BTUAUT. Clitiimnn ClirUUan (.'orniulisloa. 15.;ii-i;l Jto- D SK rttrnl. l alUilolpUli. rjui: .ii:iKV WKi.i, OIL COMPANY, 200.COO Shares, at $2 00 Per EUve. rHKHIIIKNT, Hit. AI.HF.UT a. KOIIKUT, Of Teoanfo County. VlCR I'ltKSIIIKNT, ABRAHAM MARTIN, Of Philadelphia. SPX'KRTAllT ANII TUKVHUKKH, WILLIAM M. BA1U.O W, Of Idyard A Harlow, rkUaa'iilpkla. TLree Per Cent. Per Month on $500,000. In rallliut tbe atleution of capitalists lo this enterprlie, the lltrectora have no hesitation Iu espree.iUR their be'la thai the return from 11 will be moreoertain and mare lib.iral than Itom any new foa-pany now beforo llie community. The properiy of the Company conslits of the foikiwlng : Mo. 1. 1! - e Jliththsof tlie working intenat In the celc'irateil JILLjI.T VVKI.L, on the lljdeand F.ibirt Farm, on Ot cnek, with lbs acre of laud on which the well la located This web has been HowInK since early In May, IS is, at tho rate of aboat -Vj barrels dal y, and Is now II m Ins at that rate, thus yielding to tl.e Company BKTWKKH rifTr AN 1MLVT Y BARBKI.H DA ILY, worth, at proieat prloes, TWB.1TY TUOI BANl) COLLARS per mouth, whlob. wli'psy to the itockliolders In thisCoapADy JIOIIK THAN TI1BF.K l'BR CKNT. PKK MO.NrU, Frem tbe start. There Is room on che land for several more wells, twe of whleh will he linaiwllatuly coinmen. ea by ttc Ci mpany, and In whloh we ihall have Ihe samo In Urest as In the Jersey. 1 he character of this property, aa oil land, l well know n ', It li only necensary lo say that oe weU oa It has eve: failed In gultlns oil, while It has al ead v produced Ihe .Miple adiade, the Coquette, and tbs Jeriey. NS. 3. Twenty-five aerei Hi tee on the cast Mile of the Alle iiheny rn i-v. opposite the mouth of Bit dandy. This tract hss uboiit forty ri'd' front oa the river, aid continue lare inotint of botlng '.: Oil wclis jleidian lamely are ton nd near llils properly ; among them, the lluUbe.lhe Hoover, Ac. 1 he Company Intend to proceed at once to devel. p this Sne r. perty, and feel mid line of sucreei. No. 3. UC It K W 7-30 LOAN. . O. rsoelved, and the Botes furuubS isos (1 an (..., by , Barr, Hanver, JOM-tn Bo,liB.TIIUIJtreti J A. 1 1 U H ' s CiKNTB' AND CIlILDHlNH PAELOE AND ICE SKATES. J. iJ. KUANNON, A Ii nsr for tlf-i en years on Ihe Wm. It. VVItion farm, on Hiipi-erj Koea run. In I. conniy. Pa Mos. I,4.,7 and a are also leaics on B ippery neea ran. coiituiiianr four hul dred ac es in all, loey wue nlitalued Iu Aplil. IsM. by Or. Lgliert, and cou llnue lor Uileen years n. iu tl elr duto. They icinre to the leiiri s all 'he ol anil Mle-r minerals contained In Ihe aeveral traits, wl'h the righ- to divide and sub-let. with all other rlthts and priv.lrra colin.-eled wllA Uie business oi 'minimi for oil enal and oilier nitnerall, and reserves roialty el only uue-cLiI lb el aalil oil or mineral.. Tbe Wippery Itock territory Is a new and only partially developed oil ie(,l"li; but the aiiecea. already obtained there and on Ihe Ma'ioning river, afewniihl we.t, tofe thsr with the large iiusiitttles of oil found ne.lh, south, eaat and we.t of It, lead m to Upe that II will prove a .uci ell resl n. The Company luive alrenty an ei.-ulleiil er.nlue, tools, anil all necessary rstiiri'. on Ihe trrnunils. with a well lie uly down, mid shall proceed I develop trie property as fust as possible. Tl se lands anil If n'd were ell selected for oil pur ,., t il.e l're.ldent of this coinpany, whine great anctes. Iu the oil business, in riles Integrity, and force of ihaiacttr, are loo well known to n iiilre tommeut bin'. Vni j.-r-f ileri rccelveil at the ofll. e tl' LEDYAR3 L EALOW, Mi. I-'U CUlIhNl T eitrs-t. a liir.ltid uiiiiitur cf share, are for salo. ll l'J-Vrp yui, c a N OIL AKD LUNING COMrANT, or WEST VIRGINIA. ciia ktki:i :i IT Til II HTATK K l'KNNSYI.VANIA. Capital, 311,000,000. - - $5 00 Per Share. TilK K8TA TF.S OF THIS C'lMPANT Are loi ati d In the heart centre of the gi eat oil distrh.1 a VI'e.tYu'iilala.aud Indicate a wealth of oil grratly surpass ing the famed ell creek region of rnnylvaula. They ooiaprl.e OVF.K UnO ACItKM, All In fee simple little, examined hy an eminent rhlUdel p'tla lawyer, and pn iioniiced Indlsputatilei, located In tha well known Hunting Hpring ntul Great Kanawha on district. lint. Thn I'.tllard Kami of the (lid burning Spring reirlaii, oontaliilns- oer one hundred acres. In close prox imity to this estate, oil every aide, are situated tbe nieS succe.sful oil wells III West Virginia, and within about one and a half miles tl located the wl.lely cele'irated "l.owelljn" and "Kternal Centre'' wells, tbe former of which (lowed fully TUItl'.R TllOUSAWi (30CH) ItAKIiElS OF OIL, I'BB UAY. Being Iho greatest Sinn Ale yield of oil ever known, and very considerably surpassing, bo'b In quantity and i lality, tlie product of any two wells In Pennsylvania. Becoiid. Three thousand (IIU0A) acres III two citato. In thsoenlreof the oil region of the Ureal Kanawha, abing w hose enllre length oil Is believed to exist In Imnien.e depoilts, as aside from tlie actual developments for oil, the evaporation at the neighboring Bait Works Is eiTecte! by litnlong the Petroleum (.la. etnltloa trora siihtorraiieati reservoirs of oil. The Company estates have boon secured al realty low lirlceailrtl.loo in all), and are deeded direct from or'glnal owners to tbe stockholders of the Vulcan Oil and illnlnj Coirpany. Tbevalnesnd Importance of tha Cutxpany's proi'S'ty may be Inferred from the fact that leases for eiljvning Uuds.with lart;e rsyalilea of oil, have been sold for a bonus $ renter than Uie lee eloiple cost of the Company's estate, and iretteenirel aifvaittaevnri. to Ihe eloekliol.'era, It Is believed that but little diitlculty would be experi enced tu leasing a nortfou oftholr torrlti-ry at a boaa. aud royalty gtrater than the cost of Uie whole. TUB Vl'LCAH OIL AND M1MN3 CO SPANTlXa Is organised and will be conducted solely with the view of affording a source of permanent business prollt to thoeo Interested ; and iu order to place tho Company's oil lu the market at the earliest moment, vigorous operations will bs forthwith beguu. As a source of additional profit to tlie stockholders, and accommodation to tha adjacent producers, It Is proposed lo erect a large refinery at such a point and u dtr sneh auspices as tlie Directors may determine will Insure Us largest retuin. Ono hundred ami twcniy-flvo thousand shares ef stock only will be suld, and no fnrther sub.erlptloni will he accepted at any price whatever; thn remafnluf K.oot sbarce stund plodded to he euually divided between tlie original subecrlhers at such a time a. Ihs Directors ay deem must advantageous to tlie Interest ol the Company. The Immense prollt to be derived from earnest and loo ee.sfsl working Is stwwn by the fact that a single Com pany Is this year paying to the stoekhollers (1 1,000,000) one million of dollars In each dividends, besides a hand some reserve for additional developments. Vhe iBb.tantlal Inducements which tha TslcsnOlland Mining Company oner to those i'slrous of receiving a Interest In a source ef wealth Cat la now tanllsf the whole world, are of a character that merit llie graves! consideration. To ier.ons Interetied or not Interested , every laf jrma. tlonooDceralng the estates of tbeConipany, Its workings and prospects, will bs freely glreu, and detailed maps aaj charts win he cheerfully shown. awbacrlption lo a limited amoant of tbe stock if wef already imktn) may be obtained at original prksol II per .hare. HOLIDAY GIFTS. ciaOHinru out, FALL AND WINTER STOCK. JOHN W. THOMAS. Nos, 405 and 407 N. Second Street, Woala call the attention of the FnMIc U his sptssai slock of TALL AND WIKTER DRY GOODS. Ootnprl.lng s fell line of every variety oa FANCY AND BTAPLK 0001)3, Soluble mr USEFUL mE3KNT9. .IOUTH W. TIIOMA.W, It 11 lull Hss. 4M an I0T . BB0011 0 Street. ()I.1DAY TKKSENTS. rAMIIsY 1 1 1 It K Ht "WHolcmvle anil JletalU TUB CIIEAPKST ANII BF.HT Prajers, Hymns, Family and Pocket 111 IIL.KH. I'HOTOOKAl'H ALBUMS. NtW AU llgAUTIKUL 8TTLES, Hicli Tntkey Morocco, Antique, Relief and 014. WILLIAM W.FARD1T&, MANnrACTURBa, No. o2fi CIIESNUT 8TRKKT, i? iv Tttf rtBi.ow rouKrii. south tica. 'j'O TIIH ruiiLrc. Thankful to our frisiid. and the pnhlle for the liberal patronaite beatowed upon as, we would Inform them that having male extensive artera'loni la oar establishment, we are now prrpand lo execute Pictures to lbs esUsfaottesi of all who may favor us with a call. Having now at aa mm and inerta.ed faclllile., walaxe pleasure hs KiU.IUnal a discernli g public to romparw the execution of Mr work with that ptodoead al any other establishment la tfeaj t utted lllatee. We would also stale that oar OALLHIV 18 FREE TO AIls for tie examination ef specimens.. VotwtthstandBxg she) advance of material used, and wages ef hands employe, we are yet furnishing e PICTURES AT THE OLD PRICES. Photo Miniatures. liorvli pe.. Heads In Craven. Oil, and Pap'eL Calimet alee head. In Cravon.lill. anl l astel. Iinpeilal. I'lalu an.l Co'orrl. IS 11.1 10.4 4. andl lafaaa. (aria dn Visile V -fin lie., full .lie, II, Ac, Met per dwrell. AailTotypes. fnm 7. cents rrpwards. pimitiKe $1 per dozen, Ac. Ate. . Oa hand and for .ale, a larue lot of Coiilea or 11 aro Jnm-at-liinra, PIloTOO BAPI'fl of all the fKOMlNKNT (ir.tcyRAl.n aad IHSTISlKIIBrml) UEKi 0. . Outside views tak.n at saert notice. llttNHMEaV fc CO., PhotOflpraplieirw, li lo-lm 811 AKCa Itree. QQVA RTMiRSII I iTli OTICK. The undersigned have this day formed a Co-rartaerssjss under Ihe style and title of A1IA5IH A. JL.-E.VIO, l or the pnrpese of tran.aollng a general JIANKINO AND STOCK-BROKERAGE BU8INE33 OIL., TliLtaRAPH. And KxPUESS COMPAVHT 8TOCK.9 made a BpccUttfV Uovernment Loans ana Specie Bought and Sola. T11KODORE ADAMS, OEORQB H. LEVIS, u mtr pro, so cilbsmut atreet. (VIMC'i: TO JiOUSJJKKEPIiRS. The subaoi iber has on hand acuolcc selesdon- of , OLD HBANliT, from tl to tl. FKKNCH BRAMOr. MALlKIBA AND HIIR8UT WINC4, from M to M. OLD atONOSOAHEI.A WUIHKT, from ft lo ft. OIMOKn.WlLD CTIIRRT.aat BAgPBKBRr BKAaT DIES, ROfsK COUDIAL, Ac., from l W to I). Also, BBAMDY, from II to 11, ailBKUY AXD UADP.IKA W1MB9, frcra 91 to SAj yoR cooKiita pubposks. To be tad at 3 No. 115 IV. Neoond' Htroot. . HENRir iiuiv,. 1HAAC XaVAtVtse- lt lT-It J. L. WILI.OI'OUBV, eseretary pro tem., io. I'll WALSCT Strest. UINkV Efi , Pm.idi nt. It liKRRY J All.M OIL CO Ml 'ANY. Capital fU.OOO.OOO. THE MV1I.KU lyTO ';i,fH0 bharks, or VALVE OK $5HU tAl'H. PAU Vorlilnu' Capital M II1 U Kfwesclm Xo. 1C MAItRET STREET, OL1DAY 1'UKSKNTS. 1", HCU 1. 1" I Lr-lt ' l v si it "., j.u. ..t n. oi l ,....., arc now cffcrlni-, at mt b.irtni. a full I sj'""''1'1 assorluient of llBV OOOUa, Suitable for UOUUAV ' li'l AslVrr and IlK'iCHK M1AWLS. lilic-HS (KKlliM, lii eieiy variety. I CIINIHIIINO (inoliH. in i very variety. Cl.llAKI.Nll ( LOTUS, etc. In. One ease mora oi thole 4 4 extra liesvy B.cathed Muslin., Ulceuts. (me cine wore New York Slllls I'.leaeheil Mutllll. One ca.e exira heavy ribocil KUascr Hauuel. One case Dm.- Hl.sker KUouil. lianuiue In Mam and Plaid Poplins, Vterlnoes, IMaiS VinSll1 "kC' '-"o.N.KllTHTH Htreet. ii. -v. ,.r E,.i..i.rir,iion f .r a limited number of Sham of n.. ..- .. -i-ie ii inn I A KM ner Hearo. ( onned nr llie (ifll.e of .be ( imiianv. No. - . l Ulltli ..r.-e:.flit lioor or S itiS' rlpu..n.l, aj be lilt with any uuniDi r ol as uoaro oi Llnctois. Till ill'SNT, JAM). is J. DCS. 'AN. i.koi.i ism at-u lam-' Kn., WILLIAM HACKtU. Mam-Tons, ICHJ Tt S'l'Wal A!!, No. 171U Kprni e SHeet. julis 11 i.ltAllaM. So. '.; Mattel .in t. -HlWIli T. CdXK. No. fr-'4 street. V 11 MAS It WII.HJ-N, ho. 716 t.- Hreail meet. TIIU'I OKE AHAMst, hroadand Pamsh llroets. t I'tiTlH, Si Wl Walnut atleel. rilOMAN K. UliallLi:, Oermaulown, l in NUV WAtlMlB. No. JO! Irauklia street. WAJILLL Ml KM, i.w iork. . ..ii now emrairerl In developing the r-ro- urtv working w lib doiil.le sen ol haiids, under Ihe super. . . .il.nUnf liO. lite-Ill. niitvi VOTl THE HOLIDAYS. RILEY'S 1 re, Mali' D .-.allot l' smpasMU. Bv. )IH 'B I iw.f. 7 Butl. Vittsisrrt.ii.11111 a.)i4,iv. 'l""!'."' ASTHMA CVUEn. RELIEF GUARAN J tied In ten minutes, and a fei main-ii' cure eiTeeted by ihe use uf 'l bui s Asllnna Cure.'' Ca es ol from leu Ivlnenli l.'irS slauillng yield al unee to iU Intluenro. Price .'. Keiit posti I" -ii v .iil..ris..hy H I , 1 I'll AM, V.i . Llul' lu is'll'l. l '-" - 'i", is -u ium -m r THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK.. 7 3-10 TRE ASURY NOT ES, COfcYIRTIBLBATMATVKIVTLStt 3-J-SO noNis, These Trsasnry Holes preseat great adr aniagee to sak- erlbere as an laveatmeal. The laureer , i, liberal, the) security undoubted, aad the privilege l' (n n,, holder of convening the noiee, upon aaaiartti i tow OMliKCk BTATKB BIX TtB CEMT. BOua (5-.) U of freat value. This Pane keeps on hard a large su i,ef all deaomlna- lies., irom Svc to Sim. A COMMISSION Of OSK 1JU. 1KTEB FEB ftST. allowed on sa'.es ot ' and upwa rdi j u0 ,aj, ottlbf erover, TliktE-EIOum l ta .ENP. MORTON McJnonAEL, Jr.; lt:Ctrp CASniEB. lXTRA NOTICE ! "iHElllorRIETOR OF j the Ural cutis .,. Iilli se Pll-UKK, . r.. comer ot liKoiD and (.'HiesvrT si.i. Pee. to auiioiime that, m view of Oi tiuioa, he will loexUI llltlieraotlee). taerllisc ni. i-ai-jie ana aned etocfc of lOll.k'.r AKTI CLJIS. ftuihas USE COLO'. Sts, rii-i.tsnvrn otior CAfistn. I'.ARE KHKJlOH ANII VMJJ.inki l'LUt WMCH, Kuvant andTeeih Bru.k.a. (mVa, 4a. And other t. lsr.1- l I. nnt ii i-a..s ria Hold ill ValFlB. A'l' COIT. AiU alOKA, Too. H. It A .elm ted lot or IlL.M'lilli IMPnitTKTJ nAVASA. CIOARB Ol rasmlie ItranC... Wll' be sold on the same ntvorable ten oa. If application In niacin al ouce. li-lSluir Teiiiidenee ol luelr elliclent rie.-uieui l'mspi cms, maps, anil farther Uiioirration. on spoil: n ., ni. e. I' i.' d ri r-vrARTERllASTER GEN BRAL'S OrriOl a-I VaJ isr IiiviaujB, . Koveenlsar SO, Itsw. (i-28 6-2S HOOP BKITITS lhr,,r..iiv. So.i.jn Ahi II Ktrret, Pldaitelphul. n.i. ..-.-I- -i.a llel.ll Tbsnio.t eemplete a.ioiim ntof l.adle. Mlssea-, end I hllolen Hood oslru iu luoeiij. io ca-s. which lor sl.vle. Ilnl.h, diuabuity, and cneapue.e. have o e.Ul In (lie maiaei. HVir's maue to wroer, aitereu, auu M -If w w. r. iioPKisg. Slit! SA1.V..-TO l'UIN I'KHS.-TMHUSINU 1 tuBv.isiaa li'.'. Ul Iiiji-isiii naw. At P'-y at this as:ue. " V lHe sold SI pnsnc aaeilvB, la It.. ... i7.;J- .1 the time, aad iiiacea nasnetl oeraw. via : ' Wil l livsruni, ra.,Tll CiiSttAY - - eaaa J, .11 N N I O W N , Pa. , TH 0 UM ',1 Y-r JUT" TWO ULBllklKlS . iviV,7rS?'.l aleaehplaM. . iwata i Lee. h.iiaea have be ccaekioAvai u ani av tbe eisv a.ry sivie4i f the a' ftey. . bttli!11 "J vnrv.M luan.tMj bargains aauei ll. ree ecio (utlv, ' u hajo le -.,., e st 16 e'Mocn A er. lulel tkwssi iawe .a.rVaeT. j.i.u.S A. EKIsT, ' rr'leiod trl IllrUI , IS 1 1st tjaarieiuia.ief laeaeiUsWsmas, ! (