umJ L "Hi' I ' 1 ' im TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGUAFIT. PHILADKTPTTIA, TUESDAY, ttKCKMIWR 20, 1804. 3 r V M la am C5ii N H ga 1 of Hi. (! Th por men er K-) Hol n Wi m . c Mo Tone t!)H 111 i Of C'l.ii mono" arm n - 4 Ul 1. leto Lun 'lu. tieu c Cuo bi-i 1.. Of i l-Ato lttw 1-11 c-. pro ' i'iiI' I Jf (Mug Stltyapfc TUESDAY. DKCRMUKR 20, lbfit. THE DAVENPORTS DONE UP. Oh, havr- too lie inl the tale of sport About the brother Davenport, How their career ba Ikjou cut short ? The way It was efli-cterl Ht Ir. Brotlcrn you shall learn; He has their f w cooked to a turn, lie bus exposed the whule concern, The humlnitf has di:tecu.l. Th Doctor, like a knowing one, Di K riniiud he would not he done, Went to the Hall at U inirlon, To nalch lln ir exhibition ; He called on thciu wttn to Mate If tliey V n w how to operate, Hut, finding them prevaricate, tfrnpeitcrl iinposition. tie aVcd that he tln-ir tianil might tie, Their fliownien would not let him try, And 'Hid a tua. h an "Ax my eye," When be made app n a'ion That be mifht lie a low. d t get Within the wooden ('a unit j For rm linpuM'ir ever yet Would stand invuitifc-ntion. Tint Kcofli rn, bent tho trick to trace, T'pon the platform took Inn plaiu', The "uriu turo" tre itinrf a a cane Of allcirlion, With car as to a painnt'a breast, What's going on therein to t -st, He Mood and listened at the cheat, To their extreme objection. A bar of metal, from Inside, The doctor at bis bend had shied, Ilj bands that were of courc untied, And then, when he presented Himself the meeting to address, Tho Yankees did around him press. And, hustling hi in with downright stress, Awhile hia speech prevented. But, in the body of the ball, The people beard him at his call. Cried, "()"!" as loud as they could bawl ; In qinu ks inndc unbelievers, They hissed and hooted thetn away, The Davenports, and Mr. Kay; 60 there's an end to public pay Of iinpndunt deceivers. INTKUFNTINU 4 OKKKM'OM. T1IBSBCKET IKSTEl'CTIONS TO T1IFCOK WANPKH OF HIE HEIIIX l'ttl V AT KHK "FLOUIDA." Wasminoton, December 10. The following Important Hel.ul documents have now, for tho first time, been made public, having been received t the Navy Department in the safe of the Wachuattt: I'abis, January 2, 1S1. Sir: When the J'farittu, now under your command, is ready for tea, you will sail on a cruise agalust the enemy's commerce. Your position is an important one, not only With rclcrence to the immediate re-iilts to the enemy's property, but from the fact that neutral Tights may frequently arUe under it. Reliance, however, is placed 111 your judgment and discre tion for meeting and promptly disposing of such questions. Since tho sailing of the Sumtrr on her Tcry lucicasful cruise, Idler, il owners of ship and cargoes have adopted the practice of placing theut Under lirumli protection, and this may ut, times cause jou embarrassment. The stricti-st regard for the rights 01 neutrals cannot be too sedulously observed ; nor should any opportunity bo lost In cultivating friendly rclulions with their naval ami merchant services, and of placing the true charac ter of the contest in which we are engaged in its proper light. It is not deemed advisable to too rigidly pre scribe your cruising ground. . You arc recom mended, however, to cover a large Held of action, beginning ou the equator, between tho long tudes 18 degrees and 21 degrees, to intercept the. ves sels that may be on return from California and the Kast Indies. About the 1st of April make for the northi rn couts of the Confederacy, say in tho neighborhood of Cape lluttcras, where you will most likely fall in with transport vessels carrying supplies of provisions, men, and munitions to their stations in North und South Carolina. Having made your mark in that region, it will t)e well, if circumstances permit, to in ike a d.ish on tho New England coast, taking tare nut to bo caught too near tho enemy's coast ou a short allowance of lucl. You will not hesitate to asannic responsibility Whenever tho interests of your country may de mand it ; and should your judgment ever hesi tate in seeking the solution ut' any diilicu'ty, it may b aided by the reilcctiun that you are to do the cnerm ' property the greatest injury in the shortest time. Authority is vested in you to make acting ap Jioiuuueii's to till any vacancies that may occur. You wi.l communicate with your Government as frequently as ossiblo through any safe chan cel that may oiler, always taking c.ire to use the cypher agreed upon iu any word that might betray what you desire to cuncoal. The maintenance of strict naval discipline will bo essential to your success, and you will enjoin this upon your ollUers, and enforce its rigid o'uerv nuce, always tempering justice with huunuo anl hind treatment. 1 urn, sir, very respectfully, your Cbedient seivant, S. IIakhon, Flag Ollicer, Lieutenant Cuinmnnder Ciiahi.ks M. Minium, Coulederate Slates Navy, Considerate steamer Jt'Utrida, llrest, France. Cor;jEDiiHATii States of America, Navy De Taktmknt, H Hit mon i, June 2, lrtfJI. Lieutenant C. M. Morns, t . o. JN , comtn.inuing (J.iiiicdoiuie Stales steamer I'toruia, St. George's, liorinud 1. Sir: Your letter, without date, was delivered by Mr. Averl t. His con lit ton of health rendering bis return to duty at once impracticable, Lieu tenant l'orter has been ordered to report to yon as early as practicable ut St. Ueurge's for duty as executive t Ulcer. Tho following engineer olli Cers, who go with him, will al-o report to you : Chief Engineer Wiugllcld S. Thompson, C.8. N.j 1st Assistant William Ahern, C. 8. N.; 2d Assist ants Charles 11. Collier ami John 11. brown, U.S. N. For cruising funds you are authorized to draw at twenty dsys upon Commander James 1). Mul lock (care of Fru-ser, Treiiholm K Co , Liverpool ), to the extent ut tifty thousand ij!i,(W i) doll u s in Bueb sums us you may from lime to time re quire, notifying him of such drafts. The original of vour letter without da e Is written iu cypher, fallen you ag.uu havo occa sion to resort to it you will observe the following change: Alter writing it place a figure (any to the kit of the lirst word in cypher; place figures (any) to the right of ihe second word in cypher; three figures (any) to the left of tho third word ; four figures (any I to the richt of the fourth word In cypher, end then, with the tilth word in cypher, begin with one figure to the left, and one: as before. Enclosed I return a copy of a portion of your letter in cypher, with the figures thus added, Iu order to illunlrutu the change. Lieutenant Averitt apprises me of your intention to cruise near the mouth of the Mississippi. I doubt not that a dash there might do good service ; but with the enemy's means of intcr-coniiiiuuica-tion, any delay in that vicinity would bring bis fast cruisers upon your track. The only p isscs to and from the Gulf of Mexico, between Hon duras and Cuba on the one side, and Florida and Cuba on the orher, would be occupied by them. Apalachicola and St. Ma-Vs are e.ich block aded by one steamer a sidewheel and should vou deem it advisable, you might perhaps capture them, send theui into St. Mark' under prize crews, and leave the Gulf at ouce. A dush at New England commerce and fisheries lias always seemed to oiler peculiar attractions, as you will see by the instructions 0 your prede cessors on referring to thorn. The practice of placing their commercial ves sels under foreign flags 10 avoid capture has be come very general with federal ship-owners, and requires increased vigilance 011 our part to detect and defeat it. With an earnest desire to treat with all proper respect the rights of ncutr.ils, this practice is an dags, which justice to them, no less than to our own, calls upon us to correct 1 ami in all cases where tho voyage, the tiuild, the oilicers and crew, or the papers, create Mispicion of colorable transfer for this purpose, you will not hesitate to scrutinize closely, ami act upon your judgment. It is represented that the liraziliiiu flag is generally used fraudulently to cover American sliippiUg between brazil aui the United States. With earnest wishes for the welfare of your self and crew, and the success of your cruisj, I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, 8. E. M alloky, Secretary of thu Navy. VouAw'g Missioh. To the question "What is woman's mission i" I'uncU facetiously re plied, "To stay at home and keep the kettle toiling!" Ah, there are thousands of working iiiiu'i boiuus where there would be tonfold domestic happiness if tbe wives did stay at home, instead of going out to work at the mill. Make your homos attractive. Keep not only your homes but your persons clean and tidy. Let borne be to your husband the brightest and lmni.iest soot on earth. Let not your husbands be able to say that they are driven from their homes to seek a bright lire at the public-house. Have a bright fire at home! wives, keep the aettle liOillng '.llrwth Workman. Thb Abab Horsfshob. Ths Arab horse- ihoe ut a thin plate of iron covering the whole hoof; it is far lighter, and gives more protection, but ru'iutfvi 10 1 iswovea oiteucr tuna otr. ftl.AVf N FOR THE RF.HRt AR.1T The Itlriimatid "r.aquirrr' osj tw Arm ing f tlnve Urntrsl !, Maid to h rorntl 10 tho I'tojrrt Tbe loath Willing to Nnrrlllrt) hlstrry for lode- mime. Washihotom. December IS. The rUchmond nyuiir of Fridiy, Docein'icr 10, In a semi official editorial in favor of arming the slaves contains the following : "When we supplicate Europm nation for help, we must be pn p ire-1 to rec lvo it on their conditions ; which will be the abolition of slavery. If we are prepared to abolish slavery, It will not be necessary to go to European unions for pro tection; Ih.yw ill give us not only recognition, tmt they will lollow recognition wilh such mtor. ventlon as w ill secure nationality and lila rty." It goes on to state thin (lencr. 1 K. K. Lea has wiiiten a letter to W. I'orcher Miles, of S mill Carolina, Chairman of tbe Housa Committee on n.ilitiny iifbiirs, In f.ivor of armiig negroes. It argues that "Shciman, w heu he l'ois to tho coast, will tarry there only long criougu to rest and ro cruit lim men, and then take shipping for City I'olnt, to act in tbo spring as a movable colu-mi open our lines of communication, and this ne.'cs sitaus a like column on our pin." Continuing in an :t mut ti show tint their present army is unable to stem the lorrcu:, it tajs . Shall we prolong the war for the sake of our negroes f Shall we sac. ill. e our inl. Iron to pro serve our slaves ? Shall wo c liaiistour country, destroy our noble defenders, and endanger every institution ritlnr than test an ex periment that may givo us the moans of recruiting our army, of assuming the olVcn-ive, and of conquiring a speedy peace ! Niihcr rhetoric, nor argument, rior au thority can determine whether the negroes will make torus faithful sol. tiers. Thocv.cri nu nt must Ic-t and decide this question. U tie ral Lee asks that Ibis experiment be made. For us this is sutbeicnt. Never will we put our pre juiines aK.ii. st his deliiMT.itc judgment and advice, lie is a rash man that does. llr Is not a wise man that imposes responsibilities and yet withholds means for their accomplishment." The l-Mtptirer conduces the subject in fol- l(.W "rut we bate, detest, and despise the enemy far more than we love and admiiu slniory. H our liberties cannot bo gained but by tho sacrifice of slavery, wo are prepared to make th it sa ri llre, and to urge that sacrifice upon our counTy njin. We would not return into tho Union if every slave could be returned fo his master, and if every giinr.inttO that human ingenuity could devise were secured for the pro tection of the 'institution ;' we prefer liberty wilh free society, to reunion upon the securest basis to slavery. Such wo believe to be the sentiment of the people of Virginia; but we know that ( moral doubts beset this question of arming tho negroes, and yet this experiment ought to be tested, and tbe fact ascertained, whether negroes w ill make soldiers. tiolil v. (JrrriilnK'kM. Tho following Is a very nscful table at this mo ment. It shows at a glance bow much currency uiny ho bad lor a certain uiuotiut of gold, and t i c re Id cO r ir K era cc v - . r. m 6 B -J;. ' r 5 S c ' L M C-c "l n ill t n ill l! i t ii 1 lit to l'.'ll IN) ) eo 1.111 eu I.'.'. 00 1 10 ou ISA IU I I) I SI i:a 10 !.( eo 1 ! (HI 170 (0 lr:. t o 1MI CI 1S.1 10 It'll l) It s no itMl 10 no 4 ;? "C et !! ct l:l I'.'' f et li;-i:7 f i t tl I0f et U i s f ct Ji, II I f et SB Ml 'f ct .11 111 r1 et : a :u f ct a:, is r ct :i?r.o Vet :i!e4u v ct SI 1H f ct . V i t 44 4A X et 4 .: V ct 47 :17 V ot 45 77 V t tsi en V . t 61 -ti et ".-, At tsi tsl SC '.'15 Stl 3.1 M ID 70 I'." 71 07 71 tl KM t'li Ui fA 6i ;.i i.-j :si CJI ci M S 'J 7 14 .V. Ni 64 C 6i 6.1 !, M IO 4 78 y.u (HI a i.-, en yjn ri. V.'.l (O V8l) til Vlii oil 2..II It" W) in) 7711 uo Vsc mi 'si 0.) : u 1 11 4' II IS) IHI ll r'jm .Ni 7INI Ihl suo no tl'HJ IS) l.OH. lal 6.1SJO IO lo.ueu ou J .Hi V et 1,1 1:1 t et .14 M f et f.6-i:il V ct f, . V ct M .11 l ct il no fl et 01 .11 ' et H; i.j 4C, M 41 1.1 44 41 4 J Is 41 117 411 IK) IM 4.1 .'17 III ;ia 71 :u 4.s 91 7 is) VI 01 hi M 14 7t I .' Ml II It ID no J Ik) 1 U) tr.' ti; f ct hi t'Vct isi'.VJ f ct en c.7 'r et 7.1 im V ct i 01) f et a.1 HI v ct s.'c7l V ct H7 .'S ( ct HH htl V et 1(110 v ct i-s ui v ct moo vet Tho 'Mlurcorone or li Irbj Smith' Ntnir. We learn by our correspondent at Natchez, who writes on tbe 7th, that Lieutenant Karl's men have captured ( Kir by Smith's Inspector-(ienenil, whoso instructions bad been to forbid tbe tiring upon boats on the Mississippi. 1 be same correspondent informs us that hu learns authorita ively that tbe Kebelib.ive great contl dence iu the ultimate successor the new treasury policy regarding tbe trade in cotton aud supplies, and are moving immeuse quantities of cotton towards tho river iu amicipatiou of business. A'cur Jrltan$ Times. Another Kulil III Arkanan.. W't learn that Lieiitentnt Stevens, of tho picket boat, with a party of his men, yesterday iiiuile a descent upon the beailiiinrters of Cap tain Reasons, whose company of guerillas have been hovering in the vicinity of .Mound City and the linlge for some time. So complete was the surprise that the Captain had to mike bis way through a back window, leaving his saddle-bags (iillctl with valuablo papers), and a number of swords, pistols, and oilier property of value, all of which was secured and taken to deuartirient headquarters last evening. Mi-mjihit AriulM. MILITARY IIK'IS. T.ieutennnt-Colonel Clarko, f irmer CUlefof Stuff to General Mcl'berson, and now chief on inn rul Howard s S ail, has been promoted to a full IJrigadicr-Uoncralship. Major General Hurnsldo li.H returned to Washington from the front. General llosccrans is exnoctod at Wash ington to-day, preparatory to his assignment to a new aud important command. Colonel Andrew W. Dennis in, of Maryland. who for Mime time past has been iu command of the Maryland Hrigade in the Army of the l'o:o inac, has been breveted brlgnJier-Ueneral by tho 1'iesideut for gallant aud meritorious conduct in the late campaign. Colonel N. II. McLaughlin, formerly of tbe 1st Massachusetts, anil now of the 67th Veteran Volunteers, has, for gallant und distinguished services at 1'oplar Grove Church, Vs., September 30, INlit, been appointed a of Volunteers, to rank irorn mut uti'o. Colonel ICdinund Rice and Major William L. rainier, l'Hh Massachusetts Vol iutocis, wo un derstand, have received appointments in Han cock's Veteiun 1st Corps. Colonel Charles S. Russell, of the 2Sth United States Colored Intau'ry, has bjen breveted a brigadier-general for gallant and meritorious con duet in the assault on Cemetery Hill near Peters burg, July .'id, and tieen assigned to tho command of the 1st llrigndc, 2d Division, li.itb Corps, Army of the James. General Kussell entered tho ser vice immediately after the a' tack on tort Sumter, as captain in the 11th Kcgulais. fie was attached to the Army of the l'otouiac, and was in com mand of tile regiment in nearly every battle in McCitllaii s disastrous campaign 01 iMtz,in which it was nearly uninhibited. Since then ho was appointed colonel of tho listh United States Coloied Infantry, which ho organized last winter in Indiana. He has an honorable record us a faithful, efllcieiit, and watchful oilieer. Itcrrvcr. the French lawyer, on roturnlng from Loudon, had a cordial leceptiou at Calais. On entering there the tuUm of the railway ter minus with Lord lirougnaru, no loun i a very beautiful statuette of hiuueif crowue.l with luu 1 e Is, the property of one of tho principal burghers. Before leaving, the Calais bar wailed on M. lterryer, and accompanied hlrn to tho car riage in which be traveled back to l'arla. Femm.f. rmsoNKiiH. Two younir women, a Miss Murphy und Miss Kllison, arrived in this city yesterday, and were committed to tho Atlii iiicuiu. They were arrosted by some of our soldiers, a day or tno since, In tho vicinity of uucKuaunou, cuurgeu wiiucuiung uowa 1110 tele graph wires, acting as spies for the enemy, and doing a great many things which tliey ought not to do. The two young women are half sisters. Miss Murphy wa heio summor, and spent several weeks in cluse coniinement, upon cnarges similar to those which are now prelerred agjiiut her. II hKltng MteUtymccr, mceintier l J. Cimovs Caiculation. Someliody makes the followiiiff curious calculation : What is a billion i 1 be reply is very simple : a million times a iml liou. This is quickly written, and quicker mill 1 rououneed ; but no man is able to count it. You may count 100 or 170 in a minute; but let us sup peso that you may go as fur as 200 ; then an hour will produce 12,000; a day, 248,000; and a year Of 305 days (for every lour years you may rest trim counting uunng a leap yeari, i.w.ia,!, Let us suuoosu. now. that Adam, at the first be. ginning of his existence, had begun to count, had continued to do so, and was counting still, he would not even now, according to the usually sunnosed aire of our Klobe. have counted near enough. For, to count a billion, he would re quire 0ol2 years, 2-t days, 6 hours, aud 20 minutes, according to the rule taken above. Mow, sup posing we were to allow the poor counter 14 hours daily for rest, eating, aud sleeping, ba would need l'J,Wt years, 00 days, 10 bvurs, and fO IU1U.UK. Jiil CLABI0I EIYTB OILOOMPAillLT. orrics, Ko. S4i walnut STumr, (KOOMD M.001). WII.1.IAM 1'. HOIIKI.U rnaeiiiEirr. J. BIMPFON AFRICA, 11 17tl ImiuiT aa 1 Tnsajanr. yOIiCANIO OIL AND GOAL COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. riilNTKI) ClKCUIiAHS, WHh the Pmtpritii and fllof loal krort of tlif property c4 Uili Cornrwiy, tt mw rody ftt our ofTlco. Tl.Ii Ct inpany owm oror 2.'-0i crvt of whu'. li known M tfc brit OIL TKItltrrOKT uvon the (IKF. VT VV 11RAVAI, IN WEST V1KUINI A, and offori laro in-lir-mftiU to rrilM to itibciih fur h llmiuj a im her of Hharra v1fvr& at i m itiara for fail pal J stock, th par tfing 110 pw ihara. ThU price per ttara la not abovt tbe marVatalo ralaa of it.t laiidt, atid It li offered for rt.a lola parpotrof Id ortailug the facUlliai rbr d?Tclnprunt, and will, beyiM a rraitfnabs dubt, pw a proflltUle LnvaitUuout. COOrER & GRAFF, No. II MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. rriiLADir.i hu, Hovrmbtr r, lMt. It 111 NATIONAL OIL BERUING COMPANY, uv Pttn.APiLrinA. Capital 2200,000. 20,000 Bhares, $10 Par, rnasiDUNT. WATftON MaLOMU. MAHAOIItUI. WATPOW MAIIR. MM 'HAM. I', itrnn RTEVKmos, Till IS. J LA''AsriiB, f. BLAl Ktlt'UNE. JK , I o. rAUJilllA, AU.XANIF.U r. UEAU. THBASrHBR. THOMAS i. LANCAATGU. SKCHSTAKV. iiiiBUY c. frriVKNgoir. Thu rVmrsiiy u aintrrt upon a rabttaaiial an4 tt mat tult.i tiaiai, and .-ITitr irMtrr hiaiicinentji tuwl mere rhnhltf ruriir s.r Inv. nmoot than inr..ihi.r tv t th pulilir. inhrriionA ara in (muw ri'.4i1, ami a Iiuku purllen m the lc li klmMjf tmmwt lliunutia of tbe r..'i'rly mar bo viaiuliMHl, Aid a MQnnAb n '! tiiinad M Uia udlcs iif Uie Ouiaiaiijr, Ho. BUS. stt.'O.IU J AH. II. BTEVKKSON, 11 M lulli.lin OEXEltAL AlllSMT. pETKULKUM OIL STOCKS. W. A. HAMILL, INo. U17 WALNUT Htroot. TOR BALE, ALL THE LEADING DIVIDEND-fAYING OIL. HTOCKH. A1B, OIIIIJINAL BUBSCEll'rtO.NS ' CcMlrcil rur tht freatar part of tlis best Companies now orK'anizlBg, antler lbs dlracUoa vf Kntlianon of eiinrlanc na iinaeuitaa iianauif . i;u aua nut a circular. M-m-ot OIL, MINING, COAL, AND OTHER NEW COUI'AMKS. Wa art prepared to fumlih Kaw Corporations with Uia llouka tliey reiulre, at short notlco aud kiiv prlcas, of Ant quality. All atvlei ot lllndlng. aiEFI.-l'I.At K CKUTiriCATES OK STOCK. Ml IP Hill A I'll Kll io do 1 HANN1 Kit HOOK. (HtllKKS OK THANUrKR. MTiK'K LKHI.1H. HTIK'K l.F.UOKIt IlAl.ANCER. kKOIHTF.It OF CAI'ITAI, HTllC'K. HltOKKKH' fKTTY I.KLtiKlt. AI'I'l.l'NT OK HAI.LH. lHVlliliMI IIOOK. WO?", CO., Blank Ttook Manurartarara and suulnnnrs 11-lfl-U Mo. 4.U ( II KB. NUT Btrrot. JJ HIIO:SXA.K: ifc CO., CmLDRIU'3 CL0TELNQ EMPOEIUM, Ko. 4 N. EIGHTH STREET, F MIL AUK La4 IT! A. .t-i'r -a . r -. u,-' m reipoetft!! lavtt spsclal sttantioa to our alauant aiioruuaat of CIIII.DUKN'H OI.OTIIINd, Coroprlalrif BOYS', OIRLS , ISFANTH', and MlflHKS' I'kalillif la thaututstvlaa.aadof aupa rlor workmaiuAlp. Fpecial atteDllon rH to MISSES' nitatSSM AKIVU. Tha poiilic ra Invited to caii and eaaiulne. M. 8HOEMAKEH & CO., li-u. no. 4 n. Eiorrrn ariiKKT. r os. bi onu o.i S.H Corner NINTH AND AEG II ioTEEETS. WHOtKBALB AND KE.TAIL, Toa ou obtain at this BaUbUaoment, WATFR PBOOF CLOTH CLOAKS, JiKaVKU TMICHJT " nr.Avv Brrtnrr) " " IfllOHTltll HEAVK8 " tUlSCIlilXA " - AI L MAliE CP INTO TIIE LATL3T HTTLE and of tha very beat niatexlai. Call and see Uia stock berora you purchase. We shall take great pleasure lu alttng on yon. 11 2-tliBtatui BILLC0X & Sewing Ho. 715 CHEEUUT HIGHEST PREMIUM BKWINO MAOUINBBi 4-H No. 780 OIIKHNUT Btrawt. MES BARBER'S (taOLSSALS AID SSTA1L Clock Kalabllahmenti I. B. tomal aXCONa) aad CUK SHUT Buaats, rbllad'a. aosnct ros mi rATKif IQUAL1Z.1HU TII1KTT-DAT CLOCK!, A vary taalrabla article for Charahas, Ilotala, Baaks, Voanllfia-aioaaua, rariorv.aHi. AJao.MAM KAI-TI kKH US' riWU OrtT.n TilKS. L'lxiraS KEPA1UE11 AMU WAKUANriCU. lkTrlJuwin(vfTaryaatitUta. 1-11 ly M W f I.ViT-'-J I I Uji 'Vl. WI I. WVUVW 1 A Jf".VI''s. AW Mr nMacliinoSs MSuPliilEtda. QIiAUIOX nivici; AND MAPLE AND SPRING CREEK OIL COMPANY. Cupltnl HtorU, W J.tmo.OOO. TWO IlliNDHF.l) TIIOU1ANI) 811 1 H K.fl, AT 10 I' HIIAItB. OriRinal Eubscriptioa S2 50 Fcr Share for full Taid tip Stock. WOKKlMi CAI'lTAL, ltXt,0iX) DOLI.AKS TKIn rrmptny htn rurrl tivvA rlKhti ami Itino to '.'.((0 icrtninf Uif btt oil trrrilory on Uic t'luritin rivur, txluK In tin' ImtiirdlntA rrtK" of tho I'rnintylT Aiiin ()1 lU'iicti, p BiiiiriK ni"t fuTnriitil Kt-nlotric! mirfai'' liull rkduiiH, naino at on Oil crrek ; citl elrvatiua ilmllar, mul utroumllnK t-ouniry atxMitnting In tin1 tjiMiti nt evuliMi' v 01 an li ni ilaiit t:'?i? of till It N ln Ut rr J that flili 'out lany has tin -re wmI tmrlng trrliory than an? nUn tti; 'vmpan7 now nOriiit; It f ten k In thu ninrkrt at ttit1 n.iuie cot (ht ihart. having uvt r J milvt Irtiiitt or nr, t nt h, iftd tilliuiatlt'i. Iht'tr properly ( ) fvlloim. lit. A drJ iinht u -raver fr oil nn mrrrn on ilt pn pirtTkncmn u tt-p hramloti Tract, In Fort-it cunty, n tdr Clarion rlrr nr.d Ifapie ctve , with a rivrf and trek. front of abont (pn mlloa. On thlprorty a wpil wa cotv metictti by iho forntec owner in H''i; bt forv rachln tho df (ith of 3CO tact otl wat obtained with cvi-ry show .for an abundant well, but owinktuih low prtcv of oil, anJ tho uncrrfainty of tt nttrfiilnun", wltli tlir slow And eiiicmlra mudrof kKiritiK thon In me, the operattou wai ahand ue1. arthii nt tlili Ct'tni'aoy hut now a derrick eructed, eoiilnt on tin' around, and all preprint lon rrady to c tn mine iintttiiK a wed. Thu tract, by thnt who have ei -amlnrd tt. It taid to ba unatirpaamd to Indlcationi for abundant producing well. W. A Uaa (or ninety-nine (010 yean for nine teitlhn (!M0)of at) the oil on a trai t of l;UH arrea, known at tbe Mriirtiier Tract, on the t larion fWer, alNtut li mWv abova the ltrandon Trat. TnU pmpi-rty buaveryex Uniive river, creek, and tributary front of about 'JO mtlui In lentih. Oo tbli property the Company ba now three engine with all nent'Niary toi'lt and machinery to commraoa boring without delay. The mrtace Imlicatlont and oil prliiRt in this neighborhood warrant the mM that llow- Inir well will be found at a depth not exceeding fr0 iovU pearly all tbo land on tho Cittrfun river, froui it inoti'h to many mi let ahnre Uit' tratta, hat eltinr been leatrd or told to partlrt or companion Iu Nrw York, If uton, I'lilladelphia, l'lttubnrg, and other rillei, and dvelop mt nia are now beln made with flattic-lutr prospvcti of btair ton lnre pruJuctioat of otl irin tblt region, Tt.ii Company bat rt'Merred the ry lare aum of 00 fir work'tiK capital, enough to link from jt) to lis; 1.''.0i of which hat already baon cipcndod ln engines, tooli, and working in iti-rla't now nn tho ground ; and with tbe intmition of Immi-'lmtely adilliig H mure en Klaea and t.oli to their prennt itock, they cotifld'Mitiy exprct tn a very thort tltur to havo a number of welh tn tirretifitl opcia Ion. 1 hit. together with the Tact that tlity have scturi'd the entire product of oil on one tract and nuie-lentht on the ntber, when numt cni',i.tnleii par at lea it a royalty of one half to land owneri, at alio tho vtTV low rdta at which thrv are otlerln thvlr ttock, belnit only one-fouith oi ttt par value, thould Induce those toek lK invektincntt to kuttcii!je at once. Ihebooka for eubtcrijitlon will be opn onthsl'.tli of DtcfmLcr, at ilieir, WaluoKt,m UniUliii, Ko 270 S. 11IIB1' Mrwt C. I. IIA.Y4i TltKASl'llEK. 11 K, l (J O T T H 11 l-' A U M OIL COMPANY, OF 1'IlII.AOKI.l'IIIA. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, PIVIBKD l.NTO 200,000 FIIAKKS, AT 85 1'ER SUAUE. $50,000 Cash Reserved as Waking Capital. fciUJIHCIlIl'TIOIV 1'lllCK, TO A LIMITED hUMLEfl Ol-' SHARKS, $2 50 PES EEAEE, STOCK ISSUED FULL PAID. Thla Cnmpane ownt OVF.U rOt'E flfJU AltPI MILKS of territory, B the eholoeat locailtlna aaat and wait of tb Alli'sbeny rlTer, ailjolBlng VeiiaiMta aouui, and liaj alreadj a Taluaotc imxluclng lnlureit In Ita aw aUUaad liuiber. Butiseriptton Books ara now opened, and tiabacripUons received ml tka oilloes of trie Company, Koi. 23 and 2i Va.sliln?;ton BulltliiiKS, 8. TIUKU 6THEET, BKLOW WALNUT, And at tnaorllce of I'lIILir II. RRKG & CO., No. JIO.' WALNUT HTKHET. WILLIAM D. BMiril, Traii.iirar. 1 -4t tntlifta B.J. IIAItHIHON.M. I).. Secretary. I.LEUllENV KlVKll EAST SANDY OIL COMPANY, YI'.NAXGO COI'KTT, 1T.SNHYI.VASIA. CAl'ITAli 8500,000. 100,000 Blinrcs, at Fho Dollar Each. I'ltll E TO SUliSl llIllEKS, ti-oo rtK Binai:, The Allegheny Hirer and Kant Handy Oil Company have two diHtlucl anil valuable propertiun. bolliol which are owned In lee simple, and olio of winch 1. a woikltiK l-r.t-penv, aliunde dovelfcpod, wltli all tho nvcu.aary Uitti.lnerv, , , . No I contain, throe acre., and I. .Ituafed on the hank of this Alietheuy river, iminediiiioly upiullo to tho cele brated ilooiur well. Jt 1 but a fiiw uillu. tfjui tlio town nubla'propcrly Is a well which ha. linen bored to oil. '1 he Inini'olTincnti. are en Knulnc ll.m.e, Htoam Knirnio, nearly new, llerrick aud rumpiuir Apiiaratu. cimplulu. 1l.eleldof Hie well, when III operation, U ten biirnli III twenty four hur. Thl. properly I. near the Cochran farm, on which I. located tho imuroveiuuiii. of the llalllmoro CoHipmiy, and coutuin. t uple roo u and frouUiie on tbe river for addlliolial weM.. Olio or two oilier well., can be workeu with the power now ou the k'ri.UDil. Will. In a very hort dlalauce of tin. will! 1. ouo whlel. I. now fleldiog .uiy narrei. peruay. o. i 1. a lorty-nie aero traot,.ituatuu on a bend or Ihe Kuat creek, about live mile, from It. mou'li, on the Alleiilieny rlvar. linmedratcly opponto to tin. tract, on ihcouier tide of Hie iireaui.U a natural oil "rhefronlateon the creek, which I. all bottomland, tultalite f--r boring, I. tufflclcutly cxttui.tve for the loca tion ol nuiuiirou. well.. In vtew ol the eaten. Its facilities Sir eatablUhlni well, en tel. property, tho .urn of twenty th iu.aud dollars 'e rt.ervodaa a woi king capital lor lla development. 11 la propo.ed at once to plaoe two eutrtue on this proirty and aa the working capital thu. ro.orved will he ample, the revenue derived rron the well on the Alle gheny will be devotod at ouce to the dlvldeud fund Hub.cripUoiit will be received for a limited amount or Block, by aJe Me WALTON. . li 8. TiilKD STRUT, UILADELTUIA. 11 ls-lt VL ON TILS BRAIN (SONQ AND CHORL'H.) The aio.l pope liar eleee (rat, U nentt; al 1M7 11M CUL VI Kliiel. BURNETT PROPERTY, I'AINT CimHK. AMUt'T TWO MILKS FHOM tTS M'lrTII, lW TIIK CI.AHIfN HIV Kit. Paw mill, en tint pnerty, anil heavily nvimt wlin m l.ltf plr a, anrl other tlmher, hlch alone would pay a .it? h!i ad i n f.'-Oryon. AIo, i-oat In aliunilanr,-, one lre vi In flow U lna: developed. At tha prem-nt price of roal In tlili i-ounty, a larne ium could be ilirlTit from thl branck, t.'.f! acre.. KA5F. I'AltM, 5M acre., on rlarlin rlvtr, 10 mil.-, abme Clrl..n town, ar.l 14 mile, from tlr mkitclil, the rn.lal of JclTerm.n county. Tht. territory ha. one and a l air mile frcnt ou OlaMon rlv,-r, and trmi e.irrace In db atlona H ere I. no teller oil land In th Su-e-wci:. are now p.lnir down on th. ailjoinlrK prop. rtlea, with tK d hiw of nil. Thli la- d r bo bought at the low pric of llit'i-cr a. ri'. Klneaerr. (n Cherrv' Tree run, a-nut valnaMe pleca of oil property, iunounitr.1 by larye rl.iw nir and prod well.. 7 htl piece of lan1,on,-e develocl, w.ll proe i'm remunerative an tv..enllre territory of the moil f.f ireil ol. eompanle., and can be bought bw. Kfl arret on Pat.hei run, In Sniir crark tonjh'p 1 til pr vparty I. only two ml it from tha town or fr iklln 1 here are two run. Uir..u.h thu l.n.1, wl:h aevoral do- p aim or ravine, wi ll adapted for birln : purp ni-i. Alio, In thla land U.ere la !!tuentone. and five rest velne of coal. To.lerln abuudam-a for all piirpxaa. Can bo hivd for lie,i. lt'l acres rcarirrankMn and near Trench creek. Thr.-nich a portion of thlalnnd thepa li cull y.iryliu from two io five feet thick ; al.o, In one and llme-.tona, winch h now Buoh vr.ared In thla r. kI.ui, can bo had la'e. About no aixei of thla land iihuw. tho mint favored pr pecu for oil yot di.oovurt-d on Treach creek. Thl. entire ptrce of lard can now be bought for f XVtUJ. 118 acre, valuable coal laud near the Allchony rtvar, b In directly Id the rear of the Hubert . HU Couipany 'a properly. Three feet coal relna now open and working tlh tlece of land conld be inada to prove mi4l prjlttalils It In the hand, of an enerKetlc company. 1(0 acrta land m ar Ea.t Bandy, In Cranbury town.h'p, hiavtly timbered, and nnderlatd with uiiiuy lar.a yelui of coal, which would pniva a sreat lavlni to any company who thl. territory. About ability aero, af this land I. adapted to borlnir purpo.ea, .howlux tbe .arae eur fare Indication, an aie to be found ou Oil creek and Cherry run. Tree fa.mi. lhfl acre of lan I In Jefferson county, fa , near the jrrua oil reulon of the Clarion rlrer. (in lliln irurtjr there I. valuable timber, and nnderl.Ud vtltli heavy coal vclua, a few of w hich havo alre.idy been opened. The oil tn.liea tlon. are rery nlnillar to those met wilh on Cherry run. Thl. piece of pr .peity run n w be purrha.ed at a very low prlco. Ae yi t, there haa been but Utile attention puld to thi. rt r-lon, but, fn-m preient Indication., the land In thl. ri ron will .hortly i-omiuaud aa fabuloii. price, a. lund on Ollereek. 1 he coal alone on thi. territory, calculated at two cent, per buahel, will mors than pay fur the whole property ln eighteen month.. ll(l acren In Cranberry town. hip, Venango connty, bohm near Kimt Sandy, and not tar from the Allegheny river. William, run gi-e. through th1. entire property. Ntarby tlicra are leveral rum, one of which it now producing la-eely. Cal I. fouud od adjoining territory, rro.pcctt of thll laud proving Uriiely productive, cither for oil or e, al. arc Dot .urpa-i.ed by any land lu till, couuly. Thl. farm can be had for f I6,0t0. 1 acre and II perches, being a lui.tU piece of Ta'u.llil. burlrix land In VenariKO cniintv. which can be hud either on li-Klo, or i an l e piirchu.ed In feo .Irnple. There art frw opportuullle. for piirehu.iiiK ii'ii a .mall piece of laud In Ihla county. Cim ho I'oiikuI cheap. luCOacraaof land In the wealern oil reaton of Virginia. Thl. territory 1. located near and I. .urrounitud by tome of tU-mont valuable nil territory ln thi. Htatc. Can ba bi unlit eitler in part or the whole tract. SIMPSON, JANNEY & 00., 2-1S.M koom 17, No.MOCIllMMT Utreot. EW 10 EE AND PHILADELPHIA riSTKOLEUM COMPANY. Curd l'l-om tho Trustoos. 5o. M Wil.tlAw TaKrT, Nrw Yonrc. IKceiLhiir 14, IbM. TO tiik st'R.rmiiwws to Tita htocr or ths mkvt tork AMI 1'lULAOHI.rilIA 1'KTIlllLai'M COUrAkT. It It tdToitlktd ttal 60,000 , litre, of the Capital Stock of thl. Company wlU be rorv. a. WOHtUKO CAI'lTAL. Te prevent rul.eoiiceptlon, tiie uauagemeit dealrs to tatc that ONE HUNDRED TnOUSAKD DOLLARS IN CASU (f 100,000), will be tlcpo.lted with the Cowpaiiy't ltanken, to be ued only la tha development of the uiairnlnoeiat preporty belofltrlng to the Company, and for tko legltltaate oun tlngtut A large majority of the .tock having been uken.t' e bookt will tooa booiowMj. ALBERT IT. NICOLAY, ruEsiDUHT. FOH TUB TRlSTliiH.J E. C. STEDMA.N, Secbbtauv. Bubwcrlption AsT-utai in I'liiludxlpliin, ClAltlCBON V. CO. 11-16 t Ko. 191 . TltlltD Rtrtot. yyAEHINGTON AND WALNUT BESD OIJ. company. CAPITAL 8J0D.000. 100,000 SHARES tfo Each. Subscription Prlct 9t. 10,000 Shares Reserved as Working CapiUL Offioe, So. 314 MAEKET Et , PLiladalpWi, Ko. 1. A wel ea Oil Creek, aow puatptng 10 txrreU per day. and tnereaautg. 0.1. A wU on Oil Greek. Bow tear MO rent deep, wlrh Ware .hew of otl. tku. I. tke Con Planler Well, woicb la now pumpkin IM) barrel, of otl per day. Mo. I. A weH on ml llreok, t'JO feet , aow ready A lebing.wlui .pleudid tkow t oil; erery pro. peel ol m euems utrsely. H. 4. One Ifth to Ureal kg a traet of Bre bandred aortt ea Ike Altaakaay rlreri eu wok., now pampueg rtfly bar rel, of oil per day ; three store weS. new going down.; with aear a BU of river frosa. aa guod boring terrkory. Ko. e. AkaJfaereetTideMHe.MarUesieaeakltaWsrls, wkleb are new paoiptng Italy barrel, per Say. Me- S. Bit aeiea In fte Ln Wakae Head, oa Ukt Alte gtanrrHer; Wuul .U. r arroun aiu. thi. property are Date prwdaeing weltl. Tola treat will te developed rapidly. HubtortptftoM are now kettg reealTed. and e laige aee- tWwl er Ine etoot airMt le.wi. i n. tvoepeeeu mma aa kafunuttb tea te oblaiaael et Ue CrOtoe ai kk. Uel t. ueaiiiaup. ew atAiLAMT ureet. unit onn iw i ct.a9 peaches, very tv sCvAK' pertor, peine by Q.r. Mortoa Oo., al tbe Kooud Top I each f arm, M4. no awivlug, and leg tale by K K. UI',Iv. WeS. WOelViS. B JJLW T0BK iKD PHILADELPEIA 1'KTHOI.HOM (JOMI'ANY. 0rcnni.ol ruder the Ijiwi of "cw York TllCHTKKH. rRAKCIS A. TALUKR, Preddenl Broadway Peak, Dew Voik. KATltAM VANPALL. rreeklent I'nIMd irate. Telegraph Company, Wew Tork. 11. KIi-OI.AT. of Albert K aieolay On, lirokef . and Auctioneer., Ro. AJ WdUam .treat, Hew Tork. Et (irE J JACK HON, of Polhamlat A Jaakaon, ttaak era and llroker.. Mo 41 Kicbane p:aoe. Hew Tork. RliMt:m ft. aTKMI aerretary Hew Tork retre keijm htock Hoard, and Hioker, Mo. BO Broad euwei, Mew lurk. ANPHEvT UrilAFrKT, -,lldelPhla. f liANCIS A. UOnWlM.rhllal'crphU. ROIIKRT Cl.AkKHOV, ol Clartuoa Oo., Bankers, Ko. Wl B. Third atreet, Pklladelphla. IkJAMKg M. HAkKP., OflCily.renneylTtillA. i-bksipf:kt, ALBKHT II. B1COLAT, K.wToik. Tlflt l-BirNT. AKimr.w kiEiiArrrr, Philadelphia. TlHASt'Rl'.Il, A. V. BTOl'T, Preeldent Hhive and Leethor Dank, Hew Tork. OFFICES OF TUE COMPANY, No. 53 rYllllnm Street, Kcw York, U. 121 S. Third Street, riillalclphla. Ciltnl Htook, oo,000 HHaroH, AT THE KOMINAL PAB Or U EACH. suBecitirrioN nticR, 92 tetl share. STOCK SI' II J EOT TO MO I'l'RTnBH AisassHKKT. 50,000 ELare, or $100,000, BeBerred for Working Capital. A LAItOE MAJ0B1TT Or TI1F. BIIAUEH OF TD1H COMPANY 1LAV1NO I1P.EN ALBKADT TAKES IS New York and Pluladelphia, THE SfllPCBirTION llOOIfS WILL RIVAIN OPEN HUT rOH A FEW DAYS LOHUEU AT TUB OTKIOKS NAKED BELOW I NEW YORK SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS, FRANCIS A. PALMER, At Broadway Hank, No. 3117 Broadway. ALBERT H. NICOLAY & CO., Ko. 11 William Hlreet, rOLLTAMICS JACKSON, II Id St lfo.4S Ea change Plane. T HI MOlKi AN OIL COMPANY (Capital Htoolf, KH300.000. CO.OOO SHARKS rnr Valtta 5 Per Share. Subscription Price, $2 1'er Shure. WorUlnic Oupltul, PRVSIDBWT, IIORACK J. SMITH. Yiim-rBFmiiHNT, R. STEWART, M. D. THKASl HHU, HENRY II. AV1LS0N. CI.KIIK, B. T. JANNEY. SUI'KHIMTBNDKNT, JAKPtR COl'K WAY. IilkECTORH. TlnniceJ Hmith. I William L. Maddoek, K. Hiewnrt. at. !., I Mord.-oal 1. Kvau., Jaiuet Wllm.ii, 1 B. kl Jaiinoy, ctuiuel ltaush, A Mai.haU. Jajon L. reniuVuore. Office, 33 and 34 Wishingtyn Baildings, No. !J71 W. Ttilrl MC l'lilla. The properly of the MOItr.AsT OIL of ittt tcre. In fee,ull of whleh it clear of any Incuuibranoe; SOU acrea ara tltutte ln Morgan and llomi-r township., Moriiau county, Ohio, and 140 aurc. on a trlbuUry of tho Clarion rirer, in Ji'lTornon county, Pa, I'mniiitui and Map. nt the oflli-e of tho Comiiany, whli h wlU be opi ned ou UONDAr, UieliiUi Inn., lor aub .crii tiuu. to tiie .lock. W -IB til JAUl'IUN APfI COtrOllADO GOLD MINING COMPANY. CnARTEUED T BTATV, Ol' PEX .TLTAirLA. OAIUTAIj BTOOK, l,OO0,t)00 800,000 Hbaret-Pair Vnleio, 5. Pii.i.ideut JOHN M. ANDEKBON. Iirtotorer. Themat A. aoott, M. H. Kneaat, William a. rrweniaa, Itobeit P. kliiar. J.Jm M. KUoy, Jamet E Magee, T. O. McDowell, Otrrtiborg. joka W. Hall, do John Brady, do W. W. Wylle, Lanoattar. Ckarltt De Silver, WUllaw ti. Dhute, Ootorado. D. 1. SOUTH WORTH, Seeretary and Treaaurar. OniGE. No. 423 'WALNUT 6T&IET, KOOTI Ne. S. Arret' or. bleated tpeeknent have been pnenred from some of the Company 's lodea, and kave been aeeayed byPvo fci.or. Booth and Warrett with the meat greuryuwresnat. Bubtcnpllon halt are now open at the Orrloe of the Oosa pasy, and at the TToaaurer's Oflloe (Intornel Berenee), Mo. Ct7 CllBiUlirT atftet, rtrmort' and Meetianla- bank beiUutf. To original lubterlbefs ti W per share tor a Hulled Bomber of .hares. Clreolar., or mibrmeUoa oea be obtained at the omee of she Ooeopany, after the lltklaet, U-U-sat rtoAii oiLu AUD OTnitB ISCOKTORATBD COMPAKIM, een be tepptled tt lowe.t ee.h prloot wlek uajtTiriCATt.a ok siik, IIIX1KS, a rock i kinirna, DlHktlU AOOrl, Am Ae. Ae. 1 raf aeaortmeoi of teiaiiJea oa kaed Sm- aureha.era te Mleetsrosa. Suleeef eveldttlarteiCeeaegga)ioev V, Q. PEMT, Huufaotarioff Eutwiar, U-N w I. W. eoraer rOUKTsl sttf B AC See. o I L BTOCKI if ftnur . , OuMMtiwflOW, r II E DRAKE . - i PETROLEUM COMPANY . -1 - t Ol'1 rillLADKM'IIIA, CAPITAL, . a e . 0t.OOO.OOO 100,000 SIURES, PAR ia r t flO.OOO Caah Working Capital. fcUHSCUII'T ION PBIOK. Si SO). i OFFICKItH. rurainsMT, T. 1 1 AKKINH DU TOY, 1 Preetdent of the Catawltca lallmad Cowipany. 7 TICS FBFBl PRNT, THOMA8 D. WATTSON, Of the nardware Cnn of Trelu A Co., No. lilt starket tl t TUKASVRJiSl, t HAMUKL WOKK, i Of Work. MeCoueh A Co.. Baekerl, Ko. K t. Thirl strata DlttlCTOBS, T. HASKIKS IHJ PUT, THOMAS P. WATT80W, ' e. s. mrriABna. oi lleruiantows, WM. Ti. SMKIiltKKD.In.oranoe AgoBI. op.orop; p. wat, el late liry Uoodi Una of J. T. Way A Co., A. W. I.PtT.NRInr). ' Caauler Mauck Chunk Beak, i PDWABD Bltiri EN. Kim. The prorerty of the Iirake Petroleum Company eontJtef of two traott of land.ono of two huadred and fifty-m veal arret and one of two bundrek and euty-flro aoree, maklag kn all (Ire knadred and twelre acres, la fee, oo tke CaldV wall Itranek of Oil Creek. The priierty haa been erltleally eaamlne4 by. a CornV mlttee appointed S-r tliat pnrp.e. and ihe torrliory pro nooreed, In their jndgreent, to be fully eqnal to that oa 04 Crek, along whleh the largeat oil walla are dlaooyorad have heea found. Tke land, reaemble those on Oil creek tn every parttca lar, and It It believed, from tho large aamber of all aprtngt In elo.e proximity, that valuable well, wlil bo opened on both these traen. Tbe management hare already teeured teverej enainea and engaged a oompi-tent auierlnU-ndent, with a view ea nniediate and energetic development. f A large portion ol taeee traota It bottom, Ian admirable' adapted for boring. t Vertra) oompaa ei ere organised on landt Immediately adjoining thta territory, among which ara the Brtggs aa Creerent Oil Companlee ot Philadelphia. , In pre.ntrng the Drake Peuoleem Company to tha peblic, the Uireclori e.k that their tchame ahontd be ea aniloed.and aub.crlptlona made to the Stock la full U1IIA ae te lu preterit and prospective value , T. UASKINA KtJ PUT, rre.ldenl.' THOMAS D. WATTSOH, Vloa-Pntldcnt. BAMl'KL WOKK, Treaturtr. Bubicrtptiont win be received at the Benklog looie of WOBK, MeCOUCH Al CO., IM -tf Mo. W S. TUlitO ureal, ULLION CKEKK OIL COMPANY. OA VITAL, 500 OOO.' J 200,000 SHARKS $2 50 PAR VALUE. WorklokT Oaplta.1, HWJ.OOO. 0ITI0E, No. 114 S. SIXTH STREET. raasiDBHT, WALTER J. 13 USD. TRBASCBRB, DELL NOCLIT, Jo. HCMTABY, JOHN KOBiiiKTS. D1RBCTORH, WALT BR J. BUDO, OB AHA M, f AMKH W. CAlitiON. WARNKK M. KAIHOM, MUX 01iUT, J., JOriM AU4UT. D. W. UKMIHOff, ' 11. B. BBNEart. 1 The property of thta Oomrany conititi of rVora 30 to fti!jre. oi lj.a ino..e irmct, iu i kiiuui, Hu tted oa tlm Aleigfconj rivtr, nrr and to the mouth ot' Hcrub liranft ciifk.ln f cuaiiKO couuly, ftim yivaotki. It htta 4 tfoMRtti- tha nvi r ut Atiioui thrfe ((Oeirui of m mo, with ict'oo boriHK trturlor Uia who It dig tat oa. ltul liuo i-rtM -k iMtf ihroui;b tt for toe d nunc ol one-half iSMotiirre tjiiartpr ( '4 of a tntit?, lmbudtlad In a tvep v e, aJi &H (be liu.u aud of which i auiple (iu fr bt.rn-K A U m ravine t-xu'iidi Into thr hliU troin liul IK n crt-tih lur a di.tai.i-a ol atul ona-tiaU a ml , ailnrcinu a larke adoiilonal atununtuf kuiiact furbortuc. It Is atl axcuriainrd by the t? u mo by 01 ai and ra fiiifitiibla reeldeum ilmt tua miii, your ko, uailtarvd oil (rum ihe iurf-ee of tha raviuri onihli proaortjr, antl ustd ti lor rht'iimaUc atluctiona- Jn iir tlmt Uia ietn nicra ul hollion iron urntoa gthord aud yxad that oil lur le iuruua ot a)pllDt It to kuiIh and brulnaa oa UitMr hfirfcfB. OH far wi to 11 to exude at a Dumber i 1 1 I Oft (,n tha bauk ot' tiie AUfettoM nvr, aad tn Uta ravn' alludei to 'iht re la evtry rfaton, therfor,tobllore thaj tha pro-p-rt ol Uie ( uiiitikny in rich in its an t-ita f o l Tha n clination 1 f the iiaia provtoi auirO-Ukivaiy that taoaa tup ptiti 01 oil nn 1 II cmt k have a higher lavuj uitvn na 01I hnrtn(r rurka on this property ; and thai ejnjiuntly tha tip(il) vtill h more peinuiifut than that of Ulioieclt It mil 1. Tr,p Inimmie exien ol Imtiitf aurfacc, t(ual 10 liia e m Lit'rd rr hiaKn Ollcreaa 01 tna kj,b?rt, try, and Tarr nii, nniM rttdt-r ll a prupfrty lnvlua.ble Ucjaad any prtkfua btisis 01 c-rDipijUili n A weil is ain ady utmn atxiut 43.1 ftt 't.lnthf ilnklnf of which, a few ititr sliio. oil waHtwiCfle ruoit, but the tUa owi. r turiiad thftr utuniinn to tua luunitaoture 01 aait, as halt m aiernfri-ai sir n.tli and tr irr at qiistntltr waa obi a nt d. oariiH row iiuwiitkt tiiraf(tin. Aanglna 1 niremlv set uo ttn't tubniK uu tria trruiia 1, with all Uia ap pl Hiici lur hlnHiitf Uila wa 1 to a Kreatnr duotti. at Ui (.'tin pany lu"i cnntidi'iit ot it curit g a od ilow of oil, 1 hi' t jmran have diteo'd contia na to aa tuallv for Uia) litktnt.-01 wt-li luitudiitti'ly. 'I ht niieiAtloni of th (.'oDipaMir w-il b graafly fad 11 tat'd bv t Voriti cln-utiKitani a 1 , lt '1 hp drain-at: of a(fr tratmportatlotj, auralcnl to an Incrvaxe in itte price of nil trooa $1 10 $i r b.uTol tttr Oil ttIU ll 4T' k. 3d. A raliioail will pronablr paxi tarooah tbaproporty, cni - tui? I y ihe w ay oi Kituinnio and Krwirt titli the I'm mm 1 autii t'rtifal, atl.rdtnrf tha naaraal iid tureat mi Ann ot trDp.r(at-on tu it.a tatter it cine., 3d Ihi tf is a iit-avv K'owthor Hanlk. O Ur. And Pine, whu n willf .rrinh ll a tV.tnpan ch ap opllM o4 b iIkIi.ik nia'-rtui" and fuI an J alau afT t1 an Incidental aoaiceof pi out to tsiai'oojpaiiy by tlatra! Wul trcilpil. us lur btot k rttt-lved at the nfflfa of thb riiuiany. or at tha Trruorar'a, Aa. 'il'l 8. t'B'KJNO ft 1 rt,or by aiyof tha Director. m IJ-7 atuttiJt r'IlE BD0HAN AN KOI ALT 7 Oil-. COMPANV. "1 CAHTAL v 100,000 40.CC0 SHAKES FAR VALUE IJlO.Oft PKK.HIOKNT Jon ALEXANDFISt. TKKAtil'HKH JOUS W. TO It RUT. akCKKrAKY-WM S LANS. DIREOTOBS. J A. O. CATTRLL, i'rettdeui tioru Exohauja Xattiioal Cank.l'bUadelpbla. ri-WAKU U JAK8. ot the home ef Tbocoat K.ckard- Co.,11ltladelphl JOBS ALKXAMUKK, No. 101 Areh street, rkOada. DAVID VAKL'KKVtGB.Ke.tug M, Tbtrtoout street. Fulladeleblt, 1. H, LVDAT.PItteburv. ). ... B. B.riiHTEB, ll.D.,WllmlDgoa. (. WM. a. LAJIK, r-auadrlfhla. Oaioa No. 18 B. FOURTH Strcwt, rilUAIiULPIlLA. j Tha proper? of tblt Couoaar eonilttt of PU Land, Leaaea, and Uroend Kent or Kojaltlet of all tb otl produood on tbe "A. Baetianao Far," oa All Greek. And alto, aa the oil tad oudercroaod dcpoetlt If two kea dred aorta of laodeaBaet Ulokor creek, V taauye aoaolT raeiurrvanta. Tlwr are about oae kendrel ana ntry sarras-ea en lot aa tko "A. Baokanaa rant,'' over sunt- of whlok ara laeeod to Bret elate ever. lor.. Beveoteeei wetlt an Deer rodMltei oU : several are now betes t sated wttk good roaueou, tad twenty or thirty betot bored at variooA euereeof priitt. f At a sold eroaalMna taveatsaaut a Boiited aatoner or ton tld akaraa, al lie per tUare. auj be obtaaeed at tt ea.h, apoei aavocattoa t aajof sue at lk ofle of the Coeapaay. i ' The aroeaoetaa. tmitatlnt a fall er ewe uav mi'l aroeerJ. MA be eklaaed ate eao. Mt-Aas Tecomu-hano BOTTOM 6AM- 2000 ktae atoas. la M-'J ; Aa let tt k kluMT Street M-t-lst Jie.uatitiuji an T-nVoH-piTMA.CARPKNTKH Alt n?1?it-AT;Bat.aael ..ul kroj mam Herk aad kuawrujkiul iftvimfUr