8 THE DAILY EVENING TELK(iI.ArJI. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DKrKM'W! 10,'18tU. OFFICIAL WAR GAZETTE. Sherman's Expedition. Yteptarn " Fort Mo II lfr Itavamrmts ('aalrtiT KolMlrd Nil-nllfl 4atl t i t the Army A Vrry AirrrtlIA Blnrrli Atm.iili.nrf .if Mi.iflli I'wtf Hnndrxl Nllro.ir Kiillro-wl tti-t ro vt ) t Wftirnn .ml nn l lie Murrh-lnl', X.tron. Iloraoi., Kir , Itriiuxlil lii-t'oiii. nnnlFnllitn lrn stltn ill Urn InvMu- Wasihm.tiin, ))i c. IS, '.i 1'. M, I HI I. M ijor 0nr Dl-t, New York. An o!ll,-lil duipacb from (jnm ful Sherman w.,s n riiiveil tn-ilny, J itp.l Bt mlJnitfiit, Iii-ci'ihIht in, on thn gutih-ut llarHrlinn, O-sahmv S. iinii, fj.-orinv. It wm written b lore (n-uoml Foster liii.l re u lied lilm. lie r p-ors, iH'flilcs Hume inili ary ilnU.ls of future Opera! i"n which tun nini toil, the following intur e.tin:? purlieu l. irs t.flils ocortinrii : On llom "Damiiklihn," OlMAII vw Soi-nh, ll-'ill 1'. M., Dun tn'iiT 1:1, lWl. I'.i-ilny, at I. M., Cli'ii'irul H at l i-. Division of tlio I'lfti'iint'l CiTi's ratriecl I ort MeAI'i t.;r by aismlt, c.tiur itiK its intitt: fMrils.m mi, stores. Tuin opuncJ In lis tin) (Iss-uliniv Sunntl, "ti l I pulled down to thin gunboat to c inniitiiiic ur i li t it) II ti t He fore up nin1; rnintrii:!! -iit-nM w- ! a 1 eomp ft ly destroyed nil tli r.-. il r ii I s iea Imi; into Savn in!i,nnd idvimcJ Hie city. 'luo lilt in on tlio fi.iY.n n. li rivi'r, thr-is huh h iiU.ivc the city, and tuu riilit is mi the Orferli' t, a' Ivi'.K's Hrnlo. Tlic nrn:y In in sjitcndid order, and riiuul to uny thlrtf.'. 1 lie ncatlii r ban been line mid supplies itiuntlunt. Our n.arcb wax most hkito I'.le, a id wi wfreiioi Ht l: iiiolcsiiil by i;uf rilbii. We re.ich.3il Baio i) .b Iliree d.ivs airo, but owing to Fort Mo Allis cr we could not couitniini.ato, but uuw wo have McAllister, and Roiibi ad. Ve have alreatty captured two boats in tho Pavannuh river, and Lava prevented tboir fctin Vioats from coining' down. I estimate tlie popi la'.ion of SnTanr.ah at twenty-live tnoiisau I, and the Harrison at fifteen thousand, (i jucrul lUrdce commands. AVii biive not lost a wagon on tho trip, but have gathered a large supply of mules, uurous, horse', etc,, and our ten mi are In Car better condition than when we started. My first duty will be to cluw tho army of all Surplus negroes, mules, mid horses. " Ve have utterly de-trov ed over two hrmdrcd inl!os of rHilroud, and co:.k" itied stores and pro vinioustbutWi.ro a.i intiul to L.-c's and Hood's armies. Tho itn'rlc work ma.!c o'" Fort McAllister, and the not uihfAof eoniiuuuien ion with our lleet, nnd consequent Independence of supplier, dissipates all tlieir boitsti d threats to head mcoir.aod starve the army. I regard Savannah as ulrcady gained. Y1.U1-, truly, W. T. iSiiiuiMAN, Major-Uan. Hon. Liimi.n M. Si anion, Secretary of War. LETTLR FROM BALTIMORE fljit'H'it Corrrtjiuttitenre 0 Tlie Errniny T U-jrnph. Kai.timohh, Deromber 18. 1 wiib over lu Washington yesterday, and had quite a pleasant interview with President Va Co'n. Whilst lu that luetropolis of mud and political anxitties, a saluto of two hundred guns . was ( red In honor of the glorious victories of u ncrul Thnmas. It sevuicd as though a terrible battle was r iging. Ucpor's of cannon were in quick biiecessiou lor half an hour, one replying to tho other, mid each echoing to tho heavens. Every tj e seemed bright, and all hearts were gl id at the welcome thundering wbl h told of triumph to the Union cause. Flags wero Hying from iliii piibilcljuiloingiand i lstwbero in honor of the glorious events. It was decidedly cheering. Hemming home at night I found a very iin pmt.u.i p tvaie Oespitct1, coming limn a sour 'e umiouoiei , ueaiing Uatb of December 17, which givee ine 10 uinluisi.iud that great successes uavo bitn mbleviU within u lew uays pa.it iu (ieucral lutstei ' m partmt-uf. I cannot give particulars, but nh .t I assert can be luliy relied oa. I saw rn-ently a new y nivcnt.d bayonet by Tapt. T. W. AitxaiiUer, ot tuo llu iitnoru Hat e y ot Light Anil cry, which is said to posies cru cial ineii . It is in the slmpe of a saw, and can be substituted aduiimbly tor that pui po-o, wlnist hi tlie sKine time it serves a I me purpus s of a bayoLet. Xbcre is a sort ot Knile oil tue rcci'se ictie, well ca culaicd for cutting In 1 111 Tgeui'ie. 'i ii in i,c tiuineiit is only aiKjut tbrjo ou 1 -os heuvu r u.aii ti.e lri.nn.Miiui or couiinou wis.tpon, anil cun be n.ade c-sily Iront tiu O'duinrv bia oik tat small expense. Uy order of U'ltiral Valiace 11 recently undewtfitt tuspe.iti 11 j a 1 Bnl of null ary oill eis, of which (ien rl Morns was prenieot. Tnev pronounced t'v ir ulily thcuoii, and cnmtucudcil it to the attention of it 1 tieial Seheuck, 11 itt.rin.iu of the Coininiuee Cin Miliiary Aliaira. Capiain A en.iuil jr, itt in venior, is a zealous young ollijer of tine tilents nod ilccidi d genius. It is h ie I, if tins wunpon proves practical. y mci'itjiioiis, Couijress win lewaid his lubors. 'i no liaitiuioie tun nmerges from the penny Fys'iiu to-inoiiOH, obeuicnt to the tline, and c. nn out :.s a iwo-cent p ipor. No reader f tins old jnu il. .1 will ri lu--) e u.iu'iiug i',ai it h 11 cron int ' an ii:ili- n-ai le 1.1-t tmi 111, ml can- Ui t be iiciio m ; Such is tuu cuicVilti ail od in v A - a ut to llior' (,ur .' . cm;.' 1. irt- 'rei' ct.ns will be lircd :id a'ions in mi 1 .110 111, 1 icr il Walluc", in b in r t bplelidid ti'iuinpli our 11 a me app irent on a'l 1 S inii.irv t'liiu'iiissinn ) villi , 1111 11. a.; quail ke. eu. tjr oar I 1 .ills 1.1,1 I. . - h, Uiheli . 1 ., , , III il ill-lit . ' I-, lor ll 111 l.l'l CMIl ' t.t. S 1 . A in 10 . , ... ., ,11, 1, . ui-e in a It iv 1. 11) of mi' arv nrfensin. Oi in rul Ma, 1 . - 'm ;ti l'rat'it -nt, an I in u I pro1 ic 1I1 4- . 01 ih Is: I)ei.i.va.e Cmiry, coi tin' 1.0 1 Ivo-ne i'h 1 ol 1 ('.id u 1 sioti was c ' as S' V'Tiil inotubcrs tl.fnot tvci c reijiiiii li-.inn their ivgim-.-ntH, All iw uie to con .ratji 10 you, Mr. K-lii.nr, HV'iii ibo i haiiL'c of f irm nnd gre n I'lipr itcmeii', in a 1 res pi mm, in your Kvkninii Iki.kok 1 111 It Is promnmc. d by old m'"iiir 'nfi 111 t'n, ciiy to le tbc nrv iieni f ",,c' 1 -u j jura d no- pub- . - ' so,.. ,,t ,-iook do 11 . II iv iil' Ija I a C'.m. Euaurn, g.H.d reader, at hciV, .,u . Ui tUe . he is in moilon, and you will ilouhLi ' , 1 a. full i. r,e ol what we say.-nnc-a- li on T..K stEaw.,,am'1mmKs Kl!n"ip Jsiucs Kastiijth, the Thor of the 1 was brought ni timler the lminoi' f9 clie Maudelay, anil perhaps was inon and short Iin associated with him than any oti"19 no' w"1 for he was the assistant app'olnt , lunttu ! ttu'' charge of the great macliinist's ow, .'"Jy"w.1. norkthop, and ihe pupil lias dom,,,. 1 his muster. Nasmyth, unlike the ',"'."?' itchiuisw, wa by no weans a iwlf" dctW CITY IKTELUGSNCE, Ism man TaKATMVST or A Wirr. A shoe maker, named Chftrlcn Rinioon, was arraigned bt fore Aldermaa Welding on Samrday, upon the cbi.rge of ill-ircating his wife. The fai ls and rlrcunistanccs nf this cae develop a picture of horror. The panics live on Sixth street, near Spince. It is alleged that the husband has been in the habit of whipping or beating bis wife. T.i use tl 0 lancii 'ge of some of 1 bfi neighbors, th- y tight like "Jog ami cat," Die w.un m of c ur-.o on the 1I1T11 s.vc. The wli do iiriglibornood has fn iui ullv lct n annoyed beeau-o of the ipinircls. It s, cms tint the w. e is made to work on thn uppers ol b'-ois end sh ies so ste uiily, and for nub a 1 1 T ir ' ti ol tme, ns to ixhiunt natiirs. Kb u d slie i.apicn to !.ft nv, r her no. k at 11 1 te hour in the i.iri t.i.re t ly in the morniiu', a cr.ok K'oi ---I'll 0 I" r lii-iil W',11 d si't and Hnki n In r 10. aiu to a oi id "I nil-cry. If.iekno b till) ovi icomi' to r. t'i's woii'd b ' a siiml l.ir a bi ati g ut ibe I anils ot I cr husband. I.'n Tbiirsil'V iiigln )'is' a ijii.ir.el i n"ii'il, in vi liich she ell 11 pn d sclf'-defrt sir. Tlpj hue'iand rtti ived 11 bli'iv ab'tig-iide ol t h: bead, for ivtneii he tr tut hi- wile iu o a to"in a'"t tie r sep' li--r in ) risoned until 8 .tiiri'ny timrnii g. 'I h neiK'li l ( is, 111 I bei.rii g si v n 'i-e tor the prci'lou f trt .--1 11 1,1 In u is, tu pi.'lous ilia' Mi'rictliing 1111 iisiia, 1'iid liiippi ncd 1 pci luip sbe bad hreu k:lli-d. An Ktipln atioh was n a ie to Ihe leual mini mil s, ui 0 Ki -n vc ( lin er It m I h.."-, in cmnp mv witn Fi'inc ! tin mi tinier tnliT' d ibo hou-e, wlncii hud la 111 li- l.ril up( lor some time. I bey f aiiid 1 In: in.pn-i 111 d Hi miin aiiimst iiend. -be not h iv ing 1 1.1I an) ti.ii g 1,1 C o or drill lor inon: t urn br')-i' el,t b"iiis. . Il--r cooimion cncitiI the liveliest ii.ti ri st. l-'.vciv niteti'i 111 was paid to I er t li ut the 1 ceessi n of ibo case tc inired, an,l in 1 lie 11 1 1 1 1 r Don her hu'umd wuh 111 re-t'.' l. II i wns ci, 11, mittcd iu ihlault of "tlUDO bail to ans'.vir at court. l.AM is' Pah iiiiav F rmno r,i:rTi he, I.in. dis' lecture, on Satuiday evening, was like ctr mt t il bad neiihir beginning nor cid. At ball-past 7 o:c ock o saw three buys, 0110 or two ladies, umi two or ihreo ;rcntloinen, on tho steps of Concert Hall, l.atidis was tb'-rc, to 1; Kindis hud j 11 t stepped up-staii s to ti ll the jaui or 10 put out the lights. The eh ten people who constituted the rtiic com inutiity interested in I.andis' cxpo Miion 01 'be Siinouy Car Question, and who b id nssi 111I1I1 d ut Concert il.ill 10 bear that expo -i-tii n, ban prei ipitately left. Why I.andii did not lielivir bis lecture rciiiHined unexplained. Why but diliver it 1 He hud eleven people to bear lulu He 1 ail cloven disiinet pro its that Ins coin plimei uiry lickcts were not wasted. His ti III Is were primed, bis placards were out, Concert Hall ei gsged (and pud for, it is to be prisuuudi, piople bcariiigcouipllineuiary tickets came pouting in us thick as iiiigcl.-' visits ti en why l ot deliver the liv inre f Crowds were rushing to the theatres, tie- circus; crowds wero rushing In bear Wi ml, II I'liillipi why w is p ir Luudis left ( ut In ti c cold r Can it be bocaiiMt I'iik Kvemmi i'1.1 10 iiAi'n Is read, and i s ev.p i sliion'. Hdopied r Of course n 't. (Jr course wo will believe liny thing else than this. Wo may bo piirdi iied for 1 niert filing the private opinl 111 that Kin d s n.u-l h.ive left ln gutta-p rebut invention at hon e, and hi d gone buck for It. At any rate (.'1 nceit 11. ill was tib.iniJoned on Saturdiy mguc, ami l.ut.dis was Iclt out in the cold. Viiat it Costs to Live. In tho memorial utidicssi il to City Councils by the Bchool-teacliers rclutive to an rncrense of pay, the following state ment is given to show that the actual cost of liv ing has incrensid to from two nnd a half to threo times whut it was pic'ions to tho war. Thus : 4 J n-f are hi Tta. formerly cts. per lb., now ll-.M' t" tl 7r ?-si ti 10 l-i,ll, e, " it - " " 1,11 ti, ;o-.n . 1,1 lel Nuyar, ' s ' . ' ;ji .','.'1 bur, i toil " alto nu merino Mlilttll, ' MOID 11 " M 'il l',l ill 1 if HI I'oik, " i'toli " it :w-a:i'.iit I.') llmii (1 11-). 11 " - lc I'.IJ 1 smI, Iuiiu ly 11 1. 11 : n ( looter, " 'J.', ti V, " " 7'l tuft CO .'si In '.'S-, MI'k " 4 to 6 " " ' li II I 10 Jin) ITi.iir I'M) Ilniiie ;i 1,1 , : .'Hi A.i n't (' 011 11 y "i'Kl 1 its" iin, il. l.,r men ami il,ndie.i .i'titoii) Mu'l'1,1 ." I 11 n l-vi hniwu Hlu eiil us 'die U) ikiO I an on I- hi d. N. 10 ei-iils. ie 7.1 eeiu. - ii .u l ooi'li J.qiin, Js ei ts. now il 75 I'niK 11 I't.tl hl.O. W noiJ IJH0'-''V tt'H'i ttOUU.'S A MiXKii-ri' Sit r This inorning 11 mvxed- ip suit wns ticurd before Alderman Welding. It set ms that the dwelling No. '231 North Front 6trcet, is occupied by three or lour d'tferent families. Knst night tho wholo party got in volvid in a gcrerul row. Some of the parties were badly injured, especially about tho head. Tho whole puny, n me liWt or six, were urrested nnd 1 eked up until this morning. Unu of the pr. soiitr-., Cbiistiau Fiiorv, wns held to answer tne cburgo'of iissault nnd battery, ('tir'sii.m's win lin n, iu turn, prefeired ft ulnirge against her tiusb.nid'H accuser , and they, in turn, were b mud over to answer at court. 1. t avi. iti; Coi.i.i.ia:. W'o would c ill attention to the mu ting to night, in Uev. Mr. Crowcll'i church, Kroad street, below Market, in behalf of 1-iifu) cue Colli gc. lisv. Dr. (Jcorgu Jiiukin, tho founder of the In-titutloD, Ciovernor P illock, I'rcsi''cnt,nf the lloaid of Trust e, ai.d I'r sident Cu'tell, ill address the meeting. The Collego has recently been there ipientof some 1 1 1 11 1 i, i c e a t doiintions from the members of 1I10 largo and wealthy denoniii'niloii to which it belongs, and it is prop.scd to increase its clllcicuey by a fur, nor addition to i s i ndnwment. Cai cvs Nominations. The Republican tnem bersol Common Council have made tuc following caucus iiomiuations : I'residi lit William S. Stokloy. Cli.el Clerk. John Kckstein. As-isiaiu Clerk, A Dm haul Stewart. Messinceis, Jumcs liniueruiuu) Charles W. Cart enter. Mr. Srokcly, the n unine1 for Pie-ident, is well virsiii in parliaiiientii y rules, and will 111 ike an adii.irab'e presiinni. oili er. Mr. Kckstein having In en a nn inber of Councils is thoroughly w ilt.iiiuli d n ii b tho duties of his otll.-e, and Ihoie i-no iii tibi but t'cit they will be laithtudv dts-i-hingcd. llot'i of tin- selec ious were eiccilcut slid give lll.iver-al -uti-liicllinl. C'rtv M011T111.1 1 v During, tlio past week 3 Hi d, aths were reportid at tho ollh 0 of the Hoard of Health. Cif this number llo were m.ilci, 171 ft males; boys, 101 ; girls, M. Tho dealhs and itiicrniciits of M'ldieis were Tlie le 1st nunitier of deaths, I, is reported from the Fourteenth Wan. und ihe gieiiust number, '61, from the I wcnty-lourtb Ward. CiiAtioi-i) witn Hi uiiLAiiv. This morning, William Keely and James Hurl; were both cun niitte 1 by Alib-nn in r.i'chel In default of SHlld bud, to iin-wcr tlio ibar,ro ot burglary. Tncy Wire nrrieted at Tintli and South, streets. SiMii 1.A11. This morning tho Coroner was n tilled to bold an initiest upon the bode of a diudml.n.t lour,.! i tog in (lie Lafayette C uio- tcy. w "W11.11 Kirnii! .11, Kays Mist 111: Ttu it." II 1. nut ilub'.ej llmt iti.-rs arc .everul sesi-ln.-iinc'iines rx ahl Ikal lire little I) Ull t1,nll nolle, vot thiTil is a Wl le ililltn net 1-1 tm on wl.ut are rCiJirili: 1 14 rt t -cla ." winch Key onu Hill uejir.c aui hy exilnllni'ii aufl coiuiiiii).'. Kor mi me ino'itl,. j& the luunes of tt.u etl-tirated ' t i.'i' uc-" uiaiTilce, tola al No. ii-1 l!he-nut alreet. have tern ihkiu almost t er toiii;ur. aril It II very e.-rtaiQ that tin se eiii-oitiliiuiH aio not wltb iui foundation. Tlie 'T nun, e" p-'rioiuis all tluit any other trwlnif machine. III. e- at' mi'tetl ; tierfoims It more ne itly.aml w)th less Ithor ; very one Is provided u itli a Baraulil H. lf-tewer f"i t'f chart,!-, auil solil with a ifuarantee to iiive perftct .alUnii--tion or the inoner to be ri'iiiiuli'd to tlie piucliu.i'r. lluy the " loriTiee," by all iiiran.. IIavino Di TpnuiNFti to Ci.of. Ort our Wln- ttr aioi-a ol llaolr nia.le (TothlnK, wo are .tll na It In lara? amount., ilaily, at mttiffl (iiMatfWoai'i-. ttnl rtitt ot ptn'btown .- onr puri-li.iM'. Iiavlns l" en ainle for tatS.n'Ift love-t p't'r of IV won t are tnal,la, to offer rn.totnrri u.e ant.ntaifr. thertfcy ais-artd. nur a.tertmanl 1. t,ll anil roniplt'r, eur fool's ntir , ciA, nn4 ntl ipituVe. tij'i.l lo anf nisile lo i,nlr. ami solil so laoeu iotr in price ut to ali.l-u tlio-e who inomny iirix-ure than i luihlng In iliat nai. An i-xtiii'.n.'illon Invitsil. T" l It It il ' i R-.M" M.irsi-1 Htw-t. IIdii il A :. C'l- fai-.Ni.itAi TitoMia, out in Teiuiessco, 0 litt.i tim r.o fi a-s. Ili is of et. anrl .r.'rat ti be able to tii.e care i-f lilm-i'i' ; or, in'VIDK from tli rtip ,rts we k'e. fr, l:i INtrt. lit ts at,'e to males te iy lti -l out of t'l' lieieisl r l il.e lttritl arni)1, wil h Is in ire toaii a k-re.it niai'il "thirs ran a,., lavmi; ,.t"tl t'. n i .eneml Dti ni... Ills it.i't. we are rial to I'a'n.ls u'ltife tl. it w m. si nt 'i, in t! ('loth us "" "t ef I liar f i S ok.-i ,V i'o i Uuilt I ll.l I'.'Mll.tl.tal, ttllf last IT tea. Tin: Hot it'Avs are ne ir. You shou'd bes'ir ton n lies if ,u, wttO'in,. of II F Ittlia-r'. tul trlj nh ' t')inl'. 'lime H iliOit: " i.rlj. Dm', foraul No. il.'l Ai. li Mi- , '. A 1 haiiiiakt Ili'.rsnt Ann lV.snt y Tirrit an ia lj ana luil. ai"l in te I,,, fail to a al th' u,s,'lie. of t' " no 'i' In oiihl not rouipl en lien aecu-.i',! "t ir neiln l. 'llu' H"7' (1, 'lit will tpn ilUv eraill' ale tli" l i'i-,' of a l"ti) l-i-t'.ilti. I . jiitlf; ini' una -rt seriiii (I.e tee'.l. Hit 0'!''' iu f. hn.ii hi a,l dniifi lilt, Ciiiii.hrN'M Ci oi iiinii.-in elegar.t asort DilLtal M. tie fniker A lo '.. i) t N. Klatiih ttrcet. I. ami. a ami Ciiii.mii.n'b Hats. latest Itylo al i:t ailes OaAlonl a .Son .,1'omlutn'al flatel. Wimiow Sii.un s. I'ersons purchasing shades li . 1 1 le tin i-s nl lilf.li I'liri . wi I aaiq raonty uv at oni e , olrv to tin mtiiufaetuier wLo I. .o will ami favoraliiy kii,vt .a. W. Mi MIY fATI'l s', Nn. His l lic.nut street. J.Aiitri' Ft s. An e egant assortment at C'tiarlr. OakfoiO Nun ..Ooiit nental Ilotul. Ci sn ions. Fi: v , lit hi. n, and Sofa Ci;siiios, r-tlimiii i pile i. and work d. ne lower than run lie ulT'inled I-) any oilier lioiue. W. IIkshv I'Aiits, Mo. 110S C'lieiuiit itrn t. Okktt.kmrn'i Hats. All tho latest stylos nt Cnarlc. (laklord a Hon .. ontlm nlal HotoL ri itciiASHiis may rely upon getting tho bet Furs at t'barlf. OakrordA Hou'a,Conttni'iuai Hotel. Ci'iioi.sTKiiiNO FiiiNiTt nn. Old and New Furniture I'phoi.ti red and 'arnl.titil In the very best manner at w. Hhnuv I'ani.vs West Knd rphol.terr F.tlHlili.hmeut, Mo. IsONiJIiii.niit suett. A Nl.AT AND CoNVKNlr.NT FoPK TT-TV 10 K . Mef-r.. Alston A; Hui'Urr), No. 41 N Sixth .tiett.are the i.iiiinirsi n lem ol a puti-iit pock'-t-hook, that has beeoma Iu-iuins,'l3 porutar. 1 hey nrt made of one i-leeeof lea ther. l' folofnir whleS.ebvlale. Hie ni)f4.ity for lltbur i:ltclniifr or paitlns- Call ami eiamino ttjeui. A Ciiiiibtuas I'hksknt WoitTa OlVINO. It lis. Iti-eme Ihe Mettled reuvlctlon of thoush'fnl peop a that i vtiy family In the laud should be nipplle,! with a nrti-eiu.. si-wiuK mach'ne, and li I. equal v their oontlc tiou ihit the niacblne wh.eh combines m-re. exoeUi-nt roiiliirei than any other ll the "llrovnr A Bilker." It Is the enly towloft inachlne ever Invnnted that exts-utet lino etthrelderj. ao aOvantai'l which In il.ell entitles It to the preference with all Intelligent purclia.cn. Tiie Holiday I'iu-hknt most acceptable to a ladv ll alitovcrat llakerSewtng Machire. T'hl. rosehlae took all the Aral picuiiaius at the fain in tlie Unitedfltatei the pa. i) car. GuoHoii Stkck Cn.'s Pianos and Mvson cSc llAMllS'N riAVO ' ralllNKT UROANS. CAM NUT FlilllH. 0f MO ui- each ot lltae flne In- l)rtlls VlA.M) 111 limeirtii base li.en loia tiv Mr. (' Mil N H T Ft'h'IK.H. ll., nnd tlitceniand la CA.iautl HKilsNS I'lAMl lurtatlna I'Attl N K T F'HtTKH.I rot tale onlrhy US liSS. eiA no I j a lion.n. i'aiiivt rua rns. Seventh audt'hutuul ttreela. olti.a Fy I)o You Know Dban has removed to No. 413 rtietmit atlett ? He .ells Totinero, Clirari, Plpee. Ac, Ally por sent, le.i than any other man la tiili city. Keuituuber Lteiui, Ao. ill! I'tietant itioct. lU iinsAi i.'s AnNir.v l.iNiMKNT An Infallible euro for tmrm, icald., spralui, rlu'Dinatl.nt, un-shot weutid., Ac. A ilui'le apiliciillou allayi the sala from a tuirn the ln-tant It applied, Mo ramily ahouU be wlttoutlt. p It 0 S P E C T U S WALNUT ISLAND OIL COMPANY. OFFICE, So. m CHKRNUT ST., rillLADA. OAI'ITAL, !?l,0()O,OOO. 200,000 SHAKES.... TAR VALUK, $.) 03. Th Walnut Henri recoil liai th ctmpartnr of Selnii first flM Ol! turrlKry, and li Juailj urtnpdM Thv (Hi lUiln A r lotti kdiVe !( t von cted with tlio loeality In, tli.it nr 'Uia-vr ,)ven bi.rfd that dirj rot ylrid Oil. Uppvr V alnut I-land U In tr-p vorj heart of ttit Oil Rali. Il li alotit two mlHtfYouiOtU rrfk, nd a Icis ditnre tVoin Clirry Hun From ltt na oral poftluon. It dfforiiH worliv fufllltleB which bin few furnu rr tra U oi'Jftnd on tne river ptNiiui. It ronialiii a) out twenty orn, aud li a half ml id In lciiKtb, thu gl Idk a)i a mil f river froi t. At luwti et il of the lis land, on th wut kid of tLu rlvo'. aiu IU Cvlfhrultid " L4mb ' wr'Ih; ou tho inX ildo of tin ri vr, tho ou U nn ncttrd" rttar" wolbi ; or tho uptvr end o tin) Ulaud. on ih wstt mdt of Ute rlvr.arc the Warrn llrrt. wtlli; und a nhort diatanca a-Kv, the " Ilirum wtll; on the rat tide of the nr, dirertlr opp nlti, i tn " Brui. er" V1""!'1. adialitod by practical uiin to be oa tif tha Ui'h Inoaihins on the rlr. I'liern can he no juor tlnn, tlirfore, in regard to Hi beiuv llrst-clann Oi trlUT. Anutliaruiftt ailvAutaK" It hai.ti lu naiiira) praitKn, whkh ooparaies it from all otr.or proopnl Klany titood wal n Iimtq cvaced lo yield OU, bv bthiK tappet' by purtlra irlvu In Uie aJjotuiiiK lot; a..cti riuld not baj pfii on iuh Inland, j nothr a lvaHtUK It umr auwii Ui ) Ulttiio. NMptnunU of OU can ! made wlthnii trut e anil thi; pricv pld on tha rlvor for Oil U ahout out dollar uvi barrel uiora than Is pa d ou the oruk. UimlopnientH Made and !u Troress. Ills (Vinpany waa or.inixd wltli the Inttntlin o' otiainit h the li'i fHt poamhle reLurn f r tha ilock'iol.lert Iu acL-tmpMi h iiiln ub eL't, the Company'arr Miukinr tnr Willi on tiitir ii n aca-ount One ul tiK'm la lolaiat al th rate of nfij b4rrU pr day ; anuihur in do wo .V tut ; tat third cue haa lxivn nunkv to tha t!rsl ruct, Willi a very gooi ibow of oil. In addition to tha ahor, Uiera are Keren wlU beln mnk by retH)i.(i!Me partte, wlw pay all tip -an, an (t'Tc tc th.fcO"U)paoyona-haIfif all l-e Oil pn.dticd. On f Ir-etffl ptiftia la now maaitiR anaiPtiQn'H for b riui. flvo omf Wt'lli, and expuna to have tht-m all ooniplote. dui in ihe nxi fitur month, Tlita Uuvuittpumnt will g v flfera walU, of whtuli thcOiQipanr will have all the O fioai thro, a 1. 1 1 the half of die Oil from twelTo. Ovar rtft well can b bord without iitiriVriog wi;U eneli othr The uulujt! lalaud will be developed aa auou Ac pra-ltcaLle OFFICERS. A. ( fATTBtr., FsksH'SST. VVM. UKi'lV, HaeRKTAar ASU TKlAsur.Kk. DIEECTOMS. A. P. CATTSLr., MOKKI R. STItODD, JOIIB OAKKITT, Wal. OBTTV, j, WAUNER KltWlN, ! ll-rp BUSINESS ITEMS. 1'IAM), asp vard1; a h ksfi.rv a) I'A RI NF.T OKUANs (Iter .'iidtif each nf tnt.e Ana la.tra'uen'. have bivn .,,14 by Mr. II. , m d Uie diaiand it eoa llantlt Ircrtatli g . t ar '.ale naily ST 1 F. Ol'Utl), artiiih ano IMio-iiiit ttreela. rtANO i Dh1 ItSI TIANO JOnl a IIIMl II'HTMI MlM J OUT KB 'CABINRT 41UI.A NS. (AinNKr I'll IISS, I'AHIMl.r Osllt NS. iakinkt UHUANH. I;rren an.l I'lnfti Teas, A frt'J' lmp.,r'aJlin, iiji the pa'.knsa or pound. Ji.ll rot tli rd bf I'. VIM Rt'TIIII I, Ai-j. and renth iin-cta. rpo tin: rri;M Tiiankfiil to our friend and th p'lh'lr fnr ti. l.hvral patrcntpt b itimf upon ut, me would inform tt:m that halr jt nia m n vt al ni nn u o-i a-iti-h tnnt, e arr now pr- iiar- d to it nruia ' Ifinrf! t" tii ;v l.rtirtin of a l t hd rtiHT favnr 11 wi-h a ch'1 Hav-'nir n-iw ! mjr e uimai.ii nr rt-aail fa-l'l't"! wi lukr. r,itMMirf. ju a.nii, iting a dirTiil: ft puhll.' lo ,-otiipar(B the oxT'itl n of our work with tl at prctii red ;it any o lur e.trN;lri.u ut In tr.e 1 ultl H tat en. We would aUo Mme Ua our OAiUltY IH FitKK TO ALT. f it t'f ran.lrliiti tf prfriiP. Nu'wlthatftrnllnr the aiM nt man rial uyd, ad va. ea of hand e.nplojed, vt are jtt (nn isbliiK rUTI'ItKS AT T!!K Oil) PRIfKS. 1 hot i MlntHtort . ) 'if VI i ' . l,if'.t' d Ir. C-evr.n. fill and Prt'd, ( nli lift ' t:-at'a n i d - n. !!, nn I'.r If I Iti pr t 'Hi. I'lit - .1 iV, .i-f.1. II i.i IM 1 () und I ! "l7(M. i ar v Iu Vii.lt e V .in ttoa, dill ai.r, j 4, Ac, .i M pur dw n. m'irofpf . friiiii 7' nf upwards. I trr-it pa 1 1 ur di-7,i ii, rvv (vc. On hand and Ur rate, a larf 1: if Coptoa ol" llt.ro 10np,ruvliiKHt I'lloTOOSAIMIR of all fho moMINKNT (iKNFRAIS nnd IHHIINl.rmuKD MRS, Ac. At. Outtidr vl a taken a', ahort uorlra. JIlilNMV5li:V s Co., lhot f(f rrv jl in I'm, 12 16 lm Ko hi 2 AKi'il Stroet. 0LIJ)AY GIFTS. CLOSING OUT, FALL AND WINTER STOCK, JOHN W THOMAS, Nos. 405 aud 407. N, Oecond Street, h W"-uU call the attrition of the 1'nMlc to hit, eplcadld a loch ef TALL AND Will TLB DBY GG0D3. i'oiuprising a fnll line of every varh (y of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, Sultnhlc for VSEITL HIESEXTS. ,IOU W. TIIOMAH, )i-13 lOtrp No. 40and4o; K. iSHOND S'rcet CHAHLEH UUMMKi, Ko. 812 CHESXUT STKEET, r.rta It ave to Inform hlaaieomed envtouerj that ItU pre Kent atock of FAWCY c;xac ATVT TOVeJ )iipaoii that of any ferntcr puliation, llavlag m-ket-ed with f re tvaty artk-la hlmxif. he can tmit oar there U no similar entaol at .ment In tne eownir tht am coii'piire with Ida. Aa in u Inv iu r b'l iroodi from tCi; bral mnnurrturrri and artlsta In KuruM, tlua deal r who buy frm (he linr rtvr htre lo 1 iwaln ran rr taiitlv not C( mpetf wltbliia Mf tba u lowing trmdii bo iff pa a laro a varlir, andlnaueh euiirely dw atylea, a do oil er a'o'f In tnla ritv can oi7er; J, IHKN' VOi;K-IHK. JFW fLHY.IHit'lt, AMI OT.OVK P.OTFN. h'KhNAj'K4 X'K L ill KK AND i.KMI.KMIiN. V It I I IS" I r h H K M - 1 1 li K SlNtV AKS. KAM. I'A KIM l.l LP AMI Bit -N i-: (,tOI)S. l'AKMN W AUK-Hdllr-MI AN iLfH. AhK- OK MNHr AN l M1 K ASH MODLMtN. ri.'ll HiV-KIKH KM.1.INH W A 1 ,K I Ml CANGti. rhitki'.r anii ah.'H'i v jurLCMEN ii. 1M V LEA l 111 H OOlJS I AIM KI Mm lAhlHS hAOS-OVEK I W a. NTT DirFEHENT ( AltAfl. pnrKRT-HOOKH rum CASKS. (.AM1 H OK ALL KIM'S (H H4, JOMIKO-.M( lfTrOKS. t IMI'.hAi.K, (fL'lSTKK!, ClittSfl, AHU BACK. CAMUS HOAlt! H 11 AO A I t I.LK AM TIVOLI. IN '10 H 1 hi c'epartinent la complete In eyery variety ki (f wiiv w ith manv t'ov! tMni-'a nevr bfttra Irnivirted. Urdu, rr c vry lart variet v, nf very ati d aton. Wtoi In thM rui.e. tuipattc in nramy ana tar-tfful drtMadig any ihnift krow n i ere and In Kumpe. 'J Ui la n Id1 t"itt ; Ladira ahouid call and eee tlttiia. Il-o0 Wirp JEW YEAR'S GIFT CAMP LIBRARIES. The Vnlted Btatei Clirtatlun Coninilailnn, Inreiponae to uuiueroua and camcat appeals from aurtteuiiii, ahap luiui, and Ue'.d ofll'xrt, will recti re, forward, and plare under the care t ( r.rop-r lihraiiina, ONE THOLSM) 10! It 111 NMtED AND FuUTV LAMP AND UCNIKMT LlltUAKTRS, of tne hundred and flf.y volumes ex h, If Uit frinnds o our ittldh-ri and alloia will forward ihem t lit brauches, or to the Ontral ofileo, dtnluff ihe hohilars. It la hut a in all matter for ta h ptircl aaor f he U.iv alftt for frlenda, at Ji me to buy a handfome and p'caiant book for bla frleEdi In ramp or Ihi Ital, wrltehla r.a;ue In It, and direct the hookeelhT to au..d it to the OotnmisHlon. It will ho a poflilve phaiure. tn huudrtda of wlvta and mothers ti take down tha cho test volumca floia their booa-oa? ard aend tl ttrn thus, wher' t' t lr lorcd onea rati rnioj the llt abiire ai.d profit of penning thrui. Send none but the btaf ; uur aidd era denrne the heat. Tho etandArd eisa.r lata, hialurlea, blngraphy, travU, aoienee, poetry. m tFa rltes, atiimlaid woraa of (let Jon, whatever, lo ahort, yon would put Into tha chamber of jour own br Uier, eon tiiu'd with a broken Jiub, will be accep'abie, aa well aa religious works. Korwa'd Ihe parcal, marked ('AMI LIURARY, to an of the branehaa of the Chriitlan t'oui ailiMou.orto (iEOaOK JI. B Tt'A ItT, Chalrmaa rlirlatlan CumniUHton, 12-lfi-t'al Ho. II HANK Street. rhlladelphU. 1! ILADEET'UTA AND TRENTON RAIL I j;uau ruiU'ANV. a M-K TiL NOTTCK. ITanri' "f Ttmr ar d Ma e of lu ptriure of the TriMn Baihoml 'ay l ine iri tu Walnui Hirt-t-t Whatf to Ken k'tiKli'ti 1 e ut to ) o cioi-k I1, ai. u and after PrMay, iMefmbur Id, Wi, tho aVvo I (tie (A. uimin. t nducior), Id I avp li. nni.ton Hp ,'t, mi .) I' at . tur 1 rn ton Hud lnte,nie'la Hia'ioaa. Ht-Kirn. 'im lll ieavt- iifiiion on and after Von.lv, I c mber at f. at l Hria'oi at h h A. ai .mr Phi adt-ti hla. U t Tnpa bv H'famhoat lrnibii ani U'i If. M, Ltoe via Ta-oity, ui diacouuiiutd ih la. W 1 -A WM.U. u ATX M Kit, Aent. nTL 0N THE BRAIN" (SOXQ AND The luuai pi)til(r ptere nut, 16 eenta : at WAJihH a i'lAlsO AMU H HiC fiTOUR, a - ati i.)iw-. r.., .. tll , , 'r ,Nl4 I NOTTINGn.VM AND t?WI-g LACKH, t ItTHI, . Ho. 1 ciiruM r MUU. WINDOW SHADES No. 71:1 kewpivlf.r, KELTT, AT Tna OAH!HNQT0N U CO IIAKl FACTVl.l It'. ClIKStT (tTnr.HT 1'IANO COVl'.RS, v. T'J:l l lirsMT 1 LAIH.KRr aTOCR IN TUB t lT Hllll. AT LOW I'kHKe. y Aitit a Ar 1: i. I. E. .rLItATE., IT Kucert.or to W. 11 f'arryl, II.IMINK IIA1.I., It No. 710 cnKBNCT 6TKKI T. 1' .' Od r. Complete Stl.of I o u 11 T A I N K. A I N BROOATELLE LACE CURTAINS, PriTATlIK ICE C'llKIETMAS mtSKNTS. IVO. 7IO CHEHNUT HTHKKT. J K 1) U C T 1 0 N IN FANCY VELVET AND SILK IIONN13TH, TO CLOSE TIIK SEASON. WOOD A CARY, No. 7U5 CllKSNUT HTHHUT. LADIES' AND MISSEli' HATS, NEW STYLES, LOW PRICES. VRI.VKT riOVNK'8 na 'cr oa ths late.t rrtnas SI S meiterate Cl lt FELT BONNSrs AjiD ILV1D Kf SUAl'JlU. WOOL) & CAItY, Me. 714 CHJHK17T TKLXT. THE FIRST NATIONAL DANK. . 7 3-10T,,B TREASURY NOTES, l OViYLRTIULE AT WATl'UITY JT0 f5-0 II O IN 1) H . Theae Tr amry Votea prf sen (rreat edrantaKea tn ub ftoribo'a aa an li tti,ctit. Ti.u lnttrtit Is liheral, the iecuilt iitidt-uhted. and the privilege K'ven the tioldar nf eviintnlitK the notes, upon uiaiunty, Into I) HI K" HTAlhtt blX ItU C1.M. ltOlS ti-iO.) U uf graat value. Thi ltai.k keep on hand a lark'O aupplyof all donouilna IJonb.lrou A to tllM), A CfMMHHIOV OP ONK QTARTIirt PER C'LVr. aowt-d on mien ol 0 nnd upwards ; ou aalus oi'$.d, ji0 ravar, lUliKK-KIUUl'll I'r-H CKNT. MORION MclIIOEAIL, Jr., 12-1& C(rp CAinsa. QVARTLRMASTF.R GENERAL'S 0FFICI h'llt'T lHVlsinW, w AiiiM.rai, Noremhrtr Jin, tWH, WIH he ao'd at public aucilon, lo the hiae. biddar. v the tlu.en ami p:ac i am-'" u;o. vu W l i A.MSPOK I . 'a . IH ' Ithl) a V . fenibftr H. 1MM. .H'llNH'iiWN, I'a , limtHHAV lt-tnif Ik, !. llihMN. J .Till hll'At, l ram'nt 'if l&H, 111 llL WUhtD V AVALkY MJItiivii at rat h place, 1 life- hm ata havt been aundenuieA ai unfit for the ev , airy fecrvkt f the aio. t or rsd aud laruuiia porpoiea manfoadbarfalaa nay be had . lli.rea ald afrirly ha e to t-onimtirt at 10nJrk A If. 'Jaiiua eaab, ba United btatta euirfiiev. .lAUKt A. F.Klrf, Co I on el Mri il'Ul.j( 1S-I -18t Qnartanjiar,w-rttBiariAi . Olioa n C NKW 7-3 0 LOAN, rt KiiliaeiiaelDiia reMltad, uU Ut Kotos Mrnlak.4 tn 1 ail aaatnt, kf OBOUTiE J. BOTD. Iiaoker, o. TI1IUU Hlrt Utt-frai I70R BALE. TO PRINTERS. IMPOSING atwue, laifcu Ue,lo Orat-ratu vrUaf. Apply at tbia Af: "?EMFNTS. l.W CHK'S.Ntvr .r. THE AT KB. I llll.l!MTtltl.ET,AnoVK TWKLF-TU, -In i M A IN, l.i.(tK a.u Misiur.ni. RPntlAV AM) TI K.MI1AV KVKMVC.S, IU T.Mr.nt I ' au,l 20, l:M'l:OIil rt ii'V hm Mi M'. r ONI.V, MliRr I'l- ITI If-' I V. pf n ri fouc'i mil ft,',it Aine'li an ilisml, In flrtS'ls 1.1 1't l "I 11,0 ) 'I illfv, (icT(no()N, ' :T i , ii, tolt'io, C 'J (lltt '. )(T(H(1(.N, 4I KIIKKIV, O.TOIIOIIf, l IOIHXIV, oil,, (IV, Ol lOHOOV, ( TIllllHIV. !') it hi',1 a,.n. d n'rv.i.jr tea- lanistM) .1 lm li. 'I. ul, hm- h a h r,nk, r i i:. ir il pn p n.'i. f r II ' 1" I' I I, ' ,1 I.' I, -; ' ., I n, i, l; l V ii-l,- l,v ll i, it , nn 1 1 1 rsn,l nrrhea-t. I i.e "l i n H i,' ir. ,i, i n laiiliful 1 1 i ,t(. uf M A K' I I I..' in i'. I . o't iii "1 ti n ;l', i.'iin, and ri,. rrer b' i ,i;ii.n ,1 'or I't it. 1 1 'i,""Si "jr.. ,.r III h lis TIIK I- A It Mll'TIIWK.S r. t,i ,,til, i l,,u il in li i,,t'',ii I , th,- piny Iso Man.rir I-: ll ii.i , t it at i, - SVIlll'l.l W li H t.f;lK i.lMUKH Ki ll. Vi:e Ml-irr 111M '.'t Ki" IN. Mlv-. SMIMUK 1.1 M ti- I: Ki UN, a In w III m:ik- 1 1 V H 1 1KST Ali'K KU N('K, i-li e l, r ft 'ii' u: :rriir--. AS llli; l-'T(Rl )S mm.. OK. 'I I r VhlM L'' r id . it prv. i to olaiti 1 1 ILi pibhc, thai t .iin i.t .i e 1 n-i 1 t i Mi I FT.I.r VAt (sirs, I cr.t'M n t riti. hi li .V' arrinvii mk)i af-a. Sophie 1 .u l" r K u'.'i. iii Mi-a ii.iRii'i n ad ti.'. ii or ! nili an t. r tli i'l-iHi'icr lUt l'i t 1 rii a t r iu in iio.-r. He l.'B li .iiilltl, J h' 1' e al il lo ti'f p ri, tilntij Im Till MAN Mil Mf VT AVi Til?. i'l'. tf III r I -m l.lli-Cfl' f M ITiT CI fll HI'll IO .Mi'., ff ' iu Ii I; i'N, It mil oh tiul. iluj t utlre t 01 )!)) pur- lor-i ai it. CM IIBUAY Afir.KNOlV, Ti C R M It RfT ;'4 I. H.I I l KM U UlhMi KA M ll,y MriMr, t 1 1 1 1 v h 1 I i'i 1 111 t1 f 1 ' ( ' 1 1 t iN w l hi' p..( f iime 1, I 1'1 1 1 Adnniuii 10 ti t- Ala iiir,.i( ck I loaiipart-i of lt,e I mini hi. d en eeuts. Pr.ra o; en at 1,', ; to lomtnetoe at J 1 Chr W a- Ia-, AI.AI'DIN wdl be prodikfd. i j;i:at nation a i, rnt'ns, vvm.vtt I iVrei i, above E iiUI H. DhvetrMe, Mia. C AHLtS WaRmMi tfhrtmrly Mra I) S kl l,j LM'.MiALLti.i i' r.s urn i. aTIRvltiox. AMI KM'I ' h MfcNT lhe KTtut wild nJ n t 'be w e-t. l.r. IK I NR I'.: T, wl'l art'far vrry evt u.na dmioK the woi k. lie la u'glbil rteu d with ItnmeiiM' plni'. Al K. (II iltl.K KF.F.O. th world-reitou ii. a aor,, i-rr.au i and iiimue t!e erief tn fti. i il ul-" !'' rlirm durlnn tht pn aent w K OUNtl NH'Hi.o, VOL MJ KICOf.O, In n i, cm uiid dart ii i,- act. 1 hK iu;ul 111.1(8 TAM EFtfT 111 crf-'-ediliy rititiu piiiti their ihirium tvo'atloas on thfl 1 1 . li 'ii 't rtipve, MTY V KK I' IN TIIK At TI c I'lOkMnntK o! i tn. rta i rinir t t :r ih nr nt w?lr ft r! h in i e- :oiiiK tho tni a tl . nn bailc, eiiiea'riant bi.d ; iit"ii)U' it jOr- if, gtio c, itltd Lea nj, oi cutire culpa oi nfl Nta Ar AtiHi'is. rirt TUr, U9 (enta; Seaoud Tlur, 34 oent. rrtai IWf. Mtrd .. I' rtof minee t oiimncfi i-arii F-ra-iiir at 7 4n. l i',;. .nisi ret n W . ' niiiay a id A-mray A'turooonii, niiiif t n m Ht vj iVt.i-ofe.. (,ct v.iitr tl kt-tt- dul l'.: ihe i!v. M KS. ,K)HM liUliW fj M,,y AKCU at. TiTI(K. L'i,al,..l'-,l Sin'tt. Innl,a'i' 8acccli, IIDt I 1 TAl'l. 11) Ml, 11 I t.y. 1 Ol Kill ll e KK in .1 N. CI.AKKC, tVl. v i I "p,. n l" tn, in M- D) " i,in ii. parts, in M iii r i M.'ii'l.ijj, Imitinur in. Tin il'leuillil Ci'Uieil o' I tie KIVAI.S. il'A'rt I. R.CI.UtlCE l-i.l l "rtn! I,) lu li'll atri'i' .lit ni tho lotupuny. Ti, c,,i,i Mull -sv it ! i ti p Ci. nil I tram a ol ll.l, THAI 1)1.1 1 I Klin IS NOT OIII.il. i l v " nu ll' j.J. 8. OLAUKJE ' h, ail, m ti ii"' ix il.ivt Iii n li sin e. ALNUT BlliEaX illliAlttE. ri th wr.i.K or 1 NI'IM KDl-.M I I) S) CEESSI Of Ii.i.' i t arinliui, ti utiar. a), I- actem, Ll (lil.l.K Wkllhls, Li.cllle Vrtlorn, 1 ml In U'i'sutii, Lucl'le Weeteru, tat, ill. Ly p.n iu ubr uciie, ui'puar m I, K A II . THE 10.,AKI'V I.iMih. a JivrlFh Vaih l.UrfLI.E WK8TEBil iu cot,cit.Ui' with tni' pi.pular KHr'-t , H I ON I'AUI.K UtAM AIS1. Fi-att n-ay le teiureil trm y U113 . clock. Curtain rise, at JS ..ml. MtUICAN ACAPK MV OF MUSIC. I.et.te and Maracer JOHV T. FORP. (Al.n nt tbl I't'lUituT Nttetl TlH'atru. Hallluiure; font a Kiw 11 aatnv, V asliiusKMi ; anil lac Alexandria, Vlrsluia. Th, am-.) J 8ukiAln.itr JOHN B. WBIOUT LAST " l.KK Ml f (INK. KI! U.l KVLMNii. Da, imher K, 1. II IV I N t O R K h k T K 1) I li o K it 8 T Will lender, FOIl THIS Nllllir 0!I.T. Hi. greiil Hnhui" ir I .n tiu ert,onation, MAl'IIP I II. In Pliukcspttirr's tuiiiiiiio TraKCdr of At M HKT I, Tl,e tranilt.t ciicptuni ol humau genius, huiipuiti-u by MAIiAl r. I0NI.-I a. L.dr Uat'licth. SIB. JOll.S McClI.LOlOH a. Ilardntr. A lid the en. lie C.tnpany. This Trap, ill will he lm e-i i.poti ihe ttm-e wltll tk l. lit A 1 K VI 1'tiM t I.KT K.NH. T I 1. S 1 A V SI i tv 1 V VI 1 1 . II K. MT A. I la' 1 Ukc ol Uluiter l.N IIIL'UAKD III. KDWIK l ORHFST fl ana,ui mm will puslUvelr o Ota HiIJjAV l.MJilMI, H.i ht r M. MR. FDUKKST MOMIAV, TfKBDAV, Tllt'MJAT, AND FRIDAY NH.HTS FKATH FK.CrRKII BIX DAVSlW ADVAKITS. Ko peilulliauca on WLDtiLaLiA V ur 8A1UUDAY Ks tnu lit. 1 ,.e I'-i.i HSiM.fbr tne .ale nf .ecured plaoei, now OfieD ue'w n-n the hour, o' s ni.d 4S '"'I 'ca. I 'ut it in i net iiiunei- tied.' e s o cluca. Adii'l' Ion , Mi and M ueull. hicuis J hiata tiut-uli, auil.iiunal. A KSKMIILY liUII.DIXdS. H1XTH CI.ASMICAL MATINKB in run rini.Aini.ruiA ci.a-hi'ai. ui intkite clvr. At ii r m. WKIlNFHDAV, leiemher SI. Ulni-le Tlcsei., ul the ditir. Klftj 'Cell's. 15 17-.1t iiiitlWA" it a:.i I :tri iui. Tlita admlrablo Picture, Ue freaauit pradaiUoa OS thS palDSur Wi dT,la aow on exhib'tloa at tho ACADEMY OF ISE AHTg, ha. lii 1111 Kk UT Street, . J ToKO'li.r with tha eiitire oulbclion 4 Uie Iaadtatleek Aduunat oe, 1 W KKTI -'l VE WCTS. ll.lf-la ;XllimiION OF W0UK.S OF AUr, Y0& Lj Uie BlMflT o tne Cimit'i iaK 00vinnw. attiie AI'AI'KUI UP FINK Altl'H. An ' l IUU. a of a I'rl ate CI it too if iVnrai if Art, ti raii,i..b, Sculp. tire. We ar ToUr, ai.S ulhtr Urawttu.-a, Kl hi a tn, .. Ac, It now thru a' tSe IVi ii.ritKiila At.oinlli' riial'li.Kt IIUS (III.SNCT 8lrai4 r-oia h A j. . to .li i1. A) . tor tue ben.r.t of us Cbrutiaii Ouui- AUCTION SALFS. M A( KfYU AUCTION ROOMS, No. S35 AlAkKKI tttl tel. J.C M A( KEY, AntiJnn-t-r, ao)b-fa ennbmmetkti of Ut Oli-, Akt-i. A N I) .Mt- K HI NMlMK. O' id' kind-. 'tr pahiio na'a ai hia Am .ou Hooina, aa4 h4 w Hi atiti.ii ihis'iiipI j t - - nit tf 1 V. A 1. ft TAT 6 AM Sro TB At the Kaci anvt'. H USEnOf.n rUKMrUKI At Iwlllntfl, ard H'O.'Kfl of MKRCUAS1HSB Al th alr . i-i fcj.t- o nt re (. i ah uni I.e aut anted ben iejtred eonr1jnimM vat lor iiP!it; naie. I1ATCUKTS, UAMMKKH, Ak-H. TAHLU t't'TLtliY, UAll K' S. 'I KilS, Lu, 1 ue'.n .Motmiin, At 10 oYWk. ? do.. .ii nvt-MiiL'. ehoo and other II a m iiifia; (liii' 1 1 ii diet- am 11 m Axtm A ii iiiu !' tt flufi-t-el Kuivtm and r ork and Korkf am e, ltiead ad Itutcht ' Kiivea; Japum"! frt T'a a UH'tt-ife. nnd Itre.d Haakuta; bra.a Cwcka ami Ctiriain I'm i : wmd Scm-w. t tf ToV-, Mi..i, AM rH IV flOOos. S Atllo'i-uir, 'j.niloU line Krtnih and i.fimin ir?it T t'lia, litdif' lh-ada tin Mechamal lttlhotd 'iraf und Hat ona. Maaka, Bulldioy lHock, H dJr Cap). A111 I halie, c. , HSKS'II CHINA, PltU AND I.A'A Vahea. 1 u'-ta at d Hauiurn, M t u-;a. Card RaL tfi Cardl"ire-.sr.ich lioxcr, t -d ''". J oy Ici. BI S Will I K tilt A N ITK M' C. ' WAItK An anaortiiu nt ot White "e audC. c. n i auliiii'h' ttir r.tall atyrc)-''0". Alau, LookJug-iJiaai 1 1 jla.va;f, eic.