The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 19, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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(Errtrittfl Sclcgtaph
If we trti'C back the history uf wlm'. may bo
trrmed niarlilne tooit, wo duill fin. I that they
owe their birth to f-o p atrnt y. Whin Ilr
mb, at I ho Intter ind of the lint rontiny, turncl
M a'teii t icn to the linprovrnit'tit of the. tunljlt'r
lock, he futiml fiat tho mo-t nkllleil hniiil-Uiiur
of the Oay wm infapat.lo i.f ( u rn i :i ( out Hi- pre
cine and hi'ninilnliy uc.'.itc,l work ueeili'it, mil
even if it hail, Hie expi'imii would liuvu Iwn ho
frrrnt h to prt'cluoi' ih ht'enn.utf tin iii':ilo ot
jieni tmI xa'c. In urib-r t lire i.i ,l his tmk,
it wits rei eMiry to Iriv.'nt ri'iri'nl io Ih, mtnv of
whti h Wfie ot "lt-in'tintf cli.iriirt.T, and nil
po'efhiti(? a ilclirni'.v of appiir.ition and an
accural v mid speed of working wlncli left, lir
Lehnxl the i llort-of the mni ciiiniiiin hand.
Kiom the worhxhop of thin iitrr'-ni m- ctixinecr
Jt may ho mill thai the nn Iliiii ill greatness of
r.i gland too im mc. lie it who t i-lered
the hit' nt kiil of the yitini unitii. Henry M.noN
ly, ami mn tik'thcneil the panion of J neph
C'h relit 1'T Hi'iura y of woik. (jiving, mug
n o-tilo, llrHinah the credit of bcinir the rirt
ft' nt tuul-niiikt'r, j el ive Icel th it it w.ii t ) II ory
M.iiuli-liiv we oiveihe merit of raising a race of
Hiacttinlriri tor the fetm tool-tuaher is, we think,
too iiiflriiilKiuit who h ive in ule l- iiclaii'l lurni.H
motig titinr. Wc h; he h-'ter a:ile to u
ir.ri. te tl:- tin r it of the Hunter, Hi iimhiIi, and
lila man, Mundshy, whin wo reineinhcr wlim
Williutn ! iirhairn hu said, that, when he
bet'iin life, at the coniineneeini iit of tho present
c nttity, the huioaii h.nid perlunned nil the work
tint w.ih dune. And hnw it waa peilurino I wo
liuve tho teniiii'itiy of Watt, irlio experienced thu
frii.uni, uiiiicuity in getting work eeeiited,
where nn a most accuiacv was
dcinamled. It win a men y for nianhinil th it ho
was nlile to linisli the lirst w orking model of Ins
tenni-i nine, ro utterly impm.-ilile it to get
the utiam-eyliniler turned Willi any approach to
lletiry Miiuilsiny, wlien a smith In the Arsenal
t Woolwich, wa- invited by llramah, who had
heard of hm ability, to enler his service. Tue
youth, for he wa-. only idghtcen at tho time,
ailopud a very ebaructiiri-tic method of giving
hi new master a taste ul his skill. I'oititinir to a
worn-out old vice in the workshop, bo asked if
wie lact 01 ii ib neirig iioie to renew it in the eoitrso
ot the afternoon would be considered his diploma
of irolicicnev ; this being agreed upon, he imme
diately net to work ; beloro tho appointed time
the vice was as good as new, and ho gained at
ojiee a tirst-rate position in the shon.
Whilst a .journeyman vj-ith llramah, he Invented
the famous slide-rest, tho prolilic parent of a
whole race of lubnr-miving machines of the pre
sent day tho nlotting-miichine, the planing
imichhic, an I ninny others, all tracing their pa
rentiigo to this simple coniriviuce. Iietore its
invention, the tui iiing-lattio depended for the
accuracy f iis work entin lv upon the mu-cles of
the workman. It, in turning a cylinder, for in
stant e, the tool at One moment cut deeper than at
another, by reason of the workman bearing more
heavily upon it, the whole work had to he gouo
over again. The slide-rest, by substituting a
fixed tool for one guided by the human hand, at
once abolished the possibility of these inaecura
c:in, and inaugurated tho retell of that in itiie
matical truth in workmanship without which
gn ut maebini ry ennnor work.
Alter Maudslny left liraui ih, he set up it litt'e
Fhop of his own, tirst in Wells street, then in
Margaret street, Cavend sh square, n here ho was
found out by the elder Iliunel, and employed to
cons;ruct the famous block machinery nt present
in use In l'otti-mouth Dockyard. IIis power of from u few bints was strongly ex
emplilied in the intercourse between the young
inventor and this rising young machinist. Uru
nel, with that fearnll inventors have of disclosing
their designs prctnutiirely to others, was in the
habit of tnking drawings of fragments of the pro
Ioicd machinery to Mnudsluy his inspection,
wi ln ut mentioning the real nature of the work
1 wished accomplished.
At the third visit, however, Ilrnnel wis sur
prised to hour the young man say : "Ah, now I
see what you tire thin king of, you wanKinaehiuery
for making ships' blocks." These machines
which were the tir-t labor-saving works set up m J
uui puouu csiaoiisnmcnts, at once evinced tho
enormous amount of productive power tho
country had acquired.
There is scarcely a contrivance in nse among
modem machinists which cannot find its origin
in this series of enirines, for they number fortv
fonr, nt work nearly sixty years ago, and at
procnt in excellent condition and in full employ.
These maihiiies, with thcaid often men, do tho
work that formerly occupied ono hundred, and
morever, they do it inlinitely better. The only
wonder to us Is, that the vast siiverioi ity of these
machine-tools having been thus tesicd at so early
a date, their use did not more rapidly lucre tse';
but tin ro aro pauses, for some unaccoumii'ile
renson, in all revolutions, und it was full thirty
years from the dato of this Invention before tlui
lull tide ot lubor-saving appliance begun to bo
The punch by which thick plates of iron nro
pierced for riveting was another of his inventions
by which great accuracy is gained and an
immense amount of labor is saved.
When Minidslay left Margaret street, in 1S10,
be removf d to the sito of an old riding s. h ml in
I-nmleth Mar-h, and there founded, toguthar
with his partner, Mr. Field, the world-fuyious
establishment of Maud-lay & Field. Mr.
Smiles has remarked, with" great truth, that
tho fhop of Maudsl.iy & Field gave a stamp to
the workmen who labored in It, just us tko
Uaiveisitiel of Oxford and Cauibrnlgo give their
peculiar impress to their rcspec lve students an
Impress which never leaves them, hike Mr.
l'enn, the great marine eiiiriuc-maker, Maudsl.iy
"could not atlord to turn out anything but lirst
r 'te work ;" nnd this accuracy and perfecion of
finish has been pasted on to other shops bv
means of the Nusrnvths and tho Whitwnrths,
who learned their art under him.
In short, Maud.ley was to his "hands" under
Iiim what Dr. Arnold was to his buys, a presiding
spirit, whose iciichinir made a lasting impression
uponiill those with whom he eauio in contact.
It wus his habit to enter his workshops whon tho
men wire at sent, una car fully to note every
man's work whilst in progress at the bench. Ho
used to make his remarks with n piece of chalk;
sometimes in terms of iipprobirion, hut some
times sharply and le'selv, if reproof wero needed.
V h. n the men relumed to the shop, the re uling
. the master's eye w is thus set p!..iuy bitfora
hem, und caused no small exci'ement.
Tho example he set of exquisite work mado n
lasting impression, tin. I In the hist.irv of manu
fi.ctuie there is nothing an l-.ngli-hman shou d bo
prouder of than rhe eh ,rai tor ot the in ichin. ry it
produces. Those who carefully inspected the
nnicl.ini ry department of the late International
lvxhibition cou'd not help I), ing struck by tho
bciiurv, accuracy, and solidity of the Kuglisii
workmanship, w ben compared with the rliiiixue-a
anuwauiol tinisu of the French an I lle'gian
productions. Wo may bo thought lanrifui, but
to us there is somen, ipg awe-tiispir n-.r in tho
ine. liable regularity ot a vast ni o hiueoi KiiLdish
work und there is mi cxptessi m of calmness in
its iiresitib!o action winch rcmimlH us of the
preseiiCH ot some fate ; look down tne hold of tho
(Jnt lUitfrrn, gisid reader, at hcrengines when
he is in motion, and you will doubtless feci tho
full ii rce ol what we suy. nM;--a- IIViJ.
Juiiiee Nasuiyth, the Thor of the present age,
was brought np under the immediate eye of
Mandsluy, and perhaps tit more intimately
ssociattd with bim thao anj; othor pcrbon,
for he was the assistant appointed to take
charge of the great machinist's own particular
worktop, and tho pupil has done credit to
his muster. Nasmyth, unlike the other great
acljitusts, was by uo weans self-made man.
at least as regards his education, as he wis
the son of the Alexander Nasrnyth, sf Edin
burgh, whoso iant(vacs havo charmed us
all; moreover he was a sclentillc rnsn, arid
his son therefore started In Ufa with hertdi'-urr
ability. Nevertheless, he fouubt his way up as a
great smith unaided. Hit first employment w is
as sn tumstant In Man. May's beautiful II t o
workshop, at ten shillings a week j and In tho
establishment of this famous linn ho learned hu
art. Nasmytb's fame re-ts mtlnly up in his
steam-hHinmer, ft tool without which modern
forging could not bo accomplished. Indeed, it
was a consniucnee of the demand for such a
Cyclopean Instrument tint it w is produce I, and
it is a singulainy apposite; example of the in inner
in which ereat woras somerimes pr aluce crcat
tools, us snrely as treat tools lead to tho prodii -tion
ol msmmoth works.
W hen the f.'reaf ll-if'vtt wis beiii otist.rtKte.l ,
it was at lirst liireiidcd that she should have
paddle-engines ; men were accordingly desnrnn I
tor her bv the late s r. Humphreys. I'll" pv ldie
shaft, howeer, w is to be ot such enormous pro
portions Unit no lo'ge in the kmgd mi was c.iui
b'e of turning it out. It llns d:lli 'u!te, Mr.
Ilrnnel was forced to apply to Mr. N ismvtb. to
aid bim wiih his adiice. Mr. N i-mvih's replv
w as a sketi b ma.le on the siur ot ilia iiiomenr of
Ins tatiKuis hammer, m retiirned In- po-t hn;
n ght. Inluckilv, it was determined" to rim run
the paddle for the screw, and thu p iddle-shait
then tore was never re'-plireil.
Tho great hummer aeeorjing'y remained a
dream upon the pa. t r, as far us us inventor wis
concerned, for, s raneely enough, none of the
great iron-founders would tune anything to do
with it. fsonie time af'er, when on a visit ti a
celebrated toniiilrv io France, Mr. Nasinytti was
shown nn enormous piece of lorded wor ; lairi-
ous io know ho sueti nu urui-nai sjf i, ,, i ,
ronipiiht'd, be a-ked the ouestiou (,f the di-
rector of the works. "Wuv. w Ith vour s n on.
hamnii r, to be sure," was the" instant rep'y. Tu
Frenchman thud bi en shown tho .lrainx liy
Nasmyih's partner at the lime it was made, anil
with a keener appn ei itioti of irs value than was
eviuci d by tho I'.nglish miiehinists, lie determined
io nave one mane.
This was certainly nn in'un"c but littlo in
neenra with the Kmilish nmiuiia . turer's hoist,
"that if not the first to invent, be is the first, to
see tho value, of thu inventions of others," for,
w ith a demand f ir gi -inric forgings far bevond
what exists in France, we yet allowed our Irietnls
on the other side of tho water to steal a march
opon us. Jloever, the steam-hammer is now
in common ii'O, and vear bv year it is assuming
larger proportions. The elici t of its Introduction
is the vast increase of the size of tho forgings,
now bo easily a eomulished, and the conseiiient
enoimoiis development of tho prouorti an of
our machinery ; in lact, there is no limit now to
the size of the engines that can bo produced, or
to tho power that the use of this simple instru
ment has placet in the hands of iTIan. Without
It, vc should have no armor-plated ships of war,
no great engines for their propulsi m, no enor
mous works ia iron of unv kind, such as have
marked the las-, dozen yours, and have at once
elevated men, mechiinii ully, from mere pigmies
to a race ot gtants.
One ol the i.-ost useful application of the prin
ciple ot the Meaui-hammcr is to pile-driving. We
well remember, years ago, watching a parly of
twenty men at this work on the quay at Rorer
dum, und the Dutchmen should know something
about the opeiation. This was performed by tho
ordinaiy iiionltcy. which rises and fails every
three minutes. .Now by tho ujo of IMasuiyth's
steam pile-drivii g machine, a pile can be driven
in four minutes us deeply as by the old method it
could be in twelve hours! The steam-hammer
sitM on tho shoulders of the pile like the Old M ,n
of the Sea, adding its dead weight to its lively
tups at the rate i f eighty blows a minute! In
conss iiiem e of this tapitiity of action, works of
reclamation from tho sea, before undreamed of,
will he etleeted ; and an immense impetus will bo
givtii to ull building works eoustriuted on unsta
ble ground. Oniert ll tei.
. ci.RMi-vis.
Another grout mechanic, bred In the school of
Kramnh, and afterwards in the employ of Mauds
lay & Field, wns Joseph Clements. Ho lays
claim to have made the first machine for planing
iron. There have been moro disputes respecting
the parentage of this machine than perhaps any
other ; but Clements' machine, which was liuished
in lsj."), was cerruinly the curliest in ucion, and
in the metropolis it did tho whole work of tho
trade tor many years. Tho value of a machine
which can produce a true plane is incalculable.
Indeed, Whii worth has written a treatise upon
it, as a standard of iclcretice'm mechanical pro
ductions, ltctorc tho planiiig-mac.biuu eauia into
use, true p'nins were approximated, for they
could not wholly be obtained, by menus of chip
ping iinu niiiig. i lumcnis- mad, me, However,
in. once superseded that method, and for some
j ears, Mr. .smiles iiilornn us, his income in u ily
tier 'ended upon the earnings ot this iron ulaner,
which never ceased woi king night or day, un i
earning lor Its master us, much us H)for evory
twelvc bouts' woik. In every machinist's sho,i
is now to be seen this bcniinful tool, cutting a
long narrow ribbon of metul with its keen tooth,
producing the most perfect work, und tended in
many eases only by a hid. Clements, in eomtc
tpictice of the grear fame he had a ipiii td for ac
curacy of work, w is souitht by 1'iofcssor I5a'
bage, to const met the fatuous calculating in Maine.
This extiaordinary work, after progressing tor
some ears, was however di-coiitiuuud by (i.jy
ernmeut, and it remains u miigiuliceut friwmcut
ol mechanical skill. The woiung drawings, wo
arc told of tho calculating macuiue u one,
irrespictive of the printing machine whi di
was equally c alanine, covered no less than four
bundled npiare lei t of surface. The apparatus
was intended to calculate with unerring aeeura y,
and this it is ful y cipial to accomplish, for when
through any cuu.-e an error has been made, it
actually reverses its action, and to use Mr.
(smiles expiossion, "nibs Itself out."
Although this machine was never finished hi
England, Messrs. .Sehent., of Stockholm, after
twi nty ears' labor, coinoleted tins extraordi
nary combination of w hat may bo also termed
"thinking Iron," at d it was tits' displayed in tho
Fans exhibition of lt-ii. Although the work
was completed by foreigners, it was dono troin
the hngli-h drawings; therefore tho merit is
wholly duo to Huhbuge and dements. Uurowa
(lovcrument have proenred a copy of this
machine, nnd it is now in actual use at
tSomersat llou-c, working out iinmiiiy and
other tables lor the Kcgi-trar-Uctieral, pos
sibly calculating our moilality tables a dead
piece of machinery counting up our dead men
a most apptopr.uie occupation. Clements
followed the lead of Maud-lay in reforming!!
mtv important ce'uil in mechanism. Il.ioro
the lime of th, so thoughtful workmen there
txi-t(d no regularity with respect to those un
important parts of mechanism, screws and
nuts, l.veiy maker suited bis own fancy w ith
remit d to their construction, and there was no
such thing us iitolormity with rcspec to t'.o
pitih of the n:rc.v. The cou-cipu nco was,
that on takinc a niNChiuo to pieces lor reuiyr,
the si iew-hole had to bo drilled out and,
to tts to su.t the thread iisej in the shop.
The iireat ei. tisp and loss of time caused by
this iirruiicmc t.t led ('lemrnts to the conclusion
that the number ot thre ats should be settled a -cording
to the t dli of the s lew. He old this,
and a s.nTw-eiigiue lathe to do the
work ot one accomplished by hand. This plan
the trade ia,ln nicn ly accepted, and now there is
no moie trouble about this very important Imple
ment which holds machinery together. Clements
did his work tHoii.u.'blv, but ho would h ivo Ins
own price for it : bko Mr. l'eim, who could not
alf -rd to (ii irt out i'tincrtcct woik.
His t crews were ons'ructed with mathematical
aeeura y, but they were uutoriuniiteiy costly. A
story is told of his hanlng received un order 'from
America to innkc a large screw "in the best pos
sible Odium- " 'I'Iim ivm-lr U7,.u ni,.,. ..,,,. l.l 1
elide iitaiiiier.' Tti work was iircMiip'Nhi'il with
ttrt'iit dre, Hntl tin Aintifit'in was ti-i'miieti ro
iind u t ill for m-vinl hundred pounds fur tho
work done: (tib iimrtrr was referred to arliitr,i-
tnm. mid of (ottr-e t:ie eauo went in l' nt" Hn I
niariuiiibt. it in iv tio inierestln to tlju pulilie to 1
hiiow iinu L-iMtn Fits is tlio inventor or tho too I
eiti etinil .jtiuui-vtii.-tleof our locoiuoiive. (hue- I
nrnl Mlninif Law f tic dui of Pnwi-
M4, Of Ubr, IfMri,
K. k.. JONM, l'WI ,, v. CLAVTON.
Off) m. No t, ITTU trrt
Thp ronpiDf ti mil r' etTifk 'iwrri(ifmn to iu ioV
t n per tihr, tt tr Hior4h.l-t-ni with
l" t iint of White Am adiQUiu Cuai, at to per
Hn. .
In rtirnrrf Io hr title to the pnMIry.ftntf to th r irgnrn'
n rtiirlil r .if tf r d ..inrinny, r- (irn r run ho m:t1i ) .ir
c-.tinrel. HnJ W Bp l-"t Cni , mnti In rrjud to 'ho jut
ul (In !'. Um isim ilv of the mi m'. ni t fi pr.i-d'K-tlvrniw
i-i ht- i-nt-rf fntirnrio, ' t-lr.k rm 1 Ktah,
f ',, ihr liip O'tit-f K.iitf iif'T Ami urv vr of '1 v of
PfiHudf i -htn. or to Ktej-uin .Un it, bi , iltninii Kn - n nr,
1 1 i, U ml or ut Un Vh'.lJAr Ii nuw one thounAr'1, rorn
prKli, .' t! i ft "A of t c nirnnnHv N.irl Msiitmi r
rn b'-vu Jfl rr l t i ndii-irhs'i nt fr m 1 1 1. t
Inn tJ.iw tt einnrtH Io. Tin t nii rir c hclnn mtti-
it) h Itli' O'urb IimkIi r I'T tf.r r rw csr.iMl, r itir A d
0' , 111 ;('. til t'TC Id MO HKlltrviitmf f'lf 'I ,HI. r IJ 'if ti r
il'-tt IIIM Mh T Ar to I lie 'fg ll nT .jm I v '.f I ht 'Ull 't II-
it-il to m m We h c in nyi'Mt i 1 1. nn i i
tir wit. MsimMt' k ait N t' j - n u, ni t ii ) nt i op m io
I ' 1 ' (in ! il,.pliCi) h lA.Ijfail II ,tfy went Wltulu
H'nt'h "1 'I ' t'lit' I rt'n
Ni viT IVaMtitf Ii if. tlmn i Oil nr 7nl fnn At mr i-tv vnr.L
Al nnitrs fi M' pTinii'lv n Mi'il, rirpijiarn run tie Im I
Ht hi' oiiiii'. 'iiiiiHinnN t' I1 'I't' if ih v. r t'i unfiim
r 1 s 1 1 iTi.thf IOIM Ml P'lills'l tHl fllk'-lCfTx a I T.rt
ll'l to I P r-iMVrj, i"l ii t JI it II V (. , all I 4 I s. f
"it st.tiHi rliiiTr. I dr I'Ut) ic t- trt r y ttiM'd tor
tl "( i in u ht imd nirthtt tu 1 1 in iniry in o I if itM-ri's of
the i'ilrir-. I nev Art- ntm Invite) tu ,m ,t t-u- vr I
No. ) a i.l,' Ill I.L -iirt I, AnJ .ia.aB.luu m c ).u a iJ
Ull KVhtetll (if iprTV
It i ii I M'1-ltn' ir tht t'-e it ry nf tlie Ooia.tauy aq te
In ft ii i ir r !! puitc-r -
An l.l Hi Ma? ami k .1" M S A
Aiffnl in Crniiiini.wn-M'K Kit t tr.'tT-.
At put lit i.trmlnwn -Cll t KI.KS r I'K titr.
'i wt'i iv r i pun Mini -t''.l uiiililoviiipnt at thn YaFi),
N" I.il7 t'AI.I OA'illl.L srr..--.
W 'I'-' ii ill fu n I , dtooklin ti rt I'l tin f t-i-im '-h'
Vit'i.&t t; Cou.ii.iqv, 'Kfi ut-n mr li'i-nito i i'i
?- r k ii k OKt-rt k ol llili nriMiii tllo.i. tnki mo In
tit in ni, ltii.ii t ilv. u-f Inl rt'i I ctier.'i uc 'In. - 'i i-i .(
tn m linpriri r. rif tutttfrprpri.-; nil 1 in "ftfNiii.' .hii nri .-. t
tin i nv tt. tt v ftp t. na of itn utiii-rn uf t'tli (v,.n .,mr.
Hi' iti'ipt I'll i lit t 3' prrrtu tn( iiaiiltt m to th ,,i
ii-t in-cinlntoniy minis' ttit lr Piiiip ft. It .n-mu i'w ttn-t-if
ot ti,.- ri-M i t -U ili.'l.l-ri 1 i Mm nut,. en ,.n t-.
tlili mock i-IihIi h cHjlt,fl tu . il lowitu iii-r, io i(ia'.
tr,c numni: ufiicci if tl Im rrr f mr, vl . 'ini . tn it
jmt vuvi In an liuur-fcDt dei-artn Ant of dome ( la
i rot oniv lr la iliTitoru dt -li a iimt coininnrB oi ... i
nhu l t.'i-iliy f-oiit In Hnl tni th rpio uni.t nn .h.
tin r ! .n w-miiin i.n i. ruoi, of tjm p k rr n mii;
' ' " tii-sioi wuit-n lilt) UI.OMofl ii.vo
t e it (.ui!i io far t" iivoi-l.
I'lllI.AI-I I.I'MtA, Nov niin-r '2Jt Ib'A.
Tftomns T Virh,
um. .1 wistur
w : iinaiton,
M .1 o tn,
J it n I'.iit'on a Sun,
InitU-i L Klt'-rl,
I'.iWHnl Mow
Jm'h e I inti'M
H I' M' nlinjyit,
J l Whin-.
A 111" Rot kliUl.
IT Wllxuri .IrvtcJI.
'hirlr T M.i Uji,
WiliiMin H lorr,
.1 It vVh.'W.T.
N H I. ih rm a,
UhviJ w M.-)r4,
II H l.ilhiikt(ir,
.itfin M.ct iivini, Jr,
K"l ri Ali -JroKr,
1 K apuj!ia.
Aiiiunn our MinpkhniM tir the following namfd tr
pom, nn. nt ot whom h.if r-(i;ivi d t.'iif toj, auU m wuuiu
r Ii AM In- in4 :
rvnif cw .t llrrtuy,
Char i n ,M Wonli,
.hiroli Win in in,
K.lill O Hit't per,
.IttliH'H liniiUTIU.lA,
.'mill h l. iu,
U'llDani Sujiur
( -I I'tltfk'.
.lumps ii t;unTl,
.lohn it Mu In-ttor.
C O Ilui'bc,
mrl' kUml Knt asi,
I M tuik'. Ht,
l-K'-'T It Nl.,
I -uat: Mtinii ir,
iw-n .1 SiucHtiiii,
Aiiimii Hmkf,
A uiitiim IStt WArt,
f K stoni-,
J n.n W ' enfh.
Jhiim W uttln.-ron,
t ua !. A It uko.
('Mt.i'n Niron-n,
! ''A n-i l mm ,
Kr-. ip-ipK Willi lm,
Kr.i T i Ti-sn-.n,
Mrtfiin A ltvu(
Wm M t'iill,
lohn llinca,
l'tii:. II I ustir,
l'fwc i V i' at hi,
Oiii1n fiA ton,
i-t F OllHTIV,
Tim. U (.Hr ,-J,
hainu-l .Mm n.
; K.rl, i Knu.
' A II Aii irvf r,
C ltr.m. nKhoff.T,
A A Uiltxrt,
'J l.1(nmit,
J Kru'iA,
A V IIawh,
Mrs An a White,
If anc II; q in nn,
: Mrtniiii. 1 t 'tivt-n
! A'tri-d VVlmiintotl,
w( a,,, KHmnil,
iWhlniin J t'fillnpH
t '"'irm It Amlrtas,
V il I nu -ft ol(
Alourt Itnnlur,
. J'tf.ll fi"(l .on,
I wi Itam IV titt,
it' M lierrv,
' Itooeri M haltrr,
Ki:w Pfii3f
I'iiiiI J t te tl(
Ji'Nff Law ,
; W W tianlinor,
T I) lM-hft
'i"'ir.o 1. Miller,
IJoM-nh K I" .rr,
:J Uur(,
Wl l am -ImonM,
lii'orne VV t.'oimrli,
Willi .iu (' rtf liner,
V rrlllTlt'it tl.HlmilH,
Kilwurd N itiniin,
iF'tnuuiori- WiiiMim-in,
K'tward Mmnton,
II I. II uluvtl'll .Son,
.ii r Nit-.-i.
1 ll-oi. .I. wcll, M ll
I 'ml i.ti.iiMimii,
l;,u 'aitoii,
J"iiu M'trr,
I. It. ,loll,HI)R,
! my lUinet,
t W,n .ni j IU mil,
M HwMiiiM,
K iMf l k A' i'orrott,
'.i.ihu i;. .,j.
i.laiut'o Ifti n.'ll,
I luf K nri.
J Pi tl It A'klcv,
j II Ik uui'tt,
F W,
ji: k.i D 'i,
i A0o'iiiuH lrlnt
' I himii4 1 iiify,
.loim it Km
I HlKUOlCll,
I'A ll AUliV:ltO.
1111111.' It llMVl(l,
Iti-iiiuiinii .Mimjuf, y D,
r ii K (, M l,
-loj u t II. Ii-tt,
Jo t ,. t .luliliMIJI,
fcnoi pniiiT.
oun t.iliiui,
I An a I'umr,
i Itntirri huut,
, Hi'IMil 'I'liiiiutJ,
W i.ohi!,,
II ri mu,
hamuli MlfAtrick,
J -v Kt'.iy,
lit try it ('iic-w,
T i it l: t h,
K i ft An v.
w r Mm i(i,
Udiir S I- ic
M I. Vaio'.iil,
L-Vl MlU't-n,
I-I i in H Jtuiklill,
;t? t Krc tivr,
, l rr t' s,iii.hMi,
AlMlll W Wont,
N hm tV M -llftt,
II M Lt-vMh,
It L I'fiiu.i. K,
! irn-.- riu'.n,
I w i'l uti fc tta:iiiirt
liiM-ifi M hMiifpn.
w iihiini i Kitnri)i(
IT iiham It I Jih-r,
ttuyh ' Coiini"!.
t I arh ,i M CHrprntor,
hr ilon-riti'l lt iwutal,
t: l Miiickfliou,
.loim h loiit-r
J- .n lr in,
hirin I'tAlt,
K it JlUH M,
Wm a lioiin,
v m M orr,
M N Sho innkrt
Wi i i.n i.i niim,
I 11 llara
t Imrlts 1 MthfTi,
t ri'ciMii k at-,
Win MnihcWb,
W KiMi,
K Totu.'
riiMilm O'Vflll,
John M Ifil-y,
)l A It ftrov u,
Koi'i rt Mi Kwfn,
N H J,;iTnce,
J H 1'ui.h
.loim U Whi eier,
Win HU-H,
.1 V wiikinonn,
iu nr.v K
i-oi'i W HftiikminD,
WiJimm ruicUkjr,
Hi'iirj It Hohh,
imvitl W hi'in rii,
i Hihuilni' Hm- lair.
'ioikj I, Kiljet,
. K S .It.
J it Mniock,
ii k ruriN.
tthMIMl ll f'tlno,
lii-t jAtiiln II (UiiiPi,
W lii liitti II Arkij,
Henry .1 h i h,
John YcAritmr,
y ijwiitii ixi ta,
.la'inn M Mawart,
4 h irlttn oi n-1,
U iilti-i lir H
(i'(. rt HtsNh,
.'ihoIi Monk,
ilratii c. Jnylor,
A M .ivJi,
'J In iu n Kurd,
1 lu-mus Wooimnti,
M a rt 1 1. l)t r,
.llrhll Kll HI,
M ( itiliutil,
K hl. un t,
.li'lili I. 1I(T,
A .1 lU-fiit.
.Inl, li O llord,
'I iitiln I' t'i'V,
illtniu K'tmitlt,
tATh. !iar A A buiilti,
W i: Mt Hiirt
Wii Am Aiuirt'Kn
.'itllira .) Allllftill,
M Ni O'U'H.
ha. a A l. itdln AttT,
K A W Ul6-.ll.
I" Inn l( l i-.ittv,
.1 It I.Wl.'H.l. "
I o oi m- K Mooni-y,
lii'iii 1 oiitti;,
'1 i. mi, us 1 1 iiMuii,
A -ltf : ll'k.
I.i wis. hftit')(
II ll Ki Hi ,
i fri il.u ii A t'u,
.1 II v, aiioii,
fc .1 Si-n'-tU-r,
j r o i -,
A V Muri liy,
J M 1 Milt v,
I. W Mum nn,
lift rv ri-i rill,
I l.aili h "tir ttj,
A W 1 1 111) ik 111 h,
.1 M ilium .lohi'H,
k rant ik Htt Imi,
hnti ui'i l-rookts,
h"h.4il 't 1'k'tHl,
rt-e M iluaiui,
1) inittii,
K'lwunl I'.iitill",
Joliii All KiUKht,
( iiiiir- hunt,
r. u Ari i ,
I.m ii K thtirlli,
Jaiiii'o t t 'lam,
i ii ti an .1 t lark,
.loim ho,
I' mm m 'I holn,
lio. r.v ll-u u i.,
V .tlifl ril.'. uvuit,
Mh;i Afi M Cui.uM,
h A tit mi. 3 ,
'1 tion l I- !ec,
1' t .Von i.
Jul 11 St C hf'-l' n,
Jol.ti K 1.1 li-Uf,
I .ii- 1 1 ,
K.ll ami .i!.tlr,
urlfH V titmnk,
lillltUi M fltl'f,
li I' soi.r.wouti,
.1 lltl i Ni g,
J i 1. ) ,
.1 ItUPO I.MM'lllTl,
hHtllll .) Si lift,
Id In rt I Ain.tTdf'B,
Kiitf 11 MinpriMl,
TfUi I'.roiMi,
I .-.r, I' 'ihff,
.In) I. II til IT,
JltU.'" .l- N,
Jitv I) It v.,tin,
Knililtl'i Ki lUi f,
M,ir At n Kislntr,
'1 . in. a W 1 v t f ,
J V n tii'iii k hti.ith,
liA lit l i !.aitl.ioo,
tii) t, in,
I' I afltlftiluw D,
A ln.i:,
a t iit iii't r nit,
I I mi. an 't ii. v urth,
l:oliii t M ti tii iun,
M A I ury.
Ii 0'i'f MnrAO,
CciiiVM Wfltmnk,
t '
, f It t'uaiiou,
1.1 Vt;tU'f', Jr,
M Stonier,
llunl t- lialiy,
1 lit in Nih,
j 1 rniMl,
l.t vt in ,1 it-4tor,
Jum : M If .,
' A C ' i'i l.n-U.
ihlidiifia Ail,
.o Ii S -V il n,
'I'.nitLA' ''m'liiu,
.J'r .-l..u li-nniii,,t,in,
; v I't'.tlmiu Horn,
r WKoli (!r
A"., tl i; iMnn A Vo,
V rlliu-n K lo'.r.
Ann VI He rln-il,
' h nit's ll t: .nier,
S-iI'aIj i'iiioi.h,
I iom.,n ,ru a a,
' -t 'iiin l W .tij,
A liluiui In. ir.-,,
.l.i:i-0. V lli'iis,
i; I'triiiH,
111 I reilll'l'I'tull,"
K v v ii'i .il (.', M I'll.'lr,
t'L vl 'im. id,
Lm- h tt i mi 'it ,
I l;n-hjrtl H ttKi's,
j i: Ii ti M M .or.;,
'.loM'i.h M KluUt r,
II T .Urn-mi,
llt Hr MM'IlnOl,
:i.i'nti- V oiUy,
l.ltihil f ruiik ill.
IK lii'tiiim I'lil iiim,
J.-.r, h .i Mlicln-il,
.luliil 1 1 trti-.l,
I I It-oi we Huinuier'Tr,
Ji.. ti M ttirlmra,
lohn t- tinllk'r,
(0 W lirtijvr,
AIM l.nw it'tn'tf.
mhihiH m.ouh;,
J. - 11". r"
AnM. - kiiri,
1.UJ ttOAliiHKA,
(OraritA W WittkAm.
V H hi -klnv,
jjAirph i if jr,
l(tti jintrj tt Tli iBiAi,
Jif). a s l avior,
Ui Ian T Anms,
,Jt-rin Moin,
m MaT'i .ry, M T),
Hw J II A Honib. rift,
1 F.l'rah'h 1n4it(
j rn i Ann I aytor,
I Maria M V'A iAl,
Wil lAui Knox,
j Wi l am -ti wart,
Khaar:h llrnt'r,
tt.r. (fimnttz,
'JohA t Mul. fit,
i Husa ni;r,
I'fH i,ar,
M K Hoinnnhf Ad,
.t'har kliwoii,
lit b i r (''''i ll,
' loim W rtoi,
I .e. r ia Hro'Tit,
i William W Wnt
ii tM W N (' .rnmAii,
i rriiian Hr.llcy(
M .ii iMref Miller,
Jti.i' i i O.rfi. i.i-'Ti,
.!'.-e(.h . M ilf n,
. Ma lnU I ill t-r.
A l Miif. K a k,
I WiH'HIi K. 'eiu-ICrtOfl,
I l.f wla H Mi ln.
i hare W K tl"H,
iia i" M Hout'i,
K al Aid
' ' a'I ii J. wrnJt
U iliiain K K ifl,
'Aii't K'lfi'.H I,
II nt T t itiMriuan,
.1 it I'fMtn on,
'John I i-,
Uinrxi' Wil.Uinf ,
,.M tli liMiii am.
i.rt.i- s I'durftify,
Johtj tvii-ort,
nOrw h i r 1 1 T',
w t iUin II whir',
i ' 4T l.l1.
'I t oniaii J Vf .ill or.
I H HI.H-n M Mn-t .1, M L,
'.. -rif It Ua. ,
rhtr t-n m .ornm,
Wll nun II fAclremr,
1 pi) t'Attt-nuri,
J -i n iir,
I. a W pMwln,
M iihtth W t'o ur,
John C ll'iiuirti'l,
1 1- miik m It mil r,
l.tohli I .T'lhOtU.
' F.:ia" th I'- t.-ri,
I I W If I .l' nHB,
M .1 Ma ani.tii,
' Mr l.niui i It AiUmi,
1 Mc-a h ii Mc.'alii-y,
I A t' Wihton.
Jehu 1 thrirf r,
Hon .loti'pn AUiaori,
I'Skc Mue,
John C.o. r,
Drtvj.l K'lll'ht,
I I li.i Oot tr,
I W l ' loud,
' U I' Allen.
Murirari' 'I'ofrry,
W illtain It Wi ll',
' Inm-ella Arriultl,
tl. It iMtl'f,
I Wiiimni trcr,
i ll M' tit' kn ,
tJmiiFi Allen,
H'a-ir Wtatrr,
It'lmihi rrnoil,
('harlot R Mi'ri: in,
W' c (ii.ruiu,
Ji I" Mo,.r...
Anilri-w .Inckaoti,
I I reo.
I h m.. I tvl'!,
1 w i anit.Mt,
II ( '.tt. rn I,
A' I. M M'lllill,
' U. nf I It-'cre,
J k f'th p.
'Hiviiuel M ililhort,
'J. lm K I, nn,
.hunt t .'n'rrrn,
Kit Iteiiiuium J Durr, D I,
.1 Mi It I'.rk. r,
Kol-iT. Tolaml,
I i.oiimh I' I Irtll,
JiJin hut'ott,
.Itiii'lili Ittii on.
' M.i or f Johtwin,
silvan t l.irk,
J w McU.tJion,
J A'a'r'naiin,
I Jatut'H M M'ireo,
J il-n Sn'lr,
. Wti. I am I'fivlnr,
I'liarien llorit.', ul.b.
Ann Hilrtix,
harah It rhenthAin,
4ie.nitt Nk'HoIn,
JlllllPH I Hlll'TIHI,
John J t't i'Ii irv
W Ilium Hinlih.
TliuuiA Hwn Jalc,
,1. nu Wil i-iiiis,
John Hfftiifter i, Son,
; Jumi x Huston,
Itohiot IHI.ann
A H ncIi,
ThfitniH it LniifcitrrLh,
', I h Frrnn,
v it n'ii.
1 hoiuHf )Ua In,
IM I' Kl.:rul.i,
'.l iiiirri Oi ert.'n, Ha
MlH A I, M(iU,
;'! !i mu J Hustiaiiil j,
J'tiAi It i Uro k,
I'l'imuiHit Neilon,
, VV llilam It Kti.ui,
John b Kut-kor,
'.I Amen M I Ut T,
U H Kohlir.
Jamtii M- Kfnn?,
M ifi:a'ot Mt 'nl.ork,
! Ail'ct Kuriitiery,
t wit) J lie MiT,
Henry V th Ihlt r,
liaviil Home,
FnmiH rtMiniiev,
Mou l,tonanl Uyorf,
r iifrtii vv r it u,
' Mi nr. CttuAii,
U'luriA it I'aiuer,
Henry A Ml leu,
, Hmitli How n,
.Mr. I' H .hi-MCf,
I Itell,
him tniiit VV alu,
Alum M I.a a 1h,
, John W CI. t i- r,
,.1 Mvwart lientiy.
i I' Fsmnndt' ll vrper,
il Imnt-H vv ItAv-uii,
l l' n aina,
Wi lliiiu l( .tr'eri,
' Wi ham hiMt:r,
i;af n hlup,
,1 mu r Dul'otnn,
. M 1- Wi fnunuiii,
I Wll'uim tr.-.
John t t nilor,
I Ft no er,
It VV 1 U .in HollOWAv,
.l i. titi i rr ,
Mlihriel Mi.iterinn,
Mi-n Ail I i c
Fr tui ,v rtmrt't
t- O MMlin,
I'at Irk i tmiher,
Jo. n tl t rer,
. vv mIi. m M H tvi rat!, k,
J n nil Mi knl,
John i ' MaA-v,
'I' T.iy!or.
t'hrihttan Itnttcn,
Ml- Ml 1. 4
I M in llu'iiri?,
ttfi tin It 'nwi'ri,
J IB l W letiT,
v Mi r,iiu,
Mr J.itm ten
II IM Tuvifir,
it.uim ll "1111,
AJ ti' iM-r,
IV a v II Aii. n,
III hm . H,
.1 (' Moili'i.
Jhiiii h . VViUintti.1,
VI- a I .III.' I.r.
Jat h l.ii- kuiuii,
J J he i-
.i-miiel K A-lifon, M I),
i.eo-fct II Ashton.
K v .1 W-i. .noil riuith, D D,
II t I'' Il;n,
iuirtUmi k i;:h-,
1 "MU -If tl I IjlK,
A It Jn-.tire,
1, il ..ll,'iT8,
liofH'lt I'- II lllfl H.
I..ltanl V te ,v :vu,
ti.ini Kol.f J.J,
Ul.ts I 111 - B.
Hamii I lir t.iwcll,
li li.ti u" a-.
I luti t s w u in r,
hh liuil it' ll.
J-'iin lo kin-"n,
ii- r-e v l is-,
'li.Min, il I't.riiT,
i-i It V rl'i 1 1 1 1 ll t't',
lif -n-e VV V, A iainuVcr,
I hmiMs Itr i ' 'ey,
J I i- i i )1..b,
Mra J Sn..,r,
Jti.t'.Tl IL ll.
J illit' S t v II.,
I 'nikmin h'i'Artv
Itt' ha fl Tajtr.r,
Joliii (iiiln-r,
Jt MilDiA I'l BdlURI,
A Mil all,
IVm K A rAlinAO,
(.ni 1-11 tii,on.
p kln 1 Mnrt an,
hot rrl I A niAoO,
.Itiltiil lli-lnlt-r,
Jan A" A 1'iinilny,
Jb e B VAIlAt,
I't i tkv oly,
h i I. fin ,
Tar'. It,
4 l w v hi .
( miit r kit
hart llti Minn,
! In rt W tl,
t I W .d. u,
K Mp'fur,
t hail. J HUfrurA,
t hub in J A iltt A,
I1' ar A KAiiimiim.
I oiiiit-. I "hoi uiakt r,
Jim h v aar.
At 1. e H 11-1 rldf,
JfcTl,. I t ',. tl t,
I'i ur K 'fn-'f,
la ii (' I nf j,
I I r II Mm,
M- ! K Marr.
V l I V iv n,
v i, ia,(,
w ii, am a J i h f ,
t it inn t i.i aiur Aril,
1 ft A hm uiao,
t w t hm.
.! it f- 1 1.' n,
V n t Wi itr,
ln-itr t rnnli,
A h ' ti uai ,
i rw I ttPiBOi:,
I M Ul in,
j ii- t.: hii i,
I IMtl , At,
a t i- r .i k,
A in. Id kr i .
U nl' , Hi I Jul,
I- I'. (4ril, u-,
II- i,t t I rrk.
' " H ll. ttilt,
t In flijt,
Jt l Ii I T .
H I u t,
M it a t-t W Mal ary,
h I rt A Uf ti,
N it ihr. -antnt,
Hi ll.t .V h 'i.nii,
Ft a J I hi rn.
II M J tu .
S K tif ! v Itfort,
Mm i a i'l Ml4aj w-y,
K Alt I niox,
1 IimIiHi Non'VwI. k,
AH'VAi.iliT K Ihouiii.oi),
I Wi 0l li'Hlcj,
Jl-M-I'' l( lilWI,
ntl an llaai.
It h i: hi iTiirilJnt,
Ai.unla ilaiutt,
W h Ki.hi-ria,
V A I..' It ,
Jan en H " fiit,
FiiAH Itinmlm,'fct Liii,oirt
K i . I. if l--a ,
K Mi
lirortv- riihtni,
iliirnn I.immb,
Jul. Ii Ittri y,
I' a Jordan,
hi H Hi nrp.
i'I.hii- It NpweomDe.
t hKiml f t)-i-.
.Mary A '-ultr,
I'i .It ftt h I i itt,
Imnis N Hn-vtiiij,
,! amt a i( J, ni n ,
liartm A Mn.tLer,
"t hi- tiolH,
K A M ti fin mi,
.1 i r AiIimit,
w Ii Imiii i t.-amp,
W ll litlll I htltU T,
h iM.
a M It Hu pliiTH,
)l h Willi ini-r,
A mi l Itortiti k,
hi fan Mcofn-v,
J Ld J I'M III 1,
(li mu h W ii'a,
J :i,f- M Hi t K,
Jiuni n Jmiiht,
1-1 In m t 'Ut k, Jrt
.Wiln lri a,
.i"Miii, Milk-r,
u tl. ri thier,
I l. tVilsli,
It KB I IrH I H'R Tl,
Join, K Wril..ri.,
J ni t". Il ilruoy,
Min iu H iititi t,
i hnriftt F Alalia, k,
KI ttfh JV I.. AOs,
Siii aii Ann I i II,
1-Mi'fiia S'Ua't,
J;ilne A AnnMroIit'i
h vt i-it'n Ulif,
Atnoi. Utin k, Ff,
( t'i)' irh V I aimer,
w ilinim iuiai,cr(
. tin Afcncw,
Vt nil ( aithy,
W ni O Viaif us
.tntiikf M lMilif,
a k. unv,
Subuli M atil er,
( i ( M n i r,
to Ht() Win 111,
J h W in) i'iii y,
Wtt- iliirj' aiiu .Small,
.i I.i.
Mim f;ivntfT,
J- Mi A V
Mihn A V li'ii y,
Joi n f Li. w .t.
Wniiiirn K Kcnnudy.
.In' n
Mill til l 1 box,
Ji.i ii MrKlaMry,
Ail n,
K ( ti-K,
I W I'hfl
.Ih n e- nrf ,
tlllM ifl M.UII,
.111 Hit s Ii. II HI",
a N It Mt K 1 11,
W in M t'liuk.
w tn W tt i- ii r.
CI A Mi J w i-ur,
1' ! J , ILM,.
I' s I'c rM.n.
cij. w fcu iini",
t th in 'I I of.
) r I'i. r't .',
Jan. i J Vuij hy
A ( , lui 'hi it,
Mm SjtiAh i'i innilii,
l-.i v. iti 0 W Aiuii'e,
W ii i, m ..liii,rr
J. k i. F fnj tUr,
li Ii Mu 1 (ik-iVrd,
I'l in M.iite,
It I' M.C .11 th.
I)r dwt n n-tt-r.
4 hi-in Hai Kinrtur),
.ItlK, l,ll 1 Hill ..1.
Ki. n ii Htiilifti t .
Ju. it Mi nt,
1'iivit. tiilhcrt.
Juni k niiiit.
l r J II h hfiH k.
At' il a o Mt Smt,
V l an. t'hnt' D,
Ottir't It HmiiH,
U l ll. n. O l unr,
lt li Jfhi K rlnJhiy,
h r i'i li h ii'i,
Vra A t't ntiar,
'I lU'llitl- li .Ml. til,
m. Tin .1 lltina,
I' I1 tlH hllK
Jo-t ! h K ii'ji,
t t oil. i4y,
Johll H M H II,
AxIiIiimI hiitlt hir,
KiiwitMl h 'ii-ocneliurKtr,
I r I. I' t.i' hitnl,
M M I li iviiftfi,
A-tK N I ' hut i.den,
J M Ho. Un,
Tl tn H liot'lunkT,
J h i U ei
It N. tt,
.lull e- I ii ierilue,
IU r lint ', i ,
M Ii II I it Hut,
Mit, f M. k. I
It. I't-ri ui i v,
na If, i- Ct n haul,
1. 1. tin I W
" il I 'Ui vi M k,
W. iimiu K Fij,
II -f i'h .
N ! 1'r.r n,
S l t i. uh.
t't'li 'M ui-h,
.1.1 - W. . mt,
( i.ttri.Ttr.
Jaii.t - h p.
t.n ii t A Mil',
i.r i I-
A"i il v 1 i.n ii,
i,,.. :.t il. -n.rN
'I i ot i" M ey,
.In nn k I iint.i'.
n. i n Nit.i.lon. lr,
I t'u u'. In I t-' tmiu,
J. I ti Mi ci cv,
w I... ui I''.hr,
K M-i J.
Ml.lll'" I im lutt,
.i y i t!. in.
.In El N i iilluifii.
Mik (f Ic Uti lotvtll,
.(..I.i tfitt'L'.
I ll hi t .ai(t,
li w l:il, v.
I w ii.t cnp,
1-tii'ii U'tt.iil,
1. J Iit'if riiK,
I ' J, V Itl H,
tii-ni l M 'tilk'T,
J. hti ,i iKir,
ui y A k ii IrUKay,
It. i u.i in A 1 luitr,
i N Ml hi,
l'Ur ttaiuv,
John It r Ii.
II. rv Wt-im r,
Tli'-ntiiH Hewn,
I tn i.'liu lUft'V,
lie..,-.. Ml'lf,-,
W VV I'al-lHt il,
Io' p M v ., t
l; . hr l "UrK,
'I tioiiin1 II m a,
If r- Hro.n.
Widiiu 11 oil; j
John Kenn.'iv. !
4!il Utirm S Ke innily, i
M ii rkiire' Kl lleiit.
Aim A A 'uurnA.'
Witi'Mti s Kojuri,
J il -btvvt-Qbwu, J
lhi itt II Knli l.l,
Annif II Hi . o,
VI a in. I in,r.
.Ii'f(ih W ItAiHa,
riiarie Kit.
Tr-inian tt hav,
0riA A f rank,
ItkiVuil l.Arard.
Th'unsa W Houihwlt.fc,
P"t.r i;i'ti.nhtiiiii,
lnae Klttwultouna,
K It VaiidvkA.
Juhn l.urai .k lo,
t-narh a F MAJI,
'laN i Joni-f,
iiph Parkar.
John W Th-wili,
' A Monpnil r,
,HtrtrtJ Llord.
'J II Hrvan.
Bf itulh' r,
I) K rh-miiiinn,
A H F .ftli.K,
ll K,n,
; Willi.itn I'frry,
aniipi A viUkr.
Hi nrv VV t'ft,
I T J Ouvltll ll,
fWli til to A ll'l fr,
i ; hii'm M.irnh,
HmA'i I' FMri.'Kf,
Xf h W Ityern,
II Nan limner,
Jo-eph I'. BR.
1 tioinan li'itt v,
Ir J till"! Tr it RD AD,
HUi'iel Mnraiti,
l'fiatiftli Kuv.
i tnl' I tuliimct',
Itfv Ikf I. riitcrion, A It ydit,
Mal'l. ii Mav,
ort-" ImH,
li-b'irn CoiuA'l,
It A WV-t.
J Van I 'nri,
IIirAm Itrntvn,
lam-- l''"l'-s,
lohn W t rri,
, I 'ii'iir! MiUlli,
'io J H i ,i.i A Co,
I fiar ft .loiiei,
( (Wit n Ul lr nhutiso,
J i il M Kills,
.iff ituii H .wt r,
H rarn Krownr,
W'm A -n.
Jinn' ru,. .or,
I l.artef II l.irtir,
John ArnblT,
1 1. W l'Arr:Uo,
ri arl.alj rh.
'( ho ma Muntiruy,
J F (t MAuil,
'I hi ma Kelly,
I) W I'arviK,
'William liarrin'tou,
Majy Ann I'aJhouu,
It K HleWitrt,
l h. iiiHf Vlc.Mtnter.
t harie h hat Aker,
lir Jnnra tiUliam,
i- ii.Li.iiii l ire hiriirntice Cu J KA'U-iin
Char le I ' ihmiiJiiker
Mm hi V Jonmn,
Ile't l.r A Co,
hot i ri Ciark,
Jul. it I! ha ae,
I ti nil llamcs,
Jactth M,
I I- jd Mu' in,
!( T A F'-rnlAy,
'1 hrlhAh Unit,
W Hiiain Kvaiii,
.iiinifH Hi-Millan,
lit nry llailaiid,
ot loir Unwell,
t Wilhelm,
U z. Hl l-.nnlib.
K i Mint kin,
J-)l,n liuviti,
I I. Keller,
John A 1 1 owe 11,
s ll limy .
VV rhiiiN Hens'-n,
Filwartl Fare .iiiiuri1,
J i' tilt l..tntf-iori,
luiah Hu ki-r,
lm K W air.ivi-n.
1 In. n.iit H n.-ion,
IJvl F mlth,
H .1 n Hotl-MT,
Wijiinm r yie,
Jo in Ki t'U,
It Men nro,
W II K.tiiu-ii
SAllllItO K ItoSH,
It tV K'Ltcta.
Jamra N ll .lt,
A VV II. .,t,
I f wi 11 le,
11 A i tha A ttttlti)U,
.lM .h Hjjohr,
I' C Iterhi rt,
A Mnut,
.1 H W i,.tti,
W m UnM-h, M Ti,
,lot-im l' I,
Kiitihtin W a..c,
VV I inui Ml It,
Hi tir ot imer,
ili.rj ui..! Mi-hii JoliUton,
vv F Hi huj,
ii -t i mr,
The t"i!.nvpg cinimitnlonrlniiet, Mlp'-tei fom A lare, aim tin l ir ui.itiou ul tho tnt -rpriat) b tho
Clll.el n ! I'lillmlt 'liliiil :
No. A2U H SiMii Mi;;n,r-F,U!ii I.tsh. K-"j. Teftr
Mr: The Conl I leA'Mvinj tmtu iho ConstirntTt' ilntiml
Cutil o(iJ't y . on in v u3Hti lutimi. hai in vt ii tn fiitirt!
hBi.f lat iinii. it iK'tiuea leatiii, hnrni wt'il, Ih tree lr ia
Malt, depHflK while iisIh-k, Is not eAMlv cxtliitfulftie J.
lhfue in our klluheu ratt iiAs not been out tor uiUt or
jure ilu; ,
T; ri tore, in Aniwcr to your 'iupxtlon, may .av tliAt
ni.v e itc-fitnce thurf 'ur m to the 'jii.uiiv oi Un. ( i-i tiu
ict iher 'nvniAh'e, In l- I a.ii f.uul. well liu.reiifiL-. wUll
ini- litetprifti. Ami tl A HtlvAiitaifMo each tuhscrilit r US
An itivehtuiAnt. Vary timj jours,
O toter,2(,l!'i;i. N.J.4J0 N Sixth Ntr-'et.
I'uiLAlu I i ni.1. Ortihpr 21. ISJ'.I -J ivi.n Li M, Fi'.
liear .Mr I 'niil I het uiue n Sim klnmler in ynur t'otni.Any
I li.ul ainiii lfi ii in lliA l tt!ltof hiirniiiir Lfhivn t- .1
httni- trvmi. vour-. 1 tnnl it, lor Ii' unch-iM iurnoe-, iniiy
t-iUtil t" I -tit KH. and a vei -uj-eri. r art it le 'ii.tfe.l.
uuib, iruiy, n..MI f,, C tlt.t.Y1
No. J l.i: i 'oiitea Htreet.
Fun Al'h l.l'ltlA. Octoher -JA Kt.l -.liuv. I . v . . i. ...
Pn-lileiit tf ihi- CoiiiiintTw" Mu nal Coal Coniianv.-M v
in ar MT : tl.r i "Ml hiiH t'oin.-in h;mL nil In ..o.l .ir.l.r
ui d liai .-u u ed in both fame nnd ltirnu I uui
ihluiu ul n. ai ihu .(uality ia uli that culil fie de-lretl.
jonrf,uui, .lOiJN .V A It 111 1. K,
No l:i 1 IK Ust street,
rnn.Ai.i t i mia, Or((Jr 1m;4 Jamki I.vm.. k-).
iM.ltllt foil mi nn r Milllirtl I'oimiJii v - lii-ur Hir :-l
I I in 1. 1 ven the l oal a tlnno.i, h trial, hi..1,' tlu.t Ii u most
t. ei tilil uriii le I am ro lunch nieasM.l w lili ii i n ,t ,,t
la'O. I v 11 iner.'AAt my aub!oilitloa to oue buiulrHUIiAres.
Jittl etlliilh .
A I.LFN C. Wll SOR. No li05 Cheanut tfit.
(U I'll V. t'V IIIKhANMiH ftlllKH II ll I (1 Ink,, . . 1 1
J mi I.i vn. rrohbivnt I'on -iiuieri' Ooiii Ciimnanv. h'-.
ii.t d hm lid I Iihm nleatuni in .i..tiu ,.,.
tin- fin ii hii' ti.oi ihu ciAl iiei iue that 1 have'n.-
itive.l 1m. m t.ui C iiii.diiv It in. ik. H a nironi' nr.-. mnl
I lii-iMioui aiaie n.l enuliT''. ami I run i-otithli nf :v r...
n iuhmJ It io All hi ui si-ken iters for d.uneMfe nir.tosfi-
lan, it. umniitjiciureib im- i;'iitruiiii stenui. 1'jurn, am-
t'lIAltl.KS T. VATMF.YS,No.f.Ofi.uiom Rtreet
aaii.Ai.i ti -in v, I'mtli ui nih.i'i. n, FriM L m:
Tilt I uA' lilMiilllftl me Af A .Moektiol.Ier in thv CotUptl'lV
eie uune i-HtiMtit tun it h u( y pieuared", iiU, ourtia
freely. J o.uld uol wi-lia riettwr aitn Je.
K I'. Ita , No. 4-J fl. TM'r.l nt-eot.
rHil.Al'ki.i'fiiA tietnlir 21, s-u.- J.v mi.H Ll Ka. ,
l'rt-Mi t u , it.- - In tinny r to re ttt t to know i .w I
likt i be Lnwl . un-hast J ir -ni y.ur Coiurnuty, 1 re.iiv that
It Imj fpn eiiaii-iacinri 1" Avry tmiiicuiar. ly i.imt.v
think itBiijiei.ori'i nl
Im-VAC 11 f-H AKU . N.i -2U H. Mvth ntroft.
Jami. I,i sn. f,..,FreMileiit CoiisuDieiK' Mutual CoaI
C iitupnl y. Im UMMr Tut".', al wl,ii il to llo- tv
i ..iniMiiiy I am i m.pv t Piiim ilve, enure ail.iiiciiou in
i - ii si-Mi, hi 1 ia Mual to any 1 l.avecvor u-ed.
ei It Bit.ctliil oiii. fe., WALTON. No. '2 fl. Third th-cAt.
run AliHI-HtA. October 1.'. I Slit .lAMI 1,1 Mi, Ki.j
IlfKh Hit t i-i au.i.era' Miiliitt Co'fl Ctim.inv. It.-nr
hu It iir!on nn- m Ht fto-uip to hikiohim c to" ymi my
1 '''''! fcfciiolin t on wll. :n fnal n - Alved lr,,m vmir 0mi
pai noi in nr.ler ;ta a unterii)f I liave been ar. m
ti mt .1 in Ms. i-.a' lioiii tin- ii'-mtihorhOMtl m' .mr mint,
Ui 0 ulo Iroui It HUfi. in liii'M. lnUper.i.iv MrTA
lofore tu i-iil. dlv iii..rked, nut In Ut present hands I
linu U e .iit'eie in In ti i vva ileiern.i.-iif.i, but t j the i mii
trary, t mr rt I am ahi- to ,ti ixe. itit .hmietM- lr
fnj i(uaI io any thai 1 tiuve evt-r Used, jr nave evt-r an
Id. i Aiiittirv irni, o.-r, e'e ,
ll W.V1. o. t'lll.KK. F;ill.- of Scliurlkl.l.
The j;i'eii'!,.n nt tl t- pub:).' . .lirn -t.l n. tlK
Hoiun. nt el lie a.,ii jii,j,,iiar buuks ou linutl and ItT
tale by
No. I'.' CiM'T 8!- .t.
A 'ir( e At-it wi'll M-lfit. tl iti.rU of r.aiiilivnf''v n mnti
fli.i- n.i'.. of a i 1 1. .ti.inl.utl urn., ol tho tU, ileilirnej
t.-l imh itu-
1 1 - I V I'l I.IV-I THK At llt".CHINU IIQI.II 4.
rt'O.ii vn.'H ul Jus. n e., I Hoik.-, i. iue. I". mi i.
Brap,'. Ann j.-iii.ii, ana scnp Albi.ius, D iuitij, bibiei.
1 1 1. i r i.ot s At
AIm-ou on hand, tluee i- i. m me 1'oniiUrt ttilie-A J im,
T'et.iii; Ml a iu the not In urlva'.o l.iruU.
I'liiCf, a...
Pe.'.lv i.h t! I.'.t.i Itihiant,
A new rer...iie Mac o i'io S at" nt Vir. hila, ho im. ih
miii. nr '." on, ri' r;tn. .ula, AC,
J't-1 n.d. Ft lee I ifiy t una.
till L) Old..
I'-"'! X... l.'.'i riih:-.M'r ii:i-i-t.
J V 'l.l .Mil.' .'IUIi,c'i rli
A.p .-...llV Now Alio T'CIT' . Ij . ,i ,.
I I. olM'tiU ol 1 . Hill I k i ll iih.l lln.l.fc Jln. .-.ln ,..
ll. I. l i,-. i.l 11. Vrr:l V.. .rr.
V- iI,I..i...ii Limbs ..r. .-i.iic ,
C' . "I'.r, .... .l.-n, it. irn
.M. I i-i - W ,,'ks II ii-n.,1,,1,
: l .'i. !''' I.i.l inl Hiai. a
N'. IHI 1. H tJi.l t l.l .1,.' illlU. ;,.,
I in. lr. in 11, I . , iti,.. t ii , r. ,
l.l. Ill . in il ,uf . , w i'i s,..v,,vt l-i.-luri '.iillrl.
Mm. in n l i-...i . r hui.i',.. ,
l .is, .1. V, . . ii t. At. ,1.
I. "Ul- Ml.
M ll.'.M';ir. ' Work,.
Tii'mhi 1 k lnrKM
''..m1 l'v.i.r , Wurl.1.
Hut,.) i K ri.
I i.iil I' ii.oii . Wr 1 1, r rlnr t il if 1 .rt, Hur.h- In vi. I.
A! I V I.i i; a'Mn
f . It ,. m.
I S MATH fir.
K 11. -A llbeikl Ulaoulilll Uimlu uinll yuilUnact. U Ij-illt
N Dlilll,
A W !'. Alt,
.limi t t 'aim I All,
I'ati'tf. 'I n( K r,
TVHtlarn (' MaliKi,
J Hum hlimm K ay.
Mrt K 1 CrfM. n,
J mi M PtsKtlil,
m ftmltliiirit,
II Imnn,
Mart.Arff fllAftf,
II ft Vai fihan.
Jai t h I, Prn tb,
Rratnt I'tiwIiAn. Cj.
r HPIiertf-f ,
hfv t; W I'fnuUoa,
J H Jt hnit-n,
M F. Vi hert k,
Jo) n HaitoXjvii,
W 1 1 1 : rn llci,
Ki'i-raim I lifnrrn,
f rt ht A .finon(
J.., n II mtx,
it r MoVf.
litt.riie A lluhhar1,
,ffX-t K .ill.
M 11
(' f M hi f
Jt.- tp- A .l,n .trill,
Jrn 'h K I fi. ni tuu,
l'r i t wiii(in,i(
Hmi'i J'l.rri,
i;it ri w MUhener,
t. Mil artv,
J M M ' n r.
Mr I'Hlil'l hmiylif rt",
M4t-h-M lrnti,
W Hitain 4 WariiT,
M r I a. i Ull,
kohi n I Hinckn,
Jno h -' till ,
.) M i. It. i n.. M 1,
I It I I'll W hiiinBuU,
f il win Mti itiiii.
Jot n lu.irfMjt'h,
J I. nhe.
III rm.i- W Ilarflt v,
0 MM' I fl.
Ji l r lla ! !,
1 ll VV.. .i.-a,
Jt Im t k,
Jutii. I'.rwn,
fi hi A I. r h nWi.
Marviini hiittmi,
i. mm Smith,
Jan a. Wmt,
U i r.ilften,
J 11 ll'il,
t.pi.rt- A Ilutif rt,
I hilit I. Initio.'!
In ( L M iiM r,
l'nn'i i aiiluiro,
j i lm r Miin,
Wft li.. I., nn.
T.W mf WrKfllAT,
th W atriniiioii,
,l( lm II Hi. k,
I haili f (.AMtivnc,
k n J orr,
t wi'ii I'.ur,
Imvitl Frr.i' n.
rBAYrtl BOukS. Ftrr,t dlUnix for pr.nt: ofl
lii.r.! pa r, rry feandinmrijr tiounJ. l'rk-t ffum W
tu 110.
ritlTrit HOOKS tVr th, rew.bonnJ In rt..ii8 er
,l,.p, from fl to 12.
I'ltATF.R 11O0KR fur unJuy Bclinol., frun .10c. to IL
MIIFTr.ll KNOW-rt.AKF. A T..Imj of HaIWoiu
Io. try. A t..uilluUiri to, rio.ii Ml mi, or lii lt. 114k
or riolnit. From f! -.'i t.. 1.
KITTY TIIFVYI.YOV. Ilv the utt.or CfTI.D Schoril rj
t'ottft nmlly." Tnce, tl 7.'.,
1INY 1 ir.llAKY FOIt TINY TKOrLR. Tn Tt.C) tUia
to Hi A.I. t Toaiuien. 49 "'ri .1 1.
HiE I'UKTH. lllliflrltnt. t Kr roliimo.
THE I'DKT'. Illue ml j..M,n,l Sr,cii mij golj. 1
pi r lolnnic.
All tho niw B.ioka refrTr-d as soon a. puMn.hwl.
BiliftiJ from rt rlnm rhnrrti T,n Sookilui n5
trlTnl pul.ll.h.Ti.
Al.o, lrv(-mi.ortni.nit of lit STlf I'lttMRS, BOOK
Wll'Elia, l'OKTK MoSMAIKM, 1'' K I Kul.lU.S,
13-7 10-12 11-17 1H-32-2I riillKltluM,.
Christinas aud New Tear's Present'!.
Tho Att. nllon of the irifn.l. of ilia
adiI die pnbl.A Is invlfftd tn the Ur;e Ass'-rtnafni -s,n'-:
ii i w and smtnlird Ituoks, s;iltii!i o inr k:tM, m ;r : i Tir (t t
imtJicRtlmn nf tl o rrAshyterifiti PuMk'Atluii rumnuuer,
Ami the- heit Bfli kt nf other pnlilMiinc hnitprtM.
The c'oik ol Ct.l.drcn'8 BooKh Is wry full, IikIuJiiik ncif
ifitit g (tin the o (1 fAvnritpq.
t'UMri it s i.auies.l'lcti.rc ("Ar.h am! Tuv RooKf in grtat
Illilyij,TtQini'ntii.rHAlni Rn-iksAni! Pr.'tcr Ifnuks Jtl
.)Aln ii uil liAinJiiome uin-Iinj?. At nil ri. Pi.
I-l.otcK'raith AlltiiniH, rhct.'rtti-li5, ;.n 1 1'Rturei.
I' lr Aic call And examine, at
TVo. l:usi Ctionnut Htroot,
1J 17-fcinw-at Opp.iilii- the Unllcd State Mint.
The Largest and Handsomest Assort
ment in the City.
All trio pew ard MarjrHr f IW, Knttlloh or AnwfQuii
crtilli-i n. Mi ilnln nr riikAnt cnlf Anil it.itcci tijUtnmv
will lt tt'tiinl m ouritHhllnrrt'iJiit. nrrnnuud on 1 iik(hhii
tt ninuinK thn roll li-rifth ot numt'T-, whAreihry cun
tt-l.-ndily emniliitd Mui.1 ofniir llti utoclt la hnumlAi
prisu tt .r our ulttll bul-j, by iun bent LIuuaii ut Ui
Tre linndtnet lot cvpr ImportrJ Intntliii country.
OM'uKli Him.Ks (jtt.nilhy It t n w, t f I..,n.lnn ; Kn
lih fiititiim o( tA Am Kit (0 A fH K lt-tfi miK, tx-iiuiMtt-j.
hrni no In lar Aim l.nd"n imiy a sdia 1 num
l er ul lla- n.-ovt in t d i x Jior-hh f r MmIuiht Wo
iLvitetU'tr iimpciilon by luven ot ief.,aiitI.y-touuii uockj.
A very lArjrp aaPrtrtnirnt ofrvw? lz. kind, Aid intlltT,
which we in oiii-i at LOWK.K l'"li.:t-;t (f,an any n...ii4
i-i.niM, a wrimui uio. noniliii: All pt.rtriltA,
UrliW innriicTf). w wl l kt 11 fur $Wt. Wo hnlw
HtkAnl htrktt Alhtiun. iiitnitit.'rt. In tkIvai u-ith I'mvin
oil wtoil, irtui l'aili, i tli, td li bAU d, lu thu tot luuiuiuT
I'.L.tUK k. 1 t m 1. . .
""ti"r" ""i" "ii wii'ii-f, iiHiuning n n if ic nrw
om ii '1 liu lurjeu ufeajrinitLt Uial wo nVA jet oiltrea io
Some of the Ah've gnodi art llmttA l In tnuntlMeN. W
woiilti iidviie Turn pi.rcrisvi to nctiro tiuru. We olTw,
A in. a nn ill lot nf beautifully mad" l.E . TMEU KB VM4
And Itrioktti. WAtrmitcd ;riiii ajii aurHOie The aro
fct athli y novel Arid -.tun. uou, n.;ido by a ioldicr'i wito.
(HAZ tUIi Si t'LI BTAliU;,
" I1KI.01V El'lli Til.
u I- I! I .M S .
rjPA'i KNT
M'rrRri'.Pd lo t.r .tipcil r to any o t.ei, nii'lc.
oi Tin:
a rr a: m rv m 't- v h
, r.YUK'S,,
IH X". 10 S. l.lii'.ITII NThKl.T.
rJ' () T II K T U A 1) i:.
Thu I l Ill.ICAl IUNH of
ix.rul.llrK of
tV..:rPTKR'N MPTIllStltV,
I'H' r.i'l Kll M Mrl.l.l.K.KS,
llll I. I.i 1,1. ,s i;k il.l.m,
LI.A1. .1 .t tiW AN 8 AKll'llMETIi;, ,tro. io ,
will l.tri iilitir l.r iu.).icil t. tin trailu
rilAHLKr, I'lOt-tirKH,
1- "-' Ko Itit I'ltmSOT Hiriet.
4 I
(iul.ll I'KNS AVIl PKVnil.q
.iim:mi.k asi rov nn iifn
io u,.ThTn,RB w K"rK lMLil ANJ' b"vku''!eSi'
N.'IIAI.S.rlln..rT c.'oiii.
All uruclt', luoiiii'll: .luiii eriil.
... , I'lililltliliin Roi.k..ii(.r .ml Hi.inoiii r.
ii-M'Jl hv.lMH CUtS.M'f unt.