The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 19, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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MONDAY, 1K('1;.M11KU P,
Leading Fmrt;iU rmm the New Tnik
rajir 1 his .'.I i. mini. I.I.M UAI.H.
eotti Af "nnei.
The Ilur of R nr. v n'n jt i,s- juvwil a t,il
providing Hint hI f rural- wi o i nil n-.. una
fixe J dny Id 1'c'n imr , I u c . i u in a n il ser
vice, fliu'l ci s-c In I.! , i,i,:n en ! w h tho army.
Ve nope N. n i: v i 1 1 ' n-i I r with Mi ni' e tro
tho seope and lint of this lull noloro they (
It their nui,. i ion . I i- ,u ti.ina:i;y, mint ni 'tuc
penua's cow in the r I n.u aid aa.uild lie
dropped lor llic Ri o,l it' : c sir. ( ; Inn we
tioulu In ibi r tie way ,i i.;t .. . .i ir, this I'il
dcttrmin'ng wm thus-.' (i :.,! arc I- tho lint
the! cnii be tlnis il.
Commanders the fn'l 1 i r nr' ft1 .i-it nhovo
the ori.lpnrv wi iilu,e-sc, pr mi'Mci s, crr"r-, hii I
ie-(Liii i-rth ni iimrin iiy ; cml tuoy mav, tr mi
mm ltiaiciuetc motive,, kin i r uti tie- nut
f t' lli'tiTc ( ii p'l j ii . M lot n im.' il ' l to I r l i J (' i
Ulnar tjic opt i.i'ii'ri ot I r. is prop .etl I .w, a nl
till. il tltrl I'll ll.f.ll In til 11 cirri or iVAn't'lTrsl
a pet a ty w t i. Ii snoti'il only t ol w c nit e I in, 1' ,r
Snipe olli ne ri'c 'i.'tr i il If the rm it uy lew.
'I nl.i the rut ot (u tiei a I el i I mii'x rnpV.
Hewns i.niv.r-aly rei inn il ty the. f ;.-. r n
Ii.ri t t d Hie i i' im tho nm-t s.'ii mt. s'ive.
anil ( lleftivp meet r in tne h'tinnil-i ill vnl e v, lit
tho ni.t-ct i I ia-i auiiiii.f r's r.uiMiiiiii. (rcnerai
fin rihin, hoiv r, r It'V'J h,m t on h cmi
n ai il, for ica-anis whi h, howei er con, ti-ive ih-'v
inny I, have never ct Ii en p;lv--n 1 1 ttn po'ilie,
arii w hnh have tirri r el In on ess-pin 'd hy nil v
military tribunal It wminl M irri'iy Ii.' jut or
fair that hi' ln iilii liii rmk in th.- arini-
mi rc y lic'an o lie r-timi't 'it :in wnpiirr i ri r rim
rn'Hi't' Ir teinpnrtrv i-a-; o n -1 m. 'I'fM "1 119
thins i conli li'" cuillv tine of m'Ii.t ill :i'n
v ho wrulil i-i tr I'ti'j in t!iu aaino w iv tram tlu
operation of thin l.iw.
Ot It 1.11
i t j:ssi.s.
Frtvn th TViAuni. j
Thouuli r IniTcnot yet n eelvod (jen.r il Sher
tnan'a account i t' his ni.ii'clt from A I uiU to
Savantiab, it it aluinu.inily clear th it ha eaeoiiit-
tercd no n rioun te l.-r.itici nut cnongli to eau"c ,
liim oen oi'Ce to put his army in or, lev ot" lu tl). i
Some sciii'cd O corgi.! iniKtiit praec l"d hi-, ad- .
vanco, taking c. ire to keep wull out of guishot, i
and a hri'ailo or to of carnlry ImtiK iipoti hn '
flanlt and rear, skirmi-hlng cnuiionsly nt Inter-
yals with Ids Mount g p:ntici or, ind '
pekins up Iho few strngj; i wlin fell out of tin !
la Kb, uiialile or un ii ing lo eniiliiiiic tue in ircii.
The ii tic tu ion oi ru-t'i ! Iiy the li l i-.-l
oieans with n turd to Hener il Stiena m's p uitiun '
aud inovennut as coii-lniuad hy their pro- j
loutiu ino uiue incv can tuny rtiiMiuc l tiom
telling whutihey U ,1 not KiiO'v.
Wi.en yon hear fioui i( udversiries tha' tao
movements ( f a large army are i .voived iu mys
tery, ou mav Kutely eoncluilo tin, it is m eting
no formidable opK-ition. K ir a wall-appointod
army, ailvauciug iIimiiIi a hasti t reiilon, eliomus
to cover a consioeruble lire ulih of c mtery, so as
to replenish its t,ir, s i f forage mi l food, an I lias
itfl tliiliks wel) fter'cnrd Iiy ekvalry, who Imr nil
iosnle observation of lis batteries and c ilumn
of illlautry. Formidable ic i-t.iiice -o m couipula
it to concentmte un l sliuiv its tcoth ; lint tho
enemy's admiaiin that tlicyd) nut know ex
actly where ita main body ii, im;iliea til it tlmy
are not resisting lis ndvun. c. And that is tue
Dill" rial fact in lll'fl case.
Mbeniian took the capital of Of orgi t withont
iitintf a gun, and might have tiken M icon or
Augusta had lie elm en to Im divi-nel from his
direct conrao to either; hut ho did not. Ilo has
marched ttirungli the very heart of tho Confede
racy ilirough the most fertile, woalthv, ua
Sopuious portion of tha Kmpiro S'.atu of the
oath and lias encountered nooppositi m worthy
of the u.iini', 11 id it Riii. I armr advanced tilit
ing Irum llitrpt-i'a Kerry through Chaurii i -burg
to iinri lining, iiirnre iiioviig iioi eistoii nroilg'l
Heading, Ka ton, and Tr 'inon to Nevi!i k, and
there placed Itself In free coinniunication iriili u !
Itebel iKet in Newark Day, we should lure con-
aidered the (jnion pretty well plivcd our; I
yet that would have narcoly piraliclfd Stmr-
man's trluuiphunt progress from Chattanooga to
Savannah, j
Isearly two yearn ago, Colonel Orierson, after
a cavalry laid ttroin tuu Tennessee to IUmu !
Koiige, proiioiinccd the Conledcracy "a dull,
with nothing in it." Sherman's p ira lo from ;
Atlanta to Stvaunah (jives emphasis) to tha:
charaetcrizuiion. I
If we had only room for a reproduction of the i
bombast that bus been tho staple of K diel au- I
counts of Shrriiiun's sanation and fortunes since I
bo cut loose from Atlanta the ominous whis- i
rx'is that the thunderbolt was about to utrike ;
bim ttio wholo-eloth fabrications of outrages !
comii'lncd by his troops the dismal por rayals
of the fatigue, discouragement, and demoraliza
tion of bis lori-n the bulletins of lierca
battles fought by Wheeler with his civalry,
wherein our troopers were regal ir!y cut up and
rentier! d tbc repi rta that Sherman was hurry
ing with all his inii'ht to lake refuge on sliip
tiourd at Durlen, Urunswick, or soma other
southerly port the gas imp irting tint tremen
dous preparations wero inSking to arrest him at
some unmentionable point, lie. vc the col.oe
tion would rot only lie read with amusement,
but would serve to throw light on Uebel resources
and Ilt-bel rhetoric generally. The proclamations
tired a'. Cieueral tsi.ei uiuu try (iovernor 11 roan
alone would have sntliced to untiihilate his whole
army it proclamations were C irtndgos und cou
tained bu lets.
The calling out en Mo.vte of the militia and re
servi s ot Cieorgla and Mouth ( uroliuu the sum
Dinning ot Alabxiiut to1 the aid of her northerly
sister the spirts railed from all maimer of
vastv deep.- ourely, stmr'.hirut shou'd hive be.."!
rea'i.ed Irom all ihc-c di-viees that sli lul l have
suihced to nrre-t's march for at l)ist a
day. It teems, however, that blav, hoi, ling gas
tonads is to be tuVen with evermore than the
a erage disconn', though those who lire proeia
intt ons in voll ya ara keidoui expectuj to dis
cluiru more subsuiiittol ml-s,lcs.
The result ot lliaid's leaguer of Nmlivil'c ap
pears even more ileastrons than the Usuo of tliat
wanior's usual und, rukin'-'s. We cannot doubt
that Ueniral Nnerinan, when ha parted from
Oeneral lliouias, directed him to lure llaid's
army so far north, ami keep it across the Tonnes
tee river so long as possible. Still, the audacity
of laying siege to a foripied city or depot like
Nashville, with ananny Inferior, at least numeri
cally, to that of its defender, and those defenders
commanded by a vutiran like T homas, has bad
no parallel since, with less than .'iO.OiH men,
held MeClellnii's OO.OiKJ spell-bound in front of
'Washington, overlapping our mighty host on
both winvs.
With Unci! ai the head of our forces In Ten
rtrssee. Hood might safely have pass"d Nash
ville and invaded Kentucky ; but with Thomas in
command, he could prudently do nothing but get
out of the neighborhood at the earliest moment.
This be was doubtless on tho Hlnt of doing, if
the movement bad not already t,e.nn, wtton
Thomas decided to force a Iw.'le, aud thereupon
Diadu the inurement whose result uow doctrines
the country. . v.
Until Hood's account of tho light at Franklin
was received, there was a protaxt for doubt or
cavil as to tho reality of our success there ; but
we see not bow there can be any longer. Our
army was reireating to concentrate, and beiag
hurply pressed, was compelled to light or aban
don its trains. Bcbolield decided to light, fully
aware of the euemy's superiority in uumbcrs, but
trintii R In th p isition to (na'ilc blm ro
ti li KIthi Rcli-I aiivnni" nn'll hi "aim
n iiltlb i itdlv got away. And the calcnla'.lon
I'U'VMi w m tind oi, e. Thounh Mi centra i
t ri e !n V ii Iit tlii" ftroit n.oincntiiin ant voha
i im ! ot tha II. he I rhnrric, II w r- furnird,
ii' i' tin' lo( cri nnd ri fraincil, In a cunter-cli iiaja
f i' Ii i-'iic u rn arl a tii tisind prU ini'rn.
in thi' point HO'nI' rrnort l um-ainlid ; hut,
n .c tli 1 1 imt Halm to h iti mpturt 1 a fin nn
a wni n, nrd ailnii'i a Iooh nf fiirtT hundrnd
Ii i n, in. 'iniinB Major li m nil Clo'iurur "n I ihr'-e
I ritHilii'ts killeil, with hh in -ny wnnnrl 'il or cii-
tin. il. It in rl.'ar Hint Mchol'i ht ' ' unt Is t id
t'H'iti'. 1'ho U liflH with r. pn'Ni'd wl h liarfitl
1' ' in rt our n treat ilnrlrs tin- iil'iinif nu"it
ii pn civlv what M. hi tll I I. ii.l pui p i"e I. H
I' ad riot i rnpoi il, with two run", to lUht a
pitihni tmt'le with tho wlmle Ite'i 1 army; hi
r un' to ,np il I he fin' hin tr inn ha ; an. I
t'''t If a hifvril, I ii 1 1 ' 1 1 ' f .i li a- left 'wife
n In iiiiim hi' lii. i.trc d U n It"' cu Ii 1 1 in
(their i tit of Vimiiiii mi dlrc'tri' in a I'uht m
I nt. C'U btiit.e. ami hl !"- ruiinot wuil i.o re
J;llTf.'. I n the wh"'e. It necnn p'a'ii til t tho Ue'ieN
are ill c di My ovfrniati'ln-il.i.nd ure eoini rupi Iiy
to tl . will, il more aoiilirr ar- ni'nle-t to ni ike
a 'P'.tU n il ot tho war, wa inut the l'rc-'.len'
W'll tut I i''t;,te t t rail for i hem p-i'tnli'lv H id
ftank ly. Villi ''dd.OiKi m"r m"n In nnr "fn'ri,
tlf t li i f Mirch next ihouid i" Mr. I,ia-iln
Ii a' M'tnttd 1'reiideut of a nailuu reunited and
at it. cf .
II t rlirn vs ami T.ii'K A"Su ISI '
mux. Hv Chines 1 iinis It ill. II. ir- ,
Hros , N, w Yi rk.
pi r i
Unci' tl.e lamented Uli-lm Kent Kane pu'i- 1
llsl.ed his Toiuininous work, rccoua'ing the In- i
c:ilent.s and result of his soj iiiru iu tho I'rUid
tie, no work of imp ,runce lias becu laid lutore '
the j nl'.ic. The land of tho ilis aut Noiih, of
tl e i,unra, mid of ic,-, lon been sunounded
by n f .im-i : in I i, ii for the liilia'iiiants of our in i,e
gi liial climes. Its pictures pio grandeur; irs i
Iriid ti ituri' : the ecccutri i'ies of its lu-'
habitants; the tterility of its soil; adtho toys,
t, ty with which it is enveloped. ill combined to I
ditiw the uiuenturous ol civllitnl ti
set k i xcileniciit among its icy inouutiius aid j
lo. ui, known shores, flic naturalist cm revel iu I
the oddities of nature's fancy.
The, ul hoiigh cut oQ' from the rich i
ve t'etiiiien ol the Tr-'pics, has its ptaeu supilio,!
wi h ihu curious fetus and lichens, which are
picsissnl of myserious ineOi.-iiiai proia-rtiss.
'1 he v. t o.e wii.l desert ot rocks and snows n is j
its aliincui u, and a nanutive of tho u ivciruros ,
ii c eeM i),,,ii a journey hi") its heart c ian a li it
pioM: most interesting and iuiructive to our '
ti tout g "pnlation. The large and prolix work '
ol nr. Kane ws eagerly perused by nil Ike Anie
n an literal i, but its mieiest has pitted uir ty ;
I. oi i tli-conries have been ina-le, ami a eon-tt-ent
initraiion of the la est inform itiou from the
J'o nr M'i is (Iciii.iiiilcil by our peonl i.
Ciiptitni Hall litis ptesi uicd in with su -h a
work, l or ibr, e years he Im- been shut out from
( Iviiizaiion, living among tho l'.s,iumaiix liae
oi e ol tin in. ! unlink, lishiug. exploring l.iv.iu'
w n h them, I o has i in billed their feelings, mil, I led
their I, tiguiuic nnd habits, and Ims r.-mriie t to us
, th ti s -ti ni.itic review ot their life and man
M rs. Tl c lt puces of his woik were wriiten on
ti e eve ot las departure for the ice-clad litmii of
l is adoption, and' eio now he inut be bicu hing
the bin zos ol the icebi-rg and the glaeior.
lie has iniide a must useful work out of his
journals, i ml lias done much townrds deciding
i he vuul iue-iioa of the existence of a l'olur
1 assiige. V hile living tn the heart of the ice, ho
li'unil mimv tra. esof Franklin's and l-'roi'tsher's
extietlitti n- traces which wero not avail it) o to
any oue urine iiiaiiited with the K-ijuiuiaux lau-
tua.e. AU tin most lnteies iug tnciiiem-or a vi
dinti, of which theia are ipiite n nuinber, are nar
rated with tkiil.
01 tip; biros which nro Indlgenons to tho Fr'gld
Zone, of the flora and fauna, he treats thoroughly.
The domestic habits of the iuh ibitunts, their
food and way of living, are discussed at large,
and while he gives much vain tide inform itiou,
it 'B done in aftylewhieh precludes tho possi
bility of the accusation of dryness.
It is not written in the siy'le of journal which
was adopted by Or. Kane, hut as a n irrallvo,
which admits of much greater freedom of both
thought and expression.
It is embellished with one hundred duo en
gravings, mat y of them of great heaiitv, und all
ot tbelu most accurate representations of the ol
je, ts which lin y intend to portr.iv. It is a work
of rare volne, and, with lis correct map, gives
the readi r un nnderstauditig review of Hi c c nirse
of not only his own, but ulso of till tuo preceding
Tun Lost Lovh. lly the author of "John
Drayton." T. 11. l'eterson & brothers, l'hiia
delphia. TLere are sereral styles iu whi :h a novel can
be written. The usual nairalivo style is most
common. The plan of extracts from
the private journals of the characters is one that
has been adopted with great success by Wilkie
Collins, whi e the atitobiograph is ono of the
most pleasing, and has taken a standard po-ltion
since the publication of "Jsnc Kyro," and "Uut
ledge." 1 he author of the "Lost I.jvo" has
iidcpud this style, and has woven out of it a
very pleasing tale. It has no depth, it has none
of the nice (lisjeruments which uli truct'fiizod
the proUiictious of Scott or Fielding. We will not
ead it u second "Waveilev," nor yet a "Count of
Monte Cntto," but wo content ouiselves by pro
nouncing it a good novel.
It displays originality enough to please the
reader, depth of plot sullicient to excite hi.n
diitii g its perusal, and being written in an uuro
bogruihicitl style, compels him to take a per
sonal interest in the fatoof the leading charac
ter. It will have a largo circulation, and who
ever reads it will rise from its perusul with u con
sciousness that li s time eonld not bo more plea
santly tpuit. Me-srs. Filers m have got it out
in ttuir asual mat style, aud it will add both to
the value and the beauty of any library shelf.
LioK-llMAHTicii. I)y Mr. Oroy. T.I). l'eterson
(v llroilieis, I'hlludelp'-iia.
This enterprising rublisliing houio has made
tn its edition of cheap and popular novels a m ist
valuable additioa. Mrs. Grey is well known to
our public us un able a id origin il
au'hores. Her "I'asston and l'rlnciple," nnd.
"The Flirt," have gained ber a reputation, anl
her lutest work will not detract from the laurelt
already earned. We do not admire the title, Im
the contents are all that the lovers of exciting
literature rotild d'mand. Her characters uro
drawn from Knglish lite, and ura unfamiliar to
our Aineric in public. Her clergyman hero, Mr.
fielding, is tinupie, the only word which Is anpli
cable, ami bis wife is well portrayed. Tue other
characters are original, and tho whole plot is
wrought up with g'eat dopth, and de.crTos to
rank among one of the best conceived, although
not best executed, plots in our popular liter jture.
It is not a sensational work, nir yet one of tho.e
eha-le, high-life tilu-wns whoso heroines are
eternally surrounded by ft halo of ethereal efi'ul
gency, but it is u practical and will shortly lie a
popu'ar work, org which the generality of people
will read, and which will have a circulation, like
most of l'eieraons' publications, beyond the select
circle of the literati.
Jousson's Nhw Atlas is gaining ground
daily. Those of our lawyers, merchants, or edi
tors who bave procured a copy havo found it so
useful in. following the progress of our armies,
that they have recommended it to their friends,
and the demand for il is rapidly increasing.
Complimentary letters have been received from
Messrs. Caleb Cope, T. S. Aitbur, I'rof. Hart, and
many others of our most respectable citizens,
and all unito In declaring it th most copious,
exact, and generally valuable work of the kiud
ecr issued.
Evciy Eoldior Cap iblo oi Duty
Crdcrcd to tlio Front.
W s:i is ,. ii,m, le i
otei r t,f in ' bci n
! 11 1 ll ! Oil Ml I.
r l Cn'eiS No. ::')!.-
Mi'irr I 1 Le f.illjn m j
lied .-
II,' 'i in' i r l:i. IS', t -fji i e -I'icry
( 111 cr mul ml Hi r
ci,-.ilncof duty is now wai n I in the held, an I
if cot ou duly, liny are ..r.h iv 1 to tie ir respect
ive oit.u: atuu.s.
All l'tuwit M .r lnl- and It , ir Is ,,f Kir.ill
H rnt are instiUi'twd to e n. .ov n. Mt d:lii;cn'
e ,i rli,, t ' in foi ardir so', lie s t the 'ro-it, nnd
in mrmtiig deserters, shirki r, ami all lit for
duty who ere abcnt without prop r au'h"tiiy.
Snigfon in charge of ho-pi" il- arc direct 'd to toiwiud all who are ti' lor ser ice. taking
C;,ic h.'weier not t,i cxpo-e anv who are unlit.
Kieiuiloig i Itieers arc cniiiii' d to ;, tic,-,
OT'd tl o'C ho are fi'.iml etiiity of niv'cct.or usc
h ss. the A 'ji 1 1 mt (.'ciictnl is dire o-il to recall
un m, iloiti ly nnd send to their c nninii Is.
l.viiy (ilortmust be put forth to il'l n; tho
innks, stt-ei.gthen tin armies, and aid the pati i 'tic
ni d gni'ai0 troops timv Ptui lag the reiling
i l" n y with victorious biiovs.
I'.y oidi rot the fi .ri.i: ; i ttv oi' War.
li. lb ToM.Nsl-M', A. A. f).
TLo Hews of tho Niislivillo Vic
tory in our Army.
Ktc, TAt., Etc., lite., :., KIC,
Sl'.p, Inl lo The l.l en Hi reli-griill.
W ash t no i on, Deci tuber lo. 1 lie mail steamer
.l,i.'ii'ii,fri ni City I'oiiit. brings up a large nutu'ier
of mustered t.ut otllcers, principally of New
Vcik reglineiiis.
Yesterday looming A Kiiluto of one hundred
shotted guns was tired from our batteries in front
of I'ctersl'urij, in honor of Thomas' victory over
Tho Itel-fls nunc out ,,f their holes, a good deal
njtoi.ifl'.cd Iiy the llring nnd puUd to uc.-ount
for if.
Our troops on the eastern side ol .lerits alom
phmk roiul are rug igf d In felling trees in front
of our works. The ReVls keep up their Ineitc
tuul fire upon our working parlies at butler's
I'roni llnvouit.
Nkw Yokk, December l;i. The steamer
t.ihrtth arrived Irom Havana, tine brings
no news-.
T t. o vt llisii V.
Xpteial fl'tftitcli lo I'Ur Hrrntnt Ttl"jryh.
Wasuimo iox, Deccniber lib The Housi- has
stiutk out tho cUute taxing whisky on baud.
from Jiiai:itij
Nrw Yoiik, December 111. Advfces from
Jamaica represent that tho sugar crop will be un
average yield.
i.irt:i ftiAiis Nii.viTR,
Wahhino rov, December IU.
Mr. Clark, the l'resideutyoo ten., occupied tha
Mr. Hale (N II ), u peured in his seat.
Mi . Ten I yek preseiiled a petition from i-iti 'ne
who had I iiiteil States Certificates, asking for
indemnity. Uc 'erred to the Couimiitee on tha
Mr. Siimnfr (Mass.) presented a petition from
Henrv Wind lleeelier, and three thousand citizens
ot New York, pray iug lor the abolition of slavery.
Ijncic-iini iu mi- eiiiiii,h'v ,-ibihj.
Mr. M ilson (M iss.) presented u petition from
I tho t llicers of colored troops, asking for an in-
i ri ase of pnv, etc. Hcferred to the Couiuntlvo ou
Mili'Uty Alluirs.
Mr. Grimes (Iowa) presented a petition of citi
Mnsof Iowa, asking for the repeal of the Hecl-
I.rocity Treaty, lieterred to the Couimiitee ou
on lgn Keliitiona.
Mr. Orimes presented a peti'lon from Acting
Assistunt l'uymuaters in tho Unib-d Ktaies Navy,
asking ibat thev have the rank nnd pnv of Lieu
tenants in the Nuvy. llefcrred to tho Commiitoe
on Naval Allalis.
Mr. Anthony (U.I; presente l apetilion similar
to ih" above, which was referred to the same
PIlll.AI-l.I.I'ill TKAUC KtTOUr.
M"si,av, lici-einber h' 1 us ninv.,riit'le wi'ftliir snd
rapid downward aion-nirnt In Held and KaeliaiiKe have
; tr,,ur-:,t trade to a maul, and tin'.e is tcarecly anjrtlitaM'
do UK.
In Cotton n.v trantiiei; ,r.i rec ,r',l.
No. I oueri itmn I'.aik is oirt'. td nt m JO r ton, with-
i out flLillnit tiut-ra.
In 1 .oor trii-li- h er.v -l.i'l, uii! f'-f s-i'i's -ire' infl'iil t,, a
i r. w small 1. 1 l,,r l.mee e n-iee ''ilea at '' .,. ''.'.'i
i l,.nl.,,ur siiih rice; l('.,., 1 --'' ' I evira: t!.l Tll'o,
to St I -Ai ti r estra luuoic nil 1 f.1'1,1 1,11-. ne, r,,ii:( 10
ipi.ilny. Biiikll httlus Hie Fijiir as 1 ''.. 'I he arti
1 1 it ftc.irc.
In rum iw.tMns it ,liij-
I l.e dele ai, a 11, r Vt i,. ar 1- ie,il'ct 1-' tn-t w-, k - T'iirw.
Kales el' id tu-tiiU a'. .' i ,.'' ,' bii-i i I a r,-,t,
anil wh'le at . s::,. 'S'. J! vi- 11. at I ,-. t:,,rn 1. ip'll.
b, null ai(- ill 0,-1 .vecoi. al 1 aid nil'M ir t
S' V. e.ini'el hi ill,i,f') osul l .'i. Oil ir.; 1,1'-,, eli-,1
,1.111 l.u.C 1 l'iin- I. an a s,.ul .n.' ,i'n:p. I'rlrrs r
InirltT iteil Mint are n.,1.11.. Iiy 101 ' ,o,.e.l.
plaster cuio !,,r.iril a,o vl,,a.ut is ilnil. line uurl-i
v.1 si; .old ni 2 1 1 t"ii.
jj Heliite's in Kiied r, i,c-f. r ti h ll'-n.-s ami Prince
A-Orrie are ailiuis at fv -il O:- . M re s ,,0.11. t -Ji,.
1 ".. iii-Ii-i a",i i 1 1 -ii 11; - ' i ' ' I'-'1 t i' -ii''- a
f Nt ! (t ,t. -. nur ,11.111 -v, s. 1 1 .11
but e.lnie are vte, (t
a. ..1.
1 11 'rui
t v. 1 : 'r r.orei.
,wt,. kilns aiivan-fil ', int' f
barf's,ijOau'a rvniit-.t at .' 1
u-K .' Ki,
n. Ha'i
Ml. IU '-I
,,f in
Itnrkctx by TlKraiu.
Vr.v Yokk, December If) (ol 1 opened at 2jl
an. 1 1 a luwn to VII'...'. -lie-- a' '-'U'; ii.ek. .T.-r.
I t i, i.eo anil Ui"- luli'i'l. lHI'-j; Cll'iil i"! Jnil lire, TOst .
Wl ; I 111 n. tit i'eiilral. l.'7'i : lllui-'m t' b-.tids, 71 ;
Miri.ijau .-.oinl.e.n. ll-'i's ; S- ' V..rki'eiilliii.'ll , I'eun
mliaLiil ' out. J'1 '. Ilfaui: u. 111.1 ll,i,l"ll lilver. II')', ;
( aiin.i i 'ijiiii'iuiv. Mi, m, 101 i:-. .:!,: Krln l:llr,ni 1,
!'l '.; I'litli'l Mlati-s I'o'ip.eia ls.-l, U7S,; 1 o e-tvt eiilti'S,
li '."", ; i'i ii-nirties, Pt.', : One year l.'i-rnlUaui, lli,'t I HolU
at Ike board il4,n llrl DO d i.
Laucen Y. A lad uged nine years was arrested
yesterday upon tho charge of breaking Into an
tiding saloon at the Baltimore Depot, uud steal
ing a lot of lard, lie was held for a further
I.rtirr of (Jv-wra- Frnrt Trnla.
George Francis Train baa been invited
I to In- I
f IL. 5
angiirate the cen monies of the grind ball of the
yoni g men of the Ri-puhllcan Invlncibe, to
ccineon nt the Academy of Music on Janusry
l'J, lsfl.',. He ha accepted tho iuvitutloa In the
follow lug chnraeteriitlr let'er :
WllLMlll's llOTVT., WASItlttOTOX, I). C, lit.
cen la r 17, lsii l. t.rntieu.eii . Yes ! anl ilree
cheers for I'hil ulo phi i 1 Hurrah f,if Pen ivl
vuuia' Tho f,'cesli ll.ilwer hit the I il in
(.'uaki rwhcn be sat t "ihe I'enti was mignier
tbsn the sword." l.ut the I ni on (Maker hit lie
rse.csh l,u m r u lien be to d htm Dial we sro-f
all per s ot cue tremendous whole, whoso hulv
I nlon Is. and I.l'uny tl.e soul. I bree eli frs for
sii,nl S i a 'in thru-t through and finish
the Hii-t. c.iilie h de ol the llnti-li Lord W itrn
c, III 1) wn Willi the tli.'.niei' sail Win-lo-v,
ar.ii down -he went. ( i.erb i ml wnti the !',
"i o said ('est, in , 'ind ' lie ship sunk. W iu!
-.iililni'C auo.iciti 1 Ni v r 1 sod Morris, an I ill '
le-t bio its-tie Hii-ln, I when the mpm of too
( ' rn. ' r 'an.. wive lei el won tho w a -r. Wnv.
u sinilicuit hiT,,i-m! God b f ss the nivy!
A n.i ru-a i-mis rcss ,,f 1 1 o sti wlieu sin gits
noils.. Coil b'c-s tbe ermv. Here I-lo
I , ,.i p i, I.- in,
Me n I, i,i i. e ,
II, i; l,f ,e ll , ) I, be
I O i
ii ti ml ifr a.
ll Ml,,il tell UOiUUll
t"- u.e fi,ii ii i: ,i irminr sleill I,. nil ttn'm'
11,0 nioii bull is moving, then' AH right.
Couiit inc in. la t all pin 'ic pitc. l'nc esmu null
is ov, r l-otgi't ami forgive. Let pi iyiii .im
ll,c I t i, n mav livv. Amci ii au- iiliro.,,1 ,iu e
ii se and i In t red, n-i mat er w here tln ir birth or
wl'iittt'cr polrns when ihn tmsiiveni rniul.
" I l.e riesiui i.t ot in,- I n
c.ted S ale-
The puo-
1,1. si o!,e in Noi , lulu r.
Cut oil all II nler, , and ad alle:;e,l fra tds,
un, i tlooiv iu the Fleet, College it the .loom, tbe miiioiity sneass tlie .nice ot the s'ii'e
ii r im n and tbii'L's hs thev are. So ,- o.e u
M it'd tig'-tlicr. Mike y "ii r lull i , t ,,i;ii
tor i v, iv no, y who i bei'is lor ihe couii'-'i . t u '.o
wl ii don't beiicr cross ibe line. A ncin' i (.., no
Aim ri, in s. No nonsense now I' it d , u tho
iii-iilrecii-n. He in inriie-t. :vc tlf it tb u- in,i
ship- nun a nullum ot in n. 1'iLtrer all die linn
ln-e our li itioni-.lity.
America Ims the i i st 1 ea 1 and ,pi ilitv of brabi
iti tl.e pi r, t o. i, . y ot nitn-ns. li nie ,,nnt c ituc
to A liietlcu to poou Slid cut in ii :,le. l'tiisni'lst
cio-s the oet an io li-iirn pra ti a; sur.terv. V. i r
,sl n.i h Inn-t visit oin s:,, res t,i be i du aled 1. -t
Ki rone come ov, r an I le.iru n i ural ni-t uy from
Aeii.s.-iz at. his C'umhi lege Mii e'iui Thinks in
I I a-c, he has iiitrnduced " I'ln ( 'red it M iiulliei 's"
sjKif in Into our finance. The n it tonal b inks are a
succt sm. '1 bree cut ers for tue Miccessorof illlison,
Jo , Marshall Mini Taney I le t the best m in win
A in i 11 tor Kansus t i-m-noiv, but will be with
eu in the l'-'ih, provide, I the ball covers all D,fl rent from ot'iers,
I pnii"oni7i' the ( ioveinmcnt. inste.ul of the (lov
einn ent piitriiiiirlng me. Wni e Mr. Lincoln is
I "i c -lil i n t in-., lie, I will be I'le-idei.t out. i t,' iin
the colt ). My amnllion is t i pes,'rve mv egotism,
and tinu-h into abuses. '1' i tieluiig to parly or
.nl.e i llice w, ul I i!,.-trov tl.a'.
Now , lln n, if the bill tui,f s in nil the oe" ini
zn'ioii. i ll come o'liin wise, 1 wont, rndcr
statm n e 1 wish to see, tin ler the auspteet of
the yi, ting men of the K, -public in Invincible to
whom 1 imcmI thanks for tm-t and .irescnt kind-ius-
the Academy of .Musi.' il.led wid the
n pic-en'iitives of all those who had, and still
liHic, eoun'iy on the bruin. llir, iu any cas ,
Yi u are my fri, ml", nnd I am yours,
(Ii omir. I'UAM ia Tiiaix.
A. Wa Kin-lniw. Charles .M. 11 ill, S. Li ly, .loliu
M Itiitler, uud l'.cnjiimin Swain, lis,s., Coni-
a-s;--. snjis (,v x K.W F.Nfi I, YM).
-' A 01011,1 Mftlllili uf til' S .. le'.V will lie lifliliin
7le-il.i K,t-i,,r.'. -.'"ill ,i, . 1.. ul Tiieiia, nt rf,0 .n ,'t
Ir le-snr hfiuhdl. '1 Hill I KK.NT1I ami l.i.TS I M.rieli. , lt,,i ! oft.teis ft r 1,'tier
l..:'..'l' JAMKS ll. Al.V Sllll, Ho, relury.
"t- rnil r,.niinl-kn. L'(,Diiu,inisillli I'.uJldln.'.
Vu. (ill t HUM r r, ,'l.
I'llII itilt r-lll (. fleei.mli..r 17, If-C.l
.M p n-ors 1 avtff cla l,,s a.-sliist i -iH I ' -ninis .l,.'i urt
itoin ml vire.ent u.f.u on . r i.t-l.-re Sal'ilpiil . lie, ju,.
I ei i'i. Is .i. i(. i. ki vn.
It P1 III , 1'ieslili'ilt.
K&r" TO Till: SniCKII'tl.DI' it's OK TIIK
-' Knirie.i unt Passt-aer Kallisav ( 'iiiiip.niy i K.ies
aril Vil e S'reelt).
'1 1 f )'j, l.r llie ttansl'er of Hn.rk jv ill tie ntiii mi v. Ii. enelM r l'J, ai No..k. W A I. N I' l 8 rem. It t,i'i
No i,. I mid ilour. il l.-'.l
;,-. 1'llll.ADl.l.l'llIA, DI'.Cl'.Mill'.ll Hi,
' -' lstil Am -rsi.ii lnleretl i In the yle'd of llet
in tr w tl un the A'ti'it 1-ln'td pr,i rlv, c. an aet onrrnct
lliti reil;,,ll en luf en', e, l l aniio iai.' m l'"i sum,' ili,tr,
wi o wet me Isluutl un tint 0.1 Inst., an I t'ie well at tliat
time wai not vieleins lllleeu oarreN nl on tleilv.
,1 V. Ittt'iiV,.
tl 17 It Ko.Jil MKKI'H rts' B('IU VHB,
-T- Wl-jsfi UN BANK. OK l'Hli.AUKL-
I'lllA, .y
Pull alio em l. rieecmlier 19, s;.
Js'iitl, e I derel.y Kl ell aylieati t U aelion 'i of tlu'.t-'t
ot tf:e i .eneial Attiniil'lv ot tint I uiiiinun ,i , illii ef P, n.i
svlvaiint. eititleit an "Aei eluil.lirj 1 lit tlitnks or the I'aui
neiitieaith tn tieiiinut Astm-iatli'iie lor ttie eirp .mi in'
lliillkni.- Itr (lie Ihwr ni tint Pulled Sia',--, iil'Br,ive,l
tin, :'.'d ol Anuutl, A. lb lliat th,- st.ieklinliierH ul'
(lie Wi tlerii l'.ank of PlillailelpMn linvt- Hue tt.iv 1 lo
tiiei Die ttich an A tMtciatl'.n, an.) trut tts llireel.trt davo
(.rneiiied lie r.nttii ti li T t,l tli-4 uwaere -f tint e thoitvu
tl lull ni tlit- tptl.d t,i, k to m.ikt- the t-erlnt- at ruaiiiref
tl.eirn.r lo tr o laws of tlio t d led settes
1 ip.aui C. H. OA NUT. Cashier.
l.LKl.'IIKNV 1:1 v i: It
CAI'ITAI, 5500,OtM.
111(1,(1(10 hliaiTs, at YUc Doll;ir Eacli.
I'KIl i: TO si list ItlllKl'.fs, U'0 Pr.ll (SM ATtT.
The Ale li"ny llli er end l:a-t Siiinly nil uancinv hat'"
liiu ih-lli i i and valuahle i i.iii 'itiei. nniiui whu-li are
mt mil in ti t -iui,le, and eiui of wliice ita wuiklnir pro
itrl. nliciiily de.olsiied, villi nil tlio uceesaary r. in rv . , , , .
No I tt.iitalns tlirtc acres, end is situ ite-t ou the t.snk or
the ACejIl'liV liter, llllliieaall'le ,,,., -He tu tlio c,-lf-
l.reod II,, (iter well. It I- nil a lt lane-imiu tint town
ol f'ranklin
nil Oil .r..p ttv ii a well whi'J l"H t'fi il hiirt-.l to oil.
'I r liner ,,'hli. uic an Eiiiune II' use. Sit-ain Itiu'ine,
i'1-.irit new. 1' rn. k ami Pumpm- Aei-araius cuiiiili'ltt.
I ' et'lPidoi ll eel,, w iitai in rir'iilnr n' eraicii, is p-n
teirielt In Ivti iit.t fi.ur lie.iiH. 'I I. is irt,n rl y Is near tl'C
I e 'l' tarlll, on wni.'ti Is Im an d I'll' i l'Toi e ienitt i'f
lue lli.itlui, re I irnuiiiiy, ii nd i ulit.ini-1 anipli' roo a ini-l
lliuitiie ell the plver Mi hi-t itildllloliul w ells. On.' or
n, ,.er tti,l-. in l.e tw.r'i.e i wl'.li ilo-j... . ei- now on li e
a-rialiu,' of I tin well il one
ttl,:, I, is j iel.1,1 a slxt) t.t.rrels pr day
WI is a nnty io mi, d on a ben.l or
the t- .tst H.n,,lj i rtlk. illitiu'. tlteiinl. s 11 'Ill its liioinh,
ou Ha Alle.inr river. Inline. ll.iteiy i,p;islte to this
ti rt.-t on Ikeotner side of me t. ream. It a natural oil
"''I'l'i'in nieaoon ttiu crt (k. whi, li l ell li ntom lind.
aoilui iv l r t,.rmg. la niiMcn'illiy i-iuiaim lor the Ijeu
lii n in nun, t rout wells.
In view ol Hie eMentlvi farllltlei f-1 stalillshlnj
on itit piul.t: lj',ll,e aiim ol le r l!i..ii.!tinl douara it
ntrtid a a wurkinn e...ltal lor lis devel.pai ait.
Hit prooos.-d at once l" pi" two I'li-ine. on tli'a
proi'i-rtv ; and an Pit working apilal I ll-.n res, ru d will l.e
in, en. the retfine tkrlted Iron un, will on the All-
.snot npiloi.e mil eo rt-ciiitd lor a liimled ivninnnt of
W 1 1 tie Uulll'ra Ul Oliee luiurm, ,-.r.. i.,
Htcek, ll.'
No. -.'j . THUD RTRKET,
j-i.pj.jt l'liriDKbnilA.
rynv. ji:ksskv ,vi;i,i.
250,000 Bbaifg, t $2 00 Per ELure.
l)n. AI.UI'.IIT a. l'OHF.UT,
Of Venanti, Ciutltv.
Ci l.e tj ara A ImiIjw, fhuajeiakla.
TLree Tcr Cent. Ptr Iton'th ou $500,000.
In I'RiMnt the ttff ot'n of rinMtw In tMt n'-r ir'1.
11 1 l:rctors Jivr titt tifil.fttlnn tn rpr-w.ins th-ir b- !
1 1 t tr Trt'i'ti tr ni u will ho niffPiT ln rtti 1 in nv I It ta
linn ti-s'in any new ron '' y nrw hofurr thf r ntun mly.
Tt.r -n tri of tlie IV'tii'iniiy cim.ilili of iho fotluvTi; :
N.i. 1,
Tr'0 Pln'(!l Of (lifl working llltprrwt hi thr p.'IfV.rntr 1
JMSI V Will,, i.u thi ll-ai-ajil Kh-rt rrn.,ii ill
i'i' " , I'h !' ncr of iM i ti mi wlitcu ltn we 1 I li-ntflil.
'I In vh Lkt tf en towi,ti .in, c ( rlv hi M ty, At tio
ran- i f )aui .i.'O tutrrt-It Hi y, cd tn M'it Vn mi( Rt fh it
rT If 'in; tfMliw tn t)ii t'oniofinv Ml.r.Vr.KN I I f I Y
AMINIMY H XKHI'.l.rt AI. , wnrt'i, Ht prrnnt prl:H,
iwkmy TFiornAMv lui 1 Ai: ytr luuntb, w:iioh
v ill uy in t), tfiot'kliitldi'n ht th.Psmpainy
TT' in til tirt. Tlr-' If. Mmn "n the Un l for hrverfcl
luor.' wi lift, twtt of hi li win niiiii'-ituu'iy coin umh.-u
y lYv i . r..any, uud in -.hull htmii have Mnv In
Irn lit In lite JiTfu-y, The c)iarter l ihli nn.ii" rtr a
oil ai tl, la wt 11 Wuitwn ; it Ii unly nan- m y to that no
tl Ull it l.H-s lACT tilllt tl ill K'lTlllH till, sVl.l'O It llMs
1 cuts'C il U,e Mapli Sdno, un- r.n. tie', and lit
JcTtt V.
Twcftfy flv m-rra in ( tn (lie r.iit wl.lo or' thta Allc
.'ln hy 1 1 it, i iin.ltr tfio ini.iirh ni Hiv; Hun ly, Tlilalnii't
tun nhi.iit loity r iH from mi ilif rivt r, aqi roitiiima
liUK' i.lii'iiut ul' horn g hi rf.n . Hit vst'lU ju-lt D; lurflf
tf inn ml tn ar til" rt ; inn rii,- tlit-m, trie lii.lia tlio
lhuir. Ac. 1 he t'nmpnny IntfiK. to prm t-ril at mi. n io
develop thl Ha r",Por-yi fo"-! i.uiuiuo j .it' ccii.
No. 1,
A Iimm- for iH'Vfii your on tho Win. li. Wilhon firm, on
KJipptti Ko4'K run, tn l uwr-'ncc rnunty, Ya
No 4, 6.(1. 7 am) h arc Ai-n Iciiii. c u Hl pppry Ka 'k rna.
TI.ey wiiro h Hitu J lit April I, by Dr. Ki;.Krt, mid con
tinuii tiT 111 it cn ifHf in ui t' t'ir (hm. '1 li y nocure to tue
lem i ii J ho ol mid ot In r inni-r.tU oin'aitifrt tn tfie
arl trattn wl'h "he rU' to Jivl li; ami iui-li't, with
ail oil i rii,hia ami iriviU vci i-oiiUfcliMi with ih btnlnc-i
oi luli.iiiK t'oroli cnal ami mlneruli, and rtnervo a
to ally ft (tily mir-clMh ui'aa,id oil or iiihiernli.
The sSiiU't-r-) ll.n'k tcrrlloiy la a n'r uud only iiaiilly
tlavtK pt-J ll rfRioh, hut I He miccni aimatly ub aioad
Iheto ai.J on ihv WI. nuR iivt.T, a lew ur.-a Weil, Iuk''
ther will, the lr i- .unntiif i f n'l l"'ittd north, loiitt.,
f.iat und vest f It, lead u to hope that Jt will mvc
lUi'fisiMil oil rrLiJnii,
'I lie Ciitiipftiiy luve nlr !.y an uirnlUmt enwlno, tvoU,
i)i 1 all in ri'try tl tun on Iho j;aa-iiiM. with a well
t enrlv ili-wn, nnd shall 'irun'fld to d i i lo't tho property as
tuti' nf poel!:
Tl hinds und Iwwi wt-ro all delect oil fr oil pur
mrii, tt the I-re-idfiit of thin cniiiiaitr, whnin reat
inctta In th otllmilno-a. tcr!ln Integrity, and frco of
i Imiacicr, ai e too well Known W rui.iilm otuuicnt
bid iiT;ptJ.iif received at the o llice ot
Mi. 4.'!) t'UKSNI T Siro'l.
Onl) a liralt'il iiiiinlierof aliaios arc for sa'e. 12 It itrp
O-I'AnTNKriSllll' -NOTICK.
Ine tttiilrrsibnrd have tins i)ay formed a Co-I'arluer.lilp
under Ihe atvle and tit e of
t-'or the ptirpcso of tninsa llnii a aeuerul
And KXI'ltES.S CUUPANY HTOCKS made a Bps, laity,
liovoriiuiout Loans and Hp, ate nought aud Sold.
U IS Mo. W, t'llKSSI'T 8lrst.
Jdl.lDAV ri'.KSI'NTS.
AVUoloamlo and llotull.
tub aiuEArf'.iiT ami iipiar
Prayors, Hymns, Fumily and Pocket
V 11 TOO 11 A I'll A I, Ml IMS,
Rich Turkey Morocco, Anthpie, Relief and Oold.
Ko. 32f. CIIESNUT ai'UKKT,
n it, ;oi' iiauiii, Bin rii sims.
piuirni AMI AKC11 STUHKTS,
3000 Yaid8 Trench CLiutzen, Taril Wide,
fifty Cents, la-io-m
Qir, j-nornrvTr ron salk.
ahovt iwi milks ra m ni Hinrii,
ON Tllk
Sat rail's on tlila prortjr, and l eatllr c )srf d wl'a
wliltr pile, and otte r tlniher, inch aiwie woupl fa a
dMUltid en 'ii;i),nnO. Aise, teal In atiQitdancs. a lu
. is a w b "ln drvel ,,el. At the pre. em price , if eeal la
nit eontj, a lurirr sunn could be tl, rlt.-, fr,,ie this braara
aloi.e. jie a,-re.
KAVK I'AItU, -.'5.1 acre., on ( In, Ion r'ter, l miles
above t'larli n teen, ae.l ll rnllet from llrttiilell, ike
t-apltal of Jeflerenn conn-.-. Thlt terr'i,.-., has eue an
a half mite frrnt on Cla i,.n riter, a- a iron a ir aee m-Jl,-all,.t
Here It im belle- ell laid iu trie Mta'e-widl
reeiw K-unir den on the a,l,o in"j prnperllei, with
Kitod tli'w i,r,tll,l!,o,,4,, Iu. ,1 ,-aahe bjiht al 11,0 low price
at f 1 1 er a, re.
Nine aerea In (Jacrrr Tree run, a n tsl lilmV, piece
ti oil ptocFiiy, tnnoon't l t.f lar.-- rl .w o a il pn,d lelse
well,. 11,l t'et-e nf lajij.onee dsec'o ted, wt!i'rorea
r. sii nria lie aa i-eenrlre territory of the ui j,i larorej
01 e,,ot, ainet. and ,-an be b. iwht I iw.
10i mi on I'atel.el rnn, In Sus-ar cr-k tovnii'p
I hi- preuertj i, ,,if two nil ee fr,,tn Hie tna ol rratnlia.
There ere two r ini lir,e.-rt thii tln l, wl:h aere-el d eep
eiit oi ravines, well ad ip c t f ir t) irln . piirpi.-i Al-o,
In IMe 1 ltd tl ere ll hiiiestur.a. ami five Itel vein, of coal. alnindaiiee all purjosM. Can be had for
$ is .rid.
P.n acTc, rear Kranklfu and noai French creek. Throng-a
e p.-nl, nor Itnlait ilio-el v.irrlini fron l i .
Hie feet thick ; ab.t. In.n e eu.l limestons. wli.cti la now
a-u 'hwinted In ilea reilnn, can be ba l In amita'ice.
Afoul a) acre, oi Ih'l land show, iie ami far .red pro,.
Iii oil jet discovered, on frn i, 'i cr.'o'v. Tin, oatlrw
rti ee ot lai d caa now bo bought for 'i.'i tl.
(IN acres valuable ril land near the Allschcnr rlvev,
belts directly In the rear of tha ltoWi'a Oil Company a
rouerly. Three fi-ol coal volne tuw open and working-. or bunt c,ii. d lie mule to prote moit prjd labia
II In the html nf an eiiermli- e.iaipaiir.
lisiaeies land n. ur Kast Suadj, in Cran'jury towsshlp,
htatilj linil.eicd, und timhrila'd wuli ninny lar.e vclua '
of eoal, winch would prove a si eel aa.ln to any company
who sisc,t,ed terrllory Atenit etility ac-ei el this
land Is atlapti il lo berum pnrp iai-,, alinwnin tuo aaine aur
lm e Ir. d eai'oiii as aic lo i.o louud on oil crook and Chwrj
tun. I'ree I'.'.'i.ltaj.
Ki ncrea of .anl Iu JcTe-smi eotiiily. Pa , near the irroa
oil rci on ot'iliel'liirl in river, un nd, pnipeny there Is
valuable lln.her. ali.l nnderl.ii.l with heavy coal vo'tn, a
few ,.f wlili h hait'atrciiily been ,,piiC,. The oil Indl, .
in, in a.-e very similar lo Unite met with oil Cherry run.
This plueoi pnpeity cm n tw lie purt liaanl at a very low
price. A, vet.tlure hn l o 'ii but Utile attention paid to
thii rei.Ion, hut, I'nvm pri'-ent Imlleations, the land In this
r son will shortly command af fabulous price, at land ou
nlerrek. Tlio r ml tli,n on tide territory, calculated at
tw,, cents por bushel, wilt inure than pay for li ewr.oln
property In elk-li'iipii month,.
P" acres In C'runlicrrj township, Vcnaiio county, being
near Knst Sandy, and not fur Innu the Alli'Kheny rlvor.
WllUania run noes through thla enilro properly. N,arb
there arc icvcral rune, one of which is now producing
la'Biav. C ial la found on ahtnlui; tirritory. Proapeoia
of thla land protho.' largely productive, cither for oil or
eeal, are not aiirpn.sed li.t-any hind In this county. This
fnrui can be had for elti.Oti).
1 urre and pgi'lu's, liclinr a small piece of valuable
bonus lend in Vcnaui;o coinitv, winch can lie had either
0llUaBi-,orean bo purchased In fee tliupte. I'nero ara
few opportunities for piirrhasun; illu email piece of
land In lliia county. Ciin be t..uhl cheap.
Ii0acteaof land In llic wcalern oil ri'Klon of Vlmi'lla.
Thla tt-rtltory 1b located near and la aurr,,unde,l by aoma
of the most valuublo oil toriltory la this state. Can ba
booehl i-ltticr in part or the whole tract.
It Itoom 17, No. 400 ( 'IK INL'T
r'OVS! TOL'S!!
'X' O Y H,
At PS'Oe ItH tr. Hccoild f-)tr-ot,
ll.'l.iw Market, West HIOc.
Vor tin' ascotnnit ilatl-.tntf onr Customers who cannot
pare tin o lo porcrate durlitK tho day. we will keep ir
ti re open until 10 r. M.. every eteuiiiK tlurn fit n tlU
tlata i' i1 re dete mi In d lo cioae out our K fP.N-iiVB)
STUCK Ot' lutti at pt.oce aU CU UKI.UW lllei I'rtJAl.
H ID HUT o. KB g SKI OND street.
i:i;ry farm oil coMivr.
C'npltal I, ((, ooo.
MYII kd lino jrc.fM "tiAitrs, OK TBK PAIt
VALUt vr i(Xl KAi il.
ATo.-klnu Cuplliil H 10,000.
Hookl of Siitiierh'tl'tn for a Itni'fe.l numlier of Aharea ol
fsteek. at TWO 1 in I.).. Mi a per st- aru, epane ' at the uniti
i.f Ipe I', mpanv. No. '.'.' R THIUti S.r. 1 1, tti it, n'
an1 eeripiu.ue mat be kit wall an; oiiia'jer ol ma Hoard Of
-pent. taut ami matst-ui it,
MOI1S . NKWVAN, No. IVlii Sprue street.
.ItitiN 11. i .1. .Ml A M. No ii.'.' Xrkui elres-t.
sinviN T. I'UVI'. N,i. 6'.'l Walniil stie.-t.
TIlnMAS II V. II H ,Ji. No. 710 N llr.,.,1 Xreef.
1 Ll.iO OI.K AHAMS, Itioad .d Parntu aueeie.
K pull-. No -.41 i! alnul atteel.
lll(il,S II. bT.lLLL. lliiui.iil.iwn.
II II V ft WlliM.K. No. 7"J t rankl.n street,
H.Vlll 1.1. Ml N:, etv Vi.rk.
Tee I't no any ale now entraK't'd in det e'-'Ptti'T the prt.
p.,ny wort mi. hPii doulne tel. ul lunula, under toe auper
11, tt lldein eit tla ir eMIcie 111 Piesl-lenl.
Prmiitctiis, maps, and farther Intonrellon. on applloa-tl-.n
at He olln i- I'-Mn litrp
iJLiijisai pool, tent nine at oueeustown, Cork Harbor.
- lee vt... -know D Meaiucra ei tt'O i.iteiKXtl, New Y01M.
and I'hl'atP-lplila tntainimp I ou.pituy tuts Intended to
tan as lollotve:-
(.1 ASl iiW, MalmSav, Hecemliet 17.
t'l'IY Ol- WAM'tlK-'l'Llt- he'iirilav I teemntier 24.
I'llY iie liAl.l lalnllF., saiurtlay. lies-entlH-r 11
And evert anereaidiioj h.iuiday, au Boon, rrota flee Ho
4 Konli Uiter. .
Klr.l CalilD HO' 01) KiaMraoie t'sXB)
t irti Cittnii to Lt i i'od Ku on sttoru.t to f.oudon... tvt-uf
. ir-t ( al',0 It, 1'srli.. pi (SI stefiase to Pari, Hit-la)
lint Cahlu 10 llaiunr'slsai'ltl MiesTi k' ttt Uuuiliani. 71,00
I'astciiKt'ra aSo forwarded pt Havre. Itreuieo. Uov
terilam. Aiitweri. As., at enuallv low rales.
Fares tri-m laveipttol or eiaiteiitp'wn : Ftrtt CatMa.
$l-'sj, at7n, I'J'O hleeraire from l.iten'ool and Oitocua
u.wn.s.o. 1 hots who with to tend fur their Irleada oaa
buy llekela tiore at iheso rales.
I or lui tliet luioroiauou apply at the Company a orncea.
.IOI1N ti. IIAI.K. Asent,
So. Ul W AXA 1 1 sirsei, fuUadcliaia.