I flcrjtitpltl (Bunting MONDAY, DF.CT.MBER 19. l4. TEOM TUS Bt'UTH. ft, tronnil lvrrbirK-Ilp"l- ,lr. r the I'nlun Apmj-from Mmrlli nrvli-A fwlrriil Artitirr on ' la, -II. !. K.port It BHil-t r la Kiwi Triiiirwr-lln.Mli. Army llm.l Ht t.VOOi-iJ.n. BiirrMI" K..I.I .. NHlll-Hl. l "m M.r.mi.-NIrnln( r for "" - .n.Mirri. . Ill ff iianh, U.- IbHWoI-.m J of lh- l ..fiprl.tloa. rri tr Uif Kirhmonrl bitf"" if '"'"' ,,.. w.-rthr n. nolle ha. ccrr,,l on ho n.iuare Imi-hnortn oi I"" iiiHnm u J , L .Hh .ro ,n BT. .. It I''"" """' crcouu """--. .... l,i, tlio ot the Ai'U'tloX II IIIV IVVM " ... ih 4 arn irmil'4 DfCarw Ui , ,.1, IornniiT or-"-" iro n mmr io.'"- Wnrri-n'i, Trnnp., rlr" II elr. x,xl.tioii to ami ri.tiirn (torn li 1111 .1, 1ir.iod1lioe-.il .try p !' wiih tl.o ifi.rl....'M anil " ,,,K nraplK Pll I.T 1 all rul'IrT. Morto: ihodwollln. :.. on il.i.r rout. we.o I ?urnod n,l II.,, ownor. boon .ml nh..rwN.nvil. ii tne raMe" wort, much more aTi.o on , trrt than tu ... ir on, ,.rd I.I... M iounlrv iXM.ple lor I ho Injury lnO del on tliomC.TW ,T l.ni.r-rai IIAMITI'N'O l o'll ironpi-r. Iho f!;iwr ram-Tho Hm." ol Kirl.nionil and lVtninhur. ron.am quiot. I ho who'" 1'"-e ol tl.o t-nom irom Fort .larr.rrn to the riv-r nowcoinlrt 01 roe-row, with tl.o rxri p ion ol iwo c mpaii!.- ol while mi.n to work ,tio cwn.'.i In Fort Hamsun Itsolt. Our nion lo not lire, on ih"ni at iirusulit. Tho Advnnco on Kiiitlon. Tho Goldahoro Sltlr .onrni ol Iho Wlh nays tint tJio enomr. w no wore iiniiniini-u on y.i.r.my . ncin upon K noUin, w ro mot on yclordar at flyUihl, nuil .1 or brl k cnwuomi-nt w.tu Ur.Tnn Wk.ourrorc . I I purlin. M'H lrHor ro ... IprOBmonM nayo Lom wnt to Kindlon, amply sutn. ant lor nr loroo iho onomy onn hnn ! to bo.r at th.t po.nl. U uti'iia.it-roloiii.1 STAiur. prompt nH and co.ir.o I.n. thus oaily inmrutid an at lack upon Kn ton, v Inch, it mice. -:ul, nnwlit Uavo Uliultod in ith iih coiiH(Mii-iici'!f. Htnrr'a Itrport. Ki.irro!. Poo. 12, Mfil-lluy nr ton roin'orcd 1 loit the broMtwiirk. nt dayl lit to llnd tin- enemy, nd liuoovcoJ hi n In coi.n.l. iabH' ior..o on the Mow Mad, two inilos Iron. town, lie nhovyid two Moonao artilliTy and flvo or mx hm.ili 'd lu'B.nry. AlUT.brla. oiinaiti-niont ol thirty minutes It. won riTon whom iho foulhwrit bii.l"' il'-KTovinx it i h, liur cavalry and iiihintrv aro still prw.in.bun. J. II. Htab " Coloiu l ( niuiuan l.utr. From En-tt Too.ioh. o l'rorlnu.niion by ion ro. lli-CTkiurnl((0. from ths Richmond Whig. On thi lutb oonoral Hukckinhioob muo.l Iho lollowm prooiamatoii: l'roU ction h iyli.fr ho"n uuarantii'd 'o all c lizcis ol Tutlvntioawo who, havinif mil. 'rod the rodnra. r y ce soal m (rood huth lutii... homo an I oul-.r upon ti.uini.ntu.uiuspi'uc'ttblii c.'.zoin; tin .nvil' h h liinby oxioiiiIh.i oall who, not havini i.rlnnaod lo II o t'ou eilerat army buvo oiio wiihiu Iho I s ol 1i.e enemy to avo c. iryie... or tur oMi r rcn. hi ch a ro ai.ovo or i'iu" ......... . ii 1.1,1.11 bo irw irom uunisl.m.'.it, oxeepi suc.i ui h.ul tie., (finlty ol inuMor olid oinor l.i. n en, o.. ii ci. in ill and milium a.o reiiuid anil enjoined to rioio w Hi k lnlnoHS thoKO who avail lli.mwi y. ot thaoiilii ,aiiutocut.v'euch n point us wi.l '..it Hi. i u.Ho Iho mteriml ulriie mid domos'io wurtaro w ii.. i lni ao ion iWih.ti. I 111 " po.tioli ot lio MuU'. Ji'i w lir.Ki KNiiiPiiK. Ma .r-t.i-aer.il. tram middle Te.iiii'useo. Cap ain 1!kys' u, ol tti-- army, wi.o hoa jir A,l.,l Moiitjoniery. in ormi The Monlitoin Jttlvertitiv t.mt .he d.iy lie .eit ( hor ike. jfonm linu i roo 'ivod Horn (joi era' Kuiiur 'lln.liio. that all the Fod. rul pinls anutliout porter ban fMjrt, .ttid hu-vifiioou. It.e I.a Van Wcr., wa iDtuinmtion Irom ft K'lr ol 'a,lt Wfok, who vhoRO brothn'8 nnphimink e oitlicr in rha (a In Chaltanooira on -vaa it bolieved thcro wero Btatet that tlioru w-v. Hooraor Hnilir" AUiuiin. otu Atluuta. that dwo linx liourx.. in ft, e l'lt 111 nmcl. bclUT coutlilioii Uian was 1fr-'- 18 oi'W tho burniiuni poitiun ot tho that wuh d'-moliHiietl. Two 4'itv l'a k has not convortrd nitoaeonM-tiTV, at hm tx-cn ronortcd, Dor wore Iho vaults in Iho c'tu''tvrv ited.'crutoil. J'tio yank(t ereck'd a mouiiiiiHiit lu tho ccm Ury. btmr irf( an Inncnpfii n to tho m mnry oi the ;a luut Twontioih t-orj i. i Hoy slmt down tn -ir wo'ii-uut " honn hi tho utioclH. A rciorifd. tho ono:ny liurnod aI tho uiioclmijucmI Iiouhi'S hutweon Atlanta nd iH'catiir- ihi- atur watt not m icti injured. Tho Court limno and o'Iht im:io lmi dlna were I fit ftaudnirfi with tho oxc'viiou 01 tho dpoU Cnl'liiie Out tin 3M.ttn. Governor Clakki;, ol Missis pnl. hm irtiuod his proclamation oailiiiir upon t o militia ol oxubco, "Wlnalun, llolmoM and Yazoo countios and all Bouih 1 .hut Hue Ut unst'iuhlo without dflay at Kumniit, J li an ili u and Meridian. J crou- Jus! iroin Corinth. lirv., stale that ovorr it lhfior en route tor the Army ot tno 'luuiit'rirR'O in lit'lninud at tiiat plai'o An otlicu i ii. ut iiiH lanon" luat tlitt troopH coiimdiue Uiere ar bo.iitf oruanized into lL'iiucnU, in ittitici pttt uu ot uuv mnt tn t in iv bo at oiummmI oy Iho en cm to out iho MMnphid an. J Omu Kui'ru.ui. A train oi arms and :iinm nnl.tui .or Jt.t 1 r.nn- il'i aippi ariint'iit wad roccmly eni-tuted uctr Jatk aou by tho Vaukt'i'ii, ' From Noill. Tho It'hit; nav, miorm ition irnm North 'icori' a t-1h ltt. rmid is verv eilic'ua Iv dtfruvfil iho Va rtct'-t, IiohcVi r, did not i4froy thu 1-tmvuii Inn f conb -iitiu' thonmt'lvo- with hull Bawiii in two ftounj oi ttiH iiiniH) n. I i t-roi8 no hu cr a Vaiikeo t'nrnson in Northern ieoiiu. An unny otllC'T who has bwn in tc i ur, And mna, smco (ho oviumi dio i oi that pmi by tho (d r.d orci, it ik tlto mot ironly loilitl'-d poiti ion b ever in-poitti'd. The Hlnmmitf of 1'ort .UfAHiter. Tho t.simtihT ia: An otllciul d-sjKitcti Irom Coii'-rul liKAUHKa a It 1. l ri'i-ivcil Vt't,n I Itt , htU Vrt tl ai thocminy mounud and i-uirid Fori ,U 'Allit r on VV'i di cfduy. Iho miiint dtpulcli nxutioiH tlto I yiuiuuc o. an uuMUf- d iitiiutM-r ol l ii eiitiiu) 'a furMi ti nt i hit uioulh -i tlio .SafiKiMih liiwr. i be lml oi I oi i Ale A 1 1 i.ii i r dot-it nut bv any ni":m ilivovotir Io-h oi Mivaiii'tth, nut wi 1 u rt. nto thi- r inn rct iiH in nt troopi (t-.riwli iln ci.y. lln m un a linn heavy artilu ry ou tho ion, and it wi I Lo n Hn inlit H d that uu exicrnuuntu' uitiirk ol tho Yi. nkw .roti-r'adx uu thm nosit tin udoui lliti' -n ninljitm hk'O viaii mci't-w ii Iv n nul-M'ii I urt Mi Al ii tor cetniuiiiiin d iht cntiatKic to lh' Oih Iuh' r.vtT, and has j n vt-it d tho ei.tuiy tu-rt toioro irotu Man in infir llu liver. VV ulorove h. ie aro other workn luithT up the tr- ii til m hich wtuni ret dor tne nuv ifa'ion oi the atiriiiu bv tl c em nn exlrmnely ui cmiinrtabio I h is ti n very Jattnt .inin havauuuh, no ived tn re ii) to htuiiav, 1 J'. M and i.f.n two d.ty luii-r tiiHii tin.- tr 'I.,. nr ammt't d parturi Irom ' ha Ir toii, hI.owh tin- mory brou ght by letii' n.-d prnou th , to b- a uivrv cum i umor. Ko. iMuinuitj. !KnlU on hadviMp. Iho Examiner says, ppea tm ol tlio 1'nlon mid on fU.v.iitj, "nfU'Tui liiiKriciN uiiKiKrt lorco weiu, ht-n Ut bo d lr-.iu, at HiiI.'h iap. in leuiii H-itH', iriih BunBuiiH.fc hi ui, uei(f h bor hood. Ii a;pur tht BuitBiiiui.K wui h whole iiioiiiiUmI uuro arouua lowurttA r-outhw ht t.i irrfium, without I UK d-ocovi-red bv our troops and reaciiod lintol tout tho Bimhtost warning, hl 6 o'clock in the hill". X1" ".itll; What tin' ilrt nclh of thU lorco mav be is wlioliv -jtiuknuwn, ai d wliat wa-. ih 'auuiif it wua ii le to rlo at I.il lol is tu in-ly a nut er m -upo -itiou. It piob.ib.o luu ni.ich harm cn.ild liuv.' Ie'ii done at tu.it p iut. Hut tho i ni'iu Imh n it paiiH'd atriniol. Ho uuhud on timmili Auiuiiilon, and 1 tfliluv, HI It O 'uinck 1', Huoii-tl ui In til iiiijf, eif.liii ii iin.'-b iIih idu ui Abiiifrlou uud I THE DAILY EVENING mF.GRAra.-Hm.AimmONT 11k noaroat point r n ti e t Irrma and Honthwort rn llniiroan lo Va e. tho oa. oi tin o o htion. II 1 h,.,:,":m:..ko.t,1epi.,o ,r m v i.il lima .,in ol too alt ktll. n ho ran 1 1,1.1. iv.wivror, oa.or Paid than rtono. lhof ran o'w I " br..k. .. with II. . I..y.-I l !.. AH thai of d.nay. eau I e re,,a r-U an.l I." can. b ,1 . wt'O loinit I.o.n -nd.iK out (lie r Vf- I. i t. r bp ,na do. lie w ll not I.P l.i ' Kail .,ilo lor ho miow that IIhki'Kihhiioe, at hit i I vm U on In. bark, lt.it bo win not roirea ny n. wy l.o camo, but .a. by bm old ro,il, thronKh l.is.u.1 (...inly and out at I'mni.l an. Wnh.ye r-.,i lini ll.at ho ma t alelv ..IT In that .iy Wo I, avo read leiiora Iro n wvoral nival oine m to whom the i Ian ha bi wii Mibimtlod, and ihny ox irm thoir entire ai.iir.ii.it. on o. Iha proi.o.o I annulment. Aiiionu thov. who hay llmi I"""1 lnyornble opinion, w.. may im.nllon t.i.innioilorn l i.nuaoT, ai tain H. H I.kk In clmrro ol thp I e l attn.eiit ol l.idorp and lietailn, 'a,.lain vv . n. 1 a UK an eominan.l.ii ( achool-.liip ! xtrirk ll-nru. an.l comn amlanlul Naai Ac i.lemy. :.,lain M n n- . .. it. .iur,n nl tin. It ehiii'Mid aval ,ic iiei A. U. Hoi Ki rii. ( hairiimii o l omniillo- on Kiait and S.l In the la e toiinroM Iho view tnkeli l.ylho.o twnllonion Is Ibat tlioflitr . .1..-; ......I ..i,i-ilri. Iiki lll.l.'lt of the -i ...'., i i-tUrti.i irueo" when ilroopin. The m wdi-.ignw.ll relieve It ol tt bjectumabio le ture, and will, wo ilouin noi, no anoi..-.i. From tlnoruln. ..I it.o i hi. keen to M.llo.liToyi lo ha. m kid wondenill clianuo. as in. ( oti.Brnr' i ... All Iho nvoii tr.ielloii.sts ami topiu .. .. i,ki. iHTiime tlin hot ail.o ;aio. ol an o r.ll.er thllll HUl.Ill IX-ioll IT Ciimi.r.lltlMO, ' all Iho I uiveria ils bolievj 111 L .1 ...r .i.. ii... Vankora had a mock l,eiilnturo, .1...1...1 Sneaker. I n'rk. 4.0 , anil were inlroiliMin - a nil-mil', rate, when . coll L'.' ' li,e,r "llll.l-t. Bl".o-t bro.itl.lo-. with '. , ..ii i i-.leititi' aio c inn, lit w! I'll 111.' wli'ili eon. ern ..HM..i..l.e I w.t.i the , ""ni l w,i a bud tn.v.'M.o on the cl'iainu hours o';'rB,r';u"'lTM":v,,. ierk f .1,0 ..,,,1.0 . a I r.u ,,1 lii. ile.'i.iln.eii . Iiaun . I' , J "... Then, via suvanna i, I hoiiia-vii o, Aliinny ' ...,l ... I. tell III I III. I' .1 III t -.1 . a . IV . Mir.l ou Iho ll ia.ue.l tho lol ow In), uoore.s to a porll. .1 m ibe troops ol tho liooriim b'ii!aJo."'.Vneral llAni.KK. lias ord; red tho Inllllla hn dc and too two ro.iinoiila oi the l,e T.r.a S n " to move ibis aioriioon lo avii..nal. : tin. will . 0 ...rule ron. your.e . and your two bulla l.'ieru. H.ii.Kiui'..N Is loll in command. I wi-h t .Vai n.yi.ell ol this opporliimty In thank yonrsiill Smi tho olhi-ers o. boll, tho Allien, am Aunsla I u tn 1011. ir ll.oir iia lunl conduct "I the held ol ! :i .i....r no irooil conduct us fiildli.rs. Allow .no lo coiiirruiu.u;e you all upon I he u onous plccosso. )o..'id.i. "HI "rl. (rood wislie. lor .1,,. ..liaio ul all 01 von. 1 remain, very truly yoiirs. 0. W. hMITll. Hii.ud.tr-I.oneral. Irom Oonornl ll,.od' r.i.y-lorn of IiIh Viciui-t nl Fr.11.kH11. Tho Amrn la fironi - ami Smlinfl of the 0th miles that parties just Irom Iho West bruin ii'l.li toiitt news a lo lli.ili' v.cl.iry at Irank lu. IIiot my lliul ho bus ac'.i.evod u a onous victory at I rjiik l.n no ti.iii the i lioiny and co .iii.'ililitf l..m lo I ill . ,,, i. i.i Nashyillo. I he eneui V '1 ions in urisolli -... ,.ri..,l ui .ro... lour to six tlious:ind. Iho number ol dead and wounded wo have not vol I. limed Hie enemy, it is said, muoo a stand m :ir av,,vi.lo only lu inuiile linn lo iwl uw.iy Hie slores lioui Mint city. . , .. , ,, I,, Nurlhern aecountsol the bittln oi I rimklln left no doubt on our in nd lliut t.eiierul liocu, s a.my Our army louoht with a dosperaiioii lieretoto' l.noiiua'ed, a liiiuo por.ion ol it heimr eouipo,, leui i's-ouns llnlitu.it tin their houio... Tin. (Jt or tl.e ii derai. ui an iiilrouc'ied i.o-l ion Hilii'...eo. H-suru.ico that llouli'rt unny Is an ovr coino up tl ein, and will bo able to drive ilieni Uid'h victory From I ristol wo loan, that ruiut iimi iho one froin the direction oi hiioxvilloiiie..seo. in Middle Icnncssoc was con. )i iho incii aro all in niy is prepuriiiir to evacuate hudai.eotoe.it. Iho A th'sliutch irolu the arir Willi provi.iou.. flue c.'lidit.on und b ivn. iiueouijUi'iMlili.. They iurd is said lo be oviui Volunteer Stut. many ol Iho spirit ol Ihi-si bomowaid, and it will tie a are on the soil oiu repu.su Ilieni. Iiuimah can- thrm havo ttyn, lo; rible tonvni ilio IJovornor of Florida, not boid V.moorl Nnlintl, ftr. 11. le' received toe loilowiiiir ffw- IWW HKl'AllTMK.NT UK VlltlllSIA, Hoe. 3, Kdltor ol Srnttne.': Inclosed pieuo llml a lot ironi tiie ttoveruor ol l-lor,.lu. which Oovernor ,mitii n.ouest.s iluit y..u will pulil.h. Vol respcciiul y, 1'. Ukll .Sjiitu. A. II. '. KXEn'TIVK 11PAI1TMKT, TA LI.AIIASFK, NoV.P, 1 k Vt 1 1 1 ?4 KxeellciieV William Smith. ivenior ol Vir iina: Sir Vour esiiMTined tavor, Outfit Oe tiit)r li4th, ii nd poHt-iuui'Kcil JS oveial-er lUih, jiieio.s in if tho proceeding ot the dfrvernors ol Hevoial 8 ate:, wan received bv to-iiuv 'b mail. I concur conhuliy m the procrediini, an madn ki own lo iiim, vviih the exception ot Hie re-nlut.on in which the tioieniorH BL'n-o to "uiuest i auvvM to pus Jawt4 n inov.n nil resiiictioiin which havo b on imposed hy I'o uledi rule authority upo.i ox. 1 urtK or imports, by tho bi vorul iStaUii, upon char tered venM'id." Veiy r upectl ullv, Jontt Milton. BANK NOTICES. KKNfclNGTO.N NATIONAL HANK. Pull AIO-I.'-MIA. lr'tlipiT f). I Hi; I An li e(l"ii for Thirteen L im-tor", t tervu lr imi 'litis' tnr. witl ! h Id at the lU 'klnif II ii'.f.uii rt KS.W, J.tiuiAiy 10, ltM, irom 10 o cluck A M m 1 I. M. WM Mi t'ONNKI.L, I i -13 wfm tj'O i,u'-r. Tj" O T I C K. HA1SK OK OUTH A ME ill1 A. N Y Mill U 21, lflfll. Kctlff Is nrrehy (flvn, PTca4,'y lo trU n 2 of the act ol iht-( it-ih thI Ati iDhivut t!it f'ouiumn.vrititii ol reiin- ! aii is. fiiti le t "Au act pimhlinir Hie bahs oi u.c ('..rn iiKajiwfulth tn Oi'r.iinti asBiK'intioiipi fo" iho pUIi)tl of Im nk ilk umli-r thf lawg of ihu I'mtvl rttaici,' apurovod tliu ?Ai i'uv oi aii, u-t. A I. W.t. ttmt iho 8 ..rkh'tlUe ' of the HANK OK NOIM'H AMKKM'A.ot t tm Hth InvtaiU, voiett lo hi'corne nu n an mimi cliiioii.u'idtiia' it Itirecturt ti'ic i-rocim d (no uothorit of thr owin-rsof more ttaiu two ihiuls oi'the itpii! ioi-V to make tlin t erDiluatu re ipi'n ii iln rtor hy tne lavi vi t). t ntttl stHtci. I wfto Ini .1 H'ThlKV, Crtuhlftf. r7:f MKCHAMCS' BANK. I'uii.Ai'Ki.i-iiiA, Nnvmbrr!W,lSt. Nol"e Is hfrehy uivin. u. rcfahlj to Him-iumi Two ot Ilia Ait ot 'Iho 'ifneral ATiitly ui" ttn V in n 'tiweith of Iihim Ivimtti, entitled An ct tjna'jMiiK hunm of tho ConitimiiKftiiiti o lri'onie ANttoi lnlona (ir tliv purpose of H n Mnt initicx tn 1hh of tlx l'uiiU H: uu," approvod tin' ?7u day uf Aiig'iot. lHt',1. lint lh' Mtofktio:ti i of lite Mei linntti' Punk of ih city ami rotinty of Pliiii. )paia hnvc thu ly votfd to bt-comti nut Ii n AimM lauon and Dint Hie M rrtoii tiavti p'ncim-J ti'fi Auinornr of the owners of nere than two htnu of the eaflt il" nt.n'k Id mekethe ciTUrtcRte rviuireil tlitroior. hv n Uwh of tliu I ntetl K ae. J, IVMiiAM I. -lit , JI 1 wiui-lm . Cit-hu'r. TJVESAlTcL01 HEiTw" BINGES. HIE "GREAT FAMILY VCONOMIZKIl." IT IS TUB 15EST AND ONLY ItELIABLE WniSGEIt lisyoiiB Tim rnoi'i.u. IT IH THI MOST IllKAHLR MH'lllNX MA 1)8. It U the oul Wriki,r wltn the I'ATEN'T COfJ,WHKEL RKGUI.ATOIt rnr tumlnR both roll, Uta ther. which po.ltlvelv prevent, lo rell, IrAni l.reAktug or twuilitr; uu the ,oafi, a .U Tr rro.er, wittiuul COG WHEELS Will do, do mattor how itroatcly it may be ksiterted to tUa euiitrary. It not onlv a perrect Wrinnf r, but the (Vg WQfeli irW H a power .toii ren 'en it e tn u t.i' KLLK N f W AHIir.K. a ten- Iftcd to by Ux.d-kq i who have It Hi ue. It tiuie lat.or. rl-iiti , aiul tuoiv. it wi I pav ittniDthu having ok lujiuin,, alone evty six uitniht. K.C.HT IZK.-The usual Family Hwos are Nu. 1, No. li, ana ho. 3. The! have .;oo wiikki.s, AnA are warrnnUil In every particular. to.. 1 aim i are u..t w nireu 1 ur ie.vimine.ldei. hav ing .e .mail i.il.e Ilia' 1 i.i' c&u. o to- u-,'l, at h...uh tni-r at e yi tl.e eaoie ...1 priMi, ihiiau iu.d li;' uUir tuakura. k. I.. mm.Nii vm, Ko. tl 8. SI XTH BTItKE l PhlU4el.hla, ll-S8-Diyilia Maiiu'acturere' Acnt ftr Ka.i P.nna. OHIMI SI'COND-IUNI) COTTON SEAM m ) r r leak liai,',, In ,1'ir,' ami fur bv JOHN 'I HAII.K ' f""., 11-1 -1 Bi -S o. 1 1 1 N . t in i N r H I ri'.'t. . a ri AftlTTTn OOBWAI BtWlnt.ai No. BM N. 8KCOND SThF.KT, ahoti I1R0WN, IMFORTKB8 AND JOUHKHS. N Wo l av. now op', on. ran " " " "rra.n, . Tyrol' ts TOYS AM) FANCY GOODS, All of whtrh art of oil' n tolcrtloa anil lmrsrtatt'n, lo whlrtiwr Invito Iho ausntloa ol d.aW.. Amonmmr a.- orunant are aany 1 ' r.NTlKEl.T NEW ASt HR8tHAni.E HTYI.M. ISO 1. llt)IIIA-YH. 1SG5. wmcnE3TEa & CO., N. ion OHKHNUT. STItr.KT, InvlM aturtlon to a cbolro aluk f WltAITKM, CABIIIAOB nbAXKF.T, CAU JA! JACKT, Ut.AUFH AND Tl. BKr.kkrAST JAf KBTS. QLOYEH AND BAUDKMOtllXM. MOHNUCAPS. "V WHhi sunrler arsorinunt of oiht-r Osods saltat.lo PEEEENTS rOR GOT LEW EN. HOLIDAY 1MIKSKNTS. CJ, HlIHHKI.lii No. Ill N. HIXTII atmot. Wmi'd hivoto altentieD b hl suick of fiua Auvirlcan ami ,""""U"1 WATCHES, ui Cold ord .llrer. GOLD JEWEI.UY or ilio tt i'.j us. HANI)StME RlI.VK.tt WAR... mUn warranted fur,- coin, sullablt for ll.ib. pj O. WxTII Stra't. u 10-t.n !i ITvlvSKNTS. IJSKFUL MOI. H' LAHES TliAVKUV'llS" HOi. OtLNlS KXCL'KSION BAtH, FINK CKM)1)H, OF OVU OWN MAXUFAf'TrilE. AcV.r.H, I'OfKKT HOOK, POKT-'(H.ina, and .r.TtlihiK uve'ul for trie Travi'ler atid Ki'-iiriionltt. A larKK itcirk, njitaolo tor I rtBt nu. .JAMltH 11. 1IUOW1V, TRUNK AN t DAtl MANUKA ;TVJ;KR, IV o. 7tN Oil jUHNtrr Ht , 1.' i; im Opinjsl'.e Munmi) Hall. rpiK LA IKiKST AND FINEST A8S0KTMKNT Or" AirsT noxiw. I.KCAI.COMANIA riCTl'KKS AND WUITE VASBS, PICTLHICH 1NU rll TLKK HOOKS, WKITII..; l'OUTKOI.108, ANI OTIIKIl CIIIUSTMA5? l'HKSK NTS, Of thr i-liolcoit kind, at nio.lerale pries. SOCOLZ. & JANENTZKY, No. 1.5 8 Rllilll'II BTItKUr. 13 lS-St D. W. CLARK, No. 002 CHRSNUT STttKET, Has now on hand a rery Uro stock of WATtilR1. JhYVKM.Y.and HlliVKR FLATKD W.RK, Hrlertfd eipnAsly ft (be oouiiuv IIUMDAY TUiUK, W"ici are ht'lnfi tu'il at xtrar Jlnartiy low nrlcea. Wo Imvti a laifie suck of the folio Wii ijoudi C-nld Watrhea. Hiiver s atchi'M, Latilt s W atrh.m, 4 .i iits Wnk ln s, Ujy Watrnia, AUiorira'i W atoliei, Ki.KlUh Wa o.i.-, Hwi"i Wa'chi'S. (in tl Wit Chatnfi, trold Cuaie'itii o Otialna, Ooltl hiTk Chains, frOll' Petiotl C'ltkOI, 4olil tViifc, liuld Tivitljplcks, (rl.U TTl IHhU-S, loli J Arinh'is, triilil Hosoin Muds, (.i.ihl Uivi hutloDS, U-.:d Wateh hevs, (.old I'lyM, tlci.ui', Got Hlire, l.rtaifs', (iold I trin, MlMne' tiwul Ciria.;iiaH'lHiuc, fioiil F,nr Kli (iold Mner L.UR8, 4o:d Refill fins, (iuld hrmiHd, T..td IXWKl-TII, li'-M liarrji, tinid WiiiUi llroks, hlv r TliuntMr'N, S.tvi'l- apkm ItlngHa SUvi-r Fruit Knlvni, Stlvtsi Fob Chain, Hllver Vfi chnirii. HIl.VFlt I LATKT) WAUK, l'ialcd on guuuiuo AlUata metal, and warranted; Tea Uf l. Cttkl1 lUrikotR, Frtil: Ma-kolhf ard Kw Ivifl, Hu'itT iHfhiiH, hy nip FHcto rs, FuK-u lilKhvs, I.rt-4kfat4 nntor( hiniiiT Cusio's, , Fkik tu ('HiitDW, lriin lioMuie, Walters. lUna. huit HinnJi, Oi-.hVti, Cups. .lH ItflU, MniOilu litfiKs, rich Unlvs, llv Kni. ui. 1 e C rt in Knlved, ( aki Kirvt a, (nir.ih Knl(i. t'tiiiilri n s K nives, l.'Mldirlt'M Forks, ChiUin u Hpouni, O) iter l.U'tlis, Holip t ttilifn, 1 li hlf and lue-ifert flpoons, 1a. siar, ai tl alt Ht.tHini, 'ft a and l'iniif r Forks. l'l.AI t il JKWKI.KT. W bave on bami a larae lot of h no plated Jwu)ry, hlrh A e arc cloiniK out at ooit prirea to u aka ro ou fr rihr roo 'I h wislilnic Koots tu our itm wotnd do M-lltvrnU nta! cxhihiiih our n'oca bMinre pttictiaNtu AllkO-.di warruiWt'd as u-prusented. T. W CL iRK. No. MrJ CHENS I T HtrrMJt. W. B. H'atrhe and Jewelry l an-i'ullv r MdirtHl oy f- pneirn w.rk!mo, and vrfeinlKl. KhuthvIu natF Ixtcuiid. 11 V;t-wni,vd(li HI ( 1 H A Tl h K s u v m r r , OtKKT in -OK and-ATiHIF.I, M KWW ACT1HBU ISO. 4 S MI X I II MrM-t.nel.iw Ari'li, nili.AlKI.I'HIA. irtfi'U'1!. lifusii nw Cast-, fli-Lil I'HrCJT, Fot-KI't ItiKlkt. Cuiu. tfaicli-i, .Money Molts, W -rk Hoe, JLinki'm Caes. 'lioUsali' ami rutu.l. Ii 7-lm TjO IOU WISH TO MAKE k PEEiESTJ? HARBACH BROTHERS, ,iO N. KKillTU H'i'ltl'.I'.T, Till' WILL HNI Til. FINrST AND I.ARfJKSr ASH0U1 HUNT OF HTAl'I.K AND FANOY BTAT10SEEY, pnOTOSBAPH ALBUMS, iwl FA NO! GOODS irv Tin: ci ty. ycplTla In I' "Mwond, II ti'atiy, anl Wl- n1il -. l.-ailim R-rini. M1HT. ,1.1.1 IK lOUUHfl' CAim, in. everr ,1 V e. it 1. I.ll I' I KM. With " unrt HI 1 Cliain, I'. M'ir.ni-0, Vel- 'v,r.';v'v"Vvi:ii:i,';'.vV:. .-ahk.-.. i...- " l "l'.,rK"l.l,,A'liNS -In M .ro-r i anJ B'iaq.1, TXWi'sVXi SATn.KX-AII Ti1rV" F Nl T. AM K'-l OHLUw ..iS,r A H'l.l. I.I K or l"V R.IDK1, Hi.llllJ aill in r - ul ehli- f'.r rhl nrr , .rf.vei v -ve lltuf ueMK". M PAI'KR nOI.Ln-ln r.-al yarlf ,rir.li li.". fi.jKAI'HHt (A all l lliliwi'..' ' caki i no'oi.uiri' l'""J,l"l'Ul..IN....r,b.,;, a the f pr c at aitrndrii l rHy , v iK AI.IiUM, v I .-v m.rfnntlv II At w'iin on an . . HHOriH.m if you want a html Call on HAHRA. (or a """uru'lf""''i-iin-io-r. oiirNK.v AbltfM-. ItrKO, for 26 tcnta; or, th:i oRColijiril HctufWi V crlHI HAKBAOC EB0THER3, 2(1 s7t Ho. Urt KltlllTH HTItKHT. Ptillarta. OPFOE'l UNITY 10 PURCHASE HOI jTI) AY IMtKSKNTS AT LOW rillCKS. ntTlng doiermtneJ lo r. tire from htntnes, enfl wldiltic torlseout my eiitl'O Urk of ffa'Chui, Jnwolr S'lver M nrv. and MUvvr PUtf l Ware, Clicai, Musical H 'UPfl, Table ('nth ry. Ac , within sixty cayn, I am p arwl to off rlnduci'iueiiU to purctiakem, and sodclt an exam n ti d ot thfif aoode, moat ef which aio ojd styles aod of flue ifualtty. THOMAS (lAHHUTT, 11 m I t Mil. 71'4 CIIF.SNUT HTHKKT (iOODS Toil JMIKSMNTS. We have rwonlly mldid to our liro urrl ctlumivo Ptoi k a tine l oihctlon of neTreH aiylos of .1 r.WKMfcY, ItliONKH, liI.VMONH. hll.VKU WARP.. CLO( KS. and FANcr t. or, AI! of rt-cont nnuiufaftHre and imiviTtallon, ai'i'roprlit1 lur tho lhilidii s. J.A.IIil.V V CO., Ko. Nil ( IIKSHIT Stri'. 12 -7t JINK .II'WKLKV l'OK THE HOLIDAYS, At BI. 11 11 1J ' N A N 1 !'- UIKl l(.KIlllt HtOI'C, "o. an:l M. KIi.IITII Kt.oct, a!ivo ltnco, rniluJelphU. A leiee and eD'fiI,il Mru-k of all the latest au.l mna-. elu- Kiiot .li-.iiiH, con prlkil.it lu pari AMKIIU.'AS, KMil.Htl, WAT. IIS. ASt) (iKNKVA H.IE liOI.Il, COIIAL, AMBTllYSTS. AND OTIIKK Biil.KS OK JL.VKI.KV. A liunilecme varivly of Eclid Silver aid Ila'eil Ware, UANDSOMU liUONZI'.S, &c, &c. Wi wnuld ri'vpcrtfuH, Invpo onrfrtoirts and fi piiMh- lo cull and i kHininu l r ireii st lns prcvluus lu pure ni-lnn ni'hiTi. frllc.-, fii low. 1- 1,-lui 3ii. J. Li. 01 HON J)t lrc to cab tie nih'.li: atfent'en p-irll'-ularl to a KV ANI OHAItMIMl FKATLItK OF I'llorOliUAl'ilY Intel; Introouced by blunt If. GIHON'S DOLilLK-FACKD CAULKS Arplrtuns that. In ardliloii toptre n.ivel-y. ro:nl'ne inort- un rns U an nuy oilier myUrsi uurf maait. The cau ue umaintu out ai GIHON'S rilOTOGllAVlIIC OIL GALLERIES, No. 10!1 OlIEHNUT tiTUKKT. All penol.l are Invited to call aJ examine apcl m. ps. l'i-lj lot ULLCOX & ,IBBS' d Sewing Machines. Vo 715 CITEPrTUT ' St.. PbiUda. HIGHEST PREMIUM i-'r7rai';Tiiir W NU MAOUINIilH, 780 OMKHNTTT Htrent. Nr, V 11 O I T I) 11 li, CHEAPEST AND 11EST. l'arlor Hults, Hod-room ami Chamboi" Hulls, IlnliHt-looi.k l-Hilt, Ivlivlton rurnlturo, Illvrury ana Ollluo Furniture, IloiiKteliolU I'lirnlHirc, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Kiiher lu finite or Minuto Fleers. prions. .till, ioervet pontlol (SOUM) & CO.'S, Union rnrr.Iture Depots K Cor. INTH and M KK K r, an.l 11 H.wlniU H. l-:.Cor MtCo.SD SU KICK HTA. THOMSON'S LONDON KITCnESrUt, or Fnropwan itanife. .r taioUtfi, hoiei, or pm-liO trial touom, In tneutv dtnvruui oi (Is", C'ltiit-di-li'hl Hai at-s, tint - air I- uri-ae-s, !'.." tli u HHtf rs. Lodown Oiaiea. ""irciKjiird Si..'i. iia ii It r-, hnwtinlt I'Wi'eb. " r 1 1 r h . I 'ooi- u Stoves. at w.,,,..i wi te uud re. all, by ta matoitm-"i. ,-rn l. llAhF. HM Mtl'C, t l'll"MMN 9-jn-fuiw tiu o. iu it. Sj . Nit -,..(. I ;STAnLlSI!KI) IN 1812. B OLID AY PEWENTS. WIM.IAM WIIO" Ar. M..N, B. W. (r. FIFTH mill CHKKltf Msa) rHinnn.i-HiA, Have on hand at. . nneral a .rtnent of hi vi:h vai:io OfAnrwnn.annl.oie".f lb. Mne.l iiialllr .ifcl l',-1l I. eii ard of eU.er- Alar, I'LATf H W VKI'i. A l,rre iJ fenerel a.,.rtmnt of .uirl.ir p iu-d W are, e. r. efl.vra IioiirM ana taken in rrclience. IllnSei rco,'': f-,' ( k y I S L A D O M u s, DIAMOND DEALER AND JCWELLR, No. 802 CHESNUT STKKBT, Ha. f.a tiaud a lerue aia ,l.lon ml aorlment i DIAMOND JEWELRY. Bt'ITAlil.K Foil IIOI.IDrVY I'llKSKNTS. Alao. bnat.ful .s.orlmoar of Gold and Silver Watch- s, Jewlry.o. H1irr Ware In urnit vnrtPty, iniltahlo for Hrtdal and I'miiiav I'm h run. h. H riuivni n' lUntno d Jwlrr s comiil' te, And at U-nt ptli-e iI.aq enu lo lout d in tbi cry. OUi Cold, Silver & Diaiuobds Bought for Uaah. ) I A M O N OS. 1'eri.i.i . tiavln. llaui..n.U or ntl.er prei Ion ,10'ieK to i'o.e .f, will !v i'll l.y celling on I.KWIM I.-1XMIIS. DIAM.Nl) DF.ALKlt AND JRWrtKIt, No. Mil CIIh-HNUr .-Itreut, Who will gjc tlio blttliett c4.). nci-e. l.'-li Im AI.HO, Old (;old anil bllvor r.miL'lit for Cusli. 115 15 It V, N N A N , IIIALI'.R IN J 0115 TINE WATCH LS, JEWELRY, ASI r-H.VlOK WVltM Mamonil nin,, IMaioni d l ine. Mamrni Kar KIdbs, Ame'h.ntanJl) am Klnrt, fine Hial ltl.iKl, I'lix Pearl Itlnirs, Ui-iiU' Mam. 8earf rins, t'lr.e Fiiameleil llrace!.Jts, FlneUenta' Chain., Flie I.adlei' Chains. Hoavj I.01K Gnartls, Amqthjst aLd Tearl Hut,, ('oral Ret., 12 il-ltn I.a lie,' ChatelalneTins, SHONZE A-VU FANCY GOODS. Ill H. KH111T1I HTIU5ET, Ho. 520 ABCK STREET, HAS A CAKKFIXLV 8KLKCTKI STOCK OF W A I CI IKS, 1 INI! JKWKLUY. b.lIVKK-PlaA 1KL WAUK, KKl'ECIAT.tT I FANCY HI UVIill AVA11I3. Hultablo for 12 3tl 1I0UDAY AN!) lilUDAL FRESEST. ' JJOLIDAY lill'TS. PATENT BABY-TENDER, OK, MAGIC Sl'UING CRADLK, 1 ho most useful and delightful Nursery Invention of the aa. From a Vertical and Noiseless Cradle It U tustvitly eon vcru-d Into a Hprlnn Oha r, Keclluintt C'oucU, Itahy-Ju upor, bv-llorie, liaby- alki-r, lllu Chair, Nursery Chair, llibh) tlorao.aiiil iMtoiuan. It elT -eiuallv Dlivfaiea tt e tI1s of tlio ror-kltur m tloa atluros nral relief to mothera exei cisi" aud dultijliu unll dn n, and sat en the expense ol a Nurse. Also a larjie variety of F.AINC;:. HOLIDAY CJUODH, AT THH HOUSE FUKNISUIXG STOUE, Ko. VJ' CaiWNUT sntKKT. Wdirn JOUM A. MUUIMIKY. FINE WATGHI3, JEWELRY, FIIVEIt AND PLATED AVAUB, COKNKK AUOH AND TKNTH HTH. Itn.-oetR'H, Sleeve Buttons, Anulets, Braoeleu, Scarf Hm aud KIuks. TeA Ants, leo I'ttohcrs, Walters, CuMuiii, Fork, flpoons. Ac. Waryhei n1 pa' red and tva'ranU d. Old Cold, Dlamoodc, ami Silver rtoutfht. 11-1 ?u IlAltRISON JARDEtf. T TSEFCL GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. VJ 'Ht KS MAt.Sh llC l.l.oUKS, cxpamiutf Hit Httiari'on ut tin etr'h Uv raviiat - ii : one oi fie nnU iontrm tn o U-. w ll as liit-re-,tiuc miU that cau be prc m i ttd lo a chihi. itie fj Ul. f.nrjer one.t lor I'-ucIhth an in preparation. Finely lllosti at fed work of lree and l'oetry,Phot'i;ra()h Aihuu.s, Juvtrn It". (iniai'S, c. aUllKK.MFJ'.lloltN, It Nf'ltOKr A Co. 12-16 lit Ho. Ml! AhVU Street. OFriCE OF ASSISTANT QL'AR TERM ! ut M.Minrt of Philadelphia, No. 7.lI.UlvFr Htrett, He--eTDher l iHin. Seaieo FroiioAats win he roenWod at th's oUre until P'hui of MoMUY, r)cciubr y6,li4. for fcr.ilntii? the I'nued Mta'ea whh f-trae, u. : Corn, Oatn. Hav. and H-aw, 'or ihe uie ol animais In tho pu'iilr h.t1 i at this pft or distric. liicluihiui Cnes'er, Furt Mtithn, Ch-mut 1 Dill, Nicetown, llad1lni7ton, havcrly, N. J., Whlto H ill, ii far Uruiol, Fa.. Hprmx Mill, and any other lniiy VLit.lti 1Mb command that m iy directed, for the period ot nix ronnthn, fnitn Januaiy 1. Iww. A'l k"1" to he of the k't qimluv, .ii iviiinds ko tiie bushel ol Oats, fid . iHiui.ds to ttie t)Uht-J of Cora. Hav of best oaliiy ttiaoihy, S'ravt of wood tiiianty, Kvo or Wheat. aa wav be ordered. AM io he lnsp 1 1 d and uoiirovart at delive i d. Fn'posaN will statu price per ltw poiimU fttr hay ad straw, and per Im-hel for frrain. itcllvc.-e.l at pi ieu ..f 1-ont.iinipilon iu suchiitnuiuiies aud at such iiaica as ma be on'iri d. The l inied Staus rerrves the rLmt tn reject all bids Ictmed hkcimipatlLiiu witicus nitcroNt. AMirttr hi. miMi: n. U'-lti-fJ'i CapM'U and A 1 .M. cans r:'r'H. ve: OLK VM HKKLLAS et 1 1 ia di i : h. SILK D MBRELLAS FOR GENTLEMEN. C!11N. Ha'M T MItlli;iI.iA.H Mlfc-H'.S AND lj VIIS. A IXLL AbSOKIMKNI OF ALL KINIW OnrfcI"TMAS PRESENTS. iMt HU.V. BT WILLIAM A DROWN &. CO., ! Hi l.WTUA NOI K'l' T H E rUOl'IUI.lOll OK a a the nri t-i IllU'il ht MtK, lortr: ,. llli.lAI. a.iil I IIV.HVl'T Rtree'e, ...in ii lml, in vii w ol ilie ttuii j, be w.ll A N K i.iii. Ht . t I. nt' r ti ..I. iflc.' 1.1- L.r e aid Veri. .1 Sum' .-k it( Oll.t.r lIliKLKH. ..ii.i.a-. (I'l; t n.u'.Nt'. s,', ..sum onoit rt.ir.1, l(M!K MiKM II AM) KMill.li.ll l'l.l:l'i;M, ' I IMA 1 1 ... ,u. I'.'.ru.t Mnirard li'.-th limr,,.. l'MMi',..t.. An-I othw i ri i: i n i.f s ..it ii.ti i "av i;ir i i, AT . Mil. ..Ml .IIUIIB TOD. H. r. - t. .1 i"t or l.l M INK 1 M l'i l;T-.l I1AVN CIUAUS. in r a. ire ilraml., v 11' It i-"Ii1 n the eume lavoialiie t.-rui. if appllratlin le li.h.lc ut imce. 11-16 lOtrp IK'SiOaN AMI riULAOKLPUIA rtir.f't. i.it.k, s:tiltii ft-' no earh port oa t M o x . ti . rt. itiiii flrt v i,,vrf aiMj FIN F. Mtrfei.fi.lla dt ii a ma l on' Wta.irf It. .ton. Ftura Drt wharf i.H.M- I'lN" Hi'tt. -.i.n Srtt.i'dav. i. finh-r i. 14 Tin ftt'iimsiilp N 'KM , iUKi-r, ill sail nun I'h'laJ! priln li.r Hnnioh. iv S;iturila, I u. fioWr Jt. at 10 A. M., A Uu- f-n nuihhi'. SvON M !iM'Wi, fnxn Itokino far pi ltaiolphia. on atif day. at 4 I' M. I tu tt- iit aiio s.-tiniannaJ Rtamsntnn forro a regular Hi i . ue mit frort "net- p.r' (jini-'unltv on Salurda w . Iiiuni i-in in at one taif ihv yrejulum charged on lit- t r'i. his tAttfii Ht fair ra'ce. HMopitrH are rf iiientcd to and Bit Becotptl and BtUt Lading v,itri ttinir at'-'iu. Kor Vie ght or (hTin fine aeroramrtdaoM) apiiit-to hf.nky wissor a com mi-U No. JUi .H. Dhl.AWAUK Averm. 1011 NEW YORK. OrTMM'K LINK. COAST W I. M f AMsitIF ( OMFANY'8 M.W FKI.hlllT I.INti J-OK NhW VtH;K, and f nnncrtlns f r ail NurthcrD mJ EwWrrj cltlw and er Otli-aris. nalliriK every Xlfc..si,A , Tnt'ltSOAY, and siTrftrur, from tho Compnnv's wiiarf, it aiv Rare nret, aait i w oik, iruui l ler 11, IMortb Uiver, uu luiue days, at Ii P M. For f eW.ht, which wlh be rereiv. d,iHy. hard'efl In th pu.f ca I'tnl maniit t. a' d ih-iivertd with ttie uroaitut dd ii.iUb, ai lail ratis, apj Iv to ' WILLIAM J. TAYI.OU A V., 11. 10 3m No. J to 5onli Whsrvn. VM1KII 8'IATES, EASTERN DISTRICT J nF l'KNNh I.VAMA, T. TliK Fl.lXI'hNT OF 1111- I N1TF.H H'l'ATK TO 7 1 K MAKillL OF TUK KATtHN liltntl"T oi- 1 KNNSl LS AMA, r f;..y..-- U Ml-.HF.XH, The Hi-trlrt Court nf thefalted Stllei-ln ' am) toi tut- Fait rrii h'siitc'nf iviinsvlvama, riitaiiy und d ih pnireciiip en u L'Ih'I. tlh-il lu ihc name it Hi liiltd t tHtc- ot viium'lii hath decM-i d it pro'i in tifntral rvhd hui'.or pn'wud t. have, any nht. tlfie. or lnt.-rent In ire Mtcmt er "hi sa N a tit-ri-i.t t'. w, Aiiitln is inatr, hi r 1m:kn a i an I. and tnrnliur", and I.i koo1n, Wures, uiid iiht. nniniiso, lad n ou tumid thi rrnf, cup turil h tlio lJni'.ii fti;ni sn ainer " Met wotiiut," iiiulir ton inand of I i-ntfiittnt ComiinindiT JaiiKM H. Juliette, ini'l lirouu Into tliU dl-trut, to be mon-lr-lii i. ttti .i and i tlle-l to iiiilj,'.m nt, ai thu H ue und plai e until t wn'ti n. iu:d to tiw eiter; m-re'iiter ceoit 4 (. limine hi ri-'iniriiiK) You am. tn"( fiTn, ehartd and in nut:) en ont'il ii.d rctiiinaiitU'tl, ihut ymt oiu t aot, hut tiat h pur 1Tj J i n tlii'.n- rc-euts in at leu it two of me d..t t in w-i'iiiu-i iriiiTfil au.l putiilshp.i in tiie cltjr ot rhl ailelphla, itnd 111 the l.eal Inte.llKcoieef ," you dnniniiNti and eitu, or ca o t ho iiiouKiu'd nml clted, pen mpiurilv. all ptrs.M . in K"iiernl - ho liave, or protein: w have, ai t title, .r linercst In tha anid sti iitnt'i t'i-MiM.' m d n':', to tue ir oe fre the l.on rb e .loHN C Mi.YALAlt.:!:, i. e .'iiiU'i-oi iu t-md (o r, at the li ntrli:t h.'im i t r.-xnlu Vtv Cilv e t'titla-d- ihU, on the ie'itK-th dav afior ptiM catioii oi tnese pr'ei.tn 11 uoeiicmi t Hv-. or eiie on thu iuxt curt d.iy i.'Ht.w'nn, ixtwbvn in I ii.ii. hi n. mi t h oj n.-ariiw etui 's, j (l. en and ti er to Mhw. r hUi'mh In due form of law, l ii r asi-i at'le tnol lawful (M'u.-e'. if anv tuey hve, why tiie Mtid Mi mu r "fiLiana ami curu h uid not be , prmi'-urri ii tn ti.'iina. at t'ie nine ot hf e.i iiiirf nf the ; a..nie, to ti-e ein-ip' s "f tiif ( iilii'd St.iten and, asoods J oi i lo ir i ni mit'ts i herw e, IniUe ami KUtnect f C n i th u nntti'ii. lo be .(' u.l-f'd und y mili-iuiH d as ko ,d and I hiviul prii-h; ;nl t'nnri.,r lo do uu 1 n-emve hi thJs Ixhiiii h to j t, - r .thull Appertain. And thut 'ouilaiy ii.tm.ant. nr t itun' ui lie iiitiniuti'd, tint ul p-rstnis af re fc id. i al'y i ii wl.i.nitiv ttif tH'ir of tdcsn rmt".L ti I. ul-o hi l iu' an d i.tliai ti tli-n shall nui app -.tr at t'-r- tone aid pisie alx vr utiiti"U( d. or uppetr and arall uo s.ow & r. a '.iithii unil liiv:u canto to rtie cotirr.iri , tn m said Iistn, t r.inrt d ih intend ati'l will prinvrd tu ad u tll' ulu.ii un ihe Mild captiiri. und urn - pr inoiiiu-o t h t tf.i- mi'd s'eainei ' HiiMira" a"d i-iii'.-o i!u Im -hum, nt i'ie t me ot ihi' i-;i li:r( nt the fa ne, tn tliu eneiolo'. of the I n im d M ate oi .tm rli a. aul as md of tln-lr fMuiiis, or otl ciwlw, li.iole. and uu'-jft't to &inL-;a-1 1 1 m HhU C' iiileuin.it Inn, t bi- ailiuiti-f d U'itt v uidfiitord as law nd pi lie. iht- .i.i-i n:e or rii'l.nr cu.ru in k y . ut tlio n-r-fc'-nt M. Lt:eu am) iii'luia'rd i anv wie nut ivltli' inditix, and that ou dm, n-rniv toiho -a'd Iimrn t diurt wuat j. .ii hhai) do in il tr.'inl-.es. i.)p't''r with tin-se presents. Wi nr-fc the H 'Out'.h.i JOHN C 1 W . L I iKU, Judf. or the i.ali Cm.:! ii- I'hilu 1 hla.ihM thlnroiirh d iy of 1 eieo.her. A 1. Im ', ami lu ih v i-'fily-iiliiil, yor of kin- Ii d. p liiktlit U the !1 I niti d Stnten ii.'. lti..,t ti. H.lO,UuiW Dl .trlct Court. THE Dt-intl' vr TOIRT FOR THE .litidi i. ! L vs. .loSKl'H II. KVAS8. i. .in, ri p i'iuImV, Jn-I No. .it", v ti.d (' J i io re.i rt Ih" dn rl .1 tiv a "lienii -" fa'e.U'uler the 'Itv and Coi: 'V "i I' JOHN .1. 11 A 1 'A 1 Ahum Veiidilio. i KH '1 1 u atiill or jiji .. ,l I ' tt'th p ot a Ii on . d ',oe wilt, ut all ih.it rtiatnr-o --lorv nri.:a ui-hiii ( r leu n t n', hi Lull h . and lt r loeue ot urouinl, hl'inii. ,,n .h. s : i ..-va itii ulrci-t at iho itit.inc" of i are" hundrut :u.d !'.. u-vi ,..ut-waid tr.-m the A.mthA lii'r ol till ii rl Btl.'et. In !i . v. uu in -ini oi I 'te ei'y I I litiiiiiclph'ti : co-tHiiiP - in inoil oc hr'if'th on the said MeM'iuii street .'v.n;i .ii t . m. 11.1 n,' n tto n.wtb side t i i e 1 the tu.iitl-, r ui o l ; ill ..iri l an alley inrve. let In width h. ihe !': .i. p'n .a tni thcre'iy i.-mnted but ui d -ieiiJiMtf ii. h ii-ii' o- ei. ti '-a'Maid of !(it width Mvcniv one toei n-.; ait Ii i f iTKlies to a lour it wide a ev. Ii a i'-i- n-i 'imad nod coinuiunh sthw with Ihe su.o thiee !' w 11 ili V eiih;i tt to the earl' ttio'iiul n i 1 o' f VJ. w HI "Mi u io i hi el nt i-soi hi- appointment, on W E'1 S F..-I 'A Y 1h" 'Mil tiav oi i (mtier.A. l.lH4.at US i'Vhrf'1. 1 M . nt Mm.iil'v. So It-' KI i ill I'M ntreet, 1 t-llud' lp' ix, wl oi and wli.re all p.i't'en Interested must prt'sent th"r .-la: i.i', or they will be aetfitrred i'rui cupula if In on i-Bui rniid. 12-lti 10t JOHN It. COI, AH AN" ,7 Audit T, IN TI J c;i v t THE OV.niANS' COURT FOR THE anil C t'v oi t'hM i.lt'fthia. Kn.!.. nf i x . i- jir t iiiik Ml LilOLI. i. a M nor. The Aiuliior ai p i -ted hv t'.e Coort to uhdn, stnti, and aiLut tiie ad-olio' ot the l'a:tn!vlva'ila Company f.r In-SiiranL-K on l.st ar-ti ri "iitll)y Annul Inn, ' ;.i..i dt.ia of the i (.la'.r of Jane la'do Mu ho Uu, a uiln.tr, aud t mport riUI l Hill tl III- i ni.v.'- , . oa. ., - ...i , . will nfn I ihe nar 'uu inicr"ed for iho p'irp fe ot his M apioi.-itinei t, on Tot-v1. l'-i ein'jer V7. ls-4 a- 4 o'clock F M.st ids oihu.-.N ;17 Walnut kiie. t.tu the City of 1 VJ'-i'.' -'iuil'..t J' ll S CLAYTON'. AtidlHr. TN THE COT RT OF COMMON FLEAS FOR I 'IMF CITY ASH i CNTY ol' Pllll. A! FLFiUA. Hi S 11. I' A I i ON hv her nut tr end, t lltUl.i ilOK ItlS.v, tJKotttJi: It. PAITON. Hciiti mhei ivrin. I "wil, N ,i in liiv.ine. TVnr Mr - PL ii nil,-, hub iImt ir atrud hv I . A IllV.iri'.: a Vlli. UlAT. .lli.lllvl .1 ! .-L' l.u Ittiiini .hie on 9 Tl Ite ', i iilifr, M.rl, .1 I'U t loi-lt 1. . w. i. ii M'Kit. 1 ; Holiuitoi fur LibellaiiA. I, It. s?i.u.l' lit. , l--d luuij,. V ,1.. Kill I ll.l ul. It. . I J X