The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 19, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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$ poli'
X kto
1 art) t
f tle
Strength of the Floot Uador
Admiral rortcr.
li is krnwti that u powerful the', on br c iti
arumi hi Aomin, I ' r it, Willi I ni t Lit e under
(hii'TmI hut it, Lit 1 1 1 1 1 . ) i on llnd- iwo dA.S
sro lur the S.uib. lis tles-in tiou 11 not an-
llUtlllll; lint Import ml In.' As II; l tjl CX,'.:' .C, I
At ttii II, nil I'lil.
Ann trti I 1'. unt il fleet numb, rs tx'T four vcs.
Scls.carr. iht: he hunon d uu t mix' y sc-cu gu i-
a l riv mi i in ii mi) loiuiiil ,oi I'. ludic iti' i in
I I nam win k i- ul i . li t.
1 he licet ii i uuipo i 0 of till' flln iag vo-sels :-
1 1. A 11 M 1 1 1 p.
Fteatncr If.i.'iv, r guns H. I). T'o-'cr, Admiral
1 1 II- 1 MVIMilN.
t'um,ifl'irt II. A. T.'i'il Krr, cnninvul'nj.
f,'tM '.US'
Colorado It llowqui i
N i nek 7 1 'sen 'i
A' in M mil ii i In 7
(..n.Miuii . ... ;i Aguwnii 'I
F ri DottIsoi o Huron .1
Rhone Island 10 Mohiem. 7
M.. 7 Cherokee
Julius Adgor Ul Tallapoosa 0
hfci iiMt mvisio.v.
Cvmmutliic Joseph l.timtm, f'oi'imuidi),j.
lini. l'tn.
Minnesota .'ilNeron S
Ma hitiaw
II 'Fur: J,:
V n lie
Ma-sasolt suttrg
!i O-ccola . ..
K un
it Juniata. ,
'. key-tone Sta-e.
6 Caiypai
Cumrnwlore Jamn '. .Si' 'ftir.'.. C mm in I 'm.
i.'in. ifmu.
T'litbitun .10 M itt iV- -t :i
riiiti!n Ktiimii
M' u Tit Vernon . 6 aco i
. 'it I) " lirookly ii Jd
fcta nanuoah IP 'Alabama
Cnibrn'gc 7
Comt'wilote II '. iolont I Vi -tumdinfj. Gum.
f-sfquelmnra II 11 U. Cujlrr 0
Tilstmu t-rwndy .1 Viin,ii. ...VI
Cl f r City..." 10 VLksbur ( '.I
(I, it. JIuukiiiKlifitii... ft IYyn:' .1
V t Hi 6 Muru'iit.. i '.I
IhiDtiirton 1'iiiinixia !)
ftiuilui nif ry 0 Tiioiruri ...Ill
llriuiiiinu j 3 iiiiUuii ilo C'ubi... 9
Commodore H'iiliam ltitl'oni, ( 'mmjtiiliti;j.
I'll". Oil.
Ntw IronciiJcs 18 CVinonicti 2
Strip. K J lncia'i.r 2
M..lijnc 2 llonu'lni) '.... 4
Vi-iiei uiikiil tLuB(')iij clvil.u ri'il fjr liiijiMtiil
ui K.
The Monadnock will be the II i.? ship a t'tc
Bl'i h ; the Little Ada 'nil ;'.t ut .ho a.jialcU
bott ukd uikiui to llir, lia'-hUi.
lrl Anil Arronnl of llir AOiilr.
l'bo fil'i wu g 1 n tr 'ii-!iitii!ii of a bulletin
lmi (1 in MktimorHS rn thcl itb :
We have juit ru'Lteil by exp c tho follo-.vinf?
croin ut;lctii n from J I id ICxcclcmy, General
Jjon Totuas ! j a :
iMfki iiL Mkxh'AK Aukv, Mtjia's Diaihioh,
Coii'Iina' ItiuiiAtii., Cam i" (itm'iiiK'i, NoTem
btr 13, IS' 4 Your Kxcclleiicv : I hire the
lii tiiir to liiform ynu thi at K o'l 'ck tliit in 3r fi
ll t 1 ii'iiroul thm city, with the fiK. a under my
ci n iiiatid, nitu'o wlilcli tiaie rtto (. ny'sa Iv.m 'o,
em im ril nn the liut kN ul tlie ri . or, OjieneJ lire
n I mi me i h tl tir hhariiahoot -m.
Alter ninni Kkirnmhii a lieiwi'?n the forre),
0 t ut lirmn ah e to lin l u fur I fi cross mil
illirtlicin h.iiile in tlie fni urrM.iieJ by Hum
h cli inttti k they feiMit dn'iTiinno.l In r-snt, I
ori'i red l.n utennni Ct oiH 1 in Job M. Z ini'i,
ei ii iiiniid nn t lie hn- ii!i', 1 1 di4 ti mnt tiiu com
aiiiU4 Mier and Catiiart'n. ii'jil iii-ploy tliem us
tha'pul imti rn upon Hie ! I'l Ii iiiU o' tne river sur
ii iii ohift the Pity, until we h'kiji ; rind lite foul
fo' tl c tavulty. ' the en tit' itn.m. lii'ely p isteil
a lijee to I'lipiife nut cinHin. v'rt Biicee,l-ii,
bowrver, and di'ln -'-peii them 'ru n tha uneven
li r nrd oi etipleil by tli-'nt. Th ' p rtion of their
fcrin blind loited lied preei.ii u' -ly, our f invi
contitut d ihetr march to niiHri?n upoallt 're ir
of the tint, and while t'li wm 'ie tiir dm'i, I,
with the teiuuiiuUr, nil kel fie (rout of the
Tlieobntacle of tlie e.nmin? of the river over
cmne nrd H o dinperti n or rii rill'! ec imi
) li-heil,l rl atK' d "P 'ti fin ren tinder of the
ei etiiy in Ihe tort (whieh wa but In iho i rtu
if be city ), which was do. ie ut hat-pan one iu
the aficrt o n
lu thi nieou'ttertlietiii'iriy I t" .'nor killed ami
ftv ii taken i.riotnTs. Tije t ,f their f irees
(Ii d itihiiern d m varimn dt . e i ni , leivini? In our
in n- -niu m tne aims ami no. -e e n.iu otny
in e mutt MUihi1 w
I. Ii ii Hither courier
I will tend fum r.xei lkiiir a iled lice mil' .
I ri ri on l lit this ti.ue a i Hue il fit Iho deid
It d primmi rs.
1 have the hon'T to ' In v. :r r.ifelhney
Ui'it the cmi'inei of 'lis lii er tl iiicnun hr
in v cnii'niand worthy ul'in. in I iviinr irnuinK
to'de'ire, btiiI 1 em jtrii'til itn yi'tr Ktcollencv
upi n tklb triii nijiti, obt ltie lu' .i i.Ho ciiemUa of
K x rcnir to vonr V. !! ii ' 'h') ainnraneea
of my diluifjui-lie J c ("ni. f i your ohedieut
StIVUht, Jl AS X i'lllUINA'l,
(ieu. r ol DriKi In.
I,i-t f killed, wviti'iiV d. nn i ;. turners of the
a ti n ol S iM'tti'ier 1'!, 1 I :
Kuifd C el M. its-' Vie w, I.'e'it'nmt
Ci loin 1 Ma'iiino (i T.a'es 11' 'ai , M iiur (-' n
niiiiuliiiK Apoliuo l uetite, l.ku euaut U-'jes
Pri-niiers Ci'pt Atl'am lb th i les, w mu led j
I.leiiii naiit ill ar 'ii J... ill' L Se;nu I ScrL'eitil l'o '-
f n Vela, t'nrp Jie-e Maria It imvi leu, w m i. led J u Clrllo. hulni' o M itti"', I' euto lo M i in.
C oCari lo I.a-eauo, Martin U ' i''', wounded
ti l X Admic. Jt'AN (Nirtina.
Caiii' CirxBitnin, Nnvcn;ber I t, 1S(U.
Quim Ding i d u I. )uiu Ding was a
poli'icid egitati r In Cuc'iin China, who urg-d
riTult agaiin-t the Frem h Influence there. Wo
art) assured (but time the death of Quito. Ding
tie district of (io-Kong Is quite traniull.
At the prenent tirue the city of Florence is
rnimliil wiih ttraneirs. coining to enjoy tho
.nli ndi r of the new Court.
(icneral Tndleben baa been lately vialting the
iron works at BlieflislU, and other manufacturing
towns in Dlana.
pfclal !f!iatilif io Kft-nlDg Toloxrnph.
WAfmNiTon, liecember
The Way a and V an C mmii ,( ,,..n
cotii-idirii g the tux nn whi Uy fits tii rnini lin,l
will red nunend the II m-e to t'.x tho tiT,, for n
tax of to dollars nn the Ut of Ja'iti try, i.,lt,
ol l'thruary, a lit the tiri'-"iit law,
il (if I -itttlr(.
The UniMi' thin niiirninu' 1 vote of r- n
me i n Ihe (i V' rr.iin nt for itsconluet of our
fiue p n relations.
lutiili f:iv" up ainvainnnh.
The lnti st Hii hniotnl p prrs give up iva in ill.
Wamumitov, lie.'em'iei" I .
Il"t K.
Mr. Ta is i M-l. I olleri ) t're r.'sohrinii rp t'.. d
b I nn on 1 i nrviiiv, an I wtiieh t'ie
talih ii. ib eh.rii ir tl ut t'oniTe'S hat t l.'otilitu-
itoi a' tiM to if imtlnii ir itive v 'iee bi d '1'1 iritis
at d re-i ri'una Ilia lo'e irn po'ier of tiin 1' lite t
S-n( i ; that it In the iiiity of the J'.x.c.i.ive
l'l'pnr'n i nt to rcsp 'et 'h t v b'e,
Mr l'art swortn i Id. I. inoied t i livt'n rii-
lu'ion in the table. I)isit0'renl to yen I1,
na) s 7 i.
A sen 4'iiminlsaliiil.
Bm timouk, De-ember 111. V new order h.n
been ii-med by Ceneral Wallace, formlnir a nc v
Mi.itai)' Commission in this city, of which (ienc-
ral AU xander Mi C'ooV, I niio 1 States Volunteers,
is rrcaidctit; a'lil M j or Lord, I'irst el
Caialry, Judge Advo.ute. The other nictii'iers
of tho loninii.'Slon ire Mninr Caleb IU'cs,
Major fleoriie M. Denmt', Cap'iiln (leorp- 1).
Iliad, Cap'aiii 1'. W. Alexander, Captain V. (i.
Fgerton, Captain J. B. Ayiea. Lieutetiant Wn.trry
and 1.1. ii'i t ant Ciiiuniicliam.
Many h phly In.pnttant cases are to be ti J
before thus eomtnission. 1'nr a larjre nuuibcr of
i tic accused John Wills, K-'iuire, is conn-el.
Ojnend Wallace deserves Uib credU f -r .'lectin:f
to apjiroj riatc and Int. llha'ot a comiui-sltiii.
A w 4'iiuitiiHii(l.
fieneral Wallace con'-tiiiites the counties of
t lie Kalern eloro ol Maryland, vir. : Kent, (Juc n
Antic, Titlhot, Caroline, 1) iretirsior, Sotuer.-e.t
and Wi rcistcr, Into a new c unman 1, known
as the I'asiern tlmie of Maryland, over which
Prlcadier fienerul Kenlv will hive emnininJ.
His headquarters will be at Salisbury. Alla--
roums fiont nil our armies are liu't.lp e'leerinir,
while the Anaconda is squeezing Ke'jebloui to a
sure dea'b.
I t! M il or a itir.
riTTsiu nd, Dec- luber 10. The imn-cla I gun
boat ManniM,t; was tncecssfully launcheil t'ds
mi rriin." from the ship yard of Ma-ou & Snow,
den, of South 1'itMiurg. Over one thousand
8f crti'trrs witnessed the affair. The .Wninyiiu,':
Is to receive hCi- outfit at Cairo, and will liave for
ti nt port In a short time, hho will draw about
twelve feet of water.
Owing to the sudden breaking up of tlioi 'e,
conMiU'iable ilamave has b en done to pmperiy
uliing the rivir, and several coal b iats have been
roil i.ii--ouiA.
trr1 to Te RitiittiQ Trlfjraih.
Nr.w Yoiik, I)eieui''or 10. The OppoIMjn
Cntiipanj's ftenmer (lildm Utile sailed ta-d ly at
ni on. Among bcr passengers were tho follow
ing Philadelplii ins : Mrs. ,1. MeMurtrie and'
family, Mrs. Mcfionigle and family, John MeFot
risli and otbd's.
A rrtvnl of (he "I lly of I'orU."
Ni.w Yohk, IJcceniber 10. Tho steainshin
Cili i f I'nit, fioni Liverpool on the 3 Ith, arriv. d
at tl Is port this mottling. Her a lviees huTo been
Mmi mi ol of !'Httnr(1 Itetirl CJnerAla.
Homos, Jlccembir 10. The Ucbel (ienrrils
M.irma :uke, Cabell, and Gordon passed ihrongh
Diitton jcstirday, on their way to Tort W.irrcn.
I. filer I'rmu Ailinlml lililron Wei Is)
4 o-oifmi Iont Hlili 4Jii. KtirriiaiAii.
AVashinoton, December 17. Tho following
letter from Admiral Dahlrcu to tho Secrotury of
the Navy was received to-duv :
Wakcaw Soinii, Di'eeinber 14, IH.'.l tl in.
( iletiii Welles : 1 wi ite this in tho tama eabiu
wiih fimeral Sherm in. llecaiuo around here
wiih (ii ncral Foster to incei me.
I was eneuyed in buoying t-avaritnri river to
pub U) an ironclad to assi-i in altaekini; Sat in
unh by water, and left this miirri'iig to visit this
place, where I have th- 'ii.ivii'caud tiwu-e, then
to O-sui aw, where in the llan-s'iip an t Ni ki'i i,
In the hope of comniunii atini; wiih (ienerii
Shirinao. Mum while, ho had just walked over
ihe tort, McAllis'er. that puurda the 0 choe,
and tleacei'oed to the tluifship (ienerii loiter
cuu.e in anernards, nud brought hl n hero.
John A. Daiilouix.
I'm in I lie Nliciiiiuitonti Uuerllln A I roc I.
A letter from Headquarters Army of the Shen
andoah, dated December 11, says:
1 here are no new movements to report In the
Army ol ihe Shenandoah. T in tioops are c eet
ing i otntnrtuiilo ca'uns f r winter qu irter, nud
inn thing indicates continued qiret.- The icnl
Ins, only, nmr the peace ol the camp ocessionally
by toriivs utioii foraging pinies caught iueau
lions y too faraway iium tho main body of tho
artnv, Kc.
Three nnbin fimllics, who were yeaterdiy
nuiiinc to Winche-icr lroni It iuumv, were n'
tiuked in the nioiintaius by aouie of Mc.4air
p: rty of bindmbuckers, from M iore'ield. One of
the incn-innde a brave defi use of his wife, and
little oue, showing light, and for a eimsiib-ra'do
time kr( ping the inarnuilerM ( tl. but thov timill f
oveipi wind him, and he fell in the presence of
Ida land y by tho deadly tiro of the cowardly
(lew be was contend lie with.
1 bey then detached tho horses from th wa
rn$, and leavinii the families to shift for them
elVfH, niade otf. The people liuillv reaj'ie 1
W mchester in great distress and desteu'iou. The
murderous outrags has justly proroUed a dep
fieliLg of Inclination in this army.
Mantficld mountain (Whito mountains), as
appears by recent measurement, ii four thousand
three hundred aud eighty-nine feet high. This is
one hundred and tcu feet higher than usually
rinLADELPILIA, MONDAY, IHfcTlM 1110)7 "iSCl.
Wamum.iov, lie.em'iir Is The
wnr to. day nllleiallv '.irouiillL' it '.I
l'llt .
111 P Ah 1 KIM Ol N I ,TH, W (sill v,; r,,Vi ),,
" i ii e i u shii nt .lireeis t, ,t ,.x -e,.
linn Irtiiiit t"H-( ii.'erH ihri'i 'iv ..ii'iTin an .,i.'rl-
i(ri i nrt bvn i, r .:, , h-rr ur.-r ..
eonV (l '" " "'r "'-' l','l'" 1 S:t ' Tom a f t-i n
l -poll"1""" 'TM"T(. If a cli'ii. the
K me I iii:'.' fr"'" "' P ""t t or f-mi
nt u. il an aliV':""1 M""ter,' a'-.,,,;
l is i n c.'iin .lr""' "IP '"' a'tetit author t ol
;tt id v a i! p;i"t,ie pa-spnt to )L. couate -fi
tt.'d sta-o. '"' A ',ut "Consul ol mo
I I. is rceula'ioti is ,
I.. i-i. n- pi. p-smi: ,,,"'ide I to a-qi'v espvVIv
fioll, 'he ni'lLhbolim llr'l"' tu ' '' U"i ' U -si it. s
ti iv. n. c wdl be Miieilv cl Provin.'i'-. i.,p,
! n ilit.irv, mi. I naval, In'eed by all r-.
Its il Mates; aud the Star1 service, of tie
an i'l. ri'ii s nr.' re tie-t"d to no! A" tn'tuiepii
It s ('siac'cd hen that no I'linegrS eNe.-u'i
ei inn t' hi s. a In the tn inner iiior-'Vi-se r
oh-tt urteil, or unv o'her persous ws i 'Vi l tie
out oi) t hi ir av hitlii r bi'inre lu oil it," n ev st
ri i-i-bit ii 'ti rould reiismii'.lv be expe. f 'il t ' rh s
tLe ei nntry from hieh tin y may h no S' o t if: I
iiiim II. S t w i ii n. Sei ii t iry ot' sj at'-.
1 be ilisilp! roval by the Ptesi lcnt of (ien ril
Dix's ii'ib r iclatne o tu'ii'e ral Is lroni (' iu id ',
I n ei i'i',1 some -urnri-e here, as tin- nr lcr mi"
a i: h uln ost un ver-al app'oiuoi m. It is und. r-
ttoi (I, lioncvi r, Ilia' it was fudueed by oiliel il
assnrrm es from the (.' alihorities ihit
ev. i i o-slb e i (fort should he m ido to bring the
St. Albutis ini lers to ju-tke, ninl th it sue'i niet-
tnrs 'I nn lil be laUcn i s would pn vent any Simi
lar d. tiioi.sti.ition in future, and promises to
keep llebcl refugees under strict surveillance
here, t'.cr.
'!( w Sllfircme l iiuri ti'ill.l lllocli
l.l ru t.liullliiil 4rrnl(f In I'.isili.iu.
Wahiimciom, DecCiiib.T 1 . A Urge nn 1 1 i-
tinciii-ln d ssemb'Sge was .rc-eni iu the Mipiaine
I i"om to day, Io see Mr. Chase ta'io his seat
as Chief Justice. Seldom have the wn ri'ilc
wa'.ls ir.flo-td more men of eminence in tiie
vari' us profi s.-ions and pursuits of life, or a more
ttttinriiie ri l esentatiotiof the women of A iicric i.
It was iinpossl'ilo to forg.'t tti it tin p-cscn!
Court toiilii was tile old Semite CH nu'ier, ha'
Inwed to our nn niotii's by Ciay, ami We'is'er, other itreut souls that hud u&ulud tor Cjihii.
tti'totiai ir eiloui, .
'I In re is no ceremonial about the ins'a'Ia'i in of
a Chief Justice. It was evidi nt that tha c ot. I
was disappointed in this re-p-ot. Thcv rightly
in'ugiicU that, as the o bee is of so liinh di ul v,
tLe iniutiileit woild be iuauurAti d with
K'tne oleuimiy. ltut there was nothing of tne
kini'.bciond that which the eh '.rae'c-s ol' the
piinc partieipiinls. and esi ceially of tin: Icud-
II e pi rsoiisee, liniarted to the scene.
Vit. in many respects, it was a ni'MnoriiMo
tpeeiiiele. 1 tlood acain in the area of Unit c i nil
b, r v hu h bad so o'ten rebounded to tii" s irring
r loqtienec at'd matchless loie and pa'riotie s-u-titni
nt-of the oratnra and a'atcsioen wb h i I
eliva'id the lamo of Ainiricau I'ai.iijui'ntarv
eloeiiiii.ti to a level w ith the noblest eeuipl irs in
tm iei t or modern times. 1 saw It SL;atn libei with
the ii ost ini'iient men In poli'les, in let'ios, u.i l
in rote ssii nal li'c ; and wiih the bean'y and irmcj
of ti n.itine love inc-s all aura in. I to do honor
to tl e ei( vath n of one whose ta'ents un I w inli
only bud m iti d lilin to the gn a'est honor of his
pMitr s-ioii mat ot pn saling in the biguet tri
bin ul of the nation.
M r. Chafe's bi-torv is ono whieh ouff'it to le
catefnllv studied l y youn men i' ns. io is of
manly lm nltiis und hotior ible aniblti-in. Mmy
who tinned in tl e ra. e of lite with hint hive be
et me initi.riit in li'iTHturo or science, or t'ie:r
pM.lessions or business oeciiiisti ms. Ilui, liv a
I rcu'iir ci iiibinaiioti of natural uitis auil H'ea ly
application to thut which he h id ilia best op ior
tunitiis of competely iti stun nr, bo hai vno
hi e il el' his c ml. Ha bus cir'aiuly
l(tn most toriuiiiite ns a public man, tio'w;tli
siiniiiirg hi- In n y cares and la'iorio is en,'i;c.
n ei Is. II is eoeiitrv m on and the wot' d a vtod to
h iii tl e r. pututi' ii of a vigorous nnder-t ludim,
end power-eultiv. ted liv stmlv and cxp Tieiic ,
inniic h.iu for any position towukh ho may b
ci. Il.d.
It was grntifi but to notice lu th J ussomb' iu i
m vi nil ol ihe ino-t protnuiont polite'-d opp itenits
ot Mr. Chitsc- n mniir' theiu the lhon ic ci c in
oiiititc for the .ce-rrcsideicv, Mr. reud'o on
M il Mr. Iti virdy Johnson. Wi bin the bir wire
tlii- V' nrta le TiioniHH KwinK of Oh o, e-i 'ere
tmv i I tho I len ury, .Mr. Orvillo 11. llrowning
( t Illiri Is. Mr. .iril-ln, of Wn-hinnton, e c. Tin1
('nngl u rs i l ihe Chief Jus'ice, Mis. Surague nn I
Ml-H Chase, were courreouslv io'c ni nod ited
with i li ai i n iust below the liencb, Ruirounded by
a biilliat t ttirung of ladies from a il'ereut parts of
ti e eonniiy.
Tin JinVes en'ered from their priva'e room nu
ti c 'eft of the Cl umber, tho procession led by
Mr. Jiisii.c Woyne, of Oeoriri , Mr. Chasi beln
I.ixt in order. Judge Wayne, who is tru y
cctilien an of the old s. ho d, dis'lnauishe 1 f .r his
tnit'l-liil tui'viiy and (lii'tiity ot manner, i-i-m i tied
tin oil B w hile Jlr. Chase re ol from a tn itiu
trript, in a e'enr, firm, emphatic tone, tho Chief
Je-i ict 'ti on lb of otlie.'.
The rnmimttlnn Irom the t'retid"iit. eounter
slpi ed Ii the Si-en tare of S'a'e, w.s rb..n re 1 1
by ihi Clerk, the ni w Clecf Ju-tl' c look his pbic
in 'be ccntie of the Bench, nod the iu-l ilao ei
whs over. Tho ontin uy lui-i'ic-s of the i! ourt
lor l.wttl' betr n, and the crowd Inline fii'ely dis
p. sid. I overheard a p illaut oilicrr rem ir't :
"M ed, ihire is a solid b ock of N"W Knglan l
gtat.i'c placed in its proper ao-i ion '."
lies al ti from llio War l t rlmeiie
Itti liovrrnor ol oino.
' Com Mill's Ohio, Sa'urday, Dec "iiili.T IU, 1S .I.
The (iovemor has receivel the followi'jg dei
piuch from the Secrc'ary of War:
WasIiimhon, D-eeniber 17, 0 l"i A. M
(iovirm r I'.ii.ugb : The great li iit etni wa n ihe
luitid N'ana foreis. Under Mijir-tlur 1
1 In iiai, nud the llehcl aiinv, un ler (ie ieri1
Hind, id re Na-lnll e, r.'-ul'ed ysti-rd ay in
lira' and divisive victory for the L'ni n am v.
I hi liel rl aiuiy bus h on broken and rouieii.
A 'aigu poipon of its anil cry and u great
linn bi r ot pr soncrs wi re c ip'urcd.
'I bis triumph hna l n achieve, l wiih sttt ill loss
toonruitiiv (icncrul 'lh"Uis reports thit It s
loss hs been very sin ill probibly not exceed
ing .'I,')"", and very lew killed.
JIliwin M. eiTAN i on, Secretary of War.
Tho Hull leu of Tliurily wort I'rliliT
IIiiit KimkI wum 4tuliuHU(i-avrHl nl
1 er rolot.
Ah tl c details of the recent preatbittlcs near
Ns-hvil e eon.e In, It is clear that not only wn
Hie ltdiel (iiner. 1 Hood completely outinanou
yn d, but outlouitbt at every p irtiou of hia Hue.
1 be position be occupied was one of his own
chroiing, a' not two miles in tho rear of the first
tnkin up by him when ha appeared before Nash
ville, aud to ivhieh be fell back on learning that
u attack bad Ixcu grUered at seems, for Ia.
'ay, bn' osttione l for the r ason iu ttitel
W ith 'loil nniir Ttitirsifav, tho 1 It'i, t'l art' .
'r'T l. .. 'h,. , ilc 1 iiicia! front o.icnul on t&e
Hi I a" lino.
At o ., . n.cli our forces advance I 1 1 the ntt tck
in the tol'owing ou'er .-(ienersl Menlnun's
Clips (.Clijiiid the 1ft; th" 4'h Corns, -,)m .
man. c,l . lirnrsiin r (ieneral Ttmn n .1. IV ..n,
I ictiire; aud A. J. "Smith a Corps til J
I i e i avnliy'fiir. e stationed on thecxtretno
I I t, at d the '. hi Corps formed thoieseive. Iu
piosioinec of the plan of battle a. lop ed ut a
Mint, . il of war held at ( ienera1 Tho nas' h -a I
'pmreis in the p.'iTiuiia .1 IT, I Ieneral Sell
n io 's ei n to .nd made a lieniy dent lustration o i
' I e lii'l i tu b', and I e.'Uloletely were t i 'V .!c
e. ii. if II a' ihci m is-cd the main portion ol in :ir
'on rs at llol" point.
Win n the lii be :( ( h id been t'tus m iter; t'ie
weal ei i d. the I'h ('..ros and (i wnl Mii .li's
( nil s e-Bniti d if. and sue. eed d in .1 i m,
a le T' ion i, ni .h. is,..., I , . .. ,. I
l o e .i c to I ill link. Hern sever il 111 ...'
a i ' i I. ry , cm - tit ut no; an cnlTe bat 'cry, were . in.
I 'I d In 'he me oi line, tin vi v r, o a the .
l il b it, ti c only i vcr-o ol the day h ul o vj.'i ej
M ' ' e t r. i it to ns. ilie word rev'nse. '
I he ' rot nt ib-r 'o' in I irr.isven t u'tie'...
uhnt pe veil to I c a strotur line of tti- en.'inv
sod vcte, alt, r a s Inted liitht, eoitm.'lli' I to r.'
"re. 'I Ii. Uebels, nfrr tin ir .lis s cr on the lei'-,
' "I lai'i n i nek 'o a s'r ui;; loir of w .r'.s. Cm.
tii'i: n ii c was coiiiinueil n' tin. muriiiin' .oi l ,.
o n ai . tin r a. Iv n-c v is ordered. "In t v orv I
nib ii'i si," t c despvcli sals, "our lon-ei hi I I
.'s-e-i..nof the liei,, w.nks," the enemy re- I
in Tirg to eiio'l cr I tic. ...a
I'l on tl.e h'lis so -iiddcnlv des."t,.,l by the '
VI- our ba'ti ri s weie ininie.lia'ely p isto l,
i.u u .a Tii'oiu iiiiauuoiie t fn-tli'-ut
but cSiimIv oe.'iin'i , bvour bare s, who do v v
leei ini v-lv alvaneed." At 2 nMn k th" bi't'i '
At.-! o'coral, our whole line b m etn:i,',.,l
against 'he (be entire Federal lino advanced
1 he Uetii I hi pos't on.
iibly short spaeo-nk iv ,s turned In a remi-k-bei
atne tieicer thaiimc, and now the c.ui'
the Iteiiels milking any time during t'm d ie
ihe gtnutid tin y had tinito elloi ts to le.'.oer
bne niini'il in have beco,t in, ,v t, wl
tell back in the tfniost o., ante-stricken, an i
ot the ilvlns columns of tu.)r. ( , pn,-,,,,,
tip until n:i:titiall larce nu in y w t k -t
b. it g c p'uieil, and, as (iener.,,;' ,r,s 1IK, s
nt'oiiin.i no t.i..i., in 'onus
li 'ck a ibs'iincc of some i iitht. "ui'es. pr ,
Hay S llrflll was enoe 1, lino l ie ro-u
Iti'ilali r bad s, cured posse--i..n of the
ptlii', one of th" three lines ansolutely of v
iu i" r ai ee to Hood in securing his relic it. T s
roail- were still I. ti open to Inui, c ivcte.l bv his
lomv. and to otitis n these nnolher batt;e lie a n)
i ceessary.
On I i ,uay, tlicrefore, the It b"ls w-sn- nt a ke 1
in flu ir t'cw p. s lion: ami fianeral Tnoni is's
stirring di-it'h eonsevs Ihi luipre-sou fiat
not the slightest reverse wis sutl'rel by
cur 1'nrers. The H-I.cls were evcrywhcr.i
driv. n, und ut niniiiiall their army, 'Token
In two, was reti ea'imr 111 hot has'o ov -r
ihe (iranny Wile mid Franklin piki the
einutiil it bad a'liiidoned being covered iviHi 'he
tt'iuli r.m s thrown nnavbytrti1 pvd '-stricken
b e. 1'ortT nun" pieces of ratiircd u-tiilei v bad
aril' e.l a' Na-hvilV, a' d over five th un md p I
trri rs. lint, all i' is better than ill, we h ire the
msnrsn' e, from (!eiu r il l hoina- him-e f, that ie
pursuit ol the funny would be e otitinu"d in til
nn trim! (.-attiida. 1. and we know, from exp-r1-ciiec.
t' e iiiean'tig of H'i. Ii a stuieuunt feoin ta di
a i ommunder.
Statf or Tiinhmiim a iwa To pa t. Six A.M.,
liO. Noon, 4!. 1 I". M., -l.'.J. Wind, W.
A "i n-Cois i UAi ioii in Tieiciii.B This morn
irg a tub-contractor named 'allies Mooney was
snested, and taken ti fote Alderman Wc'dm,; liy
():!.c.r llanee, of the K-se vo Corps, upon tho
(l arge of not paying bis employees. Ah hi'
thirty b mules wne pre-ent at tho hearing.
Hie ivalcticc elicited showed that they hat
bren in tbc employ of Mooney, who Is ctrryb it
on hnsiiie-s iu Chest ut strei", aliovo Fifth, a'i nit
four weeks, duiiu which time iliey had received
tome ot tlii in tiliy em's, and c hcrs a iout o ie
dollar per wick, the balniice of their wa;es heimf
wiilln l.l. 'Ibis mori.un; they refused io go lo
woik im'i'S- thev were paid un.
Mo. i cy alleged lit! bud not the money. A fc .y
of li e gn l "' re icy poorly euul, and on" or two
ol id m bad bu n cotiii died to leave their b urd
l g bonn . not Iihvii g Ilie money 1 1 met th ir
I, odd bid. Moot ey, before leaving too Alder
men's cilice, p d I off ti.mcof the gir's, un I en
t'lid bail f r bis uppcar.nieo this evumng, !iv
v Ii eh tin e he has jiioiiiited to settle with tue
oil. i is.
DisiioM sT Fai.i sm an. Willi im (i lp'n, age 1
about l iDctien years, has been urres'cd by Hi
t ttivc Siiinu 1 llendi rson, upon till cbargi of
lobbing Ids employer, a hatter, doing bus ncss ut
Sixth and Cbcsiiut streets. The aceii-od has
I ecu susre ti d of robbery for Mime tini", ami t i't
ifivices of l)ete"tive Henderson wcro s "cured.
Tlie letter vihiu.iI the ttore on Saturday, t illing
with h i in fifteen out) (lobar notes, n,, on a1! of
wbii h he I ad la a d a priv ita ina k. The o lieer
piit.ha-id three Iibis, tendering the marked notes
in ) a) mi nt tlnreof. A short tlllio ui'terwaids
Hie iiicu-id w s arrested, with Home of t i t
marked iimm iu his possession. He confessed
to the ( llieer having lcn eng gcd m the tuctt
for a ling tune, il d b av'uig ft don a'tog'tner
id out ifciAi" thousand dollurs. He was commit! d
lor trial.
AiiUivai. or a Fwr.ntsH FaK.irK. This
niomii'.g a mniihiT of the olli 'i rs and crew of tho
Se:isli lilxiito I'iiimi lit. which arrived ut o ir
Navy Yard ) est. r ley, were on shore, a id visl ed
scirral p'nc. s f.f Interc t I'l ti e ei'y'. The I'jsi
(u'isa t am frigate of about 2 .UJ tons. .Stii!
carra h '.2 guns, a I on In', b Tth. daek. la apoeir
a ne. tin re-, nihh sthe ''clb d S-a'cs sooi-o:'- war
.iimii.-, e,bi ing ao u the tini" st.e aid lies no
un del. 'i be filing ol th" sa ute vester uy drew a
Isrte I'liinl i r of prroiist th' foot of V'..s'iiig
ton ,,vn tic. and ti e Impinsion was gencral v eu
li Midi id that u C nUd Slates vensi 1 bad'ed
vi ith tavoiable news.
Fa i a l Acci oi si This morning James Si nk
ley, i f Cpp'T D irhy, w as run ov. r and kill 'd by
l is own nam, ai " I hot e h an I M trk-t strvis.
Hi- la r is took tcelii lroni the wuisiliu of tne
I. fl. I.N I A. .MS'. I .
St in mi: C it hT at Nisi runs Judge
Head. W a't i t a', vs. Hammond ." Sjii. liel'j.e
It: nitid. A'enlii t fin P'auirilf, ss'-'ii'll.
'1 he Cily of l'h'ladelpliia v.. l iie CLiuiis' las.
si t pi r Uailway Company. Tuis win a i a uioo to
rei uvi r the tux required bv law to be paid bv
ill icndiiiiti upon their declsred dividends up in
stock. On brliaif of iic'endants the po'nt was
ramdtliat the tax Is only required tobopihl
upon the (llvtd ti's on the pud-up canbai, an I
not upon the . ut' oried capital, as is clai ue 1 by
tie city. Tlie Court reserved this point, and
ciieetcd the jury lo render a verdict for plaintitl'
lor St tictl.
The Cuv'of Philadelphia vs. The Orav's Ferry
Railroad Company. This was a similar ac ion to
ti e almve. In defense, tho act of Assomblfof
April 20, ISlit, was Set tip, providing that the tax
stall only tiiiply to tho paid up capital. The ques
tion ot law in this case was also reserved, aud tho
jmy were irocled W liud for the pUiuiiH. Yer.
uier accord ng'y fur tbe nla'ntlTfor s I '''.r, jl, the
i i. i'uio ciaiiu'o tor imii, is.,.', an 1 l-i i.l.
ii einvot i nuaic p'oa vs. the See m l and
i ii n u t-iier s i a-sorigi r Kailroa I (: mipiur I n i
wa. tttll Ntiotitr a i"n tor tax on d v d n .s
1 h" set of incotp. ra'lnn c-ipresslv" oe dares 'h i
. . v . run , i.c iij'.in rue exi'r.i nl 0 vi leu 's
overtix per ( in', l i e same points of law as
11 in pievntis lasesweiu n citi d, and t'u1 jar.
wi re lnnr"cte.( to Jind for plaiutitl. Verdict lo
I'h in in, J.i'i;, mi.
Margaret HiilholT, by her ncx friend vs
iu I aid lb rry at d Ivl ibetli Her y This w is ,
in n 10 recover eauiiiges!'idc nus win
tohcii nv Mrs iicriy In rev-inl to ploni'ii
in ii- a i o iii ten-r, t'ie eouii-el whose tu n
n sium il to the plea of deieima ,t no-imp ar
b g -it' f -eetnii gly Imv nit undo nj tirepii a lo
to ('eteml the snit. Jury nur.
ti'iiirm C.nisiiv l'i.i (s JiKrcs T'lotnnsin Iclow.-"II,.. (',, j, ( nita ;e I to day In
in imumiic ot arguiiuut un c.i.e,itioai to uu
ill" r s re or s.
t'oi iiT or iJ' AttTi it Sr!nxs-Ja k-e AHIso'i
Little wis itoj e in the 'in ntcr S -s. i.ois tin
n"" undefended cis- oi''nv
and an u-s.iu t and batti ry ease were tried.
finance and commerce.
Oi r
Ul To v.i ssisr, Tki r im i n. )
.M. It Irfi , De.siuieir t ' )
I nst week closed up., ft ,y s:oelt M irk ;
but it was not nn ixci'ing one in any respect.
All paril.s are awaiting, ea'mlv, the action o'
Congress upon li'iiiiic al incasures, the receipt o'
(l(C.siie nevs from Shenn an. and the elnsn nfts
I lu'l d.iy festivities, bcfre beginning iie-
counts for the fic-h rise. It is admitted, upon all
I Lands, that we are on the eve of a gro it specula-
livo excitement. Tho steady approach of old
vilnt. r. with bis frost and snow, Impedes gro it
ant y movements in Viiginia; yot tin) expenses
of the war go on with undi-ninlstic-d force, an I
the buuiitifuliicss ,,f the wealth of the nation fla ls
ruuly outlet in the tliimsaud diirerout expenses of
the iirniy. In titinnclul centres, largo sit us of
money tue unused, awaiting the opening of
the New Year, and prices of most of
t o divi 'cnl pS)ing s. cuilties, cstiimted by
t o pti -c of koI.I, nro very low, in fac, are once
than for e; l.t-in tuotrhs past. This sta'.o of
Ulairs can no more last than clondynnl sianny
wia Inr; and ac shall soon havo a sort of snu
,'irst of spc .uiatlic light which will .a,. .i...
'omlin.', inspire tho hopeful, and s.-t the
Ht.iiwri f ,,,,1 Mi!)lif oa (,nlU0 Too
in nntici. nejuu, ttr0 bUyjug quntly nmr.
, ,llDj before we eat our Juuurv
ions, a.,, ,,, vo,ume,. ljoM uI)J Jeuta
as a predict, on, uud u. ,,.. ,,. 1
1 , . "biing. We vent tiro 1 1 s
a note of it." , . .
., , , , r readers to "uiako
Tho Oil thares havi becu
first, bv tho cxp'osioti of thb . ,
. . . , ' . u . . Viot, ciuscd,
bubble, which damaged a good ,t j,,
souls, and made the p iblic rathui; meond, by the quarrel on 'Cu.j)e 'I.
tween the two Hoards of llrokers, which .
an almost total cessation of business in oil tin
11 WI I Oil I
iu both rooms
Towards the closo of tho week
one of theso causes partially disappeared. It Is
stated thut harmony ' Is about buiug ru
st red among our noisy neighbors, brought
about by an amicable, proposition of tho "Oil
Iinaul," bic'i has opened its doors, during the
earl." nu ruing hours, and alao at the after noon
' call 1 ut II o'eloi k, to all the operators of the
other nam who aic can lidates for admission, or
w ho are upon the h ilf-pty Hit. This embraces
most of the active men of the other ro mi, and
has " turned the 11 ink" of tho oppoilug forces,"
mid led to large desertions and somo Tcu'.oulc
sweuring. Tho Herman opera'ors, who are
laifcly in tlie majority of thoso "not invited,"
and who are cot acq lent y "loft out in tho cold,"
me not unliable.
This was a brilliant pie'O cf strategy, unJ enti
tles the party who tngge, ted It to high uii:itny
honors. If mine of our generals wouli oi'y
Imitate it, we should soon have btlf tho Kioel
army under H.e old II ig. Some of the more a n
bltiuns and dissutisiiud plritsof tho Old 11 m l
n press a ltltini itoly a l'ublic Hoar I
will grow out of the present excitement, and tnat
the movement now suppressed will yet bo ir ripe
lruit. Wo rig'rd all mchsut.gesti ms, however,
as fmi.' It is on'y throwing a tu'i to tho whale.
Ii is a sort of pitting of the "bal boys" on le
bcuii, aud promising them, if "good," giuger-bread
fur Cuii-tmua.
The facs are, that the outir works of the "Inds
IHtideat 1'ublie Hoard" have been carried, the
guns spiked, und the leading iusurgeu'.s are
prisoners of war.
As to the o her cause, tlu Walnut I slan l ex
plosion, thc:6 Is ii cil'irt to eUar tho ground of
the dead aud wounded, uud to "put things In
si opo again." 1'arties btvo been up to tho well,
and l.avo co::u back w th freih promises and
more del shtful pro.pc.ts. They declare that
".he well," like Mr. Kind's Mends In Lehigh,
'"must do butter;" but in the face of this, we
have published iu The Tki-uuuai ii two cards,
which throw cold water upon the project. Mr.
A'cxander O. Cattell de diucs being known as
gcdlalher to tho bantling, aad Mr. J. C. Urowa
stules that bn"was on the I. land on the 3d of
December, und the well at that time wis not
lie d ng Mite, u barrels of oil daily." This Is a
sid bnslin ss. The (list s ory wai of a we l pro
ducing ' six hundred barrels," which dwindle I
loan to "lil'iy," ceifrici to by the ollicers ol the
Company, and now comes Mr. llruwu's state
uicntof 'li'li en." Veri y, it reads lUe the boy'a
s'auyof "lifiri'O 'bousaud million cats," w it h,
ucder pi'.erual crosa-cx luiiuatiou, w-iro
to tu o.
All this only luinres es up m us tho more
strongly the propri ty of tho course we have
urged ia these columns, upon the ready g ol
Oil Companies, a plan that a number hare
adopted, i. ., to tet lort'u tho true statu of tlnir
pro ertles In the pub:le. journals, Touche 1 for Ly
tbe proper authorities.
It is not our province to estimate tbo ralua of
tbo various oil shares, and with tho rage thit has
set la no warning would, probably, bo heedid.
Speculation will go ou, fools will have burned
hngcis, and al sorts of stories will float about tie
Exchange as to wondrous flowing wells.
Our readers can believe as much, or as little, of
the various stories, as pleases them, and no more.
There aru quite enough of them afloat to allow
choice of a reasonable selection. EreniftbeWalnut
Island and lomo others do not How a plat of oil,
there are a p'enty which are ,,d , d , i0 ,,,
we shall have C e old r,mpil)
. ... ".iq'ri,o ssnosi) W.',
are oni.1 .u n j
urgi ly are nus
reaping ft ..,,. P
momy c m be very li.i. . i .
Ii d
cd there is t o Investment ihu ..n '
I-I! the return for the mo y. ()r r..,,
use, how ev.r.orry proper hutlr0.s pren,..,.
ki. p ont of trieeiicleof speculate excitemea,,'
'Id, che wisely, if ,hrJ( notw,,otJ,Ul
I - m.niber. alr..,ylttr, r ,,, ,., b0
" 1,1 i"""uen. In ,h ,res th tat
' m"".' " ,n",,k" "at war.bICH,
tl e band- of ,., ,
,, rendered th,,,, the easy ,.,pM 0f
di-igi ir g men. '
The I'hilauclohla and Tidem., , WLU.U
alli'd.d to,,,,, time since, has also had au IncTv
-I luck. IheCoinpmy ln rr c:ed ai t igi
f ti. un r pa, r, and re no ,e -eivlng from one
""If aho t ilgnty b.trels, , have anotho,
u.f hilngsu.k, whtch has y.cld d twem.-rv,
of.ut) bureisper day, win, l.ubca'i ., 0r ti,
""er l el.g ii fine producing wl. o io
h'lg Is irciittable to the hod rs ol tue
I hi adelphi, and Tldco it - ara n
uuikiiig n t:ock.gambli g operation or Iheir
lock, but arc very quietly huylug the shiras
tf e old hol lers being mo purcha-ers, an. not
. i its o. tne stock. I his , oiifl leiice has Insnlra.l
acisiosltl. ii among holders to keep what thoy
1 ave, and cons, quently we aco but few transac
tions In the stock uuoied. Tl..- .... ... u
W 000 shares.
The Fgia rt bss declared a dividend of 1 .r
ci tit, and tin ro are promises of an extra dividand
this month, from the sa ot of oil Just completed
nt the imtint hgU tales for poir.,1 jum. Com-
P Hints are made that the Siaetarr answcJs na
itustior.H of the ttockholdi rs.
Heading has declared its dividend of fifteen rcr
ctt. on s.ot k, and since the price of the shares
is quoted, dividend off. Ii is the purpisa of the
bull itite cst to carrf the limn hIui.a h.. ..,
which It was i.uotid before the dividend, i. i. CS,
wl tea, with the dlvit'enc, would mike .be shanf
inai 10 ,H. This donn last sarin. Ilia
stock being pnl up, bil.een Januarr . and
tho carr Part of Anrll iv,.... i . no
- .1 VJ 11 C.
Iho Biiuie psrty. with addition. I m.u.
fei larc their Intention aud anluy to do the lamn
thing sgaln. With the abundance of money, and
tlie large liiislntis of the mad, the t.slt will be
tendered easy on tho first reviv.l of specal.Uon.
TLe ptesutt salts are maluly tuo di. toe id shares
to Inch the old holders aru entitled. Iu other
w.itds, the shorts supply one hundrel and lifteoo
thnres for ev.ry hundred sold, snd the ea-r
shares gradually find their way Into the market.
The vatlousdltldend-paying railway an I einal
snares are steady at quotations, any sign dent
... . . . . , ' " "
l tiiwiri.t Inmniraii h . a l.j .... .
' ' " ""ucl y "e u.cllnc in
:C li Clarkion Co., Ilroknrs, No. ll 8. tk ti at
Uit'OltE llJAKUH.
'0t'S5- .1 .
fl isil . K 11,-4,, '
fl si. Hel.ll '."'sr "-"i. ;
t..K, t 1. 1. m ( ill I. .In :'. )' '.Han illrard nank.., ,V
tin i, la a.leii nu. Tn.... Phi n hci. co,u.cs . aa(g
$ lis. t liinia l.'U In. list n lel luv ii
Hio. I.u A 7.le7 ' sn i.clu s; K..DJ0 17 V
,i.i an t.. i-lsivir I".' Ii 1'i-aa a UK..M ai
'.'l' sta tl lBk S'i Seh lt..a.. 4 V
I I li 'i'.i "i liiu.... a,
;s sh -In 1 1 1, --t r . 1'"' iti . ine. ivtO 1' 4
lull s, f,i. a. 1,1 I 'IO .ii . .i.
'.'iii.ti uiiCkALU it is :iv livtniu ....
Quotations of tne principal i!ua ami
stuck i at 1 O'click to-uay .
it .
rmuta Coal S Pop Fana Oil..
Hik Mouniiaifi T.oal
S. Y.A.Siid.C'.ai.. It
liitH-u Mi. mi... . 4
H ( alllit'lHlAle .... J
Nt n k 1
Pi-fCc'l I mnOum ft
(tnioii Coal 1
K iii'iu Inc.. .. IV
k xifi-'or UU a ..
hiK 1 -niv -J
( i iit.iitrii al 'J
OH !'.- h
Unit- btatlo Oil.. ;w
W4'l'Pf. h oil.. b
l e nlani ' . ..
frr tn 4i;
Viiitfiai Oti... . a i
Kt-xtaiuD Oil
Cat in. d. TidtoQt.. ..
i fit Ujt
UHlrtHi 1"
CM" J1,
tir t ts'ait.... l
Iti-nofB 1
Aila i;
Hi.iMiian I lA
I'LI ksilll '4
ill.iro 0Ta
Ohm t atroieuia ..
l-fncoTi Oil....
henna Oh (I1,
t fan ill Oh I
lu.-1. fca(!y on. b r.
llT-l'i. Oli K'V
U I'ailoi:
4fc Mcitalhaay
; K4iij-a OU..
I S O ni t ad
.. lM"l'sfcI',elaaiatr.
I'ti tlil)BtrU
.. Hioit Ara
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;t '
l H rimer.
2Ta I urttn..
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s S14
S' Huh 4 rona
tj Otntwaiiia
J ,( oro flantar
fi 'iHKti
.. K'tik OH
. 1 I
, fi
3 M an- Ka'im.
il'4 (il toe Oil
... fl'.
l t MiniMl Mill r-4-a
V.V rppnr to mmv. . ..
K W.ii.u lalaaU..,. V
ii r.mora.ii...,
.. Ht '.tiolai
, 9 1 I-1
. 1 j
J I'hllUnt a
t Trr rinnu-ftirt!..
1 ' dctl 7 4
.. llviieKiirm X
1 tin .
S f.iiwCriM-k J
1 'lierr It, on
, .. ' Alll'KllII.T A I'l a tit ..
1 '4 Tua'a Kut
.. iMi'1''! Ji 'Jlrrrj
11 li irulng npdiiff
1)k LIavkh ft Uho., No. 'JO 8. I'Uird gtreel.
A incriron Gold 21i
An c rutin Niiver, A'ti nud 'a m
1 1 10 1 et a ti (1 il all Dunes I't,(
bp.mish CtiiAtters YX
I1' id. Curn ncv ) .lii,
Nrw York KxclmnirA 1-10 14
I die
Quotations of Uo'd at the I'btladelphla Gold
Fxehange, No. 34 S. Third street, aeeond atoiy :
10 A. M 2J.i II) A. H 215
H'i A. M 221 12 M 212
111 A. M 211 m V. M 114
ll 1'. M 2171 P. U14i
MatrKrla t.V 'I rlrrr-au.
Naw Youa, December 19. Flour has a de-
c'Iiiii k ten. s.ti'v: sale, nr 4.MSS Sarrrl. at a d. I a
VUCfll's K'S'e, $ i :.s.i,I) ig. ; (Hi I'., Sill N'.Jl), i : H.i li-
ili. 111) Si fe.l I'.I). Whiat la VIMy lint ami no ii nU. i'0.1 1. wei, ('.e n noiiii'.al llri nud, il $i;sV" lor aw
leiiini lues.. 1'iak i.wtr; n i m,..., SJ7 & nvai. Iril
l.e iv ul ai".'.'l' ,c Wh ahy dull . u.r .a,lua U otlviv.l
n.r wiam, t: i I- ask. t.
C!.K4ltKI) 1114 -OltKIVfJ
1Ur F. II. lUritar.i, r.j-ell liar 'rt ' K A B 'Uiltr A'
ItriL' I.oih a. (inDei nv. liu to i J l. Hi l i c:o.
m iir IMot kiln e,ii Vf .irm:. k-h ilcr Hr
. i nrS N Suuili, Siik'Ii'v Vu c Ail k Hr -.
Nt 111 I tt', Ut roilfc-ll" 't!t, ,M A.I t tlwtlC
hi hi T. K. Ui.v(,...iiU (hi ) 11 H.lii . Homun, Cst ilaio.
hi lu iSamh & Hry, Muir.i. Iu. v-r. Juiuia bun 41,
itrtnivKi this nouNrsa.
Tr'ir Auratc- CI rn, 1 U.y frocu iSttvOleau, Inaailfcul
tOJ. K I1"'
HHi- t'a ( blt. 7 dafrijraI orrftft Wenr,la taDftt
0 J K T '
hchr J-(I:D Kn-.l. () iKlnyw'd. 7 duy from Buitoa, wit)
lu 'nd irini. Ico ami 1 ol ( 'o.
tsv-r r h. N. buiiiu, tiaft from Boafea.lii Hal
to cap.aitt,
rci r Ar,u Kya, Tivntn l, 10 (Javi t orn K Wl
balii't:li H H HnACn,
hcfarC E. kajra nid (new) TTiLry ni.t U frlitj
an ntwj . in (fislla-ir in rap'aln.
Hi-hr CUvloa rant, Lana.i tla from Mllfunl,
WHIi (rram to Jatufi HailstU, .
hsa hr.MoufU Vtruon Kuilih, 1 day from DoTr, 1)jL,U
yratn to Jani' ft Itarratt. W 1. P. MiTollry, l)nr-xro.ih,l 4AV frOtQ ( amJflA
Del., with Kiam t .hiiue Iturrati
Kchr MaraU A Mary, Mori I., 1 JJ frvai DtiTtf, DW., Wl
Ovru Ul tUuti JUiwiaU.