THE DAILY EVENING TKT.Edl'.Al'II PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DKOE.M IIKI .1 7. li-'fil. (t-itiiinq (Tclcgtaph f A 1 1 It DAY, V LIT, Ml) I'll 17, 18CV. Tin: ri.tuM.i: or mil PAIIO.N nit: I'M I i:i "trri:t. AKH Til UP T.Y ITU.N, fHK 11 I.- WHAT l-l-.iirnllTIliN H' Tlll.M FMi MiNU l, OH III 1TN I'l N r I I VAtluN HI I " ' The IVii-us return" i.f 1 :-!. ii1 (nnl. Iricltnl' ' tulilo il n l.kf (Il lill It st tlmil ti t.. -i- nt 11. I.ct.(l'-lt "ntlllT nnu find iitihmiwn S" . ". ' '.. . , .,,h,ll. nintn.' h" IHrco, limit'iy, ny me i"".. ti.,M ii.!i1i;-Ii tlic "l" 11,1,1 nm"" l lures are cut n,.. nnu iln'ic ' no .....Miitmiiyiti, table to slmo a i-r-icrtl tlic ntttt t.init,cme :r,iiclic if li"";n nulimrv 'lliis we liuvo eq.lei.ore.l impeileetlr to d.vmiimw-.ic I'""'" ' . 'n": tit .,. ..VtlVvrioiia pursuit remr.le.l. Hie M ml nun.lier b-e e itu.n i returned louts up K nT! twti'K between thlrtv utiU thirty-one per cent ol Vh total white ami fine culoml iinpul. ti.'ri of t nion, of-sCI '.', anil liotli bees ,.,y c.vil). Of the oecuputicins mentioned w iiai.lly the Pillowing as nentiully agricul tural. r.7 :t tn :i7 ft l.IVS , ia the volume i,i,i',t iMVUplMnns. Till liuiiure i aim Ttie iiumb'T ,N tlliKAT VARIETY. .1. M. UAniKIUH) No. C2 COESNUr STREET. 1,ACKM, I ArK IU1.1.AB3, I . I . 1 -. lilt'HLMH I'nl.l.Arte.. KMrltK'H Hi I. lis. i. l LfcN M AKV I'uLLAliS, At Low Prices. .I. M. lIAI'I.IOKlIf. No. hij CIll'.SNI T BHIISI.T. i:m ittioi ii:m fcH. I MIIIIMIIlr'UI'O f III. I. AUS, KM hlim HI. Kill SI. I H. h MlOt'Hllr.lll- l rULKKYEs, Thl MMKH hi. LB, 8 MILITARY NOTICES, jHHMY foil M RINKS. WAN IKD fT II, n Init'd fta'w M'ofnc ' Hr', ahle 'mTI-iI turn to iHTMint .' of n .o..U.-r t our Navy V 1M1 on boarU tiitifu ri.iAf mnh o, , .... b.. ftUlh'liit. T 'm of err1f I'niir 1 fftri. A I.I, 1 1 IK 1 t A). I'.t ! N I II--- pAul tipointiui"-iu. MkiIik h r"-' ,vp I'i i'- M'ti-v. .... r.r mIi applr t lh lcnillinK N"..'Ul . r K"NT Ptrf-'f, rtflinw .i-rii' T -irwn, lirtwcon tl i.oum ol ') una ! M V 'T nti'1 !( TMtln AW U'Y, i r, i, o i' ; ii s , m. liAi i.inoi r. No. 'i CUK4NUr sruEi.T. NEW F U Ii No. fiir AliCII r STOE KTUKKT. E, Apiri.t liirv Mi u Iln,v,r I truii-rft Imiiu l.l oitr, l l.nii'fiM i" lOl'l ur I, r.nii li Orw'e: Urnl-uii ii Afitll- 1 I.Tt KAt. OCCTI'ATIOSi. ,vi!" 1 J Mill.n.'i y.4."7 i ivtTrrs (fii.v' riiinitT, '';:i,.,' 7' ttaiieliprn- 4'. Hlii'jirT. M:t T'lU'lll Jl.'l'l Ttr-Oi'Ts H'.'i Vli.e lifHvrs Hiul l,,:;.'.!l lirowcrs .. l.'l ToUl ol'tlif all0e II.XM.Mtf A hliniliir t ! iBufii ation carried through lUe Hut wou'd give, the following reMilt : nn.i l.i Mtimiftii'titrnii anil thn x.u'iiii'jvu - oin-r-.i 1'nnluenve AriH ,iili,ii)J Enip'ored in Ci mtnerce, Merehanilie, TiaunporlKtioii androgmitF pursuits. 7"7.773 I)nmttie, l-iiliiirer", and 8ervani. . . . IiSI.-IO.j ilnip oi ed in the rrofesBions, tnclTi'liii I 'iiinl States and other l'uulic Otllrem " 11,000 Kmplorid in Ainnneiiicnts, Innkeep lug, he, and in such arts ai l'riuting ...I PliMKieruntiv. not uuitO Of ft rroiluettve cbaraccr 2,j2,",03 Add, rga(ted in Agricultural pumuits, as above 3,.tSl,fS3 Total S,JS7,i In niher wfirdi. if this clasitiention correct, nd we tliink it as nearly so as tbe nature of the rttiiin will admit forty per cent, of those w hose M-,unminn are recorded are eiiKueed in agricul tural pursuits a nuintier nmre than one-half larger than that engnped In manufactures and the leading trailes, moie than four times larger than that engaged in merchandise, and nearly ten tinici as larc as that of the professions. t'oi- ry (lentlrman. BANK NOTICES. - FABMEUS' A MKCIIAN1CS' NA- ji an nti. liitciin-w. KIIU'iltir.HKI H SI)K l'.S"UIKir.S, 111 WMI II HAMhKl llllil . . AO. II INliK Kk' IMI V 1, IIAMlKLUI'lilKCR. J. M. 1IA1 liKlOIt. No. "1 VHliHSVI S1KRBT. IOhl I0IIV. A I'D. I. A1HOKTMICNT. (jUtVKH IN Ollt AT VAKIKTY. no !"- ciirsxij r Latoit H jvelliM jnt rtcflved from rrt, br J. M. II Al'I-KlCJir, Ko VII CllliSNUT BTKEET. VOIKK ANTlgl'1.8, IHiEH OildllM, HI Ai'K liOUIIH, IKIHII POI'LI V1. l..-M'tf tihlSTKS. etc. All tlic above at Low fried firr the HOLIDAYS. J. M. 1IAFI-KIOII. H l'.thlla Ho. CUF.SNt F STREET. TJSIOIUL HOLIDAY lUiESUXTS. LADIES' tllAVEMNd II AO 9, LADIKS' HIIOPI'INII BAGS, t.ENra TKAVEI.INU BA'ia, GENTS' EXCL'USIOS BAGS, FINK QOOD, AND OF OVIl OWN MANUFACTURE. RF.TIC0I.EB. l'OCKET BOOKS, TOBTFOLIOS, and (vervtlilng uifmiI for the Traveler and Excursionist. A large Hock, mltatilf tor Prebcnu. JAMEH E. 1IKOWN, TKUNK AND BAG MANUTASTUKXB. IS'o. 70M C11E8NDT St., 1310 1m OpposltF Maionle Halt. TlekiAI. HANK. FHIHPFI.rmA. OffFfflDBrS.ll. TTie Anrnel Election lor Diracturs of IhU Henk will he Mid etllie Uaotlnv lloenF. on WeilnFeiley, the lllh nev f Jeiieerv neil. Dutwei-u ute aoure vi ivnw&. a. rii i o ch.k t. U. . .. UO-ljll W. ltCStlTOH. .In., Caahier. tT?f- DIVIDEND, eV-i TIif ntreriorti of the Mnrrrii A K A V KnVAL-rv- nil. COMPANY save till, ly detlerod mocitliljr (IITIilend of OSB I'Elt CB.JI I on IllF eillftl iloCK, (lavitoie iri-n 01 ,nx, t' Oltlce oftne t (imvn), No. l td 8. IOUKTU Street, m mfmr .Ixili.n 1. lHlu't. 1 reanler booke w IU be c oFi from Decemtier 30 to J enu- Ify'i. Hlljl.lAII 1. r.. BHiTTBiitT. t'lin Auri PniA. Ttecenilier lb. l"i;t. Hi-17-1-24-M rJIK LA 11( i EST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT OF " PHILAVKLVHIA. DKCEMRKR 14, V.IY. No. 774 H TH1 HI) MtrfHjt. lumiil (. 8. Ihf Hoard of Dlrtct'.rs hv this dav decUred a T)lI dnitnf TWO I 'Kit t ICS f.. tletr ot tt- p lile on untl mfr th VUh instant. 1 ran -n r took n will cise oa the 17th aid open a the '.'7ih iimtaut. I1tdera of rpilpt. wiU lkaM liare the time chaugwd fr etrtlrlrct liftorc the lJllt-bt Xreaaurer. PECALCOMAKIA TICTURKS ANO WHITE YASBS, PK'TCKEH AKD PHTI'ItE BOOKS, ' WBJTINO 1'ORTIOI.IOB, AD OTUBR OIIIUSTMAS PIlliSENTS. Of tbe choicest kind, at moderate prices, BOEOLZ & JA1IENTZKY, li l(;.8t -Mo. 112 8. EUlItril BTHEl'-T. rSF" TUB DIKFCTORS OF TIIK TACK SrECIAL NOTICE. GLS Petroleum t'ompADy havetliis d7 declared a I IIEN11Y ATKINSON, tsr flflvldcrdo. f 'I WO per cent out or tr.e OHrnlna ol the rtiiiiar for the Bionlli i.r .)voinDer. pujauie on nun alter ll'e uotb lrt., at th. Itlee el Uie truasuror Air.ijeorgo II. Mllllnatoe, i'J ExchHiii:e place. Payable to the I'liilud, iplna Hum khoIJera al theoftlreof Tarl. ro t Co , Mu.aU WAJ-Ml' .jUMt, on uU alter U. Vl th Hnlaiil. Transfer boi-ks rioted from the 17th to 20th lnstf . w lork, ileceuberlolMht, Vi U H BUHGSOM-GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASUWl.nn CITV, l. 0., Kovemlier Tl, inm. ltOTirr. Medical oflleera of not leas than two jeara" sjrtlei . wro have ben Oor.orahly dlachnrHcd and desire to reef lie appointments aa SI KllKONt or ASSISTANT MlkUEONH In the I'mtrd 'ate ArmfCarpa nr w bein rrannvd al Waahliivtun. are Invited to I rard Uicir Pli'leaiions, tesilmonials. and evlueace of lervloe, so Uie Murseen Oeaeral, wnbeut dosay. ,j 3. v. BARN Elt 19.7-thsSt Suryeon-i,eimral. fCSrT- NATIONAL BANK OF COMMKIICE. s fiiii.Ai.KLeiiiA. Iieeember 10. Ihi. Ihe AnnnAl F.lFetlnn lor Ulreetora lll he te d at the TlanSin House, on I II I m! n V, tlio Ivih day st Januar cat, Ulweau Uie hours ot 111 A. M and J P. M iVUX A. LEWIS, 11 ia-ttuth-tl-11 ''asuier. OflieeTS nnd soldier. vMHiia (he cilyon furloughs, needinij tW'lll' OIIIKIt MILITARY F.ijlllPMFilTS, Are Invllerl to Hie exirnilve MANl't AC II KI.Mi ItiTAUl.IHIIME.Sr Dlr GEORGE W. SIMONS & EH0THER, HANSOM S TKlOlr IIAI.I,, RANSOM STRI.KT. ABOVE SIXTH. ritl'SFNTA TiOM SWORDS M ide to order al the aim let nc llee, which lor rn nnei- n. rifU Mlflcenee rh.llsn. e Co ni". nnn. n i mri. r u mi.. in i ..,.,, ,n IiI.ikl' II MAN'l A( I IKI Nil JK A t.l Kit WI1H TUB IliACril AL hWOKD-MAKEIU 1 t. TJKIVEESAL CLOTHES WELUGEE. THE "GREAT FAMILY KCONOMIZFU." IT is THE BEST A'D ONLY RELIABLE WRINOEK nsrons tub ruoi i a. IT IS TI1E XIOST DL'BAULB MACIUBB MADE. It U the only Wringer with the rATENT COO WIIKEL RllGULATOH For tnrnlne both mile together, which no.ltlTety preventi ine mils from hreakjlis; or lulllbli OB U.e Shalt, as all W ringers without . COG WHEELS Will do. no matter how strongly It mat be asserted to the contrary. . . . It is not only a perreri w rmper, ons int jns " nwi, m-v n a power wnion reneere ii mn.i r.r m-i-i.ti w ahiii.u. as tesi ned to Br uinesaa is wno nave ii in n" it .,.. time lahnr. pletties. and money. It wl I pur tor Its, It In the 8AV1HO Or CLUTm.Nti every six K.tillT 8iy.ES.-ThF usual I amur hues are .vo. i, -to, ;,,aueo. a. iheseaave ooa WHEELS, la Im aarsti-rnniAil in ftVetV DartlCtllAP. Nna. '2. ana are not warranmj or rpcoimmrniwi, liiK no tuail riin that cauro be o al -hoot(h tiy art ol urn au aixc ana price tuuiv iviu uj vumv umhui. K. L. 1HJHN1IAM, No. V 8. SntVn BTRF.ET, PhlUdslpbla, 11-M-mwslm Mauatacturers' Aent for East Fanna. wn AND MARINES' CLAIM AGENCY. IM1 BOHWTV ANT A t'KNHTOH To the dlBcharsed boldler wao baa beea wounded la battle. lnO BOUNTY To those who have served two years, besides a PESSIOS to tuosc disabled. aim nni-VTY A NTs nACK PAY ToWldowe, Fathers, Mothers, Ac, of those who have died or been kiUed la the service. inil PFNBION A YEAR To the Widows and Widowed Motheri of the Soldiers, Be amen, aud Marines wno nave aieu in uie aervice. PHI7.E MONEY, BACK PAY, 0., a tin. tVia At Ha-anien nnil Uftrlnos. I llf.SE CLAIMS, and all others axalnst national and Btale Uovemmetiu, promptly ceuevted. Address or apply t GEORGE W. FORD, Claim Agont, 11 nO-lm SOCK STREET, one door below Third. QEOllOia HT1TK8, JUo MANDTAOTUEING MACHINIST AND ENGINEEIl, 10.10 No. lf.'.'l N. SECOND Street, PhUadelphla. The above respectfully Informs his pstron". and the pub lic In fratral, that he liaj nowopenod at the above storr an asAuitmcnt of ladies' and Children's Fancy Furs, Which, fer variety and onallty, cannet be surpassed by any louse In the t ulle! Stales. Ilelnit the matm aciurer of all his Ktirs.nnd havliiK lmporleall Ills stock when gold was murh lower thsn at the present rates, he ciul offer ihem to his patrons at tin most ressonalile pi leea. ALL DltS matle to onler, and repalrmg done In the leu auner and latent stli a. HKNltY liASKE, Importer aad Manultcturer Or LA till. S' AND CIULDRES S FUKt. Il-t31m N". 317 ARCH V. O V ' T. L X"A1NC;V A'UltH. JOHN FAREIR A, No. 718 ARCH STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH, AT till OLD KSTA1IL1SHED STOR, Impoitei fcnd Manufaotuier of LADIES' AND CUILDREN'S FANCY IVItH. If j assort snent of FANCY FT-T.S Sr Wise and Children Is new complete, embracing EVERY VARIETY THAT WILL BE WORK DURUiG THE COMING SEASON, Bsmember the name and nnmber, JOHN FAREIKA, No. 718 AHCII BTllIiET, Above Seventh. I HAVE HO PABTN IB. OB CO s. NECTION WITH ANY OTHF 'A HTOHE IN TBE CITY. t-30-4i I'. It ASiT-:.i.-,i':.i:iiJ rovrucR, An -" lent .Tcvrn'uft foi iJiatM'nt dl tirclm com, 'Aint DVSPKI'SIA. In n an" cwva of lunf l"ntl!nU max afforded tmij woi drrini rinti r. IT IS rUIU'.LY VEOr.TAIll.E. 1 FF.l' ONI.T IIT 1 J IKD Kill OK llllOWN, Prntplst and fLemlst, N. F. Cor. FIFTH AND HIIMNfT STSt., ltitlndelihia, ll-li tl And for sale by nt'in Is's (rrnoi Ally. 11IHN WsHIMUH V. HOIN'HI BALSAMIC CORDIAL IS THR StOhT 1FI KCTt'AL Ef MKUT FO SVItORtt Cf'I.IH, bOUK TllIKlAT, v lNKl.LU'N.A, .FAIN IN rl lir: HHHAST, nnd INCII'IbNT (JOMtUHfl ION. rrefared by JOHN W. 6IME3, Jr., Chemist, TWRNTT StM'OND AND MARKET STI'-BaTft. For sale by all Dnursists and storokeepors. 11 l.HiKJjaUa Dn. CHARLES HUBERT'S rarely Imported n-RKVCll FF.VAt.F t.l'jrll) and Pll.f.t, .......a in .n Mt. t'HAKI.K.S HI SKKT.Oh. sii ltica I'livslc-lan. Kntran.e ano erne, e private lug LaJiis. Apply at the HuTAMC Uhl O Sl'Olth, No. 1010 COATE8 BTUEEV, ll-SS-lm West of Tenth. I'.CRET DISEASES! PF.CRRT DISEASES I HAMAKITAIS H t.lKTl sam ahitas s turn Tub Most Certain Ci kb Evaa L'siad, ies. a Fcstil.e ears for ttliSOKKIKKA, l.LFET. STRtCTtTRES, Ae, Cenie'na no sslneral, no Halsam, no Mercury, (inly ten pills to be taken to effect a cure, for, in in.m two to four dars. and recent In.niv-ionr hours. ' Prepared litt aradnaie of the fTni. verslivof of the most eiutuetkl LtootiaBS and Chemists of the prc6nt eav. Ki. mt ,..k,'n.. Hu TllKLnl.R. KO CHAN'IR WHAT., .K. l..tih..AHwiinSAv desna red of ifiittine rated, or wba have been purged wl.a liaiaam vopaita, os dseruury.a DAVAniiA" " " O 1 Sent by marl In a plain envelope, l'llce, male packers, I'i l etnales, $9. :n I EAYE8 MM MM WW M VI ' M V -t MM m V M ru ii M if JIM M t .M M M M M M M M V M M M V l l M VI VI vf V W M M .M M M 11 MM MM M M At M v t, v I!. MKHWIS C. 'S COLVMSJFOR i I'lll.l 111 I'.uki.EMLI'll'INF-. , ,'M ol M'I H I in iM R'lOI'.i. rtAl.K, A ( lil.lIOKEK IIKVEKT, the kr-st in. nan in'ireim Cice. SU ills, asi-s Ft lha nrnoiry otaanv. snrh a- 'n- , nlnce cf tie I r ne. -,e iniHion i.f the lll'"l"r, J ,li .mm den t.l tee ''l li. i. .... ,n il II .Mtr, wtflciiir... (Irsvel, l.i.t, notrho a. ana Is "Pn ' al v ri on m iiee.l In " o e I ,,i..r Ail. i" i- r w I lts In lema e.t wl "te all tt.s e'd KA1.K.-OIIS i.i'-Jt- IU.I S have t illed MM MM MM M M M MM M M ilM t t:i I f t cett-i i rt: IVIJIKH' JTA.1N CY ITTJltS, No. H2(i AltClI STREET, BBJIW NINTH, CHEAPEST PLACE DJ THE CITY To eelhtt fross a flrst-elass aaeorrment, Conalstmg of HUDSON BAY AND MINK 6ABLE, ERM1NB, CHINCHILLA, GERMAN FITCH, E IBERIAN SQUmRB. c. Made Into all the latest styles. ' Thee goods were bought when gold ranged from 11 to 170 and an being sold at small sdvaao en cost at tha rate.; IVEBT ABT1CU WARRANTED TO BE AS BB- niF.PK.NTED. BatlsriioUoa gwaranteed. 10-U-tnths 3m L A.XIi:H' FANCY FUIIS. No, 030 OHE8NUT STREET, (BELOW 8EVESTH,) 1hi the llett Aibortineut of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods In the City, for Christina. TrasenU, inch M SCAIiFS, KKCK-TIE8, GLOVES, IIOHIEItl, HiilHTfi, DIIAWEU3. SUSrEJiDEUr3( 12-16-8t OAL AT F1R8T COST COST TRICE TO Ktocaliolileri 1 pr ton -Im medial I cery Ctnl frf- WHEREAS, THE AUDITOR-GENE V? rai. an r mired by Uie I ulu Het-tmn of Uie Art en titled' An Act tnt tiMble ihe Hanki ol tlnroinrnoiiiveaih to Wr4me Atatiekatl -ni lor Uie purpnte of HanMiin nuder the haWK of the I iiUiU ttiatea ur on tue a ut h .n.t t ii Ik. J h. itfliil tsi n ttutt "TbB CONHOhl. LTIOV HANK OK rim.AI.HXPHIA" has lurnlBhed aUHat tlon to him Uat all the requirt mrntB of aud Ai B.a.v romtilied with bv the aatu Hank, and that It Lu. tHcume an sbo'-1aid Utt 'lu jmrptneof lianktng muder tl.e linn of Ihe ( biied Hialea ; I du. ii.areiuie.caiie iliU iiotVee thereof to be nnMlNhea, fn tctnidsnre with the D,iiitn of th) laid llth Meclna vl the a:a Act, and do dee.aio that tn charter f taid Ktxitk hv Idas let nm ,f iaid Act. il tleeu,ed ami I ikvt'n to he hfrurn iiirrei dereu, uijtui u Uie ptovltuaii of the Int JexlMn of atud Aot. A , n .,..,v- K.G CITHTIV, Co yuj uor of eVeuuylTaoU. XKI llVr riUMRK, i HAi.niM'i Kfl, (miuier -JH, lA. M 3 19t- of V'HKREAS, THE AUDI TO R- (i E N K b-Xs rol, a required lj the llth aectino of the art en titled -'An Act that b i nit tut- lianki ut thii Coaii eon wealth to beneoie Anof.lationk for tbe l'urpiv of Itantunic eoaer Ibelawaof ! l ulled Hiaiei. paed on Um Ad daj of AoMuat A. ! I'Vte ha cer tflefl to eie tbat V CITY H 4 NK PHil.Alr.L,l'liIA"' fraa rtirnlihed itti-factor? eittne to hi to that all the reiulrem nta of avaij actiiavebten cotup.leil tvitta by the eaid bank, and tliat It tiati beeumc an i-R ititioo fur the a'pte of ilauauig, auder Uie iawi of urn tmted latee. I dn therefore cane thlf notice therefto be rubllihed, la aiC(ryoce erita the urnvitinni ef tliv sa'tl llth MecUen of tbe laid art; and dodeaie iltat trie Charter of aaid lUea. by the term ef aaid act, n deemed aid taken t o bereupiiu Murrei diuwd, a I to Itm proviiluua of Uieflriit acuttua ef laid aui. , A. O. OCRTIH, Oorerout ol I'entiayivaiil. EXIOI'TITR ChAHBIK, i UaKHINItrrtU, y-n Snvi mter ,M. 11 V)-3w WUr.KKAS.'lHK AL DI l'OR G KN K al. aa re'ibtire bv the llth e.-enuu ot the Art en titled Aa Aci eiiKOinu the hank a of tin t'nunnonwutlUi tV bf-come An"eiatltni for the purioeol Buikin muler UieLaeaef the I mted,t,.' i"'d on tne day of At Hint. A. It. 14, hH errtltled in ate. that tbe .'nnrn-r-fal lunk ef pmnrylvania. of U.rt'kyof lhiladeH"'A, ! furnihhed atit'acttiry eritleuce to bim that all the reiiuh.n.enu of aid Aotbave ht e-n cmpild with by tlie aid Han a. a 1.4 that It haa heroine an avm lation fat- tUe urui,e of hark Lav under thv laws nf tlie linituJ Stat; 1 do, thereiore eaurethi notice thereof tn tio pnbHe'iM hi acmdatic with the prorinion. of tne altt lliti ef iun i the laid Act, end do declare that the charier of aald Hank, by Ue teru.i ot kaht a-1, la deind and taken to do ntreuiMm parrcmiered, aubwcl U Uie Brovlaioua of Uielit .cUt,u ftiud Aoi. A. Q. CTRTIrT. n,..n.r P.untTl.anU 1M JTOE BHIET MABUTAOTOEY. Tbc inbietlbert wonld invite atUavUon to Uie if IMPUOVED CUT OK SEIIHTS, Wlikh Uiejr make a spcotalt In their builoeei. A10. CONiTAKTLT KBCHIVrWO, NOVELTIES FOR GENTS' WEAR. J. "W. BCOTT efc CO., CENTXaMZM't Fl'slKlSHIMO STOU, No. 814 CUBSNUT STItEKT, U-sD-taeta-tl Iors below Contlneutal Hotel. neons Foil T3E HOL1UAV3. TNatEXSC ItEUl'CTIOK IK rRICE 01' WATCssZS, JEWF.I.KT, BILVER-fl.ATEI) WAHE, Ac ladles' "eld Iluitlirg f' Lever watcnes, ueauitiuiiy I rom rv vu rmv. eneraved and ensuielled, i Gents lleavj ti. ild i Hunilng caveLe- rri.mouu3 i. v.r W .irtia. 1 BUer Mutilans rase Watches for, c of bent Onaiitv.Hharus. each enUtlinicto one and a had Un, at nrst euM. every enr nr twenty yenm.anu wrmti dlvuleoda of priiflti horn tbo anrpiui etial, may now be obtained at H, payable, hail nn ivoDnrnuieg, ani nauon jBiiiiurv t nextk f the U IT UAL BKaR UnlJNrIS KltAKKLIN ;UAL COMPANY, Omce Wo. I. r THIM Hlit luppottite ihedlrard Hank). HtockUapitut, .'--j.(a). in til .rhMi hharfi lteretvrd worklnir cauilal. 1'.'.&(U nh.trea LHiiDfti-rtntioti of 4 ahare. ; ot 10 iharet. 'NI; of M ibaren, $I7i: of M inarea, ot lUOibaroe, 01 iiaiea.i'l iXt. l arb .ban entitle. Ot hfldr to rflcelve. erery year, nne And a hall L nu of uoal. at coat. (r 50 t ar. and t'it-h Jtividvtud, ever U aiouiU,of Uie pruflU Iroia U.e knie of all tut plus e al. ft trk holder who do not want any eoal may nave thHr Ero portion ot dal Bold by Uie Company lor their eipccbtl eueflt.ihe on 'rttt being &u ovur to them, buleii-imlent of the regular cain altfi4eudii to whicU they are aluo lltl(lsi1 1 in.- Cunipaity poiKCMS lr g and wen b til It foal Wnrki af ihinniMtn (nvttr Treni'intl. wlta eUanlve M lulmr and 1 miber Kit2htn, an excellent Double Hreaker. Slope 'nrk, lare Kieeu Ki.f lueH, i.ailro,tli, and all other machinery and apparatus. In Mill pjrail'n,capuldeof niiiuit tMl.tiOU hin. te be extended u iw,iw umi per year. ThlfiCnaal I- nf the hoftt ntiality. ehieflvof the fllaek Ileatb and rrimnme Veins, wlikh, with itveral other valuable coal velna, extend within the Unei of Uie Cou.- Banv Km- in tiillfM m hi irth. A b ancli t the KeAdinp Railroad oxtendi totheminet of the Cuu-pauy, over wbioi. Uie coal la dully aest to n-.aiL.rt HtockhoUlerit may order fhefr Coal tn any of thnntnal Hire. yi. I inup Coal. Itroken, Kf. move, or Nut t ial. all at thn pre-' in cofit price of tl IW per ton, delivered t tlie houise, within ihe nwual dl-tanee rf the Company ! eoal yatd m ube northern, niJdd.e, aud aoutaero pirtiviia B-af lha. r liw. The Company and all the mtnlnjr worki are clear of debt. ff Fit aJB overniluLa arc rnntincieu on me cuu inm iijii-. V rsr rirrnlaF sand killhaiv I lltioua aiHllv at the Ottioe, Wo 130 H. TillKl) Utreet, eooood dwuf, oppoeiw Uuard atUnh. a sent for Road Ins. V aror IloteT. Board ot Dlrtcton WiUiam Kord, D. II. Wolfe, Roljirt r. Kvtanuile. WM. SOUIKRLX. rrealdni. A. B., Secretary. U .'-Mm JOHN A. STAMBACH, LMrOUTP.R AND NANVFACTUREE Or 11' t'C Ci ' t'l ( l i II . tl . I..IIS . iii 't: ducej di rilKRilhl. - INJF.i. TInN Is liiiend, d a an a"y or avsi.t.vnt l" tl.e i iii.imi KI.K Itl.MFI'V, and slu'iild he u.ed In eosihitH.'iiin wim tluil ine.ncine In all of .1, l.leel. I' it'T Allnis or Whiten. In eileca nra heslmg, avothmg. and deinnh-unl; removing all ataldng hrat, ehiiril-e. and pain. Insleatl ol tne nnrnnis: anil almost utiendurah e pnla it at la experienced with nearly all tt.s cheap quae ln,cvUuiji. Utt Itn lilt Hit nil Hit im nit niinnn nniinii n nulla iniiifiH mi int nn itH 1IH Mil liil lilt It It prepare! tn a highly .e.iprentntted lonn, tho dn.e ,il,l, e.lii. I'.'iin tu iwo te. ,,, ;,,fiil, t tcs tlrm per day. II isoiiiretle. and anevullio In lis sen. mi purifinie am! rleiini,! il! Ihfl hl.Ki I, causing It in tl. w In all lis nrig nal mrll nnd vlg'T: thus renio- vmi; Ifom llio tttirm .iii".i- a ;ii-6 Aa .a.e us v.F.F.rr.vrft fi r.i.r.KKK " IK l K l.tlKrW! Kl KM - I. V K EKEflEBFa.") kl.kl.l.l.l.Kkll Bv the use vf the niFRfh. fr.t ltK.M"HT and tllK ltiihl.K IsJHCmN the la inedicluee at the same time-all Impmser dis ci: arces are remov, d.and tft. we.kene.l i.rvan. are .ped- liv re.turcd to foil vlsjor aad etreni,-lB. I or tall patitenlars get onr pamphlet from any drug stern fa the country, or write ue. and we wilt uaHl free to aity address a faS troatiso. s M OOD I stKorriA w.ood : i lit.oou 1 1 1 DLOoniiu TETTERS. Ac, Ae. OAS HEATING BTOVESl CHEAPER THAN COAL OR WOOD t EAGLE GAS HEATISG STOTE, TUB OMt 0NB THAT 18 FREE FROM SMOKE OR SMELL. Will neat OFFICES, TAILORS, DINING, SLEEPING, AND BATH ROOMS, With less trouble. In less time, and at less expense than any Coal or Wood Move. They are very convenient for nsc In apartment! la which there Is no Chimney Hue. O. W. LOOMIH, No. 7 B. BIXTil ST HEIST, ll-Mtuthblm PIIU.ADEI-PHIA. I5T icra.niur vi i ,ii....iii.. Chambab, Habiusiiiko, IrJlb XoveaiiMsr 11 - s g T D Ii L'tt KEW PATENT BT8VE, POR COOKINQ AND HEATING 13 Y a AH. Can be aad rhesuses- than say elbef Gas Stove, at Ji-SO-lm . 213 S. FIFTH SIBtttf. full-jewelled 1-Bters. JIOLMKS (JllOVEU, ENAMELED SLATE MANTEL WAREROOMS, TAULK TOI'O, AO, Ac, No. UUi C11ESNUT KTltEET, riold Vest flhalns fnim (10 10 f7.1. tlnld ChaH'laine thiulns. Irnin (HI to 'JS. Cold Neck tjha lis. Iinni t'' lo l.'d. ii4i .undent sivIhs flnu i;i, d hets. Fins, and Far Itinvs. all tho latest and ssiust tiihtnnAhis de.lKUS, from I so fTo. SlhE t.UI.II (Xlh, MINING, COAL, AND OTHER NEW V COM FA MEM, We are prepared tn furnish New Conn.ratlous with the Hocks they reiiilre, at short notice aud low prices, of first quality. All styles ol Illndlug. MKFI.-PI.A' K. CKUTI'ICATKS 01' STOCK. LI I U l I II A I'll Kl do do 1'HA SJH1 KK HOOK. ,tlA tlltUVKH OK TliAJiBFKB. W I KTi it K l.r.i.r.n. Si hl'OCK l.tlt'SKK BALANCES. j.', HKlilHl ur t;sri lai, ninv a. tt HKOKKKK 1'K.TTV I.KljtlBlt. U Al'( lll'NI' Or hAU.B. M0a A CO. Blank Book Manufacturers and stationers ll.ia-tl Ko. ' C1IE8.NUT StreeU riilLAMELI'llIA. 13 B SI.KF.VF. BrTTO.NS, b A It r FIN'S. OOI.D 1IIIMHI.F.K DKAI Kl, KK1S, rf.Ni it. h. BOSOM RTfl 8, CF. vT-t IMN-i, SII.VF.R TI1III11LES, AKMI.KtS, tllAHMS, 1' ee te. I.very variety of River sod Blhar-l'UUed war, at manntarttirer s prlees. IKVhklH, t'AKK RASKRTH, lAlll' IIASKFTH, I HI II' UA-ikKTS, lUrrTKK liUIIFS. HI UAK ItimiKS, HYItt P l'llt.lltltB, llltKAKFiST CAST0IS, DINHflt tlASTOUrl, BAI.T bTAMDS, (ililll.KTH. ;,'p- WAITkKf, UKN8, CALL uel.t.. MAI-KIH ElSliS. FKI IT KN1VKS. Ac. e. Forks and Spoons, in every variety, treble plated. on erie-half tne Btlial prlcea Remember that a lane sti-re.wllli a hig rent end heavy expenses every way la not the place to bay gwods cheap. Therelore, if you would atudv vour own Interests aud want great har ,.ma, vlsl. .ur Utile .lore. ll-ttls Ht W. L. CLsltK. WANAMAKER & BROWN, tlTIPE OF ASSlfiTANT UUARTERM .S. ter lMstrut of Pn.Udrlphia, iio. , 1 MaKK I Kt roast lls,-aenl.A.r IV lMl.l. Kiieci fri.uo-.ali, win be received at tli' ofl'-o until ui im h a v . lis..-nihsr iti. I for fitriiisrilnk tin Vnuetl mtaen wlih f.raye. viz.: Corn, Oatn, Hit v. md htiaw.Uaf the nkc of au i ma la in iho utibiic mrl t t ti f.,,.( s.r sHustrii'i. Ini'liitihiu (huiltir. Krt M illli Q, 'tie Hliut Ilill. Mcetown. llHddiiiHioii. lieverly, N. J., While 11. Ul, near Hri.tol, Fa., Hprlnn Mill, and itny other hicai'iy wiU in I'lih ronimand ihat my te dire, e l, tor the pt tu1 ot iix inontJiK,froai Janimiy 1. IhtiV A'l Knt'n to bo ot tuo Im st qitKltty, Hi piimtU to tlie blithe, nt ('AH, im potu da to tbe buheiof (Jorn. liar ol best qmihty timothy. F'raw of xnod quality, Kye or vsiieat. tt diav be orafreu. a ii ia tw.sAu.t.,i1 sttirt atiikniVAti mb itthvi s-d. Pri,.siHiH wii, Mtutu or ice iKr loo poundn tor l.av ard Mraw. and ikt bushel for strain, deltveroil at bitten lonsusoptton lii auUiiiuauUtlea aud al such timei a ma iLennsifeil 'l lMt I nited Rial roaervae the rljrlit to reject aD bidi CtnxM lucompaiibM! wiU IU intert ill. Al.Hl'lil' fl. ASIIMKAD, 1-16-IX, CabUkln aud A. VJ. M. FINE CLOTHING, FACTORY TENTH AND SANSOM STS. Dl'TARTMENT OF PlfBLIC THOHWAYS, fltite.H. WALNI'T aad FIFTH Stre.ts. rnil.AliBI.ruis. im--iLir U. lOI. VflTICV. I ll IHIM t aaCI OKli. Sealed Frenosa a will ce received at tbe office of the t'lilel f'oinuil.Blon.r .1 HlthnayB unfit 3 o'clocA P. M , oa Monday, l'.hh lust. ; tor the construction or a Hew. r on the lise nf hisletBtn strtet, northward from vVnlla.-e slieel, to loitk slieet. lo he of brisk, circular lu hum, vwia a diameter. Inside, of 2 reel sli inches Ttere win be aa inlei of east Iron, at the norltiwe.t corner ol Hli- tetBto and Jsorth siree's, ami one man ncic; me enure letik-lh to Be abt ut 'IM feet. The understanding; to be that tlie Contractor shall take bills picilsred asalnst the pro. rToniiii. en sa ii sewr. to tne amount in sevens,. five cents for each Ureal foot ol front on each eide of toe street. In pavint-nt ttetelor. All Hid. ers are Invited p he prtstnl at Uie time ana piaeeoi opeBiste'nesain prop -s, is. I.sch lrwisal w ill be accouipameil hv . certificate that a Itcnd has been ft'ed In the Law ltepaitinrtif, as directed bv Ordinance of May iS.IiMiil. It the lowest b d ley shall' Pol esecute B.nntrscl witlnn five davs afier the w rk la awarded he will be deemed as decltnlBg. and will he helu llithle on his bond for Ihe dilTer-nee his bid aud tie bssi hlkliet b d. hpeeincalliiBS may ne had at the Isri anuieut of Surveys, whwh will he strtcMv adhered u, i . w. nifir.t'i'Ejt, 1'i-lS mws3t Chief rotnsnlssijner oi IhghwBvs. VLCFRS. .ORBS, SPOTS, vnntn. no i.s. SYPHILIS OR VKNKKK.AI. liHKASBS, hasiArillivn ROOT AM) HKkll JI'IfT.B RTFUn.IS Ok Ve .NERP.Ab lil-EAfltil-Uie SAVSi III rlK'l HOOT AND Ht.Kn Jl l''K. Is the 01 ist BotMli, cettain, and eflre.ual remedy ever prcsenhili UreBoB". ....ii..i.i ...p n.rttele of tho veneteal Dots. its, so thai Uie eure ta 'horough and perniaaent. Take then nj Uils purifying remedy and be healed, aud do n A transmit to you yoaiertty thai or which you may repeat In attar nn mvr nvspsntl Attbenrfi von tnav be pronounced Incueable.the SAMA- RI'I AS (t HOOT and HEItll JUII'fc" wUI renwv. tvry vesiiieof imparlnee from tu. asteu, aa well a. ail lis. bad aire cis ot uescury. tTWATrt rrMAI.F.SI In many aOrctloni with which nawibera of Female, stiller, Uie BoorAND HRRIl JLS'F.1 are most happily adapted, lu I leeraiid L'terus, in banieorrhrea. in btiArtng down. Falling ol the Womb.DeUiay.aoa for all oomplasasi Incident to the sex, . Sent by eipress. Prise h a bottle, ore Dottles P St. HAMAKITANH WAMIl Is, tn eases of Syphilis, e.ed tn connection with th. Root nd n.rh Juli-.a Full directions. I'rlee !fft rents. 1 he efllcacy isTtheee reruedlea le alike aeknowleitued by EhvMclans and pntn-nts. khi y are used Ul th. I nlind late. Hospitals, thus rostot lBsT uoalih U aiauiy of oar brave soldiers, kjuu the llalttrnore.Sun :" ' WHAT TIIF. St'KllEOyS SAT OF TIIK BAataKITAN h kkmf., ifh 'I'UST Hliei'lTAL, FoT BtAUSHAl.t., I tiTt.ltimnr. M,l.. Kebniarv M. Uitil. "f bava sreat satisfaction In statliut that I have need 'The hamariian Remer lee' f.r Venereal litsia- lu Its snnstcasicmarv forms : that 1 have used them with lu4 Bient. accretion, and, and have lound theta veaooiid to niv enter nations promp'ly and effectually. Knowing their eomposiion, 1 have the fullest onnfi.lsnc. In their efficary. and as :r afmy ase of them eatends, recouiBMtid Uiem suougly. "Af.FHED C. TtOWERS. "Assistant Burgeon 'h New Tor Vols." Lot K he undet stood that these remedies are as rocm- mended. and win positively cure uie aiaoasea tor wuiun lliey are oner DO. knuv, S.', HO. M a Kf OH TH H'reei, liF.SMONn AO). 10-U Wl-Dm Hu. Sib RACK Hureet. WEALTH, HEALTn, AND sBEAl'Xi. iftoealn aiimlringryes: it to e.uie invidious U'hs ; If to h. a blooming It iwer, I'sdina, dying in an hour BitAl'Tr 1 If to have a host of frit n Is ; If for vice to make .m-mls; , if wltb high born bioed to wedt If a marble stone wbea dead WbalsoI If te live threescore and ten, Wl.hlt g tile as Ion, a. Bin; If to live a life ol peace ; Jf te s to and go to irt oaf Hkaltii 1 If yon wish a life of plrasnres; If yen vaine this wc rid s treasure. ; If every ct.tntoit you would see. Take my advice, and wla aft i". 1 hen, having II. all i. Wealth, and Reaalv, Ton U be prepared lor every amy. Bv a earefnl perusal of Or. WILLIAM TOOKO'S Tew DiK.'k. IliU AlAKItlA'iK. Ot'lllK. Hhieb should be rad by every one. Sold hy llookseners KeneraUy and as th. Hon. , Ullloe, Ko. 61b hl'llLCt STKtEri prioe sb etuis. e-e Y-,11. J. S. ROSE'S GOLDEN TILLS. I 9 tin to this lert d females havabtcn htimliunited by Pe.ssrt, a, Ahdoiulnal Kupport, r., Ac, tor tne cure of I ailing of tlie Vt'ouib and yonerul 4eol tty, which tuians can in It pre' not Initlrlom. Mo ieo' Dr. Hose's patients have reen usl k such eoninlities Thoy relytu his tilden 1 ills, ami thernby chain a pi rl.ct t-H . l,v tlie una of nnlv a few bnk'-s. For thene ooui- rialntt one liom is worth a hnnd ed Ahdr mloal eiiiH,r era. rice, do rents per hoi i,;e Anun, LiVo l 1 I'd. No. i,t M. HECOVi) S.teet. IU l-tathaliu T HE SAMARITAN'S CURE JL C'AJi BK RH.IlJl 0! LU FAILS TO Ct'RF.! - HUE XOT N M SRtTF.I IS rll'KKHV IS ACTI0H1 VO f'HANtiB OF 1)1 KT ItKy I'lRKD I IlGES NOT IN IE II I l: UK W I I'll Itt'Ml Nr.HS I'I RHDl IS I CAN 11B IISKI) WlfllOlT DliTECl'IOJI 1 Frlce S.L Mule or I viualo. Bl, by rn.ll w i,' aodre... p lies Mni Post Hill. e. Sole Agents, hVdlT A i ll., lu-l tutus.iui Mo. ST. SECOND Street. rntROKFB rcnr.-An nnlaillne cure for hpetnia birrho iSBrietninal tVeaknos, Niicturnal Ernlssli ns, ana all discHses caused by Self pritliitlon, such ae Loss at Wemorv. t'nlveral L.ssl- tude. Fains in tlie it, a, Imnliess of Mflon, Prema ture Old Ae, Weak Nerves, rtisnriHty of H enthlne, Tiemhllng, Wakemlness, l.ruotlnns on the race, l is Countenance. In. nully. Ciiu- aunititlnii. ano au u.e oireint coin plaints caused bv depart ing from the path of nature. Kr.r.r.ive r.rvc FKKl.tEI.Kli yy. I'K ircru t. KB EE FK K.KK.F.FFEFB KI.F.KF.r r.r.E T)R. WHIOIIT'H REJU- Vf..ATlli F.MMRi or, Kttcsis ot Llie! rrepated Ircm pure Yeuclabie Ex tracts, contaimng nothing Imurlous to tlu) most deU-cute. The Re nvenatitw r.iiTir ls the result of mooern dicovcilrs In the vtiteta ble klnidom; being an entirel.t new and alis'nut method ef cure, Itresiiee tlveof all the old and woru ut systems. KH ItKKKKIfK hhHHItHhuR Klttt itH It l.hK ItltK Milt Rlt It ltltltKKIUtliK mcit ki; it KiiK n it re RKR UltR KIlK KltB A few doses restore tn. appetite. '1 un c ootties cure uie worst case of Inipoteney. A few doaes cure, lue low splriied. tlnu ootue restores men tal power. A lew arises oniui toe run to the cheek. 1 his med cine re.rorra to manly vigor and roiuM health the poor debili tated, wom-dnwn. ana des pairing devotee U aeusual pleasures DDDDTinril) SiDDHDDDH IU) lf Hi) in IU) I'D 111) IU! III) I)D DI) PI) DUDDIirilill UDDl'UliU This medicine Is a simp, veiietab e .lruct, and on. on which all can rely, as it has been used In Fur prao tlee fur msnv years, and wt h thou.amla treated, tt' has not failed la a slngl. instance. Its curative pow ers Inn suilicienl t. gsln victory over the saost stuiiborBCase. inr It) I Illl IIII mi mi im im nn mi This medh-tn. tine beet) tested by the most emi nent medical men of th. day, and by them pro nounced to be one of th. greatest medical discoverlea of ihe Mre. One oo tie will sure Geae ral hebtl ty. A fewdisegcareHBtcrtca In I cms les. coooa CCCOCUO 00 CO CO CO CO CO Cf! Oft CO rc tn; ooo 000 f'OiJ OIIO til 10 OOO ui 9 0000 oooooo f REASURY DEPARTMENT, DKCEMUKR J 111, le:t. Koike Is hereby given of the readiness ofthlt Densrt nieut to redetm on presentation, hy pavnie it fn lawful,or by conversion into ooros as a'ltimried oy aw, tl e 'I lir, e t ears Treasury No'es bearing tut, rest at toe ra e of seven and three-tenitis per oeu'ii n. Issued uiilor At t of July 17. lesil. Interest will cease on all such Tr.-a-su'y h'o'ee not so rresenied. af;er tnree months irota this dsle, at wricti tun., suuer tlie i.w, tne n.-nt or router IKBWlMi. W. P. FKtnl'.NHKN, l'J.14-lot Secrtuiry ol tl Treasury. REDUCED PRICES, ooo 0"0 DtlO OOO OOl) Out) OOO oooono ouoo CIIFROKFE PIM.St nt UAH i:iia i eh FF.VaI.K KH1I I.ATOU, JIKALiH rKhhEKVLK, CKKTAIS ASH MAH'.. ' For the Ren oval of Ob structions, and the Insur ance nf Rrwilsrity In tna Recurrence of Uie Monthly Periods. 1 hey core .r obviate thos. numerous dl.eases that spit g from hregnlarltv. hy removing ihe irreguiarK Itself. K K IE KK KK. KK Kit Kb. KK. KK KK KK KK Ul'CCOtt! CCvCO TIIIS ELIXIR fore, nys torta, tleneral DehlBty, Fal pitatkB ol the Heart, Bait Impoteucv. ItreHUitesmen ta power and tne npusiite. and causes toe rose to mount the check of pallor, and th. debillttted man or womaa to feel vlgnroa. aad strung, the young and ambitions blond to course through every vein, the nerves to become strong, and the flres of rew lite and vigor tn re. animale the entire body, buildinu np the conslitmlep, restoilng eynnd lit'eto many a sad and dakened flreskui. hK KK KK KK KK. KK KK KK KK KK "WHITE VIUGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. IV 'this eiuttlsite t'o.metlki BBS no eitual for beaiiLMy tng. whitening, and preserving the esimplealon. It ta pre psied from BUie white wax, In ni e Its OMraordma niiU tiesftr proaerviug tne skin, making It soft, fair, swiKtik, and trauspsrent It Is most soothing after shaving, onrea chapped bands and hps, removes pimples, bieichea, tan, freiales. or sunburn, and Imparts a pearlv tlul 'n tn. face, nick, and arms. Price 31, nO. and 70 eenla. IH'ST A t 0.,iio.laa8.HIC Kt,'Tll tt.KH.HTH HUeet II) ft u 1EAFNF.HS, BLINDNESS, AND CAT AR R H. -J. ihaaCS, al. I) , Professor of the Kye and Far, ti vets all appertaining to the above mombors ltn Uie utmost success. Te.itui Rials fton the usohI rotln'ile BiiHltoa In the eltv can be seen at bib oitiee. No 611 PINK htreel. The Medical Faculty are inviUHl to aeooianeuy te-l- eat Los. as he has no see re lb In tus nraooca. ii) Hit lasesBu- PHILADELPHIA SURGEONS' 7tid- ' NINTH Htreel anove Market. Kuoture radically cured by B C. KVEitK'l T'M Pretuliim Patent Oraduatrng Pressare Truss, ftupertor F.iasuo Betts. Eiastlo Stockings. Supporters, Shoulder BraMS, Saspw Sorlea Crniehea. Ac. MiUea attended bv Mrs. B. 0. EVERETT. BtTlVly Composed of simp', t eee- tnble extrsets, they eouiKin nutlnrg delulerl. us to sr y however dell cule, lletr lncllou th-lug to , auestltuit siretiiittitor v.,.ak to.s. which, Winn oro.ierly ui-ed. tbey never (ail t. do, 1 hey may be s.tlcly ut.esl at .liv ase and at an) peiicd, frrrH durtriy lie .nrst firs ,ionAs, during wlncn Uie uuf tiling b.tture nl rhelrac tinn would li.lail.bly i sjs- vasT pr, gnat'O J.;r l.KKKFFKB KKltk.l.Kt.lJt KK KK Kl EF.P. Ftl.l.F. KB FF. I KF.F.F.F.F.EFM Kl l.KI.Kt M.K In tl)i.CllEl:tKKK MF.IH clnes, tbe uolorliinate tll find a cay of deiivetanc. fr m aut: ring end paiu r. day splendid and g otlona, when tin y shall no lo ter suuer without cessation or rept ne, eitner through mer cenary quili-lS or lie ii 'ri ch my of nauseous prepara tions. LLKKlCKBltE Kit IK f.KF.FFl HUE Kl'. KK 1 I K.FKI'.I FI R tl.Lt.LlKl.KB IIII Illl IIII nn JUl mi im INI IIII They cure Kerveii, anr Spinal AHAlons Pains ir the Hark and lower paru f the uody. itca.lieis Fat cue on tsdglt KvsrUoa Paipratiou of tn. Kesri Lowness of Spirits, Ilys e ria. Hick Uradaciie, slid 11 neas, Ac, Ao. lu a word b remov ngibelrreKiilarit thev remove he cause, an. with It al) the eifecu thai pring trout It. HI KSSV KN KM, M lit KN Kl is NS KN NS K N H an K KN NN JiKH M ARY ANN TVTIUU- AGAINST LEVI can Jit't iU bei Ii, Ieti4,n tlloUon of K t lu etirr. al tojhe tor libetlant. rule Kraut d Ii Uie above pki upoa reOiitleitt tosnow eauie why t Oi-cree ol divorce a fif rvSt tiia'ruhLKn iIiolIiI not be tn e.t-il In tho ttliove aao Kemruuble Siiturday. Uei-ember 17, 6'A, at lo o elck, A, M. s lit t-iha aiw YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, Prlttee of the Cherokee alodlcines Cherokee Keia. dy, Si abotlie.wr .'I hollies t'irS) Cherok-e lnieciion Si a boille, or a boit es I'tt' g.'i. t herokee Cure. Si s bottle, or i bott rs for tl. Dr. tv'rlkl.ts Kl.sir, ti bottle, or botiiea sbr S3 Cherotee Pills, tor f.maleg Si a boa. or o boxes lor as. V. V. V, F K. P. K F F R E) K FK KEKKK lr.lXK .K KK Kl Kr.KKFF.I'.R EKKKl.LICKLH We send all tne t'HF.KO Kl In.liu'lNKit by Ei pro s(i-xctit the Che-okee I'lHs, these are sent bv mall, free ofpo.taiitO. on receipt ol fini e, to any part of the elvl ltd tAOrid.sinirelyp'bed In uch a manner teat no one tiiroush whose baud, th. 7 may pass would kisew Uie contains. stssa B.SbSSSS SMS 8S 6S8 CiUS Hit S81 HtS S.I HNS hS HAS tH HSS -miAS HHaS isb u send every reader of this pauur our tlSrtj- Iwo pat-e p.nipiuei week a.ldnas all i.ttets and orders to Dr CO . No LIHKHTV H'reel, Mew lork. u.,1.1 whnlesaia aisd letall bv ,-vev sw-Jm Mo. U ST. SECOND tttrtsst, rblusd. The CIIF.ROKKE MFOI- CIM S are sold by all eiiter prl.lng druitgists In Uie elvl homo unprln eip ed dealers, howeior, try to ael worthless cou.pounds Lit place of thesu thus, which they cao get at a cneap price- and niske more BlOlley Oy seiii, . ,ii.. ,...-r can in tie Cllt.ttsaLE MKJIICINKS. w e wii ills papur ourtlSrty- ' w. K. MEKWIX k ork. DVOTT CO., 3ND tttrtsst, PbiladV SIXTH AMD MARKET STREETS