THK DAILY KVENItfG TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 18GL A PAII.I AITEUNeV'X OKFIOK No. IOsITtiIIRT) NTP.EKT. fpnae Tunir. I'nn Tkii Col t (Double Shed), or kt.lirlkK Oar. Ian Wria, payable to the Carrier, and sailed la Huhei rtlw re ool of the Cllyul ip Pa Antra,.: Ovr n ,i i " rirrr Cmi r., T.i Mon-tna, In.arlahty In edai ce lor the period ordered. Adverlen.e-ts h-ei'itrd at the battel ret a. A liberal enaiitnnenl made for eMi mled lnert!on. 8ATVKDAV, DECEMBER ir, 1!.. I IIP. WAR KKWa. ShfumAV AllUonj;!) 1 1 l.i g -tiiT-illy en toded that Grni-ral Sikhmamt hm citplurod Svannfth, with a Urgn number of prisoimw, guns, Bad potwlbly some ilixtlngtiislird It -bi'1 leaders, yet w? have no positive news of tho (act. The only authority for such a st:ifi nx-nt U found in a minor transmitted by a XUM flag of trucft to an olllcrrof exiih-ui-'o in Charleston Harbor. Wo hue, however, Indubitable evidence that General Siibrman has captured Fort McAllister on the Ogarher', In Georgia, the main defouso of that rivr, ami one of tho principal dof'nses to tha city of Savannah. This fort is sitiatcd at a point llfteon milt-i southwest of Sitvanuith, and wlirrc the Savan nah and Mobile IUilroad crosses the river. It is fix miles from Oswibaw sound, and its reduction enables General Siiiiiimax to ot L'tin all the supplies for his army of which he nay soon be In need. The Rebels say that the garrison of the fort consisted of about one hundred and fitly men. Tli's Is evidently falae, as upon the occasiou Of a previous bj:n burtlmout by our Uon-clads its full comple inent was one thousand. The fall of this fort renders our success at Savannah certa'n. Whethw that city has fallen yet, or not, the result In thnt region will be none the less gh-rious to our cause. Thomas. Further det:iil of I! ThomaV victory before Xnshvllle gro.itly increase its hnportancc. Our army ii-em-i to have been Buc.i-st.ful at all points, although tlij battle was severe and terrible. Tlie navy, too, played a successful part on the riuht, in the Cumberland. During the night of the 15th, General Ilonii, finding biinself terribly defeat ed, fell back aa rapidly as possible ; and on the morning of the Iflth General Thomas ordered an advance of bis whole line, pressing the enemy closely, and capturing many gun and prisoners iu the pursuit. A. distinguished general ofilcer telegraphs that our suesoss has been most complete and satisfactory, and the probabilities of the total destruction of Gene ral Hooi'a army are greatly strengthened. We may iiow hope that a most decisive vic tory will soon bless our arms in Middle Ten-net-see. StonI' MAN. Whll-t we liavo had nnmerous reports of the advance of the liitw KirniiDOE west, as if to join Hood, nothing has been said of counWr-'.nove-mentson the part of Union troops. The Kebcls, this morning, give us evidence of a most lmport nit movement ofa portion of General Stone si At ' Cavalry, which, crossing the IIojton truck the Virginia and East Tennessee Uailroad, captured a locomotive auda train of cars, destroyed a bridge, nnd tflovod towards StvltvUlu. This U a very important town in Southwest em Virginia. The ItVbi-ls can see that it ins been captured, and that a sin dl body of cavalry has succeeded iu destroying the va.t alt works of that reglou and in performing a great work one which General Bliiuiiidgu failed to do last eurainor, with a considerable army. Cawiiv. From the Department of the Weit Mississippi we havo details ofa successful ex pedrtion sent out from Vieksburg to Jackson. til Mississippi, to destroy General Hood's rail road communications throughout region, The work was admirably executed, and G..n ral Hood was cut otf from immense aiiwiirs of stores collected for his army at J.n-k-.i, Tie railroad was lorn up, and tin- eapt i:v undo wero very extensive. I.ATK1I Lvrr.l.LlOrAci:. hillee Wlit'illL' tin aliove, we have received an wu gawtte, whicli eovevs desputi-lies from Gen-ial Thomas, giving full detail of his glorious tory. The defeat of the Hebels under 'iener il Hor has been turned Into a rout, .aid a are glad ko annoiiuee that ieneil Tii-'M ' pioverl l:rf modesty has cim-ed him in previous .li-i-tiatches to underrate his rmeees. The lo-s in VwM oflleers has been heavy, and the battle-field was strewn with the arms aban doned by the retreating hie. At the battle of l-'r.uikliu the following Itolel oUicers were kill d nd wotuidel: M-ifor General Patwck 15. Clkiii iini-., iUlgtidier-General Joii.v Williams, of Vir ginia; Aiiamh, of Mis-ds'lppl; Gist, SrHAilt,, Olid Oranhkiiky, of Alalmm:i Irllleu. M dor C.eiiMal Bitow.v, of Florida; and liriuadiei--f (ienerala S.CAi!TKii,Mf:n..M;i i jf.M Aiii.Ls. Cnc:KKltF.i.i., and Scrn-r wounded, lirlga dier General (Joliion, of Virmia, was ruptured. RRftllKR, or THK IIOI'M', OF ft r.vmr-nv.n t a ti r.. On principle, we cannot object to the utter ance of Mr. llnooK In the House of Repre sentative. Unless It ran be Justly ascribed to an Improper motive, there can be no obee tlon to the expression f his opinion. Mr. Ubookh'h motive may not have been proper, but we will not Impugn it. Why should we ? Are not history and reason equally open to us? We are at issue with Mr. IIkooks In the very first points which ho made. He said or the President's Messago. that It ravitalued two startling points: "The first, that tin war must go on without attempting any negotia tions, and the second, that It must be prose cuted until sl ivery was universally abolished." Speaking of Davis, the President sail: "He would accept nothing short of aseveranee ofthe Union prei-Uely what we wl'l not an 1 cannot give.'' Mr. Brooks has no reason to doubt that Davis would accept nthin? less. Has Davis not repeatedly said so? Mr. Hiiooks would not wish negotiations to tend towards any other solution than the Integrity of these United States. Feeling satisfied of tlio fact that Davis will not listen to any thing less than independence, what folly it is, then, to talk about negotiation l Ajiln:--Did the President mean that th"w.r"mnt be prosecuted until slavery Is universally aV)l ished" when he wrote : "I shall not attu npt to retract or modify the E nancip itiou Pro clamation, nor shall I return to slavery n:iy person who Is free by the terms of that pro clamation, or by any of the acti of Ciinress" ? We sonfess that to us this ooae :i aee asserted is a non scjuitur. When Mr. Bhooks applies the lesions of history to his own country, it is just as noeos sary tor him to know that history as tlio one with which he Institutes the comparison. There Is no parallelism between the rebel lion of the colonies against tlio mrtlier-c un try, and the rebellion of the South against the United States, except that, in the one case as In the Other, war is an Inevitable condition of rebellion. But admit for a moment that there Is parallelism between the two cises. .Lord Chatham, Fox, and Buiikk, opposed the course of England towards the colonies, be cause Viey deemed England unjust and the colonies aggrieved. Was it so in the differ ence between this Government and the South ? In 1775. before the Revolution broke out into actual hostilities, Lord Cu ATitAH said: "The Americans, soro under injuries, and Irri tated by wrongs, stript of their inborn rights and denrest privileges, have resisted oppres sion, and entered into confederacies." The remonstrating colonies do not greatly rese n blc the truculent South. Eighteen lords ca tered their protest against the measures of the ministry. They said : " We therefore pro test against an address amounting to a dr.- duration of war." Was our Government guilty of such a course as to warrant a simil ir protest? Fox, according to Hume, said: "It would create tlio Rebellion, which now, without grounds, was declared to oxisU" Speaking of certain coercive measures, Hitmk said: "Thus we provoked rebellion by ona set of unjust acts, and recruited t!ia rebulliou army by another." Bukkk said: "I do not examine the abstract question of right; I do not Inquire whether you have a right to ren der your peoplo miserable ; but whether it Is not your interest to make them happy." Yet, alter declaring that iiyustico had been exercised towards the Americans, what does Lord Chatham do when a proposition arisas for acknowledging their independence? An Invalid, leaning on tlio arm of his son, he gm-J to the House of Lords, and with Are In his eye, speaks : "My lord," says he, 'Irej iies that the grave has not closed upon me ; tint I am still alive to lift up my voice against the dismemberment of this auclent and liable monarchy." Perhaps the advice of Fox was host of all Shortly before this dying cffjrt of the Earl of Chatham, he said: "The, great question ron c rning the propriety of perseverance In the American war depends on the experience which we already possess, and a calculation of the means which remain to the nation for the attainment of this favorite object." In this, we see nothing that resembles the question Involved lu the present cunteU nothing but a claim In both cases, nothing but wv 1 both. The grand difference is, that Iu the one, ease, it was an unjust claim, 'and in the other, It is a just one. In the, ca3 of England, wo see some great unit dipre- cating an unjust war, ami wlian embarked in it, ready to do at uny tiin-i the justice which they ac knowledged from the very first, but not willing far from It: to oeknowledr, the independence even of an Injured peoplo The South was the aggresor against this Government, and we cannot, we dare not knowledge its independence until it were folly to deny it. If we cannot acknowledge Its independence, wo cannot treat, f r that net ltni'If is acknowledgment. Looking at the subject from a purely m ite rial point of view, let us say witlj Fox, "have we got the means" to put down this 1 .hel lion? In the name of the American p.'r;d we answer, yes ample: now vain is delving Iu the pa-d for the swaddling clothes of authtutty! Mr. Buooks tukes us back to tho Infancy of the world. With thousands of years more ex perlcuce, why should we go to school with Mr. Biioons in Greece and Rome?' If men are ulwavs to do what tho llr.t civilized people did, what is the use of our day a'ld gen era tioir.' Men chance with greater light. Did Chatham live, he might bea Hiiooks. Henry W. Scott, of H90iiin(ltnn,Verni in', Hai bt-Lii (illi rtd a 8al:irr of S-ViOO n yi-ir U iro to ,rii.U und nporintend the erection of an cnor niniiB powder mill for tlmt (loTmnmeni, the t rihl (if wlic! i. to cs.';cil lr,0,i0"j. nu. HKOWNHoU -. WU I.lAVM -At New Tnrk, on th Uih , miint I, the I(t. t ram-1 Vinton, I). I).. .IAMI.H M. HK) t-ho. to II. Ll.l.A, dnunhtor of c oiemn WILmina. ' noK-FIIARO -At Toi-krrtnn K..t. on the Hth of If-rmlirr, br the Rrr I hnrlf-n l. I'oopfr, KI.I.IAH L. lOllKaiidM V IHI.INIA, iUu ihwt ol llio lat .Ion. W. I' Mount Hull-, N. .1., ptjH-M pirn'f m r.r. BLACK lll-RS -At Annpo'l, M l., on tlir 11th lnt, 'III, i.MAs , lack mux. ,,l i:umpny II, TM-ntK-ih I Mil, ItunlM avfilry, a pnrolt d prl"nnr trim Havan nnli. lla. , in thp ImiIi jenr ol hm n, "n ol J,w h anil t.llHllh lllacRlHim. ol Mantua. Wi4t I'hlla lf-lLli a. M HNI.KV.-Dn thf lilh In.iant, MtRK KI,I7.. I'.KTII, flaiiKhlor of tha I air floor lliimlor, ol L'ppnr liarhr lielawar roilnl. atr-'! In yoara. 1 hp nla am! tnpnitu ol Iho lamllr ara rr-arMsrlnllr lnll-a fo alt-n t hor fjle-ral, Irnm tho litt rcnnh'iiee of Lit tatlior. on sumluy, the IS h instant, at I o'cIock,. ()vvi;n kvans a co., No. 45 N. tlGHTH STREET, WOIiH AT THK RKDUCKD KATKS! USEFUL HOLIDAY PRESENTS! M'-nc) holtir crt'0 fu from ouri('lTei) wo IntfnJ M'lHiiK oU our fet.'Ck At ruiluc(,d piIcuh.Ij eualo At! to uitike u rln i r m during the h-lldayi, ti they wiih. P loflpn ftcd riiilrtu, douMo width, 7rw .worth H 0 ItOi;4) CM'ant rl.t d, 1'IH) t(t $1 if, tvixy I') W. ' Mfc n l.iiiui i Mcrlnnfi, l-i.'t, tl (,, $niti, n b rrf:iiu. Km1 (tUNii-n KnipiPf Cinh& nd rpnni, double wiJtU, i" pircoi 'rjn Pnpllm. donble wiilth, fl-V) IcE'iUfnt. ,'40 ilcc him k A.rtCt,.S7S- f". . vrry eiieftp. Hiik al ' l' K'll. liHiitlff'i n Jonls'iH. -ir,t worta i-o. UW1 in't.n (oti ' . ti'i, ic , Krct lnu. A.I oi-r lrun ijoods ktK urn be bo u. J it cheap. CALKOEALS. SHiaTINS LINE1T3. 500 Wool llHlmorftln, flMH to $', chcup. fMi llmrk and Whitti )viiuo.n, iJ if. to low. 1M Vltbort a rtlDriled itiutil, It iW, A nanda?u. iir hi nt. luttpitcai l.mni69V cnt,7ocenU, to $1 W no rls. SHIETINQ AND CLOAIINQ 0L0TH3. CLOTHS AND CABfllHRRKB. R!.!itlrig('loUjl,$l,l-VI, to lloubla anl slnjft wi a very low. Miti and Boy.' Casimevef and SatlQota, f 1, $ 1 ,11), H-,., to ba'iK.loM. ll,m al. wiuih 'tolilnKrintli9.l 'i, tl 7, 'J-00 t.i f l 01', lor cnl.ilii'n'.s -liaK iiinl .sknn uits ChliH-Mlia llfaver.,tloui.l-mlili. J.'vii, lor Boy.' Over coat.. All-wool Floated Dearer, H .10, double width. MUSLINS, FLANNELS, CALICOES. All-wool Flannrls, 50 i enH, tha' can't bo l)oL rh ,ki,r and Duwet 1'iauneii.w, M, il, toft; wab. with out .nriiikniK t nliinrt'K M, 2S, XTeanta; lean ttian coHt prke. Nieri iianck anil Pnrplcii, all very elirup. alii.liii. at our low pi icon no rlia. linOCHE SHAWLS. BLANKET SB AWLS. I-.lanie! ffl-awtn p.-to t $13 00, irreat railucUon. ti,en Centri- Hr'K'no ohawi., at tow prico. ti,-iitb all-wool, very ctu-ap. All klui ol trootf.-, lor valuublu pri-.euta. 0WE!f KVWS & CO., t UKAr MAMMOTH IBT 00008 nOU'SE, Ho. 45 N. EI9HTH STREET. F. 8. m-lilnK eh" olieap. I.udUii' and Children i Uma- eiltca il Hiir.dkerchlcf., 'Js t. W to 7 eanta t Lwlii-l' aMll'lilMreu'a Uiuiilkerohliifli, II). Il'.'J, l.'i to.'iO eeuta, war raiti il llnon ; beaulll'ol aeurfa, clieap ;'erfuracry, Ac. CABSELllliltUYS. Ko. M. Etnrra Street. QOOES SUITABLE TOE PRESENTS . E. M. NEEDLES, 3No. io:i c:ni-jTfXjr tstvot-t, OI'IEUH JOU BALE A LAUOE ASSORTMENT OF L,lINi:iV IIANDKEllCUIEFH, In nil varloUea, for Ohrifitaias and Holiday Presents, AT VERY LOW TRICES. Luiiti' nemitltched lldkf., all linen, II0e. and apwardt. Men'. do do do 70c. do. Children's do do do -i'o. do. I'liln Ilanrlhercliiefa, all UKrn,30c. and upward. Late Uandkerrhlefa, M to Klubroldi res Handkerchief,, 1 to 10. Mi-n , Wcmcii'i.aud Chilcrcn'a Ilandkerehli-ra.all klnda and at prhet very much below the preaent gold baala. ALSO, LACK GOODS, EMHU01DEIUES, AN I, Willi K GOODS Ol-' ALL KINDS, suitable for l'reaenn, at VEKY LOW PlIIOi:.- 1M7-It PINK (iOODS -'(HI IMIKSKNTS. We have recently uilded to our lnrce and eiujuni .-ituck a line culkcllun of iiewe-t atylca of JKWW.IIY, i;iioni:h, niAjiosn. rlll.VLK WUtE, l l.dl KH, aud t A.NCT OllOliS, All ol ri-ci-m niiruUclMio and iiu;,iruilon, a;ivrojriiie lor tlie Uuliiia in. J1AIIVE3Y aV CI., l; 17-71 No. ! CIIK-ISUT Hm-t. i;.TRA NOTICE ! TU K 1 KOrRIETOR Or X J the lirel clasa Hid I nr rtr., V. P. comer ol IIIIWAU uinl I'llKSSI'T Htreotn. lieca to aniiuuuce that, iu view of the uut-a, he will (until IHIUier U-'lli-o). hatilllce in, l.nrKC ana , anea auick oi TOIL! 1- A 11 1 1C1.ES. Nuchas KINK COLOCNES, HI'lKMIID "Unit ('tuna, HACK HiKNCH AND KNOLIHU l'l.l:f t Mr.S, PO.MADBS. AC. Lieanl llnir and Teeth itrunhea. t'',mha, k. And other l PHI' 1 I. AKI If I.Krl rilK llli.l"At (ilFlcl, AT COST, AND MOllal TOO. Jj. It. A .fleeted hit of 11KN1 INK IMPilKTKII HAVANA CIIIAKS, Ol Kavorlie ItrandH. Will he hiild nn the aaiue lavurable ti-rmii, If application Is inaiie al oiue. ti-li'10trp J()I,in.V l'UHSKNTSf 113 PBIOE & WOOD, 113 rortli NINTH, nliovo Arch, lllve liiat opened e'nr.t fine lota ef Oooda SriTABLE FOB HOLIDAY IfAtdftomp Kmbrldpr(l Hndkf rchifi, All lton, $1 tip lo l. FBttrn!drfJ lUiidkrclilMfi, ! 75. and 'R 6Hti.' ItUsk Itordnr HcmiiltrLrd Haadkrrhieft, Q 7. nnd SO crnts, nd II. Ladien' Llnfn fmnttrir PtvnitltttiPd Uandkwrhlef. STH. V. (ift, OA and rtnti. Ladle' Frfnrh I.itita Ilrniiliuhtd Rindkerrhtfh. Ladata llrmstiti ld llan.Ikcrclip. "ol irwl Border. Must ' Hrmotltr'ied tlandki -n liU-f.tfA. 36, and iT'-fcc. Jnit l.rn ( aoihrle Hrinfitrcliitfi. (.pirn HfBttiHrlj. llatnlkTcril f, 7-V.,l. and $1 (enta UVnmitcl.wl Mai)dknrrhlari, Colored Hordvr, l, $llv,li, ai.d l7a. (wits' limiup4t HundKcrchlctrj, White and Solid Colored Itordrr. (ienia' Cnlorad Border Hatidken lilf to, i0 and 7 niih. Ofiith'tianditonie lik Pmkot bandke'thh'li.ynrd H'inarp. KaiKlicnie Wurki-d SctHund Ifuikcd HodJca. pal 1 ttral I.acp CoiUra. A larpa aaaortii.cnt or Hlark Lata VpIU, .'0 ppnti, $t, 1 '2A, Mt.fl V'tJ$yji:it$l, anj llind)i me llrochn Hrarfi. t aittPi' Kaupy Hark O-mM. Fhi domr Butlalo flair tru,hit plain and Inlaid ba-k. A lanra assnrtavant of Torte M -nuaju. I.adUV and 1 nt (i!nv i. ('.ciitu Kid Lined (Hove. Woollau H"Kdi, bnntM, and .Sri-fa, A lurtfa ii-iurtmcut or inylor'ti Ktra t and roinadM. PRICE & WOOD, IV o. Jl: N. NINTU Htroet, N. II. Opoa In Uie ercnliiK until Clirlmtraa. gll.K 1" LMilllKLIiAS A A. I I i: H. SILK UMBRELLAS FOR GENTLEMEN. OIlN.l(AM i:MlIKL,liAH 10 k MIS8KS ANL LiDS. A FULL ASSOBTMENT OF ALL KINDS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. FUR H.VI.E BY WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO., W.17-W No. Jim MAHKET Ht. Jt'INK .IKWKIiltV FOB THE HOLIDAYS, A. f 1. II 11 U N N A N ' H Pew and Elouaiit Store, Ho. 20,'i M. EltlUTH (Street, above ltuco, I-hlUdelphla. A liuae and aaiomlld atoclt of all the lateat aud moat ele- Htkni de.iiiuii, roe pri.ibg in part 1'IMK AMERICAN, ENC1.19H, A50 GENEVA WAT., lien. riE uei.i), CORAL, AMETHYSTS, AUD 0TI1K.B SiVI.LS 01' JCn iiLltY. A hand win varlel of Solid Eilver aid Hated Ware, HANDSOME BRONZES, &c, &c. v. wAuhi rAHiiortfnllT Invito onr frh-nda and the nublir to call mid vxiiniluti li r ltea,Mi.-lvua nrcvloua to mirclm-liia- clacwheie. I rrcta vor.v low. u l,-lia RESIDENT O L N wa recently proaented a beautiful UOX OP GAMKS A.VO I 17.7.I.K8, ntltlrd 1 he llouae af Wimhlnirliiu, and the Proikleutaor ti t t uited eituti a. In tl.a letttr ol pre.emauon, toe invenior .vi: -in tlie.e uiniic. Ile'irui- t ahlntou 1. dunned us tit" AO H of I rt'.inentN. the hUhet ana ht-at, and l.ext to biralioir Excellency: hec.use 1 believed you would reil-en Ihl, cnnir, irum the thrnhloin of trcuion ami slavery, and I tl.KUKht lnal lie wno i,iiiu,H-u me vioi ,-i iiiuviii, au u. n uv ri-Uei on d II, ah iuIiI be i-UKm-d together " 1 l,ik h.,K nt rl,arn,ll u Came, and Puzle. la ailapted to permm. of all ane., and la one of tho very preitleil'of t'hrlflliuaf, ,ri.ei.ts,l "i r.imiaiiu. biiii " i lie iioiivv iiisv tfa, Unlit," nine laiiK-a uuil nine i,, hUtorh al. la uteoa i..,ai.t l'ul i:n,lk. mas iirc.ent:al oo Ai"'. Ihe "All'lmbel, niui Hit- uin-i.inn pictorial nuza,e ol '"l he I'ahbll that ll.ed lu the OurUuuol Ilowi'l'..' ror chlidien: l on. ..... ror irnlo by all uooKei erN ami ueiiie-B in roys. J II. I.llTlM'OI' l O.. Nn. 71'. MltKBT8trcet. HallTII. KNt.l.lrtll ,V l () . li :-50 v.. W N.aiXTU Str.-ct. qifts roi: Tin-: holidays!! CONFECTIONS of the FINEST QUALIIY Onlf, IN CUOK.'t TAItlBTV, AND lor l'rceieiitM, JNOI.lJllIStl ChYKTALLlZKD Htl'ITS, il AltOS 8 GLAl'alS. 1-ihtacuk paste. ST. NICHOLAS ( UOOOl.A'll 8LPWIKIKK WI1ITK NOl'OAT. PlhTACIli: AI.1I0NDS, CIIOI OI.ATE AMF.UIUANOS, ClttrtTALLI.F.U ALMON'DS, AND OTHKK f leiU,lt !. lit Coiiteotlonery TDliKTIIKi: WITH A Nl'.Vf IMPOKTATIOK W BEAUTIFUL BOXES. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, W-liSlip No. 1'ilO MAKKKT 8TkK.IT. JOTICK TO HOUSKKKKrKRS. The ub.cilbr'r tan on hand a i hole aclecM-a of 0L1 llRANDr, (Vim IJ to IHKNOII ItllAJtflY. MAOKIRA AND HIIKIlltV WIM.S, lrm to 1. MONONO AHKI. A WIII-KT, front l to r., tllNfiril WILD CIir.llKY.an1 ItASrBKKRV ItKAV- DIKM, HOKR COUIiIAL, c, Irorafl Olo t. AUo, BRANDY, from I to . SIIKI-.RY AMI MADKIIIA TINK1. Inn I" run i.ooKisa To he bml lit No. P. Ht-oonil Hti-ool. UliNIlV IIUIIV, 12 17-71 . . 'o moi'.i-; i:si-: ri:i, Olt HlllTAIIIiK (lirl'lnias or New YrurN PrfM-iit (Vuld he gl-en tnwanr whrei and rhllilrrn than a 1'iiLIOT bl LITE IflHl RANCH 1.1 HIK 'EQUITABLE LIFE." KEITH & EROADBENT, OHM P. II A I. AULM'l, N0.4.T2 CIIESNUT BTRKRT. JJOOKfj FOP, OLristruaa and New Year's Presents, The ait- nllon of the Iriemls ot the PEEEBYrEEIAN BDOK STORE And Hie public Is tnrited to th larit a rtmon1 of a1uable new and aiandard Itookh, anitab for ctfis, oiiuprittiiif tbo pulnVatlnm of ti a PreittyterluQ Publication Committee, And the htyit wmki ol othr pnbllhl(ifc honana. Ttie stock of Children' Rooks It rerj full, lucludlng new Ihsiim and the o d farot itri. Chlltlren s (iaine. Picture Cardi and Toy Books In grrat variety. Bitila,TaHtamonta, Psalm Books ami Prayer r.ouku In plain ami hanilhouio lilmltnfi, at nil rl-c. 'J.oUiH'ai'h AlhtuiiH, rhotoKDipli.s, and Pl'-1rc. Pkatecull and evaiuinc, at ISo, l.t:t 1 CliOHiuit Htroet l;-i:-mw-o1 Ooponttc lh Vnltod HUt" Mint. Ay W FOURTH AND ARCH. RATB BKDVCKD SOME FINS O )0DS FOU IU HOLIDAYS, To fiiTor the laudable practice of uiuklnj VALUABLE 0HEI8TMAB GIFTS. Green Baize, Broche Shawls, Skating Mufflers, Woollen Shawls, Clan Plaids, Silks, Skating Skirts, Silk Poplins, Promenade Ekirts, Eep PoplinB, Mourning Skirts, Merinoes. Skirting, All Wool Plaids, Sheppard's Plaid Skirts, &c. ' 11 ir-lm JJULLIOX CRKKK OIL COMPANY. ' OAriTAL, $500 000. 200,000 SHARES $2-40 PAR VALUE, WoiklllE juiltal, J5,OO0, OmOE, Fo. 1148. SIXTH STEEET. PBIHIDaNT, WALTER J. BUDD. TRUASIIBHIL, DELL NOBL1T, In. BKCRrlTAKT, '. JOHN B.OBEUT3. DIKBCTOIK, JAMB nSADAV. WALTHB J. IIUOD, JAMAS W. CatSON, JOdB BOtUlT, O. D WOI.rr, KUVTAItl) OLKNN. ataKNBIt at. KAIHON, D. W. DKV1SOIC, DULL OHUT, Ja., H. U. UfcSNtllS. Tlie nrnnertv of this Comnanr consist, of from 390 to IO, ai res ol Imid IB 0 ,e lee slulple. sliuteil ou Hie ahtgl en rlr, noar und abuvo tne uiputii oi ncruo lirasa ciiiik. In Tenuiio counly, t'enn. vlvunia. It iiaa a Inn lakv al"i U tlie river ot auoiu tnrec--;uiirioi. oi u mie e, An li.,tii,L, 1. n iti,r v tor tlie tobolo dialauoa. 1IUI lior, crek pasrt. ihroiiKb il for loo U siauca of one-rlilf tLa) to tbiee iiunrters ( lt) of a mile, liabeudad In a anep vai e .aleug the bulloui and hlile. of wlm-a u amwlo pn-e for oerirji A uep ra.iiie,eii-iio. uiui me inn. iiiku i.m- II. n ere a lor i uik-ilh , ,1 n ,..., iifiorctnii a iart,e additional amount uf suiiaca fur bnua. 11 Ot mm I seertiillien nv ine lehiimoav Ol aneu aim re' (h, table roslaenis II, at tne, year, nan, naihered nil in, in i lie of I lie rnvmua on llils pmpeny, and bai d H lor rlu untai Ic ailuction.. I n later uniei uio te .m aiera ol l-gllioa lina r ursti e ctli"reil and ued tlie oil lor Hid nuruene ol appii inn li U e'ull-. and ou their horhi-s. Oil lor iter, was seen to exude at a nntati. 1 1 Place, on the huuk. sf the AlUkeoy nvar, au la the ravine aiiuueu to. '1 litre laeii-ry reason, therefore, to believe thai tha pro pert) olll.e Company ia rich In il. aiiiiuc. of ml. Tlie .u chnallon of the sliaia proves aouciusivcly that those sup uliu. hi oil nu (ill eieek liave a hluhor lovul than fie oil bearing rm ke on thin propvriy ; and thai c inciiuently the aupiil) villi lib more pe.uiunenlinau ma, ui uuureaa uiim, Tlie ImnifUMi exlen 01 boriiiK aurliicc, eillial 10 tlio a ra. bin dfr..iit.e on oil creek 01 ihe K.ubrt, story, and rrr laiuis, iniiki render tha property invaluable licjeud any i,r.-kei,t bSHik 01 ei.iiilmtnlioli. A well is already down about 41 feet, In J" aln'dng of Wl.lth, a few year, since, oil was livice siruek, 0111 tne mei owners turned ihelr attention 10 tne m.uiiluctui'o o' sail a. sail waierof ureal sir.litth and In ureut iiuanlilv was ot' oasis now iloaluu tlierefrnm. An engine la alreauv set up iiiid tubing on tbe roun 1. with all the up prances lor alnaiuit Ull. we i to a greater ueimi. w 7 ....1 ia.,t .il .,.iirlr, a ,uiU ll,,w ol Oil. V"ui,mi, iw . a - . -- - - . I'lie I iiuipan, have directed conn a. la 10 be made lor tne .I- -a. 1.. uiuuiiu i,.....,iui..i. '!!, opeialioua ol llio 'uni,any will be greatly facill .? rt.cA?'.''.,!e'r. ..-.. .onlvalent 1st I lie auvaniae vi maier 11 a,i.. ' , to an inorease in tlie lirlce ul ou iroui i ,w l"' .veroillromoil erecL ,,. -id. A railinail win pionaoiy nan , vl ' ' . -...1 oon' et-lhiK ty Ihe u,v ol hlllanninn and Kreeport with tlie Penii-Jlvanlalntral, ailiiruiiia unau. 01 irsiiiiporiailon ui mo r..--- lid. Iherelsabeavy mawthof Hemlock. O tK and P ne, wbli'ii will f .n lsh ihe l -onipaiiy rh.ap supollea ul b iiuliim iVi.k Hais and IimI. and also aiior.l au moldauial aouicetn merit to ikel oiiiiiany by tl elr a ile ' lor mx k at the Oflieo of tha f-i mi aiiv! or l Ihe Trea.urer a, N.. if.'i H. B' ON D BlreUJl!lilLiI1'iI?i "tullilt T'XTRA FINK l'.LACK FRUIT CAKE AT l i 111 ll.fcV 8, No. Ill ' IUCK Street. BKAL F.ST ATE. KRAI. KITATNB. KBAl, f.statb. bkalbitatb. BRAL K1TATK. KBAL BUT T. wonrn fob halk. l.KK).lrtl WOSTII FOR IA1.K. Ii.1100,000 W0I1TII ton SAI.K. Br .iy pei-eon ile.lroua of inirehaalnir er aol'lnertlr m yerty ehaeld call on ina al onoe. A new monthlr Oala loatie le now beinx e ,,BiJled, that all neraona eliM aral themerlvaa of lit (irat UvaeUKra If thtr wuh ladiapeea ot property. GARCH S1RKB r.-KI.V'.CWNT DWF.1,1, Iiibt, north aiue, weat of llU-enlli. Lot tl hj lit). Olf fUOti. Iinmi'.-'al'- - ie..,,n. ARt'll TBnr.T. t wo la'se ilr.t rlan Dnelllnge, wea of fpiiih ulrm-t. Lot. -j I and -js teat front bf 1M aad Im oli!,'cr. Htalile. Ac. l-rli-e tr WM anil tA'ifln. nAll ARCH 8 T II K K T. VKKY LARCJK cllln. "ii'l ol SKIh. Lot ! feet frnl br J? f deep to Cherry am-i-t. I.artrc pnnlen, alable, iu. ITuja enl) t'...!. Iinineilmli! io,ealun. AKCIl STRKI. l . -Store and Hweuinir, rery Ian altereel maanlfli-enlly, anrl Unn-d In tUe mo.t bn.lnesa portioa of thealnet. Ix,l -J.i hi I'll) to a a-reot. Htabla, coaoh-hoaU, . eto. rrlceti .ico i f$ AltCII NTKKKT.STOKK AND DWELL I ti .-. Ho. in, en.t of Mecnnit aireet. Lot 17 br IU fi-et de,p Win. :d b. ao earellent ligation for the wfaola. aalo llqor r trade Trira oiUj f )D Now empty. I FletanC alde-aard lw.l liif on Kranklta atrM,atoe i Porlar. Lot Jbr 110. Price only l I, onn ! I.AUOK 8IDK-YARD DWEL1.INOOM B.TPnth Mreet. aboe Sprlnf Garden. Lot 4 1 hy 91 I Price onry K.'ery uicdrn couTi-olence. I AhCII STltM-.r Neat fonr-,tO'T Hwo'.l'n, wit ot Twenty flrat at. ei-t. Lotltbyl'Ji. Prion only (. 13, fl'LKNDlI) UOLIH.K MANSION OH Cheanni at-eet. nlrle yard and deep lot. I'noe S44! t 0. luimeillsle piia,e,slon. Hoat DKiUinx. No. IM 8.Tentli alroet. Il ia Urae-atory mil, l. back bu : HI HiL-a. Price ti; ,00. PINK RTKF.IiT. Two eery neat f Hir alory Dwallinini, weal of HeTpnt'-enth and wcat ol1C'f hlee-iUi a'rei-t. Lola n by 100 Price flt.wO and l.,,f0. jtA PINK HTUKKf.- NK.AT DWRI.LIXO. ia No. lij. Lot in hy ino. to flolmuth treot, with a aelilny. on thai I rout. Only lltnO dear, for bi'h. aTaffnlrlcent fonr-af,ryhmwnatona Ilwa Ung.on rtprnoa. we,tof Nineteenth. Prlie $-'! 00 Lot ! hy ll'i to a.t reot Neat marb.o iront Dwelling. Vine, west of Herenteeuth. 1M Tl by a ta a atreeu Price only lo,n. GTHBKK M-:AT SIDU-YAUI) DWKLL iria on rifteenin airaet, above Oxford. I Ml it by 1M feM. Price $riaa). Ona now empty. Neat new ! o'.llnT eaat .ide of Twclfih, ahora Th imp ton. Lota in by pri i-ncea rrm J1700 to iO0. mNKAl l'OUl oTOUY DWELLING ON Broud atrial, ,mih o' Oxford, Plotou .lone up tha flrat alory. ) oi -JP l.j J-0 feef io a atreet. Only Un,i!0. 'eatluellliig. H. tenth atreet, ahoTO Noble. Lot It) by Wloet I'rlcee- 'j f lHM. m NE A T 1. WEI.LIXO, MARSHALL, AH0VB Bntioawood atreet. In aplendld ordtf. Friea onljf WOO. Plrat-claa. nelnhhorhnod. Neat Dwelling, No. 715 Krowa alreat, twelve to raj. Ixt 18 by W, feot. Only $iiKl. Bealdoa near Suoo oilier.. Every perK,a deilrou. of purchasing ahuuld eall on lua Aral. Catttlogiica uratla, and aent to any adilreea. GKOIillK O. MlLLKB, Practical Rani Palate Operatorffor the laat twenty year). No IM N. BU TH Street. FOR SALE-OIL MILLIONAIRES 1'AKK no lie p. Macnrica unprecedented. The large four and ave-atory building at tha noithweat ajrnw of Thlnl etrcet and Harmony court (north of Waluat). Lot 3JJeet front 1 j i'10 lci-t deep on Harmony court. Prica IJS ,010, col 40,UCl, will rent for tMtO per annurn. Only f iwuv oaehreiiolred. ALSO A MAGNIFICENT LAUOE atManalon on the Tory beat pjrtlou of Wainnt atreet. Large treat aud Tory deop lot. Mplencld Stable, C'oaok' houae, Oarden, Ac. Price fttf.OOO a'nd no abatement. CEOKOif C. MILLER. Beal BnUla Hauler, Ko 1.-4 N.SIXTII Bireet. FOR SALE. LARGE THRKE-STORY -.8torr and Dwelling, No. Xi6 N. Third atreet. Lot 'i by iHOi'ei-tdoep toDlllwyn atreet,on which front la a larga two-alory wai-i-houna. Btore nearly tha wbale alepth a lot. MILLP.H, ' No. 1.4 N. 8IXTU Street. 0 FOIt SALE. NORTH SIDE BUT TOT-afcia-wonU atreet, east of Sixth, oppimlta the ehurch, neat Dwelling. Lot 17 by 81 feet deep, and wldona to 3 feet. Poyataalnn loon. Prion $li:)0O. Neat Dwelling, Mo, (07 Marshall atreet, In plnJI4 order. OulyfUHO. Immediate piaae.nlon. MILLS, No. l'-l N. SIXTU Htraet. QIL LANDS FOU SALK. QBEENE COUNTY OIL LANES. CailtalUla desiring to Invest In soma ofthe beat aeleceeel tra. lacf OIL LANDS In Orccuefouaiy.Pa.. will do err! 10 call and examine the lands e ofler In fea simple, .ad Lcaae& for Twenty Years. ULMAN & MITCHELL, It No 8. T1IIBD Street. 1864. CHRISTMAS Jgfj j UKII-'XITII A l" AC. IC, 1 Bouthweet Corner of SIXTH ami ARCH BtrxeU, OiTer aaph-ndld assortment of I'llKiliNTS l-Oal THK IIOLTtlAYS. WOIIKHTAMX. t'ANCr ItAHKBI-'. WlLl.nW CHAIRS, UAI1Y WaLKKS, HLfliei Ah LI CAKTS, HKATSI. BPICE BOXKS, WALNlfT TtRACKKTa, l ANCY MATCH SAMS.S. T01LX.T SETS Or TINWAKP.. TEA TBAI4, risr. CHLKHV, And a complete stock, of llOUSE-FUUNISHING GOODS. 1T1I a 1'A.OIi, No. K00 AKCIl Mtreat. 13 17 lilt WANTS. TO MANUFACTURERS. TO RKNT.A Vew I' actory Handing, jurt coinph te.l. wlui twenty Iinl hi ' se p. wer, lu a iTcilcaJ apinner, ..itn three isr raur aula ot ttrst-clae woohoa uiai iiincry, adapiea is apin neia lti 10 4t. 111 r.itt. '1 ne builillng t two-story, deubla tioers, hi; h c i,na, finished lu the best manner, aasl llshied fn,ia four sice. It la built expre.sly lor ihe par. fuse the lAKi'i' is tiiinorttt. II, is Is a good opportuulii rr parlies rebijiik pew. r and spinning lor tlio market, aa I ea.. a. el lo use all tin- yam oa Hie prcuusea Uiat tsela ca luta off. Applg lo JOII CI PKDRNNI:a ll-14-i t raukioid.l-khadoivMa. Iff A X 1 H P IM MEDIA T li L T, CANVAH8ER8 10a a LIFE INSURANCE COMPACT, tewkom LIPhKAl.rOMMISKIiiNS will be paid. Addr... "r. vr.. at the OHIce al this paper, glvtag li-li-ia Same and address. G-WANl l I) TO TRADE A NEAT gP ;Uttle plnce colilainiag ten acrea, good hoaae aad t ban ; eevenieeu miles Irum the t liy.lor a small k uaa aud kit In I Apply No. Mi S. 81XOND Bireet, u .talis, limuiihalc poiseaion. I. .th WANTED VESSELS TO LOAD FOR, ,1, and k.wYork. Immediate dep,'ch aaa Lisin st rles anveii. Annly to WILLIAM HON tM, Ja. A t o:, Se. JUVi WALNL't Street. l'i-ls-Urf 1 SAMTLE CASH OF CALIFORNIA JX Winks. A HAM PT E f-ASF, OF CALIFORNIA WIS. at hAMt'l.L C ASK. OP CA1.IKORN1A WINKS, tine bntile of -Muscatel," line bottle ef'Pnrt," one botlleof "Angelloa," aaa tine bultU- of "Mlierry," fine bottle of " Hook ," One tH le of "drape Brandy,' w ill be forwarded te any part ol tha country on reeeipt af aeven dollar. Coumry phyatelana, drnggtita.ana hralllaawin pleaia Bottos, and dueet all orders tu "CALIKOIISIA WINE AOFNCT, "Nu. Hi Knrly tw ) H. UTTH Maroet, 11 18-pillm above Cliesniit, Philadelphia.''