THE DAILY EVENING TETjEGJtAPII. PIUTjADELFIIIA, SATURDAY, DECEJIIiEIt n, 18(11. SATURDAY, DKCF.MHKU 17, ornciAL was gazette. bOOn NF.WH FROM AM, ll ARIflt. j V ahiumotos), l'rc. Ill, s-lft P. M. lo Mujiir-I.i--Hi-nil lix, K York i doipatch from t.rnrtal camiv have lwn rt'cnvril tu-luv. siiovrtiiK j tho rnmiilrlr wim fj ui an ( xpcllticui wnl 1V ' 1nwn Vlcasl.uri! to ro-npcriitit wllli (u ncnil Mil KB. UAH' oiM-nUHHiK, ami cut i.r-neral llnon's fimiinu liioailnna Willi .ol,ilo. (irui'Ml 'Awnv lo npl I tti pnH.aMf mirciiM o( a In rximill ln tr.rni i .1 UiU ItOUVO. Ulllil r culllllllillii f illl'Tll' Daviii- I 0,1, I lie details and i.IJiwi ui wlm-h it is nut proper ( m sr to lli-o usi'. When last lord iron. llAVinwi.t j Miniwli'ililiiiliiI eansrd unltr-a pau'c in Jlo- . 1 , and di vastatins ll country BTitorally. Limlimint-ColnDi-l Karl, coiiiinAntliiia: a spprlal TaHy, was srvrwlv wonnilml. and I'll into I lie liaiSIs vt ths'r-npmy at Kavettr-, li e Kjolimmid paja'rs ot lo-dnv cimllrm tlw re ported eipiare 01 Bristol, lumi., bv an xHiililion snipposed to l viiilcr tlio conimand ol (jouorals Htonrma!! atid luritBitliiaK; also thr surpriso ami vapt in 01 tlifi (ilaJe HpriiiK IVput. 011 Iho railroad, UnrUxin mire south nt Aiilinrilnn. Vs. Ilir-yalsn Cnntaiu ffi'Dt'ial Hood's olllcml ruport ot ttio liattlo ol Franklin, In nliirh he arkuowlidirris tlio lo 01 many gallant onViira ami bravp mon, among whom hs MinrociatiK .Vaior-l.rtiiral Clkmi'RSk, Hrijra duMionoiam John William, Anvsn, i.kiht, IVtrahl and nitAPDrunT, klllrd, and Maior-deun. lal Joim Known, ami ISrurailior-tiPinTttla M. Car tkd, Mahioaui.t, Qi, Cook kiiri.l ami Hixrt wou lined, and Bru-adicr-Uiurral (jimuox captured. 1 li r aUo state that on Wedncdsy (irnrral Siier. Ham parni d Fort McAllistor, commandum the en trance 10 the Orocheo Kivrr, bv atorm. and that the capture ot this position put" Kiikbmak In cnninmiu cation with tlio Yankro Hoot, and necessitates the foinKiroemcnt ol Navanuah. Ibp do'pa'clios of ticncral Caibv, so far aa proper Jot publication, and the extracts Iroiu the Richmond pspais, g rlue Hood e official rt'port ol tlio buttlo of Irai.UIn, aud our uccrtwi In Southwestern Vir ginia and In Georgia, are subjoined. Up to thia hour (clirht l'. M.) nntlilnjr baa boon teartl Irom NavbTllle sinoe last nirht, and notion Irom Cioi oral fheum an lutor than the ltichniond owpapr report ot Uw cupturo 01 ort .UcAIIhUt On Wednoedar, iliw Oklkan". La., Hoc. 9. On tlio 2.MI) ult. I reported that a niovumont co-oporativo with Oi'n. huauMAN'a operationn would bo inadn troin Vlcka' lariand Baton Konire. tiRtho purpoo of outline Hood's oonimiinieations with Mobile. 1119 expedition aeut Iroiu Vicklinrg awl confut ing ol about cavalry and eorht piecoa of artil lery, oommaiiUid br ( oloncl E. 1 Kstranu, lliird Colored Cara ry, roturm d on tlio 4tti iuataut, having xoet wita ooinplote snccea. Altor an admirably ex eeatod flank nioyonicnt on .lackaon on the 24th, the expedition started lor the lllir itluck bridKO on the VlAowiippi eutral Kailroad, wrlncb waa reached on tlieSTUi, and altera atublord resistance, captured and deatroyod It, thus cnttine 1 1 mill's army off from the Utpre quantity 01 supphej and stores accumu lated at Jackon, MIm., and makes that railroad, Which was his main reliance, unavailable tor months 10 come. Besides thia Important bridge and trestle-work, I be toUowing property was completely doatroyed. via: Thirty miles ol lailmad track, Includius cul TerU, wagon brldjte oyor the lib; Black; Vauiflin, J"iokeU and Goodman station, railroad depots and twlluinasi two thousand six hundred bales of cot ton, two locomotives, tour cart, four staire eoachoa, twonty barr la ot salt, 8102,000 wortb of storoa at Vaucbn'a Station. The expedition was comideru dly barraaaed on its return by large bodies ot the enemy's troops, but suflored no material louses, and tiroufht back more recruits than the entire Ions in eueottye men. Major J. B. Cook, commanding the Third Colored Cavalry, distinguished him-ell and his rcrimont arreatly bv ttic gal.antry with whioli ihe lorce guard ing the Big Black bridge, were dnvon off troin be liind their stroug stockades on the opposite side oi the river. Our men had to charge dismounted, with nothing but railroad ties lor a path, and in the tnco t a sharp tire. 1 have announced Major Coos 111 Jrooeral ardors as p'.omoted to the vacant Lieuteuatit- lonolcy 01 tlio regiment, subject to the appioval of tbe I'reuduut. (Signed) E. U. S. Ca.nby From tbe Kichmoiid 1'apera. f 'lTT 1'oiht, Deo. 18. The Ilicbmoud Dinpatch of to-day, alter mlly coniirmiug the previous reports of tiie capture ot Unetol, stales that the ' nciuv thuu nI rauced up ihe railroad towards Auiuirdon, which we xirowme tell into Iheir hands, though we have no in formation ol the taot. The next we hear ot them tbey bad, at nine o'clock yesterday morning, ponnoed down on Ulade's ftpnng, a depot on the railroad, thirteen miles this aide ot Abingdon, taking every one luVe by surpnae, aud capturing all of the rail road employeva except one, wbo managed to escape to toil the tale. At last aocouuta the enomy were pushing up the railroad in tho direction ol Marion, whioh la twenty aevon miles on this aide ot Abingdon. This is a raid an ItiiKoitiTiuiDUx'B rear. T he raiders loavinx hla fbroc somewhere in tbe neighborhood ol Kuoxvillo, same up the north side ot the ilolaton Klvor, and crowed over to Bristol. It la probable tint the raid- rtt Mtparated, one party proceeding to Bristol and iho other to Abingdon. If unchecked, it is likely tbey wi'lcomo up the railroad even as lar as Kalein, and thonee escape to Kanawha, by the route followed iir liuNTKB last summer. It is unknown who is in command of this expedi tion, but It looks very much like some of Stonkmaji's apdioping work. 'oue ot the despatches received aay anything about Sa'lvillo. II it is unprotected, It luvt doubtlos been armited by the cuemv. If, bow evr, there wore any troops there, the Yankee wue apt to fight shy ol it aud coullue their operations to tiie railroad. At Uladea fprlug the eueiny captured an engine and tonrteen tlatii, with some railroad hauilt. Uu these a party ot men were mounted and sent up the road towards Marion, and a dc-patch Iruni the operator at that place 011 yosierdav, tell us that they were at o'clock, within a niilo ol that place. Their objoot i easily divined. It Is to burn tbe tmdge over the llolston, aud break the road to prevent troops Irom being sent down tho liue tiy steam to remioroe baltville. Jo Salivlile the mam bodv wbl nudouhtedlv go, in a t human pro liability has already gone. There are some fortifica tions at faltville, and some reserves what number aye do not know. It these cau check them by any aaoritioe, reiutorcemeht will soon put the place out Ot danger. At present It la certainly in very gloat (Utiipor. Tbe Battle of FranMiu. dea. lloou'a ofllclal report ot the batt'e ol Frank bn baa at last been received. It will be seen that our reported extraordinary loss 01 geueral officers ia but too true. 'Iho loltowmg is Iteneial lloou'a Oeitcb : UvADjUAuvxruj Aim Tor Tn Tknksbhu, Hix MiLaa ruoai Kamuvilij, l)eo. 8, WA, via Mobile. loo . 1 0 the lion. J. A. MKnpoif 1 A boat 4 o'clock U.K., Nov. DO, we attacked the enemy at Krsukiin, and drove them Irom their oentre line ot temporary works into the Inner Hues, which they evacuated during the night, leaving their dead aud nouuded Is our possession, and retired to Nashville, closely 104 owed Dv our cavalry. Wt captured several stand ot colors, and about One tbouaand riaoners. Our irooiw lought with areat gallantry. VVe have to lament tho loss 01 saany gallant ofneem, and brave men. Main. tnuutral I laiboknb, Bngadier-tienerals John W'il lua, Aoams, (ianaT, Stsaul ami BaADannuT, were killed. IMajor-t.eueral John) Ukouln, and ttngadiur-euerals S, ( ami kit, M amoaI'i.i', iu au tre, l'c( Ki lit I.I and froTT wete woumlnl. Brtya die r t.eie ml ,oiiii5 wu cnptim il (Kigliedl ,f. f. Iloon, Mijnr-(inniral. A iub-( qui nt te'ei rain itoin 1 enerai llooti, savs, that otir los- oi'eltieers was excensively large iii pro portion to the lew 01 m n. I '(( VI ( lOIMil . fori .IIpAIINipp TnUrn by Mhermnn. (itl.eial intel, icniiee wua rei'eived yesterday fiat tlipeiiemv on eilne ihiv parrl". Korl McA lister bv stomi. I ho garrison ot the fort consisted of one Imnitreil atid llltv ineii. lort MeM ister is on ('10 ( gerrliee Kiver, lllleen m les norihwest of Havin nan, at ihe poliH vvheiv the .suvatiiiah. Albany and t.u 1 Itailread eross.-a tin river. It is about six miles Irom the djal aw sound. 'I he capture of this pesit on puts SnriiMAsi tn pomrrtintca'inn with thn ankep tUet. ithoiil aUctnptiii'r anv inilitarv criti cism. vp rininot v it hhol I I hi1 opinion that the ex posing ot one hundred men to the assault ol hitKu MAh'a whole a my wus a piece o: cxtriivairiiiico that our present ml.itury resources do not seem to war rant. The F.rtwiinrr bus ttie to'lowingi 1'ort McAllister commands Iho enlrano 10 thv Ogeecbee Klver and t,as prevented tho enemy here, toiore trom ascending tho river. We bcliovu. tlrre are other vtorks lurtlier up (ho si ream which would n nilerlti navigation by the enemy extromoly un coinlortablo. 1 he tall ot Fort Mo 4i lister does not ly any means Involve Ihe loss of Savannah, bns will ncor'sltatp the roitilorceinnnt ot the troops defend ing that o.ty. . Kuwin M. 8tamtom, (Secretary ol War. Vaiiikotos. Ihc. lt, 10-30 P. M. lo Major (enerai lux, lii-n o rk : Ihe Western telegia.ih lines aro working very badly, on account of rain storms prevailing. The lollowiug uuotlicial de'paiches bare boon re- c Ived : Kaihvili.r, Deo. in, lt4 (hour not atnteni, ' Just returned trom the bnttie-lle.d. Tho battlo was severe and torrible. Our toroes victorious." NAanvn.1.1, Deo. 10 215 P. M. " lloon has Cai rn I nek, and ia aiiareiitlv doing his boat to get away, vihle iiiomak is pressing nun wnn groat vigor, freiiieiilly ciipturing guns and mon. F.vory thing so lift is perlectly succcsslul, aud tho prospect Is lair to ciuah Hoop's) army. Molding since my last despatch from any othor quarter. i,pwi 31, bi astok. Secretary ot ar. TUB NAVY OFFICIAI.'DKPATCII. The lintile nt NaHlivllle WAKninoToa, Dec. 10. The tollowiug has boon received at tbe Kavy Hepartment: Cl.AllhBVil.Lg. lenn.. Deo. 10, 10 A. M lion. (iiiKoh WhLi.KH. Secretary ol the Na.y: tciierai Tu ia attacked, esterdny, upon llooo'a leit, sup lxir:ed by the Tenth liy,siou 01 th s squ.idr m. I ho lesil as the captuie o. 11 A 1. M Kit's lload-qiiar-te,s' train with his paiers, one tuoiisand prisoners and aixieeli uns, wiin a prooaoin iu a to uiu army not exce ding live hundred killed and wounded. Tho attack will be resuinen this morning. (Mi-ned) n. 1-. 1. Kg, Hear Admirnl Commanding Mississippi Sumdron. JjUOKS! II O 0 K 8 ! ! BOOKS!!! ' the public Is rilrvcUJd fn tho hue and popular Iwoks on hand and for The attention 0 ksorliiieut oi nei sale by Mo. mv CUE3NUT Street. A lurwc auid woll elotfJ1ock of huiliOnif-lT bound ftitd fine c.p,jt of all the tiuudard worm or the day, detfud BicinH for 4 . ,.v . 4ilr TH liUltintt tub irrmw niRij tryi-ii'iia, AirA. 11 rarietv of .)uv Tuy Hoik.. Unm, rimtrt- arai.h, Autournph, and hcritp Albums liiarlvs, UlbitM. i'vaytr -Ixwki Ac. Also on on uaiia(uireeicu oi uie rnpHtavrijuiBoitvuiaayAva, "TEE EAOE COTJESE." Tiie only sets In the eonntry not la private handa 1'KllJat 7i. VmiIv oa the tftth Instant. a new steol-plate Map of Uie Hiate ol Viridala, shslng Bi Oil, Kfcdlufis, new raiiioaiu, u. acuk uj wau, post-paid. Pilcc I UtyCeats. OIIA-llXEW HE8ILVEU, la-U-Vt No- H t:nKSN(TT Street JO THE TKADE. The PCBUCATI0N8 of BttEWER ft TILK8T0N, snnilsting of WOKCESTV.It'H DICTIONARY, SVtlKl KS'lBK S BrKI.I.KUit, Jlll.l lAliD P KK.Al.Kkrt, l.H.ACrt 4 SWAN b AHIT1IMKTIC, Ac. ., will hsreafter be luppUcd to tbe trade by CIJ AltLUfcS DKHILVBR, U -ot 1T. 1329 OIIKJNfJT Slrret, X'KVV BOOKS FOR THK HOLIDAYS. XI Jt'hT 1IKAI1V. THE POBT1CA1. WOHKa Oh' Jtilllt MILTON, wirii a Life of the Anthor, Tllsrertatkins 011 each Toftm, Notes Clrlttcal ne.d Kplaimtory, an iudi a to the Sub jecu ut Paradlne Lost, and a Vernal Index to all trie t utins, itv CHARLES UFXIElt CLSIVKI.ANIl. 1 volume large Koyal I'iuio., ('J paires, ua tiae toueA pa,,cr, bound lu ve luu cloth. Price AJ. ItKAHY THIS DAY, r E A 1( 1. 1 KUM II E I N B, With Illustrations and vignettes by Uuruiau aituits. 4tO ?C(LIS. Hi Illl.l.KlfS POKMK. ttulwir's translation. Himo Veiluui cloth. tn gilt. tl'S-i. ii.i.i'HniA'i.i) jrvr.NiLH. WOTIIF.R Nil HKL ANIl I1K.R CAT. li;mo. lno. MO' IK R IKMltsK KIIU.M ll',KlANT. am. II I". WHTIILK I'lTCUKK'H l'OKM OK i.l I I LE f BOPI.B. Sto. 7.'j wots. More I-11 tiOOBH in (ituiiAS r'Lia ropoia i. 8vo. tl 10. (iOOH K IN ntr.MOU r'siere lote i. 8vo l 10. TUB KOill fKlKUl.M.i. A uiinsinias niory, 110. 7S tenu. jat APPLY KOB L E Y P O L II T ' b LIST OK PRKaKNTATlOsi HOOKS KOIt lWi.',, includfni: the nioi-t tH-aiilhul Works piibti.heil lor the Koll d;iva In t'iiiiadr ptiia,iw lork, lloslou, London, 1', LaWcetc. ..,. run PAi.r. ai a, i.i re ,111, or sent post.paui on leeeiat ol ttatea price, br K Li.VI'Ol.llT, Pllbllaher, Hoek-etler, and Importer, .Nu. M.SCUKs)Nt.'T stia t, l-Hi-istulhlt bejoou r'tvor. PRESENTATION HOOKS I VALI AIILK Ann'stnn's New American (J, rloDj'dli. OF A ( vclopadia ol ( onimereial and Bu.uiem Anecdotes, 1 vols. Rebellion Recrrd. Hy Frank Voore. V. ashlnston trvlng's Works line eutttuas Cooiicr a Novels lllustiHted. Iilckens' Works lliiulrated. llaucrefl's Celled Stales sterivsle a History of the Romans. (lems fr. m tile llnsscldor Oal'erv, I.lidits and shadow. 01 New Yolk Plctnre 'lalleries. Slartln s History ot h ranee. Age of Louis 1Y. W averly Novdsllluiitiatud. Shakospeare't Works. Pie.ooifs Works Pavard Tavhir s Works, Hood Works. I i.rd Uacou's Works One edition. la.laiu a Works- 10 vols. At JAM KS K !MOrV Book R, stas. So. W l S1XTU Huoel, second lisarr. X B -A liberal discount, li 10-1'K A l.L THK HEW HOLIDAY BOOKS, wtin iMi oe.iKs. rutin-olios. PHANTOM I'l.OWKKS, JYOKY CAKIl ( ASP.S, O0L1J PLNS ANIl PKNI'II.S. .IUNKNII.E A'STl TOY ItOOKI, PArETltlES OK NOTK I'AI'KII A.NU KN VELOl'L lo Ul 'Cll . ism A IS. plainer Ir or.lora. All articles prouiptly delivered. CHAM.K.V, Publishing Rookse'lf r and stationer, lJ-ll! Ht No. I m ciitSSCT Sireet. TTSF.FUL GIFTS FOR IHE HOLIDAYS. t.; I'hltCK'S tlAI.Nt.TIC (iLOIIBS, eiplalnlns- the attraction of the earth bv gravitation ; one of the most instructive as well as Interestluff silts that can be pre sented tn a child. Price tJ (si. Larger ones for teachers are tn preparation. Finely Illustrated worksot'Preee and l'oe(ry ,Photoirrsph AUiuais, .luveinles. Osiaes, Ac. SCIILhMKKHOItN, TUNCROFT A-Oo. 1210 Id'.' AH 'II Hlract fJ'OVM! AIN1 l'ANOYOOOlWI COSWAY & BROTEER, No. ft.TI N. KIX'ONI) STKFl'.T, aiiovr IlKOWN, IM PORTKHH AND .lollMKHS. VVe have now open our fall ok ot (larinan, French, nnrl Tyrol, se TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, All of which are of our own selection and Irnpirlatlun, to whic h wo Invite the attrntifas. of dealer. Ament our as Krtrasnt ars aisny , H-i-'ln F.KTIKKI.T NBW AND HKSIttAIII.F ITVI.I'.S. 1S(M. 1 IA.V'-. 1SG3. wmonrsTiR & oo No. 7O0 CIIIOSNUT HTKI'IIJT, Tnrlte at'.srtton to a choice stoek of WRArPKIIIl, CAKR1A0K BLANKETS, CARMJATt JACK ITS). SCARPS AXD TIRR, BltKAKFAHT JACRRIS. OLUVRH AND IlANDKK.KtlNlKr ft. SMOKINU C'AI'8. lU-lm Wilh a superior ataortaasnt of othertlKids ssltsMe as PBESEHTS TOR GENTLEtfElT. HOLIDAY 1' RUSH NTS. LJ . ItUHHllLIi, No. n H. SIXTH Street, Would Invotc attention to his stock of line Amorlcau and lu. ported WATCH KS, In ilold and Silver. GOLD JEWELRY of the latest styles. HANKSIlMK S1LVKU WABR. m warranted fu re coin, Ae., sultsbls fur Holiday presents. O. KUSSEU,, . lt-10-tII Ho. 2? N. HIXTII Street. J OI,II)AY J'llliHIIltVTH. D. W. CLARK, No. 692 CHESNUT BTRKKT, Bas now oa hand a vary largo stock of WATCH K.s. JEWILRT.aod KILVER PLATRB W ASK., Selartrd sipressly for the HOl.lllAV tuaUK, wMrh are being tolit at axtrasirdlbartly low prlt-ss. We have a large stook of the foslawiug goods Cold Watches. Hllver Watolim, Laila-a V aicha, (ienu Walih-a, Hoa Wateei. Anierican Watelvta, r.ogllsh Wa'elies, t Hvilss Watches, 11 d Yeat Oealns, iMil Chate!aJt.e OOatoa, Oold Neoa Chains, noli Penotl Caaoa, UoM fens, VWlit Toothpicks, OoM ThsjnblM, Oold AmiUMB, Oold Knaoen htads, Uold Nn-evs) llutWns, Oold Watah Kevs, liolfl llu, 0nU', OoM Ptaa, Laaloa, Hold Pins, Mlaara', Wd riaj,(ilalue, Ootd Ksr Rlraya. Uoid rincer hiaa. Uold Heart Plus, Ookl Hraeailela, Uald LocSru, Uuid 1 barajii. (told Watoh Uooka, Hdrer TtumMcA, ailMT Napkin Klogs, SUvcr frail Knlvsa, hllvoi rb Cnama, barer Ya' (alns. Bll.Vrii 1LATEI) WARM, Plaivd ea ffaanUM AibaU saetai, aaS warraats4 ; Taa Seta. raAa ilatkets, fruit Maskelaf Cord Keoejvrrs, Huuer IMahae, Syrup FHoliura, Sugar Iilshas, Unas, awt Castors. IitniierOaaiors, Pick k (3aabca. Mpoon HoSdars, Walters, Urns, Salt Stands, Uotiiets, fill s, Call Kelts, Napkin Itlnss, Ptsh K.iUva, Pis kalvea. Ice Cresin Knives, , CakeKnvra, Crnmb Knlvea, Cbihirea s Knives, Chtlan-n's Forks. Children 1 Bpoous, Oyster Ladles, Houp Latllaa. Table and lMsert Spsoas, Tea, Hiuar, and Salt riKMDS, l ..a aud Dinner Porks. PLATtD JBWF.I BY. We have on hand a larue lot r Has plated Jawelry, which we are closing ouiateo.t prices to make room lor oth.r loons. '1 hose wishing 0000s tn our lino would do well t cull and examine our sioek beloro purchasing. All goods warraaied aa iopresented. Tl. W CLARK, Ko.BMCIIBSNl'T Street. V. B. Watches and Jewelry csreiallv repaired oy ex perienced workmen, and warranted. Kngraviag ucatly nociii. JL ll 'ja-wi-HtaidtU HI n a 11 1, k ! r u m p r , J Pot KKT HiKlK andAT0al, UANfTACTt'llKJl, ko.47 ti. HIX 111 Mrect, below Arck, l'llll.AliKI.I'lllA. Pertfollos, llrassius Casea, ( biar t'abea, Pocket Books, Cains. Match'!, Money Kelts, Work Rexes, Uiiukora' Casss. WliotMale anil ratali. 11 T-lm fjIlOMAS CJ. a!fc tl. It. UllOWN, HEALERS IN Eoots, Choen, Trunks, and Oarpet Bags, Nos. 1034 and 1010 MARKET Si'KEKT, CusUimsr work made to order. 11 2'itnths5w T.OR tiALE THK FOLLOWING MACHI r uery, at J. L'LHMlBNMNO S, 1'raukford Uauaak Isstory : Pour Power Idioms. 70 inches wlito. single box, made by Jenks ; etL'ht Itionis, ml inches whin, do. lut ABOVh L' (IMS AIIK ADAI'I F.H FOR MAKlSia HOI III.K WIOTU rl.ANNP.LK Stx douhle-box looios.soliisheswIda.Atreadls.t shuttles tine ot liamorth's douhlinv and twistiua' uiacbtnes, and one ot Jenks A son's spooling frames. IJ-ll-es VEW RAILROAD LINB NORTH. I'llll.AIIEI.rtllA) III HKOOK LYsJ, TilBOlOll IN FIVE HOCUS. PARK M. EXCCvlSIONTirKF.TSM.uuOl) FOR TUTtER TtATS on and after MONDAY, Aaust I, lw4, trains will leave Sot ol VTNK KWeet, Pbiladelpbla, every morning at S A al. (Bund.iys ciiH-pled). iheece hyOieCamden and AU Untie and ksrltan and lielaware flay Railroads to Port Monmouth, and by the eotusnoiUous steamier Jesse Hoyt, .i.f. u. ... -1. uiwujii , iwuniiDK, airs At lantic Street Whart ever) day (bauaayi eicylud;,al Jj Travelers to the city ef KsWTork are notified net ta auidv far aassaaa bv this Una, the State of a., m.. bavtue sTanied to tl Camden and Ainboy mnuopay the K. ....e" '-.'J.'-e i-smosko, enu iroirnt D tweta Uie eltles ol Phiiademhla and New York, tvifci-tf W. r. OKIHIMS. Ueneral Superlnteiident. TO SHU' CAPTAINS AND OWNERS at -The understated havluk' leased the K asiai leir, nesi.w iiuck. neirs te iniorui nis triend. Ba patrons 01 tlio lork,thal he Is prepared wnli lueraaaea lavniLies iu accointuoua e iuse tiaviu vessel, to be raud or repaired, and hstng a pmctl.-al ahip-careaaiar and eaulser, will vive personal attention to the veeeeia eaw trusmu m, uiiu lor repairs. Captains or Axe' ts. Ship-Carpenters, sod Maoeini having vessels lo repair, aie solicited to call. I lav Ins theaunney (or the sale of "Waiterstedl's Patcatt ateiainu t ouiposinon, orcoppar rami, ter tl,a arsear Hon of vessels' botionis. for this city, 1 am pieparsd lo fue- susii uir siujie oa ia ruiauie le-nia. JOHN H. HAMMITT, Kenslu'lon rtcrea Hieek. II liELAWAKI Avenue, alaxe LAI KKl. Mtroat. (jooi) nooics I It HOLIDAY CJ 1 1" I'M. EIELEB, OXrORD IDITION, FOR THE DISK, KOU Till'. FAMILY, AMI tOt! THK Rl'NHAV SCHOOL. PRtYP.R PO'iKK. I UkSiit editions I'rr presents; oa linled pepcr. very hatidsuiiuly tioend. Price from ar, to $10. I St A k' I! tmOKS for the Paw, bouad In arabesque or sh?e. tlelll H til f I. PI'ATFIt HOOKS for Pundsy iVhonls. from 10c. tn l. HltirTP.H SNOW KI AKKK. A volume of Religious I'm try A hasuiliiil 1.1ft to a pin is frl. nd, or.lo tlia sick or aoriOM lug. Kioni SI -j:, P, t.i. KITTY 1 KF.VYLYON. fly the aelhoi of "Tiie Sckonliorg Cotta Ksmlly." Trie, 1 7'.. TINY MltltARY TOR TINY PKOPLR. To Teaoli them to Read. 4 volumes. 4o colored llliistrattous. $1. mK pons. THE POINTS. Illustrated. It per voluiao. Plus sud gold, aud grsnn sud gold l M per volntae. Alt tho new It'i.iks received as 10011 as piihlUhed. A I AROK AsHOllTMKNT Or J SSI 1 N li) A Y-SC I IOOL ItOOKS Select, d liom tlis various C'nir. li llnok Societies and private puhllshers. Also, a larpe assortment of Rl HTIC FKAttKS, BOOK RACKS, HOOK STANH9, PHtMOM OPYKR', PKtT WII'PJKS, I'ORTE MONNAII'S, POUTFoLIOS, hd.tit. ron 8A1.B 11 T Till I'ROTESTANT EI'ISCOFAL IIOOK SOCIETT, No. VJV, CHESNUT KTRKBT, H-T ID 13 IS-17 Yl-'ll-U I'lilladcliilila. i:m)i:i:son a co. No. r.'iH AHOII BTUK1ST, IIOOKKI'I LEKS.STATIONKUS, AND DKALr.BS IS riiotocraph Alliums and Fnnrr Artluloa, Are receiving dally all the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON, Which will be sold at reasonable prices. AND NO i'. V ORRITANTDKWaNIiSF.X AC I'F.I) BKC AttSf. OF nOI.K (ft PAM.R FLUCTUATIONS. 11-SUisHl Gome early In the season and make your selections. HOLIDAY rillKNTS. FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. JKWKLKY OP F.VKKT UKSCKIPTIOS. Hllvcrund frtllvcr l'lutorl Wuro, widek win be sold st the lowest pHses, and wa-rantei to be as raprsseti'.ed, at IiEWlS lsADOMUS', No. IIIK MillKBT STRKST, HUtuthstit Corner of 1osatar. OPFORTUNnY TO PURCHASE HOLIDAY PKKBliNTS AT LOW TRICES. Bavlitg dotersarDed to retire from business, and wlahkrax to close out my entire stook of Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Silver-plated Wars, Olocki, Musical Boies, Table Cutlery, dto-, within sixty days, I am pseparedto off. r Inducements to purohasers, and solicit aa eianraa- tl'sa or these lends, most ef which are goad styles and ef inequality. THOMAS C. OARRIfiTT, H J0 1:t Me. 71' CIIKSNUT 8TRPIT 0 TOU WISH TO MAKE ATEESENTl? HAKBACH BROTHERS, No. .Id N. KIOIITII 8TREHT, YOU WILL FIND TUB FINEST AND LARQKST ABSOHIMKNT OF STAPLE AND FANCY (STATIONERY, . PHOTOQSAPH ALBUMS, and PANOY GOODS I IV THE CITY. WIUTINO IKSKS-In Rosewood, Mahogany, and Wnl nut heaattiul assortment. ruHTt olios AelJ TOUItlSTS'. CASES, In every aiyie aou oijibii Pti RHES -With Silk and Steal Obalaa, In Moroeeo, Vol vet, Plain and Ornamented. THIeTY STYLES Of CIHAB CASES Some heauM. ful patterns. LAU1KV COMPANION8-In Moroeeo and Knatael, tt hues! iiuslllv and finish. tKaVKLLSU AN1 SlIUPI'INO sen stapea. POCKKT KNIVES AWT) SflsaORS-Of flee onalMv. A FPLL L1F. OF 1()Y ROOKS, Hound and lu Paper -liliiahle tor children Weverv site. (iaMKH, 4N11 PAPLst 10LLS-In (real variety. Maay vui'resy aew. CAfcM) PUOTOORAI'HSI CARD PH0T0URAPU8I CAKU PBOTOOKAPUSt W.s kava a sp'endld stock ef PlJOTOQRAril A I.l UJ MS, MsUtug at very low rktss, Special atteatlon Is eslled to the NSW MOROSCO UINOE ALBUM, Lays perfectly Hat when epso Cad 00 RARRACH BKOIULKS f yoa want a Baud.- e eseiuiaruvic lor a PRESENT. et onset ourKKW AL1!UM. laras, for H cents; sr. Ailed will: Colored Pictures, eo cents. HABBAOH BROTHERS, 11 f, sTt Ho. 30 K, BKH1TH STREBT, PldUds. HOLIDAY PRESKNTS. '. SCUIL1.L1.KMANV A CO.. No. il N. KIiiHIU Street, air now orTorlnj, at tree' haifslns. a full and splendid a .surtment of Hair (jOOHS, Sultsbls for llOLIOAY riiLSKNI'S. PI-ANkKT and HRlK Ua. SHAWLS. IHIKBS i.tioos, in everv variety. PUltNieiilNii coitus. In everv varieiy. CI.OAKINU CLOTHS, c. 4c. One ease .more 01' those 4-4 axtrs hesvy Bleached at 11 slins, cents, t uceaa more New Y..rk M'lls Rlsached Uaslln. One ease eaira heavy ribi.ed Hbaser 1 lanael One cava line Shaker i'lsaunl. Pane, us in I'la.n aud Plaid Poplins, Meriaoes, Riai k arocounej silks. Ac. Ac, at li' lo l; '.H-Ui No. -H N. KKVHfll Sireet. T ir.HTI LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGIIT IS A I I sreaf tSlna in these tArk S.v, PI1I.I.IM. tl.ll'S PATENT Jill rl SIVR ItKh LLCTORS, for both day and Kae-hVht. tlaa Iii lie dors for windows witu two esoneiKuKeuiore lli'ht (hau lis buraers wllk Us kind Bow In use. . Uss alters furnished at low rales. Ilsyhffbr Refleetors, tor UKlitiiia dsi k rooms, and Iniaemstlt oftlt es, ifo , with out the use of vas. Illtiee. -II ku lui Iso.Ul tilESNUT Street, Puilsdelphia. .V'.r,T.ISl!MP IN 1S12. R0I,irAT rRF,r'ENT3. W11.1.IAM WII.Mlc ,Mtf, S. W. i or. FIKTH iind ( IIlKUT Sts rim. tnF.i.piii a, Psve en hand a la 'is and gneta' a.sort-ncnt of HIi.VI.K WAItH Of our own raanli.'sc'.arr , o! t lis fins ststirinld ol hllver. hty and SUIisst I'l.ATKH WAUH. 1 A 1hit iind gfiiarnl aiottm'Mt of r,uIvrtr Pltf4 Wire, lit. Jj V, V 1 K L A D O M U S, DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELER, No. R02 CUKSNOT STRI'.KT, lias oa bund s laiee aid splendid assorliasuit of DIAMOND JEWELRY, SDITA1H.K I'OR II'M.IDAY rRKSMNT8. Also, a braaliful assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, &c. Silverware In srest vatletv, sulubio lor llrldat snd Ifolloar li ssnts. ftfy Hssr rtrusnt of Olflmerri Jewstry Is couplets, and at lest'prtee than eaa lie found in this city. Old Gold, Silver fltDiamoii ds Bought for O.ish. )U)IOoDS. srsors hsvlnr IHamonds or oilier prscleas steneato Sispese of. will da well by calling on j.rcwis IiADOmus, DIAMONll lir.ALER AND JF.WF.LKIt, tie. Hdl 01IKSNUT Street, Who will give the lilatisst cash arises. IJ-C-lm ALSO, Old Gold and SIlTor Hoiislit for C'usli. JOHN I'.llKNNAN, IILALMR IM iIne watches, jewelry, AND fcll.VKR waki:. Tilauiond Rings, Diamond Phis, Fine Enameled llraoclols, Pine Oeata' Chains, Ftie Ladles' Chat ns. Diamond Far Blags, Ameth.vst and Dunn. Kings, Heavy Letig Ouarda, pins Baal Hints, ; Amethyst and Pearl Sets, Fins Pssrl Kings, Coral Sets, 12 (i-lu Ornts' Dlsm. Scarf Pins, 'Ladles' Chatelaine Pins, BRONZE AND FANCY GOODS, ho. 10 S. KKJ1ITII STREET TJSEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL CHRISTMAS V RES E NTS. Oeld Spectacles, Oold Eve-fl asses, Microscopes, Opera Classes, Spy Glasses, Stereos so pes and Views, Mairte Lantsrns, Boxes ef Drawing Instramsnts, Pocket Cout- pasesa. Fancy Thermometers, Ulebes, Air Pomps, Rleo trlc Machines, Oalvanls Hatterlea, Spelling Boards with Movable Letters, Ac. &c, Ibr salaby JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., No. Oil I CHESNUT STltEET. UusUaKd Catalogoea gratis. ll-kX) JJ0L1DAY (ilFTS. INTJllSIlNGr MAUK EASY. liROWN'S , PATENT BABY-TENDER, OR, MAGIC SPRING CRADLE, 1 lie litest useful and deHithtfiil Nursery lavonllon of the age. From a Vertical and Noiseless Cradle It Is lastsatly coa verted mto a Spring Chair, Reclining Couch, Bahy-Jaiapor, Baby-Horse, liaby-Walker, Hhta Chair, Niirsery Chair, Hobby Horse, and Ottoman. It ecTuctaaUy obviates the evils of the recking metloa affords great relief to mothers, exercises aud dotlgku salt- drcu, snd saves the expense ol a Nurse. Also a large variety of FAMCY HOLIDAY GOODH, AT TUB HOUSE riTRNISUING STORE, No. 0'4 CUESNL'T BTltEBT. ntii JOHN A. MURl'UEY. jts riNE WATOHIS, JEWELEY, B1LVER AND TLATED WARE, CORNER AKOH AND TENTHSTH. Iireoefces, Sleeve Buttons, Armlets, Bracelets, Scarf flu, sad Rings. Tss Sets, Ise Pltohers, Wallers, (iotlets. Forks, Bpoous, Ac, ' Wstehss retired snd warranted. Old Uold, Dlamoadf and Surer Bought. ll-ID-Sm HARRISON JARDfiM. No. 520 AEOH STREET, HAS A OAREFl'I.LY SkI.ECTSO STOPK OF WATCHES. 1'INE JEWEI.RY. bIJ.VKH-PL.ATKU WARE. SPECTAI.LT I'ANCV hlliVKB WAltE, Suitable Isr M 3U HOLIDAY AXD RRIDAL PIV.SENT8. QVKIIA. CaJUAHIie LAKCF. A8SOKTMBHT FOB 8A1.B BT JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.,- n n p it o s r v ( 'r vt s COTTER FARM OIL COMPANY, rilll.ADEIsflll A. 'uiltnl -t...K, r(l,((iO,"sO. IHTI V)SllAftS AT IV PRU HIIASSJ. Ealiscriptiou I'ricp to a LiiLitci Sumbsr of SbartP, 52'50 Per Sliare. t STOCK laShUlJ) I'ULIi TAtli frO-O t'AHIl HY HI'RV Kl AH WOKHIf'i ijAI'ITAI. IMtiainFNT, 18A1AU LUKKNS, M 1). VICH-PRRHIllHrtf, win. 1AM M.SI'KWAHT. t KKAHUHIiR, WIMIAM I. SMITH. Hfc;RITAtlT, R. .1 H AlU:iS()f( M l MIK Pl0n:UlY (r THE COM AN i OONrtlHTf ir TDK (JUrOWINd: I. Thcfic simplfof P-OJ or. known th " CMtWr 1 'mm " ttu liig Hrt'k,( n-Straw enwk, ami on the tine of th ri.llad -:ia iind l.rlc our and a hair uilr mrut OfOtrlHinl, Pitiifirld townithip, Warren coiiuiy, rnnal- Tania. Tint Inmt in Kituattsl in one of Ui bet lucali(iM in tlio Dclybbnrbood. It t.ikea in th wliole of tho ratlpy fjr cvir a nrle in mtcnt, HivlnR u froutat,o on the lirokan- frtraw criH k. ot'nvir two mjlcs. It also etonilK northwant over tlit blun.antl tnkt i tnaciiiiilorAljI(prH(taurUi lltM Eye Run, atributat.v of Uie ItnAen I4irar. Ilraht'n-Straw in fk takfa its rlit tnun th cait nldu of the bluff, whlc ciM rlsa to tbe ociclitatcd Oil ciock, oa tit west ude. It In uavlftable frin tiie V-otter Kami to tbe Allegheny 1 1 Tor, a of n milei.and Uiui affotdi facU.Uea tnr triiintiun bj hat to I'lttabarR. Ai mentioned be fme, the Fblladelt bia and trie Knit road rum direct If tliroueh the prop- tj on the bank of the crmk, aad taut It I linitibt in dirt it commuiilMUoti with tbe Kfeat oil mfuketn, Nrw York and f iiilade'phla. Tne bloT rite If ra 4(K) to f o frc ', ly ome plai ce verj abruptly. There is a dam built m ro-n ihe rrfek about nitdwajr on the pre- rty, nivltiK hnnu npc watr r-powtr to one of the flneat atid beat ton true ed new-milts In th country. TliU nilM at present naw ft i i?l of Itnnbi-r per day will, eneiiugle DITiltll saw. A Kaiiu of saws ran be added at a small coat, and the mi l be made rapable ol ykldlug a reveuue to the Com pany at once cifual loan ordinal produuliiK well. The bluffs abonad with pine, hemlock, Ac., In such quantity an to korp tho mill running for eeveral year. Jn addi tion to tho mill there is a Terr substantial and lanra frame home, arvoral amallor odm, bams, itablea, blackstmlth imp, carpenter ahop, Ac. Ac ; In short, ererj thing that an experience of a twenty years' reableoco tauwht tho Into owner to be nrors.ary. Tbe bottom land on the flat la good tarmliig land, it cleared fur the purpose, and is Iron 1-0 to 1C0 at re s In trnt. The farm altountU wltli el.olce tpota for drill la jr. ami with facilities for the purpose, such aa few otter lend possens. Tbe ravines which intersect and form breaks be tween and through the hills, and which are favorite locali ties for walls, hare flue stream, which will give sufficient n ater power to enable tin Company to immediately coaa ti.cnce sinking teverul wells, thus taring the expense and delay In obtaining engines. A derrick can be built near the saw mill, and Bearing attached, thus making Uie miilt answer a double purpose. The,,showi"otoitareeqmUeaad In many placts superior and mora numerous, to those ob-Bf-rvcd In wbal ha pro red to I the beet Ixialitlesoa OU crock. i About two mllea from the farm, err the bluffs, Ihe Uosmer OU Coupany, of Phfiadelphla, are drllliag two wells oi) the Uotmer run, which empties into tbe Droken Btraw at Garland. These wells are jflTiaj the most gratl fjinit evidence of the existence of oil In great quantities, and have establb bed its presence In that region be rend doubt. Tbe Cotter Tarns ts sltutie about ten miles nearly due nortii ot the now celebrated Tldeoute, on Uie .Allegheny river. II. The fee simple of 11G7 acres on the North Salmon creek, Ttcnehlft iowniblp, Forest county, Ta., jmtovsr J tbe border of Venatiiio county. This land, as In the case of the Cotter Kann. takes In the valley a well aa th bluiTa on both sides, and Is traversed by numerous ravlaes) and Uttlc strfama running Into the Salmon creek. The evidences of oil cannot be excelled in tact, are so marked, and Uie formation of the land Is so favorab e to the eiiat euceof ol , Uiat every oil tain visiting Use region says : "Kalmoii creek I Wund to equal the world renowned Oil cri ck,' and the i, eculating publlo hare shown their faiuk in It by leaslnn or bulng every acre of land frjm this ccmpany's territory to the raoutn of the Craek alout Ave miles as well aa up and down the Tioneata river (or several utiles. W This property Is situate about ten miles east of th Alle gheny river It ebounc1 with the beat description of Umber pine, cherry, hemlock, etc ,which can be made to yield a handsome revenue to the Company. Tha development of the country is rapidly progressing. A well la bolng sunk half a mite trom Uie property, two other twomilea froua It, nod the Tloneita rtvar is lined with them on each aid for o, lie -on i at th mouth ol Saltu in creek , now yielding oil and all of them giving such Indications wht'e drilling that have heretofore only accompanied the sinking of the bet well cn Oil creek. In addition t itila, th counUee aur ri unding Korest inin.ty- iiorUi, south, east, aud wuet, am all yielding oil, and give great strength to tuesupo niti m tt at Foreit ci.imty Is In Ui centro of au tmmonee baain of oil, undcrl.vli'g Uiat whole region ol oeuutry. A COMPKTKNT HITBHINTESDKNT, air. TBANK O. tVfK", who baa had four yews' etpe rionce In the busings, haa becu apitointed, and hat ojaa tiicnued operation1 -n the landk of the Ceoapany. A limited number of shares will behold at the abv mentioned subscription price, $J M per share.whioh will be full paid, and tr0,0H) applied itnmr -ItfUafy to tne dvlo. mentoftlie property. From Ui above pioaaeetua It will M ssen thai the "Cotter Firm OiH'ompany" offers udujusU InducemenU Li U use wishing to invest In oil stocks. The exUui of lh property owned bv them, over fonr square miles, th wU known prr-Ut-ilTiifs of th snrroundlog region, and th fttcibUes posscsif J Vf them ftr Ui Immediat dvl Bientoftholrterrllcr at not more than tw-ihirds tke usual cost, warrant (he Mrectors In asserting that the 'CotUrFarmOiH ompany 'will soon plac Itself among Uie Arat dividend paying OU Stock Companies 1 the) country. Subscription I" ate opened aad subeoripUous t sb capital stcek f the Company received ai their office, Xos. n aud 21 Wahtilhgtoii Building, TIUKD B1KKET, BELOW WALNUT. And at th offloe ot lt-ltmwdt I'lIILIP 1J. 1MUCK A CO., No. 305 WALNUT 4TKBKT. onAA fiKCOND-HAND COTTON SEAM iiUv'U less in ePire and for sale J v JOil.M I- H Al I'M r A f0., Mo. IU aN. FKJNT (ttreet. No V'I4 OHRNNUT STKIIB