API H J UiLJ DOUBLE SIIKKT. IMIIT ADKFilMIIA. SATURDAY. I)i:CKMHEIl 17, 18:l. rmcE three cents. EVENING TJEJLRC-M mOM NORTH CAROLINA. TOBPIDOES IN BOANOKE EIVER. The "Otsego," the "Basley," and a Picket Launch Blown Up. THE RIVER FULL OF INFER NAL MACHINES. 'THEY ARE BEING REMOVED. KiitnuiiN, Drccm'ier 13, 1 s "", I . g nib iot ex pedition sent un the Roanoke river. nco oniu- L,aue Jamcsiowii, eighty miles ii'mro Plynoutn, iunueniy rame in on unift wit'i to mo toriiel ics P'keid In thecuinnc.l ly llin HcImIs, and three boats were b!o n up. Tuo tl igshiit Wualniiivi. Conin nwler Mi" onit). srsior olli er, toon tho irso urn pasru satey trtrougu. 'J Iih o'.snjn, a (Jonlilc-entl. r, Lieiitenmt-Oom Biniuli r Arnold, followed, the boiv inee'lng wi'li on obstruction, hut which wan apparently pined, until, being struck by the stern, proved to ho a 1d,0i .,r, uthl.J. .On.. l.ln Hn !. U (Hugo, sinking her in a lew moments. 1111'. H.KHV l'l RI1FH ri Tin: UIVKK. After the blowing up of tho il'senn, tlic re mainder ol the llcot remained by her until moru lifT, when tbosa vessels uninjured ley tlm cx,J . sios, pushed op the river. S ion after C imm mh T Hacom'i dcspu'chcd on special duiv his ai I, P.iv masur Iouis Sands, ou the etoamu. W.iy.Vy, twd uus. mowmo rp or Till "lHOt.FT." Vpon arriving In the. vicinity of the up it whoro the (Vwo was sunk a torp 'do exploded un Icr the hngiry, blowing a nolo through her, causing ber to Hiuk Immediately. , Oae, until and a I) iy were killed. The oHleers and th rest of the rrew ecnpod by swimming. Paymaster Sands and Captain Amos, commanding tlio tug, air tin to the wieck of the Otsrin, wii to they wore licked up in id taken on hour. I the II tjnliismg. Q PICKET LA! NCR MOW.V IP. at Soon nftcr tho sinklnif of the Ha, lev. the steam 1 launch No. 6 was also destroyed. THE 1UVER. Tho Tte.inokc river is a perfect network of tori cdocs A lunre number hive iilrea.lv hoea 'fr taken op, and a still larger number are supposed yei to remain. ,r intK Uir.iiit. TEE LATEST EXPEDITION. Hajor-Urnrrnl lluilrr nail Admiral Por ter on ibe Oecan- l'h llctiirlnre from Hanipina'KiNuls, tto. Fortrhss Mokiioe, December 15. tt buing bow two days since the coiutiined military and navul expedition of M ijor-Gon. It. llutieraad Heiir-AUiinral David D. Porter s i led from tuis place, It is bardly to bo assumed c.o itr.ib md nes to state tbe tact now. Moreover, the eueiny stems to have known lb it surh an expedition was onftHitj hut tbo dehtiimtiua is as yet unknown. Its objective DOlnt ban been kopt noeret. The stiengtb of the lluot and force of the arny is larite enough to a complish tboohjeet soiiKhttone oi.tainfd. A'niimber of tho tukh.-I.s of war were peeked jesterday by the gunboat Jnccn at sea. Taptnr of Vnliiuhlr Nnll Work. Aetlig Itoar-Aflmlrnl Strlbling, cdniminJIng the East Gull' llloekadlng Siuadion, under duto of "Kty West Flurida, December 3, 1UUI," re ports to the Navy Department the destruction of a fet of salt works on Rocky Point, Old Taru a Hay, by deiaehinents from' the Vi'ti, Stars nni SfiiM, llenrtriik lliutsuit, and the tenders Ariel acd Wo Shteri, Hie expedition was under Acting Volunteer Xiiutcnant K. b. Mmith, ol the N in, nu 1 wis in evi ty rei-pi ct a complete success, resulting iu ilia df mull iou of teven lai e boilers and everything of value connected with the wo. its, without a lvmgiu casualty uu uur pitru Clovpriior li(tin'N SiH 1r. Dsns 1a riinrnHii. l'Miil.ti il .ttii .ni-tri.-n(rtit 44riitl Npraitan 1'rtf.Ml fr tarf totl llou. Albany, DecenitiT 16. Mr. ('. A. Dina h Cte inert llie ai polulmcnt ot luljutant-Kaneral and tlm re.ppoiu m nt of Uutin'al Siague i urged upon (jovcnior t'euton.- Likctknant Ghni:ral Grant ts Towv. T.ifuteDnDt General Grant, ace un ianied D M'l Grant and L'ea'cnant-Col nl iMnt (hro'lier O' Mrs. Grant), and C iloael II wer, of theGno nil's Mall, arrived i-f"wn la-t evening, mid ire s'opp'n at Wilutrd's? 'The (inrier.il Is In excel lent belth,aiid was in fioe spirits to-d iy over tho brilliant success of -our arms bufjro Nashville. Wcuh. ItcptUituan yettcrdiy. Bhioaiiigr-Grkhiial Tiioms C. Dkviw Tin" bxroworkiu( and saccesnfal soldier's tntrits bkve Imid te oitin.ed bv his receiviu a com nis-' sIcb as brigadier, lor which be w is breveted last summer, ou the occasion of his b inni to this city n'vtral buttle-lUgs, c iptur U bv his briide. With such men to exeeu e his i l ms, S icrid ia may hope for continued success la bis future cainpsii.'ns. IIki-ionatiok op Okvrhat. 'iniTTEwnui. M.iiiT iJeneral vlt'enden and stulf resicned d iy he line yesterday. The reison usii?ned Is tbt Mie Government ollwred liim n co ntnai I be detuiid inadequate to his rauK, In the Amy of toe I'oioin in, pni' no? mm m .i s in iratnate poMtion to junior oilicers. The tciigaatijiiB huvo bein acctp.ca. 'rl. j !. WW n nt Rvrnlug Tel urn: . f ir : My attention lias been c tiled to the fant Slbat,by mistake, my n unc bus h 'el announcid tin your paper as tbe President of the Walnut lUIaud Oil Company. As 1 do not wish to weavnnv of the umors I which lieloi e to another, I heir to sav I pntsiMi i I the nanie viioiiin tie cnat ot. Mr. An ire v t;. Ut- Itell, of the well-known hou- oi viea.rs. Cnain I bers & CuiU'll, and to add tint I inn n it now nor I have I ever been eonni'eied wi u tho ab ive- In; nied Company, nor have I ever been the owner ( one ot ltts slimes. Al.t:XANhcv. G. Cattell Fhllndelpbia, Doecniher 17, IS '.I. Nickel and plumbago have oeen discovered in Northern New Jersey. At a meeting of the Parker Fraternity in B tn lat week, it was voted to present to Pro'essor Goldwln Smith a full set of the la'e Tbeod ire Parker's work", together wiih a copy of his Ufa, by Jvun W'eisB; Tbe American Teleerapli CompiT has made arrangements to rebuild the liue froao Uesuiii lii Rutland, and to put an a new wire In ad ditlon to tbe one now la use. Tho nine coinpinv still also build a new line f ro n Brattluuoro an 1 OreesReld, over the Vermont ami Missacbasetts road to FiU'bburg, au'd also from FitcUburf to tosion, .via the FitcUhurg aua Worcester and e igricaltural rotdi. THIRD EDITION ILIGin A IMPORTANT OITICIALWAR GAZETTE. Despatch from Secretary Stantoni GLORIOUS VICTORY AT NASHVILLE. Defeat of Hood's Army. IMMENSE NUMBER OF PRISONERS. FLIGHT OF THE REBELS. The Field Coverod with Aban doned Arms. oik loss asoit thrfi: hi xdhi:. OFFICIAL DESPATCH FROM GENERAL THOMAS. Capture of the Rebel General Jaok- toii, with the Kemnaut ot his Division, and Twenty Pieces of Artillery. Washiimiton', Boccmbcr 17, ISfll, 83 j A. iM. To Major-General lix, Now York: Tli fol!nwin( olllclul report of tlut urcat victory ncliicypd yesterday by Miijor-Ocncral Tlicmas and liia Gallant tinny over the Kuticl fcrccs iintlcr Gunoral Hood, in front of .Nash ville, was received tliia morninp;. One ol the most BurprUli g circunistiutces connected with this great achievement is the small loss auffcreil by our troops, evincing, nmoni? other things, he admirable, skill and caution of General Thomas in bia disposition of the battl". In our rejoicings at tho dee;it of the enemy, '.hanlcg are due to the Almighty for Ills pro- lection to our gallant officers anil soldiers in the great couflict they have passed through. The report of General Thomn", contaiulng; Interesting details, is Hubjoinetl. ItrxpHtch from Uennral Thomns. IlEAI)(rARTr.ltrt Di;i'AltTMKJfr OF the CUMllKHI.ANIl, EUlHT illl.t lS KltOM Xill- VII. LK, ii P. M., December 10. To tho Presi dent of tho United .states, Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, and Lleutenant-Ganeral Grant: This army thanks you for your appreciation of Its conduct yesterday, and to assure you that it Is not misplaced. I have the honor to re port that the enemy has bi-en pressed at all points to day in his liue ol retreat to the Brentwood Hills. Urigadler-General Hatch, of Wilson's Corps of Cavalry, on tho right, turned the eno.ny'a leland captured a large number of prisoners, number not yet rop.iriea. m. uor-ijjui'r.u Scliolicld's Corps, next on tho left of tho cavalry, carried several hills and captured many prisoners aud six pieces of artillery. Brevet' Miy ir-Goneral S.nith, next on tho left of Major-Gcneral Schofleld, carried tho salient point of the enemy's llai with McMil lan's Brigade of M-'Arthur's D'.vlsioa, cap turing sixteen guns, two brig idier-gii:rals, and about two thousand prisoners. Brladier-GouenU Garrard's Division of Smith's command, next on the left of Me Ar thur's Division, carried the enemy's lutreneh ments, capturing all tho artillery and troops of the enemy on the linn. Brlglior-Gcneral W'6oc"s troops, on tho Fraukliu pike, took up the assault, carrying the enemy's lutreneh mciibs, and in his retreat captured eight pieces of artillery, and something ovef six hundred prisoners, and drove tho enemy within one mile of the Brentwood nill Pass. Major-General Steaduian, commanding de tachments of the different armies of tho Mili tary Division of Mississippi, most nobly sup potted General Wood's left, and boro a most honorable part in the operations of the day. I have ordered the pursuit, to be continued In the morning at daylight, although tho tr iops are very much fatigued. The utmost enthu siasm prevails. ' t I must not forget to report tho operations of Brigadier-General Johnson, In suceoasfuUy dtivlngthe enemy, with tho co-operation of tho gunboats under Lleutuoaut-Cominantler Fitch, from their established batteries on the C'uniberl ind river, below the City ol Nashville, and of tho success of Brigailier-Geueral Crax ton's Brigade, in covering and guarding our right aud rear. In the operations of yosterday and to-day, although I have no report of the number of prisoners captured by Johnston and Crax ton's commands, I know they have made a large number. I am glad to be able to state that tho number of prisoners captured yester day greatly exceeds tho number reported by telegraph last evening. The woods, Holds, aud intrenchments are strewn with the enemy's small arms, abandoned in their retreat. In conclusion, I am happy to statu that all this has been effected with but a small loss to us. Our lost does not exceed 800, and very few killed. ' (Signed) Gnoaoi II. Tnouis, f aJor-Geaeral Commanding, THEATRE of WAR in MIDDLE TENNESSEE. Sceno of the Battles at Franklin and Nashville, and Total Rout of General Hood's Rebel Army. rJr MiHMrf W iCL""ttv C S 7 " rAVTTVlIlrlTts4;, ij!2 . j ( . ""3 Al i i r rLZ Another IleNtHlrli ( liir ol fui'rnl i JuetiNoii. Vr. Naptivii.t.e, Tenn., Decemlier 1'5,0 P. M. Turing last night Hood withdrew his right. ' from the river, ami took a near position cover ing tho Ilillsboro, Granny While, an d Frank lin pikes, which lino hud been carefully pre pared for just this contingency. He was driven from the llrst line easily, but the second was very stubbornly delt-mled, and at last heavily assaulted three times before suc ceeding. It was carrlei', however, and twenty piecej of artillery, and two thousand men, including General Jackson, with tho remnant of his division, were taken. The enemy were forced back two miles, and his army broken Into two partu, one on tho White pike and tho other ou the Franklin, with a range of bluiry hills be tween them. Steailniau ami Wood pressed down tho latter, and A. J. Saiith, Sholl sM, and tho cavalry down tho former. Smil arms lay as thick on tho contested hue as tho licbcls had stood there. Hood cannot m:iko another stu b a day's tight, whilo Thomas Is In good condition to press him. We caught more wagons, cannot say the, uuinber. Everybody, while and black, did splendidly. r.nwiN M. Stanton, Secretary of W.ir. 1'Oltr Mi-AI.I.INTER. Fort McAllister, which was Cfipturol on tho llih instant by General Sherm in, Is a very strong earthwork, situated on the OoMiee river, a'mut &i.tei n miles ninth of the mouth of tbe S.tvuunah river, and about six miles from the mouth of the Ossabaw Sound. This part of tho coast ol Georgia is of that amphibious character which marks much of the Southern coast in general tho raveled and unfinished etuis of nature's woli, where sea and land keep up a mutual warfare. The ocean breaks in between Great Wassaw and Of sul uw Islands, forming Ossubaw Sound, and Into this estunry flow tho Great and I.ittlo Upcebec and tbo Vernon rivers. The laud, or rather the marsh on each side of the Ugi'chce, is almost a Jlrur d'eau, certainly' hardly rising a foot above tbe level ot the river, wtiilo at times it is entirely submerged. For miles aud miles ou every hand there is notbim: to be seen tnr these low and level Islands and islets, covered with reeds and rank pranses, save where a lustier vegetation has pushed up in occasional clumps at. tttes called "hummocks." About six miles from tho niDuth of Ossabaw sontid, near where tno Savannah, Albany, and Gulf Hailroad crosses the Ogechee, the river jets out into a promontory named Point Genesis, cov ered by one of these hummocks of more than otdinary t-ie. Ilebiiid this, bidden from tbe river, le s Fort MeAlltcr, an earthwork of im ineme strength, erected by tbo JULi'ls eirly In tbe war. Its batteries completely commanded tho river. Fort McAllister, which has Just succumbed to un attark from the land side, bad previously hid defiance to two attai ks from our naval forces. 1 he first of these took place nearly two yi ars a-o. On the 27th of January, lHiCi tbe monlior Montauk, commanded by Captain W on en, bombarded Its esrthern walls for nearly blx hours, without either receiving or doing inucu f auispe. Each appealed to tie invincible against tie other. The second and more itni'ort.iiit afnek was made on the .Id of March, lstiS. 1 he Vis-els employed in this engagtmmt were ti e monitors Mtmtauh, I'nssaic, J'ittiisi o, aud Sithunt, and tbe gunlsMSa Seneca, if'i.iWiicA-in, and I'mrn, and several Bortar-Heiinonets, This formidable f rce ra n d a storm of shot aud shell upon tbe fort for one hole day, wttu no more duninge to the Kebels than the dismounting ol a gun or two. Late iu the afierooon h" fleet ntn withdrawn, nnii jured, anil the vessels cropped down tbe stream, the Keliels coining cut on tbe pa'apets and cheering a delimit adieu. , Near Fort McAllister the blockade-runner Xaiirillt w as destroyed on the 28th of February, !Sii3, by the Muntauk. Charlustown, Mass., has so large a supply of water from her few water worki that she is talk ing of supplying Cambridge also. TO-MI'S WASHINGTON NEWS' Fpwlttl Ui spattUta lo levelling TclcxTiiph. Wariiino tok, December 17. A l.rnixl Nnlnte) for Hie. Victory. Secietiry Stanton has ordered two hundred lis to bo fired ut noon to-d.iy, in Franklin Square. The President has received despatches from Nashville this morning, announcing that the victory over Hood is complete. I eirnl Tender IterUlnn. Jnd,';e Carte r, of tho Supreme Court of the Dis trict of ('iiluinl)i ', has docidad that Congress lias the power to make a piper currency a loga! ten der for all debts. Tho decision is considered im portant. tJrncrnl Nix- rler. Tho statenicnt in Caniidian papers that the Gov. crnmetit dlsiipproves of General ttlx'i order Is asserted here to bo false. On the olhor hand, the Government heartily supports General Dix. t'iunnrlnl Rumor, There is more talk again of a large loan. It is believed that Mr. Fessenden lias not yet con cluded whut to do. , A J!iuir. nt Ihr IKItltarr Kituntlon, nic. Nothing later than the tiens of this morning lias luen received from Shermnn or Thomas. Tbe greatest confidence prevails in military circles that Hood will be compelled to abindon his contemplated raid into Kentucky, and pro bably abandon Tennessee. He is reported now to be in need of ammunition, as well as suitable clothing for his soldiers. 8ltor man's capture of Fort McAllister puts him Into Immediate communication with Dahlgren's fleet, and is in itself the accomplishment of his grand movement. Now having supplied himself with siege trains and all necessary supplies, be will begin a now operation the reduction of Savannah. It is not believed here that he will attempt an immediate assault upon the fortitica'.ions of Savannah, but raiher enveloping it with his victorious army t compel Its capitulation. Not for tbe last six months has the military horizon looked so biightas at present. Every one is couQdcLt that before tho winter Is over we shull have wrested from the Kebels several of their strongholds. AEMY OF THE P0T0MA0. Gen. VTnrrou'N onaralnlnlory AillreH. llEAimrAHTERs Firm Aumy Corps, in tub Fuxn, Dicember It, 1SH4. Mnjor-General War ren has Issued the following order, ihowing his appreciation of the conduct of the officers and mtn participating In the expedition. llEADut ATtTEKS, FiPTii AnMT Corps, Decem ber l'l, 1Mb I. Tho command having returned In in its late expedition after accomplishing suu cessinlly its mission tho destruction of tbe Wei don Ii ui road as fur us llicksford m iking forced msrebes during six days and nights, in the must inclement weal ber, the Major General command lug considers it bis duty to express to his uivl-i n commanders Hrevet Muj. Gen. Gregg, eom'd'g lid Cavalry Division; lltevet Major-Generais Gtillin, Ayres, and Crawfi.nl, of the H.hCuto', aud Hrevet Major-General Molt, comiiiaudlnir..'td limslon. 2d Corps his high appreciation and con mendation of their performance of the In structions issued to them by him. He desires that they will convey this spproval to their com mands, with such especial praise as they may diem due to individuals in their divisions. Tbe Maior-Geueral commanding expresses his thanks to llievet btigsdier-Geticral Wainwright, Chief of Artillery, tor his cttleient manage-uent of ibe artillery of tbo command; to Lieutenant Colonel A. L. Thomas, Chief Quartermaster, for the thorough manner in which he e .nducifd th trains; and to lirevet MijorVan llocklln, iOth New York Knitiuecri. for his eiliciency aud prt mptnesa in the management of the pontoon tiatu. I3y command ot Major-Oencral Wahuev. Fkd, T. Locke, Asst. Adjutant-General. FROM THE SOUTH. The Attempt of Our Prisoners to Escape from Danville Prison. CCL. ROSSIER NOT KILLED. Tho Attack on Murfreesboro, North Carolina, by the Gunboat3 in Chowan Paver. B, Etc., r.lf., Etc., Kt., K.le,, K(o. 'l'hr Attemiit to Fspspe .I'rnni lnvMlr lrlM.it. t ot.ONVI, llOSSimi, Ol" SI'W YORK, NOT MI. 1. 1. 1'. A'rcei ti, I (ioli'le l) '-nfr I'.'. On Puturdiiv last, about ono o'clocH in the afti moon, the Yankee ufHeeri conrlne l In prison No. 2, i ruinpted to overpower tho guard null escape from cnstoily. Klghtof those otlieers, at a eoiicerteil signal, seized the two sentinel on the grnnnd tloor of tbe prison, and wrested their muskets from them, at the saino t lino cnoktuf them toprevtnt their giving the alarm to the out sl.lc I'Uunli. Hut the calls of the sentinels were hem d, ami ibe oilicer of the day coming promptly to the place, ordered tbe guards without the prison lo liie upon tho Yankees, which was done. A sentinel aimod through the window (if tho p !-oii and shot the leader of the plot, when order was icstored. The otllcer shot was A colonel of a New York re gim nt, who confi ssetl he was prime mover of the scheme to break prison. II 0 is supposed to be mortally wounded. . A number of tho prisoners wero anned with sticks and clubs, and the wounded colonel as s. rts, we understand, that tbo programme was to sei.e the muskets ut the guard-home, overpower the guard, make prisoners of the Confederate Hiati s i .nicer at the post and destroy tbe town. Attnek on S1iirf're-tbra, N. ft,, by lieu Iroiu Our UiinlMmtA In I'hownu lllver. From the Richnwnii Whit heermher. We learn that tho enemy, some three hundred strong, lniided fiotn their gunboats in Cliow.in river, on Sunday last, and proceeded to Murfrees boro, In Hertford county, where they destroyed nil ol' our commissary stores, and curried oil' a number of horses and mules. l ife In Itlrhinond. (Ailiertiipnifiit from ttis Richmond .'ii'i.orr,Iiec. tl.) NOTtC'K TO TIIAVBI KliN. Persons visiting the city can bo accommodated with gout! board and comfortable rooms by up plj ing on the corner of Main and Kigluli sir -cts, next door above tho Spntswood Hotel. Price, twenn-iive dollars per day, including lodging, e ingle meals Dinner, ten dollars; breakfast and supper, cght dollars. Also a few table boarders cun bo accommodated. "I.ove Unlet the 'nmp." l.OMlNt't, Mt'I.KOHTI. RXCIIASOB COM MI8SIONRK, EXCUANUINU COMI'LIMUMTS WITH A HUHUL LAI1Y. A Rnvannnh parjer contains letters from Cap tain Hatch, tne Uel'el,and Colonel Mulfurd, the Vn ion Exchange Commissioner, to a young li ly In Savannub, from which it appears that if lovers have tbclr troubles there are also those who, even cm id tho scenes of war, wish tbem well. Tho lady hud sent sotno "verses and llower-," to tno object of her solicitude, then a prisoner at the North. This seemed like unsubstantial fare to a hun gry mun ; but it proved to him a warne to tho comlorts of home and tho society of his lady love. Coli nel Mull'ord writes toiler: Tlis letter routiilninif the 'verses aad flmvers" I de-liveri-i) iii .rsou lo vour trieail, ns n t ouiv ill it, hat t tmd him pu olt .1 and rettirneil iu Iii. hmiii,iiiid I tmsi iliut ou t live , re this itit'l tlio ptejtailru 01 lfl nmu frrmi III a f ol Hist hi. rrleiise war tliu rv.iilt uf yuur luiu-r i)iilalu lug ttit- (lowers. (turlld IMllow Shootn a Rebel Soldier lor I'lilitKliiir. Vest (lie Citirlfton Cciirttr, Dctemfttr It). Wbi'c stopping at a house near Florence, Ala., a ft w days ago, General I'illo was Informed by the Inily of the bouse that a soldi, r was ki ling her bogs. He hnmt di dely went out aud ordered t tie soldier oil. 1 he latter refusing (o obey. Gene ral Pillow lold him who be was, aud again orde ed liim to let the hogs alone. Determined not to have without a supply of pork, the soldier s'i it cue of the hogs, whereupon General Pillow drotv his pistol aud tired, killing hitn ou tho spot. Hut Hi. hi ni I oosnwhntehle his I s'riilny lieuerMl SiMrlrnll WaaudMl, hitpatch to tht Richmond Whiit. Acta ht, Diecinber l1. -In the fight at Coo suwntclile, Friday, llrigadier-Generil Girn-ell was li.idly woundid in iho side bv a shell. Not withstanding the severe wound, ha reinninod on the field until the fight cloned. Uu was brought to Augusta on Sunday. From the Itirltmontl Whig, DecemhcrU. Ve have no report of a tight at Cnosawhatchle, on Friday last, and no information of any con lict at that point since the .'list ultimo has been received at the War Department. General G.ir tt til commanded a brigade xif Georgia reserves. He was a representative from that Suite iu tho last Congress. riKliliii- on Hi 'hnrlea(on nml Navan unit Kaillrond ou laisiln). From tl Richmond IHfatch, l)Knmtr 14. TLcro was a report yesterday that a fight ws going on on the Charleston and Savannin U til road, at Coosawbtitchie. It was probablv correct, and the enemy have persistently endeavored to nialie a lodgment ou this road. feiurninfli Arnir nsfurs sinvannnli Do- nlul IIihi lii lly 1st liivaUid. From the Richmond Examiner, llf:emlir M. Tbe only defluito Information from Georgia Is ti e appearance of Sherman's army In the vicinity of Savannah. The Yankee papers Informs ui that he bad accomplished this much almost a week at'O, but of course their stutement was hassd upon what they deemed tbo probabilities of the situation. Vp to yeslerday forenoon no lighting had taken phice between blicrmau's army and tbe C'jri fi derate troops in tbe defense of Sivanoaii. General Hardee commands the latter. A con temporary piper speaks of Savannah as "iu fested." This is not the case. Savannah is no more "Invested" than It'ch n t nil, and we have no evidence that Ic stands In the h ast danuer, either from assault or siege. An clhcial despatch of yesterday mentions that Shermau had "developed" his army near tbe town; but that does not signify that bo will go Into trenches. Savannah has a triple line of Uelcusts. MILITARY KSirllrNIANH IV CAM. t'OKMA. San Fhamcisco, December 10. Measures are being taken to raise a regiment of veteran volun teers on this coast, to servo in Hancock's new corps. The rtln storm in this State still continues at intervals, although none of the valleys have yet been flooded. Largo tracts of agricultural land are submerged. Tho Hlmi of WevBMln. Ram FuAKCiaco, December 10. J. W. Nye has been elected as the second Senator from the State of Nevada, CITY DmXLIQENCE. Stat or Tuunosim, T-r.it.-.1ii A.M., 11... Noon,4l. IP. M.,,oj. Wlnd.N. NW. Finn tii is AiTKtNOON The alirm of fire) about a quarter before l o'clock, originated at the puperwanho so of Charles Knigh', it , N j. 6"'i1 Commerce strret. The flames wee first discovered in thr rear portion of tho second s'nrv. anrtbnrnext tlirouch liro the third fl or. The flrn was con lined to the ti l il lloor. A henvy smek of paner on hand suilered considerable dimsgn. The ln ater portion of the stoea on the first lloo- was tfiiHvid, althongh co'iiderble dasnnre fro'U water whs sustained. The damage could not be ascertained. Dbath or an Vnknowh Mak. This monilii'; a iepcctable-Iookltig old man, aged about fifty die years, was discovered at Eighth and San bmu sheets. He was In an exhausted condition nml was taken in charge by tbo police. By the iiid of the i Ulcers he walked a couple of squares, ' ut dec niing exhausted lie hud to ho carried. I'pon arriving ut the Slat ion lloue he died. He was drisscd In a li; ht-grey nut, brown vest, link pv. y pants, gaiters, aud bud a bov el and rule iu bis pocket. Pmioi un pKisoNi-.ns Colonel Pennock Huey rd Captains J. T. TlggoU and Willlurn A. Dally, all officers of tho eighth Peunsylvania Cavalry arrived in this city ye-terday from the South, having been paro'ed bv the IUbels. Captain Daily whs captured on the 12th of October, 1803, while Colonol Hueranil Cantata riglttitt fell Into liebel hmds on the 2tth of June of the present year. These gentlemen have been confined in prisons nt Charleston ami other ' points Hf the Sontb. and daring their confine ment Buttered every manner of cruol'y. Akrestkd. This morning, Frank Kelloy and John McGncken were committed to prison to answer the larceny of lend and copper from s iHeloiy in Harrii-on street, Nineteenth Ward. Fotnin.iNO. An infant three weeks old was found yesterday afternoon In the vestibule of house at' No. S07 N. E'ghteen'h street. It was ' sent to the Almshouse this morning. Attempted RoiiiiKiiY.cileorge Donnelly wast arrested yesterday on tho charge of attempting to rob a money. till-at Broad and 8hlppen streets. He sneaked into a store, and was abnt rifling' the money drawer when h" was discovered and fli d. An officer who was near by nw and pur sued him. He was enptured, and committed to prison by Alderman Lutz. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Omcu oe Tea Evrmsn THf.naitlr-it. i Mfttiird.y, DerotutHir 17. Gold is excited this morning, and prices have declined about 7 per cent, siueo last evening, un I'cr ihe glotlous news from Generals Thomas and Sherman, opening at 2:12.; fell otT and sold at 2:il at 11 o'clock ; 228 ut 12 ; 2274 t 121 ; rallied, ami sold at 228 at 1 P. M. .Market wotk. Money continues easy at about f inner rates. Loans on call are freely offered at flf'iS per cent, per annum. Prime nicrcantllo paner, as we have noticed for some time past, continues scarce, and is quoted ut 7("'J per cent. PHILADELPHIA HTOt'K EXCHANOE HALES, Hilt. IT. Hiajorun by Clarkson Co., Brokers. No. UI 8. TtiUd St. UtClOUE UOAKUR. K'.vvi ), Wslnnt Is...U .1 1 IKI.Ii Kr-Unr.. ...... IV llA lll do c II I UK) ill Koadlug tt.c.tp S9 FIRST llOAItU. S'rrou. B. 10-40 irrj i MKI ilo li I .'in It H t-'jin imS f II Hi Pullll ot II I?,, i S.'riOCIty Un. nsw.ctp Wi' l(i (i ('.mi. A Us ivl..llll I IV.'. h lamwf u s 7t o s ti ilo l'P nr. rirert Ol! 3 Ml nh Man s Mil S7', limsli Kr.ii.liu ... .ilO.ll do. 'li sh tf 'hl nil. twin lim it Wohutb, l'Mish ferry Oil.. PMsli do Is, tl a 4 V HIS'lh ' M tl'. inn an Bnln .ep Ad 4 011 Co... llosll d-7.. Mi h Trr K at lni.h 1'iiion 1 tii 'Jiosh d (Btti.ti do b m M0 ah Dnmuors..bll0 Mil lb di HO .11 IXIell Oil.... Him ill di Jhi sli El Dorado i. .ii r iu na ia....iii ti h City lank I in 1 li N Omral o4 If iih do ftiv ItOsi, Ctw R. ...... Id IOU stl Areh St. R ... IH'f iv.bii aana nssn a Quotations of tho principal Coal and Coal UU stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : Kid Mk. H44 At. VS V.lfrankllnOtl Ij, .. fnlton Coal ft ik Moutlisln Coal. N.V.A Mid. Coal.. Green Hi. Coal... . N. (Isrhondale tie Creek toed fir DaluCoai.a Msmtsri. Venocuey Iron... '-4' II tlutia fc,aiif OIL. It, 12 ' lsulnu nil lifniinors. . 2Ii.iza.iOu HV 1 MtiKlhcny 6-IM 1 I 0'intAd a 7'iJ NorlerVlJtjJsunttr.i . i .i I II 1 onneeticut 1 I-lU ,'aiHiory fum. . IU II1IIUSUU . Kfy-loiif 7,!nc... W Bruner IU p n eiNior uu., 1 ' Petroleum (tr. . S i,' Kulsirl U S'.'lloiis Inland V 7' Cnrtln H JIT, I'hll. toil Creek.. IK :i2 an l P ft Vi Hlu Tnitk. CnnttnmtinJ , OH Creek... .... 2-HI Manlt? hi nl 011.1 .. UcChDriTk Oil..,. V I ei)iifiv)vjiuia ret . .. l'arrv Oil .. tinml Oil V1.' KtMKtonr oil )'i I' hi In. A Tldttout.. iit Vit ii'.n City.,, . ..4 ltevri tie 3,' (irent Vi'Htcrn...a li ItntiHiea Island... 1 W he rtu an i Iiuiikairil 1 .Mlnti ri !H Vcnanurxtll '. o., .uuriHaiiia l a I corn eiaauir 4S Hriims J'i Hisik Oil i ilipoer KooTiomv... Ji il'rw.lmit lalauu...s a '2 Klilorado a 9 ilia at. N rJiol.s a 4'44 .. ,Tarr tloniuatu.d.. o t t'.id.cii a .. 1 iKrotrw IV 1'. Cow Crta k J 4 iChcrrv Ioih Bliinhiirv f. V 80 j" I'nlnn I'erroleusU-i .. HeacuD nu........ .. 3 1-lti Turi'0 linn. 1 1 'Me.Crea . 'Ilisrry IH Hi.h a OH 7 iiuriiinif np.iug On,uile On. . 11 It; Qnntatlnns of Gold at the Philadelphia OMd F.xchunge, No. 31 S. Third street, second story : 10 A. M 5124 12 M 228? 11 A. M 2il 12J P. M 227A IU A. M 22M! 1 P. M 22k HI'S A. M 230 I Market excited. Dk IlAvrx Bao., No. 20 S. Third street, quote as follows evmnt. American Gold.... 226 228 An cricao Silvei, 4's and 4' 211 Dimes and Half Dimes 205 Spanish Quarters 200 Penn. Currency 4 dis. New York Lxchanc 1-10 " i ills par. Markets by Teleurup". Nbw YoitK, Deecmlier 17.-toeSS are lower; Cbiaano and Bock Inland. ll'i C'ihiiS ia" S-frrd, 43': lllluola lulrl, ian aluliUan s.ali..rai, (-Jalido. ; vii..nilile..l, US; "Itve V.., k Vnirai. 117.', i Ks.li., 1 17 ( lliiil-oli Hiver.llll; i'aiiton Comnanr X Hri. IM; On year C.rtini aKa. 97 , I'leaaBT 7 sua. 1 Te.-iorty C..epon. 1 J' : Kle iweutv C"UK.na. Vfi ; Cou,ioo us, , lKJa it'oM opiuail at ml. " ''" am. dua med lo Ii7. nrvi York, Drcember 17. Flour has declined , f IO ' ' ol 7(K srrla at S!e7l until IU for at'; SI I'll 12 Id' Olilol ' SIU 7ttlftl)r oiitlir. Wlnat I. ,Lj t lower, wldi sot ih sal... Cora ijuieti sals uii nip. riant p.rf ataiaoy Pork haavv; aalP. o( 14 Icrria al $t 7AW40 lor Meas. Lard dull. Wluaky Sraa, i ai2. , . The birthday of the rrineo-s Eiyal of Fngland was duly celebrated on the2JstofNc vimber, at All-SaiuU' Church, Windsor. The foundation stone of this building, which is In the ' psrish of New Windsor, was luld by the Crown- ' Princess cf Prussia, on the 21st day of Novera- , ber last year, the anniversary of ber birthday, i the Princess being then accompanied by her Jios- band; Princs Frederick William. IMP'S saaaj.