The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 16, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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    Fill OA V, DhCtMUKIl 1', IS'M.
. "r none."
As a brro, ri a mlro-ir of mlilic wr m.'
Uuribulili ii wull Known In tliu wnrlj. but IVw
huve ini'!ra c:l lino lit imur lii'r, Mill otivtiol
those over -rrrurrirrf Iraiti wli.ili shur wbitt n
niftn K far mmo than ti.i' f.n-'.s which ivill livt in
Iiif.torr. V'Mj :in nil i mi h.,v.- -avo 1 nit lnue,"
sulil Ciri' iiii tn mi , "fr.ini Mi nvtii cr-
tions; fiT vim Yww th .it at very r ri nt iln'p lie wiihinK lor two tr.niM n .lay. I; n Ui
lirothcr diul In 1V, ami I o it
francs n li'tle Imtui.e tn w lmt' w.ul-. wrro
fpif. With ft Miiull ;ior:ton uT t.ns 'uiv i.ii'n ml'
tniplil hare itiu Imm iI a pr.iviii. o in Sanlinla, Imt
ho pri fried the nuiituile of an Islaiul, bought ft
piece of land in Ciprera, and lirlm;inK oyer with
lnni his daticliter Teresita, livrnliy t tip hii
tci t. Mis. lui'.irtxin, an Kiif,'li"li lady, wnne
time resiiln.t dure, t"Ok rlii-tye of li.T.inu.
fruoii the t. ut was i lor a wooden limine,
which, In ( iiiiisc ol linif. tave i.ln. e to a toy
rooms ot ordinary Mi'itcttirr ; and so tin! hou.-e,
wLn liwill he liir.a the o ,i ct of a pi " i;n o(n
to ninny a lurt)-uoiliiiiur, urtw into us im-ieu:
"The Midline of his tinull propjrljr O.i rl! oitdi
lent to ftcoiiMii at Nice, and when Uii rylanye
died I In- executor inado nome dillienl'y iiohh
the I'ayuient, an die llivieral, wi h hit ii-n il Min
ple UUMtiiliiu-s, h id take.i no iickuim IciUincnt
for it. 'I'r inf il'yoiiniil,' - ikl he, 'or r 'tun
it ; I hail not go t.i li'.ve'niit It ;' an I linaliy it
w.i n funded. 'It is a haireu and unl.iiidlv foil,'
aaid my trlin.l, 'n that of ('iim r.i.' Tho form i-tionl-of
hard granite, and w liare Sent up ;ri.
mens of it to l.iyli rn for sale, bat as yet thero
him bom no il. inand. The island i-juu'liiTn
ii. ill s in ciri iiiuieicnee, is riiiwd in tho extreme,
though the highest i lcv.ition n not innro tn m
7'i0 teet. Game there in in abundance; wild
anses arc fonnd upon It, and tisli swarm around
the coiikt ; but a compatntirdv small p irtion of
Ciiprera ad in i in of cultivation, and the winds
which sweep over it destroyed almost cyeryiuin
In the thai i) of a tnij. Suti it must liar,-ha .n
in tin hiieil lJ a Koman rounr, for mini have
been found, and coins of the ago of Consiantine,
yhh h ' tny Geiitral' tfavo to an i'.nir Mi Rentle
man. On so unpiumiMnir a spot ( set to
work, and perhaps the very diil'.cultici ho had t.)
encotin cr uiHtu interest to the up it. Already it
produces com ciiounh tu supply our family,
which ordiuanlv's of forty, as poor fol
io ere are always ti.miiitf over, and they are
neycr turned away. A lew olive and (if? trees,
too, have been plained ; but tney are stunted, as
the foil h not genial, and the winds tormeut
them. Flowers we have none, as the (ienenil
ays a potato iB worth moio than a (lower. Hero
the Ueueial works with us, and no work hard,
too, for we tnut earn our bread. Vu have a
mill in tho i-laud, of three horse-power, and
Menoltiand I have tiio superintendence of nil
the arrangements. Apropos of the mill, I
will tell you an incident which will make you
Mnile. Mctiotti and I were each of tis carrying
up to it a bairel of water on our shouldurs, 'ii,
ono morning in the spring of lSij:i, Count T ,
who was staying wl:h us, met us, and Introduced
the Duko ol , who had jut arrived with his
I yacht. The Duke looked puzzled, as we were, to
all appeiirani es, tno faechini; but, putting down
our burdens, e went up to annouueo the new
' arrival. 'I cannot receive hlin,' sid Ciaribaldi,
'for I am too unwell.' Ho had taken one of Ins
customary doses that mornini;. Tho request was
urged again. 'Hut how can 1 receive tho Duke
when I refuted to soo I'epino tliis morning?"
Mow, Tepino waB a goatherd, who had couio to
acknowledge tonne kindness. Menotti, however,
at last conquered his lather's scruples, and tho
Duke was admitted; but I'epino was scut for im
mediately alter.
Nothing can be simpler 'my General's'
mode of living, as ho is generally contented with
two dishes, ami tho-e not luxurious. We make a
?rcutconsuniptionof eggs, reserving our fowls for
oreigners. When the Duko came we bad a testa.
If we kill any beast we suit down what is not
eaten when Irtbb. As lor wine, we do not drink
any, partly from economy. At ouo tinio we drank
little, but when the l'olisli devolution broke
out, it was roso vod to abstain altogether, and to
give the proceeds, amounting to about litty francs, to the good cause. How matters are
held together, however, It is impossible to say,
for Garibaldi spent every tanning of what re
( mained from his brother's fortune on the Nea
politan llevclutioc ; and you well know that, so
lar from proliilng by a position which placed
everything at his disposal, he paid four francs a
day for his dinner like the others, when lodged
in a princely palace, lie lives literally on 1'rovi-
uuuee, uuu i ruvioeuce lakes euro or into, no is
entirely careless ot his own ease or comfort. Ho
teems to take no thought' lor food, l'rovl
dence, bowcrer, watches over him. Tho
English have sent us large stocks of pro
VIsioDs foups, biscuits, and other articles;
whilst the quantity of linen that arrived when
he was ill was immense. When he has been
traveling, friends, without saying anything to
liim, have subscribed together and paid tho
bills. He is the world's bouefactor, ani the
world treats him anils guest. If anything it
required to be dune iu tho house, carpenters
or masons are km from Leghorn. Some two
or three years emie, workmen wero seut from
Sicily to culiivato' his ground, and they have
remained ever since, though Garibaldi has never
taken them into his service. Even tho steamers
which run oiue a week to Madelena aro placed
at his disposal, and fan commission! executed
at a labor of love. So active a man as It 'my
General' I never met. I never taw him Idl.
Even if he has a cigar in bit mouth be mast
be doing something; he makes regular baro
metrical observations, and one of us everyjerening
liotet them ; every plant he sets in the ground
ho registers. With all bis mental absorption,
and his great bodily activity, his tenderness on
occasions is extreme."
To stand by and see tho wreck of "a system" is
one of the mot dismal spectacles in the world.
' The most marvellous thing it that tho uhlp
goes to pieces in a few miuutcs. There it ttout
English gcntltnian, for Instance, in a rich brown
wig, and a flowing white waistcoat, who has dis
covered "a tystt m," and hat come to play it. We
may suspect that be has boon a good deal
"knocked about," and has rubbed up against all
manner of claracters ; for ha talked in French
and German with a fluency that more respectable
people do not attain, lie has his fixed place on
the croupier's right; baa a little volume on
gaming, beautifully scored in black and red lines,
and has, besides, a black crop-ban e J, tiliukling
eyed aide-de-camp, whoso iiuty it is to do hur
ried arithmetic, and lay down the money. Before
the chief is to be seen a most inviting and varied
pile: two fat rouleaux, three heaps of golden
double-Fredericks, und three or four heaps of
heavy double-florins. Every morning he comes,
and a gaming menial secures his place for huu,
nccoriling to the formula, by laying i. bit of silver
on a card, and there he sits from eleven until
about two.
The system consists of beginning with a c-iu-pie
of florins. It he win, the same sum, and a
little more, is put down on the other color; if he
lose, double it put down on the tirst color. Gene
rally ho Ion s for, lay tluce or four turns, but
then all would come right again. The system
nourished. Eeople began to talk of the burly
Eiiglikhman und hit system ; and it was known
that he was winning steadily and surely about
forty napoleons a day. It was hard and severe
work, but it waa sure, and bo was content Willi
small gains. Once or twice came what fast men
pleasantly called a "squeuk." I.uck seemed to
take pleasure in "dodging" him, aud as often as
lie chin L-cd his color it ptirp.'si-ly change 1 (no.
liiielmilh In arithmetic grew compile itc I his
hii'l.nie.n inn ai le-de-cii'np l,a I toil;) largo sums,
aial at la-t lem-hrd live hundred ifi.-ius, which
would be i nc thousand two hundred and f r;v or
so the nct t me. It really did com- 1 1 that, and
llic biiny Ini; l-biu in ens pel a little as he
staked. Hut the iisjlit cof r ia:nO up and ho Has
It went on for a f 'itnight, when one morning I
en me In inst as he had cot into one of these cri-es.
Itasi 'i:ht bundled lionns. It was two thou
am1. The aide-de-camp sagi'nt"il. The lender
is white in il icd wiih nv'iiaiion. He lias to visit a
rivale bank iu Irs br('Hst-po. Ui t, and tikes out
lU'tln.g notes of a thousand francs. Ho loc
ainin. More Holes more mi j. Ho h is to
abandon the sy'em in contn:on. The whoV
ting is over in ten mu.utrs. 1 he ship g es to
pieces sytciii, numbers, c ileul ition, anle-d''-c-iiip,
even ibing is smept under, and tn a few
n c I els mine is beard the la'al shtiek of Hi foot
of il.e chair viob-ntiy pushed fii k upon tlia pul
isln d lloor. The ennipieis, ho h ive had inti
tule triiiiiile duiing the lortMch! announcing his
cnii illations, grin and chuckle as In' goes; but I
sei their snpi rintcndi nt stamp his foot angrily,
and "gronder" them through hU teeth. Tim de
cini ics must be kept tip, and wo must respect
iiiisfoitune. The po r burly 1 .nglishiiinti and his
ami- are cen no more; but this is the old, old, ttio
very oldest story. All the IVur llnuml.
JjlNltV Al'l'lib,
No. 'iO.i H. Wutor hti'wt, lhnw Wnlum,
i mi n. i fin v.
In.itU'rn Hrn-lv and W hi' '"nuk, find Vlntf of w.irlr.
nuu'f ni uM mix) U"w stun, uiwuv on h inJ-T m.e lo
(' piekr1 In hphfaln f ir iMppiriK. AU k o liof
truiiinlfui piiMi-tudlly att-MwJM to. 1 1 '.".)
11 7H "iu WAI.M T MTliKKT, l.KI.OW TniHD,
i. 0 H. TniRt) TIT.
JJAlll'illl, KUllNEY A. CO.,
,. 85 8. TniKD 8TRKET, rtHladoloHI.
flincliR and Loans h,n:ht and nll an Conunltilon. (Tn
urrent r.snk Knus. Culn, Ac , li.mtht sii.I .i,l. Hi:!l
tttcntlsn pnll tii me purchwo ana ilo of Oil Missies,
litixiiltt Mculved, puit Iatvnct ailuwod, as pr airrfe
mont ll-U-Jia
vt xo. ai) s. Tttnro STB :et.
ixele.Staeai.Qnartomitstart' Voachtn and e'hs-Jei, tni
all Oovaiimsnt isucurltles Boimat aud 8old. mill ItHON A CO.,
No. lil 8. THIRD STREliT,
Government Pecnrttle, of all Issues rreaed and trtt
Sale. Stocks, oad, and oold Bought aial dold on Cota
ColleottonlProni'ttjMd. fni-t
U. S. 10-40".
JAY COOKB A CO.. rou bale tub
ndeemaUa any time after TEN YP.&K4, at the Aleasure
of the Uoreramrnt, and payalilo fOUTT TE.Uta allur
I Miued fortius Loan, of tame denomination as the o-30e.
Too tnloreat on tons and tltKJs payablo yearly ; oa all
oilier dcaom'sallons, half yearly. Tn 10-40 boiuls are
dated March l,ltM. Tb hau'-yearlj' lowreit falllatdu
Hepieaiber 1 and Maroh 1 ot eadi yeart an HI 1st Heiei
oer, ttio aocrued lnterost from 1st of Marea U reiiuireid u
be paid by purchaaext In oia or In i.iual cvaaiscr, add
Ins ofty proent. lbrpnmJam, nuul fan Uer notice.
JAY & DO.,
Dehi-tf No. 11 8. T1I1KI) STHKKT.
QfKicia roil Tim
Tha Bubtriihers haTtnf ben Cht tWetuM Bidden for
a portion of th VRW 6-X) BIX ITU CENT. (JOLU
BEA1U.NO LOAN. anpfpared fcooilw U ea Urxi
(mi to their eiitonm, In Uri or tmafl ftmoRnU.lo
BoikU of oa of pO. MOi, AuUf, vod UJ0t,
both regljtwtd and eouponi.
TH IuttrMt ooaunenoi on th lit ot BTovambcr D&xt
tuid Ii pMtfaU la gold, Miol aaatwUIr, om tt Ut of
aad lSovantor
AH otkwUovwnmeBt RfteoriOM Oft lund and fcrialo,
Jul bftftnaatioa ghrea oonoernlud tnTWUttojitj, at our
otHea, ,
II It PUUddlphla.
100,000 siiAnr.s, f.m kaiti
raMHi di'Nt,
JAM ttfl X'M11I,.
J. l. KKlftBortl.
7w prfprjr tf tlitl O-i-n-iT ( l in VinAiii nintv.
r k tc;.i-Tfd lo bo ii ..u uil tcrru.ii a m
Oi urtr
bi I. On (bnrth mvnitT lii'-"t In tltr.- n-i
li.m1rtd nrd rv j.t. h- of Linl, lifting Ihr M - MinfN x
Urm-p, Ktimtid At lh- pinrn.-a of oil tY.'fc. flu-rr.T
Bnn Th Iraf i'W re lilil by rnrrjif'.h- ah i
iv.iifib'ti trn. Ttifli" In a tiowiiif 9' mrnt:k -n u,
H th il Ot(oKr, i ni'? v : Ip 14 burr l j rr 0y,
wtih a iif..ii priip'fi nf Urpt inr. Tnyro alto a
immrinic jii'liitTu; ut. r no Larr-i. inrri'miim .inly,
nl II n undi ntlv tN'ti-rt Ul tiffoini lar.- iiwh'k
alt. 1 lirsw ottifr wiU k nar.y tonii !f .1, on JS fii
dcrp. Ill In third nd Tort, one .') f-l d--f ; oli
frrl drr, nit llirnii b tlio i hlftl fftlld , ard n mly rnr
hf rrglne. vhttu fl n the ffTnnd, and mth T jiiNl
mptircd, mi aJ of wni h oil Iiak irovdy u fotin 1, and
will l.f , It U f ti)Pie1. In a tVw oaM, liirK'rlr pro iM.'tn-,
OiAkiiiK ii wtll" conipii t-M nd 1q artlvo pmcMi tf em
pirtlnn. rn thU terrlt.jry tinT i room ftr twWt or ilx
ttw n wcUi, and, from tua cliarririw of Uio lene i, will b
rioTt ioprd mi'liJ) .
Ho. 'J Ona lialf 'T of uTound In tin' cfntrt tbi ahora
trnct, irin f1 orttvtonlijr br tl. owner ai Mi rtdwitr,
and on which It ttuiidi. Thli li a fee itmple. but mhiMt
W oiic-fi)urtti of Die 'HI produced from It. The best J ad.;
pronunnre Ihit half iti to b a trrMvtf olt terrlior as
anf on the rrmk, aud wbilt tha ( iuany eipol to dva
to at rapidly a posit bie torth benrfliof thr ntottio.dArs.
Xo B. tn-third workinn In ere, la throe and one-half
aen on Oil t'rok, altaated furtlirr up, adiotnitur tha
widow llet'liuto k farm and a favorably Uicatvd ai
Mo. 1 and 2. On Uili property Lhtro li a m w well, pro
dnehK 30 barrel oi oil (Sally, and lcereatniT, Another
well In profre of boring, and protfTnkr tattifitet.rllv.
Tim property li nurrptible of uroator dovel 'I'taent, nn
promlsea to be larnely produ tire.
JTo. 4. Two tiundn-d and rn aerei of land In fr ilntp'o
on ntJirla Creek , thra mllei fioin tht Ar;heny ltir,
and urmnnded wlih w Lit, aWoady dwelod aud ti''ce
ful. A lare porliud of tin farm Ii boliered to be god oil
N. r, A valuaJde tract on Stuart's Run, roiitajnta?
about thirty arret. I til I reardi d a on: of tho moat
dun Irab le regioni ootalde of Oil Creek and CJben f Ran.
Pete raleompaale bare couniLL'ed"perationwlUi hU,ily
trnraMe proKpectl.
K". 6. A valuable tract n and near Tnbi Run, whloh
ampttt-a Irto tlie AUehrny Hirer, on tlie aait aide, about
one rule above Tlonoata Villaae. Kevrai raviitoi pa
tiTonjth tbti property, and there I ro nil derail of good
timber on It. Xor-tin why It hoall not pruve to be good
oj territory.
ho. 7. A valuable tract on Ttonetta creek, imt atove
Larev Mill, oo the it ft hand nJ of tho enek , eontam
Irtfiabrnt flny acrtu, with aa many rod an Uie crrelt.
Indteittona (or oil very favorable.
Ko. H. A valuable tract on TUnrta cr.iek, jiwt aba re
the laat di irrlbed, ramtalnina about fifty acrea, and about
Ofty rodi front on the creek.
No. 9. A tract of territory on and atf iolnttiff a run whieh
e pile into Hemlock creek, abont flva mllea from Presi
dent, and nearto the property of the Pre'fd-'nt Petrolnim
Company. It contain about two hnLdred aerei, part won
timbered, the balance believed to be good oil territory.
No. 10. A valuable tract on and near Ttthoie Run, aboat
one mile from Uie A Ik- deny river, and nearly opposite
the celebrated Ptthole Creek, which li now rf ardnd wild
much favor. Tbla property contain ahont twenty-nre
aerei, part well timbered, and there are uood re aeon ft
belie.vl.ig they 111 prove 0d oil territory.
Immediately on lotna Into" oiKiratlun thi oomoany wlf
t e In th receipt of ay AO barrel o f oil iw i day, which
at $10 (It I now lliriK t Vi), will he a rtaiLy
$r(ort,or $ls0,tX)0 per annum, enabling the eomp&iiy
make dividends of net Ua thau three per rant p- r rninQ
on the Inveatmont fK-in taa beginning, wltit a gvod pre
peat of a large increase.
It U believe 1 that no oil company ha been formed with
mort' rortaln pronpt-ct of yeti'ia. Only a i.miiu'd por
tion f the itook li o tier i' d at 9b, aa tie corporator tnA
tiiLtly bvliiTe that In a very ahort tune the Hock will be
worth mnch mora than par.
A the compaiy relic mainly on the drat doacrlhed
property lor their pietent Income, the following report,
made by a committee of gentlemen appointed to ina-e the
examination, U inbiclitt-d :
Tae onderaigned committee, appointed to esamine the
property ot Uie Mct'hntoek Kserve Oil Company, rep a -fnllv
That liiey rave thorohly eiamluet th John Mella
tock Beaerve, nitnaKd at the junction uf 0(1 r,f"'k ami
Cherrr Ran. The property ilocnted on a baotlfjl blurT,
admurabljr adapted to borlnrf. 1 her at U well flnislied
anH In progrec. Cue well, which tad been yielding a hoot
forty barrel dully, had sat'denly Ineread tonne himdred
and forty barrel, and waa flowing at about Uili rate oa
our vu It. Auotuer well, represented a yield a,; v enty
five baireti, wm pumping at ttw r.iie of eightv to ninety
Larrel, and the Intelligent luperlntendent and leu wm
eaiigame tn the expertaUon that in a ihort time It would
become a Cowing well, and ive a much larg'-r yield.
Ttw-ae two wella are but a few week old, aud uave ery
iodU aiion of hcomnlog very large well.
Three other well are In proceai of lortnr, md wiU ba
flmaned oa or before the flrttl of January i and from the
Indication, we bullet they will all be laritly prodnetlvo.
One other well wa iuat commeucod, and will b paMiod
rapidly to oompJation.
The whale of the property, exoept the half a ere on whlea
the bcnirU;td atAnd. ha been leased, and il in tae hand
of t iptrtenced and energetic aaeo, who wi I apar no aaia
or expense to develop Ihr property in th bt oiannar, and
In the aherteat ponible lima.
Th derrkki, homtei, engine, leoli, etc , are ai) new,
and tha beat of their kind, and In irjlont order, giving
vi ;iue OJ' the aanful aupervutouof the owner of Uie
We have no doubt Uat tha Company latere at one
rourlh royalty now about flftr-flve barreU per day, which
at 110 la V'h'-O.wUI ba greatly iMraaned by the nrt ea
Jaaaary a it, aa a tha lad will admit of twoty wella
helag bared opoa It, a geed idaa asay be formed of
taamaaae yield whieh will re art wheat all are finished.
Tha heruesiead oacaplas half aa aero from whh th ;
Company wtilrecetva threo faerthiof the oil if Uty werfc ,
It.aadwhUh year eominltwai atxoMly reeonunead ; II
would not be lorprliing H thU ta.ereal alone ihoald.befcera
the etpiratien of a year, reollae aa iacesaa of levaral Iama
dr4 ha rr la par !y.
The enLtr property eonslsta of a .HUeover fonr aTs,
with a lapcrtor dwelling aad good bars aaea It. Krom
IU proirinliyto Cherry Sua, and IU pace liar InaaUon,
together wath th fact that the property aad not boo fooad
to ba aBected by other well In tha Immediate halghbor
aood, we aa Ud w Ue eoavleaon that it a oa tha aooat
dasttevbia irvperti oa Oil Oreelu
Year res paetfnli,
J. D. &CIJTDOT1L Va. iM Waimat sleoi.
TihtBA MeaJILLAaT, 5o. 06 Stawin ecroa.
U-t-mwftw W.H ItTJABliOf,Mo.OOhtaAotit.
(JI OihlMlHM101ff,
Iry UiiAUii J. BO TO,
i tea Ko. la a. raiau buoc
I'M 1 1 Ait-1 I mi . lrr-"nbT I'ljlil,
r,ld Prnvnt will . rr. "t eil at I'm utrtce O-itll 11
'. l-ck M.. M'KDM.Mi W, I "f nut., r Jl, l ,,r tl,e
t' in cdirtte dH'M'rr nt the V luted .'.aics .1 rtie,i,
liano r Hn m i t ? t, or
n.NK PAVI 'Si.
T'i he n-it in tl !..-( in. inn. -r. oT ; , iu:iirr'n d'i V ,
T"t ijtiainv. am.v atnn. :ifd. '.'it by .0 tr.-t. wtn-ii
'i i i li d. mi (J iil'ic't tn tn in -pf . t imi ui hh lnirrti-, -p
itmoii on tliC piiit of tl o tiO' 1 1 nun ut. Pttiui'.ci , din k
Mnii1iT 1 11 Mtate i-nr both In rlMnn nud lUurea, thn
i iiuity Ltd f. r anl t mi' ot .;ilntij, I'mc lulm'uj!'
p i k i.. ft and itftU tr .
V li but Bum in ciinrimti i d bv n"p.inlble pf-r-..iii,
li-" -u-t;i'hi . ti.i,,! .,- ,ij p. ud.'. t tn tin1 irn.ira-i
t e. m.d i-cittht d in it b. iiiw t-.i.l und Miili. nt u- V
f r toe nut. nut invi-iv d. bv trie l-'lttl a'o t -!
i c t . 1 1 1 1 1 ki i , a 1 1 1 1 1 . ' v , i r ..1 .v'lT, .r i.t -i p'ib.ic otii. i.r,
ft "i1" lie b.-t urn n t (-..nodf-rd
I'M'- hi I i.r.Mi.. r.-i.'. a'l Li I tf dei'ni.'d t-M
..ll,ll l n bd l r-tn n debt ntuuf v-nitr a inr will bo n
. i - .1
li' I t m t..!iei IIKIJM AN UI'.t.M.t Mpf liart.T-
i .
CfiU'.i.r I: .KMK,
' ' ' rap'.itn -i-'d A ST
I'm 1 1 m.i i iui , Vn , u-, i r 14, 1 s;t. Pn.p..sii vlit b" iM.iinl a tina uth.'O unll
1 Wk M , M "Mi Y, I). ."i.biT l:', l-t.l I.. i iiumoil...',.
iVlllr.y R tl,..'.l Muli M iM.'tli'll.'-. M1i.tVtT ll'ie t
l r-, i r. pr.t pa. kd, M-ndy :tr 1 1 aup r in l ion , ui ihe
I 'bliW'M Rl i , )..,, VI. .
!' Ii. mt .Uui-Tk.
'M IliH. r i bntr.
' ' . r !,. tn I v t!',- -t ,ui1fvt an I .ii'.-
u t t' tf. ,ti.p,'.'tt.'h i n !ut)t i'lor n' l'i'intt d -in u.q aii
tL- t...i run. 1 1.
' r.iol'i. it h'(.t,' pit b.'Ih 111 w!:!fiv nnj ll,nrc,
an tli MiMtitli v (...I !..r. and ibe n d !iMin , pn iu
ii ' lii,: , ai.d d- h trv.
Y at it i.kI mti-i hi- t; ii ti iiitiT.1 b 1 wi r--r nsl.'e pi-r
"t 1. , ri'titi' initt in- up'iiMhii-d t.i-. h ttt.tM .
tfi1, ( w i -! t. a-I'.ipk V'H'il ntt i mil airnily
lor (),, ini.nuiit inv.m t Ui" t'nit'd ; iti d's ri. i
i'.iii i-. a't ri'f .,.r. or hUmt p-ibiic 'tit .'r, otiier
t I nt i., ii.i b, , dn-.:d. i.-.t.
Tie tli M t.i ii-f i ,i tn rr t- i Ail hi.! ib vuw.J tm
' 'I ii t' I it.iiu a ii'-!i.i.:inif; i iitrmmi v L in- it.
l.v r lot ot
Ciil n-e! MKKV K V IHlV.S,
t b l i.M fli HTina-t.T.
i.hh;i.i; a. m; k,
! 't Ctcl.tiii Jul A. . M.
)l AUTI-.UMAS'I ):i S )KPA?tTMKr.
vented rriip.n' mi l l.r nt. vr,l at in. a (.'b-o until I J
omit , n sa 1 1 itn.w. Hmvu'mt ir. k;i, f,.r tua
ISlllii, nut. - ilHilTr'i nt tl r I nil, i ht ti H T lnilltO, 1 1 It II
i'' nil. ( w brtrr, ot I' o f i:.iniji t !).! . tl
on thnmm.d ( liov lefJ nu b .eatlter lloso. with Jonei'
ra'enl ( ..oplin.ti
tiue I n- n d t IOh.imo) f(M,t inch Pn;Iar, well
(tta-inrd, auai aiiyt.!.
All nt tin1 abiivn drarribrd to br of the tit-t ijnaHtr, and
nt' ri to the tnsui-i ti n n( an iuai'ei-tvr upp inteU un the
par' ot tt e nninent.
ItuMe i mil a are pnae, tn wrl-itibr and n.Miro. and
the anmuni nr .ji-amitT nf eai'.i attule but br, and Ittfl
tteue of fUMverv.
a a h hid mint te viiiariu.teril hy two rt',t'inMht per
loin, wl.e iRnatun limit be api't-rtterl to i-,o Kiiartn'ee
and cofiidM to . hebir c'd niui suiM' l'Mit "ccitrnv for
lb amount p.led. bv the I'ml.'d Mini, s litrit .Itidyo,
Attnmt'f.oi c.iui-cior, tr other put-lio otl'eor, otherwiae
tbn bid wilt not be riinaiitaresl
To 'right U rennrved to relart all hid deemed too
hltih and no bid from a defauitm louttmtur wul be ra
eeied. Iivoidor of Colomd IIKKMAS HKH is, Chief Qnarter
niaater. I J -1 J M l itptalii and A. M.
aJUU.sisf t'.Nf'K or KICUMTKD STATEi
O AiKit, No. iu Si 'I TH Stn et.,Mn., T'ocember ft.
led rntp't-ala. (n oujiih ate, w ill bo n-r. im-.i at thi
until II M., on THI KltAV. Jveinl..T -J for
Iniuipi iatf iJ e I n i led Htate ubUtciice Jf( aruat-nt
W li fa
rt WK THOrHAJm t4A) 1 IK A PO i;o(t fat Mp.tcr
CAT! I R oi) in honf. delncifd at ibe Siate Cattio H-b
at Hn't rio re, Md., in Un or ( huu) on tlti.uaand iarb
eerv (in, iMdai; to be wdmed within ono mid a haif
days anr anlal, at the fso.-nse ot the mntrartor.
I I ry mint entire about i li .birtren hundred oounda
groea welirnt ; all falling ithort of ( lvo ouh ih 0iudand
fly peuiidkgroa wnt t, HuIU. Hta.a, (lnon, t)tva, llolf
, and lli.rnit-M att e. will In- re,e-(cd.
A d'duc lion of ten tonnati wiu be made from tha
wa trhtofeah Hieer act t-ptt-d uudvr thin n:uraet, pr
TititHt the animal dor not stand in the pon to and ono
haif hour bdng wr !hrd, or li not w whined Itnnta
dirtteay aiier removal trom thacAm.
IMnok forma for proposal eau be had on itno'lcaUcm at
th1 ofrtna, eitbur tn i-eimm, by man, or tei,Taofi,
PropcaU by teieirttpb, or thar, Informal
pronoun!, win not by con-idfrt d.
I he tlovernnu nt will rlnlin tho rMit of woluhlng nT
on animal Rpnrai. If It apueataneo ludicuc l-n
weight than th n lultrmm mi-nuonrd abovo; tbo e
pkiiae ol Wttigiiing will be puid by tbu party erring tn
P'ai'h bid ta aero re ernidf ration mvit rontaln a written
guarnnte ot two rftout.ilie piraoua, a follow a .
Wo ,of tt f.niLty ot , Ntitte of - Ho
f erty gnaiantee that la (or arr) atde to fnltil a
contract In aucordann with the lorma uf bin (or tncirl
p.-o,n anion, and hmild his tor their) prohibition be
aereded, be (or I hoy) will at once ent r Into a oon
tr l aa acrordnnea thi'rewith, and we are prepared to b
rrtcne I ia ei-urUie. giving aood and au;rit lent UjiiU or
iU fuiflliiiriit.
Tnn rAponaiht'Ny ofrrie gnarantora moat V "town hy
the official rertlMratoof thaClorko the itoarcst UUUtot
(toatrt, or of tli I nud SMwea imuiet Attoruev, lo ao au
ejoto with the bid. ,
I'.ledern uiunt b- preaent to rvaiKind th"ir blda, and
entj aied togive bund aud sign it, contra towfore leaving
m ntltre.
Tue t.ovemmevit reatrvae to Hself the rhibt to rojoot ty
or aJi nua rii.mcrta Mnri-aioiiani.
favmrnta to be made aiier earh dellvorv tf ftwid
0 and ; if aore on band. Ui b nude w aooa vt re eel
h fs
Ittddt-r t id u'eaae atain prlc a, If iianint i
mrrey, and alo pilt t a it uiatie in Oor.iticato ol luuebt
egr.eia. 1'ri pnaala moat be onoVtraed d!tlntly "Propotnla fr
Herf atite," and adirttd to Captain J. U. itliutna.
C. B , H jlllrror'. Mm viand. "
It it bid ism the natueof a flrnt, their name and thvtr
post office aiklru matt appear, or ihoy will not ba ooa
i' erd
Kail per ton or every member of a Qnn olrortug a pro
poaal niDMt ace-impany It bv an oth of ail1 ianr to tho
Rutted Stata he ha not aiivady naed one
ftn thn orhfl.
Ali hula in t rwrtnpiving atrictly with I he tornas o4 thta
advaruaeaueiit wiu be reiu-wd.
J. n. f;rr.MA,
ll ! MM Captain und C. H.. f. H. A.
ttr, No. 110 I.IK MiD Htifet.
Pmii a hi u'Hi., December 7,
Pf d Proposaip will be raceivetl at thla ohiri- until noon
ct V r.hNE.sIiA', at lnit tor rtirainhlnk' the Hmtioncry
that may be r juin d at thi otbre, in ai'c-.rtijtnoe with the
tolloning ai'tieduJo, iir nix inntha conimt.'ticiuf January
1, iHtwV
White Cnp Tapir, ruled, to wcigli not les than 13 pound
per ri'iin.
V liit- I Cstnl Cap rapOi', ruled, to wei'h not less than 12
pi-ord pr leani.
White I.fttir Taper, rniid, to wiwh not Its a thaa 8
ponnua per n um.
n iitie i oiiinit-rriai t aper, rutca, io wein n..i ten tliaa
4 i in rids ix-r r aiu
Wi.iie oiio lot Paper, ruled. ame price at" paper
per rfkiu.
hit i ,nvalope PAp'r, J4x;t2 inrhe.
HioiilnK 1'aper. I.'i'sfl tin ii'1. Price pr heet.
Pilnk Honk, t enn l. fiiil bound. I'riiM .er qulrav
KldiiK lto'ik. loiio aiie, full toud j p.'i' iUir.
Blank ll.-oka, cup a it, bail I'tioc fo-r iuu.
r.nvcu.pc white or bun, No. Vi. 1'rUi-pt r hX).
Ft vt-lope, vthito or bull, t4 In- hea. I'm e per 100ft.
knveifipra, white or buff. H'(i x In he. I'rh e pur 10)0, while or b tin. '!avS nti hea . Pnc per im'. Copying Hooka, leitti andcapalxe, .iai aud lUUO
siga encli, per doit n.
4i loorandum hocks, octavo, per don.
Writir.g tluid, cual to Arnolds, quart am! flat
4 op ring Ink, iual so Arnold, quart and pint
aiti a.
Canning Ink. Etua) to lavh', glaai b.jttloa and
Ink I'cwi'i'r, ear dojen pp"'.
Lead Pncha, e.ual tu r.iber I, H". J and 3, par
Rro and Blue Pencil. viil fo Kaber a, ter dona.
. il Inkaianda, aai'Tted per tlotu.
Ptt-I Ten, asaortatl. p-r groa,
h eel l'n.(;iilrtt . .ho. and 104, per groa.
Pa lloidrra, aorled, per don .
Tin I'aver Foldtm, p-r dojttn.
ktd aHaiisg Wax, on tic and 1-cnnea attohi, peg
Ited Tape. No yt. per dfien ploe.
4tia iar ot htuciiaH aud itiubea, lar and etnall
DKt, par aozen.
All the arti.:la niuat be of tha Dct nnalUy. Rample of
ea.'h article umt acorupanv each bid, with the name of
Ike hidder dlatiartly aaarkf d tNaraeu, ana only ono price
meal ba earned fur each article.
ar.ouhl any artl. lee not ennroerated aboT he wanted.
tLrv maai be fnrnirhed at the Iomtbi rn.t,rket pure.
l'ni aale niuat be made only upon the regular form
furmihrd at this onto.
The l ulled Htate n-ierves tha HkM o reie'-t all hidi, of
pari a of bidi,dMaed iiuxmpatiule with it Inier.-sta.
19-7 I3t Captain and A. g. M.
y f This emquiaite Cooaaetic ha oo jual far beauUCf
hg, whitening, aud preserving the completion. It la ar
rd frotn pure while wai, hi nee Its extraordinary (jualt
Uea for preserving the skin, making It ftoft, ftir, aiouoch,
and tranapart nt. It ia moat soothing after havlng,oturoa
bapped hand and lip, remove pimple, btetou, tan,
frf-ala, or aunbma, and Imt art a pearly U tit to the
fare, ntck, and arm. Price w, W, and 'U cent. UltT
A CO., o.ltia tt.KalVliMll tfuaei, aud h.o.U 6. H JlfTfl
troot. lu-a
-!. ISAACS, hi. D.,Profor of tth Kyo mtd kr,
trhi ail dlatMieeo appertaining to tha above memtMr w Id
a etiuoet auoevca. Tetini' alala from the moat roilaUa
uarcta in the eitv can be aen at hi otrloe, Ko. gjl fiHA
Hartt. Th Medical raeitllyara Invited ta aoauiny
tiioer pvtUan.a ha ha ao aooretg iu hi praauea. iir-tHf
aiiKI- yi'ARir.KMASj.H S DKHCK, 1
V ' lKn. ir WA'inviiii.N, ,
Vnttm..K. 1 1. ., J i. our t i, I-; i. (
All dalr In lirunt. Mrdwnrn t I tit c a
nro'tiire, UArn., and 'v. a't -i ,0 d t.' a.Tid
tc C la ort'i . on the MliA ' cirt, w -t k. ', I pro
pi tti ti 1 1 -t. m luyl'i ,iio, of i h if .ir i t i , v at- nr.t,. tied
i itu ni h to th a 11. ,i..t at ah.-'t n- :i . i 'i pi ire t
o h nmrki d In ii'n fl nrc, (' r , m im .c t'l'i-xu 'tici'-
ni it,f tvr rt-Uiio i .tho ar;ir te or ui ,i lea ,'an i ot
lit) I it rf WltJ ..III dflrl V, tti' If w i I'.ilC
liea'eia w ihietf tn Uto 'h ' i w 11 be rr ruir -J
fMlltaii tin1 IIM puneinMily tim M" d i iuit-'M.:-
I' It l.'l i K i;it,
lirl, Adl r tlornral audi 'n-vi c i,M,'nr,
'I' I'M1"! 't adungMii .
lilt Y, OF THK
l'l I'DT
at,v.nTtr, Ra'.i N'o .:iibr 10 I -H.
I It Ml AI N I-1 HE A It V. 1I!.4P,," , i .
t I I'li'l-oM vHl e rCrt'.d nt 14 - will II H
0 rl. t hi. on ire .it d.iv oi l-re nine ,-, i. ..r the
TrALprnai..ii ni H illt ary fiupp! dunng ihf rlv.i,
on li r toll'.wtnit T' ii' :
m I - r"tn ort I e.tvp'm.Wi, l.ara'nb. a1
Witt , Ai 0 olbor d' p m that but lit- .;iiiu d dnrmtj
tN above ear on tVe Wft bn-k of tt.'- Mniv,ri r v r,
ntiiofrori Lenvenwnrih. and 'ititti of mtmid't J -H'-e
. iii 'th, to mi p. ii ot until m ti tt t.a tr nir b
atl ihi'd In the Torn'onen f , -trA.A, I Alo'iit, .mio,
at d t:tb, south of tundn'i nn u and a t oi
Imulmde Ut iliirteei wct. and in tue ItTiitory of c .Ij
rod.. oi th ol to de. mi noi ill.
p.bMs-r tu Ht.ite tha 'At" per t' a n inrii ppr lottinM '
a- w'.irh tt.ev will uanipoii im.i t ,tt, Uj t':nli ot ilia
rionUiafrtun April lo 8 piemtx-r, iticiutive, ot the y- ar
H i t Hi 1 rrom '.rta nw rtb an I Uiley. tn
t,e M A'e tn K Mil a, a: d 'J.e tt i i.i kin.,n, l-i t '.i- Ami a
01 Vt.oflr1,h aa vp a-a or atatt n ' n t arn ..r in i. i.e
atbh-;,ed tn the M v of K una .v or it th I .tt : V .'
ord i, M-tti oi lAt.t'ido in i' ! ?i rth. drauiiiit
'pp:i air. in T fi I,, me tiw. rt;i, a-.J to on Cni.oi.N.
H ., "'1 1 1 oi poi t'-ni ni.i b! .i.-ii. at. d in ttAt i or.
r't; -ri t.t'lund nnC In any mot h or pln't
on M i t.Miie. l'.iddtuji to afa'o tl.1 ra'ft per l"0(O'
I er 1' t'i ii a I w ii ich thi'y will i n n ' pj 1 1 ( iorn in
tnth ol the in.iitl.,iioui Aprd to Hfpt.-iubiM un 1 u x i e, of
tlo- i . nr i.
K"i ia N 3 - Vrom Kort T'-l-u, or itr-h o'her derxit n
a.v be a tab ( hei in tin I emior t oi Nw M.-xi.-o, to any
r. Hn'rvrt'iit!li'itn'i-r m.r h' ' .blithi d in
T-nitorv. aiot I., ii - h poit-. r t;iti na a m.iin'il. o
atd In tha I e-TiA.r.s of An m.t nr d t ete-.r I ox it wait
ofl'iftUJo lu rV:.'He: .it It iUit to at ii the ram
pi-r ti 0 poimdi p-r .m tv m wb-li ilarwtM tr.ia-iirt
a a d a o-a lo erh of tl e months Iroiu Jon to Aoreuitier.
ho Ilia v... of ihr -f(tr tnti.
Th. weyht tn bo ti-aa-p'red e ter vnir vr'M rot etsoetl
li ,' U,fKi p'lioO on Houti' No I; I 4),'.m poyiul on
Koi,' p Nn.'j; and u O'.imn) pr ttr d-. i.n tt oite So
No ai' H i ii; ptirrent.ii'o w : r't-.- p- d (or i ! e t'anetii
t'n oi baron, iiaid tnvtid, pine inmbor, hhluKti , or auy
ot.,.i toia.
r.iddft 'hould gtTe their naroea in full, ai wetl ai their
P'.ur uf rehii 'o-i', niui a-.ii-ri jo.. n il nti. uH b. uri-om-i
anted bv a hnd in tho tin in ofti nthouand d 'llra, ij:Tir.l
bviwoor more retoiiBlte persona, kttiinn'ndng that, to
ae a rotitrai t ta attained fur the tnute inenlioiu'd hi tl.a
li vjonl to tl o pan i .r i.i)dn. in- run Ii a t v id tjr nc
ev'ed and enf t r. d 'nn. nnrt irmd sod auttb int aruf iiy fur.
nwti-o tiv skill parilv, in afeoraanra Willi tLc t uu oi Una
Tin1 unooni of h'nda reiurrd will be a follow r
On hotitr No I , ,trv)
On R'-nte Ho J ; 00,001)
u Home ho ; 6.).i"t)
BtiafA.Morv evldencr o' t'te oval y aa t aolvjoey
of each btcUomud puiaou onWed aa'aocunty will be in
Pn dif teal msM he en.toraed "Propoaal flr Armr Trana
prna'ioii (on, Kuute No. 1. J, or u. ui 1I1 nua im ha,
at'.d n ne wld be ot.tertai tied un't tt thrv fully eAUtil will
all the ii-qnirt ni"ntfc of th ad ertiaoni'iit
r'artios- to wnom awarda are nintla tntat hi pranamd tn
exveme outtac's ut once, and to itlts Lite rojuued bouda
for lh faithful prriotniaio a of the aamo.
ttmtrifta will he niado a iec' to the apprm ai of th
tjnarifrmaaler 4eiieinl, bat (h rKht la rt atirvad 10 ro)ct
any r all t.idn that mav be o'Tt red.
t. ontrai'tor niut be tn reudim-t fbr aorleo bv the flrt
rtt ri April, l,-''4. and thev will ba rrtilrrd to have a
place of an-'neifa at or ui I bo vlrinlty of Ort I. Ttn
worth and I'nton and o titer di ,ota tfiat tn-tr bo oitabbaoed,
ai vifikli thy iLay be jmjiuiiii.ati'd wait promptly and
I o1l
ly iwdrjof ttu' guar term tor -General.
II. C. HOr(R,
ll-f-;t Oaptand A- g M., V. M. A.
IniomsAi.s rou kukagk.
t'liiKv y 1 ' artk a m t ra k'i Oprira, 1
lttitr uv vVA!tiNi;T:.
Wamincton. l.t'., DerernberH. 113. )
Healed Propoaali are 1 11 bed by the underi.(ned for sup
p) 11 tfd eVateit J lartermaaur a Department, at
WaiduK'on, Ii. ('.; Itaiiintote. Md ; Alrtaudria and
Kurtreaa Monroe. Va , or either of Uu-o place. Willi Hay,
Corn, t 'ata and Straw.
I.idawill ba rtci ivrd fnr the didiverT of ,X bttaheli
or ( urn or Oats, and dt toui 01' Hay or ti:raw,audup
w jrov.
litiUler must atate at which of the aboare nmod point
tt ny pioponH to niako ilellvcnt's. and ttio rate atwbioh
th. y wtll make d. ilvrita theifat, the quantity of earn
article pnpied to be delivered, the lime wlieu aald
dvlitcrhi aball be cunuuenctd, and when to be voin
j;letid. The prfre mntt ba written out In words on the h'd.
t orn to be put up In ;ood Rtout . ka, of abi.ut two
boat el tat h. Caia In liae sai about thrr buahela
eaih. 1 ne sacka to be I'inilaut-d Hiittout eatia tha rue to
the (.ovrriitticnt.i '1 t.e Hn- or Htrnw 10 be securely tiAled.
Tb partH-alar kind or drarriptitn of (bits. Corn. If y, or
Htrav, prop'jaed to bo delivered, must ac slated lu tha
prop al.
All the arflete oflWrd tinder the hbla herein Invited will
he aubiei-t to a ri-id lnpe- tlou b the (lo verm Merit ins poo
tor, he:ure t-rlng Arrt-p'ed.
tvtr.irni'ti will be awarded from tlmo to ttnio to tha'
lor, put repon!tift biduera, aa t no lutercit of tha (oiTt-rn-tn-nt
may re(uiie, and payno'tit will bo to ado whoti thn
whoto auiount ooutracied lur aiiali have txn-n dulltsrod
ai.d a:r pled.
1 he hinder will he required to O''coni!ianyh,a propo-ttlon
With a uuarantee, aimed by two reipoinnnle p -rsoiia.tuat
In aau hia bid U ane.dvd, hu ur tuey wl 1
vti'b.ii ten daf thcitjeif tor eircu'e Ui cn
tiA' l tor ktio hAno, with vood and auillrimit uiotr, tn a
atnii ftiial to tlo aiuoouiof too a-4itra't. to deuvi.rthe
form.'" )ipocd in lonioruilty wuh it te. ina of thu ud
vertli'Mneiit ; and In caao tho pao! bid r a'loulJ tall to
eiitrr t.'ie t'ontrart, thry to maVa good tho dioWimce
bit w rfii (ho c (irg 01 aald biddoc and the not lowest r
ai onaibi" biuti-T, or tha poison 10 wuoia the oouuaot
liiav ! Atvurdrtl.
'I ho rertonlbiMv of tho gtmrantor nitut be ahown
bv the oiiu-ial (i-rtlilcatti ot a I nt:d Htate )ia n-t
Atturm-v, l o'if "or ol :ulom. or any oihor oill.-er uulrr
Ui In lid hu n (love.uuitJid, or rtapnatblu pergn
known to I'd oibre.
All Udiit-r will be duly not I Hud 01' Uie accptauce or
rc t-i iioti ol tht-tr itoi oaia,
I ht lull namn and 1'uet Offli a aldrcs of each bidder
in 11 si b" I gihly written in the prop an.
fropoaui mint be atlure aid t. Krig iiHar-tienTal H. H.
Km Ker, t'lj.-f lno.ot t.iu.irtenna-ter, Vnthin'oti, IJ. J.,
and ibouid be pla-nlv niiirked "Proposal lor Korawe.'
ItoTutatn a auai e(ual to the aiiuuiit of tbo rourra't,
IiojU by thr ontr. tor und both ol Ida guarantor, Id
hi- ri .jir'(1 of the aucO' lafui bidder or bidder upoa ..
lii;r tho tontract.
Itlatik louim of hMi, gnarartiei, and bond upou apph utbui to mi o-lire
(Town, County, unit state)
I aiei -
I, the aoharrltxr. do hereby f.opoae tn fum'ah and
deliver t !ie L nittd h!ui'n, at tue t,'urtoriuaa(er I)e-
partn. ot i,t , agrrfitbly ta the lorma of y mr
MiviTtin mi nt, tr.viting p oi.vla ir i ir;ur, duti'd,
WasJ. in. ton I'epvt, December b, Hw, Uie loliontng art.
civs, vl.;
buahelsof Corn, In laokt, at par bushel of W
poui.da .
kmaiif l of Oat, In SAih at per btithet of Pi
ton o! ba td Hay, at per ton of fvn potinda.
- ten of baled HtiA.v , at per n of itMi pouuda.
I)elif erv 10 lonimt nc on or bef ra th day of ,
Iwfi , and to be tumou led on or before th day of ,
!o , and plaice mjielt to enter tn:o a wrl-feci contract
with the Tutted Htntea, with god aud anornved awurl-i,
witiiin the spare of ten day ajur being uotind Ct.M my
bid ba bwo aciopted.
Your obedient aarvaui.
Urtyadb-r-Cert-rtl P. H. Ttn istt.
IhMf Depot J::artru.atev.
Mas gieu.U.G.
Wo, tti amderttgned, reaidt-ma t , In tha oonnty
of . and Malta of . hemhr, tolntiy uid f t veraitv,
eovrnaiit with t! I nfud fltat -a. and ruaraivee, la ca
the forexoinif bid of be a-'tepied, mat he or lhy
wll witma ten ilave after the arc stance of eatd
bid, exerme the contract hr ti e m mr, with god aad
iini' nt sureties, In a sum e.ioal to Uie atniiatof tha
et nirarl to furnlvn Uie forage propoaed tn oonfinnttT to the
teruta of lb advertisement, iai''U I'owaintior K, ISuJ, uiKtor
which thf bid v. a wade ; aud tn eae th aid ahall
aj to enter Into a coutra' t aa a'orraaid, we guarantiee to
make good th dimmmce betwiwn tt e offer of the said
and ihe nasi lowt rebponalbia bidder, ur Uie per
o to Whom th contract may be awarCud.
(Uveal aadi ear haaida a4 una day of .
1MI-. Seal
Wtoiei He.ii,
I bt-re ocrtifv ttat, to tti fct 0 my knowledje a a
belief, the above-named ruaran!ur: are nr-od and stittl
tt(ni as ureua fcr Uie 011001 1 Kr wtu b they oiror lo ba
lemrii V.
To be crtrflta bv the Tnlted Btatea Mjtrfct Attorney,
(Hector of i. atoiiia, or any oUirr orrlrer under 1 I tilted
HtnttatioTOtmtuent.or rponaibie person known to ti.i
AU propoaata reretved nnd this advartnemont will b
or neu axa cxatnineo ai mi on er uu nniruT mu
Hi.iirrea of eat h week at la M Hidden are rep-. tfiufj
In Urd to b preauiit at the opeurnj of bids It they desire
l. II. V'0ktM.
1.4 ft nrigadtar-OaneraJ ard Onaj-tttrtraawtr.
- iniiKiifii 1IOK8KS 1 HOKSKSt
J.X AMtaJiAiTa-t.iatiai.'i Orrirv,
Tirj, 1
r IKT W in"i
WtMUnurnw. Oettesaberl,
Itoraat, awrtable for Cavairy ur aniberv erIo. will bo
niTchaaed at Oleslwio depot, Ia pu market, Uli lie-jeu-fcxr
:(i, la4. ,
llota win ao ftfdlvoTod t fieptAln L. Twtr Ifoora,
A ,andresnbitictodtUMUuaJtiovrnmoutlupe
thw bvajre bring aoroptod.
1'rk o or Cavalry Jiora, tTB oacb.
irk of Antbasw Horaa. 1W ceb
1'auvi.l will tn Btaale a. () i td nwa.
OolrfnJ In CMiarv Klrat IMm-I",
II i ft 4Aviutiur ouiy VfiUA.
ri .iifi lion .ft a
-sv.- r. . sviau "UN- a.
l-ilivoii.N, (I. I' , . ytn -T - IVI
1 it ri 1 rr 1 ,.. 1 e: . r,..,,. ,l , .. ...., ..
;,'."' ' '"' " "K-i, .. i n w Ki's-:, r uu
a. V."ifc' ' ' '"""'"' ' t t ....,..t ,.r
11.' .'. ni,.. ,','", ,''1'"' "' "'' - ).' 11 P l'.t "T
l.V"i K.uVJ "'SKr"'. " th- l.
. ui ,'. ('il, h "" ; ,n ,""""' '"
l',i.....l. IM.o ,.,,!,) r,r tne .l-.-f ira .liei,
tier An,err. ii.r K.l. ,.,(, ,..,",., ,,.",
J;,-'",,"" im I. Lai in.' rr.M.
li' .' I 'i'-. . . fi1 I' v nri :n , . f.., 1
. '',,'!'r I. ..IHi fiiiiW.h.,.
L?..-! ' ''l"":n""', '",,,i- nu'iiw n fr ri., J-ii. er
1 1... ii. ni'i-ib. I , k. ,,..,
Hi t I 11 I m k.l I.n TP.h..i,,ll,l. , lrt ,
II .1 li... HI.,.. 1 ; ....!.! :,'-., rwb.4,
i ' '' ' Iiriho inn r inH i n. n ... ,,.
rMl I llM.i;.. , ! - "IK I" T. 'rt .n,
l'.':,;;,:,",,',' i;" " " -i t.'ul tJ.
,l'":,",v' "' " ''' '" ': 'or Tu nl.l.'n.
Klu ki". nm. th ... o' N..V-l. nI.ui.i! h ....'K5
to !! m .,11. , 1 1 ,.,! , VM,),, ),..
i.i:,,,,i ,.i,, .-n..,...l Urn... f..r lulndel-
ltl.i liyu..l l. ml,ir..t.liu
r Hiri; M i v itmn .
,.. . V I' n. ii.ti r i li. .r iii-iit.
..'' l'li:lilel,llU.
.-ri iji ii iiii:4.ii,vi Of n, I
1 li I-.H 11 III
. '. in rt, i . i
Tl K.,Vh ..n',i'4, a: l.'o.),;,.. C, i.'r
W AU"N uv r 11 .rmr,ii,i 'V.n
C iK Wi.l li- i ti-i'Mm ft rmv WK.,n c .vera or
o it. i . r l.meri, b o er .t b 1 1 tV t i m-h.-.nfc.
hyt ten ii.ut.ot ( in ,.,,, fri
r. to -ui.., in o ,Ulli m uUn, y t lrtl ia, ,.,rm
irrbr a., w.tub.e,. s ... ,,, 1 1,. , r
Iheiuubfr i.-d It ai.d the fine f delis)rr rnn-l b animd ee f,.rt h..t; ant ,.irh (. a mast
He v'ti rutin eil b two rrttt liee a ir, ,i,, -.rn ig
owr tl r . rn -!ni-'.,.re, ;;r b ; I mu
l-Mt t- r fuiMiunr. ,.i ti - ronirntt. ah mimi .hi
a ardrd t mi.
Ui.l- will le rpe ,i,1 nt i. tlmo a!ove ape:nrda and
bl.Vn rt- tin ;'.:ii ;, r, j i, . Tli
Awn:,!;, win t,,. mdo l-r. ,)). ), rfltoSet W, m:t
Kilv,l.ur.-fivtdu rent ,iy md doeuied anroav
hCPiut o
Kfieh hid Pinat b n nrki.! on tha envooi 'Pr .n-iaalo
IV Wio al ovr-. n -t rt.btre d f r ;m Vm U)."t
tv otdvr i f t'o:,ni Willi-.u tV. MlIi in (',;..'
uif.-i.-r. T.owiiinu iepui.
if la t
a. .1 I'ltb 1. a.
t'ai'tAin and A . M.
- ' I'm" win rui . T'eceiobftr i lHi;g.
In pur-nnnce of tha ait.caei reaohiUo-, the foUjwtmf
btil, iiiittikd
"AN or,i!NAN"K
IKS IN I III-. K.Alt Is.,, ,m iuirv.f't V K A Ka "
la hnu published, in accniaticr w itu the act ol Asaesa
b.y.u r public Uiioitoauwn.
Clerk of ( Jumniun Connoil.
AS OltlifvAV(p:
M.l IflKNt l UK 1 UK VKU
Section 1. CuunclU of tha Ultx
Of I'hiludtdplna do .udrtin
Ibat Uie Mawirm fhil-td-lphia bo and he (s heresv an
thoniu toboriow on the credit ..t' the rlt .trmu tone to
tune, aiieb fomiftol mom y a, irav bo m eearv f,,r (he
iani4-nt ol mm h t n.ttnelen itn now .!., ,.r whieh iuk
xit on the ilrnt tlii oi .tsiiHitrv, 1 in Ihe aorop-ia-lloiia
to the aevernl d. prroo nt id th i it nov rnnwut,
tor the t ar eiKhtt eti huooi-rd and sixty tour, or tor ura
vioiih jcitr.i, tioi eat i e inik in ti.e holo the auin oi two
nillli. na live hundred thouund doiar. f.,rMil -li Imo
rt'Ni.not to exc il iiieri:e i six pr coniutn itoraFinura,
shall be pul J hall vertrlt, on tho Urt dai oi Jauuarr
and July, At the olllco of Ilia Cdv TreaiunT.
The principal ot -old loan shall be puvHbla and paid
at lno f.iuiIon ol thirtv yeam from tho Ja.c of tho
same, und not beh-re without the c ne'tt ol the hohlora
thtTtot ; and thecertlrt. ateH theretor, in the tibial torm of
Ihe certitliAte ot fity Loan, almll bo Isvu-d In Qra
amount a h ihe lender nmv re iiiire. but not ior anv trao
tionul part of one huudnd do'lara, or. If reiurol, l
aniontitu ot rive hundred or one thoiihaud dollars ; audit
ahal. be oxpreaxed in an d oert'Vitea that the aad toaa
therein mentioned, and Uia Interest t her not, are parabla
free all taxe.
Hettionit. her aver any loan hall be made by vlrtna
thereof tnt re anal) be I y force of una otulmtiice annually
ni'LU'tprhdcd out of the incomu of the corporate eat uie a
ard tioni Die sum raised bv taxat on, a sum uttleieiii to
pay th Intcreit on mild cvrtitu aios ; and the lurthur kuna
oi thieo-uiitlirt of one per centum on tho par
vbIuo of mh ccrtillcAtea ao lamied ahall bo appm
prtitted nimrteily out nf said iticoroe und taxea to a nink
lig intid,whiin itind.ato it uo umtiiaiioii, re hereby
oaiiectnl.v pledged lor the rvdtiupilou and payiuuutoi aaid
To pohtUh a I,.tin n nv Dencfenrle.
Ttepolved, I bat the ( ' erk bo author. .en to pubuh In tw
rittiv nt-wapaner of Una illy, dtillv. for four week a. tho
ordii unco presented lo f'uihtuoii Couuoti oa Thurada.
J certifier I. lttM, entiiled
"Au Otdinaii. e On atini: a Loan to pAyCertain Deilclenclaa
of the jeitr Ihi-4, and nreviou voara."
And tho said Clerk, at the atattrt nietitlnir of (totinclle,
n'ter tho c xjurutinn of four weeKn from the rl a at duv of Malt
put Mention, ahull present to (hot t'oiincU ouo ofeaetuil
haiti tiewijiapas lur oTury ttuy la wlildi lha lAtne a'laj
have bvt-u nuide. ij J 4f
THK ri:lll'KM' OK Tin; I NITI'I 8T TKH
TOT li; MUIMIAK tiy THK KAM1.UN liKilatlCT
til- l'l NNSW.AN!A,
V III I'KAH.Tl.e Dltrh t Court of th United Htatf- In
and 101 ihe I- a tern liKtr-e: .i I't him . tvin,a, rirfbtiv and
dul pniof-flonitf on a l.'bel, nied In the inline oi tin I nltit
t tatu-, ol Ainei h a. huih deenid a 1 per uu. in tteneral who
have, or pietend to have, anv Mjiht, title, or lntorettt In
tie Mleaiuer ''HI SANA,' wiinrfot O. W, A ii Mlti la niaitar.
1 er tuekJe, appNftd, niui toinuure, and tao aoolt,
wit re a, ui.d iinr.iiitiidii.ij hiden on b .nrd tb--nof cap
tuiad by fci.e Kniteu Htaie si. inner Met ieomet,"
ui.dir cunn.and of Monttioiiit i'oi.tuiaiider Ja-ne K.
ilotieite. und brotiKlu lino thn., ei, to o mnn.
lahiti. cited, and c.ided n 'ndvmt ut, at the time and
Plat e ui:.l-rwju n. tmd to the -v ne.a uu-r extirexod
(jti-stb-o no re-iniriint) Vm nr. ihort ft re. churn! and
strict I v onio nt d and roiiiiuamii d, tbut you om t not, bat
that by pub lhit, k ihi-it. omenta m at lea-t two ot too
iu.iiy in iiluted h-i-I pnbiNhed In the ettj
ol I'hl adeipht;,. and In tho "i.o-:ai IiiteiU.-'ticer." yoa
do loon uii and die, or cause to tie mou)-hed and cited,
pen inpiorlly. nil pi-rat n m Kiierol who have, ir
pietend to have, any n,h;, una, or Iniwrost tn Uiej
Mi.d tu itmei Huaah." tideirri, to An.ieir tha
lion Tbbiu.luUS;ii. ti e .Imh eoi the AirJ
toon, at tho Iiiatrlei Court rtNiu in the Citv of IMilla'hiH, on Ihe ieutiein day an or pulibcatioii or tneao
pre -t t is it it bt-a cou.l tlav or eiti: on tho nnxl ouri dar
J"llowinn. bitueeu the- iimiM ttouis oi hearing cA'i.-.
then und tt.ere to show, or hIUtc in due lorm of law
a rutsoiiOblc and law ml ei una. if anv thoy hvl
why the siiid tteuiuf r "Misana aiuU-urnu ahouid not ua
pron.umed to bebiif. nt tue time ot 'he cloture of tho
liPio. to tlie em one of tne United Stno nnd, as Kooda
oi their t m ilium or oilionvitt. Ji.ib e and aulneet to otn
th mmai beaii oiUed and c. ii i. mn. d an Jtd aud
la!ul prize; n, funhi r lo do tin I receive in tbla
b -tull tii to jii'Uce h,ill Appertain. And that 0'i duiV
liitlmaio, or cmue to be lutlnmted, unb a I ptrnn aforo
fcutd, ).oi crnlly (to whom tn trie letmr ol tiu-m prenta
it is uliii lntliiuitiil),tbur it the ai.ail not aj"ur at the tuno
aiid pia o nbo u m out lolled, or nppeur ard ahall tait
show a reiconiible ami lito iu e.iuie io tint contrary, ibjri
said rltrlct Court doth Intend and will proceed loudlu
dUatiou ini the mid caionte, itud ioa pronounce thai
the an id ateuiner "Hi'iu." a'ut ciirro dhi, at tbo
fine of the capture, of the same, tu the enemies of tho
C luted htiites of Anrlca, and a atids of their
eneml. a, or others . Imoio and utieet to oonri'!.
turn und condemnation, to tie adjudged aud c jtideinued aa
law tnl prtie. the abnaouc. or rain;r t-ouhiiuaey , ol" tho per
sona ao cited and Intimated In a.iv wie not v ith-Uiidiii,
and tbui ou dul Cfrti.y lo ihe -aid Dlainet Court what,
jou Hhali do in the piemho a. brtiier with tbeao piescnia.
V niieca the li.mornb.e .IOII (? a 0 .V L 1 1 f. It. Juibo
ot tho said Court .it 1'hlla.ieiphia, 'hit trtirtei-nth duy of
lierember, A 1). lrJ, and lu ihe eurhtj -ninth year of
Ihe loth pcuUtmo oi toe said I inled Stutes
l-'-I'i-:tt u. it 1 ox.Cleik District Court.
1 Citv and Count v oi l'tilladnlihhi,.
Jttll .1. 11AJ I.OA Kl.l, va..lMHKPH It. KVANH.
iina Veiiditmnl Kxpoima, u einher. lHt.t, No. .147.
li e audi or upj.olnte,l bv tha ( nun to lep .rt tho dlairl-buio-pol
atond priHliic d b it Hhentl m e, ini,ir iba
ahoe writ, of ull ttiat v nam Urn e torv brick nieau-e
or tent ii tnt, ha. K bulb -t,j, and lot i r biecu of (.-round, i on ihe eii at ol Klevajili nlrel , at (he dl-tancti
Of l hree hundrf d and tuitr fe. t k urhnaid Iroui the aouda
aid i oi (if nrd street. In Iht. Twen:b-iri uunl of the t:jtv of
1 I'bhtidrluhia: coi tamnik' in trout firhrt-.ieth on ih said
r i. ven tii at it et ht-vtiiion iei om hid.oif on (io north solo
tteio f the south? rumo-t half rart o( an uly torea fat
In m Idtii bv the tiole d-pth .r thf llierebv uratned lot)
nnd extondinif In length or depth eastward of Ibtt width
hi vein v ono leet ti n nuil oi; ha" inrhe to a tour f.'et
Wide al'ev. lea Int. northnatd and coiuiuunlratwiif wiil
the saul three I at wide alley, suhiect to the j rl ifiound
te: l oi t ft'.', v III alien t to Ihe tint eof l,U npiiolntnent, on
hl'M-iiAY h" 2Mb ' o' f leeeoiiier, A. l.lH4,t
.1', (,'ctocVi K. M .at hi S. M- KHill l'll huroei,
l'l Had- it la, whe'i and w here all pitrtWi. int. treated UJiial
preaunt their rlaiiua.or Uiey will be debarred from coming
III oh aid 1UI d.
lH-lb Mt JOHN U, COLAHAS.VAudiiir.
.7 H.NUAt.K IJIMTITUTW, No. 14 Nortf
NlNltl Hlreef thnvA MtrVal HiixilMrskl
radically enred by B C. KVKHKTTH Premium Patau
lraduaitnif K res tiro Trtu. Haperior Kiaetie Heta,
KIahUo Htoohinm, Hupportor, B boulder braoea, (taspe
Ane. Crutchea, Ao.
Ladle attendod br Mr. B.C. EVERKTT. tmyo-l
J swu,U also.ta Urat-rate ardor. ppi; at tb
anioa. U ft