THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1(5, 18fi-(. riSASOIAL E3T1MATZ3. He port f Ni'cri-lHr.v rcaapmlpii-Kall- nirifrrt V.prur " ''"" ' for I li !-t ' ln-iil Yriir. The Sreirtary of the Trm-ury l)s lai.t licforc I'm grc-s 'lie lollop in;: i st:ni:-.t of tliu rxpinill tiircK of ilio (i,tTii;..e il f"i the iiextli-alypnr : Til, AM HV Dl !-UT 'M ': I', 1 ri'lllV'T "i, IS'il Kir Aurvi-nl'i.v to a mil iixilutiun of (..'oiirfrcm ol Xiiji'iir-r 7. I tint honor ' trinimlt for tin- inlorniuliiin if Hi" IIuummiI' Jl.-prc-orn.1-tiM"-. ;ti in t- d viii'-iitoniMof the i",li!ii itflt lurnMn d br 11 r n-iH'-'ivc I'l-oli ol !lCi iiHuenrs of lie up pno i liid i ri Uirl I r the M-rvi c ol' id- ll-nl j c:i- i ( ir : .1 ,. -i- ,i.l, 1 - HI l-il.o , ... : Vi.rtti" j v 1 1 -I'vi'o, i.i , iic !'),- tin C t:i is '-I loit KM inn rniur-i', ill , lo W S. t.'l'nl. liirllilitl, ll,'l li,:li r xnnwutuM-s i-X'-iv '"r I :ti Ion.', II. oi hi. ii. I mo " "'" Nil vv 1 . ;;!', in. nti . For IVnMot," For Iinliiin ieuirtiMOiit.. . l or Ami v -o" r, At' 1-'. r Mil'liirv A- lfiv V r lorli!i"ii'!oM. or.ln m-i-, CI'-. .l!l,7il,(iV) '' I I 1,.(11,0 10 01) ',i;'if.Ti; s7 lH0,SJ.i,'ir7) 2il li'll oo :)7.S i'.i)i For imval tM.inli.-lnii-.'iit 11 2,lf.7,ilii:(-J-t .;'U,'.'IS,ir,H! To the cliinili s nrrmlili-d statr-ni' tits s'riowinir : I j he uj')ioirirttlom esf iumtril fortiv nervioo ol the li- in Ji r emlliiK June .10, IHiiM, m ule ly lornirr Ai-IK ol Ci'iiri' of b siiocilie nml in frtiii'r. ( imrai ti r, m lollows, iz : for n.iM'i luni'i'ii ohjvcly, Iricliiilinp expi-mesol colleeliiig the rivcniio fiom customs SVifiO.OlO-M For rouipni' nion tiitlielicm'ral l'oct Oilier! form:iil erTl(TH 700,000-00 For i-ivili.iitiuii of Indians ln.oon hi For arnine nml "tiiiin!? tlie m ilii i-s '.!'i i nn will For intirett on tlie public debt VO.CiiD.o.'OwO $ii:M, 13(1,910 '1 The eatlinntrrl Mlnnr-ec of fsMing appro priiitions which will be nnexpindrd on Jiinu .'), part of which arc required lor the payment of the liabilities of the present fiscal year, but will not he drawn from the treasury until Iter June lHli'i, and the lin'unne applied to the service ol the lineal year ending June 30, IWili, via. : For the civil service gl,0H,.71fM2 For Intirior IK pariment pemioi.s -J!)').3 ('l-7 For War Department 1.1, l-A"-'''! For Navy Department 32,0U2-'.o 17,51;,!).T2'2) Total ?S17,HW)25 87 It appears by the utatcmcnt of the estimated balances of existinK appropriations which will be unexpended on June 20, IfMi.j, that the sum f J3,7HO,47H 7!l may lie curried to a surplus fund. Accompanying the climates arc sundry letters and stairmenta furnished by the several depart ments, containing explanation! in regard to them. Vtry respectlully. your obedient fervent, W. 1'. FrHfF.NDEN, Bee. of the Treasury, lion. RcnrYi.Bii Coi.fax, Speaker of the House of Jicpresentatives of the United Slates. IiRDKK THK 1IIHKCTI0N OP Will UKrABTMBST. AUMV J'llOPKU. IVnrlscu. JVnr Ilccruiting, ' trnnFporta tion, be Sonnties ai'd premiums, Fay of the army Commutation of olliccrs' sub-isteni e Commutation of forage ' for oDU-ers' horses Tayment in lieu of cloth ing for olllecri' icr vanta Tay to discharged eol dicra for clothing not drawn Pav of volunteers under :!00,n00 .-.')(),0 10 10,000,000 1,717,321 101,000 82,700 150,000 300,000 :i.")0,ooo 9,071,243 1,723,629 101,600 82,820 ' loO.OOO acts of July 22 and 25, im.l,&c 200,000,000 177,402,728 Hnhsisteiice In kind .... !2,7X2,03 91 ,425,4-Jfi quartermaster's depart. fiO.OOO.OOO (10,000,0 10 lniidentul expenses " 10,000,000 13,o00,(Ka I'urcbase of horses ai,0O0,0U0 21,000,000 Tnintport'n el' olllcers' baggage .WO.OOO 700,009 Tianeport'n of the army 30,ooo,oi0 40,0110,000 llarracks, quarters, Ac. 5,000,000 6,000,000 lleal'g & COok'g stoves. 100.000 100,000 Telegraph 600.000 275,000 Supplies, transpor'n, He 1,000,(K)0 OOO.OoO Cump and gun Is. equip. 50,0(tO,0l)O 58,000,000 :oDtingeni-les 400,000 100,000 lledical and hospital de- vanment 6,000,000 8.930.010 Secret aervlee 100 000 100,000 Coum'g general's olllce 10,000 10,000 9 180,120,727 ARHOnV, AMUNAI.S, AND MUNITIONS OF WAD.. Jrniament of fortilicntions 53.500,000 JS.OOO.ODO jixpeDi-es of the ordnance service 1,250,WM 500,000 Ordnance, ordnance stores and inpplies, including bones, &c 20,000,000 20,000,000 Nanntacture of arms at the national armory.... 3,500,000 2,500,000 Repairs and improve iniru, Ac, at the national armory 100,000 100,000 purchase of gnnpowdur and lead 2,500,000 . 2,000,000 Arsenal 600,000 2,OOJ,OOJ 31,350,000 i VOkTIVIL'ATlONS AID 0TIIKK V,OttK 07 DEl'ENSB. Fort Wayne, near De- troit .... 125,000 Fori Niagara 60,000 Fort Ontario, Oswego... 100,000 Fort Monteomerv. Lake Cbamplain 100,000 fort Knox, Penobscot river 160,000 Fort, Kenoboc rivtr 150,000 Fort Treble (new J, Tort- lund 150,000 Tort fieainmel, Portland. 100,000 Fort Georges, Portland. 150,000 30,000 100,000 100,000 150.000 100,000 150,000 Fort Constitution (new), lYrtsmontb..- Fort McCiarr (new). 00,000 100,000 1'ort-mouth 100 000 Fort Winthr p. Boston.. 20,000 Fort Independence, lloston 10,000 Fort Warren, Boston . . . 20.000 Kca-wa!l, IloMon harbor 45,000 Forls at New lied ford.. IOO.ihh) Fort Adunis, Newport. . 100,000 Fort llaie, New Haven '.i6,00 Fort Seliuiler, N. York 60,000 Fort at Wlllcti'a Point, opposite Fort Kehuyler 100,000 Fott ilaiiillton, N. York 6li,(J00 l'ort Tbompkins, State u Island 100,000 Fort at Ranfly Hook.... loo ,000 Fort Milllin, near Phlla. 85,000 Fort Wasliinguin, on Po tomac river 30,000 FortieM Monroe, Hamp ton Roads rr. 50,000 Fort (' inch, Florida.... 100,000 Fort Tat lor, Key W est. 400,000 Foit Jtrti rtou, Florida.. 2(Ki,(Nl Fort on bhip Inland..... 100,000 Foit at 8. Francisco tay 400,000 Fort atAlcairsi lslaud, S. Iraucieeo lay 330,000 Additional defenses at 8. Francisco 100.000 T)fenses at Wash'gton.. 600,000 Contingencies of fort'ns. l,00:i,oo') Bridge ir'ns and eq'lp'ge 3 WI.OikI Tool and siege tra i lis . . .. 600 .000 Hurveys for mil'jr def 300 OH) 61,000 50,000 20,000 6.1,000 100,000 25,000 150,000 150,000 1X5, 1 Kit) 20,01)0 50 000 100,000 100,000 oO.OOO 90,000 300,001 1,200,000 ftlKi.OOO 20J.0O0 150,000 TtikU undeiWai Dcp't.S18,402,131 523,7-1,101 muni in iniiia tion or navy TirMAiirm-.NT. l-iiyofllie. mivy '. i,'!J7,7-'2 $ll,l-':i,'Ml roni-tniclioii and repmr. i.'l,.Vl0.ooi) M,M),iM)i) I'liri lia e of hrmn 570 (loo 700,0' 10 Fuel lor th- nary 7 (iso.iMK) I cinipiiient of ves-c ... 5,Noo,0'rtl Irovinoos 12,'i-''l,2sl Sttnni nmehinery 17,1 15.0 0 lllos, neceHiirh---. .. 2J7,5nt) Ordnance H.' lino Navigiition 4 17. 'us' ( onMip'iit 2. S ,:i,lin I Ciotliiiig 1,0011,(1(10 3, 10,0 o 3.000 ooo li 4I5.O0 i 2S..1 1 2.00(1 210,000 8,3110 300 i ;, ! 3,. "VI ',500 .V0,UOO fcl(M,K0O,6O3 Other ilcpi. -.ii-.h ns bos- pi'lllH, 111 rll'ri5riTl""-v e e., make a total under -hi! Navy Depiiriinciit ol-jl 12.1K7,::$ ?10,.'2s,K14 PinTA.!YNOTjCES. li lllilMV Foit M AKIN KS. WANI'F.D LjfT It e I n r-tl ''itf. Wil-ii. l'"rt ftMr b..ilif,l ni.n 1 1 t ; rf'.r in ' li (1 n 1 1 . ft A .,,wll r lit our Nfcv.Var.l. 'I on b.isra I'lute.l Malm ililii. nf war iiu forvia 1 m rf hptvI.., Ki.rlr V"rtrs. Il, It, r r.M,i en-.iOt.ii ui in tiir .irinr A 1,1. ion L'l'l'. I'.i O" N I IKS upnr nl''.mf nt. M Mrliirt rf o 1'iiii Mnni'f. Kur an n.rllir llifxrutatlua aip)r ut Die UPr-rnltlug ti.ndtr f mk b,. Ill . FH"KT f t'rt. below Cprni e atrvat, hitwacn tl, I mint ol 'J jnu il ' luek. '. (1 M. rAW'I.NT, li I Mnier ami hr.;rnitiiik' (Olir-. y v i , o r u n s . oniffrra and aoMtfM vi.tMnuthe cityon riirlom-ha. natdtng PTVOlil'8 AM) OTIir.K ART KylriP.MKNTi, Aro Invltvil to Ilia oxiamlr MAKVKACrt'KINtl vrABI.IHIIBNT GICEGE W. BIV0N3 & BROTHER, HANSOM STUKH'l' 1IAI,I, 8ANSOM STKKXT, AllOVB eiXTO. FUKSf NTATION- SWOTIPS Msdi In errirr at thf ttitv ta.t nnttci, which for rtehneaa rt niai.)tfti,.." a r!iIJntft oi niiiltlon. n otliT hiuf In tlia Ponnirv ion Olain.: n o MAN' (rf-l I'KI NO Jryf;.K WITH THK fllACTK AU MWOHU-M AKKK. I t J Ul'ilirs A.N It ;OJL.01tA.U'0 GOLD MINING COMPANY. CUABTMUED PT KTATE Or f BJVffPTLTApTlA. CAPITAL STOCK. 1,000,000 200,000 Hharea-Par Vulne, Sff. Preirideiit-JOHN 11. ANDEKBON. TJirtMrtorai. Tkomai A. Prtitt, James R. Miami, js. li. Untax, T. O. Mclhiwall, Harrlsbarf . WUUam B. rrma, Jnha W. Hall, de Sober! P. Rt'aT, Joha lira!?, eo Jfba M. HIU-j, W. W. WyUe, Lanoastee. aJlb 111 Silver, William O. Shale, Colorado. 1. V. BOUTIIVVOItTII, Heoretary and Treejoror, OrilCE. No. 423 WALNUT STREET, noon Mo. 9. Aortitmtlfirtfd fptehneni hT bf An proetmxl lYmn om of lhs Company! lodtt, nil hav been tUBayed by Prr lteviorf Booth and Garrett with the most irftttftnpreinilti. UnbKTlpUon Unit art now open at tbn O0to of the duo pany. and at the Trraflnrar'i OfTloe (Internal ReTonue), 74o. 4SY CU&hXUT Htreet, Fanueri' anil Mecbanlci' liana bnUdtog, To original luhsertbera $J 00 per ihare fur a UniKed n amber of tharea. ClrclaritpinphltB, or formation ean be oUtatnod U the offloe of the Company, aner trie 17th tnit. ll-12--Jra HE BUCHANAN E0YALTY OIIi COJIPANV. CAHTAL 100,000 40,000 SHARKS FAR VALUE 910.00 pREBmEirr-joHK a'lrxandf:. TKBA8DKRR JOHM W. TOItKBT. BiCKITAIlT-WM B. LAMB. SntEOTOK9. A. n. f ATTXIX, rreildoul Cum Ezahaae Xalkiatl ank.Fhlladariihla. PJlWAKD li. JAUES.Ot ULoase of Tbom.a RlcharO 011 Co., rblladclpaia Jon W ALU AKUtn, Mo. 10M Airh street, Fhllarla. DAVID VASI'KltVKKIi,Na.OB Tlilrteeutli street, rtuUdelphia. j. n. LTDAT, rittabonr. K. B. rOKTEK, M. D., Wllmlrrtoa. MM. B. LAKE, rtalladceiua. Offlo. No. 148 S. FOURTH Rtrecs, rniLiiiKLrniA. Tit properly of this Company eonilsts ef OB Land, Leases, and Uroond Ueut Ueiarves or Uoyaltiea of all the oil produced on tLe "A. Bnchanaa Karm," oa Oil Creek. And alao, all the ell and underKToond d poalta In two ana dred aeras of land oa East Hickory creek, Vauaun eoanty. Pennsyrvaala. There are abont on hundred and fifty mrreyed eD lots oa the "A. Burjianan rarra," over Hitj of wbkh are leaaed to flrnt-elaia operators. Seventoen wells are ao prodmilng oil: several are bow being tested with frood proipecu, and twenty ux UJrty bebuj bured at various atasea of progress. As a aoild promising Investment a nralted namner of fun paid shares, of $10 per share, may be obtained at S7 each, upon application la an j of toe officers, or at tb ofUee of the Company. The prospect ua, eonUrntng a fall description of the Com pany's property, can be obtained iVhl ofoca, 11-au-lDj OLCANIO OIIj A MB 00AL COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. l'KiNTKD oincuijAna, Wirh the Pruepeotat and Oeolcf leal Report of the property of this Company, are new ready at oar ornee. This Company owns over 1M0 acres of what la known as the bast OIL TEKBITOKT Boon the CHEAT UP HEAVAL IS WEST VntOIKIA, and offers large lnduco xueuie la paxtlea to subatrlba fur the Uialud number of Shales olTered at per iliaie for full paid stock, the pas beuigflOporihara. ' " This price per share Is not IDove tie uarketabla valae of the lands, and It la offered tot the sole parposeof ln- trt aanf the facilities Air development, and wlD.beyotid a reeeeuahle Uoabt, proie aprontable Invostraeal. COOPER & GRAFF, No. II MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. FHtLADSU-BlA, OTmbr It, IMi. 11 n IONGWOnTU'B SWEET CATAWBA J l N K KiNllWOBTH S SWKT 04TAWBA WIKE. LdM.WdUTll H HWtair CATAWBA WINK. A laial lneice .r this lavorlte brand at tliaCal.lFOK KIA WINE aIIKNi.Y, Jiu. U ifwlj-twul A. KISI'U Bueet, aUiirtUaiuul. UBMtia JJLW T0EK AND PHILADELPHIA J'l 'I l!()lii:rM COMl'AN' 0rmn.n Im'icr l,ic Liiws (f Nc v Torit. tiiuhti;i:h, FI'ANCIfl A. l Al.itr.B, Pres., lull Breailw.y Pank, Few York. a JiATlUN PAADAt.l., E T'en lent fnlwd K tales Teleiiraph Cenipaoy, New lork. ALIIF.IIT II. MCOI.AV.of Alln-rt II. Hleolny A Or., llrnkvrs anil Anrtlinci rs, Na. 6; William street, Maw York. Kfdr.SF.J JACKSON, of Peiliamlns A Jaek inn, Bank ers aud Ilrokers. So. 43 F.xcbantie place, Sew York. EDMl'VI! I'. KTr.IlM AH. Secretary "W York Petro. lenin Htoek Hoard, and Hroker, ho. 30 11 road ilreat, 5rw lurk. AJSUIiEW WK11AI I KY, Milla.Ii Iplila. IHAM.'IS A. COI'WII.rhllttelphla. KOIll.RT CI.AItKHOS, of Clarkaoa A Co., Iiankei-s, So. V2 8. Third su-eet, Philadelphia. JAMliH M. t LABK II, OU lily, rcaseylvanla. I'llHatfllKT, ALIIEIIT II. K1COLAY, Mew Tck. VeB I-BKHIPGNT. ANbllEW MEUAPFEY, FhlUdelplila., A. V. 8TOI T, Preildeat Shoe and leather Bank, New York. OFFICIOS OF THE COMTANY, Ko. 52 Wllliiini Street, New lork, No. 121 B. Third Street, riillarlclplii.i. Capital Htook, llOO.OOOHhares, AT THK KOMINAL PAH Of ti EAOU. SCBSCIlirTION rUICE, 2 TER SHARE. STOta SVBJECT TO NO I'l B-THllP. AS8R9SMEWT. 50,000 Ehares, or $100,000, Keservel for Working Capitol. A l.AltGE MAJ01UTY OF TUB HIIAIIES OF T1II8 COMPANY HAVIKQ UEK.N ALBEADT TAKEN I!f New York and PMladelphia, THE BUliSCBlPTION I10OK3 WILL IIEMAIN OPEN" HUT TOR A FEW DAYS I.ONUER AT TUB OFFICES K All ID HKLOW: NEW YORK SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS, FRANCIS A. TALMER, At liroadway Hank, Me. in llroadway. ALBERT II. NICOLA Y & CO., Ko. 12 WlUlaia Street. POLIIAMICS JACKSON, Ko. 43 Exchange Place. 12-U Q O T T E II V A 11 M OIL COMPANY, OF l'llILADKLl'UIA. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, DITIDED INTO 200,000 SHARES, AT 3 TKB SHARK. $50,000 Oafcli Ee?erred as Working Capital. euiisciniTiojv rmcn, TO A LIMITED NUMBER OF 8JIAUES, $250 PER CHARE. BTOCK IHSUKD FL'LL. PAID. This Company owbb 0TIB FOUB BQUABF. MILKS of territory, 0 the ehoieeat loealitlos east and west ofihe Alliheny river, adjoining Venango county, and has already a valuao.c producing Interest la Its saw mill and timber. iuliicrti-uoB Books are now opened, aad Kobeerlptiens received at the emcee of the Company, Joy. n and 21 Waililnp;ton Building, . TUIUI) bTlUUT, liiXOW WALWl'T, Aad at the office of ruiLir II. BKICE & CO., No. UOS WALNUT BTREKT. WOXIAaf D. Bat ml, Treararar. II Ml tutulta M. t. BAHlUttOK, M. D., Seeeeurj. pOAIi OIli. AKD OTHER ISCOBPOBATED COMPAKria), oca he .applied at lowest eaih prleee wish UtaVnr't'ATK.S t,f MOCK, VaUJiafFR IUMik-1, a-i'iii-K i s.iiiirRftV niV'lUI.II l PiOOKI, JM. Ac. Ac. A fall as.or'meBt of .ample, i.a hand for .crehuera 10 selaetliem. htjle.ugetei leuUUIeiealOarUlealesol ekeea. W. Q. PEEBY, Yannlliotiiring Etotroaef, il IMw . W. esraer IOrTrl IhhI JUC Bte, f II I) D II A K K PETROLEUM COMPANY Ol I'MII.ADKI.I'IIIA. fAI'ITAL l,OOO,C00. lf,0,rC0 S1IAEE.S, TAK 10. I?:i0,000 Cash 'Horlilns Capital. hUllKCHll'TlON 1'IUOK, i !'0. Ol-I'ICUllH. THKS1M-.NT, T. MAHK1NH UU 1MJY, Preetdrnt ef llif Catawllaa Ttailnd (om,auy. vicf rnKsiriRK-f, THOMAS V. WATTKON, Of lie Hardware firm ef TrirtU A Ce., No. T8 aforket It TUHAS! HI R, HAMTJKLi WORK, Of Work, MeCoueh A CUm Daakers, Ko. in l.TiilrJ street Pi nR crosa, T. PARKIBT8 VV PCT, TIIOH A8 J). WATTSOM, E. 8. HirilART, ef titrmanlown, M. B. HIIKItUKUD, Inwiane. Aent. (IKOKOK P. WAT, of late lry Uoodi Una o J. T. Way A Co., A. w. i.EtHr.sTRism. Caihler Maach Choak Daoa EDWABD 8IIIPI EH, . The preperty of the I'rake Petro lsnm Company constats of two tracts of land, one of two buaJrcd and Afty-seren a7eeand ene of two bundrek and slxiy-flra acres, making in all five hondreil and twelve acres, In fee, at. the Cald well llraneb. ofOll Creek. The property has boon orltlcaUy examined hf a Coin. mintae appointed fnr Uiat purpose, and the territory prrv nourei-d, In their judirmnnt, to he fully eiaal to that oa 01 Cro'k, along which Uic largnct oil wclU over discovered are been frond. The lands rc.emhle those on Oil creek In every parti ce- lar, and H Is bcllered, from the large number of oil sprrnKs In rlo.c proximity, that rateable walls vIO be opened on both those trarts. The manaxcraeut have already setireil several tiutnes and engaged a eomjutent suporlnteudout, with a view to Immediate and energetic dc-voloptnont. A largo portion ol these tracts Is bottom, land aAioArabky adajited fur boring. areveral compaaies are organlred on lands Immedlatery arljolalng this territory, among whleli are the Brings and CreeoentOUCompanlee of Philadelphia. In presenting the Drake Petroleum Company to the pnblle, the Directors ak that their scheme shonld be ex amined, and subscriptions made to the Stoofc In fall faith as to lu present and prospective valna. T. BASKIKS fiU POT, Proeldent. TI10MA8 D. WATTBOK, Tloe-Priitldeat. SAMUhU. WOUK, Treasure. BiitecrlptloiM will be reralvei at the Baaklng noose of WORK, VeOOltfTII CO., l)-f If Ko. S6 B. THIaU) treet. TEW Y0EK AND PHILADELPHIA PETROLEUM COMPANY. Can! froiia the Triistfea). I)i WII.UAM R.T1WKT. SlW VOISK. I JjtctiHLUcr 11, lbbl. Kt jal SI BSCR1IIBRS TO TnF STOCK OF THE BKW TOBX AXD i-lilUIKU'lUA l-hTBOLBlH CUWrAST. It Is adverUied that CO.OCO Shares of the Capital Bio k ef this Company wl'lba rescrveil as W0BKINO CAPITAL. To prevent nilsconccjitlon, the msiiagemeat desire to state thai OSTE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN CASH ($100,000), wm be deposited with the Company's Rankers, ts be ased oalv la Uio development of the niairnlnoent prepevty beloag'ng to tlie Company, and for U.s legitimate eta tingsut expenses. A large Biajcrlly of the stock having keen taken, the books will soon be dosed. ALBERT II. KICOLAY, ruuiiuKMT. Eon tub Tbvstkiii E. C. STVDMAN, Ski rbtaht. Ki,1. njition Asi nt" i l'liiliiU.-lilii, CLARHHON As CO., Ve. l'JI 8. THini) Sire I. EE CIABION E1VEB 0IL00MPAJTJE3. OJ TICK, No. 51 WALNtT STREET, (mucoid floob). W1I.1.IAM 1'. HOHKL1', mHUIINT. J. B1MPFON AFRICA, Bir iVsr ei7 aM Treaearer, r' 1 1 i : OAK BALL OIL C0MVANY, UK l'KNNNYI.VANtA. CAl'lTAI. STOCK, ?". ,' . f. '0,000 WOllKINO CAl'IIAL. 100,0(1(1 Hlinrra. rSI'iir lilii-l. f-ui snanioN nucr, 2vo tfr shark, FV1X l'AIP. I'rlHMII's-.lir, IIKCTOR TYNDALR. TltKAlWltllsl, IlLNKY K. KIMIWN. I'lHIlCrOHl, HKCTCi TVNDAI.K, .T. V. riBURR. BENHY CArSON, WILLIAM ANSI'ACH, WILLIAM M. Ol.FJNKR. J. C. FIlYKR, IIKNUT F. BrKI-fOW. The property of the above Company (vmilsU of ovor (ft)MT hiiudnd nd iixty) aen ! Land lit fe. slmpU', ittitd on ti e Pttw Catnp Iirjinob of PtnArt'a ruo, Ve nango county, P(T.njlTan!a, lying twen OU creek (fti a line betwef n the Hjde and Ek,'brt, Story, and MEIhony Farmi nnd the AUrghcnjr river, In the h Part of the oil rrnlciu, nearly two uiilan on -acJi sMeof the ran. of boratle terrltorT, with room for the linking of hnn.lredi of welli, ari'Hs comi'Iercd hjr oxpr-rlf need person In the oil bml ntfli InTuliiot'le ai oil-produclny territory. There are oil will In ev ry direction Hear Uit. property, producing larjre yleldi. The utmoct enry U bring, and will be, directe4 U. the d(-Tcopm-nt of thia iroprrty to make It productl to and rtrntintraUve to the ttockholdrra. The Company own a leae of one and a fjiiarter acma on the Co It rt son tract, on the Allevheny rtrer, nearly adjoin ing eontlmiotu pumping welli of forty barn-It per day, A wtli hai init been put In operation ; It 4?0 feet deep, from which they are now receiving ten (10) bfirreli of oil per dny, and menacing. It Is within a fw hundred yard a of the eelebratcd lluiseyand Mrlirlrieand Ileydrick weJli, and others which have and are prodnrlug largely. There ts rocm on this tract for three or four more wells, and on which well will be sin k without delay. On the ui:iIq property engine, tools, Ac, are being placed, and oontracts bolxg made for the slnklutf of set! nil other wellf. A large portion of the stock having already been nub scrlht-d.the books w ill remain open for a short period for the remaining iharti, at the bnbiorlptlua price, t'J W per share, fuU paid. For I'urtbor Infoimatloa, apply to J. C. FEYER, No. 113 CUKSNTJT STUKKT. riiii.iiiF.i.nni, naaimber 11, 18;4. 19 13-At g O TJ T II W B B T E 11 N OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL '. . . $200,000. FAR OF EACn BflARE, $10. O F F ICE, No. 521 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. DI BECTOES, X. TKACT, THOMAS A, aOOTT, ADAM WAUTIlalaN, .OlIM A. WUIOBT, JAMKH KUIXEB, JtD., (Fayette Coaurji.) VSSBITiENT, B. TIIAOY. VlPH-TOKSnmNT, TUOMAS A. BCOTT. gBCKITART, tAMVEL B. MOON. TRBABl'TlRll, JOHN A. WlilOIIT. LAHDl IN Cr.KBNE ASI TATErrH COUSTIKB i'JLH NhYLVANIA. THILTY-TW0 MILES OF OIL IE0NT. A ltsntter) nombes ef iaares will tie sulil al the Kmbearlp Uon price of l-le FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE. i;OU 8ALK-OIL CKF.EK TERHITOUY. I A Kree or ReiailT laierrat oe one ef lb. reo.t valo al,l. Ir.ot. i,f HI. I Ikll. KS (III. t KSSK. VKNSSlliO UVtB l t, l'IUIM4l.VANiA. It Ilea at UM jaa4u itt OIL CRK AND CllBliBT IWJ, aafl eorers scant 1C0 arras of ground. up..a whWi ara nni.... I1KII !. hover HI XII SHIJ.-I Ikfrim, clihrrpr'4u.'lng.rlaarngrraa and near It Hal ,eed. The l.bNeF.Ka arc dull) bt-ginninc eili-r wi-lla ea slice rat on4:i utilrtl, aa Ificre IS room lur una. iitnuMw--' nil. id'o.. are both rr.owiNO AKD rfJalPIIKJ me ul wale, lias flowea 1M0 BAKBELS PBB BAT. Tde Working In-eref of cue of the New WelU, eeM lut week amoug iLe I peraUrea uajnueive. al Uie race ef lltJXtt FOB THIC Wtl.L, aug TIT HUB aritKS rc.rred by the original owaer tor kl. ioiiI'U... .eld a .. al Hie rale el HuO.ona i-ei-b aa oiiporlsal ic OeSeve.l.Ua. aol lieen recMitlf olleied.ead would csuke a coducUiy Laaia of sucn raiae as to alfnrd aa amaMiite eaalial. Apsljr to D-t C. B Dt'sTHAH. So. 41 WAUrUT av.ieok Yy'AHINOTCN ANT WALNUT EE5D on. 'i iv?M"y. ( Al'ITAI fTOO100. IWI.U'0 SHAUKK $5 Eaoh. FnliciiTilton Til t SI. 10,((0 Sbans Uoscricil a-i Workinir Capital. CfTice, Ko 314 MARKET Bt , Philadelphia,. Vf.l A wrtl on Oil ("rwli, now punning 10 barrnU par iy. ai.d ini'ftnia;. So. 'i- A w, il on of! Cr--k. vw ortw o rWH dner. lrh rerii.- i Vow rf nil Nfur thia n th Crn PlauuVeO, inch ts n w t'Utn. lttK har!s ef nsjl per day. no. B. a wn on wm i t" r ft , o rsi now rfsanr mc tnMiK. 't" npien'l.d ihow ef tlj eery prosintt i fro- nr -ii y isrvniT. St. 4 irj"(1',Ui Inttrnut tti a tnet of tie hmr4rA atvM n Uit AIrBT rlffr; Pt Mi. now tttininiiMi nrtrimr- r U of oil i-pr tiy ; tt.ri murf wvlli now ftr down i wtt neur a nilo f riTer front, nil iwrj horlnt terrHry. ro. n. a no rr urp it i mwai. near de Kdonotnite wefw, I'lcli af now puirip're lxty wvrren. pur 'ay. No fi. Hix arre in ft-p in Wninat Hpnd, en the A1- fhvrf rKr ; Innui'dlatc j arroundhm t hie property ar mm pifxntes n af wfui, i Mi i rHt i win i' ucTii'ieo raoltlly. Hijt'Hf nations aj now bt Uitf ifCtiverf and a larK Ke tlon of iht- fU oh a!r l tik-n. Irin To-ps etai al all hiformatkt a stui ..tra oimI m the t'tlloc of Ou t'ompany, now mu. J14 KAKhl.T 14 U Ul T I l i, o Y (' Ij i: x PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAI'ITAL, !?:!00,00(). E1VIHED INTO Cn.OOtj SHARF.B, CP THE rAlt TALUK OF 5 00 EAC1& florkins Capital, $.".0,000. RooVs ol SubkOiiptloa fur riFTEBaT TTIOIISiiro iliarosoflltock, at TWO DULI.AH8 par Sliare, opened at the Otltrc of tlie Corapaty, No. 47 WALNUT STKKKT, Or Kabiorlptlnnc dist be left wlih aor memlier af rfct) Board of T'lrectnrr, I'llUHItlRNT, JAMK8 M. CONARD. "RC'EETiRT AUD TKIAgCKIB, JOHN II. CAUtt. BIIIRCTOKS, JAMKH M. CONKAP, No. ff Market street JollN II. CKAIIAlf, Ko. '127 Market street. JOH. n. RIlKI'PAItll, ko. Iihih Cnesnut street. CO ATKrt WAI.TOW, No. 'J.1 klarket street. Wit. UAltT CAltU, So. l:c-t si. II road street. The OD lands of the Company eou.Ut of tbe fellowtag deaerlbed tracts, coibrarlng, In all, one liandred and Aftj twe (llt) aoroa. TAUT KO 1 contain, nfl- li ( .C) acne, situated at tbe Juuctloa af Burns' Bon and the i iblo river, wlUi a froatage en bulk Uie rlTcr aud ran. TRACT SO. I eonlalns (lntr (10) acres, adjoining Ko. 1. Xos. 1 and 2 are leased for fifteen rears, three-toia-ths of the s U accruing to the Company. The embrace lb eater vall.7 of the ran for nearly one mile. TBACTHO. contains fifty-. fx acres, owned by the Company la fee simple, loraied on Fifteen cretk, which empties Into th l ink Mnsklngnm river. The Tack Brothers, wa hare been so successful on the lior.o Mock property la Va alula, ara bow sinking a wot on the adjoining traot, within six hundred feet vf our line. U-10-Ct pENXSYLVA X I A I M V E III AL OIL COM TAN Y. Offloe, Ho. 139 S. Fifth Stiect, riiiLAHHi.riiiA. CAPITAL, 81,000,000. 200,000 B1IA11HS AT FIVE DOLLARS EACH, llvtcrvoti u pit ill, I'KKHIIH'.NT. ALKXANUKU K. McCI.CRE. Hi HECTORS. THOMAS A. PCOTT, I JOnV M. POMP.ROV. 1). K. JAI hH.N. ' KL1H1IA W DAVIS, . J. C. UOUI.Jtm.tK, l-BTKIt II. SMALL. . 8RCKETAHT. JAMKS M. SkLLEUS. TRKAfll'KF.K. EL1SHA W. DAVIS. This Cnniiany ha. I'Al aci-ca of land, In fe, oa Alloghenx river, Ininiidlttcly cppORite Oil City, and adjoining Lay enla, with 110 rods Iront on the river, and 76 rodetront oa lay's Bun. Hon. J. 1'., :dltur of the Oil (lly "Monitor,'' and Kmt for thla lard, a.sures the Company lliat It ill sell In lot. fur ttOU.lWl, re serving the oil riKht, wlili-h is worth tloO.iOO addi tional. Immediate reveruo will oe derived for tlie Company from the sale of iheMi lo:a; and the Comoiny have ;wo .ood tjiine. Hllh cotupleio fl&ttirc, to operate Iniarcd.ately fur Oil. TI;o lurlti.iy la ihls liamc Mala locality has never failed to produce pr Hi ilily. Also. 10 acres, In fee simple. In tlie celebrated Cherry Hun District, linnieillauil adlolnliii! Cherry Bun PetMloura C.iiuii.ijv, abuit alma I. now worth $ w per share. Tlie Cempaliynow l ave oll r., a hlrh will be accepted, for .inking neb. on lease, will oul any cot tc the corp irallon, aodtue-iislf the pioceed. fo go to the Cjmpany. Tha Curtui ar d St. Kicholai, Cnoipanie. aie In this hnmidlatc locality, atul tlielr .lot k ts now ootumeading a larga premium. In addill..n, the Coinpiny ha. io cc-e., In fee fliiiilc,on Clierry Tree Hun. which enipiloe Into Oil Cre. k, and I. the bet iri di..-lMK c'lon r f ihe Oil territory and1 110 acres, in ire i,lni e,on r a'nai Ilrnd, live miles abova the moaih of Oil Creek, uml nut ovor two uilh-s fioin tha cel.bruled Heed well, row pro.lucU g over two hundred barreli per dny. Ai.o, Ihc hare of three tract, of land, two on Oil Creek, cacti prKuelim over ten barrel, per day. and ouc oa Alla ihniy river, pr.iducmg leu barrel. pr djy of heavy Oil, worth uuw twenty-one dolla'a per barrel The Compaay now receive, ilirer-loiirll.s of tlie proceeds of tlie last Earned well, end one half of the olliet two. lath of these tracts will be dtve oped ny the fc'.impany by sluklaf afdlilorcl well., and tl-e entli ei and fixture, are u.iw oa io do It. The ulU-cie of Oils C mp.ny mean to prosecute the development of these land must n.ergetlettlly. and tUej ha'c mtire confdi ien ttist tl ey wlil yield very urge dividends cn the eapltal t ck. Mihnriitlons mu.t be made promptly, as mora ibaa ol.. ta fof tho stoek I. alriady eiit.kod Bukterleilon. mil It leceiied al the Ofllce of Ui Coii'jaey. U-U-N