The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 16, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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A HA I IV AI'IF.l'.Ilt II.W.!AI'!'ll.
01 kick No. n.rimM Tl;ll:T.
Pll.o T.IKI 1 1'l.s-. I'll-. (' T II Ulh! Nil. or . k ( i to s lu; W r. ... ,1- lo il i' I a rier, .mil
Biai.r.1 ti .s.iHcrll.-ia out of th" Cry... Ni IS" ' '
f ell AKflTf I'l- II -M 1 Avi. I .r t y I' n I ' ' '"'
llnT.n., tin arlal.'y iii lit' ii it; fur ti n , no-l m M.
A ivr rtl'-rjr e. I 11 I il itt th n.i:al r I- AMh-nll
ana... fiiu t.l naWr I', r i:vr. : .i n'-tl! -i-,s.
1 1U1UY, Til-Xi-MIU.Il HI. 1 ''I.
HTII.W.N Al '. U.
It is niiti.-ijvil.Nl tii'U Nimuiii''i Is n '!. n.
Tin- n oi!f lmvo " I"11'-' iH-:ii'".'m -.1 to
view its lull a.-" a .oii-ii'nm-.ilio-i un! nnW tl
voutly to 1)0 wfslii'il. Imt n on'! v.-i -y ri'-iiilv
acroiniili.-lii'il, tlii't ""'X l!m I u-t, will,
quiet t'litliiisiiisxm ami lm.ii ;!i-- s.iM -Ti'-tioii.
Thef are ullh iiili tui! cm ni'sti.c- a.v.iitin
tlio Jioiir wlicn ollicliil tl.Hiijr of It fiill shall
Iiiito boi'ii received. Ah closely a" the prlnt'l
rt ortjt would j-.-nnit them lin y li.ivc iiillnwvil
thu (ingress of Siimumax from il.iy t
day. They lt;:ve hung "Intently on hi
moicim-nls from tie; liour wle n he I, Ii
Atlanta to tin- uiniiii'i.t w'.ii-n h :i:i;l
Ii'irwII' in the imnteiliule jr.i.inii:y of Hit)
.aboard, 'ihoy Iihyc, (listiii.-tly Itim-d the
course., (ifliia two columns mid, r Ii a ui .md
M.ocfm, aud they uiulersUinl, with sen'
di f;rpo of exiu. til title, the It rri'jl c!!l. ii-ney of
Kn.i-Ai i;it k's Cavalry. "Wh'ii noxt yoj
Liar from dip," said Gciien.l Kukkwas,
wlirn lie lift Kitifreton, "it will hi hrou,'h
tlm llulH'l press." lie annUo truth. I'o to it
period of his crossing the Octnieo river, wo
esu trace niovemtnls with s:iturai:t;iry
accuracy. Since thut) tiimi thu lielinl paper.-,
liavo furnished un the uews of him from which
we arguo aucess.
The. driest statistics from which wr eulleul
Informatiou of General Siikuman's move
ineutH, lu his march from Atlanta I y Savan
Eiih, prove it to have liu-m onu of tiie
grandest, if i.ot lie unimbsr, it;ir;i rocor.l.
It is mil orior to hi.-, groat m:uvli (Vu:n
ChiitUiiioogri to At.lun'.a. Ties lfKii of
MoveuiVer wiUie.v,es tlio pr.-l.ia'.n.iiy lw.v.v
meiita Incidental to tlm uUmd:i:ini of At
lanta. General Si.oi I'm'-, winj, coi.iii'.in. of
Ihf Mth and iiiith Corps', move- ca.-.t by the
. Guoigitt rod. General U-nvAUiiVi win,
com;iOMd of tlio 13th and 17th Corp-, nvm s
with General Sii.:iima, who leave.-) Kings
ton Novcmlier 12. On tii 17 h ho opposes
the Kebt'l forces und.:r ll )v:;i.t, Coin, at
Jonesboro, tjaty-tivj urlei fioiu Atlanta,
General Si.sxilm's fi;c.-s b'i.i at Sj.-ial
Circle on that day. Oa Noveiuinr I'.l Siri;;t
viti in reported to be lh!rty-!iv-o mile.' i'ru.-n
Macoa, near Fjrsyt'i, an 1 porlions ot bi.
com' columa at Canton and Covin-;Lon. Un
the 20th Moiitipello and Hilbboro ar.i b.uajd,
and Wallace U visiti'd. On th : 21ft Suh-iim's
uiuin column vtrike oil' from Midi-ton for
Katontoa, where il join Gou.--.ral II iwAiin'-.,
the united wiii; m.ivia upou Uillo Ioi!lti
and burning &
Oil tht 12 "id the two wim;-) leave Mille'l-'S-
ville, Sl.O(.:u. moving i'1 !'i oa-lv-'rly iliri-jli-)!!
towards Augusta, and IIowakd moving du va
il (in Gordon, in order to take the lint; of lit"
Geoigia Central road. On tlm 2ith, (loii'iral
Uovvauk'h wing erodes tiie Oimuiw, SJ.ofUM
having already ci-o.i-.ed the river at Milledj!-'
vllle the day befuiu. On tiie il'.li.Si.iici ii'.
cavalry udvance bi at Wayuesboro, aad llov.
Aiti i progressing nlowly toward, thu sa:nu
place. On November 3D tliiLii.M ix is still
on the Central road, and moving toA-ard-
Millen, and Kii.p.vtiir k i.i witiiiu six mile
of Savannah. This brings us up to tin; l-" ol
Ucceuibi-r, pince which c,altli(iHg1i v. n h ive
been able to follow the nioveiu ,-uls of i'l ' ar.ny
less chronologl.-ally, wo have roeuiv..-! iii:.i
which may be eonsideivd atie.ii.u'-l of iiiee.-.
Tlio last we hear lioni fcu i;j:j a - army
latitat it is within a few mile; of Sna-uuh,
and in splendid spirit-.. All Inn available
ibrccj of llear-Adiniial J. A. DAiti.cniis are
to bo brought into connection with the ur.ny.
The coininandaTit of the South Atlantic lllji k
a. ling j-ttpiadron states thut be is iu communi
cation with Siikkman; and that, iu view of
his probable arrival, ho had stationed several
fctcainers ut dil'ereut points, and had corm;
tlowu from TulLlliincy last Sunday, iu order
to be on baud. The tew wortls embraced iu
tho despatches which Captain Duncan bire
from IIowaui) to D.viiLf. i:i:s teil us every
thing we need know. No 1 iiul iu a nut-in-ll
was ever more clcip:ent.
In addition to title,, we h ivo fur
Ihfr food for hope to leed upon. A- the,
hteamor which bore these. tlevjiat Jeii. w:w
leaving tho l'ort Hoyal hurbor. the whole (lent
begun to fire a salute, and every re-;i I was
being decorated with flayi. as though to cele
brate a brilliant victory. The fall of Si
vannah will be a coiiiuuiiie.'.ion of a long, an
uupntalh'llcri rainpaign. It will be tho co:- ly
crown ol a maarititlcotit suet cssiou of tietorios.
Its news will have a peculiarly triumphant
favor, reaching us at this season of jubilee.
If anything be nerded to add to our gi-r.-.ituile,
!o swell our honorable piide, to o;tr
national exult-iti. il, It is the le-w-oi" tile lull
ut' .Savannah.
Flnanclul ingenuity, politic . si iagacity. and
literary curiosity have nil Ik en exhausted In
eudeuvorlng to discover th actual erac5
wblcU occasion the sudden (liu-tiialiou, ofgold.
If we question the speuilutor, who U coining
wealth out of daring investn.wnti, lie rcpl-ei
thut goid is influenced by -tho war." Tills
sge and lucid expluua-.iou i- tiully r..jieai.
to ii.lniiriiig verdanls, who look u;,on the..o
sjiw-ulatorsas Sclons.i n l bow d iwu unci
sbip Uie (ioldcn Calf. Iloweer rntifaitorT
this explanation may appear to t'.je to whom
it Is addressed, we cannot admit its snfliji-mvy
ui tatisiyiug our curiosity on Ibis mot iute-
sling snlijeet. Why uliotild n miooos in the
war nose gold to come iIh.yii, or, rather,
or money to rise In value? 'W bea a vie-
ry Is R.-iiiiei!, It. Is supposed that the war is
thireby liroiighl neiuer to a clone, and nt thai
oiiMinmi.ii imi ol inn- hopes. Hie redemption
of the paper cuirein y will be;-,in. As It lit
thin being gimliially reileeineil. the money
uf our coin, fry wiil upproneli n.-arer and
i nr r to thu old r.inliiril L"ld; ami as the
; .- tern advances, a d..l'.-ir in p.-ijirr will com..
. .ih-i anil in an r the worth uf a dollar in
:.. LI. niilii, tin .llv.' ouililiriiiiii i r. slnred, and
ii' i.iikiiiiiI till lie- l i. e of a ii"le will repr. -lit,
its aclii'il v.ilne.
1 1. n-ever'.ole siirli .io expl,in.-illo:i
n r.j I ne ;i -in .1, il ill not answer the
pill pom ('.sired. II the il I v :ir r.i ' 1 1- law of gold
'.lit tu.itVn is Hint with ueee.- i! I'a'ls, why 1-.
it. Hull iiciiici,lly immeilialety ntVer eerlaiii
ieleri. i the premium on told lias advanced
victories, too, wl-leh nro not barren, but h ive
rt ueht wUh tliein decisive ndv.-intaues? The
nercs whltli net upon this barometer are
ii.ulliliirious, and ciiiinol be retluccd to nuv
taiulanl, nor yet to any system. It is capri
ieiis, vary in;.', and cbaiigeable.
hum1 it atlvani fs, w ilhoul cause il th-elinej; t')
-nl tc iu it is a lotler, mid many of the
holders of tit Uets min t draw blanks.
Wi- propi se to glance at the vai iations which
It lias until rgnne sinec the pa-sage oftiio (iol 1
bill on .lime i'l. On thai day gi .Id opened nt
l; 0, and about neon JOS was re it lied. Under
the influence ol the threatened, and dually the
actual Invasion of the District of Columbia,
the barometer ro.-ogiadualW until, on the 1 1 Mi
of July, it readied its maximum, the highest,
I oint caused by the war, and Heltled at 2S"
mi in twenty days of eight -six per
cut. On the Kith it reached SMI, the lowest
point for July. During August it underwent
the most eccentric changes, ascending and
descending In a manner pcrfectlyi explicable.
Kvery rumor bad its effect, and fortunes were
lr.nde and lost during tint days in which he
dog star reigns," all the variations, however
I, l ing between 2l"i and 2"H.
Towards the beginning of Sepltmber all
cjos were tinned to Chicago. The assem
bling of tho Democratic Convention caused a
vast number ot political rumors to bo sot
afloat, which had their ctfoct on the market.
Just previous to its assembling, gold sank to
S-il, while immediately after tho adoptisuof
the platform it had riseu to iioli. Upon the
receipt ol'the news oftSm.litoAN 'h v!ctory,gold
tell IromSiSiO tolt-5. .Siikiiihan therefore did a
iloublu service to his country, for with his
glorious deed came a toil of cold and ruin to
many ol the secession specula tore who
lie coining money out ef our soldiers' blood.
Gradually the premium nsi-cmlud, until ou
the 17th nt Oetob -r SJ22 was attained, wdien'n the gallant Hnr.iaiiAN dctea od tho
Itebuls, and bi twenty-lour hours it fell to 201.
Thu election had no etfeet upon gold, as tiie
result w.ts lor weeks belorc a foregone con
clusion. Since which time it has wildiy
(iuctuatcd, and as soon as the glorious; new
lroin Siikhman is coulirtncd, tho fall of gold
will follow the Fill of Savannah. The uowj,
although probably true, has not yet assumed
a (lcllnito shape. As soon as that is reached,
the eU'cet upon gold will be at oncu visible.
We give below the mean maximum, moan
minimum, and average mean tor cadi of the
last six month" :
.Inly '-'"i
Alllllt ii
t-ej.ienibtr 22-'
Ociobi-r c 210
ovinil tr. .' iii
L'cia lnb' r... -ut
General nicau 2 S
.ir.-i. ...-1.I.
2:2 2
21. S -iii
2i.-. 2 7i
22? 2:tl.',
2 (i 2 ;j
lil t: or ki.jii:i. ivvitus.
Iicl'010 tis lie two packages out) a larn
ei.vciopc plethoric with sheets of tin 11-Mi-lpl,
tiie other a mass of newspapers as
u.ut'.led and dingy yellow us one could
Knit in a long day's rummage In a garret.
Yi'oilhlcss as they seem, they are the whole
collection of a naval otlleer who, for the pint
few months, lias liecn blockading olf tho
Atlantic and Gulf coast, lusigiiilleant as they
seem, these newspapers bavo separate bisto
ricsof adventure senietiincs of tears, often
times of 1 looil. but always of human wrong
and tullciiiig. These new spajiors which we
see lefoie ns, nre the tinder which fires tho
Southern heart. I.ot us examine some of
these scraps collected on the Southern coast.
The same old thing! It is stereotyped,
f alsehood cannot coin another lie. Here is
the name of ifcpublii-au coupled with the
charge of violating the Cow-tit 11 1 ion. Lincoln
is the gorilla. Hero, is a scrap of doggerel,
there, sonic verso worthy of a better subjoin.
Here, j.' re at comfort is drawn bom the pci-en
ilia llow of sympathy from Northern d s
loyalists. iNovo, there N a touch of g.iseoaad.'
iiiioii. an unconscious at kuov, h d gm nl. In
tlicNt,! lli,f.iK'g:ii rs :;iclgiioraitl drove 1 wiiie'i
liinn tho rank mid lite of the VanV'c iuvaders
In tho .South, tliey are the 01 pressed, ivho
light nobly for ribi-rly,b"e.nise tli-jy uppre iati
the value of the bo..n. The oi-atof of the
Ninth liu no eountorpait i.i iB .Northern
ilcinngogua. What 1 blood In the South',
In the North, ! dit.-hwatcr. Th la y of tho
South is the borii-iiilsi.i's. o1' the : .oi'c. of the
Notlh; and in th" presi in-o of his lord
and master, lb1.- Yuiihce involunU; iiy siiutehc .
o(f ids hat. Virtue 1111.I coilon are the sta
ples of the South, viae hlcii.j nous and 1I011
lsbirig only in the. N. rth. And .- it goi"
TheiM are no shades In the picture. It is a
daub painted wiih bin lies tii;.j,e.l iu the
blackness of tiie human heart.
Glimpses wo have, here and I'unv, of "li ys
who loved their lu.iali is so iii'icli that they
j could not bear it, atid tlierctor,- ran away. We
learn that slave-soldiers nity I 'arn to flg'lt
but that a free black Is always u coward. Diafi--
In tho North will never lie clecuted, baiviuso
the Government w ould bar to ilsk its pop 11
Inrlty ; and Soniberu. rs iu-c to -! ike ,m
blow tiie la-1. Whi n t In--IimI'' is t nnoli'' ii I
and Mill I'niuil -.-ll.k:- coiii,n--i the I;.-be
lilies, the foe iin-rv-l' -lety mn tell ;
their forward iii'ii'.-h is pi-: ' 1 1 ed a' t'-.-nlile
Haelillee. Tlu- iehance deit-.i'-d. I'-id
drive the eiiemj w.t'i
cess. One more un !i
vandal ho-l ill b .ve
every Vimki e place I A..,
armed .Nuitliei m-r no.v ari
when be.-!. g-I. are K.-; s oi
di-ii-'rur. -ne-vii
toiv, and lb"
iieriiln-il 1 I'or
v. rV r rirnif, :v
i'l ici-.s w Iii; h.
! hi ( 'o::! -i r ut,
when I'll;" n, are i A It. t.,1 st.
no .'.hat. - :ie 1 n a trt
'i -I'l i a Vank -e ma:i-
trap. Ad.iucing or r .
ever di '.-a.led ; adv.i'icin..
cicr-vic.ori.'iis. .N.-'liier i-llic-e
balllr -pielilies. T
liliite. Tin- I ni 01 -i '' i-
i ;-i';. 1 an.... es are ;
or II ill-', I! ' . I
I le re n,iy sil i'l.- Ill
a-y are bl.t It a i I
tl.-r ! in. i ti 1 il-'il ;
tho litbcl brlglit as diy.
Around ail lids i- llno'ni tin'
of byi'iier'sy. Oul-liemilmg all, Is the .-:t-laiiic.
saneljinoiiioiis D A vis, chief hypocrite
anil I'lnsolit iner, tiie gn at ilv i.ninii 11 oi
the S nib.
Who brought these woid-ph lures I 1 t'ie
cea.-IP some cbi-.-ilul tr.iv.-li r. who,
tti'h wcll-stockctl v.ili-e, t-io'l c nf.irl.i'ili!
stab-looms on boats ply upon tha pl -.i-Mint
rivers of liie s'.mirv S.:i!h? Cirel.-.s of
lite laj so oftiini', and wi.-diiug that the jo ir
n -y li nl no end, did 11 ! I nin ;. the .leaks an, I
.'iij.i tho diorama of tho a: Soulh.-rn seen -s
view with delight the leis le on the river
1 .inks, scan tho groups waiting for th? diily
n.ail, and watch iho li jlicsime 1,1 ic!,s
as they tin cried the col Ion bales rolling tliwn
the steep blnll's? No! Ho w.ts way
worn, tank, ragged, forlorn. Hunger looked
out of hi.cjes. Doubt, the rack of constant
dread, stint Ids glances askance through the
dt-n-e v. (mils bi which lie 1 racked hiscotst
waid way, while bis car ached with ttlrainlug
to cat. h ju the passing lireee the bay of t'.i:'
distant bloodliood. Tlio sen once reached,
who ever found it half so In- niliful ! Arrived,
often alone. scmetiiKCS with wife and children
this w relt bed pilgrim found bis country in a
ship. Hi- properly was bis life, his ra--. his
bung. r. and the-c old papers. Inis is I lie
joyous traulcr who lici.ienl 1 litese southern
1 oast.-.
And yet w lieu no look back through th ' v i it a
ot years, so few 1 bow unnatural all this .seems !
How almost iir.po.-silile it Is to re ilizo in these
printed names tiie men wo once Knew aim
loved! How changed those old plantations,
where (M rytliing would have been an charm
ing In.! lor out: jarr ng chord w hich twanged
through all existence! There weie hearts
as good a-.lho-e which beat in Northern land., warped, but not by the Creator. Havcry
1 ripelrated this crime. Mankind, as a mas,
cannot rise, abuvo the cii . tii.istauees of edu
cation. And this inauusi ript,'.' Shall we look at it?
It consists of letters tiom tho rank Ilebel
Yri.KK to his wl'o. They were examined
long-ago, ami if anything in them was useful
to the I'nion cause.'it win undo to serve that
purpose. In examining them, it was ascer
tained that thry abounded iu all'ccllonate
exprt ssioiis, and atToi ded frt'nucnt glimpses
of a better nature iu thu writer. They
have served whatever purpose they were
intended to fulfil. Curiosity Is no part
of It. We ourselves shall not examine thorn;
nor would tho pub'ic Mi to
invade ilcnustio privacy. We will take the
word of those whoso duty it was to Inspect
tbenijthat tho man could feel love that ho
was not wholly ignolilot May wo not alsj
hope the name celestial spark Is not ex
tinguished iu.tb.e bosom of others, ami tint
from it may ari.-e tho flame, of mutual love in
the reriprcd Union.
TICi: jFK.UI'Si I S HINK.ii Al. 1.
A.M 1 It i: ItKHI'.Mt K tll.'.li..
Iii refening to the aiablo portiou of tho
public tli iiiaiii, as rendered uuavailabio a a
b: sls of national crctl.t by tlio term; and pru
vbioii.s of the Homcstoad law, Secretary 1'i.s-
hlsijln sas that tho mineral lauds belong
ing to tho Government are free from sudi
cnibai-Kissnicnt, They aro still, ho adds, the
property of tie nation, and may be disposed
of as Coneiess sbull determine. That they
should yield a revenue to tho owner, Inde
pendent of tho collateral advantages derived
from Individual enterprise in extracting the
precious metal-, would ut em to admit of no
dispute. Mr. Fk.-skn'iiEX then goes ou iu hit
report to tav :
"On the one hand it mny l.c said tl.a' to s. II
them ulisolutely is to pert v. nil an line iiisll -.l and
int'xbuiisritilo source of wui'ah and power, tiie
roi.tro: t.l winch should aiwitys rem dn in tno
liuntls of tie Govuvmncui. Gu Uic other, thu. alt
Mtiiiiipu fciiheito to ica'.i.e any c msiJeiiiiite
amount of levoniic from nay system of r.-ntslmvc
proved urrMiiicei'Vril. It I. r lie hope ! i
(ireiis limy te aide to ilcviwt some mo-lc iiy whi -U
Hi. tc l.o.ds may be made c.vailatilo to an ext. 11'
iu fct Die iust ruaatire j.rop ulionete to thei.-yi.-ry
This eertainly Is a most important "lU'ges
tion, in view of tlitt present enormous
tuicn of the 'Government iu the prosecution
ol the war against rebellion, and the conse
quent ucecssity of making the. most of every
pos.sible means of revenue. It Is ipiite obvious
that the greater the amount of incorr.o which
the Fcdeiiil Treasury can obtain from other
source?, the smaller will be lb,e deficit tint
must be made up from t.ixati. in. Iu a recent
article we showed tbtit though n coii-iderablo
share of that part of the public binds adapt d
to agilculture wn already given away to
actual settlers, mi l th" ilcdieaipd by
law to tho same gratuitous d'spo.-ltlun, yet
the Government had not In fact lost by the
arrangement, but a-' 'tally reaped, ladlreefy,
a very large bene 31. While, therefore, there is
nothing to regret upon that score, It must
be apparent thut a very iliiluruut policy should
bo pursued with reference to that di vision of
thu domain which, though not capablti of sur
face cultivation, and fit lor tlio homesteads of
our agricultural population, is Immensely
i!.-h in mineral wealth. To make n absolute
gill of such territory to thine who will d"
vclop their vast and untold treasure, would
bciiiiacl of thrillh-ss prodigality on tho part
ot the nation, since tlio largo prollts which a
crmparalivrl lew minor, would amass from
a soil that will neur sum. tin by tillaso a
ili u-c resident popul rl hi. would not li'-couu.
teibal-uiccd iiy any uib pi .to rociproc ilsdv in- j
tng.i to the Govel am lit. i
Since, then, il Is expi'il'cil that lie- nati in
shoiil'l never partwil'.i I in: f 1 sim.ile ol its I
mineral hinds, sum j-.i I'icIo.m po'ii y sh i:ild I
be promptly ib lised and ad .pled with a view
to make them protila'nl to tli 11 ttioii. Il i.
stated olllrially that a a-.t lc-ll. ringing from
0neb11mlr. il to two hundred miles iu w idl li
and el'iht or nine bun Ire I miles iu leng.h,
embr.-.cing poi lions ot Idaho, Nevada, and
Arizona, is rich in sliver ore; mid that
; mall as have yet been the mining operations
In Neiaila, alone owing to the want of the
proper machinery for red icing tha various
ores, still, if tlio mines now npcua 1 there were
supplied with lb .1 pro.ier m 1 1 1 for tiie pur
pose, and were thoroughly worked, tiiey
would yield tea m'llioas of 1 illars a ninth,
or one hundred 11:1 1 twenty millio. i a year!
In bis late report upon lh 1 s:i!ijc -t, t'.i.s S -ere-tary
of the Interior say-:
"Whin e it-lliict thut tiie rreion of coinfy n
whit-n .!i.j.iis of I In- p.ciiui 10 -oils ho unit
ii elmie- utis'e porti.ios ot 111 ec naisix
1 n 1(01 its. uii.i ilki tee ilcUe-t t-nn. nl .re
l i rctoioic .li-covered nr.- u. et Inn a ubily oe
Tilopetl, wliil.-t ne-w t.i oi i.nes are mimu .'ly
UiHue, it will ill porccivFis (list (lie itutiinil pi i
oi.c( ot 1 he mines 111 liio I uil.-U, Kisit-s iniisl suoa
i-.a h a inn. .inn lie wiitmut prccoilent 111 Hie
hi 11 ry ot iniuinff open. ions. 1 lie i - .lib
linbf in the rocks of thai exti'iisivo ropt .n is
iit'iua ly Intxbaiisiib , mitt it will liunisli tn til
line ems, ihun.etiy, a pre,cinl pan of our
11.. mis ot 11,11.011 ing (tie liuhi euiilia ted Iiy Mio
(.I'veiiiDHiit lor tho oieillirow of liio y,iit llu
bil ion."
Assuming It, then, to be conceded that tho
Government should make its mineral land-, a
means of revenue, both lor aiding In the de
frayal of its present expenses, and the futuro
extinguishment of tho national debt which is
being accuiiiuiatcd lino u il, the next .pit'sUou
is r.s lo the best mode ol etfet ting the desired
olject. Secretary I's.iMt suggests the crea
tion by Congress of a liiircaii of Mines and
Mint rids, to w hit It the iiduiiiii tratlou ot all
details in tho farming of this vast nation il
(vlale shall be committed; and lie also pro
poses the levying ol a revenue tax upon Ihiwi
who me engaged in gathering- individual
wealth from this national property. On this
head lie observes :
"II. e rulruiirnt of a modsr.,to lie.cnsi- fee
from 1 nc li peis.ui i-nated in plm-rr m in 111 if 11 ) m
the public noniHiu, nd. 11 rc-Bsoiiiihle tax iion
Hie piaduet ot ull mines, whn-li 111 g'it he gru.iu
ateiJ uceordiug to tlio eo-t of production, would
l.u .11, st 10 ibe (iovernmctit and SAtisanTorv to tl 1 0
diiuIdk intercut. When It is considered Hut a
nominal tax ol one per centum upon the prosont
prodi.ct of the mines would yield a larger in ome
ihun It ni w d.rivid from tho sale of the pontic
b.ndi', with an expense of cotlectiDK h eoiuesra
tiely smad, and that the pmspeciive revenue
from this souict-ii o great, tue iiapoliey of giaat lands in f.-o, wituoat
contktt ration, must be apparent to all."
Without objecting to tlio Idea of a lieen-as
toe to be paid by each miner, thcro may yot
be a rcoro eligible mode, of securing the end
contemplated. The Government, at all
events, should not fail ti require such a bonus
for tho privilege of mining Us beds of goll,
silver, and other precious motals, as will boar
a just and liberal proportion to tlio bcnelit
which Industrious and energetic privato entor
prbe would be likely to reap from tho grant.
This is the flist consideration on which Con
gress should banc its legislation upon tlio
As legnids the best plan for making tho
mineral lauds of tho Government tributary to
its tieasury, opinions may dilllx. Hut.this, at
It ast, may be said with soma confidence, that
a mode of procedure adopted by individuals
iu business, and which lias been found to wor'.c
beneficially ior all concerned, could reason
ably lie expected to operate quite as well if
adopted by tho Government in a similar case.
In tho development of coal oil territory, it
Is tho uuiversal custom for tho owners of
tho fee simple to lease tho land r a term of
years, reserviug, lu consideration of tho usu
fructuary right, what is tailed a "royalty" of
all tho oil produced. This system might bo
applied by Congress lu deriving a revenue
bom the mineral lands of tho nation. It would
best haiaicniK the Interest of tho Govern
ment with that of tho minors, whilo tlio
receipts of the I'sderal Treasury from ths
mines would alwaya bear au exact proportion
to tho prolits nf tho miners. The principle,
a! nil events, is worthy of consideration.
Wai.kit S iiiai. l- TiihATiiM Thia evening Mi
Lucille Western receives a oincflt, on which oc
cation ahe appears, for tiie only tiin- this week,
in her duplet character of "Lady Isabel" and
"Madame Vine," in the moral emolionul plav of
I nsl J.imie : or, Ihr l.loficnunt. Crowded
homes lite the simdiDg rule at the Walnut
iliirirj: Miss V c-t. rn's eDgiigement, snd they do
ngt api e-.r to l.c tho lean impaired by the incle
ment weather. To-moirow night she appears for
the Ins: lime as '-Cynthia, the (iipoy."
Tho Kebrl Ntntra Iter '"try.
llH AllI IICMT Of TUB KASr, 1IC4II.11 All TKttS
Ma no: Gi Niin.M, I'ix-k, No. ,'17 Ulceeker street,
New York, Decomber 11, lst',4. Circular : At
tention It again called to General Ordors Nos. HO
nnd t Z, Ui'ad.pittrtcis of the Department of the
1-iiist, which prcs'-rilie that alt persons coming
1 1 em the insurgent bullet shall rupoit at these
heiidipiartcvs lor registry.
Kccpets of boteit and boarding-houses are
again itii nested to send to this ottico ths names
of all individuals from said Suites taking lodgings
with then).
TLo iceu.ts developed Iiy too registry fully
jtmity the action of tho donartmont com'niiiidnr.
and wonld warrant lis rotitiouan-e. The d.-ctsion
of the (januuma Coutt lu tuvor of ihc St. A 'isus
I. ideif and rohlrs makes il inip- ra-ive Ihitths
leitirtry b-1 piiMicd vijon usly. Il l iiirnur.'
ol pitiilic .dely, whieh eoiiiiucndJ itself to all
good i itui n.s.
John J., Mejor-Ocuoral.
Jamib U. 1iV i.v, Lieut, and A. 1. C.
(.FMItll, l OSTKIfM M.I W.
T11K 11 mm no 01 n i.riisr KIHO.
V,p ihr r.f.'-'.oi ('- "f" ' . rn'f a.
We learn Unit on Tmsd .y a lon e of the enemy
ml'.im-d tinviirOs the ('uossuatchii', tuirnin
Ti liiMiny 1 rhlgc. '1 hey wi re a'Mrkr.l by (lenc-
t 11 1 (ii-rliell's .omiiiiiiiil i.nd ilri""n tan k. .111
eiim i). y inoiniiK n 1 onion of our forces,
an en . wtn.1i wii n conip iiiy "t Cit tdel ('atl.T-, 1 r l'H'tMin 1 monsnn. sn 'i i s-1 ol Hie (.o ir ji 1 !
iVih liimnnn', tlia hoe "nib.-r M i.i-.r .1. I'..
V lii-e. ha-l a sn irp tl In wi ll a he ivy lores ol
td'- . n. my r. rTulc'inny hi i, a'.otu l.e mi ca 1
i. t-l- w l'u. tiiiC'R". 'I "c . MdvHie-i'.t I'i'-.auU liio i
riieiosii, mil i. ero, .iriveii tuck. 'I lie ii'lcs, who
nsrc to -r tf p in i-,l as k i r nt eh. r-, I .11 -i.t 111 111
alHiul eiif t" six. iea' l-.'iiav. .1 lik" v.-o r.iiis. We .
ii. 'nt to learn Ilia', t's.let W. .1. I . ,1'n'tersoii, I
i t ( earle-t m s. r-ou-'r wi.nn.ic :, Ih'iiii;
III 11 si 01 In tvrn 1 b.cs it.roii.ih iho hit lunir
ui.'l ihi-li. Un -u on" i-'h' 10 ihu ci . on We. I- :
In s.lay tiij. lit. (' nht . .t. drti n, ot ( iiinohi, i
was 'it ' H w. 11111I1 .1 lu 1 tic face ; t' i.1'1 bh-iitc- .
naat A. oil n. of Anew, t-aa a m vtnc w nind 111
the I iid ( ( H.iet ,1'isci'h liarnwell is shot
tar. m-h Hie inigh ; Cii.n t li. ('. McCaity r'ooiur'i
the k-'.i slioii.ii- r, nin not cm -geioii-ly woSu.L-.t ; ,
(.no. t A. It. Hi-j ward woiiti.tnl ill iho leu hand. ;
'I In re wcic mie or two 0 I111 till' UK cnn'i.-i tics in '
the I adi t comp my. Anion.' the (ieorui on oil"
was killed end h verai wounded, but we did not
leuin liow 11. ni. y. The enemy lmvo landed a
Iuihc toice nt Muei.eyV I'o nt. and w. re rejiorted
aiiviiiieitiK (ihl l'oi'..lalii.'0. Tli.-v will ho
nito n tine of. 'I In- loree win. h Isndcl lest we k 1
al i'. U'- l.andliif! bus ii-H.'iftreii. Ttmt wtii 11 ;
I. iVhl l!.c Cc.tlci.-. (.11 '1 11. .-.lay w is nhon- a mi." ,
ti. 111 tlio ri.ilrosd, and is n p ntcd as Inio nliieK. '
(no .-. nditiou 111 locality will nc nit re mis- i
t... I nt y al la Nl i..'C"iin'S. J
The' (Savannah V. i of Thursday ' s : D iy
Icorc estirii..y the enemy air .in matt an .
tempt 10 lake tlio ( liarh stun mid Sivaiiiiin Kil- I
read, hilt wi re ieul't-it 111.I li.-att n li e-iv. Yes- 1
tirduy inoriiir.g llhtin' continiii-d ne.'i hT ility,
II. il had no: ctascil at dark. Our lorrts hit
iliivi.-n tn.ek ( very ns.-aiil!, and tho enemy had I
nnido uo pro;;rees whatever.
IIIIK JllMtllMit.M OI-KV. I llH.
A ..... the liri.tfl .' ,-l.T, i! -r s.
Gcnriat Vitiiithn's a.-outs bavo liccn within
four Hides of Knoxvillo. No enemy is r ported
II.18 kale of tslruwhmry Plains. Union eiiiciis
suit consider Iho 1 ed.-ral era. mition of
Tenni tsce in a pro'-alilo occurrence at au early
dale. It is very cvnh nl tho loree at anoxvnic
will not atteinpt any oilcusive inov enit'iit in this
si eti.iD pi nding the operations of Hood 111 Middle
Tom ceee. A'lwrtion of ISmbridgc's fonelsat
Pcan s hiKUoa, wlieiiicr lor mo par.oj. 01
w ching Vaughn's movements or of (iimrding
1 he 101U towaitis ( umlnrlund (i, under lbs
C0ekiti n that the j;ai risen at Knoxvillo may
liuvc to sin d.-idale by that route, is not known.
lax on 4'itrliiirii!. Itectt.
Tho Commissioner of Internal llcveimo has
pron nlgated the lohowing;
Till ASI IIY 111 CAIITMI ST. Ol l leU iN .TltVAI,
IIhvimi;, W AsiiiNii'ioN, in, imih.
tientlt men : ours of November '.ii, Inclosing
a carimau's receipt or dray ileket, nnd inijuiriug
it It is lltili'e lo Slump duty, is received.
In reply I have to say thai a receipt is merely
the evict nee of an act done, or a duly or obliga
tion performed, and for the use of the pnrty wno
d. s the set or .crf .rms the duty of obligation.
It is a'gned by tic party for whom trie act is done,
or the duty or obligation p reunited, or bv some
ore lor b in, ann deliver.-. 1 to i tie other, and it
nukes no out rence whether it be sifini'd jvitb pen
or eucil, full name or Initi ds, Christian or ur
I'hine, or mercy by sonio mark or character
adopted by tlio party a su'isiftiito f ir the name.
Tho form . f cartnn-u's receipt or dray tickut
ii closed by you is within (his dcscripiion, and
ttibjtct to'stauip duty.
In the case decided in the letter of this otllee re
fined to by yon, the paper did not purport to bo
sinned iu any manner, and was therefore uo
neiipt. Very rei ecifully,
.Inst i ll .1. I.lwis, Commissioner.
( OX -l lil I Nil.-At No. Jiroutl stroll, mi Iho luiti
li .l.ail. Iif lli v. A. Miilislilii. Mr Al.lllll: i I n.V lu
.Miss JiAIII A. 11II.I.M1, liotli el I'uiluJ'.li'lua.
l-.rllNI.KV.- Ill tho I'.'lll Inslsnt, MAIIV :M7,.
lll-.-l II, . ai'vlilr i.l" tlis lnt .l.-.iini. lluriili-i , ul Ujtjtar
I. nrliv. ln-laiviiri' coiiiilv. In ycur-..
'1 Ik- rr-la-ives im.l lr. mis ! tin- r ti-sir-ctt'tiMv-Invll.-.l
le utt.-ii'l h.-r nin. -nil, lr.mi dm lull- r.-sl.t.-uco ut
li r lutlicr. .ni silniliiy, the lHth uisti.t it, ut I u'ch.elt.
cowKLt.. .in the evcnisK of the i.i'h uiktant, Mr
J.i 1 1 N V, COW KI.L. Ill II. i-si, ill year ollili, mo.
I iinert i. r ii-m in tiie Ci'iiir d Cr.-fh ttnUn Cliurrh,
.lui.tii und Chcriy ulrvels, uu ftatuiuoy, al 11 u'i.uik a.
51. lirfrllii'H-.
( I M.MIMIS. fin Thur-.tsv ailprnonn. Htli liiitnnt.
( UIIM.I.IA Itl'AKllll I IM.VllsiiS,, vf ul tlm lam
L iia-.isio-l'oliiniitiiiii'r A. Iluyil .-iiiiinilnH.
lo r ii, nl.- rt'luliv.-i. iin.l sr.. Inviti'il I...-itlsnr1 tlio
fiiia-nil, II..I. i li.-r lute r -slili-ii'-,', So. r:4 tlh.-s.iiti hii..-i,
on M inlay n.i.rid.iu, iitiiut, ul 111 u'cluuk A.M.
Iiit. iii.viit at t.niir.-l Hill.
. OII1N I ll.-lin ths l ull Instant. FltF.liKRirK W.,
m ii ui Irtauriek w. auU Annie Curinili. In Un- id ycur ul
Iiin fi,i
1 hi-1 olnlivca anil Irlcnils nl the fHnilty are rosjioctrully
lnvilf.1 to nit. -ml 1.1 iiiii.-rill, lioin ihi. rcl.l.-n.-rt of IiIh
lnri ills. No. ton N. l-'.levoot l mna-t, ull Silttll'duy next,
ut 'i o'clock, vvltnoilt lu:lln.l- llutli-o.
tl. HI, II. (if.. On fie iiiiiriiluxul till" Ulli hisluut, 1.1
II. 1 i I'lll I UK. In 111.. 4IHI1 .vi .11 ol lus litis.
'I hi. Mntivcs iiiimss ot' tho titunli', otllrisis. nnd
ninul crs ol liiiriiiony I,. nine, Nu. ftj, A. Y. M.,iu-n r..
Mit ct.uily luviitMi to uil.'iiil liiv iiin.-rui, lroin Ins lute rei.1-ili.ii.-c,
No dm N. i;inii.-i'iith utri-et, un hutur.lay aiiur
nui u. at'i o'clock.
llov. I.I. -Ou Wednculav, 1 till Instant, .lnnv A.
I OW tLL (ui IK. well a liiuiherki, lu inu .JUi year ot
111! flg-.'.
III.. r.-ltiTei and mate fl-lrmtR are tnvtts.l t attend
ll.o fiiD.lil, ftsiM Sis Into rcii.U-iir.', No. Ifi il Sn-u-e
ir. .-l.ou .satiir.lay ihctdius, litn liutuiit, at lOo cle ik.
InUiBi.-nt ut tuurfcl Uiil.
j wiiniM'. nunKs, I'oiui 01.I...S.
I'll AST' 'M H.UW r.KS,
lol!V CAIIIi .' VSKS,
fArfTllIES OF KOl'li 1'Al'l.ii AM. liSVtLOl'Ls
tO IMUlCll
I.N .Tl A I 8. r-ltln or Ir colon.
Ail nriklv uruuiplli ileii-erid.
Pnbllidiliijr tlooe tMi uti Hnitiiuh r,
12-1 II Uu li (W illtS.Vtl Hireal.
J j u.e lust cl i.
nilf.i STttK,
N. F.. corner ol llKOAIl un.l CIIKMVI'T Slresl.1,
11 li" t. aliiici'lici- ihm, iu vieiv ol the Hoc.-, he will (uulll
null., m ic),
Sucilnco hi L-irce and Varied Rtock of
1011. 1 r A II MULES.
HI'l.l'.Ntvlll ODOIt r -IK,
ltvi:l: FUKS'CH AM) L. 11. 1. 1 nil Cl.l.r tMSS,
P.I I W.K.-i. AC.
t.ernnr Hair and T.-etli urtish.-i. t'"inSa, A. An.lolhar
ism t i. Aciu son hi'i.ioav niris,
X. ll.-A s.'le. te.l lot of
l.l.NI 1M. IMl-oliTtl) HAVANA ClOAItS),
oi lvin'e l!riu!i,
win .e M)d on the name tavoralne lurina, If ADiMea..Mi I,
ma iealuuca. ' 12-lU ltlrp
I J I Slots MAI. NS I'll' .'.l.lllir.S, ICiniu 111
nttt-Aci on of (lie enrn by gravitation ; nueof me most
lii-aiiu live us ell at Int. r.Mii.( guia that cua ua ir.--i.-i
t. ti lo a cliil- . I rice -J i ll.
I uiLcr nlie, tor leui-licrs are In repa'-atl'in.
t i.ielv liinn a ed workaor Wsa una Cujtry.PhotokTaph
All uuia, Jun-n.l. . iliiiai-s, Ac.
bCllF.kMtlUIUUK. lMNCKOI'T f!n.
li 16 Ct o. S.J AllCIl StrauL
X Fl'blS tAl.llO'KNl WINKSI
ri ks ni.inniiu wixhi
HCI'K vrKF.rVim Calilurula Viu.jaraa.e,ual lu lu
It li m. Riilla'.
HOI.T n INK, from OaUf Tn'a Vineyards, now uitd and
Lr.-crl4il Uf our -d'iin p'iyl'-lant.
AM. ti l. a wldK.fruui La llomia VlneyarJs, a hlslilr
nel.r.l.-r t.i Ulul
M I L' -1 r. w I N T . from California V neyarda, aocapt-
Hhi.- le r. M.l'eil bAd llieuued.
sill btr W INe., from e.iiSjrnla Vluiyardj, of p.-oulUr
,,iu(. in ii ii.aloi. ill ilfliciitv l.teim.
i.llM'l Ull ASI. V , In. u' ('alif.rpla Vliieyarila, used by Ah with the uium. Sei.ell.-ul r.-fiilta.
. Al lloiiXiA WINK A.iKhLA , iu. li (forty-two) 8.
rti lit DU..-(l,vveiiU5Ul U m-awtui
11 OOKS! .
1! (I O KS!!
ThK nllsnlli.n ni llm pnl.He l .llrt'1 In thu Htm
s.,riiu.-ul nl 1.'" "'! I" l"il' l"."k, 'I tni
A tnn-' nrl v .'11 1 -t.M-v nf hm .l-onflr hninl irg
fwr i r.p'c nf i Hit' llJllr. Hi v l.t '''. lrtiPtiw.
trl Ot '..'tl f'T
Ai", rt M)f ot Jin . i, ... i . . v l. i 'K' ini, T'ltti
pruiTi. .Miirvun'i, ' A.-oiif, I.n"i. H'b.M,
I'M)1 r Ih-.IvS At'
Ahoon un hMi Itt;!!'' fi t. ii.c tk...alir''Hu 6 iitmi.
1 iu.
ay '
l-i I' .- ...nfrv no. In i.rt i. 'inl
1 1 " n . ' y i i' II , l-,ts in. nl,
rrw 'OtI fl-.-. Mr), ii. ilic S a . i ..I V irr.nll .hn-'IH l
ell. l.i-.'.li'S.s ll.-V I, ic. hub, ,lu. .-,,'nl ti iuai. . I'l , ' I 111. I .11.1.
CIIAltGlJn Ol'MllV
1.' 1'.
N.i. H.'l I -HKSNIIT Htrel
'Y o tii r. t it a i) i:.
'tlio rCIII.K'MIONK nf
IiltF.WI-ilt TrbHSTOef.
CM Ktl-'tf 6f
woitri ii i irs ntr'Tio,RT,
W.'lf fNIKKS KI'l-.l l.l.lil,
ll.l.l.lAl.O n lll'M.I.Ks,
lka. ,i swans At.; rmiETii;, At.
will hfr.-ain.-r I... . uiipiH-d to II. f iradc l.y
12 1-L't S UJJ t IN..N0T Slrrt.
1.V Jl 1 I t Al.l ,
lilt 1 Ol. 1 II AL VM'I.S S Ol ID II. Ii,
I. If,, of ll.o I'. !". rul.-.ns on ea. ii l- .m, ?4U.
Cllilcvl asil l-.tpl.oi .1. iv, an le t' I" tl: Mai.
jccl ol I'liia.llse l.'.si, ho.I n
lliil.-x lu all (nu I'ucuii,
CIIAItl.r.S liRX'IF.K I '!.' V T I. AVIl,
I r.ilnme laipc li.iiiil I.-cm... .is payCH, un ilea ton
pajar, liulilid In ve inm cluih. I'l ice!.
? R A I; 1. H K It .1 M II Y. I N F,
Wilh iliiiaoal.i.lia and vlun.llcit hy in-riuAn artla'.
4to. no,.
S' un.l pai s I'iiiim. Dulwera uui-.ilai.oa. lHmia
Voiluiui'iuth, tp nut. l-.'n.
II. I I'M ItA'tll .U VF.NII.F..
MO ' III It li.lO.K H1...M l.l.ilMASr. 4i... 1 ll.
.M.. Till K l-ITl lltll'H l'u KM it loll I.IITI.K I'BOl'I.K.
Ito. '.-'.cents.
MOH-KIl ..OOSi: IN (.KKMAS ("tla Topeia").
8vo. tl i.l.
MOIIItlt (iOilSC. IN Fill. Mil ('-Mere t'Ole").
Bvo Hi.
Tilt; KOOT.l'l.lSCtSt. A C.irMinal Htory. Ito. r
oi uu-..
I. K V I'O I. II T' ft 1. I s r
Inr-icc.'u-tiu m i-1 h.-.-niOtiil Work I'liiiu.lioil tor ttie Holu
di.ya In Chi aid- plila, New V"ik, lluatoii, laiudoa,,
l.tipsle, etc.
1 Oil SAI.K AT A lllS.'OI NT.
or .icrit poht-paiu on itceil ul t tuiecl pn.-e. by
I'uhllaliee, llooliellcr, ami Imiiortnr,
.No. 1.I..1UUKSMI I rluoH,
U-l..-1'.lillhlt Souomt Floor.
J VAI. I Alll.K ( UARACrtK.
Apn'eton's Now inerl.-an tjclop.-i-.lla.
Cvci.'pu-.IU ui I uiuu.ur.aiLl aim llasiuoaa AnvcdoUM.
3 vols.
Ji..,ellinn He.', rd. Iiy Frank Voore.
Washington li-vlra's Worla line ealtioaa.
Cuopera Novels- illiiHiiale.l.
I Mel Ol. ' Woias lliuslratid.
lUnrn ll'a I'nl'eil Hiat. a
N.-rlvalc a Dihloiy of llie Hainan.
I. eras Ir. m the Hesse Ido'f tie 1 erv, ni (1 S'lSiluw of New Volk Clclure
Alardii'a llisioiy of France, A-.- uf l.uui-t MV.
Wnvtrly Nov In I'tnstiatea.
Htiakesiieare's Works.
Fiohcoit s Worrts.
lia ard Tay' or s Works.
Hood a Werks.
..rd Baron s Works line edition,
llajlatu a Works-lo vols. .
A'. JAMK-tK SIMONS' Book t-Mtas,
No.llii-S silNTIi Htreei, aiejry.
K B -A llbeial discount made un all purebasua. Ill U-1H
The Largest and Handscmiest Assoit
ment iu the City.
All tl rhiw ted n'AiiiUrl nrx.Vri, Mnl .h r Amorfc4A piaia or tuitant call and auAncco budin.
vili (.0 iruml at OTireHtikvDiincnieut. urrautMl on I nvcQia
tern, running tlm It-ruth our tort), wiiere inoy cab
te ii'tcily exnailrd Mutt of our tine titers In oouud k
pr(ni) fur our itt kit feiUui, bf tb beit tiluusrt Ul tli
Ulblcw niul rruycr-IJooUri,
Te hnudnmott lot ever finportetl Into this rountrr.
OXrOiiij buitnii by U i i w, tf 1.ihkJb ; bl&ff-
ltsb rditloni of tbe Ami'. It IC A a tH) KU-HviiK. x
iiultt'l honna In far m aim London only ft miia I nun
tr cf the above itrpo'tfd wx jrahl? rr Holloa v mlei W
Invite their lmptcuuu bjr luverk ol eieaAutijr-bound bck..
A very large aiiortimnt of every aize, kind, ttud .0ltlr,
which we otter at LuVKk I'ltlui'.S tuan my nini
In ibo counirv, A bfauiltul Boot, hoidlni: M portrait,
'i urkey o urocco, we l l U lor :V'-0. We hve a few
'i:ain lai ite Aiiiumk. mounted, In vetvet. wlthuamnce
on w.od, lroin 1'aitb.carvtd by Uau d, lu the bust niauueC
KnpUfb ard Auiertran .Tuenllri, fnrluillnfi all the
oiia 'the jatieal aeaitiuuni iiiai we hare jal oilercd
04tr fair .
Home of tut abore goodi are limited Id qnantitle. VTe
would adviie eiuly pur oast-s to secure tnrm. We oiler,
1 a'ao. a reiU tot of beaull.'utly made LI THE it rtt
and Bracketa. warranted atroni and durable. The rare
oBvtiiltg noicl aud buntjaonie, nmde by a loldler'a wtfe.
u u-fti BEi.Ofr Eioura.
uFiw factory bMlldinir, Jut euinplHei, with twenty' p. ttr. to a pracilt al apmner. with three or four
'tn ot i.rv-'lMaa wix.liru marliliinrv, adapted to apln trum
f. i 4u i i t tau.v. The butliljiif la twt-ury, tWuMe
floor, J,(th ce'litia, flujhhed In iho bail muuuer, aad
laired lroin liir aidea. It la built eapreaslv lor the pur
I ( It i-o w it U uuliorui. Till la a koU opinirtupUj far
(nnii'i reiituii; pewratid Hpliinlnjr tor the oturkwt, aa I
y to ui alt ihu yarn oa tlit'breiulitHtUiaHavif caa turn
olf. Apply Mi
13-14-ot 1 r.tulUord, I'kiJadelphlM.
r A rJ" K D J Al M K 1) I A T H L T,
roit a
to whom LlllKBl,rOUMlSSION8 will lie paiiL
Atlilrsaa .. W.," al Uie Ollic. r tkla .apr, gil.f
name ana address. 12-14-di
iJLXs Huston ami lew Vurfc. Iintne.llate desp.icli a4 rui.s Klven. Ai.ply li. WILLI 1M Ul' N f lilt. J.,
A CO., litf. iHw WALMs'i' RKt l-'-W-U'ris