Evening cTclggtapIi llilt'AY, Hi i'Ml.Mi 1G, IStU. SOtffi r0 f.T) frcn JIIMEN. Ill HVM.I K. IH I .. tl!llll, n Tin: in mi: ' I'mv, N e luke trotn .... ..n . w some, n 'ra;is nf KrrtRli ."' unii-'iiff i r.iti."i ; hep i i e n stray hu t liimr. Thfl lr nr'.i himIi.i,- l:.Vs ti pu'ilic lit',., ami cla-s nf litir.iry iii.n e .. nuke n living Ii pirkinpnp un.l roeo nitiru- i i j. nt the nJJ'ti.-a. nd vugnrit of 1 1 ! i r m-r tin-,- cDin;' inlJm. It ranker v s ilir im.st m.-. I -t fT' tliU" of fVI. Hi niiintii Id pre. nc lit' u -o.'iiiti, ami lu Milium 'I Ms r""i!.u:'v lj i!r ling in t!,o iki. iimrtcrs i f I'.iris, nit ... rcr.il - iovin-jinl towns ; lint tlie roy.illy of the 'm ml .' Yn-tM always de clared ItBcir. At Vinrinncs tie o isiimoil the. tivim of llounin, I. if in Tit-n. (n Ms liirtli.Uy tlio prcat ones ol'llie ci'y (.urprivil tho g oi whin in in vt lioc Imuse lie lo.le,eil l.y iiresenliiig t!,i m nelves with cotiKiMtiiln'iun".', c!np!e:, tin 1 pur Iiiiuis. Our i f tlie pliiL'in dI his ciah ne w.ik the irrpt tintl aa-milt uij.iti Ins -leii'ler puma hy Hie cr.wil of untortiiiiiitei w ho write. Not i simile mnnutiictiirrr ot lui! '.tiiiets ever si ucl him a .-application, iiinrlu.lm - ulnavs nitii u miolntion irom his mg w.iri.s. 1'nnj his fiivorile retreat, lor lo-o lijr wan the. eharmum ttois ilc lloDloirnr ; und cverv week he pave a dinner, to which was Invite. I Ch iteaii'ji la 1 1, l.aiiieiiiiiii", L'leonlaire, (ieorp:1 S.ind, and nthert of the like genius. W hat porpeous po-H'p inns' hnc flown Irum lip t lli nt these, frugal repasts' lint these pleasure were t o l.ripht to l ist. The Municipal Council In fu'l state, Monflieur In Mnire at their lieud, waited on him to Inform him that hy reason of the lustre his prosen.o shed on l'assy It had conceded to him . cratuitimalv and perpetually, the ripht of occupying at Ilia death the hen place In the cemetery. Ilrriuiuw was o touched by tliis attention that he fled Pa'ny Immediately, mid took up Ins ah de in me wuaruer uu i.iixeiiniouri;, line u Knter. Despite wnrnlinrs and censorship, the poets and literary men of rninco eanimt complain of want of social recognition. During the lirstyc.vn.il the present empire, it Udy, n rrreiit lady, a rent gnat Inly, "in short," an Mr Mieavvtier would say, "the Empress," desired Monsieur Merimee, the senator and academician, to call upon Ihs ranpi r "de It utile vr le sn part" and to tell him that she ardently desired to Me him and receive him. The poet, surprised, tlaticrcd, and embar rassed, replied with all sorts of uxcuses. He was unaccustomed to empres s ; he only desired in his old ape, and nt the end of his careor, to livej in iUict oliseitrity. He rciifsttd to bo relieved of an honor which, etc., etc. Her Imperial Majesty, on receiving this reply, cut back to him to say that, "As ho would not call on her, she would visit him." It would have been a sight worth seeing, that mectinp between the old poet and the youn l-.in-piess. Those who have had the pood fortune to see that nupust lady siniie, can judge of Its eilect upon Iltrnnper. Aptopm of royal personapes, tho life of the last lluihessof I'arma is a melancholy proof of the truth of the adape that uneasv lies the liea 1 that wears a crown. While in her cradlo, her lather, the Due do Herri, was as-KHsin ated before tho mother' eyes. She had not reached her tenth yiur wheu the revolution of Jnly forced her family to quit France. Nino vears afterwards, the Prince, her husband, struek ti death, ex pired In her arms, and since then ha been compelled to abandon the due.hr, to which sho bad been recalled for a brief ti.no by tho counter revolution. What a life! And in its course how many thou sand obscure and happy ones have envied her I IIALZAC. There is a pleasant story of how the great Bu' ac was conlincd for a week lu tho Hotel de llaricote, the disciplinary prison of the National Guard. In the height of his popularity Balzac, like Bernnper, oupht to avoiil visi'.or. To this end he hired rooms nnder the assumed name of .Madame Dupont. To which place Leon Oo.ian, who discovered his retreat, onea uddressed a letter : "A MtOAMh: III TnST At this time the great novelist served in the National Guard, which institution he held in hor ror ; und believed that by hiding he should re lieve himself of his odious duty; but civil-military law knows no respect for persons, and at hi recognized home the author! ies had "tiled" all the summonses and orders tint precede the in camrailon of refractory and inattentive N.itiomtl Guardsmen. Of tuese, of course, Madamu Du pont knew nothing. Tnc sergeant-major of 4hc company which had the honor of inscribing De lUliac on its muster roll was by trade a hairdresser and perfumer. Jvnraped at tho illustrious writer for his revela tion of several of the inner secrets of hair (Iressery and perfumery in bis novel of "Cesar Dirotteuu," the military barber resolvod to avenge the "tiade" and the troop. All that he wanted was to catch tho remm nod novelist in tho street, for domicile is invlola'ile. One morning, while li'lac was writing one of his wonderful "Inclinations de Vautrin," bis sor Tiint entered his study and informed him that a box containing an Ktruscan v.ise bad just arrived below; that the porter, after three days' (oareh, bad discovered that M. de lUil.ae was staying rtet Madume Dupont. Inspired by curiosity und love ot the artistic, the great author run down stair in his dressing-gown. A man, carrying a cae, stood at the door. Uitlnu stepped into the ttreet. "Trapped!" cried the seriant-mnjor perru quicr, at the same moment a' enping bin own art and hi prisoner's waul ot pan iu:ism. A way went the sham porter and tho ahum. hor. In yniu Balzac pointed to his robc-ilr-chambre and slippers. The barbcr-serpciint was inexorable. A crowd assembled, and the author of tha "Comedie llumainc" was marched oh". A DOZKSi AMI A HALF 01 SN I 1 F-UO XII. Much has recently beeu written of Oriental subtlety, of the fine observation and pregnant apprehension of the Eastern races ; but perhaps the wily Asiatic is sometimes "sold" by the simple l'.uropean. When Sid l'aeha was la 1'aria he sent for a eeiebr ttcd jusrelor and thus addressed him : "llefore I leave France I desire to present some of your thiefs, who have honored ma by their sympathy and uticmiun, with a trilling proof of my esteem. UVe you a do.cn and a half of gold snull'-boxes set with diamonds of the value of labnut four thousand francs each V "Your highness," replied tho jeweler, "at the pit sent moment I have by me only six of the dc Biription you desire; but if jour highness will deign to begin by the presentation of those six, In a lew day I will suuply you with six others, which you also can distribute-, and in a week or o after that, I will complete i he order by bring ing the rt maining half do.ru." "Be it to. J.ct me have tho first nix imme di'eiy." Tlie fiinff-boxe were delivered, und the Tacha di' triliuttd them, accompanied by letters Orient ally poite. A few days passed, and tho juivaler was again announced. "Your bigbmss," be said, according to rny pn mine I have the honor of bnuc'iug you six u. ore tinff-boxe." " Good ! When shall I have tho others ?" "As soon as your bigiinexj has given away these." "Goed! My secretary shall sond them olT immediately." " In Ihut case, your highness, I will do myself ihe honor to wait ou you ugam in three or lour davs." The second six were seut to the honored TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PITiLADKLPniA, FI.IIUY, DECEMBER 10, 1801. recipients, ami the It'd fa; pa'do j- welor soon I'tnueiii in,, o'licr .. Tli it is to ;iv, not alt " Voiir jruclrv has it, faction," sod the :. o-i fi h nds who huve d ei - he o ,r bro'U'V tire, n ui" ie h.j t a'is- ei 1 1 1 ' i- it il ; and the fie 'i hmor t a.' -ep: (tilted, 'or 1 li.IV: free ed them nte equally de imin nil oi itu ni 1ml um live lot ilmnl.1. el s ev e -dn.r tue "All hut on ! Was vour hiuhn enopLdi o sav a. I hut ..u-' :" ike t me i kin. I " N cs, my secr. tarv t ;( m. n,a', when i'i" Oo was sent t( his h.'.i-e, the diet v.(s not in t i vn, which exiilaiiis his r.ot havmp I ivorc I un n!i lus nt knev c.U'inetirs. lie returns on Sundiy. Hut how is u yo i In 'r or 'ti.'h' me nvo Iw.xes t" d.iv ' Vyh-'of .r. '-en's is m mt, and I inns. i...t 1 - ave one . ;ti t wttli if. tie eou pint en 1 huve p nd t . ot i- rs.' T c 'w.lcr piiti" l t r a iioiuicii' , and Mie 1 said. "10 In a vmii' ii:::!iii.. .jv tint tlie re i jiii lit ot" vioir in ii i: i n encc who had n it yet a.' Kte led., cd v o ir p :'; vo.ild tic m Can- .ci Sun day " "Yci, and 1 :.iUc mv deprtiiie o-i a'lird iv." "Then it your hiplmess will g' a.io isly le iv rue the name of the eilite nth pcrson ore yoii di sire to honor, I will t i. o c n o that ou M md.i v, or 1 ui'sdiiy at the l itest, he receives your hi-U-ne-s' pin." "Hftvvein tl is und then you tliink voo can fur nish tlie i ipliicelllh box " . "I can, your highness." "U must in all points be exactly like the "'h. r for I must not make any invidious distine'iou." "Ydnr hiphiiess will prt'i.iusiv a-knowiel-that ot the hail'-d".ens 1 hive Uitlieno iir.-scnted. I each one is precisely simiia ." j "'I rue." "I give your highness my wor I of honor that this last -lull be as ex ut ly lute its predc cessi rs." "(iood' Mv secretary wi I pay you seventy, tv. o thousand francs." Ti e odd part of the story H, that if nnv prin should wish to pre-cat his admirer with diamond snuH-boxes, ho wiil lind hall a d i.on a', the shop of tho celebrated jeweler who had tlie honor and profit of supplying Sai.i pacha; and win', is stid more extraordinary, they ate all exactly simi ar to those made lor, soM to, and presented bv that potentate. who co urns i; ii i ur: m VHsnir.r. ist: ? We know from the authority of Sheridan's "Mrs. I'iiII," how pos-ible it Is for tivo great authors to hit upon the same idea, but that two composers should hit upon the same air ro'piircs an amount of credulity beyond us. Here is evi dence conflicting enough to pu..!c the most intel ligent of special juries. M. Alexandra Boucher, who wiuj born in tho year 1770, was a colobrated vloliuist. Ho was also rcmarkablo for an astonishing resemblance to the first N'apo'eon. "In 'li2," says M. Boucher, "I spout an evening in the raiibomg St. Germain at the Hotel da Montaigne, Hue de In Chaise. During tho mim-, a colonel w ho was on the point of departure lor Marseilles to join his regiment, t mk leave of the mistriss oi the house. Madame do Montaigne introduced ns. " 'I am charmed to meet you," said tho Colonel, and I shall prolit by tho introduction hy asliiu,' you to coniHjse a march tor my regiment a I'tm prorate, if possible. ' "1 sought to excuse myself. I objected that I had no music-paper; and a guest ruled a sheet of ordinary paper with a pencil. Ma .lame de Mon taigne supplicated, and at last I yielded, wrote the march, and the colonel departed with it in his pncki t. I had not oven tune to arrange it. When the colouel arrived at Marseilles he gavo it to the bandmaster. It was played on parade, and be came the favorite marca of the regiment. "About this time Kouget do I' Isle, tho reputed author ami composer of the 'Marseillaise,' was imprisoned forpoliiicul causes in fort St. Jean, in Marseilles. .His j iiler, seeing that be occupied himself incessantly in writiugjver.es, one day said to him : " 'Mon oill .lcr, why not write a song in honor of our ami es .- Tlie Marseillais neither like tho words nor the air of the "Carmagnole," but there is a march tha bund plays every day a quick, stirring, inspiring air every one is singing it. Why uot writo words to it ?' "The Imprisoned soldier sot himself to work, and his words were adopted by tho crowd who had before adopted my air. "Judge of my astonishment when In tho 'M ir selllaisc' I recogni.ed the march 1 had written at the Hotel do Montaigne. It came from Marseilles, and was naturally called the 'Marseillaise.' If. as biographers bare stated, Hougut do I'lsle had composed it at Strasbourg for the dep irturo of the volunteers of the Army of the Rhino, it would have beeu called the 'Strash uirpooiso.' "Years alter I was dining in l'aris, and Uougct de l isle sat beside mo. Haviug so long heard his name coupled with my compositions, I looked at him with considerable curiosity, and compli mented him with marked significance upon his famous words. "'Hut you don't speak of the music,' sail ho. 'Your opinion as a gn at musician is of value. Dors it not please you !' 'Y'es.' " 'You must know, then, that the air is not mine. It Is a march of 1 don't know whom, that whs played at Maiseiiles wheu I was prisoner th( ro during the Terror.' "I soon convinced him that I was tho composer, and utter congratulating me, ho said : " -Y'ou are forever robbed of tho fame of your own work, for though I proclaim you tho com poser, the words und air are so insjpaiaolo tint no one will believe me !' " 'Keep all tho fame yourself,' I answered. 'But for your genius my little march would be forgot ten, or played sometimes in a garrison town. You have ennoble d, sublimed it, and it has be come yours hy the power of poetic absorption !' " Thus for M. Alexandre Iloiieher. On the other hand a letter from M. Nortiel, of the Library of Strasbourg, protests "against the fable, prompted by nmour-proprr, told by M. Boucher. It w is in '!i:i, says M. Nortiel, and within the walls of Strasbourg, that the sublime Hymn of Liberty was composed, and it was Inserted in the 'Afllches do Strasbourg,' on the 7th of July of Ihe sumo year, and was entitled, 'Chant do Guerre pour 1'arinee du Hhiu, dedie au Mirechal I.uckuer.' Copies of this journal still exist which prove this fact. From Strasbourg the hymn spread rapidly through tho departments, and it was hrst sung in I'aris by the volunteers of Murseillt s as they entered the city gates. It was christened tho 'Marseillaise' by the Parisians themselves." We have heard, too, that tho Illustrious com-po-trs is. so delighted with the singing of our thoroughly Knglish Mr. S intley that he intends to otter him one of the chief ruin in the forth coming opera. OinARUIN. The band ('improvement is ruthless, even in Tails, where ae-utimeut has its share in couneil imperial, senato rial, and municipal, and the house in which Monsieur aud Madame Km lie do Oirar din held their celebrated reunion ia nowabin doncd to tho pickaxe. Ia that famous lalm MuHsot, Victor Hugo, Do Vigny, Bil.ac, Siinlo Beuve, and l.amartino were constant guosU. It was there that deputies and academicians were made and unmade. It was a power in the i'aris which is a power in tho world. Madume de (iirnnlin, whom Chateaubriand rulied In Mute tie la I'atrie, though au authoress, felt the deepest auc tion for her busbiud, the most entire contidence in his energy and talents, and always fought upon bis side with the fero cious tenderness of her sex. It is said that aince be entered the arena of politica and literature, M. de Girardin has neither torn nor burned a single letter that they are sorted and atacked In alpha betical and chronological order, with, copies of the replies sent to ihem. What a collection ! How ninny people In high places must mourn M. de Girardin's care and caution, and wish that Ibey could buy. brg, borrow, or steal those dreadful fiieees of written paper, that form an imprinted ibrary of documents of and from all sorts of persons, under three p iv. rnui"nti, and during a succession of un;Teeed 'Ute l and tint rson fvints! Whut 1 1 1 i n m t s, cr a w. m on Molcrn llistoty for s.m.e Car sian M.i an uv ! How n ru nr is i ),, pun ic ot women of ht'ers on tl e Coi iiic in. und h i v .Itssoiii! ir to tic do n esiicity of our own hresioc novc its mni p...-:. essrs! In IM7. M.niaiiic de ti lurdin, then Hi. h lnoisellc 111 dpi: in-(,av , and t n, ciiarniliig n c ui tlire.aii.l-twei:iy, "assisted" at n dinner i.ien Iv ti.e Aiiit.a-siidor ot' 1 ranee to some navel i tlie. rs who ! a,) re-ci-d several i,tp'ivc Imin Aiticrs. Iii'. -ip the ilesv-i .i;e re i'ed m me vers. insniii c l.y the event verses wti'cu c.iiicd mi s'rong an cv itciiient tint she was re . i.rd 1. 1 the inpiial ii a iiicioi.tr ot the i i deniv ot tin' Ti' cr. Charles a v e-.!c I her a o -ion lor l.cr t '..in? c'. .so-v whico sue s(,,, i . torn o d Ov another chant, in whieii i j,c chiei' ot' tie (rciton in .Vei.n .(s :r. aed Tith a Icci e v. Iiich ti. e minister eonilered pi-t the hounds ot" the poi tie. It w.i-mt cu ii: h lor Ma 1 ou. d fitr it din' t light upon her he -'. iiw's s de. n .',, u o.e::h , hVoweiliy, and pll'ilj. ly. She pn e aimed herseJI' , Irs parii-un. While l. (ir.i.din iv.is sin vi i; ; from the rigors ot the ,;, ,l,t,,t, r.ir- was pro ; et the J heatro I rair als. Oi the lirst night of its s rloriuance, the m ist criti cal audi. n, e in l iur. pe stamp, d tl an ime.iuivoeal hi. 'irss. "Author' author'' eti, I the ,.:, ,r. liepini r a.lvaiiced before the ca, ti'u and m n tioncd the inline ol "Madanie d" Oir.irdin!" I ' tell Ihem Midline :.,', de Oirardin." crii rl H e authoress, imperiously. w ' " 11:1,1 ever heanl of Mad ime de i.irard n -Mad. ine I. mil, . . Oirardin was her husiMiid's w ti , und must be know n lor such ' In soi icty.as in her works, Madame de fiirar lin we beg pard..n, Madame l.nule de Giraroin aiays was a laily. A iilhorsliip and popularity n. vcr iinpcx 'd hi r manners or her habits. The I'eiicato hand with which she wrote was cloved and through all the brilliant force of her citation there is no trace of hard und naked knuckles, Alas! that physical pain should have rendered the last days of such a life almost ,a martyrdom. Ol l?OT. Here is a dialogue betwem a lady of fashion and Monsieur Goiot. "My dear Monsienr Gui.ot, you seem weary with everything, as if your heiirt, and mind, and spirit were fatigued. How is this? What can you desiro i Vor years you have occupied th thoughts ol Durope, Inspired your namo in his lory, and btcn a king of men and leader of mon archy. In jour retirement yon aru honored and illustrious. No other is high enough for you to envy. Then whence this lassitude, this sadness, this hypoebrondria ? Are you ill ?" "No, Madume, but I would forget. "Forget!" "Yes, I would tear a thousand pages from out the book of my life pape tilled w ith the re. ords of others, but which neither gave nor give mo any happiness. "Is it possible you can be dissatisfied w ith your uiagnitieent career f" "Were my time M come over again" (it must be understood that this anecdote comes direet from the lady who heard the avowal), "audi were freo to choose my lot, I would be a man without either political or social duties, responsi ble but lor my own conduct, without too many lelutionsor lriends, without any endowments of talents, but simply those of common sense; with out nerves, and with a good digestion and a little egotism, entirely w.thout munition, living on a modest, solid independence, drawn, sav from rents in the llonievards of i'aris, or llepent street In London ; so that I could bo a calm, unlmpai sioned, disinterested spectator of passing events." "Then," asked the lady, "what would be your dream, your desires, your employment, your pastime J" "To sec the passions and ngitations of others. As for glory l'ah!" And this is the verdict of a man who has known all und seen nil who has taken a bud's-eve view of empires irom tho lofty heights of bis own genius. rn E llfC DK MOHMY. Hydraulic pressure is known to be a great power, and the Due de Morny, years ago, put it to a new use, and successfully pierced the thick skin of a vulgarian. Tho noui eu riche in ques tion gavo dinners, at.d alwajs reserved for him self and bis wife a certain exquisite vintage of l.eoville which tho famous house of Clos small of Bordeaux sold him for a louis tho bottle. Tho servant who stood behind his master's chair hud secret orders to maumuvre with this particular wine, so that the guests, although served with tho best, never tasted the heoville. M. de Morny, Informed of this fact, watched the servant, and marked his clever manipulation of tho bottle. The man asked him ' bermiuige :" The Duke replied, pointing to the place where the bottle was secreted, loudly ' I prefer Leo ville." Tho man looked at his master, who, seeing tL u' he was discovered, uvtdo the best of it. "Don't you bear f tho Duke prefers l.eoville." Tho precious bottle waa brought from ita hiding-place, and the Duke's wineglass slowly tilled the host, his wife, and all the guests ob serving tho operation with deep interest. M. de Morny poured tho couteuts of tho small glass iuto hiB tumbler, tilled it up leisurely with water, und drauk it as if it were only onliuary wine. It must have been a dreadful moment for Mon slcur and Madame, the host and hostess. Q E N T 11 A Li K A. TCI IS Ci II O U H E, orrosiTK the tost GFnra, 10-17 Jra PHtLHitt.rmA. fILLCOX & jIBBS' Sewing iMaohines. I Vo. 715 0HES5iWr St., Philad. HIGHEST PREMIUM 8KWINO MAOHINEh, - Ns. TltO flWVWrJTTX Hcr.f. isiil isgT. GLENN ECHO MILLS, OKRMANTOWN. McCALLUM & CO., WHOLR4ALC CARPET H'ABEUOirSE, No. ftOi CUKSNUT HTHEET, PllIt.AIlf-l.I'HIA. KIN-NE-NO-NK-AW INDIAN ftwoKINl) TOIUiH'OI 'lios world-rMiuwutal Tnuai-eo Is mituuiiuaursd' from ths riNKST L1C AS'. And SArnistljr rscniiiua.ii.lt It-elf to all OeaUemea ol Luxurious Tkits. Bold wholeisle And retail At AlUKT s) fOPIILAR CIOAR TOHB, Ko.SU IMIKsNU.' u reet, tO-4-Sml oppinilia Mil Hoiim Ol'NriNo7HOC8VADB( J uaU to mtUv. at Jh S8ICSHTB1I I'TNt U-H UjMWUIt I'LOWMASI. DRY GOODS. DE t'OlhCLT, LAIUi:R)AI:; 00 , No. ri airNlT SiY.I' I'I'. AUK Cl.OSlMl (M l FALL AND WINT.E3 TOCK H 10 l?t UK FAR 2EI.0W GOLD VALUE. 8 y '1 FOURTH AND ARCIT, : tivr iis.nt rKO bomb riwn o iods toh lit HOLIDAYS, To favor the laudable practice of making VALUABLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Lyons Velvets, Frost Cloths, Fine Shawls, Fine Silks, Black Silks, Ekto Silks, Eep Foplins, Silk Poplins, Merinos, De Lainos, Blankets, Piano Covers, Good Chintzos, Christmas Scarfs, Flaid Shawls, Christmas Hdkf3. 11 l-lm J COWI'UHTIIWAIT Jte CO., S. E. Cor. NINTH and A ROE Strerta. THE GREAT BLANKET STORE. BI.ANKKTS AT nETAII,. BI.ANKKTS AT WHOI.ESALU. BI.AN'KI'.TS FOR n0U5I-:K KKTBRS. BLANK F.T8 FOR II0TF.L8. HLANKETS FOU THE ARMY. BLANKETS FOR THE NAVY. BLANK F.TS OF ALL SI7.15S. fJLANKETS OF ALL QUALITIES. BLANKETS T11K CIIKAI'P.ST IN TO WTI. BLAKKKTS TO 6UIT KVKUYDODY. at tub iirvrsitirr htolie, i SW-lm . B.oomer NINTH and A RCTI Dlrm. 1044 L'UKHNUT KTUKKa. E. M. NEEDLES la Dnlly Ileoolvlnor N0TKI,TrK8 in IACTKH, WIIITK OOOIiH, KMliRC)UKKIfc;S, HANDKKRC1HFS, Ac, la rttrj Tartt7 and M IlKDUCKIl I'ltlCE-l, ITI ABLB rO Till FALL TBADSJ. ' 1094 CIIKSHITT rTTftCT. 'I DE MOST VSEKUL, I TUB H KIT AM) T"F ftriF.APKST Holiday I'Kkhkn ri, AT HAMIIKKIIKH llllu I HUllS . Hfiiil lliL LlMt ill' Artl..t,.H. 1.INKM llliK t H A very Urio. ami.irtraent of plAtu, ii.-uj- ri.,n1ui.uuiiii.i.iB.iii.iM,. V fry CI IC H 1. I At IS COLUAltrt. Cauilirle CxlUra And Mitts. Vorr eh. en rSV1 11ACX OOMiti-A Tery liirK .rimunt t Tiii1 tin. ei otauiuui iiu-e orinncy uacii, At uau the ruliu ri tml i.rl. rH. 1.MIVKU T.tOVFH. A very Itrup AMorlmcnt of Rllfc, Flriry l.lued.C'lutli t.lut'e, una All olla-r kiude of Gtorei, llAI.MORAf, RKIBTrt. Tbe lerm'it mseortineiit of Il4lni.iral hkirte La the City. Fft-nj $..'UU to A.s'll Hp.cre. .-ry chfHi. Hr. KINO li.lllliS. The leriff t stofk r.r I.Adies', Men'f, Mlaref Itore' An4 i iiuuien n Mfrino niierinute sua liruwcr In ilio City. IIOSIF.RV! MOSIKItV! The hest and clu-aient H.iile ry lu ih.- fltr, I.ALllEl , IIKN'S. AMI llll.DIIKN 8 IinHIF.KT. ('..lion, Wuol'B, and Mfrino lli.al.Ty. Tfte Uruust ui tuiillb ui r.nj ,r, iiunuiir Mll UeSCriUUUIl. HAT. HKI.S! KATItllKI.S! A very tHrite ARanrim.-ut v( 1'ren. b Mi.roeco Batrheli. 'eiy chaap. I tACB VF.I1.BJ LACK VF.It.l A very Inr.e miortimiil ol' blnck .a, e Vetli, at All priflfe. ver tli'ip. 1 ail'.-a anil UfiiU' Ills nnil wiwrlen ScHrnl. Hair Hrufthet, ri.mi.a, Silk II ilk la. I oraelh, I inrti U.-auins, anil a Imite AHHortm.'nt (if fancy UrMuls, mil. h l..wr llian at any mhrr more in (In f Itv, al HAMKIIliiihB IlKOS. , No. In'. N. KIUII I II Mlreil, U-lu-ot Third atore ub.ivo Ar.ih. 101 IN II. 8TOKE8, O Kit. 7t1 Altrtt STRFFT. Wiil'tTioN is thicks or nay udods. A M.lfndlrl Variety tT ( QklSIMAsl AMU M.vV YFAK'H PHEHBHrS. CoSKiallnif of Hu S Oovda. 1 freneh Mirlatwa and I'opllna. l-apln I Sing e and II inle Width ftla-k Ilolf ll. Lupin a HiitiEl Wo. I rial.la. l.ai.in a r Ine guallty Freor h Mrrlnoef , 1 f HfMy klLlifd Wu.il Fopliai, SI Ml. llayand Plain Htvle Cnllnn and Woulllalt: . tsssi yn. da Calleora, frum ill V In Maul Miawla .a and llealrabw. Flam Hl.aw.arur SeiTica. Children a nhawli- ling aad Squaro. Ladif a', denta', aad Clill.lren'a Uiuvn. l.autea and llen'a' Linen Caiubrle ildkls. I adlra Hein Nt'trhed Iljkfa. Unite' kilk lldaia. II aim. ral Main I aire Aianrtment. rlfilredid C.naierpanca, from Aat-kMiaaa Flannela While and OoUreU. kuatlat'rath and IMaiH-r. Uui yarda Auiarlcan Oraih, At Hsie. If Ladlea will atainine thia not k ihew will And fond a rda at the very lowaet pruiaa. Slo uoalila to ahow thain. Lose aud exajnUai, al JOII H. TOKr.S'. 119 1m So. 70S AK JIl Utreet. 1SG4. 18(54. McCALLUM & CO., II ETA I JL, DEPAHTMEIfT, Jlo. 619 GHESMUT STREET, 11- -O OrrOIITB TKDBPBeTDBllOE BALL. I iJiOKOK I'l.OWMAN, OAKl'KN IKK AN I) II BnlM.r, No. 'J '.M AHTKII 8ir.n, and No. Ml HOIK Sirrat- AtatUio Work and Malvria'htlijg promptly a4 tl.dwl l. 11-JS CLOAKS, 4c. ( I; Ii A T KIMUCTION IK TIIH iviiK i: oi' cloivkh, At 1VESS (t UO.'S, ho. "S . ninth M'licr.r. Irr.m.,.:triiri. or Ihe felllnimH. tvrS's CO. Lave I. I l'f. tl tl,. r ITK'.'P 'rl. 'I I . I.. .'. . l...r I" Ikt.ua .. j Mi .i . I a in. Ke Nn.l .e.M , rt.l ,, j' i.i ia K S a.il' . .. n.r a. pre rit i .'nmn a-ts...t. w im. 'i t i. e-e ei. rm.r rd u. at r., , t, ni., r.ii.,,.1 r . . I ... .n i.e j tUT.-...r. 1 art wi.l und II t . u, ir i...a.n.e to h ..... ..... Ir i-....i.B,ii(; ri.ewur.if. a;, mt....:.. r 11NH t til- S U.i KSI At'I.lHtll'.li CI.i'AK Sfott't, ...'.MH. SIN Ol Sfie.t.r.rn.-r ol. l.iMie. 'I?;n jji:nkv hahki:, NEW FDR STORE, No. MT A K(.' I I NTUKl The abora rr ipeetfnlly Informs l.la patrons, aiul !he itl lle to teaere.l. that Im l.aa uow i.ye;ifd at Die ahore litore An aeaurtannl of Ladies' and Children's Fancy Furs, WhleJi, fir variety and dua'lty. r.nn-l he anrpaiael by any loi eln It I'nltei Hialra. IWImk the msnu ai'titr. r of alt hla Ftra. and karln Uiiporied all hie atock troen fctdae m urn lo tier ikan at tlie pro lent rale-, he can offer tkem to Ma patrcna at It.v aooil rrtnonabie prlcea. ALL intll made to ..rd,r, aud repairing done In tl.e tail'aDf.er and lataat itjU'a. lll'-NKY lt.8KK, Importer and Manufactnrer (r LAttlKH' AND ClilLitKS S TUKS, H-B-lm Ho, Sir AKillt HTUKKT TAItlKH' FANCY null's. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, AttOVK KrVltTTII, at uts old nTAHLisarin STtiaa, Importer and Mannrooturer of LADIES' AND C II I LDU K R $ FANCY FLTltH. Myaaeonmeiilof F ANCTFUb Ur Ladlea and Cykln a Is naw eoaaplela, embeaelcf BVF.KY VARIETY THAT WTLL BB W0HSI DURING THE COMIJG SEANOlf . Reanember the lama and naniber, JOHN FAREIRA, No. 71H AUC1I HTHKKT, Abrrva BeyanCh, inATKVOI'AKTriB OB OOSKF.CTIOK WITH ASTT OTQ K I STOKE IN THR CITT. t -ara V. OltlOINAIi SKATK STORE. SMITH & RICHARDSON, Hlit-n or tlio "Hlinto Hoy," No. (Ill MAIUiKT STIIEKT, Ilaye n.flale, Wholeaalc and lietalr, tlio luiieat and hei Sloek of H It A. T E H In thii elf j. Tfatlr Rtork. oumprlitH tvwj ikwiIIjIc tmij and nt th lowsvt nr'i. Lad i fcnrt (.rttk- ht l Hhatri. Rrrvtni' Rkt. 'laj-k. Pkaift, llokciri- HhatM, rhilnif)phia Hkatea, Hra1ftirl lioit' i, Rkatci."irwirb ( liir ' nkatut.l'uWr Kkatc. SKATE PLATJCS', SKATE STRAPS. In hKrt.fTarvthlnif prfalBlrnf to dkat.andovary rarttw ff rfcfe nith',rn tt prururcit aMhe H no of the 'rtam l'.i-y. Bo. tiJJ HAKKKT blrat-t. UieUJtliitiStvMlNtvjr0Ju Um ally, fcMrrii & iuciii:dsom. N. n.-HkUi flroimd and Itrpairad, U lJ-U. JLSON'S SKATK JIKI'OT, No. 409 0HE81UT BTSEET. " Jsat raeetved, s full etoek of I.tdlcs' Skstrs, riiilsdclphls Clnb Skntoi, fipnts' Skates, Unstop Hockrrs, very superior, Bi.ja' tikates, New York Club Skates, And Tsrlur Skutea, all sites, avliera an ean be arrodkmodaLad with aauperlor iiaaii iruui a ciiome ae.eciiou. WII.HOrV Ac CO.. IMO lm 'o 40 CHEiNUT Slreet, I'hlladelptlLA JI I IL.A.IHL.IM I IA N K A T X2 D E 1 O X . LESLEY & CO., No. (io7 MAUKET HTHE15T, BOLE AOENT8 FOB Oabaraa'i Ckalleaii gleal Skalaa, Belofcar'a Improred Ladles' sad Geuta' eTkatea, H. Clark e Pateat Ladlea' and denta' BaeUa, FlySBpton rateat XaMBtrla Floor Skataa, hAlar't rateat Floor gkalea, Tha American Patent Floor Skate. A fall aaaortment of all tha atwva atylaa aonstAnUaa hand, as eU aa all tbs other varietlea of 6TKEL AND WOOD-TOI" SKATRS. Iart i Patent Bolf-Faitenlnt fkaMa faatea wlrhord acrari, it -4 FOR SALE, WBOLSkALS AMD RETAIL. JsTil-W HTYL11 OF HKAT8 oa LADIES, GENTS. AND OHELDEEN, NEWIIOLU II. TltOTTKIt, 11 tS-Im Do. SIS MARKET RTBKICT. w IXIIA.M CIlAMI't.Ilf, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Ho, 1 kUTrosT FLAT, beiween Charry aad Aoove r. ainu euvei. tor Flttlaa and J.iolias oi all kinda prompt aded lo deavaws- U H N I T U H K. CUEATEST AM) I1KST. I'nrlor Miittia, lli d-Kinni ml In. tn nsr Mult", rlnliiif-lleom Nulla, Klta-.in-ik riirnltnrr, I-tlrury mul OIIUms 1'iirnlturo, I i oiiett-liol.l liirnlturas, OF EVEHY IM'SniUPTlO, F.t.' er 'a Sulla or SlnKle Plffea. al t!ia lawrel r"llK prler.i. (iolll.ll .V; CO.'S, linion Siirrllirre rwr.ta. N F. 'T. UtTH ami VI M.Ktr, and lMtwfotl .N. St. Cor SKHiiSIl A Nil ROR lit. Jt HOI.ilKS (JKOVKK, ENAMELED SLATE MANTEL WAP.EROO MS, TAIIL.JU TOl'H, o.. No. ty t cniossNUT htukht, I tllLAniLI'lllA. llg FACTO It Y TENTH AND SANSOM 8TS. g:xiii;:iiw.t HKAMKN'H, AND MARINES' CLAIM AGENCY. firn not TV A vn A t'F.Siiiojl To the dlediar.cd boldiarwho baa has n wounded In battl. I(K1 ItOUNTT To thoe who hare aervtd two yoara, besides a PBNBIOK tu rtioee diabl.d. POt STT AND riAt'K PAT To Wldnwa, h'sthera, Mothcra, &u.,of ihoaa who bars died or own killed la the itn ita, St! rF.SHinN A TP.AR To the Widows and Widowed M.xhnr. of tha dtara, Hiaii.iu, and Marin. i who hay dlod it tho aerylee. PR1ZF. MONEY. BAfK PAY, Ac, Dne the helra ol Si amen and Mnrlnea. 1 1IKMK ri.AIMSi, and all oiher aalnat Natloaal and State troverauienta, pruluptlp tolleclod. Addreaa or apply te) GEORGE W. FORD, CliUm Agent, II ':) lta DOCK STKF.KT. one door below Thld. JNHU11U YOUIl L.1 Fll IN Till A M Ell I C A N i S, E. ( uriicr Walnut and Fourth Streets, ririiAUTLi'iiiA. Tt Is a IIOMF. f OMPA.ST, and nrorlta clreMed annnatty, thne aldlnK the aai.iired lo pay lUlure preiumuia. LASS dividend Al per cunt. HOARD OF TItl'STRKS. ' ' Alexander Whllldln, t .1. F.ilk'iir Thomann, lion. Jumea Pollook, Hon. i .aeiili Alllenn, Albert C. KolKMta, Henry K. Ilennetu HamurlT. Kodiua, Pnllip K. Mintie, lf..rire NiiKnl, John Alkmaii. n illiaiii J. tlonard, I Isaac llazlohurat, Hamiiol Work. AI.FXANUKIi wuiLI.Mr?, PrealdaaL HAMUKL WOHK. Vies I'realdent. 11-1711 JUUM S. WILSON, Hei 'y and Treaanrar. TO SHU' CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. The nnderslirnrd hallux leaaed the KBNell"lV iui hCKF.VT lint K. hexata leiorui hla rrlenda aad Iks patrnnaol the I lock, that he la prepared wlih Ineroaeeel lacililie. to acremmo.la atlio.e having vrasela to be raleest or repaired, and helnx a pra.-tl.-al ahlp carpenter ana eaulkf r, will ul personal alteouoa to tlie eaeeeis n lriiHled to him for repalra. ( aptalna or Ara ta, Mitp-rarpenteri, and afaohjnletf L'avn g teaat la lo rr pair, are aohclled lu call. Ifnvlnx the auancy for the aale or "Wettararedt'a Pataat Sl.tallio 1 omiioaitl n." or Copper I'aali, r.r tlia ereeerva tlon of v.aaela botloms. tor thl city, 1 ata p.eparad to far kuah the aaiue oo tavoiahle tepma. iOllt If HAMMTTT, Kenaliiiftnn hcrew Dook, JI1 1'M.AWABw Aveniie, aonee I.AI VF.L Hlroot, GAS HEATING STOVES! CHEAPER THAN COAL OR WOOD I EAULE GAS UEATIKG STOTE, Tilt ONLV ONB THAT IS FREE FROM BMOKE OR SMELL. Will neat 01 FICES, FARLORS, DINING, SLEEPINO, AND BATH ItOOMB, With If ia trouble, In lesa time, and at Icaa exrwaae tbaa any Coal or Woid btuva. They are very cinvonlant for aae lu apart wenta In which there la no Clumnoy Flue. a. w. Looms, No. U7 SIXTH HTItlSET. U-luthalm FIULADKLPHIA. THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHKNER, aar koriAean Kanxe. tit fanilllea, b.ilala, or ennlie ksAlailaM, la tweaty dltieiaui aiiaa AJao, Fr.Ua- delohl hareea. Hot - ale Hari.ii.M Hnn.hi Heatera. Low down Oralea, rireluard HtovU, Ha h Hmtera. bkewbole fauaa. Mnura, CooAUif btovaa, Ac- as aaoUh. aaie aud retail, by lb. raaniifaciar.ra. . CHAbi;. HHAIll'B THOMSOW. S-SO-cinw aa Aio.uw a. HF.uau nuaea, QIIA-lllUl-sJ XI. OlVllli'M BEDDING WAREHOUSE, At No. 1j N. ELEVENTH STREET, 11 Ditl PniLaniLruiA. QIOIKJU WriTAUtfJ, an., MANUrAOTUEING MACHINIST AND ENGINEER, 10-10 Ko. H'-'l K. IIRCOrr Street, Philadelphia. JI31UIir W UJJUillt asjc SUOr. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SU1P AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS DOCK STREET WHAHK, pinl nitlJ'HIA- arirrvD a. sornai, ;! AiifiiinaLo iikttt ai ki iiv.n t. a. Laa uvt-tr COrSTY'S TEA WAREHOtWE. ESTA J bushed In IS0U Importer and Healer la Flue leaa, H luaa, aad Ldqaors. Choice navana riiiara, i r.a it mark wf 11 a Pickles and Hauoaa Eugllak and Scotch Ale and I'.ftfr. Canned Meats, rnlta. Bodp, aba Kavy Meaai put VP with care. tt 0V. n r.. prA.VIf ",ieet. I W-ly JOHHLA H. ClIUMTT. IJKLUESUUHO MACHINE WORKS, JJ OrFH'K, Vo. 6N. FltuST STKEET, riilLAni.Li'iiiA. We are prepared to nil orderi to any extent tor our wel known MM IIINFKY FOR COTTOll AWD WOOLRST MtLLH, lncl"dinxail recent leauroveuienie Invaidliia. Mi'iti'"s. and Weavlox. f Invite the attentl.a of manufaclnreralo earextea Ive worka. 1-11 ALFREJ) JCrTKt A SOS? (im t tWf CANS PEACHES. VERY 8U- a' ' l I perfor. rat no by CP. klertoa A k , al Ihe Itound T..n 1'ca. h r arrn. lid,, now arnvlux, and ol aaleby U. b, VKKk'.llu. loo I. Wll AHVK8. II 10-lia' r a