ID HI fa tt h H .1 H jM -n 11 iUJlilLld WlLa&L Jl ,1 UHHIBL iik!;t. PII.LADKUMIIA, Fill DAY, DKCKMUKU 10, 1 (II. riMCK TIIUKM (MINTS. Tfl) LATKST FHOMiiliANT ALL QUIET IN THE ARMY. muhdeiI of pickets. II i.mhii mi n:'!s Aiimv or in': PurnM n , lien iii Ik r l.i. l'nnu.i! ,inct Ims ,,,, vailed alum? the line ia from of I'i'its'iihk 'lio lint few Hays, H-tr- c'y :i s! t leic cvtu ig-jij, efpt In Win rvenir on the rifiht of tti; Una. Lt night, however, qnlio nn excitement was Kept up from about to l'i i.'c'ock, whan thcliriniT rralu j nlly died away, anil after n.idi.iht nut n iut wa lirard. 01 conrkc tin pick' I" in the vi it;t- (if Tort Hc.l were resiionsUilc fur the outbreak, althkitiijti some uthcrpaitsi.f tin: line licr nes. wore par ticipants. A n port is cu'n nt that u number of our itkt is wutiiilnc the n-ar of the hues were t ikcti and Ditirileril nielit bciore. las , a:i I In con pint iico the lotto of men on ilil side hu IiCjh doubled. CliansrM are binp made in 111 deposition of troops, but nutltiiif to indicate a i e irly attack npoti the initiiy. ilie troops em?a.'ed iu the lata rnid arc ulino-t all In Rood ctindniin, but soma retnrucd from the trip with frozen bunds nnd feet, and others arc ill, cause I by the sevcro weather. On Friday live deserters are tj be handed. Two of thein aro from New Yo;lt, two from New Hampshire, and one from Maryland. De-erteri from the cmruy are coming iu daily. .Sovca came in jesteiday. DEPARTMENT OF MISSOURI. QUANTRELL DYING. AFFAIRS AT ST. LOUIS. Fears for tho Safety cf a Govern- me nt Train. MOVEMENTS OF COLONEL MOONLIGHT. fT. bocis, December 11. The Lawrence 7W tniw sii j s tho notorious brigand 'i'lantroll wa3 ret.ioved In an ambalitnco with l'rice's retreating isiluran, sick beyond hope of recovery. The re 'jeiit explosion of tho steamer Mwm at Carou- Jolot,,prcviously reported, Is sai.l .0 be tho work J. .i.k,t. .Ulllilni The primers of St. Louis are on :i strike, but the publication of the papers hut not l een suspended. Tho Drmucrat't Fort Scott (Kansas) special Icspalch of the 1A suys that yesterday a courier arrived from Fort (Jibson, wi'.h despatches, ausing apprehensions for the if..ty of a I.iro loTimment train, which left the cunp on Dry Wood, ten mile fOiuh of this pl.t: 3, ou the lid of November. Thi train consists of one hundred and twenty overnment wagons, five yoke of oxen to euoh nc; thirty sutler's wagons, with six mules to ach, all heavily loaded for Fort Gibson, distant S.c hundred and eighty miles. It w.ts guarded y a few demounted Indians, cavalry, and a tcilon of artillery. Tho train Is now said to be corralled on Nastier fver, about one huiidred miicr south of this laie, aad the mon are throwing up earthworks ur (Icfeine, being closelr Invevtt l by tho Ujbel eneral Claims', with seven thouK ind mun and vo purs. Colonel Mooulight is reported to be loving to the assist. nce of the ti.:in. I1VAGI0N Or KENTUCKY. Ilencral Lyon at Eddyville Caibo, Pecomlifr 15. The to uuer O'-iv rum A has arrived with New Oieans advices of e 8th, and llfty-throo bales of etitton for Cairo. ho brings no news. Cotton, sng ir, and molasses ull. Tho steamer 1ma Jacobs, from Memphis, id one hundred and twenty eight bales of itum. A steamer from up the Ohio river reports that e Jlebel (iincral Lyon and his oitrtound oodl es liddyvillo.ou the C'lmlirhr. i, with a force timutcd ui twenty-live humtivd to sovcti thou- nd. A bt:ery punted 011 the ei.t side of tho 1 rr, ilnec miles below tun town, opened 011 the tuner Suinjv'ui l., b:mnd doa :i lost week, but e ran pust without serious li s.uie. Ail the ots at timUhhiml uro ord -red to the opposite loofibe river, and guiiboits ivo boon Fcut u to destroy the battery. I . ldyvillo Is tho 1 th and marriage place of due Lymt, mid lute residetiee. FROM BALTIMORE 'I-DAY. Nrlnirti t I ho Vrwl, niALTiuoHi:, December 1(1. l'rovost Marshal rhail, of tho civil service, ed two vessels this port a month aj'o, cnl'ed the I'mvis fjflrh and Mumtlaia fcuytr. Since then liliels re been fouud uto'iinst them In the United lies jiniM -t louri, anil iuc cases are now Jcr argument. From the diversity of interests ict rnf.l, and also the (a t thtt already there vo Veil presented some nl 'e questions of law. 1, parent tl. nt the ci-e will not bo devoid of l even to others than 1 gal students, y Snowdcn, who is stated to be tho osten owncr of tho ve sel, and F. 11. Cvron, the , arc now confined In tin city jail on ei connected with the 11-n designated to been made of the vessel and cargo. John Villiamsis also represented 10 be owner of vessel. All the above named are well-known fhants. refugees and deserters from the South are ly Increasing. They present terribly dttl- appearance. THIRD SJMTIOl HKIIILY I.MFOIMWXT OFFICIAL WAR GAZE f IE. CATTLE m FRONT OF NASHVILLE. GREAT VICTORY!! Tho Sicso of tlio City liaised. TERR I CLE DEFEAT Or THE EHEMY. HOOD'S WHOLE AH5IY DUIVEN HACK. Crpturo of Cbo Thousand Prisjiior, Sixteen Onr.3, and Many Waron3. OUR LOSSES VERY LIGHT. Battle to bo Resumed To-Day. NO FURTHER NEWS FROM SHERMAN. JKlo.. I 'to. i:t Wa,;iiim. I'on, O.'cctnlicf IU. To y. Jor Criit'inl Ui.;, Xcw Vork: -Tbc follou i 14 olH c!:'l ri'fott if tb? tiiht lioforo Nn divilln h.n liccn recivinl lVo.u j )l iiMei'aI TliJ'iu: Drtintcti fii'oiii l.cnerul Xhoiiiit. Nahvii.le, !) 1. M., Dori'tiiJ-f LI. t uttacUct! (in! enemy's le'.t tUis moniin, utid drove it litun tho river bulovv tho city very nearly to Ihi I'raul.liu pike, a distance of about liht miles, ltuve captitrcd Clinlmers' licadip'iaitiTj and train, and a sfcoud train of about -0 wagons, with between SKI and It KM piisor.ers, and 10 pieces ol artillery. Tin troops bi'Iiuved flplcniiid'y all taking Uieir hliare in nssiitiltUiK and carrying the oni'iny's bre.ihtwork. I shall altark tho oiierny n'tin to-morrow, if he htandu lo llht; and if liu retreats tliiiins tho nlht, will pnrMiie him, throwing a heavy cavalry force iu his rear to ilr.-Lroy his trains, ifpoftble. li. II. Tn.iJt.ts, AI:j'H--f;iiii'r.iI. AiioHirr Ael'iiuul. An linofileia! ili'.-paleli gives the lbllosvln dVtiiilb: JiAsnvii.l.i:, Tennessee, Ueeeiuber li, 10ao r. M. Our lijio advanced and engaged the ltebel lino at 0 A. M. to-iliy. Tho lino was formed thus: Sleadnrin ou tho left, L. .1. Wood with -lth Corps next, A. J. Smith next, wiili Cox in re.eive ucxt, a i.l the cavr.iry, under Wilson, lighting disniount-.-d, oecupjiii( the extivino liylit, aided by gun boats on tho river. The artillery practice bits been line, and nt times tho intt-k try tiring eoJiiimiom ai l Ircavy, and though the c:iuallii'i li tve b.Mi light, the results are very fair. The left occu pies the aanif g-ound as at thu inn'aiu,'; bat tin:. right bus iidvanced Uvo milei, driving th ) enemy from the rior, from his iiitrenehmeuls, In m the range of hills on which his left re. .t .nl, and forced it bat ft upon his right and een! re, It's tciitro pushed back from 0110 to throo mile., ith a loss of seveuleeu guns and about lll'iivii hundred prisoners, and his wiiolo lino of earth works, except about a mile on his exl.rem.i right, where 110 serious attempt was m tile to dishulgu him. The whole of Hood's nrmy is here except the cavalry and one division, which has b.ioa detached lo threaten or ti't.iek IMurfre'i'slnro. Tlie whole ticiioii of to-day was snleinlidly successful. The divisions connnatnled by General Kimball, ol tho Hh Corps, by (laneral Garrard, of tlm command under ( A. J. Smilh, and the cavalry division under (ietieral Knipe, were under my ob-ervatioa, and I have never j-ccn better work. General Kimb.iU's Division carried two fortilled positions by lu-sault, wiih very slight, lots, capturing at 0110 point four hundred prisoners and six guns. No doubt the other par ts of the line did as well. 1 only spo.ik of what I fnw. A.ilhluir I'lirllicr Irom Mirruimi, No intelligence has bceu received from Sherman's army later than the puMl-heil des patclics transmitted by General Foster and Admiral Dahlgren. li;. M. !Sta.n ton, Pecrelary of War. ItillltOVI A'f'IIEtr. Ei Titoii, l)ccenibi:r 10. A terrible accident occurred en the llrund Trunk Railway, last night, caused by a collision with the westward bound train near this oity. Af;er tho C0UM011, several of the wonnded pauangers failed to extricate ihenisejves from the wei)rht of tho curs, and were bnrned to death. Two persons aio known to have fuffered death in this uiarncr; and It Is reported that several others were as unfortunate. The full extent of the loss of life has not yet been ascertained. LXILIASC-E tc f IU-3JNE.i3. Mill i'rnni. Iiflii. n nr. laml. Hiol n-.:i-.r 'fti(tr' t. ki'Iimi. '-t il 4 liitrtf llfifinUfr if. Islil. ( :i ii-Hii. Jul, 11 ' ( 1 1 m. i I', en - ; v.rn r' il'r. I.., eu mil t ( . II. hit-i.i; , A. li. ( . (i.-iie- I . tl n !M. Co 1.1 1 1 .li 1 1 ti I'm 1 it" ti 1 ultt I l el; ( i. ti.ih . ien I (111 t. 11 W. A. II !. . 1 e b 1' . n .1. II ..:,:. . k. 'js I, I nt .'.ini, , ,"' li r. i'. i ' 1 !'. a ; I nt. . Ivi ,rl ( 'up' 1 u J. htl Cb 1 r, 1 tu I. Infs'it.v. ('i.j.t .in Andrew .' Tnit. A - -t nt A li -';.:u. VflK ! t'i"i ",', 'Jl IV I H-l iv.l'i il. (' .p'llill II. S, (' ,i.r, .' I Ihn.i I 'lta'.M S .-, ;'h. I.h nte:,.iut WII.Mnjih, I 111 I Inte l .s.a: Infantry. I. uterant li. J. Vi'son, 'th 1'iiite 1 Stat.M C iv. I n uii i .int ir I.' hn, lli I '." "i -v 1 ' .1:1 1 1 . I iit'niitu Wi'liatn 1.'. I lei i,, .. 'd IVimsylvA-.U. L ent l. Ih s'l Km i.-euer, I . I. a ui . l i. in. ('. I'. 1! ire av, 1 1'Uti I'. im")' Von. I i. i.t Km in ('. s, ', mi f. s. Im urn-. I n i.t. U . li l'alhm iv. ., 'i It. s. la'utv'v. I s;.t. (I. I;. I He .;imv,'7t'' l'i. K S''Ve Car .s. I '. in. W. 11. I'.ueker, l'n'i. Cavnire. I 1. nt. .1 lire- II. 1m. Id, M l. I.atht Am': , rv. I 'i in. . . M ivna.iiii. Is1. C. s. Anil i v. 1 n nt. M . ('. (' .' s(..n, ; -:li ('. 1 an'.iv." I '. a. M. 1. I' A. C. S. l i. nt. i.. I. Mitoce r, II M.iryiai.d Infant y. 1 11 nt. W j, M,,rr,f) ,-,;, M .ryUml Ini'ni'.y. I.i. ir. .1. Km aitner. .'ith M.'.vylund 1 1. 1 hit.-. Ion I'. II Mt'wuit, o h .M.uvl.iiid Iuiai.try. I ii ut. Km. 11, -'"h M .r'. Inn. I lnl ui'ry. ( v. t. Siiiniit I I . M .irre, J l I . s. -.burp-h ,o, ' . L ent. H. c. Piitt-r. is;. 1 I'. iii). (' iva)ry. Ciip'aiii .-! r Kiii. wi.od, lt I need S'.i"-. 1 untenant I'. 1;. I. Htim.ii, Jd reuii.i. C iv.iiry. 1 i' uti i ant C. M. llrt, l eh IVnnsvlv '.ni 1. 1 1. iiti mint F. I. C. I.oiid, '.' I rcuiia. Ari'.!.-rv. I ientei ant II. s. Hurton, 1'ilst l'etinylviinia. 1 li inn ant .1. Mei.overn, 7'ld renii-yU iiiia. I.i. no nant A. A. Swcatland, -M reiinaC'nvairy. "11 1 t iln II. Kissuin, '.eh New .lersey. l.t-Col. II. K. .stiinphliin, 2d C.S. Nh'shonters. 1. 11 uti mint . I O. l.silil, .1 ith C.S. Infantry. Captain C. W. .Niwl.iii,7ih l'enna. Cavalry, l.leut. F. J. itrownoil, lih I nited States, ui. Myn n Fellows, ll'itn I', nn-ylv niia. Col. I'eiiiiock 1 1 ui-y, M'h I'eiiu'a Cuali v. L ent. T. ll.Varl,'.i!t!i l iiite 1 Slates Intantry. l.ient. W. (1. Diitt iti, i.'Jil I'ei.n'tvlviini't. C .pt. ,T. '1'. l';.'-utt, S li lVim'a Cavalry. I ii ut. W. A I) lile.v, teu l'l-mi'a Caviilry. ('apt. 11. K. Kelly,' 1 1sm I'l'im a Voluutee.s. Cap t. .1. kroB-e, :l l'eiin'a Artilierv. Cjit. .1. I,, (ire. n, Ajis'unf A liiit iii'.-dene'.a!. l.icut. II. V. ll.iltlwin, '.'.I New Jeriey. l. enl. It. Itortley, Siei al Corp.. taiond As I l.ns'r .lohn Lcverney, V. N. AEMY 01 THE IT0M10. llic I.ulr Wel.lim It lil '. n'.iy KM II r i.'ii .M; 1 mi 1'iiiuo IIki.imi.:, Sr,. ..mi Cavm.kv IMiwi.s, lie oinfi.T 12. l-.arly on the moitiitii: nt it.e iih this division inn ie p;YK?i:t can p, in ei in; any iv ilh the 'Kb and p u t ol the 2d Cor s, the cava'ry taking Ilia advance, lilt jerv lntle i pp. allien t:is n..'; with.; 'iv ruck tlio Wilton where it iTiifjes the NiUtowuy r,ver about tlnrtv pr ttiirty live miles from l'eteribur. 'ilie bridite wis Inirni .1 and the rai ros.l compleleiy .lesriuyed to Ueliield. There tue enemy were found In c n sidi'tabh' face, and it was not dceincl a dvna'il.i to t ike the plu e. Saturday nioriiniK at an e any boor, tin' command i-t rt.'it on it r turn m irrn, this brimle hiivin,' tho rear. lh"CTmytol lowid us up, and at tine s the MKht'irr ia the r - ir w.i" Tery lni.'K ; two pieces of a tiller)' wcri use i t y the liebids iu our rearnnd U o in the adraueo. Tho ylct Fetiiisy Iv ir.ia Caialry wal re ir 'i ard and din the duty vi ry uiectuslly. Th'j 1st .Mania was nl'O irr a Blmrt time. 'J I.e 2d -New Yoik Mounted Holes was attached to Hie Ii.ianti v, and 1 1 t cuMd ra'de in purin es. Tie cnmniiindinir ntllcer, Captain I rues M. W him n, v as captured ; also one utuor Ouk'jr and 3.) men. '1 lie lith O'nio Cavalry did not ac-imptnv tho expedition, hut were llit'uieg ou the n'li in mill llovilton roads, and on S I'urday, wuli o ae or two other regiments ol cavalry, and a division of the '.ah Corp, ntancd to uict us, and m. t ttie coniniunil near the Uowa'ny. Wo lumrned to our ld camp at 12 o'clock lat nlplit. The weailn r was cold nhd wet, which nm lo it very uncntnlortnole tor men mid borers. t'olnnel C. II. Su.iih, ho cmniands the In .(fade, reel ivcit his appointment as lirevet Hr!,;.i iik r-i icrcrel just b. fnru leaving cam. V, 1 u,-'.-triii m: "n Inl H nullrKlo of Ilie 'oiireilerte. The f'lilovfing is the joint note addressed tj tha I'nrii h M nist r of foreign Atiairs by the ilipl.i iu. die rrpie-cntatlvi i of theC'iinfedeia'.e Oovern aen: nbro..d, transiniuini; an cojiy of tbo mat iiesto of the Cougiess of the Confederate States : I'aiiik, November 11, lh'll. Sm : The under flgnid CommisMoiici-s of the Confederate, .States ot Ameiieu, in pur uanco of the insiriieti.ins of tlitir (iovciMiiniit, 1 aio Cm honor to present t jour llscelleiicy a copy of a m iuifcuto issued by the Ciuiftress of s dd s'U'cs, with t lie approval of tic l'lcsiuent, uuil of which tho President was re jui'tcd to cau-e c lies lo hu tran-niiliud to tlieii Ci nn in if siotii rs abroad, to the cud til it the i-anie miftht be by ttiiin la d I. dure f.ireu Uuv ra mi Lis; iLcy at the (.ame tiiue eoiiiiiiuuiiate a copy of tho p'i amble nnd resolutions ot C m ns aeci inp.m) ing Mich uiHnilesto. Tlie dispo utioiis, ))iiuei.c, und purposes by which tue Conn Oi rule States luive been and are nti.l ani inaKd, aro set forth In litis paper with all t ie uuth' my riuu to ihc sokmn ileelara' ons of ilia l. fti-liiive and eseetitive Inane. ies of th, ir . virijio nt, und with a cleiirrie-s vvliich leaves no rot m lor comment or explanation. In a lew scnicnres it is pointed out that 'nil they us it is immunity irom inierfercnee with their 'internal peace and prosperity, nnd to be left in the undis inrbul ei'joj nieiit of their Inslirnali'e ri",hn of lite, liberty and tile pursuit of haopiness, which tl.cir c lnmon iineihiry ileel.ired to be the fiiial heritage of all pirtfes to th3 social coui pact. la t tt em lorbi ar iigitressions upon us, an. I the war is at an cud. If there t questions widen require adjustment by ncgotiaiious,' tUey hive ever been HilhiiK, nun are till willing, tj enter Into coinu ni.ic .1 on with their advcrsi ies in a puil ol rquity and manly tr iiiknos, and coininii Ibeir cause lo the euli'.'itened ia Uioeiit of tuo world, or th? s.lier r-dectiou of their ad vers trios thi nmehes, and to the s.ilcuiu and religious uroi tiiiiin nt ol Heaven." The unders;'ned b leavo cost is i-peettiiliy t invite the attention of tho (i. v. lit of His .Mijes'y to this fiank and full epl"iia'iiin of ilie attitu lo and pmpo.e of the Confederate States, and will incitly rcmaik, in addition, that since tho isMilux of it. at manifesto tuo war bus continued to be waged by our eceiniej with even ir.crea-cd feio"lty, a more signal di-n gird of all tbo rules of civilized warfare, and more wsiiion violaiion of tbn oolbtati in of interna tioual low. 1 lie undiTbigui il, haiinc thus com plied with the ii.s'iiiciloi.s or tlio.r Uovoinruciir, brit to a-suie your KxeePeney of the dis tlntnl hid cons'ilerat on with wtiich they have the honor to be your Excellency 'a most obedient seivants. John Si.uiuli., J. f. Munis, -, A. Ill Mi.s, A similar document, says The Index, has boso proentinl to all the Cubinets of Kurope, (Cou tatitinoplo excepted.) Mr. Slidell has banded, In person, to M. llrouyn De I.hnyi the aSove. Uihhnp Lynch will hand to the I'ope the cy Intended for him. M3C55LY IMPORTAFiT. A infvV AIID FORT-IIDABLS ITXl'EDITION. Its Departure from For'troTS Tlonroo ou Tuesday. C Wit II. vi. Tnr-d-iy, ll'-'ein'.rr I".. , a c niiirii.. with Ian I Icli llano. ton U ) i !s tie i A e rav i it b ri rs in tuiii-.erl iieanin . -t, ,., file lnaier n irt of Ibfl urmv tran-norta l. f' diiii:.:! il.e i.i 'i.t. At i Lis wruiii.., the II lu'-hlp l.i.'r. rn and si versi' of it e i:,i r vi --I Is ol the Jft m.' iu tli ; r.u I.i, t ut as tin. Mil ium order have Ic-en -iitnulleil, ihev v. HI prot'iili y get under way iu a !i u t tone. 1 be lien c ads hohcIu- 1 f tbo Ihet V"r th..) lir-t to tuo' c. Tbo sui,lc-t'ii '.eted in iniiors ) 'iii ir. P. ol -.'earners. 1'ue v , ic iVni-,.'. ,i and the doiiiilt-t meted niemtor Minailmui- itojel tlli'li s. lues tar e lcive been fiv.irod with H.t wi .hi ir: H'tht wind leo iri? tr im oil' klio.v alilnu'li ii. 'Ill ations si cm to point m a north ens i r I clore we arrive at oui journ. ) ' end. Our pla. e ot diminution will be urn. In J.nowu to tic it.tiiic at the line. Suil'e it to ree .in ', that iimplc preparations !:av. lien pro vnlid to via. runt a vig.oous uud form.d.ibld ami. tipo.i ti.e rncmy's work. la nl. piol ability a few davs lien will uive nn no ipport'innv of siMidin-' yon full n. inter est n." il tads oi tho expedition. . . 1. 'i.vpe. A THC1LLINQ INOIDEN T. Iks l Hip 4 niiirr "It. H. 1 ( on ! a, r l'lii)il Ipnlii - Solo Sort I tr r lliti Irea I'lrkril p nl Sivi - li iinvplf nuil it llr.ij Mini Ailrll'l on it I rniui-nt ir !' li . (H i ( iitnt i hiox, Saturday, Docenibcr 10, Im.I. In the curse ot my wiin.'crlii.'s for the ''',' X, 1 have met with tried a.lvn.ilures by "t'oud and field," u:id bn I supp le I tint, as fir as 1 was concerned, the c:::iie stock of seits. tun s was e xhu'i-ted th it tin re was "muhiii new iindei the miu." This w is a vain notion, for tlur' ye! romaine .1 for me to witness tbe t'li'iiiln;,' iii' iilnt I B':i bout to deseti e, an im ident shotting iu a maimer tl.e in'erp.isltinn of Divine 1'r.uid. nc? in the n.-cne tr in ceaih i f a i-hlp'.vrc. le I m m out ,.t m; a, win) b id bi-eu ilnutim; lor days with ad- id i oiiir.nte, on a fragment ol wreck, at t.n; mercy 01 the angry i avo. I was on boird Colonel "Vliilfnrd's desai'.'h sl'.nmir l.t'-tt liAiii'tr, Cant ii'i ros', t. lis after noon, on the wny Irom I'.ir" K aval to Chiilestoa, l ..i:g lain detained nt 11 il'o'u II i l yesterday by a- he- ivy a liorheHst ile a- has In: n expert i in u on the ce. t lor ye iv, b avin t o d o en's Inane to-ibiv f.irioiisty. J,o sun Has visi ble, and a in tn u fog rLui la our b : i.oa to very l ut.O'.v Hints. We arrived oil' II list. i lil.ui l iibi ut I.1, o'oloik, bavimj pis-iilim tlie way up iii.imii-c pitci s ot wr.'Ck, wntcu wuro uigniil a ii ol a recent .li aster ut n i. .1'istas Vie I'i'.rknrsn was ehuing ar.i'ind us, p:U.'t l'Rl'll ;, Oft!, Lei, il'.ove.e-.! o:!' li) SIM f nl a lav; er fiug nei.t ot Uie wi'Oi k than .inv we li id j et se. n, and inado tho sui.'.?esiiou tint wa (liouiil run ilow n to it and ns.'er.alii if it sup poited a bniiiaii b' ing. Caiitain I'o it a c 'led, nnd we hud m iu cil.v chauiscd our course wiien a tin ill if joy passed lliroueli all on board, a' the si"ht ol ti po .r creatine ruiiniin.' franticilly ir mil l Lis n ir.ow raft like nn ini riMinod animal la a ell-'.', i. ml Kilting his hands imploringly. I ter anil upain the man would bo hidden from our view, as a mighty wave, with curling crest, curled over his frail support. The innu-'.i bo it was lowered und gillautly tiimu d by volantr ns Irom ti e crew, who did not neigh the risk to themfelvi s in braving the angry e.t, while they S'nr.lily pulh d towards the suipwreclixd tador. With seme ilnlleiilly they laid their bout along side the rait, not only getting tbo iviug mun oa bout. I, bur, in obedience to their bu n mo liupulsn, tri:i"inig if the (.haittly corpse that lay bouud to ti e meek hc-ido him. The boat relumed In safety to th II m-v, nn 1 a tar the rescued man fad gut Hi j t hills nut of Ins i. i,i, ot ineuiil ot lioteoiijc und Wiiriu clo.lus, li" tuhl tue l'.. Honing sloiy : HiMnin o he guve as .lohu It. Cruie, of pjr . I i ti r, N. J , and mid th i' ho was a h i id on ti e - houiitr H. ll-.irtM, of rinbidelpliia. Tae v.'.'M 1 bad been lying tA'o iiiouths or more inside. Cli.o'!. .-ton bar, tilth a cuig.i of co il for the block. .oliig licet, aud bad leeeuiiy been uue'iored ui tl.e el aiiii. l-w iy, and used us the inside liglit slilp. Her eiew list was a follows : ( apt tlii .l.itncs llr.'wir, of Aba" oin, N. J. .Mate A. II. Dean, wiio Uuilod trout some port ' DoiMi Fust." (In w Ch irb s Winlow, of Tort Klchmon l, l'eiitisyhaiiia ; Lewis Muicott, of M llville, X. .1. ; .lolni It. Cru-o, of Ibiii'hester, N. J. lluo u 'I liner and another seaman had loft tho sehujuur a nay or two beloie. Cuoe, continuing his narrative, said that oa Fiitluy moriiiiii;, unout ! o'clock, they expjrl u.eiU the lull lury of tho burrieauo. The s'.o. It ol tl.e anchor is U eli held tho schooner bioUo thiouch tlio 1'irec ot the gale, and the vo Bel be. it in toiling. An attempt was then madu to let gathn an. In r, but the elutin fouled ut thu hawse hob) niter ttto uud a hull i.iihonis had run out, an 1 U was imiiosM'ilc to extricate it. In tbi plight the vc-el b.gsn to dWve towards tl.e i.oi lb. ru nar, when (Vitam Uro ver ma le an ill. tt to Igit her iiinler 8 ui, but sue would not "neur," otv ng to the dead weight of the anchor, and nothing iii.Unr e.mld bo d mo to save her from ti .ii. k dslune. 1're-ently sho stru :k, und the first blow knocked her stern completely out. lliearg on ber bilge, the second bl snuppid all h r lee limbers like, pinc-spnus, An I in 1 1 1 an ho ir nlier.. she was broken to pieces. T i e entire eomnauy got on the foremast while it ren allied slamlimt, and when it fell ull in in aut'd to si cure small pieces of tho wre k, h n iho sea ran m high, u:ul an cob tide soiling oil su ire, made it llnpos-i1: lorn human hengt) long si ape UtowuiLg under such cireuni-tan. es. l oranhoiir or mine Cruse uud his co npi nions biibeiid the waves, graduafy be ''lining sep.irated by ttu anigry se i, uud the lust tin, li saw of convinced him Unit UJtono oii'd holdout II ureal while lungi r )e: n, the ii ato. was on a piece of the potip-dc k and Ciutediifiid near bun, und saeeeedei In gettirg upon it, thus 0'i'iiiini.g a b tter supp irt thun theUick pi ink which ho had S ' l wh"n tbe ves el went to pie. es. Cpon tins sin ill piece of Ike deck he mid his companion were en riod o i 1 lo sea, parsing through ttm bio ik Ts of Sto l.) li. li t, v. lu re tui y were several times n ash 'd inf. litutl bud bu n severely bruised on tho head by a plunk win n bo was thrown int the wt'er, a id only inrvived the iiij'iiy and his desperate eir euuistunces until it'JJ o'clock on Fnd iy nigh'. For boms bet. re his iluath hu w is senselets uud help ii-s. and Cruse's streiu'th wis nearly tr; bsiotid in bis attempt to bold hi.n on 111 ; rait. tie deee.i.e of lis co.upanioii. Cruse divi Mid him of bis clothing, to add lo his own comfort, nnd lathed the c irpso to the wreck, hiivii already coniempla'ed the horriblo uoces-i-ity of b elling upon li, if ano her day pissed w iihout relief coming to him. When we rescued Cruse, hu bad been tliirty-threo hours without food or drink. The remains of Dean were placed in a collla of wfi'ch ibcir wore a' "it thbty mi b "lid the l'."i"..r f. r tbe bnred of ilec" s bi er' re- i.nid by the llebcts i, unit will be urerre I on Morns Is'and. I olonrl Mnllnrd imemls to sen I i.r 1'itviii r el' tins t'i'tittil ilisiivi.r bun" hi- lie ?' -ii: r ,.',. wi cli bit... ... Mo:!- 1 i v tv , t li i . I . 'i ... 1 p i jsone r. for nn.i;' Tie . '. t tt a s tui t in lta tiiane a'tout f nir v o sii ee, Slir tv i a sti oio: ve".'l ol I-''huh li.e.e m i nient. . ) . 'I'm,, i. FROm CITY POIfJT. HEAVY FIRING GAP. AT DUTCH Arrival of General Warren's Prisoners. rii' hil lit 'I ho I'.vP'ilnir Ti lrjjntli. Wash im; iov, December 1 '.. Tho tj uuer Iu .'"f..r, from City Point, reports tliat ou Vcd- ! lie day l.ight heavy filing was heard at City l'oint from the iliieeti.u of Dutch (i ap, iu which the guiil'ojits appeared to be participating. The ), taur brought up to l'oint Lookout one luimlicd and fiftyIicbel prisoners, principally of Il M.ssbsippi Kegimeiit, captured by tieniral V'aircn, in bis lute raid to llieksford. 'W-DArS WASHINQTOJJ NEWS. hterlal rcpuUIies to Kvcnlnx TcUraph. WAHinMOToH, Doccmbor l'i. o K"WH from Mici'innn. IU liTiHind paper rocoived this morning con t.iin no Inter iicwn from Sherman, llfdco was in Sav.iuiuh th tcmlidi; it. No liuportaut rial lt-iBlutiou c,m he eptrteI till uil r the hulitlay rxss. Neither Ut ite ot" Cr.Kress in in nes-sion to-day, both hr.ii'.e':es iii atljonriieil over till .Mund.iy. 1 itfiiiilo)Ml liftifrnl ilalit'vm. The llniie M iiitary Comtnitt 'O a few days ugii Kpntcd a hill, whieli pn-ned tho House by a HMtrly itTimiiiMinis vine, dinming nil genwral MlicCTs a ho have h"en unemployed fir tho lu t three inoti'hs. That hill is imvv bot'ore the Seaate Mil taiy Cuiiiiiiiuee. The fohowing nuiiied onlcorrt will he uile "teil by the veratioiiH of this hill, aeeordirvto the report of the A!iiuUiit-Ge.;ertl Oilire : Mrt.'or -(ieneruls David Uunter, Amijroso 11. llurn-ide, riatiz Sin'el, Saaiiiel P. Hoiutzl muii, Datiiel K. !SiiJile.'(, J unes 8. Neloy, Joho M. ra.nier. Julius II. S'ahel, C.irlSrhmv. ; Hrevct Mrtjor (ieterols W'ihiiuu W. Avcrill, George J. Stmin rJ ; Uria'Iicr-CenciaN (ieore V. Mor icll, Samuel l1. Sturis, Kleuzer al.l'aiue. Adolph Von Suinwthr, Jiii-obU. Lnnmiiu, Speed S. ly Muhlon 1). Mittir- u, l-'it. Henry Warron, Fraue'n 11. ISplr.ola, Allied W. Kllett, Thomas Sweeny, ltohirt O. Ter, Alexander SeUiinnielfenni. 1' S. i- kcrsoii, (iabriel U. I'aul, WulUr O. linhhuni, J.imes Ii. Lcdlie, A. 11. Underwood, C tub Uufi.-ey, William F. Ilatth-tt, John B. .Melu Uh, (jcore Jf. Ch.ipnmu, Kli Ljii, Seidell j Coi.ncr. ' I nfftd Htntrn Sfimror from eruli San 1'uancihl'o, Noremhor lo. William M. Stewart was eleeted United States Senator on the UTbt ballot, by the Legislature of Nevada, to-day. There ib no news of interest in California. Arrival or Hi '(;i,msow.M N tAv Youk, lUieomber 10. Ths steamer it hat unlved from Liverpool, after a pa. sago tt tvejA four days. T1IK NAVY YARD f HA I Id l'BA K 'a t A Sli. Vmibi. SiATlis liisTkicT Coriir Judo Cad- M.ihuli r. 'I'hf I'mii tl Hiutcn r rri. I'vaY. va. (.' yot I Ii. A . iiii(i.'( !ti a c ., In wiilcli ttit rcliir. wrio, lrm.i :i iMiniii. tor i the R y mu, in mulci uu itm y hit. m, aii.i in ci niiiu u.ti 1 1 j .tii-s nt-r cLuit'i u' littui. -'( ., w bciot'o Ihc i'oi.rt tna iimi.b ii i . It will tu r' KiiMiitit rf.l th at V, f t-nn'-ln-lnn of the nivtiii,ciit uu Mi ni ..iinUe km a ur t:n- I nit U Mm.- ut il ih it he Ii.kI been In oriii-'il iDit a court m ini ti u 1 1 It i. tivrur l (ri Bt! t f.n- inl-l tic y.tri irm -tt, ;-J Y- rli litietiumU. ndiI Miti at I'm rti.Uftu' I i.Ki ' .m , u l'-r. I.'j anict'il h hujcihI ike roiuui tu t: wi.t' Ji.mIi it, or nets. 'litis wan tint e-liut tliln nirrntni; lie prfspne l tu t ? a i urt cuiiiiiiHuifd' ion io ti,t vi, f, t Hi ui h c Hii'i u tl Iii.iJ ii t bet ii a ill .', y rnmeiifMl, b.ii ilutt it vttt' niu .1 i;iMi tliv N s y ik p.iriiuenl tuutiil- tu ui tUr .no iit it lul if 1 licit- ra-i i. i 11 ti (..iii'6 r.tiJittl un tlie arKtimcnt on M-nduy, .lucm-1 ft Iwal.tilcr ttn-n read an i'illilHi, Ui'CIiIiiik r 1 hat 1 Ih- l.'ili M ctt-'ii ol 1 ho Act nf t'unur '..Inly 1m If .!, m.'ktiiu ciinli.icit'rH txr tun.isttlnk hiii;Uct in tho in m ami tiay anjiiiHbUt tu luiliiitry uw umi irml by riiiuii 1111uti.1l, Hiis JJ oiisiiiihiou ti bccnso h person, ly iiiKMtir: a c(,n'ract, Fi.v tl. m vry a''t ncrctci tncri t it in iii d ana wuiveit hl iilvilgttui) a ciiueo.aiul Mjt'ci hiiira'tiu iniiiinry law "finiit-." i to nut-ak. f ii. 'I hut ai Ucr tlio a i M July 4, I'M. a Mlion.lint '.;ut in hiM Ii i tM- i u iitn ;t at it uiit ihtkoii wtn wcit bvlorei tnri infill ) acfUdljy trymx Iwm, or cunv:icd i',.r titat I i 1 1 ', i e ir tu bu rtiiiii il as id i ii oily oi ( 1 rt, Hud lie Houhl not initiioio. lint not being t u-t. bcitiro Mil ti t.'ouii, ai a n-iie lutvinn been uctimil.y coiivciifd tc m i li tiUI. Ill- itlit.V rIhmiIiI b (iro'luie'l. in nrder Idttt 1I16 q 11 H'lt'ii til' ruil iu t I- lectlvU Hu tiividuou la. 1, Uitti J'i k la finltl tl 10 be ttitii,tit' t Imtl. 'I be Jin' i:ia (letilu'il, itiitl .u-Min tu 1 if rented to couiiic!, t) I'Mu-e-r 111. ih ii k tl a rvttnu 10 Hi- wrli (Mi'.tud mi h ik u I Ji ii iurn mk tu cj'iii His rcui,ti,es 10 Uia boiij 01 tue ivuilni' lii eouli 'I m Jndm mImi suiil that h onM like to have 'i rt';trifii- liit'M lift! 11 tbn iniikl.iui tt to whether tliti 1 Uie 1 .li 1 l.ilnr w Mi n thu hco'.enl tint act .if 0,'iwP'h an 1 lii l'n UU uK'h jMocUlilttlljIi Rll?UUtllUK tllU W fll of itiot'tt t input, li no, hi c, inn vainut be ir (unrd. Tuo ref'i 11 seiMn.i u.'ii-TUi. 11 hv 111 ! r ot tli- ri'i-Mtifiir, and t . 1 M-u .nit ihe aii it J mi' 11- II iw u the r -tni n tu ( ton p 1 ueo i'lM'i 11 itiiiw tt 1 niu r ti uta'iiiM u.itt ciu 1 Uiiiibuoii: l im tfirc t aud Dab:illl uuuiorily ot tuo I'll "tj ml si uh n ' Will... HUH Mil nH)(llcd for tlld iU'l'ilt'llt of ttlQltt (i:estlui. St 1 tu mi; Cv kt at Nisi l'uiua ludje y f rut tit.iro T aiv t al , tradmi.', oc , vi. 11. lU'u I'm'I d Mn I iiln ae'i.iii H b'oiutu ti inrnv.-r di u itf -n r. r an ai' ki i Ii e n ol i-oiiira.'t 1 n- all -a'lon 01' ji ki U'mii.ii.A n K' o'Mr. ind'. i-iaiida it-t fiiKrne''d W.tli ti 1 111 to null uf mi It 11 tiioiihnil kithiii tia.i''lnil t bn tie) vi 1 ed 10 il ii niiiii'i by 1 ct-n,ibr ;t, lh I, tu nriru f 1.1 tl upon Mu re or b ntt ma jty-ittt cntn ouch 1 ht 11 n( Micii a. remou 1 1 1 nil 1 s at coiHid'r.:iie i i ! . a red uiatjtiinciry and JcJ io ad l) - ir 01 lira. 1 I lit- i..tii'1'a t-ir-l and VI it r-r, .1 ttont tfiir '-nti lnjn- tiled i.atiuie, tiur wlnt I) itei.tuni' r-iueii t i re. -t -tr li ir any in r. I hm uctixnli I - 1 In t re-'ttcr tb dn.t'frii 'a hut -en o nt-., tbe iKiyed c lit of ea -li abre ii.'Ud 'o tl c i'iinnii4, and th c ucact prii-o iinthtni tl..uituit iiiit'd ed l.itndli, w li'r'i It ii allseed o uin titlh WHi leilly IU iHllUT, bill tltiff ud.tum rciutclt) IiiOeivf, 1 i.r di ii'hi fi Hut the pia'ntlt ml n.-t rt1lvr ai r ild'y aitbe rmi tu. ; r qurn . and ili.i all tli tt ware tl iin d w ! i .iid in . TV cam- In 011 tntl. (.'it ht ui' ARTtn SfsiuNs JuJ ;e Alidon. Iit'it c iti.f ''eorct M firi. chitrtii'd it!i an uxauiL a' ii L iM,r tn lai; Horn 1 (c dore- ). l i ei-ctin,' bt-r Ji in a iii ii. i' tii'l t'lur r ut .;ar, ui w.ik'Ii 'ie cm dm tor, l.'iu.lur.v t"ft nnaiilf n irrM, und wLrediJCuaio'cd Markflw ly Tlticrnpli. Nkw Yohk, le e'ldwr It. K our l dull; ttfet rt st-it I M a li iHiil't-'KiCtT latr; III ii" 12 10 (or Ohio; ai'd Ni for H.uthtin. Kit 1 d.ill. .rii d li. '..rls nrm; r del ..f lS n ,- at ti'Jatl 75 Tor Maas. J.411I thin at A''n.'ftc. Wbn-iy trtn sr. J.m ih, Ui ceint er 15. II ur firm. Tobacco a"t!r, prlt'-a rlrui. Hour nifla:ied. U but llrm and i.o much don' oq ia: mitt of tin' iull i ipi'ly. AVUutv, HU'itll aalea fork, ruiall a : prima Ucim $ w. liiewejiUierlii iDtUwraUuc aad ma river In fuU ofihiti nAriCE AND COMMERCE. II i ! I. ii T.n r, - tiv. T, i '.,...,. .,. I nil, t , llr ctiiii. r M. ( 'Hie i'm 1 Mnrlti t is dull und heavy thii morn I" .', l:li tlT ex.-. .tii.ii nf Cni on ,i,K.l,) vhleh lite m...f I'r'ivc, lull pti.'. s nr.' Itregu'ar. (),v i nan. nt liniels j.iv la f.i'r tl, in ind at a'l.ial I. . tin. r teles, w Mi lar;;e s.iKh of .l iili to noticn "t 1. V' 1 .!, und 111-I'll ut l.i.'i I l.t I sm bill lur i.s ol l.'M.niid lira-kcd; rcmny lvnt ,'j urc selling it' lnlkiilliii.ul simr,s fier'! I-i Tory llltlc d ilng Kratliei; sold Rt :.: e'.;.. i,(), n 1 oil"; nnd l.ittlo Seliuvlliill llnllroiid nt 41.; ; (i was bl.l for ronn fylTiitila Uailre.ftd; .',H f,.r l'liiluiIolilil Hid Ceiliiiiitiiwn; for l.elii-h Valley; for common, .17 i (for iircfeired; and 2sJ fni l'hiliiilcli liiii nnd Kiic; l.'ilj was aiki'l fur Camden Hud Amlioy: ,111 fur Mini hill ; 3 for N'oitli l't iinsj lvitniu jiinil iJ fur l'.lmiiapiercrrcd. City la-HPircr Jtudroiid (.hues continues quiet, tui rii cs are wltliniitnny matorlnl i ll inRe. Cl.ri-i ut nnd Wiiliiiit sold at ; (17 was lii. f,ir Si ci nd amlTliiril ; IS for Areli street; and 2.) lot (irein ami C'o.itt-s ; .10 wuh asked I'.ir l-'il'tb nnd .Sixth ; 7 A for Tenth and Klevcnth ; .1) for ' Serin e and I'ine; MJ for Knee and Vine; and 'J'. li t (iiisrd Culloizc. C nuil li:ircs ara nnelmnqed, with iho ex -op-tion if Sus.ueliuiiiiu, w l.tVli bas aduvired i, with Miles nt l'i("l.i,'; iScliuylkill N,ivi;atioB iri'ltircd sold at ; H.t was paid fur Schuylkill .Navigation common; and KVi for Morris Cana prcft rred ; .10 1 was asked for Delaware Division ; nnd 7 for laihlgh Navigation. There Is very little iloinR in Hank shares, and piiecsaro withoat cliango. Fariucn' and Mo cliiinlej,' (old stock) sold at ('.!); Hii'i was hid for .Mecliiinies"; DO for Kensington; 4:14 for lenn Township; and "il forGirard; 18,5 was asked for North America Hank. Coal Oil shares uro mere active, liuf prices arc mist ttlctl. Com riaiiti r sold at 7; Caldwell at t'l'rf.J; Densinoie nt S! ; at ; Kg'tcrt It", ; McClintock ''A; Nulilo and Dclamater 9; Oil Crtck .;( 7; ht. Nicholas 43, and Walnut litlnnd ut Vi It I ; .",7 wb bid fir Maple Shade ; 3 fi.r Teiry ; lor Irwin ; and 3 for Hock Oil. ' Money continues plenty, nnd there is very little den and outside of the li.mks. Loans on rill aro freely cH'cred at :(.. fi per cent, per annum, l'i ,mc coinmciciiil j iijar is scurec, and discounted ut 7("'.' pi r cent l iuli r (lie glorio'js news from fk-neral Thomas this nu ruing', gold is very dull, and prices I arj dei lined about 'J per cent, slu.e last creaBg. Oreningnt 2'i'i; fell oil' and sold at 2.11 at 11 o'clock; 'Sluf. at l'J ; rallied and sold at 'i-HJiU I r.M. Onotntlons oT Gold at tho Philadelphia Geld Hx. Iitni.;e, No. Kl is. Third street, socoud stoty 10 A. M 'JllVl 12 M U II A. M 'Jilt 1 P. M Walkeivery dull. ' 1'H1I.AI)ELP11I.1 STOCK KXCHANnn ,LB8PHa. IB. Rt't..rttkt li CUrkiou Jt Co., Ilroitort, Jtu. liil H. Tklrd 81. CKI OItH IIOARDM. rn kh Irttln"i II',' liio .sli V"n Huron.... ' li. n KfiiJinB Vi ai 1 Im uii ivi.iiiiiiiim.. . 24. lie nil .lii... it'll... 1 1 llll all Wit mil ls.nil.' 'ik. till sb tii.we a l-Jily.e l lul Ui l'lul. A i'M.SAl I riRsT noAitD. ls -li) C .1 t-no lift lull h K,.,.,l Dm .... l'l 00 H'l'H mih Met'llni.ielt ... (Is! M.ihi iln niw lif 'Pi t,li N .blaA . IKil.... v tt.'.M 1 Penn .' ti.l1, Un Wtiirti, ; fHV 1 t"'l Ill th It,, i.i. .opsiDl CO $ lis 1. f',1111. Alls ,j. !il ; '.Ml.ti u.,,. viti 'ii.i r. K. 1.1 in iu i '.snoil craoa i'J . H II I . I.' -.1 "I II 7 i iKInll Ho J f . (1 l.el.i. 11 Ij.Ij. .H.7 1 vitikhn Nuh..U. 4); f.i' i. , ,i .'KHin wr,ki0ut is aa., 1... nil Iirnimert hat 4Mihtittk'li. M.ooin... ib IdeCiiM iffk m,1 I 1 1I1 do dU,v It oh lisifll oil lia '. :il.l,FrJi Jl,., , oi, (Mi lit Islxirt O.l .... 1. . Quotations of tho principal Coal and Coal OU stocks at 1 o'clock to-day: Sid Jitk. AM jul. rmtnri real j', h FranXtlnon nv BiKMtliimai.iC'ual.a.. 8'J How. KJdOU. . I '2 IV Unit ,1 u. t .al.... .IrvlmOil !)sj N I itrh.ii.ilille 2 .. fu.. Farm Oil... V Nk' C'l t k 1 lej lirminora H'1 l-',,.tliirI'.mCtiu.s ?, .. D.lxflloi' I Htl' riintimCiial I It; MchUiony j.J biiiUr I 1.' Iccm Oil 3 leiii;,, nil Coal lit 0'mt.tetd jtf yt Mtar Il'; 7' liobli'&DeHni.Mr.i . l't'iiii Mining .1.1 llih Mi',taia IkJ l I't.iui.ellkiit Siory Farm tl-Jl J'4 Keyatuie 7ino.... 1; 2 .Brunor tv a 11 ilm.r Oil I', p; I'eirtiiaumCanira.s .. av 'i's Itiik Jl Kuutin mv 1 1 ni nt uial I'M 9 Hi ao laland t iTrii 1', a Cnnin la II U.'l'ii 1 I'ltiliAOIlClMis... i 1-iBI Slaitts Mint Oil. W tu t.ull Crm.l se, jij aleCilnteek t,, .. IttribiRiila I 1 1 1ft I iniiiylvantal'al . .. a 1 Corn I'lauiur ... a .. 7 I'ei ry On US 4 iltnuKa a ft Mineral Oil av i Ktk Oil 4V Ki vsluuf Oil 1,',' a llurrFarm a il 1'him. & TliU'uul.. .. :iT; . ), Farm i'l l ,n. filCuy a tt. lenl .null Cr,.k '.'. a 3 W ui.ctti a.. 3 I ppt-r Kcouomv... ; 1 l.i'vn .lie .1 ' Wainut LLiul...a !' I ireal V t .lent 3 Kldorailu ' aW ltianilcu Uluml... 3 .tt. .t'lHlas atV . A1I11 a Tut MuineslHiil.. 4 ft" Hl.iiinan l'i i li'ditiil ae' liunkuid r.' 1 14 Mtdt. Far m. ...... ;'.' ftv ji.nkiirii t'.Mk on 1 a Kn,i.r if a Win! 1, :I .4 4 Ciiw Cn-. k , .. a V' inn: i.iill a.. I Ciu'rrv Hull !li; 811, 1 rtraitiuiu .. T i i'Jl hll'i'inrv s l!''H"in ml 1 A '--Kiifiiy .t ivio't .. f Sfwi-t Ol, 7 V,i',i- A Cli.'rr Ik, tkj Olal,l0 Ol 1 lliirit.uii tip, lug..., a a Ci ai touiiiiive of ihe Reading Railroad Cam- pauy ; Ton.. .. .11,. 'Ill, .. 4S.18I l or the preicnt we. k. SuiiiO week lust veur.. Increase 3,215 -Coal tmii'.ic of the fiehuylkill Nnvlgatioo t cDipuiiy : Tina. For the present wci k. . . . 111. I 1.1 tame wetl. lu-.l ye.n Inercfi-e The following aio tho receipts of I lour and t"; rain it this port during tho past week: 1 lour. 1,1 1- 11.1.VI Wheat, bushels 41 K Ci.rn, " 2I,.'H) Outs Ili.iOJ The followln ? are tho receipts of Coal Oil at this pert during tho past ace:- C.u.le. bills niro Ki tii i d, bbls MM i ho rjiurus of tbo 11 ink of l'.iiplainl for the wcrli cndiUK Noteiiiticr.'leointiire witii Cicetaie- n. etil ot tue jirovious week as toUnivx : nt tslll'ii".! 1, .uV''iiicr'rt. 1,,'ilS HiU H as,v.'; Ina.l. tl.' 1 1.17 l:i..',.lljl, II .I3I.W Pel He .liposi'f'l.i'slia lii,ktTi,ii,fl s.-uiiialta.. nil,, r if,,1, t Ni.i. s me. if i s I 'll H'tkle ial tin'li .n .. X'.tli.I'lH .. Itt.'ll.'tll ,. In. .17..;, ia ,. IH.:.ll',.ail .. '.'11.1:11 a-.'. . . l'l.H.'-', l-'i LATEST iMAU'.XH INTELLICEVCE. Cl.BAKKI) 11118 1SIIIININII. Pris Value, Jnrk 13, Mm. mi la t.r.n.lo, . . Wn'th. I.r u Itlvil. A..likuli.. Kit U ,!, J. . Uii ley A C. S. I.r M. li. lu.koll. Hal' ui.Cnplulu. f chr W. H. I...11J, F rve, lluatun . Hunter a Co. Bear W. Huuui , LWrlK, U. W. l'aaa, U. A. adaua. It