The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 15, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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vcning Sielcgraph
J fcnwko I In vain nt th" pVIi m tn'1 dor;
A tnrtlilnn i uli lit- fciv in tin- pin r.
(irmly I tiinioil MI"ff:on' jMtp;
1 en nthpri wi ro w, (liiu ; I w ia toy l-i'iv
T'sin wnn'rl I np'rn ,c!i 11 n ,r' , tulrt) al)0 !c,
No curM bud I won, n paiirrtj, I roiic.
W litre IimIu-tv I.iiIi' '. a (littiri.-p tn cuin,
I nn't only t-tf", s'iirv.itlnn, an J (a u.
Throm-li lifr 1 hue .. nrht lli.' ilnt.ln ul C 'ti'.i'nt;
It lic knit ft. line vuiii-lii il licu urarer 1 wi iit.
Ore riitvre I I'miiil; 'ik t'lin-v hiiJ low;
'Tliitlnr fur rc.iik'i; at lut I in iv f',.
i .a portil- nrr erf n lo welcomf r icli en-sat ;
Tlicrc in mi y l, nip in niinrc -ounht re-t.
A VISIT III Tin: uitr;r Vlll.l A: or
HI I. A I !. 1.
Among nil tlin oSj. cts of nurnrnt M-onery In the
world, the one pie e iMihv.i for Irs ierriMo frrnilt'.ir
It the i-rnu r of Ki aui-i. AHhonh tins
lake of molten luv.i, wuh its rlomnof sulphur
nil liillowsul (in, Uu i,fcn n-pcatetlly deno.liieJ,
lt constant cbn"t'ps nnikn It mi ii'iji t of ever
rciuwitl tiitT-t. Il w. rc-ently visiti',1 by
V'Hltcr M. I.uihsm, an old Culif.irinan, wlir) (f.vos
ntlrriiiK deirriptiiiii of i; prosrnt Bpponrauco in
tbo San Fram lm-o Bullrtin ot October 11, from wo tiikt: the fiill.nvin,' extract.:
1 hi: en v i Kit.
"The orator is of einmitio tlinirnsiniia. Ii ii of
an oval fn'in, tipwanln o 'line miles in I, uili,
by two mitt ii h ill' in brMi!li, witli perpendicular
wnlls or hides from li' 0 M I tot I feet 111 drpth,
f laved with a h'aik tlooiingnf lava. In is cntro
s the llvltur nkei f lire the, mirfais of which
cannot at present he seen t'r nn the outer rim of
the crater, Bnd w hich in the ilay-timr, from th it
position, shows only a H Uinlieriiiir pit siirroiiuduU
by jiiwd wiills of desolation, iroin which the
tmoke clowiy avd continually Bsmids and ro 1 1
oil, general y to the iiorthw, st. To the ri'ht bind
are the Milpiiur IxiIh, na'ive deposits contiiitiitiK
thoiiHndsi f inns ot' m!p'inr. In fiont ami on
each hand in e iniiuiiicitt! rifts and chasms in
the c aith, known as 'Mi-am holes,' from which
vapor contlnuaOv nrU. s, mi l in which th"
In of vnilous dearies, troiu moderately warm to
arsldintf. The phenomena I'xriltiiiftl hy the
action of thin senplnir pteam on the atmospheric
air on moonlight nights are said at times to be
wonderful and grand. A j.tiieil pathway, a short
distnrtre from the houe, leads ilown ir,:o what
riiay be termed the Hot btnch of the crater, where
minted trees nnd fern contend for a foothold nn
the very borders of eternal lire and ruin. Ilt;re
also the ohelo. a Juicy berry, lianas ahundant on
the bur-hes, and tiio str.iwburrici ripen iu tlio
"The weather on this and tho succeeding night
was inauspicious for a visit to the crater; and
not until the 27th wai our party favortid wi u
I night visit to the burnlutf lake. At :ti P. M.
our preparations beiug comp eted, we started,
intending to remain, if circumstances favored
us, until the following morning. The weather
was dubious, for a thick mist commenced tailing
na we began the descent. Following our guides,
we scrambled, down at the first bench, and
moved along over the trodden path, care
fully avoiding the gaps nnd steam cracks. Ia
looking from the upper bank one docs not realize
the depth and dimensions of this immense bowl
In the earth, but the descent and consequent
fatigue remind him of it. A walk of some half
or three-quarter of a mile, sometimes ascending
and sometimes descending, brings you to the lava
tloor ot the crater an impressive sight, as if mol
ten iron had rolled up iu huge billows, and cooled
Upon the gravelly shore, teom which you step
upon their adamantine surface. What from the
upper bank appears a comparative level, proves
to lie rough and jagged, and rifted into a thou
sand fantastic und tortuous forms, changing with
every advancing step. Deep chasms occur fre
quently, cuu-eu by the cracking of the lava, of
troiu six inches to four feet in breadth, varying
in depth to forty feet or more. Across this rug
ged and uwful pavement you advance towards
the Stygian lake iu the centre, pushing cones and
pinnacles of lava rock, sometimes thrown up in
ridges like a mountain chain, at other times in
Isoluted singleness. (Several of these are minia
ture craters ot themselves, thirty to fifty feet
liiifb, expelling llatue and sulphurous vapors with
the noise of an iron furnace. Oue remarkable
mauilestation of thit kind bears a strong resem
blance to a chapel In ru in-, with its towers, and
pinnacles, and battleincnted walls stiil stand
ing and looking as if seared and blasted
by fiie. To this has appropriately bees given
the name of 'Pele's Church. Jly direction, our
guides diverged from the direct path, detlecting
to the left hand, in order to show ns the 'caves,'
as they are called. These are immense chasms
In the lava floor, down which we clambered from
3D to 50 feet, and thence under the overhanging
roof of broken lava, for a distance of l.jil to 2iK)
feet further, to the great peril of life and lituh.
We were preceded by our guides with lanterns.
Spiracles of lava, incrusted with a species of
gypsum, arc here obtained, and stalagmites of
niost curious and beautiful formation nometimes
reward the patience and danger of the explorer.
But the caves themselves are very pits of Erebus,
from which, after an hour or more expended in
threading their dark mvstercres, we were glad to
emerge once again to the light.
"Resuming our path towards the Burning Like,
as the day declined, with careful step we clamber
down the inequalities and mount the congealed
waves of lava for about a mile and a quarter ; but
long hetoie we come to the brim of the abyss we
are made aware of its activity by the noise of the
terrible cauldron. It if quite Impossible to convey
an adequate description of this terrible scene. Tho
reader is apt to think the relator carried away by
the enthusiasm of bis feelings, and fears he may
be listening to the language of hyperbole and ex
aggeration ; bat no language can truly describe
wual is arnoiiiieiy inuescnoauie. ror sue last
half century travelers have, at various times,
visited the crater of Kilauea, and hardly any two
visitors have agreed in their description. This is
not strange either, for this ever-burning and un
quenchable lake this awful valve for the pent
up llames of earth's centre Is ever changing its
, pei t, ever grand, mysterious, terrible!
" The surface of the lake, on the occasion of
our visit, appeared to lie about 40 feet below the
rim upon which we stood, which rim or bank is
compo-ed of different strata of culcareout and
other earths of exceedingly Irregular formation.
A depression 1u the shores of this p'.t appeared
on our right hand, as we stood facing the north
east, from the rifts and chasms of which sul
phurous vapors arose, and were swept olf to the
aoith, along with the clouds of smoke from the
burnmg lake. On the left hand, the bank rose to
a cliir some 30 feet higher than the level of the
rim els. where : part of this clilf or precipice had,
tome few weeks previous to our visit, broken oil'
and fallen into tho pit; the rest threatens to fol
low, a wide chasm being visible between it
and the rest of the bank. The part remaining
assumes, from a standpoint of some 00 feet to the
right hand, the severe outline of a human face,
pszing down into the boiling cauldron, whose
iinuiiiig surtace casta through the gloom of night
spectral illumination over the hard features of
this lava Sphinx. In the centre of the lake arose
an island of hardened or coigealed lava of the
apparent area of 10 by 20 yards, and elevated
some V or 40 feet abave the surface. The lava
flood was, with alight Interruptions of few
minutes, in continual actios, during the live hours
We remained. Around the whole rim of the lake,
V here the ava Impinged agilnst the banks, a circle
Of sheeted daaie aud molten fire glowed with in
tense brilliancy, and a like bull of bulling tire en
hie daily KVEyiN-g TELEGiurn. rniLADKLrmA, Thursday,
circled the island In the centre; whl e every few
nilnmcs, In one or other part of the surfa o, the
Ism ranldron won'd commence to -heave in fiery
thn e, tnomentsrily acre, rating In force, pr
)" l ling the jets of crimson metal up 10, l.'i, 20,nd
,"o ttet indeed oftentimes ai btghastbn l ank
upon lii -h ne stood. These fiery jets would rn-i
ii ' Into i,n ,flier, un'il frequently as many as six
or i iglit were in furious anion' t-gethur, when
their united power would suddenly open a Ma..
Inr n am ami's the blackening -url'ace of the
'akc, which had rspi ilv eisiled s nee (lie eonvul.
sii ti of two or thr e initiates previous, and then
tin 1 quid fluid lelca-ed trum th - h irdeniug crust
whl, 1. kept it iloan, would r c in naming embers
ncr,s tin whole suria- e and tie u uash upon the
Sty pan shiiiu."
"Tl.o era' r of K i'anea is situated on the ctlstern
Mark i f MuniiH I.oi, at nn a titutle of a'li iit .'ijo I
1'it.urdis approulied by a not very ditllcult
ri c trotn II ilo of ;t) nub s. A shorter ride of I') s Ir an tin iltlle bav i'f Apua, on tliestMiih
i ii-tern ci u-t of the island, won'd be a'tended
with Ii ss liii'cii" than the I'lurney via llili, h
vi-kels rarely touch at that p .int. P.iss ngers by
Mi arm r from Honolulu s -ine'itiies land a. Kuw
ait ne, in Hie western cont, and ri le across the
I- : id to Htlo ; hut it Is a ronnh J mrney f N or
loo miles. Kor ninny reasons the trip by the
way id ililo is prefei ab'e.
"The volcano has been in positive n, tivi'y since
it f "i - became knonn to civilized tiiati, an I iu all
piubat ility tor Hg- prt-vi- its j ; but its d'"uvv
vi ri, a gn utlyat oilk-rcnt tinn s. Several rrcnieti
iloiis i : nptior.s have nccaned w tlii'. fie -vm-"!-br
'in c nt our reriera'inii. From KSib, f,,r thn e
Jiar-, the vol, ano was in a ti'e of unii-tiil
1-iicrj.y. In the lat-er part of J inn ire, I s i, a
gn at eiiiptii-n took pla'-e i n M nina lent, when a
ntw naier was formed at a much hum-r aititu iu
than that ot K llama. Tin- lava mrrtmt look
then a northerly direction, and roMitig r ver tho
plateau of another mountain plunged int i the
.-en, destroying a small li-lilng villimo iu its
ri ttr-e. CH,ei-vers ot this phenomenon, who
lu stenid to Hawaii, were renat I by a sp .-t n le
of tinpi r illilcil grandeur. The die rose j -lfe t
above the crater in a cone of name, and th.;
pliifpiri; lava curved alnnir tho mountain, sides
like a lit ry serpent, leaping iu a sold flame from
preei; i.e to precipice.
" llr. KMis visited Kilauea, in 11, he
ai d his associates saw AT Conical crater Man is
nf various sizes, rising round tho edge, or fr un
the surface of the burning lake. Half of these
en.itti tl smoke or flame, orvomite l streims of
luva. Tradition, and the observations of the re-i
dents of iho Islands, all go to prove that tue vol
cano is in a constant transition state, sometimes
mote active, sometimes less, though fur the past
few years Us general activity has un 1 iubt, il!y, notwithstanding its occasional tierv
outburs's.i K t m o ti i of its preont sup -riicin
vary. We thought it could not bo less than
700 feet In diameter.
"The dark mythology of the H lwaiians has
Invested this iippropria-e nrena with additional
horror. It is the dwelling-place of their ii vful
goddess, I'ole, the prime divinity of th-ir pvi
Iheon. Here, in company with hr
denions, she bathed and disported in its sulphur
waves. Christian courage, hern, too, sub bp, I
mperi atural terror, when, in 1S2 , the convert 1
chit ftelness Kapiolunia, braved tho anger o'' the
goddess, and tho attendant torrors of the, p.t h,
by descending alone Into the crater, and oisii'i;
with her own hands into thu seething gulf tie
raci'fd brrries, as an open and avowed act of
AenaiO FIot(n ior l'lrftorj via h rfdtth
TanklnM Home, on Till 'K 41 k Y, the 1'JtM dr of J:iur
eit, Utweru tb honn or 10 M A X I'. M.
J t-O-iioth tl-lJ t'aibter
I Mii APKi rifiA, Der?mb-vr 9, nti.
Thf AniDil BIaHIos Cor I)ri:i. f tftitj tnK will bi
fcld Kt ih lUKavIntr Uufjtc. on .Viln'ily, Uie llth r
f Juhvt atwt, btwa Ihe bmirt f 10 o'clock A. M.
ard 3 o clMf. M.
12 Lt-Ull W, RrSUTON, J., Cjhir.
ral.ftt !. ii mi b? ihe IUii H(H-tn.n oi the A-t on
titlr.r'An Act tntimbte thu Kanki ot thlft?ornraonfeitth lo
brtrnme Aitnciatl 'in tor the purpme of HniHtim under th
aw of the I nlted Htatfli." on th Wd dv of Au-
fiiit A. 1 hns oertlflfd to m tmt "THK CoNiOl.l-
)T10S HANK tK I HII.ADK.LPHI " has furnmhtsl
ti'iic' tr lit thmt all the rKiiiirt-monti of iad A
hTC bt D compUd with by Ui al1 Hank, and It hai
bf rmiio an Ahko-U'I.iO for h purpoooi Itaukuik; andr
tie law, ol tht I'mted Siatat;
I Jo. U.aretoLC, caus ihlt nntlcA therfof to bf pnMlh1,
In ici ordaiira with tha rovliii-n o( tba iid llth Mvtvt'-D
of tlie sal Art, and 4o dicUri that th 4Jtiartr nf 4
1'anj, by lti term, nf ia,d Ai l, If doeunad an) tk-n to bo
her upon nrrmderad, (abject to tha piurUI.mii of tha lit
cUwn of said Aut.
0f aruor of reumylTa.n'v
Exrcctivk rpiAtturt, i
'OTtBibjr 'sil, irt4. II 7 lt
rat. rt quired bj tha Il'h netln of tha art an
titlad ''in Act Enabling th Hank i tnlt 'Nimiiioiiwciiih
to OfiooiF AaicK'laiioni for tha ParpoiA of Ranking anJar
tbalawBof tha t'nttrd Htataa, atad on th UJ dajr of
4uait, A. 1- 14. hai car inft to mu that u
ttai fnrr.iibrd latitiactory avltieuca to Mm that all th
ratii'lfPtiK-iita of tald act baa b-an caipill with bjr tha
atd Kaiik, and that It ha bcoma aa Aaaociatlnu fur tha
pnrp'4 of haaiiiaj, uuder Ut law of tha UnUod
1 do tftwafbr rant tHla notloa thfraf to b puhlUhtrlt
In a cnrUaiira wlta ihr provlnloni f thu ia'd llth tnciiwri
of tha iai act ; and do d'ir ihat th Charter of aaid
Itaak, by tha termi of Bald Act, Il rimd and takrn t u
brnpon Bunifltdtd, b'tct to ttie prorntonj ot tbit Aral
acuua ol laid aot.
ftovurnuc ol iaiuiraaiA,
KxaorTva rnaa,
Htti Nov-fnibar.lWU.
v ral as raqulrtd b) tha llth sc:lou of tha Act n
titled 'An Act anabllBR th Hanks of thU ('nmnaonwaalih
fto bacoKj Aiiaatatloat fur th purponaof Bankiny andr
tai Law f tha nitodMaic," paand on tha 3id Jar of
Auri'it. A. l. )4, ba certlllcd to m'. that tia I 'oniaVtr
claJ Hank of renaNvWanla, of tha City of rhtladaima,
bat fantlbbed natn'aetorT avidtaca to him that all lha
raqatracnaBta of laid Act iara occa eouapilad with hy th
aid Bask, and that It haa barotna an Aaioclvion forth
parpoM af harkina under tha Uwi of th I'nitaJ Hutu;
I d. tharaiora emjae tbu ntlf tht'rf to b pubt'tfd
ha arcordartca with th provision of tha aad llth sac Jon
lh laid Art, and do drrlara that lha rhartarof iajd
lank, by th term af laid act, Is darwvd and taken o n
her a ton nrrendaad, aubjl to IU frovdiODiof thUt
itWn of tald AM.
A. O. rrTKTTff,
Oovmorof PennvUoU.
tacrrriTV Cukmi, H&MtMauk. S6U Howmntxt
U. 11-30 $w
Vif tha l otted Htaaa Marina Corf". hl tHdi d man
to parforia the dutlra of a aoldlerat our Nary Yard
and on board United State Lip -of war on forauju
T' of T-rJ, Fnar Ti-ar.
fuller on in pen at Ion Ui-n thr armr
ALL 111 It LoCAI, Hoi'NTIR-i fald naoaaalutmont
atailnca relr rrtx Money.
For all furinar lufunuauoa apply at th RerultlA
Mo. S11 n. FBOITT "traat. btow Bpro" atrt,
batwaan tii boura ot (r aud 3 o'clock.
tJ. O. nfrAWLRT.
ft Major and KerulUm O.Tlenr.
p U II h O U (1 II s .
OOlctrs tai Mldlsri vlattlnRthseltyoa farlouirfit, BdlB
womua inn otbhk mii.i tabt nuutrMaT3,
Ar lnvtt4 t ths sxtsatlve
ifi4 to erdsr at titeshivuit notice, whlsh fur rlclts"ti and
Msnifl(si,urs chlltiiK ooniiltlr,n. nn nthsr hosas In in
(sn.intrY eon olsisi th alAKl'f l'H'ltl-sl JIvTHI.aa
j"7m PtMLABKLrHll 8UKa5llir
BANH4UB UKTiTim, Ha. 14 Honf
KlNTU euart. aboTa Markat. Bapraras
radlaally awad by B C. KVBJtlTT e rramluii Faai
Qrailaattnt Fraaiara tnrn. Hapertar Kiaaaa Bnau.
Biutla HtoaiaV(.aiia,nra, fUtaalday Braaaa. !)
aorlaa.Crmahaa. da.
Ladtas attaaoad kr Ml, m. 0. rUBIf.
$ne BotTTv Arn a f a-w-tioa;
Ta ttii.u,ii4 lii(liar to b,a matl InbuJa.
tion aotruTT
Ta who ht. iwu yaara, aJ,Vn a PMSJOB
t, sr.cse
lice unvwTT two nny yy
ToIJ,,i, v,ti,w, m .ii,..,, Ao .of Uoaa wK haia
MA ut Lraa UUs,1 la Uta arrrKsa. .
PfAililS A TA
T. th Wldowi aad Mt vau v'iir f t"a ildlm.
fiuMtsn, and Ma-aiea a So aatr i4 in Uta aartU:,.
f-aa tt s.N. , )(, .;wniv, ,) v,taa
THv.sK t'l ;M4. iuu u ,,-ha-. hvlinaj anil
mala lTarnjnei mi, trum;,t,y callaot'Ml
Adslraaa nr aDy'y ta
OHOKOK W. KOllO, Clulm Ajiik,
It X) 1-a LO' R trritfa-r. i,m oUa Xs til.
JNfcl!i:iI YOl'U 1,IFK
rw ma
A 31 i: It 1 C A IN ,
I K. (oriior Valtuit ami Koiirt'i Slrodv
It la now P. ( tiMM H, am b-,,-i .nnxin,,
'" ---t "-a -vi;! i u fu.uM .ria.iiu 1 .ut
d s idfnJ a par
Bni at OP THrTkV.a.
Alfxanil'f WMllrtT. J I ilru rsmm 11,
ll, I .1 i flat, rn,,,,k, linn J ,ai-,,-i AIIja to,
Alt,rtC a-'tiarta, H.vf-rv K.,
a,aiisurl r nscina. Pi-lip H Miaala.
.rn,, Kt'j-nt. Jo'iu As.n,,,
i .,liaia J. u,,aard, Isnc lUAtaiinal,
Kumnisl Wnrli
At PXASl.t K Willi, rjiiv, P .alrtona.
Nr KI. sViih'K . VI, - .!
II 1711 JOIIM 8. WIl.MflB, Hi-f jam rr, i-r.
CAI'ITAI tv,rio
a 4tMl WALMtr HTUr.rT.
lnaiirartra al'ap'rd tn thla 'nrrpans a.-a'nat
A( l Ili Bl it ot JCVKkT llKit B1I TI DT.
Taa-lj rotlclra wtll ba la-ii ,1 tor rruaalum of
riVK I till.AI.H,
(raotlng tnanran'-a to Uie ani-.i,nt of
IKt 1 nut' -ANU IIUI LAHH.
cnalnt nr, Idrtiai loan ut lite wuila travt:U.iia by ayty p-jb
Uc cvavryajuce.
TRW rOI.!.A!;si PltBMlt'MI
aarara A pii'tu ? fr livis i Imuami,! i,,',lara, ant in
1 Wf uiy fit, IinlUra (,ar werk r oin pr.tAtl"li lor rMaajl
In ttry In, ancitAtlnx the aaaured ITotu bit or, tins.
larLrra a full I'n lej f,,r j,io. ami f;i ut woa p ,tnt en
aatloli kir an anit t-nury ieicnpuoo of a.'clitaut, uaf,.J,nf
cr oth, tai-,'
rl a 1 1, Mr I'lin with par wa, r romp, nav.tcn iiq be
ha1 lor f.S pri-m u n. or any uttter a.iru bt):w, L-n iwl.l
ai urooru, nat,. tatra.
JAMPi il. BATrKiiSiiv. rr,a ,tu-..
Kiil-arv HKNSH, Se vclury.
ItANtlT A. BYr.K, Ueni-ral Aueiit.
P. Ritrlif. r-1 H arr. l'maiili-ut Entcriiliae lUKtiritnca
pan, ( liaLrman.
iBMa, F flak'T. rtnn rf CnrniMtoa A ItaVar.
A' W. f!aluiti, llrin ot M W. llaiilwln It Co.
I emoal t'olUo, frtn ol l.'otrn A AUnnnt.
H.B.I omiMjs,, Ca.alrr I'bi ailrlpnla ttank.
Im d Alei. Hfiry. Masrr t'ity ul Ptillaileiplita.
W m. H Mairirk. An ,,r Mt-rrirk A K,,na
J-.ifph Pareraou. Pnidaut Wfativrn Hank.
Iian Jainaa I'oll'sek, Diraru tinned Dtaina Mini.
Tkornaa I'otttr, Meici ant.
l.,TKf 11 Rtiiart. nrm Stuart A Itrothar.
Joi n Ii. 'I alor flrui I at u,i . onlc ,p,a ,k rto.
J. rdar thorn on, irsaMant taiuiaylvanta KiUniAd
Jarioa Writ.rroalilant ruU and Dlttii Htroeta l'aaicnrr
Bailruad C'ulnpany.
WII.I.I M W. Al l K.W.
ho. 4tl WA1.HUT Hirevt.
11-11 arntbUi
The uintaralrfTifil hiTtiia aaed tha K aj. H1 1 -"ii.m
MltKP.W Inn K l,e- l I'lorin hi. rriwila .,! tha
I'airi'na ot tha Ii,s,.a,that ha la prepare 1 with incroaarit
lad' ilea to ac etntno,lait Ihnat hasln a as,la to l raia-1
or reialra,l, and tiahitf a pra,-tlral ahlp t-ar;ir.t-r and, wl,l Klva par-otial aitrnnou to tita voaanu ea
Irnatod to hltn tor n palra.
I ai.tatna or Aai la, ship Carpante'-t, nnd Mnotilaiafa
LaTirg vaal to ra,alr, are loltrltatt t call.
llnr'UK lha awanca for ilif aata or 'Waiteratr,H'a Patoat
M-'tallic I cnipoaiU 'li." or Copi er I'atnt, (,r tha pnMsr,sa ot vaaaala' t,o!tjma. for tbla trlty, 1 aim ptaoaia,! to tar
b.ab the aame on faaurablf to, ma.
Kenalntnn nrraw rifta ,
1 11 .I;RljtWAHr ATanue, ahora I.AIaIKI. strwt.
lata wortd-reuowneri Tbm-co U mauuartrad frosa Uaa
Ajv4 aamnatijr raoouimrtxli li.i ta all ttanllaaaan ai
kaiorloaa Taaie.
Bold wbolaaata and retail at
Ko Cll rilattNUT N-raat,
IA am 1 aounalte mato n ,.ai
QlOO'lKalXi: HTITilB, Jit..
So. im v. woourn atraat. rhj'.i,
RIDEBURO MACKINK WORttiJ. h rk.'.sT tkmkt.
Wa an paaaatad to at ordri ta mm? aataot jt vor wail
Mi inrncRT rrm cxtto awd woomh tfiLifl,
(DOhdUiKaJl rean4 kbaroramaola In cvding, HpUuUn,
ar d We' la (j.
We trri; th aitnU. of mavofaoaiirara to nuraaun
Itva wk
1-U ALfkKD JmWK M Will
CLnrniwo HraaArt
QrRFHMA-irm-(.a.iiAL a m ncn
AnIIIMa ItiN. 1. (J . 1 ! ta tier M. ltd
ura. V
BeaVd Pronoita a will he rt-raivett t thn rrinMi ire nftl,'eB
of Arror Dnthina and aVjuJpaive, In H-w Trk t'liy.and
PhiladelfttU, nuktl 1J o clock M.. on WflN r HH Y. Ui
t'ut niBianr, . r farnihMpK b con rit t. at the lt-jiitf if
Ariu i l.xhir k and Etjulpajf In eiUir city, at U.e tipiluu of
the 1,'onlrai lor
V0uHAltMT Bf.A.VK RT8, wool, prey (vrilh the let
tt u. m. in black. 4 Inch lonu. la tha centra), to
even fart long and fire Kai lx incha nit., w weigU II t a
p' andn each.
Pu pokali n Hi b received for tha delireryof B'ankatt
of anbar Amencan cr F.tfljrh mar nf tnr, hot mutt oe,
Id ail refti eta . eijaal to lha Army Mian.lard, at the teipoi
Ura leroti where they are to be dvTrt.
H dd- r U1 irtte v number tbey wia to ftiniinh ; haw
lo-.r. thry dui coxiuuetuc, aud Uie uaisber ticy o.&n daitvar
I ropofriti nitt be arcompanlad by a propnr ffuarantoe,
lUneti byl leatl tro ie.ipnniilla parties, net' in K' forth
tl at li a contrtu t i awarded to the mnr lnakiotr t'ia bid.
that be. or they. wi,. at our exat ni the contract, an4
tilt hoiwU for the proi.-r fultUtnerit of the lanie
1 he t nht lit remrvfl or t . (lulled Mimes tn rtjeci any
parlor it e whoie ol tbu hida aatuay b it turned fur Uu Iu
lt ret of th ervn .
i'ropoaali ahould he e,n dotted "Propoial for Fnnlith'ng
Blanket " anil tho.- for wYak ihoijid ha nd lreina
to l)r.ndir-Unera! I- H VINTON. Dcpaty Quarter -tJenernl, N. w V' rk city, and tbma fur l'hila4l
pUia ihtju'd tit addn-siiil to
('..lone! HKltM.S IIKMW,
Vuaxtvttaiaaur a Ueyr'mrnt.
ltJS 71 fnUfc'leiphJa,
1 f Amimtat yuaiiTaaMAaTaa'a Ornra, (
Ci.sf, ouio, lM.mbar I, inM
Frepfiiaia ar lunttd by tha uadr'inol, aulU
Tlt.'AY.Ieeii1beri,led,,ai IJ oclaek M , ibr
VAOf)H C'(iVFH Army fliae and Fattara.
Pid will bt t .nBldarad fir Armr Waffon Crert f
Cotton or Uqid Jmck. Bach aoTer to be U fr.l laaha
MDI.byff feel 4 incha wide. J ha luk moal ba rre
rioBi ioi. ai d qui ha f)uaUy to thai menvurliitf 7H
lchea w if, ano walahlnR 8 otir, to tha linear yard.
Th aaber bid fur and lha i-Qi of dn'Jvary mom ha
laud, and campl eater ftiralahad; and acti b'd man
be fraaranteod by two reapobiihl tureiitf, Kaaraniealna
orr their owa atraaturae that the bidder wt l antar luio
bond for iha ufljBwnt af hU contract, laoakl on be
awarded hUa.
Bid. will b opened at th time abort apdfld, and
blda art iuriied to ha preitot.
Aware will be made Frlonv. DeetmSar !, iMt
Th- right it fvMrred ta reject auy aid deaud aurwa
aonas .
AehMdnilb Kirkad on th earahp "Proo'xaU
for Waroa t orere.' and addraied tn tha underwood
By order of ( aJonel Wllkata W . atcKtra, Chief Quaxiar
toatei', rutetoaaU Uapou a. J. PHttL-i
Caytaui a4 A 14, M.
run ia r t ina. I)cferninT li, H;,.
nUd l'mrnl will he revived li t hm ottlce andl II
ol-ck W., WKiNK)A., le . int-.r VI, h..4, t r tii dri..rr m il.u I'mted Hiates Hioia ll'de,
IisiH.r Ht f w atf, ni
itV HHMMIKI f If c PAt'l.'S'l.
To bo mad in the In-lit iiiiinmt , of niiie cotl'in diu-k ,
iH!iliiy. atinv iTumtitrtl, to lt by 'M, who 11
fit I - h d. ;i hd nuh'ecl to ho ini per rmii o' mm In -per tor, up .
pmi ten on (In- i,;ut of Hie (.p. , liliirli!. H. Iiit'i ol rjiiLk
II' (
Hi.'.triB win aintt irlr e hnth In vt ttin' k'i I frrura tve
narlity l.l.l . r iml t n pi ilch r;, I 1. o t.'u.V
p fnn . :! il :l r .
t'arti .m must f.r nrartf -d hv f Wf reip.inlhla per-
" .. v. I-. r v.fc.f.fc'arr, 4 pi, t,iMiltlM, f,, if,,, fj ii.-an-
Irr. anil ifrit-.i il :o ai N' n. vA and nm.'ietit nin
fi 1 ihr 'tin 1 . . ti I invoH .1. hv rt I'nlnl State li
trict .iiH-K.-. Mh.tiit i. ,.r ..l rrt.T, or ..t',, public ofth r,
Ot I llw'af 'liy : I M ll p.,: lie
1 1n 1 1 11' 1- ir-.-m-iio n i ml I.mI- If tle.-m.'.I t.,o
hull huh im hi.i trmi a tl(jiiitititr r jiitin lur utU bi rc-
u . .1
lt orvlot (..lon.l llfllMtV r'j',rt, Ctil. (JioutiT
II. rtili-: .
c'-ir.iif u. i k i k,
1- t ,rl-1i; and A l. M.
Ul Aiai KVA.sri K aS I KIWRI MKNT.
I" " .-M 1111 . Ii . O.-.iMoh. r 1 1, I'-.i-t.
('('fd rrof.-nN -Alll I r ,(1,-.r.1 at 1l i.fM. f Olltll
-' ' , 'l"MM . lr e-i l-T I I" t .ir
'eh e.y ft' i:,.- Tin ".I .- tn'. m s r 1 1 Hxi-vtr mrc t
f:if.,tMtrn ia.i n.r irftmiv 1 mi.Mii, ui lha
fol.. wiiiif rt:t ' Ir-,. v:, . .
I (I a ,! II;, 1,-rn.
I'M. HiiH.-I ( ,KM rt.
'I . i itl .. t- .'cm r 1 1 . to f th bnit "in .iM'.v, an t uU.
if" t (t.e io,, , ,1, n R pjsj.rrinr a 'i.oinh-! o-i ti;o p ,rt
ni tltt' , t t.
' l'-.i' vdi 1 mi pi'ra. titi:ti wri'h ' nnd it .iirn,
li 1 11! t ! .' t m ti' v ! .1 .r, t 'l.t t"MP "f d- I v.' 1 t , pn.'t o
11.. In V l. m-i ai.J -1 l-.ver. .
I- a h 1 1 i p-ii t !, uri'.s-l h tieiroiansitli'e rr
f.-t .-, V1 ,,st ' .'It tt i,,,,t Iu- II"' l''l I I 111' 1 ' ,1 i.l' f
i.-f, n 1 , . f.- ', t if.K u, o n ' 1 I nn ";t e t tt t.T
tol I,. . I 1. T. lit V.U.'.I, b" II" 1-llt -1 t:-t. - il -'F t
nn!. ait tiiM,i ri'l!, dr. on'i'T ji.ii) c i.ith r, ot.u-r-
Y 1" ! 1-4 Wl. In 1 "HMill'l i tl
'I 1 t f- ii'M'i n o r.".-. t iii! hi.S tl. u'tl t h- -h,
ut .1 roi I' ll rr. ni a drijimtii! cnn'i it.-i win he rotvivcd.
1-7 foil ol
t' iikum-xn Ttni ;n,
( 'it ..'ti.irl"! niii-st'T.
'.f iii;i.i, ii. in; mk,
H U C.1rt.llli Hlid A. l. M.
f ; l-.KMASTi:ii: .)'PKT MKN V.
x x I'l'iii' H 'u.l'i, lr n:i r 11. 11.
.'it'f.1 TropoMi. t . I,.- rrci ive.l at tlmj o't.ruui'i 1?
'' I. . k Si , . :i sa , I M.1 , i -t i-ier I", v;i, f,,r tl 01 it. dv'iT 'i li tl e I i Hrd M 'e-. H. rehutl, ll.u
owr n't., t ii,;irt. t! fut'owiin; .tpfi
Una ( le.-l.'ii,.-h leailnr HoKe, with Jolt"!'
PO Tilt ( Otapll' t'l.
Oi t- M n. n -I 'lioi'Mitl t,,.ii,-0)frfi 1'if.i 1'oplar, well
ttani tit ). . ,u .(. e'lcd.
All ..( :it-..' .1. rriN 4 t- he of the hr-l jtiatl'v, ftnd
rih,(.t to t'l-i in-.pi- , tl ,,r n o;(rijr am. .liittil ua Uie
pa it f tl e liovet fnn-nt.
J".k'ph t 1 M i t- p; ir", h .th In wttfinai an1 rtroi. and
ai,-. ;M.i or iii.antity of cva itlvo b.d lur. aUid ta
t.Oie . ,1,. ; .rr.
H h I'l l n.uit Le Eiinrintwil hrtwi r.,tp''nilh,e per
oit., 1 !.- s kti.4tir. ro. m iipnulr'd to l-e aiiitrnn-'it
ai d .r:l:i.l tn a In-in - ti" "I .not foithul-Mil f-euruv for
th" llljoti ' It' i fi. lit th- 1 liltrtl M Itl -t IM.tllrt .Imla!-',
at'oi n. , , 1,1 t'..,i lur, ..r ot Kur puu.ia i'il'o-r, oUhtwIb
tllf h ll W 'l tml he c t.kMorfttl
I ril.t ( r- e-M-l to rritvt all h'-li dr. mvl toi
hkli. and no bid froni a ili'Tauuina contra, will be r
C'. ed,
l' "'d. r of r, loM.-l H"KM 1 lll(;i;s, I'hit't oarter-n-nit.-r.
(iF.Olti'R R. OKMK.
( .tptAin ai d A. 1. M.
12 I?-fit
O A'lu0.1'd.S"I TII
n t .: 1 ".ki- , Mn.. treiuhrr !.!
Henlert Pn-pnta'a, In tin ihrita. v IM he r-.-ct v.-tt tit tht
r-tTHt) unti: li M . o-t I'll l,tV. Ittx-mtj. r .U, for
MiiiiisMfK th I in ted httitei Suhg;i,tOMce li. arimnit
I " K Tii.H SAN'li (l.Wj iIK.iiK;ihi. V VTUKKF
H'ATt'l K. 011 th hoot, d.ji-von-d at lh Mlaio ( attle H.-ih'j
at Hh lur or-, Ml., In l4 nf .' Uixi) oii tliniaod i':i.-i
viT(i" tenit:: ta ) wi-ivr . d winun one mul a half
day aur arm n.1, ai the tirii or ti e coairart .r.
T.ier intiit aver.i;.e about 1 1)) l.'nen lutn Ired noiind o
rroriiw.ij-rit. all hilili.f .i:...rt ui iH'- .)nnu th a-.Aiida'id
nrtTpe'indvu'U'ad ei. t. Ntn. ' Ut-11. t ohi, tio;f
re, and ll..rnlf-ie att i w:ll he r-:crtrl,
A fl..!'ir:M.n..t t.-n r. 1 n-.'in'l-. will ha md front th
w j.fct ur H.,) Httur ic-. p-td uuJ-r ihi uontrAet, pro
ulrd ti-, fti.ln ! doen n- t lti-l in t'.e pen iio tin I 'na
lin I 'lOi-m i" f. re hr.rjt re:jr n d, or 1 uot w-'tghad Imuie
tllrt f ftfv alter r. mornl from ihacarti.
Itlai.k forn a foi propit-a fan he had on .tppilcMlotl at
thta nirre, cither In prn, hy n.ali. .r t),ai iiJh,
Fii'Ioi;ili hr len-K'ifip'i, ur ttlier ItnK'i'iu". Informal
pi miii, win not bit ioi hi. ri d.
Tie 1 .orerrnient will ( I.imh th rliht of welhlnc anr
vnt antn ul ep.rnie, If ltd aporaaue Indit-iiicii )'
wemit l.ln the niitittMiiia in.'ia.o'o'd alioro; the ci
pFii -f I.. iiintf WiU oa p.tid by the party errit.K in
Kr ii nd to aeenre c. ni d. mtiin iitfat ronnln a writteo'iutev 01" tvo i.-O'iii-ibie prrsiMi!), .tp f'Ho'i .
We ,0' ti 1 .unity -if , Ma; of . do
tcri l r Miantia ir .it l (or an-) at.U n fu! U a
n.inirecl in aucorlnn wit'i the lornik of .lln (or
rntn nion. Mid hh-HfM hi (or their) p opntinii bo
a- ('.'iit il, lie (i.r tin v ) m!i at unco rnt.-r mo a con
tia. i 111 itcrordi.n.'a ttiTt wiih, and wa art prepared 10 h
Ci.ti." t n "Ciui :iien. kWu'j; ,'oud and iuith i.-itt bonJ (ur
ll ftilfltiii nt.
1 ne r poiia.M' orth (rurKntor ro)T Ti ,own hy
the official coitlitf-HtPof lhel't-rkof liiv n.-iri'it lM-.tlot
l'..irt, ot 'f tha t : - itt4 Sii.t. 1 ! trie t Attoruoy, to bo cu-i4-ed
wttJi Uh li d.
l.itol.Tt nuivi h.' pr rnt to remon l ti th-ir Lid, and
PTl if.' u iv bunda and aixu tha tojiore Iturmg
'fir ttoveruLnMit reter? 11 rticitf lac rttii V ral-1 Vjf
ar all bid rotlttrn d iinr.-aK nablo.
Paimenuto Unmlc atier rarh deliver? If ftttit aaa
o 'Mind ; if nor ' on luild, to e niido a oou a ri'rrsJro,l
rlnlft.'i wl:l p ate taie prlt" tj, If iMvinant If tuna:, itl
111 1 i-ncy, aud aUo prlcea If inaco m OerilUL-atet. 01 iinltiot
anons. I'r. p.iaiaU mint hr entWiod diMlneily 'Troiionnii fir
lie. f t'a'.'Jfi." and thtrn(d ta t'antaln J. ii. tinman.
t'. f . Itnlnniorc .Mnrvlan.l."
1, at hid lam th Hani o a firm, U:olr n;mc and trodr
pi-.t oft'.c -MtuBk uiiidtt li.-tti, or thoy will nui (o i't
Kva pitvn or errry mjnih"?T r,t a flm' f)'Wiitf a irro
ajai mom a-company li hf an oath ot ai'.-sirviro u tha
I nn J iot otiiuMTii , tf ha haa not aj-t a.iy ol.l on
tr thl ofho..
AH Md. not oonpirmi; itrittlywith Utt lrrn o( rim
advrtariiiit will be ro.ectuj.
J 10 tH Cdid-aJn unci C. S.. U. H. A.
ter, No. 1103 I.IKAKU Ntteril.
. PMiiaiM-i i-iii a, Peocmlj-r 7, twl,
Htniea rropr.anU will i mvi Ived aL iht ottloc aniil n".iU
O' V. Li.'.KIA , 'JUt Inst., for luriAi-il.inat tin hut I-hoti
mat ti ay he r qnlri-d at thia otli. e, m a.-corf1iuco with wi
to.lfliiA; eclicdulc, for six tuonti. lOU.ULiiuiug Jaiiuary
W hit n Cap rap, ruled, (0 wcih not leaa than 12 p. um!i
pr feaiu.
W lotf i.e;l 'ap I'apor, ruled, to weltf'i not lea than 12
pnni d- p"r ream.
VMir Lu.r i'aprr, rultd, lo irtlgh aot leg than fl
ponntla pt-t team,
onipii iffa! Paper, ruled, to weigh not 'ea than
4 p 'iid pr rraia.
W hue rulio Paper, ruled. Mame prlca f paper
per ri riBj
Hut) Knvelndjie Paper. lAtUt int hti .
L utiiiiK I'ap. r, V.'x'il Im ti.-t. Price per shevt.
lUai k Houltft. . f mi i, full bound. Pric e per intra,
W.ui k lu"k-, fohv Hit), tut; hour d. I f re pvr 'uiio.
hini I. ok, cup ( . half rrnua d PrUo pr quiro.
i.iivJop wlitti .r buff, No. I J. Price p.r liX.
I'i tfjop;, nite or butt, In-'hea. Pri o p.T I"fn.
Aiiv- topi-, white or htirf.h1. 1 1 in he$. prh-e per 1 rrf.
k i.delopra. white 01 hurt, .V, xj iim Tj. . Pi ic pier 1ih,,
l.Tirr t'opytutd- i.otiia, Idler and cap hI.-, iaI and IvjO
pK, acli, per do, n.
M iromiMlutn Hooka, oetaro, per dozen.
Wraiig luid, ,i(.al U Ariio.dl. (.tart and rial
oyy'.vg Ink. equal to Arnold', quart and pint
( aniline lok E-iual to lar'da , glaai bnttaa au4
ink I'owi'rr, par dojrn pipera.
lead Ft ne ila. to Father), 7f J anit J, per
4- it. u.
Rt .1 Tmd Hltie Fanrll, axinal o Fahf-r's, ur do job.
I. as 1, ftaaor'td per d.-ien.
Mi'l feua. niBortaa, per rtroita,
S'r Hen, II. tt a. Noh. .Ui and per groai.
Pin llniilera, AaorU-d, per doitm .
' in rei.r f nl(lTi4, p. r dor n.
Kid sKailAA; Warn, jounce and 1-ountJ atleki, pr
ited Tape, No. 7, per dojii'M (!e. .
Gibsi tare of .Mutuant) and Hi uaho. lar And imall
.', p r durii.
All lit aitiriet mmt he of th best qualttr. ffamplea of
ea. h amde mmi a cmp inr e. h l d. wall the ciji of
U e htodcr dtabncily marai-d if,r. 0.1, and otoy -ou praca
iu 'at he lanird (or ea. h artlt-lc.
KLouhl any artlt lea not tn'iuit.r-.'.'1 anora be wanted,
llier n.ual be rurnUhe-i at li e low. ut in trkot prir.
Froj o-al inuat ih made only apou thu regular forms
fu-rlihi d it thta orhce.
Th l i.Utd Hiate n icrvu the rvM to reirt nil bid. 0
pari of bidi.doKurd incoiupe'iiai.- with ita lnter,.fta.
ALbLIC r h. Mi -u;f,
13-7-m Captain and A. Q. M.
J -J. l4Ai:a, M. D , Frofeaartr f th. Ky and ltr,
tt ail dlaeaa appertaining to thahovanMnitjr wth
Ut a 1 Moat aaocdMa. TUm' aiai Tom th nviot rwua
oare in the eltr caa he an at bl ofrlee, So. All I'WIH
lwat. Tb Medical Faealtrare Inn tod t riw-iiuttdaay
teetr raetitt.aji he baa no eoarai la hi praaiioa. U-mt
y I Tht S(ulite( oaaaettt ha uo a(i.i fitr beautir
lna, whitenihii, and praaervln the ou)pieKon. It I pro
pared front put wiiit wax, h-n. it eitraoidtnary iivaV
tir h-r preterriti'f th ikin, maainit It oft, fair. am.joLtk.
and tianapan-iit. It la tnoat looihlni after ahtvinf,oifw
happed bands and lip, rt'more pnupUt, Wotuh. , tut,
frecalre, or tunhuia, and lmparta a pearly unt to Ui
far, aeck, and arm I'ric .H, ru, and 7a cant. UP NT
A rO , A.LA.NVKia tttrat, and ho.ii U HMlfTal
wVMi. Ili-A-aai
December 15, isg.
jariT or VT4hiwiti'Ii, (
- VanntaUTow, . C.. January 4, s. (
ATI dealer In hriin. Hardware,,hT.
lurnitnre, Ilirn.'a, and H add! err. ari re ,B -ati'd .. aed
to ll ta otfico, on the Mo DA V oteaeh w.k. a .h pro
p ia!il nr IM, in dnplh ate.oi the arne'et m.y ' prapaied
to rurnuh to iht depot at short notice, with lh prh of
earh uiarki'd in pltiln fltfure, to Dial, tn caae thecinir'nr'ii
m the !.o vi.-e rei.tjro I'.thf. rt tr le r aiur lea caa tn ob.
Ulnirt without .lelav, a the to went prlf.
h.-a-eta wi-hinir to ae 10 thm ejH.t will ha raiuirexH
nimleii the Unt ptim-tuaily rery Mo,d-ir mnrnfnt;
l. It Kl i'KKR,
i'-rl,:ndl-i -4jenrel andChiot i,'-p'prm-.icr.
. . loiM.t ul Wahntf.on .
tfnr I h vnnrntiTiT, K ., Von mher 11 1H.
FH'irniHALH r UK A K M V 1 h A N S l' Lit 1 . m
a fd Pioooma will be r.-c.'Uf.l at oft.-.. until 11
aNork M on Hie :tut ,1'ir of ItriTioVer, f. r the
lrnii.i'r!ntoii ol Military Nuppilci d Mini tho yea-ln...
on t:n tollnwuiK n tit. a
H.'t 1 a Nn, 1 .-- mm rOTt. 1 earen worth, I.nramlc. and
It. Ie . at d other dep. u thai amv h, cuMniied .ittntiif
tl.e ahnve earon the weit t-at-k of IV- Mtiiori t tt.
P' rtt! of Fori L':ir. nvtiirth. en. ouih of intitu.le -e-north,
lo nn poita nr elatirna that nr tr mar l
xtihlmhtMl in the lrri!orlei o Ni-hrnika, hakotah, 1 .ln'i.i
atd I 1 a:i, foith nf -Mt l Hide 41 darer) r. .rt h nd e 4,1 of 1 1 1 drjree writ, and in trie 1 wrltory of C dj
rd.. tiirth nf 40 dft.Tei' north.
HnM.rt to aifitf the -ate per pJa prr lfX) in 1 1 "a
a which tr.e v. 1 1 1 trnnp'irt iaul at. .re tn e.irh f the
n'o'iilih from prtl to Bi'.'iaiiilx r, In uaive. of tha rrar
It. Mil f Nn 1 From Forts Lenr -nworlh nn.1 Idler, In
tr.. Hum. t.i kAni-ai, and Lhe lot n oi hniiaa, in ilo VnM
oi MiiM.:Tt, to an p hfa or nation ih -it am or mt 1 a
elahli-hcd hi tho State of KAiiata . or la lha Terri .-y-nf
I fi'irado. tr ih ot latitude 4u d. 'eca n rh, ilrajwinir
e 11 !,. ti tn For- l.niunwi rih. ai d to Fort I'nion. N.
H .. .0 nih.T .i'pot ir.t mv he d.'ai. nti.-d in thni T-
rit '.t. Y .in t .t'l -id nmJ f 1 any oth r r""i( or p..!r,.(
u tin- i.-u'r. .idd--ra to atta-n tim iie ,rr liMronnta
p. r !' :ih rt 111 . n-ch ti..' win IraiMpo'l bai.1 aior-a ,n
ii. h .. 1 in. m. mitsfto:!! Aj-r.J to rt. piuitnj, iiuUiitn e, of
thi t-i,'i.
K ' 1 ri'. N . S- Prom fort I'i I n.oT ti li niher depot a
mitt b" ith hhed In tho ' .'rritorr of New M-'leo, to nr
11 airt'loii. tlil uru r liuir he eniHtilUh. d In that
Tertltorf . atol to -Mich p cti . r atntlona a tnav he dfiic
nnlfsJ In l '1 r -1 j (if Arn-Min 4f d HiaLe of I wmt
of 1 r :thi!- If. ihi;; ee w-l. H ddera lo at file toe raia
per u-0 noiipdi p.-r In ni'li-H it wMrh lhr will trunaport
a I ori'-i in eri iff tr.e notrha from J cue t ftiuTomber,
: s ..f il,,. M',tr !nw
The we'. !.t lo he trH-.prtfd etch ver wltl not etrn
li ,t .i,ti pound, on ho'ilo No 1; Vi.iV,idr pouilda oo
he 1 'e No. '2 , and !,'o p., nnd on It ul .So i.
!' errMiune will he pt J for thu Ir innporta
tlri rf haon, hard hrarid. paie limibur, ahniKk, or ar.y
Wtl:v otoi i'i.
linhl.-ra l-.otlld irlve theT aaiaoa !a full, an wen aa thHr
P'iH-e of reM', and crti'h itropoiitl atioul.i h m,c.-oia-t.iiMPd
hr 11 bond hi the oft. n ttaouaatift ihiltitr,nHiied
hy tr,. ur more re- '-iiHlblt- pt raoni, KMnranterlti: thit , m
rae u roti'ract ta aa.d.-d for the route inentlined in th
pnipofHl the pai tiii propo-tiiat. the cnura'-t will he ao
c rf ed nn.t oof. r. d .tlo. aiul -nd nnd anil, lent "H'rarltT tr
ntettt n by roiid partii'), in aro.dani a with the turiua of U.I
a WTt eu:etit
Tl.e amoiini ofhonda robred will be aa follow
ln h.o:t.. No I SlU.nM
(in h.'iiti No 1 itm.t-tui
Hn Komo No ;i fr-.oa)
Buiaht. tt.r v W iho 01 al y ajd aolreniT
of.'.icti bidder Hud pu-aofi onVre4 aa security will be r-
I'n poea't miit-t h" oniVrtfed "Prnpoiabi fhr Army Trana
por'a'ion "f Kouto No. I, 3, or it, a lha mar he,
nnd non? will hi- M.lrrt.uiud nn'eni they fully outlay wiUi
all lh. icouirt'in. nth of thi advertlRi-m.-ut
l'arti U. whom nwarda am madu lann'. b prMarrtl to
aireine oon't.ti'tfi n'. onw , and le ulre iho riuired bool
ftr t'l- faithful p ri ni-itJi h of the intne.
uiiirn.-tn will be made -ut.-Tt to the approx a of th
linirti-'-niH'trr (iiit r.-i. hnt tSe riht rcaorred ko rojot
an v it ali hid that may ho oitYred.
I Mitr.irtorii nnit b- tn rcjrineia frr aenriee by the flrat
(it U Aunl. laai. ii'id they will ha r.-.'uireil to harti a
pi ' 01 a .'I'ci.'it a or in tho vicinity of Fori Le-kveo-worth
anit I nlon and oUiardopirf thar may heeitabMtne.1,
at 1 hi U Uaj m a 1 tu GoiiiuiHiiicultid with ptoiupiiy aud
lty (ardftrof Uho ttautermaal.'r-Ortiaral.
H. C. TIOnfJK!!.
U-Wfit Capt. and A. y. M., U. 8. A.
X C'liiKk ULdiiTi:aMAHiatt'a Omen,
n.roM, V
r k, It. .
liKi'urir w'AsntnurtM
WAlllVflTnN. I.f?.. De.-emher tt I li
i alidl riorum,,! are Invited hr the iinderilkfoed lor huu-
o'v.BKihel n t'dHttitea J lartertiiatrer a Itepaitruont, at
W.i-...hiK.on, l. I'.; t.a tluioro, Md ; AleAatnlrla and
Fortreif. Mniir.-e. Va . or either of louae plucca, wiu Hay,
( 01 n, iata. and rtraw.
Lias will le Thrived for the delireryof rOK) buihalt
ofloin or Outi.undOO tout of Hay or btraw, aud up
w.rn... Judders mn-it ta'. nt which of the ahure-named polat
they prnp.iMj lo uiwkt dellrcroa. and tho nlon atwhh
ILi y will uiaka U. liveTl. a theroal, ilie quantity of each
artcii; pi.ipota.Ml to b deliorud, the it ma when Raid
dlicil'i aiiall bo comiutiind, and when to u com
phuil. Tue prlre inuat wrltron not Jn wordi on the h'd.
l orn o h.- pi:t IP In Mud Ptout nark, ol alwilt two
bio.;, eia tarn. Oai .n IU tj n'ka, of atcut Hint buahida
earl:. Thi' a. icktj 10 be Miiniihr-l without ritra rhariro to
th.' ilovi i tirio iil.f The Hay r Htruw fo he iciiiirelr hald.
The ptl,ru;ar I. Ind or d.'St rit'tiun of Torn, liny, or
Ntraw, pro pt a ttd to bo delivered, wast Do tatod in the
pi 1 poaalrt.
All ih article ofr-rt d ttndor tha hldn herein Invited will
bo hfihii .'t to a riid lint.', tion hy the (loverntaout unpoo
tor. he ore I cliiK accept'!.
Cuitrai t itill he aw.irdeit from time to Miaa t th
lowei t ruNpoQitu htddera, as (he Intern, t of the l.ovrn
lio'i.t may rr iul-.-, and p. m-n w il: he mado when the
who! aniot.itt counaiied lo. auau havo been duUrerud n rent. tt.
I he hi.t.h r V.IM po re.iu'rrd to a.-ompenr hi propotitlon
Will-a fc'imrnt.', I,!i'-il by two reiponaibla pernon , tiiat
In hia bid ta to'r;toa, he or tttey wi i
w ii hln U ti il tt y a tin n'afier execute tha cn
trai'i lor M,.- :itnt', wih pu d t'd nn-hcpMit Bundle, in a
H'tiu ejnai to ih;' Htii'iiint of Ihu a ntract. to dell wr t ha
fnrii.'e pMipourd in coiifot nilt f whh tho term of th td
r v 1 1 ia fiiii'ii! , and hi ca. tho ral bid r aliuiiM fall to
eni. r L.t i ihe ontr.-i. I, ih y Id mi' e irood the dlffcrtmc
bWM n the cf'i-r of nMUt hid'htr and th nest luwtot ra-
ffOiin'i)!' hn!'. i'ri or th p3toQ uj wnoin th ooulraot
li:y b- ft.ndt il.
I i'n rcp. .iiMhililr of the pn:ireiifr,ra rnnat be ahowa
hr 1 t(n of icai ceiuf.eato 01 a ( iilied Mat,- Ilia rict
Atioini , t:o. 1 ' or ot 11 io-na.or nv other oi!h-:- nnd-ir
tr a I ii '-d ."i 'on tioMTfjm' iit, or rcspoiiilbl) per a
km. n to v 11 0.1. tv.
-All hhhi.TH will t.e duly no'Jilod of ih aeoptejice ox
re oi tlir r .n,i-otn.
The lull niiitic and i'ot tVth- a ' Ireai of eacb bljdr
tuiKt he It wrliu 11 In the prop' t!.
I ropoajii! iimut be ad.ire .ned to hi iKdlr.lJeneral I TT.
End it, i hi I li-iol n.n icr insitir, rt'atlnn on, o.
and he pUtn.t imtiKi-'t' . lor Foiaure."
ftorola I n a emu runi to the anioiinf of the eO'itra''!,
elxm-d by tin comrarior .md hoili ol bit ruh. an tore, will
In: H-p . red cf the lucc letul bidJt-r or h.dder upon aa
llit: l ie , onti act.
Dark I win of lihloi. iruar-.tee, and bond may bo
ohta:n.d upt.n application in turn otlice .
.i:t.M OK I'li.tpiMAl..
(Town, l ojuty, ..i.d Siate
I, Ihe (, do her.-bv frop'ae to fnrnmh and
drllrer 10 liie L iilli'd Siatea, hi tne gurtorniattor'S le-
pariim nt at , agreeably U the trm of y hut
a.ivcruio'ment, hwitioir 0 r.uyala lor for a dnt-d,
Waa;.in,.iou ijppot, iBt.ei:Wir M, lKy, Ui following Uru-
ClWa, Tl, . -
buil, eH of sf' ia -ki, at pr hmh-d of b4
poui.ds .
btit v!a of Oa:, !n acki, at par buahel af tl
poi nda.
toi' ol ha'. A Ilav, at par tea of Ilk pound.
leni ol bah il iStraif . at per ..n of tMj poim 1.
1-ellverr iu coniuienre mi or hef re ih.- .Kr of ,
h , and tn h foinpu led on or before th day ut t
1-K , and ft1 '. m -.oil to t'li'er Into a wri'ten c-ttitr-Act
with thw l' nlten Htat"t with go-nX and MpuroM-d leciin.lea,
wUiiiii the a ai-e of ton da aCer boing ootidod thai iuy
Md ba 1-Q aixH)t"U.
Yoar obedlcui, i rrant.
Li-l,adk-(;,iaJ i. h. He. Kait. "
Clikl ipot Qnarf.'i maaurr,
r, tti undarti)rned. reaidei'ia mi - - - .In tha 00 a My
Cif . ar.d M,te of -'. 1 . he-coy, joini y and iereratlT,
en eiiaitt with tha I altfd Htntea, ami auaraiuee. Iu caao
the foruiroliu? hid of be aecepleu. that ha or tiiey
wit wuh ib lan day after tne a cjtam:e of aid
bill, K.'Uto ll.e contract for lie, with wood and
jtriihr 11nt 'irettea, in a sum .ual to tho amount ot iIhi
e-muact to furulsn the forj;e prsipotte.t 111 ottiiforinic to me
terina of Ihe adrertlaainent, dati-d Iio.einni' H, lH-,i, D'olar
which Ihe hid waa wudo; and In e aie iho nald ahail
fall to color nto a contract aa aiorraald, we viiaranttt la
tnokefi'-od lh differeut baiwvn thr o.Ter of thu aaid
and thr nait ivweat ronpou libit b dder, or Uie pur-
eai to whom ih eorttrnrl may ha aw.travA
(Urea aadusi oar h ! aaid kaai uu day of -
1W1 . Heal 1 '
I h re. certify tfcftt, ta ttia brit nt my knowledge a d
belief, the aaova-Hamyd aaraatori are idro.d and urh
clrnt aa caietie lor Ui aiuoiuil Kt whuti liiey otlar Ut ba
To t-e certified hy the Tn'tad Hiatea Tiatrlct Attorney,
follevler of tax tow, or any th. r i Ulcer under Uie I. 11 tied
J"tatu CjOTrntiietti, or reaponalbl peraou knowa 10 Ihi
AB piopetaal reclred imderthui advertisement will b
enered aaid oxatinircd at thit oiflce ot VV'edJiendy an a"
A ito'dar ot each week at IJ M Bidder are rat'ccUatij
LfeKd to b BraauMl ai tii oomunm of bida ll 'hey deair.
Ii. ll. RUCkalK,
1.4 tf Prtu d tor -General ai d Waavrierasa-eer. '
Pmar ln 111,, a,
WimnhLToH. n,,eml,ar 1. 1HUI
ITWaaa. ntl,h)a a Pavalrv or Aruliarv arrrlae. will ha
purcliaad attilaaburodapot, ta vpaa uiarawt, UU Uueiu.
bar 11, 14.
llcai wi! aa daltrai-ad ta raptala I,. Tiwtv Monra.
A g. M , and h iat,)ertad ta UMtuauaioovuriunaait UuDaa
taun baltrr htatf aoraplaHj.
I'rara or t'avatrjr lloraaa. at ra aarn.
1'ru.a ofAraiUan Huraaa .limaaak.
traMuaiti wiu Ira aaala to aU (.6) and mora.
OaltsaM In Otara-a Plral
It 1 Ft vaJUWriaaaMr Uaaara, a uwoa.
r., or, -'.'. c.r,
U.W.WKK..I. t. .
nnuooiRTs, r inrsici anb,
Can Onti at mil aaUbllalmttTit a fun a.nmar.t.rf laapartM
ai d Drutia, P,.i.r p,i,., sitnn,, Palnfea.
t'oal 011, OnJnia t.Uaa, PraiT1ntB Vlala, A., at aa law
prlea aa "inilii nrat-rlaaa nda aaa l .old.
rimy. Lmhk.vtial oiivi
rurCinh-dl.mara. In ftill aarlisls', a'id or tha ttoat ijcalHy
Cik-I'Iikm Kanval ImlVa, Matt,lr, Wa Aah, MtKHsar
n la Aati, Alum. Oil nf VttrOI. Anna'O, Oopparaa, BatMaB
if l.trnword, Ac, run DVyg.-l' ut, always aa'aa,a
tw,at n-t easb prinsa
pmik ki-ii-kh kor i AMn.T nsr,
)rim,i aximMy Un onr a.iiia aji.l to whioh wa Urtaa
0,a atlefiilnn or ttiuaa In wai,t i,f ns!,,i. Artlo'aa
Al.o, I.MHUV, .1TAKCII, ti i, HTARD, ., adrw
Ord.taliy mall, or dtT, will mtat with pmiapt aA
liTtliin.or aptsial tiuoln.Hii a wOl ba fuiDlaaad alia, r
4uo.ttd. AVlttOlIT A HU.nAt.ra.
l,ol.sal nrrni WanbrHu.
jail 17 fill. IH JIAUKKT Htrimt. abuva I
It) II fx W
is iii ii worn urtiiuriiAi IsKmhuv roa aanuaai
C )1M,
H OO'. fT H lti.T,
HA1N IN J 111, HHMAST, rui.l
INOll'Il-.N I' OtSUiiniON.
rnat ari d by
JOtlN W. EJjMK3. Jr., Ohemist,
TW.Hiy HMfONO AM) M OtkKT BrtlBlirig.
For aala by aJl Ilrrutn.ta and tlorsjara. 11 IMatlwlta
J It O W N ' H
Aa airaUavt iiravaaUta ft must iBalraaalna " ylTaw
In n any raa.i ol k,Dg atamllaa H baa aBurdad traly waal
darful raitaf.
PRKPAititn oni,t nr
PTsWtftst and OlinaiUt,
11-Irttl And fur aala by Drmfiflai (aaaraUy.
K to nain adniirlnR ryca ;
If ti cmiie tnvld'Oita ti'ha;
If to t) a hioomlnp rl w r,
radinst, d? ton in an hour Baatrr I
If to have a hit of frtra 1 ;
If for noe lo mali amend ;
It with hiAfh born hicud t wed;
If a uiarbie aioae wha dead tThaltbI
If to Ht lreecore and ten,
WUhinK life aa loni fuaia,
If 10 Urea life of pear
Jl to cle and no to great tlaAtra t
If yon wish a life of pleatnrei;
If yea vaiae thi wrld a treMir ;
If every cnni'oit you would atoi,
Take my advice, and with Afa.
Then, bavins Health, Wealth, and Baavty.
You 11 ba prepare! for rerr doiy.
Byaoarwful pernalof Dr. WIl.WAa! TOBHO'I Wew
Rook, 1 II H AlARKIAH UOIItB, whieh ehnuld ba ra
y rry on. Moid by liookanhv Neeieraily aad at Urn
'ctor i Oills, 2(0. iJ M'atUCK uTMLMT ; aria M
CDtf. g4
Parely hnporttd FUENCII FKMALfc MtHin and PI 1,1,1,
warrantid In all c4Vo. Wra. CUa Ri-K.S HiIKUT, Ob-ti-iical
f'hi.ian. IT nt ranee, and oihr priraia faf
atan. Apply at la UwTaMU lkl'tf 8TOKK,
No 1019 C04TEH HTURKT.
11 Sft-loa WestafTaoJk.
D to thla tarl d femnlea htivsi bn hrmi.iU.4 .
iwiiri.i, Abdominal Hoppotttra, Ao , for to our f
aillriar of tha Womb and general debility, whtah meant
eaaioaly pr palllatlra, If not lnmrluua. Monf Ur.
HoaB a pallet, u har ten oali t? ait oh ato-nrdttie Thar
relyrc Ma Cfldrn Mil, and thar -by ob aia aperfAea
cure by the oa o rml- a few baxea. For tlieieonraw
f 'ainta m box ia worh a hundred Abd"ntl&lhnipor'eta
Ttoa, itl een er box ma A ma, O i V TT A 0. Ma.
A 11
CAB BR KPI.ll.ri Ok I
BtlYBH a At '. a TO OltRp;!
UUlta kl)T XAl'SRATF.1
m Ni'K.Eur ik A enow I
50 fTIANlia; np Ip.r KKglllllKIH
Prlra J, Ma la or lauiala.
Ha lit by uiiui lt any adik&aa.
- , , Boa WMS Poat llntoa.
BalaAarnta, lnorT (XI.
k'-l lntlia.1111 Bo. 2ai X. HBOOHU dlnat.
ER Nasy" YORK.
" C0ASTWs,k hi KAM.illlf I'liVPANY B
lOK Nfctv YORK,
aad ronaortti.f for all NorUiaru and It 4. Lara alUna and
aap Orlaana, aaljnw ararv
Tl KSa,AV,
Awn SATr'RnAV.
rrorn Itio Ompaur'a wiiarf. dr.. t atiovt, Ka,-a auvat, Adl
NawYorlt, froiu i'lur 11, Hoilb a,ar, ou salua daya, M
For rrt'li ht, wnu-h will ba raralrd dnfly, fiandlad la that
ainai la'ftisl iiiahiitr, ai d dfllurnd wltb tba araalaatdM-pnu-b,
at tatr ralra, ari Iv to
... . nli.I.lAM J. TAYLOR A (TO.,
11-lnJm ho.J.U llor'A VH.arvoa.
mStrjuitm Pool, loaehlni al gurcoatown. (lork llarbar.
- I a, knooa aiaaaiara X ll a l.l.arpol, N Inrk.
ad bi'a,li'i,uia, btaaiiiiuip Company axa latandad ta)
(.1 AH OW. B.tarilav. nansmhar 17.
C4T (If A.AM'HKs.rr.11 a.niidar HaoanvharH
CIIY P IIAl.TlaltlKI.. Mluiday. Ilaet uunr 11,
u'h ""ssbsliaa, aaimday, M soon, rrtaaa riar Ba
Plr-I I alilo SluillO Htaraa .Ki-D
P'r-I Caoin to I, ration I7tiu) Httswraua t'i l.ondou. (M-ud
P'lr.l l at,tn u I'arta.. Iy tat akam-a-i to I'arla an ta)
riratCamntitHaniur'KlHt. Oil 8'a. rrt,. Vt, ll.tuntu-g'. 14 1
l'aaaiiKa alio forwarded lo Hurra, Itr.tuoo. Boa.
twrliui, Ai.twarp. Aa . al auaallv lowraiaa
a,?1"",'," Ovarpool or :afirat OaMa,
I'ts'.li'C, till Htaaraa Dma Ll.oool and ijaaaaia
owii.yvfl. I'hoaa w s wiah ta aaad for Uiur rrfcuuda aaa
bui toatkala tiara at ittaaa rataa.
f'v ruruiur Hkiort&Atjou apiila ar the (VHtt,,aayV nffleaa.
Jim a rl. riAl.a'. mna,
s. Bo. IU WALNUT 8trao. Pluiaaalpiia.
1. 'I . - UMail ki l.lna, aailma itom aacti port aa KLvAyrt. uojb flrnl wl.arf aJia I'I K rltrtsal.PaU.
asa-iahia. a:d ltm wharf. Isaaroo. Prom Aral akwt
ai Plaia Hum, mi Haiurdar. nooontbar 1(1, Iran.
fThtsausaninhlp taAXUN . M.anawa, tttj 'ra(a ja'ladf4
pnJa Asr liiiton. oa Aatar.lar, Haraaiibcr 17. at It) A.
and tl auainatilu P'AI- Haaut, rruoa UootAa lot
rhLbualphia. oa aaina aar, al I P. d .
Vritaa naw and .abataiitiai atoanu&ipa farm a ratruiaa
Baa, aafla.K Asrsia aarh port parsctnail. oa Maturdava.
lnaaraoroa aaravaad at onm l.a,t u.. ansouuLa alia I Ltad aal
Sai vaaaala.
I ' ral. liu aaksia at tatr raw. aa rsioan-d island Bit BaaaMa aid B'JAi
Ladlri. is malr nou,a.
For l rataina or raaaaata tnavlna ana Aooommodaaioaal
aaolv a
Ha. IUS a. UNLAW AUS AvaoaaV
r syH-Tr y0a N BW V OKK. DBSPATOa
pMtnLa BiHil, and Bwirtaiar Llaoa. via IMiawva and ,
kutiaant aual. 1 1ta ataamara of tuaaa Uoaa ara laavtnai
datij at 11 o clook M., aadaa wocl p. AIH Croaa Uvlad Mat
aixiva Walnut alrM.
rot Itaukt, whlok WUI ka Uiaa. aa aaooouasodalW
taTatW'i'! W1U-LJ HAiiaD OU., Mo. Hi? -VKLAWAJUS
Avail in,