r I TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBDIt 15, 18G4. c (Swung gclcgraph TUUIUDAY, PKIKMKER 15, 1S6. HINt.N AM Ht.lHS MlttHIU HtH TO Til HUS tr'M Wit KM. r'irt n Hie list U ire 'irand Duke NicViIit of Unmi, heir ip,ariMit li a cei:ru thai Uonil ivcr one .e.critb. of the. iniVu iM,.' globe an em pire thut has Ha hit niiou iline continent", anil uMin twu uf them iioe . a liroiulcr ar.; than any otliir nation. He is twenty-one j e.irs nltl, tiaiiilMjmr, proud, seir-willrd, as arc nil tuu Kumnn. tl. He reseiiiiilci, In iippranirKe and character, lux KMtnlfiilhur Niciiol is, who w m in b . day anions; the timt mn.rei:;u of l.iiropu. The ukit lintiit of hii Imperial ancestors of fot Riinc tin Ir wive-, nw th.u Ku-si.i bnipscd It tiirui-abuth year id em-lt-m e, and eivili.atitm liaa n lonnio toe ih'oii'i: and Miltuneil their milli ner, in no lunger au objection to him. When the mutter i f tin marriage W;i flrt spoki n of, a u.c one d that there were f ut live prlnooHO wittiia the circle, ot bis choice, tlir e of wlioiu he dii.iked, mid the, other two we.ro ot Jeeih untile to Ins fuiliir. Hum, however, wni not irue. The Human rinpf rord have umrried from anions the irinit who ml.mi the rcsideneea of Uie allies, uukts, and other ruiernol Oenuanv, tl c only III. lit; i itnirtil ot ilium being the d iji tion in the Hieek (Jmireli ax their religion. In the days, ol Tiler the Great, and alxi of Catherine Il.it ii alllrmed thin when a wife was eruiitcil f .r a j;rtti.d iIukb they M:nt to thu then hundred German courts to have the most beautiful of the I'rineo-'-es scut to St. l'iMersbiirff, that a .e clIic.ii might Ik' made, the vhoxun ono being retiinrd and the rest tent hack, flow ever that may have been, there were very few of the poor Oermiiiifl who were not Klart to furnish an l'.nipresn fur Itussm. Nicholas married the I'rinceM ot rniiu, so that Hie present Czar is e umii to the Prussian King: and the present C.ar, Alexander II, married the Grand Duchess of llcuse Daruistudt. Thin waa a nmrrmu of alleetiou, his wifo not heinR selected lor liiiu, tint one of his own choice from among a host uf German 1'riiKscs. The same liberty was given to the present Grand Duke, who is betrothed to the recoud daughter ot the King of Denmark, the 1'iinccss lingmar, who ii much handsomer than her sister, the l'rinetss of Wles. This Dani-h alliance may give to Russia what she bus long desired, the control of the entrance to the Uultie Hca. It wih g ve Denmark, also, what ill her extremity she needs a strong frieud. THE KINO 07 OHKHCR. At the tame time that a Danish Princess goes to Kuhsia, a Russian l'rlneeas is going to a D ine if so the fuuiily ol tho Danish KinK, which is purely German, may he c.il.ed Goorge I, KJng of theGrteks, about 21 years old, who is betrothed to the very young and only daughter of the Kmperor ol Husia. 1'ne alliance, therefore, be tween ihe royal families of Ktis-ia and Denmark Is to be double ; ami ag.iiu Russia will take a step towards the nalizutiou of her great ambition, an Idia Ihat has tilled ber mind from the days of Peter, vib. : the acquisition of the Turkish empire in Jburope, through a union with the Greeks, and to a nay to the ocean on the south. If these marriages should take place, a must lingular fortune will hare befallen a poor Ger man family (of pure Teutonic blood for a thou sand year) which uow rules Denmark in its advancement to high honors and great power. The father, by the choice of the Orent Powers, is Jung ol Denmark ; by election, a sou is rung 01 the Greeks ; by marriage, tbe tirst daughter will be Queen-const rt of Great llrit itn, Irol mil, and colonies that extend uround the globe; and by marriage, the second daughter will be Empress contoit of KuKbiu, thut numbers seventy millions Ot inhabitants, but one other daughter remains, And rumor has it that the French Kmperor bus his Teon ber for the wife of the l'rince Imperial, and fut"re impress of Fiance, lu thut case they Win tule the vurld. There h J been Prf at !1 of romance with bou. burg, married the divorced wb "V,,"1" 01 Lcnmark, for reasons, says the tor, wonderful enough to fill a tu. "'ra" novel. The Duke is her senior by six ycaio. "u eldest annt, Princess Mary, is connected with u ' other romance, which ended in a morganutic marriage with a Colonel Lasperg, at whoae death, in 1H43, she gave her hand iu fresh mor ganatic alliance to a Count of llohenthal. Tho next aunt, Princess Frederiea, an exceedingly handsome and accomplished lady, married in early life tho reigning Duke of Anhall Tkrnburg, who not long after became mentally affected, so as to be incapacitated lor government. The decrease or happiness kowever, brought with it au increase of HJWur to the Princess Frederiea, who is now styled Duchess co-hegent of Anhait- jjemburg. The history of another annt M taort striking still. Princess Louise was cnad, tome twenty years go, one ot the ir M beuuteous of royal ladies iu tiirniaiy,Ui M 6Uch, was naturally surrounded l'T a 'Tost of high-born admirers. The wooing, however, was unsuccessful in every instance, and one alter the other all bad to retire from the matrimonial Held, hopeless of the hand of tbe fair Princess. The romance ended by Princess Louise becoming a nun, entering the little con vent of Itehoe, in Holstein, to the dignity of abbess of which she was elected in August, WoO. . -Very tecently an nncle, Prince de Noer, has mar Tied at Paria Miss Mary Kstelle Lee, ot New This marriage would have been morgau- ntic but that the Prince was willing to renounce his title to wed one ol common uiouu. TUB HK1B OF ITALY. Kit In the above named matrimonially in I'rinca Humbert, heir apparent to the tbione of Italy, with its twenty millions of Teople. He will become head of the House of Savoy, which is the oldest reigning tumiiy in F.urope, dating historically from Humbert of the White Heads," Murquia of tiavoy, and covering s period of more than eight hundred years, and the reigns of forty sorcrelgns, who hare been in volved in nearly all the general wars and treaties since lboo. This house has been distinguished for abilliy and courage. All writers on F.uropcau militics have uckuowledged this. Montesquieu, Tn his Spirit of Luws," renders them a splendid eulogy, and HobVrtson, in bis "History,'' gives the' reasons for the fact. Prince Humbert is twenty. one years old; like bis father, brave to rashness. He was in command of a brigade in the war against Austria when only fifteen years old. He is beautiful in person, extremely demo cratic In his balms, and a great favorite with the dcodIs. Like his father he is also fond of hunting and all manly exercises; but unless he has more sue! virtue, whoever be comes his wife will be annoyed by his strange ocdUHintances. Recently he has vihited Paris and .London, where it was thought he might marry. The Kmpress Kugeuie was very anxious tn introduce him to her dearest friend. Princess Arme Murut. who is several years his senlor.born in this country, at Philadelphia, in 1HU, tho rianuhier of Nanoleon Locieu Murat and Caro line G. Fraaer, a boutherti lady. The alliance Wus expected to do away with the Murat claim to the crown of Nsoles. But Prince Humbert returned, neither pleased with the daughters of lintaln nor France ; ana now we are io:a mai ne will wed a daughter of hraucis Joseon or Aus tria, who is to brim Venetia to her husband as a dowry. This may be doubted, as the Austrian Kinwror has no duughter ten years old. If the Prince is looking to material things in a matrimonial alliaucc. he should seek it. not in tbe house of Austria, but, contrary to royal . . ...... 1 .. ,1.. .I-..,.).,,.- " fcl ' l. n Joseph Garibaldi, of Caprera him who did o much to add Lombard y to fUrdinia: whose sword won Sicily, when ictor Kmunuel dared not endorse his action ; who annexed Naples to the crown of Italy; and who bos been content to live poor, and suffer from painful wounds, if re mignt have tue grauiuue. ot uie people iu mn Ktwo o yiawABfr. The nrw King of Havarin, who was edocttel in the greatest simplicity, aud who it retried never to hare had any money in hi pocket till he was eighteen, I In as much trouble to find hinilelf wile. At one time he looked to the dati'.'hur of the King of Hanover, but she was a Protestant heretic, while his subject were CnUiollc. Tb' n he was to wed the daughter of the R iman lmclicfB of U'Uchtentierr, whose grnndmnhfr was the Kmpress Joncphino, and her mother dsughtir to the C.ir Nicholas, Hnd theref.iro near y related to the Emperors of KussU and France ; but acain hi people were alarmed at an alliance with a "schismatic" Greek. Now i; is sud that he will marry the Intania Isabella, daughter of the Queen of Spain, as yet only thir teen years old. THK CtlOWN rillNCK OF HOLLAND, TTri. We have not space minutely to notice others the Crown Prince of Holland, who in this coun try would be denominated a fast young man ; the Count de Flanders, who awaits for old Leopold's crown, which came by successive marriages with the royal hmillies of Fngland and France, and which the wise father will endeavor to secure by Ihe fame line of policy; and Prince F.limurvon Oldcnherg, brother of tbe Grand Duke, who is about to take the accomplished Princess Helena, third daughter of Queen Vh toriu, and who, to her father Prince Albert, was best beloved ol all bis children. This connection is expected to render Fngland favorable M the claims of tbe bullae of (Udeiihcrit iipot. Schlcsw g-liolstein. On this side the watT, the two Princesses of lira. iil arc to n arry P' crc of Ihe (Mean family. Prin.e Louis. Count it l-'.u, the eldest son of the Duke ol NeriK -ii -, is to marry tbe elder, who has fur her dowry uu empire that lelds only to China nml Ilussia in extent, lie is twenty-two years old, has disiiiigiiisbed lilinself in tho Spa nish army. Marsfaul U'Donnell decorating him on Ihe field of batilu for bis bravery ; and through Ihh mother, who was of the house ot (saxeCo'mrg Gotha. be is related to Queen ictona, tno rung of Portugal, and numerous other sovereigns. The younger Is to wed the Duke do Saxo, who on his father s side has tbe same connections as the Count of Fu has on his mo tier's, and on tho maternal the same, hs the Count has on tho p iter niil. being grandson of Louis Philippe: and both of the in arc cousins to tbe Count do Paris, who cluiins the throne of France. hfcmtnge jmjcr. A Trmiiln to l.llernture. In her recently published "Year lu China," Mrs. II. Dwigbt Williams gives this account of temples in that country dedicated to literature and to war: "As we passed on in the midst of these sur roundings, we finally entered one of the gates of the old city, and threading a long street oceupied by stone-cutters, reached a Confucian temple, sacred to the UoddcbS of Literature. The iuols of this temple consist of simple tablets dedicated to Confucius, and other sages. Highly orna nientcd ones, nlso, of very larL'e ie, and brilliantly painted having been presented to tbe temple by different emperors were suspended atiove those 01 the sages. No tablet of the latter not even that of Confucius can receive ciual honor and adoiation with thut of the Emperor. At each side of these, on tables or small Hilars, were arranged pmaller tablets of the disciples of Confucius, i he handsome roof of this temple which bad tho appearance of being groined was painted in a dark rich brown and deep red, reminding ug of the liettcd Gothic style. 'The entiance to the Temple of Mars which we next visited vfTas guarded by fierco looking lions; and being in moununu for the Kmperor lleen-Fung, tben recently deceased, was draped with white. The floor was also covered with white calico. Here, when the Kmperor dies, the high ofllciuls and military men repair; and lor throe days bowing and prostrating themselves before an empty throne mourn and bewail the dead. An appointed groaner leads in thuso wails ami prostrations; and when tbe mourners have assumed the attitude of humble grief, a signal is given, and the yellow silk curtains in front of tho throne being drawn around them, they ore left to their serrow." GOLD MINING COMPANY. cnAeTa k ed pt btatb er rtar ssvxYAiru- OAPlTAL STOCK, Sl.OOO.OOO 900,000 Bb area Fur Valne, 3. f',.idsnrJOHN n. ANDERSON. IXrootoiw. Jma . Ma, T C. MorxnreU, BmtMhb(. Thrall A. Bcett, ' H. B.IMM, Uub s). rnnua, Jiha W. HaU, da totm DrmAj, 4o Bofeert P. Kin, Jin M. KltaT, W. W. WrM,Lwietr. WIlIuiO. atiDU, Ooleraeo. BOUTHWOItTH, aeratai7 aa Trwsonr. ChutM Pc Bur, 1. P. orncr. so. 423 walnut btbett, BOOH Ho. 0. i1.nell spedmwi kavt keen yvm feci MM f thcOompanj's toOM.aiid hare beca aiia4 bylfo- fknori Booth aneUaircttwiaiUxaioitgiaUrjlJiKnnhs. aktcnrtloD liU an now open at d Offlo of Ik Oo- hit, tie u tkc TriAaarer'i one iuimtoi asTtoaot, Mo. en CHEHKIT BctmI, ranuorr ana miouamoi nn To onclnAl tubseMtxn U N fee slurs fur a Iknlwe noKbor oTshans. Otrcouirs , puAiJilctc, or hJorastloB cB he obtained at tkt ofllee r Uie UoBPsnr, altar the 17ik uuc U IS ia X)AL AT FIRST COST COST TRICE TO I 1 Hn.khilri S7U aar ton Immediate Denverr Goal 0( bel Quality. Hhaies,. sea enUllies to M lid I bi . a.-, a.w .... a. m .Mri.tiillarill divxi.Bds of ptosis fleet Ike sarpies eal, may bow be obulnea at 1111, aaysDie, sair na sauirniiies, aau qui Ji.D.rv S mil, of the MUTUAL BEAU MOUarAIN ntAJll-lJI LUiL CeiMTAI. I.UIUWSO. lib. inini irart iorsslte UeWlrsxa nana), ptoea i:aiiei, .awp.w m, in a? A110 ihirM. ksierved worklns e.oltal, 1'J.aoo saare iMer1ifcM of auarea, ; of IS aharva. 1O1 of M !h.rM,TAiol tOioAr.i.lUS.ellUOiaares.aeUi;! tvt U'.i -fon. oa. aad a kaaf tons t eoal. ai eoat, for 3S years, and Cain Mvieved, every au atemae, ua preau nwm u.e seae oi aal sev.tas eeak - esoes aoulers wee so not want any enai may uv pr.puraaa of anal sold by Uie Coenpaay lur ueir eayociai aaael Of IS ifll.lbe srucu beHif said over to tbam. Indeoendant of ike lefnaar eaak alvlaanda, be walck lliej are also aa t be Constat aoeeess tarfS and wsl-ballt OoaJ Works at bvmm'tom (near Trennoal), waa aiisajlv. M i.lnf and Tenner kejeia, a. eicaOenl Doable Breaker. Mope Wonka, karia Kkaaaa B.ahias, Baieruea., aad al ether uaeainerr aad apparatas, m rait eparauua, eapaate of saiaius S Mi Subs, to ae iiaHM hi laujaw wpaa per vwr. Tuato.1 la mt eb. bail iieaaty, eaieflyof UieBlaeti Beaoa aad Primrose Train., wMh, Kb eeveral other ealeabU eoal neu, eat.ua WHJua ta Bavas ot tue Cottt paay bar two muas ka larfftb. nf tb. c.asiiaay, evar wbwa ilia seal Is daily taae mark at. Btockhokwn aiiv erflrr trier coal kn any or tnensnai bras. via. l.ema Coal. Brokaa, !.... Hbura. oa Bat t'nal. all at Ua prwae ut cost prK. of S7 S(' par ton, dvstvored at hb. bona., wltkla tb asaal dlrtanae mt tbe Company's oal yard db Um Boribern, aabbSw, and soaihetn poraum r ib. cMy. Tar Company aad all the ratrrfer works are e1.arafd.bi, !Bd aO ora.loa. ar. aoadaetatf oa tke .ask pnntrple. aur ctrcnlari ana BBDsanpuoas aamiy ai toe u'noa. Bo UU B. TiUbU atr.ot, lesisiJ twf, oppeane btuaia Hoard of Iilraetois. n Uiiaas tmi. D. H. WoMe, aVrkart t. sVlnd. U. Baksna. naiSuuaau,riwKim, A. B. J Amman , Heeaetary. U-U- Ins IOHT! LIGHT t LIQUTI UGHT H A .t thlna in fees, dark dsvs. ruu.n- OSB'i FAi RM r IlirrCltlVB BarLRt.TllBS, for k.tfe day aad lu llnbt. Uas Ke0.:Urs for wiad.ws wlln to bam.ra siv. iiirl uaUt Uiaa saa bar ears wlUk tos Aid Uas Stters faratshd at low rates. Baykt Betktatnrs, Inr baku.f dark rooms, aad baaaiaiait ersies, wtth Lent tb. as. taf sas. Oft... U-af iaa JS.BVl Vitml Bisrwirsaissemaim p 11 O K T K C T U H or THB UITER ISLAND OIL COMPANY, OFFICE, No. 425 CIIESHUT STREET, lH!I.AUKmUA, CAl'ITAL. . . . 8!i.W,000. fin ,0(i0 SHARES TAR VALUE, ffaOO. T1j Walnut Ud4 rcfton bu ike character of beiaf Hart aliM Oil Territory, and Ii J11HI7 Mrmed "Tne OB Beats." A remarkable fact ecneected with the locilltj ti,Ual DO wtll Iim erer been hnreil that did not jlald Oil. Vrrea Wai uct lni AKn ! In Uievery htart of the OU Haila. It Ii about two ir.llei from Oil Creek, and a ! dliunee n-cm Cherrr Kan. From Its natural Bouillon It afrerde working farllltlei which but few farms or tract! of land OB ti e creek or river poieeai It contain! ahoat twentr acres, and la a half mile In Icniith.thus slvlrui sbont a Se of river froel. At the lower end of the li'ind, on the weet hie of the river, are the celebrated "Lamb" Weill ; ca the eait ilde of the river, Uie no leu anted "Star" Weill ; at the nc-per end of the Iiland, on the welt ilde of the elver, are the "Warren ltnthers" Welti ; and a ihort dlitaooe above, tbo "llorton" Well: and on the eait ilde of the river dlrerUy opponlte. It it e "Itrunor" proe-tv, admitted bv prortlcal men U be one of the beet locations on the river. There can be no rineHtlon, therefore, In regard lie being nrat class Oil T. rrUorj. Another Rreat adean ta,.e It bas Is It! natural position, whleh leparetes It nrora ell other prupertlea. JHanrsood wolls have ceased to yUJd oil, by being tappsd by parties boring In the adjoining lot; euch could nut happen on the Island. Another advantage Is the easy access to the Island, hhtpraente of ell ena be axurle without trooble, and the price paid on the river for otl Is about enc dollar per barrel moro tlraa Is paid en ihe crte. The Upper Island Oil Company Iiai been rliartered uaxle tl.egeaertd alining Lawi of this Btate. DEVELOPMENTS. TL developmenu being TlKorouslj proiocutM. riv wcUa are low b-lng itiiK, and live mort wlli b om mt nced iooq at the cnlnei can to procured. Tbe t'orjDpanj hat propertj enough to dink thirty wellt, an4 having bfen orKanlzediolety for the purpose of oTrkp meut, eftrf effort ivlll be made to obtain the !at'tt poiri ble Md of oLL The tuocofit of tho "Kalr Well," on Wal nut IiUndt now pumplnKOvvr fifty barrtlap r day of pun oil, t an lndlcatiou of what the Island may be expected to produce). Thlt Company recelTCB one half of ali tlie oil, and the WaJnot Island Oil Company the other half. The larir duToIt pment g"lnt on thould make the Kock of fill Company a deilrahle fnrfitUaont. OFFICKltS. A. C. CAT! ELL, Puksidbnt. W'U. GETTY. Skcrrtahy amd Tjibahoub. DIRECTORS. A. C. CATTKLTj, A. R. C'HAMBF.n.q, M. Ii. hTUOt'i, WILLIAM OKXTY. M-M 2t R0T1EHT BOYD. r H E DRAKE PETROLEUM COMPANY OK l'lIILADKII'IIIA. t i CAPlTAXi 91,000.000. 100,000 bii Anas, fas no. tCO.000 Cahh Tforklng CaplUI. BTJBBOmi'TION PBIOK, !fa-80. ruuriinajiT, T. llASTUNB DU TUY, rreetdent of the OaUwIiaa kUllroad 0oaae7. yrca h.bsicjdts, THOMAB D. WATTHOK, Of tbe Hardware Una of TreJU Oo., Me. W8 MLkat St 1 TUBAjraBB, HAMUF.L WORK, Of Work, MeOeseh A O, Bankers, Ho. M B. Tosr d street MBBtrrou, T. H AMI Hi DC rxrr, TUOMAI D. WATTiOB, B. IHftnABPI, ml Uwmaatawa, VI, S. IlBaEIHD.lasorw Avma. CBOBOB T. WAT, ef late fry Ueodi ftns of J.T. Way A Oaa, A. W. I.BIHBBRIfla, Caiuiar Maucn Chtnk Baa a, KSWABD BllirrAB, Bs Tke prrsi-ty of the Drake Fetrolanm Conpany eenalets of twotraeuofland.sneef two hundred and Bfty-sevea ivm aad one of two knndrek and alary Cv. acres, naklnt tn all It. knadred and twelve acres, la M, eat kbe Vatd. wall Ilranoh ofOQ Creek. The prop arty kaa bean aritleally narataol tiy a f"- tnUUe appointed tor that perp a., and ae Wrkory po- oanal.ln Ur Jada-tn.nt.tob. folly eqeal to thakea (rl Ora, alonr wblch Uie larauet oil walls ever eUeeorerad tare bean found. Toe land i roseaable tkose en Otl creek In every parMoa- lar.'aad H Is bellered, from the largo naraber er sprtnii In close proximity, that valuable walls wia be peaed on kotb Uese tracts. Tbe managemeat Bare already soenred nveral aaotm"! aadenicafada oompefeRt inperinttndent, whA a tmv bi aTnmedlataand an.rseilo development. A larse portloa of these tracts la bottom, pud admarabl adapted for boring. ewerej eompia as are organised on lands Immediately adjoining Oils territory, among whleh are toe Brtgs and Creattsnt Oil Companies of rhlladelphla. la Breeentbsg tke Drake Petroleum Comfiany to tne f sblie, the Directors ask lb a. tlialr srhmn. mould be aa Aialoed, and sabiorUitloaa made to tbe sHoak ka teal miw as bt lu present sad prospeotlve v.isa T. BA8KIB8 U VVT, fraeldeal. TtlOtt AI D. WATTHOK, Tlee-raaaldeaA. AAllIaU. VTOKK, Treasures. Bube.nptlooa wll be received at the BaabiraJ Biaee of WOBK, MeCOtTOH A CO., U T If ate. M t. TBJBP (XJUNTINO-HODBB AND SCnOOL DRSK8 J tvade k urdw, as II-H OkUBUS f LOW at AST. T-'OE ftALK. TO PRINTEK8. IMPOSING -T siBS,aus BUS, al Srst-rate side. Apply at 'his taps. QOTTER FARM OIL COMPANY, OK PItll.ADHI.l'IIIA. a CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, IlIYiDUS INTO MO.0O0 SHA.UKS, AT i riH RHARB. 150,000 Cash Beierred tva Working Capital. tUHCUlPTIO I'llIOK, TO A LIMITED HUMDEtt Or SHARES, $2 50 FL3 CHaIE. filOOK IBFUED riJLIi PAID. TIM Consanj ewes 0T1 TOUB agrjABC IflLF.A f terrrlory,n the eaoloeat localnlei east and wnsr of trie Allesh.ny rtver, adjotnlnr Venerate eon nay , and has already s aJaal;e predating laureet Ui 11! law ulOJ and tuuber. Vnbiartt'tloa Boati an new orae4, sad hVifcaearlptroci! reoerved at Ike odleee of tke Oompauf , Kod. '23 and 24 Washington BuUdluss, a. TIlIttD STURKT. BRLOff WALK ITT, Aad at Uie effloe U rniLir n. rekk & co., No. UOfJ WALNUT STIIKET. WILLI AM D. SMITH, Trensarrr. It -U luthflu . 1. BABitlMOtt, H. ., Seari Wry. EU0HA5AN EOTALTY OII-i COMPANY. CAPITAL $100,0)0 40,000 SHARKS PAR TALUK 910.00 BT.e.IDl! T JOH ST A LB I ASTDIB. TBBASUBEB .tOHB W. TOKBMT. BBCBXTAIT-Wkl. B. LA SB. rir.oTOB. A. a. f ATTatr.L.rrsslilsnl Cora ataalAiea Boaloaal Bank.rkltad.lpbla. BUiWAS-O O JAktM.nf tbehouae of Tunsnas Blahard ans A Co., Phfladrlphla. KIIS ALBXAKDRH. BT.. 1KSS Areh MTMt, PkHa.Vk. IArr TA5L'BHVlL('.B15o.. ST. ThbrtoevU SUaK. PkUad.lphla. 1. H. LTDAr.rttUbarg. B. B.rOBTBB, ii. !., Wtlmlngton. Wll. B. LABI, rhtladahialA. Oflloe No. 148 B. FOURTH fchroot, rirrLAPaxrHiA. Tka iisepeify of this Coanpany eonrtotl ef 01 Lawd, Leaai'S, aad Urn and Rent BeserMS or Boyaltles af all the oO prodneed oa tbe "A. Bnchanan farm," on Oil Creak And also, al the oil aad amd.rgronnd depoattri In two ban. drcd aar.i of land on Aaat Hlakorj exeek. Tin eras, ooajsty, Fannsytraata. Tbore are aborrt one bnndred and f fty stsrreyed ell Iota on Bw) "A- Bnchannn Farm,H over eUty ef whleh are leased to flrst-elass operator!. Seventeen wells are aow n-odiirlryj' on : lever 1 are now being tee ted with good proipeoli, and twenty as thirty besug bored at ranoaa stages of pTotreese. As a lolld prnsnlarng biTaatntant s Bmtted nvmber ot fan paid shares, of 110 per share, may be obtaloed at $7 a oh, upon appHratloa be any of the eHWari, .r at tha filae of tbe Company. TtM pruspeetna, aontarntng a foil daeoriplen of the Oom. pau's property, aan be obtained aUlbe ofQee. 11-M-lm OL.CA NIC OIL AND 00AL COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. 1'KINTBD OlUOlJIaAltH, Wttk tke r'reereevus and Ooolog'eal Baport of the property of this Compaay, are aow ready at oar offlee. Tills Company owns ever MOO aorei of what Is known ss Us best OIL TKRKITOET srpon the ORKAT VT HIATAL IX WBBT VIROIKI A, and offers targe mduoe- mesils is sartlas to sabaerlbe for tbe llmltad amber of tharee offered at M par share for fan paid steak, the pas baa-1 tit per i bar e. This prlos pet share U not above the knarketabU Taloa of tks lands, aad H Is slrered aw tke sole pveose af srt aibig tke faeMtiai for evelfpta.nt, aad win, beyond a aoaeenafea) Aaakt, prow a profitable Inrastmaat. COOPER & GRATF, No. II MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, FrukaDBLrHiA, JforarnbaT IS, 10da UK JTATI0BAL OIL EETlllIltQ O0MPA5Y, OftpiteJ 8200,000. 20,000 BLareai $10 Par, TUBblDHKT. WATOOB MALONR. AKAOBBa. WATSOW MAlVNft. I lllttal RTBVTTIf ItOTf Mll'ltAkLO lu)Tait, THni. J btl'issraa, BLACiUlUkNB, J a, I jtsr.n n. ranauu, ALAXABDEJt I. II B Alt. TBBASVBBB. ntOMAB . LAVCABTEkV aiCBRTABT. BBBBT C. BTBVBbbHOB?. TVIs fVmrpaay !s fbaBded npon a snbataattal aad bseriv mate bualiius baall, and altera rval. T lujueemenu ei.d mnra reliable laaurlir for rnvi-itmeut tban arirother ao btftre tke pubue. aiobiieTiptlous are no b-aiaj roava.l, and a lartia piullon or tbe tUtck Is atreaifcr lak.ai fliaarajT. or tDa property may r eiainlneo, ana m nawmauon od lain.d at Uiaotnaeof tbe Uoupany, Bo. Bu B. BeVJOBU JAB. 11. HTKVKNHON, U -M ratbalaa OBMBJtAL AOfSJIT. pAUTIKS WISHING TO lJUY A IIUST-CLASS OIL rKOrERTY, COBTA1NINO OVBB COO AOEP BOBISQ TEEKITORY, Or sood parti.s (eatrlns to assist la raliluf a bona OJe eajlui Otl Coauf any, can ounfer rrltb a reaponaiblt ,arry ke owns tbe property and desires tu sell, by aJureaaiuf WM. R. H. OHEHTEB, COBTIKXHIAL UOTJtL, i'OK TilKHH DAYS. iH-b.lt T H K OAK BALL OIL COMPANY, Of PENNSYLVANIA. JAl'ITAL. STOCK, SWO.OOO. y-20,000 WORKING CAPITAL. !), K)t Hlwirrsj. ( Itr Koch. SUBSCRIPTION rRlCE,f2-50PEIl SHARK, FVLL PAID. HECTOR TYNDALE. fiisAviniii, HENRY E. BIMPFON. ItUBCTOnfl, UK VIC Y CAK140N, WILUA.M ANHTACH, v ii.liam m. oiiKiNKU, j. c. ruvta. HENRY E. iMreos. TU? property of th above Ornnpany oonnlsU of over 44) (("Mar huntlrtd sod ality) um f IjuiiI In fot Blraplt, ilttittlcf. on tl StiKar Camp Bmih of Btu4rt'i run, Ve DAngo couotT, FeonsytTanl Ivlng betwteB OU erek on ft Lnf between tbe HjJe end F(bert. Swry, and McLlhonr enni end the Allegheny rlrer, In the Leertof tho oil rffvloni, noerly two mlloe on each itdc of the ran, of boraMe trnitorT, with room for the linking of han3rtrleof welle, end ii comldfred by experienced ptrtone In the oil bail- ton iDTftJuiMe ae oll-prodaclng territory. There are oil wclli In ere 17 direction near thli property, producing large ) If ldf . The nlraoet energy Is being, and will be, directed to the development of thie property to make It productive and ffmune ratlTe to the etockboldt-n. Tfce Company own a leaee of one ftnd ft quarter a err on the Cnltrerteon tract, on the Allegheny rirer, nearly adjoin Irg contlnnous pa roping welli of frrty barrel! per day. A ell hae ioet been put In operation ; U iiO feet deep, from which tli ey arc now receiving tea (10) barreli of oil per day, and increasing. It ll within a few hundred jardiof the et!el)ratd iluieey and HcUrlde end flcydrick welli, and othere which hare and are producing largely. There Is 10cm on this tract for three or four more wells, and on Which welli will be innk without delay. On the mala property engine, toola. Ac, are being placed, and contract beirg made for the linking of aereral otaor wellfl. A largo portion f tbe etock having already been inb scribed, the books will remain open for a short period for the remaining shartt, at the subsciiUou price, Jper share, taH paid. For further information, apply to J. C. FRYER, No. 31.3 CU15SNUT STUKIflT. FiMLADitrniA, lansber It, 1K4. 13 11-tSI gOUTUWEHTEHN OIL COMPANY CAPITAL, $200,000. nil or Kicn snius, $10. OFFICE, No. 521 CHESNDT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. DIQECTOBS. b. fKArr, TlKlatAB A. OOTT, ADAM WAUTUHaB, jona a. WBiom. JAMaVl rUIJJB.kt-D., (raytttaOoanry.) I'UBSITDBHT, B. TRACT. f lea-rBBSiDBkr-f, THOMAJB A. 8C0TT. BOBBTABT, SAMUEL B. MOON. TBBASC&BB, JOUN A. W&IOUT. LAJIDI IB Bf)IMB ABD FATltrrB OOVBIflM, rBBBMTLVAJtlA. THILTY-IW0 MILE3 OP OLL rflOFT. A tkraBei naiaaber af Naares will be sold at the Bsbaeriu SWBprteasf 19-La-et FIVE DOLLARS PER tHARE. JHE CLAM0H B1TEB OLL 00 MP AN E3. Oa-TICK, No. Ssl WALNUT 8TRKKT, (bboobd rt.tB, WILLIAM P. BOHKLL, rBBaUDBHB. J. BIMPrJON AFKIOA, II 17-If Bearetary astd rraaaarav. rKPJLTs OII. 'AST) OTI1KB INCOnrOBATM C0MPAK1K4, can he snpp'led at Inwe.t ea.k prloee wBb UttBllnl'A'l Ii or" HTliCK, TBAJib'FB IKHiKt, BIOCK l.KliiirRM, MIIHtfll KOOKi, Ate Ae. Ae. A f aaaor roant of .ample, fa hand f Hf sur.bara ae lalMt tram. BlyKsof eiei LbuUlUeraulUerbdealMiM Biwak. W. Q, PURSY, ManuJkotBj-iiiB; Eutioner, U-N-tv I. W. eeeam f 0TB aa AAOB aXS I Ti T () W G 1 K K PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAI'lTAIi :iOO,O00. DITIUBD 1KTO 60,000 H ARK", OT TIU TAR VALfB Or 5 00 EACH. Working fnpllal, M0.000. RKks ef aakMrltll, fbr PirTKlk? THOURABft (bares efBloek, at TWO LOl.LAK. per Bb.re.eaese si tks Offiee of tbe Cosa.a' y, No. 47 WALNUT BTIlliliT, i Or labierlyiluM may b. left wlta any ra.mber ef l)J Beaid ef LkKfrr, TUBS HUM'S, JAMKfl M. OONARD. KHriiETAKT ABU rbFAKiRao, JOlli U. CAUR. rmscToBt, JAMltfl V. COtRAD, Vo. OH Market street, Jul IS II. l.KAIIAM, Bo. 17 Market Itreet. JOB. It. BIlKfrAKH, bo. lKW Cbaioat street, COATB8 WAl.TdW, Ko. 6M UarkM llre.1. WM. DAKT CAI'.U, Bo. ltH . Bread itreet, ., The OU lands ef ti e Omreny eonalaf of tbe fo'.lewlikl deaaribed UseU, ambra.ina, In all, eae bandred and fifty two (lM)aerea. TBArr KO 1 enstaJni flfly-ili (S) a.res, slteatad at the Jauetloa tf IVorai1 Ban and tfce 'ble river, with a front e. B botk Ois rlvar and raa. TBACT KO. t eoatnlus fltty (40) arras, adjoining Ve. 1. Bos. 1 and 2 are leased fr fifteen years, threa finirtbi of tbe sil a.ernlngtoUie Company. They embrace tne entire. valby of tbe ran fcr nearly one mil. TBACT HO. t contain! flfty-itz arrea, ownrd by tho Company at lb. slnip'e, loeaiadon rifieea eroek, which tmpUei mt tbt I.lttle H niklncum river. The Mesirs. Tack Urotb.rs, whB have bean so !uee.sifttlon tbe flor.. If .ek property to To gknta, .are sow sinking a well on the adjolnlnff trsof . Witt In U bnndrcl ftnit of our line; 11 10-1 m PENNSYLVANIA I M V ERIAL OIL COMrANT. Offloe, Uo. 139 S. Fiftli Stieet, ritlLAPBLPllIA. CAPITAL, fl,(00,00). 200,000 SHARES AT FIVE DOLLA113 EACH.. lienor vert Ctipltal, 82SO.OOO. 1'RKaiPBBT. ALEXANDER K. MoCLURK. DlllECTORB. THOMAB A. PCOTT, 1). K. J M'KIIAK, J. C. IIObtla.ltijy.K, ,ItlH! kf . POMKROT. KM"II t W DAVIS, , 1'Hi'fcli is. HMALI. 8RCRFTART. JAMES M. (SELLERS. TRBABIRFR. ELISI1A W. UAVIS. This Cr.mpany has 120 acre, of land, In fee, on Allegheny rlvor. Immediately rpposlie Oil City, and adjotnlna La. onla, with 110 rods front on the rtver, and 73 rods front on Lay'! Klin. Hon. C. P. lUnimiell, Editor of the 01 Clly "Monitor," and atrent for this land, assures thi Company that It will sell In lots for IIUO.IWV, re sorTing the OU rlaht, which Ii worth $100,(00 addi tional. Immedlaie revenue will be dorlved fbr the fimtnan fn.m tl, aala if tlm.A Inlar ami ll'M inmnan,' have two food ciiKtnes witli comj!ctu fixtures, to operat. lniBtdiauly for Oil. Tho imttory In this lmiueiliat locality has m-vcr failed to produce prrfltabty. Also, 1K acres, In fee slru,lt, lu the celebrated Cherrj lluo District, Immediately edloftiilriir Cherry ltun Petroleun Company, whose stoek. Is now worth 1 1& pur share. Th Ctmpuny now have otlrs, which will be accepted, foi sinking wells on lease, without any sost to the corporation a nd one-half tbe proceeds to go to the Cjiupany. Th Curtln and Ht. Kichulas Companies are In tlUs tnicaadl.t locallly, and their etock Is now eommandlng a larK premium. In addition, the Company has 40 aces, In fe. simple, OS Cherry Tree Bun, which emptloe Into oil Creek and Is the boit pn duclng sectiou of the Oil territory; am 110 acres, in leu simple, on a ainat llnd, Ave miles abov the month of Oil Creek, and nut over two miles fiom tb , celebratid ltced well, now proilocti g over twu hnndru barrel, per day. Also, the liabo ofttiree tracts of land, two on Oil Creek eaun prooaclng ov er leu barrels pt'r day, and ouc on Aile Sheny river, producing ten barrel, per day of heavy Off worth now twrnty.ne dollars per barrel. The Cunipaa: Bow receives three-fourths of the proceeds of fie la. Barred well, end one half of the other two. Each ofth.. tracts will be devo oped by the Company by alnklu addlilonal wells, and Uie euttlLos and ttxtureaar. iw. o band te do It. The ofllccrs nf this fVmpany mean to prosecute tli development of these land m 'it incrcctieally, and the have inure corf.d 'ico tint ll cy wid jleld very Urg dividends on the capltitl ab ck. Siilniriptions must lo made nmrnptlT, ai more ilu one-t,a,for the stoik I. alrtrtdy engyed Hubkcriptloni will he received ai Uie 0!T," of th Company. Ula-Ot TABEINGTCN AND WALNUT BEUI OIL. COMI'ANY. CAPITAL 'rOO,0OC 10C.OOU SHARES 06 Bv& f uliacil)tlon Tries & 10,000 Sliarcs Rvsened bu Working Capital. Office, No 314 MARKET Bt , Phikdelplii . 1 vawaiN rn mi frauk. iu.w numtilxbaf 10 hBnU nt f deti . en4 Inortsiuinff h. S. A wt-Uon OU Crock, now ovur X) ftM dxD, wit ! lurvti ho0ot ull Near thit l th' Om Klunttr j nWch it ui'w jmnpitiv ;wir iMtrrvii of mil r i j ho. a. A I'D (t ( 'r t, 60 lt, d-ep, now rvAdvft'. tuhtntf. wiui ttieiidia kLow of oil: Ky uroiuwi i uu N. 4- ttnv fl'tti Uii rent In a truce of Ave buu1rM acifv c uii" A)luliD rlT-r i U WfHu. r.uv uinpiui: flryitfe ' rt l" v( oil l'T ('fty ; lorre ttjre wttllt now ftuw dnarti ; , " U . t. M II I is si i nui'iiis nrei eTaUWISWUMIV Tr a wlucti ate i.tiw puiuplr.ti' burro ,i ir ''my. i 1 c li. tflx aco- i fct- in Wain ui hend. on tfit Al f irfuPT rttr ; rniut-1ii1f mrroiiiiainif tttli iinnjon ur U rotiuo u welli. Tlat irct m,U tus tleTMluLwtl rtutial. f Mifpti -ritisin I'titv bt'lntf nviffl, liitl lfK tWn o I Um Hook lt,att Ukfii. I he protii-c(a and ttilt-iuiatk'O cm be utitnuwl U Ui Oiit of Uia 'ouiumi