THE DAILY EVEMXG TETJ-KJllAriLIIILADKLPlIIA, TI1U1WDAV, MOEMBEK l. 1801. 5 THURSDAY. DKtT.Mnrit 1'. 11. TIIE PETROLEUM miXCE. ,1 " fnrnt J';,ii'f'or a ir'ii h rr ),- wnif.Wv irla'ef t'if Aa' rnfin. r. i f.wnt fir jwitf.r, trm, t't.'tr J,ii imj ahiM i rrt f flrttllVCS If ilis ft nfrtuntt, '.?) Jt It," ti yitirr r,ih uuui'lir r-'i,tii r ti lth jv ;cfW I'm i'rrM.'.'p' i",. ,,.,, i .'nrr.i! ait rtc?. I" . . i j'rr,)i, Uch- "o-', 'P'li'.'irt'., Nt (. ' " s. ," 7 V.,-, !,,,,. ,( m 7 'A-- v. . " f; ..rti ,..' rowy. phlifr 7 Mi TO oi! 'iltPMnHi, VM rOHI'iiM:! h l-i I - J 1 .U I ill llf I IH I i II I V " I i I III I U i II," i! A. l;. I. A N C A T V. K. Fr wv trvrn 1' Is f t-rl of i.mM.m mi. I Ik - ki, ?1 ere t' f ma lili ,;,u in r- n.ttv i. 'p nt t. praJn a -a! If.t'in. whan il.r m .i o. Ui- 1 il S'.Imh-I on ft ( r itri t o"t t On., TllP W'.i-t'i tt I pit'' nCt'lf Cll'-l ( ,'ltl" tl 'Hi K''K Uiri-oijli tlir t . - iklii't'i- .tlr ; A tul -mi ncli nri' t'lf io k In tli.t n ..on, I m tl 1, Tliftt tin- ovt II liTv t w Ml pi ! i' is l Tliir hirt imw.-r a1 '''t ftvr p a f nth ill their , And d'TticKt, Jtko oiint.riwin)". k up in 4 M. I Such l'nnif - tc ii' 11 w ! ly f'-iiU'.n, And a.l tJ.f s-;iti. ;il ;i.f. n;v- m- . -if n. I Thre t! a " 1'iiiip, iitul thi- " b.'i,'" am. I t; ? i iNitltu'.- 1 ro It.rnl n in-l ;tr-( L'lilit IJ'T cin nr i i'di 1 1 1 hM mu tn wft'V-r. Art) hi d on hi tli.-it, 1 -t tvn tuctuor. I'- tioliaV I if in prrtlr hkod Dull, tVlicn tht rmo I (nit 111 n.l'n, th"U K'Icu of fill. YtMUi tliy fcwcot siLriijug itrcAnt 1 I'jrtuii ftro Ktcejit wlien 1)110 UnJi Miii.ioli' suddenly Jlt'if'l. Tirao wan whn from Coitflih, an I kt rrl, to, A flhy prfuiuinl url-to- ri'-v nw ; And wlirtti dial mint' 'id Ir-m li?ld tlic tia iI inas 11' uow in 1 aociAl-pul-Uiil bit, Krwni th rocks -if Pi-trolla, when ouro tn.y ;ir itruck. If, like Moit nf old, y.u htir.'iiJJ y. .1 h- 111 Hi -k , Strfftuis f.Min'inn m'Oil, w..rtit It. .(.whn it nld, In inoi"ut u-ki, t wl,,it 14 a 1"' k 'J- "M. Well! tnt tilts rfrtMn thrrr on-'f dive t ft yrttith, I)etennlti"d at fiie t .rnv- th truth 01 the matter, und It arn fur tiiinst H 11 rt'i1' Had bit the bull a uyv, lnl tv.ouJ, 01 t uifl ill rt. lie Wfta olirtstanod Lai'iinft; hi Uit n imfl, Do nutter! TwftH ntiouiili lor tn ho t tiwKfr, tailor, iu4 litttur, T know - and hv bUndly tv.alni d to ov:ti i-rr.tUo-, Tbi be t ok cliarso of " locitih,'' and outfit lo be tdiknr. ITow be made all hi money 1 r'all etin't toll. 1'ertiaph hv hliuplf dkiii t know very wvll. Eo hud led l'Hihoiuiau" carvrr. f"i bimihj itnv.n(rs. And wm 0110 of nur mMt latoilictual of "huiiinnTj." When srarre out of ;arkeT, and sJ-'arrr In hit tn, A dubttrr at wil.t"tf ru'iatitnal si-eiK i, wa baptized n port r. and wrote tor th paperr, And domtUKei indnjgvd tn thfutrual capers. In caiwt of fcuirtde, murJer, acj theft, ttopvaieDtt and (lrn, be wan e jua y dsft, A btiditet of "unlet" tie tud .Iwm aho'it him, And no Ural cIuar paj er cuuld wi ll do witiioni hl.n. lie knew bow ninth, and how littte to .nay. And how to "pni" what h atld in the riuht way. Flo know how to blui'K-uartl In exiiuUttf ntyhi, And utied alway to twddk a curia in a siuile. Itut tt he art eat draw mi hi orgn otigorial, Wat wlu'ti be attrnipKd a theme odltorial One tlilnn was quiiv ckar In his stylo, to ho sure, Atid Ui at one tliliitf wa, tint 'tfa.t flo.iri? objtMirs, He dressed well for ever wai siortlnii n r itiits t Ills bats w r prrf rtt' n, and so were his h iots ; ills cohars were "iiurlLnKo," at d ditto his gloves; liii vi -its thoy vs t ro sweet,' and bis u cktici were "lovu-.." Ilis pants and his coats were se glossy and nnr. That Uuy looked an though tht-y wvic a part of him, ton; And the ht'st of it was (at bo owiud), from one K.U To another, he 1,0 1 tbftu for nuthinto' at all! That Is, he was wood at Indlttoft a "puir," Of the style with which tradesfolk their runtmera stutY; Thyuh, Indeed, It was liaid to cjucjIvo what L tfcrtoe meant. When once ho d a;ot off bis p Llc adverlltnient. . Ttut Uioufth In afTalrs of Police and the- Courts, He ceuld write tho most lurely f nuaiton rep rta. In the Drama It wui he thono brightest of all, ill panliijldur wormwood, and all hli Ink gall. Twin he culd write up, aud 'twas he could wrlto down, Who CoulO mako with a smile, and undo with u frown, Twin bit to grant greatness, and tils tn refuse, And make evuu tho Kniiucnt st.ake in hit shoet, F.vcry actress a (fe be could tell to a Tt. Could relate who the now was, and who ami to ha. When the plays or the plcnt were anyway mystio (Like h!inielO, hu Would term th in ,etreiuely artist c." And be o ti'.d write poetry, too. and he thought That ao pof-mt Ilk" his ceatd remsla I jn,; unbonifhtt Hut anllke his book were the brain he bnu jht to It, l'or bis book ws so thlu, yon could altuoit sco thro u-!i It '. For ome time tefore looking out tor a wl(V, He launched lorth on the s-ea ofpollilcal 11 r" That tea wu re vo many a uionittoi each nl'.t rounes, And whira notnc noblu slaps sink, because of uo lidt houi. Where he lived at th it time, I f iret; but 'twas wl ore All tho (treat and the good of the nation repair I told a friend this once, who told uk- ayain, That U must, by all means, havu but-u IVattnugt n, Hurt, It fa$ Washington, too; fr he ued to retail How, hour att r hour, he would stand In the flail Of Ui House or the Senate, like one In a trance w hilAt around ; Un was tripi ed iht p-llttrl danca. He used to describe Its unbroken di-coruirt (I'arUculnrly v, lit-n there wasn't a 'riorum) ; And the "eionnent ' fecch of s uie cloiient"' spkes, That was hall iou of country and the other tuif li-iuor, an ttiis Osrdrn of Kdea, this Wthlntft.m, txs l.aertes en an to have Oret-nbacks In Tew. Ha loved I.ove and Money, he took them both leNurely, And lor some time he round them both , up at the Tr aaury. In politics he knew truth Is atramjer than Action, SO he wrote on hrti avoid contradiction. He knew tt Is coancit nre makes cowards of us all, Ho took care to lose bis iu the Cspltul UalL 80 l.aertra made money bis pen nuvur rosted) Ul he'd saved up enouuh to inveit and turtnited. And a small t'ortuut netted, through shrewd apucula'a. Is as ooJ a one misled, through a t" jrgtd Proelauatia. W Id the "Ins" and the "outs" of the Co ernmcnt drama, As bard to be catiL'ht at was Hem roes' it'iawi, In the tarce,"Love of Country," be w as juca an aotos. That be came near to "at wring " aa Aroiy Contractoai Bo ha Bothered 1 ii preenbAeks.ha gatfiorod them la, And real woik of life he brgan to buglnt For wtUi him making money was Itkt making war 4) Ire ulw Oe hundred trwusand hu d "call " for ao sua mora. Tw as then tliat pjtrolenm, belnnrag to s-irtre 'rom the deptlis, made Its grund Introductory aplnrgH And, where all had even hltbvrta war to lh kulfa, poured Its oil on the waters of fashionable life. For If nothing else tlvai, Fashion most, and nobody Believe thai aba can live forever off Shoddy. U that all that's left her, ahe'd boat take to faiUnf, . uh It grgwi la abtutdaaee, It auu Tary lagtta llf M.-a, -cmo day i noon), tin .'n cl war will b over, Ar 1 rn niwe. like t'hrl-tian,. Ni It In : IB r lnr. With (IV ml d. .patrhr. n , tintxvldn.l In nr n up r nr tlo'.es, all d. -utile Irad-d. Tl .-n t . eye Hti ,11 no li.rc-r llalit ue . a- It cat.-h'S Tl r a'... i Intu ir nc l I MPrlal, P-.t ll-c- f.o.t l-vi-ii b!Mni;i nl tf.,-e 11 1 nrrtai'.trll r. Hiis'i tieia-'ie'l ly n. - , At leant, h) poatertty. 1 io'den (iollari, like buttercups, Ihlekly shall 'profit, Wl.i 11 K(Mielii4i k' es In, and heti trsr nharki lv vit, 1 i!..' !rK(l rT.!:.icn, t'II fei-d m-oa manna, W'l n 1 ; rant s ttik. n Kn hnnnd, and Hh-rmsn iriunh. Vim w S T J on i v nrr tak-n, prav rat ati w do h-t',ii te oi'unl -e h-r ti Uiroturh 1 lm rei-io a, pMn the -ii estmn t-i i-st. A d 1 U 'tr- c r rai'll.tott to ImT .t. 0111 f r H,.t s and tii valN , tti- n k 1 an I t:i tt.i W ! i ie 1 ..n'f.e w rr i vi y tr.uji.d out. t t i :nilLs, 1f,.n, I N.-M ! 1 I. ,V I f m tl. I 1 w h' n tr lis . : 1 rf. ,1 i mlihans af Ii S i tin.. d 1 1 o( milk ao 1 f I .n-y. ti'' 1 r dirt n t, ti.r hue or :ir nnai, ',M w ere t's h(T.-Tii. an 1 -arr- d it ul, in la'S), wtt .1 t to bun k 1 11 f n.. Mkh I- .1 i 1 r irv a Jon li an r iit nt wold, l-iii tii-fd d anit ed mis w.'ll w Ml. th in w ' I ; r n a t h cluf lik' ,eu'trss . mpritt ui;i .4 a . tn 1 n u t'-s and bink-ri:ei are e in t't r Ui . k. t'" re a'l h old 'cp.s , Mr'mii" r f. vor, kii'll pt .ills in their fork' all, 10 lve in I'avor ; 1 : eir t! -v ai 1 tho r nn-a, l.i iiia.Mtii: N-nt t DM t( d jfn f rry.tiI, anil p'a'fsot rc.J piatc 1 ' re t e diatt Is a i ke, and tt s-it' ,ttn!e lir- k- is A-e i-nt-i-i-irrrd ti e b(t f sll pia-l:oal ;okri hi- litth- have native horn primes to fear. Vt ith lif e tii.oissTd a d iv, ami a milium a year. Ti.eie the ndiU maln' ijiriMly k,k mtd .ajp tin 1 m :n!n -, A i J hi -eovn, like orv ant g i .t , lea e without a riling. 1 T man and th-rr mitir fi.rer d-lU'.t I i ilk 'hi all dar.and todrcam ':.. all oitIiI, N 't io with l.aertes. H did. as a ni'e, What p-'iipif on tlie are advised to keep eid ; .'iy wlhh, every thoiiKht, erf p. an of his Itic, Y un tli t tt get money, an 1 then n wile, U tiot very 1 )n r re ho mattered pait rlrit, And ihea set to work at the at, and tl, worst. MVe the rone without l'lit, he would surely haro wiltod II he rvu had had the bad taste to 'rt jilt- d. Vcfdea, maids, wtvs ami widows art really s in my, 1 hat nm- runs a od ehanee ol not g-'itliM any ; Hut onee happily wed, be forever reposes On a smooth mairioiunial b.'d of (w ild) roaoi. Tin re's t';o very fM.n lady.juft fie from. !i-r ae'i-m), 1 uo K'ad t,. esc.ipe from t vranni al rulo ; All hh 1 1 f ii'id mnoi-i-oi e, son-ihir e and tfan, And, ) i' tliid it out itilck y, too )oiiiii( tor her year t , $h vi. w ' !ic ile -pin's , the raute of a b au, A'd wof.irrs r-ow women can tea-e a man ; Hnt sunn U arns the trn k, w II h a slight variation, Ol tlmL tail epidemic iaU'd "hauile4k tllrtatitu." (r It mav be she runs to extremes In her piety, And ekii th.nk Hh.'Ut HAUxht hn her tion as society. An tor i . I. log and t len Imk', and 1 111114-1 1 .' thai ui, jion't sin' have to prepaio tier .stM lety's reuortr A 1 her diiiii s a' hone may he !i tt in the luroii, K'r whin arti home duties, c nnpared to th chnrchr Her hand were not meant to dust, sew, or make bread , Th rt tnKar,ed uq belitli ol the KeojtHis iutvead. The Mdi'a- a I.aertea endeavored to aoftan Jliitlil.e klioiau hat love litrai.t Qed 'icu Udi It so ottt'U ; And he had to long Ir l a van'atvjnd !:fe To f pfrl a "ttuj" worn nn to in ah; a line wife. Hhf had onee been an aetress, 'tie p''t of the twn, Hutwle'i h with his btnidl-'.s of nrMihacks came down It iutte turned her head, she went en the re-opae, Ai'd, the nrt thing in ord- r, went oil" of the stae. Themanltleent stjteof their wed ling In ehurco 1a-H all tiei thealrieal iih-i.d :n the iure4i. Tiny vowed aud deeiartd tn as a jdiamo and a lt And as lor L vhuru-i, slie d t&kon hint m. Tho wedding once o'er, the honeymoon past, (Too hippy to last longit never -irvj la--t), Somewhere on Kitih avemn the two set'.led down, Aud by storm tho towti took then, whooui e to A tlic town. Id New Totk, be If known, you're the top of the heap f lUsid'-i, yioi C-tl ret murdered there, very he-ipt A 'id your frtends w n t ini,lii" there's anf-hintf aertouff, Till they ea l you re ' f .und d-ad" u idor the head ut' "Miaurtoua.'' And oh ' In New York, of all spots tn creation. As you'd valnc your life, and avol d conflagration, (At hotels. In part U ular, the danger liHrt-aset), Hew are of all etrangera who aport black va;ie I Laertes (.ave dinners, and part les, and balls ; He bad coachmen in livorl s and ti'ora" in "sma!!s ' , He knew everybody that tctt anybody, And Petroleum reposed on the bsom of Shoddy. For Laeriea was now a Petroleum PrBirei His Kar dom was Oi.dom, Inhoriied slm-a He had ceai-ed wlto political trade to hare dnal'n ;i, And had -lUiotly Invested his plckluga and staal'iiif. As f r Mrs. Laertes, that pink of perfection, Mie Inimetllately took paln to brea'i all uonueetlon With the taie kings aud j Dt,aid to uisrth at the head Ol the kmi;s and Uie 'imena of aociety Instead, One or two of these sututi, wlUi the 3tranheit audacV.y, Ignore! her exiatence with gre-tt purt nacit y And on, to the rapture of every beholder, lave ber Ihv old cut, and gave htui the cold alioliMer. But still, on the whole, they w. re happy euougU, And, from being rebuffed ao, learned siwto rehadT. The atnill of Petroleum don't hurt anyliody, And aoine said It neutralist d that 01 Uiu Shoddy, Tr, In life a tit. kyimmon, whils "hitting the blot, They met wl:h some trouble what couple do.-a not? Th y had morn than enough, though, thus living la clover. To koep the pot ho i ug-.jwetliuei It bi)led over. They loveil one another that Is, as lov e goes ; Kor love la a a'.reuui that t bbi ui re thau it ttowa. It r;ay H'w a inn time, as l'ig, 1 m giit inentun, At that dres . atfalr styled Aa7i' Jnttnual Uow'cnitvn. To m.v mind It ahiuld be a foregone conclusion, Tnat marriage Is n t a U.vlne instttotion. Ti ue, dke cai rrd coat ei ts, we ran t do without It, 1 t ougQ the name b the only thing r d abuut It. 1 ri re' one trouble aumei.t.i with the progress of years, Aud ata she most tnrt.e-Jrvt. pair by the ears ; For, wor-e than a veio on ruh:e and pearls, It the tack of gojd c joki and housemaids good "jlrlt !'' What i to bo doae when pert Mary and Ann, Hresa as much like their sr.htruhs as ever they oaa? Whn thtir hali-d'-'icn brothers and cousins drop tu. Their arUcih n to In warm water and gin When Martha complaint hr digestion Is weak, And can breukfaul on uoUlng but lamb-chops or ,ste.k,H And cribs the Let tea. with the Instinct of "gninpttou, lor her oor dying mwtlicr, who s got the eousumptloui' Wl eu Margaret Htaya out till I'.'s past twelva o'clock And alaruia the whole ueli,hbjh od trying the loekr When lUtscy 'a no long ere ti e answers the d or, Aud called ucver answers except wltn a snore r When Ki'.hff'ne alt 1 p burning candles all nUot, Ard, th uh to'.d of It oHeu, iust does It for spite Whn Bridfcet declares thai It's worn oat br bones b4 bbe never s.aved so when ahe lived with the Joneses When Kotey wont bring up your boots aed hot water, And fur nets to say "Mhf," when ihe speaks to your daughter? When Janet and Jane tn thsir flU of ebtiety, Fuch kuivet at eacii oihur by way of variety Huslneaa men may bewail their If, bt pockets and purtee. And pceta their tears scribble out Into verse. Politicians all vainly define their position, And tutue o'er Heveasion and Non-abolluoa ; Whllat young men of fortune apend every lota, In frantic endeavors to nil ap Uie quota; Hut the grief, Uian-all others more truly Sat a ale. May nuely be kaowa aa Uie lorvaut-glrt patalg t floe1 tr d li as tt'ii f-'ii the wealthy t'set, And est rlein e hns furnt-hed hd remedy yM. Th. y I sve to he had. like tJ.e ma's. but tnen Th. to s n kuowlng h tw luni yoa may cate.j th n avaJa. And n w that I tertrtf t ad rotMne; to do, Itut to sp.M'd al; I l 1 , hf g t iw il'-bi, ..o. He k pt a whole sti d o( laHtrntnrent 'rs t, And .nn irew ent(ruly too tontl f r icour-e , I(eiiins u m.ndinft ad 11, tl 'ti to die.-, Hit abt ot dro.hoig .-tew ini a vhn; And he hid la'r to tr v h. tike o many a topir, lh In lh r -ulii dniiik. and to 'lie ,;i!lln, s '-m ,' 1 nt 'J Vu.l ' ! Pifrlis'. en.1. g ii'e yet. V- Ui. llf pnrp e ''.'-ln" ii.m n liifil ol hit srt , H: ' tn. ii'-iUv, wltli'-ot rarlo-r to t. fnw ''I.-- ttel-f!,. nr tl.. ti ',( .o; tl i- ar ' - ' to in . II" mania r ni(.ury a.ot , 1 rowd his br.iw, Ti t! rtati a -t 'a : at - t 'm r,.jw , ll'mH i 1! hi 'r-r'ni-e it 11 .'rs n so f iM. 1'. Ui w.U iti. .-,oi ta -n iVm:Misti...i a: t. 1 r ii r-M -M a T- r- ' ft - r,. f . t' r-k um-Ii 1 ; t-v 1, n i... . ii; 1, . j ,., ,.;.,. . In l' h.rif 01 "t: h. m 11" 1 I, ;. I is n,t , s . And Jr:iw I- In . h mu am he win, s .r Un iai 0 w'.er, tv. I ; c:e Ui. l"i 11' : ja -leu t.-, lti 1 i.nacs si. 4 . - 'r- iii -t iT'ivy-1 -11 l.-r. li 1 'in u crown ef :U hat, i te n.-'e t h iii.i 'i, ii VilU re-x what .1 a t hi "fi" with the JfWs. I'.ytha! tJii, v of eoui'Me. thin most -eked fteb.i:r Wui he erualo'd out hv l.lneoin and n -t ty U I'l'-'Ua, Tit- NoMit ami the ":! .1 w, 1 hn. a dn. e t.iM J io;eihr, Ai'.l Ul Un yotmg e-ifc tsh" b T ! o!' a feather. . Hy tlat time too bUvkade vl' fcr.T r be l.r-k An-' tli nAl'onal dt hi to- im J u.J 'Xft , l.itr a jcwt'l Uat is iawio.-l, it sV a!l silently dwindi..,' A I'd b -v,i!li ti ty at ver a i n .-rti merit sviini;. ' M i n m .a'h ofhee nt 10 a er n-td : 'r.s', r-. al! he sf au d tot rotde the whe, .in 1 jmi. In short, every pnhUt man, ti ;ir to h i w, Hlitd then he .is pme and -s ip t'le-a -as r. w. Th-'ii these dat s of H! .d." V'iw. I -'u i-.f-M 1 (., hh.vl' I. tle of, .111 1 1 a 11 ii1' -1 , i, e s 'tile we,:-.icisd 1 my ; Aud frt.r"1 Inning ' iinpers ald silhi'tVite-hr.-kera,'. Sin II I nnr: 'ip mixed hrotVs of phtii ,U Jok-rs. The vod 1 t f w ill f.-rei r he pml e ' 01'. of hf.rt'n ; V.'lULteers will have loii-;'ivu up vohini-ringj I.lhe the (lieat Aienn dcr l leir teari thy will s.i isii lar, lifuai -te Ih-re are n" ino.v Sout!i led them to cyi;it. Then tlie naMen a '.ml I h one poHiles! bvly, And all the -v ai.dio:.s and n'and.U uglily ni of Sno tdy, Id nu-iuheri'ig Un tr :rnudlie!t, st ad tni-ik ol (he msuit.-r, hi y foujslit aad they hie 1 :or l!ie star-Spatiied iiaiinn I Then 110 patriot acting susplcmut'y funny, P .di com une lov' .if ( ,mm, y w th im re I ve of 111011 -y ; then I.'itb in1?' r d- -tl with pre ie ii oisnest, K'ii wiit : Us t1 e; iii.w J?). i(h ir cm. . lentlo isifn. I. w i te, alAs : Meie I rest on my o '-i, And, .laai lm.' i.ri.p'.ftlc ui'fi : to illut -h -r.'s Of time, 1 perealvo the.' :in gr le.1 an I rey , A woru out "Huheitnao, ' retin d on half j ay. Tin elotlies th'.ii h st on ape gl y and slek. 7 hat 1 m errtat.i the , must hnv, h;vn f nt hr me this v'S W- tii'ii to a 1 f At.', $ (, fort una e draper, When wo kain all about It hy reading tliy pa. er! Still thy pen, In the r'".l m oi' rt ritnnirtg rio(, rroeiaii:!. to the world lis artt h ;l i)a. , And mhryo arilts end Avar to 0 hai moan "law-, ot cohr, ' as Uid down by (hce. And sMverin i young poes, with shivering vxnn; beoU. tl ike ' bilurcn tn arm), d-inin aiethy liarJ lo.k$; And se' ia the old lor g t rlug, "(.' baby tninihi;:" Wl.iiat thsy prow I ai jnnd wildly, for pub 1 .Iters tumtlurf. Auihitnis sh k a tors, who stu.rt up like r.'kes, Thy heart eiup'y ot pra if, by flrit .il.nthy p :ke;s. l.iko 10 kets. Hich a. !or a m. nt id ra.iy ui tt They go up hko "atais. " und tht y .-..uiu d 'vn like "a'l ;h ;.' T.a.n, so neat in thy ph.u of def-tue and attack. And as glib with thy pen us a ttookseher 's b i k, When thou wiiiuri si to take up, or thrw d iwu the gh.t e, Aa the aorpnut art barm ta, and wise as the doo. Wii; Uie Knights of the (;itill tin' philippics at t!ia( Willi thy senses all scattered a-i uttered can tiuf Thy soul all m anus, und a litlt" dismayed As Washington was, at the tiui-j of the re df Fnme 11 (re an who 111 genrrau a inannar, The stais m.d tho dtii.t of the tar jiauled .lanintf, Thi-y think te-thliii: t'o pot 1 to 1 e beliered by e nla-'t, With the pure a'uiotptn re of at .ovcnnuent cj.h'.i Ho, old miidri owH tl at etse wmi'd lie otUnj- ash ire. Tin y buy ep ami lure out ai t-'usi Is 01 war. l'rlngiut; o d out of evil, thev hiruhh our tor-es Oaui;reued beet, mouldy biscuit, and knoca-kueed i'ii tiorse. they ride splendid st eds, and thevgivespii-ndhl tUpp ri ; Ot ihe world s patt iit iciiLier h e thoy are tuo "MpperA.' I'ure patriotism in Do ta ia emu.-died; Iheli- aketlv are will j:.,.', aud themselves arc well ahe ad led. And sach ;e the frioads that about thee wl 1 rls W ton time shall have planted --row's fet rouad thine eyes ; And thy Cotiscionce re meuihoriiig thy heday, hiU lng Of tho days when l'utroleum, not Cotton, wad kiug. O bright will the hour bo, when back we have rolled 0 thtnutlvej, auch p.uud fola made of reenbaci aud (Id. And Columbia her own native honor evincoe, Frttd tiou dhodcy, though not from ParuoLst'M Prineos! Many a man we yet bo.uit, hy tile country adored, Who bat riuug down the pi u, and baa pi ked up tUe a Word, And has done a man a dutj ik lmp;y to tnmk He could shed hU bust blood, whilst he saved his hett Ink. Let such form 0 :r only and true arlatici acy Hands trie (torn exVrtlun, hearts puro of hypo-rlsy ; Around ami attov-- It thoio love-tinis of beauty Which uifclodionsly gieaia to the rainbow of duty. Thi-n, iweet will the loan be, which nourish the graves Vrhere Die probata was wrought out, of '''rueaien or HUvei," And pure as tne breath of a glad summ-r's morn The of, where r kkmuom was b rti. rcnnsylvftniu proilturd V7-,01 b-itthols ' ryo unU buckwheat lubt year. The iniliiiuy nuihorlties tn I.miisvHte will not f. ranl lia-sc at iircaonl to rj.'iua w O'o to' Nasbvliie. Two broth. IUrhurd ami Tiiumtta A.!my, ol Duituioutli, N. H., ainei t (jut,Iie; on rumik-i-givicg day. One wtta gtd W uu 1 the other I-' years. (iuiirit riioisti r-Gcccrnl I'it?;in, nf Venn nt, in At Washington to iiroi-uie Itt'iotQ ttiou,n,l at" nil of aruio uuJ cuijuucuu lot' tlw Vermont niilitia. The ritviklti'ii'e Mcferiapt! wun delivered hf te(irnph to the l'oitlund editor in pretty good Hha-ct but tkc-y Wtro puz.lcd by u nt.ince fctutui thu puMic dht "fallrj otiirt of tho cat l mute of I'islior, mnde last IVccmuor." Anthori tics were ransacked in vuin W find out what rank as a fliiaiicier this Fishtr might hold, aud the wordi wtro llnally priuied as received. Hy comparison with tho K.taton papers, It was found that "of Fiiher" w'j only tho telegraphic way Of aayirg ofl'cial." The Nuwburyport AvaA prctlicM an open winter, with mild weather, btcmse uaturo foro smw it io preparing the coau for tho cure of corn, and gave ihetn but scn-ity covering ; the b treat in and ponds are not yet fall, which iudiuutes that much rain instead of snow is yet to fall; the n.uskiaU huve built tbefr houses two stories high, to avoid the rise of the waters:; and the nuta are stavce, as the squirreU will have the liberty of the woods, instead of be lug blocked up la their bolt by snow banks. 1'ioht Hi.TWFrx Two i:nM:. We learn from nn e-w l i., ol" a ternhte enrouuter bo twtcna bndi Ptiil grv rngc,on the MiMoiiri sitle, nnr the FaMtitt rUr, on Fiiiiav Inat. It apjwr that tl bald englc had tdrKeil up aomettiltit? ont vf the wnter, prrhnps n !1 h, w ln litu jrry brother niHde for It. The bald eairle Hp;cirs to havo known Inatinr'ively w Ii it to ( pi t t, a it in a -if 4 to have ml up a hr:ll ini the Tn-diunt it sit hUnptasTonit eoniino;. hut tifvrrlie'cs it fonpht Vitlonit.s y for iu pre, nn 1 ilid not yield U up nntil It w;h f'titlr r-itt ini-he l. Tj the viet,r U lot p the -p t Ik," mu ot ro-uno the proud rniMeni of Am. rif i o ire tlcm orl' in thi m stnnec. V'bu will mt -ay kH r thi-. thit Misaotiti la i;ot "a u i.r k-f i ir ti Inn i ?" w ,n it w ir cruel tmrrln tiiu' wnr-fi m fho Ktiife t. 'lie hi!t, and fron the In vk to tin. 1 1 'on to on'r exl-t on terra Ihnta. but :! no- ro:i tn'o t te iuiU-mr of thcctheiiai In :itti. (Jut.tii H. x !J, DRY GOODS. IN (.lU'.Vl' V.VU1KTY. o. ri. iiAi i.i iuii, No. 002 UULtiNUi' STREET, 1 .A?1 I' i oi.i.aih, I t I, M I , 1. 1 lii.M H' H.l KHH. i Ml 1. r M i i. I, , .:s l l.f.N M I .i i,m;s, i. .m . li i i,t;i(ii l. Nn tt i:lll .S!ir 81'IIU .T. i:m into. ii:iii I Mil; l.t It ( (II. I AU H, K M' (..Ml f , I tlllK.iillLKt.ll .11,1,1.1 KS. 1 lil.M M 1 1 d, I'ltc.p, tiy J. M. II A 11,1 -.1(111. .o. HMIKSMir Sllili ,T. 1 1 A IN OKliTlU:!! I I JI.-M. M UKOI IIKUI.I. H VSllM.Ki:.lll; i III .1 .1 1 I' II A Nl.l. K-rill. I 1 A' V, IM NllK . M ill I.I , II MKkUCItlKI4. I. M. HAI IJ-.KSll. So. i OKKflNUT HlKFlRT. H(-l MUY, A rui.l. ASOHTMKN T. (JI.O V KH IN HUKAT VMIIKTY. .No CUKSMl T M'KUKT. i:vr.Mrti niti k-;i;i. LU.I. llu., jUIA (O. . Uuil flulll I'atI., tr j. ai. ii a i i . i ; i ; ii. .So ir i:lli:r,M,'T HICJIUT. Ml I,tM. MOilii: a ti l'lll.H. il.'KS 'HKlliN, I I Al K IKM'IIM, I IIIMI I'l 'I'LI N H r, KM 11 ,;i I NT.KS. i-l.v All 11 r ilj.-'ro .1 l.uw 1TIl. ii dm lliii.ll) VVH. .1. M. IIAl'I.IOKlir, N. Ml) I IIKSMi r 8Tlt!;r.T. 1 ruu Jiosr rsr.iTi,, 1 Tin: in imi Ti'K ciiKAi'ir Mill. in , t l'l:i; ,v. I s, AT HAiil.l.lllil.H r.KiMlll.US'. I. -ail :U. Li.t ..: .tr'i. I.'VFV IIKMfi- a v. y . .r ment .r pluln, 1. .in-il li,.', ftfi 1 eintin 111. rrii II. l'.. V-T.ti.iai. I At u lOLI.VliS -('i.iiiirlo nll'.r, una S u3. Vi-ry cii an tW.Y r.Ar K I i nil - A vim v law rtin. nt of t:.' n.. .t l.raUtllU! M . ! ft Of lulliy b.tK'r., al lulf the It'Ulur ri-i.i.i-1.-... I.IJ'Vts-l.l.nVI S.-A Mry 1 ,r... ,isi..r'ia,t ..r Silk. '! l.liitil, C i..t 1. 1 .! jvi-b, tti.d ml i-r kuia. ti uiovu,, Vim y lotf . IIAI.MuP M, SKIMTS. 1 lip laiirit u.s.iiiiiki.i ul' II ,ifii..t,il hiiir:. in tho Cltf. Ki. w .'HU li. i'l.O i . .tt . '... iji. MI.IIIMI lli'n'l.s lry "( st.ii Ii in I ii'l. Al.-i.,'. Ilrv,' nwl Tl, Nlivn n M. rlim I r.:,lits un! Iir.iwi.i, m ihj (J.i. a'. tcr li.tto.t pi t. . .. , lloMl:iiV! IKIMIKIIV! 1 Mr Let arid . '.. .: I'.r in ry in , Ii.- I 'Itv. I AUIK.t . aji.v.S, ASH I'llll ItlillN (t IMMK IV. ('..tti.n. tt'i.ui n. itiiil .l;,n.i II..,.. ry. 'I'n-i UrbU.t ul' rt.rv M.., .ii.ii"iv mil .In crijiiluu. HA'rriii'i: sal iiki.: K vcrr inri! U"abrtuKi;t uf 1 nri' li Mor.j f.i fjt,t:h)l,. 't ry ( l.,m I ACU Kll ri: I K VKir.SI A tary lane i.jorll.i. ut o. b.uck l..-e V'.i' a;l pric. ,. viri c'lr.-p. I i:.l nn. I ii. i" hl k uril w ...l.-n Huitus. Hair hr.i.l rr.c tirm, Hilk Hit' I,. ( 1 Iiiht. n. s.mii ., ii 'i.l it ln'K u.ntrlir nt of I iny Cimils. .iiii- h l.iwrr I Imii at a iv ..ilir nmr.' . th-" . I al ll MHIIMi.hU llBUd.', .N.i. N. Klll'l i II St ., U-1 j-fit 'I fin J sto.t. ab..ra Arch. JJOLIPA V (Ml-TS. CLOSING OUT, FALL AND WINTER STOCK. l JOHN V. TUOMAH, -s. 405 and 407 K. Sccoud Street, YVcul caU tluc ailti:Uon ef tho PnLllc to his snitadlj atot a. of TALL AND "tVISTIS D3Y G90J3. C'caipriilu, a full Hue of every Tnrlcty of FANCY ANT) STAPLE GOODS, HalUbla fur t USEFUL rilESENTS. .lOlir AV. THOMAS, ll-U lti Koa. lOSandtOJ S. HRJOSB Streaa. p)Lri:TII AND AIIC'II STIIKKTS, EYEE & LANDELL. KERRIMAC CALICOES, VAbT C'lL.OiH l'OH CHKISTMAS PRESENTS. NEW DE LAINES FOE CHRISTMAS. CCCO larda Trench Oliinnzen, Yard Wide, Fifty Cents, l-Mo-ut TjE CCTJES1Y, LArODEOADE & 00, Wo. Ml CUKSNUr STltKUT, AKB CI.OS1NO OUT THKIll FALL AND WINTER STOCK It IM or TAR EELOW GOLD VALUE. MQ 1'00r SKIRTS fi.lQ U4iO ii aDuZacturj', ito. li'.'H AK II Rtrret. U-0 Aouve hixth, I'lUiailcluhli. Whtk-aal and Retail. The xno.t fomplete 0. I.adle,'. Ml.,.', afld Chlldrrn'. II.m.u Mmrt. In utiery renueel flrat cl..a, allied lor .tile, ttnl.u, durability, aud citeauuJ. have no a.(ual In the market. K.lri. uuui tu Mdw, aitefcU, aud repairer. W-ll Vfal.'I.UOmSS. JEW TOEK AUD FHILADELPU.IA I'KTKOliHlIM COM PAN Y OrcanUfd Bnilcr tUo Lam of mi lor. tiii;wi'i:iji.-. FHAKcH A. rtl.MKK. Tr . dent llr.alwar, Bew Tmk. BATH AH KANIIV1.I,, United Stale. t-ooipaa , New V.irk. Al.BCHT H. M'TM AT. vr Allien f. Klo'ay Ce., f.trtUii. e an-l Aneuino-T,, ho. 6. Willi. ut .treet.N.iv Turtt. EI'OKNK J JA.-k-.ON, of rlhamltn A, Kauk er, and Hnier, Ho. 4i K. a,n, plaoo, Tork. MiMUNn O. HTKHMAK, Nivreiarv Hw Tork Par lerui Htei'k Una-. I, end lltoknr, No. 0 IlieaJ .Mo.-I, Hew V.ak. AMIll'.RW Ml'.H UTKT, Phlla.l.'l.b.. IKAMCIS A. t)lWln,riillartelih(. UllKKRT CI.AUKSOS, f Clarlto A li.. Banker., No. IjI . Third ;rre' Phiia Jelplila. M. ta.AP.KK, tXKf.Pfiul.vlr.nta. PMHIIIIMNT, ALP.KI'.T It. Mlt'OlAT, Kew TIf II I'HItMIllllNT. AHI.ItKW Ml.ll Vr I'HT.PIilla.leli.Ula. A. r. STOUT, Fretllcut ShM and I.eaJier U..k,!ew York. ' CI TIC1-3 Or THE COMr.VNT, No. :! William Street, Jlow Tork. No. 151 B. Third Street, Philadelphia. C'rt pit u 1 HtooU, ;illO,()(IO HharoN, AT TUli M0VI.1A1, PAU OH' $ U.VCU. scusc-nirriox rnicr, $i rta su.vrh. HULK Bt 1M1 CT TO NO I'IRTIIIIR ASSHSSMRHT. 5D.OC0 Etares, or $100,000, Reserved for Working Capital. a i. Aim:: m.uouity op Tin: hiiarus or Tma COStVXSY 1IAV1KU HK:N ALKi.lY TAKBS l.f iYcvv- York and Fliiladelphia, 'OIK hi MSCH1ITIOS IIODKS lTlLl 11KMAIM OPRV nrr pok a i i:w days loniibh at tub opncHi NAMKD P.HLtlW.- m:v voi:k sulsckii'TIom aoemts, vkascis a. palmer, At ('.roadway Hank, Ho. '.'.ir Droadiray. ALDEI1T II. A'ICOLAY CO, William SUttal. T0LIIAM1US & JACK.30T, IMS i.t . Ho.O P.xchang. Plaoe. JJULL10N CRHKK OIL COMPANY. OAl'ITAIj, Igi.'.OO.OOO. 200,000 SIIARB3 2 00 PAR VALUB, tvoiuuib: capital, orncr, No, in e. sixth btbeet. VT ALTER J. USDS., DULL NOBLIT, Jr. aORarTABT, JOILM KODURTS. JAM 11 KARA 11. JAMK-S Tf . CAJtm-N, u. d. woi.rr, WAIaMBB tt. RAW05, DUX KODUT, J, WALTKB i. riUDB, JOU MUiUT, HOWARD Ol.kSX, I). W. VKVISOff, H. B. BSNKIft. Tht araaarty ef thla iuuany Is all I. Taunt County, ... la 'e. almal. for further aartlcuUra loiinlr. u Um fl.t of Ui. Uoai.wy, Mo. U 8. HI Al B Hlrt, aw,iat lUiry.froutroom.or al th. Traa..r a, No. iti . BR.XJN U Strut, at which plac. iDbam.tlon. inr atovk can be made, A llatltaO naaak.r ol ahare. only ts be ai.ld. 11 14. attiallrp 1-1118 WILL INFORM TIIR PUni.IO THAT th. per.on hy th nam of Joll N MUlKlAN, who ni peered before JaHu Alll.on on Tueaday laat o. Ill ...... ttMUl.1 - ,orfV vr(B(UV, It - Cal ' We. MM auool. jrxi'itCHi: is msskn ti. r t IIl'.Al.TII , AM. KP.nfB It ,DT A PIF.AfnH; HIT HKMIMI IS A Pl.P, hfp.K, .111 K ATI Nil 1 , M'tltT IIKAI.TIIPI I. B kRi .'MU. K.lUiOi l.T I VKKYHOLT hKATU. Co to the NATIONAL SKATISQ PARI. Twenlj-nrst nnd Coliimhlt Avrnaft. ' t very tt,.nilnn .h.iwn t., I.a lie. and CklMren. Ontr a niiaitt to walk fron fi. Kl.liie Avan-ie l:.ti,,iiel l.a.ein.nt. e NOW DPI J.AT AN1 PVI SS( KATINU. SK ATI NO. FIN2 SEATING us 1 A. It IC . Tlilllyl'ltNt tiHl Walnut MU. CAMUEL BIJWrE5, 11 Tlt.kHOKSR. JkEW 10 UK A1D FH IL A DELPHI 1 rilTl-OLKUM COMrAJtr. Curt! from I ho Truto. 5. H Wii.rttv Strt, Twax.f iooaulec li, l&il. r tin M n-.cniuHrA to nr. arooc or tn. tuiif anu I'liiLAj.ii.rnii inrcoi.t a ooal' II la a lvettlMd that 10,iXO Sltvet ofthe Cap tal .ImA tt tl.U Ourapany wl'l I., rujorved aa WORK! HO CAPITA. To preveut mla.ineepl.n, the .eatr. ta alate thai OXE IIUMJRED THOUSAND DOLLARS Df CASH (tl00,000), v, 111 tie douoeltrd with the Company'! Ranker. , to tr m4 ouly la th. dovelo.ment of tli. mtnlScMt pr parts' beloDKlsg Ui Uie Company and for tin teltlimaU Ma). tlDgent fxi.Qtua. A larse majority of the etock having he, ukea, 1. houki will sonu he closed. ALBI'RT U. NICOLAY, Prhsiiibbt. Foil Tun Trs.timm E. C. STEDMAN, Sbckrtart. Bitlt'rlptirtu Aaritut. in ll,il.ul,l,aua CliAllKHON Ac CO., ll-lt-M St. Ul S. THIRD Slrt. p n o s v H c t u a WALNUT ISLAND OIL COMPANY. OFFICE, No. ia CnESNUT ST., PniLADA. CAPITAL., Sil.OOO.OOO. 20fl,000 SHARES.... rAR YALUK, $. ' Th W alnat Read rairto. ha. the character fbtv InaV elaaa Oil territory, and la Jo.tlj trrned " Tke Oil Bail.. A naiarkatile fact ormnoi ted with the vaealtty la, tkal a well Has aver haen bond that did not yield OH. Bpaar Walaut Island Is In the very hi art of th OH Baulk It hout tw miles from Oil Creek, and . leaa ill.taaoe fro. Cii.rry ko.. Pmui Its oaiai al poaitie.. It atf.rda werkleay facllttl. whlah hat fow farms or tracts of land oo the rlvat poeeess. It rntalns .bom twenty acrua, and Is a kaif mil In lnHtb, thus trWIng aljout . mile of river fr.ul. Al the lower eatd ol Ihe Island, on Ue west side of the river, are tho oelobrated '- Lamb" wells ; on th cast aid of IA. river, the n Iras noted" Star" wells t oa th upoar d ? Uie lsiaa.1, on Ui weit aide of lb U wara Itros.' well,; and a short dlatanc aiv, tb II tn. wvll; . the east sld of the rlvr, directly opposite,! lb. ' ltruner" propstty, admitted by practleal meat. .. tf lb. be.t lutaUuua on the river. Thure ca. be a. 'iuea tlan, thort'ore. In regard to Its belhjr llrstolasa on tirliry. A.utbar ureal advautaMe It has, Is Its ..i.r.1 posillc., whlob separates It from all othw' proaarUes. klaay Rood wells bav ces.ed to yield Oil, by belrif tap4 by panics bortiia In tli adjoining lot; suck cuald aoi haprM.. . tk Island, A ntlier advaat&xs Is May aQC. to tli lauuid. flhlomenta of OU oan b laade wit.Mst triHihi. ai the price paid on th river for Oil la abaui oa. dollar Mdf oarrul wore than Is pa:d ou ih rek. DevelopniciitH Made and In rrojtraM. This Compsny was orcaulacd with tb lntnU.ii at obtaining Uiu larue.t poatll.l return for U siockboldsrs. Io ai:oimpll.k this ob ct, th Company sinking thrw. wells on o n account. On. on"" ' yielding .1 Its rate uf Ofty bitink. per day; anuH." 's down (Wet; U. third one has lcn sunk to th "'J' 0 ! show of Oil. a I. adilltlo U th .Im". ,r k'Tn wlu "t usk by re.pou.lble l. wh pay all .aponia,a4 glv te tiusCumpan7'l,l,'of''l,M'ou,rul,lc1 f tb parISM nw making aa-swigcaie.ta for vtar flv. mot vtsia.. and xpwi to hav them .11 oomplu4 during the a! lour moath.. Ibis development will gtv. flftMi waUs.of wblob Uie 0 impany will bar all the Oil from three, abd tli halt of the Oil from twelve. Over trap writ, ean be bored witkoat Interfering Willi aok oakar. Tas autttc lalaud wlllb dovaloped a aoa aa OFFICERS. A. O. CATTK1.I.. Wa, OKT1Y, BaoKnTaal am DIRECTORS. A. II. CATTRl.L, MOKII8 K. BrBCMJB, JOUH UAKUKT-f. Wal. WBftr, J. WAB.NBK SBVTlH, IMi