The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 15, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE DAILY K VEXING T K , Efi It A 1 'I I. I' I 1 1 L A D K LP1 1 T A , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1.1, 1301.
(Anting clcflvaph
a iian.v ArmK jrpwrArvn.
Trio Tiikm lure Tk fort (lionM.- Khcet), r-r
yii.iti nfN ( ' mm lilt Warn, peyaMi' to the ('airier, mid
ena'.cri to rtiJ pft.ere not uf the Cut At Wia tVo.i.Aat
n Mita r IMJ.n i rini run lniH
nlne-wie, invariably In edei ua for the p rlod t'liTod.
..ilvr'Hn'ii-ei l In -ci If il at Hi" uival ratl. A lieTiil
AltetiCI-rat'Bt Blade fur eNteii.tcd lli.erllotie.
To Ailat rlln ri.
Owmir to ilif f mat In-ri e In th ' I. nil. ! n "I as
FtKMVI 'I til I ' . K A I'll . rl 'I (I 't' II K Hi I" J" A' to
eail hour. tirni'tiMt ri' i'in-1 .'tl " Ivr-f . orii"it. :nv
Sanilfltn ua ,om an Hi o rWA. If posst'ilu, tu
Ik' m aa laui rtlon In all o: "or cduioiit.
Till ItsnAY. IiF.CKMBF.R 1", Wi.
MllllltlX IIFlltO FROtf.
A tt-lrgrniii jiutl rotvivinl from Wrtsliliitrv.i
announce"! tli'i rweiiit of an olHiiul l.'.H;i!rli
frrin Ifi' I) u l.n iti.v, inOiriiiiii;
tlu Kt'orrtiiry of Iho N' ivy tlmt (Joni-ntl Sm-.ii-t
A N lift at I;u-t Ihtii licanl from. Wu luvn
tor t.omo limo kith Hip liolu nt wlilrli hi wi-nt
iu ; we now we wiioro In.' Ii.u cnai' out.
Sin hman Tins on the 1'lih (Ira iii'Im (rom
.MRvnnnuli. Oa the 11 Hi, wlitm luit !i mi- 1
from ollloiaily, liu liail .nlvaiu eil two mi'i'.t,
8i. J it l.i i mb iljlo that I.iUt lu Mm d iy a n
slt.iok u mailo on tin. city. Errt !') it
iTitint lie onr-t. Willi S.iv.iiiiiit'i f-ills Cli.irle-.-l.m,
with Cb.nlPAton lllohmouil, witli Ilicli
uii'iul the Cotilotlrr try ! !
HincK writing tbe above, a JfH'olnl ili'sptrch
from tlio capital anuoimocs tliu arrival of a
Bpt i iiJ incfsnngiT, with a report foitiidJ on
more Uiau rumor, tlmt Savannah foil into our
liuuito latur on tho lltli. Th particular aro
nut givun, but Ilia glorious ntnr.s U nullUiciiL
to rieLo tliu njiirili of rvrry loyal Aui'Tkun.
.l uV.'ihhhIi ouij !I
mi: rAHKWi i.i. uoiiiii a run:
1'iofcwMir Coi.dwis Smith, of (Kfoiil, who
h.m lx-cn for tlit l:mt lew tiiiiuths Hojoiiriilur
in our miiM, bid wlii'ii to our ulimvs yester
day, and Nailed on tlio Clii.ia Tor Liverpool.
DiiriiiK liic contiiiiianee in thi) Unit I Statin
hp ha met with such u reception its Ium "been
at'cordpd to f'W Knj;li inn:'n, mid hn h h px
Uibltcd a dt gico of piiilomanly upprpflatio.i
of llie courtcfcip.s wbii h wore p.tpnd'd to liim,
m liim hhawn rouKptciioiily tin; dill' rpnca
bclwppn a true scholar and thp ill
hriH and Ti!oli.oim:s who hivp pmviuuly
vwitcd our 8horvn. Upon tlio pvp of departure
!6r Win native lanil, thp ITnion Leau of Now
York tendered liim a valedictory uddrc:H. To
thU Mr. Smith made a reply. Afler returning
tliaukii for tlio courtesy wiili whii'li hp had
Ix'en received, iio tuns uddivri..i d tli.i Union
League :
"The pir1)' bore H'lcst I inn !h not cnn'endii'jr
tor any ol Clui. o pi liilca! o'.ij. c's of it merely .!.
i (inn! K jiu) , in whit li a utt.iiir liai no f urn ' . nr
in which Ko would shrink: Irom nh')iii Uin in
Mtnt. It is oot ci. nti'iulm only for thu salv.i
tiim uf tint, country, Um.u.vIi thut would Oh h i
ol jict Wllil'll tui'ni AtSli lillli.-l tlio BVilipuMlioJ,
Hi. J ixcd e the 7.t!:il"ii aiti, iptii'iu of nu Kn r
iialniiAii lie ti. llcws tliat t'io dest'uy of Kngla d
1a lmiiuitt ly bound iiji wiili yuan. U is cnu
t" oinp for' c.iisB dear ami viul to the wuolo
uf mult."
It in pleasant thus to fliul an E.iglKlunan
who bua a proper appreciation of the magni
tude of lite Btrusle in which wo nrepnjr.'vjed;
and whllo the London TiiiK'a is aci-usln,!; us
of fltfhtuj fur conquest and territory, it ia
rofroolilng to (Ind one wlio can eour abovo tiio
inthence of party jeulouay and vhv t'dn
American conllict with a disiuterusted eye.
Having caretuliy cxainlued the system of tlio
KuyKhli coni-titi'.llot), and afler Hever.d mon In
of Htudy of the present growth and Itr.tiro
priecl of the Aiilo-Saxu.i race in America,
lie iiuikt'a a comparb-ou and jiropheey on tiio
tuturc of tlio two countries: '
1 trust I aiu ur.t wuntiuK in appreciati in o.'
tic gicinmn! of my country an;, iiiiub than in
m, uiUi hiiioi.t to her iM T Ms a-iU honor..
tup (iieati:i.fc of thu 1-tiulihU ta. o ia liuttland H
In niiiiril l.y tl ii irriiwi'irruiiiUTiMHOoi' a hiniDii i
it land, or.'if it cz'ei.da hcyomi, it in tut bo by I ho
jtMtMli ol cui.iiU' bts which hi itory teaciies u
kip alwuyi. r c irii'iis,;imi of JcisuUeucieH wliirli,
an a httlu it Uiclk u wilt tliow us, mu-t iu the end
I'tu UiU free, lit re tlietcutiiC aol our taco uee l
ki. jtr no honnt's but tliu-o of a cutitiuein, w'jieh
in cxLcnt sod in the vaiicty of li resjuroei is iu
i m il a wimil."
A nioit? careful student of hintory tltun rro-ftvf-or
Smith, England cannot boatt of, and
after mature deliberation lie jirediots tliu ulli
uiute destruction ol the empire of Ureut
liriUiu. 1 low soon is not s; ecitleil, but the
tiiiitb foretell a speedy doura. Once op. the
downward road, every cir.'tiiut;tuee of fate
will coiu-pire to liasteii net detir.ietion.
In that liour of national de.v(ntir, will tiie Mak
ing naliou be upheld by Anierie t? 11 ive her
a tioii, when f-lie thonght uxiaHiiir, been sueli
us to merit any hope ofatlM!iticc? We know
not bow lar the ir.aiiiaiiiuiily of our people
will po; but an a rijjht, as an net, of jtisttee, we
would Le excu.-cd if, tiet'uii; like a neutral, to
lilted out lri.di piivateer.i.
' Some Knl.'i-ti wrix-r ami otati-tiiiiPii npjar
to til Ilk tlmt the tiue polit y of KnKiand u l
tn-ai Au erlt a as a r... ural t iuenv, nu I '. i cm
apue ('Veil wita a poAei' o ulirti iu l-'ji 'lmti riu
(.It a ti )uvtr , lor i lie (livruc, i n of her uuity
Hud Mitith 1 am one of Mom ii li.'li u
Uial iltia sicy i- l n':i' ' iiui'iirii.oii un) I'Uiibu
iitl, ami tbut the upp i e polity, md IU it t en-tli-iituiu
g In pr. iiioio lt:o lai lte. it:M n t:, : v.j
i. an n, and to in .o em-1! e une-s uuri, is ;n.
(On it-ii to u- by tr ie I 'duin m well s uy yo'ic
r t a and by lb tie of"
Such are the sentiments the l'roi'e-or di--ciiifvii
(fftlicjoKiiiiof Euglautl, a!td to them ho
OHCH allrglitiiee, and not u any w-ct or party.
li Iho views of tint people wer the views of
tl.o Government, how muolt Uiufi-haridii (
uuJl ltterness between tliB two a;reat pejjjlo
o the ei't'i inlglit havti beea avoided !
Tlifj couro of tho London Ti.n li re
V ewed iu a cuttiiid and sireastle m inner,
t'ompressed into a few brief soateucrs wo Hul
tbe opinion of that larsrc nert of Knpllsh
population known an tlio "Liberal party:"
"I rea vrntnre to ongrit that the wrlteri In
the I'liKH, and ltd conli oerntea of our preai, If
any fn of ridponsitillliv, if any feiilins; of
hum.'ioity rrHiili'A in their hearl. tliry may here
nfti rbe thankful to lnp who, wliltuut rictrtct
inj (mm the poptilarl'v or -the prollts of luertry
ii ecndlnriem, have oscrti d thcmsolves to piev uit
the si luul rtinllKraiion a cotillAnr ition in which,
Mvf ihly, not the haliitntions of the people or of
IHh mis alone would have m risbed."
Lrt it lie. noticed that a threat is ronvcytal
in tills consolatary .-enleiico. "A rouflar.'t
tion In which possibly not tho halillatiniii of
the j eojile or liberals alone would have per
Islit d.'' Would the American people lc tl.tepiy
j;tlt vi dil the flumes of the burning 7V'ms'olllec
weri; nf.tfted ticr"-H the sea?
It la with regret that WP rtnnot review at
preatt r length litis valedietory Np ech; lut in
t It : ii 'i! this hli'it .sketch, we cannot omit to
my utiolhi r word of appreciation for the. (joud
liclirg which rrofesor Smith has evinced
tlur'iiK bis slay in our country, and he leaves
us wi'.b the I est wishes of the loyal portion ol I'enp'e. Ho is a gontlcmrtti, a scholar, and
mi l .nglir liinan of more than ordinary diseern-
rrtiit, nnd If ever Bain he should come
!.n:oi st us, be shall find as warm a welcome
America always extentls to the votaries of
Tin: .! Ai'Ar.vK nut is
liili ltit nee from Vokuhama lo the l:h if
( t -tuber announces that the French, Kn;lish,
tiiitl Dutch fleets, assisted by tlio American
Milliner Ta-K!nny, had defeated the Japanese
in n sanguinary ungagiinicnt, and compelled
tl ( m to come to terms. Many of their forts
h ug the coast wero leveled by the guns of
tlio allied fleet, and their artillery iras brought
awny as trophies. In the action the ships suf
fered little, either in injury or loss of men.
This Mas owing to tho superior ran;o and
creator i llicie;:cy of tlio guns served by the
allies, and the lack of experience with the
There is one. fact mentioned by writer f,o:n
Yokohama wliieh will be gratifying to Ameri
cans, mz.: that the rifled UO-poimder Farrott
gun lianhfcrred Ibrtlte time from tho .,nie-
fnwn to the 'fa Kinnij tlid more terrible
execution and played more havoc amoni; thu
enemy's works, Until the largest and best Whil-
worfb or Armstrong rifle lu the English lleut.
It must have opened tho optics of John Hull
to a wider extent as ho witnessed tlio tremen
dous power, long rauge, itud wouderl'ul pro-
cisioa ol the American gnu.
The combined naval forties were absunt on
tbe inland sea.s for Cvo weeks, and returnej to
Yt.knhama the 1st ofOctobcr, having arranged
with tho authorities of Japan to allow the
optming ol the porta of SamonoAaki, -.uki,
and several olbcr Important places.
The Xi:w Skvi-.n-Tiiirtikp. This new
(ifcveniment loan presents the greatest advau
tegi'B i's a security for rich and poor, and mty
be obtained in lui't'c or unall nuius at thu First
"ationul l.'atik. These Treasury notes (ire
owertihle into 5-L'O buniln at inaliirlhj.
All who have money to invest should make
u note of this.
cm nrrLUGKC.
Stati. up TuiimoMk-mn To-n vv. Six V. L,
.SL hoeu.'.S. ll'.MH Wind.K.M.i:.
Pi ktii of int. ItKv. Da. BvnNn. Tha iter.
Dr. I'.yrne ilfed at llorkdale, Delaware ciiun y,
I'a., on the lull instant, lu the t'!d ymi of hii
a.'.e. Iho fuurial of that gifted and learned
Chriilian pritst And eon (Ionian teak Dlaee at t'm
('.literal ('liappl, n J.ogan JSquure, you;nl ir
liitirnlnK. I'r. llyrtio was in early life a law
partner of tl o lata Fletcher Webster, and located
in Illinois, Willi every prospect of great pioles-i-
oiiul '-ucei'ss. lie liccHiuo a convert to the Kuiuad
( iitliulic tsith, and yielded his bright workiiv
iros)tctb to an.Miii.o tho garb of a priest In the
ihuirti ot bis adoption. 11 is curoer silica Hint
jern d bus bun murked by greai .ability, furna,t
i ess of jmrposc, xtetmivo theological ktioloii(;i),
t.nrt tleijUL'i cc of tbe-bighebt order. His sermons
v cie a tl eliglit ai d itisiruclire, and hi" fervor a' d
i It'giiiice ot oiiiiiiicr, and eogsucy of argiiinent,
ortsisttbly carried convii tioa into tho mind of
Ids blunts. I)r. Itvrnow.n a nmive of M iry
laiiil. For nianv yeurs lie was a Professor in the
iH'o'pjT'ral t ollitV of St. diaries Horr.itiioo, iu
1 ) ilsdi 1; bia. lie suffered from c in-a.npri in of
U.e lurgt for about a year bi lore bis daeoa-".
ItoiuoaiY of Mauki-.t Waoonm. About bulf
1 a t one o'clock this morning, James llaukin and
John Nevlus were caupht In the aet of rubh'ng
the uiarkit wagons along (.'iillowhiil street, went
ot Ihoud. They were committed to answer by
Aiduiinun l'auut ast.
frruiiKN Dr.ATti. George Summer, acd 70
M'nis. droppid tlead yoterdav afttitiioa ou a
door step ut Fourth aud Cadowhili streets.
Sai.b o Vali aiii.i. Woiiks or Aitr. At the
aui tion rooms of II. Scott, Jr., No. Che-nut
stiect, we bad the plemure this morning of vieiv
leg a remarkably lino cjilection of gems of art,
wt.ii b are to be di-poced uf by auction ibis efen
iiy. The galaxy uf line atts wlii h is tin re ox
hibitid wi u.ii K pay a vitit from any of our cui
i us who a; 6 admirirs of paintnig or st up
lining. Oi'i.MNO or Til i: I'sto I'assi nokii Itti.wAv.
This tin. mil. g the ftrand openu.g of this roud
took place. C;;r- were placed on the lino tor the
lii:,t time. Ibe Fiur.nnunt und Navy Yard route
wiill.e iim d at )in ei t, the Uichiuoiid route not
yet hcirg coinpli ted.
IlAitPfR anii (itiM.v. We b&ve received from
MtsKrs. T. B. l'ettrsoti llrothors, aed John J.
Krouur, copies of the above-named mign-.ines
for the iimutu of .luuuaiy. liotb tro udinirablo
I tner than u uai.
Tn.i. Tuiiv. This morning Gu- ige Abbry,
fifteen years of age, was committed to the llou(0
of Ilrfujn I y Alili rmsn Jones, on tlio th irge of
I aving ro'ifeu the monry till in one of thu ft illii
ol t lit- FrAiiklin Mniktl.
Si.n.r I ikk The uLim of fire about !l
o'clock this m rning was tumrd by the slight
berniug of a smsll frame rounting-oflic on
Dtlanaru av.noe, btluir SliaeUaui ixtui mreet.
Kn.miiv S. ine limo ilntirg last nbtht the
bar-rt tuu of ibe Au eiliuu 11, tel, in CUi'-nnt
triai, tin, ve Sixib, was ententl by prying open
tbe back hl.uttor, and robtiid ot
Tiik llit.iuAY l'ltinBAiT most acceptable to a
hull la a liimtu a luier Hewlfjr Mai lit! i Tie nnhlni'
In. k all tl t- nr.t ii.uiuiuiiii at tie' uln in III.' l'ii,ir.Ht,t,'
li t paaty.-ar.
ik Tin. i ah r to o i t ii 1 1 t a t;ol.l tia at out
1 fir -la r. a tlit'oi ant.
Four or Five of Oupout's Fowdor Mills
Blown Up.
six ri:nsoN3 killed and a.
Nperiitl lo Hie KipiiIiib Telo r,ti.
Wilmino ton, Dcpcmbt r 1". Four or five of
Dtipoiii'o powder mills near thlpla:c explixi.'.l
this monilep, w'th loud report-. Sl p nous
are said to have been killed and a nuinbor more
Woundt d.
Deserters Coming into O ir
stc, :ie.. i:ic. it., t:tc r.te., nic.
ircrlnl fo 'I'lie t.mcnlnrr 'I'tJicrit;)!!.
Waiiinoton, Deei'tnbiT lo. The steaT) r
Muliitla, from thy 1'oin', reports tho iuiutudo
brforc Feb rsluirg unbroken. Tho brought
np three hundred coiitruhamh, brought iu by
(ienend Wntrcn on bis raid to Hicki' Ford. A
Urge number of others, brought awn by Gene
ral iVm ren, are waiting transportation at City
I'. liit. Since the cold weather set iu Rebel tlo
serters are flocking to our lines. Tho Miliili
brought up eighty-eight, a number of whom wero
from the Uebol iron-clad I iryiuia, now lying in
the liver, above Chapin's Lllull.
aiiir 1'iiri-ittii I'olley.
Wamumiton, Deeember lo. The Home is
dl-cus-ing Hon. Henry Winter Davis's resolu
tion, censuring the President for his foreia
policy. The revolution win laid upon the table,
and Is diM'U-std by unanimous consent. Much
feiling Is nm nib -tul in the House. Davis re
8if.ned tho rhairtnansbip of tho Ciuntntttco oa
Foitin lltlatlons.
(viitrnl lilt'w Or.lpr Kmlnriaeil.
Tkov, New York, December lo. A public
mi-cling has lieeu called hero to endorse (
llix's order relative to Canadian raiders.
Washinotox. December 1.
Mr. Ch.rk (N. H ), I'rcMiknt .pro ti'in., in thu
Mr. Sumner (MnP.) ottered the following,
whicli as luioptrd
Tlmt tbe rrthittent of the United K'atr. bfs iv
qiuMtd, if nut .ncDiihiMent witu the pu'ilic iu-leret-l,
to liirnish o the Zonule uny ialar!n4tl'.;ti
on tbu hk(t of iL'o Jx p.n tnitjiu ol' .Scute roiK eni
inn tiie pupir puljlishttl in tho volume of.tre.ttiVN,
Mid rntuleil mi nrrun-'riiKMit tutwrtii thu
tnitcil Stiitt s am f!r.ttt liritiiiii, In-twi cn Hicu
aid ltxfc.i, Ksq., iirtintf R Sttdrtil.iry ot' St xtc, aii.t
ChnrlCh II. Atfot, Il is liritnnnic M ij.'sty'd Kuvdy
Kx'r.ior.liiuti, rcluiivc ti the lorcu to b",
ii rt ii'iiint'tl upon tlio Aiiierifan L iUt-H.
Mr. Wilhy (V. Va ) pr.eim'd u momoriul
I'roiu citiy (no ot the District of Coliniitnu, ukin
i.n unu'iultiii r.t of tlio rhditir of the 1 ist: ft of
Cultiiuliia, which w9 rtf rred to tuo Comiuiato
on the Dihtrict of Coliiinbin.
Mr.Cowun (l'a i pnviucd a petitinn frm the
ciur niakciy 'if rhlltuKMphia, u-kinn thut tlio t;x
l.c taken oil iii.u'ii' tiiied artu1 cj und put oa the
rtiw iitHtcnal. Kifcirod to the Cimiunltuo on
I intiiicc
Mr. Wilson (M ih.) nreent-vl n petition from
i!liTrs of the Armv of the J.uucs akin fo- aa
ii tTcase of pRv. which wa icferroU to the Com
ni't'te on Military All nr.
Mr. Lane (Krtiiaaj olleied the rollowlng:
l:-.n vel 'l.iHithc I'Mniniltifo nn tho ('iimliiifc nt tltj
r hi' iti.-tMiclPi, to In-iuir- hi tn tm truth of ihA all.'t-( i
rhurttt ii:tt lurneiiiiin'ttMii ot yn art' in '.ne
Mtn'n mi in ot it.'1 i ernn f ni In v e, S.w Yar.t . tm -
trriui-itivb 'Ht.d ortfnaiici 1Mh t etc.. ut in- cuimirv. to
iLe jc.(j.oii ui lutl int n, witl. power to tcud iur yura jui
ituu jifAjiu; n.
Mr. I-ane (KarfaO. I desire tomalia aUte-
im-i.i iIjulwhs made iu iny pivpti o last ui ikt
heloie a lare aht-mnbly of utluman in a pul.ii
ttptct li, that u tow das at the mm of a soldier
wlio il t il ol M trvaMou in a Wvh I prison appll'jt l
inc i iiiiutit'itiuia rtdvy l arti for cinit uvmfMit.
which war-net-cn'mry tur tho r.iuifit:naiio of the
fatuity kit Ly this boldior who iiad died of
He whs U'luscd. while nt thn moment m his
leiuwil iLt-re were ihoiisanda ot disloval iiumi in
t e tiLployment of ihat inivy yard. I in.iko this
Htateiuent in the bearing of the Ch.iirm-tn o:' tho
(VrniMiUeon Naval Ailairn, and cult his atton
ti'H to it. 1 a-k for the pnsagn of the r isolation. !
Mr. (Jl andler (Mii-h.) 8ui:i'eited th'U as tho
Committee on the CnmtncL of tlio i.r had at
much before it h it could possibly do between
now and the 1th of March, the ri-fotutiua bud
hcfict i.e let" rud lo a spec ial comimiieo.
Mr. 1 mie ( Kansas), h.dil Inn olivet vrnt to havn
he invihiii iion matte, nnd tho report npou it
In lore iho niftnllaliou ot the new AduiuiMtMii in.
If thf ic w as Mich au evil a !ookcn U it vioiiM
te tnuile known, and the policy ol tho VlVnia:.
tiHt en thouid bo changed on Ha m -tull uini.
lit w lis lit of the inenwbo l-tlic t il Hi il nn
Ooveiniurui could bo McfHsfiUlv aiiminnf red,
unit it .irouii did itself wi'h oil! n-luk, th in
h) iiipa h ,viih It. lie timed the rpurt In-itne
ii Hh tl MutcL next.
tor. J, bt ton (Md.) did not ktuTYthit lu had
; ny im'i-jiontiilcnce in the AOnnnistration than
Mi Si n i or f iv in Kan.'-a, b-it he had no ilo'.iit
'In' I'lci Imt would sto to it Unit, tiie otlh-eti wsio
tilltd by 1 .vul men. W haicvrr mir? b t bo a si'i m
to (he lo ilty ot ibe MirlarU employee.-'' it 9
a tact Hint liny all vutid fr Mr. J.rteuln.
Ho did rut believe tho Ken tie bad fi'iy
lit to into ft to in this iim tcr, w'tich hr
ibctiht whh one pcrtauiiiitf o tho f.x-cu-ne
1' pcr.iuciit of the (hiverutuuut. Sup
om the ifivt t ip:iiKn tamed out as th'i Rcna'or
fr m K.itu-tfs tiitiici.itcd, w hat couM the M n ito
ln; Not lib but an opinion, w ii b
(v ulil tftvt tu iij-'al hwniiuif whatever upon the
I'ret-iceiit, and 1 n.L'ht nr nor nitrejard
if, idibf r buKtiM- h? ihoiiL'bt it hi- tuten-t 1 1 d"
o or not. Aa ht oid i.ot C4ncur In the e nn u
hu n ot tho Set! itor tin the ul)cct, he wi-. ;ip.
pnbtd to the revolution.
Mr. HnlmuD (Ind.) intnducc-1 a rtsoluia
dot ctiin thi mti fajyot far to tnruih a L't);v
.f Hit older nii(I i weinU r yi,lH .;i, in r arii
o tr4of.t cpliMici on cona tion tiindthey should
te diM hr.( d wheu tbe refiitneuia were inu-ured of scf vi. c,
A!o tuo ordir duted Decmiier, IStl.t, addnnnptl
to lie (iov i nor ot M icMiehuiit.ttK. in repair) ti
i!Ot)jkj to fill up old r iitiei.ts, and aU4 inform
ibe lioiM- wl -v ( r tbe prn"iplin tliert'ln au
t oiiT ctO li!vc hifn ; n i 1 i c 1 to ull Hoairj iiium
tt red t" till op old rtrj-'imntn.
Mr. Settnek (tt'iio) obMctid to thf eoiHidcrt.
tmn uf the revolution unices it was rciVrnd to the
Comni tt?e on Military Xl-tiri. which he sa;d
row I ad that 8uh,i rt um'rr cor.Hil.T.iti p. m I
bad ahciuly ou tlined !nf rmntlnn on tli no tt,
Mr. Holman n solution was tcTcrrod lo tho
C mu l'tce n Mtlinoy Allairn.
Mr. Mallorv t Kv ) asked leave to olft r a reso
lution n (picntina the rri"ld-i:t to communicate
all pupcrw bearing on t'i! rre-t nuo Pnori -on-nont
of l.ipufnant Oovernr .!. 'm Colonel
Wolford. the latti ront of'rbo 1'ridt!r ti d Uectont
of Kentucky ; by w Iiohi order ai res ed, atid w lu pi
they tire impri'-onefl.
Mr. Mcveub l l'a.) ol j( rtcd.
On motion of Mr. rtl ( !mU the ll'-u ii lo- k
up ai.d pitHM (1 the Sf'tiito M'l provulitiff for a
per'iil Untuof the court oT the DiHiic: of In
tl hi (t.
(d n otioi of Mr. f'i-woid (N. Y ) a r-tlu-ton
vhj- i)as-cl dirt dim; au iuvcs:ii:a'i m ot nil
the ffti tf. a.- to the pr i'tie d op' rrion tf th Pen
f on Ihwh. a u m ot prma' t n r :li f, an d t
innuiri' (Ho the a -tnal condi io i ot the pn""nt
iiivi. lids, hihI what tueasur' sh uld lie a 1 to
ti cure to tbrm f n-ploy mctit.
Mr. ' ox (Ohio) oll' rcd a rriolii'kn, which wa4
ni ' pit d ;-iWi(f, lhu ili iSicretaiy ot S ite.
i! iini irrnmp'ttihle with the pnOlic vetvice, com
tnnuictir to tloM House all c OTimumc ition ou
hie 'n hi rlhce widi ref.-n net: to the dtMieu ti n
ui ' n the N'-ithern oordcrs, nnd whii-Ii hvo bacu
iclf ire d to the Com i t'eo on I'oreijin All iir.
Mr. Cox sHid Ihii i:;f rumioii was ci;i rel wph
u vii w to tvmc action tif the (,'oiutiiittce ou Foreign
Atlidi.", mid for tho ei'id;Umn of the qii'Mio:'l
comm. lit J to tlain.
i A t i g,i u.
l'nmi PrATiot T i r u 1 1 t Cocut -Judrre C id-
I ti- I'm, It u HI. id , t, r'l. P'NK i t'til'inni II.
K. - ii . I rc.( hi Mil' tih) 1 ten trrtw.ti nut -l tti"
ailiuiu MBiatiuHl li t- S-r Y.irii. which s,i tu-iori' tha
I ' mi r t rtly una ih' tiny In ion? on ti-f i f;.M tho
icilur li n iti tiii il"')' i ii'-ti'i. vit- ark'nr 1 cs--il ty
I. Mr l" .. I' ' tw -i r l..r ( fi- r Utci'-. mill y .Ii.' ii i, K, t,
. n . lrr ilir I n t 't SiT(s. hti'I i ut siii'iiiU'fil.
At, ft il,.- r. I'tnt'tii rln',. il Juii-'.j Kn-ix itiiti-il tie.1 he
who Uitrfi''(i in n Kii(ii'iti:tn. In t'..nrr. Unit a ,u:t-
llH tll.l t'T III ! r I l I ! Mils A f;t -.IliiiUr IUV .4 h 1 Kill ll I'll
i i 1 t). ii nil Unit it 1 1 t! i- p in i i'n utWit arr't mi " lit
lOl i'Hul It hi i; iri:i. till ifci' ( 'irlvu' 1 r fiftfc. h:i! l! till
wi rc -ti lie i hm- w nn id 'o tiiinti nin,.irir'l, .umI ho d
nV: , I ! I) til UiU n till II tu tin I il 1(0 ho Hlntlldml H.I to
s'M'. tl I- Uf t.
J im'ii k ii. x f a fl tl.s fit1 ut ii would bfi nnii?i.( 1 u ug'
K m i' i" .lav
Si t'Hi-mk CorUT at Kisf Vii tf, Jo dire Read.
- Kixtfrr fljic vh TM"lr. 't lit fiiifwis sub'iiiUcft totlm
i'ir Oim iiiiiiilp(, hut no vi rdicL vat rji Jciod whtui our
rt'(.rt ifd.
Cot ht t)p QcAUTit SrHio?ci--,ftida:e AHiiou.
'I I. 'ii Mmri'iiie, (t("ri'o ..! jfirr, it rvnjiirri.r of lti Horm t
nrtl Him Mhci I 'n -h ht ItahwHv t oti:tny, wnn ii-nik'
t It 11 I'll ill' rl 11' t,'i' 'il l(ltl!;i.' Cnlllllntif il all H-Ulll HII'l
lMttiT u Miinii I ot ri il , i w.itn.tii ! rnlnr. Ar..r Jiiiy to
in tt-hii'Liin ) the friM':utiiiii4 sl fl r-,i into tt ir uf ilto
l'i iiu-iui nt (ii v. iua NtrtM l, RV atrnut 10 n'i lo:'k on the
nvfiutii l tl V 'in uf Ncitiii..T, aid mn h- UA to t'.e
tut trwiru i l ol II t; cur, w i.yrt M.r I H jMllOII III tt:i
i.on .tlirr Ito lm,li'h lit tt.t M'''l a-kfl li'T w!;v alio
nil l. t t-kr-H -i lt. (, In il el i t .1,1 I n t ,i .. t
I If i i ..I r. i lie t ' nt'.': t1 -r - O'l. V i it.
. i-i n t
ti it t ii,. rri r- not mi-j m ;.. ride tn
mill 1 n't n M iiiinil lt put nu .11,
l,p ind no' wnnt ,'i-t t f i. t i'k' vi :ii ii
'lit- H,-i-0-il 'li:tt .-1 ., ii -1 k. I t
pi i it h' (I tu t lo flii ly O' i? ; c o n ' j l ni I
'liv rar.i, 'inti'iiA,
' fn li J, I i' i It.HL
.1 t" rt) li 'in-,
i.ol rv ii-iP'L' l.i
ii in . tn i In uf' vt-rv
i all i WH li', J nn
tti'u li lio.rrn'iii: i,i Ji.tLil. ttli
(o liu- 'h I to; il t'- rjr
Kin Pin.) lnrt'it r. ilmt .itlor iO'O
Vir otf In. MOiu
ii. r iIm-ss ami urmTv.tnf niit
to n'i In r. iiti'tiliit niiL' was inucti ln:i-.i.t u-iu lu-r tiort
Ai .i lnanllilit iorr.
I- t tin (!t-t. nre it wni fintt tl;o a rtint hv the ruli'S nil
r n it lit ion oi'ti c 'ii t;iiiy C'ror-il .i'opI ,rtl rtlmn niir-tin
tot ( till ren.ffi aid onlj tn- piTint'ie l to ai tiie fnno
littli.uinl (1 f .1 livo wiNit'inr! who wvro i-m-h-m iti i
iIm' oh' lit It o ihnu ot the occnrrei.tjt, w ro (.alli'il tu show
lh:tili tfouiJiK t of thn ironimor mhi nlii'ii-ivo; t!itt,
a co'tih(i t' ope ot tht wn in"-. , iipon tuinir h t st:n.l
t tt ir. nt tl -or ot tho i-tir, iho it ui niie woulil hk" to
know My lic contd not nml, ucC'iriliD
to On ti'stiuKiii of tho oihi i mIiu rniarkoa. when n uo
(nit- HV. J hiT wIit thu f nt not hi (t iirii, (tint It tvm liu .
i hi r-f of "hf i" colur, iifrikm" t!n w tlnn tt iii4tiif
hit. tint tht- tio t door, v itli hii- h.irk to H Tin t'omlnrtor
t1 i J ht't t In tun st i lilt nn thi t rout nlnttVjrin or Ilmvi Viit
nr HI.P roliiht.l to do illUT, ria l Uo ,roii'vlnl to r-
move hrr, uvrir. ai the wltnoia tcstlilcd,. only to ui.icli
If rro Hs wii net (.' ai v.
At M r ih y virre oil ihe ear -lv atta. krl IiIut. and strm K
fillii Hfvinal li!0io .tl"tit iur rlit'it ttml Lire. 4.1 ul fon lined
liu' iiMm.k iiot'l ). oit.on.l tl.r i- iron uni imuf u n tti-
I 'attotm. Ihit tlio toniltn tur ii r.1 nin' vlitleiicr I'ma
m n io.-ni to protoct h'ini If w tie nit i,ua.l uttt j
:-l v n nt iiinin l. .tin v oat
I'AMd ''ion lir.M u lor iln prim cuiioii, Joi pit Jlrt witi-r
for ihe ilrjtii!nnt.
ZariiTR fJonnts jor ('iiru.srMAB. Wc know of
BOthlt rorwiS popular nr mora piroprlto iVir prfwontlna
pvriM'tri inrmg th h'lidiy Hun Do tiokuuit ntttxyr
wurk ait'.clct that have of ltw benotat so faihionub:. A
ftlfl I ilway thn ruorn vaiiiab't! for hsvlnK npon it th.i
mar kit ol livving fiiijtert. YVt'at, thtrclo'c, eo-iUt ho muru
dotrt) or ialtalile than tht beautlnd dettfut iu ujittyr
(or allpprrs.tailr acata, cutli ona, rutri, a:nl a variety of
itiicr urtici, it) led up in the plain pun by I
tli Laada of a friendly or atr-otlooilu xivcr'.- Li
diti who eriteruin our opinion on thn point j
fhfald Tlrlt U.a atom or Mr. John Finn, Hrrttttth
ar.d Arf'a atrfU, where tkoy will (Ind ilia mutt lu-wnln-nt
Hm-nrimi'Dt of cmhroiaereil lephjr ileiU,rn, of tht
'km lTe rrrnd Us tver otTeriiil to tnii city. Hotna of
tktt ettntaln ca,il:al reprciontattoPi Iniephjrof toft of
flor(-ii. Krue head! and troplral Ui. d, wtiich, to be ap
lieutr.d b.yttie Iovertf liie bwaotif il, noort only to be
in. We would alio ctatt, In thli coanectUu, that Mr.
Fliio has a Ttry larire aitortaieat of nophyr, wulch he Is
aellinu at aa moderate price ai anj other hiun. l n t
f- ijii t tie place John M. Finn, Seventh and Arch.
aTfll K'lO YAKNH.
A Try large aitortnu-nt uf stocking yarns. eniirai(iij;
neatl one ban tired d (Iwitnt varieliuH, tuitabln for tine
Ualt-a' wtar, tl: bravleit articles) for goatieiaea asn,
Ht'elfc for theeok'kn, every deu ripilon of luf int a woi',
all it lor n suitable for plovra, Int-iaebiK the flue whltn
Hex hot (tierman make), will be flaintl at tliu storu uf Mr.
Jul. a If. i lea, goTOMh and Arch streets.
TM aat ami dfBtoveiJI.y popular sitbitltnto firtl-o
(iwmau ii phyra Is rupldlT tisln lntroduti.'1 tor all ptir
poks Kr whl h tho nphyrs ate atlnpted Tbe colors of
tie fittitucrton n Wt-ol aro e-iually as tich -t;:J duratleas
th ifplfr, tbe fibre re-ui? as soft, and trie price a trreM
dpul lowtr. 'I he plaru to K t Itii at John ii. Finn , south"
eHto:'uerol 'Seventh ai.J Areh ittniM.
wa cr st imuli f m rHkO'Mrn.
Id tii's deparunrai it 'i oil tlthiue as loroceo saiclieU,
poikcl-l-ooLt, flro Itiimhrs, Hand Mlrmn, HeuiH,
Culijiiirs, Soaps, Vmbi-tfliaa, ml ' of that -etais are
always acceptable Klltn. A vtey superior aoortmeet of
tt.ein may be found at the popular Hjra ut Ifr.J iJmM.
au, kuvunta and Arch sti vuti.
At this season alsf good s'yle lress TrlmmliRi are
mura In dtraand. Iftu uiot fU.Hnlvo Hii)rtnniit of
fabietiihle hmtona, staple Trlinra ns of alt kinds, what
aio dtniociiaatfd audr tiie ntier-tvl teiia of H-nll Warn,
alfi t icili und HI k (ih vm in groat varty. now ortVfM
b Jure 51, itiu, aon.het ornsruf Stcenth and Area
SO- 1S.
II T.n vT Fiu fnth Sixi NMi) Sii.vmt Taku
ort IIakii HHt.. la tl;e-e du.s of iC' -ilve piketfor
or th inn tn wbirh silver or K"M friu a pitrt, the insn i
tadurroi surh su; erb nil-iT plated ware as that an sale
at Miith and t l.emint utrceth btwonn'S n posldvo boon te
tbe pi,b tr. Bt'lnt,' b'avliy plain! anJ baid metal (ni kel),
and tlin-hi'd m the tlKant and recrrrh ntvk, every
U' ii le ol tt.eir niH,:i)ilir nt tock w -n tl pasi, even ta the
bin d of roioeKitf jm'K'-i, fr real siher war, while tor
dural Iliiy, beauty ot llinith, rich run a of deeUj(iit aud ('ite
rs I t xeelli nee, tbi-y am vinial to pure silver; auJ lbs
pi u-i- ut v Jilt h tlicy air oilcrt d Ih su-'h an k place them in
tbe ri uiliii almost every boiuho d. The only Bisnuiao
ttirersol this beautiful ware ia t.ils city the sn-nesidil
rival in the rMvhratt il hln ille d ware of Kntrl .ud are at
Ninth aid Cheannt Nire- u, nnd tr.omj of oar rtiaders w ho
I r- l i t u limptfct- d it shuuiit go aiideam're the rar.
ru I. I n wi- tu t. dinner, and tea act, iti.d tk-- various uther
bitit It s if matstve aid ditr.yiihK rhura-ler so pr(usely
rMi .tul li tre. The unmt hup, :nolal a.uiua'.inn k til oreot the uoltM'iii'Si oi pu.lii i'oriitiut
.r i rstor pure he wwe, an ar:ltIe tally n dura
ble, nnd iii olore'y t m n fOiiif, 1 us to tit ly dtteiii iu, eu
be 1 ..d ut ( I Ireti r hli ll niH-ni ftliai'xt intT'-dlldu.
IHK AND I11 , CfNtti;TION.H fof ttt
Uiiiuays, in jit irady at I. tl. Wiuoi au A Oj , N'-. ;11K
t'hetinit Slievt.
fii.oitois 6ti:ck A Co. I'unik ani Mason &
H Ml l '
HAVi) , (HIllMil ot(iN'4. r.KINl
HiHI'K-.. Ov' hit of noh ol '1 h In- U'; iNi
I'MM) 1 iiri'fiieirr It to i i -la Uv M". 1 ' H P
FtKI K-i. ti. Mart tiioi-iouiiii.t it o ui aaOjr oi;.tN-t.
PI Un I eit atnrf ' KV.l SKT
Klil TI- H. If, i h,l1 unlv tiv l " N 'i.
r ii , V, t.ori.Il. l Vi'.INlSf
i-uai lb i. aevttutb .ud Chor.ii it troeu. UUiA
Thu " Fi.oBrrfCiM TBitii'it4?iT Why th
f HirTi-e fai auprrlor te all other Mtirf(? Afihtr6t
t ompare. if Meet. V en ptn chae:
f. in revereUde tred, Ir4dlng either in therli!itor
left; It- pent-it lelMbtlity, never ftklpplrw I'llelifS. anl
tt e 01 four ci:rniil stl'ohei for the varioun kJnds
of work.
.secoiti It ' n t Vi t nntjflesn; rnti Tery laitj Uie
et a' ar or the trftd arnl xtih li ts mail wlilln the tna bltie
s In moik n.
Tt tni, It makes the lork itlt' h, which t en ma-
Idiftd h-T.Mi foieih" ben in tte. We mM to thut the
MouMe lock," whirh nnke U d-aibly sure; tlm half anl
full knot atitehr beoKr a p'Tlect knotioovery stlt.-li, wtilrh
is more deraliletbttn rati be mado by hut oOior icii ne,
nr t.j J rut 1, and la alUat leii.g Iho .-tiirhe.'i on both
.fJi-N of thi work aiike.
Tl ft ed niav be ri'erie1 at anv point wllti ut'. .tfppiti
the nvMri. fhsnje fcr the varioaa ktr.ds nt silt: lie ate
ma te ibo tniirhine la tn motion. Il ali'i lo a. for
brant) . ntn hh'Ii. and fla-tn ity, are the won'-rr of all,
'lh b. aiy oi il ii iinsurpjs.e-t. No othr rnvprn htrjie
h mi'.p if "tk Hot s luM and heay fn'i-tfi w'th e iul
ta. iiii . and without clmiuo or alter' Inn of ten-i -a. lhr at
or lit tle. I'.vtrv dunilT hf'ild have a "Klnri-nre." N-i
lre mrlnpi t et out of or.'T. Hn a benun-T turning
any width. The InetpTienci tlad n- d ttlMliy In u-lnii
It. (ifl!. , No. tv.i CheMiut airnot.
trr 80' k of ItoHil) -uiHdo ClothluM, we ato Mid'iif it tn
lingi' etiioiinipt, dady, il rn.iir prim, mwh iMiy y.rv
IV t rnt of JrofVCfn ; i-tir puri hasrs huvli'g ti.-oii iii i ln
fur rah, at ti e l-u rtt ;ir--'ti of f V mon w e ai e rimh'ei
to nllui i nahmters tho Hilvania-es thereby .if. ured, ur
u.orlnlont lb tul and eonipleie, our K"Od n ir, frckt ttnt
tafiiottubfr. tqiiBl tt any made to ordi-r, and "old no much
I.iwit in pnn-m to it.i-a.itli tho:e wloi UHtiitUy prwuro
Un it c.oUi j in tlmt May. An eumn.itioii Imin il.
T-vf nt II ii. i.,
.No. .Mt w..r!..'i Hir.'t.
IIhnsh i i ,t tM.
7h; t h g iiinus nian who niaue a pair of ah es f r his boy
in M i ll a ihuil i are or tin e, hj cottiukr the tors oiT of a
pa r of bijoitj rllt iNrf d jwn the Insiep, an 1 in .Mm: tho
trln 'mm the Npare Ita her inlKht hv ma 1" bis -n a
roundabout by hlinply cattnm tho Ull otTof a Inn-k c-al,
and It t' tild ho d ne in about the saini' time. Tnit inUht Uo
eahed a nmnU n'iout way ol brlngint noth t uhutlaa
H oken t Co. a One Prfeo t'lotlilnK Store, uud- r tha l,Uou
tiutaial Hotel," Cncunut street, near KintJt.
has be i o roe tbe ssitbd roav etlrn of Ihoiiuhtfui pe 'p'e
that every famll In the lanl alioald be supiilleil with a
tlrktu'ass sewing inaeh'ae, and tt In ,ual y thnlr ootivk
tloa that the mat, Line whh h combines more excellent
features titan any other Is Uie "tiro er .k Itukor." It Is
ibe pDiy kcm ia, inai bine ever invent id tktt entutes line
en. broidery, an udi uat -e which in iuclf entMl.-.i it to tue
piciennco itb all tntmiixent pure! aers.
RoAitan Ai.monds, Chocolato.atid Croim Cara
mois. superb r fjual'iy at:tl itavore, innu!i:aur-il oy K. 'i.
Whitman A t., Nu. liV.i t hemut ti trout.
A CiioAvn cf gold or a coronet of pe-irt? Is the
pnib fe of a Jew t4 1 aa; but any lad ran leio.coina
glorious brat of bair- Suture's own dhoiem and
title to dignity by the uno of Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's
Hair ltotori-r a ad .ylnbaamuin, or Hair I'rrbaliiif.
Rvr ry flrti(. pint i-eils thi in.
As tub IIoi.toiYB near it is iicco sary for all
wlio ie-titt' It V. He. hut s Mnptrlor plcturo to be istrly In
their calls ; dajt arorhott. No liJt An h itreut.
Do "Yotr Know Dkan h!ia rpmoved to No. ilfl
Chehioit atiet.' Ho sc la Totwoco, Ciaars, PiptM, A'., ur.y
ptr eent. lets than any oibw inio in tills city. Ue.aeutbtv
iha. No. Hi t'banuit atotoi-
Hi hdhai.i.'s Aitxic.i I.tMMKNT An infilliblo
cutv tor bums, scalds, uprHlns, rheumatism, ii;in-hot
wiamlK.Ac. A Iridic application allays the p.tln Irom
a burn the in-daiit it Is appllod. lamily shouliba
wittctit It.
nrr.iiAttn vr.t,t:.-iioi'oi'iiior aoi . mil. by tho
l.'i'V. It, iil.i'li Ji ll, rv I). !.. Mr. Al.l'ltl.ll II lH'it
II A fill, nt nsln, to Ali ltl.ltm CA VKALK.OI
I'liilnil-ll-hin. '
I KK lu rnimn.iro. nn '2Mli ultlmi. by
lli v. Iir. Mi t rim. A I.Kitl.l l.i K. l'ltK K.ol tliln-il,
tnMlis ANMK Ji.. ililUKlitiT ut '111. lluirU liiiil.-r.i, ut
HfltSI.P.T. -On thi- l'.'th Imtant. MAttV II.IZV-
Iil.l'lt. ilaiii'liti'r uf tin. hue Ji',rn lltlrnlev. ot tinner
finrliv . Iii'lawaro , ounty . aiii'it I!) yi-arii.
i hp rt'iauvi'ii nun in,'iiii4 ot iim iiuiiiiy aro ri'Mrii'iiTiuur
Invlti il to attrn.l tii-r rnu'ral. Iroin the l.iln ri'nl''i,:o uf
b. r latlior. no siuuluy, tlio ISiti ln.talit, at I o'clnvi'i.
COW F.I.I,. tin thi' evi'iilnu of th. Mia lnt.. Mr.JOMH
V. t'OWKl.l.. In f l.h rrar ol liu urn.
Until . ti ill nc iiiten ol tim
KLDItlliiiK. (in tlio munilnu of tlio 1 0h Imtmt, EM
II. I l.liltl 1M.K. In II. f 4' ti yi ar 01 ln no.
'Ihr ri'latiii'H ami Irlrnda of tho taiuilv. nlHirt and
nioiiil'orrt ol linrinuny I. mini, No. bi, A. V. M.,ari. ro
ani'Ctiully ItiTlii'il to attrml bin luncriil, trnra Inn tatn rwt
dene,', .No liu:i N. Eibtitcoutli Htruoi, oa dutur.iay auor
noi.ii, nt 'i o'clock.
HOW. LI. -On Wcdncmlar. llth Inatnnt. Jnnf A.
IIOW KI.L (of ilnwcli ti, lu iiio 'tli year of
llH 11(1'.
ills rlatWot and mnln frlfniti are tnTltoit ti attunJ
the fntifial, Iroia hlH lata rnblil.'iu-e, No. Id il hprioe
lU'i'i't hu'uruav muriuuc, 17tu tiutaul, ai tu o'clo 'k.
Iiitcrmi'ut at Luuroi Hill. "
j O () K S!
BOOKS! ! 1
The aiteuMnn of the public i dtreeteJ to the tltm
iif .-'iriiin nt of new ai.d pujuilar books oa hand aad iur
SJ.-.C by
3(0. UJJ CIEiXUT Strait.
A 'nree ar.d well hefted ttnc k of hayil-onielv boiin4atl
fine npv of aJl the standard noraa ot tbe day, detiiieu
el eeliill) Inr
ttif lb ill Ifirnii urn m rln' lAirnmir n'j i ,1 1 1 1 v
Alo, a variety of Juvt iitim. Toy Hook ... tisiiiei, I'lioto-
f-raph, Autnunipli, and he rap Albums, liiariea, Uibiua,
liaer iHHika sVc.
Also on ou bouid, throe sets ofthePoj al -.r-: 'blaeie tlana,
TLB i.iily beta In trio rnnrtrv not In irlTa;e hiraUi.
I'KHta! $.
ftpaily on ti c 1Mb lniitaiit,
a in. iti'i..r'rit Hal' oi t lie Stair ol Virginia, ihowlnw tha
Oil. ltr 'iil NK, new ri lliiiaiU, ic. Jlu. Mill ly mall,
liutl'l':uil. ftlcel lttyt:ollia.
eil-VUXKH lJF.HII.iVa'U.
tl V, -Jt No. U- I'llK-tNl.T Huaa.
ry o
T II ! T 11 A 1) K.
iim rX'HI lOAllONS of
UltRWl'.R &; TILl'.Sl'O.V,
eoiikiatlnit of
W(ikcpmti:p's motion kit,
WHIM I HIKR'S M.-Kl.l.hll.S,
tl l I I 1a i: Il c 4r.Al.l K,
Trill hcrftallcr ho auppllod to tlio trailo by
niAitLi;. mwiiVKit,
12 16-M
i (,'limmJT Htri-ct,
VALl Alll.K fllAKAfl'B8
App'.tnn'. N. w Aiii..rli'ant'cto).i''IU.
vc'opaula of Ccoitrercial ai:J UaalnaM An.-cifi)ta,.
2 vdla.
H jl i lllon Hecnrd. Hy Frank V.wru.
H.bmMoii Irvlna'a Worl.i I'.oi: aultiiu.
Cooper a Kifvi N IliiiatratMl.
iiineiii,' Voikallni"irHttd. r. II I'nllail Hiali a
M . livalo a I'l.ti'ry ot ill. Ho'jiaua.
i.nnia in ilbi- i.aelilinl l.l t-rr,
l.i.hti, ai.d .-lia.towi uf .Now )oik 1'ti-tnre "atwnt'.
Manln'a HUloiy of r'rain-.. Ago of Loaia XIV.
liviTiy No.dlii l.lii,trainl.
S).ukiarari.,b Worka.
1'ip.i'o't Worki.
Haiard Taylor t Wort k
llo'oll W. tki
..r.l llHi-ou'h Worl line odltloti.
lla.iin Vork- lo n il
A' J lMl'.S K atytuv Book R wait,
No.;tul ultTil Hirwt, aacoiiil a ory.
It - A' Itl.oral dl.,L'oiinl luatto on ail puie.iiea. IS l.'i-10t
emhcrliw.nua -wlvi,
la Vote
tmutbad Iraaat alt iu.aj.nv, ky
ououiiE j. nnrri.
No. Ill d. VI1IUU KuvH.
Hie Largest aud Handsomest Adsorb
merit iu the City.
AH the new and -i'andar.1 P..vAi, nHih Amfir-t
(ittot a, in plain or el. t aril rnif and stwroeco n(asiar,
wilt be found ai our A.tablivia.eot, nrranwl on I -tifrwaa-ten,
riinnitii; ti.r foil imtn oi our Off, where they nag
frr res.lir faiilt'1 Mont of our tin utoeii is hmea'ter-rf-ly
t r uui tttail saJi-s, by tae best blnaort la Ua
iouo.ty. p
J111lce- n nl I'rnyer-Ilookoj.
Tf'e lnf1ore)t lo' ever Imported, tntothta enia-er.
OVtOVvU HIKl.O In '.I'.rt ty lif Ml , ot I, nod ; m-li-h
eihtions o tee A.aKUiCAX rK hit-HOi H, e
iiiiiHioi t bun nc in rr t, and I.tnln. tintv a mi I n ti-
1 m ot ti e bK-vi in pu ti d fi icolTlor M itinav ls W
li vi.c u.eii luBj tn'ou i,y lovers ol eioKaiiUy -iouiid tx. ks.
A verv Isit-n r ttir"nt nt ev-ry lire, Mod, an in ilitf,
Wldrli wn ill o.P i tu 1 ilWI It CKI- f S ttinri any noase
In tl.e roiih'ri-. A 'i'ii1iil Riot, In dill ' t".') pnrtra".,
'1 in .ev iBor(cro w e w I urn fnr A'W. vVfl have a few
.i'nant liri'ft ri iH.r' mounted, tn ve'vet. w:tii ratvmtrs
ou wt.od, irwia l utu.t arvid by hau d, In the bett tnanaer;lx'.s cooEi,
Yxi at J j. rnffi au ,ttiftole, Ituliitlln all th) n
roni '1 I.e if .t -8 i.nHtiilLisU we have jet ottered. U
cur patri i.j.
hntre if the ab re m ods are limited tn f,nantitls, Wa
wonlu edvlsc c.irlv ia.rcr.a.ta to aeauie them. Weoftrri
ft so. a firall lt bfiintifully made I.KATHEtt rB vMsW
and Hrackuts, warranted e'.roiig and dirale. lbeyarej
otLethlng novi and hmiinome, made by a saldler ' wife.
11 U Ut HEI.OW lUlITfl.
Y (III T I' O ll A I, A I) T,
a. our '--on a. wii'r.,
A .U"i' I'tJll A- HIT4TiI(.
A. Oil T I'Oll I'AMILV.
The rtrnat U'-lul MOUDAT I'HKMV.ST that oaa M
ma till la
Til l'i ' KI.Onv'.NCK."
Alt the nbjretiona toothor Machlnca ara ovt-rconie in ta4
t'LAIKKMCK. II iimkca
Kith th anie ca p. and with ua llitle nackluary aa
make one. lifaiib't. It l.aa tiie
a Dolibrui, b"tf-riTu'iif.iiirtnalon of thrrad. and na sarlviis
ooc-nhecla, or cams to i:rtont af order. It dirt.
fr.m tbe huaTl.t roo1cno to t:m mut dolloatt fabrlaa.
ualng alikicda of silk, oottun, au Uuen thread, tram tl
us ta 300.
Nn MACHINU it'ioa ao lure a raroje of wurk
aa the ri.i'KKM R.
VOOTHKK MACtllslH piloamia the ladioa a wen at
tha rr.OuXkX'K.
Inr than OV K TIIOUH ANI) of Ilia t'LOKKICB kf
br au told Hi Hi.'al. I.liia trllitln tin' lait few monlhi. Tha
fMlKEM-KIa tho only l'li rKC.T HKWIMU MACIUNal,
warranted to ttl a ei tire aalkatacllon, or money retaraad.
Theie Is Bo end oho owi u a KLOItRNCK thai olil
tall It at ooit. '
ObllHinx LADY OrBI!AT-,OB Eire laitrnotloas at tha
iitivaan of purchamri Ire. of cbarna. Etiry Macaiia
vrarranted, an.) kopt in iHirlliot order lor one yaar.
Cat! and tae lie nporatiouJ , wbetlieryou vtlah topilroaaaV
orcot. Bauiploa ol cwltij,wlth pilce-ttat, ent Cicebtf
Florence Sewing Machine Company,
Snw rncL.iy aaildmu, luH 1 coinplet.i, Willi twxntr
mi DLif. Iii a i rn.MlekJ aan- .ner. wiia three or rear
acta cl nrat-i'Jea wiM.lii-B'lilntiy, adaolad lo apln fiiana
lb to to i l l i ikk. 'I tin kuilillu i la iwo-alury,
floor., bi.h ci Uini., nniliud lu ibfo bent maimer, aail
lihle.l lioin four aloij. Ilia buill 'ipnanly lor ilie ar
loae thu .iiwur if iihiiumi. ThU Is a Kuod oapoitaatly far
partita reniiiift polv rand nptutiliiK lo. - tn. uarkut, ia. I .a
ftci to .e all tiie yi-u on Uiu preiulko4 tha; t a.u oaa Uif a
eu. Apiny ui
13-1 Mt lranklrtrU, VUiiadeiiilila
A N T i: I 1 M .M li I) A T i h X,
to whom I.I Ii Hit 1 1, rot) Mi Nit li ink wl.l i ba pal.l.
Addriaa "K. rr ." alike UUiue el U. "ia repr. llnej
r.aue aud adUrria. ii-li-Ja
: i
nery, al . l l.l..M)B.MMi a, f rai .kfrfd Uaauak
faur Towur T.omii.. Thlarha wide, alagle hex, made kf
Jrak. ; el"lit I oin'.. Kl Incl,., wld. do.
lua, AbOVK l.i ova auk ai.ahikii r B Mlll.ia
Hi dochle bok iau.ia.te) I akiittiee.
line of .ai.l'orl''t duiibl n ami rwlatln.' uiau Hlm-e. aa4
one of .letika A Hon'i. ,aoollti. frame,. li "-It-eve
t i I.Km kill. I. ; al-obaw.l.atk and 1'lektl Mill, wlik k
wul.r power; w, II far tu,ltieaa Kor aale lew . aaal
a eaiy t.raia. or e,:l anaitl for elit property. Far p ar
tu elan, addrci r- iool, I'att (iiUjo. U-U Sica j.
Si am r BAXON,"
kl A T T H tl W ,
It. t
1.' H 'It I-, II. VTlMitoU A 00
t--f- I'HILAUF.LrillA, DUCKMnKll 14,
V,t . .l ,,-e TaKk IIDMK.ll'KAII OIL OOkt- .
I'ANT, t.lil H l llllill Hlrtel, Room Mi. B.
Ike Itonrdof Jortct.'rK hate day deelar.d a lalel
demi of TWO 11:1; l KN r.. clear of tai. patableoa an .
art. r Uie'tth lntHhi. 'I raimfar book, will cloae oa the Ink i
and open i iln Tth liiitant. llolili'ia of re.'etple will
pleaii l ave the nuje exchauautl for certinrate. bi'lnre ika
elusion ol tlit book. il. UI KKK1.L,
U-lo-oi Treaaurer.
w--XJ Prtroli-.itn i'omiauy batettila lity deolarad
dlTldandOf f 'I WO per cent out of the aarninaa at ta
Company for the month of November, payable aa aael
altar the Mtk lrt. . ai thiA.nlce or the iroaearer Ml.lieoite
Jf. Mllllaiton.t'J F.xohaiiKe place.
Payable lo the I I llaili Iplila MiiM-khnldert at IS. ottlee tf
Tack, Hro. A Co , Ho. HIT WALNUT btreet, oa aud alter
Uie ntli Inataat.
Tranarer kno-ka eloaed trnm tho 17th to 'JUUl tuJU.
Kw Kafk.f.o.iubM llOai, 1 II M
! it