TIIVKDAY, W.Cl'.MUl.R 15, 1884. JniNH I'IKK'N I ntsr SEASON. Visa Tlnk has huudrrd avrl tweWe prvrtners, Ti(! she dots not knnw tJif r nam ; the doos not Ten txpc ct to know them ; hat lb pre it one wis has famed her rteriul pr.-.ti'r.le hj wearing s little curly erl, tnd sbe n'aai s nmcinbf rs lii dump. Asdtlure ia a lor i, 10 bns tarh very rcdbalrtli.it one ranm t tm'-i.il.p lilm, What a pity tl.cy dn't enoh Lave a rtrrl. WuuM not a clplier tnttooul on the rhrek he a lirllliint Idea ? Or rnt In ilv lilskcri ol nurh :n hnve whiskers at one si.wa n name In i.iit..rd mid crcs, yoa know ! Itutticr n piwtic ldr.i, eh ? On the whole, Miss I'ink la rot dure that she apprwiaks the clerks, her cavaliers. Phc hud Ti'loni of six-f )t beme like the picture f "Charles O'MaUey" bcnutiful people, with long mo istaohes ; whilst amonpst her partners there is not a middle-Hired moustache! I'oor dear Mi.s i'ink! M annul puis all tier pricTuni . 8 in In r p icket as (die e es up atuirs, and sn.lli' p, howing, and Biniiibi Itv In general jti.es on whin th.it luUcon, the narrow door, la pusred. It is units posllil! It spenk ti thnv pcoplfl at oi m to recotinic the aciuaint inces and to i .a k the likeliest place ti r a scat. A cluipH. lone (h Hunt one I'pteiallv ) mu-t have her wits nhont her, pretty much 'as u fox hunter in a crowd heiore a liifi tence N one s sli irp as Mrs. Fink. She avmils frood-'empcred l.a iy Anne M.irygokl, who ia in her u-tiil i rimer near tlio window, not lor tie S'ipimd. purpose of thereby rlitalniiiR fresh nir, hut tlmt hnr Pino stout daughters may help her to keep tho sistii-s Clotcd. The dear old thing it rheumatic and cannot hear a ilruuirht. A li.ittlo guea on, as rnlght he antielpnted, l.nwcii tho oppressed dancers and her ladyship, for the riir'it of way to the atmosphere, and one Mid to rictory, alone, ia open. Let their partner he found brave cno.ixh to ri.'k tluir toes with the daughters, and let another hero entice the mamma to rciiinns of lobster salad and champagne then then only may ' the cabcmcnt be thrown niilo." Alas! as yet the solution of that grc:t pr.ihlein, "whrther any urn; cun be found to dan o niili those p itient gruees," lias not yet come olf. Monotony tharacu ries theii ! artr f tho even ing'! proceedings mnnotony, iliversifl il by fear or hope, on the aeore of chlcK.n and peacties, towanls nddnight. "Will nipiierbe iittaimhle or riot ?" Not bo with Miss I'ink. She is in a tremendous state of mind at lirst, Ic-t no one tdiould dance with her; lest her nose should he red; lest her hair should bn rough. Oh, dear ! lest mamma should stay in the i;rtt room and then it is so hot. and M s I'ink feels utterly miserable for precisely two seconds, t the end of which period she perceives three of her pet partners coining towards her; t i.it Laur.i 1 inch litis her old green gown on a.: tin ; tuat Utile I belle is not wuh.ing ; and tlnit i'iiz, in hi.- while waistcoat, is in the next room, looking ns if ha had lost his way. I 'it z always looks so; it is so cornet. You should give theyoiimr lady, whoso hand jou are sol.eilnii: for a v J e, the impression that you are a philosopher bent on the discovery of the most abstruse sciences nonchalant anil slightly melancholy. It is the Kaust value, and Miss I'ink it lanrfr, ailing round the rooms, bed .re tho ciasU beiriiis, with little W iiHcs, of the Ki.V- Brigade. Happy "Willies ! he is nephew of the home ; had Come up from Winchester on leave; did not ex poet to "know a soul ; had met and worshipped Piiikina at Bromley last autumn. Was en imlte by the door when she came in, and is, for the present and future, a triumphant Willies. Miss I'ink feirs no longer the fate of the Mai vl'oI.Ii. She ii espe cially popular to night. 1' in k ma writes In her joumal, afier each ball " th u it has been even more delightful than tho last." Of course one does not allude, to that lion file ono, at Mis. Mesallianee's, where one's dr-ss was nil torn to shreds, where that horrible mxa with long hair squeezed one's hand-) In thfl I. Hirers, and w.ia a Buisunce in general by speechifying; whero (worst of all misfortunes) oo partner for the second galop never appeared to claim his privi lege, hnt staved In the tea room with some one else (Miss Pink saw him there). No, that ball is erased from the tablets of one's memory. J.vmlvn Svcitty. How A illlsii Wruta. An Intcreidini,vcrichtis onuc to light unexpect edly in Scotland, wticrc a gentleman, Mr. J. D. Campbell, of Ola-glow, h.ts printed an elegant 4to. the edition llqaitcd to '2"i0 copies "Some portion of the essays contributed to tho Stertntor by Mr. Joseph Addison, now llrst printed from his MS. note-book.)" The oiilnal manuscript from which the volume is primed was purchased for a small sum of a' I.ind n bookseller in lS-'iS. On examination it wis lound to contain, though imperfect at the In ginning, veral of Addison's papers for the Sim-i!alm; wri.ten out in a neat, cli rkly band, on or.'e I'de of the leaves, like a tirat draft, ami nuniicroits im-'liuear corrections and additions on Vtic oipo-re blank pages, in the undoubted writing of Addison himself. Tuese changes nnd enJ'iHrgeinen's 'ire very curious, and show by what r'aretiil ntienlioii to iiiinir.be the style, 'famillajr lint not course, and elegant but tiot osti ntaiio us" (to use the vords of Johnson), that bHS conf erred immorality upon its author, was aciiiire i and perfected. Among'the better, known papc rs thus shown in progress of construc tion are ih, essays on Jen! aisv and Fame, and a part of ihi.e celebrated cssuv on the Imagination. A more instructive lesson u:i . oinpositioa aould hardiy be given than tlii- woik atforda. Soma critics ha e insinuated ilounts, owing to a want of the helstory of the M.s., but the iutinal evi dence of , its genuineness app.'ftis to bo c jmplete and satisfactory. i ' - Fct.rolrum has just been discovered in -Southern Indiana. Thto Vicksburg llnu"! thus relates how a fhrcwd' MisBissli'pi river ciptain saved his sieaniC-r : "On'' the late trip of t'u -'e mer Jumri II u'n.n from 'this city, bound t t M 'raphis, when Hear ing m daiigetoas point ah ut sixty miles from beret, she was bailed hy niioii' sixty guerillas on the; hank of the riv. r. !' e oitain, thiuking dis cr 't;on tho better part of vulor, requested some r Jil ors and soldiers wLo i.ie stand. ng upon the ' deck at the time, to go bclo, and he ordered ths tune of Dixie to be plavc I on the calliope. In stead of the Rebels tiring, they commenced cheer ing the steamer, aud she p is-cd on her way un molested. An Interesting rac w n on trial before tho Supreme Court In 11. .sun lot week, inv jlviii ; the custody of two clnldicu given np by their mother five years ago to tho temporary home of destitute children. The father was in tho Htato Frbon at the time, andjnow cuuies out and claim i the children. The counsel for tin defendant b eld that the wife had resigned her right as a parent to the cosjioratlon ; that the husband bad lost his by bis crime; and that thu olj custody and c ire ol the children was now ve ted in the corporation and those to whom they ha 1 been transferred. The rules of the Home are imperative that after . child Is left there thu parents shall have no knowledgo of where it is, and shall not see it. The court held tbut the children must be pro duced in court or their wh-rea bouts made kuown; and also that the husband had not forfeited his rights, but was entitled to ami was a proper per son to have the cure of bis children. Exceptions were taken to the ruling, and the case will be , reported to tho full beuch. TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII. riTILADELFniA, THURSDAY, AJIOUT O.OMK. WUAT IS IT ? Pne of the most interesting discoveries of modem science is that of Oono. The rami given to it is significant of Its odor, which is that which Is evolved during the rspid action of an elcctriial machine. But little was known of this substance prevl us to the researches of C. . Ncho nhein, I'mfo'i r of Chfmisl'7 in Ilas'e, In 1811!). Since that time much attention has been given to the Investiga tion of its physical and medical properties. Dillrrent opinions have been entcr alned as to the nature of or. ne. Seho nbtin, at first, con sidered it a peroxide of hydrogen. O, her inves tigators have rcgaulc.l it as a pcculiir c mdltion of oxygiu gas bleh opinion was at length adopted by its dl-coverer; but his original view is now generally accepted namely, that it li a 1 ci n.pound of oxygen and hydrogen gases a bin oxydo or peroxide of hydrogen. wnr.KK roiNii. Ozore i generally present in the atmosphere, existing, however, in very small Hiid vatia:i e propoitn ns. It is vereeptiblc by its odor w ien it consti'ii'es but a millionth part of tho atmo sphere. In n ronccntrii'e.l condition, it is biitn.y irritating to the mr-passages its iuh.thr.iiin causing severe catarrhal i vmptoins. An anno, spl.ere ehari;. d wuh 1 lil.nontli pirt of u. .ne was loimd by Dr. Hammond to destroy birds and li' ice in a few tniiiu'es. it is suppo-e t that a little more than IJosi'h part would prove final to man. As, howeur, it never exHCs In the atmosphere m dangerous excess, the only c ils attributed to it me those of irritirtoti a-ul inflammation of the pu'monniy oririii during the cold g. Rson, when it is found iu the largest amount. ITS I'liOl'KRTlKS. These can only be brn liv alluded to. Thmo which have excited the most interest are I. Its tixiiliing powor. It acts in this way with great promptness and power on all mineral and org itnc substance. Its presence in dew aeconnis for the speedy rusting of iron w hen exposed to tins kin I of moisture. 2. Its bleaching property. In this respect it has no en'ial. The etl'eots cimuiouiy attributed to tho solar rays ate due to the intl'urs ot oonc. 3. Its disinfectlp pjwer. i',e ag ency OfWulie in purifying the ntino-phere from noxioui odors nnd mia-ms renders it one of the most interesting and rrmaikablu substance know n to chemists. No other a.:cnt acts so promptly to distroy olfensivo odois uud to arrest decompo sinon. Dr. Hammond stares that an attn isphero charged with from 1 to H-'J I0,oo.):h part of o. one is uble to disinfect its own volume ol air as I'ul.y charged us posslblu with the oip.r of putrescent meat. There is reason to believe th it li not onlv destioys the odor of ilecomp .sing animal ami vegetable substances, but that it also renders innocuous those nii isms w hich, originating in the soil or other sources, arc the cause of it gre it variety of epidemic and endemic disea-es. In alluvial regions fevers have been found to prevail, coincidcntly with a delicieucy of ozone, while at the same time contiguous clevat.'d reg-ons, where ozone was abundant, have been free from such diseases. It has been athrmcd tti it the prevalence of cboler.i has borne a detinue relation to tho presence or absence of ozone. Those points cannot lie fully discussed in tho present connection ; but it scarcely admits of: reasonable doubt that wherever the atmosphere is found sutliciently oronized an intlm-nce is exerted unfavorable to the prevalence ol the class of discuses alluded to. Sch enliein uud others are of the opinion that ozone is a direct ami liitlucn tial cause of influenza nnd full animation of t lie pulmonary organs. With this single exception ozone affords a remarkable instance of the beueii rcnt provision of nature for tho preservation of animal lib- and health through its wonderful power of keeping the atmosphere pure and whole some. hoi iuks op ozosre. Ozone mav bo produced artificially in various ways. We have alluded to the action of the electrical machine which led to lis discovery. Fbosphorua immersed In water aud exposed to the light of the sun evolves ozone. It may also bo obtained from the oil of turpentine exposed in u similar way, as well an by other methods known to chemists. Hut tho great source of ozone in nature is found in the agency of o'ee tricity in connection with solar inlluen.ro and moisture. Tho passage of electricity over witter evolves it. The sea, lakes and rivers, yield it abundantly, exposed to the solar ravs It has a source in thunder-storms, thus enabling ns to account for their well-known iuflueuce in puril'v ing the atmosphere. Tho aillnitv of ozono for atmospheric impurities causes it to bo ripidly destroyed dm ing the time when the processes of decomposition are most rapid. This may account, in part at least, tor tho fact that it is more abun dant In winter than in summer; more in tho country than in cities; more in elevated thin in low regions ; and that it is seldom, if ev. r. folic d in occupied hou-es. Kei-niring hut a lew decrees of hi ul for its production, it is destroyed by high tempera, ure, us 2olj deg. 1'. TUB OZONOSCOPE. The test for tho presence of ozone in the atmo sphere is founded ou iu property of decomposing the iodide of potassium. A piece of paper or cloth moistened with u solution of starch and tho iodide constitutes tho ozonoscope. This test paper being moistened and exp ised to the air acquires a blue color, from tho iodide of star, h, if ozono be present. Tho intensity of the color b fiords a means of estimating tho amount of ozono. 1'or accurate purposes and lor records an instru ment hu been contrived called tho ozonumeter. TRACTICAL DEDUCTIONS. In tbis imperfect sketch wo have only designed to present to rural readers, as briefly as possible, some of the principal points of in'.eiest connected with this newly discovered agent. It is interest it g to know that, in the Laboratory of Nature, a substance is provided capable of acting as an an tidote to noxious influences which would other wise prove fertile sources of disease and death. We have a test In the presence of ozone, by whic h to estimate the purity and healthineas of the atmosphere, as, whero it abounds, impurities cannot exist. We are also :J lo to account for tho beneficial influence of tue.sea air, of ele vated localities, and of pine forests, all of which are characterized by the presence of this agent. The unhtnilthiuess of cities is duo to aiuiosphcric impurities in excess, which transcend its disinfecting power. Lastly, as it is rot to be detected in our dwellings, wo must infer that they contain an atmosphere least lit for respiration ; and we are thereby taught how necessary is a life in the open air to the best attainment of health. The special care taken to exclude the pure und purifying atmosphere from our bouses during a large portion of the year is well calculated to multiply cases of disease, as well as to give greater malignity to those of an epidemic character, which, from time to time, bring desolation to households. Tho suhj.-ct has also a bearing on the eligibility of certain mod -s of heating houses. Hot-air furnaces have been long suspected of injuring tho vital properties of the air. Tho relations of ozono to heat, and ItH destruction at high tempeiatuie. render it ceriuin that none of this important purifying agent can ever pass tho tiery ordeal of the furna e-chamber. OIL, NH1INO, COAL, AKD OTIIKE KEW COM tA Ml a. Ws ut rar4 U tarnish Sw Oorpwatloat wlta flu Bosti Omv iwiitr. M tkort aotla aod tow kIom, of n1Mkt7. AI itjlwot BUkJIuj.- (TlVlrrl.A'' K. CrRTIVdCATM OT S.TOOK. LllUOOKAI-llSll to t TKAKhira Mooa". IRIKl4 (If TRAJItTBE. btoi-s LEMnra. anxni i.kDstra BAt.ANCii. ll Kill HTF.lt or Cacital h i oil, likelmt' riTTV I.Kl.UAK. Amiiivi or HAiJAa. UlVUlJtftO HOOK- MOSS (70., Bums, swk Manofularsrt tad 9UtMn ll ie-u j. ta cuiiaacrr intt. DRY GOODS. Q K K A T K HDUUTI () N IN I'JUCKB. HOLIDAY CUTS CT BE1L VALUE. EDWIN HALL &. CO., IN'o. H. Hocond Htreot, Will new or Ibs'r rntire Btok of FALL AKD WINTER DRESS GOODS, SII.WVI.S. C I, OAKS, At s hry rritarii in frum formsr prkrs, SAiasI s 1'OI'LINS, reduced from ft 00 to fi-OO. Vni'I.lNS, reduced from p.'-W to $t-7S. run. INS, reduced from fi.'-OO to fil l"'. 1'Ori.lNS, reduced from to gl OJ. IRIrsll l'nn.lvs, reduced from l:! oO to 01 0. riCTKi;i) MKKINUKS, reduced from J 00 to l-J-5. r lGl'ld l) WOOL 1 1 K l.AINES, reduced from 81-25 o It, cents. I'UKNCII MKR1NOKS, reduced from J2 2- to Pl-.W. l lir.NCII MliKIXOI'.S, reduced from to $1-71. r KI.M'H ML'Ul.NOliS, reduced from t1 00 to A l.savy r!ticil..n iu tta prices nf all nf our Wlntr DrM ei.. ,u, Hlw:, C. k, CI 'IM. Sklrtl. Ar. N. It.A ttw pltees uf very rich ilntp And doqt.lo width 1'rlrtrd KlAoneta And CAslimersii, f.ir Wrspprri. AIm., s frw very rich Uubei do Uliatubre cloilng oat at rrductd prices. 1CDW1N KALI. CO., IMS Iilll.Jt . '0 B. HRlCNri ATllHBT. v- H FOUETH AND ARCH. HATS BEl't'CKO IOME riFI OOODt FOB TUB HOLIDAYS, To favor the laudable; practice of making VALUABLE CEEISTMA8 QIFT3. Lyons Velvets, Fine Stawls, Black Silks, Rep Poplins, Merinos, BlanketB, Good Chintzes, Flaid Shawls, Frost Cloths, Fine Silks, Blue Silks, Silk Poplins, De Laines, Piano Covers, Christmas Scarfs, Christinas Hdkfsi 11 Mm -I0IIN n. STOKES, iJ No. toi Artrrf arrtrF.T. BIIlCCTION IM PRICb-.a tir nav uuous. A Mill, mllj Variety f r CHttlBTMAa Al) Nh.1T VK.AK PRBSK.sT9. ;msiiiln or HiufT iouOl. Trenb Iterlnoea and ropllna, I Ui ln Minn and 11 uM Width Illack Ielrlss. Lu.ln a Binht Wo-1 I'lalitl. .. 1 aiUii a Tine ij.iallty Kronen Mir1nooi, llravy hibhed Wool I'oplmi, $1 AO. (layand Plain Hlyla (i.ll.a and Wneltlalff f(ie ya.di Calleora, nsmi ill Sj to fru. fiatJ hliawlN (;a anil Jiaalrabl. Plain Isliaw.s for hcivica. (-biiS.'t.i'a Hlianla- l...r aid a.inans. LadM i". tlrnta', and ('hililrrn-f u...vps. Ladlea' and lian'a I. men Catntru il4kf. l.adlra Ilrin Notched Udafa. Iiema' Nilk Iteaia. Italmeral aalru I. arge Assortment. Hale udid (riiiutertan. H, rrt.m Aucuo tannela W liiif i-nA rt-d. atoatlal-raKh an DSsp-T. 11(0 yarda Au.arlcan ttraih, St Vit. If La. lira el examine thia aioea iher will flnl ro..d Srida ai ib vary luneal nrwwa. ho truublo iv aaow ihe.a. Cueau and eiaoilio, at JOIIW H. aTOKKS-. IS In . o. 7(1 AK .'II Mlr.al. 10 CIIKSNUT HTHK.KT. E, M, NEEDLES lm Dully Ilocolvltvtr KOVKl.TIRJj LACKS, WIUTE OOODS, KMUROIUKHIUE, K1I.H, IIANDKKROllIKH, fto., In aary rarlty and at . II 13 DUO 13 1 lllIOICH, SUITAPLE FOB TUX PALL TUADK, 109a CIIKIMlrf VrTZV.RT. J. COWl'UHTIIWAIT Ac CO. , B. E, Cor. HINTII and AEOH Streets, THE GREAT BLANKET STORE. LLANKETS AT RETAIL. BLANKETS AT WHOLESALE. BLANKETS FOR H0U9EKEEPBKJ. BLANKETS FOR HOTELS. BLANKET FOR TIIE ARMT. BLANK1TS FOR THE NAVY. BLANKETS OF ALL 81ZE3. CLANKET8 OF ALL QUALITIES. BLANKETS TUB CHEAPEST IN TOWN. BLAKKET8 TO SUIT EVERYBODY. AT TUB IJJLAJNICIST STOltE, t u la I. X.aoraar NIrn sod ARCU StraeM. CLOAKS, Ao. JpNltV fjVH It. 13 11, Toi HI and S.1 S. E. Corner NINTH AND A0H BTBLTTS. WHOL.CHAT.iU AND KKTAIL, To caa ab'ala at this P.aahltaoanaait, WATTR PROOP CLOTH CIARt, ixtsvra THIOOT iihavy BimiTtn PkoaTKo I1S.AYKII " " CHIISCIIH.LA " " AM. MAUB VP IVrO TUB I.ATKB r HI TLE and of It a vary beat material. Call aod aea lha Itork before yotl snrrnaaa. We ahall lake irast plaiure ha waitlns r yon. 11 1-Uiaiu2m (JIIKAT HKIHTTKIN IN Till' 1 It I CIl ' ! CIiOAKM, At rVENB & OO.'S, No. 23 K. NINTH STUKKT. I esaer,onrf of the fall In mM. IVPN A CO. hav rr at,d llinr rl. ta from I-'. lo Ji) mt ernt., an.l I..M.H on iaed a larK ait, I trail aatertod al'-k ( t'l OAKS ault al..r tor itar reent and eomtna ei aon. wlilcn iiipt are itfir-rnnrrd to atl at pneea wlilch rannot fall lo met tbe I in" a. i r. 1.mimm will tlnd It 1.. llietr nrtantase U glva a a cmII b.irr iirrjiaiiiif eliewliere. K.'inf lut.er 1VIJI A -0- H OLrKMI AHI.I81IEI) CLOAK BrelRB, No. 73 K1NTI1 BUast.aonierol.layn. 1( 7 ll 7 A lll:w FANCY l'TJllM. JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPOUTKR AND MAjafPAPTfliEB Of LADIEH' lVINCY ITTJItS, No. H'JH AltOII HT11KRT, BKI.0W K1HTH, CHIAPEBT FLAOE IN THE CITY To arJot from s ttrat-elaei ftaaorttnrot, Cooatatlns of II-UD80N BAY AND MINK 8A13LU, 1.UM1NE, CHINCHILLA, HERMAN FITCH, SIBERIAN SQUIRRB e. Man ttilo alt Uie latent alylea. Tneaa go. da were U.lmlit whoa giAA rangisd from 1H0 lo l'n Mid an brio avid at iwall advaocs on ol ai Cia mil..; BVKST AUTRLK WABkAWTP.1) TO nK AH ItR rxeHBNTKU. BattafacOos snaraiiterd. 10-lt-tatha 3na JJKNIIV 11AH1CU, NEW FUS STORE, No. 017 AltClI SHTltKKT. Tho above rnrwtftilly In form i tits patrnni, anil thnpnlv. 11 In gi'iicrfsj, that haji now ctHttd at the abuvd iwre aa aatttTtnintof LadieB1 and Children's Fancy Furs, Whkta, frr vaiiKr and iinfllty, cannot ba aurpanedhy any fcwn In tl.a Dnlud Btaiea. lielng tl.t maim'acturvr ttt all bla run, and bavlttg tmptirtcdail hla atock whan jW wai Btiuah lower Ulao at the pre tent rata, ha can offer them to bin patroni at the mottretionablc prloa. ALL UKH mails to urdar, aud repairing done In tha tat maaaar and lateit t) lea. 1IENUY It ASK K, Importer and Manufacturer Or hAlYJt AHD CfiIURVjtf'8 FUBS, U-n-lija Ho, 517 AHOU BTKKBT L AIIli:W JbA-NCTV FTJUHt JOHN FAKEIKA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, ABOVE SEV!TH, AT Illg OLD BSTAI1I.ISBEO (TUMI, Imporkr and Manufacturer of LADIES' AND flllLKKL'S FANCY ITLTlt. kfj sssortmeat of TAX VI ITJISb ftr Ladles And Cblldm is Dow eoaipleU, salmclBf EVERY VARIETY THAT WILL BE WORK Dl'RINO THE COMIRQ 6EAS0K. Bevember Ui Kaau and Darabar, JOHN F AREIRA, No. 71H AKCII 8TKKET, AboT Beraiith, I HATS HQ FAKTr IB. OK 00 N HBOTIOH WITH AVT OTiiviiTOKKiN TiiKcrrr. l-aiMu I 1SG4. FALL 1SG4. GLENN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN. McCALLUM &. CO., WHOLKSALB CARPET WAREUOl' 8E, No. f00 CI1KHNUT BTltlCKT, Plin.ADI'IltA. isol 1SG4. ' McCALLUM & CO., No. 619 CHESNUT STREET, ll-T-tl OPPOBITB nrnRl'lHTOBBCB HAIX. fllLiji.M t'HAMl'LIN, CARrENTER AND BUILDER, Bo. 11 llATTOH PI.Ar-B, hetween Cl.any sod Raoa, Atiuva K.ithlll atret. Pfore rutins and JoublAg ot mi kinds promptly at teiideu lo wuh despatch. 1 i-lui" AEOROE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND "1 Baildi r. Nu. li H I'AKTKR Ulreet. aud No. I ll hot 'It Rirret. UacLue Work and Miurluuiig ermpily at taudad to. ii-XS DECEMBER 15, 1801. jyj- HIIOEMAKEH CO., CniliMtlTS CLOTHIUCl EMPORIUlf, N. 4 K. EIOHTn STRsBUT, rnfLAOBxruiA. J.'Vi-nUM,'V ,' vftV. 'liw.ii -VA WaratpMrtiili7tavlta ipaclal auentloa to oar aWranl Hiort mant of ClULDUKN'H OI.OTIIINO, (Vmpililri BOVg', OIRW, iwrAVTK1, and Ml!tl notliln, In every rat VI7, In ihf lal.sjt atylea.and nfiu ror workman. hip. Hp.olal altantlon raid tdlltHUKS- Dnr SsiMAKINi. Ttie public ra k.Tlted to rail and raamlue. M. SUUEMAKKU CO., U-llKtulhtm No. 4 H. Ellirmi NTSRICT. 'HI! OIlKiiNAIi S K A t K 8TOI5I1. SMITH & RICHARDSON, Hlun tr tlo "Hlinto Hoy," No. r.ll MAHKKT STltKKT, Have fi-r lale, Wholaiali1 and Iteull, Uio larsa.t and tut Klerk af H Jf A T K S In t hi ctfjr. Thflr nrk comprises eary poIMe Vrir ofc ati'l at the lowi prin t. I nd nnd (itnl1 HU'ul BVatrs, Rtrvpnt' 8ktP,nr Hkttifi. ftowt-re' Hlttit, I'h'lnrlrlphta HkatPH, UrmK-Wtl'ii lUihu Skairi, "Horw ich t Jiij vr ani $, I'arlor Skatvi. SKATE n.ATKS, SKATE STRAPS. In ?ver thinv p'Tfainlnir tn Bk anil ireryTnrfc.iy of Ktvi mnilo.i'nn t.o prorufft. at ih H ku of the "Hk.tto I ny. Ho. t il MAlUvl.T Htievt, Uu (JliA-nhkaio Si jru m Un' cltjr. trMl lII X- KICII.MIDSON. N. B Ha at vi nund and Ucpnlrod. 12 l.Kl yil.SO.VS SKATE UK POT, No. 409 OHESnUT STfiEET. J net raMlved, s fall etook of I.sdlcs' SUatos, rhlltlolpbl Clnb Rkatns, (ruts' Skatrs, Huston Rockers, voty superior, Ui.js' jSkatrs, New York Club fikstus, And Tiirlor Skates, all sises, where all ran he arrominodaled Willi s superior qui1' Iroiu a elioiru ila Hon. I'HTIII wi i,Hoir a co.. II 10 lm Kn m CWKHNUr Btroet, 1'kUadelr.hlS J)l 1 1 JU.AIHJL.IM IIA. 8 K A T 13 DEPOT. LESLEY 4 CO., No. t;)7 MAliKKT HTltEKT, POLK AGENTS FOR Otborne', Ckallanm Sloel f kale,, Balolier-, InprOTOd Ladles' And (leoU' BkaAoa, B. Clark', Patont Ladles' and Oenta' Hkaloa. Plympton l'afwt Eoeentrle Floor Hkati-a, Bbakr'l ratant Floor Rkatra, Tho Amertaaa Patent Floor Bkata. A fall aaaortment of all tho abov, ityla, oouUntlyM haod.ss neUaaall Uio other varletu , uf 6TEEL AND WOOD-TOP SKATES. Lm att', Patent Bol Faitoulnf Bkatai-faatea wlthoat traj.t, if s, POB SALI, WH0I.BS1I.R AND RRTAIL. J'EW HTYLH Ol' you LADIES, GENTS, AND OHLLDKEN, NliWUOLU II. TllOTTlSIl, 11 W-lm Do. 1 MARKRT BTBF.ATT. 5 H EILLCOX & tniBBS' Machines. Li U No. 715 OEESNTJT ' St., Phil ad. QltOVi;il A 11AKU1VH HIGHEST PREMIUM 8 K WI N O M A O II I N E H, t-M Nv. rHO CWTF.f-lNTTT Htrw.t. T IIOLMKS GHOVKIl, a ENAMELED SLATE MANTEL WAREROO MS, TAHLK TOl'H, &o. &o No. CIIKSNUT STIlKr.T, rUILADBXI'IlU. U I FACTORY TENTH AND SANSOM 8TS. Q E N T XI A. Ji EATING HOUSE, orrosiTE THE TOST OFFICE, 10 17-3m PHlLADKLPrftA. Oni (Ul CANS PEACHES. VEIIV SU Z IX I A H ) 1 parlor, mt up by o. V. Morton A Co., at Ibe ItouiTd Top I'fAih Karui, Mtl.. now arrlvlns. and ro, .aU LyK-K. tM .o. lOti. WUAKTltS. 1J lu lu QIl 1TTKN IJEPf 'a 00MMER0HL oolleoe, . SJT rHBHarrr BaraaS, eoraar ml BeToaak, KataMukd l4. iiMaaporaiad IWS. Toniut Man prapana tot the Umallac aooao aj ilaat sm Ufa. t kotsoah and prwteai tntmetva la IHKlR -K KKI'l Ml. t an It, krannhae, aa praeuaau by tho beat aeooantaskl aaa kaaiuaaa Men. . rrwii ABHinr, FTaJa w40ra.av.aui, la taah( by ono of iha saoat eoBt- pa.a. (ortsenman. C.nn erial i alralaovona, Cooaaarclal Law, DataoHS Counlanett Nakaa, ae. t , raLroBArinxo r sand, and aa Payor, uuKt by s fcin oiparlnxiaS lijmraior. ' Ntuilerta InKnirl.d .efrlr, and raretrotf at aa, tin." i( ..Mi u ,i l aUloauaat'onialnitauie aaa.e. u 4; a:adeaU, terms" If , f.iMii.fced gratia on eppitfvl -a jMrik.rau a. h. i HirrraiiKW co. HOME ON A FVRLOrrift. Thia heeiitirtil eel enirrxinr. painted by Brhnas, ...le. and envravril ly Harta n, I. t.avir, ai tinarna. .ala. ar d le eoti.ld.reil by all who hate t...a It i. .n. n( u, fin. at .parlnieiie oi onsravltis aver ,,.iioa out In tbia eoi.ntT . Yr.KT BOU'IBIt B FAMII T SHOI'l.l) IIAVB A ill. V. BVBRT 1OTAL BorriPII.Ll SHOfLD RAVR A In fart, every nually Who haa a father, bnehind. a .D haililnn for ble couatry, will aiprt-iato aiul aaui4 poa.ta, ROMF. 0 A TPMjnVCM. ft win alwava 1 a b. aoitf.il memorial of tho aualoaf da. e and ar of r. bell. ..it end war. lluaetigiarlrta U .old i.-liitl,.lr hy AaontS. DINAH!. M B..,.KI(sl and otliere will Hurt .me the nv..t pirn. ant aad pmn'aMa ai.ii. i li.vy can a. eru.e. We mve . iirlii.ire torrit., and will Ire .sr k nliu-a nf a,, nry on a.p icailoa. VI. fl f" M . J !tr ou a ll- b.i II h -et , nul'aM frrfVan,. Ir,- .i. ..ml a .p- tim-n ropr hr mail, frre.on rorntt, ot ! I'rt.-r. Si Nl which I. al.'.iK one half tho pnre a.nallF cl .rn ii for o.iKTarln,e ot Ui.a etiararter. For panteu.ai,. a o dree, UKAPl.lCr CO., Pnhll.here. Mo. oC N. KOUH I II Kirt. ll-li.tcthlm PUUade.phia. 0A8 HEATING STOVES I CIIEAPKR TIIAN COAL OR W00D EAGLH GAS HKATISG STOVE, TUB ONLT Olf M THAT 11 FKKE FROM SMOKE Oil SMELL. Will Ilea OFFICES, rA ft LOUS, DINING, 6LEEPIXO, AND BATn UOOMS. With ton trrvbla. In laaa Hnr, audit laai cipina tha any Oal or Wood Htova. Tltiy ara vary eonvftniei tt dm lii apnumunu la which thera la no C&rmnoj Ktua. Ci. W. LOOMIH, No. !-7 S. SIXTH HTHKKT, . U 25tuth!m PHILiJRLnilA, piOMAH O, t a. Jt. XJltOWCV, DKALBItft IN Eootn, Bbo?fi. Tmnki, and Oarpfit flags, hot. 1034 and 1040 MARKET BTRKRT. Onstmnar wort made to ordtr. 11 f f tattiiav BEDDING WAREHOUSE, At No. 1 N. ELEVENTH STREET, ll-tl rHU.AUBLI BI. iMLKRK'B OFFICE, COMMON COUNCIL, Ptni.Ai'Bi.rm, lvramhr ln-H. In puTnaana af Uta annrxrd rciuluUi'H( tba Alutf Hig kill, aauiUd "AN 0K1N ANCB CRCiTl?tO A IOAN TO 'T OCkifAIW TTrir Rif . Cir.H INTHEUAH 1KA4, AND K- VluUft Y E A KH,' I barb.r pnbiithud, tn aeoorOaaca wUi tti aoi at Ataauf w!X, for pabUc LnfariaaUoa, Ort of cuiaun ' U AW OKIHNANrf ruFATrw. a U'an to cr.nrMU VLVltlt.tH'lE OKTHK VKAIt it.., AM) I'MfcVlnF'S KaR-4. Saetlnn !. Tht Haiort nd Cummoo CuaDCikt of tha City f fbtladalphia do or1aiu That tae Marorof I'AHadeTphfa h and aa ia ant-atiy aa tttonard lo bo now ib areuiiof trie elf j, ffoni btna to Urn, tack lunif of moiii'V arav ba nwMtarv fwr taa) aaa3tit of tu b 4rArincle an now aiU., or which mf sitt ou tha flmt Any ttf Janory, IHt'A, In tho appropna tlont to ihe tavrral df parimrau of ihn city f'?riiinantf for tha rrar ailitran aundrrd and 11x17 foar, or for pra vlona cr, t rxpffdinir in tha whol tha imt of tw anlliort fla haaired thnutaod do irt, for wnitb In.a fcit, B'ft to ir d the rata vt l pnr rcataiu (mr ariQuat9 ahall be paid half Tt-arlr, on tho flrt dava of Jauuary and Jaly,t the oft) re of tha City Treasurer. Tha prim , pl of aitd loan ahall ra pavabla and pat at the flotation of thirty vara from Uio a am of tii aam, aid m-t bfor wlthoat tha ctaut of tia hiMra itmrtoi; and thenUAraiti there!', tn the unual hnn of the carttdVatta of t'lty Loan, ahall b Iaaaa1 to auoci amoQota aa ti lander a ntkw re-,iil, bat nut any frao Uonai part of oaa hundred dllara, or, tf roqiiiTed, lai auiouiiia of flr hiiiidrfd or ona thousand doliura; aitd A ahall ba axprraird lo aurUAoniaa tht tho aald Uaa theiein mrntlotied, and tha lutaruat taoroof, r payaU ft from alt taiai. dryUuo . Whrnavrr any loan ahall ba mad by virtu tlWvor. tture anakl ba by ro of thia urdlnauoa aiinnaliy; apDrnprlatad oat of thr natme of tl.a corporato aUt an4 fraxn ihe aura raned by taxation, a auia eufflitent t pay th lnUTft on "aid cTt.Qv.aiaa ; aud tha furttior mt Uireo-ienlha 4 otia per oamuo. on tna put valne of auch ertiflcataa iu Uuh1 ahall ho appn krtatad i.uartmly nut of aaid InoiB" and' taxaa to a muh ing rand,wMrh fand.ard Ita arcuuiuiaAiena, are amrohy atrpamatiy pladvd for tha radatuption aud pajtuaHof aaiC arrtiflcaiva. RrAOT.rTTOW To pnMlh a Ian htll to pay ranotcn-ln, PaaoWad, I hat tha imrk he a'Uhor.art tn pubhan tn twe dally nrwapapara of thia city, dlir. fmr ittr w ti orluatia prwntrd to ('utumoii OouacU on Thuradav. loaibr 1. 1b. entitled "aOidloauce rreatlnir a laoan t pay Certain DflcUficlad of the ar lf4. ami preTiuua yeara.M Aad tha aaldtnerk.at the -ttvud iu-Uu of OainnilK after the expiration of four watAka aVom the Hrai day ol .aia pO'iiicattoB, ahall preint le tlit tkranrtl ona of narJiJ 1 aid aewapai-ara htt wary day ra whlehtha tanvi ahal aava baam luada. Ultf IN TIIE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THIS LUy and 1'iniiitv of Fhilmlflphla. EHI'A'IK OK JOU N 111 l laKU. VtWv l htrmt'T ffiv'n to ail part lea mUr.U)i that rir-ltt'K HI'TliKft. anrviviiiir Tru.li-e under Hie laai will and t aianit-nt of Jo II : M Jt t TI.KK, di'roaHfd, haa tt ed til, tho irtloo ol the (-'krk of aaid Court, hi acu-iunt bh iiio.'i T rimfee, nnd t'at thu name will he presented to thu aid Court on the Vitt lav of JaniMfv, A. I. Ih4-, 1 r conflr Dia'lon -nrt ailowauco. hi) WIN A. AlMlKICri, 11 H tin CltraO-C. 1 TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLKAS FOR J THE CITY AND (MI'M V Or' PHI LAI) KI.P II I K. Hlb A S jt. I'AI'ION hv her next trmnd. M'mtUti IkH JU KI S. vb t.kum.K It. Vatl'TON. Heptrini.cr Term, Ihi.I, Ni. a,,, in iMvorre. T)-ar Hir : rit-uoe n-'tit-e a riito, tmi jUy ratu-d hy thl Court, to a how cnuno why a hlvuro" a vin. rua(. ho'ilol not be dfT'd in the hNivo eae. Itenii nttde on H ATI U L)A , tiif 17ih day ot Duceoher, ltP4, at lnavkwk M, Vouri, Ac, W . D. It a K K It , Nnllcltor ftir l.lbi hfit. To Or.OBt.K It. Tattun, UeipoQj'iU. Ji S uiuiin MARY ANN TUTHILL AGAINST LEVI 1 1 THIl.Iv C. O. P , J. T., lKtU, N.-a-. And nowt lirrcmher .H, 1,4. on motion nf Tronic K riaietiur. at toint- fnr llheiiatit, rule urantrd In tn aora oae upoa reipondent to atiow oauie why a d vrt( of diroree a vn cutn thtttritnvnt ahouhi mil be enterrd la the ahova i-mbm. Ueuiruahla fcawudar, Jjoaaiuher i7, l lo o'el okB A. A4. UXhi-Vw OOltlMISSIOJT atfKROHAISTS, AND SUir AND STEAMDOAT AQEMT8 DOCK BTJtKKT WIIARK, rUlLADBLPUI.l. . aorvas, :! au 11IILO ttBTTT la tf COITTY'H TEA WARKHOUSK. BSTA.. UlaiiaS In UaX). lm,orur and lieaaar am Una laaa, Sloa, aavJ Uqaora Ohotoa KaTana Ola-art, I T.si. A BlarkweB', Fleki, an4 Bauisaa) allak and Bentab Ala and rrwr. (ianneJ Meats, Fndts. Moan, Ba arj Maaaeo pat us wlU oar. At Uo. US S. HBOOND HI Mt 1 ss Jt johhua u. cuiiKtr.